#ohhh boy we're going at it tonight
lonelywriter26 · 7 months
Okay. So I think I've established I'm mentally ill. And I'm thinking about a character, so I'm forcing the people who follow me to hear about them. Cool? Cool.
I've got this little OC named The Groundskeeper. They started as a joke. They are no longer a joke. I love them. Here we go.
Avery "Aster" Hatchaway, probably like, mid 20s. He/They pronouns, he will take your gender and you can DEAL WITH IT. He worked at a flower shop right out of college and really liked it, made some good friends, got a little apartment, life is good. The flower shop ends up closing and he's like "Shit, I need a new job."
So he looks for jobs, finds out he can get a job as a groundskeeper at a local cemetery. Sure. Why not. He can still do all his planting that he likes while listening to music, the pay is shockingly good, and he needs a new job anyway. He goes, gets the interview, and gets the job. Before he does though, the interviewer (who's the old groundskeeper) is like "Hey, so you're going to have to work nights sometimes and it might get weird" and Avery is like "Sure, whatever, I can do that."
So they go and start working. Job is good, they're good at it. One thing they don't realize: Because they aren't talking to anybody, they don't realize they've begun to refer to themselves as "The Groundskeeper" while in the graveyard. They forget about their name while on the clock. But they don't exactly realize it, and they spend like, a week with the job.
Then, their first nightshift comes. And it's fine for like, an hour or two. They're mostly just confused on why they've been stuck there at night, but fine, why not fuck up their sleep schedule for the day. Then, they hear things. Long story short, paranormal shit happens, the Groundskeeper, reasonably, tries to leave, only to find the gate locked and a note there (Hello Jon, apologies for the deception-💥) basically explaining they can't leave yet, cause yada yada keep the supernatural stuff in check.
So, The Groundskeeper survives. Clearly. And after their shift they immediately go to the old groundskeeper and is like "Why the FUCK wouldn't you tell me??" "I did warn you." "You didn't warn me of SHIT-"
They're mad. They're terrified of the ghosts. But they also need money, so they keep the job, and eventually fall into the rhythm of keeping the supernatural entities who live in the graveyard in check while also maintaining the place. It's fun. They're basically Jon from TMA on a smaller scale. (In the sense that they signed themselves up to deal with paranormal bullshit, I haven't actually finished the podcast so don't come at me-)
Okay. Backstory rant over. Here's some facts about them:
-They have a little toolbelt that holds: A supernatural book they found, a flashlight, extra batteries, scissors, a screwdriver, their phone, and their earbuds.
-They got lost in a liminal space beneath a crypt once because of a ghost trying to fuck with them.
-They got thrown down the stairs of an underground crypt once and needed stitches after.
-They really fucking hate crypts (I wonder why.)
-They dislike coffee and rely on sugar to stay awake.
-The book they keep on them can light things on fire. No, they don't know how it does that.
-They're a cat person, but they think dogs are cute.
-They had to perform an exorcism on a kid who snuck in one night, played with an ouija board, and got possessed.
-They like to draw but aren't good at it.
-They'd have a tumblr account.
-They aren't afraid of the dark, but if they're alone and they think too much about it, they'll get paranoid.
-They definitely saw the FNAF movie.
-They're a gamer.
-They're traumatized but certainly not as bad as they could be.
-They have not told any of their friends about what this job actually entails.
-They're on good terms with a few supernatural entities, including some ghosts and the Näcken that lives in the pond. It's a big cemetery. There's a pond.
Look. It's them. They're probably half awake.
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energeticwarrior · 2 months
okay it's been a long ass time since i put together a dnp-related rant on tumblr but today is worthy of it jesus christ
Phil has seen every single version of Dan starting with when he was 18 ;__; If we are reduced to tears for the bits and pieces of Dan we’ve had the privilege of seeing, imagine the emotions for someone who has truly seen it all. He’s been w Dan literally thru every stage; before/during/after law school, depression, working together, moving 3x w one another, etc. I can’t imagine how emotional it would be to watch someone’s ups + downs for 13 years and then come out triumphant with a beautiful stage show. Like.. Phil is really someone who has seen Dan through his entire adult life. The beginning of it, the present, right up until the end.
We get emotional making comparisons of WAD to 'Hello Internet' because it's really unique to have your development as a person just pasted all over the internet. But all we have ever known is Dan's internet persona. Sure, we get pieces of his personality and we have a gist of what he's like, but we don't know him the way Phil does. Their connection is unfathomable and Phil knows him in a way no one ever will. We've heard of Dan's perspective going through challenges, struggling with existential crises, dealing with depression, seeking therapy, etc. We've heard those anecdotes after they happened; Phil lived it with him. Which is why I think today is just that important to Phil.
Phil got to see 'Hello Internet' before it was even posted onto YouTube for the first time. Fuck, he gave Dan advice and encouraged him to post for the first time. He supported Dan from the start. He has seen everything that we haven't, and now that WAD has come to a close and it's on YouTube forever, it's all come full circle. From helping Dan with his first YouTube video to sitting with Dan to watch this beautiful stage show on that same channel, Phil has been there with and for him since the beginning.
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transbunnyboi · 4 months
I'M BACK FROM MY DATE. My brain is so fuzzy and I'm soooo dizzy and I'm overwhelmingly horny right now ough my god!!! My face and body is so warm, I feel like I was drugged oh god. Okay so I'm still fucking reeling. This man. Jesus Christ.
So he shows up and we go to some restaurant (It's a local one) and we have food and we talk and !! he doesn't like drinking (neither do I, for some reason I'm scared of it?? But not weed? My brain is silly), and also he's vegan. SO we eat and then we talked FOR HOURS and he's so interesting and nice and he's a really good listener and oughhhh god !!!! Oh my god and his teeth are so pretty and that sounds so weird but like they're not perfectly straight and they're so cute and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! So he takes me driving and just being in the car with him with his scent and his voice and his laugh and the slight fear of the fact that it's late at night and we're just driving around and he starts flirting with me and??? Also telling me like. Urban legends of the area and slowly creeping me out and I, not a normal person, started getting like. Absurdly turned on and shifting around in my seat and crossing and uncrossing my legs and we're on a dark desolate road and I wanted him to pull over and fuck me in the back and eventually we got back to my apartment complex and we parked in the dark area and he started talking and I asked if he'd 'kiss me goodnight' and he smiled and reached over and kissed me and I couldn't stop kissing him back.
He tastes sooooo so good just oh god, and we started making out in his car and my boycunt started aching soooooooo soo bad that it made my fucking legs shake and I want him so bad and my brain stopped working and I started begging him and I honestly don't even remember what I was asking for but I swear to god, my tdick started throbbing soo so bad and my cunt was dripping down my thighs and then he started unbuckling his belt and I literally started whining (I'm actually rlly embarrassed lmao) and I ended up sucking his cock and oh my god. I don't know what happened but I think my brain fucking re-wired. His cock tasted so fucking good and I'm soo dizzy from it. I can't even describe it but it slightly tasted like dirt and it slightly burned my tongue?? not burned but like???? I can't describe it and he kept leaking pre into my mouth and he was holding my hair back and guiding me and petting my hair with his other hand and ohhh god he was so vocal and he kept praising me and saying I was a good boy and I was so fucking horny that I was actually tearing up and I ended up stroking him until he came on my tongue dfhjgfdsfghjsdgf
He fixed himself up and took me to my apartment and my legs were so wobbly and I wanted him to fuck me so so so bad and he ended up kissing me again and again and when I asked for him to spend the night he said no, and kinda let out the softest little laugh (I was dripping down my leg) and said "You're greedy, huh?" and went "Not on the first date." I started trying to get him inside anyway because I was literally trembling and dizzy and I needed him so so bad and he kissed me AGAIN and smiled and said no and leaned in (I started shaking and panting, I was literally losing my mind) and he fuCKING GOES "and don't touch yourself tonight. If you do that, I mean."
He said he'd take me out tomorrow night because we're both off work and my boycunt is aching so bad and I'm so overwhelmingly horny and I can't stop whining and I'm laying on my bed with my ass up and I need to have fucking ANYTHING and I'm so so fucking horny and I cAN'T. I WANT TO DIE.
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elly-grace · 1 month
Friends don’t look at friends that way
Pairing:Joe Burrow x reader
Word count: 1505
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September 2014
Today was your first day at Athens High School, but you weren't a freshman. Your dads business opportunity has led you here for your senior year. Only knowing the people on the dance team, which you were a part of. You honestly didn’t know them well enough to call them friends yet. The only person you knew on a personal level was your new neighbor Joe Burrow.
Joe was the quarterback on the football team, but he didn’t act like a football player. He was kind unlike any other football player you have had interactions with. He was smart as well. You could have an intellectual conversation with him.
Suddenly you are pulled from your thoughts by a knock on the front door.
“Let’s go Y/N don’t want you to be late on your first day.”
You and Joe had grown close over the summer. Often hanging out on the weekends.
“Coming, geez give me a minute.” you yelled through the door going to open it.
Once out the door you locked it and got into Joe's car. Of course Kid Cudi was playing in the background.
“Our schedules are the same,” You said after examining his schedule.
“That's cool!”
Joe knew that already he made sure he had the same classes as you. He enjoyed your company, but he would never tell you that. You could tell he was behind the identical schedules.
“You did this, didn't you?”
“Maybe,” You gave him a ‘I know it was you’ look and he sighed. “Yeah.”
“I mean thank you, I guess”
You both laughed as he pulled into the school parking lot.
“See you in class.” you said closing the car door. You didn’t want to walk to class with him or walk into the building with him because of the amount of attention it would attract. So you hurried inside and hoped that no one saw you get out of his car.
When you made it to your locker there stood Lacy the captain of the dance team.
“Hey, just so you're aware practice is on the field tonight. We have a game on Friday and the boys won’t be there till later.”
“Okay thank you.”
She walked away and you put your books in your locker and headed to class.
The only bright spot of your classes was actually having someone to sit by. Joe made sure to save you a spot in every class, even during lunch. But the school day was soon over and practice was in full swing.
The boys walk out of the locker room during your last run through of the halftime routine. Once Joe saw you he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. His friends took notice.
“Ohhh does Burrow have a crush on the new girl?”
“No, we're just friends.”
“Friends don’t look at friends that way man.” His team mate said then patted his back.
January 2016
Joe and You both ended up at Ohio State, both of you were buckeyes. You made it on the dance team and he was on the football team. Although he was redshirted he showed up to every game and every practice. There you guys met one of your best friends Sam Hubbard. He was part of the football team with Joe. They instantly became friends and Joe introduced him to you and things clicked. The three of us soon became an unbreakable trio. Often spending your weekends together, most of the time you guys just went to get coffee. You guys tried to go to the bar one time, but never again. Joe and Sam would get extremely protective over you, Joe even punched a man who hit on you. Your movie night tradition remained which now included Sam.
Both of them showed up to all of your dance competitions and performances. You showed up to all of their games. But today was a huge day, they both flew out to Florida to support you at nationals.
You were extremely nervous, you couldn’t focus. You were shaking running through the routine in your head over and over again. Joe saw this and knew he needed to help you out.
He ran over to you and gave you a huge hug, upon feeling Joes touch your nervousness faded. Your teammates took notice of your reaction to seeing him.
“Hey, you got this! I’m gonna go sit by Sam but I want you to know that I believe in you.”
He then turns his back and walks over to Sam.
“Wait, are you two together?” Sarah asks, pointing Joe out.
“No, we're just friends.”
“Really? Because friends don’t look at friends' way.”
You sighed, you knew she was right. You did have feelings for Joe but you two could never be together, it just wouldn’t work.
“And friends don’t do what he just did for you. I can tell he loves you.”
You tried to shake the thought from your mind. Joe couldn’t have feelings for you. Could he? No he could have any girl he wanted, he didn’t want you.
August 2018
Today was a rough day, Joe was leaving for LSU, he decided to transfer after being redshirted his entire career at OSU.
“Come visit me, I’d love for you to see me play.”
“I promise I’ll come see a game. If not this season then next season.”
Joe smiles and gives you a hug, once he pulls away he walks to the car. You waited until his car was out of sight then you ran to your room and started crying. Robin noticed and followed you.
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” She said rubbing your back as you continued to cry.
“I think I’m in love with your son, and he doesn’t know I exist in that realm. He thinks of me as his best friend and that’s it.”
Robin knew the two of you loved each other. She had a similar conversation with Joe about a month ago. She couldn’t tell you that though. She just offered you a small smile and continued to comfort you.
First day of school
Today was going to be incredibly tough. You had to walk into school without Joe and Sam. You kept your head down, only paying attention during classes. You walked down the hall until you hit something hard.
“I’m so sorry.” You said keeping your head down.
“No worries. What’s your name?”
“Yeah, Im Y/n. What’s your name?”
“Cody, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You’re on the football team aren’t you. You look kinda familiar.”
“Yeah, I’m the tight end.”
“We’ll nice to meet you Cody but I gotta go”
“Wait can I maybe get your number?”
You smile and nod, grabbing a post it out of your bag and giving him your number. Then walked away.
It didn’t take long for you two to start dating, Cody was kind and sensitive. You went to every game, although it felt weird supporting a different number than Joes.
You were so busy with Cody you sort of forgot about your promise to Joe. You didn’t visit him and definitely didn’t see a game. But you did continue to call him every night.
After a few months Cody started getting really jealous of your relationship with Joe. He ended up making you block Joe's number. You listened to Cody, you thought you loved him. But by April you were sitting in your dorm crying because he broke your heart.
There was only one person you wanted to text, but you couldn’t bring yourself to text him. You had been avoiding him for a month what would he think if you reached out to him?
So you texted Sam, who responded right away. He came to your dorm with ice cream and movies. You sat and talked for hours, before Sam told you to text Joe.
You called Joe but he didn’t pick up.
Summer before Joes heisman season
Joe came home and didn’t even walk into his house. The first thing he did was go to your house. He let himself in using the hidden key. He was upset and hurt but most of all he was worried about you. Walking up the stairs to your room he heard crying. He opened the door and ran to you and hugged you.
“Shh it’s okay.” He said soothingly while brushing your hair.
“How can you be so nice after what I did to you?”
“Sam filled me in, am I hurt yes. But you are the most important person in my life.”
“I- I didn’t want to but, he made me.”
“Shhh I know, I know.”
You cried harder. You missed Joe so much, you missed his embrace.
“Don’t ever let a man make decisions for you again. You are strong.” He cooed in your ear.
You pulled away and looked him in the eyes.
“Joe?” you asked
“Friends don’t look at friends this way.”
“Friends don’t look at friends this way.” He said then kissed you. It was full of passion and need.
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Thank you @funnyjb for proof reading ♥️
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
We're A Family
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Character Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
Warnings Family Abandonment
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I sat on my bed leant over towards the mirror in my wardrobe to do my make-up, sat in my black lace bra and panties with my stockings around my thighs, my Y/H/C hair still in rollers as I got ready for tonight. I heard the door open and I looked in the mirror to see Marybelle her red curls up in a bun already in some jeans and a long button down, she leant on the doorframe.
"What?" she asked,
"I called you half an hour ago," I told her as I did my lipstick, 
"Well, I'm here not. What do you want Mum?" 
"I'm going out tonight,"
"I know..."
"Just reminding you," I chuckled, "I won't be home till tomorrow,"
"I know Mum... you're out with your boyfriend," she sighed as she headed elsewhere, 
I rolled my eyes a little, I finished my makeup up put on my little black dress and heels, before finally took my hair out of my rollers. 
I went downstairs and packed my handbag as Marybelle stood getting orange juice from the fridge. I heard the door so I fixed myself up and answered it quickly.
As I opened the door I saw Benny outside on the stoop in his black laced oxfords, his black trousers, his black silk shirt with silver pinstripes, his hair brushed to the side, his little blue beetle down on the street, he smiled at the door opened. 
"Hello Sweetie," he smiled as he took my hand and gave it a soft little kiss,   
"Hello Benny Darling," I cooed, 
"For you," He smiled as he pulled his other hand from behind his back revealing a sweet bouquet of white roses, 
"Ohhh Benny there beautiful," I smiled happily sniffing the sweet flowers before I headed inside putting them in the water as he came through to the kitchen too, "Marybelle you going to say hello to Benny?" I asked her, 
"Hi, Ben."
"Hello Marybelle, how's school?"
"Ughh," she rolled her eyes trying to go back to her room,
"Marybelle," I told her preventing her from leaving, 
"Yes Mother?" she sighed,
"Money for dinner is on the table, emergency numbers are on the fridge, no parties. No boys." 
"Yes, Mother..." she sighed going back to her room, 
I rolled my eyes a little and headed out with Benny locking up the door behind me, 
We went to dinner and a movie before of course ending up as we always do in Benny's basement apartment the moment the door closed he leant my back against it his foot between mine his hands on my cheeks as his lips met mine, I quickly kissed him back enjoying the softness of his lips, the gentle taste and smell of the beer he drank at the resturanrt, I enjoyed every heavenly second of his lips on my own as our lips moved there clacking sound all that echoed in the basement apartment other then our desperate breaths, my hands found their way into his hair twisting my fingers in his blonde locks as his chin and upper lip tickled me, as I pulled him desperately close wanting to feel his every inch, his every way, he didn't deny me in fact bringing himself even closer as our kisses got not only more passionately but more sloppy and haphazardly as neither of us tried to kiss sweetly or beautifully our kisses only a vehicle for our rampant desire this becoming far messier. I began tugging and pulling on his hair, our bodies bumping one another as we both tried so desperately to be closer our heads moving up and down as we desperately kissed one another, our own mouth kisses causing us to battle one another for control and as much as he wanted it I wasn't going to simply give in and let him have it the little groans and gasps he made fueled me more as his hands exploded my dress without hesitation or restriction as one point he clearly forgot where we were as he tried to pull me up as if sitting me on something but of course I had nothing to sit on so the lift only served to rub out bodies together I slipped my hands from his hair stroking the smooth skin of his neck and moving my hands down grasping at his shirt before going back up to his hair pulling him away a little,
"Bed. Now. Sweetie." he demanded picking me up by my butt and carrying me across his dark basement to his bedroom dropping me down on the bed, he quickly got between my legs and almost ripped off his shirt tossing it to the floor as we made out heavily his hands immediately grabbed my breasts, "Ummmm! I love your boobs so much!" he groaned, 
"You really do don't you Benny darling," I giggled, 
"what can I say? I like a Mature lady like yourself, Y/n," he smirked, 
"Umm come here then benny baby," I cooed pulling him back to a kiss, which he egarly moaned into, he smirked pulling off my dress quickly and swiftly throwing it on the floor with his shirt, “Ummmm sweetie you always look so good for me,” he growled as he saw my bra and panties, “But I wanna see all of you sweetie,” He smirked tugging them down to expose me to him I smirked seeing his usual look of desire, he simply kissed down my neck and chest one hand took my bare breast squeezing and fondling as his fingers plaid with my nipple, he kissed the other puckering kisses across the soft skin "Ummm! Y/n sweetie!" he wickedly smiled purposely picking a spot he knew I’d need make up to hide, softly biting my skin sucking to leave a deep-coloured hickey "mine," he growled moving slightly to kiss my nipple the cold of the air soothed by his warm lips, he gave my nipple a few kisses often glancing at my eyes to try and see how I reacted, he smirked and flicked his tongue over me circling it over and over which was enough to make me squeal and he chuckled low amused at my pleasure he gave my nipple a final kiss before he wrapped his lips around it completely and began to suck rubbing his tongue on the very tip,
"Uhh Benny!" I gasped,
"Humm you love that don’t you?" He smirked moving my other breast and repeating the same steps until I was forced to gasp, he pulled back and softly kissed my lips again his tongue battling with mine in our lustful makeout as his hand slipped down my chest down my stomach. he smirked moving his hand to stroke my labia then moving inside and circling my entrance "Umm so wet already for me sweetie" he smirked kissing my neck and nibbling my skin as he slowly and softly rubbed my clit just back and forth but it was enough to make me utterly gush at the feeling if Benny's quick nibble surgeons fingers on me 
"More. Please" I begged pulling his lips to mine, he happily kissed back and began to rub anticlockwise on the tip of my clit with two of his fingers
"Ohhh fuck!" his smirk grew wider "ohhh yeah! Ummm come on sweetie! Come on Y/n, you, not I’m not stopping till I see you squirt all over my bed," He asked,
“That what you want Benny darling?”
“Umm it’s what I need sweetie,” He growled replacing his fingers with his thumb and rubbing as he was tenderly he stroked around the entrance before his finger drove in
"Ohhhh Benny!" I gasped Arching my back a little off the bed
“Uhh fuck do you have to sound so fucking good screaming my name?” He smirked moving his finger from tip to knuckle over and over,
"More please Benny" I begged
"More?" he smirked slipping another finger and I grabbed his arm hard rolling my head back as his hand worked for what felt like hours of mind-flooding joy not enough to reach a high but like it only built more and more
“Please darling,”
he smirked kissing down my neck and kissing my nipple again before he began to suck on it again flicking his tongue as his fingers worked
"Ohhhh my- ughhhh Benny! Uuuughhhhh uughh! Benny please!" I begged
"It's okay, it's okay, you want more?"
"Yes! Yes! Please!"
“Say it then sweetie?” He smirked and sped up his fingers finger fucking me now at a rapid pace rubbing in my clit without even an ounce of mercy while his other hand rubbed my breasts and nipple I knew I was close screaming for him 
“Uhhh I love you, Benny!” I squealed before I grabbed his neck pulling him to kiss me so I wouldn't scream as my wall hit pleasure flooded over me and I did even up squirting on the bed a little he pulled back with a proud smile rubbing his nose on mine as he pulled his hand out and licked it clean,
“I love you too Y/n,” he smiled, “Now…” He growled as he lay on the bed and kicked off his trousers leaving him in his black skin-tight boxers, “come here sweetie," he smirked pulling my lips to his, I happily kissed back moving to look over him as we kissed my hand slipping down until I slipped my hand under them immediately being met by the hard stiff shaft I smirked tugging his underwear down to allow me to see and to move freely "ohhh yeah that's good" he smirked as I began as usual, "ughhhhh" he gasped leaning back on his pillow, "ughh faster! Please, Y/n! I’m already close sweetie!"
“Really Benny darling?” I smirked speeding up,
"Ohhhh fuck- yeah! Uhhh yes! Like that that's perfect. Keep that speed please!" He begged holding my hair to pull me to his neck so I nibbled his skin and even gave him a harsh hickey on his neck somewhere he couldn't hide either before I kissed down his stomach leaving a hickey on his V as I slowed my hand
"Uuuughhhhh! Ummmm... You love marking me there don’t you," he growled bucking his hips up in his desperation,
“I like leaving an owners mark,”
“Yeah? Maybe I should mark you and cum all over that pretty cunt so I know no other boys are fucking you.”
“Why would they? When I have you.” I smirked kissing the base of his shaft slowly moving down the shaft till I reached his tip and he lay there watching me breathlessly seeing the calm, composed smirking chess boy fall apart like a child for me, 
"Uuuughhhhh uughh! Uuuughhhhh!" He groans his head thrown back against the pillow his mouth open as he desperately gasped his eyes squeezed shut trying desperately to function with me doing this to him "Yes! Yes! Uhhhhhhh! Enough enough!" He said pushing me away he quickly pounced on me and moved my legs around him settling himself between my legs, he held my hips slightly raising them from the bed as he gently got closer at first rubbing himself against me, he slowly held his base and guided himself in, he bit his lip hard squeezing his eyes shut as he tried not to lose himself to such a feeling, I held my breath feeling him fill me up making me feel utterly whole with him inside me "you okay?' he gasped
"Yeah, more. Please Benny" I gasped
“I missed you,”
“Yeah? You missed my cock sweetie?”
“I did,”
“Umm yeah. I missed your cunt too.” 
He began his pace at a decent speed his hips moving in a rhythm but that didn’t last long "Uhh faster Benny! Please!"
"Ummmm!" He grunted holding my hips slowly getting faster and faster building his speed leaving me an utter moaning mess below him until he slightly slowed almost to a stop "I- uhh- I don't wanna cum yet." He gasped "You feel so good, Y/n! I'm so close! I can't cum yet... please don't make me. I want this to last forever"
"Please Benny, I need you" I whined and that was all he needed returning to his pace his hand moving to pull me a little higher as to hit a better angle his hand slipping down between us to rub on my clit "uuuuuuuhhh!"
“That better? Yeah! You need all of me don’t you, hands. Mouth. And cock. Your greedy little thing,” 
"Benny please!" I squealed enjoying every second knowing it wouldn't be long until I "AHHHH yes! Yes! Ahhh Uhhhh uuuughhhhh Benny! Benny!" I squealed as I got my wall a second time arching my back and my voice shredding as I did he kept going but only a couple of seconds before he pulled out and send his jizz across the sheets
"Fuck!" He groans collapsing on the bed with me as we both lay sweaty, gasping, and filled with pleasure. "Y/n?"
"yes, benny?" I gasped as we cuddled up with him spooning as usual his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder as we gasped covered in sweat. 
"Can I ask something... that I really wanna ask?"
"Of course,
"You might get mad at me..."
"...It may be seen as unromantic?"
"do you think it's unromantic of a question to ask after sex?"
"No, we've had a good night. dinner. movie. with fantastic sex. seems like a nice. romantic evening. Plus I've been thinking. about it a while. I thought about asking you. at dinner but... lost track of time."
"I mean that's not on you. the waiter was a dick."
"He was a dick. great fries though..."
"they were. was that your question?"
"No. no. my question. is not fry-related."
"ask away then."
"...do you. wanna get. married?"
"...What?" I giggled looking at him a little as he was still gasping, 
"You wanna marry me?"
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too but... I have marybelle."
"I love her too. even if she hates me. we can move into your place. get married. it'll be nice."
"It will be nice. are you sure?"
"I'm sure I wanna marry you."
"I wanna marry you too Benny,"
"See this is why I love you sweetie" He smiled giving my lips a soft kiss, "No other woman in the world would be happy with a post-sex proposal."
"I don't know... I kinda like it. Like you had a moment of utter post-sex clarity."
"My post-orgasm clarity told me to marry ya. so I'm gonna." 
I sighed as I went into Marybelle's room seeing her on her bed in her PJs,
"What?" she glared,
"It's almost time to go," I told her as I fixed my little dress,
"I'm not going."
"what why not?"
"I don't wanna go to your dumb fake wedding."
"It's not a fake wedding." I told her, "It's a real wedding. legally binding. just no church or parties or anything."
"So not a wedding."
"It's a marriage then."
"The boring part of a wedding."
"Marybelle... Please. we got you a new dress don't you want to at least come along?" I asked looking at her new dress hung in the wardrobe that I bought for her after seven hours of shopping,
"Why would I wanna go to your boring paperwork wedding with your toyboy."
"He's not my toy boy."
"He plays chess he's a toy boy."
"Marybelle... Benny is going to be your da-"
"No, he isn't he's your boyfriend."
"Husband. or will be in an hour." I told her, "I know you're not happy about this, I understand why, but this is a big step in my life and I'd really like you to be there."
"... for you. I will go." she sighed getting out of bed, "But Benny is not my dad."
"Stepdad then."
"He's Benny. That's it."
"All alright... baby steps I suppose." I nodded, "We'll be waiting outside with the car." I told her before I headed down seeing Benny fixing his hair in the mantle mirror dressed up nice but keeping his jacket as it was rather cold today, 
"Ohh no no! Don't let me see." He laughed turning away,
"Benny you need to see,"
"Nope. I cannot look at my bride until the wedding."
"as you're driving, I think it's essential you do." I laughed taking his hand and turning him to see me in my little white dress, 
"Awwww, sweetie! Look at you, you are the most beautiful bride in the world!" He smiled lifting me up to spin me around the living room, "You look gorgeous Y/n," 
"Thank you, you look very handsome too Benny."
"Aww thank you," he smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled kissing him, 
"she joining us?"
"she said she was." I sighed,
"she'll be down I'm sure of it. who would wanna miss her mother's wedding?"
"Marybelle." I sighed, 
we waited a little while getting a little nervous we'd miss our time but finally Marybelle came down in her little purple dress, 
"aww hello," I smiled, "Don't you look lovely,"
She rolled her eyes,
"Well if it isn't the most beautiful little bridesmaid, or... perhaps maid of honour?" Benny smiled trying to see if he could perhaps tempt her with a hug but nope she was mad, "Okay... well the beetle waits my lovely ladies." he smiled opening the front door for us, 
"Thank you Mr watts," I smiled,
"You're very welcome Miss Y/l/n, or should I just start calling you Mrs Watts so I get used to it?"
"Maybe you should," I smiled kissing him,
"Romance is disgusting." Marybelle sighed picking up her camera and heading out, 
"cheery isn't she?" Benny chuckled,
"She's a teenager they are." I laughed, 
"Were you this cheery at her age?"
"I was pregnant so... yeah probably."
"Good point," He nodded, 
I sat at the table having my eggs as Benny cooked up breakfast, Marybelle headed downstairs in her uniform so I smiled,
No response,
"Ahh good morning my lovely stepdaughter, would you like some breakfast?" Benny offered, 
"No. Bye." she snapped before she slammed the door and marched out, 
"She really doesn't like me..."
"Don't feel bad Benny, she doesn't much like anybody,"
"Why? Like I get teens are angsty, I was once an angsty teen. but... never that bad."
"where you ever a girl?"
"...Not that I recall."
"Teenage girls have a lot thrown at them at that age. a lot of very big physical changes. hormonal changes. an education system that knows more about the moon than it does their reproductive system. boys being horny dicks cause they are going through changes. the society elements of going from a little girl to a woman at times you don't really decide. the male gaze. female jealous instincts. being forced to mature far faster than boys. on top of school. driving. college prep. and everything else." I explain, "It's surprising teenage girls are as stable as they are Benny." 
"Good point... and yeah I was never a teen girl so I don't know the struggles of not being able to match your nail polish to your school skirt." he joked as he sat down with me, 
"...Benny if I gave you a shirt that was charcoal black and jeans that were coal black?" I glared,
"ahhh! why would you do that to me!"
I glared sipping my tea,
"Point taken." he sighed, "But I don't know maybe Marybelle needs some extra help?"
"Benny, I have been raising Marybelle on my own for fifteen years. You have been here.... six months. You really wanna be giving me parenting advice."
"yes, I know how that sounds." he sighed, "and I don't wanna push on your toes, becuase yes you know way more than I do. and have far more experience in terms of raising a kid but also... you were her age when you got pregnant you were an angsty teen yourself I'm simply saying maybe just letting someone from an outside perspective might not be a bad idea." 
I rolled my eyes a little and kissed his lips, "You are too smart."
"That I am Sweetie," He smirked, 
"THERAPY!" Marybelle screamed as she threw things around her room, "I am not nuts I do not need therapy!"
"No one is saying you are Marybelle," I told her, "We think it might be best for you to talk to someone."
"I do not need to TALK with someone I am not nuts!"
"What your mother means is." Benny added, "It might be nice for you to talk with someone who doesn't have motives. Someone just for you to talk to outside of home, school and friends."
"Do not talk to me like you're my father!" she screamed,
"I'm your stepfather!"
"No, you are not! You're her toy boy! I never wanted you anywhere near me!"
"Marybelle please-" I began,
"Ohh yeah take his side! cause I'm just the crazy teenage daughter! who needs therapy!" 
"No one is saying you need it we just thought it might be nice to have time an hour a week to talk with someone about things," I told her, 
"We. We. there is no WE this is Benny has made a decision about me and my life and I have to live with it. Like being my stepdad. like moving in. like me changing schools. Like SENDING ME TO THERAPY!" 
"YES I did make those decisions Marybelle becuase I love your mother! and I wanted to be with her! she's an adult woman who can do what she wants. I wanted to be a part of this family so I joined it. I wanted to live with my family so I did. We changed schools becuase this private academy is going to give you a better education than either of us got! And yes we as a couple wanted to offer you the chance to talk to a therapist at our expense so you had someone to talk about whatever the hell is making you such a dramatic child!" 
"Dramatic... DRAMATIC! You turned up invited into my life! You married my mother! moved into our house! made your own little family never once did you ask me how I felt about it either of you! You moved to my school without talking to me! away from all my friends! The whole life I had built for myself! you ripped it away! I think I have cause to be DRAMATIC!" She yelled storming off out of her room down the stairs and out the door, 
"Benny I-" I began, 
"Ohh great now your mad at me too!" he yelled, 
"...Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to yell sweetie." 
"she has a point..."
"Ohh so your on her side?!"
"I'm not on her side. or your side. I am on no side! there shouldn't even be sides!" I yelled but I stopped myself, "We are a family... we need to behave like a family and talk this out properly. like adults."
"You think she'll like that?"
"No. But what choice do we have..."
"True." he sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled sweetie," He cooed,
"I'm sorry I yelled too darling," I smiled hugging his chest and he kissed my head, as he wrapped his arms around me, "What are we gonna do with that girl?"
"I don't know you're the parenting expert." he chuckled, "I think she needs space for now. give her a chance to think."
"I think she needs more of a say."
"I do too..." he nodded, "what do we do about her being gone?"
"Call Lisa's mother. she'll be there." I sighed heading downstairs to the phone. 
I smiled as I sat on the sofa with Benny the two of us sharing a few kisses, 
"I'm off to the doctor's," Marybelle said as she came down the stairs,
"Aww okay have a nice time and don't forget to change next week to four pm," I told her,
"I know," she sighed as she headed out, 
"he is really good," Benny laughed, 
"he is. Kinda wish we went to him." I smiled,
"she needs it more than we do,"
"True, we do still need it though,"
"Ohh yeah we are very very messed up, I mean you more than me Teenb mom over here." he joked
"Excuse me Mr abandonment Issues." I chuckled
"Ohh that would be a terrible last name..."
"Likely abriviate. Mr AI"
"Ahh good point." he nodded, "still not as good as Watts is it?"
"Nothing is as good as watts." I smiled,
"So... twenty-minute walk there... five to ten minutes waiting room... an hour appointment... twenty-minute walk back?" he smirked stroking my Y/H/C hair, "and that's if she doesn't stop for a snack at the seven-eleven on the way home so... I think that's about two hours off the house to ourselves?" He smirked, 
"I think your maths is about right," I giggled, taking his hand and tugging him off the sofa with me but he immediately picked me up and carried me up to our bedroom,
"Alright, how do you want me sweetie?" He smirked as he set me on the bed and crawled behind me to spoon me softly "I get to hold your hips and thrust your face into your pillow? Do I get to hold your legs around my neck? or am I gonna get you bouncing on my cock?" he smirked, “Come on how shall you spoil me tonight my beautiful wife?” 
"I’m feeling a little lazy darling," I told him 
“Yeah? Ooohhh side sex?”
“If you're alright-”
“I fucking love side sex! Well, I love all sex with my wife,” he smiled as leant down to nibble and kiss my neck tugging down my dress to expose my shoulder to him his kisses getting more intense and lustful slightly biting,
"Don't bite Benny darling no need to be so vicious,”
“Maybe I like being a little vicious sweetie,” he growled, he kissed up my neck and found a spot I couldn't hide he made sure to nibble and kiss it first before he bit me like a goddamn vampire leaving a hard dark Hickie on my neck his hand quickly undid my dress and slipped his hand under the now looser fabric to grab my breast "Ohh fuck! I love your boobs so so so much! How do they keep getting better and better!"
“You playing with them every day I imagine,”
“Well how can I resist them?” he growled as his hand grabbing and groping my breast had caused my nipple to get a little hard "uhhh I love you, sweetie," He growled tugging on my nipple to make it even harder before pinching it between his fingers and rolling the tip between his fingers 
"Ughhh!" I squealed rubbing my hips back against his hard-on, “Uhh! I love you too darling,”
“Yeah! Scream it for me sweetie!” he smirked smacking my arse
"uummm! Benny! I love you!"
"I love you too sweetie," He smirked forcing down my panties and moving his hand to stroke my clit, "you are so beautiful when you get horny, so seductive Y/n."  he cooed undoing his pants and tugging them down, he gave himself a few gentle strokes before he slipping himself inside me "Ughhh fuck! Ummm!" he growled as he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted,
"Uhhhhh Benny!” I moaned trying so hard not to scream as I felt the pleasure of him moving at a fast and hard pace,
"Ummm! Y/n?" He growled, often biting and kissing my neck with the movement of his hips. 
"Ughhh yes Benny?" I began to whine from the overwhelming pleasure my eyes often rolling back, 
"Can I ask something it uhhh It may be seen as unromantic at this moment," he smirked, 
“When do you ever ask romantically.”
“Good point.” 
“Go on?” 
"Uhhh! Y/n! Sweetie! Can I… ummmm please… Not pull out tonight?" he smirked rubbing on my clit as he thrusted my bed creaking and banging against the wall from our movements, "uhhhh ohhh god fuck answer quickly!" he growled, 
"Benny faster please-" I whined tugging on his hair, “Why? Why do you not wanna pull out?”
"Ughh you sound so good begging me for more! But I pull out every night Sweetie Please… just once! Let me cum inside my wife! Let me bury myself inside her and fill her cunt to the brim!" He growled so I gritted my teeth, 
“That what you want Benny?”
“More than anything Y/n!”
“What if I get pregnant?”
“Then I will be thrilled to be a father… I love Marybelle course I do but… I can’t help thinking about you being pregnant with our baby and ummmm! It does things to me, sweetie! I want it! I want a baby with so so bad.”
I pushed his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips at the speed we both needed, “I do too.” 
"Ohhh fuck! You do!" He growled grabbing my hips to guide me to bounce on him, I admit he looked amazing as he leant on his elbows against my pillows moaning under me as I worked, "Ughhhhh fuck! yeah? you want me my baby sweetie?" 
"Yes, very much Benny,"
"Ummmm! Are you sure you want this?" 
"Ughhhhhh" he smirked slapping my arse as I got faster and faster, "fuck yes! Yes! Ughhhh fuck! Make me cum sweetie! Make me cum and take everything I fucking have! Everything! You can have it! All of me Y/n!" 
"Ughhh! Put a baby in me, Benny!" I yelled moving his hand to my clit, he happily began rubbing on it again his other went to get at my breast which he happily groped and plaid with my nipple, "Ughhhhh!"
"Ughhhh fuck you sound so good!" he groaned, "ugh!" he gasped, 
“Uhhh Benny!” I squealed but I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep as deep inside me as he could, 
"UGhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes! Y/n!" 
I did my best riding it out as he all but collapsed against the bed until I couldn't move anymore and I fell face-first into my pillow on the other side of the bed, we gasped and tried to regain our composure, 
"Fuck I love you so much, Y/n…”
“I love you too Benny.” I gasped,
“That. That. is why I fucking married you.” he groaned before he all but blacked out on the bed. 
“I’m home!” Marybelle calls from downstairs,
“Hi, honey! How was it?” I called between gasps,
“Fine, I’m going to my room!”
“Okay! See you later Marybelle.”
“Bye, mom.”
“See ya Marybelle,” Benny gasps
“Whatever Benny,” she said before slamming her bedroom door,
“Uhh… whatever did I do to that girl…” he sighed,
“Married her mother,”
“Good point. I had to. I love her too much. Hopefully, soon she’ll get a little brother. Or sister?”
“We can hope,” I smiled,
I sat with a wide smile waiting for Marybelle to get home from school Benny sat some tea on the table and sat beside me giving me a soft cuddle and a kiss, 
"I love you, Sweetie," He cooed,
"I love you too Darling," I cooed,
"And I love you little one," he cooed kissing my stomach, 
The door opened and she wondered in,
"What's going on?" she asked noticing the table set for cups of tea,
"have a seat Marybelle," I smiled,
She was immediately suspicious sitting across from us,
"We have some News." Benny smiled,
"Marybelle! That's a very rude thing to say." I snapped, "No. We are happy as ever."
"Very very happy," He cooed, "No we have better news."
"We aren't moving, are we? cause I am just getting used to this new school!"
"No no no," I smiled, "Even better than that."
"Benny's going to Russia again and might get shot."
"Marybelle!" He warned, 
"No. Marybelle In a few months you're going to be getting a little brother or a little sister." I smiled,
"You're kidding?" 
"No," Benny smiled, holding me closer.
"You're having a baby?"
"Yes, we are." I smiled,
"We'll finally be a big happy family." Benny smiled, stroking my tiny excuse for a bump, 
she got up from her chair and spoke "FUCK YOU!"
"What-" Benny began,
"What the FUCK! No! No Screw this! Screw you! Fuck both of you and fuck your family!" She yelled bolting upstairs,
We both quickly rushed up to see her packing a suitcase,
"Marybelle what are you-" I froze up unable to function at the sight of her packing memories of her father flooding back, 
"Maybelle- What's the matter." Benny began
"Please just talk to us..."
"No! I'm leaving!"
"Why? What did we say? what did we do?"
"You went on without me!" she screamed, 
"You went on without me... Every since you got here all you've wanted was to get rid of me!"
"Get- why would I wanna get rid of you Marybelle?"
"That's all you've done since you arrived. You took my mom from me! took my friends from me! took my school! My life! everything from me! and now your baby will want my room. My school. My life. My everything! All you've ever done is want rid of me! like I'm some stain on her! well fine! I'm leaving!" she yelled,
"Marybelle ENOUGH!" He yelled, "Stop. and listen to me." he told her, "For once LISTEN." He demanded, holding her hands to stop her packing, "I... I have never wanted rid of you. When I met your mother, Y/n, I knew I loved her the moment we met, I have been in many relationships and I have never felt the way I do with her with anyone else. I think she is the smartest, bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl in the world and I've thought that since we met. I wanted to marry your mother the moment I met her, and I would if she wouldn't think I was crazy." He explained, "and when I found out about you... I thought all that about you too. You are a smart, brave, strong, beautiful young lady the second in all the world after your mother. And she has worked her ass off on her own to make you into what you are, I knew I would adore you as much as I do her the second I met you too. and I knew if I wanted to be with her I had to be with you too. I knew you two came as a package, if I wanted to be her husband I had to be your father too." he said getting choked up, "and I wanted to be, I've always wanted to be your father. But... I know how you feel about your own dad and I never wanted to overstep, I never wanted to force you, even when... it was very clear you didn't like me. wanted me dead even. I love being your stepdad as much as I love being her husband. Cause you're my girls. I have never wanted to get rid of you. Ever." he explained, "I came into your life becuase I love your mother, becuase I wanted to love you... and I do. I moved in so I could be with my family. We changed your school becuase... we both wanted to give you a life we never had, something we could have dreamt of a start in life we could never have. Even if that meant changing some things... We spent... a lot on therapy for you just so you have someone to talk to 'cause I know you don't want to talk to us... and that's okay."
"when the baby comes it's over. you'll want nothing to do with me anymore..." she said, "You'll want my room. my life. my place."
"Of course we will. Marybelle, we're a family. Three of us or four of us. No matter what you are still our daughter. Still a part of our family. Whether you leave now or you stay. we will still love you."
"You'll replace me when the new baby comes..."
"We could never replace you, Marybelle. I promise you. We will never replace our perfect girl." 
"I... you mean it?"
"Of course I do," he told her,
"We both do Marybelle," I told her, "You'll always be my little girl, no matter what." 
"I... I... you won't turn around one day and leave me... for some new family. a new life." she cried,
"No why would we-" Benny began but I held his arm tightly, "... Marybelle. I know how you feel. I... I lost my dad too in a similar way."
"You did?" she said tears flooding, 
"I did. My mother died. And he packed up all our things... drove across the state lines and dropped me at an orphanage. Last I saw him. Was him driving away in his car for a new life without me in it? I begged. I cried. for him to turn around and come back. to take me with him. He never did come back for me." He explained tearfully, "I know what your father did. And I know I can't ever replace him. But I swear to you... I would never do what your father did to you. what my father did to me. I have built a family with your mother, with you, and soon another little baby. We have built this family together all of us. And I wouldn't trade it for a thousand lifetimes without my family in them." 
She nodded and hugged him tight, "Thank you, dad..."
"You're welcome Marybelle," He smiled hugging her too, 
I wiped my tears unable to form words so happy to see them like this, 
"I think your mother would like a hug too?" he whispered to her,
"Yeah I would too." she nodded,
"Come on Sweetie," he smiled opening his arm 
I happily went over and hugged them both tightly "Family hug,"
"Family hug, all of us." Benny smiled kissing my head then Marybelle's and then stroking my bump. 
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busycucumbermelon · 4 months
Dear’s new favorite soul 
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Summary: befriending, a cannibal boy from cannibal colony by your house, seems to have brought an an unwelcome obsessed dear to your doorstep with a big smile 
Pairing:Alastor x reader
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You leave the porn studio you work at the door, chiming behind you as usual. You stretch out, your dog ears flopping down on top of your head as always.
"Hello! Are we going straight home today?"
The sound of the little cannibal boy makes you jump in surprise. It's almost as if he likes scaring you!
"God, George, you have to stop that!” You didn’t know living so close to a cannibal colony would cause so many visits from the little boy. You thought it would be good since people often stayed away from there and you didn’t mind all the gore they brought with them.
“Oh sorry, what are we eating tonight?” Yep that’s George as always – he was a cannibal. He had a hunger for meat, but he always asks what the two of you were going to eat, always making it your decision.
"I'm not really sure. What do you want, George?" You and the little boy started walking back in the direction of the supermarket. You had to pick up a few things for your own dinner.
You looked at George in confusion. He had never brought up veal before. You knew he liked chicken and goats, but never veal.
"Ohhh, what's with the sudden change?"
"Well, Rosie had one of her friends over, and they were talking about how it was really good meat, and I want to try it."
It was really sweet that the boy wanted to try something new with you, but personally, you weren't a big fan of eating raw meat. You had kind of had your heart set on tacos.
"Oh, George, I love to try that with you, but maybe Rosie would try it with you. I just think we're gonna have tacos tonight."
George gave you a small head tilt, his way of saying "what's tacos?"
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked out at him. You knew he had never been a part of the human world, but you were sure tacos existed here.
"You've never had tacos before. Well, that's OK. We'll have some tonight and at home. We have leftovers from last night. if you don’t like it"
George smiled and nodded.
At the market, George hung on your leg, and you could feel a few eyes on you. It was certainly out of the ordinary for a kid from the cannibal colony to be hanging on to some random sinner, but no one would come up to make a comment.
Partly, because if anyone stepped too close, George's face would mutate, his teeth sharpening, the sides of his mouth splitting open, and the whites of his eyes turning red. It was kind of like his warning to stay away from his caretaker.
You finished talking to the man in front of you and handed him some money for lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. Despite you not knowing it, the man took more than half off your order because George was staring at him, just daring him to make you pay full price.
Although his face was always sweet with you, "It's time to go home. You ready?"
George nods his head excitedly. He knows you're much more yourself when others aren't around.
While you were turned around looking for the best ingredients, George had waved to a man behind you, Alastor. He came just to buy meat, but when he saw George hanging all over you, he couldn't help but stop and stare. A part of him was intrigued. George wasn't nice to everyone – in fact, he practically hated everyone in the colony – but with you, he was the sweetest little cannibal ever.
You made George smile, something he had never seen before. Your smile. Well, that was nothing he could sneeze at
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“Yes, Rosie, I heard you needed me for some urgent matter." Alastor switched the hand he was holding his microphone and dusted off his coat before turning his attention back to Rosie.
"Yes yes. Thank you for meeting on such short notice, Alastor. It's just George has been missing more and becoming more hostile with others. I'm not so sure what to do about it."
"May I ask how this is different from usual?" Alastor respected his dear friend, Rosie's opinion, but George seemed normal overall at the colony and himself at the market. Well, normal to everyone else besides that wolf sinner that he was clinging to.
"Well, yes, on the surface. But I just realized, when I thought George was just coming home late, he wasn't coming home at all the other day. A few of the woman asked where he was, and he snapped at them."
"Now that I think about it, I did see him in the market a little while ago. He seemed to be with a sinner he like quite a bit. He showed no hostility to her.”
“What did she look like? I've heard a few of the girls talking about George always going out to meet a certain sinner," Rosie asked, Al thought back to the market. Although he only gave you a few spare glances, he could still describe you in detail. It was the happiest he had seen George. He even smiled
Before Alastor could go into any detail, Rose cut him off. "Actually, could you just look and make sure he's okay and could you just have your shadows keep an eye on him for the rest of the night?"
Alastor sighed a little, thinking about how much of a hassle it would be. He didn't have anything else planned tonight. Just checking the hotel to make sure everything was running smoothly. It wouldn't be too much of a trouble he supposed. "It will owe you," Alastor smiled, his smile widening
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You started cooking the meat on the stove, George clinging to your leg and grabbing raw pieces of meat here and there. Alastor shadows flashing around the city, landing in front of your kitchen window. There's so many dog demons. The main thing they were looking for was George, though it wasn't hard. Alastor had one of his shadows following you the minute he laid eyes on the two of you.
George's eyes narrowed the first time the shadows flashed past your kitchen window. You were too busy trying to focus on your food and on a podcast playing in the background. It was something about the Hazbin Hotel and what the executioners in heaven would think.
George's nails started to dig into your thigh when you weren’t paying attention to him. It was so random, that you couldn’t help but look down at him in pure confusion. You turned to see George staring directly out the window. You look up, but there’s nothing there – just the city and sinners below. It’s only the fourth floor up. You’re not that high, but it’s still kind of a nice view.
Maybe he was simply getting impatient or nervous about trying a new food. “George, do you want to sit in the living room while I finish making the food? You can change it to whatever channel you want. I’m not really interested in what’s on now.”
George looks up at you with mild confusion but after staring at you for a little while, he clings closer to your leg, burying his face into the side of your hip. The corners of his eyes flick over to the window. He swears he has seen those shadows somewhere… they’re so familiar…
After staring out the window for a little while, George finally wanders into the living room, leaving you to cook in peace. Two of the shadows follow George into the living room while the other three stayed in the kitchen. Two of them couldn't help but admire you, you were pretty. They had to admit. alastor had never had a partner. Sure, people were interested in him, but you were the only person that didn’t have to be killed afterward. It was nice to just admire someone without having to think of killing them.
While the other two were too busy admiring all your features, the third one was left to itself. It had never seen you before; surely you would be one of the sinners that come to the hotel. You were so sweet and kind. It was hard to believe that you were the type to commit murder. You seemed way too motherly to George to be coldhearted. Truthfully, it was a little sad. Alastor would corrupt you in his own sick way, making a deal with you and making you one of his “ponds”.
"George, the tacos are done." You kneeled down to let George take a bite out of the taco just because you didn't know if he would like it at all. It was just the basics with cheese and sour cream. He chewed it slowly, not really sure how he felt about it. He didn't spit it out, but he simply chewed slowly at it. He sniffed it a few times before taking another bite. You knew not to talk to George while he was eating. The entire time was for him to decide if he liked the food or if a texture was off.
You sighed softly, happy that George was eating it. Well, for the time being. He went to the living room with his taco and sat down next to the couch. You never knew why he didn’t sit down until you sat down yourself. After making another basic taco for George, you made yourself two tacos of your own. It was nice having an almost family moment with George. However, once you got into the room and saw George was done with his taco, he already had his fingers licked clean, and he was eyeing you with big eyes for a second.
Before you can question George, your eyes catch a flash of darkness go past the window behind him. It was fast and almost as if someone had been thrown past of the window. However, you couldn't make out any color, any blood, nothing.
"Y/n?" George tugs on your sleeve and climbs up on the couch next to you, cuddling into your side. Though he usually got clingy when he was tired, it seemed that he was less tired and more nervous. You’ve never seen George nervous; he always seems so comfortable around you.
"Yeah, what's up, kid?" You took another bite of your taco as you settled onto the couch. You moved your hand and scratched in between George's horns, gave him a ruffle on his red hair. He seemed to calm down with it.
"I know you try to stay away from the colony, but..." George went silent as he looked for the right words. He never speaks up again. Just kept staring out the window as alastors shadows slowly creep into the room.
"George, if you want to stay around with the colony more, I'm OK with that. I'm sure everyone wants to see you as much as I do."
George looks up at you with almost a sense of betrayal – how dare you ever think that he didn’t want to be around you? Yes, he wants you to meet the colony but he wants you to be comfortable. If alastor is there, though, he doesn’t want you to be scared or overwhelmed…
"No, I want to. I want… can you meet someone from the colony?"
You giggle at George’s nervous face. You would do anything for the boy, even if it meant going out of your comfort zone.
“Of course George. Just, I’m not meeting alastor if that’s what you want. I’d meet anyone else from the colony.”
That was a blatant lie. If he wanted, you would certainly meet alastor.
Just as you said his name, the shadows disappeared, and in place, a yellow wide smile replaced the shadows. His red eyes were directly behind the two of you, staring at the sweet display. He had just finished his talk with Rose. She was going to be thrilled to meet you. Truthfully, he couldn’t wait until he properly met you, either. Maybe the two of you could make a deal.
He wasn't certain either, though it would be nice having you under his control. If anything, you were pretty, and your soul would be a precious addition to his collection of other sinners’ souls.
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George was quite quick to devour all the meat off the taco you had set out. The two of you spent the rest of the night watching movies and George telling you endless stories to make you have a good opinion on Rosie, though you already did have a good opinion of her. He had no need to tell you the stories, but it was nice to hear them.
The two of you ended up falling asleep on the couch together, a bit odd considering that George usually complained until you slept with him in your bed. It wasn't hard to carry George around on your hip even while you made morning coffee. You stared out the window while standing by the sink, taking a moment to stare out at the city before remembering that today was your day off. You had plenty of time to enjoy George.
George sat up and looked around, still disoriented from sleep and when he saw you. Immediately, he tucked his head back into the side of your neck and went back to sleep. As your morning had been chosen for you, he wouldn't let you go. You were forced to hold him until he decided he was up and ready for the day.
Around noon, George sat up and cuddled into you, whining about how hungry he was. George acted like a true baby around you, throwing a fit if anyone else was holding him, though with you, he didn’t care. He loved waking up to you, too, since he always spent his nights with you.
After George got something to eat, he remembered your promise from yesterday about meeting Rose.
"y/n, we should go meet Rosie today!"
George jumped up and down well you were busy trying to multitask. You were watching a movie, cleaning the bathroom, and figuring out your work schedule since your boss kept trying to over schedule you. It was the first time you had ever put your foot down about it since George had gotten upset the last weekend when you told him that he couldn’t stay the night because you had to work.
"I don't know… maybe Rosie is busy. I don’t want to bother her. She has an entire colony she’s taking care of," you replied. George pouted and stopped jumping. He stared directly into your eyes. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.
"y/n, you promised me."
"Yeah I know baby. I know that I promised you, but there’s a lot going on right now. Give me a little bit, and we'll go ok?”George nodded his head
After you had finished everything, you were absolutely exhausted. You threw yourself down on the couch. Normally, you would have heard a giggle from George or him running over to jump on your lap after seeing you. However, nothing. You looked around quickly, but there was no George. Did he go back to the colony out of anger? You were going to go, you'd promised him. A promise, or at least one concerning George, was something you would never break. After a little while, you lit a candle and just sat down. You were so exhausted.
You laid for a little while in silence, hearing a light knock from somewhere close and much lighter than the door. You shut off the lights a while ago because they were beginning to irritate your eyes. The only thing you could hear before that was the flame from the candle slowly eating away at the wick. You saw a little glimpse of red hair before George jumped on you. hearing his giggles confirmed that your guess was correct.
Behind George, you saw another shadow. It was much taller than George, and your eyes adjusted a lot quicker now. It was a woman in a big hat with feathers, a short bob cut, and black eyes. She had black lips and wore an old-fashioned dress. You could tell immediately that it was Rosie. While she was nice, she was an Overlord like all of the rest of them. Your knowledge of her was limited to the good things you had heard. You knew that she was kind, but that didn't mean she wasn't in seek of power either.
“hey sorry to wake you here. George is so adamant I come see you now." Rosie walked a little closer to you so that you could see her a little bit better.
"I had a feeling that's what was going to happen," she spoke.
George was looking back and forth between the two of you, a small smile still on his face. The smile has stayed for much longer than is normal.
Seeing Rosie in front of you wasn't very frightening, really. It was like sitting down in front of one of the parents of the kids you used to babysit when you were alive. During the babysitting sessions, parents would routinely give you lengthy background checks, and at the end of the night, sometimes angry fathers would even threaten you if anything happened to their "poor babies." You never let anything happen, though. That would be unthinkable. The situation with Rosie was much more risky. It wasn't simply a threat of bad parenting. You could end up dead.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you," you replied gently. Your voice was a little bit softer than usual, and you took on a tone that was more fragile. You weren't nervous, but it felt as though Rosie was like a towering angry parent.
"Hello dear, I see George likes you quite a bit," Rosie responded, gesturing at the boy in your lap. George looked as happy as could be at the current predicament where two people he respected were meeting each other.
"A few of the others have told me that George likes to sneak out often, never returning until early in the morning," she continued. She had changed her tone at the end. While it was clear that she was wary of you, it was also clear that she was suspicious of you as well.
George's expression changed when Rosie made her statement. A pout soon formed on his lips, quickly corrected by his response.
"no it's not her fault, Rosie. she always tells me that I should spend more time with the colony because it's really important to spend time with all of you. She tells me that we're a family, but she wasn't there, so it wasn't the entire family." George didn't understand that you had not accepted into the colony. You hadn't even attempted to join the colony. You had simply been nice to a little cannibal boy.
Knowing how important the colony was to George, you decided to explain yourself, wanting to make sure he wasn't hurt in the process.
"Rosie, it’s not that I’ve told him to come see me every day. I would much prefer if he spent more days at the colony. He just comes every time he knows my schedule. I understand the importance of the colony. If there’s anything I can do to help, I'll try, but unfortunately, I can’t assure you that he won’t come see me as he has for the last few months."
Rosie's smirk almost looked proud. If you ever tried to join the colony, you would be accepted with no resistance.
"I only ask of you one thing. I wish for you to meet George occasionally at the colonies. I understand that he doesn't sleep as well when you are not around. I want you to go to an establishment one of my friends is putting care into. It's a little care service." George whined, clinging tighter to you in agreement of anything. He was worth it. A home was something easy to lose compared to George's affection.
Though it didn't matter as much, you decided to ask, wanting to be sure you would still be able to keep your apartment.
"Will I still be able to keep my apartment? It's close by, and I'm trying to stay near George. Where is the place you want me to go? I don't mind if it's far away. I just want to be sure I can keep my apartment, but if it isn't possible, I understand." George whined and Rosie smiled. This smile was full of kindness, not just for George but for you as well.
"I will ensure you're able to keep the apartment, but if you aren't, you'll have a home in the colony - even if you aren't a part of it." Rosie said, and the following days would be spent working to keep George comfortable. You would get to know Rosie better and meet a few women at the colony as well. Rosie frequently tried to feed you, remarking on your diet and commenting on how you needed to eat more.
Rosie gave you instructions one day. The location you got to was a worn down building with a broadcasting tower on the side of it. The words "Hazbin hotel" could be seen above the door, though it looked less like a hotel and more like a run down building. You didn't want to be here, but you were willing to sacrifice your desires solely for George's sake. However, this wasn't about fear or being redeemed. It was about you not wanting to separate yourselves from George the same way you had been separated from your old life.
While you were solely focused on George, you didn't notice the red glow coming from the tower, nor did you see the eyes watching you from above. Whoever this individual was, they had a red, hungry look in their eyes as they watched you. They were determined to get your soul one way or another. They just wanted to know how to make that happen.
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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deke-rivers-1957 · 10 hours
Do Not Disturb (Elvis x F!Reader)
I never would've imagined that when I met Elvis Presley before one of his first concerts that I could be minutes away from marrying him. I remember our entire history together like it was yesterday.
He was such a shy boy and I was such a shy girl. We'd go on milkshake and movie dates together. I would help Mrs. Gladys in the kitchen for Sunday dinner back when they lived in the house on Audubon Drive. It was always a good time.
And of course, how could I forget his wonderful proposal. It was during his concert in Hawaii. I remember how he invited me and my parents all the way to Honolulu. He even paid our travel fare and everything. It was the final song of his set and he looked right at me.
"Ah'd like ta thank everyone for comin out to see me. Ah especially wanna shout out mah lovely girlfriend out in the audience. For mah final song tonight, Ah'm dedicatin this to her. It's called Love Me."
And that's when I broke down and cried. Love Me was my favorite song and he's singing it just for me. It isn't as if he hasn't sung that song before, but it was because he saved this song for last that I knew. He was proposing to me.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
As soon as I could, I rushed right over to see him. Once he opened the door, I flung myself into his arms.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"
Many tears were shed that night. Even Mr. Vernon and daddy looked misty eyed. Momma couldn't have been any happier to hear the news. Even when we got the news about Elvis' draft notice, I stood right by his side. We planned our wedding to be just before he had to report for duty.
So now here I am walking arm and arm with daddy down the aisle. Elvis looks absolutely stunned to see me in my dress. Before he can speak, the preacher speaks up.
"We are gathered here today to celebration the union of this young couple in Holy Matrimony."
Everything fades away until we get to the I do's.
"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"
Everyone applauds and cheers as we kiss. Elvis even picks me up and carries me to the limo. This is the best day of our lives.
"We're married."
Elvis has a shaky sigh and I know he was just as nervous as I was. Even throughout the reception, I could tell he was boiling over with nerves. It wasn't until late into the night that it all comes out.
"Honey. Ah need you."
I feel a little shiver roll through my body. Elvis said that right in my ear in such a husky voice, I can't help it. I'm still a little nervous, so I have to ask knowing full well what he'll answer.
"Need me to do what?"
Elvis' breathing gets very ragged.
"Get the Do Not Disturb sign an take off the dress."
And just like that I do as he says. As I get the sign, I see him taking off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. I struggle to get my dress off before he takes me into his arms.
"God. Ah need ya so bad. Ah can't take it."
"I know."
He looks down at me and flips me onto my back.
"Ah'm gonna take good care a you. You ain't ever gonna think bout another man while Ah'm gone. Just me."
He says all this right in my ear as he touches me. I can feel his fingers curl.
"It's ok honey. Ah'm gonna make ya feel real good before we make our marriage fully bindin."
Elvis of course makes good on his promise. I feel completely at his mercy as he pleasures me. And yet I trust him to the absolute fullest. He knows just how and where to touch me that makes me feel full of need.
"I need you."
I feel him chuckle against me before I can feel his tongue. Momma would be furious if she saw us like this but I don't care.
I don't remember what happened after that. I just know that it feels very good. Nothing feels real anymore to the point where I could swear Elvis is moving right through me. Not just through me but moving in and out of me like I'm nothing but air.
"Oh God!"
Everything goes black. I feel a heavy weight land by me. I don't even to think about curling up against my new husband. I'm not worried about what will happen when he leaves. For now, we're here. We're married. And the best part? I can't even care that we had no protection.
An: Thank you @cattcb for the request! I hope I have enough balance between fluff and smut in this story.
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carpememes · 1 month
Bluey Sentence Starters pt 1/?
“I slipped on ma' beans!”
“If your friend wants chippies, she's gotta pay for chippies."
“Dear child, embrace your father!”
"It's DAD!"
"That's not how grown ups work, kid." "But that's how kids work!"
"Ow! My back! My neck! My back and my neck!"
"Awh! After all I've done for this family."
"Probably get about five bucks for the pair of you."
"Don't worry about the sun! It's meant to be there."
"Can I help you?" "Wish you could, mate."
"What? How very dare you!"
"Ding ding ding! You lose!
"I am not dad. I am Magic Claw. Magic Claw has no children. His days are free and easy."
"Obstacles do not block the path. They ARE the path."
“It’s less than ideal, but it’s still a win!”
“See, I know some stuff!”
“Hey, you always make me laugh.”
"I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog."
"It's just monkey's singing songs, mate. Don't think too hard about it."
"Interesting plan. I know, how about this plan? I'll do what I want, and you don't tell me what to do."
“Ride Flamingo, RIIIIIDE!”
“I was saving that chippy...”
“Check out my big bum!”
“Who said you can have all that green stuff?”
“Hey Twinkle Toes, hurry up!”
“Would you mind keeping it down?”
“Is that an okay thing to want?”
“I can’t be happy with what I got when she has it better!”
“You can’t just get out of a helicopter in the middle of the sky!”
“...and the fridge doesn’t like me.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m doing this for my kid.”
“Look, I just want us to use nice words so everyone thinks we’re a nice family.”
“But I’m much too scared to travel in the outside world!”
“Nooo! I wanna stay in my bad mood!”
“Who ate the mini cereal?”
“Hey no fair, I want a husband too!”
"If you want me to stay your wife, you'll learn about dishwashers."
“I'm veeeeeeeery busy.”
“If you keep being mean and greedy, then no one will want to be your friend!”
“Why would you want to watch some stinky baby have a shower?”
“There must be a reason why you’re being such a pickle tonight.”
“Why can’t you do what you’re told?”
"Whoa. I didn't think this through."
"It was the fairies!"
"Bed. Sleep. Now."
“You've still got it, babe.”
“I’m fine, just ignore this.”
“Ah, this is Heaven!”
“This changes everything.”
“Who wrote this?”
“I’m always here if you need me.”
“It’s everything we want.”
“Boring things are still important.”
“Me want books for big boys.“
“Are you not entertained??”
“You’re doing great.”
“Is true love not forever?”
"Ohhh, what's this? Some romance music?"
“Well, just make me more handsome - if that’s even possible.”
“Oh, tough crowd.”
"I demand you let me down this instant!"
"This is outrageous!"
"Here come the grannies!"
"Boring things are still important."
"You sound like your dad."
"I don't have to. I'm special.
“Did you just eat a tick from your own hair?” 
“You’re a grub! You don’t brush your teeth, you don’t eat vegetables, and you don’t take showers. Grub.” 
“Hey toots! When are we gettin’ married?” 
 “You look like you’ve never cleaned your teeth, brushed your hair, or had a shower in your life.” 
 “Maybe self-improvement just isn’t for you.” 
 “Well, I must say, you really have cleaned yourself up. And I love your little bow tie.” 
“My life is a lie.” 
“’Someone’?! You’re a someone! I’m a... no one.” 
“You know what’s great about being no one? You’re everyone.” 
“I’ve been thinking. How can you be sure you’re not a puppet?” 
"You're both crazy."
"OOOH. Alright. That's it! We're not going to the park. We're just staying here then!"
"This is great. They're learning a lesson and we get the house cleaned."
"Don't just get the fun stuff. I mean the bag of stuff."
"You're really doing this?" "I think I have to."
"Feet ok. Arms ok. I think we're good!"
"Soo... Has the romance started yet?"
“I don’t feel like playing!”
“Hello, new husband!”
“Wow! Are you serious?”
"I do not have the energy for games today."
"She saw you dancing on her barbeque table."
“Is the whole world made of atoms?”
“How do you remove makeup?”
“Why would anyone like being in a bad mood?”
"I peed on my foot."
"Welcome to middle age, kid."
“Don’t tell your mum.”
"This isn't legal anymore!"
"What. Was. That?"
“This is all my stuff from when I used to be cool!”
“Hello doctor lady, do you sell crutches?”
“If grownups grow from babies, and only grownups have babies, who had the first baby?”
"The thing is, I do this to myself."
"I have a wife!"
"Big brothers always beat little brothers."
"He stole our money!" "Well that's putting kind of a slant on it.."
"Didn't you fall in the pool at the wedding?"
“Me? I’m not brave enough.”
“I’m not special anymore!”
"You figured out how to avoid capture by the police."
“If you hit a flamingo, you’ve gone too far.”
“ Remember I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me... because I love you.”
"Ladies, ladies. There's plenty to go around."
“Oh leave them alone! They’re just trying to run a small business!”
“How does the baby get in the lady’s belly?”
“You’ve still got it, babe.”
“That’s enough sinister plotting!”
"Me want books for big boys."
“We can edit that bit out right?”
“Oh, a massage! Why, thank you. A little lower. That’s the spot.” 
“Is your frizzy hair very heavy?” 
“I demand you let me down this instant!” 
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silent-raven13 · 2 months
On Wednesdays we wear pink
Pavtri happily showing Gwen his update vlog on his life: Hehehe, look I totally added this cute cat holding a cup of Chai character on the side! I'm loving this new feature for Spdr So-City app! Lyla is a genius. -Lyla heard this went she sent a happy chibi sticker in his Smartphone being pleased by the new update-
Gwen saw his socials being completely customize: Wow, I just put a black background filter with white fonts, the bright white hurts my eyes at night. -Pav's background had a colorful Mandala pattern and his profile picture being updated-
Pavtri: Awe, no cool posters? No Barbie. Dats pretty boring... it's giving basic!
Gwen fake gasps: Not you calling me basic! I got no time to go all web design like you!
Pavtri: But it's so much fun. Lyla made it like Myspace, very old school but better and advanced!
Gwen: Myspace? Wow, that's so crazy! I wasn't even there when dat happen.
Pavtri giggles: Me neither. Anyway, I'm seeing everyone's page and some of them had already updated their page! -Showing Gwen of their close friends' So-City pages- I really like Peni's
Gwen nodded: Yeah, I think her's is pretty sweet. -Her blue eyes spotted Hobie wearing pink along with Miles- Ohh looks like the love birds are here.
Miles holding his boyfriend's hand with a smile on his face: Hey guys, what's up!
Pavtri: OMB, you two look so cute in pink! What's the occasion?
Hobie shrugs: On Wednesdays we were pink! -This made Miles laugh-
Gwen caught the joke and giggle: Ohhh I get you.
Pavtri looks confused: What? Is that a thing?
Miles: You never watched Mean Girls?
Pavtri: No! What is dat? Wait, I don't think my world has that... maybe... ugh, curses multidimensional changes!
Hobie chuckles: Neither my world. Sunflower was joking around with Ganks and I was miffed.
Miles: I had to explain to him about some Mean Girls joke since Danika, Ganke's girl loves that movie. We always watch it when she's in the mood for it. Anyway me and Hobie watched it, and he thought it would be funny to wear pink since today is Wednesday.
Hobie: Movie was okay. Not my cup of tea. Found the jokes tasteless.
Gwen: I never knew she would like Mean Girls then again, she does like Heather.
Hobie arched his eyebrow: What's that one about?
Miles rub his chin: It's an 80s movie and I think you'll like it. Same concept three mean girls name Heather and a girl name Veronica. Veronica like this bad boy and they kill the main Heather, it's focus on toxic love? -He eyes Gwen thinking he got the movie-
Gwen: Kinda. There's a lot going on.
Hobie didn't look pleased: I can't stand Bullies, Sunflower.
Miles: Then maybe you'll like But I'm just a cheerleader. -he knows his boyfriend has a complex taste in movies. Sometimes he criticize the shit out one if he doesn't like it and he rarely watches them. If anything he mostly stick to Horror/thriller or psychological films. Anything that he can dissect. Comedy is always a hit or miss, he did find Hangover assuming.-
Pavtri whines: I wanna see Mean Girls! Can we have a movie night to watch!
Miles: Sure! It's a cult classic!
Gwen: Maybe we should watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, too. I know, you haven't watched it yet.
Hobie gasps at his Sunflower: LUV, you never saw it! -Now that's one of his favorite movies-
Miles: Sorry, bae! I never felt ready to watch it... I dunno doesn't-
Hobie cut him off: No, we're gonna watch it! You'll find it amazing! In my world, we do a full blown show and wreak havoc on the streets all for Anarchy! We'll watch it tonight!
Gwen: Maybe we can do Saturday? I'm free that time.
Pavtri looks at his schedule: Me too!
Miles nodded: Same.
Hobie: Alright, Saturday. At your place, luv?
Miles agreed: Sure, I'll let Danika know. She loves that movie like gurl will make a Mean Girls party. I wouldn't be surprise if we have to dress up.
Pavtri's eyes gleam: I still have my Barbie shirt! We can all wear pink!
Gwen: I totally want to be Janis.
Miles: Hahaha, I'll let ya know.
Hobie kisses his boyfriend's cheek: Luv, you would have to wear the Christmas outfit. -His body turns even more brighter and sparkling hearts appeared-
Pavtri blushes: Opp! I dunno what that means but by the looks of it, it gotta be dirty!
Gwen cracks up seeing Miles' shocking face: Hahaha, Miles have to do the dance and wear knee high boots!
Miles flick his boyfriend's forehead: BONK! Go to Horny Jail! -he huffs-
Hobie whines and begs for his sweet Sunflower to wear the outfit, but Miles ignores him. Gwen had to show a picture to Pavtri about the outfit and dance scene so he understood. Of course, the two were teasing Miles to do it, too.
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razberrypuck · 1 year
"the journey begins, for the 100th time" "you bet your tiddies it does" JWJFJEJTJH
ohh they're having a good time something's gonna go horribly wrong
earl bbeg real
wetma gills
"words hard. me tired. me drunk." jay I love you jsjfjejf
enza gonna help jay make a new body for alphonze 👀
drey disconnected w/the group?
"the longer you're down there, the more it twists you" ohh that's not good. instantly worried about arlin.
"if arlin's still down there, it's because it couldn't." "that man had a big ol' heart, even that giant body couldn't fit it." DREYYYYYY
"Sometimes I think I should dive in there alone. But I know I'm not strong enough without them" CHIP. CHIP YOURE GONNA KILL ME.
chip and drey are gonna KILL me augh
"we're gonna go down there, and we're gonna bust him out. whatever happens happens. we'll survive. we always do." RRGHHDHHDG
"sometimes its good to be bad jay give me the word" LMAOOOOO
"happy birdday! you can nae nae, but now you can... ;)" JSJFJDJG GILL
" 'Well, for you...' he gets lost in your eyes for a second" JWJFJSJGJEJJTJ
"EVERYONE now has cannons and healing potions except for ME!!!!!!!!" gill in his spoiled brat arc
"We are so, so unbelievably wanted" "they WANT us"
ohh I love enza
forgot abt cliff hangar
"To know the books, you need to have read the books, where the FUCK are the books, Jay???????"
"A world that's turned it's back / it's seas be turned to black / the black sea is all that's left / history be put to rest / the survivors will rewrite it / fight on, fight on until united / hope our wrongs be righted / flee the black sea at last / free from it at last
why are gill and chip so down to flirt with people today jsjfjsjd
the island of frozen roses ooh
ohhhh he just wrote about their journeys. ik its like obvious but that means so much to be actually.
"even when you are old and decrepit, you will always be our small boy, who we keep on the ship, and in our hearts" thank you gill
chip don't grill her about this now godddd.
bellamy. oh bellamy. im so sorry.
captain shadowbeard was the last pirate lord that went missing ohhh my god. it was a year ago. and when ollie went missing months later. oh my god this poor woman.
"You guys are gonna get attacked tonight" grizz ik you're joking but I don't fucking trust you at all
Gillion what are you planning 👀
"jay who did you see" "oh just my father and kira you know" "oh"
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gillion less clutch than expected.........
alphonze is gonna die again bro they JUST got him back! AND the boat!
Gillion absorb elements pog
thank you alphonze we love you alphonze <3
jayson I hate you smile
"You could be found innocent, by the way" "not for what I'm about to do :)"
"DAMN looks like you're as good a shot as you are a PARENT" "your quips only seal your fate" "damn, were you already burning?" gillion tidestrider I love you
"If they miss, I will roll to hit gillion"
gets harpooned in the ass and stabbed further in the chest sjfjeh
gill is so fucking funny engaging w/jayson lmao
"she's a BIRD are you PROUD OF HER YET? she has WINGS and they're COOLER THAN YOURS and they generate more LIFT" gill hyping up jay to her dad my beloved
makes eye contact with a fucking wizard. drops disguise and said "aight you handle these monkeys I got shit to do"
isn't the whole crew on the ship? or does grizz just mean on top deck
gryffon I love you
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"I can deal with that later. But right now, you're attacking my friends. And I can tell you have no intention to spare them. So I'll give you the same treatment back. So you're gonna attack me, or...I'm gonna take you down." JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAYYYYYY
"I thought you said next time you saw me, I wouldn't be your daughter anymore." "Now that I've seen how much you've changed, I mean it" go fuck yourself jayson <3
"if Jay's still fighting, I am too."
"Nice try, but Ollie's mom was way more pissed 😎"
lizzie??? did you??? did you actually kill ava or are you surprised???
"It's okay I can dodge it!" the mentality of the episode
I fully believe lizzie didn't kill ava actually. don't believe jayson at all fuck this guy
If Gryffon is dead. If Gryffon is dead.
gillion: just let me know where you need me. And I'll be there.
jay: right now you're right where you need to be. thank you.
gillion: aye aye, captain.
john and gill immediately going bro mode jsjfjsj
don't make me feel bad for jayson. I won't do it. piece of shit.
"You keep saying that people took me away from you. No one took me away from you, dad. You haven't had me for a long time. You lost me. You lost me in the lies, the training, your obsession with your work, it was all you cared about. Things change, dad. After ava died, you weren't there. You weren't there for me or for mom. And when I tell you we hurt, we struggled, I say we hurt and struggled so goddamn much. And I'm sure you did too, but you made it so goddamn clear where your priorities lied with the family. And in my grieving, you were the only one who wasn't there. Jayson Ferin, you are someone I've known my entire life. You've known me longer than I can remember, and maybe I've made decisions that you don't agree with, but they are my decisions, and I would've hoped that in the years you've known me, that you would give me even a modicum of trust, a modicum of what I saw in you my entire goddamn childhood. And now, you stand here in front of me again, you're making the same mistakes... You don't get to just take me back, you need to earn it. And the way it stands, you're on a fast track to lose both me, and your wife. You are the strongest man I've ever known but you are a fucking pathetic father. So come on. Go ahead, finish it, do your fucking job, if that's where your priorities still lay, as they always have."
persuasion with advantage and dm inspiration. so deserved holy shit jay. i am. speechless.
"For the first time in my life, since I became a pirate, I was able to feel free."
get the fuck OUT of here jayson go AWAY
jayson I'd ask why you don't fucking ask may yourself but I don't want you anywhere near her :)
thank fucking god hes gone.
"that's my boy right there, that's my BOY, I'm on your ass, I'm like glue on something that glues on" "this is the beginning of something, this is the beginning of a whirlwind of whoopass on kira I'm telling you now" bizly has the right idea get the panda man back
gill still didn't get the whalebone sword back ✌️😔
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kingofdoma · 11 months
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Welcome, one and all, to the long-awaited Final Fantasy Sexyman bracket!
I'm so happy to get this bad boy going. So many of you have waited so long to have YOUR PICKS go into the gauntlet and find out who the greatest sexyman known to Sakaguchi's superior series is!
Now, what is a sexyman?
... I do not fucking know.
Seriously, it's been one of the most nebulous concepts to me, because no one seems to have the same definition.
I mean, just look:
What is it to you? [I Robot meme]
the type man 2013 tumblr would have loved drawing as a skinny twink in a suit. Personality is usually rancid
Sexymen take many forms. G'raha Tia XIV is also a sexyman, for very different reasons than Cid.
Guy who may or may not actually be sexy... yet people are attracted to and you'd be embarrassed to admit you're attracted to.
EARNED confidence. Secure enough to occasionally be vulnerable. Kindness. May not always understand how you feel but is willing to hear you out. Genuinely funny. Lifts people up rather than putting them down, but WILL roadblock haters. Makes you feel safe, welcome, appreciated. You feel warm just being around him. Makes you want to be better; may even help you believe you can be better. Good balance of "can I help?" and "you got this." Takes care of himself but isn't obsessed with fitness. More like an ancient Greek statue, less like an overstuffed leather sofa. Has more than one outfit. Also, a man who can cook can ABSOLUTLEY get it.
The friends I made along the way, specifically you.
"Ohhh I can't NOT fuck him"
Someone I wanna cuddle with.
a guy who we can sexualize. sexy and sexualizable.
HES SEXUALIZABLE. hes sexy and needs things done to him that canon wont do."
See? Barely a bit of overlap!
But yeah, whatever your definition of sexyman is, vote for them.
Also, just to clear the air, I made an executive decision and cut Cactuar and Titan from the running. They're... I just needed them to have SOME character, gang. Plus, the two creatures that were not actual characters were the two that were bumping me over 32, so I cut them. Sorry. Want me to incorporate them? Lemme know! I'll do something with them!
Here's the bracket!
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All I can manage tonight is Right Side, so... right side! Left side next week!
Here are the links!
Edge vs. Rubicante
G'raha Tia vs. Kiros and Ward
Dio vs Sabin
FuSoYa vs. Auron
Gilgamesh vs. Bugenhagen
Tellah vs. Zidane Tribal
Bartz vs. Gogo
Minwu vs. Cid Kramer
Happy voting, guys!
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chibigo-ma · 4 months
Preview of ❝All Of Us Are Dead❞ [Lee Cheong-San]
"Ji-ho, you looked so deep in thought," On-jo commented as Ji-ho looked between her two best friends. "Sorry. I was thinking a lot of my uncle and cousin lately," she mentioned which made On-jo and I-sak feel bad. "Still nothing?" I-sak patted her back as the three went back inside the school. 
"There must be a reason. Maybe it's because your cousin is missing," On-jo asked but Ji-ho shook her head. "I know him well enough that he would still be here in school if anything happened to him, even if it were bad. But lately, I've been seeing one of his bullies looking at me warily and with guilt," Ji-ho mentioned as she felt her wrist being held. 
"Ji-ho, please don't fight them again," On-jo held her hand as Ji-ho looked over at her. "Don't worry. I won't. I'll just have a nice chat with them. But if they start punching, I'll punch back," she mentioned as On-jo sighed at her answer as they grabbed their bags.
"On-jo, don't worry that much! Ji-ho can handle them. You saw how she fights," I-sak backed Ji-ho up as Ji-ho looked behind them to see Cheong-san on his phone and Gyeong-su walking together. "It's Cheong and Gyeong-su," Ji-ho pointed out as both of her friends looked over. 
On-jo smirked and quickly ran over to them and pushed Cheong-san which made him drop his phone. "Damn, my phone!" Cheong-san exclaimed as he bent over to grab his phone. "Hey," I-sak greeted the two. "You can't run away," On-jo reminded Cheong-san and gave her bag to him. 
"Hey, gopher. Let's get some chicken," she said as Cheong-san looked at her in confusion. "But we're not open yet," Cheong-san mentioned as Ji-ho grabbed Cheong-san's bag. "Sure you are! Your mom says she's testing out a new recipe today," On-jo mentioned but Cheong-san's attention was on Ji-ho. 
"Oi, you don't have to carry my bag," he said to her and watched her stick her tongue at him. "You going with, right?" On-jo asked Gyeong-su as he nodded with a smile. "Of course," he chuckles as Cheong-san looks over at I-sak. "You're going too?" He asked her. 
"Mm. Yes. I mean your mom told On-jo and Ji-ho to bring their friends," I-sak mentioned. "Uh, so, is this a double date?" Gyeong-su asked as I-sak and On-jo looked at him weirdly. "What the hell?" I-sak grabbed both On-jo and Ji-ho away from the boys as they went ahead. 
"The question is who's the third wheel?" Ji-ho asked which made the girls laugh. "Ji-ho," the girls looked up ahead to see In-su waving at them with Dal holding In-su's other hand. "Papa?" Ji-ho looked between Dal and In-su as Dal ran over to her and hugged her as usual. 
"Cheong-san's mother told me that she's testing a new recipe tonight and she insisted you bring Dal with you," In-su mentioned. "Ohhh," Ji-ho nodded as she placed Cheong-san's backpack in front of her. "Oh, Mr. Hak," Cheong-san greeted In-su as Dal intertwined his hand with Ji-ho's hand. 
"Cheong-san, Gyeong-su, be sure you take care of them, ok?" In-su gestured towards the girls and Dal, and both high school boys nodded. "We'll take care of them, no problem," Cheong-san smiled at him. "Alright! Dal, I'm going now. Don't be so troubling to your sister now, ok?" In-su held out his fist and Dal fist-bumped his father. 
"Yes, papa," Dal smiled cutely as In-su kissed his daughter's temple. "See you," In-su waved them goodbye as he got inside his car and drove away. The hospital was opposite where the chicken restaurant and he was already running late. "Chicken!" Dal exclaimed as he pulled Ji-ho with him. 
"Yes, yes. Slow down, Dal," Ji-ho mentioned as Cheong-san went to help her out by giving Dal a piggyback ride. "They should get together already," I-sak mentioned as the three were behind them, watching as Dal had fun being on Cheong-san's back.
"They're so blind to each other's feelings though. With Ji-ho being good at hiding her feelings and Cheong-san being so obvious, people thought it was a one-sided relationship," On-jo mentioned as Ji-ho looked up at Cheong-san. 
"Cheong, is the restaurant getting an opening soon?" She asked as Cheong-san shook his head, no. "We're not doing one," he answered and she raised an eyebrow at him. "I thought there would be? Wait, is it because your mom is calling the shop and some items by your name?" She asked with a smirk and Cheong-san groaned. 
"I'll take that as a yes," she giggled as she went ahead of him. His eyes couldn't stop looking at her. How her short hair bounced as she walked, the twinkle in her eye when she was happy, the nice comfortable silence they usually have; he loves everything about her, and even being with her makes him happy. 
"San," he felt his head being patted as he looked behind him a bit to see Dal looking at him. "You like my sister, right?" Dal whispered for only he could hear. "Yeah," Cheong-san admitted as Dal started to chuckle. "You better take care of her when Papa and I aren't around. She can be very... um... what was that word papa used?" Dal began to think about it. 
"Stubborn?" Cheong-san asked and Dal nodded at his answer. "Yes, that one! She can be very stubborn at times, but she's very caring. Papa also thinks that way too. I love her so much so better take care of her," Dal smiled as Cheong-san smiled a bit.
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Since we're on the subject of npcs I'd like to give a mention to my favorite oni boy Takuya.
It's been a long time since Itto's character quest but after experiencing Shinobu's hangout, I've been plague by wholesome found family Arataki gang thoughts.
I kept thinking Takuya would basically be in Traveler's place around the squad, being the one trying to be responsible but ends up dragged into shenanigans anyways.
I'd imagine his relationship with Shinobu is a "your the only bitch I trust in this house" type of thing being the only other person holding any braincells (she low-key favors him more than the others sometimes but no one really notices cause my queen is subtle).
I have a soft spot for the Arataki gang in general as you can see.
But of course we can't forget about the sad priest boy Kasala who I keep throwing so much angst at.
Since you said dilf!Kasala here something:
If reader and Kasala had a child together before reader died of eleazar I can imagine how hard it'd be for him to not only process the grief but support their child going through losing a parent as well.
Maybe after Deshret's sacrifice, Kasala just lost all faith in anything anymore so he gives his child to someone trustworthy to take care of as he locks himself away to keep guard of a temple.
Kasala at end of his life, despite dying peacefully can't help but regret everything that happened to his family.
Helplessly seeing the love of his life dying before him.
Not doing enough for the last living remnant of their love for each other.
Letting his child loose both of their parents so soon because of his selfishness.
So as Kasala close his eyes for the last, his final thoughts were a hope for his little to be safe and forgiveness he knows he doesn't deserve.
Okay maybe Haitham isn't the only character I like to see cry at this point
Honorable mentions to Niwa who I can't help but feel like Kabukimono had a small crush on at some point.
I feel like Niwa's good with kids so imagine him and Kuni babysitting the children of tatarasuna together and at night he'll read bed time stories to some of them but Kuni ends up falling asleep to Niwa's voice too because of how comforting it is.
Mostly wholesome from me tonight.
- Vagabond Anon
Admittedly I have not done Itto's quest so I only know Takuya in a surface level but *pulling up pictures of him* Best looking npc in the game engine by far, they really made effort to implement him
But Itto's little found family is my favorite, it's like Mondstadt on a tiny level (adding in the three youkais from Akitsu Kimodameshi too, oh they're growing!) but on the back office it's actually Takuya and Shinobu holding the whole thing together hahaha Takuya being the Traveler, Takuya and Shinobu being tired parents, oh I love all of it
Continuing the curse of unhappiness down the line, how cool would it be if Cyno is part of the bloodline of his past self but their history has been lost thru time or whispered scarcely by his elders so as not to be discriminated in the age of the Akademiya ohhh
What if their child took on the temple duties after he died, or maybe Rukkha took care of them too aww why must we torment this unnamed child we just conjured
Also true, like a small possibility maybe innocently, Niwa supremacy in everything that he does. I want more Niwa content, he died too soon (fuck you Dottore) he's definitely the Tighnari of Tatarasuna in my mind, and Kabukimono is like Collei? Oh wow I'm starting to see parallels - ack I miss him so much, I'm gonna listen to his voice now-
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Can I ask two questions about the village/ kingdom that Gai occupies (and seems to be a favorite spot for the gods).
One: does it have a name? I keep thinking Konoha (because canon) but maybe you came up with your own name.
Two: This seems like a very accepting society in terms of gender identity and sexuality. Has that always been the case, and if so, is it possible children are not given/ referred to a gender until they are 5-6 years old when they understand the basics of gender? I could see them in very gender neutral clothing for the first 11 years of their life, then picking more gendered cloths when they get to puberty and understand who they want to be. Maybe there's even a ceremony when kids figure out their gender and they have a party after visiting Iruka's/Kakashi's/Yamato's temple. Or because being trans has been so ingrained in the culture/ widely accepted, its as simple as going "mom I'm a boy." And them being all "cool. We're having brussel sprouts tonight son."
Both also makes sense world building, especially as it goes back to nearly the start of the village, when Kakashi told 1st Gai about being a boy and not knowing how to tell his daddt all those years ago, and Gai, who may have been the leader of his tribe at that point (or at least in high standing), full on introduced the concept to his people and they were all like "Oo! Sounds cool!" And thus early gender identy traditions were made partially to encourage little Kakashi to talk to his dad, and to show it was okay and feel more welcome. (There was a reason Kakashi adored his best human friend so much! Multiple reasons actually. ). And it becomes more ingrained in the society as it advanced and gods like Iruka and Yamato also became trans/ gender neutral. And the people follow the gods example.
Of course the acceptance could vary as times change. I could see the fascist regime that full on sprouted between between Merchant Gai's and Rogue Gai's lifetimes, trying to make things less accepting for more control of the citizens. (Or maybe that just wasn't something they cared about.)
Ohhh so many good questions.
I have never given the village a name, but i’d be more likely to go with Tonika (which is a village in the Naruto verse!)
It’s not a giant village and is never the powerhouse of actual power (powerhouse of medical breakthroughs and education would be more its thing) but also it’s just never interacted with by the other villages outside of small exchanges through merchants
Since you know, the illness.
So it’s more of a small village that’s usually left to its. Own devices. Obv other villages have tried to take it over, but that has never worked out for them since Tonika has a great dragon protector.
As for the Gender identity, i really like the idea of it steaming sort of from Kakashi’s own journey and his mortal friend being the most supportive friend ever
For clothing, honestly at around 2 a kid can tell you what they want to wear so i would say the people jus dress them in whatever until the kid starts showing a preference for what they like and asking for certain clothing/styles
It breaks down a lot of gender barriers other places have because even the kids who arn’t trans are comfortable wearing whatever they want.
It’s also the village that has a sort of shrine/place in a temple to each trans god so that everyone knows them. You have Kakashi, Iruka, Yamato, Hinata, Sai, Neji, Rin. People can go to see whichever god they want/who they might identify with more because of their specific gender journey.
I do think during the ‘ruinous reign’ that there was a lot of knowledge restriction and book burnings. However, i think there were some things even the most bigoted leader could not restrict because it was ingrained in the culture. To restrict it would require a lot of people being killed. I think perhaps the king might have tried it once and found his way blocked by a very protective god/goddess (i could see Kakashi and Tsunade pulling up to protect the people of the village, or both. That could be fun too)
They can’t change the situation, but there’s only so much they will stand by and allow and outright slaughter of the village they love so much is an absolute no.
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bllsbailey · 5 months
HOO BOY! MSNBC Panel VERY Alarmed by Iowa Caucus Result (Does THIS Meltdown Sound Familiar?)
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It's now looking like Donald Trump has cleared the first hurdle to the 2024 Republican nomination in Iowa:
Looks like Trump is on track to win all of Iowa's 99 counties. Sign of the breadth of his support in the Republican party -- winning among even moderates and suburbanites, in the entrance polls.— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) January 16, 2024
JUGGERNAUT: Trump broke the record tonight for blowout victories in the Iowa GOP caucus -- despite skipping every single debate and despite being under four (Democrat) indictments. Turnout was also at record level, despite subzero temperatures, reflecting big excitement for Trump— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 16, 2024
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took second: 
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis claimed second place in Iowa's caucuses on Monday evening, narrowly beating out former Ambassador Nikki Haley but trailing Trump by a margin that should make Iowa pollsters proud of their predictions.  "They threw everything but the kitchen sink at us," DeSantis said while addressing supporters in West Des Moines late Monday night. "Because of your support, in spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone against us, we've got our ticket punched out of Iowa," he proclaimed. 
And with that, not unlike election night in 2016, MSNBC panelists were in full meltdown mode. 
Perhaps this is a preview of November:
Their tears only make the Iowa results that much better pic.twitter.com/7ycE33uuq1— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) January 16, 2024
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 16, 2024
This rhetoric sounds so familiar: 
“I don't mean to be again, too dark as you said on this, but if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this country.”  “If we're worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government. The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation... Is a much bigger part of that equation.”
It's amazing that MSNBC hosts and panelists have been able to keep themselves triggered for so long. 
How do they keep lying and fear mongering about things that didn’t happen during Trump’s 4 years? Are people STILL stupid enough to believe this? https://t.co/wAgxgGIuP1— Missy 😏 (@MissyMom_of2) January 16, 2024
The media certainly has a hand in that.
Ohhh poor @maddow can I get you a box of Kleenex or some prozac? https://t.co/cU75yKz8s1— MS-66 (@MSpeeg66) January 16, 2024
They definitely might need that in November!
How NOT surprising.
Iowa Caucuses Going Great If Your Name Is Donald Trump; Trump Wins Easily
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