#ohh Colin……. he’s been out for weeks……
the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Huh, I didn’t remember all *that* in Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper
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moon0fairy · 1 year
TED LASSO 3x03 COMMENTARY LET’S GO (sorry for the yelling it will happen again):
• his body is a church in an airport… totally get that ( I love him)
• He‘s still saying his mantra 🥹
• him starting to drive with the theme music starting as if it‘s gonna fade out now, him bumping something and interrupting the whole thing was hilarious and I love when shows do something like this
• not the Zava cut out face😭
• TRENTS OUTFIT (is he comfortable enough to not wear a whole suit piece even tho he looks amazing in them?🤔)
• I have zero idea what they‘re talking about, sorry for being uncultured
• I see where this episode is going and oh boi, the slight homophobic jokes and Colin playing along haha this is fine
• not Zava getting his own corner, I can already feel the tension between Jamie and him
• I don‘t know how to react to anything Zava just said
• „Do you even know where you‘re going?“
„I do not!“
• The atmosphere in the locker room
• Ted always stepping put of Zava‘s shadow there‘s a metaphor there too
• now that was a terrible and an uncontrolled breathing exercise
• Jamie just 🤨🤨🤨🤨
• „He‘s tall“ being Trent‘s only statement… ok
• Oh Rebecca‘s mysterious meeting is her moms psychic (?) didn‘t expect that she would actually meet with her. I assume for her mother
• ouch
• OMG WORDLE and Coach telling Ted the wrong word love them
• nawww Jamie is worried about the team dynamic
• Colin is not playing, sad (Isaac checking in on him tho🥹)
• This is not good please don‘t let this end in another panic attack
• Damn I knew it
• Dani nooo stop being adorable
• wait hold on we‘re time skipping my brain needs to adapt
• ohh first time we‘re seeing Nate again
• Keeley not seeing Roy and he probably thinks she‘s moving on
• Oh so the new boyfriend is the therapist- that‘s bad
• Dani made Zava a friendship bracelet-
• Colin invited his boyfriend pal Michael to meet the others I‘m scared (looks like they have done that a few times)
• omg I completely forgot about the Rebecca and Sam storyline
• wait has Jamie been wearing earrings this whole time??
• I‘m spotting Trent hehe
• oh no a green matchbook
With that being said I will hibernate for the next few days till next Wednesday because I don‘t think I can go through this week conscious 🫡
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Fright Night - 2011 - 2/5
we start , very, very high. its ominous to begin, the dreamworks opening dark and spooky and slow. scrawled font glides across dark stormy clouds and we're over a small square, isolated suburb. a house is on sale. that's the Charmed font.
oh my god what is that david tennant what the fuck was not expecting that.okay so this is a modern Fright Night.  and david tennant sis peter vincent. okay what a jump scare just happened the dog is scared, and this girl is dead and he's covered in blood and holy shit its the senator. wow the bed was bloody where his dad was scrambling for the gun hidden beneath the mattress that the boy finds. oh his dads body is sliding away and what the fuck is that im scared what the hell holy shit. ohh cool title card. nice symmetry in the birds eye. just a happy, normal small neighbourhood, everyone is diverse and happy and the kids are playing outside. holy shit its that dead guy poor ol mate.oh its hereditary mum.  they got a chill equal relationship just chatting like friends more than parent adn child. and the mum's intelligent and assertive and smart and a real estate agent. this is very very different from the original fright night. is it really the same movie? is it oh its the girl from 28 weeks later nice she's hot and eyy pumped up kicks is playing damn. I'm pretty sure they're both like 25 and playing as  oh holy shit its like zac efron's brother. trumping all over stereotype. what the hell its the weird super bad creepy guy comedian dude 'Brewster' it's the weird cackling kid. they've got relationship issues they're both geeks but brewster got hot and with the hot girl and rose through the 'social ranks' and they had to stop being friends. weird kid is threatening to show all his new friends embarrassing stuff from the past. oh my fucking god oh my god colin farrell. holy shit. oh my god. and damn she is Amy I'm forgetting everything cause its so different. he's charming and fucking hot and buff with like a paled face.being all charming and neighbourly. wife beater and silver necklace and damn the way he bit that apple. what are they doing here crawling through the doggy door who's adam. outta nowhere weird kid tells him jerry's a vampire, like a 'by the way' situation where are they going why does he have a cross and stake? they just added a stock door opening noise. they're telling the realisations of hm being a vampire without actually showing any of it and the weirdo kid is the one interested and telling brewster that jerrys a vampire like what first he's not even met him he hasn't been involved or around him at all and now he's adamantly trying to argue that he is a vampire?? in the original brewster was obsessed and found out quick to the start all by himself and half the trouble was trying to convince everyone else too. now one of his friends is trying to convince him?? what?? and they're mentioning Twilight and weird kid is saying how he's not broody or whatever like show us what his personality is like why are you saying this it's like this long ass dialogue chunk in the middle of a completely irrelevant situation, all about Jerry. fucking weird man what the fuck. we've seen the guy once. he's got evidence? why are they in this house? why is this happening? this was the Charley show - his journey from fear to sorting Jerry out and his tension with the guy the weird kid was basically comedic effect now he's premature exposition guy? and he's the one who thought of peter vincent cause it showed him watching him all the time but now its the weird kid convincing him and now they're having relationship problems and brewster fkn pushed him damn son use your words wow he's a fucking asshole like die dude the fuck. oh damn what the fuck the bully just grabbed him off his bike fr riding down his street like its his turf what the hell there's like four streets in this suburb and now they're fighting who wrote this why bother calling it fright night its a whole nother (fkn messy shit) story he's literally chasing him over the fence like he wants to kill him damn this isn't bullying  fuck. what is this movie? oooooh jerry is hottttt i love me a murdererous manly man. weird kid is in big trouble. oh my god. oh my god did they get him to play fake grindelwald because of his role in this. damn he's turning weird kid and the cross falls dramatically from his hand. ohh he's a fuckin dick to his friend and now he's feelin all guilty and worried and reminiscing about the time he wasn't an asshole to his friend. wow we're not even half an hour in and half the original movie is gone and replaced by whatever high school drama movie this is.he walked into weird kid's room and didn't turn the light on? yeah alright. what the fuck. why is peter vincent fkn that 'sexy' emo magician man who was popular -Chris Angel Mindfreak. he found a laptop with evidence that jerry's a vampire videos on it. and here's Jerry and what's happening ahaha he's not gonna invite him in and its physically uncomfortable standing at the door he's literally stuck at the door and it's really really obvious.  damn that was cool though passing the beer through the doorway and the communication in their eyes and now he's perving on his mum is this acting intentional? like he looked really unsure what to do with himself was that in character or?? he's looking around all paranoid he's perving on all the girls he's threatening him really obviously i can't tell if i like it more than the smooth suave chilling conversation that was driving charley mad at the start of the other one. jerry telling him to 'manage' the women in his life cause its his job to keep them safe. now they're doing the distracted disinterested in Amy play and she's the one coming onto him strong  and what are we gonna see this. this is literally worse acting than the screaming kid in the first one it's like halfhearted. now the movie's settling in for like a spookier, much darker version of the  nah nevermind its like a padded retelling. there's no billy in this one, just Jerry - who's gonna cover him during the day? original was a squad effort movie - bunch of kids and an old man going up against a vampire. not anymore its just this obviously mid 20s guy sneaking around in a dark house to quiet, eerie music. wait he's in Jerry's house? oh cause Jerry drove off. ooh Jerry's got awesome creepy office with spooky drawings on the walls why is this place so dark goddamn turn on the lightswitch. he's got costumes for hunting damn that's cool. and here he returns uh oh run charley run. try escape the vampire now that you're in his lair. a secret door to like a jail block in the wall? what he's letting himself be close in? what is he doing how did Jerry whip this up?jumpscare lol lame it's Doris. you telling me he's gonna lockpick the lock okay he's never done it before but okay. god he's hot. the swooning blond in the arms of a vampire. it's like hella horrific oh my god she just shushed Charley where he hid in the other room. drinks from her all orgasmic and tosses her back in the room. damn he looks good with a bloodstained mouth lickinn his lips and shit. good luck picking with a bobby pin you're hilarious holy fuck she's tiny, like a limp ragdoll. ew why is he watching skanky girls on TV. tryna tell me he's watching the TV so loud that he can't hear they panting and crying. yeah he can he's outta the chair - there's no reflection and he's like crying damn this is tense. such a nice house. strutting around, drinking beer, vaguely amused at everything. he just caught an apple. it's like he knows something amusing no one else does.  but does he actually kno-- oh my god yeah he does that's awesome. oh holy fucking shit holy shit holy fucking shit she was a vampire she fucking exploded in the sunlight. his jumper s covered in her ash that's messed, Jerry stood inside listening and laughing to himself as he bit into the apple. now he's out here being the one looking up peter vincent - that entire start was completely pointless they should've cut out all of the weird kid stuff. now he's snubbing his girlfriend too this is how it should have all begun here comes david tennant. what the hell he's pulling a secret swipe identity thing to try get in to see vincent and vincent is a gross slimeball of a david tennant why are all these men slimy he's pretending to be a reporter she's walking around in a bra, vincent is an expert on vampires and the lot - not just using what he learned from doing his show and now she's using 'little girl' as a derogatory term for vincent. okay not the most attractive bod and i hate tattoos tbh at this point its true. god this whole thing is so edgy and wow okay here we go his hair is so much betterokay damn holy shit. it was the hair the hair was fucking me up okay holy damn all his facial hair is fake. and thank god his eyebrow piercing - wait nevermind all that 'expert' stuff was bulll? or is he mucking around? okay no its bull he isn't an expert. i can't believe how much hair affects someone. oh and his tattoo are right as well. damn he sounds schizo and vincent is fkn cold and that is some bad cgi and trying to be so dramatic its just a filter over the shot. oh and here's  zac efrons brother and eternal grunge guy.  ohh he's got creepy long nails and oh damn eating them and there's the blood oh fuck why is that hot im so disturbed. he's shaving stakes and its mum who confronts him and he's awwkard about it and now they've referenced 'Dark Shadows' as well as Twilight. these highschoolers are so serious and mature tryna talk to each other and here's Jerry at the door.this is a game to him but she's sticking up for her son and Jerry thinks its awesome or is it just oh damn he's coming back with a shovel and a power saw?? what's he doing??? where's he going oh my god what's he doing the girls are slowly realising that he might be right what is he digging up.flinging huge chunks of earth around. oh uh oh oh FUCK  THAT:s  GAS HOLY SHIT are you serious Jerry no holy daaaaaaamn he's blowing up their house I love it ahahaha 'dont need an invitation if there's no house' that is hilarious oh my god as if they're going to get out with what really he's gonna  oh wait he''s gonna take the dirt bike what the fuck he just threw the bike at them what is happening is this Michael bay. and now he's ramming them fuck he really wants them dead damn oh ahahah they have a tank of a car driving getting hit by a bike, smashing through a vampire and his big ass car. is he-- he's under the car that's amazing yeah okay like they survived that too oh he just lifted up the car oh what the fuck he looks like that shark guy from batman oh no why does he look like that who made him look like a shark he's eating that guy blood squirting, he's very animalistic like twitchy and shit too  black eyes eats a guy, morphs into something evil blood stained mouth cars all fucked up and he turns around 'hey' he greeted jovially, the girls run away - the mum just leaves her son to face off a vampire? yeah, okay. - and he calls 'catch you later!' damn some of this is gold and other bits are trash but so far they're evening each other out. he's oh damn he grabbed the cross and it lit on fire and he's got charley and was gonna stake him but mum popped up and shanked him through the shoulder with one of her real estate signs that's so lame, but he's screeching and flinging himself around making growling noises and now mum's fainted and hit her head and jerry's twitching out with a oh okay he hit him with his car again. jerry's all kinds of fucked but he heals up fine soon enough. vincent isn't charming; there's too much sex and money and cynical and assholey and its grotesque compared to the teenageriness of the original. and now mum's out for the count at the hospital lol  what's happening. he's shitting on the idea to call the police that's hilarious he wouldn't stop calling them in the first. i dunno i keep comparing them because these are the bits i 100% liked better in the other one. now he's talking about weird kid who disappeared ages ago. he's a loser - she likes him cause he's different; she's the popular girl who didn't want an ass bully to date. vincent's a drunk on top of everything. but he does know his stuff about vampires. there's different species different breeds - Jerry's a tribal snacker who keeps his victims alive for days and oh damn its weird kid he's a black eyed vampire and he's mad Jerry got him Vincents in his panic room the bra girl is dead weird kids arms off and now Jerry's coming and weird kid's twitching out and he looks like a wolf shark and they're being vulgar again he's hunting them down this is a serious relationship drama issue. if they're strong enough to like bend metal how did grabbing him hard around the neck not immediately crush it. they're fighting - like what; charley just took a deep clawing across the chest they're blocking and slashing and every ones smashing stuff and he just got weird kid at the neck and uh oh she's in trouble but she's got a gun but he's barely flinching oh what. how did she know that was holy water the cup was up too high for her to see there was even any water in it. dude they're strong when its plot convenient - how do these guys know how to fight with weapons he's just so chill with that slash across the chest. ahaha what the fuck she's like urging him to kill him aha he stabbed him all drama and she's in survivor mode like fuck outta the way everyone oh good he's pretty again. i'm disappointed no jerry/amy stuff though tbh she's spicy, he thinks this is a great time. he's just hunting them and its nightclub time are they gonna do the jerry amy thing no he grabbed her by the throat oh damn oh okay no that was pretty hot he's got a slash on his chest and the bouncers just grabbing it and he doesn't react fuck sake 0 that was pretty cool if not exactly what i wanted - he properly vampired her: blood on his lips he kissed her and it drugged her enough to take her neck in the middle of the club. and now a vampire killed vincent's parents and that's why he's a drunk but how'd he become a magician what's that got to do with anything. damn highschooler dropping moral truthbombs that immediately make adults change their mind immediately and wanna help him. how does that car still drive. this is so gay like he is overreacting he's dressed to go to war - i forgot he burned their house down he's got a fucking crossbow and he's dressed in like military shit and he's swinging the crossbow around like he's in the military, did they tell him to take this serious or like he shoulda been an awkward stumbling kid oh what the damn they'res a secret like basement damn he just broke a hip how is all of this under his house didn't just move in???he switched on the first light in the whole movie and it barely lit anything up so lame. so extra oh damn that tiddy damn nice just dodged an arrow oh fo real really is he the vampire who killed vincent's parents are you serious that's so lame. and now Amy's  what the fuck why is there like an entire institution beneath this house what is this. oh its the tribe?? they live in the dirt whoop her eyes are black but vincent's got a dramatic black leather jacket and a stake gun that just fucked up and he's just gonna stake her straight up they barely gave her time for her scary wide face he just stabbed her and ran and now she's eating her own blood and whoop vincent's being eatenoh really how did he know there was sunlight up there aren't we in the base meant isn't this place made of cement. damn he's hot with his shirt open. he just hissed at the beam of sunlight. even his fingernail burns oh that's cool he's in teh shadow and charleys in the sun beams as he taunts him about Amy and vincent's turning ahaha  and they're gonna wait til the sun goes down and in the meantime he's gonna like fuck amy in front of charley ahaha nice drinking bloods like sex. oh yeah okay what he's gonna what he's expecting to go up in flames what the fuck he'd oh no okay what the fuck as if. as the fuck if. first of all, charley is human and a crazed vampire is not and are you joking me that charley could survive being thrown around plus he's fucking on fire that should have destroyed him by now fucking burned to a crisp oh im so disappointed and okay yea being a vampire was just dark spirits? and now everyones free to die of their wounds aha jesus. his clothes would have seared into his skin, his goggles would have melted but no, completely unscathed. so lame. oh that was such a slow awkward dialogue. weird like one liner jokes throughout are we in vegas? oh nice they're fucking i really don't care i don't wanna see these 25 year olds why do we care what happens now Jerry's dead. jesus that was bad. please im so upset. oh well sometimes 1980s camp horror is better than cheap rushed or at least badly edited modern ones. disappointing man.
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azkaabanter · 8 years
The Chamber of Secrets, a summary
Dobby: Harry Potter must not go to Hogwarts!
Harry: The fuck are you Hogwarts4lyfe
Dobby: *Pudding crashes and burns worse than Snape's love life*
Harry: fuck
Ron: *mass breakout*
Vernon: *falls out window*
Fred'n'George: sup
Mrs. Weasley: BoYs YaLl DoNe It NoW GeT yo SoRrY AsSeS oVeR HeRe- except you Harry nothing's ever your fault an btw thanks for almost getting my son killed last year
Ginny: *highkey stalker*
Floo powder: lol you thought things would go right in your life
Draco: *exists*
Harry: He'S FuCkInG Up tO SoMeThInG
Hagrid: *saves Harry from being raped*
Hermione: sup
Lockhart: OMG IT'S HARRY POTTER HERE TO BOOST MY HALLWAY CRED- I mean- *coughs* you have a few fans yourself, I hear- HERETAKEMYBOOKSTAKETHEMALL
Lucius: *is an ass*
Aurthur: *fights a bitch*
Lucius: *here have this book it's pretty and talks to you but be careful it may possess you*
Platform 9 3/4: *is an ass*
Ron: Let's just take the flying car illegally instead of just owling Hogwarts or waiting for my parents
Harry: k
Car: *eighties action music*
Harry: can you hear that?
Ron: we must be getting close!
Harry: hold on-
*music grows louder*
Hogwarts express with Thomas face on it: DUN DUN DUN DUUN DUN DUN, DUUUUN
Car: *crashes*
Tree: *is an ass*
McGonagall: Idfc just go away here have a sandwich
Hermione: sup
Shit: hello friends
Wall: ThE ChAmBeR Of SeCreTS HaS BeEN OPenEd EnEmIeS oF The HeiR BeWArE
Mrs. Norris: hanging by noose from ceiling
Harry Ron and Hermione: *are there*
Filch: Y'all killed my cat IMMA KILL YA
Dumbledore: Bruh you accusing the great Harry Potter?!? If it was anyone else I wouldn't care but since it's Harry SHUT UP
Malfoy: *is a slithery Slytherin*
Harry: He's the heir
Hermione: *starts making potion*
Myrtle: *moans*
Colin: *takes pictures of Harry*
Harry: ew fuck stop
Lockhart: StOp YoU cAn'T bE MoRe PopUlAr thAn mE- I mean *coughs* it's unwise to hand out pictures until you're as famous as me
Harry: *gets detention* *is worse than Umbridge's blood quill* *hears hissing* *doesn't suspect it could be a snake which is the animal that hisses*
Hermione and Ron: sup
Harry: can you hear that
Ron and Hermione: wtf no you must be insane
Harry: lol tru
Lockhart: *has dueling club*
Snape: *kicks his ass with the disarming spell*
Lockhart: totally meant for that to happen now give me a moment while I restart my heart
Hermione: *is killed by Millicent but somehow manages to get a hair*
Snape: Harry fight Draco
Harry and Draco: *fight*
Draco: *snakeness intensifies*
Harry: (to snake) bruh calm down mate
Snake: k
Snape: *kills snake*
Ernie: Bruh you tryina kill me
Harry: lol no but I should asshole
Ron: Harry why didn't you tell me you had a completely dead ability when you didn't even know it existed or that it was rare
Harry: idk snakes are cool
Person: *petrified*
Teachers: maybe we should give a shit
Dumbledore: lol nope
Quidditch: *happens*
Draco: training for the ballet, Potter?
Harry: *trains for ballet* *breaks arm*
Lockhart: OMG GET OUT OF MY WAY I HAVE TI HEAL HARRY IT WILL BOST MY READERSHIP I mean *coughs* I've done this a thousand times
Harry's Arm: *is bendy*
Harry: *goes to infirmary* *hears extremely important information*
Polyjuice: *happens*
Draco: blah blah blah mud blood blah blah blah poor blah blah blah whydoesntpotterloveme
Draco: *isnt heir*
Harry and Ron: well shit *get the hell outta doge*
Hermione: *is cat*
Harry: *finds moist book in a girl's bathroom* Imma take this
Harry: *ignores more murderous hissing*
Diary: hello friend no more sadness today
Harry: seems legit
Diary: here look at this memory I'm Tom Riddle
Harry: k
Memory: *happens*
Harry: boi why da fk you lyin
Hagrid: *is taken to Azkaban because we needed to introduce it for the next book*
Harry and Ron: *follow spiders*
Spider dude: We do not speak the name of the giant snake in your pipes now excuse me while my children murder you
Car: *is real hero of the story*
Hermione: *is petrified*
Harry and Ron: Shit
Hermione: *has clue casually hidden in her hand but takes weeks to find*
Harry: ohh it's a Basilisk dats why I can hear it
Ginny: *is taken*
Professors: *finally give a shit*
Lockhart: lol nope
Harry: lol yup
Myrtle: yah that sink with the snake on it. I mean, it would've been helpful to tell you about it before but whatever have fun
Harry: k thx
Myrtle: Harry when you die you should stay in here and fuck me
Ron: bye bitch
Harry: *hisses*
Draco: *in dungeons* *gets boner*
Chamber: *is opened*
Lockhart: I LOVE YOU HARRY! I mean- *coughs* say goodbye to your memories imma just take credit for your stories like I did for erryone else
*uses Ron's broken wand* *hits himself* *cavern collapses conveniently blocking Ron and Douchehart on one side and Harry on the other*
Ron: lol rip
Harry: k bye
Ginny: *is almost dead*
Harry: shit
Tom: *is hot* *appears menacingly*
Harry: sup Tom wanna help
Tom: lol nope *takes Harry's wand*
Harry: Bruh give me my wand
Tom: Snakey go kill this twelve year old
Harry: *runs*
Snake: *is blinded by random phoenix*
Harry: *stabs snake with magic sword* *gets bit* *stabs book*
Ginny: sup omg Harry that look like it hurts
Harry: *gives speech*
Fawkes: *cries*
Harry: yay I'm healed
Fawkes: gets them past all the boulders magically
All: *are free*
Dobby: *socks are lyfe*
Harry: *roast*
Credits: *roll*
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lumina-striker · 7 years
SoulCrash - Chapter 5 -  The Beginning
I woke up. Like last time, no dreams haunted my sleep. It always felt empty when I woke up without any dreams, but, I had gotten used to that emptiness.
I got myself up from the bed and proceeded to walk to my moving bag, which I had been filling up with clothes for the last week. Today was the last day of the week I had agreed on with Martel. Today was the day I had to say goodbye... I was going to try to discuss if I could visit my family from time to time, but, it would be hard to make that possible. I went to my closet the last pack of clothes that I would need, placing them on my packing bag. I lifted it up and placed it over my shoulder. As I walked towards my door, I turned around, taking one last look at it. I smiled at it one last time, to then go out of it, turning of the lights before getting out. I locked the door outside and took the key to it, placing it in the packing bag under my clothes. I went down the stairs while holding the bag.
I slid down the railing of the stairs, when I almost landed on the ground, something held me from falling down. I smiled as I looked to my right, seeing my mother hold her hand out, a blue aura coming out of it
-Colin, I know it���s the last day here, but, you could at least use the stairs normally- She said this in a joking tone as her hand went down, making me fall on my butt. I slowly lifted myself up and looked at her, still smiling
-Well, I thought I could at least head out with a good memory out of this- I said this in a joking tone as I walked over to her to hug her -Good morning mom-
She hugged me back with a light smile on her face to then walk back, letting go -Colin, could we talk about something before you go?-
-Sure. What do you want to talk about?-
She proceeded to walk towards the sofa, sitting down as she patted the seat right beside her. I sat down at the spot she pointed. She then looked towards me with a sparkle in her eyes, her smile slowly disappearing from her face
-So, your going to start having to fight, right?-
-Um, yeah, I explained it to you-
-Well, you do still remember when you come from?-
-Mom, of course I remember... wait, you don’t want me to-
-Colin, listen to me. You’re going to go against many strong monsters, and you might run into many situations where that bracelet might not be enough. So, I implore you... could you please just train it?-
-Mom, please, you know I don’t like using them. They remind me of that moment-
-Colin. Please, I need you to train your Sylph magic and abilities-
-Please, I don’t want to. I barely had the grasp after not using--
-Wait, you already used them again?-
-Well, I mean, yeah, I did, but it was on accident, and I was in trouble-
She was smiling all the way through that with a sparkle in her eyes -Even if it was by accident, you started using them again. Even if it was just one time, you might get back into your nature... although, you do need to keep your power in check.-
-Mom, I don’t want to talk about it-
-I know, I know. But, just promise me that you’ll at least try to use them-
I sighed for a bit, lowering my head a bit, to then lift it back up -Fine... I will. But, as soon as I find James, I’ll come back with him and will not fight anymore-
-I accept your condition- My mother answered this with a smile on her face as she hugged me again, holding me tightly in her arms -Just please, both of you come back in one piece-
-We will mom, we will- I hugged her back tightly with a smile on my face, closing my eyes gently, to then be quickly lifted up by a shadowy arm from the back of my shirt, lifting me up into the air
-Hey, if you’re going to ask him to use Sylph abilities, I might as well ask him to train Hunter abilities- My dad said this from behind a wall, his hand glowing in a shadow aura as he moved me close to him, plopping me down in front of him
-You could at least wait for our hug to be over before you lifted me up- I said this in a joking tone.
-Yes darling, we were having a moment-
-I know all about your moment- He said this with a cocky smile as he lifted his head up, pointing at his ear -Hunter skills, remember?-
-Dad, please, no need to remind us- I said this with a laugh as I hugged him tightly -But, well, if I am going to use Sylph abilities, I might as well also use Hunter ones... Once I learn them- I said this while turning my head down a bit
-Hey, kiddo, don’t worry about it. I know that they did not come naturally for you, but you can learn them, you do have hunter blood in you.- He patted my head with a warm smile on his face as he lifted me up with a hug -We will miss you kiddo. Come back in one piece-
He said this in a tone he had never used before, as if he was melancholic. He seemed to be sad about all of this, and I had never heard him sad before
After a few seconds of us hugging, there was a ring sound, our doorbell had been used. I let go of the hug and proceed to open the door. As I opened it, I started to see Martel by the other side of the door. I imagine she would arrive without giving me enough time to eat breakfast. I closed the door quickly on her and turned around to look at my parents one last time
-Well, it seems like my time here has come to an end-
-But, you haven’t even eaten- My mom said this in a worried tone, as she stood up from the couch
-Yeah, yeah, I know, but, the quicker I go, the quicker I come back, don’t I?- I said this in a happy tone, trying to cheer both of my parents up to not leave them with a sour memory
Both my parents walked towards me and grabbed both my shoulders/
-Colin. Just, be careful out there, okay? Promise us to come back in one piece- My dad said this, once more, with his melancholic tone.
-I will dad- “I hugged both of them, holding them tightly in my arms, a tear flowing down my face -I will-
-Oh wow, I did not expect this from the same guy who staked me to a wall- This was said by a different female voice than my mother. I turned my head towards the living room, where I saw Martel sitting down, drinking from a glass of red whine.
My dad, by instinct, backed up from us and pulled a knife from his pocket, throwing it right at Martel’s glass, flicking it from her hand.
-How the hell did you get in here?!-
-Dad, calm down... She’s my boss-
-Well, now I see where your son got his violent impulses- She said this with a laugh as she stood up and started to walk towards us, holding her hand out -But, as you know, he only agreed for one week. I hope you understand this- She then jumped behind me, almost touching my shoulder, to then be pushed back onto the wall by my dad’s hunter hand
-Well, at least I did get to meet you in person, that way I can threaten you fully- He said this in a more serious tone as he started to get close to Martel
-Oh wow, as if I was scared of a simple hunter- Martel said this in a cocky tone as she got herself off the hand and pushed my father back into the kitchen. To then touch my shoulder -But, I guess I must bid you farewell. We have been running late for quite some time- As she said this, the usual white glow started to cover us -Goodbye... Strikers-
I tried to reach my hand out towards my mother for one last moment, but, as if she knew, my hand was the first one to go. My mother started to look sad for this, but she tried to smile. I could see it in her eyes. My body continued to disappear quickly from my house, until, like the first time, I lost consciousness, with the last things I heard were my mother crying, and Martel’s voice saying -Welcome to my world-
(Ohh boy, one day late from my usual schedule. Sorry for that, but I was getting almost no inspiration for this one chapter. And it will happen with a bunch more due to not having any idea for filler chapters. I have the ideas ready for the main story chapters, but I do need the fillers to fill in what happens and new abilities, along with some relationship arcs. But, I hope you enjoyed it, if it was badly paced, please tell me so I can try to not commit the same mistake again. But, I wish you a nice day. DM ou)
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justinmoviereviews · 7 years
Replacing the Redskins
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The Redskins have passed the point of redemption, and are now an unsympathetic dumpster fire I look forward to cheering against from now on. Which begs the question: which team will I root for? Let’s go through all 32, to determine who I like, who I hate, and who I don’t care about. I want one AFC team and one NFC team.
NFC East:
Washington: eat shit and die, you bloodless fucking vampires. Kirk Cousins manages to be both overrated and screwed over by his shittyass management, everyone that comes here either starts to suck or turns into an asshole, or both, we ruin more promising careers than abortion does (hey-ohh!), and our owner is such a Trumpy shithead that he voids all sympathy anyone might have for the team. This team isn’t just bad or hapless, they’re malevolent. They fired their talented GM for reasons that will never be explained. Their horrible stadium doesn’t even have cupholders! How much would that have set you back, Dan? But right, you needed that money so you could cut down more publicly owned trees. Fuck the Redskins.
Philadelphia: Eh. I don’t think I can name five players on this team. And Carson Wentz is too ugly to be a franchise star.
New York Giants: Fuck the Giants.
Dallas: It’s too much of a Benedict Arnold move to start embracing the team that Washington has united against for years, even with all the spite I have for the Redskins—I mean, it’s not the fans’ fault that Dan Snyder lied and screwed people over well enough to become a billionaire—but I love this team. My two favorite types of quarterbacks are weathered veterans with Super Bowl rings or young promising studs who are gearing up to carry their team into the future. Dallas has Dak Prescott, who fits the second mold and gets extra points for being the accidental starter who wildly exceeded expectations. It also has Zeke Elliot, who carried my fantasy team into the postseason last year pretty much on his own, and has this amazing ability to run directly into a scrum of five lineman and then bust out like a little kamikaze Marshawn Lynch. I will secretly root for this team every week, but I’m scared to admit it out loud.
AFC East:
New England: These assholes don’t need any more love from me, and after the Celtics-Wizards series I’m pretty anti-Boston.
New York Jets: Hahahahahaha #bringbackgeno
Buffalo: These guys are underdogs, they’re good enough to be, not relevant, exactly, but able to torpedo any border-line team’s season, they play in a city so weather-beaten as to engender a lot of good vibrations, their fans are hysterical and deal with the freezing cold in hilarious ways, and they hired Rex Ryan, who despite having campaigned for Trump is still one of the NFL’s greatest personalities. I like these guys a lot, but they’re too remote to ever play on TV down here.
Miami: When Ryan Tannehill got hurt in the playoffs and they started that other guy, I got interested for the first time. He’s not bad! If for whatever reason he becomes the starter, I’ll care about this team, otherwise I will continue failing to acknowledge Florida is a state.
NFC North:
Green Bay: Eh, too boring. Rooting for Green Bay is the equivalent of being the guy who only invests in hedge funds with low interest returns.
Chicago: One of my favorite cities, and I’m one of the few people who is actively a Jay Cutler fan (by the way, if he embraces the persona that’s been attributed to him as a commentary guy, he will become football’s Pete Rose and must-see television) but this team sucks too much to start rooting for.
Detroit: Detroit is a city we should as a nation come together to root for, and it’s cool they have a relevant football team. I like these guys too, but not enough to make them my team.
Minnesota: Yeah, I like them, but not enough.
AFC North:
Pittsburgh: My guys. I love Mike Tomlin, I love AB, Le’Veon Bell and that dominant offense, and ignoring Big Ben’s sordid extracurriculars, he fits the mold perfectly of weathered quarterbacks with Super Bowl rings. Watching them phase out their aging quarterback and replace him with someone new will be interesting. This is a likeable dynastic team that will stay relevant for awhile. This is my team.
Baltimore: DC used to pick up the torch for these guys every postseason after the Skins flared out but then our baseball team got good and now the two cities hate each other. Baltimore is easy to like for Skins fans in exodus because their games are always broadcast here. I suspect I will watch a lot of Ravens games this season, and I respect any man confident enough to wear a fu Manchu like my guy Joe Flacco, who also has one of my favorite names in football, but they won’t be my team.
Cincinnati: Somehow I think it would be easier to like this team if Andy Dalton were a little better. I like most of the major city teams, especially from flyover states, but they almost never show Cincy games in DC.
Cleveland: Trust the process. No but seriously, choosing this team is like choosing to be OJ Simpson’s wife.
NFC South:
Atlanta: They lost their genius offensive coordinator to promotion, their aging quarterback overperformed last year, and they’re probably suffering the Super Bowl hangover every losing team inevitably suffers, except it will be compounded by how bad they choked the big game away. My suspicion is this team will come back down to earth this year. Pass.
Carolina: Winning makes everything better, so it’s no surprise that Cam was slightly less charming last year, but I still think he has the best throw in the NFL, and I will always root for him. I like this team a lot, they’re in my top five, but they’re not my NFC team.
Tampa Bay: I went to a Skins game a couple years ago when they played against Tampa (that was the game where Kirk Cousins led the greatest comeback in team history but I was too bitter about RGIII’s seat on the bench to appreciate it) and there were a ton of people wearing Jameis Winston shirts. We should probably come together as a society and agree that wearing jerseys of guys who likely committed rape is a sign of bad priorities. That said, I’m enjoying watching Tampa Bay resurge a little bit, but not enough for them to be my team.
New Orleans: A great American city, an aging quarterback who puts up huge numbers in losing games, this is a team with a ton of problems and years away from a solution. So why are they my NFC team? They just are. This is sports.
AFC South:
Indianapolis: I will have to google the AFC South in order to remember which teams are actually in it, which doesn’t bode well for any of these fuckheads. Pass on this stupid team.
Tennessee: No.
Jacksonville: How dare they sully an animal as awesome as the jaguar with their sucky football.
Houston: This is my other AFC team. I have two. This is based 100% on the fact that I, who watches zero college football, ended up watching the championship game and fell in love with Deshaun Watson. That kid is a stud. He’s an animal. He’s my favorite player now, hands down. I can’t wait to watch him play.
NFC West:
Seattle: I like Seattle a lot, but they’re a few years past their cinematic season where everything clicked into place and they won the Super Bowl. Russell Wilson has been revealed as kind of a weirdo, Marshawn Lynch is gone, and the defense is starting to show some holes. I still pull for these guys, but I don’t love them as much as I did when they beat the shit out of Denver.
Arizona: As someone who lived in Arizona and loved it, and as someone who appreciates guys like Bruce Arians, I’m a fan of this team. Here’s the problem: it’s almost impossible for us on the east coast to see west coast games, especially when the teams aren’t that good, and Arizona isn’t that good.
LA Rams: With all due respect to my father, who is a proud Cal alum, Jared Goff is not any good at football. And I got fucked over in fantasy by their decision to suck so much that even Todd Gurley couldn’t play.
San Francisco: Great city, proud franchise, and whatever happens with Colin Kaepernick at least they had the balls to stand by him and eventually start him last year. But they’re too dysfunctional right now to adopt.
AFC West:
Oakland: It sucks that these guys are headed to Vegas, where their stadium will be populated by…blackjack dealers and cab drivers who have the day off? This will be the future destination for hungover guys on bachelor parties? I actually don’t understand who they’re marketing to, and it’s particularly disappointing given that this team is on such a positive trajectory. Gaining Marshawn Lynch means this team is now appointment viewing, but I can’t reward the opportunism that sent them packing to a city as illogical as Las Vegas.
LA Chargers: I didn’t even like these fuckers when they were in San Diego. Now they’re gonna be the little brother of a team as stupid as the Rams? Fuck outta here.
Kansas City: I love, LOVE, that they just drafted the anti-Alex Smith as their quarterback of the future. This is the safe, decent team that’s too boring to really bandwagon on, but if they’re gonna replace their game manager with a gunslinger, than Andy Reid is just doin’ it right. Bookmark these dudes, we’ll come back in a few years.
Denver: I now hate Peyton Manning. That has to be someone’s fault. I think it’s Denver’s.
Pittsburgh, Houston and New Orleans. See you guys in September.
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porty-9ars-faithful · 8 years
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John Lynch says chance of re-signing Colin Kaepernick ‘has gone down significantly’
There are some options out there, but there has not been a single rumor connecting him with anybody.
The San Francisco 49ers have two quarterbacks on their roster, and the chances of another veteran joining the group at this point appears to be unlikely. On Friday general manager John Lynch said the team’s doors are still open for free agent business, but things are winding down. Most notably, he said the doors are still for Colin Kaepernick to return, but given their current situation, the likelihood of that happening has gone down significantly.
Lynch made an appearance on KNBR, and continues to offer much more openness about the 49ers plans during the offseason. He talked about plans next week to check out Mitch Trubisky, DeShaun Watson and DeShone Kizer. He talked about the team hosting a visit on Thursday (without naming the player). And he seemed pretty honest about Kaepernick’s status.
Lynch has previously said the two sides agreed that Kaepernick would not be back on his current contract. Kaepernick then opted out and since then we have not heard about even a nibble. Nick Foles signed with the Philadelphia Eagles, Geno Smith had a visit with the New York Giants (and now is expected to sign there, per Adam Schefter), and a host of middle of the road to low end quarterbacks are in the rumor mill, but Kaepernick is getting nothing.
The lack of talk is no surprise. He has not performed at the level we saw in 2012 and 2013, but as we’ve seen plenty of quarterbacks that are worse than Kaepernick will get a second or third or fourth chance. However, they also don’t have the baggage NFL GMs and owners perceive with Kaepernick.
Mike Freeman spoke with an AFC general manager recently. The GM said he thinks Kaepernick can still play at a high level, but he faces several issues:
1. Around 20 percent of teams “genuinely believe that he can’t play.”
2. Around 10 percent of teams “fear the backlash from fans after getting him. They think there might be protests or [President Donald] Trump will tweet about the team.
3. Around 10 percent are a combination of the first two
4. The remaining 60 percent or so, “genuinely hate him and can’t stand what he did.” The GM said those teams “want nothing to do with him” and they think that black-balling him is a form of punishment, with some thinking it can serve as a cautionary tale to stop other players.
Freeman has previously spoken with executives who had issues with his protest, so this is not entirely new information. One general manager certainly has a chance to speak with plenty of other league executives, but I’d be curious how much of his percentages are assumptions, versus actually asking most of the other teams what they think.
I don’t think every single team hates what Colin Kaepernick did. We saw the 49ers stand behind him, and make significant contributions to groups that support issues along the lines of what Kaepernick has raised. We also saw Miami Dolphins ownership support their players and support forums to further engagement.
At this point, plenty of teams are likely content to blackball him because of the protest. However, I do think there are some teams that genuinely don’t think he fits as a QB option. He’s been far from a perfect quarterback, so to completely ignore the football side of things would be foolish. He can do some things really well, but he has some areas where he has not shown improvement.
That being said, something does seem to be up. Some people have suggested maybe he wants too much money, or maybe he is not content to be a backup. If that’s true, so be it. The problem with that argument is we have not read or heard a single leak suggesting that to be the case. There has not been a single report of Kaepernick’s representatives speaking with another team. There have been no reports of any teams considering him as an option. If that issue had arisen, I don’t see how we wouldn’t have heard about it in some kind of media report.
And so, Colin Kaepernick remains sidelined for the foreseeable future while quarterbacks like Nick Foles and Geno Smith get more chances. Injuries or something else might happen to change that between now and the start of the 2017 regular season. I personally would not be surprised if we don’t see him back on an NFL field again.
source : ninersnation.com
“.....60% or so genuinely hate him and cant stand what he did”
hate protest, but not the reason behind it. smh ohh ok 👍🏽
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lurkofficial-blog · 8 years
Chapter Two
~~~ Exxy's POV ~~~ "What? Another---Another lurk?" Colin stumbles back, both of his eyes quickly growing even wider. "What do we do??"
"We don't know what classification it is," Exxy says in an alarmingly calm tone. He's dealt with lurks before and knows exactly how to defend himself and others. "It may be a glimmer, which is a friendlier type. If worse comes to worse, hide in the trees." He stands his ground, eyes narrowed and senses alert. The new lurk leaps out from the bushes, glaring at Exxy. He immediately recognizes him as the fox passive type he met a few weeks ago. The lurk begins approaching Exxy in a low crouch, his lips curled back to reveal his sharp teeth. "Exxy! What are you doing with these disgusting.. things?!" He stares at the tall lurk straight in the eyes with a menacing expression. Exxy's eyes narrow at the passive lurk; it's a full-blooded one. "I should be able to talk to whomever I want to. You have no right to tell me what to do," he replies flatly, straightening his back to show his height and position. "If you wish the human harm, I'm afrai-" The fox instantly cuts him off. "But a human? Of all the creatures you could've let into your part of the forest, a human?" His ears perk up as his gaze wanders over to Colin; he's seemingly interested in the young lurk. He circles the boy and examines him, sniffing him as he goes around. He looks back to Exxy, snarling. "While I do know this is your part of the forest, it's still our forest! Humans aren't allowed here, no matter where you are in the woods! This area belongs to us!" The fox lurk takes a step back from the three, preparing his claws for an attack. He lets out a low growl as he focuses his gaze on Ren. Colin promptly runs up to Ren and pulls her back by her wrist, unexpectedly flinching and immediately recoiling. After letting out a small yelp and shaking out his hand, he steps in front of her protectively, even though he's much shorter than her. "Hey-----Don't be mean to her," he says before realizing the fox lurk's dominance and immediately shrinking down again. "St-Stay away," he continues in a much smaller voice. The lurk snorts, amused by Colin's fading confidence. "Awww, how adorable! Sticking up for your girlfriend, are we?" Colin makes a face at that. The fox quickly swipes his tail under the boy's legs to make him fall. He jumps behind the girl, grabbing her shoulders without drawing blood. He puts a single claw up to her neck but doesn't make contact. "Don't move, or she loses her humanity." Exxy has been watching this unfold in pure shock, completely surprised to see this passive lurk turn so quickly. His pupils dilate until his eyes look almost completely black. Moving faster than any human, he leaps over Ren and tackles the lurk, pinning him to the tree. Exxy's talons dig into the fox's wrists, nailing him down."Touch her again, I dare you," he growls threateningly. The full-blooded lurk lets out a raspy, painful cough and tries to speak as a smile grows on his face. "Oh, but you're too late. She's already marked." He coughs up a small laugh and grimaces as he bears the pain of Exxy's claws. "Damn it!" the tall lurk growls, not bothering to turn around as he addresses Ren and Colin, his eyes glued to the passive lurk. "You two, Get out of here. I have business to take care of." Exxy hears Colin pick up an almost paralyzed Ren and he listens as he drags her out of the clearing. He glares at the fox lurk, his expression disheartened yet determined, loosening his grip on the fox. "I'm telling you now, step down before you get yourself killed," he says in a low, threatening voice. "Not a chance!" the passive snarls, leaping onto Exxy's chest and pounding him into the ground. Though he is surprised, the boy rebounds, grabbing his paws with incredible strength and throwing the lurk off of him. The fox growls, baring his teeth in reply. Exxy stands back up, hunched over so his claws still touch the ground. He swings his tail behind him and slams the mess of spikes into the ground, causing dirt to fly up around it. The passive tries another attack, leaping up once again but with his teeth bared to try and bite Exxy's neck. In return, he pulls the lurk by the tail from behind, throwing him back to the ground. Exxy decides to attack, sending his claws straight for the fox's neck. The lurk rolls to the side just in time, making a sort of hissing noise. He frowns before swinging his tail into the passive's side and knocking it back into a tree. The full-blooded lurk yelps, blood running down his legs. He claws wildly at the trunk of the tree, eyes wide with fear as Exxy holds him there with no escape. As soon as he gets close enough, the fox swipes his claws across the boy's face. He yells in alarm, not in pain, caught off-guard. His grip on the lurk loosens and allows for him to leap out again. The fox lurk claws him across the collarbones, right over his scars, before leaping back, surprised not to see any blood. Exxy growls at him, guilt rising in his throat like bile and causing him to choke. He knows he can't bring himself to end the life of this monster. No matter how twisted his mind is, the lurk deserves to live just as much as any other creature. Exxy steps on the fox's tail, making him yelp. "Your judgement is sick," the demonic says with burning passion in his deep voice. "You lack the understanding for others--lacking basic decency, in fact--which is exactly what got you into the trouble you're in now." "She's a human!" he yelps as a last attempt. "Humans and lurks will never get along! They'll always hate us, so we'll always hate right back!" "I have a feeling that that will change," Exxy replies solemnly, "but I realize that you won't be part of that future. I hope that one day we will be accepted again as people, and that goes for all lurks. Equality throughout every race, every gender, every religion, every species." He smiles a bit. "We're all intelligent deep down, it's just the minority that choose to use that higher understanding for good." Exxy stares at the fox lurk, seeing fear in his eyes. The look that a snarling, abused dog would give one when attempting to reach out with kindness. It doesn't understand the offering of help, and lashes out with the only emotion it knows--hatred. "Get out of here," the demonic pleads, not a hint of anger in his voice. Just sadness. "You've marked an innocent girl with no means of hurting you! You've changed her life, for the better or worse, no one can tell. Get out of here before you cause more trouble." This time, the full-blooded lurk doesn't argue. Exxy lifts his paw-like foot off of the fox's tail and takes a step back. He glares at the boy, clumsily standing up on all fours before bounding across the field in the opposite direction that Colin and Ren went in, faintly limping. He leaps into the bushes and disappears. All falls silent on the forest, and Exxy raises his head. He lets out a long sigh to calm himself down and says, "Now... to find Ren and Colin." Exxy follows the now fading scent of where Colin and Ren went, noticing Ren's is more faint. After a few minutes of searching, leaping from tree to tree, he finally sees Colin and jumps down. He notices that Ren is missing. "Where's Ren?" he asks as he lands on the ground with a thump. Colin jumps up from where he's leaning against a tree, looking incredibly relieved to see him. "Oh, gosh, I'm---I'm so glad you're all right," he says, anxiously shifting on his paw-like feet. "I don't know where she went, I----she---" His eyes widen in panic as he trails off. "Exxy---that fox lurk marked her, and she started changing and stuff, and----I don't know why, but she ran away! I just didn't know what to do---I tried to help, but---I'm so sorry!" He looks about wildly, looking unsure of what to do, and eventually turns towards the direction she ran in. "I think----I think she's heading towards the town!" Exxy shakes his head, a little frustrated. "That's the one place she shouldn't go..." He sighs. "She's just been marked, so the mutation must be starting. She's incredibly unsafe on her own; we have to go after her. But...how?" "Uhhh....." Colin looks like he's trying to think, but he's obviously struggling. "Well---we'd---we'd have to leave really soon, or else she'll run right into town and everyone will see her! I don't want that to happen!" He takes a few shaky, worried breaths. "But----how are we supposed to hide?" Exxy puts a claw to his chin. "We need to be wearing the baggiest clothes available to pass as human as we can." he looks around. "...Which, of course, that's probably impossible to find in a forest like this." "Well, I-----okay," Colin says in reply, still sounding unsure. "I----I don't completely know what my face looks like, but, uh-----" he sighs. "I doubt I look human at all." He flicks his fluffy little ears and suddenly perks up as if he's remembering something. "Ohh, gee," he says, his voice filled with worry as he pokes at one of his ears, "These are super visible----how am I supposed to hide them? With a hat, maybe? Where do I find a hat??" He runs his hand through his hair, starting to hyperventilate. "No need to worry," Exxy replies soothingly. "We can find those things." He looks off towards town. "If we go where Ren went, we can probably find them somewhere." Exxy takes a good long whiff with his nose and nods to Colin. "One of the few good things about being a demonic lurk: our sense of smell is so acute, we can usually identify if someone is human, lurk, or otherwise." "Oh----really? That's---That's really kind of cool," Colin says, making a sort of pondering expression. "I----I actually don't think I even know what kind of, uh, you know, what kind of lurk I am." He bites his lip. "I----I guess I could try to see if I can smell her? I don't really k-know about this, though." He sniffs the air hesitantly. "Well, I----I think I can sort of smell something," he says, "And I'm pretty sure it's her. She's----over------that way," he finishes rather uncertainly, turning to his right. He starts walking, slowly at first, then gradually speeding up to a speed-walk. Exxy nods, hurrying after him and walking alongside him. The two trek through the forest, following a faint path to the town. He guesses that it's from some of the morning exercisers that like to run through the forest briefly before disappearing back into the open. They reach the closest house in the town and walk right up to the fence. As Exxy leaps over it, he notices the lights are out. "No one's home," he tells Colin, walking over to a string lined with hanging clothes. "How convenient, I didn't think people did this anymore," he says cheerfully, yanking down a sweatshirt with two wings printed on the back. He puts it on and turns around to Colin. "Pick your sweatshirt, friend, There's at least three here. Though I'm not quite sure why you'd hang up sweatshirts, they're here, and that's all I'm concerned about." "Oh, okay," Colin says quietly, clumsily climbing over the fence as well. He picks up two more hoodies: a pink one with a big rainbow on it and one with some band logo. He picks the rainbow one almost immediately over the other. When he puts it on, he pulls the hood over his head, pushing down his ears and successfully hiding them. "Gosh, this is so comfy," he says, moving his arm up and down so that the loose part of the sleeve flaps up and down as well. "I mean----I really do think this is better than, uh, you know, a tattered shirt! I love it!" Exxy takes down a pair of pants, too, since he's mostly used to only wearing what seems to be torn up shorts. He decides to walk barefoot because his lionlike feet have adapted to that from living in the forest. They're too big for shoes, anyway. There's nothing he can do about his massive horns, but he gives a nod to Colin. "You're looking pretty human, my friend. How about me?" Colin, who has been examining a pair of flip-flops and looks rather crestfallen, glances up at Exxy and makes a concerned face after looking him up and down. "You----uh----well----You'll be fine," he says, giving him a halfhearted smile. He suddenly perks up as if he's remembering something. "Oh, gosh, where's Ren? We still need to find her!" It's obvious that he's trying to change the subject, but Exxy decides not to bring that up. "Uh----Exxy, do you think that maybe, uh, you could try to find her? I don't think my----my nose, right, yeah----I don't think I'm as good at it as you." Exxy nods his head and sniffs the air again. He narrows his eyes, facing the direction of the smell. "She's somewhere there, but her scent's very faint. Probably from all the houses in the way." "Well, uh----okay, then----let's go that way!" Colin sounds rather enthusiastic as he says this. In fact, it seems he feels good enough to try and jump the fence. He runs back to it and tries to do so, but fails miserably. After falling off it, he slows down and climbs over it carefully, landing on the other side and beckoning for Exxy to follow him. "Sorry," he says, smiling, "I'm just----kind of happy to be back in town, since----you know----I've had to hide for the past four days!" Exxy leaps over the fence with ease, landing as quietly as possible beside Colin, which is still very loud. He sniffs the air once again and breathes out. "She's roughly four blocks away. Ready for a lovely afternoon run?" he says, turning to Colin and picking him up. Exxy takes off, running as fast as an olympic athlete, sprinting the full four blocks in just a matter of seconds. He skids to a stop in a good patch of grass and turns his head from behind a fence, seeing Ren standing in the middle of the road. Exxy pulls Colin in close to him, keeping his eyes on Ren, his vision unwavering. What is she doing? he thinks to himself. As he looks at her, he notices the little details that have changed. Her hair has started to turn a creamsicle orange from the roots, two little horns poking out of her hair that seem chipped. She has a budding, fluffy orange tail twitching behind her. Exxy can just make out her fingers, which have turned into dark claws. Colin looks up at Exxy with a worried expression on his face. "Can----Can you put me down?" he asks quietly. "I want to go make sure she's okay." Exxy complies, and Colin runs to hide behind the corner of a building. He peeks out from behind it, his eyes wide. "Psst---Ren?" he whispers. Ren instantly flinches when she hears Colin's timid voice, quickly turning and looking at him. Her dark, pointed ears droop down. "C-Colin?" she replies just as quietly. Colin seems to perk up upon hearing his name. "Hi," he responds, inching out from behind the building a bit more. "I'm---Gosh, I'm so glad we found you, I was so worried!" His lips curl into a frown. "Um... are you...okay?" he asks, slowly beginning to walk towards her from where he stood. He has a worried expression on his face. Ren takes a couple steps back and replies, "S-Sorry, I just, I... I got scared. I panicked, the world towered around me, and I was just afraid... I-I was in a lot of pain, and I was confused. I c-couldn't think straight." She holds her expression of fear and looks down at him, still nervous. Exxy walks out from behind a house and slowly inches towards Ren and Colin. "It's okay now, I can't smell any humans close enough to become a bother." He stands beside Ren. "We should really get back to the forest... it's much safer there." "Okay," says Colin, glancing at Ren and giving her a friendly smile. He looks down at the rainbow hoodie he's wearing. "I really like this sweatshirt," he states gloomily. "But---I still wish I could return it. I don't wanna steal." "Same here," says Exxy, "but... what, am I supposed to wear torn clothes for the rest of my life? I've grown too much for what I have. I'm probably keeping this... just in case." He shrugs, still a little guilty about it, but he tells himself that it's all right by pushing his sleeves up above his spiky elbows. "I---I, well, I suppose you're right," says Colin, looking back down at his rainbow hoodie. "I'd rather wear this than just my torn shirt, I think." He touches the lower left side of his stomach and winces noticeably. "Those---Those scratches still kind of hurt, though. Ouch." Exxy motions with his hands for them to follow him, walking directly under the shadows. "We should make our way back to the forest now." Ren follows, looking rather uncomfortable. Colin looks back over his shoulder at Ren and slows down to walk beside her. "Hey, uh, Ren," he begins cautiously, "What're you thinking about? Is---Is something the matter?" She looks down. "I don't know, I've j-just been thinking about people I k-knew." She faces Colin. "Do you think they'll no-notice I'm gone?" She faces the ground again. "...Do you think they care?" As she looks back up at Colin for a response, both she and Exxy spot a figure revealing itself under a street lamp, and she seems to instantly recognize the human. "Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no oh no...," Ren says quickly, her eyes widening. Exxy's ears prick, concerned. His eyes narrow at the human. "Who is it, Ren?" he asks in a low, hesitant voice. Ren shivers. "M-My dad."
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