#ohhhh this is too many too much emotions i need to go dissociate into my game now
slippery-minghus · 1 year
love love love when i take the initiative to do a thing and share it with someone else because if i'm going to do a thing i'm going to do it with the level of diligence i need, not wait for someone else to figure it out half as much and, well, cooking for two is just as easy as cooking for one, so might as well share.
and then i mess up.
and the other person suffers now too because they relied on me to do the thing, and didn't look into it themselves and took my Doing as accurate and true. (when maybe. if we'd have had two pairs of eyes on the issue to start, the fatal flaw would've been caught. but we all know that's besides the point)
and i just. i hate how often this happens. i'm an acts of service kinda guy, this is how i show i care, but then i fuck up. inevitably. because i'm human or something else irredeemable.
and i don't know how to ask people to meet me halfway on this sort of thing when most people don't think or operate the way i do. and the help i would ask for would never be satisfactory... and i'd just end up doing it all over myself.
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theoraclehealer · 4 years
Jung, mysticism and psychopomp signature.
Sept 28, 2017
chiron and carl jung
and the zodiac signs
taurus has to ascend. what does that even mean, right?
as i sat with this, i imagined somehow seeing a taurus - bull - rise up into the air and go up the heavens. I’m clueless.
so i sat with this some more and thought about the introvert, as she seems to be in need of the most help here.
there always comes a time when i have these breathing episodes and everything runs amok.
for example:
ok, how bad is this?
how bad will this be?
and then i have to sit with it and see if i reach a point where it will just stop or carry on for a bit longer. this morning’s episode was awful (i still blame the seroquel). there are many tricks that i will try - reasoning my way through it, sounds, rescue remedy, coffee, water, contemplation, whatever … but then ill even try talking to myself but out loud, pretending someone is there with me.
focus has been a BIG theme here … but now I’m realizing that its actually human connection.
so ill talk out loud and see if that works.
but this morning was difficult - it changed a lot but was also more stubborn until i started to realize just how bad this sheer terror is that i have around death.
i contemplated a couple of times whether or not i wanted to call 9/11 but that proved to be problematic for a few reasons - one namely, i was home alone and was stuck upstairs so i couldn’t really go all the way down stairs and then upstairs and then change my clothes, find my shoes, make sure the dogs were okay, etc.
but in my mind, it was clear to me that i just wanted someone around and sadly, other than my mom, EMS workers are my only shot. 
how difficult is it to heal from all of this … on my own?
narcissistic abuse … emotional deficits all over the place … sheer terror … profound rejection 
and yet no one to look to in the eye.
no one to “pull you out of it” when you need it the most. 
so it could be that the introvert would have gotten hurt at any time because in the end, she’s the traumatized one. and now in order to get taurus to ascend, i have to find her and tell her it’s okay … but ask me if i believe that it will be?
theres a chakra component here though and as i started to type this, i felt the shift in my lower chakras rise. i saw a red/pink light in the distance.
i have lost the passion for life and living. because my life was taken from me. all of it. blindsided and then burned. you wake up and its ALL gone because YOU understand the gravity of the disaster that you will now have to face, its a sense of knowing. 
the people around me are tired to me.
i was in love with something before. it wasn’t a man but it was … the air. the moon. the sun. and the stars. 
isn’t it great? she thought. 
and now the world around HER this time, not God … has grown dark. 
its take a great amount of effort to get out of the house.
because i generally don’t care.
whats in it for me?
so i drifted off to the left, to look around and think.
i realized the contemplative aspect of me has also severely suffered. another I in NFP.
but it was then that i realized who she was and we reconnected.
morissey’s - how soon is now? ran through my head.
then out of the corner of my eye, i could see my phone lighting up but it wasn’t a notification - it was red, orange and yellow - and i heard “its a bird” and by the flames that encompassed this image, i could tell it was the phoenix. i smiled.
my left arm said “i want my life back”
and was happy for about a few seconds but then stopped because … life.
the magic doesn’t uplift me anymore.
i want to be concrete for a time and see that life can be mine again. but i feel like i am owed something … from someone and yet all avenues are shut.
chiron told me i had a job to do.
isn’t that always the case?
even if i found $50,000 and i moved out … my health is still bad. the nebulizer is the bane of my existence.
i have gone through so many phases where i THINK I’m going to ween myself off of it and then there’s a kick back … of something i don’t understand … but last time, i blame the sleep study. and again, even as smart as i am and as intuitive as i am … with my history, someone should have stepped in and said “no way … lets talk this out instead because you matter”.
everything comes … after the fact.
even the help.
things worth mentioning bc it gets so sticky throughout the day - i have been having upper back pain and have had to lay on the floor and hearing some pops around my neck but the pain is around c4. i suspect the seroquel relaxed things TOO much and through this nerve into a mess. laying down doesn’t help but sleeping in the chair is causing numbness and tingling in my hands again. I’m getting pain in my infraspinatus - both sides. this can be the only thing that i can think of that causes weird and sudden attacks, randomly.
the episodes take forever to resolve. and the pain at SI9 gets worse when i have these episodes ... very local and sharp pain.
something else to note, i don’t know the stages in which the healing happens ... with the vertebrae ... passions and love ... C4 ... insane heartbreak and emotional neglect and lack of emotional support.
and then things calm down, after i get so angry because of the physical damage/repair thats STILL happening ... and you realize just how  many layers you have to build UP and not work through ... to get to the emotional body ... and where intuition comes from as you’re doing acupuncture on a client and you see a blue/purple small round light appear on your left pointer finger and you hear “john lennon” is your intuitive guider of principles long forgotten like “love is all you need” because love makes you feel like you can overcome ANY of your demons. Victor said that when we were talking last year, that he felt more stable.
hindsight is 20-20 right?
Elizabeth Thorson told me that unless i get grounded, I’m not going to know what work I’ve done will stick.
That was …. about 8 months ago and THIS is how long its taking me … after her esteemed shamans all failed.
“love is all you need”
so at the end of the day, this has not been an uplifting journey. and i have a new definition of “enlightenment”.
but I just did a search online for remedies for herniated discs and came across st johns wort oil and elderberry.
i had been told by “myself” that i didn’t need the elderberry anymore.
funny enough, muscle pain and tension has been an issue ever since … and thats exactly what one website said it helps with. 
pisces sabotage. 
and where has the help from the other dimensions been for this?
and whats a firefly? and why was it getting in my way today?
this is all going to end up wrapping up and i have no say in anything. it has to happen and i don’t want to stay like this but there is no book or teacher that i have here on earth to reassure me that things are indeed winding down.
my entire life has been trauma. and many things happen suddenly. my death happened suddenly and has been MORE trauma.
I’m running into problems talking to some clients about things like … their grief bc instinctually, i pull from experience and can only be as “fake” honest as i can be, knowing they’re not going through what I’m going through. 
but when the extra energy and interference is gone, what work is left for me to do? how quiet will life be? will it be a rough transition? and how much longer will i be alone? my mouth keeps saying … as if being fed words from the left … but think of how fruitful your life is going to be! and i go … prove it.
and as i try to just sit with what i just wrote, i also sit with one of my other selves who seems to be championing me … trying to tell me that she’s going to help me take melatonin tomorrow … and if she’s not here, to take it at 9pm.
THIS alone triggers my biggest fear but i should be allowed to …. SIT.
my eyes go to the keyboard … “christine’s biggest fear is coming up! meows!”
and now i have that on my mind … unless i just keep typing. 
but is the electricity too much for me today?
spiritual awakening or spirit murder? this journey has been horrible. 
lets talk. 
so you’re all full of shit.
I’ve been astral traveling day in and day out to heal … myself.
taoist astral gods of healing. 
i can call on whomever i need in a pinch.
but i “step outside” of myself to try and gain a different perspective right?
but she sees things i cannot.
i just wish there was more information because then i would have been more willing … and just allowed it to happen with an understanding. 
theres other things going on that i am “feeling” out … and i suspect MY spirits are the ones swirling around, swiping shit away. 
i started to become more and more suspicious of “the spirits reside within” … until you derail in the most horrifying way possible and they have to step in and do the work.
“we want our girl back!!!”   - said to Petra who didn’t spend any time in exploring this with me. i dissociated but i didn’t black out. i heard the whole thing. she just watched …. and probably thought “ohhhh a case study … how freudian”
so who’s in my eyes?
I’ve already suspected a few things here … but i get the shen, liver, gall bladder and the bladder and the eyes. 
i get that the shen scatter with trauma but something is a-miss.
earlier today, twice at least, i thought of arielle and her death. she died in her sleep. and i had been talking to a client about this tonight and said that we all have these experiences, day in and day out and while its not easy (she was struggling with losing her friend recently), its better to allow yourself the time to process it. i had shared with her the complications of dealing with my own death and coma, along with dealing and processing arielle’s. she died in her sleep and i fear dying in my sleep … and its two-fold because i now have a coma to contend with. its hard to figure this one out as its a lot of imagery more so than words attached to a feeling … and this could be the curse of an empath.
she was so young. when she initially came through, whether it was her or not, i was feeling something different towards her than others … i was shut down a bit and well, on some level, feeling at one with her. 
“hey - hows it going - this shit is nuts right?”
“I’m sorry you’re dead, arielle.”
you’re DEAD.
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ravenvsfox · 8 years
Can you do pynch for the ship thing please
who is more likely to hurt the other?
I mean. Adam doesn’t usually get hurt by ronan so much as he gets annoyed. disappointed. pissed. He never lets ronan’s venom actually get to his veins, he’s too busy telling him how unnecessary the flash of fang is. ronan on the other hand. like. he’s easy to hurt. adam would never in his life want to hurt ronan (it’s his honest to god nightmare) but I think ronan works himself into such a despair at the smallest jealousies and perceived injustices that adam could make one careless comment and ronan would fixate on it
who is emotionally stronger?
ohhhh adam. it’s adam. He’s been dragging so much emotional rubble for so long that he’s built up a tolerance. strong is like The Most adam adjective that I can think of. ronan never had to get to adam’s level of detachment and dissociation bc the first 15 years of his life were gorgeous and easy, and he’s still growing into his protective shell. Adam had to be born in his
who is physically stronger?
it’s ronan tbH he has the upper body strength of a boxer and the broad shoulders of a lynch (but also adam has clever hands and muscular thighs from years of biking everywhere and he can handle himself)
who is more likely to break a bone? 
ouch. They’re both capital R Reckless when they’re together and they have some brutal years under their belts. adam has some poorly set knobbly fingers and ronan has an old snapped clavicle that took forever to heal and constantly bruised knuckles so like. idk. In the future, when adam parrish has escaped from his childhood prison, I’d like to think that they both get ugly minor injuries from doing joyful ramp and dolly and shopping cart type activities only
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
surprisingly difficult question to answer bc I mean. It’s ronan. but is it? he systematically winds people up and adam is so deeply irritated by him that he straight up walks away, but also adam can be ice cold?? it’s so easy to get to ronan. They both fumble and call each other mean names when they want to compliment each other it’s a big mess
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
holy shit would you believe neither??? the most stubborn humans on this earth!! record holders!! we got some emotional repression folks! hooooo boy
adam never starts arguments for no reason so he’s always thinking it through and coming to the conclusion that he’s in the right?? surprise he ain’t apologizing
meanwhile ronan can’t stop being cruel even though he knows it’s hurting people, it’s this vicious self-protective instinct that hurts so good and so wrong. and then his pride gets in the way once he’s cooled down. but he will come to st agnes on his knees and grab adam’s hand and try to make it clear that he’d step on his own pride on the way to adam’s door
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
sad & unfortunate :(( adam treats ronan’s solely bc ronan doesn’t know how the fuck to treat an injury and also ‘none of them wanted to hurt adam parrish’, so ronan’s got his stupid pointless anger related scrapes and adam’s got his anti-bacterial gel and they are a dream team
who is in constant need of comfort? 
neither of them come out on top here man. They’ve had some shared harrowing experiences, and some separate trauma that they’re trying to tell each other about (if their stories could just stop. sticking. when they try to say them out loud). in v different ways, neither of their families are families. Ronan doesn’t let himself fall asleep, and he doesn’t let himself go through things, and the repression starts to calcify into cruelty like it did right after his father died. adam can’t stop thinking about gansey on the roadside, and he can’t be touched some days, most days. he can’t stop swimming or he’ll die. He can’t keep swimming or he’ll die. The gangsey is a critical support system made of so many weak beams
who gets more jealous? 
are u fucking serious,,, it’s both of them pal. remember when every combination of his friends that didn’t include him made adam like. sick with jealousy. remember when ronan saw gansey talking on the phone with adam and wanted to put his hand through a wall. or when adam brought blue along on their quest and he spouted nasty shit the whole day. they both deeply want each others attention and they don’t seem to realize that they already have it? always?
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
ohh god. oh man. oh boy. Here’s the thing. adam’s gonna walk away from ronan, but he’s not gonna walk OUT on him. he’s going to walk away because he’s not on a leash, he’s gonna spread those beautiful fucking self-made wings. And ronan is too!! in his own time he’s gonna build his own spaces that aren’t the barns and he’s going to realize what home means to him and they’re both gonna walk out the door and back but never close it behind them
who will propose? 
a controversial topic! I’m on team adam for this one pals. I was on team ‘adam’s gonna kiss ronan first’ for a while before trk like a FOOL and I realized the error of my ways bc ronan is physical as fuck! and a risk-taker! of course he kissed adam smh. But a proposal? That’s a contract. That’s a speech. That’s a chess move. Ronan wouldn’t corner adam like that. Adam knows how ronan feels and more importantly he knows how HE feels himself, and I think one day ten years into their relationship the practicalities are gonna beckon and he’s gonna look ronan in the back of the head while he’s sleeping and roll over into the curve of his spine and tell him he wants a ring on his finger 
who has the most difficult parents?
omg... fuck off
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
tactile bastards! both of them! ronan especially wants adam’s hands...., any which way he can get them. I mean. He will kiss adam’s hands when they’re at dinner at nino’s and he’ll hook their fingers together even for the 20 second walk from the BMW to monmouth’s front door like he LIVES FOR IT (adam feels nervy and exhilarated every time it’s gay)
who comes up for the other all the time? 
i mean they’re always together so they don’t really bring each other up. if they’re not together they’re with gansey/blue/henry or even fox way babes/vancouver crowd etc and those ppl get real tired of it real quick. adam usually keeps his ronan related musings to himself though like he has self-control unlike... R.N.L. himself
who hogs the blankets? 
ronan does tbh adam has never hogged anything in his life and ronan is a shit
who gets more sad? 
an unfair Q, man. They’ve both had a super rough time, especially right post-trk?? those few months are hard. Ronan cries a lot. Adam gets numb and far away a lot. They have a lot to be sad about. (But more to be happy about. They made it. They honestly just stare at each other and laugh breathlessly and touch foreheads and hands and scars and can’t believe their luck)
who is better at cheering the other up? 
I sorta said this with ronsey but I think ronan is THE BEST at doing dumb shit to take his mind off of things. Like all that stuff about making adam quiet and turning off the lists and anxieties in his head so that they can do smth mindless and dangerous? yeah that. memes and songs and poor decisions. depression whom?
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
this never happens wtf they’re not really ‘playful slappers’ HOWEVER adam will glare at ronan so hard that it probably feels like a slap
who is more streetwise?
it reeeeally depends on your definition of streetwise?? Like if we’re talking survival it’s unquestionably adam. He can fix your car and bandage your wounds and figure out your taxes and make himself invisible and blend his accent into whoever’s around him. He’s wicked sharp and fast on his feet. But i mean. he can’t quite drive stick. and he wouldn’t be caught dead in the sort of underground that ronan ends up in. ronan is streetwise in terms of the actual street, and he knows the most brutal avenues a person can end up on, the real life nightmares that feel closest to the ones in his head. Ronan is smart enough to navigate the chaos, but adam is smart enough to avoid it altogether
who is more wise?
adam. easily. ronan is intelligent and instinctive and talented (or adam wouldn’t get him as well as he does) but adam is a genius and that look behind his eyes..... he’s lived about 1 billion times more than he should’ve by age 19
who’s the shyest? 
neither of them are shy exactly they’re just buried under 9 surface level personalities that you have to crack open with your bare fuckin hands
but if you met either of them in the hallowed halls of aglionby you would think adam was shy and ronan was a rampant fuckwad so based on appearance?? adam. he keeps his head down.
who boasts about the other more? 
as soon as adam is officially his bf ronan takes a ten year long victory lap he’s so embarrassing
who sits on who’s lap?
y’all. we all know ronan sits in adam’s. it’s a fact of life. he probably had a sexy dream about it when he was 17 and took his morning shower in holy water
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