#boss leader
blacktycoon · 1 month
ok so pnat theory: the "power" that's "sleeping" in mayview is or was literally BL/sandman, and the true nature of her dream-manipulation power is full-on godlike reality warping that just so happens to be localized to dreams as long as she's by herself w/o a "host", because she's literally sleeping at the bottom of the lake in the waking world. the entire consortium is a cover she's created to try and prevent people from claiming her power bc she clearly feels awful about the incident (i think it's pretty safe to assume she's being genuine there- it wouldn't make sense to apologize to gwen after everybody else vamoosed otherwise, i don't think), and the incident 13 years ago was the result of the closest anyone ever got and may or may not have been some sort of Harmonic Convergence-esque event
...what i'm trying to piece together is if "13 years ago" lines up with when davy might have gained his own reality warping powers, and also when dimitri met peekaboo, bc i'd bet that the could both be "fragments" of BL/Sandman since they deal in such pure reality-warping and peekaboo is so weirdly mysterious
dimitri says he remembers meeting peekaboo right after preschool
preschool is around ages, like... 3-5, right? ten years ago, ed was 3, so he would have been just born when the incident happened
is dimitri the same age as max/ed/isabel? or isaac? idk if we know, but... its, like, a couple years off >:/c
i guess there's no reason to say that peekaboo couldn't have floated around for a while before finding a medium... or, well, hang on, maybe peekaboo was possessing dimitri for some time without dimitri awakening, like forge in johnny rn. i could see that, especially if dimitri was, like. an infant.
ooh, y'know, maybe that's why VP was so outraged that she didn't get a name from the sphinx of truth-- she needs to figure out who's holding the fragments in order to piece them together to claim the power
(maybe the freaky shadow spirit could be another fragment too? idk, shadow manipulation... it seems like kind of a stretch but it definitely appeared around the same time)
CH. 8 PG. 61 EDIT: OKAy okay the LOCKER.
"Indeed, he was drawing more and more power from it with each passing day" that's GOTTA be the source of his reality warping ability as seen in his encounter with Hijack
"Davy sympathized with the poor thing, really, having sprung free from a prison they once shared", also:
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OKay okay OKAY, so. Sealed away to rot? The [grudge] that let him go? Like... "this grudge" that Gwen and BL have "nursed" for years? "Locked" it in nighmares? The locker has a sticky note with "ZZZ" on it. Sleeping.
Davy was part of the Consortium. He was trapped, the same way as Gwen. He escaped by cutting off part of the spirit that was holding him there... and the piece came with him.
Is it possible... hmm. Is it possible that the power might turn humans into Monsters? I wouldn't be that surprised honestly, like... we see with Isaac that mediums tend to take after their sprits physically in some manner. Prolonged contact with a (Great?) Wight might have even more dire consequences.
Also the locker's got vampire and werewolf stickers on it. So. Also a ghost! And... a bur--? WAIT A BURGER
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incorrectpnatquotes · 21 days
Max: Seriously, what'd I do to deserve what's happening to me? Boss Leader: Sorry, Max, it's the will of the 'writer'. Max: WHO WROTE THIS SCRIPT? Boss Leader: The Fate themself. Boss Leader: *looks pointedly down at the copyright statement at the bottom of the web page*
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jonahmagnus · 10 months
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x-unnamedgraves-x · 2 years
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gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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carpet-snark · 2 years
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look everyone, it’s yet another one of my medias ive been reading paranatural since freshman year sksksksksks
love u zac, ur lady here is unnatural and unnerving
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rogueofrageedits · 2 years
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[ID: Four icons of Boss Leader in front of the lesbian flag. End ID]
im right
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the-fandom-fool · 2 years
Boss Leader: This agent thinks the Cousinhood’s fears may at least be a useful angle to interpret one part of a laundry list of mysteries she inherited from her first mentor.
Max: And who was this mentor?
Boss Leader: Oh? ur mom lol
Max: Excuse me?????
Boss Leader: No, seriously. It was your mom.
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telephonestalker · 1 year
If Boss Leader had a voice, I think it should be somewhat androgenous while as changing to a slightly different voice during every encounter to sort of show how she's a spirit masquerading as a human.
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gamtosthegreat · 2 years
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You could caption this image with anything as long as it involves the word "peg".
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glitter-stained · 5 days
Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?
Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.
Goon: Huh.
Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?
Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...
Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.
Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...
Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?
Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.
Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.
And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.
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legendariahylia · 21 days
This Blog Is Going Away.
(Formerly, ibossleadtheghostcops-blog)
Hello! For any of you still following this blog, for some reason, as it has been eight years since I was last active,,, I'm going to be completely nuking this within the next few weeks and starting over from scratch with things that are completely unrelated. No more RP blog, no more Paranatural, no more Boss Leader. Sorry folks. I will be deleting all the posts, redesigning the theme, whole nine yards all of this is going away. If you like The Legend of Zelda, Zelda theories, writing and/or Linked Universe, great! Feel free to stay. If not, you're probably going to want to unfollow me! I'm changing the name of the blog to start with, so apologies for any confusion that causes.
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lucythejoltik · 5 months
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Ingo's Pearl Clan test trial...
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incorrectpnatquotes · 3 months
Starch Radness 7, Round 4: Poll 2/2
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critterbitter · 4 months
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Some silly light hearted fun at Flocessy Ranch! Always thought it was wild you can meet wild Riolu just hanging out in the tall grass.
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As for that dwebble following them… everybody’s aware of their little passenger. My guy just wants to collect rocks and live in Blitzle’s saddle like a pocket friend. Litwick’s terrorizing them, like some sort of territorial cat.
Masterpost for more pokemon shenanigans!
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trustymikh · 2 months
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the sibling havers
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nartothelar · 2 months
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when they do the twin thing
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