#olive babbles on and on
olivesjaw · 1 year
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bamfbuddie · 5 months
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My version of Buddie.
I absolutely loved filling out this template made by @gibbarts
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bandtrees · 1 month
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After being utterly humiliated in front of his beautiful green lover during a subway mugging, Randy Jade decides to finally take his life into his own hands. Unfortunately, his plans to do so are doomed to go wrong in ways nobody could have ever predicated, least of all Randy. Welcome one and all, to The Fanfiction Where Randy Gets Put On Death Row.
finally ready to be published is the first two chapters of @tigsbitties and i's dialtown magnum opus, we have been working on it for a long time now. prepare yourself for a long and harrowing journey.
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babygirlwolverine · 6 months
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yall! it happened! 8 days before my birthday and I reached my milestone of 9k followers! thank you thank you thank you for following and being a part of this journey! I have so much more content to share with you all coming real soon!
I love yall so much <3
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realchemistry · 3 months
I'm listening to my Buddie playlist... this could end in disaster.
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syekick-powers · 7 months
i think probably the most surreal thing about hatsune miku specifically becoming kind of mainstream is that her fame is detached from her roots. i.e. a lot of people who are only hearing about miku via cultural osmosis don't actually know WHAT she is. i see people make a lot of comments about what miku is without ever actually being correct. "she's a robot" "she's a persona" "she's a hologram" for fucks sake she is a synthesizer. she is an app, a program. she is not AI. the voice samples used to make her voice were given with consent and you actually have to plug in the words and melody manually instead of just typing in a prompt and generating something. and one of the side effects of this particular semi-mainstream status is that miku kind of eats up all the popularity that could be going to other vocalsynths. like unless you've been in the vocaloid/vocalsynth community for a while, the likelihood that you're familiar with literally any other vocalsynth aside from MAYBE gumi is like astronomically low. and even if a vocaloid song with other vocalsynths manages to get popular in this landscape, it most likely gets covered by utaites/youtaites and other adjacent singers like vtubers over and over until the original version of the song gets completely buried. and it's just a tiny bit exhausting.
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ms-agronn · 1 month
As I've mentioned before I'm bingewatching arrow. I'm a teacher so I work all day and get home at around 9pm very tired and eager to eat something and watch one or hopefully two episodes (when I'm feeling particularly agitated) before going to sleep.
So it turns out I just had to endure 6x19 and 6x20 on a row today.
I can't even belive that someone thought for a second that it was a good idea to have a whole episode dedicated to the lamest villain in the history of villains in which the main protagonist and hero (and his first lady) have less than 5min of screen time.
Then they proceeded to have the next episode be 80% about that wack ass team of newbies that think they know it all.
I swear to God I've never seen so many bad decisions be made on a TV show. (And I was there to the train wreck that was glee in the hands os RM)
I should've just had dinner watching masterchef and gone to sleep.
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ker0senebunny · 10 months
what if matty healy x assistant!reader …
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2-late-2-the-party · 4 months
keep seeing my fellow autistics talk about struggling to make the appropriate amount of eye contact. Kudos to y'all for keeping that up I gave up ages ago. If people don't like me not staring into their eyeballs that's their problem. They can deal, idgaf.
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bamfbuddie · 5 months
I love your chart!!! Eddie is super protective of buck for sure
Thank you!!
It was super fun to fill out! And yes, Eddie is super protective of Buck.
I found a couple more I might do later.
Heres the link to said chart/template I did.
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bandtrees · 1 month
i already sent you a character but i wanna send another one. tell me about Oliver
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Sexuality Headcanon: romance-repulsed, aroallo, gay :] i am very fond of aro oliver - he seems to be the one of the datables with the most hangups on using specifically romantic terminology and i believe in my heart of hearts, when oliver figures out this is an option for him, him and gingi instead have some qpp-adjacent swag going on where they come up with increasingly absurd nonromatic ways to refer to eachother. gingi's like Ok i got it. You're my Grub. and oliver's like HEY IF ANYTHING YOURE MY GRUB. YOURE THE SLIMY ONE and gingi's like Oliveman i have seen the inside of that theater its the moistest place on the planet
Gender Headcanon: trans guy :] might fuss around with neopronouns and the like if he knew of em
A ship I have with said character: well i already went on an oliver/gingi spiel but i do really like it lolol. they mesh together really well - they have a really fun dynamic with gingi being the one to take on the straight-man role from time to time because oliver can just be that weird. there is nothing that delights me more than seeing my friends play dialtown for the first time, meet oliver, and realize OH HE'S FREAKY FREAKY.
A BROTP I have with said character: do you know how happy it makes me that him and god canonically hang out? very happy.
A NOTP I have with said character: i'm not really an olandy guy, at least not in the way the fandom popularly portrays it :'] i don't hate it - it's just not my thing and i am extraordinarily picky about it. i had a concept once for an olandy fic, specifically post-fuckfacev2 ending, that would've been about building yourself up from rock bottom and whatnot, but i haven't found a place where i'm super happy with it lol.
A random headcanon: we know he likes mockbusters in general but i love imagining he really likes dingo pictures especially
General Opinion over said character: it's hard for me to pin my "favorite" dialtown character, especially where the datables are concerned, because my top favs i reckon most people associate with me arent any of the datables - but oliver's my favorite of the datables 100%. i really really like him, and i remember being really touched by his route when i saw it for the first time. i've done a lot of analysis and the like of him for [REDACTED SPECIAL SECRET PROJECTS] and he's a character i found myself relating to a lot more than i thought i would (same name aside lol) as someone who's ruled by empathy and what he thinks is right for others even if it isn't - he's unique in the dialtown cast in that he's already a guy who has a lot of his shit together and most of his issues read to me as more of either "already-resolved past problems, or undercurrents that aren't really relevant to his arc as a whole"(ie. his insecurities you can see pop up sometimes- he's someone who knows he's weird and accepts it wholeheartedly but when it comes to people he wants to actively impress he becomes more reserved, which i find super fun). his flaws aren't as in-your-face as the other characters', but they are there, just gotta dig to analyze him more and i find it really rewarding to do so. i like him a lot!!!!!!
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i drew him with my left hand once
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
hi yall! it’s time for another signature Bex Announcement!
this is something i’ve been thinking about for quite a while now, and it’s something i’ve recently shared with a few close friends. i’ve had a lot of nerves around this because i’ve been questioning my pronouns and gender and what it all means for me. i’m still exploring my gender and trying to find who i am, and right now i don’t have a label for my gender, but i am continuing to learn and explore my truest self! but, with that being said, i do feel confident about changing my pronouns a little! if that’s okay with yall? i’ve had such a special connection with the names i’ve chosen to use here on tumblr with yall, and i’m ready to further explore those names with new pronouns!
my new pronouns are she/he (though my primary ones will continue to be she/her)
i prefer she/her with the names: bex, jasmine, bubbles, starry
i prefer he/him with the names: baz, oliver
if yall could please use these pronouns with these names, that would really mean a lot to me <3 if you’re not specifically using one of these names, you can continue to use my primary pronouns of she/her. but if you use my masculine names, or if I am using my masculine names on my personal posts, please refer to me with he/him pronouns.
thank you all endlessly for all the support and love. yall make me feel so safe to explore who i am and i’m really grateful and thankful to you all for being here with me on this journey. I love you all <3
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ch3rry-l1m4d3 · 8 months
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I'm fine. Totallyyyy-
Trusy me.
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(help me?)
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noisythingthing · 25 days
Made it to season 4 on a rewatch, and I can't watch the screen for too long cause any time Buck walks into frame I start DROOLING.
I'm gonna get dehydrated at this point.
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ms-agronn · 2 months
I'm going through an olicity induced frenzy right now and since the show ended 5 years ago the amount of new content is just sad. I know when the show was at it's peak tiktok wasn't really a thing but the olicity edits there are so minimal for a ship their size and they are just plainly angsty like I know their love story it's tragic but that's not what I want to remember 😭
I was so used to their ao3 tag having at least 5 updates per day and now they are monthly updates.
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Also, Tumblr was always the core of the olicity content so I just need a reinassence for this fandom on this website like right now!!!!!!!!!
We need to rise olicity nation!!
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ker0senebunny · 6 months
hi oliveee <3 friendly reminder i love you lots
♡ elle
Elle and olive bestfriendism is what’s happening if u didn’t already know
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