#okay. i cleaned my room and bathroom. gonna eat something. gonna turn in a topic for my essay and if he gets back to me i'll send in a
wizardnuke · 5 months
kicks rock.
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santigarcia · 4 years
Bot 🤖
Human Touch Part One
a nathan bateman x f!reader fic~
word count: 3.3k
rating: T - nudity (non sexual), mentions of masturbation
summary: After a wrong turn on a hike, you find yourself on Nathan’s property and joining him for dinner. 
a/n: ahhh this is part 1 of 10 of this series! i cannot wait to share it all with you!! remember these will be posted at 9 CST. check here for the schedule so you won’t miss one!! thank you to @punkpascal for encouraging this and listening to me yell nonstop! and thank you to @sergeantkane for your support and for making the moodboards for this series!! 
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You only agree to this because of the view. Not for any other reasons. No. No. Certainly not.
Your cousin owns a timeshare in Norway for her work. And she invites you to come up for a few weeks. You’re in desperate need to get out. She won’t even be there half the time, which is even better. You love your cousin but you’re ready for some quiet. Some space. The fresh air. And you’ve seen photographs, the mountains outside her door look beautiful.
Those are enough reasons for anyone to go.
But it’s when you find out who her ‘neighbor’ is that has you chomping at the bit to go.
The term neighbor is a loose term, the neighbor in question lives two hours in a different direction. It’s a secluded private area. But it still gives you some strange hope you might see him.
“I’ve only seen him once,” you remember your cousin telling you. She wasn’t that impressed, but you – you’re dying to see him.
Nathan Bateman, the multi-billionaire CEO, and creator of Bluebook. He’s a celebrity crush of yours. Half the reason you have a Bluebook phone in your pocket is because of him.
There’s something about him. You’ve followed his career quietly, but more than anything you think he’s handsome. Gorgeous even.
He’s a hot topic for gossip since he remains in seclusion, working on his mysterious projects. To be that close to him sends a thrill down your spine. And he’s all you can think about on the plane ride over.
Your cousin picks you up at the airport and you spend the next few days hanging out with her and relaxing. She leaves on the third day and you spend most of it reading that book you’ve been meaning to finish.
As you sit near the window, you can’t help but admire the mountains. The lush greens of the field at the foot of it, the rich white snow. The crisp air feels good to you, even if it gives you chills.
You decide that you want to go hiking. Your cousin mentioned there are several easy trails and you think you can figure them out.
You get to packing that night. You shove your backpack with things you think you’ll need. You don’t plan on being gone long, so just some essentials for the hike.
The next morning is a lovely one, that mountain air is crisp, and it fills your lungs. You feel rejuvenated. The trails are easy to follow and you walk for hours. You stop to rest every so often and keep hydrated and eat.
You have every intention of turning back when it begins to rain. Hard. Within minutes you’re soaked to the bone. It’s freezing and if you don’t get warm you worry you’ll get sick. You try not to panic, but the rain is coming down so hard you can’t see the trail.
Somehow you take a turn and find yourself going down a decline. Maybe you’re near the trails edge.
The rain continues to pour, but through it you see lights of what looks like a house. Shivering, you make the long walk to this place. It’s your port in the storm.
It’s not your cousin’s house, and you don’t remember seeing this one on the way in. You bang loudly on the front door, hoping someone will hear you over the rain. The house looks huge.
“Hello?” you bang on the door; you feel tears welling up in your eyes. You’re so cold. “Is anyone home?”
After a few moments, the door is opened. And you’re not sure who is more surprised. You or the one and only Nathan Bateman standing across from you.
“It’s you,” you gasp, shivering violently from the cold. “Nathan!”
He blinks, his eyebrow ticks up in bewilderment.
“How the hell did you even get out here? Are you okay? Yeah, come in. Shit, you’re freezing. Umm… yeah. That’s me.”
He opens the door wider so you can come inside. The warmth hits you like a wave, and it almost hurts. You haven’t stopped shaking. And now you’re trembling for any entirely different reason.
“I was hiking, and it started raining and I got lost and…” your teeth are chattering. And Nathan looks confused but concerned.
“This is a hell of a way to get introduced, but-“ he pauses for a beat. “We need to get you out of those clothes. You’re gonna get sick.”
You follow him in this maze of a house, and he takes you to a large open bathroom. He turns on the shower and you take a step towards it, but he stops you.
“This is for the steam, you need to get warm slower, you’ll go into shock.”
You’ve heard about this, and you know he’s right. One of the best ways to prevent hypothermia is warming the body through skin to skin contact and body heat.
“Look, shit, I know this isn’t ideal,” he snorts, “but you need to get naked. I won’t look.” He smiles softly and you feel sick. Maybe it’s the hypothermia.
You turn your back to him and begin to awkwardly peel off your clothes. You’ve never felt so embarrassed in your life. He’s turned the opposite direction and isn’t saying anything. You almost wish he would.
“Ok,” you tell him. You’ve turned back around with your arms covering your chest. He’s taken off his shirt, and he’s quick to wrap you up tight in his arms before you can think too much.
His bare chest is warm. His arms squeeze you tight and he rubs your back. His beard tickles your ear, and you feel all of him all at once. It’s making your head spin. Is this? Is this how you’re meeting him?
“I’m Nathan,” he chuckles softly, “but it seems you already knew that.”
You tell him your name, and he chuckles again. “Interesting meeting huh? Story to tell the grandkids.”
That gets a soft laugh from you, and you can feel him physically relax. The awkward tension has been cut.
“You’re feeling warmer now, less shivering.” He states this as if you don’t know, but it’s impossible not to shudder while naked in his arms. He seems to pick up on this, because of the look he gives you when your bodies pull apart. “You okay?” he looks at you, his eyebrow up again.
Tears well up in your eyes and you can see a look of slight panic cross his face.
“No,” he whispers, “No, hey sweetheart, it’s ok. No need to be embarrassed ok? Do you need me to call someone for you?”
“There’s no one to call,” you sniffle out. “I’m staying with my cousin at her place, but she’s out of town.”
“Do you- you wanna stay here tonight? Get warm? We can figure out shit tomorrow.”
“I’m not an inconvenience, am I?”
“Not even a little. You’re the first person I’ve seen in… months. And… it’s way too cold out there. You’re safer here. Just as long as you’re not a serial killer or somethin’… you can stay.” He gives you a little smile, and hands you a towel to wrap yourself in.
”Definitely not a serial killer. I killed a spider last week and I screamed.”
He chuckles while he dries off his chest and pulls his Henley back on.
“Is it just you in this house?” you ask trying to keep the subject off your nudity.
“Yeah, just me. It’s… yeah, it’s a little lonely. But it’s the ideal working environment. No distractions. No noise. But sometimes, it’s too quiet. Listen, hey we can talk later. You should get in the shower, get warmed up ok? Don’t turn the water up too hot alright? I’ll have my housekeeper set aside some dry clothes for you.”
He exits quietly closing the door behind you with a soft click. Once he’s gone, you drop the towel and step into the warm spray of the nicest shower you’ve ever seen.
You try to process what just happened, and you decide this must be a sign or a dream.
At one point there’s a soft knock on the door and you briefly see a woman set a stack of clothes on the counter. She exits as quickly as she arrived.
You wonder why he’d said he’d not seen another person in months when there she was.
After you dry off, you reach for the stack of dry clothes which you assume are his. There’s a soft pair of sweatpants and a warm Henley that looks like the one he was wearing. They smell fresh and clean, and you pull them on eager to not be naked in this house anymore.
You step out of the bathroom and no sooner do you step foot into the hall do you see his face.
“You don’t have any kind of electronic device on you, do you? Like your phone? Just until you leave, for security purposes. It’s just a precaution.”
“You scared me!” you laugh and touch your chest. “And I do, in my backpack. Which I don’t remember where-“
“It’s in the dining room, I’ll show you.”
Once again you follow Nathan through this maze. Your backpack is sitting on the table just as he said. The fabric is soaked, and you have little hope anything is dry on the inside. There’s a neatly folded towel next to the backpack and you spread it out to take out the contents of said pack.
Your phone is in there, and it looks dead. Soaked from the water.
“I can fix that,” he tells you and extends his hand for the phone. You hand it to him, and he pockets it.
After your phone is out, you dump the backpack onto the towel and all your stuff spills out. A clean shirt, a small first aid kit, a phone charger (just in case), and to your horror – a forgotten vibrator that had been stuffed in the bottom of your pack.
You look up at him with fear in your eyes, but he’s got that eyebrow up again.
“Carrying the essentials huh?”
“I have so many questions about why you’re hiking with a vibrator, but you look way too embarrassed to answer them honestly. You can keep that for yourself.”
You quickly shove it and the rest of your things back into your soaked backpack.
“So, you’re just… in the middle of the wilderness, alone, with a phone and a vibrator. And no one to call. And you’re sure you’re not a serial killer?” he winks playfully.
“I swear I forgot that was in there!”
“Hey, sorry. I am the last person who’s gonna judge you for somethin’ like that. And you’re not the only person here with a vibrator,” he winks again.
“You sure you’re not a serial killer?” you flush.
“Would it make a difference if I said no?” he can’t help the grin on his face. “Kyoko, my housekeeper, is done with dinner. Would you like to eat with me?” He picks up the damp towel from the table.
“That would be nice, thank you. You’re a good host.”
“I’ll admit, I don’t get a lot of visitors. Or… any visitors, really. But against my better judgement, I’m not gonna let you freeze to death outside. And you seem… relatively harmless,” he smiles again fiddling with the towel in his hands.
The woman you saw earlier sets plates of food down on the table, and Nathan hands her the towel.
“This looks amazing, I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better. You kinda looked like a wet cat when you got here. No offense,” he bites his lip and glances over at you.
“None taken,” you laugh.
“Do you drink?” he glances at you when he sees you reach for an empty glass.
“I’m not much of a drinker, but I like the occasional wine!”
He chuckles fondly, “We can definitely do wine. I have a Chateau Lafite 1787 and a Cheval Blanc 1947 that are begging to be opened. And… from the look on your face, you have no clue what that means. Kyoko, grab the Cheval.”
“I admit I don’t know! But I can tell you do. You seem to know a lot about a lot of things. Including saving someone from hypothermia,” you almost grimace at the memory.
”That’s why they pay me the big bucks,” he chuckles taking a generous sip of his freshly poured wine. “Damn… this is the good shit.”
You watch him drink and it’s beginning to hit you. This is really him; this is the Nathan that you have his social media accounts on notifications. This is the Nathan that you’ve watched random tech videos you have no interest in but wanted to hear his voice. And now you’re sitting across from him, at his table, watching him drink wine.
“You definitely seem to enjoy the finer things in life, don’t you? And yes, this is good, especially with the meal. I’m not used to this much luxury. I feel like I don’t belong here,” you bite your lip. He’s a genius. Famous and sexy as hell and you’re just-
“Well, you get used to a certain way of living when you’re… me,” he chuckles.
“This wine probably costs more than I make in a month,” you laugh taking another sip. “I don’t know what I’d do if I even had a million dollars.”
“I can wire your bank tomorrow.”
“Wait, you can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack,” he shrugs. “Pocket change. Consider it a get well soon present. So, what’s home like for you?” He changes the subject so abruptly, but you go along with it, but it’s hard to keep up.
Suddenly you feel like spilling your whole life out to this man. That you’re stuck. You live at home because you can’t make ends meet and nothing seems to stick. You’re looking for something, but you don’t know what it is.
“I live in a small town. It’s cozy. Simple. But sometimes it feels too small. That’s why I wanted to get away. See something new. I realize how I’ve not experienced much in my life. I want excitement. I want- well I want to move away. That’s what I want.”
He takes another sip of his wine and you can’t help but stare at his delicious beard.
“I specialize in exciting, honey. You stumbled into the right place,” he grins, another soft chuckle escapes his lips.
“I think I did, though it sounds like you know something I don’t know.”
His brow raises as he smirks devilishly, “there’s a lot you don’t know, kitten. There’s a lot I can show you. I didn’t come out here just to be alone.”
Your stomach drops and you feel your face heat. He’s called you two pet names back-to-back. His eyes are fixed on you, watching every move on your face. He’s calculating, tucking everything away into his memory.
“K-kitten?” you find your words, but you sputter on your wine. “Did you just call me kitten?”
His smirk only seems to grow. The confidence is oozing out of him and it’s thick in the air.
“You liked that, didn’t you? Your pupils are dilated.” He causally sips his wine as if he didn’t just ruin your whole life with a short sentence.
He’s rendered you speechless, the very air in your lungs is gone. And there’s a feeling low in your belly. A pang of arousal and need and thrill hits you all at once.
“I-“ your words are lost again, but he speaks up for you.
“Look, kitten,” he punctuates the word, he’s teasing you now. “You obviously did. Can we just skip to the part where we have the conversation?”
“The conversation?”
“Y’know. The one where I tell you I’m not just interested in you because you’re the first person that’s come around here, like… ever, but because you’re beautiful and interesting and genuinely fun to be around. And that you need to make the first move if you want this as much as I do because I’m not some rich asshole who’s trying to take advantage of the fact that you’re completely vulnerable right now. That conversation.” He sips his wine again, and you feel like you might pass out or jump across the table into his lap. You’re too frozen to do either.
“You think I’m beautiful?”
“Honey,” he sighs setting down his wine glass and folding his hands together resting his elbows on the table. “I don’t mince words. And let me put it to you clearly. You’re exactly my fuckin’ type.”
“Is this really happening?”
“Only if you want it to baby. But I’m as real as it gets. And I couldn’t have made a more perfect woman if I tried, and I have.” He mumbles the last part into his wine glass, it’s so quiet you almost don’t hear it.
“Look Nathan, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m in love with you.”
Both his eyebrows raise in question and a smile grin spreads across his face.
“No, I mean,” you bury your face in your hands, “I mean I have a crush on you, you’re kind of… my celebrity crush,” you wince a little and peek out from behind your hands. “My cousin really does own a timeshare and I really did want to get away, but I came because I thought you would be nearby. I didn’t actually think I’d be having dinner with you after you saw me naked.”
“So, that explains the vibrator then,” he scratches his chin, pretending he’s lost in thought. He’s messing with you but when he sees your obvious distress he leans back in his chair. You think he’s about to apologize when you get up and walk down the hall and pick a random room that’s open.
You sit down on a couch and look up to see a Jackson Pollack painting on the wall. Lights are angled at it, it’s the focal point of the room.
A few moments later you hear a soft knock on the doorframe.
Nathan walks in and leans against the desk under the painting, he’s facing you. His arms are crossed, but he doesn’t look angry.
“Look, I wanna talk to you about earlier. I know I come on….strong. And it’s a shitty excuse but you’re the first real woman I’ve seen in months that isn’t my housekeeper and what I said before about you being my type? Shit. I scared you, didn’t I?”
“It’s just overwhelming,” you flush. “My celeb crush saw me naked today and wants to have sex with me. Not to mention you offered me a MILLION dollars without batting an eye!”
“Okay, okay. How can I put you at ease about this? We obviously have a connection. And you might as well stay until I can fix your phone.”
“What about the money?”
“I could put you to work. I’m writing a thesis. And I need to make sure it’s readable to someone who may not understand all this,” he moves his hands around in the air.
“Is that worth a million dollars?”
“It would be to me; I need help on this.”
“Okay,” you nod. “I’ll do it.”
“Really?” he smiles, he seems so excited. “Great. I’ll take you to a room you can stay in. Let me give you a tour of the place.”
Your tour ends with the bedroom. He tells you goodnight and disappears down the hall. You shimmy out of the sweatpants but leave on the Henley and slide into the bed. The sheets are soft, silky. There’s a thick warm blanket on top and you snuggle deep under the covers.
You’re thinking about your day, what a crazy day it’s been. You try not to linger on the naked part, but you think more about his skin. The warmth. The touch of his beard. His obvious desire for you at dinner. You wonder what he’s doing right now. You wonder if he’s thinking about you as much as you are thinking about him. Maybe you have some charge left in the vibrator….
if this looks familiar....it’s because w/ permission from @sergeantkane, i wrote a fic based on my thread w/ her on @thatortheschlong!! 
next part will come on thursday feb 18th!
tagging: @punkpascal​, @pascal-isaac​, @wasicskosgirl​, @velvetmel0n​, @huliabitch​, @shadow-assassin-blix​, @writefightandflightclub​, @aellynera​, @softboywriting​, @veuliee2​, @spider-starry​, @mylifeliterally​, @millllenniawrites​, @ntlmundy​, @foxilayde, @writingletterstothefire​, @mandoplease, @anetteaneta​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @artsymaddie​, @shakespeareanwannabe​, @thevalentinowhitebag​, @deanfanatic​
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Nct reaction  to their s.o giving them a silent treatment Part 2
Part 1 part 3
--Requests are open--
Warnings: ANGST, all of them. Mentions of pregnancy (Jaehyun)
Also, please don’t use silent treatment as a way of punishment, it can really be hurtful. Try to talk things out, because there’s always a way of working thigs out. This whole reaction is meant to explain how this situations can get better with some talking. That said, enjoy. 
♡Jaehyun: You don’t wanna ignore him this way, but you just don’t know how to tell him. It’s not something easy to go through and it could destroy his whole career but you don’t wanna go through this salone either. He’s being trying to talk to you all day long, but no answer has come out of you. “Babe, you know you can tell me anything right?” He says, holding your hand. Your eyes meet his and you can’t hold it anymore. You start crying uncontrollably, unable to speak a word. “I’m late” You say in between sobs. Jaehyun gasps at the sudden situation. He doen’t really know what to say or do to help you. “Have you done a test yet?” He asks while touching your back softly, in an attempt of calming you down. “I’m too afraid to do it” You say heavy breathing as you take out the box with the pregnancy test you bought earlier. He cups your face, making you look at him. “Let’s do it, whatever it is, I’m gonna support you okay?” He says calmly. “But what if...” “I’m gonna be there” he says, not letting you finish. You go to the bathroom, following the instructions of the box. You had to wait for a couple of minutes which made the whole thing a hundred times worse. Your hands were shaking, as the little squares of the test turned red. You thought for a split second, that meant you were pregnant, but the first square started getting white again, revealing one line. Now it was up for the second square, if it had a line, you were pregnant, if it didn’t, you weren’t pregnant. Your hand, start getting sweaty, which, added to how shaky they already were, made it really hard to keep holding the test. But finally you could see the empty square, meaning you weren’t pregnant. Tears of joy started forming on your eyes. “I’m not pregnant” You say running into Jaehyun’s arms. [Tmi: this actually happened to me]
*Disclaimer: I want to clear out that I have nothing against being pregnant, at an early age, this is just a perspective of the topic, not necessarily the most correct one, just one of them. I respect everyone’s choice on this kind of thing.
Winwin: He was confused as hell. Why weren’t you talking to him, did he hurt you in any ways? Did he do something wrong? He tries to recall his actions, wanting to know what to do, how to apologize, how to make everything come back to normal. “Y/N, I really don’t know what I did for you to act like this” He says in a tiny voice, too afraid of making things worse. “You said you liked the main character” You say, still ofended. He tries to process it, and understand the situation, but he just doesn’t understand. “You mean in the..” “Yeah in the k-drama” You answer before he can even finish. He still doesn’t understand why you are jealous over a fictional character. You sigh “I’m more like the friend of the main character. I am not similar at all to her” You say pointing at the Tv, that is now off. “But I didn’t mean it that way. There’s no other girl I rather be with” He says with a trembling voice. You suddenly feel bad about the situation, you didn’t mean it to be as serious. “I-I’m sorry Sicheng. I acted like a child” You say looking down, dissapointed at yourseld. “No, no it’s okay baby” He says kissing your forehead to make you feel better.
♡Jungwoo: This tiktok prank is getting out of hands, that’s what you think when Jungwoo slams the door and leaves the room. You didn’t mean to hurt him, but as you kept ignoring him, he probably felt how unfair it was. You come inside of the bedroom he locked himself in and start talking. “It was a prank” You start explaining, feeling uneasy. “A fucking prank, so fucking good, love it. Is that what I am to you?” He says in a ofended tone. “I didn’t mean it to be so serious. I thought you wouldn’t even notice” You explain yourself looking down. “How in the world wouldn’t I notice? Do you know just how much I care for you? Don’t ever do that again okay?” He says as he gets closer to you and hugs you tightly. “I thought I lost you” He whispers inside your ear, making you tear up.
♡Lucas: “I think we should break up” You finally say, breaking the silence. “You what?!” Lucas screams as he doesn’t understand anything of what you’re saying. “I said we should break up” You repeat, this time looking at him. You’ve been packing for a while now, getting ready to leave the apartment. “I don’t believe you” He says, crossing his arms. His figure is on the door frame, blocking the exit of the room. “Look at me, and tell me you don’t love me” He says, but you don’t look at him, your eyes are fixed on your clothes instead. “Say it” He says, grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him. Your eyes get filled with tears almost instantly. “I knew it” He says letting go of your arm. “So what is it? Why did you say that?” He says looking more serious than you’ve ever seen him. “Someone took a photo of me coming to your house” You say while crying. “And they told me that they’ll publish it if I didn’t break up with you. I don’t want you to suffer because of me, and you know how your job is” You explain, getting the tears out of your face, as new tears appear to replace them. “I don’t care about that okay?” He says cupping your face. “We’ll figure something out, but you have to talk to me when this things happen” He says kissing your forehead. “I ain’t losing you like this” [So I cried, again. Am I a crybaby now?]
Mark: “Are you seriously ignoring me?” Mark says, not wanting to believe reality. “I-I’m sorry Mark” You burst into tears as you talk. “I was just. I’m not feeling good” You say, not looking at him. “What do you mean?” He says worriedly at your words. “ I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’ve been here for months, in this new job and I don’t think I like it. And I’m far away from everything. And yes, you’re here, but you’re also busy, and I don’t want you to worry about me like that” You say as you can, while crying. “Why didn’t you tell me baby?” He says getting closer to you. “We can figure things out. Maybe you need some time to get used to this. But whatever it is, we’re gonna get through this together okay?” He says and you simply nod, feeling supported by his words.
♡Xiaojun: “You don’t even notice it when I ignore you?” You say to him. Xiaojun looks at you confused. “You’ve ignored me?” He asks, swallowing the food he was munching. You sigh “Yes, because you didn’t clean the dishes, and it’s the 10th time this week” You say crossing your arms. “You realize, I woke up ten minutes ago right?” He says explaining why he didn’t notice your silence. “I just couldn’t keep it any longer” You say with a pout. He chuckles at your cute confession. “You still have to clean it though” You say pointing at the dishes. “I will, I promise” He says as he resumes eating his breakfast.
Hendery: “If you keep ignoring me, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” He says, full of anger, wanting this whole thing to end. “You did the same to me yesterday” You say clearly mad at him. “I know you love spending time with the boys, but can’t you just talk to me as well if I’m next to you?” You let it all out. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, you just weren’t talking with us” He explains. “I’m shy, Hendery” You yell at him, not knowing how to talk to him anymore. “You could have tell me. I don’t understand this drama thing” He explains calmly. His tone, makes you calm down as well. “Can we just don’t argue anymore?” You say and he simply nods, getting you inside his arms in a comfy hug. 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 4]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; masturbation, usage of toys, dirty talkin’, a bit of a filler chapter after last weeks hehe🍒 as always, thank you again for your continued support for cherry bomb 🥺💕 I'm actually not sure if next week’s chapter will go up on time due to my work schedule for next week but I'll be sure to keep y’all updated! if anything it’ll probably go up on saturday instead of friday... 😭😭 But anyway, have a good weekend yall! 💕💕💕 stay hydrated!! 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ?
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The weekend ends quicker than Seungcheol even notices and while he wakes up Monday morning already thinking about you and your show later in the evening; his face falters when he reads the message on your cam homepage.
‘Sorry everyone :( I think I caught a cold so I won’t be doing a show tonight… I promise I’ll make it up to you on Friday! In the meantime, I’ve uploaded some new pics in our members only room~ I hope it’ll tide you all over ‘til then! xx Cherry 🍒 ’
His first reaction is to immediately panic; reaching for his phone and texting you to get as much rest and sleep as possible. He makes a mental note to check in with you again later, finding that he’s already running late to get to work when he gets out of bed.
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“Hey! Seungcheol-hyung!”
The said male turns around, placing the set of roller skates on the ground. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jeongguk sits next to him on the wooden bench, legs stretched out as he passes Seungcheol an energy drink. “Nothin’, just wanted to say thanks for coming over on Saturday! We should try to do that again, except maybe we can go out for drinks or something? We can give it the good ‘ol college try, maybe bring home a girl, if you know what I mean~” Jeongguk wiggles his eyebrows at Seungcheol who rolls his eyes.
“Uh, I’m down for the drinking part but I think I’ll have to pass on the hookups.”
“Really? Why? Are you dating someone and you haven’t told me?”
Seungcheol thanks the gods that the roller rink is dimmed; neon lights and disco balls the only things keeping the entire place dimly lit when he blushes a deep crimson, face hot as he avoids the younger male’s gaze. “Nah, it’s just, I--I don’t think that’s really for me. I’m more of a, uh, relationship type of guy, y’know?” Also, I’m devoting my time and energy to someone already who isn’t really my girlfriend.
“Mm, makes sense!”
Jeongguk keeps Seungcheol company even on his break, the two chatting about various topics before he lets Seungcheol know his break is almost over.
“Hey, wait! Before you go…” Seungcheol is nervous for some reason, fingers gripping the suede of the rollerskate’s boot as he avoids eye contact again. “Um, this is gonna sound really weird but… Who’s ‘j__min’? I feel like I’ve seen that username before and it’s, uh, I’m just curious how you know them? Sorry if that’s weird, I just--I’ve been seeing them around pretty often.”
“Oh, that’s Jimin-hyung. He’s a friend of mine that games with me sometimes! I’ve never really met the dude in person before, but he seems nice.” Jeongguk nods, staring off into space. “He seems really busy all the time too. And he’s super active on social media, that’s probably where you’ve seen him.”
Seungcheol nods; the guy didn’t seem like any sort of immediate threat so he logs the information mentally for now. He’d just have to do some internet sleuthing himself when he got home.
“Oh, cool, okay! Thanks ‘Guk!” 
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Seungcheol groans after the seventh pair of skates he’s cleaned, standing up to stretch and reach for his phone in his pocket. He checks the notifications, noting that you hadn’t texted back or read his messages yet.
A frown paints his features knowing that you were sick, but he makes another mental note to finally buy you that sybian now that his most recent paycheck had come in with it’s overtime bonuses. There were only a few more days until Namjoon came back which meant his extra pays would be over, a sad sigh escaping his lips at the thought. 
The day gruels on; Mondays were always the slowest days for the roller rink which meant Seungcheol spent most of the time cleaning skates and bumming snacks from the concession stand usually. He tries to not pry deeper into Jeongguk’s friends but the curiosity eats him alive so he makes an effort to stay away from the younger male for the rest of the day, this time.
Instead, he spends the day hiding in the employee break room any time he gets; only leaving when Yoongi decides to hide in there himself.
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Your head feels like it’s going to spin off of your shoulders once you sit up in bed. The sun sits low in the horizon from what you can see through your bedroom window; noting that it must’ve been the late afternoon already.
You’d woken up with chills, head fuzzy when you’d sat up earlier in the morning. Knowing that you were at least somewhat sick, you quickly wrote up a little memo on your homepage letting your viewers know that there wouldn’t be a show later in the evening. Afterwards, you had quickly downed medicine before curling up under your sheets and going back to sleep. You’d vaguely been aware of your phone ringing on the nightstand next to your bed, but you prioritized sleeping instead, knowing that you had to get better before the weekend came.
You groan once you ease yourself off of your bed, dragging your feet as you make your way to the bathroom in hopes of a warm bath to make yourself feel better.
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It’s almost 5PM which means it’s almost time for Seungcheol to finally go home. He checks his phone one more time before he pockets the device, putting away the last few pairs of rollerskates before he starts making his way towards the backroom. 
“Hey! ‘Cheol-hyung, can you come over here!?” Jeongguk yells over the music, arms waving him down frantically before he clocks out.
Seungcheol walks over, noting an unknown male standing with him. “Yes? Did you need help?”
“This guy, sorry I forgot your name?” The male laughs, eyes forming crescents when he smiles brightly at Jeongguk. “It’s Seokmin.”
“Right, right. Seokmin is asking if we’re hiring?” Jeongguk ends with a head tilt, unsure of the answer himself.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek. Technically yes, they were understaffed even with Namjoon around. But Namjoon was also technically the one in charge of overseeing hiring positions. And while they technically should’ve hired more staff, that also meant Seungcheol’s overtime bonuses would be cut anytime they actually had the appropriate amount of staff.
“Uhhhh… I--I don’t think so? I’m not the one in charge. Our manager that decides staff and hiring positions is out of town indefinitely so…” Seungcheol trails off, hoping Seokmin gets the hint.
“Ahh… Should I come back another time then?” Seungcheol nods, frowning slightly. “Sorry ‘bout that man. But hey, why don’t you leave your contact info so we can call you? So you don’t have to keep coming back.”
Seokmin nods, beaming at the older male.
“Sure, that’d be great! Thanks!”
Seungcheol only feels slightly bad when he gets home that night, praying karma doesn’t kick his ass later for lying.
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On days when you cancel your show are the days Seungcheol realizes he needs more hobbies than watching your cam shows and gaming all night.
Not that it’s a bad thing, he thinks, just that he could supplement his life with more.
He places an order for a few cookbooks alongside the order for the sybian, soft chuckles spilling from his lips when he realizes what an odd array of things he’s ordered.
Seungcheol manages to fill his night with meaningless tasks; finally cleaning his PC and settling in to watch a movie while he polishes off an entire pizza. He checks his phone a few more times, noting no new messages and he wonders if you’re really okay. A lightbulb goes off in his head, power walking back to his PC as he opens a new browser.
He bites his lip, typing in ‘j__min’ in the search bar to see what comes up. By nature, the username is unfortunately a lot more common than he anticipates and he ends up rifling through a lot of dead ends before he comes upon the profile on the same camming website you used and an instagram that seemed to be updated fairly regularly.
“Let’s see…”
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Your body feels hot all over. Pin pricks on your fingertips as a bead of sweat trickles down your temple.
Now, you didn’t feel sick, you just felt incredibly insatiable. Again.
You weren’t sure if it was because your body had adjusted to a certain schedule, but you can’t help the way you toss and turn in bed; thighs rubbing together in hopes of alleviating the growing wetness between them.
Checking the clock, you note it’s already 10PM, close to when you’d normally be doing your show. You sigh, pushing your sweaty hair out of your face as you reach for your phone on the nightstand. You immediately notice a few text messages from Seungcheol; frowning when you notice the text messages were from the morning.
cheollie ✨: hey, baby :( saw your note, i hope you’re okay.
cheollie ✨: make sure to drink a lot of water and take medicine!
cheollie ✨: don’t push yourself too hard either okay?
The messages end there and you pout, unsure what to even say now that it had been hours since he’d texted.
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babygirl 🍒 : cheollie… i only saw ur msgs now 🥺
babygirl 🍒 : im sorryyyyy i was sleeping so long but i feel better now!!
Seungcheol closes all his browser tabs before he realizes it, a smile on his face when he sees you’ve responded.
‘That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay and feeling better. Promise me you drank tons of water?’
He feels giddy, palms sweaty as he grips his phone.
babygirl: mmhmm! i did… i don’t even feel sick anymore 🥺 but…
babygirl: dunno… i’m feeling needy again… i think my body is used to my usual schedule...
Seungcheol’s body thrums with newfound energy and arousal at your leading comments. He’s unsure of what to say next, fearing he was going to say too much. But his phone pings again, eyes quickly flitting over your messages.
babygirl 🍒 : if ur busy its okay but
babygirl 🍒 : do u think we could cam? just u and me?
babygirl 🍒 : only if ur free tho!!
His fingers are tingling when he sends his reply, making it short and sweet before he places his phone down and makes sure his PC is running smoothly.
‘Of course, you know I’m always here when you need me. :)’
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It takes a few minutes for you and Seungcheol to set up your respective spaces and in the meantime, you grab your laptop, propping it open on the bed next to you as you lay in front of it. You had debated on using your better camera which you used for camming, but you didn’t want it to be set up like a cam show.
Instead, you wanted a more intimate and casual video call with Seungcheol, so you made sure your webcam worked fine as you placed it on the sheets.
‘Video Call Incoming…’
You can’t help the blush that coats your skin nor the lust that fills your body as soon as you accept his call; his somewhat blurry figure coming into view.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Seungcheol beams at you through the grainy camera and you already feel yourself clenching around emptiness, words caught in your throat at how handsome he was and how truly enticing his voice was. “H-hi!” Rubbing your thighs together, you peer at the camera shyly. “I--wow, the pictures really… You’re so much more handsome on v-video.” You giggle slightly, leaning in closer to your laptop to get a better view of the silvery-blue haired male.
Seungcheol’s deep laugh filters through the speakers and your toes curl against the sheets.
“You should see me in person, maybe I’ll look even better then.”
You don’t deny that one bit; your own hands already itching to touch yourself. “Oh? Is that an invitation~?”
Seungcheol’s eyes pierce the camera, licking his own lips as you watch him  snake a hand down into his sweats.
“If you want it to be, sweetheart. But tell me about you, how are you feeling? Have you eaten already?”
Gulping, you watch as his hand seems to work slowly and out of view. “I--um, I feel b-better just… Dunno, guess my body’s just used to, um, y’know… A-and I haven’t really had much of an appetite...” You trail off, head still fuzzy from the cold medicines and now, Seungcheol.
In a roundabout way, it almost feels like you’re watching him do a show for you as you watch him slowly get off.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, baby. But you know you should try to eat, okay? I don’t want you to get even sicker.” You nod, fingertips already at the edge of your sleep shorts. 
“I--c-can I touch myself too?” Seungcheol laughs lightly, nodding as he tilts his head back. “Of course, you don’t need to ask me for permission, baby.”
You grin at him, sitting up as you reposition the laptop. Your hand slides underneath a pillow, grabbing the small bullet vibrator you kept there. “Do you always keep a toy handy?” His voice is airy, teasing in the way he asks.
“Mmhmm~ You never know when you’ll need it~” You sing-song, shimmying your sleep shorts and panties off before you spread your legs in front of the camera.
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The air gets knocked out of Seungcheol the second you spread your legs for him and him alone and he can’t help but imagine all the things he wanted to do with you. He watches as you tease yourself, fingertips only grazing across the areas he knew you wanted to be touched the most. 
“I can’t wait for us to finally fuckin’ meet.” He grits out.
A moan floats through the speakers of Seungcheol’s gaming PC, your saccharine voice music to his ears. “M-me too, wanna know what you’d do to me~” You giggle afterwards, pressing the vibrator to your clit as you spread your legs wider for him to see. Seungcheol’s hand around his cock tightens as he watches, an appreciative smirk on his face.
“Oh sweetheart, what wouldn’t I do to you.” You can’t help but slide your fingers through your wet folds listening to Seungcheol’s voice, whimpering when you finally slide a finger in. “Yeah? What would be the first thing? Tell me, ‘Cheollie~”
Even through the webcam quality, you can see the way Seungcheol’s eyes glaze over in complete pleasure. He licks his lips once, leaning in close so that you can hear him clearly.
“I know you probably think I’d get straight to the filthy shit, huh? Pin you to your bed and fuck you until you forget your own name or tie you up to the bedposts and make you beg for me to fuck you. But I wouldn’t. Because I wanna worship your fuckin’ body. I’d take it nice and slow with you, give you as many orgasms as you want.”
“F-fuck, Seungcheol, I–”
“You could use me for your pleasure, y’know? You deserve it. You’re such a good girl. I’d give you anything you fuckin’ want if you’d let me.”
Your choked moans have Seungcheol working his cock faster; nothing on his mind except for you and his impending orgasm. “Oh g-god, Seungcheol, I--fuck, yes, I want that~ I want you to--to make me cum as many times as I w-want!” You mewl, easily working in another finger as you pump the digits inside your pussy.
He smirks when he sees your grip on the vibrator loosening, knowing that you were already too lost in the pleasure to keep the toy on. “And I’d let you. Maybe I’d make you cum on my tongue first. Or would you want my fingers?”
“B-both! Puh--please…” You whine, legs threatening to clamp shut. You curl and scissor your fingers, thrusting them knuckle deep inside yourself as you chase the pleasure that overtakes your senses. “Please, ‘Cheol, tell me more~”
You watch through the camera as Seungcheol pushes his sweats down enough to get his cock into view; mouth watering as you watch it curve up to his lower abdomen.
“I know how much you love being doted on and being taken care of… So after I make you cum all fuckin’ night, you know I’d take care of you. Make sure you’re comfortable and cuddle with you when you’re tired.” His hips cant up into his closed palm, a soft groan on his lips. “And then when we wake up, I’ll eat you out. Nice and slow so you know it’d be worth it.” 
Seungcheol smirks, smearing the precum all over his shaft. “But I also know you like it rough and you like being punished like a bad girl. You like the idea of being tied up and teased and being fucked nice and hard too. I could take it nice and slow, build up the pleasure for you. Or I can take it nice and slow and tease you, I’d make you sit on my cock ‘n make you wait for it ‘til you’re begging me. Or maybe you would want an audience? Let them see you fall apart on my cock when you’re desperate to cum.” 
You press the vibrator against your clit again, Seungcheol’s name falling out of your mouth in a blubbering mess. “Oh--I--!!”
Your legs clamp shut, fingers halting their movements as you cum hard around your fingers. Seungcheol watches as your legs shake, his own hand running up and down his cock in quick motions as he chases his high too. You vaguely hear him groaning your name; the ringing in your ears overbearing as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
The sound of your quick and shallow breaths mix with Seungcheol’s over the speakers as the two of you catch your breath. You slip your fingers from inside of you, wincing when you turn off the toy and toss it to the side.
“Fuck, baby, I--”
“Y-yeah…” You quietly lick your fingers clean, knowing that Seungcheol’s watching. “I… that was the first time I… did that with s-someone…” You giggle tiredly, wiping the rest of your sticky fingers on your shirt.
“Really? Never?” Seungcheol’s surprised expression makes you giggle; his eyes round and mouth wide open as he leans closer to his webcam.
“Mmhmm! Just, y’know, it’s--it’s hard to get close to people sometimes…”
You had mentioned it off-handedly once while the two of you had been texting, that most of the dates you’d been on hated the fact that you cammed. There was always a possessive aura that was present and while Seungcheol would sometimes get a little jealous himself, he also knew it was your livelihood and how you supported yourself.
“Ah, yeah, I can understand.”
The two of you sit in a content silence, Seungcheol reaching for a few tissues to clean off the drying cum on his abdomen.
“Hey, ‘Cheol?”
“Yeah?” He peers up at the camera through his lashes, blinking rapidly as he watches you lay back down in front of your laptop.
“About what you said… earlier…” You pause, shyness overtaking once again. “I--Would you want to meet up? Like, for real? I mean--not--not like tomorrow or something but... Y’know, we can start planning?” 
Any words that come after that turn into radio static in Seungcheol’s head and he can feel his pupils shaking, nervousness already bubbling up inside of him at the prospect of actually finally maybe getting to meet you. 
“Seungcheol? ‘Cheollie? You okay?” 
“Huh? Yeah, yeah! I’m cool, I’m good, sorry, that--that caught me off guard.”
He watches as you talk animatedly, mind already going a mile a minute as he thinks over everything that needed to be done before then. 
“I’m really excited to meet you, ‘Cheollie!” 
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471 notes · View notes
arumin-arureruto · 3 years
Honeytea PT 2
Kyoya x fem reader and Hikaru x fem reader, Kyoya angst, Hikaru slowburn.
Warnings: none
word count: 1.7k
songs to listen to while reading:
What Am I by Why Dont We
Greek God by Conan Gray
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hikaru’s outfit:
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Reader’s outfit (your outfit can be whatever you want this is just what I had in mind while writing <3):
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Cafe Hikaru and reader are at:
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you woke up with the sun shining on your eyes, reaching out to feel the spot where your husband had been sleeping cold and empty, he had already left for work. Last night was emotionally exhausting, you had a fight with Kyoya and called Hikaru while your emotions were running high, even though you woke up feeling calmer it would still be nice to see him. You decided to get up and check your phone to see if you were still on for today, there were 6 unread messages from Hikaru.
“checking if ur okay”
“meet me tomorrow at 12pm for lunch at that cafe near my house, the one Honey got banned from”
“btw how the fuck do you manage to get banned from a restaurant for eating too much cake”
*picture of a single spoon inside a sink* “lol me”
“I should probably go to bed now goodnight”
He hasn’t changed a bit since high school, that’s what was so comforting to you about Hikaru. He took you back to a time where everything was much more simpler, lazy afternoons on the grass with the host club, drinking tea by the window in music room 3 with Kyoya, study sessions with Mori and Honey, getting into all sorts of mischief with Hikaru and Kauro, quietly reading with Haruhi, piano lessons from Tamaki…
All those memories started playing back in your mind and you started to feel all warm inside, you really didn’t know how good you had it. It’s not that you weren’t happy, you were married to the man you loved, you were one of the most respected and powerful women in society, what else could you ask for? But sometimes it felt like you were missing out on something, like your world could be so much more. When you mentioned this to Kyoya a couple months ago he suggested you try for children but you quickly shot down the idea, you were 23 and he was 24, having kids right now would be too big of a responsibility.
Shaking those thoughts from your head you checked the time on your phone, 10am. You still had 2hours before you had to meet Hikaru so going back to sleep was a tempting offer, but considering the cafe was almost 30 minutes away and you got easily distracted while getting ready it would be wiser to start picking out some clothes and getting in the shower. There was about 45 minutes before a maid was supposed to come in and clean your room so you figured that should be enough time to take a quick shower, you could just ask them to wait till you were done but you always felt awkward doing so.
After zoning out for a minute you headed for the shower, got undressed, put your hair up and turned on the hot water, you already washed your hair yesterday so there was no point in washing it again. You had always loved showers, the feeling of the warm water on your skin, the sound of the water dripping on the floor and the smell of all your products were enough to wash all your problems away. After about 25 minutes in the shower you turned the water off and stepped out, already missing the warmth of the water. After quickly drying yourself off with a towel you started massaging some lotion into your skin, first your arms and then your legs, this was your favorite part of your routine. When you felt that you had enough lotion on already you put on a robe, walked out of the bathroom and towards your walk in closet. It was september so the weather was still warm, today would be a simple dress day, or as simple as you could. Downside of being married to Kyoya Ootori: having to keep up appearances ALWAYS. After picking out a dress it was time for shoes, you gravitated towards a gorgeous pair of open toed gold heels that would’ve gone really well with your dress, but your legs were still slightly sore from last night so sandals it is.
After scrutinizing every part of your outfit and make up, which in the end you decided to go with a simple eyeliner, mascara and gloss, it was already 11:15. You grabbed your purse and asked someone to bring the car around. You hurriedly walked down the large staircase, excitement clear in your step, you got inside the car and gave a quick hello to the driver.
“Good morning Mrs Ootori, where to?”
“Morning Ryuzaki, Honeytea Cafe.”
“Understood ma’am.”
After giving your instructions you  pressed the button to lift the divider between the driver and the backseat, needing to be alone. You hadn’t seen Hikaru in person since your wedding reception, you talked on the phone occasionally but always for less than 2 minutes, this was the first time in months you would be in the same room again. Was it gonna be awkward? I mean you did call him yesterday late at night crying so what if he thought you were weird? No, no, this was Hikaru, your best friend since your first year of high school, everything was gonna be fine.
The 30 minute ride felt like it went by in less than 15, After getting to the cafe you told Ryuzaki to go back home and that you would call when you were done, since you didn’t know how long you would take. 11: 52pm, 8 minutes till you were supposed to meet Hikaru, meaning you had 8 minutes to get your act together.
You stepped into the cafe and scanned the place, 6 years and nothing had changed. Still the same old tall bookshelves lined the walls. The same paintings on the walls, and just like you remembered, peace and quiet. Since the cafe was a bit old fashioned it tended to attract an older crowd, old people just trying to enjoy their coffee and adults in their 30s that wanted a quiet place to work. While you continued to examine the room, lost in your own world, you felt a pair of slender hands on your shoulders and heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
“Taking a trip down memory lane while blocking the way huh? Honestly y/n I thought commoners taught their children better manners.”
At first you were startled but then you quickly turned around to face the voice and there he was. Tall, mischievous smile and wild hair, Hikaru Hitachiin in the flesh. “Hikaru I-” you hugged him before you could even finish your sentence. You stood there with your arms wrapped around his neck in silence for a couple more seconds.
“We’re still blocking the way.”
Oh right.
Behind you 2 old ladies stood with unpleasant expressions on their faces, you both moved out of the way to let the ladies through, they walked past you and muttered something about today’s youth having no respect for their elders. You stood there slightly embarrassed, heat rising to your cheeks while Hikaru looked like he might burst out laughing.
You decide to grab a table at the very back of the cafe, away from everyone else. After you sit down Hikaru strikes a conversation. “Haven’t seen you in a year y/n, how’s married life been treating you?” He propped up his elbow and leaned his head on his hand, keeping his eyes focused on you.
Damn so we’re already on that topic.
“We’ve had our ups and downs, what about you? How are you and Kaoru doing?” Hopefully he won't bring up your phone call from yesterday. “We’re doing pretty good, Kaoru actually started seeing someone a couple months ago. Cute boy he met at an art gallery.” You could hear the tiniest hint of jealousy in the last part, but overall Hikaru sounded happy for his brother. “Oh he did? That’s cool” you stay silent for a couple seconds before proceeding with what you were saying. “And how do you feel about Kaoru seeing someone?” Hikaru’s eyes shifted from you to the table and kept them focused there. “In the beginning it was weird, I hated the idea of having to share him with someone else but now, I see how happy he is with Evan and that’s all that matters to me.” He looked up from the table to look at you and smile, then he spoke again but this time in a more playful tone. “So are we eating or what? Man were you seriously gonna let me starve? Typical Ootori.” That comment made you laugh, you really did miss him.
You both ordered and paid separately, since you knew you would argue over who would pay the bill. After you both received your food you sat down to eat, while you ate you reminisced about the past and talked about all the trouble you used to get into back in the day.
“No no, you were the one that tricked Tamaki into dressing up as Haruhi to fool the doctors during the physical exam that one time.” He laughed and pointed at you with a piece of bread. “Whaaaaat? Me? I would never, I was just an innocent bystander” you defended yourself while also laughing, then you remembered something. “No but for real that one wasn’t my idea, actually Kyoya came up with it.” Hikaru stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face, he then asked you a question.
“So Kyoya…” There was a pause before he spoke again.
“You mentioned you have your ups and downs, I’m guessing yesterday was a down?”
The food that was in your throat had trouble going down, you tried to quickly swallow and answer Hikaru’s question. “Yesterday was definitely not one of our best days” You let out a nervous laugh. Before you could elaborate a middle aged man came up to your table and asked if he could borrow one of your chairs for his daughter, seeing that you were both already finished with your food you told him he could have the chairs and got up to leave.
As you were walking out of the coffee shop Hikaru tapped your shoulder.
“Hey my house is just a 5 minute drive from here, we could go there if you wanna talk more in private.”
72 notes · View notes
lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Against All Odds- Week 1
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Warning: Harrassment/assault, language, suggestive, threats
Word Count: 2530
A/N: As mentioned before this is based on my personal life. Even though not everything in this story happened, some of the more serious topics actually did. So a quick warning, there is content in here than can make the reader uncomfortable, specifically se**** harassment/assault. My intention in mentioning this in the series is to make people aware that this kind of stuff does actually happen in places you might not think it happens in. Also I try write relatable content. In my opinion Y/N reaction was kind of realistic. I reacted like that as well but instead of telling a boyfriend I told my close friend who worked with me and his reaction was the same as Eunwoo’s. Soooo in conclusion I hope you don’t think I’m writing this to be insensitive. I’m just trying to be as realistic as possible since it is based off my life.
A/N 2: I am a brown (If ya wanna know my exact ethnicity you could ask and I'll gladly tell :)), curly hair girl and since this is based on my personal life/experience I'm gonna write this series with those details in mind.
*Beep beep beep beep*
Your turned to your side to turn your alarm clock off. When you turned it off you gently pried the hands that were on your waist off. Even though your boyfriend was going to school the same time and place as you, you wanted to get ready first so you could make breakfast.
You took a quick shower and put on some home clothes because you didn't want to mess up your new uniform. After dressing you woke up Eunwoo.
"Eunwoo wake up" You said while shaking his shoulder.
He lifted his head towards you and barely opened his eyes, "Mmmh 5 more minutes", he mumbled dropping his head back onto the pillow.
You understood why he was so tired. You guys had stayed up late finishing the homework assignment that was due today. Had you guys known it was going to take so long you would've done it a week before but there's no point in dwelling on the past.
You shook him again, "Eunwoo, you have to get up. Class starts in an hour." He turned onto his back and whined.
"Morning sleepy head."
"You should start getting ready. We don't know how this man handles lateness."
"But I'm soooo tired." He said as he grabbed you and pulled you back onto the bed.
"I know, so am I."
"I can think of a couple ways to help us feel more energized." He said while caressing your thigh.
"So can I and it's called a shower and breakfast." You said while slapping his hand away.
He pouted, "You're no fun."
"I'll be sure to remind you of that next time you wanna have se-"
"Okay okay you win."
"I always do, now hurry up and get ready. You have about 15 minutes to shower and eat."
"Hmph, unlike you I don't take an hour just to shower."
"Wh-what?!? I don't take an hour!"
"How would you know if you've never timed yourself?"
"My point exactly." He said with a smirk as he closed the bathroom door.
You scoffed in disbelief but then thought about it. Maybe you did take an hour to shower but who cares. At least you were thorough when you cleaned yourself. You put your school uniform on and packed you and Eunwoo's lunch. Even though your school was close to fast food places, you guys needed to save up to pay for necessities. Plus who knows if your professor is actually going to give you a long enough break to buy food in those dreadfully long lines.
Just as you finished packing lunch Eunwoo walked out of your shared room fully dressed. You looked down at your watch and realized it was time to go if you guys wanted a seat close to the front.
As Eunwoo went to take a bite of his breakfast you snatched it out of his hand and bagged it.
"Hey! I was about to eat that."
"I don't think so, you took too long to get ready so now you have to eat it on the way."
"Sounds like too much work." He said as he tried to grab his food out of your hand. Of course since you were smaller than him you were able to escape and quickly ran to your bookbag to put his food in it.
After you zipped up your bag, you turned to look at your pouting boyfriend.
"As I said before your going to eat on the way there but since you'll be driving I'll feed you. How does that sound?"
His face beamed at your offer, "Let's get going then."
As you promised you fed him on the way there. By the time you arrived you had about 5 minutes to spare. Before you guys entered the gym you saw one of your classmates you made friends with when you took Pharmacology.
"Hey Laura!"
Laura turned around to see who was calling her name. When she saw who it was she instantly smiled. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good, how have you been?"
"Pretty good, can't really complain." She said but then looked at Eunwoo who was just standing there looking like a teen whose mom just saw an old friend. You wouldn't have mind at first since this would be the first time she ever saw him. But the look she was giving him ignited a fire in you that only happens when you get jealous and that doesn't happen often. So you just stood there and tried your best to keep smiling and act like nothing was wrong.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Eunwoo, my boyfriend." You said making sure to put emphasis on the boyfriend.
"It's nice to meet you." He said sticking his hand out for a handshake. She shook his hand. An action that is generally an innocent and friendly greeting seemed so wrong in that moment that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Ohh would you look at the time, we should probably go find a seat before all the good ones are taken." You said while pulling on Eunwoo's arm.
"Maybe we can sit together." Laura said as she tried to catch up to you guys.
"Mmmm I don't think we'll be able to." You said while you scanned the room for a row with only two seats available.
Bingo you thought when you saw row 3 only had 2 seats. You quickly pulled Eunwoo to the spot. You looked back to see what Laura was going to do and saw the look of defeat on her face. Which of course brought a smile to your face but quickly dropped it for a look of remorse.
Once you both pushed your chairs closer to each other you sat down and pulled out your syllabus, textbook and notebooks. You didn't even have a chance to talk to Eunwoo because it just turned 8 o'clock.
"Okay, Let's get started." The class immediately got quiet. "Welcome to Process 1, this is where you will learn the fundamental skills of nursing. I covered most questions in our previous zoom meeting so I will not be answering any today unless it has to do with the material. As I said before you must abide by the rules because this is Nursing and we need to shape you into future nurses. I will NOT baby you because this is college and if your looking for an easy class then you can go do Business Administration."
Oh great, another smart a**, you thought.
"Now let's get down to business. Today we're going to be watching videos of what you are going to do for your head-to-toe assessments. But before we do that I am going to let the other clinical instructors introduce themselves."
After they introduced themselves your professor started the videos. At first they seemed interesting but then after a while you started to get sleepy. And you weren't the only one. You looked over at Eunwoo and he was already sleeping. You gently pushed his shoulder and he woke confused about his surrounding until he realized he was still in school. Thankfully your professor finally gave you guys a break from watching videos.
"Okay now we are going to practice what you just saw. I want you to take a finger and find the 1st intercostal space and then the 2nd and don't stop until you get to the 5th one. You will do this on yourselves first and in a few minutes on your partner. But when you are with your partner you will only go to the 2nd one. "
That shouldn't be too hard, it's literally just the space between your ribs, you thought. But boy were you wrong. You couldn't tell if what you were touching was a space or something else and it started to hurt because you were putting a good amount of pressure. You looked over at Eunwoo and surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing.
The few minutes were up and your professor told you to find a partner and find their intercostal spaces. Obviously you chose Eunwoo as your partner.
"Did you find it on yourself yet?"
"Yepp, it was actually pretty easy to find."
"Can you help me please?"
"Are you sure you want me to touch there?" He said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Fine. I'll ask someone else. Maybe that guy by the projector... "
"No don't do that."
"Then help me and don't you dare try to do anything."
"Yes ma'am."
He took his pointing finger and started in the upper middle of your chest and dragged it side to side. In a non sexual way of course. He found it to be bit difficult to find it because of the fat in your boobs. However he finally found it.
"Ah, there it is."
"You found it?"
"I found two of them. The other 4 are a bit difficult to find since they’re underneath your top. The only way I can find it is if I stick my hand in your top."
"Eunwoo." You warned.
"What? I was just saying. I never said I was actually going to." He said feigning innocence.
"Could of fooled me."
He just shrug his shoulders, "Give me your finger so I can help you locate it."
It took a minute before he was able to locate it again but when you finally felt it you let out a breath of relief. You knew you needed to find this for your finals and if you weren't able to you surely would fail the class.
"Do you feel it?"
"Good, now find mine"
Since Eunwoo had a flatter chest than you it was easier to find despite him laughing from being ticklish. Before you had a chance to tell him your finding, your professor interrupted you.
"Fooling around isn't going to get you to pass my class."
"But we-" You said.
"Aa! Talking back isn't going to help you pass either. Now go find another partner. You need to practice on your other classmates because your not going to know who you'll be testing with until testing day."
You felt your insides boiling. You had to deal with this crap in high school and now your dealing with this in college. When he left you let out a strained sigh and Eunwoo instantly rubbed circles in your back to calm you down. Normally you would welcome this but you didn't want the professor coming back over to scold you so you pushed his hand off. He looked at you clearly hurt by your actions but you brushed it off and went to find a new partner. Unfortunately the only person available was actually the guy by the projector but at this point you didn't care.
You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me, do you uh have a partner?"
He turned around to see who tapped his shoulder. You expected him to answer but then he started to check you out with a smirk on his face. "Well hello there, what can I help you with beautiful?"
You rolled your eyes, "I asked do you have a partner?"
"Oooo sassy too, I like"
You narrowed your eyes and turned to walk away, "I don't have time for this."
"Wait! I'm sorry I was just surprised you asked me when you have your boyfriend."
"Not trying to be mean or anything but I wouldn't had asked you if I wasn't forced to choose another partner."
He looked at you slightly deflated by your confession, "Ah... I see but since you need a new partner I'll gladly take the spot for now." He said as he got up to make his chest more accessible.
"...okay... thanks I guess."
At first it started off fine., You were able to find it on him rather quickly. However when it was his turn that's when it turned into a problem. He found the first one and gradually went lower until he reached the beginning of hem of your scrub top. You expected him to stop there but when he started to put his hand lower in your top you instantly jumped back.
"Wh-what are you doing?!?!?!"
"Just doing what we were told to do."
"You were supposed to stop at 2."
"Was I? Must've misheard, my bad." If you weren't paying attention to his tone you would've thought he was being sincere just by his facial expression.  
Not wanting to cause a scene the first ay of class you excused yourself and went  back tp your seat to think about what just happened. Was this something you would need to report or were you over exaggerating? Should you tell Eunwoo? What if the guy was right and made you get in trouble for not listening to instructions? All those questions raced through your mind until Eunwoo saw your troubled face and left his partner to comfort.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he placed a comforting hand on your back not caring if the professor saw.
"Yea... actually no."
"What happened?"
"I was working with that guy over and he was about to put his fingers down my shirt before I stopped him."
Eunwoo's gaze instantly hardened and if looks could kill that guy would no more. But you couldn't have your boyfriend fighting your battles for you. You gently cupped his face with your hands and made him look at you.
"Promise me your not going to do anything."
"I don't know..."
"Promise me."
"I can't promise I won't do anything but I do promise to not intervene over something you can handle."
"I guess I can take that."
"You'll have to because I am not about to just let some guy touch you like that without your permission. He's lucky I wasn't there because he surely would've been picking his teeth off the floor."
"You know, I never took you as the violent type."
"I can promise you I'm not but this is a different story."
That was the end of the conversation because your professor continued on with the rest of the lesson which was fairly easy. He dismissed the class an hour earlier since it was the first day. However when you guys went home instead of relaxing you started your clinical homework because you didn't want a repeat of what happened last night.
It was about 11 o'clock when you finished half of the assignments. Eunwoo was starting to lose focus so you decided it was time to go to bed. After you finished putting on his t-shirt and your curls in a bun, you went to join him in bed. He pulled you closer to him so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You knew this was his way of silently comforting you. He wasn’t going to lie. He was looking forward to having sex with you but after todays events he knew you probably weren't going to be in the mood and just want to sleep off the days problem. You were thankful but deep down you knew you weren't going to get much sleep that night...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photo’s used. I got them off of Google.
A/N: Soooo sorry for the long wait. I had so much to write that Ii realized I couldn’t put everything in this one post. On that note I’m hoping I can have the next post up by next week. :)
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a-singleboat · 4 years
LA Girl
Word Count: 3.5k
Request: Since requests are open, can I ask for one where Shayne Topp has secretly been dating an Alt girl (piercings, coloured hair, tattoos ect) for months and she has anxiety and is nervous about meeting the squad as she feels like they’re gonna judge her for being so different to him so Shayne introduces her to Damien first alone and Damien automatically likes her and they click really well so she tells him she’s ready to go public and meet the rest of the squad and they all accept her?❤️ - Anon
A/N: I hope you guys like this! It took me a while to conceptualize it at first but then the rest came pretty naturally :D
Warning(s): Mentions of oral sex (male receiving), swearing, mentions of sex, self deprecating thoughts
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You never really liked living in Los Angeles. Most days it was too bright and there were too many people, too many tourists. Yeah, you hated living here. That is, of course, until you met Shayne. 
At first, it appeared that you and Shayne were as different as night and day. Literally. He was the perfect LA Boy, with his blonde hair and his trim physique, always looking like the sun while you… you liked your dark colors and vibrant hairstyles, not to mention your multitudes of piercings and tattoos. In the mornings that you did spend together, Shayne liked to trace them with the tips of his fingers before the day started. 
These past few months with Shayne have been euphoric, for lack of better words. It seemed you were forever stuck in your honeymoon phase together but even you knew that it couldn’t last forever. The first fight you’d have, the first disagreement, stemmed from your own insecurities. 
As you’d mentioned before, Shayne looked like the perfect LA Boy, as did the rest of his friends. He didn’t stand out while walking the length of Hollywood Boulevard and he certainly didn’t catch any of the police officer’s eyes when he went to the bank. 
Which is why you weren’t so sure you wanted to meet them, his friends that is. You were sure that they would judge you for your alternative fashion choices, just like everyone else did. 
“They’re not like that,” Shayne tried to convince you for the umpteenth time that day. You had just finished washing the dishes, using your day off to catch up on chores you’d neglected during the week. Shayne was supposed to be completing his coursework for his degree but instead he’d decided to pester you with this topic once more. 
“My friends are super supportive and they just want to meet you,” he tried again. “And if they say anything then they’re not really my friends. They’ll love you, I promise.”
You picked up the laundry basket full of clean clothes from beside your front door, dumping the basket out on the couch. You cleared off a small section on the coffee table so that you could fold your laundry. 
“I’m just worried,” you confessed, folding a cropped shirt in half twice before dropping it into the laundry basket. “You say that they’re supportive and that they just want to meet me but you also just said, ‘if they say anything.’ Shayne, if I really didn’t have a reason to worry, you wouldn’t have thrown that in there.” 
“Okay, that was my bad,” he admitted, “but I’m serious. You have nothing to worry about, they’ll all love you.”
You gave him a weary look, folding a pair of black cargo pants over your arm. A few weeks ago, you’d met Shayne’s parents and while they were two of the most loving and welcoming people you had met, you could still see the discomfort and unease hidden behind their eyes. They expected someone different, with less tattoos and piercings most likely. They probably weren’t expecting their blonde baby boy to be with a neon-pink-haired twenty-something with daddy issues galore. 
“Okay, how about this,” Shayne took the pants from your hands, folding them and setting them onto the coffee table. “I’ll invite Damien over to mine for dinner tonight as a tester. If everything goes well with him, then maybe you’ll consider meeting everyone else?”
You took up your cargo pants once more, settling them in the laundry basket with the rest of your folded clothing. You had less than half the original pile left, the rest of the clothing being mainly bras and socks that still needed to be sorted. 
“Okay,” you gave in. What was the worst that could happen?
As it turns out, completely forgetting that Damien was due to arrive any moment at Shayne’s apartment was the worst thing that could happen. His best friend’s first impression of you would forever be this: you on your knees with Shayne’s dick halfway down your throat while you gave him a before-dinner blowjob. 
Embarrassment burned through your entire being as Damien realized what was happening before he closed the front door and called out, “I’m so sorry, I should have knocked!” 
You looked up at Shayne who couldn’t decide between being mortified and being smug. It took everything within your power not to punch him in the dick, considering it was literally right there in front of you. 
“Go… take care of yourself,” you awkwardly chuckled, patting his thigh lightly. “I’ll let your friend in and hopefully not die from embarrassment on the way.” 
Shayne scrambled up off the couch and into his bathroom while you opened the container of mints you kept under the coffee table for these types of instances. Not that you and Shayne expected people to walk in during any of that normally. You washed your hands at the sink while you chewed the mint, giving yourself a moment to breathe before even thinking about opening the door.
Once you’d calmed down enough, you opened the door for Damien, unable to meet his eye as you let him in. 
“Uh, sorry you had to see any of that…” You closed the door behind him, double checking the lock to make sure it was still working. “We don’t usually do it out here, um--”
“You don’t need to explain yourself,” Damien tried to save the night. “It’s not like I haven’t seen Shayne’s dick before--I mean--Not in the way you’d think--”
The two of you dissolved into laughter, still thinking of a way to dig your way out of the hole you’d awkwardly made. When Shayne was telling you about Damien, he did mention that he was possibly the most awkward of his friends which made him the perfect ‘test monkey’ for the night. 
“I should’ve knocked,” Damien settled, an apologetic look on his face. “Shayne gave me a key a while back and I usually just let myself in but that’s really no excuse. I’m sorry.”
Shayne had also mentioned Damien was the most polite out of them all. Not that the others weren’t polite, because they were. He had meant it in the way that Damien would apologize for existing if he could (which he has done before). 
“It’s okay, really. Though, we might have to tweak the story of how we met for future conversations.” You made your way into Shayne’s little kitchenette. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Water is fine,” Damien said, moving to sit in one of the chairs at the high table. You grimaced at the couch, making a mental note to grab some disinfectant once Shayne came out of the bathroom. “And yeah, we’ll just leave that part out for future retellings.”
You pulled a glass from one of the cabinets, filling it with water from the Brita. You added a few ice cubes as well, smiling as they clinked against the sides of the glass. 
“So, how did you and Shayne meet?” Damien asked, thanking you for the glass. You took up the other seat, crossing your right leg over your left. 
“At the tattoo shop I work at, actually,” you played with the end of your belt, twisting the fabric over your hand until it covered your knuckles. For this meeting, you’d decided to tone down your wardrobe--less chains and more softer fabrics. Your pleated skirt had been exchanged for the black cargo pants you’d folded earlier. That paired with a simple side release buckle belt and a structured white top for contrast, this was probably the most “tame” you’ve dressed in a while. 
“He came in with another friend of his, Paul, and sat with him while I worked on a piece for his sleeve. After that, I gave him my number in case he ever wanted to get a tattoo himself and the rest is history.”
“I can’t believe Paul technically met you before I did,” Damien said in disbelief. You heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on which meant your boyfriend would be joining the two of you soon. 
The awkwardness between you and Damien had faded slightly but you could still feel the tension in the air. Shayne opened the bathroom door and you looked over your shoulder to watch as your no longer disheveled boyfriend entered the room. He’d changed his pants, which was fair, and he was holding the disinfectant in hand as if he’d read your mind. 
You hopped off the seat and took it from him, spraying down the entire couch while he greeted his friend. 
“Really sorry you had to see that,” Shayne said, laughing as they clapped their hands together. “We would have disinfected the couch either way, just so you know.” 
Damien laughed as you finished cleaning off the couch, setting the disinfectant on the coffee table. You couldn’t be bothered with putting it away in the bathroom right now. 
“Well, this is Y/n, my girlfriend,” Shayne pulled on your arm until you settled into his side. You gave a small wave. “And she made Italian for dinner so unless you now want nothing to do with me, we can start eating now.” 
“Sounds great.”
Once you actually got over the initial awkwardness, your night actually turned out enjoyable. Damien was extremely funny and nice, just like Shayne had said. He’d even asked about your job and your own tattoos, expressing his own thoughts about getting one or two done himself. 
“If you get it done at my shop, I can get you a discount,” you offered, taking a sip of your water. “Friends and family get twenty-percent off, though that doesn’t include the tip.” 
“Really?” Damien asked. He looked shocked that you’d even offer to tattoo him, let alone provide him with a discount. 
“Yeah,” you grinned. “Just let me know when and we can set up an appointment.” 
“That’d be amazing.”
The three of you were sitting on the couch now, you and Shayne sitting on the side closest to the window while Damien was on the other end. His body was angled toward the two of you as “The Office” played quietly in the background. 
“Does this mean I’ll be seeing you around more?” Damien asked. “Shayne always comes alone to out-of-work get-togethers and Courtney’s been pestering him to bring you around for some time now.”
“She has?” you looked up at Shayne, asking if that was true. 
He nodded. “Why do you think I’ve been so insistent on getting you to meet my friends? They all want to meet you.”
“It doesn’t help that you’re all he talks about,” Damien chuckled. “I swear, every other word from his mouth is something about you. Whether it’s wondering what you’re doing to wondering how you’re doing, it’s always about you.” 
You reached up and patted Shayne’s cheek lightly. “Aw, babe. You think about me? How embarrassing.”
  He swatted your hand away, chuckling as you giggled at the shared joke between you. 
You talked for a little longer, sharing stories between the three of you before Damien caught sight of the time. 
“I should get going,” he said, standing up. You got up as well, giving him a hug before letting him and Shayne say their goodbyes. Once Damien had left the apartment completely, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, you shoulder relaxing. While Shayne was an extrovert, you found yourself physically and mentally drained from hanging out with just one person. 
The entire experience was new for you. Since you’d started dressing how you wanted to dress and expressing yourself accordingly, there have been people less than willing to be nice to you or show you any sort of kindness. It was mostly linked to the fact that people thought that if you wore black, put on lots of make-up, had piercings, and had tattoos you were a bad person and an even worse role model. Not only was that hurtful, it made you very self conscious about meeting new people. 
“That wasn’t so bad,” Shayne said, pulling you in for a hug. You sunk into his arms, wrapping your own arms around his torso. 
“It wasn’t terrible,” you replied, your words muffled by the fabric of his shirt. You turned your head sideways so that you could hear his steady heartbeat, allowing it to lull you into what felt like security. “Though, the beginning could have been better.” 
“We’re never speaking of the beginning again.”
Shayne started to sway with you in his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before letting go. “So how do you feel about going to brunch with the rest of my friends on Saturday?”
After meeting Damien, your anxiety had subsided. No longer did you think you would be judged for the type of clothes you chose to wear but this time the anxiety of meeting so many people at once surfaced. When you didn’t respond, he looked down at you worried. 
“Tell me what’s wrong.” 
“I just…” If you said what you were thinking out loud, you knew you were going to sound ridiculous. “It’s nothing.”
“No, really,” he frowned, “tell me what’s wrong. Bottling it all up inside won’t work this time.” 
You sighed. “I--Shayne, you’re perfect, you know that?” 
“I wouldn’t say perfect but…” You dug your fingers into his side, causing him to laugh. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just that you’re the perfect LA Boy and I look nothing like the perfect LA Girl that you so clearly deserve. I mean, Damien was nice but that’s literally just how he is. What if your other friends think I’m, like, a terrible influence on you with my millions of piercings and tattoos and attention-seeking hair and--”
He cut you off with his lips, arms pulling you in impossibly closer and effectively stopping you in your tracks. 
When he pulled away, you fixed him with a playful glare. “Shayne Robert Topp, you did not just pull a movie cliche on me while I was airing out all my concerns to you. Apologize right now.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. “But, Y/n, you don’t need to be the ‘perfect LA Girl,’ you’re perfect the way you are. That doesn’t mean I’d like you any less if you decided that you did want to become whatever you think is the ‘perfect LA Girl’ because I’d like you no matter what. I just like you.”
“Even if I went bald?”
“Even if you went bald.” 
You’ve said it once and you’ll say it again: you fucking loved this man. 
“I love you,” you said, pouting your bottom lip. You felt the tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you looked up at him in adoration. 
“I love you, too.” 
By the time Saturday rolled around, you were ready to meet the rest of Shayne’s friends. Most of your anxieties had been successfully quelled, though they still lingered. You had gotten your hair done again the day before, meaning you were now sporting a bright neon green. You matched your makeup to your vibrant new dye and picked out a heat-appropriate outfit. 
“Are you ready to go?” Shayne called from your front room, interrupting your self-admiration session. You gave yourself one last look in the full-length mirror in your room before slipping on the pair of DnD dice filled platform shoes that added at least three inches to your height. 
“Ready.” You stopped to pose in the doorway, the bottom of your shirt riding up as you leaned against the wooded frame. “Baby, how do I look?” 
Shayne looked up from his phone, his jaw dropping the second he laid eyes on you. A blush settled nicely onto your cheeks, as you grew shy under his gaze. He dropped his phone on the couch and crossed the room in three long strides. He pulled you in by the waist, pressing a kiss to your lips. You melted into his touch, a giddy feeling spreading through your being as your arms looped around his neck, bringing him closer. 
“You look amazing,” he breathed, pulling away. You giggled as you realized that a bit of your black lipstick had transferred off onto his lip. You reached up and wiped his top lip with your thumb. 
“Thank you,” you giggled, rubbing your fingers together until the black rubbed off. “What time did your friends say?”
“We’ve got some time…” his fingers crept up your side, dipping under your shirt and tracing the band of your bra with his thumb. 
You smacked his hand. “Naughty boy.”
You didn’t end up leaving the apartment for another thirty minutes, though you couldn’t complain about it. Still, you ended up making it on time. From where you’d parked on the street, you could see Shayne’s friends spread across two connected tables, laughing on the patio. 
Damien was the first to spot the two of you, standing from his seat and calling out, inviting you into the sectioned off area. You took up residence in the seat closest to him, leaving Shayne to take the seat on your other side. 
“You guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/n,” Shayne introduced you to everyone at the table. There were nine other people sitting at the table. You recognized maybe six of them from the videos you’d watched, while the other three were most likely spouses (considering how close they were sitting next to who you assumed were their significant others). 
“Hi, Y/n!” the blonde sitting next to Damien greeted. You recognized her immediately as the inspiration for Shayne’s alter ego, Courtney Freaking Miller. 
You smiled politely as everyone went around introducing themselves to you, from Olivia and Sam to Sarah and Claudio, you didn’t feel out of place for one second. The hand that had been tightly intertwined with Shayne’s relaxed as you grew even more comfortable around his friends. 
“So Damien told us that you worked at a tattoo parlor,” Ian inquired, propping an arm up on the table and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. On his left sat Anthony, who also looked interested in your answer. “And Shayne did, too, I guess. Did Damien tell you that your boyfriend literally never stops talking about you?”
You giggled. “He did tell me that and I find it adorable that he can’t go a second without missing me.” 
“I wish Peter was like that,” the purple haired woman, Mari, complained playfully, nudging her husband’s side. Peter just laughed it off, casually putting his arm around her shoulders. 
“You do not,” he refuted. “You get flustered when I even mention you to my friends.”
She huffed, though there were no traces of anger to be found on her face. “It’s the sentiment that counts.”
Courtney put her menu down, reaching over to grab her glass of water. “I’ve always wanted to get a tattoo. Y/n, yours are so pretty.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks at the compliment. “Thank you! I actually did most of them myself.” 
Courtney’s eyes widened at that. She reached over Damien, who had leaned far back enough in his seat to allow her to do that. She motioned at your sleeve, specifically at the roses that decorated the back of your forearm. They were cliche and most likely overused but you just thought they were pretty. 
“Those? You did those yourself?”
“Yeah!” you said enthusiastically. You offered your arm out, allowing her to take a closer look. “My friend, Alyssa, designed it for me and as soon as I was trusted to wield an actual tattoo gun, it was the first piece I worked on.”
“That’s insanely cool,” she gushed, tracing a finger over one of the larger roses. “And you’re insanely talented.”
“Thank you!”
For some reason, Courtney was originally your biggest concern. Most of the insecurity had sprouted from the constant online presence of the ship Shourtney, which Shayne assured you was nothing but a meme. And you trusted your boyfriend, and though you didn’t know Courtney, you trusted her too. But sitting here, at the same brunch spot as her, sharing the same meal as she was, all your fears washed away. 
It was incredibly difficult not to like her. Not only was she extremely nice, but insanely pretty as well. Though you had to accredit most of your confidence to Shayne, who only had eyes for you despite everything else. You’d thought that you would find yourself vying for his attention in front of everyone but not once did he leave you to flounder. He was always there, ready to step into any conversation you were having. 
When you’d all finished your meals and began to wrap up the late morning, you couldn’t help but show your gratitude for your amazing boyfriend by pressing a huge kiss to his cheek, whispering that you loved him while everyone had grown content in their own little conversations with each other. 
Content, he grinned and his arm around your shoulders tightened just that much more as he used his free hand to tilt your face up towards him. He pressed a kiss to your lips, keeping it short and sweet, before pulling away and whispering, “I love you, too.” 
@beautiful-holland​ @toms-order​ @starlightfound​ @grandmascottlang​ @positiveparker​ @bippity-boppity-boopa​ @caswinchester2000​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @imladylunaticbitch​
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mermaidssonshipss · 4 years
ruin the friendship
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another request! yeehaw! so i didn’t know if you wanted like an established relationship or not and i tend to not write established relationships (the pining and angst and hidden touches are always the best part once ur in a relationship it’s boring lmao) so i’m taking this and running with it but also putting my own twist on it but i really hope you enjoy it. it took me forever to write and i don’t know why i just. wanted it to... work? idk ANYWAYS! i hope you enjoy it yeehaw.
warnings: smut, obviously
pairings: rudy pankow x reader
word count: 3,082
At the age of 21, you were still a virgin, and the thought irritated you. It wasn’t like you hadn’t had the chance, or that you’d never had a boyfriend, the truth was you were just scared. When you were 16, your older sister had come into your bedroom right after she lost her virginity, whining about how bad it hurt and how uncomfortable it was. She couldn’t even sit down. She’d went into detail and to be quite frank, you were traumatized. So, whenever the opportunity to have sex presented itself, you’d always back out, which lead to many of your breakups. You knew you were being silly about it, but you just never felt like the guys you were with would care enough to take your feelings into consideration and make sure you were comfortable. You’d dated nothing but assholes who only wanted you for your body, and finding out you were a virgin never turned them off, it only made you a challenge, and when they realized they weren’t going to concur you, they dropped you. 
Currently you were sat on Rudy’s couch, the both of you arguing over whether he should shave his mustache or not. You were highly against the hideous thing, arguing that it looked like he had a caterpillar above his lip, and he argued that the caterpillar was his friend. 
“Question. Have you kissed a girl since you’ve had that thing on your face? Honest answers only,” you pressed, though you knew the answer already. He opened his mouth to reply, but fell short, his back falling into the couch as he glared at you.
“Is it really that bad?”
He huffed out at that, crossing his arms and turning his face back towards the TV. You got up, making your way into his bathroom and coming back out holding shaving cream and his razor.
“Shave it. Now.”
“You shave it if you want it gone so bad,” he replied, raising his eyebrows, challenging you.
“I literally will, Rudy. I’ve been shaving since I was like.. 13. I’m not afraid to use a razor,” you quipped back, and he threw his head back, letting out a groan before he pushed himself off the couch and snatched the items from you, making his way to the bathroom as he shot a glare at you over his shoulder.
You settled back down on the couch, grabbing your phone. A couple of texts from your best friend, Han, popped up, and your cheeks turned red as you read the contents.
Han: dude... did you see Jake’s tweets?
Han: he’s literally subtweeting the fuck out of you.
You quickly opened the twitter app on your phone and went to his account, your heart dropping. The past several tweets were about how he was tired of being led on by “prudes,” how his last ex (you) thought she was too good for anyone, and finally, he ended it with “never date a virgin, dudes. they’re the worst.” You were hurt, but you weren’t really surprised. He’d broken up with you two days ago after he’d tried to pressure you into having sex with him again, and you’d held your ground, saying you weren’t ready. He’d stormed out of your apartment, screaming that you were over.
A tear slipped down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away as Rudy entered the room, now sporting a clean-shaven face. You tossed your phone to the side as you looked up at him, throwing a smile on your face at the sight, but it was clear to him you were upset.
“What happened?” He asked, sitting down next to you and you shook your head, giving him a shrug.
“Nothing. Jake being a dick. It’s whatever.” You’d never really discussed your sex-life with Rudy. It wasn’t that you weren’t comfortable with him, to be honest you were more comfortable with him than you’d ever been with anyone, it just never came up. He’d assumed you weren’t a virgin due to your boyfriends, and you never told him why things actually ended.
“What’d he do?” He looked angry, and you smiled at him softy; it was cute how much he cared.
“Just some stupid tweets,” you replied, not expecting him to grab his phone and go onto Jake’s profile.
“What’s his fucking problem? Why is he calling you a prude? You’re not a virgin?” His tone was questioning, realizing that you two had never really talked about the topic.
“I am a virgin,” you responded simply, scrunching your nose up slightly as you looked at him. He was silent for a moment, his mouth opening into a silent O.
“Close your mouth, Pankow. You’ll eat a fly,” you laughed and he quickly snapped his mouth shut before placing his phone next to yours.
“If you don’t mind me asking... why?” he was genuinely curious, his eyes watching you closely. At this question, your cheeks heated up. You weren’t ashamed that you were a virgin, but you were definitely embarrassed about the why. Without letting yourself overthink it, you launched into the story about your sister and how scared it had left you.
“I know it’s stupid,” you groaned, your hands covering your heated cheeks, “but seriously... the way she talked about it... like I’m fully expecting it to feel like I’m being ripped in half and I’m not okay with that! If I could find the right guy maybe I’d think about it but everyone I date is a fucking asshole that only cares about getting themselves off, and not my precious vagina. Like I don’t need to be in love with the dude I just need to know he’s gonna take his time and not hurt me!” your cheeks were absolutely flaming at this point, your fingers running through your hair as you tugged on it. Rudy was laughing next to you as you rambled, his eyes closing as tears leaked down his cheeks from how hard he was laughing. “Stop laughing!” You shouted, but you yourself were also laughing.
“I’m sorry,” he choked out, trying to calm down, “Like it’s not funny I get it but the way you talked about it is hilarious,” his laughing had calmed down now, and he sent you a sincere smile, “I’ve definitely heard it hurts for a girl though, but like you said, you just need to find someone who’s gonna be careful with you. Someone you trust and are comfortable with.”
“Rudy. Men suck. You’re the only man I trust with my life,” you dead panned, and he raised an eyebrow at you. He was quiet for a moment, and you could see the wheels turning in his head before he finally spoke up.
“Let me take your virginity.” He was confident as he spoke the words and you sucked in a breath, not expecting that to come out of his mouth.
“Hear me out,” he sat up straighter now, his entire body facing you, “We’ve been friends for how long? Like 10 years now, right? I know you better than anyone else, and vice-versa. You also just said you trust me, and are comfortable with me. I’ll admit I’ve never been with a virgin before and I don’t want you to think this is me trying to check something off a checklist or whatever, but I care about you and your feelings in general, so of course I’d care about that in bed. I’ll be gentle. I’ll listen to you and what you want and make sure you’re as comfortable as you possibly can be.”
You thought about it for a moment, weighing his words around the corners of your brain, before deciding that he had a point.
“Okay. But it absolutely cannot ruin our friendship.” He nodded his head in agreement, running his fingers through his hair as it flopped into his eyes.
“Absolutely. I don’t think anything can ruin our friendship at this point, anyway,” he was smiling softly at you as he spoke, and you knew you should feel nervous under his gaze, but you were comfortable. This was Rudy, your best friend, and you trusted him with the world.
The two of you were silent for a moment, letting the reality of the situation sink in, before Rudy stood up and held his hand out for you.
“If you’re sure you want this, I’m gonna wager losing your virginity in my comfy bed is much better than on my couch,” he smirked at you, and you rolled your eyes, but slipped your hand in his anyway. He tugged you up gently and lead the both of you to his bedroom, shutting the door gently after you had fully entered.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” his voice was a whisper as he stepped closer to you, his hand resting on your cheek softly as his other hand landed on your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. You simply nodded, not trusting your voice at the moment.
His lips were on yours moments later, all of the nerves in your body melting away as the two of you moved in-sync. For the first time in a very long time, you felt butterflies exploding in your stomach from a simple kiss, and you wound your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer to you. Your shirt was currently being bunched up under your ribs, his hands moving it up slowly as his fingertips trailed against your warm skin. He broke the kiss for only a moment, pulling your shirt off and tossing it onto the floor before his lips were attaching to yours once again, this time the kiss much more passionate. The two of you were stumbling slightly as he pushed you over to his bed, a few soft laughs being exchanged as he almost tripped over a pair of his sneakers.
“Remind me to clean up this mess,” he mumbled against your lips, and you could feel a smile on them as he hoisted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he crawled onto the bed and gently placed you down, your head resting on his pillow.
His eyes were drinking you in as he hovered above you, and you silently thanked yourself for putting on your favorite red lace bra that morning as his pupils widened at the sight.
“Beautiful,” he mumbled, and you weren’t sure if you were supposed to hear him, so you just smiled up at him before your fingers began fiddling with his shirt, tugging at it to signal you wanted it off. He was quick to pull it off and toss it across the room.
“Don’t forget to clean that up later,” you smirked, and he glared at you, but you could see he was holding in a smile.
“Can I?” his hand had slipped underneath you, his fingers resting on the clasp of your bra, waiting for your answer.
“Rudy, we’re about to have sex. Which I already agreed to. You’re allowed to undress me.” You could see his cheeks turn red as you spoke, but he rolled his eyes at you and quickly unclasped the bra before sliding the straps down your arms slowly, removing it fully. For a moment, you were tempted to cover yourself, but something about the way Rudy was looking down at you, his eyes scanning from your chest to your eyes, stopped you. 
Soon his lips were back on yours, both of you fighting for dominance as he tugged at your shorts, pulling them down your legs and kicking them off the bed. His hand wrapped around your thigh, pushing your legs apart as he trailed feather light touches up the soft skin, goosebumps erupting across your body. His lips were moving down your neck and to your chest now, softly sucking the skin as your fingers flew to his hair, tangling them into his blonde locks. 
Without warning, he slipped his large hand under the fabric of your panties and cupped your mound roughly, causing you to let out a sinful moan. You could feel him smirk against your chest as his thumb rubbed against your clit, drawing figure eights on the already throbbing bud. If you weren’t wet before, you definitely were now.
“Just gotta get you ready.” he whispered against your skin, his lips wrapping around your nipple as he let his teeth graze the sensitive peak, causing you to gasp and tug at his hair, which awarded you a groan from Rudy. You would gladly let him get you ready at any moment if it felt like this.
His finger teased your entrance, gathering up the wetness that pooled around the hole before slipping in easily, reaching places your own had never reached before. He was quick to slip a second finger in when he realized how wet you were, and he bit down on your nipple a bit too hard as he heard you moan out his name. It sounded sinful, and he wanted to hear you chant it for hours. As you writhed underneath him with each pump of his fingers, he was tempted to make you cum like this, intrigued to see you coming undone just from his fingers, but he didn’t want to overwhelm you, not this time, at least. When he could feel you clenching around his fingers, your whimpers growing louder, he pulled away, causing you to gasp out in displeasure.
“M’not done, princess,” he assured you, rolling next to you on the bed as he quickly pulled his pants and boxers down in one go. He was painfully hard, his cock slapping up against his abdomen the second it was free, and he let out a hiss as the cold air hit it. Quickly he threw his bedside table drawer open, feeling around it for a moment before his fingers finally latched onto a condom and he let out a sigh of relief. It’d been a while since he’d sex, to be honest, and he wasn’t sure if he had any condoms around. 
“Hurry up,” you breathed impatiently, your hand slipping down as you began to rub your own clit, and Rudy thought he was going to explode at the sight.
“Jesus christ,” Escaped from his clenched teeth, and he was quick to move himself back on top of you, ripping the condom package open with his teeth before rolling it down his length, a painful moan escaping at the friction. He slapped your hand away, positioning the head of his cock against your entrance for a moment before dragging it between your folds, collecting your wetness on the condom.
“Please,” you whimpered quietly, causing Rudy to bite his lip. He had pictured you underneath him many times, but he had never pictured you begging him to take your virginity. 
Slowly, he pushed inside of you, watching as your head pushed back into the pillow, your mouth falling open silently. It stung, but he was so gentle and so slow, giving you time to adjust as he very slowly pushed his entirety into you, finally bottoming out, you barely felt the discomfort. 
Your hands wrapped around his back, your fingernails digging into his tan skin, and you whispered quietly into his ear, giving him permission to move. His body was resting down on yours gently, his own arms between your body and the bed, clutching onto you as he began to move his hips, dragging his cock against your tight walls as slow as he could force himself to go. His continuous moans mixed with yours, both of your names rolling off one another's tongues in ecstasy. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your heels digging into his ass slightly as you pushed him deeper into you, your body consumed with pleasure. His lips found yours again, but this kiss felt different. His lips were rough against yours, but there was a passion behind it that he had been holding back, feelings that had been hidden for years pouring between the two of you as he finally decided to give in to them. 
He could tell you were close, your walls clenching around his cock, causing his hips to stutter at the feeling. His hand slipped between the two of you, finding the button that would let you release around him, and he began to circle his fingers around it quickly, the pressure of his fingers varying.
“Let go, pretty girl,” he whispered into your ear as he finally pulled his lips away from yours, soon resting them on your shoulder, his teeth sinking into the skin as you exploded around him, yelling his name out as your fingernails dug even deeper into his skin, leaving scratches behind. You’d gotten yourself off many times before, but it had never felt like this. You’d never felt this full, his cock deliciously scraping against your walls. He continued to pound into you, relishing in your whimpers before he too was coming undone into the condom, riding out his high until there was nothing left. 
His body collapsed onto the bed next to you, sweaty and sticking to the sheets as he pulled the condom off and tied it up, tossing it into the bin next to his bed. You were absolutely blissed out, a soft smile on your lips, and Rudy pushed himself onto his side, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him, his fingertips trailing up and down your side.
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” his words were genuine as he looked down at you, his eyes full of adoration and what you think looked like love.
“I’m... wonderful,” you decided on, your own hand reaching up and tracing along his jawline, “It stung a bit in the beginning but after that it was... jesus I can’t believe I haven’t done that before,” you laughed, and Rudy laughed with you quietly, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on your lips for a moment before pulling away and resting his forehead on yours, his eyes staring into yours, “think it only felt that way because it was with you though,” you admitted, your voice small as you spoke, and Rudy once again pecked your lips. He had decided kissing you was one of his favorite activities. 
“I think... we just ruined the friendship,” he admitted, but he was smiling against your lips, and you knew what he meant.
“I think I agree.”
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hello hello! Here’s my POCuties collab piece for Valentine’s Day. Even though today sometimes makes me feel unloved please know everyone is deserving of love and even if you don’t have someone this year, you can have me! I love you and so do your favs okay? (✿◠‿◠) ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : none! Just very sweet (a bit of the reader feeling like a burden to tamaki so a touch of sadness here and there)
Word count : 2.1k
Paring(s) : Tamaki Amajiki x F! Reader (fem pronouns)
Enjoy ♡
Forever // T. Amajiki
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Being with Tamaki for a few years taught his lover a lot. She saw more sides of him than most, and it made her heart swell to see the usually quiet boy happy and determined when he accomplished something he was trying for or when he was down she knew just how to cheer him up.
As the day drew on she realised just how much she loved him and how much she wished for him to be home, to give him a big kiss as he came through the door, knowing that his day was long, plagued with paperwork and patrols. Hearing the door open she saw her tall boyfriend enter, hood over his eyes as he let out a sigh, stretching as he felt his body being encased by his girlfriend “Hello butterfly how was your day” His low voice spoke out as she gave him a bright smile “It was nice heaving the day off but i missed you Tama” she pouted as he gave her a chuckle, kissing her forehead “I missed you too, the office was a bore without my adorable secretary” Moving into their shared apartment Tamaki saw food already laid out in front of him “I ran you some bath water too” [ ] called out as she rounded the wall separating the kitchen and living room “Y-you didn't have to do that love im-” A finger silenced his pleas “Let me take care of you okay? You need your rest and i didnt want you to worry about anything coming home except relaxing and cuddling with me okay?” [ ] said as she stood on her tippy toes, kissing the top of his cheek “Tamaki Amajiki we have been doing this for years, won't you please let me love you without trying to outdo me ; you deserve it, you're a wonderful hero, you're my hero and eventually...you'll be our family hero..once we have one..” She trailed off as he stared at her, watching a sadden face appear over her features. Shaking it off as soon as it had appeared she gave him another smile “Its alright. There's no rush, i'm here for the long haul , me and you okay?” she said as she let his face go , heading to the couch “Now go go, hurry up before the food gets cold.” She teased as he gave her a soft look, coming over to kiss her cheek “Okay i wont argue butterfly”
These little things stuck with him, her caring ways, cooking for him, cleaning his office while hed be gone, even doing some of his paperwork while he was on parole. He loved her so much and enjoyed all of the little things here and there she did for him. He ddi the same, and each time made her cry, not out of being upset but for how caring he was to her. Bringing her roses, making sure she didnt have to cook if he could help it, spa days and doing more crafts and bonding with her whenever they could. But he realized while she helped him with so much he felt like he struggled. She struggled with her own issues too, similar to his. Sometimes she felt like she wasnt enough, she had her own anxieties and could get in a sup when she felt inadequate, unlovable and unwanted. But to him, to tamaki he loved everything about her, and she was one of the strongest people he knew. He felt motivated and glad to have her as the one he wished to marry , to have kids with, to start a family. But that also broke his heart when the topic came up she did usually didnt talk much about it, happily making plans but going back on them by saying ‘if i was a good mother’ She didnt want to dissapoint their future kids, didnt want to be a lacking mother or wife. As usual Tamaki came home, but htis time he went past the wonderful smelling food in the kitchen and to their bedroom, his cute girlfriend wrapped up in a blanket “How are you feeling butterfly?” He asked as she gave him a smile, reaching over to hug him “Im oaky! Just a bit overwhelmed is all, im sorry i passed out during the meeting..” She said as she gave him a hurt look before continuing “I shouldve tried harder to stay and present with you i-” Before she could finish he gave her a kiss, stopping her words “You needed rest. Im still surprised you got up to cook, did you at least take a nap love?” He asked as she shook her head , causing him to smile “Good. i love you butterfly and i woudnt change that for the world” he said as she smiled, giving him a hug “I’d hope so” She giggled as he pouted “Never doubt my love for you [ ], no matter what im gonna be here, i promise okay?” he said as she nuzzled the boy, kissing his nose “ And i for you Tamaki”
February came in , the happy couple had started up to take more time off to do more things and enjoy eachothers presence in the month of love. As the days went by Tamaki noticed [ ] was having odd days. From sleeping long hours of the day to just crying randomly, he knee something was wrong. Coming from the store he heard sobbing from their bathroom. Terrified , he tried to enter only feeling the door being locked “[ ] baby whats wrong? Can i come in?” with no response he nervously knocked again. “[ ] please...whats wrong” He pleaded as the door unclicked, showing his still beautiful but tear stained cheeked girl. “T-tama..” She cried as she just jumped into his arms, scaring the indigo haired boy “Baby are you okay?” he asked as she took in a breath before smiling sadly “Y-yeah i am..” She said as he picked her up, taking them into the living room. “I love you..and whatever is making you feel like this..if i can help let me okay?” Tamaki said as [ ] shook her head, placing it into his shoulder as they fell asleep.
Every day from her breakdown Tamaki came to her office with a rose, ate lunch with her and made sure she was hydrated and well. Once the week of valentines day came up, he had his plan set in motion. He had their schedules fixed, the week off for themselves as they did different things. A spa day the first day, a picnic the next, shopping at an expensive store for clothes. Then an art day where they drew (or tried to ) eachother and made art fro and about the other. Once the day of Valentines came however, it was different. It started with them taking a shower together, Tamaki cooking breakfast in bead for [ ] as they talked through the morning. Tamaki told her the outfits they ha gotten the days prior was for tonight which gave [ ] the jitters. She was excited for what her pro hero boyfriend had instore for them. Once they got to the restaurant all eys were on them. [ ]’s long black dress falttereed tamakis white suit and black bow tie. The two of them sat and started to eat, coversating with some fans who so happend to be around thwm. One was a small girl with wide hopeful eyes. She came to the couple with her mom in toe “Im so sorry to interrupt you two, my daughter wouldnt let mt husband and me rest until she came over to you guys” the wmoan laughed, causing bothe members to smile “Hello there how are you?” Tamaki asked the girl as she stepped from behind her mother “ H-hi my name is Shiemi a-and i really like you suneater!” The small girl said , causing [ ] , Tamaki and her mom to smile “Why thank you Shiemi, i hope im a good hero for you” Tamaki responded as the little girl shook her head “The best! Youre so cool. A-and your wife is pretty like mama! I like you dress miss suneater” The girl said , causing [ ] to stutter as she sipped her water “O-oh why thank you Shiemi but Im-” before she could continue she saw her boyfriend give the woman and her daughter a wide smile “She is, inst she?” He said as he turned to [ ] , moving from his chair “Tama what are you-” [ ] asked again as he leaned to the little girls ear , then to the mothers as they both gave him a smile, the woman happily shaking her head as her daughter followed the hero. Confused, [ ] watched as he picked the little girl up, putting her atop of the bar table “Hey everyone! Suneater has an announcement!” she yelled as most people turned around or to the table in the middle of the room, watching and smiling at the energetic child and pro hero “In fact I do, [ ] would you mind standing?” Tamaki asked as she gave him a wide eyed look, standing as he gave her a smile, extending and hand to her as she joined his side
“H-hey guys , as you know um..this si my lovely girlfriend and partner [ ]” He started as she gave everyone in the room a wary smile, her face feeling hot as he continued “ Ive known her for years, and weve been dating for some of those, she's seen me through thick and thin, helped me out in a pinch and made me feel like the strongest man alive, well next to almight…” he whispered as some of the people laughed, more paying them attention “And through all of this….i could think of a more beautiful and right person to spend the rest of my life with” And with the the young child handed the now kneeling man a ring as some whooped and hollered, others recording as both [ ] and the girls mother had tears in their eyes “[ ] [ ], the love of my life, my butterfly, i couldnt think of a more beautiful person inside and out to be with, will you give me the honor and make me the happiest man on this earth to be my wife?” He asked as the ring was revealed, diamond glistening as his own tear filled eyes looked to hers. Thinking her voice would fail her she shook her head yes, causing the room to yell as she had her ring put on her finger , jumping to hug her standing fiance as they hugged and cried, video of the engagement spreading as he thought to himself ‘I can now have my family, my endless love with you my dear butterfly’
As their wedding came , all of their friends and family came, including the new found friends of the young Shiemi and her parents. The ceremony went though flawlessly, Shiemi being their flower girl as the newlyweds ran down the easel , heading for their limo as they herded for the reception. The family spoke on how happy they were from their marriage, friends giving their comments on how they knew the couple would get married as the couple laughed at some stories and comments about their relationship. The night ended with so much love and joy for the new couple, startint their life together\
Two years went by before valentines day came again, three years to the day he had proposed arrived. Happily and ready to celebrate Tamaki woke up to his wife missing, hearing her fumble in the bathroom. Heading to the room he was shocked to she her in a disarray , eyes foggy as she met his “Tama...i have a surprised” She said as her teras fell down her face. Confused and still a bit tired , he gave her a look as she handed him a blue and while stick. The word pregnant snapped him awake as more tears started to fall, handing him two and three more all with the same small but powerful word “Im..gonna be a dad?” He asked as she smiled, shaking her head as she hugged the trembling girl “T-tama i'm gonna be a mom..what if i'm not good enough…” She sobbed as he cooed her, kissing her lips as his tears fell with hers “You're gonna be great Butterfly, i promise, you're gonna be so so great” He said as his heart swelled feeling her lips against his ‘This...This is forever , a love i wished for...and i couldn't have asked for more of a way to live my life...i love you butterfly’
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Show Me How II
Description: After countless 'I think she's the one' Grayson loses hope in finding his soulmate. But one girl gives him the hope to try again.
Warnings: None Word Count: 4.5k+
Part One
"Grayson, you can't put three of the same things next to each other," you said noticing how he was putting the same type of decorations next to each other. "You gotta spread em' out evenly," you added before moving over to where he was and spending out the little fake spiders.
"He's so dumb," Ethan shouted making you shake your head as Grayson cursed him out and they began to bicker.
"I didn't know I was taking care of toddlers, I would've brought toys," you sarcastically shouted as Karolina laughed, shaking her head.
"You might want to run away and save yourself while you can," Karo whispered and you shook your head laughing.
"I think I'll stick around for a bit, get some source of entertainment," you replied and focused back on decorating.
"Karo, let's go get some food while these two decorate," Ethan shouted and she nodded her head, carefully putting the decorations on the floor before walking away.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Ethan shouted as they walked away.
"So basically anything with common sense? Got it," you shouted back causing a 'fuck off' to fall past his lips and Karolina and Grayson to laugh.
"You almost done?" Grayson asked you and you shook your head.
"Just a couple of things. Do you guys have a step stool or something? I need to put some things up there?" You asked pointing to the area near the roof.
"No, but you can sit on my shoulders, I'm sure you'll reach," he said and you laughed.
"And crush your body and soul? No thanks, I don't have money for a lawyer," you replied and he glared at you shaking his head.
"Y/N, please don't say that come on," he said and crouched down. You hesitantly climbed on his back and sat on his shoulders and you wrapped your arms around his neck as he rose up.
You carefully placed the decorations as you told him where to stand.
"See, we're done!" He exclaimed with excitement and you shook your head with a smile.
"I am never offering to decorate someone's house again, we've been here for two hours. Two fucking hours," you groaned and laid down on the floor.
"Oh come on? It was fun!" He shouted and you mentally rolled your eyes since your eyes were closed.
"Yeah, says the one that put three things up," you said and he scoffed.
"Shut up before I throw you in the pool," he said and you shrugged.
"Ah yes! And murder me and finish this misery," you joked and heard him chuckle.
"You have class tomorrow?" He asked and you felt him lay down next to you.
"Yeah, it's just one tho," you sighed nodding your head.
"Which one?"
"Organic Chemistry, kinda fun you know?" You replied.
"I don't, I don't even know what that is actually," he said causing you to laugh.
"It's the study of the structure, reactions, and all that other stuff of carbon-containing compounds and shit," you replied and Grayson stared at you with confusion on his face.
"What a carbon-containing compound?" He asked.
"It's a chemical substance that contains carbon, hence the name carbon-containing compound. And a compound is a mixture of two elements. It's basic biology," you said and he nodded his head, still not understanding but not wanting to ask any more questions.
"Holy shit you're smart. Me and E didn't even stay in high school," he said causing you to laugh.
"Well, I'm not going to college for nothing. But you guys had a reason to not stay in school, plus look at this, you didn't even graduate and look at you, meanwhile, look at me, worked my ass off in school and still are busting my ass only to live in a shitty ass apartment, in a shitty ass neighborhood with a shitty add job," you sighed.
"Your apartment isn't shitty Y/N, it's cute. And you're working toward what you want. Have you even made your decision yet?" He asked and you nodded your head opening your eyes.
"Yeah. I'm gonna continue with college. I want to help save people, especially children, I want to help people get a second chance," you said smiling.
"Good, I'm proud of you. And I know you're going to be a great anes- doctor however you pronounce it," he laughed making you chuckle.
"An anesthesiologist Gray, and thank you" you softly replied with a smile.
"We're back bitches," Ethan's voice screamed out as both were shaking you up. "And we brought Monty's and McDonald’s for the meat-eating monster," he added, making you roll your eyes.
"Thank you, Mr. Vegan, I appreciate it. And I appreciate you ordering meat at a store, that's really mature of you," you replied, getting up along with Grayson and following everyone inside the house.
"So, Y/N, are you staying in school?" Ethan asked and you nodded your head, holding a finger up as you swallowed whatever was in your mouth.
"Yeah, I wanna help people, and it's kinda too late to switch majors or drop out now. It's only three more months, and finals are coming up as well," you replied and he nodded his head.
"And after that, do you instantly become a doctor?" Karolina asked and you shook your head.
"Not really, since this is medical school, I need to take on a residency program for a couple of years until I'm officially certified as an anesthesiologist. You still get paid but not as much,"
"That's a lot of work," she replied.
"Yeah, but it kinda pays off at the end, it's a high salary and you can retire pretty early. And you get the satisfaction of helping people," you shrugged.
The conversation carried on switching from different topics as everyone ate their food.
"I need help," you softly said, walking back into the house.
"What wrong?" Grayson asked looking up from his phone filler by Ethan and Karo.
"My dumb car won't turn on," you pouted and Grayson got up from his seat following you outside.
"You have jumper cables?" You asked and he shook his head. "How about soda? The battery terminals might be clogged and that helps clean them," you asked and he shook his head.
"No, but how do you know that?" He asked and you smiled.
"After years of getting yelled at by holding the flashlight wrong, you learn a thing or two," you said and he nodded his head.
You spent a good fifteen minutes trying everything you could but the car wasn't bugging. It was almost 2 Am and Uber prices would be through the roof.
"You wanna spend the night here? You can sleep in my room. It's too dark to be driving around, and to our convenience, it's raining," Grayson sighed and you nodded your head.
"It's ok, I can sleep on the couch, I don't want to take your room away," you said and he shook his head.
"I can't let you sleep on the couch, that's rude," he said and you shook your head smiling.
"What's rude is me staying the night," you replied.
"You're our friend and that's not rude, condone we can split the bed or something," he said grabbing your hand and pulling you to his room.
"Do you wanna shower?" He asked and you nodded your head. "I'll get you some clothes, let me ask Karo if she has anything," he said and you nodded your head.
"Grayson, unless it's big on her it's not going to fit me," you said with a smile and he gave you a look which you couldn't read. "I'm not ashamed or anything. I know my size and she's smaller than me," you added sending him a smile and he nodded his head.
"Here's a shirt and some joggers and a pair of boxers, these are new by the way," he said, handing you everything neatly folded. "Oh some socks in case you want them, and a hoodie," he said, handing you more stuff.
"Gray, I'm fine, thank you," you laughed thanking him, and began walking to the Bathroom he showed you earlier.
You quickly went inside, took off your clothes and turned on the shower, which he had shown you the day you had your little pool party, and took a short but long shower before realizing you had no towel.
"Umm Gray," you said, opening the door and standing behind it, only showing your head.
"Yeah, everything's okay?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I need a towel," you softly replied and he nodded his head.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I'll bring your one," he said and left the room getting a towel and quickly walking back.
"Thank you," you said as he handed you the towel, his eyes catching a glimpse of your bare tits when you went to grab the towel forgetting you were naked.
"I'm sorry, oh my God," he quickly apologized, closing his eyes and walking away.
"No I'm sorry, I forgot I wasn't wearing anything. God this is so embarrassing," you exclaimed with your flushed face. You just flashed him something no one's ever seen before. You quilt got dressed into the hoodie and joggers he handed you and folded your clothes, placing them on the far back corner of the sink counter.
"Well, that's something new, I've never shown anyone my tits before," you joked walking out the bathroom causing Grayson to blush.
"Wait really?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"Yes, is that so hard to believe Dolan? Ima good girl," you laughed and he shook his head.
"Have you even dated anyone?" he asked and you shook your head laying down on his bed.
"No, I didn't really have time and I wasn't interested in anyone in that way. I was close but it didn't work out," you shrugged and he looked at you in confusion.
"We didn't work out because I was too busy with school. And if I want a relationship I want to make sure I'm putting my best and I couldn't give him that, so I stopped it before it got too serious.
"That's a valid reason, at least I think it is," he said and you nodded your head. "How about now? Do you think you're ready?"
"I think so. It depends on who the person is, you know? And also whether they're serious about it or not," you shrugged.
"I need you to rub that off on me," he sighed and you turned to look at him.
"No Gray. You just need to find what you're missing. Maybe settle down for a while, and when you least expect it she'll be right there for you, and if it's meant to be it'll last and work out." you said and ruffled his hair making him smile, "Just give the universe and God time. Their timing is always right," you smiled at him, making his urge to kiss you stronger.
But he fought it away, it was hard but he didn't. He didn't want to mess up the friendship that was just beginning. You wouldn't have minded tho, not one bit.
"Thanks, Y/N, you're always so wise and have advice for everything, I don't know how but you do," he said and you shrugged.
"I don't know either," you yawned, slowly closing your eyes.
"You tired?" he asked and you nodded your head.
"Let me tuck you in, yeah?" he said, making you chuckled at his sweetness.
The next morning you woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around and your legs tangled with someone else's. Butterflies erupting in your stomach along with a red tint on your cheeks.
You tried to move but he just wouldn't budge making you let out a sigh.
"Grayson….Grayson, let me go," you whispered, shouted and he shook his head.
"Mmm, Five more minutes please," he mumbled, his morning voice hyping up thoughts that you would never admit you had.
"I need to pee, and brush my teeth," you whined, not wanting to be in bed with morning breath.
"You coming back?" he asked with his eyes still closed.
"Yeah, I just need to pee," you nodded your head and he unwrapped his arms from you. Your body immediately missing being in his warm embrace.
"There's an extra toothbrush on the bottom cabinet, now hurry up, I'm getting cold," he said shooing you off and you walked inside his bathroom and did your business.
Only to find him staring at you when you came out.
"You look cute in my clothes," he said with a sheepish smirk on his face, causing you to blush.
"Shut up, Bailey," you said and crawled back into bed.
"You smell good," he said as he pulled you into him.
"Thanks, I tried, and I also had perfume in my purse so I sprayed some last night," you yawned and had hatred at the ceiling.
"Going back to sleep?" he asked and you shook your head.
"I can't, once I wake up I can't go back, and I have class at 12," you sighed, then it hit you that you had class and no car, "Oh my God, I have class," you groaned and he chuckled.
"I'll take, what time is it?" he asked, his voice more awake than before.
"No, no it's okay, I'll take an uber or something," you shook your head and he said no.
"I'll take you, taking an Uber isn't always safe," he said getting up from the bed before you could protest.
(We'll pretend that Stanford isn't 5 hours from LA)
"Thank you, Gray," you thanked him as he pulled up in front of the building.
"It's no problem Y/N, What time do you need to be picked up?" he asked as you got out the car and looked back inside.
"At three, but it's okay," you smiled and he nodded his head.
"I'll come pick you up, I'll be right here when you come out," he sent you a smile and your heart melted.
"Why are you so nice? But I'll see you later Gray, I need to go," you said with a smile and left when he said bye and began walking to class.
"Who was that? And whose clothes are those?" your friend's voice asked from behind you making you turn around.
"Good Morning to you too, Alex. And no one, just a friend's," you shrugged and hugged her before pulling away and walking next to each other.
"Friends don't just wear each other's clothes and drive each other to class," she said and you rolled your eyes.
"Don't you have a video to make or something?" you asked before your phone started ringing, you checked the caller ID to see it was Grayson calling.
"Yeoo," you said after answering and bringing the phone up to your ear.
"Hey, you left your purse in my car, do you need it?" he asked and you let out a groan.
"No, it's okay. I don't even have my laptop in it so it's fine. I didn't even realize it," you sighed and heard him chuckle.
"Do you need it? I can go get it for you," he said and you shook your head with a smile.
"No Gray, it's okay, I'll be fine. I'll just type them on my phone,"
"Are you sure? I don't mind," he replied.
"I'm sure, it's not the first time. Now, I really gotta go, I'll see you later," you replied as your friend stared at you.
"OK, bye,"
"Bye," you whispered before hanging up and putting your phone in your pocket.
"So, Gray?" she asked and you shook your head letting out a 'here we go'
"Yes, Gray, and he's just a friend," you said shaking your head.
"Gray, Gray, Grayson? Grayson Dolan? From the party?" she asked and you nodded your head with a sigh.
"Yes, Grayson from the party," you said and she suddenly grabbed your shoulder stopping you in your tracks.
"Are you serious? Do you know who he is Y/N? He's loved by everyone," she said and you shrugged.
"And? He's just Grayson to me, just like you're just Alex to me. And like I said before we're just friends," you said and she sent you a lie telling you, you were lying.
"Where have you been these past two weekends? Whose clothes are you wearing? What does that mean? And called you to ask whether you need a computer or not?" she asked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Yeah, we've been hanging out. And I only stayed the night because my car wasn't turning on, and he's just being nice Alex," you sighed making her drop it.
"Fine I'll drop it but one last thing, I've never seen you being so smiley and happy around a guy, you barely even talk to guys, so I'm just saying that maybe you like him.
"Of course I do! Have you seen the guy?" you exclaimed, "And he's so nice and everything, but he's way out of my league, and we just met three weeks ago," you said and she chuckled shaking her head?
"Y/N, it's clear that he likes you too, and he's not out of your league, no one has leagues Y/N. You just need to try and go for it, it's time you do," she said and you sighed.
"I know, but I don't want to get hurt, or hurt anyone else. And I've never been in a relationship, I don't know how this works," you sighed before finally entering the building and going to class.
"Your friend is here," she said and nodded her head towards the car she saw you get out of earlier.
"Thanks, I'll call you later yeah?" you said and she nodded her head before you began walking your own ways.
"Hi," you softly spoke as you got inside the car and put your seatbelt on.
"Hey, how was class?" he asked and began driving away.
"It was alright. Not that many notes, which I'm thankful for. What did you do?"
"I went back home, worked out then took a shower and a power nap, and helped edit a video, then we're gonna film later," he replied and you nodded your head.
The rest of the drive was spent talking as the radio played quietly in the background.
"Do you wanna be in the video?" he asked and you quickly shook your head playing with a pillow that was on the couch.
"Absolutely not sir, not that I don't like your videos, I rather stay behind the camera," you said and he nodded his head.
"What are you guys even doing?"
"A vlog, that's what we've been doing lately," Ethan responded and you nodded your head.
"And we're going somewhere and you're coming with us," Karolina said and you nodded your head.
"Ethan, don't touch that, it's poisonous," Grayson shouted at Ethan who was about to touch a plant.
Grayson decided it would've been a great idea to go hiking in a place they've never been to. Karolina told you Grayson thought he was a survival specialist after doing a couple of survival videos which made you laugh like crazy.
"Oww, something just bit me," you slightly shouted because it was hurting your ankle, you quickly looked down but there was nothing in sight.
"Are you ok? Where is it?" Grayson said quickly, moving to stand in front of you along with the rest.
"On my ankle, and it hurts," you softly replied and he crouched down, softly rolling up the bottom of your- well his joggers to look at your ankle.
"Well, nothing bit you, but it's a bee sting, are you allergic?" he asked and you shook your head with a sigh.
"No, I'm sorry for ruining your video," you sighed and he shook his head.
"You didn't ruin it Y/N, we need to put something cold on it, and you need to take Tylenol or something," he reassured you, and you nodded your head.
"It's okay, I can still walk….I think," you said and looked down at your ankle that was swelling up wicked fast.
But when you couldn't walk you let out a groan, causing Ethan to snicker.
"Oh my fucking God, stupid ass bee, that's why you fucking die, bitch," you said and Ethan laughed.
"I'll just carry you on my back,"
"See I did ruin your video because now we have to leave because of a fucking bee," you exclaimed and Ethan shook his head.
"You didn't ruin it, I don't even want to be here anymore, so thank you," he said, earning a glare from you and a playful smack from Karolina.
"I'm glad my suffering brings you joy Ethan," you sarcastically said.
"Okay, Y/N, you need to let us keep this part," Ethan said, replaying the part where you kept saying something bit you.
"Okay but why?"
"Because it's funny, plus your voice and laugh is throughout the entire video so why not?" he replied and Karolina brought you a bottle of water.
"Why is everyone in this house so fucking nice?" you asked, causing her to laugh.
Two days later the swelling in your ankle was better, you could walk, Grayson forced you to stay in his house, saying it was his fault for wanting to go hiking, you protested, but that's when you learned that Grayson was as stubborn as they came.
"Grayson, I'm fine, I can walk now, look," you said and walked around the room to show him.
"I know, but I just- I don't want you to go," he said causing your heart to melt and a blush to spread on your cheeks.
"Gray, I can always come over, I'm your friend, I'm not just going away," you said and walked back to sit on his bed.
"But I don't want to be just friends anymore," he said and walked towards you standing in front of you.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, that I've been holding these thoughts since the second week of knowing you. You told me that I would know she's the one because I would feel it, And that once I settle she would come into my life for good and that's you," he spoke rather loudly from the emotions he was feeling, while you were frozen in your spot. "I told Ethan I was taking a break from trying to find her, and then you came along, and told me all those wise words, and I feel like it's you. You randomly became a big part of my life, and I just needed to tell you that and that  I like you, it's okay if you don't feel the same,"
"Gray, I like you too, I just didn't know how to tell you. And I thought you wouldn't have liked me back," you said with a smile and he sat down next to you, grabbing your hands in his.
"Y/N, you have been driving me insane, ever since I first saw you," he said causing you to playfully roll your eyes with a blush.
"So now what happens?" you asked.
"We just let it flow. I'm not going to force things to happen, just let the universe play out," he said and you nodded your head and laid your upper body on the bed while your legs were hanging.
"So, does that mean you're staying?" he asked, earning a chuckle from you.
"I don't know, I kinda need clothes,"
"You can wear my clothes, or I  can buy you more,"
"Buy? No sir, I can buy my own things,"
"But I want to buy you stuff," he said and you shook your head.
"I'm fine with wearing your shirts," you said and snuggled into the white shirt you were wearing, which was his, along with some biker shorts you had gotten from your apartment when he took you there to get some of your things.
"You do look cute in my clothes," he said and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Stop, I'm gonna blush," you laughed.
"I'm serious, you look so cute, I just wanna kiss you," he said and that must have triggered a switch in your brain because before you knew it, you were slowly climbing onto his lap, your arms wrapping around his neck while his wrapped around your waist.
"Do it," you whispered, your voice was confident but shaky from your nerves.
And after what felt like a lifetime, you felt his lips press against yours. Soft but rough, containing so much emotion, which you returned by kissing back.
You curled your finger along with the little curls on the back of his head and his fingers gripped your waist, digging deep inside your skin.
"God," he groaned once you slowly pulled away with a sly smile on your lips.
You didn't imagine for your first to be this way, but you wouldn't change a thing either.
"Can you drive me to my place? To get more clothes," you asked causing his smile to widen. You had taken your car to the shop, and it was going to be ready by tomorrow, making you depend on other people.
"So you're staying?" he asked and you nodded your head.
"Yeah, until my car's ready," you replied and he pouted.
"But that's tomorrow,"
"I know, it's also Sunday tomorrow which means it's cleaning day," you said climbing off his lap.
"Your place is clean tho," he said and you scoffed.
"And? That doesn't mean you can't clean, there's a thing called dust Grayson," you replied and he shook his head.
"I know what dust is Y/N, do you clean like every day," he said and you scratched the back of your head.  "You do?"
"I do, damm. Do you know how bad I wanted to clean this house in the last couple of days? It's not dirty it's just disorganized, for example, go look at your closet," you said and he walked towards his closet which you organized while he was working out.
"When did you do this?"
"When you went for your workout," you shrugged, you had color-coordinated everything from white to black, and made sure everything was straight and the longer pieces faded into the short ones and so on. (me af)
"You know it's getting messed up later right?" he asked, walking towards you and wrapping his arms around you.
"And that's why I'm staying another night," you smiled and leaned up, pressing your lips against his.
Tags:  @guiltydols@angelgrayson@fangdolan@ydolanssss@aquadolan@atlas-of-a-human-soul@blindedbythelightt@rhyrhy462@333dolans@dolanissues@graysonsdollface@persistence-ofmemories@evergreendolan@episkygrant@graysonsbailey@simplyxdolxstyles@dolansficsandpics@kinkygrays@babeygray@tadadolan@pineappledols@erodasugar
105 notes · View notes
marvel-holland-love · 4 years
Never enough
angst / fluff
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Warning: Eating disorder, self hate, body dysmorphia 
Summary: You’ve been dealing with an eating disorder for some time now but haven’t told anyone until Tom starts to notice something in your behavior that leads him to worry and so he keeps an eye on you and sees something that exposes your secret.
Word count: 2,362
A/N: Hi everyone, hope you enjoy this imagine, as I said in the warnings, this imagine includes detailed eating disorder talk, this is my first imagine so I hope you like it, i also speak spanish so sorry if there is something wrong with my grammar. I’m already writing another imagine which Ill post soon, at the bottom is my masterlist and there I’ll have the imagines I make. Hope you enjoy and have a great day!
y/n: your name
y/n/n: your nickname
y/l/s: your last name
If you have an eating disorder and need help, you can find it here https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/find-help-support
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You and Tom have been together for about 1 year and 5 months, you love each other dearly and tell each other everything, but there is one secret you decide its best to stay secret, which is that you've dealt with an eating disorder since you were 17 years old, and now you were 22 years old. You found ways to hide it from him, to hide the meal skipping, the purging, the excessive exercise, everything that came with your disorder. 
Tom had noticed since the beginning that you had a bit of a small frame, but he thought you had a fast metabolism or that that was the way you were, but he never thought you had an eating disorder until he started to notice somethings on your behaviour that started to worry him.
- Today   -
3rd person POV:
You were coming through the door of the Holland household after your 2 hour run, it was 9:00 a.m at the moment. You were walking through the door when a sudden hit of dizziness struck you and you stumbled a little while you started to get your vision blurred with black spots. Harry was walking by to go to the kitchen when you came in and he noticed your pale face and stumbling, so he went over to you to check on you. That's when you felt someone grab your arm and say something to you, that you couldn't quite put together. You turned around to look at the person and noticed through blurred images that it was Harry, that's when you spoke.
y/n POV:
“Harry?” you said still feeling like you were going to faint, “y/n/n, what happened, are you okay?” he said with a worried tone. You didn't know quite what to say, you could barely make out the words that came out of his mouth, but you understood it enough to give him somewhat of an answer, “Yeah, im fine,” you said not even convincing yourself on that answer “I guess I just got a little dizzy, didn’t drink water before going on my run, better go do that” you said knowing how unconvincing that answer was, but still going to the kitchen in order to avoid the conversation you didn’t want to have. I heard him say something to me, but I didn’t quite catch it so I just ignored it and kept walking.
Harry’s POV: 
I watched y/n/n come in the door, but she was really pale and I noticed that she started to tumble. When I got near her, I asked what was wrong, but I guess she didn't hear me because she didn't answer, so I got near her and held her up so she wouldn’t fall and that's when she spoke; “Harry?” she said, but I could sense something wrong in her tone so I asked her again what happened and she just answered that she didn’t drink water before her run which didn’t convince me at all, because I’ve known her long enough to know when something in her tone hints that something is wrong. After I saw her start to walk towards the kitchen, I decided to ask her if she had eaten anything before her run but before I could finish my sentence she was already out of my reach. So I decided to tell Tom, there was something I really didn’t like about this so I knew the one person who could get to her should know.
3rd person POV:
Y/n was in the kitchen drinking water when Tom came in, already on board of what had happened, so he wanted to have some proof that his theory wasn’t true, because he already had an idea of what might be going on. 
y/n POV:
I saw Tom come in the kitchen, but he had an expression on his face that gave me a reason to believe Harry may have told him what had happened. I tried to put on the best face I could with a somewhat believable smile, so he wouldn't come with conclusions, even though he had already formed conclusions since he started to notice your weird behavior. “Hey darling, how was your run?” He asked, but he wanted to see if you would deny what had happened previously, “It was great,” you said which caused him to give you a questionable look “I just forgot to drink water so I got a little dizzy when I came into the house, but now i'm perfectly fine” you said hoping to change the course this conversation was turning, “Oh, and did you eat before you when on your run?” he asked already knowing your answer, “No, I wasn't hungry” you said with a more defensive tone. “Oh great, then we can have breakfast together, because after that run, you bet you are eating something babe ” you wanted to say you weren't hungry or make any excuse to not eat because, how could you eat, after all the effort the run took do to your lack of energy, just to throw it all over the border, just like that for some stupid calories you didn't want to have in your body, but you knew he was already worried and suspicious of you, so rejecting his offer would just bring more attention to the topic, so you agreed “Sure! What do you want?” you said hoping to sound convincing, but failing miserably.  
Toms POV:
When I came in the kitchen, I looked at y/n/n and actually took notice of the weight she had lost and her pale face. I realized that what I'd been pushing to the bottom of my mind, might actually be a problem. I had started to notice how y/n/n skipped meals but she always gave a convincing excuse, so I convinced myself to not look through it, I also notice how when we had a meal together, she would cut her food in tiny pieces and play around with it, and only eat a portion of it, also that when she was “done” she would drink a lot of water and go to the bathroom immediately. And her intense workouts as well, after what Harry told me, I started to put the pieces together and realized that what I feared might be the situation here, no matter how much I want it to be a piece of my imagination, I fear that y/n might have and eating disorder, but I won’t make any serious accusations until I’m 100% sure. That's why after a little bit of talking with her, I managed to make her get breakfast with me, “Sure! What do you want?” she told me in what I guess was a miserable try of sounding excited, “Ummm, we should make pancakes! Yeah, pancakes will be.” I said trying to lighten the tension that was in the room “Su-sure” she answered but the stutter on her voice, I could tell she was nervous about something. “I'm gonna go tell the others we are making pancakes for breakfast” I said before leaving to tell the others.
3rd persons POV:
After a while of cooking, you and Tom placed the pancakes on the table and called everyone to eat.
Everyone was sitting down and eating but you couldn't get the voice in your mind to shut up and at least let you enjoy one meal with your boyfriend and his family. That's when you noticed Tom and Harry were looking at you at times with worry in their eyes, so you started to eat to get any suspicion away from you, but it was too late for that.
y/n POV:
Every time you took a bite of your food your mind was going crazy and your intrusive thoughts were kicking your ass.
Why are you eating You are SO fat how can you be eating You don't deserve food If you get fat, Tom is gonna leave you If you get fat, no one is going to love you Correction, no one loves you You are a piece of crap You look like a fucking whale, WHY ARE YOU EATING?!?!!
You don’t know how much time passed but Nikkie and Dom had already gotten up from the table and you could feel tears welling up my eyes and one or two down my cheeks I quickly cleaned them from my cheeks in hopes no one saw them but Tom noticed them just that he decided to not say anything until we were alone. So after finishing my pancakes to not bring up suspicion I decided it was time to go to the bathroom and get rid of my guilt. Before going I drank water and excused myself “Be right back” but what I wasn’t expecting was for Tom to start making questions, “Where are you going y/n/n” “Oh, I’m going to the bathroom” “Why do you always go to the bathroom after eating?” I started to get really nervous and think, why was he asking so many questions, I knew I needed to get out of here ASAP,  “Dunno, guess you just gotta go when you gotta go.” 
After telling him that, I sprinted as fast as I could to the bathroom, but I was in such a rush that I forgot to lock the door. I got on my knees in front of the toilet and stuck my fingers in my throat until I started to feel everything coming out. My mind was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Tom walk in the hallway or get into the bathroom, but the next thing I felt was a pair of arms embracing me in a hug and stroking my hair in a comforting way.
Toms POV:
After y/n/n got up from the table I had a gut feeling I had to follow her, I don't know what it was, I don’t know if it was the way she said it or the look on her eyes, but I knew something was going on. After maybe 2 minutes, I got up and followed her to the bathroom but when I got to the hallway I heard it. I started to hear muffled sobs and gagging and I instantly knew what was going on. I got to the door to open and noticed it was unlocked, which surprised me because I thought it would be locked. When I got in, I froze, seeing y/n/n so vulnerable and in this situation, it just made me want to hold her near me and never let her go and tell her how much I love her and how beautiful she is, also to tell her that everything is alright and that I’ll never leave her, I just wanted to hold her and stay like that forever. 
I ran to her and kneeled next to her and held her in my arms, by the shock in her face, I could guess she didn’t hear me come in so I started to struck her hair to try and comfort her and the instant I did that, she started to sob.
y/n POV:
I started to sob into Toms arms and couldn't help but think that he was going to hate me or leave me so I started to apologize, “I-I-I-m so so-sorry T-T-Tom, I didn’t mean for it to get to this,” “Im s-s-sorry”
After that I left a muffled cry out since now my face was facing his chest. He said something but in between my cries I didn't understand it. 
How could you forget the lock of the door!
You are so stupid, his gonna leave you
You are so disgusting
He probably thinks you are a waste of time or a lost cause
How could you expose yourself like this
I couldn’t stop the voices in my head. I just wanted to turn them off, I just wanted to scream. This only made me cry harder into Tom and he continued comforting me without saying a word until I calmed down a little, when I was able to slow my cries I decided to speak, “Tommy, please help me, turn the voices off, j-j-just please h-h-he-help me please”
Toms POV:
After y/n/n cried in my chest for some time while I tried to comfort her, she said something that broke my heart,  “I-I-I-m so so-sorry T-T-Tom, I didn’t mean for it to get to this,” “Im s-s-sorry” she sounded in so much pain and I just wanted to take it all and make her stop feeling it, I couldn't see her like that, it broke my heart, so I responded “It’s okay baby, everything will be alright, i promise princess” I don’t think she heard me cause she didn’t say anything after, but at this point I started to feel the tears well up in my eyes so I just hugged her and let her cry as long as she needed in my chest.
After a while, she spoke again and what she said made me shed some tears because I just wanted to make it better, but i didn't know how, but I knew I would do everything I could to make it better,  “Tommy, please help me, turn the voices off, j-j-just please h-h-he-help me please” to that I responded feeling a lump in my throat, trying to make the words that came out of my mouth as steady as I could, but not achieving it completely, “Everything is going to be alright baby, I promise, I'm not gonna let you alone, I’ll be with you through every step of the way, I promise everything will be alright princess”
After that pulled her into my lap and held her until she fell asleep from the crying, while I was holding her, I noticed how small and innocent she looked and i realized that I loved her so much that I would do everything to get her back to health and happiness, and I would turn off the voices that kept tormenting her mind, she was my baby and I wouldn't give up on her nor let her go.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Can I Ask You Something?
| Part 7 | Part 8 |
The day before the official hangout, you’re giddy. You’ve been singing throughout the day, bouncing in your steps- you’ve been unable to sit still throughout the day, finding it hard to keep your mouth shut to your friends that you were meeting someone tomorrow. You were going to meet Tomura and you guys were going to hang out and have fun.
{Okay so do you have any allergies? Or like snacks that you don’t like?}
{Just like make sure you tell me by tomorrow mid-day, so I can like go to the store and stuff}
You’ve been busy tidying up your place, vacuuming and cleaning every surface that you can, making sure that no dust was visible and that every throw pillow was fluffed, every blanket washed and dried. If there was one thing that you did enjoy, it was cleaning, it allowed for things to be reorganized and for the opportunity to buy decorations. And now with the promise of someone that you’re actually excited to see and will be the first time for them to see your apartment, you want to put out all the stops.
Your hands and arms ache from moving furniture around, nervously wondering if it looks like it’s in place, you’re too nervous to sit down, worried about ruining the fluffy look of the pillows, eyeing the painting that hung on your wall and tilting your head and wondering if it was hung straight.
“I should’ve bought a spirit leveler,” you mumble to yourself, scratching at your head. “No, it’s fine. It looks straight enough and that’s enough,” you tell yourself.
Your phone buzzes on the counter, shaking you away from your thoughts.
[I’m fine with anything, I really don’t care]
You frown.
{Hey, if you rather not meet up, I’m cool with that}
{I like don’t want to force you into anything}
The conversation from that day and the conversation right now are the only full-fledged talks that you both have had concerning the meeting. You’ve made sure the day after when he suggested it if he was still okay with it and he had replied with a simple yes, but when you had brought it up during a call yesterday, he had snapped at you, telling you that obviously the plans weren’t cancelled but there was something in his voice that you couldn’t quite place- he sounded nervous, scared and you wanted to ask but you remained silent, telling him okay and changing the topics immediately.
A part of you was already regretting not telling your friends but you argued with yourself that people went on blind dates the entire time- this was just a little bit different- a little bit more personal.
[That’s not what I said]
{I know, it’s just you seem snappy whenever I bring it up and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything}
{Tomura, you’re my friend. I wanna have things here so you can at least enjoy your time}
{So if you don’t want any snacks just tell me and I’ll make sure to stock up on drinks and other stuff}
It’s a few minutes until he messages you, all your attention focused on the phone nervously waiting until he replies, wondering what he’ll say and what you might even have to reply to him.
You want him to enjoy his time here. And sure it might be awkward for the first few minutes or even half an hour and it could end up ruining this friendship that you have with him but— Oh god meeting up could ruin the friendship. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach, throwing your head back, you let out a low whine.
When the phone buzzes in your hands you open your eyes through a squint.
[I don’t eat sweets that often so get some]
{Okay!! I’ll make sure to get sweets}
{Anything you would prefer for like a meal? Or are snacks just fine?}
{Actually before you answer, I’ll just have things at home in case you wanna eat or something}
[Snacks are fine]
{Still gonna have food over just in case~}
{Okay, I’m gonna be a bit busy now so sorry if I reply late}
[Are you going out?]
{Nah, I’m just cleaning my place up for when you come over}
You hold onto your phone, checking on all other notifications waiting for his reply but it never comes. You scoff and shrug, you weren’t going to be free for long anyways. It was better for you to clean as much as you can right now, make the entrance as nice as possible, spruce up a bit the kitchen, make room in the fridge for all the snacks you were going to buy later.
You stopped the scrubbing of the counter in the kitchen and checked the time on the clock that hanged above the door frame.
It was still early enough for you to go out and get snacks. Was it better to get snacks right now or wait for tomorrow? You played with the idea in your head- if you got snacks now you wouldn’t have to leave your apartment and you could just spend the day resting, cleaning up a bit more if needed or anything else that you could do. But on the other hand, if you had nothing to do tomorrow, the snacks would provide a great distraction and mini exercise. Plus, you felt a bit gross with all the cleaning, you smelled a bit too much of cleaning products and your hair was messy. Not to mention that they might be out of certain snacks by the time you made it to the store.
“Oh god, I’m thinking too much about this,” you huffed, shaking your hands in front of you. “I’m going to go and get snacks and if I think I need more, then I’ll go back tomorrow. It’s that simple,” you told yourself. “Now stop overthinking things,” you hissed out, walking over to the entrance to put on your shoes with phone in hand.
You fiddle with your keys, rubbing your finger against the groove of it, and take a deep breath. The door shuts with a click, the doorknob is twisted from the outside once, then twice and steps are heard receding from the empty apartment.
Shigaraki doesn’t know what lie he told the others, it just spills out every time he opens the mouth- perhaps he didn’t tell them anything, simply that he was going out and to mind their own business. But he doesn’t know nor does he care. He doesn’t care until Twice asks if he should go with him, stating that if he were going to start up business deals, it would be good to have back up. He has to take a deep breath, resist the urge to scratch and he replies coolly that he’s fine, he’s capable and to just stick together in case something were to happen and he leaves the room before anything else could be said.
His steps are quick and he thanks his luck that it was rainy earlier in the day. Clouds hang overcast and the smell of rain is still evident in the air; he watches people through the shadows, people walking quickly, umbrellas in arms and watching their steps over the puddles that decorate the sidewalk.
He stops, teetering on the edge of his world and yours, eyes come to a slow close and his hand trembles as it rises up and cusps Father. He feels the bitter wind on his face and puts Father inside of his coat. He wears his usual get up, only decorated by a face mask, a hoodie that has been pulled up to cover as much as his face as possible and a long jacket that sits above it all. He keeps his head down, walks briskly and feet splash in the puddles. His hands twitch until he has to dig his nails unto his palms and sighs at the relief it brings. Eyes scan the street and his breathing is ragged, lips that get pierced into until he’s spilling blood.
Even when taking all the back ways, even if the sky isn’t as bright as it was earlier- he’s still nervous. He wants to cancel it off but when called you earlier today and he almost cancelled the plans for today, you let out a sad “Oh” and he hated you for it. He’s doing this for you and god fucking damnit, he’s going to take this vicious, stupid walk and see you and then he’s going to cut off contact with you. He can’t do this again. Who was he kidding? He’s kidding you, making you believe that he was your friend when the minute it even hints at turning upside down, he’s pressing his hand against you and digging in until you fade away.
The thought makes him sick.
His thoughts cloud his mind, spit poison at him and makes him unaware of where he’s going; his body is now in control, leading him to the place that he believes holds death. He only visited once, a late night stroll, only visited to scope the place out, stood outside watching the movements of others before forcing himself to turn away.
He’s knocking on your door before he knows it. Knuckles that give sharp, rapid taps, frantic for you to open up and let him in, a hand that jerks and rakes down his neck, bright red appearing immediately. His vision blurs and stomach churns, threatening to spill acid. His knuckles are white, and before he can tap again, you open the door.
You stand there with wide eyes and a slacked mouth, you’re silent for a second, and then you’re beaming, your chest puffing out and you open the door wider, motioning for him to come in, and shutting the door behind you with a click of the lock.
You’re speaking fast and your face is flushed, hands moving back and forth and he realizes that you’re also nervous. He merely stares at you while you greet him, asking him how his walk was and telling him he can hang his coat in the closet, walking away from him with your back turned. You stop midway and turn around.
“Tomura? That is you right? I didn’t like just let a stranger in?” Your eyebrows twitch and you bite your bottom lip.
A finger hooks on the loop of his mask and he takes it off slowly, eyes flickering to you and then he’s holding the mask between two fingers. “It’s me.”
You’re smiling at him again and you’re bouncing in your step before you come to a stop. “Okay!” You catch yourself. “Okay. Scared me is all. You were so silent I thought I invited a killer into my house,” you laugh- he wonders if you’d laugh if he told you- waving your hand and point to a hallway on your right. “Bathroom is over here and so is the kitchen. Are you hungry?” You take a step closer to him and his hands flex. And then he sees your eyes widen.
“What?” He asks, eyes narrowing and the jacket on him grows and feels heavier.
“Tomura, your neck.” You frown. “Is it your quirk acting up?” You’ve taken on a gentle tone. “Do you need some bandages or something? It’s not super bad, just really red.” You take a step forward, eyes flickering to his legs and then your closer to him, your hands shake and he wonders if you’re going to touch him. “I think if you apply something cold to it, it should ease up a bit.”
He stares at you. You’re so close to him he can see strands of hair that refuse to do anything else but stand. “I’m fine.” His voice wavers and you’re so emotional, the screen did wonders to hide what you truly looked like. Your face flashes with discomfort and eyebrows knit. And then you’re shrugging, telling him you have pain killers in the bathroom if he needs them. “It doesn’t hurt,” he mumbles.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure it doesn’t.” You roll your eyes and he can hear sarcasm. “I’m just telling you so you know.” You lick your lips. “You know you can take your coat off, right? Just hang it in the closet or something.” You walk towards the kitchen and continue talking while he stands there, peeling off his coat, fingers gliding over where Father rests and he’s looking around the apartment.
He sees picture frames with you and other people in it. You’re smiling, you have your arms thrown around people similar to your age, you’re holding a baby in one, there’s pictures of you and others and he’s hit with the feeling with disconnect. You have a normal life and with one wrong move on your end, he can end all of that.
“Tomura? You still here?” You called out, peeking your head from the doorframe and stepping out when you see him. “Those are just pictures with me and friends and family. They’re all about a year or two old by now.”
He hums in response and walks towards you, biting the inner flesh of his mouth. “Did you buy sweets?”
“Hah, I thought you didn’t want anything,” you joke. You disappear into the kitchen and he follows.
You stand near the fridge and open it up when he enters, hands showcasing all the snacks you’ve brought and then when you side step, his brow line quirks when he sees a larger pile sitting on top of the counter.  He walks over slowly, eyes scanning the contents of the fridge and glancing at the counter. A pale hand reaches inside to grab a bag decorated with a peach. The bag crinkles in his hands, pinkies extended and he can feel your gaze on him as he opens it, popping a gummy shaped peach in his mouth.
“Why were they in the fridge?” He asks, salivating as the sweetness that fills his mouth and he restrains himself from pouring the contents into his mouth.
“I just think they taste better when they’re cold is all,” you say, arm resting above the counter and you pick out a bag of potato chips with a colorful packaging. “If you want, we can move all of this to the table in the living room. I uh, actually don’t know why I didn’t do that before you came.” You scoop up the snacks in your arms and watch him, jerking your head for him to follow suit and help you.
He frowns. “Can’t I’m holding something,” he speaks through a gummy filled mouth.
“Wow. I never would’ve guessed you were so spoiled,” you tease, shaking your head and walking away.
“I am not,” he huffs.
“Oh of course you aren’t.”
You don’t believe him and it’s obvious by the way you laugh. You drop the snacks on the coffee table, smiling at him when you go into the kitchen to get more, returning with a smaller load of snacks.
He feels out of place here. A stranger. An alien. He doesn’t belong here. You act so free around him as if this wasn’t your first meeting and all he can do is eat a bag of peach flavored gummies and watch you come in and out of the kitchen, a water bottle in each hand and you hand him one.
“I didn’t—”
“Yeah, but you’re my guest and my friend and it would be rude to not like give you one,” you hold the bottle towards him.
He holds the bag pinched between his hands, careful when he reaches in to grab a snack, to keep his fingers curled in and pressed against his palm. He can’t order you around- you aren’t a subordinate, you’re you. “Can you put it on the table?” He’s aware of his hands now, careful where they touch, how many fingers are touching an object, and what they feel like pressed against his skin.
“Yeah, okay.” You flop onto the couch and crane your neck to watch him. “Come on, come sit down with me.”
He walks slowly over to the couch, sitting down on it and leaning forward, putting all his attention onto the set of snacks in front of him. The room is silent and he his mouth feels heavy and sticky, his molars coated in the thin residue that the peach snack has left. His fingers bury themselves deeper into the plastic bag and fingers jolt.
“You know,” you start out, turning to face him, “you look different up close.” When he doesn’t respond you continue. “Your hair looks a lot lighter and your eyes are bright.” No one has ever told him his eyes were bright. “They kind of remind me of rubies, you know.” They remind the rest of the population of murder, fresh blood that he will never spill. “You know that during this hangout, you have to talk to right?”
He’s silent, mouth pressed into a thin line. “You’re a lot more sarcastic in person,” he manages to say.
“Anything else?”
He meets your eyes and he’s the one that breaks away first. “Thanks for the snack.”
You sit up straighter. “You like them? I’m glad! When you said sweets, it was so hard to choose and narrow it down and I was afraid you wouldn’t like anything that I had picked out. You should try the others! So next time I can pick up more of the ones you like.” You inch closer to him and pick up a remote. The television flashes on and you’re scrolling through different programs.
“Next time?” He was planning for this to be the end and you’re already thinking of next time.
Your finger freezes over a button for a moment before you press down on it. “Um. No, yeah, you’re right. Sorry I was getting ahead of myself.” You deflate before him, your tone is a mix of disappointment and dejected. Hearing you sound like that over the phone was bothersome enough but when he can see your expression and hear it, it’s even worse. “Anyways,” your tone is forced into being cheerful, “Is there anything you’re against watching? I think the rainy weather makes for a good atmosphere for any movie so I’m cool with whatever.”
He rolls his ankle. “I’m fine with anything.”
“Horror it is then,” you mumble, eyes fixated on the screen. Thunder booms outside and you look out the window, eyes narrowing for a second only and glancing at the entrance behind you. “Mm, you didn’t bring an umbrella right? I didn’t see one in your hand.”
Shigaraki shakes his head. “No, I didn’t. I didn’t expect for it to rain.”
You rise from the couch and toss the remote onto the couch. “Okay, you choose something and I’ll look for an umbrella. You’re free to keep it once you leave.”
“I’m not leaving right now.” He picks the remote up and watches you with narrowed eyes.
“I know. It’s just in case you do.”
He can tell you’re upset but he doesn’t know why. Fuck. Why were you so hard to figure out? The bag of sweets is propped against his thigh. He grabs the remote carefully, not wanting to decay it and then have you question where it went or why there was a dust on your floor. Or even worse, start to put the pieces together on who he is.
He chooses the fifth movie on the list, not bothering to read the description and leans against the couch, waiting for you to return. Eyes dart the apartment, glancing over the few paintings and pictures that decorate the place, accompanied by random knickknacks. He chooses to focus on a picture of you. You’re with two other people, an arm thrown around each other shoulders and behind you is a woodsy area he doesn’t recognize. You’re smiling red and red dusts your cheeks. You look happy. You’re allowed to go out to places, to walk around without the fear of people seeing you, you get to live your life and—
“Okay, I put the umbrella by the door so like you’re free to take it.” In your arms, you hold two blankets, a light blue one and a deep scarlet one. “I also brought blankets because it gets kind of cold in here and I didn’t want you to be cold.”
“Why?” His eyes watch you, scrutinizing every moment that you make, trying to find a reason to just get rid of you and yet he can’t.
“Which part? The blanket or the umbrella?” You throw a questioning look at him, hugging the blankets closer to your chest.
“The umbrella,” he decides.
“Because if you want to leave, I’m not going to just let you go without something to protect you from the rain.” You sit down to next to him with the blankets still pressed against your chest; your eyes study his, never breaking eye contact with a ghost of a smile on your lips.
“And the keeping it part?”
Your eyes look away from him and focus on the television. You blink and look at him again, your eyes focused on his hands and he jerks when you reach over to touch him. Your hands recoil. “Tomura, I need the remote to play the movie.” Your palm is facing toward the ceiling and you hold it towards him. He’s careful when handing you the remote, making sure none of his skin touches yours. “I’m giving you the umbrellas because you said it yourself, this might be the only meeting we have and I’m not gonna wait up for an umbrella.” Your hand wraps around the remote and the intro of the movie begins, the name of the studio flashing across the screen. “I’m going to leave the lamp on, okay?”
He swallows. “That’s fine.” He desperately wants to pick at his skin. “I’m,” he’s at a loss for words, “I didn’t say this was the only time we were going to meet.” He faces away from you and the tips of his ears burn.
He hears you scoff. “Tomura, when I said next time we hanged out, you didn’t sound like you wanted for there to be a next time.” His palms are facing your ceiling, fingertips far away from touching anything of yours. “So you get to keep the umbrella. Think of it as a parting gift if it makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t,” he thinks to himself. “You might not want to see me afterwards.” He says it unemotionally, words sharp and his eyes fixate on the chair that sits near the couch.
“Tomura,” you say his name differently this time, “I’m not gonna like ghost you or anything. I agreed to meeting up because I wanted to see you.” The movie has begun to play, actors moving across the screen, their words distant to his ears.
He wants to get rid of you. To make you hate him, to scare you, to do anything that it’ll justify you never wanting to interact with him again. “I want the blanket.” He can’t force himself to sound threatening to you. He’s an intruder in this place, a parasite that will eventually kill you, and all he wants right now is to gorge himself on the snacks you bought and have an hour or two of peace.
“Okay,” your voice is low, “but just to be clear- you aren’t keeping the blanket.” He turns to look at you and you’re offering him the red one.
The fabric is soft between his fingers. There are no frayed edges, no spots where the fabric has been stretched, and he can smell the laundry detergent you’ve used- citrus and floral. The blanket stays neatly folded on his lap, fingers pressing into it while his thumbs rise. “I’ll trade it for the umbrella,” he says half-joking.
You bark out a laugh. “Sorry Tomu, but I really love my blankets.” He has your entire attention, your eyes and body directed towards him, the lower half of your body covered by the light blue blanket. “Listen, I won’t hold you hostage or anything but if we continue to talk, I’ll make sure to get a blanket for your birthday.”
He smirks. “Just a blanket?”
“Don’t get too greedy Tomu.” Your eyes narrow playfully and you shift in your spot, moving slightly closer to him. “Hey, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask,” your hands play with the blanket.
“What is it?” The movie has been forgotten.
Your silent for a moment too long and he risks a stare into you. Your jaw twitches and when you catch his eyes, you lower your head. “Um, you sure you’re not hungry?”
“That’s not what you wanted to ask me.” He leans closer to you, his mouth pulled into a thin line. “What was it?”
“Nothing. I swear. It’s a dumb question.” You give him a nervous smile and bring the blanket up to your chest, arms hugging yourself. “Forget it.”
“You’re being dumb.”
“You know an insult isn’t a nickname right?”
“Shut up and focus on the movie,” he growls out, waving his hand dismissively towards you.
“Aw and to think we were starting to bond,” you coo out, and in the corner of his eye he can see you lean with a pout on your lips. “Are you only using me for the snacks?”
“And the free stuff,” he comments, the cushions from the couch are soft underneath his back, they mold into his shape. He isn’t used to the feeling, shoulders rolling as he tries to make himself comfortable without drawing too much attention to himself.
“God you are such a dick,” you laugh. You have your knees pulled up to your chest, the colors from the screen flash against your skin, illuminating you in dark colors. “Come on, we’ll do a trade off. You ask me something and I get to ask you something.”
“What like twenty questions?”
“Yeah, think of it like that. But like with either less or more questions depending on how it goes.” You reach over and grab a bag of chips. “Nothing too invasive obviously, but everything else is game.” The bag opens with a pop. “Do you wanna go first?”
“How long have you lived alone?”
“I could have a roommate you know.” He gives you a look. “Fair enough. About a year. Do you live alone?”
He pauses. “No. I have… roommates.”
“Oh! That must be fun. You never get lonely! How many do you have?”
“Not your turn.” He’s quick to reply. “What do you do for a living?”
“Waiter.” The smile on your face keeps growing and he can’t help but feel unnerved by it. “How many roommates do you have?”
“Five. Six including me.” He wonders if he’s sharing too much information. “Where do you work?” Now he wonders if his prying is too noticeable.
“Six?” You hiss through closed teeth. “Yikes. Place must be huge.” You take a sip of your water. “It’s this restaurant in the city. It’s pretty nice, serves great food and it’s affordable. If you ever visit, I could give you a meal on the house.” You wink at him and his ears burn. “Okay, what do you do for a living?”
He grabs a few gummies and shoves them in his mouth, frowning when the bag is now empty but he’s bought himself a few seconds to think. “I work at a game store.”
“Oh fun! Where at?”
He flings the plastic bag at you and it flutters to the floor. “Stop being so impatient. How often do you work?” He reaches over and grabs a random bag.
“Why? So you can visit me?” Your lips curve into a playful smile.
“You’re the most insufferable person I’ve ever met,” he groans out, his upper lips pulled into a sneer.
“Not hearing a no.” You spoke with a lilt in your voice, your cheek resting on your closed fist. He glares at you and you raise your hands in front of you. “Okay, okay. I work most days but it’s during the day. I hardly get any night shifts.”
“How long are your shifts?”
You narrow your eyes. “Oh? Now who’s being impatient?” A flash of lightning fills the room in a white glow. “Still my turn Tomura. Let’s see… Do you like your roommates?”
“They’re decent,” he sighs, exhaustion evident in his voice. “How long are your shifts?”
“You’re very interested in my work. Should I be worried?” You’re relaxed around him, leaning against the cushions, with a blanket wrapping around you and answering him honestly not even a hint of fear on you.
“Answer the question.” He replies.
“Mm, well it depends on how busy it is. Maybe eight hours, give or take depending on the week.” You reach over and grab a bar of chocolate, breaking off a piece. You offer a piece to him and he shakes his head. “Hm… Can I ask about your quirk?”
“No,” he spits out, his hands curling into fists.
“Okay. No quirk talk. Anything else I shouldn’t ask about?”
His stomach twists violently. He knows you mean well and you did tell him you don’t watch the news all that often, but the chances of you finding out who he is still there. He sighs. “You get one quirk question.” He tries to spit of the words, to put distance between you and make this feel like another business meeting.
“Any question?”
“You’re wasting your questions, you know that, right?”
“So are you.” You stick your tongue out at him and break off another piece of chocolate. “Okay, um. Okay, so you obviously don’t have to answer if it makes you upset and like offending you is the last thing I want. But, um, you’re like neck and stuff,” you take a deep breath and your voice is softer, a finger on the remote pressing down and lowering the voices of the actors, “is that part of your quirk or a tic?”
His mouth is dry and he reaches over to grab the water bottle you’ve set out for him. “Both.”
“Does it hurt?” You look at him with gentle eyes, your eyebrows knitted together and you pull the blanket closer to yourself.
“No,” he only half lies to you, “it’s just a thing that I deal with.”
You nod, eyes flickering to the screen when a character is killed off and he wonders what you’re thinking. Your eyes are heavy and the hands that are hidden beneath the blanket, tighten their grip, twisting the blanket into your grasp. It’s silent and he debates asking you about your quirk, he wonders if you’d show him what it was, how excited you’d look sharing something like that to him. His eyes trace the outline of your face, counting at the stray hairs that pop out, the soft curve of your nose that dips into a cupid’s bow, down to your neck that is unmarked, free of any scars, self-inflicted or otherwise. The abundance of snacks lies on the table, reflecting off colors from your television. This isn’t his world. He doesn’t belong here with you and you don’t belong here with him- but he can’t bring himself to get up and leave, to grab the umbrella that you’ve gifted him and walk away.
The screen fades to black, white rows of names flood the screen and he sits in silence with you. “They don’t hurt. Just sting for a bit.”
“Does talking about it help?” He hates the sick feeling that beats in his chest. “Do your roommates notice?” Through the corner in his eye, he sees you inch towards him, the blanket shuffling and slipping down your body.
“They don’t really care.”
You hum. The next movie plays, and you ignore the title. “Can I trade my question for a request?”
“You’ve already asked a lot of questions,” he deflects.
“One more. Promise.” You hold out your pinky towards him. His hand twitches, fingers curling inward for a brief second.
“Last one.”
Your hand falls to your lap and you crawl closer to him, the blanket is shoved to the side. “Can I touch your neck?”
He glares at you but you don’t falter, only showing him your palms and maintaining eye contact with him. He knows it’s only his hands that can decay but with you suddenly so close to him, he can’t breathe. His mind is racing, lungs ache and it’s ridiculous but he’s afraid that perhaps the rest of his body can also decay. He cranes his neck, eyes glued to the floor. If he wasn’t breathing before, he certainly wasn’t breathing when your fingertips graze above him and move the hair away from his neck, your touch burns him and sends jolts of electricity down his spine. You only get to brush against an inch of his skin before he tears his neck away from you.
“Sorry,” you mumble, scooting away from him. “Didn’t mean to hurt you.”
His neck burns and he takes a deep breath, resisting the urge to heave and claw at something- anything. “You didn’t. I just—”
“You don’t have to explain Tomura.” He looks at you and you’re staring at him, your hand wrapped around the two fingers that touched his neck. “You know,” your voice is barely above a whisper, “you still get to ask me a question.” You look at him and he feels as if he has been laid bare.
“I don’t know what else to ask.” He wonders if that’s the first time he’s ever told you the truth.
The corner of your lips turn upwards, and you meet his eyes again. He wonders if your eyes always looked so bright, always held that kind look to them and he when he thinks back to the few calls that you’ve shared, his mind comes to a stop.
“You know, I think that scar is pretty cool.” You point to your own lips, finger above where his scar would be. “Makes you look tough.” You give him a side grin and eyes squint.
“I think it makes me look scary,” he says without a hint of humor.
You pout. “Scary isn’t the word I’d use.” You sit straighter and the blanket falls from your chest and pools into your lap. “I’d use a lot of other words, but not scary.”
He turns away from you and then he’s struggling to breathe. His chest is tight and he doesn’t know if he hates or loves the way you look at him. He doesn’t know what to think. He rises from the couch and mutters the word bathroom, walking quickly to avoid hearing you speak. His mind is swirling and it feels heavy. He feels as if he’s been poisoned, as he if he’s drowning and can’t breach the surface. The bright, white light of the bathroom blinds him. He’s careful not to let his entire hand touch the sink, peering into his face and running a hand to remove the hair that covers his face. His pupils are dilated, the red of his eyes are reduced to a mere rim and face is flushed, his whole body burning and he’s so close to pressing his hands against the counter. He takes in a ragged breath and turns on the faucet, splashing water on his face, nails scratching lightly as he runs his hands down his face. His lungs are filled with air, breath heavy and he realizes that he’s been holding his breath; he opens his mouth and stands above the sink, letting bile drool onto the porcelain.
His breath comes to a slow and he’s aware of where he is. Eyes scanning your bathroom and looking into the cabinets, pulling out a thin paper towel, and he rubs his face dry. When he looks back into the mirror, his face is red and eyes are shaky. His hands clutch around the paper towel and he watches it disintegrate in the reflection of the mirror. The layer of dust slides down and stains your sink in a dirty gray, slipping into the drain slowly until he splashes water over it. He stares at the sink for a long time, his thoughts consuming him and turning his mind into a storm. He flushes the toilet and washes his hands, patting them dry on his pants, careful to not let it touch all of him at once.
He walks silently into the living room. Eyes hidden behind his hair and you’re sitting there, knees bent and eyes focused on your phone. The movie is on pause and there’s a brief flash of lightning, his shadow expanding into the wall and you jump. Your eyes are wide and shoulders tense before they relax once you see him.
“Hey there stranger,” you call out. You always seem to be smiling at him.
“It’s raining.” He feels like a child, standing far away from you, limbs too gangly for his own body.
“Yeah. It is. Do you wanna go home already? I think the rain let up but I’m not sure for how long it’s going to be like that.” You roll your bottom lip between your teeth. “If you want, you can spend the night? I uh, I feel bad for sending you out in the rain.” You clear your throat. “You know, if you want.”
He blinks at you. You were willing to let him spend the night. You were willing to let a person you hardly knew and barely met crash on your couch.
“You trust me to spend the night?” He says deadpanned, but even he can’t lie to himself that his body heat is rising and there’s a deep part of him that’s elated to hear you offer him such a thing.
“I um,” you fumble, “I do. I mean, I know what you’re thinking, that like it’s dumb and stuff and yeah, it probably is, but you had enough chances to hurt me and yet you haven’t.”
He nods slowly. He could have hurt you, killed you and it would’ve been simple, but he hasn’t. Instead he sat next to you and humored you when answering your questions; he indulged himself on the snacks you bought.
“The walk isn’t too far,” he walks closer to the couch and sits above the scarlet blanket. “I’ll make sure to message you when I get home.”
His breath gets caught in his throat when you smile at him. “Promise?” He bites the inside of his cheek and nods. “Okay! Do you want to take some snacks home with you?”
“No. Save them for next time.” He rises before he can see your expression and he’s walking towards the entrance, hands carefully opening the door to the closet and he grabs his worn jacket, fingers gliding over and sighing in relief when Father is still hidden. He hears your steps behind him as he slips on his shoes.
“So there will be a next time?”
His eyes meet yours. Deep red eyes that have seen so much, that have endured so much, look into your bright ones that hold no pain, that are deep with love stare back. “Only if you bring more snacks.”
“Okay. But on one condition.” You hold out your index finger.
“What?” He raises a brow bone.
“I get a hug,” you say, taking a small step towards him.
“Can I get out of this?”
“Not unless you really don’t want it.”
He rolls his shoulders and spreads his arms, palms flat. He stumbles when you collide into him, burying your face in his chest with arms wrapped tight around him. When was the last time he was hugged? His own arms come around you, they don’t hold onto you as tight, his hands turn into fists and he’s careful to not let his fist touch you, bending his wrist so it presses down on you. You smell of flowers and innocence, of naivety and trust. He can never tire of you.
When you pull away, he has to force himself to not dig himself further into you. He has fists shoved into his pocket, biting his tongue when he makes contact with the Father.
“Don’t forget the umbrella.” You hold the umbrella out to him and he grabs it with a pinky raised.
“Thanks,” he manages to make out.
“Text me when you get home, okay? Like right away.” Worry is evident in your voice.
“… I will.” He’s out the door before he can offer himself one last look at you, the door closes behind him and he rushes away from you, mind swirling and umbrella pressed deep into his chest. He’s quick to loop the umbrella onto his wrist, the corner of his mouth twitching as the handle digs into him and umbrella is swung into his side. He’s quick to grab Father once he’s sure no one is around to see him.
His hands still smell of lemon and sage, his body of citrus and floral, and mouth of peaches as he hides his face with a hand that reeks of death.
@ drapetomaniaac
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aloesarchives · 4 years
Joji Narushima Headcanons pt:2
This is the first piece for 2021, let’s go! These are mostly self-indulgent headcanons I have about Joji when I reread FOTS. 
Heads up: Use of female pronouns 
Man, Joji is a whole ass husband. Like legit, if you’re married to this man, you better hold on to him because you’ll have a hard time getting some that’s like him.
Joji always does his share of housework and doesn’t believe only one person should do it. He’ll do the dishes, clean the house, vacuum, keep the bathroom spotless, etc. Damn, this man even can do laundry and fold that shit neatly in the laundry basket. 
He also doesn’t mind helping you do these chores too. If you ask him for help, he’ll come help you do them. The laundry basket is a little too heavy to carry to your room? Joji will not only carry it for you but also help you fold the clothes in the basket as well.
Ugh, we stan such a wholeass husband, amazing
Joji doesn’t have a carefree “I don’t care” attitude. It’s more of him being okay with certain situations or is just unfazed by most things. Basically “It is what it is then/ This is cool, I guess”. 
With that being said, Joji is 90% down to do anything. Boost it to 99% if it’s with you. Which means you can drag this man anywhere you want and he won’t complain. Whether it’s taking him to the mall, exploring around, or getting groceries, he’ll never protest to you.
Now that I mentioned it, Joji is more than okay buying groceries for you. Especially, when you’re very busy or for convenience. Like when you just finished making dinner and noticed you were running low on a dozen eggs and some vegetables. You know Joji was coming home soon so you called him to ask if he could stop by to get what you needed. He was perfectly okay with it and came home with what you asked. Half of the time, Joji involuntarily goes to the supermarket to get groceries. This mostly happens in the mornings when he’s home and you’re still waking up. Joji knows how to buy groceries, which is a blessing. Mostly because when it’s just a casual trip to the Supermarket, he legit knows what to buy and get for the fridge. He always knows what to get and never anything solely for himself.
You mostly, by which you buy almost all, buy Joji’s clothes. This is because when you first started living for Joji, you took a look in his closet and you dragged him to the mall. Nothing god awful, just more so questionable. You do allow him to have a say and opinion when choosing clothes. But ultimately you have the final say in what clothes you buy for him. Your efforts to give him decent clothes and a style pays off when his colleagues ask about where he got his clothes and he’ll just say “(Y/N) bought this for me.” Many of them know you because you frequently visit Rukoshin so they know who you are. They are in awe about Joji’s clothes because they’re actually cool and look good on him. Longshen and Sei are forever grateful to you for giving Joji decent clothes, while Kentaro, Tsutomu, and Shido are asking where you bought them.
But not gonna lie, you purposely buy him clothes that he’ll like and look good in. Specifically the second part. You always buy him well fitted short sleeves. You say it’ll suit Joji, which is true, but he also looks a little hot and handsome in it. Joji likes the shirt(s) and you get a nice view, a win win situation right here.
It’s the small things that matter to him. Chilling on the couch watching tv, man’s gonna bring you close to him and he got a firm grip around you. A little cold outside? Joji will literally give you his sweater/jacket to you. Fell asleep on the couch? Man will throw a blanket over you and fix your sleep position so you don’t wake up sore. He’ll do that for you.
Joji would straight up carry you to bed and tuck you in. Caresses your cheek and hair, even kissing your forehead. Oh my god lord have mercy on my soul
On the topic of sleep, Joji mostly sleeps without a shirt. He sleeps in sweatpants or shorts depending on his mood and season. Joji is a moderate sleeper, leaning a little bit on the heavier side. Joji doesn’t move a lot in his sleep which gives you the perfect opportunity to either sleep on top of him or hugging his side. Joji, however, has a thing where he needs to sleep close to you no matter what. You could be facing away from him when you fell asleep, but in the morning you found yourself with Joji’s arm under your head and the other on your waist holding you close.
But Joji being shirtless and wearing grey sweatpants is a sight for eyes that I would shamelessly stare at. Don’t lie, you would too, come join me sis.
As I mentioned in my previous headcanon, Joji tries to stay out of fighting in general if they are not in a sparring or tournament. (AKA street or unground fighting) But I really mean it when he wants to stay out of it as much as possible. Even when his life is threatened, he doesn’t want to fight. He’ll fight for self-defense purposes but never out of his own reasons. This is due to him not wanting to complicate things with you. Although he is not that very expressive, it doesn’t mean he’s apathetic, lacking human sympathy or understanding. He knows you, and he knows you well. He knows you worry about him when he fights even though you know fully well he can handle himself.(As Joji has won some championships and been in the finals for most of Rokushin’s tournaments and you being there at said tournaments). But he doesn’t blame you though, you don’t like seeing your hubby getting injured or hurt at all. Again, you are fully aware that he is one of Rukoshin’s top fighters but it doesn’t mean he’ll always come out unscathed. You’re not super paranoid or worrisome. You’re just concerned for him, and that is completely normal. It shows Joji you care for him and he doesn’t want to put you through a lot of stress. Plus, you being worrisome/stressed out over Joji never sits well with him so he doesn’t become reckless in order to not put you through that. Plus, Joji has to stay out of trouble because one of Rukoshin’s rules is no underground matches. So he pretty much has enough reason not to do anything stupid.
Again, as I mentioned before in my previous Joji headcanons, you and Joji used to take care of Koga when he was younger. Honestly, you loved taking care of Koga, whether he was young or older. But you had very fond memories of taking care of young Koga. One time, you and Joji took him to the mall because of errands and window shopping. You told them you’ll be back as you had to run into a store to pick up something. When you came out, you saw Koga holding a cute teddy bear while holding Joji’s hand. Turns out Joji has a hard time saying no to his young nephew and Joji bought him that. Well, since Koga was happy you were happy too. At one point, a nice old lady asked if Koga was your son. You replied no and said that he was your nephew. The old woman smiled at you and said you would be a great mother while handing you a bag of freshly made mochi. That interaction has never left you and she wasn’t wrong since Koga loved you so much. And he still does to this day but he will never say it out loud to you.
Koga always called you Auntie (Y/N) and that shit was adorable as hell.
You bet Joji’s wallpaper is you. The lock screen was of you and little Koga smiling. But his home screen, his HOME SCREEN, his home screen is the two of you on your wedding. When you saw this, you asked him why he chose that picture to be his wallpaper. He said you were very beautiful on that day and your smile was something he loved about you. Damn, if you never felt so warm before, here you are.
Joji, for whatever reason, buys you gifts even though you don’t ask for them. Not like buying super expensive stuff or going a spending spree. But gifts, mostly small ones. He came home with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, once in a while he’ll buy you a stuffed animal. But the most notable one was on your first wedding anniversary, he got you this beautiful sapphire diamond accented silver necklace. It was so beautiful that Joji said it reminded him of you when he saw it on a display case when he was at the mall. Bruh, you cried because no one has ever thought about you in such a way. Man, I would’ve cried too. The best part about the necklace is that it matches your wedding ring. So when you don’t want to wear it on your finger, you just put it on your necklace. You mostly do this so you won’t lose your ring and to make others aware you’re off the market. Sis, show that thing off!
See look, Joji loves and trusts you with his whole soul and being. However, he knows there are going to be a bunch of goons and people that just want to bother you, more so during the time of the menjin army conflict. Around this time, Joji was like “(Y/N), I love you but you have to be on guard for a few months until I say so”. Depending on who you’re hanging out with, he’ll ask them to watch over you while he got stuff at Rokushin. Almost everyone in Rokushin knows you so they don’t mind his request mostly because he almost threatens them so. Anyway, you’re likely gonna always hangout with Katsuya. Mostly because Joji and him hangout and are on good terms with each other.
Joji really likes to eat. He loves food so much. Your dates were just you and Joji going to food places and eating there. When he’s hungry, he’ll buy some and call you to see if you want something. Even if you don’t want anything, he’ll buy you a small snack or something. One of your languages of love between the two of you is food.
Joji is extremely caring. There are times where he’s up at night and wants to talk to you but he knows you’re sleeping and doesn’t want to disturb you and your sleep. He’ll check up on you when he gets the chance, not too frequent and not too distant either. One time, you were hungry and it was late in the afternoon. You asked Joji if he wanted to eat out. He said he was free and you two went on your escapade. 
When Koga was training with Joji, you would visit and check up on his progress. Depending how bruised and beaten he is from sparring, you patch him up and bring food for the two of them.
The reason Joji has a thing for biting was when he was training in the mountain he fought a bear. And the only way he defeated the bear was by biting it really hard. So that’s why he keeps mentioning biting to Koga. But he also likes biting something else if you catch my drift.
Joji got nice hands. Sure they’re rough and have some callousness, but they are warm and nice. Like when you hold his hand, it feels so nice. When he’s caressing your waist, head or cheek, it just feels so comforting and it hits differently.
His hugs are so nice, they are so good.
Joji is more on the receiving end of affection then giving it. Not like he won’t hug you or hold your hand. It’s more of him going with the flow and reciprocating back at you. 
Joji likes being close but never is clingy. He knows you got your things to do and he doesn’t want to restrict your time. He knows when to give space.
Sometimes, Koga will ask you what you saw in Joji and you have been married to him for at least a decade. The only thing you tell him is how Joji has treated you and that’s the only answer you give him. Koga is clueless but you tell him he’ll understand when he really thinks about it. But not too much to damage his own brain.
Joji is such a good husband, loving, caring and respectful
King shit 10/10
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leboutique-lily · 4 years
Hey my little flower! I'm so so so so so so sorry it took me this long to answer. Work is coming for my neck.
To make it up, I've wrote an awfully amount for you. Hope you like it and that that's what you mean in your request. If it wasn't, I can rewrite it!
Enjoy little button 🤍
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Some things were about to change and pretty soon, for two reasons:
One, it has been six months that you have found the giant boy you call a boyfriend now.
Two, you guys were finally getting some woo woo time - no, wait, let's put it in a more pretty way - You two had decided to love each other in every way possible, completely. There... better.
Anyway, the things between you two were getting more concrete, more tangible, the security feeling taking place in both of you and opening new ways in your relationship. Namjoon was not here to fool aroud, neither were you. The sex topic entered the never ending talks that could go all night long, but with no pressure.
In that night came to light that, experience was not something you guys had in your package and you know what... it was completely fine. Although you keeped wondering in your head - how that so freaking handsome man could not had some action - but again, you tought it was very good for him that he only did what he felt like it. Just like you.
All the while his mind was in the same path of thoughts, but kind thrilled that he would swipe his pretty girl world. It was almost a silent agreement that when you both felt like it, it could happen, no pressure.
This conversation was weeks ago, things after that started to get more... heated. The make out sessions getting more feverish, hands wondering more... Namjoon still perfectly respectful, never forcing your limits, and you his. But the desire was more present, that want growing more and more, invading even your dreams. Do you know what it feels like to wake up in a fuss all hot and bothered? Yeah, not very nice. You don't live in a cave, you know how it works, but your own abilities were not working that well anymore...
So at the prospect of your six months anniversary coming, you though... well, maybe we could take a little - big - step and.. you know. Spice a little - a lot.
Yeah, that sounds good!
Hes coming for lunch, so time to give your boy some news.
The door opening interrupts your working thoughts and a handsome as hell boy enters your vision, bringing a content smile to your face and warmth to your heart.
Turning the heat off, you both take the food to the little center table and eat in the couch. TV on, you press play on your Netflix paused Ju-On.
"Hey beautiful girl, how you doing? - wow that smell is amazing, is this Bulgogi? -" His mouth already salivating from your home made korean lunch specialty, made just for him. He lower his head to connect his lips to yours in a sweet peck.
"Hey baby, finishing our lunch! - you answer, smiling with your face in his neck, you love that little spot below his jaw, that's your spot - and you? Went everything okay with the thesis?"
His arms circling you, keeping you close to him, what's more then completely fine for you. "Yeah, finally its over. That thing was stressing me out so much, but it was worth it... Now I just need to destress. I can finally relax".
Hm... Hmmm. Okay, that must be a sign, you're gonna act on that. Destress.
Joon getting scared at the girl on the closet, poor thing almost spilled the juice out.
Okay, he's cleaning the juice from his chin, maybe now it's a good time.
"Baby.." you say, fanning interest in the lady on the telly.
"Yes sweetheart?" He looks up at you, expectantly.
"You said you need to destress right..? Our anniversary is in a few days, we could... go out for dinner and maybe.." you voice dying in a whisper. You see, there was no pressure, but that didn't meant that there was no nervousness.
You keeped looking in those warm brown eyes and... and that's it, you just keeped looking at them. Not a single word out, no no.
"Maybe what sweetheart?" His voice calm, eyes feating yours and his browns furrowing at your anxious expression.
He notices your non functional state and get closer to you.
"Babygirl... are you okay? You can tell me anything you want, you know that right?"
Your mind stopped at the "babygirl". That sneaky little word could disturb your balance in a snap of fingers. And it did. Your reaction not going unnoticed by Namjoon, he was always tunned with you, a little smile curling up on the corner of his lips. He wants to do it again.
His finger guiding your chin, your eyes on him now. It's incredible how a simple thing as looking at him can give you a wave of giddiness.
"Babygirl..." - that's all it takes for you to avoid his eyes,and he's smirking now, fully, freely - "Nu-uh... look at me. Eyes on me baby"
"I want.. we could... we could go further in the.. - take a breath woman, get yourself together- We could stay together, like.. if you're okay with it and.."
"Tell me baby, what do you want?" His voice serene, the smirk mixing with the adoration he feels for you.
He's smiling at your shyness and your nervousness, you're so adorable.
"Sex. We could have sex baby? That's it?"
His amusement all over his face, he loves seeing you like this, he lives for the blushing checks. He would be flushed too if he wasn't so entranced by your figure now.
Somehow you ease his nerves like this, strange right?
How can he voice this so easy, you don't know. You're dying here. "Y-yeah... maybe, if you want too, hm.."
You're melting there and he's smiling at you as if you were the most amazing thing he saw that day.
"Of course I would want to babygirl. I do want to. I'm glad you feel secure like this with me." His thumb carising your checks now, his eyes full of love and a hint of lust that he's trying to keep down right now.
"Good.. that's good. I want you too, I'm hap- he's kissing you before you can finish your sentence, his lips smiling in the kiss, lingering in your receptive mouth.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I couldn't resist. You're just so cute." His dimples coming out to play with your weak heart.
"Hey! I'm not cute! I'm an grown ass woman."
"Yes, you are - he gives one more kiss on your lips - and you're also my cute babygirl."
"Okay.." Here we go again...
Today was gonna be the day.
The day of your anniversary finally here, after that little moment a few days ago, Namjoon was his gentlemanly self, as always, just keeping at bay the excitement/nervousness in his little heart at the tought of what was in the plans. You, you just hoped that nothing wrong would come up.
You're now standing in your bed, trying to decide which set of lingerie you should use, you're inexperienced and slightly in panic, but you want to look pretty for him, for yourself too.
A delicate deep purple lace set or a light blue one. You know what... the deep purple because the color looks beautiful in your soft skin and you feel nice in it.
Ok... now your summer dress, in your favorite color flowing down your legs and stoping in your mid tights, a pair of heels and a light make up. You're doing your hair in pretty waves when Namjoon arrives, you not even noticing, being engrossed on your last touches on the look. Namjoon walks in, not seeing you in the living room he goes to your room, finding you in your bathroom, brushing the luxurious waves on your hair. A smile automatically appears on his lips, you're unaware of his presence and he wants to keep it this way for a little bit more, admiring your lovely figure, that beautiful dress he loves on you, your hair begging for his hands to thread them self's in- wait, maybe his hands are the ones begging, not your hair - but anyway, you look stunning, just breath taking... his beautiful girl, his heart swell with contentment knowing that he is yours and you're his.
"Exquisite.." he breaths out, standing in your room with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his lips.
You turn with a gasp, not aware of his presence, your hand immediately going to your heart first for the startle and secondly because your boyfriend is on a slim black suit, no tie today but the two first buttons of his shirt open, a nice pair of shoes and his hair parted with some pieces falling in his forehead. He's the epitome of beauty and you can't help but admire every centimeter of him.
"...Baby?" Your hear his embarrassed giggle, when your eyes set on his face you see the blush that formed in his pretty cheeks.
"What? You can ogle me, but I can't do the same? You look really handsome baby, I can't help it" you take your fun in it, payback for the last time he got you like this too.
"Well... - you hear his steps coming yo you - I can't help it either, your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." His now behind you, his arms in a back hug on your waist and his nose in your hair. You see his eyes close as he breathes the magnolia scented shampoo on your hair, his arms tightening on your frame.
"I love your smell... " his deep whisper send chills down your spine. You turn around in his embrace and bring your lips to his in a sweet short kiss.
When you're about to part from him and say you two would get late for the reservation his lips are on yours again, a more assertive kiss taking place but yet delicate.
"Baby we're gonna get late" you mumble in his lips, but doing nothing to stop his advances. His lips are so addictive, so full and soft and warm... you could kiss him all day, all night and not get tired of it.
He's not doing better either, your delicate and succulent lips between his own, he can't help it, dinner be damned.
"I think we could be a little late.." his mouth making a path of kisses on your cheeks, down your neck and repeating his tantalizing way on the other side.
You hands rest on his nape, caressing the hair that got longer in the past weeks, when he kisses a particular spot behind you ear your hands automatically tightens in his hair and he groans lightly at the feeling, you're unconsciously pressing yourself closer to him at the sound. A sound that seemed to wake something inside of you.
He walks you back to you room, never detaching himself from you. Once he sees the bed, he turns and brings you down on his lap.
"Joon, we're go- his lips interrupts you once more, his hands on your face holding you to him, you feel his tongue licking at your lower lip, asking entrance that you give more than willingly. He deepens the kiss, your tongues now fighting for dominance.
He pulls way to say, nuzzling your cheeks " Baby, can.. can we skip dinner? Please ..." his hand now on your waist, holding you to him. A freezing wave runs down your body, your heart beating so fast that your sure he can hear it too, your cheecks blushing because you know what this means, it was the whole point of this night in the end, but together with all of this there's a need, a deep want for this boy, you don't want dinner. You want him.
You don't know what to say so you kiss him, you kiss him with all the love you have. He responds to your kiss bringing your body impossibly closer, the kiss getting heated, messier.
Without a millimeter between you two you feel his bulge pressing against you. You've been here before, till this point there's nothing new, but that was going to change. As if your body had life as it's won, you start to grind on him, slowly and timidly to try to alleviate the pressure between your tights. His grunt reverberates through your body as his hands go your hips to fasten your pace. Your hands hold on his strong arms, feeling the muscles flexing beneath your fingers. The little electric sparkles that awakens your body every time your hips grind forward into his are addictive, you want more, so much more.
Things are not easy for him either, a hot feeling spreading through his whole body every time your pussy presses against his confined cock. He wants you so badly, and today may be his first too, but it's all about you in his head.
He needs to feel your skin, his hand now on your knee going up so slowly on your tights, you let out a breathy moan at the feeling of his big hot hands on your skin. He holds your hips, thumb caressing your hipbone.
"Are you sure you want this baby, I can wait all you want, I don't want you to do anything you don't feel like it" his eyes locked on yours. You see the nounfeeling of tension in his eyes mingled with the want and the love he feels for you. You never wanted anything like you want him right now, you want to be his.
"Namjoon. I want you, I need you... I've never been more sure of anything, I love you so much. Do you want this too...?"
Your voice getting little, wating for his answer. You see a smile forming on his lips, his hand going to your cheecks tenderly rubbing the skin with his thumb.
"Babygirl... you have no idea how much I want you." He takes your hand in his to give a lonving kiss on your palm. You both can feel the edginess in the air, that tension sparkling but there's was also this safe and soft feeling too.
He nuzzles his way to your sweet lips again, this time the kiss is tender, softer.
He takes his time kissing you to his heart content, feeling your body, your warmth, the way your breath fasten in response to his touch. You splay your hands in his heavenly chest under his jacket and push the piece off, he helps you pushing the fabric off his arms and discard the elegant black jacket on the floor. You can feel his muscles better now, his large chest at one thin layer way from your fingers.
He spins your body and your know laying on your bed, his large figure hovering you. He lowers his face close to yours and give you a little sweet kiss at the tip of your nose, making you giggle. "I love your smile, it brightens my days" you blush at his compliment, your hand at his chest feeling his heart beating so fast, he's trying his best to seem calm, but you know he's agitated too.
You love him even more for this, determined to make this as special for him as it is for you.
You bring him for one more kiss "I love you" a whisper in his ears, simple but such reassuring words. He gives a kiss on your skin, right on your beating heart and lock his eyes back to yours. He moves up to kiss your forehead, your nose, finally your lips...
"Can I take this dress off baby...?" He asks so quietly, almost hoping you don't hear his request. You feel your heart accelerate again, but in a good way.
"Yes... yes you can my love" your voice nothing but a breath.
His fingers very delicately started unbuttoning your dress, lightly touching your skin here and there, your purple bralette came to view, Namjoon visibly swallowed seeing his favorite color on your heavenly skin. He pushed the dress out of your shoulders, you helped your arms out and he dragged the flowy piece off of you. You're now in your bra and panties.. and heels. The butterfly's in your belly flying around. Namjoon runs his eyes up and down on you, his breath deepening "Perfect... you're perfect. Stunning baby" his words coming out, his eyes can't seem to leave your soft body.
You're blushing furiously when meets your eyes again, he imagines why and go to take his shirt off to not let you feel exposed alone.
His honey toned skin is so beautiful, his defined pectorals making you drowl, all you wanna do is litter this man in kisses and bites, feel his skin and map his body with your lips all night. He chuckles at your stare.
"Now I'm the one getting flustered." You look at his reddening face and giggle at him, you know the feeling, but you can help it. This man looks like a Greek god.
You connect your lips to his collarbone, making your way to his neck, your hands on his shoulder while his hands rest on your hips, squeezing everytime you deliver your kisses. You're getting lost in his fresh musk scent, enveloping you in a bubble on him. A place were only the two of exist, that everything is... him. Your touches are pure delight for him, he loves the feeling of your delicate soft lips roaming around in his skin, your hands gripping his shoulders, the smell of your hair invading his nostrils and intoxicating his senses, his cock hardening even more. All he feels is you and he can't get enough. He wants more, so much more, he craves to drown on you.
While you're entertained littering his neck in kisses and shy little bites, he uses the tip of his fingers to lightly brush your skin, all the way up your back just to make the same way down. He feels the curve of your ass and gives to the urge of grabbing the supple skin making you moan in his ear. The chills that take his body on your pretty moan makes him groan deep in his chest.
You feel yourself dampening even more, his baritone tone making you're knees weak, good thing you're on his lap. He holds you by your waist and get you comfortable on the pillows, laying by your side with his head on one hand. He lay a kiss on your temple, one hand now on your knee brushing his fingers on your skin. His lips still on your temple while his hands go higher and higher with it's caresses, if he was calm before... he's not anymore. He's nerves trying to take the best of him, but he's determined to make you feel as good as he can tonight.
He takes a deep breath when he reaches the top of your tights, the skin there so warm and soft that he could keep his fingers there all day long.
He sees your breathing getting laboured, your legs closed tight. He can't freak out right now, he needs to be there for you. So he takes courage and let it out in the calmest voice he can muster in this moment.
"Baby, take a deep breath. It's okay... if you want to stop, we stop, there's no problem at all. I just - "
"No! - you interrupt him - I want this... it's just, I'm just nervous. But I want you" you say looking in his eyes. His hand felt like heaven in your tights, but the tough of him seeing you, like SEEING you, got on your nerves a little.
He's searching for doubt in your eyes but he only finds want and that tad bit of shyness. He finds you and he feels relief.
"Okay my love... just talk to me okay. Promise me that you will say it if you want to stop." You nodd at him and he takes that as enough for now.
"Good... now, can I keep going?"
"Yes baby.." you're eager to feel him, to be his.
You feel his hands moving, pulling one leg to rest on his tight, opening you to him. You keep looking at him, his eyes so tender, so loving. He traces the line of your panties in the juncture of your tights, your hips seem to have a mind of it's own, moving with hand. You feel his smile growing in your temple.
He takes your eager action as a good sign and finally runs a finger on your covered pussy, putting a bit of pressure on your pulsating clit. You buck your hips and moan for him, your hands grabbing his biceps. He repeats the action several times, until he feels a wet spot in your panties. He could die a happy man, his girl was writing with his touch and drenching her panties for him. How lucky was he..
You on the other hand is already on cloud nine and he didn't even touched you properly. Oh you need more, now.
"Joon please..." you didn't even know what you were begging for, but you need it.
"Please what my love? Tell me what you want."
Now, how were you supposed to answer when right when you opened your mouth he started pressing circles on your clit? Instead of an answer he got a long moan of his name. He's cock twitching at your voice calling out for him.
He didn't even wait an answer anyway, hooking his finger on the waistband of your garment, looking back at you asking for permission. You nodd, raising your hips to help him take off the offending piece, leaving you in only your bra. You legs closed again, big eyes gazing at him.
How could you be moaning less than a minute ago and now give him these innocent eyes... he just wants to devour you. But everything in it's time.
He decideds to let you get used to the feeling and instead of going to your pussy, he aims for you breasts, something that he's familiar with.
For his luck, this brallet has a hook in the front. Thank God.
"Baby, relax..." his hands engulfed your breast, squeezing and massaging it slowly. Your tender globes feel so good in his hands, your nipples poking through the lace, in the palm of his hands.
He sees your body visibly relaxing, you love when he play with your boobs.
You search for his lips again, kissing him feverishly, his fingers teasing your sensitive nipples making you moan in the kiss. You feel his fingers clasping the hook and your breats are free now, he's quickly descarting the purple lace somewhere in the room along with your heels.
You're completely naked, exposed to him. You feel the urge to cover yourself and when he turns to look at you, he sees you bringing your hands close to your chest and he's quick to hold your hands in his and kiss your palms very tenderly.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen Y/N, you don't need to hide from me, my love."
You're still a little self conscious, but you don't hide anymore... he looks at you as if you were a masterpiece. So you decide to take pride in that.
He gives you a sweet kiss, showing his satisfaction and his next kiss in on your breast, his tongue licking the taut nipple gauging your reaction, that doesn't fail to please him, your head thrown back and one hand grabbing the fabric of his pants.
He gives kitten licks to it and suck it in his wet mouth, earning a gasp from your bitten lips. Your legs squeezing themselves to get some relief, what doesn't go unnoticed by him. He's happy that he's making you feel this way, that he doing right.
He repeats the whole process on the other breast, this time his hand travels down, parting your legs to give him access. You're so entranced in the pleasure his mouth is bringing to you that when you feel his fingers on your bare pussy your hips bucks again.
"Relax baby... open your legs a bit more.."
He's tone is calm, reassuring, his breath on your breast. You do as he says and you feel his fingers on your entrance, gathering the wetness there. He moans at the feeling of your warm, wet pussy almost unconsciously.
"Babygirl, you're dripping.." he breaths out. You could feel your tights smeared with your juices, your legs falling open at the feeling of his fingers on your sensitive lips. He uses your wetness to stimulate your clit, doing slow, firm motions. You start to squirm in his touch, his lips detaching themselves from your boobs to put your foreheads together.
He's eyes burning holes on yours, lust written all over it, he's cock poking your leg. When he fasten his motions you moan out again and squeeze your eyes shut. That burning feeling, a tight coil in your lower abdomen making your back arch beautifully.
"Open your eyes babygirl - the hand on your head carising your hair - look at me."
You open your lids, looking straight to his eyes. That's what it takes to make that coil explode. A hot feeling spreading in your body, your hips moving on their own. You hear yourself moan he's name out loud, that bliss of pleasure taking over your whole being.
Namjoon is mesmerized, watching the pleasure take your body. He swear he almost came when you practically screamed his name. It was the hottest thing he ever saw.
"Fuck baby, that was... you're amazing " he says to you while his fingers help you ride out every bit of your orgasm.
"I-I'm amazing? You.. you are amazing." You half moan, half say to him. He gives you a little chuckle. You want him to feel this too, to feel good, so you reach for his pants and start to unbutton it.
"Can I touch you too?" You nuzzle his jawline.
"Oh fuck... yes baby."
You manage to free him from he's pants, his boxers still on. You see the outline of his cock with a wet spot from the pre cum that leak it there. You feel proud that you've made him this hard, that he wants you too.
You trace his cock with your hand feeling more curious than nervous, wanting to see his reaction. When you grip it a little more firmly he thrusts in your hand, a reliefed groan escaping his lips. He's been holding himself back this whole time for your sake, you're gonna make it up to him.
You push him to his back and kiss him again, your small hand feeling he's engorged cock pulsating in your touch.
You tentatively put your hand inside his boxers, looking at him to see if he was okay with it. You find him with his eyes closed in concentration and his lower lip captive in his teeth, so you hold his bare cock in your hand and hear him moan your name in adoration.
It's hot, heavy and velvety in your hand. And big. You didn't even see it yet, but he's big.
"Can I take this off baby..?" He looks at you now, your small figure waiting he's permission.
"Of course baby."
Your hands drag his boxers down, stopping at the sight of his huge cock, your eyes wide open and your mind racing. Namjoon feels hes cheecks getting red, a little flustered with your expression.
"...Baby? " he laughs embarrassed.
"You're big. Like.. like big"
"Y/N you're getting me flustered like this!" A smirk forming in his handsome face, hes head back in the pillow. You're in your own world now, you don't even hear him.
"Is it going to fit?" You're hands are back on his cock , as if analyzing it. The situation is comic, from trying to hide yourself to analyzing his cock. Big steps, girl.
"Yes baby - hmm fuck.. - I'll make it fit"
He's lungs are doing extra work tonight because your hands settle a rhythm on his cock, up and down, up and down... faster each time you go up, his hips are slightly thrusting into your hand, deep groans living he's full lips. You're addicted to the way his body reacts to your touch, you see he's trying to control himself but he's losing he's own battle. Your touch is so good, so much better than his hands. He opens his eyes to see you licking your lips with your eyes glued to his shaft, the little white globs of pre cum dripping down from his tip. He needs to make you stop or he's going to cum all over your hand.
"Baby stop.. I'll cum if don't stop "
You seem to be in trance to make him cum.
"But.." - you're about to make your argument when he sits up holding your hand and flips you two, he's now on top of you. His hands holding your wrists down by your sides, firmly but somehow so gentle.
He might be "new" to this but, believe me... he's a natural. The boy has talent and you're not surprised.
"Babygirl... be good." You don't know why or how he does this, but he has you're whole body tingling.
You nodd at him, your legs once more pressing themselves together.
"We have some things to explore later..." he says to you, smirking seeing your needy reaction. He lower his head to give you a kiss, reassuring that your sweet boyfriend is there for you.
"Ready baby?" He's eyes staring at you, his hands on your hips.
"Yes, I'm ready" you try to muster all your sureness and desire there. You see a smile illuminate his features, he reaches for the condom in the nightstand, reaping it and rolling down on his cock.
Okay, that's it, it's gonna happen right now. And you're so damn happy.
He positions himself between your wide opened tights, down on his forearms at your head and gives you a little peck on your nose. He always finds a way to make you smile, to make you feel comfortable. Wow, you love this man so much.
"Are you sure you want this baby? We can wait..."
"Namjoon, if you ask me if I want this one more time I'll flip us around and take thi- he takes advantage of your little stunt and drags the head of his cock up and down your pussy, getting it wet with your nectar - ungh.. oh God" your hands take a hold in his waist and back, your head back in pleasure. You're so sensitive right now that the slightest touch gets you on fire.
"You were saying, babygirl?" His smug expression tinted by the pleasure of your hot pussy.
"Fuck.. just take me" you're sounding desperate but you don't care.
"No baby... I'm gonna make love to you" he whispers in your ear and you melt in his touch, this man can oscillate between moods better than you tought.
You feel his tip prodding your entrance, circling and teasing you. His free hand holding your hand, fingers laced. He looks at your eyes and you feel him entering you ever so slowly. The strech is evident, your legs squeezing his waist and a gasp leaves your lips.
Your tight pussy closing it self around his engorged tip, making him pant with effort to not push forward and bury himself deep inside of you. He's big and he knows it, so he's gonna try to go as slow as possible for you. So he gives you the control completely.
"Baby, look at me. I'll go slow, very slowly okay? Hold my hips, you control it from now on. Breath baby... that's it, deep breaths."
He's being a sweetheart, giving everything he has and all the control of the situation to you. You take a deep breath and try to relax, the burning sensation insistent in your pussy, although you were very much wet the strech was it inevitable. But it wouldn't as bad as you tought.
You slowly push his hips forward bit by bit, the feeling of your walls opening to accommodate him a mix of newness and discomfort. You whined a little, your nose to his cheeck.
"Slowly baby... take your time - his voice a bit strained, he's trying so hard to stay still for you, but your pussy is so tight on his cock right now. He's doing he's best to not blow he's load already - relax baby, talk to me, what are you feeling?"
"It's... it hurts a little, but nothing to bad. You're so big..." you clench aroud him, but not on purpose.
"For fuck sake, don't.. don't do this. Relax baby, I need you to loosen up a little.."
"I can't help it, I'm sorry" you whine.
"No love... nothing to be sorry about, you feel heavenly, just don't this to end this soon."
You take a firm hold in his lower back and push him closer to you, burying his long cock all the way in. You throw your head back at your own action, a long whimper coming out.
Namjoon is quick to take you in he's arms, he's urges completely forgot right now. He kisses your temple, arms aroud you trying to easy your pain away. His lips planting small delicate kisses on your face, your neck, your collarbone and anywhere he can reach.
"Baby, I've told you to take your time. Take a deep breath, there you go... " the feeling of being inside you is heaven and hell at the same time. He wants to move so badly, but your pained expression won't let him.
"I'm s-sorry... I just wanted to end this part already" your face is snuggled in his neck seeking comfort.
"Impatient little girl..." he gives your head a kiss and stays still until you feel ready - "Let me help you baby" he says moving his hand to your pussy, fingers very gently massaging your clit and his lips encasing yours in a distracting kiss.
The pressure and the burning feeling start to fade way giving place to a pleasing feeling of fullness. You feel full of him, like the clock of a missing piece of the puzzle. You feel this sudden urge to move, for him to move into you too. He feels your body relaxing, getting used to him.
"Better my love?" He asks nuzzling your cheeck, one hands in your hair and the other up and down on your leg.
"Yes Joon... can you move? Please.."
"Of course babygirl, anything you want." Oh thank goodness, finally. Don't get it wrong, he's was ready to stay still inside of you the whole night if he had to, but he was dying to move.
He start to grind in your pussy, small motions to you both get used to the feeling. Your features are now of pure pleasure, every grind on your clit sending sparkles through your body.
Namjoon is doing everything in his power not to pound into you, you feel so good around him, so tight. You can feel he's breath in your mouth and vice versa, the whole moment is so hot, so yours.
"Joonie.. go faster please" you mumble to him. He's more than happy to comply.
"Fuck...fuck baby you feel so good. How can you feel so good? So perfect." His hand fondle one breast while the other holds you hip. You moan at his lustful confessions, how can he say this when he fills you up so good, so deep.
You're mumbling words out, your nails making little crescent moons in his shoulder while his hands taking a hold of your knees and bring them up high in he's waist. He's going even deeper now, you both losting your minds at the feeling. You've never imagined that could feel this good.
"Harder... baby please" you plead to him. He backs from your neck, his eyes searching yours.
"Baby I don't want to hurt you." His eyes serious.
"Namjoon, please... Go harder, please! You're not gonna hurt me!"
You're hips are thrusting back at his, seeking what you need, he loses the control that he was trying so desperately to hold. The vision of your hips moving with his hips, your fucked out expression, your moans echoing in the walls got him losing it.
"Fuck Y/N" he grunts pistoning his hips harder and faster into your pussy, the wet noises feeling the room so obscenely.
His fingers move to your clit pressing fast motions to get you to your high, he's determined to make you cum one more time and before him. You moan out his name arching your back, he can feel your pussy clenching almost too tightly on his cock and he knows you're almost there. Your body on fire, everything feels like Namjoon, he's so deep in you that you can't think in anything but him.
"Baby, look at me - you open your eyes that you don't even remember closing and the first thing you see is his dark brown ones waiting for you, full of love. You can feel his love in a way that you've never felt before. Everything felt right in place, you feel safe and loved and wanted all at once. That's Namjoon.
He sees the same in your eyes, he can see the love there, he can feast in the sweetness that you have just for him, he wants to protect and be protected by you at the same time. He could die happy in your arms right now.
"I love you" he say in the kiss he plants in your lips.
"I love you, so much" you answer back feeling your high approaching.
"Cum for me my love, let me see you cum..." he pleads in your lips and you can't deny him, your body shaking in a hard orgasm, your hips taking control and your hands squeezing his arms.
Your moans are loud and clear in his ears, he's mind basking in it, trying to record it in his memories. At the feeling of your clenching, gushing wet pussy he cums too, groaning and grunting. His thrusts irregular and stoping slowly, feeling the tingles of this blissful feeling running his whole body. You stay like this, connected, breathing each others breaths, wating for your bodys to calm down.
"If this was the first time... I can't wait for the next" you giggle out. He can't help but laugh, burying his face in your neck.
You make mentions to get up but he's quick to hold you down, still settled deep inside of you.
"Don't move.." he mumbles, wanting to feel your warmth for little bit more.
"But baby- you feel the blush creeping in your face- it's all... wet."
"Exactly" he gives your neck an open mouthed kiss and whisper in your ear.
"Can't wait to wake you up with my tongue tomorrow."
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sophielovesbarnes · 5 years
All or nothing, chapter two.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Winchester!reader
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy and cursing.
Author note: Alright, here we are, hot out of the oven! Sorry if it took long, I got stuck on a scene but I finally broke the writer’s block and was able to finish this chapter, we will get to see a bit more of SPN on this chapter.
I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what do you think, dm me if you want to be tagged and remember requests are open.
Chapter one
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Chapter two
“Come on ladies! They are not called suicide running drills for nothing!” Your coach screams, you are beyond exhausted, your legs feel like they will give in, in any second now, you are covered in sweat from head to toe and your lungs feel like they are on fire. With the National competition getting closer every day your coach gets more demanding and the training sessions become more intense.
“So.” You manage to get out. “I don’t know if calling him is too straight forward.”
“Well.” Ingrid answers with her chest heaving. “It’s not like you have cared about that before.”
“Winchester! Fritz! If you are able to speak then you are not doing it right!” 
Ingrid smiles at you and then you both get back to running, an hour; that feels like an eternity later, you are under the shower letting the water wash away your exhaustion, you still have two classes left and you need to mentally prepare yourself for them. 
When you are changing into a pink dress Ingrid returns to the topic.
“So what are you going to do?” She asks while brushing her hair. “Are you gonna call the hot FBI agent?”
“I think I will.” You tie your hair up and close your locker. “There’s something really special about him, I just can’t put my finger in what.” 
“Aww little Y/N has a crush.”
“Shut it Ingrid, at least I’m doing something about mine.” You say teasingly.
“Hey I’m your base, you don’t wanna bother me.” You both look at each other with serious looks in your face and then burst into laughter. “No but seriously, tell me how it goes.” 
“Will do, bye babes.” You kiss her cheek and then leave the locker room. 
During class you are barely able to pay attention, when your psychodynamic teacher is talking about the five stages of psychosexual development and the fixations in the oral stage your mind is traveling far away, focused on soft brunet locks and shy smiles.
After school you go back to your apartment, you order chinese for dinner and when the food comes and you are so distracted you are almost sure you gave the delivery guy a 50 dollar bill and told him to keep the change, you eat absentmindedly and then head to your bathroom toying with your phone, after taking a bath you are on your bed, dressed with clean pajamas and your hair wrapped up with a towel, then you finally gather enough courage to make the call. 
The phone rings three times before he answers.
“Hello?” Your heart flutters at the sound of his voice. 
“Doctor Reid?”
“Who is this?” He asks, you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
“It’s Y/N Winchester.” You answer calmly .”You gave me your card at the FBI lecture at Louisville.” 
“Right, how- how may I help you?” He replies.
“I have a lot of questions, and you told me to call if I had them.” You take a deep breath and then say with a wide smile on your face. “But I thought it would be unfair to just ask without giving something in return, so what do you say about me buying you coffee tomorrow? If you’re still in town.” 
You mentally slap yourself for being too straightforward, what made you think that he wants to go out with you? He most likely has a girlfriend and here you are throwing yourself to him? God, you are so stupid.
“I-I yeah, that would be…” You listen to him taking a deep breath and then he continues. “That would be nice.”
“Great! We should go to Quills, they make this mean peach- lavender lattes.”
“Sounds good.”
“Does four o’clock work for you?”
“Yeah, that’s okay.” 
“Hey pretty boy, who are you talking to?” Says a voice on the back, then the call ends.
You are smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, you have a date; well, meeting with doctor Reid, and you can barely hold your emotion. What are you gonna wear? What are you gonna say? Maybe this was a rash idea. 
The ring of your phone snaps your mind out of it, when you pick up you see your brother’s face and on the back you hear the sound of vomiting.
“I’m guessing Jo hasn’t passed the throwing up all the time fase.”
“At this point I am pretty sure she kind of hates me.” Says your Adam.
“I don’t kind of hate you Adam, I hate you, hate you.” You hear Jo say, then the sound of vomiting returns.
Jo’s pregnancy had caught everyone off guard, she and Adam were always fighting or calling each other names, but then at the New Year’s Eve party Ellen threw on the Roadhouse they both had too much to drink and the next thing you knew was that you were going to have another nephew or niece in nine months, there was a lot of crying and at some point Ellen threatened to cut your brother’s balls off, now she was just happy with the idea of having a grandchild. 
After the initial shock you were happy as well, this wasn’t your first nephew/niece though, Sam and Jessica had two beautiful daughters you adored, Dean had Ben; who was only a couple years younger than you, which was weird; and with Castiel, Dean had applied to be a foster parent, they now had a little boy; Leo, and were hoping to get another child.
You had such a beautiful family and were so grateful for it. 
“How are you baby sis?” Adam asks, ignoring Jo’s comment.
“I’m good, very tired, our coach is killing us, and I have a duckton of homework, but in general things are going great, what about you, how are things going on Kansas?”
“Things are good, the workshop is getting a lot of cars, Sam, Jess and the girls visit us every now and then, and Dean and Cas are all about Leo.”
“That’s gonna be you in a couple months you know? Have you thought of any names?”
“Jo likes William or Genevieve, I like Magnolia or Jebediah, Jo doesn’t like them so we have reached an impasse.” You see Jo exiting the bathroom and standing next to your brother.
“Those are old people’s names, tell him Y/N.” Jo says. “Tell him they are horrible names and we are not naming my child like an old person.”
“Our child” He corrects, “And they are good names Joanna.”
“I hate to not be on your side bro, but Jo is right, they are horrible.” You say.
“Thank you Y/N at least one Winchester is using her brain.” Adam rolls his eyes and you laugh.
“They are good names!” Adam insists.
“No they are not.”  You and Jo say at the same time, she was your best friend and somehow you were always in synchrony. 
“Now if you can’t reach an agreement Y/N is always a good option, it has character, it’s pretty, and let's be honest, the world could use another Y/N Winchester.”
“We don’t need another traitor.” Adam answers with false hurt. 
“Ugh, stop being such a drama queen Adam, you know what? Your baby wants an Oreo McFlurry.” 
“Five minutes ago you were throwing up and now you want a McFlurry?” 
“Yes, so better get on the road because they are going to close, don't do this for me Adam, do it for your baby.”
“So now it’s my baby?” They both start bickering and you swear they already act like a married couple, eventually Jo wins the discussion, because being honest there is no better argument than “I am carrying your baby” so Adam says his goodbyes and leaves grudgingly.  You and Jo stay talking for hours, it’s almost 3 am when you hang up, and you fall asleep right after.
When you wake up you feel well rested and you feel like you slept for so long, the sun comes bright through the window and your whole body feels relaxed, which is weird because you went to sleep really late last night, which gets you thinking that you never heard your alarm.
You take your phone and press the side button, but the screen doesn’t turn on. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You didn’t charge your phone, so the battery is dead which means that you are probably very late, you look up at the watch that’s on the wall, which indicates that it is already 12:15 in the morning, you are definitely very late. 
You jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom, no time for showering, you brush your teeth and get dressed with a pair of jeans, plain white t-shirt and sneakers, you tie your hair on a high ponytail, take your bag and run to the kitchen, you grab a banana and a bottle of water and run out of your house. 
You race on the road and make it to school on record time, at this time of the day it is barely impossible to find a parking space that is empty, when you manage to park it’s almost one, you mentally curse, get out of the car and run to the classroom, this promises to be a hell of a day. 
Spencer has never liked this kind of conferences, they bring him back to his college years, which are not something he likes to think about, he didn’t have the standar university experience, most of the time he was made fun of, being the target of stupid pranks or being just ignored by his classmates, so yeah, college wasn’t something he remembered fondly.
He was on edge until yesterday, when he saw you on the lecture; he had already seen you on the football field being thrown into the air and then landing perfectly with a magazine worthy smile, of course he thought you were pretty, because you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever landed eyes on, but you were also most likely the type of girl that only cared about vain things and would have never noticed him if you had been one of his classmates; he was proved wrong during the lecture.
You weren’t only pretty, you were also smart, probably the smartest girl in that classroom, you were informed and you clearly cared about the topic, and when the lecture ended you went to him, when all the girls went with Morgan or Rossi, you decided to go with him; he was in such a rush he even had the bravery to give you his card.
And then the impossible happened, you called him, and not only that, you asked him out and he hasn’t felt this nervous in ages.
“Reid, Reid.” Morgan’s voice brings him back to the room, he and Rossi are looking at him with worry. “Everything alright pretty boy? You have been acting weirder than usual since yesterday.” 
“I am fine.” He answers almost automatically.
“Are you sure?” Rossi asks with an eyebrow raised. “We are worried about you kid.”
“Yeah.” He says. “Colleges just bring me to the edge.”
“Well, don’t worry about it pretty boy, we are just going to be here three more days and we are back to Quantico.”
“I know.” 
The whole day you feel like you are running, you are late for class which gets you a reprimand from your teacher, which gets you late to your next class, which ends up getting you late to cheerleading practice. Your coach is so mad she has you running suicides and practicing toe touches until your legs feel like jello. 
“Point your toes Winchester! And smile, you have to sell it!”  She screams at you, everytime you jump you feel your muscles pull and your empty stomach hurls, you are almost sure that if you keep jumping you might throw up. 
When your coach finally lets you go it’s already 4:20, you mentally do the math, if you go to the locker rooms and shower you will be in the coffee shop at almost five o’clock, and agent Reid is probably already waiting for you, so you just grab your bag and run to your car mentally cursing yourself for not charging your phone. 
Spencer manages to escape Morgan and Rossi, avoiding their questions and he makes it to the coffee shop you indicated by 3:45, minutes go by tortuously, he sees people coming in and out from the coffee with cups on their hands, he sees people laughing and students dragging their feet, the exhaustion of exams and projects reflecting clearly on them, he gets a lot of looks and he starts to grow desperate, he calls you over and over but the calls go straight to voicemail.
By 4:30 he decides you stood him up, this was most likely a prank, how did he not notice? He was a grown ass man, an FBI agent, he was a profiler and still he fell for it. He feels terrible, how could he believe such a beautiful woman would ask him out and actually show up? He takes his bag and gets up from the chair, when he is leaving he sees a car parking and a y/h/c haired girl wearing a Cardinals hoodie and grey yoga pants getting down and running to the coffee shop. 
It was you, you didn’t stand him up, you were actually there, he can barely hold his emotion. 
“Doctor Reid.” You say, your forehead is covered in sweat and your chest is going up and down rapidly. “I am so, so, so, sorry, did I make you wait too long? I’m sorry, my phone died, and my alarm never went off, and I’ve been late everywhere, and my practice lasted too long, and i didn’t have your card so I couldn’t call you from another phone, and I came here right out of my training, so I must smell like a monster and I am so sorry.”
“It’s okay, I didn’t wait for long.” He lies, and you smile at him, and he can swear it is the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. “Should we order?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You lead the way and stop at the bar. “Hey Lindsey.”
The redhead barista smiles at you and then you look at him and he notices how your y/e/c sparkle with the white lights of the coffee shop. 
“What do you want?” You ask.
“You said something about peach lattes?”
“Peach-lavender lattes, it sounds weird but they are great.” You reply, and by this point he’s sure he would believe if you said the moon was made of tofu. 
“I’ll have one.”
“Great, two large peach-lavender lattes and a bagel please, can I also borrow your charger?” Lindsay marks your order on the cash register and tells you the total, when Spencer takes out his wallet you stop him. “No, I said I was buying.”
“No, I insist.” 
“Doctor Reid, put your wallet down, I was terribly late and I said I was buying, you can pay the next time.” The fact that you imply that there might be a next time makes his heart flutter. 
“Alright.” He agrees, when you get your orders you sit on the table he was waiting on and there’s a moment of awkward silence he is not sure how to break. “So, so you said you had questions?”
“Yes, I do.” You take a sip from your coffee and then look at him, he is expecting questions about the FBI, but that’s not where you go. “You have three PhDs, three BAs and you are only thirty-four, how is that even possible? Are you like a genius?”
“I, I don’t believe intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.” You stare at him with your eyes wide open and a smile on your lips. “...yes, I’m a genius.”
“That’s… wow.” The conversation flows after that, he talks about some of the most interesting cases he has had, you intervene every now and then making questions or comments that always seem to go to the correct point, and he feels like he can speak freely with you.
“Well, the vast majority of unsubs with a similar MO aren’t driven by the killing, they are merely fascinated by the body parts, it’s like they psychologically exist in a realm where fantasy meets delusion, it’s basically like the blueprint to create the perfect serial killer… I’m rambling aren’t I?”
“It’s okay, it’s fascinating, please go on.” You are one of the only persons he has ever met that reacts that way, most of the time he gets interrupted, he is about to start again when your phone rings, you take a look at the screen and then say. “Sorry I have to take this, it will be just a sec.”
He smiles and nods and you slide to answer. 
“What is the point of having an expensive phone if you never answer? Do you know how worried I was?”
“Hi Dean.” You reply, internally laughing at the overprotectiveness of your brother. 
“Don’t “hi Dean” me, where have you been? Why haven’t you been answering your texts?”
“I’m in a coffee shop, and my phone died last night and I couldn’t charge it until now.” 
“Who are you with?”
“I’m with a… friend.”
“Friend? Are you out with a boy? Who is he? Let me talk to him.”
“Stop being so jealous Dean.” 
“So you are with a boy.”
“I’m sorry I have to go, love you, bye.” You say and you don’t even give him time to protest before you hang up. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem.” He must have guessed you wouldn’t be single, he feels jealousy invading him, and he fiddled with his empty cup. “Was that your boyfriend?”
“Gross, no.” There’s a wave of relief when you answer that, and he probably shouldn’t feel it, he’s leaving in a few days, it’s not like there’s the possibility of a relationship. “It was my brother, he can get all Mama Bear when he is worried.”
“Oh, is he your only brother?”
“No, I have three, Dean, Sam and Adam, I am the youngest, like by far, Dean is 19 years older, Sam is 15 years older and Adam beats me by 8 years.”
“That’s a big difference.”
“Yeah, Dean and Sam are my half-brothers, from dad’s first marriage, their mother died when they were very young and dad took it very hard and started to move them around the country, that’s how he met my mom, he went to Minnesota they had a one night stand and she got pregnant, but she didn’t tell him about Adam until he was like six, then he went back to Windom, they fell in love, dad moved them to Kansas, he married my mom and then they had me, hence the age gap.” You explain. “What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”
“No, I’m an only child, I grew up with Doctor Who and Star Trek as my companions.”
“Doctor Who?”
“Yeah, it’s, it’s good.”
“I know, I’m not gonna act like I didn’t mourn for a week when Ten left Rose on the beach.”
“You like it?”
“I may look like your stereotype cheerleader, but I’m a huge geek, Dean and his best friend Charlie made sure of that.”
The conversation flows as freely as water after that, for some reason you find it easy to talk to him, you tell him so many things you haven’t even told Jo, you talk about everything, favorite holidays; yours is Christmas, his is Halloween; tv shows, characters. You delite with his rambling and pay attention to every word he says, when you finally realize it, the sky has turned dark and you are the last people in the coffee shop.
“I think we should probably let them close.” 
“Yeah, we should.” You both take your bags and stand up. “Hey, when are you leaving town?”
“On friday.”
“Let me make you dinner, I make a killer lasagna.” You look at him expecting an answer but he can barely say anything, he just had an amazing evening with a gorgeous girl who is now inviting him to her house, he should probably pinch himself to make sure he is not dreaming. “Spencer?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“It’s a date then.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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"What are we doing today?" Thomas asks sat on his sofa sipping tea out of a mug shaped like the death star
"We are going to be nice to you" y/n smiled as she came from behind the camera with tea and a small packet of biscuits
"Are we?" he asks glaring at her a little confused and taking a biscuit from her
"Yes we are Thomas" she smiled fixing her hair
".... I am suspicious" he says trying to dip his biscuit in his mug however it was far to big to go into the mug "Ooh." He sighed sadness flooding his face apron discovering he couldn't dunk his biscuit before snapping it in half and dunking it
"Because why are you being nice to me?"
"I can't be nice?"
"Yes But it worry's me" he sighed
"we are going to make you lovely and relaxed" she smiled
"... You're not even going to comment on me being gross?" He asks eating his now tea soaked biscuit
"..... No I won't" she sighed sipping her tea "with your crunchy tea"
"I knew that wouldn't last long" He says
"I am not good at being nice"
"You are not" He sighed "What are we doing anyway?"
"Do You remember being a child?"
"Vaguely yes"
"Do you remember a advert that plaid on Tv when we where kids?"
"... I remember alot of ad's that plaid when we where kids"
"well we weren't really kids we would have been... teens"
"Teens? like pre teens or older teens?"
"Mid Teens"
".... ish, I remember little from that time. I spend most of it locked in my room"
"I remember you bassicly went in your bedroom as a pre teen who looked really fucking young and then came out when you where like nineteen where yeah you still looked young but you've voice had broke, you grew a bit, like you actually looked more like a teen" "I did, I didn't want anyone to see me at that time, especially you"
"why not me?"
"Because I had a crush on you at that point" "Did you?"
"Yeah? you didn't know that?"
"Yeah, I had a massive fucking crush on you at that age"
"I did Not know that" she giggles
"You knew, I've told you that before" he says "To be fair you where like a little poodle skirt girl who worked for your dad in a vintage car garage, that I also worked at. I was going to end up with a crush on you at some point"
"was the me being bi helping a bit with that?" "Yes! I watched you make out with Jake and then immediately go make out with linsey. that was amazing"
"Did you ever wanna see me  naked?"
"I was seventeen? So.... yes" "The tits?" "Tits where making a very compelling argument at that age" "do they still?"
"Ehh" He shrugs "Kinda, it's less fun because I now know you don't give a shit"
"I really don't, there just breasts, I have boobs, you have boobs."
"You've very much okay with it"
"My logic is, you can lift your shirt up show your boobs and nips, I do It I get arrested and that's fucking mental"
"It is" he says "I would not complain about you taking your shirt off" "The face" she smiled rubbing his chin "shut it"
"Didn't you make out with my girlfriend at that point?"
"I did, your eighteenth birthday party"
"That was werid.... But very arousing" "What me and your then girlfriend making out in front of you?"
"Yeah, pretty sure I'd had a sex dream about that" He says sipping his tea
"Then or yesterday?" "Both" "Hey issy, how you doing, wanna come over and make out in front of thomas again" she waves
"We don't even date anymore"
"Still, just have like a party of all your old girlfreinds"
"Ohh god!"
"and I'll snog all of them"
"Even Gzi?"
"Especially Gzi, she's fucking hot"
"You fucked up"
"That I did" "I'm very off topic, anyway! The product that was on constantly like every other ad break, I will point out it was... On the verge of an infomercial, like if it had been a minuet longer it would be an infomercial not an ad" she explained
".... I remember two of them" "The one you where never allowed to have"
"........... Jelli bath!" He gasped
"Hold up! say that again"
"Jelli bath"
".... Thomas brodie Sangster you are from fucking south London don't you dare said bath in that way"
"what? it's what the product is called"
"The product?"
"Is Jelli BAth
"But on Sundays you have a ?"
"Bubble Bath"
"Thank you" she smiled "what was the other ad you remember?"
"The weird moulding gunk"
"Ohh yeah, what was that called?"
"No idea, I do not remember I just remember the kid in the ad putting the orange goo on the dinosaur skeleton and making it into a big dinosaur" he explained
"Yeah I remember that, But Jelli bath? you remember this?"
"I do"
"We are going to go bathe in it" he asks sipping his tea
".... are we bathing together?" He asks
"On camera?"
"We're gonna be naked?"
"Do you wanna be naked?"
".... Well of course I wanna be naked sweetie darling"
"Thomas! stop fueling the fire!"
"I'm sorry, are we gonna be naked in this stuff though?"
"No, we will have swimsuits on, becuase.... internet" she says "we as always will do a version where we are naked that will be on my porn hub channel as usual" " as usual? when have you filmed us naked?"
"When aren't I filming you naked?"
"that video's not on there is it?" he whispered
"what video?"
"Are you filming?"
"Uhh, No I pasued" she says touching the remote for her camera but it still filmed "what video?"
"THE Video"
"What video?"
"........ The Video" He says "You know the one I mean y/n"
"No I don't be more specific?"
"The sexy video we did the other month?"
"The sex toy one?"
"The linqure one?"
"No, you know the one I mean, sugar"
"we make a lot of sexy videos"
"The... one in my bedroom" he whispered
"Oh no, thats' saved on my hard drive"
"Ahhh good," he says
"Ohh I didn't pause the camera, it's fine sally will cut it" she says  "Lets go make the bath up"
"Ooooohh.... bath time together"
"Oh shut up thomas"
"wait who's bathroom are we using?"
"Oh no" he says "should I have cleaned it?"
"when did you clean it last?" she asks he simply sips his tea sheepishly "Thomas?"
It then cut to the bathroom with the bath already run the two in swimwear
"why did I agree to this?" He sighs
"Because I'm not ordering Pizza unless you do" "I'm an adult. I can buy my own Pizza"
"But do you wanna ring the man to order it?"
"..... Lets do this" He sighed
"throw in this bag of stuff" she says "Then wait for goo"
"Who's going in first" "You"
"why me?"
"You're bathroom"
"You're Idea"
"You're more naked then I am"
"You're video" "Get in the tub Thomas"
"You get in the tub"
"Fine! How clean is this bathtub?" she asks going to climb in
"A day?"
"A week?"
"Have you jizzed in this tub recently enough It will be an issue for me Thomas!"
".... Maybe" he says "How long does it live?"
"Four days"
"No your good"
"are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure,"
"Okay" she says climbing in
"Just don't touch the bottle on the side" he says from off camera
"whoa whoa whoa what why!" she yelped
"No reason"
"No fucking tell me why can't I touch the bottle" "You'll be fine"
"Thomas.... answer the question"
".... just don't mess with it"
"Okay, Okay... I'm really freaked out now" she says as she sat in the water
"If you are that worried about getting into my bath because I might have done something, then why do you let me have sex with you?"
"Ughhh thomas!" she gasps
"You literally let me cum inside you like twenty minuets ago"
"Stop fuelling the shipping fire" she yelled throwing water at him "Shut the fuck up and get in the tub"
he sighed and climbed in the bath the other side of her "Hi"
"we're having a bath together" "yes we are" "This is a weird Thursday"
"It is... is this what you thought you would be doing when you woke up this morning thomas?"
".... No. But I've known you long enough to know better then to expect Normal days"
"Right lets throw in some goo" she says opening the packet and letting the powder drop into the bath
"Ooooh it's already getting thick"
"The water or your dick Thomas?"
".... both"
"Blue Gooo! It's called Blasting Bloo"
"I remember it being called bloo lagoon or something once"
"I think it was, but they must have changed it to be more friendly" "I think Blasting bloo is way more suggestive"
"that's just because we are sat in a bath together Thomas"
"Ohhh I don't like this, It feels weird, I don't like want it on my butt and such"
"Nnnnnoooooooo" He complained as he felt the goo the water had now turned into "I hate this, I don't wanna be in this"
"I also don't like this but you know the deal"
"what deal!"
"We stay in this for ten minuets"
"or what?" "Or I'm filming sexy Halloween costumes with you"
"I will sit" he sighed bundling himself in the corner  "do you wanna get out and go eat ice cream?"
"Yes, this shits gross"
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