#okay this and veep
bouncing-flowers · 11 months
Roman sat there and watched the conversation between Lukas and Logan, while not reading between the lines at all. That’s all the Roy’s do. And somehow Roman can’t do it. It’s another thing that makes Roman the broken one.
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tommywambs · 2 years
i just started watching veep (on s3) and …. there’s a nearly identical scene in one of the episodes as in all the bells say where jonah asks dan for his own jonah just like greg asks tom for his own greg ??????
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simmaster · 2 years
obviously rtd era doctor who is my always and forever favourite show and ultimate special interest but i cannot claim to know every single thing about it i think in universe i know pretty much everything but behind the scenes stuff i'm not completely confident in but i don't think im exaggerating when i say i know every single thing about the thick of it like i have seen every bit of content that exists multiple times i watched it all three times in the past two months (not including rewatches with commentary) i used to say i didn't know enough about one subject to go on mastermind but i could take ttoi on mastermind i know that show (and in the loop) inside out i have all this knowledge inside me and nowhere to put it i just keep little infodumps in my notes app. i don't know what this post is i just feel like im going to explode
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frmtheroombelow · 1 month
will we remain stuck in the throat of gods? is the line of all time actually
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domesticmail · 8 months
there is a mouse nesting in my chest, making itself a home out of my muscles and bones. a constant thrum of nervous energy commanding all of my attention, my heart beating in harmony with the anxious patter of animal footsteps. it's made a bed between my lungs and i can feel the pressure, each breath shorter, quicker, needier.
it's inescapable. that's why i hate the mouse - not because it exists, or it happens to exist inside me. because no matter what i do, there is still a mouse in my chest. it chews on my ribcage, tiny teeth gnawing on (quite literally) the structure of my life, unaware of my total misery, thinking only of itself.
anyway that's a bit of creative writing about my anxiety. my boyfriend and i haven't spoken in two days and i'm just completely panicking inside but he asked me to give him space so that's what i have to do. i really struggle with being alone while triggered, and leaving an argument unresolved without a clear time to come back around and discuss it is a trigger for me. (that's not my partner's fault, i was not really aware of this previously. i just thought everyone began to spiral and completely panic for days) i am not very good with self-soothing but i've made massive progress recently.
it is really hard for me to drop difficult topics of conversation when they arise because of the way i was raised. i've talked about it on here before but basically from the time i was about 8 to when i was 18 if i got caught doing something i wasn't supposed to, the resulting punishment would always be an hours-long interrogation in my parents' bedroom about WHY i disobeyed them. i think the longest was like six hours. they would keep me there and grill me, telling me i was a horrible role model, a bad older sister, and a bad daughter. they would occasionally call my younger siblings in to explain why i was in trouble, and then have them all tell me one by one their thoughts about whatever i'd done (ranging from not turned in a homework assignment or two to sneaking out one night, etc. stuff i'd consider normal teenager stuff but maybe isn't? idk). i distinctly remember them calling my aunt and my grandparents (separate times) to have them humiliate me. frequently, i would cry so hard for so long i would begin to hyperventilate and my mom would call me disgusting, saying she hated the way i sounded while i cried. eventually i learned to just go completely numb to all of it, but they hated that, too, and would say i looked smug and self-righteous. i held up being completely stoic for a while and then one day, i just broke. i thought to myself, they're just going to do this to me forever, and they keep acting like i'm talking back to them anyway. they berate me for not standing up to them and just being quiet, so FUCK them i'll just be mean back." that obviously didn't work either but it felt better than the first two, so it persisted until my sister attempted suicide. i never acted out of line after that, because i figured i needed to take care of my youngest siblings, and i could only do that if my parents trusted me.
and throughout all of this, i was NEVER allowed to leave a punishment, to take a break, etc. they endured until i met some arbitrary criteria for being punished, and then i could go back to my room.
so i'm accustomed to just dealing with it the first time, and moving on. i hate waffling around the issue. being direct and respectful is very freeing, you have the ability to say what you want and address issues that may be really contentious or upsetting with someone you love and still feel comfortable with them. i am working towards this, i think the ability to stay totally calm and civil in a disagreement would be a really nice skill to have. you could talk about anything!
however currently i'm not quite there. i am very reactive, especially so when i'm triggered. it's really hard for me to pause during arguments, i get so anxious because i don't know what's going to happen, and i WANT there to be a resolution. i WANT to finish the conversation and come to the end of this issue, whatever it is. but it is completely out of my control right now, which infuriates me. i need to work on my emotional regulation.
i really want to take up some sort of martial art for this. i have all this expendable energy in the form of anxiety and a reasonable amount of free time. i've been interested in it from a young age but i've done absolutely nothing athletic for like four years. (to give you a rough idea of how much i exercise - i go on probably four walks a week. up to one a day. there's a pull up bar in our apartment [OW, saying that hurts, 'our' feels like such a bite now] that i use. when we first got it i could do two; now i can do five!)
i am also 5'3 and 95 lbs. so i'm too small to compete. but i feel like a. i don't want to compete i want to be strong and badass and b. i gained 12 lbs when i went to college, if i could do it once i can do it again. also my doctor would probably be pretty happy.
but anyways! that's where i'm at. boyfriend is sleeping on the couch of his own volition, so, whatever, i guess. going into another day of not talking. i'm not reaching out to him because he told me, specifically, to leave him alone, but the longer it goes the worse i feel about the whole thing. there's nothing i can do, though, because any sort of reaching out is crossing his boundary.
it just sucks to feel this way. i wish he would tell me when we could talk again, instead of just icing me out completely. then i could at least push it out of my mind for a while.
i don't want to stop writing. if i stop writing i have to go to bed, and if i go to bed the night will pass so fast and then i'll be awake tomorrow and having to face another day so soon. i want to stay curled up in our (OW!) bed forever. i don't want to have to worry about him breaking up with me.
(also it's kinda funny i'm worried because like he broke up with me once already. for a week. and i lived through it. like, shouldn't i be mentally prepared for this?)
at this point i'm just rambling. it feels good though. i feel like i'm draining my brain into this post - blaaaghhhh here are all my insecurities blablablablaaaaaagghhhh!!!
i hate my job. i hate customer service. even though i got tipped (tipped!! for working front desk!!) $30 last week. being good at it doesn't make me any happier. i want to be fulfilled by it and i am so. not. however i am still getting my degree so that's basically my one option.
my mom mentioned a certification i'm going to look into, she said it's useful for finding work in the field. i think i'm going to switch my major; i just really want to go into project management. i know that might sound stupid but genuinely i think it's such an interesting field and i would be so happy to manage projects and teams and put together decks
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starry-mist · 20 days
S6e15 thoughts:
Ahhhhh the anniversary, and the implied night of hot loving. Something I’ve considered though, is that Charlie says “it’s our anniversary” vs “it was our anniversary” yet they went out (or stayed in) to celebrate the night before. In my mind this could possibly mean that there were additional anniversary plans that got interrupted by Charlie being tapped to guard Fulford that night. That’s just an alternate take to explain his cringe face when she asks him to come back to the hotel. It’s more likely that he just wanted to be out investigating rather than on bodyguard duty, but the alternative might make its way into a fic.
Looks like they blew the remainder of the season’s budget on the explosion.
Quidi Vidi is pretty and that rhymes.
“You were set to announce your candidacy” Are Americans writing this show? Because that’s not how our political system works. Our system is actually quite boring, tbh.
Sarah the profiler finally makes a reappearance. Remember how that was meant to be a thing, and how it went absolutely nowhere, because this was the season of no story arcs?
S1 Jesse makes a brief appearance with the time travel subplot before Detective Mills remembers that he’s now a mature professional. Here for it.
I most definitely didn’t have a good suspect list the first time around. They kept me guessing on this one.
Continuing the thread of “that’s not how the Canadian political system works: Mr Campaign Manager Guy wanting to be Chief of Staff to the PM as if that’s some kind of prestigious thing…yeah, no, this isn’t Veep.
I caught more of the snippets of the story that led time-travelling guy (sorry, I’m not looking up names) to his conclusions on the second watch. I actually missed so many details the first time around. There was a lot going on in this episode.
Oh Charlie. Your poor noggin.
It initially felt like an odd choice to leave Charlie with his phone but then it made sense that the bomber half-assed the communications system the way she half-assed her assassination plot.
Okay another detail I missed was that rehabbed addict guy’s brother-in-law was apparently the one who helped his mother get the explosives.
Ohhhhh the looks on Charlie’s and Sarah’s faces when she walks in and sees the vest on him. So good.
Bomber “Does she want to stay?”
Charlie “No”
Sarah “Yes”
I’m sure there was other plot stuff happening past this point but apparently I short-circuited once Charah were together with the bomb.
The unbroken eye contact between Sarah and Charlie…*sighs happily* John and Mayko play off each other so well.
I really wish we’d gotten the scene with the bomb being taken off Charlie. Don’t worry, it’ll make its way into a fic.
Anyway yeah, this was clearly meant to be the season finale, so I’m not expecting a ton next week, but as I’ve already said, I’m satisfied.
Now give us another season so we can get the resolution of the “not yet.”
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mcclintcock · 1 month
what r ur hcs for Dan im curious
at one point i actually had a list somewhere of all my veep headcanons but i made it in my notes app for some reason and its buried under notes about my real life but heres what i got off the top of my head
he was a lifeguard as a teenager (he has lifeguard energy idfk)
he was a competitive swimmer as a teenager (again just vibes, he was a god at 400IM)
bpd (purely projection, i feel it's based in canon but i don't think someone without bpd would see it)
substance abuse (so many people in this show are canon irresponsible w prescription meds i mean dc is a stressful place)
he and selina fucked like years ago but she doesn't remember (based on when they almost fuck like idk why i get the vibe that it wasnt the first time)
he had a shit childhood this is basically canon
he has depression+anxiety+bpd (purely based on vibes)
i think he is a lot goofier than he lets on like i think when he is very comfortable w someone he is v silly but he isnt v comfortable w anyone, i just think no one who isnt a goofy lil goober would be able to write an extended parody of 50 ways to leave your lover hes a goofy lil guy okay, he is also rly quick witted and funny like in an alternate universe he is a writer on snl, he's just chandler bing if chandler had rizz
post-canon he retires early after making a shit-ton of money and just kinda travels about w hot women (i have not seen s7 maybe this is canon i know they have a peek at every character's future in the last ep but whatever)
i think he does have like literally a dozen illegitimate children and the doctor at the fertility clinic with marjorie and catherine was just incorrect and the test was a fluke bc didnt he get amy pregnant ?? idk i haven't seen s7
he has some kind of weird daddy issues thing with kent, in the early seasons he rly wants to be friends w kent (i read some fic abt this idfk) and he just wants to go on a little boat trip (fishing trip...? idk i just know hes good at fishing so he mustve done it as a kid right?) w his father figure (the seasickness thing contraindicates this but whatevs)
his brother has kids and dan is surprisingly good w his nieces and nephews like once they get older and theyre like young adults he is the cool uncle who will let them throw parties in his beach house and if his niece has like a shitty bf dan will punch him
idk i have so many headcanons these are just what i could come up with rn
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brookheimer · 1 year
OKAY i have gotten many many asks about this so!!! my much awaited predictions for/speculation on this ep!!!
(barely a prediction ljke this is just known fact at this point) rome gets beaten up by a rally which, like, deserved lol
the obvious jess prediction is that she's quitting but who knows cuz jesse loves his curveballs
been too long since we’ve had meaningful ewan content so i’m betting on a ewan speech. also i said this in a prev post but i think that if we're going to get any rose lore at all then it has to be this episode and i'm an optimist so i'm saying we get some rose fucking lore!!! if we do it'll prob be from ewan esp if he gives a speech so: ewan gives a speech and we finally learn more about rose
look. it has been four episodes since kendall signed off on the logan smear campaign. it has been three episodes since logan smear campaign was mentioned (shiv brings it up to the brothers briefly in kill list, like 'uh hey guys im getting word some outlets are gonna release anti-logan reports are you on top of this' or something and ken was like uhhhh uh huh im sure it's fine Anyways The Deal etc). it has got to come back some point, and just dramaturgically speaking, what better way to drum up conflict at a funeral than same-day news stories coming out about how terrible of a person the deceased was? and if anything were to send rome over the edge and turn his eulogy into a category 5 disaster, it would be everyone in the world suddenly finding out logan physically abused him throughout his entire life (or maybe he just finds out those news stories r gonna break even if they actually come out next ep or smth). so. there's nothing to back this one, just pure speculation, who knows, BUT: possibly an update on logan smear campaign that ken initiated in e4 (either news comes out or the roys hear about it early like cruise scandal or something) and rome handles it, like, really well (sarcasm. obviously) OH or or or maybe rome does his Logan Is Great I Love Him So Much Aren't I A Bit Like Him eulogy and then like an hour later it comes out that logan fucking hated rome's guts and spent his whole life beating him or something lollllll #awkward
not really a prediction here either, just, like, obvious succession stuff -- the deal will continue being A Prominent Thing even during the funeral 100%. mattson is totally going to try and wheel n deal and talk business w shiv during the funeral, the bros r gonna keep trying to stop it, etc; being a roy does not stop just because dad's corpse is in front of you!
trying to think of what other threads i'm forgetting... OH i think tom sleep deprivation arc will keep being a thing because like that's just how sleep deprivation works man. the only way to stop being sleep deprived is to sleep and god fucking knows he doesn't after the election when he's public enemy #1 for every single news organization in the country. so yeah tom is going to be so eepy it's not even funny. like it literally won't be funny it'll just start getting sad and concerning
OH ELECTION lol yeah no absolutely nothing is decided, mencken is not Actually President yet guys lol. a news org can't just declare the president that easily. there's still bureaucratic processes to go through. my money's on a veep situation (altho in veep the votes were lost not burned so they ended up finding them and doing a recount) -- congress decides (and also maybe there's a revote in wisconsin or something? again veep was recount so idk) and that will probably be a long fucking process
not a prediction so much as a hope: MASSIVE cunt serving by caroline, marcia, ewan, and stewy
OH EDIT — kenrava fight bc ken basically chose racism over his daughter so… lollll
ok i prob have more thoughts because i'm me and i always have more thoughts but i need to go finish this fucking final lol
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lvcygraybaird · 1 year
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No, I want no prompting, okay? I'm going solo. No you, even.
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tenderhungering · 3 days
veep headcanons? :3
oh this will take a WHILE……i love veep so much. i’m about to wrap up season 6 right now ! i think i’ll do little headcannons / analysis for each character ! i might do a part 2 because i want to also do some more supporting characters. like you know damn well im gonna wanna write for catherine and marjorie as a whole,,,
named catherine “catherine” like her mother in order to be able to yell said name in anger the way she never could yell back at her mother
the severe mommy issues make her need every single one of her staff to be emotionally involved in her. if she isn’t the center of their life, she gets anxious about it, even angry. she needs to be validated
depends heavily on spellcheck,,, i just think she hates phones for some reason.
she can tell EXACTLY how someone is feeling by making it up in her head and believing it ❤️
got arrested once in her youth and it was wiped off the record. #supportwomen’swrongs
would do super super well taking up something that makes her adrenaline pump. they keep trying to get her to relax by making her get massages, meditate and be in quiet. she needs NOISE. she should be allowed to beat someone up at least once a day
had a little gray cat whenever she was younger. she likes them ! they’re similar to how she is whenever it comes to boundaries.
bisexual but she has a stressful job so she doesn’t have time to think about that rn
she would benefit from me in her life actually
actually really liked dan bc dan seems to personalize the relationship to the person (dan is so kind ❤️) so she was into him but suddenly got the ick.
trigger warning for SA and grooming: i think dan’s relationship with sex is so affected by the fact he slept with his teacher whenever he was younger in exchange for a good grade. it has made him view it was an exchange, a transactional affair. it’s why he’s so shit at intimacy, he doesn’t see to her anything out of it.
watches all the latest movies but it’s only because he keeps taking women out to go see them:
has a really sensitive stomach,,,,he says it’s something he ate but i feel like whenever he gets anxious it happens to
catholic guilt galore but he’s busy so he CANNOT get into it
he’s so the type of boyfriend who does baby talk and when he’s recorded he gets real mad about it. get that camera OUTTA here
he is like a baby duckling to me that’s why he wanted to raise them actually
has so many useless apps on his phone. why do you have a flashlight app you have a flashlight BUILT into the phone. its okay though bc he watches lot of youtube tutorials
probably wanted to vlog at some point but he got yelled at by selina in a clip so he stopped
the personality hire,,, everyone loves him but god he can be so bad at his job sometimes. everyone gets mad but never enough to fire him
because he started dating wendy, he started to dress up a little more ! ties and handkerchiefs match. i love you dad
he so ran one of those private meme accounts whenever he was younger but he got so bad at everyone saying they were lame he just posted a screenshot that said SUCK MY DICK SON and blocked everyone
his incessant gross comments are a result of being around a bunch of rich white men that happen to be politicians that tend to laugh at them. he has daddy issues. he needs the validation
his little curls going missing are a result of him getting his hair straightened because he wanted to look more professional actually. he burnt his hands so he begged his mom to help him
gets really anxious about his health CONSTANTLY and has a will written out already because he’s scared one day it’ll (he doesn’t know what) catch up to him
he knows the lyrics to every new pop song ever. he loves it. he used to play Just Dance whenever he was in college or something i don’t know i feel like he might’ve even been in a club that requires that
has an extensive skin care routine. he puts on those fluffy headbands sometimes but stopped bc he realized it was to keep your hair dry and his is so short lmao
definitely has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. he just pops a pill of whatever and hopes that it works (it doesn’t)
needs heavy validation from authority figures,,,like badly,,, i think that’s why he enjoys it so much whenever any of selina’s boyfriends acknowledge him as a person (or anyone gives him any importance)
he needs someone to tell him what to do because he is so lost on having any identify that isn’t directly tied to someone else ? he’s not even really sure what he himself likes anymore. uses “we” more than he uses “i”
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frostbite-the-bat · 1 month
i want u to know that art u did on your ask blog of veep holding frostbite and spamtoon is legit the softest and sweetest thing ive ever seen! okay thank u for ur time
UWAAAAH thank you!! drawing that made my very happy and that whole doodle sheet is just comfy joy for me, so it makes me glad my self indulgence makes someone else happy ^^
also speaking of frost's blog, i'll get to answering the few asks i've gotten eventually but as you can imagine i've been Busy with A Certain In-game event)
stop being HOLD SIZED, assholes!!
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pillowprincessvarric · 3 months
You can like the Veep/It's Always Sunny type of sitcom better than the Schitt's Creek/Parks and Recreation type of sitcom. It's okay! Put the thinkpiece down.
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onebedtorulethemall · 28 days
Okay, as you know I just finished Bad Omens, and it was probably the funniest fic I've ever read. THANK YOU for writing this masterpiece.
I adore your sense of humour. Can I ask what inspires, feeds, or fuels it? Because if there is a movie, book, or show you can recommend with more of these vibes, I'm RUNNING to it. I need more of this humour in my life. pronto.
Wishing you well <3
Oh no. You've asked about my favorite topic, I fear. (For anyone else who wants a rambling response from me, feel free to drop the words "Bad Omens" in my ask box.)
Unfunnily, I came by my sense of humor the old-fashioned way—by being fairly ignored as a child. I had a whole comedic routine I'd launch into any time I thought an adult might be about to pay attention. This behavior generally results in either wildly famous adults or extremely annoying ones. I am lucky I have writing to channel it into because I lack basically all the skills to become any sort of performer.
Ok. Obviously, the humor in this fic was mainly inspired by Good Omens. I dissected the book before and during writing to try to get as close as possible to the feel of the original (limited, of course, by the fact that I'm not Neil or Terry). I looked at sentence structure, joke setup and payoff, how and when those narrative asides were used... I remember being amazed by how much of the humor relied on clever adverb usage. Mainly, though, it's the dramatic irony doing the heavy lifting. You swap a muggle for a witch (or the Antichrist for Baby B) and tell the reader you did it, and they're already doing half the work for you. They're ready to laugh. They're bought in. They're spinning up hilarious scenarios in their mind before I've even told the joke (I know this because my comments are full of them).
That's a very long way of saying: I love anything that says "we've set up this absurd scenario, now let's watch it unfold." (Although I don't like when it gets too stressful. That's why the Bad Omens narrator was there to hold your hand through it.)
What We Do in the Shadows is the absolute best for this. Plus classics like In Bruges and Hot Fuzz, both of which I've been casually trying to find a way to adapt into a Dramione for a year now. It's not really the same humor, but I have cried laughing at Veep.
Darker comedies: Fargo and my favorite, Barry. There's an episode in season 2 (ronny/lily) that veers straight off the cliff into surrealism. It's FANTASTIC, and I was absolutely thinking about it when writing the Bad Omens war date. I looooove that feeling of "what the actual fuck am I reading/watching right now?"
And on that note: The Locked Tomb series. Just, please go read it. Join the cult. It's kept me in a book hangover for about two years and I think the only way out is to pass it on to someone else, The Ring-style.
I'll cut myself off here. Thank you for the ask, and for reading and loving my silly little fic. I am first and foremost its #1 fan, and it's just fun to get to talk about it.
(stealth edit because omgggg I can't believe I forgot O Brother, Where Art Thou? Comedic PERFECTION. Couldn't be a Dramione. Snakes buddy comedy, maybe?)
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queenofspook · 4 months
Hello friends and foes !
I am seeking out a roleplay partner (s) !
Just to intro I’m Elle! Im 24 and go by she/they. I am still dipping my toe back into the roleplay pool so to speak. I am looking for 21+ partners ideally. I would be okay with 18-20 as well just a preference. No minors under any circumstances! I am interested in 3+ paragraphs per reply in a perfect world! I know things happen and sometimes it’s a little shorter! That’s okay! Semi lit/ novella style. Im not always the best with spelling and grammar but I will try. I am very character and world building centric, I want to create something fun and free and vast with my partners! I want to headcannon and share thoughts and media as well as our main roleplay. Im looking to double up as well. I roleplay on discord! I would prefer to talk more in private about expectations and what not. So here are some interests I want to roleplay. Looking for any pairings. OC x OC, cannon x cannon and probably the most likely and desired OC x CANNON
The bear
Silicon Valley
The office (US)
New girl
euphoria (don’t judge I can fix her)
Better call Saul
Shoot me a message!
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hi! 24! She/they! Looking for 21+ year old partners! I will be okay with 18-20 but prefer 21+ NO MINORS! Please!! I am interested in 3+ paragraphs of semi lit/ novella? I’m not always the best with grammar and spelling but I’m very character driven! I want to really build a world! I like to really get to know you as a person and really share and have fun! Head cannon as well as roleplay! Anyway! My interests are! Looking to double up! Like if interested
The bear
Silicon Valley
The office
New girl
Better call Saul
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ronandreams · 7 months
statistical "which character" personality quiz
tagged by: @wherepoetsdie 💖 thank you 😊
tagging: @lvnchs, @shinsabine, @aquietgirlsmess, @dykenadjas, @eizagonzalezs, @tommishelby, @hellshee, @andialmostdo, @jakeperalta, @wandlores, @spelmansabrina, @joequinns, @padme-amidala, @annacoleman, @fireplceashes, @sherlockig, @targaryeirene, @barryhbo.
rules: take this test and present who you got as the characters most similar to you
charlie kelmeckis (the perks of being a wallflower): 90% (are we surprised by this? nooo)
leopold 'butters' stotch (south park): 89%
beth march (little women): 88%
tina belcher (bob's burgers): 88%
tom hansen (500 days of summer): 88%
charles boyle (brooklyn nine nine): 87%
kostya levin (anna karenina): 87%
the tin man (the wizard of oz): 87%
gary walsh (veep): 87%
george o'malley (grey's anatomy): 86%
i feel like this website is trying to tell me i am the female equivalent of a pathetic little man 😂 that's okay, the pathetic ones are the best ❤
a few others from my results: will byers, frodo baggins, anastasia steele, peeta mellark, joel barish, nick carroway, pam beesly, jane eyre, viktor hargreeves 💖
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