#okay goodnight its late and i have class tomorrow
yumeyumeappleo · 8 months
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phone art go wild
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238 notes · View notes
cataboliac · 9 months
A sequel to Ignite Son Seungwan 11k words
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*Hey Wendy, are you at practice today?*
Trembling fingers typed out the message, a hesitation lingering in each keystroke. Releasing a deep breath, you then hit the send button. The cold air seemed to thicken—your body grappling with the nerves that had been building up all day. The whirring noise did little to calm the unease as you anxiously waited for her response.
*Hon! Yes. We are about to finish up. Isn’t it early morning where you are now?*
You smile—Wendy has no suspicions whatsoever. The plan is going smoothly. 
*I just wanted to start the day right by messaging you first, that’s all.*
*You really know how to make me smile.*
You longed to hear those words from that soothing voice, not distorted behind a microphone or a speaker. 
*I miss you so much. Will I see you again for Christmas?*
Her question replaces the nervousness with guilt. You have a definite answer, but she can't know just yet. 
The standard excuse would have to do for now. 
*Sorry Wannie. I am not sure about the holidays. I’ll keep you updated though, okay?*
*I understand, don't worry. I’m just a bit nervous about our comeback show tomorrow. Wish you were here to see it.*
Seungwan has no idea she's in for such a big surprise.
*You're the best group out there. You're gonna crush it. I will stay up to watch it!*
*I love you. Thank you for always knowing how to cheer me up. Good morning! And good night! :) <3 *
*Goodnight Wannie, I love you too.*
“And see you tomorrow,” you murmur as you look out the porthole. The hum of the engine finally became a comforting backdrop as you neared the end of this carefully orchestrated surprise.  The bright Korean skyline slowly comes into view—the warm glow of lights welcoming you home—as the plane makes its final landing approach to Incheon Airport. 
Two years have flown by since you left Korea. The rhythm of your days found a new beat on the chilly streets of your hometown of San Francisco, where you busied yourself teaching choreography classes. You were no longer bound by the constraints of a strict schedule or dietary regimen, relishing in the anonymity that accompanied the bustling life. Rarely did anyone recognize you, and in this newfound simplicity, you were living.
Yet, the plainness of your new life couldn't fill the void that persisted in your heart. No matter how hard you tried to occupy your time, a significant part of you remained in Seoul. You left many friends and family, leaving an unmistakable ache.
Especially the absence of the love of your life. 
Despite agreeing to a long-distance relationship, you and Seungwan were entering unknown territory. It terrified you both to the core. But you found a way to make it work, communicating daily through messages and video calls. Whether it was before dawn or late at night, your day wouldn't feel complete without sharing moments with each other. The longing for physical closeness only intensified as time passed—the desire to return to Korea echoed persistently in your mind.
Thankfully, you saw each other a few times last year. The previous visit was for Christmas—nearly 11 months ago. You both knew that these sporadic reunions were not sustainable in the long run. The absence of physical intimacy, the constant effort to maintain emotional connections, and the doubts lingering in your minds all pointed towards an inevitable ending.
But you weren't willing to let it end like that.
That's why, since your last trip, you've been quietly discussing plans with friends and family. This next trip will hopefully be more permanent—a chance for a more lasting connection.
You hated keeping Seungwan in the dark, but on the other hand, you didn't want to give her false hope if the plan fell through. It was more important to ensure this worked for a long-term stay before telling her.
Your musings are interrupted by the last of your luggage passing by you on the conveyor belt. Thankfully, you grab it effortlessly and lump it onto the trolley. With all of your belongings in check, you head outside. 
As you exit the revolving doors of Incheon Airport, the icy fresh air of Korea greets you once more in its cold, loving embrace as you step out the doors of Incheon Airport. You have almost forgotten how unforgiving the nippy chill of your hometown can be, forcing you to zip up the rest of your jacket. It is so cold you could see the vapor escaping your mouth as you exhale. 
Your phone suddenly rings, making you jump in surprise. You’ve been on guard tonight because you didn’t want news of you arriving in Korea. You quickly check your phone, only to release an exasperated sigh.
*Hey, have you landed yet? :P *
*Sooyoung… I told you not to message me when you’re with Seungwan…*
*So you did land! Welcome back! :P *
*And stop worrying so much! The other three are keeping Seungwan busy. And how will you know where to enter tomorrow? :P *
Inhaling deeply, you release a breath, expelling all the pent-up nerves. Your shoulders gradually relax, a noticeable lightness replacing the tension. Admittedly, there's a twinge of anxiety about tomorrow, but Sooyoung's wisdom prevails—let the plan unfold naturally.
*Fine, fine. What is the plan for tomorrow?*
While waiting for Sooyoung's text, you navigate your trolley through the parking lot in search of your ride to the Airbnb. A distant flash of car headlights grabs your attention. As you draw near, the familiar silver van evokes a wave of fond memories, a visual echo of countless rides to various schedules.
You stand in front of the van—and without warning—the passenger door opens, and someone engulfs into you with a hug.
"You bastard! It is so good to see you again!" Jaesung crushes you with a bear hug, almost taking the air out of your lungs. You manage to reciprocate, laughing as he whips you around like a ragdoll. He was always the most affectionate and most sociable among your group mates. 
"Never change, man. Never change. Now let me in the car!" 
With the help of Jaesung you get your things in the van and leave the parking lot without anyone recognizing you. With some breathing time, Jaesung catches you up on the latest news around the company.
"And all the new trainees are super talented! We try to be more lenient with them, especially the younger ones in school,” Jaesung says excitedly. He decided to stay with the company and help train the new talent.
“This new role really fits you Jae. I'm glad you stayed.” It helps that Jaesung was the leader of your group before getting disbanded.  
“And soon we will be complete again! Once everyone is free,” Jaesung says, a hopeful—and now—realistic wish now that you are here. 
"Just focus on your surprise with your 'Wannie' baby," Jaesung adds, his cutesy teasing tone making you cover your face in embarrassment. 
The van stops at your destination just in time to save you from more teasing. However, this is not the Airbnb you booked. This actually looks like the subdivision you used to live in.
“Jae, what are we doing here?” you ask him as he helps bring your luggage down from the van.
“This is my surprise to you. Open up your hand.” Fearing another of his famous pranks, you reluctantly open your hand to Jaesung, and he drops you the key to your old apartment—the familiar orange keychain still attached.
“No way…”
“Yeah, way! Don’t worry about it, okay? We talked to the place you booked, and we will figure it out. I kept the place tidy for you. And you got it all to yourself for a week cause I will be out for team building with the trainees. I am sure you will have only one guest over." 
You jingle the keys in your hand, a cascade of memories flooding your mind. From returning home after misadventures to triumphant schedules and that unforgettable night when you confessed to Seungwan—that apartment was a safe space for you.
“I don’t know what to say… just thank you so much Jae.”
“Don't get too sentimental on me yet! Now give me another hug.” The two of you embrace. Jaesung is the heart and soul of your group. The brotherly bonds never faded over time—they only grew stronger. 
"Rest up. You have a surprise tomorrow. See you next week, lover boy!”
Jaesung enters the elevator, and you wave goodbye to each other. Feeling inspired by his thoughtful gesture, you turn towards the door of your old apartment with newfound confidence in your plan. Just then, your phone rings, bringing a detailed message from Sooyoung about the surprise strategy. A smile slowly spreads across your face until it reaches its edges. The realization hits you like a speeding train—you are finally on the verge of reuniting with Seungwan.
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Red Velvet bows and thanks their audience again for coming to support them. They did not want to leave the stage, but they still had lots to do for the next day. The standing ovation reverberates through the concert hall, the thunderous cheers accompanying their descent down a corridor toward the private room. In the wake of their performance, the members of their dedicated staff resoundingly offer their congratulations for yet another triumphant fan-sign event.
The excitement from the event engulfs Seungwan in a surge of dopamine, saturating her heart with indescribable joy—the feeling is still the same no matter how far someone is in their career. Being back on stage and able to perform is a feeling she could never trade away. It distracted her from thinking about other things. 
Specifically, it distracted her from her thoughts of him. She really wished he could be there, but she knew affording a flight to Korea was no small feat. Seungwan missed it all—the simple touch of his hands, his cheering that pumped her up, the fiery devotion that set her soul on fire. Missing the love of her life came in waves, and sometimes Seungwan felt she was drowning. 
At least for now, Seungwan can surface and put all those negative feelings at the back of her mind and focus all her energy on the comeback. 
While they walked, the members stuck close to Seungwan, feeling more affectionate than usual. Sooyoung wrapped around Seungwan’s shoulder, holding her close to her side.
"Such a fun fan sign! I even got this cute toy from this sweet fan," Sooyoung says as she holds out a miniature plushie of herself.
"Hey, why didn't I get one? Obvious favoritism!" Yeri shouts, playfully narrowing her eyes and making the others chuckle.
"It doesn't feel so long since our last comeback, but the feeling never gets old," Seulgi says as she throws an arm around Seungwan’'s waist.
Joohyun, who was ahead of everyone, opens the door to their room and peaks inside. She smiles knowingly—satisfied with what she sees—then closes the door and waits for everyone to come closer. 
Everyone stops in front of Joohyun, much to Seungwan's bewilderment. "Is there something wrong?" Seungwan asks.
“I took a quick peek inside and saw something interesting. I think it is for all of us,” Joohyun says as she opens the door and steps inside.
“Oh, a surprise?! Let’s see!” Yeri exclaims excitedly.
Everyone enters the room, but the rest hang by the door to let Seungwan explore first. 
The room started off simple with basic furniture. Now, it's transformed, decked out in oriental banners, colorful streamers, and red and black wallpaper that matches the classy Chill Kill theme. Giant balloons proudly declare "Congratulations" on one wall. But the most fascinating part is the center table, adorned with a red gift-wrapped box and a bunch of violets—Seungwan's favorite flowers.
Seungwan is left utterly speechless, her mind swarming with a million questions. Slowly, she approaches the bouquet and spots an envelope with her name on it, casually leaning against the box. As she picks it up, her heart skips a beat or two. The distinct cursive handwriting is unmistakably his.
A rush of emotions hits Seungwan like a tidal wave. As she reached for the thick, cream-colored envelope, Seungwan's hands trembled. The weight of emotions threatened to overwhelm her, and she struggled to steady her breathing as tears blurred her vision. Her heart pounded in her chest, aching with anticipation. Trying to control her shaky fingers, she tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.
Congratulations on the comeback Wannie! Words cannot put how lucky I am to have met you, that my love is yours, and our two lives are woven and welded together. I will always be beside you. I promise. 
As Seungwan read the words on the page, her heart began to flutter, and her cheeks flushed rosy red. She couldn't help but embrace the letter tightly against her chest, imagining the feeling of his arms around her. The bouquet of freshly picked flowers, a mystery gift tucked within, and now this heartfelt letter; he always had a way of surprising her. Yet, as grateful as she was for these tokens of love, they reminded her of his absence. The room felt emptier than ever as if it longed for him to fill it with his presence. These conflicting emotions stirred in Seungwan's heart, intensifying her longing for him even more.
“This…this is so beautiful. I really wished you were here,” she says, hoping the winds carry her words to the other side of the world.
“I always got your back.” 
Seungwan freezes, her body reacting to that familiar voice—the hairs on her skin rising, hands shaking, and knees threatening to give out. Memories of doubts and fears resurface, remnants of a time when she believed she might never be together with the love of her life again. Those thoughts lingered in the shadows of her mind, haunting her, especially when she was all alone.
Will I ever see him again?
Will he be the same?
Does he truly love me?
Then, that deep, unmistakable baritone voice filled the room, and Seungwan couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her. She had always held a special place for him in her heart, like a "Reserved" sign on a quiet table in a restaurant—a place she kept safe, hoping she wouldn't be left waiting. 
And today, her date had finally arrived. 
It was a moment she had been eagerly waiting for, yet also dreading—for Seungwan's biggest fear was losing him and being left alone once again. But she was determined to let go of her fears and embrace him with open arms.
She had worked tirelessly to elevate her love above the paralyzing clutches of fear, constantly striving to better herself so he would see her proud of the growth she had nurtured. 
Seungwan believed in miracles and held onto the belief that everyone is meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, and magic. As an idol, it was her duty to share this belief with others and spread positivity wherever she went.
As she turned around, Seungwan finally laid eyes on the one person she had been yearning for so long; her faith was finally rewarded. A warm smile spread on her face as she took in his features. In this beautiful moment, all her worries melted away, and she knew that everything would be okay with him by her side.
It had been approximately 11 months, 12 days, and 23 hours since you last saw Son Seungwan in person. The sight of her now feels like a lightning strike, transporting you back to the moment she first captured your heart. Those full honey lips that speak words of kindness, full moon eyes that seek out the good in people, gentle hair that tumbled in such rich autumnal hues—love grew, yet she still is the same woman you fell so hard in love with.
Before you can say another word, Seungwan closes the distance between you and throws herself into your arms with a hug so tight it seems she will never let you go again. You embrace her firmly, taking a step back from the force of her impact. Your collar becomes wet with her tears as she cries out in disbelief while clinging to you. You rub her back soothingly, hoping to alleviate the flood of emotions within her.
"I am here," you repeat to her—and to reassure yourself.
A couple sniffles are heard behind you. "Girls, let's give the two some alone time," Joohyun says as she leads the girls out of the room.  
It takes a moment for Seungwan's breathing to slow. She pulls away from the side of your neck, those hypnotic brown eyes finally meeting yours.
"Ow!" you suddenly cry out as a sharp pain between your shoulder blades shoots up; Seungwan's hand connects with your back.
“How could you do that to me? Making me cry in my makeup and in front of the girls. They are going to tease me to death…” Seungwan says with a pout, but her eyes beam with radiant joy. 
Using your free hand, you retrieve a handkerchief from your pocket to gently dab away the excess tears and makeup that had smudged her face—though she was beautiful regardless. When finished, you return the cloth to its place and hold her face in your hands.
Unfortunately, you could not contain the guilt that was eating you up. “I am so sorry. I didn't want you to hold on to any false hope. I needed to be sure I could stay here longer. I am so sorry–"
Seungwan's velvety lips claim yours with such passion that the weight of any apologies you carry melts away. Your body responds instinctively to her warmth, your lips dancing in perfect unison with hers. As you close your eyes, you are enveloped in a sensory symphony—the plush sensation of each kiss, her favorite fruity perfume invading your senses, and the hint of her sweet strawberry lip tint adding to the intoxicating experience. Your hands move from her face to her shoulders, pulling her closer in a warm embrace as you reacquaint yourself with the feeling of her touch. She sighs contentedly, drawing you nearer as if coaxing out more breath from your lungs.
She breaks the kiss, leaning on your forehead, catching her breath. "Don't you dare say sorry, please. You are here, and that means everything to me."
You exhale, the tension finally dissipating from your body. “Okay. Okay, I won’t.”
“How did you manage to plan all of this?” she asks as she thumbs your cheek and caresses your chin.
“A couple months worth of planning. I had to coordinate a lot with your members and manager.”
“How long are you staying?” 
"Actually… that’s the best part. I am planning to stay in Korea. Possibly for good." The words roll off your tongue effortlessly.
Seungwan's jaw drops, the words short-circuiting her mind in disbelief. "Wait… you’re not leaving?"
You smile, realizing the weight of your words. “I am here to stay.”
Seungwan snuggles into the warmth of your embrace, her laughter ringing in the room in pure disbelief and happiness. After moments of tears, this was a welcomed change, a beautiful call of joy filling the room as she hugged you tighter. Lifting her off the ground, you spin around in an impromptu dance, caught up in the euphoric moment. The realization that you can now share your life together after being apart for so long hits you both with a rush of emotion.
"Wait, did you just propose?!"
"And did you say yes?!"
"Girls! Let them have their moment!"
The rest of Red Velvet stands by the open door, Sooyoung and Yeri playfully held back by Seulgi and Joohyun. You stop and gently set Seungwan on her feet as the others eagerly await your answer. With the moment gone, you intertwine your fingers with hers, content to bask in the romantic moment amidst your friends' presence.
"Don't worry about it. We'll have plenty more opportunities," you say as you lay a gentle kiss on Seungwan's hand. She leans on your shoulder, attempting to conceal her face, not as confident yet in displays of affection in front of her group.
“Ew, too cheesy. I will let it go for now since we get to see Wendy squirm like this,” Seulgi says, holding up her phone to take some pictures. “Did you open your gift yet?” Joohyun asks Seungwan. 
You see the gift box left unopened. Letting Seungwan go, you grab the gift and hand it to her. “Go ahead! I can’t wait for you to see it.”
Seungwan unties the ribbon, allowing it to gracefully fall to the ground. She carefully removes the wrapping paper, revealing a simple black box with no distinguishing features. As she gently shakes it, a faint rattling sound can be heard from within. Intrigued, she lifts the lid, revealing a stunning silver heart necklace. You watch as she becomes enamored with the necklace, running her fingers over its texture and holding it up for a closer look. The other girls gather around her, gushing over the romantic gift.
"I know you already have almost everything, but I wanted to get you something special. Something I haven't given you before... so here it is." Your words come out slightly nervous, unintentionally giving away your feelings, but Seungwan wraps you in another warm hug.
"It's perfect. Will you put it on me?"
She turns around, lifting her hair to expose her slender neck. You take the necklace and delicately place it around her neck, securing the clasp. Turning back around, Seungwan beams at you and plays with the heart pendant hanging from the chain. It does look perfect on her.
"You look beautiful."
As Seulgi snaps a photo and the rest of the girls coo in admiration, this romantic moment is now captured in both of your memories. Your hand seeks hers again, intertwining your fingers and savoring her tender touch.
"Will you join us for dinner?" she asks.
"I wish I could, but I've got to see my grandparents tonight." You catch Seungwan's slight pout, but you squeeze her hand reassuringly.
"I know the group is busy tomorrow, so I made sure to reserve you all to myself the day after, okay?"
Seungwan glances at her group, and they nod back reassuringly. You've ensured a whole day-date, a semblance of a regular routine day with her.
"You really planned for everything. I'm so excited for our day together," she says, kissing you on the cheek.
"And thank you, girls, you've all been amazing with the planning," you acknowledge the girls.
"You better make sure not to hurt her, okay?" Joohyun threatens though the laughter that ensues indicates she's only joking.
As everyone pitches in to help the staff dismantle the decorations, you catch up with the rest of the group. Tomorrow is slated with radio promotions and another music show. Yeri teases about her solo album for next year, adding extra motivation for this comeback. Sooyoung shares updates on her dating life with Crush. Joohyun plans to focus more on acting, while Seulgi is gearing up to delve deeper into studying music production. With the tidying up almost complete, you accompany the girls to the exit.
"I'll see you in two days, okay?" You embrace Seungwan, inhaling her sweet, flowery perfume, still in disbelief that she's in your arms.
"I will. I'm so happy you're back." Seungwan places a tender kiss on your lips before joining the rest of the girls outside.
Finally, alone in the hallway, you slowly lower yourself into an empty chair, a wave of mental and emotional exhaustion washing over you from the whirlwind of the past couple of hours. As you sit there, you can't help but imagine the countless plans for your upcoming date with Seungwan—the words you want to say, the moments you want to share. 
“It’s a date.”
“Stupid jetlag!” 
You quickly try to freshen up, one hand clutching onto your towel while the other manages a toothbrush in your mouth. The relentless jet lag caused you to sleep through the alarm. Seungwan is about to arrive, and you're not even close to being ready.
After a quick mouth rinse, you rush to your closet to look for the outfit you meticulously planned for the day. Just as you pull your shirt over your head, the doorbell chimes. 
"Hold on a sec!" you shout as loud as you can. 
As you finish adjusting your shirt and straightening your collar in the mirror, you notice a few stray hairs and quickly tame them with a comb. You double-check your pockets to make sure you have everything you need before confidently heading towards the door. But before turning the knob, you pause and take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for what lies beyond. With a calm exhale, you twist the doorknob and are greeted by a breathtaking sight.
Seungwan radiates confidence in her stylish winter ensemble, a crisp white coat effortlessly draped over her figure. Underneath, an oversized black sweater and a pair of form-fitting jeans show off her curves. Her smile is infectious, lighting up her cheeks that you love to pinch. Her luscious chocolate-hued locks fall freely around her shoulders, the delicate snowflakes adorning them like jewels in a crown. Seungwan's impeccable sense of fashion only adds to her breathtaking beauty—she could make heads turn at every corner.
“It's rude to stare, love,” she playfully chides, the familiar line eliciting a smile from you.
"Sorry, I'm not used to seeing snow angels walk."
"Ugh, too cheesy and still a terrible flirt. You need to relearn my tricks," Seungwan teases, and the two of you share a warm hug, sealed with a chaste kiss on your lips.
"I could use a refresher course. Maybe with a private demonstration?"
"Now, that's a bit better," Seungwan giggles, seemingly satisfied with your response. Banter with her feels as natural as breathing.
"What was with all the noise a while ago?" she asks.
You blush, scratching your head in embarrassment. "You heard all of that? I… kinda woke up late. I was pretty excited for today."
"You are so adorable. What are we doing today anyway?" she asks, sliding her gloved hand into yours.
"Lunch out, grocery shopping after, then I cook you a nice dinner back here. We end the night with a nice movie. How does that sound?" After closing the door, you lead Seungwan by the hand, embarking on a journey towards your date.
“That sounds like a lovely day.”
Today is the dreaded Monday, marking the start of a new work week. As you board the train, you find it teeming with all sorts of individuals—from diligent students to dedicated salarymen, engrossed in the routine of their daily commutes. The air carries a palpable sense of anticipation, passengers absorbed in their smartphones, occasionally stealing glances in expectation of their respective stops. 
However, for you, Monday unfolds as a comforting embrace of normalcy. This is an opportunity for you and Seungwan to revel in the simple authenticity of being yourselves—even if it is just for today. The disguises you two have ensured you won't be recognized, allowing yourselves to go with the flow of people. To the casual observer, you and Seungwan appear as just another couple navigating their way through the ordinary rhythm of a morning commute.
“Arriving at Myeong-dong Station. Please exit on this side"
"This is our stop; let's go! Ready for some lunch?" you ask, leading Seungwan through the sea of people in search of the exit.
Emerging onto the bustling Myeong-dong Shopping Street, the air becomes an enticing medley of delectable aromas from the food vendors. Amid the crowd, you instinctively draw Seungwan closer, ensuring she doesn't get lost in the lively atmosphere. The vendors enthusiastically beckon passersbys to sample their diverse specialties. The sizzling sounds emanating from the pans awaken your appetite, making you lick your lips in anticipation. Although it's been a while since your last visit, the enchantment of this place floods you with cherished memories—and sparks the potential for new ones in the future.
"Anything in mind? You've got an endless supply of food choices." It's been more than a year since you last visited, and the place is surprisingly bustling for this time of day.
Seungwan squeals in joy, already tugging you around to explore the food stalls. "Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!!"
You observe as Seungwan scans the vibrant street, her eyes searching for anything interesting among the colorful food stalls. Suddenly, her gaze locks onto a stall with skewers. As you both draw closer, the irresistible scent of grilled meat wafts through the air, captivating your senses. The cook applies a generous layer of butter on the hot grill before slowly placing a square Wagyu cube onto the surface. You both watch in anticipation as the meat begins to sizzle and cook to perfection, the savory aroma intensifying with each passing moment.
"How about these? They look amazing!"
Agreeing with her choice, you both approach the vendor. They greet you with a friendly smile as you pick a variety of skewers—odeng, succulent meats, and even some grilled vegetables. You grab the first of the sticks, giving one to Seungwan. Her eyes light up with delight as she chews into the beef. 
"This is so yummy! What's next?"
As you and Seungwan wander through the bustling street market, your eyes dart from one colorful food stall to the next. The sweet aroma of freshly made pancakes entices you, while spicy tteokbokki calls Seungwan from a nearby grill. You both eagerly try different dishes, laughing as you compare flavors and textures. Your stomachs eventually reach their limit, and Seungwan spots a cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner. With relief, you sink into plush chairs, relishing the memories made and the delicious treats still lingering on your tongues.
“I’m stuffed, the tteokbokki finished me,” Seungwan says as she rubs her stomach, sitting down next to you.
“That’s because you had two servings,” you tease, earning you a slap on the shoulder. 
“I can’t help it if it's my favorite snack.” 
Relaxing in the warm and inviting atmosphere of this café, you chat casually while enjoying your hot chocolate and Americano. Seungwan leans against you comfortably, and together you watch people walking by outside. The usual stress of strict managers, rabid fans, and a rigid schedule fades away as you both savor the simple joy of being in the present moment.
"Ready to move?" you ask, and Seungwan nods after sipping the last of her drink. Slipping back into the lively crowd, you guide her to the next destination—an inviting supermarket.
"Next on our agenda: grocery shopping! Any special requests for tonight's menu?" 
Seungwan ponders for a moment, her expression playfully pouting in thought. "I've been craving some spicy beef soup lately... that's not too difficult, right?"
"Not at all! We can definitely do that. The ingredients should be easy to find," you assure her with a grin.
You push a grocery cart confidently through the supermarket, starting with spices and making your way to vegetables before finishing with the crucial component: meat. Seungwan's sharp eye spots the perfect beef brisket, and you add a bottle of soju for a tasty pairing.
At the cashier, you hand over your card and notice the lingering gaze of the cashier as he inspects your name with a subtle smile on his lips. He nods at you, hinting at recognition. Seungwan looks over, also confused by the cashier's behavior.
After paying and packing up your groceries, the cashier bids farewell with a friendly wink.
"Thanks for choosing our store.”
"I always have your back!" he adds.
You're taken aback by his words—your catchphrase.
As you leave the store, a sense of comfort washes over you thanks to the subtle acknowledgment from the cashier. It's a reminder that you can make an impact, and this thought stays with you as you step back into the busy streets.
“We should take a taxi; we got a lot of stuff to carry,” you suggest. 
The clock strikes 4:00 pm. The blazing tangerine sun begins its descent, painting the cerulean sky with a stunning vermillion glow. The streets are bustling with even more people, their voices blending in a symphony of noise. After searching for a while, you finally hail a taxi to take you home. As the car navigates through the bright city lights, Seungwan rests peacefully on your shoulder. You can't help but reflect on the day that has passed—a whirlwind of emotions, shared laughter, and moments with someone who truly understands you. Though this adventure has ended, the warmth it sparked lingers, promising an intimate evening ahead.
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The keys jingle in your hand as you insert them into your front door, the metallic locks engaging as the knob turns. "Finally, home sweet home."
You place the groceries in the fridge, waiting to be used for tonight's cooking session. Beyond the kitchen lay the soft glow of the living room, ready to cradle you both in the embrace of a movie night. As the sky turned into a black carpet peppered with shining stars,  the possibility of a connection transcended the ordinary, etching the day into the tapestry of unforgettable memories.
"Hey, want to take a break before we cook?" Seungwan suggests, patting the empty space beside her on the couch.
"We?" you inquire as you settle next to her. Seungwan pulls you in, her arms encircling your waist, snuggling closer. "I don't mind the help, but today is all about you." 
Seungwan giggles, rewarding you with a quick peck on the lips.  "You're always so thoughtful, but it’s our day. Plus, how will I know you won't accidentally set the place on fire?"
"Oh, you might be surprised by how much I've improved," you counter, playfully jabbing a finger into her side and attacking her ticklish spot. Seungwan bursts into laughter, thrashing your arms.
"Wait! Enough! Okay, I trust you for later! Now hush, and let me cuddle with you a bit longer."
You both sink into the plush fabric of the couch, her body pressed against yours. The room is quiet except for the sounds of her steady breaths, which match the gentle movements of her chest. Your fingers slowly explore her smooth skin, rediscovering every inch of her porcelain complexion. In this peaceful moment, you exchange soft kisses on each other's foreheads and cheeks, occasionally lingering on each other's lips in a tender embrace.
The peace is abruptly broken by the sound of your stomach growling like a machine, making the two of you howl in laughter. 
“How are you always so hungry?” 
“I mean, we did walk around a lot today. Come on, dinner won’t cook itself.”
After washing your hands, a delightful surprise awaits as two arms lovingly snake around your waist. Turning around, you find Seungwan with a mischievous grin, playfully tying an apron around you. "Ready to showcase your cooking prowess?"
"Absolutely prepared to dazzle you with my culinary magic!" you exclaim, punctuating your words with an exaggerated twirl of your hands. Gathering the groceries from the fridge, you arrange them across the kitchen counter in a colorful display.
"Magic, huh? Well, I'm ready to be enchanted. What's our first spell?" Seungwan quips.
You slide the vegetables and the wooden chopping board over to Seungwan. "How about you work your magic with these? Chop them up while I prepare the meat."
Seungwan nods eagerly and grabs a nearby knife. She grabs a radish and skillfully chops it into uniform squares. Meanwhile, you expertly portion the meat into chunks, placing them into a generously sized pot you had readied earlier.
Amid the rhythmic chopping, you lean close to Seungwan, your warm breath sending a shiver down her spine. "You know, you're the best chef any culinary wizard could ask for."
Her cheeks blush with a delightful warmth. Seungwan steals a quick kiss on your cheek before cheekily pushing you away. "Keep those compliments coming, and I might just grant you access to a... special tasting."
“Be careful, I would do more than just taste,” you quip back, making Seungwan blush even more than the spices she is expertly mixing.
It takes a while to carefully arrange all the meat and radish into the pot. After setting the heat to medium and closing the lid, you join Seungwan in cutting up the rest of the vegetables. In the midst of the chopping, you open the fridge, retrieving the bottle of soju. You uncork it, pouring a shot for each of you. Tapping Seungwan's shoulder to grab her attention, you propose a toast.
“Let’s take a quick break before I check on the meat. What should we toast to?” you ask, raising your glass to Seungwan.
She reciprocates the gesture, intertwining her hand with yours. “To us. I still can’t believe you are here; it means the world to me. Thank you for the best surprise ever”
“To us.”
The two of you clink your glasses and then down the shot, savoring the sweet strawberry flavor swirling around your tongues and down your throats. A swift kiss on Seungwan's forehead punctuates this intimate moment before focusing back on the simmering pot. 
With practiced precision, you carefully remove any impurities from the stew and discard them in the waste can. A satisfied grin spreads across your face as you examine the perfectly cooked meat, even inserting a knife to confirm its tenderness. You add it to the bowl of spices Seungwan has meticulously prepared, and you mix everything together with care, taking turns when one of you gets tired. Once everything is well-mixed, you transfer the flavorful combination into a clean pot, turning up the heat and sealing it with a lid.
All that remains is to wait for the 15-minute timer to sound off. As you head back to the couch, you notice Seungwan making her way to your bedroom with her bag in tow.
"I'm going to take a quick shower. And no, you can't join. Not yet, anyway," Seungwan declares, followed by a playful giggle and a wink in your direction.
You stare, dumbfounded, as Seungwan gracefully removes her shirt in one fluid motion. A fleeting glimpse of her bare back adorned with a red lacy bra almost takes your breath away. But before you can fully process the sight, her discarded t-shirt is suddenly covering your face, obscuring your view. You hear the door to your room close and know she's left, but a soft laugh escapes your lips as you fold her shirt and place it on the couch. With some time alone, you browse through popular romance movies while eagerly anticipating the intimate magic that will unfold with Seungwan after her refreshing shower.
You stumble upon the perfect movie just as the alarm announces that dinner is finally ready. Swiftly turning off the TV, you make a beeline for the kitchen. Lifting the lid, you give the stew a stir before seizing a spoon to sample the creation. The spicy tang of the soup dances on your tongue, each spice contributing to a delightful symphony of flavors. The vegetables are cooked to perfection—soft and infused with the spices. You relish the rich essence of the meat, savoring its tenderness as you taste a piece.
“I heard the alarm! How does it taste?” Seungwan's voice echoes from the hallway, her footsteps drawing nearer.
“Try it yourself! You are in for a treat.”
Seungwan strolls into the kitchen, clad in an oversized black long-sleeved blouse, paired with her favorite gray sweatpants. The ensemble is simple yet exudes comfort and elegance. As she glides past you to fetch a spoon, the delightful scent of her favorite fruity shampoo lingers in your mind, causing your heart to flutter ever so slightly. Observing her tasting the soup, you witness her face light up like a Christmas tree, a radiant expression that adds warmth to the homey kitchen atmosphere.
"Wow, that Yukgaejang is delicious! Consider me charmed, my magical chef," Seungwan exclaims, accompanying her words with a high-five.
"Glad that it impressed you. Couldn't have done it without my wonderful sous chef," you respond with a grin.
"You've definitely stepped up your game! Come on, let’s set the table; I'm starving!"
Together, you and Seungwan set the table with plates and silverware for two. You carefully place the pot on a sturdy surface so that it will not damage the delicate cloth underneath. Seungwan brings over the already open bottle of soju and pours two shots. The fragrant stew is served, and you both sit at the table, ready to enjoy the fruits of your culinary collaboration.
Seungwan raises her shot glass, proposing a toast once again. “What should we give thanks for this time?”
You pause, deep in thought, while you rest your chin on your hand before coming up with an answer. “Let's toast to a successful comeback for you! I hope you get to showcase your beautiful voice even more.”
Seungwan's cheeks turn a deep shade of red as she laughs in delight at your praise. Together, you down the shot and quickly express gratitude for the food before eagerly digging in.
The meat was cooked to perfection, a tender and succulent masterpiece that effortlessly parted with every bite. The blend of spices was impeccable, offering a subtle sting that elevated the flavors and made your taste buds dance. As you sipped on the smooth soju, it complemented the meal in perfect harmony, adding a touch of warmth and depth to each dish. Your conversations with Seungwan were seamless, transitioning between updates from the fast-paced idol world to the simple nuances and joys of your everyday lives. The laughter and chatter rose and fell like a soothing melody, creating an atmosphere of comfort and closeness amidst the feast before you.
Seungwan savors the last spoonful of her soup, letting out a satisfied exhale and tenderly rubbing her stomach. "Okay, now I'm absolutely stuffed. It tasted just like Mom's cooking!"
"I've been practicing some of your favorite dishes, just in case," you confess, avoiding direct eye contact. Nervousness tingles through you as you admit this, the desire for the evening to be perfect for her evident.
"You're such a sweetheart. Thanks for remembering." Seungwan rises from her seat, dashing over to you and enveloping you in a tight, appreciative hug.
“Anything for you.” 
The two of you tidy up the remnants of dinner, carefully storing the leftovers in a Tupperware container. After placing the food in the fridge, you excuse yourself for a quick shower while Seungwan prepares for movie night. 
Under the soothing stream of hot water, you reflect on the special day spent with her. Usually, plans can fall apart, yet tonight has been nothing short of perfect. You hope there are little days like these to share with her in the busy years to come. After a brisk drying off and a quick change of clothes, you find Seungwan engrossed in her phone, a bowl of popcorn perched on the table, and the movie already queued up.
“What's the movie about?” Seungwan inquires as she cozies up to you, resting her head on your chest. Your arms envelop her waist, and your legs naturally intertwine with hers, creating an intimate embrace.
“It's called 'Nothing Serious.' So it's about two strangers who despise dating but meet through an app. Sounds cliché, but Sooyoung highly recommended it.”
"I'm a total sucker for these chick flicks! What are we waiting for?" she exclaims, eagerly reaching for the remote and clicking the play button. 
The film seemingly starts with a standard storyline: two individuals, weary of the dating scene, decide to give a dating app one last shot. Yet, what captivates you about the movie are the authentic characters and a plot that unfolds with logical precision. 
Personally, you find a connection with the male lead. The character arc, shifting from one job to another, mirrors the quest for a stable connection—echoing the cycle of moving from one relationship to the next, hoping for something enduring.
On the flip side, the female lead exudes stability but carries the baggage of a long-term relationship. Certain aspects of the character evoke thoughts of Seungwan, and you find yourself entirely absorbed in the narrative.
As the movie progresses, you can't help but steal glances at Seungwan. Her eyes are fixed on the screen, her expression a mixture of amusement and contemplation. These little moments make you realize how lucky you are to have her by your side. The warmth of her body against yours creates a sense of comfort, a feeling that makes you believe in the power of relationships.
Lost in your thoughts, you find yourself wondering about the future. Where do you see yourself and Seungwan in five years? Ten years? The possibilities seem endless, yet you can't help but feel a tinge of apprehension. Will your relationship withstand the test of time? Will you both be able to navigate the challenges that life throws your way?
But as you steal another glance at Seungwan, her eyes meet yours, and all the doubts wash away. In this moment, it's as if time stands still, and the worries about the future fade into insignificance. Today, with all its wondrous details, comes rushing back to you—the laughter shared over lunch, the gentle touch of her hand on yours during groceries, and her smile lights up the room during dinner.
Seungwan, sensing a shift in your mood, pulls away slightly and looks at you with concern etched across her face. "What's wrong?" she asks softly, her voice filled with genuine worry. 
You take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before responding to Seungwan's question. You reach out to her and gently cup her face, your thumb tracing circles on her cheek. 
"Nothing is wrong, Seungwan," you assure her, mustering a small smile. "I was just lost in my thoughts, thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life." Her expression softens as she leans into your touch, her arms slowly intertwining around you. 
"You're the one who makes me feel lucky every single day. You found a way to keep us together and found a way back to me," she whispers, her voice filled with tenderness.
"I know we've both had our fair share of ups and downs, and the future can be uncertain," you confess, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "But being here with you. Right now. In this moment, I believe we can face anything together." 
Seungwan's eyes glisten with tears. "I believe it," she replies softly. "We've weathered storms, and nothing could make me happier. We can do this. Together. For the rest of our lives."  
You sit silently for a moment, letting Seungwan's words sink in. She's right, you think to yourself. You've faced obstacles and challenges before, and you've come out stronger together. The doubts and uncertainties about the future fade as a renewed sense of hope and determination washes over you.
With every passing day, your love for each other grew powerful. You navigated through life's challenges hand in hand, supporting and encouraging one another every step of the way. Together, you inspired each other to reach for the stars and chase after your dreams.
As the movie climaxes, you and Seungwan inch closer to each other on the couch. Your eyes flicker from her luscious lips to her awaiting body, unable to decide where to focus first in this moment of intense desire. Your heartbeat thunders in you—overcharged like a thundering storm about to unleash its power. It's as if all the love and passion built up over the years together is now coursing through your veins, causing every nerve ending in your body to spark with electricity. Adrenaline surges through you, making it impossible to sit still as you feel yourself being pulled closer to Seungwan by an irresistible force. The warmth of her body seeps into your skin, making your heart race and your nerves tingle. 
Seungwan's almond-shaped eyes flicker with a potent mix of desire and vulnerability, revealing the intense emotions below the surface. They dart between your eyes, lingering on your lips with an almost palpable hunger. A glossy sheen coats her full, pouty mouth as she licks it hungrily, biting down gently with trembling anticipation. Each rise and fall of her chest is like a heavy drumbeat, her breaths coming in labored gasps that fill the air with heated tension. The deafening silence between you is only broken by the sound of her clothes rustling as her thighs rub together uncontrollably in response to her overwhelming desire for you.
Your other hand trembles as it reaches out to cup Seungwan's face, the need to touch her overwhelming. Your fingers trace every curve and angle of her jawline with aching tenderness, reveling in the softness of her skin beneath your touch. Her breath hit ever so slightly as her eyes searched yours, their depths filled with longing and desire. In this shared gaze, you find solace and reassurance—a silent understanding of all that has led to this moment. The stolen glances whispered confessions, and unspoken declarations culminated in this intense and electric connection between you both.
The flickering images on the screen were a mere background to the intense emotions coursing through the two of you. Seungwan's arms now fully enveloped you, her hold so tight it felt like your ribs might crack under the pressure. Your gaze locked with hers, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing second.
Your voice shook as you bared your heart, desire burning within you.
"I can't hold it in anymore. I need you. Right here and now."
Seungwan's lips curve into a knowing smile, and you lean in to kiss her softly. The taste of her cherry lip balm lingers on your lips as she responds eagerly, her hands tangling in your hair. The heater crackling in the background pales to the heat radiating between your bodies. You can feel Seungwan's quickened breath against your neck as you press closer, your kisses growing more urgent with each passing moment.
Without breaking the embrace, you slowly guide her back onto the plush couch cushions, your body hovering over hers. The sounds of the movie playing on TV fade away as your senses are consumed by the intensity of desire and passion between you.
Your hands explore every inch of Seungwan's body, tracing the curves and contours that have become so familiar to you. You revel in the softness of her skin, the way her body arches beneath your touch, and the way she responds to your every caress.
As your lips continue their dance, your hands find their way to the hem of Seungwan's shirt, slipping underneath the fabric and grazing over her heated flesh. A gasp escapes her lips, mingling with the soft moans that escape your own mouth. The hunger between you intensifies a raw and primal need that cannot be denied. With trembling hands, you begin to undo the buttons of her blouse, revealing the swell of her breasts and the lacy fabric of her bra. Your mouth hungrily finds its way to her collarbone, peppering kisses along the delicate curve that hits her sensitive spot that you know drives her crazy, Seungwan moaning even louder into the room.
Her hands grip your chest, her nails digging into your skin as she pulls you closer. The taste of her desire fills your mouth as your lips move from her collarbone to the exposed skin on her chest. You can feel her heart pounding against your lips, matching the rhythm of your own racing heartbeat. The room is filled with an electric energy, each touch igniting a fire within you. You feel the weight of the moment, the merging of souls and bodies in perfect harmony. Seungwan's fingers then fumble with the buttons of your shirt, a sense of urgency driving her actions.
As Seungwan unbuttons the last of your shirt, a cool breeze hits your exposed chest. You and Seungwan pause from your passionate kiss, resting your foreheads against each other. With one final kiss, Seungwan whispers, "Let's go to your room. Right now."
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Seungwan's mind is a jumbled mess of hunger and desire, the sensation swirling through her veins like wildfire. Her voice shakes with urgency, igniting a flame that had long been dormant. Without hesitation, they hurry towards the bedroom, their steps quickened by anticipation and longing.
The dimly lit room transforms into a sanctuary, a haven where time seems to stand still, allowing only the essence of the two souls to matter. The gentle radiance from the bedroom lamp creates soft shadows on the walls, casting an intimate aura over the space. Positioned at the edge of the bed, he locks eyes with Seungwan, a gaze that sends shivers down her spine in response. In this moment, there's an unspoken understanding that transcends mere physical desire. It's a culmination of emotions, a profound connection that defies verbal expression.
Seungwan moves towards him with deliberate steps, her every movement is laden with purpose and anticipation. Her hand extends, fingers trembling ever so slightly, and he responds by intertwining their fingers.
His free hand glides along the contours of her body, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in its wake. Seungwan's breath catches as he leans in, his lips gently brushing against her earlobe, eliciting shivers all over her body. "I've been waiting for this moment," he whispers, his voice octaves lower.
He is typically gentle and soft-spoken, but when his voice deepens, taking on a commanding tone, Seungwan finds it irresistibly sexy when he assumes control. With assertiveness, he leads Seungwan onto the bed, where their bodies sink into the plush mattress. Their lips meet once again, but this time with an intensity born from the depths of their souls. Their tongues flick against each other in perfect rhythm, igniting the passionate fire brighter between them.
Seungwan feels his hand cup one of her breasts, eagerly kneading out the softness of her mound. She gasps as his touch sends electric currents through her body, making her break away from their kiss with a loud moan. His lips move down to her neck, nipping and sucking at her sensitive spot, causing her mind to go wild with pleasure.
As they continue to engage in foreplay, his other hand deftly unclasps her bra, releasing it from her chest. Using this opportunity, Seungwan rolls over him, straddling his lap. She takes advantage of the position, teasing him by slowly removing her bra from one arm at a time, keeping it close to her breasts. He watches with hunger in his eyes as she removes her shirt and finally lets the bra fall, revealing her ample bosom jiggling freely in the air, her warm mink nipples taut from arousal.
"And I am all yours."  
Son Seungwan is an unwavering force, her spirit forged in the fires of adversity and molded into a fierce independence that has weathered every challenge life has thrown her. She has endured and overcome every challenge that life has thrown at her—from leaving her home country to surviving a crippling injury and bearing this long-distance love—refusing to show weakness. But now, as she sits naked before him, her walls crumble like a dam, giving way to a raging river of emotion. Every fiber of her being surrenders to this moment, giving herself to him.
He captures her lips hungrily, his hands roaming over her body with a sense of urgency. His fingers brush against the swell of her breast, causing her to gasp and arch towards him. Seungwan's heart races as his mouth moves down her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in its wake. She can feel herself growing wet with desire as he inches closer to her chest, his warm breath sending shivers down her body. 
Suddenly, his mouth is on one of her breasts, sucking lightly on a sensitive nub. She moans loudly, the sound echoing throughout the room. Her back arches, giving him more access to her succulent bosom as she trembles under his touch. His tongue swirls around her nipple while his fingers gently twist and pull on the other, driving her wild with pleasure. She is putty in his hands, lost in the sensations coursing through her body as he continues to worship every inch of her curves.
With a swift motion, he lifts Seungwan onto the middle of the bed, her body sinking into the soft sheets. The faint scent of vanilla lingers in the air as they embrace. He traces kisses along her stomach, causing her abs to tense and quiver under his touch. His strong hands unbutton her jeans in a skilled manner, pulling them down with ease as she raises her legs to help him. Her red lace panties cling tightly to her skin, revealing a damp spot at their center.
He moves down to her feet, peppering them with gentle kisses before trailing his lips up her legs. A shiver runs through her body as he reaches her inner thighs, his warm breath sending tingles to every nerve ending. She can't help but let out a small whimper as he presses against the fabric covering her core, feeling how wet and ready she is for him.
"Please," she begs with desperate longing in her voice, unable to wait any longer.
He quickly strips away the last remaining barrier between them, revealing Seungwan fully naked and vulnerable before him. She bites her finger nervously as she awaits his next move, anticipation building inside her.
Without a moment's hesitation, he dives in and begins his oral ministrations on her sensitive folds. Seungwan gasps loudly at the initial contact of his tongue and raises her hips to meet his eager mouth. His strong arms hold her down as he enthusiastically licks and kisses her, eliciting squirms and moans from Seungwan. She grabs the bed sheets tightly, her body responding intensely to his touch. He surprises her by sliding two fingers inside her tight warmth, causing Seungwan to clench around him and cry out in pleasure.
Feeling overwhelmed, Seungwan reaches out for his hand to help ground herself. But even with this distraction, she can't stop the overwhelming sensations building within her. With each flick of her clit, she gets closer and closer to the edge until, finally, she explodes in waves of ecstasy. He catches every drop of her release, some of it spilling onto his jaw as he hungrily laps up her juices. Her thighs grip him tightly, leaving marks with her nails digging into his hand, a pleasurable pain that only adds to their intense connection.
As Seungwan's body calms down, he continues to kiss and lick her folds for good measure. As he releases his hold on her, he moves up to kiss her body. Still riding the wave of pleasure from her orgasm, she shivers at every touch of his lips. When he reaches her face, she pulls him in for a passionate kiss, tasting herself on him and reveling in the intensity of their intimate moment together.
"Your. Turn."
Seungwan's eyes glimmered with determination as she expressed her desire to return the favor. You eagerly lie down beside her, anticipation building in your chest as she shifts downwards towards your groin. Her hand deftly finds its way to your bulge, causing a moan to escape from your lips. Looking up at you for confirmation, Seungwan tugs on the hem of your pants. You give her a quick nod, allowing her to remove them, freeing your member from its confines. With practiced skill, she wraps her fingers around your shaft and begins to slowly pump, perfectly gauging just how much pressure and speed you like. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you let out deep groans and grunts as she expertly pleasures you.
"Babe, it feels… larger than last time…"
As she slips her tongue between her parted lips, Seungwan's eyes lock onto yours with a hungry intensity. You feel yourself getting stiffer as she traces delicate circles around your swollen head, her eager mouth lapping up the salty pre-cum that beads along the tip. She teases you with a soft kiss before engulfing your length in one smooth motion, sucking hard and sending electric shocks of pleasure through your entire body. The intense sensations make it difficult to catch your breath, and you can't help but moan as she works her magic on you. Your stomach clenches with every movement of her mouth, and the visual alone is enough to drive you wild, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy.
Your lover eagerly takes more of your length into her mouth, increasing the speed and intensity of her movements with each passing second. Her tongue swirls and dances around you, creating sparks of pleasure that shoot through your body. You grip her soft, silky hair tightly in your hands, using it as leverage to guide her movements and deepen the sensation. With each downward stroke, she takes you deeper and deeper, coaxing out moans of ecstasy from deep within you. The erotic display happening between your legs is a masterpiece of passion, her lips and tongue working in perfect harmony to bring you to the edge of bliss. Your hips involuntarily buck with each skilled motion, driving you closer and closer to the peak of pleasure. And when she hums softly against you, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine, it's all you can do to hold on as the sounds emanating from her mouth push you over the edge into pure ecstasy.
You feel the familiar tight sensation radiating from your abdomen. Not wanting to finish too soon, you gently hold Seungwan's head in place as she takes a break. When she pulls away, a spittrail is left between your member and her mouth. She resumes stroking you with one hand at a relaxed pace.
“Are you okay?” she asks, moving her hand slowly.
“You're going to drive me insane. That was incredible,” you manage to say. 
Seungwan chuckles and kisses her way back up to your lips.“You make me crazy, too. I think I'm ready.”
You and Seungwan have been intimate multiple times before, but tonight feels different. It feels like a promise come true, the culmination of years of friendship turning into love, a reward for having faith in each other. It's a reminder that there could be many more nights like this. As your bodies join together, you are bonded in every sense.
She positions herself above you, aligning her core with your length.
"I love you, Seungwan."
"And I love you too."
Seungwan lowers herself onto you, and as she takes you deep inside her, a new level of tightness envelopes your senses. Her eyes roll back in ecstasy as she reaches for your shoulders, her nails digging into your skin to hold on. You guide her down from her waist, feeling every inch of her sliding against every inch of you.
She can barely speak through the intense pleasure. "Babe...you're so...fuck...bigger..."
"Wannie… you feel even tighter..." You instinctively grip her hips, trying to hold on to some sense of control amidst the overwhelming sensation of being surrounded by Seungwan's incredible tightness. She feels scorching hot, dripping wet, and tighter than ever before. It takes everything in you not to lose yourself completely. But as Seungwan sinks further onto you, pressing her body against yours with an unbreakable seal, you give in to the intense pleasure and pull her into a fierce kiss. Your shared breaths taste sweet as she hums against your lips, driving you both closer to ecstasy. With one final push, you are fully immersed inside Seungwan, lost in each other's embrace, until the world fades away into pure bliss.
After a brief moment of stillness, Seungwan leans back with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She presses her hips against yours, moving in a slow and hypnotizing rhythm. Each movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you moan and writhe in ecstasy. The bed squeaks and creaks beneath the intensity of your passion, the sounds blending with the loud slapping of skin against skin.
Your hands roam greedily over her body, exploring every curve and dip as she squirms under your touch. Seungwan's mouth falls open as she nears climax, her nails digging into your skin in pleasure. You pick up the pace, driving her closer to the edge with each thrust until she explodes in a frenzy of bliss. Her scream echoes through the room as her body trembles, and she collapses onto your chest. As she enters into her second orgasm of the night, she clings tightly to you while still trying to ride you to your own release.
You want to hold onto this moment for as long as possible, so you keep her in your arms. "Let me take charge," you whisper as you roll over and remain inside of her. Seungwan moans from the sudden change in position.
"Oh God, so deep."
You thrust into Seungwan, your pace quickening as you feel yourself surrendering to the intense desire to make love to her. She clings onto you with unbridled desperation, begging for more as she writhes beneath you in a frenzy of pleasure. You sink your teeth into her neck, leaving passionate red marks as she cries out in ecstasy. Her body shudders and quakes around you, signaling her impending release. Your movements become even more fervent, pushing deeper inside of her until your bodies are slick with sweat and burning with desire. 
The pleasure intensifies, a warm sensation spreading throughout your entire being as you try to prolong this blissful moment. Seungwan's inner walls tighten around you, her legs wrapped tightly around your waist and pulling you closer. 
In a final act of passion, she kisses you deeply as both of you reach the peak together. Your body tenses with ecstasy as you release everything inside her, marking her as yours forever. Waves of pleasure ripple through you as Seungwan's walls milk every last bit out of you, leaving her filled to the brim. You stay connected for a while, not wanting to collapse on top of her. When the throbbing finally subsides, you roll off to the side and feel the aftermath dripping onto your legs. 
The weight of the experience leaves you drained and weary, but you still manage to pull the soft blanket over the two of you, pulling Seungwan into your embrace. Her body conforms perfectly against yours as she rolls to your side, her lips pressing gently against your cheek in a sweet gesture. You can feel the warmth radiating from her skin, soothing any lingering tension or discomfort. In return, you kiss her forehead before finally succumbing to exhaustion and closing your eyes. The peaceful moment envelops both of you like a warm cocoon, protecting you from the outside world and its worries.
A trickle of light passes through the blinds. It’s been ages since an alarm clock wasn’t necessary to start the day.
You also can’t remember the last time you felt this body ache. Every external sensation feels like a sledgehammer, pulverizing your skull as your eyes barely open. Awareness slowly kicks in, and you start remembering the events of last night.
You attempt to sit up in bed, but a weight prevents you from doing so. In your arms is the person you love, fast asleep and looking peaceful. She stirs awake and gives you a small smile. It feels surreal, but her lips on yours confirm that it's all real—she is here with you in this moment.
"Good morning, Wannie."
"Good morning, last night was...indescribably perfect." 
Perhaps this is just a part of life's journey. You meet someone and fall deeply in love, and suddenly, nothing seems too daunting or frightening anymore; every day is full of endless possibilities. Maybe we needed to go through rough patches to be stronger and more beautiful on the other side. Love can be found in the most unexpected places, shining bright even in the darkest moments. And Seungwan is proof that all of this exists, bringing light into even the bleakest situations.
"So, what's the next adventure planned for today?"
Well, it really has been a minute.
Hello everyone, and thank you so much for reaching the end of "Rekindle." If you haven't read "Ignite" yet, no worries! I designed this fic to stand on its own (though please give my debut fic a read! I love that baby so much).
It's not easy for me to say this, so I'll be straightforward: this marks the end of my writing journey.
Two years ago, I posted "Ignite" inspired by countless fan fics I had read. It was my way of expressing myself—a little bit of escapism. I needed to channel all the pent-up energy. I made wonderful friends, built confidence, got a plethora of new skills. But like any writer, I faced a lotttt of doubts and grappled with lotttsssss unfinished drafts. My writing consistency waned as mental health struggles took their toll.
I needed a break, especially because I needed to focus up on my actual life out there. I had been living too fast, too pressured. And the break did wonders to my life. As my mental health improved, so did various aspects of my life. I felt compelled to write one last fic, but only really felt ready to do one last fic. I think it was fitting I started and ended with the idol that drew me into k-pop! Sadly, my time to write is running out due to a new chapter in my life—I've landed my dream job!
I'm immensely grateful for this incredible journey as a writer. This journey made me discover a side I never thought I could do. I am confident in my writing and expressing myself in writing and in person. I owe my growth to the many friends I met here. This fic is dedicated to everyone I met, talked, and made wonderful memories with!
It's been an awfully beautiful adventure, and in the next life, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you for two years of writing and unwavering support!
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉..a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
cursing, very very slight mentions of a panic attack, mentions of kissing, mentions of drinking
3.2k words
introduction 1 2 3 4 6 7
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addilyn richardson,
had been absolutely grinding out this science project. she and matt had been working together a little more than a week, and were currently five days away from its due date. not only did they have to create the marble run, but they had to also complete a five page packet along with it, and present their project together in front of the class. addilyn was sitting across from matt, hunched over her worksheet as matt glued pieces of the project together.
“it’s getting kind of late, addy, why don’t we pick up tomorrow?” matt suggested to her. she looked up at him with tired eyes. since that one weird night the previous week, matt had starting acting nicer. at first it started with matt inviting addilyn out to lunch after the hockey game. then he started saying hi to her in science. the absolute cherry on top was when he offered her a ride yesterday morning.
addilyn walked outside, instantly being met with the brisk morning air. boston winters were hardcore, and the heavy wind was only making it worse. wrapping her coat around her frame tighter, addilyn braced herself for the walk up the block to wait for the bus. she walked down the driveway, stopping when she heard her name being called. she looked up as matt walked over to her. he was bundled up in a north face jacket, a pink tint across his cheeks and nose as he shivered.
“it’s too cold for you to walk addy, let me give you a ride.” that was the first time he called her addy. at first, he wouldn’t even call her by her name, only saying things like “tell her to do this” to his brothers if they were around. if they weren’t, then he’d call her addilyn, saying it always with an annoyed tone. but today he called her by her nickname, and it made her heart skip a beat. he offered her a soft smile and she returned it, nodding quickly. she climbed into the back seat next to nick, chatting with him the whole way to school.
she looked over at the clock the sat above the stove. it was 9:45, but she was determined to get more of this assignment done. she only lived next door, after all, and she needed to make sure they got a perfect score on their project. “i’m okay matt, i think i just need a quick break.”
he nodded, offering her a water, and let her excuse herself to go into nick’s room. nick was sat atop his bed, scrolling on his phone when she walked in.
“hey girl,” he smiled at her, “how’s it going out there?”
“okay, i think.” she yawned, stretching her arms and legs out. they’d been working since they got home from school, only taking a short break a few hours ago when chris came barging into the kitchen, asking matt to drive him to get food. “i’m a little tired, though.”
“yeah it’s late, you leaving soon?” nick asked.
addilyn shrugged. “we still have more we need to do. i’m okay going home a little late. the walk isn’t far.”
nick laughed. “why don’t you come sit? we can take a break and watch a quick episode of rupaul or something.”
the tired girl nodded, sitting down next to nick. he got up momentarily to switch off his overhead lights, turning on the soft fairy lights above his bed instead. he climbed back into his bed next to addilyn, turning on the t.v. at a low volume. the change in ambiance of nick’s bedroom made addilyn all-the-more tired, and she rested his head onto his shoulder.
resting my eyes for five minutes won’t hurt, right? she thought as she closed her eyes.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
both addilyn and nick jolted awake about an hour later to the sound of matt pounding on the door. he’d gone on his phone when addilyn was in nick’s room, not noticing how much time had gone by until chris came down to say goodnight.
addilyn sat up, shaking nick to also get up, and walked over to the door to let matt in. she took in the sight in front of her. his hair was messy, as per usual, and he’d switched out his pair of blue jeans from earlier to a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants. he wore a grey hoodie with his school’s logo on the front, a number 4 on the side of his sleeve underneath his last name. he looked good. “sorry,” he apologized quickly, realizing how loud his knocking was.
“what time is it?” they both heard nick call out from the bed, sitting up to turn off the show they fell asleep watching.
“almost 11:30,” matt replied, looking at nick. he turned back to addilyn “i packed all your stuff up, i didn’t think you’d wanna get back to work.”
she smiled, thanking him for the gesture, as she felt a knot in her stomach. she’d been feeling that a lot around matt lately and she didn’t know why. maybe it was because he was acting nice. or maybe it’s because in the week she’s spent with him, she’d realized she was maybe starting to catch feelings.
it was a monday night, and addilyn was over at matt’s to work on the project. he was wearing a navy blue hoodie that made his eyes look even more blue, and he was currently laughing at an anecdote addilyn was telling him. she smiled brightly at him, laughing along with the boy.
he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, immediately breaking out into laughter again as he looked up and met her eyes.
his laugh is so cute, she thought. she looked down at her lap away from matt, trying to push her thoughts into the back of her head.
“you’re really funny, addilyn,” matt told her softly, wiping tears from his eyes. she looked over to him to find him already staring at her.
she looked at his face, trying to read it. she wasn’t the type to normally confuse niceness with having a crush on someone, but something with matt felt different. when nick or chris talked to her, she didn’t get dizzy when they would smile at her, or accidentally brush hands. but she felt it all with matt.
“what are you looking at?” he smiled, leaning forward across the table slightly as his eyes flicked between both of hers. she could’ve sworn he glanced at her lips.
addilyn was feeling bold. “you.” she replied.
he shook his head, smiling softly, and then leaning back against his chair. “we should get back to work.”
“addy,” nick said from his bed, breaking addilyn away from her thoughts. she blinked up at matt as he smiled down at her.
there’s that feeling again.
“do you wanna spend the night? i know you only live next door but i feel bad making you walk back over so late.” nick asked her, walking over to where she was.
“are you sure?” she breathed, “i feel bad.”
“don’t,” nick replied, “i have pajama bottoms and a hoodie you can wear. it’s no problem really.” he smiled kindly at her. she broke her gaze away from matt, looking to nick.
“okay,” she nodded, “i’ll let my mom know.”
addilyn turned back to look at matt. “i’ll go get you your backpack and stuff,” he told her softly, “wait here.”
“i got it, don’t worry.” she told him, brushing past him in the door way as he looked at her go. she heard footsteps trailing behind her. she turned around to find matt following her into the kitchen.
“i need to get my stuff too.” he told her. she nodded softly, trying to keep her cool and act normal.
they made their way to the table, matt collecting all of his belonging he left out on the table. addilyn’s notes and books were all packed away neatly in her bag, which matt had left on the chair for her. she offered to help matt clean, but he just smiled at her.
“i can do it, you go to bed, you worked too hard today.” he laughed, handing her bag to her. his fingers brushed against hers, lingering there for just a second. she felt her cheeks heat up as she took the bag. she looked down at her feet, knowing for sure her face was a bright crimson color. suddenly the room in the air felt thick, and she became hyper aware of matt’s presence in front of her. was he standing this close the entire time? she looked up at him, to find him already looking at her.
“goodnight matt.” she whispered, afraid if she spoke any louder it would break the atmosphere around them. he was standing so close to her, she wondered if he was able to hear her heart beating out of her chest. a smile ghosted across his face, and for half of a second addilyn thought he would lean down and kiss her.
he didn’t, though, only softly replying “goodnight addy.”
she turned on her heel, making her way back into nicks room quickly. she found a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms and a large hoodie folded neatly on nick’s bed, where he was sat. “you can go change in the bathroom, i left a spare toothbrush in there for you too.”
she thanked him, collecting the clothes and walking into the bathroom. she changed quickly, then paused to look at herself in the mirror as she began brushing her teeth. did matt even like her, or was he only acting this way because she was friends with his brothers? that had to have been the reason. there was no way he felt the same about her. but she couldn't help but think about the way he was looking at her in the kitchen, and how his hand lingered over hers. she sighed, turning off the water and going back into nick’s room. he was already under the blankets, lights off, and scrolling on his phone. he turned it off, turning to face her as addilyn got into the bed.
“our first sleepover,” nick sang, “this is so fun!”
addilyn laughed, making herself comfortable. she loved being friends with nick. they’d only been hanging out for less than two weeks, but they both connected so easily with one another. they both understood one another, and enjoyed the company of each other. nick loved having someone other than his brothers or his teammates to talk to, and addilyn just loved having someone to talk to. “i know.”
despite how tired the girl was when she entered the room, the two teenagers were suddenly wide awake, talking about anything and everything with one another.
“if you had to fight any animal with your bare hands, what would you fight?” nick asked, staring at the ceiling.
“what?” addilyn laughed, looking over at him.
the later and later it got, the more and more they opened up. it was currently 1:30 in the morning, and they were both deep in conversation about nick’s coming out.
“i can’t believe i thought i liked my friend when it was really her boyfriend i liked.” nick told her.
addilyn shook her head. “yeah, that’s kinda crazy.”
“have you ever liked one of your friends?” nick asked, sitting up slightly. she looked up at him, thinking.
she hadn’t had many friends her whole life. she had a couple close people that she’d talk to in class, but never close enough to ever hang out with or talk to outside of school. the only people she talked to outside of school were nick and chris. her mind suddenly went to matt. “i don’t think i have.”
“really?” nick asked her in disbelief. “you’ve never thought someone you hung out with was cute or anything?”
“addy, come on, there’s no way.” nick sighed, laying back down.
“well, maybe.” she felt her voice trail off. she couldn’t tell nick. she wasn’t even sure for herself if she liked matt or if she was just confused. he and chris were the closest thing addilyn had to real friends, and she didn’t want to throw it all away by telling nick she caught feelings for his brother.
“oh my god, tell me!” nick whisper-shouted in excitement, sitting back up again. addilyn laughed and shook her head.
“okay, okay, let me guess.” nick offered, thinking about the boys in the classes they shared together. “david, from art?” addilyn shook her had no.
“liam?” he tried again. she shook her head once more. nick named just about every boy in their class, even began to name random people addilyn didn’t even know that well.
“do i know him?” nick asked.
“yeah,” she breathed quietly.
nick looked at her inquisitively. “it’s not chris, is it?”
“no, no way.” addilyn shook her head. “he’s just my friend, i promise.”
nick looked at her once more, as if he looked hard enough he'd be able to read her mind. he paused, silence falling over the both of them.
his eyes went wide. “matt?”
addilyn stayed quiet. she opened her mouth, then closed it. she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
“addy,” nick said, “do you like matt?”
“i don’t know.” she whispered, turning away from him. he sat up to meet her eyes. “maybe.” he gave her a look once more. “yes.”
she braced herself for the anger. the disappointment. something. but nick just smiled at her. “that’s so exciting!”
she looked at him dumbfounded. “what?”
“i’m serious,” nick started, “you’re so fun to be around, there’s no way he doesn’t like you back. i’ve noticed he’s been acting nicer to you.”
addilyn continued looking at nick like he was crazy. “there’s no way.” she laughed, pulling the covers over herself. “i’m tired, nick, i’m going to bed.”
he laughed, wishing her a goodnight, assuring her once again he didn’t care if she liked his brother, and that he was happy for her. soon after, she heard his soft snores, singling he was asleep. addilyn, however, continued to lay awake, thinking about what she told nick. she couldn’t believe herself, normally she would keep her feelings in, but something in her was off. she wasn’t even sure why she liked matt so much. she barely even knew him, and he didn’t start acting nice to her until a week into their project. it was a small crush, it meant nothing. it wasn’t worth risking her friendship for. she suddenly felt her chest tighten and the instant feeling like she couldn’t breathe. she closed her eyes as the air around her grew thick.
you’re fine. she told herself. nick isn’t mad. you can tell him tomorrow you were kidding. everything will be normal again after the project is done.
she glanced over at nick, making sure he was asleep before she slipped out of bed. she couldn’t lay in her friend's room any longer knowing matt was only down the hall. she softly tore a piece of paper, writing nick a quick note, praying he wouldn’t wake in the middle of the night, and would only see it when he woke up in the morning.
went home to shower and change before school, see you in art!
<3 addy
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
matthew sturniolo,
slept for maybe three hours that night. he couldn’t sleep in his room knowing addilyn was only down the hall. he kept replaying the way their hands brushed as he gave her the backpack earlier.
he felt his fingers lightly graze hers as he passed her the bag. he let them linger for a moment, hoping she wouldn’t notice. she looked down at her feet quickly, taking the bag from matt. their bodies were nearly pressed up against one another. all he wanted was for her to look at him. as if she read his mind, she looked up with a shy smile across her crimson red face. he so badly wanted to close the small gap between them and smash his lips against hers. he didn’t though, only whispering a soft goodnight as he watch her go into nicks room.
he hadn’t stopped thinking of her since his dream. he was obsessed with everything she did. the way she’d twirl her pencil between her pointer and thumb, or the way her brows furrowed as she read. he kept trying to distract himself as he thought about her.
matt had known who she was for a long time, despite addilyn being an “always in the background” kind of person. but the second she stepped foot in his kitchen that day she came over for dinner with her family, he knew it was over.
matt was in the kitchen with chris and nick, arguing about something dumb when she got there. he opened his mouth to say something back to chris, when nick nudged him altering him they had company. matt looked up at addilyn as she stood shyly in the kitchen. chris walked over to introduce himself as matt just started at her. she wore a white cotton dress that hugged her in all the right places, and beat up white chuck taylor’s. matt knew exactly who she was, but he didn’t remember her always looking this pretty.
“i’m chris,” his brother said, sticking out his hand.
she replied to him so softly matt barely heard her. “addilyn.” her voice sounded like honey. matt just looked at her again, before deciding to open his mouth and say “i can’t hear her.”
as matt laid in bed, he stared out his window into her empty bedroom thinking about why he was so mean to her. maybe it was because he liked her the whole time and didn’t want to admit it. sure, she was beautiful, but she wasn’t the kind of girl matt would typically go for. that’s why he was so attracted to her. she was so unlike anyone he’d been with. any girl he’s ever met at a party had been the same. they all seemed to have had the same lives, matt would listen to them talk, then he would tell about himself. that he’s a triplet and he plays hockey and lacrosse with his brothers. that he’s lived in boston his whole life and he loved the outdoors. and that’s how it went every time.
addilyn was different. she didn’t care he was popular, or that he played sports. she was just her normal, quiet, typical self. she wasn’t throwing herself at him, and matt saw her as somewhat unattainable. matt often mistook his attraction to her for a disliking. he felt so guilty about it, but he thought if he was mean, she’d leave him alone and wouldn’t try to get with him. he mentally cursed himself for acting the way he does. if she was already out of his reach, why would he try to drive her even further away?
but that dream he had fucked him up bad. every night since then, he’s thought about it. how soft her hands felt in his, how delicate her voice spoke. how good she kissed him. he wondered if she’d ever kissed a boy before. he secretly hoped she hadn’t, he wanted to be her first. he’d be gentle with her, not rushing her into anything. he’s kissed girls before, but it was always drunk at some party. he never actually liked the girls he kissed, he just wanted them in the moment. and when the moment was over, he went back to his friends and did whatever he was doing before. but addilyn was different, he wanted to kiss her anywhere he could, not just while he was drinking at some random's party.
the light in addilyn’s room turned on, snapping matt out of his daydream. he saw her walk into her room wearing nicks pajamas, walking over to her blinds to close them. he was confused why she walked home, but let it slip his mind. although he knew she couldn’t see him that well, he pretended to sleep anyway knowing she would look into his room. had he not closed his eyes, he would’ve seen the lingering look addilyn gave into his room before she closed her blinds.
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: thank u so so much for 170 followers <333 the fact u guys r liking this series warms my heart so much bc i was SO nervous to post. this story only has two parts left after this :( that being said, my reqs are open if anyone wants to leave anything b/c i'm not planning on writing anymore stories atm so i have more time to write little oneshots or hcs or whatever, just lmk! as always if anyone wants to join my taglist pls lmk and i hope u all enjoy:)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie
169 notes · View notes
oniikabuto · 1 year
hiii! could i request some eric cartman and Jimmy head canons with a super motherly reader? i love ur writing
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synopsis: reader is such a mom friend,,......
characters: eric cartman, jimmy valmer
a/n: oh man i am not a mom friend i hope i did u justice
notes: gender neutral reader who acts kinda sweet and motherly but also a lil protective 😭
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— ⛧ e. cartman
he talks a lot. all the time. about everything.
and you listen patiently about everything
he chatters on and on
and you're always listening about his shenanigans
"you did what? that isn't safe, eric!"
once you found out he didn't know how to do math
like at ALL
you helped him, to his disdain
"no, don't you get it? i can just copy tolkien's papers!"
"well, what're you gonna do if tolkien isn't in your class anymore? or if they put you in the front of the classroom? here, i'll show you."
patiently explaining polynomials over and over, never getting short with him
it goes over his head
but he just enjoys being in the library with you tbh
also the way you keep snacks in your backpack and let him go through it
he loves you, man
and he loves his cheesy poofs
"y/n, i'm hungry!"
"smallest pocket on the outside of my backpack", you say, not looking up from your homework.
"fuck yeah."
"don't say that"
"fuck yeah!"
he's so vulgar. like yeah you swear sometimes when it matters but like?? in public?? all the time???
you've learned to read his face
whenever you feel he might say something stupid in class, you look over at him and give him a disapproving face
he glances over, looks away,
its so hard for him but he doesnt say it. he cant just look at your face and then blurt it out...
the whole class silently thanks you for that
keeping cartman tame is like. the best thing anyone could ask for
he loves you so mucj
— ⛧ j. valmer
you're always the first person he goes to when he wants to tell a new joke.
he pulls out a list and reads them out
and you laugh at all of them!
it makes him so so happy to have you listen to them
even if some of the jokes are really really stupid
you always walk him to his classes and wait by his locker after the bell rings so that you can walk to the bus with him
he lost his pencil again?? no problem
you pull out a perfectly sharpened one with a brand-new eraser.
you're such a lifesaver
whenever he gets a papercut, you've got a band aid in the blink of an eye.
sometimes he likes to text you in the middle of the night about random shit like
j: y/n
j: guess what i just found out?
j: the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke is like... the chicken died. the "other side" is heaven
you: jim it's like two in the morning
you: go to sleep, you're going to have to get up early tomorrow. plus we have a quiz in history
you: goodnight jimmy sleep well!
genuinely worries you when he's up at ass o'clock in the morning like??? are you okay???
he assures you it's no big deal but you still want to make sure he's getting enough sleep ofc
he really loves the way you take such good care of him though
like??? the way you'll give up your jacket in the slushy chunks of snow when the bus is late and he starts shivering
and how you always have a phone charger in your backpack for him
201 notes · View notes
identicalness · 2 years
Chapter 2
Mia immediately turned to her big sister and pleaded with puppy eyes for Milan to come over. Mia and Milan had some sort of bond that Sophie just couldn't grasp. "I'll ask him if he can alright? Right now, you need to work on your homework".
Mia skipped off into her room and Sophie got out her phone to call Milan. She clicked his number on her contact list and waited for him to answer.
"Yello" was what she heard when he answered. "Hey Milan, can you drop by and hang out? Our parents are out of town again"
"Yeah of course! Is 5ish good?" "Yeah, that's a good time" "Awesome. See you then" "Okay, see you soon!"
After the phone call, Sophie went up to Mia's room to let her know when Milan was coming. Getting a very excited response, she went off to do her own homework. Sophie was making a presentation on the mountain that her town was known for. But instead of talking about the beauty of it like the rest of her classmates would do, she was doing it on its tragic history. The Avalanche of 1950. She had become very interested in geology when she was just 7 years old from Milan's father when she stayed the night with Milan's family. And with that, came the Avalanche of 1950 which piqued her interest, even more, when she was 9. Ever since she had been studying and studying in school so she could eventually go to a university and become a geologist and a seismologist. She was just opening another tab on her computer to watch a video when Mia came into her room.
"Sophie, I need help with my homework"
"Okay hun, what do you need?" Sophie closed her laptop so she could give Mia her full attention.
"Well we need to do a family tree but mom said she didn't have time and she would help me when she got back but I have to give it to Miss. B tomorrow" Mia looked down on the floor in shame for not having asked for help sooner.
"Okay, let's go look through some photo albums to see what we can find okay?" Sophie smiled encouragingly at her little sister and got up from her desk to go downstairs. They spent about an hour looking through albums when they heard the doorbell ring. Their heads shooting up, they looked at each other and smiled. Milan had arrived. Mia yelled "who is it" before standing on her tiptoes to reach the lock on the door to open it.
"It's Milan!" was heard from the other side.
Sophie stood up slowly and brushed off her clothes while mentally groaning at the fact that she had forgotten to make dinner. Luckily, in came Milan with two brown paper bags announcing the arrival of food.
"Oh, my hero. I forgot to make our food" Sophie admitted.
"Well good for you because my grandma packed you loads of food for the week. She also says hi" he said goofily.
After setting the bags down on the counter, he lifted Mia up and swung her around while she squealed in happiness. After a quick "hello, how are you", Sophie went to heat up some of the food and get the dining table ready. Milan and Mia went into the living room to continue working on her project. Once the food was done, Sophie called them into the dining room to eat. Milan, who had already eaten dinner an hour before, only ate a little bit. They ate, cleaned up, and then went to work on Mia's project some more. They finally finished the project at 8 and then sent Mia to bed. They tucked her in and said their goodnights. Sophie stayed in her room a bit longer to make sure Mia fell asleep. Milan and Sophie stayed in Sophie's room for the rest of the time.
"So, how's your project coming along?" Sophia questioned.
"It's going good" Milan replied. "What was it on again? Carbon dating?"
"Yes, it's on carbon dating and the machines that do it"
Milan was very proud of his topic choice, for he was interested in the mechanics of science. The equipment. They talked about their projects and their other classes until Milan had to go home. Sophie continued her project late into the night. Around 12 am, she had hit a block. She didn't know what else to write as evidence to prove her argument. About 10 minutes later she closed her laptop and decided to get ready for bed. Halfway into her nightly routine, she had an idea. After quickly brushing her teeth, she raced down the steps and into the basement. The basement was organized meticulously by shelves. She went to her designated shelf and pulled out a couple of boxes that contained old school projects, awards she didn't have room to display, and other miscellaneous papers. Among those papers, she had kept old college papers and notes that Milan's father had left for her. She took the entire stack up to her room and looked through them. After finding the pages she needed, she finished a paragraph in her project and finally decided to go to sleep.
0 notes
hyogonokitsune · 4 years
blush -- suna rintarou x reader
here’s some soft suna smut, go fetch!
edit: here’s pt 2 and pt 3
virginity loss, slight praise kink, oral (f receiving), whoops! rintarou has feelings
4700 words
You were not quite sure how you all ended up on this topic, but it didn’t surprise you one bit that Atsumu was the one to bring it up.
“So how old were ya when ya lost it?” he asked with a grin on his face.
Suna glanced up at the sky as he thought about his answer. “Fourteen, I guess.”  
“Ugh, man! You beat me!” Atsumu groaned in annoyance. “I was fifteen.” It was slight, but you caught Suna giving him a self-satisfied smirk. Atsumu turned to his brother next. “What about you, ‘Samu? I don’t think I ever asked.”
“Pfft, like hell I’d ever tell you,” was the only response he gave.
The four of you were walking through Inarizaki’s dark campus together after the team’s evening practice. It was early autumn, and although the days were still warm, the temperature at night was beginning to dip lower and lower. You shivered as a crisp breeze blew past, digging your hands further into your jacket pockets.
“What about you, y/n?” Atsumu asked, peering down at you. “How old were ya?”
You had hoped he’d forgotten about you, but now that he had directly asked you could feel your cheeks reddening slightly. “I, uh, I haven’t done it yet,” you answered sheepishly.
“What, seriously?! You’re a virgin?” Atsumu’s eyes widened in surprise, but they quickly squinched shut when Osamu smacked him on the back of the head.
“Yell it a bit louder, why don’t ya? I don’t think everyone on campus heard you, dumbass.”
“Ouch, sorry,” Atsumu muttered in apology, but your blush had already deepened. “I’m just a little shocked to learn that our precious manager is a virgin.”
“It’s not really that big of a deal, honestly,” Suna said, his voice low. It was a little unusual to hear him defend anyone, but you were grateful for it all the same.
“Ya know, y/n, if ya ever wanna lose your virginity, I’d be happy to help out,” Atsumu said, giving you a salacious smirk. You rolled your eyes at his offer, a small laugh escaping from your lips as you flicked him on the side of his head.
The path split then, and Suna turned left to continue on by himself to the campus dorms. He waved goodnight to the three of you, and you noticed that his eyes lingered on you for half a second too long before he turned away.
 Click, click, click
Your thumb pressed repeatedly on the end of your pen as you stared hard at the words in front of you.
“Hey, knock it off.” You looked up at the sound of Suna’s voice, his irritation plain on his face. “It’s annoying.”
The two of you were sitting on the floor of his room, Suna propped up against his bed and you leaning against the opposite wall. Loose sheets of paper and an open textbook were on the floor between you as you both studied for an exam the next day.
“Sorry, I didn’t even realize I was doing it,” you muttered, turning your attention back to Suna’s notebook on your lap. You were reading through it, checking that there wasn’t anything he had written down that you had missed in class. In truth, you were finding it hard to concentrate on the notes, as something else was nagging at your thoughts. You hadn’t been able to shake the conversation you’d had the other night, and despite Atsumu’s suggestion, he wasn’t the one you had been thinking about since then.
You had heard rumors around campus, and stories from some of the girls in your classes. At first it had made you a little uncomfortable to know such personal details about someone you had to see every day, especially since he wasn’t aware that you knew, but over time you gradually got used to it, and you were beginning to wonder about what it might be like to experience that firsthand. You were sure that it wouldn’t get out. After all, those rumors that you had heard had come from the girls themselves, never him; if you didn’t tell anyone, no one would ever have to know about it. Besides, after two and a half years spent on the same team, you two had grown rather close. There were few people that you could trust more than him, and, in your opinion at least, that was the most important factor influencing your decision.
You just had to think of a way to tell him.
Suna’s low voice cut through the silence in the room. “Maaan, I’m beat. What time is it?” he asked, stretching his arms over his head.
You glanced at your watch, sighing a bit when you saw how late it was. “Half past ten.”
“Fuck.” He rubbed at his eyes. “I think we’ve crammed as much as we possibly can for tonight.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you replied as you stood up. The two of you started tidying up his room, and you gathered your books and pens into your bag.
“You want me to walk you to the bus stop?”
“No, I’ll be alright.”
You had your hand on the doorknob, ready to leave, but you found yourself unable to turn it.
“Hmm?” he hummed, and when he turned to look at you, you felt an unexpected surge of confidence well up inside. If you didn’t tell him now, you didn’t think you’d ever be able to.
Dropping your hand from the doorknob, you angled your shoulders to face him head on, willing yourself to look him in the eye. “I want you to take my virginity.”
There was a slight widening of his eyes, almost imperceptible, but you caught it before his face fell back into its usual indifferent mask. There was a moment or two of silence, and you tried to keep yourself from panicking; maybe he was just trying to gauge how serious you were.
Eventually he spoke, the corner of his lip quirking up into a cheeky grin. “You sure you don’t want Atsumu to be the one?”
You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling. “I think I’d rather die, if I’m being honest.”
Suna laughed then, short but genuine, and you felt the tension ease from your shoulders. “I’ll do it, if that’s really what you want.”
You gave him a quick nod, hand reaching towards the door again.
“Come back here tomorrow.”
 You knocked twice on Suna’s door and it opened almost immediately. He must have just recently gotten out of the shower because his hair was still damp, a droplet of water clinging to a lock of hair next to his cheek as he stared down at you.
“I was half-expecting you not to show up,” he said, a slight smile on his lips.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you asked as you squeezed past him to step into the room; he offered no response.
You dropped your bag and blazer onto his desk chair, and when you turned around Suna had moved into the center of the room, within arm’s reach.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” There was an uncharacteristic note of concern in his voice that made your heart melt.
You gave a slight nod, a small smile on your face. “I’m sure.”
Those two words were all he needed.
Suna closed the gap between you in one step. His left hand came to rest on your waist, his right moving up to cup your cheek as he leaned down to place his lips on yours. His kiss was unexpectedly soft, and you couldn’t stop a tiny gasp from escaping you in surprise. This wasn’t a Suna that you were familiar with; this was a Suna that was unbelievably tender with his touch, but you could feel a more passionate side simmering just beneath the surface by the way that his fingers ever so slowly applied pressure to your waist.
Unconsciously, your hands moved first to his shoulders, then to the back of his head, where your fingers buried themselves in his damp hair. Your touch encouraged him to draw you in closer, his arm snaking around your waist to press you against his body. His kisses were becoming firmer now, deeper, more urgent, his tongue slipping past your lips to brush against yours.
A feeling of warmth was in your chest now, spreading down throughout your body, and with it came a sudden feeling of uncertainty. Suna broke away from you and stepped back to sit on the edge of his bed, and the sight of him there suddenly stole away all the confidence you had felt earlier.
“Come here,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The sound of it made your legs feel weak, but you forced yourself to step towards him. His hands moved to your hips, intending to pull you closer, but you put your palms on his shoulders to brace yourself.
“Wait a minute,” you said, a little breathless.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” Your voice trailed off and you swallowed hard. “I’m just a little nervous.”
You were embarrassed to admit it, but to your surprise Suna smiled, and the gentleness on his face was reassuring. “Yeah, I think it’s normal to be a little nervous.” One of his hands left your hip to move to your elbow. His fingers dragged lightly down your forearm and wrapped around your wrist, so that he could lift your hand and press it against his chest. “I’m a little nervous, too.” You could feel his heart against your palm, beating a little faster and harder than normal. The proof of his own anxiety made all of your apprehensions disappear, and you leaned down to kiss him. Before he could deepen it, you broke away again.
“Could we turn the light off?”
“Of course,” he grinned, leaning over to switch off the lamp on his bedside table.
The room became dark, but the sun had only recently dipped below the horizon and your eyes quickly adjusted to the cold blue light coming in through the window. Suna’s body was outlined against the bed, his features hazy in the dim lighting, but his eyes were clear as he gazed up at you, imploring you to come closer.
He guided you down onto his lap, one of his hands on each of your thighs to place them at his sides. His kisses were needier now, almost hungry in the way that his mouth moved against yours. His hands slid up to rest on your hips once more, and when he slowly tugged them closer, dragging you over his hardening cock, you couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled up from your chest. You could feel him grinning against your lips, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed, not when the feeling of his body under your hands was causing that heat to grow in your core.
“Does that feel good, baby?” Suna asked, his voice breathy and low. A blush crept up your face at his words, the tone of them so much more intimate than anything you’d heard before. You grinded against him again, causing him to moan lightly into your mouth.
Your hands slid down to press against his chest, fingers clutching at the fabric of his shirt. He paused kissing you just long enough to take his shirt off, tossing it onto the floor before grabbing your waist and drawing you in even closer. Tentatively, you brought your hands back to his chest. The heat of his skin, the pounding of his heart, his heavy breaths emboldened you, prompting you to explore more of his body. Your fingers traveled lightly over his chest, across his collarbones, onto his shoulders, across the back of his neck, down to his shoulder blades; every place you touched gave way to growing desire.
Suna’s hands wandered up your stomach and over your breasts to undo the buttons of your blouse, but he couldn’t undo them fast enough for you; you suddenly couldn’t stand another moment with the fabric between you, you needed to feel your skin pressed up against his now. Your fingers moved to the bottom of your blouse and quickly worked their way upwards, meeting his in the middle before tearing the shirt from your body.
His eyes roamed over you and he whispered something that you couldn’t quite hear. Before you could say anything, his head moved to your neck, pressing hot kisses into your skin, down the column of your throat and over your collarbones. The top of his head tickled under your chin, making you giggle; his lips left your shoulder with a wet sound as he turned his face up to look at you, but you dug your nails into his arms and whimpered at the loss of his touch.
“Please don’t stop,” you breathed.
Suna gripped you tightly around your waist to lift you off of him and shift you so you were lying down on the bed, his body leaning over you. Pulling one of your legs up so that he could position himself between them, he resumed kissing your neck, his warm breath tickling your ear. His hands worked their way down your sides, a trail of goosebumps left in their wake, to come to rest at the waistband of your skirt. He lifted his head to kiss you on the lips briefly before carefully tugging your skirt down over your hips and off your legs. His eyes lingered on your purple lace panties, moved up to your matching bra, and finally to meet your own gaze.
“These are cute,” he said with a smirk, one finger lifting up the band of your panties and letting it snap against your skin.
“Shut up,” you groaned, covering your blushing face with your arm.
“Did you match these just for me?” he teased.
“I said shut up, Rintarou!”
You heard a sharp intake of breath, and lowered your arm to see that the look on his face had shifted into completely unconstrained desire. He kissed you then, tongue forcing its way into your mouth, greedily swallowing your moans. You could feel yourself getting wetter as he pressed his cock in-between your legs; the sensation was becoming almost too much to bear.
Suna pulled away suddenly, and a thin strand of saliva briefly connected your mouths, glinting in the low light. “Hey, do you want me to wear a condom?” he asked, rubbing his thumb slowly over your bottom lip.
“Oh!” You were lying in his bed half naked, and his tongue had just been in your mouth, but for some reason that question made you feel shy all of a sudden. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I’m, uh… I’m on the pill,” you told him, feeling your cheeks heat up again. He only nodded once before leaning in to kiss you again.
One of his hands slowly slid up your side to your breast, his thumb rubbing over your nipple through the fabric of your bra. When he broke the kiss to move his lips to your neck, you leaned forward slightly to unhook your bra, tossing it on the floor with the rest of your clothes. Suna sucked in a breath at the sight of you, gazing at you almost reverently before placing his lips back on your throat, letting his hand blindly fondle your breast. Moving slowly, he made his way down your throat and over your collarbones, planting sloppy kisses every few inches, until his tongue was swirling small circles around your nipple, feeling it grow harder at his touch. At the same time, his other hand was pressing into your hip, fingers digging insistently into the soft flesh. That hand now started moving down over the outside of your thigh, pausing almost at the knee before running back up along the inside.
You gasped when he touched your clothed pussy for the first time, his fingers brushing against your clit through the fabric. You would have felt embarrassed at the wetness you felt seeping through your panties, but the feeling of having him touch you in so many places was too good for you to care. He was rubbing circles around your clit, causing a knot to form deep in your stomach. You reached with both hands into his hair, gripping the back of his head tightly as a pitiful whimper escaped you.
“Oh, Rintarou…”
“What is it, baby?” He leaned forward to plant a kiss on your cheek, his hand still working slowly between your legs. “What do you need?”
Another pitiful sound left your mouth and your nails dug into his shoulders. He sat up straight, his free hand coming to rest on your leg as his other continued to draw soft moans out of you.
A new feeling had settled in your chest, a need that you had never experienced before. It wasn’t enough to have him simply touch you; you needed to feel him inside of you.
“Rin, please,” you practically begged him, reaching towards the waistband of his sweatpants.
He gently pushed your hands away, a low chuckle rising in his throat. “You’re not ready yet, baby,” he told you in a soft voice. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Groaning, you fell back into the pillow, your breath coming out harder as he started kissing the inside of your thigh, slowly, painfully slowly, moving closer to where the heat was pooling between your legs. Both of his hands now hooked under your thighs to rest on top of your hip bones, pinning you in place. He kept his eyes on your face as his tongue ran almost lazily over your panties.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, head tilting back and eyes squeezing shut.
“You’re already so wet,” he murmured, and you could hear the smile in his voice. He was still licking you agonizingly slowly, relishing the way you squirmed around him. “Do you want me to taste you, baby?”
“Mm hmm,” you answered, a little too quickly in your eagerness to have him touch more of you. He moved one of his hands to hook a finger under your panties, pulling them to the side to reveal your glistening pussy.
His mouth was on your bare clit now, and the sensation was overwhelming. It was different from all the times you had pleasured yourself; this was warm and wet and achingly soft, and it was causing the coil in your stomach to rapidly tighten. He hummed lightly, the vibrations running over your clit and causing you to practically scream. When he lifted his face away from you, you nearly cried. He slid your panties down your legs and tossed them on the floor, leaving you completely bare before him.
Suna leaned back down, tongue running up and down your folds, swirling around your clit, kissing all over your pussy. Every single contact made your back arch, made your hands grip the sheets a little more tightly. He traced a finger along the edge of your pussy, gathering up the wetness before slowly pressing it into you. You clenched around him as his finger curled up to press into the soft spot within you, the spot that made your breath catch in your throat. You opened your eyes to look down at him; his mouth and finger were still at work on your pussy, but his gaze was trained on your face, sage-colored eyes glinting in the dark.
The coil in your stomach finally snapped, your orgasm falling over you in waves of intense pleasure. Your toes curled, legs tensed up around his head, hands reached down to wind into his soft hair.
Suna kept his face pressed into your pussy, sucking gently on your clit as you came around his finger. The overstimulation was becoming too much, and your breath was coming out in labored sobs.
“Rin, p-please, stop!”
Immediately, he pulled away, crawling over your body to kiss you hard on the mouth. “I like the way you taste, cutie,” he sighed into your ear, nuzzling at your neck. “And I love the way you moan for me.”
You were panting, still coming down from your high. Suna’s hand came up to caress your face, thumb rubbing gently over your cheekbones. He waited for your breathing to even out before sitting up to remove his pants. You couldn’t help but stare at the way his cock looked; you had no reference point, but you were pretty sure he was above average.
He lazily stroked his cock with one hand as he shifted your legs with the other, positioning himself close to your entrance. He dragged the head over your pussy, coating it with the wetness there.
Suna was looking straight at you again. “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice breathless.
“Yes,” you told him. He leaned down to plant one more kiss on your lips, before slowly pressing his cock into you.
All the time he spent pleasuring you already ensured that you were relaxed enough to take him, but even so, he went slow. He sank in a few inches before pausing, allowing you to adjust to his size as he peppered your face with kisses, before giving you some more. It took a full minute before he completely joined his hips to yours, a soft groan escaping his lips.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asked, his voice impossibly soft.
“Yeah.” You gave him a small smile, hands running up the backs of his arms to rest on his shoulder blades. It felt so incredibly good to finally have him inside you, to fill you up completely. There had been a slight pressure when he first entered you, but that was subsiding now, and you could fully enjoy the way his cock stretched you out.
Suna pulled his hips away from you, his cock dragging slowly along your sensitive walls. The loss of him drew a soft whimper out of you, turning into a moan when he pushed back in. His pace was unhurried at first, but with each breathy sigh you made he increased his speed, pulling out a little further each time.
“Rin, oh, oh…”
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” he moaned, lips capturing yours in a wet kiss. “You feel so good, baby.”
He bent down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth with just enough pressure to make your spine arch, fingers gripping his shoulders tightly to let him know that you wanted more.
“Rin, I-I… oh god-”
He straightened back up so he could look into your face, his thumb and forefinger continuing to play with your nipple. “Does that feel good?” he asked in a low voice. You nodded, eyes squeezed tight against the pleasure, and another soft whimper left your throat. “You’re taking my cock so well, baby,” he murmured; you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten at his praise. “Do you want more?”
“Yes, please, please…”
He quickened his pace even more, hips snapping into yours hard enough now to apply deliciously pleasant friction to your clit. You couldn’t have stopped the sounds leaving your mouth even if you wanted to; every thrust of his cock made you come undone a little more. The pleasure radiated throughout your entire body, making you feel slightly lightheaded.
Suna placed both hands on the backs of your knees and lifted them, pressing your legs towards your chest. The new angle of your hips allowed his cock to press into that spot inside you that made your breath burn in your lungs. The feeling was unbelievable; you had never felt pleasure like this before.
Your eyes snapped open. Suna was staring down, watching his cock sink repeatedly into your dripping wet pussy. When your hand gave his shoulder a small squeeze he looked up, eyes locking with yours. His face was etched with determination, all of his efforts going towards making you feel good. His cheeks were flushed pink, and his eyes contained something that you couldn’t quite place.
“Are you gonna cum for me, princess?” His voice was husky, gaze burning with desire.
“Yes, Rin, please don’t stop,” you breathed out between gasps.
He kept his pace consistent, hitting that sweet spot over and over and over again. Your nails were digging into his back, leaving tiny crescent-shaped indentations in his skin. The knot in your stomach was tightening, tightening, tightening—
“Rintarou!” you cried out as the second orgasm overtook you, breath catching in your chest. Your legs trembled under Suna’s hands as he kept fucking you through it, groaning as your pussy clenched around him.
He could feel himself getting closer. He slowed his pace, leaning over to press hard kisses into your neck as you came down from your high. When your breathing started to even out, his lips moved up over your jaw and to your mouth. You kissed him greedily, hands moving to entwine themselves in his hair.
“Where do you want me to cum?” he asked, voice slightly hoarse. He was still moving against you, cock pumping slowly in and out of your pussy.
“Ah… oh,” was all you could manage to squeak out.
“Hmm?” He nuzzled his nose against your neck, warm breath tickling your skin. “Where, baby?”
“Inside… I want you to cum inside me,” you whispered.
With a groan, Suna started thrusting into you harder again. The wetness between your legs was audible with each stroke of his cock, and the sound of it only made him come closer to the edge. The sensation against your clit was pushing you into overstimulation, tears springing up in the corners of your eyes from the sheer pleasure. You reached down with one hand to grasp at his thigh, nails digging into the muscles working to join him to you, desperately trying to pull him closer, closer.
“God, I’m so close…” he murmured, face held so near to yours that your noses bumped each time he pounded into you.
“Oh, you feel so good,” you moaned.
“Can you say my name, baby?” His voice was hardly above a whisper.
“Rin,” you sighed, and his hips snapped into you almost urgently. “Please cum, Rin, I want you to cum for me…”
He buried his face in your neck, groaning deeply as he came. “Fuck.” You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, hot cum spurting deep into your pussy.
He was still for a moment, breathing hard against your skin, before slowly pulling out and rolling over to lie beside you. You felt some of his cum drip out of you, blushing at the sensation. The two of you were silent for a while, your panting breaths the only sounds in the room.
“How was that?” Suna asked eventually, turning onto his side to face you. You suddenly found yourself unable to look at him, pressing your face instead into the crook of his neck and humming contentedly. He chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. “I wasn’t too rough with you, was I?” he asked, an uncharacteristic note of concern in his voice.
“Not at all,” you told him. “I liked it.”
You fell silent again. With your body pressed up against his, you could feel the beat of his heart, slowly steadying from its rapid pace. His skin was so warm, and you didn’t even mind the slight sheen of sweat covering both your bodies. You took a breath, inhaling his scent; you couldn’t describe what he smelled like, you just knew that he smelled good.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you must have been lying there for at least a quarter hour. You lifted your head to look at him and saw that his eyes were closed. Did he fall asleep?
“Rin?” you asked tentatively.
“Hmm?” His response was a low rumble in his chest; you could feel the vibrations against your palm. His eyes were still closed.
“Why were you nervous before?” You wriggled in his arms a bit, trying to get a better view of his face. “I mean, it wasn’t your first time.”
He opened his eyes, only to glance at you briefly before turning his head to look up at the ceiling. “It was my first time with you,” he mumbled, so soft you almost didn’t catch it.
With your hand still on his chest you could feel when his heart started beating faster. Peering at his face in the dark, you could have sworn you saw Suna Rintarou blush.
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edna-skiffens · 3 years
The Best Medicine
Summary: You are in the hospital, but you can never sleep in hospitals. Good thing you have a very attractive night shift nurse who is willing to help out.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: hospitals, light med talk, bad medical writing, fluff
A/N: Please ignore the plot holes or the fact that this isn’t the most realistic and also I know this isn’t how discharge works at the hospital.. It’s called fiction for a reason, darling. Also, I left the reason the reader is in the hospital open ended bc some of us may have medical conditions/reasons that we can attach to this, but if not I tried to keep it vague enough on purpose so that you can imagine whatever. Also if you like Nurse!Tom and have requests for him lmk bc i’m happy to write for him.
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Toss and turn. Toss and turn. The routine was getting old. This was your third night in the hospital and sleep just wasn’t coming to you.
Maybe it was the medicine they had you on. Maybe it was the constant symphony of sounds and people passing in the hallway. Maybe it was because you weren’t at home in your own bed.
Maybe it was just because you were in the hospital.
You couldn’t be sure. What you were sure of is that you weren’t falling asleep anytime soon.
Feeling another presence in the room, you looked from the ceiling to the doorway where you saw Tom, one of the night shift nurses, standing cautiously.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked as he eased his way inside.
“So no sleep again, huh?”
“Sorry darling. Let’s go ahead and get these vitals over with.” He took your blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and wrote it down in your chart. Putting the clipboard back on its hook at the end of the bed, he looked up at your tired face. “Okay. So now about that sleep. What do you think will help?”
“Not being in the hospital.”
He chuckled lightly while walking back towards your bedside.
“I know. You hate it here. You’ve made that very clear and I try not to take too much offense to it.” You let out a slight laugh and held back the fact that he was the best part of this whole experience. He almost made it worth it. “I’m sorry we can’t give you any sleeping medication. Do you think it’ll help if I talk to you?”
“You mean tell me bedtime stories?” You couldn’t help but tease him at the adorable suggestion, though it sent a swarm of butterflies off in your stomach.
“I was thinking more like bore you ‘till you fell asleep. But whatever works.”
“You’re the nurse. If you think it’ll help.” You both sat there smirking at each other for a moment. Something unspoken floating in the air between you two.
“Well, I need to finish my round of vitals first. I’ll come check on you when I’m done and if you’re still up we’ll see about those stories.”
“I’ll be here.”
About fifteen or twenty minutes later you heard a light tap on your door followed by “Still awake?”
“You up for a chat?” Tom asked as he made his way to the stool then rolled slightly closer to your bed.
“Got nothing better to do.” You teased again.
“Okay. Well you should probably lay down.”
“Oh. It’s going to be that kind of story, huh?” His laugh was so beautiful and you were happy you were the cause of it.
“No.” He corrected in between laughs “The goal is to get you to sleep. So sitting up won’t help.”
“Right. Right.”
“Well.. anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Why did you choose to become a nurse?”
“Ahhh. Good question. So I actually went to an art school.” You couldn’t help the brief expression of surprise that crossed your face. “I know. Shocking. I did training specifically in dance and gymnastics and I loved it.”
“Wait, so what happened?” You asked, turning on your side to face him more comfortably.
“Well one day we were rehearsing for a show and I fell. Ruined my knee. Had to do physical therapy for months. I tried to get back into it, but it just wasn’t the same. However, through that process I learned a lot about medicine and the health side of things. It really turned me on to it. And when my Plan A got a bit messed up I thought ‘hey, this could work’. So far it’s treated me pretty well.”
You smiled at Tom, admiring his passion for his career and the determination he had to keep pushing after his accident. You enjoyed hearing him talk about it too. If you didn’t know any better you would say it was helping you relax.
“My story that boring?”
“Your sarcasm has no end.”
“Oh… goodness.. you thought that was sarcasm?”
Tom only laughed and shook his head the way he often did with you.
You may just have been his patient and he may have just been your nurse, but you both bonded. He kept you company and gave you comfort. In return, you kept him entertained during the quiet night shifts.
“I’m not going to sleep. I'm just resting my eyes. But still listening.” You told him as you nestled further into the hospital bed, trying to find a position that would make it comfortable.
“Okay, darling.” He grinned at you.
“Tell me more. What kind of-” You had to stop to yawn, “What kind of art stuff did you do?”
“Oh. Well, I was in a few musicals. I really enjoyed dancing. I did ballet ever since I was young and I love the control I have over my body. The tricks I can do with gymnastics or the turns and leaps. I mean I can’t do them to that level anymore, but I try to stay active.” He glanced up and noticed you hadn’t moved, “Are you still with me?”
“Mhm.” You barely respond.
“Okay. Well it was a performing arts school so we really were trained in many areas. We had classes in acting, singing, dancing, all of it. It was a lot of fun and I met my best friends there.”
Tom began telling stories about his time at school. Before he knew it, he lost himself and track of time. He looked back at you, quiet and still.
“Y/N?” You were finally asleep. “Goodnight, darling.” He whispered as he gently made his exit.
Because Tom worked the night shift, you never saw him when you woke in the morning. Instead, Tanya, a sweet nurse that felt like a big sister, or Linda, Nurse Ratched in the flesh, came in for morning vitals and meds.
You counted down the days until your release. Life in the hospital was pretty uneventful with the limit on visitors and limited activity. There’s only so many sitcoms one can take in a given timespan. The only thing that you really looked forward to each night was when Tom clocked in.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hi Tom.” You would smile at each other.
“How are we feeling today?”
“Better. Ready to get out of here.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear you are feeling better and still ready to jailbreak.” He smiled while writing something down on your chart. “They should be bringing up your dinner tray soon and then I’ll bring by your evening meds after that.”
“If you need me you know what to do.” He called to you before walking out the door.
You were disappointed when Shelley brought your evening meds by later. She was a nice enough nurse. She just wasn’t Tom.
You’d grown accustomed to mainly having him as your nurse during the evening shift. At first you weren’t sure if it was coincidence or on purpose, but after a few nights of staying up and talking, you grew closer to him. You saw less of the other nursing staff and more of Tom.
You tried not to build anything up in your head. You were sure everything he was doing was in his job description and a part of being a good nurse.
He would sneak you extra pudding cups from the cafeteria and bring you an extra heated blanket because you could never stay warm. If you needed a new IV, he held your hand to ease the anxiety. He kept you company and made you feel less alone in such a sterile and intimidating place. And when he noticed you had trouble sleeping he chose to sit with you to help you fall asleep. You couldn’t help the butterflies that built in your stomach.
It became a sort of routine. He checked on you during evening vitals, even if someone else was doing them, and you were always still awake. He would then come and sit with you and chat for a bit, telling you different stories until you eventually fell asleep.
Some nights when you were extra restless he would help you walk the halls.
“The doctors have to see you’re stable enough before you can be discharged. Plus, maybe it’ll tire you out.” He suggested.
He would help get your IV pole ready so you could walk with it. He helped you into your slippers and eased you out of bed after passing you your robe.
Walking the hall slowly, Tom knew he had to remain professional, yet he found a few excuses to graze his hand across your back to ‘steady you’ when you turned corners or he thought you were looking tired.
“It might take me a while to get back to my usual jogs in the park, huh?” You laughed in spite of yourself.
“You’ll get there. Baby steps.” He encouraged, as you turned around the Nurse’s Station. You missed the faces the other night shift nurses were giving you both, but Tom was sure to subtly flick them off. “So, do you like running?” He asked as you headed back towards your room.
Throughout your late nights together, he told you of his three younger brothers and his dog named Tessa. You spoke about what you would do when you were out of hospital. He talked about his friends and flatmates and the adventures they had. He told you many stories, but each morning when you woke up he was clocked out and the day shift nurses were there.
Tonight was your last night. You’re set to be discharged tomorrow and while you are ecstatic to go home, you’re going to miss one thing about this place.
“I bet you’re too excited to sleep tonight. I don’t know if my stories will even help.” Tom said as he sat down next to you.
You smiled up to him sweetly.
“What are you looking forward to the most once you get out of here?”
“Sleeping in my own bed.”
“Well that’s no surprise.” Tom laughed, a contagious sound making you giggle as well. “Isn’t there anything you’ll miss about this place?”
“Yeah.” He smiled “There’s one thing.”
“What’s that?” He asks.
“The pudding cups.”
“Ahh the pudding cups of course.” You giggled while fiddling with the IV line.
“They just don’t taste the same in the outside world.”
His smile grew wider as you giggled.
“No, but really. As much as I give this place grief and say I’m ready to get out of here - which I am,” You gave him a pointed look to which he held his hands up in mock surrender, fully believing you, “it hasn’t been too terribly awful I guess.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad we could make your stay not too terribly awful.. I guess.” He teased. “Do you have anything exciting to look forward to once you’re a free woman?”
“Nothing huge planned, really. The doctors did say to take it easy.”
“That’d be wise.”
“Yeah. I’ll just lay low for a while. My sister said she may try to come visit me though so that would be nice.”
“Oh that would be nice. She’s your older sister right?”
“Right. She moved away last year to be closer to her boyfriend.”
“Ah. Do you like him?”
“This boyfriend. Do you like him?”
“He’s alright, I suppose. He makes her happy.” Tom nodded along.
“And do you have a boyfriend that makes you happy?”
“N-No. No I don’t. Not at the moment.” You began fiddling with the IV cord again.
“No boyfriend or not a boyfriend that makes you happy?” He asked.
“Well that’s a shame.” If the heart monitor was connected you would’ve been screwed. “I just mean someone needs to look after you once you get home. I hope this sister comes through for a visit. You’ve got to take it easy.”
“Oh I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure you will be.” He smiled.
“How has your shift been tonight? Busy?” You asked, fighting back a yawn.
“A bit busier than usual. There was a slight emergency earlier which is why Shelley handed out meds tonight. Sorry I didn’t come around.”
“It’s alright. I know you have other patients.”
“Yeah, but none like you.” You were sure he said that to all of his patients. After all, you’ve heard similar lines ever since you went to the pediatrician as a child. But it still gave you butterflies.
“Are you getting sleepy?”
“A little. But it’s okay.” He gave you a pointed look but continued to talk anyway. “It’s the last night. One final request for storytime. Make it a good one.”
You thought for a moment before asking your question.
“Do you ever wish that life turned out differently? That you never had your accident and you could’ve followed your dreams to be a dancer?” You asked while turning on your side and getting more comfortable.
“Sometimes. At least, I used to. But I think I’ve accepted it now. And I really can’t see myself doing anything but this.” You nodded taking in his answer “I look at it this way. If it wasn’t for my injury then I never would’ve changed my career path and found my love for medicine. I never would have made so many of the friends I’ve made or the memories I’ve made. I never would have met you.” He finishes with a sweet smile.
“That’s a very positive way of looking at it.” You told him. “Be honest, are you a therapist during the day?” He laughed out loud.
“No. I’m not. I guess I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’.” You nodded while covering a yawn.
“So I’ve been curious to ask you,” He began, “Do you usually have this much trouble sleeping? Because you can get help for that you know?” You smiled at him.
“What? I thought a night nurse talking to you was the cure?” Tom smirked and shook his head. “I’m kidding. No, I normally don’t. It’s just the stiff sheets and hospital sounds I think.”
“Darn hospital.” He rolled his eyes and joked. “So this time tomorrow you’ll be sound asleep in your own bed then?”
You knew it was meant to be a happy statement, but you were a little sad at the thought of not having any more late night chats with Tom.
“Yes. Thank God.” You forced a smile.
You felt another yawn coming and tried to hold it back. It was already past the usual time that you fell asleep.
Tom could tell you were exhausted so he launched into a story from nursing school, hoping to lull you to sleep.
You yawned your way through listening, trying to soak up every last moment with Tom. In the morning he wouldn’t be here. You’d leave and likely never see him again.
When he finished, your eyes were half open and he wondered how you were still awake. Or maybe why.
“Why are you fighting it? The point is to sleep. Give in.” He told you gently after another yawn.
You looked up at him, half asleep and rubbing your eyes, not finding the confidence to tell him the true reason you were trying to stay awake.
“I’m happy right now.”
He smiled down at you.
“I am too. But you need your sleep, darling.” You weren’t sure what to say and you didn’t have much energy left in you anyway. “How about this. I’ve probably been in here too long as it is. Let me go check in at the Nurse’s Station and then I’ll come back and check on you soon and see if you’re still awake okay?”
The thought that he was leaving gave you a sad feeling in your stomach. You tried to remind yourself that he was just your nurse. Nothing more.
“Okay.” You smiled at him, sleepily, while settling further into the bed.
He stood up and instead of walking towards the door he walked closer to you. He grabbed the thin, white hospital blanket and pulled it closer around your shoulders.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered before he walked to the door.
“Tom?” You called out just before he opened it. He turned around with an expectant look, “Thanks for everything.”
Even though the room was dim you could see his smile.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Get some sleep.”
You don’t remember much after that. You don’t know if Tom came back to check on you. You just remember falling asleep with a smile on your face.
When you woke up the following morning it felt like any other morning in the hospital.
The hallways were much louder. Beeps, chatter, and phones were constant. The lights were brighter.
But you were quickly reminded that it wasn’t any other morning. You were going home today.
The door creaked open and Tanya, one of your regular daytime nurses, poked her head in.
“Oh good you’re up.” She made her way inside and over to the gloves. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. Thanks.” She gave you a smile, something hidden behind it.
“I’m sure.” She said quietly to herself. You gave her a questioning look. “Oh I just mean I’m sure you’re excited to get out of here.”
You nodded as she took your vitals one last time.
“Everything looks good. What do you say about getting this IV out?”
“I say that sounds amazing.”
She took it out and bandaged up your arm while informing you of how the morning would go.
“Dr. McCoy is making rounds now then he’ll be by soon to go over your discharge. You can get dressed whenever you’re ready. If you need help, buzz me. You’ll still have a breakfast tray come, but you don’t have to eat it.” She gave you a wink while taking off her gloves.
“Thanks Tanya.”
“Of course, sweetie. And in case I don’t see you before you go, you’ve been a wonderful patient. Take care of yourself.” You smiled at her as she left you to change into some leggings and a sweatshirt.
You were packing your remaining things into your bag when your doctor walked in.
“Y/N! How are we doing today?”
“We’re doing great because we’re going home.” You smiled while taking a seat to rest for a few minutes.
“I know you’re excited.” He laughed before explaining the conditions of your discharge. You had medicines to take, a follow up appointment, and strict instructions to rest for the next few weeks. After signing some forms he left you with a stack of papers. “Is someone coming to pick you up?”
“Yeah my neighbor should be here within an hour.”
“Sounds good. Don’t hesitate to call us or come back in if you have any trouble or questions.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
A few minutes after he left a nurse brought in your breakfast tray. There wasn’t much of a point for it but since your discharge wasn’t technically until 10:30 am you were still a patient during breakfast.
You took the pudding cup that you requested with every meal off the tray before sliding it away. Smiling to yourself, you tucked it away in your bag. All you had left to do was wait for 10:30.
Tanya came in to check on you again and told you to buzz the Nurse’s Station when you knew your ride was here. At 10:27 you had a text from your neighbor that they were out front in the pickup zone. So you hit the call button.
“Yes?” Linda, the scariest dayshift nurse, answered.
“Um hi. Tanya told me to buzz in when my ride was here so I could go down.”
“Okay we’ll be right in.”
Not even a minute later you heard your door open. Expecting to see Tanya or maybe even Linda you looked up.
An audible gasp left your lips when Tom stood in your doorway with a wheelchair.
“I hear someone needs a ride?” He smiled as he made his way closer to the bed.
“Tom. What are you still doing here?”
“I pulled a double.” You wanted to ask why, but decided against it. You were still in a little bit of shock from seeing him again. “If you’d rather I can go get Linda to walk you down?” He pointed back towards your door.
“No! No.. I’m just surprised s’all.”
“Well come on. I thought you’d be running out of this place once the clock hit 10:30.” Glancing up you saw it was now 10:34. Your neighbor is probably tired of waiting already.
You grabbed your discharge papers and reached for your bag when you heard, “I got it.” Smiling at him, you sat down in the wheelchair. Tom placed the bag around his shoulder and kicked the brakes off the chair. “Ready?” You nodded up at him.
He rolled you out of the room that felt so small for a final time. You passed the Nurse’s Station and waved bye to the staff. He turned by the elevators and when you looked up at him in question, he read your mind. Looked down at you he said, “We’re taking the staff elevators.”
When you made it there he hit the button, turning you around and backing you in once the doors opened. He hit the button for the Lobby and leaned up against the wall of the elevator, briefly glancing at you, as you rode down together.
“Well you made it. You’re a free woman.” He smiled shyly.
“Yippee.” He met your eyes for a moment before looking back to the floor. The dynamics felt different. It wasn’t like your late night talks together.
“Listen, Y/N.” Tom began as he stood up from the wall and faced you. He was about to continue when the elevator ding cut him off, signaling you had reached your destination.
Maybe that was what was different. You had reached your destination.
You had a fun time talking with Tom and entertaining each other when you were both up late at night. He was fun to get to know and you enjoyed having someone care for you. He was easy to banter with and certainly easy on the eyes. But your time at the hospital was up. You knew it would be eventually. You wanted it to be.
Tom was a nurse. He was just doing his job. He was helping take care of you. He was being nice. He was trying to make your stay more comfortable. There was nothing to read into.
Your time being his patient was up and your time with him was up.
You tried to remain realistic, but the sadness still crept up as he rolled you closer to the door.
Once outside, you saw your neighbor exit the car and wave you over. Tom steered in the direction and slowed before rolling to a stop and hitting the brake locks on the wheels.
“Hi, I’m Taylor.”
“Tom.” They shook hands as Tom passed off your bag for Taylor to put in the backseat.
“I’m sorry for the circumstances, but it really has been a pleasure having you as a patient and getting to know you, Y/N.” Tom admitted as he walked around to face you. He grabbed the papers from your lap. “Take care of yourself, okay?” You had shared many smiles with Tom, but this one felt sadder.
“I will. Thank you for everything, Tom. I mean it.” You reached up and squeezed his hand. He gave you a light squeeze back while smiling down at you. Taylor returned from the backseat of the car and Tom turned to them.
“These are her important papers about follow up appointments, medications, what to do at home, all of that so please make sure she doesn’t lose any of them.” He emphasized the point.
“Got it. Thanks.” Taylor held onto the stack while Tom turned back to you.
“If I can’t handle a few papers on my own, then maybe I shouldn’t be going home yet, Tom.” You laughed.
“I know, I just wanted to make sure they made it home with you.” He walked closer. “You ready to get in?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. He helped you up, supporting you just as a precaution. Once seated, you took a moment to catch your breath as you pulled the seatbelt down. He met your hand, taking it from you to buckle you in.
“You good?”
You nodded with a smile, “Just a little tired. No biggie.”
He looked you over before returning your smile, though his didn’t quite reach his eyes, “If you need us, call us. Otherwise go home and rest.”
This was it. This was goodbye.
“Thanks, Tom.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
He shut the door. He walked back to the wheelchair, released the brake locks and headed inside. He looked back only when your car was driving away.
“Here’s those papers that are so important.” Taylor handed you the stack after they got in.
“So how are you feeling?”
“Better. Thanks.” You felt them looking at you as they joined traffic.
“You sure? You sound like you feel awful.”
You try to remind yourself to forget the sweet and attractive nurse and start moving forward.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay.” You decide to distract yourself by reading through your discharge paperwork, when something caught your eye. On top was a sticky note with the hospital’s letterhead. You were sure it wasn’t there before. Looking closer it read,
In case you need someone to talk to when you can’t sleep.
P. S. I have a connection to some pretty good pudding cups too.
The smile that grew on your face was undeniable. All the feelings you suppressed came flooding in. He wasn’t just being nice. He actually liked you.
One thing you knew for sure was that even though you would be in your own bed tonight, you still would be up, talking to a very special nurse.
Lmk if you want to be on my tag list
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words-are-sexy · 3 years
The MC pushes herself a little too hard studying for OWLs and Draco is worried- wolfstar daughter in Ravenclaw, dating Draco
CW: Hints of depression, mostly fluff and comfort 
Draco and I had just had a peaceful night in the prefects bathroom. We were leaving so Draco could go do his nightly rounds. “Guess I’ll patrol Ravenclaw towers first, make sure you get back with no problems”, he says, smirking.
I roll my eyes. “What a gentleman.”
We get to the Ravenclaw tower and he gives me one last and kiss. “Goodnight pretty girl. Get lots of sleep. Still want to study tomorrow night?”
That’s when the wonderful reality of out approaching OWLs hits me. I sigh. “I suppose.” He could sense my change in attitude towards the conversation. He lifted my chin and rubbed his thumb up and down my jaw.
“Hey, its gonna be okay. You’re gonna do great on all your OWLs love. You’ve nothing to worry about. We’ll sit down and work out what to study first, yeah? Don’t you start worrying yet. I know how you get when you’re stressed and I don’t need you like that this early on.”
I can see the worry in his eyes. He’s being so genuine. I know I can get insufferable to be around when I’m stressed. I don’t want to worry him. I smile for him. “Don’t worry. I’m okay. Now go do your rounds Mr. Prefect.”
What I didn’t tell Draco was I had already started studying. Weeks ago. I had been going to the library before breakfast and after dinner while he was at Quidditch practice. I was a perfectionist. Nothing could be done half way. It was exhausting. I knew the lack of sleep and over-consumption of caffeine would catch up with me soon, so I had to stop going to see Papa for tea at nighttime.
Papa started noticing something was wrong when I started showing up to his classes with messy hair and visible bags under my eyes. I had told him I was participating in study groups at night and that’s why I couldn’t come visit. Easy enough to believe. But the real reason I didn’t want to go to him was because I knew if I spent enough one on one time with him, he would likely catch on that I was exhausting myself, and then he’d write home to dad, and I just didn’t want to worry anyone. It was much easier on everyone involved if, in the coming weeks, I went to the library earlier and later than everyone else, and spent the rest of my time in my dorm. This went on for about three weeks. I could tell Draco was worried. I did my best to conceal the bags under my eyes, and told him I was asked to study with some Ravenclaw friends most days so I could hide out in my dorm.
Most days I was upset Draco and I weren’t in the same house. Lately though, its been a godsend. My dorm has been my safe haven, away from my worrisome brother, dad, and boyfriend. I didn’t have many Ravenclaw friends, so I didn’t much care what state they saw me in.
About two weeks until OWLs, and I hadn’t seen Draco, or my brother, or my Papa in about three days. I was cooped up in my dorm, surviving off of coffee, energy drinks, and snacks. I knew I was hurting my body but I didn’t care. I needed to study, But I should have known if I didn’t make an appearance at some point, someone would come looking. Draco was the first to do that.
I had been up most of the night studying, and was planning on taking a little nap before my final Charms class. I was a bit restless form all the caffeine, so I decided to take a sleeping pill. That was a mistake. Because I didn’t wake up in a little bit like I was supposed to. When Charms came and I wasn’t there, Draco was instantly worried. I wouldn’t miss the final review on the class I was most worried about. He sat through the class and took notes for both of us. Then he decided to come find me.
He checked the library, and when I wasn’t there he even swallowed his gigantic ego and asked my brother. His last resort was to see if I was with Papa. When Papa assured Draco he hadn’t seen me in quite some time either, Draco decided he needed to get in my dorm. He stood there for a while trying to solve the riddle but he couldn’t. He was so frustrated, he pulled the first first year he had seen over to the door to let him in.
“You’re a Slytherin, you can’t come in here!”
“Well, I’m also a prefect, and am quite skilled with my hexes, so I suggest you answer the damn riddle and open that door for me right now, yeah?”
Once he was in, he headed for the fifth-year girls’ dormitory. That’s where he found me, passed out on top of my four poster, splayed on top of sheets of homework, surrounded by empty red bulls, coffee cups, and protein bars. His eyes went to the bottle of sleeping pills beside my bed. I had purposely not told him I was taking those.
“Oh Genevieve…” he said, and went to my side. He moved some hair from my eyes, and he could feel how greasy it was. I hadn’t showered in days. He rubbed my arm and I slowly woke up. When I realized it was him I sat upright, causing me to get dizzy. My head hurt. I don’t remember the last time I drank water.
“Draco? How did you get in here? What time is it? I have to get to Charms.”
I went to move but Draco kneeled in front of me and grabbed my shoulders hard. He said to me, more stern than I’ve ever heard him before.
“Gen, Charms was over half an hour ago. Is this why you’ve been avoiding me? So I wouldn’t see you like this?”
“Draco, I’m fine, don’t wo-“
“Genevieve I swear to fucking Merlin if you tell me not to worry I’m going to lose my shit. Of course I’m fucking worried. Look at you. Look at your room. You’ve pushed yourself too hard this time. You need a break. No more studying, no more coffee. You’re going to be sick. When’s the last time you ate?”
I try so hard not to cry. “A couple hours ago.”
“I mean more than a protein bar. When’s the last time you went to the Great Hall?”
My lip quivers. “I…a couple days ago.”
Draco hangs his head and grabs my hands. “Baby, none of this is going to help you with your exams. You need to take care of yourself. You’re taking sleeping meds? Do your dads know?”
This is when the tears start to flow, and I slowly shake my head. “No, I just wanted to take them because I’m just so tired but can never sleep. Please don’t tell Papa. I’ll stop, I promise. I’m sorry Draco. I didn’t want you to see me like this. I just want to do well on my OWLs.”
The tears sting my eyes. I’m so exhausted. I wrap my arms around Draco and kneel on the floor with him, falling into his embrace. I just cry, and he just lets me. I say in between sobs, “I can’t fail Draco, I can’t…I can’t fail…” He rocks me back and forth, holding my head to his chest and whispers to me, “You’re not gonna fail. But you’re gonna be sick Gen. You need to take a break. I think maybe we should go see your Papa first, yeah? He’s worried about you Gen.” I shake my head immediately. “Not like this. I don’t want him worried.”
Draco sighs. “Gen, he should be worried. You’re gonna be burnt out soon.” He can tell I’m not gonna budge so he sighs again. “How about you shower, we go get some food, and then go speak to him?” I contemplate for a moment, then nod slowly. “Okay. Will you stay here while I shower?”
“Wasn’t planning on leaving you alone for quite a while. Go shower, I’ll find you some clean clothes.” We stand up, and he gives me a long hug, and whispers in my ear. “No more hiding out in your dorm okay? Gave me a scare. I know you don’t want me to worry but I always will.”
He kisses my cheek and wipes my tears. “Now go shower,”
I let out a small smile, grab my towel, and head to the Ravenclaw showers. As soon as the hot water hit my body I felt like a whole other person. I washed my face and hair and felt so refreshed. While I was showering, Draco cleaned up my dorm for me, picking up all the balled up pieces of paper, empty coffee cups, and wrappers. He uses a spell to change my bedsheets, which clearly needed to be washed, and he put all my dirty clothes in a hamper. By the time I came out of the shower, he was sitting on my freshly made bed, playing with his wand, beside him, freshly folded Hogwarts robes. He stood up when I came in the room, and came towards me to give me a kiss.
“Feel better?”
“Loads. Thank you. You didn’t need to clean my room for me.” I felt horrible. Draco’s likely never cleaned anything in his life.
“Yes I did. Because you needed my help. It’s okay to ask for it Gen. You’re allowed. I want you to. Okay?”
I slightly nod and lean my head on his chest, as he whispers into my hair, “I got you. I’m not letting you do this alone.”
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god1ngs · 3 years
━‎ second chance
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synopsis; dream offers you a deal
contains; manipulation, fighting, war, guilt tripping, death threats
prolouge + 2.1k wc
note; wow this was really long, but i hope you enjoy the prologue of seven days! also i'm changing the update schedule to every wednesday because im impatient lmao
seven days masterlist ; masterlist ; next part
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎everyone was fighting. there was no time to think as people charged into battle, screaming echoing off trees and shaking the leaves. the war went on, the violence unceasing between the dream smp and l'manberg. this was the worst possible outcome.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you never liked war, even if you were known for starting chaos, this wasn't the type of chaos you wanted nor needed. l'manberg was still fragile, still in a new and weakened state, having not been built too long ago. war would only tear it down.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎before you joined l'manberg, you and dream were close. really close. the two of you could be seen everywhere and, without a doubt, were two of the closest people on the server. and yet the two of you had drifted apart before everyone else.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it started when dream became more power hungry, demanding l'manberg to be tore down simply for his own tyrannical reasons. you noticed, the change in his attitude evident, yet didn't say anything. it didn't stop dream from lashing out at you and even exiling you though.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was too late however, even by then. you were already too entangled with dream, and he knew it.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you hadn't spoke to dream since your exile. you stayed in the walls of l'manberg, usually only speaking to wilbur or tommy. you were more lonely. dream was, in a sense, all you had. he was the one person you talked to and the one who seemed to care about you.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎sure, you spoke to george and sapnap, but they weren't dream. dream was the one you favored, despite saying you liked them all equally. that was clear, no matter how much you insisted you didn't.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was even more clear when dream began speaking.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎dream, sapnap, and george stood outside the towering walls of l'manberg. they had tnt and weapons that were far greater than your own. they were intimidating, exactly as they had planned. they stopped the violence for a moment, pausing when dream raised a hand up.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"i want to speak to [name]."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was as if time had stopped. you were stood behind wilbur, but the only person you could see was dream. an arm was placed in front of you, wilbur's, and he said something. but you weren't listening, too caught up in the way dream was staring at you.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎was he staring at you? you couldn't tell with his mask on.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you came back to your senses, looking up at wilbur. you had always been one of the loud ones of l'manberg, but you stayed quiet as he talked to dream. you heard your name amongst his words, but couldn't decipher what he was saying.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎then it happened.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎within seconds everything was gone. ash scattered across the once green grass and smoke rising in the air. it happened all so quickly. you had ash in your hair and there were bits of stone and wood laying around. you all ran to the caravan, trying not to get caught in any more flying debris.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎glass crunched beneath your feet as you walked in the caravan. part of it was gone and the glass panes had been broken. it was evident how much destruction had been done by dream. so why were you still thinking about him?
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you hadn't noticed, but your ears were ringing. you were lightheaded and there was blood on your once clean uniform. "i consider this a win." wilbur said, ever so confident. it was refreshing to see his confidence still in tact. it reminded you of dream.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you stood beside the caravan now, the destruction of your home creating a sinking feelinf in your chest. however, it was gone once wilbur stood on top of the vehicle. he wrote the declaration of independence, the giggles from you and your comrades filling the air.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was a change of heart from the war that ended only minutes ago.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎afterwards, you all got patched up. wilbur had been bandaging your hand, having got shards of class from the windows of the caravan stuck in it, when he suddenly sighed. "[name]." he said firmly, looking at you. had you done something?
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"did you hear what dream said today?"
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was all a blur, the loud sounds of war and your own thoughts had drowned out the sound of anything else. "no? what did he say?" you asked, something arising in your chest. you couldn't tell what it was, but there was a familiar sense of giddiness. you were giddy to know what dream had said, willing to be hooked on every syllable coming from him.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎he only shook his head, wrapping your hand. "nothing. just something about how he wanted to talk to you." he answered, not noticing the way you got somewhat upset. you hummed, nodding your head before he turned to the night sky. it was late, much later than you were supposed to be up.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎everyone else had already been asleep, having been nursed hours ago, but you had only just noticed the shards of glass in your hand. you didn't know how the pain had left you unaffected, but dream had always told you how strong you were.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"you should go to bed," wilbur murmured after a moment of silence. "it's late and we have things to do tomorrow." you nodded quietly, unaware of the tired look on the mans face. you bid your goodnights, and with that, you went back to your home.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you had been trying to go to sleep for hours. you couldn't seem to stay still enough to go to sleep. perhaps you still had energy from earlier. you sat up, frowning as you glanced out of your window. the grass, once lush and green, was now tainted with the aftermath of war.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎maybe a walk would help.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you got a knife, a simple form of protection in case anyone tried to attack you. you walked out of your house, careful to be quiet to not wake any of the others. you hoped you were the only one having sleeping problems.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you found yourself wandering out of the walls of l'manberg, sitting beside a lake. it was peaceful, the gentle glow of the moonlight reflecting off the water. it was silent, the crickets and the sway of the leaves being the only noise around.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎or so you thought.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you hadn't even heard anyone come behind you. you were alone, weren't you? it appears not. "i haven't seen you in a while." his voice cut through the peaceful atmosphere, bringing dread and longing all at once.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you turned to look back at dream, the smile mask haunting and causing you a sense of peace at the same time. your mouth ran dry, eyes wide as you looked up at him. this was the first time you two have talked in months.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you nodded in agreement to his words, wondering if you should be scared or excited of the man. you wanted to feel nervousness, to be put off by his sudden appearance, but all that came was the relief of finally being able to talk to him.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"not talking, huh? do you even miss me?" he asked, taking a seat beside you. you panicked, frantically trying to tell him that you had missed him, but he only laughed in your face. "calm down," he teased, the grin in his voice calming you down. "you always overreact at every little thing."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you apologized sheepishly, embarrassment tickling you. he sighed, leaning back on his palms as he stared at the moonlight. was he relaxed? "you know, i tried to talk to you earlier. in front if l'manberg. did you not hear me?" he turned to look at you, tilting his had quizzically.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you shook your head, rubbing at your arm. "no, i didn't. i'm sorry. it was really loud then." you explained, being comforted as he put a hand on yours. "it's alright. just make sure you listen for me next time okay?" his grip got tighter at his words, a passive aggressiveness punctuating them.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎you nodded quietly, his iron grip alleviating at your movement. silence washed over you two again, your mouth opening and closing at the words you wanted to say but didn't know how to. it changed once he pulled you closer to him.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"do you know why i exiled you, [name]?" he asked. you were confused, brows furrowing as you shook your head. "no .. why did you exile me, dream?" you asked, hesitant but willing to get the answer. he hadn't told you what he had exiled you for, having only told you he was done with you and to get out of his sight.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎his hand left yours, instead resting on your chin and tilting your head to look up at him. he was much more intimidating with the moonlight shining behind him, yet looked like an angel all the same. once more, his grip tightened on your chin. you winced, knowing there would be a mark there.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"you threatened my power. you were the one thing holding me back from doing what's necessary. exiling you was the only way i could make sure you wouldn't get in my way," dream seethed, snarling beneath his mask. he snatched your face closer to his, your eyes wide with confusion and fear. "but you're threatening my control again."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎he let you go, you grabbing your chin out of pain and stammering at him. he reached for his sword, bringing it out of its sheath and pointing it at you. you were vulnerable, only having a knife that you couldn't possibly reach for with him keeping his eyes on you, not without risking your safety.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"killing you in the only way i can make sure you don't hold me back anymore."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎he raised his sword, and your life flashed before your eyes. you begged. you pleaded for mercy, tears welling in your eyes and your hands covering your head. "please dream!" you sobbed, sniffling as you begged him to spare your life. "i won't get in your way anymore, i swear! i'm sorry!"
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎your life should have been over with, but he stopped. he tilted his head down at you, his sword still pointing at your chest. you whimpered, tears streaming down your face. you couldn't even feel the embarrassment of it with all the fear weighing you down.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎he weighed his options, thinking for a moment. unbeknown to you, he grinned beneath his mask. he would play with you for a little while longer. "alright." he said, amusement coating his tone. he tilted your chin up with the end of his sword, the blade nearly caressing your neck. it scared you, how easily dream would be able to kill you.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎dream almosted pitied how pathetic you were.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"i'll give you seven days. a week for you to say goodbye to everyone, and when those seven days are over, you come right here, at this time, and you get to convince me to either spare your life a second time or i kill you. understand?"
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎the joy in his voice, the raw delight, terrified you. you nodded frantically, not passing up on a chance to have your life spared. your mind was already racing with thoughts to convince him to spare your life.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"if you try to go against me in any way possible within this week, i'll kill you in front of your friends instead. do we have a deal?" he put his sword away, putting his hand out towards you. you hesitated, terrified to touch him. yet he only insisted, shakily shaking his hand.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎he snatched you towards him again, his tight grip on your hand making it ache. you swallowed with nervousness, catching a glimpse of his wide grin underneath his mask. all the more reason to be terrified of dream.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"don't disappoint me."
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━‎ ‎ ‎@paradigmax ; @pachowpachowbucket ; @acatstalkingyou ; @angelicaschuyler-church ; @saucey-kneecapzz42020 ; @piano-boo ; @i-need-hugs ; @strawbrinkofdeath ; @halloweenpoison13
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have aizawa dating (without knowing) one of his student's (you can chose) older sister? Thank you and stay hydrated! 💗
• It was Bakugous sister.
• He honestly didn't even make the fucking connection. He's just tired.
• You have brown hair, Katsuki has blonde hair. You curse a lot but have a much better control with your temper and youre not as hot headed.
• he didn't connect the resemblance either until he see's you too in the same room
• and he doesn't like bringing work home- especially when he gets to see you
• which isn't as often as he'd like it to be
• so he won't talk about it
• so you wouldn't know that he taught your brother
• he'll say his day was frustrating or it was good and then the subject would be changed
• Your family would know you're seriously dating /someone/
• but they wouldn't know who.
• your dad would know more than your mom would- you're closer with him
• Katsuki would also know youre dating someone, he doesn't know who, and he pretends not to care but he's annoyed he hasn't met them
• he doesn't know what they're like. They could be an asshole- he wouldn't know.
• your relationship with Katsuki is weird.
• some times he's decent- and yall act like normal siblings
• and then sometimes the two of you ignore eachother for months
• which is ridiculous because youre 26 and he's 17.
• you think he has some animosity for leaving the house and leaving him to be the only child there
• now his parents are down his back
• he might also be upset that you disciplined him a lot
• but you also comforted him when he needed it
• regardless he'll still show up at your apartment when he's fought with mom
• or he 'got bored' aka he missed you but he's not gonna say that
• if he didn't feel like spending the night in the dorms, he'd crash at your place.
• Back to the point- they don't know much.
• it's completely unknown to everyone that you're dating your brothers teacher.
• Aizawa is patient. He's so patient.
• you've been hesitant on him meeting your family (though you've been together for what- a year? Year and a half?) Because well...your family is your family.
• you don't want him to dip
• you're utterly in love with this man and you'd be htterly devastated if he left
• and honestly? He's content with how it is now.
• Him occasionally spending the night(s) ((weeks)) at your apartment, leaving work out of conversations and just enjoying company.
• you dont have to go too fast- its fine how it is now.
• he loves you and that's really all that matters to him.
• but one day, you do decide its time for him to meet them.
• it's over winter break- it's December, not long before Christmas, he'd be spending it with you this year and he should meet your family before hand.
• You guys decided breakfast was an appropriate time.
• So there you are, sitting in bed with your greasy gremlin of a man
• he's got a hand in your hair, the other on the bed on the other side of your head to hold him up.
• you were under him, licking the inside of his mouth
• that's as far as you two had gotten before there was a knock on the door.
• you looked towards the clock as he let out a small groan.
• forgive him, it'd been a solid 2 weeks since he'd seen you last and he missed every part of you.
• it was late, around 11:30, none the less you got up, pressing another kiss to his lips "I'll be back in a minute babe,"
• and off you go to answer the door
• and when you do answer you see Katsuki standing there, hands shoved in his pockets, looking very upset.
"I got into a fight with mom. Can I sleep here tonight?"
You nod, "yeah yeah, of course. Just text dad that you're here okay?" You step aside to let him in. "Did you walk? Drive?"
"Hung out with Ei and then drove here."
"Car out front?"
"Mhm, parked next to yours."
"Did Ei do a good job making you feel better?" You glance back at him as you take a cup out if the cupboard.
"Yeah, he did. I'm just not in the mood to go back."
"That's okay. We know how mom gets. What was it about?"
"Responsibility or some shit like that. Not exactly sure anymore."
"Katsu," you mumble, sitting a cup if tea in front of him. "You're doing fine. With everything thats going on, you're dealing with it really well. You're still just a kid, you deserve to have some fun." You kiss his forehead and he nods. "I'm gonna make sure the guest bedroom is ready, kay?"
• So once the room is ready, he brings his cup into the room and plugs in his phone before looking at you.
"Is /he/ here?
"Sho? Yeah, he's probably sleeping now. You'll meet him in the morning. Is Ei and his family still spending Christmas dinner with us?"
"Yeah. He is."
"Does he know how crazy we are?"
Katsuki smiles slightly. "Yeah, one of his moms is like that."
"Good, then you have nothing to worry about. Goodnight Katsuki." You ruffle his hair.
"Let the bedbugs bite, hag."
"You too, little fucker."
• Getting back into bed woke Shouta up, though he was only just drifting off.
"Who was that?"
"Brother, he got into a fight with mom. He's spending the night in the guest bedroom so you'll meet him tomorrow."
He nodded. "Can I go back to kiss you now?" He mumbled.
"Yeah, but we have to be quite now." You smile.
"You know thats one of my favorite games," he got back on top of you, moving your legs so they were on either side of his waist and he had easy access to grind himself onto your heat. You let out a sigh and his lips reconnected.
• The next morning you woke up early than you had really wanted but sometimes shit happens.
• katsuki was already up, if course he was.
• he gave you a small nod, eyes traveling to the hickey peeking out from under your robe before looking away. Gross.
• "Sleep okay?"
"Slept fine, you?"
"Mhm," you smile slightly. "Dad say anything last night?"
"He said to tell you goodnight and he was excited to see you tomorrow, but I was too lazy to get up-" his spoon clattered.
You glance back, "Ah, Katsu this is Shou, Sho this is-"
• Katsuki is 😃
• Why are you fucking here???
• Aizawa is 😌
• I'm gonna use this to destroy you
"Jesus-" Katsuki groans. "No- no no-"
Shouta rubs his face, but he's internally jumping- oh he's going to use this to his advantage.
"You're dating my fucking teacher?"
"Wha- oh." You snicker.
• This is gold
• This is absolutely gold
• You are going to beat Aizawa ass later though, he's totally been overworking his class
• They walk into breakfast and your parents are like ????
• "Hey isn't that-?"
"Yes." Bakugou grumbles. "Yes it is."
• Honestly they'd both use it to their advantage.
• "I'll tell my sister if you ____"
• "I'll tell your sister if you don't _____"
• and when y'all get engaged and class 1a finds out that he's going to become bakugous brother in law, they flip their shit dude.
• Because one, Eiji was the only one who knew he had a sister and that he was dating bakugous sisterb
• mans walked in with his famiky to see his boyfriend and stopped dead in his tracks.
"M-Mr. Aizawa..why are- uhm- why are-?"
Bakugou grabs his hand, nodding at his mother's. "He's dating my sister."
"He's what?" He whispered, eyes widening.
"Tragic, I know."
• One time you had to bring him something bc he forgot it at your apartment that was practically his too at this point
• and you walk in
"Hey sho, you forgot this."
"Mm, thanks."
• Bakugou drops his head to the table
"Bye Katsu," you wave and smile. "By Ei, have a good day,"
"Please leave,"
"You too Bakugou!"
• "who was that?" Mina asks
"Bakugous sister,"
"My fiance,"
They said that the same time
• All hell breaks loose
• "The fact that bakugou has a sister is processed first- "she looks nothing like you how-"
"She has my dads brown hair. I have my moms blonde hair.'
• He's bombarded with questions
• he ignores them
• the fact that Aizawa is ENGAGED to bakugous sister- now that's gold
• and he's bombarded with questions too
• no he did not know you were bakugous sister
• he met you after school started
• at a fruit stand actually
• he proposed before Christmas
• yes, he asked for your parents approval
• yes he asked for bakugous approval, he said yes
• no, he didn't have kids
• but y'all did have a cat and a dog
• No Mina, I'm not showing you a picture of them
• because Ayoma, we're in class right now
• maybe after if you guys shut up
• Anyway Bakugou is the ringbearer for the wedding 🤪🤪
• Class 1A is invited
• Mic is the best man
• Your best friend is your maid of honor
• All might officiated it
• its a good time
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scented-morker · 3 years
Speak now
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A beeping sound echoes in the small bakery, the scent of freshly baked cookies enveloping you like a warm hug. A bell over the door jingles as someone enters the shop and you all out a “I’m in the back, I’ll be with you shortly” as you maneuver the hot pan out of the way.
You walk to the front of the store, expecting to see one of the sweet old ladies who frequent your business, and it’s a struggle to hide your surprise when you’re met with the handsome face of a man about your age.
“Uh hello,” a smile situates itself on your face as you approach where the man is standing, admiring the pastries through your display case.
“Hello” he stands up straight, his full height making you crane your neck slightly as he smiles back at you.
“Is there anything I can help you with today?”
He explains that he's getting a party together for the HYBE corporation's end of the quarter celebration, and is looking for a caterer for desserts.
"Oh, yeah absolutely, why don't I set you up with a tasting"
You weren't completely sure what they did in that building, other than that it was fancy and they got paid a lot for it. But an event is an event, and you liked catering events.
"Actually I think I'm good, I already know what I want"
A jolt of surprise runs through your body as he says it, confused on how he could already know. You're very certain he's never been in your business before, as you would definitely remember a face like his.
"Alright then, um how big of a headcount are we looking at"
"About 100 workers and their families, just put me down for," he glances back at the pastry cases to read the tags sitting in front of the baked goods, "75 of those tarts, both in raspberry and mint, 50 of those vanilla twist pastries, and 60 of the chocolate cannoli's"
You furiously scribbled down his order as he spoke, internally freaking out at how much time it would take you to bake everything, eventually looking back up when he stopped talking.
"Okay and that is under what name, and for what date?"
"Lee Heeseung, and next Saturday"
You grimaced at the short notice, thankfully Heeseung didn't notice, writing down the last bit of information on the order slip before shooting him a wide grin.
"Alright I will get that all worked out for you, thank you for the order"
He flashed a beautiful smile and you immediately smiled back, trying your best to ignore the way your stomach did flips at the sight.
"While I'm here, can I also just get whatever that chocolate thing is in the display case"
He said it with a slightly embarrassed chuckle, followed quickly by "just don't tell my boss, he'll probably give my nutritionist a heart attack"
You laughed with him, going to get the pastry he ordered, ringing it up and passing it over the counter, quickly snapping your hands back into yourself at the brush of his fingers.
Heeseung doesn't seem to notice as he takes a seat at one of the tables, continuing small talk with you as you replace items in the display case with fresh ones.
When you finished your task he was still eating and nobody else had come into the store, so you start wiping down the tables around him, accepting his offer when he asks you to sit with him.
"So you own this place?"
"Yep! It was my grandmas before the previous owner took over, and they just happened to be retiring when I graduated so it got passed down to me"
"That's impressive, owning your own business this young"
His eyes shined genuinely when he said it and you could tell that he really was impressed.
"Thank you, I'm very proud of it"
He smiles again and somehow you just know that he's a good person. The way he actually cares about the things you talk about, not just pretending to be interested. You could tell he loved seeing other people happy with the look he gave you when you talked, and maybe it was unreasonable, but right then and there a part of you fell for Lee Heeseung.
"You seem quite impressive yourself, working for a big fancy company like HYBE at your age!" You complimented back.
"Oh it's nothing, just a," he paused for just slightly longer than necessary before saying "an internship."
"That's still so cool! What's it like?"
You propped your chin on your hand as you waited for his response, not noticing the way he stared when you did so.
"Uh it's really not as cool as you think," he brushes off the question, "hey, do you want to go for a walk with me?"
The change of topic caught you slightly off guard, but you recovered quickly, checking the time on the clock and realizing it was time to close.
"Yeah that'd be great, just let me close up"
You go through the routine, counting your cash box and storing away pastries, eventually locking the door behind you as you and Heeseung head out into the evening.
"Where do you want to go?" You ask, since he was the one that suggested a walk, and he smiled back at you as soon as the words left your mouth.
"I thought you'd never ask"
He grabs your hand, excitedly pulling you to follow him as he passed through alleys and patches of trees, before eventually stopping, letting out a "ta-da"
You turn in a slow circle, taking in the view, willow trees hanging down around the bank of a river, small flowers covering the base of the trees.
"Oh my-"
You finally turned back to the man next to you, finding his sparkling eyes already on you.
"This is beautiful Heeseung"
His smile is bright enough to light up the slowly darkening night around you as it graces his face, and he pulls you over to sit down under one of the trees.
"Hey Heeseung, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure, anything"
"How'd you already know what you wanted to order? I'm sure I've never seen you in my store before, I would remember you"
"Because I'm just so handsome?" He teases, laughing even harder when you reply "yeah, exactly".
"Well Y/N, can I be honest with you?"
"Yeah, of course"
"I've tasted your food before, even before you owned that place"
Your eyes widened at his confession, head cocking to the side as you tried to think of where he could have had your pastries.
"Were you at an even catered?"
He shakes his head dramatically, mumbling something unintelligible.
"What was that?" You lean closer to try and hear what he says and he looks up then, face mere inches from yours as he repeats himself.
"I said 'you give a girl her first kiss and she doesn't even remember you'"
You let out a small gasp as you realize and your face flares up in embarrassment.
Seventh grade, you had your first kiss with a boy who went to the same music classes as you, and you remember embarrassingly bringing him baked goods every class after that. His name was Heeseung, and now that you think carefully you can see the resemblance to the man sitting in front of you now.
"Oh my gosh that's so embarrassing, how'd you know it was me?"
He decides not to tell you he's remembered you since that little peck in middle school and has been begging his boss to order from your bakery so he would have an excuse to see you again.
"You haven't changed much since seventh grade" was his response instead, and you slapped his arm at the comment.
You two spent the next three hours just talking, catching up on each other's lives and reconnecting after your time away.
Before you knew it the sun had completely set and there were no light posts in the area Heeseung had brought you, you now struggled to see the boys pretty smile only a foot in front of you.
"Its getting late, and you probably have work tomorrow, we should probably start heading back."
He checked his phone at your mention, and you pretended not to notice the giant number of notifications while his eyes widened at the time.
"I didn't even realize it had gotten so late, let me take you back"
You're glad he offered, not sure you would be able to make it back to the cafe without his guidance.
The way back seemed much shorter than when you had been pulled down it earlier that day, and you found yourself disappointed that he didn't grab your hand again.
"Well here we are"
He looked around once you made it back to the familiar building, before turning to you.
"Where's your car?"
"Oh, I live pretty close so I just walk, it's easier than trying to find a parking spot in the city traffic anyway"
He nodded his head along with your statement but then shook his head slightly.
"You can't walk home alone at this time of night"
You felt touched by his concern, but fought him on it anyway.
"It's fine Hee, it's only like four blocks away"
"Nope, no way. That's way too far, come on"
He waved his hand towards you and you looked down at it curiously.
"I'm walking you home, now come on"
He grabbed your hand again, both of you smiling at how right it felt.
You reached your house in about five minutes, and you tried to hide your disappointment at the prospect of your fun night coming to an end.
"Do you want to come in"
His eyes lit up at the offer but were quickly turned down to look at his feet.
"I'd love to, but I have work early tomorrow"
"Oh, okay"
It was quiet for a few moments before he made eye contact again, taking a step closer to your body and pulling you in his arms in a friendly hug.
"Thank you"
You hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his torso.
"I should be the one thanking you, that spot was beautiful, and I had a really great time. Thank you for taking me with you"
Little did you know that he wasn't thanking you for the few hours you had spent together. But he said "of course" anyway.
"Well goodnight"
You went to go inside, sticking your key in the lock before quickly thinking of something.
Heeseung looked at you quizzically, waiting for you to say whatever it was you had just thought of.
"I need your number," he raised one eyebrow and you quickly added "so you can text me when you get home safe, I would be an awful friend if I let you get kidnapped after you so graciously walked me home"
He laughed at your reasoning, but handed you his phone anyway as you two quickly added each other's contact.
You took a look at his contact, bursting out in laughter at the sight of it.
"Did you really put your name in as 'Heedungie' with a bunch of hearts?"
He looked proud of himself for making you laugh and he nodded his head.
"Yes, yes I did"
"No fair, give me your phone back I want to give you something embarrassing too"
You didn't think he actually would, but his phone was held out to you and you took it, quickly turning around and taking an exaggeratedly cute selfie to set as the contact picture before putting in a nickname for your name, complete with the same aggressive hearts as his.
He took the phone back and laughed at the improved contact.
You shared one last smile before you entered your house, Heeseung leaving your porch after seeing you securely in, making sure he walked a block away before calling his driver so you wouldn't see.
Only once he was safe in the confines of the backseat did he look at the notifications on his phone.
23 missed texts from his father and 7 calls from his mother.
He clicked on the notification, skimming his eyes over the texts, rolling his eyes at their content. He didn't even read all the way through before shutting his phone off, throwing it across the seat for the rest of the ride.
You had just stepped out of the shower when you heard your phone ding, and you paused the music to go check the text.
'Just got home, all in one piece and no kidnapping attempts were made on me'
You laughed at his text, shooting back something along the lines of 'I'm glad to hear that' before heading out of your bathroom to get dressed.
Heeseung texted you a few more times after that, and you found yourself giggling at his messages exactly like seventh grade you did. Eventually you said your good nights, after you had scolded him for staying up when he needed to get up in the morning, and you smiled one last time at the obnoxiously cute contact name before floating off to sleep.
You went to work the next day, and the one after that, and there was no real difference in your life except for the constant texting and the extra bounce in your step. Even your regulars commented on how happy you looked.
Heeseung liked to come to the cafe on his lunch break, and you started making an extra lunch in the morning after the first day when he ordered three pieces of cake as his meal.
It was Thursday, and you were currently trying to find someone to help you bake the giant order for the party.
"Come on please, it's huge, and even one person would be a huge help to me"
"Sorry I can't, I'm babysitting for my neighbors the whole week"
You let out a sigh at yet another no, and put your phone back down on the counter.
You were so absorbed in the call that you hadn't heard Heeseung come in, and you almost screamed when you looked up to see him standing in front of you.
"Woah sorry," he was laughing so he obviously wasn't that sorry, "I didn't want to interrupt your call"
"It's okay"
"What do you need help with?"
It took you a moment to realize he meant the phone call and you let out another sigh at your empty search.
"I'm trying to get someone to help me with the order for the party, it's the biggest order I've gotten and it's just me so I can't make it all in one day by myself"
"Oh," he paused "what are you going to do"
"I don't know" you shrugged, "I'll have to start making things tomorrow, everything that would be able to stay overnight so that I don't have to do it all on Saturday, but even with that I don't know if I'll be able to get everything tomorrow done. Maybe I'll put a hiring sign up and hope someone applies by tomorrow"
He tried to stifle his giggles at how dumb of an idea that would be, but you still noticed.
"Heeeeee," you whined, holding the sound out for longer than needed, "stop laughingggg I know it's dumb. I'm trying to avoid a breakdown okay?"
He finally stopped laughing, and his eyes lit up like he just thought of an amazing idea.
"I can help you!!"
You look at him like he's crazy and he shrugs nonchalantly, "What? It's a good idea."
"No Hee, I would never ask you to do that. Besides it's literally for your order, I'm not making you cook for it, especially not on a work day"
"Nope, it's too late. I've made up my mind. I'm helping you"
"No Heeseung, you're not"
"Yes I am. Okay now I'm gonna run away before you can yell at me more. I'll be here tomorrow at- wait, what time do you even open?"
"Nine AM"
"-Then I will be here at nine AM"
"No Heeseung!"
He takes off running and you try to chase him down, both of your laughter ricocheting off the walls. A few people outside stop and watch as you run like children, most of them smiling at the sight.
"Nope, not happening"
He runs around you in a circle, quickly running up to the side of your body giving you a peck on the cheek and then taking off back towards the direction of his work.
"See you at nine AM" is the last thing you hear from him, a quiet message because of how far away he was, even though you know he was shouting when he said it.
You shake your head as you watch him turn the corner, turning around to come face to face with one of your regulars.
"So that's why you've been so happy lately?"
You try to think of something to say, some denial of how smitten you were, but all that came out was a giggle, one that solidified your current appearance of a lovesick school girl. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth, embarrassed at your reaction, but the woman just laughed before heading into the building, you following shortly after to serve her.
And the next day, right at nine AM, the bell above your door rang, and in came the boy that had been the cause of your racing heart all week.
"Here I am"
"You're the worst"
"You say that, but you're smiling"
"Shut up"
He giggled as he followed you to the back of the building, teasing you more about how you were accepting his help anyway.
"I was hoping you wouldn't show up, but I guess since you're here I might as well get the help"
It wasn't true, you were up all night trying to decipher if he was actually going to show up. You even got out your cute apron and put some extra effort into your appearance this morning.
"I would recommend putting this on"
You toss him an apron to protect his clothes, going behind him and tying a nice little bow. He ignored the way his body tingled where your hands brushed it, and your breath hitched when he turned you around to do the same thing.
"This is my job Hee, I could tie it myself"
"I know," was all he said, letting his hands linger on your waist as he turned you back around to face him.
He tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear, his face a little bit too close to yours.
"Whatcha doing?" Your voice came out as a whisper and the way he smiled made your heart beat even faster then it already was, something you didn't think was possible.
"What do you want me to be doing?"
You gave a small laugh, throwing your arms behind his neck and angling your head up to get closer to the tall man above you.
"Does this answer your question?" You asked, referring to your previous actions.
"I think it's a pretty good indication" he spoke through a smile, leaning down to brush his lips against yours softly.
It was barely a kiss, absolutely no pressure from either end, but the butterflies in your stomach absolutely erupted at the contact, and you couldn't even try for an actual kiss because of the huge smiles on your faces.
"Did you feel it?" He whispered, and even without an explanation you knew what he meant.
A giggle left your lips, "yeah I felt it".
A jingle sounded as someone walked in the store and you pulled away from him to go serve the customer.
He was standing against the counter when you walked in, still just basking in the feeling of what had just happened.
"Alright lover boy, time to get to work"
He smiled at the nickname, coming up to you and spinning you around once, before speaking.
"Yes chef"
You laughed at his antics and gave him directions on how to help you start the tart shell.
By noon you were well ahead of schedule, the playlist you had chosen now blaring as you screamed the lyrics together, flour dusted over your faces as you took a break from kneading the dough for the twists.
"Thank you for this"
"Helping you bake?"
"No, everything else too"
He smiled and pulled you back in, this time for a real kiss.
That night you both went home early so that you could get up early for last minute party prep, after a goodnight kiss (or two, or three, or four...) at the your front door.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow"
"Can't wait"
He hesitated to pull away from you, not quite wanting to leave, but you pushed him lightly.
"One more?"
He puckered up and you laughed giving him one last kiss before running into your house, hearing his whines through the door.
"Okay baby, I'll see you tomorrow"
You almost screamed when the nickname left his lips and you could hear the laugh he let out when he heard your squeal from the other side of your door.
"You can go to the back room, there will be another girl in there and a changing station set up, guests are starting to arrive now"
You listened to the other worker speaking, trying not to show how tired you were after finishing all of the baking that morning.
Following her instructions, you headed to the back room to change out of your sweats and into something more presentable for the party. By the time you had exited the back, you could hear the chatter of people and could tell the party was starting.
They started by giving a small speech about how well they had done that quarter, thanking all of the employees for their work and their families for supporting.
Within 30 minutes you were carrying out trays of your pastries, everyone mostly finished with dinner and some random business video was playing in the front of the room.
You walked out to stand along the wall with the other miscellaneous staff people working the event, and watched as they moved on to giving out awards for things like "best costumer service" and "highest sell rate". The entire time you were looking around for Heeseung, trying to spot him over by some lanky guys who looked like interns, but no luck.
"Alright now that all of the awards have been passed out, an important announcement from CEO Lee"
You looked around trying to spot the man in question, eyes eventually landing on an old man, grey hair and a pinstriped suit, as he used a cane to lift himself out of the chair and up to the stage.
You spotted Heeseung then, sitting at the same table the old man had just left, along with an older looking woman you assumed to be CEO Lee's wife, and another male that looked to be a little older than Heeseung.
You thought about trying to get his attention, but the CEO soon started speaking, and your eyes were pulled away from him.
"As I think we all know, I'm not as young as I was when we started this business," there were a few laughs from around the room, and the man waited for them to be done before moving on. "I don’t want you to worry, I’m perfectly healthy, but I, along with my family, have decided that it would be best for me to step down from the company."
Murmurs erupted throughout the room, and it was enough to tell you that the employees had no prior knowledge of this decision. You look over to Heeseung to gage his reaction, but instead of surprise or confusion, his face is laced with something that looks more like... disappointment? You decide it must be the lighting that's obscuring his actual expression, since that wouldn't make much sense.
"I will be retiring within six months, and my son, I know you've all seen him around the company," the female population seems especially excited about these words, a few turning to make faces at each other, you even hear one say 'hot boss' to her friend.
"Heeseung, please come up here"
You can hardly conceal your shock as you see your Heeseung stand up from his seat and go to the front of the room.
You furrow your eyebrows as he stands next to who you now realize must be his father.
"Heeseung will be taking over the company after my leave"
Your eyebrows shoot up as the words register in your mind.
Heeseung is going to be CEO of this giant company within 6 months.
Maybe you should have been mad that he lied to you, that he hid this part of himself from you. He definitely didn't tell you the position of his father, or the fact that he was going to be coming into said position, but you found yourself realizing that you didn’t really care.
'That's one hell of an internship' was the first thing you thought, and you laughed at yourself for it.
When you zoned back in to what was going on, Heeseung was ending what you figured was a short speech about him taking over, and you clapped along with the rest of the crowd.
His eyes met yours and you swore there was relief on it when he saw you let out a "whoo" along with a few others.
Heeseung steps down from the podium, taking a few hands that were held out to him, giving handshakes and responding to comments from men in high up positions.
You were called to the kitchen to pack up the few pastries that weren't needed, and the loud conversing of voices faded with the closing of the door.
You smiled giddily at yourself while transferring tarts to boxes.
'I can't believe I'm dating the new CEO'
We're you dating the new CEO? Technically you'd never gone on a date or at least one that you called a date. And he had never asked you to be his significant other. But you kissed? Multiple times.
"What is going on in that pretty brain of yours?"
You almost dropped the tart in your hand you were so surprised by the voice. A quick look reveals the person that had you so zoned out in the first place.
"You were thinking so hard it looked like smoke was about to come out of your ears"
You can't help but laugh at his words, finally continuing your actions of packing up the food and thinking up a lie.
"Just thinking about how my little intern became CEO in a week," worry crossed his face, but it disappeared immediately when you continued, "you must have been an AMAZING intern"
He laughs and moves next to you to help.
"So I might have lied a little bit"
"A little bit?"
You raise your eyebrows at him and he corrects himself with a laugh.
"Okay it was kinda big, but I just didn't want you to treat me different or anything"
He gives you his big doe eyes as you place the last pastry in the box, sealing it up to be taken to your car.
"Hee, you know I'm not mad right?"
He smiles, and you realize too late why he's coming closer to you, your feet leaving the floor as he spins you around.
"Hee, Hee, stop" you laugh out, and he finally puts you back on the ground.
"Okay, so you don't hate me"
You cup his face, leaning in until your noses are almost touching.
"Correct, I don't hate you"
"Then in that case," he backs up and you pout at the increased distance.
He takes your hands in his, looking at you in a way that has your knees about ready to collapse.
"Would you want to be, my official official, girlfriend?"
You giggle at how he seemed to have the perfect timing, pulling on his hands to finally plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"I would love to"
Part II
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hersweetrevenge · 3 years
Annabel!!! How’re youuuuu ~ ?
I’m doing it again :(
Been up since 530am, had a 7h shift in which SO MANY THINGS had to be done and it seemed like everyone wanted something and it was a loud & stinky day bc my entire workplace is being renovated, then I went food shopping and grabbed the bare essentials because I just wanted to be home, had dinner, did my chores, showered, and now I’m watching HOW at almost 11pm and I’m so tired I’m yawning every few minutes & I feel light headed but heavy at the same time and the only reason I’m awake is because I want to see the boys.
I’ve just seen sweet Lester, but I MISS Bo & Vincent and I’m gonna stay up until I see them. If I fall asleep at my desk, so be it. I just wanna see them. I can only imagine the lectures… (they’d be touched though🥺)
I hope you’re safe & well! I have a day off tomorrow and a butt ton to rb from you, so apologies but also no apologies for the notif spam you’ll get !!! You deserve it all and more!!!!❤️
Erika !! 💖 i hope ypu slept well 💤
ahh i'm doing okay,, classes started again and i'm processing that i have a lot of work coming. 👀📚
you're always so busy, and being busy is not conducive to my desired lifestyle so i do not know how you manage, but you do and you're brilliant for it. i've said it once and i'll say it a million more times: you work too hard !! i hope you know that you're doing enough (more than enough) and every single day i am proud as hell of you. 💖
you deserve HOW time !! i cannot tell you the strange and unusual movie i've fallen asleep to. and the amount of times i've fallen asleep with HOW in the background? countless.
and never apologise for notif spams, they make me all blushy and seeing you in my notifs is the best part of my day 😊😊 and i'm so happy that i can provide little bits here and thefore for you and the rest of our slasher fam 💕📚
now onto our boys. they'd miss you so much too !!
bo doesn't get up as early as you, but he does like to have a routine and understands that Responsibilities™ are a thing. if you fall asleep doing any work he is very unhappy and will tell you off, but its just a cover because he is concerned and cares so much about you. makes sure you go to bed if you've fallen asleep at your desk, and he won't admit it but he doesn't like to go to bed without you, you're schedules are similar enough that he wants to keep them that way -- who'd have thought that bo likes the company.
imagine falling asleep while watching vincent work, though 👀 he's very flattered, knowing his safe space is your safe space too 💖. but, he wishes you'd tell him when you need rest because he will make provisions for that, if he notices you getting tired, he's done with work for the day. tools go down, you are going to bed (he thinks you don't know, but sometimes after you've been asleep for an hour, he'll go back down to the basement and keep working, but he always comes back in time for you waking up in the morning)
lester works almost as hard as you! he's up early and home late. if you fall asleep waiting for him to come home, he tried to get you to bed without waking you up. if you do wake up though, he's a quiet as possible so he can still say goodnight but you'll be able to go back to sleep pretty easily 💤. he loves knowing that you're waiting for him, it makes him feel wanted and he hates getting up in the morning and having to leave you. if you're up at a similar time, he makes sure you're going to be okay for the day before he leaves, will not leave unless he knows you'll be okay 💖
all three of the brothers have a Thing™ about everyone being back home at night. their home(s) is there safe space, where they are normal and not playing up to anything. they have a strange way of showing it, and none of them would manage without the others to keep them in live, but they do believe ins self care of sorts. going to sleep in a bed or eating dinner together is how they make the rest of the days bearable. and with you there, you get the same care they give to any of their own.
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raeandwhatnot · 3 years
Hold Your Breath- Alive!Luke Patterson Imagine
Summary: You have a big test coming up, but what happens if the test happened earlier than expected?
Warnings: anxiety attack
Words: 3.8k
A/N: Hello, I am thinking of taking requests for imagines. So far, I’ve only done Luke/Charlie. However, I attached a masterlist that shows everything I am comfortable writing so far. For marvel, I can try to write for other superheroes, so that way I can learn how to write for them. But yeah, if you want me to write something, request away! I will say, I'm in college so it will take a bit. Alrighty, enjoy this imagine! 
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Beep beep beep
I wake up to the annoying noise that is my alarm clock. It was already 6:45? I barely got any sleep last night from studying for the upcoming history test. I hate taking tests, so I stress myself out by studying as much as I can so I can get a good grade. I sit up on my bed to see my textbook and papers laid out around me. I turn to my alarm and shut it off. I grab my phone from my night stand to see that Reggie texted me.
Hey, I’m going to be a little late picking you up today. I’ll be over around 7:45. See ya soon- Reg
I reply with a simple okay to let Reggie know that I got the message. I collect my textbook and papers and place them on the night stand. I didn’t feel like getting 100% ready. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the light to see what the damage looked like. My hair was a mess and I had major bags under my eyes. I brush my (Y/H/C) hair and put it in a messy bun. I decided I was going to do extra light makeup today. I normally do a natural look, but today I was going extra natural. I put some concealer under my eyes so I don’t look scary. I then put some mascara and eyebrows. I quickly brush my teeth so I don’t have to look at my reflection anymore. Once I finish in the bathroom, I walk back to my room to put on different clothes. Even though I felt like absolute crap and didn’t even feel like putting on jeans, I knew my friends would realize something was wrong if I didn’t wear jeans. I changed the shirt I slept in into a graphic band tee, and I changed from shorts to jeans. To finish the outfit, I put on my checkered vans. I grab textbook and papers from my night stand and put it in my backpack.
After zipping my backpack, I took a deep breath to try to calm me down. I could feel my heart picking up its pace as I was stressing about going to school. I don’t do well when I don’t get a goodnights rest. This past week, I haven’t been getting enough sleep and it is now starting to hit me. I tried to remind myself that it was a Thursday and that I have one more day to study before the test. I took another deep breath and shake my hands to try to get the stress out of me a little bit. I grab my backpack and head to the kitchen for breakfast.
When I get to the kitchen, I place my backpack near the kitchen table. I wasn’t entirely all that hungry, so I just grab a bagel and put it in the toaster. I get the cream cheese from the fridge and wait for my bagel to finish toasting. I suddenly hear a knock at the door. I furrow my brows and look at my phone. It was 7:40. I guess I was having a quicker morning than I thought. I walk to the door and open it to see Reggie. “Hey, (Y/N)!” Reggie smiled.
I smile back, “Hi, Reggie. I’m just heating up a bagel real quick. Come on in.” I step to the side so Reggie can walk in. He nods and steps through the door. I close it behind him as I hear my bagel pop out of the toaster.
“How has your morning been?” Reggie asks as we both walk to the kitchen.
“It’s been alright. I’m a little tired from studying last night,” I say while spreading cream cheese on the bagel.
Reggie leans against counter, “But (Y/N/N), you’ve been studying all week!”
“I know, I know. I just want to do well!” I exclaim.
“Is that why you haven’t come to Julie and the Phantoms rehearsals recently?” Reggie questions. Even though Reggie can be a bit of an airhead, he does notice a lot of things about his friends.
“Maybe,” I mumble as I finish spreading the cream cheese and put it back in the fridge.
Reggie steps over to me and grabs my shoulders to stop me from moving. “(Y/N), you are going to be fine! You always do good enough on your tests,” he says.
I slightly smile at his comforting words, “Thanks, Reg.” Reggie smiles and drops his hands from my shoulders. I grab my bagel and backpack. “Okay, I’m ready to go now!”
“Sweet,” Reggie says. “Also, sorry for being late! I was fixing my amp in the rain last night. I think it messed up my car a little bit, so I had to have my dad jump my car.”
I slowly take a bite out of my bagel listening to Reggie’s explanation. “I don’t think you should be doing that, but okay,” I whisper as we walk to Reggie’s car. We climb in the car at the same time and start heading to school. Thankfully, school wasn’t terribly far away. To be honest, I could walk to school, but who wants to do that?
I finish eating my breakfast as Reggie pulled into the parking lot. Reggie’s assigned parking space was right next to Alex’s. Alex, Luke, and Julie were clumped around Alex’s car waiting for us to join them. “Hey guys!” Reggie says as he gets out of the car. I follow him out and join the group. I keep next to Reggie as I didn’t want my boyfriend, Luke, to see me in my anxious state.
“You guys are late!” Julie exclaims.
“Yeah, that’s my bad! I tried fixing my amp while it was raining outside last night and it did something to my car,” Reggie explains to everyone. They all gave Reggie a questioning look.
“How are you still alive?” Julie asks out of the blue. We all chuckle and Reggie looked confused. Luke pats Reggie on the back as we start walking to the school building.
As we were walking, Alex tugs on my arm to slow us down and be more behind the group. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks.
I shrug my shoulders, “Yeah, of course. Why?”
“You are more quiet than normal. You also look really tired,” Alex says quietly so the rest of the group doesn’t hear. Alex also suffers from anxiety like I do, so we understand each other. It’s really hard to hide it from him, but I always try to.
I scoff at his statement, “Alex, I’m fine. I’m just tired from studying last night; that’s all!”
Alex squints his eyes at me. “Okay, if you say so. You know you can talk to me, right? Or you can talk to Luke. I know he is more than willing to help you out. You are his girlfriend after all.”
I stop at my locker. “Yes, I know. I don’t want to bother Luke with my troubles. He’s been focusing on the band a lot recently. I don’t want to put more weight on his shoulders. Anyways, hurry and get to class. First period is about to start,” I say to him while putting in the code to my locker.
“Yes, ma’am!” Alex says while walking backwards and saluting. He turns around and walks to his first class. I have class with everyone in our group. First period (History) is with Luke, second period (Art) is with Julie and Flynn, third period (Biology) is with Willy, forth period (theatre 3) is with Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Julie, fifth period is lunch with everyone, sixth period (Pre-Cal) is with Alex, and seventh period (English) is with Julie and Willy. It was nice to always have a friend in class.
I grab my art supplies from my locker as I don’t have time to swing by locker between first and second period. Since art class on the other side of school, I have to put my supplies in my backpack now or else I would be late trying to get my supplies between classes.
I close my locker to see Luke leaning against the locker next to me. “Jeez!” I jumped as Luke scared me by his presence. “You’ve got to stop doing that!”
Luke laughs at how scared I was, “Normally, that doesn’t scare you that bad. What’s going on in your mind?”
I shake my head, “Nothing important!”
Luke tilts his head, not believing what I said. “Sure, whatever you say, (Y/L/N), You ready for history?” Luke asks as he stands up from the lockers and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
I turn my heel to walk to class. “Am I ever ready for history? No! Whenever Mr. Hall teaches, it goes in one ear and straight out the other. I just have a hard time retaining history.” I answer.
As we get to Mr. Halls door, Luke unwraps his arm around me and stands in front of me. “You got this, bubs. You always do good in class!” Luke says trying to cheer me up.
“Thanks,” I murmur against my breath as I look down and play with my fingers. I was starting to feel anxious.
Luke notices and grabs my hand, “Believe me, you are insanely smart! You can do this.”
I look up at Luke who had a slight smile on his face. I nod my head, “Thanks, bubs.” He lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around my head. I hug back by wrapping my arms around his waist. I start to feel slightly less anxious with the hug. Luke always gives good hugs. He rubs my head slightly and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. I pull away from the hug to give him a double thumbs up. Luke smiles wider, snaps his fingers, and turns his heel to walk in the classroom. I take a deep breath and walk in the room. Luke and I take our spots in the back of the classroom; I sit right in front of Luke. Not too long after we sat down, the first period bell rang and the morning announcements started. I tune out whatever was being said over the intercom, not caring what they had to say. I didn’t even stand up to do the pledge of allegiance. I don’t know why I was feeling so anxious; the test is tomorrow!
Suddenly, I feel a kick on my heel. I snap my head towards Luke. “You’re shaking your desk with your leg bouncing and it’s making a squeaking sound,” Luke whispers. I didn’t even notice that I was bouncing my leg.
I immediately stop bouncing my leg, “Oh, sorry!” I turn back to face the front.
Finally, the morning announcements were over. Mr. Hall stood up from his desk to stand in front of the class, “Good morning class. I have a few things to say before we get started today. First thing, I will not be here tomorrow because we have an away baseball game.” A few boys in the class let out some hoots as they are part of the baseball team. I slightly chuckle at their actions. “I normally am here in the mornings when we have baseball games. However, it’s a few hours away, so I will be gone all day. Therefore, we are going to have our test today instead of tomorrow! Surprise! I hope you guys are ready!”
My heart sunk to the floor. This couldn’t be happening. We can’t take this test early; I’m not ready for it! “Clean off your desks, everyone. Let’s get started!” Mr. Hall announces.
I lean down to my backpack that was on the floor to grab a pencil. I open up every zipper to search for a pencil, but I couldn’t find one. I was starting to panic as my anxiety started to get worse. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I look to see Luke handing me a pencil. I zip my backpack closed and take the pencil from him. “Hey, you okay?” Luke asks as I turn back to the front. I nod my head because I knew if I tried to speak, I would just break down crying. I set down the pencil Luke gave me and wipe my hands on my pants as they became super clammy. Mr. Hall walked by and past tests row by row. He finally placed a test packet on my desk. I pick it up to look at the back to see how many questions was on the test. There were 30 questions.
“Alright, you have until the rest of the class period to do the test. Good luck!” Mr. Hall says and sits down at his desk. My shaky hand picks up the pencil and my vision starts to get a blurry and watery as tears started to brew in my eyes. I shut my eyes hard to make sure tears don’t fall. I take a deep, shaking breath and try to read the first question.
What year did the Holocaust begin?
My mind went blank. I’ve been studying this all week, and I couldn’t remember a thing. I skip around the questions to see if I could find a question that I knew at the top of my head. There weren’t many, but thankfully I found a couple of questions I could answer confidently. I look at the clock to see we have 30 minutes left of class which is enough time to do a test. However, in my mind, it’s not enough at all!
Suddenly, I feel Luke’s foot kick my heel, again. I look up at Mr. Hall to see him on his computer. I turn around at Luke, “What?” I barely whisper. Luke tilts his head to the ground. I look down to see a folded piece of paper next to my backpack. I pick it up, glance at Mr. Hall, and open the folded paper.
Are you sure you’re okay? You keep fidgeting in your desk.
Luke’s awful handwriting was hard to read, and I didn’t have time to answer him back as I needed to finish this test. I fold the paper back and slip it in my bag.
Time passes, and I was down to three questions that were absolutely stumping me. I reread the questions about 15 times each to make sure I could understand the questions. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and let out a heavy sigh. I look around to see almost everyone done and sitting with their phones. I turn around at Luke who was done as well. How was he already done?!
“5 more minutes!” Mr. Hall announces. I snap my head to the clock; class was almost over. My heart starts racing and beating hard in my chest. I look back to my test. Do I just BS this and guess? Do I even have time to figure the questions out? After a minute or two, I guess the last three questions as best as I can and turn in my test at the front. I try to take more deep breaths to try to calm my heart down. Tears were threatening to fall down my face.
Finally, the bell rang to end class. I grabbed my bag as quick as I could and sprinted out of class. I heard Luke calling out my name, but I couldn’t face him like this. He has never seen my anxiety so bad, and I don’t want it to be at school. I walk into the girl’s restroom, walk in a stall, and lock it. I drop my bag to the floor and lean against the wall. My breath was uneven and quick. I can’t be doing this in public. I need to calm down! I try to do the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 anxiety trick, but I couldn’t focus on anything. The tears that have been trying to fall finally fell, and I lost it. I place my hand on my mouth to try to hold the sobs coming out of my mouth.
“(Y/N)?” I hear Julie call out. I gasp as I wasn’t expecting her to know where I was? I look at the floor to see her standing in front of the stall I was in. “Hey, are you okay? Luke said you ran out of history.”
I attempt to speak clearly, but a loud sob left my mouth. “I-I’m f-f-in-ne,” I barely spoke in-between sobs.
Through my blurry vision, I saw Julie exit out of the bathroom. I exhale the breath that I didn’t know I was holding. My legs started to feel like jello; I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Thankfully, the toilet seat was down as I sat down on the toilet. I then noticed that I was hyperventilating. I was having a full out panic attack.
“Bubs?” I hear Luke softly call out. I shake my head as I knew Julie told him I was in here. I try make my breath quiet. “Bubs, can you let me in? Please?” he asked. I could barely move. It felt as if I was a statue and I couldn’t move.
“(Y/N), I know you’re in there,” he states, not knowing I physically couldn’t move.
“I-I-“ I attempt to speak, but words couldn’t form as my hyperventilating kept me from speaking. Next thing I know, Luke drops his backpack on the floor and so does he. He crawls under the crack between the floor and the door. I back further on the toilet and look down so he couldn’t see my face.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke whispers and grabs my face to make me look at him. My cheeks were red and tears and tear stains on my cheeks. My nose was running from me crying. He trys to wipe away tears, but they kept falling on my hot cheeks. “Try to breath with me, okay? Inhale through the nose; exhale out of the mouth.”
I nod my head slightly. Luke moves his hands from my face and holds my hands. As Luke inhales, I inhale. As Luke exhales, I let out a shaky exhale that ended in a sob. He does it again, but as I exhaled, all that came out was a sob. I then hyperventilated again and shook my head. This wasn’t working.
“No, no, no, that was supposed to work!” Luke mumbled under his breathe. In the distance, I heard the bell ring to indicate that it was time for second period. This made me panic even more as I can’t be late for class! I squeezed Luke’s hands that my nails digged into his skin slightly. I noticed Luke defeated as he wasn’t sure what to do. Suddenly, I feel him remove his hands from mine and place them back on my face. This time, he pulled me close to him and slammed his lips on mine. My eyes widened as I was shocked at his sudden action. I finally give in a little in the kiss and close my eyes and release the breath I was accidently holding. After a minute, Luke slowly pulled away.
I open my eyes to see him looking at me with a worried look on his face. I then noticed that my breathing was slightly back to normal. “H-How did you that?” I ask.
Luke rubs his thumbs on the apples of my cheeks. “I uh, read about it actually,” Luke states. “When Alex told me he had anxiety, I skimmed some articles on how to help and support someone with anxiety. I read that holding your breath can help, and when I kissed you, you held your breath.”
I couldn’t believe what Luke was saying! “Wow, t-that’s really smart, Luke. Thank you.”
Luke slightly nods his head. He pulls down my head and slightly kisses my forehead. “How come you never mentioned your anxiety was so bad?” Luke questions.
I take Luke’s hand from my face to hold them in my own hands. “I don’t want to bother anyone with my burdens,” I say embarrassed.
“Look, bubs,” Luke whispers. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about your anxiety. I will always be here to help you if you feel really anxious or anything,” I give Luke a slight smile. “Also, I told Flynn and Julie to tell your art teacher that you wouldn’t make it into class, so don’t worry about class right now.”
“What about you?” I question, not wanting him to miss class.
Luke shrugs, “Reggie is covering for me. It’s okay.” I feel slightly guilty that he is missing class because of me. Luke stood up, “Do you want some water?” I nod my head as I slowly stand up from the toilet.  Once I stood up, I felt a little dizzy and placed my head on his chest. Luke placed a kiss on the top of my head. “You good?”
“Mmhm,” I hum quietly. My head finally stopped spinning after a minute. I took my head off of Luke’s chest and stood up straight. “I’m good.”
Luke squeezes my hand and unlocked the bathroom stall door. Thankfully, during this whole time, no one had come into the restroom. However, it might look weird that the both of us are walking out together, but I don’t care at this point. We walk out of the bathroom and head towards the cafeteria where the vending machines were.
“Wait!” I stop my tracks, still holding Luke’s hand which made him stop as well in front of me.
“What?” he questions.
I look at Luke dead in the eyes and ask in a very serious tone, “Do I hold my breathe while we kiss often?”
Luke tries to hide the smile that was forming on his face, “No?”
My mouth opens wide, “Wait, really?!” Luke laughs out loud and walks closer to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. “I didn’t know that!” I exclaimed.
“It’s okay, (Y/N)! You know, because you do that, I was able to help you today,” he says while unwrapping his arms around my shoulders and instead places them on my waist.
I roll my eyes and lightly punch up on the chest, “Okay, okay, that’s true. Thank you, again.”
Luke kisses my nose sweetly. “Anything for you, bubs,” he smiles. I smile back. “Hey, there’s that beautiful smile.” I blush at the comment and give him a peck on the lips.
“Let’s go get water,” I say as I grab Luke’s hand and tug towards the cafeteria.
“There’s my girl,” I hear Luke whisper as he walks next to me. As we walk next to each other hand in hand, I take my other hand, wrap it around his arm, and place my head on his bicep. I’m grateful to have Luke in my life.
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emixion · 4 years
Creatures and Cryptids - Day 10 - Maribat March 2021
oh man, i really love this one. Here’s a HTTYD Au for today. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link
Marinette was worried about Damian.
She’d hardly seen him lately. The boy had increasingly become absent over the past few weeks, skipping out on meals, classes and even training.
It was so unlike Damian to skip training.
He was a dedicated warrior, more so than any other kid in their village, and the fact tat he even refused to show up for training was very troubling to her. And very suspicious.
Not only was he absent, but he was acting strange as well. He seemed very distracted. Never in the present on the rare occasion she did see him, which was incredibly unlike the ever vigilant boy.
Not to mention sneaking fish from the mess hall. What was that all about?
She’d tried asking his family about it, but they were just as clueless as she was. His older siblings had noticed his absence as well, but chalked it up to him going through his rebellious teenage years. She wasn’t so convinced.
Marinette had enough of all the mystery, so she decided to go investigate herself. She’d seen Damian scurry away during dinner, stuffing some food in his vest before taking off into the woods.
Marinette’s brows knit in confusion. What could he be doing in the woods?
Quietly, she began to follow him, grower more and more confused as they ventured further into the woods. It seemed as though he knew his way around this area. Like he’d been down this path many times.
Marinette had no idea what was so secretive that he couldn’t tell her or even his family about it.
Her mind flashed with hurt the more she thought about it. Wasn’t she his friend? Didn’t friends tell each other secrets?
She was pulled from her thoughts when they reached a clearing with a small pond. Marinette quickly hid behind a nearby tree and watched Damian intently as he took the fish from out of his vest and began calling into the empty clearing.
Wait, was that a..growl?
Dragon! her brain quickly alarmed her.
Marinette watched in shock and horror as a blood red Monstrous Nightmare flew into the clearing from nearby and parked itself in front of Damian.
Pushing herself away from the tree, she quickly ran into the clearing, pulling out her slingshot.
“Damian!” She yelled, making the boy whip around.
“Marinette?!” He yelled back in surprise.
“Run!” She exclaimed, loading up her slingshot. “Get away from it!” She was in a clear panic.
The Monstrous Nightmare immediately went into a defensive position and growled dangerously at her. Marinette gulped as she approached it, she knew Monstrous Nightmares were one of the most dangerous dragons around (besides Night Furies, of course.) They could light their skin on fire, for Odin’s sake! Still, Damian was her friend and she would be damned if she let a winged devil hurt him because she was afraid.
With a battle cry, she pulled back her slingshot-
-Only to be tackled to the side by Damian.
Marinette let out an “oof” as Damian pulled her down with his body. He then quickly stood up and faced the Nightmare, making Marinette panic more. She scrambled to her knees and looked around for her slingshot, only to groan in dismay as she saw it on the other side of the clearing.
She was about to attempt to sneak around the Nightmare to fetch it, but stopped dead in her tracks.
Damian had his arms out, and was…speaking to the dragon? Like he was trying to soothe it? What on Earth?!
“Damian..?” Marinette called, bewildered by the sight before her. Her jaw was practically on the floor.
“It’s alright, Goliath.” He murmured to the Nightmare. The dragon surprisingly stood down, but still eyed Marinette warily. Damian then turned to her.
“It’s okay.” He offered her his hand. She took it, letting him help her up. “You just scared him.”
“I scared him?!” She cried, looking at Damian like he’d grown a second head.
“Listen,” Damian began, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I can explain this.”
“Explain what?” Marinette asked. “That the reason you haven’t been around lately is because you have a secret dragon pet? That you’ve skipped out on training so you can hang out with a Monstrous Nightmare?!” She grew more and more panicked as she ranted, pacing in a line.
“Angel, please, you’re hyperventilating-“ Damian attempted to calm her down. All the while the Monstrous Nightmare munched at the fish Damian had left for it.
“Of course I’m hyperventilating! This is- this is crazy! You’re crazy!”
“Marinette, please, do you trust me?”
She stopped her pacing to face him.
“Of course I trust you. But this-“
“If you trust me, you trust him.”
“Trust him?! He was about to attack me! Who is “him’ anyway?”
“His name is Goliath and the only reason he got like that was because he thought you were going to attack first. He acted in self defense.”
Marinette faltered. She had run in armed and tried to shoot him. She couldn’t deny that.
“Listen to me.” Damian continued, gently taking her hands in his. “I know this sounds crazy, but just let me show you.” He walked her over to Goliath slowly. Marinette shook slightly as they grew closer and closer to the massive dragon.
“Watch.” He said, and before Marinette could protest, her hand was being held out to the dragon, Damian’s hand on top of hers. She tried to shrink away but Damian held her steady, whispering reassurance in her ear.
Goliath perked up and slowly sniffed the two humans’ hands. He paused for a moment before gently leaning into Marinette’s palm, Damian’s hand still placed over hers.
Marinette looked on in awe. She couldn’t believe her eyes, she was actually touching a dragon!
“He-he’s not going to attack me?” She stuttered in disbelief. Damian shook his head with a small laugh.
“No.” he said. “He won’t attack you.”
Marinette’s eyes were still glued to the dragon who she was now tentatively petting.  “I don’t understand…how did this happen?”
Damian stroked Goliath’s horn. “I found him here injured one day and nursed him back to health.” he explained. “I don’t know why, but I just..couldn’t kill him, Marinette. I looked at him and saw another living creature that didn’t want to die.”
“That’s…that’s amazing Damian.” She whispered, tearing her gaze away from Goliath back to him.
Damian looked almost bashful for a second, but quickly shook himself off. Typical Damian.
“I want to show you something else.” he said.
“Oh no, is there another one?” Marinette asked, panic starting to fill her voice again.
“No, no.” Damian laughed. “Come here.” He waved Marinette over to Goliath’s side.
“What are we doing?” She asked before yelping as Damian picked her up and boosted her onto the dragon.
“You’ll see.” He said as he hopped on in front of her. “Goliath, let’s go, pal.”
The Monstrous Nightmare stretched its wings and stood up.
“Damian..” Marinette began, her arms winding around his waist to secure herself. “Are we..?”
“Yep.” Damian replied just as Goliath took off into the sky.
Marinette screeched as they left the ground, watching the grass get further and further away. She buried her face against Damian’s shoulder, afraid to look.
He looked back at her fondly as they gained more altitude soaring into the clouds.
“Angel,” he called once they gained enough height. “You can look now.”
Marinette shook as she hesitantly pulled her head back and looked around. She gasped.
“Wow!” She exclaimed breathlessly, making Damian smile. The view was absolutely breathtaking. She could see the clouds within reaching distance, the pinks and oranges of the setting sun, the horizon as it sat dividing sky and sea. She’s never seen anything like it.
Goliath flew down closer to the ocean and let her graze the water’s surface with her fingertips while Damian kept a secure hold of her waist.
“This is…amazing.” She sighed, sitting back up and placing her chin on Damian’s shoulder. “He’s amazing.”
“He is.” Damian agreed, giving Goliath’s head a pat. The dragon cooed in response.
“I’m sorry.” Marinette said meekly. “I shouldn’t have tried to attack him. I was just-“
“Scared.” Damian finished for her. “It’s okay, Angel. I understand.” he reassured her.
“I’m glad I listened though. I’ve never thought about dragons like this, but…” she trailed off, hugging  Damian tighter. “You’re an odd kid, Damian.”
Damian laughed, lightly nuzzling his head against hers. “That’s fine with me, Angel. Just as long as you’re on my side. -
After the night grew dark and Goliath grew tired, he flew back to the clearing and returned to the ground. Marinette and Damian hopped off his back.
“I can’t believe we did that!” Marinette chattered excitedly. “We actually rode a dragon! How many people get to say they’ve done that?”
Damian listened on fondly as she expressed her excitement.
“Did you see how high we were?” She continued. “And when the stars started to come out, oh my Odin, it was incredible!”
In her giddiness, she moved in close to Damian and pulled him into a tight embrace.
“Thank you, Damian. I had a lot of fun.” her voice went soft and almost a bit shy.
Damian thanked the moonlight for concealing his red cheeks. “You’re welcome, Angel. Would you-“ his voice faltered for a moment. “Would you want to do this again sometime?”
Marinette beamed at him and Goliath.
“I’d love to.” -
The two bid farewell to Goliath and walked back to the village hand in hand.
“My parents are going to kill me.” Marinette groaned. Damian chuckled.
“I don’t think Father will be too happy with me either.”
“Does anyone else know about Goliath?”
“You’re the first one I’ve told.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea.”
Soon Marinette’s house came into view and she turned to say goodbye.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” She reassured .
“I can only hope.” Damian replied.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” she said, hesitating for a moment before swooping in to kiss his cheek. “Goodnight.” She whispered against his skin. And with that she scurried to her front door, pausing to wave at him before slipping into her house.
Damian waved back, face burning, before heading in the direction of his own house. His grin lasted the entire way home.
He would have to thank Goliath the next time he saw him.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Notice Me
Request: Hey Millie :D As I said before, I am subtly crawling my way into your inbox for the first time. After carefully combing through everyone's masterlist, I realised none of you lot had my baby Oliver Wood. So, here I go. Can I please request an Oliver x Reader fic, a bit maybe angsty, but happy ending where the reader is hot tempered and likes Oliver, but he is too invested in quidditch to realise her feelings? Thank you, hun ^^ - @heloisedaphnebrightmore
A/N: My first Oliver fic and it’s for the Queen of his fics! I’m only a tad nervous!!! Thank you so much for trusting me with this request, I have loved writing it even if I am uncertain about his characterisation. ALSO I have shamelessly stolen a nickname from Outlander as a way to fuel my crush on this particular scot. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, panic BUT FLUFF AND OLIVER BEING A CUTIE
Word count: 2.3k
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The ticking of the clock insisted on taunting you by getting slower and slower as the lesson progressed. Your knee began to bounce as you counted down the minutes until the bell rang and you could leave the classroom.
You throw your things into your bag as you rush out of the classroom; all the time hoping he would be waiting.
“Sassenach,” A thick Scottish accent calls out, “Where do you think you’re going?”
You grin at the familiar sight of Oliver Wood waiting for you outside the classroom; leaning up against the wall, hands in his pockets with the sleeves of his uniform rolled up. You approach him; his hand outstretched for your bag which he shoulders when you hand it to him.
“You know,” You start, “You’re going to get in trouble for calling me that.”
He smirks at you, “I don’t think I will, I’m too loved for that to happen.”
You nudge his side with your elbow, “I don’t believe that for a minute, Wood.”
Oliver throws an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side, “Hush you, let’s go get some lunch, I’m starving.”
You laugh, “When aren’t you?”
“I’ll have you know; I’ve got to be big and strong as Captain of the Quidditch team.”
You snort, reaching to his other side and squeezing his bicep, “Sure you are, Ol. You’re big and strong.”
“You wound me, woman.”
“Take me to lunch, Wood,” You giggle.
Oliver pulls away from you, bowing down to you, “As you wish, my lady.”
You shove him to the side, but he comes back to you, his arm landing back on your shoulder, “You’re a shit, Oliver.”
“But you love me.”
Falling for Oliver Wood happened fast. It happened fast and it left a mark.
It happened between one blink and the next, you’re sure of it.
Thinking back to it, it had to happened when he smiled at you one morning in the Great Hall through Sixth Year. His smile lit up his entire face; bringing out the innate kindness that radiates from within his very core. His brown eyes sparkled and between one drink of orange juice and the next, you had realised you’d fallen in love with your best friend.
Simultaneously, everything made sense and your heart stuttered with the fact, but your stomach dropped, and your mind went into overdrive.
Did he already know?
Was he just pitying you?
How would he react if he found out?
Does he feel the same?
You worked through each question internally; barely finding enough to answer one of the questions suitably.
So you let yourself sit with your feelings, wondering whether they were just a temporary crush.
A year later, they hadn’t disappeared, and it was no longer a crush.
You loved Oliver Wood for a lot of reasons; he was kind, he was charming, he was attractive, and he was passionate.
Especially about Quidditch.
But it seemed that he only had eyes for Quidditch, and whilst you love his passion for the sport – making sure you attend every match and helping him plan strategies, you just wish he would notice you a bit more.
For the last month, conversation only seemed to revolve around Quidditch and its strategy and its history.
And as much as you love the brunette, there was only so many times you could be brushed over before deciding enough was enough.
It came to ahead on a Saturday evening. For the fourth evening in a row, Oliver was ranting about Quidditch strategy and whilst you appreciated the passion he has for the sport – it being one of the things you love about him – you wish you could have a conversation about something else.
He hums in answer; still extremely focused on the piece of paper in front of him.
“I need to talk to you.”
He hums again, eyes still on the paper.
You clench your hands into fists, willing yourself not to ball up the paper and throw it into his face. You clench your teeth, “Yeah, I was thinking about asking out Marcus Flint from the Slytherin team.”
It was a petty attempt at jealousy. It was a petty attempt at getting a rise out of him.
It was a desperate attempt to get his attention.
“Oh?” is all he replies, crossing something out on the page, writing a name above it.
It’s then that you realise, Oliver probably isn’t going to ever see you as something more. He’d only ever see you as someone to discuss Quidditch strategy with.
The realisation feels like a blow to the face, and you rock back in your chair from the force of it. You look at Oliver, but he hasn’t noticed a thing. Why would he? He’s bent over the strategy for next week’s match; figuring out the team’s weak points and thinking of solutions.
You blink fast; the sadness coursing through your body and bringing tears to your eyes. It felt as if your heart had been ripped out and smashed to pieces on the very floor of the common room for the entire house to lay witness to.
Yet for them, nothing has changed – they continue to talk, to study, to laugh.
For you, everything’s changed.
And the room is becoming too warm and the walls are becoming too close. It’s all too much, and you need to leave.
You need to get out now.
Clearing your throat, you whisper, “I’m going to bed, I’ll see you at some point tomorrow.”
Oliver waves still bent over the plan for next week. He didn’t notice the way your voice breaks, or how vague you were when saying goodnight.
Rising from your seat, you fight back the gathering tears until you’re in your room.
There, you let them fall in heart-wrenching, chest crushing sobs. Mechanically, you take off your robes and replace them with your pyjamas. Your blind to it all; the tears falling too thick and too fast for you to see clearly.
With your wand in your hand, you brokenly whisper a charm to close the curtains surrounding your four-poster bed, desperate for the privacy in which you could let yourself fall into your pit of despair and hopelessness.
You feel ridiculous for having fallen for someone who’s first love would always be a sport. You hide your face in your pillow; letting the cotton of your pillow case muffle the sobs that will not stop falling from your mouth.
The morning brings sore eyes and sad looks from your dorm mates who had heard your muffled sobs and put two and two together pretty quicky. You smile at them, softly apologising, before taking your things to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
There you get a look at the damage. Your eyes already seem duller; the colour dimmed from the agony of your realisation.
Enough, you berate yourself. You have shed your tears, and now it was time to figure out the next move. As you’re brushing your teeth, you think over your options.
You could talk to Oliver but the idea of potentially ruining your friendship has you backtracking.
Running a brush through you hair, you have another idea. You could simply work to get over Oliver whilst maintaining the friendship. You had been friends for over a year before you started having feelings for the Scot; surely you could return to friendship, right?
Breakfast feels stilted and awkward on your end; you pick at your food; your appetite having disappeared overnight.
Oliver watches you with a funny expression on his face. His eyes flicker between your face and the full plate of food in front of you, “Sassenach, are you alright?”
You want to cry at the use of your nickname, “I’m okay, Oliver. Just not feeling very well.”
He reaches across the table and presses the back of his hand to your forehead; feeling for a fever or anything to explain this change, “You feel fine…” he trails off, eyebrows furrowed.
You bat his hand away with a short laugh; your temper attached to a short fuse with how little sleep you got on account of crying late into the night, “Oh hush Oliver, you are a worrywart! I’ll be fine when I get to class.”
Oliver frowns at your outburst and at the way you bat his hand away from your forehead. He doesn’t get to air his concerns though; you grab your bag, taking a sip of the orange juice, “I’ll see you later on.”
For a long time after you leave, Oliver stares at the doors of the Great Hall wondering when exactly he had started to lose you.
The week passes slowly; like trudging through the deepest mud.
Every time your mind slipped into a daydream with him featuring at the main character, you brought your focus back to the lesson and your work. If this carries on, I’ll have the highest grades in the year, you thought to yourself sarcastically.
You pull away gradually; protecting your heart from the inevitable heart break should Oliver ever find out about your feelings.
He makes it hard though; he continues to meet you outside classrooms and will always carry your bag whether the load was light or heavy – he always insisted. He carries on with the little touches and grabbing your hand at random parts of the day to pull your attention to something he’s noticed, and he always, always talks to you about Quidditch.
And all you want to do is scream at the teenager for making it so damn hard to fall out of love with him. For making it so hard to stop the racing of your heart or the daydreams from your mind. For making it so hard to stop the butterflies that erupted with each lopsided smile and his pronunciation of your nickname.
But you don’t; you remain silent, wondering if he’ll ever notice the shattered remains of your heart caged in your chest.
The day felt like it was going to be uneventful; if this what getting over Oliver felt like then you were tempted to ask for a refund.
Your lessons pass slowly; the Professor’s making it their aim to drag out the teaching material until the very last moment before NEWTs.
When the ball finally rings signalling lunch, you place your things in your bag mechanically, swinging it onto your shoulder as you leave the classroom.
You sigh as you notice there’s no sign of Oliver waiting for you. You blink back the sudden onset of tears; this was your call, you berate yourself.
You don’t see who grabs you until your pulled into an empty classroom.
You glare at the familiar brown eyes of Oliver Wood, “Oliver!”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” You state, head held high, eyes never leaving his.
“Bullshit,” He shouts, “You’re pulling away from me and I don’t know why.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious. I miss you. What’s happened for you to pull away like this?” He asks, his voice breaking a little.
Hearing that break in his voice, you want to take him into your arms and apologise for letting him think the worst.
But your head overrules your heart.
“For Merlin’s sake, Oliver! How could you be so blind?” You cry out.
“Blind? To what?”
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for your next few words, “Oliver, I like you. As in more than a friend.”
His eyes widen as he takes you in with entirely new eyes.
The silence is deafening; it’s pressing down on you like a heavy stone. The weight of it making it somewhat hard to breathe. The longer he’s silent; the worse it gets for you.
“If you’re going to reject me, you better get on with it,” You snap; dread settling in your gut like a lead balloon making your short temper, shorter.
Oliver seems to shake himself out of his trance at your words, “Why would I ever do that?”
You throw your arms wide, your bag falling to the floor, “I don’t know… because you don’t feel the same?”
“But I don’t… I feel the same.”
Your arms drop to your sides, “What?”
Oliver nods, “I feel the same.” At your bewildered expression, he continues, “I thought you knew.”
“Oliver, you don’t notice anything unless it starts with the letter Q and ends in H.”
He frowns, “That’s not true!”
“Oh? Prove me wrong then, Wood.”
He grins at the challenge, “I noticed you. I haven’t noticed anything but you since we became friends. Merlin, (Y/N), I’ve been in love with you since Sixth Year when you told me to get myself together after we lost a match against Hufflepuff.”
His accent gets thicker the more he talks; he’s getting worked up and the brogue becomes something else.
“Since Sixth Year?” You interject, a small smile breaking out across your face.
Oliver nods, blush painting his cheeks.
You sigh out a breath of relief, “Thank Merlin, I’ve liked you since then too.”
“Then why were you pulling away?” He asks in a hurt tone.
You drop your eyes, “It was my way of trying to get over you.”
“Get over me?”
“It didn’t work!” You rush out at his hurt look, “I don’t think there’s any getting over you.”
Something resembling relief falls over his face, and your heart flutters at the sight of it.
Oliver takes your hand in his, tangling the fingers together. A simple action but one that held so much promise.
He takes a step closer to you; his other arm circling your waist.
You decide he’s taking too much time.
You drop his hand to wrap both arms around his neck pulling him down for the kiss you’ve both hungered for, for so long. He laughs in surprise, but his arms quickly circle around you, his lips responding to your hungrily.
“So you’ve always noticed me huh?” You ask when you finally pull away, a teasing lilt to your voice.
“Sassenach, how could I not?” is all he replies before kissing you once more.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @dreamer821 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
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Character: Kenma K. Header creds: @leekn6w​ Song: I’m loving your vibe by Xavier Goodman !!WARNINGS!!: College/University AU, Smoking/Drug Usage, Male! Reader Title: Cute Party boy
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You had been sitting in the corner of someone's house deciding to finally give up on finding your friends knowing that they had probably already found some random guy to hook up with. Looking around and watching the drunk young adults grind, sing, dance, scream and drink the night away you finally had enough of sitting there, you stood up from your seat walking into the kitchen and looking at the several different arrangements of drinks noticing they had fireball, whiskey, tequila, gin, brandy, and several other things in one section then having the beer in another.
Not wanting anything to hard and hating beer you went for the fruit punch pouring your cup 3/4 of the way and walking up the stairs making the decision not to open any closed doors knowing that one or several of your friends could be in that room doing things you didn't want to vision your friends doing right now. Noticing a slightly open door, seeing smoke continuously flowing out of the room as people go in and out some alone some with friends or partners.
Finally concluding that you didn't have anything to do and you were tired of being so sober you walked into the room the aroma of weed and what you think is vanilla and strawberry flavored juul pods. Sitting down on the couch near a window, trying to stay your farthest from the two men you were on the couch next to.
Pulling out your pod and taking a longer hit then you would usually and exhaling taking note to the pudding head and black haired male next to him who had been taking glances and staring on and off for about 20 minutes now. Taking your phone out trying to figure out why your phone had been vibrating in your back pocket continuously for a few minutes now. Rolling your eye seeing that your mother had been calling you and texting you nonstop making sure you were studying for your tests that weren't happening till like 3 months.
Texting your mother and telling her that you've been studying all week and its 10pm on a Saturday and you had been cramming for the past week and a half with barely any breaks. Turning your phone off whilst rolling your eyes. Noticing that the two boys across from you were still continuing to stare at you, you stared back at the two hoping that it would make them stop.
Them finally stopping you go on your phone texting your friends once more as an attempt to check on them even though you knew that at least two of them were together. "Hey..." the bed head said. "Uhm- hi." you said not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now. "I know we've been staring at you for a while now and sorry for that, but my friend said your beautiful/handsome and he would love it if you gave him his number." he said with a slight smirk on his face. "Well I mean sure but only if he comes over and asks himself." you say looking at the bi haired colored boy.
"Okay- wait sorry hold on." hurriedly getting up from the old beaten up couch with a smile on his face walking back over the his friend and whispering in his ear while pointing at you, the shorter boy blushes with a smile on his face getting up from his chair and awkwardly shuffling over to you. Sitting next to you and smiling the blush on his cheeks becoming more prominent.
"Hey... sorry about my friend. I told him to leave you alone, but he didn't listen." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine... so what's your name." you said as you took a hit from your juul "My names Kenma. What's yours?" he said finally starting to seem a little bit comfortable with you. "(M/N)" you said holding your hand out to shake his hand a warm smile coming across your face as you feel his skin contact yours.
"Your pretty to by the way." you say moving your phone out of your back pocket not liking the feeling of your mother blowing up your phone against your butt cheek. "What-?" Kenma said look up at you with wide eyes. "Your friend told me you thought I was pretty/handsome, so I said your pretty." You said smiling. "Oh ah- thanks." he said with a slight chuckle tucking some stray strands of hair behind his ear frowning slightly.
"You going to ask for my number or do I have to." you said smirking slightly in a more teasing/sensual tone, the smirk becoming wider and more prominent when that heavy blush that dusted his cheeks earlier dusted them once again. "You look like a strawberry again Kenma." you state teasing him once again and making his blush deeper. "So- uhm can I have your number... then." he says pointing at the phone on your thigh.
"Yeah sure give me your phone right quick" he says giggling a bit at how shy he was. "Yeah sure- here..." he says practically glowing and shaking a little from excitement. "Uh I called my number so your number should be in my phone now, and my contact name is my name. I didn't know what you wanted it as, so I put it as that." you said handing him his phone back and half way making sure he noticed. "Okay thanks I'll call you tonight to make sure you get home- if that's okay with you."
"Yeah it's fine with me. And I'll do the same if I leave before you." you said your voice lowering slightly as you start to become calmer and more comfortable around him. "Okay cool. You want a drink-" he says not knowing what to do now his mind creating an awkward atmosphere that wasn't even there. "Yeah sure. They didn't have anything good though which is why I got juice before." you said warning him that nothing good would be in the downstairs kitchen.
"Yeah I got mostly juice too. My friend wanted me to get a little tipsy so he wasn't drunk alone." he said you both walking down stairs as Kenma texts Kuroo letting him know where he was going so he would leave without him, it happened once and he'll never allow it to happen ever again. "Kool-Aid or Hawaiian punch?" you said as you chose something from the fridge. "Kool-Aid... duh." Kenma said laughing a bit.
"Which flavor?" you say. "Purple and red." answered checking his phone. "You like purple! I love purple too everyone I meet hates purple." you say a childlike grin on your face. (Yes, ur getting excited over Kool-Aid. The purple flavor deserves more hype!!) "Kenma!" the boy from earlier said hurriedly walking over to you both. "Yes kuroo." he said drinking out of his cup, you laughing a bit noticing he drinks like a 1st grader after they just got done playing outside.
"It's almost 3 we got to go. You have class at like 8 and my class is an hour before yours so let's go." Kuroo said ready to drag him away. "Well I have to go I have a pretty early class tomorrow, but I'll be sure to call you." he said making sure he had everything he originally came with in his pockets. "Yeah sure bye Kenma and..." pausing waiting for Kuroo to tell you his name again. "Oh! Kuroo my names Kuroo."
"And Kuroo. We'll talk later 'mkay?" you said smiling at Kuroo then going to look back at Kenma. "Yeah sure I'll probably text you first by the way." he said him and Kuroo grabbing each other's hands and saying bye. Checking the time, the realization finally settling in that your friends were still missing, and it was almost 3 in the morning.
'Jesus fucking christ where the hell are these fuckers' you think to yourself storming back up the steps your patients being thin to none. 'On my mommy if these hoes fucking somebody I'm leaving' putting your ear up to at least 4 different doors before you finally found them, seeing one friend passed out in the bathroom and the others scattered around the room.
"My god what did you guys get yourselves into" you said finally feeling the exhaustion that you were suppressing throughout the past two weeks. "Ty's sick and vomiting it's guts out in the bathroom, Isaiah's knocked he's been like that for about an hour now, and Alex was crying but ink's now under the desk over there... and I didn't drink a lot so I'm fine." your friend said you trying to find Alex.
"Ok well its... 5 minutes away from being 4 am.", "Okay..."
After taking everyone home and making sure they got in bed safely you and your friend Malik both shared an uber back to both of your houses. Finally reaching the comfort of your room you go to your connected bathroom and start getting ready for the night. Taking a shower, doing your skin care, getting a snack while putting on your show starting to finally calm down.
Finally finishing your food getting up to brush your teeth and going back to your room pressing play to your show again. Turing on your night light and finally laying down. Jumping slightly when you hear you phone go off completely forgetting about it. Turning over to your nightstand to get your phone. Confused when an unknown number shows up on your phone.
In your messages
Unknown: Hey this (M/N) right?
You: Who's this .-.
Unknown: It's Kenma we met at the party... remember?
You: Oh yeah, it's (M/N)
You: Hey Kenma
Cute party boy: Hey (M/N)
Cute party boy: hru?
You: I'm doing good hbu?
Cute party boy: I'm doing good :)
Cute party boy: srry for texting u so late btw I just wanted to do it now, so I didn't forget lol.
You: No worries you're fine :)
Cute party boy: Alr good.
Cute party boy: did you make it home ok or are you still at the party?
You: no I ended up finding my friends after you left so I'm home now.
You: hbu?
Cute party boy: yeah I made it home fine lol
Cute party boy: Did you want to hang out again?
You: yh sure when
Cute party boy: are you busy on Sundays?
You: no Sundays are usually free for me
Cute party boy: you wanna hang out tomorrow
You: yh tht works lol
Cute party boy: mk well i gtg im tired so goodnight :D
You: yh same goodnight sweet dreams and sleep well
Cute party boy: you too sweet dreams and sleep well
After saying your goodbyes to Kenma you put your phone back on the dresser watching a few episodes of your show, finally slipping off into peaceful sleep.
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