#ok thats enough rambling from me
absolutedarkstar · 10 months
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very rushed muni drawing.. i love her i hope she explodes
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avornalino · 4 months
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hiiii.. 🙃🙃
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if youre hungry theyre hungry too
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Hi, I was the anon that had brought up the high seas adventure!! I'm glad you took interest in it, and hearing your ramblings to add onto it just made me imagine so many fun things! (Poor Eddie, haha. With your description, I just imagine a dog trying to stand up in a moving car.) Ohh, now I imagine a case where the ship wrecks and their stranded for a few days until another rescue ship comes! Perhaps on an island?? I hope some of them know how to hunt!
the very first thing that came to mind was Eddie sobbing while pointing one of Howdy's guns at a crab. Sally just comes up & stabs it through the shell before taking it back to the fire for eating. Eddie collapses to his knees, wracked with guilt-
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sunshades · 6 months
One thing about canto VI is like. I see so many people predicting it'll be about Fighting Evil Wife or Breaking Codependent Toxic Relationship and I just kinda think that would suck? If the major theme isn't grief AND love and the way both are seen as like Kinda Weird/inappropriate in the setting of the city. Then I'll be very sad.
#bell.txt#not putting it in the tag i dont wanna spam but yes limbus posting yes girls will be thinking about mortal regret#LIKE. LIKE. remember the discourse on twt about how like it was bad writing that yi sang didnt mourn dongbaek etc#and like that was the thing right. thsts not a thing you do in the city. that was part of why roland (who takes lots after wh's themes)#was so exceptional. that is the whole thing about the sickness of the city#to say it in comedia literary criticism terms: sins are split between wrongly-directed love and excess of love with sloth (lack of love)#being an outlier. i think heatho and generally og wh is about excess of love and not wrongly-directed love. it is the thing that lasts#all the way to the other side. it is the shared coffin and meeting again in the next life#i think itd be AWFULLY disappointing to get some boring boring 'they make each other worse' take. being APART due to societal pressures#makes them worse and horribly lonely. death makes them worse baby. so in my mind thats it#we get to see cathy die or still be unreachable in some way and then in very roland style we get furioso mode#and then the ending is about recognizing the love that has in fact been there all along and carrying it with u. and hoping to reunite some#where some other time. NO more slander of that awful girl. YES to the comfort of the memories.#me typing over my foscolo notes like i can surely post about heathcliff really fast and not write a novel in the tags (unaware)#i have more thoughts about this in regards to ruina with xiao and some stuff from leviathan but in the meantime. listen to my ramblings boy#ALSO. considering that implication. he feels for her what queequeg feels for ishy. ARGHH. RIPPING MY HAIR OFF#ok actually its been enough hours to not spam ppl I'll tag it now for blog org. i should maybe have a tag for posting specifically#limbus company
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Me: *debating sending an ask to a very talented artist to tell them how awesome they are*
Brain: You saw their posts on their main blog. They probably don’t like Christians.
Brain: You’re projecting all your hopelessness into their comic and that’s unnecessary and they don’t need to hear that or deal with it.
Brain: They don’t want to hear from you, you don’t care for some of the details in their comic anyway.
…I need to eat dinner and ignore my brain 🤣👍🏻 BUT on the plus side I have now vacuumed half my house 🙌🏻
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c10v3r · 1 year
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happy new years ii community !!!!!!! my new years resolution is to be more silly
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squipdop · 8 months
sorry im a god gale truther btw i DO think he should get to usurp mystra and ascend to godhood and i do think that should be an absolutely awful thing to happen to him but also literally everyone else. sorry
#bg3#not main tagging this further bc its. mad man 1:30am rambles#but listen. mh.#ok so. heres the thing.#while i do think. their relationship was absolutely fucked. and yeah we can argue for grooming and or abuse.#i also dont QUITE enjoy how ppl make gale like. the poor poor totally blameless victim. like. mh#how to phrase this so it DOESNT sound victim blame-y. but like.#from how i interpret the things he told & what the game shows.#my mans REALLY struggles with No's and rejection. and i wouldn't just put that as a Mystra Aftermath Thing#he WAS forbidden from trying to ascend/was told by her she wouldnt make him an equal. and his response basically was.#'but let me prove i am worthy of this'#which yeah. plays into the fucked up self worth. ill get back to that.#plus the uh. touch the orb scene? he just. grabs your hand and pulls it towards him because he WANTS to show you this. Now.#any rejection within the relationship? I Should Blow Myself Up#he got that gifted kid energy of everything always came easily to him and yet it wasnt ever enough and the relationship w a literal goddess.#certainly didnt help that.#so hes constantly reaching for more. and thats a fault of his because he will do that even if told not to because#at the same time he thinks of himself as smart enough to actually Get to that More.#and yknow w the orb? he literally. got So Badly Burned. is it deterring him? nnnnnnot really.#and i think. godhood would. idk i think he could do it. and i think it still wouldn't be enough.#and having an all powerful deity who ALSO a) still never is satisfied with his amount of power and control and b) thinks he know better than#anyone and could do better than anyone#sounds like its gonna fucking suck#anyways im rotating this all in my brain + ofc the delicious bloodweave combo of ascended astarion + new god gale bc thats just. ough#the mess. of this combo.
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coffee-bat · 1 year
i think tf2 could really use a "behind you" command
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volfoss · 4 months
Done with the worst parts of sanding :)
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
time a flat circle why the hell am i usin the same loafers i bought for one cosplay of my fave antagonist for another fave antagonist
#snap chats#can i even call it cosplay. why are police sirens going off in the bg oh my god shut UP#anyway yeah ill elaborate. Super Snap Stalkers will remember my p4 era and will remember the time i did in fact do an adachi cosplay#i deleted the og post like an hour later. plus that blog's gone. but im sure some freak can find it if they dig hard enough#ew i think i was 17/18 in that pic (not at all that long ago) ok anyway.#i use the same loafers for my aoki outfit. and yeah i do Regularly wear my rgg outfits i TOLD YOU its functional cosplay i QUIT#just funny that like.... damn everything always goes back to square one LOL#these busted ass old ass loafers still rockin with me years later#if im feeling cheeky i think i will post all my rgg outfits actually. for halloween#hang on gotta be depressed and cringe for a moment#cause ive always liked cosplay but whenever i did it it never felt. Good Looking#like i always just felt like my face never worked for the charas i wanted to portray and so thats why i say with a heavy heart#that aoki's round-ass square-ass head is perfect LOL it makes me wanna throw up looking in the mirror#i got the same weird lips. ok not that squished Similar but Its Awful that he makes me feel comfortable with my face now#at least my eyebags arent double deckered... i at least look like i get sleep.. some days.#breaking !!!! objectively one of the most vile bitches in this franchise makes you feel comfortable with your body and existence#NAW to continue from last post if i had a webcam i prob coulda done a cosplay y7 stream LOL thatd be funny#anyway since this tag ramble is just pure cringe let me round it off with a final bit of cringe#the Forbidden Mention of my trans masato hc cause one reason why i have a Teehee over the thought is how raspy his voice is#and i only really now realized how right i was tonight because my prof called on me to speak and when i tried speaking DAWG.#the forbidden acknowledgement of Myself GROSS#BUT DAWG MY THROAT WAS FUCKIN CRUSTY it felt like sandpaper EW?? WATER FOR YOU?? christ. i hope that was just a one-time thing#ok im leaving now BYE
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floorpancakes · 9 months
recently ive become a mawarin meki childhood friends truther and i cant wait to write a whole bunch of it
they were clearly already friends before tanuki came into the picture but i like the idea that it goes back further and mawarin was the first to reach out and that while these two were the popular ones of the friend group in highschool they were also weird kids once (they're still both pretty weird. nothing about this friendship group is normal)
like mawarin is pretty good at holding in the things that make her different from other people (to the extent she seems like a normal friendly girl that could get along with anybody) but I keep thinking abt the idea of meki being kind of a loner for ages and being shunned by his classmates and stuff. after a point he probably wouldnt care but mawarin seems like the type to reach out even if she knows it could get complicated cause of her bad luck curse/non curse situation. like shes so much of a sunshine character its kind of hard to dim that kind of light. anyway I feel like even if she got deterred by the people around her she WOULD go up and make friends with the weird kid, and WOULD go do that again a second time no matter what (even if the latter is the type of guy who hisses at people).
plus its a good intersection of the traits of like
- meki is noted specifically as having a rough time growing up from being sick, spiritual nonsense and also the whole Situation (which I am choosing to interpret as trans stuff but like in general)
- watanuki being the latecomer to the friend group, and also notably a lot more of a loner rather than the popular type so he was probably adopted into a preexisting friendship at some point
I just like the idea that mawarin has an affinity for bringing weird kids out of their respective shells and that all three of them kinda see themselves in each other as individuals and a group bcs it adds an added layer of sentimentality to what's already been established. and its very found family vibes. I rly like the framework of what's already there in canon but my brain wants to make it even more compelling so it comes uff with stuff like this out of nowhere lol
anyway imagine if mekis mind was already set after the rain incident but himawari comes up to him one day like 'so like theres this kid in our year with no friends and i think he needs somebody cause he keeps eating alone at lunch can we keep him' 😭 like he's some sort of cat in need (he is) (thats exactly what he is)
and doumeki immediately is like yeah go for it (hes already had a life altering experience and at this point without himawari even knowing he's basically ride or die for the guy at first sight)
i like the idea that this like a lot of other things in the story is cyclical idk how to end this thought anyway this probably doesn't make sense im sick and thinking about holic is a good distraction
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feline-evil · 10 months
Thinking about MGS5, as i so often am, and the way it's 'shots' are constructed; because there's something so deeply fascinating about it. It's a very cinematic, movie-like game that relishes in letting itself play with lens flares and lighting and film language, imitation switches between steady cam and handheld, positioning shots to cement the camera man within them; this is something i adore about it. I'm sure it's not the first nor only game to have done this, but something feels so....gripping to me about it. Maybe it's just me experiencing it at the right time and place for it to really lodge in my head, but there's just... something about it. There's mods that let you move the camera around during cut scenes, i see posts online of people finding expressions on character models faces that weren't visible in normal gameplay; and that really all just adds to it, to the fact this scene is playing out yet we as the viewers through the cameraman's gaze can only see so much. The world and it's characters seem to continue on regardless of if we can see them or not, no matter where on the stage our eyes are drawn the actors are still performing even when out of sight. Isn't that fascinating? My experiences with moving camera angles during gameplay or cutscenes in games has always been that it'll reveal that pieces despawn, that faces go still and blank, that characters a pose and only that which you need to see in normal gameplay is truly there; because of course, this no doubt saves work and time and frees up resources. But seeing scenes from different angles, seeing expressions you can't normally see, constructing your own shots of the same thing playing out yet from a different view... it's a fascinating concept isn't it? It's no surprise this occurs in a game made under the watch of the man also behind the Silent Hills playable teaser, where the ghost is constantly right behind you despite it being impossible to see her unless you mess with the game enough to allow you to move the camera and look. But isn't it just the most intriguing thing, to wonder how much is going on when you aren't looking, to wonder what's just out of sight; I've never played a game that's made me feel that before, not in this way. It truly does feel like the world of MGS5 lives and breathes, and this is absolutely deliberately cultivated and created by those who worked on this game- you can see that in so many other points, such as the animations of minute micro-expressions and muscle flexes in faces. However nothing amongst all the high praise i have of this game can stand as high as my absolute wonder as to why hidden little expressions and different views from different camera angles can exist. Did the development of this game take into account people would go looking? Or was it simply a matter of construction, of building scenes to play out and then direct the camera within them, letting the scene dictate the shot, not the other way around.
I feel like this game never stops surprising me, never stops feeling like there's more beyond what I've seen; that someday some more big secrets will be found within it, or somehow when i return to it someday there's just going to be....more. It's very very dear to my heart.
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kerorowhump · 11 months
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#keroro#i love this. she is me. i can live my unbridled amounts of cute aggression towards him THRU HER#i literally need to do this irl#like i just skimmed ep 64 bc i was curious about this trauma switch thing and ive never wanted to grab him and whack him around more#in an affectionate way not because im mad at him oh no. i understand him so deeply. i feel him. i know his most inner psyche.#and he inspires unrecorded levels of senseless violence in me#me in my little ignoramus bubble writing a 4 pages dissertation on his character anyway bc like. i get him ok#his deep seated sense of guilt that he's constantly fighting against. that he needs to repress and deny in order to function.#his fear of abandonment. fear of never being enough. not being able to make up for it. for himself. thats why hes self sacrificing#his selfish childishness that comes from not having been allowed a lot in his youth. taking friends for granted in his past but knowing -#you dont fit in with them. constantly apologizing for yourself. taking space. too much. self indulgence. because friends is s scary concept#and yet one you couldnt survive without. letting them walk all over you. denying your anger. your fears. crawling back to them with a smile#at their feet and biting time because what you really want is friends. company. but you think you don't deserve it. deep down.#maybe u dont. your worst reminder the friend you love. and if they ditch you it's deserved. you don't need them (you do)#why am i rambling!!!! he has ruined me. if im wrong dont even tell me bc i prefer this version in my head anyway#*charlie voice* look at me. psychological trauma up to here#im not saying growing up poor with a father that shames you for your interests and ''disciplines'' you made him selfish but. no yes!#i am saying that. bc i know how it is. growing up with friends that have a lot that u can never afford. u feel guilty just being with them#ok we strayed a lot from the og post which is just me saying I WANNA PUNCH THIS GUY SO BAD (he is me)#keroro gunso
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bstrdwulf · 11 months
CW: talk of ?delusions? and death
ok so all of my parts believe that the body is dead in some capacity (we argue on how far dead we are) but what i wasnt expecting was that some believe that our brain is hardware instead of tissue
i think we uses to be alive but died around 4/5 years old as my parents said that around that age i developed a strange interest in post-mortem procedures (i kinda just knew stuff about it and i dont know how or why?) and of the 2 memories i have of that age 1 is me claiming to be a dead bird and complaining about losing my feathers
from what i know, i first started showing signs of plurality around 8y/o so it makes sense that i was dead first and then split and everyone stayed dead. i also know that i gained an interest in programming after 8y/o so that could be why some parts believe we are programmed not all.
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penisliker-moved · 1 year
started replaying tp (NOT TOILET PAPER!!!!!) with my sibling yayyy yayyyy skipping around
#I LOVE THIS GAME !!!#im also excited to play it saur soon after. i ws gonna say oot AND mm but oot ws like.. half a year ago bc we took ages to finish mm#BUT. i am excited nonetheless..bc ik theres a ton of references#4 now..ots my bedtime#everybody use yr magical abilities to repair hals cell tower !!! likes to charge Dont rb this bc its personal. idk how we cast#i didnt think that far ahead#but um yay :] i have umm work tmrw#and the day after tmrw as well even... but after that day off 4.therapy...#i have soo much t tlk abt but also ik as soon as i get in there ill be like Umm ya ive been pretty good..smile#but m excited t have th full session since last time j got there so late....#BUT YA that ws yr connor update. everybody if you have any magical power left over from fixing hals cell tower. manifest#th hotel not having enough rooms tmrw Grins.. its unlikely since weekend but who naurs. not me#forgor this post ws abt tp. NAYWYS i love twilight princess.. my first zelda game AND STILL my number one always and 4ever#everytime they say Twilight Princess i go :Y#itis super fun.. basically :]#sry i always ramble sm. i hope u guys see it as like little Connor updates. like im a segment in th newspaper#i wish newspapers were still a fing ik they r but theyre lame now.. me in 1976 or wtvr.. i wouldve loved newspapers bc well! there wouldnt#be anyrhin else 2 do. so ya#ok thats all. i gotta make my lunch 4 tmrw justtt in case I GET PAID TMRW YAYYY YAYYY .. its all going into savings but im still excited :D
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