#ok I also think she would have shown her White Chicks because she finds it so funny
stuccobaby · 1 year
do you think theres any movies frida would be particularly excited about showing cleo as well as music?? because the fact she missed mean girls by only 2 years is genuinly so tragic
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I’ve been thinking about mean girls when it comes to these two!!!! genuinely was trying to work it into a comic or fic because Cleo would 100% be like “why is everybody so mean to Regina…” and Frida is like “hmmm….im sensing something here”
off the top of my head, here's some movies Frida's got on her list to show Cleo:
She's the Man, The Devil Wears Prada (literally Cleo would love love this movie), Confessions of a Shopaholic, Smiley Face, MAMMA MIA would be CRUCIAL, 13 going on 30 awww, JENNIFER'S BODY, Easy A, Whip It, literally any John Tucker Must Die-esque rom com, Scott Pilgrim V the World (and now Frida imagines what it would be like to fight all of Cleo's exes..)
Frida would also make sure Cleo got to see all the WLW classics like But I'm A Cheerleader (I don't think she would have watched it even tho it came out in 99) Imagine Me and You, Saving Face, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, D.E.B.S, shit like that.
(They'd probably watch more serious and esoteric shit later but Frida is still calculating the type of movie vibe Cleo goes for)
I could really go on and on but I'll keep it short-ish for now lolll!! (also did you say music too? oop well lmk if you still wanna hear about that hehe)
thank you for asking!!!!
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remnantoforario · 4 years
RWBY Chapter 16
Since the next chapter is (supposedly) coming out tomorrow, what better time to look at the current chapter...a month after its initial release. Better late than never. Here we go.  
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It starts with the White Fang about to do whatever it is they were going to do to Ruby, when her team arrives at the nick of time. I do like how Yang is the one to have the big entry line. Gotta protect little sis. 
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One thing I don’t think I’ve mentioned before is how menacing the WF looks in this manga. Yeah they are mostly still glorified jobbers, but at least they LOOK intimidating. As opposed to the series where every member but Banesaw looks like they recruited from the local liberal arts college. Roman is also looking nice here. I’m going to miss this portrayal of him when he’s gone (That is if this manga goes through to Volume 3).
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So Roman reveals his grand plan, which is the same as in the series. He’s going to take the train into Vale and cause general havoc and destruction. Obviously RWBY isn’t ok with this, but it does lead to one of the best moments in the chapter. 
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It’s obvious that Torchwick is playing them, but he brings up an interesting point that is never really touched on in the show. Are Hunters really THAT good for the world? They are supposed to be helping people and safeguarding the planet from Grimm, yet they all around ignore the plight of the Faunus. 
The way the manga describes it is kind of flimsy, but it’s not like we haven’t seen corrupt Huntsmen or those who act outside the law in the the series proper: Dee and Dudley (though on a very minor scale) extorting train passengers, Raven, that chick from the Team CFVY novel, Lionheart, The Happy Huntresses are essentially vigilantes, and Ironwood (At least that’s what the writers want you to believe). Hunters are pretty much glorified mercenaries.
Not every hunter is good and out to save mankind like Team RWBY. Some just do it for the money, others are easy to extort and blackmail, and some are just plain bad people. From a certain point of view, the WF are essentially the Faunus version of the Hunter Organization. A group of individuals out to protect their own kind from those that would harm them, namely humans. 
Like I said, the manga doesn’t really portray it as THAT deep, but it would an interesting thing to explore down the line. 
I also like RWBY’s various reactions to this declaration: Yang is shocked, Weiss is stern, Blake is apprehensive, and Ruby is unsure. It fits with each of them. Yang is still wrapping her head around the idea of people being evil as Torchwick, Weiss has already made her mind up about the WF but still has doubts after what happened with Blake, Blake can’t look because she used to believe the same things the WF did (and still might), and Ruby is stuck somewhere in the middle. 
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Also, points to Torchwick’s shit eating grin. 
This leads to the BEST moment in the chapter and possibly the manga so far. 
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 In a fit of anger, Ruby attacks Torchwick and says this:
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Look at that! Honest to God emotion and character development. We had to wait until the second half to V3 to see this in the show. Yes, in the grand scheme it’s typical shonen protag stuff, but it’s a breath of fresh air in RWBY whose main character was a wasteland of personality until V4. 
From the beginning of this adaptation Ruby has been shown as eager to help, but at the same time unsure of herself. She wants to do her best, but there are a lot of obstacles in her way, most of them her own insecurities due to her young age and overall experience as a fighter. This is a step in the right direction to her becoming a better Huntress and leader. She doesn’t know much about the morality of her actions, or even if what she’s trying to do is right in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn’t matter. In the end, people are getting hurt and she has the power to stop it. That’s what makes her a hero. 
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Now we FINALLY get to the MVP of this chapter:
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Torchwick unleashes his horde of Atlesian Paladins (as usual Atlas security is lacking) when Oobleck and Zwei arrive to save the day. Even though he’s only been here for about two chapters, I already like Oobleck in the manga way more than I do in the show. 
He had a couple cool moments in the series, but other than that he’s mostly used for his “I drink too much coffee” quirk more than anything else. Here he is still eccentric, but also comes off as a much more serious teacher when needed. He looks like someone you would not want to fuck with. Which should be the norm in a school training the future protectors of the world. 
Also, Zwei is still best doggo. 
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Check out that glare. Could make your blood run cold.
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Nice end page, but that’s nothing new for this series. 
This is definitely one of the best chapters in the series, imo. It wasn’t perfect (the girls just standing around while Torchwick explains his master plan didn’t really make much sense to me), but it gave us plenty to chew on as we go into (what I assume) is the finale of V2.
Ruby was easily the highlight of the chapter, which is a good thing because it makes her feel important. She’s not just window dressing she IS the team leader, this is HER story. She should get a majority of the focus. 
That being said, I wonder how Kinami will handle the train fights. Will Weiss still fight Banesaw? Will Yang and Neo still fight? Will Raven show up? Blake didn’t really do much here, will she still get her one on one fight with Torchwick? Guess we won’t find out until tomorrow, but I’m kind of excited to see what happens.  
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myuun · 6 years
do you live in nz? is it better than usa?
I do live in New Zealand! 
HMM… In some ways? I haven’t been to many parts of the US, I mostly stuck to the Southern states and have been to just the general touristy states like New York and California… but even then I haven’t seen all that much and I was a teenager and I really… can’t remember perfectly anymore… ;v; oh my god, I really can’t, I’M SO OLD NOW.
I have also not explored a lot of New Zealand, just Wellington (I live here!) and the nearby towns. 
My perspective comes from being raised on a small city in Mexico and studying in a small city in Texas, so I’ll go from there. 
I’ll go from the cons, cause that’s funner! 
- EXPENSIVE. Expensive. Expensive. If you come with American Dollars you gain more NZ dollars which is great. But the country is damn expensive. I’m used to my groceries for two people go to the hundreds per week. EASILY. Buzzfeed, save your words, I can’t save money on many things. Some things I can (which I’ll talk about in a bit). 
- You pay rent per week. Welcome to hell. Also, getting an apartment is the hardest thing you’ll ever manage to do. Don’t even talk to me about finding a job, even a temporary one. 
- Biggest bummer: NEVER ENOUGH JUNK FUCKING FOOD. NEW ZEALAND HAS THE STOMACH OF AN 80 YEAR OLD. Cheetos? Nope. Rice Krispies? NAH. VARIETY OF CEREALS? NO UNLESS YOU LOVE NUTS AND GRAINS. I have such cravings for shitty food. I miss simple, beautiful greasy food. POUR ME A BOWL OF PANDA EXPRESS ORANGE SHRIMP. Everyday I dream about Chick-fil-a and I weep. This country has things similar… but everything here is very healthy… too healthy. Which I guess its good, but when you are raised on grease, you miss it ya’ll. 
- It can get boring depending on where you are. New Zealand pretty much closes shop… early. In small towns, malls are closed by 5:30PM (a shocking discovery!). Most restaurants, if they serve at night, they close by… 9-10PM. It is shocking if something is open after that, and it is most likely a bar. We are pretty much in by 6PM and if we are out… we are definitely running late or its a blue moon. 
- EARTHQUAKES. This needs no explanation. I hate earthquakes. PETRIFIED. And I live on the top floor and it feels HORRIBLE. No thanks.
- No matter where you go you’ll hit water. My husband loves that we are on an island… I… feel uncomfortable? It’s a small country, we could sink easily if a tsunami hit. This is a bit half and half, it depends on who you talk to. For me, I… I’m not that big into islands. I like land.
- It’s a small country. Again, this depends on who you ask. Some people love it. I personally like it… to an extent. Im at the bottom of the north island and you can get to the top of it within 8 hours. That is… insane. That is HALF THE COUNTRY DOWN. It’s TINY.
- It’s small, so fashion, food, games, fads… all come later for us. So anything trending in the US… we know about it. But we cannot get it until a year later. It’s a cute joke that NZ is always ten years behind.
- The hole in the ozone is right about New Zealand, so you CAN get sunburned on cloudy days. It has happened to me, I swear. There is a SPECIFIC sunscreen made here by the cancer society because skin cancer is so prominent. Wear sunscreen! Fun fact: sun screen is also expensive. 
- It’s an island… and yet fish is expensive as HELL. ????!?!??? wh???!whw??? seafood restaurants? what??? who??? for the rich??? same with milk btw
- Lack of true racial understanding. This is a personal one, which I’ll elaborate on. There are SO MANY FOREIGNERS HERE. So many. But white people are the majority. So a lot of white people… have really strong stereotypes about people of color. I, personally, had never seen such incredible diversity before of religion, race, and nationality so to me, it’s amazing how much I learn, but… its a bit cringy as well how a lot of New Zealanders (especially older ones) are… quite… racist… Then again, this happens everywhere. I just thought with such a colorful variation of population… it would be more… open. And it is! But… ya know… YA KNOW.
- People don’t say bless you when you sneeze. ok I know its a small thing but it BOTHERS ME. 
- People pretty much dress the same… almost… the same. 90s style hipsters.
- So much hipster. 
- HILLS. SO MANY UPHILLS. SO MUCH… WALKING. if you’re into climbing, and foresty, and biking this is the country for you. But I’m not. 
- No matter where you go, it will always… always be stunning. I have a bit of a mocking attitude when people go to “scenic spots” because I feel it’s a waste of time? Personally… THE ENTIRETY of the country is a giant scenic view. No matter where you look, it’s absolutely beautiful. I look out my window and it faces another building and yet the sky and the trees are gorgeous. 
- The air is so fresh, that it cleared my skin. This is a no-joke, my skin actually got better when I lived here for a month and then went back to Mexico, and it burst into pimples. It’s so fresh here and almost NEVER humid. Sometimes, but its tolerable. 
- There is little, to no danger. We can walk at midnight in fling flang wherever and the likelyhood of me getting robbed is pretty minimal. It HAPPENS but it’s so so so rare. The newspaper writes about your neighbor’s tomato farm (seriously). Not… murders. 
- Animal care and respect is SO MUCH HIGHER here. As a huuuge animal advocate that lives for her animal shelter, the love and outpour people give their pets is amazing. It’s INCREDIBLY RARE.. AND I MEAN… RARE. To see a stray dog. In fact, mark my words, I’ve never seen a single stray dog. Maybe a stray cat, but cats are outdoors here a lot, so probably not. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THERE ISN’T ANIMAL ABUSE. There certainly are. But not as rampant as in the US or Mexico.
- It’s rare to eat bad food. I will honestly say in the three years of me living here… I’ve had shitty food… four times? five? And every other time… its been amazing. Idk what it is. It’s always… worth every penny. So I can tell you, when it’s bad… ITS BAD. It’s hard though, you really can’t fuck up here (well, at least Wellington).
- People are so… so nice. I think nice people are everywhere, but New Zealand is especially nice. SO NICE. 
- The diversity is amazing. I’ve never seen such a colorful city.
- RECYCLING AND KEEP NEW ZEALAND GREEN. It really has encouraged me to be more thoughtful and resourceful and soon I hope my lazy ass can fucking… whats it called… compost.
- Everything is very close by which can be very convenient. It’s a small country, so we are close-knit. 
- OUR PRIME MINISTEERRR. She is as lovely in person (my husband and I are lucky to have a selfie with her) as she is on TV.
- Tons of events, tons of artsy fartsy stuff, so many things to see. New Zealand encourages so much togetherness in their community so tons of events are honestly done by the entirety of the country. Festivals, community services, art stuff… Markets are AMAZIIING. 
- If you’re into health, gyms are cheap and walking is even cheaper. We walk… everywhere and everywhere is close by.
- Bus system is fucky, but certainly very useable. It’s all we take and it gets you everywhere. 
There is SO MUCH MORE IM SURE, but I’m about to have dinner and I can’t think of anymore. ;v; But I hope this answers your question. 
Overall, I do love New Zealand, but there are tons of things I miss about the US… mostly just the food… and all the food. And my family. It’s weird being in a country that is really far away from the world. It feels a bit isolating at times, but the kindness and community shown in New Zealand is fantastic, and I really love this country a lot. ;v; Please if someone here is close to the Chick-fil-a CEO, I’ll donate to have one open in Wellington. We just got Krispy Kreme… in one airport in Auckland.
Someone please sir… a bag of donuts and chick-fil-a waffle fries…
waffle fries i miss you
I don’t think New Zealand is necessarily better than the US because the US has such variety because of all the states and people and natural beauty, but I will say... politics wise, I do think we have a SLIGHT UPPER HAND THERE, SON. 
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acelezz · 6 years
L is For Luna (Part 4): A Saluna Fanfic
Title: L is For Luna
Summary: When Luna finds a love letter in her locker, she hopes that it is her crush Sam, but is doubtful. With the help of her ten siblings, Luna will find out whether her dreams of being with Sam will ever be a reality or not.
Part: 4
Author: L-is-For-Loud-House
Fandom: The Loud House
Ship: Saluna (Luna Loud and Sam Sharp)
Timeline: A few months after “L is For Love”
Genre: Fanfiction/Romance
Word Count: 1,545
“Clack, clack, clack!” The sound of Luna hitting Lori’s blue high heels on her white dresser went once again. “I hereby call this meeting to order!”
It was now 3:00 on Wednesday. Luna had gathered all of her siblings into Lori and Leni’s room to discuss what had happened with her and Sam yesterday and to give them a very important update on her secret admirer.
“Alright, now if you can just let me read the minutes from the last meeting,” Lisa announced as she whipped out the piece of paper that had the minutes from the last Loud Sibling Meeting.
“And we still won’t!” Lola exclaimed as she ripped the paper right out of Lisa’s hands and tore it up. “Now, Luna, did you send your signal?”
Luna nodded. “Yep! And I didn’t chicken out this time. That text that you sent me was a bit harsh, but it gave me the confidence boost that I needed to go through with our plan to see if she really digs me the way I do with her or not.”
All of Luna’s siblings squealed and cheered.
“So, what did you do for your signal?” Lincoln asked.
“Well, I told her that I’m really glad that we became close friends when she moved here when we were in eighth grade and that I had no idea what I would do if we never met. And then later on, I told her that her jams sounded totally sick and told her that I always admired her because of how musically talented she is.”
All of Luna’s siblings “aww”ed. 
“That is literally the sweetest, Luna!” Lori gushed. “What did she say in response to all of those things?”
Luna’s cheeks suddenly became a shade of faint red as she gave her arm a slight rub. “Well, she said that she’s really glad that we became close too and that I’m an awesome chick. And she also said that she wouldn’t know what to do if had never met either. And then when I said my new amp was rad, she said, ‘just like you’? And I had no idea what to say so I just said, ‘no, just like you’. And then she said, ‘no, just like us’. And when I complemented her on her musical skills and that I have always admired her for them, she told me that I’m totally a way better musician than she is and that the compliment meant a lot to her since she has always admired me too.”
Once again, all of Luna’s siblings “aww”ed.
“So, did you tell her how pretty you think she is?” Leni asked.
Luna shook her head. “Nah, I haven’t gotten that far yet, brah.”
“That’s ok! I understand how nervous you are. But you’re taking baby steps and we’re all proud of you.”
“Yeah, we really are,” the rest of Luna’s siblings agreed.
Luna beamed. “Aw, thanks, dudes! You’re the best!”
“No need to thank us, Luna!” Luan replied. “We’re your family and we love you. And we’re really proud of you. Now, can I get a bi-five?”. Luan chuckled. “Get it?”
All of Luan’s siblings groaned, then scolded, “Luan!” 
“Wow, a girl can’t be supportive of her own sister without being yelled at by the rest of the family? Bi the way, Luna, I have some advice for you: the next time you see Sam, you should tell her how much you enjoy gay-zing at her pretty face!” Luan giggled. “Get it?”
Luan then broke out into a fit of laughter as all of her siblings groaned out of annoyance.
Luna just let out a sigh and facepalmed herself. “Any ways, dudes, I called you all in here because look at what I found in my locker today!”
All of Luna’s siblings gasped, then all let out squeals. In Luna’s hands, there was another love letter. Like the first one, it had “L. Loud” written upon the envelope in red marker and had red hearts all over it.
“You called it, Luce-change!” Luna exclaimed. 
“See, my romantic vampire books never mislead,” Lucy replied. 
“Ooh, let me read it!” Lola demanded as she raced up to Luna, jumped up, and snatched the love letter right out of her hands.
“No, I want to read it first, Lola!” Lana proclaimed then rushed right up to Lola and swiped the letter from her. 
“Hey, gimme that! I wanna read it first!” Lynn barked as she sprinted up to Lana and ripped the letter right out of her hands.
“Poo poo!” Lily cried as she snatched the letter right out of Lynn’s hands; Lynn had been standing right next to Leni’s bed where Lily had been sitting, making it an easy reach for baby Lily.
Before anyone else tried to snatch it, Luna yelled, “Dudes, stop! You’re gonna rip it if you keep this up and then you’ll never know what my secret admirer wrote!” Luna then walked up to Lily with an outstretched hand. “Now, hand it over and I will read it out loud to you guys.”
Lily just rolled her eyes. “Poo poo,” she grumbled as she handed the letter over to Luna.
“Thank you, Lilster,” Luna replied as she opened up the envelope and took the love letter out of it. “Alrighty now. It says:
‘Dear L. Loud,
The way you make me feel shouldn’t even be allowed. I feel like I’m in heaven
every single minute that I’m with you. That’s why I love being in classes with you; I’m
glad that we share more than two.
Your Secret Admirer’.”
Half of Luna’s siblings gushed while the other half gasped.
“Wait a minute, don’t you have like four classes with Sam?” Lori asked.
“Yeah, we have Band, Choir, English, and P.E. together, which is kinda why the last line has me really stoked,” Luna replied. “But, I dunno, dudes. What if it’s not her? There’s plenty of people in my school that I have more than two classes with. I’m gonna be so bummed if she doesn’t feel the same way, so maybe I should just stop now so I don’t get hurt.”
“Are you kidding me?!” Lola growled as she walked up to Luna and grabbed her by the shirt once more, bringing her face down to her height. “I’m not letting you chicken out on this! And it has to be her with all of the stuff that you told us that she said to you, unless you made it all up!”
Luna furrowed her eyebrows. “You seriously think that I would make something like that up? Bogus, dude! Sam has always been a nice chick! She says things like that all the time!”
“But would you say that she has suddenly been nicer to you lately?”
Luna stopped to think. “Yeah, I guess she has been. And more touchy too. She normally doesn’t hug me, but she hugged me when she had to go to her first period class on Monday and she hugged. Then, she hugged me again yesterday as she was leaving our house when her mom came to pick her up. Then, she did it again today when I first her in the morning. And she had just been standing there at my locker, waiting for me.”
“See she totally likes you, Luna! Stop doubting yourself!”
“Wait, what did she say when you found the second letter?” Lynn asked.
“Same thing she said the first time,” Luna answered. “That she was happy for me and that she really hopes that I find out who the letters are from soon.”
“Well, she was probably waiting there for you because she was going to tell you that she’s your secret admirer, but then chickened out,” Lincoln told her.
Luna sighed. “Still don’t know about that, dude. Sounds like it could be a possibility, but there’s a chance that it could be from someone who’s the quiet-type and hasn’t shown any signs of being into me.”
Lola only pulled Luna’s face closer towards hers. “Stop it with that nonsense! Sam may have chickened out on confessing her feelings to you, but at least she hasn’t chickened out on showing you signs that she likes you! Now, since you’re so nervous and doubtful, you’re going to continue on with our plan!” Lola released Luna, allowing her to stand upright again. Lola then turned towards Lucy. “Now, Lucy, what’s the next step?”
“Luna, all you need to do next is give Sam a token of your affection,” Lucy replied. “And since my vampire books never steer anyone wrong, after that, you should receive a love letter that requests a rendezvous.”
“You heard the spooky girl, Luna. Tomorrow, you’re going to invite Sam over for another jam session and give her a token.”
“And I’ll make sure that the house is cleared again,” Lori announced, winking.
Luna smiled as she put her hands on her hips. “All right, thank you. Sounds rockin’. You dudes are totally right. Me being so nervous and doubtful of Sam possibly digging me the way I dig her needs to stop in the name of love. And I know exactly what I’m going to give her as a token.”
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Check out “Lincoln’s Concert Catastrophe!”
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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scithemodestmermaid · 7 years
Thoughts on Deep (2017)
allow me to quote myself from when i was watching this movie:
“so what we got here is an octopus who’s spent his life secluded in a vault colony, protected from a lifeless post-apocalyptic world, but the vault colony is in trouble so he has to go and find a GECK white whale named nathan to save them.  his journey is frought with dangers and destroyed (but still recognizable to the audience) landmarks, has his life threatened by insane and violent natives who survived the apocalypse, one of which is a raider eel who joins him (it should be noted that her fins resemble punk hairstyles, one specifically shown on raider chicks all over new vegas), he ends up in the commonwealth a generic big city that he navigates by subway trains that are somehow still working, and now he’s being chased by ghouls zombie fish.
Thats the summary, now some more thoughts on this random DVD i picked up at walmart.
Spoilers, of course
It is seriously very falloutish, just rated PG instead of R.  the setting, the characters, and a lot of the humor all felt like it’d be right at home in a fallout game (or maybe not that generous, maybe just in a fallout mod.)  that makes it sound like it’d be the most amazing movie ever, but i don’t know if its good or not.  i liked it a lot more than i thought i would.  but its just so crazy and out there and i don’t know what i just went through.
so you’ve got Deep.  he’s a dumbo octopus, and his grandpa is the kraken of yore.  must be adopted.  anyway, he’s kind of a naive jerk.  he charges ahead and doesnt give a damn about the dangers, but he also sadly has some ADHD which causes him to go off-course at the worst times.  it makes him come off kind of cold towards everyone.  when the eel slaps him across the face, you’ll cheer.  he deserved it.  but he finally grows up and saves the vault colony from the lava-filled doom he created in his obsession with humanity.  so he does have a character arc, it just kinda all happens right at the end.  and him getting there is kind of annoying.
his friends are all much nicer to deal with.  you have Alice the shrimp, who’s got more sass than you can shake a stick at.  she ends up being kind of the only sane woman, who snaps Deep out of his severe highs and lows and keeps the group together.  Evo is a lanternfish who is nervous and skittish and kind of gross, but by the end he’s so brave that he takes an icy bullet for his friends without a second thought.  then theres Maura, the eel who is basically this world’s version of a raider.  she struggles with her carnivorous instincts because she’s desperate for friends, which leads her to be a little bit impulsive.  but she, like Deep, learns how friendship is really supposed to work and goes from punk to sweetie.  only problem is that i’m pretty sure the director included her for fetish fuel.  besides her design (smooth and sleek, fin that covers her eye sometimes, you know, the kind of design thats just vaguely attractive enough for dudes to take it and run with it), she’s essentially into vore, and theres a scene that goes on TOO FRIGGIN LONG with her trying to puke up the gang and it gets really uncomfortable really fast.  during her introduction, she even jokes its more romantic to eat guys she doesn’t know.  Maura, do not do this, you live in the age of internet, theres scalies everywhere who will jump on you.  
the supporting cast is just as colorful.  the kraken is an imposing vault overseer colony leader who is trying to do what’s best for everyone and especially his grandson.  the snow crab who is a rapping gangsta who falls in love with Alice is a strange fellow.  and theres a vampire squid (she calls herself an octopus but whatev) who is a former opera singer trying to recapture her fame and shes just one hilarious sunset boulevard reference and she seriously needed more screentime.  theres an evil team of a penguin, a walrus, and a dolphin (ok hes not AS evil but still) who long to be human and think bringing the now-extraterrestrial humans some deep-sea fish will do the trick and they’re all just larger than life weirdos.  and lucien dodge cameos as a stressed-out scientist.  such a fun, colorful cast of characters.
theres so much lore and backstory to the movie that just gets shoved to the side.  i mean, its a post-apocalyptic earth.  its flooded, but it still uses a lot of the tropes as radioactive-wasteland earths (as implied with my constant references to fallout).  and theres an ARK initiative to get all the humans and animals to a different planet, with the marine life ARK lagging far behind.  what’s going to happen to this planet when the third ARK when it arrives completely empty?  how did earth end up in such a state?  its stated that the humans caused it, but how?  what’s with the zombie fish?  please, movie!  you shouldve used the time spent making piss and fart and vore jokes to give the audience lore!
and the three songs are catchy, too.
i just don’t know if i can recommend this one, though.  it’s so freakin weird, theres some really cringey parts to it, but then again you get to see an octopus in a gun fight with a dolphin and a walrus while a punk eel and a sassy shrimp look on.  again, i ended up liking it a lot.  i just don’t know if it would have an audience at large.  if someone were to make a new vegas mod based on this movie, however, THAT i could get behind.
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