#reminded me of when i lived in aiea
aggold15hi01 · 6 months
Writing update and inspiration-*Logan x Kaia
*Author's note: This is an unofficial title of the project however because I had fallen into the rabbit hole of Formula 1 here on Tumblr therefore I might want to put my focus on someone very different from what I used to do and yet having a very different female protagonist more so than the main protagonist I used to work for a very long time on Paula but Paula and Mano projects will all be on an indefinite hiatus until any further notice on what I am going to do with both Paula and Mano.
For Kaia's face claim; she will have the same face claim as a main female protagonist I had worked for a very long time on Paula Leah Thompson who is usually the main female protagonist and leading lady in many of my writing projects on using Allisha Gray as her face claim inspiration.
Paula and Kaia will have both the same face claim inspiration on Allisha Gray and the same baby voice as they both shared with each other however the both of them will be very different main leading female characters in their own respective projects I am perhaps working on the idea.
Also on another note; my current header for my Tumblr does reminds me of how **Kaia would do something like that in her apartment as ****she is a person whom not only she does loves teddy bears (Just like Paula) but she also does put them everywhere in her apartment in order to keep her company while having to take the time facetime Logan via **HiFaceV while she is a nail salon owner of her own nail salon where she and a group of girls owns and run the local nail salon business in the street of Waikiki.
(**Kaia is a very different to my main character Paula as Kaia is a good friend of Logan S. ever since she first met him back in Miami when her older cousin yet the one who is an influencer had brought her cousin to take on an experience outside the islands of ***Hawaii
(***Especially Oahu ever since Kaia is from the island of Oahu as she is born in Honolulu but moved to Aiea where it located West Oahu, Hawaii which is near the area of Pearl City)
(****Again, very similar to Paula; she does truly loves nothing better than cute teddy bears and stuffed animals just as with her counterpart of Paula whom Paula is from New York but moved to Honolulu; Hawaii at around the age of 8 then moved to Fremont; Seattle after graduating from Punahou school where she went there for most of her school years before returning to Hawaii for her further studies and having to ended up becoming a permanent resident and an *****kama'aina of the island of Oahu, Hawaii.)
*****Kama'aina- A person who does truly either lives in Hawaii regardless of their background or a local citizen whom used to live in the islands of Hawaii but moved to elsewhere.
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arebelnow · 8 years
just got back from seeing moana. what the heck that movie’s so beautiful???
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nalu-nakai · 3 years
On Saturday night, I had an extremely difficult time falling asleep.
When I did, I dreamt that I had to go to New York City. My mother insists that I had been to the city as a baby, but I don't remember. I only count the one time I was there in 2018. In this dream, I was in a hurry to get somewhere in Manhatten.
I currently live in Hawaii. On Sunday, I was hiking the Aiea Loop Trail. I took lots of photos, including the one below. This is a view of the H3 highway going into the mountains to Kaneohe. When I stopped to take this photo, I remembered that dream of myself running toward something in New York City.
I had doubts, but I soon realized that I was being called to do a trance drumming journey and meet up with Loki. I have not had time lately, and I usually don't have drumming journeys when I am working with candle spells. They tend to take a lot of time, energy and attention.
In the evening, I set up my Sacred Space and called in all of my protector spirits and deities (which includes Loki as my No. 1 patron). Loki took me to visit his daughter Hel in Niflheim. Hel showed me hospitality, and both her and Loki proceeded to give me a proposal. I think they have been waiting to tell me this for some time; I am being asked to embrace a grey witch/crooked path type of witch craft. My practice as a spirit worker that utilizes trance journey is really working for me, so that isn't a problem. It's that I am being called to use baneful magic just as much as I use light magic.
I reminded them both that I also embrace Reiki healing and energy work in my practice. I have a separate group of spirit guides that are impressed that I accepted attunements of Reiki. They say that Reiki healing will benefit me because I have a lot of karmic knots in my soul that needs to be "untied," and Reiki will benefit me there.
(I strictly use karma in the way that Hindus teach it. In Hinduism, the soul journey through various lives is called samsara. You are alive in a body multiple times because your soul collects karma over those lifetimes, and it is believed you live over and over because karma contributes to you not getting over maya, the illusion of materialism. This discussion is a whole other post I have to make. Feel free to message me if you have questions.)
Loki and Hel have no issue with my Reiki either. They want me to plan something big for Samhain. This may involve a black spell candle, calling in ancestors, and doing a big soul cleansing on myself. This sounds dangerously like a lot of shadow work. I feel like Loki will fill me in later. First, I must obtain a black spell candle of some sort. Something I can anoint with oil at least.
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