#oh well yukhei brings the worst out of me
restlessmaknae · 6 years
777 Tag Challenge
I was tagged by the lovely @dat-town (who’s like a one-man hype squad) to do this tag. ❤️ Even though I’ve already done it, I have to share some bits of THAT story with her because she’s so eager to read it already. I’m so close to actually finish it, just one more scene and I can finally say it’s finished. You don’t have to wait so long to find out what it’s about. ❤️
RULES: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
(Be cautious, I haven’t started proofreading the story.)
Now Yukhei did the same. Maybe Yena couldn’t connect the then with the now but the roles had definitely changed. The boy would never think that he needs to be there for her after (major spoiler removed :P) because she always seemed like someone who don’t need to deal with hardships like this. She was always the lucky one.
On the other hand, after they drifted apart, she seemed like a wall that couldn’t be destroyed. He didn’t know what she went through, nor what happened to her under the cold and rigid façade. Yukhei only knew that she didn’t want to stay in Seoul yet she was stuck due to something that Yena’s mother tried to keep within the two of them.
I’m tagging @yeongwonhi-nuna, @llynnfics, @wonjays and @day6imagines. No pressure though! ❤️
4 notes · View notes
ppangjae · 4 years
SUN&MOON | Jaehyun
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SUMMARY. Asking Jeong Jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week Christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. One can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right? 
GENRE. enemies to lovers!au | fake dating!au | tooth-rotting fluff | angst
WORD COUNT. 14.6k+ words (someone stop me)
playlist. sun and moon by sam kim | sun&moon by nct 127 | D (half moon) by dean
author’s note. i’ve always wondered how ‘ordinary people’ would be if the situation was switched and yn needed someone to be their fake boyfriend. but you know that i love making things messy and so i decided to add the enemies to lovers trope. have fun reading and no, you don’t need to read ordinary people before this fic! merry christmas? merry chrysler? merry crimmus?
disclaimer. you do not need to read ordinary people before reading this fic! this fic is made in a different universe and time, so consider this fic separate from ordinary people!
warnings. swearing!
taglist: @yasmini24 @jungjxxhyun @softieus @justineasian @chantellsievert @jaehyunnie77 @princessaecha @je0ngjaehyun @joyfuljaehyun @fluffyjaes @icelandicboo @chalcopyright @ethaeriyeol​ @svchengss​ @yourmagnanimousholiness​ @127-jaehyun​ @theunluckylistenermusician​ @mangotexts​ @daydreamerblues​ 
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Even when we’re not looking at the same sky, we stay together like the SUN&MOON.
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“If I’m the dumb of dumb and dumber, then that means you’re the dumber.”
It’s unfortunate that you couldn’t agree any more with your best friend, Jungwoo, who’s setting up the projector in his living room. The projector turns on after twenty straight minutes of Jungwoo just smacking the top of it, as if it would do anything. Projected onto the off-white walls of his apartment is a PowerPoint presentation and to your surprise, it’s not a presentation about how you’re the dumber one out of the two of you. Instead, it’s a PowerPoint presentation about—
“Five reasons why Jeong Jaehyun should be the fake boyfriend you’ll bring home for Christmas.”
“Turn that shit off before I rip your hair off your scalp—”
“Listen, hear me out.” Jungwoo cuts you off, pressing the button on his clicker to move on to the next presentation slide. The next slide shows a very dorky picture of Jaehyun sticking two fingers up his nostrils and you assume that it’s some sort of blackmail that Jungwoo uses. “Reason number one, he is a handsome and smooth motherfucker and I’m sure your parents will be very impressed.”
“Jungwoo, I hope you know that no matter what, I will not ask Jaehyun to pretend to be my boyfriend—”
“Reason number two,” Jungwoo ignores you, moving on to the next presentation slide. The slide shows a picture of all the boys in your circle of friends. Johnny, Sicheng, Jungwoo, Mark, and Jaehyun. Jungwoo points at each one of them. “Johnny is in a relationship, which means that he’s not an option. Sicheng is also in a relationship and he’s planning on proposing on Christmas Eve, not only is he booked and busy this Christmas, but he’s also not an option.”
“Jungwoo, you’re not dating anyone. You can pretend to be my boyfriend instead.” You suggest and Jungwoo clicks his tongue, shaking his head in reply. “What? Why not?”
“Do you think your parents would believe that I, Kim Jungwoo, so happens to be not only your childhood best friend but your boyfriend too?” Your face turns blank. He has a point. He smirks. “Exactly. That’s what I thought. Now, Mark has a crush on your younger sister, so I don’t think it would be ideal for him to be your fake boyfriend when he should be shooting his shot on your sister this Christmas.”
“He needs my approval first—”
“That’s not the point.” Jungwoo cuts you off, pointing the laser of his clicker to the wall, specifically at Jaehyun’s face. He circles the laser around Jaehyun’s face and begins to grin. “The point is that Jaehyun is your only option. Jaehyun’s single, he’s good looking, and it wouldn’t be suspicious to your parents.”
“Reason number three, Yeri and Haechan would definitely approve of Jaehyun.” Jungwoo explains. 
“What makes you so sure about that?”
“Because Jaehyun is easily likeable, it would be odd if Yeri and Haechan didn’t like him.” He reasons.
“Do I look convinced?” You ask. 
Jungwoo stares at you. He blinks before shrugging his shoulders. “I say you kind of do. Now, reason number four!”
The next slide shows a poorly-cropped photo of you and Jaehyun standing next to each other. You let out a snort, biting your lip and covering your mouth to stop yourself from bursting out into laughter. You’re appreciative of Jungwoo’s effort, but—
“Reason number four, you both surprisingly look good together. I think you guys suit each other, if I were to be quite honest. The only problem here is that you both hate each other with a lively passion.” Jungwoo shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t give me that look, Y/N—”
“Okay, fine!” You raise up your hands in defeat. Jungwoo grins. “Does it look like I actually have a choice? I swear I have the worst luck—”
“You do—”
“Everyone of you is taken and my parents would have to be extremely gullible if you pretended to be my boyfriend. That leaves me no one but Jaehyun, who’s unfortunately single and the only one that seems more convincing.” You sigh with defeat. You fall back against Jungwoo’s leather couch, kicking the air out of frustration and stress. “That’s problem number one of two. Problem number two is—”
“So, you’re actually going to ask him—”
“—how the fuck am I going to ask Jeong Jaehyun to be my fake boyfriend for one week?”
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“Are you on crack or something?”
“Stop laughing at me, you fucker.” 
Jaehyun’s playing with his chain bracelet, a smug grin plastered on his face. Oh, how you wish you could wipe that grin off his face. Fine, as much as you hate to admit it, Jaehyun does look good. He looks good in his oversized hoodie with his hair gelled back and a few of its strands framing his slim face. But that’s not the point, the point is is that—
“No?” You repeat his answer. He raises an eyebrow questioningly. “Wait, did you just say no?”
He nods his head, clasping his hands together and smirks. “Why? Did you want me to say yes?”
You let out a scoff of disbelief. “Does it look like I want to do this? With you, specifically?”
“I mean,” he shrugs his shoulders. “You could’ve just simply said that you had a budding crush on me just like how you did when we were fifteen instead of going through the long route and asking me to be your fake boyfriend for your one-week holiday vacation with your family.”
“Why, you little—”
“Calm yourselves before you start clawing each other’s faces, holy shit.” Jungwoo arrives at the table booth with a tray of your orders. Jungwoo slides into the seat next to you, handing the both of you your burgers, fries, and drinks. You and Jaehyun are having an intense glaring competition. “Stop eye-fucking each other it’s making me feel uncomfortable.”
“We’re not.” The both of you say in unison. “Shut up.”
“You irritate me.” You roll your eyes, opening the wrapper of your burger and taking one big bite. Jaehyun looks at you with disgust, mumbling a few curses underneath his breath before taking his first bite. “And for the record, I do not have a budding crush on you. What happened when we were fifteen was just a joke. You just so happen to be the single one out of the guys and I just so happen to forget telling my parents that Taehyung and I broke up—”
“And you just so happen to think that I would easily say yes?” Jaehyun dips a french fry into ketchup. Before shoving the french fry into his mouth, he sticks his tongue out at you. “Try harder, Y/N. I’m not going to do it.”
“Fine,” you snap. “It’s not like I wanted you to do it anyways.”
“But you still tried—”
“Fuck this shit and fuck you,” you grumble, nudging Jungwoo to make room for you to leave. Jungwoo looks at you then back at Jaehyun. You’re too pissed off to notice Jungwoo give Jaehyun a warning look. “I’m out. I’ll just ask someone else, maybe Yukhei or Yuta. I’m sure one of them would be nice and kind enough to help me out for just one goddamn week.”
Jaehyun’s presence is enough to ruin your day. This is a living example. You huff out a breath, realizing that you have to ask for a takeout bag for your burger and fries. Cursing underneath your breath, you begin to head to the front cashier counter to ask for a—
“What’s in it for me, then?”
You stop in your tracks. You have your back facing the two of them. You slowly turn around. “If I give you something in return, would you do it?”
Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders. “It depends on what you’re giving me.”
You frown. “I’ll do your laundry for a year—”
“Y/N will get you that vintage LP turntable that you wanted.” Jungwoo cuts you off. You’re about to protest but Jungwoo gives you a look that silences you. “Even the records you wanted.” (**vintage marantz 6200 turntable)
It’s terrifying how you could see a fire igniting in Jaehyun’s eyes. The corners of his lips slowly move up to reach his ears. He slowly places his burger down. 
“Fine, I’ll do it. When do we start pretending?”
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“I told you to pack one luggage, not three.”
Jungwoo looks at you through the rearview mirror. It’s been five minutes since the three of you hit the road and an argument has already begun to ensue. Jaehyun, however, seems unfazed by it. In fact, he’s too distracted by the beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky and falling onto the ground to form a fluffy blanket. Just by the argument that’s about to start in the back of the car, Jungwoo’s worried that the one-week plan might fall through the cracks.
“You told me to pack a week’s worth of clothes.” Jaehyun tears his gaze away from the view outside of the window to look at you. To his surprise, you’re already looking at him. With your pierced gaze, it catches him off guard, but he plays it off by letting out a scoff. 
“And a week’s worth of clothes just so happens to fit in not one but three luggages?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Well,” Jungwoo cuts into the argument, his darting between the two of you through his rearview mirror. He gulps nervously. “If you count the winter coat, the shoes, and everything else, one luggage actually isn’t enough—”
“Don’t take his side.” You whine. You fold your arms. “Well then, how come I managed to fit a week’s worth of clothes into one luggage?”
Jaehyun eyes you up and down before gesturing your clothes. “Maybe it’s because you have a poor sense of style—”
“I do not!” You exclaim. He purses his lips into a tight line, looking away from you. You let out a frustrating sigh. “God, I can’t believe I’m spending a week with you.”
“If I were you, I’d watch it with the snarky remarks.” Jaehyun warns you. “The moment I get ticked off, I can simply just tell your parents the truth.”
You look at him with wide eyes. You feel threatened. “Oh, you would not do that.”
“Oh, yes I could and I would.” Jaehyun squints his eyes at you. 
“Are you threatening me?”
From the rearview mirror, Jungwoo watches you pout in defeat. You’re looking away from Jaehyun, turning your body towards the opposite direction. Jungwoo, however, catches Jaehyun spare you a gaze that lasts longer than it should before his lips form into a soft smile. 
“Jaehyun, one point. Y/N, zero points.”
“Shut the fuck up and focus on the road, Jungwoo.”
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There’s a sole reason as to why you and Jaehyun have bad blood. Ridiculous as it sounds, Jaehyun has been categorized as three different things throughout your entire life. Childhood friend, crush, and enemy. There was a time where you and Jaehyun were childhood friends. You’d always be attached at the hip. Whatever was yours was his and vice versa. But things began to take a sharp turn when you started liking him.
You started liking Jaehyun at the innocent age of fifteen. It was the year where you and the group would go on overnight camp trips. Jaehyun had just come back from studying in America for a year. You remember seeing Jaehyun stepping out of his mother’s Mercedes-Benz in nothing but a loose basketball t-shirt and jean shorts and thinking, wow, I think I’m in love with him. Things haven’t been the same since.
The switch up of him being the love of your life to your enemy happened on the last night of your camping trip. The group had decided to get a dip in the lake while you and Jaehyun stayed back to set up the bonfire. It was your only chance to tell him, you remember convincing yourself. You planned it out carefully, where you would confess to him and if he returned the same feelings, you’d date. But if he didn’t feel the same way, you both had the brutal option to shove memories of that year’s camping trip into the back of your mind, not to be dug up again. It was stupid of you to think that the former would happen instead of the latter.
Ever since then, just the thought of you crushing on Jaehyun made your blood boil. You wish it never happened. You wish you never saw Jaehyun in a different light. You wish your heart never skipped a beat too many when you liked Jaehyun. 
You wish you never liked him.
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“We’re here, kids.”
It takes a harsh shove for you to wake up. Your eyes shoot open and your hands ball up into fists as you prepare to fight someone. Fight or flight response. As your eyes meet Jaehyun, he glares at you. Jungwoo watches the both of you from the driver’s seat. 
“Your head’s incredibly heavy, did you know that?” Jaehyun complains after pushing your head off of his shoulder, getting out of the car. You scoff, grumbling underneath your breath as you get out of the car. The door slams shut. Jungwoo smiles at the cute interaction.
As you step out of the car, you feel yourself shiver from the chilly breeze that hits against your cheeks. Your instinct is to warm up your cheeks with your knitted gloves. Jaehyun’s pulling out your things from the trunk. It’s not long until you hear a loud screech a couple of metres away. You’re closing the trunk as Jaehyun sets down the last luggage and someone jumps over you, almost making you stumble over. You let out a yelp, looking over your shoulder to see Yeri on your back. You let out a scream.
“You said you weren’t coming home for Christmas! What are you doing here?” You exclaim, pulling your younger sister into a tight embrace. Yeri giggles, wrapping her arms around you as she snuggles into your warmth. 
“Of course, it was a lie. I wanted to surprise you and Taehyung—you’re not Taehyung.” She pulls away from the hug and looks up at Jaehyun. She looks at the both of you with confusion. She points at him. “You’re not Taehyung. Y/N, are you sure you brought the right guy home for Christmas?”
You and Jaehyun share a look. Get into your act, Jaehyun reminds himself and he immediately straightens his posture. He extends his hand out to Yeri and Yeri raises an eyebrow. “Hi, I’m Jaehyun. We’ve met before you studied abroad but I’m not sure if you remember me. I’m Y/N’s boyfriend—”
“Boyfriend?” Yeri blurts out. She looks at you in shock. “Since when did you drop Taehyung so fast?”
You let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of your neck. Somehow, it’s difficult to come up with an answer but before you could at least utter out a word—
“It’s getting quite cold outside, shall we head in?” Jaehyun suggests, throwing his arm around your shoulder. You’re too bothered by your thoughts of your ex-boyfriend to even notice that Jaehyun’s doing skinship with you. “Babe?”
Babe? You snap out of it. You look up at him. “R-Right, it’s getting cold. Let’s head inside.”
Yeri stares at the two of you and grins. “Well, I’m happy you dropped Taehyung. I never liked him for you anyway. It seems like Jaehyun’s a better suit for you, but I’ll have to find that out myself. Welcome home, Y/N. And Jaehyun, make yourself at home.”
Jaehyun’s not sure why Yeri’s words send a shiver down his spine. As your younger sister is the first one to head back into the cabin, the both of you glance at each other. You push Jaehyun’s arm off your shoulder, scrunching your nose in disgust, and pulling out the handle of your luggage. “Let’s head inside, it’s freezing.”
“Y/N, if we’re going to pretend like we’re dating, at least make it look real.” Jaehyun mutters.
“Sorry, I was just caught off guard about—” You begin before stopping yourself. You bite your lip. “Let’s just head inside, we wouldn’t want everyone waiting for us at the dinner table, especially my parents.”
Jaehyun purses his lips into a line. About what? He turns around to look at Jungwoo. Jungwoo’s too intimidated by what had just gone down and he’s not sure if he could handle it any longer. “Thanks for the ride, Jungwoo.”
Jungwoo looks at Jaehyun nervously. “Make sure you guys kick ass with this fake relationship because from what had just happened now, I’m not sure if the act will last long.”
“Oh, we will.” Jaehyun shoves his hands into his pockets. “I’ll make sure of it.”
“You better.”
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The moment your parents looked at Jaehyun from across the dining table, you just knew. Your mom is the first to set her spoon and fork down onto the table, tilting her head in confusion before looking at you with a slightly questioning gaze. Mustering up a smile, you shrug your shoulders, glancing at Jaehyun who’s sitting next to you on your right. Jaehyun, however, has been great with putting up the act. He has the fakest smile spread across his lips and his body is tensed up. You’re too busy trying to stop yourself from breaking out into a teasing smile, but you fail at doing so. Jaehyun places his hand on top of yours, gently rubbing the top of your hand with the pad of his thumb. Your smile grows wider when you notice how moist and sweaty Jaehyun’s hands are.
He’s nervous, you think to yourself. Maybe you could get used to this, where Jaehyun is a nervous mess in front of your parents who look intimidating—but are definitely far from it. 
Your dad’s reaction comes a bit later than your mom’s. He’s looking up from his plate and he chokes on his food when his eyes land on Jaehyun. “Wait, you’re not Taehyung.”
Jaehyun chuckles nervously, nodding his head. He sucks in a breath. “I’m Jaehyun, Y/N’s boyfriend. I’m not sure if you remember me but Y/N and I went to the same high school and—”
“Ah! That’s right! I knew you looked familiar.” Your mom exclaims. Jaehyun suddenly feels nervous under your mom’s gaze and he sets his spoon and fork down to engage in the conversation. Your mom glances at you. “Y/N, sweetie, I think you need some explaining to do. I wish you told me sooner that you and Taehyung weren’t dating anymore because I assumed you were still together and I even bought him a Christmas present—”
“We broke up, mom.” You bite your lip, shoving a spoonful of soup into your mouth. You’re avoiding your mom’s gaze, but from your periphery, you can see Jaehyun looking at you. “We broke up three months ago. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I could still give Taehyung your present—”
“Oh, no, you don’t need to, sweetheart.” Your mother shakes her head. She looks at Jaehyun apologetically. “I’m sorry, Jaehyun, I probably made things a bit awkward.”
Jaehyun tears his gaze away from you. He smiles. “No worries.”
Yeri clears her throat. “Jaehyun, are you worried that you might be my sister’s rebound—”
“Yeri.” You glare at her as you hiss. “Please—”
Your words are cut short when Jaehyun squeezes your hand. You glance at him and his face softens. He looks at your sister. “I’m not worried at all. Sure, we’ve been dating for only two months. Sure, Y/N had just gotten out of a relationship. Sure, her wounds are still fresh. But asking your sister to give me a chance was my choice, and just the fact that your sister gave me a chance tells me that she’s ready to move on.”
For a brief moment, Jaehyun looks like he’s being sincere about his words. It feels so real, almost like he’s telling the truth. If you were someone else, you’d definitely believe him. He’s being too creative with this act, and you definitely have to reward him some brownie points for the effort. 
You don’t notice the small smile forming on your lips. Jaehyun’s eyes meet yours and he mirrors your smile. “Right, Y/N?”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Right.”
Your dad lets out a light-hearted chuckle. “I think you both suit each other. I see a difference in my daughter’s aura, Jaehyun, it must be because of you. When Taehyung spent the Christmas holidays with us, Y/N looked completely different.”
“Is that a good sign?” Jaehyun jokes.
“Yes.” Your dad flashes him a warm smile. “Kudos to you, it means you’re doing a perfect job.”
Jaehyun’s smile falters.
It means you’re doing a perfect job.
A perfect job of acting. This isn’t real. 
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The first day of the holiday vacation is a trip to the Christmas Market. Every year, you and your family spend the first day of the holiday vacation at the Christmas Market for a variety of things. It could be an opportunity to pick out gifts for your Secret Santa, it could be an opportunity where your parents will visit the grocery shop to get groceries for the Christmas Eve dinner, or it could simply be an opportunity to shop around for yourself and have fun. 
It’s also the day where your cousin Haechan and his family will move into the cabin for the week. The cabin is always busy and full of joy when both your family and Haechan’s family are there. It’s what makes the holiday vacation much more special. It’s sort of like Midas touch.
“Please remember that we parked right in front of the Gingerbread House because you know that I’ll forget.” Your dad commands the moment all of you hop out of the SUV.
Jaehyun looks at the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Market. He’s amused and fascinated by all the dimly-lit lights scattered all over the market. To set the Christmas mood, it’s lightly snowing and all Jaehyun could smell is hot chocolate from the cafe a couple of metres away. “This is…”
“Amazing?” You look up at him.
He nods his head. “Yeah… amazing.”
As all of you reach the entrance gates of the Christmas Market, everyone begins to split ways, leaving you and Jaehyun behind. You remove your hand from Jaehyun’s. “Well, I’m going to go shop around for my Secret Santa. You can go and do whatever you want for the meantime, unless you want to join me—”
“Let me join you—”
“Ew.” You scrunch up your nose in disgust. “Fine, do whatever you want, I guess.”
Jaehyun reaches down to grab your hand and you raise an eyebrow. He shrugs his shoulders. “You never know, we might bump into them in the shops and they’ll wonder why we’re not holding hands.”
“Do we always have to hold hands?” You question. “I’m sure holding hands is not a mandatory requirement for couples. Besides, your hands are disgustingly sweaty.”
Jaehyun lets go of your hand and looks at it. “Are they?”
You snort. “Let’s go before they start wondering why we’re just standing here doing nothing.”
He fails to notice that you’re already walking away from him because he’s too distracted by his ‘sweaty’ hands. He grumbles angrily underneath his breath, ready to protest only to see that you’re no longer standing in front of him. He looks up to see you already a couple of metres away. He wipes his hands on the sides of his jeans and begins to jog up to you.
“Wait! Hold my hand! Y/N! They’re not sweaty anymore!”
You hear him calling out to you and it only makes you smile and let out a bubbly giggle.
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“Are you my Secret Santa?”
Yeri jumps at your voice, completely startled. You burst out into laughter. She frowns at you and folds her arms. You and Jaehyun had so happened to bump into Yeri at the jewelry shop. It’s been at least an hour and a half since you started shopping for your Secret Santa and you still haven’t gotten anything. You figured that a stop at the jewelry shop will help you out. 
“I’m not,” Yeri mumbles. “I got Haechan this year.”
“And how do I know that you’re not lying?”
The jeweler comes back to the counter with a beautiful Louis Vuitton necklace. You lean closer to Yeri to get a better look of the necklace. Yeri turns the LV pendant around to reveal an engraved ‘H’ on the back. You let out a sad sigh. “I told you. I’m Haechan’s Secret Santa this year. Believe me now?”
“I’m kind of disappointed that you’re not my Secret Santa this year. You always go out with the gifts and I’d be more than grateful to receive a beautiful necklace like this.” You sigh again. “It’s alright. You still need to give me a birthday gift anyways.”
“Your birthday is in March.” Yeri snorts. 
“Anyways, I’ll continue shopping. Don’t make your pockets hurt too much, alright? You got textbooks to buy when you go back to university once the Christmas break is over.”
She groans. “Don’t even remind me.”
You laugh. Before you’re walking away, a familiar necklace catches your eye. You look down at the glass counter to stare at the necklace. It’s the Louis Vuitton silver lockit that you’ve always wanted to buy. Your smile is replaced with a frown. You shrug off your sad thoughts before moving on to another glass cabinet of chain bracelets.
Jaehyun observes you as you walk away. He walks closer to the counter, looking down at the necklace you were just looking at. Yeri nudges him and he glances at her.
“You know, Y/N’s always wanted that necklace, but I’m not sure if she wants it anymore.” Yeri whispers quietly. “She told Taehyung that the moment she saw that necklace, she dreamt of having it. They were  six years into their relationship when Y/N found out that the woman Taehyung was seeing behind her back was given the exact same necklace.”
“Taehyung cheated—” Jaehyun stops himself. He looks over his shoulder to see you standing on the other side of the room, talking to the jeweler about a few sets of chain bracelets. You don’t look as happy as you were a while ago. He frowns, looking back down at the necklace. 
“I’m sure Y/N never told you about that,” Yeri mumbles. “That’s because I’m the only person that knows. But since you seem to be a good guy for my sister, I figured it would be safe to tell you.”
“Why do you trust me so much?” Jaehyun asks.
Yeri shrugs her shoulders. “I guess it’s because my sister would never replace the man she loved so much with someone else this fast. But she did, and that could only mean that you must be very special to her.”
But I’m not. I’m not special. Jaehyun thinks to himself. He purses his lips into a tight line. “I see. Thank you for putting so much trust in me. You barely even know me.”
“No problem.” She beams at him. “Anyways, you’re being a bit too obvious.”
“Me? Being a bit too obvious? About what?”
“About being Y/N’s Secret Santa.”
“Well… shit.”
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The cabin becomes more lively the moment Haechan and his family enters. Haechan immediately rushes to his usual room which is right across from Yeri’s. The two of them are like two peas in a pod, either always bickering over the smallest things or having late-night conversations in the cabin’s basement. There’s no in between. They’re truly cousins. 
“Who just ran past?” Jaehyun asks you. You’re busy stirring up two cups of hot chocolate. One for you and the other for— “Hey, thanks for the hot chocolate—”
“Haechan, get here before your hot chocolate gets cold!” You yell, turning around and leaving Jaehyun in the kitchen to meet Haechan halfway. 
“I’m here, I’m here, I’m here—who the flipping heck are you?” Jaehyun looks past your shoulder to see who he assumes is your cousin Haechan. Haechan gently grabs his mug of hot chocolate from you and takes a quick sip. 
“Me?” Jaehyun points to himself.
“No, the dude standing behind you—of course, I’m talking to you.” Haechan quirks an eyebrow. Well, what a sassy cousin. No wonder you’re both related, Jaehyun thinks to himself. “Hi, I’m Haechan, Y/N’s cousin. You probably already know that.”
“I’m Jaehyun,” he introduces himself. “Y/N’s boyfriend.”
“What?” Haechan blurts out. “I thought—weren’t you dating—I am completely and utterly confused. You have some explaining to do, Y/N. You dropped Taehyung pretty fast. I am also Taehyung’s Secret Santa, now how the fuck am I going to give him his present?”
“Exactly what Yeri said, no wonder the both of you get along so well.” You roll your eyes. “About Taehyung’s gift, just leave it with me and I’ll give it to him for you—”
Haechan squints his eyes at the two of you with suspicion. “I’m getting the vibe that you guys aren’t really dating but are just putting up an act—”
“We’re not.” You both cut him off in unison.
“Huh, well,” Haechan grins. “It’s just surprising to see that you’ve moved on from a long relationship with Taehyung that fast. You replaced him really quickly. I wonder why.”
Jaehyun wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Things just happen. It was nice meeting you, Haechan.”
“I guess this Christmas holiday will be spicier and messier than I thought.” Haechan smirks. “It was nice meeting you too, Jaehyun.”
Haechan saw right through the two of you and that alone sends shivers down your spine. Just as he’s about to head back to his room with his hot chocolate, you reach out for the ends of his sleeve, tugging him back. He looks at you questioningly.
“Yes, Y/N, my beloved cousin?”
“Don’t tell anyone.” You beg.
“Y/N—” Jaehyun’s eyes widen.
“I fucking knew it!” Haechan exclaims before Jaehyun reaches out to cover his mouth with his hand. Haechan glares at Jaehyun, licking his hand. Jaehyun yelps, wiping his hand against the side of his pants with a look of disgust. 
“Haechan, please don’t tell mom, dad, or Yeri. You are the only one that knows about this. If you tell them then we’re—”
“Screwed? Yeah, I know.” Haechan chuckles. He pats your shoulder. “No worries. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Promise?” Jaehyun squints his eyes at him.
Haechan glances at him. “I promise. But, what’s in it for me?”
“I’ll get you the PS5—”
“I’ll get you those speakers you wanted—”
“PS5?” Haechan’s eyes widen like saucers. 
You bite your lip, looking at Jaehyun. You mumble, “you’re making the biggest mistake right now, Jaehyun—”
“Deal. Your not-so-real boyfriend will be getting me a PS5 in exchange for keeping your not-so-fake secret.” Haechan puts his hands up as if he’s going to preach. “I give you both the family’s blessing.”
You playfully punch him in the stomach, and he bends over in response. He groans. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Go unpack your things before Jaehyun changes his mind.”
Haechan obliges to your order, leaving the both of you in the kitchen before looking over his shoulder. His eyes meet Jaehyun’s and he smiles. “Welcome to the family, Jaehyun. I think I’m starting to like you already. Not for my cousin, but you get it.”
“How the fuck am I going to get your cousin a PS5?”
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It’s the second day of your Christmas holiday, and you find yourself lying against the snow. It snowed a good twenty centimetres overnight and Haechan dragged you out of bed just to make snow angels before it gets shovelled away. Fortunately enough, it’s still snowing and the pretty sight of snowflakes falling from the sky brings a bright smile to your face. Haechan lets out a happy sigh.
“So, why did you do it?”
You look to your right. Haechan’s not looking back at you, he’s looking up at the sky. You raise an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”
“Your fake relationship.” Haechan clarifies, finally looking at you. “Why did you do it? I mean, you could’ve simply told your parents that you and Taehyung broke up instead of bringing Jaehyun into this mess.”
You give yourself some time to come up with an explanation because surprisingly, you didn’t have one. Well, you did have one, but now that Haechan’s confronting you about it, you suddenly think your reasoning is stupid. 
You shrug your shoulders. “I just didn’t want to disappoint my parents.”
“You didn’t want to disappoint your parents?” Haechan asks.
You hum in reply. “Taehyung and I dated for six years. That’s a long time. My parents adored him. When we broke up, I was devastated. Six years of dating down the drain. I guess I just didn’t want my parents to see me look like a mess over him.”
“And so you asked Jaehyun to pretend to be your boyfriend for the annual Christmas holiday?” You nod your head. Haechan purses his lips into a tight line and nods his head understandingly. “I get where you’re coming from.”
“I figured it would be better for my parents to know that although Taehyung and I broke up, there’s still someone out there who stepped in to take care of me.” You add with much hesitation. “It would be better for them to know that than seeing how horrible I am because of the breakup and how I haven’t been taking care of myself properly.” 
“Well, you should give your fake boyfriend some credit for putting in so much effort to pull such an act in front of your parents.” Haechan says. “For a week too.”
Haechan’s right. No matter how much you hate Jaehyun, you must consider the fact that Jaehyun decided to help you out. He could’ve simply neglected you—like he always does—and made you embarrass yourself in front of your parents. He could’ve just flat out not help you at all. But he did. 
Somehow, it makes you wonder. Why? If it’s so simple for Jaehyun to not help you at all, why did he end up helping you anyway? There must be a catch, aside from the vintage turntable you have to get him in return. There’s definitely a deeper reason as to why Jaehyun’s doing this for you.
“You guys are up really early.”
You and Haechan sit up from the snow to see Jaehyun standing at the door. He has a hot, steaming cup of coffee and it looks like he had just gotten out of bed. Haechan waves him over. “Finish your coffee and join us out here!”
“I think I’ll pass—”
“It snowed?!” Jaehyun’s cut off by your younger sister, Yeri, who pushes past him. She steps out onto the porch and extends her arms out to catch snowflakes in her bare hands. She smiles. “Don’t move! I’m putting on my jacket and I’ll join you.”
She hurriedly rushes inside, zooming past Jaehyun. Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow. His gaze is focused on you. You’re bursting out into laughter after throwing a snowball at Haechan’s face. He’s in the midst of rolling up a snowball only to get hit in the face by another one. “Hey!”
You stick your tongue out. “You snooze, you lose.”
Jaehyun smiles. “On second thought, I think I’ll join.”
And so he does. He sets his cup of coffee down and lets it run cold. In a couple of minutes, he finds himself lying next to you on the snow. He’s looking up at the sky, snowflakes getting caught in his long eyelashes. You sit up, looking down at him. You fall into his line of sight and he can’t help but notice how pretty you look. Your lips are itching to smile.
“You have long eyelashes,” you point out. 
He nods his head. “You noticed.”
“And,” you mumble, getting lost underneath his gaze. “Your ears are really red.”
“Huh? No, they’re not—”
“They are—”
“They’re not—”
“They are—oof!”
You gasp, immediately wiping snow off your face. Jaehyun bursts out into a cackle. “I can’t believe you didn’t expect that to happen!”
You frown. “It was bound to. You’re going to pay for this!”
Haechan and Yeri watch you and Jaehyun chase each other out on the front lawn that’s covered in snow. You’re both chasing each other with snowballs, throwing them at each other when the opportunity is there. Yeri lets out a happy sigh.
“They look happy together, huh?” Yeri asks.
Haechan nods. “They do. Your sister looks different from last Christmas.”
“Yeah, you could tell her and Taehyung weren’t doing so great.” Yeri agrees. “I kind of knew they were going to break up eventually. Taehyung looked like he had already fallen out of love and was just trying to find the right opportunity to end things with her. But now, she looks happy. Happier, I mean.”
“With him?” Haechan questions.
“She looks happier with him,” Yeri smiles proudly. “She also looks like she’s been set free.”
Haechan purses his lips into a tight line, letting out a sigh that Yeri can’t tell if it was a happy or sad sigh. He falls back against the snow, muttering to himself. “Oh boy, this isn’t going to end well.”
“Did you say something?”
“Me? No, nothing at all.”
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The fireplace is the only thing keeping you warm in the surprisingly cold living room. You’re sitting right in front of it with a fresh mug of hot chocolate for good measure. Everyone’s sound asleep in their rooms, but you somehow can’t seem to fall asleep. Placing your mug onto the coffee stand, you pull your knees to your chest and you rest your chin on top of your knees. 
“You’re still awake?”
You look over your shoulder to spot Jaehyun standing at the doorway. He looks like he had just woken up from his deep slumber. He’s rubbing the sleep from his eyes and trudges his way towards you. You look up at him, nodding your head. “I can’t sleep.”
“You know, I’m sure your parents are wondering why we’re sleeping in different rooms.” Jaehyun suddenly brings up. 
You scoff. “I am not sleeping in the same bed with you—”
“We don’t have to. I’ll just take the couch and you can sleep on the bed.” Jaehyun shrugs his shoulders, pointing at your mug of hot chocolate. “I’ll take the couch if you make me a cup of hot chocolate.”
“Why are you even awake?”
Jaehyun clamps his mouth shut. He scratches the back of his neck. “I noticed your door was open and I was wondering if you were still awake.”
You smirk. “You were concerned about me? How sweet.”
“Shut up.” He grumbles. “Go make me a cup of hot chocolate.”
You smile evilly. “No.”
Jaehyun’s too tired to bicker with you. He ends up occupying the empty spot right next to you in front of the fireplace. He hears you let out a sigh. “Do you think your parents believe it?”
“Believe what?”
He looks at you as if you’re stupid. “That we’re dating.”
“Oh,” you laugh. “I guess? My mom hasn’t spoken to me about you yet. Well, aside from that time she told me how much she liked you—”
“Your mom likes me?” He asks. “For you?”
You frown. “Unfortunately.”
“Admit it, I am the best person to take home for Christmas.” Jaehyun says with a smug grin.
You roll your eyes. “It was so peaceful before you joined me. Do you mind just going back to sleep and leaving me alone?”
“Fine, fine, fine, I’ll just shut up.” Jaehyun gives up, settling his gaze back to the fire. 
It’s silent for a couple of minutes. There are so many things running through your head. You’re not sure where to start. Heck, you’re not even sure if you’ll ever stop thinking too much about the past. Jaehyun seems to notice how silent you’ve gotten. He shifts his gaze and stares at you. You have a distant look. Your eyes seem to sparkle, captivating him. He could see the gears shifting in your head.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Jaehyun clears his throat. “Why did you and Taehyung break up?”
You look at him with a broken gaze and it’s enough for Jaehyun’s heart to ache. You’re surely not over him. In fact, you look far from it. But he couldn’t blame you, you and Taehyung dated for six years. Six years of memories with someone special isn’t something to forget about so easily. 
You laugh it off, but your teary eyes tell something else. “He cheated on me.”
“That…” Jaehyun trails off. “Sucks.”
You stare at him with raised eyebrows before bursting out into laughter. “That’s your reaction? That… sucks?”
“Well, I think Taehyung lost someone special.” Jaehyun says, avoiding your gaze. He looks at the fire, a smile threatening to spread across his lips. “I’m sure he regrets it now. If not now, he’ll surely regret it later on.”
“You see, the Jaehyun I’m talking to right now is much more pleasant.” You bite back a smile. “Why can’t you just be nice, like a decent person?”
“Look, this isn’t a one-way thing. Why can’t you just be nice either?” He asks and immediately, you’re both back to enemies. 
It falls silent again. 
“But, do you really think so?” 
“Think about what?”
“That Taehyung lost someone special?” You whisper. 
Jaehyun meets your eyes. Your eyes aren’t as glassy anymore. In fact, they look a bit more hopeful, a bit more happier. It makes his heart beat a beat too many. 
“I know so.”
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When my MOON rises, your SUN rises as well, under the same sky.
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You’re almost halfway through your Christmas holiday with your parents and you can’t wait to go home. You can’t wait to go back to your normal, Jaehyun-free life. You’re sure Jaehyun can’t wait either. Your eyes flutter open and you’re immediately blinded by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. You let out a yawn, slowly sitting up on your bed and stretching your arms out. 
Your arms drop when you feel an arm wrapped around your waist. Your eyes slightly widen. Glancing to your left, you see Jaehyun fast asleep. Tucking strands of your hair behind your ear, an idea pops into your head. With a mischievous grin, you quietly grab your phone from the bedside table, going to your phone camera. You slowly hold up your phone in front of Jaehyun’s face. His lips are slightly parted open and he lets out a snore that sounds like the honk of a car. 
“This is perfect blackmail.”
Just as you’re about to take a picture, Jaehyun’s eyes flutter open and widen when he realizes that you’re attempting to take a picture of him— “Give me that!”
You let out a yelp. He grabs your phone and you use all of your willpower to tug your phone away from him. It’s a game of tug-of-war with your phone. Jaehyun’s much stronger and he yanks your phone with all of his might, causing you to fall on top of him. Your hands are pressed against his chest and he’s got his eyes clenched shut. You tilt your head in confusion, why are his eyes—
He peeps one eye open. “Why are your eyes closed?”
His other eye opens. “My eyes weren’t—I had something in my eye.”
“Yeah?” You grin. “Then why are your ears red again?”
“They’re not red—” 
“They are!” You exclaim, pointing at them as you move off of him. Out of instinct, he covers his ears with his freakishly large hands. 
“They’re not.”
You raise up your hands in defeat. “Fine.”
He slowly uncovers his ears that are still red. “Good morning, I guess—”
“Y/N! Jaehyun! The skating rink opened! Let’s go before it gets crowded!”
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“Time to get out of bed, Jungwoo, stop worrying.” Jungwoo tells himself, slapping his cheeks and getting up from bed. 
All week, he’s been worrying about you and Jaehyun. Things could either work out really well, or it’ll all crash and burn. He shrugs off his thoughts, finally getting out of bed to make himself some breakfast. As he trudges his way to the kitchen, he stops in his tracks when he spots his projector still sitting on the coffee table. 
“How could I forget to put that away?” Jungwoo scolds himself, walking over to the coffee table. He opens  his laptop to disconnect the projector, only to stop. 
The PowerPoint he made specifically for you is still open on his laptop. He had probably gotten a bit too drunk from the beer you both had that night and forgot all about it. He goes through the PowerPoint and stops at one particular slide, a soft smile spreading across his lips.
Although he forgot all about the projector and his laptop, there’s one thing he remembers from that night. 
“I guess she’ll never know what reason number five is.”
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“You don’t know how to skate?”
Jaehyun stands near the board, holding onto the railings for his dear life. It’s a funny sight, in fact, it has you doubling over in laughter. Haechan and Yeri had already ventured off, skating with each other on the ice, bickering like the cousins they are, and making each other trip because concussions are the sweetest revenge. You’re stuck with Jaehyun near the boards, waiting for him to gain the courage to push himself onto the ice.
“It’s not that bad, Jaehyun.” You reassure him. You hesitatingly extend your arm out to him. “In fact, if you trust me enough, let me teach you.”
“You’re not going to make me fall on my face, are you?” He squints his eyes at you with suspicion.
“I mean, I could,” you shrug your shoulders. “But I’m not that evil.”
“Why should I trust you?”
“I mean, I trusted you enough to help me and pretend to be my boyfriend in front of my family. You could’ve just sabotaged my plan and embarrassed me instead.” You answer.
You had a point. He lets out a sigh, grabbing your hand. Funny thing is that Jaehyun’s hand doesn’t feel sweaty this time around. It feels soft, warm, and perfect in yours. It’s like your hands were meant to hold each other. You begin to skate slowly and you could feel Jaehyun’s reluctance. 
“Just trust me, Jaehyun.”
“I’m trying—”
“Then try harder, doofus!”
“Okay, Jesus—oof!”
Jaehyun slips, completely making a fool out of himself. The way he falls looks extremely embarrassing and there are a couple of kids laughing at him. You frown, looking down at him. He sighs, his back falling against the ice. Suddenly, Jaehyun sees you fake a fall, falling down right next to him. 
“Did you just—”
“Fake a fall? For you? Yes.” You cut him off. “Just go with it.”
“Wait, why?” He chuckles.
“Because your fall is giving me second-hand embarrassment.” You mumble. “Now, let’s get back up and start again. I’m sure you’ll get a hang of it soon.”
And so you both start again. Jaehyun’s hand absentmindedly reaches out to grab yours, interlocking his fingers with yours. At first, you help Jaehyun skate by skating backwards and bringing him along with you. It takes him a couple of falls and trips, but it’s not long until he’s almost getting the hang of it. 
“I told you, it’s not that bad.” You smile.
“I think I can do it.” Jaehyun says softly.
“Do you think so?” You question.
He slowly nods his head. “I might as well try.”
“Alright, I’ll be standing over there. I want you to skate to me.” You point towards one of the corners a couple of metres away. You glance at Jaehyun. “Are you sure you could do it?”
“Let me try.” He insists.
Before you skate off, you let go of Jaehyun’s hand. The warmth of your hand immediately vanishes, and suddenly, Jaehyun feels like he’s missing something. He stares at your back as you skate away. When you turn around to face him, he quickly shifts his gaze away from you. You open your arms, gesturing for him to begin skating over. He sucks in a deep breath and begins to skate over, slowly but surely. You find Jaehyun quite adorable and it makes you start to smile.
Jaehyun looks up from the ice to look at you. You’re smiling at him. But the smile you have on is a different smile. It’s bright, so bright that it blinds him. Your smile feels so foreign, yet so familiar. It’s so familiar that it reminds him of the time when you were both fifteen. It reminds him of the moment you confessed your crush on him. It’s so foreign that it’s been ages since he last saw a smile like that on your face. He’s not sure if Taehyung made you smile that way. He could feel his heart shrivel up, time slow down, and all he could think about are the ways he could make you smile like that forever—
Jaehyun falls, his butt landing on the ice with a soft thud. You gasp, your mouth hanging open in shock. The both of you just stare at each other in surprise before you’re the first one to break it. You wheeze out into laughter, bending over as you continue to laugh at him. Jaehyun’s too absorbed by your adorable laughter that rings in your ears that it makes him start to laugh with you. 
From a couple of metres away, Haechan slows down and watches the both of you laugh. Jaehyun’s sitting on the ice and you’re bending over, laughing so hard that even Haechan can hear it. 
“This is surely not going to end well.”
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On the fourth day, you’re all rummaging through the cabinets for recipe ingredients. Apparently Haechan still thinks Santa exists and so now you���re all spiralling into a mess trying to bake Santa a batch of cookies. Yeri slams the bag of flour onto the countertop and sighs. Jaehyun’s busy mixing the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar in a bowl. You’re greasing the pans and preheating the oven. 
“You know, Santa doesn’t exist—”
“Shut up, Jaehyun!” Haechan gives Jaehyun a warning look. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Jaehyun wipes the sweat off his forehead and glances at you. You’re putting a couple cups of flour into the bowl. A smile slowly occupies his lips when he notices your dusty hair that’s covered in flour. His eyes trail down towards your face, his smile widening, there are some traces of flour on your cheeks. You wipe your cheek, only to make it worse.
He’s itching to wipe the flour off your cheeks, but why does he suddenly feel shy and hesitant to do it? The both of you are supposed to act like a couple. At first, it was so easy for him to pretend to be your boyfriend. But why did it suddenly become difficult? When did it suddenly become difficult?
“Why are you looking at me, love?” Jaehyun snaps out of his trance, caught red-handed. 
He shakes his head, still smiling. “Nothing.”
“You’ve got flour on your face, dumb dumb.” Haechan points at your cheek. 
“I do?” You ask, your hands immediately reaching for your cheeks until—
Jaehyun gently wipes the flour off of your cheeks. His eyes are focused on your cheeks that are heating up with embarrassment. He looks… handsome—
“Thanks.” You stop yourself from thinking too much. 
This is all fake. Remember that.
Jaehyun looks at you with an expression you can’t read. He gives you a genuine smile.
“No problem, love.”
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“Jaehyun, do you mind checking up on the cookies?” 
Haechan wakes Jaehyun up from his nap. All it takes is a light nudge and a couple of pokes to the cheek for him to get up from the couch. He looks out the window and surprisingly, it’s snowing. Jaehyun stretches his arms out, slowly getting up from the couch. He trudges his way to the kitchen to find you washing the dishes. He’s about to call out your name, but he stops himself. You’re humming to yourself, rinsing the dishes underneath the water. As you place the clean dishes onto the dish rack, you walk over towards the oven to check up on the cookies.
You squat down, looking through the window to see the cookies almost done baking. Suddenly, you see someone squat down next to you from your peripheral vision. You make the biggest mistake of turning your head. Jaehyun’s already looking back at you, his face inches away from yours. You could feel your heartbeat pick up its pace. 
You clear your throat, quickly looking away from him and acting as if nothing had happened. You point at the cookies. “I think they’re almost done. Let’s give it a couple more minutes—”
“You’re pretty.”
You slowly meet his gaze, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “S-Sorry?”
Jaehyun snaps out of it. “I said, you look like a piggie.”
You scoff, pushing his shoulders. He falls back onto the hardwood floors with a soft thud, glaring at you. You roll your eyes, getting up from your squat position to get back to dishwashing. 
“Piggie, my ass.” You grumble underneath your breath.
You’re scared. You’ve never felt this scared.
The last time Jaehyun ever made your heart race was when you were fifteen. He should not be letting your heart race like that again.
But it is.
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“I can’t believe it’s already Christmas Eve.”
“I’m happy this week is almost over.”
You and Jaehyun are in the bathroom, brushing your teeth. He finishes first, wiping his mouth with a face towel and throwing it in your face. You yell at him, grabbing the towel and throwing it at his back. “I’m glad I don’t have to romantically associate myself with you after this.”
Jaehyun raises his hands up. “Surprise, surprise, me too. Two more days of this shit and I’ll finally be free. Don’t forget that vintage turntable you promised me—”
“I never break my promises—”
“I didn’t say that—”
“But you were implying it—”
“Babe, I’ll be downstairs to help set up the dining table for breakfast.” There’s a sudden change in Jaehyun’s voice, making you straighten up your posture. It happens out of instinct. You clear your throat, stepping out of the bathroom to see your mother entering the bedroom.
“Mom, hey,” you greet her nervously, scratching the back of your neck. “Did you need something?”
She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips and she makes herself comfortable on the edge of your bed. You awkwardly stand in front of the bathroom, fiddling with your fingers, a bad habit of yours that you can’t seem to drop. Jaehyun picks up your mannerism and slowly exits the bedroom to leave the two of you alone. Why was this making him feel nervous? Did your mother see through the two of you?
“I just wanted to check up on you,” she says softly. “About you and Taehyung.”
You bite your lip. “I don’t think there’s much to say about Taehyung and I—”
“Why didn’t you tell me that the both of you broke up?” She asks with concern. “Were you afraid that we would be worried about you?”
You slowly nod your head in reply. “I was terrified.”
“Well, you can always tell me anything. You know that.” She reminds you.
You let out a soft sigh. You’re so close to telling your mom the truth. That this whole relationship with Jaehyun is a lie, that it’s a front to keep them from feeling disappointed in you. That Jaehyun is merely just an enemy, someone far from your boyfriend. But you bite your tongue to stop yourself.
“Taehyung cheated on me,” you whisper. Scratch that, it barely comes out above a whisper. Your mom is silent. You bite your lip. “I know. I reacted the same way.”
“How long? When did you find out?” She questions. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. He doesn’t deserve you.”
Then, who does? Who deserves you? Do you deserve to be loved? The thought makes your eyes water, but you blink them away before your mom notices. You can’t look weak in front of her, she will only see right through you. 
“I found out a year and a couple of months before we broke up.” You answer and your voice almost cracks. “He’s been seeing her for a while. I mean, we’ve been dating for six years and I found out he started seeing her when we were four years in.”
“Are you okay?” She asks. “Will you be okay?”
You purse your lips into a tight line. “I hope so. I mean, Jaehyun’s been too good to me and sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it—”
“From the looks of it, Jaehyun’s keeping you happy.” Your mom smiles. “But what makes me sad are the times you came home with Taehyung for Christmas and acted like everything between the both of you was alright, when you knew that he was seeing someone else.”
“I didn’t want to disappoint you.” You whisper.
She shakes your head. “You’ll never disappoint me, Y/N. I will always be proud of you.”
The tears flow down so easily. Your mom pulls you into an embrace and gives you gentle, soothing rubs on the back. You warm up to her embrace, snuggling into her neck and letting out a sigh of relief. 
“Besides, I think Jaehyun is doing a pretty good job at helping you move on. You look different to how you looked when you were with Taehyung. There’s something more brighter and prettier about your smile that you have on whenever you’re with Jaehyun.” Your mom explains.
“You think so?”
She smiles. 
“Yes, I do.”
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The four of you sit in front of the fire, all sporting the same pair of red, plaid pajamas and ugly sweaters. There are four presents sitting right in front of you, waiting to be given out. It was Haechan’s idea to stay up until midnight, where it’d officially be Christmas Day and you could open your Secret Santa gifts. Patience is such a virtue, and Haechan clearly doesn’t have it. 
“I can’t believe the week is almost over.”
Haechan doesn’t get a single word from any of you. You’re a bit tipsy to find the right words to say to him. The Christmas Eve dinner was eventful but you can’t seem to stop thinking about how Jaehyun looked at you from across the dining table. There’s something different about the way he looks at you now, and it bothers you.
You feel a slight nudge. You glance to your side to meet Jaehyun’s gaze. “What?”
“Do you remember when you first confessed to me?” 
You scoff, covering it up with a cough in case Yeri picks up your sudden change in attitude. You say through gritted teeth, “Of course I do, babe. Do you remember?”
Jaehyun’s close to chuckling. He tears his gaze away from you and stares at the fire. It reminds him of that night at the campsite, where the both of you were setting up the bonfire. He remembers finding you really pretty and adorable that night, and he was itching to tell you. But he couldn’t do it. He remembers hearing you call out his name with a soft voice, how his heart skipped a beat. You were looking up at him with hopeful eyes. And then you confessed to him.
“Of course I do,” he mumbles with a shy smile on his lips. “How could I ever forget?”
You’re staring at him a bit too much. The small smile on his lips kind of throws you off. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. It comes out as a whisper. “What do you mean?”
It seems he has heard you because he shrugs his shoulders. “What do you think I mean?”
You’re tipsy. “You’re being extremely confusing, Jaehyun.”
When Jaehyun finds the courage to look at you, you almost let out a soft gasp. The way he looks at you is the same way he looked at you that night at the campsite. It terrifies you. You look away from him.
“Do you regret it?”
“Regret what?”
“Confessing to me that night.” He clarifies for you.
You purse your lips into a tight line. “A huge part of me does, but that’s only because you rejected me.”
“I did not reject your confession.” 
You scoff. “Yeah, because flat out saying ‘I don’t return the same feelings as you.’ isn’t considered a rejection.”
“Would you ever,” he begins to ask, but he stops himself. 
“Would I ever, what?”
“Would you ever fall in love with someone like me?” He questions. “No, would you ever like me? Again?”
You’re definitely drunk.
“If you weren’t so much of an annoying brat, I would.”
“You would?”
“Sure. Maybe in a heartbeat.”
And in a heartbeat, Jaehyun finds himself feeling terrified because the feelings that he forced himself not to feel anymore don’t seem to leave, but instead grow stronger. Why did he have to be in love with you? Why is he such a coward? A fool? He’s not sure. But being in love with you is the best thing he’s ever done, and if being in love with you was a mistake… it would be his most beautiful mistake that he’s ever made.
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And a beautiful mistake you truly are, when he carefully holds your face in his large hands, when he watches your eyes flutter shut as he leans in, when your lips are inches away from each other, when he kisses you out on the porch underneath the snowflakes falling from the sky.
As you both pull away, time that felt frozen had gone back to normal and the images that remain stuck in his mind is the look of confusion you had given him and the J necklace he gifted you that’s wrapped around your neck. 
“I have another gift for you, Y/N.”
“What is it?” You ask softly. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I had to, I was your Secret Santa, right?” He pulls out another box from his pocket and hands it to you. He sucks in a deep breath. “I hope you like it.”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, eyes trailing down to the box into your hands. You gently open the box and you could feel your breath getting caught in your throat.
It’s the silver lockit you’ve always wanted but never got. 
The only difference is that you’re not sure if you wanted it after finding out Taehyung cheated on you.
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Jungwoo pulls up to the cottage with an empty trunk and free hugs. You and Jaehyun step out of the cottage, not uttering a single word to each other since that night out on the porch. You didn’t care if your parents noticed that distance you both had in between each other, you were too lost in your thoughts and feelings. The moment Jungwoo spots the two of you out on the porch, he feels his heart stop. Something surely happened between the two of you. 
“You better have that PS5 ready. I kept this relationship under wraps for a whole week.” Haechan whispers into Jaehyun’s ear when he puts him into a headlock. 
Jaehyun shoves him away. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“You’re leaving soon?” You ask Haechan. 
He shakes his head. “We’re gonna stay back with your family for the rest of the day. We’re leaving tomorrow morning. I kind of wish you guys stayed just a little bit longer.”
“I was only able to book a week off from work. Sorry, Haechan.” You frown. The both of you hug. “It was nice seeing you again after so long. Study hard, alright? If a girl breaks your heart, just let me know who I have to fight.”
And soon enough, you’re both heading towards Jungwoo. Your parents are waving you goodbye from the porch and Jungwoo starts driving down the road. Jungwoo looks at the both of you through the rearview mirror, wincing when Jaehyun’s lips part to start a conversation, but you quickly look away from him and out the window to avoid it. 
What happened, exactly?
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“Thanks for the ride, Jungwoo.” 
With the slam of a trunk, you meet Jaehyun’s eyes and purse your lips into a tight line. You fake a smile. “Thanks for helping me, Jaehyun. I really appreciate it. I’ll get you your vintage LP turntable as soon as—”
“You don’t need to get it anymore,” he mumbles, shaking his head. “I was kidding anyways.”
“Alright,” you mumble. “I’ll get going. I’m sure the both of you are tired from the trip—”
Jaehyun feels his heart clench. “Can we—Can we talk?”
Jungwoo bites his lip nervously. You look at Jungwoo from over your shoulder with a questioning gaze. He gestures for you to take your time and he swore he saw you grimace. You smile at Jaehyun, but Jaehyun knows it’s not genuine. “Sure.”
Jaehyun helps you bring your luggage inside of your apartment, placing them right near the door. You stand a few metres away from the door, giving him some space to stand at least a metre away from you. He clears his throat. “So—”
“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” 
He clamps his mouth shut. He feels his hands grow sweaty. “I wanted to talk about last night and why it seems as if you’re avoiding me.”
“I’m not avoiding you, Jaehyun—”
“You are.” Jaehyun cuts you off. “I know you are, but could you at least tell me why?”
“I don’t think we should.” You bite your lip.
He frowns. “Is it because of the necklace?”
You let out a soft chuckle, shaking your head. “No, it’s not because of the necklace—”
“So, it is because of the necklace—”
“Fine. It is because of the necklace. You want to talk about it? Fine.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “Why did you think that this would be a good idea? To give me a necklace that does nothing but remind me of my cheating ex? Right after you kissed me, too?”
“I thought it would give you closure—”
“Closure?!” You let out a bitter laugh. “For what?”
“Because Taehyung is holding you back. Your relationship with him is holding you back. You need to move on, Y/N. Taehyung is not coming back for you—” He begins to explain.
“I’ve established that fact the moment he left me for her. Besides, my relationships are none of your business. On top of that, why do you care so much? This is my life, not yours—”
“Maybe I care so much because—because I—” His heart hurts so much.
“Don’t you dare finish your sentence. I’m sick and tired of your jokes, Jaehyun. Y/N this and Y/N that. Budding crush here and embarrassing crush there. Whatever happened when we were fifteen will remain in the past. I liked you, you didn’t like me back and rejected me—” You look broken.
“Wait, what?” He looks at you with confusion. “I didn’t reject you. In fact, when you confessed to me that night, I was on top of the world because I returned the same feelings—fuck, I still do—”
“You laughed at me when I told you that I liked you—”
“And then you took it the wrong way. Months after that summer, I was figuring out why you were avoiding me, why you were ignoring me, why we suddenly became strangers, only to find out that you’re dating Taehyung—” You look at him incredulously.
“Is that why you decided to help me? Because I look like some charity case, huh? Because you felt bad that my six-year relationship ended with a third party? Or you just wanted to have fun and laugh at me for being so weak? For being the poor little girl who got left behind because her stupid little boyfriend got bored of her? Or you just—”
“You’re not a charity case and you never will be—”
“Then, why?! Why are you helping me? Why do you care so much—” You yell out with frustration.
“Because I’m in love with you, Y/N. I’ve always been in love with you, but you were always running away. And I was always trying to chase after you. I still am. I figured helping you do this for your parents would give me a chance to—” He confesses.
“What? A chance for me to start liking you again? To fall in love with you again?” You mumble. You shake your head. “You had your chance when we were fifteen, Jaehyun. It’s been six years.”
“You had many chances. You’re nothing but a coward and a fool.” You point at the door. “Now, please leave. I’ve had enough of this.”
“I—” He begins before he cuts himself off. “Fine, I’ll leave. Whatever suits you, I guess.”
You watch him breathlessly as he steps out of your apartment and slams the door behind him. You flinch at the sound, breaking down completely when you sit on the hardwood floors of your apartment. Jaehyun lets out a sigh, hearing you start to cry from outside your door. He fights himself from knocking on your door to comfort you, but he figures he’s the reason why you’re crying.
As he steps out of the building, Jungwoo frowns upon spotting him. 
Something surely did happen.
And it’s surely not good.
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That half-full MOON looks just like me right now. Nothing comes even close to having half of you. If only I had just half of you. If only.
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Two months later…
“I have a delivery for Jeong Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun looks at the delivery man with confusion. He tilts his head, signing the papers before getting a huge box placed into his arms. “I don’t remember ordering anything but… thank you.”
With disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes, his half-awake self places the box onto the table. He rummages through the drawers in his kitchen for a knife to open the box after struggling to open it with his bare hands. He opens the box and immediately spots a small envelope sitting right on top of an LP turntable. He almost drops the knife out of shock. With shaky hands, he grabs the envelope and traces the handwritten letters that spell out your name.
He carefully pulls out the card and reads what you’ve written in it. Suddenly, he finds himself grabbing his coat from the coat rack and rushing out the door.
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A notification pops up on your phone. 
You grab your phone, continuing to brush your teeth. You let out a snort when you hear Jungwoo singing and talking to himself in the kitchen. When you unlock your phone to read the notification, you feel your heart skip a beat. 
Order delivered. Thank you for shopping with us!
You step out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth. “Hey, Jungwoo?”
Jungwoo is in the midst of flipping a pancake, looking over his shoulder. “Oh, you’re awake? Do you need something?”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t need anything. I just wanted to ask if Jaehyun knows that I…”
“Moved out? Moved in with me?” Jungwoo finishes your sentence and you hesitatingly nod. He shakes his head, looking away from you to finish cooking the pancake before burning his fourth one. “No, he doesn’t know. I figured you didn’t want him to know.”
“Ah, I see.” You mumble. 
He stops. “Wait, why’d you ask?”
You shake your head. “Nothing. Hey, do you mind if I use your laptop for something? I just need to clear out my father’s emails. You know him, he always forgets to do it and thinks it’s my responsibility to do it.”
He nods his head. “Yeah, go for it. You don’t even need to ask.”
As you step into your bedroom, you log into your father’s email, only to realize you’ve forgotten the password. You sigh, typing in all the possible passwords from the top of your head, failing to log in successfully. Your last resort is to call your mother to ask for the password.
“And how could I help my lovely daughter on this fine morning?”
“Stop being cringey, mom.” You roll your eyes. 
“Hi, sweetheart. What’s up?” She chuckles. 
“What’s dad’s password to his email? I’m trying to clean out his inbox again. You know, it’s a monthly thing I do for him. I should get more credit.” 
“Alright, the password is your birthday and Jaehyun’s name in capital letters. Funny how your father decided to use that as his password after he needed to renew it during our holiday vacation.” Your mother says and you fall silent. “Speaking of Jaehyun, how are you guys?”
You’re typing in the password and it works. You let out a chuckle. You begin to lie. “Uh… we’re doing alright. It's his birthday tomorrow, actually.”
“Did you get him something?”
You hum in reply. “I did.”
“What did you get him?” You smile.
“Something he always wanted. Something he told me not to get.” You reply, opening a PowerPoint document your father’s client had emailed him. When you open the PowerPoint, you notice another presentation opened on the application. “Sorry, mother, I think I have to call you later.”
“Alright, talk to you soon.”
You toss your phone to the side, clicking on the familiar PowerPoint presentation opened. It pulls up right in front of your eyes and you let out an airy laugh.
Five reasons why Jeong Jaehyun should be the fake boyfriend you’ll bring home for Christmas.
Reason #1: He is a handsome and smooth motherfucker and I’m sure your parents will be very impressed.
There are many times you’ve been left speechless and struck by how charming Jaehyun is. Well, you did have a crush on him when you were fifteen and your parents seemed very convinced when you brought him home for Christmas. 
Reason #2: Johnny is in a relationship, Sicheng is in a relationship and Mark has a crush on your sister. Jungwoo is too obvious and not an option. This makes Jaehyun the perfect candidate.
Jaehyun surely was the perfect candidate. It was almost as if he was meant to pretend to be your boyfriend. It felt so meant to be that a small part of you wished that it was real, but you were too hung up on your last relationship to even notice. 
Reason #3: Yeri and Haechan would definitely approve of Jaehyun.
They both really adored and loved Jaehyun. It’s a huge difference between the awkwardness they felt when you were with Taehyung, especially when you introduced him to them.
Reason #4: You both look good together. You both suit each other. The only problem is that you both hate each other with a lively passion.
From time to time, you would look at the group pictures you took on Christmas Eve in front of the Christmas tree. You would do it to try and imagine a better person standing next to Jaehyun instead of you, simply because you knew you didn’t deserve someone like him. He’s just too good to be true. 
You click onto the next PowerPoint slide and your breath hitches in your throat.
Reason #5: Jaehyun’s in love with you. You just don’t know that he is. But I, Kim Jungwoo, knows. Why and how, you ask? He told me. In fact, Jaehyun’s been in love with you for the longest time… ever since the both of you were fifteen.
You shut the laptop, tossing it to the side and grabbing your phone. It’s almost as if your feet had a mind of its own, dragging you out of your bedroom and straight towards the door. You’re grabbing your coat and keys as you head out without warning—
“Hey, where are you going? We still have to eat breakfast—and she’s gone.” Jungwoo lets out a sigh, looking down at all the pancakes he made and all the burnt ones he placed on another separate plate. He sighs again. “I guess that leaves me with all of these pancakes to eat.”
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“Y/N—you are not Y/N.”
An old lady stands at the door, looking at him questioningly. She blinks once and twice before her eyebrows raise. “Ah! Are you looking for Y/N? The beautiful young lady who lived here before me?”
Jaehyun slowly nods his head. “Y-Yes, I’m looking for Y/N.”
The old lady folds her arms. “Well, I could tell you where she is because I know where she moved in. But I’m not sure if I could trust you enough to tell you. Who are you, exactly? And how are you related to her?”
Jaehyun bites his lip. “I’m her… boyfriend. No, ex-boyfriend—actually, I’m not quite sure—”
“Ah, so you’re the guy she was talking about? The coward? The fool?”
Jaehyun smiles sheepishly. “I—I guess that’s me, yes.”
She chuckles. “Alright, Jaehyun—”
“You know my name?”
“Yes, now listen to me carefully before I forget telling you.” She commands. “She moved out a couple of months ago to move in with her best friend. She left me instructions, actually. She told me that if a handsome man shows up at the door and introduces himself as Jaehyun, I must tell him that he’s a coward and a fool.”
He scoffs. “What is with her?”
“But,” she smiles. “She also asked me if I could tell him where she moved in case he looks for her. She said she’s sure it’s not going to happen, but she asked me to do this favour for her just in case it does.”
“T-Thank you,” he whispers. 
“Now, I’m sure you know which best friend she lives with. But before you leave, I want you to remember one thing.” She continues. “Before you find her, go and grab her some flowers. When you finally find her, don’t chicken out and tell her exactly how you feel. I’m not sure why she calls you a coward and a fool, but if it’s because you weren’t true with your feelings to her, then use this as your second chance.”
Jaehyun chuckles. “I’ll make sure of that.”
She shoos him away. “Now, get going. You might catch her on time.”
And Jaehyun follows her advice. On his way to Jungwoo’s apartment, he drops by a flower shop. He picks up a bouquet of white lilies and pink daisies. He rushes out of the flower shop and starts sprinting to Jungwoo’s apartment a couple of blocks away. 
As he reaches the apartment building, he presses the button for the elevator. When the elevator doors open, he almost rushes into someone until—
You’re looking at Jaehyun. You both look out of breath. You gawk at him with shock that you barely utter a word except for his name. Jaehyun snaps out of it, walking into the elevator and you back up, your back gently pressed against the wall. You watch him as he presses the buttons to all 20 floors of the apartment building before closing the elevator doors. 
“What are you doing—”
“For you.” He hands you a bouquet of lilies and daisies. You awkwardly take the flowers from him. 
“T-Thanks.” You whisper, losing confidence just because you’re not sure what to expect from him. 
You both face yourselves away from each other. As you reach the second floor, Jaehyun closes the doors right when they open. He scratches the back of his neck. 
“So, when did you move out?”
You bite your lip. “Two months ago.”
He hums in reply. Another awkward silence fills the atmosphere. 
“How have you been?” You both ask in unison before smiling sheepishly. You shyly look away from him. 
“I’ve been great. But I could be doing better.” He says softly. “With you.”
You look up at him. He’s already looking at you. “I assume the old grandma told you where I moved.”
He slowly nods his head. “Yeah.”
“Ah, I see.” You say softly. 
The elevator reaches the third floor. The doors open and Jaehyun closes them immediately. You bite your lip. “Look, Jaehyun—”
“You know, I’m still in love with you.” He confesses again. “I mean, I always have. It’s not like I can force myself to stop being in love with you because I tried and it’s impossible to do and so—”
“Jaehyun, you’re rambling.”
“Am I?” He laughs nervously, looking away from you. “Sorry, I do that when I’m nervous and I’m really nervous right now.”
“Did you get the—”
“The LP turntable?” Jaehyun asks and you nod your head. “Yeah, I did. I got it this morning. T-Thanks.”
You smile. “No problem—”
“You remembered.” He mumbles. “I didn’t think you would remember. I didn’t even think you would get me one either, but you did.”
“How could I forget?”
Another awkward silence. Fourth floor, same routine. The doors open and Jaehyun closes them. 
“Y/N, please say something because I feel really nervous right now and I’m not sure if you’re mad at me or if you’re sad or if you just really don’t want to talk to me and if you don’t, that’s completely fine, just tell me and I’ll hop off on the next floor—”
“I’m not mad at you, Jaehyun. I mean, if I am, I would be the one getting off the elevator right now.” You cut off his ramble. “And you’re rambling again.”
“Sorry, it’s a bad habit.” He apologizes. “So, you’re not mad at me?”
“How could I be mad at you?” You chuckle. “Besides, I feel nervous standing next to you right now. It reminds me of how I felt when I was about to confess to you when we were fifteen.”
Fifth floor. “O-Oh? Really?”
You reach out to press the button to close the doors. “Yeah.”
“Well, as I was saying, I’m still in love with you, Y/N. You don’t have to return the same feelings. I just felt like telling you would clear things up. You can forget about me after this, but I just didn’t want you to remember me as the fool and the coward and just—”
“So, you were in love with me since we were fifteen?”
“God, yes.” He sighs. “I’ve been in love with you for the longest time. When I told you that, I knew you wouldn’t believe me and I understand if you still don’t. But I’m telling you the truth—”
“When do you want to come home and visit my parents?”
You ask. 
“Wait, why?” Jaehyun asks, letting out another nervous laugh. Sixth floor and the doors close again. “Y/N, you’re being a bit confusing right now—”
“My parents miss you, actually. I missed you.” You explain. “But you don’t need to if you don’t want to—”
“I can pretend to be your boyfriend again, Y/N. Anything for you—”
“Not as my fake boyfriend, but as my real boyfriend.” You correct him. 
He stares at you. “Are you in love with me?”
You feel your cheeks heat up. “How could I not be?”
The elevator stops at the seventh floor. Jaehyun breaks out into the biggest smile, gently grabbing your cheeks and crashing his lips onto yours. You stumble back from the impact. He walks forward and you walk backward until you're both standing in the corner. He kisses you passionately and gently that it makes you weak in the knees. 
“Y/N? You forgot to bring this—oh fuck, what the fuck?!” Jungwoo sees the both of you making out in the elevator when the doors open. Jaehyun quickly presses the button to close the door. You giggle, pulling him closer, not wanting any of this to end. 
Jungwoo scrunches up his nose in disgust. “Gross. But cute. I think my work here is done.”
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“Babe, I’ll be over there getting popcorn for us. Alright?”
You nod. “Alright. I’ll go and buy the tickets.”
Jaehyun boops your nose with the tip of his finger before heading towards the food court. You’re printing out tickets with the self-checkout booth. Just as you’re about to move to the side for someone else to use the booth, you hear your name being called out but it’s not Jaehyun’s voice. 
You look up from your tickets to see—
“Taehyung?” You squint your eyes to get a better look of the guy approaching you. Indeed, it’s your ex, Taehyung. “Oh, it is you.”
“Long time no see.” He smiles. He’s about to reach in for a hug but you stand still. He chuckles sheepishly. “How have you been?”
You smile. “Better. You? How are you and Injae?”
His smile falters. “We’ve… We’re not together anymore, actually.”
“Ah, I see. Sorry about that.” You apologize. 
“Have you—Have you been seeing anyone, lately? I mean, there must be a reason why we’ve bumped into each other. It must be a sign—”
An arm is thrown over your shoulder and you’re being kept close to Jaehyun, who had come in just in time with the popcorn. “Yeah, I’m assuming that that reason would be to tell you that Y/N’s off the market and will be for a long time. Exes are exes for a reason. And a sign? This must be a sign to tell you to back off.”
“You’re together? The two of you?” Taehyung scoffs. 
“Yes, and?” Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow. “Anyways, it was nice seeing you Taehyung.”
“And I hope this will be the last time too.” Jaehyun smiles, before looking at you. “When did you say your parents were going to arrive, again?”
You chuckle, watching Taehyung walk away with defeat. “They’ll be here soon. I’m sure they can’t wait to see you.”
“There they are!”
Coincidentally, your parents arrive and rush over. Your mother combs out her hair with her fingers and lets out a sigh of relief. “I thought we were late.”
“Nothing to worry about, in fact, you came just in time.” You laugh, looking up at Jaehyun. “Actually, there’s someone I want to introduce to you.”
“Who? Jaehyun?” Your father asks before chuckling. “Silly you, we know who he is—”
Jaehyun extends his hand out to them. “Hi, I’m Jaehyun, Y/N’s boyfriend.”
“But—wait, what?”
And funny as it is, the two of you have a lot of explaining to do.
Baby steps.
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author’s note. merry christmas everyone! hope you’ve been staying safe and healthy! take care always and please feel free to send me feedback! it’ll be very much appreciated! i hope you enjoyed this christmas fic!
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renjuseyo · 3 years
Can I request a Lucas x male reader where Lucas is trying to ask reader to prom but reader always gets distracted by friends or is too busy with school activities. Then when Lucas gets the chance to reader says no. But reader surprised Lucas with a date at the place Lucas asked him to be his boyfriend. P.S. They are already together for 2 years. P.P.S. I love your writings stay healthy and make sure to take care of yourself
prom ; lucas
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group: nct / wayv / superm
pairing: wong yukhei / reader (male)
synopsis: yukhei only has one goal in mind: to ask you out to prom in the most perfect way possible.
genre: fluff
i had a bit of writer’s block with this one, but i hope this is what you wanted anon! ^^ as always, feedback is greatly appreciated~~
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“my plan is absolutely foolproof. there’s no possible way it could fail.”
“that’s what fools say.”
yukhei climbs to a seated position on his bed, folding his arms in a huff. “why would you say that, dude? way to encourage a guy.”
yangyang doesn’t even bat an eye, adding details to a sheep he’s doodling on his economics assignment. “well, when you put it like that, it’s going to spite the universe and make your plan fall apart on its head.”
dejun nods in agreement, tapping on his phone. he’s probably texting that guy he’s been eyeing from his history class, or playing solitaire like the old man he is at heart. “the universe loves playing tricks on happy, unsuspecting people.” he sets his phone down to look straight at yukhei. “happy, unsuspecting people like you. i love your confidence, but i’m just saying. don’t get all mopey if something does happen.”
he crosses his legs, pouting. “i get what you’re saying, but come on, how can a simple promposal go wrong?” dejun and yangyang give him a knowing look, one that screams there are several things that could go wrong, actually. “if it were a big, extravagant one, maybe, but come on. i’m taking (name) out to sushi and bringing him a bouquet of flowers. what’s the worst that could happen?”
“well, he could get food poisoning from the sushi.”
“or he pricks himself from the flowers.”
“or he-”
“i didn’t literally ask you guys!” yukhei interrupts, exasperated. dejun and yangyang give him a mischievous smirk. “you two are horrible.”
yangyang blows him an air kiss. “just here to give you a reality check, my love.”
the two had originally gone over to yukhei’s house for a study party, but seeing how dejun was on his bedroom floor playing solitaire, and yangyang was doodling sheep all over his assignment, they were doing anything but. somewhere along their “study session”, someone had brought up the topic of prom, which was to happen in four weeks. while the two of them had no big plans for promposals (because dejun is waiting for the guy from his history class to make the first move, and yangyang is perfectly content being single), yukhei had constructed a plan to ask his boyfriend of two years to prom.
yangyang sets his pencil down and spins around from his seat. “what happened to your love for big, extravagant promposals? i remember you gushing about that kind of stuff all the time,” he comments.
“(name) doesn’t like being in the spotlight. i think i’ll just make him uncomfortable if i pull one of those stunts with people nearby,” yukhei explains. he would be lying if he said he’s never thought of creating the most memorable promposal for him. hey, it’s not his fault he just wants to flaunt his cute boyfriend for the world to see.
dejun and yangyang nod in understanding, except they don’t, because they relish in the spotlight. “well, prom is in four weeks. will you even have the time to ask him?” dejun asks. “your boyfriend practically drowns himself in homework. plus, he’s on the student council.”
“we both may be busy with school and clubs, but mark my words when i say i’ll get to him!”
“well, as taken as you and your boyfriend are, i hope you realize that there are still people who’ll be lining up to ask you two,” yangyang points out.
yukhei pats his chest, a confident smile making it way back to his lips. “i’m not worried that someone else will woo him. he has me, after all!”
yangyang gags. “gross. i feel sorry for him.”
dejun nods in agreement, cringing. “me too... yangyang, come on, let’s actually be studious and do our homework, unlike that one there,” he sneers, pulling out a pen from his pencil pouch.
yukhei looks at them, exasperated. “oh now you two choose to do your homework?! where was this attitude when i told you two to work on it earlier?!” he exclaims.
dejun shrugs. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. as far as i’m concerned, yangyang and i are students who actually focus on our work.” he gestures at himself and said boy, but the way he’s hunched over his economics assignment doodling more sheep completely contradicts his words. “seriously yangyang? work with me here!” he shrieks, smacking his back.
the younger hisses in pain, glaring at him. “leave me alone! let me draw in peace!”
the older snorts, swiping his pencil away from him. yangyang makes a noise of protest, lunging at dejun to retrieve his pencil, and soon the two are engaged in a fight, limbs tangled together. yukhei can only watch in disappointment. sure, he’s chaotic, but his energy is no match for them. their energy seems to multiply when the two of them are together.
yukhei turns his attention back to the calculus textbook on his lap, ignoring the fight ensuing before him. though his mind is mainly focused on the problems on the pages, a part of him recalls dejun’s words. there isn’t many reasons for him to be worried about his plans backfiring, but then again, the universe has always loved to meddle with people’s affairs. he just hopes it will treat him kindly this time around.
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though it’s your final year of high school, you and yukhei only share one class together, to his dismay. even in the hour he gets to spend with you, you’re too busy focusing on the lesson at hand. there’s always lunchtime, too, but both of you have your own respective friend groups, so even if you two are dating, you two spend more time eating with your friends than with each other. he doesn’t really mind, but now that he plans on enacting his plan, not seeing you often will make things harder.
after the bell rings, signalling the beginning of lunch, he makes a beeline out of the door and dashes towards the cafeteria. thanks to a secret source (which is really just shotaro and really isn’t a secret), he learns that you usually eat lunch on the roof of the school.
when he pushes open the door to the roof, he’s relieved to see you with your friends. at the sound of a newcomer, you all turn to look at the door. “yukhei?” you ask, surprised.
his smile widens upon seeing you. “hey (name)!” he chirps.
your friend sungchan raises a brow. “not often we see you here, lucas. do you need something?” he asks.
“yeah, i actually need to talk to you, (name).”
you stand up, slinging your backpack over his shoulder. “sorry, can it wait? we kind of have plans,” you tell him. 
yukhei gives them a quizzical look, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you or your friends. “it’s jisung’s birthday today,” jaemin explains. “we’re treating him to food later.”
he recognizes the name; jisung is a first year student who has become increasingly popular thanks to his position on the dance team. he’s also one of your friends and someone you tutor. now that he thinks about it, he recalls yangyang mentioning something about his birthday this morning, but he didn’t pay much attention. maybe he should have. “oh, okay. well, are you free later today?” he asks, sending you a hopeful look.
judging from your apologetic smile, he already can guess the answer is no. “sorry, we’re holding a surprise party for him later. i think i’m probably going to stay over at his house, too.”
renjun, who’s standing beside you, gags. “you two are so sweet, it’s kind of sickening.”
you turn to glare at him, who snickers at your look. “how? and you’re one to talk, mr. i-miss-jeno-even-though-i-saw-him-twenty-minutes-ago,” you spit. his expression is quick to contort to one of embarrassment, spluttering at the name of his boyfriend. yukhei feels like you don’t even realize his presence anymore.
to regain your attention, he clears his throat. “can you spare just a minute? i promise it’ll be quick.”
you turn to face him, but not before sticking your tongue out at a glowering renjun. “oh, s-” you’re cut off when your phone dings, and you glance at the screen to read the notification. a few seconds later, you look back up at him. “on second thought, i don’t think i can, sorry. chenle just texted me saying he and jisung just left mr. jung’s classroom. we should get going now.”
your friends nod and begin packing their belongings. once they’re all set, they walk towards the doorway leading back into the building, where he’s standing. they all pour into the small doorway, leaving you and yukhei alone. “sorry, how about next time?”
yukhei nods. it’s not like he can stop you from celebrating your friend’s birthday, unless he wants to be perceived as a jerk. “no worries, go celebrate jisung’s birthday. make his day a memorable one,” he reassures, smiling.
making sure your friends are far enough, you lean forward and peck him on the lips, catching him off guard. once you lean back, you smirk upon seeing his flustered expression. “catch you another time~”
and with that, you jog back inside to catch up to your friends, leaving a blushing yukhei behind. sure, his first attempt didn’t quite go the way he expected, but he’s not particularly disappointed, considering how he got a kiss from you. plus, there are plenty of other times to ask you again.
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perhaps asking you to prom might be harder than yukhei had anticipated.
after jisung’s birthday, he had waited to catch you again when you were free, but you were occupied with homework, as well as duties of being on the student council. apparently jisung’s birthday was the only day you were free. as much as he sympathizes with you, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed. he hasn’t even been able to talk to you, let alone treat you to a proper meal.
after several weeks of not talking to you, he decides it’s time to take matters into his own hands. if he can’t take you out on a proper date, then he’ll just bring it to you! after inquiring his friends yerim and mark for your schedule, he learns that fridays are normally your free days. he recalls the previous fridays where you were too busy to hang out with him, catching up on projects and avoiding deadlines, so he hopes that this friday you’ll be free.
after school one afternoon, yukhei catches you by your locker, talking to two people he recognizes from the student council. as soon as you see him, you wave the two farewell, and they go their separate ways. he leans against your locker door, smiling down at you. “hello my sweet~” he greets.
though you smile back at him, he can tell you’re drained, judging from the way your eyes flutter close and the yawn that rips out of your throat. “hi,” you greet. “sorry, it’s been a long week.”
he watches as you sluggishly shut the door. “tired?” he asks, draping an arm over your shoulder.
he hums in delight as you lean into his arm, warm and snug. “that’s an understatement,” you tiredly sigh. “i thought being the secretary was easier than the president, but i’m exhausted. all this filing and meetings can really kick a guy’s ass. i finally finished my biology report, but i still have to study for the history test that’s on tuesday. i don’t know how mark does it, being the president and captain of the basketball team. he doesn’t even have bad grades, either.”
yukhei laughs upon hearing you rant, leaning down to press a chaste kiss on the crown of your head. “i’m sure it must be hard. do you think your tired self is up for sushi, though?”
at the mention of food, you instantly perk up. “you know i can never say no to food.”
once you two walk out of the building, pushing through the swarms of students gathered by the entrance, you both head towards the bus stop. five minutes later, you both board the bus and are lucky enough to snag seats. in the ten minutes it takes to get to the sushi restaurant you two often frequent, he’s surprised to see you fast asleep on his shoulder. you really must be tired, because you don’t normally fall asleep so quickly.
ten minutes later, he nudges you awake (he has to refrain from pinching your cheeks at your dazed state), and you both step off the vehicle. five minutes of walking later, you approach the restaurant. for a friday evening, he supposes he’s lucky to have gotten there without it being packed.
you both greet the waitress by the entrance, who leads you both to a booth near the back. after serving you both your beverages and menus, she slinks away, presumably to attend to other patrons. as you browse through the menu, wondering what to order, yukhei glances at you, who seems too concentrated on the menu before you to notice him. he mentally reviews his plan for what seems to be the twentieth time today: order food, eat, pretend to go to the restroom and head to the flower shop next door, and woo you into going to prom with him. what could possibly go wrong?
(upon saying this statement, he learns that’s the worst possible thing you could say. at least, if you want the universe to mess with your plans.)
after discussing what you two will order, he waves down the waitress from earlier, who gets both of your orders. you two spend around five minutes catching up on your lives, talking about upcoming events and games at school. soon your food arrives, and you both dig in. he doesn’t realize how much he’s missed you until he sees the way your eyes twinkle as you happily recall the time the vending machine malfunctioned and gave you two bags of skittles instead of one. it’s endearing, seeing you get excited over the little things.
as you pluck some calamari out of a small bowl, he realizes it’s time to put his plan in action. “hey (name), i’m going to the bathroom. feel free to order some more food if you want, it’s all on me~”
“when you put it that way, it’s like you’re begging to go broke,” you joke, though you nod nonetheless. yukhei gets up and makes a beeline to the restroom. he stands in front of the entrance, peeking behind the wall to make sure you don’t see him. a few seconds later, he quietly sneaks back towards the entrance. luckily, you’re too occupied with the food to notice him.
he steps out of the store and heads straight for the flower shop next door. when he steps inside, the bell above the door jingles, signalling a newcomer. “welcome to yong’s flowers~!” a florist chirps.
“hey hyung,” he greets. the florist turns away from a pot of tulips, revealing a bright smile and even brighter hair. “i came here for the flowers i was telling you about.”
the florist nods, heading towards the back. when he returns, he brandishes a bouquet of red roses to him. “here you go!”
when yukhei moves his hand to his pocket, the florist waves a dismissive hand. “don’t worry about it, it’s on the house. i hope things go well with you and (name)~” he hums, giving him a cheeky smirk.
normally he would decline the kind offer, but he needs to get back to the restaurant soon, otherwise you’ll get suspicious. “thanks, taeyong-hyung. i’ll pay you back next time! wish me luck!” with that, he waves him farewell and exits the store.
he runs straight back to the restaurant, bouquet in hand. the waitress from earlier seems to notice the new addition, sending him a knowing smile. he pays no mind to it though, simply heading straight to you. he notices three new plates on the table, but hey, he isn’t complaining. you haven’t had the chance to properly eat the past week, if you count salads as a proper meal. when you look up from your salmon belly, your eyes widen at the roses in his hands.
it’s now or never, he supposes. he sits on his seat, bashfully sliding the bouquet to you. “i’ve been wanting to do this for the past week, but you’ve been pretty busy, so i haven’t been able to catch you alone. but (name) (last name), would you do me the honor of being my prom date?” he asks, sending you a hopeful look and a bright smile to top off the look.
silence envelops the room, save for chefs yelling and the stove roaring back in the kitchen. from the corner of his eyes, yukhei realizes that the lack of patrons means extravagant movements like his are bound to be noticed by everyone. plus, he wasn’t exactly quiet when he popped the question. he usually doesn’t care, anyways, thriving in the attention. even now, he has nothing to be worried about. besides, he knows what your answer will be.
apparently not.
eyes still wide, you slowly remove the wooden chopsticks from your lips, placing it on your empty plate. he assumes your eyes are still wide out of shock, but when the silence gets too loud for his liking, his smile falters. “(name)...?”
you rapidly blink back to reality. “oh, right, sorry. um...” you take in your surroundings, and he suddenly wonders if this was too flashy for your liking. he watches you with bated breath; you look like you’re doing some mental calculations, eyebrows furrowed like they are when you encounter a particularly difficult question on a test. after you ponder the several options laid out in your head, you take a deep breath, giving him your most sincere look. “i’m sorry, i don’t think i can accept this.”
those nine words and thirty-one letters are enough to crush yukhei’s spirit, evident by the way he visibly deflates. he quickly regains his composure, hoping the smile he has is enough to assure you he’s fine. but from the way you grimace, he can tell he’s doing a poor job at it. “it’s not your fault yukhei, i promise! it’s just...” your voice falters, and the same, contemplative look from earlier returns. “i have something important i have to do that day. i’m sorry.”
no one seems to have seen this rejection coming, and he mentally reprimands himself for thinking of every scenario except the one where you reject him. apparently he looks so devastated that the curious eyes from earlier immediately turn their attention elsewhere, probably not wanting to put him in the spotlight any further. sure, he feels embarrassed, but most importantly, he’s curious. what could you possibly have to do on prom? it’s a friday night, meaning you should be free... maybe you’re occupied with student council duties? but if that’s the case, you would just tell him that. there’s no reason to hide it.
maybe you just don’t want to go with him.
the thought leaves a sour taste in his mouth, but he tries to shake it off. “oh, okay. don’t worry about it,” he says, tone flat. you try to change the topic and compliment the roses and thank him for the food, but no matter what you say, the ugly feeling of disappointment still settles itself in his stomach.
the rest of your dinner is relatively uneventful. yukhei doesn’t want to make you feel more guilty than you already feel, so he tries his best to engage himself in your conversations. after you two eat your fill, he pays for you both (and is surprised to see that the waitress from earlier docks off the price of a few plates. does he really look that pitiful?) and leaves the restaurant. the sun has set, and it won’t be long before the sky darkens.
he approaches the bus stop, waiting for your bus to take you home. “well, i guess we part ways now. see you next week?” he asks.
you nod, clutching the bouquet of roses in your hands. though you had rejected his promposal, he still pushed you to take the roses, claiming he wouldn’t have anywhere to place them at home when in reality, he just didn’t want to be reminded of his failure. “yeah.” you send him another apologetic smile. “again, i’m really sorry. i promise you it isn’t because of you, it’s just...” your voice trails off again. “i have plans.”
he makes the mistake of wondering if these plans mean you’ve accepted someone else’s offer. no, that can’t be it... we’ve been dating for two years. he wouldn’t just accept someone else’s offer. (name) isn’t like that, he attempts to reason. pushing these thoughts away before he says something he’ll regret, he nods. “don’t worry about it, it’s okay.” as if on cue, the bus begins to roll up in front of you two before coming to a halt. “well, your bus is here. get home safe.”
you smile, letting a few people off before boarding the bus. “you too. thanks for the meal and the flowers,” you thank.
he waves, making sure you’re safely aboard before beginning his journey back home. as he does, his phone goes off a few times, and when he checks them, he sees messages from taeyong, dejun, and yangyang. he assumes they’re texting to see how things turned out with you and him.
yukhei pockets his phone and continues walking.
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after that failed promposal, yukhei distances himself from you for a few days. seeing you will only bring unwarranted frustration, and the last thing he wants is to blame you for something that isn’t your fault. he decides to distract himself by hanging out with his friends. while his friends prove to be a useful distraction, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss you.
no one knows why you’ve turned down his promposal. everyone who knew about his not-so-secret plan had fully expected you to accept with open arms. even your friends were genuinely shocked. as they chattered among themselves, wondering what could have prompted the rejection (because what secretive plans could you possibly have during prom?), he noticed that only renjun and sungchan remained silent. looking back, perhaps they knew more than they let on, but at the moment, he was too focused on getting answers from your friends to notice.
it’s been two weeks since that incident, and there are only two more weeks until prom. dejun and yangyang had came over for a sleepover, and right now he’s lying upside-down on his bed, listening to dejun rant about how history boy (who he later learns goes by hendery) finally asked him out to prom. yangyang’s sitting beneath him, scrolling through tiktok, unamused.
“it wasn’t anything extravagant. he asked me for a pencil like usual, and who am i to say no?” dejun begins.
yangyang shoots him an incredulous look. “anyone who asks you for a pencil everyday without making an effort to bring their own are just pathetic. didn’t you say he forgot to give you back your nice mechanical pencils for a week?”
he rolls his eyes. “yeah, but he paid me back by buying me a pack of twelve. and they were the nice papermate ones, too! anyways, as i was saying,” he continues, “i gave it to him like normal, and class went by as usual. but when he was returning it to me after class, there was a note attached to it asking me to prom-”
“and you’re swooning over that? i took you for someone who cried over love confessions in the rain, not promposals written on lined paper during history,” yangyang interrupts again. now that yukhei thinks about it, it does sound a little funny. like him, dejun has always liked romantic gestures. he never would’ve thought a written note would be the thing to sweep him off his feet.
he huffs in embarrassment, glaring at the younger. “be quiet. when you have someone to actually swoon over, you’ll understand what i mean.”
yangyang rolls his eyes. “good thing i’ll be single forever.”
now that they’re on the subject of promposals, he makes the mistake of thinking back to two weeks ago. “i’m glad to hear that you’re happy. i hope you’ll have fun with hendery,” he comments.
at this, dejun and yangyang quickly turn to face him. they seem to have remembered the incident, too, evident from the guilty look in their eyes. “i’m sorry, i forgot...” dejun’s voice trails off, and yukhei suddenly wants to erase the pitying look in his eyes.
instead, he waves a dismissive hand. “it’s all good. if it comes down to it, i’ll just take yangyang with me, right?”
yangyang shrugs. “or we can just stay at my place and binge video-games and order pizza.” he pauses to ponder his suggestion before shrugging. now that he doesn’t plan on taking you, there’s no reason to go and spend the night dancing in a stuffy suit.
just then, his phone buzzes. when he glances to read the new notification, he expects everything except a message from you. since that event, you both hadn’t talked to each other very often. while it was probably because you were swamped with school and student council duties, he can’t help but wonder if you were avoiding him like he was with you.
(name) <3: hey! are you busy right now? [06:59 PM]
“who is it?” yangyang asks, sitting up to peek over his shoulder. yukhei doesn’t move his phone away fast enough, because then the younger frowns. “(name) finally texted you after what, weeks of not talking to you?”
he frowns. “in his defense, i was doing the same, too.”
“yeah, but you had a reason to. because you were upset,” dejun corrected. “did he seriously not once question why you suddenly stopped talking to him?”
he rolls his eyes. “you two make it sound more serious than it actually is. plus, he’s been busy with school. it’s not like his world revolves around me.” he pointedly decides to not add the part where it’s the opposite for him.
you: what do you need? :) [07:00 PM]
yangyang snorts. “with a smiley? dude, you’re whipped.”
“shut up.”
(name) <3: i was wondering if you could meet me at the gym at school in an hour? i’m pretty sure i left something by the bleachers, and i don’t really want to go alone;;; [07:04 PM]
yukhei raises a questioning eyebrow. did you seriously not notice how he had been avoiding you? you’ve always been sharp, so this was surprising. dejun, who’s now seated on his opposite side, seems to notice this, too. “wow, he’s really acting like nothing happened. if he knew you were upset with him, he wouldn’t have contacted you in the first place.”
“if he left something in the gym, it’s not a surprise he’d ask me. i have a spare key to the gym, after all.”
“why do you have it? shouldn’t that be mark?”
he shrugs. “he always loses his things, so he told me to hold on to it.”
yangyang nudges his shoulder. “well? what are you going to tell him?”
of course yukhei’s going to go. it’s almost dark, so it’s not safe for anyone to be out by themselves. plus, as disappointed as he is with his botched attempt of a promposal, it’s you. he can never get mad at people for long, much less if it’s you.
you: sure~ do you need a ride there? [07:06 PM]
(name) <3: no, but thanks for the offer ^^ see you then! [07:08 PM]
he turns off his phone and looks up at his friends, who are looking at him with an expectant look. “don’t give me that look. it’ll be quick, i promise.”
yangyang rolls his eyes. “that’s what you said last time, and then you ended up sleeping over at (name)’s house. do you know how awkward it was, telling your mom that you practically ditched us?”
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an hour later, yukhei waves farewell to dejun and yangyang, who decided to play video-games in his room to pass time. as he gets into his car and drives back to their school, he wonders what you could’ve possibly forgotten that was so important.
ten minutes later, he parks to a stop and gets out of his car. after locking it, he walks towards the gym, though he sees no signs of you.
you: hey, i just got here. are you here yet? :0 [08:20 PM]
not long after, you reply back.
(name) <3: hey!! sorry, i’ll be right there [08:20 PM]
unsure of what to do to pass time, yukhei leans against the gym doors. out of curiosity, he decides to rattle the handle to see if it’s actually locked. to his shock, the door swings open upon being pushed, leading him to a pitch black room. the alarms installed in his head, the ones from being tricked into a haunted house by his friends, go off in his head, but unsurprisingly, curiosity trumps his fear. thus, mustering all of the courage in him, he shakily turns on the flashlight on his phone and timidly steps into the gymnasium.
it’s dark and empty, like it should be. so why were the doors unlocked, he wonders? the janitor at school is quite meticulous, so he couldn’t have looked over unlocked doors. maybe...
no, this is not a horror movie, he stubbornly thinks to himself. don’t scare yourself like that! as if on cue, a loud thud echoes throughout the gym, and he stills, unable to move a single limb. this is it. oh my god, am i going to die?
from what yukhei can tell, there seems to be two - maybe three - guys, distinctly whispering among themselves by the corner. the alarms from earlier are urging him to bolt out of the gym and tell you he couldn’t make it, but fear takes over, and he’s frozen.
“...sungchan, you idiot! you’re going to give up our position!” a familiar voice hisses.
“it’s not my fault it’s too dark! you know long limbs and the dark don’t mix well together!” another whispers.
wait. now that he can hear them, the voices sound a lot like renjun’s and sungchan’s.
“renjun? sungchan?” yukhei nervously calls out. because as familiar as those voices are, they could very well be impostors that plan on killing him in the middle of the night. “is that you two?”
he can practically hear them freeze; if the lights were on, they’d probably be comically staring at each other with wide eyes. suddenly, a third voice can be heard. “i knew i should’ve asked jeno or jaemin instead,” he quietly grumbles.
he knows that voice all too well.
before he can say another word, the lights suddenly switch on, blinding him. a few seconds after he’s adjusted to the light, he blinks, and sees you standing underneath the basketball hoop, head buried behind a poster board and a bouquet of red tulips with rose petals scattered by your feet. renjun and sungchan are standing by the light switch, awkwardly waving at him. when he turns his attention back to you, his eyes widen at the poster. there are doodles of hearts and basketballs on its borders, but it’s the words in the middle that catches his attention.
will you go to prom with me?
“what... what is all of this?” yukhei asks, dumbfounded.
seeing how you’re flushed with embarrassment, refusing to remove your head from the poster, renjun steps up. “it’s a promposal. what else could this be?”
his eyes wander back to your shrunken frame, and he can see you timidly peeking behind the poster board. “um... surprise?”
still stunned, he slowly walks to you, shoes brushing against the rose petals. “i can tell... but, i thought...?”
knowing what’s to come, you sheepishly smile. “i spent a long time trying to come up with something that you’d like, since i know you like big, romantic gestures. i turned you down because i wanted to be the one who asked you,” you explain, fiddling with the bouquet.
“wait, wait. when you said you had plans that day...?”
“i was lying,” you laugh. “i didn’t expect you to ask me, so i just came up with a lame excuse on the whim. i’m really sorry for upsetting you, but i didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
now yukhei knows why renjun and sungchan were so quiet the day he asked your friends about your alleged plans on prom. there are still a few questions he has, but he’s relieved to see everything led to this surprise. at least now he doesn’t need to fret about his insecurities.
“how’d you get in here?” he asks, intertwining his fingers with yours.
you hum, relishing this newfound warmth. “i begged the janitor to leave the doors unlocked. i told him you had keys, and he knows that i’m more reliable compared to others,” you answer.
“so all of the times when you said you were busy...”
you laugh, throwing your head back. “that was the one thing i wasn’t lying about. school and the student council really was kicking my ass.” you point your chin towards renjun and sungchan, who wave. “they helped me with some of the preparations, like ordering the flowers and making the poster.”
yukhei nods. “everything makes so much more sense now... but i just have one more question.�� you look at him with curious eyes. “why the gym of all places?”
you shoot him an incredulous look. “did you seriously forget?” judging by the confused look he gives you, you can tell he really did. “you remember the game against the jyp team two years ago, before basketball season ended?” he nods. “right before you guys played them, you pointed straight at me and asked me to be your boyfriend if you guys won.”
he flushes at the memory; in a stand jam-packed with spectators, he remembers only having eyes on you, the cute boy from algebra. prior to that game, you two were already acquainted, even going on a few dates here and there. there was an obvious attraction between you two, but no one had officially initiated anything until that day. he remembers you spluttering in embarrassment, having nearly everyone bore their eyes into you, as well as coming scarily close to losing against the opposing team. but alas, he and his team had triumphed, and while they celebrated, you bashfully accepted his offer and spent way too long making out in the back of his car.
he can’t believe he forgot that he had asked you to be his in this exact place two years ago.
he’s pulled out of his head when you clear your throat, brandishing the bouquet of tulips before him. “you never answered my question,” you whisper.
yukhei doesn’t even need to think about his answer. “of course it’s a yes,” he exclaims, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. you giggle against them, wrapping your arms around his neck. there’s cheering from across the room, but he only sees you. right now, you’re standing before him, suddenly brighter than ever, and he wouldn’t trade this sight for the world, even if it meant having to go through two weeks of unnecessary frustration to get here.
it’s only prom, not a marriage proposal. there isn’t a reason why they should be acting like newlyweds, yet here they are. but even if they’re only third year students in high school, he knows, without a shred of doubt that he’s in love with you. even if they don’t truly grasp the idea of what love really is, the sheer fullness he feels when he’s with you couldn’t possibly be from anything else.
“you know,” he begins, “i asked you on a simple sushi date because i knew you didn’t like big, flashy things. but here you are, pulling this stunt because you know i like them. we’re just a perfect match, aren’t we?” you roll at your eyes at his cockiness, as well as his suggestive eyebrows, but the smile on your face tells him you agree.
yukhei’s peppering your face with kisses, and all you can do is giggle as you take them. “they act like they’re getting married,” he hears sungchan comment from afar.
“they might as well be. god, couples are so gross.”
“you’re one to talk. you and jeno-hyung act like that all of the time.”
“what! sungchan, come on, don’t joke around like that. we don’t.”
“yeah right.”
“but we don’t, right? ...RIGHT?”
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adamfoolcry · 4 years
How the Tables Turned (One-Shot)
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pairings: Reader x Hendery, Lucas(mentioned)
rating: PG-13  
warnings: none just cringe inducing fluff
genre: comedy, fluff
synopsis: You are a student assistant at the library and Hendery seems to love staying in the library past open hours.
word count: 1,734
a/n: Mentioning @nctcreations in case the tags don’t work. I love Hendery he exudes so much positivity and is very thoughtful.
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Everyone who is acquainted with you knows that you are good-natured and possess a calm temperament. Right now though, the way you are glaring at the back of Wong Kunhang's head makes you resemble a bull seeing red complete with steam blowing out of your nostrils. The ticking of the old clock as it counts every second passing by infuriates you as if it's its sole purpose. It is already past five in the afternoon to other high school students it isn't much of a nuisance but to you, it is life or death. You need to be out of the school premises past five and should be on the way to the cafe you work in the evenings. Being a minute late at your part-time job means that you will receive a lengthy sermon from the cafe's owner as if they will not deduct it from your salary. But here you are still at the library waiting for Wong Kunhang to go on his merry way so that you can return the book he is pretending to be reading back to its respective shelf. Honestly, you would have let this pass but it's as if he is doing this on purpose for the past seven days. Adding salt to the wound, for every single day he takes a different book bringing it to his desk leafing through the pages eyes unfocused. Making you conclude that he is not doing any reading at all but just drops by the library to spite you. Each time before he leaves he will try to approach the desk where you are situated at and as if changing his mind in a millisecond he always makes a hasty retreat, exiting rather abruptly. You have reached your threshold and decided that you are going to confront him, for whatever his game is this got to stop. You walked towards the desk where he is, standing from behind his seat. You cleared your throat to get his attention. He craned his head back to look at you.
"Ummm, hi"
He immediately stood up from his seat in a frantic manner and rise to his height to stand opposite you. The seat's leg scratched the concrete producing a screeching sound.
"Hi, my name's Kunhang you can also call me Hendery if you like." He scratched the nape of his neck sheepishly smiling.
"I know who you are it is past five and the library closes at 5:00 PM sharp and I need to be at work -"
"I can totally take you there!" Kunhang exclaimed cutting you off. His words echoing in the empty library. You were not expecting that, the heat started blossoming on the tops of your cheeks.
"Uhhhmm, I was going to say that if you can, you know tidy up before five that would be great." You replied awkwardly.
"Ohh uhmm sure sure." You can see that he was embarrassed. He picked up the book from the desk. "I am sorry, I am gonna put this book back." You watched him as he put the book on its respective shelf and exited the library leaving you bewildered. Well, at least you got that over with.
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After that incident, you no longer have to deal with him as he does not visit the library anymore. But he now occupies the other half of your brain you see him from your peripheral vision wherever you go. It seems that you are hyperaware of his presence and you can't take your eyes off him. How could you not notice before that he sits a few seats away from you at classes? By the things are going you can probably write a one-page essay about him.
He likes cats, not fond obsessed is the right word. His pencil case is imprinted with cat designs. He keeps a picture of his cats in his wallet, you know because you peeked over his shoulder at the cafeteria while he is paying for his food. He always remembers to feed the school's resident stray cat every morning. You saw him one morning bending down at the bushes near the outskirts of your school petting and feeding the stray cat.
He always hides a manga behind his textbook during classes snickering quietly so that he wouldn't be caught. Strangely enough, for someone who is not trying to do his best academically, he excels in maths and sciences and actively participates in those classes.
He likes to exchange crumpled notes with Yukhei. Maybe containing a joke or two because one time the teacher caught them they were kicked out of the class and got detention for the rest of the afternoon.
You can't deny that you are fascinated with him the same Wong Kunhang that you used to curse in your mind. You might even develop a tiny crush on him. This is why you found yourself boring holes at the back of his skull with the intensity of your gaze. Looking for minuscule details to add to your Hendery's cute and quirky habits list. Yukhei caught you in action sending you a wink and a teasing smile like he knows what's going on in your mind. He leaned down and whispered it to Kunhang.
Oh god no ...
Which made Kunhang spare you his attention looking at you with his biggest signature goofy smile. You abruptly hide your face behind your textbook and pretended that you are not gaping pathetically at his back so intently. You avoided looking at his direction for the rest of the day but you can feel Kunhang's eyes following your every move making you flustered and rendering you to something akin to tomato for the rest of the day.  
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You do not feel good scratch that this is the worst menstrual cramp that you have experienced in your life. Top that with the fact that your PE teacher has instructed your class to do ten laps in the field under the sweltering heat. Your peers are already ahead of you and you have long given up trying to match their pace. You stopped jogging and clutched your stomach the spasms intensifying making you double over in pain.
"Hey _______, you okay?" Kunhang kneeled at your crouched figure.
"Yeah, I am fine." As soon as you said that your abdominal muscles contracted so hard and a whimper escaped your lips.
"Let's go to the clinic you don't look so good." Kunhang reached for your forearm and slung it on his shoulders providing support to your frail figure helping you stand up. Although feeling like you might pass out any minute you can't help but observe Kunhang now that your bodies are now in close contact. His perfect side profile, tall straight nose, big doe eyes, plump pink lips, his floppy hair that frames his face, and his light perfume which smells like the sea breeze. As Kunhang led you to the clinic he started telling you about the time he collapsed due to over-exertion at one of the PE classes blaming the teacher's strenuous routine and launching on his tirade about what a pain in the ass the teacher is. You giggled finding his attempt to comfort you adorable.
"I am on my period Kunhang. The cramps are a bit on the painful side today."
"Oh ..." Hendery said embarrassed.
After dropping you off at the clinic Hendery got back to the PE class to inform the teacher about your mishap and that the nurse advised you to take the rest of the day off. You decided to rest up at the clinic and head home after the classes are over. Exiting the clinic you advanced your way to the classroom to collect your belongings when you froze on the spot upon seeing Kunhang leaning at the opposite wall to the clinic. He was carrying your bag on his shoulder. Noticing your presence he greeted you with his smile.
"I thought it'll be a hassle for you."
You can't help but smile back at him, taking your bag from him as the two of you walk towards the school gate Kunhang started bribing you to buy him ramen as payment for his good deeds.
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He has this habit of looking at you but he isn't trying to hide it, in fact you think he is waiting for you to catch him because every single time you caught him redhanded he'll flash his goofy smile at you. The first few times you caught him your initial reaction was to start blushing but after the novelty of being embarrassed wears off you just shook your head smiling your eyes crinkling in mirth.
He'll always approach you and start acting cute doing silly little poses sometimes Yukhei drags him off before he starts embarrassing himself other times Yukhei will join in and start imitating Kunhang's comical poses resulting in overjoyous laughter erupting from your classmates.
He leaves you food and other trinkets on your desk. Lately after coming back from the cafeteria the ever-presence of food at your desk baffles you sometimes it contains other miscellaneous items like hair clips and ties. It was not after that your cramps manifested again that you finally knew who the culprit was for in your desk is a hot water bag. You quickly looked in the direction where you knew Kunhang was sitting, his head thrown back laughing at Yukhei's joke. As if sensing your stare he turned his face in your direction and grinned charmingly doing another of his silly poses.
It's fifteen minutes to five o clock and you need to make sure that every book is on their designated shelf and there is nothing out of its place scrutinizing the library with a sweep of your eyes you deemed that everything is in order. You grabbed your bag under the desk when the sound of the door hinges creaking got your attention. You quickly look to whoever dares to come in at the library fifteen minutes to its closing time. Surprise it was none other than Wong Kunhang. You walk up to him to stand at his opposite side, clearing your throat to get him to address you.
"Is the offer of a ride to my workplace still up?"
"Only if we go to the movies afterward."
"It's a date then."
There it is Kunhang's goofy smile. Perhaps you are too, smitten with him.
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a/n: Read more of my works for NCT here:masterlist.
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neo-culture-mafia · 4 years
My Peace (w.ykh)
the cutest boy ever
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— Warnings: Bruises
— Genres: Fluffy, warm and overall adorable uwu.
— Words: 1.6k
— Summary: “He used to think he didn't deserve to be loved, and that the life he had was too dangerous for him to ever let anyone in. But you worked your way through his heart and proved him wrong, right when he thought he could never enjoy being wrong before.”
— Requested by @min-inu “I'm new to this blog (I love it) and I'm a huge fluff enthusiast 🥺 Can I request something with Lucas (+ female reader? I don't know if I have to specify) where he comes home from work late at night and he's stressed because a deal went wrong (or something else) but as soon as he sees the reader who is barely awake and waiting for him he feels calmer and she does things to cheer him up (lots of cuddles and kisses, maybe a cute date too). Also can I request more than once if it's not a problem?”
— A/N: I absolutely loved your request 🥺 I was craving for some Yukhei's content and didn’t even know it lol And please, feel free to send in more requests, okay? I hope you enjoy this!!
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To say he was pissed was an understatement. When Lucas came back to the base and Kun put his eyes on him, he already knew Yukhei was about to explode. After he got in Neo Culture, Yukhei learned how to control his anger issue, but he still had problems with coping with failure.
“Can I give my reports to you tomorrow?” Yukhei asked, staring right at the floor, too afraid that he would explode at himself if he looked at his leader's disappointed expression. If only he knew Kun was way more worried than disappointed.
“You don't have to do this, you know?” Kun turned his chair so he would be staring at the window instead of Yukhei's face. “Avoid looking at me. Feeling shame at yourself. We'll manage to close that deal.”
“They attacked us. I don't think there's a deal to be considered anymore.” Yukhei murmured, closing his eyes and trying the hardest that he could to not start punching and kicking stuff around him. Neo Culture was the family he had never had. The feeling that he somehow had failed the only people who welcomed him do their own home was barely unbearable.
“We're all alive, aren't we?” Kun questioned, slightly turning his face to the side so he could look at the younger one behind him. Yukhei was still afraid to look at his leader, but as he managed to shily give him some attention, he was met with a warm smile coming from the older one. “Then, we'll figure out something. As long as we're together, we can achieve whatever we put our focus to.” He turned his chair back to its initial position, forcing Yukhei to stare at the floor again as he checked his wristwatch.“It's late. Don't worry about your reports, we can do this tomorrow. Go be with Y/N. She is in your dormitory.”
For the first time since he had entered the room, Yukhei face seemed to be no longer twisted by anger anymore, thanks to the mention of your name.
“She's here? I thought she was at home.” He looked right at Kun's eyes, making the leader's smile go even bigger from before. Young love was really adorable. “Yeah, she said something about not wanting to leave you alone after a tiring mission,” Kun added, grabbing a few papers and starting to go over them. He only looked at Yukhei again when he realized the young man was still sitting on his office’s chair. “... why are you not running there yet? Go! You're dismissed!” he exclaimed, pointing at the door and proceeding to laugh at the sight of Lucas running out of his office.
If before Lucas' heart was beating fast from anger, now his heart was beating fast at the thought of seeing you. Besides Neo Culture, the only person who allowed him to be himself with no judgments at sight was you. You had nothing to do with his lifestyle. You weren’t part of the mafia, and God forbids if you ever demonstrated any interest in the business. Yukhei's mind wouldn’t even know how to proceed with the constant feeling that he could lose you at any second.
The only thing that kept him from exploding when he was in the field was the thought of being in your arms again. He needed to come back and see that beautiful smile of yours one more time. And that’s the first thing his eyes started to look for after he had opened the door.
You were close to his desk, apparently taking some food out of plastic bags, and even if he was indeed almost dying from starving, his first impulse was to run and hug you from behind. Your perfume turning to be the only thing he could smell, blocking all of his senses from anything else that wasn't related to you. He could tell you were tired since your whole body almost jumped when he suddenly hugged you.
“You’re back!” You exclaimed with a smile on your face as you felt your boyfriend's face resting on your shoulder. He had his eyes closed and some bruises on his cheek, but he looked pretty much alive to you, and that was all that mattered. “Uh oh. We should take care of those. Sit on the bed, I prepared everything. Including food, but since I didn’t know if you preferred Mexican, Korean, or Japanese, I ordered them all.” You started to blab, hoping to get a smile from your playful boyfriend, but as he just stayed still, you began to worry. “Baby? What is it? Is everyone okay?” You asked, turning around to face him properly, being careful when touching his body.
As he opened his eyes to look at you, any words he could possibly say just disappeared at the sight of you. Your messy hair confirmed his suspicions that you had probably dozed off at some point of the night. Your swollen eyes tipped off that at some point you thought he wasn't coming back and then proceeded to cry. Your worried gaze confirmed how relieved you were for seeing him only with a few bruises. Your lips saying that you loved him made his smile finally appear as he realized how much he loved you. And he hated the thought that Neo Culture wasn't the only one who he failed tonight. He failed the person he loved the most in the entire world when he didn't show you how grateful he was for still being alive. For being by your side. His favorite and most loved place to be.
You were his personal place of peace. And you needed to know it.
“I love you. Oh God, I love you so much. I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you.” He pushed you a little so he could start pecking all over your face, making both of you giggle at his action. “You kind of scared me for a second.” You pushed him a little and smiled at how bright his face now looked. “There is nothing to worry about. Not when I’m with you.” He replied to you with the words he was actually saying to himself.
The world outside could wait. All the violence, gunshots, and uncertainty could wait. Now, he was with his personal gift from heaven. The one capable of bringing the best out of him. His one and only. His Everything.
“Look, I do appreciate all the kisses and stuff but I won't stop bothering you until you let me take care of your bruises.” You pecked his lips and then started to walk backward, holding both of your boyfriend's big hands, seeing the biggest smile appear to his face. “Okay doc, treat me.”
In a matter of seconds, you were sitting on your bed, having Lucas’ head laying on your lap as you cleaned his cheek bruises with a cotton pad. He had his eyes closed so he could just enjoy your touch, and as much as you loved seeing him relax, which rarely happened, you wanted to fill him in on what you did during the days he spent on mission. Especially when you knew he didn’t like to talk about the missions when he was tired.
"So, I met Mark's girlfriend." You started, causing Yukhei to look at you with a puzzled expression on his face. "Mark's girlfriend? What was she doing here?" "She came here to get a few papers. Something about her and Mark going on a vacation." You shrugged, gently closing Yukhei's eyes with your fingertips so you could clean the bruises on his eyelid. "We went out for a meal together. She reminds me so much of Mark, it's almost like they're the same person. No wonder she's dating him for four years, they really complement each other well." 
"They really do. I'm still waiting for the wedding invitation of those two." Yukhei commented, making you laugh at the situation your newest friend had told you. "Oh, you're gonna have to wait a little more then. Mark almost freaked out some days ago thinking that she wanted him to propose when she actually wanted to adopt a dog together!" Yukhei couldn't help but laugh at how Mark that sounded like. "That sounds like something Mark would do, for sure." 
"I know, right? He almost freaked her out too, she thought he wanted to break up or something." You added, putting two stitches on your boyfriend's worst bruises and letting your hand go and play with his messy silver hair. "I'm done. Now, we should get some food in that belly of yours." 
"What? No, right when it's starting to get good!" he whined, pouting like the big baby you knew he was. "You can take a shower first if you like, but if I know you enough, you're starving,” You pointed at the small desk full of delicious smelling food. "and that’s why I got your favorites. The burrito is smelling especially nice tonight." "You're unbelievably perfect, and that was the lowest punch ever, but I still love you anyway.” He stated, giving you a quick peck before getting up from the bed and running towards the desk. 
"So, now that I'm no longer starving and smelling nice thanks to that cologne you gave, what do you say about..." Yukhei stopped himself from talking and drying his hair with a towel when he noticed your sleeping figure evolved in a warm blanket. 
I knew you were tired. Yukhei smiled at the view, silently giggling at his own thoughts. There weren't enough words to describe how much he appreciated all the effort you did to make him feel comfortable after missions. He knew you abdicated a lot from your life for the two of you to be together, things you thought you couldn't live without, like your freedom to walk around with no bodyguards. And even though he tried to push you away to stop you from getting too close to him, you two just couldn't be apart. You consciously chose to be with him, and he loved you so damn much for that.
As he laid down next to you, slightly pulling you closer, and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he voiced out the words with the most affection he had ever put into words before: 
"You are my peace, baby. I will always come back to you, no matter what happens.”
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kuratoki · 4 years
Changes 10
This was probably one of the hardest chapters I’ve had to write. I had a song on LOOP while writing these next few chapters so I hope the emotions can convey what I put into words :)
Do you agree that things change in time? Well four years abroad would tell wouldn’t it?
Pairing: Reader x Jeno ft. NCT`
Words: 2041
Warning: Swearing/Mentions of death from sickness/angst
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 6.5 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
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“Y/N.” Yukhei said your name once more, “I really think we need to talk.” 
You felt the sadness of losing your friend being replaced by anger when you heard Yukheis voice. You knew why you faced so much torment over the last four years at your school where technically no one knew of your old life. You knew why you almost lost your ability to dance, you knew it all. Renjun had indulged you of his findings the day the two of you went to the Moomin cafe and there was a large part of you that was unsurprised. You couldn’t believe you were some pawn in this stupid game of unrequited love that you wanted nothing to do with.
“What do you want to talk about Yukhei?” you asked in a low tone, not wanting to cause a scene but also wanted to get this conversation over with and your point across. “Do you want to talk about how you did your sisters dirty work?” you asked, glaring, “Or do you want to talk about how both you and your sister don’t do well with rejection?” you suggested crossing your arms.
“How about we talk about how you played with Xanders feelings this whole entire time when you still had feelings for someone back home?” Yukhei shot just as irritated and emotional, “Don’t act so innocent Y/N, Xander was like my brother and you led him on all these years while my sister stood on the sidelines being his number two. You left Y/N, you left him heart broken.” he continued, tears brimming his eyes, “It was because of you his sickness came back, it’s because of you he’s gone.” 
Suddenly a loud slap was heard across the room as your hand made contact with Yukheis cheek. If you didn’t want to cause a scene, you had definitely failed now. A crowd started gathering in the kitchen as you growled.
“You.  Know. Nothing. Wong. Yukhei.” you said between breaths, your eyes hidden beneath your bangs, “Xander was like an older brother to me like Jongin is to Renjun. Like he was to you. Xander never played favorites and you know that. The fact that you’re accusing me leading him on shows how well you actually paid attention to our group. Who was there with him during his chemo appointments Yukhei?  Who rushed him to the hospital when he collapsed in the middle of dance practice? Definitely wasn’t you or your sister.” your voice got lower as you went on and took a step towards him so you were right in front of his face.
“Your sister had feelings for him, he couldn’t return them and you very well know why. You also knew why I rejected you time and time again.” you narrowed your eyes as you looked at Yeeun from the corner of your eye and she looked at you wide eyed, “Little birdies told me that you and Yeeun were a thing back then. Did you think I was stupid enough to be the other woman?” you asked him with disgust. 
“You knew that he had feelings for me yet you pursued me behind his back while he was in the hospital all the while having a girlfriend back home. What kind of friend did that make you? Instead of being there for him at his worst, you and your sister were busy planning a vendetta to get back at me. Year after year, all for unrequited love. The two of you act like the victims here but you know and I know very well that Xander and I were the ones who were the victims of your stupid game. Stay the fuck away from me Wong Yukhei or I’ll really let Jeno loose on you.”
You then shoved passed him and through the group that consisted of almost everyone, including your friends and ran out the door leaving everyone else in shocked silence.
Renjun and Jeno looked in the direction you ran and Renjun nodded his head towards the door. 
“You go after her. You know the neighbourhood better than I do;” he said and narrowed his eyes as he directed his gaze to Yukhei pissed at all the accusations that he had thrown at you, “I have a bone to pick with this guy. Just make sure Y/N’s alright.”
“I’ll do my best.” Jeno said and put his hand on Renjuns shoulder, “Thanks for clearing the air earlier by the way. At least now I know I can trust you.
Renjun shrugged, “Hey, you’re the one who caught me. I’m glad that you came to your senses sooner than later. Now go.” he said and cracked his knuckles before starting his war path towards Yukhei, “WONG YUKHEI YOU FUCKING…HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE Y/N OF SUCH THINGS!!”
Jeno was out the door as Renjun continued his tirade and trusted that the guys in the house would be able to handle the situation at hand. Taeyong, Johnny and Doyoung were all there to mediate and Jeno knew that if he had stayed, things would’ve gotten worse. He, Jaemin and Hana were on the way back to your house when they overheard Renjun trying to comfort someone over the phone. He ignored it until the words, “Baby, please don’t cry when I can’t be there to hug you and comfort you’ left his mouth. When Renjun got off the phone he turned around only to see the shocked faces of Jaemin and Jeno while Hana was there with a knowing smile. She had known all along what Renjun was doing from day 1.
Jaemin had asked if Renjun was talking to his girlfriend and he decided to come clean, Renjun admitted that yes he was talking to his girlfriend. This jumped into a whole weird conversation about how everyone thought he liked Y/N and Renjun told them that it was his initial plan in order to get Jeno to  confess to Y/N. He explained that though he and Y/N were good dance partners, that was all they were. It was the golden rule of the Select Dance Company that partners maintain a professional relationship in and out of the company. This was why the two of you were so comfortable with one another, you knew your boundaries and kept to them.
They were pulled out of their conversation when Jisung ran out saying that you and Yukhei were having an argument in the kitchen and by the time they got inside, the only heard Yukhei accusing you of whoevers death and before Renjun or Jeno could step in, you had slapped Yukhei, leaving everyone frozen in their spots.
Jeno ran and could only hope that you’d be at the one place that you both knew. He hoped that somehow, you internally depended on him enough to be in a place where he could find you or at least a place someone could find you.
 Running up the familiar path, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw your silhouette further down the hill, looking over the cityscape.  Like the first night he saw you, he slowly approached from behind and stood at your side. You didn’t seem shocked that he was there, it was as if you wanted him to find you.
“You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know I’m here.” he whispered, his hand lightly brushing against yours, he smiled when he felt your fingers interlace with his and you let out a shaky breath. You were trusting him, you were letting him in.
“Thank you.” you whispered, tightening your grip on his hand and shuffled slightly closer so your arms were touching, “Thank you for always being there, for always finding me.”
“Wherever you go, I’ll always find you.” he said and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you close and he felt you lean against his shoulder, finally letting the silent tears flow and all Jeno did was hold you. No words were said, just small gestures of comfort. He needed to show you that he was going to be there for you, no matter what.
After a few minutes of silence, you let out a soft sigh, making Jeno look up from his phone where he was checking his messages to see what was happening back at your house.
“Can we go somewhere tonight?” you asked out of the blue, voice shaky, “I just...I don’t want to be here right now.  I don’t want to answer everyone's questions back at the house...not now..”
Jeno thought for a moment. Of course they could,all he had to do was round up the gang and they would be able to go anywhere. It was the weekend after all.
“Just the two of us?” you requested before he could say anything, “I just...want to spend time with you…” you wanted to tell him everything, just him. So he could understand what you were feeling.
“Oh.” Jeno said quickly erasing the text to Jaemin and instantly thought of the perfect plan and texted Hana for a quick favor, “I know the perfect place.” 
You look up at him with a questioning look and he gave you a reassuring smile.
“I got it. Just stay here and meet me at the road entrance when I tell you to okay? I won’t be long. Promise.” Jeno said, kissing your forehead and started running back to your houses, leaving you in your thoughts.
By the time he got back to his house, Hana was waiting in his driveway with two bags, your purse and his car keys. 
“Don’t worry about things here. The guys can take care of it. Just make sure Y/N’s okay.” Hana said as she put the bags in the back of his car, “Call us if you need anything.” 
“Thanks Hana, I owe you one.” Jeno said with a thankful smile, getting into his car, “I think she just needs to get away for awhile. She’s been under too much stress. Make sure you don’t tell anyone”
“Your secrets safe with me. I know you’ll take care of her.” Hana said with a wave before a crash was heard, “That’s not good. I should go check it out to make sure everythings okay.  We’ll see you when you guys get back.”
Quickly sending you a text on where to meet him, Jeno drove off. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Jeno drove at a steady speed on the highway, the sound of his playlist playing quietly in the background, “We could’ve taken the train somewhere.” 
“I wasn’t sure how long you wanted to be away for. This way, we won’t have to ask Jaemin or anyone to come pick us up.” Jeno reasoned, reaching over and taking your hand in his and he chuckled when he saw the color pink dust your cheeks, “I just want you to relax for a while and talk to me when you’re ready.” He wasn’t pushing you. Just letting you know he was there and didn’t plan on going anywhere soon.
Your hands remained intertwined throughout the drive. Somewhere along the way, you had fallen asleep, with your head leaning against the window, leaving Jeno deep in his thoughts. He had so many questions that he wanted answered but he also didn’t want to push you to tell him everything out of respect for your privacy. You were in a vulnerable state now and after what Renjun told him, the person that passed was someone who meant a lot to the both of you.
“He held the group together, someone that we all cared for deeply. But I think Y/N should tell you the rest. Be patient, don’t push her. She only found out the real reason weeks ago.”
Renjuns words rang through his head once more and Jeno glanced at you as your brows furrowed in your sleep, a lone tear sliding down your cheek. He wanted so badly to take the pain you were in away, he wanted to tell you that everything was going to be okay. But he couldn’t...and because of that, he felt helpless.
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rkkyul · 5 years
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it hits her all at once, the overwhelming emotions trapping her before swallowing her whole. she’s going through the motions - watching heejin and minho rise from their seat beside her as their names are called, numbly following them up onstage. kyulkyung isn’t sure she’s breathing air, mouth opening in surprise and eyes widening as her teammates lead the way. perhaps her reaction is a bit dramatic, but oh is it genuine. 
the whole experience was so surreal - to even be considered for the top performance of the week when she had failed to do so the entire show. kyulkyung was tired of being average, of resting on that safe middle ground between being the best and the worst. average. want an ugly word. their names weren’t called when the top performance was announced, but she was too high in the clouds to notice - hand clasped tightly around heejin’s as they awaited the announcement. was it disappointing? maybe a little, but to finally be at the point was certainly an ego boost. 
semi finalist. 
the words were strange to her. the woman who had allowed herself to persuaded into something she once found silly was now officially a semi finalist for the mga’s fifth season. oh, she couldn’t wait to tell her mom. 
her heart was still racing when the trio once again returned to their seats, following throughout the hug minho gave them - adrenaline coursing through every part of her being as the show went on without her. kyulkyung listened, watched more talented performers leave them and she wondered how she had even managed to make it this far. she didn’t doubt her worth or talent, just wondered what happened to suddenly have luck on her side. 
after the disaster that was 2018, the woman entertained the idea of this just being some cruel joke. zhou jieqiong? making it this far on her own? joonho would’ve laughed in her face. but she tried to not think about that.
she’s slapped back into reality when the contestants suddenly awake with life, their bodies moving in shock and excitement rising in hushed tones. moving her eyes from where they stayed fixated on her shoes, they follow the movements of the new appearances on stage
from sphere entertainment, please welcome CONVEX’s very own JINKI and JINWOOK, as well as our star trainee and winner of the last season of the MGAs, GO HOJUNG!
her ears hang tightly onto the world CONVEX, hoping a familiar someone’s name will follow but much to her disappointment, she’s left with unfamiliar faces and dismay. but she perks up, attentive in her seat as she patiently awaits the coaches from TRC to be announced. JINSOUL - kyulkyung can’t help the tiny noise that passes her lips, excitement enveloping her entire form when she lays eyes on her best friend. “hey, that’s my best friend!” she attempts to whisper to minho and heejin - practically shaking in her seat and definitely way too excited.
i can’t believe she didn’t tell me, despite her thoughts, kyulkyung grins anyway. her anticipation only grows as time passes. please let me get onto trc’s team. please. please. please.
and no, not just because that would mean jinsoul gets to coach her.
she’s just a tiny bit disappointment when the TRC group announcement rolls around and her name is passed up. just the tiniest bit. however, this is short lived when her name is revealed under KT. the company is a bit surprising, solely for the fact that she wouldn’t have chosen it for herself. out of everything, she was expecting nova the most. but getting picked to perform in a group for a company run by katie lee, that’s pretty amazing. 
"semi finalist? oh, god i can’t believe.” yea, she can’t either.
kyulkyung laughs at her mother’s enthusiasm over the phone - feeling her cheeks grow hot at the woman’s constant, unrelenting praises. it’s nice to hear the complements and she allows her ego to inflate with each syllable. her mother always complemented her, but it was nice to hear something the woman herself could also feel proud of.
the mgas were different than anything else she had done in life. there was no reliance on anything other than what her talent alone had to offer. there was no behind-the-scenes magic that needed to worked, no amount of bills slipped under the table and secrets to be kept. the fact made her prideful if anything.
after last year, it seemed as if everything wrong she had done had constantly stayed on her back - a quiet monster, the chill that ran down her spine and kept her awake at night. it was hard to put it past her, but somehow she had managed to tuck it away far enough, bury it so deep within that it never even became an afterthought. the process took time and trust, especially with her mother who felt almost as guilty as her.
“you know after last year, i worried about you. i felt like i set a back example.” kyulkyung clenched the phone pressed against her ear tightly in her grasp, fighting back whatever emotions spewed up. biting down on her lip, the woman pushed through whatever words left her mother’s mouth through the phone. perhaps the worst part about the whole situation was that her mother felt responsible, took on her daughter’s worries and that was not okay. 
the woman’s voice is strained through the phone and she fears she’s holding back tears. “but i’m proud of you, for doing something and making it this far. i really hope you make it this week, jie.” me too, mom. she answers, burring herself further beneath the sheets - feeling the dull ache of attachment to the woman who can only speak to her through a phone or stupid screen.
“i wasn’t going to tell you this in case it jinxed you this thursday but chun and i are coming in next week - just in time for the finals. he has a business down there, but i figured i’d tag along just to see my girl.” and lying in her bed that night, phone tucked between her ear and pillow, making it to the finals next week meant so much more to her.
once again,the week goes by rather smoothly with her teammates. except for the fact that they are busy, busy, busy.
the coaches and teammates are alike in the ways that they are helpful to a girl with minimal singing experience. and lucky for kyulkyung, this week she’s in a room full of incredible talents. of course yukhei and her scream over each other their first meeting, having only spoke to the boy over suwoong’s phone a few episodes ago and having got along pretty well. he’s just as fun as the woman expected and paired with talent to combat his upbeat nature. 
the girl known for her singing and musical talents, yuri is just as amazing to work with as she expected. their team is full of power vocals, yuri and sia bringing enough to the table and offering whatever tips they had to ever so curious kyulkyung. “c’mon please... think of me please?” she begs yuri to sing such an iconic song - phantom of the opera being a personal favorite of the woman. she could never get enough of the tragic story that was erik and christine. ugh, it made her cry every time.
“i’d say i’d help sing it, but that’s a disgrace to phantom of the opera. it’s a sin.” kyulkyung pulls a hand to her chest, bowing her head in sadness before shaking her head at the thought. yuri is the only one who could do it justice while she couldn’t bare the embarrassment for herself.
kyulkyung’s delighted witrh yuri’s compliance, elated to hear one of the songs from her favorite musical from personally one of her favorites on the show. before being teamed up together, the woman had always admired her from afar - completely losing herself in her voice and loving every moment of it. just as expected, yuri’s voice complements the song nicely and she can’t help the long drawl she lets out, pressing a hand against her heart and swaying ever so dramatically to the tone of the other’s voice. 
all shenanigans aside, the woman found herself in a situation that left her bewildered. she didn’t mind to help usually, but sia’s call for help left her a bit nervous. kyulkyung didn’t have experience with cutting or mixing music, but the other girl needed help and who was she to refuse? “i don’t care to, but you’ll have to lead the way some.” the woman admitted with a tiny smile, eager to help out in any way that she can. 
the process wasn’t too difficult, but it was a process. creating the choreography with nakyung for the dance break wasn’t nearly as hard as creating the mix, but eventually they got it done ( and kyulkyung was there to offer any extra help whenever someone needed it ). the fact that they had managed to pull it off was extremely exciting for the woman, even going as far as to do a mini celebration dance whenever they finished it. yes, she was embarrassed with herself afterwards but damn was she proud. 
turns out she’ll be heading back to hook & crook after the show with a little bit more than dance and performance tips.
thursday approaches quickly and this time, kyulkyung’s a bit nervous when she climbs onstage. the semi finals held a lot of more meaning than the other performances and after being in the top 3 last week, she’s sure there’s an expectancy for both her and her team. in fact, the entirety of team kt had at least one episode’s worth of top 3 experience under their belt and it makes her wonder if they’ll be watched that much closer. 
her hair, now faded a bit after a few washes, hangs loosely atop her head - the white nature of her top and shorts a contrast to the red bandanna that’s tied around her thigh. she’s standing on stage with her team, head held high and signature smile wide despite the nerves that light up when the judges and eyes of their first live audience lays upon them. “hello! we are FOH!CUS.” the team greets before being met with the thunderous clap of applause.
the noise is enough to brighten her smile and settle whatever negative emotions she felt. kyulkyung did not get stage fright, well not anymore at least. the eyes of an audience was not foreign to her especially after her time with knb. it was all just noise to her, eager eyes there to watch them perform and their entertainment for the night. they’d give them a show worth while, especially with all the pretty faces and power vocals up there. 
in the most arrogant way possible, kyulkyung thought team FOH!CUS was hard to forget. 
“hello! constant #5050, zhou jieqiong here again!” she will never forget that tiny bit of chinese at the beginning of her introduction - not until the very end ( it’s kind of a habit at this point, honestly ).
as the group arranges themselves for the beginning of the performace, yuri finds herself in the center - surrounded by her teammates and introducing the audience to chi chi’s lion heart. the vocals are soft as are their movements, the singer’s tone and charisma alone enough to draw attention and set the mood of their performance. kyulkyung’s sure the audience’s heart fluttered just a little as did hers when she heard yuri sing the song for the first time.
ah 넌 달라진 게 없어 여전해 난 애가 타고 또 타 사냥감 찾아 한눈파는 너
kyulkyung’s voice follow’s the other girl’s smoothly, a nice transition into her sweet tone and flowing nicely with the music. luckily for her, the movements during this part are minimal for her at least - allowing her voice to carry unfaltering and comfortably. singing live was something she worried a lot about, but with tips and a lot of help, her confidence grew little by little. her smile is delicate upon her lips, her legs carrying her into the next series of moments as they draw into the chorus.
chi chi’s choreography isn’t hard to follow, but it’s nice and fun to watch. the song and melody allows for an easy smile from kyulkyung, putting on an image of a girl in love and innocence. their movements and choreography are soft and flows nicely against the music, but that makes it so much better when the shock of their transition settles in.
lion heart suddenly comes to a halt and everyone is moving into new position - a new light overwhelming them as the beat changes entirely. the mix that kyulkyung and sia put together takes over the stage, the group moving in sync with one another in a way contrasting themselves just a few moments prior.
nakyung and kyulkyung were responsible for creating the choreography, transitioning them into the beginning of i got a boy and creating a whole new mood for their stage. the woman’s presence changes drastically, a more coy, cheerful look overtaking her frame as the upbeat tone of the music sounds. personally, she prefers songs like this to lion heart - feeling more like herself with peppy beats and modern lyrics. hahaha! eh let me introduce myself - kyulkyung points to yukhei as speaks,  here comes trouble, whoo! there’s a playful grin on her lips as she moves - raising a hand to motion a ‘come here’ movement with her fingers, 따라해.
어떨 땐 오빠처럼 듬직하지만 애교를 부릴 땐 넘 예뻐 죽겠어
preparing for their performance was once again fun for the woman - this being what she looked forward to most when she joined the competition. and honestly speaking, kyulkyung learned a lot more than she thought she would. working with people was one thing especially on a show like the mgas, the fierce nature of the competition threatening to bring out the worst in people but so far, that hadn’t been the case ( at least for her ).
the way they move alongside one another on stage is exciting - no doubt a visual and talent overload for their audience and she wonders if this what being an idol felt like. and if that’s case, it makes her want that contract even more.
making it this far was exciting, but left her greedy more than ever. there was a lot pending on today’s performance, on her advancement into the competition that she undermined completely. coming in with no expectations and following through with nothing but the highest, that was surely a shock. but not only did she want a contract presented to her in the end, kyulkyung would also love for her mother to at least see her perform once. 
귀 기울여 주는 너 너
her mother’s words drive her confidence, fuel the endless stream of energy that courses through her as they near the end of their performance. kyulkyung didn’t have a lot of lines, but she didn’t asked for many - leaving the singing up to the professionals and taking as many notes as she could. the coaches and her teammates helped equally and she matched their drive with one of her own, practicing up until the very last moment because she didn’t need the embarrassment up on stage.
she’s not as perfect as she’d like to be, but she knew what she had to work with and milked it for its worth. what she lacked in singing she made up with her dancing and countless expressions, enjoying every minute she was up on that stage. 
as the performance neared its end, kyulkyung couldn’t help the bottomless pit of worry that began to sizzle deep within her stomach. no matter how good they did or how much the crowd loved their performance, one of her teammates would be going home. 
it hurt to think about, but she supposed that’s just the nature of a competition and she’ll do anything in her power to make sure that person isn’t her.
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ahgasescenarios · 6 years
Sacrifice- Jaehyun
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Word count: 3k
Genre: angst
Request: hi i really loved your scenarios so i was wondering if you could write one for jaehyun where he and the reader obviously have feelings for each other (little moments here and there) but can't be together because of sm and all the other members see them and watch them developing their own thing in a way? id like it to be the members pov maybe? fluffy and a bit angsty idk? thank you! keep up the good work! :)
A/N: Hii, I'm so sorry it took me like 124724 years but here it is! I did get a little carried away writing this (as you can tell by the swear words and my ending) and I'm sorry that it's not that fluffy, I just wanted to show another side of life I guess? (does that even make sense) I hope you like it despite all of that and thank you so much for your kind words, always means a lot to hear from you guys:) 
  There was something about fall that you always found comforting. Maybe it was the fact that wearing a hoodie was a given or maybe it was just its traditional aromas that made you feel at ease. Regardless, you felt a bit better facing your day because of that very fact. You were currently a trainee under SM Entertainment and had been for almost a year now.
You were one of the most praised trainees (also one of the most famous ones among the fans) thanks to your fast learning abilities and natural talent. Little did you know, the company had big plans for you.
As a trainee, you had some times where you were lonely. Your success wasn't very well received among the other trainees resulting in them secluding you from their group. You could understand to a certain extent which was why you weren't mad at them for behaving as such.
You sought comfort in other people which happened to be the already debuted members of the company (since they wouldn't judge you for your popularity but actually praise you for it). You got along particularly well with the NCT members, especially since there were so many of them.
Which is why it was normal for you to burst into their dance practice after you were done with your own.
"Heyyy look who's here!" Johnny spotted you first.
You smiled tiredly, collapsing on the sofa. You motioned for them to continue as you laid there. Before long, they decided to take a break.
"You okay there?" Jaehyun asked worriedly.
Jaehyun had been a sweetheart from the getgo. Always looking out for you, bringing you coffee when he thought you were tired from practice, standing up for you when the trainees decided to insult you just for the hell of it.
 If you were being honest, he was also your favorite and you may or may not have developed a little crush on the said boy (although the other boys would argue that you had a rather big crush on him but what did they know).
"I'm okay, tired from practice that's all."
"We can all get supper after this!" You heard Yukhei shout. Of course, he'd want to eat, you thought.
What you weren't telling the boys is that the company had recently forced you to undergo a very strict diet so you were consideringly weakened by it (which reflected in your current exhaustion after only a few hours of practice).
"What should we get?" The boys wondered whilst browsing the menu.
You knew you were only going to drink water and eat some vegetables at most, which the boys picked up on, but Taeyong advised them to keep their mouths shut as the "mother" he was. You probably had enough on your plate already (no pun intended).
"Hey, did you have supper already?" Jaehyun asked when the two of you were falling behind.
"Oh, yeah. Had a big lunch." You counter-argued, making yourself cringe at the lie. Jaehyun frowned too, grabbing your wrist to stop you from walking further.
"You know you can't lie to me."
"I'm just doing this diet and it's strict, that's all." Your cheeks heated up when you realized he still hadn't let go of you.
"For the record, I think you look fine like this." He lowered his gaze, removing his hand to place them in his pockets instead.
"Thanks." You muttered under your breath, accelerating to catch up to the rest of the group.
"(Y/N), come see me in my office at 1 pm today. Important news."
A rather stressful note had been stuck on your door it seemed. It was just 7 am, but you were dreading it already. All the possible scenarios were jumbled together in the mess your mind was at this hour. What if he didn't want me as a trainee anymore? What if I need to stop eating altogether? What if the fans don't like me anymore?
You decided a shower would help divert your thoughts to something else for the time being. It was finally the time to head over to the CEO's office after long hours of staring at the ceiling and trying to distract yourself in vain.
You knocked twice.
"Come in." His eyes were busy studying a paper before him. "Oh, (Y/N), you're here. Sit down."
You did as you were asked, gulping too loudly. After a few minutes of achingly painful silence, he finally looked up from his paper.
"So. You're probably wondering why I called you in here."
You nodded politely.
"Well. As you know, you are one of our most promising trainees. Which is why we want to debut you and 3 other girls in a new girl group. The debut would be a few months from now, but we just wanted to let you know what our plans were."
 Your hand covered your mouth at the news.
"Are you serious?" You could hardly believe it.
"Yes, you deserve it."
You smiled so much your face hurt, but that was the least of your concerns. You were actually going to realize your dream and soon at that. You jumped in excitement, thanking him endlessly for everything. He simply smiled knowingly.
"Now, now. This also means that you need to double your efforts in practice and in dieting. Also, I've caught wind that you've been hanging out with NCT. That can't go on anymore."
Your face fell at the sudden news. You weren't going to be able to see your friends anymore?
"That's all. I'll be in touch."
He bowed, signaling it was time for you to leave. The walk back to your dorm was a heart-wrenching one. You were getting to live your dream soon, but you would have to give up the only friends you'd made since you got here. You knew how much your family had sacrificed to get you here and you didn't want to take advantage of any of that, but was it actually worth losing people over?
You decided to distance yourself from the group while still being there occasionally. There was nothing wrong with interacting with your colleagues, was there?
  Taeyong's POV
There had been something on (Y/N)'s mind for a while now, that much was clear. We didn't really know what it was, but I had learned early on that it was best to leave things be. "She would tell us when she was ready" was how I had convinced the other members to adopt the same attitude as me.
Jaehyun and (Y/N) had wandered off again, they had developed a habit of doing so. You would have to be blind not to see that they were attracted to each other. I doubted they'd pursue anything, but it was definitely there.
(Y/N) had a calmer feel about her when they came back. Jaehyun looked at her with that stupid grin of his and I couldn't help but feel sad that it couldn't work out for the both of them.
They deserved to be happy and loved, but I knew better than to encourage them to embrace their love for each other, there was just too much at stake.
As there always was when you were an idol.
  Regular POV
Hunger was the worst demon of them all. Since doubling your dieting "efforts", you had figured out that much. You were restricted to piteous amounts of food every day, feeling as though you were in a concentration camp during WW2. The example was extravagant, but you felt so awful that it couldn't even be described in words.
You massaged your temples in an attempt to chase a headache away without much luck. You were on the verge of tears when a knock on your door startled you. You opened it half-heartedly.
"Jaehyun? Hum.. what's up?"
With one look at you, his eyes grew wide.
"Jesus (Y/N), what have they been doing to you?" He burst in, cupping your face to better examine your colorless face.
"Stricter diet, it's... fine." You could barely let out the last word.
"It's not right." He shook his head, suddenly becoming aware of how serious your condition was.
You just shrugged, knowing full well that idols had to endure such pain to succeed.
"It's worth it." You smiled encouragingly.
He wrapped his arms around your now tiny waist, holding you close to him. It took you a moment to return the hug, feeling as though there was something more to it than just a friendly hug. For a reason he didn't even comprehend himself, a single tear fell down his cheek. He pulled away soon after.
He caressed your cheek lovingly, a sad smile on his face. His gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips, hesitant. Before he could even process what he was doing, his lips were on yours. You returned the kiss before long, your hands coming up to rest on his neck. He deepened the kiss, pulling your body even closer which made you gasp. He broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
"Was that okay?"
"Yeah." You giggled at the silliness of his question.
You spent the night cuddled on your couch, enjoying a marathon of cheesy movies on Netflix (which he was secretly a sucker for, not that he was going to admit that to you) and you wished you could stay like this forever.
But before you knew it, it was the next day and Jaehyun was nowhere to be seen.
Deep down, you knew it was a mistake. No matter how much you liked Jaehyun, you had committed to the company and you had to respect what they asked of you especially since they were the one who controlled the strings of your success.
You ran your hands through your hair, letting out a frustrated groan. Why was it so hard to choose? Why did you even have to choose to begin with?
  Ten's POV
We had all decided to surprise (Y/N) at her dorm for her birthday. The last thing we were expecting was for her to look so distraught when she opened the door.
"Happy birthday!" We all yelled in unison as we had practiced beforehand.
A small smile formed on her lips, but nothing more.
"Don't worry, there aren't any fruits on the cake." I tried to make her laugh since we shared a hatred of fruits.
"Oh, you bought a cake."
"Not in a party mood?" I asked.
"I'm just so exhausted, you know?"
I reminisced about the times when I was in her position, remembering the details vividly. It was always horrible the first few weeks, it would get better. I had been one of the lucky ones.
"It'll be okay. If you need any help with your dancing, you can always come to me." She smiled in thanks.
The second Jaehyun sat down next to her, her mood seemed to lighten up a bit. What was that about?
  Johnny's POV
(Y/N) had probably lost around 20 pounds since the last time I saw her and she was naturally skinny which said a lot. At least Jaehyun was keeping her on her feet, he was doing more than all of us.
But then again, they were obviously in love with each other so it wasn't like there was much we could do.
"When did this start?" I found myself asking Jaehyun when (Y/N) had left for the bathroom.
"When did what start?"
"Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about! You and (Y/N)."
"There's nothing going on, we're friends." He looked down, blushing.
"Dude, you're blushing."
Before I could get an answer, (Y/N) came back.
We managed to lift her spirits before the end of the night which was a good sign. We all said goodnight and went back to the dorms.
  Regular POV
A text woke you up from the power nap you were trying to appreciate. It read "My office in 30 min." Getting a message from the boss was never a good sign, but how cryptic it was did not aid in comforting you the least bit. He was obviously not happy with you. You got out of bed reluctantly, putting on some baggy clothes before heading over.
"I thought I told you to stay away?" The question startled you, showing you a new side of your employer.
"I'm sorry, sir. I've tried to stay away as much as possible."
"You're not very good at that, are you? Do you even know what you're risking by disobeying me, young lady?" He took a step forward, anger evident in his eyes.
"Yes, sir. It won't happen again."
"It better not. And lose another 5 pounds while you're at it, you'd never fit in idol clothes looking like that."
You ran away from the office, quietly sobbing. You just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. You had developed an eating disorder through this stupid diet and now he wanted you to lose even more weight? And you couldn't see the people who were the only reason you weren't completely falling apart? What fucked up world were you living in?
One where you had to give up your chance at happiness for your career, it seemed. You cried yourself to sleep, not knowing how you'd break the news to your friends.
You had been ignoring them for a week now, refusing any contact with them. Something like what followed was bound to happen, especially given who the person was. Jaehyun stormed in furiously, daggers in his eyes. You simply looked at him with exhaustion in yours.
"Are you ignoring me?"
"It's for the best." You bit your lip.
"How the fuck is it for the best, (Y/N)? You can't just pretend there's nothing between us."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.
"Okay, so what if there's something between us? I'm still risking my entire career which by the way hasn't even started yet."
"Oh, and you think  I'm not risking anything?"
"Jaehyun, that's not the point! Don't you think  I want to be happy? Don't you think I'd be with you if I could? I'm telling you it's not my god damn choice!" You were crying by now.
"This doesn't have to be the end, (Y/N)." He stepped closer, you stepped back.
"Yes, it does. We can't be together, we both know that. It's impossible to ask of the company. I can't just start my career with a scandal and you should understand that."
He lowered his gaze, knowing deep down that you were right.
"I wish things were different, Jae. I really wish we'd met before, but there's nothing we can do now." You paused."I'm sorry, I'm just so... exhausted."
And as if to confirm your last words, your vision started to get blurry. The last thing you saw before slipping out of consciousness was the worried expression on Jaehyun's face.
*Beep, beep, beep* were the only sounds you could make out when you woke up. It was the sound of your heart beating on the machine from the hospital. Everything in your body hurt and you wondered if you hadn't actually fallen from the 10th floor.
"You're awake."
You had hoped to hear Jaehyun's voice say those exact words to you for a split second, before realizing it was a nurse addressing you.
"How long have I been out?"
"Two days, sweetie. You were severely malnourished, we had to keep you here for observation."
You nodded, processing the information. Well, what a great start to idol life: fainting because of too strict diets.
The nurse left when she noticed a silhouette standing at the door. The color drained from your face when you identified the person as your CEO. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"I came here to apologize. I realize I have been rather demanding of you and I'm sorry. You can return to a normal diet after you've gotten better."
He patted your head awkwardly. Just as he was about to leave the room, he looked over to you sympathetically.
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to be friends with NCT even with the light of the last few days' events." He smiled as if to say sorry and left.
It's okay, you'll be friends with them after this is all over, you tried telling yourself. Didn't help much though, because who knew when this would be over?
You lay in bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, silent tears rolling down your cheeks.
You were released from the hospital the next day. You were granted a rest day to get your strength back. You decided to just relax and enjoy the short-lived time off. You saw Jaehyun in the halls, but you didn't dare look him in the eye. And that's what it would have to be. Because your dreams were far more important than some love interest, even if that same love interest meant so much to you.
Which is also why this is how your story ends. Because Romeo and Juliet's story didn't end with happily ever after, but with tragedy and loss. Because life is not always fair and that's something people should understand. Because love is a blessing in itself, but it is also a sacrifice that needs to be made in the light of certain events.
You would probably find someone else later or you wouldn't, but that didn't matter then. What did matter is that you had made a choice. And that choice was to follow your dreams and make the most out of them. So you hoped your sacrifice wasn't in vain, because you sure as hell didn't want to wake up to find out it had all been for nothing.
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narika-a · 6 years
He's Not Taking Her Away From Me
A/N1: Since the 2nd part was requested so much, I decided to strike the iron while it’s still hot and continue the story. I think this is legit the fastest I have ever updated anything 😂
Also, I have decided to turn this into a series! Yay 🙌
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Wong Yukhei (Lucas) x Reader x Kim Jungwoo feat. EXO, Seventeen
Summary: He came back into your life and messed everything up in the worst way possible.
Genre: Mafia AU, fluff, angst, suggestive
Warnings: Violence, strong language, suggestive content
Word count: 5,074 this part is almost two times longer jesususu
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“Good girl,” you thought. “I will show you what this good girl can do,” you mumbled, trying to get the handcuffs off as soon as the door to the apartment closed.
It was no use though. Your hand was already beginning to scar but there was no progress. Think Y/N, think. You can’t just get stuck here and wait for him to come back, you had a feeling that whatever he was planning on telling (or doing) to you would not be pleasant.
You thought about Jungwoo. A call like that would have left shivers down your spine. You wondered what he will do, you’re 99 % positive he’s working on something already. But that wasn’t your intention, you didn’t want to start a ruckus. You just wanted out of here. What if he decides to do something drastic? It’s very hard to get him mad but once he does… Or even worse what if he calls the others? Taeyong?..
You shook your head trying to snap out of the scary thoughts, his group of friends can be really intimidating sometimes. But one thing is certain, Jungwoo is already looking for you and you have to do your part by getting out of here.
You pulled the handcuffs once more and then it came to you. You’re attached to a handle. A handle that is screwed to this cabinet. If you unscrew it, you’re as good as done.
You looked around for something nearby that could aid you in your plan. A knife? A fork? Anything could work. You started opening the nearby cabinets that you could reach and stretching your leg out for one of the upper drawers you hit the jackpot. The cutlery drawer. Now how do you get at least one thing out. You stood up but even with that you were not close enough to reach it. Maybe if you kick it, something will fall out? It won’t hurt to try. Or so you thought as you got the whole drawer on your feet.
“Ahh fuck,” you hissed. Didn’t feel like anything was broken but it will definitely leave a bruise. You slid your leg from under the drawer and snatched a nearby butter knife. Pointing his sharp edge at the screw you got yourself out easier than expected. At least one part of it, as the rest of the handcuffs were still attached to your hand. But there is no time to waste.
You went to the door and picked up your phone from the ground. No good, all smashed up. The door was locked up all tight too but if you could somehow contact the front desk, maybe they could bring a key card for you? You looked around. There has to be a phone for room service somewhere in here. The bedroom?
You quickly ran back to it and as you thought, there was a land phone on a night stand. You tried calling Jungwoo (you memorized his number by heart) but it wasn’t connecting to anyone outside. Guess it’s for the hotel use only. You pressed the number that said front desk and hoped that somebody will pick up.
“Yes?” a woman voice asked. “What can I do for you Mrs Wong?”
Mrs Wong? You cringed at her words. No way are you ever getting married to that asshole.
“Umm could I get that key card delivered to the room rather than to my husband’s office?”
“Certainly,” the woman answered politely.
“But can it be now? Like, right now?”
“I’m afraid not Mrs, we can only get it done in about an hour, maybe less.”
“Make it in a half,” you ordered and smacked the phone back in its place. Sure, you could ask them to just come and get you out of here but by the fact that they’re addressing you as Mrs Wong already, you can tell that they’re loyal to their boss. You looked at the clock on the wall, you have no idea how long it will take Yukhei to come back but you really hoped you will be out of here by then.
You have time, might as well look around, maybe you can get some clues as to what’s going on. You opened the closets door but there were barely any clothes in there. Yukhei probably hasn’t been living here for that long. You checked every drawer and every cabinet that you could open in the whole apartment and came up with a whole lot of nothing. You brushed past the bookshelf when your eyes caught onto something. You took a few books out from the highest shelf and discovered that they were hiding a safe. You took it out. It was relatively small and light.
You were about to try and open it when you got startled by the ring of the buzzer. You hid behind a nearby wall. It’s not Yukhei, is it? Another buzz. Silence. You heard something that sounded like a hatch open up and something was thrown inside. You came out of your cover and went to the door. You looked through the eyehole but saw no one nearby. You picked up the envelope from the ground and opened it. To your surprise there was a key card inside. You checked the clock, a bit more than half an hour passed. Wow, so they can work fast after all.
Not waiting anymore seconds, you picked up your bag and quickly putting your shoes on slid the card through the lock and pushed it open. The hallway was empty. You wondered if you should take the elevator or the stairs but decided that it would look a bit less suspicious if you came down the elevator, besides maybe the front desk has a phone you could use which would allow you to actually make a call outside.
You checked yourself out in the elevator’s mirror. Everything seems in order, you styled your hair a bit and stepped out of it, approaching the desk with a smile.
“Going out Mrs Wong?”
“Yes, a date,” you said. “With my husband,” you added. “But it seems that I have forgotten my phone in his car, could I possibly borrow one to make a quick call for him?”
“Of course!” the woman turned around and handed you phone.
“Thank you,” you said and went to a sofa in the corner of the reception room, you sat down and quickly dialled Jungwoo’s number. Sure, you got out but you have no idea where you are or how to get back to your place, maybe he will at least be able to guide you. You pressed the phone to your ear the signals seemingly taking ages to go through.
1 hour earlier
Jungwoo’s POV
“God fucking dammit,” I shouted as soon as he hung up the phone. I was so close to throwing my own across the room but a voice in my head telling me that I might still need it, stopped me. I took a deep breath. Relax Jungwoo. He can do a lot of things but he will never hurt her. I quickly slipped out of the bed and started searching for my pants. So much for a day off when I can’t even enjoy it with her.
I finally got dressed up and picked up my phone. I ran my fingers through my hair as I waited for somebody to pick up. I could feel the anger building up inside of me. I clenched and unclenched my fist. He’s not taking her away from me again. Not after all this time.
“Yes?” the voice from the other end spoke.
“Sicheng? Could you patch me through to Taeyong? It’s urgent.”
“Call him yourself.”
“I don’t know which phone he’s using right now. Come on, it’s like 5 seconds work for you.”
“Fine. I will send you the number,” I heard him typing something on the keyboard. “What’s so urgent that you’re awake so early on your day off?”
“It’s Y/N,” that caught his interest.
“What about her?”
“I’m coming to HQ. Send me that number.”
I picked up the car keys and rushed outside. I was about to go when I noticed something. Parked a few cars away from mine was her car. What the heck is it doing here? I touched it’s front. It was still warm. Someone must have brought it here just recently.
The silence of the night was interrupted by the ding of the message app. I had a feeling there is something more to this than a crazy ex kidnapping my girlfriend.
I got into the car and pressed the number on the message screen.
Taeyong, it’s me,” I began as I drove out of the parking lot. “You need to come to the HQ, it’s important.”
“I thought I gave you a day off, why the fuck are you calling me? I’m in a meeting, it can wait till morning.”
“It’s Yukhei,” I said, as I pressed down on the gas. I heard some shuffling and mumbling in the background and then it went quiet. He probably left the room.
“You’re joking, right?” he laughed nervously. “I thought we got rid of that traitor.”
“You thought,” he seemed to get the hint.
“Okay. I’m coming to HQ,” he said to me. “Johnny, take over,” he shouted as he went down the stairs. “Who’s back there?”
“As far as I know, only Sicheng.”
“Well shit. But that will have to do. I will gather the others later.”
“Also, Taeyong?”
“He has Y/N.”
“So I figured,” he replied and hung up but I was already at HQ, it should take him no more than 10 minutes to get here. I unlocked the door and went straight upstairs to the surveillance room.
“Gosh, do you ever sleep?” I greeted Sicheng.
“There is no time for that and don’t bother explaining, I already listened to your conversation,” he smirked.
“Oh how nice, forgot you can do that,” I retorted.
“So? Any leads? Where do we start?”
“I talked to her on the phone but then Yukhei took over, probably smashed it good as I wasn’t able to reach her ever since.”
I wondered about other possibilities. She did mention that she was going out from work. But Yukhei wouldn’t take her in broad daylight, he’s more clever than that.
“Check the cameras from her work,” Taeyong said as soon as he came in. Quick thinking as always. You didn’t need to repeat that twice to Sicheng as he immediately got to work.
“You think he has a grudge?” Taeyong asked.
“Against us? I think he has more than that,” Sicheng laughed. “Look!” he suddenly pointed at the computer screen. There was indeed footage from yesterday’s evening. You could clearly see someone approaching her car.
“Zoom it in,” Taeyong ordered. A man in a suit was talking to her for a few minutes before ushering her to his car and that’s where the footage ends but the fact that this wasn’t reported just proves that they got the right connections.
“Doesn’t that car look familiar to you?” Sicheng interrupted my thoughts. “I mean look at the number plate. That crest, It’s no Yukhei, it’s…”
“EXO,” Taeyong finished.
“What?!” I stood up so quickly my chair came tumbling down.
“What’s so special about your girl?” Taeyong wondered out loud.
“What’s so special?! Are you kidding me?! She’s mine! I’m not letting that son of a bitch have her!” I shouted just as my phone started ringing. An unknown number was displayed on the screen.
Your POV
“Jungwoo?” you asked.
“Babe is that you? Thank god! What the hell happened?”
“He left me in the room and I got out but I will leave the details for later. I feel like I don’t have much time…”
“Do you know where you are? Did he do anything to you?”
“Umm,” for some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him about the kiss, it’s better not to get him worked up even more, so you instead decided to focus on the first question. “I’m in some sort of hotel, it’s way out of the city as I could see most of it from the top floor. There was no name on the front of the building but,” you stopped for a moment as you saw two suited men enter the building.
“Baby? But what?”
“Umm the hotel has two dragons as its logo,” you said, looking around. “They’re intertwined together, one is red the other one is green, maybe that would help?”
“A logo huh,” you heard him scribbling something down on a piece of paper. But all your focus now was on the two new visitors. They approached the front desk and you noticed the taller one of the two looking in your direction.
“I will call you back,” you said, quickly hanging up and standing up. The guy was obviously coming towards you but you tried to side step him when he smacked his hand on the wall, blocking your way.
“Are you lost, sweetheart?” he spoke, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
“I was actually heading out.”
“Is that so? I don’t remember anyone letting you go,” he smirked.
“Mingyu stop playing with her,” the other guy said, as he pressed the elevator button. “We’re not here for that.”
“But I wouldn’t mind playing with a girl like her,” he teased, as his hand travelled from your hair to your back. You smacked him away. “Feisty,” he chuckled as he grabbed you by the arm anyway and pushed you into the elevator. “Will not do you much good now though.”
You stood in silence between the two guys as the elevator started going up. You looked up at the shorter one and your eyes met, neither of you broke the eye contact before Mingyu interrupted, lifting your still handcuffed hand up.
“Woah baby, what’s this? Are you into some kinky stuff?” he chuckled.
“Shut up,” you punched him lightly.
“Just give the poor girl the key,” the other one said, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t want to,” he replied as the door opened up and he literally dragged you back to the apartment. “Hey, maybe I should attach her to myself, or even better, a bed,” he smirked and got a smack to the head from the other.
“Lucas was right about sending us here to check on her but how the hell did she even escape?” he asked himself more than anyone else as he walked in.
Lucas? Who the fuck is Lucas? It took you a few more seconds to realize that that’s probably Yukhei’s alias. You just stood there in the middle of the hallway, not really sure what to do when the shorter one approached you.
“Here,” he said, giving you a bunch of bags.
“What’s this?” you asked as you peeked inside. Clothes.
“Make yourself at home,” Mingyu snickered. “Also,” he took out a key from his pocket and released you from the handcuffs. “You can thank me later,” he winked as he nudged you in the direction of the bedroom.
Honestly, you would have punched him again but he’s too handsome for his own good. Since when guys like them work as bodyguards. But that’s not the point, how the heck do you leave this place now?
You slammed the door shut and threw the bags on the bed. You paced around the room for a bit but kept getting distracted by those bags, so eventually you gave in, it’s pretty uncomfortable being dressed so formal for so long. You took off your shirt and skirt and picked up a dress. It had this familiar feel to it. Wait, it awfully looked like the one you had. Maybe if you check the label. No way. It’s your clothes.
“Wow, now that’s a view I would like to see every day,” startled you turned around to see Mingyu standing in the doorway. You clutched the dress to your chest.
“A little privacy maybe?” you fumed.
“Aww no need to be shy but seeing you like this, makes me want to get a wife of my own. Lucas is one lucky son of a bitch.”
He was about to say something again when he was pushed out of the room by the other.
“I’m sorry, he’s an idiot,” he stated and turned back to Mingyu. “What the heck are you thinking, she’s under direct orders from the boss to protect her,” he started arguing. “If she complains to him both of us will get in trouble.”
You slipped on the dress and listened on the conversation through the open door.
“What’s so special about Mrs Wong, right here?”
“Are you…” you stepped out of the bedroom. “Are you working for Yuk- I mean Lucas?” they both looked at each other and started laughing.
“That bastard? I wouldn’t even trust him with my breakfast,” Mingyu replied. “So, no sweetheart, we’re actually working for…”
His sentence was interrupted by a ringing of the phone you had in your bedroom. You stared at each other for a few seconds, thinking the same thing as you dashed for the phone but the shorter guy got to it first. He listened and then hung up without saying a word.
“Who was it?” Mingyu asked, holding you.
“It’s Lucas. Told us to leave.”
Yukhei? But if he’s calling to this phone, it must mean he’s downstairs.
“I’m not going anywhere, our orders say to stay here until he comes back,” Mingyu replied.
“That’s what I was thinking,” the other one said as you heard the door to the apartment open.
“I will take it from here,” Yukhei said and the two, without as much as arguing went outside. “Good thing, I’m always thinking one step ahead of you,” he boasted as he approached you. “But I feel like you have to be reprimanded, so you never try something as stupid again.”
“And what are you going to do? You can’t keep me in here forever.”
“I can’t,” he said wrapping his hand around your waist and pulling you to him. “But I can make your escape so much harder,” he took out a gun from under his jacket and set it on your thigh. “You can’t run away that far with a leg injury,” he smirked but you pushed him away and ran back to the bedroom, locking the door from the inside.
“Come on babe, I was just joking,” he said, knocking on the door. “A little scare is all that it takes for people to reconsider their ideas.”
“Well it doesn’t work on me,” you shouted from the other side of the door.
“Figured,” he chuckled. “But it was always fun teasing you.”
“Fuck off, Yukhei,” you retorted, there was a brief moment of silence before he spoke again.
“I guess you need time to cool off. I will sleep on the couch.”
You just grunted and fell down on the bed. Everything took a turn for the worst. You wondered what Jungwoo was up to. Jungwoo, that name lingered in your mind before exhaustion took over and you fell asleep.
He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, as he embraced you from behind.
“Baby, I’m tired of looking at your illuminated silhouette. Come to bed.”
“I can’t, Jungwoo, I really want to finish it,” you ruffled his hair but he was persistent and still didn’t let go.
“But it’s late, how can you even focus at this hour,” he whined.
“You’re one to talk, you just came back yourself,” you chuckled.
“But when I come back I want you by my side, not near the computer,” he said, closing the lid and picking you up. “Isn’t that why you’re wearing these cute pyjamas?”
“Jungwoo put me down,” you giggled as he carried you to the bedroom.
“We’re going to bed and that’s final. I can’t fall asleep when I’m not holding  you,” he said setting you down and tucking you in.
“What a baby,” you teased as he cuddled up to you under the covers.
“Oh, shush you,” he said turning you around to face him. “The only baby in this room is you.”
“Well I can definitely argue with that,” you were saying as he kissed you on the lips.
“Shh, I’m trying to sleep, Y/N,” he teased and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Fine fine,” you said, setting your head on his chest. He threw his hand around your shoulder and pulled you even closer. He gave a light kiss on your forehead and…
You woke up. It was just a sweet memory dream. You blinked a few times, slowly realizing where you are. You outstretched your arm only now noticing at you had a blanket over you, you don’t remember covering yourself up. The other side of the bed was still warm. It can’t be, maybe it’s from the rising sun and your mind is just playing tricks on you.
You sat up and took a hoodie out from the bags that were now on the ground. You rubbed your eyes. What time is it? It feels like it’s still very early.
The hoodie was a bit oversized and fit you like a short dress but it was very soft and you just loved the feeling of it. You unlocked the bedroom door as quietly as possible and stepped outside.
“Good morning,” Yukhei greeted you from the bar in the kitchen. “Glad to know you still have it,” he smirked as he sipped on his coffee. You followed his gaze and only now realized what you’re wearing. It was an old hoodie of his that you ‘borrowed’ from him every time he didn’t use it. You liked it so much you couldn’t throw it out even when he disappeared, not even Jungwoo knew that it belonged to Yukhei. Embarrassed and just done with his bullshit you came up to him in quick steps and slapped him across the face, almost making him spill his coffee.
“Okay… Wow ouch, that stings like a bitch,” he said rubbing his cheek and setting the cup down. “But I deserved it, so…”
You were about to land him another one but he caught your hand in mid-air.
“Let’s not resort to violence, dear,” he said but you evaded his grasp and instead grabbed him by the shirt.
“How could you? How could you leave me like that? All these years together and the only thing that I got was one message. You disappeared like nothing ever happened between us. How was I supposed to feel? Not even the police could find you. There were rumours going around that you cheated, that you ran away with somebody else, that you’re into some shady business, that you’re dead,” you smacked him against his chest, tears starting to run down your cheeks. “I loved you but you… You…” you let go of his shirt. “Did I really mean that little to you? Would you had ever came back if not for this ‘deal’ with my dad?”
“Hey hey hey,” he cupped your face and lifted it up, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “I…” he bit down on his lip. “Listen,” he sat you down on the stool in front of him. “All this is for your safety. Your father… Let’s just say that he angered the wrong people and now they want revenge and of course the best way to destroy him, is by attacking his family. That’s why if you have my surname, it’s not impossible but it’s way harder to find you.”
“My dad doesn’t even care about me, why would anything happening to me affect him?” you sneered.
“There is more to this…”
“Then educate me Yukhei, I’m waiting for another excuse.”
“Look just,” he took out a tablet. “Just sign this and make everything easier.”
“I’m not signing anything!” you jumped up from the chair and bolted to the door but he managed to grab you by the ankle and you fell down face first on the ground, luckily you softened the landing with your hands. He turned you around and climbed on top of you.
“Why can’t you play nice for one second?” he cursed, trying to restrict your movements. He finally caught your hand and put your finger on the tablet. “About time,” he sighed in relief, while you crawled out from underneath him. He didn’t need your signature after all, a mere fingerprint was enough. You snatched the tablet from him.
“Is this a game for you?” you hissed, reading what was written on it. “I can’t marry you as simply as this.”
“Well you already did, wifey,” he smirked standing up.
In the heat of the moment you raised the tablet above your head…
“Don’t,” Yukhei said, trying to stop you.
…and smashed it against the ground.
“Goddamit,” he said, slamming your body against the wall. “That stuff is expensive. If this keeps up we will destroy the whole house,” he said, a smug grin spreading on his face. He was obviously teasing you, a simple tablet like this was probably worth nothing to him.
“Get off me.”
“It was always like that, the more you resist, the more I want you,” he whispered, in your ear as he began trailing kisses down your neck. You shivered but not in fear, you hated how your body betrayed you. Even after all this time, he’s the only one who makes you feel this way. “Besides,” he continued as his hands slipped under the hoodie and he planted one last kiss on your collarbone. “You do realize that I still love you?”
Your face flushed. He’s joking, right?
“Wha-?” you opened your mouth to say something but no words left.
“Tongue tied?” he smiled to himself amused and set his forehead against yours. You stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. “You know you want this, so please tell me you still feel the same way too,” he begged against your lips before going in for a kiss. It was warm, just like his hands. You couldn’t deny the fact that you missed the feeling of his lips, so you gave in and returned it. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer to him and you could feel the warmth radiating from his body even through the clothes, your hands travelled to his shirt and…
You reached over him for the wrapping material above.
“You could at least move out of the way,” you said, trying to nudge him from the chair in front of the cabinet.
“Nah, this is the best angle,” he teased. “Besides, I like to see you struggle,” he chuckled.
“Jungwoo,” you pouted, extending your hand once more. You were almost there, you grasped the paper with your fingers and started pulling it out when he suddenly stood up and pecked you on the lips, all the material tumbling down on both of your heads.
“W- W- What are you doing?! Look at the mess I just made,” you scolded him, your face red as a tomato.
“I’m sorry but you just looked so cute, I couldn’t resist it,” he laughed rubbing his head where the box hit him and you couldn’t help but start laughing yourself. It’s impossible to be angry at him.
“Help me clean this up,” you said crouching down and pulling him from the chair.
You bit down on his lip and pushed him away.
“No Yukhei, we’re… We’re done.”
“We’re not done,” he wiped the blood starting to come out from your bite. “We’re just getting started,” he said as he held you against the wall when all of a sudden, his phone began buzzing. He took it out from his pocket.
“Who is this?” he asked, annoyed. But there was only silence from the other end. “Shit,” he quickly hung up as if he realized something. “Gather your things, they found us.”
“Who? What’s going on now?”
He ignored you and went to the safe you found yesterday, he opened it and took some papers out, before stuffing them in his jacket. He looked at his phone and decided to leave it on the counter.
“There is no time to change, wear this,” he said giving the jacket to you and waiting only a few more seconds for you to put on your shoes.
“I’m not cold,” you protested as he took you out of the room.
“You will be.”
“What’s that’s supposed to mean?” you asked but put it on anyway, it was heavy, you stuck your hands in the pockets, to see what it was. There was a bunch of keys and also his wallet inside. You noticed him staring at you, so you quickly took your hands out and he nodded in approval.
“Where are we-“ you wanted to ask him another question, not really expecting to get an answer but as soon as the elevator door opened he rushed out of it and hid you behind a nearby wall. You peeked from his shoulder to see what got him so worked up and your eyes widened in joy from seeing the familiar face.
“Yuta!” you shouted, Yukhei quickly covering your face with his hand, that seemed to work as Yuta didn’t even turn in your direction. Yukhei used this opportunity to drag you to the back door that led to the parking lot but you elbowed him in the stomach and got free.
“No more games,” you hissed as you backed away, only to hit somebody else. The man got hold of you quite easily, covering your mouth with a piece of cloth. Damn, you have the worse luck ever.
“Tsk tsk Lucas, I thought I taught you better than that. Is it that hard to control just one girl?”
“Well I can’t really assault my own wife. She might file in for divorce,” he smirked as he scanned the cars in the parking lot. “That one,” he said, pointing at an old, ordinary looking car.
You started to feel dizzy only now realizing that it might not be a simple cloth. Yukhei opened the trunk and you looked up at your captor.
“Not you too,” you thought as he threw you inside and with the lid closing your whole world was engulfed in darkness.
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
A/N2: There is a lot of phone calls happening in this part omg 😂
1K notes · View notes
f-l-writes · 6 years
Warning: Major character death, vomiting, possible swearing
Word Count: 4764
Hope you enjoy and feel free to request!
You always shied away from the thought of love. From the thought that unrequited love could be your death, much like it was for a close friend of yours in 7th grade. Up until that point, you had always figured that it wasn’t as devastating as people made it out to be, but when Justin passed in the middle of the seventh grade you, you were heartbroken. You had viewed the boy as a brother and he was your closest and most trusted friend.
He had always dropped hints that he liked someone but he had never exactly stated who. It wasn’t until you were given his journal during his funeral that you realized it was you. You were the cause of his death because you didn’t love him the way he loved you. At that exact moment, you swore off falling in love and you made sure that no one ever fell in love with you. You didn’t want to be the cause to another death of a close friend and you didn’t want to die the same way Justin had six years prior.
Now, you were a freshman in college and four months into the school year. When you had transferred to Korea to attend school at University of Seoul, you had quickly made friends with a large group of people of varying ages. For those first four months, you had stuck by their side and acted like the “parent” of the group, aside from Tae Yong and Tae Il.
In those first four months, you hadn’t even thought of ever falling in love. You had managed to avoid it up until now and you didn’t plan on breaking your own promise. You weren’t going to die because of unrequited love. You were going to die of either a freak accident or natural causes. Nothing in between. You were adamant on that.
For the next two months, you were safe from any of that. Life continued on as normal until one day a boy named Mark Lee transferred into one of your classes. Up until this point, you knew nothing of him but he had quite a bit of knowledge of you. He had explained that he was Tae Yong’s friend and that the older man never shut up about you. As quickly as that, you two had clicked and became friends, not realizing the danger it posed to you.
Over the next few months, you and Mark quickly became closer and closer and, soon enough, he was your best friend and the person you spilled everything to. From stress about school to concerns about other friends, Mark knew everything. One thing you hadn’t realized however, was the way he was making you feel.
You didn’t realize anything until the one day that he grabbed your hand because you were lagging behind and he wanted to rush to cafe where you were supposed to meet up with Dong Hyuk and Yukhei. That’s when you realized the way your heart sped up and your hands became clammy. That the only thing you actually ever thought about outside of school was I wonder when me and Mark can hang out again. That’s when you realized you broke your most important rule. You fell in love. You had no idea if he felt the same, but you had a silent hope that maybe he did. Maybe you would be okay and the two of you would be able to be together happily.
Now, you had a bit of a darkened mood and Mark was quick to pick up on it.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned, tilting his head as he slowed down to walk beside you.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” you lied, giving him a false bright smile. He had given you an odd look before stopping, crossing his arms.
“Tell me what’s wrong. Dong Hyuk and Yukhei can wait,” he said, concern lacing his voice very clearly.
“Have you ever been in love?” you questioned suddenly, your eyes looking anywhere but his.
“Once or twice. Nearly cost me my life both times but… I managed to pull myself out of it before I could die,” he responded solemnly before continuing. “Is there someone you’re in love with?”
“I think so… but I’m not sure he feels the same. I’m worried that with the promise I’m breaking, I might end up having to forget this person or end up dead… Neither option seeming pleasant right now,” you admitted, continuing to avoid eye contact by looking down.
“Who is it?” he questioned. “I’m sure if I need to, I can get them to know you, to like you. I don’t need you dying on me. Your like a sister to me… I don’t know what I would do without you.”
The words struck home in your chest as you remembered the conversation, oh-so similar to this, that you had six years ago.
Justin, you know you can tell me anything! You’re like my brother, you should be able to trust me!
It’s nothing Y/N, really. Just some stuff that’s going to pass by. Don’t worry about it.
Two weeks after that conversation, he had ended up dead, bedridden with his floor covered in bloodied petals. It was a horrible sight to see when you had gone to check on him after noticing he had been gone for nearly a week of school. You had been the first to find him and it had been traumatizing to say the least.
“Don’t worry about it, Mark. I’m sure it’ll pass without incident. Let’s go find the guys,” you finished with a smile, turning around and continuing the walk to the cafe.
The rest of the walk there was almost completely silent as you struggled to hold back tears from the memories of finding Justin and his funeral. Struggling to hold back the self-loathing that you hadn’t picked up on his problem sooner and your inability to feel the same way he felt about you. You blamed yourself for his death, even now despite the people you used to know telling you that it wasn’t. That you couldn’t have known what was going on.
“Y/N!” Yukhei’s words snapped you from your thoughts as you jerked back in the seat you were in, finally at the cafe with a coffee in your hands. “Are you alright?” he had noticed the shaking in your hands as well as the distant and off-putting look in your eyes and it had concerned the man more than he cared to admit.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking is all, don’t worry,” you responded with a smile, setting the cup down on the table before leaning back in the chair. “Anyways, I take it you still haven’t studied for the Psychology exam yet?” you decided to tease, trying to take your mind away from the memories.
“Nope. Don’t plan on it either. I’m sure I’ll do fine without it,” he responded with a grin, leaning forward on the table.
“Sure thing, Superman,” you joked back at him, rolling your eyes as you tried to ignore the feeling of Mark’s gaze burning into the side of your face.
The rest of the meetup passed without incident. You didn’t zone out, you were active in conversation and you didn’t feel any of the things you had been feeling recently. Maybe it was just a passing coincidence?
When you and Mark began the trek back to the dorms, the two of you had been relatively quiet, something that confused you greatly.
“Is it Yukhei?” he suddenly asked, his voice quiet, as though he didn’t even want to ask the question.
“Yukhei? No… It’s not. He’s a nice kid but not my type,” you responded, giving him a slight smile.
“Why won’t you tell me? I thought I was your best friend. You’re supposed to tell me these things,” he grumbled, somewhat annoyed by how elusive you were being.
“I know, but something’s are best left unsaid,” you responded, stopping outside of the doors that led into the dorm building.
“Maybe, if I don’t die from unrequited love, I’ll let you know who it is,” you stated after a few moments of silence.
“Don’t say that! Worse comes to worst, we take you to get the surgery done… I don’t want to lose you,” he said with a pout, his eyes misting over with fighting tears as he thought about how he would feel if he lost you to this disease instead of to natural causes.
You were surprised to see the sudden tears and pulled the man into a tight hug. “If it comes down to it, we’ll go get the surgery, Mark. You won’t lose me…” However, you knew the truth. You’d forget him and your love for him if you got the surgery done. There would be a huge dark gap where he used to be and you didn’t want to forget him. Your time with him had been amazing. Perfect, even. You felt no shame in admitting to yourself that you loved him, but you couldn’t bring it on him to know he was the cause of your death when it came time for your inevitable passing.
Finding yourself back in your dorm, you walked to your room and dropped on your bed, staring up the ceiling. You wondered if this is how Justin felt in his last few weeks. Did he start the journal in those last few weeks of his life just to tell you how it wasn’t your fault he loved you so much? That every minute he had spent with you had been a minute well spent with no regrets.
With these thoughts on your mind, you began to cry. You hated the thought that this is what Justin had gone through and, looking back on it now, maybe you could have loved him as well if you were so caught up in everything else but noticing how he felt. You continued to blame yourself, even six years later but you knew you were going to do one thing Justin hadn’t when he had passed. You weren’t going to tell anyone who you liked.
Maybe they would figure it out but if they didn’t, you weren’t going to say anything. You didn’t need Mark feeling horrible for something that he couldn’t control. You had given yourself hope and you should have known better than to trust it.
Soon enough, you had fallen asleep, remaining that way until the following morning when your alarm went off for your morning classes. With a groan, you rolled out of bed and got dressed as quickly as possible before rushing out of the dorm once Mark had texted, letting you know he was outside of the building.
Once you saw him standing by the door, holding it open for you, you smiled at him. “Why thank you,” you said jokingly, earning a chuckle from him. However, you could tell something was off.
“Mark,” you started hesitantly, thinking that maybe your brain was just messing with you. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you going to be okay? Do you think you’ll stop loving whoever it is that you do?” he questioned, his eyes on the ground as he responded, not bothering to beat around the bush.
“No…” you had admitted. “This person is as much a part of me as I am myself. I’ve only known him since about halfway through the year but I love him like I’ve known him my whole life,” you responded, looking at the ground as the two of you continued to walk in silence to class.
Weeks had passed and now you were experiencing your first symptoms with the growing flower in your body. It was the few hours before a planned night out with Mark, Yukhei, Dong Hyuk, and Tae Yong when your coughing fits started. At first, they had begun as little tickles in your chest that you put off as perhaps a hiccup trying to come up. However, as the moments passed, it became more and more violent until you were doubled over, struggling to breathe through the coughing fit that racked your body.
Grabbing your phone when you had managed to calm down a bit, you texted Mark. I can’t make it out tonight… Sorry. I think I caught a cold. But you knew better. Knew that it was more than a cold. You were going to die, whether anyone else liked it or not. You were going to die knowing that you lived a good life that was filled with bright moments with Mark.
Soon after you sent the message, the man messaged back. We’ll move the night into your house then and have a movie night!
You sighed, feeling like you should have figured he would have suggested that. I don’t want anyone getting sick though!
Don’t worry about it! I’m sure we’ll be fine!
Giving in, you gave him the okay before deciding to get dressed to be somewhat presentable. When they finally arrived, you invited them in silently, trying not to cough. When you saw Mark for the first time that day, you knew he was concerned. You could see it etched into his face. The creases in his forehead as he looked at you, brows drawn together tightly and eyes running over your face several times.
Just before you were about to speak and greet them after they had filtered in, Mark spoke up. “Can I speak to you in private?”
You knew what was to come but you couldn’t deny him to let his feelings out. Silently, you nodded and the two of you walked into your room.
“Are you actually catching a cold or is it the flower?” he questioned, his eyes still showing that same concern that they had when the boys had gotten here. However, when you answered whilst struggling to keep down an upcoming coughing fit, you saw his eyes go from concerned to despaired.
“It’s a flower,” you quietly let out, unable to keep eye contact anymore when you saw that saddened look on his face.
“We have to get you to a hospital, then!” he said, still managing to keep his voice low enough so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Maybe it’ll go away, Mark… It’s just… If it doesn’t, I don’t want to get it removed. I couldn’t bear living on without this person in my memory,” you said somewhat forlornly. You couldn’t even imagine a life without Mark and while it would probably be easy once it’s all said and done, he would be devastated to learn that you could no longer remember him or the time you two had spent together and you didn’t want him to live with anything on his chest nor go through the process of making new memories and possibly falling for him all over again.
He was beyond confused at this point but he wasn’t going to argue, especially not now. “Alright… Let’s go watch this movie, yeah? Maybe you’ll get better…”  his tone was flat and cold, not portraying any of the previous emotions his eyes had conveyed. Even his face was a blank slate and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. You didn’t like not knowing what he was thinking.
Throughout the movie night, you had managed to keep the coughing for breaks only despite the pain it caused your chest. By the time the fifth movie had ended, you realized that the boys had fallen asleep where they say, causing you to chuckle a little as you turned off the TV, deciding it best to just rest your head on top of Mark’s in an attempt not to wake him.
When you woke up in the morning, it had been rather roughly. Upon opening your eyes, you saw the frantic and scared looks of the boys who had stayed the night. “Are you alright?” Tae Yong questioned, his voice raised slightly as he looked at your confused figure.
“Yeah? Why?”
“You… Blood started coming out of your mouth while we were watching TV and when we tried to wake you up the first time, you wouldn’t wake up,” Yukhei stated, his own worried look set firmly on his face.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it,” you said, adjusting yourself so you could comfortably stand before heading into the bathroom without another word to wash your mouth out from the now strong taste of copper in your mouth.
You knew that, at best, you only had about a week left to live and your love for Mark wasn’t going to fade anytime soon. Now, all you could do was distance yourself as you let yourself die, something you enacted upon immediately.
Walking back out into the living room where the boys were gathered and conversing, you spoke up in the gentlest way possibly. “I’m not feeling well right now. Not to concern you, but I believe it’s best you leave so you don’t get sick either.” You tried on a smile for them and, though it was forced, there was some genuineness to it. There may as well be considering this would be your last time seeing them and talking to them.
As you escorted them out, you were surprised to see that they hugged you despite the warning that you were “sick”. It’s like they knew something was off. Of course, Mark clung to you the longest. You could tell he knew what you were doing, especially when he whispered “please survive this” in you ear.
You had only given him a short nod before closing the door behind him and going to your room, curling underneath the blankets as another coughing fit racked your body. Instinctively, you covered your mouth to stifle it and, before you even pulled your hand away, you knew there was blood that had come up. What you hadn’t expected, however, was to see the long, red petal of a flower sitting in your now unclutched palm. This was the beginning of the end and you knew it yet you weren’t going to derail the course of your situation. Instead, you decided to do the ironic thing. Order flowers for all your friends, each with a customized message. After that you would work on your will and set up your funeral online. Almost immediately, you set to work, fighting through the painful coughing fits to get it done.
For Tae Yong, you had gotten him anemone flowers. Not only were they his favorite kind, they also symbolized protection against evil and ill wishes. You hoped that your own wishes towards the man after your death would go heeded and he would be safe from what you were going through. Your message to him had been simple. Thank you for everything you had offered me. You were a great friend, a beautiful soul, and someone who deserves nothing more than happiness in this world. You were my first friend in this college and I love you like a brother. Thank you for being there for me, Y/N
Next was Yukhei. His favorite was a hydrangea, which you thought suited him. He wasn’t one to hide his emotions and the flowers, in a positive sense, symbolized heartfelt emotions. Yukhei pretty much wore his heart on his sleeve and you couldn’t help but to worry for the man as you ordered his bouquet of flowers. While you may have been a crackhead at times, you always knew when to be serious and how to pick up on emotions. You were a wonderful friend and I genuinely couldn’t have asked for better. Get on well with your life and do everything you ever wanted. Y/N
Third was Dong Hyuk, the amazing bastard. To you, Dong Hyuk was like your rock when ever you lost yourself from reality. With your focus on the computer, you began to order his flowers; asters. These were seen as symbols of love and patience and you thought that they suited Dong Hyuk perfectly. Despite it all, even when he seemed impatient, he was the most patient of the boys you knew. He was also an endless stream of platonic love. He was the perfect person to confide in and become friends with. Dong Hyuk, I’ve told you time and time again how much I love you and how I’ve adopted you as my brother. No matter what hardships you go through, know that, even in the darkness by yourself, I’m there listening like you have been for me. You mean the world to me and I would walk through hell and back for you. Y/N
Fourth came Tae Il. He got the hyacinth. He was pretty much obsessed with these flowers as he had several pots of them all over his apartment. The meaning wasn’t much to you in the moment you bought his, but you assured that they would be the most beautiful bouquet you bought. Tae Il was your guiding light and you wanted him to have a beautiful set of his favorite flowers. I hope you like the bouquet. I designed this one as perfectly as I could for my college father. You have been my shining light since day one and I don’t think I could have made it as far as I did without you. Please live a long, happy life and always keep your love for hyacinths strong. They’re beautiful, much like you. Y/N
Finally, was Mark. The most dreaded one. Taking a breath as you looked at your laptop, you began to go through and assort a variety of dahlias. While on the website, you almost choked up looking at the meaning that pretty much glared in your face. Symbol of commitment and a bond that lasts forever. As you finished up the bouquet after a moment of still movements and collecting yourself, you wrote the letter. Mark, you have been beyond an extraordinary friend since the moment I met you. You were funny, awkward, charming, charismatic and we fit like two puzzle pieces. You offered me solace when I couldn’t get it elsewhere and you were there when no one else was or could be. You deserve a life of happiness more than anyone I know and I don’t want you to keep me in your memory as the person you tried to help when their illness began. I want you to remember me and associate it with the good times we had. Find a perfect love and live well, Mark. Love, Y/N.
Now, it was on to the will, something you had been putting together since the beginning of senior year. Maybe you had an unconscious premonition about this happening or perhaps it was sheer luck, but you didn’t have much more to write. You left what you needed to your family and everything else went to your friends. In fact, most things went to your friends. They were some of the most important things in your life and you felt they deserved more. As soon as you were finished with the will (at which point the sun was beginning to set), you began the process of planning your funeral from the safety of your home and laptop.
The entire process probably took you until about three in the morning, but you were finally done and ready to sleep. While you settled down, you wondered if this would be the last time you would wake up. But you knew otherwise. You hadn’t even gotten to the worst stages of this fucked up disease.
Three days had passed and it seemed like you were getting better until it got worse. On day three, you found yourself kneeling in front of your toilet, vomiting blood and dahlia petals into the toilet. When you got the chance to breathe, it was like coming up for air after being underwater for too long before you went back under and the process started again until you finally collapsed next to the toilet, heaving and trying to catch your breath.
You knew you didn’t have much longer. Perhaps a day or so? Maybe less? But you also knew you couldn’t leave without one last word to the boys who you hadn’t spoken to since the night they stayed over. Pulling them into a group chat, you typed up a message, hesitating for a moment before hitting send.
I don’t think I have much longer to live. Unfortunately, I’ve become one of many victims to a disease created by unrequited love. You’ll be receiving gifts in a few days and my funeral will be about a week after that. I left you all things in my will that I hope you get once I pass. I’m sorry for pushing you away these last few days but I didn’t want you to see my pitious state of being. Thank you so much for being the people who were always there for me and being the people I could love and treat as family. Don’t think too much over my death and continue on with life as it. I’m calling an ambulance soon to take me to the hospital so I can die outside of my apartment but I probably won’t live much longer after getting there. Once again, I’m happy to have known you. I love you guys and I hope we meet again in the afterlife.
Once the message was sent, you quickly called the ambulance, telling them your situation before having to wait fifteen minutes for them to get to you. Soon enough, you were being rushed to the hospital to live out your last half day.
At 4:00 PM on April 19th, 2019, you were pronounced dead. When the news got to the boys you had texted, they were devastated despite getting the warning beforehand. When they got the flowers, they saw it as ironic. A plant had killed you and now they were left to look at the final thing you had given them. It was almost like you forgave the disease for killing you and they hated it. They couldn’t forgive it. Even if it was your fault for falling in love and not falling out, they hated that there was no cure. That there could have been a way to save you if there was more research done on the damned disease.
When it came to the funeral and the days leading up to it, the boys were still heartbroken and devastated. Mark was the worst of them all. He blamed himself for not forcing you to get the surgery to remove the flowers. He blamed himself that this had happened at all, especially when he had rushed to your dorm only to find the floor littered with red dahlia petals and blood. He hated himself for not doing the one thing that he should have done. That he knew he hadn’t even realized. He hated himself for not realizing he loved you. For not realizing it sooner. Looking back on it now, he could notice the times where you showed overly friendly affection your subtle attempts to flirt. The hand holding, the tight hugs, everything.
Mark broke down in the middle of the funeral, sobbing violently as people went up to talk. Tae Yong and Dong Hyuk tried to console him, but it was practically impossible. He was a shaking mess, the most affected by your death. To him, it seemed as though no one else cared. That they weren’t showing nearly as much sadness as they should have been and he hated it. Why weren’t they sad? Was there something wrong with them? He didn’t get it.
Every now and then during the speech part of the funeral, he looked up and felt himself tear up even worse than before. He didn’t like seeing you so lifeless when you had been so full of life and happiness and perfection before. He didn’t like seeing your chest remaining still and seeing you in clothes he had never seen you in before. He hated all of it. He hated the thought of you dying yet he had to deal with it. He wasn’t going to ignore your wishes. He was going to live on despite his grief and he was going to try and be happy and maybe, after deciding to switch his majors, he could find a cure to the disease that killed you. For now though, Mark grieved with his friends over the one person he realized he cared about most. You.
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bubblenct · 6 years
Bad Boy (MarkxReader)
Warnings: idk they just make out and it’s pretty frisky
Group: Nct
Note: ok so this is like the go era where they’re all wild and stuff bc they all look SO good and it fits the description of them in this lmao (also this is like the first thing i’ve written in MONTHS so if it’s bad don’t @ me)
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Mark was what everyone would describe as a “bad boy” but you, on the other hand, admired him. First off, he was EXTREMELY nice to look at. You could stare at his attractive face forever. Sometimes when you were in class he would catch you staring at him, and every time he caught you, he’d wink and smirk at you, making you blush and look away. Second, he wasn’t scared of getting in trouble. He talked back to teachers, fought with some of the worst kids in school, barely did his assignments, and even ran from the police one time (though you’re pretty sure it was for something minor). Not to mention how attractive and funny him and all of his friends were. The best part about it, was that Mark was your neighbor. Your window was right next to his, and your desk right in front of the window, so occasionally when both of your windows were open, and you were doing work, you could see him doing random things in his room.
Today was one of those days. Except he had his friends over. Mark has a main friend group that consisted of him,Jaemin , Jeno, Renjun, chenle jisung and yukhei, though only jaemin jeno and Renjun were there. You sat at your desk gawking over them. “How can they be so attractive?” Sighing you called your best friend Donghyuk. “Hey hyuk, wanna come over? Mark and his friends are making me feel lonely. Plus Johnny and Ten are here.” Donghyuk immediately agreed hearing the names Johnny and Ten. Johnny was your brother and Ten was his best friend, and Donghyuk loved them. He thought they we’re the coolest people EVER. You were pretty sure he only hung out with you for your brother and his friend.
Once he arrived you both ran up to your room, making sure he did see or hear Johnny and Ten. When he got into your room he whined “Where is Johnny and Ten? You said they would be here.” You rolled your eyes “Yeah they’re here but you don’t get to see them because then you’ll completely ignore me.” he scoffed and said whatever. while sitting at you desk, looking at what you were doing. “Borrrringgg!” he said seeing that you were doing math. “It’s Friday, why are you doing MATH homework when your man is right next door?” You laughed and punched his arm lightly saying “i just wanna get it done.” you two started talking when Donghyuk suddenly said “Mark and his friends are staring.” you turned your head and made eye contact with them. as soon as they realized you and hyuk were looking back them they all quickly turned around and did random stuff.
You and hyuk decided that you wanted to go on a walk. You and hyuk were putting on your shoes and stuff and as soon as you stepped out of your house, so did Mark and his friends. you and Donghyuks head both snapped to the side. the four boys smiled. You two smiled back. You and Donghyuk decided to continue your walk. and that’s what you did. You felt their eyes following you as you walked. “They’re really creepy.” Donghyuk whispered. “I know.”
“Hey.” The one you remembered to be Renjun, said. “Uh, hey.” you said back. Suddenly Donghyuks phone rang. He quietly excused him self and took the call, leaving you to talk with the boys. “Soo... i’m-“ “y/n, we know haha” one of them called jaemin said. you slowly laughed, obviously uncomfortable. “Uh i’m jeno, thats jaemin, thats renjun, and that’s mark, though you probably know him.” you nodded,even though you knew who all of them were. You stared at Jeno because he was just to attractive to not stare at. You soon caught yourself and said “Oh uh- i, Hello.” The boys all laughed and one spoke up, jaemin, saying, “You can talk you know? we don’t bite.” while winking and biting his lip. you laughed a bit and said “Maybe i want you guys to bite.” Thats when renjun whispered over to jeno “She even sounds hot what the hell.”
you realized that Mark said almost nothing “Yours awfully quiet Mark.” He looked up at gave a soft smile and said “i just don’t feel too well haha.” you smiled at him and jeno spoke up “Is the guy over there your boyfriend?” you were a bit taken a back by this, your best friend being your boyfriend, but you simply shook your head saying “No he’s my best friend.” Before any of the boys could say anything Donghyuk came back and said “My mom says that my grandma wants to see me so i can’t sleep over tonight.” you frowned “That’s ok go see her, she’s old anyways.” donghyuk rolled his eyes and decided to go home.
You ended up walking with the boys, in a line, to wherever they were going. you stood in the middle with renjun on your right and mark on your left and jaemin next to mark and jeno with renjun. “You know, you’re pretty fucking hot,” Renjun started. You immediately felt Mark tense up. you quickly looked over at him and he didn’t look happy. Jaemin decided to interject in the conversation “and you’re single i-“ jeno cut him off saying “Ignore these losers,” he walked in front of you grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him, pressing his body against yours “you’re really fucking hot, single, and from what we know, a really cool chick, so-“ you decided you weren’t dealing with this today. “Look you’re really handsome, it’s actually unbelievable, but i don’t even know you, heck the only person here i actually relatively know is mark, so if i ever even considered being with one of you, it’d be mark.” you said as you peeled jeno off of your waist.
Mark smirked and laughed at the others “I’m just more likable what can i say?” the others rolled their eyes as they continued on their journey to meet up with some of their other friends at an old train track. Once you got there you saw three other boys. You got a little anxious since you were the only girl but decided to fake some confidence to show your dominance. And boy did it work. Once you walked up to them Mark introduced you to the three boys. “That’s jisung, hes the youngest, that’s chenle, and that’s yukhei.” he said a little quieter. He always got self conscious and insecure around yukhei because of how handsome he was and how charming he was.
Once the two youngest boys, chenle and jisung, saw you, you basically became their master. They would do anything you said, whenever, wherever. yukhei was a bit cooler around you though. He made it obvious he liked you, he flirted with you, he initiated lots of skinship, but he always kept his cool, unlike the others. This pissed Mark to the max. Why were you falling for a guy you just met? You had known Mark forever, and Mark had fallen for you so it was only fair. As the days went by, Yukhei became more confident, ‘accidentally’ touching one of your boobs, or setting his hand on your exposed thigh, sometimes he would even sit you on his lap. You always saw Mark’s glares, but you didn’t think it was at yukhei, you thought it was at you. But really, he just wanted to rip Yukheis perfect little face and body all up and bury it so he can have you.
One night, you all were at a drive in movie together. It was much hotter during the day, and since you didn’t go home to change, you were stuck in high waisted shorts with fishnets and a crop top. “God it’s like -9 degrees what the fuck is wrong with the weather?” the boys laughed at you and just before Mark could offer you his jacket, you were sitting in yukheis lap wearing his jacket. Mark huffed and decided he would go get snacks. “Do you guys want anything?” the boys shouted out a bunch of food for Mark to get and he sighed while walking away.
Before he was even halfway to the concession stand he heard footsteps coming up behind him. “Uh hey Mark.” You said. He looked over not expecting you. “Oh, hi.” You kept wanting to ask if he hated you because of you and yukheis skinship, but didn’t know how to bring it up. “Hey, can i ask you something?” You said looking over to him. his heart started to beat and he nodded his head. “Do you ahh...well do...uhm ya know because...” you couldn’t find out how to get the question out “Just say it ok? I won’t bite.” He said smiling. You nodded and stopped him from walking further “Do you hate me?” you said quickly. His heart dropped and his eyes widened. “W-what? What made you think that? Why would i think that? Of course i don’t hate you!” You sighed and explained why you thought that and he frowned.
“I don’t hate you, i’ve just been a bit angry at yukhei.” he said lookin down. “Why?” you asked. he then went on to explain how he was jealous and insecure and didn’t know how to handle it. you laughed and said “You have no reason to be insecure, i like you too.” you said smiling. He looked up and smiled back, taking your face in his hands and bringing you so close your noses touched. “I’ve waited so long to hear that.” Then he kissed you. It was a soft kiss, nothing too intense, since you were still on your way to the concession stand. Once the kiss did start to get a little heated, Mark pulled away ,breathing slightly uneven, and said “wait we need to get the snacks then we can go somewhere alone.” You looked into his deer eyes and nodded.
Once you two carried everyone their food you said you had lost something and we’re going to look for it. “Do you want chenle and i to look for it instead? so you don’t hurt your legs?” You laughed and kissed his cheek, which made chenle jealous of jisung. “i’ll be fine looking for it.” chenle then leaned to your ear and whisper something no one heard, so, you kissed him as well. Before you two left yukhei called Mark over “What are you doing you idiot? she likes me?” Mark chuckled and looked over at you, it was obvious you needed him. “I’ll be back!” He said walking away from yukhei.
Mark led you down to the old train tracks, and you saw a red car. “why is there just a car here?” you asked. “we were gonna use that, which is yukheis car, but i brought my car, and it has more space so we used mine.” you nodded.
Mark looked you up and down and bit his lip. “Ya know, i’m really relieved that you like me instead of yukhei. you have no idea how bad i wanted you all to myself.” he said hooking his fingers on your belt loops and pulling you closer to him. “i was so insecure.” he pulled you even closer. “But now that you’re mine,” He said after kissing you “,i shouldn’t have to worry about anybody taking you.” he said, kissing you again.
You smiled into the kiss allowing Mark to lick your lips. You slightly moaned, which gave him full access to your mouth. He soon wrapped your legs around his waist and carried you to the hood of yukheis car. Once he sat you there you left your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling as close to him as you can.
He slightly groaned which made you smile. He started kissing your mouth then trailed down to your neck, where he left dark purple marks. he trailed down to your collar bone and left more marks there. You soon dropped your legs, leaving him to stand in between your legs. Mark peppered kisses along your jawline and went to your other collar bone. he sucked on your patch of skin for so long it didn’t even look like a color. soon he started nibbling on the extremely dark hickey. You moaned again which sent him off the radar “God i love you so fucking much”
he soon trailed his hands to your shirt and lifted it off. “Markkk, it’s so cold.” you whined trying to warm yourself up. “I guess i’ll just have to warm you up.” he said as he grabbed the inside of your knees and pulled you closer. He started to leave marks all over your chest as he rubbed your back warming you up. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing it closer to your mouth. You started to lightly kiss his neck, and lick it every once in awhile, when you started giving him hickeys. Soon you both pulled away and stared at each other. “You should put this back on.” Mark said handing you your shirt. You slipped it on and hopped off the car “i hope yukhei won’t mind.” Mark smiled at your comment before saying “Are we dating now?” you looked at him and kissed him. “Of course we are. Now come on baby boy we probably missed half of the movie.”
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yougotthatbilly · 6 years
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→ member: wong yukhei → genre: fluff | crack → song rec: electric x alina baraz & khalid → word count: 9.3k ↳ summary: yukhei is very easy to fall for, and that’s okay.
You’re a great friend.
You’d much rather be in bed scrolling on your phone with a movie playing for background noise after your shift today, but right as you hopped out of the shower, Mark called.
And now you’re pulling up to the diner down the street that stays open until the wee hours of the morning with Yerim to meet up with her boyfriend and his close friend. Mark had double booked himself and didn’t have the heart to cancel on either people so he asked (read: begged) you to come along so his friend wouldn’t be a third wheel, with the promises of free food and his friend being attractive and cool people.
Who are you to pass up free food?
The pair of you spot Mark quickly when you step into the diner, his friend beside him and tall even when slouched, his elbow on the table before him and attention on his phone. Mark stands to greet the two of you, giving you a hug and whispering another thank you in your ear and giving Yerim a chaste kiss before he swats the male beside him on the arm. His friend blinks up confusedly before realizing you and Yerim have arrived, pocketing his phone instantly and you’re met with the sight of wide eyes, a button nose, and pink, plump lips.
“Hi, I’m Yukhei,” he introduces himself with a smile, reaching over the table to shake Yerim’s hand before moving to you.
Well, Mark was definitely right about him being good looking, his smile and raspy voice causing you to falter before shaking his hand and telling him your name as well because wow. His golden brown hair is messily parted off-center and pushed back, his shoulders broad under his black hoodie.
He sure is a sight for sore eyes.
Yerim discreetly pats your thigh, already having a good idea of what you’re thinking without even having to look at you because she can read your body language exceptionally well after all these years.
“You’re really gorgeous,” Yukhei compliments, followed by, “and your hands are really soft.”
Both you and Yerim are left blinking at him, watching as he flips your hand to run his fingertips over your palm, and your heart skips a beat at his bluntness and actions.
Mark sighs deeply, not looking surprised at his actions like you and his girlfriend are, but instead over it. “Yukhei.”
He just smiles and slowly lets go of your hand, letting his finger drag before folding his hands in front of him. “Sorry.”
You can’t help but return his smile due to how he doesn’t look nor sound apologetic one bit. “It’s cool. You’re pretty cute, too.” And Yerim’s hand is back with more persistence because your comment has the male in front of you biting his lip, happy the feeling is mutual.
Oh, he is fine.
From then, Yukhei doesn’t care to be discreet about his interest in you or how much he enjoys looking at you, and you don’t mind, being in the same boat. When you speak, you’ve got his undivided attention (he missed his mouth when trying to eat a fry one time), when you laugh at the banter between Yerim and Mark, Yukhei is smiling in your direction. You occasionally find your eyes wandering over to him throughout the night, even when he’s not speaking, not bothering to divert your attention immediately when he catches you, instead, giving him a tiny smile that he returns before looking down at your food or the couple to the right of you.
(You find out Mark had no qualms paying for you because he had enough points on the restaurant’s app to get a free meal. You still help with the tip, though.)
Yerim and Mark break away from the small group as you exit the diner, Yerim leaning into your side to whisper that there’s something she needs to discuss with him really quickly, leaving you and Yukhei in front of the diner. He’s leaning against the wall coolly, looking at you as you just kind of stand there.
“Can I ask you something?” he asks after a beat of silence.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Wasn’t really expecting you to really shoot your shot when I said that,” you chuckle, shaking your head. “No, I do not have a boyfriend.”
“You talking to anyone?” Another shake of your head. “Can we exchange numbers, then? I’d really like to see you again.”
You pull your phone out of your jeans, unlock it and hand it to him, soon getting it back to see the smirking emoji next to his name and that he texted himself from your phone.
“Will you actually text me or ignore everything I say?”
You shrug, forcing your lips not to curve up. “I guess we’ll see.”
Before he can counter you, the couple is back and goodbye hugs are given, first between you and Mark and Yerim and Yukhei, then the latter in walking up to you with a faint smirk and outstretched arms. Whatever cologne he’s wearing makes your eyes flutter shut, your arms coming up to return the embrace.
“Let me know when you’ve made it home, ‘kay?” His voice vibrates the side of your face and you nod briefly, cheek rubbing against soft, dark cotton.
◅ ▻
“Hey, babe. Watcha doin’?”
“Getting ready,” you answer, putting Yerim on speakerphone to resume doing so.
“Ooo, where ya headed?”
You take a skeptical glance down at your phone. “Something tells me you already know.”
There’s a moment of silence as you sweep your hair back into a ponytail before she speaks again. “Yeah. Mark told me.” You snort. “What are you wearing?”
“The dress you got me for my birthday,” you supply, adjusting your spanks under the loose but still flattering blue sundress in question.
You can practically hear the smirk on her face as she asks, “Hmm, so we’re showing some skin today?”
Shaking your head, you hum to confirm, pulling out your makeup bag from underneath your bathroom sink. When he saw you last week you had messy hair, a thin sweatshirt, and jeans on with sneakers. Of course you want to make a better impression this time, especially since it’ll just be the two of you. And on top of that, it’s pushing ninety degrees outside.
“Aw, does this mean we can go on double dates and shit?”
“We’ll see how today goes.”
It’s twelve-thirty when Yukhei knocks on your front door, clad in a simple white tee and light-washed jeans, looking like something right out of a magazine. He’s all smiles when you open the door, long fingers brushing his locks back and out of his face as he greets you. Once your door is locked he leads you to his Tundra, opening the passenger’s side door for you before jogging to the driver’s seat, leaving you briefly to nibble at the inside of your cheek at his chivalry.
“Have you eaten?” Yukhei asks, starting up his truck.
“Mhm. ‘Bout an hour ago.”
He hums, fingers tapping rhythmically against his steering wheel, the sound stealing your attention as he takes some time to think. His hands are gorgeous.
“How does the Boardwalk sound?”
“I’m down,” you nod.
The first trip is to the shop that sells both frozen yogurt and boba tea, Yukhei getting a concoction of fruity flavored froyo and making a face when you order avocado boba. The Boardwalk isn’t empty but definitely not packed like it gets on Friday and Saturday evenings, the people here walking in summer attire, some feeding ducks and turtles, others riding in pedal boats, and the happy squealing and laughing of the children in the playground all coming together to match the mood and weather today.
The pair of you stroll down the main path, over a small bridge.
“I didn’t even know avocado boba was a thing,” Yukhei scrunches his nose, eyeing the plastic cup in your hand.
“You’re missing out. It’s the only thing I get.” He watches in interest as you take a sip, a few tapioca balls slipping up the straw along with blended ice, milk, and avocado. You lift the cup to his face when he can’t seem to take his eyes off of it. “Try it.”
He hesitates, then his plump lips wrap around the straw and he takes a baby sip, to which you roll your eyes at because you need more than that to get a good taste. Not even two seconds later his face twists up and he’s coughing, gagging a bit with his tongue out, being extra, and if you roll your eyes any harder they’ll fall out of your head. His theatrics stop the motion of your feet and bystanders stare at him in worry and funnily. Granted, it may be an acquired taste, you weren’t the biggest fan of it your first time trying it but he’s acting like it’s the worst thing he’s ever—
“Wait,” he smacks his tongue against the roof of his mouth a few times, giving you whiplash at the lack of transition between his dramatics and how calm he just became. His hand covers yours to bring the straw back in between his lips to get another taste, and your body feels a warmth that has nothing to do with the blazing sun at the feeling and sight of his palm dwarfing it. “That’s not that bad.”
He softly nudges your arm at the completely done expression you shoot him.
Small talk isn’t dreadful with him, and it’s no surprise because from the first meeting you could already tell he has no problem in the communication department, and you aren’t so bad yourself in most cases. Not to mention over the course of the week, texting had been smooth (and full of memes).
You migrate to a bench on the opposite side of the parking lot in which he parked in, the view of ducks, some turtles, and a couple of swans minding their business in the body of water ahead. The tree above you gives the perfect amount of shade.
“This weather makes me wanna go to the beach,” you muse, crossing your legs and slouching into the wood behind you.
“We could make that happen,” Yukhei shrugs. “The four of us could take a day trip or something.”
You hum, nodding your head to his idea while nibbling on a few tapioca balls. “You seem like the type to pick people up and throw them into the water,” you eye him with faux weariness, and he just smiles brightly, nodding to confirm your suspicions.
“It’d be the best beach trip you’ve ever been on,” he sing-songs confidently, draping his arm along the top of the bench behind your shoulders. “You got any other plans for the summer?”
Plans that consist of mostly chilling and working get discussed, following topics ranging in importance; from what your majors and minors are, which universities you go to (to which you find out he lives in the town south of the one your currently seated in), to one of your favorite animals being turtles and wanting to feed them. He graciously pays for the food to feed them, both of you purposely avoiding the ducks that try to get some and laughing at the one that gets angry and trips over its own feet.
Yukhei’s feet noticeably drag as he walks you to your door and his face shows he’s content with how today went but isn’t ready to part way just yet--or just isn’t ready to go into work, you’re not too sure.
“We should do this again,” he suggests once you’ve made it to your doorstep.
“Soon,” you agree. “I had a nice time.
“I’m glad,” he smiles that boyish smile that makes your stomach do something weird. “You think you’ll be up around one?”
“Probably, why?”
“I’ll call you after my shift?”
You’re going to lean more towards he isn’t ready to part ways side.
At the nod of your head he steps forward to softly pull you into his chest, mumbling he’ll talk to you later, you telling him to drive safely.
◅ ▻
The guy at the entrance of the grocery store greets you with a head nod and you do the same, pushing your cart at a slow speed as you think about where you want to start first. Your shift ended maybe thirty minutes ago and the only food waiting for you at home is a half-eaten bag of chips and maybe a bowl of cereal left in the box. You ate the last apple for breakfast and you almost had the mind to just grab some fast food on your way back home, but then that would mean you’d have to get up early in the morning to go grocery shopping or wait until the night because you refuse to go anytime in between.
Might as well make your way back and around.
Soon there’s a variety of fruits and vegetables, protein and a much needs bottle of salt in your cart. You don’t have to get much because you’re alone for the next month or so, you roommate in her hometown with her parents until school starts again. Water and juice are in a couple of aisles, your feet on autopilot while you yawn and rub your eye with your pointer-finger, not caring about your mascara flaking or giving you raccoon eyes.
In the midst of bending down to get a good grip on each side of the thirty-five pack of water bottles, two hands slide their way next to yours and lift it with ease, your body convulsing in its tired state and you don’t know if you want to punch or thank Yukhei because of the scare.
“You can’t just roll up on people like that,” you whine instead, hand on your chest as if it’ll calm your heartbeat, discreetly wiping under your eye now that you definitely do care about having raccoon eyes.
He just flashes you his signature smile, dipping down to fit the package on the very bottom of your cart. “Why are you full out grocery shopping so late?”
“I just got off and this is the best time to shop,” you supply, enjoying the height difference, moving a strand of hair out of his eye. “Why are you here so late?”
He uses your hand for leverage to stand to his full height, knees cracking along the way as he answers with, “Mark only has bullshit snacks like veggie chips and watermelon and I didn’t wanna take anything from Donghyuck’s stash.”
“Grandpa,” you snort, pushing the cart again. “I want some veggie chips now,” you hum to yourself, walking straight ahead to the chip aisle.
“You disgust me.”
“Glad the feeling is mutual,” you smile sweetly, stumbling when he bumps his hip into your side.
You learn that Yukhei’s idea of legit snacks are Hot Cheetos, ice cream, and powdered donuts, all in which he put into your cart, soon taking over said cart without you even realizing it until minutes pass.
“What else do you need to get?”
With a glance at your half-full cart, you shake your head, tiredness creeping up again and causing you to yawn just bread behind your hand.
“Long shift?”
You nod. Eight hours that felt like twice as much because customers really like to be a pain in the ass on Saturdays. “Closing sucks.”
“Get on the end of the cart,” Yukhei points.
“Stand on the end of the cart,” he points with more aggression. “I’ll push you.”
You haven’t done that since you were a small child… but you still follow his instructions because who are you to say no to a man offering to push you around the store—and who are you kidding? You’re still very much a small child on the inside. He starts pushing you in the direction of the bread easily, getting a funny look from a kid holding his mom’s hand, and a fond one from his mom. There’s small smile that never seems to go away on Yukhei’s face as he strolls, face relaxed and content in the midst of making smooth turns. He catches how you’ve been admiring his features like it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him all over again and his smile only grows, and you’d be enchanted by it if it weren’t for the new look in his eyes.
“What?” you inquire wearily. Your answer is his pace quickening gradually until he’s jogging, your fingers fisting the bars of the cart harder and harder the fast he goes, a dull pain coming from the metal but you pay no mind to it. “Yukhei!”
It’s clear how much he lives for the fear and excitement in your eyes. You’re definitely awake now. He turns down an empty aisle and starts to run, laughing maniacally at the screech you let out before becoming to an abrupt stop at the end of it, your body snapping forward at the force.
And then he does the same thing down the next aisle.
The fear that was running through your veins is replaced with pure adrenaline and elation by the third aisle, but a different fear soon replaces it when you look back at the way Yukhei’s face straightens and he slows down, a pissed looking security guard at the end of the aisle.
“Does the store need to put up a ‘No Horseplaying’ sign up like a Kindergarten classroom?” he deadpans, eyeing you as you quietly get down to stand next to Yukhei. “This is a grocery store. Stop being disruptive.”
There are literally five people here. And Yukhei seems to read your mind because soon he’s speaking up to say, “with all due respect, there’s nobody he—”
The grumpy guard interrupts with a raised hand.“Don’t make me repeat myself, or I will personally carry you out,” is said before he turns on his heels and walks away, leaving the two of you with your heads down, both biting the inside of your lips to stop yourselves from cracking up until the faint tap of hits boots disappears.
Yukhei’s the first to let a chuckle out, and it’s only a domino effect after that because then your laughs feed off of each other’s until you’re both fill out guffawing, Yukhei wiping the tear that slips down your cheek.
“Shh,” you try to calm down, not wanting the grumpy old man to come back and personally carry you out, “Let’s go. Your ice cream is probably soft by now.”
Giggles are still let out as you check your items out at the self-checkout station, smiles still in places as the warm night air hits you when the automatic doors open for you. He helps you put your groceries into your trunk and gives you the longest bear hug, rocking side to side and making you tired all over again. His scent is so relaxing, his warmth calming. You don’t recall ever being so comfortable so quickly with someone, but Yukhei doesn’t really leave room for awkwardness and you’re sure even the most awkward person would crawl out of their shell fairly quickly with him. Only Yukhei can turn a simple night of grocery shopping into a night of almost getting kicked out of the damn grocery store and manage to have your heart beating wildly and stomach flipping from more than just the thrill.
You push your next set of thoughts to the back of your mind with a deep sigh.
“If you don’t let go I’m gonna fall asleep right here and now,” you mumble into his shirt, eyes closed and arms making no move to let go.
His words vibrate the side of your face as he replies with, “I’m cool with that,” arms squeezing you a little tighter.
“But I have to drive home,” you whine lowly.
“Fine, you big baby,” he sighs, letting go and picking his bags up from the roof of your car. “When am I seeing you again?”
“We can plan that tomorrow.”
“Alright,” Yukhei nods, slowly walking backward.
“Alright,” you parrot, unlocking your car and opening the door.
“Sorry,” he pouts. “I haven’t seen you in like a week and I don’t know how long it’ll be before I can see your beautiful face again.”
You’re stuck between being flustered and gagging at his cheesiness, choosing something near the ladder choice by sighing and rolling your eyes.
“You’ll see my beautiful face in a few days if our schedules allow it. Now good night, Yuk.”
The last thing you see before swooping down into your car is the smirk on his face from the nickname slipping out of your mouth.
◅ ▻
When Yukhei said what he had planned for the two of you was ‘super chill,’ you had a hard time believing it. Granted, the first couple times you were with him were laid back, but with how your grocery run went and how his voice was a little too nonchalant when discussing when you’d go through with said plan, you were weary but didn’t ask further questions. And now a couple of days later you realize you indeed had great reason to be skeptical.
“Wear a bathing suit.”
You blink at him through your phone screen. “A what now?”
“You know, what you wear to swim in,” he elaborates as he unlocks his truck, swooping inside of it. You can’t even tell if he’s actually serious or being a smartass.
“Yes, I kno—”
“Great, I’ll be there in fifteen.” And the FaceTime call ends, leaving you to stare blankly at your lock screen.
You do as told, shaking your head as you switch your bra and panties out for a two piece under your shorts and graphic tee. Soon you get a text him telling you he’s outside, and he smiles brightly at you as you buckle your seatbelt. The ride is short, and you find yourself in an apartment complex you’ve never been in, parked in front of a pool.
A closed pool.
“You’re kidding,” you scoff.
Yukhei beams, grabbing a gym bag from the back that reminds you that you didn’t bring a towel or spare clothes because it really didn’t occur to you that you’d be sneaking into a fucking pool in the middle of the night, and tonight of all nights there’s a breeze.
You judge yourself for not questioning him and just going along with his shenanigans. He climbs the fence easily with his long and sturdy limbs, gracefully jumping down and onto the ground on the other side of the locked, black fence. You don’t get up with quite as much finesse, your feet slipping because Birkenstocks have no damn grip, and you don’t even have to look at Yukhei to know he’s smiling at your struggles. Eventually, you make it to the top and look down at him to see his arms held out, and you don’t think twice before falling into them bridal style.
“This is your idea of a super chill night?”
“Is relaxing in a pool without a bunch of obnoxious children around not chill to you?” he raises a thick brow, having yet to put you down.
“You are an obnoxious child, Yukhei,” you deadpan. He pretends to drop you (and you let out the ugliest choked scream) before letting you find your footing.
He doesn’t waste time in stripping; his shirt, Adidas sweats and socks in a messy pile beside his shoes within seconds and you barely get the time to appreciate the new amount of skin shown because he’s running, then his long limbs are curling into a ball, the impact of his cannonball strong enough to have water splashing onto you.
The water is fucking freezing.
“Jesus—fuck it’s cold,” Yukhei emerges, shaking his hair and resembling a puppy. “Hurry up and come in.”
You snort. There’s no way in hell. Freezing water plus the wind blowing? Pft.
You kick your sandals off next to his slides and pad over to the edge of the pool, sitting down and very slowly putting your feet into the water until it’s at your knees.
“I’m not trying to get sick,” you roll your eyes at his puppy eyes. “I didn’t bring or a towel.”
“And you think I didn’t?” Yukhei scoffs, walking up to you. You get the chance to let your eyes roam this time, and he’s nothing but lean muscle. You quite literally have to force your eyes to meet his own again when he’s made it in between your legs, a knowing look in his iris.
“I mean you’re not the wisest guy out--”
He cuts your sentence off with a sassy hand in your face. “I brought two towels and some clothes for you.”
“So you just knew it would slip my mind to bring some, huh?”
“Nah,” he breathes, running slow hands up the sides of your legs from under the water. “I just wanted to see you in my clothes.” The cocktail of his honesty and gentle touch are enough to have your head dizzy, and at this very moment, you realize how weak you already are for him. If you were in this position with any of the guys from your past you know you would’ve mushed them in the forehead and laughed, but you’re already convinced.
“I’ll turn the heat up as high as you need on the way back,” he singsongs, clearly already knowing he’s got you hooked, a twinkle in his eye. Large hands stop their journey at your knees, palms covering them before taking their times back down your shins. “Pwease?”
You gag. “If you ever say ‘pwease’ again I swear I’ll block you.”
He pays no mind to your empty threat and instead focuses on how you lift your shirt up and off of your torso, drinking in every inch of newly exposed skin, only snapping out of his trance when you gently flick him upside the forehead. You stand to remove your shorts. Descending down the stairs takes way too long because once the water hits even just an inch higher up on your legs than before, your first reaction is to freeze until it’s bearable. Yukhei is over the awe of seeing you with little clothing and over you in general by the time it takes more than a minute just for the chlorinated water to be mid-thigh, swimming up to you and encircling your waist with his arms to pull you down and flush into his chest. He laughs at the shriek you let out, telling you to hush before you get the two of you caught, and your instincts tell you to stay as close to Yukhei as possible to steal his warmth.
“See, it’s not so bad.”
You grumble something incoherent and his hold on you tightens in retribution. It’s actually not bad at all after the freezing of your blood passes, being in his arms like this. The contrast of his hard torso with your soft chest, the way you feel his heart beating at a faster pace than deemed normal. Matching your own.
He’s right. This is relaxing. You wouldn’t mind staying like this until the two of you are prunes.
It’s a little surprising how it suddenly becomes quiet; no teasing or usual banter going on. Just the two of you standing near the steps in the shallow end wrapped in each other’s embrace and listening to the faint sounds of your breaths and the occasional sound of cars passing by in the distance, seemingly both deep in thought and enjoying the proximity.
It’s intimate, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t scarily so.
Yerim’s text tone interrupts your thoughts and the silence and you almost choose to ignore it, but then it sounds a few more times back to back. You reluctantly push away and through the water to get where your clothes are sitting, Yukhei reluctantly letting you go, and use your shirt to dry your hands before getting your phone out of your shorts.
Her messages are not as important or urgent as you figured they’d be, just a screenshot of a conversation some guy from Instagram tried to have with her and her laughing about it, in addition to a couple of memes.
The water sloshing behind you is the only warning you have before arms are caging you in, Yukhei’s head hanging over your shoulder. He presses forward until you’re against the concrete edge, flush against your back.
“This is okay, right?” his deep voice vibrates against your skin, halting the movement of your thumbs on your screen. Goosebumps form along your body and you shiver for reasons other than the weather, and there’s a kitten lick of arousal in your gut. “I’m not going to fast for you, am I?”
You look up and to your right and consequently, Yukhei lifts his head, genuinely worried eyes staring down into your own. Granted, this is only your fourth time seeing him, but it’s your first time sensing anything other than confidence, and something else takes a lick. It makes you feel better that you aren’t the only one who isn’t completely sure about this thing you have going on, but at the same time, you’d rather not think so hard about how you feel and what exactly is happening, you just want to let it happen. And at that thought, you put your phone down to reach a hand behind his neck, guiding his face to be even closer to yours. Yukhei’s eyes roam your face slowly, checking the sincerity of your actions in your eyes, then dropping down to your parted lips, his tongue poking out briefly to wet his own before he dips down to close the distance.
His soft, pillowy lips lightly brush against yours once, deep exhales coming out of both of your noses. There’s this current that goes through your body even at such an innocent kiss, and you let yourself revel in it.
“I’ll take that as a yes? And a no?” he mumbles, eyes fluttering open.
“Yes this is okay and no you’re not going too fast,” you giggle quietly, leaning back into his chest, eyes closing again. “It’s perfect.”
His wide palm rubs up and down your stomach, reeling you into a deep state of relaxation. “Yeah, perfect,” he hums.
The calming atmosphere disappears in the blink of an eye, your body jerking backward and submerging into the water. You struggle out of his grip to come back up for air, and the glare you send Yukhei as he rises up and rubs the water out of his eyes has him cackling madly. You lurch forward to slap a hand over his mouth while simultaneously hitting him on the shoulder gently for scaring the shit out of you like that.
He doesn’t pay any mind to your small hit and soon you’re being lifted by hands on your waist, but before he can throw you into the deeper end you wrap your legs above his hips, locking your ankles behind his back.
His eyes widen and you smirk in victory, your arms encircling his neck for extra security.
“You can’t be serious for long, can you?”
“Where would be the fun in that?” he grins, hands snaking down until they grip the very bottom of your ass, elated with the startled squeal you let out. “Hold on tight,” is his warning before you’re back underwater.
The rest of your time at the pool consists of seeing who can hold a handstand longer, childishly giving each other facefuls of water, you timing how long it takes for him to get from one side of the pool back to the other. It ends with wrinkly fingertips and toes, shaking bodies drying off with fluffy towels, and you drowning in his grey sweatpants and matching sweatshirt.
“If you let me take a picture of you right now I swear I’ll give you my entire wardrobe.”
“That’s a win-win situation for you, Yukhei,” you state dryly, adjusting the pants. “What am I getting out of it?”
He scoffs, getting his phone out. “Don’t act like you don’t love the way I smell, I’ve peeped it.”
He captures your pout at getting exposed.
Yukhei keeps his promise and turns the heat on, letting you adjust it as you please. The fingers of his free hand slide in between the spaces of your left hand, and when you’re out of the car they’re back. It’s like it gets harder to part ways each time it comes time to, Yukhei being ever the gentleman and walking you to your door again.
“Text me when you get back.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The squeeze you give his hand is returned, but before you can let go and say goodnight, his grip doesn’t let up. Instead, he gently tugs you into him, placing another innocent peck on your lips.
“Good night.”
◅ ▻
“My feet hurt,” you pout.
Because what does Yerim do when she’s tired of being home on her day off and Mark is busy at work?  Beg you to run errands with her because you’re the only other person she wants to be with today. Errands that take all day, at that.
First on the list was lunch around twelve, where the two of you caught up on how work and finding more scholarships have been going, where she tried to get more information out of you about how you and Yukhei have been, which ended in her side eyeing you because you were short and vague. Grocery shopping happened after two and she bought you your favorite snack because she knows you don’t like being at the grocery store when everybody and their mother is there, too. And now, with her and Mark’s first anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks, you’re in the mall going from store to store to find the perfect dress, skirt, or romper for the occasion. She dresses very simply and while Mark loves her simplicity, she can’t exactly show up in mom jeans and a crop top to wherever he’s made reservations. You’ve been here for about two hours already, both of you losing sight of why you’re at the mall and getting distracted by people watching and buying match bathing suits in different colors.
“Mine, too,” Yerim mumbles distractedly, focusing on the dresses in front of her.
You look at the rack of clothes beside the one she’s observing. “Red, right?”
She hums.
You pull out the blood red dress from the back of the rack; a simple number with spaghetti straps, a neckline that would show a decent amount of cleavage and a slit that doesn’t seem too high. “How about this one?”
It doesn’t even take her a few seconds to say, “She the one.”
It fits her perfectly and the price isn’t so bad either, and you treat yourselves with food, only the choices in the food court aren’t really doing it for either of you today so you pick up Chinese on your way back to your place, the two settling on your living room floor with your plates on the coffee table.
“I’m thirsty,” Yerim pouts around her fork.
You roll your eyes and get up to get her a bottle of water without a word, and you don’t even have to turn around to see the way her eyes crinkle in an admittedly cute smile.
“I don’t have any cold water,” you raise your voice some, closing the fridge.
“Room temperature is fi—ooh your boo texted you.”
You grab her a bottle and make your way back to the living room embarrassingly quickly. Ignoring the smirk on her face, you hand her the water and reach for your phone simultaneously, sinking back down into your former position.
[6:23 pm] yukhei: you free tonight/tomorrow??
“What did he say? Why are you smiling?”
Your face straightens immediately. “Nothing.”
Her eyes squint at you. “Right.”
She doesn’t open her bottle nor does she resume eating in favor of watching you closely as you text him back.
[6:25 pm] you: possibly
And even when you’ve picked up your spoon, her eyes don’t move.
“You confuse me.”
Her face turns comically straight. “You get all smiley from a text, but when I was asking about him earlier you practically waved me off and gave me short answers.” You choose to stuff your mouth instead of answering her indirect question, but that only urges her to go on. “You usually tell me about the guys you’re seeing without me even having to ask… what’s different this time?”
You really didn’t want to have this conversation anytime soon, or at all to be honest. And you really weren’t expecting the conversation to happen with Yerim instead of Yukhei himself, but your best friend holds that very titled for a reason.
“Previous guys weren’t just here for a couple of months,” you mumble, shoving another spoonful of fried rice into your mouth.
Her head tilts. “I’m not following, babe.”
With a deep sigh, you drop your spoon on your plate and give Yerim your full attention like you know she’s silently been begging for since you say back down. “Previously guys never made me fall so quickly in just a month, Yerim. Previous guys that pursued me also lived right around the corner or attended the same school—well, except for Jungwoo.”
She takes the time to process your words.
“You think that this will all end once school starts again?” she concludes.
“I mean, why wouldn’t it? I’ve been cool with Mark for years and he’s just now coming around, only for the summer.”
The look of pity she shoots you along with the comforting hand on your thigh is exactly why you kept pushing these thoughts to the back of your mind.
“You really like him, huh?”
“That much is obvious, isn’t it?” you chuckle dryly. “Wasn’t exactly expecting legit feelings to come into the picture when he asked for my number. I was thinking it would end up like another Jungwoo after finding out he’s at least an hour away, you know? Fuck around little until school starts.”
“So you were just gonna let yourself continue to fall even though you—knew,” cue her air quotes, “that it was gonna be short-lived and you would end up sad?”
It sounds pretty dumb when she puts it that way.
“I’m just trying to live in the moment and not think about how I’ll feel when the time comes.” As bad as it may seem, you’d rather be happy and enjoy what you two have right now than to be alone or find someone else to keep you company in a way your friends can’t. Maybe you’d rather not find another guy because Yukhei is one of (if not the) most attractive guys you’ve ever laid eyes on, maybe because as far as you can tell, he’s the man of your dreams, or maybe because no one has ever made your heart beat as fast or stomach flip as much as he does. To be this comfortable with someone you just met is foreign even to someone as social as you, and while it’s scary, it’s something you don’t want to let go of until the actual time to comes. And if that’s when schools about to start again, then so be it.
“Have you two messed around?”
“Nah. Just a small kiss or two.”
Her brow arches and if it weren’t for the serious moment you have going on right now you know she’d be on your ass for not telling her sooner. “Define ‘small.’”
“Literal pecks.”
Yerim looks at you like you’re stupid. And the longer this conversation goes and the longer you think about the situation in your head, you start to think you might be. “And after that, you still thought it was just a summer fling,” she deadpans.
You shrug, though you know she has a point.
“Has he actually said or done anything to have you thinking whatever you two have going on wouldn’t progress beyond the summer?” You take a moment to wrack your brain and come up with nothing. You shake your head. “Has he said or done anything that made you think it wasn’t just a fling?”
This time when you think about it, multiple things resurface. “Last time we were together he was touchier than normal and though it wasn’t anything super bold he still asked if he was going too fast for me…” Her hand moves in a winding manner, telling you to tell her more. “He looked like he was really concerned that he was overstepping boundaries and not like he was just asking to be polite.”
“Anything else?”
“I was the one that initiated the kiss.”
Your phone dings twice.
[6:30 pm] yukhei: i get off at 10
[6:30 pm] yukhei: can i get you around 11 or 12?
“And you have the nerve to constantly clown Mark because he was shy,” Yerim scoffs. “You’re a whole dumbass.”
The corner of your lips tries to lift. “Shut up.”
“When are you seeing him again?”
You glance at the messages again. “Possibly later tonight.”
The hand on thigh squeezes. “Talk to him about this tonight, okay? Though I’m one-hundred percent sure he likes you as much as you like him or maybe even more, this is something you need to get cleared up by the primary source.”
Mark is really rubbing off on her.
“One-hundred percent, huh?”
“When I was at Mark’s the other day he wouldn’t stop looking at his phone and may or may not have been very vocal about how beautiful you are, inside and out.”
A wide smile takes over half of her face at the glare that appears on yours.
“You couldn’t have told me that in the beginning?”
She grabs your thigh again, “you needed to say certain things aloud to realize how much of an idiot you are and I wanted you to come to the realization on your own with a little push.”
Food is finished and the table is cleared, Yerim leaving soon after to go to Mark’s. You hop in the shower and come out with tired eyes and sluggish limbs, the day’s activities finally catching up with you, and you crawl into bed bundled in a hoodie and leggings. You turn the t.v on and try to stay in an upright position so you don’t fall asleep before Yukhei’s shift ends, but you fall before it even hits eight.
Your ringtone and your phone vibrating next to you wake you sometime later and you blindly reach for the rectangular device.
“Hello?” you croak, clearing your throat and trying again.
“Aw, you were asleep?”
Your eyes shoot open at the voice.
“Shit,” you mutter, checking the time.
A quarter past ten.
“I was calling to make sure you were alright since you didn’t text me back, but we can do something another day. Go back to sleep, love.”
“No, no. S’fine,” you push yourself up. “Tonight is fine.”
“You sure?”
Jingling keys sound from the other end. “Alright. I’ll see you soon. Then.”
The warmth of Yukhei’s hand and the comfort of his thumb caressing your own plus his deep voice telling you about his day at work after you asked about his day is enough to lull you back into an unconscious state. Eyes that were once focused on his gorgeous profile become unfocused until you see that you’re downtown, and you remember you didn’t question where you’d be going and what you’d be doing.
You never do. And if that isn’t enough of a sign that you already have trust in him, you don’t know what would be. Your conversation from earlier with Yerim resurfaces. Tonight is the night you stop running away from confrontation, the night you get peace of mind.
Your confusion grows as he drives up to the roof of a vacant parking deck. With curious and half-lidded eyes you watch as he sets up the blankets and pillows in the back of his truck, and moments later you and Yukhei are side by side, laid out, both in hoodies he owns.
To be in the extended back of a truck, looking up at the stars in the middle of blankets after a long day is exactly what you need.
“You’re gonna fall asleep, aren’t you?”
“Most likely,” you hum, taking a glance at him to find him already looking down at you. “I’m tired and very comfortable now.”
The fond expression written on his face draws you closer to him. You wouldn’t mind falling asleep and waking up to this view.
“You want me to wake you up when the sun starts to rise?”
“Is stargazing and watching the sun set and rise that much of a cliche or did Yerim tell you what I like?”
“Mark told me you and Yerim indulge yourselves occasionally,” he shrugs, draping a long arm over your waist at the next proximity. “Plus, I like this kind of stuff, too.”
Positions shift until the side of your face in on his shoulder and you’re on your stomach, eyes slowly blinking up at the sky. You get a bit cuddly when you’re tired and there’s a warm body near, and Yukhei doesn’t seem to mind one bit, his arm gently squeezing you further into.
Now would be the perfect opportunity to get clarity on what the two of you are doing, but at the same time, it’s not even your hatred for confrontation, it’s also your pride that’s getting in the way. You don’t want to be that person that asks what are we. Plus, the silence is too nice to interrupt, so you let the rise and fall of his chest lull you closer and closer to dreamland.
Well, Yukhei doesn’t seem to think so when he clears his throat moments later.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You just did,” you mumble, a slow smile stretching your lips at the soft pinch he gives your side. “What’s up?”
He takes a few more moments to get his thoughts together before taking a deep breath. “Do you believe in pronoia?”
Ah, late thoughts. That’s why he’s been so quiet.
“Uh, yeah. I guess so. Do you?”
“Promise not to laugh or judge me?”
“I can’t promise th—” another pinch. “I promise.”
“Promise not to run away?”
Run away? Why would you do that?
You worriedly glance up at him. “Yukhei…”
“I’m staying with Mark for the summer because I needed to get away from home for a lot of reasons, and my life has just been shambles since last semester,” at the sight of him rubbing his lips together, looking like he’s contemplating if he should really continue or not, you sit up on your elbows to look down at him and try to convey with your eyes that this is a judgement-free zone and that you’re all ears. “I mean, I’m goofy as hell, but lately I’ve been having to fake it till I make it… but I don’t have to fake it with you.”
He looks away from the stars above to gauge your reaction, and apparently takes your expression the wrong way. “I’m sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything because we’ve only just begun whatever it is we’re doing a—”
You put your weight on one arm so that you can cup the side of his face, his words quickly dying on his tongue. You never doubted he had this side to him, you just weren’t expecting to witness it so soon, but you’re not complaining. You’re also not complaining because you’re glad this conversation has been brought up regardless of your overthinking.
“You don’t have to fake it with me?” He shakes his head. “Mind explaining why not?”
“You just…” Yukhei struggles, eyes trailing back up to the sky. “Things have been going really smoothly for me since I’ve met you? It could be a coincidence but I feel like it’s not.”
The last bit of tiredness washes away as you do your best to understand his words.
“So… you’re saying the universe…” you struggle to make the sentence make sense. “The universe put me into your life as a benefit?”
“It made more sense in my head,” he admits, sounding defeated. “You’re basically a good luck charm.” He takes another moment to words things correctly in his mind and you wait patiently, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “The day after I met you I got a call for an interview and got the job, and after that, I’ve had this motivation to patch things up at home and do better in general…” he trails off when your thumb stops. “I’m sorry this is a lot to put on you—”
You roll your eyes and dip down to peck his lips once, twice, until his lips press back, then you slant your lips over his. His words are definitely a lot to take in, and overall make you feel better yet even dumber about overthinking because he’s in the same boat.
“So this isn’t just a summer fling?” you mumble a hair away from his mouth.
The way he pulls back and his brows furrow take a jab at your heart. “Is that what this is to you?”
“No,” you chuckle, rubbing his cheek again. “I thought it was a possibility but then I realized I wasn’t thinking straight,” you admit, all of a sudden shy, eyes roaming everywhere to avoid his face. He just confessed you’ve done a great number on his life and you have the audacity to be timid in admitting you were worried about this ending once the summer did. “We just got so close so quick it seemed too good to be true?” and now you’re speaking in questions, too.
“I mean… does it bother you that we don’t go to the same school and that there’s some distance?”
“Not anymore.”
He blinks up at you cutely. “Really?”
“I’d rather not think about it until the time comes,” that much hasn’t changed. “but really,” you nod. “I really like you, Yukhei.”
His smile is scintillating, even more so than the stars above, and you do your best to engrave the sight into your memory before he’s leaning forward to capture your lips in the sweetest kisses, the stretch of his mouth still present as it moves slowly against yours.
Periodic lazy kisses, other late night thoughts said lowly to each other and your mind buzzed and running with nothing but positive thoughts that keep you up until the sun rises, all in the strong hold of Yukhei’s arms, is the perfect way to end a long day and a new one.
◅ ▻
“Put me dOWN.”
You look up from rubbing sunblock on your legs to see Yerim being carried into the ocean. Mark holding her ankles and Yukhei holding her wrists. Both males are laughing loudly, bystanders chuckling along and watching Yerim struggle to break free to no avail, and then she’s flying before sinking.
Mark and Yukhei high-five childishly, pointing and dying laughing at Yerim when she emerges, pissed. You can’t hear what she says angrily to Mark or read her lips, but whatever she says makes Mark shut right up and Yukhei cackle even louder.
Poor Mark is pouting.
You shake your head at their shenanigans, a smile pushing your cheeks up as you resume spreading the lotion on your lower half.
“Babe,” a gravelly voice calls, the owner of it jogging up to where you’re seated. He blocks the sun perfectly when he’s in front of you.
“Need help putting some on your back?”
You snort unattractively at the smirk he shoots you but pass him the bottle anyway, turning your back to him.
The sound of him squeezing your almost empty bottle hits your ears before you hear the wet sound of his hands rubbing together.
“What did Yerim say to Mark after you guys threw her?”
He lets out a reminiscing laugh, smoothing his hands up the middle of your back. “He’s not getting any tonight.”
Your eyes close as you chuckle, leaning into his touch as your head hangs forward. The sun above is perfect, the occasional breeze working in harmony with it, and Yukhei’s hands working the lotion on your skin to top it all off gives this weekend trip the perfect start.
“I’m sure that was an empty threat. She can’t stay mad at him for too long.”
His fingers creep under the straps on your shoulders to gently knead them. “Like you can’t stay mad at me?”
“You’ve yet to make me mad, Yuks. But don’t think too highly of yourself.”
His presence disappears from behind you but reappears in front of you, and you open your eyes to see him squatted down with a smile. You spread your legs to let him come closer.
“I guarantee you it’s impossible to stay mad at me.” His hands are back on you, only this time on your thighs the up and down motion smooth from the residue on his hands and your legs.
You squint at him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
Yukhei’s eyes blink in faux confusion. “Think about what, baby?” His hands continue up, fingers running across the fabric of your bottoms. “This color looks really nice on you, by the way.”
Yes, that is why you choose it instead of the one currently on Yerim. Your lips go thin.
“Stop while you’re ahead.”
“Stop what?” You honestly can’t tell if he’s purposely acting terribly or not and you’re stuck between finding it funny or not. “Don’t look at me like that. After working all week I just wanna be in your presence,” he shrugs, hands stopping at your sides.
“Uh huh,” you muse, carding your fingers through his hair to push his bangs out of his eyes, keeping your hand on the back of his head. “I keep my promises, baby boy.”
He simply grins, not at all taking what you’re saying seriously, and you can in his eyes he’s already got his mind made up. Yukhei leans forward to press a soft peck to your mouth, the repeats until you return the affection. You mentally roll your eyes at the way you relax and give into him, knowing you’ve fallen right into the blatant trap when the kiss turns languid.
You’re prepared for the way his grip on your waist tightens, and in the blink of an eye his lips are no longer on yours and you’re upside down, flipped over his shoulder. Yukhei laughs maniacally as he stands up, gets a good hold on your under your ass and starts jogging in the direction of the water, and you put on the theatrics just for his amusement.
In the midst of your limbs flailing you pass a Yerim that’s smiling at the show while Mark is ooo-ing excitedly and clapping like a seal, and he’s the last thing you see before closing your eyes and holding your breath at the feeling of being tossed. The water feels great on your warmed skin, and you take your time emerging.
The glee on Yukhei’s face is instantly wiped off when you walk past him and lowly tell him, “you’re sleeping with Mark tonight.”
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jaehyuwus · 6 years
Dating Yukhei
warning: swearing
A/N: this gif has me incredibly soft, and I love Lucas
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How you two meet:
okay so this boy was loud the day you fuckin met him
you met him through Jungwoo one day when he invited the both of you out for ice cream
and lemme tell you
it was very eventful
Lucas spilled ice cream on your favorite hoodie
you wanted to be pissed, but then he offered you his hoodie
“won’t you get cold? it’s windy outside..”
“it’s okay, i’d rather get cold than you have to wear a messy hoodie”
Lucas felt so bad, so he decided to buy you more ice cream as a way to apologize
Jungwoo was barfing at how flustered the two of you were, but he was also very happy his two best friends were hitting it off so well
so that day a beautiful friendship bloomed, and all three of you hung out on a daily
How he confesses:
so Lucas may act like some flirt on camera, and call the viewers his girlfriend
but when it comes to you, he’s so nervous
like when he’s around you it’s not that bad, because he covers up his nerves with being loud as fuck
Jungwoo isn’t exactly much help either, because he only knows about your feelings
so Jungwoo always does things to make you even mORE FLUSTERED
one time he told Lucas that you said that Lucas smelled really good
he also took a polaroid photo of him sleeping for you, but you gave it to Chenle because you felt embarrassed
Haechan finds out about the feelings you both have
Haechan has a big ass mouth, so he tells Lucas how you feel whenever he’s over
so LUCAS IS VERY FLUSTered, but begins to test it out to see if he was telling the truth
he literally does everything to make you blush
“hey you look chilly, want my jacket?”
but one day you two are just chilling, and you catch him staring at you, and he finally confesses
you call Jungwoo later that night, feeling like your heart is gonna eXPLODE
Dating Lucas:
so your first date with Lucas was actually chill? i mean i see him as a really chill guy, so i imagine him taking you out for ice cream and probably going on a walk
like i said before
Lucas is loud as fuck
and he’s always laughing
for some reason he likes to come over to visit, but he really likes to bring Chenle
it’s like babysitting two children
Chenle likes to spill the tea about what Lucas says about you
he also gave you the polaroid photo of Lucas sleeping back to you
one time Lucas called you a little muffin, and you didn’t let it go for a week
tells you the worst jokes
you make him carry you on his shoulders whenever you’re too lazy to actually... be active
Lucas acts like it’s too much work, but he likes it
gives you hugs where he swallows you whole
that’s how cuddling is too
once he starts cuddling he isn’t letting go for like 6 hours
whenever he comes over he eats.. everything in your fridge
so you buy separate snacks for the both of you
you also start putting your name on certain foods
but he’ll eat those too
for some reason he gets all shy when he kisses you, and will start giggling
ice cream dates are a necessity
Jungwoo also likes to come over with Lucas and mess your place up
“you’re cleaning this mess”
and Jungwoo is like, “oh well would ya look at the time! time to feed my rat”
Jungwoo also acting like Lucas is his boyfriend
dating Lucas comes with listening to Nct Dream on a daily
but you don’t complain
secretly protective, but not overbearing
when you’re upset he either tells you jokes, cuddles you, or will rap to you softly
Lucas is the softest boyfriend, and though he’s a huge child you love him, and he loves you very much 💕💕
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maknaes-and-hyungs · 6 years
When You’re Play Fighting and Accidentally Kiss {NCT U (Boss Era)+Kun}
Note: I know it says play fighting, but a few may be just like arguing while playing a game, but like same thing am I right????? Also can I just say that a lot of people see Jungwoo as really shy rather then Kun, but I see it the other way around with Jungwoo being a really smug ass(loveable although). Just wanted to say that alright enjoy and request (also sorry if you don’t follow IP since thats all i’ve been posting)~Rin
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“Give me the remote Taeyong!” Instead of complying Taeyong stood up and held the remote above his head.
“Come and get it then Y/N.” He may have been your best friend but he could honestly be a dick a lot of the time. Although a lovable dick so you humored him and got off of the couch in an attempt to jump for it. Of course his arms reached too high and you failed miserably.
“Damn you Tae.” Rather than try a hundred times you got up on the couch and leapt for it. In hindsight it might not have been your best idea and instead of grabbing the remote you knocked him to the ground. You two then proceeded to push and pull trying to get the remote from the other. It was with a particularly hard tug from Taeyong that your lips ended up on his.
Separating at the speed of lightning you sat with your back against the couch and he sat opposite you against the wall. All that was heard for the next few moments was the heavy breathing that came from the pair of you. Taeyong was looking everywhere but you and his cheeks matched the red of his tee shirt. You on the other hand reached up in shock to touch where his lips had been. If you were tell the truth you had been wanting that for months and as you were about to spit it up he sprang to his feet.
“I am so sorry. I should’ve just given you the remote instead of being ass. Just know I didn’t mean for that to happen. I would never-never- kiss you without your permission or if I knew you wanted it or-”
“I did...want it that is.” Silence once again grew and now both of you were blushing profusely unsure of what to do next.
“Good... good to know. I’m just gonna go ask Taeil something.”
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(You’re Yuta)
“Oh? Then how do you explain the fact that cheese is one of the most popular ramen toppings? Hm...HMMMM.” You raised your fork at dongyoung and waved it around vigorously. He wiped the liquid that hit him and shook his head at your behavior.
“I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but false.” You stopped in your tracks and stared opened mouth at Dongyoung. It was a look he had seen many times before and always hoped that it would never return. It was a look that said you were about to start yelling which was never ideal. but especially not in this particular moment. You happened to be walking through a very crowded fairground in the middle of the night.
“HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A LIAR?” That was all you could get out before dongyoung grappled you to the ground. You however weren’t one to stop fighting and you rolled across the grass trying to throw the boy off of you. It was during on of these spins that you hit the ground and he rolled on top only to plant his lips on yours.
“I didn-” Before he could apologize you pushed him off and scrambled to your feet. He yelled after you, but you were already gone and driving away in your car. It wasn’t until you were well on your way that you remembered that you had driven him there.
As much as you didn’t want to see him and probably accidentally reveal your crush you had to go back. When you got back into the field that was being used as a parking lot you saw him standing at the entrance to the fair trying to get a signal on his phone. He didn’t even notice as you slowly drove in front of him and called his name, headphones.
You left the car running and walked around to tap him on his shoulder. All you saw was his feet since you didn’t have it in you to see his face. You just assumed he was getting in the car and turned around when you where pushed forward. Dongyoung was giving you a back hug and laughing.
“You are so cute sometimes Y/N.”
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“Oh yeah Y/N. I bet I can get closer before breaking then you can.”
“You’re on Yukhei.” When you weren’t with Yukhei you had no drive to compete. It was just something about his smug face that suddenly lit the fire within you. That’s why you two were sitting on his bed slowly bringing your faces closer together.
“You suck.”
“Wow. Good one Y/N, but I’m pretty sure you’re the one more proficient in sucking.” Yukhei winked at you and if it wasn’t for your stupid little game you would’ve hit him and turned away in anger (really just to blush.) Instead you stuck out your tongue and got a little bit closer.
Not one to be beat, Yukhei followed suit and you furrowed you eyebrows in frustration. The boy always new all the right ways to push your buttons in order to gain a win, but you were determined to not let this be one of those times. So, you got closer, but he decided to do so at the same time. The simultaneous shifting of your weights caused you to lurch forward and before you knew it your lips were connected.
An attempt was made, on your part, to separate but Yukhei pulled you back in and deepened the kiss. To say you were surprised was an understatement since you always thought your feelings weren't reciprocated. His persistence, however, proved you wrong and you were pushed back into the softness of the pillows and mattress. Yukhei’s hands started to wander under your shirt but before they could get anywhere Yuta opened the door to the room.
“I was just leaving!” You pushed Yukhei to the floor, grabbed your jacket from the desk chair, and headed for the door. Before you could Yukhei grabbed the jacket effectively stopping you.
“When we get a chance later, we should do this again.” You nearly choked at his words and stumbled out of the room without looking at Yuta. It wasn’t until they heard the front door shut that either of them moved. Yukhei threw his hands in the hair and squealed in joy.
“Dork.” Yuta shook his head and left Yukhei to his fanboying.
Yoon Oh/ Jaehyun
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"Yoon I have a date to get to stop." Upon hearing this news Yoon Oh only doubled his efforts to tickle you. What had started as an innocent fight between friends turned for him into a fight to make you stay. Or at least for you to be late enough so as to dash your chances of the date going well or going at all.
"I'm sorry I cant hear you through all that laughing Y/N!" Yoon Oh pulled you back down to the floor where he was laying and continued his assault. This encouraged you to attempt one of those death rolls you had seen those alligators, or was it crocodiles, doing on animal planet. Considering you were next to the coffee table one of you was bound to get hurt and it happened to be Yoon Oh who smacked his head against the wood causing him to release his grip.
"Sorry! Still like I said I have to go on that da-YOON OH!" Before you could say the horrid word again, Yoon Oh recovered and once again pulled you into his arms. Except this time you tripped over your feet and your lips ended up on his. Yoon Oh was in heaven and went to deepen the accidental kiss, but you pulled away.
You stay still with your hair falling in front of your face and your cheeks on fire. You couldn't believe that you had just kissed your best friend and before a date at that. What were you going to say to your date...what were you going to say to Yoon Oh?
"You are so cute Y/N.(Picture the gif)Come here and forget that date of yours. I'll make it up by taking you on a date of our own."
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“Get together already!” Yukhei yelled back at you and Mark as Jeno pushed him out of the dorm in order to give you two time alone.
“The last thing I want is to have to kiss him.” You joked to Yukhei not noticing how Mark winced slightly at your words. He knew you were joking around, but if he asked you seriously he doubted he would get a different answer. In order to hide his disappointment he decided to join in.
“I’ll have you know my lips are perfect for kissing. However, yours...” Mark raised his hand as if to touch your lips, but pulled away at the last second, “are not good enough for me.”
You gasped and he assumed it was you playing like a hurt damsel. It was really the breath you had held in while hoping that he would actually touch you. The tension that was between you was only ever felt by everyone else in the room so of course you too thought he would never change his answer.
“How dare you Mork!” You pushed him back as you held in laughter at the disgust on his face at the mention of his nickname. He caught you off guard when he grasped your wrist to stop himself from falling to the floor. Since you weren’t paying attention you were pulled along with him and both of you fell to the floor. For a split second you lips touched and the two of you scrambled back. Mark said nothing but you, in your surprise, blurted out the worst thing possible.
“Oh God.” It came out sounding like you were disgusted by the moment and it hit Mark straight in the heart. Unable to explain yourself he got up off the floor and ran into his room. His head fell into his hands and he tried to hold in his tears.
“Idiot. Stupid. Dumb Mark. Of course kissing you is disgusting to her. How could she ever like you? W-”
“I do like you. I was just surpised Marky.” To absorbed in his self loathing, he had let you enter the room undetected and climb on the bed behind him. Your arms wrap around him and you rested your head against his (You’re Doyoung in the GIF). That was how the members found you when they returned an hour later except the both of you were now slumped backwards and taking a nap.
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Dread spread through your body like the caramel settling down to the bottom of your iced coffee. It wasn’t instantly felt all over, but rather something that slowly went through your body before settling in as something real. You were reeling from the spark of confidence you had felt earlier and wished that you had never felt.
Sicheng and you had been arguing over the last popsicle in your freezer. The weather had finally warmed up (thank the gods that it is finally true for where I live) and you had promised, at the beginning of winter, that you would treat the boy to a cold treat. The thing was that he had been busy with promotions so by the time he had come over you had already consumed nearly the entire box.
And even though you had promised him the treat, you were really hot and craving it. He wasn’t having it and he grabbed your wrist to pull the treat to his mouth. Not one to give in, even if he was your crush, you pulled it right on back to you. Sicheng then gave a mighty yank and caused you to trip into his chest. More accurately you “accidentally” crashed your lips into his.
Rather he thought it was an accident and you had actually stepped forward when he pulled your wrist. You had been waiting for something to happen for a year now and in the moment and the heat your frustration was at its peak. Wanting to kiss him, but afraid of rejection you had planned to somehow accidentally do it. Afterwards, however, you were mortified at the look of surprise on his face and you shoved the popsicle into his hands and fled the house.
Now you found yourself at NCT’s fansign with your coffee since you promised some of the boys that you would show up. Even if you didn’t want to see Sicheng yet you couldn’t let the others down. So in the back behind all the fans you stood with the rest of the staff who knew you. Things were going better then expected, but then sicheng picked up his mic and spoke.
“I have someone I like-”insert fans awwing in disappointment and support,”and I think they feel the same way. So I wanted to show them my heart.” Sicheng put up his hand and gave a heart to his fans that all laughed as they realized he meant them. Except he hadn’t, while he was sitting there he had finally spotted you and as he spoke and gave the heart and looked right into your eyes. Maybe confidence was a good thing after all.
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(Has to go but is a super flirt)
You weren’t all that fond of following your best friend, Jungwoo, to his Hi-touch events with the rest of NCT. You only got to talk to him in the few mintues before things were set up and then you stood behind the scenes doing nothing but watching. So, finding your planned hang out once again sabotaged by the event you took your precious few minutes to jokingly argue.
“Jung~~~! How could you do this to us again? You are ruining this relationship.”
“Y/N~~~! You know you love me and any time you get to spend and look at me. I am really handsome after all.” He brought his hand up to frame his face and you flicked his forehead in annoyance.
“Boi. Just cause you have these girls brainwashed does not mean I am. No way would I use my precious money to buy into that bull.” You rolled your eyes and started turn away from Jungwoo. He reached out and turned you back while getting right in your face.
“I bet you would love to get a kiss from me Y/N. I can see it.”
“Your dreams are the only place I would ever be willing to kiss you.” You provoked him by getting even closer not expecting for him to do anything. Except as he leaned ever closer, which was nearly impossible, Donghyuck took his foot and tripped his older member. There went your first kiss to your best friend and huge crush Jungwoo.
Although surprised Jungwoo managed to pull out his classic smug look. The announcer then called his name and he left you nearly hyperventilating. But he couldn’t leave things be the way they were, no. He had to walk out on stage throwing signs and hearts at you in the guise of doing it to a camera (GIFFFF which I loooovvveee). Effectively striking you dead.
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(yells thank you and is embarassed)
“So this was like our first date... right Kun?”
“Wh-w-what nonsense are you spouting right now?” The blush that adorned his cheeks was adorable and you wished he wouldn’t brush off what you said as a joke. You were after all walking next to the Han river in the moonlight after eating dinner together. While you lived in a world where the two of you were dating Kun lived in a world where you two were nothing, but friends hanging out on a typical Saturday night.
“Kun. Buddy ol’pal ol’boyfriend of mine,” Kun choked on his ice cream, oh right and you got ice cream, “Don’t try to deny the love that is between us.” You brought your hand up to your chest and looked mildly offended as you brought tears to your eyes.
“Please keep your acting to the stage Y/N. Why can’t we ever hang out without you trying to seduce me.”
“I am not seducing you! Was I the one who bought this ice cream?”
“Exactly so sir, I am simply saying that if you are seducing me the least you could do is own up to it.” Instead of fighting back like usual Kun grew quiet and looked away from you. The tiled path couldn’t be that interesting so you got close to his cheek before he turned back. When he did you didn’t think you were as close as you were and so your lips brushed each other. The shock that went through you both caused you to drop your cone and widened your eyes.
“THANK YOU!”Kun practically screamed in your ears and the both of you stood in silence after that for a few minutes. When Kun finally moved his arm you jumped and he stopped. “I was just gonna give you my ice cream since you dropped yours.” Kun visibly gulped and you decided to suck it up and grow some balls.
“Well of course you are. What kind of date wouldn’t.” When you said this, rather then argue, you grabbed his hand while taking the ice cream and continuing to walk while the both of you blushed.
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jungnoir · 6 years
ah thank you!! i hope so too but it's the thought that counts~ okei i just put ur birthday in my calendar, we're even now 🤩 also jungwoo and his crab army is such a funny mental image i cOULD JUST IMAGINE yukhei pranking jungwoo one too many times and he's like "u know what, eat THIS" and well. r.i.p yukhei hfjdhs hmm take some allergy meds :(? have a nice cup of tea/coffee & just chill to get ur mind off it!! - (1/4) layout anon
infinity war spoilers below
oKAY YEAH SO SPOILER TIME, I AGREE!!! i felt like there were wayy to many things happening? it was a little confusing cause i’ve never watched a guardians of the galaxy movie oops.. and no it isnt!! i really like loki too :( i saw this thread thingy about how loki might not be dead and it seems pretty solid to me tbh!! bjdhdh thats what i wanna believe… i really hope thats the case bc all my favs faded into nothing and i was pretty much emotionless at the end of the film o
tbh the part that really frustrated me was when they were about to get the glove off thanos but stAR LORD PUNCHED HIM I WAS ABOUT TO THROW HANDS!!! i also kinda expected him to throw gamora off the cliff but still:( the amount of times this movie made me tear up i omg i feel like spidey’s death was the worse? i told myself i wouldn’t cry but when he started saying stuff like “i’m too young to die”… i died instead 😭😭 i ended up really liking groot at the end and then That happened so:/ (¾)
in short, the movie is a whole mess in my head hfjdh anyway tHATS CUTE!! peter parker will protect u from his lil buds :^) oh is flash any good? my friends talk about it but i hardly have the time or motivation to start a new series ;-; perhaps i may make an exception for a certain show tho 👀 yEs mother i will rest… Maybe… thank you! i really need the luck OTL have a good day today 💛💛 - layout anon (i’m sorry my incredibly long messages are making a comeback,, i couldn’t help it👉👈)(4/4)
heck yeah we are! EXACTLY SDUSHFIJ i had yukhei in my mind to be the one that’s running around the garden from a vicious army of crabs while jungwoo is furiously shouting “APOLOGIZE” from a balcony. I did!! it’s…. still here but it’s manageable LOL i’m just being a baby.
you’re so right! there was a lot happening at once and I kinda knew that it would most likely be like that going into it because it’s so many characters, quite a few who haven’t really interacted with each other yet, and so many pieces needing to be set in place for the next movie. ahhh I could see how confusing it’d be without watching gotg :/  I’m still pissed about gamora, I hope they bring her back! I told my brother “I don’t think Loki is dead” and he was like “when is Loki ever dead” LOL he’s coming back some way some how, trust me. if he doesn’t I will be CROSS @ marvel. lmao i know if i could have punched that zarkon wannabe in the face i would have
FUCKING RIGHT like i know you’re upset dude but why didn’t they explain to him AFTER they got the glove off that she was dead like we all knew he was going to blow a gasket over it!!!! just a few more seconds and it would have been fine!!! and now we’re all DEAD thanks chris pratt adijshh. peter’s was the worst for me :( the minute he fell into tony my heart was ripped out of my chest and now all I can think about is that ned and aunt may and company are at home in queens and no one knows where peter is except ned. just imagine how stressed aunt may must be, how bad ned might feel (like he could have stopped peter from going, told him to leave it to the avengers, reiterate that peter has a whole life ahead of him and he’s only been doing big stuff like this for so long). how they’re all probably watching the world crumble around them and the sheer confusion…… hng
thinking happy groot thoughts,,,, remember how invested he was in his video game,,, and the little condescending “i am groooot”. what a cutie. i love him. please mr. parker or i’m gonna have to punch a tarantula in the face one day and then cry about it because i hurt it. I really love the flash!!! I def recommend it. like most shows I haven’t finished it but I’m on season 2 and it’s really great. you’ll love the characters. also barry is like another peter almost so if u love peter u will love him. asjfhsidfj “mother” YES I AM UR MOM U BETTER HAVE RESTED. ily!!!! im so glad the long messages made a comeback ok fite me
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