#ok I’m going to stop rambling but that’s basically all I know about it
moodriingz · 9 months
Into Your Room | L. Hughes
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Summary | Luke breaks up with the reader and they're both miserable
Pairing | Luke Hughes x reader, Jack Hughes x platonic! reader, Ethan Edwards x platonic! reader
Warning | Breakups ? and maybe three curse words ? that's about it!
Author's Note | This is my first post! I'm so excited because I love this song and all I could think about for a couple of days was this scenario. Please send requests and what you think!
You and Luke started dating while he was at the University of Michigan. Sure, you knew when He went to play for the Devils long-distance would be difficult because of your classes and his practices and games but you wanted to try. So it came as a shock when Luke broke up with you halfway through the summer after his NHL Debut.
“Y/N I really think we need to take a breather,” said Luke while you were both watching the sunset on the beach of the lake house. 
“What?” You asked. It felt like your world came crashing down out of nowhere. You guys had barely been together a year. But you were inseparable at school and during the summers. 
“Yeah, I just need to focus on hockey right now and you have your classes. I just don’t think it’s going to work out,” Luke rambled.
“But I want to make it work. I told you that before you left for New Jersey,” 
“I don’t want to be held back because of some relationship,” Luke said and you stayed quiet. Your heart was shattering and he was stomping all over it.
“Ok, I’ll get all of my stuff and go back home. No point in wasting any time I guess,” You said with blurry eyes.
You packed up your bag and got ready to go. You saw Jack on the way out and gave him a hug goodbye.
“I don’t know what He’s thinking. I’m sure He’ll come around. It'll all work out,” Jack said into your hair even though it felt like he was trying to convince himself instead of you.
“It’s fine Jack, just take care of him for me,” you said and left the house and got in your car without looking back at one of your favorite places in the world. 
I will run after your moving car
And I will follow you
You're my northern star
Luke was miserable for the rest of the summer. He didn’t want to admit it but he was lost without you. He wished he stopped your car as you left. He regretted everything he said. He was just scared you would find someone better than him at school now that he wasn't there.
Luke told himself that once the season started he wouldn’t have time to think about how much he missed you. Boy was he wrong.
He stalked your Instagram in his free time. He was sure he was almost always the first viewer of any story you posted and had to force himself to ignore your profile picture anytime it came up when he opened the app.
You looked like you hadn’t missed a beat once you got back to school. Always posting when you’d go out with friends or when you’d study at your favorite coffee shop.
You both had so many great memories there anytime you’d post your coffee order he could basically hear the espresso machines and the smell of coffee. He'd remember your laughter from when he had gotten foam on his top lip. Or the time you were so nervous for finals and wouldn’t look up from your computer until he got you a refill of your coffee. Your smile was so bright from such a small gesture he knew he had to do anything he could to see it.
Except he did the opposite. His last memory of you was full of tears as he watched your car pull away. He didn’t know what to do. Luke was a mess while you seemed fine. How could he ever convince you to take him back?
You don't know how much I need you
Yeah, I feel the weight
It's crushing me
You were a mess coming back to school. You missed Luke more than you thought you would. The two of you spent so much time together and when you couldn’t be with each other you would text every chance you’d get.
You missed his goofy smile and curly hair. Luke Hughes was everywhere. The memory of him was in the Library where you would have study dates, He was in your favorite bar where he couldn’t take his eyes off of you all night, He was in your classes where you would sit together and whisper random things back and forth. He was everywhere except where you needed him to be. With you.
Your friends always dragged you out even when all you wanted to do was stay in and watch your favorite TV show and wallow. They always made sure to take good photos so you could post “to make Luke know what he’s missing” they’d always say. 
They basically had a schedule set of when to study with you or get coffee. You didn’t mean to make them watch over you as much as you did, but you couldn’t help how much you needed Luke. 
Finally one night You convinced them that you were too busy with homework to hang out when really you were going to watch the New Jersey Devils season opener. Ethan Edwards saw right through your lies about studying because he knew you liked to finish most of your work at the beginning of the week.
He insisted on watching the game with you and you let him because he was the only one who remotely knew what you were feeling. You both watched pregame, and when the commentators showed Luke all you could notice were his eyebags and how tired he looked. Your heart shattered all over again.
You watched him get his first assist of the season and your heart clenched. If you were still together he would’ve called you after the game and told you all about it. Now you just felt like a spectator while he was all you could think about. Ethan turned to you and noticed how upset you were with tears threatening to spill over. He was tired of seeing his friends destroy themselves.
So, maybe, take me into your room
Without you, my soul is eternally doomed
You're the center of this universe
My sorry ass revolves around you
No, I can't do without you
Jack couldn’t take Luke’s self-pity anymore. All he would do was look at his phone and play hockey. Jack could tell it was affecting Luke more than he was letting on. His eyes were almost always bloodshot and he looked like he was moving through the motions at practice. 
Luke was a shell of his former self and Jack knew he had to do something. He texted Ethan because he knew that besides Luke that’s who you would talk to the most. They both started plotting to get you back together. The Devils had a game against the Red Wings right before Thanksgiving and knew there had to be some way to get you there.
Ethan practically begged on his knees for you to come to the game. He told you he was gifted the tickets and would feel horrible to not go. Everyone else had already left for Thanksgiving, leaving you as his only option.
You weren’t stupid. You knew the game was against the Devils. You had the date marked in your planner as when you would have seen Luke if you were still together. You both looked forward to the game because it was the first time you would’ve seen him play in the NHL and then you would've gone to his parent’s lake house for Thanksgiving the next day. At least that's what was supposed to happen. 
You only agreed to Ethan because you felt bad no one else could go. Ethan promised no funny business, and you could leave the game the second the final buzzer went off. It felt safe and you could see Jack. You missed Luke, but you were also close with Jack. It was something Luke loved about you, how great you got along with his brothers. 
Luke had no idea about the plan Jack and Ethan were brewing. He was especially miserable because he knew if he didn’t mess up the best thing in his life several months ago, you would be at the game cheering him on. He was in hell beating himself over it. All he wanted was to see you in the Jersey he gave you right before his NHL debut. 
Ethan came and picked you up all giddy when he noticed you were wearing a Hughes 43 jersey.
“What? It’s the only Devils gear I have, and I’m sure as hell not going to cheer for them in a Red Wings jersey,” You said without taking a breath.
“I wasn’t even going to say anything.”
You two find your seats and you realize how close to the ice it is. You’re on the Devils side facing the bench a couple rows up from the ice. Luke is definitely going to see you because of your proximity.
“If you had told me how close we were going to be I definitely would’ve worn-” You said before getting cut off.
“Don’t even finish that sentence we’re rooting for my team tonight,” Ethan said talking over the music.
The Devils start coming out for warm up and it doesn’t take Luke more than two seconds to see you. You both lock eyes and don’t look away. He notices you’re in the jersey he gave you, and his heart flutters with hope. He just stands there looking at you until Nico pushes him to tell him has to get ready for the game. You, however, look like a deer in headlights and your heart stops. You hadn’t seen Luke since the summer. Tears start to gather in your eyes and you know you have to leave.
“Ethan I can’t do this. I can’t be here,” You say with tears starting to fall.
“Please you promised me plus he can’t even do anything he’s on the ice,” Ethan says trying to convince you knowing it won’t work.
You start to gather your things when Luke notices. He rushes across the ice and knocks on the glass to get your attention. You instantly regret looking his way, but his eyes look desperate and excited your heart flutters the tiniest bit. 
You read his mouth as he begs you to stay. You just look at him and Ethan debating what to do. You decide to stay and see what happens. Ethan's right he can’t do anything while he’s on the ice, right?
I'm throwing stones at your window
To get you to notice me
Don't make me stand outside, in the pouring rain
With a freshly ripped human heart from my rib cage
And a boom-box
How pathetic, babe
It was a hard loss for the Devils, but the end of the game meant you could finally leave. Ethan was right, Luke didn’t bother you for the rest of the game besides constantly looking at you when he wasn’t on the ice or there was a faceoff right in front of your seats.
As you and Ethan are getting ready to leave you get a text.
From moosey
please don’t leave
i really want to talk
You showed Ethan and he looked at you bewildered.
“You never changed his name?”
“I never had the heart,” You say looking back down at the texts. The three bubbles show up and disappear over and over again.
“I think you should go. What's the worst that could happen, right?” Ethan asks. 
“I don’t know he can rip my heart out all over again and tell me off for coming to his game,” You say, swaying on your toes to your heels.
“He won’t do that trust me,” You don’t even have the energy to ask Ethan as your anxiousness bubbles up to your throat.
To moosey
where can we meet?
From moosey
come down to the locker room i can tell security you and ethan are coming
To moosey
Luke has to stop himself from running to you when you get to the locker room. He wants to pick you up and spin you around like he used to do after his Michigan games. Instead, he walks up to you and says a simple hi.
“What did you want to talk about?” You whisper nervous about what he has to say.
“Us.” Your breath stops ready for him to tell you off for coming.
“I fucked up ending our relationship,” He says with his eyes turning red.
“Luke, why now? I was ready to fight for us but you dismissed me like I was nothing to you.” 
“Because I was scared,” He admits. “I was scared you’d find someone who’d be able to give you more attention than I could. And that’s what you deserve, but God I can’t be without you. You’re the opposite of nothing, you’re my everything and I’m so lost without you. The last couple of months have been absolute hell.”
“You should’ve talked to me. I would’ve told you there’s no one better for me than you. The last couple of months have wrecked me.” You tell him.
So, don't turn away
You must know how much I need you, need you
Yeah, I can feel your pain
I hate to think how bad I treated you
But I know a place
Where the darkness can't reach us
“Please forgive me. Please can we just forget this all happened?” Luke begs you.
You just nod and launch yourself into his arms for a kiss. He deepens it by holding you in by your hair. Your heart flutters and you never want this moment to end.
“Would it be too much to ask you to spend Thanksgiving with us? I just don’t want to spend any more time away from you. But I get it-,” Luke asks nervously before you cut him off.
“No I’d love to come, I miss everybody.”
“Did I miss it? Did our plan work?” Jack comes into the hallway shouting excitedly.
“What plan?” Luke asks Ethan and Jack.
“You didn’t,” You say.
“Oh but we did, who do you think gave me the tickets?” said Ethan mischievously.
“Well I guess your plan did work, good job boys,” you say with a blush on your cheeks.
Luke kisses your cheek and tells Jack you are spending Thanksgiving with the family and you won't be going anywhere anytime soon. You finally feel like you’re back where you belong. While Luke feels the relief of finally having his world back. 
No, I can't do without you, baby
Maybe, take me into your room
Without you, my soul is eternally doomed
You're the center of this universe
My sorry ass revolves around you
You— And again
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justkennadi · 2 months
Nsfw alphabet Wolverine💛💙
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Notes: Hellloooooo Everyone… Ok so I did see the wonderful Wolverine and Deadpool movie and now I’m obsessed with this man and this character. Like specifically this Hugh jackman wolverine. I’m gonna admit right now…I never cared about Wolverine until seeing that movie. I never saw any of the other movies either😭 I barely even know what the “X-men” are. My dad is the marvel fan so he kinda just puts me on and is the only reason I care about these hero movies to begin with… Soooo I’m sorry to any long time fans… but anyways because I just cannot stop thinking about this movie and this guy I’m doing my first ever nsfw alphabet thingy! ✨🎉🎊 Yippie!!
I mighttt do a sfw version. But I dunno, I’ve only ever seen this one movie so I might miss important little pieces of his character but I really just wanna do this so yeah😞. Sorry for rambling, I hope everyone enjoysss 👍🏾👍🏾
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Don’t let that grump personality fool you, Logan is honestly really sweet after everything is all over. He has some towels nearby to help clean you off and he’ll even offer you water. He’s experienced so he knows what he’s doing. Sometimes if he feels like he was too rough with you he’ll even try to massage your sore muscles.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of he had to pick would be his arms. He spends a lot of time keeping up his fit and strong appearance. Especially his biceps, and they’re honestly your favorite part of him too.
His favorite part of you is your hips. He loves squeezing them even when he’s not in bed. He loves watching them sway as you walk. How they look in skirts and nice dresses… It’s the first thing he noticed about you and they kinda drive him crazy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Logan doesn’t jack off a lot (he’d rather drink tbh) and with the constant missions he’s too busy to really… “relieve himself” so whenever he did get with someone he’d cum alot.
He did a lot of one night stands before you. Just meaningless sex to get off. But you changed everything. Cumming was so much better with someone he actually cared about. He loved it.
He still came quite a bit. It had no real taste or anything either.
He doesn’t care where either but he likes watching you swallow it or just watching it disappear in you in general.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really wants to fuck you somewhere public. Even better if there’s a huge risk of being caught. He never will ask but he really hopes one day you’ll try and initiate it
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Given that he’s almost 200, he has…quite a bit. Like said before he did a lot of one night stands between missions so he eventually picked up on a lot. He knows what makes people tick.
So of course when you came along he could tell what you’d like just by how you’d walk. And of course he’s very attentive so any squirming or noise you made he’d pay attention to it all and remember for the future.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything he can see your face in. He doesn’t care. He’s honestly not a big fan of doggy either but if you like it he’ll do it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a bit serious but not super serious. He’ll laugh at a few things but he won’t be telling too many jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He actually keeps himself pretty neat down there. He likes to keep things shaven enough so the people that do go down on him don’t get mouthfuls of hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Let’s just say the better he knows you, the more intimate he is. Oh course with his one night stands he didn’t care if people finished or not and that’s just how it was. Kinda cold tbh.
With you he’s pretty intimate especially the closer y’all are. He likes to hold you close to him and sometimes if he’s feeling really sweet and sappy he’ll stare into your eyes more…
He’s not too too sweet but he’s sweet enough for being Logan.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He never really used to jack off. Didn’t feel the appeal. Before he really got into sleeping around he’d just drink. Somehow it helped curve his lust. Then when he started sleeping with a bunch of others he jerked off even less. And when you came into his life..even less. If you two didn’t have sex for a while and he was super desperate and missing you he’d rub a quick one out. Desperate times, desperate measures!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Other than exhibitionism and sometimes just plain dirty talking,……primal play. He’s always been a feral guy so it makes sense. He never considered it before you but you really changed him. He wasn’t into it at first though because he was scared he’d hurt you but once you said it was ok and taught him what a safe word was he tried it and it changed his life. Deep down he really loved being a bit more primal in bed with you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He doesn’t care or have a favorite place. Most of the time y’all end up in his bed or wherever y’all are sleeping for the night but he doesn’t care where in the end.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Before you, nothing… he didn’t care much as long as the person has a fuckable hole. He preferred women but if it was a guy he wouldn’t mind.
When you came into his life, it was everything. The way you’d talk, move, dress even sometimes. He has a lot of self control though so you weren’t aware of how crazy you drove him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t wanna hurt you. He doesn’t wanna yell hurtful things at you either. You once brought up him using his claws and jut flat out declined. How would he even incorporate them? Just no.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Before you, he’d rather receive. That was kinda the whole point of sleeping around the way he would, to get off.
After he met you he became obsessed with getting you off. And he was really good at it too of course with all his experience. He loved fingering and using his tongue at the same time but if you had a preference he’d obey immediately. He just loved getting you off.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Logan was normally just lazy and sensual. He didn’t care about being a top or bottom but he’d normally default to bottom. He was never too crazy with his one night stands. He’d only be fast and rough if he was mad enough which was rare. He didn’t like hurting people during sex.
When you came along he kinda stayed the same but if you’d ask him to be a certain way he would. He didn’t like being rough with you either too much honestly.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them. Of course with you he’d rather spend more time making love to you but if time didn’t allow it he’d totally be down for a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’d experiment with the primal play thing but other than that ehhh… once Deadpool suggested a threesome, and though Logan considered it for a second he said no. Maybe if he was drunk enough…
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Being the way he is, he can go all night. This man had a lot of stamina it was actually kinda insane. Of course he’d be more tired after a mission but at minimum he could go for maybe 5, 6 rounds if that was the case?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t really care for toys honestly. He didn’t hate them he’d just rather not. He always was like that too even before you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Sometimes if he was a bit drunk he’ll tease but he doesn’t really do it much. It’s rare..
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Logan’s never been too loud. He definitely grunts and groans and when he gets with you he moans a bit too. But other than that he’s quiet.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
There’s different things saying different things about his sexuality but I saw something about him behind bi and I agree
Did he or did he not fuck Deadpool in that Honda odyssey😭
I just don’t think he cared who he ended up sleeping with as long as he got off
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s girthy. I firmly belief it idc. I forgot the average length but I think he’d be like 6 and a halfish. Oh and he knows how to use it too of course
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Like said he never cared to jack off but sometimes he did get a bit needy from time to time so that’s what lead to the in between mission fucks. With you he’d be good if y’all did it at least a few times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
With the random people he’d sleep with, immediately. He didn’t care as long as he got off, came and the other person was done.
With you though he couldn’t until he knew you were good. Sometimes he would lay still for a bit to catch his breath but after a bit he would do his usual aftercare with you and sometimes he would wait until you feel asleep first.
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morgana-larkin · 4 months
Ok, so this took waaaay longer than I thought it would. I got super busy recently as life got in the way and it was Victoria Day weekend. So here’s the second soulmate fic, so basically it’s a combination of two things again, as soon as you meet your soulmate you start to feel their pain and when you touch them for the first time, it leaves your hand print on their body. Also it’s shark week for me so enjoy the smut. 😉 Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I have my first Marilyn Thornhill x reader fic out! So go check it out! Link is on my masterlist too! Also if I am not present on here for a couple days this weekend then do not worry! I’ll still try and get fics out as quickly as possible!
Mia Anima Gemella (My Soulmate)
Warnings: smut, lots of fluff, small body issues moment
Words: 6.2k
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You walked into Abbott Elementary as the front desk person for the office. You of course heard things about Abbott, but that just made it more interesting to you.
You walk into the office and introduce yourself to the people already there. You get settled in at your desk when someone comes storming in, a beautiful redhead and she goes to Ava’s office. You can’t hear what’s being talked about in there as the door is closed but you can see it’s not pleasant.
The redhead comes back out a lot less angry and sees you. “Hey kid, are you new? Never seen you before.” She asks and you nod as she walks over to your desk.
“Ya it’s my first day.” You tell her with a smile.
“Well you’re in for it here. I’m sure you’ve heard of some things about Abbott.”
“I have, and honestly it interested me. Seems like there’s never a dull moment here.” You tell her and she tilts her head at you.
“No one has ever come in saying that before.” She tells you.
“Well I guess I made my mark here already. I’m the first one to say that.” You tell her and she snorts.
“You are different, I’ll give you that.” She says, she goes to leave but you call out to her.
“I never caught your name.” You say and she looks at you and smiles.
“I never gave it.” She tells you and you quirk an eyebrow at her. “If you last more than a day then I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” She says and leaves. That woman intrigues you and you hope to get to know her more.
At some point you were sorting through papers and get a paper cut and you hiss as you pull your hand away. You grab a bandaid and head to the bathroom to go clean it before putting a bandaid on it.
At the same time in her classroom, Melissa was handing out marked tests and felt a paper cut and she stops and looks at her hand. There was no paper cut or a single mark, was that her soulmate? Has she met her soulmate? She met a lot of people lately. There was that new desk person, people at the grocery store yesterday, a couple new teachers that she never interacted with before.
In the bathroom, you clean your cut and then put a bandaid on it. You go to exit when the door swings open and hits you in the forehead. You immediately tell the kid and teacher you’re fine and then go back to your desk.
Melissa was sitting at her desk while the kids were drawing and feels the pain at her forehead and goes to feel it to find nothing there, again. When the realisation hits her, she smiles. She has a soulmate, and even if they’re a klutz or having a bad day, they’re still out there.
At lunch, Melissa was telling Barb about it in the staff room and Barb smiles at Melissa. Barb always wants Melissa to be happy, and seeing her smile when talking about her soulmate pain, made her smile too. Then suddenly you come in with Janine.
“And this is the staff room. You can put your lunch in the fridge or get a coffee, or simply just sit here and relax.” Janine is rambling to you and you smile at her.
“Thank you Janine.” You tell her and she turns to everyone and sees they’re all looking at you. “Everyone this is y/n y/l/n, she’s a new person working the front desk. I accidentally hit her head with the bathroom door while bringing a student earlier .” She explains and Melissa freezes. Where in the head did you get hit?
You see Melissa and smile at her as you walk to her table. “Well if it isn’t Mrs. No name.” You tell her and she looks up and smirks.
“It’s Ms. No name actually. And don’t anyone mention my name.” She says the last part to everyone.
“You’re no fun.” You say with a pout as you have your hands on an empty chair across from Barb. “Also miss… so you’re not married then.” You tell her and she snorts.
“I was, it didn’t suit me.” She says and goes back to eating.
“Hmm, well I’ll see you tomorrow then, hopefully with your name at that point.” You tell her.
“Maybe, we’ll see, y/n.” She tells you.
“It’s not fair that you know my name and I don’t know yours.” You tell her.
“Bye y/n.” She says and you leave with a huff. Everyone in the break room looks at Melissa weirdly. “What?” She asks as she sees everyone staring at her.
“Were you flirting with her?” Jacob asks and Melissa rolls her eyes at that.
“No, just being friendly.” She says.
“But that’s flirting for you. She’s new and you’re being friendly, that’s you flirting.” Janine says and Melissa huffs.
“I wasn’t flirting with her, she’s just interesting is all. I talked with her after I yelled at Ava this morning.” She says and everyone stops questioning her, even though they still think Melissa was flirting with you.
At the end of the day, you pack all your things up and you head out with a smile, having completed your first day. You had an interesting first day and can’t wait to come back, especially since you might find out that redhead’s name. Speaking of the redhead, you run into her on the way out and you walk out with her.
“Well hello again Ms. No name.” You say and she smiles.
“You got it right this time.” Is all she says. “How was your first day?” She asks.
“It was interesting. Started this new job, met this teacher who wouldn’t tell me her name, got a paper cut and a door to the forehead.” You tell her and her eyes widen. You got a paper cut and hit in the forehead, where she felt pain. She looks down at your right hand and she sees the bandaid on your index finger, where did she feel it again? Was it her index finger on her right hand? She completely forgot. She was too shocked that she forgot to remember where it was.
“Is your forehead ok?” She settles on asking you.
“Ya, I mean I think I’ll survive, hopefully.” You tell her playfully and she snorts.
“You’re a dork.” She says and you put a hand over your heart and you’re smiling.
“Thank you! I feel like no one gets me.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow.” She tells you and you wave goodbye to her and nod.
The next morning, you walk in and take a seat at your desk. You start eating your breakfast bagel and start reading a paper of something when the redhead comes in and goes to your desk.
“Morning y/n.” She tells you and you look up at her.
“Morning miss.” You tell her and take another bite of your bagel. “So I finally get to know your name?” You ask her and she grins.
“If you can guess it. I’ll only say that it starts with an M.” she says and you huff, going through all the M names in your mind.
“Marguerite?” You say first and she shakes her head. “Molly? Martha? Myrtle?” She shakes her head at every single one and the last one she makes a weird face.
“Did you just make a Harry Potter reference?” She asks.
“Possibly.” You say with a smile and she smiles back at you and shakes her head. “You haven’t even guessed the right vowel for the second letter.
“Right, vowels. Which ones have I not named. “Mildred?” You guess and she laughs.
“Do I look like a Mildred?” She asks, almost offended and you shrug.
“I mean you could. To be honest you look like a Lily.” You say.
“I look like my name is Lily?” She asks with a weird face.
“More to do with the beautiful flower. and she shakes her head. Alright other M names, lets see. “Mabel? Margo? Mary? Marlene? Madeleine?” You guess and she giggles.
“That’s all names with an A after and already told you that it isn’t the right vowel. You still haven’t.”
“You’re having fun with this aren’t you?” You ask her and she smiles.
“Yep. More than I thought.” She admits and you huff.
“Melody?” You ask and she giggles.
“That’s the right vowel but wrong name. Although I’m flattered that you thought of the name for music.” She says and you blush. The bell rings, signalling she has to go to her classroom and she says goodbye and leaves.
When you have time, you write in your phone some names that start with M E. When it’s lunch, you look for her and see her dropping her kids off at the cafeteria and you walk up to her when she starts to go to the staff room.
“Melina?” You say and she turns around to face you.
“Wrong again kid.” She tells you and you go through your list, all the way to the staff room.
“Meredith? Megan?” You say as you entered the staff room.
“Omg you got it!” She says and you’re stunned.
“Wait, really?” You said and she smirks.
“No.” She says and you groan.
“I don’t know how many more M E names there are.” You say.
“Well there’s mine, that you still haven’t guessed.” She teases you. “Think more Italian names.” She tells you and you tilt your head.
“Melissa?” You guess and she gives you a big smile.
“Melissa Schemmenti.” She tells you. “That was fun, watching you struggle.”
“Wait? Your name is Melissa?” You ask her and she nods. “Huh, that’s actually a pretty name. It suits you.” You say and turn around to leave. “ see you around Melissa.” You say without looking at her and leave.
Melissa just got her lunch from the fridge when you said her name was pretty and she has a blush on her face.
“Melissa, you’re blushing.” Barb tells her with a smile.
“No I’m not.” She says as she sits down.
“Yes you are.”
“Well no one has ever said my name is pretty before.” She admits and Barb shakes her head.
“You sure that’s the only reason you’re blushing?” Barb asks as she quirks her eyebrows.
“What other reason would there be?”
“‘Maybe a small crush…?” Barb says gently, to not scare her off.
“Well that’s definitely not it.” She says and Barb shakes her head.
“She could be your soulmate.” Barb said casually and Melissa froze.
On Friday you come in very tired, Melissa notices straight away.
“Hey y/n!” She says and you look up with your head leaning on your right hand and heavy eyelids.
“Hey Melissa.” You tell her without your usual excitement when seeing her.
“What’s got you so gloomy?” She asks.
“Tired. Barely got any sleep. Neighbours next door were having a very active sex life last night, very loudly.” You tell her and she snorts.
“That’s always fun to hear.” She says sarcastically and then leans down and whispers so only you can hear. “Did you masturbate to it?” She asks and you huff.
“No. I wanted to throw something at them, not get off from them.” You tell her with an eye roll.
“Alright, no judgement if you did though. Btw would you be able to make it through today?” She asks and you hum.
“I hope so. I need the money and still need to make it home.” You tell her. You did not make it through the day.
Ava went to Melissa at the end of the day. She waited when Melissa was saying goodbye to one of her students then went up to her.
“Melissa.” Ava called to her.
“What do you want Ava?” Melissa said, unimpressed.
“Your girl fell asleep and we’re all too afraid to wake her.” Ava went straight to the point and Melissa quirked an eyebrow at her.
“Why are you afraid to wake her up?”
“Because she’s your girl, and we don’t wanna mess with you.” Ava said then walked away before Melissa could respond.
“But she’s not my girl.” Melissa muttered. She went to the office and sure enough you were sleeping on your desk. Melissa walked over and she put a hand out to gently shake you awake and then she stopped. If Barb was right and you were her soulmate then touching you and you seeing it would confirm it.
Of course she knew that you stubbed your toe yesterday in the staff room and she felt it and she shot her head up due to the pain. Thankfully nobody noticed and it just looked like she was reacting to you being hurt.
She wanted to touch you to see, she knew once you found it then you most likely tell her about it. At the same time she didn’t want to know, if it’s true and it’s you and you were her soulmate then that means she would have to open up to you and she’s not sure if she’s ready for that or if you’ll want someone around 25 years older than you.
Melissa bent down and tapped your desk near your face, she’s gonna wake you up with noise instead. “Hey hon wake up.” She says in her normal volume and the vibration on the desk and her voice was enough to wake you up and you blinked your eyes open.
“Huh? Wha-what’s going on?” You asked and yawned.
“You fell asleep hon. It’s the end of the day, let’s get you home.” She says and you yawn again and nod. You gather your stuff up and stand up slowly.
You begin to walk beside her to your cars but since the tiredness is still with you, you stumble a bit and she catches you to stabilise you. She caught you with one hand on your waist and the other on your left arm that’s closest to her. It wasn’t until she caught you that she realised what she did, you have a sweater on so she couldn’t tell but you will when you’re home. And it was that thought that something occurred to her, you were in no condition to drive home, you can barely walk.
You walked out the stairs and you were going to your car when she stopped you with a hand on your shoulder. “Hon, let me drive you home. Tomorrow I can drive you here to come pick your car up but you shouldn’t drive when you’re this tired.” She offers and you stare at her.
“Oh it alright, I can call an Uber or something, I don’t want to inconvenience you.” You tell her and she tilts her head at you.
“You wouldn’t inconvenience me, come get in my car.” She instructs you and you nod lazily and walk to her car with her. She opens the door for you and you get in and she closes it when you’re in all the way. She then walks around to the driver's seat and gets in. She puts her purse in the back and buckles herself in. “What’s your address?” She asks you.
You give her your address then she starts the car and leaves the lot. She’s driving to your place when you finally speak. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do this though, or even wake me up. I’m honestly surprised no one else did.” You tell her. Melissa is wondering if she should tell you that they were scared to.
“Ya, maybe they were just trying to get out of there as fast as they could.” Melissa settles on and you chuckle.
“I like your car.” You tell her. “Much better than the beat up sedan that me and half the staff have.” You tell her with a laugh and she smiles at you.
“Thank hon.” She says. You then bring up the subject she thought you would never bring up, or rather hoped that you never bring up.
“So do you have a soulmate?” You ask casually, your head leaning back on the seat as you’re too tired to keep it up yourself.
“I think so, I mean I keep feeling a few phantom pain but nothing else.” She says and you look at her.
“You mean you already aren’t with your soulmate?” You tell her and she shakes her head.
“What about you?” She asks, trying to see where you’re at with it.
“I don’t think I have one, or if I do then I haven’t met them yet. I haven’t felt any phantom pain.” You say and that’s when it hits her, she’s never accidentally gotten hurt since you’ve met. “Probably for the best though. I can be a bit of a klutz at the best of times.” You joke but the happiness with your smile doesn’t reach your eyes. The truth is that you do want a soulmate, and you would love the chance to meet them and be able to spend time with them, building a connection and date.
Melissa wants to test it out to see if you’ll feel any pain that she has, she’ll just have to do one that’s subtle and won’t make it look like she did it on purpose. “I’m sure one day you’ll meet em, anyone would be lucky to be your soulmate.” She tells you and you smile at her.
“Thanks Melissa, and it’ll be a woman, I’m gay.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“Well any woman would be lucky to be your soulmate then.” She says and you smile.
You were hoping to see if she would say if she’s into women or not. You were attracted to Melissa, but you’ve already met her and haven’t felt any phantom pain, so this was gonna be another hopeless crush. She arrives at your house and she makes sure you’re inside safely before she leaves back to her place.
On Saturday she totally forgot that she should text you to offer a ride to get your car but she was too busy thinking on how to test out to see if you’ll feel any phantom pain of hers. It’ll have to be when you’re not in the same room so you don’t notice it and put it together as well.
You ended up not wanting to bother Melissa and just took an Uber to get your car on Friday after a small nap and then drove back home. You were undressing at the end of the day to get ready for bed when you notice a shiny light on your body. There’s one on your waist and one on your arm. You look at it more closely and realise it’s a hand mark, a soulmate mark, and you freeze. The only one that’s touched you today like that is Melissa when she caught you.
You think of all the times you described the little accidents and you try to remember how she reacted to it. You also try to remember the way she reacted when you stubbed your toe yesterday in the staff room. It looked like she reacted the same way as everyone else when it happened, but now you think of it, she reacted right before anyone else did. Then you think of when Janine mentioned your head injury and it looked like she was scared for a second but you didn’t say anything cause you could have been wrong. You put it all together and you come to the conclusion, she knows but hasn’t said anything, for what reason? You don’t know. You’re going to find out though.
On Saturday you spend most of the day going over how you’ll bring it up, then you realise that you’ve never touched her and that’s probably the quickest and simplest way to bring it up. Just touch her arms and see for yourself. You go to your car to go to her place then realise you have no idea where she lives. You text her to ask her if she could come over to drive you to get your car and she agrees right away and says she’s on her way. When she gets there, you’re leaning against your car and waiting for her. She gets out and walks over to you.
“Why do you ask me to get your car if you already have it?” She asks.
“Because I needed to see you and I have no idea where you live.” You tell her and she’s looking at you confused.
“You could have asked.”
“You strike me as the type of person to not give your address out to a lot of people. So I didn't want to ask and get rejected.” You tell her and she smiles. Before she can say anything else to you, you reach out with both your hands and wrap them around her arms. She immediately backs away and looks at you a bit scared.
“What are you doing?” She asks sternly.
“Testing out a theory.” You say and walk the two steps to her and pinch her arm.
“Ow.” She says and then puts it together what you’re doing and testing when she sees your eyes widen.
“I felt that.” You say and the alarm bells go off in her head. “Take off your jacket.” You tell her.
“Hon I-”
“Take. Off. Your jacket.” You tell her sternly and she realises that you’ve figured it out and you just want the confirmation. She takes it off but you don’t see hand marks around her arms and your face drops. “What? How is it that I felt the pinch but you don’t have hand marks where I touched you?” You asked.
“Let’s go inside.” She tells you and you nod. You both go inside and you look at her and cross your arms.
“I thought it’s supposed to be that their first touch is forever imprinted on your body and you’re able to feel their pain once you meet.” You tell her and she looks down.
“Ya that’s true.” She says.
“Well I touched you and it didn’t leave a mark but I felt the phantom pain of the pinch. Also where you touched me, there’s hand marks.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“That wasn’t the first time you touched me.” She tells you and then she lifts her shirt up. You see a hand print on her stomach and then she turns around and you see one on her lower back.
“What?” Is all you say.
“Yesterday when you stumbled, I didn’t just catch you. You touched me to stop yourself from falling.” She tells you.
“How long have you known?” You ask her quietly. “How long have you known that I was your soulmate?” You ask her again a bit more loudly.
“Hon, listen I-”
“How? Long?” You tell her sternly.
“I had suspicions ever since Janine mentioned your head injury. But when you stubbed your toe and I felt it right away, that confirmed it” She admits.
“Why didn’t you say anything then?” You tell her with watery eyes. “Were you just gonna string me along or never tell me?” You ask her, feeling hurt.
“No, I would never do that. Do you think I’m the kind of person who would do that to someone?” She asks you seriously.
“I’ve known you for a week,I don’t know you very well. I know you come to see me everyday, multiple times throughout the day but still.” You say. “And I’m not just anybody Melissa!” You start to raise your voice at her. “I’m your fucking soulmate and you didn’t tell me!” You yell at her with a stomp of your foot when you say didn’t.
“Because I’ve been married already.” She admits and you’re taken back by her words.
“I’ve been married already to a guy named Joe. We got married young, we were in love and dumb and decided that even if we weren’t soulmates then we’ll still be together anyway because we loved each other. Then he met his soulmate and we got divorced.” She tells you. “Besides, I’m not like you, I’m not young with my whole life ahead of me. I’ve lived most of my life already, and my body is not what it used to be.” She adds with a sniffle.
“Melissa, do you think it matters to me what your age is? If I’m honest, I’m more attracted to women who are older than me, like more than 15 years older than me. I’ve seen your belly already and I already like what I see.” You tell her as you walk up to her and wipe a tear that fell down her face. “I know we just met but I have to ask, have you ever been with a woman before?” You ask and she smiles.
“Been with in what context? Cause the numbers are different depending on which one you mean.” She tells you.
“What are the numbers for each context?” You ask her.
“Well I’ve never been in a relationship with one but I’ve kissed I think around 6 and I have slept with…” she says and tilts her head and thinks about it. “3” She says and you smile.
“Oh Melissa, you womaniser.” You tease her and she giggles.
“What bout you?” She asks.
“Well I haven’t been in a relationship yet. And I’ve kissed 3 and slept with 2.” You tell her and she smiles. She then walks towards you, slowly wraps her arms around your waist, in case you want to stop her, and she smiles warmly at you. You wrap your arms around her neck in return and smile back at her. She then brings a hand up to your cheek and cups it and looks at your eyes.
“Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” She asks you and you look at hers.
“No, have I told you how pretty yours are?” You reply with and she blushes.
“No you haven’t, and your eyes are very pretty, all of you is. You caught my attention as soon as I saw you. I didn’t know you were my soulmate but you caught my attention cause you’re beautiful.” She tells you and you blush now and wet your lips a bit.
“You think I’m beautiful? Have you seen yourself? You literally define beautiful. And your eyes, I feel like I could get lost in them and I wouldn’t mind it one bit.” You tell her and she’s stunned.
“Wow, no one has ever said anything like that to me.” She tells you. At that moment she can’t resist any longer and kisses you. You kiss her back and you both feel like it’s right, not just because you were told you were soulmates, but you feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be.
You take the time to explore each other, she asks for access to slip her tongue in and you let her. While she’s taking the time to explore you with her tongue, her hands are starting to explore your body as they’re starting to slip under your shirt. Once they’re under your shirt, she moves them to your back and brings you closer against her.
You let your hands wander down her body and you slip them under her shirt. You feel her soft belly skin and you moan. You feel her smile into the skin and then she pulls away and you whine.
“Hon, that was the best kiss I’ve ever had and I’m starting to want more, that’s why I pulled away. And trust me, I didn’t want to pull away either.” She tells you, almost like she’s breathless.
“What if I do this?” You ask and pull your shirt off. She pulls back to look at you as you’re right against her body. You see her eyes turn black and full of lust and she licks her lips.
“You're beautiful but we don’t have too, I don’t want to force you.” She tells you and you lean into her with a smile.
“Aren’t you gonna unclip my bra?” You ask her.
“Are you sure about this hon?” She asks and you nod.
“I’m sure.” You tell her and she immediately unclips your bra and takes it off.
“Wow, your body is stunning.” She says and kisses your neck and you moan out. She pulls back and looks at you with lust filled eyes. “Hon, unless you guide me to your bedroom right now, then I’ll take you right here.” She whispers in your ear. You snatch her hand and run to your bedroom, Melissa giggling at your eagerness.
Although she was just as eager as you are. As soon as you closed your door, she pushed you against it and kissed you, then spun you around, lifted you up and carried you to the bed.
She climbed on top of you and went straight for a nipple. You moaned out and bucked your hips into her. She smiled around your nipple and switched to the other one and put her knee between your legs. You bucked your hips again, without knowing her
thigh was there and grinded her thigh and gasped out. You began to grind down on her thigh while she kept changing to kissing and sucking your neck to your nipples and vice versa.
She pulled away when you were close and you whined. “Relax hon, I just don’t want to waste you on my thigh.” She said as she removed your pants and underwear. She then looked at you and cleaned in close to your ear. “In fact, when you come, I want to have my fingers in you and my mouth on your clit.” She tells you and you whine. She’s going to kill you, you just know it. She then takes her top off and you waste no time in unclipping her bra and ripping it off her.
You could not believe your eyes when you see her chest without any clothes blocking your view. You then immediately go for her nipples and she puts her hands in your hair and keeps your mouth on her nipple. She keeps your mouth to her nipples for a couple minutes and you have no plans to leave. She sticks 2 fingers in you while you’re distracted with her chest and you gasp.
She pulls you off her chest and she leaves a trail of kisses down your chest while she begins pumping her fingers in and out of you. She makes it to your pussy and starts sucking on your clit. You moan out and Melissa smirks when you start humping her mouth. She pins you down with her other hand that is not currently in you, and she starts pumping in and out faster and sucking on your clit harder. You gasp out and you put your hands in her hair as you’re close to coming. You then come seconds later around her fingers and licks it all up. She gently pulls out of you then you grab her wrist and pull her to you. You guide the 2 fingers that were in you, in your mouth and you lick her fingers while locking eyes with her the whole time. You wrap a leg around her waist and bring her closer to you and pull her fingers out of your mouth.
“I believe you still have yet to get off.” You whisper in her ear and she shivers at the feel of your breath touching her. You switch the both of you so now you’re on top and in control. You then slowly take her pants off while leaving a trail of kisses down her legs, followed by her underwear.
“You’re such a tease, and very slow.” She tells you and you smile.
“Well I want to savour you like the queen you are.” You tell her.
“Well if I’m a queen to you, then your majesty commands you to go faster.” She retorts.
“You may be queen but when I’m on top, I’m in charge.”
Melissa tries to switch your positions but you were ready for that and you stop her. She pouts at you and you kiss her. She puts her hands in your hair and moans out. You go down to her neck and start sucking on it and she moans out again.
“You do have a beautiful body Melissa. Don’t ever forget that.” You tell her sternly while looking into her eyes. “In fact if you ever forget, then I’ll just have to remind you.” You say while playing with her nipples and she whines. You then put your mouth around her nipples again and spent a good minute on both of them. You then insert 2 fingers in her and she cries out at the awaited pleasure. You put your thumb on her clit and start rubbing circles and you then kiss her as she has the most kissable lips you’ve ever seen.
She still has her hands in your hair and when you put more pressure on her clit, she yanks your hair and you gasp in her mouth. Her legs start shaking and you can tell she’s close and that gives you an idea. You pull your lips away from her and you look into her eyes.
“Oh y/n I’m so close!” She says.
“I know, but you can’t come yet.” You tell her and she looks at you stunned then whines as she puts her head back on the pillow. “At least not until you admit you have a beautiful body.” You tell her and she whines again. “Whining, while yours is pretty, won’t get me to let you come. So admit you have a beautiful body and you can come.” You tell her and you can tell she’s trying to hold back her orgasm.
“But I don’t…fuck sake… y/n I’m 50 years old.” She tells you and she’s breathing heavily.
“Oh but you do, and I want you to admit it.” You tell her and you curl your fingers, which causes her to scream out. You know she can’t hold it in too much longer as she’s doing everything she can to hold back. She takes one more look at you and you arch an eyebrow at her and she huffs.
“Ok! Ok! I admit it! I have a beautiful body!” She practically yells and you smile.
“Go on, you can come.” You tell her and she immediately comes as she couldn’t hold back any longer. You pull out of her and she brings you close to her and wraps her arms around you while her heartbeat slows down. You put your fingers in your mouth and you moan at the taste of her. She flips your body on her so your back is pressed up against her breasts and she puts her legs between yours and separates your legs. She puts her hands on your breasts and squeezes and massages them. She then sticks a finger in you and puts her other hand on your clit. You gasp out and buck your hips. She then moves her legs and wraps them around yours from the top so she also is able to hold your hips down. She adds two more fingers in you and it feels so good as you feel as she’s filling you up good right now.
It doesn’t take long until you come and you roll off of her and cuddle up next to her when she pulls her fingers out of you.
She wrapped her arms around you and whispered “Mia Anima Gemella.” You looked up at her curiously.
“What does that mean?” You asked her softly.
“It’s loosely translated but it means ‘my soulmate’ in Italian.” She tells you with a smile. “I never thought I would get to say it.” She says softly and you look at her.
“Well I think it was a mistake to say it.” You tell her and she looks at you with a frown and she sees your smirk and she smiles.
“Oh ya? And why’s that?” She asks, playing along with whatever you’re doing.
“Because…” you say and and shift so you're laying on your stomach and propped up with your elbows. “When you speak Italian, you sound so sexy, and now I’ll want to hear you speak Italian a lot more.” You say to her with a pout and she giggles.
“I would love to speak Italian more, especially if it’s to my Anima Gemella.” She tells you and you look down and grin. You look over to her stomach and see your handprint there, where you touched her the first time and you place your hand over top of it. “Whatcha doing?” She asks you.
“If there weren’t such things as soulmates, do you think we would have still found each other?” You ask her.
“Hard to say. I don’t know what the world would be like without them. But I believe if it’s meant to be, then we would still find each other.” She tells you and you smile. You then cuddle up next to her again and you both fall asleep.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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shutupineedtothink · 5 months
Ok so my friend and I just recorded 4 HOURS of raw audio breaking down the OUAT pilot, season 1 finale, and discussing the show in general for our new podcast where we make each other watch episodes of our favorite shows and talk about them together. It’s exactly as fun as you would imagine. :)
But even after all that, I still have things I forgot to say or didn’t get to. So here’s a few of them:
1. “Evil” as addiction: the OUAT writers treat the concept of being evil like addiction/substance abuse which is really interesting and kind of a bold choice for a 2011 show about fairytales. Then within that structure they show basically the two choices you have when facing addiction: choose not to use and become a better, healed version of yourself (Regina) or keep using and stay stuck in your patterns and hurt everyone you love forever (Rumple). As a child of an alcoholic who has chosen the latter, I loved watching Regina’s journey in this context and while she stumbles a lot, she keeps striving to be good even though she gets the short end of the stick most of the time. And her North Star is always Henry, which I think is important to show that you don’t just change because you feel like it, there usually has to be the threat of something worse happening if you don’t change (in this case, losing Henry physically and emotionally).
2. Regina Mills might be the most psychologically complex and interesting character on prime time tv in the 2010s? Period??
3. I rambled a good bit in the podcast about the costumes and color symbolism but here’s a bit more for you: Once Regina is on team heroes she often wears some kind of red top (the hero’s color) with a black jacket/coat over it showing that she’s changed on the inside but she still *looks* like the evil queen on the outside and can now use that persona/power to her advantage instead of being consumed by it. By the end of S5 this contrasts with Emma who wears her signature red jacket but a black/white/gray sweater underneath, showing that she’s a little more of a mix of good and evil these days post-dark one. In a color sense, they’re almost mirror images of each other at this point, and it’s really cool.
4. I know a lot of people are really salty about how Emma’s light kind of dims toward S4, 5, 6, and I’m right there with you. Her character feels flatter, and honestly kind of depressed. Now idk if this was a real choice on the writers’/JMo’s part, if she was going through some stuff at this time and it just showed up in the character, or what. That said, it does track for me in a way, especially post-dark one. She should be kind of thrown off by everything that’s happened! She should be changed! I just wish they had done something with it instead of pretending it was normal. If Regina’s struggle with evil is analogous to addiction, why can’t Emma’s struggle with evil be analogous to depression? It would have been an interesting take. Somebody write the fic.
I could keep going but I’ll stop here for now. Stay tuned for the podcast!
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teddie-bear420 · 6 months
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Swap Au!! I call it “cold hazbin hotel”
Emily moonstone wants to redeem sinners and get to heaven with the help of her butler lute!
Lots of doodles and ramblings under the cut,
if you have any input or jokes or questions send them to me!!
So this swap starts at the very beginning! Lucifer is a big goodie two shoes who doesn’t express his real feelings and is kinda just heavens doormat. Sera on the other hand is driven by fairness and when she sees Adam mistreating Lilith she intervenes. This gets her sent down to hell with Lilith and they start ruling hell with all the sinners. At some point both Lilith and sera stop caring about the state of hell and the sinners establish the overlords that rule territory’s and all that. Around the time that Emily is born sinners like alastor and husk are well established overlords.
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Back in heaven, corruption spreads to leadership and Lucifer (as head archangel) kinda just lets it happen. He still runs the show but he doesn’t stand up for what he believes in anymore. Very weak man, thin wrists… dainty even. Adam is still the general of the Exorcist army and nobody holds any one accountable in heaven and the requirements to get into heaven are raised to in unachievable amount!
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Sera and Emily are very close, they talk almost everyday, when Emily starts to grow into an adult sera kinda panics and strains the relationship (Emily’s got mommy issues). Emily’s time spent in sin city leads her to starting the hotel with the Dino chick to hinder the overpopulation in hell (jk she just really wants to see heaven)
So Emily is the heir to a stolen kingdom
Lucifer still has Charlie in heaven and she fills Emily’s role of keeping everyone happy. In this swap he shelters Charlie for any hardships or even having her work for anything, so Charlie is a nepotism baby (in the normal show Charlie went no contact with her dad and built the hotel ground up) her job is to keep everyone joyful!
Charlie is ignorant to the horrors
Vaggie and lute are a little harder to explain cuz I still have no real idea how to approach making lute a sinner cuz uhh.. she already is one. I do know I wanna keep her antennae bangs…Pink to blue….Bug motif…Transition allegory?? You decide
Lute will probably have butler butch vibes, she’s very servant like
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But! I see vaggie getting to second in command and becoming a beast. The most ruthless demon slayer ever man, she fights the biggest demons she can find just for the fun of it. She still bulks up (you can take buff vaggie from my cold dead hands)!! She is assigned to protect the arch angel Charlie from quote…
“naughty individuals” -Lucifer (he means Adam)
Their dynamic is very silly, vaggie has to keep Charlie safe from things like assassins, perverts, technology and a goose. We all know that lute struck vaggie down cuz she was gay right? Well that still happens, but vaggie wins the fight (also being egged on by Adam) and ever since she’s looked for a fight so bad she ends up joining lute (warriors bond and all that)
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Basically she wants to change the heaven standard the lawful way (sera was a court judge after all) think musicals like legally blond, that one Hamilton song, and the death note musical.
She and Charlie get along well enough, it does gag Emily when she finds out that Charlie doesn’t know what a minimum wage job is.
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Ok so the main cast gets swapped with the over lords as you can see, the overlords I chose now look much younger, tho carmilla and Rosie are my milfs forever. Velvet is now an intern trying to get out of hell (she hates the heat) vox is now kinda just an obsessive fan boy, carmilla wants to go to heaven to see her daughters again. That Dino chick is the first guest, Emily wants to tame her inner fire (girl style)
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Emily has always wanted to see the garden of Eden, so when she comes up with a way to redeem sinners she hopes to visit heaven with them! I’m gonna doodle around with her demon bits,
Will maybe post more
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Alright friend, so when I was watching Hawkeye and it's the scene where he's talking with Kate about the cost of being a hero. It gave me an idea, so I was thinking kate, yelena and reader are on a mission to scout an abandoned hydra base or something. Kate and reader enter a room when they are looking at a computer, reader hears a bomb. They both look around and when they find it it's about to explode. So reader pushes kate out of the room and shuts the door to protect her or if you like it better I was also thinking of reader getting shot saving kate or something while fighting hydra agents. Anyway, however you want reader to get hurt. So then at the compound in the med bay, reader is on life support when kate calls clint and just starts breaking down saying how she understands the cost now. Clint ends up coming to the compound to help kate. Reader ends up being ok in the end though cause kate deserves to be happy. I was thinking for a title you could call it the cost or something like that. Sorry sounds cliché I know, especially the title. Anyway, you're the best 💖 Also bonus points for having reader be yelena's younger sister and sorry if I rambled to much
The Cost
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Super Soldier! Reader
Summary: After saving Kate from a bomb, it opens the archer’s eyes to a much, much bigger picture about her new job. 
Angst | Fluff | Mentions of Blood | Medical Talk | They/Them Pronouns Used | 1.4K | 
AC: Thank you for sending this! I’m so happy to do some more Kate content, I made reader a Super Soldier for this, I hope that’s okay x 
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Not a second thought went through your mind when you pushed Kate out of the room that held the data you and Kate were collecting. The bomb went off not even a second after Kate was pushed to safety, not leaving you a chance to get yourself to safety as the building fell on top of you. Kate was speechless as she searched the rubble for you, back up was on the way but even when they arrived, Kate didn't stop looking for you. 
When you were found, all Kate could see was how much blood covered your body and instantly she thought the worst. Tears filled her eyes as the others made sure to get you to safety and take you back to the compound's medical center. Kate was beside herself as she waited outside your medical bay while the medical team did their best to keep you alive. If it wasn't for the fact that you were a super soldier, there would be no way you'd have survived the blast of the bomb. 
It didn't matter how many times Kate replayed the situation over and over in her head, she knew you saved her life when you pushed her out the window of that room. Anytime Kate saw a nurse come out of the medical room, she would stop them and ask for an update but just like any hospital, they couldn't give the young archer any update until the doctor had completed the operation. Hours would pass before Kate would have any news on your condition. 
"For now, they're in a medical induced coma to help their body heal. We won't know anything further until they wake up" Bruce explained to the team, but more so to Kate who felt sick to her stomach with worry. 
You've been Kate's work partner for a little over a year now but only recently over the course of a couple of months have the two of you kindled a romance. Its new and exciting to the two of you which is why nobody else knew about it just yet. Besides, you'd be lying if you said you were slightly scared of what Clint might say considering how close he and Kate are. She's basically his adopted daughter and he's very protective of her. 
"But they're going to be okay, right?!" Kate asked with a worried tone, she just needed Bruce to assure her that you were okay because she called the one person, she knew would help her through this situation.
"Right now, yes but until they wake up, we won't know if there us anything further that needs attention" he replied. It wasn't exactly jumping for joy news, but it was enough for Kate to calm down for a moment and excuse herself form the room.
"Clint, I need you to come to the compound, please" Kate's broken voice spoke through the phone. 
"Is everything okay?!" Clint asked in an instant worried tone. 
"I just…I need you here, I understand now" Kate replied. 
"Understand what? Kate, are you okay? What's happened?"
"It all happened so fast, we were just getting data from this Hydra base when Y/n noticed an active bomb….it was already too late to run, they pushed me out the window before I had a chance to help them" Kate broke as she recalled the events that took place. Tears streamed down her face as she hoped you'd be okay. "The building just came down, there wasn't anything I could do Clint" Kate added in a sob, her words breaking with every tear that streamed down her face. 
Clint gave the young avenger a moment of silence, already packing his overnight bag and writing a note for Laura to see later. "Kate, I'm on my way, okay?" he spoke, breaking the silence. 
Kate nodded, even though she knew Clint couldn't see her action. "I need them to be okay" she sobbed. 
"I know sweetheart, I know" Clint replied, not afraid to show her his caring side. "I'm on my way, just hang in there for me, can you do that?" he added. 
"Yeah" Kate wiped her tears even though it felt pointless as more tears filled the place of the last ones. 
Clint arrived and found Kate sitting by your bedside when her hand gently resting on top of your left, her thumb gently stroking your knuckles. The thought of you knowing she was by your side helped calm her wondering thoughts as she would tell you repeatedly how much she needed you to be okay. 
"How are they?" Clint asked, quietly taking a few steps into the room. Kate looked up at him, her exhausted expression worried him. "Bruce said we won't know anything else until they wake up" Kate explained. 
"What about you? Have you been checked out?" 
"I'm fine, just a couple of cuts and bruises" Kate replied before she looked back at you, "they saved me Clint, without a second thought….they just pushed me out the window and I'm not sure how I didn't understand it before, but now I get it…this is the cost" Kate looked back at Clint with teary eyes, "I could lose them" she added. 
"You can't think that way" Clint replied, placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked into her eyes, "yeah, this is the cost and there is a chance you or somebody on your team could lose their life but that's what makes you fight harder so that doesn't happen. Y/n's first thought was to protect you, to keep you safe and they did that. They are willing to risk their life to make sure you're okay and this is the cost they took. When it comes to life-or-death moments, there isn't time to think, you just do. This is why we train as hard as we do and why are so annoying with going over mission details to help prevent things like this happening." Clint added. 
Kate's tears broke and once again formed another stream down her face as Clint wrapped his arms around the younger woman, holding her close for comfort.
6 months later and you were back on your feet like nothing happened, a few scars to remember but you made a full recovery. 
"What's on your mind pretty?" you asked, breaking Kate's train of thought as she staired into space. "Huh? Oh, just you" she replied with a soft smile. 
"That looked like some intense thoughts" you chuckled, "good ones I hope" you added. Kate wandered over to you and straddled your lap before softly pressing her lips against yours, "promise me you won't scare me like that again?" she spoke. 
"What? Bring you back from your thoughts?" you asked, gently rubbing her back. 
"No, I mean" Kate paused for a moment, "I don't want to lose you, ever! Clint told me something a couple of years back, you know, before I became an avenger. This job comes with a cost an-"
"Baby, listen to me" you stopped Kate's worrying thoughts leaving her lips, "it's going to take much more than a bomb explosion to get rid of me, I knew there was no way the two of us were going to get out of that room safely and I knew I'd have a much higher fighting chance at surviving the bomb because of the serum" you couldn't help by brush a lock of her long dark hair behind her ear. 
"I wake up every morning worried that something might happen to you on a mission or just by doing day to day things, I wish I could protect you from every single thing but it's not how life goes but if I can protect you, I will, without a second thought" you added while looking into her eyes.
"But what if one day you don't make it? That's what I'm worried about baby" Kate replied as her hands rested peacefully on your shoulders. "Kate, honey, let's not think about the what ifs, let's think about the now. I'm here and I'm okay. You're here and you're okay, we have each other and to me, that's all that matters. I'm not going anywhere, I promise" you cupped her face gently, pulling her closer to your lips as you kissed her deeply. "I love you" Kate whispered between kisses. A smile tugged at your lips before you kissed her once more, "I love you too baby" you replied.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | 
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brackishkittie · 1 year
୨୧- CHAPTER SEVEN, hit different! - ୨୧
summary: you and ellie secretly decide to meet up and talk to eachother, but you both forget turn off your life360 locations and get caught by both of your friends.
c/n: strong language, angst, ellie’s ex randomly coming in and jealous!reader..
a/n: just chaotic…CHAOS EVERYWHERE. also I left y'all on a cliffhanger BUT TRUST THINGS R JUST GETTIN STARTED.
series masterlist! - chapter seven ➝ chapter eight!
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as you both turn around, you two see nari, ashlesha, dina, and jesse right behind you both with the most judgmental and disappointed faces ever. “hey guys!…this is just like..sooo silly how we’re all just here right now!!!!….” you laugh awkwardly and glance at ellie, waiting for her to say something, “it was her idea.” she blurts out and points at you as you turn your head slowly, squint, and cross your arms. “oh I’m sorry..I didn’t know we were THROWING PEOPLE UNDER THE BUS NOW.” you yell a little too loud and a target employee looks at you and the group. “ok but like why didn’t we get a damn invite..I feel extremely excluded and I’m hurt.” jesse joked while putting his hand on his heart and frowning, “maybe because this was supposed to be only me and ellie..but maybe all of us hanging out won’t be so bad!” you say as you roll your eyes playfully, “hey I hope this doesn’t sound weird but your skin is so clear, how do you get it like that oh my god?” dina asks nari whose eyes light up like stars and shining diamonds after receiving a compliment from her.
they both immediately start giggling like school girls and talking about skincare while jesse just stands there watching them. he turns to you and ellie, now frowning more than before, “she just stole my girlfriend away from me..just like that.” he fake cries and you look at ashlesha, who’s feeling the softness of the carpets in the aisle. “sheesh..talk about chaotic…” ellie huffs as she puts her hands on her hips, “tell me about it..” another unfamiliar voice chimes in what seemed like from out of nowhere which everyone stopped talking and doing whatever they were doing a millisecond ago and turn to look at who just spoke. ellie recognized the voice though, it was someone she was very close to..her ex. “zhavia?”ellie turns to her, almost in awe, “wow ok this is extremely bad timing..and awkward..” jesse says as he scratches his head. “hey! I hope this isn’t like super bad timing since you know..you’re here with your friends and all…” she acknowledges, sheepishly waving at everyone while everyone just stands there.
“uhm ok so anyway guys..I think we should go get something to eat!” nari says signaling with her eyes at you and ashlesha for you guys to go, “yeah..I think I’ll come with you guys, I’m pretty hungry myself.” jesse adds while eyeing zhavia down and then turning to you, “y/n are you coming?” he clears his throat and you nod. “yeah uh, I think some food would be nice..” you respond, now walking away from ellie and her ex but she and her were too caught up with speaking to eachother that she didn’t even bother to say bye. ashlesha followed close behind you and you clearly looked upset she basically just ditched you and now your friends for someone else and out of all people her other ex. you’ve heard of zhavia before while you were together with ellie but have never seen her but boy she was gorgeous, like model gorgeous. “she’s a complete idiot..I’m really sorry about her y/n, but man that was awkward..having two of your exes in the same place at the same time? god, I would rather die.” jesse rambles while you were just upset, you were jealous and you didn’t know why. you weren’t dating anymore but who did zhavia think she was just coming out of nowhere and- “y/n? are you ok?” nari waves her hand infront of your face, snapping you back into reality. “yeah I’m fine.” you say quickly.
“are you sure you look a little-” nari goes to speak again but gets cut off short by you speaking again, “I’m fine nari let’s just go get something to eat.” you walk ahead of the group and they all follow behind you. “your friend is really something else, she seriously needs to know what she wants.” ashlesha spoke, she was looking down and deeply sighed. “we know but ellie is her own person, we honestly just hope she doesn’t start missing zhavia and y/n now..or just zhavia in general.” dina responded in disappointment. “y/n wait, where are you going? panda express is this way.” jesse yells out and you stop in your tracks. “I’m going home, I’m not really in the mood anymore. I’ll just eat at home. bye guys.” you say and leave the mall, your face hot and your teeth clenched. “fuck man..here, you guys should take our numbers and we’ll make a groupchat later so we can talk about this later.” dina suggests and ashlesha and nari nod their heads in agreement, the four exchange numbers and decide to still get something to eat and get to know eachother more.
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tags: @elsmissingfingers @astrcmoni @cowgirlcherrie @theganymedes @ximtiredx @ellieswifee @liabadoobee @loversquarr3l @ellieslegalwife @thecowardwrites @qvrcll @mqddieas @ariianelle 🩷🩷
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Can We Keep Him Pleeeease?
Platonic Sam Wilson x gn!reader
The youngest super soldier brings home an unusual pet.
Warnings: swearing, Sam is basically reader’s dad
WC: 1.4k
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“What the fuck is that?!” 
“A smoothie.” Y/N stood awkwardly in the middle of Sam’s living room, a squirming bundle wrapped tightly in their arms, with one hand clutching an obviously empty smoothie cup. 
“Oh ok, so just a smoothie then. I obviously wasn’t talking about the FUCKING ANIMAL YOU HAVE IN YOU HANDS?!” Sam threw his arms into the air in frustration and gestured wildly at the gray snout now poking from the hoodie Y/N had wrapped it in.
“Why are we yelling?” Bucky groaned, stumbling from his bedroom and almost running into the Captain. Y/N shoved the cold snout back into the fabric, receiving a grumble in reply. 
“Look, a bird!” They shouted quickly and pointed over his shoulder, effectively distracting the super soldier for a couple seconds, which was more than enough time for them to turn and make a mad dash to their room.
The younger avenger sighed deeply, already regretting inviting the teen hero to live with him and Bucky during their summer break from college. He winced as he heard their bedroom door slam shut, rocking the house with the force. Two super soldiers in his home, what could go wrong?
“There’s no bird.” Bucky whined sadly. 
“How have you survived this long?”
Bucky shrugged. “I spent most of my life frozen.”
“Ok and here’s a temporary bed for you until I buy you a new one. Or you can sleep with me, it’s your choice. Now, is there anything else you need?” Y/N’s voice was muffled through their door but Sam could hear it clear enough if he pushed his ear against the wood at just the right angle.
He had already ruled out a bird, a frog, and a fish, but everything else was fair game. He was ever so slightly terrified that they had brought home an alligator and he couldn’t put it past them. Sam shivered at the memory of them appearing on the local news after ‘rescuing’ a crocodile from the zoo a few years back. And their defense had simply been ‘she looked lonely’.
“Food! Yes, I have some food for you already. But don’t tell Bucky I’m taking his salmon. He wanted to cook it tonight but we all know that he can’t cook to save his life so this will be a mercy for that poor fish. You stay here and I’ll be back in a second.” Sam didn’t bother stepping away from the entryway, only standing up straight with his arms crossed over his chest, his face set in a disapproving frown that only tired dads could pull off.
Y/N jumped slightly as they opened their door and was met with Captain America’s chest. “What’s gucci, Sam?” The door quickly shut behind them, blocking Sam’s view into the room.
“What animal do you have in there?”
“There is no animal in my room, what are you talking about? I think the added responsibility of being America’s greatest superhero has made you go crazy.” 
Sam could actually feel his blood pressure rising. “Y/N.”
“Why would I bring an animal home? Bucky is pretty much like three dogs worth of animal so why would I need another pet?” They were rambling now.
“Tell me what’s in your bedroom or I’ll send you to live with Bruce.” They stopped, their eyes narrowing on the slightly taller man.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.” They held his gaze for another minute, silently weighing their options. To live with Bruce meant more freedom with animals, sure but they didn’t know if they could put up with his yoga and ‘breathing exercises’ for months on end. Y/N relented.
“Fine but please, give him a chance.” 
Y/N slipped back into the small bedroom designated as theirs but left the door open so Sam could follow. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for the hell he was about to walk into, and then stepped over the threshold.
The young super soldier was on their knees at the foot of their bed, carefully lifting the yet to be identified pet into their arms. They cooed at the creature, rocking slightly before turning around.
“Sam, meet Jeff the land shark. Jeff, meet Sam.” Huge black eyes stared back up at him from Y/N’s arms, observing the man before it’s large mouth broke into what Sam guessed was a grin, exposing rows of razor sharp teeth. It Jeff wiggled in their arms, pleased with the new person in its space.
Y/N smiled brightly alongside the shark-hybrid thing. “Look how cute he is!” They squealed, hugging him tightly to their chest. Jeff, quite pleased with the attention, grunted happily, his four short limbs waggling around, along with his tail, which seemed to be at least as long as his stout body.
“You’re such a perfect boy aren’t you? Yes you are. You’re my perfect boy.” Sam didn’t know what he was more disturbed by, the shark creature or the fact that this teen, who he had witnessed punch a man so hard, his body flew through five walls of solid concrete, was baby-talking said shark creature. 
Jeff’s triangular snout pressed into their pudgy cheek, nosing at their flesh affectionately. “I um- what? I have so many questions.” 
“If I answer them, will you let me keep him?”
“No.” Sam said firmly, eyes still fixed on Jeff.
“But Saaaaaaam.”
“No buts Y/N. You brought a dangerous animal into this house without my permission.”
They turned away slightly, shielding Jeff. “You brought Bucky home without my permission so I think we’re even.” Jeff propped his thick head against their shoulder so he could continue to look at Sam, his tail wagging wildly beneath him.
“That’s different, as much as I hate to say it, Bucky is a person.”
“Ha! I told you I would get you to admit it!” Came from the other side of the house.
“Shut up Bucky!” They both shouted in unison. 
“You can’t keep him.”
“I’ll be good! I’ll wash your car! I’ll go on runs with you! I’ll even do your laundry!”
“You can’t keep him.”
Y/N grumbled something under their breath, tucking their face into where Jeff’s neck would be. “What was that?” Sam raised an eyebrow at them.
“I said Tony would let me keep him.” Sighing deeply, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Tony also let you regularly jump out of planes without a parachute.”
“So I really can’t keep him?” Their voice trembled with barely contained tears, Sam’s kryptonite. They clung tightly to Jeff who was now looking at them curiously, concerned whines emanating from him. Fat tears hung to their lashes as their eyes slowly went bloodshot and their chest hiccupped.
“I can barely stand Alpine and I don’t think Jeff would like cats.” They’ll understand logic right? Sam wondered. Y/N’s eyes dropped to the floor, absolutely heartbroken.
And as if summoned, said white cat strolled into the room without a care in the world. “Brrr?” She chirped. Alpine tilted her head at her second favourite person, as if questioning why she hadn’t been picked up yet, like she usually would have when she wandered into Y/N’s room.
Jeff copied her movement as best he could while still being smothered by the teen. Her blue eyes fixed themselves on the shark. With little hesitation, she launched herself up, landing gracefully on Y/N’s opposite shoulder. Sam froze, already coming up with explanations as to why Bucky’s prized cat had been devoured by a ‘land shark’. 
But instead of the bloodbath he expected, Alpine nuzzled into his cold skin, the tip of her tail flicking happily. Jeff grinned once more and leaned his head into the cat, accepting the affection.
And when Sam looked back up at Y/N, they were smiling victoriously, all evidence of tears gone from their face. He knew he was screwed.
“Fine, you can keep the damn shark but don’t expect me to look after it. Jeff is your responsibility.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” They bounced around the room, both animals hanging on for dear life. Sam couldn’t help but smile at their pure joy of having a new pet. 
“Go on and get some food for him and I’ll bring you to PetSmart tomorrow for more supplies. Also, where did you even find him?"
Y/N shrugged. "Side of the road."
"I'm not even surprised. Alright, go do what you need to do, kid."
“You’re the best! C’mon Jeff, I have to introduce you to Bucky!”
And as they ran out of the room, Sam swore he had never heard a grown man scream that loudly before in his life.
“Is that a fucking shark?!”
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
Ok so im the same person who’s been asking these endgame/superinjunction questions. I’m sorry if you may have to explain these stuff to me like a dummy, but i figured i’d rather ask than be stupid. So what you’re saying is there’s a possibility there really is some kind of deal between the palace and the murdoch establishment and it’s not simply a good old out of court settlement that involves monetary compensation, it also involves some sort of deal to supress the affair rumors? and this deal might have benefitted harry too if he waited? but also h&m and scobie believe the deal also involves bad press for the sussexes?
No worries, anon! Ask as many questions as you like. (I know I can talk in circles when I start rambling. I've even confused myself.)
I'll take your ask point by point because I think that may be more helpful and less rambly. I've also done a bit more research into what actually happened in court last year and that may be the missing piece to clear everything up.
there’s a possibility there really is some kind of deal between the palace and the murdoch establishment and it’s not simply a good old out of court settlement that involves monetary compensation, it also involves some sort of deal to supress the affair rumors?
Yes and no. What we know about the deal is in 2012ish, an agreement was made, authorized by The Queen, that the royal family wouldn't pursue litigation or claims of litigation against the News Group Newspapers (which is owned by Murdoch) until all of the other cases in the phone hacking scandal had been resolved first in exchange for an apology and a settlement (i.e. cash).
The affair rumors were not part of the original 2012 deal because, well, there were no affair rumors in 2012. Let's leave that aside for a second.
So after The Queen makes the deal with NGN/Murdoch, the BRF basically sits back and waits for all the phone hacking lawsuits and court cases to resolve. This takes about 8 years. In 2019 or 2020, NGN/Murdoch calls up the BRF and says "we're ready. Let's talk." They meet and start negotiations for the settlement. William eventually walks away with X, cash in hand.
We don't know what the terms of that settlement is. There's speculation it was $80-$90 million because someone looked up the NGN/Murdoch financial reports after Harry spilled the tea and found NGN's profits dropped by $80-$90 million. But we don't actually know.
Now going back to the affair rumors. They started in February/March 2019. Soon as it started, all the royal reporters and society reporters immediately began investigating. They were crawling all over Norfolk and talking to everyone/anyone they could but they couldn't find any evidence and kept digging, thinking it was a massive coverup. Eventually they couldn't find anything and they all stopped talking about an affair or rumors of an affair, except for one: Dan Wootton and The Sun, which is owned by NGN/Murdoch. Wootton kept investigating and kept talking about it, until all of a sudden he stopped, in June 2019. Never brought it up again.
My personal theory is as William/KP and NGN began meeting about the settlement, William had some kind of leverage that made them realize 'oh we fucked up with the affair rumors' and it was addressed in the settlement he walked away with. I've no actual idea what the leverage could be - maybe Christian Jones had something on Wootton? Maybe William did the "let's tell people fake stories and see which one gets published" thing (he's done it before) and it fingered people other than Wootton? I've no actual idea if there was any leverage in the first place. I've no actual idea if it contributed to the settlement. All I know is that The Sun stopped talking about it around the time things may have started moving to execute the 2012 deal and the timing seems important.
and this deal might have benefitted harry too if he waited?
Yes, absolutely. When The Queen initially struck the deal, it applied to all members of the royal family - so William, Kate, and Harry were covered by it. What's important to remember is that the deal was contingent on waiting out all the other lawsuits and cases first. So had Harry just waited, he would've been able to split the money William walked away with.
Instead, in 2017, Harry started getting antsy about how long it was taking to close everything out. He started pressuring the BRF to push NGN to move faster - he didn't want NGN/Murdoch's people covering his engagement, his wedding, his future children, etc. He wanted to ban them from certain events as retribution/revenge for violating his privacy and he believed that NGN was dragging out their lawsuits and cases to continue covering the royal family. (Quick aside here: Harry and Meghan did not invite the rota or members of the press to cover their wedding, as is their prerogative, but it's thought the reasoning behind this decision was because of Harry's anger at NGN's phone hacking and what he perceived was a lack of consequences.)
This goes on for a couple years: Harry keeps pressuring the lawyers to force NGN to settle and the lawyers kept saying 'no, we need to wait, remember the deal.' Summer 2019 rolls around and Harry has had enough. It's his money, he wants it now! So then Harry pulls out of the 2012 deal and begins filing two lawsuits.
Lawsuit #1: Against NGN/Murdoch
Lawsuit #2: Against MGN/The Mirror
I don't remember which one gets filed and looking it up sends me down a wormhole I can't afford to go down right now. I think the MGN/Mirror lawsuit is part of the cases that are announced in September 2019 while they're in Africa and the NGN/Murdcoch lawsuit comes some time later.
Now there are three separate cases: a) William's settlement which is still bound to the 2012 deal, b) Harry's lawsuit #1 against NGN that's part of the bundle with Hugh Grant and Elton John and all those other celebs, and c) Harry's lawsuit #2 against MGN/Mirror.
So as Harry's lawsuits begin to working through the court system, William is negotiating the terms of his settlement and at some point in 2020, he finally gets his payout and it's a big one.
Fast-forward 3 years. It's 2023 and Harry's lawsuits are finally getting its day in court. In April 2023, NGN/Murdoch is arguing that Harry's lawsuit is past the statute of limitations* and should be dismissed. Harry says 'no, actually, I couldn't file my lawsuit earlier because of a deal my granny made that I didn't consent to.' As part of that testimony, Harry has to describe the deal and that's how we know what happened in 2012 and that William got his payout in 2020. The judge decides 'Harry's right' and finds in his favor: the NGN lawsuit stays. That was in April 2023, I believe. In June 2023, Harry's back in court to take the stand (the lawsuit goes horribly awry).
*I think they call it something else in the UK though. The actual phrase "statute of limitations" didn't come up in any of my research. I'm using it here as a shorthand because it's easier for us Americans to understand. (Apologies if you're not American, anon!)
In July 2023, Harry is back in court for lawsuit #2 against MGN. MGN makes the same argument: it's past the statute of limitations and should be dismissed. Unfortunately for Harry, this judge agrees with MGN and his case is dismissed. So lawsuit #2 is done.
In December 2023, the judge from lawsuit #1, the NGN/Murdoch case, rules that the phone hacking was "widespread and habitual" awards Harry damages of $175K(ish). That's not enough. Harry wants more money, so lawyers do lawyer things and eventually, last week, Harry finally settles with NGN for damages ($175Kish) and legal fees ($500Kish).
So, long story short is this: If Harry had waited for the 2012 deal to play out, he would've walked away splitting $X million with William in 2020. Instead, because he was too impatient and too greedy, he's walking away with less than $700,000 in 2024.
How do you like them apples.
but also h&m and scobie believe the deal also involves bad press for the sussexes?
No. They do not think the 2012 deal leading to the 2020 settlement involves bad press for the sussexes.
They think William used the bad press for the Sussexes to kill media coverage of the affair rumors in 2019. They think Christian Jones made a deal with Wootton/The Sun back in 2019 involving bad press for the Sussexes to stop writing about Rose and William had approved of it because William didn't immediately fire Christian as Harry wanted when he told William of his suspicions of Christian's relationship with Wootton/The Sun.
So what actually happens in Endgame is that Scobie speculates that connections between
an abandoned investigation of the affair rumors
bad press for the Sussexes,
an embargoed report on the behavior of British newspapers (which may or may not be a superinjunction), and
William not doing anything to address Harry's concerns about Christian's relationship to Wootton
is the clearest signal that William is using the power of his position as heir to control, suppress, and influence how the media covers him. It's an implication that the power has gone to William's head.
I definitely muddied the waters for you by thinking it may all be connected to the phone hacking deal. There's no evidence that says it is - that was just me thinking "it can't be a coincidence these four things are happening at relatively the same time, and then they all just kinda stop at the same time, the same time that we now know William received a huge cash payout."
I hope this untangles things for you, anon. If it doesn't, please keep asking questions. (If anything, this round of questions led to some research that helped untangle the lawsuits for me so they're as much a chance for me to learn as they are for you!)
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bisexualcage · 9 months
If it’s not a problem, can I request a fluffy MK1 Johnny Cage x male reader fic where reader suffers from a lot of chronic pain? I suffer a lot from it and I’m just really in need of some comfort from my bbg Johnny. I’d greatly appreciate it if you did do this!
-🦇 anon (idk if this was taken but if not im now bat anon)
(Sorry this took a bit long!! I hope you enjoy ❤️)
A Rising (Fallen) Star ⭐️ | Johnny Cage x Male Reader
Warnings: no warnings, just very damn tooth rotting fluff!
Relationship: Johnny Cage x Male Reader, MLM
An: I didn’t really proof read so rip
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It was nearly 7 pm, Johnny had a busy day but you decided to stay in while he worked. He insisted on staying to pamper you all day but you basically forced him out, he wasn’t gonna miss a directing opportunity because of you. Or at least that’s how you saw it. Every time your chronic pain flared up you felt like hell warmed over, you didn’t want to burden anyone else too much with it and that included Johnny even though he consistently told you otherwise. That didn’t stop him from spamming your phone with texts which you’ve missed in your deep pained slumber.
“Babe, u feeling better? Take ur pain killers. U looked so tired b4 I left”
“I’m gonna buy u some stuff as soon as
I’m out of this building, I think they like my script idea! Watch out! Director Johnny Cage incoming 😎 no but seriously, u ok?”
“Hello? Honey???”
“They accepted my pitch! You’re worrying me. I’m heading over to the pharmacy to pick up some knick knacks for u stud😚”
Of course, your phone was left accidentally on silent and by the time you read these with guilt on your face you already heard the front door opening and closing, heavy steps approaching your bedroom door. You groan and yawn, sitting up weakly from the bed and rub your sore back. “Ah shit…” you mumbled under your breath.
The door clicks open and you see a worrisome Johnny with bags of stuff hanging from his hands. He takes his shades off as he spots your tired pained figure on the edge of the bed and walks over dropping the bags immediately on the floor.
“Babe, are you okay? You weren’t answering me.” He kneels in front of you and kisses your nose, his eyes so big and soft.
“My back aches so bad. I’m so sorry- as soon as you left I knocked out and-“ you rambled in guilt.
“Shhh, nonsense. Now, do you want me to start a warm bath for you?” He mumbled and caressed your jaw with his hands. “Get those muscles to relax a bit?”
You blush and nod, standing up with a wince.
“Atta boy’.” Johnny smirks and guides you to the bathroom slowly, getting the bath water going immediately.
“I’ll take it from here, okay?” You said softly, you didn’t want him to see you as weak. This has happened one too many times. It was stupid, he insisted that he didn’t see you as a burden and that he liked caring for you when you were in pain yet you just couldn’t stop being stubborn about it.
Johnny made a sigh, looking over you one last time before nodding and then peeping through the open crack of the door one last time, “Shout at me, I’ll be right outside if you need anything okay, honey?” He said tenderly.
The actor had a knowing expression, the way you were trying to act tough all of a sudden and able. You knew that he could see through your facade. When the door closed you started stripping and then submerged yourself in the warm water, you sighed in pleasure as your sore muscles relaxed. About 15 minutes passed while you were soaking in there, you winced in pain as you pulled yourself up from the bath. Carefully leaning over to get a towel, you were practically shaking.
“Christ-“ you sigh tiredly as you rubbed the towel down your torso and legs. Once you were done drying and dressing up, you started to smell something as you made your way towards the kitchen.
Johnny never cooked, not if he could help it.
Oh no. He’s cooking.
“Johnny wh-“
“Don’t worry baby, I ain’t burned the house down yet.” He turned around from the stove to face you, something simmering in a pot. Johnny looked at you up and down in your cozy pajamas and wet hair, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. He started rubbing the back of your wet head as he held you in his arms and talked.
“How was that bath? Warm enough?” He mumbled against your neck with his eyes closed, very at peace to be in your arms.
You grew warm and smile softly for the first time all day, “It was good, very nice.” You whisper, overlooking his shoulder and seeing the food being cooked. “Is that…soup?”
Johnny chuckled and pulled back, “It’s canned soup I got you from the pharmacy. Among other things.”
“Are you sure you’re cooking that-“
“Honey, I ain’t gonna stink up the house like last time I promise. It’s just simple soup I’m warming up for my, baby boy.” He smirks at you and walks over to the soup, turning the stove off.
You grow warm, whenever he called you baby boy he knew it sent you over the moon. He was being purposeful.
“Before you eat…” He looks back at you briefly and starts pouring the hot vegetable soup in to a bowl, your stomach already grumbling, “…I’m gonna give you some pain killers alright? You haven’t drank any right?”
You scratch your head, you could have sworn in your painful delirium earlier that you planned on taking them but you just knocked out immediately. “No I haven’t…damn it.”
Johnny chuckles, walking over to you with the soup in hand and places it on the kitchen island, motioning for you to sit. As you do, he takes out a painkiller bottle and gives you two pills with a glass of water. “Drink BOTH.” He said a bit sternly but with the upmost care in his eyes.
You groan, “Johnny-“
“Don’t Johnny me, I know you hate pills and swallowing them.” He crosses his arms, waiting for you to swallow them.
He was right, you hated them and you always had trouble downing them. But you took a deep breath as he rubbed your arm and swallowed them easily. It’s like his presence alone made things easier.
“Good boy! Woohoo!” He kisses your cheek, “Nothing The Cagester can’t bring out of people.” He jokes and winks at you.
“Alright alright- settle down movie star.” You smirk at him as you start practically downing the soup at a crazy pace. “These are good, no burn flavor.”
Johnny rolls his eyes and watches you eat with a small smile on his face, he was like a hawk. “I know you didn’t eat all day or take your pills.”
You look at him with shyness, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know honey, I know. I can’t imagine what’s it’s like to hurt all the time. You start to loose the energy to do basic things.” He says with an understanding face, yet he was holding something back. Biting his tongue.
“Johnny, I thank you for all of this. I know it’s not easy sometimes and I sure don’t make them easy.” You say lowly, looking down at your lukewarm soup.
Johnny looks at you with glassy eyes, or maybe that was the dim lights in the kitchen, you couldn’t tell. Nonetheless he swallowed heavily and walked between your legs on the chair you were sitting and placed both of his hands on your cheeks— looking deep in to your tired eyes.
“When I’m with you it’s like I’m a damn lovesick puppy, you make things unbelievably easy for me. I’ve told you before, I don’t care about what you got going on. You’re not a burden-“
“I didn’t say-“
“But you’re thinking it. You’re constantly thinking it. I saw it back in the bathroom. I see it now. And if I need to reassure you a billion times that you’re nothing but a star in my life then I will. I like taking care of you. I like doing these things for you. You’re my guy, you’re my boy.” He runs his thumbs across your cheeks, his eyes filled with nothing but care.
Suddenly, he leans in and crashes his lips on to yours, you’re engulfed by his warmness, his proximity, his love. He shifts his lips softly against yours, taking his time, your noses rubbing against one another. A small grunt leaves your throat and you reciprocate just as passionately. You then both pull back slightly, breathing heavily and trying to catch your breath with him. He keeps his arms around your waist, rubbing lightly at your sore back in circular motions.
“Someone’s passionate today…” you chuckle.
“For you? Always. Now eat up. After that you’re gonna lay down for me and we’re gonna try the new heat pad I bought you.” He grins with excitement.
“Another one?! I have like 5 heating pads from you already!” You laugh.
“But this one supposedly has some cotton flex technology that helps muscles or some shit, isn’t that cool?” His eyes are shiny.
“Is this what you decide to buy with your big new director money?” you laugh more with a blush.
“Hey! This big new director got his script approved today. Green lit baby! So more heating pads coming your way.” He says playfully, loving the banter between you both.
“Congratulations!” You say lovingly with a huge smile on your face, “I’m so proud of you ahh.” You squeeze him closer to you.
“Thank you, sweetheart! I told you, that Karate Zombie script was gold- wait a second are you trying to distract me from you eating your soup cause it’s cold now?” He says teasingly.
You snort loudly, clearly being caught a bit. But you were still proud of him regardless.
“Eat the soup! I will feed it through your nose if I gotta!”
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rems-writing · 1 month
Is Mingi the God of Death?
》 Pairing: mortal!Mingi x former Moon Knight!reader
》 AU: Marvel au
》 Wordcount: 3,198 words
》 Rating: nc-17
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
The happiest of birthdays to my one and only soulmate. Song Mingi 🥰🥰🥰 ilysm. Thank you for entering my life as my ult. You have changed me for the better 🩷🤍🖤
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Lately, Mingi has been having weird nightmares. It ranged from strange ceremonies that involved welcome people into a golden field filled with thin plants to people bowing down before him as they offer things like food, wine
Sometimes, the so-called sacrificial offerings would be struggling to break free from these followers. Other times, the sacrificial offerings would cut out their own hearts and place it on a scale. Mingi would find himself judging those people and either send them to that strange field or the sand dunes, where people turn into sand statues and remain that way for eternity. 
The nightmares progressively got worse as months passed. It was bad enough that Mingi saw people cut out their own hearts and seemingly plead to him for mercy. It got worse from there. 
His previous nightmare involved him embalming someone and wrapping them up like a mummy before encasing them in a coffin. He almost hurled at the sight of the different organs that were bloodied and placed in cracked and faded urns. He didn’t know how it escalated into that since his nightmare started off as him taking care of a person like he was a nurse. He found himself speaking gently to this person as he took care of their wounds.
It was ironic since the person was actually dead.
He didn’t know how to explain all of this to a therapist he was seeing. He never sought out a therapist before, but due to the increasing number of nightmares he had, he was left with no choice but to talk with a professional about it. What made things worse was that he felt guilty for seeing someone to talk about this with rather than his significant other. 
He didn’t want to burden his beloved after seeing you struggle with trying to reign in Sekhmet. 
He knew how much you despised being the avatar for Khonshu, the Egyptian god of justice and the moon. He wanted to make sure that you live a carefree life without having to worry about the old bird popping up out of nowhere.
Which is why he kept this to himself. 
He knew it was wrong to keep secrets, especially since he might get his ass beat by your twin brother. Marc was someone he didn’t want to mess with, especially with his dangerous alter. 
Jake Lockley
In the few times Mingi encountered Jake, he was almost scared away by him. Due to his love for you and his support from both Steven and Marc, he was able to persevere through Jake’s ‘protective’ antics and get him on the young man’s side. 
It also took some convincing from you as well since Mingi would often see (and try not to snicker at) you hit Jake with a slipper. 
My love <3: Hey! Marc is currently over rn and he demands coffee. 
Mingi was currently wrapping up his latest session with his therapist. As he shook his therapist’s hand, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching him from afar. Deciding to brush it off for now, he let go and bid his therapist goodbye before leaving to go home. After a harrowing day at work, he just wanted to snuggle up against you and listen to you ramble about normal life. Speaking of which, you messaged him about something. 
Mingles: lol are you sure it’s Marc and not Steven or Jake?
My love: Steven only drinks tea while Jake prefers ‘the blood of his enemies’ or whatever tf he meant
Mingles: so basically… a cup of milk coffee
My love <3: lol pretty much :P
Mingles: LMAO XD
Mingles: ok bet. I’ll stop by the cafe near our flat and I can get Marc his coffee. Do you want anything?
My love <3: Just your love and affection
My love <3: and maybe an apple fritter. I’m obsessed with those lately. Blame Layla lol
Mingles: Now see if I do that, Marc might beat my ass lol
My love <3: I’ll protect you. I have the power of the slipper! XD
Mingles: You’re so fucking cute. Ok I’ll get those rn. Ily
My love <3: ilyt
Mingi looked up and flinched when he saw the barista looking lifeless. She had white blurred eyes, sunken cheekbones, a jaw that was hanging on for dear life, and a body that was basically a skeleton if you didn’t see the paper-thin skin attached to the bones. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking at the barista once again. He was relieved when he saw a healthy-looking woman in lieu of the dead version of herself patiently waiting for him to pay. 
Mingi sighed dreamily as he put away his phone and walked to the cafe. There was no line and there weren’t a lot of people inside, so he was able to get the items quickly. As he took out his wallet, he casually asked how much he owed. He was not prepared for the answer given to him.
“I will offer you my soul.”
“Sorry. I must’ve been distracted. Been thinking about home and work and stuff.” Mingi sheepishly explained, to which the woman waved him off politely. 
“No worries. It’s totally fine. Anyways, $10 is your total.” 
Mingi nodded and pulled out a $20 bill. “You can keep the change. Have a good day.” He said quickly and politely before he gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. With your apple fritter and Marc’s coffee in tow, he walked briskly back to his flat, barely missing the way that some citizens looked with the same lifeless look in their eyes. As he patiently waited for the crosswalk sign to change, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and almost dropped the items in his hand when he saw a dead man looking at him. His head was bent at an unnatural angle, and he spoke in a hollow voice. 
“You left us. You left your true home to be amongst the humans. You are a selfish god. You want to be human so bad? Then you will die like a human!” 
Mingi jumped out of the way as the dead man launched himself at the taller man, only to crumble into pieces when he crashed to the floor. Panic consumed Mingi and he ran for his life when the crosswalk sign changed. He dared to look back. 
He wished he hadn’t. 
A wave of mummified humans came barreling at him with lightning speed, all speaking in an ancient tongue that he somehow understood. The panic turned into fear when he felt someone’s bony fingers brush up against his ankle in an attempt to trip him and drag him away. Temporary relief washed over him when he saw a familiar building a few feet away from him. Picking up speed, he sprinted towards the entrance of the building’s lobby and inserted himself into the closest vacant elevator. He pressed the ‘close doors’ button rapidly as his peripheral vision caught onto the mummies scrambling over one another to get into the elevator. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as the doors closed in time and it started going up to his floor. Mingi slid down the wall and exhaled loudly as he patiently yet anxiously waited until it stopped. 
An eerie whisper of his name sounded in the air and Mingi flinched at the sound. He slowly got up and looked around to see who called him. As far as he knew, he was the only one in the elevator. 
The whisper grew louder and Mingi was able to detect a voice. It sounded soft and gentle, yet he knew better than to trust that easily. The lights in the elevator flickered and he looked around anxiously. It didn’t help that there were mirrors surrounding him as well. 
“Over here.”
Mingi looked to his left and his face paled. He was somehow expecting a dead version of himself to be looking at him through his reflection. 
He was not expecting an entirely different man to look back at him. 
As Mingi walked closer to the mirror, he set his things down and looked at his reflection. Whenever he raised his hand, the man would as well. Whenever he bent his head, the man would as well. It went on for a while until Mingi looked up and almost let out a scream. 
The man’s head had an outline of a jackal surrounding him. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” Mingi screamed. 
The man chuckled quietly as he stepped out of the mirror and stood before him. He was dressed similarly to Mingi, but it looked like he went through hell and back. His white dress shirt was torn at the bottom so his abs and slim waist were on display. His black dress pants had chains dangling from the belt loops, his black dress shoes were caked in sand and blood, and his crooked fingers were covered by black fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows, leaving his forearms to be covered as well. His black tie hung loose around his neck and his silver hair was more of a dark and ashen gray. His hair covered his eyes slightly, yet Mingi was able to see through them. The man reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as he stared him down. 
“I am you.” 
“Mingi, wake the fuck up!” 
Mingi heard your worried voice loud and clear, and he sat up straight on the couch, looking around rapidly before settling his eyes on you. Standing beside you were Layla and Marc. Layla looked worried as well while Marc was stoic and had his arms crossed. 
But he too was worried. 
“W-What happened?” Mingi asked hoarsely. His voice was lost due to the scream he let out earlier after that encounter with that strange man. 
“We got a call from the landlord saying that you passed out as you tried to exit the elevator once you reached our floor. I practically sprinted out of our flat as soon as she said that. Mingi, something is going on with you! You’ve been looking paler every day and you’re always so fidgety. Not to mention that you also wake up in a cold sweat and breathe heavily. Even in the darkness of our room, I can see you clutch your chest. Please… talk to me. Talk to us!”
Mingi couldn’t take it anymore. He broke down crying in your arms and told you everything. From the nightmares to the therapy sessions, he vented on and on. While you were consoling him, Marc and Layla shared a knowing look. Yet they stayed quiet as they observed you cradle his face in your hands and kiss his forehead gently. 
“It’s ok, Mingi. It’ll be ok. We will do our best to help.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to be involved with the gods again. If that even is the case.”
“You’ve helped me cope with adapting to our new lifestyle. And for that, I thank you every day for coming into my life. Let me repay you for all you’ve done.” 
Mingi nodded shyly and you smiled before looking up at Layla and Marc. 
A few hours later, you and Layla were discussing amongst yourselves the predicament that Mingi was in while he was in your room with Steven, who fronted after hearing about the nightmares. 
“So you’ve had nightmares that involved dead people, mummification, and the Field of Reeds. Am I correct, lad?”
“Yeah pretty much. And as I said to Y/N, it felt like my nightmares were coming to life. I saw a barista looking lifeless and say that they’ll offer me their soul while another random man called me a selfish god and tried to attack me. Lastly, a huge group of mummified people came running at me.”
“Right… but then what about the encounter you had with that man? He wasn’t dead right?”
“No. He looked more human. He wore a tattered version of the clothes I’m wearing right now yet I know for a fact that he was an entirely different person than me.” 
“Here. Let me sketch him as you describe him.” 
Mingi then proceeded to describe what the man in the mirror looked like to the best of his ability. He probably messed up on a few details since he was gripped with fear as he saw him. Steven finally finished up his sketch and a worried look was on his face as he looked at it some more before he turned the sketch pad around. 
“Is this who you saw?” 
Mingi’s face paled once more as he saw the sketch. 
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“Yeah… that’s him.” 
“Oh bollocks. Lad, I think you might have encountered the Egyptian god of the dead himself.”
“No… Anubis.”
Mingi found himself on a plane to Cairo. He was nervous as hell and couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. You placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with reassurance. “It’ll be ok, Mingi. We’ll see what he wants, and he’ll leave you alone after that. He’ll listen to me.” 
Mingi nodded rapidly as he listened to your confident words. When they landed, they quickly got off the plane, grabbed their bags, and booked it to the hotel they were staying at. Once they were checked in and settled down, they immediately headed towards the pyramids. 
You and Marc were once again back inside the temple of the Ennead. They hadn’t been back here since they trapped Ammit inside Arthur Harrow’s body. As much as you wanted to escape so badly, you knew that if you didn't do this, Mingi’s nightmares would never end. 
“So I just… lay here?” Mingi asked as he pointed to a stone table. You nodded and helped him lay down. Due to his height and big body chock full of muscle, it was a struggle at first. Finally, he was able to lay down properly. His long legs dangled off the table and he cringed when he felt a strange liquid be painted on his forehead. 
“This is just us preparing you for the ceremony. We need to put the symbol of Anubis on you so we can properly communicate with him. Don’t sweat it.” Marc explained and Mingi nodded. Once the preparations were complete, the chants started. 
The more the three of them recited the incantations, the more Mingi felt physically uncomfortable. He was sweating a lot, he clutched his stomach, and he let out painful screams. The screams soon turned into growls and his back achingly arched off the table as black and gold mist escaped his mouth. The mist soon took shape into an all too familiar figure. The figure was hunched over and stood up slowly as the mist dissipated. His eyes glowed brightly before settling back to brown. 
Mingi scrambled off the table as he stood behind Y/N while the man, clad in a black tank top and blue jeans, brushed off his shoulders and looked around. His wavy black hair dangled in front of his eyes.
“Ah. It seems I’m back in this dreadful place.”
His voice, albeit soft, held power. He settled his eyes on Marc and Layla before smiling gently at them. “It’s so good to see you two. How has life been for you guys?”
“It’s been… alright.”
The man nodded before turning to you. His eyes were filled with love and sadness as he walked towards you. He reached out and gently held your face in his hand. Mingi wanted to step in and tell him to fuck off, but for some reason, he knew this needed to happen so he just stood there and watched. 
“My love… I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Seonghwa.” 
‘So that’s Anubis’s human name.’ Mingi thought to himself as he observed the exchange between you and Seonghwa. 
“I hope Mingi is making you happy. Otherwise, my departure from the Duat would have been in vain.” 
“Wait… you left? Why?”
A quiet sigh escaped Seonghwa’s plush lips as he explained everything to you, Marc, Layla, and Mingi. 
“I am a selfish god. I couldn’t bear to be without you. So I left behind everything I once was and entered the mortal realm in a new body. Hence, how Mingi came about.” 
It all made sense now. 
Mingi wasn’t having nightmares.
He was experiencing his past life. 
“Mingi, I am so sorry that you had to go through those visions. I never meant to make you and Y/N suffer. I didn’t realize the consequences of leaving the Duat until they came to fruition. Please forgive me.”
Mingi couldn’t help but feel bad for the past version of himself. All Seonghwa ever wanted was to be with you, no matter the conditions. Mingi gave a small grin to the ancient god and patted his shoulder. 
“It’s ok. I understand. I honestly would’ve done the same thing if I was in your position.”
Seonghwa smiled gratefully and brought the mortal into a hug. Your heart soared at the sight of your past lover and current lover embracing each other like family. As Seonghwa let Mingi go, they connected their foreheads together. Seonghwa placed a delicate hand over Mingi’s broad chest so he could feel the man’s heart under his palm. 
“I will try my best to make sure you guys will not suffer anymore. In return, I simply ask that you keep loving Y/N in the same way that you always have since the first day you two have met.”
“You can count on me, Anubis.”
Seonghwa nodded gratefully and turned to you before pulling into one last hug.
“Until we meet again, my love…”
Seonghwa let go of you and waved goodbye to Marc and Layla before he disappeared in the same black and gold mist. His ghostly silhouette floated around the temple before coming down upon Mingi, who groaned painfully as both of their presences combined. A light shone brightly around the young man momentarily before it dimmed. The three of you uncovered your eyes. Layla gasped, Marc had a half smile on his face, and you were practically drooling at Mingi’s new look. 
Instead of long silver hair, he had black hair swept back to reveal an undercut and his eyebrows were no longer bleached. He wore a black tank top, light blue jeans, and black combat boots. He had sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose and one of his arms revealed a tattoo of Seonghwa’s symbol. 
It was a significant mark of Mingi’s past life as Anubis. 
He smirked as he saw you shamelessly checking him out. He walked over to you and lifted you up in his arms before carrying you bridal style. 
“Come on, babe. The night’s still young. The four of us should go on a double date.”
You simply giggled like a schoolgirl as you admired the confidence Mingi had. You two walked out of the temple while Layla quietly laughed to herself and Marc sighed heavily. 
“Oy vey.” Jake said to himself in Marc’s head. 
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comfymoth · 3 months
idk if i’m just incredibly lost or if you have posts that already talk about it but what’s the “situation” between leon and milo (like they’re history with each other)
you have to imagine my face when i saw this in my inbox, ok, you have to imagine my evil sinister grin, rubbing my evil little paws together, Evilly. yesss. YESSSS finally an excuse to ramble about my guys, ohoho, today is the day!!
i mean the easiest way to summarize it is just. they had the kind of childhood friendship a lot of gay kids have, the kind that’s overly intense and not fully understood, so eventually it just imploded. and then they kept trying to be friends, over and over again, and it kept being overly intense, and it kept on imploding. multiple times throughout high school. because they Never Learned.
the starting incident, though, was in middle school.
or, really, the starting incident was in first grade, when milo kissed leon while playing house. just as part of the game, he was just mimicking what he saw his parents do, but that was the catalyst for the whole stupid thing. because years later, in middle school, that would be his excuse for why they should totally kiss each other “as practice”— they’ve technically already done it once, so one more time wouldn’t matter. it’s basically like it doesn’t count!
it’s terrible logic. the kind of nonsense excuse only an infatuated twelve year-old can come up with. but leon is Also an infatuated twelve year-old. so he goes along with it.
it isn’t just a one time thing, either. milo keeps finding excuses to do it again, and again, “for practice,” or “as a joke,” and eventually without any justification at all. it’s just a weird game they play, and it’s fun, for a while. but eventually leon gets frustrated with it. because the more common it gets, the harder it gets to pretend that this is something normal friends do. at least, for leon it does. milo never acknowledges that there’s anything off about this at all. which is weird, right? because he’s always the one asking for it, it’s always his idea, and yet he acts like it means nothing. he never wants to talk about it. he never acknowledges it when leon tries to hint that maybe he does. leon genuinely isn’t sure if milo understands that this isn’t a normal game, or if he does and he just doesn’t care about what it might make leon feel. so he kind of starts resenting milo for it. he stops playing along, and he starts getting distant.
and that freaks milo out! because he has no idea what leon’s feeling— from his perspective, leon agreed to this in the first place because it meant nothing, so he’s acting like it doesn’t because he’s terrified of ruining things by taking them too far. and now despite how hard he’s tried to play the game by what he thinks are leon’s rules, he’s somehow ruined it anyways! and leon won’t tell him what he did. he won’t tell him anything. no matter how milo tries to fix it, leon just stays closed off, so milo starts to resent him for that.
when milo finally gets fed up and accuses leon of being a shitty friend, leon has the exact same thing to say to him. everything just blows up, they have the worst fight they’ve ever had, and the entire time neither one of them brings up what it’s really about. they end it swearing they’re never going to talk again, and still not knowing why the other one was really upset.
they would attempt to become friends again at multiple different points over the years. never Actually sorting any of this drama out at Any point. and instead consistently falling into the same fucking pitfall of insane gay tension mixed with zero communication over and over again.
in fact, they will not finally sit down and get closure on this specific event. until they are in their twenties. because they are morons.
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themultifandomgal · 11 months
I'm not sure if my request got deleted, but I requested an imagine about Blake Gallo x fem!reader with prompts 22 and 25.
I hope you can accept my request, thanks. <3
I am so sorry that your request got deleted. I knew I had one to write but I just couldn’t remember what. Thank you for sending it in again and here you go.
Blake Gallo- I’m Not Jealous
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Working behind the bar at Mollys means that YN got to know all of the first responders, since this is basically their bar. Mainly the the fire fighters from house 51, specifically Blake Gallo who comes here every time she's on shift. Tonight is no exception. YN is stood behind the bar as usual cleaning up some glasses that have just come out of the dishwasher when Blake, Matt and Kelly all walk over
"Hi boys what can I get you?" YN asks smiling
"Three beers please" Kelly responds with his charming smile
"No problem I'll bring them over to you" the three man leave the bar as YN turns around to grab some pint glasses to pour their beers into. When she turns around she sees a handsome man who sighs as he sits down "can I help you?" YN asks smiling
"Could I get a whiskey, neat?"
"Bad day?" she asks with a raised eyebrow pouring beer into each of the glasses
"Something like that" giving the man a little nod YN lets him know she's listening "but I think my day may have just gotten better" the man smiles
"Oh really?" YN smiles finishing up pouring the beers "I'll be back in a moment" she tells him leaving the bar and heading over to Gallo, Severide and Casey.
The men watch as YN leaves them after handing them all of their beers. Matt and Kelly turn to look at Blake to carry on their conversation when they realise he is still watching her. They watch as Blake frowns when the handsome man at the bar makes YN laugh. Silently Matt and Kelly communicate with each other. Blake scoffs a little finally raising his pint glass to his lips
"Your jealous aren't you?" Kelly says smirking a little
"I'm not jealous" Blake replies
"Oh come on. It's obvious. Go ask her on a date" Matt nudges the younger fireman
"I think she's probably already got one" Blake nods his head towards YN
"Definitely jealous" Matt confirms to Kelly
"I am not jealous" Blake huffs
"Ok whatever you say"
Matt and Kelly's teasing stays on Blake's mind for the rest of the evening. He watches YN pack up her things and leave the bar
"Go after her" Kelly nudges and Blake does. It's like his legs have a mind of their own
"Hey YN" he calls causing YN to turn around
"Blake hey. What's up?"
"I... erm... how are you?" YN frowns feeling a little confused
"I'm good. Is everything ok? You don't seem yourself"
"Yeah everything's fine" Blake turns around and looks back at Kelly and Matt who are both nodding their heads encouraging him to continue. Unbeknownst to Blake, YN has taken notice of this "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me" before YN can respond Blake continues to talk "it's ok if you don't. I know you probably already have guys lining up to take you on dates, but I really like you and I would really like us to go on one, but like I said...." YN leans over and kisses Blake on the cheek getting him to stop rambling
"Us? I like the sound of that" YN smiles. Blake's cheeks flash red as he blushes "I'm not working tomorrow night"
"Perfect. I'll errr pick you up at 7. That's if it's ok with you, if not..." once again YN kisses Blake's cheek getting him to be quiet
"7 is perfect. I'll see you then" YN then turns to walk out of Mollys and go her car waiting out the front.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
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Gustav Schafer x fem!reader
Warnings: oral (fem!receiving), hair pulling, hickeys, fingering, jealous Gustav🤭
The car ride home was silent, Gustav wouldn’t talk to you no matter what you said. You knew he was mad but you didn’t think he was that mad. As you drove home, you could feel him getting more and more frustrated but he still wouldn’t tell you what his problem was.
Once you got home he immediately headed for the bedroom, completely ignoring your presence. You stormed into the room after him and demanded to know why he was acting like that.
“You’re seriously gonna pretend you don’t know? I don’t believe for a second that you didnt do that on purpose to piss me off.” He raised his voice at you and you could feel yourself growing confused.
“Gustav, what are you talking about? What did I do?” He takes a step closer to you, still giving you dirty looks.
“The whole night that guy was flirting with you and you let him! You were flirting back too! Im not stupid, y/n.” your eyes stung with tears as he yelled the accusations at you. He seemed to notice because his face was suddenly wiped of all anger, leaving him with a remorseful expression. “Y/n Im sorr-“
“No. Since you think I’m flirting with other guys, I’ll just go sleep on the couch. Have fun being a dick.” You turn to walk away from him but his hand catches your wrist,
“No, no. I’m sorry. I was just jealous and I took it out on you…” he turns your hand and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. He pulls you closer and holds the side of your neck gently. “I’m really sorry. I should’ve listened to your side of the story first. Im gonna make it up to you..”
“…how?” You were still upset but you couldn’t deny that you were curious about what he was gonna do. Gustav smiles and lifts you off the ground by your waist. “Gustav!” You yelped, grasping his shoulder out of shock. Laughing, he tosses you on the bed and starts to kiss your neck. Lust clouds your mind as he sucks harsh hickeys onto your neck, marking you as his.
“Gonna eat your pretty pussy baby..” your eyes widen at his vulgar words, a soft gasp escaping your lips. His hands quickly pull of your pants, and he groans at the sight of your soaked panties. (I fucking hate that word im sorry) You’re basically putty in his hands already, and you can feel heat rushing to your face in embarrassment of how quickly he can turn you on. His lips kiss your in thighs for minute before sucking more hickeys onto the sensitive skin. After he decides that he’s marked you up enough he pulls your underwear down your legs, leaving your bottom half naked. You can feel his gaze on you as his fingers trail over your bare cunt.
“Gustav…please dont tease.” You beg, hip thrusting up to try and get some friction against his large hand. He smirks and giggles at your needy voice,
“Ok honey, im sorry. Ill give you want you want.” With that, he dives his head down to start lapping at your wetness. Your body jolts and you quickly uses one of your hands to tug his face closer by his hair. He moans into you, sending vibrations through your body.
“Fuck…you’re so good! S-so good..” your rambling is silenced once he slips his fingers inside of you, making you moan instead. What you don’t realize is how hes also getting off on this. To him, this is a way of claiming you. He wants everyone to know that you’re his, and only his. The thought of everyone knowing who you belong to is enough to make him rut into the bed and groan into your pussy.
“You’re mine. No one else can have you, my good girl.” Your body shivers and you sigh at the possessive tone of his voice being muffled my your cunt. His free hand reaches up your body to hold your hips against the mattress, trying to stop you from squirming. You can feel your orgasm sneaking through your body, making your thighs squeeze around his head.
“Gonna cum, please don’t stop. I need to cum so bad!” He didn’t say anything he just finger fucks you harder and sucks on your clit, watching as you cum on his face. He continues to pleasure you through your orgasm before sitting up and licking his lips. His face was covered in a mixture of your juices and his saliva. You rolled your eyes and giggled at the goofy smile he was giving you.
“You’re so pretty. I love you, my pretty girl.”
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pianocat939 · 2 years
How do you think the Rise turtles would react to a person that’s impenetrable to manipulation? They have a memory of steel too, so gaslighting is also a no. If one of them makes a comment like, “Your friends shifty, I don’t trust them” they’re like “bffr I’ve known them since 1st grade”. And when their friend is like, “hey (turtle) threatened me to stay away from you…” all timid bc they don’t think y/n’ll believe them, but they DO, bc they’ve seen signs of the turtles being crazy and they’ve slowly backed away from them. They finally cut them off with no warning and will fight TOOTH and NAIL to ensure both theirs and their friend’s safety. Like, I’m talking they have weapons at the ready bc they KNOW just how dangerous the turtles can be. Anyways, thanks for reading my ramble, I hope this wasn’t too much of an inconvenience
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Rambles are fun! Especially if they're about my hyperfixation(s)~
Feeling a bit sad so what am I gonna do? That's right, write about my favorite characters.
Tw: violence, mentions of murder, kidnapping, unhealthy glorifying, and obv manipulation
Turtles with MC who isn't Affected by Manipulation
(Before I move on with the headcanons, a reminder that only Leo tends to manipulate, maybe a little bit of Mikey, but mostly our blue homosexual)
He doesn't manipulate in the first place. In fact, if he's too far in his dependency, he can be the one manipulated.
However, if you can see any problems (his clinginess and violent nature) and distance yourself from him, it'll cause havoc.
The person he adores so much is leaving him! That can't happen at all!
If he's calm enough, he'll stalk you until he knows exactly what weapons they hold. Then, he strikes at your most vulnerable moment; sleeping, and relaxing are when it'll be.
If he goes full-on rampage, it could go two ways. Either you kill him, or he destroys your defenses and kidnaps you to the lair.
He won't stop until he's hugging and snuggling you again. Even if it means he's injured in the process.
I know it's not explicitly stated in the show (or at least I don't remember it being) that he has separation anxiety. So distancing yourself basically means death to those around you and a big reptilian teddy bear who never leaves your side.
"I'll never let go! I can't even bear to think about it!"
You already know he's busting out the big guns.
Right away, he's going to teleport you to a locked room or the lair in general. While he does so, he's going to take your weapons away, so now you're helpless in that term.
If you fight him with only fists and legs he'll tie you up and watch you tire yourself out. It's amusing to him, knowing very well everything would be easier if you just let in. Let him take care of you, let him show you that he's not useless and suited to serve you.
"There's no reason to struggle...I only want to keep you safe, keep you happy, keep you away from people who dirty you."
Then he's going try the manipulate you until your own mind tricks you into thinking that "this is the way it's supposed to be". He is definitely not the most patient person, but if it's with you, he'll do whatever it takes.
(Ok maybe I kinda got indulgent but it's fine. Everything is fine)
✦Danielston III✦
First of all, he's the most lucid of the four, so he's already planned out many solutions to several scenarios. Which can only mean he's prepared for what's coming to him.
By the time you start gathering your defenses and start separating yourself from him, he's already got your room set up in the lair and has microbots ready to destroy the weapons.
So when you wake up in an exquisitely comfortable room and vulnerable to everything. He'll begin talking about how there is a rational reason for his actions and that you aren't seeing it from the right perspective.
He tells no lies, only dark thoughts.
Also, not to mention that he has military-grade bombs and missiles.
"I don't get why you even try to overpower me when I not only have the best tech you'll ever witness but the fact I have the advantage over you: both intellectually and physically."
I think he's the most likely to manipulate after Leo.
He wants to change the way you see yourself. When I state this I mean that he wants to glorify you.
He says things like, "You are so perfect, so breathtaking, so lovely! This is why you are my divinity, my god~"
You can say no, and stop obsessing over me but he doesn't. He'll keep pushing and pushing.
So when you pull the 'fuck you' card he's going to take the message in a completely other direction. He'll believe you don't feel worshipped enough which pushes him more to do his unhinged characteristics.
He does have a weaponry advantage. His nunchucks give him the perfect long-distance range to bind you with it and stop your attacks so being careful is one thing you must keep in mind.
Brings you to the throne he built and decorated with no thoughts going through his head.
Consider him your loyal servant from then on.
Except you're never allowed to leave without him.
Sorry if MIkey's is messy. I'm kinda sleep deprived haha.
- Celina
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chaotic-starlight24 · 2 months
Cynthia and Dally
I promise y’all, I’m not basic. I just like Dally and Cynthia together 
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Warnings: Angst at the end, Some Spoilers being mentioned This took me a strangely long amount of time, but if you're interested in my The Outsiders ocs please read :)
Cynthia's Character Page
How they met and what they thought of each other
Originally, the Curtis brothers would come by the Soda Fountain together since Darry and Joey were really good friends. Which eventually led to Soda inviting Steve and Ponyboy inviting Johnny. Then Two-bit. Then eventually Dally started showing up when he heard Johnny was there. Joey was all good with them all except for Dally. He heard a lot about him being a hood and just a generally bad person from the more soccy kids who had run into him. And it made it worse to him that his younger sister was trying to talk to him. (Btw, they were both (Cynthia and Dally) around 14 at this time) At first Dally kept up his tough barrier and he and Cynthia ended up butting heads a lot. Not exactly enemies or anything but Cynthia didn’t trust him from what her brother told her and also the fact he could be very rude to her and defensive. Dally just didn’t trust her because of his nature and because he thought she was just being rude. She most definitely told him off a couple times when he harassed girls who came into the soda fountain. Dally was ok with that if Mrs.Curtis was the one telling him to knock it off, not with some random teenage girl who hung out with the gang. It eventually turned a bit more into coexisting as they got to around 15 years old and then into “hey we can enjoy each other's company when the gang's all hanging out.” But when Joey noticed that they were becoming more friends, he would take over serving whenever Dally would show up. Which made Dally feel unwelcome and he would only show up if Johnny asked him to.
How they started dating
Cynthia never really viewed Dally as a potential boyfriend and he was always with some other girl anyway. Sure she coexisted with him and would go to the occasional movie with him, Pony, and Johnny. But she never really got to know him. For all that she knew he was nice to people he trusted but would jump little kids and old people and all that bad stuff! That was until the day she got jumped. 2 soc boys came and tried to cut her with a blade and steal her stuff, leading to her fighting them off. But she doesn’t escape without injury. When she hobbles back to the fountain, Joey is livid. And it doesn’t make it any better that the rest of the gang was there too and a couple soc girls. She doesn’t like the attention so she tried to walk past them first and up to her room but Soda stops her. He turns her towards them so she can settle an argument but everyone goes silent. She has a black eye and several bleeding cuts down her arms. Joey and Soda especially are immediately ready to hunt these guys down but she insists against it. The next day when she gets out of school, Dally walks by and offers to walk her to the fountain with Johnny trailing close behind. This cycle repeats and that is how they get to know eachother better. Joey doesn’t exactly like it but he just convinces himself that Dally is the scariest looking so Cynthia is safest with him. But he isn’t happy when Dally starts inviting Cynthia to more places.
(I’m going to stop rambling about that and get more into their feelings)
Dally didn’t know why he felt the urge to be protective. It wasn’t like him and Cynthia were close or anything. But something started to charm him about her sassy comebacks and entertaining stories. He could still be extremely rude to her but it was more of a joking way since she could shoot back really easily. He didn’t really show it but a part of him started to care about her a bit more. Not to quite the point of love or anything, but just more willing to be around her. Just a bit more friendly. 
The walks began with neither of them really talking to each other, mainly just small talk. Till Cynthia got fed up with the awkwardness and tried her best to converse more. A part of her was thankful for his company but the other part of her was still iffy about trusting him. But she was quite entertained by their conversations or when hanging out since both of them were unfiltered in a way. Dallas started respecting her more as well. Cynthia in turn started to see he was more than the rumors started by the socs. She didn’t exactly realize it, but her feelings started when there was a pang of jealousy in her heart when he flirted with a soc girl or said a dirty comment about a passing girl on the street. She didn’t really notice that he was showing he cared in little ways. She definitely fell first but never really admitted it to herself. Dally is just well-known to be very out-of-touch with his feelings. So he can’t pinpoint when he started to like her more than a friend. Dally never even realized the way his heart began to skip a beat whenever he sees her cheering him and Soda on at rodeos (definitely convinces himself that she’s there for Soda) or when he can’t help but smile when she rambles about how stupid that one balding teacher is. Dally has never loved anyone before. (Besides Johnny ofc) And he sure didn’t believe he ever would.
Both of them ended up having their feelings grow more and the first one to realize that they had something going on was Rosemary. Cynthia would visit her salon daily to bring a snack or something and when she came Dally would just so happen to walk by and enter a few minutes after her. He would make an excuse that he was just hiding after swiping something from a nearby store or just needed to make sure his hair didn’t look too bad from the wind and then talk to Cynthia a bit. Then leave. Rosemary is known in the family to be even more observant than Cynthia is so just the way she acted she knew something was up. So she tried several times to make her realize that maybe she liked him more than a friend. Sadly to no avail.
R: You know, you barely ever blush…
C: Uh, yeah. I know?
R: But you are turning kind of red right now…
C: Ok…
R: And a certain someone was just talking with you…
C: Who? Dal? I would never like him like that! He’s just a good friend!
R:….Uh huh
(Cynthia isn’t completely oblivious, but she was for a while)
Johnny also noticed since he was the one in the gang that knew Dally the best. Also because he was almost always with Dallas. Which in turn meant he ended up spending a lot of time with Cynthia. He never mentioned it to anyone until Rosemary brought it up. 
Cynthia didn’t think she actually liked him at all. Until they got into an argument. On one of the cooler days of the fall, Dally offered his jacket to her since she was only in her usual tang top. She declined just saying she wasn’t cold. Dally got a bit upset since he thought she was just being rude (also because he felt like she just shot down his attempt at being nice) which led to Cynthia calling him overdramatic. Which just made it all worse. (I’m not going to go on about it, but let's just say they said some not so nice things) Johnny had to take Dally away after it escalated and just quietly asked Cynthia to walk the rest of the way home.
It got especially heated mainly because neither were in a great state mentally since the Curtis parents had died only a month or so beforehand. For a couple of weeks after that, Cynthia just called him stubborn and prideful when Rosemary asked about him. Dally would avoid eye contact with her or blatantly flirt with random girls at the soda fountain bar. (Joey was most definitely fuming during this whole event) Cynthia eventually began to miss his crooked grin and witty comments. Dally started to feel guilty about what he had been doing. But neither made the attempt to apologize.
Cynthia eventually confronted him about it and everyone in the gang was eavesdropping a bit while this happened. She admitted that it was kind of stupid for them to get so heated in the argument. Everyone’s jaws dropped when DALLAS actually mumbled an apology back. (Dallas isn’t actually that bad of a guy or anything, he just has a hard time admitting he’s wrong like just about everyone) So they made up and started hanging out again.
They eventually got to a point where they started occasionally flirting with each other or caught just staring at the other. Nothing super crazy or anything, but just little remarks. No one could tell if they were just really good friends, oblivious to each other, or knew what they were doing. Two-Bit started a betting pool on whether or not they were hiding a relationship.
Rosemary was washing the dishes at the Curtis house and mentioned Dally and Cynthia. Which Darry agreed that he noticed as well. He also told her that the Dally he knew was never going to admit it with how stubborn he is. (Real reason, he’s just scared to get hurt again) She also knew that Cynthia would probably not admit to it either since Joey would judge so hard. Which pushed her to realize that these two were going to eternally dance around the subject. 
Finally, a very early morning rolls around (like 1am) and Dally comes and bangs on the door of the soda fountain. Joey and Rosemary are hanging out and quickly open the door to him. He has several bruises, a black eye, bad bleeding cuts, all that stuff. 
He manages to sputter out  “Some socs didn’t like how I treated them the other day… they found me a couple minutes ago but i’m fine… You guys were close so…just thought I might get cleaned up…”
He ends up passing out onto the floor and is quickly hauled up to the living room where Rosemary and Cynthia start stitching the deep cuts and cleaning off the dried blood. He wakes up around noon to Cynthia sitting close by with the tv on and Rosemary crocheting away. He isn’t actually awake, more of a daze. (I’m going to turn this part into more of a proper ficlet) He does a quick explanation to Cynthia about what happened and Rosemary redos his bandages before he falls back out of consciousness (which Cynthia is lowkey freaked out by until Rosemary assures her he’s not dead) He wakes up again an bit later to Cynthia who goes to check his pulse until she meets his eyes and realizes he’s awake. Which she then quickly scooches away while turning red. But he grabs her hand and just mumbles a “thanks”. They both end up sitting awkwardly like that but eventually relax. Rosemary looks over and whispers to Cynthia that she is going to leave with a giant grin on her face with Cynthia very quickly trying to convince her to stay but she is left alone with him. They both end up comfortably sitting together on the couch, Cynthia trying her best not to injure him anymore and Dally throwing his uninjured arm around her. He falls back asleep and when he wakes up he ends up actually awake and out of his daze. He smiles at her since she has also fallen asleep and it finally hits him that maybe there’s something there. (THIS DOES NOT MEAN HE IS A SOFTIE!!! AND NO CYNTHIA DOES NOT HAVE A “I can fix him!” MENTALITY) 
They just start being a couple after that though there was never word confirmation for it and everyone slowly starts catching on. Dally always invites Johnny who then invites Ponyboy to the drive-in but one day they find out he went to it without them and were really confused so they decided to go on down there and see what was up. There was Dally and Cynthia with his arm around her, watching the movie peacefully. Johnny just smiled and was ready to let them be but Ponyboy approaches them and is like “Hey! I didn’t know you guys were dating!” and Dally is jumpscared but brushes it off. Then it goes on like this.
PB: Hey Dal! Oh hey Cynthia! Didn’t know y’all were going steady!”
D: AGH-Oh hey Pone, hey Johnnycakes
J: Hey Dal
D: You know what, y’all just reminded me to do something, Cynthia? You want to be my girlfriend?
C: Yeah, sure
C: *Trying to keep a straight face* Nope! J-just great friends having a good time!
And thus it began :)
Relationship dynamic
They started dating about a month or so after the Curtis Parents Death
Fighting and stuff (Sorry, the angst is real though)
Dally does not get extremely jealous unless somebody actually starts flirting with Cynthia or he thinks she is. He is very skeptical of relationships and such ever since Sylvia and can sometimes be very self-conscious. Which does lead to some fights
They’re main fights start off with something petty which eventually turns into them actually bringing up major problems that may be happening in their relationship and they end up not talking for a week or so. But then one eventually confronts the other and they find a way to talk it out.
After really bad fights (they don’t happen often) Cynthia will find Dallas at Buck’s, just throwing things around with tears in his eyes till he realizes she’s there. Then he tells her how she should just leave him, he’s not going to be a good boyfriend, I mean what he said to her was downright vile and he doesn’t deserve her. Which always ends with Cynthia taking his hands and convincing him that she knew what she was getting into when they started dating and will still be there with him.
If Cynthia was the main cause of the argument she won’t leave her room because of how guilty she feels. She feels like she needs to be a safe place for him yet here she is, hurling the most hurtful things she can at him. He eventually comes to her and reminds her that she isn’t his only safe place and he doesn’t know much about relationships but he knows they’re going to fight sometimes.
Dally isn’t the most sympathetic person but he tries. 
They don’t have bigger arguments very often, they’ll have petty stuff where they get a bit heated but they always end up laughing by the end. But when they do fight, they can both be so stubborn and rude to each other that it usually has to be broken up. (Not violent or anything, they refuse to hit each other.) 
When Dally ends up in jail Cynthia never really gets upset. Sure she is disappointed in him but she understands that she can’t change who he is. Even if that means she has to deal with driving over to the station at 3 in the morning to rescue her boyfriend.
If Dallas survived, they would either get married at like 21 because he realizes he doesn’t know how much time he has or wait a really long time because Dallas is scared that if they do commit to each other they’re going to end up like all the other married couples he knows. Abusive to each other, one leaves, or they end up dead. 
When Dally sees her for the first time in the hospital, he lets her in the room but refuses to meet her eyes. They sit in silence for a couple minutes. But eventually Dally turns to her, a mixture of rage and sadness in his eyes. He doesn’t tell her everything but he does tell her in a quiet voice that this was partially his fault. She knows she can’t get through to him so she just listens.
Cynthia still hangs out with Sodapop a lot since they are best friends but Dallas has occasionally gotten upset at him because he thought he was making moves on her. Cynthia has had to break up several fights and tell Dally that she’s not going to stop being Soda’s friend and he needs to back off.
They low-key give Mr. Wolf and Diane Foxington vibes if you know what I mean
Their favorite form of entertainment is seeing who can turn the other into a blushing mess faster. Neither break very easily so it gets very competitive. 
In public, Dally throws an arm around her shoulder, maybe Cynthia kisses him on the cheek or something. When around closer friends (The gang, Rosemary and Tessa) they do a bit more. They kiss every so often, lean on each other, but not too much because Tessa will start making gagging sounds or Two-Bit will tell them to get a room. But no matter what, Dally is always so flirty. Constantly whispering stuff to her and trying to kiss her. Which usually ends in her rolling her eyes with a smile and pushing him away.
Cynthia isn’t that short and is actually quite tall, but Dallas is still about a head taller than her and he definitely makes the most of it. Resting his head on her, trying to pick her up, leaning against the wall, all that stuff. But he’s also somewhat scared of her because one time he placed a jar at the top of the shelves and he found her standing on two stools and using a coat hanger trying to reach it.
They constantly banter with each other and call the other pet names that they know annoy them.
Dally isn’t a super romantic person but he tries. He doesn’t like to be super cheesy but sometimes they’ll go to a carnival and he’ll win her a stuffed animal or they’ll dance in the rain and Dally gets super embarrassed about it. Cynthia loves it though.
They can be a bit rough with each other but it's all in good fun. Cynthia has (In her words accidentally) football tackled him to the ground. Or just about broken his nose with various objects. Dally has picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder and then thrown her onto the couch. 
Dally always insists that he hates country music but he and Cynthia dance to it all the time. He can’t dance well but he loves seeing her smile and laugh as she tries to teach him steps to different line dances.
Random Stuff
They aren’t opposites attract or the exact same, instead they complement each other! Just thought this needed to be said
They have taken little quirks from each other in the way they speak. It started off ironic with things like Dallas mocking Cynthia’s way of getting people’s attention “Alrighty y’all! Let’s get this party started!” or just her loud self and Cynthia doing impressions of his new yorker accent. But eventually they started using those things regularly. Cynthia has even called Dally “Doll” a couple times.
One of the ways Dally is good for her is the fact he can stop her from saying some really stupid stuff. Girly can’t keep her mouth shut. So he can either stop her from saying stuff that is going to get her in trouble or try to get her out of that trouble. She may be strong but Dallas doesn’t want to see her go at it with 5 other people.
They both have a photo of the other in their wallet. Cynthia has one of Dallas sleeping on the couch, about to fall off it, clutching his leather jacket. Dallas has one of Cynthia sitting by the pool.
You know those photos where there’s like 5 friends holding up the guy/girl to their SO’s window? The gang would recreate that with Dally and Cynthia. Joey would look out his window, make eye contact with Darry or something and just close his blinds.
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Dally refuses to let her pay for dates or anything but he doesn’t exactly have all the money in the world. So have they gone on some really strange ones? Absolutely. Do they enjoy it? It’s one of their favorite things to do together. Examples being:
Finding the tallest trees they could climb and sitting at the top
Sitting on the roof of the Soda Fountain and yelling at people who pass by
Dally has roped Cynthia into a couple pranks of his but it’s never harmed anyone. Like one time they went into the Curtis house through one of the windows and placed a No Smoking sign above the TV. They also placed one right outside on the front porch. Pony was not exactly thrilled.
Cynthia always makes extra whenever her and Rosemary make dinner for their family. She always makes some excuse to take a walk and gives some to Dally. She likes knowing he has a meal for the night.
If Dally survived, Cynthia becomes a rather successful actress and they travel around together and he gets a side job as a photographer. They learn that Dally is lowkey terrified of planes. 
Dally really enjoys taking photos of random moments and everything and Cynthia loves finding them. He leaves them in her room or in her books. He always insists it’s just him making use of the camera but in reality it's one of the few things he actually enjoys.
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