filminghere · 4 months
15 People, 15 Questions
Tagged by @norashelley. Thank you so much for the tag, Rose! I won't tag 15 people, but anyone who wants to do this, please feel free! I'll tag @sonnet77 @glamourofyesteryear @ladybegood @audreytotter @valsemelancolique @summers-in-hollywood and @oldhollywoodholla
1. Are you named after anyone?
Technically, the Biblical figure (mother of John the Baptist & cousin of Mary, the mother of Christ).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today while I was reading! I cry very easily when I watch movies/videos, read books, hear touching stories, etc. Today though, I cried for a very odd reason (I didn't cry because something in the story touched me, which is usually why I cry while reading a book; I actually cried because I related too hard to the protag).
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did a lot of sports during elementary school that I was bad at lol. I was never good at anything athletic. The sports I did the longest were swimming and tae kwon do (was at least able to get a first degree black belt before quitting).
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm, not too often, I don't think. My problem is that I'm too honest/blunt; I don't have the wit to be able to use sarcasm 😅.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their face. And the thing I notice first about their face is their nose. I focus a lot on nose shapes lol.
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark, dark, dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings 100%!!! I'm not scared of scary movies, but I really don't enjoy them.
9. Any talents?
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital in the United States of America haha
11. What are your hobbies?
Watching movies, reading books, writing, video editing
12. Do you have any pets?
No. I had two Zebra finches until pretty recently, but then one of them died, and I didn't want to get another finch (Zebra finches shouldn't be alone). We actually had gotten another finch after one died a few years back, and I didn't want to be in an endless cycle of getting a new finch every time one of them died. It was too emotionally taxing, and honestly, I don't think I'm a very good pet owner. I don't think I'm someone who personally wants to put in the time and care you should put into raising pets, so we gave the living finch away to a woman who owns several Zebra finches. And to be clear, it's not that we bought the birds and regretted them! They were given to my family because the original owner just had too many birds. I liked them a lot and wish I could've done more for them; I didn't really put serious care into them until later on, and I regret that a lot now. But the living finch is doing well in his new home now.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Literature. I did not have the capacity to pay attention during any class except in lit class because I enjoy reading and talking about books.
15. Dream job?
As of now, it's to be a children's novelist-illustrator (I don't want to say a writer-illustrator because I think that gives the impression that I want to write picture books, but I actually want to write middle grade novels with illustrations in them 😂). I finished a manuscript for a book a few months back, but it's taking me FOREVER to do the illustration part. So who knows when I'll actually finish it and if I'll actually be able to put it out...
Unrealistically, I really want to be a criminal investigator, but I don't think I have any of the skills needed for that kind of a job. And I know most criminal investigators start out as cops, and I know I don't have the skills to be a cop lol.
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norashelley · 4 months
15 People, 15 Questions
I was tagged by @oftwodarkmoons, thanks so much! This is long and I don't want to make people read it if they don't feel like it so I'll tag people first and put the rest under a read more! So if you feel like doing this I will tag - @murderballadeer @grusinskayas @chantalstacys @maudeboggins @jwclapton @emmybrown @nitrateglow @filminghere @oldhollywoodholla @joanleslies @valancystirling48 @ritahayworrth @patdevilles @gayworths @audreytotter
1. Are you named after anyone?
Although it's my grandma's middle name I was actually just named after a flower as were my other sisters.
2. When was the last time you cried? with physical tears? it's been a few years. my eye's are no longer capable of making tears. I cry internally at least once a week though.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Never had any opportunities to play any but I always pretended to play sports, I won so many gold medals in various sports, figure and speed skating, gymnastics, track, and hockey, and the baseball world series, it was great! All the imagined glory, none of the stress!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
With my family, we all use sarcasm very heavily. I had to train myself to hold back with other people when I realized it was upsetting some of my friends who didn't get/like sarcasm. Now I wont use it at all unless I am sure we have a mutual understanding and enjoyment of it.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
In person I will notice hair first, that's usually the thing I focus on with people most since I have hard time looking into faces.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Between the 2, happy endings. I'm scared enough in real life I don't need to add to it, though half the time scary movies I've sen aren't scary and just bore me. Although some movies I've liked are in the scary movie genre but they have good characters and plots and story development and are just kind of spooky, not scary.
9. Any talents?
Not really. I can do some pretty fancy whistling but that's a pretty pointless talent.
10. Where were you born?
In a tiny back room in my grandma's house.
11. What are your hobbies?
consuming media I suppose, movies and music mostly. I also enjoy spending time in nature and taking photos when I can.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have 3 cats now, only had 2 until recently when my neighbors moved and left their cat behind, had to save him from starving to death and dying of an infected wound he had so now he just lives with me.
13. How tall are you?
5'4, most average height ever.
14. Favorite subject in school?
History/literature, basically I just loved to read anything historical but I didn't like having to write about it. I'm only good at intake not output.
15. Dream job?
I don't even have one anymore... in a different life I would have liked to do cartoon voice acting or a food reviewer or something involving driving but those aren't things I could do now so I need to create some new dreams I suppose!
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hi! i'm looking for more old hollywood blogs to follow and was wondering if you have any blog recommendations? (also do you have any OH or vintage sideblogs? i have a vague memory, but i think i might be confusing your blog with someone else but thought i'd ask haha) thank you and hope you have a great day! <3
hello! yes, i do happened to have sideblogs @rosepastrie (baby pink girly girl aesthetic), @worldclassicfilm (non hollywood old films), @oh-previous-century (20th century until the early 2000s pop culture), @mossybagel (cottagecore) & @waterquor (watercore i.e. lakes and waterfalls).
i have tons of old movies (hollywood mostly) blogs that i would love to recommend...a few of these i don't follow but know that they exist. so here ya go!
@normajeanebaker @ritahayworrth @ladyoftheharbour @classicfilmblr @classicfilmsource @auldcine @olivethomas @oldhollywoodholla @marypickfords @nitratediva @littlehorrorshop @gretagarbos @celebratetheclassics @filmhistories @filmicgreyscale @thedabara @olive-thomas @jeanne-crains @saisonciel
thank you ♡
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ritahayworrth · 3 years
thank you so much, paige!!!!!! 😘🥰
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murderballadeer · 3 years
☕️ + whatever’s been on your mind lately
i think (good) country music as a genre functionally died in 2003 when the chicks were shamed out of the industry for criticizing the government. i don’t think that’s what killed the genre, but i do think it’s  a good place to pinpoint the end. basically i think the kind of rabid patriotism that went mainstream post-9/11 kind of contributed to it, bc people became really resistant to any kind of criticism of the government or the us as a whole. i mean, in earlier decades there are a few examples of country artists criticizing whichever administration was in power at the time and none of them were forced to switch genres. and that worldview bled into the music itself and now it basically sucks bc there’s way too much flag waving. also 2003 is kind of a good place to symbolically say country died bc johnny cash died that year and he was such a legend in the genre. also i was born in 2003 so maybe i killed country, who knows. 
( send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it)
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grusinskayas · 3 years
M, A, R, I?
M. a sequel you like better than the original: uuhhh i don’t think there is one.
A. a movie you think is underrated: mad love! it’s a 30s horror film with frances drake and peter lorre, it’s so good and creepy and i haven’t seen many people talking about it.
R. a movie you want to see an all-female version of: village of the damned maybe? like i really love the film but it’s funny if you think about it because the story centers around pregnancy and the children that come from those pregnancies but the characters that solve stuff and make decisions are all men lmao.
I. one movie you love from each continent: answered!
thank you! 💕
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buddyhollyscurls · 5 years
M, A, R, I, A?
Marlon Brando: Do you wear hats? - Hmm when it’s cold I love to wear beanies and knit caps does that count?
Audrey Hepburn: Have you ever gone hunting? - No and I don’t think I could. I have a hard time even killing bugs when I see them 
Rita Hayworth: What color is your hair? - Dark Brown 
Ingrid Bergman: What is your favorite flower? - Sunflowers! 
A is already answered so I’ll add in Z :)
ZaSu Pitts: Are you funny? - Well sometimes I say things and ppl laugh after lol and I have been called that so sure! I’ll say I’m funny haha
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genelizatierney · 5 years
5: most overrated old hollywood actor/actress
Omg Right for the jugular 😂
I might get shit for this but Ingrid Bergman 😬 I don’t dislike her or anything, I’m mostly impartial, but I just... don’t see “it” in her performances. She’s not bad, not by a long shot, or perhaps I’m in need of repeated viewings and more of her films but so far, 🤷🏼‍♀️
Thank you! ♥
old hollywood asks!
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godmerlin · 5 years
Top 5 Sebastian Stan roles that’s aren’t Bucky 👀
Good one!!! I think this will change when I see some of the ones I'm waiting to see buuuut
Jeff in I Tonya
Chris in Destroyer
Lance Tucker in the Bronze
Charles Blackwood in we have always lived in the castle
TJ Hammond in Political Animals
That was hard to order not sure if it's the proper order but those 5 for sure!
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avasgal · 5 years
T, O, N, I?
Awe I see what you did there 😊
t – time you woke up 
It was 8:30am. I have no control when I get up even on weekends lmao.
o – one wish
Hmm just because I was talking to a friend about this a little while ago, I wish I could give my love to someone special that I have feelings for. I have so much love to give that it sometimes can make me sad that I am not able to give it to someone.
n – number of siblings 
I have three older siblings. Two brothers and a sister. My eldest sibling and I are just six years apart and we’re all really close. My sister is closest in age being two years older.
i – in love with 
This could be taken in different directions. If we’re talking about people, I have been sorta in love with this girl at my college, but things aren’t looking in my favor in that situation. It’s a long story. But there is this other girl that I have a really big crush on recently and I found out she likes girls, but I also found out she has a girlfriend. I don’t find most girls captivating and what I’m looking for, but yeah I hope things will work out in the end whether I am with her or someone else really dope :) As for other things I am in love with: dogs (omg my heart dies for dogs), Ava Gardner (and a few other actresses), music (if anyone wants, send me a dm and we can be friends on Spotify), and many other things.
Thanks so much!!!
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theblasianbarbie · 5 years
oldhollywoodholla replied to your post: i really am a little person like taller ppl always...
What’s crazy is people will comment at how short you are like you’re not aware it smh “OMG YOU’RE SO SMOL! YOUR HANDS AND FEET ARE TINY!!” like bitch I know now either be an ally and reach this top shelf for me or shut up
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olivethomas · 5 years
Who are actors you wish had worked together?
Judy Holliday with Cary Grant. I just want Judy Holliday and a longer career. Judy Holiday w/ everyone
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norashelley · 7 months
I've been tagged by @jwclapton, thanks so much!
Last song: Sans contrefaçon - Mylène Farmer
Song stuck in my head: Nothing at the moment but I'm constantly getting the It's a Living theme stuck in my head and now that I typed this out it's probably going to get in there again.
Currently watching: I've been rewatching Larkrise to Candleford and It's a Living lately, and of course the figure skating grand prix series each weekend
Favorite colors: pink, white, black, yellow
Currently reading: Nothing~
Currently craving: Pie
Last movie: Sunny (1930)
Sweet, spicy, or savory: SWEET
Relationship status: All by myself.
Current obsession: keeping up with the '23/'24 figure skating season.
Last thing Googled: gluten free bakery [in my area]
Three favorite foods: chocolate, pie, cookies
Dream trip: honestly really want to visit Japan, several of my close friends are going soon and wish I could go with them.
Anything you want right now: Health & Peace for me & the whole world.
Tagging if you feel like it – @ladyoftheharbour @screenclassics @chantalstacys @filminghere @ritahayworrth @grusinskayas @nitrateglow @oftwodarkmoons @joanleslies @maudeboggins @oldhollywoodholla and anyone else who might want to do this!
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biscemi · 5 years
Letters: B E K A H
Bette Davis: what’s your eye color?green!
Elizabeth Taylor:do you where perfume?sometimes! I have an earl grey perfume and I want a lavender one so bad
Katharine Hepburn: skirts or pants?pants all the way, I haven’t worn a skirt in years
Audrey Hepburn: have you ever gone hunting?no. i went fishing once and hated it :)
Humphrey Bogart: do you have any scars?a very small one on my right foot where i dropped a knife on it when i was like 12
thanks for this!!
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ritahayworrth · 5 years
Singin in the Rain
nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend.
a reason why:
name a more iconic film?? but honestly, i feel there’s something about this film that gives everyone some sort of sense of nostalgia, and maybe that’s part of it? but it could also totally be that i love musicals
put a film/tv series in my ask!
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murderballadeer · 3 years
Natalie Wood (shocking I know lmao)
how many movies i’ve seen her in:
just the one :/ rebel without a cause.
how i feel about their acting:
i like her! obv i’ve only seen the one movie but i think she’s great.
how i feel about them as a person:
:( i get very sad when i think abt her.
my favorite role they played:
doesn’t apply as i’ve only seen the one
my least favorite role they played:
doesn’t apply
(send me an actor and i’ll answer these questions)
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