#old appliances
lruff685 · 5 months
I'm currently standing in front of my stove and went down a bit of a rabbit hole because I've always assumed it's older than me, but wasn't sure. It is. It was made in February of 1976. My mom and dad 'officially' started dating that year. I complain about it sometimes because it has three small burners and only one large one, is missing an oven rack, and needs the rarer kind of drip plates.
But it hasn't failed; it still serves its purpose and shows no sign of stopping, and that's truly impressive.
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bgresearch · 1 year
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thebibliosphere · 2 months
Here's hoping we're still under warranty because the air con just broke 🫠
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tacosaysroar · 26 days
Soooo my dishwasher caught fire today.
I started a load, sat down in the living room to work, and a little while later there was a burning plastic smell in the air. I ran into the kitchen to find whitish gray smoke billowing out of the top of the door.
Bad News: the dishwasher is toast and must now be replaced.
Good news: it was old and not-so-great anyway and it’s Labor Day weekend, a rather lucky time to need a new appliance.
I spent more money than I would’ve liked but around $400 less than I would’ve if I’d needed to do this some other week, so I’m at peace.
And it’ll be nice to have a dishwasher where the top rack isn’t constantly falling out of the track and there aren’t holes in the silverware basket big enough for the silverware to fall through. (The new one has a top rack for silverware. Luxury of luxuries.)
Now I wait to get the call that lets me know when they can schedule my delivery. Might be as much as two weeks.
I have my fingers crossed it’ll be a day when I’m supposed to be in the office, so I can say I have to work from home that day.
Keep those silver linings coming.
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jtl-fics · 10 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 44
The flight up to New York is a pleasant one.
The time in the airport itself had been less pleasant. Matt, as it turns out, is a firm believer in arriving with just enough time to check a bag, get through security, and get to the gate. He had claimed up, down, left, and right that he had it down to a science.
No matter how many times Smith had wondered about the scientific rigor of this 'science' he still kept it to himself. There was no need for Smith to voice his uncertainty with this plan because Kevin well and truly had it covered.
"You're giving us only an hour to check bags, get through security, and get to our gate?!" Kevin demands.
"Kevin, if you wanted to be there earlier then you could have asked Andrew to give yo a ride." Matt says. "We'll be fine."
"You know what Neil and Andrew get like when they have a long roadtrip ahead of them." Kevin argues.
"All lovey-dovey?" Nicky asks as Aaron makes a gagging sound.
"No, well yes, but no they always stop and buy all of the worst food too." Kevin reminds. "I'm just concerned about us missing our flight! We have barely enough time!" Kevin huffs crossing his arms.
"You're wrong anyways." Aaron says idly as he continues to text with Katelyn.
"How am I wrong?!" Kevin demands.
"We also have to park within that hour that Matt has left us with." Aaron says looking up from his phone.
"Matt!" Kevin squawks.
"It'll be fine." Matt reassures for the 2nd time.
"We all have checked bags!" Kevin exclaims, "What if we miss our flight?!" he wails.
"It'll be fine!" Matt repeats.
"No it won't!" Kevin exclaims.
It was fine.
The only real delays they met were at security.
Smith prided himself on being efficient in the security line. He has his watch off, his phone and ID secured in a zipped jacket pocket, his backpack and electronics in separate trays, and his shoes ready to be slipped off.
So he was shamed to have been the cause of the first delay when the TSA agent wouldn't wave Smith through the metal detector since she didn't realize he was there. That had been a whole anxiety attack and a half as the line had formed up behind him all wondering what the hold-up was.
Finally she seemed to startle as she realized that Smith had been standing there waiting and waved him through.
The other delay was that Kevin got patted down after he had forgotten to empty his 'emergency' water bottle.
It was probably for the best that they didn't have to be in the airport for that long. Every announcement that it was very important to not leave your bag unattended made him worry that with every blink somehow someone had slipped a bomb into his backpack.
While it was on his back.
As he was running with the rest of his friends to their gate.
"It just had to be the gate on the other end of the terminal." Aaron huffs.
"It would have been 100% perfect if someone hadn't left their water bottle in their bag despite the, let me check, 3,820 signs that said remove all liquids from your carry-ons!" Matt says as they continues to run.
"I said I forgot!" Kevin yells back from his spot at the front of the pack. Smith was under the distinct impression that Kevin was keeping pace with them since he had seen the Striker move much faster on the court and during warm-ups.
"We could have forgiven that!" Nicky pants, "Why did you have to slam the whole thing to prove that it was 'just water'?" he asks.
"Because I wanted to prove I wasn't a national security threat!" Kevin says. "I'll be going to the Olympics in a couple years and I can't have that on my record." he continues as he rounds a corner.
"What record?!" Smith asks suddenly worried that there was a record.
"Smithy, there's no record Kevin's just an idiot. An idiot who got patted down, tested for explosives, and had his carry-on searched." Nicky huffs.
"You don't know that there's not a record! The record everything nowadays!" Kevin huffs and their gate is in sight.
"Kevin, just shut up!" Aaron exclaims as they reach the line for their flight.
"Wait why aren't any of you getting shitty with Smiths?!" Kevin asks.
"His delay was like a minute and more importantly NOT HIS FAULT!" Nicky defends.
"He should have just walked through!" Kevin argues.
"Oh it's fine if he gets a record but not you?!" Aaron asks.
"So there is a record?!" Smith asks again.
They reach the line and the largely empty area around their gate is more than enough evidence that this was the final boarding. Smith breathed a sigh of relief as he took his place in line behind Nicky.
"The lines pretty slow, I'm going to go get a water." Kevin says and before any of them can say anything he is off towards a busy looking Newsweek store.
"I cannot believe him." Aaron huffs.
"All that water he just drank and is about to drink? He has lost window seat privileges." Matt pants wiping sweat from his brow.
"Agreed." Nicky says.
Smith laughed between panting breaths. His stomach hurt a bit from the stress of running but it was fine.
They get on the plane without Kevin and head to their seats. Most of the overhead storage is taken up at this point but Smith slides his bag under the middle seat in front of him after Matt
In the end, Kevin barely made it onto the plane in time since he got caught up in deciding on water. "You're in my seat." Kevin says as the only man not yet seated.
"I am not about to spend this flight getting up every 2 minutes because you have to pee." Matt says, "Abby didn't used to need to take all those pitstops when we're on the bus." Matt adds.
"I hate the aisle, the cart could hit my legs." Kevin argues.
"Then you can sit in the middle if Smith's willing to move." Matt says.
"You can have the middle Kevin." Smith offers actually preferring the aisle seat since then he doesn't have to ask anyone to move for him.
"I hate the middle seat, there is no room." Kevin crosses his arms.
"Smith is like only 3 inches shorter than you and he's not complaining." Matt continues.
"It's an important 3 inches."
"I bet it is."
"Nicky, are you serious?"
"There is an uninvolved member of the public, right there."
"He's wearing headphones it's fine!"
It's fine.
Eventually Kevin takes the middle seat if for no other reason than Matt stubbornly pretends to go to sleep but absolutely does not want the aisle seat either.
Smith gives it up and ends up with his own preferred seat while Kevin pointedly takes both of the arm rests, as is his right. The plane ride progresses smoothly from there. Smith has always liked flying. There is always a sense that the second that he gets onto the plane and the door closes he has absolutely zero control over what happens afterwards.
That is a nice comfort.
He pays attention to the safety briefing, finds his nearest exit, and that he should secure the bag over his own face before securing it on Kevin's.
He puts his headphones on and tries not to think about the anxiety of meeting the 'girls'.
He has heard much about the 'girls'.
Allison Reynolds. Allison was someone who's legacy existed even outside of the team. Smith didn't know much about fashion but a Reynolds bet remained a solid practice within Palmetto. She was, undeniably, absolutely gorgeous and if Kevin was to be believed 'kind of a bitch'. Nicky had swatted his arm but had said that it was not entirely inaccurate but like 'in the best way'.
Dan Wilds. He met Dan. Dan was nice. Also, if Matt was to be believed, the best human to ever walk the planet earth. The reason the sun rose in the east and set in the west. The gravitational pull that held the universe together. If Andrew is to be believed, she's fine.
Renee Walker. Renee was the one who taught Andrew how to use knives. His friend has talked warmly of her, in the way that Andrew talks warmly about anyone which is mentioning them at all. She was the one that Smith was the most anxious about meeting.
Kevin turns his nose up at the ginger ale that Smith gets but he's allowed these now per his actual doctors orders.
1 hour left until arriving at JFK.
He hopes this ginger ale is enough to calm his stomach since he's still not allowed Pepto.
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huariqueje · 2 years
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The cardboard cat in the purgatory   -  Marcos Palazzi
Catalan , b. 1965   -  
Oil on panel , 80 x 60 cm
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faejilly · 4 days
guess whose super magpie brain forgets stuff in the washer all the damn time and has to wash it again before it dries?
guess who never liked the washer/dryer or their set-up in the house they bought but there wasn't anything really wrong enough with it to spend money on it?
guess whose washing machine broke? (for unrelated reasons, the 1st thing is hard on water bills and clothes, not so much the machine)
guess who now has a new washer/dryer combo which fits better and will dry things on its own?
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acoustic-crayons · 2 months
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"Why, someone is getting tired of my cooking,"
If y'all like good John Dory angst with some HickDory side severing, you should read AhkiKris's fic Guilty As Sin?
This particular drawling is based on the chapter 18 cooking scene!
[below the cut for a bonus yandere joke pic]
"They're probably wondering where you are. If Branch and I weren't on okay terms, he'd probably think I kidnapped you."
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This is what happens when you make jokes about kidnaping and yanderes in the comments with the author lol
BTW They don't have tails or anything in fic so the actual ficart reflects that. This silly extra piece on the other hand is free game lol
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Hello we're on day 4 without hot water and I've resorted to walking a mile in 88 degree heat before trying to shower
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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The $14 fire hazard vintage toaster post reminded me of this 1920s brass toaster I saw. Not sure if it works, but this potential fire hazard can be yours for a price that's obscured!
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avis-writeshq · 3 months
Guys I bought a KitchenAid (A LAVENDER ONE AHHHH) and it’s arriving either today or tomorrow I’m so excited
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wordfromoursponsor · 10 months
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"Hers is the bloom of youth. She's taken full advantage of the age she lives in--the age of modern, electrical servants that lighten household tasks. No wonder she looks younger than women to whom home-making is a daily round of drudgery!" (1940)
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coolclipartfree · 11 months
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"Electric Waffle Iron"
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rayroseu-reblogs · 2 months
my exhaust fan just exploded 💔💔💔🔥🔥🔥 thankfully nothings on fire JDJWKDHS
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fruitcage · 4 months
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longlivetv · 3 months
Adulthood is drooling over an appliance package that is SUPER on sale but still not having enough money to buy it and knowing you probably never will
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