#oh... oh if only there was a way to have avoided these trade barriers in the first place!
qqueenofhades · 2 years
76 notes · View notes
genedara · 7 months
A Bad Idea
Run, run, run, run.
You haven’t changed anything yet. You haven’t changed their futures. You - you haven’t saved any of them.
Close your eyes, Bev.
Fuck you!
If you don’t believe, close them. And see.
((The following contains subject material that may be triggering to some. Themes included: graphic violence and scenes of disturbing imagery. Read at your own discretion.))
Genedara let out a soft sigh as she closed the front door to her store, Mystical Enchantments. She slid the bronze key into the lock and twisted it to the right, engaging the deadbolt and locking the door. The key was slipped into a pocket in her trousers and her other hand was pressed up against the door. A magic circle roughly three feet across flared to life as mana was pumped into it, activating the seal that kept her business safe from external threats, effectively raising a barrier around the building. With her store locked up tight Genedara pulled her folded up white cane and flicked it open. She turned to the right and started the short walk to a quiet spot near the Trade District, the preferred spot for her lunch break. The city was rife with activity today, the Trade District packed to the brim with adventures seeking out new gear for their journeys. Gene made her way through the crowds, sweeping her cane from side to side. Most people were aware enough to stay out of her way but occasionally someone would bump into her.
Eventually the crowds thinned out and Genedara was able to escape the hustle and bustle of a busy market. She walked parallel with the canal and stopped when she was at her favorite bench. A handkerchief was removed from a pocket that was used to wipe the bench off to avoid sitting in a puddle. Satisfied the bench was safe to sit on, she pocketed the handkerchief and sat down and set down her lunch box to her right.
“Nice part of town, isn’t it?” a woman asked, having approached Genedara without making a sound.
The elf let out an annoyed sigh, having hoped to avoid people until after she had eaten. Business had been booming as of late and as a result Genedara hadn’t had time to eat breakfast or lunch the past few days. Coupled with twelve hour days, she was running on fumes. She did her best to avoid sleep, fearing that if she were to lose consciousness the Thing would come out again. Ever since she had learned of the Thing living within her, Gene only slept in short bursts.
“Yes,” Gene snapped back. “Is there something I can do for you? I don’t have a lot of spare time and I’d rather be eating my lunch than providing small talk for a stranger.”
“Jeez, no need to be a bitch,” the woman said quietly. “I just wanted to talk with you. I figured we had a lot to talk about.”
“We have nothing to discuss,” Genedara said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Begone, I am hungry and not in the mood for whatever you want.”
“You can try to banish me,” the woman said in unison with a second, deeper voice. “But He has commanded I speak with you. I am going nowhere until I have said what needs to be said.”
Genedara snapped to attention, her body going rigid as she channeled Arcane magics through her body, activating her Arcane sight. Standing before her was a woman in her early twenties with light brown hair styled into a bob. She had brilliant yellow eyes and a set of horns growing from the sides of her head, a set of leathery wings folded up behind the stranger.
“Who is this? Why are you hiding in the guise of a Succubus?” Genedara asked the strange woman.
“A Succubus? As if. I’m more like you, you see. Same background. Dead kids, dead husband and oh woe is me,” the woman said, making a crying motion with her hands. “I am the First.”
“The first what?”
“The First. The first host. I found Him sealed away in the Heavens, a prisoner as old as time itself, the last of His people.”
“What do you want with me?” Genedara asked, abandoning all hope of eating her lunch.
“He knows what you’re doing. Or rather, what you’re trying to do,” the woman replied as she dropped down to a flat-footed squat. “He knows you’re trying to seal him away in a staff. He wanted me to tell you that it won’t work.”
Genedara sat there in stunned silence. She had hoped that the Thing wouldn’t be able to observe what she was doing while she was in control. She had assumed that everything would be okay so long as she didn’t fall asleep. It dawned on her that she was out of her league and was on a path of destruction rather than one of salvation. If He knew what she was doing, would it even be worth it to try? Is doing nothing to stop things really her only option?
“Won’t know until we try,” Gene said, trying to feign confidence. “Your friend may be strong but he has not faced anything like me before. I’ll learn your weaknesses. I have a long life ahead of me and have more than enough time to figure out a way to end you. I will not go down without a fight, that I can promise you.”
“Fight all you want,” the woman said with a shrug of her shoulders. “You wouldn’t be the first person to resist Him and you certainly won’t be the last. I admit, He is scary at first. I was scared too. Spend a few eons with Him and you’ll change your mind. Soon enough you’ll find comfort in his presence, just as we all did.”
“All? How many of you are there?” Genedara asked.
“Hundreds. Thousands. It’s hard to tell,” the other woman said with another shrug of her shoulders. “He’s been around for a long time and has met a lot of people who wanted to be apart of His journey. We are him and he is us. We are one.”
“And that is what is going to happen to me?”
“That depends,” came the woman’s reply as she stood back up, abandoning her squat. “Work with us and you will continue to live. Keep on resisting and he’ll return you to the state he found you in twenty years ago.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Genedara asked, her eyes never leaving the stranger’s form. “What state was in twenty years ago?”
“Lady, you blew yourself up. You turned your body into a fine red mist when you set that bomb off. Your body was vaporized. Just… Poof, gone! Boy, was that a show. You’re quite the accomplished mage, being able to pull a spell like that off.
“We saw the whole thing, you know; we followed Arthas for his entire journey. Kylona was host back then, that little psychopath. I’m sure you’ve seen her work in your dreams by now. But anyway, the perfect little prince went and did his thing. We watched your house collapse with your family inside. Heartbreaking, really. One moment you have the perfect life and the next it’s all taken away. So sad. The perfect host, a woman defeated by life but too cowardly to take her own life. That’s okay. You’ll have an eternity to come to terms with the death of your crotch goblins.”
“What did you call my children?” Genedara snarled as she rose from her bench. “Insult my children again and I’ll vaporize you.”
“You could try,” the woman said with yet another shrug of her shoulders. “Not gonna do anything. For you see, I’m not really here. You’ve been talking to yourself this entire time. What, didn’t you see the people who walked by giving you the hairy eyeball? Oh. That’s right. You’re blind. My bad!”
And then the woman was gone, vanishing without a trace. Genedara was left there, alone, her lunch abandoned. A couple could be seen walking away in the distance, having passed by just a moment ago while she was having a discussion with the air. Feeling like a fool the elf gathered up her lunch and started fast walking to the city gates.
Ever since Genedara discovered the Thing living inside of her, she had started having horrible nightmares. She knew now that those were not mere dreams but actual memories of her body committing atrocious acts in the name of this Thing. In several of these dreams a pair of twins were seen actively interfering with the Thing whenever they ran into each other. They were the only group of people to consistently avoid dying at the hands of the Thing. Be it through sheer luck or skill, Genedara needed those twins now.
It was time to pay them a visit.
“Babe,” Cassian said, roughly shoving Kallard’s shoulder. “Babe, wake up. Who falls asleep cooking?”
Kallard let loose a mighty yawn, closed his eyes, extended his arms and legs and did a mighty stretch with a soft groan. He reached up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, sitting up in his lawn chair. Kylona had her nose stuck in some book, wrapped up in a blanket near the fire and Marilini was in the tent drying the wolves off after their afternoon bath.
“I wasn’t cooking anything, I’m smoking meat.”
“Well, you smoked the meat into charcoal pucks,” Cassian muttered, pointing at the now ruined food. “Why don’t you leave the cooking to me, yeah? I want to actually eat today.”
“It’s true, Kal,” Kylona chimed in without looking up. “You suck at grilling.”
“Whoa, hold on there. I thought you all loved my steaks.”
Kylona just laughed in response.
“Shut it, Shortstack,” Kallard snapped back.
“Uuugghh,” Kylona groaned, finally looking up from her book. “I hate that call sign you know.”
“And I hated mine when I got it. Suck it up, buttercup. Embrace the suck,” Kallard said with a wave of his hand.
“Well, your call sign actually makes sense. You’re a fucking rascal, Kal. You’re always up to no good,” Cassian chimed in, elbowing his husband in the ribs. “You’re a menace.”
“Bullshit! I’m not always scheming, right sis?!”
“Leave me out of this!” Marilini shouted from inside the tent. “Shut up and make me some food!”
“FINE! I’ll make us some stir fry you lazy fucks.”
“It’s your turn to cook, dumbass!” came Mari’s reply.
It had been a few months since Kylona was saved by the Felmanns and she couldn’t have been any happier. Finally, for the first time in her life she was surrounded by people who not only respected her, but loved and wanted her around. The Felmanns were a rough bunch but they had their hearts in the right place. Kallard may be abrasive and offensive but deep down he was a kind man who would die for his family. In the weeks that followed Kylona’s rescue she had been formally adopted by Cassian and Kallard and had taken on their last name.
They spent practically all day together, either training, shooting the shit or just quietly existing around each other. Cassian was finally caught up on recent events due to him missing a good ten years of history. Kallard was working Kylona hard, running her through what he called Boot Camp. Every day for a good portion of the daylight hours was spent training and readying Kylona for future conflicts. They had even given her one of the four revolvers the family used, officially making her a Felmann.
“What meat do you bums want?” Kallard ask the group, tossing vegetables into a large wok. “We got chicken, pork and a few shrimp left over from last night.”
“Chicken!” Cassian and Marilini said in unison.
“Chicken it is. Grub’ll be rea-” Kallard had started before a bomb went off roughly one hundred feet from the camp; someone or something had triggered their early warning traps.
Marilini came flying out of the tent, tossing a double barrel shotgun in her brother’s direction before slipping back inside. Kallard snatched the weapon out of the air and cracked open the breach to check it was load before snapped the barrel back into place. Kylona abandoned her blanket and book, tossing both items aside as she popped up to her feet, drawing her revolver as she moved. Unlike the others Cassian did not arm himself and instead took up position next to his husband.
“Watch it be a deer,” Kylona muttered after a moment of silence.
“Ain’t no deer comin’ out here. The Murlocs to the south keep most prey species away which also keeps the predators away. Things know to avoid an area when they see their buddies dropping left and right,” came Kallard’s reply.
Kylona opened her mouth to reply but instead snapped her jaw shut when a woman stepped out of the forest and into the clearing where the Felmann camp was. She held her hands up in the air, palms facing the group in an attempt to show them she was not armed. The woman wore clothing fit for a Gilnean noble with platinum blonde hair pulled into a tidy ponytail. Her milky white eyes gazed at the group, radiating a soft blue. It was the same elf who had had been terrorizing the area for as long as the Felmanns were there.
“The fuck do you want?” Kallard asked the elf, keeping the barrel of his shotgun aimed at her head. “Last time you showed up you tried to kill us. You got thirty seconds to explain yourself.”
“I am not here to fight,” the woman said calmly, keeping her gaze on Kallard. “I know that I have tried to harm you in the past and I want to make it absolutely clear that I will not harm any of you this day. I am here to explain myself and see if you would be willing to offer me aid so we can put this part of our lives behind us. Please. I cannot keep Him contained forever. He must be dealt with.”
“The fuck you talking about?” Kallard spat. “Ain’t no he or him. It’s you. It’s always just been you.”
“I am possessed. You haven’t spoken to ME once. The entire time you were talking to HIM.”
“Yeah, and? Go see a fucking Priest!” Kylona shouted at the woman. “We’re not exorcists or holy men.”
“Well, there is one holy man here,” Cassian said, looking at the woman. “I don’t know your history with my family but I am willing to at least verify what you are saying.”
“What?! No, we’re not helping her!” Kallard snapped back, looking at his husband briefly. “Cass, she’s been killing people left and right. You’ve heard the rumors! What about that church full of people that up and vanished? Or what about that farmhouse that was painted with blood? That was all her! She’s just using this possession bit to garner sympathy for her.”
“Kal, hun, I’m a Paladin. We help people, even those who have tried to harm us. I would be breaking my oath if I were to turn her away,” Cassian said softly, placing a comforting hand on Kallard’s shoulder.
“Please,” the woman begged. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. These hands are covered in enough blood. Help me end this.”
Without waiting for Kallard’s permission, Cassian stepped forward and approached the stranger. He offered her a kind smile and gestured for her to lower her hands before doing the same for his family. Kylona hesitantly lowered her revolver but Kallard kept his shotgun trained on the woman. He did a half circle around the elf and his husband, keeping the former in his sights.
“Ignore him,” Cassian told the elf, reaching out with his right hand. “I’m just going to do a quick probe. If you are telling the truth then I will detect two souls within you, which we all know isn’t normal. It won’t hurt. I promise.”
“Alright, you may run your test,” the elf said, letting the Paladin’s warm hand rest on the top of her head.
The smile never left Cassian’s face as he closed his eyes and focused for a moment. Thanks to his training as a combat medic and a Light based healer, it didn’t take long for him to see the truth behind the woman’s words. There was indeed two distinct and separate souls residing within the woman. Her soul was strong and steeped in magic but the other had a sinister energy to it. Whatever it was, it knew what Cassian was trying to do, a hint of amusement rising to the surface. Cassian gasped and withdrew his hand, feeling as if he had touched a hot pan on the stove.
“She’s telling the truth,” the Paladin said first looking at the woman and then down at his hand. “Whatever else is inside of her is wicked.”
“Now do you believe me?” the woman asked, keeping her gaze on Kallard, the obvious leader of the group.
“Do I believe you? Yes. Do I trust you to roam free around my family? No. What’s to stop that thing inside of you from taking over now and killing all of us? What are you doing to keep it contained? Doesn’t it know you are doing this? Surely it’s not going to sit there and watch us lock it away.”
“Kal, chill. Let her explain herself,” Kylona chimed in, looking over at the man that she now considered to be her adopted father.
While the others were distracted with their ethical debate, Marilini sneaked out of the tent. In her right hand was a large, open shackle. Several runes had been carved into the shiny metal, each one giving off a dull blue glow. Without warning, she leaped at the elf and tackled her to the ground, forcing a cry of surprise and pain as the two women hit the ground. Th elven woman felt the cold metal of the shackle close around her neck, sealing itself with a soft click.
“That’s better,” Kallard muttered, dropping down to a squat as Mari rolled off of the elf. “You feel that? That’s an anti-magic collar. You ain’t castin’ no spells or fuckery. Had this made special, just for you.”
“Are you done? Pretty sure we established that it wasn’t me who hurt you,” the elf said with a face full of grass, not wanting to move and anger the veterans.
“Nope, not done,” Kallard said, poking the elf with the barrel of his shotgun. “I don’t trust you. You can say what you came here to say without your magic.”
“I already told you what I needed to say. I need your help if we are to deal with this problem. Do you think He’ll stop with me? He will come after you next. You’re the one he wants to move to when I die. He wants you to serve as his host, Kallard,” the elf told the group as she rolled over and sat upright.
“Yeah, and? I already knew this, lady. What can you do to prevent that from happening? You gonna wave your hands and make all of our problems disappear? Why the fuck should we trust you?” Kallard asked the woman, anger seeping into his voice. “I have half a mind to blow your fucking head off and be done with this bullshit once and for all.”
“Killing her won’t solve your problems,” said a calm, almost soothing disembodied voice.
The campfire exploded in a giant ball of fire before becoming a giant, flaming pillar. A pair of shiny, silver eyes appeared in the center, gazing out at those assembled before it. Kallard looked up at the fire but kept his shotgun trained on the elf. He narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chin with a free hand.
“Oh, wow, look at that. You led it right to us. What a fucking surprise!” Kallard muttered as he roughly shoved the elf with the barrel of his shotgun. “Stupid cunt. Gonna enjoy this.”
Kallard shifted his index finger from the top of the trigger guard and wrapped it around the trigger. Without another word or approval from the others the first shotgun shell was fired, a deafening boom ripping through the camp. A high pitched whine laid over a low buzzing noise came from the elf as the buckshot made contact with a barrier placed around the elven woman. Once the energy had dissipated the small metal spheres fell to the ground, leaving Kallard to sit there staring at the woman with an annoyed expression.
(( Recommended listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdlvgIFdNZU ))
“You mortals never think before doing something, do you?” the voice asked Kallard, the shiny silver eyes locked onto the veteran. “Genedara is safe so long as she remains my host. Try to harm her again and I’ll end you, Kallard.”
“Okay,” Kallard said with a shrug of his shoulders before firing the second shot. With that done he tossed the weapon off to the side and rose to his feet. He reached out with his right hand and caught something that Marilini tossed in his general direction. In his hand was a grenade packed to the brim with Azerite, a weapon strong enough to vaporize anyone foolish enough to remain within its blast radius.
“You’d kill everyone here just to get me?” the voice asked Kallard. “How delightful.”
“Nah, just you and this cunt,” Kal grunted as he hitched a thumb back at the elven woman. “What’re you gonna do this time? You gonna spook us again? Oooooh so scary.”
“You will fear me when I am through with you,” the voice boomed, losing the sense of calm it carried just moments ago.
From the fire emerged a figure with its skin removed with bone-like armor plating covering the vital parts of its body. The creature stood over six feet tall and was built like a professional fighter. Its body was lean and muscular with spikes jutting forth from its chin. A wicked grin was forever etched into its features with no visible eye sockets. The creature took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, blowing a thick, black smoke from deep within its body.
Something took hold of Kallard and dragged him forward and then up into the air. He thrashed around mid-air, trying his hardest to fight against the invisible hand that was holding him in place. Cassian took a few steps backward and took in a deep breath, calling upon the Light. Kylona didn’t waste any time and opened fired on the fleshy creature. The barrel of her revolver kicked upwards as she dumped all six rounds into the thing’s chest, having barely made a dent in its thick armor plating.
“You will all fear me,” the creature roared.
“Fuck you, I bow to no one!” Kallard shouted back. “Stupid bitch! Fight me like a man!”
One moment Kallard was shouting obscenities and the next he was screaming in agony. Whatever was holding him in place simply tore the man in two, discarding the two halves as if they were trash. Kallard’s intestines spilled out of the gaping hole in his torso, dead before he hit the ground. The rest of his internal organs joined his intestines, his heart giving one final beat before falling still. His gaze was locked on Cassian, he husband’s face the last thing he saw before being brutally murdered.
“KAL NO!” Kylona screamed, eyes wide with shock.
Marilini hissed in pain and clutched her chest, her face dark red and beads of sweat trickling down her forehead. She took a few steps forward, stumbling towards her brother as her body grew weaker and weaker. Her body would then give out, the remaining twin hitting the ground with a pained yelp. A single hand reached out and grasped her brother’s body before she too fell limp, dead without a scratch.
Kylona stood there in stunned silence after watching two of her closest friends die. She stood there motionless, eyes locked onto the corpses of the Felmann twins. Tears flowed down her cheeks as her knees gave out. She collapsed onto her knees and covered her face with both hands and softly sobbed. After finally meeting people who actually cared about her had been a blessing, something Kylona had never had in her life. But now they were gone, nothing more than two sacks of meat.
Cassian on the other hand was not stunned into silence. A column of bright golden light shot downward from the heavens. The Paladin held up his hand and a large, glowing mace appeared out of thin air. With a roar he charged forward, bringing down the mace on the creature that had so effortless killed the two people who meant the world to him. He was filled with a righteous fury, knowing the Light will allow him to act upon his grief.
The creature ducked out of the way of the magical mace and stepped off to the side. The thing stood there, basking in the suffering that now radiated from the remaining two Felmann family members. Knowing the grieving Kylona wouldn’t be joining the fight, the abomination turned its full attention on Cassian.
A pair of brilliant golden wings exploded from Cassian’s back and spread open, giving the paladin an impressive ten foot wingspan. The fury of the Light burned in his eyes, trails of magic drifting off from the corners of his eyes and into the cool air. He continued his advanced on the abomination, swinging his mace around with ease. But, despite his best efforts, Cassian would be unable to harm the thing that killed his husband.
Whether it was due to his grief blinding him or if it was simply due to being overpowered, something was preventing Cass from doing anything substantial. After a few minutes of one-sided combat the paladin took a few steps backwards, breathing heavily. It had been a while since he had called upon the Light in such a fashion, the effort practically draining the man.
“It won’t be today, it might not be tomorrow, but I promise you this,” Cassian gasped. “I will kill you.”
“You will try,” the creature said, letting out an amused chuckle.
And then it was gone.
Sensing the worst of it was over, Genedara relaxed her posture and eased herself out of the fetal position. She sat up and looked around, expecting a bloodbath. Instead the camp was clean and free of any bodily fluids and internal organs. Neither Kallard or Marilini were anywhere within sight nor inside their tent. The elf looked around with a frown, unable to sense the twins presence anywhere hear them.
“Where are they?!” Cassian screamed as he took hold of the elf’s neck, hoisting her off the ground. “Tell me where you took them!”
“I didn’t take them anywhere. Did you fail to see me curled up on the ground?” Genedara snapped back.
“Why the hell did you come here in the first place? If you knew that thing was going to do this then they did you come here?!”
“I thought you could help me!” Genedara shouted back.
“Yeah, well, look what that brought us,” Cassian said, defeated. He dropped the elf and turned away from her and into the tent. “You ought to leave.”
“I’m not leaving.”
“LEAVE!” Cassian and Kylona screamed at the same time.
Genedara looked at the two, their rage and sorrow the result of her poor decisions. Had she not come all the way out here the twins would most likely still be present. There was no indication that the creature was nearby or hiding within her again. The elf reached up with both hands and rubbed her eyes, feeling agitated and defeated. She looked between the two once more before turning around and silently making her way back home, not bothering to say goodbye.
“What do we do?” Kylona asked no one in particular.
“I’ll take Bao and search the forest. You take Kun and do the same to the west. They couldn’t have gotten far,” Cassian muttered. “We have to move fast.”
“I know that, Cass, but it would be really fucking stupid to just rush into this. What are we even fighting? What the fuck was that thing?”
“I don’t know what it was but I do know this: I’m going to kill it and save my family. Kallard ripped through time to save me and I’ll be damned if I don’t put in the same effort to save him and Mari.”
“Wait,” Kylona said, turning to look at Cassian. “What do you mean he ripped through time?”
“I died ten years ago. I was slain in combat during our Pandarian tour. Kallard went back in time to the point where I had just been given the lethal blow and brought me back here,” Cassian told Kylona, finally tearing his gaze away from the tent and over to her. “He broke every rule in the book to save me.”
“Then let’s do the same. Let’s do something so stupid they’ll write about it in the history books,” Kylona said, a grin spreading across her face. “C’mon, Cass. Let’s bonk our heads together and come up with a plan. No point in standing around with a thumb up our asses.”
Cassian smiled down at the shorter woman and pulled her into a tight embrace. The two stood there for a moment, holding each other and processing what had just transpired. After a couple of minutes the two sat down next to the fire and started their planning. At first the pair split up, each one taking one of the wolves into the woods, hunting the twins’s scent. But, despite their best efforts and after an entire day’s worth of searching they met back up at camp and collapsed into their chairs. Neither of them had any clue as to where the twins were but Kylona and Cassian wouldn’t let that stop them. After a quick meal and a short nap the two returned to their search.
Kylona and Marilini were suspended in mid-air. Their feet were bound together with iron shackles, their hands tied and shackled behind their backs. A thick wad of dirty linen had been shoved into their mouth and a blindfold pulled over their eyes. Neither of them were conscious at the moment, locked away in a magical coma. The creature stood before them, gazing deep into their bodies and admiring their tainted souls. This is where they would remain, locked away in an unknown basement in some unknown area, trapped in a slumbering state.
And so the hungry god feasted upon their doubts and fears, gorging itself on their grief and rage. And what fine meals they were.
0 notes
apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙎𝙐𝘾𝙆 & 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙒 ☆ 𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙣𝙖𝙥 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩
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∘ request: 
goddamn your writing is so good 🥵 any chance you’d be able to write something with sapnap where you’re both at a party and know each other through friends but not well and you’re both a bit tipsy and he just can’t control himself and drags you into a bathroom? kinda fluffy where there’s lots of kissing but also desperate and accidentally rough (because the idea of someone wanting me so much that they lose control is a major thing of mine)
∘ pairing: sapnap x fm!reader
∘ warnings: nsfw (18+),  party scene, drinking, crude language
∘ links: ao3
∘ word count: ~2000
a/n: Thank you so much for the request! I literally have the exact same thing so i think we’re soulmates or something. I hope you enjoy!
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For the duration of the day, you’d been waiting for this moment. Your hair tangling amongst itself as you danced to the music with a group of your friends was almost a baptism for you. No longer were you restricted into your business casual attire and socially acceptable behavior. Now you were free to forget your name and responsibilities as mashups of different genres of heavily bass boosted music pulsed in your ears.
The large house was swelling with people, melding together as if their lives depended on the superficial human connection the beat could bring them. Many of them you recognized from some of your lectures; it had been a day where your classmates had planned a party for someone’s birthday. You hated to admit it, but you didn’t know or care whose party it was, you were just happy to have an excuse not to study.
You’d already lost one of your rings and your clothes were sticking to your body from the layer of sweat glistening against your skin, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. As cliché as it sounded, going to random college parties had equated to your own kind of religion. These senseless addresses were homes to a different kind of worship, but one you had quickly become devoted to. The smell of another girl’s perfume rubbing off on you and the nameless identity of the boy that offered you hard liquor were your new sacraments.
As the song died out, beginning a new string of beats to thunder around the room, you found yourself out of breath. You gestured to your friends that you were refilling your drink, but really you were in search of air that was a bit fresher. You wove through the heavy crowd, ending up in the kitchen and beelining for the fridge. There was a small group of boys standing around the keg, one of them filling his cup as they discussed something a few of them were getting heated about.
You tucked a cold water bottle against your side and grabbed a clean solo cup. As you got closer, you would hear what they were talking about. “I don’t know how you don’t remember that. It was like a big thing a few years ago?” One of them grumbled as his eyes narrowed at the liquid streaming into his cup.
“Sorry, Nick. I forgot they were selling kids on eBay. I honestly don’t see-” They continued on into overlapping ramblings that you couldn’t help but laugh at. One of them, that had been referred to as Nick, looked almost too familiar to you. Yet as you stood there, you couldn’t remember even if your life depended on it.
Nick’s eyes drifted to you as if just realizing you were standing there. “Sorry, do you refill?” He asked, mustering a somewhat shy smile. You snapped out of your train of thought, handing your cup to him.
“I didn’t mean to seem like a creepy, sorry,” you stated, sending him an awkward laugh. His lips parted in a smile. His dark hair was slightly ruffled, probably just from the weather earlier in the day. You weren’t sure if it was your slight buzz or the close proximity, but God, he looked good to you.
“No, I was hogging. It was my bad,” he answered. You brushed your hair off of your warm forehead and he looked up at you from what he was doing, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. “I think I know you from somewhere,” he mumbled before something clicked behind his eyes as he handed you your cup back. “Oh, you’re Clay’s friend, right? I’m his roommate, Nick.” At his words, your brain clouded with embarrassment as memories of him finally fled your brain.
You smirked slightly. “Oh! Yeah, sorry I didn’t recognize you. You look…” You paused for a second. Where were you going with this statement? Hotter? “Grown-up,” you wheezed, making him chuckle again. “- I mean, since freshman year English, I guess.”
He chewed the inside of his cheek, attempting not to grin wider. “Yeah, you look… grown-up too,” he offered, sending you a slight smirk. “It’s weird how close you and Dream are and I never see you around anymore,” he continued.
You chuckled a bit, wetting your lips. “Yeah, I told Clay I had a crush on you and he kicked me out,” you joshed, making him laugh. For as quiet as you remembered him being, you were shocked he was engaging with you in the way he was. Maybe it was just the atmosphere and the alcohol that had him loosened up. Whatever it was, you found yourself partnering with him in beer pong and spending most of the night at each other's side.
You sat closely to him on a couch in one of the several living rooms, your heads set close together as you listened to what he was saying over the music. “Hey, you too found each other,” a deep voice bounded, making you jump slightly, almost spilling your drink on Nick. Clay plopped down on the other side of you, wrapping his arm around the back of your section of couch to tug on Nick’s ear.
“Why didn’t you tell me Nick was a stud now?” you joked, slightly cringing about how bold you sounded. Nick chuckled at your words, swatting Clay’s hand away from him and taking another sip from his cup.
Clay setted further into the spot beside you. “You guys wanna play ‘suck and blow’?” He stated, more to the group of people around you guys. You furrowed your brows at him, almost wanting to roll your eyes at Clay’s blatant mission to set you and Nick up together. But who were you to avoid his attempts.
The card was passed successfully around the group, until it got to Clay, whose breath you could practically feel on the other side of the thick paper. You turned to give it to Nick but dropped it at the last second, making his lips press against yours. It was almost like he was expecting it because he was utterly calm at your action, nearing leaning in on his own accord. There were cat-calling noises made from the group as the kiss ended briefly. “Ope, looks like you guys are gonna have to leave the circle,” Clay stated with an almost sing-song tone in his voice. You were thankful that you had turned towards Clay enough that Nick couldn’t see your jokingly scornful look.
“Well, that’s just too bad. We were so good at this,” Nick chided as the two of you stood to leave. You ruffled Clay’s hair as the two of you left, following Nick into another room. “Would you want to… go somewhere quiet?” Nick asked, his eyes flashing to yours. Your eyebrow perked in his direction before you wordlessly slipped your hand into his.
You found yourself in the bathroom, Nick's hands settling on your hips as he pressed his lips against yours. You let out a sharp moan as he ground his hips against yours, yearning for more friction. Your fingers dug into his hair as his tongue slipped into your mouth, hungry for your taste. His breath was like a drug for you as he groaned into your mouth, moving against you.
His lips left your mouth but only to caress your jaw before settling against your neck, sucking on the skin with a slight sting. You tilted your head back, giving him more access to you before wrapping a leg around him, begging him to go further with you. He chuckled at your neediness, his warm breath fanning over your neck. He tugged the strap of your dress down your arm, pressing his lips against the newly exposed skin, grinding against you. The taste of cheap beer passed between the two of you.
One of his hands slipped beneath your dress to squeeze your ass, pulling you tighter against his jeans, encouraging you to ride his thigh. "I want you," he moaned unevenly in your ear, sending heat straight to your core. You wanted him to completely ruin you, to show you what was hiding beneath the surface of his reserved nice guy barrier.
You answered his words by attending to his zipper, slipping your hands into his jeans and stroking him against his boxers. A moan broke through his teeth, his lips crashing against yours as you egged him on. His erection grew stronger with each of your movements. You could tell he was becoming desperate to ravage you with each of his restrained breaths.
Your teeth dug into his bottom lip, your fingers pushing his pants to the ground as he pressed himself against you. He pushed your underwear aside, answering your silent pleas. Pressing his lips against your neck again, he drove himself into you, earning a blissed out moan from you. A breath of pleasure and relief escaped his chest at the feeling of you instantly tightening around him.
He thrusted into you, as if testing the waters as you moaned his name against his skin. One of your arms tightened around his shoulder as he held you in place, setting his pace. The mix of alcohol and pleasure you were feeling with each snap of his hips was sending your head reeling. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, fingers digging into your skin. You moaned against his lips, sending him to speed up his movements. A sense of roughness came out in him as he pounded into you harder, and you were eating it up. You fingers dug into his hair, pulling tightly to earn a groan from him.
Your hands slipped beneath his shirt, raking against his back, urging him to use you like a flashlight. "Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, voice husky with some type of forced restraint as if he wouldn't let it come out evenly. You tightened around him, moving in what little space he'd given you to grind against him.
With that, he began to thrust into you harder, as if he was finally giving into whatever he was attempting to hold back. His teeth dug into your shoulder with each pulsing movement, driving himself deeper into you. Ungodly moans left your lips, only confirming his actions as he hungrily chased his high, dragging you with him.
His paces became less rhythmic and more sloppy as he gripped onto you, your fingers digging into his skin as you felt your orgasm was just within reach. You tightened your leg around him, your head swimming as he began to hit your sweet spot repeatedly. With a nearly choked out moan of his name, your body flushed with relief, your climax ripping through you. Nick succumbed to his own as if he'd been waiting for you, the two of you leaning against each other for support as you rode out your highs.
After you caught your breath, you reapplied a layer of lipstick, eyeing Nick through the reflection of the mirror as he stood behind you, straightened his clothes. "Let's not tell Clay about this, purely because he'll make it weird," you stated, turning and evening out his hoodie strings.
He chuckled slightly. "Oh, I agree completely. Don't tell Clay." His sly smirk nearly drew you in as you pressed your lips against his again, a promise that you'd definitely be seeing each other again.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 years
they meet you again/getting to know you:
Zim: Miss Bitters had returned and Drena seemed to have disappeared from the class's memory, except for Zim he knew better, The Ove human was still here... he could smell her. It was recess, Zim had managed to avoid Dib who was busy helping Gaz with her late homework. 
The Irken made sure all the other children were preoccupied with their little playground games; He readjusted his wig letting his antenna loose, Zim whiffed the air his antenna waggled around quizzically trying to pinpoint the blonde's location before settling on a quiet shady bench just out of the way from everything and everyone.
 Zim put his wig back to it normal position and calmly walked over to the secluded area and sat down, to the naked-eye it looked like no was sitting there except for the weird green skinned kid and an empty space.
Zim's senses knew better however he knows she was there. "I knew there was something interesting about you." he stated tickled that his instincts were on point, the "empty" moved rippling like a heat mirage the Irken blinked and a familiar blonde was sitting next to him seemingly fading back into existence, eating bag of peanuts while looking at him with mild interest.
"I could say the same to you Martian boy."
"Irken actually."
"Well if we're being open, Artificial human."
"I thought humans frowned on that sort of thing?"
Drena snorted. "Only the ones they know about." she spat bitterly offering Zim some of her peanuts, the Irken grimaced. "I can't eat those, you got anything with sugar?" The blonde thought for a seconds before searching through her bag and finding one of those cheap valentine lollipops and handing it to Zim, the Irken cock a brow the candy's shape, but shrugged and unwrapped it. "So you can camouflaged?" he asked curious about your abilities.
"Yeah, I age slow and heal pretty fast too..." Drena mumbled nonchalantly popping a couple peanuts in her mouth, If the Irken wasn’t sucking on lollipop he'd be drooling right now. 
Unbeknownst to Zim; Dib was watching them the whole time he couldn't hear what they were saying, the big headed boy's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he tried figure just what horrible things Zim was planning to do to Drena.
The Tallest: To say the tallest were curious about Y/n was an understatement, they were absolutely fascinated by her, How someone so tall could be at the bottom of the "food-chain" as Zim put it, the earthbound Irken told them human social structure wasn't height based like theirs, it was all based more on success, looks, personality and wealth.
Tall or not Y/n was average at best, nothing special, she's as the humans tend to say is "just another a cog in the machine." Regardless; Red and Purple were hooked. they wanted to know more about her. The only con was they'd have go through Zim for that to happen, and it was pretty clear, Tallest or not Zim was very protective of Y/n, it was obvious they shared a sibling like bond; Zim would blow up the moon for her if she asked!
So Red got an Idea he had special SiR unit commissioned and sent to your residence they had gotten Gir to tell them your address in exchange for a box of crayons and gummy bears; which to the their disgust the Gir proceeded to eat as soon he got them, Cut to you sitting in your house (you live pretty far out from the city) when a large explosion shook it's foundation (that was the sound of the sound barrier breaking), you had thought Dib was back and had blown up your car! You grabbed a metal baseball bat and looked out the window... Nothing. 
Bullshit! You heard something! you put on your shoes and opened the front door only to be greeted by a cardboard box with the Irken Empire symbol stamped on it, your brow furrowed as you looked around the porch and surveyed your yard for damage and saw nothing, which confused you even more, looking back down at the box, you cautiously brought it inside and looked at the note on the box top.
[From: the Tallest To: Y/n L/n from EARTH .] 
Tallest..... those were Zim's leaders right? Why would they send you something? Curiously you opened the box and this dark more serious looking version of Gir emerged from the box, confusing you further as it saluted you. "Um... Hi?" you greeted. "Greetings Madam, prepare for incoming transmission from the Almighty Tallest!" Before you could answer the robot's head popped open and these seed looking things shot out! 
One went into the ceiling and planted itself onto your roof and extended outside and bloomed into a satellite, while the other imbedded itself into the wall across from you split apart 4 ways and formed into a large screen, it turned on and you were greeted by two obnoxiously tall Irkens, both almost identical in appearance save for red and purple eyes that matched their clothes, 
Both looked oddly excited to see you. "Oh! Y/n... uh can we call you that?" the red one asked you slowly nodded still trying to process what the hell was going on? "I see you got our gift!... do you like it?" he motioned towards the SiR unit, as purple one butted in. "We can trade it in for another model if you want!" he was shoved out of the way by his red eyed counterpart. "You said you let me handle it!" he hissed.
You blinked staring up at the hole in your ceiling; wondering what's it gonna cost to patch that up? before finding your voice. "He's um, cool?" you and were going to ask why had they sent you a robot? but Red and Purple at each other bemused then looked back at you. "Cool?....What is "cool"? is that good?" Purple asked curiously. "It means excellent?" You say hoping to calm them down, both seemed relieved to hear that as their body language seemed less tense and more relaxed, after a few seconds of awkward silence you finally spoke up. 
"So why send a stranger like me a robot?"
"Well a few weeks ago we caught a glimpse of you during a call from Zim, we couldn't help but notice you and your.... tallness."
"Few wee... oh! When I fell asleep and Boss thought I was a chair?"
"Yes... that's another thing we'd like to ask about."
Pretty much your early evening was occupied by an impromptu Q&A with a pair of alien leaders who still couldn't comprehend how someone as tall as you was working a simple low-wage security job, instead of being a big deal senator or military commander, You had told them what Zim had told them, about human society and it's construct. Fame, money and Vanity run the planet, and you have multiple leaders instead of one or two, but that's rabbit hole you rather not go down, You told them how you met Zim and the circumstances of your partnership.
They pointed out that it was Zim's fault that the big headed kid even thought you were an alien. which you acknowledged, but had counterpointed that Zim didn't kidnap you and blow up your motorhome just to prove he was right! "The little runt still hasn't apologized and pretends it never happened!" You huffed crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. "So yeah, I joined Zim, he's actually pretty fun when you get to know him." Both Red and Purple brains kind of stalled hearing you talk about Zim in positive light, before that all to familiar beep from your alarm going off the cut the session short, you apologized but duty calls and you promise to continue your chat later.
The tallest snapped out of their stupor and bid you goodnight and hoped you have fun with your Sir unit, said robot proceed to disguise itself as a rabbit and would not leave your side and even went to work with you... you were thinking of naming him Ede, after that Eye-bot from Fallout New Vegas.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Upcoming Not-Budget
UK Government: So there's going to be an exciting Economics THING tomorrow!
Most of the UK: You mean a budget.
UK Government: Nooooooooo no no no no! Budgets have to be run by the finance bureau to make sure the numbers add up and we're not doing that! No, we've just got some sweeping economic changes to make but it's NOT A BUDGET.
Most of the UK: Riiiiiiiiiight.
UK Government: First of all, we're scrapping that National Insurance increase! So you get to keep more money! Do you love us yet?
Most of the UK: Wasn't that supposed to be the Health and Social Care Levy thing? I mean, without that, how are you going to pay for the social care changes? Not to mention the state of the NHS?
UK Government: Um. Well, our Health Secretary has a plan about that! She's saying that we're going to set new targets for the NHS, insisting that patients MUST be seen within two weeks!
Most of the UK: So are we getting more GPs?
UK Government: We're ... working on that. We aim to make it a lot easier for GPs to come live here!
Most of the UK: Didn't most of them leave because of your jingoistic nationalist bullshit involving Brexit? Control of our borders, all that?
UK Government: ...Anyway, people can go see pharmacists if they need basic advice.
Most of the UK: You tried that with the 111 helpline; that didn't work either.
UK Government: ......ANYWAY. Also, we're dealing with the energy bill problem! We're only letting the energy companies charge a lot more instead of a VERY LOT MORE, and we're not letting them raise the price of energy for businesses! Do you love us yet?
Most of the UK: So if it was that easy to take money from them, what was wrong with the windfall tax? You know, the one that energy companies were apparently happy with but you refused to do?
UK Government: Oh, we're not taking money from the energy companies. The government is making up the shortfall!
Most of the UK: ...This after you were saying that you were going to cut corporate taxes?
UK Government: Yep! I mean, we can't deprive companies of money because we want them to invest here!
Most of the UK: Okay, leaving aside the fact that economists agree that that doesn't *work* ... how are you going to pay for that?
UK Government: Massive borrowing!
Most of the UK: Won't we have to be covering that with tax money?
UK Government: Um...
Most of the UK: And yet you're cutting corporate taxes, scrapping the National Insurance increase, and refusing to windfall tax actual windfalls. And you're saying that this is going to *help* the economy.
UK Government: It's the only way to avoid a recession!
Independent Economists' Group: We are currently in a recession.
UK Government: ...we won't be reliant on gas from despots because we're going to make fracking legal again! It'll be voluntary for each area, of course; we'll just pay them off until they agree!
UK Government: ...ignore them...
Most of the UK: And that's yet more money from the borrowing, which we'll be paying back for generations.
UK Government: ...um...
Most of the UK: So will any of this money be going to things like the NHS, social care, all the other civic things that need doing and were previously part of the government's pledge to level up?
UK Government: It's not our fault the NHS is in crisis! We're thinking about it!
UK Government: ...We'll give you Imperial measurements back...
Most of the UK: So yet another trade barrier with the EU. Does this mean a trade deal with the US like we were promised, despite us not actually being that desirable a trade partner without the EU?
UK Government: ...Biden is being very unreasonable. Just because we want to break international law a little bit and maybe kick off the Troubles again...
Most of the UK: You were hoping the death of the Queen would be enough of a dead cat to buy you another week or so, weren't you.
UK Government: ...God save the king?
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saturdaysky · 3 years
Hello hello, would you tell me more about the Simple Stress Relief WIP? It sounds exactly like my cup of tea :D
(from the ask me about my WIPs meme)
But of course! It may very much be your cup of tea. :)
This WIP began as part of a tiny Valentine’s Day fic & art exchange on discord, and sort of took off from there. Here’s the summary:
The first day of the Aeor expedition goes horribly, and Essek cannot sleep. It’s a good thing, then, that Caleb knocks on his door late at night with an offer: no words. No complicated conversations. Just some simple stress relief.
If only things were simple between them.
Basically, Essek and Caleb have a one night stand in an attempt to Not Think About Things. Naturally, this is an excellent idea that doesn’t have any messy emotional repercussions in the morning.
In addition to writing what I hope are some hot hot scenes, I took the chance to explore a few things I’m interested in:
Essek’s anxiety, made worse by the shitshow of adventuring
Essek’s dedication to making sure the Nein live, at cost to himself
The weight of being trusted with someone’s safety
I reread this WIP and there are parts of it I really like! I hope to finish it sometime. As such, I shall post part of two scenes. They’re long because I’m proud of this and want to share. The shadowgast one is under the cut.
CW for: descriptions of anxiety, injury, blood, canon-typical violence (all this content is also under the cut)
Essek vs an adventuring-induced nervous breakdown:
The fire is low. It’s such a silly thing to worry about, Essek knows, but a chill has crept into the room. It curls in the corners like one of the Tower cats, and twines about Essek in a persistent and annoying fashion. 
He rises and turns the logs with the pretty bronze stoker Caleb had provided as part of the suite. It does little to alter the fire; some effect of magery, he muses idly. Then he settles back in at the gorgeous, thoughtful Vermaloc-wood desk he can’t appreciate right now, and resumes his preparations. Caduceus had given him tea earlier, and the homely cup pins down the corner of Essek’s notes.
(“You look like you could use a bit of soothing,” the firbolg had said, pressing a cup into Essek’s hands. “The Savalas were always good for that, very kind folks.” Essek had not even tried to comprehend the link between the two statements, merely thanked him and left.)
The brew had been good for his nerves when he’d remembered to drink it. Unfortunately, the chill has stolen this too, and the tea has long since gone unpleasantly cold.
He moves to replace the chipped cup on its saucer and stares blankly at his notes on hazards encountered on the first day of the Nein’s expedition into Aeor.
The day was… long. But they have all made it in one piece, so Essek has done his job, if he can only make his body believe it. Energy still thrums in his veins, and every sound, every quiet soothing whisper the Tower makes sets his teeth on edge. His shoulder aches, too, a distant pain he does his best to ignore.
There’s no threat here, in Caleb’s wonderful spell. It’s safe. Very few things can penetrate a well-hidden Mansion, and the Nein are comfortable, so Essek should be as well.
It has been only one day in the shattered city and his friends have skirted death a dozen times. It is difficult, he finds, to chase away the images of blood pooling in broken Aeorian cobblestones. Impossible to unhear the Nein's anguished yells or the soft oh Veth let out when a hidden ward impaled her before Essek’s eyes.
He does not know how to forget the heat of arterial blood as it seeps through his clamped fingers, nor the terrible speed at which it escapes the body of a friend. The phantom warmth of it still courses over his skin when his thoughts wander from his notes, like it has carved a channel in his mind and is flowing still.
It’s not. They’d all made it out, like they always do. But it is worse than he’d ever imagined, to adventure with the Nein. It’s terrifying.
The teacup rattles in its setting. Essek unclenches frozen fingers and lets it go, then presses his face into his hands, as if a barrier of bone and flesh could stop the images from painting themselves across his eyelids when he blinks.
Tomorrow will be better, he hopes. He has twelve and a half double-sided pages of notes on the dangers encountered, with proposed methods of avoidance and disposal. He has fixed them in his mind. Now he needs to rest so he can cast, but if the shocky pulses of adrenaline that hit him with each wayward memory of the day are anything to go by, rest will be elusive.
Well, when the mind is unwilling, the body must make do; he will have to wait for exhaustion to take him, and hope it is enough. He settles himself on the bed — thoughtfully equipped with both a padded incline for trancing and covers for sleeping — and breathes, and waits, and grows cooler by the minute.
It is paradoxically easier to ignore the images if he leans into them, he learns. Veth’s blood, hot and bright. The snick of the ward, which he will remember forever, just as he will the acrid smell of the ward-spell. Pain — an impact, nauseating but unimportant. Heartbreak and terror, on the faces of the Nein.
If he wears these sensations into his mind, the edges of them will fray and become familiar. A steady horror is better than an unsteady drumbeat of shock, at least for resting.
Time passes. Memory frays. And then, there’s a knock at the door.
Caleb proposes a one-night stand:
"I cannot sleep either," Caleb eventually murmurs into the silence. Essek considers what to do with the statement, and then Caleb adds, “But maybe we can help each other.”
He raises his head just enough to look at Essek from beneath his lashes, then leans forward and reaches out a hand slowly, pausing just before touching Essek's cheek. Essek can feel the slight heat of Caleb's skin in the air, and his throat goes dry.
Whatever Caleb wants is going to hurt, he thinks, and it's going to work because Essek is weak.
Caleb’s hand trembles. "You are right, you know. I did not knock on your bedchamber to talk. There is... much between us that requires words, but- This. This could be simple, for now. Tonight, it could just be us. There are many ways to forget."
Caleb is looking at him desperately, hungrily, from beneath those lashes and his regard sears through Essek, knocking the air out of him.
But the feeling sours in his stomach. He is done with that whole game. He lost it, utterly, and couldn’t see it until he’d traded away any chance at winning. Now, his remaining life can be counted in months, if not days. Now, thousands have died for Essek’s fruitless curiosity. Now, nothing is simple between himself and Caleb.
Oh. Perhaps Essek will get what he wants after all. It could be simple. He has done simple before: the garnering of a favor in exchange for his nights. It had been easy enough, sometimes pleasant, and had mostly provided useful leverage in gaining power to pursue his goals.
Tonight, something in him craves the simplicity on offer, of losing one's self entirely in the physical. It thrills him in a way it has not before.
"Caleb,” he says in a voice that is less steady than he’d like, “We both know you do not trust me, so why are you offering this?"
Caleb’s eyes take him in, inch-by-slow-inch. His palm settles on Essek's cheek. 
Caleb swallows audibly, and he looks over Essek with naked heat in his eyes. All at once, Essek becomes intensely aware that he’s wearing nothing but an open shell of his robes over a close-fitting black underlayer. There's a lot to see, if one was looking.
Desire hits Essek so strongly he's dizzy with it.
He wants this. He wants to push out the horrible memories of the day and replace them with Caleb’s callused hand sliding under his shirt and holding him close. He wants to hear Caleb’s beautiful voice roughen as they take each other apart, and then he wants to kiss that clever mouth so deeply that Caleb forgets his troubles and thinks only of Essek and pleasure and safety and hope, like those are things Essek could give him.
Caleb drags his gaze back up to meet Essek’s. His hand is distractingly warm. "We don't need trust for this," he says. 
It’s what Essek was expecting, but it stings anyway.
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luxekook · 4 years
RESPECT ✩ namgi
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✩ as part of @btswritingcafe​‘s mots: 7 collab ✩
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✩ pairing: king namjoon x witch reader x king yoongi
✩ genre: soulmate au, fantasy au, angst, smut, fluff, a sprinkle of crack
✩ summary: in a land where the only openly acceptable magic is intrinsic soulmate bonds, what is a lowly witch to do when she is called upon by not just one king but two?
✩ word count: 7.1k
✩ warnings: 18+, cursing, magic, societal oppression, mention of snakes, reader has hella trust issues, begging, general cheesy fluff, smut [dom!reader, dom!namjoon, switch!yoongi, threesome (duh), throne sex (yuh), yoongi gets taken to paris and then the reader gets double teamed (aka double penetration)]
✩ beta’d by: the MAGNIFICENT phia @meowxyoong​
✩ banner by: the ILLUSTRIOUS danica @dee-ehn​
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Magic danced at your fingertips as you summoned ingredients from the shelves behind you. You had been brewing this potion for hours - a tedious and tumultuous process that always accompanied the crafting of wolfsbane. It was a badly kept secret that you supplied the temporary suppressant along with a variety of other magical remedies, spells, and an occasional curse or two. 
There were - of course - limits on what you would provide. You did not take too kindly to townspeople that asked for dark spells or soulmate switches. Your fellow magical and supernatural folk in the kingdom of Meridian were ostracized enough as it was by the majority of the wealthier classes. To add on to your bad reputation would be a foolish endeavor.
Magic - it seemed - was a poor man’s trade. Why would the rich deign to ask for help from lowly witches and warlocks when they had access to the best doctors, the furthest overseas markets, and the fattest bank accounts? The occasional upper class individual would stray from the norm and enter your shop, but that was a rarity. And thank god it was.
The rich and the royals often feared what they did not understand – whether it be foreign powers, lower class revolts, or magical beings. For centuries, supernaturals like yourself clung to the outer rim of the kingdom out of necessity. Some who were able to pass as human lived closer to the castle at the center of the kingdom; but, you had long since lost your cover, choosing to openly use your powers for good and for a source of income. 
While the two current rulers had lifted the outright ban on supernaturals and magical beings a few years ago, centuries of prejudice and trepidation could not be quickly unlearned. 
It always struck you as ironic how easily the magic of soulmates was accepted, but a simple spell of healing, for example, was not. Perhaps the acceptance of soulmate magic was out of the longevity of its presence or the necessity of its inevitability - perhaps a combination of the two. You were taught from a young age that soulmate bonds felt like a welcomed tether to another person - a connection celebrated and cherished. And, in most cases, that rang true.
However, you knew too much to hope for a soulmate of your own, having heard too many stories from your fellow magic wielders. You knew all too much about the severance of soulmate bonds and the pain that accompanied the process – the pain that never left. 
Obviously, you were downright terrified of finding your soulmate and the almost certain rejection that would follow over the mere fact you were a witch. You would stick to your spells and your potions, thank you very much. 
Giving the wolfsbane one final stir, you reached for the empty bottle next to your cauldron, only to be interrupted by a thumping knock on the thick wood of your front door. Sighing, you set down the bottle and doused the flames beneath your finished brew with a flick of your hand. 
Turning to the door, you cast a quick reveal-spell at the dividing barrier between you and the newcomers. The magic dripped down the door, erasing it from your sight. 
Kim Taehyung waited expectantly on the other side, body practically vibrating with anticipation. You rolled your eyes. That boy always carried way too much energy with him. He pounded again on your door. You smirked, it always seemed funny when visitors would continue to knock on what was - for you - an invisible barrier. 
You waved the spell away with another wave of your palm. Pulling open the door, you failed to get a word in before you were swept into a giant hug. “(Y/n)!” Taehyung bellowed in your ear while he swung you around.
“Tae,” You wheezed, “Can’t. Breathe.”
The werewolf let you stand on your feet once more. “How is my favorite witch?” He asked, looking at you expectantly.
You sighed, chuckling slightly, “Tae, I’m the only witch you know besides Sinestra, and she scares you.”
Taehyung gasped, “She does not scare me! She’s just mean. She threatened to turn me into a cactus last time I went to her shop!” A pout formed on his face.
“Well,” You cannot resist teasing the boy, “She did say that you were being a prick.”
Taehyung shot you a playful glare and mumbled something about damned witches sticking together.
Deciding to let him off the hook, you headed back over to where the wolfsbane was left waiting to be bottled. “It just finished,” You told Taehyung as he trailed after you. “But, Taehyung, you really should just tell him.”
The reason that Taehyung repressed his wolf each month was none other than his soulmate - a human named Jimin. Tae was terrified of Jimin’s reaction to discovering his supernatural side. You thought his fear was justified, but you also figured that Jimin would be accepting of Tae just from how the werewolf described him.
Besides, it seemed inevitable that Jimin would catch on at some point. And Taehyung seemed to know that, too.
Tae’s shoulders sagged, “I know, (y/n). I’ll think about it.” 
With that, you nodded and dropped the subject, pouring the portion of the potion Taehyung needed into a bottle. Capping it tightly, you handed it to him, “Here. Remember to take it with food this time, okay?”
He smiled widely, clutching the bottle close to his chest. “Thank you! I will, (y/n).” Pulling you into one more hug, Taehyung waltzed out the door with a wave.
You smiled wistfully at his departure. So full of life, that one was. You just knew that his soulmate would accept him. You also recognized that you were not like Taehyung. You weren’t as vibrant, as gentle, or as beautiful. Would your soulmate be able to look past all your magic and stay for you? You didn't think so.
Shaking yourself from your negative thoughts, you carefully bottle up the rest of the wolfsbane for your stores. Even though you had long since stopped charging Taehyung, there were other werewolves nearby that you sold the potion to for quite a pretty penny. 
You had barely begun to shelve the bottles when another knock sounded at your door. Cracking a wry smile, you yanked the door open, “Tae, what did you forget to tell me this ti—”
The knock had not been from Taehyung. Instead, two palace guards stood there, shoulder to shoulder. 
Oh, this was not good. Having any lingering association with the palace would hurt your business. It was always best to deal with potentially hazardous situations quickly. Pulling open the door wider, you stood with hands on your hips, facing the two intruders. They both gaped at you, and you arched an eyebrow at them. “Can I help you, boys?” 
You took their continued silence as an opportunity to flick your eyes up and down each of the men before you.
The one on the right looked like he had just passed the guards’ test with his widened doe eyes and his flushed pink cheeks. The one on the left looked slightly older but no less youthful as he seemed to bounce on his toes with energy.
Seconds ticked by until - finally - the second guard exclaimed, “You’re (y/n)? The witch?” 
“Last time I checked, yes,” You addressed the guard who had spoken. You dubbed him ‘Happy’. “Were you expecting me to look differently?”
“I heard that you were super old! Like over one hundred years old!” Doe-eyes unhelpfully answered before widening his eyes in panic, “Not that there’s anything wrong with being old! I mean, I love old people! But, not, like, romantically! I mean—”
Happy seemed to notice your mood darkening with each word his partner spewed out. Shoving the younger guard aside, Happy puffed out his chest and announced with pride, “We are members of the Royal Guard sent to escort you to the palace, Miss Witch.” 
Doe-eyes nodded swiftly next to him, cowering slightly as you continued to glare at him. 
“First of all, please never ever call me ‘Miss Witch’. My name is (y/n),” You uttered, completely unamused, “Second of all, what happens if I refuse your escort?”
The guards slid each other a look.
“Ah, I see,” You murmured, mood darkening even still, “Was there an implied ‘by any means necessary’ tacked on to the end of that sentence that I didn’t hear?”
“She’s a mind reader!” Doe-eyes gasped, leaping behind Happy and peering slightly around his shoulder at you.
You rolled your eyes at the sight of his quivering form, “Calm down, kid. I’m not into non-consensual mind reading.” Shooting the baffled duo a wink, you turned to open your door further. “Please, come in,” You insisted. It was obvious there was no avoiding your summons, but that did not mean your business would suffer.
“But our orders...” Happy failed to follow through with his attempted protest as he practically jumped past you into your little cottage. What an intense curiosity that one had, you mused. Meanwhile, the younger guard seemed more trepidatious, practically tiptoeing across the threshold and into your humble abode.
You shook your head at the way the two palace guards were quickly captivated by your gathered crystals, your worn spellbooks, and your wall of potion ingredients. Swiftly, you shelved the rest of the wolfsbane potion like you had tried to do before being interrupted. 
Your clients would have to pick it up themselves. Scrawling a quick note to your fellow witch Sinestra about the recent events just in case, you vanish it to her with a snap of your fingers.
“Whoa,” Two awed voices sounded from behind you. 
“It went ‘poof’!” Doe-eyes yelled, tugging on the sleeve of his fellow guard, “Did you see?” 
“Do you want to go ‘poof’, too?” You smiled evilly, wiggling your fingers in his direction.
“Ah, hyung! She’s threatening me!” 
“Get it together, bro,” Happy rolled his eyes. Turning to address you, he asked expectantly, “Ready to go now, (y/n)?”
“As I’ll ever be,” You muttered, grabbing your cloak from the rack by the door. Ushering the two men out before you, you quickly cast your protective charms on your home. Now, no one besides your most trusted clients should be able to enter.
Satisfied, you trailed behind the guards as they walked over to where their horses were tied to one of the many nearby trees surrounding your cottage. At least they didn't seem to be malicious in their intent. Their backs were to you, either a sign of trust or blatant stupidity. Only time would tell, you guessed.
"You'll ride with me," Happy smiled at you as he held his palm out for you to take. You shrugged, ignoring his hand to mount the horse on your own. "Alright then," The guard muttered as he seated himself behind you, "Let's go."
The journey towards the heart of the kingdom was not one you made often. It was only out of necessity that you sometimes ventured to the more expensive markets for key ingredients. The looming castle always stirred up inexplicable and foreign feelings of longing and fascination. You feared that actually entering it this time would be almost too overwhelming. 
As the three of you made your way through the town you lived in, you received some tentative smiles and concerned looks from those in which you interacted with regularly. Visitors from the palace were rarities in these parts of the kingdom. You didn't blame people for being concerned by the guards’ appearance and by your departure with them. 
The day wore on as you made your way through village after village, stopping only for a quick lunch. All too soon the palace appeared on the horizon. The looks you received from the townspeople were no longer cordial or concerned. They were full of suspicion and condescension. 
You shrugged it off as best you could. You had bigger things to worry about - starting with whatever was waiting for you on the other side of the looming palace gates.
The large engraved metal doors swung open with your approach as Happy and Doe-eyes nodded to the guards posted there. Your breath caught in your throat. The castle was magnificent. The stone structure seemed to shine with a silvery sheen. Large stained glass windows gleamed from the many stories and towers adorning the palace. Vines wound their way up the walls despite the best efforts of the gardeners to stem their growth.
You stifled a laugh as one such gardener attempted to do so, but the vine refused to budge. Maybe there was some magic here after all.
Two other palace guards walked over to where the three of you had come to a stop inside the palace gates. Doe-eyes dismounted first and then offered a hand in your direction. This time, you decided to take the olive branch and accepted his assistance.
“Okay, ready?” Happy nodded at you and pointed towards the castle doors. “Let’s go. We don’t want to keep the kings waiting.”
“Oh, no,” You gasped, slapping a hand to your heart, “That would be a travesty.”
Doe-eye’s mouth quirked at the corners like he had stifled a laugh, while Happy spluttered something about respect. The short walk to the front entrance was much too short for your liking. You felt like you were walking to your doom - and maybe you were. The two guards had given you no clues as to the purpose of your summoning. That was such bullshit.
The heavy gold encrusted front doors creaked open as you approached. The foyer of the palace beckoned to you with that familiar pull. You sighed as you took in the expensive decor. From the shiny marble floors to the heavy purple drapery, you could see yourself living here all too easily. Why did you feel so called to this place? Well, you had always thought of yourself as a queen. 
Laughing to yourself, you let yourself be ushered down an adjacent corridor to the right of the foyer. You barely noticed where you were headed since your attention lingered on the gorgeous paintings that lined the walls. You probably should have been more alert because you suddenly found yourself at the cusp of the throne room.
The second you entered the room your attention was captured by the two men lounging on elevated thrones at the focal point of the room. These must be the kings, you mused. You had never seen them in person before, but their reputations preceded them. Your magic surged as you neared the kings. Was there a threat nearby? You shift a glance throughout the wide hall. 
Courtesans were scattered amidst large marble columns adorned with intertwining gold and silver accents. The majority of those gathered gaped at you in distaste, while a small handful simply spared a few curious glances. You couldn't spot a single person you knew in the bunch - not that you had expected to - nor could you find a source of outright danger.
Still, your magic thrummed louder within you as you continued on your way towards the kings. 
Your heart sank. This was not a reaction based on imminent danger. No, you knew what this was; someone here was your soulmate. And, when your eyes finally landed on the two men who summoned you, you had to choke down the hysterical laugh that bubbled up inside you.
King Yoongi reclined lazily on his ornate silver and black onyx throne, his body lax but his eyes sharp. His laser-focused attention on you made your stomach flip. You held his gaze as best you could, taking in the delicate dark silk of his diamond encrusted tunic and the tousled auburn hair on which his silver crown resided. He was beautiful.
And he was your soulmate. 
Could he feel the tether between you? Had he known about it somehow before you did? Was this why were you here?
Your eyes slid over to the right, unable to take the heat of King Yoongi’s gaze; King Namjoon’s curious eyes met yours. Unlike his partner, King Namjoon leaned forwards on his gold and emerald throne, avidly taking you in like you were a subject of study. And perhaps you were… You studied him right back. This king was no less intimidating in his scrutiny than the other. His elbows rested on his knees, his hands steepled in front of his face as he stared you down. The intelligence you saw within the depths of his brown eyes clued you in that this was a king that no one could fool.
And, since fate was clearly a bitch, he was your soulmate, too. 
You came to a stop before the kings amidst the sea of murmuring courtiers. “Bow,” Doe-eyes whispered to you, urgently prodding you in the side with his hand. You only stood straighter. You bowed to no one, and you certainly would not bow to your soulmates - no matter their status.
“Leave us.” At King Namjoon’s command, the room emptied. Your two escorts remained behind you. “Hoseok, Jungkook, that includes you,” King Namjoon lifted his chin as he swished a hand in dismissal of the two guards.
“But, sire—”
King Yoongi spoke for the first time, effectively cutting Happy off, “Don’t worry, Hoseok. What can one little witch do to us?”
Oh, you could think of a lot of things. Your thoughts must have been written all over your face because King Namjoon glanced at you and immediately let out a deep chuckle.
Glaring at the two men before you, you decided that one way or another they would learn to respect you. The guards you now knew to be Hoseok and Jungkook exited the room, leaving you alone with the two kings - your two soulmates.
Now, it seemed that you were somehow in a staring contest with both of them at once. Fine, if they didn't want to talk, you would. 
“So, nice weather we’re having, huh,” Your tone could not be any drier.
“Indeed,” King Namjoon quirked a half smile, and you realized you might be in over your head as his dimple made its first appearance.
You hated the whole power imbalance thing going on right now - the two of them sitting silently on an elevated platform lording over where you stood. Gathering all your dignity and lack thereof, you placed your hands on your ample hips and raised your eyebrows, “Well? Did you summon me just to stare?”
“No,” King Yoongi drawled, cupping his chin in his hand, “But you are quite delightful to look at, soulmate… That is, if this is your true form.”
You let the backhanded compliment simmer as King Namjoon chastised his partner, shooting him a warning look.
“Ah, yes,” You finally say, swiping at a nonexistent tear, “You’ve caught me. My true form is actually so old that it’s partially decomposed. Ah, silly me. I thought I would spare you from the grotesque monstrosity.”
King Namjoon burst into uproarious laughter. “Yoongi-ah,” He wheezed, “You’ve really met your match this time.”
Opposite him, King Yoongi scowled, “It was a fair question! The last witch that we summoned could shift into an owl.”
“You’ve met Helvetica?” You blinked, thinking of the only witch you knew with that ability, “She’s legendary.” Then, it registered. “Wait, what do you mean she was ‘the last witch you summoned’... Why have you been summoning witches left and right?”
“Isn’t it obvious now?” King Namjoon smiled, “We’ve been looking for you.”
“You see, (y/n),” King Yoongi purred your name, inciting a shiver down your spine, “Namjoon and I are also soulmates.” He gracefully shifted to his feet before walking down the few steps to where you still stood. 
Circling you like a shark in water, King Yoongi continued, “But we had been feeling lonely despite our connection. We couldn't figure out why.”
“That’s right,” King Namjoon chimed in from his throne, “We tried everything to fill that void.”
“And we mean everything,” King Yoongi whispered in your ear, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger.
“We were quite desperate,” King Namjoon laughed lightly. He, too, rose to his feet and made his way to stand before you. 
Your heart felt like it might beat out of your chest from the sheer sensation of being caught in between these two beautiful men. King Yoongi continued to play with your hair from his position behind you. King Namjoon’s heavy gaze pinned you in place with its wicked intent.
“Desperate enough to contact King Seokjin of Andolia and request that his top Seer be sent to us to do a reading.” King Yoongi’s words caused you to jolt back slightly in shock. Andolia was known to be a more liberal kingdom than yours. It was a kingdom of magic, of carnal pleasure, of beauty. 
Plus, King Seokjin was practically famous for his good looks and for his love of otherworldly entertainment. 
“You outsourced from Andolia? Couldn't you just have asked one of the Seers here in Meridian?” It seemed absurd to you that these two kings reached out to another land so unlike their own for assistance - especially when you knew of at least four Seers in your own land.
King Yoongi and King Namjoon exchanged a look. “The Seers in our kingdom weren't exactly forthcoming, (y/n).” The taller king in front of you withered under your responding glare.
Could they really blame the Seers for not coming forward to help the very kingdom that had rejected them for so long? You certainly didn't think so.
King Yoongi continued, “Well, King Seokjin sent us his personal Seer Moonbyul… And imagine our surprise when she took one look at us and laughed.”
“‘No wonder you’re lonely! You’re missing one,’” King Namjoon quoted the Seer’s past words with air quotes. You had to bite down a smile over the cuteness of his action. “And not just anyone… a witch no less!”
His tone was light, jovial. You couldn't tell his feelings on your magical status no matter how hard you searched his twinkling brown eyes. Turning slightly, you assessed the other king who looked no less unreadable. 
Still staring at King Yoongi, you questioned, “Okay, so you knew your other soulmate was a witch, and you just decided to summon every witch in Meridian to check them out? Do you have any idea how much that would scare us?”
The shorter king had the decency to look a bit embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort. “I guess we were too excited by the prospect of finding you.”
You fought down the hopeful feeling inside you. There was no way these two actually wanted to keep your bond to them, right? Not in this economy…
“I’m just going to be straight up with you.” You pulled away from their hold and paced away to climb up a couple steps so you were finally the same height. “I think you searched for me because you want to sever our bond.” 
The two kings moved to interrupt you, but you just held a palm in the air, “No, let me finish. Look, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that my soulmate wouldn't want to be tied to a witch. And why should I even want to be with someone who doesn’t respect me or my craft?”
You lowered your palm, effectively lifting the unspoken silencing charm you had cast on them. 
The first thing that King Yoongi said once he recovered his voice was: “Damn, that was sexy.” 
And the second? “I would rather sever my left arm than sever our bond.”
“Well,” You blinked as King Namjoon nodded emphatically besides his partner, “That’s a bit dramatic.”
“Please don’t write us off that easily, (y/n),” The taller king begged, “Don’t you feel it? The tether between the three of us? Can’t you see we were made for each other?”
Oh, you felt it. You felt the pull so deeply that you feared you might lose yourself within them.
But if the spark you felt for them was akin to a flame, you weren’t sure if you were the darkness longing to be brightened or the moth destined to be burned. 
Would it be worth it to give up your current life to be with them? Could you leave Taehyung and your little cottage? Could you survive in a court that held no love for your kind?
Your prolonged hesitance clearly worried the two kings before you. 
“What can we do to show you how much we want you here with us?” King Yoongi implored, his hand drifting out to clasp with King Namjoon’s. 
Staring down at the unified front the kings presented, you realized that your soulmates could offer you so much if you let them. By accepting the bond, you could gain the ability to help others more broadly than just offering simple spells of assistance. You could feel safe and secure. And, you could even allow yourself to love and be loved. 
“Hm,” You mused, “I think I need to take a seat.” You lounged on the very throne in which Yoongi had lazed just a half an hour prior. 
“Just when I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful,” King Namjoon murmured as he stared up at you as you reclined on the silver and black throne.
King Yoongi hummed in agreement, “We’ll need to make hers resplendent just to even come close to her radiance.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” You lied, secretly basking in the warmth of their praises, “Would I really get my own throne? You’re not planning on shoving me in a far away tower?”
“We were fearful of this,” King Namjoon walked up to the foot of the throne with King Yoongi in tow. Pausing briefly, they both fell to their knees before you. King Namjoon continued, “We feared you would think the worst of us. And for good reason.”
King Yoongi’s gaze pleaded with yours as he explained his partner's words, “We grew up to be scared of magic. We were sheltered from it and were told falsehoods about its ‘malicious nature’. It wasn’t until a few years ago that we first travelled to Andolia and met King Seokjin that we realized how wrong we were.”
“We were ignorant,” King Namjoon said lowly, “We removed the outright ban on magic and supernaturals immediately, but unlearning such prejudiced ways has proven to be difficult for our kingdom.” 
You took everything in. You did not doubt that they were being genuine; however, one thought still lingered in the back of your mind.
“If I stay here with you...” Both kings eagerly stared up at you and you rolled your eyes, “And I mean if I do, will you see me as an equal? Will you respect me as such?”
The kings exchanged a confused glance before replying that they already did. You weren’t convinced. You decided to lay everything on the table.
“Okay, but do you really respect me? Or do you just want to fuck me?” 
“Do those have to be mutually exclusive?” King Yoongi asked, his hands clenched at his sides as if he was holding himself back from touching you.
Your lips quirked, “I suppose not.”
“Thank the gods for that,” He growled, “I’ve been hard since you sat on my throne.” Both kings moved forward with clear sensual intent, but you sent a wave of magic forward - effectively halting their movements.
Their eyes blazed with desire for you that you were certain was mirrored in your own. You take in the magnificence of the sight before you. Your two powerful soulmates on their knees before you, desperate to touch you, to taste you. Your eyes traveled over the expanse of Namjoon’s shoulders to settle on his black velvet and gold choker. Then, you shift your gaze to Yoongi and his long ring adorned fingers, the smooth skin of his chest that peeked from the v-neck of his tunic. 
They really were quite a pair. What in the universe had you done to be fated to such beauty? You guessed you probably shouldn’t question it.
Waving away the magical barrier between you, you began, “Earlier you asked what you could do to show that you want me here with you.”
“That’s right,” Yoongi rasped, his heated gaze locked with yours as he lightly trailed a finger up your calf. Beside him, Namjoon inclined his head in agreement before taking your hand in his.
Trying to ignore the rising tension, you forged onwards. It was important that you made these points before this went any further. “Well, I have some requirements.”
Namjoon cracked a smile, “I would be disappointed if you didn’t, my soul.”
Your cheeks warmed at the endearment but didn’t let it distract you. “I want to draft an ordinance that explicitly declares equity for those with magical and supernatural abilities.”
“Done.” Your soulmates agreed in unison.
You paused. That had been almost too easy… “And also an amendment stating that discrimination against said subjects will not be tolerated by any means.”
You were on a roll now. “I like practicing magic. It’s a part of me. I don’t want to have to hide it.”
Namjoon pressed a kiss to your palm, “We don’t want you to hide it.” 
“Your magic is beautiful, (y/n),” Yoongi’s hand slid further up your leg, “You should never feel like you have to hide an intrinsic part of yourself - especially around us.”
Your body burned under their touch, but you still held back. Were they just going to agree to any old thing you threw at them? “I also want ten thousand Burmese pythons.”
That took them a second to process. “We can easily get you around six hundred, maybe seven?” Namjoon squinted as he seemed to calculate the math in his head, “I’ll have to talk to our allies about trading for the remaining amount.”
Spluttering out a laugh, you shook your head, “I was just kidding about the snakes, my gods. Although… now that i think about it, maybe one would be cool?”
Yoongi pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh. When had he pushed your skirt up that high? “Anything for you, my queen.” 
It was official. You were ruined.
Your soulmates had effectively stymied your doubts and quelled your fears, leaving you with only the intense desire to be with them. 
And so you caved. “That just leaves one last stipulation... You say you want me, need me. Well then show me how badly you want me to be with you.”
The words barely left your mouth before they were on you. Yoongi pushed your legs further apart so that he could get closer to you. His hands slid around your waist, tugging your body flush against him, and he fused his mouth with yours. 
You smiled into his kiss as you felt Namjoon sidle up to you and begin to place fevered kisses across your collarbone. A witch could get used to this, you thought as Yoongi’s tongue tentatively swiped across your lower lip. What a good boy he was to not take more than you offered. 
Your hands tangled into Yoongi’s silky strands before they came to a halt at his crown. Carefully, you slid the crown off his head and onto yours. Pulling away from Yoongi’s mouth slightly, you murmured, “Well? How’s it look?”
“You look like our queen,” Namjoon whispered hoarsely as Yoongi just looked at you like he might devour you whole. 
At Namjoon’s words, you turned to face him, hooked a finger around the choker adorning his neck, and tugged his mouth onto yours. His hand immediately flew up to cradle your cheek as he kissed you as if you might slip away from him if he stopped. You almost laughed at how obvious it was to you now that Namjoon was the more dominant of the two.
He had just mastered the art of patience amongst the other things you only hoped you could have the pleasure of discovering. His teeth playfully nipped at your bottom lip, and you returned the affection in kind.
Meanwhile, Yoongi refused to let you forget about him as he settled into his position of kneeling between your legs. His lips kissed and sucked at your neck while his fingers danced up your thighs, taunting you with their light touch.
You decided you had been teased enough. Tugging away from Namjoon and shifting Yoongi back from you slightly, you paused briefly to focus your magic and then snapped your fingers. Your dress and undergarments disappeared from your body and reappeared a few steps away folded neatly. 
“Fuck, I love magic,” Yoongi breathed as he takes in your naked body for the first time. 
Without hesitation, you hitch one leg over one of the ornate arms of the chair. “Well?” You arched a brow, looking over your two speechless soulmates, “Are you just going to stare? Or are you going to get naked?”
The speed at which they shed their clothes almost gave your magic a run for its money. 
You marveled at the two men before you, their bodies chiseled, their cocks hard. 
“How do you want us?” Yoongi asked, practically thrumming with anticipation. 
You arched an eyebrow at Namjoon, “Is he always this eager?” 
The taller man grinned, “Occasionally, but this level is rare form for him.” 
Yoongi scowled, “Please, Joon, like you aren’t dying to sink your cock into our soulmate’s pretty little pussy.” 
“Oh,” You sighed, “Someone has quite a mouth on them… Why don’t we put that to good use while Joon teaches you some discipline.” 
Not even thrown off at the notion of being punished, Yoongi gladly sunk to his knees before you once more. Namjoon hesitated, and you quickly realized the problem. Summoning your magic, you materialized some water-based lubricant for him.
“Yeah,” Namjoon laughed, “Magic is a fucking beautiful thing.” Taking the lube from you, he leaned down to prep Yoongi. “Ready?” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine. Yoongi nodded.
“Gods yes,” You barely finished your thought before Yoongi buried his face between your legs, his mouth immediately kissing and exploring your pussy. The first stroke of his tongue tore a moan from you as your back arched into the cool metal behind you.
“(Y/n),” Namjoon growled, “Look at me, my soul. Watch me fuck our soulmate while he tastes you. I want you to feel each of my thrusts in every jolt of his tongue.”
Despite not being one to typically take orders, the heat of Namjoon’s words pulled your attention immediately and the sight before you made it stay. You watched enraptured as Namjoon slowly sank his cock into Yoongi’s ass. 
Yoongi groaned and the vibrations sent another rush of arousal through you as he continued to greedily tease your clit with his tongue. Your hands dug into his auburn waves, pushing his face harder against your pussy. 
Namjoon slid out of Yoongi and then drove back in. The visual of his hard cock pumping feverishly in and out of Yoongi’s pert ass was indescribable when every stroke caused Yoongi’s tongue to thrust inside you and his nose to nudge against your clit. 
“How does she taste, Yoongi? Is she as sweet as she looks?” 
You scowled at Namjoon for causing Yoongi to pause his worship in order to answer. “She tastes like the fucking sun, Namjoon.”
“Now, that doesn’t even make sense— Fuck,” You moaned as Yoongi’s mouth sucked hard on your clit, effectively shutting you up. Your pulse thundered in your ears as you felt the arousal build and build inside of you. Your legs shook as Yoongi sucked and hummed on your clit as Joon continued to pound into him. 
Your eyes focused on the sharp movements of Namjoon’s hip and the flexing of his muscles as he alternated in thrusting and rolling his hips. Gods, you wanted those hips to drive that cock deep inside of you.
“Does this please you, my soul?” Namjoon growled, “Do you like watching me wreck Yoongi while he gives you pleasure?”
“Y-yes,” Your breath hitched as Yoongi teasingly nipped at your swollen bud. “But I want you to wreck me and then I want to wreck you both.”
Namjoon’s thrusts stuttered to a halt as your words connected. Yoongi tore his mouth from your folds. Placing your foot on his forehead, you gently pushed Yoongi back so you could stand, “I want both of you inside me.”
Panting, Yoongi gasped, “Please, please wreck us, my queen.” His lips shone with your essence and you swiped a finger along their seam. Bringing your finger up to Namjoon’s plush lips, you tilted your head with a sly smile, “Well? You wanted a taste, didn’t you?”
Without a pause, he took your finger into his mouth, his tongue curling around the digit, tasting you. His dark eyes remained on yours as he released your finger with a pop. “So fucking divine,” Namjoon groaned, his hands darting out to grab your hips, his hard cock pressing into your stomach. 
Yoongi once again mirrored Joon’s actions from behind you. You could feel his hardness against your ass, and you couldn't help but to grind slowly into him. “(Y/n),” Yoongi moaned into your neck as his cock practically throbbed with need for relief. 
Tugging Namjoon closer to you, you whispered, “My love, go sit on your throne.”
Your soulmate appeared confused but nonetheless did what you said. Pausing only briefly to admire the way Namjoon looked on his throne, you extracted yourself from Yoongi and sauntered over to stand over Joon. 
“You know,” You murmured, grabbing his cock firmly, eliciting a gorgeous moan from the man, “I think I want to sit on your throne, too.” Your hand stroked him teasingly as his head leaned against the back of his throne.
“As you wish, my soul,” He rasped out, his thighs tensing.
With that, you knelt over him. Immediately, Namjoon’s hands rested on your ass and squeezed. “What a greedy boy,” You murmured, placing a soft kiss on his lips, “That’s for Yoongi, my love. Or is my pussy not enough for you?”
As you spoke, you slowly sunk down his thick cock inch by inch. And at the mention of his name, Yoongi practically shoved Namjoon’s hands off your ass and replaced them with his. Echoing your own words, he teased the younger king, “Yeah, Joonie, don’t be greedy.”
Namjoon shot the two of you a half-hearted glare, but before he could say a word, you clenched your walls around him. “F-fuck,” He moaned, his eyes squeezed tight, “You feel so good around my cock, so wet.”
You slid up and down his length, reveling in the building heat consuming you. From behind you, Yoongi slowly teased your other opening. The coolness of his finger assured you that he had done this before. His finger slid into my ass with ease, the lube no doubt helping with that. You both moaned.
“You like that, my queen?” Yoongi growled, beginning to push his finger in and out.
“Oh my gods, yes,” You felt wild from the sensation of being so full of your soulmates, but you couldn't help but want more. “Want your cock inside me, too, Yoongi.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” He responded, pulling his finger out of you. After a moment, you felt the gentle nudge of his cock head against your ass. You stilled your motions, bottoming out on Joon’s dick as you waited with anticipation of being stuffed full with both of them. 
Slowly, inch by inch, Yoongi pushed into you.  “Fuck,” He bit out, “Joon, I can feel you.” 
You felt so satisfied as Yoongi’s hips pressed into you, his cock buried deep inside you.
Namjoon’s cock twitched inside you as he no doubt could feel Yoongi right back. “Please, my soul, I need to fuck you. Let us fuck you,” He begged, gazing down at you with pupils blown out wide.
“No,” You shook your head emphatically, “I’m going to fuck you.”
With that, you started riding Namjoon’s cock. Moving up and down his thick shaft, you guided Yoongi’s hands to your hips as he thrust in and out of you in time to your movements. Every time you sank down on Namjoon’s shaft, Yoongi thrust into your ass. It was exquisite.
You felt your orgasm coiling within you, burning brightly. You squeezed down, trying to prolong the sensation, rolling your hips.
“Godsdamn,” Yoongi moaned, “Your ass is so tight, my queen. I’m not going to last much longer.”
You shook your ass slightly just to tease him. Yoongi responded by biting your neck and muttering, “You’re such a witch.”
“You fucking know it,” You gasped out as Namjoon suddenly rolled your clit between his fingers. Pleasure shot through you as you writhed on top of them. Your walls clenched down as you hurtled towards bliss, your world going white. 
You could feel both of them coming inside you, painting your walls. The heat of their releases only added to the intensity of your orgasm as you flew over the edge, milking them with every pulse of your pussy. 
Slowly, you came down from your high, breathing hard. Collapsing against Joon’s chest, you nuzzled his neck.
You felt his chuckle before you heard it, “I think we tired her out, Yoongi.” 
“Yes, I think so, Joon,” Yoongi replied, slowly pulling out of you, “Let’s get you cleaned up. We have a private hot spring just outside.” 
Not one to be outdone, you straightened, hopping off Joon. Placing your hands on your hips, you leveled each of them with a devilish smile, “Hey, maybe I was pretending to be satisfied for your benefits, you old men.” 
“Old!?” Yoongi bellowed, so easily riled up. 
“Hmm,” Namjoon’s arms encircled you, hugging you to him. Bringing his mouth to your ear, he whispered, “You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you, my soul?”
“Undoubtedly,” You whispered back as Yoongi still fumes over being called old. Yeah, a witch could really get used to this.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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heliads · 4 years
Troubled Waters Chapter 3: Twin Spirits
Strange happenings are starting to plague Beacon Hills. Scott McCall and his pack have always been able to defend their hometown no matter how dangerous the threat, but they may need the help of mysterious newcomer Y/N L/N.
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The naiad is tied up down below in the boat house, mountain ash forming a protective barrier between it and the rest of the world. Scott’s friends are gathered in the kitchen, formulating a plan for whatever comes next. Scott himself is about to join in the discussion until he spies a lone figure standing on the dock, and he trades out the warmth of the kitchen for the biting wind of the lakeside air.
“You want to go back inside? I think we’re about to start deciding what to say to the naiad.” Y/N turns when she hears Scott’s voice. “Sure thing. I was just getting some time alone with my thoughts.” Scott heaves a knowing sigh. “I wish I could help you more with getting used to the whole supernatural thing. I know it’s a pretty hard burden to have to suddenly deal with.”
Y/N tilts her head to the side in acknowledgement. “You’ve got that right. It’s just weird- a few days ago, my biggest worry was how badly I did on a math quiz. Now, there are True Alphas and fox spirits running around town.” Scott turns to her, smiling slightly. “Hey, you seem to be handling it pretty well. When Liam found out, we basically had to kidnap him to stop him from running away.”
Y/N lets out an incredulous laugh. “Okay, I’ll admit not being kidnapped definitely helped with the whole acceptance process.” Her voice drops as she stares back out over the lake. “I’m just not sure what to think. Sometimes it feels like I’m way in over my head.” She shivers, and Scott realizes that she must be freezing, what with the biting wind and the cool of the water permeating the air. Hurriedly, he takes his jacket off and offers it to her.
She smiles at him gratefully. “Thanks, Scott. We should probably head back inside, I think I’ve had enough alone time.” Scott looks at Y/N with concern. “Are you sure you’re alright? You know, you don’t have to do this. We can find another way to reason with the naiads, one that doesn’t involve you and your safety.” Y/N shakes her head reassuringly. “No, I need to do this. I have to protect the people I care about, even if it makes me a little nervous.” With that, she turns around and the two of them walk back inside, rejoining the rest of the pack.
Lydia is the first to speak. “So, we need a plan. How can we ask this naiad what her intentions are in Beacon Hills without giving away more about ourselves than we have to?” Stiles shrugs. “That’s why we’re having Y/N do the talking, right? Not only does she have control over the naiad, she’s not a supernatural and so she won’t be affected by the mountain ash or any of the other protective barriers.”
Y/N raises her hand timidly. “Actually, I was going to ask about that. Would it be okay if someone else did the talking?” She sighs and looks down at the table. “I’m just afraid that, seeing as I’m not a supernatural, it’ll be that much easier for the other naiads to take out their frustration that one of their own was kidnapped on me. I mean, let’s say a group of naiads want revenge and they go find me. I can’t protect myself with claws or fangs, and I’m just worried about possible retribution. When I first summoned the naiad, it was already pretty dark and I don’t think she saw me or could recognize my face. I think there’s still a pretty good chance of me being totally anonymous to her.”
Scott touches her shoulder encouragingly. “I agree. I don’t want Y/N getting hurt if we can avoid it. At least if the naiads come after me, I could fight them off. How about this- Y/N, you stand back in the shadows where she can’t see you and you command her to follow my orders instead. I can then question her, and then everything works out.”
Kira nods. “That could work. So, Y/N gives command to Scott, Scott asks about why the naiad is there and how to get her out of Beacon Hills, and then if we feel satisfied, we let her go.” The friends agree, and they slowly head down into the boat house once more. It’s time for a little interview.
The naiad of question is still within the protective circle of mountain ash, and she jerks her head up when she hears the friends come downstairs. They’ve left the lights off so the naiad can’t tell who’s there, and the room is barely lit by the glow of moonlight.
Y/N raises her voice slightly. “I give command to Scott. You will follow his orders as if I were giving them to you.” The naiad inclines her head slightly in recognition. “As you wish, summoner.”
Scott steps forward, looking the naiad straight in the eye. Even out of her element on dry land, she still looks like something out of a storybook. Something about the way she tilts her head, or looks at him with her sapphire eyes, makes him feel more than a little uneasy. 
Scott clears his throat. “What are you doing in Beacon Hills?” The naiad smirks. “Have we made you uncomfortable by arriving unannounced? We just want some new territory.” Scott raises his eyebrows. “Okay, then I command you to leave town, along whatever other naiads came with you.”
The naiad bares her teeth. “You think you can actually make us leave? Yes, I have to follow your orders, but you cannot stop us from coming back or finding another loophole to circumvent this unnecessary task. We have decided on the establishment of our society in Beacon Hills, and there will be nothing you can do about it.”
Scott tries another angle. “What is it about Beacon Hills that’s so important? Surely another town would be just as good?” The naiad breaks into a laugh that sounds just as sharp and cold as broken glass. “Beacon Hills is necessary to us because of its power. Thanks to the Nemeton, it is a source of energy coveted by all supernaturals. We just happen to be the most deserving of control over it. The rest of my naiads and I are the only ones who are worthy to inhabit it.”
Next to him, Y/N lets out a low hiss of anger. Scott turns to her, confused as to her sudden rage, and the naiad’s eyes dart to Y/N the second she makes a sound. For a moment, nothing happens, and then the naiad starts to laugh once more, filling Scott with dread. 
“Sister, of course you would be unhappy. You know we are worthy of this territory, no matter what disputes have occurred.” Y/N looks panicked at the naiad’s words. “I don’t know who you are, or what you’re talking about.” The naiad tosses back her head in glee. “But of course you do!” The naiad looks around the boat house, evidently taking in the confused expressions of Scott and his friends.
“Oh, they don’t know, do they.” Y/N stalks up to the naiad. “You shut your mouth. I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but-” The naiad cuts her off. “Yes you do, sister.” She looks back at the pack. “Your friend here is a naiad, just like the rest of us.”
Scott feels frozen in place. “Y/N, what is she talking about?” Y/N looks agitated, but Scott realizes with a sinking feeling that she doesn’t look confused. Just upset that certain truths were coming to light. She speaks hurriedly. “Of course it’s not true. Why would I be a naiad? I just found out that supernaturals were real a few days ago.”
Scott shakes his head slowly. “That’s not true, is it? You recognized the message and had to get involved because you’re one of them. She called you sister because you’re one of them! You wanted me to ask the questions because you knew she would recognize you and you didn’t want your cover to be blown!” 
Y/N is backing away from him slowly. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice is cool and level, and it feels like a knife slowly twisting in Scott’s heart. “I believed in you, Y/N. I trusted you.” Regret fills her eyes when she hears him speak. She opens her mouth, as if to say something in defense of everything she’d done, but then Malia takes a few steps towards her, and Y/N turns towards the open air of the lake. She raises her arms above her head, and a wall of water comes rushing out of the lake, crashing down onto the floor of the boat house and forcing the pack back and away from her.
When the water recedes, the ground is empty, and there is no sign of Y/N to be found. Scott looks up at his friends, seeing the same horrified look on each of their faces and feeling the same one creeping across his own hurt expression. He finds the nerve to speak.
“So it’s true. She betrayed us. Y/N is a naiad.”
tag list: @savingprivatecass​ @lolychu​ @linkpk88​
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Wild Heart: Taishiro Toyomitsu fluff and nsfw at the end
Notes: Smut with kinda nomadic and village people with animal features. Sorry s/o, but you’re a lil’ bunny with a kinda fearful backstory. All characters are of age, and this story has some dark elements to it. Don’t read if you’re underaged.
Warnings: No forced mating happens to s/o, but there are mentions of the fearful possibilities, and s/o living in fear of it. Kinda Mary Sue s/o but whatevs.
When your first heat took over you, you first lived in your own little space in your parent’s temporary den. Of course they expected this. You, however, did not expect them to take advantage of your delicate situation by inviting possible suitors in their home.  
It scared you so much, laying there in your feathered nest, listening to your parents in the other room basically interviewing each and every suitor, acting as if you were a piece of meat to be traded off to. Which, you realized, that you were.
Traveling in the past winter was difficult, for many villagers fell ill, got lost, and were eaten by wilder animals, which made your parents desperate to help reproduce the decaying tribe. Of course, rabbits being one of the most fertile breeds, were sought by more dominant species to reproduce. A predatory species such as a wolf or dog, for example, will always have pups, if their mate isn’t high on the list of dominance that is.  
It made young bunnies such as yourself a prize, because although highly fertile and bore kits quickly, the kits will be a species of their mate, instead of rabbits themselves.  
 You weren’t sure if you wanted kits, only to repeat your species’s vicious little cycle. You were sick of it, and always fearful that somebody who your parents approved of, will just come into your nest while in heat, and either fuck you then and there, or drag you away to be a little breeder.
You were so scared and sick. Although terrible, your parents seem to know that a fearful bunny in heat was not good, and the stars aligned with luck as you heard them sigh and say that right after your heat, you will be traded to the well off weasel in your tribe in exchange for nesting materials and food.
It understandably made you angry, and that fateful night, when you felt ready, you packed some things and left without your parents knowing.
To where, you did not know, but like your kin, you will find your own little place, whether it be in a small nomadic village such as your parents, or all alone in the wilderness. It was unsafe for you. Your heat had just lifted, but the intoxicating smell still clung to you.
You traveled far, avoiding to stay at one place for too long, suspicious strangers, and open fields. Wolves would leer at you, owls and other birds of prey would gauge whether should they swoop down at you. Your nights were spent curled up in either an abandoned den, or huddled against a large tree, hoping that you’ll be safe.
As for your heats, you definitely had to play extra safe, so far as gathering two week’s worth of food to place in a temporary den, blocking it and not even thinking about coming out until it was at least a week after your heat.
It was an absolute nightmare to be writhing on the ground, hearing the scratches, threats, and wanton moans of animals outside, wanting to break through your makeshift barrier, and never succeeding. It scared you so much, that a small part of you wondered if the weasel would have been a better choice. You shook it off. No, you were more than an incubator. You always got through the night, and you’ll get through this one.  
On the lucky side, your food resources would not run out due to it being late summer, and so wild fruit, vegetables, and berries were still available to you, making stored temporary dens so much easier while dealing with heats, which drained your energy. You didn’t want to continue walking forever, living in fear and hiding,  but you didn’t want to be near your parents ever again.
One day, you came across a friendly little village. It surprised you. Unlike your village, they had buildings built there to stay, not tents flapping in the wind, or an abandoned den in which would be abandoned again. It felt like a secure place, and you decided that you will try to find a den on the outskirts of town.
It didn’t take long to find an old fox den. The smell has long since faded, and there was no outcry or claim when you left of what few belongings you had. Being smart, you covered the opening up with grass and branches, and headed towards the village to hopefully find work for food so that you could eat for the upcoming winter.
The people were friendly. They saw you not just as a foreigner, but one of the few beings who actually wanted to stay. The majority of your land had a nomadic lifestyle, but this place had structure, rules, and more importantly, safety. Beings of all kinds were welcomed here, and nobody discriminated. It was too good to be true, you thought. You thought that it was a trap, but it wasn’t.
It was a new concept of living, and many beings found it too weird and suffocating, not like the free reign they were use to having, so many beings avoided the village. You loved it. So you stayed.
Of course there were doubts, and the ever-lingering fear, yet it melted away when you seen the sunny faces of a fellow rabbit named Izuku, a red salamander by the name of Eijiro, the warm smile and fluffy squirrel tail of Ochaco, the leader of the village, a droopy crow man by the name of Aizawa, and others , you knew that this was your place.
It didn’t take you long to befriend the villagers. It was not a large village, but for the first time, you felt very welcomed and supported, and even found a job working as a gardener with Ochaco. You felt so happy, that you let yourself smile, which you haven’t done so in ages.
Of course, of all of the villagers, there was one who caught your eyes the most. When your eyes met, you couldn’t help the fluttering feeling beat within your chest. Bright orange eyes, soft yellow hair, and a round face met your gaze. The rare tiger breed was eating something sweet, and had a little speck of food on his face, in which you couldn’t help but find adorable.
It didn’t bother you that he was round, or the soft blush on his cheeks, or the way his pretty eyes had glistened a little with surprise, and most importantly, his sandalwood and soft vanilla scent. You knew that you shouldn’t like a person just bases on their looks or scent, but at that moment, you couldn’t help the blood rushing to your cheeks, a little.
Of course, it didn’t help when he offered a smile and one of his sweets, that you were pulled a little more into the rabbit hole of like at first sight.
Throughout the end of your gardening, he would visit you often. His name is Taishiro Toyomitsu “but you can call me Tai-chan!” as his tail flicked. He was only a few years older than you, and his job was help keep the peace, patrolling around the village and help protect it against invaders.
You were smitten but of course could not tell him. A part of you wanted him to like you in despite of your heats and fertility, and you was scared.
As you continued being his friend for the next year, you learned that not only was he a great and a trustworthy friend, but he had lost his fat during spring, and gained it back during the harsh winter months. You honestly thought his bigger form was cuter, but you were not complaining at all to see rippling muscles adorned with sweat during the summer heat.
Which didn’t help your heats at all when you lay deep within your den, writhing with your fingers within you, feeling incomplete and needing something bigger as you could imagine the soft feel of his flesh rutting within you or hard muscles holding you down. It was torture, and you knew that by not telling him how you felt, and not wanting to ruin your relationship with one of your closest and dearest friends, you allowed yourself to suffer.    
Within the next two years, you worked hard and never complained. You learned how to sew, clean, cook, garden, gather, and even carpentry. You helped your neighbors, and in return, they, mainly Taishiro, helped you build your little fox den into a rabbit hut.  
You never told your neighbors about your problems before, but it didn’t take a genius to figure things out. You were a lone being with no mate, not another’s scent on you, and had never brought anybody into your house. It was obvious that you ran away, and you even let it slip while casual talking to Izuku.
Of course, not to mention that the scent of your heat always lingered a week or two on you after your actual heat. You didn’t deny the thrill up your spine whenever Taishiro would accidentally inhale your scent. You didn’t miss the way his pupils dilated with lust, ears perked, and tail thrashing wildly as he looked at you whenever he thought you weren’t looking. Oh no, you were totally aware, and ate it up. Every little image was fodder for you, and it made your heart race faster.  
Everything changed for you, one November day. You were outside, planning on where to plant your crops for the next spring, happily humming to yourself as ever, until you felt yourself being pushed down onto the ground. In a daze, you scrambled to back up from whatever force that was near you, and looked up.
It was your father, and he was seething. You didn’t understand. You traveled far, hadn’t you? Your scent would have faded on your travels, and why now, after three years, has your parent finally found you with an irrational attitude?
You did feel like you left your parents to defend for themselves, but you had to do this for yourself. If not for your dignity, but for your freedom. The only rational thought you could come up with was that the tribe was traveling this direction, and you, living on the outskirts of the village, was easily spotted.
Fate was unfair, sometimes.
“Where have you been? We were worried for you! Your suitor, the weasel, has already found another mate! Your mother and I had lost a lot of opportunity when you ran off like a coward!” It all came falling out of his mouth as he screamed at you. Three years worth of anguish filled his tone.  
Your ears flattened back as your body stiffened with fear. Then an unexpected anger hit you out of nowhere.
“Do you know how scared I was while you were inviting strangers into our home? While I was in my heat for no less? Overhearing how you were going to trade me in as if I never mattered? I was so scared that you were just going to let somebody walk in and do whatever they wanted to me!” You shouted as tears threaten to spring from your eyes. You hurriedly wiped them away as your father stared in shock. However, you weren’t done.
“I traveled so far! Trying to escape you two, the tribe, and everything that holds me down biologically! I had to hide during my heats, hearing...things outside trying to get through the dens I blockaded. Storing food, hiding in the darkness for weeks until I felt safe to go out...looking above me or behind my back every second….” You trailed off as your anger dissipated fast. You frantically wiped your eyes as your father’s shoulders relaxed.
You almost jumped when you felt a hand land gently upon your shoulder. A fierce sandalwood scent overpowered the sweet vanilla, and you knew who it was. Swiveling to look up, your heart sped faster at the sight of Taishiro, who now had a feral look to him as he stared your father down. Your heart sank. You didn’t mean for him to find about your troubles. His ears flat, tail puffed out and swishing, and eyes didn’t leave your father as he spoke.
“Is he botherin’ you, Darlin’?” His voice was gentle to you, although his body language spoke another situation. You eyed your father as his face held a tiny bit of remorse, and fear.
“No,” You found yourself saying aloud. “he’ll be leaving, soon.” After those words, your father gave a curt nod and left just like that. You couldn’t believe your circumstances, or the loop that life threw at you. Your cheeks paled as you remembered that Taishiro probably heard everything.
To be honest, you didn’t care. You wanted him to know, but of course under better circumstances. Tail smoothing down, ears perked, the sweet vanilla overpowering the sandalwood, and eyes round, he looked at you with a worried expression.
“Are you alright? I came running as soon as I scented an unfamiliar scent around your area, I feared for the worse. Damn, I didn’t mean to overhear everything! Seriously, you went through all of that?” His concerned babbling made your heart leap. He cared about you. Feeling brave, you looked at him and decided to shoot a question.
“What did you fear, Tai-chan?” Your question caught him off guard as his eyes widened and a pink dust settled over his cheeks as he swiftly looked down at the ground. For a second, you thought he was going to start blubbering, but then he looked back at you with a determination.
“I was worried that you had found a suitor.” He admitted. Oh. Oh.
“That would have bothered you, wouldn’t it?” You asked with a serious gentle voice. He couldn’t help but nod.
“How long?” You pressed. His ears flattened with a bit of embarrassment and his eyes tentatively met yours.
“When I first saw you. Timid thing with wide eyes, couldn’t help but find ya...ya know, cute. Then you were always friendly, ya know? Um, I could see ya admiring me, even when I was heavy and fat during the winter, I always felt you starin’ at me with those eyes, and it made me feel special. As if my personality was worth more than my body weight, ya know? Then when the years passed and I got ta know ya, I realized that I loved you.” His flush deepened with every breath as he admitted this.
You felt warmth pool within you despite the November chill, and your heart raced. He loved you? You asked him how he had noticed, and he smiled a little.
“Honestly, you aren’t very subtle, Darlin’. Even a week after your heat, I can see you liking the way I’ve been reacting to your smell. Three years is too much, but I’d wait more if you’re still decidin’.” He let out a little growl, and you flushed.  Your heart hammered loudly, and you swore that he could hear it. Then you let it out.
“I loved you when I first saw you,” Your voice broke out and he looked at you with wonder. “as you heard the outburst I had with my father, I was at first a little insecure about liking somebody. Everyone before I came to this life, saw me as an object waiting to be used. You’re not like that. The villagers, my friends, aren’t like that. I didn’t know that you had feelings for me, but I kept pushing away suitors just in case if you changed your mind, one day.” You admitted freely. It honestly felt as if a giant weight had been lifted off of your shoulders.
Only for warm arms to embrace you. Your little bunny tail couldn’t help but swish happily as you wrapped your arms around him, pushing your face into his chest and taking in the sweet vanilla scent. This was happening. You both acknowledged your feelings towards each other, and now can rest easy.            
  After a few minutes, he broke the silence first.
“In my old tribe, it’s custom for males to court their lovers before they finally settle. Would you like that, lil’ rabbit?” He teased lightly as his hand ran circles on your back. You nodded without hesitation. Then you remembered.
“My heat is tomorrow.” He froze and pulled away to look at you with wide eyes.
“Darlin’…” He let the sentence drop as you cupped his face.
“I’m tired of spending them alone. They’re getting worse, and it’s hurting more every passing season. If you’re wanting, I rather have nobody in my nest for the rest of my life but you.”
The next thing you knew, his warm mouth was onto yours, holding you tight against him as he started kissing you. You shivered a little, and he pulled back.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’d love to.” He crooned, making your insides turn into warm mush. He’d love to make love to you is all you could think about, and in an instant, years of self restraint seemed to wither.
“Tonight, before my heat?” You pondered. It took him a second, but then he nodded. You smiled warmly up at him and caressed his cheek. Because it was getting to winter months, he was bulky. Not fully round, but not fully muscular, yet. You loved him any other way, but were pleased that you got to have both for your first time. You wanted to remember everything clearly, and not be in a heat induced mess where fingers and hazy memories of being alone was your only companion.
“Alright, Darlin’. Tonight. I’ll head home and get ready, alright? I’ll meet you in your hut.” You agreed and the both of you parted ways temporarily. Your heart pounded and you felt slick pool out at the images you had stored in your head that built up for the last three years.
Night fell slower than you’d like, but you took the opportunity to clean your hut, make your nest comfortable, and even made stew. You were more excited than nervous. You trusted him, you knew that when the morning came, you’ll have a bonding mark, letting everybody know that he was yours, and you were his. Time crawled slowly, letting you think upon other things.
Would he want kits? You could easily imagine little cubs looking exactly like him and you, and to be honest, you didn’t mind at all. He’d be a great father, but you weren’t with him because of that. Oh no, you loved him, and your body, although not knowing it yet, will too.
You opened the door to the slow and steady knocking. He was standing there, eyes locking onto yours as you let him in without a sound.
“Would you like supper, first?” You asked. You had already eaten, but you didn’t know if he had or not. He shook his head.
“Honestly, Darlin’? I’m ready for desert.” He exclaimed while staring directly at you with a tone dark with lust. It was a newer side of him than you’ve seen, and you liked it. There was hardly any words when you led him into your nest. He had asked if you were sure about this, and you reassured him that you were more than willing. Your head was clear, and more than likely he would spend the next week with you during your heat. Your lustful hunger had been put off for way too long, and you were more than willing to share it with somebody who cares about you.
When you closed and locked the door, he stared at you with such a lustful gaze, you felt slick leak out. He must have smelled it, for his eyes dilated.
“I’m different when I’m in the mood, Darlin’. I’m still me, but my instincts are screamin’ at me to bend you over and fuck you full of my cum. One last chance, are you sure?” He growled out, and you all but crooned.
“I’m sure, Tai. I trust you.” You admitted, and that was all he needed to hear. Although gently, he pushed you down onto your feathered bedding, towering over you as he stared at you like a man starved. His eyes glowed under the moonlight. Your hand cupped his face gently, and he bent down to kiss you. Kissing was something new to you, and he probably could tell. He’d lick your lips, and you’d instinctively granted entry. He was warm and soothing and coaxed you to swirl your tongue over his as he lightly sucked onto yours.
You broke away from air, only for him to tug off his clothes quickly, and then tugging off of yours. You wished it was a little slower, but you enjoyed the sight. His fat and muscles glistened with sweat underneath the moonlight, and you couldn’t love it more. What caught your eyes, however, was his erection. It was fat and heavy, and leaking pre-cum onto your bedding. You never saw one up close, but you already wanted to taste it.  
“You’re beautiful.” You found yourself admit, and his eyes reached you with warmth.
“As are you, Sweetheart. Honestly, how did I get so lucky?” He murmured as he decided that the two of you needed to continue, and you were on board with that.
You all but gasped as he took a nipple within his mouth, swirling it as he stared into your eyes with an almost cocky smirk. His other hand reached out to your other nipple, and gently rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. It was a new experience, feeling his rough calloused hands do that to you. You knew you were sensitive there, but never indulged too much time because other areas cried for your attention during heat. He sucked eagerly, rolling it around with his tongue, only to let go and gently blow cool air onto your bud. You gasped and he chuckled.
“A little sensitive, Dearest?” He gently teased, but you nodded anyway. Your lower half was aching. You didn’t want to rush the experience, but your self control was withering.
“Taishiro.” You let out a whine. He all but laughed at your expense.
“A little eager, aren’t we?” A darker tone filled with lust was replacing his normal tone, and you and your instincts loved it.
“My little slutty bunny wants to be eaten out, huh?” His voice sent a fire to your loins. You didn’t care what he called you, the both of you knew that was instinct, and it did set you alight. So you nodded anyway as you found your legs being separated with his face in between them, staring at your sex as if it was his favorite meal. You whined.
“What a pretty flower, you’ve got there, Sugar.” Was your only warning as you felt his hot mouth onto you. You crooned with relief and surprise. How did he know how to do this? You didn’t mind his past, he was forever yours, now, but it still had you wondering. His hot tongue rubbed against your clit a little roughly, and you felt his hand lift from your breast, and soon you felt a thick digit enter you. His hands were calloused and bigger than yours, and so the stretch was odd, but you wanted more.
You moved your hips gently with the thrusts of his fat finger as he slowly added more, eyeing you with a raw hunger. His mouth left your opening and you let out a low whine. He kissed your thigh gently as he added a third finger, stretching you out as you moved against him, liking the feel of the foreign burn.
“You’re so tight, squeezin’ onto my fingers, drippin’ pre-cum and ruining yer bed like a wanton whore.” You hear him all but growl. You felt yourself tighten with those words and looked away in embarrassment as he chuckled darkly. You couldn’t help it!
“Ya like dirty talk, huh?” He growled out a whisper as he pulled his fingers abruptly out of you and ignored your moan of protest. He continued, pulling you onto his lap, rubbing his erect member against your clit as he growled out the remaining words that you wanted to hear.
“You wanna bounce on my cock, Baby? Lemme fuck yer cervix? Fuck you roughly through your orgasm and paint your womb white with my cum? Huh?” He breathed hotly into your ear, and you had to keep yourself from cumming then and there as you clung to him with desperation. You whimpered. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long, and you were so happy that it was with Taishiro. You weren’t scared that this was your first time, and knew that your body could take him. You wanted your body to take him, and so you nodded.
“Alright, Darlin’.” His voice was softer now as he laid you gently upon your bedding as he stared down at you with a gentle yet feral look. You knew that he’d been putting this off as long as you had, and was desperate. Unlike his dirty talk, his behavior was sweet as he kissed you gently, holding onto you as you felt the head of his cock slowly enter you.
You kept yourself still as you felt your walls envelop the large intruder. It didn’t hurt like you thought it would, but it did leave a pleasurable burning stretch that you weren’t sure to make of at first. Your eyes were locked onto his as he eyed your expression. He then came to a stop, resting flushed against your skin.
“You doin’ okay, Darlin’?” He asked hoarsely, and you nodded.
“It feels a little weird, but it doesn’t hurt.” You admitted. His muscles stiffened as he looked at you with surprise. You were confused at his expression, and then it hit you. He didn’t know of your inexperience, and you just assumed that he’d know.
“Oh, Dearest, had I known-” You cut him off by kissing him. You didn’t want him to think, right now. All you wanted was to make love.
“Move.” You ordered.
“So demanding.” He chuckled, but complied as he gently rolled his hips, grasping at the nest as he eyed your expression with such intensity. You knew that he was holding himself back for you, and honestly, it was sweet. Yet, you wanted him to enjoy himself, too.
“Taishiro, I’m not hurting. It feels-Ah!-Good. Mmh-I want you to…” Your eyes looked downwards for a second while he looked at you confused. Then you looked up at him dead in the eye as you finished your sentence.
“I want to bounce on your cock.” At this, he stilled so fast that you thought he had stopped functioning, and then with a feral growl unlike you ever heard before, he pulled you up onto his lap.
“I was trying to be gentle, Baby, but since you’re such a little slut, I think you should fuck yourself on me.” He growled darkly as he aimed a sharp thrust, burying deeper inside you and you all but screamed with ecstasy as you felt his dick hit a special spot within you.
“Oh? Was that your spot? You gonna let me fuck you, or are you gonna bounce?” He then moaned as you tried your best to meet his erratic thrusts. You all but keened as his mouth latched onto a nipple that belonged to your bouncing breasts, harshly sucking on it as his other hand roughly groped your other breast. This was what your nirvana felt like as your walls began to tighten.
Refusing to come first, he then pulled out. Any amount of protest you had, was stifled as he turned you around harshly, bare ass in the air and your face muffled within the nest. His hands gripped at your hips tightly as he thrusted in, now with fervor. His weight laid heavy on your back as he breathed into your ear, talking dirty. You crooned, because this angle was newer and you felt the heaviness of his dick plow into you better.            
         “Fuckin’ virgin wouldn’t allow me to take this slow,” He nipped at your ear through heavy breathes. “I love you so damned much. I’m going to make you ride my dick slowly next time, and you’re going to enjoy the slow intimacy, yeah?” A rush of touched warmth enveloped you as you nodded, trying to focus on cumming.
“I love you-Ah! More!” You breathed out. He let out a laugh as one of his hands reached under to rub your clit.
“Oh, Baby, the shit you do to me.” He growled for the umpteenth time. You couldn’t help it. Your walls clenched tightly as you heard him curse, and the best orgasm in your life hit you hard. You screamed out his name through the white haze of euphoria. When your senses came to, his hips fastened their pace as he suddenly gripped both of your hips hard, stilled, and felt sharp teeth clamp tight around your scent gland as he came harshly. You felt him spurt his come into you as he held you down.
His hips were now gently pumping in and out of you, letting the last spurts of his cum be released inside as he licked your wound apologetically. You couldn’t see it, but you already loved it. He gingerly pulled out of you, flopping right next to you as he pulled you close to his chest. The two of you were quiet for a while as you snuggled within his chest, feeling your erratic heartbeat calm down as his slowed.
“No, I love you more.” He countered, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
I think this is my most favorite fic that I’ve ever written, and one of the longest omg.    
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shrinkynatural · 4 years
It's a strange balance of power their relationship has, Jaskier thinks the more he travels with Geralt. Not that the Witcher would admit it, he thinks he's perfectly in control all the time.
In the villages and towns they pass through for contracts and coin, Jaskier leads the way with his chatter and grand gestures. It's not easy to distract simple townsfolk from the nine foot tall tower of glowering silence behind him but he loves a challenge, and the most effective way to keep people from being scared of something is showing that you aren't scared of it. So he teases Geralt and grabs his forearm to lead him this way or that and--on one completely accidental occasion--leaps up and grasps at his shoulder when someone tosses a bucket of filth out their door and into his path.
He leads Geralt to taverns the Witcher would rather avoid cramming himself into and makes sure he still gets food and ale on the occasion the miserable owner insists he stay outside. Jaskier makes him sit so that he can see him through a window or an open door as he performs for the evening, and even with the barrier between them he catches his eye often and winks and sings right out to him. His songs of the Witcher's heroics are helping to calm and amuse the places they visit but they haven't caught on ahead of them yet. He hopes they do.
Geralt refuses to take room in the inns but Jaskier secures him a place in the stables with fresh, clean hay next to Roach and has dragged a tub and buckets of hot water out himself so that his friend can have a decent bath for once. He longs to take Geralt to the city and into a proper bath house where the giant of a man won't have to bend his knees to his ears.
Civilization is Jaskier's, but oh, how the road and the wilds are Geralt's.
Away from people and houses and everything else that reminds Jaskier that he is the 'normal' one, he lives to Geralt's scale and he is reminded just how small he is compared to the Witcher. His strides are so much longer that Jaskier must follow along at a near trot or get left behind, and while his calves have never looked better it's quite difficult to compose or hold his lute steady for some traveling music. He only asked to ride Roach once and was informed that she was for carrying supplies, not people.
As they walk Geralt stands tall, stretching up to the sky as Jaskier trails along at his elbow. He can easily reach up into fruit trees and pluck ripe treats down for them, or lift the bard straight up into the branches with an order to stay put while he faces whatever monster or foolish bandits have come onto their path. It makes Jaskier flush every time, being lifted so casually, and Geralt only started doing it after he proved that he wouldn't stay out of harm's way.
When they make camp he really gets a taste of Geralt's size because he no longer sits hunched and curled in on himself. He drags over a fallen log like it's nothing and sits with his legs stretched out, refusing to move them while Jaskier putters about setting up his things so he has to take great care in stepping over them and not tripping. He sits straight so that even with Jaskier standing next to him they're practically eye level.
Once Jaskier intended to help by bringing over Geralt's swords and came to the startling revelation that they were each as tall as he was. He felt small and clumsy taking them over but he caught the fleeting twitch of amusement on Geralt's lips so in the end it was worth it for that. Watching him take the swords so easily and laying each across his broad lap so he could clean and sharpen them distracted the bard from his composing that evening as well.
Jaskier gets so used to living with that perspective of things that it's always jarring for a moment when they eventually make their way back to normalcy. But he is adaptable and a performer by trade so he quickly slips back into his leader and protective role and does everything in his power to make sure their temporary stay is a pleasant one.
He doesn't let himself linger on how everything feels too small for him now, how he's given a mug of ale and thinks of how much larger Geralt's wine skin is when he steals it for a few quick sips or how the plate of food seems like a pathetic ration compared to the large beasts the Witcher carries back like rabbits and carves off too-big-but-perfect pieces for him.
Part One
Part Three
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BoomLord's weird adventure
chapter 36 revenge.
Claw had spent The invasion in his fortress from boom while sitting in his main chamber deep in the heart of his facility. Unlike the pitch white walls of the outer areas the one in here was far messier to say the least. This was due to the fact that this was once a shield Warehouse and while the outer areas were perfectly suited for paperwork and other necessities the official arms dealing and weapon storage happened all under his eye. He sat upon A makeshift throne made of discarded guns and old speakers. Clearly he was trying to invoke his inner game of thrones. And Well normally his expression would be cruel or pleasantly pleased for the last several hours he only felt fear. His face was so white one would mistake him for a ghost. Below him were six girls each of them tied up too very old chairs. The guards had beaten them bruises were now apparent on their faces and even rarity's dress was ruffled and torn as they attempted to struggle. The rainbow haired rainbow Dash and Applejack who they couldn't despite their best efforts remove her hat were by far the most beaten. They fought the most when they were being tied up. Fluttershy on the other hand barely had a scratch on her she had fully submitted to her capture but despite that her face still filled with fear. Pinkie pie was unconscious and she still hadn't recovered completely from the Sonic attack that claw had done on them. It was also probably for the fact that she had so much energy beforehand that this was the first time in a while her body was able to rest. Finally Twilight sparkle with the last of them she was fairly beaten with a prominent black eye yet her face remained serious to say the least."you should just let us go if I know those boys and I'm sure I know at least two of them they won't stop at anything to get to us."upon her speaking plus snapped out of his gaze the color returning to his face."listen little lady what's going to happen is Booms going to come here we'll make a trade that's all."his voice was still a bit unsure in truth claw had not expected the reaction he got from boom. He had expected him to merely comply with the deal as he had done a few times in the past to avoid unnecessary conflict. Despite that he had an accountant that perhaps these people might be worth more to boom then he would have thought. And he remembered the last time someone had tried to take something he truly loved. He remembered that Doom had kidnapped his girlfriend and by the end of it ladveria was in chaos. Still there was no way that these handful of girls would be that important to him. Even if they were doom managed to survive and even made some profit off that day from international help in rebuilding levaria however embarrassing that may have been for him though. He tried to keep such thoughts to himself as he tried to intimidate the girls but upon the sound of gunfire and crashing he soon sat back down in his throne defeated.
Upon the smoke clearing from the explosion boom had brought down a pond the barrier between him and claw he stepped through little evidence of him standing right at the door was visible on him except for the scorch marks on his jacket. It was not the first time he blew himself up."everyone who isn't claw of leave if you value your life."every guard in the room froze every worker drop the items that they were carrying as they all stood in silence staring at him."I SAID YOU SHOULD LEAVE NOW!"his voice boomed as multiple people began running for their lives. Each one terrified of the consequences if they didn't. Then boom slowly made his way towards claw while Spike ran to the girls freeing them immediately. There was tears and spikes eyes as he saw the condition everyone was in. He now understood boom's rage"Twilight are you okay! Rarity Applejack Dash flutter an... PINKIE!"he nearly had a heart attack at the unconscious form of Pinky before she woke."oh did the narrator say my name? Was I needed?"her voice was weak but she started to come too. Spike was confused at her words but took this as a good sign as strangeness was the normal for her. Meanwhile boom was now right up the claw who had sunken back into his throne neither talked for a moment. Claw tried to think of something to say and came up with what he hoped would save his life."look boom, boomy, boomster ah why don't we just forget about all this you know I think this makes us even you killed so many of my guards and you did destroy my chances at millions but I think we're good now mate. Look I didn't know that these people were that important to you and I."his speech was cut off by boom grabbing his throat applying a slight bit of pressure to shut him up."claw you are a fucking dumbass. You dare attack not only my friends but my girlfriend! You think you can threaten everything I finally have again because you wanted money?"upon lightning his grip claw spoke."I thought you were still with that lilly dame I didn't know one of them was..."once again boom cut him off."normally I don't kill people who I consider somewhat important to a story. Sadly you are one of those people you are an important character at least to the Black panther but here's the one thing you didn't think of. There's a million of you and one less assholes ain't going to make a difference."Booms voice was dead cold.
3 everyone could feel the intensity coming from Boom and Twilight even found her cheeks flaring up just slightly before dread filled her. She wanted to tell him to stop before he did something he was going to regret. But she didn't have the strength not after the beatings she and her friends have received. Sadly boom was correct some humans are just terrible the things that they threatened them with were far beyond just simple beating. One guard had specifically said."keep your mouth shut or I'll fill it with cement"she would keep this fact from boom as it would only makes things worse if she told them the many threats that they have given them. Still even she felt bad for claw because no one was coming to save him no one. Boomlord then pulled out a grenade and shoved it into claws mouth his hand on the pin. He then pulled the PIN."that's a live grenade in your mouth luckily for you until that little metal piece flies off you are safe for about five maybe six seconds if you're lucky you'll survive. Admittedly from here on out I don't really care what happens to you."he then walked away from claw who then gave a sigh. 'I've survived way worse than this I can do this' the mercenary thought to himself. Boom had made it halfway across the room to the girls before he stopped and pulled out a gun."on second thought fuck you."he then immediately pointed the gun shot the grenade witch engulfed claw in a fiery explosion. Leaving nothing behind but ashes.
4 everyone was shocked by what boom had done. They all wanted to say something but could they really blame him. Murdering their villains was never a priority for them but this wasn't their world either they certainly didn't think it was right and most of them couldn't look boom in the eye at least not for now. But after what Claw to them.... None of them wanted to think much on it. Twilight herself looked at them with sad eyes noticing the Dead Pan expression on his face. He was thinking most likely but his thoughts were unknown even to her. The truth is he didn't regret what he just did he only regretted that they had to witness it. Spike was likely the only one who expression barely changed. As far as the dragon was concerned after what he did to his friends Claw got what he deserved. Boom eventually did make his way to the girls but found no words coming from his throat he only started scribbling another circle leading back to the home space. Deadpool then finally re-entered the picture holding a brick of vibranium."hey is this what we needed? Hey what happened to oh....oooooooh shit I did not see this coming which is weird because usually I see these things coming."his voice was almost amused as he stepped through the portal not even caring to ask boom if it was enough. It probably was but he still probably should have checked but at least he had his first task completed. Boom enter the portal behind him and everyone followed. Courage then needed them wagging his tail eagerly and jumping into booms arm who embraced the small creature. Boom immediately smiled no matter how sad ,angry, or lost he was the little dog would always be able to cheer him up."I think we should all get some rest if you need me I'll be in my room."them then walked off and left everyone in silence.
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all-hallows-evie · 4 years
Athenaeum: 6
Warnings: LANGUAGE (cuz it’s me), Eventual canon type violence, this HAS NOT been Beta’d (sorry!), eventual fluff, domestic fluff up the ass,  no Y/N , GN!Reader. Not planning on changing that one. This fic will be rated T at most for violence.
One more chapter before *peeks at her drafts* yup, last one before shit hits the fan. 
On we go!
He only manages to make it a few steps into your hovel before you tear into the front room and smash your helmet against the diamond of his chest plate.
"Fucking Imperials?!" You hiss, your rage filled eyes reflect back to you in his shining helm.
He stays silent and still. 
You crack your helmet against his chest plate again. "Were you ever going to fucking tell me you are running from Imperials?!"
He sighs, it’s heavy and slightly metallic sounding through the modulator of his helmet.
"You ever stop to think why people come to these tiny towns Mando? You don't think the Empire is hunting every single one of us and we don't have the luxury of fucking beskar?!" Maker help you, you didn't mean to get this upset but now you were seeing red and you didn’t know how to make it dissipate. You throw your helmet at the closest wall, unable to help your shout of frustration, "Take your kid and go!"
"I'm sorry." He sounds tired, but you are already too wound up to notice. 
"I said go!" You scream as you whip around, your back facing him before you start throwing punches.  Your mind buzzes as the situation quickly escalates out of your control. You storm to the back of the room, unable to even look at him anymore as your anger turns to nausea.
The hovel is silent, until the child gurgles a question. The floor under his little feet creaks as he tries to follow you into the darkness.
“Wait, kid.” He murmurs quietly.
The little creaks stop. The entire room is silent, the only sound is from the wind brushing leaves against the walls of your home.
"Come on, let's go." 
You wait until you hear the Mandalorian stomp away. Only once his heavy footprints have melted away into the din of the outside world do you dare make your way back to the front room. Your hands still tremble with anger as you pick up your helmet and assess the damage. The corner of the screen is cracked, nothing major, mostly cosmetic though you don’t have the credits at this exact moment to fix it. You sigh as you rub at your temples, a headache starts to form behind your eyes. A flash from the corner of one of the tables catches your attention, you look over and sigh. 
He had brought you another disk of information.
The kriffing idiot. 
Now you were the asshole. 
You hated being the asshole.
 You groan at what has to come next and grab the disk on your way out of the hovel, your helmet still gripped tightly in your hand. You chase him down the streets as he heads for the outcropping where he keeps his ship hidden from the sightlines of the small town. 
"Mando, wait!"
He turns to one side, the helmet catching the sun as he turns. He stops to watch as you run up. The kid giggles from the dark canvas bag balanced on his hip.
"I'm sorry." You say immediately as soon as you are close enough, "That, back there, was really uncalled for. You've done nothing to warrant a reaction like that from me." He stands there as silent and stoic as usual, "I was scared. I really like it here, I really like the people...I just want to keep them safe."
He remains silent, you start to feel a bit self conscious. What else was he expecting you to do? Did he want you on your knees? You are about to turn around and tell him to forget it and go fuck himself when he finally says something.
"Would you like to see the Razor Crest?"
"You're telling me she still flies?!" You can't help the laugh that bubbles up from your chest as the silver gunship comes into view. The Mandalorian toggles something on one of the heavy vambraces on one of his wrists and the heavy boarding ramp falls to the ground with a heavy thud you can feel in your heels. The little green one has crawled out of the bag around his shoulders and is now making a beeline to the ramp. "You wouldn't happen to be called jate'kara under that helmet, would you?"
He seems to stiffen as the Mando'a leaves your lips.
"Sorry." You grin, as you make your way up the ramp closely behind the kid, "Been practicing, couldn't help myself." 
The kid makes another gurgle as he looks towards you, he folds his middle claw into his palm and shakes his hands inwards. You copy the signal, folding your fingers until only your thumb and your pinky jut out in each hand, before you shake them towards you. "Play?" Your right hand becomes a fist, your thumb held over your curled fingers as you make a knocking motion towards the kid, "Sure, little one."
He scurries off to one side of the ship with a keen, you watch him as he goes, a slight smirk on your lips.
"You taught him…"
"Just a few things in Basic." You reply easily as the kid comes back with a soft plush of a brown creature with pointy triangle ears and skinny legs, in his other hand is a silver ball with a blue marking on it. He places the plush at your feet but continues to clutch the ball tightly in one hand. You sit on the floor of the cargo hold cross legged, you pull the toy on your lap as he scurries away again, "You should teach him things. He's like a sponge, picks things up without even trying." Your brow is knit as you look over the creature in your lap.
"It's a loth cat."
"It's a little horrifying." You reply as you take in its ridiculously large mouth, your fingers easily curling the cloth teeth in its wide open maw.
"Hn." It's quiet but you can almost swear the Mando chuckled. "What else did you teach him?"
"How to swear in fifty seven languages." You throw back immediately and without thought as the kid comes back with a worn ball of grey and white felt. The tan curls on either side of its head make you think it might be a tauntaun but the little button eyes and most of its face are so worn down it's hard to tell. Beside it the kid pushes a gunmetal black box to your feet, "And the finer points of spice smuggling. You know, things kids need to know.."
"Well...at least now he can earn his keep."
You laugh, under that serious shiny exterior, this one was clever and kind of funny. "He knows a few words, basic things that should help in your day to day. Play, sleep, hungry…"
Now he does chuckle softly, you can see the glint from his helmet as he shakes his head, "Does he use that one the most?"
"You would think." You reply with a soft smile as the kid pushes the metal box towards your thigh, making a little sad whine in your direction to bring your attention back to him. You set the tauntaun to one side and trade him the loth cat as you pick up the block and turn it over in your hands. You can't help the grin on your lips at the empty thermal detonator case. You look towards the Mandalorian, "Actually, this is his favorite." You pinch your fingers together pressing it close to your mouth and then close to your ear, right on the edge of your cheekbone.
"Home." He murmurs.
You nod, as you put the case down on the grated floor of the ship. You push yourself up to stand again. The child has lost interest in the grown ups talking and is now busying himself on the far corner of the ship, "Can I look around?" You brush your hands off on the thighs of your pants, brushing away the bits of grit and dirt that stick to your palms.
"That's why you are here."
You leave your helmet on the floor as you look around, eyes zeroing in on the mobile Carbonite system tucked away near the back of the ship. You carefully lift the leather ties acting as a barrier between the ship as you walk closer. Your fingers lightly graze the buttons on the control panel as you look above into the overhead hold area. In the darkness you can see two large Carbonite pillars swinging lightly from the ceiling. 
"Clever." You sigh as your eyes scan through the darkness of the back of the ship. Crates are scattered haphazardly along with tools and random straps of fabric. It's a small wonder that the child hasn't been hurt with the chaos going on inside. The kid is happily gurgling away, sitting on top of a ratty old blanket on the floor. You turn back towards the front, your eyes scan the front of the cargo area. 
The Mandalorian stands stock still at the entrance of the ship, hands casually hanging by his hips, only moving his helmet as you walk from one side of the ship to the other. 
You point out the closed cabinet across from the hatch door, "Weapons or supplies?"
He stays silent and crosses his arms over his chest at the question.
"Weapons." You grin and raise your hands in apology, "Say no more." Your eyes land on the ladder off to one side of the fresher, the top rung hidden in darkness, "Cockpit?"
He nods, there is a quiet creak of leather and a silvery shifting of beskar. .
"Where do you hide your hyperdrive?" You clear your throat, trying your best to avoid the awkward silences. 
He motions up, helmet tilting towards the ceiling.
"Oh." You turn away, fully intending to mind your own business and leave that part of the ship alone, suddenly losing any grit and curiosity, but he steps closer, herding you towards the ladder. "I don't want to intrude."
"I would tell you if you were."
"Would you now?" You reply, nervous butterflies in your belly as he presses closer. 
You don't want him closer, people don't get closer to you. 
You nod violently and quickly scramble up the ladder as fast as you humanly can, skipping a rung here and there just to get distance between the two of you. As you stand on the edge of the floor above the child turns and watches, he giggles at the panic written all over your face.
You shake your head, "Oh yeah, really funny kid." You mutter, hoping your heart rate returns to normal soon as Mando starts to appear up the ladder. Before  Mando makes it up to the top rung you yank the soft tauntaun from its spot on one side of the room and toss it to the kid, it smacks him softly behind the head. 
The kid giggles even harder at your discomfort. Mando turns, but only sees the child as he plays with the soft tauntaun. You don't know if he notices the distance that soft toy has suddenly traveled, but if he does, he says nothing of it. 
You stand there staring each other down for a few beats before he tilts his helmet in the way of the door.
You press your lips into a tight line as you nod and walk through to the arched doorway, the metal doors sigh open and the whole ship lights up as sunlight streams through the wide open cockpit. It's warm and lovely and you can't even imagine what it looks like out of these clear panels once you are in deep space. The cockpit is so open there wouldn’t be much between you and the stars in this ship. A tiny part of you suddenly misses the dark expanse of the universe and the bright blue lights of a jump into hyperspace.
"Haven't traveled in awhile." He says, as always it's more of a statement than a question.
"Years." You can't help the sigh, "Years and years Mando."
The hull falls silent as you look around, slowly cataloging every button and lever on the control panels around you. 
He's got a question, you can feel it in the air, you can also feel how much you aren't going to like what he has to ask. You lean back against the closest panel, the edge presses into your lower back. Your arms cross against your chest, you let out a breath and wait.
"Would you like to?"
"To what?" 
"Travel again."
"With you?" You ask with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"The kid listens to you."
"He listens to you too." You push back, trying to imitate that monotone that he has. Anything that would hide the slight tremor in your throat. 
"He doesn't act like it."
You can't help but huff, "He's a child, he's going to push your buttons, he's going to try your limits."
"Teach him what you know."
Oh maker, here it fucking comes, "What are you really asking Mando?" You reply, a knot grows in your belly, you keep your eyes low, refusing to look up at him, even if the only thing you would see was an emotionless helmet.
"You're a Jedi."
You laugh a bit, a scorned sounding chuckle that echoes in the cockpit. Your eyes are glued to the floor beside his feet in shame, "I’m not."
"The quarry, the one with the Krikthasi, he said…"
"Going to trust a bounty over my word Mando? He doesn't know a damn thing about what I am." 
"Until I can get the kid to more of his kind, help him."
"Don't do that." You snarl, "Don't use him against me like this."
"He will listen to you, I can’t teach him."
"I can't teach him these things either!" You shout, it broke every fiber of your heart to tell him no because Maker knew you wanted to. Maker knew you had dreamt of this very moment.
 You would love to drop everything and leave this place behind to teach that lovely kid everything you knew but for what? To put a bigger target on everyone's back? "The answer is no, Mando. I'm sorry." You turn away and hop down from the second floor, landing on to the ground floor with a loud clank. The jump alone would have hurt a normal person, but you, it doesn’t even phase you as you land. The kid looks over, large dark eyes filled with unspoken worry. "See you around Kid." You sigh and snatch your helmet as you walk down the ramp and back to the city, never stopping to look behind.
jate'kara - Lucky
Taglist: @prettyboyskywalker, @sunshinepascal, @perropascal, @pascalisthepunkest, @bigdickdindjarin
<<Back to Master List  II  Chapter 5  II  Chapter 7>>
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Day 18: Heatwave
When Steve woke up on the Monday of spring break, it took him a while to notice that anything was wrong. It wasn’t until he had finished two cups of coffee and turned on some random morning news show for company that he got his first indication that things had gone awry on a much larger scale than he could have anticipated. 
“It’s a completely unexpected, very localized heat wave,” the meteorologist was saying. “Temperatures are climbing toward a hundred degrees in the town of Hawkins, which is quite unusual for this time of year. Especially because the surrounding areas are still experiencing normal temperatures. Predictions were for daytime temperatures in the sixties, with some cooler, overcast days toward the end of the week, and that remains the forecast for everywhere outside of Hawkins.”
“There’s truly no good explanation for it,” the woman at the desk agreed. “Well folks, make sure you stock up on cool drinks if you’re in the Hawkins area. It looks like this week is going to be an unexpectedly hot one.” Steve stared at the television in horror. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, and then he lowered his head to the counter and banged his forehead on it a few times for good measure. “Fuuuuuuck,” he said again, with feeling. And then he called Robin. 
“You did what?” she demanded, once she was sitting at the kitchen table and he had explained it to her. Steve winced. 
“You heard me,” he said, slumping over to bury his face in his hands. “I knew something had gone wrong with the spell as soon as I finished it, but I didn’t think about this.” He sat up and waved his arms around. “I mean, how is this even possible!” Robin just stared at him. 
“Okay,” she said, “here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to talk me through exactly what you did at each stage of the spell, and we’re going to figure out where it went wrong. And then we’re going to fix it.” Steve winced again. 
“Do we absolutely have to do that?” he asked in a small voice. 
“Yes,” she said, standing up, “and don’t think I didn’t notice that you were extremely vague about the purpose of the spell in the first place.” He mumbled something into the table. “What?” she asked, leaning in and cupping her hand around her ear for good measure. “I didn’t hear that, dingus.”
Steve sat up and dropped his head back, staring at the ceiling. 
“That’s because it is super fucking embarrassing, Robin,” he said loudly. She softened slightly. 
“Hey,” she said, bumping his shoulder with her elbow, “we’re going to figure this out. And I promise not to judge you too harshly.” Steve narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Do you promise not to make fun of me for literally ever if I tell you?”
“I do not,” she replied easily, “and you’re going to tell me anyway. Now lead the way to your workroom. I need to see what you did.” Steve sighed and led the way.
“Okay,” Robin said slowly after Steve had explained it to her. “You were trying to home-brew a spell to make, in your own words, ‘Billy Hargrove hot for you.’” Steve was staring very deliberately at the floor. 
“Yes,” he said, “and you don’t have to say it with that tone.” 
“Oh dingus,” she replied, “I absolutely do. I’m going to skip right over the question of why you would even want that, given that Billy Hargrove is a complete tool, and ask you to walk me through what you actually did for the spell instead.”
“He’s not that bad,” Steve muttered under his breath. 
“He is,” Robin said. “You’re just blinded by his abs.”
“They’re nice abs.”
“That I cannot dispute. The spell, dingus.” Steve walked her through it. At the end of the demonstration, she frowned.
“You’re sure that’s exactly what you did? You didn’t change anything?” Steve shook his head. 
“You can check my notebook. I logged everything because it was a home-brewed spell. That’s exactly how I did it.” Robin pulled his notebook across the table toward her and ran a finger over the page as she mentally catalogued the steps Steve had just gone through. She sighed when she was done and then shook her head.
“It doesn’t make sense,” she said. “I have a deep philosophical disagreement with what you were trying to accomplish because you’re my friend and you can do better than that douchebag, but it should have worked.” Steve sighed, frustrated. 
“I know it should have worked. I may suck at a lot of things, but I am good at this.” Robin nodded. 
“You are,” she agreed. “Run me through it again. And focus on the parts at the end, where you could tell something was off.” Steve sighed and started over. 
Three hours later, they were no closer to identifying the problem. They had been over the spell what felt like a hundred times, and it was airtight—it absolutely should have worked. 
“Tell me again how you knew something was off,” Robin asked. 
“For the hundredth time,” Steve said, “the casting felt wrong. I released the spell, and it felt fine initially, but then it felt like it kind of…ricocheted? Like it headed off in one direction and then suddenly expanded in all directions at once?” Robin nodded along. 
“But what would cause that?” she wondered aloud. 
“Nothing that I know of,” Steve said, again. “A protective spell or barrier would cause a simple directional blowback—the spell would have rebounded, but not expanded. And it was a low-level spell, so it wouldn’t have activated the wards.”
“And we’ve been doing regular sweeps for anomalies, so it was unlikely to have been any kind of ambient magical interference.” 
“Right,” Steve agreed. “And even if it was, that could have redirected the spell, but it shouldn’t have dissipated it like that.” Robin groaned and banged her head against Steve’s heavy wooden worktable. She left it there for a long moment, and then she abruptly sat up, eyes narrowing. 
“Hypothetically speaking,” she said, “what would happen if you cast the spell on something that had two layers of protection?” Steve narrowed his eyes as well. 
“You mean something supernatural?”
“Something supernatural that was also carrying a protective spell.��� Steve thought hard for a long moment, and then slowly started nodding. 
“That could do it,” he said, running over it in his head. “The spell would make it past most magical protective barriers because it wouldn’t register as harmful, but a more sophisticated barrier would react.”
“And if a supernatural creature’s magic responded at the same time…”
“It could cause a rebound effect that would build on itself,” Steve said. 
“Sending the spell off in all directions at once,” Robin finished. Steve narrowed his eyes.
“But us and El are the only magical creatures in Hawkins,” he argued. 
“Us and El and Billy Hargrove, apparently. Now grab your notebook and get your shoes on. I have some questions for the former douchebag King of Hawkins High.” Steve hesitated. “You have to know what he is to reverse the spell, right?” Steve nodded. “Ok, so. Shoes. Now.”
Billy raised an eyebrow when he opened the door to find Steve and Robin outside his apartment. It was five in the evening, and still brutally hot. 
“Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum,” he drawled in greeting. “What can I do for you?” Robin cocked her head. 
“Whatever you are, you’ve done an exceptional job hiding it,” she said, looking intently at Billy. The smile vanished off his face, and he took a step back from the door. 
“I don’t know what you’re playing at,” Billy started to say, and Robin rolled her eyes. 
“Oh, come on,” she said, and with a twist of her wrist, her fingertips lit up in rainbow colors. “Takes one to know one?” Billy stared at her hand for a long moment and then sighed and stepped aside to let them in. Billy sat in an armchair to one side of the coffee table. Robin relaxed into the couch while Steve perched nervously at the edge of it. 
“So you’re what,” Billy asked, “a witch?” 
“Got it in one,” Robin said. 
“And Harrington?” Billy asked. 
“Oh, Steve is special,” Robin said. “Pure witch bloodline on both sides, with a touch of High Fae in there somewhere.”
“That’s a fancy pedigree,” Billy said flippantly, and Steve flushed. “So why are you here, exactly?” Billy asked. It was a question Steve had been hoping to avoid. Robin turned to Steve, as though she was also waiting for him to answer that question. 
“It, uh, came to our attention that you might not be entirely human?” Steve tried not to make it a question and failed. Billy’s eyes were intent on him. 
“And how, exactly, did it come to your attention?”
“That’s not really relevant,” Steve said, and Billy smiled. 
“Then I think we’re done here,” he said, leaning back in his chair. 
“What?” Steve asked. 
“Or,” Billy said, “we can make a trade. You tell me how you discovered my secret—without leaving anything out—and I’ll answer your question.” Steve glanced over at Robin, eyes wide. She shrugged. 
“It’s a fair deal, dingus.”
“Is it, Robin?” Steve asked, a little hysterically. She wasn’t the one who was about to be spectacularly humiliated. 
“Final offer,” Billy said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Ugh, fine,” Steve said. He really did need to know what Billy was to undo the spell, and he didn’t want to know how long the heatwave would last without intervention. A long time, probably. Steve looked up at the ceiling as he spoke. “I tried to cast a spell on you, and it did not go as planned. The reaction of the spell made it clear that you were not entirely human.” Billy was nodding. 
“What was the spell supposed to do?” Steve blushed immediately and deeply. Billy grinned. 
“It was, um…” Steve trailed off. He wasn’t sure he could say it out loud. There was a very long silence.  
“It was supposed to attract your attention,” Robin finally said. Billy raised an eyebrow at her. “Your…amorous attention,” she clarified. Billy’s grin went wider. 
“Aw, baby,” he said to Steve, “you didn’t have to go to all that trouble on my account. Pretty boy like you could have just asked.” Steve groaned and buried his face in his hands. Great, now Robin and Billy were going to mock him forever. 
“So what are you, exactly?” Robin asked. 
“Wow, just jumping straight to the extremely personal questions, huh Buckley?” Billy replied, and then his eyes narrowed. “Wait, is that why the weather’s all fucked up?” Robin nodded. Billy looked at Steve, who still had his face in his hands. “Your spell did that, Harrington?” Steve finally looked up and sighed. 
“Yes,” he said, avoiding eye contact. “I clearly didn’t account for whatever you have going on magically in addition to whatever protection spells you’re carrying, so the backlash built on itself and spread out over Hawkins.” Billy gave a low whistle. 
“That’s a lot of power you’re packing, Harrington.”
“Like I said,” Robin cut in, “Steve’s special.”
“Guess so,” Billy said slowly, and there was something Steve couldn’t read in his tone. There was a pause, and then Billy spoke again. “I’m a nixie,” he said to Robin. She nodded thoughtfully.  
“Water spirit, right?” she asked. Billy nodded. 
“Which is one reason my asshole dad moved us away from the ocean. I have less power here.”
“So why haven’t you gone back?” Robin asked. “You graduated almost a year ago.”
“Nope,” Billy said, shaking his head. “I already answered your question for the day.” Robin stood up. 
“I guess that means we’re done here,” she said, looking over at Steve. “Do you have what you need to reverse the spell?” Unfortunately, he did not. 
“It would be easier if I could…touch you,” he said to Billy, looking at a spot over his left shoulder instead of at his face. “It’s the fastest way to get a feel for your magic, which will make it a lot easier to undo the spell.” Billy gave a tight nod, and Steve stepped past Robin to get closer to him. He reached out tentatively toward Billy’s arm.
“Hey,” Billy said quietly, and Steve stopped reaching. “I meant what I said. You don’t need a spell for me to be interested in you.” Steve finally met Billy’s eyes. They were wide and sincere and very, very blue. 
“Yeah?” Steve asked, and for the first time since they had entered the apartment, he smiled. He took another step toward Billy, who nodded, an answering smile on his face. Steve reached out and ran his fingertips down Billy’s forearm. Billy shivered, and his breath hitched a little. Steve closed his hand over Billy’s wrist and closed his eyes. He let go of his shielding enough to let Billy’s magic wash over him, and it was cool and refreshing against his magical senses. He opened his eyes to find Billy’s eyes on his face, his expression open and a little hopeful. He swayed a little closer. 
“I’m just going to head out,” said Robin behind him. 
“Sure,” murmured Steve, not listening at all. Robin opened the door to let herself out just as Steve’s lips touched Billy’s. “Fix the heat wave first!” she yelled over her shoulder as she closed the door behind her. 
They did not, in fact, fix the heat wave first. But they did get to it. Eventually. 
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agreementtale · 3 years
Chapter 25: Prepare yourself
“Stop wasting your food” came the familiar screech.
“Hm?” they turned around, trying to find him on the snow “You’re back!”
“Yes, I’m back” they quickly put the boot down and allowed him to get comfortable “And I saw you giving that away! You can’t do that, do you know how hard is to get food around here?”
“I already ate today” They were carrying the boot since he left, they hoped it still had a lingering warmth on it, ice shouldn’t be pleasant on roots.
“Then keep it for tomorrow” They wanted to ask about Mom, to know how she was doing now that they were gone.
“He was hungry now, it didn’t cost me anything” But if his only concern was them feeding the homeless, they could conclude that Mom was mostly alright.
“It costs you tomorrow’s food” And if Mom wasn’t alright, did they even wanted to know? They wouldn’t come back to the Ruins, not without breaking the barrier first.
“Tomorrow I’ll have breakfast with Sans again” And it would be a long journey until they broke the barrier.
His spooked expression caught their attention “You what?”
“Or is it lunch?” why was he surprised? They had talked with the brothers a few times now, and Sans had shown no intention to kill them, was it so weird they went to Grillby’s? “Is it lunch if I haven’t eaten breakfast yet?”
“What do you mean you had breakfast with Sans? Didn’t I told you not to do anything stupid?” Or he could just be Flowey, and be finding something to complain no matter what.
“It wasn’t stupid, it was free food”
“There is no thing as free food! You gave him something in return”
“He paid” Not actually, but he did put it on his tab.
“Yes, but I know you, you talked to him! What did you say?”
“We… traded jokes”
“And?” And they started a passionate rant that they didn’t remember all the details.
“He told me a bit about monsters” they don’t think they let it slip anything too bad or that could be used against them “And I told him a bit about humans”
“You should never tell him those things!” Flowey snatched their finger from their cheek, as if he could emphasize his words with the sudden action.
“He already knows I want to befriend everyone” They got their finger out of his vines with ease “he don’t believe me anyway”
“You didn’t tell him about the barrier, did you?” He was quiet, like he was afraid someone was listening.
“Nope, I’m not that stupid” There wasn’t, the homeless guy was long gone, there was no one even close to them.
“Yes you are” now he was just being petty “but anyway–/”
“Anyway” they interrupted whatever rude insult he was going to make by walking faster “he told me I’m smart, so me being stupid is just your opinion”
“…” eyed them warily, if they didn’t know any better they would think he was looking for signs of lying “He was being sarcastic”
They wanted to roll their eyes at him “Nope” was that so hard to believe? “he actually said I was smart”
“That doesn’t sound right”
They were about to retort when a blurry something entered their field of vision, they only had time to turn a bit to the side, taking Flowey out of the way before the impact.
They were thrown on the ground, just like the blurry someone.
“Hey!” a yellow and black shirt, instead of blurry was now covered in snow “Watch where you’re going” A single yellow stripe on a black shirt, with a little yellow monster inside “You wanna die today?” He still yelled from the snow.
“Not really” they remembered him, even if he seemed to be older that when they first met “I’ll prefer to die some other day, but thank you for asking” they got up, patting themselves and Flowey.
“Are you messing with me?” He was still on the ground, they got closer to help him.
“Why do you have to be like this?” their brother grumbled almost inaudible.
“No, I’m just new here, you can call me Weird Puppy” They extended their hand to help their friend.
“You are messing with me!” He somehow managed to get up and away from them in a single movement.
“Yes” Flowey said in a tired voice “Offer your hand to the kid with no arms, very clever”
“What – no!” Oh, god, why did they extended their hand to him? “I’m so sorry! I just wanted to help you get up” How could they remember being friends with him and forget this ‘detail’?
“I don’t need your help!” He shouted, still agitated “I don’t need anyone’s help” and with this he ran away.
“He looked distressed” they couldn’t help but think out loud.
“They just got thrown in the ground by a stranger”
“Oh…” he was still a kid, right “yeah, that would make anyone distressed, but why did they run away without even saying their name?”
“Monster Kid”
“No, I know their name, I just wanted to make a conversation so we could be friends” He and the little bunny were the only kids they saw in Snowdin.
“With someone you just pushed to the ground and as far as they know, wanted them dead, but was too coward to call them to an encounter”
That wasn’t what happened.
Why would he think they would kill him? They were also wearing stripes…
“You talk like making friends is impossible here”
“It is when you start by tackling someone to the ground” … he had a point… but they were not ready to admit defeat just yet.
“Tell this to the Froggits or the Vegetoid on the Ruins I made friends with” in this world tackling someone was a completely valid way to make friends.
“Vegetoid never attacked you” yes he did “she introduced you as her child” oh… no, that was just the second time, the first time they had died.
“Then to the Dogi or Greater, or Lesser, they all attacked me”
“They are not your friends, they just tolerated you because you wear stripes” that was not true! He saw how they clicked with Lesser dog.
“Now you just want to hurt my feelings” Stripes or not, that had been a nice game of fetch, and nothing he could say would convince them otherwise.
“I’m your only friend, you should listen to me” Oh, so that was the point he was so desperately trying to make?
“Ok, ok, I’m listening” if he wanted them to stroke his ego “Please drop your fabled knowledge, my dearest and only friend in this whole world” they would oblige.
“I hate you” and annoy him in the meantime.
“What a terrible burden to keep an idiot such as myself alive for so long!” said putting a hand to their forehead in their best acting voice.
“I really want to kill you right now” the irritated way his vines twitched was so funny!
“On the dreadful day of your death I’m sure you’ll go straight to Heaven” They put the boot on the ground before he decided to smack them “Because you atoned for all your sins here on Earth, by putting up with a vile and annoying being” but made sure to walk in circles around him while monologing.
“You’re not even making sense” but still keeping enough distance his vines wouldn’t reach them, in case he tried.
“Oh, sweet relief the day you are finally free from the claws of stupidity” a snowball straight to their face stopped them mid rant, they looked at him confused.
“Stupidity, I’m listening” he was smiling, holding a snowball, when did he had the time to make one? Two actually, they had just lowered him there, there was no time!
“Oh no, you didn’t” cleaning snow from their mouth, confusion morphed into determination.
“Keep going, I’m listening” still staring at their eyes, he slowly made another snowball, as if he hadn’t proved he was able to produce one in less than two seconds..
“And” the attack was expected, they dodged one snowball and another “So you can” But a vine moved the snow near their foot, distracting them enough to be hit by other two balls.
“I can what?” asked him sweetly “~I can’t hear you over all that snow~”
That was all the taunting they needed “Oh, it’s on!”
“Snowdin is nice” they said while laying on the snow, they were in the middle of the city, being goofy and all, and no one had tried interfere on their snow fight.
“Don’t get used to it” Flowey was looking away, keeping guard while they caught their breath “If you are really doing this, it will only get harder from here”
“I’m sure we can figure a way out” They enjoyed the fresh snow on the ground, while looking at the small flakes falling lazily on the ‘sky’.
It was just a cave ceiling, but with the diffuse illumination of the reflecting stones, it was clearly day outside.
The light in Snowdin was just like a, slightly dark, day in a cloudy weather.
“You don’t understand” His tone of voice was concerning.
They turned to him with their full attention.
“There are places, really bad places, places you are always being watched and can’t escape” he looked at them, the playful mood from before long gone “You can’t go there, you have to listen to me when I tell you where to go, so you can avoid getting stuck” he avoided their eyes, looking at the ground instead “I’m not strong, if you don’t listen to me, then there is nothing I can do”
“Ok, I’ll listen to you” They wanted him to stop worrying so much “What do you want to do now?” He wasn’t strong enough, but they knew they would be when they needed to.
“Stay in Snowdin a bit more” Easy done, but why would he want that?
“Are you sure?” They would prefer to keep going, but a bit of peace before the storm was welcomed.
“You want to make friends, right? You’ll need practice” And they knew that if Snowdin was calm, Waterfalls would be one hell of a storm “And more important, do you see that house over there?” he pointed to the brothers house “Never go past there”
The path to fight Papyrus.
And the barrier ahead.
“Ok, we will stay here for a while” they blew the snowflakes from their face “Does that makes you happy?”
“I don’t get happy” sure he didn’t.
“Does that makes you less annoyed?” They started to move, to make a snow angel and decorate the city, everyone passing the main road would be able to see it.
They could hear his eyes rolling in the tone of his voice “Sure, why not”
“I love you, brother” they said truthfully.
“Whatever” They chose to hear this as ‘Me too’, it was not like he was going to admit it anytime soon.
And maybe, just maybe, they were expecting too much.
He couldn’t feel love as a flower, or so he told them. But since they got here, he had been nothing but kind to them, in his own way.
And he proved he cared several times, so maybe ‘not feeling love’ was just the way he chose to interpret it? A way to cope, to exaggerate the fact so he could accept and move on?
They had done something similar after all, back on the – Cold, cold, cold!
“Get out of the snow, stupid, do you want to catch a cold?” the whole body sneeze forced them to sit down.
“Is just a sneeze, Flowey” they patted the excess of snow out of their neck.
“And next thing you know you are bed ridden and can’t breathe” now he was the one being dramatic “Get up, now”
“But it’s so comfy!” they laid down again, nor ready to abandon their snow angel “it isn’t even that cold” magic snow was the perfect temperature to lay onto.
“I’m telling Mom”
Low blow.
“Ok, ok… I’m going…”
“You’re not moving”
With a unhappy moan they got up “There” said opening their arms to make a point “Happy?”
“Less annoyed” he smiled as they picked the boot “Now go there, the heat of the bar should keep you warm enough”
It should, standing near the Grillby’s should warm up both of them, and hey, he was the one to suggest they stayed in the city a little longer, right?
If they happened to find more people to introduce themselves to, it was an added bonus!
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nsflu · 4 years
A short Legend/Hyrule fluff fic! Kissing, love confessions, very soft stuff in here... It’s what they deserve.
Word Count: 1,857
Summary: Legend has a crush on Hyrule and a confession is in order.
Everything about the day was ordinary, from the bright rise of the sun to the bird song to the gentle teasing that echoed through camp. Everything was just as it had been the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that…
But something had changed, drastically, and it left a warm fullness in Legend’s chest he couldn’t shake.
A smile had been on his lips before he even fully woke, tugging at the corners and only growing against his will as the comfort of the dream--a good dream, impossibly, and he knew exactly why now--faded away. It was a bit chilly that morning, but the cold air did nothing to the burning candle within, no breeze able to extinguish it.
Smiling was out of character for him, he knew he had to stop to keep the barriers around his heart raised. The thing was, his prickly attitude hadn’t done it’s job. He’d let someone in, or perhaps they’d picked the locks when he let his guard down, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was a few days ago, he could’ve looked at the curious boy with auburn hair that shone gold in the sun and eyes that glittered like emeralds, and he wouldn’t have felt a thing. Friendship, kinship even, and there had always been affection. But not the fire that burned now, not the flutter of his heart at that small timid smile or the joy at the soft laughs that shook his frame. Not the dreams of held hands, laying side by side with mussed hair, exploring side by side as his eyes lit up in wonder that softened the hardness of his heart.
Legend was not soft, he didn’t fall in love. He didn’t.
His eyes fell on Hyrule from across camp, the way his hair stuck up at every angle, and Legend knew he was screwed.
Alright, so he had a crush. Fine. It wasn’t love, not yet. He was adamant as he packed his bedroll, as he sat for breakfast and forced the smile that wanted to split his face down.
He was happy, and it was strange and wonderful all at once. He didn’t want to lose the feeling, he wanted to hold fast to the fleeting images of his dream, of his realization. Wanted to protect the newfound warmth that spilled from his chest to his arms, hands, ears.
Hyrule sat beside him as they ate and Legend resisted the urge to stiffen, to move away as warmths from the traveler’s leg radiated against his. So close, barely an inch or two and they’d be touching. Pleasant tingling prickled from his leg up his spine, building the heat on his ears. Hryule’s elbow bumped his and the boy squeaked in surprise, turning a sweet, apologetic smile on Legend that nearly melted him where he sat.
“Sorry, I sat a bit close, didn’t I?” Hyrule said, scooting a few more inches away on the ground. Legend almost asked him to stay, but he held his tongue.
The feeling wouldn’t dissipate even as the morning turned to afternoon, and Legend’s refusal to let go surely had to do with it. Images from the dream were fading, but their warmth remained. Legend wasn’t sure whether he was relieved or scared by this development, but Hyrule walked beside him in pleasant silence and the stolen glances only spurred him on.
What he wouldn’t give to feel their fingers brush against each other, to reach out and hold Hyrule’s hand. What he wouldn’t give to have the bright grin and laugh Hyrule gave Wind’s eccentric story turned on him. He wanted to pull the traveler away, to find some secluded hill and lay side by side, to lean over and press a kiss against his forehead, his cheeks, his--
“You alright there, Vet?” Twilight’s voice at his side startled him out of his thoughts, a fierce blush heating his cheeks as he turned guiltily to the older man. Twilight’s teasing smile was enough to muster a glare, though Legend knew his irritation was falling flat.
“Fine, thank you very much.” Legend grumbled, sounding pathetic even to his own ears.
Twilight glanced over at Hyrule and Wind, the traveler caught up in the younger’s story still. Then those sharp eyes were trained on Legend once more, knowing, and Legend squirmed.
He tensed, ready for the disapproval, the shaming--but Twilight only winked.
“Good luck,” the pelted hero whispered, clapping him on the back far too strong, his smile hardly reassuring.
Legend couldn’t muster a response before Twilight retreated to Wild’s side, hoping his wavering glare would be enough to burn him for the intrusion.
The approval was unexpected and did nothing to lessen Legend’s caution. He’d just discovered these feelings, the newness tingling within him, energy nearly too much to contain. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and the last time he’d pursued a crush hadn’t ended well. He’d been actively avoiding his feelings for a certain merchant for that very reason, keeping the race of his heart under lock and key when Ravio’s stilted giggles reminded him of how smitten he was. Legend hadn’t been expecting to fall for someone else, let alone on an adventure, and that’s precisely how Hyrule had managed to sneak his way in.
Now the only issue would be appearing normal in the face of such overwhelming fondness.
Twilight had other plans.
Legend knew there was something going on with him and Wild. He knew the man was sharp, that he was always watching--and perhaps Twilight had known of Legend’s crush before he did. Whatever the case, Legend’s heart sank to his stomach when he caught sight of Twilight whispering something to Time as they set up camp that evening, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Legend, Hyule,” Time approached, leader voice on, and Legend tensed for the worst. “Why don’t you two go collect some firewood for tonight?”
It could have been worse, but by Hylia it could have been better. Twilight winked at him again and Legend seethed, already planning his revenge as Hyrule nodded to Time.
They set out, side by side, and Legend’s skin itched with the desire to close the gap. He couldn’t--wouldn’t. There were a million reasons why, but the one at the top of his list was Hyrule deserved better. All those smiles and laughs, sharing meals and walking side by side, it meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Comforting Hyrule after nightmares, and the time Hyrule had moved to sleep beside him after he’d had one of his own… Friends did that. His crush was just friendship, even though he knew the burning inside meant something far different.
He could deny it all he wanted to, but he liked Hyrule far more than just a friend would.
“Uh, Legend?” Hyrule’s voice was so soft he nearly didn’t catch it, as buried as he was in his own thoughts. The traveler looked up at him with nervous eyes that quickly flitted away, his hands clasped tightly, shoulders raised. “C-Can I ask you something?”
Legend’s stomach flipped anxiously, breath catching in surprise. He’d rarely seen Hyrule so nervous, and he at once ached to comfort him and prickled with the urge to run. He swallowed his fear, ignored the frantic beat of his heart and the rage of the flame in his chest, finally managing a stiff nod.
Hyrule stopped and Legend ground to a stop by his side, frozen as Hyrule shifted his weight from foot to foot. His cheeks and ears burned red, his lip was caught between his teeth, his eyes fixed on a point to the side. Legend resisted the urge to reach out.
“I think I…” Hyrule’s gaze flicked up to him again, eyes sparkling beautifully before they turned away once more. “I think I have a crush.”
The warmth was snuffed so quickly, Legend wondered if it had been an illusion. The ice that filled him was swift but he beat it back, working to put on a smile, however shaky it might be.
“That’s great, ‘Rule. Whoever it is, they’d be very lucky to have you.” Legend cursed his voice for wavering, cursed his heart for clenching painfully and choking his words off. He should be happy for Hyrule, happy that he was happy.
Hyrule’s nervous bouncing had stopped, emerald eyes searching his face, confusion clear within them. “Legend, I…”
Legend looked away, he couldn’t bear to watch as Hyrule shattered his heart. He’d just discovered this crush, he’d be fine, he’d recover. He’d gotten good at burying his feelings anyway, he was practiced at it in fact. Sure, the next couple weeks would suck, but he’d be--
Hands grabbed roughly at his tunic, pulling him down, and Legend’s eyes widened in surprise as soft lips pressed against his forehead. It was fleeting, but the spark of heat traveled from his head to his toes in an instant as Hyrule pulled back. His blush was bright red, hands letting go but still resting on his chest, and oh, how was Legend supposed to think through all the emotion and warmth bubbling inside him.
“I have a crush on you,” Hyrule whispered, a small smile curling at his lips as he held Legend’s eyes, green and blue, crashing tides. “I understand if you don’t feel the same, I-I just can’t… I can’t keep pretending--”
Legend remembered how to move, and in the next second Hyrule was laughing against his chest as he pulled the smaller against him. He rested his cheek on head, breathing in the familiar scent of pine and smoke and earth, making his head spin and his heart race. Hyrule was just as warm as he imagined but now it was real, solid against him until he could feel their twin heartbeats and each breath against his throat. It was wonderful and real and Legend could hardly believe it--couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so thoroughly happy.
“I feel the same,” Legend whispered, revelling in the shiver that ran through Hyrule as his hands found the soft hair at the base of his neck.
“I’m glad!” Hyrule laughed, so happy--and that was his doing, wasn’t it?
He felt so impossibly happy it ached, but the smile that wouldn’t leave his face was a joy he could never resist.
There were whoops and cheers when they walked back to camp later, hand in hand and blushing furiously, but even still Legend wouldn’t trade his love for the world.
The brush of their shoulders at dinner, the press of their legs between them was as grounding as it was distracting, his blush and smile never fading.
And finally, settling side by side that night, Hyrule’s back pressed against his chest as he held him close. Buried his face in the back of his neck and held onto the hand clasped in his own.
He’d had a wonderful dream the night before, and all dreams must come to an end.
Legend grinned as he fell into another, knowing it could never be better than what he’d wake up to.
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Magical Loopholes
Chapter 40: Magic Over Science
It had been a very long night. But a productive night. For the longest time, he'd felt like looking into the curse at the town line was headache-inducing. For every answer he developed, two more questions followed. But finally, he was beginning to feel like he was on top of it, narrowing down the magic that was there, getting something accomplished. He might not feel like he was out of the woods yet with it, but he felt like he was getting somewhere. Of course, having a solid, completed potion at morning's first light helped that feeling.
During one particular experiment last night, he'd found a hint of magic in his samples of the curse that didn't belong, something weak. In exploring it a little more, he realized it was magic borne of the previous barrier, the one that kept people from leaving Storybrooke. Though he was committed to getting himself out to see Baelfire, he was also committed to keeping Belle safe. If that meant protecting the rest of the town just to protect her, then that was what he was going to do. Besides, what he'd had in mind was so easy that not doing it seemed foolish.
A few hours later, just as the sun came up, he'd completed his project. It was sealed inside a tiny glass vial but still not complete. Once it was done, when it was time, it would act as a barrier again, but this time in reverse. Once he returned with Baelfire, he could activate it, and it would form a seal around Storybrooke, keeping the outside world safely away from the town. It would be a precaution, just something for a little extra safety. However, the spell wasn't done yet.
The magic that he'd found inside the curse would work, but it was weak. It would need a powerful dose of magic before it was ready to protect the entire town, magic that he couldn't provide. It needed Light Magic. The Dark Curse had been made of Dark Magic to keep them in their cage. This had to be made of Light Magic to reverse it and keep others out. Fortunately, he had a plan for that.
David had mentioned when they'd gone to find Belle that they'd been working with Fairy Dust in the mines. Dove had informed him that the word on the street was that he was doing it so that he might open up a portal to get Emma and Mary Margaret back; as if that had any chance of working. Still, no matter the reasons, he knew the mines traveled throughout the entire town; if and when they found fairy dust there, that would do the trick. It was a small vial, but when willed properly, the potion would work with the fairy magic to spread it throughout the town and create the border. When the time was right…
He wrote out his notes on a small scroll so he wouldn't forget, then rolled the small potion up in it and slipped it into his black bag for safekeeping just as the sun came up. He used magic to take himself home so that he could shower and change clothes, before using magic to return to the pawnshop, glance over into the library to make sure nothing looked amiss, and then get down to work. After the night he'd had, he was happy to do some ordinary things in his shop: polishing, appraising, tinkering. It was nice to let his mind go blank for a few hours. In a perfect world, he'd be sharing this time with Belle, but until she decided the time was right, until she was ready to tell him that she wanted him back in her life for that hamburger, then he'd continue to keep his distance and watch from afar.
It was late afternoon when he finally sent out his usual check-in with Dove. Yesterday he'd concluded his time of spying on Smee. He'd brought him a list of places he'd gone to, the people he'd seen, and on occasion provided a picture for him. None of them were the wretched pirate. That, combined with his experiments the previous night, convinced him…he'd told the truth, Hook was not in this realm. Small favors, he supposed. But that didn't mean he was willing to let Dove go so easily. It was a small town, but he knew that it was bigger than it seemed. He wanted him for his eyes and ears out there, and that was why he'd sent him a message this afternoon.
Anything I should know about, Mr. Dove?
He expected silence or a snide remark. Instead, to his shock, he received a relevant update.
Not that I know of. Sounds like Dr. Whale and the Mayor are just settling an old score of some kind.
Well, that was a unique update indeed. And sent with such reassurance that it sounded like he thought he knew what he was talking about. If that were the case, it must have been all over town. If he needed to eat, or this had been before the Curse, he might have gone to Granny's and heard something, but he'd been camping out in his shop for days with little interaction with others. He didn't know anything of what he'd just sent him. So, he responded to the message.
Oh, how so?
He waited a solid five minutes for the answer, and when it came, he didn't think there was a way he could have prepared for it.
Turns out the guy is Dr. Frankenstein, like, the one from our memories. He resurrected one of the Mayor's old ex's using some kind of stolen magical heart from the cemetery. Things went very wrong for a while, but it sounds like everything is under control. She handled it, killed the guy again, or something like that. Anything else?
He smirked, practically hearing the snide remark that he'd been expecting in his head, already prepared with an answer.
Rent's due today. I'll assume you are doing your part.
There was no reply to that, but he was fine with that. Dove had given him other things to think about.
Frankenstein had resurrected Regina's "ex"? Daniel? With a magical heart from a cemetery? Well, he couldn't exactly see Regina willing to agree to such a thing given what had occurred the last time he'd "attempted" to resurrect Daniel; at least she shouldn't be if he'd done his job properly. But then why would Whale involve himself without request? What would make him want to do that? And a heart from the cemetery…well, now he knew for sure, Regina was keeping her magic in the cemetery, probably in that mausoleum that she kept her father in. There was a good chance that was also where she'd kept Daniel. But still, steal him of his own free will for no reason? It made not a single lick of sense.
The bell to shop rang. He nearly shivered when he looked up to see Whale, formerly known as Dr. Frankenstein, standing there. It was nothing specific that set a chill down his spine but rather a realization. The doctor had never been in this shop before. They'd never come face to face in Storybrooke before, never had the need to. But the image of Whale here now…it was familiar. What he was wearing, the box he was carrying, the pale look on his face, even the fucking light spilling into the shop, he'd seen all of it before! In a vision he'd had just before he'd sent Jefferson back with the Doctor to his own world. They'd argued, quarreled over whether magic or science was the greater power. Obviously, he'd been on the side of magic and the doctor on the side of science. But the vision had told him that someday a time would come with the Doctor would change his opinion and eat his words. Today was the day.
He put down his work and met Whale at one of the tables where he promptly set the box, a cooler, on the table and opened the lid. He had a strong stomach, but he didn't think that even a vision would have properly prepared him for the left arm sitting upon ice still dressed up in a white sleeve. He glanced up at the doctor and noted that his left hand wasn't sticking out of his sleeve as the right one was. He collected himself and glanced up at the doctor.
"When they say I charge an arm and a leg, that's meant as a figure of speech."
"Put it back."
"You want me to reattach your arm?" he questioned.
"Can you do it?"
"Of course," he answered. So…this was what would bring the doctor back to him after all these years? This was what he was willing to trade his opinion for. He had a bum leg, he couldn't blame him for wanting his arm back, but he wasn't about to forget what had happened before. "But first, tell me why."
"Because I want to use it again."
"Obviously," he chuckled, but not exactly what he was talking about. He wanted to hear the words. But seeing as how his Dove was only sending him the bare minimum of information these days, he also wanted answers. "I meant, why bring that stable boy back from the dead? Why now?"
Whale sighed and looked away. He shifted his weight and winced as he stared at the ground avoiding his gaze, classic indications of guilt. No matter why he'd done it, he obviously felt it hadn't been worth it in the end. "I thought…" he finally choked out. "I thought that if I helped her, she would return me to my world. I want to see my brother–to try to bring him back again."
"Again?" he prompted with genuine curiosity. The last time he'd seen Whale, he'd sent him back to his world with a magical heart, but that was where the story ended for him. He'd had no need of him after he'd succeeded with Regina. He'd never asked Jefferson again what had become of him. And so now he waited in eager anticipation of the story he didn't know.
Whale paused, sorrow written on his face. "The first time ended badly," he answered. "I need to return and try it once more."
He fought the urge to roll his eyes. He almost felt bad for the moron. His explanation made sense, but he'd made some great assumptions before acting that were his downfall. It was a piss poor plan. There was no returning to the other world, not without destroying this one, and considering that would mean leaving Henry behind, he really doubted that would happen just to return Whale to his brother. And really, there was nothing to be done. He'd provided the heart, the best heart that he had. If it "hadn't ended well," then there was really nothing else to be done that could change that from happening again.
"Well, it seems that's rather beyond her abilities," he informed him with a false smile. "My condolences."
Whale didn't particularly look surprised at the news. He merely nodded and peered down into the cooler. "Now, my arm. You said you can do it," he whispered.
"Oh, yes. But there's a difference between can and will," he smiled.
"Name your price."
"Say it," he ordered.
"Say what?" he asked innocently enough. Oh, how quickly they "forgot."
"You know what," he argued back. "You came here, not the hospital. So, say it."
Oh yes, he knew. The Doctor knew what he wanted and didn't want it. He enjoyed it, watching him twist and flail and sneer as they stood there before he violently shrugged his jacket off and revealed what the creature he'd made was truly capable of. His sleeve was torn off, soaked with blood on one side, but still, he glared at him as he took a deep breath and finally said, "I need magic."
And there it was, the line he'd heard all those years ago. The shiver he felt now was from complete and utter satisfaction. It was worth it to finally win that argument.
"That's all I needed to hear," he stated before waving his hand over to the one in the cooler. The magic barely took a thought, and the arm was back on the Questionable Doctor's shoulder as it should have been. He raised his hand in front of him and stared at it, completely amazed. But he didn't have time for amazed. He didn't have the patience for it. So, he extended his hand across the useless cooler toward the Doctor. "Always a pleasure doing business with you, uh, Victor," he beamed like the salesman he was.
The doctor reached out and shook his hand. Finally, their deal was complete.
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