#ohman what a cute
lilpotatjj · 1 year
A/N: I can't belive this is happening. I just thought to give it a try and honestly it was so hard to write that BUT I read so much other Bella smut....here we go. This is my first smut and I think I only write another smut with requests cause I can't tell how often I was hiding under my blanket in shame. It's so different writing a smut story or reading good smut.
So if you guys want some naughty stuff request me.
WARNING: soft smut, fingering, no big things, just cute slice of live between Reader/Fem!Reader x Bella
Summery: Bella comes home from the set after a long day of filming and is completely exhausted, also have lots of wounds caused of the action. It didn't go quite as she had imagined and she had to keep repeating the same scene. You notice her mood and want to do everything to make her feel better.
Wordcount: 900
Proofread: Nope
Sweetn' Hot Steam (18+)
With a jerk, the door to your flat slams shut and all you hear is an annoyed gasp.
Bella enters completely exhausted, takes off her glasses and removes her scrunchie from her hair.
"todays filming was rough huh?" you stand up and walk towards her. "please don't remind me anymore....I have a bunch of bruises and abrasions from fighting" Bella grabs the back of her neck and rubs it.
"what fight scene?" you stand behind her and massage her neck.
"Nora vs Ellie.....too much running....too much knife action. I mean it was fun but something always didn't fit and we had to keep repeating" Bella looks behind you without turning.
"Sounds exhausting but you did good babe" You start kissing her neck which Bella obviously enjoys.
"I'm going to take a shower" She walks towards the bathroom and grabs a towel.
"I'll come with you and check your injuries. We don't want anything to get infected unnoticed" You grin and close the bathroom door behind you.
"my right arm hurts pretty bad....I don't know how many times I've pulled out my knife today and tried to kill Nora" Bella tries to take off her hoodie and fails miserably. "It's OK, I'll help you" You slowly pull on the sleeves and manage to take it off. Aside you first see the extent of today's filming.
"oh baby you look....good...?" you smirk and slowly stroke over the individual bruises and discover one or two abrasions.
"ohman I just want to take a shower and get rid of the dirt...I look like shit" Obviously uncomfortable with the idea of showing herself to you, she continues to undress. "I'll turn on the shower and come in with you" you also undress and look at her legs, which are completely covered in bruises.
"don't worry sweety I still love you" you go into the shower together and the warm water runs over both your bodies. You take a closer look at her wounds and crouch down to her leg injuries. "It looks really painful..." You grab one of your sponges and start gently wiping the sensitive skin, noticing that she gets goose bumps right away, and gently continue.
"feels good...." Bella closes her eyes a little and enjoys every touch of yours.
You start to kiss her gently and lovingly on her thighs and immediately notice that she flinches a little. The sponge moves up to her belly without stopping to kiss her thighs. "Y/N....." Bella looks at you in a daze and your kisses continue to move towards her centre.
Once there, you suck on her clit and she almost loses her grip on her legs. "feels so good...." She mumbles and grips your hair tightly with her fingers while you elicit a low moan from her again and again.
You only stop to continue at her chest, very tenderly and gently, sucking on her nipples. She puts her head back against the wall and closes her eyes to surrender more to the feeling after that rough day.
"relax baby" you kiss your way up to her neck and suck lovingly, grabbing her hair and getting greedier and greedier. The reason Bella is so wet is not because of the shower. Your hand gently strokes her sensitive spot, causing her soft moans to intensify.
You can't stop kissing her and keep biting her neck only to lick it apologetically afterwards. One finger penetrates her far too easily, which is why you immediately follow up with another. The neighbours in the hotel room next door can certainly hear how happy you are making her, but that doesn't matter at the moment, because all that matters now is you and Bella.
"you like it huh?" you tease her further,kiss and praise her and speed up your fingers which is the reason she becomes a moaning mess. "just like that....relax sweetheart and just let go all of that crap for today" She is getting almost too close and her legs shaking more and more bringing her on edge of her own universe. "do...don't stop please" she begs pathetically and melting complete in your grip.
The way she's wet even trough the hot water almost drives you crazy, so you have to hold back a lot from playing with yourself. Her moans are impossible to ignore and Bella has trouble catching her breath "your....y...your to...good...." she holds onto your hair with all her might and puts her head in your neck, screaming all her emotions into your ear while she comes all over your hand. "fuck......." You move a little more so she can gasp for air and Bella just hides her face in your neck a little longer. "holy shit...." her whole body still shaking, you hold her tight, stroking her back. "love you so much" she kisses your lips tenderly and the hot water still pours all over your hot bodys and the whole bathroom is full of hot steam. "I feel so much better" she smiles into the kiss. "have only tended your wounds..." you break away from the kiss with an amorous smile. "love you too my everything"
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arebelnow · 8 years
just got back from seeing moana. what the heck that movie’s so beautiful???
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love-islanding · 4 years
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Thank you @lilithlibrxa for tagging me!! I’m tagging anyone who wants to join!!!!!
1. Bobby ofc!! I actually tried to get with Tim in the season 1 christmas reunion and it went terribly wrong. I still love our short king Tim but he hates me now so yeah lmao.
2. Bobby and Priya. They would both be so fun to be around🥺 I love them a lot.
3. I discovered it two years ago thanks to cody and noel. Then I completely forgot about the game until I saw it last year randomly on play store and it had a different icon. I was so excited to find out it had another season and I immediately downloaded it.
4. The return from casa amor!!! They did us so dirty with that “I figured I owed it to MC”. Not even a hug???? N o t h i n g ?? And the fact that the first time Bobby didn’t even acknowledge MC was very rude😤. (I was really happy that he didn’t switch but cOME ON)
5. The baby challenge was so sweet🥺 BUT I don’t know if I prefer pre casa or after casa challenges. In the pre casa it’s like the calm before the storm and everything is so cute. In the after casa there’s already a deeper connection with your li. AH idk
6. Priya and Rahim!!!! They looked SO good together. I’m mad Rahim had this terrible downfall. He had PRIYA and then ended up with jo. What a waste.
7. I just don’t want them to be a copy of Bobby. There’s obviously going to be the goofy type, Tim’s grandson and Bobby’s son, but I have this feeling that fusebox will try and serve us a Bobby 2.0 (given how popular he is) and I don’t want that. I also want a female li PLEASE. Actually more than one would be amazing.
8. New Hannah was baby. I also thought she was a li at first.
9. Priya!! I will never forgive fusebox for this crime.
10. Jakub. I feel like he’s more memeable. Also some people played his route and apparently he wasn’t that bad? He’s just ugly. Felix, on the other hand, trash.
11. Lucas. Henrik is not my type. If Bobby didn’t exist i would’ve definitely gone for Lucas.
12. I know a lot of people really hate Hope here but imma go with jo. At least Hope was nice to me and I kinda have this headcanon that she’s way nicer irl than on the show so yeah. Also jo is a rat.
13. I love them both so much but imma say Lottie just because I spent more time with her. We didn’t really get along in the beginning but she ended up being one of my besties so yeah🥺
14. I just remember when the guys were introducing themselves and I didn’t like any of them until Bobby came on. First of all looks, second his stupid little beefcake joke.
15. Dammit. Bobby. I’ve been in love with this pixel for almost a year now oof.
16. Prom was actually so good!!
17. Lottie. She went from fierce bitch to fierce softie.
18. Everything about the gems, I literally got so stressed ugh.
19. SEASON 2 WEDDING!! I still can’t believe I’m married to a pixel.
20. Since Bobby has to wake up early bc of his job, I imagine him growing a habit and becoming naturally an early bird. This means that on weekends he probably wakes up early and plays some game on his phone while MC cuddles up to him. I’m soft
21. I'm gonna say the surnames I gave the islanders in my fanfiction heh
Bobby McKenzie
Gary Rennell
Lucas Koh
Lottie Mills
Chelsea Jones
Henrik Ohman
Marisol Barnes
I'll think about the others later.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What if Joyce and her kids and Hop and his (including Max if you want cus I can’t get enough how you write her and Billy’s relationship) all went on a road trip together?!
(okay i know i have other asks before this that i need to respond to but) I LOVE THIS SO MUCH AND I’M!!!! CRYIN!! (also thanks so much for the lovely compliment ohmydear♥i love writing them too it’s so fun)
Okay so i read this and i was like: ohman they’d have to take 2 cars or something bc there’s Joyce + Will and Jonathan and then Hop + El and Billy and then Max?? That’s 7 of them! But tHEN
Joyce is a hippie in my headcanon bc I love that shit and she could show the boys hippie music and help them through life w/ it and so anyway I’d like to think she’s aLWAYS wanted a VW bus. they’re just… cute as hell and so damn cool and she could decorate the inside w/ cute curtains and i just love that so much. so now imagine Billy and Jonathan knowing she’s always wanted one and Jonathan never having seen one but Billy having seen them everywhere in Cali and knowing exactly what Joyce is talking about and they both save up a SHIT. TON. of money (bc i dunno how expensive they were back then but they’re pretty cool cars that a lot of people wanted and they’re big, so) and Will and El even help out by mowing lawns for people or picking up a paper route (Jonathan doesn’t like the idea of them working but they insist) and they buy a used 1968 Kombi VW bus and Billy fixes it up a bit and it’s a faded light blue color and it’s definitely not pristine, it definitely looks a little loved, but it’s perfect and they all help fix up the interior and it’s??? The most beautiful thing. And they give it to her for her birthday or Christmas or something and Joyce cries an absolute RIVER and would hug them all for hours if Hop hadn’t torn her away to let them breathe
So anyway, when Billy and Jonathan graduate from high school in 1986 (i don’t wanna do all the math on when Billy’s birthday would have to be and when school cut offs are but Jonathan and Billy were both born in ‘67 sooooo) Joyce wants to go on a road trip w/ everyone!!!!! Bc how exciting!! and really it’s Joyce’s idea bc Jim doesn’t really like dealing w/ lots of people in one place but Joyce knows all the kids love Disney movies and she’s also always wanted to go to Disney World so they go! And they bring Max along bc El begs and pleads and Billy thinks it’d be good for her to get out of the house and Joyce 100% agrees bc even though Neil hasn’t done anything, the energy is negative and that shit affects a kid, y’know?? Plus they all love Max and would so adopt her if they could so she’s able to convince her mom and she goes w/ them and! just!
Imagine them all packed into a big VW bus w/ little floral curtains and funky retro seat covers, on the road at 7:30am and Joyce agreeing to drive the first few hours bc Hop is useless in the morning and conks out immediately once they get in. El and Will do too, El on Max’s shoulder and Will on Jonathan’s as Jonathan and Billy and Max start arguing for like, a good half hour about what music they should listen to on the trip down until there’s a lull in the fight and Joyce says she only brought her tapes of 60s and 70s music. so they all get educated on good hippie music.
and Billy and Max love each other, they do. they had a bumpy relationship when Billy was living at home before but they’re a lot closer now and they’ve been siblings for years now. but they’re just both such fiery personalities that they bicker more than half the time down. It’s a 16 hour drive (maybe even more??? If there are more roads now than in 1986) so it takes them 2 days and they’re so bratty towards each other.
So  they’re all trying to explain what Disney World is to El who is still rather confused.
“We’re going to…. Another world?”
“What’s a… roller… coaster?”
“You mean Mickey Mouse is real??”
And that one makes Max giggle and shake her head. 
“It’s like… Santa. People dress up as him and other characters and you can take pictures and stuff.” she gives a dangerous smirk then, turning around to look at Billy. “Billy’s afraid of them.”
“I am not.” He growls, kicking at her seat but trying not to kick too hard bc they worked too hard to get this van looking nice.
“You totally used to cry at anyone in a costume. We barely got to go trick or treating that one year because you were so freaked out.”
“Because our asshole neighbor was dressed as Jason and chased me down the fucking street!”
“Language!” Hop yells at the same time as Jonathan snorts. Billy reaches over Will to pinch Jonathan hard.
“Is that why you were shaking when we saw Mickey Mouse that one time?”
“That was on the Walk of Fame. Everyone is afraid of those guys because they’re all a bunch of coke addicts!”
“Coke… addicts?” El asks and everyone pauses, Jonathan letting out another snort.
“Like Coke and Pepsi?” El asks, and everyone immediately agrees while Jonathan laughs a bit.
“Yeah! Coke and Pepsi!” Joyce agrees, while Hop turns and gives them a harsh look to stop this conversation.
Joyce asks what character El is most excited to see. Joyce says that she herself hopes that they have Winnie the Pooh bc he’s her absolute favorite.
“I like Alice.” she says with a smile. It had kind of scared El when she first saw it, but she thought the colors were cool and Alice is just as curious as El is.
“I hope they have Peter Pan.” Max says a little dreamily.
“You just like him because he’s a ginger like you.” Billy snarks, to which Max sends him a harsh look.
“You like him too! We used to watch that movie all the time when we were little.”
And she’s right, they did. It makes him smile. Maybe there’s some psychological reason- the idea of a cute boy coming by to take him away from his terrible life and whisk him away to a magical world is pretty fucking nice -but he’s not about to overanalyze himself. And if anyone were to ask what he’s most excited for, he definitely wouldn’t admit that it’s Peter Pan.
“I like Peter Pan too.” Will admits, to which Max turns to look at him.
“Isn’t he cute?”
Will nods with a slight blush.
“Who’s Peter Pan?”
Max is distraught at El’s question.
“You haven’t seen Peter Pan???” She turns to Jonathan. “What are you guys doing depriving her of Peter Pan?”
“She’s with you more often than us!” Billy is indignant. “What have you been doing, not showing her Peter Pan?”
Max sticks her tongue out. Jonathan says he’s looking forward to Tomorrow Land and all of the parade floats. When Billy is asked, he mumbles something about wanting to ride all the big rides like Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain.
“What about you, Dad?” El asks happily.
“I’m just excited for the food.” Hopper grunts.
So yes, lots of bickering with the occasional break to listen to whatever song is playing. And you fuckin bet they bicker over where to stop to eat, too, until Hop decides for them all. 
And i was trying to look up different, more obscure theme parks or attractions for them to go to but I just… couldn’t get over the idea of all of them getting matching Mickey Mouse ears. bc just… think about it. Think about a picture of all of them gathered in front of the castle wearing their Mickey Mouse hats, Hop and Joyce w/ an arm around the other, Joyce leaning up against Hop, El and Will smiling the biggest and cheesiest smiles with El’s arm around Will’s shoulder, Jonathan giving a little shy smile bc he feels pretty dumb, Max getting the biggest kick out of Billy freaking out over ruining his hair but giving him an expectant look until he puts the hat on, Billy yanking a strand of her hair out right before the photo is taken and Max shrieking so they have to take another one and when they do Billy rests his arm on Max’s head and max is stepping on Billy’s foot but they chuckle about it afterwards, giving irritated looks that break into smiles.
And i just?????? Jonathan buys Nancy a little bracelet with a Minnie Mouse charm on it and a stuffed version of Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and Billy gets Steve a little stuffed Bambi and a shirt that says “Princess” in big letters and gets himself a matching one that says “Prince Charming”. Steve pretends to be less than impressed but he blushes when Billy mumbles something about how he couldn’t stop looking at the castle and thinking of his princess back home and i just??? I have so many ideas about this Hopper Family Vacation to Disney World AUGH i love this.
(and if you want their Road Trip Playlist just ask me bc i just?? imagine their little van driving back up to Indiana on a calm road through a little patch of tall trees while Harvest Moon plays and its golden hour and Jim is driving and Joyce has her head leaning back against the seat, humming along and the sun is making it look like she’s glowing and Jim is a little worried about swerving bc he just wants to look at her. And Billy is leaning back in his seat all the way in the back, arm out the open window next to him as he waves it around in the soft air. Will and Jonathan are asleep on each other next to him and Max turns around from where she’s sitting in front of Billy to ask him something and sees her brother looking so damn calm. Just so serene and happy, a content smile on his face and golden sun hitting his blond hair gracefully as he blinks slowly. And she can’t think of what she was going to say bc it feels surreal to have this kind of moment w/ a family that feels so oddly whole. And Billy notices her staring and turns to her and she just sticks her tongue out and makes a funny face. Billy swipes gently at the air in front of her a few times w/ his left hand, chuckling a bit. She tries to kick him but she can’t reach and he just huffs a big, sharp breath in her face and she reaches to smack him as they both start giggling. then a soft click comes from their left and they see El has taken a picture of them on her little disposable camera she got on the way there and Max turns back around to talk to El and ask about how many pictures she thinks she’s taken and Billy turns back to look out the window, watching farms pass by in a haze, colored by the soft orange light of the sun, as he hugs the little Bambi plushie he bought for Steve and thinks about how comfortable happiness feels.)
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dvrlingrenjun · 4 years
OhmaN allergies suck :(( but the sweaters sound cute hehe may I ask what groups they're for? anD you're right I hate how mnet tries to force unnecessary drama like pls they're babies just let them live 😭😭😭😭 (also that is a good question when is iland ending? There's like going to be a part 2 I think and I'm pretty darn confused LOL) I hope you have a lovely day~~~~ event anon
they do :/ do you have any allergies? but for the sweaters? i have two and they're both bts LOL, one was a christmas present because i didn't know what i wanted to i got the same as my cousin (who only stans bts) and the other,, i got it like 3 years ago!
i believe it was around pdx101 when gfriend featured? (not like went on the show but when source music trainees were introduced) they showed a member how they were mad but she actually want lol. and really? let's hope the first one is fine then! (i still need to catch up on the show ;-;)
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fake-zagan · 6 years
Hey~~ Can I please A-Z for Hakuren Ren (older Hakuryuu brother) i love your blog do much ^0^ Thank you for your work :3
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A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
Hakuren doesn’t mind!! He’s usually doing a cute and endearing gesture with his s/o. Something like bringing his s/o’s hand to his lips and leaving a kiss. He won’t do anything to make them or anyone else uncomfortable.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
One of Hakurens best memories with you was when he came home and you tackled him to the ground. You planted kisses all over his face and left him breathless!
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
Dogs!! His boy isn’t well trained but he sure is well loved!! actually... He probably has two dogs, a brother and sister:
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D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
One of his many dreams is moving away with his s/o and startinng a family. He‘d move away with no roya responsibilities, and have his family to love and love forever!!
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)
If he’s not busy with anything he’ll join his family at dinner. They don’t speak too much but he likes being around them. After that he and his siblings will spend time together, chatting or playing games!!
F = first date (what was it like?)
Hakuren wasn’t usually nervous but he found himself worrying about the date. He was afraid he would make a fool of himself and they wouldn’t like him. He was wrong to worry, of course. They enjoyed themselves and told him with a kiss befofre they parted ways that night!!
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
His laugh is hearty and contagious. He can’t help but let out a heavy laugh when he hears a joke or sees something hilarious. his laugh can be soft too, but it’s always joyous.
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
His hugs are warm, protective, and bear-like!! He wraps his arms around you and keeps you close and safe!
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
He loves all the different sounds that different instruments could make. He wanted to try one, but that was never in his agenda set by his parents. He enjoys listening to musicians just as much though.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
His babes and his babe!!(his dogs and you). Of course his siblings too. Being around all at one time can overwhelm him with so much love and joy!!
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
His kisses are full, wet, and enthusiastic. He gets a little too excited when he kisses that he’s kinda sloppy. hhah u kno ;)
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
Hakuren is a confident guy, so of course he becomes show-off-y. He has good intentions though!!
M = memory (what's their favourite memory?)
One of his favorite memories was when he was younger and while adults slept, he and his sinlings went out and played hide-n-seek. They played a few rounds before they let Hakuryuu be the seeker. He started crying when he couldn’t find any of them, so Hakuren came iut and helped him. He swears he’s saw the brightest star that night when his little brother smiled each time he found someone.
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
He doesn’t like people who are cruel to animals. They bother and piss him off.
O = occupation (what's their dream job?)
Hakuren considers his position as king to be his dream job, but he would still be honored to be his brothers advisor.
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
oHMAN ;-; Hakuren is so pure, caring and loving. He puts as much effort into parenting as his s/o does, it’s always a 50/50 teamwork!!
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
Yes but they do not bother him. Sometimes he’ll tell a spooky story to his little brother just to get a rise out of him.
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
He is romantic and enthusiastic about it!! he likes to wear his big heart on his sleeve around his s/o, and shows them all the sweetest gestures.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
Telling his siblings a joke and seeing them laugh!!
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
He is clingy and especially if he hasn’t seen his s/o in some time. He’s so happy to see them and brings them in close to tell them how he’s missed them!!
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that's unbearable?)
He has a habit of not bathing after he’s done training. He’ll pull you in close for cuddles and boy, is he sTINKKKYY..
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
He does take pictures and videos. He looks forward to smiling and laughing at them.
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
The wedding is grand!! he‘s over it about halfway through and just wants to spend time with his s/o. He’ll hold them while they’re dancing and tell them how happy he is. How much he loves them and how much he wants to be alone with them right now.
X = eXtra (what's an interesting fact about them that they don't tell anyone about?)
Hakuren loves running and he’s fast!! He’ll wake up early in the morning and be back before sunrise.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
Feet. They gross him out. His siblings and s/o like to sneak their feet close to him until he notices and freaks out. its funny ;-;
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
He is a heavy but still sleeper. He doesn’t move a lot, so he pulls his s/o close and wraps them both up in blankets to keep warm!!
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manmarziiyan · 6 years
rate Aditi sharma, Surbhi C, and Asha Negi as actresses
I don’t know whether you’re referring to Aditi Sharma from Kaleerein or Aditi Dev Sharma from Silsila Badalte Rishton Ka, but I’ll do both since I’m familiar with their work.
Aditi Sharma from Kaleerein: 7/10. Considering that this is her first show as a lead I’ll cut her some slack but as a performer she has grown since the beginning of the show, atleast from what I’ve seen. Her character Meera was initially presented as a typical “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” in the promos especially were quite misleading imho. It took her a while to get a sense of her character I feel in the beginning, and it was quite evident the way she acted in her scenes but as the show progressed, so did Aditi in terms of acting, which is always a good sign. Her Punjabi is more polished compared to the earlier episodes which is quite important since her character is well, Punjabi and the rest of the cast members, including ALL of Meera’s family members except her siblings, and the actress that plays Pammi Kapoor are native Punjabis. She’s got great screen presence and can definitely hold her own against her more experienced co-stars. I believe her forte lies in scenes where Meera is shown to be confronting someone whether it’s a potential sautaan, bitchy family members or Vivaan, as well as tashan wale scenes where she’s fighting back/rebuking Vivaan (ML of the show) when he fucks up. I’ve also noticed that she’s incredible at more nuanced/non-verbal acting. She shines in scenes where her character Meera is shown to be undergoing a lot of internal battles/dilemmas, and to convey that purely through expressions is not easy task. I will say though, she does fall short in scenes where Meera’s shown to be really stressed out (??) she tends to stutter and indulge in what I like to call “verbal word vomit” and it does give me second hand embarrassment. She definitely really needs to work on her dialogue delivery, hence the reason behind my rating, and is a huge part of the viewing experience for me especially.
Aditi DEV Sharma: 9/10. An incredibly versatile actress. I’ve been familiar with her work for quite a while now from her work in Bollywood (Mausam, LVRB), her work in tellywood (watched a bit of Ganga, and have been watching Silsila-BRK on and off), and finally her work in Punjabi cinema. I will say this though, as much as I appreciate her work in Punjabi films, I do feel like she has been typecast in her films, always essaying the role of a naive village girl in a period film. (She’s done 4 roles like that in total, 5 including her upcoming Punjabi film titled “Laatu”) There are distinctive differences in the roles she chooses there, but they’re essentially following the same template. This lowkey upsets me, because I know what she’s capable of doing, and wish she would opt for roles that weren’t pratically the same with different names. I guess she considers scripts bc they are actually GREAT, and those films are actually my faves but anyways-.
Surbhi Chandna- 10/10. Ohman. OH MAN. Do not even get me started. In my very humble opinion, Miss Chandna is the best performer/actress out of everyone from the entire cast, and one of the best, if not the best tellywood has to offer. The range this woman has managed to show in the span of 2 years in one show alone, is so astounding and praiseworthy. Can manage to make x10 the expressions faster than your fave can even manage to say the first syllable of “ex-pres-sion.” she invented expressions and comic timing, I don’t make da rulez. Can manage to make you laugh till you cry and deliver goosebump-inducing performances within (1) episode. Literally lights up the screen and keeps you captivated with her screen presence, all while presenting each and every given emotion so effortlessly, with great ease. I’m gonna stfu before I end up sounding more biased than I already am. also, why does this sound like a really badly written resume skjhjdkh.
Asha Negi:- N/A. Can’t really speak for her acting chops since I haven’t really seen her work at all, but she’s beautiful and cute af, and seems like an actual sweetheart offscreen!
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chainedoracle · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO !! Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER?: Luna/Chemistry. This is the biggest factor when it comes to writing a ship with me to any extent. If I had to name one, however, LuNyx is up there but I prefer to explore. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Damn near anything. I want to see something realistic where they have to work through arguments and problem solve together. Something with substance to it - a story, preferably.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: If the two are of consenting age and are both okay with what’s going on then it’s fine. The same goes for muns, if we’re both okay with it and we agree to do it, that’s good. I’m pretty easy going on this.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: For Luna, yes. My Prompto, he’s a different story. Since Luna’s blog is low activity and a difficult muse to ship, I’m going to be more selective with who I hand her over to. I’ll thread and do random stuff with people all day but romantically shipping her? That’s gonna require some communication, plotting, and a good amount of trust. 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NS/FW?: I generally tag if things are getting steamy while they’re talking as a precaution and don’t untag until they have their clothes back on. Never hurts to be wary.
WHO ARE OTHER THE CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?: I haven’t thought about many. Luna/Prompto could be cute. Same with Luna/Cindy or Luna/Aranea. I’m a little curious about Luna/Loqi and some non-FFXV fandom characters.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Not really, I’ll generally pick up on it. I’d like to say that I’d prefer to be asked for Luna in particular but it’s not required. She’s a bit harder to see shipping all the time but I’ll try anything once with her.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: Hm. Luna’s a great character and there’s a lot that can be done with her, I just don’t think she would give her heart out to just anyone. She’s like my Prompto in that.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: A healthy amount - not too many, not too few. That sort of thing.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: For the moment, yes. I may get a little more strict later on but I mostly come to Luna’s blog to chill and get things done at a slower pace than my main one.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Ohman. I ship a lot of things. Right now, maybe Gladnis for the moment? This answer is different depending on the day tbh.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Communicate with me. Have an idea ready if you want to ship with me. I’ll do the same for you. If there’s somewhere you want them to go, just let me know and I’m more than happy to see if we can go that way. It’s not that hard. 
Tagged by: @trashkingizunia​   Tagging: Steal it and tag me!
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bleusidemv · 6 years
what are ur favorite jaebeom moments??? its the real beom loving hours rn
Ohman I really thaught about that for a while bc this is gonna be a whole novel but ILU for sending it in so sorry for the rant but when it comes to my hubby I cant keep it short!Well of course the concert itself was a perfect experience but what we really was one of my fave jb moments at the concert was his speeches bc he really puts so much thaughts into them and they are different everytime and it was so cute how amazed he was by the crowd and how often he thanked us for coming in the heat and waiting all day and how happy he was to see us sing along ti every single song eventhough we dont speak the same lenguage and he was just smiling all the time and thanked us a million time for cheering and hyping them up/being all jumpy and happy and loud with them but was really the cherry on top was when the translator finished translating and he repeated what she said bc he thaught german was cute/funny(I have a video on my phone of it where he just smiles and sais "warum" like 3 times)Of course I love seeing him dancing(eventhough his bboying worries me often...boy...take care of your bsck you are already injured) but his passion for it really comes through whenever he moves and he just cant keep his smiles to himself also he feels himself so much while doing it its just the most beautiful thing. I love it when he talks about things that are important to him like his cats, his family, the music he does himself and the other artists he listens to...you know...I love it when people talk with passion and you see that they have certain memories going through their inner eye right in that moment but when your loved ones do it its even more beautiful.There are some songs where he is especially into singing them(mostly the ones he wrote and/or produced himself but also some of the older ones) and seeing him sing them with his whole heart is so fascinating.I love when he does lives bc at first he is a lil awkward but after a lil time he becomes more comfy and then he just talks like friends and thats something that means a lot to me...and I guess its one of the reasons why I love him(also rest of got7 cz they are the same) so much. He really feels like a family member telling you stuff. For example when he does not hide his thaughts and just straight up tells them eventhough the manahement team tells him not to(example when he said he wanted tattoos and piercings and that if he really wants to get them he will no matter what others say)I looooove it when he becomes so proud of the other members and watches them like a dad its so adorable(especially when it comes to the maknaes and jackson)His friendship to jinyoung and all their interactions and the chemistry between them is also lovely to watch like all their inside jokes we dont get but its enough to see them all smiley together or when they communicate just with looks and not words or just them being the parents they are.. you know...I wiuld really just feel st home and safe and secure with these two men.This list could go on and on but Ill stop now since I have to go to practice but thank you sooo mimuch for sending it in it really made me happy to write that all down and think if him/these moments...yeah...every hour is boemmie loving hour
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phdead · 7 years
6, 9, 13, 17, 20, 28, 32 😙, 43, 50, 53, 54 🤔, 57, 65, 70, 82 💪🍪, 91 ✨✨
👀 im a tad suspicious (ikid)(thankyouforthespam)(:3)
6. What are you excited for?man nothing recent that i can think of. i mean minus maybe the day midterms finish but even then it’s not like things get easier :/ soooooooo yeahim excited for feb :3
9. Is confidence cute?🤔 hmm i would say it can be 
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?probably my ethics essay :/ or studying for midterms :\ but it’s also Thanksgiving :// i’d rather just be watching smth with my boof :\
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?That’s You(points at capitalized letters)
20. Are you starting to realize anything?It feels like im always realizing dif things about myself
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?*scrolls through our messages* ah yesbatsman
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?things would be hella awks if they didnt 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?ohman okay so i know i definitely have but now it’s just a question of when and how 🤔 welp i cant think of much (except trusting them with embarrassing stuff)
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes and i was terrible
53. Is Christmas stressful?i feel like it’s getting a bit more stressful now that it’s right after e x a m se as on but otherwise i try to get gifts done beforehand. then there’s gatherings you go to or host that you don’t want to show up for. but overall Christmas is the best
54. Ever eat a pierogi?imwhy is this here imcryingofc i have
57. Do you believe in ghosts?welp and here we have yet another example of things I dont think about so i dont actually know. i believe in spirits, but i dont think i believe in ghosts 
65. Nike or Adidas?nikes look p good on a certain someone 
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?I’ve always liked the idea of them having a job that would work different hours than i would. that way there’s always one of us with the kids (nothing specific tho) (maybe smth with children) 
82. Favorite type of cookie?ohman im going to be here for a whilei kinda wanna say super chewy chocolate chip cookies – OH WAIT those pillsbury cookies (i just reblogged them and i di e i love them but cant find them anywhere anymore)
91. Best room for a fireplace?every roomi want a fireplace in every roomthe house is the fireplaceima live among the flames(im kidding) (sorta) (i think fireplace in the bedroom would be Maximum Coze)
ask me to admit stuff
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stillkillinmehollis · 5 years
ya killin me Hollis... so for that 1-98
99 Gay-ish Asks [x]
1) how tall are you?
like 5ft 3in. not tall at all
2) what is your body type?
I’m not sure if i fall under the “husky” category? 
3) what is your favorite part about your body?
my legs are pretty solid and pretty brolic, so I guess we can go with that.
4) is your current hair color your natural hair color?
5) are you more outgoing or more shy?
Definitely shy. But at work, I can sometimes fake the “outgoing” pretty okay
6) are you more femme or butch?
…. uhh… butch..ish… i guess?
7) are you tol or smol?
hella smol
8) wine mom or vodka aunt?
i mean.. I don’t drink so… neither…
9) weird habit?
I crack my knees
10) favorite meme?
oh man, too many to decide
11) do you sing in the shower?
not really anymore.
12) ever used a bow and arrow?
Merida has shown me a thing or two
13) are/were you a theatre kid?
14) have you ever seen a broadway musical?
In no particular order, I’ve seen: Wicked, Beauty & The Beast, Grease, and Mamma Mia
15) do you think musicals are cheesy?
i’m neutral
16) have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did do the March For Life in high school (my stand on the situation has since changed).
17) favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
it has been so long since I’ve last played CAH, that I don’t actually remember
18) last movie you watched?
19) behind the camera or in front of it?
i live behind a camera.
20) favorite tv show?
Bob’s Burgers is the show I currently watch most, so we’ll go with that. 
21) meaning behind your url
it’s line from Carmilla
22) reason you joined tumblr
I think an at the time Buddy of mine told me about it and I should sign up. and i was like “aiite”
23) who’s your closest tumblr friend?
Zach, Laura, Kelli, Sky
24) what’s something most people love that you hate?
being the center of attention
25) have you ever taken narcotics?
I’m not big on drugs to any capacity… and avoid taking any if I don’t need to… and idek what actually is considered “narcotics”… so i really have no idea ?
26) have you had sex?
I have not.
27) have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
nothing “bad”, I don’t think. idk, I was never that “bad” of a kid.
28) worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
i’ve never told this story to anyone before, but i completely forgot about it until right now. So in college, I told a professor that my (i think it was a final?) had gotten ruined by rain that got in my bag, and I tossed the papers. In truth, either I hadn’t done it or i hadn’t finished it. 
29) describe your passion without mentioning it.
what am i even passionate about these days ?
30) describe your best friend.
His name is Zach, he was one of my college roommates. He’s the Felix to my Sarah, my baby brother in every way possible. He’s always there when I need him, and my personal cheerleader and biggest supporter. He’s also patiently impatient about me getting a girlfriend :p 
31) give us one thing about you that no one knows.
please refer to question 28.
32) how do you feel right now?
I’m getting kinda sleepy… It is 3:35am after all. and I’m only not even a full 1/3rd of the way through these questions 
33) what is your biggest fear?
Bees. Needles. Being Abandoned by people. Feelings.
34) what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Ocean Avenue, by Yellowcard. I have no idea why, but it gets me so hype while I’m driving, and gets me to pull my windows down and blast my music.
35) what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
applying for the Disney College Program one last time.
36) have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
haven’t we all at least once ?
37) something you fantasize about.
having an awesome girlfriend some day
38) last time you cried and why
a few days ago I cried out of frustration as I’m trying to figure out my living situation
39) what was the last thing that made you laugh?
the fact that you sent me as many questions as I sent you
40) do you really, truly miss someone right now?
it’s been five months since I lost my Pup, and I truly painfully miss her on the daily
41) who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
42) the last time you felt broken?
a few nights ago, due to something that was said in a one on one with my leader
43) are you starting to realize anything?
44) are you more dominant or more submissive?
I don’t think this applies?
45) i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you can accept me, from my sarcasm to my mental health (or lack there of), everything in between and beyond
46) do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
I’m here more for your maturity level then your actual age
47) describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
I’m definitely not “in love” with anyone, and I avidly avoid the 5 letter C word. 
48) do you have any kinks?
getting a good night’s sleep
49) first thing you notice in a person?
between their smile and their eyes
50) how can someone win your heart?
51) been rejected by a crush?
ugh, i hate the C word but yes, yes I have.
52) have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
sure have !
53) would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54) is trust a big issue for you?
55) did you hang out with the person you like recently?
56) is confidence cute?
57) what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
i wouldn’t say anything… like if someone else makes them happy, i’m not gonna come between that
58) would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no way
59) does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
………..moving on
60) ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
my entire existence is generally embarrassing to anyone, so .. yeah lol
61) do you want to get married?
I’d like to.
62) worst thing you’ve ever done?
i have no idea what the number one worst thing is… and honestly I don’t even want to know
63) three things that turn you on.
when someone can confidently take charge of the room, a cute laugh, and sarcasm. (also, just want it to be known, none of these are “sexual” turn ons, but things that can turn me on to a person)
64) who do you hate?
that’s a story for another day
65) favorite term of endearment?
Dude (thats an endearing term, right?)
66) who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
ohman… i’m not sure. Natalia Livingston (Emily Quartermaine, GH), maybe? Eva LaRue (Maria Santos, AMC)? Tamara Bruan (Carly Corinthos, GH)? 
The soap ladies were/are pretty, and I was a wee gay, okay ?
67) intimidating girls or kind girls?
in fairness… i feel like all girls are intimidating to some degree or another.
68) what do you look for in a possible partner?
someone who makes me smile and laugh, someone who keeps me on my toes, someone who pushes me to be better. someone i can have fun with, be sarcastic with, and someone who can be sarcastic and witty back at me.
69) do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
the personality behind the girl speaks volumes… also has a MAJOR affect on if i find her attractive or not.
70) are you good at flirting?
not even a little bit
71) who was the first person you came out to?
72) do you have any friends who are wlw?
thankfully, most of them are !
73) is your crush wlw?
i hate the C word, but every girl I’ve had my eye on for one reason or another has turned out to be WLW.
74) last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
i’ve honestly always been ace, whether I knew it or not.
75) write a short love poem to your crush/self?
i’m as good of a poet as I am expressing my feelings
spoiler: I’m not.
76) do you fall in love easily?
Situation depending, I can fall in LIKE or INFATUATION easily. but definitely not love.
77) is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
what’s a gay without some past trauma
78) are you good at hiding your feelings?
depends on the person and the feelings (but mostly, yes, I think so.)
79) are you a forgiving person?
For the most part, no. but it also depends on how bad you messed up… I can be, for the right person and the right circumstances.
80) what is your “type?”
idk if i have a strict “type”. 
81) fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
the secret third option: play with her hair until she falls asleep in mine
82) tall girls or short girls?
83) hugs or kisses?
i’m not always the greatest at physical contact, and the idea of my first kiss scares the actual shit out of me … so i guess hug for now?
84) twirl her around or get twirled?
please just me play with your hair
85) tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
uhhh… tummy ? i guess ? like i’m not out here trying to get in your thighs
86) hairline kisses or neck kisses?
is a hairline kiss the same a forehead kiss ? 
87) play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
i refer you back to #84
88) making out or soft kisses?
89) hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
i’d probs prefer waist… i guess?
90) how confident are you in your sexuality?
110% confident i’m not sexually attracted to anyone
91) when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
my dude. Pal. Bro. your boii gets the whole damn zoo in a stampede-that-killed-Mufasa style, and it turns her stomach upside down, inside out, all around, and breaks it into a million pieces. 
92) have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
yes I have, and yes I did.
93) how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
i was littttttle
94) most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
95) do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
Laura/Carmilla. and yes.
96) what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
No One really has ever said anything too aggravating to me about asexuality. 
97) when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
last night (Tuesday; July 23rd, ‘19)
98) what is love to you?
Love is… all the songs making sense (throwback reference, I couldn’t resist). Love is “whats mine can be ours”. Love is working together to give it your all.
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piefanart · 7 years
Question Game!!
Tagged by @songheartstudios!  Thank you so much!!!
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want) 
Do you have a game/franchise that has become your comfort? 
yes!! Super Mario n64 ALWAYS gives me the best comfort nostalgia!! i also really love playing twilight princess when i feel down.
How many pets do you have/wish you had, and what type? 
I currently have two cats,two zebra finches,  and a dog. i want more cats, like 10. one day i shall be the crazy cat lady of my dreams. a bunny is also neccessary.  i also really want a hedgehog, her name will be Sebastian. and i want a whale shark. fight me.
Do you have a best friend (or multiple!) you talk to every day? If so, how much do you love them? 
my friend Emma is super close to me, i keep pressuring her to get a tumblr so i can tag her in dumb memes. i talk to @llama-jedi-master and @jeremy-1994 almost every day too (Jeremy is my internet best friend!) I talk to @killercreeper cat often, they are super awesome! And also theres my crush, Peregrine, whom i talk to on the phone almost every day and sometimes twice or more a day. our longest phone call was 6 hours, but it is not rare for them to last up to 4 hours. I love all of my friends very much and nobody is allowed to hurt them or i will fight them in a shady back alleyway at midnight.
What is your dream job? 
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS im gonna work for Nintendo’s concept art department. this is a fact.
Fondest childhood memory? 
uhhhhhhhhhh... ohman  that one is hard mainly cause i dont think about my childhood often. it would probably be when me and my irl bff Hannah had a sleepover where we watched the lord of the rings trilogy. halfway through return of the king, which was about 3 a.m., we started a game of star wars monopoly. also, to stay up so late, we each took a bag of pixi stix and dumped all of the powder into a cup. we mixed it with just enough water to make it into a sludge, and then bottoms up! perfect all-nighter drink.
Comfort food? 
ramen noodles. cheap, sustainable, and reliable. also pizza. little ceasars.
Home activity that soothes you? 
sewing makes me calm. it forces me to focus on one thing, especially when im working on a project i havent ever done before. and the hum of the sewing machine while its working is very calming to me.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
im going to honeymoon in hobbitton, new zealand. but if i could go anywhere, right now, i would love to visit japan. theres so much cool stuff there, like cat and bunny cafes, cute shops, street fashion, amazing foods, and NINTENDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Do you listen to music often? What kind? 
YES. i mainly listen to nightcore, fall out boy, panic! at the disco, 21 pilots, video game soundtracks, imagine dragons, and pretty much anything else that catches my attention. this is what im pretty much 24/7 listening to: https://www.pandora.com/station/play/3424376025844576780
Do you like when random people show up in your inbox to chat, or are you too shy? 
i love when random people ask questions or send messages. it always makes my day and makes me feel special that someone would not only notice me in the vast ocean of the internet, but take time out of their day to interact with me. in real life, i am extremely shy around new people, but online i tend to be more outgoing. haters are excluded from this btw.
Do/did you enjoy school? If so, for the learning or for the social aspect (or if you are/were homeschooled, the clubs or groups)?
i hate school. it takes time out of my day for things i mostly already know. i was  homeschooled, i start college part time this fall. i tend to catch on to new things very quickly so repetetive work makes me frustrated.
My Questions for you:
1. Early bird or night owl?
2. whats the first video game you remember playing?
3. is there a food you hated as a child that you love now?
4. favorite gaming console (or r u a pc person?)
5. favorite childhood book?
6. do you have any special jewelry you wear? why do you wear it and where did you get it?
7. what fictional character would you want to date? would you marry them?
8. whats your favorite season and why?
9. whats your favorite color of cat?
10. whats a music genre you dont like? why not?
11. if you could meet anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be and why?
TAGS: @jeremy-1994, my amazing friend, @brigin, my internet mom, @fillyreports, awesome mutual, @trashperson32, a very cool person, @hugesucc-ess, cause ive never tagged them in anything but they are really nice, @pirothesquid, because i love seeing you show up in my notifs, @spear-180, another amazing peep, @llama-jedi-master just cause i tag u in everything, @comfort-cores-therapy-session​, a very good rp blog, @killercreepercat​, one of my favorite mutuals who i had the honor of meeting by chance irl, @the-truest-oncer​, an irl friend of mine, @ff2-da-derp​, awesome peep, @beautiful-azalea​, who runs some amazing animal crossing blogs, @colorfulcollectordragon-2f8ee55c​, another good mutual, @princess-of-erebor1992​, ik life sucks but you are doing amazing!, @virgil-did-nothing-wrong​, you r very good, and @ anyone who i missed or who wants to do this!!
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galra-druid · 7 years
My URL maybe?
Do I Follow Them?: Yeees
Why Did I Follow Them?: Did I mention my OC love? PRECIOUS GALRA ASSASSIN
Do We Role Play?:  We’ve got a cute fluff thread going
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Osera and Zelbin need to be frieennddss
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Hmm, AU where they’re Paladins of Voltron. *u*
A Song For Our Muses: Still no youtube.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Still nope because someone loves a Red Lion I believe?
What I Think About The Mun: Ohman, all your posts about your anxiety make me sad and want to IM you but then I don’t want to bother you and I am a dumbass.
Overall Opinion: A good bab!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Idk if i put in part 1 on my previous ask here is part 2 of dr iggt wet dream. Ignis strandle his lap n in a deep voice he tell gladio about his dream n how sexy young gladio n the current is sexier while stripping both of them. Ignis reenact his dream n after their sexy time gladio said with satisfaction "i should show you more of my younger self picture. I want you to go wild like his again" n ignis reply "not just that will make me go wild darling" n gladio beg for him to tell - rose
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooose. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So bad Ignis can’t have both at once other than in dreams, but it must have had been one hella fantastic dream, to have made Gladio think he was in the middle of a nightmare by the sounds he was making. Ohdearastrals. 
Ohdeargods. Current, strong, tough Gladio on the back, and inexperienced but good, slightly smaller but still tough younger Gladio on the front. Ignis in between. Ohboi, both are quite a catch, so that Ignis gets both in one is one damn good thing for him, no wonder he was so loud out of only a dream.
Ignis you perverted man, those are your kinks, huh? Man, I can imagine Gladio’s satisfaction out of unexpected-midnight-Ignis-time, haha. He must have had been like “Oh noooo, my boyfriend’s having a nightmare, poor sweet little thing I’ll wake him up :’(” and five minutes later find himself with a terribly turned on Ignis straddling him and taking off his shirt. Gladio was possibly like “??” at first because he’s just woken up and this is not the scenario he thought would follow
but it’s not like he’s complaining ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ohman, rose, what have you done, now I have the mental image of Gladnis sandwich in the head with younger and 22 y.o. Gladio as bread and Ignis as the ham in between. I wonder what sort of stuff Ignis was watching, that perverted man. You thought he was a very formal man who didn’t do that kind of stuff? Well surprise, he’s as dirty in his bedroom as he’s clean in the hospital.
You know like
I don’t think this will make anyone uncomfortable (it as hell doesn’t make ME uncomfy at least), so no troubles; I saw your other inbox, rose, no worries on posting this. I’ll answer the other later, I’ll just say IT’S SUPER CUTE THANK YOU FOR THESE BOTH SCENARIOS
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thebabadoof-blog · 8 years
Lace, Ink, Candle
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m so sorry this has taken me so long to answer!! 
Lace - what kind of clothing do you wear? 
Fairly casual I guess. I like floppy clothes and cute patterns so I have lots of t-shirts with stripes/spots on them and a few floral print skirts. Also floppy jackets. Many floppy jackets to hide in. 
Ink - write a poem and post it: 
ohman okay - I’m no poet and this is the most rushed and un-edited shit ever but here goes: 
- I’ve missed you, I say 
and the wind gives the trees a voice to reply: They’re glad I’ve finally 
come home - 
Candle - what is your favourite scent? 
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this is a tricky one. I have a few. I’m a huge fan of the scent you get when you open up a really old book, green tea (I have a hand-cream with this scent to help me through panic attacks), vanilla, bergamot and that kind of earthy, woody scent you get when you’re going on a walk somewhere with lots of trees. 
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