maybe-your-left · 9 months
It's the Holidays, right?
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I'm in a mood... a silly fun silly mood to write some delicious content for you all...
Here we go, saddle up, lets see if I can crank out some garbage after a long time on the bench!
Who I write for? Check out the Masterlist baby - No FLIP ZIMMERMAN OR ADAM HIMSELF
Want something different? Request something from my second blog @parallel-to-right for Anime men (see this post for people i will write for)
Some prompts:
Song Prompts (pick a SICK SONG & send it to me w the artist name too and I'll base something around it)
Smut Prompts
Fluffy/Romance Prompts
Types of Kisses
Dream Prompts
Tagging the old old old list for attention... @finn-ray-nal-beads @thepalaceofmelanie @ghoulian @botnasty @xxgarden @pop-rocks-and-skittles @historyandfandoms @doggycompiex @daydreamsofren @millenialcatlady @ladyjade83 @mariesackler @eagerforhoney @celestiasin @emi11 @caillea @livi-s @emeritusemeritus @jynzandtonic @ohdamnadamm
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eddiesfaerie · 2 years
COWBOY HELLO FRIEND <333 haven’t had the chance to stop by to say hi in a while- hope youre well my lovely pal :) could you write something w angst prompt #6 and ‘carrying you to bed bc you fell asleep on the couch waiting for them’ intimacy prompt w Sackler bc yearning is my soup for the soul haha
eeee hi friend!! i hope you're well <3 apparently i love accidental love confessions and Sackler :') hope you enjoy this ily <3333
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NSFW, loads of fluff, mentions of smut/fucking (1k words)
Your breath is so soft, so gentle, when you’re deeply unconscious like this. Eyes barely even moving underneath heavy eyelids, arms folded across your chest to provide as much warmth as possible on his couch, in the middle of his apartment.
You had waited for him.
You knew he was going to be back late from rehearsals, he told you there was a chance he’d be home early, that it’d get cut short and everyone would just head the fuck home or something.
Sackler had also said there was a chance he’d reluctantly get dragged to a bar, that he’d be forced to socialize for a couple more hours, and he’d get back around 1am or something.
But you had taken that chance. And tried, tried your sweet fucking best for him.
The tv was soft in the background, the light flashing across your face arbitrarily.
Sackler had tiptoed over to you, unsure of what to do at first. This was still… new, to some extent at least.
You’d been fucking now probably for a few months, merely friends with benefits at first.
But then, you, you sweet fucking stupid angel, kissed him when he wasn’t balls deep in you and he was done for.
You’d been kissing a lot more since then, the sex was better, somehow. Sackler didn’t think that was possible but when he fucked you it was laced in feelings and warmth and it wasn’t always hard and desperate and disgusting anymore.
Sex could be warm and slow and molten and make his heart clench harder than your sweet little cunt. Poetic as ever.
Sackler crouches next to your head, where it rests on the arm of his frumpy couch. He brushes your cheek, treading lightly so as not to wake you from this accidental slumber.
He sighs to himself, debating on how to move you to his bed without waking you.
He whispers your name, followed by another sweep of his large thumb on your cheekbone.
You don’t even stir, not even when he whispers it a second time. He guesses he’ll take his chances as he manhandles you into his arms, holding you against his chest and walking you softly to the bedroom.
You nuzzle into his chest and Sackler is caught off guard, nearly stopping in his tracks as he looks down at you, so peaceful, so innocent and so trusting of him in this unconscious state.
You’re so delicate, so fucking pretty and unaware of it.
He holds you tighter, his heart lurches into his throat. He swallows it down. He speaks the words he's never told you. Yet, at least.
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love you.”
Sackler whispers it into the dead of the night, standing in the middle of his apartment, holding you like a fucking idiot, talking to you while you sleep and you’re none the wiser-
You crack a smile, your lips pull taut over your teeth and you bury your face into his chest, inhaling deeply.
“Love you too.”
Sackler… He nearly throws up. You were awake? You heard that?
You nuzzle into him more, hiding in his chest, breathing him in.
“Bring me to bed, Adam.” You mumble.
Flustered and insanely flushed, embarrassed, Sackler is speechless as he carries you into his room and sets you down on his bed. You blink up at him with tired eyes as he pulls the covers over you.
That was the first time either of you had said it.
He said it to you while you were asleep, like a fucking coward, like an idiot, like a-
“Hey.” You whisper to him.
He had started walking out of the room, peeling his coat from his broad shoulders, going to hang it up by the door and shower before he gets into bed with you.
“H-Hey.” He stammers, turning quickly and awkwardly on his heel, falling to his knees next to where you lay on your side of his bed.
You smile at how weird he’s being. “I meant it.”
Sackler does that thing with his jaw, when he doesn’t quite know what to say and swallows it down, embarrassed, shy, overthinking.
“Yeahhhh, I did too.” He says, voice odd, words slurred by nerves. You smile, too bright for how tired you are, for how dark the room is.
Sackler thinks you fall back asleep. He’s not sure how you could manage that with how fast his heart is beating, how he feels like he can barely breathe when you both just said you love each other.
Sackler throws his coat into some random corner of his room. He pulls his clothes from his body until he’s left in his boxers and climbs into bed with you.
Sheets already warm with your sleep heavy body, you’re like a furnace as he curls around your body, arms wrapping low, down around your belly, his crotch flush against your ass. Fuck, how do you get so warm when he’s so cold.
He nuzzles his nose behind your ear, inhaling your scent and kissing the paper thin flesh. He wants to bite you, fuck - if he thinks about you like this, all warm and pliant and pleasant and sleepy - he’s going to get hard and then he’ll have to fuck you awake.
Instead he kisses that sensitive spot below your ear, kisses it a few times and whispers to you.
“I love you.”
You squirm in his arms, clearly still awake but Sackler isn’t scared this time when he says it.
“I love you.” He says it again, for good measure.
“I love you.” You repeat, winding your arms over his large, muscular ones.
He holds you tighter, holds you tightly to his body and falls asleep behind you, excited to say it again in the morning.
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Sorry I'm late to the fun! I've been reading all the cheeky responses from the boys today, and I love them all sm haha. My question! Choking kink- who prefers their hand around your neck & who would prefer it be your hands around their neck hmmm?? (p.s. here's a kiss for you and one for my lover, toby *muah! muah!*) <3
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Adam Sackler: I’ll take either. Can’t fuckin’ decide what sounds better, honestly.
Clyde Logan: Oh, honeybee, I’d only choke ya if you promised me you really wanted it...
Charlie Barber: I’d much prefer my hand around your neck.
Dan Jones: I must admit... you can make me cum even harder with your hands around my throat.
Flip Zimmerman: You wanna get choked out, honey? C’mere.
Matt the Radar Technician: I’d choke a bitch
Phillip Altman: Choke me, bitch
Paul Sevier: Either sounds great to me.
Rick Smolan: Hmm... I suppose I’d like it if you tried it on me.
Officer Ronnie Peterson: Ooh! Can we take turns?
Toby Grisoni: Kisses for you, too, mi amor. You can choke me any time you like... but your throat just looks so pretty with my hands wrapped around it.
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Hey pretty girl :) i love the watercolor asks, could you answer sepia, indigo, and payne's gray please? <3 hope you had a great day xx
Oh my gosh Kit I just love hearing from you more than I can say, I hope you're doing well! 😊
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
My dog
Sunny weather
You guys
My 2 little plants I have in my room
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
Omg I'm actually stumped with this one! Probably when someone tells me that they think I'm a nice person really, I can't think of a specific compliment I've received!
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
I have about 100 aesthetics all competing to be at the forefront of my life at any one time so I'll describe the one I'm currently most obsessed with!
Gothic romance, messy hair, pressing flowers using books, leaving the window open at night even though it's freezing outside (just in case...), blotted red lipstick, mysterious castles with strange inhabitants.
Not really sure what to classify that one as, so let's go with waiting for my ancient vampire lover to find me.
Thank you so much for asking my gold drop! 💛🌹
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direnightshade · 3 years
hey friend! :) those ask lists look so fun, could you answer Friday and April from the time themed list and Scream from the Horror movie asks + what is your fave horror film trope??
Hi, happy almost Friday! :)
Friday - most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
Most definitely Hits Like Ecstasy.
April - have you ever written and/or posted a crackfic?
lmao Yeah, once. It wasn’t a full on fic, but a request for Horrorfest. It was some really weird Dan Jones one.
Scream - What horror movie do you think you’d be able to survive in?
I would have to say a situation like The Shining. I love Wendy, but homegirl could not wield a bat to literally save her life and I would’a been swinging like a major leaguer. lmao
As for my favorite horror film trope. Hmm... I’d have to say it’s probably the house with a history. I live for that one.
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safarigirlsp · 4 years
oooh I adore your blurb idea, and i'd love to have one please :) In terms of horror i am baby. I am way too superstitious and easily spooked to fuck around w scary shit haha. It's my Fight > Flight reflex for me lmao. My intuition is quite strong, and really my only useful asset in terms of horror movie character tropes lol "idk this doesn't feel right, guys"- that's me. tysm for these, friend! hope you're well and ily <3
You could hardly believe this was happening. You couldn’t actually be sitting on a movie set in Prague waiting for your fiancé to wrap shooting for the day so he could spring the ‘surprise’ he’d been going on about for hours.
As the sun was setting over the picturesque Charles Bridge, Toby approached you from behind. His huge hands began kneading knots you didn’t know you had from your shoulders. Leaning your head back against his thick chest, you smiled up at him.
“I’m so happy to have you here with me, my love,” Toby purred as he leaned down to kiss you.
“When are you going to tell me what you have up your sleeve?” You asked, beaming at him.
“I’m not going to tell you at all,” he gave your shoulders a good squeeze. “I’m going to show you.”
Toby had the next two days off from filming. Two days for you to indulge in each other. He was always wound so tightly during filming, you were looking forward to the opportunity to help him relax with you.
The drive to the countryside passed quickly in the town car Toby had hired. It certainly didn’t hurt that his lips scarcely left yours during your travel.
Your car finally pulled to a stop in front of a palatial estate. In Europe, they would call it a manor, but in all other corners of the globe they would call it a castle. There was just enough left of the fading daylight for you to appreciate its luxury.
“Turns out there are some perks to being a hot shot director,” Toby joked, waggling his eyebrows at you.
Taking your hand, Toby all but dragged you out of the car and into the cavernous estate.
The two of you wandered hand in hand through the manor, pausing only for Toby to spin you playfully or pull you into a kiss.
You wanted to be excited. You wanted to be estatic. You really did. But, slowly, you began to feel something. Despite your beautiful surroundings and Toby’s dashing presence, you grew more and more unsettled.
Something felt off to you.
“What is it, my love?” Toby asked you when he felt your lips being less and less responsive with every kiss he stole from you.
The last thing you wanted to do was cast a shadow over his gesture. You assured him it was nothing. Certainly, you’d feel better once Toby was taking care of you properly.
Toby had planned a lavish dinner. The two of you seated together at a dining room table that was far too large and sprawling. The room was even complete with a roaring fireplace, which, paired with a few candles, provided the perfect lighting.
Your feeling of unease grew progressively stronger and stronger. Even the food soon turned to ash on your tongue. You almost felt as though you were being stalked. Hunted. As though you were now sitting on display, just as your main course sat in the center of the table. A delicacy ripe for serving to a ravenous predator.
Toby had also begun to look over his shoulder, staring into the shadows at nothing. His hand gripping your thigh a little too tightly for affection. He felt it too.
The feeling finally became too overwhelming. You felt as though you were surrounded on all sides by something unseen, but ominous and oppressive.
“I want to go home, Toby,” you whispered to him, taking his hand.
“You are home,” the soft spectral voice reberrated off the marble walls, coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Echoing throughout the room just as terror echoed through your heart.
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djarinsdoll · 3 years
Happy Holidays, my friend! I hope you're safe and well this holiday season. Sending you love!! <333
Happy Holidays to you as well!! Same to you, all my love <3333
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eddiesfaerie · 3 years
Cowboy omg hi hey howdy, my lovely friend!! :) listennnn I‘m thinking bout soft dom clyde in the beginning of your relationship where y’all are still figuring out what feels good for each other in bed. but as he’s figuring out your body- learning what makes it tick and buzz, hes also finding new things you like that YOU didn’t even know you liked and he’s reeeal cheeky bout it. his smug sideways grin, “oh, did I do sumn for ya, sugar? Ya liked that huh?” PLS
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kit please…… im frothing at the mouth. i can’t do this. oh my god. oh my GOD???? i can literally imagine like, how proud he would feel, how capable of loving you, holding you, fucking you in ways you didn’t even know you craved. i think he def would be just a little smug about it - watching as your eyes go wide, mouth dropping open while you go silent, nothing but breathy pants and whines coming out of your mouth as he coaxes you through it.
“oh my god-"
“yeah, is that it, sugar?”
“Clyde- what…” you can barely comprehend this new feeling, and Clyde just keeps going, keeps making you feel good, keeps fucking or touching you in this new way. you feel like you’re exploding, or imploding, you can’t even explain how it feels, he just feels so fucking good.
“ssshh, darlin’, just feel it, feel me.”
and he’d hold you even tighter to him, letting you know he’s there while your eyes roll back into your head, body going lax in his grip as he holds you with every ounce of strength he’s got.
“feels good? yeah, my baby likes that, doesn’t she?” he coos around a deep, near sinister chuckle, voice so smug - patronizing but you don't care, you crave it. it lights a fire deep in your belly and you could cum just like this.
you whine and cry your assent, body flexing up into his, but he holds you down, making you take only what he’s giving you until you beg for more.
uhhhh in short, i love soft (or mean) dom clyde. thank you for the thots friend :)
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roanniom · 3 years
hey, friend! 21 and 44 from the nosy asks list please! :) <3
Hey there!!
21: What I love most about myself: I love the fact that I’m always here for my friends. Whether it’s organizing zoom bday parties during quarantine or taking 3am phone calls - I love being there for my friends.
44: A random fact about anything: I was a soloist in a Hindi fusion a cappella group in college! Singing in English, Hindi, and Spanish
Thanks so much for asking <3
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Hello hello! Happy sleepover, my precious pal! <333 I'd like to give you a variation of FMK haha! Clyde, Charlie, Sackler with "one one bed" trope, love at first sight/the one who got away, and enemies to lovers (+ they are ROOMATES!) au. ilysm- sending you virtual nose kisses rn! xx
HELLO MY SWEET DARLING DEAREST! You bring sunshine to my days, mi amor! And WHAT A GREAT QUESTION 🙀💕
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Clyde Logan: Love at first sight/the one who got away UWUUUUU. Maybe you meet him in the airport when he’s about to deploy, then years later you stumble into Duck Tape and *faints*
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Charlie Barber: OMG THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED. You’re traveling together for a UCLA theater event and there’s an error in booking your hotel rooms and instead of two queen beds there’s just ONE KING-SIZED BED. AND ALSO A BIG JACUZZI TUB IN THE BATHROOM. AND WINDOWS THAT FACE OUT TO THE STREET 
Alright brb gotta go binge-write
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My Darling E! So excited to see you opening the inbox for self-ship questions bc I absolutely adore you and Charlie :,) <3 Could you answer pumpkin latte and rosy cheeks please? Also, are either of you ticklish? and if so, who instigates the tickle fights most often?? ily babey, sending you kisses! xx
My love! I am SO sorry I took so long to reply to this!!! I was being my usual clumsy self at work and broke my finger a couple of days ago, hence the rudely late reply!
Pumpkin latte: what is your guilty pleasure as a couple? (watching bad movies on netflix together, popping each other's zits, pretending not to know each other when strangers ask if you're in a relationship, etc.)
Okay so if you were to ask me this question? I'd be scratching my head because I rarely feel guilty about anything that brings me a little happiness. So I asked Charlie... Mr 'I direct high-brow pieces of art' says our biggest guilty pleasure is when we get a little tipsy and perform entire musicals in our apartment while playing the soundtracks. Our speciality is The Phantom of the Opera, but don't tell him I told you that!
Rosy cheeks: tell us about a time your f/o has made you blush!
I feel like I just blushed constantly for the first few weeks after I met Charlie! He just made me go bright red all the time without even doing anything. But I think after that calmed down a little, the first time he really made me blush was on our first 'proper date'. He caught me off-guard when he told me he liked the way I looked when I talked about Shakespeare. Urgh, my heart melts to this day!
Are either of you ticklish? Who initiates tickle fights?
I am UNBELIEVABLY ticklish, to the point where if I'm being tickled I just lay there and scream/laugh hysterically while trying not to pee my pants! The only place where Charlie is ticklish is his feet, and he is incredibly talented at keeping them well out of the way of any possible tickling.
In terms of tickle fights, most of them are initiated by me making a plot with Henry to try and sneak up on Charlie and tickle his feet. But like I said, Charlie is incredibly vigilant when it comes to his feet, so those plots usually end with Henry and I rendered absolutely immobile by Charlie the tickle monster!
Thank you for stopping by my sweetheart! I love you to the moon, to Mars, to the furthest known galaxy, and all the way back to planet earth! Sending kisses! 🌸💫💕
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direnightshade · 4 years
hello! i would adore a ship from you :) I enjoy poetry and iced coffee and i collect crystals and plants for fun. I have a bad habit of overthinking. I love to laugh. I am at my core a big spoon and my love language is sharing fruit lol. tysm for ships and I hope you're well friend <3
Oh, this gives me total Toby vibes, so that’s who I am shipping you with! ♡
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Is there anything more sensual than feeding and being fed fruit? Toby surely doesn’t think so. He loves the way a grape snaps between the bite of your teeth, and he relishes in the opportunity to use his tongue to clean the corners of your lips when the juice overflows and spills free from the confines of your mouth.
He’s the master of distractions, and he continually keeps you laughing especially in moments when he recognizes that your brain simply will not shut off even for a moment. Whether it be teaching you some new dance he’s picked up from his travels, or telling you all about the antics he’s experienced on sets when he’s away from you, he always manages to get your mind off whatever’s bothering you.
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sacklerscumrag · 3 years
Merry Christmas, friend! Sending you my love and wishing you well this holiday season! <3
Merry Christmas! 🎄❤️ Thank you, hope it’s filled with lots of love ☺️ Sending hugs your way!
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sithsecrets · 4 years
✨💜 This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜 (love you!)
bitch i am CRYIN in the club, i love you  🥺
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eddiesfaerie · 4 years
hi friend, how are you? <3 could you do 🍬 for a family headcanon for Clyde please? :) ty
hello my love! i’m good, i hope youre doing well <3 i hope you enjoy these thoughts :)
🍬 - family headcanon
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i don’t think it’s any surprise to us when thinking about clyde being possibly the BEST family man out of all the guys... idk he is just so nurturing, tender, soft, caring, protective. i love him.
he is truly the best dad, whether you have multiple kids or just one, he always goes above and beyond for you and for them. he shows up when they have after school activities, picking them up from friends’ house, driving them to their sport practices. anything, he’s there, willing, present and attentive. totally in love with them and everything they do, everything they’re interested in is interesting to him. 
clyde reads them bedtime stories every night, he truly doesn’t care how tired he is, how late it is, how much his arm aches. he will be reading that chapter they've been dying to hear since last night. he’s very selfless when it comes to his kid(s). 
and if you’re too tired to read the bedtime story? too tired to get them a bedtime snack? to help them into their pyjamas? anything, clyde is there taking over, reaching for you, kissing you, telling you in that deep, sultry voice of his to go t’bed, i’ll be there soon, baby.
as soon as you came into his life, as soon as that little sugar bean of yours came into the both of yours, clyde has truly been a changed man, completely and utterly selfless, completely yours <3 :’)
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roanniom · 3 years
Hey there, friend! How's your weekend been so far? Good, I hope! :) Could you answer Water Lily Pond and American Gothic from the Art Asks please? xx
Ahhh hi there lovely! How are you today?? I’m watching the Billie Eilish doc (which is...interesting) and writing. 
Water Lily Pond: What are your favorite flowers? I love sunflowers. I love love love sunflower. They are so bright and sunny and cheery. I love how they move to face the sun and just always look and feel so alive. 
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American Gothic: Would you like to lead a simple and happy life? Or do you prefer adventure? I answered this here (:
Thanks for asking and I hope you’re having the best day <3
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