fiepige · 1 year
Ummm uhhh umm
Diane seeing Venom!Hobie and being so terrified she's shaking but she's saying "It's okay, I'm not afraid. you won't hurt me. you would never hurt me" cause it's still Hobie
And she tries to risk give him a hug even though she's flinching every time he moves - so she hugs Venom!Hobie cause in her head showing him love will make alright.
And she presses her head to his chest to hear his heartbeat and she tells herself that's still Hobies heart in there and she asks if he can hear her
And Venom!Hobie starts making a gutteral sound and she gets scared but doesn't pull away. But he's making this sound and she can't understand what it is until finally he croaks out the word 'Daiquri' cause that's what he calls her and she starts sobbing.
:) bye *leaves* *you hear my screaming from the next room as I exit*
😭😭😭💜💔💜 AAAAAHHHHH!!!! (<---- This is me right now omg!)
SERIOUSLY!!! Thank you for sending me this it's been playing on repeat in my mind ever since I read it!!! <3<3<3
This is SO GOOD! The ANGST!! But it's also so sweet!?! THIS IS THE KINDA STUFF I LIVE FOR!!!!
Diane reaching out despite being terrified! Trying to see past the monstrous exterior cause the guy she loves is in there somewhere!!
Venom!Hobie snarling at her as she approaches cause he doesn't recognise her at first! Yet he still lets her touch him cause something inside him tells him he can trust her!
Diane hugging Venom!Hobie!! (And him hugging her back? Almost digging his claws into her, both of them unsure if he'll hurt her at first cause the symbiote does STUFF to his brain but then she calls out to him and he recognises her!😭💜💔
Diane hearing his heartbeat slow down as she calms him down!! Him calling her by her nickname to let her know he's still there!!! Seriously I can't!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭
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ALSO! DON'T APOLOGISE FOR THIS!!!!!!! Seriously this made my day <3<3<3 The Brainrot is REAL and I'm so happy to see other people have it too!!! Like you can't imagine how happy it makes me when people talk to me about Venom!Hobie!!!!
And having your OC interact with him?!? The biggest honour!!! 💜💜💜 AAAHH I can't! *You hear me screaming back from this room as I write this*
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usaigi · 10 months
Hi, this is the-cat-and-the-birdie!
I just wanna ask, did you just get an influx of like 30-or-so blank followers, all of which follow the same ten blogs?
Because I did too, which is odd - as it seems we're both Marvel centric writers. I have no idea what's happening with that - if it's a bot or group or something, but I saw there were others getting followed and I figured I reach out!
Hi! Yeah you can say I have a problem with bots, last month I got 17k..
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But unfortunately, I don't know why we're being targeted or how to stop it. For a while, I was trying to report and block but in the time I reported 50 another 100 would follow me. For a while I was getting thousands of followers overnight I just couldn't keep up. If you are only getting 30, you may be able to stop it just by staying on top of it and reporting them ASAP
My only guess is that Tumblr itself it promoting our blogs to new users and since bots are following us it gets recommended to even more new users so more bots follow.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Miguel and Hobie Fighting for Your Love
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Summary: Both men knew they were wildly in love with you. But, as you remain oblivious to their feelings, their conflict strengthens. A war is brewing.
“I won’t let you have her.” Miguel’s eyes gleamed between the velvet sheets of artificial night, the dim glow of the control panel at his back, casting a shroud over his front. Hobie stood before him, gripping his guitar by the neck, resting it over the back of his shoulders. His other hand sat in his pocket, creating the illusion of comfort. Yet, beneath his lax exterior, Miguel could hear his heart pounding. Racing. Hobie drew a breath, looked off to the side.
“I don’t think that’s your decision to make, Big Man.” Eyes half-lidded, he returned to Miguel, dragging his stare. Lethargy. Gave a thin smile. “Though, I suppose that if you knew that – really believed it – you’d know that you don’t stand a chance–”
Miguel’s fists clenched, the sound of his suit squealing beneath his grip causing Hobie’s gaze to flicker. He swallowed, shallow. He knew what Miguel was capable of – had seen how many lives he’d gladly put at risk for you. And he’d do it again if it weren’t for the fact that your friendship to both him and Hobie was what kept them locked in a stalemate; a spectral triangle; Bermuda. An anomaly in itself.
Of course, you had no clue that you’d captured the hearts of the two superheroes. The problem was that they did. Their softened attitude towards you, their care for the most banal of features of your life, their seemingly bottomless investment in your close circle of friends and beyond could have been construed as platonic concern. Friendship of the highest degree.
Once they realised that, individually, they were not alone in the pursuit of your heart, a competition was born. Miguel, ever the organised, careful individual he was, orchestrated your time together, manufactured it, monitored it – poured over it with a fine-toothed comb. Many a night had he spent awake wondering what your accidental brushing of hands had meant, whether the warmth that had flushed your cheeks was the result of his presence or the joke he’d just cracked, your laughter Calliopic. Persephonic.
He savoured every hug you shared, no matter how brief, sewing the patchwork memories into the fabric of his heart, the fragrance soaking into his bones. Your phantom warmth wrapped around him tightly, a second suit, whenever he needed it – needed you. He’d find ways of encouraging physical contact whenever he could, his heart throbbing at the feeling of your face pressed into his chest, your arms around his back as he embraced you.
He wondered what your kisses tasted like. Whether you thought of him when you used that chapstick he bought you, ice cream cake – the aroma of celebration. Because, to him, any moment with you was a celebration.
Miguel would offer to take you home after work. Though, not via ordinary means of travel.
He’d permit you to hop onto his back and slide your arms around his neck, taking you on a spin through the city, bringing you to the highest peaks, the pinnacles of human beauty through neon illuminations making the city sparkle like a sea of jewels. He’d feel his heart stutter as you shifted to get a closer look, your chin almost resting on his shoulder, cheeks just touching as you gasped, took in the scenery. In times like these, he was glad of the mask, of his ability to hide the effect you had on him, how you played his emotions like a string instrument.
“I’ve never seen the city like this before,” you told him, voice gentle at his ear, almost carried away by the wind. Miguel heard you. He strained his every spider sense to do so, no matter the conditions.
“Hobie hasn’t done this with you?” He tried not to let the hope in his tone show. You shrugged. 
“He’s more of a stargazing kind of guy. Though, I’ll let you in on a secret,” your voice tailed off. Miguel leaned in. You whispered. “I think he just doesn’t want to go pivoting off buildings after a long day of already having done so.”
Miguel felt an idea spark in his brain. The start of a new ritual, routine, for just you and him. This would be for him what stargazing was to hobie – he’d bring you closer to the stars than Hobie ever could!
Whenever he’d return you home, whisking you through the midnight air, he’d place you at your door, imply what a good time he’d had. And, as always, you thanked him, eyes crinkling before parting with a hug.
Miguel would wait until you’d enter your apartment and locked the door behind you before leaving, and even then, he’d find himself perched atop a nearby building, waiting for something, anything to happen – for any opportunity wherein he could prove to you he was a hero. In times like these, he wished with a selfish heart that you lived in a more decrepit part of the city.
He realised how much he loved you – adored you – when you fell asleep in his arms after work one evening. He’d been carrying you to your room when you just nodded off. In his grasp, you were tiny, fragile. Weak. The responsibility of protection, the fierce need to watch over you, to possess you entirely, overcame him, overwhelmed every sensibility he’d cultivated throughout his life.
And so, he watched you. Eneamoured himself with your sleeping features, the trust you displayed to have fallen asleep on him. In his mind, this becomes a core memory. One which he turns into a joke between the two of you, his own fragment of sanctity – the beginnings of close friendship – one he’d use to build a statue like Hobie’s. A statue of you. 
Hobie’s eyes narrowed. His nose wrinkled as his lips turned up in a half-sneer.
“You think the odd hug and a second of eye contact constitute as…what? A chance?” He scoffed. “A signifier that she feels for you more than she feels for the common man?” Incredulity danced in hobie’s eyes. Seethed from between his lips. The corner of his lips pulled back, revealed a smirk.
“Get over yourself, Mate. If she were interested, you’d know it by now.”
Of course, Hobie had his own collection of memories regarding you, his own wardrobe of moments sewn together with the thread of mirth to wear and fashion whenever and however he so pleased. He would wear it out to parties, on the town, to the Spidey-Station (as he referred to it with you). Show Miguel that his bare-threaded ribbon was nothing compared to his tapestry.
You and Hobie would wander the city when it was late and dark and quiet, talking about anything and everything that crossed your minds, more often than not leading the two of you to howl with laughter, leaning against each other as tears flooded from your eyes. The story, regardless of how funny it had been, held no weight compared to the joy that sparked in Hobie’s chest whenever you touched, whenever you simply existed with him. Fireworks.
You got him in ways nobody else truly could.
Many times had he come to visit you, only to lay his head in your lap and tell you what was bothering him. Sometimes it was trivial, others it was not. And every time, you’d sit and listen, playing with his hair and the badges on his jacket. And, of course, Hobie did the same for you.
One evening, you’d come banging on Hobie’s door, voice distraught as you called for him. He practically tore the door off its hinges when he heard how distressed you were, and, when he saw you, his heart tore. Your face was tear-streaked and your posture gave the impression of anguish, immortal and unrelenting.
“Hobie,” you cried. “Am–” your sniffing diced your words like meat in a kitchen. “Am I pretty?!”
Hobie blinked, unsure if he’d heard the question. And when he didn’t respond, you wailed.
Hobie knew what this was, for you’d spoken about it at length many times before. Insecurity was a powerful tool, especially when fuelled with sleep-deprivation and alcohol, one which Hobie wished he could destroy. But, while he couldn’t do that yet, he reached for you and took you in his arms. And as you cried into his shoulder, he told you how beautiful you were, how surprised he was that he was able to get a look in with you at all with how many men were chasing after you. And when you tried to say that no such thing had ever happened, he pulled back, gave you a smile, the visage of mischief.
“That’s ‘cause I scared ‘em all away!”
Your veneer cracked, and a laugh sprung from the concrete, the beginnings of life in an apocalypse. What Hobie wanted to say, though, what he nearly said, was everything he felt for you – how no word in the human vernacular could ever even begin to comprehend or compare how ethereal you were to him, how widely his love for you encompassed his very being, everything he said, did and wanted dictated entirely by the thought of you.
He opened his mouth, holding you close again. He could say it all now, while you were drunk – pretend it never happened if the exchange turned sour. But he knew he couldn’t live with your rejection, even if you’d have no memory of it.
He closed his mouth, swallowed the confession that teetered on his tongue like a pill. Consumed his contemplation, obscuring his feelings from you for just a little longer. While he couldn’t say it – not yet – he pulled you closer still, chest-to-chest, one hand at the back of your head and the other wrapped around your waist. A lover’s lock. And he held you. Tightly.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in every universe, (Y/N). I should know.” he murmured. He felt you nestle into him. You’d heard him. He sighed. “I just wished you could see it, too.”
Both men viewed the other as possessing some unattainable advantage, the beginnings of a  fabled proverb blatant in their desire to attain what they thought the other had. What they were both striving for.
For Hobie, the very thing he had prided himself on was his self-believed downfall. Friendship. The two of you had been friends for years, basked in a platonic limelight. Initially, Hobie hadn't needed to worry about how you viewed him, but as he fell deeper and deeper in love with you the longer he knew you, the fact that you’d maintained such a close friendship with him without once giving the indication of romanticism frightened him.
Miguel had only waltzed into your life a few months ago. You didn’t have to see him in a platonic light, didn’t have to bear witness to his deepest faults or his subtlest of quirks. Quite simply, you didn’t know enough about him for his mystique to be shattered.
On the contrary, Miguel saw how close you and Hobie were, how, without saying a word, the two of you knew what the other was thinking. He found your incessant asking of “Do you think Hobie would like this?” when visiting a store to be intimidating. He wondered if you asked the same when you went out with Hobie. If he was the subject of your concern as your best friend often was.
Whereas Hobie knew your every thought and desire, Miguel knew he clutched at straws by comparison, drinking in every detail you afforded him, taking nothing for granted. He’d bring you gifts, stories, regalements from his time out in the field, and his chest would swell whenever you watched him with wide eyes. He hoped, with every fibre of his being, that your astonishment was confined to him and him alone. He prayed that your years of friendship to Hobie was enough to dull any excitement you may feel when he told you similar tales.
This war was simply beginning, no two ways about it. And as they surveyed each other, Hobie and Miguel, weighing up the other’s pull on you, their minds conjoined to speak once and for the last time.
“May the best man win.”
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
more incorrect quotes
Miguel: I wasn’t that drunk
Lyla: you asked y/n if they were single
Miguel: so?
Lyla (replays it): and then cried when they said they weren’t
Y/n: my boyfriend is too tall, what should I do?
Miles: punch him in the stomach
Hobie: kick him in the knees
Miguel: none of those! Just ask me to lean down!
EDIT: wait there’s another one
Peter: why are Miguel and y/n sitting against each other?
Gwen: they got into a fight
Peter: why are they holding hands?
Gwen: they get upset after fights
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tuxebo · 1 year
[ 🗯 : in this line of work, you always end up alone. ]
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disclaimer: i cannot control if the characters act ooc in some responses, please rate them accordingly with the stars to prevent ooc responses as you continue.
chat with mindanao ! we hit 68k interactions omg im squealing.
prev. ‹ docs. › next. (reqs are open!)
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✧ — miles morales:
¹ VISITING YOUR FAVORITE SPIDER-MAN: (best friends to lovers + playdate energy) per your usual routine, you decide to visit your best friend and spend the day helping him fight crime on earth 1610.
² KISSES BEFORE DINNER: (uses of lipstick + mama rio almost catches you) you and miles were alone in his room, you on his lap as you peppered his face with kisses. not realizing how risky that was, mama rio snaps you out of the moment when she calls you to dinner.
³ FALLING ASLEEP ON CALL WITH YOUR IBF: (serious situationship? + long distance friendship) during a late night call, you decided to fall asleep on call together. as much as he'd rather hold you in his arms, this would do for now.
⁴ HE LEARNED TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE: (established relationship + twin miles) you met your boyfriend through his twin. unlike you and his brother, miles was a goody-two-shoes so to impress you he decides to try something new.
✧ — miles morales (e42):
¹ PHOTO BOOTH KISSES: (fem! user + established relationship) some way, some how, you managed to get your boyfriend to go to a photo booth with you. deciding to take advantage of the situation, you pepper his face in kisses, leaving lipstick marks on his face.
✧ — miguel o'hara:
¹ YOU TEND TO GET INTO PETTY ARGUMENTS: (established relationship) you and your husband often find yourselves in petty disagreements. however, this time, he really pissed you off. your solution? taking your ring off.
² LYLA IS THE BEST WING-AI: (friends to lovers + lyla being a good wingwoman) miguel seemed to be the only one who didn't realize just how attached he was to you. in an attempt to get hq running back to normal, lyla calls you back to hq early.
✧ — hobart brown:
¹ KISSES THAT STING: (uses of lip plumper + established relationship) trying out a new plumper, you forgot to warn your boyfriend before giving him a kiss. now you have to explain why your lips sting and what the hell's a plumper.
² BIG BRO DUTIES: (platonic + siblings au) your brother has never had the best relationship with your parents and eventually he moved out as soon he could. as much as he didn't like them, he still cared deeply about you and decided it would be best to keep you safe in the form of his alter ego.
³ WORLDS APART: (platonic or romantic) hobie may not have a means to get to your world, but he'll find away if it means helping you. when he finds out miguel and the spider-society didn't send back up when you needed it, he does just that.
⁴ ANOTHER POINT FOR SPIDER-MAN: (enemies to lovers + hero!hobie x enemy!user) hobie was indifferent to the trivial crimes you committed but once he realized how desperate the police were to catch you, his interest was peaked.
✧ — gwen stacy:
¹ YOUR EARTH WAS ERASED: (best friends to lovers + comfort) you and gwen quickly became best friends after she joined the spider society. such close friend that she had the tendency to come into the room you had at HQ unannounced. one day, she barged in at the wrong time and finds you crying over the earth you lost.
² KISSES ARE ALWAYS THE SOLUTION: (established relationship) while helping gwen with her makeup, you accidentally apply too much lipstick. the only reasonable solution is kissing her so it transfers— obviously.
 ✧ — spider-man noir:
¹ CHESS AND EGG CREAMS: (enemies to lovers) finally, after years of searching for you, peter was able to get you to fall into a trap he crafted so carefully for you. now that you're here, why not play a little game?
² EASING A DETECTIVE OF HIS STRESS: (detective!peter x bartender!user) you couldn't help but notice that the detective that frequents your clubs has been particularly stressed lately. it wouldn't hurt to start with a drink on the house to relieve that stress.
 ✧ — jonathan ohnn (the spot):
¹ BEING THE SPOT HAS ITS PROS AND CONS: (established relationship) you are one of the only people who doesn't find your boyfriend's new form appalling. but that doesn't mean it's any less scare when his head pokes through holes in the walls.
✧ — benjamin reilly:
¹ WORKOUT ASSISTANCE: (established relationship + ben has such himbo energy and i live for it) it's no secret your boyfriend is a BIG fan of exercise, doing so all around your shared apartment. and the last time i checked, staring is no crime.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Ayo fellow Spider-Smutties
Comere lemme speak to you for a second-
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I will never understand how there's so much Hobie x Spider!reader smut but there's none where they be straight up breaking the bed.
Miguel too. Cause they'll have him aggressive but like in the normal human dom way. Y'all do realize he don't even need to do all that, right?
He could have normal sex and he'd still crack your little Ikea bed in half like a popsicle stick the man is 6'9
Like these mfers are super human. You ever seen Twilight: Breaking Dawn?
The headboard should be splintering. The sheets should literally be torn to shreds. TOW UP.
The comforter should be destroyed and the nightstand too prolly
Your nightstand got nail marks on it now. Looking like a saber tooth tiger got in. I hope you not renting cause y'all should be putting holes in the walls. Breaking your dinning room table
Have the neighbors downstairs like
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Where is the webbing? Them walls should be covered in webs more ways than one. Where is the web bondage? Where is it
They should be on the walls or something. Like.. they can just walk up there. 69 upsidedown is still 69 🤨
I mean if we smutting it up have at it but y'all we gotta be a little bit creative 😩
tuh At this point if ain't leaving him like this I don't want it
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cheralith · 1 year
the ghost of you | miguel o'hara
synopsis: you thought he was gone. what you didn't know was that he was waiting for you a universe away... or in other words... miguel is your gwen stacy and in another life, you're his.
word count: 2.5k (unedited as of 07/19 per usual)
a/n: a short (or at least in my terms is short) oneshot of sorts just to scratch that miguel angst itch
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you never particularly believed in second chances.
you thought they were something foolish to believe in. often you think that second chances alternated the future that bewitched you with its cruelty towards you, despite knowing that this was what was to become the moment you put on that suit that gleamed to others of pride and glory.
fate as an embodiment is never, and will never, be kind towards you. you never believed in second chances because they were never offered to you because if they were, you could've prevented the entirety that was your life if you could've just chosen a different path.
you could've never gotten the job at alchemax.
you could've never been one of the star scientists that captured the attention of tyler stone.
you could've never met him—the love of your life.
because if you didn't, he would've been safe in the blissful ignorance that was your existence. but now, the haunting image of his face laying woefully in your lap—loving eyes now permanently close, the shallow river of crimson streaming from his nose with pale and dry lips that could no longer whisper sweet nothings slightly agape—is now permanently tattooed in the halls of your memory.
the failure to save the one person you kept to closely at heart served as a reminder that you had a duty to attend to and that you were to attend to it with nothing more than confidence, that you were to never repeat such a feat ever again.
because death offers no second chances to those who he greets. second chances are mere child's play, a figure of imagination that people choose to believe out of hope.
at least, that's what you've chosen to believe.
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whenever jessica looks at you, you just barely manage to catch the glimpse of a particular look that you can't pinpoint the exact emotion of. you think it's a mixture of melancholy or apprehensiveness, but you're never able to quite accurately describe the look for it. but it goes away just as fast as it comes, her quickly shooing it away as if it was a pesky spider.
you've never inquired about it. you don't think you should, really, especially considering when she's in charge of possibility escorting you to what you've never known you could desire for.
"i've decided," jess states, a hand going to caress her prominent belly affectionately.
you let out a hum, your gaze not moving from the magnificent view you and her share of your universe's new york's skyline—you wonder how it differs from her own new york. "decided what?"
from her amber glasses, she offers you swift glance. "decided to perhaps let you visit hq once and for all."
it's no surprise that her statement makes your eyes go wide and jaw slack. jessica drew had found you alone in your own universe awhile ago, her being the first proven evidence that there were worlds beyond yours existing... meaning that there was existence of different variants of you. acquiring that knowledge had sparked an excitement in you that you hadn't felt in such a long time, that you didn't even know you could feel.
you wanted to see the other spider-people, a hunger caverning itself within you to know more, see more, to satisfy the loneliness you've felt since the dreaded day you lost miguel o'hara. to know that others likeminded to you actually existed was something you longed to confirm, leading to jessica constantly putting up with your begging to see what the headquarters of the so-called "spider society" was like.
you've met a few already—the rebellious, yet ambitious hobie brown from earth-138, the egotistic, yet grandiloquent ben reilly from earth-94, and the sarcastic, yet compassionate peter b. parker from earth-616. but it isn't enough. a yearn to see all of everyone alike to you grows stronger and stronger by the day, yet jessica is always quick to deny you from seeing hq and the rest of the spider-people, quick to excuse it with her needing to “evaluate you more.”
something about the excuse seemed rather loose to you, as if it was a cover-up for something... bigger? but again, you never questioned her actions because if you did, you could end up screwing yourself over and the possibility of you never joining them was perhaps a pit that welcomed you with open arms.
but now, after what seemed like ages (it was a given three weeks in reality) of consistent "no"'s and "soon"'s, your wish has been finally granted.
"do you mean it?" you whisper excitedly, leaning towards her with a gleeful smile. "like, really mean it?!"
"no, actually i was just joking," jess says with a suppressed grin. you whine aloud with furrowed brows, making her laugh aloud. "i'm kidding. yes, i mean it. i talked with my... my superior of sorts... and they granted me permission to let you into the spider-society."
jess watches with a soft grin as you giddily bounce about the twilight-cladded rooftop, the phrase of "thank you" endlessly on loop from your lips. with no time to waste on either ends, jessica opens up a portal leading to the universe that the spider-society was held in, jutting her head towards it for you to step foot in.
the tantalizing colors of a fiery sunset twirl about in your vision as the hum of the portal whispers itself in your ears. you've gone in portals before, but this particular one forces you to ground yourself and truly acknowledge what was to become of this present moment because the moment you enter this portal, your fate was sealed.
and fate gives no second chances regardless of any situation.
"nervous?" jess asks as she stands still besides you, examining your hypnotized state.
you swallow thickly, despite the smile still lifted atop your lips. "a little..."
"i see," she hums. she studies your features for a bit, admiring the way the sun halos your side profile before her gaze returns to the portal that you still stare at.
jessica suppresses a giggle, with her hand lifting slowly behind you without acknowledgement before it pushes you in with no warning. your screams of terror fall deaf on her ears, her being too busy with a soft fit of laughter at your bewilderment.
"jess!?" you shout from inside the portal.
"sorry, my hand slipped," she calls from the outside, mindlessly examining her fingernails.
"i'm gonna kill you!" you screech before your figure dissipates itself from her view.
jessica watches as the portal expands itself again like a blooming flower before she turns away from it once again, the smile of amusement fading ever so quickly. her wrist lifts itself up and quietly she murmurs into her device, "are you one hundred percent sure about this?"
there's a static that scuffs by before another voice stereos from it, one that jessica knows for a fact that you'll be much too accustomed to.
"there's no going back now."
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jessica thinks she might have to put you on a leash. somehow, you've reverted back into a child at a playground from the way you're consistently getting out of her sight, too distracted by all the unique spider-people that pass you.
"i love your armor," you compliment with glowing cheeks to the spider-knight that gives you a salute. "wow, her hair is really cool... i love that guy's webbing! holy shit, is that a fucking t-rex?"
"yes yes," jess sighs and grabs you by your collar, "that's pter. he's one of us, now would you please behave?"
you smile sheepishly at her, "sorry... i can't help but get—a cat!"
jessica slaps a hand to her forehead, rubbing it with annoyance. you're not much younger than she is, but she thinks that there's too much of a resemblance between a five year old and the you that's much too preoccupied petting a content peter pawrker that purrs as you affectionately scratch behind his ears.
while rather a little irked, jessica can't help but feel a little at ease with the more time that gets eaten up as it passes by. she knows it's foolish, but to put off the one thing that you were supposed to come here for was perhaps ideal, knowing that the future truly remains unknown of what to come in the next few minutes.
her anticipation grows more weary by the second, especially as you and her approach the one location that is rarely ever allowed visitors.
she shoots a web and reels you back to her, not wanting to waste any more time than needed. your pleas of wanting to pet spider-cat more are ignored, being replaced with an urgency of, "there's someone i want you to meet."
jess walks you to a darkened and closed off area of the headquarters, one that you didn't know would've existed had she not lead you there. it's dark all around, the wide and vast space only illuminated by the golden glow of holographic computers atop a floating platform. there's no one around, just the hum of the technology filling the void until a voice echoes out from seemingly nowhere.
"you may leave, jess."
your companion offers you a final goodbye, a whisper of "you'll be okay, he doesn't bite." tickling your ear. there's not much time to react, as jessica stalks off faster than you can blink, and the thundering shut of the door bellows in the corridor.
you're left alone in the odd, dark room. it's a contrasted atmosphere to the interior of hq and rather, it unsettles you—especially considering the fact that despite it seeming like you're by yourself, you're not alone.
"are you the person that jess was talking about?" you ask quietly, hoping that despite the timidity and softness of your voice, that it's still heard.
the voice thunders out again hauntingly.
"you haven't changed."
the majority of your voice gets caught in your throat. something about that voice seems vaguely familiar, but seven words aren't enough for you to quite decipher its owner, despite the wisp of the ghost of the past whispering something unintelligible behind you.
"i-i'm sorry?" you state aloud with your voice caught between a question and a nervous laugh.
the owner of the voice stays quiet for a still moment before speaking once more.
"why are you still just as beautiful as the day i lost you?"
your brows furrow. are you supposed to know him? this person?
you're so focused on the platform of computers that it doesn't register to you that someone emerges from the shadows from behind you until the wind of something... someone grazing you. reflexes jumping into action, you gasp and jump back, your feet skidding themselves on the ground too painfully to the point where your balance is lost and your back stumbles first on the ground.
the shadow comes closer to you and fear strikes itself in your heart at last. something about this person is warning you with danger, that something bad is brewing. your hands dig into the ground and shuffle yourself backwards until you hit the wall. your heart is pounding painfully loud, with the rhythm of it pumping through your ears. a scream is begging to be let out of your throat, a certain type of terrified you haven't felt in years clawing at the edge of it, but the only thing that you can let out is a weakened whimper.
whoever the shadow is merely comes closer to you in the same pace he kept himself at, showing no signs of stopping.
the light of the moon that seeps into the rooftop windows suddenly let the light in and spotlights the person at last, making all the resolve in your body evaporate the moment you catch his face.
the face that's supposed to not exist anymore—the face of a dead lover who you watched with your own two eyes slip from your life—is currently plastered itself in front of you.
the face of miguel o'hara stares at you with the same daunting expression you wear.
the last time you saw this face was in the open casket funeral held for him two weeks after his death. you had stared at it for what seemed to be hours in the open rain, trying to come to terms that you will never see it again.
yet here you are, looking at it once more in the life that you thought would never show you any sort of mercy.
the person in front of you crouches down to your height and comes shyly closer to you, afraid that if he made the wrong move, you'd scamper away from him like a frightened doe.
unconsciously, you lift your hand up to truly see if what you were seeing right now was real—that your deceased lover was somehow alive right in front of you. the miguel that stands before you lets your hand cradle his cheek ever so gently, like he was made of the finest glass alive. the physical contact jolts you awake again and out of your trance, making you retract your hand as if you had just touched something hot.
miguel blinks. his chest heaves, mimicking your own that pools with longing. he goes to gently touch your hand again, bringing it back up to his face and shuffling his cheek to feel the warmth of it again.
the way his his face fits so nicely in your palm makes your chest burn.
"mi sol..." he murmurs, his lips wisping a soft kiss to your palm.
and suddenly, you're alive again. it's a different sort, the type of liveliness that only love could spark. so when you realize that the very flame you thought could never be lit again is once burning bright, you break into sobs.
your arms wrap around his neck tightly, like he'll be taken away from you all over again. his own go to hug your waist in the same manner, enveloping you in a warmth you could never seem to mimic with anyone else.
"i thought i lost you," you cry quietly, the image of miguel's face during that night flashing through your eyes.
his hand caresses your hair warmly. "i thought i lost you," he murmurs back, his throat evidently tight with a flood of yearning emotions.
you retract back and study him carefully this time, making sure he's here with you right now... alive.
and when his lips connect with yours for the first time in years, it doesn't take long for you to return the favor, knowing that the one thing you've longed for the most for the past years is finally back into your arms.
deep inside, you know he isn't your miguel, just in the same sense that you aren't his (y/n). you know that no matter how many miguels and (y/n)s are out there, no two could ever replicate each other in the manner that the latter wants.
but for now, you let yourself indulge in this second chance you thought could never come to life.
by the power of fate though... it somehow did. and you'd rather not waste any more time questioning it.
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redr0sewrites · 5 months
ATSV Characters with a Goth S/o
heeeeeyyyyyy guys 😇 *slowly sliding the 100+ REQUESTS in my inbox to the side to make room for a new special interest*
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff!!!
🥀Pairing(s): Hobie x reader, Miles x reader, Miguel x reader, Spot x reader
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he would LOVE any type of alternative partner tbh- he just LOOOVESSS that ur goth and will support you 100%
people who go against societies expectations/standards and don't fit in with the norm intrigue him, and your style is probably what piqued his interest in the first place
y'all definitely wear matching fits sorry i don't make the rules- hobie just can't pass up the opportunity to match w you!!! whenever you go to meetings within the spider society he always brings you along, regardless of whether or not you're a spiderperson and hobie loves showing off you and your style
look me in the eyes and tell me hobia would not absolutely rock some funky eyeliner LIKEEEEE- he def lets you practice on him and will do your makeup for you too!!!
hobie loves thrifting with you, there is no way he isn't a major thrifter and you both definitely DIY a lot of your clothes
hobie absolutely has BLESSED music taste, but while he usually listens to rock, punk, dad rock, or post-punk type of music, i def see him enjoying more gothic/new wave music- especially if u introduce it to him!!!
i see him enjoying bauhaus, sisters or mercy, scary bitches, etc- he'll also give YOU a lot of music recommendations and help to expand ur taste!
hobie would also accompany you to any protests or conventions that you wanted to attend, and would act as your scary dog privileges
honestly hobie is a lovely partner to have if you are goth, and he's not only supportive but VERY enthusiastic about your fashion and lifestyle!
hes such a sweetheart!!! he definitely supports you if you're goth and asks a LOOOT of questions lmao
miles draws you and your fashion a lot, and will def design makeup or eyeliner ideas for you too!!! while ik this is more associated with punk, i also see miles drawing you a few custom patches and stuff like that
your kind of like his muse in a way, and miles just really enjoys sketching you, especially since you have such a unique aesthetic and such cool outfits
he loves watching you get ready and do your makeup. seeing you do perfect eyeliner wings and heavy makeup in general lowkey relaxes him, and he just loves admiring you
im sorry but miles knows absolutely nothing about goth music or culture, ur gonna have to introduce him to a lot of the songs/bands!!!
while i don't think he's huge on the music at first, i think it would grow on him over time. its definitely the type of thing that he loves because YOU love it, and he sees how mu much you enjoy it so he starts listening to it as well so he can talk to you about it
i think his favorite band would be the cure, and his fav songs would either be boys dont cry or the walk (both by the cure- idk why thats so specific but they just kinda fit his vibe yk?)
miles likes holding hands a lot, and he loves when you wear rings or gloves or something along those lines because it just reminds him so much of you! your hands just feel different compared to other peoples and he just loves how unique you are
if you have a lot of piercings, miles would definitely ask about them or buy you specific jewelry for piercings!!!!
overall, very very cute and supportive about your style!!! (he lowkey gives bi wife energy, and iyk what in talking ab then ily mwah)
he's pretty indifferent to your style at first, i don't see him as the type to judge much based on appearances. its your personality that really throws him for a loop, and a part of him admires your dedication to making yourself look how you want to look and truly living to be your best self, regardless of what others think
if you think miles knows nothing about being goth then be prepared for miguel bc he knows NOTHINGGGG- no music, no history, no political views, zero, zilch, nada, goose egg
if he cares about you i do see him being intrigued about your style, and once you two are officially dating is when he'll show more interest in your personal fashion sense
he strikes me as the type to like, NEVER listen to music, so he literally only listens to the music you like!!! he does find himself occasionally humming the tune of some strawberry switchblade song or casually listening to a siouxsie and the banshees song while he works, and over time you influence him a LOT with your music taste. he definitely associates any and all goth music with YOU, and that's probably why he starts enjoying it.
he's a "hand on you at all times" type of guy, and while he is rarely touchy with others, miguel is definitely keeping you close. your fashion makes that convenient for him, and he loves pulling you into a kiss by grabbing onto your belt loop or something of the sort
miguel loves how you look with and without makeup on and isn't afraid to tell you that, however, he really likes it if you incorporate his colors or color scheme into your makeup one day. he'll never admit it, but you keep catching him admiring you with the smallest smirk on his face every few seconds
if anyone ever gave u shit for what you wear and how you dress, especially someone in the spider society, you'd practically have to restrain miguel from drop kicking them across nueva york- he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you , and while he knows you can stand up for yourself, he just gets protective at times
goth? whats that???
he's lowkey such a nerd, and spends too much time being science-y and planning on how to beat spiderman to actually get caught up on fashion
spot doesn't know how he pulled you tbh, but he appreciates you nonetheless!!! he thinks you and your aesthetic are something to be admired, and will unabashedly tell EVERYONE he knows about you
he will shoplift any clothing or jewelry that you want, and he'll even take you to other dimensions where there are better alternative clothes as well
spot doesn't really have a face to do makeup on, but he'll offer to do yours for you! surprisingly enough he's pretty good at it, though he does work pretty slowly
spot loves fiddling with your accessories, whenever he's standing near you he's always reaching out to touch you in some way shape or form. he loves playing with any chains or necklaces you wear, and will help adjust them so that they lay correctly
he helps you get ready in the morning!!!!! if ur the type of goth to wear corsets, he makes lacing them up SO easy and will gladly do it for you
i personally hc that spot HATES seeing himself in mirrors/pictures, it reminds him sm of what he used to look like, but he LOVES taking photos of you and your style!! whenever you are wearing a cute outfit or have funky makeup on, spot adores just taking photos of you
if you ever did a makeup look inspired by him and his spots he would probably CRY :(
URGRHHRHHRRR I LOVE ATSV SMMMMMMM!!!! this post will DEFINITELY have a pt2 w more characters!!!!! i swear tho atsv literally pulled me out of the most horrendous burnout ever i FELT the artblock and writing block lift off of my body as i watched it. IM SO INVESTED I MADE A SPIDERSONA...
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cherryredstars · 9 months
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Mike Schmidt, Hobie Brown, Miles-42 x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive Content with Miguel, A Little Bit of Angst with Miles
Summary: How would the boys treat you on your birthday?
A/N: In honor of my birthday (WOO)!
Word Count: 1.7K (Unedited)
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Miguel O'Hara
You hang out with him in his office at HQ all day. He has your favorite food delivered to base, and you spend the whole day talking his ear off as he works. Today is the only day he doesn't mind people coming in and out of his office, as long as they do so to wish you a happy birthday.
He has LYLA keep you company, finding her only a tad bit less annoying, even as she randomly breaks out into happy birthday and makes birthday memes pop up on his screen like a virus. He only wants to strangle her when she keeps making birthday sex jokes and hinting a little too much at the gifts waiting for you at home.
When the two of you do make it home, you're excited to see the pile of gifts overflowing in the living room. Some of them are from the spiders in HQ, but more than one is from Miguel. You guys get take out, and spend the rest of the night opening gifts. You guys laugh at the ones from the younger spider-people, and try not to cringe at the more questionable ones (a difference in universe maybe?).
When the two of you finish going through the gifts and ate all the food, Miguel pulls you up off the floor. He gives you a cheeky smile, leading you towards the bedroom for one last birthday present. Huh, I guess LYLA was right about the birthday sex.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
As much as he wants to, he can't ask to go on leave in advance. Even if he did send in the request, it would be hastily denied. Going on leave because of a singular day and for a non-emergency cause? The higher ups would laugh in his face. So, his only hope is to not be deployed during that time.
If he is deployed during that time, he'll keep his eye on the clock, counting down the seconds until it hits midnight in your timezone. Then, at exactly zero hundred hours, your phone will light up with a message from Simon. It's a simple "Happy birthday. Miss you." text, but it makes you smile nonetheless. If you're lucky, you might get a voice message from all of 141 wishing you a happy birthday, horrible, off-key singing from Soap included! And if you're really lucky, you might even get a call if Simon's in a good, secure location where he knows his cellular usage can't be tracked or intercepted.
He already got a gift for you in advance. He'll tell you where he hid it, or tell you to keep an ear out for the doorbell. If he hid it, you rush over to the hiding spot, setting your phone up to record a video for him. You make a big show of it to keep him entertained, and at the end of the video you thank him repeatedly for the gift, adding in that you miss him and you'll see him when he comes back home. When he gets gifts delivered to you, it's usually flowers and maybe something extra like an Amazon package. You put your new flowers in the nicest vase you have, sending Simon a picture and heart emojis.
If-by the grace of god- he's home on your birthday, you get spoiled silly. Today is all about you and what you want to do. Breakfast in bed? Okay, waffles or pancakes? Movie night? Okay, it's your pick. Drinks at the pub? Let's stop to get a pack first. Simon does prefer to stay in with you on your birthday, but again, if you want to have a night out on the town, he's happy to follow along. Though, if you do stay home, don't look in the fridge! You don't want to risk taking a peak at the cake he bought, do you?
Mike Schmidt
Called out of work the day before. He wakes up super early, slipping out of bed to wake up Abby. She complains a little, and you have to pretend you weren't awake the second Mike got out of bed and you have to stifle your laughter at her grumbling out in the hall. The smell of breakfast is strong, and you wait a good 11 minutes (it would be too perfect if it was an even number), before slipping out of bed. You act all surprised when you walk into the kitchen, catching them making you breakfast. They instantly drag you into a chair, making you sit as they plate your food and slide over your coffee. You have to fight your tears when Abby gives you a hand drawn birthday card. Just for that, she can steal a bit of your bacon.
The three of you just spend the day at home. You draw with Abby, thanking her for all the birthday drawings. The three of you make a mess in the kitchen as you make the birthday cake, and somehow frosting gets stuck in all of your hair. You sing happy birthday after dinner, which of course is your favorite meal, and the three of you settle onto the couch to watch TV. You allow Abby to stay up until she falls asleep on the sofa.
Once she's gone to bed, Mike pulls you close to his side, pressing a kiss to your lips and muttering another happy birthday. You smile at him, and it grows wider when he pulls your gift from his pocket. The two of you are silent as you open it, and you gasp when you see what's inside. You thank him with a million smooches on his face, that makes him chuckle. Then, when it gets too late and the both of you remember he has work tomorrow, you retreat back to the bedroom for some much needed rest. Clean up is for another day.
Hobie Brown
Is it really a surprise that he forgets it's your birthday? Hey, in his defense, time and dates are just a social construct made to control the natural world!
He only remembers when one of his (current) band mates or a Spider in the society ask him what he has planned for your birthday. He knows he's fucked the second they ask him. He has nothing planned, he has yet to say happy birthday to you despite talking to you just this morning, and to top it all off, he has only just realized you were hinting about it throughout your morning conversation. And do you want to know what he said in response to your, Hobie, baby, do you think something important is happening today? Trust me, you don't because his answer may or may not have been, Unless 10 Downing is fist bumping a wrecking ball today, then no. Yeah, did he mention he was fucked?
So, in true Hobie fashion, he's gonna think quick and get himself out of trouble. What could he use as the perfect excuse for completely forgetting your birthday? Make it seem intentional! And how do you make it seem intentional? Throwing a totally killer surprise party that would give the PM a heart attack! He recruits the help of his band mates and Gwen, setting up your favorite venue that the band played in for a previous gig. He gets you a cake, a funny card, and some random trinkets he sees along the way. He'll have the band play anything you request or the night. Oh, don't forget your own friends! He'll let them know before he picks you up.
He's totally casual when he returns to the flat, all nonchalant as he tells you to get dressed up. When you ask why, he just shrugs and says riot. You stare at him like you expect him to say something extra, but you sigh when he doesn't. With your back turned to him, he allows himself to briefly flicker red. When he gets you to the venue, you're happily surprised, bumping into him and teasing that you thought he forgot. He chuckles nervously in response, finally wishing you a happy birthday. At the end of the night, after you got the celebration you deserved and the two of you lay at home in a half-awake state, he admits the truth to you when you're too sleepy to get mad at him. Hey, real men admit to their mistakes and fear the wrath of their partners.
Miles 42
He does the thing. You know, the obnoxious thing where you show up to school, and then suddenly you have a brightly colored birthday stash over your shoulder and a gift bag attached to 50 different HAPPY BIRTHDAY balloons? Yeah, he does that shit, and he does it with PRIDE. He will be damned if you aren't walking the halls and a stranger randomly yells out a birthday greeting to you in passing. You better hope you don't have any classes with him, because every class you guys share, he's making them sing happy birthday. Even if you get embarrassed and melt into your chair. At lunch, he's already got a birthday cupcake waiting for you and he did, in fact, skip the last period just so he could go get your favorite takeout to make sure it's still hot.
Rio definitely invited you over for dinner, and he spends the whole meal telling his Ma all about the things he did for you today. It makes her laugh, and she playfully swats the back of his head when you whine about how embarrassed you were all day.
When dinner is done, Miles drags you out of his house and walks you down to the familiar streets to the car lot. He helps you in, and you gasp when you see the inside of the car. He has candles placed carefully around, and a cake sits in the back seat with plastic forks and more gifts. Your smile is goofy as he quietly sings happy birthday to you, and you blow out the candle as he whoops and hollers playfully. The two of you dig into the cake, having quiet conversation until you feel like you'll throw up from all the sugar.
But as you're about to open the last of your gifts, his phone begins to ring. Looks like your birthday wish didn’t come true after all.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
hiiiii idk if ur requests r open rn but can u do cooking hcs for all the spiderverse characters u write for? like what they’re good at cooking, are they even good at cooking, what food do they like etc.
contains: hobie brown, miguel o'hara, gwen stacy (platonic) earth1610!miles morales, earth42!miles morales, and pavitr prabhakar.
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EARTH1610!MILES definitely learned cooking from both his parents. When he was little, Rio definitely made sure that she taught him some cultural dishes to make, especially the ones that she made when she was young, hoping he would pass them down to his own children.
His father taught him all the recipes that his grandma taught him, and Miles really got his love for cooking there. He knows that you love when he cooks and he likes doing things to please you, so sometimes he'll definitely whip up meals as a surprise or even for date night, watching a smile creep on your face as you thank him.
His favorite food is also probably pasta. He knows it sounds plain, but he likes the fact that you can make different types with variants of seasoning and sauces, so sometimes he likes to experiment in the kitchen.
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EARTH42!MILES knows how to cook, and how to do it well, but sometimes it's a little bothersome for him. It's not that he hates cooking, per se, but it does take a while and he doesn't like the mess.
His mom obviously taught him how to cook, so his favorite meals to whip up are probably cultural foods. And even though he doesn't like cooking as much as our Miles, he's so damn good at it, so you always ask him to make you dishes and he can't ever say no to you, so he does it and has a smile on his face the whole time. He also lets you taste things in between to make sure it's to your liking. He'll hold the spoon up to your mouth as you taste, waiting for your approval, which he definitely seeks for.
His favorite food is probably something that his mom taught him how to make when he was younger, or maybe even something that his dad ate a lot/cooked, because as much as he tries to act like things don't bother him, he misses his dad, and he holds on to all those memories.
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Now, MIGUEL does not like to cook, I don't care what anyone says. It's only because he's bad at it and he found it unfair when his daughter would try recipes on the first try and succeed. Plus, he's really heavy-handed, so if he gets frustrated he probably accidentally splits a fork in half or something, LMAO.
His favorite food is most likely breakfast foods, because if this man doesn't get a good start to his day with some tasty food, the whole day will he ruined and he'll have an attitude. Plus, he remembers when his daughter would make him breakfast before work, so he feels as if he can't live without it.
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On the other hand, PAVITR loves to cook! That boy is always in the kitchen, and if you even mention something that you like to eat, oh he's making it as soon as the words leave your mouth. If it's hard to make or he doesn't know the recipe, he looks it up and follows it step by step, probably getting his aunt or uncle to help him.
He always calls you to come taste test no matter what you're doing. He'll pick up his phone and tap his foot as he waits for you to answer, and when you do, he's literally smiling and screaming for you to come over, despite if you're busy or not. He just loves when you try his food.
Pavitr wears an apron when he cooks...I feel like that needs no explanation. He just does.
He def educates you on things, because if you call naan 'naan bread' he's going to tear up.
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HOBIE doesn't really care for cooking, but if you ask, he'll do it. It's mainly because he doesn't like to spend money on the groceries to do it, but he'll settle for it if it means it'll make you happy.
He's really bad at it though, even though he has excellent taste, so whenever he cooks you end up helping because he has no sense of how long something needs to marinate or be in the oven. But, it always comes out tasting good because he's perfect when it comes to putting flavors together.
He doesn't really have a favorite food. He just eats whatever tastes good, especially if you make it, and he praises you for helping him or when you cook your own dishes.
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And last but not least, GWEN cannot cook to save her life, it's actually so bad. You try to mentor her or get her to watch videos and it's like it goes in one ear and out the other.
The effort is there, but every time she cooks, it just ends up in the both sitting criss-cross on the floor of her apartment, takeout in your hands as you watch chick flicks, and you make her vow to never cook again, because her kitchen was way to close at catching fire.
Her favorite food is pizza. It's basic and she knows that, but honestly she doesn't find delight in eating many foods, she's kind of a picky eater, but you don't mind it. You're just honestly happy to be there with your best friend.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @my3tumbles // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @kopiivie // @ellatienesuscosas // @venuswash3re // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @wisepoetrycheesecake // @clearskiiiess // @d3atht3hek1d // @vienreina // @pixqlsin // @caulifloweron // @aizawassimpblog // @stvrgrl // @zerosinterweb // @ishqani // @mookiebut // @urmotherswhor3 // @cumbermovels // @asmobeuses // @yanghees // @popeheywardssecretgf // @mxspiderman2099
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10 // @adoree-kaelynn // @mhadnirb // @mmst4rz // @iris-theflower // @fleurrieerecs // @kenlani // @kala2022 // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker // @evacowan // @popeheywardssecretgf // @adoremvney // @anikaluv // @qtdenks
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 🎸: @lipstickstainedshells // @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10 // @adoree-kaelynn // @leycondones // @allex560 // @mhadnirb // @pixqlsin// @maya-custodios-dionach // @smolmoonbabey // @Iris-theflower // @kala2022 // @spiderpunkss // @milesmolasses // @flatbread-or-smth // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @lordbugs // @popeheywardssecretgf // @bythe-water-fountain // @Greenteacats
𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐎'𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ♧: @lipstickstainedshells // @mmst4rz // @ilyless // @lordbugs // @greenteacats
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @enj4i // @chrissytalia // @chaoticevilbakugo // @motheroffae // @luci1fer
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Spiderverse Masterlist
Yandere Miguel O'Hara Headcanons
Miguel and Hobie Fighting for Your Love
Miguel w/ an Innocent S/O
Miguel Having A Crush On You Would Include...
Miguel w/ a Petite S/O
Dating Miguel O'Hara Would include...
Miguel's Reaction to You Calling Him a DILF
Miguel's Reaction to You Taking Him to Watch The Barbie Movie
Professor Miguel O'Hara x Reader Headcanons
Miguel and Hobie Fighting for Your Love
Subscribe to My AO3 account for more content like this !
Follow me on Wattpad, if you'd like <3
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
Do you think Miguel and Hobie would like chubby people? I think so🥰 also I love your work omg you’re so slay
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💌 `` ~ ୨୧ ♡ · ~ just some headcanons of hobie/miguel having a chubby s/o <3
𝐜𝐰 — mentions of insecurities, a bit of projection, tooth rotting fluff.
𝐚/𝐧 ❥ i agree nonie! tbh, i can see it WAY more with hobie tbh. this was a bit hard to write since i’m not a chubby person myself (besides a bit on my face!) so i tried my best here! tysm for supporting my works, enjoy! 🤍
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despite the stark contrast, miguel o’hara fucking adores you!
this man had a couple partners (in the comics), and i feel like this man really doesn’t care what he s/o looks like, especially considering his unfortunate dating life.
you don’t need to be insecure or self conscious around him, not when he’s giving you affection as much as he could! <3
i can see miguel being quite touchy, so expect him to always be touching you everywhere. holding your face, thighs, and hips!
(this one is 100% projection) i can see miguel being the type to caress your face, maybe gently pressing his fingers against your cheeks.
he always reassures you when your feeling insecure, reminding you how much you mean to him and how he couldn’t have asked for a better partner. <3
what can i say? he is obsessed with his cute partner!
hobie is your #1 hypeman, insecurities be damned! he’s the boyfriend who makes you feel so good in your own skin. encouraging you to take risks and not give a shit about what others say!
like miguel, he’s a very touchy individual. so don’t expect him to keep his hands off you. he’d kiss parts of your body that you find to be an insecurity, all while affirming you with sweet words. <3
(again, 100% projection) hobie would often play with your thighs and cheeks. everytime he kisses them, it follows up with a playful bite. it’s a little tease he likes to do. <3
i wont ever stfu abt it, but WORDS OF AFFIRMATION FOREVER!
he knows what to say in order to either give you a boost of confidence or flustered to the point of you turning into a shade of pink!
this man deserves a big smooch istg���
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tuxebo · 1 year
[ 🗯️ : bummer. is spider-man grounded? ]
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disclaimer: i cannot control if the characters act ooc in some responses, please rate them accordingly with the stars to prevent ooc responses as you continue.
chat with mindanao ! hello, you may recognize me from my miguel bot... but im back w more!! omg you guys got that bot to 1.6k interactions and im honestly shocked ilyasm <33
prev. ‹ docs. › next.
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✧ — miles morales:
¹ YOUR ARTISTIC SKATING PARTNER: (childhoodfriends to lovers + no spiderman) miles has been the one who taught you to skate. he's got you to try many of his new interests and hobbies throughout the years of your friendship. you got a new board and decided it needs some new art, that's where your best friend comes in.
 ✧ — miles morales (e-42):
¹ SAVED BY A STRANGER: (coffee shop + fake dating) you were just trying to work your job at the coffee shop when a creepy, old man tries to shoot his shot with you. Noticing your discomfort, Miles channels the gentleman deep within him and decides to lend a hand.
 ✧ — miguel ohara:
¹ THE CHILD YOUR BABYSITTING'S OVERWORKED DAD: (parent!miguel x babysitter!user) you are the babysitter of your local superhero, spiderman─ not that you knew that. it was rare that the child's father, miguel, was ever home. often out doing god knows what, but one night he finally has time to join the two of you for dinner.
² YOUR HUSBAND'S ASSIGNMENT ALMOST GETS YOU KILLED: (heavy angst + implied gore) your husband underestimate and anomaly, sending you after it without fully understanding its power. he's the first to respond when things go south, though that still may not be fast enough.
 ✧ — pavitr prabhakar:
¹ YOUR BUBBLY BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and pavitr are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. after practice one night, you're walking home and decide to stop by a small convenience store to pick up some dinner. what you didn't expect was to see your keyboardist there as well.
 ✧ — hobart brown:
¹ YOUR PUNK BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and hobie are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. while touring the venue before one of your shows, you notice your guitarist is missing. the others seem to have the meeting with the crew under control so why don't you go look for him?
² BABYSITTING MAYDAY TOGETHER: (baby fever, baby fever) while peter b. parker is out on a mission, you and hobie offer to take care of mayday for a couple hours. it's no secret you two are fond of the kid, doing what you can to make the day a blast.
 ✧ — gwen stacy:
¹ YOUR SWEET SKATING RIVAL: (rivals to friends to lovers + no spiderman) you were preparing for a skating competition that was to happen late in the afternoon. who you were up against was the least of your concerns— until she walks up to you and tries to make conversation.
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Intoxicating Pt.2
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Hobie x Black Fem Spider Person Reader
Summary: Another Day Another Anomaly to catch but who accompanied you was definitely unexpected.
A/n: This is supposed to mimic Cindy Moon & Peters Relationship
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The sound of Layla's voice repeatedly calling your name jolted you awake from your peaceful slumber. You groaned annoyed, hoping she would leave you alone.
"What's the matter, Layla?" you grumbled, still half-asleep.
"You've got a mission to attend, and you're already late," she informed you, her tone laced with urgency. You knew Miguel wouldn't be too pleased with your tardiness.
As you let out a groan and reluctantly lifted your face from the pillow, you muttered something unintelligible under your breath. Slowly but surely, you made your way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face, hoping to shake off the remnants of last night's sleep.
"Okay, I'm coming, but what are we up against today?" you asked.
"It shouldn't be too hard for you, just a Doctor Octavius Anomaly," she replied nonchalantly.
"Alright, Layla, bye" you said, waving her off.
"Should be an easy day," you murmured to yourself, as you grabbed your suit and dusted it off before squeezing into it. You took one last glance at your reflection in the mirror and admired the way the suit hugged your figure, before opening a portal to HQ.
As you took a step towards the portal, a sudden rush of anxiety and arousal coursed through your body, bringing back memories of Hobie that you had tried so hard to forget. "Will he be at HQ today?" you asked yourself, your heart pounding in your chest. "Probably not, right?" You took a deep breath and tried to push the thoughts aside. "Phew, it's okay, Y/n, just think about it later," you reassured yourself, before stepping through the portal.
As you stepped into HQ, you were greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of your fellow Spider People friends ?- or were they just your coworkers? You weren't quite sure. You nodded and exchanged greetings with a few of them as you made your way towards Miguel's Dungeon, as you liked to call it. You greeted Miguel with a small smile and a nod of your head, still keeping your eyes downcast. However, as you slowly raised your head, your heart stuttered at the sight before you.
Standing before you was none other than Hobie, his warm smile making your heart race and your stomach do somersaults. You couldn't believe your luck, or perhaps it was your misfortune, to run into him today. You tried to keep your composure, but your mind was racing with thoughts and emotions that you couldn't quite put into words.
Hobie stood there leaning against a table, his hands tucked neatly into his vest as his legs crossed casually. That devilish smirk was still present on his lips, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him as his gaze locked onto yours. Your feet shuffled you forward as they carried you towards him and Miguel, his intoxicating scent filling your senses and sending a tingle throughout your body.
"Ello love, it's finally nice to see your face," Hobie greeted you with that smooth, honeyed British voice of his, causing your face to flush with warmth. You tried to keep your composure in check, but it was hard to resist the pull his charm amplifying your feelings , he made your heart skip a beat with just a few words. All you could do was stand there, lost in his gaze.
You let out an awkward chuckle before turning to Miguel and pulling him aside, trying to keep your voice low.
"What is he doing here?" you asked, feeling a sense of unease settle in your gut.
"He's........going to accompany you today," Miguel replied, his tone even and calm.
The thought of spending the day alone with Hobie made your blood run cold, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was some sick joke the universe was playing on you.
Little did you know, Hobie felt the same intense attraction to you from the moment he laid eyes on you and you set his Spider Sense ablaze .
He couldn't resist the pull of your energy. He knew it was risky, but he couldn't help himself, he had to find a way to spend more time with you volunteering to accompany you today. As you stood there, lost in your conversation, Hobie watched you from a distance, his mind racing with all the different possibilities.
He put on a more composed front, he was better at controlling himself than you were. But in reality, your scent was just as intoxicating to him, sending shivers down his spine every time you were near. He had only met you yesterday, the Spider-Woman who never took her mask off, yet you were the only thing on his mind since then.
He rambled on and on to his friends last night at the pub about you and the effect you had on him. He could tell by the way you looked at him, completely entranced, that you felt the same way.
He couldn't help but notice the way you stumbled over your words whenever you were around him.
He also realized that you would take deeper breaths when you were in his presence, to get a whiff of his scent.
When you walked in without your mask, his knees almost buckled beneath him, but being him he played it cool, his signature smirk resting on his face, but his heart pounded against his rib cage as he studied your features.
You had full lips and bright, round eyes that he could stare into all day. He felt a wave of heat wash over him as he took in your beauty, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to touch your skin, to taste your lips. But he knew that he had to be careful.
Hobie couldn't help but admire the way your braid swayed with every step you took, the beads clinking together like a soothing melody. As you got closer, the sweet smell of your scent became stronger and stronger, and he found himself completely under your spell.
"Finally nice to see your face," Hobie said, trying to release some of the heat that seemed to be trapped inside his body.
You responded, stumbling over your words once again ,ultimately deciding to just laugh, and pull Miguel to the side.
"Alright Hobie, we should go," you said, inputting the coordinates for today's mission.
Earth 483.
The two of you stepped through the portal and found yourselves perfectly placed in an alleyway.
"So who are we catching today?" Hobie asked, his figure towering over you. You looked up at him as your bodies instinctively drew together, leaving barely an inch of space between the two of you. His eyes were half-lidded, and you couldn't help but feel drawn towards him, basking in the heat that radiated from his body.
As Hobie's breath fanned across your skin, a shiver ran down your spine, causing goosebumps to form all over your body. You closed your eyes, exhaling slowly, trying to pull yourself together before taking a step back to put some distance between the two of you.
"We're looking for a Doctor Octavius. Keep an eye out for a man with metal arms," you said, trying to focus on the mission at hand.
"Octavius? Never heard of him," Hobie replied, his voice deep and smooth.
"Mask on, Hobie. Come on," you said, swinging to a nearby building and perching at the edge, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger.
Hobie followed your lead, putting on his mask and standing at your back, admiring you as he leaned against the edge. "So, you're pretty good at this dimensional stuff, eh?" he said.
"It's all about being aware of your surroundings and staying one step ahead of the enemy," you replied, your eyes scanning the area for any potential threats.
Hobie chuckled, and you could feel the warmth of his breath against your ear. "You make it sound so easy," he said, his voice sending a heat throughout your body straight to your center.
You tried to ignore the fluttering in your stomach and instead focused on the mission, determined to do whatever it took to complete it successfully. But as Hobie's body pressed up against yours, you couldn't help but feel complete arousal drawing you in closer and closer until there was barely any space left between the two of you.
"Just happy to help," you replied, trying to remain on high alert despite the distracting aroma that was wafting towards you again, making your head feel fuzzy and clouded.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered under your breath, trying to regain your focus as you fought against the alluring scent that was threatening to pull you under, making your walls flutter.
"What's wrong, love? Is something bothering you?" Hobie asked, his hands finding yours and gently caressing them.
You welcomed Hobie's touch, even though you could feel your self-control crumbling. You turned your head to look at him, your breaths shallow, about to give in to the overwhelming attraction that was building between the two of you reaching for your mask.
But just as you were about to do something you might regret, screams were heard to your right, shifting your attention to a man with metal arms that were glitching as he made his way down the street, crushing cars in his path.
You sprang into action, putting all thoughts of Hobie aside as you focused on the task at hand. "That's our guy. Let's move," you said, taking off in pursuit of the dangerous villain. Hobie followed closely behind, his intense gaze locked on the target as he prepared to engage in battle.
"Hey, Doc, love the color changing tech," you said, swinging next to him as he glitched, trying to distract him from his nefarious plans.
"Pesky spiders," Doc replied, launching one of his metal arms towards you in an attempt to catch you off guard. But you were too quick for him, expertly dodging the arm and swinging around to land a kick to his jaw, sending him crashing to the ground.
"Hobie!" you yelled to your partner, hoping that he would catch the cue and web up the villain before he could cause any more damage.
Luckily, Hobie was on the same page as you, and he quickly swung in, deftly webbing up the metal arms to the street and preventing them from causing any more destruction. But as he did so, one of the arms caught you off guard, knocking you back into a nearby car with a sickening thud.
You winced in pain, trying to shake off the dizziness that was clouding your vision.
You groaned  as the impact from the blow settled in, holding your arm as you stood on top of the car. "Why is it always me?" you muttered under your breath, feeling frustrated and annoyed.
Hobie quickly came over to your aid, concern etched in his voice. "Are you alright, Y/n?" he asked, his voice low and soothing.
"Yeah, I'm good. Nothing a Spider-Man can't handle," you said, waving him off as you walked towards the anomaly that was anchored to the street, still glitching uncontrollably.
You fiddled with your watch, feeling a sense of relief as you opened the portal and kicked Doctor Octavius through it. "They'll know what to do," you said.
As you walked slowly towards another alleyway, Hobie followed closely behind you, his eyes filled with concern as he watched you closely. "You don't look too good, Love," he said, catching up with you and gently holding your hand to make you stop walking.
You sighed, feeling a wave of exhaustion washing over you.
The scent hit you again, and you couldn't resist any longer. You turned towards him and pulled off your mask. "I'm....... I'm fine, Hobie. Let's get back," you said, taking a step back to keep your distance. But Hobie took off his mask and started walking towards you, closing the gap between you two. As he got closer, you could feel the warmth of his body seeping into yours, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Your breath quickened, and you looked up at him.
"I know you feel it too, Y/n. It's driving me mad."
He placed his head in his hand, taking a step back before looking back at you. You looked up at him, slightly shocked that he was feeling the same thing you were.
Your sentence was cut off as his lips crashed onto yours, the kiss feverish and filled with lust and want. You were taken aback for a moment, but soon found yourself responding. You grabbed the side of his face, deepening the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth as you both fought for dominance. The sensation was electrifying, and you couldn't help but hum with pleasure as your lips moved in perfect sync.
Satisfied that something was finally happening between you two besides the tension and daydreams. He pulled your body into his by your hips, lifting you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You could feel his muscles flexing beneath his shirt as he held you close.
You ran your hands up and down his chest, feeling the toned muscles beneath your fingertips and letting out a content sigh. He pulled away, looking deep into your eyes with such intensity that you felt your heart skip a beat. It was as if he could see right through you, and you were powerless to resist his gaze.
Before you could even react, he kissed down your jaw and attacked your neck, sucking and causing you to shiver in pleasure as you let out a soft mewl. The sensation was overwhelming, and you couldn't help but arch your back in response. Your sounds seemed to be like music to Hobie's ears, he made a mental note for next time.
You knew deep down that there would be a next time. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and you were already craving more of his touch.
Layla's voice suddenly cut through the air from the watches, "Y/n Miguel is-- oh." You quickly pulled away from Hobie, letting out a loud gasp as you dropped your head in embarrassment and jumped down from his grasp.
"I'm so sorry, Hobie," you said, your voice laced with panic.
He reassured you, "Ahh... Don't be, I kissed you." You felt a wave of relief wash over you as he spoke, and you couldn't help but smile at his words.
You nodded awkwardly, still feeling a bit frazzled by the situation. Before things could get any more awkward, you quickly opened up a portal and headed back to HQ. As you traveled through the portal, you couldn't help but think about the kiss. You knew that things were about to get a lot more interesting.
Part 1
Part 3
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soph1333 · 1 year
spiderverse textposts
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Glaring hole in Miguel x Spider!Reader fics that's never mentioned -
Or any Canon x Spider!Reader really
Miguel probably wouldn't date another Spider-person.
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Cause it's anomaly waiting to happen.
If you're with him you can't have your Gwen and Mary-Jane canon events, which may cause a ripple effect (Like Gwen's dad not dying either) and destabilize your universe.
Dating someone from another universe and inviting them into yours could be super dangerous, at least from Miguel's POV
I feel like two spider-people dating would be against the rules and Miguel would try to avoid it as much as possible between himself and between others.
Like if they catch you going to Hobies world too many times - that's a risk, your watch gets restricted and no more missions with him.
He needs to be available to his Mary-Jane if she comes along.
And pregnancies? Out of the question. A baby with the DNA from two dimensions is absolutely an anomaly - there might even be a risk of the universe collapsing during the pregnancy
Etc etc
Like Spider-people dating seems like it'd really threaten the society. And something they actively have to watch for and discouraged because of course people will connect through trauma and fall for each other
But by Miguel's logic, that's dangerous as hell and I think he'd try to avoid it, if he can help it.
Never see that mentioned. But I always think about it. I be reading fics trying not to notice.
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