#old master dohko
ameliecausse · 10 months
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For the feels...
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landofanimes · 7 months
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Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac
Transparent: Gold Saints
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minny712 · 1 year
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Libra Dohko - Old Master of Rozan
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veneficasum · 1 year
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Saint Seiya live action fancast : Vladimir Jankélévitch as the Old Master (Libra Dohko)
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
Kiki awakened his cosmos at the age of 3 years old. So, for about an year or so, Mu and Aldebaran really assumed he was a "common" muvian. Dohko was the one who first picked up on the hints, of the baby's hidden potential.
With that said, as a muvian, he started showing signs of his natural special abilities much sooner. Something that is expected, for his kind. His first accomplishment came in the form of levitating small objects, and even teleporting himself to short distances.
Muvians start developing memories a lot sooner than humans. Which means, Kiki HAS really vague memories, of taking his first few steps. And even his first word ever spoken.
It's important to remember that the shtick of master/pupil came to be, as an attempt to cover up the fact, Kiki was actually taken in/adopted as Mu and Aldebaran's son. At the age of 4 Mu started subjecting him to the Gold saints training, with the same severity that Shion did to him. However, given the nature of their bond, he was actually struggling to maintain the harshness like that for long. Aldebaran definetely had a hand in Mu, toning down a notch, with the lessons. Given how uncertain their future at the time was, there wasn't a necessity to rush through things, in the same way their former masters had to do things with them.
Although Kiki was able to manage and handle the gold saint training. He would be liying, if he ever said he took everything well and smoothly, without any hitches. As a very young kid, he couldn't fully grasp why his own father would demanded him to treat/address him as a master. And some time later, fall back to the role of tender and affectionate master. It confused him a lot. And in a way both of them, convinced themselves it was necessary. It was a turbulent training to say the least, which just so happened to pay off in the end. Kiki concluded his training at the age of 13, which meant Mu truly changed his approach to his formation as a whole.
In a way of speaking, Kiki and Genbu were the last ones to receive proper traditional training and lessons, directly from an actual gold saint. One quick look at the 21st century's line of gold saints (at least those that didn't perish in the battle against Mars), and that distinctive detail becomes blatantly obvious.
I'm aware that in canon, the process of fixing cloths is an entire magical process. Something that is mainly tied to the use of stardust and blood sacrifice, in specific cases. BUT, I love the idea of cloth repairers actually having to do, some real iron smithing work. As such, Kiki has shown a natural talent for it very early in his life. He always enjoyed watching Mu work on it, and it was the first thing he mastered.
While Mu's smithy in Jamir's tower may have been VERY antique-esque in style and vibe. Kiki had no problems in modernizing it, when he inherited it and became its primary user.
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soabase · 6 months
Character List
Canon characters are unmarked; characters marked as (NC) are those from official non-canon sources; an asterisk refers to characters that diverge significantly from their original source; and characters marked as (O) are original, made for the fanfic. Only characters that have appeared in at least one of the published chapters are listed.
Main Characters
Seiya, Pegasus
Saori Kido, Athena
Shun, Andromeda
June, Chameleon (*)
Hyoga, Cygnus
Shiryu, Dragon
Marin, Eagle
Shaina, Ophiuchus
Ikki, Phoenix
Gold Saints
Camus, Aquarius
Mu, Aries
Aldebaran, Taurus
Deathmask, Cancer
Shura, Capricorn
Aiolos, Sagittarius
Aiolia, Leo
Old Master, Dohko, Libra
Aphrodite, Pisces
Milo, Scorpio (*)
Shaka, Virgo
Shion, Aries
Cancer's Aspirant (O)
Silver Saints
Albiore, Cepheus (*)
Haris, Crane (O)
Babel, Centaurus
Asterion, Hound
Misty, Lizard
Moses, Whale
Capella, Auriga
Jamian, Crow
Sirius, Canis Major
Dante, Cerberus
Georg, Crux (*)
Algethi, Hercules
Dio, Musca
Jaeger, Orion (*)
Algol, Perseus
Jan, Scutum (*)
Ptolemy, Sagitta
Bronze Saints
Jabu, Unicorn
Geki, Bear
Ichi, Hydra
Ban, Lionet
Nachi, Wolf
Reda, Cassiopeia (NC*)
Alicia, Dolphin (NC*)
Ethel, Lepus (O)
Anka, Piscis Austrinus (O)
Cult of Athena
Aleka, High Priestess (O)
Zamira, Acolyte, Priestess (O)
Dark Saints
Jango (*)
Dark Andromeda
Filia, Dark Chameleon (O)
Dark Cygnus
Dark Dragon
Dark Pegasus
Dark Bear (O)
Dark Hydra (O)
Dark Lionet (O)
Dark Unicorn (O)
Shiro, Dark Wolf (O)
Gods & God-like Beings
Zeus (O)
Hebe (O)
Ares (O)
Persephone (O)
Artemis (*)
Apollo (*)
Julian Solo, Poseidon
Hypnos (*)
Thanatos (*)
Atalanta (*)
Odysseus (NC*)
Electra (O)
Kanon, Triton (*)
Caça, Charybdis (*)
Io, Scylla
Baian, Sea Horse
Sorrento, Siren
Thetis, Mermaid
Krishna, Chrysaor
Isaak, Kraken
Cult of Hades
Pandora, High Priestess
Esmeralda (*)
Delina (O)
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kleos-aphthiton · 4 years
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Libra Dohko/Old Master.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Bearer of News
Fandom: Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac Characters: Aries Mu & Libra Dohko Rating: G Summary: “My master, Shion, is dead.” Words: 250 Notes: Mentions of character death Tagging: @flashfictionfridayofficial​
Read @ AO3
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“My master, Shion, is dead.”
Mu stares at the back of Dohko, he hates to be the bearer of such news, but needs must. He receives a small nod of acknowledgement. “Yes. I felt his cosmo go out.” 
The words are spoken so softly, Mu has to strain to hear them above the sound of the waterfall. “There is foul play involved.” He tells the old master. “Geminis Saga has betrayed us.”
“I expected as much.” Dohko says, his body unmoving. “When he told me that he was thinking of choosing Aiolos over Saga, I knew that something like this would happen.”
Mu frowned, “But…”
“Listen, young Mu, your master was wise. He knew all the risks and he followed the path he had to. There is nothing you can do, save one thing: survive.”
Mu sighs. Dohko is right, his master was wise and knew of the dangers of being the Pope. But that did not make it easy for him. “I will do my best, Master Dohko.”
“Live, young Mu. And be ready to serve our Lady when time comes.”
“I will.” In his heart, Mu knows that it will take at least a decade before Athena is ready to fight, and he will be ready when that time comes. He owes that much to Shion and Aiolos. “I leave you to your guard, master.”
“Farewell, young Mu. Be careful.”
“I shall be. And I will be ready when the time comes.”
“Of that, I have no doubt.” 
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madmachaca · 3 years
You know how Dragon Shiryu always puts his life on the line on every fight?
He fights to the last consequences, he would have die already if his adversary hadn't save him, or if he wasn't one of Athena's favorites..
Shiryu has a deathwish.
Even if he fight valiantly, there were moments when it seems like he would prefer to live quietly. Away from war and blood shed
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"Are you happy on the farm?"
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"Yes, master. This is the first time I feel happy to be alive since I was born"
This would explain why he is constantly willing to sacrifice himself. Why he always puts his life on the line: even if uncounciously, he may not want to be there. He is still a teen and he wants to retire.
And he dropped the saint/warrior stuff as soon as things seemed to be over. He didn't went back to the Santuary after Hades. He listened to Dohko's last wish and came back to China, and he planned to stay there
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Though we could argue he was acting this way because of Dohko, Shunrei, and even the child they found on the mountains, I cannot ignore this isn't the fist time he expressed his wish to live peacefully. The want of living a quiet life has always been on him, even later, when he follows Saori to the past, we get to see what his life could have been. The life his heart wanted
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But ultimately, he is a Saint of Athena.
He is a soldier, a warrior, and he must die as such.
It doesn't matter if he wants to be peacefully at a farm, it doesn't matter if he actually want to die at old age with a big family.
He can't. His fate was written on the stars and he must follow it.
This is a trope we often see on greek myths: people can't escape their destiny.
And saints of Athena can't either
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He calls his own heart unerved, he calls his own dreams vain!
He has been fighting even before he was fully conscious of the whole situation. He and his brothers never gotba chance to live a normal life... to just be kids.
And he is the next Libra. He will have a very specific role to play.
Watch over. Be a judge.
He may be tied to the Santuary for life...even a longer life that he is to have.
It would be ironic (and rather sad) if he, pretty much as his master) is asked to surivive everyone else.
He is to die on the battlefield, but who says that would be soon?
Just let these kids rest
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swisssadge · 3 years
Illogicalities in Saint Seiya
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Prepare for a longish post. n.n
But I guess I just need to get this out. Because some of these are just so god-awful frustrating.As much as I love Saint Seiya - some blaring logic mistakes just HURT. And it hurts because the original series could have been so much more if so incredibly much potential hadn’t been wasted. Not every bad writing or mistake is because it is a child of its time (80s anime and their damsels in distres *glances at Saori*). 
So, as you’ll unsurprisingly notice, most points are from the original series. Because the spin-offs don’t suffer from the same amount of logic mistakes and do quite a lot things waaay better. And should I find even more things during a rewatch - prepare for part 2. n.n I hope to hear your opinion on what I wrote, and whether you agree or not.
-        What is wrong with the people in Sanctuary? There are two instances I can remember right now: How totally racist they are in the classic saga, and how mean they were the Sisyphus in the gaiden, blaming him to only have received the Sagittarius Cloth because of his brother Ilias’s state as a hero. In the classic saga, I can kinda understand because Saga is at the helm. But in Lost Canvas, Sage is Pope. Why did any of the higher-ups allow such mean people enter the service and Sanctuary of Athena – goddess of wisdom and justice? WHY?! I mean, yeah, the soldiers and Saints are just humans, and humans make mistakes, but come on. They should be at least better than that. Else, I don’t think they deserve to even be in Sanctuary.
-        So, the ages… Saint Seiya really got a problem with those. Firstly, 10-year old Shura doesn’t look like 10-year old Shura in that flashback of his fight against Aiolos. Next, I have checked Marin’s age; she’s supposed to be 16 at the beginnig of the series. And she trained Seiya for 6 years…? Dammit, she does look even close to 10 in that flashback when Seiya was brought to her! Besides, she never has the air of a 16-year old in the entire series. And who in their right mind would make a 10-year old teacher to anybody? Then, even though I don’t like it, I have to mention the Crystal Saint. So, Camus is 20 in the anime. Firstly, the Crystal Saint looks so old, that he probably had been older than Camus when he had been his student. Shame we don’t have confirmation of his age. Anyways, I guess Camus must have been thirteen to fifteen at least when teaching him. Geez… what the hell is it with young kids teaching even younger kids? No wonder Sanctuary was crumbling.
-        Remember that episode in which the new gruesome training is shown, where people even die? It really questions the Gold Saints‘ intelligence, if they by then don’t wonder if something might be wrong in Sanctuary. And they don’t. It needs the real Athena and five Bronze Saints to open their eyes. -.- Who's high and mighty now, Shaka?
-        I really can’t believe none of the Bronze Saints knew of the existence of the Gold Saints. After all, Hyoga (yes, I ignore anime-only Crystal Saint, who may be a chill guy but who only complicates matters and throws logic out the window) and Shiryu were trained by two of them. I can’t imagine their teachers not telling them. Plus, Seiya trained in Sanctuary itself. He’s bound to know, especially considering his friendship with Aiolia. And even worse, do you remember that one or two instances in the anime in which is hinted not even the Gold Saints themselves knew of each other’s existence? How fake Pope Saga acts all surprised and stating in an asking tone that Aiolia is a Gold Saint. And all while freaking Milo is kneeling in front of him in his Gold Cloth. And even Milo acts surprised after the rest of the Gold Cloths are revealed. HOW??? Yeah, thanks for nothing, anime. At least the manga and the new Episode Zero confirm that the twelve Gold Saints grew up together and that they all earned their Cloths prior to Aiolos‘ death.
-        Seika and Marin. Seiya’s sister and mentor. There are some issues I have with how several people seemed to suspect Marin being really Seika. Firstly. When would Seika have had the time to become a fully-fledged Silver Saint? She wasn’t even training back in the Kido mansion. Plus, she was still at the Kido mansion the day Seiya was taken to Greece. Remember that scene where she runs after the car taking him away. Oh, not to forget that Seika apparently vanished ONE WHOLE YEAR after Seiya left for Greece. And Marin is already a Silver Saint by the time he arrives there. Seika would have needed to have been in two places at the same time. Also, if Seika was in Rodorio village the entire time: Shouldn’t Seiya have encountered her by chance in the course of several years? I can’t imagine she stayed inside all the time.
-        Uhm, in the Asgard arc, Shiryu got buried by the same avalanche as Fenrir. So why did Fenrir die and Shiryu not? Shiryu even was beaten up by his fight with Fenrir, while Fenrir didn’t even have a scratch!
-        Um… in Omega… why are there already children of five to seven years training WITH CLOTHS??? I don’t get it. I seriously don’t get it. Where did they get those Cloths from? I mean, I can understand Ryuho, having inherited it from his father Shiryu. But the others? That Lynx Saint friend of Ryuho’s? And weren’t there a little Yuna and a little Soma too – in their Cloths? WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GET THEM FROM??? I seriously cannot imagine any child already earning a Cloth! Seiya had to defeat ten opponents to get his (and was about thirteen at the time). Sisyphus had to land at least one blow against Lugonis wearing the Pisces Cloth, as was probably fifteen-ish to seventeen-ish at that time. So why are suddenly children running around in Cloths?! Isn’t it enough that it is already claimed that the Classic Gold Saints became Saints around the age of 7? Sheesh. I like the idea Teshirogi brought in Lost Canvas far more. Sisyphus was about fourteen or fifteen, maybe sixteen by the time he fought Lugonis for his Gold Cloth. And he was the first, meaning that Aspros and Hasgard were even a little older when they got their Cloths. I don’t get it… I simply don’t get it. Well, at least, in the flashback of his training with Aiolos, Aiolia didn’t seem to have earned the Leo Cloth, and he seems to be six to eight years old back then. Though, duh, it contradicts official statements.
-        While writing a fanfic, a strange notion occured to me… Seiya and Cassios were both living with their masters, Marin and Shaina, right? And female Saints are required to never show their faces to any male, right? So… how the hell did they eat? I mean, didn’t they eat together? Because to eat, Marin and Shaina would have to put away their masks. Did they eat first or did they wait until their students had finished? But even so, the cabin’s are small… Seiya and Cassios would have had to look away the entire time their masters were having their meal. Gee… I don’t get it at all. What a shitty image that they shouldn’t eat together. I mean, they do have a bond as masters and students. And eating is part of the package, especially if said master and student live in the same cabin.
-        So, in the manga all of the bronze boys are siblings, sons of Mitsumasa Kido. That would mean, Seika is his daughter too. And we know that Kido fathered all those children so that Athena would have Saints at her side. My question: Why did Seika never train? Her being a girl is no excuse to me, because, well, Shaina and Marin. Unless Mitsumasa couldn't bring himself to send girls too. Still… with one hundred children, there are bound to be girls too. And if only the boys were sent, then they used that number rather loosely. Because then there wouldn't have been 100 children attempting to earn Cloths, but perhaps like what, 90, 80, maybe even only 70 or 60? Unless he fathered waaaay more than 100 children and kept going until he had 100 boys. Which would be, frankly, disturbing.
-        So, why did Aiolos have to fight any of the normal guards of Sanctuary in the first place? Gold Saints are said to move at the speed of light. And that speed should not be hindered by the barrier over Sanctuary, which only prevents teleportation. So, technically, shouldn't Aiolos have been even well out of Sanctuary before the other Gold Saints had even been alerted?
-        So, how did Aphrodite and Shura in Episode Zero already know Aiolos was a traitor? None of the guards could have been able to reach Pisces or Capricorn before Aiolos. Deathmask I do understand – after all, Aiolos had to go through Aphrodite, Shura, and had to patch himself up in Sagittarius. But Aphrodite and Shura? It would make sense if Saga had sent a telepathic message, but: 1., wouldn't that have given his identity away? And 2.: We never see him doing it, only dispatch some guards. So to me, he never did it in the first place.
-        We learn from several sources, the latest one being Episode Zero, that Saga was sent on a mission to keep an eye on Poseidon and his activities. That he kinda vanished while doing that. But then he turns up on Star Hill to kill Shion. I ask – how? How was he able to get into Sanctuary without anyone seeing or noticing him? ESPECIALLY if he needed to cross the Twelve Houses. Yes, according to Episode Zero, most of the Gold Saints were absent on their special training. But come on. At least Shura would have been suspicious. Plus, how the hell did nobody notice the explosion of Cosmos when he killed Shion? Unless it is canon that he killed Shion with a punch through the chest. If not, then I don't believe nobody noticed.
-        How is it that after the Silver Saint arc, we see nobody train for any Cloth anymore? You should think that with so many Silvers gone, Athena would seek successors. I mean, the war against Hades was drawing close! How on earth did NOBODY think of stocking up their ranks? Not Athena, not the Gold Saints, not even freaking Dohko, who after Shion's passing should be the most experienced one of the bunch. Yes, yes, focus could have remained on the protagonists. But at least a little something? Like one of the Gold Saints traveling around, finding possible new recruits? Some of the Bronzes perhaps helping with training possible future Bronze Saints? Marin and Shaina spar with some Silver Saint trainees? Also, some unused constellations would have made for quite some interesting Cloths and abilities.
-        That said – even after all the arcs, at least a couple of other Saints should be alive to fight against Hades and its forces. Right? So why are the only ones we see the ten Bronzes, the Gold Saints, Marin and Shaina? The only answer would implicate Shion has done a real bad job at maintaining Sanctuary, if after all the deaths in the Silver Saint arc, major part of its fighting force is gone.
-        And… h-how the hell is Hyoga DRIVING A FREAKING CAR?! At his age?!
 P.S.: I think the two most painful points for me are the one with Seika, how she absolutely cannot be Marin, but people still think she might be, and the one where the existence of the rest of the Gold Saints is revealed as this big secret, when it should be known by everyone. Those two blunders... they just hurt. They really do.
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
What about the 17th century Gold saints if they come back to life and see the world and everything that they know change? And what they will react and meet to the classic 20th gold saints?
I’m so sorry for taking so long to answer this, I’m having a ton of issues and cannot concentrate on long posts. I’m also sorry about any mistakes you may find in this, I kept forgetting what I was writing and how I was writing it. Stress is a beast.
Also... I assume you meant TLC or ND, but that XVII century throws me off. Maybe you meant XVIII? I panicked and double checked, and there’s no XVII century Saints side from the XVII century alterative (aka Sage, if the internet is not betraying me, I’m not good with dates). I went with TLC.
First of all, they will ask themselves “where the hell are Shion and Dohko?!”, because obviously they will be missing. Since, you know, they didn’t die back then. And... the premise is: everyone’s back to life. The only moment in time where the Golds were almost all together as adults was during the Sanctuary Battle, and half of them died in 12 hours. Before that, with Pope Ares being a tyrant and half the Sanctuary being empty, doesn’t work. Shion is a bit of a problem, so there’s two options: either his old friends get traumatized again upon knowing he was assassinated, or traumatized again because they learn he became a Specter (kinda). Or both. Pretty sure that at least one of them, if Shion presents himself wearing a Surplice, will instinctively punch him. They don’t even realize it’s him, they just see the Surplice and all their fight or flight responses light up more than a beacon. And then they’ll be traumatized again upon learning Shion was Pope before dying.
Dohko... well, how would you react upon discovering one of your companions didn’t die, but stayed alive and well thanks to Athena’s misopethamenos? Minus the accidental punching, obviously.
Anyway, once they finally get over that shock, it’s time for them to check out the world and the other Saints. And of course, they start from the beginning.
Aries Temple At least a couple of them will mention how Mu resembles Atla (same thing I did when I saw the kid, after all). Then, they will ask about his master, because obviously he’s Shion’s successor, so bring in another shock. Mu is Shion’s disciple. Great. They keep getting showered with Shion knowledge without even searching for it, and every single piece of information is a punch in the gut. They will leave with a dumbfounded expression on their faces, onward to the next temple.
Taurus Temple Rasgado will be absolutely jealous of Aldebaran’s name. He gets to have it since birth, who wouldn’t be jealous of that? They immediately bond, though. They’re both good-hearted people, after all, even if ready to wreck everything if they need to. Manigoldo really likes his sense of humor.
Gemini Temple Now, for this I’m in bit of a pickle. I don’t know if Aspros and Defteros are both there, if there’s only one of them, I don’t know. The fact the both Saga and Kanon have been the Gemini Saint doesn’t help either. Let’s say this. If they meet Saga, they will like him as a Saint. Powerful extremely skilled, with a great mind? All of them are going to appreciate such a man. And then, they learn about him as a tyrant, and collectively take a step back. If they meet Kanon, Athena please help them. Someone will try to punch him. Kanon will trap them in his labyrinth because there’s no way he’s going to let Aspros pass without testing him (I know, poor Aspros, but I love doing this to him). He’s going to bond with Kardia, though. They can both brag about how they defeated Rhadamanthys, even though Kanon will emphasize that he actually killed him.
Cancer Temple Please, someone take Manigoldo away from this wretched place. As soon as they step in, Manigoldo will either faint from shock upon hearing all those distressed laments, or try to kick Deathmask in the jewels for keeping innocents as trophies. There’s no way the whole ordeal could end well.
Leo Temple Immediately after seeing Regulus, Aiolia will pat him on the head. No one can resist Regulus, not even him, I won’t change my mind. And then onward to more serious stuff. Precisely, Aiolia will talk with all of them, to make sure they’re actually the real Gold Saints, and there’s a high probability he’s going to ask for a fight just to be even more sure. Just like he did with Athena, back then.
Virgo Temple Remember when I told you that Shaka, in my humble opinion, is the most powerful Gold Saint of his generation? Close to the gods? Well, at least a couple of them will hesitate before stepping inside his temple, because his cosmo is terrifying. Asmita, though... he’s curious. He’s going to step in and stand in front of Shaka, comparing his cosmo to his own, trying to understand him. Of course, as soon as he learn that his eyes are closed, Asmita will ask if he’s blind or just chose to keep them shut. They’re probably going to have the longest conversation of the group, both yearning to learn about how the other uses his cosmo and fights. And, Shaka uses that time to test them, again, because he needs to protect Athena and the best way to do that is to be careful. Libra Temple They met Dohko before reaching it. I didn’t specify it at the beginning of the post.
Scorpio Temple Milo and Kardia? Oh boy, someone’s getting hurt. Kardia, being the reckless fighter he is, will definitely want to fight his successor. Just to see how different they are. Cue Degél being forced to stop him because “there’s no way I’m going to drag your sorry ass when your heart catches fire”, and Milo watching as his “older” counterpart gets frozen in place. Though, he will tell Kardia how amusing the coincidence of both of them being close to an Aquarius is (friendship, love, whatever you want, these two are close).
Sagittarius Temple Right after meeting each other, how long do you think it’ll take for Aiolos and Sisyphus to start talking about their family? To brag about how much they love their lions? Don’t get Aiolos wrong, though. He is going to be the hardest Gold Saint to convince. He has to make sure they’re not there to hurt Athena, even if he trusts his companions. They will read his testament, and most of them will finally realize how painful and horrible those years of tyranny were for the Sanctuary. They will think about how Shion made the Sanctuary a livable place, and how Ares destroyed everything and betrayed everyone. Sisyphus will be the most shocked of the group, thinking back to when he took Sasha away from his family because Athena was more important, seeing himself both similar to Aiolos and completely different. It ends with a melacholic feeling permeating all the past Saints.
Capricorn Temple El Cid and Shura talking about their Excalibur is the first thing that happens. Who has the best sword? They keep arguing about it (El Cid more calmly) until Sisyphus intervenes. As soon as he learn the Shura gave Excalibus to a Bronze Saint, though, El Cid almost loses his cool. The encounter goes on without other accidents, luckily, so the Gold Saints can pass.
Aquarius Temple Degél and Kardia, thanks to what Milo told them at his temple, will try to understand what kind of person is Camus. Only to be confused and surprised at how a cold and calm man like him could actively be close to someone like Milo. Of course, right after they realize it’s the same situation they live in, so everyone moves on to more serious stuff, aka Degél trying to understand what happened in their Holy War, since learning from Saga wasn’t an option and Deathmask risked getting knocked out of existence by Manigoldo.  Obviously, the Golds of the past are even more horrified to know that, aside from Shion, five more Gold Saints chose to betray Athena, even if they didn’t really stand by Hades’ side. Sisyphus especially, since he actually experienced what was like being covered by a Surplice (I loved that scene, I have to pay homage to it).  They also learn about the Athena Exclamation used to kill one of their companions, though Camus avoids telling them of the second time they used it. After this, once the shock subsided, it’s time for the last temple. 
Pisces Temple The very first thing Albafica will do when stepping in that temple is ask Aphrodite how he manages to live the life of a Pisces Saint. There’s two possible options for this: the more canon approach, where Aphrodite doesn’t have poisonous blood, so the answer Albafica receives cannot be applied to his experience; my own approach, where Aphrodite was born with poisonous blood, and he can tell Albafica that it’s not as dangerous for other people as it might seem to him, because the problem resides in his blood, not in his general person.  On a more general note, Albafica will have a good conversation with him and will actually approach him, since they’re both Pisces Saints. His companions leave him be, because it’s the first time that Albafica gets that close to someone without feeling on edge, and even though they end up feeling a bit ill upon knowing Aphrodite was one of the real traitors of Athena in the past, they’ll leave with no incidents happening. 
I know this is a way more generic approach to the topic compared to what I would actually write, but I don’t have a clear mind at the moment and it’s difficult for me to concentrate too much on sigle characters and situations.  Also, there is one main issue with these Saints coming back to life that I didn’t tackle: how their mentality is out of place in a way more modern time like the XX century.  This is too difficult for me to elaborate now, especially with a serious approach (I often see the TLC Saints being thrown into the XX or XXI century with a comedic intent, instead of a serious one, so I don’t know how other people deal with the issue), so I avoided it.  Another problem is how Dohko and Shion would react to them. For the TLC Saints is not that big of a deal, they died back then, but Shion and Dohko survived. They outlived them, they saw them die. I made it sound really simple in this post, but I believe this kind of emotions cannot be easily summed up in a couple sentences.  And there’s the fact that some of the classic Golds betrayed Athena, a very heavy topic for a Gold Saint. Again, I made it sound simple, from Ares to the Holy War, but in reality this would take a much bigger toll on past Saints coming back. How would you react upon knowing that your successors, the people you hoped were going to protect Athena after your death, not only didn’t follow that path but also tried to kill her? It would take some time for them to understand how those Saints got a redemption. 
Again, I’m sorry for the terrible amount of time that passed since you asked me this, dear anon. I always answer asks, but sometimes I don’t have time to do so as soon as I get them.  I hope you found this at least a bit interesting, and I hope I didn’t misinterpret what you asked me. 
Have a good day, guys!
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landofanimes · 7 months
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Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac
Icons: Gold Saints
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straykidsnerd255 · 4 years
I don’t know if you do parent head canon but I would ask for saint Seiya gold saint(classic + lost canvas) like how would they treat their children[ it’s okay if you don’t want to do them all]
Hello! I will gladly do them all! I am sorry this came out so freakin late! This is going to be a long one. I for sure do and I will do all of them because they need the love. 
Ares Mu- He would be more of a strict but loving father. He would understand when you wanted to go hang out with your friends but also reminds you that you have a test you need to study for if you want to become a proper saint of Athena one day. You inherit the Ares cloth after your father. He would be so proud of you and show you off so the world and can see that you became the next ares saint.
Taurus Aldeberan- He honestly would be a father that made you laugh no matter what you did. Oh, you ditched practice to hang out with your friends? Don’t worry. I did the same thing too. Would 10/10 fight anyone that said you would never become a saint. Graduating and having the Taurus cloth become your cloth. He would be the most ecstatic parent there ever was. He would be screaming out, “THAT’S MY DAUGHTER!! THAT’S MY BABY GIRL”
Gemini Saga- You have your uncle Kannon’s personality and mischievous nature. Saga wouldn’t be too pleased but, you are his daughter and he loves you more than life itself. People have come to him and told him that you would never become a saint. He would just stare them down with a pissed off look. You would prove everyone wrong when you became the next Gemini saint. Saga and his brother would be so happy and impressed with you.
Cancer DeathMask- this man would give you his armor for you to try on. People would make fun of you everytime you two would go outside so he could teach you how to use your power while wearing the gold armor. He would most likely let you burn them alive. He would be so proud of you for becoming the next Cancer gold saint. He would be the one parent that throws a massive party for you becoming the gold saint.
Leo Aioloa-He would honest to goodness fight anyone that said you couldn’t become the next Gold Saint Leo. He would be pissed when they said that girls couldn’t be gold saints. You're his daughter and he was planning to train you to become the next Gold Saint Leo. He loved the idea of his old daughter becoming a great warrior to Athena. The day when the gold armor of Leo would choose the next saint was the greatest day of his life. When the armor opened and appeared on you, he couldn’t help but run over to you and wrap you in a hug with his brother. “I am so proud of my baby girl. You did it!” He said kissing your forehead. “Thanks dad.” 
Virgo Shaka- This man. ThIS man!! He would down right scare anyone if he found out that they were dissing on his daughter. He would at first, calmly tell them that you were to become the next Virgo saint, but they just laughed saying that girls couldn’t become saints. Next thing they knew, your father, and everyone at Sanctuary would be standing over them with furious looks. They would apologies and run away. Shaka had been caring for you since the minute his wife died while giving birth to you. He opened his eyes to watch you receive the Virgo cloth and shed a small tear as you smiled brightly.
Libra Dohko- He was the only one that could joke around with you. He was your father after all. He always wanted to see a bright smile on your face. Even if that meant he had to let you grow up. He would stand proud with the rest of the Gold Saints as Athena presented the Libra cloth to you. You excitedly reached your hand out towards the cloth. She smiled when it broke apart and was found on her body in the blink of an eye. Dohko was over by hugging you and laughing loudly as the cloth chose you.
Scorpio Milo- He would be very similar to Dohko. He would joke around with you and be the only one that could joke around. You knew that he was waiting to see who the Scorpio cloth would choose. He was proud and ecstatic when the cloth appeared on your body. He could help but jump around screaming and cheering and laughing when the cloth chose you. Athena smiled and knighted you the Scorpio knight in place of your father Milo.
Sagittarius Aiolos- This man. He would be the most humble. He would train you day in and day out. Helping you master the ways of the Gold Saints. He would teach you how to use a bow and arrow as that is the special weapon the Sagittarius saint uses in battle. Would be the most loving parents and would cherish the last moments of training the most. He would be waiting with the other saints as the Sagittarius cloth was awarded to you.
Capricorn Shura- He would be silent unless provoked. You were the only person, other than the Gold Saints and Athena that ever heard his voice. He would be very intimidating to the other contestants for the Capricorn Cloth. When you were declared the victor, he would sit there and smile. You were told that you could wear the cloth to show it off. When you did just that, you were happy when the armor was fit to your body.
Aquarius Camus- Like Shura, he didn’t really show any emotion. He would silently judge and watch you as you trained. He would point out the small things that you missed and would show you the correct way of doing that said thing. The day came when the pope chose the person to succeed the Gold Saint Aquarius and Camus was practically praying that you were the person to win his cloth. When the pope announced your name and read off the Aquarius Cloth Camus was brought to tears. You, his baby daughter, was going to follow in his footsteps.
Pisces Aphrodite- Sparkle. That’s all he wants you to do. With your cosmos, he has no doubt that you will get his cloth. When he’s in the middle of training you, a group of kids walk by laughing and saying that you would never get the Pisces cloth, Aphrodite sends a wave of flowers and roses around them. He tells them that if they ever say that again, he won’t hesitate to give them a nightmare for the rest of their life. You ended up gaining the Pisces Cloth.
Lost Canvas-
Ares Shion- There is nothing more that he wants then to see you carry on his legacy. He has trained you and has given you so much knowledge. He was a good father, but he sometimes got carried away when it came to training. You never complained as you wanted to succeed your father as well. The day when you became the new Ares Gold Saint was the best day for both you and your dad.
Taurus Rasgado- Much like Aldeberan, he would be cheering and chanting and screaming your name when you were listed as the new Taurus saint. He would stand up clapping loudly and cheering your name making you become embarrassed, but nonetheless happy. You wore his cloth like he did. You wear it with pride and dignity. The helmet sat on your head and the sun shone off it like a mirror. You smiled brightly and threw your fist in the air.
Gemini Defteros- You loved your father. There was no doubting that. He even promised to train you to inherit the cloth of Gemini. “Your foot is a little off. Make sure it points towards your enemy or to the side of your enemy.” Everything that he taught you, you took to heart and practiced non stop. He would watch you practice everyday to make sure the footing and punches were right. “Congrats. You are the new Gemini Gold Saint, Y/n.” The pope said as the cloth found its way onto her. Defteros couldn’t have been any happier then he was then.
Cancer Manigoldo- Jokes everywhere. He would be training you and when things got too serious, he would crack a joke and cause both of you to collapse in a fit of laughter. When it was time for the world to choose the next Cancer saint, he would be by your side holding your hand and waiting for your name to be said. He wanted his daughter to be the next Cancer saint. He wanted to pass down that power to you.
Leo Regulus-  He has a heart of gold. It was already proven that you were going to be the next Leo Saint and everyone knew this. He was such a pure man and it transferred to you when you were born. Athena and the pope knew just from looking at you that you would be the next Gold Saint Leo. When the day came to announce the new saints, your name was called for the leo cloth. Regulus had never screamed as loud as he did in his life.
Virgo Asmita- He was a schedule oriented man. He had you on a training schedule and you always followed that. When the day of the trials began, he hugged you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Do your best. Do everything that we trained during those ten months. Show them who you are the daughter of.” He said. He opened his eyes to get a good look at his daughter before grinning. “You got this honey.” He said. A grin crossed his face when your name was called for the Virgo cloth.
Libra Dohko-He was the only one that could joke around with you. He was your father after all. He always wanted to see a bright smile on your face. Even if that meant he had to let you grow up. He would stand proud with the rest of the Gold Saints as Athena presented the Libra cloth to you. You excitedly reached your hand out towards the cloth. She smiled when it broke apart and was found on her body in the blink of an eye. Dohko was over by hugging you and laughing loudly as the cloth chose you.
Scorpio Kardia- He. Would. Hurt. Everyone. He is very protective over you and he loves you to pieces. She is his baby. She was the only person that he  had left and he was bound to keep her by him. He trained her and taught her everything he knew. This was the only real time the other saints ever saw him. When the day finally came to see who would take over the Scorpio Gold Saint cloth and house. When her name was said, he was practically screaming happily.
Sagittarius Sisyphus- You were trying on his armor when he walked in. “Y/n. What are you doing?” He asked. You had always believed that you would be like your dad when you got older and had a lot of training. “I just wanted to try on your armor dad.” you said. The day came when you were announced as the new Sagittarius saint. A bright smile covered her face when the armor was fitted to her figure. Sisyphus was a ball of sunshine when his daughter became the next Sagittarius saint. 
Capricorn El Cid- He was proud. He was honestly proud. He had a daughter that he was training to be the next Capricorn saint and all that El Cid could do was hope that you would be the one chosen to be the next saint. He stood at the front of his house and a smile covered his face when he saw you master everything that he had taught you. When the day came, El Cid wasn’t able to calm down. Athena walked towards Y/n and gave her a bright smile. “You are the next Capricorn Gold Saint.” She said. El Cid couldn’t help but scream and cheer for his daughter.
Aquarius Degel- This man is all about teaching you the proper way of training and things. You had wanted to make your dad happy by becoming the next Aquarius Gold Saint. You trained and trained all day and every day. When the day came to announce the next gold saints to be announced, you waited anxiously when Athena got to Aquarius. “The new Aquarius saint will be, Y/n, Daughter of Aquarius Degel.” Athena said smiling at her. You couldn’t help but sit excitedly. Degel was watching and smiled softly when his daughter was called to be the new Aquarius saint.
Pisces Albafica-  He was a silent man to begin with. You however were loud, outgoing and super kind. Albafica never admitted to it, but he loved it when you would go and annoy all the other saints. Granted, Manigold and Regulus were always on the same page with you. You three would annoy anyone you could find. When you were announced as the next Pisces saint, you couldn’t help but tell your dad everything. He was honestly the proudest dad that he was ever.
Hope you enjoyed this! It took so long to figure everything out!
#Saint Seiya  #Lost Canvas  #Original  #Requested
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agirlisnow · 4 years
How he would kiss you – Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas
Aries Shion – Kiss All Over Your Face
The Aries Saint is a calm and reserved person and, when he is with you, he would be delicate even in his kisses. He would start to kiss your forehead, holding you gently, then he would lean a couple of kisses on your cheeks. He would finally rest his lips all over your face to make you feel how much he cares for you.
Average kisser, his fondness would make up for his lacks.
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Cancer Manigoldo – Lower Lip Kiss
Even if he would not admit it, Manigoldo needs to be loved and the way he kisses you tells this very well. In fact, between very erotic and seductive kisses, typical of a ladies' man like him, he tends to indulge in sucking and nibbling your lower lip. A very intimate kiss which shows his attachment to his lover.
Probably the best kisser ever existed.
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Leo Regulus – Eskimo Kiss
Tender and lovely, the eskimo kiss is the sign of affection Regulus usually shares with you. Anyway, with his nose so close to yours, he would take advantage to timidly lean his lips to yours. Of course there are pecks and small kisses as well, but being just 15 years old, he's not so confident with that.
Not a really good kisser but he's young. He will get better.
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Libra Dohko – Teasing Kiss
Dohko likes to kiss you all over your body, teasing you with his soft lips on your delicate skin. The sound of your lough would just make him the happiest man alive, and he would linger in your most sensitive spot to give you such a great pleasure.
His skills as a kisser are average, but his self-giving makes him a really good lover.
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Scorpio Kardia – Biting and Kissing
A simple kiss would not satisfy Kardia, who needs to kiss you deeply and then wander your face, neck and shoulders with his mouth. He loves to nibble your cheek and the soft spot on the side of your neck, leaving a red mark which states his property.
A very skilled kisser, instinctive and passional.
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Capricorn El Cid – French Kiss
The cool tempered warrior, with his loved one, El Cid is a surprisingly skilled kisser. Actually, kissing is the easiest way for him to express his emotions towards you, maybe because words are not needed. He uses his tongue with mastery, making you feel like no one else ever did.
The master of french kisses, no need to add more.
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Aquarius Degel – Kiss on the Neck
Taking you in his arms and leaning his lips on your neck from behind you. Degel usually do this for two specific reasons: he knows this is an erogenous zone and he loves to hear you moan. Also, this particular spot consents him to get lost in your sweet scent.
A good kisser, not in public.
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Pisces Albafica – Lingering Kiss
Albafica allows himself to be intimate with you less than he would like. For this reason, when he does, he wants to feel every istant or gesture you two share. His kisses would be lingering, he would take his time testing your lips before going any further.
He would be a good kisser if he didn't hold back so much because of his fear to hurt you.
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🌸 Thank you for reading 🌸
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jennydevic · 4 years
Soul of Stupidity 2.2: How Dohko lost his groove and Aldebaran always had his, but no one ever noticed #Taurus Saint Appreciation Week
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Aldebaran: I can’t believe this cosmos! Why, it can belong to no other than Old Master Dohko!
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A selfless Saint who dedicated over two hundred years guarding a waterfall to ensure that many generations could live in peace and harmony.
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Aldebaran: Old Master Dohko! It is I, Saint Aldebaran of Taurus! Hurry, we must stop Greatest Eclipse!
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Dohko: Oh that? Eh, no worries. Want to go drinking?
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Aldebaran: Old Master, why aren’t you even concerned about Hades trying to conquer the world again?
Dohko: Oh what’s the worst that can happen?
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Aldebaran: He killed nearly all of your friends in the last battle.
Dohko: Yeah, that’s true and normally I would care, but as the wise ancient chinese phrase goes: Next Dimension bù mài. Cùjìn Asgard zhēngqǔ gèng duō de shōurù.
Which Google translates to: Next Dimension Myth Cloths doesn't sell. Promote Asgard for more money instead.
Besides, who do you think people will buy more of? God Cloth Aiolos or Sagittarius Gestalt, you know, the one who was tricked into thinking he was half-horse?
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Aldebaran: Alright, but even if you ignore the past, don’t you think us coming back from the dead is very suspicious? 
Aldebaran’s actual dialogue: We, the Gold Saints, perished in the Underworld, yet were revived here in Asgard. It’s clearly at someone’s will. Someone is playing with our lives here.
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Dohko: Mysteriously revived by another deity? Oh come on, what’s the worst that could happen.
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Saga: We’re back bitches!
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Dohko: Oh yeah… I forgot about that.
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Aldebaran’s actual dialogue: Aren’t you infuriated? We only work at Athena’s will. And yet a Saint like you lounging in a place like this?
Dohko: But things are great over here! I can drink and fight and I’ve never felt as alive as I do now!
Aldebaran: But what about the others outside of Asgard?
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Shunrei: Oh my goodness! What is wrong with the sun?
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Shiryu: Where the hell am I?
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Athena: Uggh, this sucks.
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Dohko: Eh, they’re all important characters. The plot armor will save them. You need to relax, big guy. 
Aldebaran: But you’re acting very out of character!
Dohko: I know, but don’t worry. This is the third Saint Seiya series I was in. As long as there is a villain that’s a bigger dick than I, the viewers won’t notice.
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Hercules: MWHA HA HA! COME OUT GOLD SAINTS! I am Hercules of Tanngsnir! I am here to kill you two and I am willing to hurt innocent women and little orphan children to do so!
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Dohko: Jackpot!
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Dohko: Alright big guy, you’re up!
Aldebaran: Me? But I can’t fight! Athena doesn’t allow personal battles.
Dohko: Look, I already fought a bunch of personal battles already and my armor didn’t abandon me. Trust me, if you do this, it’s cool man. 
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Aldebaran: Fine, I’ll put on my Cloth, but because this is a personal battle, for the sake of Athena’s honor, I will not fight.
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Hercules: Ha! If you are just going to stand there, I will make you fight!
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Aldebaran: By the Goddess! He’s attacking the crowd! Dohko! You’re in the stands with them! Stop standing around and use your light speed and rescue all of those people!
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Dohko: Sorry big guy, but you have to prove to the audience that you are really powerful.
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Aldebaran: I don’t care about showing off! There are innocent orphan children there! If you are a true Saint, you know what to do.
Dohko: Okay fine. Since I am a Saint...
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Dohko:...kids, if you outrun the nuclear blast, I’ll consider you worthy and you can come train with me on the five peaks of China. 
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Aldebaran: DOHKO!?!
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Dohko: I’m joking. I think the writers screwed up my character in this episode. But they got you down pretty well, big guy. You’re a true and underrated Saint so show them your stuff for #Taurus Saint Appreciation Week.
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Aldebaran: That’s right! GREAT HORN!!!!!
Hercules: Ahhhh, run away!!!!!
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Aldebaran: Ah, finally, a battle where I don’t get my ass kicked or lose to some metro-sexual flute player. Okay Dohko, where should we go next?
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Dohko: Hmm, that tree looks pretty evil in the distance. 
Aldebaran: Goddess, it’s like a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion!
Dohko: I agree. Hey Aldebaran, what are you thinking about?
Aldebaran: It’s your character. I was reading the script and was thinking that maybe they switched you and Deathmask’s plot lines.
Dohko: How so?
Aldebaran: Shouldn’t Deathmask be the one who was fighting in an Arena, drinking all the time, not caring about Athena or anything due to losing his Cloth, while you would be the one caring for little orphans, playing cards and donating your winnings, and falling in love with a kind woman after missing out on that part of your life as a hermit for two hundred years?
Dohko: Aldebaran….stop making sense.
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