#ok nighty for now
joeymets · 1 year
i really wanna stay up later and read and maybe even talk to ppl but like im starting to get a headache lmao to bed with me
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dustykneed · 28 days
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(based on this f!bones dedicated to @muirmarie in spirit :3333 🩵💙💛)
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bananafire11 · 1 day
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Jax doodles before i pass out (it's like. 6 am HAHHREAH)
Also bear with me, i'm getting through any asks ive gotten as soon as i can! Be patient please and thank you<3
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No Whopper?
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He ated them
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nightseeye · 16 days
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Ive been struck w a ton of Captain 3 thoughts lately so! Here he is!!! My legally dead nonbinary prettyboy who doesn't! Have a name yet!!!
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nights-flying-fox · 6 months
Leo Blues
Leon (Future Leo) realizes that his younger self is feeling a bit blue and decides to help him feel better.
I wrote half of this months ago and the other half today. Shoutout to my friend @little-banjo-frog for giving some ideas and helping with the fic!!! :D
This is part of an AU but you don't really need to know context. Just that Future Leo is back to past, and maybe some other family members, and he is hanging out in the lair with others.
Oh also this is inspired by @tmnt-event-blog 's prompt (basically what motivated me to finish it haha)
Word Count: 2530 ☆ Fandom: rottmnt ☆ Warnings: a very brief implication of death/losing someone close ☆ AO3 Link: Here!! ☆
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Leon knew himself well. Not himself himself, but his younger self. Leo was a younger version of Leon after all, and Leon knew what it did mean when he sulked away from everyone. 
Today Leo was less chatty, he didn’t leave his room other than to get breakfast and join his brothers to help them with some things. These two things were more than enough to tell Leon his younger self was in a bad mood. 
That is exactly why right now Leon was on his way to Leo’s room. He didn’t tell anyone else, since he knew how he used to be around on such days. Always hiding his negative emotions and keeping it to himself. Not wanting to share the hurt and make anyone else sad. Leon was worried that he wouldn’t talk to him either, but he had to try his chance. What were your future selves if not to help you when needed, right? Ignoring the 'annoying them till they start throwing stuff at you' part, of course.
He knocked the wall before opening the curtain and entering Leo’s room. As he expected, he found the boy sitting on his bed with legs crossed, his phone in his hand but his eyes blankly staring at the ground. Leon wasn’t even sure if he heard him coming. He most probably didn’t, considering how he flinched when Leon put his hand on his shoulder and sat next to him. 
 “Hey, pequeñin ,” He said as he kept his voice low and smiled softly. 
 Leo gave him a confused look before smirking. “Hey, anciano .”
 The older turtle rolled his eyes, but said nothing. He wasn’t here to jokingly bicker with his younger self. “Haven’t seen you around a lot today.”
 “Eh, got stuff to watch and catch up.” Leo shrugged.
  Lies. “Ah, so feeling blue , huh?” Leon stated the fact, but not without smirking at his word choice.
 “Blue suits me well after all.” Leo replied casually, with a wink and matching smirk. 
 Leon felt himself relax a bit, at least his younger self felt comfortable enough to open up with how he was feeling to him, even if it was in the form of joking. “Has no one ever told you being this blue is too much?” Leon asked.
 “I thought you’d know the answer already, considering we share the same sixteen years of the past.” Leo answered.
 “Heh, you’re right. How did I miss that?” 
 The two sat on the bed for some seconds, enough for Leo to slowly lean towards his bed frame and for Leon to come up with a quick plan to repaint Leo’s mood. 
 As he got up he said “I’ll be right back, and don’t worry I’m not bringing anyone.” to Leo. The other was quiet, only watching him leave. 
 Leon’s first destination was the living room. The last place he had seen Leo’s tablet (which he probably had forgotten to pick it up yesterday). Entering in, he saw it was still on the same spot as before. The room was empty, nobody other than Splinter who was enjoying his usual commercials. Leon smiled at the nostalgic scenery. No matter how long passed since he returned to the past, he still couldn’t get used to the fact he once again was back at home. Back to the casual chaotic life he had before the apocalypse. The little simple things would forever make him feel warm. 
 After picking up the tablet, he walked towards his next destination: His room. Or rather his, Future Mystic Hands’ (they really needed a shorter ‘official’ nickname that both Mikeys would accept) and Case’s room. He took the extra blankets (Mikey Two wouldn’t need them anytime soon) and left. 
 Next up was the kitchen, which was the final room to visit before returning to Leo’s room. As he came close to the entrance he heard the chatter. Casey, Donnie and April’s laughter filled the kitchen. The three were sitting on the chairs, mugs of three different kinds of drinks on the table. Casey was the first one to notice him: “Hi Sensei!”
 "Hey Case," Leon ruffled the boy's hair as he walked by him. Casey grumbled in protest, but Leon could see his grin. What a hypocrite. 
 "Will you join us Big Blue?" April asked with a smile, "Mikey's made hot cocoa."
 "Sorry guys, got other plans." 
 "What other plans?" Casey questioned, raising a bow. 
 "Finally catching up on some TV series." He answered.
 "All by yourself?" April asked.
 Leon got two mugs. "Yeah, myself and I." 
 "I see, you mean you and Leo ." Donnie pointed out. "And here Future Boy was telling us some future stories." 
 Leon turned to squint at Casey. "What kind of future stories?"
 "Ummmmm…" Casey looked away. Bad sign. A very bad sign.
 "Nothing you should worry about." April said and sipped from her cocoa.
 "Somehow this makes me worry even more." Leon deadpanned. Then he turned back to what he was doing.
 Donnie smirked, "You'll most likely find out soon anyways." 
 That could only mean an embarrassing story. But hey, two could play that game. "Well, maybe you'll find out more future stories too." 
 "Oh ho ho, tell us all of them man." April sounded excited to learn more embarrassing stories. Leon couldn't blame her, there were a lot of crazy silly things going on even in the doomed future.
 "Maybe not all of them." Casey chipped in, looking with somewhat pleading eyes to his sensei. 
 "Perhaps." Leon replied, meanwhile finishing with preparing the tray with the snacks, leftover pizza and hot cocoa mugs. "But not yet."
 "Leaving us at cliffhanger?" April huffed.
 "I didn't even start saying anything."
 "The trailer was enough." 
 Leon grinned, "Soon in the lair… stories from the future." He said dramatically.
 "Three V.I.P. tickets, please." Donnie said after sipping his probably way too sweet coffee. "For the premiere."
 "We accept payment with story sharing." Leon smirked.
 "Deal. Junior shared plenty." 
 Leon turned to look at his protégé. Casey watched with confusion. Then Leon realized that the boy didn't know– or rather didn’t remember. "Do you remember cinemas, Case?" 
 "Yes?" His eyes shined brightly the moment he connected the dots, "Oh!" 
 "...Future didn't have cinemas." Donnie announced his own findings as he thought out loud. "I hadn't considered that."
 "I believe you guys can fill him with some culture of the present?" Leon asked.
 "Of course, there's so much for the Future Boy to discover!" April got her arm around Casey's neck and pulled him closer. Casey smiled, putting down his mug of tea to side hug her. 
 It was good to see the boy had gotten better at being relaxed. Being always on alarm was a hard habit to break from after everything he went through. 
 As the three began talking about all the places and things his future lacked, Leon left the kitchen and headed back to Leo's room.
 The boy was now under the blanket. Leon could tell that he still was on his phone from the subtle light. 
 "Hot cocoa delivery," Leon announced. 
 "Mikey's?" Leo asked from the spot he was in.
 He peeked and then reached to him, "Gimme!"
 Leon gladly gave him one of the mugs. "If you come out we can share the snacks."
 This perked Leo's interest a bit more. He squirmed out of the blanket, no more laying on the bed. He noticed the rest of what Leon collected on his short trip in the lair. 
 Leon took his place next to him and wrapped the blankets he brought around them. He placed the snacks and pineapple pizza between them, and the tablet in front of them. "What do you wanna watch?"
 Leo shrugged, "Dunno." 
 Good thing Leon was still a Leo. He knew what his comfort movies were and he could use this to his advantage. “Kung Fu Panda?”
“Sure. Are we doing a marathon?” Leo asked.
“You bet. After all, it has been a while since I last saw them.” Leon grinned. He barely could remember the movies, or the days he would watch them with his family thanks to Donnie, in the middle of the apocalypse. He really hoped they could do that again, just not in an apocalyptic situation.
Leo looked at him, with a glint of sadness. He quickly looked away towards the screen. “You better plan watching Secrets of the Scroll too, then.” He said. Voice completely normal, as if it wasn’t him who was hiding under blankets a short while ago.
“You know I will.” Leon hummed. He hadn’t missed that look, and he would help himself. “Before that… is there something you want to talk about? You seemed like you wanted to say something a second ago.”
He seemed uncertain for a moment, “Ah, no. Nope.”
“Are you sure?” Leon knew that this was a lie. “Because whatever you say, stays between us.”
“Yeah, yeah… just…” Ah, there it was. “Remember last night’s patrol?” He said a bit quietly.
Leon nodded, “Yeah. Didn’t you guys end up kicking Stockboy’s butt?”
“Yes… but…” Leo pulled his legs towards himself. “I almost failed.” He whispered.
“But you didn’t.” Leon pointed out, urging his younger self to talk.
“But I almost did!” Leo repeated. His hold on the mug tightened.
“And why is it a problem?” Leon questioned, genuinely. He wanted to know why Leo found it such a big problem.
“Because the last time I failed, everyone I loved almost died .” 
Leo sounded so tired, and equally panicked. And Leon couldn’t even blame him. Not when he did the same thing. Not when he did lose them. Not when he froze once he heard the words.
Leo took a breath, “Sorry, I… I didn’t mean to. I…”
Leon looked at him. The boy he once was. So young, sad, broken… Unfairly punished by a cruel fate. And never ever let himself relax, to be seen weak. Especially after the apocalypse. After losing so much. After becoming a leader, responsible for whatever is left. This boy had almost experienced it. He almost had the same life as him. And even though he managed to escape the hell, he still was suffering from it. Even though he literally had sacrificed himself, he had given his everything to save everyone, he was still hurting thinking of what could’ve been. Of what happened.
And, oh, how unfair that was.
  He put his mug aside, then gently took the mug Leo was holding from his hands (who looked at him confusedly) and put it next to his. Then he pulled the boy into a tight hug. “It is okay, Leo.” He said, voice small but powerful. “It has passed, everything will be alright.”
“But what if I make another mistake? What if everything goes bad again, because of me ?” Leo responded, his voice trying to stay strong but clearly close to breaking.
“You will make mistakes.” Leon said. “You will make so many of them. Just like I did. Even after everything that happened. Even when I was a leader.” He pushed away the memories full of pain, regret, and shame that creeped from the back of his mind. He had learned to accept them, once he had time to recover and focus on himself. Or rather he was learning to, it was a hard process to return to what you had locked to survive. He didn’t want Leo to do something similar, or let his fear destroy him. “And you know what? It is amazing that you make mistakes. It means you are trying something new. You are trying to be better. To learn. That you realize them means you are trying to learn from them.”
“And what if I don’t have time to learn from them the next time I make a mistake?” Leon knew Leo had shut his eyes and was doing his best to not let everything out, to not break in front of him. He was holding Leon tightly too.
“You will have time. Trust me.” Leon affirmed. “After all, what is important is the fact that you are trying. You aren’t giving up. You are trying to be better. And I am so proud of you.” He broke the hug and looked at his eyes. “I know you think otherwise, but you are actually a much cooler dude than me. You are even teaching me new stuff every day.”
Leo smiled a bit, a shaky one. “How so?”
“You were the one to remind me what I always fought for, you are the one to remind me who I was– or rather, I am .” Leon smiled at him. “You are beating yourself up for something impossible, and while I know it is hard to not to do so, I also know you are strong, Leo. And you are never alone.”
And with those words, Leo finally let himself relax and smile. Then Leon saw as tears fell, right before Leo hugged him tightly. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t really have to. Leon knew how much it meant to be reminded of having someone by your side even at the worst times. For someone to confirm even when the world felt like it was ending (which was not an unfamiliar concept for both of them, sadly) things would turn out well. So he held the boy, until he stopped crying and shaking, letting everything out after who knows how long.
When Leo broke the hug and sat, leaning to Leon instead of his bed, Leon patted his head. “How blue are you feeling?” He asked, handing back now luke warm hot cocoa. Somehow, they hadn’t gone cold, which to be honest was weird.
“Less than before.” Leo smiled. “I never had thought I’d end up getting hugs from my older self, but here you are.”
“Isn’t it insane?” Leon replied with a smirk.
“It is.” Leo grinned. Then he added. “Thank you.”
“Don’t even mention it.” Leon replied. “Now drink your cocoa and get ready, because I want to watch Kung Fu Panda.”
Leo grinned. “Sure thing, old man.”
“No, even after those hugs? You are cruel.” Leon teased.
“Those are just facts.” Leo smirked. Then he sipped the hot cocoa, “Mmm, this is good.”
“I bet it is.” Leon said as he sipped his. Oh, it was even better than he remembered it to be. “It really is…” He nodded. He had missed this so much.
“So are we watching the movies or..?” Leo asked, a fake hastiness in his tone.
Leon laughed, “Yeah, let’s start.” He grinned as he opened the movie.
He didn’t think much of it, but he was grateful for Leo. He wouldn’t ever talk about it, but those words he told his younger self? He needed to hear them too. He had forgotten them. He may have had his family back, but still sometimes it was hard to remember things weren’t always bad. That things would be okay in the end, and that he wouldn’t ever be alone.
So in the end of the day, both blue masked turtles had ended up feeling better– or as they would call it, less blue.
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1-2, Chapter #09
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I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
The volume numbers will be mismatched for most of the remainder of Trigun, since the Japanese first edition is 3 volumes while all later versions are 2 volumes.
As always, here are the non-analysis panels:
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And the rest is under the cut.
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
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To start off, we have Meryl talking about buying designer handbags. This part was very confusing in Japanese because even though I could recognize Prada, the two other brands she named were completely bogus to me. What the hell are エピピ(Epipi) and NCM!?
So I asked my mom about it last night (she knows a decent amount about brands popular in the 90's, since she was still living in Japan back then). She was also stumped for a bit, but after a while she asked to see the way "Prada" looked. She noticed that it was written like プラーダ(purāda) rather than the correct プラダ(purada). I didn't notice because I don't know shit about fashion... but she suggested that maybe all of these were slight variations on real-life brands. She said that NCM is probably based on MCM Worldwide.
Epipi probably took a solid 20 minutes to figure out.... We were naming every brand on earth searching for anything that could even vaguely sound like "epipi." Right when we nearly ran out of ideas, she thought of googling just part of the name, like "epi brand," and voila, apparently there's a line of Louis Vuitton leather called Epi.
Epipi (and brain soup) is an inside joke between us now btw.
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The chapter cover!! Everyone here is so damn cute... also I'm sitting almost exactly how Vash is right now.
This is the second appearance of Vash's shades. I can't see the details, but the design looks the same as the one before.
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I'd completely forgotten how tiny Kaito is??? Literally half of Vash's height.
Vash's response to Kaito's insult(?) is「お前そりゃないだろ…」and is something more like "C'mon, man..." or "Seriously?"
big eyes vash big eyes vash i want to scoop him up and put him in a jar with holes in the lid
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It's so cool how Vash immediately understands exactly what's going on through what he's overhearing, thanks to his childhood on the spaceship and his time at Home. How can this man not drive
I think the engineer is talking about the Plant here, so it should be "The shock could kill it." (although the Plant dying would also kill everyone else. ykwim)
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Didn't know that guy was called a helmsman.... In Japanese, the word for helmsman, 操舵手 (the scan is super blurry and looked like 士 but the correct word is 手) was written as ライツ(raitsu) with 操舵手 written in the ruby. Maybe raitsu was the name of the helmsman? Or it might be something else boat-related that I don't know about.
Vash's silent reaction to Kaito's words say a lot. This behavior is nearly identical to Vash's (again, more so in Maximum, after Vash remembers the events of July and gets even more depressed). He understands Kaito's pain and guilt, and worries for him, but he also can't help but see himself in the boy... however he feels about that. This gets a bit more into theory territory, but I think Vash doesn't want Kaito to turn out like himself. Of course, he wants everyone to strive for peace; he wants people to be like that part of himself, in that regard. However, he doesn't want people to act self-destructive like he is. One obvious reason is that Vash genuinely doesn't want Kaito to be hurt, especially when he believes that people always deserve to start over and live a happy life.... But another underlying reason could be that he doesn't like percieving parts of himself in others, out of self-hatred.
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One of my favorite lines ever!!!!! (has 50 favorites)(its not my fault trigun/trimax is so constantly banger) While humans views the Plant as a tool and an incomprehensible being, Vash simply views them as just a girl that needs calming down—"people" just like him and everyone else. He has a familial relationship with every Plant, which I absolutely adore. And!!! I will expand on this bit in the next(I think) arc and beyond, or maybe even make a separate post!!! I have so many thoughts surrounding this and it's a core theme to Trigun as a whole.
Noting some SFX since some non-Japanese readers may not have noticed - the plant is making a high-pitched scream from here on. Also, Kaito says that it's a "voice," not a "sound."
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More Plant object-person dichotomy!! This unfortunately gets lost in translation, but it's a very neat storytelling trick. In Japanese, This is written in an interesting way:「プラント―― それは『造りだす』もの」 with もの(mono) having dots above them (in this context acting like italicization for emphasis in English). Usually, this もの would be more specific. There's 物(mono) which means "object" or "thing," and there's 者(mono) which means "person" or sometimes "being." The narrator intentionally leaves the identity of the Plant vague. Again, in humans' eyes, Plants are machines of production. In Vash's eyes, Plants are full-fledged people.
I would write that line closer to the original format, with quotes around "creates" and leaving it at that.
A longer translation correction—just going to transcribe it here:
水 紫外線 酸素 そして微電力を与える事によって物理法則を超えた『生産』活動を行う生体システムである They are organic systems that, when fed water, ultraviolet light, oxygen, and a bit of electricity, can "produce" things in a process that surpasses all physical law.
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The sound effect here is loud footsteps on metal. I think it's neat that Nightow showed Vash running up the stairs with just onomatopoea and a shot of the stairs.
In Japanese, Vash says that he's counting on/leaving the rest up to the engineers/the others on the ship, after telling them to deal with it.
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Again, Vash considers the Plant his family, a sister. He is talking directly to them and treating them with respect. The word used here is actually 兄弟(kyoudai), which means "brother(s)"/olderbrother-youngerbrother, where in this situation with a brother and sister of unspecified age/order it would usually just be きょうだい(kyoudai, spelled out)... it may be that back then, people didn't really specify or mix-and-match sibling gender (姉弟 兄妹 etc) in writing as much as we do now.
The first appearance of feathers on Vash!! During my first read, I was absolutely mesmerized by this page. Mannnnnnn the angel imagery....
Also bonus reaction from my dear friend from my Instagram liveposting back in April (yeah. my first read was only a bit over 2 months ago). booty CRACK
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This is the "beeeeeeep" sound of a flatlining heart monitor. Until now I thought it was more of an imaginary thing to show that their hearts have stopped, but I just realized that it may also be a real sound of the Plant's vital monitors. Could be either, to be honest.
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Apparently "yards" are normal? In Japanese it's written as ヤーズ(yādzu, yards) instead of what would regularly be just ヤード(yādo, yard), so that may be the subtle miles-iles change?
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This line would be "The pipes are stuck! They won't even budge!"
And the SFX here is a distant chattering and cheering crowd.
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And here is the last scene, with Kaito humming Rem's favorite song. Idk, this just gives me a raw emotional reaction... I can't really analyze it lol. Rejoicing that you've survived through hardship. That while things still aren't perfect, this imminent danger has passed. That you still get to enjoy being alive. The same song of humanity still sang. Something something....
Anyways that’s it for Chapter #09! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
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ceruleanbender · 2 months
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//Myttie reporting for duty!
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Vamprire Terry with those LONG fangs drinking from Johnny’s ass cheeks and inner thighs <3
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boomermania · 1 month
its devona and her monomania against the entirety of teyvat on her perilous quest to become the next Knave baby lets fucking go
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breanime · 2 years
*warning: steamy thots ahead*
Throuple Angel, you, Coco...
...Angel on the bed, on his back, holding you to his bare chest, just a wall of warm muscle, shushing your little whines gently, "Aww, shh, shh, mi ducle, my baby, it's okay, I got you, baby, I got you, I'm here" as Coco stands behind you, one hand on your offered ass as he carefully slips in the butt plug, the other pushing in the object incredibly slowly, and he's not sweet like Angel, not now, not for this, he's all low growls and curses, all teeth as he stares down at you, "Fuuuuuck, look at that shit, baby, stop moving," he'll add a sharp slap to your quivering ass then, "Yeah, you fucking dirty girl, fuck, look at you. You fucking love this, huh?" Just bending over you, pressing his hard (clothed) dick into you, pushing up against the plug and sending a wave of uncontrollable pleasure right to your soaking wet pussy, and Angel is below you, kissing your neck now, his hardness evident as it brushes against you, and Coco's lean body is draped over yours, his mouth against the back of your ear, his hand gripping your head, pulling it back so you can see the dark lust in his eyes--
"Just wait till we fuck you. Gonna let Angel have your pussy, but that ass is all mine."
Goodnight, ya'll!
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dustykneed · 5 months
i am attached to my daily posting streak to a worrying degree!! anyways the universe called and asked for stained glass mcspirk soldier poet king
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i do have some character analysis for these actually but thatll be tomorrows post because im all tuckered out (also happy bday deforest kelley!!)
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periidoti · 5 months
One rrblog on this post and I'll post my candle x pepper story so far on here
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I don’t have much but today I can offer you this
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rosicheeks · 11 months
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sorrowfulwill · 5 months
pls tumblr I don’t want to secure my crypto
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