#okay enough skylanders for today
c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Deleted episode 10 scene transcript found.
Furyne: Alright... Um.. Kaos, Steve, whatever your name AND last name are.. Would you like to-... *meows high-pitchly on their paws, blushing* to be my boyfriend..?
Glumshanks, using a kaos handpuppet so Furyne can practice asking Kaos out: Uhhh, no.
Furyne: ... Glums, thats not helping.
Glumshanks: Alright, let's try this again. At least you could try to give your confession a little bit of more pizzaz without being at the loss of words, Furyne.
Furyne: i'm trying!! It's just... I can't handle seeing his cute evil face.. It would destroy my brain and leave me into a spiral of unconsciousness and hearts!
Glumshanks: You mean lovestruck?
Furyne: Yes i mean lovestruck! ...Okay... Lets try again.. *Furyne then breathes deeply, calming themself down*
Furyne: Lord Kaos, I have known you ever since high evil school, and ever since i started doing evil schemes with you in every school day before we got suspended i felt something inside, like butterflies or more likely birds inside my stomach. And ever since i started working for you when i first arrived to the guest castle and became your bodyguard, that feeling grew... Sure, we became EBFFs, but i think it's time we take it to the next level. So... Kaos, Steve, Whatever your name and last name are... Will you b... be... B-be... be-... RAAUGH!! I CAN'T DO THIS!!
Glumshanks: What? You were almost there!!
Furyne: UGH! I just can't do it, i'm nothing but a nervous WRECK! He's never gonna love me...
Glumshanks: This is getting us nowhere... *sighs* Furyne, look, you're not a nervous wreck at all, you're just afraid to let out your feelings for him. But i can assure you everything will be alright.
Furyne: I... guess, but im scared that he might think i'm weird.
Glumshanks: You're not weird at all, like i said, you're just afraid to tell him how you feel.
Furyne: Y-yeah.. Honestly, i'm fine if he doesn't accept me, I can accept him being with her royal lowness and all. But i just don't want him to see me as weird.
Glumshanks: He won't, trust me. Anyway, let's just continue with this tomorrow, you know he gets cranky when he doesnt get his bedtime story.
Furyne: Alright... At least i got all the time in the Skylands to ask him out.
Glumshanks: Oh yeah, and speaking of that....
*Glumshanks then gives Furyne a pen and a piece of blank paper.*
Glumshanks: Here. Just something you might need in case you need more time to practice your confession.
Furyne: I... Don't know how to use a pen?
*awkward silence kicks in and so Glumshanks replaces the pen with a pencil on furyne's paw*
Glumshanks: Better?
Furyne: Better.
Glumshanks: Good to hear. Oh, and Fury?
Furyne: Meow?
Glumshanks: Rest well and give it all you got tomorrow, okay?
*Glumshanks then leaves the room by closing the door. Leaving Furyne with the pencil on their hand and a piece of paper on their bed. Furyne looks at the paper and starts writing on it*
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starwalker42 · 2 years
febuwhump day 1: touchstarved
pre-revival | no warnings apply | general audiences
He misses her.
He misses her and he knows he shouldn't, which only makes him miss her more, because she's the one who would normally be telling him that missing people doesn't solve anything. He doesn't think she'll ever tell him that again.
He's only missed her like this once before, when she was gone for that awful month back in '94, and he'd vowed once she returned to never feel that way again, to always keep her by his side. Yeah, good job, Spooky.
Last time had been worse, in so many ways - back then, he used to wake from dreams of her lying lifeless at the summit of Skyland Mountain, or trapped in a bright, white place with no way of moving. He'd had no way of knowing if she was alive or dead, nothing of her to hold onto except a tiny golden cross that he'd always known, no matter how she returned, was only with him for a short while, for safekeeping.
It should be better now. He knows she's alive, the evidence being the texts that ping his phone every morning, asking how he is. He doesn't dream anymore - the medication takes care of that.
But this time, he knows what it feels like to touch her. Back then, he only knew what it felt like to brush his hand against the small of her back, what her hand felt like resting on his. He'd rationed her touch the way a starving man rationed food, never letting her see how much he needed more. Over the last ten years, though, he's let himself get greedy. He knows everything, now. The way her cold fingers thaw between his on winter walks, the curve of her jaw against his lips, the feeling of her body pressed against his as they lie in bed, bare to the world. Everywhere he looks, he feels her touch: the couch where she'd rest her feet in his lap after a long shift at the hospital, the porch where she once spent an afternoon cutting his hair, the stairs, the kitchen, his office, their bed.
Their home.
His phone buzzes. You okay, Mulder?
I miss you, he's typed before.
He's never pressed send. It never feels like enough.
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the-down-upside-finch · 10 months
Happy WBW! Today's is incredibly niche, but what does your world's gratitude look like? Are large acts of thanks required or scorned? Do most people find it polite to express thanks? Or, if that's a little much, how about your characters? What are their feelings toward giving and receiving gratitude?
So, the funny thing about this ask is that this is literally what my colleagues and I were discussing yesterday with pragmatics in languages afsaoijDSFUSDJ Anyways, doing this late but here we go--
Because I'm a linguist, I always think extensively about speech acts in my worldbuilding, and gratitude is a huge one that I've played around with! Anyways, I'm going to use my WIP Stained Integrity for this ask!
In Elmal (where the MC is from), straightforwardness is the norm, so it's kind of weird to say thank you unless someone REALLY went out of their way to do something for you. Then you can thank them and not sound like you're trying to butter them up. But you should definitely try to return the favor! Just make sure you don't go overboard, or else the individual that you're trying to thank will just end up having to pay YOU back.
HOWEVER! This is not the case for every skyland.
In Firipo, thanking someone is as natural as blinking. If someone steps aside for you, you thank them. If someone holds the door open, you thank them. If someone brings you a snack, you thank them. It would be weird not to say "thank you" to a teacher at the end of class. This would be considered very insincere in Elmal.
Wudail, Laua'awn, and Goyak have similar norms when it comes to gratitude! You can say "thank you" pretty casually, but you're expected to show your gratitude a bit more for bigger favors (like if someone covers your shift at work, you should probably buy them lunch or something). Ocaa is this way too, but you have to really emphasize the "thank you" to show just how grateful you are.
In Veydof, Nepvae, and Jara'uë, you're actually expected to deflect! If someone thanks you, you need to reassure them that it's no big deal and there is no need to thank you. (Same thing with compliments! If someone compliments your clothes, you need to assure them that they are very normal clothes and not special at all.) However, not thanking someone for even the smallest tasks would be weird, even though you're expected to deflect.
In Ardal, gratitude is way more casual, and completely accepting the thank-you is expected! It's kind of the culture of establishing dominance by making sure the other knows that yes, they SHOULD be thanking you. So it's kind of the reverse of Veydof; you kind of try to avoid thanking people (and avoid asking for help entirely) because it's a pretty big deal for someone to go out of their way to help you. (It's also kind of this way in Brizendeb! But nobody there wants to owe anyone anything, so nobody ever admits they need help.)
Morunto is... kind of different when it comes to gratitude. You're expected to pay the other back, but discreetly so the other never knows that you felt like you owed them something. You can say thank you, and act like it was no big deal so that the other doesn't feel embarrassed, but you should definitely leave a treat in their bag without them knowing it, or something like that.
OKAY LAST ONE... Zeelex is probably the most complicated because there are two entirely separate cultures that make up the population (I promise the weird culture separation of each skyland makes sense in the story). For the humans, they've mostly adopted the same gratitude norms as Ocaans. The lazourls are less casual with gratitude, but they are not very willing to accept help from others—even going as far to give reasons (real or fake) as to why they DON'T need help. Funnily enough, lazourls are often very willing to help others at the drop of a hat. (Seriously, they'd risk their life to help someone they really care about.)
Aaaaand that's all of the skylands haha. Thank you very much for the ask! I love getting these in my inbox, even if I have trouble finding time to respond!!
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Let The Flames Begin. Chapter 11: Comfort Of A Friend
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 10: click HERE
Chapter 12: click HERE
Sorry this took a while. Struggled with writer’s block and the harassment that I had dealt with not long ago on Wattpad had knocked my confidence a bit with this story.
Hope you guys like the chapter.
Avoiding everyone was quite hard, but after some running and squeezing through whatever passageway he could find, Flameslinger was able to be alone. He even used the small portals to get to another area on the grounds of the Academy. He didn’t care where he was, just so long as he could clear his thoughts. He didn’t even put his sketchbook back in his room. He trusted that his housemates would give him space, but he just needed to be alone properly for a while. As soon as he was in the clear, he found himself on one of the small islands that was connected to the Academy. He knows that he’ll be able to get back alright thanks to the portal that he had used. No one else was around and it didn’t seem like anyone would try to find him here either. It was just secluded enough for him to be alone.
He didn’t think much about anything else as he just sat down on a rock. Just watching the world go by was good enough for him. He was fixated on how the sky was slowly starting to change to a faint orange. The sun had just started to set. How could the day have flown by that quick? Flameslinger shook that question off. He watched the passing balloons and odd schooner. He was fairly cautious, but there wasn’t anything to be worried about.
He was once again consumed by his thoughts and memories of his past life. His parents had found him, and if they were greedy and stupid enough, they’ll try to scam people into making them see him. Or worse, contact the person that they had intended to sell him to. That buyer would easily find him, and he had no doubt that they would do all sorts to try and snatch him.
He should’ve known that he couldn’t stay hidden for long. It was almost too good to be true…
Maybe he should leave the Academy too and go back to his travels?
“I see that you’ve found the designated “thinking spot”.” A voice suddenly made itself known. Flameslinger jumped a little, turning around rapidly. Upon seeing Stealth Elf, he took a relieved breath. With all that was going on today, even with his “parents” gone, he was still rattled and on edge. To say that seeing Stealth Elf was a relief would be an understatement. Heck, he would be relieved to see anyone. Even Kaos of all people!
“Are you okay?” Stealth Elf asked, taking a seat next to Flameslinger.
“I will be. Just want to put this day behind me.” Flameslinger muttered, rubbing his sore cheek a little bit. A part of him did want her to go away (in a polite way of course), but for now, it was like another part of him just wanted the company and welcoming feeling of someone listening to him. He had it with Master Eon, but he was glad to have it again with a friend.
“I understand. I’m surprised that you didn’t let anyone do anything to them.” Stealth Elf spoke after a few minutes of silence. Flameslinger could picture a smirk behind her mask as she continued to speak. “Especially Stump, he was quite eager if they did something.”
“I didn’t want to cause any more trouble than it was worth.” Flameslinger explained, focusing on the view again. He didn’t want to waste any more energy with being mad at the trespassers. “Believe me, I was sorely tempted to allow you guys to do whatever. But I didn’t want you to get into trouble.”
“You’re too nice of a guy.” Stealth Elf stated, shaking her head a little.
“I don’t see it as that. I just didn’t want the situation to escalate.” Flameslinger responded with a shrug. And Stealth went silent as she realised that he had a point. Despite the assault, that elven couple didn’t do anything that warranted a physical fight between them and the Skylanders. And if word got out about it, it could cause some damage to the reputation of Skylands’ heroes, with Eon being more than involved in it too. A lot of trouble would be caused and Ancients knew how long it would take to repair the damage.
Still, there was one thing that Stealth wanted to be sure of in case Flameslinger had another encounter like that again.
“Stand up.” She suddenly said, getting to her feet and brushing some dirt off of her.
“Pardon?” Flameslinger exclaimed, caught off guard by what she had said.
“I want to teach you something.” Stealth Elf encouragingly spoke, walking over to a spot that was further away from the edge of the small island. Flameslinger raised an eyebrow, but decided to trust the Life Skylander on this. She’s never given him a reason to think otherwise. None of them have. Flameslinger approached Stealth Elf calmly, but got a little on edge when she got into a defensive position.
“Try to punch me.” She ordered suddenly, her tone as sharp as her blades.
“I don’t see the point in this.” Flameslinger tried to make a point, actually flinching a little at Stealth’s change in tone.
“Just humour me a little.” Stealth gestured, her voice toned down a little bit. Seeing that she wasn’t going to let this go easily, Flameslinger raised his fists. As much as his skills a are good at archery and long ranged fights, it was rare for him to be in close combat. The only times that he had been, was only when he wasn’t careful and an enemy got the jump on him. Even then, he didn’t use his fists. He only whacked them away with his bow or dodge with a split second to spare. Nonetheless, he decided to try this little sparring that he was being enticed into. This was training after all. And Flameslinger had a suspicion that Stealth wanted to teach him something.
With a little hesitation, Flameslinger launched a fist at Stealth Elf. However, with extremely fast movements, Stealth raised her arms in like an X position. She then grabbed his wrist with a tight grip. Flameslinger couldn’t process everything that had happened after that. His arm was suddenly twisted behind his back. And just as quickly, he found himself stumbling after being shoved quite harshly. He looked back at Stealth Elf in bewilderment. She was faster than he gave her credit for. Almost as fast as when he does his fire dashing.
“Try again.” Stealth spoke up as Flameslinger recovered from his shock. He had a feeling that he was going to end up on the ground or something like, that, but he still wanted to see the point that the ninja was trying to make. He launched his fist at her again. And once again it was blocked when Stealth made the X with her arms. However, she then started to talk through the steps and do her movements slowly and carefully. She wasn’t being harsh like she was the first time. “When you are being confronted like this, block it by using your arms almost like a shield. Then you grab their wrist, and twist their arm until it’s behind their back. When that happens, push them away from you and have some distance between yourself and your attacker. Keep up the momentum, using your attacker’s strength against them. The further you push, the more time you have to prepare for another attack.”
Flameslinger took in what he was being shown and what was being said. Stealth Elf was careful with her movements and made sure not to go too fast or be too harsh. After being shown the defensive technique, when Flameslinger turned to face her, Stealth Elf suddenly made a move to punch him. Flameslinger noticed that she was holding back a little, and he didn’t mind it all that much. He was quick to block and push her away the way that she had shown him to. Stealth recovered quick enough and came at him with a punch again, this time with a little more power. They repeated the moves a few more times to make sure that Flameslinger would have it drilled into his head.
“I’ll show you one more technique. Pretend you’re grabbing me from behind.” Stealth offered, after another run through and turned her back to Flameslinger. Knowing what to expect, Flameslinger followed her instruction. He wrapped his arms around her as if he was truly trying to attack her, but he made sure that he wasn’t being too harsh. Just like with the first technique, Stealth talked through her movements and slowly demonstrated the so that Flameslinger can take it all in. “When you’re grabbed like this, elbow your assailant in the stomach area. When they are stunned, grab one of their arms and bring one leg behind one of their legs to get some leeway. Then, same as what I showed you before, bring the arm behind their back, step behind them, push and run or prepare to fight back more.”
Flameslinger took in each movement and what Stealth had said. He took it all in easily enough. Just like the first time, Flameslinger kept repeating it with Stealth Elf. It was a bit more complex than the first technique, so it took a few times for him to balance right and move quick enough. Once he got it right, he felt more confidence and a small arrogant part of him felt like he was ready for anything. Then he reminded himself that he had to be careful and try not to be too overconfident in confrontations like what he faced today. He’ll just need to stay calm and be ready for when that day comes.
“Think that you can remember all that when it comes down to it.” Stealth Elf said, snapping Flameslinger out of his thoughts.
“I believe so. Thank you.” Flameslinger smiled gratefully, bowing respectfully.
“Anytime. If you want to learn anymore, let me know.” Stealth Elf grinned back. Then she suddenly pulled her mask down for the first time in front of Flameslinger. She wanted to see that she was being genuine as she looked sincere and placed a hand on his shoulder. “And I’m sorry about what happened today. I might not remember my parents, but I know that no parent should ever treat their child like that. I hope that they’ve learned their lesson.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Flameslinger grumbled, crossing his arms bitterly. “They were very desperate to take me back with them.”
“Why? If they hate you that much, why come after you?” Stealth Elf asked automatically. Flameslinger almost said why, but his insecurities got in the way and he couldn’t say anything. He’s not ready to speak about his eyes just yet. He needs a bit more time.
“If you don’t mind, I don’t want to talk about it. At least, not yet.” He meekly spoke, desperately hoping that Stealth wouldn’t pry any further. He didn’t mean to be rude, but he walked over to go grab his sketchbook. He wanted to show that he wasn’t comfortable with the issue right now. Thankfully, the message was clear enough.
“Of course. I’m sorry if I was intruding.”Stealth Elf smiled apologetically. She could see that this conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere else. She then brought her mask back up to her face and started to walk away. However, she stopped for a moment and turned to look back at Flameslinger. “If you ever want to discuss it, I’ll listen. And not just me. There are plenty of others that will do the same. We’re all family here. No matter what.”
Flameslinger paused after he grabbed his sketchbook. The word “family” was bounced around a lot today. And in a negative way. The way that his “parents” dared to call themselves his “family” was nothing but a deep insult. He knew what family.it’s should be, and that wasn’t with those two leeches. And that’s what they were ever since he was exploited as a child. They just no longer saw him as a child, only a pay check.
But since he had started living at the Academy, he started to feel like he was in a family. He had great friends and was always pushed to do his best. He was allowed to be himself and he wasn’t threatened to be beaten up or used on a daily basis. He always felt safe and wanted, something that he never got to have as a child. That’s what families should do right? Make their own feel safe and feel like they should be themselves. That’s what Flameslinger had always believed and he’ll stand by that choice. And hearing Stealth Elf say that was more then enough to convince him of this.
“Stealth!” Flameslinger called out, turning to face her, but she was already gone. He glanced around, trying to locate her, but even with his second sight, he couldn’t find her. Despite that though, he still smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”
Quick AN: I apologise if I have any misinformation when it comes to self defence by accident. If anyone knows any other techniques or if I went wrong somewhere, please feel free to let me know.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot +13 (Part 1)
Monster Maze HighXMonster High
This One shot is divided in parts because is long as hell XD, as well this contains many racy jokes, black humor and swearing, if youre sensitive with this humor i recommend you to not read this shit, as well this One shot is just for fun
The Spring/Summer season, A Flowering but sunny season for Romance, vacation And Mating.
But also a Season for the sports specially in the Monster Maze High, where the Students and the Staff where preparing everything for the most importan Event for them.
The Monster Olympics an important event where the Students shows their skills in many sporty activities in competition against any School for monsters.
Everyone especially Betrayus was excited for the event.
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Betrayus: Alright Class, that's all for today's class but first I have an announcement for all of you!.
Clyde: Will you wanna add an Ice Cream Machine in the Cafeteria!?
Inky: Clyde we already have one...
Clyde: Oh.. Hehe yeah I forgot that part.
Pacster: Awww I don't minded to have another one...
Skeebo: Chill out Lemon lizard, is that really the only thing you use your mouth?
Spiral: Hey!! Don't insult my Bro like that!!
Bradley: Hey! Don't yell at my boyfriend!!
Pacster: and you don't yell at my Friend!!
Victor: And you don't yell to my Ex!!
Pacster: Try me Bitch!!
Aurora: Oh no..
Ryan: *face palm* Ugh...
They were about to fight as many times in other classes but they where stopped by Mr Betrayus.
Betrayus:*Demonic Voice* SILENCE!!
The students where now quiet in their seats
Betrayus: Uhum as I was saying I have good news for you.
Pinky: Will you add Hot springs rooms for all the students and the Staff?
Cylindria: Pinky.. this is the first time I'm Agree with you.
Inky: Yeah! Sounds like a good idea.
Betrayus: *Sniff Sniff* We are already working on it, Pinky you have an A by thinking in the staff :,D
Pinky: Really!? Thank you Teacher~
Skeebo: Tsk.. smug..
Bradley: C'mon Foxy it's a Great idea~
Ryan: Oh Man I can't wait for it..
Betrayus: Easy Dear Students, as you already know... The Monster Olympics is coming here, so for it I sent to make new uniforms for you and why not the staff too.
Amber: We will have new Sport uniforms!!?? O.M.G Now I don't know what is better if the Hot Springs or the uniforms!.
Farid: Duh Obviously Both news are wholesome... I hope the uniform is Blue, that color makes my beauty shine~
Farren: dude, the most important thing is that the uniform is comfy enough for us.
Spiral: You understand me Bro
Farley: *lifts his hand up* Hey Mr D-.. Betrayus.. with who we will compete this year?...
Blinky: Tell me we will not compete against the Belfry Prep...
Inky: Yeah.. I know we beat them..
Bradley: but they where such a bastards with us..
Skeebo: Ugh that vampires.. if I see any vampire from that school I have no doubts in Break his teeth by what they do to you that year Bunny..
Betrayus: Good Boy Skeebo~ but Don't worry Guys we will not Compete against them again...
Aurora: Phew what a Relief..
But this year they would fight against a School similar to them.
Betrayus: We will compete against Monster High!
Farley: Monster High?..
Pacster: You mean that school where all the cool things happens there?
Betrayus: What do you mean?
Spiral: Yeah, we are all follow a monster blog where many news are released, and all the cool things happens in that school and of course it's released in the page..
Amber: Since founding the Vampire Queen and give her company in her movie release in Horrywood, face the same Van Hellsing, Going to Boo York, etc.. all the things happens in this school are just fights, parties, and regular School dramas.
Mandy: *sighs* yes, the only interesting thing happened in this School is Just the Attack of Apex Crowd next to his pet Hans.
Cylindria: It's not the School's fault, we don't look for an adventure because we don't want it... I most suggest more school trips.
Betrayus: Conceded And you have an A by understanding as always Cily.
Bradley: And Dad? How would be the things about the event?
Betrayus: Good Question son, i asked for the uniforms, they will be here this Friday, about where we will do the event, me and my brother already talked with the Headless Master Bloodgood and we are agree in doing the event here in this same campus, before the event some students from Monster High will come to know you and take along.
The Ring bells, it was time for lunch and the students where free to leave.
Betrayus: Well students that's all for today's class don't forget to do your homework *leaves*
Everyone have leave except for the Fluffy Gang, Farid and Farren noticed that Farley was completely in shock while his tail was wagging.
Farid: C'mon Farley it's Time for lunch and time to take care of Claw.
Farren: Hey, what's wrong man?
Farley: We will compete against Monster High.. you know what that means?
Farren: Being hitted as we were hitted by Skylanders academy?
Farley: No!.. I-its not that..
Farley's expression was a mix between nostalgic and Excited
Farren: Oh shit.. now i know what that means.. That Cat..
Farley: I will see her again!! After long time without seeing us, i will finally see her again!! *Wagging tail*
Farid: Did you 2 have never being in contact?
Farley: Uhm yes, we have calls sometimes but seeing eachother, not really.. when i had the opportunity something happens as what happened with Claw and his mother if you remember... I was expecting of seeing her.. but don't misunderstand me I love the baby Claw.. but I still miss my old friend.
Farid: Now you mention that.. I wonder if she and her pals have adopted a baby like us, except it's a doggy.
Farren; Don't say stupid things..
Farley: Well let's go to lunch, I can't wait to see her.. *leaves*
Farren: or did he never asked her to take a walk, while we take care of Claw?
Farid: a Guy asking a girl to meet up and take a walk, you don't think it sounds like a date?
Farren: Well that's a good point.. but it's still so dumb of him to wait for meet up with her.
Farid: Hmm Dog's stuff.
The Fluffy Gang finally left the classroom without knowing that someone have recorded them.
A Ghost Girl left the Monster Maze High flying back to her original School.
The Day ended and it was time for the students and the Staff to rest.
Room 01
Stratos was getting ready to sleep when his younger brother entered into his Room with a cup of Tea.
Betrayus: Hey Dear Brother, *gives him the cup*
Stratos: Thank you Betrayus, *drinks it*
Betrayus: And tell me dear brother, what do you think of this?
Stratos: It's the First time we are doing this event in this campus, how do you think I am!?.
Betrayus: Don't worry, we will work hard to make the school look their best.
Stratos: *Sighs* at least I can count with you in this moments.
Betrayus: Just rest easy Stratos, everything would be okay.
Stratos: I Hope so.. *Finishes his tea*
Stratos fell asleep quickly throwing the cup in the floor.
Betrayus taked Stratos to his bed and left his room.
Betrayus: Ohh Man, the chloroform worked hard... The good thing is that i never mentioned him that Elli and Mitzy would come here to see the event..
2 days later
The Day of the visit of the Monster High have finally came, the Maze High students where waiting for their visit.
When they arrived, they started to take along
Name: Frankie Stein
Daughter of Frankenstein
Age: 16 (Days of life)
Specie: Living corpse (Frankenstein)
Frankie: *waved to the students* It's so nice to being here, I'm so glad that another school is having this kind of inclusion.
Spiral: Wow, you are like me
Frankie: You're like me too! By the way I'm Frankie Stein
Spiral: Spiral Stein, well the Stein part is just a nickname, my actual nickname is Hunterson
Frankie: Heheh, for one moment I thought that you were my cousin, by the way, Who builded you?
Spiral: A Couple of Scientist Elfs, my adoptive parents.
Frankie: Wow really? My grandfather builded me, Victor Frankenstein.
Spiral: Victor Frankenstein!!?? The original!? That's so cool!
Name: Clawdeen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 16
Species: Werewolf
Clawdeen: do you really don't have Werewolves here?
Victor: Nope, mostly Weredogs and a Werefox, the only werewolf we have is the School guard Mr Derek the scary wolf standing behind us.
Name: Howleen Wolf
Daughter of the Werewolf
Age: 15
Species: Werewolf
Howleen: T-t-that man is really scary.
Victor: don't worry he is a nice guy, hehe
Amber:*goes to a Pink vampire girl* Uhhh~ are you the famous vegetarian vampire?
Draculaura: Uhm.. yes?
Amber: Eww did you bring your mutt with you?
Clawd: Grrrghh...
Amber: Ugh you give me-
Betrayus: *pushes Amber away* Draculaura!! You're here!
Name: Draculaura
Daughter of Dracula
Age: 1,600
Species: Vampire
Draculaura: Godfather Betrayus!? *Jumps to hug Betrayus* It's nice to see you again!
Betrayus: it's a pleasure too, sorry for not going to your 1,600 years party.
Draculaura: It's okay, i really loved the gifts you seended me
Name: Clawd Wolf
Son of the Werewolf
Age: 18
Species: Werewolf
Clawd: Godfather Betrayus?
Draculaura: Yeah, He is my dark baptism godfather.
Betrayus: Heya, you most be my Strawberry's Boyfriend, good work in making her happy.
Clawd: Really?.. you are not disagree with this?
Draculaura: Clawd, My godfather is married with a Jackalope.
Betrayus: and my hybrid son has a Werefox boyfriend.
Clawd: That's amazing! I never expected this.
Betrayus: Well welcome to the family Bud
Farley was looking for her friend between the monster high students
Farley: I wonder if-
Name: Toralei Stripe
Daughter of the Werecat
Age: 16
Species: Werecat
Farley: Tori!?
Toralei: Sheepdog!?
Farley: Tori!!
Toralei: Sheepdog
Farid and Farren: fuck..
Claw: Mew?
To be continued....
Stratos: *throws Farid and Farren a Shoe*
No swearing in front the kitten!!!
13 notes · View notes
Snap Shot opened his eyes. Grey. That was the first color he saw after waking up every morning. The cold grey ceilings of Cloudcracker Prison. The reptile lifted himself off the uncomfortable bed inside of his cell. The former Skylander has spent months behind bars and got used to the daily back pains caused by the mattress. Some of his former Trap Master allies were on their morning duty to check on the prisoners. He saw Tuff Luck slowly walking down the long hall surrounded by villains. She soon walked past Snap Shot. The blue crocodile looked at her and was hoping for some kind of greeting. All the feline gave him was a cold, emotionless stare, just as she did with every other villain. Snap Shot sighed and got out of bed. The doors of the cell were open, and the villains could go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. As Snap Shot made his way through the building, he remembered the time when he made his rounds as a guard, but he would always remind himself that that wasn’t the case anymore.
The inmate soon arrived at the cafeteria. All heads turned towards him as usual. The villains who he used to hunt down and trap were sitting in that very room and now he was one of them. The reptile was always treated poorly by them, as they were angry for being in there because of him. Some even teased him for getting a taste of his own medicine. Snap Shot felt miserable, but he thought that he deserved it.
After taking a few heavy steps along the cold steel floor, he spotted Wolfgang sitting alone at a table. The werewolf fidgeted with the bone from a chicken wing he just devoured and attempted to use it as a drum stick against the table, but it sounded rather dull and empty. Snap Shot slowly got closer to his former nemesis until they both faced each other. “Hi.” The only word the crocodile could speak out loud.
“Hey.” Wolfgang responded before Snap Shot sat down at the other side of the table.
Things between them have been complicated ever since their capturing. The Doom Raiders rejected them both and they were the only ones they could talk to inside the prison. However, both couldn’t deny that there was more than just wanting to talk to someone as the reason they spend time together.
“Sleep well?” Wolfgang briefly looked at the reptile before focusing on the bone between his fingers again.
Snap Shot gave him a stare. “On that bed?” Wolfgang knew best how uncomfortable the cells were and barely slept either when he first got imprisoned.
“Yeah, dumb question.” Wolfgang attempted to smile and showed his row of dangerously sharp teeth for a second before closing his mouth again. “Did anyone else talk to you yet?”
“You mean besides insults? Nah.” Even though it was quite depressing, the conversation stayed casual and the former Skylander already got used to the downsides of being hated in prison.
“There’s gonna be a show in a few hours in the yard. Wanna come?” Wolfgang kept eye contact with Snap Shot as he asked him to accompany him.
“Sure thing.” Snap Shot smiled faintly. He couldn’t help but feel like that was Wolfgang’s attempt to get closer to him. He currently had too much on his mind to worry about his feelings, but he never did confess them to Wolfgang. Maybe he would get the chance today.
As the day went on, many Skylanders who weren’t busy looking for the Golden Queen came together to chat and train. Among them were the Senseis Tidepool and Boom Bloom. After the Quickshot’s rather rough parting with Wild Storm, she became quite lonely. Luckily, she soon started to enjoy the company of the Ninja Boom Bloom, who always wanted to get to know the spy better.
“What do you think about having these at your window?” Boom Bloom picked up a couple of glowing white water lilies from a pond and presented them to her friend. “They are held in water so they could suit you.” The plant mutant is very fond of nature and especially flowers. Possibly because she was one of them herself.
“They look lovely Bloom, but I think my squids would be bothered by flowers in their tank.” The Water Skylander referred to her squid guns which had their own little aquatic rooms inside of her own. They help her out so much that she wants to treat them as good as she can.
“I understand… how about wearing one in your hair then?” The Life Sensei gently tucked one of the lilies in between Tidepool’s seaweed hair. “You should take your helmet off some time, I think your hair is fascinating.”
Tidepool couldn’t repress a slight blush and moved a few strings of hair behind her ear. Her expression shifted immediately when she saw something behind her friend. Like paralyzed, the Sensei just stared into one direction. Boom Bloom soon took notice of that and turned around to see what had her so shocked.
Turns out that Wild Storm was just walking by and caught Tidepool’s attention. The Sensei was accompanied by the Magic Bowslinger Buckshot, who joyfully strolled next to the calm knight. The Air Skylander turned his head as well and spotted Tidepool. They were both like frozen and just stared at each other before quickly looking away and going on with their day. The two haven’t interacted with each other ever since their last conversation which was months ago. They decided that it would be best for both of them to spend time apart after their relationship was getting increasingly problematic.
Buckshot gave Wild Storm a confused look whilst tilting his head. “You alright?”
“Yes, I was just lost in thoughts for a moment.” Wild Storm didn’t want to admit that he was looking at Tidepool and felt guilty for not talking to her after so many months of silence.
“Okay…” Buckshot didn’t entirely believe the knight, but he didn’t want to bother him with more questions. The two Senseis have never talked much before, but after Buckshot noticed Wild Storm being lonelier than usual, he decided to approach him. From there they have been getting along pretty well. “Sooo, what do you wanna do today?”
“We could go to the training field.” Wild Storm didn’t do many activities besides practicing and improving his skills at the Academy.
“Again?” Buckshot has joined his friend in many sessions and was slowly getting tired of it. “How about we do something more… fun?”
The Air Skylander turned his head to face the faun. “Fun?” Wild Storm asked with a somewhat irritated tone.
“Yeah! You know, that’s what you call something you enjoy.” Buckshot teased his companion and his lack of humor.
Wild Storm released a brief laugh. “Fine, we can do something fun for a change.” The knight decided to finally loosen up a little.
“Great! I already have an idea!” The goat didn’t hesitate to speed ahead and lead the way for the knight.
Tidepool looked after the two leaving her sight and felt a longing desire while doing so. “Do you have any plans for tonight?”
Tidepool snapped out of her trance-like state and directed her sight back to Boom Bloom. “Uh… no actually. Did you have something in mind?”
“I heard there was some show at the prison. Skylanders are invited too, to have a somewhat peaceful event with the villains.” Boom Bloom was interested in the event and would like to treat the villains with peace rather than violence, unless there’s no other choice.
“That sounds nice. Count me in!” Tidepool smiled and was glad to have an activity with her now closest friend. Yet she couldn’t help but miss something. She looked back to see if Wild Storm was still there, but soon stopped and forgot about him.
As the sun was slowly setting and most of the Skylanders returned from their missions, the villains at Cloudcracker Prison finished their daily routine. They were allowed to go outside before the sun fully sets but had to be in their cells during the night. Snap Shot sat on a rock near the energy barrier around the building. He tossed a small stone at it which was just reflected by the transparent blue wall. He sighed and gazed at the sky. It made him feel free and calm, but the blue taint of the barrier kept reminding him that he was one of the villains that he used to lock up himself.
The reptile’s lonely moment was interrupted by a familiarly haunting voice. “Feeling down, Snap?”
Snap Shot turned around to see Dreamcatcher, for once without a sarcastic smile on her face. The former Skylander knew better than to believe that she genuinely cared about him, but he has gotten used to her by now. “Just the usual.”
The head floated next to crocodile and stared outside of the barrier as well. “How are things with Wolfgang going?” The Air villain was curious if her advice was of any use for the oblivious lovers.
“We talk more, but I’m guessing that’s because no one else does.” Snap Shot looked down on the ground before pushing himself up from the rock. “I’m not waiting for him to confess, and you shouldn’t be either.”
Dreamcatcher seemed disappointed, but she didn’t care enough to be upset. “Whatevs, your dreams are more than enough for me.” She grinned at the blushing Snap Shot before they both headed back to the yard of the prison.
Dr. Krankcase and Chef Pepper Jack were busy building up a wooden stage in the middle of the field. Some other villains carried a few tools and spotlights while Trap Masters carefully observed them.
Snap Shot saw Wolfgang tuning a ridiculously small guitar in a corner. It was so small that the werewolf could fit it into one hand, but it was the only guitar available.
“Getting ready for the show?” Snap Shot approached his friend while he was struggling with the guitar.
“I’m trying.” Wolfgang grunted when his pitch-black nails slipped off the knob of the guitar. “Krankcase told me it doesn’t require a musical number, but I’m sure some of us could use a little rock n’ roll.” He smirked and looked at Snap Shot who returned a calm smile.
“I’m sure it’ll be great.” Snap Shot hasn’t admitted his true feelings to Wolfgang yet, but something was still holding him back.
“I gotta look for some boxes around here. See ya’ later!” Wolfgang walked past the reptile and started to search for some surround sound device.
“Wolfgang!” The wolf turned around after Snap Shot’s call. The blue reptilian wanted to use the moment to confess his feelings, but he suddenly became nervous. “Good luck.”
Wolfgang smiled and turned back around. Snap Shot sighed and felt embarrassed for backing off again. While he wasn’t happy about his current situation, Wolfgang made his stay in the prison far more bearable and he wanted to be closer to the musician. He was afraid that a confession could ruin everything.
The sun has finally set and even though the prisoners should be in their cells by now, due to the special event today they were allowed to stay outside during the show. Surprisingly, many Skylanders arrived to see the show as well. It was a peaceful event to lighten the distrustful relationship between the Skylanders and villains. Among the visitors were also Tidepool, Boom Bloom, Wild Storm and Buckshot. The Senseis had the same idea and the now separated friends Tidepool and Wild Storm were quite surprised to see each other there. It didn’t take anyone long to find a seat and patiently wait for the show to start. There were some suspicious looks going around, but overall there were no arguments or even rude remarks.
The crowd went silent as the curtains of the stage were pulled back and Krankcase revealed himself. The scientist held his hat in one hand and bowed down before starting the show. “Ladies and Gentlelanders, I am proud to host today’s special show at the famous Cloudcracker Prison!”
Clapping emerged from the crowd and everyone was keen to see what the doctor had in store.
Krankcase was silent for a moment and looked at the expecting faces in the crowd. “Normally something would get blown up at this point but due to legal reasons that can’t happen.”
Some laughs could be heard before it all went quiet again and Krankcase just stood in the spotlight awkwardly. He soon spotted a familiar green figure in the crowd. He was surprised when he recognized Boom Bloom, who kept looking at him with a cold glare. He hasn’t seen his creation ever since she rebelled against him and ruined his plans of conquering the Skylands with an army of mutated plants. Krankcase gulped and remembered that he was in the middle of a show.
The Tech villain clapped his hands together and continued. “Anyway, to start the show the enchanting Dreamcatcher has prepared a magical act!”
Krankcase gave some villains in the back a hand sign upon which the lights dimmed, and they set something up on the stage. The visitors looked curiously what was happening until the spotlight went back on in a darker purple and blue color and revealed Dreamcatcher floating above the wooden boards. She had a table with a purple cloth and a crystal ball on top of it behind her and smiled.
“Welcome everyone! I have been working hard on presenting you all a fascinating show that will reveal never before seen things or something.” The head attempted not using too much slang during her talk to not irritate the others as usual. “Any volunteers?”
Before anyone else, Buckshot immediately raised his hand and jumped up excitedly. He waved to make sure the villainess would see and pick him. Wild Storm shook his head after seeing how eager his companion was about, as he thought, nonsense.
Dreamcatcher looked through the crowd for a few seconds before seeing how Buckshot became increasingly impatient and started to jump repeatedly. “Ugh, the… goat in the back?” She thought to herself that he would stop jumping if she picked him, so she did exactly that.
Buckshot smiled and squeezed himself through the crowd before hopping onto the stage and almost pushing Dreamcatcher down, who was already annoyed by his hyperactive behavior.
“Now just stand in front of the table and think of something and I will tell everyone what it is.” Dreamcatcher explained to the faun and the audience before turning on the light underneath the crystal ball with her telepathic powers.
Buckshot was very excited to see what the head had in store and didn’t hesitate to stare into the ball and think of something. “Should I close my eyes?”
“it doesn’t matter.” Dreamcatcher quickly shot further questions down and started to use her psychic abilities to see into Buckshot’s mind. “You’re thinking of… pizza?”
“I’m really hungry.” Buckshot smiled and was a bit embarrassed about that being the thought everyone could see, but at least Boom Bloom laughed upon his response.
Dreamcatcher rolled her eyes. “Then think of something else.” The strange being had to hold herself back to not become rude with the Skylander.
Buckshot focused once more and thought of something more sensible. The villain increased the light coming from the mystical ball and read the Sensei’s thoughts again.
“You… are happy to have such a good friend.” Dreamcatcher replied. She turned around to investigate the crowd and see Wild Storm. “That guy with the mask.” She turned once more. “And those two ladies.” She was referring to Boom Bloom and Tidepool.
Buckshot blushed instinctively. “Did I think of that?” He looked at his fellow Senseis and then back to Dreamcatcher. “Heh, I guess it’s the truth. I am glad to have such good friends after being trapped in a labyrinth for years and feeling completely cut off from society.
The crowd went silent, but the three Skylanders were glad to hear about their friend’s feelings, even if it had a dark background.
“Okay then, I think that’s enough for today.” Dreamcatcher decided to finish her show, mostly because she had a hard time navigating through Buckshot’s rather chaotic mind. “Give it up for…”
“Buckshot.” The Magic Bowslinger finished her sentence.
“What he said!” Dreamcatcher quickly left the stage as the crowd was applauding and Buckshot returned to his seat next to Wild Storm.
Krankcase made his way back into the spotlight to continue the show. “Thank you, Dreamcatcher for the… enlightening presentation!”
“Moving on, our infamous chef cook Chef Pepper Jack prepared a special meal for two volunteers from the audience!” Krankcase moved out of the way for the walking vegetable to enter the scene with a humongous pot of burning hot sauce.
The crowd applauded as the cook bowed down and introduced himself. “Thank you, thank you. Here I have a very special dish which took me the entire day and most of the kitchen’s resources to make. A hot sauce which adapts to the taster’s personal favorite flavor!”
Impressed voices could be heard from the crowd and a couple of villains and Skylanders were interested in the odd creation.
“Now, I will need two brave volunteers to try a spoon of the sauce and prove to you that it is not just any regular hot sauce.” As proud as the Fire villain was, he wanted to get rid of any suspicions the audience may have.
Pepper Jack looked through the crowd until he finally picked someone. “You there! With the horns and glowing white eyes! Get up here!”
Wild Storm didn’t raise his hand and wasn’t exactly happy to be picked either, but after seeing Buckshot’s expecting face, the knight decided to play along.
Chef Pepper Jack looked back into the crowd and chose another contester. “And you! The blue lady with the freckles!”
Tidepool pointed her finger at herself to make sure she was the one he meant. Both her and Wild Storm became uncomfortable as Tidepool made her way to the stage and the two stood next to each other. Chef Pepper Jack grabbed a spoon and dipped it into the pot before approaching the stiff Skylanders. “Now you two will each taste a spoon of the sauce and then you tell me what flavor it has for each of you. Understood?”
The Senseis nodded without looking at each other and only focused on the spoon with the burning red sauce.
“You go first, big guy!” Wild Storm was the first to try it. He moved the food towards the dark inside of his mask and into his mouth, even though no one could see that. Right after that, Pepper Jack gave Tidepool another spoon, who also put it in her mouth. The two tasted it for a few seconds before they both choked up in disgust. Tidepool spit the sauce out after a few moments and held her stomach. “That tastes terrible!”
Chef Pepper Jack looked at the disturbed Skylander in shock. He may be a villain, but he truly didn’t want to serve anyone bad food. He looked over to Wild Storm who turned his back towards him and was completely unresponsive. The Air Skylander suddenly started to shake and he slowly moved out of the spotlight. The terrible taste of the sauce caused the knight to lose control over his beast form and it was about to overpower him, but before that could happen, he quickly ran off and left the show.
“Wild-” Tidepool took notice of his outburst and wanted to go after him, but she stopped herself and simply stood there watching her former friend run off. Buckshot immediately got off his chair to run after the bewildered knight and leave the facility as well. Meanwhile Tidepool returned to the seat next to Boom Bloom, who made sure that her friend was alright.
Boos echoed through the crowd and Chef Pepper Jack started to panic. “Well, I guess I should have a look at that recipe once more. That’s it for today!”
The villain quickly left the stage and ran back into the prison before anyone could harass him further.
Krankcase returned to the stage with a very nervous expression and wasn’t sure what to say anymore. “Uh… that was not part of the script…”
The crowd started to boo once more and before Krankcase could go on, all the lights went out. Everyone was confused as to what was happening and questioned the sudden blackout. After just a few moments, all the spotlights went back on and pointed at the very top of the stage. Everyone gasped after seeing Wolfgang standing up there with a guitar that he quickly painted in black and red colors a few minutes prior.
“Looks like I have to get this show started.” The werewolf smirked before he dropped onto the stage, throwing Krankcase aside and starting to play a wild guitar solo on his instrument. He connected a bunch of boom boxes earlier which increased the sound and forced everyone to cover their ears. Snap Shot was one of the plagued crowd members and just stared at the display in shock. “Wolfgang… what are you doing?” The reptile was thinking to himself.
Wolfgang wasn’t bothered by the terrible notes and kept on playing until the entire stage started to fall apart. The spotlights started to shift colors and there was a fascinating light show which could be seen all the way from the Academy. The guards of the prison had enough and quickly pummeled Wolfgang as the stage crumbled into a ruin. They handcuffed him and the remaining Doom Raiders and escorted them back into the prison. “Hey, you can’t do that! I was just getting started! Everyone else got to finish their act!” Wolfgang protested and tried to resist, but he was overpowered by the Skylanders and dragged back into his cell. The remaining villains from the audience, including Snap Shot, were also sent back into the building. As Krankcase was about to enter the prison, he turned his head to see Boom Bloom standing in the middle of a crowd of Skylanders about to leave. She gave him a dangerous stare that made Krankcase’s skin crawl. The look didn’t last long as the doctor was soon pushed back inside the prison.
The night has fallen over Skylands and while the Doom Raiders were already back behind bars, some other villains still roamed around the big halls of the prison, trying to find their cells. Snap Shot passed Wolfgang’s cell and noticed the wolf laying in his bed and staring up at the wall. It reminded him of himself and he felt sorry for the lonely musician.
“That sure was a show back there.” Snap Shot leaned himself against the bars in front of the small room, catching Wolfgang’s attention who sat up on his bed.
“I really messed up, didn’t I?” Wolfgang sounded genuinely sorry and disappointed in himself.
“Kinda.” Snap Shot smirked in an attempt to lighten the mood. “But if I’m completely honest, I didn’t find it that bad.”
Wolfgang got up and moved closer to the bars the reptile was leaning against. “Really? Is that why you covered your ears like everyone else?”
“Well, it didn’t sound bad when it was dimmed through my hands.” The two prisoners laughed shortly and looked into each other’s eyes. It may have been brief, but they both felt something they haven’t felt in a long time.
“Anyway, I gotta go back to my cell, otherwise a guard will handcuff me as well.” Snap Shot straightened himself back up and was about to leave before he could feel a grip around his hand. He looked down to see Wolfgang reaching through the bars and holding it.
“See you tomorrow?” Wolfgang asked while not letting go of the reptile’s hand and looking into his yellow eyes with a soft smile.
Snap Shot smiled back and grabbed Wolfgang’s hand in return. “See you tomorrow.”
The hands of the former enemies slowly parted as Snap Shot walked away. Wolfgang longingly looked after the blue crocodile, feeling way calmer after the short conversation. Snap Shot on the other hand hid his intense blush by turning around and quickly heading to his cell. Now he was sure that there was something more between him and Wolfgang.
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Survey #201
“one for all, all for one. we are strong, we are one. we are one nemesis.”
Do you feel pressure to keep your life interesting? It's not interesting at all, so. I'd sure as hell like it to be. At what time in your life were you happiest? If it was in the past, would you want to go back and relive it, though still knowing all the things you know now? Like... early-mid-'17, maybe? That's when my recovering really kicked off. I wouldn't go back. Is there anyone who seems to always be under the influence of something when you see them or talk to them? Does it bug you? No. Have you ever found the blog of someone you knew in real life, but not very well? How did it change your opinions on them? No. Then again I've never tried to. What is something you are incredibly behind on? Politics. I'm more importantly (to me, lmao) half a year behind on Good Mythical Morning, believe that or not. I don't watch TV anymore so don't really care, but I'm massive seasons behind on Supernatural. What’s the last allergic reaction you had? Shit, right now with this seasonal business. I've been congested for weeks. What does it mean when you start eating less? What does it mean when you start eating more? If I eat less than usual, it'll always relate to weight loss, I assure you. I've worked to greatly improve on the latter, however; eating more generally means I'm extremely depressed. Or bored, but I've got enough discipline by now to not eat if I'm not hungry. Is there anything you feel the need to organize by chart? No. What’s your opinion on mid-day naps? Go for it, it's good for you anyway. When’s the last time you spontaneously made plans? With who/to do what? Who knows; I don't have people to spontaneously make plans with. What’s the strangest named pet you’ve ever had? Probably Harry Potter the guinea pig. Or the fact I had a Chinese water dragon, green lizards, named Shadow. Okay look he was my second pet and I was little. What are some defense mechanisms you find yourself using when in an argument with someone? It's very likely I'll try to be totally factual and short without true thought as a fear reaction of losing the person, while on the inside I can be in a total panic attack. Do you know if there is anyone who was once important to you that you will never talk to again, even though you could? I absolutely will not speak to my former best friend unless completely necessary for whatever reason. Do you and your boyfriend or girlfriend fight a lot? Not at all. Have your parents ever told you that you couldn’t hang out with a certain someone? No. Have you ever cleaned up someone else’s vomit? I. Absolutely. NEVER will. I will absolutely hurl. Does your boyfriend or girlfriend get mad/jealous when you talk about the opposite sex? Nope. What was the last R-rated movie you watched? Halloween, I believe. Have you ever painted a car? No. Are there any gnomes in your yard? No. I've never understood the appeal of them at all... Do you have a funny last name? Does anyone make fun of it? No. Are the blankets that are on your bed now made by someone you know in life? No. Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? No. Have you ever met someone in person that you met online? Sara! There're others I hope to one day, too. Have you got any half or step siblings? Four halves, one step. Do you like kids’ movies? Not tiny kids (like, Barney and such type of things), but "kid movies" like Disney and such, hell yeah. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? No. If you have younger siblings, how old were you when your siblings were born? I was just over two years old. Do you sometimes use your music player to help you fall asleep? No. I did that in... I think middle school and some of high school, though. I have NO idea how I used to be able to do that. The last time you burned your tongue or mouth, what were you eating? I'm not sure. Are there a lot of trees in your yard? Not in the yard, no. There's a good number just beyond our fence, though. What was the high and low temperature where you live today? Phone says 31*F and 50*F. Have you ever made ice cream out of snow? Snow cream, yeah. That's a common southern treat when it actually snows. What’s the coldest you remember ever walking outside in? Maybe single digits? What’s your least favorite color? Puke green. Or maybe bright yellow (pastel is pretty). …and your favorite? Pink. What’s your second favorite color? Maroon or burgundy. How many pairs of gloves do you wear in the winter? Usually zero. What’s one thing that most people complain about that you love? COLD WEATHER. What do you remember the most about recess at school when you were a kid? Oh boy... when my meerkat obsession began, I unintentionally started a trend of digging "burrows" with others in the sandbox. Our nails by the time we were done, holy shit. I LOVED doing it. What color are your kitchen chairs? A mess of beige hues with floral stuff on it, I think? I just know they're hideous and we all hate them. I don't really pay any attention to what the cushions really look like, though. Have you ever dated anybody online? *points to Sara* Do you listen to instrumental bands such as Hammock, Trentemoller, etc.? Nah. Were you ever a 'secret admirer’ before? No. Ever stalked someone? No. Do you poke a lot of people on Facebook? Is this even a thing still? But I didn't, no. What was even the point. What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home? Illinois. Have you ever been close to getting kidnapped? Oh um no. Never seen this one on a survey before. Do you have any eating disorders? No, thank god. Do you plan on getting married? I hope so. What is one of the saddest novels you’ve ever read in your lifetime? First thing that came to mind was The Giver. I'm sure there's others on par with or sadder than it, but it's just the first that came to me. Orbit or 5 gum? I think I prefer 5? Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? Many. The last time you threw up, what caused it? An ex-med I was on that had a strong side-effect of vomiting. Quit that. Did you have any foreign exchange students at your high school? Maybe? Idk. Any foods from other countries you would like to try but haven’t yet? I'm sure there's something somewhere, but nothing that comes to mind. Do you think the world would be more peaceful without any religion? I think that's fact... I'm not saying religion itself is bad, no, but I think everyone can agree there'd be more peace without it. Have you kept the same icon here for a long time? Yeah; I don't take nearly enough pictures to have a new one, though I wanna change it because WOW do I look like a bitch. Why did you choose your icon, anyway? I thought the picture itself was decent, and it let my inner goth pop out a bit. If only I had the wardrobe and dedication. Any fun facts (on any topic) you’d like to share? Well here's your meerkat one: Meerkats are the second-most social animals on Earth, falling just behind naked mole rats. Does it hurt your feelings when people talk shit about things you love? "Hurt my feelings" isn't the right word; I feel embarrassed. Do you like it when people give you nicknames? Yeah, actually. Even just calling me "Britt" makes me feel like we're closer or something. More personal ones though, I really like. When you make friends, are you usually the one to "make the first move"? Definitely not. What fandoms are you in? Like, A LOT, but actively, Markiplier, a few other YouTubers, Silent Hill, Shadow of the Colossus, World of Warcraft, and meerkats. Maybe more, idk. I lose count. I would say Spyro, but I'm totally uninvolved in some areas of it, like Skylanders. Are there any fandoms you used to be in, but left? I wouldn't say left, just lost a considerable amount of interest, like Good Mythical Morning and  PewDiePie. Used to watch every day, and now both are seldom. Do you more often feel superior or inferior to others? Inferior. Do you prefer ruffly or regular potato chips? Ruffled, definitely. Can you do any impressions? Not of a specific person. Do you carry pepper spray? Have you ever had to use it? No. Best thing to do during a power outage? Play a horror game as my laptop's battery dies lmao. At night, anyway. During the day, idk. Has your power ever gone out for more than a day? I don't believe so. When was the last time you had a headache? What about stomachache? Headache, I believe once when Sara was here early this month. Stomachache, not that long ago. Which one of your classes goes by the slowest? N/A The last time you walked somewhere, who were you with? Probably at Sara's down the path. Maybe something later, but idr. Where is your second home? Sara's is the second house I'm most comfortable in besides my own. Or maybe Dad's, idk. What did you last have a conversation with one of your siblings about? Idr. Do you have the person you hate the most on Facebook? No. How many times did you clean out your text inbox today? I don't clean it out. Well, I have once or twice while trying to make space on my phone. What’s something you would do drunk but never do sober? I have a feeling I'd be way more open than I'd like. Have you ever had a night that’s been hands down the best night of your life? If so, describe what happened? I'm not sure. What time do your parents normally get home from work? Dad, idk. I don't live with him. Mom, it varies greatly, but typically 8:30ish. Is family the most important thing in your life? If not, what is? My definition of family (only includes people who I feel are emotionally family), yes. Or my mental health. Is writing something that you enjoy doing? Ha ha obviously. —would you rather read or write? Write. Would you rather draw or take photographs? Take photos. Do you prefer black and white or color photographs? Why? I can't pick a side; changes in color can seriously alter the emotions of the shot, making neither superior to the other imo. Both are beautiful, some moreso than others, depending on the composition. What was the last thoughtless thing you did? I'm not sure. What is one movie you’ve seen, but few others have? A lot of "idk" in this one. Off the top of my head, the kids movie Napoleon wasn't popular in America, I think? —how about a movie you haven’t seen, but many others have? The entire Harry Potter series. What is something you do subconsciously? Play with my lip ring. Who was the last person to toy with your emotions? *shrugs* When was the last time you cheated at something? I have no clue. what’s the most money you’ve received from the ‘tooth fairy’? I think $5? Describe the main problem with your last relationship? I didn't like him in that way. When was the last time you debated with someone? Some time ago with Sara about a political view. And mind you it was a friendly debate, not an argument as apparently all are nowadays. What cartoon/anime character can you most relate to? There's too many characters to think through. Do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer? Leave me and my Mark icons-in-the-making alone. Do you have your own personal water jug? If so, where did you buy it? No. How do you get rid of your hiccups? Nothing works for me. When you sneeze, do you sneeze into your hand or the inside of your elbow? Elbow. What actor/actress do you find weird? Lol I'm not to judge there. What’s your ultimate favorite bagel? Just a normal one with a moderate amount of cream cheese. Do you have a blister anywhere on your body? No. Do you get manicures/pedicures regularly? I never do. When was the last time you saw the person you had your first kiss with? February '17. What was the most severe punishment your parents gave you when you were growing up? She'd spank me and/or say I was grounded for a week, which always only lasted like a couple days or so. What’s something you’re really bad at compared to others? Like, any kind of math. Who is the person you are the closest to? (emotionally, not physically) Mom or Sara in different ways. What are some odd habits you have relating to food/eating? I'm picky as fuck with texture. I'm particular with food in general. Last furry thing you touched: My kitty. <3 What do you check out first when you check someone out? I've never really paid attention... I mean, it probably depends on the person, what catches my attention most? Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. Would you raise your children like your parents raised you? In some ways, in other ways no. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No. Are you donating your organs? Yup. Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No, but Mom threatened it. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Who was the last person you spent more than 15 minutes on the phone with? My dad. Have you been swimming in the last six months? How long ago was the beach trip... idr. Maybe. What hair color looks best on you and what’s your natural color? From what I've had so far, I love red on me. My natural color is brown. What is your favorite show to watch? That '70s Show is something you can always put on and I'll pay attention. Like, I'm never /not/ in the mood to watch it if I have to watch TV for whatever reason. Do you wear necklaces? Rarely. Do you blush easily? Yup. ;-; Are you an artist/writer? Not professionally, but I do both. Are you in love? If so, does the one you love know? Yes and yes. Are your maternal/parental instincts strong? With kids, not at all. At all. Instead, I have them big time in serious, romantic relationships; I have the biggest "PROTECT PROTECT TAKE CARE FOR THEM AND PROTECT AT ALL COSTS" instinct. ACTUAL mama bear. Is there someone in your life whose career/life choices you find immoral/unethical? Have you ever told that person your views? Do you find it difficult to support them (emotionally or otherwise) because of their choices? Does anyone not have this kind of person in their life? Anyway, I've maybe said so casually and gently where it was relevant, but I'm not positive. Of course it's hard to support them, and sometimes I simply can't, ex. with my former best friend. What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? INDEPENDENCE. I'm borderline on the diagnoses of dependent personality disorder with how I have a very difficult time making my own choices and doing lots of things on my own; it's a serious problem with my mom, and I worry how I'll be when I no longer live with her, really. Like, she still schedules my appointments, makes some serious phone calls I'm scared doing myself (but sometimes she can't with me being an adult), she handles just... a lot. Have you ever considered writing your memoirs? No. Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? Not at all, romantic or platonic! My online buds mean just as much, some even more, than my "real life" ones. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? Not on a lot, but for things I'm really hyped for, particularly games and music, yeah. For the second part of the question, yes. I did that for WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion, and maybe Legion? Idr tho because I was nervous asking my mom. I also think I mighta seen the Warcraft movie the day it came out, but I'm also uncertain. Have you ever been in trouble for illegally downloading something? No. Do you have any stickers on your laptop? No. Would you rather have a job for which you had to go in early in the morning or one you had to stay late into the evening at? Early, defs. Whenever I work, I'm certainly aiming for a morning shift. Get it over with, and plus, I'm in a better mood in the mornings, so it'd be easier to get work done; plus, getting out of the house is a good way for me to come home and actually feel like I got my dose of social interaction for the day, so now I can enjoy the rest of the day. Is there someone who seems to only reach out to you when they want something from you? No; I don't tolerate that shit. Do movies often make you cry? What kind of films/scenes make you tear up most? Yeah. Tragic romantic things get me easily, and seeing someone die and another character lose it over their death kills me. Happy reunions are tear-jerkers, too. I would probably still cry at the end of Homeward Bound. How did your expectations of the last book you read compare to your thoughts after reading it? What about your expectations of the last movie you watched? The original Alice In Wonderland was a book I was surprised to be that short, and it wasn't really as "out there" as I'd expected. I still enjoyed it, though. Last movie... that was Elf. I didn't anticipate it being as damn cute and funny as it was. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? Just to track my period. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? Sara's. If you could’ve been at any historical event, which would you have liked to witness firsthand? Perhaps the first Thanksgiving? OH, but I would without a doubt choose the extinction of the dinosaurs if I was somehow entirely protected. That had to be, sad as it is, visually incredible. Is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of doing? If so, why are you afraid of doing it? Rollercoasters; I'm terrified of vomiting, however, and also fainting with how I handle dizziness. What is something society “expects” you to do that you don’t want to do and/or don’t plan on doing? Don't expect me to dress up all fancy going to an expensive restaurant or something. I'm going to eat, I'm not worried about my damn clothing. But more than anything, I absolutely refuse to let a job hold me back from getting tatted or pierced. I'm perfectly aware that really slims down my options, but I sincerely couldn't care less. I'm not bending to one of the most ludicrous expectations I know of. Are you interested in architecture? Is there any particular style that you’re drawn to? Yeah! I ADORE gothic especially, and Roman, too. What’s the most stalker-like/creepy thing you’ve ever done? If you don’t think you’ve done anything like that, what’s the most stalker-like thing someone’s done to you? Lol I should really have an answer for this, considering the breakup... I don't believe I did anything "stalker-ish," maybe not even creepy, just rude and nosy. Sorry for trying (but thankfully failing) to hack your Facebook to see if you were talking to a girl some time early into the breakup, Jason. ;_; Reeeaaally regret that. What is something you can only understand if you’ve experienced it first hand? Pure heartbreak. It is absolutely, utterly agonizing. Are you more of an open person or a private person when it comes to talking about personal things? (Relationships, your sex life, finances, etc.) It depends on the subject, but usually, I am very private, particularly irl. I'm more open online by a long shot. Do you agree or disagree with the saying “If two former lovers can remain friends, either they were never in love, or still are.”? Why or why not? That's bullshit. People change, and you can lose romantic interest. What’s a part of yourself, physically, that you’re unhappy with? (Hair, face, skin, body part, etc.) Is it something you’re able to change or something you’re stuck with? Uh, pretty much everything because of weight? I can change that and am trying so hard to, but I've been at a stagnant weight for over a damn year, and I can't even begin to wonder how. It dropped like flies in '17. Do you think it’s a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it’s assault? DOUBLE. FUCKING. STANDARD. Fight the hell back to protect yourself. In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important… Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. Ceremony, pictures, honeymoon, dress, venue, hair, ring or decorations, food. Do you have a go-to small talk conversation topic? Asking how they've been. Does anyone owe you money? Do you owe anyone money? (Besides credit cards) No. Well, I owe my previous college money, anyway. Even though I shouldn't, so Mom's trying to take legal action with that and their shitty communication. If someone was going to buy you any practical gift (anything except a house or car), what would you choose? A sum of money for a big 'ole tattoo, boys. Is there a quote that’s helped you through hard times or really stuck with you? What is it? "You're perfectly flawed" from an Otep song. I have that tattooed for a reason. Then there's countless ones from my partial hospitalization, but "Deal with life, or life deals with you" particularly will stick out to me probably forever. There's loads more. What’s something practical and useful “real world” things that should be taught in high school aside from the basics like English, math, science, etc.? CHRIST, why the FUCK do we not have classes teaching us how to handle the adult life with things like finances. What are some things that a person or couple could do that would show they’re insecure about themselves or their relationship? More than anything probably, go through their phone. ACTUALLY fuck off. Do you have sympathy for people who die as a result of their own actions? (Example: someone doesn’t wear a helmet when they ride their motorcycle and they get in an accident and die.) Well of course; a human being still died, and maybe it's even sadder when it was in their own hands. It's disappointing, but you should of course feel sympathy. What’s your favorite old Disney movie and favorite new Disney movie? Old, The Lion King. New, there's SO many to choose from, so I can't give a certain answer, but possibly Coco. I adored that movie. Name something “trendy” or popular that you dislike. I don't pay attention to what's trendy, really. Idk. Oh wait, is that "Kiki Do You Love Me?" or whatever that trash is called still around? There’s a quote that says “Anyone who gave you confidence, you owe them a lot.” Is there a person who YOU can thank for your confidence? Hm... I'm not sure about this quote. But anyway, I don't even have confidence to begin with. “Dirty talk” in the bedroom…love it, like it, don’t care, dislike it, or hate it? Usually like, particularly if we're being extremely passionate. I'm suuuuper shy delivering it, though. Hell, I get flustered hearing it towards me sometimes, too. What is/are your favorite type(s) of ethnic food, and what’s your favorite food within that type? American. Favorite... I think cheeseburgers. Would you be more hurt by your significant other having a long drawn out emotional affair but never having sex with that person OR a long drawn out physical affair where it was just lots of sex and no (or few) emotions attached? The first, my reasoning being for them to be emotionally invested in another person says more about how much they "love" me versus the latter option. I dunno... the second is awful, too. Tough question to answer. Say one positive thing and one negative thing about your boss (or any other authority figure). I'll pick my mom. Positive: Her support is never-ending. Negative: She's "always right." How would you describe your relationship with your hair over the years? I've grown more and more comfortable with it as I've grown bolder with cutting it. How do you practice truly living in the moment? I'm bad at this... Do you think most abusers know they’re being abusive? Probably, especially if it's physical. How do you feel about your SO daily/regularly checking up on a couple of his exes on social media? That'd be pretty suspicious, but then again, I can't really talk? One of my best friends/my ex is still a very good friend of mine, and we talk every now and again with no romantic interest (at least on my end; idk if he still like-likes me). That being said, I don't know how I'd feel, especially if it was daily. I do know I'd be less anxious if our relationship was strong and steady. What perfume of yours does your SO love on you? She doesn't like perfume, and I almost never wear it anyway. Have you made any (at least semi-) permanent alterations to your appearance? If so, how did you find the experience and do you regret it? Tattoos, there's a visible hole where my first lip ring was, and the holes in my left earlobe have been seriously stretched (it goes to literally the bottom of my lobe) from heavy earrings for a long time. No clue how the right side is totally fine. Anyway, the only tattoo I regret is my "ohana" one, as it doesn't really suit me; I don't give a damn if you're blood, I choose my "real" family, but even then, people change. I know I'll get it covered at some point; right now I'm considering a bat tat on my chest with its wings expanded at some point, and it may conceal it, but it's not high on my to-do list. I love my "how rare and beautiful it is to exist," although I wish I'd made a more unique design of it instead of stealing it from Pinterest... ha ha. I don't want tattoos others have; I want mine to stand out. I also wish I'd chosen an even more professional artist to do my Markiplier piece, but I plan on going to a better parlor when I can afford it to get my vision "right." It's probably the most important tattoo I'll ever have, so I want it perfect in my eyes. My artist didn't do bad, not at all, it just came out with a less convincing-galaxy background. It'll be an easy fix with the right artist. Onto the lip ring, I regret deliberately wanting it slightly to the left and not dead-center through my lip. I have no idea why I wanted it there? You can still see the faint hole when I pull my lips back, which I hate. Lastly, I just HATE the appearance of stretched-out earlobes. I don't even wear earrings anymore with how they look like there's about to just fall off. Women with disabilities/anxiety/depression/other mental health issues/chronic illnesses, how do you get it across to your SO/friends that sometimes you just can’t do something? Why specifically women? But anyway, sometimes it's just impossible. I don't think anyone can really "get it" until you have a breakdown/accident or whatever in front of them. Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? I like the smell of light cologne. Ladies, how important is it to you that your SO wears/would wear a wedding ring? I suppose it'd be concerning if they just didn't want to, but like if it doesn't fit or anything, of course don't try to wear it. What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? First, I took a look at my mental health and capabilities and chose I would NOT be a good, healthy mother able to raise them. Also, aforementioned maternal instinct lacking. As well, I don't want to invest years into a person that might just wind up hating me. And super importantly, my alone time is extremely important, and thaaat's pretty impossible with kids. They're expensive. Peace and quiet, bye. Pressure to ensure they grow up to be a good, independent person. Yeah, there's lots of reasons I can confidently say no, I don't want kids. How do you feel about men who preface statements on non-gendered things with “as a guy”? *shrugs* It depends, I guess. Does anyone else just HAVE to wear pajamas/lounge clothes when you’re at home? I live in my pjs. Is having your “dream” wedding really that important to have? No. What would your reaction be if your SO wanted the opposite type of wedding than you did? Just compromise. Who says things have to match a theme. What kind if body type do you find attractive and unattractive (for your preferred sex)? Let's get this straight first: I don't care about appearances. But of course, that doesn't mean I don't have preferences. For girls, I'm really attracted to curvy women at a healthy weight. Men, I like just a tad bit muscular, but noooot very much. How do you feel about strangers approaching you with compliments? I'm flattered, but I will definitely get anxious, especially if it's a man. I'm more terrified than anxious if they do that. Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a strip club and then doesn’t tell you? Hm, not really cheating. I'd be preeeetty unhappy if my s/o did that and kept it a secret, but I'm not quite sure how I'd react to knowing they went to a strip club. I think most likely I'd just feel like I wasn't enough and cry. Maybe I'd be fine with it if they asked me beforehand how I felt and I had their word they wouldn't "do anything." Like it's simple fact that you can be in a relationship and still find others attractive, so I guess if you just wanna go out for once and I feel you're genuine when telling me you'll behave, it's not too big a deal? But I'm still not sure. Would you be more offended if your man cheated on you with a guy or a girl? I'll just pretend you said "your partner." Both would upset the hell out of me, but I think doing it with the opposite gender would most hurt me, especially because you're taking a risk of someone getting pregnant. Is there something you are afraid, embarrassed, or ashamed to tell someone? That I love/play World of Warcraft, lmao. Admitting I'm an RPer would be even worse. DON'T ask what my worst weight was. The Joel thing. There's probably loads more. Are you struggling in any way right now?  Oh, of course. When was the last time you made a REALLY stupid decision? Oh boy. Really bad... HA, actually, probably this one time I drank a milkshake too fast, and my stomach still hasn't forgiven me. Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? Sometimes. Have you ever written/drawn/painted random stuff on your bedroom wall? No. What do you currently hear? "Professional Griefers" by deadmau5 ft. Gerard Way. What’s your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool ranch. Who was the last person to hold your hand? Sara. Do you have any clothing with animal print on it? No. Have you ever seen a hippo in person? I don't believe we have any at our zoo, no. What’s something you do too much? Sit here. In the bed. On my laptop. Fun. How often do you have nightmares? Rarely. What was the last thing you downloaded on your computer? A game on Steam. I can't remember which. Honestly, are you spoiled? I don't think so, at least not much. Is there anyone’s laugh that makes you laugh when you hear it? Mark's. Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot when you weren’t supposed to? I will lose all respect for you if you pull that shit. Do you have a tan yet? It's winter, and I don't tan anyway. Have you ever been told you have a bad attitude? I think my grandmother did once on the same occasion she called me a bitch. Do you make other people laugh often? I don't think so, no. What are some things you want out of life? Satisfaction with all I've done and experienced, more than anything. Do you feel bored with your life? Boy, do I. Who’s someone you miss that you haven’t talked to in years? Megan. Do you miss anyone who was mean to you in the past? No. What’s the most weight you’ve ever gained from a medication? No. No. No. Nope. Not answering. Stay the actual fuck away from Abilify. How do you get through hard times? Talking with/venting to Sara and/or Mom, watch my favorite YouTubers, listen to (usually relatable) music, and just remind myself if I survived '16, I can persist through just about anything. Rarely, I draw some vent art. Have you ever been suicidal? Yes. Do you pray? If yes, to whom? No. I don't believe it has any power, even with me believing in some kind of ultimate creator. What do you miss about high school? Friends. What do you miss the most about college? I was in a very bad mental state through both attempts, so I miss nothing. Did you like high school? I've hated school since I was in pre-k, dude. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? I don't think so? Is your life worse than you could have ever have imagined it to be? or is it better, or just what you expected? Worse. I mean it's not awful, but I expected muuuuch more by this point... What was the last good book you read about? Arthas' rise to the Lich King, and it hurt me okay I still wanna press charges against Christie Golden. What’s the last great song you discovered? "Natural Born Sinner" by In This Moment. Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? Nope. I pretty much never post about myself because I'm too afraid of saying something stupid "in front of" all the people I call friends. AvPD is a blessing. What is the most beautiful landscape you have ever seen? Mountains. Who were your favorite celebrities as a child? Steve Irwin was everything to me. I also loved Jesse McCartney and the Backstreet Boys. Oh, Jeff Corwin, too. What do you miss the most about your past? No mental illnesses. .-. Do you like getting older? At my current age, I don't really care... What hard thing are you going through right now, if applicable? The biggest thing currently is practically being chained to my house. I'm home alone almost everyday and usually all day, so day after day I'm just. Sitting here in this house by myself. Even as an introvert, it's gotten to a serious severity of loneliness and maddening boredom. I'm just gonna stop here before answering this any further ruins my day. Do you prefer slow songs or fast songs? Generally, more towards the fast side. Have you made any progress toward going after your dreams? Yeah, just teeny-tiny baby steps, sadly. What color is your trash can? Like, the big one you put on the side of the road for the dumpster? Dark green. What color is your dresser? Brown. Do you own a computer? If yes, is it a desktop or laptop? Yeah; laptop. How old were you when you first got a cell phone? I dunno, maybe the start of middle school? Do you like pineapple on pizza? You are a certified psychopath if you think that tastes good. No. What medication or drug has given you the worst withdrawals? I'm not sure. I've been on waaaaaaay too goddamn many to remember.
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niiwa-angel · 6 years
Sick day at Skylands
Spyro woke up with a fuzzy mind, not a head ache per say, but like he was thinking through a fog. He rolled over to check his clock, his curtains were drawn and his room was dark, from down the hall, he could hear Eruptor snoring. As gently as possible he tapped the top of a little copper box with a dark front, immediately the dark front displayed a time. 4:12 am. Spyro quietly groaned, /it is to early for this!/ he thought to himself as he tried to think of what in skylands had driven him awake. He knew it wasn't Eruptors snoring, he had long since grown used to that and now could barely sleep without it, it wasn't the sun, his room was to dark for that. Then he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, like a stone was resting in it, his mouth filled with saliva, he moaned in pain and disgust as some of it slipped out his jaws. He curled around himself, a childlike whimper emitting from his throat. Almost instantly, he shot bolt up right and ran from his room to the bathroom, barely shutting the door behind him. He ran to the toilet, his claws gripped the sides as his body heaved, sweat dropped down his snout and tears sprang in the backs of his eyes. Finally, having emptied itself, his stomach settled.
Spyro flushed and rinsed his mouth with cold water before slowly making his way back to his room, careful to not wake his house mates. He crawled into his now cold bed, shivering slightly as he did, he pulled the blankets tightly around himself. His whole body hurt, his head was now pounding and he was really cold, the tears fell now, slowly making their way down his face. A small part of him wished he were still young, when Eon would sit with him and tell him stories of the skylanders when he was sick. He was older now though, to old to want the man who had raised him and cared for him since he was a hatching. Besides, it was just a small cold, nothing more, he was Spyro! He was a skylander, a hero! This would pass quickly.
~~timeskip to morning~~
Eruptor woke up slowly to the sound of his alarm, he listened to the incessant beeping before turning it off. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, moving his legs off the side of the bed. He stood and stretched, yawning as he did so. He worked his way to the kitchen to find Stealth Elf sitting at the island with her phone and Jet Vac leaning against it with a thick hardcover book in his hand, both skylanders looked up as he entered.
"Good morning Eruptor! I hope you had a restful sleep, ready to start the day?" Jet Vac asked in his typical fatherly way. It was no secret that JV saw the trio as his kids, often checking up on them, helping them with their studies and assignments and listening earnestly to their fears, worries and troubles without judgement. Eruptor smiled.
"No troubles to speak of JV, how was your night?" Eruptor started rooting around in the cupboards, pulling out flour, baking powder, salt, mixing bowls and spoons before taking milk and eggs out of the fridge. He smiled to himself as Jet Vac answered his question.
Stealth Elf smiled as she watched the two talk and work. She was looking forward to Eruptors pancakes as well as the traditional scuffle between her and Spyro to grab the last one. Her face fell as she noticed Spyro wasn't here.
"Hey boys, is Spyro up yet? He's normally down here by now." Stealth Elf straightened herself up to look town the hallway Eruptor had just come from, it was lit with skylights but there was no one in it. Eruptor shrugged off the question, to focused on his pancakes to anwser Elfies question. Jet Vac looked annoyed.
"Now that you mention it, no, I haven't seen Spyro today. I swear he can be so lazy sometimes. I'll go wake him, be back in a minute." Jet Vac placed a slim piece of paper that had clearly been ripped from something into the book he had been reading and closed it with a light 'thump' and started off down the hallway. Once he was out of sight he let his walk slow and his face relax. He wasn't angry or even disappointed that spyro had slept a little late, the boy had improved, he worked harder, was doing better in all of his classes and was becoming a respectable young dragon that Jet Vac was proud to teach and work with despite his young age. So, if the boy slept in a few times, Jet Vac wasn't angry, he certainly wasn't going to be like his father and yell at Spyro until he cried and then yell at him for crying, he would just gently wake him up and let him know breakfast was ready. He reached Spyros door, which was slightly ajar, he gently knocked twice and entered, taking in the room. It was tidy-ish, the round bed was in one corner with some blankets hanging off the sides, the desk had papers and textbooks covering the surface with a pencil next to the computer, the bookshelves in the opposite corner had long since been filled and some books were fit in in odd ways, spines a short bit off the shelves, cover facing forward. The curtains were drawn, casting the room in shadows that would have made the high ceiling look sinister had it not been for the hanging paper models of islands, stars and odd origami shapes. Jet Vac smirked, he remembered Stealth Elf learning to make origami and gifting it to her friends, it was sweet to see that Spyro had kept them. Looking at the corner where Spyros bed was, Jet Vac could see pictures covering the walls, as he got closer he could make out different faces, a young Spyro with Master Eon, Stealth Elf and Spyro covered in mud, the trio on Eruptors 13th birthday with the fire elemental covered in frosting with Spyros claw pushing a piece of cake into his face.
Looking on the bed itself, Jet Vac's heart sunk. Spyro contradicted his room in every way, rather than welcoming, he looked tense, his face looked pained. His eyes moved quickly behind his tightly shut eyelids and he was murdering.
"Stop it, lemme alone. I don wanna, please." Jet Vac frowned at the words his pupil was whimpering, Spyro was clearly in the throws of a nightmare. Jet Vac slowly sat on the edge of Spyros bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently.
"Hey, hey Spyro, it's just a dream,wake up my boy. That's it, your alright." JV smiled as Spyro opened his eyes, only to frown at how pale he was. Spyro looked around slowly before settling on his mentor and friend. He blinked like he was trying to get water out of his eyes before he lifted his claws and rubbed at them.
"Oh hey JV, sorry bout that." Spyro threw on his infamous smirk, but even in the murky shadows of the room, Jet Vac could see that the normal cheerfulness that always followed Spyro was missing. Jet Vac grimaced.
"Sorry about what?"
"Falling asleep in your class." Spyro said with such earnesty that Jet Vac knew something was up.
"My boy, this is your room and it's saturday!" Spyro blinked a few times and shook his head.
"Oh yeah, I was just messin with ya. Hey let's head downstairs. I smell food." JV narrowed his eyes, his mind working fast.
"Spyro, are you feeling alright? Your look in pale?" JV would swear up and down for weeks that he could see Spyro freeze.
"Oh of um, of course I'm okay, why, why would you think I wasn't?" Spyro stuttered, avoiding eye contact.
"Spyro, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you can tell me if your feeling ill. I want to make sure you're feeling alright. If you need to take the day to just sleep I'm sure Master-"
"I said I'm Fine!" Spyro snapped, turning away and stalking out the door. JV was at a loss, Spyro rarely spoke with such anger and disrespect. JV sighed. It was going to be a long day.
~~timeskip to Eons library~~
Eon considered himself to be very in touch with his Skylanders, he knew Jet Vac still harboured a fear that he wasn't 'man' enough, he knew Eruptor was always worried he was to hot to be around, he knew Stealth Elf was always worried about people being nervous about her pupilless eyes, and he knew Spyro needed reassurance that he was good enough to be with his team. So when the 'troublesome trio' as he had affectionately dubbed Stealth Elf, Eruptor and Spyro came in with Jet Vac trailing behind watching them closely, he knew something was up.
"Ah, Skylanders! So glad you could make it! I have a surprise for you all!" It didn't escape Eons gaze that Spyro wasn't bouncing, or flying or doing any of the typical Spyro things. His tail was dragging and his wings looked limp, as though even feasting them on his back was to much effort.
"Alright sir, we can't wait!" Stealth Elf exclaimed, following Eon out to the training arena to see a huge climbing structure, complete with ropes, Rockwalls, tight wires, and swings. Stealth Elf looked giddy.
"Holy Sheep!" She cried teleporting to the other side of the contraption and back again.
"Yes, I thought it would be good for you all to get some training with heights. And I thought thus would be a fun way for you to pass your weekend." Eon was rewarded with a quick hug from Stealth Elf, quickly followed by Eruptor. Eon braced himself for Spyros tackle but when he looked for his young ward, he saw that he was gazing off into space. Eon was more than concerned.
"Spyro, are you quite well?" Eon asked, startling the purple dragon out of his trance.
"Perfectly fine Master Eon." He replied in a flat, monotone voice, a shocking difference from his usual voice. Eon glanced at Jet Vac, who discreetly shook his head. Eon knew that if he wanted to get honest anwser from Jet Vac or Spyro, he would have to talk with them alone. It would be easier to talk to Spyro first, knowing he would get suspicious and leave, something he had done since he was small. Eon gestured to the climbing structure, that was all the encouragement Stealth Elf needed, she ran to a rock wall and was nearly halfway up before Eruptor even reached the base.
"Spyro, may I speak with you please?" Eon's heart sank at the look of panic that came over the dragon he had parented, he remembered how Spyro had always come home bursting to tell him about his day, now he looked scared to talk with him. Spyro dragged his feet the whole way over, watching them the whole time. Eon could hear the wheeze in his breaths, as though he were out of breath just from the walk.
"Spyro, are you well?" Eon wasn't sure how to continue with this, Spyro rarely got sick but when he did he was always honest about it. Spyro looked positively shocked.
"Of course I am, why, what, why wouldn't I be?" Eon cringed at his voice, it was weak and raspy. The poor young dragon looked like he was trying to hold back a cough, knowing that pushing him for anwser would only drive him further away, Eon sighed internally and nodded.
"Okay then. But you know you can talk to me about anything, right Spyro? You know I will always have your back." Spyro turned with a nod, slowly making his way across the lawn to the climbing walls. Eon waved Jet Vac over.
"So I take it you've noticed something is up with Spyro." Jet Vac said upon being close enough to quietly talk without being heard.
"Yes but he won't tell me. He's so distant and is being very secretive. I just don't understand!" Eon exclaimed.
"Well I noticed that he didn't eat much this morning, he's slightly feverish, and he's got a cough that he is try it desperately to hide. All in All, I think it's something that should pass with proper rest," Jet Vac broke off as he heard Stealth Elf hoot from the top of the structure, turning to face the trio, he saw the three of them on a tire that was swinging back and forth. "Not that he is."
Eon shuddered at how high up the sick youngster was. He couldn't have flown up there so he must have climbed.
"When did you notice he was sick?" Ron asked the professor.
"This morning, he slept in. When I went to wake him, he didn't know where he was and he was warm to the touch." Eon was happy to know he could trust that Jet Vac would always get to the point, he rarely beat around the Bush, and it was good to know that he cared for Spyro as much as Eon did. Still, the troll in the room hadn't been properly addressed.
"What should we do?" Eon asked, glancing at his boy, who looked like he was holding onto the rope of the tire swing for dear life.
Jet Vac followed Eons gaze. "I think we wait for him to come to us, he's prideful Eon. He won't forgive us if we force him to recover."
"You and I both know that he won't come to us. He'll collapse from exhaustion before he asks for help," Eon thought back on how Spyro used to be when he was young, the late night talks about his nightmares, his fears, his passions. Then he had gone to the academy for training and even though Eon still saw him everyday, Spyro had pulled away. And it pained him to see his boy go through this alone.
~~with Spyro~~
Spyro honestly had no idea how he managed to get up the damn tower. His head was pounding, made worse by his friends cheers and laughter, every part of his body hurt and he felt sick. Looking down, he could see Master Eon and JV talking together, but he was to far away yo make out what they were saying.
"Hey Spyro, you okay?" Eruptor asked, his fiery brow furrowed in concern. "You're paler than Elfie." Spyro quickly shook his head, trying to clear the fog he was thinking through.
"Oh yeah, I'm perfect. You know me, I cannot be brought down." Eruptor didn't look convinced.
"Okay, prove it then. Jump leap frog style to the end of the tires and back again!" Eruptor knew this was stupid, if his friend wasn't fine, he wouldn't be able to make all those jumps. But Spyro straightened his shoulders and look as indignant as possible.
"Ha! Not only will I cross the tires, I'll do it with my wings tied behind my back!" Spyro kicked himself mentally, he could barely cling to the rope of the tire swing! There was no way thus would end well, but Elfie had just pulled a length of rope from her pocket and gestured for him to turn around. There was no backing out now.
With his wings tied firmly behind him, Spyro and his friends made their way to the starting platform, Spyro kneeled into a runners start and waited for Elfie to give him the go ahead. His heart and head pounded in sync as she counted down.
"3, 2, 1! Go!" Spyro leaped from the platform onto the first tire, which swung with his momentum, using it, he leaped to the next one, and the one after that. All was well for the first few jumps, but soon he started to have trouble catching his breath, by the 7th jump he felt like he was trying to breath underwater. He managed to reach the end, and turned around to go back, barely catching the tips of his claws on the edge of the first tire, relying on luck and the pattern of the tires, he miraculously made it to the start again.
"See? Told you... I could... make it..." the last thing Spyro remembered was his vision going dark, Eruptors voice calling his name, and the odd feeling that he was falling.
~~with Eon and Jet Vac~~
Eon looked up from his conversation with Jet Vac just in time to see Spyro leap recklessly across the gap between a tire and a platform, pause for a moment and then fold like a house of cards. He watched in horror as the young Skylander plunged like a stone through the air and land with a cruel thud against the unforgiving ground. He could vaguely hear Stealth Elf yell his name while Jet Vac, Eruptor and himself called Spyros name. He made it to his mentees side and saw that, blessedly, he was still breathing, but his one leg was bent where there wasn't a joint, and he was bleeding from a cut on his head. Taking a breath, Eon took control of the situation.
"Stealth Elf, Eruptor. Climb down from there as quickly as you can and go tell Hugo to get a bed ready in the med bay. Also tell him to call a doctor. Jet Vac, I need you to run and grab the first aid kit from the Library. Go! Now!" Eruptor and Stealth Elf climbed down in such a hap hazardly manner that under normal circumstances, Eon would have scolded them. Elf looked at her fallen friend and choked on a sob before Eruptor grabbed her wrist and the two of them ran off, Jet Vac followed them before branching off onto a separate path to get to the Library. Eon looked down on the young boy on the grass before him, his breaths were laboured and short, and he was covered in a sheen of sweat.
"Oh you foolish, foolish child," Eon shook his head, "What in all of Skylands were you thinking?"
"Master Eon! I have the kit!" Jet Vac ran up the path toward his Master, kit in hand.
"Ah yes, thank you Jet Vac. Now I need your help. You and I need to make sure that Spyro is alright to move without hurting him more." Eon gently cradled Spyros head in his hands, Jet Vac cleaned the gash on Spyros head with the the tenderness one generally reserves for newborn infants. With the two of them working as a team, it wasntblong before Spyros head was bandaged and they had made sure his neck wasn't broken. Eon carefully gathered Spyro into his arms and lifted him gently, slowly making his way through the academy grounds to the med bay. They were greeted by an anxious Hugo and a doctor Eon had never met before who gestured to a neatly made up bed. Eon and the others were escorted from the room the minute Eon laid Spyro down on the crisp white sheets.
After what felt like days but was probably a few hours, the doctor opened the door. Eon had long since sent Eruptor and Stealth Elf back to their dorm with Jet Vac to make sure they recovered from their shock, so it was just him waiting on the steps waiting for word about his boy.
"Master Eon." The doctor called out, Eon turned and stood towards the doctor, concern painted on his face, making him look older than he was.
"He has a badly fractured leg, a mild concussion and a bad case of the flu but I think that with a few days bed rest and proper eating should clear it up. The concussion and broken keg will take longer. He isn't to walk on the leg, wake him every four hours to make sure he hasn't slipped into a coma, and don't you dare let him fly." Eon thanked the Elements that Spyro was going to be okay.
"Is he awake? May I see him?" Eon pleaded with the doctor, who shrugged.
"He isn't awake yet but you can go sit with him if your quiet. Just remember that he might be a little slow on the uptake when he wakes up." The doctor stood to the side to let Eon through the doors. Spotting Spyro was easy, he was laying on his side, look in like he had been running, with his mouth slightly open. There was a cast around his left front leg as well as a thin line of stitches running across the area where previously there had been a gash.
"Oh Spyro, my boy. What were you thinking?" Eon pulled a chair closer to the bed and settled in to wait for his son to wake up.
Spyro groaned, his head hurt worse than before and his leg hurt. Opening his eyes, he noticed Eon sitting in a chair next to him. Eon heard the dragon wake up and looked down at him, a look Spyro could only describe as disappointment on his face.
"Your awake. Good." Spyro felt his heart sink, he was in for it. Eon must be so mad.
"When are you going to learn how to be part of a team?" Eon asked, frowning down at the young dragon. Spyro instantly jumped to defend himself.
"Master Eon, I swear, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to, I promise I will never bother you with something like this again!" Spyro said in a rush. Eon narrowed his eyes.
"Bother me with what again Spyro?" He asked, leaning closer to the bed. Spyro gulped.
"Being sick." He murmered, looking down at his paws. Eon softened.
"My dear boy, being part of a team means trusting the others on it to help you when you need it! I'm not angry your sick, I am, however, frustrated that you didn't tell anyone you were feeling ill! We could have helped you, or at the very least have known and made it slightly less miserable for you." Eon gently pulled the young dragon to his chest.
"Spyro, you are fourteen years old, I don't expect you to deal with an illness completely alone! Even I like having others around when I'm sick!" Eon felt the child shudder into his robes, his breathing hitching into sobs.
"My poor Spyro," Eon rubbed circles into Spyros back, "you and I used to be so close, why didn't you come talk to me?" Spyro cried a little harder.
"I didn't want to bother you." He choked out, pull in back to wipe the tears from his eyes. Eon moved his hand to Spyros face.
"My brilliant boy, you could never bother me. Never." Eon laid Spyro down on the bed and curled up next to him, whispering comforting words in his ear until he fell asleep.
When Jet Vac came in to check on his student and his Master, he found them both fast asleep, Spyro curled in Eons arms. He smiled and left them to sleep.
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megadads · 7 years
There aren’t many thing that I can say are benefits of being an (almost) 40-year-old, but there are a few. Having a greater appreciation for fine foods and culture, remembering how cool it was to grow up in the 80’s, waking up in the middle of the night to a symphony of pain in joints that you didn’t even know existed… okay maybe not that last one. Also, being born in the seventies means that I experienced most of video game history unfolding right before my eyes. I got to play most of the classic games that shaped the industry into what it is today, games that kids growing up today might not even have heard of.
My daughters were introduced to the world of video games through titles like Minecraft, Skylanders and Disney Infinity, but there are decades worth of amazing games that they know nothing about. Games that by today’s standards may seem archaic and rudimentary, but still hold a lot of value both as historical artifacts of the industry as well as still being a heck of a lot of fun. The difficulty though has always been trying to find the right way to introduce them to these older experiences.
‘101 Video Games To Play Before You Grow Up’ is an upcoming book from author Ben Bertoli and publisher Walter Foster Jr. that aims not only to introduce younger players to some of the best video games available (both classic and modern), but also to make the experience of discovering these classic games as entertaining as actually playing them. Ben is a full-time teacher and a freelance games journalist who has written for Polygon, Kotaku, and Nintendo Life. He was nice enough to share his book with us and talk about the inspiration behind it.
“As a full-time teacher I interact with kids on a daily basis. My students know I like to play video games and often they come to me asking what I’m playing, or have played in the past that I would recommend. Many kids make rash decisions when it comes to buying games or diving into series and often times they’re only purchasing or trying games that others have suggested. Children like to replicate adults and this leads to many of them playing games that are not appropriate or are far too hard. Knowing this I wanted to create a book that could give young readers dozens of gaming recommendations with plenty of insight into what makes the game or series as a whole worth playing. Knowing the history behind a game or what kind of gameplay it entails is essential to picking out a title that can really enthrall and enlighten a young mind.”
The book features over 70 pages loaded with games, and includes everything from well-known classics such as Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man to some lesser known gems that kids might not be aware of like Tearaway and Costume Quest. There are so many great games packed into the book that my daughter and I both found plenty of titles to seek out. Even with over 3 decades of gaming experience under my belt there are so many games that I know nothing about,and having this resource of family friendly titles at my disposal is incredibly helpful when it comes to choosing which games to play with my family.
They’ve done a really good job of making finding new games as easy as possible, with each title being divided by genre so kids can find games that they are familiar with first and then use the directory to discover new games that might be similar to what they enjoy. They’ve even included a handy guide to explain what each genre is for those who might not know the difference between a strategy game and a platformer. It’s a small detail, but one that’s appreciated. Each page also features an illustration from artist Spencer Wilson. His art combined with the bright color palette used on the pages make the book visually eye catching and fun to read.
For each of the games in the book you’ll find a wealth of information. Not only is there a detailed description of the characters and story, which is important for the kids when it comes to deciding if the game appeals to them, but they’ve also included the crucial information that parents might need to know about. What year did it come out? Which consoles is it available for? What is the ESRB rating? All of the things that a parent would need to know to determine where to find the game or in deciding if the game is appropriate for their children (the book covers games from ratings E through T).
The book is also chalk full of fun tidbits of information for you and your kids to discover about each of the games, from what the best games in the series are to what other similar games you’d like if you enjoyed that one. There’s also a fun “Did You Know” section on each page which gives you fun facts about the game such as “Mega Man is known as Rock Man in Japan. He also has a robotic sister whose name is Roll. Get it? Rock and Roll!” It’s a fun bit of trivia not only for the kids, but there were plenty of facts that I didn’t know about either! Yoshi was originally going to be a Koopa?!
One of my favorite features though is something that your kids can do as they play each game. There’s a section on the bottom of each page for kids to check a box once they’ve played the game, color in a star rating to show how much they liked the game, and a few lines for them to write in what their favorite part of the game was and any other notes they may want to take. It’s a fun way to make it an interactive experience for them and makes it a fun book for them to hold onto for years to come and look back on their experiences. Bertoli really understands the importance of introducing these games to today’s kids.
“The next generation of video game players is also the next generation of video game developers. As a child, sampling a wide range of genres and the games can influence a whole new level of understanding and appreciation when it comes to gameplay. These series and standalone games are classics for a reason. They may not appeal to everyone, but whatever it is they have to offer is worth mentioning on the off-hand it sparks interest in a young player. Games have gotten sleeker, shinier, and more complex, but the roots of gaming trace back to core concepts and feelings of success any gamer can relate to. The greatest way to teach children about the past is to let them experience it, and there is no medium better suited to tackle this hands-on approach more than video games.”
101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up is an essential book for families with new or younger gamers. It was a joy not only for my daughter to read, but for the two of us to read together and talk about the games that we discovered inside. And if you’re in the same boat as I am (as many of our readers are) I suggest you find room on your bookshelf as well.
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You can pre-order ‘101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up’ right now on Amazon and it will be available on October 1st.
    Mega Dads Book Club: 101 Video Games To Play Before You Grow Up There aren't many thing that I can say are benefits of being an (almost) 40-year-old, but there are a few.
0 notes
kitemist · 7 years
switched at birth season 5 episode 7 / Episode 100 thoughts with spoilers
live reactions included.
Overall, worth watching. Sweet.
Before I start, I’ve seen enough previews already. What is with this girl? What are her intentions? And something lied in the process so that Angelo is permanently dead, because something supernatural cannot happen in this show, besides the flawless lipreading. Why did the switchsters and regina ever get their hopes up. Regina didn’t want any part of it.
And now with this preview, this girl never mentioned Angelo’s name. Daphne jumped to this conclusion, and this girl knew, “looked you up a while ago.” But what is there to gain from this? Daphne’s medical career has been endangered more than once. She almost got arrested. She almost became an addict, and she almost had two of her closest friends die.
Angelo is here without a question, Bay doesn’t question it but Daphne does. Even though Daphne talked to this girl first.
And now Regina doesn’t question it! This is a daydream isn’t it. And this is what definitely what Angelo would have done if that accident never happened. He would have continued his restaurant and cooking career, bonding with Daphne over it just like the night before Regina almost shot her own daughter.
We are all Daphne now. Confused as FUCK. Carlton Kennish is still a thing and Angelo is seemingly real to Daphne and Regina. No amount of previews can make up for our confusion. Of course Gilles would be here, he announced it himself in multiple previews and on instagram, much like every other actor/actress did in their own clips. But...Angelo...what the FUCK.
So Daphne just assimilates into this mental consensus that Angelo is real, because...no choice.
Officially, the entire Kennish and Vasquez family accept that Angelo is real and seamless, all conversing with him.
Angelo’s cute italian. ;v;
“I just wish you were here.”
Why must Daphne be the traumatized one in bed? She is already gone through this before. “This is all your fault.”
And you two are gonna have sex huh. The coat worries me after Mom did that trick.
How is Bay supposed to read that sign without a mirror on the ceiling.
Is this your first time having sex after you got raped? After talking with tank himself?
“How could you ask me that?!” Yeah, fucking hell.
Also, what even led you to having sex in the first place? Were you just super horny, Bay? Like everyone who gets into a relationship is?
“Let me run it by the wife.” THE wife. pfffffff.
“To thank us?” For....what???
“God, this is strange, isn’t it?” You just made this more awkward. I already don’t like you.
“Feels kinda like a blind date.” And in this situation, we’re both dating our dad.
Okay, so they were the ones who did the donation. But did Angelo ever consent to be an organ donor? It’s the law! Or have you two broken it enough already to not care. Or was it a ruling by the majority of the remaining family? Or was it just...fuck it.
34 people? Blood saves 3 per pint. 10 pints per average person is 30 people. But that can’t be perfectly 10. 30 for blood and 4 for organs. Blood is technically an organ, but even with this, if some were more split toward blood and more than 4 organs, I still do not believe this number, but that’s just me.
Okay, she mentioned his FULL NAME. But she never directly mentioned that she got angelo’s heart. She only confirmed that she got a heart form a man who died in a car accident the same day that angelo died in a car accident.
Why am I not believing her to be Angelo’s heart’s receiver? Not only because of spoilers, but because nothing THAT GOOD can ever happen to anyone on this show. And besides the supernatural lipreading, nothing super cool or supernatural can ever happen in this show, which is supposed to be based on reality and how the deaf and hearing people interact in an audio centric world, with a side show for a race issue and for some questioning of sexuality.
I wonder if she is just telling a story of her dead parent to have bay and daphne bond with her. Her face isn’t helping. Or I just can’t read it.
“Never take anything for granted.” I still don’t believe you.
You JUST got a new heart and you already pushing it to its limits with all these crazy activities sounds horrifying to me. There’s the syncing of a new pacemaker. Or is she just not mentioning the physical therapy and getting used to things because it’s boring to hear.
New...cravings, for everything Angelo used to like. Memories are all stored in the brain. Which died permanently.
A tattoo over your chest scar. Sure your ribcage will protect you. But it’s still sensitive skin. Or artificial skin which isn’t as tough. But...really?
Daphne raises her brow because this girl already knows Regina. Or just knows the name. She did “look her up” but how much?
Daphne is as unsure as I am. But we’re thinking about different things.
“Of turning him into a christian.” Baptism does not turn you into a christian. It just makes you, in a way, live according to not your will. They just do this to babies so that they can live “the right way”. Being assimilated into a religion is of the individual’s own volition. Which Carlton doesn’t have yet!
Lily is jewish. And then there’s this christian talk. And then toby said because of the mixed wedding we can just throw it out the window? “Carlton can be both.” What.
I understand Lily. Baptism is really much deeper than appearances. Toby wants to please his mom more than his wife. And why is Toby on board with this? Nicole being religious overseas is what caused his first marriage to fall apart. And the weird question of only coming to God for something you need when Angelo died.
“I just didn’t want to impose my religion on you.” Why can’t you do the same, Toby?
Good thing you realized this.
Cellular memory. If memory is in the DNA (which i doubt, since it only contains stuff AT BIRTH, not later) and that has spread to this girl, that would make them believe in it. “Science is amazing” after all.
Cells containing a full set of genetic material is basic bio and cell construction. It’s in the nucleolus. As string, not chromosomes joined at the centromere. Why does cellular memory theory contain a fact all biologists know?
Inheriting DNA. After the commotion of whether the body would reject it or not, it would fit like a puzzle. But wouldn’t all those cells be dead, besides the ones that are holding up the structure of the organ? It makes sense to have those structure cells contain Angelo info, but the cell is specialized to just hold up the heart’s structure. If anything, this girl’s info would sort of hide Angelo info much like a dominant over a recessive gene, not slowly turn her into Angelo, which is what everyone is starting to believe right now!
Regina is so over this conversation. She wants to get way past him and Daphne wants to dive into the past again after that commotion with Iris and the BSU because...reasons and this girl coming up to her and just leading her into making a huge inductive leap. Regina is already over Angelo...wasn’t this made clear earlier when she wanted to adopt this Skylanders fanatic?
And Regina has completely solid reasoning.
“But those people have a piece of him inside of them.” Sigh. Doesn’t mean they ARE him. Why not track down EVERYONE who received a smidge of Angelo, try to combine them all together much like a human transmutation! This isn’t Inuyasha and Angelo is not the jewel!
Bay’s text message suddenly has incoming messages on the right, while her previous text conversation with Emmett was on the left.
“Forgive me yet?” why not just send a dick pic and ask her if she misses it.
Okay, she’s cute. But I don’t trust her with this.
“You wanna see?” Just turn this into a porno.
“You wanna feel it?” If you’re this frank why not make out with her on the spot? Worked for Travis.
And this does not contain a heartbeat sfx.
“That’s your dad’s heart.” Okay, you admitted it. But I’m sure this isn’t true one way or another.
Also, the heart is not directly dead center.
Also, you wouldn’t be able to feel it. You would have to use your whole palm and press gently. Not just a few fingers.
Now Bay brings up the question of fragile skin. NOW she does?!
After Bay tattoos a gang sign and does a coverup on the spot for free, she offers a job on a tattoo that may need repeating for free. How are you ever going to get that $300 to stay here?
“My car.” She is just...too casual about all this. What if you were making it up as she went along? She wasn’t making eye contact whenever she exposed some of her story.
“I know all the good parts to park so I don’t get busted or bothered.” Okay. you claim to not have cash. but this is your 3rd different outfit. Do you keep a closet in your car, and is all your money going toward tuition and gas? And this is a gangster neighborhood. Where is safe??
“You could stay with me and daphne!” Where do you have room?? Daphne and bay live together so only Regina is in the guest house and doesn’t want to meet her, which bay doesn’t know about. And not to mention toby, lily, and carlton. You are overloaded.
The way bay is talking leads me into thinking she is more bisexual than I thought, after Zarya.
Please get along just for today.
Okay thanks Travis.
Instantly bonding and the random conversation we hear is about...a guy. Ugh.
You went to prom with a high school kid over a van. really.
And it worked..
Traveling again right after you were just about settled after that China trip and timeskip.
To meet his family...really...
And knowing someone who just happens to know cheap flights. Too convenient.
So she’s staying at Daphne and bay’s place. And Daphne is not happy.
Yeah, you should have asked her first. It’s Daphne’s place too.
“She has angelo’s heart. That practically makes her family.” Why not be-family the rest of those 34 people then?
Okay, good job telling her what you were slamming your hands about. But Regina said she didn’t want to meet any of them altogether.
Daphne’s face.
Baptism is not foreign to lily, you ass. She knows what it is, she just doesn’t want it! And of course, as Mom said, “men always think they have a good reason to lie.”
you’re only liking baptism as an obligation because of tradition. not because of your beliefs. which is what lily didn’t like as someone who was jewish. come on.
I don’t trust this show’s representation of religion as much as I don’t trust its representation of deaf people.
Daphne said it, she didn’t.
She wanted to see Daphne but then ran into Regina and stuck with her instead? Since you share names with the robot from the 100 I don’t trust you.
And why are you running away from Daphne, Regina? Daphne did nothing wrong. Just tell you.
“I just hope from now on she respects our wishes” she already violated all of them by meeting you. what other wishes?
This tension is weird. And the first thing you bring up is who you two can’t be friends over: Bay. I take that back, Emmett, I still don’t like you.
What is YOUR problem, Travis, bringing up Emmett post “best sex ever”? You two need to shut up.
Sigh. Of course you can’t shut up for her birthday.
And yes, Emmett is right about Travis being a control freak. He was making SURE he was better than Emmett in Bay’s mind. And Travis was right about Bay making that decision on her own, because she KNEW that Travis would blow up around anything Emmett.
Really? In front of Marlee, you say that Travis stole her? What??
Um, yeah, you had an idea “I can’t believe we flew back home just for a misunderstanding.” travis.
But just give Marlee a break, please...
Even if Emmett is in that bad of a place, that just proves it. He DID do that tattoo thing to get back with her.
“For all we know she doesn’t even HAVE Angelo’s heart.” I am on board with this.
Reasonable to read about you, since Mom’s book is a bestseller, just like her erotic baseball novel.
Bay. Come on. And Daphne is being like Mom right now, back when the switch was realized. Regina and Daphne were complete strangers and now they’re living together.
“Because when I’m around her, I feel connected to Angelo.” Sigh. You haven’t even talked about anything that is of angelo! We walked in on you talking about some van for prom deal!
“Why don’t you?” Because...Daphne hasn’t spent that much time with her, that’s why. And we do not know enough about her.
Daphne has a good reason to believe that maybe she could be a fake, but why would she want to play them?
Regina, in this deep stage of everyone’s lives right now, isn’t this reassuring? The thought of your loved ones (angelo) watching over you?
“I think when we’re done, we’re done.” Tell that to Bemmett.
Good convo after that racist outfit thing, Regina. You’re good to talk to about these things respectively.
Daphne’s logical to make sure about this, but breaching confidentiality. After vandalism.
Okay, she is...or is she?
“You might want to do some digging into her background.” Don’t. We. All.
In my opinion, we are all in sinful bodies anyway, since it is made from the naturally anti-god earth. Nothing can erase us completely except for god’s righteousness. Which doesn’t come from baptism. But I’m not going to put it out there if any tumblr people want to chat with me about ideology.
And we are already under god’s mercy for being allowed to exist. John 3:16. Sure we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of god (romans 3:23) but we are redeemed now.
Okay, just because you have a more “official” person doing it doesn’t make her feel any better. You have to have one of those “baptism sessions” to get her to understand it. Not necessarily convert her, but I think a more indepth discussion than with someone unsure about religion and a reverend would be better to explain this.
So Lily said she is raising him jewish, but toby wants to follow mom, even though toby said that he and lily said carlton will be anything he wants and not to raise him as anything, so....what. And why am I caring about this again?
Now she is asking about the accident. And this would only give her more cover as “standing in” for angelo because of knowing this pivotal moment. She is definitely covering herself. I don’t trust her one bit, at all.
“you don’t know anything about me!” she knows enough for you to confirm out of your dirty mouth everything daphne just said. shut up.
“Did you lie about everything?” I’m expecting a yes.
“What do you want me to say.” Yeah. Fucking knew it.
And this is Bay’s fault for making that mental connection. She just drove her into making that same inductive leap. Daphne just leapt over back again with that digging.
And bay, since this is a lie, that 3rd time never happened.
“I said what you wanted to hear.” Yeah. That’s enough for me.
I know 0 shit about jewish stuff so I’m gonna shut up about that. But settle on Carlton’s identity already!
And now you bring down syndrome up again. I thought you didn’t care about that, that you’ll be okay with him no matter what!
Daphne’s different from Toby in “lots of other ways” and you connected with her just. fine. Ex. wilke. sorta.
A vision of Angelo again.
“Everyone deserves a second chance.” Vision-Angelo, both of bay’s datemates screwed up all their chances.
“I’m grateful I got one with you.” </3
Hey, Ripley. Good to see you.
Emmett. Why can’t you talk with daphne then? You’re talking as if she doesn’t exist.
You at that spot doesn’t make you any more deserving.
Bay can’t handle to go to that spot and now she’s there.
Uh, yeah, you were lying about SOME PARTS. That still doesn’t excuse it.
You know I am actually preferring a lesbian kiss right now. This conversation is awkward.
Thank you for finally loosening up, Travis.
And Emmett is taking pictures of another tattoo application. Hopefully they’re better because he’s actually there focusing and stuff.
“She has angelo’s DNA” “That doesn’t mean anything.” FINALLY
“Then let her family celebrate.” Regina is so against this. From the start. Stop. Trying. To. Convert.
“What if I see her and I don’t feel anything?” Well you didn’t feel anything the first time, so...
“Mom. This is my family now.” And this is the current age, where religion is not that huge anymore. Don’t try to start another Luther vs Calvin.
Cultural awareness is good.
Coincidence, but ;v;
And they see him at the same time. Nice effect.
“I feel him. I feel his heart.” How can you tell, but ;w;
Okay, now that you have cleared yourself, I trust you now. For now.
Nice mystery around this girl Alie. Not as pleasing as the seal of approval one, but this was beautiful.
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geminiamethyst · 5 years
Tumblr media
So, it’s been a year from today since I started Tumblr. So I thought that I should share a short bio about me. And FYI the dog in the photo does belong to me, her name is Sparky. Onto the bio:
Name: Amy
Nickname: Gemini Amethyst, Gemini or Ames (though it is quite rare for me to be called the last one)
Height: unsure.
Ethnicity: UK aka Great Britain
Favorite Fruit: Banana and strawberry
Favourite book: Comet in Moominland, Moominvalley in November, The Exploits of Moominpapa (all three by Tove Jansson), All Sorts of Possible, The Dark Inside (both by Rupurt Wallis), Frozen in Time, the Shapeshifter series (both by Ali Sparkes), the Time Rider series (Alex Scarrow) and a whole lot more books (yeah, I'm a bookworm, DEAL WITH IT!).
Favourite movie: any Disney film, How to Train Your Dragon series (I haven’t seen the 3rd movie, so please don’t ask me about it), Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Bumblebee (the new Transformers movie). I also like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Harry Potter series and Wonder Woman.
Least favourite movie: Transformers Age of Extinction and Transformers The Last Knight. Don’t get me wrong, I love Transformers, but I HATE those two movies. Too many plot holes and the stories are all over the place. One second I’m thinking this is what the story is and then the next the movies literally make no sense. Not enough storyline because every five minutes there are nothing but battles and too many explosions. Not to mention, there is TOO👏MUCH👏FOCUS👏ON👏THE👏HUMANS! The film title says TRANSFORMERS!!!! If you’re going to make a movie around the franchise, make it so there is more focus about the cool transforming robots from another planet, rather then the humans. Sorry, I’m ranting when I shouldn’t be.
Favourite tv show: the Moomins (obviously), Stranger Things, Pokemon (or does that last one count as anime, I can't tell sometimes), Murdoch Mysteries (crime drama), Doctor Who, most of the Transformers series (so far Transformers Prime is my favourite). And I started watching Moominvalley and I love it 🥰
Least favourite tv show: Eastenders (too much shouting and arguing in my book), The Jeremy Kyle Show (again, too much shouting and half the time the problems seem to get worse rather then being solved) and X Factor (I honestly find it boring, sorry but all it is, is singing, that’s it, which is why I prefer Britain’s Got Talent because there’s more variety).
Favourite game: Skylanders (up until Trap Team because I don’t have the up to date games consoles for the rest of the games), the "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" games, including the Winter games (up until 2012 because I don’t have the up to date games consoles for the rest of the games). I have recently just got into "Layton's Mystery Journey" and I love it.
Least favourite game: Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal, played one level and that is it because I found it too long and boring and I was very disappointed in it. Sorry to those that like the game, but it’s not my favourite.
Favourite flowers: Roses
Favourite animal: all except snakes and spiders.
Favourite beverage: don't drink alcohol, but I do love a good cup of tea and an excellent hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.
Favourite fictional character: Snufkin 😆. And Joxter (Snufkin's father in case you didn't know). I also have a soft spot for Ninny (the Invisible Child).
Number of blankets you sleep with: Normally 1 but it depends how cold it is.
Dream trip: Canada (technically it doesn’t count because I am going there this year, but whatever), Disney World in Florida, and Japan. I would also like to go to Finland because last time I was there was when I was 8 or 9. Not to mention, that is where Moominworld is.
Blog created: 30th April 2018
Number of followers: 38
Okay that is it. If you guys would like to see more of the travelling side of me, please check out my travel blog as it deserves some love too. You can find it under Gemini Amethyst Around the World here on Tumblr. There you can find out what I’ve been up to both home and away, and where I plan to go.
I also have a Wattpad account, so if you want to see more than just Moomin fics, please check that out as well.
Have a nice day guys. Bye!
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Untold Truth
The balloon has been traveling for hours now. Stealth Elf was struggling to keep her cover up, but she remained unseen. Enigma didn’t suspect anything suspicious and just focused on the laser which guided him through the sky. Stealth Elf soon noticed that their surroundings changed and shifted colors. It went from a pale blue to a deep purple, and a strange mystical fog appeared. Even though she was a Life Skylander, Stealth Elf could feel the magic surging through the air.
“What is this place?” The elf asked herself while staring at the mysterious purple area they entered. “Are we in another realm?”
Her thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt landing of the balloon. Enigma left the basket and started to walk in mid-air. Stealth Elf couldn’t believe her eyes and carefully leaned over the basket. She touched the invisible floor and indeed felt a surface. She slowly followed the Trap Master who was taking a few more steps before stopping. He raised his staff and slammed it on the ground, creating a circular wave that spread through the entire area. Stealth Elf witnessed the appearance of a seemingly endless path with rows of doors on each side. They were all huge gates and each of them was unique. Some were glorious and inviting, while others appeared dark and deadly and seemed to lead to an equally repulsive world. Stealth Elf heard about hidden doorways leading to different realms, but she never expected to see it with her own eyes. Enigma came from one of the many places but refused to ever talk about it. The elf could barely withhold her desire to quit her invisibility and ask the sorcerer all about this place, but she knew that it was for the best if she stayed unnoticed. The assassin couldn’t keep her eyes from observing every door and wondering to what new worlds every one of them would take her. She was so distracted, that she didn’t even notice that Enigma was talking. She could hear the voice of the mage in the distance, but she couldn’t see anyone besides him. Stealth Elf leaned her head to the right and recognized another cloaked Skylander in front of him.
“Star Strike?” The assassin once again spoke in her mind as she was walking towards the duo of Magic Skylanders.
She couldn’t make out what they were saying until she got close enough. “Are you sure it will work this time?” Star Strike sounded unsure. The mysterious female shared her secretive vibe with Enigma, which already caused some misunderstandings between them and the other Skylanders.
“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll do what I can.” Enigma answered and continued to walk down the shimmering road, this time accompanied by Star Strike.
Stealth Elf followed them further and saw many more doors, each fascinating in their own way. Finally, the Magic Skylanders stopped in front of one specific doors. Everything about it gave off a feeling of space. The arc was covered with white stars and the door itself was like a window presenting a distant galaxy. The ninja watched as Enigma held his staff tightly and started to speak a spell. The weapon glowed in a radiant light and the frame of the door reacted to it by emitting light as well. Star Strike watched eagerly while Enigma tried to stay focused and open the door. Stealth Elf squinted her eyes to see a clearance between the two halves of the door. It was slowly opening, revealing another world behind it. Star Strike raised her head and slowly moved closer to the door. She reached out for the opening and was about to put her hand through it before it the door slammed shut. Star Strike quickly pulled her hand back and looked at the sealed door with disappointment.
“I’m sorry.” Enigma said before falling on his knee and taking deep breaths. “I’m not powerful enough.”
The Magic Skylander turned around to look at the exhausted Trap Master. “No, it’s okay.” She floated towards the sorcerer who looked up to her with his hood covering the entirety of his head. “You got closer than ever before and I know that you’re doing everything you can. I’m very grateful for that.”
The intergalactic being couldn’t see Enigma’s reaction, but he seemed to be happy to hear Star Strike’s gratitude. They headed back to Enigma’s balloon, with Stealth Elf always being a few steps behind them.
“We can try again in a few days. There have been some suspicious events at the prison, so I should make sure that everything’s under control.” Enigma entered the air balloon and was ready to set off again.
“No problem.” Star Strike nodded and once again thanked the Skylander for his efforts. “I’ll see you back at the Academy.”
The cloaked creature turned around and floated back along the path. Stealth Elf slowly walked towards the balloon, trying to not cause any noise. She would soon regret that, as Enigma didn’t hesitate to lift the balloon into the air and get ready to return to the Academy. Stealth Elf ran as fast as she could, but the balloon was already too far away for her to reach it. The elf looked after the aircraft flying away, before finally cancelling her invisibility. Star Strike was already gone and the Life Skylander was stuck in an unknown realm, completely alone.
The sun has reached its highest point and the Academy was flourishing with life. Everyone was talking, relaxing or even training, even though clouds started to appear above the island. Snap Shot headed for the library to look for a book about archery. He was the most capable warrior when it came to bows and arrows, but he ran out of techniques to teach Wolfgang, so he decided to do some research. He found what he was looking for and took a seat on a chair on the balcony. The reptile enjoyed the cool temperature today and sensed that it would rain soon, his favorite type of weather. He was so invested in the book that he didn’t even notice Gearshift sitting on another chair on the other end of the balcony. The Trap Master jumped up in surprise but tried to play it cool by putting on a neutral expression.
“Gearshift. Didn’t see you there.” The Trap Masters had a hard time communicating with the robot since she wasn’t exactly programmed for that.
The Tech Skylander was holding a book and precisely scanned each page with her eyes, not even bothering to look at Snap Shot. “I know. I would have greeted you, but that would have interrupted my scanning process.”
“Didn’t you interrupt it now?” Snap Shot saw his companion close the book and turn her head towards him.
“Yes. I am finished now.” Gearshift’s eyes jumped from Snap Shot to his book and then back at him. “You are reading a book about archery. I assume for your sessions with Wolfgang.”
“Yeah, I kinda ran out of tricks to show him.” Snap Shot scratched the back of his head and directed his sight from Gearshift to the floor.
“You seem to be very invested in helping him.” Gearshift pointed out analytically. “That is strange considering your problematic past with Wolfgang.”
“I don’t know, he’s different now.” Snap Shot thought about the way they used to interact and compared it to the present. “I guess people can change, even the nasty ones.”
Gearshift was silent and processed what she would say next. “It appears your feelings for him have changed.”
Snap Shot opened his eyes widely and looked at the robot bewildered. “Feelings? How did you come to that?”
“My lack of emotions allows me to analyze those of others.” The Trap Master looked at the book again, rather than Snap Shot. “You do not hate him anymore.”
Snap Shot had to smile. “Well yeah, he’s not a villain anymore. We’re becoming-”
“You love him.” Gearshift interrupted and had no hesitation to tell Snap Shot the result of her analysis.
“What!?” Snap Shot had to catch himself from falling out of his chair. “Are you insane? There’s no way I’d fall for-”
“Your overreaction further proofs my statement. And ironically you did fall for him, in the literal sense.” The Skylander never stopped once she started to talk and only allowed Snap Shot to answer shortly.
The Water Trap Master couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Wait, were you watching-”
“I silently observed you two and everything I have seen lead to this conclusion.” Gearshift raised herself from the chair and the tall figure stood in front of Snap Shot. “I suggest that you avoid hiding your feelings. In most cases it will lead to a scenario which is far worse than admitting them.” She left without saying another word and left Snap Shot shocked and overwhelmed with thoughts. He did not expect that from his visit to the library.
The clouds covering the blue sky slowly turned darker and some decided to get underneath the next roof they could find. Tidepool chose to do the opposite. She was standing in the center of the arena, facing Wild Storm. They have agreed on another battle to test their strength. The Senseis haven’t seen each other ever since their turbulent air balloon ride and Tidepool was still upset about Wild Storm’s behavior. She wanted to finally admit her feelings, but the knight completely threw her off by claiming that they should spend less time together. The gong announcing the start of the battle could be heard and the Skylanders started to fight. However, the rules for this match were changed by Tidepool’s demand. They did not carry any weapons and their unique powers such as Tidepool’s whale summon and Wild Storm’s cloud roar were forbidden. They could only fight with their bare hands and physical strength. The fight started with Wild Storm dashing towards his opponent on all fours and attempting to pounce her. Tidepool quickly dodged the attack and returned a kick instead. Wild Storm brushed it off like it was nothing and started to punch after Tidepool. She used her arms to block the hits and finally get a hold of the Air Sensei. The quickshot used a swift move to throw him onto the ground and keep him there by holding his hands. Wild Storm used his lower body to roll backwards and get Tidepool underneath him instead. She responded to that by a headbutt which caused the beastly warrior to grunt and fall backwards. Normally, Wild Storm is more powerful in one-on-one combat, but Tidepool’s anger was bundled in each of her hits, granting her more strength than usual. They exchanged more punches and kicks until Tidepool was finally able to throw her legs around Wild Storm and tear him to the ground once more. Before he could get back up, Tidepool pinned him down with her foot and looked him dead in the eye. Raindrops started to fall from the sky and hit the combatants.
“Great job Tide!” Wild Storm freed himself from his enemy’s grip and got back on his feet. “You won, but don’t expect me to go easy on you next time.”
Tidepool kept her serious and cold expression and left without a smile or any sign of kindness. Wild Storm was confused as to why she behaved that way, and started to think that he may have done something to upset her.
As soon as the rain started to increase, and water was pouring from the sky, everyone was already inside, safe from the humidity. Spyro was sitting in front of the window of his room and watched single drops of water slowly run down the glass. He hasn’t seen Stealth Elf since yesterday and started to worry.
“What’s going on with everyone.” He didn’t tell anyone, but Spyro wasn’t happy about the recent events. “First Cynder and now Elf is gone.” The dragon has waited many years for the war in Skylands to end, for a time of peace. He was never able to spend much time with his friends, but now that he finally is, everyone has something that terrorizes them and prevents them from enjoying their time without fighting. The Skylander felt sad, but he was willing to help. He knew that the only way to have an enjoyable time with his friends was by helping them to finally get rid of their problems, once and for all.
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megadads · 7 years
There aren’t many thing that I can say are benefits of being an (almost) 40-year-old, but there are a few. Having a greater appreciation for fine foods and culture, remembering how cool it was to grow up in the 80’s, waking up in the middle of the night to a symphony of pain in joints that you didn’t even know existed… okay maybe not that last one. Also, being born in the seventies means that I experienced most of video game history unfolding right before my eyes. I got to play most of the classic games that shaped the industry into what it is today, games that kids growing up today might not even have heard of.
My daughters were introduced to the world of video games through titles like Minecraft, Skylanders and Disney Infinity, but there are decades worth of amazing games that they know nothing about. Games that by today’s standards may seem archaic and rudimentary, but still hold a lot of value both as historical artifacts of the industry as well as still being a heck of a lot of fun. The difficulty though has always been trying to find the right way to introduce them to these older experiences.
‘101 Video Games To Play Before You Grow Up’ is an upcoming book from author Ben Bertoli and publisher Walter Foster Jr. that aims not only to introduce younger players to some of the best video games available (both classic and modern), but also to make the experience of discovering these classic games as entertaining as actually playing them. Ben is a full-time teacher and a freelance games journalist who has written for Polygon, Kotaku, and Nintendo Life. He was nice enough to share his book with us and talk about the inspiration behind it.
“As a full-time teacher I interact with kids on a daily basis. My students know I like to play video games and often they come to me asking what I’m playing, or have played in the past that I would recommend. Many kids make rash decisions when it comes to buying games or diving into series and often times they’re only purchasing or trying games that others have suggested. Children like to replicate adults and this leads to many of them playing games that are not appropriate or are far too hard. Knowing this I wanted to create a book that could give young readers dozens of gaming recommendations with plenty of insight into what makes the game or series as a whole worth playing. Knowing the history behind a game or what kind of gameplay it entails is essential to picking out a title that can really enthrall and enlighten a young mind.”
The book features over 70 pages loaded with games, and includes everything from well-known classics such as Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man to some lesser known gems that kids might not be aware of like Tearaway and Costume Quest. There are so many great games packed into the book that my daughter and I both found plenty of titles to seek out. Even with over 3 decades of gaming experience under my belt there are so many games that I know nothing about,and having this resource of family friendly titles at my disposal is incredibly helpful when it comes to choosing which games to play with my family.
They’ve done a really good job of making finding new games as easy as possible, with each title being divided by genre so kids can find games that they are familiar with first and then use the directory to discover new games that might be similar to what they enjoy. They’ve even included a handy guide to explain what each genre is for those who might not know the difference between a strategy game and a platformer. It’s a small detail, but one that’s appreciated. Each page also features an illustration from artist Spencer Wilson. His art combined with the bright color palette used on the pages make the book visually eye catching and fun to read.
For each of the games in the book you’ll find a wealth of information. Not only is there a detailed description of the characters and story, which is important for the kids when it comes to deciding if the game appeals to them, but they’ve also included the crucial information that parents might need to know about. What year did it come out? Which consoles is it available for? What is the ESRB rating? All of the things that a parent would need to know to determine where to find the game or in deciding if the game is appropriate for their children (the book covers games from ratings E through T).
The book is also chalk full of fun tidbits of information for you and your kids to discover about each of the games, from what the best games in the series are to what other similar games you’d like if you enjoyed that one. There’s also a fun “Did You Know” section on each page which gives you fun facts about the game such as “Mega Man is known as Rock Man in Japan. He also has a robotic sister whose name is Roll. Get it? Rock and Roll!” It’s a fun bit of trivia not only for the kids, but there were plenty of facts that I didn’t know about either! Yoshi was originally going to be a Koopa?!
One of my favorite features though is something that your kids can do as they play each game. There’s a section on the bottom of each page for kids to check a box once they’ve played the game, color in a star rating to show how much they liked the game, and a few lines for them to write in what their favorite part of the game was and any other notes they may want to take. It’s a fun way to make it an interactive experience for them and makes it a fun book for them to hold onto for years to come and look back on their experiences. Bertoli really understands the importance of introducing these games to today’s kids.
“The next generation of video game players is also the next generation of video game developers. As a child, sampling a wide range of genres and the games can influence a whole new level of understanding and appreciation when it comes to gameplay. These series and standalone games are classics for a reason. They may not appeal to everyone, but whatever it is they have to offer is worth mentioning on the off-hand it sparks interest in a young player. Games have gotten sleeker, shinier, and more complex, but the roots of gaming trace back to core concepts and feelings of success any gamer can relate to. The greatest way to teach children about the past is to let them experience it, and there is no medium better suited to tackle this hands-on approach more than video games.”
101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up is an essential book for families with new or younger gamers. It was a joy not only for my daughter to read, but for the two of us to read together and talk about the games that we discovered inside. And if you’re in the same boat as I am (as many of our readers are) I suggest you find room on your bookshelf as well.
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You can pre-order ‘101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up’ right now on Amazon and it will be available on October 1st.
    Mega Dads Book Club: 101 Video Games To Play Before You Grow Up There aren't many thing that I can say are benefits of being an (almost) 40-year-old, but there are a few.
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