#olicity wedding cake
allimariexf · 6 years
apropos of nothing, have we ever talked about how the Olicity wedding cake is 
HAS SIX (6) TIERS? as in, one for each year they’d known each other?
because I just noticed that and I feel like it warrants some attention.
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(gif credit, thanks, and love to @andjustforthismoment) 
found this photo on the internet - thank you random stranger!
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bookolicitynessa · 7 years
Felicity’s little doll on the wedding cake even has glasses!
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lakadyn · 7 years
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Look on top of the wedding cake, they chose a groom and bride lookalikes and  the Felicity doll even wear the dress from their first (fake) wedding. They could make a fortune selling those at conventions.
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whenpigsflypastries: A little bird sent us some shots of [one of] the wedding cake[s] made for the TV show @cw_arrow! Did you catch it?
@emilybett & @stephenamell eating some GF vanilla bean cake 🍰
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cheryls-blossomed · 4 years
I totally agree with you. You can really see the differences in how WA is treated vs Olicity, a couple I absolutely cannot stand. They get a sex scene, after the disaster of a double wedding, Olicity got an entire episode dedicated to this huge ceremony just for them with the cake, wedding dress, etc. They also get acknowledgement of their anniversary, and when Iris becomes pregnant, I'm skeptical they'll treat her how Felicity was, especially by oliver. Ugh it still infuriates me to this day
Yes! Exactly. You see the distinct differences in how Westallen is treated versus how O/F was treated, both the central couple on their respective shows, and it becomes abundantly apparent how racist and cowardly the network is. It’s truly despicable. 
And this is despite the fact that Westallen blows O/F completely out of the water in terms of story and steadfast depiction of love.
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dust2dust34 · 4 years
It’s Always Been You (6/6, Olicity AU, T)
Summary: Ten years later... 
A/N: Read previous chapters here. The final part! Thank you so much for the wonderful response to this little story! I had so much fun writing it, and I'm so glad it could put a smile on your face in this crazy time. I hope you enjoy one last peek at Oliver and Felicity's life together!
(read on AO3)
Ten Years Later
The man at the table glanced up just as Felicity dropped into the chair next to him. She caught his raised eyebrows as she set - alright, tossed - her purse and laptop bag onto the table. The move nearly knocked his coffee over and he grabbed for it before it could topple onto what looked like exam papers. She would have felt bad except she did it on purpose. Ish. To distract him.
“Uh,” was all he got out before Felicity wrapped her arms around his very nicely-sized bicep and plastered herself to his side.
“I need you to pretend you’re my husband.”
He hissed through his teeth. “Sorry. As tempting as that is, I’m already taken. In fact, I’m waiting for my wife.”
“Oh. Well, that’s a bummer. She’s one lucky lady.”
“Oh no, I’m the lucky one,” he told her, giving her a wink before leaning in for a kiss. She smiled against her husband’s soft, coffee-flavored lips. “Considering she was the one who picked my table and not some other random joe.”
“Imagine if I had chosen some other poor sap that day,” Felicity said.
“I’d really rather not,” he said, turning back to his grading.
She smiled, setting her chin on his shoulder. She studied his profile, noting the way his lips twitched with a smile at her attention before he found his concentration again. And then he was back to his work. Felicity drank her husband in. Age was being very good to him - there were a couple more lines in his face, but they were laugh lines, and silver peppered his dark blonde hair now, very sexy, and only visible when the right light caught it.
Felicity didn’t want to think about a world where they hadn’t found each other either.
Even if their path together hadn’t been easy.
She held him tighter as she thought back to when their happy bubble had burst.
Turned out “Ghost Fox” was actually her supposedly dead ex-boyfriend abusing her very complicated, very dangerous code. After shutting down Starling City and robbing as many banks as he could, he went on to sell the code to the highest bidder, turning an already out-of-control situation into an international crisis. It had been bad. Really bad. For the world, but especially for their relationship when her connection came out and ARGUS thought she was behind it. And then, icing on the cake, Oliver’s past with the U.S. government came to light when it was determined Felicity was the only one who could dismantle the code. Despite her adamant objections - his safety, number one, but two, it was her responsibility, and three, they were on rocky ground anyway, talk about interpersonal issues - Oliver had told Lyla and Diggle that he would be the one getting her in and out, end of story.
Not everyone got to say they had engaged in life-or-death espionage with the love of their life.
But they got through it, and everything else after that, after learning one important lesson:
They were better together.
“Kids get dropped off okay?” Oliver asked.
“Mhmm,” Felicity said. “All safe and sound with Grandma Moira. They took all their Disney goodies with them to show off, including that very attractive picture of you on the rollercoaster.”
“Lovely,” he said with a sarcastic huff. She didn’t miss his little smile.
“I also talked to my mom and she’s going to pick them up and keep them until Monday.”
That got his attention.
“Oh?” he asked, setting his pen down and turning in his chair to face her. His hand landed on her thigh, his wedding ring catching on the sunlight peeking through outside. He flashed her a smirk that was all promise and she licked her lips in anticipation. He followed the motion as he teasingly slid his fingers to where her legs were pressed together. “And what exactly are we going to do with an entire house to ourselves?”
“I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Felicity whispered with husky promise before kissing him. “And then we’re going to sleep. We are sleeping in and it is going to be amazing.”
He laughed. “That sounds perfect. Are you still helping out tonight?”
“Yeah, I’m heading over there after I get some coffee. Laurel’s in a tizzy because Tommy wants to do something with a disco ball.”
“That sounds like a nightmare.”
Felicity chuckled. “It could go either way. Which means I need an extra, extra large latte to deal with it. I’ll be right back.” The line moved quickly, and when her name was called, she enthusiastically thanked the barista. She returned to her husband with a loving caress across his shoulders before she leaned over him to grab her bag. “Alright, I’m out. I’ll see you there.”
“Sounds good.” Oliver leaned back to look up at her. “Kiss?”
Cupping his jaw, Felicity kissed his cheek, then his lips, then his cheek again in a quick series of noisy smooches.
The content smile that graced his lips filled her heart with joy.
“Now, just to be sure…” Felicity brushed his lengthening hair off his forehead before cupping his cheek. “Oliver, if you’ll have me, I’d love to go to our twentieth high school reunion with you as my very real and very amazing husband.”
“I’d love you. I mean, I’d love to have you.” She huffed and Oliver sent her a teasing wink as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “I mean, to take you-”
“I was flustered.”
“It was cute,” he said, tugging her closer. “I love your sentence fragments. And I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She kissed him. “So is that a yes?”
“Definitely a yes,” Oliver said, smiling up at her. “My very real, very amazing, very sexy wife.”
“Good.” Felicity grinned. “It’s a date then.”
So, fun story, I had many wild tangents hit me about where this story could go, from this gently soft little ride here, to something that had way more smut, to something that was an actual multi-chapter monstrosity. I decided to temper myself and put a snippet in there just in case something ever happens in the future that I want to revisit (and perhaps even an original concept because it's just such a fun idea).
Thank you so very much for joining me on this journey! Thank you for reading, and reviews literally feed the soul and muse!
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laxit21 · 5 years
Happy Birthday to You
AN: This is just fluff. Fluff from the universe where nothing bad happens after the Olicity wedding.
It’s Oliver’s birthday and Felicity wants to make it special.
Oliver woke up when he heard something fall. The noise came from somewhere downstairs and it wasn’t very loud, but still he woke up. He turned to say something to Felicity when he saw that she wasn’t in bed next to him. He heard something else get knocked over and got out of bed to investigate.
He quietly crept downstairs to see what was going on. He could hear something banging in the kitchen when he reached the main floor. He then heard his wife say something quietly.
“Frack.” She sounded frustrated. “Betty Crocker is a lying liar.” He moved closer to the entrance to the kitchen. “This is supposed to be easy.”
“Mama!” Tommy exclaimed.
Oliver stopped right outside the threshold of the room. From where he was standing, he could see Felicity and Tommy, but they couldn’t see him. Tommy was in his high chair, looking at his frazzled mother. Felicity was glaring at a cookbook and had a bunch flour in her hair.
“I know, sweetie, I know. We’re supposed to be making Daddy cupcakes. But Betty Crocker is a liar and her ‘foolproof’ recipes are false advertising.” The blonde said. “How about we try some of the icing instead?”
“You wanna give our toddler icing at 9 am?” Oliver asked, stepping into the room. “You’re brave.”
“Get out of here! This is supposed to be a surprise!” She told him.
“Felicity, its my birthday. Making someone cake, or cupcakes, on their birthday isn’t that much of a surprise.” He reasoned. “And remember when you tried to make Halloween cookies?”
“Hey! No one got food poisoning.” She argued. “And I’m getting better. You told me that.”
“Yeah, but you’re not quite ready to fly solo. How about I make them and you and Tommy help decorate?”
“You can’t make your own birthday cake.” She told him.
“What can I say? I like to break the rules.” He said as he gently moved her away from all of the ingredients and started making the batter. He and Felicity talked while he made the cupcakes. While they were baking, he started making frosting.  Eventually, the timer dinged and it was time to decorate the deserts.
“Ok, now you need to vamoose.” Felicity said.
“Who uses the word ‘vamoose’ anymore?”
“I do. Go away. I can’t surprise you with a birthday cupcake if you see me decorate it.” She pointed out.
“Okay, fine. Tommy and I’ll go then.” He said, taking Tommy out of his high chair.
They went into the living room and Oliver turned on some kids show while he waited for Felicity to finish. Since the island, he’d never made his birthday into a big deal. For a few years, he didn’t even bother to celebrate or tell anyone it was his birthday. Ever since he got together with Felicity though, she insisted they celebrate. She always told him that his birthday was important and he deserved to have one special day a year.
After about half an hour, Felicity walked out of the kitchen holding a red velvet cupcake with dark green frosting on it. There was a lit light green candle sticking out of it. When she came into the room, she started singing the Happy Birthday song and handed it to Oliver when she was done.
“Make a wish.”
He blew the candle out and took a bite. “Thank you, honey.”
“Happy birthday.” She said, kissing him. “I love you.”
“Look at that. My wish came true.” He said with a smile.
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Saturday Spectacular #12
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Happy Saturday!!! So this is me thanking awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and all the time they put into their fics. ♥️ I want to recommend spectacular fanfic stories I read this week! ♥️ They are posted in the order I read them. All posts will be tagged #saturday spectacular fic rec
When Did It All Go Wrong by @wrldtravler | Arrow | WIP
Summary: After a mission with A.R.G.U.S. goes south, agent Oliver Queen learns something he shouldn’t about Director Amanda Waller. Sent on the run when A.R.G.U.S. turns against him, he’s forced to seek out the one person that never wanted to see him again but whom he trusts with his life: his ex, Felicity Smoak. Putting their past behind them, the estranged pair come together along with John Diggle and Lyla Michaels to stop the looming threat. However, the past never stays buried for long. With their renewed connection comes great strength. But where there is strength, there is also great weakness – one that may cost them everything they worked to prevent.
“Time for a story” Drabble Series by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary: This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domestic AU.
Providence by @so-caffeinated | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she’ll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move… And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart.
(i want to) save that light by @callistawolf | Arrow | WIP
Summary: What if one little thing changed in the history of Arrow? What if, instead of going to Laurel’s apartment after discovering the extent of Merlyn’s plans for the Glades, Oliver stayed at the foundry and talked to Felicity instead? This series of short vignettes explores some of the ripple-effect changes that could take place throughout the next season as a result of this one, fortuitous change.
Semper Fidelis by @oliversmuse | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Oliver Queen is a member of the Bravo Squad, a team that specializes in search and rescue, covert infantry and translating foreign documents. He is known as one of the best and even though he is one of the youngest recruits he advances quickly. While serving he meets Lance Corporal Felicity Smoak, a young woman with skills in hand to hand combat. Despite the fact they butt heads they fall in love and soon start to talk about a future together. However, when her plane disappears on a mission in China and she is presumed dead, Bravo Squad searches frantically for her, only to find her plane and her bloody dog tags. Five years later Oliver runs into “Megan” at a coffee shop near that gym he has been running with his friends. She has lost her memory from the plane accident but has had dreams of Oliver and the Bravo Squad. With the help of his friends and team mates, can he help her reclaim her past and fall for him once again?
grade 2 right shoulder subscapularis strain by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver Queen is an Olympic archer with a shoulder injury who hates sports therapy with a passion. Dr Felicity Smoak is his new physiotherapist. Sparks fly. Perhaps Felicity can change Oliver's mind.
Aftermath by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Malcolm Merlyn has laid waste to the Glades. Laurel Lance is dead. Moira Queen is in jail. Thea is hiding away in her brother's nightclub. Oliver is licking his wounds, who knows where. Tommy would like nothing more than leave town and never look back, but someone needs to stick around and be accountable for his father's murderous undertaking.
Mothers know best by @smkkbert​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Since they have been kids, they have been best friends. Since they have been friends, their mothers wanted them to be together. After coming back from the east coast, Felicity takes over a position at Queen Consolidated, the company her best friend will soon take over from his father. Their mothers still push for them to be together, and they seem closer to that goal than ever because wedding bells are ringing. The only problem is that they both plan to get married to someone else.
Alpha by @oliversmuse | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver Queen was a powerful vampire that was captured by a group experimenting on hybrids. Turned into a hybrid that is half vampire and half wolf he is strong, fast and deadly. While in captivity he meets Dr. Felicity Smoak a hermatologist who is called in to monitor his feedings. All Oliver wants is to be free, away from the experiments and being in a cage, and strangely he feels he can trust Dr. Smoak. There is also an unspoken attraction between them that is forbidden. Can he convince her to set him free or will her attraction to him tempt her to keep him close?
Artemis by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When the Queen’s Gambit sank, two people were stranded on Lian Yu. Five years later, four came back.
Daughter of the Demon by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra’s al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter’s existence.
The Ravager by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Slade Wilson’s plan for revenge against Oliver took time, money and no shortage of lives to pull together. His plan didn’t anticipate Felicity Smoak. How will his plan change now that his lost-lost daughter is working with the very man he’s trying to destroy?
Felicity of Themiscyra by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Years ago, Donna Smoak left the island of Themiscyra and her sister Queen Hippolyta behind to live in man’s world. She never told Felicity the truth about where she came from. As a result of the Undertaking, Felicity discovers some of her Amazonian abilities and makes an interesting new friend: Diana Prince.
The Daughter That Was Left by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Before the Gambit, Oliver Queen met QC intern Felicity Smoak. When he boarded the Gambit, he left something behind. Now, five long years later someone is waiting for him.
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver?
| ONE | (Oliver The Footballer) by @someonesaidcake | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Felicity Smoak had a plan; to save enough money to kick her monotonous job and start up the company of her dreams. She made good plans, solid plans, attainable plans. He was never part of her plan. His name was Oliver Queen, the reclusive Brazilian football star with a broken smile and a story to tell He’d never planned on her either.
Did I Forget to Mention That My Dad is a Supervillain? by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Felicity told Oliver about her father, she wasn’t lying per se. She wasn’t completely honest either. It’s just that ‘my dad left us’ sounded better than the truth.
Or: A Series of one shots in which Felicity’s dad is a supervillain and we see how Oliver and the team finds out.
little wonders (twists and turns of fate) by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver and Felicity's drunken mistake of a hook-up in the bunker comes with unexpected consequences in the form of a... souvenir. Deciding to remain romantically uninvolved, the two of them will have to battle all the trials and tribulations of maintaining a platonic relationship while Felicity is pregnant and the two of them are living together, coping with all the emotional baggage that they both bring to the table - and dealing with the fact that they are still very much in love with each other, but scarred by the events that broke them apart in the first place.
Winds of Change by Nerdofmanytalents | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy finds an unexpected visitor hiding under the bar. [This segment takes place before the events of "Whats the Matter, Baby."]
The Road Not Taken by @oneofthosecrazygirls-fics​ | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Canon divergence/fix-it AU. Everything that happened in the series up through 4x11 happens as it did in the show and this fic diverges from there.Direct sequel to “Swear This One You’ll Save” and “Have Your Cake (And Eat It Too)” so make sure you read those first before reading this one.This fic is part of the What Should’ve Been ‘verse.
A Hidden Life by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: It's Oliver, Felicity, and Tommy's first Thanksgiving together. Their plans for a shared meal are upended by the unexpected arrival of Donna Smoak.
The Cat, the Canary, and the Dinosaur by stick2theplan | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Nyssa and Sara are visiting Oliver and co for the week. Of course, this means they'll at least have to endure a semi-awkward pseudo-family brunch. Fighting bad guys is easy compared to answering awkward questions from Oliver's too-perceptive son.
ink stains and dumbbells by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP
Summary: "Hey Dynasties, Oliver here coming at you with another video!"
"Hi guys, welcome back to Ghost Fox Goddess, I am Felicity Smoak."
When one half of YouTube duo, Queen-Merlyn Dynasty, lands himself in hot water with Principal Wilson due to failing grades, Oliver knows that he needs to step up his game. The principal recommends a tutor but little does Oliver know that she's also a successful YouTuber. The two of them set out on filming a collab but neither anticipates how popular their videos will be or the insane reaction the sight of the two of them on screen together will gain from the fans.
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theweekinarrowfic · 5 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, December 16-22, 2018
NOTE:  I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org/
Need more Arrow in your life?  Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers? Olicity Fiancee for Holidays by beggsyboo (9/9, 22 Dec 2018) - He was dumped right before he was supposed to visit his family for the holidays.  So what does he do? He finds a local tech shop owner with a big heart to be his fake girlfriend. Engagements and Eligibility by inlovewithimpossibility (25/25, 19 Dec 2018) - Robert and Moira Queen, Duke and Duchess of Derbyshire, are hoping that a two-week visit to the estate of Quentin and Dinah Lance, Earl and Countess of Starling, will help secure a marriage between their son and the Lances' eldest daughter, Laurel. During the visit, however, Oliver, along with his little sister Thea, finds himself more drawn towards the dynamic personality of Sara Lance and the sweet nature of Felicity Lance, the couple's adoptive daughter whose story is sorrowful. Despite his split attention, the visit is deemed a success, but unforeseen forces a week later pull the Queen siblings away from the Lances for five long years... Have Your Cake (And Eat It Too) by OneOfThoseCrazyGirls (2/2, 19 Dec 2018) - A sequel to “Swear This One You’ll Save”  Part 2 of What Should’ve Been. Holiday Getaway by DMichelleWrites (5/5, 17 Dec 2018) - Loosely based on a Hallmark movie, Christmas Getaway. Stressed CEO Felicity was ordered to go on vacation at the insistence of her mother. Little did she expect to find a stranger and his son in her family's cabin. Will romance ensue? (Spoiler: It will.) The Inmate (Christmas) by OliversMuse (5/5, 16 Dec 2018) - So I was asked by @OlicitySQueen to write a one-shot addition to The Inmate, but I found as I was writing that there is more than one chapter to tell. So this will be a small, multi-chapter addition to The Inmate. I hope you guys enjoy it. Part 2 of The Inmate.                 Other Ships/Characters A New Legend by AFY2018 (Sara/Ava Lance, 2/2, 22 Dec 2018) - A random idea of Jedi!Ava and Grey Jedi!Sara. Hope you enjoy!  Set 4 years before Episode IV.  Part 1 of Avalance in Space         William Clayton, Earl of Greystoke by Joshua_Preston (Wiliam-centric, 5/5, 20 Dec 2018) - Using the tales of his ancestor, William turns the tide against Adrian Chase. We're Not in Arrowverse Anymore by StormRebel_Love (Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, description sounds Oliver-centric, 10/10, 19 Dec 2018) - When Oliver y compañía están en una misión que sale mal (por culpa de Barry) ellos terminan en otro universo teniendo experiencias bastantes bizarras. Fic para mi hijita que me manipulo para hacerlo xD In Darkest Night by pjlowry (Digg-centric, 2/2, 19 Dec 2018) - Destiny finally comes knocking on John Diggle's door. Much like the amazing people he works for, Diggle is not afraid to step up when it's his turn to be the hero. Distant Melody by Clare_Hope (Cisco Ramon/Hartley Rathaway, Oliver/Felicity as side pairing, 51/51, 19 Dec 2018) - It's the summer of 2021, and Cisco Ramon gets a phone call from someone to whom he hasn't spoken in six years. Hartley Rathaway isn't intending to fall back in love with him, but sometimes, the best plans go astray. And as Central City is terrorized by the New Rogues and the Flash is nowhere to be found, Cisco and Hartley do their best to keep the city, and each other, from falling apart completely.  Part 1 of Distant Melody           Fight as one by Aragorn_II_Elessar (Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, Earth-2 Laurel/Oliver as side pairing, 14/14, 17 Dec 2018) - The heroes are gathered together for the wedding of Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow. But an evil organization from Earth-X attacks, forcing them to fight back to protect their Earth and family. Part 3 of 'The Devil and The Archer' series. Part 5 of The Devil and The Archer         Bad Blood In Hell by Bl4ckHunter (Superflarrow team-centric, 5/5, 17 Dec 2018) - Loosely based on Elseworlds crossover. When an old enemy comes to terrorize Gotham, Batman and his allies come to Arkham Asylum to investigate but they find out soon enough that a dangerous enemy plans to play a deadly game with them.  Part 17 of The Dar(h)k War Saga         A Rogue Christmas by Takara_Phoenix (Barry Allen/Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, Oliver/Felicity as side pairing, 3/3, 16 Dec 2018) - In an attempt to bring some normality into their lives, Felicity throws a huge holiday party. Oliver is along for the ride, mainly because this way he finally gets to give the Protective Big Brother Speech to Rory and Snart.  Part 96 of Phoe's Tumblr Drabbles        Part 2 of Phoe's Advent Calendar Project 2018        
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geneshaven · 6 years
Arrow, Season 6 (Threads of Discord)
The following breakdown of Season 6 has been churning around in my addled brain since 623 ended two weeks ago, and today I felt compelled to bring it out into the light of day.  I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anybody else’s take on the season. I’m only putting it down in black and white, because quite frankly, it’s a way for me to make sense of what was served up to us this season. I was left with some discombobulated thoughts and feelings when 623 was over, so much so that the next night I felt an immediate need to write a fic, (The Distance Between Two Hearts, *plug, plug*) to give everything  a happy ending and to help it all go down smoother. So, here is my final take on the Season as a whole.
When Lian Yu blew up at the end of Season 5, the writers of Arrow left a few storylines up in the air; mainly, Oliver and Felicity and their momentum of getting back together. A lot of fans just assumed it was a done deal. They kissed. They hugged. They made a promise to one another that after the smoke cleared; they would talk about being in each other’s lives again. (I’ve thought recently that the visual of Lian Yu exploding into larger fireballs could be a great summation of Season 6.)
So, hiatus came upon us in the summer of 2017 and the writers tried to pull a fast one, leaving all our beloved characters fates up in the air via a lame cliffhanger. Oliver saved William from Chase’s clutches. Samantha was killed, giving life to one of the plot lines for Season 6. Thea was caught in the explosions, blasted into a coma; a colossal waste of her character and of Willa’s acting abilities. John was injured, setting up yet another ill-conceived plot line for Dig. The Newbies---well, they survived, but a lot of fans might have wished they were blown up. Quentin survived, only to be killed off after stringing him and us along with a lunatic fringe thing with Black Siren---another waste of a good character and actor. And Felicity? Of course she would survive. But how did she survive? A really great potential scene was wasted by the writers not having Oliver searching for and finding the love of his life safe and in need of a hug. She was last seen running for cover; then after five months of hiatus, she reappeared at the Bunker with food orders from Big Belly Burger for the guys. There was a brief scene with her and Oliver alone in the Bunker, with UST hovering over them like an image of the salmon ladder calling out to them. Instead, they danced around each other and gave us an ever briefer talk about William, how they had agreed to stay apart in order for the boy to adjust to his new life. “Not tonight, another night,” Felicity promised Oliver. Had that been going on for five months? Were cold showers to be the norm for them in the unforeseeable future?
It was not to be, and plot took the lead over character for the bulk of the season. As a result, the stories were paper thin and patience thin.
To be fair, not all the episodes were terrible. There were a handful that had glimmers of promise. 603 and Olicity finally coming back together with one big kiss was pretty okay. 604 is a front-runner for me, coming in as a favorite episode. It was a rare example of character over plot, which is why it worked so well. Having Oliver and Felicity switch places, (due to another plot driven story line of Oliver giving up being the Green Arrow and passing the torch on to John) with Felicity out in the field and Oliver taking up the Overwatch mantle---it was inspired writing. Yet, having John in the Green Arrow suit and leading the charge, as well as turning him into a drug addict; it was so out of tune, sending the fandom into a tail-spin. And the Newbies? Didn’t they get blown up?
So after 604, we got some filler episodes, giving the writers more time to strengthen their plots. Slade Wilson and his mission to save his son, and dragging Oliver along with him was not a good idea, story wise. I always liked Slade Wilson’s character; the good and the bad. But the writers missed another chance to send him out with a good and final story.
We got a very brief look at Oliver getting arrested in 607, on Thanksgiving no less. It would come back to haunt everybody in 623.
The Crossover. Nazi’s. Doppelgangers. Evil Oliver as the Fuhrer. Supergirl as Eva Braun. Felicity as a victimized Jew. Quentin as the Gestapo.  The WestAllen wedding ceremony and the destruction it suffered. Whoever paid for the event probably felt the economic hurt more than the invasion. It would have been more believable than the racist crap MG and AK came up with.
Then at the end, it was a shout-out to Oliver telling Barry guys like them don’t get the girl. They were married to their loves, side by side in an impromptu ceremony. Okay, because I am an Olicity shipper, it was good to see them happy and all in with their love for one another. No rings, no wedding apparel and no vows. Just a beautiful fall day by a lake. It worked for some and was a travesty for others.
Olicity’s reception in 609 took some of the sting away from their unconceivable double wedding. We got a lot of pretty, (Oliver and Felicity dressing up) an ill-advised toast from Rene, (Rene, really? If I were John, I would have been pissed by that demotion) music and dancing, cake-cutting and bouquet-throwing---and god help us; the Hoffman’s.
So 610, to the end of the season, was nothing short of the worst writing to ever find its way onto the show. It was a flight of fancy and preference for Marc and Wendy. The whole civil war thing between OTA and NTA---how could they think that would be entertaining? And killing off Cayden James, who had the potential of being a good villain and replacing him with Ricardo Diaz---it was the writers shooting themselves in the foot and the fans in the back. Rene shooting at Felicity and taking an axe to Oliver, Curtis intentionally hurting John to get intel and Dinah just generally pissed at everyone---it was all a swirling, nauseating mess of WTF.
Then John and Oliver throwing each other around the Bunker like kids in a schoolyard? John brings out some pent-up resentments and disapprovals over Oliver’s leadership abilities. Really? It was just more piling on on Oliver to keep the plot going. Oliver is now a husband and a father, and maybe even a role model. He has earned all that makes his life full, through blood, sweat and tears. He has virtually erased the angry, violent juggernaut we all met in Season 1. He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everyone else’s short-comings and issues. It was just backwards writing all around.
Diaz. One big yawn. A non-threatening blow-hard who’s only real menace was being a big whiner and killing you with annoyance. I’m still shaking my head that he is coming back for Season 7.
About Season 7. Marc, Wendy and a large part of their toxic writing staff are gone. A new showrunner (Beth) is in place, along with a new, mostly female writer’s room. Do we get more character and less plot? Can they do enough damage control to salvage the mess they inherited? I hope so. Will Diaz meet an early demise; say in the first act of 701? Will Oliver be released from prison by some lawyerly trickery? Will the Newbies get blown up? Okay, I didn’t want to push things too far.
Thea and Lance are gone (insert tears here.) But Roy is coming back, and there are rumors of an Olicity baby. The Big Bad? Well, a litter of kittens would be scarier than Dias. And cuter too.
Five months. Damn. Maybe I will rewatch Season 6, you know, to pass the time.
Just kidding. I’m not into self-torture.  
@it-was-a-red-heeler @memcjo @almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @wordslovedreams @olicityinmyheart @olicityotp-always @swordandarrow @cruzrogue @ruwithmeguys @gabriellamarie97 @bandanab310 @dmichellewrites @wanhani @1106angel
58 notes · View notes
jbuffyangel · 7 years
The Wedding: [Olicity] Arrowverse 6x08 Review (Crisis on Earth-X)
This will be the first of two reviews. This review covers only Olicity. I will discuss pretty much everything else in the second review. I thought this would be easier for readers to pick and choose what content they are interested in. Stay tuned for Review #2.
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This is very long. Get comfortable.
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I've been talking about Olicity getting married since the Berlanti interview where he said, "... but there aren’t alot of superheroes who are married." I think the opening question was where Olicity goes to dinner. That was his answer. Work on that poker face, Greg.
We have discussed and theorized this day for YEARS. So much emotion and expecation has been poured into it. So, what did I think of the final result? Well...
Let's dig in... 
Olicity (and a little bit of other people)
It may be B*rry and Ir*s’ wedding, but Olicity is the dramatic focus. 
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Source: @songbin
Things kick off with a cute start as Ir*s and Felicity talk to their men over the comms. 
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None of our superheroes have RSVP’d for the wedding. There is no truer struggle than this when it comes to wedding planning. 
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Oliver is one of the guilty parties, but Felicity gets his act together. Although, if both Oliver and Felicity are in the wedding party there’s really no need to RSVP. Felicity bought a bridesmaid dress. You can never wear those again. She’s coming, Ir*s.
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One of the things I appreciate most about this crossover is their commitment to checking off Olicity Wish List. Oliver and Felicity ride the Ducati into Central City together. 
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Source: @thatonekimgirl​
OLICITY ON THE MOTORCCYLE. IT’S THE DREAM. Yeah, it’s a far away shot. I don’t care. I’ll take it.
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While the ladies are getting their nails done, Ir*s pops the question to Felicity. Hehehe. Not that question, but a vitally important one nonetheless: Are Oliver and Felicity next for a walk down the aisle?
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Felicity essentially uses the “it’s not the right time” excuse because of all the crisis:
City is always under attack
Oliver is being indicted
Oliver is focused on spending time with his son who is still mourning the loss of his mother
I love how sensitive Felicity is to William. She doesn’t want to appear like she’s trying to take the place of his mother in any way. Granted, it's a solid list. I will give Felicity that. But there's always a list. They are superheroes in Star City. There's always going to be a thing.
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Source: smoak-and-mirrors
However, as Felicity sips her champagne, and the ladies toast Ir*s’ impending nuptials, there is a look on her face. It’s not just about timing. Something else is going on here.
Oliver is getting a tux with B*rry, who is worried about jamming ten years of love into one vow.  He's already at 38 pages single spaced. This pretty much sums up B*rry All*n.
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Oliver looks so fine in a tux even B*rry is overcome by the hotness. This pretty much sums up Oliver Queen.
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B*rry being forced to acknowledge Oliver's undisputed hotness pretty much sums up their friendship.
Oliver tells B*rry not to worry because Mr. Queen is a cool cucumber. Yeah right, give it ten minutes. Oliver tells B*rry that when he looks into Ir*s’ eyes the words will just come.
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Of course, we know Oliver is remembering his failed wedding with Felicity. His impromptu, but profoundly honest and heartfelt vows encapsulated everything Felicity means to Oliver. The wedding may have been a rouse, but the vows were the deepest truth Oliver holds in his heart. A truth that remains to this day. Felicity is Oliver’s always and what he wants, more than anything, is a chance to be hers.
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As far as B*rry and Oliver scenes go this one is my favorite. What bonds Oliver and B*rry is a mutual respect and understanding. They each carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. It creates a safe zone for each man to share their thoughts and feelings because they know the other will understand.  
Over the years the primary focus of these talks has become about love. There is a connective thread between these men and their great loves through all the crossovers. 
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Source:  westallengifs
It began in the coffee shop with Oliver telling B*rry to let Ir*s go because he had to do the same with Felicity. Now these men are talking marriage. It’s a wonderful bookend to the evolution of both their love stories.
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Oliver, of course, is thinking about marrying Felicity. It’s all he’s thought about since he fell in love with her. For so long, Oliver didn’t believe that life was possible. However, if he could attain the impossible then it would be with Felicity. She has always been, and will always be, Oliver’s dream. Felicity is the girl you marry. It’s never been about dating for Oliver.
“Looking at her, he saw marriage, a house, lazy Sundays, date nights, babies, sleepless nights and first steps, little league, dance recitals, spelling tests, family vacations, driver’s licenses, college tuition…grandchildren. Oliver saw A LIFE.
He doesn’t want to die. He wants that life. He just doesn’t know how to have it. He doesn’t know how to live it.” (Arrow 3x02 Review)
Now the dream is a reality. Oliver has the life he never thought possible. It’s not just about survival for him anymore. Oliver knows how to live because Felicity taught him how.  Felicity is the reason... she is all his reasons.
“…I get to be like everybody else. I get to make my own decisions, have my own life, do whatever the damned hell I choose. Now here's the good part, so you listen close. What I choose is you. You're who I want to wake up with and go to bed with and do everything in between with. I get a choice now. I get to choose. I choose you… “ Denny Duquette, Grey’s Anatomy
Oliver chooses Felicity. He will always choose Felicity. She is the only person he wants to live this big, beautiful, complicated, dangerous and exciting life with.
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When the time is right. Umm…. WHAT? 
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Listen boy, you are on my last nerve. I reject the “right time” excuse completely. THERE IS NO RIGHT TIME. You run around in leather pants, a mask and shoot criminals with arrows, Oliver. Your extracurricular is very... extra. There will always be some crisis these two will face. What matters is today and the future you will build tomorrow. PUT A RING ON IT.
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Source: feilcityqueen
B*rry All*n is apparently standing in for me. Thanks for the assist B*rry. This almost makes up for being one of the main causes of the Olicity breakup in Season 4.  It does not in any way make up for erasing Baby Sara. You are still on my shit list for that one Allen. I don't care how much Ir*s likes you.
B*rry asks Oliver a very simple question:
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Of course, Oliver cannot contain his smile or the exuberant joy loving Felicity Smoak gives him. This man was once a closed off, brooding, angry and deeply wounded human being. Now he's a rainbow of love, hope and happiness. Oliver Queen is a friggin Care Bear. He wants to shout it from the roof tops.
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Source: eka-darville
Love. It’s all that matters. It’s the reason we get out of bed in the morning. It gives us something to fight for. It gives us SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR.  That was a hell of a speech B&rry. John Diggle would be proud.
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Source:  valeriemperez
Joe gives a beautiful toast to B&rry and Ir&s at the rehearsal dinner. 
“So, B*rry, Ir*s, thank you for showing me how to love again. For showing me that love is the most important thing we have.”
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Source: westallenolicitygifs
As much as the speech was about B*rry and Ir*s, it is also about Oliver and Felicity as the camera not so subtle pans over to them. Oliver is inspired by Joe’s speech and B*rry’s advice, so he decides to propose. Thatta boy Oliver. Go get her.
It does not go well.
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Let’s start with the positive? We’re going to look on the bright side friends because that's how I roll. First, there is a beautiful parallel to Oliver asking Felicity out on their first date. 
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She told him then to speak from the heart and it gave Oliver the courage to ask her out. Felicity says those words again (in reference to Joe’s speech) and it gives Oliver another shot of courage.
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Second, Oliver is the cutest cute to ever cute with his nervously rambling and hedging around the big question. Gone is his cool and confident, "the words will just come."
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Source:  fellicityqueen
He mans up though. Now we're rolling.  You can do it Oliver!!!!  He doesn’t pull Felicity up on stage, with Christmas trees and bended knee, but the second proposal packs emotional punch because this boy loves her so much. 
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I understand about the ninjas Oliver and you are forgiven for not kneeling. Mostly because you break out Felicity’s middle name during the proposal and it is romantic as hell. 
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The whole tone of the scene is exactly like the first time Oliver asked Felicity out. This is the perfect full circle moment.
Until Oliver gets shot down.  
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This is painful to watch, adorable babble notwithstanding.
“I’m not understanding what’s going on here.”
“Are you framing this for a “but?”
“This might come as some surprise, but I’m physically incapable of talking about anything else right now.”
They have switched bodies. Oliver is now the Felicity in the relationship.
Felicity doesn’t feel they need a piece of paper to declare their love and commitment to one another. Oliver agrees, but he wants crab cake and toasts too. He’d also like to declare their commitment to one another in front of all the people they love- legal style.
Felicity’s reversal on the subject of marriage is as surprising to me as it is to Oliver. I wasn’t expecting Oliver to propose this early on in the crossover, but I definitely wasn’t expecting Felicity to say no. Oliver is insistent they talk about it now and it eventually leads to Felicity shouting, “Oliver I don’t want to marry you!” and EVERYONE HEARS. 
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Oh God, this is cringe inducing second hand embarrassment. Oliver sort of laugh/cries and it sounds like a strangled puppy. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT STOP.
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Felicity makes it absolutely clear she loves Oliver, their life AND WILLIAM. This has nothing to do with not wanting to be part of this family. She absolutely does. Felicity wants to be committed to Oliver, but she rejects the concept of legal documentation.
So, first we get “it’s not the right time” and now it’s “we don’t need a piece of paper.” 
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It’s certainly a woman’s prerogative to change her mind and it’s fine if Felicity rejects the institution of marriage – it’s not for everyone.  However, Felicity’s reasons are wildly divergent in nature. “Not the right time” connotes “maybe someday” while “we don’t need a piece of paper” has a forever sound to it. Someday and never is a pretty wide gap. Felicity probably didn't want to discuss with Iri*s the reason she rejects marriage the day before Ir*s' wedding. However, neither of these reasons sound like the truth to me.
“Love is Emotional” by Neil Finn
A face in the crowd is watching me
Don't you forget that love cannot be
Taken for granted you'll have to believe it that's alright
But I never seem to work out how it ends
And I think it's almost never making sense
And it's hard to control
'Cause love is emotional
Supergirl knows how to pick song lyrics. Damn.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Angst city. The writers managed to make B*rry and Ir*s’ “happily ever after” equally about Oliver and Felicity. That's just... neat. Treats for everyone!
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Oliver and Felicity cannot hide how they feel about each other despite the angst. The minister’s words apply to Oliver and Felicity as much as they apply to B*rry and Ir*s. Once again, the camera pans over to them as the minister says, “These two people deserve to be together.” The minister wins Walter White.
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Oliver “I Have No Chill Please Make All the Babies with Me” Queen stares lovingly at Felicity. 
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Source: @songbin
He longs for the moment he can stand up in front of all his friends & family and declare how much he loves this woman. It’s a familiar look. He’s been longing for this for awhile.
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Unfortunately, the minister gets zapped incineration style before B*rry and Ir*s can get to the declaration part of the ceremony. Ugh. Nazis ruin everything. I hate them. Ir*s is 100% done. Preach it sister.
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All the heroes jump into the fight immediately, except for Oliver. He gets Felicity to safety first. 
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Source: teamolicity13
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As the team regroups and tries to formulate a plan, Oliver wants to take a moment to talk to Felicity.  Despite the madness and impending doom of Earth-X Nazis, Oliver wants to face their problems head on. He doesn’t want to wait. THY NAME IS CHARACTER GROWTH. 
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Oliver Queen, my son, is so grown it makes me weep.
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This is not the Olicity of Season 4 who pretends there isn't any problems between them. This is not the Olicity of Season 5 who pretends they aren’t madly in love with one another. This Olicity faces their issues head on without breaking up. Ya know, like an adult relationship.
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What I have always loved about this couple is they talk about what marriage means to them. They discussed it back in Season 4, when Oliver was hesitant to propose. He didn’t know how to be a vigilante and have a functioning relationship. It was Felicity who convinced him otherwise. 
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It was Felicity who believed with her whole heart they could have it all. 
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Oliver reminds Felicity of this fact and desperately wants to know what has changed. Dude, same.
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It's not Oliver specific. Felicity doesn’t want marry anyone.
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Source: captainheroism
Uhhh... it kind of feels Oliver specific, honey. He agrees with me and immediately reminds Felicity she didn’t feel that way two years ago. Felicity immediately reminds Oliver that after accepting his proposal she was shot. Everything is great now.  Why change it?
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Now this feels like the truth. THIS I understand. Felicity Smoak is scared. She is absolutely terrified. She uses a poker analogy with Oliver, “Let’s just stand pat with the cards that we’re holding.” Felicity doesn’t want to risk their relationship. When Felicity looks back on their engagement she views it as an ending, not a beginning. A sentiment she will repeat to Ir*s later.
She is right. When Oliver proposed they were already over. 
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They were over the minute he chose to lie about William. 
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I know Felicity is saying it’s because she was shot, but actually they handled that pretty well together. What tore them apart was all the lying. Felicity doesn’t want Oliver to feel like this is about William, because it’s not. She loves William. So, she points to the gunshot wound and paralyzation for the "sky is falling" comparison. It doesn't change the fact that the lies, being shot and paralyzed are all one big ball of pain.
To be frank, as much as I love the proposal in 4x09, it has always been tainted because Oliver was lying to Felicity when he proposed. 
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Her beautiful and heartfelt speech about what marriage means pretty much fell on Oliver’s deaf ears. (Yeah I know there was an ultimatum. Don’t @ me. We’ve gone over this. It was still wrong.) So, I can’t help but feel that some of the rejection and embarrassment he felt after Felicity said no is warranted? 
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If Felicity knew Oliver lied to her about something so monumental as William, she would have never said yes in the first place. As exhibited by Felicity giving back the ring and calling off their engagement when she did find out. No, wait. She did give Oliver some wiggle room to redeem himself, but then he sent his son away without discussing it with her. That sealed his fate. I feel very Obi-Wan about it.
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Have Oliver and Felicity worked past all these issues? YES. 5x20 dealt with all of these issues. Oliver faced the darkest parts of his soul to understand why he has significant trust issues. 
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Felicity understands why Oliver lied. 
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Oliver knows it was wrong to lie. (That vow he has kept.)
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They’ve learned from their mistakes and built a stronger, more trusting, foundation. As exhibited by facing their issues head on. However, that doesn’t eliminate the element of fear.
If Felicity was really against the whole concept of marriage she wouldn’t hear a peep from me. However, Felicity is making that decision from fear. She doesn’t want to draw another card because it might ruin everything. She’s playing it safe. Anytime Felicity has something wonderful something awful comes along to ruin it. Well, yeah pumpkin. You are on a TV show. That’s how this works.
So, Felicity has decided not to rock the boat. She’s almost being superstitious. Not marrying Oliver Queen is tantamount to knocking on wood or throwing salt over her left shoulder. If they just keep things the same then she can keep all the wonderful. It’s like Felicity is standing on the edge of a cliff with Oliver. He’s ready to jump, but she is content to stay frozen in that spot forever.
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Oliver doesn’t want to remain frozen. He wants to move forward. Marriage is important to him. It does mean something. He knows the future is uncertain and bad things always seem to happen, but that’s even more of a reason to marry Felicity. Oliver is ready to live his life and that means getting married. He wants to stand up in front of all their friends and family and promise always.
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Felicity promises always. She promises it then and there on the steps.
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Oliver has been hoping for a second chance,  but it’s not coming in the form he expected it to. This is all she can give though. Oliver has her heart, but there’s no legal document declaring it. Felicity asks Oliver to respect her decision and he agrees,
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but is it enough for him?
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
No, because he emotionally unloads on B*rry and Ir*s five minutes later. 
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Oliver knows there’s something else behind Felicity’s decision. To be fair, she doesn’t put it her reasoning as eloquently as she does with Ir*s a few moments later. 
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
However, because Oliver is the dumbest oak tree to ever live he decides Felicity doesn't love him as much as he loves her.
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
Lord boy. You try me.
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B*rry and Ir*s, who are standing in for our usual anchor couple Dyla (and doing a solidly awesome job), tell Oliver he’s a bunch of nonsense. 
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Unfortunately, Felicity walks in at the exact wrong moment. 
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
Oh god. Another cringe inducing moment of second hand embarrassment. My babies. This is so awful. Make it go away.
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Felicity wants to do the talking thing again, because apparently the first time didn’t take. 
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Source: westallenolicitygifs 
Sadly, Oliver reverts to form. He needs to get his head in the game. No time for discussing their relationship now. Sigh. Season 6 evolved Oliver was nice while he lasted.
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So, Oliver leaves for battle thinking Felicity doesn’t love him as much as he loves her (re: oak tree). But Oliver is right about something. There is more to this.
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Source: valeriemperez
In one of her greatest speeches ever, Ir*s tells Felicity she also fears the unknown. So much that it gives her nightmares. What helps her get through it is B*rry being next to her.  Ir*s, you are nominated for the #1 Olicity shipper. Diggle is tough competition, but you have a shot. My girl won’t quit until these two are married.
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Ir*s is also right. This time it’s different. Oliver and Felicity’s past has built them as much as it has broken them. Felicity’s fear is absolutely understandable as was Oliver’s two years ago. But loss, pain and crisis aren’t without purpose. It teaches us how to lean on one another, trust, compassion, humility, and what is most valuable in life. It makes us hold on to the happy moments and reach for more every chance we get. Crisis shows us what we are living for. It makes us cherish peace. The unknown will always exist. Bad things will continue to happen to Felicity and Oliver, but that’s true for any of us. That’s just life. If they face it together with grace, honesty and trust – they can get through anything.
This is a monumentally large impasse or at least it feels like it. Felicity doesn’t believe in marriage and Oliver does. It’s not unlike Maggie and Alex’s differing opinions on children. So, are we headed for another break up?
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No. The writers are just jerking our chain one last time. That said, this storyline isn’t without purpose. It’s simply the last hurdle before Oliver and Felicity say “I do.”
But first, we need to survive some really disturbing imagery. Oliver poses as his evil Earth-X doppelganger to infiltrate the Nazis and find a way home. Earth-X Lance is a Sturmbannführer, a major in the SS, and he decides to test if this is the real Earth-X Oliver. So, he brings in the Earth-X version of Felicity. Oh... it gets worse.
Sturmbannführer Lance tells Oliver to execute Felicity for giving her rations to the work camp children. It’s as horrible as it sounds. I don't love this imagery. I understand why it's triggering for some. I also understand why it may anger others. I will discuss my opinions on the Nazis plot in the second review. For now, I'll just say this. As disturbing as this scene was, it can also serve as a reminder we are one breath away from our greatest loves being our greatest enemy. We enjoy so much freedom in the United States, but it’s fragile. It only takes a moment for hate to separate us from those we love. Thus, we must remain ever vigilante.
It also delivers a pretty emotional scene that propels Oliver to some signficant realizations.There is no universe where Oliver Queen would kill Felicity Smoak. Even though Oliver knows it’s a test, he lets Felicity go and reveals his identity to Sturmbannführer. Luckily, Oliver doesn’t need a weapon. 
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Oliver starts kicking some Nazis ass (YES! MY MAN) and finds Felicity hiding once the fight is over. This is a familiar scene. It’s very reminiscent of 2x07 and 3x01,
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except Oliver’s face is one Earth-X Felicity has learned to fear. 
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Oliver reassures her the same way he would reassure HIS Felicity. 
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He finds that quiet, gentle, loving and soft tone. The special voice he uses only for her. Oliver repeats the word that always quells the fear inside Felicity, “hey," and repeats it in a mantra like a lullaby. 
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Oliver gives Felicity a gun and tells her to run. Before she goes Felicity asks Oliver why he’s doing this. He tells her, in a very Earth-X Oliver way -
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
However, Oliver is not talking about himself. He’s talking about Felicity. She is the strong and Oliver knows Earth-X needs her.
This is the point in the story I think the lesson starts to dawn on Oliver. He loves Felicity more than life itself. He believes in her fundamental goodness. Yet, here on Earth-X, Oliver is presented with a doppelganger version of Felicity. This version of Felicity is no different than his. She is brave, selfless, kind and strong. The same cannot be said for his doppelganger - or even Laurel's or Tommy's.
That's not to say there isn't an evil Felicity out there somewhere in the 53 earths (Although the writers are going to have to show me actual evidence. I refuse to believe it otherwise.) 
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But that doesn't really matter now. Oliver is on Earth-X and on this earth he is a HORRENDOUS person. Yet, Earth-X Oliver is a person who loves deeply. Who is willing to sacrifice anything for the woman he loves. Oliver sees parts of himself in the fuehrer and that is disturbing on many levels.
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Oliver Queen recognizes his darkness more than anyone else. Yes, there is innate goodness in this man, but he very easily could have gone another way. If Oliver never met Felicity Smoak (or Diggle) he would have become a monster much like Prometheus. Oliver's entire Season 5 journey was built around this realization and deeply rooted fear.
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It becomes blindingly clear to Oliver as he stands in a world consumed by hate. We all have good and evil inside. What separates us are the choices we make and what we do with the gifts we’ve been given. Dark Arrow is corrupted by Overgirl as much as she is corrupted by Dark Arrow. Their mutual darkness feeds one another. It is a grotesque display of “love.” But if Dark Arrow had fallen in love with Earth-X Felicity? Then maybe his soul could have been saved. But he didn't. Dark Arrow chose anger and hatred instead. And a love fueled by it. However, our Oliver did meet Felicity. 
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He chose to love her and that has made all the difference in his life.
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Felicity and Ir*s are facing off with their own set of Nazis in an attempt to save Supergirl. I would absolutely watch a show just with these two. This is fantastic television.
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Reverse Flash (yeah, he's back. AGAIN) 
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is about to cut out Supergirl's heart, but the entire lab goes dark. Felicity has locked them out of Star Labs with an encrypted code.
Reverse is going to kill Felicity if she doesn't give up the code. Felicity is a hero down to the marrow and is prepared to die if it means saving Supergirl's life. 
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Source: https://twitter.com/caitybettlotz
Iri*s fights and screams against the Nazis guard, desperate to free herself. She's trying to save Felicity before Reverse Flash kills her. It makes me emotionally thinking about it even now.
Supergirl refuses to let anyone die for her. She insists Felicity give up the code. When she does we see that Oliver is in her every thought.
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When Felicity comes face to face with Dark Arrow she refuses to hand over Supergirl. This time Felicity doesn't back down and tells Evil Earth-X Oliver, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off.  
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Source :sssssssim
It is a GLORIOUS speech given by the hero who inspires us all. Be gone haters. My girl is a QUEEN.
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OUR Oliver arrives with an arrow to Overgirl’s throat just before Dark Arrow is about to shoot Felicity. When Overgirl begins to influence Dark Arrow there is a flicker of fear in Oliver's face. He is prepared to kill Overgirl if necessary to save Felicity’s life. Oliver also knows Dark Arrow is prepared to kill Felicity to save his wife. So, Oliver offers him a peaceful solution instead of threats. The team will help save Overgirl's life if Dark Arrow let's Felicity go. In the face of immense hate, Oliver offers compassion. It’s enough to make Dark Arrow hesitate, which gives Reverse Flash the chance to zip in and whisk them away. I hate that guy, but this works in our favor for the time being.
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What happens next is straight out of fan fiction. I do mean this literally. I’ve read scenes like this verbatim. The only thing missing was a field for Oliver and Felicity to run through. 
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This is the hug to end all hugs.
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Felicity immediately apologizes. She’s been afraid from the moment Oliver left that he would die thinking she doesn’t love him. As for Oliver, well our big dumb oak tree, finally removed head from ass and realized Felicity’s issues with marriage have nothing to do with not loving him enough.
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Felicity is safe. 
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That’s all that matters to him. 
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She is all that has ever mattered.
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Oliver wants to be with Felicity. He wanted it then
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and he wants it now.
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Some things never change. But some things do. Oliver was an immovable object in the past. 
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He refused to compromise with Felicity and held to his rigid beliefs. It cost him happiness.
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It cost Oliver HER. 
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Now, Oliver has learned he can have a life with Felicity. More importantly, he’s willing to compromise to get it. Oliver Queen bends.
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He’s grateful to do it. It is even more clear to him now what a gift it is that Felicity is in his life. She has made all the difference. Felicity makes him a better man and that's what is important. Oliver doesn’t care about getting married anymore. Being with Felicity is more than enough. It’s everything.
See? Nothing like a little crisis to clarify what’s really important. Also, we get an official “in the hood” kiss. Check that off the list too! IT. IS. EPIC. Thank you Stephen and Emily for not holding back. It’s everything I dreamed and more.
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The hood is up and the mask is on. Yet, the man shines through. Oliver is every bit the Green Arrow in this scene. A complete and fully formed hero. It's been a long road, but he's finally found the balance between his two selves. What's more, Oliver knows Felicity was the path to that balance. She helped Oliver find the light in the dark. He has become every bit the man and hero Felicity deserves. And that's why Oliver Queen finally deserves her.
The beauty of the Arrowverse is every show is built on love stories. Whether it’s Oliver and Felicity, B*rry and Ir*s, Kara and Alex, Snart and Mick – the central motivation for each character is love. Not all love stories are romantic in nature, but that doesn’t make their power to influence any less. “Crisis on Earth-X” exemplifies this absolutely perfectly in the relationship between Professor Stein and Jackson.
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Stein eventually succumbs to his injuries (to save Jackson’s life). In his final moments, Stein recognizes the fragility of life. Death comes for us all eventually. Life is but a fleeting moment, a blink, in the scope of the universe. Stein uses his last breath to thank Jefferson for their great adventure.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
This is a father saying goodbye to his son. Martin wishes Jefferson a long life filled with love. In the end love is all that matters. Stein is able to go because he knows he lived a good life. He used his time on Earth to create, to help and to love. Professor Stein left the world a better place than he found it. His final gift is to give Jefferson the same opportunity.
There is such beauty in this spontaneous wedding and fulfills so much of what Professor Stein wished. His wish isn't just for Jackson. It is for B*rry & Ir*s and Oliver & Felicity too. It is for all of us.
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Source:  valeriemperez
Life is but a blink and all that truly matters is love. Find something to live for and LIVE FOR IT. Grab hold of life with both hands because it’s gone sooner than we can imagine. Don’t wait for the right time because now is all we have. Live a life full of joy, adventure, friendship, selflessness, compassion and love. Don’t let fear control you. You will be a better person for loving and for being loved in return.
The fragility of life is true for all of us, but especially for heroes like W*stallen and Olicity. Each couple tried to plan the perfect day and find the right time. Those things don’t really exist in their world because their lives don’t belong fully to themselves. There is always a crisis. There will always be a reason to wait, which is exactly why they shouldn’t. When the opportunity presents itself they need to seize it.
The way this wedding unfolds is almost symbolic for the journey Olicity went on the last two years. Everything looked perfect on the surface in Season 4, but in reality Oliver and Felicity were not dealing with their issues. Their “fake wedding” was manifestation of what went wrong.  The vows were absolutely real, but they didn’t quite know how to live them yet.
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The beauty of this wedding is that it’s spontaneous, even a little messy, and real. Oliver and Felicity's relationship has never been wrapped in a neat little bow. Their road was rocky and even a little messy. It was also real. They’ve dealt with all their issues and know how to live those vows. The image of the wedding may be imperfect, but the reality behind it is not.
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Felicity realizes this and it’s why she proposes to Oliver. More importantly, Felicity confesses the fear she’s held in her heart for as long as she's known Oliver Queen. 
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This is the fear that controls Felicity. It’s what drives her away from Oliver. It’s the reason she didn’t want to get married. But Felicity isn’t going to let fear control her anymore. It's like she's been holding her breath and finally exhaled.
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The ace up Felicity's sleeve is Oliver Queen. She believes in him. Felicity saw something special inside of Oliver from the moment she met him. 
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She saw a light. Underneath all the lies, charm and bravado was a beautiful human being too wounded, angry and scared to be seen. 
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But Oliver couldn’t hide from Felicity. Her goodness brought out his. Felicity harnessed Oliver’s light 
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and what reflected back to her was more wondrous than she could have ever imagined.
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Felicity may not know the future, but her belief in Oliver and their love, is what holds her course steady through life. It is a leap of faith, but with Oliver by her side it is one Felicity is ready to make.
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Whether you elope or spend a year planning your wedding, there comes a point where every couple just has to… jump. All the planning and promises can’t account for the unknown. There are no guarantees in marriage. It's always a leap of faith in the end. There does come a moment though when you realize this is it. This is the moment you are going to jump. You are going to marry this person come hell or high water.
There was a blizzard on my wedding day. I was in the dress and I remember feeling such relief when I heard my husband arrived at the church. I honestly didn’t know if anyone else was going to make it. My mother said to me, “Does it matter?” And… it didn’t. As much as I love my family and friends, I couldn’t account for the unknown. You have this voice inside your soul telling you,  “No. This is it. I am marrying this person TODAY. “ And you jump.
Keep in mind their life together began with Oliver hesitating. 
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Oliver was waiting for life to be perfect and THEN he could be with Felicity. And he lost her. Truth be told, Oliver’s hesitation has cost him Felicity more than once.
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It’s different now though. He’s a man who wants to seize life and hold on tight. Oliver doesn’t hesitate. (Well, except for Felicity to clarify her feelings on marriage because he is legitimately confused.) 
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There is no question in his mind. The time is now. This is the dream Oliver always wanted 
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and he’s not going to let the moment pass him by.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Personally, I am very happy the writers didn’t try to top the vows in 4x16. Oliver and Felicity even reference their perfection. We really only needed to make this official – legal style. After Felicity’s heartfelt proposal and “I’m afraid of losing you” speech, Oliver does feel compelled to offer something in return.
Oliver told B*rry once he’s looking into Ir*s’ eyes the words will come. He was speaking from experience. The words came to Oliver in 4x16 and they come to him now. 
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He recalls the most important part of his vows and repeats them to Felicity. 
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Their latest crisis proved to Oliver, once again, how true they are. Why are these words so important? Because they encompass the entire show.
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Oliver is a better human being, man and mask, for loving Felicity Smoak. That’s the ballgame folks. This is why Oliver Queen becomes a superhero.
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He is almost so overcome with emotion that he can barely get the words out and Felicity smiles happily back at him, with tears in her eyes. They know what a miracle their love is and they are going to live that miracle every day.
And the man who saw them through everything; the man who told Oliver the kind of love that lasts forever
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and to be on the lookout for;
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the man who watched, smiled and waited;
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Source:  littlegirlinvisible
the man who encouraged Oliver to grab hold of happiness
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and wouldn’t put up with any of his bullshit;
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the man who said what we were all thinking;
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Source:  littlegirlinvisible
the man who fought Oliver’s stubborness and fear when Felicity was too tired and hurt to;
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the man who played referee; 
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the man who was always there to listen
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or tell Oliver he’s a big, dumb oak tree;
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and the man who taught Oliver life is about more than survival;
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is the man who marries them.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
It is gorgeously simple, honest and earned moment for these two characters. 
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs 
This is the wonder of a hero's journey. 
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After all the trials, loss, pain, angst and frustration we arrive at a beautiful destination. And then a new story begins. Oliver and Felicity's journey isn't ending. It's only just begun.
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Source:  felicitys
“Lives Entwined” by Matthew Mayfield 
Make me a man Show me how to fight Take that woman Make her my bride Show us the new meaning of lives entwined I am in love I am in love I am in love with you But we've got bigger things to do Chase a new life on the heels of a newfound train Take on the world with a girl and a new last name Fight for you This I can do When we've both grown tired and covered in scars I won't give up on your heart Please don't give up on my heart
It took almost 30 years for one of my beloved couples to not only get married, but for me to be able to watch the marriage. It feels longer.
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Oliver and Felicity are married and I am filled with a peaceful satisfaction. Stories can truly go anywhere. A smile turns into an EPIC love. A guest star becomes the female lead. The unthinkable evolves into canon. And lightning in the bottle guides the way out of the dark.
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We are all Diggle.
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Stray Thoughts On the Double Wedding
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Source: valeriemperez
Consider this an addendum to the review. It wouldn't be an Arrowverse wedding without a little controversy. This controversy has been brewing for awhile. Some are very angry about the double wedding. Unsurprisingly, I am not. Primarily because of the message the writers are trying to send.
It’s not about a day, or a dress or the cake or the venue. Don't get me wrong, those things are all wonderful and meaningful. I squealed with delight when I saw Ir*s walk down the aisle. There will be extensively more squealing when Olicity eats cake and drinks champagne dressed to the nines.
But what really matters is the MARRIAGE. This is about wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. These couples can always find a reason to delay because there is another crisis. That's what it means to be a hero.
This is why B*rry and Ir*s have absolutely no problem with Oliver and Felicity jumping in on the love fest.
If you want to be upset about the double wedding that's fine. Who am I to tell you otherwise? However, a couple getting married in the FOURTH SEASON is a rare gem. I'm too busying dancing on sunshine for W*stallen to be crabby about how any of this went down.
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Primarily because I'm not crabby about how any of this went down, but that's neither here nor there. Let's look at this logistically.
Yes, absolutely the Arrowverse could have married both of these couples in separate ceremonies on their own shows. It makes complete sense. Except, it leads to guest star appearances. Otherwise we'll be wondering why Oliver isn't at B*rry's wedding? Or how come Ir*s isn't a bridesmaid? Stein went to W*stallen's wedding, but he can't make time for Olicity? And so on. 
Inevitably, this means most major cast members in the Arrowverse have to cross over to Arrow and The Fl*sh. I think this crossover requires herculean effort logistically and they aren't going to do it more than once. The actors and crew would strike.
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We’re already screaming about Thea, William, Donna, Joe, Cisco, etc. So, they just said the hell with it. Nobody was there except the couples and Diggle. But that’s what elopment/justice of the peace is (B*rry and Ir*s’ plan) and Olicity always wanted a small wedding. 
Could they have split both weddings out over two years? Sure! Except, that's the same crossover storyline two years running. Keeping the storylines fresh and new is all part of the crossover gimmick. 
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Even if they did decided to split it out then which couple goes first? Whoever is first immediately casts a light of prioritization and "more importance."
What if only one couple is married in the crossover and the other is married in a regular episode? If they marry Olicity in crossover (the biggest episode for every single show in the Arrowverse FOUR YEARS running) then the W*stallen fans feel slighted. It's like saying Olicity is more important than W*stallen. And vice versus.
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So, both it is. One crossover. One time. To me, the focus of this event was about balance.  Everything went down on a (reasonably) even keel.
Both W*stallen and Olicity had their perfect and traditional weddings ruined by outside forces.
Neither couple was married on their own show. Legends of Tomorrow was like Camp David in this scenario or Switzerland if you prefer.  
Each couple had their moment in the sun to say their vows. Olicity already did theirs in 4x16 with a little extra added in for good measure during the ceremony. W*stallen slayed their vows in the park.
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Source: westallengifs
Each couple had a spontaneous, Diggle officiated, ceremony.
W*stallen was the solid anchor couple, while Olicity provided the dramatic angst.
BALANCED. No couple was more important than the other. This was like my mother dividing out the chocolate bar with expert precision between me and my two sisters. WHO DO YA LOVE MORE MAMA? NOBODY. I LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME.
Speaking as an Oliciter, since they are my OTP, I especially love the message this ceremony sends. Oliver and Felicity are not the comic book couple. Arrow diverged from "comic canon" and went a different direction because that's what worked best for the show. Lord almighty have they received flak for it.  
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Marrying Oliver and Felicity next to the king and queen of comic book canon, B&rry All&n and Ir&s W&st, says both love stories are valid. Both love stories are important. Both love stories are EQUAL.
B*rry and Ir*s chose to get married on the spot because they recognized the fragility of life. They just came from a funeral of a man who used his last words to say, "Life is fragile. LIVE FOR LOVE." You know Jefferson passed that on to his friends. It's a little ridiculous for them to say to Oliver and Felicity, "Hold up! Only our life is fragile! We need to live in the moment, but not you two. You two have to wait. Diggle can marry you tomorrow. Fingers crossed nothing happens until then! Best of luck!" 
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Especially when Ir*s and B*rry spent the better part of the crossover focused on convincing Oliver and Felicity to get married. THEY SHIP IT HARDCORE.
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Let's talk about the fragility of life. All four characters thought at one time or another they were going to die. Or, even worse, they were going to watch their loved one die. Felicity almost had a hand put through her chest! Oliver and B*rry were almost shot by a Nazis firing squad! Ir*s had bullets flying all around her in a COUTURE WEDDING DRESS. That is Monique Lhuillier for godsake!!!!! Have some respect! They all nearly lost their lives and that's just a regular Tuesday for them.
This is probably my favorite reason why the wedding took place at the same time.  From the moment B*rry All*n became a superhero he has looked to Oliver Queen for guidance. That guidance was never just about tactics. It was about love too. And Oliver... had some pretty spectacularly awful advice in that department.
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He needed to learn from B&rry as much as B&rry needed to learn from him. Not just how to be a better superhero, but how to be a better man. 
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Each crossover has shown the emotional progression (and missteps) of these two men. They both found a way to let go of their painful past. 
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They both found a way to their great loves. 
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Source:  dailydcheroes 
In some respects, they did it together. 
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At the very least Oliver and B*rry understand each other's lives like no one else. Ir*s and Felicity understand each other's lives like no one else. 
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These couples are bonded through heroism. Marrying them together, each couple being equally happy for the other, is a beautiful display of friendship. And friendship is where both of these love stories began.
Thank You
On a personal note, I want to say thank you to everyone who joined in the fun the last few years. You all very patiently read and entertained all my theories on when, where and how this wedding was going to happen. I was pretty much always wrong, but the train kept on chugging. You all made the wait a lot more bearable. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of Olicity's story with you. I will stop screaming, "BUT THE BOUQUET!!!" now.
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. Crisis on Earth-X episode gifs credited.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - December 29th, 2017
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. OSS2017 are the Olicity Secret Santa entries I’ve read so far. Thanks so much to @green-arrows-of-karamel, @tdgal1 and @smkkbert for organizing another successful year! Happy New Year to all! 
Light a Fire by @smoaking-greenarrow - Set between seasons 5 and 6, so not exactly holiday-esque. It’s a bit angsty, actually. I’m sorry, I feel like you were looking for cute, anon. This just happened. Felicity tells Oliver about her experience when the island exploded, but there’s a fire and a cold Felicity and snugglin! Hope you enjoy!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/13095513
Technical Assistance multi-chapter by @thatmasquedgirl - Felicity Smoak swore she'd provide technical assistance to all who need it.   She's just not prepared for her newest client. A story that shows another way Felicity and Oliver could have met.  Each chapter contains a bonus scene at the end.  Olicity undertones, with a definite slow burn.  Originally started as a one-shot of the same name. Complete. http://archiveofourown.org/works/1359190/chapters/2838451
Making Merry - An Olicity Holiday Story by multi-chapter by @quiveringbunny - Oliver Queen finds himself roped into helping his sister during the holidays. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12995670/chapters/29715414
The Christmas Con multi-chapter by @spaztronautwriter - In order to convince his parents and his ex that he’s changed, Oliver Queen hires a stranger to be his girlfriend for the holidays. Felicity Smoak is as far from his type as possible, with her dark hair and attitude problem, but a bottle of hair dye and a new wardrobe—not to mention the money he’s promised—can do wonders, and if he plays his cards right this whole thing might actually work. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13116201/chapters/30006585
12 Days of Christmas by melicitysmoak - This Arrow/Olicity one-shot is set after the heart-breaking ending of the Mid-Season 4 Finale episode “Dark Waters.” It’s my version of what happens in the twelve days following Christmas day when Felicity survives the ambush and lies sleeping in a coma in the hospital. Oliver doesn't run off chasing after ghosts to find Damien Darkh and make him pay.  (That story arc bothered me a lot back then.)  Instead, he stays close to Felicity, hoping each day that she would wake up. The story revolves around a simple yet sincere exchange of “love” gifts for the holidays between them. He speaks, and she shows him that she’s listening. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13106157
Cold December Night multi-chapter by @sparkleannie -  OSS2017 AU, College AU, Fluff, friends to lovers, pink snuggies are a thing, whipped cream is involved, pet names, teeth rotting fluff  https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168873077231/cold-december-night
William's First Hanukkah by @imusuallyobsessed - OSS 2017 https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168878967160/williams-first-hanukkah
My Lovely Olicity - A Poem by @jaspertown - OSS2017 SO BEAUTIFUL! https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168877340494/happy-holidays-a-gift-for-lgtwinkie99-by
Having Fun by @wetsuiton - OSS2017 Oliver is "mad" at Felicity but they still find ways to have fun - MY PRESENT!!! It's cute, adorable, fluffy and FUNNY!! https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168882668425/olicity-secret-santa
That's Christmas To Me by @smkkbert -  OSS2017 Six significant Christmas moments for single dad Oliver Queen and his neighbor-turning-more Felicity Smoak - Five times Oliver’s Christmas was a little messed up and the one time it was really perfect. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13125204
Love and Little Cupcakes multi-chapter by @xtina-lynn  - Felicity loved sweets so much that she paid no attention to her love life. Until Thea Queen came into her store wanting fabulous cupcakes for her sixteenth birthday. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12400539/chapters/28216053
Chase's Twelve Days of Christmas multi-chapter by @befitandchase - Daily Christmas prompts - SO LOVELY! http://archiveofourown.org/works/12984744
25 Olicity's of December by @foreverfelicityqueen - A series of 25 olicity family oriented prompts for each day up to Christmas. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12886866/chapters/29439447
"I tried, but I just can't stay away from you anymore." by @dust2dust34 - Oliver and Felicity reunite http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/168911898874/93
"I bet I can make you scream my name" by @dust2dust34 - Oliver and Felicity meet at a party after they have divorced http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/168906702859/94
"Can I Kiss You?" by @dust2dust34 - Oliver and Felicity kiss http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/168910110444/52
“Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!” by @dust2dust34 - Felicity meets someone she doesn't expect http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/168905003694/53-who-crawls-through-someones-window-at-4am-to
Safe multi-chapter by @geneshaven - Oliver and Felicity feel safe in their new life until they are not Part 3 https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/168894259609/safe Part 4 https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/168980978009/safe Part 5 https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/169057881419/safe
Pieces of Always multi-chapter by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
The Darkest Hour by @felicityollies - prompt: Felicity gives birth/their first night with their daughter or son. http://felicityollies.tumblr.com/post/168931392012/prompt-felicity-gives-birththeir-first-night
Olicity Fanfic Countdown to Christmas multi-chapter by @mogirl97 - One-shots from my Olicity Fanfic Countdown to Christmas on Tumblr  http://archiveofourown.org/works/12885225/chapters/29435352
Thursday multi-chapter by @someonesaidcake - There is something about the girl next door that Oliver Queen is only now noticing... Felicity is moving to college just down the road from where Oliver is a senior.  He suddenly becomes very protective of the girl next door.  Thursday night dinners might not ever be the same again. This story gets better and better! http://archiveofourown.org/works/10688658/chapters/23670255
Christmas in Star City multi-chapter by lizzie21 - Felicity Smoak is a movie star who's come to Star City to shoot her new movie. Only problem, Mayor Oliver Queen isn't keen on the movie ruining his Christmas. The two of them get closer, but will Felicity's life get in the way of happily ever after? This is based off Hallmark's Christmas in Homestead and adapted for the Arrowverse. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13064211/chapters/29883018
Deck the Halls by anythingbutplatonic - Felicity has a plan for her perfect first Christmas morning as a married woman, but things go slightly awry. http://archiveofourown.org/works/12924543
On The Run by @sadfangirl05 - OSS2017 Felicity Smoak needs to disappear quickly as she’s been hunted by rogue agents of ARGUS. Agent Oliver Queen is assigned to protect her.  https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168877886285/olicity-secret-santa-submission-2017-on-the-run
Easy As Cake by @felicityollies - OSS2017 Felicity’s least favorite things in the world are vague customers and customers who ask for cakes for impromptu weddings. It happens to be her luck that Oliver Queen is both and he’s calling her bakery.  https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168870832884/easy-as-cake
Interrupted by unknown - OSS2017 Oliver and Felicity reunite https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168871974261/interrupted
Better With You by @lgtwinkie99 - OSS2017 Felicity's friend John Diggle brings her to his friend Oliver Queen when she expresses an interest in buying a motorcycle. https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168875735454/better-with-you
Time for a Story multi-chapter by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
I Could Live By The Light In Your Eyes by @iwannabewithyou-unsafe - OSS2017 Felicity meets an old boyfriend while shopping with her family https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168871407661/i-could-live-by-the-light-in-your-eyes
A Holiday For Two by @olicitysmoaky - OSS2017 https://olicitysecretsanta.tumblr.com/post/168874156367/a-holiday-for-two-a-secret-santa-fic-for
“I will knock you on your ass if you even think about it.” by @dust2dust34 - AU Oliver and Felicity have a disagreement http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/169044173189/72-i-will-knock-you-on-your-ass-if-you-even
Never Forgotten by @diggo26 - Felicity is upset when Oliver completely forgets their dinner plans http://diggo26.tumblr.com/post/116479926899/can-you-do-domething-where-theyre-in-the-middle-of
// @almondblossomme // @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 //
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
Oliver and Felicity interrupting Barry and Iris’ wedding was just the icing on top a rotten cake as far as I can tell. WestAllen’s entire wedding scenario has been about other people (white women) since this plot started and to pretend like what happened in the finale of the Crossover event was cool is gross. 
Let’s start from the beginning:
Iris’ Bachelorette party? That small little affair is interrupted by Caitlin’s Killer Frost issues and the episode ends with Iris deciding that Caitlin should be her maid of honor for....reasons? No offense but it’s not like Iris and Caitlin were ever really close, and in fact, Killer Frost played a huge part in Iris’ almost death. You know who should have been Iris’ Maid of Honor? Linda Park! aka, the only other woman in the Flash universe we’ve actually seen Iris build a real friendship with, aka Wally’s future wife. 
Iris’ rehearsal dinner? Interrupted by Oliver randomly deciding that now would be a great time to propose to Felicity when all of the attention should have been on WestAllen and WestAllen alone as the entire weekend was supposed to be about them. Like if you had to propose to Felicity, you could have at least waited until you were back at whatever hotel you were staying at for the night.
Iris’ ideal wedding? Interrupted by literal Nazi invaders who were there for one specific purpose: Kara Danver’s heart. Kara, who doesn’t even live on Earth-1.  Kara who would have been far more vulnerable to attack alone on Earth-2, with no Flash, Arrow, Legends to help aid her rescue, because...they don’t exist in her world. 
Iris’ actual wedding? Interrupted by Felicity “I didn’t want to get married two days ago, but now I really do!” Smoak, after it was her idea to go get Diggle in the first place! Like, they could have waited at least waited until after Diggle was finished pronouncing Iris and Barry man and wife? He was literally almost done?! To add insult to injury, Olicity’s “wedding” isn’t even legal or legit because they don’t have a marriage license. So their “wedding” was just a symbolic placeholder until they can have their real wedding next week which, unlike WestAllen’s, will not be interrupted by Nazis or terrible friends. 
Let’s also discuss the other harmed party in this entire thing:
William. Do you guys remember him? Oliver’s son? The one who just lost his mother in an island explosion? Who now lives with a father he doesn’t know? Whose father is currently ensconced in a legal battle to make sure he doesn’t wind up in jail for being a vigilante?  At no point in time did Oliver ever think: “Maybe I should sit down and have a conversation with William about asking Felicity to marry me because, although they seem to be getting along well, marrying her is a hugely important decision that doesn’t just affect me but my entire family and I should make sure that my son is OK with that before I proceed.”?!?!
Not to mention that not once during this crossover do we ever get to focus on Iris’ upset about her wedding being ruined by actual Nazis (and I know everyone likes to focus on how Felicity was affected by the Nazis because she’s Jewish, but...Nazi’s also weren’t great to Black people or interracial relationships either, as an FYI). We never get a scene where Iris cries about the loss. We never get a scene where Iris gets to be upset about her dream wedding going up in smoke after everything they did to get there. We don’t get to see her be upset at all. Instead, Iris plasters on the typical “strong black woman” face and soldiers on. They even go so far as to have her sympathetically listen to Felicity’s complaints/sadness about Oliver instead of the other way around. 
This whole crossover was just....not well done in relation to the wedding portion. 
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rosethorn108 · 7 years
olicity 6x09 - wedding celebrations
cake topper cutest
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when he see’s his wife
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when she sees her husband (side note so cute they put a fun song on the background for this)
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mama smoak loves him 
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our captain sees them kiss and starts the clapping storm 
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i love them
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listening to speeches
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first dance - seeing my babies dance is so surreal been waiting for this since he let barry dance with her back in season 2
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the happiness
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the love
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fyeahebr · 7 years
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Olicity™ wedding cake toppers😍
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anthfan · 7 years
Pre 6x01 hiatus fic
Well shit y’all. Hi! Guess news of the impending nuptials was like a cattle prod to the muse. The preference that olicity gets married over hiatus has been swirling in my head for a while. Enjoy!! 
Felicity walked quickly back through the living room, crossing to the table and unnecessarily shifting the stack of plates a half centimeter to the right as well as adjusting the large banner that read ‘Happy Birthday!’ before spinning on her heel and muttering under her breath about ice.
Heavy warm hands caught her shoulders halting her mid step and she let out a groan as Oliver’s strong thumbs found just the right spot in her too tense muscles. “You have got to calm down.” he whispered in her ear as she sank back against his chest and allowed herself a full five seconds to just relax.
“But it’s his first birthday--” she sighed, feeling the way Oliver’s hands paused for just a second.
William turned thirteen. Not only a milestone, but also his first birthday since his mother had died, since he’d found out Oliver was his father, since his entire world had been turned upside down.
“I just want everything to be perfect. I know he hasn’t made a lot of new friends yet, and he probably thinks a party with a bunch of adults is kinda lame, but I even got Barry to promise he’d drop by wearing his suit, and--”
Oliver spun her to face him, catching her chin and tilting it up before she even had a chance to look down, “Hey, it’s a great party and William knows that even if he can’t show it.”
“Are you sure? We could have taken him somewhere, or maybe just you two could have gone to a ballgame. Frak, why didn’t I think of that sooner!”
“Stop. This is great. He’s going to love it.”
He said it with such surety she had no choice but to believe him. It was a daily struggle as to whether they were making the right calls, doing the right thing. All she knew was this was a fresh start for all of them and she and Oliver were determined to make it work.
“Okay, okay. This is why I married you, right? To talk me down off the ledge?” she said low enough that no one else could hear them.
Oliver’s head dipped, his lips brushing the edge of her ear, “Pretty sure that’s the other way around.”
A month after they’d returned from the island she told Oliver she wanted to marry him, she was through waiting. An hour later they were at the courthouse with William in tow. And it wasn’t until they’d signed the certificate that they decided to keep it between the three of them. They’d talked to William, promised him and each other that there would be no more secrets. Even if it was bad, even if it was hard, they’d never keep anything quiet again. Although he didn’t say anything to them they knew William enjoyed being the only one that knew they were married, it was important to him that they’d shared something so big and trusted him.
Felicity wasn’t sure when they’d tell everyone else, she thought maybe Digg suspected but he hadn’t said anything. But for right then this was working for them.
Oliver pressed a kiss into her hair as a timer went off in the kitchen, “I need to go get that,”
“I’ll grab William and then we can literally get this party started.”
She slipped down the hallway towards William’s bedroom, rapping twice on his door, “William, sweetie, everyone’s here.”
Felicity had only just returned to the living room, about to tell Curtis he could start the playlist he’d arranged when the sound of a slamming door made her whirl around to see William stalking down the hall, his eyes locked on her.
“Don’t call me that! Don’t ever call me that! That’s what my mom called me and you’re not my real mom. You’re just my step-mom!” he spat, hurt and anger flowing from him in waves.
Everyone in the room was frozen, first from William’s outburst and then from his words as they sunk in.
Felicity’s heart cracked for the boy in front of her. He’d been through too much, and she thought she and Oliver had been doing everything they could to help him. The almost daily nightmares he’d had when they first returned had subsided. He was adjusting well to his new school, even seeking out Felicity’s help on homework when he needed it. But she’d been so focused on making his party perfect she wondered if she’d missed any signs that something else was wrong.
And when Oliver came up behind her she suddenly jolted as William’s words repeated through her head. He’d outed her. He’d outed them. Unintentionally she knew, but the cat was out of the bag all the same.
It was Thea that stepped forward, “Buddy, Felicity isn’t trying to replace your mom, she isn’t even your step-mom yet, but she’s--” she looked up just then towards Oliver seeking support or help when her face stilled in shock.
Biting her lip Felicity looked behind her to see Oliver looking guilty as hell and not even trying to hide it.
With a deep breath she moved closer to William who was staring hard at a point on the ground, eyes glittering with tears he fought hard to keep away. Slowly she sank to a crouch even though he towered over her from this angle, but she wanted to make sure he saw her.
“William, I’m sorry I called you that. I’ll do my best to remember not to do it again.” she began, but he didn’t blink so she pushed on, “It just slipped out because I care about you. You mean a lot to me. Do you remember the day your dad and I got married and what we told you? No one is trying to replace your mom, or make your forget her, or ignore who she was to you. We’re just doing our best, the three of us, to make this work. And it’s going to be different but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be bad.” The room was completely silent as she paused for a breath that then caught in her throat as William raised his eyes to hers.
“I was mad at myself,” he said almost so silently she didn’t hear him, “I was excited for my party and I didn’t think about my mom all morning and then--” his words choked off as the tears he’d tried to hold back overtook him.
Without a thought she rose to her feet and pulled him in close, holding him tight as his sobs shook them both. He may be turning thirteen and almost as tall as she was but inside he was a broken little boy.
“Don’t ever feel guilty for living your life, I don’t know a lot about being a mom but I know yours would never want your to feel bad. Especially on your birthday, it’s a law. And if it’s not we’ll get your dad to make it one.” she added so only he could hear, some of the anxiety that she was handling this all wrong easing away when William gave a small huff of laughter that reminder her of Oliver.
She held him another minute then slowly pulled back glad that he met her eyes and the fury and hurt that had been there earlier was gone. “Why don’t you go take a few minutes and when you come back we can do cake or presents first, your choice.”
“Thanks, Felicity,” he said quietly, snaking his arms around her for a quick hug before heading back towards his room without looking at anyone else. But she was glad to see Oliver drop in behind him, one hand on his shoulder.
Once they were out of sight it was like a blanket had been lifted off the rest of the room and for the first time Felicity really let herself recognize what had happened. Everyone knew they were married now. Everyone. And she was on her own to deal with it.
Smiling nervously she smoothed out the skirt of her dress and backed up two steps chucking one thumb over her shoulder avoiding eye contact with everyone, “You know, I should really just go check on the food--”
She didn’t even get another step when Thea’s had zipped out and caught her elbow, “Not so fast, Sis.” emphasizing the last word.
Felicity bit her bottom lip, turning wide eyes to the woman who yes, was her sister in law, “Oh. So you guys heard that? “ she tried innocently as Thea just gave her an exasperated look.
Digg stood in the back, arms crossed over his chest with a Cheshire smile and she was certain he had indeed figured them out.
Curtis was shaking his head and looked shellshocked while he opened his wallet and handed Rene multiple twenties, while Dinah merely gave her a wink and raised her glass.
“I told you Mom and Dad were hitched! But you were all like “Oh no! They’d neeeeeever do that without the team.’ Ha! This was easy money.” Rene crowed, “You too, Hoss,” he added with a glance towards Quentin, “Don’t think I forgot.”
Oliver entered just behind Rene and snatched the money from his fingers, “The Star City Food Bank appreciates your generous donation.” he said with just enough of a growl to let him know he was serious, shutting down any protests that left Rene staring after him mouth agape.
When Oliver was back at her side she looked at him with a tiny shrug and a smile. “How’s William?”
“He’ll be okay. You were great.” he assured her, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips.
“Oh my god! If you don’t start talking I’m going to go find my bow!” Thea threatened, and Felicity smiled as his sister’s outburst only made him kiss her longer.
“I guess they know,” he whispered sotto voice before he pulled back.
“Yeah, I think they figured it out,” she replied in kind, and then watched with a swirl of anticipation and happiness in her stomach as he reached under his shirt and pulled out the chain that held both their wedding rings.
“When did this happen?” Thea demanded, “And why wasn’t I invited?”
Oliver just laughed as he undid the clasp and tipped the two rings into his palm. “I guess it’s been...five months now, right?”
Felicity thought for a second as he gently took her hand and slid the warm band where it was supposed to be. “Five months on Wednesday,” she agreed, taking the larger ring and repeating his action, giving the ring a little twist before she turned to face everyone Oliver’s left hand coming up to rest over her middle as she stood in front of him.
“And you weren’t invited because it wasn’t planned. Felicity asked me and...it just happened. With everything new with William we didn’t want to put him through the media circus of a wedding and...it just--”
“Seemed right,” Felicity supplied. “It’s changed nothing and everything,” she said with a shrug.
They were halfway through cake and presents, and an impromptu champagne toast for the not so newlyweds when the front door blew open and a red blur skidded to a stop in front of them.
“Hey guys!” Barry asked with a grin that slowly slid off his face as he took in the room. Then his eyes landed on their hands and he went wide in surprise and delight.
“It’s their five month anniversary!” William supplied, jumping to his feet at the sight of his second favorite superhero.
“Five months?” Barry repeated incredulous, “Fastest man alive and I still manage to miss everything.”
Digg grinned and dropped a hand to his shoulder, “Don’t worry, Barry it took me five days.”
Felicity narrowed her eyes at him, tilting her head to the side, “Five days? Really John?”
Digg just shook his head and gave Oliver a look, “Your boy is an open book, he was moon eyed for a solid week, between that and him checking a hundred times a day to make sure the rings were still there it didn’t take me long to put it together.”
Oliver opened his mouth like he was going to protest then stopped himself with a sigh as she smothered a laugh and shared a wink with William, “He’s right.”
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