#olicity symbols
fortressofserenity · 10 months
She's not me
As I said before about Felicity Smoak, she's not a character who's relatable to other women. Think about this, her job is very white-collar and has married a white-collar hottie herself. That's not to say women can't be rich and marry rich men, but even if they marry rich people not all of them are going to be 10s. Bernard Arnault is the world's richest man, but he's not a particularly handsome man. He's not a sex symbol and neither is Elon Musk.
The men who get paid to be looked at, that is the world of modelling, are handsome but not that well-paid and well-known. So they're not 10s either, so the chances of marrying a billionaire hottie would be really slim. Even most athletes aren't that rich either, some don't even become athletes due to bad experiences with people. So the chances of a Felicity Smoak marrying an Oliver Queen would be really slim.
I actually think most women are more like Cathy, just as most men are Irving in some way or another. They're not particularly very hot, nor are they rich and talented. Or at least nowhere as sexualised as Oliver is in Arrow, which makes Irving a more attainable love interest. Many male models are sexualised, but not a lot of them are particularly rich nor are they well-known. Many athletes are attractive, but they're not too sexualised.
Well not to the same extent as male models get, but many sports fans tend to be straight men so there's no way they'll sexualise athletes. If anything, they might either merely admire them or even identify with them in some way. Comes to think of it this way, many men are like Irving. They are attractive or interesting in some way, but not particularly so sexualised. Irving could be intended to be handsome, though not sexualised for some reason.
But it still makes him more attainable as a love interest than Oliver Queen will ever be, not just statistically but also anecdotally though that could be due to factors that keep the Cathy cartoons nowhere as risque as Arrow got. I can't help but wonder whether if Olicity became such a thing because it's so reminiscent of romance novels, in the sense that Oliver Queen is this brooding super-rich hottie.
Okay not all romance heroes are like this, but the way Oliver Queen is portrayed is romance novel bait. The fact that Oliver is very sexualised, while Irving isn't says a lot about the sort of audience who gets attracted to him. As I said before about Irving and Cathy, their romance tends to be rather grounded because they themselves are rather grounded. They're not rich, talented nor good-looking (or at least sexualised).
They're ordinary people, so their romance is more attainable. Whereas in many romance novels, many (if not all) are predicated on chasing the unattainable. Not all romance novels are like this, but it's not uncommon for them to sexualise rather unattainable men. Especially if they're billionaires, that makes Olicity more potent because it's built on chasing the unattainable. Irving, despite being dark and handsome, is too much of a boy next door to satiate their appetite.
I can imagine some of you liking Felicity Smoak more than Cathy, the titular heroine of the Cathy cartoons. But it doesn't change the fact that Cathy and Irving are more attainable than Felicity and Oliver are, if because many more people are like them in some way. Felicity Smoak isn't an everywoman the way Cathy is, but that's me being more biased towards Cathy. I think what endears me about the Cathy cartoons is how attainable the heroes are.
They're quite ordinary, not too sexualised. They're pretty much the men you actually know in some way or another, whereas with Oliver he's way too sexualised and idealised to be attainable by many cishet women. Likewise not a lot of women are like Felicity, they're more like Cathy in the sense of juggling between family, love, career and trying to look as good as possible.
That's my Cathy bias showing, but you should know how I feel about Arrow based on what little I've watched.
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allimariexf · 6 years
apropos of nothing, have we ever talked about how the Olicity wedding cake is 
HAS SIX (6) TIERS? as in, one for each year they’d known each other?
because I just noticed that and I feel like it warrants some attention.
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(gif credit, thanks, and love to @andjustforthismoment) 
found this photo on the internet - thank you random stranger!
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lyricalarrow · 5 years
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olicity love fern | a symbol of true love
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loveyoubeyondhope · 6 years
Often times the twisting of names on social media is so people can't find it through tags or searching the name at all. I do it with all things related to fandom: Oliver = olive, laurel = lauren, Felicity = FeFe, emily = emilia, katie = katya, stephen =stevia, etc
Yeah I get that but no this particular twitter user is… not doing that for that reason. It’s more like if Fanboys™ referred to Emily as Emily “Butt Ugly’ Rickards. 
She’s just being a Fangirl™ and there is too much negative history behind people mispronouncing Latinx names in a demeaning manner for me not to feel really icky about this.  
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wandaromanova · 3 years
hey bestie <3 for the soft blurb night what about natasha x fem!reader where one night Natasha comes back home with a black cat ( bonus point if the cat is liho <3 nat’s cat in the comics ) feel free to turn down if I somehow didn’t follow all the rules !
Warnings: like one swear word
blurb requests are closed | navigation
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Natasha slowly opened the door, wincing when the floorboard creaked beneath her feet. She closed the door gently behind her with one hand, the other one occupied.
Normally, the redhead had no issues sneaking around quietly, but tonight was different.
A loud ‘meow’ sounded throughout the quiet apartment and Natasha quickly shushed the animal she had in her arm.
She stayed still, hoping that her girlfriend didn’t hear the noise, but she was out of luck. 
The bedroom door swung open and you walked out, eyes widening when you caught sight of Natasha. She stared at you guiltily, a tiny black kitten clinging to her body. You opened your mouth to speak, but the redhead beat you to the punch. 
“I know you said no pets, but look how cute it is! It was just outside the building and I couldn’t just leave her there.”
Natasha pouted, bringing the kitten up to her face and placing a delicate kiss on the top of its head. You sighed, walking over to the redhead, a look of uneasiness gracing your features. 
“Honey, a black cat? Really? Aren’t they bad luck? There’s a reason why they’re a Halloween symbol.”
You questioned as you stood directly in front of Natasha. She instantly shook her head at you. 
“That’s just a superstition. Black cats aren’t bad luck and deserve to be loved equally. They just have an underserved bad reputation.”
You sighed, observing as Natasha gently caressed the black fur of the kitten. The animal purred and its eyes closed, obviously enjoying the affection and comfort your girlfriend provided. 
“If we were to keep it, how would we take care of it? We can barely take care of ourselves with how busy our jobs are, let alone handle a kitten.”
You were hesitant and Natasha smiled. The redhead knew that you had bit onto the hook, all she had to do was reel you in.
“The team wouldn’t mind taking turns babysitting. You know how much they love pets, Peter and Thor especially.” Natasha tried to reason with you and get rid of your concerns, but you weren’t fully convinced.
“And what if we’re all away on a team mission? None of us would be able to watch it while we are gone.” Natasha shook her head gently with a small chuckle. You really were an overthinker sometimes.
“Then… Fury could take care of it! He loves cats after the time he spent with Goose. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind watching over this little one.”
Natasha always had a solution to problems, and you were impressed that she had thought this through so well in the few minutes she’s had the kitten.
“Please baby? Can we keep it?” Natasha pleaded with you, giving you her adorable puppy dog eyes and pout.
She knew it was the only way to get you to say yes. She had you wrapped around her finger. 
You sighed heavily, a look of resignation crossing your features as your eyes fluttered between your girlfriend and the black kitten relaxing in her arms. You shook your head with a wave of your hand.
“Fine, but you’re cleaning up the litter box when we get one. I refuse to handle kitten shit.”
Natasha jumped up and down when you finally agreed. The kitten’s eyes shot open, startled by the sudden movement.
The redhead giggled, placing the animal down on the floor. The kitten ventured off, its tiny paws softly thudding against the hardwood floor. You watched as it padded over to the couch, hopping onto the furniture and resting there. 
Natasha pulled you into a tight hug, your attention returning to her. Her arms wrapped around your neck while yours found their way around her waist. 
“Thank you! I already have a name for… her? Him? They? Well, whatever they prefer, I’ve decided that Liho is gonna be the name.”
You giggled at your girlfriend’s words, shoving your face into the crook of her neck as your arms squeezed her waist. 
“You’re lucky I love you enough to put up with the inevitable cat hair that’s gonna take over the apartment. If that isn’t an act of true love, I don’t know what is.” 
You mumbled against the redhead’s skin, the vibrations of her giggles meeting your skin. Natasha nuzzled her chin, effectively tucking your head beneath it.
“Yeah, it’s definitely true love.”
“You’re damn right it is.”
���──────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
taglist: @perfectromanoff @aliancvnas @marvelwomenslut @chaekhan @rvselie @imasimpfornatashamaximoff @natashaswifey @prentisshoe @mcubreakdown101 @yeetus-thyself @multiyfandomgirl40 @fear-street-girls @007giu @weelight @scotts-orange-slices @puppy-danvers2016 @acertainredhead @jdougl-love @lynxwhispurrs @mindofwesley @lostandsearching @tquick99 @rachel146 @illloveyou @thewidowsghost @uraveragelonelygay @wandasgirlfriend @sapphic-stress @olicity-boo @itsyourgirlmalise @suki-is-a-queen @xxromanoffxx @b-5by5 @hagridsmomma @blurryylines @yeeterthekeeper @maximoff-jp @midnight-lestrange @tomatonugget @mrs-avenger3000 @wandadarlingg @wandanatblogs @nooshe @simpfornatasharomanoff @whyisgamora777 @nylevea @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @grxvitye @thelastavenger-3000 @hunka-hulka-burnin-fudge
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Arrow’s Olicity, Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak appeared in the Superman & Lois: Legacy of Hope special on The CW on February, 23rd, 2021.
The clip shown was of Oliver & Felicity sitting on the porch of their cabin from the 7.22 finale montage and was accompanied by Geoff Johns commentary: 
“The best ones have emotional stories at their center, stories that are very relatable to us and they are symbolic or they are metaphors for what we have to deal with”
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cogentranting · 3 years
Ok this is unpopular but I hate that ring, hated Oliver chose Moira's, like booth of her marriages were not good ones, Moiras was nothing but a bitch to Felicity, like why? and the time Felicity had the ring, Oliver was hiding William, the biggest lie he ever told her, and when they got back together she never had the ring again...why its a Olicity symbol? For me is such a "Queen fortune and lies" symbol, almost cursed one
I would assume (especially based on the fact that Mia refers to it as "the family ring" not "my grandma's ring") that it was Felicity's when she and Oliver got back together and were actually married too. But I don't notice details like what the ring looks like in scenes that aren't specifically about that, so I could be wrong. Its also possible since its an engagement ring and the second time around Felicity and Oliver don't really have an engagement that Felicity didn't really wear it but still had it somewhere.
And so on one level, it's as simple as regardless of any other history, it was her parents' ring and that's what Mia cares about.
But also I don't have a problem with Oliver giving Felicity that ring (though I don't how unpopular your position is, I think a lot of people were/are on the same page as you)
I just recently found this post about the ring and I think it explains why I like the ring pretty well. So for the long version go to that link and read the full explanation from jbuffy.
Short version (and this is just my personal take, you by no means have to except it, and I'm not even so much trying to change your mind as just explain): Above all else the Queen family is complicated. Especially Moira. With all of them (Robert, Moira, Oliver, Thea, and even Mia) there is a lot of darkness and light. And any part of loving them comes with loving them in spite of their darkness and their flaws. In the case of the ring, I think Moira's relationship to Oliver is more significant than her relationship to Robert. And Moira did some awful terrible things to Oliver. Inexcusably. But also Oliver loved Moira a lot. And she loved him. And so in a way, the ring represents a love that is willing to strive for redemption and to extend incredible forgiveness and to love someone who is deeply flawed.
And for Oliver and Felicity it represents the same thing-- that redemption, that forgiveness, that grace. The relationship that took such a hit and was able to come back stronger.
In general those are some of the main motifs of Arrow as a show. Redemption. Forgiveness. The darkness in everyone but fighting for the light to overcome it. And so a ring that has been a part of this complicated, dark, damaged family history and still comes out to represent the depth and intensity of the love between them, the growth that those character's experienced, the redemption they found, and their incredible capacity for forgiveness, is I think a very fitting symbol.
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mrsgreenworld · 4 years
Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 12 aka Deliriously in Love
Okay, I feel like if I don't pour my thoughts out here I am gonna explode. I haven't been this level of obsessed and crazy since Arrow and Olicity. Now it's Sen Çal Kapımı and Edser.
Till the latest episode I'd also had a lot of thoughts, feelings and impressions about every episode but I guess I'd just been processing all of it differently. Now I am writing down my thoughts on episode 12 not because I find it particularly good or it's my favourite episode. No, it's because I have reached my limit and need to clear the space in my head. So here it goes.
The things I loved:
☑️‌ basically any moment when Edser was together on screen. The actors - Hande and Kerem - have undeniable great natural chemistry. And the right amount of sexual tension which creates an electric aura around them which I feel just sitting in front of my laptop💓💗🔥
☑️‌ Serkan: being a completely transformed, renewed, reborn person; a constantly smiling person😁; a person humming songs while making breakfast for two; him belly laughing and openly flirting with Eda; him still wearing his engagement ring; him freaking wanting to knock down the walls and doors just to be able to see Eda all the time 😍; him giving Eda the most poetic and symbolic gift💫; him seriously considering going to Italy with Eda; him respecting Eda's decision to keep them a secret for a while; him trying to get Eda to confess her feelings which was both funny and adorable but on the other hand showed how vulnerable and insecure he still is (at least it felt that way to me, I can be wrong in my personal interpretation)
‌☑️ a Serkan Bey scene with Leyla🤣😆. It was a great comedy moment
☑️ ‌Ceren and Ferit meeting and their interaction
☑️ ‌Ceren and Pırıl (is this the right way to spell her name?🤔)talking at the office; it was a great honest scene without petty jealousy and women fighting over a man
☑️ ‌Selin: not her per se; I cannot stand her character as a person; what I liked is basically "what goes around comes around" in action; she had been horrible, selfish and insensitive towards Ferit, looked down on Eda and in the end got what she deserved; I don't want to be judgemental or cruel but it's just the way I feel; I didn't feel sorry for her at the end of the episode but rather very proud of Ferit for finally standing up for himself
‌☑️ Seyfi being the captain of Edser ship🚢💟🕺🤝💪
The things I didn't like, the things that annoyed me:
‌🚩Ayfer's behaviour: this newfound dislike towards Serkan and her reaction to the contract; going behind Eda's back and asking Eda's grandmother for help (that's my lingering annoyance from last week); freaking hypnotizing Eda to get her to talk when Eda obviously didn't want/couldn't talk (I think that scene with the dough was intended to be a funny one but to me it was just an example of a disgusting manipulation)😠
🚩‌Erdem and his big mouth although him hiding from Serkan under the desk was funny
🚩‌Engin and Pırıl (still have no idea how to spell her name): they both seem to me too exaggerated in their hopelessness with each other 🤯
🚩‌Edser's date night at Serkan's house: while cute romantic and all that it was weird in the way it was filmed; I am by no means an expert in filming or editing or directing but I am a movie buff and visually the scene was just not good; maybe if the camera had just stayed on Edser; but the jumping between facing them and a shot from a weird angle with the telescope... nope 🧐😬
🚩‌the plotline around Eda's parents and Serkan's father being responsible for their death: while this has a very good dramatic potential (I am talking about quality drama movie here not drama for the sake of drama) I am afraid that the writers are playing fast and loose here because it's not that kind of show; initially SCK was posed as a romantic comedy and even dramatic and angsty moments had that flair of lightness; on the other hand I understand that Edser is portrayed as a quite mature couple (and I don't mean their actions and behaviour because there's nothing mature about Serkan faking an engagement just to make his ex-girlfriend jealous); there's something mature about the way they are with each other... I don't know how to explain it or if it even makes sense (it does in my head 🙈😆); anyway, I think that for them to break up it would have to be something really serious and big and bad. Hence the horror show involving Eda's parents coming our way
‌🚩 I am sorry but Eda's outfit she was wearing at the office. What fresh hell was that???😬 Consider me an unfashionable prude but that outfit was unprofessional and way too revealing 🙅❌
And finally the things I hated:
❎☣️ ‌AYDAN: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN???🤬😡😠 As if last week and the way she behaved towards Eda in that goodbye scene wasn't enough. Then in this episode she went on bitching about Eda and her friends, continued pushing for this ridiculous reunion with Selin and finally the last nail in her coffin - the reaction to finding out the truth about Eda's parents. The first thoughts of this woman, the first words to leave her mouth are delusional accusations! What kind of a person in their right mind would think of accusing the person who actually suffered in such a situation? I think Aydan would want revenge if she ever was in a situation like this. So she assumes that everyone is just like her. This type of people don't really believe or maybe don't understand that there are genuinely good and forgiving people like Eda in this world. It's so disappointing to see that. Any hint of sympathy or warmth or understanding that I'd developed for Aydan is gone. Say whatever you want but she is not a good person. And for me she's a villian from now on
❎☣️ what happened to Serkan in those last seconds of the episode? Was he abducted by aliens?👽👀 THE *UCK IS WRONG WITH HIM TOO? What kind of logic told him to go after Selin in that very moment? I am not saying ignore her, ignore what happened, don't talk to or look at anyone except Eda now... Of course not. It's what a normal person and friend would do - ask how Selin is, what's wrong, what happened, how to help... Call her, come to her. But AFTER. Do this after Selin deals with this herself. It's her relationship. Yes, Serkan is the reason this even happened but in that very moment it's not his place to do or say anything. As if he would want someone to meddle in if that were him and Eda.
Phew! It took a whole day out of my life to put it all down. Glad to finally be free of all the thoughts.
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lucyyh · 4 years
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This is my entry for Olicity Clue!  (two days late, sorry 😭). I have the “brilliant” idea (please note the quotation marks 🤣) to make this a combined work, so you have gifs and a ficlet, a scene from the plot I wrote.
Thank you @olicitytropes for organizing this! I have a lot of fun participating!    At eighteen years old, Oliver Queen was used as a bargaining chip by his own father, and hand over to the League of Assassins in exchange for Robert's life. Brainwashed, tortured and without hope, he is converted on Al-Sah Him, the heir to the demon. But despite Ra’s efforts, there’s still  a part of the old Oliver alive. With the help of Nyssa Al Ghul, the daughter of the demon, he recovers his identity, and starts planning his revenge. Against the League and the father who sold him.
Felicity Smoak saw her mother's murder when she was eight years old at the hands of a man dressed in black gear. Alone in the world, her only goal was to discover why her mother died. Until one day, she does. The league of assassins killed her mother as retaliation against her absentee father, who's a criminal mastermind known as "The Calculator". He thought he could deceived Ra's Al Ghul and steal from him without suffering the consequences, and did nothing to protect his ex wife and child from Ra's Al Ghul. Enraged by this discovery, she devises a plan to destroy not only the League, but her father as well. On a twist of fate, she meets Nyssa Al Ghul, and although wary at first, soon she realises they have a similar goal and can help each other to achieve it. Nyssa takes her to the very home of the League, Nanda Parbat. And Erin (as she calls herself now), makes an offer to Ra's Al Ghul that he can't refuse: she'll find The Calculator, and Ra's will finally have him at his mercy. 
What Oliver and Felicity don’t know, is that they will find more than just revenge in Nanda Parbat. They'll find each other.  
Fic  and clues under the cut:
The old King is dead. (Long live the king)
She runs through the corridors, desperately trying not to look around her. There's destruction everywhere, debris blocking her way, and she can barely walk without being in danger of falling. 
It's not only debris blocking the halls. It's fire. And death. 
She's not naive. She knew perfectly well what would happen when they declared war against Ra's Al Ghul. Deaths were inevitable. But knowing and seeing how many people have died, are two different things. 
If she allows herself one glance, she'll be sick to her stomach, and that's something she can't afford right now. 
She needs to get to the ceremonial hall. She needs to make sure Oliver is ok. 
Turning to her right, Felicity runs into Sarab, who's fighting two of Nyssa's henchmen. She comes to a halt, panic settling in her chest, 'cause she knows that Sarab won't  have mercy if he spots her. 
She hesitates for a few seconds, trying to decide what other way she can take to the ceremonial hall, and those seconds prove to be near fatal. 
Felicity sees the sword falling to her shoulder in her peripheral vision, and she freezes, horror and desperation clogging her chest. All the hours of painful training seem to have abandoned her at that moment, and she closes her eyes waiting for the final blow that will end her life. 
Instead of pain, something warm and wet hits her face, and a well-known voice calls her. 
"Erin!"She opens her eyes, as Nyssa is extracting her sword from the man's chest, the one that tried to attack Felicity not even two seconds ago. 
With a shaking hand she touches her face, and when she looks at it she realises that is blood. 
Her face is covered in the blood of the man that Nyssa killed. 
It takes her a great amount of self-control not to spill her guts right then and there. 
"Focus!" Nyssa yells, while she is returning Sarab's vicious attacks. “Go to the hall, now! You still have something to do!"  Nyssa gives Sarab a swift kick in the stomach. "We count on you, Erin…Al Sah-him and I."
Felicity nods, steeling herself and continuing towards her destination. She has a task to do. Something she can't forget. 
She needs to destroy the Lazarus Pit. 
She runs through seemingly endless corridors, more aware of her surroundings now, eager to avoid another unpleasant encounter with Ra’s men. 
After what seems like hours she finally gets to the ceremonial hall. 
The heavy doors are wide open, and she walks inside cautiously, the smoke from the burning ruins making it difficult to see much. 
It takes her a minute or two, but once her eyes adjust to her surroundings, the scene presented in front of her is shocking. 
Amidst the destruction, there's at least ten Assassins in a perfect semicircle, looking like immovable statues, not worried in the least about the danger around them. 
Not even one turns to look at her. Their attention is fixed on the middle of the room. 
When she looks at that place, a gasp leaves her lips. 
There's a man there standing high and proud, looking over a prone figure on the floor. He is saying something she can’t understand, but the intonation of his voice (soft and melodic), it’s similar to the prayers that the league members recite while they bid farewell to their dead comrades.
She recognizes that voice instantly.
"Oliver!" She whispers, and her heart fills with joy. 
He defeated Ra's Al Ghul. Just like he promised her. 
As if he could feel her presence, his eyes find her in the middle of the chaos that surrounds them. She doesn't know if it's her imagination, but Felicity thinks that a smile appears on his face. 
"Felicity…" He says, loud enough to be heard over the noise of the battle that's still happening outside. 
Tears spill from her eyes, and she sucks in a breath. 
This is the first time that he says her name-her real name-outside of the four walls of his bedroom when it is safe for them to be Oliver and Felicity, and not Al Sah-him and Erin. 
He always whispers her name with reverence and love, a secret well kept between them. Until now, their real selves stayed in that bedroom; once they were outside, their personas took place: an emotionless assassin and an international cyber criminal dealing with one of the most dangerous organizations in the world. 
It was necessary, if they wanted to succeed in destroying the League. And survive. 
But now? Hearing him say her name in front of other people? It’s confirmation that  it's over. They won. They are finally free from Ra’s Al Ghul. 
In a few steps, Oliver is there, engulfing her in his arms. She clings to him, burying her face in his neck, her anxiousness finally fading. He's always been able to calm her down, to give her peace. No matter how impossible and terrifying the situation they were in, he gave her the strength to believe that everything was going to be ok. 
"You did it," she murmurs, her lips touching the skin of his neck, "I knew you would." 
"You gave me the strength, Felicity." Oliver pulls away to look at her face. "Without you, I would've never done it."
They kiss softly then, all too aware of the people still in the room. There'll be time later to enjoy each other. She still has something to do. 
Pulling away from Oliver, she searches in her jacket pockets for the vial with the potion that will rend the Pit useless. 
She shows the vial to Oliver, shaking it a little. "One more thing," she says and walks to the Pit slowly, avoiding the debris on her way. 
She hears movement at her back and Oliver's commanding voice ordering in Arabic, "Don't move." The noise stops instantly, and she continues walking. She knows that Oliver won't let anyone hurt her. 
When she is beside the Pit, she opens the vial but doesn't pour it immediately. This was Ra's most treasured possession, his source of pride and madness, the one for which he killed hundreds of people, his family included.
No men will use the Pit to satisfy their ambition for power and eternal life, ever again. 
There won't be more death because of it. 
With a  flick of her wrist, she empties out the vial in the clear water. Instantly, fumes start to emanate from the Pit, the fetid smell making her step back. The water's consistency becomes thick, and its color changes to an ill red. 
She turns around then and looks at Oliver. "It's done." He nods and stretches his hand, Felicity already walking towards him. 
She takes Oliver's hand, and they walk towards the doors. He stops close to the assassins, giving them a few orders that have them hurrying out of the room. 
"We need to find Nyssa," says Oliver, "I need to give her this." He raises his hand, and it's then that she sees it. 
The demon's ring. Ra's Al Ghul's symbol of power is in Oliver’s right index finger. It dawns on her then, why not one of the men tried to kill them, why they obeyed him without hesitation. 
Oliver is the new Ra's Al Ghul. 
At her questioning gaze, Oliver is quick to reassure her. "It was just for a short time. They would have attacked me if I didn't wear the ring. But I'm not interested in this." He gestures at the room, "I only want my freedom…and a new life at your side." 
"I want the same," she tells him, her hand landing over his heart, "although…" 
"We aren't done. I know." He takes her hand, the one that's on his chest and kisses it. "Come on Felicity. We still have work to do."
They leave the grand room hand in hand. There's still a few battles they need to fight, before they are truly free. 
Clues: Fire, Nanda Parbat, League of Assassins.
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theweekinarrowfic · 3 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, December 27, 2020-January 2, 2021
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
See You Again by melicitysmoak (8/8, 27 Dec 2020) - Felicity Smoak returns to Starling after five years of staying away on purpose since Oliver Queen, her best friend and high school sweetheart, broke her heart the day they were supposed to leave for Boston together to pursue their dreams. But her mother is getting married, so she really has no choice but to come home for the big day as the maid of honor, as well as to inevitably face Oliver, whose current girlfriend of three years will soon be one of her two step-sisters.
Other Ships/Characters
Calling Each Other Out by changingdestiny4 for Bl4ckHunter, Aragorn_II_Elessar (Felicity & Iris West, 2/2, 01 Jan 2021) - A two part in which Felicity and Iris take turns firmly giving each other hard yet necessary doses of reality over the crap they've each pulled at different times.
Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Brave New World by GhostandMiracle42 (Barry Allen/Kara Danvers, several Arrow characters listed, 13/13, 28 Dec 2020) - Answer to Charmed-MilliE and Sigma's Super Shipping Challenge. With Crisis over, the Paragons sit down to discover all the things that have changed in their new world, and its a lot more than they imagined. Explore the new secret histories of Earth-Prime, and discover the stories Oliver reimagined with his final sacrifice.; You have a three day weekend to thank for this, our answer to Charmed-Mille and Sigma's Super Shipping Challenge. It was supposed to be 5000 words tops. It got way out of hand.; Prompt: Crisis on Infinite Earths changed the worlds, but also changed the history and relationship between two characters. Write what you see fits.; The ship is Karry, and we're off to the races. This story now serves as an entire Arrowverse rewrite, with our own fleshed out storylines featuring the Legion of Superheroes, the Green Lantern Corps, and the Dark Multiverse.; Ghost and Miracle.
War of Destinies by HeroWitch (Kara Danvers & Oliver & Barry Allen, 16/16, 01 Jan 2021) - One day, the world wakes up under the yoke of its greatest heroes: Supergirl, Arrow and Flash! Humanity has only one choice: obey or die… How did we get there? And how did Lex Luthor become someone so powerful and loved by everyone? This is what Team Flash, Team Arrow and Team Supergirl will try to find out.
Reach for the Light by Willofhounds (Oliver & Malcolm, 21/21, 29 Dec 2020) - Oliver Queen never went to the island. Instead he disappeared at sixteen into a program few knew about. When he returns he is a different man colder darker. When it is revealed that the man who he thought was his father isn't things are turned on their head.
Âmes sœurs by Amelia_Queen (Kara Danvers/Oliver, 93/93, 01 Jan 2021) - Un guerrier féroce et sans merci. Une superhéroïne vertueuse et symbole d’espoir. Tout les sépare et pourtant, le destin les réunit. Le jour de leur rencontre, le monde en noir et blanc qu’ils ont connu toute leur vie s’illumine de couleurs. Leur lien survivra-t-il aux épreuves ?
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Happy Mancrush Monday!
Wow, what an amazing weekend!  Thanks to Stephen, Emily, and our awesome fandom for some quality content and great stories.  It was truly a much-needed reminder of why I loved Arrow and joined the fandom in the first place.  One of the highlights was SA saying Oliver loved Felicity ‘six, seven seconds after I first saw her.’  He didn’t specify which first encounter he meant so I’m gonna assume both and grin in sheer delight at what both those encounters had in common. ;)
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Hard to top but not to be outdone, EBR’s response about their meet cute was a very special song lyric she created on the spot.... From the moment we met,
These are bullet holes and I love you 
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While initially it just struck me as cute, funny, and catchy, it also got me thinking about how many times bullet holes have played in part in their relationship. 
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I have no doubt that Oliver Queen would have searched every floor of Queen Consolidated and the world if need be to find the adorable blonde girl with the amazing legs who babbled at his picture and made him smile during one of the darkest times of his life.  But a bullet-ridden laptop sped up his search. 
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Remember that the script said Felicity was the one who was supposed to be smitten in this moment?  LOL.  That boy was smoaked and there was no going back.  One of my favorite parts of this scene are Felicity’s first words to Oliver ‘I know who you are, Mr. Queen.’  Truly prophetic in nature that she would be the most instrumental person in helping Oliver see the hero within him. She has always been the one who lights his way and can get a smile out of him. Bless their organic chemistry that changed the trajectory of the entire show for the better.  And thank you Deadshot for the bullet holes. ;)
Emily then mentioned Oliver probably loved Felicity by the time he hides in the back of her Mini Cooper.  
Ironically, also because of a bullet hole from where his mother shot him.  
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We knew that Oliver trusted Felicity’s expertise from the moment he met her.  But this scene took it to the next level.  Oliver trusts Felicity with his life, not to mention his secret identity and the location of his vigilante home base.  One that would feel more like a home once he asked Felicity to join the team and be an even more vital part of his mission and life.  Moira Queen did her son a solid. :)
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So now that Steve and Em have confirmed Oliver and Felicity were in love with each other in season 1, these other bullet hole scenes carry a new significance.
Like when Count Vertigo kidnapped Felicity and Oliver left his mother’s trial in a rage.  He confronts The Count as an angry (and hot) amalgamation of the Arrow and Oliver Queen in the suit with the hood down.  Their verbal sparring takes a violent turn when the Count shoots at Oliver and grazes his arm.  But it isn’t until the Count directly threatens Felicity with a syringe of vertigo that Oliver responds with three rapid-fire arrows that send the Count out the window to the death.
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Oliver immediately goes to check on Felicity and she immediately reaches for the wound but Oliver assures her ‘it’s nothing.’  Because in that moment, to him, all that matters is her.  He would do anything for her, including breaking a vow he made to himself.  There was no choice to make.  Kudos to you, Count Vertigo.
As much as Oliver tries to protect her, Felicity still has free will and she is a brave badass in her own right.  This is especially evident when Felicity jumps in front of Sara and takes a bullet in the shoulder.  We don’t get to see Oliver’s initial reaction while they are still out in the field, but the aftermath back at the lair once Diggle has given Felicity ‘aspirin’ for pain and Sara has stitched her up.
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Oliver wasn’t just asking about her bullet wound here.  Felicity had been feeling left out and Oliver wanted nothing more than to assure her that no matter who else comes and goes, she would always be his girl.  
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Full disclosure: I’m not crazy about this scene in the context of the show at the time for numerous reasons I won’t go into here.  But at face value, Oliver looking at Felicity with so much love and pride makes my heart melt.  The way he gently cups her face and talks to her in the soft tone that is reserved only for her makes all of me melt into a puddle of feels.  Thanks for your time, Clock King.
For a show called Arrow, Oliver did on occasion deviate from the norm by using other weapons.  Like LOA swords to dual the Demon’s Head, which did not well the first time and Oliver was stabbed and kicked off the side of a mountain.  No worries, Tatsu had penicillin tea so Oliver recovered so they could fight again a few months later (I would normally lol here but Felicity is not amused so I won’t).
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 Our boy does much better this time, defeating Ra’s with his own maneuver.  It’s Arrow so he doesn’t have time to celebrate before snipers shoot at him and he is sent off the edge of a very high bridge since apparently the theme of season 3 was to wound Oliver and then have him fall from a great height.  But instead of a cold snowy ledge, his fall is averted by the Atom swooping Oliver out of danger.  I’m sure Oliver is a big enough man that he would have thanked Ray but he didn’t have to because it was his girl who saved him.  The girl who has always saved him.  His Felicity.  And his smile is pure awe, pride, and love just for her.   
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To tell you the truth, I’m not sure that Oliver was actually struck with any of the bullets.  It looked like he was but then in the next scene back at QC/PT, he didn’t seem wounded other than his hand.  Either way, we appreciate your shipper service, incompetent Star City police force.  
This night started out so beautifully.  Oliver united the citizens of Star City to gather for a lighting of the Christmas tree as a symbol of hope against the forces of evil.  But Mayor Handsome had bigger plans as he took an unsuspecting Felicity on stage with him to ask if she would make him the happiest man on the face of the earth (as if he wasn’t already; look at that dork’s ginormous smile).   
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Felicity said yes, like she told him she would and Oliver slid the big bling onto her finger.  They shared a sweet snug before running off to the waiting limo.  Which still makes me laugh.  I mean on one hand, f*** those ungrateful Star City bitches but Olicity didn’t even spare them a glance before they peaced out. LOL
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More snugs followed in the limo and they were so soft with each other in a state of genuine bliss. But those forces of evil retaliated swiftly and Felicity was caught in the crossfire. Oliver went from serene to shock in a matter of moments.
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The bullet damaged her spinal cord and caused paralysis in the lower half of her body.  Oliver was consumed with rage and guilt, leaving Felicity alone at a time when she was feeling incredibly vulnerable. When he finally comes to see her, they have an honest and open talk where Felicity shares her fear that Oliver wasn’t there because of her condition and she even gives him an out.  One that he absolutely does not want and proves it to her by pulling her engagement ring out of his pocket to place back on her finger with the words ‘for better or worse.’
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I still think this scene was one of the most heartfelt and well-acted scenes of the entire series.  And this will always be their real wedding to me.  Just the two of them.  Making a vow to each other.  Finding strength in each other.  Always. <3
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Whew!  I haven’t done a post like this in quite some time and I have to say, it feels good to feel good about Olicity again.  I hated that the show ruined my enjoyment of them for a while cause they really are a one-of-a-kind and once-in-a-lifetime pair.  I want to dedicate this post to @cruzrogue​ who seems to be enjoying the these are bullet holes and I love you hashtag as much as I am. :)  
Happy hugs for all of you, fam!  And tons of appreciation for the fandom’s talented gifmakers!  Gif credits to:  primogif.com for the Felicity babbles gif; and fanforum.com for the Felicity these look like bullet holes gif. 
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tisfan · 4 years
December Flash Bingo
014 - Symbols - WinterIron
Tony stared out the window at the swirl of snow. It was so thick he couldn’t see much past it. Just the snowman in the front yard, the trees somewhat beyond. It was all very symbolic, buccholic, and probably other -olic words that he couldn’t think of right now. Made him wish, just a little, that he was still an alcoholic, because drinking might be better. A drunken blackout hallucination.
Because the truth was, he had no idea where he was, how he’d gotten there, or what was going to happen now.
What Tony did know he could practically hold in his hands. 
They’d been fighting some villain who called himself the Collector. The VOTD had flipped something at Tony, like a handful of snow and glitter, and then-- here he was.
Tiny log cabin with one room. Well insulated. With a fire roaring in the fireplace that contained no wood, but kept the room completely warm. Maybe a little too warm. The Iron Man suit had been removed (Tony didn’t even know how; one moment he was fighting in the suit, the next moment, he was dressed for a day of cutting wood at Clint’s farm, complete with terrible plaid shirt) and…
Well, that was it.
The weather outside was frightful. The fire was so delightful.
Let it snow let it snow let it snow.
“I have places to go,” Tony snapped at the empty air.
The door suddenly opened and with a swirl of snow and freezing wind, a dark, icy form burst into the room. He slammed the door and leaned on it, gun chattering to the floor. “Christ on a cracker,” Bucky said.
“Tony, oh, thank Christ, I--”
“What’s out there?” Bucky wasn’t dressed for the weather, either. Still in his Winter Soldier gear, but what was mostly combat armor and not exactly arctic survival clothing.
“Snow, and more snow, and a fucking lot of snow,” Bucky said. “Been out there almost two hours, this’s th’ only place I found.”
“Come on, get warm,” Tony said, going over and helping to peel Bucky out of half frozen clothing. “Are you wounded? How did you get here?”
“Not really sure,” Bucky said. “He -- the Collector guy -- threw something at you, and you started, I dunno, disappearin’ so I tried to follow you. And… well, here I am.”
Something popped, like a string of firecrackers or small arms fire, and both of them hit the floor, Bucky practically on top of Tony to protect him.
“Popcorn?” Tony asked, sniffing. It smelled like hot, fresh popcorn, and as he peeked around Bucky’s metal arm, which was steaming slightly as the heat from circuitry hit the freezing metal exterior-- “That was not there before.”
Not that he really wanted Bucky to stop laying on him; there was always something nice about those few moments where he could legit put hands on Bucky without Bucky realizing that Tony had a crush the size of Manhattan. But he was also wet and drippy and there was popcorn, and Tony was starving.
The lights are turned way down low.
“Christ,” Bucky said, peering out the window. “That storm’s a real whiteout. Don’t show any sign of lettin’ up, neither. How we gonna get out of here?”
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
“It’s the song,” Tony said, suddenly. “Whatever this is-- the popcorn, the snow storm, the fire is delightful--”
Bucky hummed a few bars, his deep, throaty voice oddly melodic. 
“So-- in order to get out of here… I hate going out in a storm.”
“You really hold me tight--”
“--all the way home, I’ll be warm.”
Bucky put his arms around Tony, drawing him in closer. The fire sputtered and started to dim. 
My dear, we’re still goodbye-ing.
“But as long as you love me so--”
“We might want to talk about that when we get home,” Bucky murmured in Tony’s ear.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Tony found himself in a whirl of snow and cold air, Bucky’s arms around him, holding him close. 
They staggered a step and--
“Oh, we’re home,” Tony said, looking up into New York skyline, the snow melting gently in his hair. Bucky took a hesitant step back, eyes wide and eyelashes framed by snowflakes. He was the most beautiful thing Tony had ever seen.
“Tony--” It was hard to say how, exactly, Tony recognized that look for what it was. Maybe because he’d been seeing it in the mirror for months now. Unrequited love that Bucky was afraid would never be returned.
“Let it snow,” Tony said, and drew Bucky in for a kiss. 
for @tonystarkbingo
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longlive-verona · 7 years
I love how Felicity is back in the wheelchair for 5x20. It’s the perfect way to bring Olicity back to the last time she was in the chair aka their breakup
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lyricalarrow · 7 years
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"You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock."
For you @jbuffyangel
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
I went down a rabbit hole of Olicity videos and I just started randomly wondering why Oliver still has his Bratva tattoo but removed the dragon one... Do you know if it was ever addressed why?
He doesn’t have the Bratva tattoo anymore. Adrian Chase burned it off in 5x17. I talk about that tattoo A LOT in my review, so I encourage you to check it out.
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But allow me to discuss Shado’s tattoo for a minute and contrast it with the Bratva tattoo a little. 
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Slade put Shado’s tattoo on Oliver as a constant reminder of the role he played in her death. 
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Oliver could have removed it, but he didn’t because he blamed himself too. He thought he was responsible for Shado’s death. Oliver held himself more accountable for it than he did Ivo. The tattoo was a reflection of Oliver’s self hatred. 
This why Felicity’s love for Oliver was so miraculous. He believed he wasn’t deserving of forgiveness or love. Felicity saw all sides to Oliver Queen, light and dark, and fell in love with him. She didn’t ignore the darker parts of Oliver’s soul nor did she expect him to change. What Felicity gave Oliver was acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. 
Oliver began to see himself through Felicity’s eyes. And that unconditional love ignited a desire within Oliver to change. Not because Felicity wanted him to, but because Oliver wanted to. He was able to forgive himself for his role in Shado’s death. Did he require forgiveness for it? No. Of course not, but Oliver believed he did which is what matters. 
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So, when he tells Felicity he doesn’t need the tattoo anymore it’s a physical manifestation of the change taking place inside him. Oliver was able to let the guilt and shame go. He was able to accept that he deserved love and happiness. Not only did he believe it, Oliver was living that love and happiness in Ivy Town.
But as happy as Olicity was in Ivy Town it was an idealized life. When Oliver broke up with Felicity in 3x01 he was choosing The Arrow. 
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When he left town with Felicity in 3x23 he was choosing Oliver Queen. 
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But neither is a complete choice. Oliver had to embrace both personas.
It was Oliver who did a complete 180 and turned his back on the vigilante life while Felicity was still helping the team and missing the purpose saving Star City gave her. As Season 4 progresses, we see that Oliver doesn’t have a handle on things yet. He makes some spectacularly bad decisions that ultimately torpedo his relationship with Felicity. And he did this all while trying to live in the light. So… the darkness remains. Or as Felicity puts it “a schism.”
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And let me be clear - Arrow has used the words light and dark to describe the spectrum of Oliver’s soul and his choices. However, there’s a BIG difference between Oliver’s darkness and say Malcolm Merlyn’s darkness. Darkness is the term I use to describe our morally questionable actions. It represents sin and mistakes.  But simply because a person has darkness it doesn’t mean they are evil. We all have darkness… and light.
Oliver tried to eradicate his darkness in Season 4, which is impossible because he’s not friggin Jesus. (Well, not yet). Nor did he have balance in Season 4 because he hadn’t confronted his issues in the way he needed to. This confrontation happened in Season 5. 
The Bratva tattoo is a symbol of the darkness that remained in Oliver. The fact that it’s just over his heart is not a coincidence either. As Oliver begins to drill down on the darker parts of his soul (or really Adrian does), 
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we are flashing back to Russia and a time Oliver really embraced that darkness to become what he believed was necessary.
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And he covered that darkness with an emblem of honor. As I explain in my 5x17 review, Chase burned it off so whenever Oliver looks at his chest he sees a scar that reflects the damage and ugliness of his true self. Adrian is determined to convince Oliver he is not an honorable man, but a monster. 
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But what Diggle and particularly Felicity help Oliver realize is the darkness is not representative of a monster. 
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It represents a fallible human being. Oliver makes mistakes. We can even call them terrible mistakes, but his intentions were always honorable even if his actions weren’t. This doesn’t make Oliver an evil man. Nor does it mean he is only darkness. But he’s not all light either. Oliver Queen lands somewhere in the grey. As we all do.
But Oliver cannot turn his back on the dark anymore than he can the light. Merging the two personals, the man and the hood, is a lot about self acceptance. Each informs the other. Oliver couldn’t truly be the man he’s destined to be in Ivy Town because he was ignoring a crucial part of himself. Just like he was ignoring a crucial part of himself when he refused to be in a relationship with Felicity in Season 3.
Darkness has a place in Oliver Queen’s story. It informs his soul as much as the light. The key was always balancing the two. Burning off the Bratva tattoo ultimately has the opposite effect Adrian intends. When Oliver finally confronted what drove his pain (his guilt over Robert Queen’s death) and all the ways it manifested, he was able to let go, forgive and move on. 
The mask no longer became a vehicle for controlling the monster. Oliver began to see the true purpose of being the Green Arrow and it was honorable. He was able to become the superhero he was always meant to be. 
But moving on doesn’t mean ignoring. It doesn’t mean shutting the door or erasing it. We can acknowledge the past, and its impact, as we move to the future and strive to be better.
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Oliver realized he was not to blame for Shado’s death. Felicity’s love helped him see that, so he could erase his tattoo because he understood he shouldn’t have felt guilty in the first place. It was also a symbolic way of acknowledging the light within in him. 
It’s not so clear cut with the Bratva. Oliver wasn’t forced into those decisions. He made those choices for himself. The scar that remains where the tattoo once was is ultimately a more honest acknowledgement of his darkness (or sin or mistakes). It’s no longer covered over with an emblem of honor, but a scar.  However, it is a scar that has healed. He has learned how to live with the pain. He’s found balance. Oliver has entwined the dark with the light and he shines so much brighter because of it. He became the man he was always destined to be.
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storyteller0311 · 5 years
Arrow 7x22 Thoughts
(Hi, this post is full of spoilers. So, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read it.)
On Olicity...
At the end of the day, stories resolve themselves in ways that greatly depend on the cards we’re dealt. There’s no guarantee that things would have unfolded in a more “Happily Ever After” way under different circumstances. Whether Arrow ended with 7x22 or 8x10 or whether Emily left or stayed, nothing is/was guaranteed.
For the circumstances we were given, I personally thought the resolution of 7x22 was GLORIOUS. If those last 15 minutes didn’t punch you in the feels, well, I don’t know.
Any question of Olicity’s importance to Arrow and their endgame status was put to rest.
Though it was imperfect and cut short, Olicity did have happiness. They did have peace.
Olicity’s affirmation of their love and importance to one another was beautiful, and it was fulfilling — not only to their love story, but to Oliver’s story overall.
The resolution to their story was also very much in keeping with the messaging of this season and the series as a whole — about the sacrifices that sometimes need to be made to protect the ones we love.
The present day resolution was full of promise that tied directly into the resolution of Felicity’s 2040 story. Though the details are still a bit unknown (because they can’t give the plot of Season 8 and Crisis on Infinite Earths away), we do get some kind of an off-camera Olicity reunion, which though not exactly a fairytale Happily Ever After, is a reasonably positive result.
On Redemption...
The finale delivered on the season’s overall theme, hammering home that redemption is possible for even some of the biggest bads. Because, at the end of the day, villains are humans just like our heroes. And this arc which tied directly to Oliver’s imprisonment, was a final necessary lesson for bringing his journey full circle.
I also thought Emiko’s fate was justified. It was important that she was redeemed and that by fighting for her redemption, Oliver was able to forgive her for being a major catalyst in his odyssey. But it was also important that she paid the ultimate price for her blind rage, jealousy, and hurt.
On the Flash Forwards...
I was really glad to see that the future is not really as bleak as originally thought. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a mess. And we don’t really know how it got so bad, but progress was made tonight.
I was actually surprised no one died. I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Also, I love William and Mia. The Smoak-Queen children are everything.
On Where We Go From Here...
Going into tonight’s finale my biggest concern was how they were going to exit Felicity. Even though I was pretty confident they wouldn’t kill her off, anything was possible. But, now that the dust has settled and I’ve reined in my Olicity emotions, I’ve started thinking about the overarching story as we barrel towards the conclusion and all the loose ends.
There are only 10 episodes to reasonably resolve Arrow, and a lot of threads were left dangling by the end of 7x22. Some of those items we can take educated guesses at, while others were mere teases that seemingly hint at things to come.
My largest question revolves around the structure of Season 8 overall. Arrow didn’t just exit Felicity in the present day, but also Oliver. So, what does Season 8 look like? Does it pick up in real time? If Oliver is with the Monitor, how does that story work? Does he save the universe from Star City? Where is Team Arrow in all of this?
Also, while things aren’t happy go lucky in Star City 2019, by the time Oliver and Felicity leave, the SCPD is back on the side of the vigilantes. So, where does it go wrong?
I’m very skeptical that Oliver’s fate (and Felicity’s) is so cut and dry. Why would Arrow (and the Arrowverse by extension) build up this whole Crisis story only to reveal Oliver’s death way in advance? I think the use of the Queen “cemetery” is an important symbol. Felicity is going on a journey to reunite with Oliver, but “death” is not really implied in the scenario. So, his grave is most likely empty (just like it was all those years before.)
I think that though she will be absent in Season 8, Felicity has been playing a long game by the time we find her in 2040. She’s continued Smoak Tech, been betrayed by Alena, protected Mia, made sure William was okay & supported his business, secretly resumed being a vigilante, activated a plan to bring William and Mia together, and somewhere was in contact with The Monitor to set up an eventuality where she’s “ready” to leave her life behind and fulfill her promise to reunite with Oliver. Now, I could be wrong, but Felicity Smoak has always been person to find another way. And while her reunion with Oliver serves as a poignant and effective end to Olicity’s story for now, something tells me (largely depending on whether EBR returns for a series finale) that this really isn’t the end.
What is the story with Roy and how he ended up on Lian Yu? Because, to me, that exchange was a promise for an eventual answer. And it seems like that answer involves more than just bloodlust.
Where are John Diggle and Lyla Michaels in the future?
When does Bronze Tiger die? (I was somewhat surprised it wasn’t tonight.)
How does the Ninth Circle story evolve from here? I fdon’t think they’re going to just disappear into the wind...
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