#oh yeah. forgot the doodles tag
michaels-office-hours · 3 months
Waiting for your girlfriend to come online to see the doodle you sent in dms cause you don’t wanna make her uncomfortable by drawing art of you two together but you also wanna draw cute art of you two together so you just wait for her to come online and see what you’ve done in a totally not needy way no not Al all I’m able to function by myself
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faffodil · 4 months
Guess who's fixated on the now-extended msiclick family agaiin~
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So here, have a bunch of doodles ive done ofer the past few days
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st4rstudent · 2 months
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snrrrkk mimiimimimimimimi
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monopolizedmountains · 8 months
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local oc artist is pvping its hyperfixation while watching s7
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faleve · 8 months
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She is more than just a cute rich girl! She is also a formidable Pokemon Trainer like her friends! ❤️
I commissioned @yancadoodles again! This time drawing F!Protag (I named her Jeanne :3c).
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Mine was in one fucking game but damn did he make an impression.
BY GOD did he make an impression....
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shiftdrawwing · 2 years
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Mostly fic stuffff~ (again, cough, they be on the mind a lot lately) And LFLS YAAAAAAAYYY!!! So funny that my favorite color is green amiright or amir yeah anyway
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chatonyant · 2 years
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1-5: Character explorations of a story about a forgotten tiger. Each of the characters are supposed to have the power of a mythological creature
6-7: Bee :)
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feli026 · 11 months
Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep.
Rest your head, it's time for bed.
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OCs: Stelo (the white ass mf) and Charlie (human)
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randomartsideblog · 3 months
CW: Bright Colors
Doodle to entertain myself 💬
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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love me softly p3
@acitytokeepyoursecrets tags on this post she gets it god bless
@urmomification @legitcookie @deleataecount :)
Eddie doesn’t like that he’s into Steve Harrington, so he does what he does best: acts like a dick and annoys Steve into hating him even more than he already did.
But it’s doesn’t even seem to be working. Even when he stands on cafeteria tables and shouts about pompous rich kids and their shiny cars.
Steve just looks up at him, while the others sneer and throw insults and fries at him. He almost smiles a lot of the time, his expression light. Amused. He just watches, eating quietly while Eddie shouts and yells and cackles when Tommy H throws something at him and misses. (Steve covers his mouth. Eddie thinks he’s laughing too.)
When Eddie sits again, Gareth is almost glaring at him, his elbow on the table, his fingers to his forehead, like he’s watching a house fire. He tells Eddie it’s a bad idea. The others don’t know what they’re talking about but they don’t really care.
Eddie knows it’s a bad idea to taunt Steve and his friends. That he’s just painting a bright red target on his own back. But he can’t really help it.
Especially not when Steve starts responding, flipping Eddie the bird while Eddie’s up on a table, tilting his head adorably when Eddie comments that he looks like a Christian summer camp counsellor.
Tommy just comments that at least Steve can buy new clothes. Eddie just fires back that money can’t buy better taste, bitch. Steve snorts even though it’s a dig on him.
It goes on for a while. The teasing. The stares. The suppressed smiles and laughter.
But it actually starts on a Friday.
Eddie has detention. (Shocker.) The only reason he actually goes is because Mr Peterson isn’t an asshole. He’s friendly, even to Eddie.
Greets him as “Mr Munson,” looks at the pink detention slip before raising a single eyebrow at Eddie and tells him to sit with a soft shake of his head and a smile.
And Eddie turns to find Steve sitting in the back, watching him. Eddie’s grin falters and then widens, his head tilting as he raises his eyebrows, and Steve’s face turns red. He looks away. Eddie goes to sit with him, still grinning.
The room is quiet. There aren’t many others here, a few of them doodling on tables or sleeping. Peterson doesn’t care. (Another reason Eddie likes him.)
“What’d you do?” Eddie asks quietly, sitting too close to him.
Steve just looks down at his notebook. It’s closed, a pen laying on top of it. Eddie wants to flip through it.
“Steve Harrington is in detention,” Eddie says dryly. “You did something.”
Eddie snorts. Steve glances at him. He’s smiling, and his cheeks are still flushed, and Eddie might die.
“What’d you do?”
“Ste-e-e-eve, what’d you do?”
“Oh, we’re on a first name basis now?”
Eddie blinks. He’s only called him Harrington. Steve’s never called him anything.
“Yeah, I guess. Tell me what you did.”
“…Called Collins a jackass. In front of him.”
Eddie drops his head to the table.
“What did you do?”
“Forgot my homework.” He lifts his head. “Seven times.”
Steve snorts.
“Of course.”
They’re not allowed to talk during detention. It’s too quiet for them to even whisper with Peterson hearing, the room silent except the scratching of someone’s pencil and the occasional cough or sigh.
Eddie lowers his head to the table, ready to take a nap or zone out or something, but Steve opens the notebook. Eddie turns his head to look, his cheek pressing against the cold surface, and Steve doesn’t notice.
Eddie sits up to watch. Steve flips through the pages, and Eddie catches a glimpse of a drawing, so he reaches out and take the notebook wordlessly. Steve makes a small indignant ugh. Eddie shushes him.
Eddie flips through the pages slowly, looking at Steve’s handwriting. It’s pretty. Almost girly. Every page has random, half-understandable notes, without any kind of indicating header that might include the subject or date.
He thinks he’s getting closer to the drawing, because Steve reaches out to take the notebook again. Eddie swats his hand away, and Steve drops his head to the table with soft groan.
Eddie grins.
He finds the drawing. It’s a messy pencil sketch, scratchy snd scribbled and smudged and shitty, but easily recognisable.
His grins falters, and he blinks, his eyes tracing the lines of his own curls, the angle of his own nose, the curve of his eyelashes.
He turns to look at Steve, who’s now hiding his face in his shirt, looking away from Eddie.
Eddie lays back on the table, his chin propped on his arms as he gazes at the drawing again.
Steve lets him keep the notebook until the end of detention.
part four
read the whole thing ao3
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mossy-paws · 4 months
random stuff (PHIGHTING! And other!)
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Yeah so a bunch of random stuff that I don’t ever recall posting! I may’ve posted the sword n darkheart thing before but absolutely no clue lmao! Here’s some other doodles/wips for upcoming projects as well!
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First is a custom design comm wip, second was supposed to be a super big thank you for 200 followers but now is probably gonna be for 300 followers at this rate LMFAO,, and the rest are some older biocat doodles of Wall-e and mossgraft that may also be reposts!
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oh and as a final little bonus:
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
If I’m There : Chapter Two
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Part One
exploring the budding relationship between Noah and my OFC Natalie - ah young love - but of course to be young and in love is usually to be kinda stupid. This story will soon take us 10 years into the future and our two love birds with meet again but secrets have been kept and feelings buried away..will true love prevail?? (yeah probably but it’s gonna hurt like Hell first)
Triggers : language , violence
tags: fluff 🫶🏻 , a little angst
smut eventually I PROMISE! let them cook, so minors dni pls&thx
“Noah. stop seriously please you’re only going to make it worse” I say as I race after him down the hall, his long legs making it difficult to keep up “please stop” I plead “you think doing anything to him will make it better?”
I continue pulling his arm back to keep him from rushing towards the courtyard where my brother is no doubt sitting at his usual table for lunch.
He turns around to face me with a seething expression “Natalie. He hit you.” Noah’s hand light grazes my blackened eye. “He deserves to pay for that”
“And you think what? By kicking his ass? Or yelling to the whole school that he hit me is going to help with anything? You think it would make my life any easier?” The frustration in my voice impossible to miss.
“You don’t understand Noah, I’m just trying to make it through this last year and a half of school and escape from my shitstorm family. It would be a lot easier if my already volatile brother wasn’t provoked further” I pull his arm back further towards me “so please, just leave it alone”
Noah let’s loose an annoyed breath “fine” he grumbles.
“But If he touches you again-“
“He won’t” I interrupt “he won’t do it again” hopefully
“If he does, call me. Please. Text me. Send a fucking carrier pidgeon i dont care, just tell me.“ he reaches out for my phone and puts his number in and texting himself.
Nick coughs behind us and I turn back to him “why did you text Noah?” I question him. “I at least assume that’s why he came barreling into class with that crazed look on his face.”
Nick just looks between Noah and I and sighs deeply “you two are so dumb. I texted Noah because he talks about you all the time, figured you probably felt the same way considering I saw you doodling a figure that looked strikingly similar to him” Nick continues “I figured he’d give a shit if the girl he’s all hung up on showed up to school with a shiner”
ha sounds like Nick just said Noah likes me…wait what
“Wait what?” I turn to look at Noah and he’s blushing red from the neck up. “You talk about me all the time?”
“You drew me?”
We both speak at the same time, laughing at the ridiculousness of it.
I let him go first “you drew me? why didn’t you show me?”
I let out a nervous laugh “I mean I didn’t want to look like a weirdo drawing pictures of some guy I like” the last part came out in a rush, my brain is apparently moving faster than my mouth can filter. Oh my god shut up.
“I mean-“ I stumble
“I like you too,” he confesses in a small voice. “Sitting next to you and bothering you in study hall is one of the highlights of my day”
“You’re never bothering me” I tell him quietly.
“Ugh okay I’m leaving now” Nick says from behind us.
We continue walking but now away from the courtyard trying to slip into casual conversation. “So now that I’m not planning on kicking your brother's ass, did you maybe want to eat lunch together?” He pushes the hair that fell into his face back behind his ear as he asks me.
“Yeah, that would be great. I totally forgot to bring my lunch with everything going on at home but I would enjoy sitting with you” I smile up at him softly.
“Hell no, Natty. What do you want? My treat” he said while reaching over and wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.
We walked off campus to the taco truck a block away from school and Noah bought us lunch while we talked more. Before we went back to school he stopped me and moved his hand to cup my bruised cheek.
“Can I take you out for real?” He asks sweetly “like a real date, not just tacos at lunch time. Friday night?”
Oh my god, he’s asking you out. Noah is asking you out. He just bought you lunch. He talked to you about art and music and wants to take you out on a date. Okay you've been quiet for too long. Say something.
“Yes! That sounds great” I manage to choke out through the nerves clogging my throat.
“Awesome” Noah smiles and takes my hand as we walk back to campus.
Friday cannot come fast enough. I need to get through two more days and one massive AP biology exam so I am in an intense study session when my phone buzzes next to me.
Noah : you’re not responding to my snaps and they’re so funny. Put the notes down for 5 seconds to laugh. I promise it’s worth it. 8:46
Natalie: haha okay! Fine. 8:46
Natalie: It better be worth it, this test is like a huge part of my final grade. 8:46
I open the snap and it’s a series of videos of Noah fake falling next to wet floor sign and another of him placing a bible in the science fiction section of a Barnes and Noble. what a beautiful dork
Natalie: Those are precious moments I could have used to study, now lost forever. 8:58
Noah: Natty, you wound me deeply. Say something nice before I completely lose all self confidence. 9:01
Natalie: You have the voice of an angel, now pls let me study. 9:03
Noah: aw :) you like me huh? 9:03
Natalie: less and less now XD 9:04
Noah: You've wounded me again. I may never recover <\3. 9:04
Natalie: I will try to make it up to you later but for now biology calls my name and I need to finish studying this unit. Goooodnight noahhhh :) 9:06
Noah: I will hold you to that Natty. GN :) 9:07
I fall asleep on my textbook and wake up again at around midnight to crawl into my bed.
The next day passes quickly and it’s finally Friday ! I feel great about my test so the day is going great, and it’s only going to get better because tonight Noah is taking me out on our first official date. He doesn’t want to count tacos during lunch period as our first date, which I get, but that’s not what I’ll tell our kids….okay Nat let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I get home after school and rush to my room to get ready. I take a boiling hot shower to wash away the oncoming nerves. Will he want to have sex? No. right? That's crazy..no way. Right.? It our first date, he couldn’t possibly expect that…but I mean he’s had girlfriends before. Maybe I’m in over my head…I’m an inexperienced, never had a boyfriend virgin loser….No. Noah is a nice guy, he likes me. Kyle’s words are just getting to me. This is going to be a great date and Noah is a great guy.
I decided to wear my dark green wrap dress, black tights and ballet flats. I don't normally wear makeup but I decided to put on a little mascara and blush and I use concealer to cover up the fading bruise on my eye. I brush out my hair and pin it half up with a clip.
Noah texts me that he's outside at around 6:00. He didn't tell me what he had planned but I'm excited either way.
As I approach the car he hops out of the driver side seat and greets me with a happy smile and moves to open the door for me. “Hi” he greets me with a warmly “you look beautiful” he pulls me into a gentle hug.
Wrapping my hands around him to return the hug I smile at him and climb into the passenger seat.
“So, what do you have planned for this evening?” I ask curiously.
“A little this, a little that…don’t worry Natty, I have the perfect evening planned” he winks at me and I can’t help the blush that floods my face.
Fifteen minutes later the car pulls into a small parking lot outside of a brick building with a sign reading “Holts Roastery and Records” a record store? That tracks.
“I’ve seen you wear some pretty cool band shirts so I was thinking finding some new records would be fun, plus the coffee here is pretty good” Noah comments as he throws his arm around me walking from the car to the front door.
We walk inside and order. I get a hot chai latte and Noah orders a mocha. We get our drinks and walk around the records and music, I see a lot that I recognize, l mostly listen to classic rock or oldies like Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones or Otis Redding. Noah is pulling out bands I’ve never heard before like Megadeath, Slayer, he hands me a Bring Me The Horizon CD and says “just listen to this, if you can give me anything at all, listen to this”
I laugh softly and take a sip of my tea taking the cd “okay, I’ll listen to it, cross my heart”
We continue browsing the shelves and talking before heading to the checkout counter where Noah plucks the cd from my hands to pay for it “my treat Natty, I want to have all the credit for introducing you to the best music you’ve ever heard” he finishes paying and we toss our drinks heading back out to the car.
“Nights not over yet, don’t worry” he laughs “one more stop and then the best burger of your life”
Noah drives us to the park near the lake, we park and walk hand in hand and he leads me to a bench. We sit and take in the warm evening sun as it’s on its path to disappear.
“I come here a lot to write, it’s one of my favorite spots” Noah comments softly “I was hoping to bring you here sometime”
“It’s a lovey spot, thank you for bringing me” I return in a gentle voice. The sun is dipping more into the horizon and the sky is filled with a beautiful orange glow.
“It’s so beautiful” I whisper, staring ahead at the glistening lake.
“Yeah, it is” Noah agrees but his gaze remains fixed on me as his hand comes up to brush the hair off my neck.
I turn to face him and before the next word leaves my mouth his lips are against mine in a kiss that quiets all thoughts.
His lips are so soft and warm against mine, he moves his hand to cradle the back of my neck as the kiss deepens slightly, my hand moves to hold onto the front of his shirt not wanting this kiss to ever end but knowing we will eventually need to breathe again.
Pulling away to rest his forehead against mine as we both attempt to catch our breath Noah speaks first “I’ve been wanting to do that since- well- for a while”
I move to fix his hair behind his ear “well I’m glad you did” I giggle and move to kiss him quickly again “now I remember you mentioning food? I’m starving”
He laughs and kisses me one, two, three - six more times and then we’re back into the car and headed to a nearby diner. We both order cheese burgers and milkshakes. He tells me more about his home life and I talk to him about my dad, him leaving, his anger but also his love for music, how I’m mad at him but I also miss him.
After we eat Noah takes me back home and after saying goodbye in his car for about fifteen minutes I reluctantly head inside to get ready for bed.
As I’m getting ready to lay down I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
Padding from my bed I open it to see my brother Kyle standing, arms crossed “so what? Now you’re dating him?” He spits out.
“Not that it's any of your business, but yes.” No sense in lying.
“You’re an idiot. He’s only doing this to piss me off” his bitter laugh cuts into his last words.
“Well then I guess it’s working. Listen Kyle, I don’t care how you feel about it, or if you think he’s playing some game. I really don’t care” I go to shut my door but he pushes past to invade my space.
“So you’ll let him whore you out just to get back at me?”
Oh fuck you, I think to myself.
“What I do, and who I choose to spend my time with is none of your business and I’m not whoring myself out you dickhead. It’s a date. It’s what young people do. You would know if you acted somewhat decently to people.”
I gesture towards my door “now please, get out of my room I am trying to study”
“You’re not going out with him” he seethes
“Yes. I. Am” I stand my ground “now get out!”
“No” he moves to grab my shoulder but I move back and using all my strength push him out of my door, shut it and twist the lock.
He’s banging on the door and screaming.
“Just go to sleep Kyle!” I scream at him “Fuck off and go to sleep, you’re acting crazy!”
First there’s silence and then he’s throwing his whole body weight into the door and bringing it off the hinges.
“KYLE!” I scream before he’s throwing me to the ground with his hands wrapped around my neck.
————-to be continued here!
muahahaha I looove cliffhangers 🫶🏻
Also I do not like the formatting on tumblr lmaoo I am still figuring out how to make things look cohesive and sectioned in a functional way…let me know if you think there’s a better way to format and I will try!
Thanks again for reading!!! I looooovvveee youuuuu
next part is hurt/comfort my FAVE
taglist: @notingridslurkaccount @lma1986
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itsjustbl0op · 6 months
My doodle requests are currently (in the works)‼️🗣🗣 (I'm closing it for now until I complete the past doodles)
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Either request a doodle of ur oc, Fandom or ships (maybe) and I'll doodle them ! (The tags are just some of the fandoms I'm into so yep) like you can ask them if the comments too if you'd like i don't really know how tumblr works
No nsfw or like that shmexy stuff (kissy and holdy hands fine tho)
Im okay with ships (that don't go against moral rules)
Can be OCs or any Fandom character! (But the ones I put in the tags are my preferred Fandoms)
If I don't do your request my bad folks I'm just either super busy or being silly elsewhere
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🎸` All About Glenda/Glenn
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Yarrrrrr here's like doodles of Glenda. This is my first time drawing muscles I think. Also he is a punk so yeah, I fw her..... @biblelore didn't think I was gonna tag you, were ya? Nyeheheheh. Oh yeah I forgot to mention they wear a binder
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sobredunia · 8 months
Oh yeah I forgot to post these here. Buncha doodles both new and old. TW massive scars
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The first one is of a rain code au made by Mar. The second is a design I came up with for the peacekeeper that holds Seth's megaphone. The third is a drawing I posted under a post made by Ace that I'm putting here so I can store it with correct tags n all. The fourth one is a really old doodle of Mako in pijamas that I think I made around 2021?? Her design is outdated lol. The fifth one is a WIP that I originally only posted to discord for game stuff but fuck it we ball
@rottenkadaver @sansxfuckyou @blacklightsys @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @imflyingfish
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