#I was 22 I blinked and now I’m 27
olivesjaw · 1 year
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy Halloween!!! More Lady Mo? I love your writings!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Lan Zhan doesn’t want their baby.
Not their baby, he forces himself to think through the blood pounding in his ears. This body doesn’t belong to him. He’s just borrowing it, and the child he’s carrying no more belongs to him than the body he’s wearing. It’s Lan Zhan’s baby. And he doesn’t want it.
For the first time, he’s grateful that Mo Xuanyu didn’t stick around. It’s breaking his heart, and the baby isn’t even his. This would have killed her.
Or maybe it wouldn’t have. She didn’t want to be a bride, maybe she didn’t want to be a mother either, and she and Lan Zhan would have just been in perfect agreement about any child they would have created, and what had to be done about it.
I’m sorry.
I never intended –
This is for the best.
He can complete the mission that Mo Xuanyu died to give him. He doesn’t have to try and stretch it out or leave Lan Zhan behind to raise a child alone. What a mess that would have been, for him to have the kid and leave it behind with a father that didn’t want him. He wouldn’t wish that on any child, especially his ow – especially any child he helped create. It would have just been another terrible, bitter legacy of his to leave behind, an unloved child and a disinterested father.
This is better. This is a good thing.
“Oh, Meimei.”
Wei Wuxian blinks and sees Jiang Yanli kneeling in front of him, rubbing her sleeve over his cheeks for some reason. They come away damp and it takes him raising a hand to his own face to realize he’s crying.
Stupid. There’s nothing to cry over. This is the best thing that could have happened. A baby makes things complicated. Now they can be simple.
“We’ll take care of you,” Jiang Yanli says, pulling him into her arms, and he lets her, because he’s weak and she’s his sister and he feels that familiar roll of nausea even though there’s nothing in his stomach to upset it. “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything. You won’t have to – you know, you barely got a chance to see Jin Tower the first time, you should stay past the cultivation conference. Or, hm, I know there’s, well there’s also Lotus Pier. You’ve never been have you? A-Cheng could escort you there and you could see the ponds. We can think of a reason. A-Yao will help.”
Most of what she’s saying doesn’t make any sense, but it’s so comforting to be held by her that he just goes with it. He looks over her shoulder, expecting to see Jiang Cheng awkwardly hovering in the doorway, but it’s empty.
It’s. Empty.
“Where’s Jiang Cheng?” he rasps, even though he thinks he already knows.
She stiffens, her voice taking on a tone that reminds him of Madame Yu. “He went to talk to Lan Wangji. He’ll be back.”
He remembers Jiang Cheng’s reaction when he thought that Lan Zhan had hurt him, and now here he is, crying, and even though it’s stupid, he’s, well, it’s easy to see how Jiang Cheng could look at him and think him hurt, even though it’s not his baby and it’s for the best. But he doesn’t know that.
“Shit,” he curses, pushing himself away and stumbling to his feet. “Oh, no, he’ll kill him.”
He’s spared against Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng has his core in his chest. Maybe he can’t actually kill him, but blood will be spilled, and both of them are stubborn enough to keep at it until someone does die. Fuck.
Jiang Yanli shrugs, then winces, like she knows that wasn’t the appropriate response. In other circumstances, that would be enough to goad him to laughter, but now he just rushes for the door.
“Meimei!” she calls out, but Wei Wuxian ignores her.
He doesn’t get far, running into Jin Guangyao almost as soon as he steps into the hallway. His eyes flicker to Jiang Yanli behind him, his frown deepens, and then he looks Wei Wuxian up and down once, then does it again, except this time he stops at his stomach. “Ah.”
How does he do that? He’s so lucky they didn’t know each other during the war and that he didn’t know his sister at all, otherwise he would have been made the first time the two of them had a conversation. “Where’d they go?”
“Perhaps it’s best if we leave them to it,” he suggests.
Wei Wuxian stares. “Have you lost it? Jiang Cheng is pissed and he’s going to take that anger out on Wangji. How many more whip scars do you want him to have?”
Jin Guangyao presses his lips together. “He is A-Huan’s brother. In different circumstances, that would entitle him to my protection. But you’re my sister.”
The warmth rushes through him and causes his eyes to sting. It’s all borrowed, all a lie, because he’s not Mo Xuanyu, but his stupid heart is really doing a terrible job of remember that right now. “A-Yao, please.”
He sighs. “All right. Follow me.”
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jiminjamms · 1 year
sex therapy :: 19. open up
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chapter tags/warnings: dad! toji. angsty! megumi. strong language. classism. infidelity. manipulative undertones. naoya sucks ass.
word count: 3.6k
notes: thank you for waiting for this update! i was taking exams for some work-related licenses and started my big girl recently. i've also added more chapters to this series because i underestimated when i first planned out the fic. likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. enjoy! xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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“Can...we talk?” 
At first, Toji blinked.  
Naturally, he wasn’t sure how to react to such a situation: his client, who he had assumed avoided him for weeks, now standing at his apartment door? This was new.
He didn’t quite understand how or why you ended up here at this hour, but he forced a worried smile. “Yeah, of course, we can talk.”  
When you first tried to speak, your voice only came out as a hoarse croak. So you had to clear your throat, and you forced words to come out again. 
“I’m sorry,” you managed to eke out.  
“Sorry?” Toji raised a brow in surprise. “For what?”  
Hesitating, you bit gently at your inner cheek. “If I tell you, can you please promise me you won’t get mad? Or judge me? I’m just...looking for someone to talk to, and I really, really need you to promise me.” 
In hindsight, that was a stupid question because you both knew that listening was his job, his profession, his field of expertise. Even with the minimal information Toji had gathered in these few seconds, he probably began piecing together your story on his own already. He was good like that—that was what made him your therapist, so there was no need to sugarcoat anything when he already read right through you. 
Still, Toji eased you with a sturdy nod. “Sure. I promise.” 
You didn’t even know where to start in this apology, frankly. You were sorry for doubting him, sorry for ignoring all the red flags he had pointed out about your husband Naoya Zenin. In the end, you were sorry for being so fucking stupid.  
The first time Toji had warned you about Naoya, you should have listened. Toji was the expert here, so how blind could you have been? There was nothing like the crushing realization when you realized for yourself that winning your husband back was nothing more than a pipe dream.  
Far before marrying you, Naoya had long loved someone else. Sure, ‘love’ may be a strong word, but why else would Naoya never want to be home? He could hardly find interest in you and became revolted when looking your way. He must have felt so wrong, so immoral, when cheating on his side-girlfriend for his wife.  
The way Naoya had spoken to you tonight just rubbed salt into the wound. Just shut up. Know your boundaries. Because you were just, in his words, a fucking ornament.  
His mistress sure wasn’t, though, and anyone could place the winning bet that he had gone off to spend the night with her.  
Why were you not enough? 
Was it because she was pretty and you were ugly? That she was smart and you were dumb? That she was funny and you were dull? Just...why? What was the reason? 
And, through thick swallows and blinked-back tears, you told Toji all of that.  
In one gusto, you have once again dumped all your troubles upon his shoulders. A horrible person, that was what you were—and knowing this, your gaze stayed low.  
From your rambling onslaught, Toji must be processing a lot but gave away no emotional indication. From his years at work, he probably had heard it all. 
You waited for Toji to retort with a pompous ‘I told you so!’ or burst into a disdainful laugh—that was how Naoya would have responded. But those reactions never came.  
On the contrary, Toji tapped his chest. “Come here.”  
You frowned over at him, brushing a stray tear from your chin. “What?” 
“Just get over here.”  
When you still wavered with reluctance, Toji pulled you tight against him—one hand firmly pressed against your lower back as the other guided your face to nestle by his shoulder.  
Not expecting this, you were initially stiff and awkward in his arms. Toji’s chest was hard and muscled rather than comfortable, chiseled from his frequent strength training sessions at the gym. But when he began to rub slow circles at your waist with one hand, the other running up and down your back in gentle strokes, something about these little gestures let all your emotions go. 
Slowly, you brought your arms up to wrap around him, hugging him in response. He was warm, his body like a furnace that heated your skin. You curled your hands into tight fists, grabbing the fabric of his T-shirt along with your hold.  
Then, like floodgates bursting, you melted into Toji with a sob.  
“What have I done wrong?” you wailed. “Why can’t I do anything right? What do I even do from here?” 
Toji listened silently as you continued to bawl, releasing all your anger and pain from the terrible weeks that you had endured. He squeezed you the tightest when you sobbed the loudest, comforting you with his ‘there there’ hums. 
“Everything will be okay,” he affirmed eventually, but his words seemed so difficult to believe. 
“No! Everything won’t be okay, Toji,” you cried and shook your head into his neck. “My husband doesn’t want me. Then, if Naoya doesn’t want me, the Zenins wouldn’t want me. Then, no one will want me!” 
“Not true,” Toji was quick to say. He pulled you closer, his large hands patting your upper back too. “Forget Naoya, he’s an utter jerk. He might leave you, but you know who won’t? At the very least, your father won’t—he loves you.” 
“But I would have disappointed him.” 
“How?” he countered sharply. “If he had known how his son-in-law was treating his daughter, why would your father be disappointed in you?” 
Between sniffles, you ruminated his points, half-convinced. 
Toji, breathing out, then added, “Also...I won’t leave you, either. I care about you. There. You’ve already got two on your side. You will not be alone.” 
“But then, what about,” you kept your lips pressed onto his collarbone, “What about the Zenins? Would they turn their backs on me too?” 
Underneath your fingertips, you could feel Toji tensing at the name. “With a family so large, there are bound to be those supporting you as well. You make it sound like all his aunts, his uncles, his...,” he paused briefly, “...his cousins, all worship Naoya when a household like that is rife with drama beneath surface level. Family isn’t family for something like the Zenins. Politics comes first. Business comes first.” 
His answer came out with such confidently that you silently questioned how he could be so sure. 
But you suddenly remembered the kind embraces from Mai and your heart softened at the thought of Maki. 
Maybe Toji was right. 
A soundless sigh flew from your mouth before your arms tightened around Toji's torso, hugging him and resting your chin on his shoulder. After several moments longer, you finally released one long exhale, your tears having stopped and your breathing less erratic. 
Your heart was like lead in your chest, but you pulled your face away from him.  
“I’m sorry,” you rasped, throat raw. “My makeup got onto your shirt.”  
Toji’s smile was soft. 
“That’s fine.” He couldn’t give a damn about his white top. Reassuringly, he ran his hands along your waist before settling on your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into your skin. “As long as you are feeling better, that’s all I need. Besides, that’s my job, yes?” 
“Yes...” you mumbled shyly, wiping tears from your face with the heel of your hand.  
At the sight, Toji reached toward a tissue box behind the door frame.  
“Don’t cry anymore. Naoya isn’t worth the heartache, I’ll guarantee you that.” He dabbed at your pretty face with the napkin in his hands, wiping away not only the remaining tears but also the stream of snot. Lovely. “I am your friend, okay? Before the therapist stuff. We will fix this, together. That’s what friends are for.” 
When Toji first called him your friend, you did not think that he would somehow become your closest confidant. 
You leaned into his touch briefly, sinking into the comfort of his palm. 
“Feeling better, princess?”  
Toji watched you with a chartreuse glimmer in his eyes before you finally pulled yourself from his grasp. His fingers flexed at the lost touch, almost like he was hesitant to let you go, but who was he to stop you? It wasn’t like Toji was your husband or anything. 
"I am,” you replied. “Thank you.” 
“Any time.” He hummed in the ensuing silence before stepping to the side. “Since you’re already here, why don’t you come in? I wouldn’t want you going back like this. Naoya won’t be home, so at least you will have some company here.”  
“I really shouldn’t stay...” 
“What? Are you sure?” 
No, you were not sure, and Toji sure as hell knew that. 
He lolled his head toward the interior, a few of his black strands sliding across his forehead with the movement.  
“C’mon, I won’t bite,” he reassured before chuckling, “unless...you want me to.” 
You shot the therapist a glare, but the resolve to stay upset faded when you saw him gleam with a wide smirk. Well? that mischievous spark in him seemed to say. What do you think?  
Rolling your eyes, you initially snorted at the offer but could not help smiling at the stupid joke immediately afterward. Your body crumpled forward as you burst into giggles, realizing that this was the first time in weeks that you were...laughing?  
“Fine,” you relented. 
Toji seemed to beam in silent victory, which was cute coming from someone who looked so tough. He swept his arm in a gentle arc toward his apartment. 
“Then, after you, m’lady.”  
You gusYou gushed at the title.
"If you insist,” and you stepped in.  
The warmth from his condo was the first to greet you as though a fireplace had been crackling in the distance. For someone who somehow had the means to afford such a luxurious space, Toji went simple in his furnishings. His cream-colored walls were cleared, save for some framed art pieces that dotted the corridors, and there were no ornate cabinets or dazzling décor. His taste in minimalism and timelessness contrasted with the grandeur in your palatial-like residence, but both styles had their appeal. 
He had a gray and beige color scheme going on with the couches, the tabletops, and the lighting fixtures. The walnut wood flooring added a rustic touch to the apartment, and every corner effortlessly converged refined aesthetics with the sense of home. Even the smell inside was cozy because the apartment emanated of him—of Toji himself: spices with the redolence of bergamot and sage.   
He guided you through a (very wide) hallway that opened into an equally expansive living room. Towards the side was a spiral staircase that led to an upper floor and, further ahead, floor-to-ceiling windows opened to an evening panorama.  
The sky was completely dark, with the sun sunk below the horizon long ago, and the waxing moon hung like a silver sliver far away. Holding your breath, you stepped towards the glass, observing the bustle far below that twinkled like firecrackers against the concrete backdrop.  
“You know, your place...is a lot nicer than I expected.” 
The man tucked his large hands into his front pockets. “I’m offended.”  
Instantly, you grew flustered. “No, I didn’t mean it like that!” (Yes, you totally did.) “It’s just that Sukuna had made it sound like—” That you were dirt poor. “But then Geto said...” Okay, you shouldn’t be dragging more people into this. “Never mind.” 
Quickly, you glanced back outside again, hoping to look like you were distracted by the vista. 
“But then Sukuna and Geto said what?” Toji pried, not letting you live this down. He appeared uncharacteristically intrigued. He wanted to know what his coworkers had spilled, by how much you knew. “What have the other therapists said about me?” 
“Ah, nothing much really,” you confessed, which was the truth to some extent.  
“How much is ‘nothing much?’” 
“Just, well,” you rolled your lips together in thought, “maybe that something, some event, or some person wronged you.” Geto’s words rang fresh in your head. “That ‘Toji just isn’t where he could possibly be.’” 
Half-expectantly, you looked over at the said man from under your lashes, waiting for him to comment on the matter. Toji always appeared so hesitant to talk about his past, but you hoped that he would stop being so mysterious. It was as though he was an enigma for cautious reasons, assessing how much he could open up before he could entirely trust you. 
Toji had pursed his lips as the silence in the living room became uncomfortable. But just when he appeared ready to speak, someone else filled the silence for him. 
“Why the hell are you here?” 
All heads turned to a frowning teenager who stood by the foot of the stairs.  
He had dark eyes—dark eyes glared only at you, narrowed into a violent abyss as though he was mentally aiming daggers into your soul. For a fleeting moment, you were puzzled at who this boy was until Toji spoke first. 
“That’s no way to greet a guest, Megumi.”  
Oh, right. Toji had an eighteen-year-old son, and Megumi was his name. While you had spoken with the teenager on the phone before, it was different to see him in person for the first time. 
For starters, the physical similarities between father and son became immediately apparent. Sure, Toji’s features had a rough edge around them—shaped from his additional years in life—but the two shared the same black stands, pointed noses, and taut lips. There was no denying the flawless genes that flowed between them. 
Megumi, though, had a subtle softness to him. The teenager was smaller and shorter compared to his imposing and rugged father, but he tried to mask that youthful innocence instead with his brash style. He pulled off that ‘wild’ look better than most boys his age could, his hair longer and more tousled. The way he stood in a contrapposto, coupled with how stylish he appeared in his fuchsia tee and black cargo pants, made him look like a model from a streetwear magazine. He reached for an ear piercing with fingers adorned with flashy rings, toying with one particular stud as he examined you.  
Goodness, Megumi Fushiguro was as good-looking as Sukuna had hyped him up to be.  
“Well?” the boy’s irritated voice snapped you back to the present. “What are you doing at our apartment?” 
“Oh, me?” You pointed to yourself. Well, no shit. Who else was he talking to? “I, um—” 
“You’re another one of my dad’s women, aren’t you?” the teenager asked out of the blue, leaving you staring at him dumbly. 
“One of your dad’s who?” 
“Hey!” Toji warned, tone sharp. Frowning at the boy, he reprimanded him with one forceful thwack. Dad Toji was very different than Therapist Toji. “Watch what you—" 
“You’re the one who called me down here!” Megumi shouted back, pushing his father’s arm away.  
“Yes, I did. So what took you ten minutes to get here?” 
“I was in the middle of Valorant. I left my team mid-game but for this?” 
And suddenly, there was this thick and awkward tension that engulfed the room. If you had the magical ability to teleport at will, you would. Toji was obviously distraught at his son’s outburst and Megumi was similarly bristled by your presence.  
About you? Well, there wasn’t anything you could do. 
You took a few steps back. It was unsettling to be caught in a heated confrontation between father and son, and you silently wondered if you should just slip away to let those two sort out their miscommunications. 
“So, this is your new strategy, huh?” Megumi seethed vehemently toward his father, capitalizing upon the silence. “Telling me that Nobara and Yuuji are here only for you to introduce me to, out of everyone in this world, her?!”  
The attack felt personal when Megumi raised his arm and pointed squarely at you, even if the boy glowered at his dad instead. You had frozen, stopped by confusion, as Megumi continued in anger: “What is the meaning of this!” 
Toji, who was returning his son’s glare, glanced at you briefly. He didn’t show this side to him very often: the one where he was just a single dad, handling a moody teenage son at home.  
You wondered if Toji felt weird that you were watching him deal with Megumi’s tantrum. At least, he must be embarrassed that this was how your first encounter with Megumi was going, but he didn’t offer much into his internal dialogue because he clenched his teeth, his eyes sliding slowly to his son again.  
“Megumi,” Toji started, “please...don’t point at people. That’s not nice.” 
His voice was sterner than before, but the boy responded with a dramatic scoff. 
“Nice?!” Megumi repeated. “You want me to be nice to her? Is this some sick joke?!” His face twisted with disbelief. “With all the horrible crap that had happened to us, what good thing has she ever done? Just because she’s pretty, and suddenly, you’ve forgiven her for everything?” 
You blinked, stumped. 
Forgive you? 
Why would Toji need to forgive you? 
Perplexed, you turned to Toji but he did not meet your gaze. 
“There is nothing to forgive her for. She hasn’t done anything wrong,” the older man defended, but Megumi wanted to hear none of this. 
He was out for blood. 
“That’s because you’re too fucking infatuated to see the demon she is,” he huffed, voice laced with bitterness. “Dad, I wish you would put your goddamn brain to use and stop thinking with your dick first.”  
“Language!” Toji snapped with a roar. “She’s our friend!” 
“Friend, my ass! I don’t like your fucking friends!”  
With eyes blown wide, Megumi clenched his fists so tightly that his hands began to shake.  
“I just...I just can’t believe you,” and when his voice cracked, there was pain that bubbled from the frustration. “I already told you that I don’t want to meet whoever you are bringing home. Just stop trying so hard for my sake. This hurts me, and this also hurts you. Can’t you see that, Dad? Nothing’s going to bring Mom back! I’m over that, alright?” His Adam’s apple bobbed when he gulped, though, before he finally added: “And I’m tired!” 
At that, Megumi walked—correction, stormed—away. 
“Fuck this shit,” he spat and marched up the stairs, grumbling more profanities upon his climb. 
The footsteps’ volume started to fade, but not before a loud bang startled you when Megumi slammed his bedroom door shut, the entire apartment seemingly shuddering with the sound. 
Beside you, the Toji that you had always known—the snarky man who always seemed so unruffled by even the wildest moments—crumbled a little when he sighed. He rubbed his face with a free hand, sinking his forehead into his palm as he muttered indiscernibly. 
He collected himself he turned back around to you, but you saw that his shoulders sagged with an invisible weight, the emerald glimmer in his eyes now a dim flicker. Within ten minutes, Toji had grown to look stressed and incredibly tired. 
“Hey,” Toji started, his voice impossibly small for a man as large as him. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sorry that you had to see that. He’s usually a good kid. I’ll talk to him again later.” 
You bit your lip.  
“Oh, um...Well...That’s okay,” you eventually replied, which was a total lie because that was not okay. Even as you offered a small smile for support, Megumi—his words, his tone, his ferocious glare—slashed at your heart. You rationalized his behavior aloud to ease your own pain. “Megumi’s eighteen, and you know what teenagers are like: hormonal with their mood swings all the time. You are a great father, Toji. This isn’t your fault.” 
“No. This is my fault,” he replied very quickly.  
Oh. So instead you said: “I get it.” 
“Except you don’t get it.”  
Your heart sank at his words, realizing that you truly did not understand where this father-son conflict stemmed from. Was it...was it because of you? 
You never intended to burden anyone, yet your mere existence appeared to be doing just that. 
It was painful to see Toji like this. During your lowest lows, he always offered considerable comfort and renewed confidence, but you weren’t sure what to say to provide him with the same. By some weird twisted fate, Toji now needed you more than you needed him. As a therapist, he had a special soothing effect, and never have you so badly wished for the same. 
“Then,” this time you were more careful with your words, “Then, help me understand. Help me so that I can then help you.”  
Tone resolute, you longed to learn about the unspoken difficulties that Toji had been facing by himself. While you had your troubles, he must have had many more for his son—not even Toji himself—to act this way.  
Perhaps you also cared for him more than you thought because, as he noted himself, he’s your friend. 
Toji held a long inhale, thinking and thinking and thinking, before breathing out in one audible go.  
“Where do I even start?” 
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: I loved fleshing out our relationship with Toji from a channel to mutually release sexual frustrations to a friendship built upon shared vulnerabilities. Also, Megumi is very much in his emo and rebellious teenage era. Like most people his age, he has his reasons…
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan​ @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @moodpi @blackdragoncigarette @puffaloxx @shoisae @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @tokyometronetwork​ @downtown-roponggi​ @the-cosmos-network
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pillowspace · 1 year
Do you have any tma fic recs?
I am kissing your hand, thank you so much for asking. Let me go take a look through my AO3 bookmarks and see what I still remember reading
Here's some The Magnus Archives fics I like! Some Jonmartin fics, regular fics, and a little Gerrymichael section because I like that
Okay, so first of all, this is my favourite The Magnus Archives fic of all time. I cannot recommend it enough. It has entirely rewired my brain, I have not been the same since I read this. I cried multiple times:
Resigned, Though Not to Fate by inkfingers_mcgee
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
“You’re really suggesting this,” Martin says, voice pulled thin.
“Yes.” No hesitation.
“You would- actually do it?”
“I would.”
“With me.”
“Yes, Martin.”
“Why?” Because love is blind, says something cliché and cruel in the pit of his gut. Christ, he never was much of a poet, was he?
When Jon asks Martin to Quit the Archives with him, Martin says yes. Things don't go as planned. In the Scottish Highlands, they hurt, and they heal.
(Re-written as of 22-12-27; see chapter 9 for more info.)
T | Words: 145,746 | Chapters: 9/9
And there's also these good ones I've enjoyed:
a deeply annoying child by ajkal2
No Archive Warnings Apply, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker, blink-and-you-miss-it Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, BUT NO SLASH WHILE ANYONE IS A CHILD
Jon is hiding under the desk.
There's a child in the Archives, who shouldn't be there.
G | Words: 9,631 | Chapters: 1/1
rituals by doomcountry
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
Martin is the first person to knock on the Archivist's door since it arrived, fully, into its little waiting temple. The Archivist saw him coming from down the hall, but decides to feign interest when the knob turns, and Martin—still a little bit smaller, a little more translucent than before—stands uncertainly just outside the room.
T | Words: 8,492 | Chapters: 1/1
Head in the Lion's Mouth by renwhit
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Danny Stoker & Tim Stoker, Danny Stoker & Jonathan Sims, Basira Hussain & Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Martin Blackwood & Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood & Danny Stoker, Jonathan Sims & Tim Stoker, Past Tim Stoker/Sasha James, Danny Stoker & Helen Richardson, Danny Stoker & Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Danny Stoker & Melanie King, Basira Hussain & Tim Stoker, Basira Hussain & Danny Stoker
He fell into a deep bow, smiling the whole while. “I’m the ringmaster, of course.”
“Is that skin— Is it yours?” Old wood groaned as the Archivist shifted his weight. “Originally.”
“It is!” the ringmaster said as he swooped back upright. “Nikola decided I wore it well, so she let me keep it. Why do you ask?”
The Archivist gave him another once-over. “You just… you look familiar. Like someone I know.”
On relearning, reconnecting, and redefining.
M | Words: 157,240 | Chapters: 17/17
Reflection by LazuliQuetzal
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, Sasha James/Emma (The Magnus Archives)
Jonathan Sims, researcher at the Magnus Institute, is seeing a ghost. Of himself.
Of course, it’s not really him, no matter what secrets it knows, or how many arguments it brings up. So if it tells him to do something?
Obviously, he’ll be doing the exact opposite.
(AKA: Jon is an idiot, past and future, but somewhere along the way it all cancels out.)
(Expect general spoilers for S4 and specifically, MAG 158.)
T | Words: 51,527 | Chapters: 10/10
Out There, Somewhere by Artyphex
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
"I'm sorry, you were found alone."
Jon survived the apocalypse and now will go to the end of this new, unfamiliar world to find Martin again.
T | Words: 54,080 | Chapters: 8/8
Clutching Daffodils by Gemi
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
Martin has always liked the idea of love at first sight.
It’s such a romantic idea, the whole thing of it. Seeing someone and instantly feeling that strange, twisting feeling deep inside that every single media likes to obsess over. Of knowing you are in love within the day, petals falling from your mouth and warmth filling your chest as love burrows deep, vines twisting through your lungs.
He always liked the idea of it.
And then Jonathan Sims starts working at the Magnus Institute.
NR | Words: 7,624 | Chapters: 1/1
Beastly Behaviour by Prim_the_Amazing
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
“You need to learn a lesson,” she says, and there’s blood speckling her lips now. She’s overstraining herself. He needs to stop her, calm her down. “And until you learn it you will suffer, just like you’ve made me suffer.”
“Mum, I think you need to--”
It turns out that when his father had called his mother a witch, he had meant more than Martin realized.
NR | Words: 73,226 | Chapters: 28/28
dustsceawung by callmearcturus
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Martin had always been favored by the summer courts, and moving up north to the little village of Lacuna is a difficult adjustment. It's rainy and lonely and everyone seems to have a strange, distant relationship with the local faerie court.
However: there is a strange man in a cloak who walks past Martin's remote little cottage every few days.
However: there is a moth that keeps getting stuck in Martin's house during the rain.
These events are not as disconnected as they first appear.
M | Words: 38,269 | Chapters: 8/8
Gerrymichael fics I like:
Break Me Like A Pattern by TheLibraryBat
Graphic Depictions Of Violence,,Gerard Keay & Michael Shelley, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley, Gerard Keay & Gertrude Robinson, Gertrude Robinson & Michael Shelley
The year is 2011. Michael Shelley is living his life in circles, blissfully unaware of the betrayal that awaits him in the summer. Gertrude Robinson has plans to enact and plans to destroy. Emma Harvey is hiding a book in the dark place at the back of a cupboard.
When Gerard Keay walks into the Magnus Institute - two years sooner than he was meant to - everything changes.
This is an (eventual) Archivist Michael AU, exploring how certain events might have played out, had one key player been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
M | Words: 215,291 | Chapters: 40/40
This entire series is so good, all 4 works in it:
As One Door Closes by dramatispersonae
Words: 64,859 | Works: 4
Choke Chain by dramatispersonae
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Gerard Keay/Michael, Gerard Keay/The Distortion
Things Gertrude Robinson possesses: decades of experience killing, containing, and otherwise thwarting supernatural beings, an uncompromising drive to destroy the Rituals and the people who would see them completed, Gerry's loyalty. Things Gertrude Robinson apparently also possesses: a monster on a magic leash.
NR | Words: 14,814 | Chapters: 1/1
Echo Chamber by orphan_account
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Gerard Keay/Michael, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley
“Look, if you’re another, uh, avatar of a horrible eldritch demon god come to assassinate me in a spooky manner, could you get it over with quickly? I haven’t eaten all morning and I’m starving.”
The thing that calls itself Michael stares.
“And this sandwich cost most of my weekly salary,” Gerry adds after a belated moment.
T | Words: 21,439 | Chapters: 1/1
Please Don’t Eat the Flowers by Sloane
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley, Gerard Keay/Michael | The Distortion, Razor/Wendy, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Instead of retiring to open a book shop, Gerry ends up working at a flower shop run by American lesbians in London. This leads to a brush with the Distortion, who just wants to buy some lilies, the Magnus Institute finding out he’s still alive, and... well, a normal life was never really in the cards for the likes of Gerard Keay, was it?
Oh, and those lesbians who run the flower shop? There’s more to them than meets the eye—bad Beholding pun intended.
(No knowledge of Maniac Mansion required; I take lots of liberties to slot it into TMA’s universe. UNDER MAJOR REVISIONS. Please see last chapter if you’re a new/returning reader for details..)
M | Words: 77,314 | Chapters: 33/?
194 notes · View notes
eternal-love · 8 months
Austin and Me
“Fairytale wedding”
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Part 1, Part 2
Weddings are supposed to be big and beautiful days for the bride to celebrate her upcoming life, well mine wasn’t. Being pregnant before marriage was a huge no with my parents, so I was terrified to tell them. I was 20! I wasn’t even out of their house yet. I had to tell Austin first, but I was terrified, what if he didn’t want to have a baby? He was 27.
At first he was perplexed, he blinked a thousand times more than I’ve ever seen anyone in my life. I was ready for him to shout and blame me but he didn’t.
“I’m gonna be a daddy…” Austin muttered under his breath before a smile appeared on his face. He grabbed me and kissed me all over the face. “We’re gettin’ married, baby!”
I was giggling excitedly, it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever lived. Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve always dreamed of having a romantic proposal— not this. But I read the room and un destroys that he was short on money. We thrifted my rings that same night, to me it was beautiful.
I waited a while before telling my parents, we were having dinner at him. My mom and dad sat besides each other in front of me, meanwhile my younger sister and brother sat on each side of me. I had kept my hand hidden and kept trying to use my left hand but the excitement got to me.
“I’m getting married.” I said nervously as I showed off my ring.
“You’re what?” My mother put her utensils down slowly, so did my dad.
“Austin… proposed.” I stuttered once again. “I said yes.”
“You do know what this means, do you, Cynthia?” My father said sternly as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“I know…” I knew he wanted me out of the house as soon as the wedding took place, I would only be able to visit home and never stay here again, just like my older sister did. “I’ll be out of the house once the reception is done.”
After dinner I was in my room, dreading the decision I made hours ago, was I even ready to be married? I loved Austin but to spend all my life with him. Soon enough my mom and younger sister were there with me, laying in bed, talking to each other.
“Y te juro que el me hablo pero bien lindo, ¿cómo lo iba a rechazar? (And I swear he talked to me sweetly, how could I reject him?)” I groaned to my mother, my little sister giggled.
“Yo se, yo se (I know, I know).” My mother rubbed my head softly. At the end of the day, I’d only have my mother to cry to.
“Can I be a bridesmaid?” My 12 year old sister asked excitedly, the same exact excitement I felt when my older sister got married and I had the privilege of being one of her bridesmaids.
“Of course.” I told her with a big smile.
I always wanted to have a big wedding, like the ones of fairytales. With the big dress and big wedding, I tried to tell Austin that but he was quick to always shut down my wishes.
“Baby, a big wedding it’s just too much work for the both of us. And I ain’t going to risk our baby.” Austin said as he placed his hand on my lower stomach.
“I know I just— I’ve always dreamed of my wedding being big and beautiful.” I said softly as I then pressed my lips together.
“Now— what happened to the twinkle in your eyes?” Austin rubbed my cheek softly. “All that matter is that we’ll be husband and wife, and that we’ll have a small baby with us…”
He made me feel as if wanting a big wedding was just a silly and egoistic wish, how dare I want to stress myself planning wedding and harming his baby on the process?
We looked through a bunch of salons for the reception and we ended up finding one we both liked. It was pretty and small, to keep it private like Austin wanted. I already had on mind how I wanted to look that day, my mind was all over Priscilla Presley’s wedding look. I wanted that bouffant and a similar dress, I was already skinny but with the pregnancy— I looked bloated. I needed a vintage wedding dress and so I went on the look out for one. Austin had bought himself a nice tuxedo, he had recently dyed his hair black because of a Broadway play he was doing.
The day of the actual wedding, I was excited beyond belief. I woke up at 4 AM, so did my mother and sisters. I did my makeup on my own but my room was a mess, my older sister, Jackie and my younger sister, Pattie, we’re getting ready there with me. I did my usual glam— just this time I added three pairs of falsies, Jackie helped me do my hair that day, she helped me tease it into a bouffant, then my mother helped me put on my veil. I would be lying if I said my father didn’t cry, it was the first time I saw him cry in all my life, he just hugged me tight.
The wedding was quick, we said our vows but the good part would be the reception. As we entered the salon, the guests were already there as ‘Venus’ by Frankie Avalon played on the background, I felt so— lucky. I was marrying who I thought was the love of my life.
“I’m so happy, baby.” Austin said as we sat at our table, he was squeezing my hand.
“Me too.” I whispered back to him.
My dad ended up accepting Austin as my husband, as he watched how Austin handled me so tenderly, how his big hands cupped my face, how his hand wandered around my waist as we talked to guests, how he kissed my cheeks countless of times.
“My little girl’s gonna be a good wife.” *My dad told Austin as they shook hands. Then my dad walked up to me and hugged me again, crying again as he took a step back to watch me. “Mija, tú sabes que tu mamá y yo siempre vamos a estar para lo que tú necesites (Mija, you know that your mama and I will always be here whenever you need us.)” My father said sweetly.
I cried a lot that day too, I never wanted to stop living with my family, we were very close, but I was maturing and growing up, I was starting my own family and I had to be strong.
Austin and I got married on February 12th, 2018, while I was one month into my pregnancy. We went back to his house, he carried me bridal style and laid me on the bed, he got on top of me, he kissed me.
“My wife.” He whispered softly before kissing me passionately.
It’s not like it would be my first time with him— but it felt magical. I don’t know why I felt so taken care of. I was scared, I never knew you could have sex while being pregnant, but he told me he had been doing his research. He made sweet love to me that night.
I was now Mrs. Butler— it had a nice ring to it.
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I know some of y’all might not like Austin on this fanfic! He might be an asshole half the time.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Royal Pain Part 27
Just two more chapters to go. The end and a short epilogue.
Here we have more communication and the girls threaten to murder Eddie if he leaves Steve sad again.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta|Pt 22|Pt 23|Pt 24|Pt 25|Pt 26
Steve and Eddie curled up on the sofa that must have been older then they were put together. But Steve didn’t care. He was wrapped up in each other’s arms.
“Was that the reason you were angry all the time when you called?” he asked gently.
Eddie sighed. “Shit, I didn’t realize you were picking up on that. I was trying to keep upbeat and happy for you.”
“Babe,” Steve said, nuzzling their noses together, “I want to hear about the good and the bad. If you’re upset I want to know. I was so scared you had found someone else and didn’t know how to tell me.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. His first thought was to argue that he would never! But thankfully a second voice in his head, which sounded suspiciously like Wayne, prevailed. Steve didn’t know that. They had barely confessed to each that they did love each other, that they did want a relationship before the whole thing with Metallica fell in their laps. There was no way for Steve to know that.
He gathered up Steve in his arms and pulled him close. “I was angry at myself because I knew I was going to chose you. Because I love you more than I love the thought of fame and fortune. And that scared me how easy it was to chose you.”
“Especially since you knew I wouldn’t do the same?” Steve asked softly.
Eddie kissed the top of his head fiercely. “No, baby, because I knew you shouldn’t have to chose between your dreams and mine. Because I lived my dream. I can honestly tell people I toured with Metallica.”
“Aren’t you worried about what people are going to say when they ask you why you don’t tour anymore?”
“I tell them what I told everyone today,” he murmured. “That touring was too stressful and that it took me away from the people I loved.”
Steve kissed him tenderly on the lips. “Okay.”
Eddie tilted his head. “Just like that?”
Steve nodded. “I guess I just needed to hear you say the words. I believe you, Eds.”
Eddie hugged him tightly. “Bloomington isn’t that far away if we decide to take the deal. We’ll still see each other. Especially on the weekends and on the days you do my tattoo.”
“You still want me to finish it?”
“Of course I do, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “I have the whole fucking members of Metallica following me on Instagram to see the final product. I wouldn’t want to disappoint the biggest metal band of all time, now would I?”
Steve giggled. “Yeah, okay. I’ll finish you’re tattoo.”
They kissed again.
“I’m not sure it would work,” Steve began, “but since you guys still need to practice for your weekend gigs, and since you’ll already be in town on Tuesdays and Thursdays, have those be your practice days and then be in the studio on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”
Eddie blinked. “I’m mean gas would be killer, but yeah, I think it would work.”
“And since Hawkins is in between Bloomington and Indy, you’d get to see Wayne more...”
Wayne walked out of the kitchen where he had been steadfastly trying not to eavesdrop. “If I didn’t like you enough already, Stevie, you’d be my new favorite person besides Ed.”
“Who is it currently?” Steve asked with a grin.
“Claudia Henderson’s pecan pie.”
Eddie and Steve laughed.
“Steve already is my favorite non-family member,” Eddie said kissing Steve on the cheek with a huge smacking noise.
“And how does Jeff feel about that?” Wayne asked with a chuckle.
“We already decided that Royal Pain employees and Corroded Coffin members count as family and not friends,” Steve said with a fond smile.
Wayne smiled back. “You’ve certainly got a good head on your shoulders, Stevie. Be good to each other, yeah?”
Steve and Eddie nodded.
Eddie turned to Steve. “You going to be staying tonight?”
Steve nodded again. “Yeah, I just have to be in at ten to open shop. I’ve already pushed back so many clients in the last couple of months, I really can’t do that again.”
“Robin get some grumbling when she rearranged your schedule for this?” Eddie asked, sitting on the sofa so that he he could prop his elbow up on the back of it.
“Vickie too,” Steve said with a nod. “She got so flustered on a couple of them that Robin had to take over.”
Eddie winced. “Yeah, you really shouldn’t miss anymore days, then.”
Steve leaned forward. “I’ll tell you what, if you’re good and get me to work on time, I’ll show you my new tattoo when you come in to do yours.”
Eddie lit up. “You have a new tattoo? Where?”
Steve tapped the space between his hip and side on his right leg.
Eddie licked his lips. “Yeah?”
“Yup,” he said with a seductive grin. “So how about it, Eds? You get me to work on time and you get to see my new tattoo?”
Eddie stuck out his hand and Steve shook it.
“You boys have both had a long day,” Wayne said. “You should hit the hay, I’ll wake you up before I go into work, okay?”
Steve and Eddie agreed and got ready for bed, Eddie lending Steve a pair of sweats to sleep in.
Eddie took a moment to appreciate his boyfriend’s broad chest and tight abs. Both dusted with thick hair. He licked his lips slowly.
Steve caught him looking and laughed. “No fair trying to get a peek at my tattoo before you fulfill your half of the deal.”
Eddie pouted. “Just a little taste?”
“Come to bed you menace,” Steve said with a big smile.
Eddie scrambled into the bed and Steve took the other side. They wrapped up in each other’s arms and sighed happily.
“I’m happy you’re here, darlin’,” Eddie murmured.
“Me, too, sunshine,” Steve agreed. “You make me happy when skies a grey!”
Eddie poked his ribs until he squirmed away, giggling. “Sap!”
Steve kissed him, hot and searing. “So are you. Mr I wrote dozens of songs for you on the road.”
Eddie blushed. “Whole songs, too. Lyrics included. The boys knew I was missing you. Of course they did. They heard the songs I was writing. But I don’t think they knew how much until I told them today.”
Steve kissed him again. “Saturday night, you and me. After your gig, my place. I’ll make dinner. You sing me sappy love songs and I show you my tattoo.”
“Sounds good, baby.”
Soon the room was filled with the soft sounds of two people wrapped up in each other, like there was no one else in the world.
Eddie dropped Steve off at his apartment to get a shower and change clothes with promises that he would see him that afternoon.
So when he walked into the shop at nine with a spring in his step and smile on his face he didn’t blame Chrissy and Vickie for thinking he had gotten laid.
Steve laughed. “No, but we talked and we’re still going to take it slow, and see wait happens.”
“Lame!” Erica said, rolling her eyes. “You so lame.”
Steve eyed her. “Yeah and what’s your boyfriend’s name?”
Erica’s jaw dropped.
Chrissy pounded her palm on the counter. “Oooh...”
“Whatever!” she said and stomped back into her henna parlor.
“She’s eighteen,” Steve said with a shrug. “She’s got time.”
“Brochacho!” Argyle greeted as he came in, just behind Steve. “You made it back in time. Little Birdie was concerned.”
Robin squawked from her perch behind the counter. “What! I was no such thing!”
Chrissy tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.
Robin blushed. “I may have been a little worried when you weren’t home by the time I left for the shop this morning.”
Steve waved hand over himself. “As you can see, showered, changed, and ready to go tattoo people’s poor life choices on their skin.”
They all laughed.
Chrissy pinched his arm on her way back to her room. “It’s good to see you smile again. And if he does that again, I’ll murder him. Got it?”
Steve nodded.
Argyle went to go setup Steve’s kit and left him alone with Robin.
“I’m with Chrissy, by the way. No one would find his body.”
Steve smiled. “Well, then you’ll be happy to note that the reason he was freaking out wasn’t because he was going to leave me for fame and fortune.”
Robin raised an eyebrow. “Oh, then why was he freaking out?”
Steve leaned on the counter. “Because he was going to leave fame and fortune for me.”
Her eyes went comically wide. “Seriously?!”
He nodded. “He said that the decision was so easy that he had to really think about it and make sure that’s what he wanted.”
Robin whistled long and low. “Now that’s devotion.”
“It really is.”
“So...” she said grinning slyly. “Has he seen the tattoo yet?”
He laughed. “Nope. I needed to make sure he was going to let me come into the shop today so I told if he got me here on time, then he can see it.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
Steve smiled. “He’s actually going to be coming in for his appointment today, too.”
Robin gasped and covered her heart with her hands. “What a shocker! That he wants to see you after not seeing you for three weeks!”
He swatted at her. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. He’s head over heels in love with me and I am just as smitten as he is.”
She smiled at him fondly. “I’m happy for you, dingus.”
“Me, too.”
She laughed. “You’re happy for yourself?”
Steve grinned. “Hell yeah I am. I’ve got a hot boyfriend, the bestest best friend in the world, and a shop I’m proud of, why shouldn’t I be happy for myself?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Robin said waving him off. “I’ll call you when your first appointment gets here.”
“Love you, Chamberlainne,” Steve said, using her Royal Pain nickname, causing her to make a face.
“Argh,” she huffed. “There just aren’t any good names for the power behind the throne and still being a woman.”
Steve laughed. “Sure there is. It’s called the queen.”
Robin laughed. “Or even higher, empress!”
“Empress!” Steve crowed. “There we go. Empress Robin, the real power behind the king of Royal Pain.”
“And don’t you ever forget it.”
He kissed her cheek. “Never.”
As he walked back to his tattooing room, she watched him go with growing fondness. He really was her person.
Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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iuteamstarcandy · 9 months
[TRANS] 231223 IU 2024 Season’s Greetings Message Daily Desk Calendar
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01 Start of a new month~! Let’s work hard, come on!!
02 Don’t be discouraged yet! Keep going!!
03 Let’s stick to our goals for this month!! Fighting!!
04 Wow.. (t/n: it feels like) a month has passed by already..”
05 Don’t get tired~ I heard there will be a lot of good things happening this month !! 🔥
06 You’ll meet a great person in the south today.
07 Today is lucky seven!!! 777!!!!
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08 It’s my favorite ‘8’ \ ^O^ / ♡
09 For today’s lunch.. how about cheese tonkatsu? 😮
10 Wah. Already ten days have passed… Uwahh!!!
11 Alright, let’s see now. Starting from the 11th, it will be the end of the month in the blink of an eye.
12 How about being the first to contact a friend today that you haven’t been in touch with? 😃
13 You will miss the 13th day IU today….
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14 and I’m missing the 14th day UAENA so much today…♡
15 Half the month is over. Look back at whether there are any things to regret about!!
16 Today… I feel like soondubu (tofu) stew…
17 Have you been exercising? Should we take a short walk today? 🙂
18 Even if you make mistakes, don’t blame yourself too much.
You are always given the chance to redeem yourself!!
19 Did you do something nice for yourself today? 😃♡
20 Oh my, it’s already the 20th. Time to prepare to finish up for the month~!
21 What about giving myself one little gift today?
22 Today is a day in particular that you’re thinking of IU a lot, right? Ask her how she’s doing ♡
23 I really like the 23rd day, with no particular reason. Have a good day ahead ♡
24 Let’s extend little acts of kindness to the people around us first today!
25 It’s a day that you somehow feel like eating a lot for dinner, right?
How about kimchi stew and steamed egg?!!
26 I’m suddenly worried..? You’ve been washing your hands and feet well, right?
27 Have a good sleep tonight~♡ You’ve worked hard ♡
28 An entire month is really coming to an end.
Should we slowly start making plans for next month?
29 Having at least 2 meals a day! Even if it’s just a bit, keep hanging on. Seeing sunlight. Drinking a lot of water! Sleeping well~♡
30 How about writing a ‘monthly diary entry’ like me to sum up the month?
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31 You did well ♡ You will do great tomorrow too.
Let’s live this way day by day. Together with me 🙂 ♡
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Source: IU_winter
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verai-marcel · 7 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 24 of 28)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Act I - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Act II - Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | 
Act III - Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 (18+) | Part 28 (END)
AO3 Link is here, my sweet.
Word Count: 4,380
Act III, Chapter 3 - The Torment
The next morning started off like any other. However, you were surprised when Wyll, Karlach, and Jaheira came back in the late afternoon with a tall, muscular, and bald man with a small rodent on his shoulder. Karlach and Wyll were following the other two with expressions of awe.
I wonder if he’s an associate of Jaheira’s… that would explain why Karlach and Wyll are fawning so hard.
The man saw you and grinned broadly, waving cheerfully at you. Your seal pulsed strongly in return.
Who exactly is this man?
Coming up to the group, you smiled warmly. “Welcome back, everyone. Who’s our new friend?”
“I am Minsc!” Then he held out his hand for the little rodent to hop onto his palm and held him out to you. “And this is Boo, the mighty miniature giant space hamster.”
When the hamster looked at you, your seal pulsed again, sending heat waves through your blood. You looked back up at Minsc, and the power ebbed away.
What. No way. It was the hamster that is the powerful one here?
Boo chittered, and while everyone else was looking at the creature, you noticed that Minsc was listening intently as if he understood every little squeak.
“Oh, yes, of course,” he mumbled. Then he gingerly brought Boo back to his shoulder. “Boo is looking forward to sampling your fine dishes and to hear your singing. Karlach and Wyll have been praising your talents!”
You blinked. “Um, alright, I’ll do my best,” you said, directing your reply to the little hamster. Looking into its eyes, you suspected you saw understanding, and even more, satisfaction.
Welp, that was strange.
You learned from the others that the underground guild in the city and Jaheira had made a deal: she got help finding Minsc, and in exchange, they had chased the Zhentarim out of the city. You breathed a sigh of relief.
So I didn’t need to worry about them after all. Thank the gods. Or rather, thank Jaheira.
Karlach patted your back. “I’m relieved. One crime group is enough for this city, hah!”
You laughed, hiding your nerves. “Yup, good riddance.” And now they’ll never know.
Leading the others to the campfire, you served them some drinks and some snacks and listened to them regaling you with their adventure, which had taken them all across the city, even to the deepest bank vaults. They had even found Mol and a couple other tiefling children in the Guild, running their business, and doing quite well for themselves.
“Oh good, I’d like to go back to the other tiefling children and let them know Mol is safe,” you said.
“I can do it,” Karlach said with a smile. “I’m sure Wyll would want to see them again too.”
Wyll nodded, and you caught his soft look as he watched Karlach.
Oh ho, his love grows.
After their story, you rooted around through the pile of loot for any extra bedrolls or fabric to make a tent for the newcomer. Just as you had managed to find enough rags to weave together, you heard the alarm bells on your belt chime softly.
Turning toward the entrance, the others had arrived looking a bit worn out. As they joined the group at the campfire, Shadowheart relayed what had happened.
“We literally went to hell and back. But now Lae’zel has a way to free Orpheus.”
The githyanki nodded with a slight smirk. Oh, she’s quite pleased.
“And we may have a change of accommodations,” Gale said. “The Elfsong has an upper floor penthouse available if we wish to use it, for a discounted fee.”
“Are there enough beds for everyone?” you asked, sweeping your hand towards everyone, including Shadowheart’s parents, Isobel, and Aylin, who were hanging back, listening in.
“Plenty of beds,” Gale replied.
“And why the discount?” you questioned. Inns don’t give discounts unless…
“There might have been a murder on that floor, and that might be scaring off the guests.”
Everyone looked at Gale.
“Look, just because one person died there doesn’t mean we should stay out in the open for the remainder of our time here.”
After some thought, the group began to mumble agreement.
Wait. Then that means…
“So you won’t be needing me any further,” you quietly said.
All eyes turned to you.
“Well, of course we need you, darling.” Astarion walked up to you and patted your head. “You still have to feed me.” He gestured towards everyone else. “And these fools couldn’t clean worth a damn.”
You glanced at everyone else, who were mostly shrugging sheepishly.
“And who’s going to take care of the giant pile of souvenirs that Karlach and Astarion keep pilfering?” Wyll joked.
“Some of those are from you too!” Karlach shot back, lightly shoving Wyll, who only laughed.
“The point is, you’re part of the team,” Gale said softly. “We need you just as much as anyone else.”
You turned back to Astarion, who nodded and took your hand, holding it gently, his thumb rubbing circles over your knuckles. Leaning closer, he whispered in your ear, “Besides, you promised you would stay with me, didn’t you?”
You nodded.
“Good girl,” he murmured before pulling back. Turning to everyone else, he shot them all a triumphant grin. “So, shall we upgrade our accommodations?”
By the time you all had finished packing and moving everyone’s things out of the harbor and to the Elfsong, the sun had just dipped below the horizon. Yet the tavern was already loud and lively, full of music and drinkers. Gale went to the front desk and paid for the new lodgings, holding up a key triumphantly to everyone before leading the group upstairs.
“Probably best if I keep a low profile. They used to know me all too well in here,” Astarion muttered to you as he helped take the packs up the stairs, attempting to blend in with the others. You watched his back as he went up the stairs, walking closely to the floating disc as it hovered behind Gale. Your eyes wandered down the line of Astarion’s body, down his back, his hips, his—
Gods, what am I doing?
You shook your head and re-focused on the back of his head, but he had already caught you staring, as he looked back at you with a knowing smirk.
“Admire all you like, darling.”
You immediately looked away and huffed.
His sly grin stayed on his face throughout the rest of the unpacking.
Since you didn’t need to cast warming cantrips any longer, you could spend your time sorting the loot pile and going out to the market to sell whatever you could, and buying fresh groceries. You were actually excited to see what kind of fresh vegetables and herbs you could get, now that you were in a large city.
“You’re sounding happy,” Shadowheart said as she approached, kneeling down next to you while you polished some of the tarnished jewelry with a rag.
You stopped humming and smiled up at her. “Well, I can finally catch up on some inventory management,” you said, pointing at the rather large pile of knick knacks and herbs. “You lot seem to have sticky fingers.”
“It’s how I grew up,” Karlach said as she joined the two of you, sitting cross legged on the other side of you. “Take everything of value and sort it out later for pocket change.”
You nodded. “That’s fair. I just haven’t had much of a chance to go through it all lately, and it seems like everyday you come back with more.”
Gale suddenly came up and tapped Shadowheart’s shoulder. With one look, her eyebrows furrowed and she got up. 
“We’re going to plan our next trip into the Undercity. We’ll probably need to split up if we want to stop the murders and find where Orin is hiding.”
You nodded and watched as everyone gathered around the table in the main sitting room on the upper level. Remaining in the lower area near the fireplace, you continued to sort through everything, catching bits and pieces of their conversation.
“...have to find where the Bhaalspawn…”
“...Orin’s base might be…”
You finished sorting what you could, and pulled together all the random coins you had found. There was a significant amount, so you didn’t feel bad about ordering room service tonight.
“I’m going downstairs to order us a meal to be brought up, are there any requests?”
As you came downstairs with a long piece of paper full of meal requests, you ran into a familiar face.
“Lakrissa!” you said with a bright smile.
She called your name excitedly and gave you a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“We got a room upstairs, at a discounted rate.”
“Oh, the murder room. Well, I suppose that wouldn’t bother your group much, would it?”
You laughed. “Nope, not after what they’ve seen. Oh, I need to put their supper order in.”
Lakrissa smiled and took your order for you, telling you to wait by the stairs for her while she gave it to the kitchen. When she returned, she gave you a wide grin.
“Follow me,” she said quietly as she nodded toward the back staircase. 
She snuck you up to the rooftop, where you heard a soft lute and a familiar voice.
You smiled, afraid to stop Alfira’s singing. She was swaying softly to her song, her back to you and Lakrissa, the gibbous moon shining brightly above her head. The two of you enjoyed her song until the end, applauding her just as she turned around.
The bard smiled, pleasantly surprised to see you. You hugged, and the three of you caught up on each other’s lives since the Last Light Inn.
“Would you join me for a song?” Alfira asked. “If you have time, that is.”
You turned to Lakrissa. She nodded. “You��ll have time. With the amount of orders you put in, you could sing out here for a half hour and it wouldn’t be done.”
The two of you figured out a song you both knew, and while she played and sang harmony, you took the lead, letting your voice carry on the rooftop, and letting the tingling feeling on your spine travel through your body, through your lungs, through your throat. You felt almost as if you could layer your voice if you pushed your power through yourself hard enough.
On the last lyric, you let your vibrato go longer and harder than you ever had, leaving just enough breath to end the song on a delicate sigh.
A raucous applause startled you, and you turned to see all of your companions standing behind Lakrissa, who was wearing a sly grin.
“You cheeky woman!” Alfira said to her as Lakrissa came up and placed her hand on the small of her back.
You were distracted from their cute banter by everyone else’s compliments. You shyly bowed.
“Boo says that was a most wonderful performance, rivaling the great opera singers from Waterdeep!”
You flinched involuntarily at the mention of Waterdeep, but you acted as if you didn’t. “You’re too kind,” you said with a smile. 
Lakrissa tapped your shoulder. “I can go check if your food is ready, but would you all want to eat up here? It’s a beautiful moonlit night!”
You turned to everyone else, who seemed to be enjoying themselves, catching up with Alfira and admiring the view.
“That sounds lovely.”
As she went downstairs, you spotted some tables and chairs scattered around the rooftop and had an idea. You took a deep breath and began to hum, walking to the furniture and tapping them lightly. As if they suddenly gained sentience, they hopped and began to follow you, arranging themselves into a nice group formation.
Everyone had gone silent, watching you work. You paid them no mind, singing a song about faerie lights, touching the leaves and vines around the area, making them glow orange and pink and purple. Lost in the sensation of the magic and the music flowing through your body, you spun around and swayed your arms, letting the lights glow brighter as your power pulsed against your skin.
Suddenly Astarion was standing next to you, his hand on the small of your back, pressing on your seal. He kissed your cheek and pulled you close, interrupting your song.
“I couldn’t help myself darling,” he said a bit too loudly as he dragged you away from everyone else. Karlach tried to peek, but Shadowheart shooed her and the other onlookers back to the tables to wait for their food.
Away from the crowd, Astarion whispered into your ear. “Your seal was glowing brightly through your clothes.” His hand pressed harder against your back. “Be careful.”
You looked up at him, surprised at his look of concern. “Oh. Thank you,” you murmured. It didn’t feel like burning this time, though. It felt… powerful. 
He guided you back to the tables just in time for Lakrissa and another worker to bring the trays of food for everyone. Using your party as an excuse, she stayed behind and ate with you, along with Alfira, who entertained you all with music through the rest of dinner.
It was a wonderful evening, and you treasured it.
The next morning, the others left, but came back within an hour to talk to Dame Aylin. You overheard something about a tower and a wizard who had put a price on her head, and she immediately charged out the doors. Isobel followed the group out to follow her.
You turned to Shadowheart’s parents. “Erm, well, I was about to go out and get groceries. I should be back soon.”
They nodded and told you that they would let the others know if they came back before you did.
Out in the city, you felt relatively safe, anonymous in the large crowds. You walked over to a jeweler and bartered away some of the found gems and trinkets for a great price, adding to your coin pouch. Heading down to the marketplace, you managed to get an excellent cut of venison from the butcher and some fresh herbs and vegetables. Holding the bag in your arms, you headed back to the Elfsong.
Halfway there, your seal pulsed. You immediately looked around.
A man, with a patch over his eye and a large sword at his side, scratched his arm, his sleeve lifting up to reveal a tattoo of a legless dragon in flight. It was a tattoo you recognized with ease.
A Zhent!
You quickly began to walk away, turning a corner beyond the Elfsong, unwilling to make the mistake of leading someone straight to your home base. Instead, you walked through the graveyard, then past the tombmaker’s shop. Just as you were rounding the corner to make a loop back home, you heard a familiar voice calling your name.
Turning around, you were met with Gale, smiling and waving his hand to you.
“Can you follow me for a moment? I have something to show you,” he said, gesturing for you to follow.
Your seal pulsed with a stinging heat.
“Um, let me put these groceries away first.”
“We haven’t the time,” he insisted, coming closer to you.
Gale would have offered to carry my groceries for me by now. This isn’t him! 
Without another word, you turned to run.
The doppelganger grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled hard, choking you. Dropping your bag of groceries, you pulled at your collar, trying to get some air, but they were strong. One arm wrapped around your mouth.
“You’ve got wits, but no power. Pity,” a woman’s voice hissed in your ear.
You felt a sharp pain to your temple, and then you felt nothing at all as everything went black.
Astarion and the others returned to their room in the Elfsong, ready for a long rest. Upon entering the room, however, he smelled something distinctly… vile.
“Welcome back,” said the creature posing as his hearth witch. Though she looked like her, she definitely didn’t sound like her. The soothing warm tone of her voice could not be replicated by any other.
“You’re not her.” Astarion glared at the shapeshifter, disgusted that she would take the form of his beloved.
Orin pouted. “How could you tell so quickly?”
“I could smell your stench a mile away.”
Everyone looked on in horror as a crazed, maniacal grin grew on their hearth witch’s face. And when she twisted back to her usual form, everyone felt a fear and anger that they could not swallow down.
“If you want your precious friend, then kill Gortash for me and bring me his netherstone.” She disappeared in a burst of pink petals, her insane laughter bleeding away.
Astarion could barely contain his rage. “We don’t have time, we have to find her now,” he snarled.
The others agreed. 
“Don’t worry Astarion, we’ll find her,” Wyll said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Orin won’t get away with this.”
He nodded as he tried to keep a level head. But it was so, so hard.
If Orin touches her… she’ll feel her madness. She’ll feel everything.
You woke up to a world of pain, your entire body feeling as if it was on fire. You shifted and gasped in agony.
Then your memories of the last 24 hours returned, and you nearly vomited. You had so, so many cuts across your body. Your clothes had been sliced to shreds, and your skin along with it.
The crazed cackle of your captor drew your attention. Orin licked her knife with glee. “Your blood is the sweetest,” she murmured. 
And then she wrapped her hand around your neck. You let out a hoarse cry of agony as her madness seeped into you. No amount of mental guarding could keep out the intensity of her insanity.
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You squeezed your eyes shut to drown out the voices in your head.
“Who knew you would be so sensitive to just my mere touch! Such a delight to torture.”
You could barely hear her words beyond the pounding of blood in your ears. Is this what she constantly felt? Wave after wave of darkness, followed by an alternating current of rage, a frenzied, frenetic need to hurt, to kill. 
It was so dissonant from your usual emotions that you were having a physical reaction. Your blood pumped harder, spilling more from your wounds. You were weakening, your limbs feeling heavier with each passing moment.
“Let go of me!” you cried, your hands wet with your blood as you tugged weakly at Orin's arm. 
She only laughed. “Why should I? Your agony is the sweetest candy on my tongue.” Grabbing your wrist and twisting it painfully, she brought the inside of your arm to her mouth. While she stared at you with her crazed glare, she licked your blood, savoring it, smearing it all over her lips. 
“No!” You shrieked, trying to jerk your arm away. It was a useless endeavor; she was far stronger than you could ever be. “That blood is not for you!” 
You tugged harder, the blood making your skin slippery. Her grip tightened until you felt your bones begin to yield, the pain making you keen. 
“You make the most lovely sounds when in pain,” she murmured, letting go of your wrist and your throat. Placing the tip of her knife at your collarbone, she grinned maniacally. The sharp tip pierced your skin, the slow, burning sting making you whimper in pain. 
“Let me hear you sing in agony once more—“
“My lady!” 
Orin immediately grabbed the servant by the throat. “How. Dare. You. Interrupt me!” 
“There…. are… intruders…” the servant gurgled.
You looked up, grateful for any distraction that kept Orin’s knife away from your collarbone. In the distance, you could see your companions as they charged down the stairs. A sense of relief flooded you. 
Your friends. They were here. Thank the gods. 
All of the stress and the injuries suddenly overwhelmed you, and your vision blurred. Did Orin just transform into a beastly creature? The party threw themselves into the fray, fighting off the other cultists while Karlach and Lae'zel focused on Orin. 
The last thing you saw was Astarion rushing past the beast towards you, calling out your name. 
It had been a hell of a battle, and Astarion barely remembered it. Once he had secured his beloved in a safe corner, he had lashed out, stabbing Orin until she screamed in agony. Then he sprinted back, picked up his little hearth witch in his arms and brought her to Shadowheart, who immediately healed her wounds. Her clothes were shredded to tatters, and even after her wounds had closed, she was still out cold.
“She may be mentally overwhelmed,” Shadowheart said.
He only nodded before setting off at a hurried pace to get back to the Elfsong, cradling her closely.
After they got out of the Undercity, she finally spoke to him again. “I'm surprised by how far you've come, Astarion. I didn't think you'd ever care so deeply about anyone.”
“I didn’t think so either,” he replied carefully. “But she managed to weasel her way in.”
“It's funny how the little things do so much. A warm meal, a soft touch, a gentle smile. She's brought us all out of our shells, made us feel safe.”
“Yes…” He looked down at his love. “She feels like home.”
Shadowheart didn’t miss the softness in his eyes as he spoke, gazing at his witch.
“Seems strange, doesn't it?” Shadowheart mused while she sat with the other around the communal table, snacking on some cheese. 
“Well, they're lovers now, right? I wouldn't let anyone touch you either.”
Shadowheart frowned, even though she felt a bit tickled by Gale's protective comment. “That's fair. But he barely let me finish healing her before snatching her away.”
Gale shrugged. “Some people go a little crazy when they fall in love. I certainly don't blame him for acting this way. She's been kidnapped twice now, right under our noses.”
Nodding, Shadowheart grew quiet for a moment. “What do you think he meant when he said her skin was sensitive?”
Karlach suddenly lifted her head. “I asked her about why she wore gloves all the time and she said it was a secret. Maybe she just has super sensitive skin!” 
The others just accepted that conclusion and moved on to other topics, but Shadowheart kept chewing on the thought.
What if…?
You regained consciousness as Astarion was lifting you in his arms. You felt his worry for you through your bare skin before you realized that he had taken his shirt off, and you were fully naked.
“What’s going on?” you mumbled.
“We rescued you,” he answered, his voice soft. “And now I’m giving you a bath. You’re covered in blood.”
Astarion slowly lowered you into the tub, the water immediately turning red as the dried blood on your skin was washed away. The warmth was soothing against your freshly healed body and you started to relax. But the moment Astarion let go of you, the pain from before came rolling back. When Orin had held you down, her madness had borne down on you, unrelenting, and it returned now in ripples of mania.
You struggled to stay alert, but you could feel your mind slowly dissociating. Your consciousness faded as you battled the memories. 
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Suddenly your mind went blank as Astarion pulled you out of the tub and into his embrace. You wanted to chide him about getting his pants dirty with the bloody water, that you were naked, that this was wholly inappropriate… 
But when you felt the overwhelming feeling of love and protection around you, it silenced everything else. The echoes of Orin's insanity, the screams of your own mental state, everything. 
All you felt was Astarion's love for you, and it brought you back to the present. 
And you cried. 
“I've got you, my sweet. I've got you,” he murmured as you shook uncontrollably.
“I hate this!” you cried. “I…I'm weak. I'm helpless. I didn't… I didn't want to be a burden!”
Astarion hushed you gently, nuzzling your cheek with the tip of his nose. “What's that irritating thing that Gale always says about burdens?”
It took you a moment to remember. “A burden shared is a burden halved?” 
“Yes. That.” He guided your chin up to look at him. “We both have our share of burdens. I accept yours, just as you accepted mine.”
“So you can say nice things,” you teased through your tears. “You won't abandon me?” you asked quietly. 
“You're the heart I thought I had lost,” he quietly confessed. “So don't even think for a moment that I'd ever let you go.” He held you tighter. “You're mine, burdens and all.”
He coaxed you back into the tub, and kept at least one hand on your skin as he helped you get clean. While you knew you were healed, you sometimes saw the cuts that Orin had inflicted as an afterimage on your skin. You had to shake your head and force the vision away from your mind.
While you were fighting the demons in your head, Astarion bathed you, dried you off, and took you to bed, wrapping you up in his arms, against his bare chest. 
“Will you be alright?” he asked softly, his gaze full of concern.
You took a deep breath. Would you? Orin did a hell of a number on you. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced, and you had seen some strange things in Waterdeep. Hells, you had faced a vampire lord and survived.
And yet…
“I’ll be alright,” you finally said.
He raised an eyebrow.
“I really will,” you insisted. “It may take some time, but you’ll be here to help, won’t you?”
His eyes softened. “Of course, darling.”
It wasn’t until you were mostly asleep that you realized that you were still naked, skin against skin with Astarion.
And yet, it was the most comfortable you had ever been with him, his arms wrapped protectively around you.
Act III, Chapter 3 End notes: Sorry for the lateness, had to work double digit hours every day this week at work, but finally got some time to edit and post this chapter! I’m really leaning into that hurt/comfort trope here and I regret nothing. But I think this will be about as much as I can write in terms of injuries, because honestly, our dear little witch needs to catch a break.
Also a bit of behind the scenes here: I absolutely killed that Zhentarim plotline, because it wasn’t working for me and it does get conveniently taken care of by Jaheira in the game. And I was thinking that HW was being a bit paranoid; she hasn’t seen a Zhent in years since the last time she was in the Gate. Also, the masked lord has basically forgotten about her, but she doesn’t know that.
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter!
Tags List: @numblytemporary @xalphafox @avitute @stormyjane7 @kmoon21
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oubliette-odette · 1 month
The Reluctance of Love Pt. 31
Okay so I didn't get a post out like I planned, because I got so sick between my travels and basically have been sleeping for the last week. Everyone remember to take vitamins, get vaccinated, wear masks, and stay hydrated! Okay?
Orc Male x Half-Elf Male, Fated Mates, Forbidden Love, Slow Burn Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Content Warnings: violence, light torture All orcish is from orcishdictionary.com, created by Matt Vancil.
It felt as if my mind was no longer mine. I was caught in a vicious cycle between hurt and lust. Bitter pain and earnest desire. I thrashed on the floor and wished I could stop because the pain was too much. It would have been better if the Duke had managed to knock me out, because now I was stuck in a frenzy I had no hope of getting out of. 
Altan. I could feel him. I felt how far he was from me and I ached to be near him. He was the only person who could help me, save me. Stop this pain. At that moment, I needed him more than air or food or medicine. 
I was left alone in the cage, but I could sense the Duke’s looming presence as he watched in mute fascination at my thrashing. I looked up at him and caught the glint of satisfaction, exultation in seeing me writhe and growl on the ground like some common animal.
If he had stayed in the cage, I would not have hesitated in ripping his throat out with my teeth. To kill the man who hurt my beloved would have brought me the greatest satisfaction. 
But instead, I suffered in a cage, unable to do anything.
Time felt slow and dragged as I labored through each breath. The longer I laid without Altan near me, the harder it was to remain controlled. But I was in so much pain, every breath made me shudder and shake. Would I be able to survive this? I wondered how much longer I could fight back all that was stifling me.
“Do you wish to die now, orc?” He asked.
I rolled my eyes back to see his sneer and I growled in response. 
“I rather enjoy seeing you struggle like this.” He said, “You finally are where you belong.”
I rolled onto my back, the hay beneath me scratch and dug into every open, infected wound and I bit back the yell I wanted to let out. 
“Oh how interesting.” I heard the Duke say.
I couldn’t see him, but I felt his stare. 
“Pain seems to arouse you, I see.” He said. “Had I known that, I would have played with you much sooner.”
I recognized that I wore nothing but the ripped and torn pants that I had worn traveling with Altan, nothing hid the effects of lordhovid from the Duke. I tried to roll back, but I heard the crack of a whip and suddenly a sharp sting on my arm. 
“Don’t move.” The Duke said. “I’m not done with you yet. Not until I see you breathe your last.”
I let out a broken breath. He couldn’t mean to torture me until my death. No one could be that cruel. I felt another sharp sting on my arm and I felt the hot blood that slipped free from the newly opened wounds and began to drip to the floor. 
“Since you seem to be aroused by this pain, I won’t disappoint you with my performance. I’ll be sure to tell Altan just how hard you fought and how you enjoyed it like the beast you are.”
“Fuck…you…” I managed to groan out. 
He paused and raised an eyebrow. “Is that all you can say?”
He raised the whip to strike me again when I heard the creaking of a door opening and someone shouting to stop. The room stilled and I inhaled deep, holding the pain in.
“You’ll have to delay your delectations, my Lord.” A harsh voice said, they sounded panicked. “We have a problem.”
“What do you mean?”
I rolled back on to the flat of my stomach and exhaled, my body finally feeling a moment’s rest. My consciousness was wavering. I blinked and recognized nothing in front me, it all becoming a indistinct blur. A heaviness overwhelmed my body and mind.
“Gideon. He’s found us.” I heard the person answer.
“Shit.” The Duke sword. “Where is he?”
“Our secrets are no longer a secret, my Lord.” Another voice sneered, they sounded more confident and disdainful. “You’ve not been as careful as you promised.”
“What exactly are you insinuating here, Mavis?” The Duke yelled. “I’m not the one about to attack this hideout.”
My eyes fluttered closed, I was drifting, losing focus. 
“No, but this is your fault and word has reached us that your son has already begun to usurp your power in Berdusk.”
Could it be?
I felt separate from my body and I struggled to open my eyes. I thought I felt my fingers clenched into fists but I wasn’t certain what was real and what was becoming delusion.
Moments passed in a strange stillness, a darkness that felt like the bring of something permanent, something I wasn’t ready for, before I opened my eyes again and all the sensations flooded back and I gasped in pain. My vision was clouded with shadows and my hearing was unfocused and everything was garbled. I needed to stop fighting the darkness, but I needed to resist that sweet emptiness a bit longer. There was someone who needed me.
I blanked again and managed to make out the shape of the Duke, his posture tight and coiled like a wild animal, I could hear the sounds of his shouting and then the shapes of red rushing to him and pulling him away. 
I heard the clang of a metal door and suddenly hands on my body. I didn’t know where they were taking me, only that there was no place on me that didn’t scream for them to stop touching me. I growled out in pain, I had had enough and I felt their hands tense on me. 
The darkness taunted the corners of my eyes and begged me to release my control to it, but I instead fought back harder. I was the son of many proud orcs. I would not be broken by this. 
I was uncertain of where this strength came from but I flung myself back and threw off the people on me and with a roar I flailed and fought back. At the first sign of red, I would follow their unclear shape and rip it out of my way. The thrumming pull of my mate kept my feet moving forward, and the burning inside me fueled me. Perhaps this was the trail to my death, but I would die for him, not for anyone else.
Want to be updated on new chapters? DM me to be added to the tag list! I'm so sorry that I missed you guys last chapter!
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pastriibunz · 5 months
SOTBAW GIFT FOR @raspberrysmoon: Five Lords And A Baby
Wiggog Y’Wrath makes a decision he can’t come back from.
Humans sucked. 
He knew that for certain.
Wiggog Y’Wrath had been watching the creatures for millenia, and he had seen it all.
Sure, they had their good moments!
But there was so much depravity,
and the like.
He knew that the human race was doomed from the start.
And what else could he do but watch this shitshow as it went up in flames?
Well, put some gasoline on the fire, of course!
But, this tale isn’t about how Wiggly (and his brothers, on many occasions) liked to screw with humanity, no.
This has to deal with the girl he hailed as “the one good thing that those vermin had ever (and will ever) produce.”
Kai Dean- Well, Kai Drew. That’s the name she had wanted.
AUGUST 22, 2001 [9:30 PM] - UNINGTON, USA.
The Lords in Black weren’t the only all powerful beings in the multiverse.
There was other eldritch beings, other gods. They lived in their own separate domain from the Black and White, one that they titled ‘The Heavens’.
WIggly and his brothers never really cared for them.
For one, they were far too stuck up and formal. What good is power if you aren’t gonna have any fun with it?
Two, they were so insistent on not interfering in human affairs. Bo-ring! They were such interesting creatures, why simply watch when you could become the bestest of paly-wals with them?
But, they did agree:
Humans sucked.
But they had a different reason than him.
To them, humans were far too much like them.
Their forms, too similar, the tongues they spoke in rang far too familiar for their liking.
To them, humans were just a bit off.
Almost gods, but not quite.
Like Jupiter, almost a star, but never could succeed.
Failed stars.
Failed gods.
So, to them, they made good vessels.
Wiggly had heard rumors flitting about. One of the more powerful goddesses had left their domain. Became human.
He never expected them to be both right and wrong.
Kai Dean was born August 22, 2001, at 3:27 in the morning, to a mother and father who’s names now elude him. She came out quiet, to the point the doctors were worried. Then, a chuckle, then sobs. She was imaginative from day one, her little brain working overtime.
But she wasn’t a god. 
At least, not the one that left.
He knew that as he stared down at the sleeping bundle in his arms.
This was supposed to be simple.
Kill the baby so she wouldn’t become a problem for him and his brothers later.
But, thanks to his form, the child started to cry. And he didn’t need her parents coming in. So he had to think quickly. He quickly fixed himself up, to look more “human” for this child. The cries, however, didn’t stop.
“Wh- I did what you wanted! Why won’t you shut up?!” Wiggly hissed at the child. 
She kept crying.
He sighed. “Oh, bother…”
“It’s fine,” he whispered to himself, “you’ve been around for millennia, you’ve seen humans do this countless times, it’s simple…”
He grabbed the swaddled child out from her crib, cradling her in his arms. He bounces her, and her cries slowly quiet, morphing into sleepy babbles. He blinks.
“Well! You’re an easy little one, aren’t you?” He says, gently booping her nose. 
The baby grabs his finger with a vice grip. She brings it up to her mouth, gnawing on it.
“Oh-!! Oh, no, no…that’s not for chewing, silly-billy!” He chuckles, pulling his finger away.
She whines, her big brown eyes filling with tears.
And then, he felt something he thought was impossible for him to feel:
He, Wiggog “Wiggly” Y’rath, THE Lord in Black, felt bad for this child. 
That was confusing.
But what was even more confusing was what he did next.
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, little one. Here, here, you can have my finger back. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” He cooed softly, bringing the back of his finger to her chubby little cheek and stroking it gently.
The girl giggled. His heart melted.
He didn’t want to kill her.
She was adorable.
She was his.
“So this is why humans reproduce….” He mumbled. 
He looks around the nursery, seeing the carved woodblock letters on the walls. He smiles down at her, playing with a curly lock of chocolate brown hair. 
“Kai, huh..? What a cute name for a cute girl.” He bounces her.
She didn’t need to die, right?
No, no. She…she could be useful.
He could…he could raise her as his own. With his brothers’ help. They’ll help her use this power to wreak havoc upon the mortals.
She doesn’t have to die, and he gets to keep her! It’s a win win! He smiles down at the bundle of joy in his arms, using a tentacle to pet her cheek.
“Well, darling, how would you like to go home with your new daddy?” He smiles at her and she giggles.
He coos. “Tickle, tickle, tickle…” She laughs.
He begins to walk back to where he came, Kai in his arms. “Hm…you need a last name. What about…Drew?” He asks, tickling her. She squeals. “Oh, yeah, you like Drew. You’re definitely a Drew.”
He turns, surveying the nursery for the last time. He looks down at her, smiling with a certain kind of love in his eyes. “Kai Drew. That’s got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
AUGUST 22, 2001 [???] - BLACK AND WHITE
Pokotho and his brothers had been waiting impatiently for Wiggog’s return. He had left, declaring some wild plan, one that he hadn’t really listened to.
“I see him.” Bliklotep declared.
“Where??? And does he have food???” Nibblenephilim asked, salivating. Per usual.
“Uh…here, and maybe..?” Bliklotep motioned towards their returning brother, now semi human, a bundle cradled to his chest tightly. He smiles at his siblings.
“Hello, friendy-wends!” He grinned, holding the bundle closer. They looked at him with confusion. He waves a tentacle towards them, rubbing circles on the top of the bundle with one of his hands. Eugh.
“Do you boys mind turning a bit more…well…presentable? I have something you’ll all be interested in.” Wiggog said slyly. The others groan, knowing what this meant. Wiggog, in turn, huffs. “Don’t pout. It’s necessary. Now. Do it.”
With practically a thousand eye rolls and loud protests, his brothers end up looking similar to the vermin that was mankind. Wiggog smiles, clearing his throat.
“So, as we all know, one of those other goddesses died-”
“Nobody knew that.” “I didn’t!” “Me neither.” “What are we talking about???”
Wiggog huffs. “Well, she did. And she ‘became human’. So, in order to cause less problems in the future, I decided to…take care of our little problem. Boys,”
Wiggog brings his arms in front of him, cradling the baby in his arms. “Meet Kai.”
His brothers crowd around him, staring at the child in his arms. Pokotho is the first to speak, smiling confusedly. “I mean…it’s kinda cute-”
“I WANNA EAT IT!” Nibblenephilim interrupted with a fervor only seen in a salivating, rabid animal. 
“NO!” Wiggog shouted almost instantly, pressing Kai close to his chest, startling the other lords. “We aren’t going to eat her! I said it earlier, we’re going to take care of her! Nurture her! Love her! Raise her as one of us!”
The other four blink. Pokotho is once again the first to speak. “WHAT.”
Wiggog has a stern, unamused look on his face. “You heard me.” He smiles down at the infant, petting her cheek. “We’re gonna raise her as one of us, so when the time comes, we can use her to cause chaos!” He nuzzles his cheek to hers, cooing to the sleepy bundle. “Who’s daddy’s little destroyer of universes? You are! Yes, you are!”
“Ahem.” Pokotho says, clearing his throat, unamused. T’noy Karaxis, Bliklotep, and Nibblenephilim are a different story, however, the three snorting as they try to hold into their laughter. Wiggog awkwardly clears his own throat.
“This isn’t up for debate. It’s happening.” Wiggog says with a certain finality.
Bliklotep turns to T’noy. “Woah, we’re parents now.” 
T’noy blinks. “Woag.”
Nibblenephilim pops between the two, raising his hand and waving it in the air. “I WANNA BE THE MAMA!”
Pokotho sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He heads towards his eldest brother. “Wiggog, are you sure this is a good idea?”
Wiggog blinks. “Whatever do you mean?”
Pokotho motions to the way Wiggog is holding the girl. “You seem…attached. I don’t know if-”
“It’s happening. You can’t convince me otherwise.” Wiggog says flatly.
Pokotho huffs. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
He storms off, leaving Wiggly alone with Kai. He looks down at his child, who’s been awoken by the commotion. She yawns. He sighs and smiles, petting her cheek and cooing at her. “You won’t be any trouble, huh? Nooo, you’re just Papa’s perfect girl.”
The baby laughs. He smiles and nuzzles her cheek. “Yeah, you won’t. You’re Papa’s now. For now until forever.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to open prompts! Could i ask for some lady mo, or anything with wei wuxian? He’s my fave!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
When one of the servants A-jie had brought with her when she married catches his eye and then disappears, Jiang Cheng’s stomach drops.
He leaves Shuchun to deal with the official mingling, which earns him a dirty look, but he refuses to feel bad about it. Wang Yan is hovering at the edges and either she or Jin Ling will save her from any truly obnoxious conversations.
He makes his way to his sister’s rooms, knocking twice before pushing inside. “What’s going on?”
The first person he sees is Jiang Xingyi, which is never good, but A-jie appears whole and healthy. She grabs his arm with both hands, pulling him close before whispering, “Would you be able to get genkwa before the end of the night hunt?”
“Yes,” he says, even though doing it without getting caught is going to be nearly impossible. What his sister needs, she gets. “How far along?”
She doesn’t look any different to him, but then again she never does. But if she needs it before the end of the night hunt, she must have caught it late this time.
This isn’t the first time he’s needed to do this.
A-jie’s body might not be able to handle another birth. He knows that she wants a big family, but none of them are willing to risk her life for another child.  
Well, he and Jin Zixuan aren’t. Jin Guangshan and Madam Jin would do it gladly, which is why they can never, ever know of the times he’s had to smuggle the crushed purple little flowers into her hands.
“It’s not for me,” she says which leaves him blinking. “Maybe we won’t need it, but she won’t stop crying, and I don’t want to offer her something that I can’t carry through on. You’re sure?”
“Yes,” he says, “but who are we talking about?”
If it’s A-jie, everything has to be handled with the utmost secrecy, only Jiangs, Jin Zixuan, and Jin Guangyao privy to her condition. But a servant girl or even a noble’s daughter doesn’t garner enough attention to warrant their normal subterfuge.
A-jie gives him a look so full of grief that he’s already reaching for her before she turns and crosses over to the entrance to her private bath. She knocks then leans against the door, “Meimei, can you come out? There’s someone else here, he can help you. You can trust him, I promise.”
The endearment tells him nothing beyond it’s a woman younger than A-jie.
The seconds drag on and then the door slowly opens, a women clad only in one damp robe stepping out. He lifts his eyes to her face, red and splotchy from crying and her hair a mess all around her, and feels his mouth drop. “Lady Xuanyu?”
The wife to the second jade of Lan is not some servant girl or even just a noble’s daughter.
She sees him and fresh wave of tears roll down her face, but she’s smiling too, and A-jie is relaxing. “Hi Jiang Cheng.”
“Is it his?” he asks, mind spinning. “Lan Wangji’s?”
A-jie glares at his lack of tact, but he’s trying to make sense of this. If she’s sleeping around on Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng is hardly going to blame her for it, but it’ll explain why she needs to end the pregnancy.
She hiccups, lifting a sleeve to wipe at her cheeks. “Y-yeah.”
On the bright side, it’s not like Lan Wangji can hate him more than he already does.
A second reason for her to be so miserable at the news that she’s carrying her husband’s child occurs to him and the rage that sweeps through him is surprising in its intensity. “Does he hurt you?”
He drank with her the night before her wedding and told her that Lan Wangji wasn’t that awful, that he wouldn’t hurt her. He told her that she’d be safe as his bride.
But now she’s sobbing and pregnant and so clearly terrified.
Xuanyu hesitates.
“I’m going to kill him,” he says. It comes out perfectly calm, none of his normal bluster. Both A-jie and Jiang Xingyi pale.
He turns to leave, already planning on drawing his sword first and explaining after. Lan Wangji has made a liar out of him. Xuanyu is young and didn’t ask for any of this and he has a responsibility to protect his bride and Jiang Cheng told her that he wouldn’t hurt her and now she’s here and she’s hurt and he’s going to rip Lan Wangji’s spine out and shove it down his throat.
People don’t like him, don’t get along with him, generally. But she’d sat with him beneath the light of the moon and drank with him and it had been something warm and familiar that he hasn’t had since before the war. He tells himself that’s why he cares his so much when the truth is he doesn’t know why, it’s just that she feels familiar in a way he can’t explain, not when he the first time they met was that night.
“Jiang Cheng!” She lunges forward, hugging him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. He braces for the feeling of discomfort, ready to push back agaisnt the urge to shove her off of him. It doesn’t come. “I didn’t mean like that! We spar, a lot, and I get hurt, but I’m always requesting it. It’s not like that.”
He turns in her arms, gently pushing her back but not letting go of her shoulders. “Then why are you crying? It’s okay, you can tell me the truth. I’m not afraid of Lan Wangji.”
“I just,” she sniffs. “I can’t – he doesn’t like me, you know? And – and I’m better than I was, um, healthier, but what if,” she blinks heavily, “what if I’m not strong enough, or something goes wrong, and then – what if I mess it up? And it’s all my fault, because I was weak, and then I’m a failure and he hates me–”
“Oh, Xuanyu,” A-jie whispers. He knows she had a lot of those same fears when she was pregnant with Jin Ling, and she and Jin Zixuan were in love, and he proposed to her fully knowing the state of her health.
Both Xuanyu and Lan Wangji were forced into this marriage.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he says firmly. “If you don’t want to have this baby, then you don’t have to. Whatever the reason. And if anyone tries to force you to, I’ll stop them. I don’t care who they are. Understand?” He waits until she gives a wide eyed nod. “But I don’t – I don’t think that Lan Wangji will react like how you think he will. And if he disappoints you, then I will help you take care of it. But I don’t think he will.”
Twice now he has vouched for Lan Wangji to Xuanyu, this girl who feels like another sister even though he barely knows her.
If Lan Wangji makes a liar out of him, he will beat him bloody and not even Lan Xichen will be able to hold it against him.
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joong-tori · 2 years
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𝖠𝗇𝖽 𝖨𝖿 𝖨 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗉𝗈𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗐??
Pairings: Kim Hongjoong x Transmasc!reader
Pronouns: he/him
Genres: fluff, angst, comedy, social media au
CW: strong language, implied smut, brief mentions of misgendering and dysphoria, sexual infidelity, emotional infidelity, slut shaming, will add more as the story goes on
a/n: an exclamation mark in parentheses (!) means there’s potentially triggering content in the chapter
*dates and times are not important unless said so in the chapter*
Summary: You, absolutely infatuated with your boss, grow closer with him after a charity gala, where he finds his girlfriend in a compromising position with a friend of his.
yeosang’s sugar babies | rich bitches | pt2
ch.1- glucose child
ch.2- blink once if you need help
ch.3- who tf is kang yujin?(!)
ch.4- oh fuck he’s hot
ch.5- sounds fake but ok
ch.6- well fire him of course
ch.7- the ned fulmer effect
ch.8- interesting
ch.9- thank you jiyeon
ch. 10- the y/n simp club
ch. 11- i’m going to kiss this man
ch. 12- angry thoughts, head violently
ch. 13- don’t get murdered
ch. 14- you secretary hopping now?
ch. 15- you’re embarrassing me on twt.com
ch. 16- get out of my mentions
ch. 17- thank you mr. kim
ch. 18- the audacity this woman has
ch. 19- babygirl allegations
ch. 20- clown to clown communication
ch. 21- power moves
ch. 22- i don’t like you right now (!)
ch. 23- i think i might’ve fucked up
ch. 24- just figure your shit out
ch. 25- lightweight headass
ch. 26- my betsies r her
ch. 27- whore derogatory
ch. 28- we’re each other’s date
ch. 29- he’s a loud ass bottom
ch. 30- he’s just a little guy
ch. 31- i’m plotting murder
ch. 32- park jimin’s internet
ch. 33- have fun
ch. 34- despicable me
ch. 35- well maybe he shouldn’t be
ch. 36- tf is going on
ch. 37- stinky best friend stealer
ch. 38- i have no words
ch. 39- top 10 anime betrayals
ch. 40- third wheeling
ch. 41- entitled rats
ch. 42- it’s go time
ch. 44- don’t disrespect wanda
ch. 45- thank you mr. l/n
ch. 46- icy
ch. 47- what.
ch. 48- too friendly
ch. 49- they’re secretaries
ch. 50- that’s kinky
ch. 51- what the fuck(!)
ch. 52- sensing disturbances in the force
ch. 53- seonghwa no
ch. 54- oh shit it’s live!
ch. 55- tba
ch. 56- tba
ch. 57- tba
ch. 58- tba
ch. 59- tba
ch. 60- tba
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Getting Stabbed Hurts, Who'd have thought? (Magician's Bait, Part 6)
Whumpril Day 22 (Stoicism Breaks), Day 27 ("Please don't go")
Whumpril Prompts List
Tales from Valaria Masterpost
first part | <- previous part
TW: stab wounds, stitches mention, disorientation, death mention, burns mention, dizziness
Context: Reese wakes up after passing out to find Luc binding her wounds. Damian is okay (for now).
Reese’s head pounded like her skull was being used as a child’s drum set. Everything else was numb, but her head spun even before she opened her eyes. She lay face down, head resting against something hard and cold. Her arms were limp at her sides, and her left side throbbed in time with her heartbeat.
She lethargically turned her head and stared blankly ahead, prodding her tired mind to focus on her surroundings. The catacomb entrance… I’m at the catacomb entrance. We made it out… but how…?
Two people were seated on the ground opposite her, a woman with curly red hair pulled back into a braid and a man with wavy black hair. Both were facing away from her, and the woman was… painting the man’s arm?
Caiya… that’s Caiya Ebony. She must be painting healing runes of some sort. And he’s the prince. Why had it taken her so long to realize—?
She blinked, eyes flicking to her left, where she found Luc. He knelt at her side, pressing something onto her back. Bandages?
Luc’s smile looked forced. “How… how are you feeling?”
She groaned softly. “Remind me… never get into a knife fight with a magician. Never again.”
“The wound looks worse than it is,” he said softly, “I had to give you emergency stitches. We would’ve gotten you some healing runes too, but, y’know….”
“How’d you spin that to Caiya?”
Luc scowled. “She hasn’t stopped fussing over His Highness since he dragged you out of the tunnel. You were both in pretty bad shape, he’s malnourished and weakened, but you were the one who was unconscious. He tried to get her to help you first, if it helps.”
Reese made to push herself upright, but Luc stopped her. “Hold on, let me help you.” He slowly lifted her from the ground and propped her against a nearby wall. “I need to finish tying your bandages, and then we can get you something to prevent infection.”
She hissed through her teeth at a sudden spike of pain from the wound in her back. “Do you have anything that can stop the pain?”
“Nothing that I haven’t already given you.”
Silence presided between them for a few minutes while Luc wound the bandages around Reese’s torso. She listened idly to snatches of the conversation between Damian and Caiya while ignoring the throbbing in her head and the twinging in her back.
“I told you, Caiya,” Damian said patiently, “she said her name was Natali Tallis.”
“And need I tell you,” Caiya snapped, “that ‘Natali Tallis’ died nearly a decade ago? Her body was burned and mangled almost beyond recognition due to a backfire in her rune structure.”
Damian sighed and took a cautious sip of water. “But can you deny that the description matches? Is it possible that she faked her death somehow?”
Caiya froze mid-stroke, her brush dripping ink onto the ground. She flicked her wrist, finishing the rune with a quick and precise stroke before putting the brush away with a huff. “I was there, Your Highness. I was the one who had to check her pulse to declare if she was dead.” 
She exhaled slowly, pressing her fingers to her temples. “Now can you see why I find it so hard to believe she had lived?”
Damian stared at her for a long moment. He took a deep breath and glanced at the rune she’d drawn on his forearm. The cuts left on his wrist from the rough ropes had closed, leaving only faint scars. “Who’s to say she died from the knife to the heart, then?”
Luc glanced over at the pair. “Should we go and check, if you’re not certain?”
“I don’t know,” Damian said softly, “you never really know with Stalkers, do you—?”
“It’s not possible,” Reese stated.
“It’s not!” she snapped, wincing. “I stabbed her through the heart, yes. But any healing runes she might have used, written or spoken, would not have worked. She wounded me with the knife first. I then pierced her heart using the same knife. That knife was dripping with my own blood. It would have weakened, if not completely nullified her magic. She didn’t survive.”
Damian nodded in understanding, but Caiya frowned in confusion.
“Was that why you got stabbed?!” Luc hissed under his breath as he tied the loose ends of the bandages together, securing the binding.
“You think I meant to get stabbed?”
“I seem to recall our first lesson being ‘Don’t Get Stabbed, Reese’.”
Reese snorted and immediately regretted it. “Ow….”
Luc slowly rose to his feet, the concern evident on his face. “Do you think you can stand? We should get you home.”
She stared at him for a long moment before seizing his arm and hauling herself up, ignoring the way the wound in her back throbbed as she moved the damaged muscles. Her head spun, and Reese tightened her grip on Luc’s arm even as he grabbed her shoulder to stabilize her.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she muttered, “I’ve been through worse.”
He sighed. “If you really think you’re alright, I should escort the prince home before anything else happens.”
Reese blinked. “I….”
Luc started to step away, but she stopped him. “Please… please don’t go and leave me alone.”
“You sure? Because if you’re not feeling up to it I can—”
“I’m sure.” She took a step forward, sucking in a sharp breath through her teeth. “I just… I don’t know. I just don’t want to be left alone.”
Luc nodded in understanding. “Of course. I can have an experienced doctor reevaluate your stitches at the palace.” He smiled reassuringly. “Not that I don’t trust my own work… but I have to admit my hands were shaky.”
Damian rose to his feet, Caiya quickly following suit. He joined them near the wall, absently rubbing at the scars on his wrists. The ink on his arm was fading as the magic did its work. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I can take on a sang with nothing but my bare hands,” Reese said sarcastically.
He grinned. “I’d like to see that fight.”
Luc made a face. “I wouldn’t. But my money’s on the sang.”
“It’s your money,” Damian said, chuckling. “Your apprentice fought well against Natali, despite the injury. You should be very proud.”
Reese held up a hand. “Uh… I’m not his apprentice.” She glanced at Luc. “Right?”
The Watcher raised his eyebrows in an expression of reluctant agreement. “Well… he’s not wrong… and I might’ve slipped a few of Hector’s lessons into our training sessions… wasn’t on purpose, I swear!”
She punched him in the shoulder. “I’m sure Father’ll be thrilled to hear that.”
“Celestials, he’s gonna kill me when he finds out about what I asked you to do.”
Reese shrugged. “Hey, I agreed to do it. Just tell him I volunteered so he blames me rather than you. But the Watcher’s apprentice thing? Dunno.”
Luc sighed through his nose. “Let’s burn that bridge when it comes to it, okay? Right now we need to be getting somewhere safer than just outside the catacombs.”
Damian nodded. “Of course, Watcher.”
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @whumpril
Thank you for reading this whump ficlet! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :3
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 78. brb x oc
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a/n: I've been wanting to use this gif for so long. I FINALLY CAN AAAAAAAA
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none, just Bea being a good friend uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
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Beatrice couldn’t say how long the silence lasted, all she could do is stare at the pregnancy tests lying side by side in the drawer, partially hidden by the magazines almost as if Evelyn didn’t want to see them.
And considering her reaction, it was very possible she really didn’t want to see those tiny sticks.
Beatrice licks her lips, that were dry from her gawked expression, then moves her eyes to the lump under the covers, “Ev…I…” she blinks, how exactly could she go by this? Evelyn’s personality was different from hers, she was more than excited when she discovered she was pregnant, hell, Evelyn was there with her when she found out, “I…I…a-are you okay?”
There’s a gentle huff from under the covers, “No.”
“...okay,um…” Beatrice gently rubs her friend’s arm, chewing the inside of her cheek, “Um…do you,do you need me to do anything?”
Evelyn moves under the covers, which makes Beatrice drop her hand to her lap as the sheets slowly fall to reveal her friend. She looked awful, her eyes were swollen, her hair a mess and she didn’t seem like she slept in days not to mention how Beatrice could see a little bit of makeup still clinging to her bloodshot eyes. The same bloodshot eyes that slowly moved over to Beatrice, who gave Evelyn a small comforting smile only for it to drop as her friend looked away again, “...you here alone?”
“Yeah,Rooster and Nikki went home.” she almost felt bad mentioning Nicole considering…the situation, “He is going to pick me up once I call him, I’m not in a time crunch.”
Her joke falls flat because Evelyn doesn’t laugh, her hunched position making her appear smaller and frail, a complete opposite of what Evelyn truly was, “..okay…” and another shaky inhale was heard, followed by Evelyn running her hands on her face, combing her black hair back and dropping her hands to her lap with a dull slap. 
“...Ev…I…I…I don’t really know what to say.”
"About what?”
Bea blinked, looking back at the open drawer, “Well, um…wh-what you just indirectly told me.”
Evelyn stares ahead, a sniffle making its way out of her nose, “Me neither.”
“Just…um-do you wanna talk about it?”
Evelyn chuckles dryly, shoulders shaking with brief laughter before she shakes her head, “What is there to talk about,Bea? I don’t even know how to start this conversation.”
“Well…maybe you can…start from the beginning. Before the tests?”
Evelyn looks at Bea by the corner of her eye, looking like a complete mess, eyes crusty and tired as she stares at the brunette. Evelyn’s gaze was always very strong and confident, she never backed down, she knew what to do but right now? Right now Bea was seeing parts of Evelyn she never saw before and she didn’t know what to do. “...My period didn’t come last month.” she whispered, “But I didn’t think about it, because I was working a lot, plus Jake was gone so I assumed I was stressed.”
The taller woman pulls one of her knees up to use it as support for her head, still frowning, “And I felt nothing, no nausea, nothing hurting, nothing at all.” she inhales again, “But then this month comes and there’s still no period…so I thought I should do the test, just because I had to be sure.” her smile turned grim, “I did more than three.”
“More than three tests, but I tossed them all out because…I…I couldn’t accept it.” she murmured, “I thought it was because the test was cheap, so I bought the expensive ones, the ones that are sturdy and can handle a good beating….and they were positive as well.”
Beatrice watches her friend slowly lower her leg and fall back on the bed, arms spread, eyes looking up at the ceiling. The brunette frowns, looking down at her friend’s stomach only to see it was still flat, covered by her sleeping shirt, “...I…see…does…does anyone know?”
Does Jake?
“No.” Evelyn mutters, “You are the first one.”
“I don’t know what to do Bea.” she whispered, rolling her lips into her mouth with a subtle shake of her head, “It’s not…it wasn’t planned. Nothing was. I don’t even–” she groans, rubbing her face with her hands, sighing against her palms, “I don’t even know how to bring this up to Jake yet. We’ve been using protection, I’m taking my birth control…I don’t get it.”
Beatrice licks her lips, “Sometimes it’s…just something that happens,Ev.” she tries to explain the best she can without upsetting her friend even more, “...did you and Jake ever-”
“No, we never talked about kids.” Evelyn says, “He tried to say something about marriage but I told him I wanted to wait more,I don’t…I enjoy my independence. And he respected that.”
“I know.”
“And while Jake stays here from time to time, he understands I need some time and that I like to be alone.” she frowns, “But now? Now? What do I do? I don’t even know how to tell him this,I don’t even know what he’ll say.”
“Well,Jake loves you.” Beatrice says gently, “And…whatever you decide I’m sure he’ll support you no matter what.”
Evelyn turned to face Beatrice, pushing herself to a sitting position as her eyes dropped to her lap, “My dad…is going to skin him alive Bea.” she whispers, “He…he started to warm up to me and Jake now, he supports it as long he’s on the up and up with everything we have planned. And now…God when he finds out-hell my mom will freak the fuck out but my dad?”
“Don’t- don’t think about it now, Ev.” she says, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Are you hungry? Did you eat anything?” Evelyn shakes her head no, “I can make you something, you need to eat and maybe enjoy the sunlight a bit, it’ll be good for you.”
“...can I hug you?”
Beatrice just nodded and Evelyn wrapped her arms around her shoulders, while the brunette hugged her friend by the waist. It was such…an odd feeling to be the comforting party in this situation, but she knew that Evelyn needed it and she wouldn’t let her go unless she felt good enough to. 
She didn’t cry,maybe she was already ‘dried out’ by the time that Beatrice showed up, but Evelyn held the brunette in such an iron grip that her shoulders were a bit hurt because of it. But she sat there, rubbing Evelyn’s back comfortingly as her  friend’s back rose and fell with her breathing, Beatrice was glad that she wasn’t crying at least.
After a while Evelyn leaned back, “I’m going to take a quick shower.” she whispered, meeting Beatrice’s green eyes, “Thank you,Bea.”
“You are welcome.” Beatrice got up from the bed to allow Evelyn to get up, not even putting on the fuzzy slippers as she went to the bathroom, still looking much smaller than she actually was.”I’ll be in the kitchen.” and she got a weak ‘okay’ before the bathroom’s door closed.
Beatrice sighed softly, looking down at Wiley who sat by the doorframe, mewing almost in question at her, “She’ll be fine,Wiley…come on, let’s make something for her,hm?” she hoped that would distract her mind too, because it was a lot of emotions going on in her head after all.
Being the first one to know about something like that, especially when the person in question doesn’t seem too excited about it, was very hard. Beatrice rubbed her face with both hands, huffing out a breath as she walked to the kitchen, but not before opening the curtains and letting the light enter the apartment.
She also opened the balcony’s door so the chilly October air made it’s way inside, inhaling deeply and feeling a wave of tranquility take over her as soon as she did that.
She checked the fridge, looking around for something quick and easy to make knowing her friend needed something now and not later. There was a plastic container that looked like it had vegetables and meat, Beatrice opened it up to check, “Oh,mongolian beef. This is nice.” There was also some rice in a bigger bowl covered with a plastic film, “It’ll be good enough.”
Something comforting and something easy, because Evelyn needed that.
She heard the shower running while heating up everything, exhaling in relief knowing that it’d help Evelyn feel better. Or at least she hoped. She had no idea how…to go on with this. She didn’t seem happy sharing the news to Beatrice, so maybe she shouldn’t talk about it? Maybe she should just chat about something else unless Evelyn brought it up again.
Beatrice looks towards her back pocket when her phone pings with a message and she already knows who it is from. She pulls out her phone with one hand while the other keeps stirring the meat in the pan, chewing her lower lip as she sees Rooster’s name on the screen.
Roos (12:00)
Hey,gorgeous. Everything good?
Was it? No. 
She also had no idea if she should share the news with Rooster, maybe not now, maybe…maybe later, maybe when she’s home.
Bea (12:00)
Everything is okay Roos. Evelyn is just feeling a bit under the weather. 
Roos (12:01)
Did Hangman do something wrong or something? I don’t think I ever seen Evelyn be ‘under the weather’
Oh boy.
Bea (12:01)
Oh, no no, it’s just personal stuff. I’m just with her for a little bit and then we can go to the pumpkin patch,okay?
Roos (12:02)
Okay,gorgeous. Talk to me okay? I’ll have my phone on me. Nikki is asleep and I’m just rewatching Drag Race Season 8. With the dogs.
Cue to her receiving a picture of his long legs stretched and crossed on top of the coffee table, Jolene’s head on his lap with her eyes closed, Jack lying under the coffee table and Eleanor looking up at the screen almost as if she was ready to attack it at any moment.
Bea (12:05)
You look very comfortable.
Roos (12:05)
We are,gorgeous. They’re behaving :) 
Beatrice was so focused on answering Rooster she didn’t hear the shower stop, nor heard her friend’s footsteps approaching the kitchen or the quiet mewling coming from Wiley. Evelyn stopped by the threshold, staring at Beatrice who managed to type on her phone and cook at the same time, “Bea.” her friend yelped, the phone flying off her hand to the air and the only reason it didn’t hit the ground was because it landed on the soft kitchen mat she was standing on.
“Oh!Ev!” she laughs awkwardly, leaning down to grab the phone, checking if there was anything broken and then wiping it against her sleeve, “Sorry I was talking to Roos.” she looks back at the stove, “I’m heating some stuff I got in your fridge.”
“Yeah, mongolian beef. I know.’ Evelyn said, sitting on the bar stools she had against the island in the middle of her kitchen, “Everything okay with Rooster?”
“Yeah!Everything is great!” Beatrice sends her husband a text telling him she’d message back in a few and that she loved him, then slid her phone into her pocket, “Anyway, do you want something to drink? Maybe some water?” Evelyn shook her head, rubbing her eyes with her hands before dropping her head on top of her folded arms.
Beatrice frowned as she turned the stove off and placed the lids on top of each pan before approaching her friend, touching the side of her arm gently,”Ev.” she calls, “You’ll be okay.”
Evelyn lifted her head, holding her interlaced fingers in front of her mouth as she breathed hard against her knuckles, “I don’t know what to do.” she repeats the same phrase as before, “I don’t…know what to do.”
“Well…do you…want the baby?” she knew it was a risk to ask, but Evelyn had to know what she wanted in that aspect, “It’s still early…”
Evelyn looked back at Bea, then at her hands, then to the wall opposite to them, “...thing is I…” she groans, “I do want it. I do, but…Bea, me and Jake aren’t married. And I don’t know if you know but both sides of my family are very against stuff like that.” another sigh, “it’s just…I don’t want them to blame Jake. I don’t want my father to make his life a living hell because of this.”
“Isn’t there a chance your father might be happy to be a grandpa? I mean, you are his only daughter.”
“Which is why I worry.” Evelyn says, “We talk a lot, we are more open now…but it’s fucking hard Bea. I can’t read my parents’ minds,I can’t know how they’ll truly react.” she rubs her forehead, “Not to mention the whole, Navy thing.” Beatrice furrows her brows, “You know my dad is always like ‘Duty First’ and whatever. He’ll just think that we didn’t think about the risks.”
The risks.
Beatrice’s smile falters when that word is mentioned, that word that always,always hovered above her head and Rooster’s. He talked to her about it a bit, but he never elaborated and Beatrice worried about him often. Like always, things within their control were easy to handle…the rest, not so much.
Rooster still had the ghost of his father’s passing on his shoulders, she knew, she could see how it weighed him down sometimes. And the fear was always there, it was something they talked about often too, the risks of his profession were several and almost impossible to figure out.
Evelyn noticed how Bea got silent and she groaned once she recalled her words, “Shit,Bea,I didn’t mean-”
“No,no,no,it’s okay.” Beatrice smiles, “It’s okay…I…I know what you mean.”
Evelyn frowns, looking down at her hands, “How do you do it?” she asks quietly, “How do you deal with it? I mean…you two have Nikki now, how do you not…go crazy?”
“Therapy.” and for the first time since she got to the apartment, Evelyn laughed, weakly, but she laughed, dropping her head only to hold it up with her hand, “Honestly,I don’t know. We just…talk about it a lot, our conversations could last hours. Do you and Jake?”
Evelyn blinks at her friend, then licks her lips, “Sometimes. I just…I mean we do talk,’ she straightens her back, “We do talk and share things, hell we both have parents in the military so that helps with…understanding and figuring out what to do but…a kid? A kid Bea. I don’t even know how…God.”
Beatrice bites the corner of her mouth, holding her hands in front of her womb as she takes in Evelyn’s words. “...what do you think your father will do once he finds out?” she asks, “Since…you want to keep it.”
“I have no idea.”
The tall woman sighed, throwing her hands up as she begins explaining, “I don’t know. Probably…drill Jake with words and make him feel like shit. Maybe even accuse him of ‘locking me up with a child’ which is the stupidest thing ever. I love Jake, he’s a dumbass and he has his arrogant moments…but he’s sweet and he’s romantic and he treats me with respect.”
That was probably the first time Beatrice heard Evelyn talk about her relationship with Jake, and it made the brunette smile. She allowed Evelyn to keep talking as she prepared her plate, “And I care about him. I mean,Jesus, I wouldn’t let him come here if I didn’t.”
Beatrice settles the plate in front of Evelyn - the other woman couldn’t help but chuckle seeing that Beatrice arranged the beef on top of the rice to form a cat face, with the chives as whiskers - and then sits down next to her, “Then,well,I think that’s enough reason.”
“It’s not.”
“It is.” she says a bit more firmly, “You always butted heads with your parents and if you want to have this baby without being married to Jake, that’s your choice.” she shrugs, “You said yourself that he respects the fact you don’t want to get married yet.” Beatrice was very relieved when Evelyn finally took a bite of her food, keeping her eyes on the plate instead of the brunette.
“Ev,” she says softly, “Listen, your parents have to understand that…these things happen and they should respect you and Jake…and your choices. Plus I have a feeling they’ll like it once you tell them everything.”
Evelyn slows her chewing to look at Beatrice, then chuckles softly, dropping her head forward as she swallows her food, “...I guess the roles are reversed, huh? It was usually me and Shells the ones that gave you a pep talk every now and again.”
Beatrice smiles, shrugging her shoulders, “Someone has to make sure you guys are okay.” she says, ���Let that be me.”
“...thanks Bea.” Evelyn says, placing a hand on Beatrice’s shoulder, “I mean it,I really needed this.”
“You are welcome…are you going to be okay?” her friend nods, “Where’s Jake?”
“His sister is visiting,so he’s taking her for a tour.” Evelyn says as she moves the beef around her plate, “And he’ll come here by night time, after leaving her at the hotel.” she stops moving the fork, “I’ll tell him tonight.”
“Yeah there is no point in stalling…and then I’ll tell my parents this weekend, after Penny’s Halloween party.”
Beatrice was glad that Evelyn seemed a lot better, her pose was straighter and her eyes were no longer dull and void of any emotion. She was still nervous, but there was a hint of confidence within her brown irises.
After chatting for a few more minutes, Beatrice decided to take her leave. Evelyn hugged her by the door, squeezing her friend’s shoulders, “Thank you.”
“You are welcome,Ev.” she smiles, pulling back from the hug to step towards the elevator, “See you Saturday?”
“Yeah, sure, oh.” she calls Beatrice’s name when the brunette reaches the elevator’s doors, “Please don’t tell Shells, we both know how she was when you were pregnant with Nikki.” the brunette laughs gently but nods, waiting for the doors to open, “And please don’t tell Rooster yet.”
That would be a bit hard considering how her husband was, “...will do.” she says after a while, waving goodbye to Evelyn as she steps into the elevator.
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
Stray Gods - Chapter 30
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Pairing: Gods!OT8 x !F!Reader
Genre: romance, friends to lovers, polyamory, mystery, supernatural, angst, fluff, smut
Wordcount: 3585
Chapters:  [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20] [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30]  [31] - [32] - [33] - [34] - [35] - [36] - [37] - [38] - [39] - [?] MASTERLIST
Summary: With no memory of who you  were, you wake up in the woods, only to be found by eight unusually handsome men. With no information of the past, the guys decide to take you in and take care of you for the time being. But that time becomes  years, and as time passes, you start to notice that there is something  different about them... and something different about you...
Warnings: angst, praise, thigh riding, kissing, fingering, overstimulation, lovebites, bad/miscommunication, low self-esteem, swearing, name-calling, dry humping, college, degradation, gods, special powers, vaginal sex, oral sex (f&m), mentions of contraception (condoms&thepill), injuries, mentions of death (but no character deaths), virgin!reader, teasing, orgasms, poly relationship, semi-public sex, daddy kink, strength kink. I've probably forgotten some so let me know if I did and I will add more as the story progresses.
Taglist: @eastleighsblog @tangerminie​ @speedybagelmongerpasta​ @swittyregan​ @septicrebel
Special thanks to my beta and cheerleader Millie.
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You were sitting at the middle of the table; Lady sat across you, with both her and your boys by your sides. 
‘So, you’re a Goddess too! Congrats!’ Jimin said cheerfully, raising his empty wine glass as if he was toasting on you. 
‘You’re talking as if it’s something you become,’ Lady said, rolling her eyes. 
‘What? It’s something to be proud of, right?’ Jimin said defensively. 
‘Fair,’ Lady said, winking at you, and you giggled. 
‘So, you’re a Goddess too?’ Chan, who was sitting on your right-hand side, asked. 
‘I am,’ Lady said dignifiedly, raising her chin slightly.
‘But I’m guessing there is some kind of difference between Gods and Goddesses? I mean, since I know y/n is different from as,’ Chan suggested. 
‘We are different from you, yes. We don’t have powers in the same way you do, but we come from the same place,’ Lady said. 
‘Then, what is it you do?’ Changbin asked curiously. 
‘You’ll find out,’ Lady said with a mysterious smile. ‘But we do have one fun power that you guys don’t have,’ she said, looking at you.
At that moment, the door opened, and all of you looked around. Hyunjin came walking into the room. He stopped for a moment when he saw all of you seated together, raised his eyebrows but then walked over to go and sit next to Jeongin at the end of the table.
‘Erm... Did I miss anything?’ Hyunjin said as everyone looked at him silently. 
‘Oh, not much, just that y/n is a Goddess, like her,’ Jeongin said, pointing to Lady, ‘and that these guys are Gods too, like us.’ He spoke casually like it was the most normal case in the world, but his mischievous grin gave him away. 
‘Wait, what?’ Hyunjin said, raising his brows so high that they disappeared under his pink locks. 
‘Yeah, but shush now, she was gonna tell us their secret powers,’ Jeongin said eagerly. Hyunjin blinked a few times as if he had just been struck in the face, and it was hard not to chuckle at his baffled expression.
‘Y/n,’ Lady said, drawing all attention to you, ‘you wanna give them a demonstration of what we specifically can do?’ You didn’t have to ask what she was referring to and instantly nodded,  looking at the tattooed guy, feeling slightly nervous. 
He had messy black hair and large dark eyes that burrowed into your soul as he stared back at you. 
‘Chaos,’ you said. The guys from the other group all oooh’d, and some even clapped. 
‘Uh, yeah, that’s right,’ The god said. ‘My name is Jungkook, God of Chaos,’ he said with a polite nod. 
‘Oh, do me! Do me!’ the god sitting next to him said eagerly. It was the god you had seen a few times before, the one who seemed to radiate light and whose laugh was simply addictive. 
‘Erm…’ you said, thinking for a moment. The god sat up straight, and his face became serious as his golden-brown eyes locked intently with yours. 
‘Happiness,’ you spoke the words, barely even realising them. The god cheered, laughed, and clapped his hands, as did the others.
‘Perfect!’ he laughed. ‘Yes, I’m the God of Happiness. You can call me Hoseok or Hobi,’ he said happily. 
You moved to the broad-shouldered man sitting next to him. His eyes were a mesmerising deep blue-green, and his dark hair gave off a bluish sheen underneath the LED lights.
‘Easy,’ you said, feeling confident, ‘God of the Sea.’
‘Wow! She really is good!’ the god said, looking impressed. ‘But it’s not just the sea, though,’ he said, smirking. He looked at the empty glass set in front of him, and you all followed his gaze. Out of nowhere, it seemed to fill itself up with clear water. A few guys made impressed sounds. 
Next, you looked at Jimin, who had put his hands underneath his chin and batted his eyelashes at you playfully.
‘Love, just like Hyunjin,’ you said instantly, slightly surprised that you hadn’t noticed it before. Jimin looked pleasantly surprised as he looked around for the owner of the name. You looked over at Hyunjin, who had just recovered from the shock of you being a goddess and was now processing the new shock of another god of love. He blinked a few times but then bent across the table; his arm outstretched to give Jimin his hand. 
‘Hyunjin, nice to meet you,’ Hyunjin introduced himself politely as Jimin shook his hand and bowed his head.
‘Can you do me?’ a soft, husky voice asked. You looked over. It was one of the Gods you had seen the least. He had natural-looking dark-blonde hair and dark eyes. You hadn’t consciously heard him speak before, but his soft low voice was quite mesmerising. 
‘Yeah, erm… One second,’ you said, narrowing your eyes in concentration, then, ‘Sound?’ you spoke, feeling a little unsure. 
The god grinned widely; his smile quite unusual from any you had seen before but very charming, nonetheless. He nodded and clapped his hands twice.
‘Hi everyone; I’m Taehyung, God of Sound,’ he said, waving politely at the rest. 
‘Hmm,’ you hummed as you stared at the God next to him. He had one of the cutest faces you had ever seen, besides Felix, maybe, and his cheeks kind of made you wanna pinch and squeeze them. The god had long black hair and dark eyes and looked at you unfazed. ‘Is it… sleep? No! Wait! It’s… dreams, right?’ you decided.
‘I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t get it,’ he said with a chuckle, ‘but yeah, you’re right.  Yoongi, God of Dreams,’ he said with a soft smile. 
‘I guess that just leaves me,’ Namjoon said, looking at you hopefully. You scanned his face, neatly groomed short grey hair, and then locked with his steel grey eyes. 
But nothing came to mind.
You tried to clear your head of thoughts, going on instinct.
But still nothing.
‘I…’ you said, frowning, but you only felt emptiness. ‘I honestly don’t know.’ you said, feeling slightly defeated and annoyed by yourself. Namjoon slightly tilted his chin up, and you could see a hint of surprise in his light eyes. 
‘That’s okay,’ Lady said, ‘He’s especially difficult. I would’ve been more surprised if you had gotten him, actually,’ she said. You still looked at Namjoon pryingly, hoping something would come, but nothing did. 
‘He’s the same as your right-hand man,’ Lady said simply. You looked beside you at Chan. 
‘What, death?’ you said, surprised, looking from Lady to Namjoon and back. 
‘Yep,’ Namjoon said simply with a soft smile. 
You frowned. It was weird. You hadn’t been able to pick out Chan’s power back then, either. You looked at Namjoon, whose calming presence and relaxed manner was almost impressive. Suddenly, you remembered the first time you had seen him. You had instinctively known he was a god, yes, but there had been more thoughts… You had called him “angelic”, a word that your mind also linked to Chan. 
‘You’re a God of Death too?’ Chan said, looking incredulously. Namjoon simply nodded. ‘Wow, that’s- I mean- wow, I’ve never met another, I just thought…’ Chan began rambling.
‘That you were the only one?’ Namjoon finished his sentence with a chuckle. 
‘No, no! not at all, I just, I never thought... I dunno...,’ Chan said, pulling an awkward smile. Namjoon laughed.
‘It’s okay; we thought the same at first, but over the centuries, you learn stuff. I’m Kim Namjoon, by the way, nice meeting you all,’ he said with a slight bow in both directions before stretching his hand out for Chan to shake. 
‘Bang Chan,’ Chan introduced himself. 
‘Can you do that too? What y/n just did?’ Jeongin asked Lady curiously. 
‘I can, God of Luck,’ she said with a nod and a grin. Jeongin looked happily surprised. ‘Since we all introduced ourselves, I think it’s your turn now?’ she suggested, looking meaningfully at Jeongin. 
Lady did the same as you had, going round the table, naming every God and their division. Every God introduced themselves until they’ve all had their turns. Just when everyone was finished, the food was brought in. 
‘Can you show me that trick again?’ Seungmin asked Jin as soon as the waiters were gone.
‘The glass fill-up thing?’ Jin asked, already bringing his fork to his mouth, a piece of fish on it. ‘Sure,’ he said, looking at his half-drained glass and filling it up again. Seungmin looked at it with narrowed eyes this time.
‘So do you like, make the water appear or?’ he asked curiously. Jin shook his head.
‘Can’t make somethin’ out of nothin’,’ Jin spoke, his mouth full. ‘Gotta pull it in, ya know,’
‘Riiiiight,’ Seungmin said, seeming to understand and nodded. He looked at his own glass, a concentrated look on his face, and then suddenly, it filled up too. 
‘Yah! Just like that! Wow!’ Jin cheered, putting down his fork and clapping his hands before sticking up his thumb. Seungmin looked very happy with himself.
At the other side of the table, you could hear Jimin chatting with Hyunjin. 
‘So, God of Love as well, right?’ Jimin said, interested. Hyunjin nodded as he took a bite of his food. ‘What kind of business are you in then?’ Jimin asked.
‘I’m an art curator,’ Hyunjin answered, ‘You?’ 
‘I run a hotel chain,’ Jimin said. ‘But if you’re into art, you should talk to Joon. He’s in the art business too,’ Jimin said, pointing at Namjoon. 
‘Really, what do you do?’ Hyunjin asked Namjoon curiously. 
‘I run the Indigo Gallery,’ Namjoon said casually. 
‘No way,’ Hyunjin said, almost dropping his cutlery. Namjoon nodded calmly, raising his brows. ‘I’ve been trying for ages to get in with you lot! Your collection is like the-the best, the top!’ Hyunjin said enthusiastically. Namjoon chuckled.
‘Thanks, man. If you ever wanna do business, just call the front desk, and say it’s you. I will take care of the rest,’ Namjoon spoke. 
‘Really?! Oh man, that would be so great. I’ve got so many ideas already,’ Hyunjin said excitedly. Namjoon grinned and winked at him, and continued eating, Hyunjin looked eager to get started on business, but Jimin interrupted him.
‘So, do you have your extra powers yet?’ Jimin asked him. Hyunjin shook his head. ‘Yeah, me neither. All the others got them already, but I’m the last one not to,’ he sulked. 
‘What are your special powers?’ you asked Namjoon curiously. 
He looked at you calculatingly but then said, ‘Mood affect. I just wanted to make you laugh to show you, but then I remembered our soul powers don’t work on Goddesses,’ 
‘Soul powers?’ you repeated questioningly, looking at Lady.
‘Soul powers are powers that affect you internally,’ Lady started to explain. She looked around the table for a moment, stopping at Felix. ‘Right, for instance, take your God of Fauna. I bet he can sense the internal state of animals. Like how they feel and stuff,’ she said. Felix looked up and nodded. ‘And I bet your powers kind of work on Humans too, as they’re part animal in a way,’ Lady suggested. Felix agreed once more. ‘Well then, just how internal, or as we like to call them “soul” powers, don’t work on other Gods, they also don’t work on Goddesses,’ 
‘Oh, so just like how I can’t read her mind?’ Jeongin said suddenly. 
‘Exactly,’ Lady said.
‘Wait, I thought your division was Luck?’ Jungkook said, confused. 
‘It is, but mind reading is my special power,’ Jeongin said, puffing up his chest proudly. 
‘Sick,’ Yoongi said simply. 
‘But then how can Hyunjin sense who I’m in love with?’ you said, confused, looking at him. 
‘Pheromones, baby,’ he said, tapping his nose wisely. 
‘Right, and that’s an outer power,’ Lady pointed out. ‘It doesn’t have anything to do with your mind or soul but with your human shell,’ 
You nodded slowly, taking this in. 
‘So, I guess that’s why Changbin can warm me up, but someone like, erm,’ you looked around the room and spotted Hoseok, ‘but Hoseok’s power of Happiness probably wouldn’t work on me,’ you said thinking.
‘Exactly,’ Lady nodded. ‘Nor would his additional power, for that matter,’ she added. Hoseok’s eyes went down to his food, and the light he seemed to have emitted faded a little. 
‘What is his additional power?’ Han asked who had been listening as well. 
‘He doesn't like to talk about it, but it’s actually pretty rad,’ Yoongi said. Most of the table was instantly captivated by this remark, and they all stared at Hoseok. 
Hoseok took his time. He chewed his food while staring at his glass of red wine before taking a sip. Slowly he put down the glass, still not meeting anyone’s eye. His expression was almost entirely blank.
‘Compliance,’ he said, his voice quite different from before. His eyes flicked up and met yours. You spotted a sadness in there and a distaste for his own abilities. 
‘YA! That’s so rad!’ Han said enthusiastically. 
‘Much more convenient than telekinesis, man,’ Minho said jealously. 
‘It’s really not,’ Hoseok said dryly. You felt a slight pit of worry when you looked at his expression, and you could understand why he felt the way he felt. 
‘Don’t mind Hoba too much,’ Jimin’s voice said behind you, ‘He’s still coming to terms with it. Meanwhile, I haven’t got anything new yet after 2700 years,’ he said jokingly with a pout. His statement was clearly to lighten the mood a little.
‘Namjoon, may I ask,’ Chan began suddenly, and Namjoon looked up. ‘If your special power is mood affect, would I get the same if I would get my additional power?’ You could hear a hint of worry in Chan’s voice as he asked this, but Namjoon shook his head.  
‘I don’t think so. I’m not sure how it works, to be honest; I mean, the reason why one gets a new power. It seems to be different for everyone, so I’m pretty sure the additional powers are also unique. For all we know, our main powers don’t even work the same,’ Namjoon said with a shrug.
Maybe he was sensing a new topic of conversation because Chan simply nodded and quickly picked up his fork and started eating. 
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By the time everyone was finished eating, many seats had been swapped, and the groups had mingled with each other, talking about their powers and experiences. 
Hyunjin was talking eagerly with Namjoon about his art gallery. 
‘Did you see our latest show of still life?’ Namjoon asked Hyunjin. 
‘Yeah, I did; it was excellent. I especially like the piece by Jeong Mul with the pink flowers; what was it called again?’ Hyunjin recalled.
‘Kkochdeul,’ Namjoon said with a nod. ‘I actually curated that piece myself; it’s one of my favourites.’ 
‘See Chan,’ Hyunjin taunted Chan, who was sitting across from him now. ‘You can have a job and be a God of Death at the same time,’ 
You looked up in surprise. 
‘You don’t have a job?’ you asked Chan, confused. ‘But you always said-’ 
‘Being what I am is my full-time job,’ Chan answered. ‘I should work even more, but-’ he got interrupted by Namjoo,n who put his hand on Chan’s shoulder.
‘Dude, I know our workload is intense, but you gotta live a little,’ Namjoon said in a fatherly way. Hyunjin scoffed.
‘You think we haven’t told him that? He’s a freaking workaholic. Barely even sleeps. It was a good thing y/n came around when she did, cuz I’d think he would’ve drowned himself in it if it hadn’t been for her,’ Hyunjin said, half annoyed and half upset. 
‘No way, it’s not that bad. It’s just that it’s very important work. I need to do my duty. People rely on me,’ Chan tried to defend himself. 
‘And my work is not important?’ Hyunjin said, arching a brow. ‘You take your job way too seriously, Chan; just admit it,’ Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes. This was just a step too far for Chan, and you could see a muscle move in his jaw as he pulled up a fake smile before getting up, with a polite nod towards Namjoon, and walking over to the other end of the table to sit with Changbin who was talking to Jin.
You had always suspected that Chan wasn’t doing too great, but no one had ever said much about it before to you. However, hearing this worried you more than ever before.
‘Oh, leave him; clearly, he loves his misery,’ Hyunjin said, now annoyed himself, when he saw Namjoon’s worried face. ‘Anyway, back to business,’ 
You got up and wanted to follow Chan but stopped halfway when a conversation between Jungkook and Jeongin piqued your interest. 
‘So, you have to imagine it like a set of scales. If the scale is up, you have good fortune; if it’s down, you have bad fortune; and if it’s in the middle, it’s neutral. Means anything could happen really, good, or bad,’ Jeongin spoke.
‘But then what is it that you can do if you say you don’t decide?’ Jungkook asked. His dark doe eyes sparkling with fascination at Jeongin. 
‘Well, I can’t do much, as I said,’ Jeongin spoke, his face thoughtful. ‘It’s also very complicated since it rarely involves just one person, right? It’s all connected,’
‘And stuff like tripping over a ledge or something?’ Jungkook asked. Jeongin laughed. 
‘That’s not necessarily bad luck; that could also simply be clumsiness,’ Jeongin said with a chuckle. ‘No, you gotta think like this. Erm, let me get an example,’ he said, frowning for a moment. ‘Okay, right, it’s like this. There is a crossing. Imagine a pedestrian wanting to cross the road and a car driving. The lights are red for the car, but the driver doesn’t notice, and the pedestrian is gonna cross the road. Now, whether they will get into an accident is dependent on both their luck. For example,  if both the driver and the pedestrian have bad luck, they will collide. However, if the driver has bad luck, but the pedestrian has good luck, the driver might swerve and drive their car into a lamppost or something. If they both have good luck, nothing will happen,’
‘And if they have normal luck?’ Jungkook asked.
‘Then it can go either way,’ Jeongin shrugged. 
‘And if something bad happens? Do their scales change?’ Jungkook asked.
‘Most of the time, they do. You can see it almost as karma. If they get into a big accident - it has to be big, though, nothing small, their scale will gain better luck later on. To break even as it were,’ Jeongin explained.
‘Right... But there is nothing you can do at that moment?’ Jungkook asked. 
‘No, I can actually,’ he said, and Jungkook raised his brows. ‘If, like, only the driver had bad luck, but the pedestrian neutral, or if they both had normal luck, I could like, for instance, make the driver sneeze, causing him to accidentally hit the brakes so there won’t be any accident,’ Jeongin said.
‘And if they both have bad luck, you can’t do anything?’ Jungkook asked.
‘I could, but I’d rather not. The longer you walk around with bad luck, the heavier it gets. I could prevent it, but it’d only put it off, so that’s not a good idea. Better to just get it over with before it gets even worse or gets more people involved,’ Jeongin said. 
‘So, you don’t decide on anyone’s luck then, like me with chaos,’ Jungkook said.
‘Well, I can tip someone’s scales lightly, but it’s like putting a rice grain on it to make someone have only green lights when they’re driving home or getting someone to spill their drink over themselves. It’s not much,’ Jeongin said. 
It was interesting to hear Jeongin explain his power as he did. You had wondered now and then but never gotten around to asking it. It also answered a question you had almost forgotten about before: whether Adam’s big bad was gone now. If you had understood Jeongin’s explanation correctly, it probably meant he’d be on the neutral scale or maybe even on the good luck scale. The thought of it made you smile. 
You took a few more steps and ended up in Han and Minho’s conversation with Yoongi.
‘No, I don’t,’ Yoongi answered simply to a question you hadn’t heard. 
‘But isn’t it boring like that? It would seem boring to me,’ Han said simply.  
‘I actually love not having to be a God in every aspect of my life. Namjoon is the same; he’s an art dealer but also the god of death. Not necessarily related. If I had to use my powers on my job, I would be dead bored,’ Yoongi said.
‘But then, how do you manage them?’  Minho asked. Yoongi shrugged.
‘I have work time, and then I have work time, you know. I do dreams in the broadest sense of the word, yes, but I can literally work while sleeping. Dream walking, the others call it. But I wouldn’t wanna become a therapist for the life of me. I already have six brothers whose nagging I have to listen to all day, every day; why would I add anyone else to that list?’ he complained, but anyone could see the smile at the mention of his family.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 42 – Harsh Words
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Warnings: Strong Language / Angst
Crosshair is anything but thrilled with what his brothers have told him. When he comes to your shuttle to confront you, he's pretty charged up.
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I’ve Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair’s Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I’m Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It’s All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
Part 34 - When The Wolf Eats The Sheep
Part 35 - The Shepherd
Part 36 - The Toll It Takes
Part 37 -Blowing Off Steam
Part 38 - Not Exactly Private
Part 39 - Accusations
Part 40 – Tension And Anger
Part 41 - Unloved Truths
Part 42 - Harsh Words
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When Crosshair came into your bedroom on your shuttle, you saw it in his face right away. He was upset. You didn't know why, but you were sure you would find out any moment. Your eyes met, and you slowly put away the holo-book you had just been reading. His gaze was cutting, you suspected he was belligerent.
"What's wrong?" you asked quietly.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and growled, "So I'm difficult, huh? You're unhappy with me?"
You blinked in surprise.
"What are you talking about?"
"About the things you tell Tech, but not me!"
You had regretted talking to Tech about Crosshair before, it had been a stupid idea and a weak moment. One night when you had all been drinking, you had been a little frustrated with Crosshair, Tech had approached you, and you had blabbed because you needed to get it off your chest. Here and now, you regretted it yet again.
You sighed and said, "I'm not generally unhappy."
"I smell a 'but'," he murmured.
He stood in the doorway wide-legged, arms folded in front of his chest, like a bouncer, as if he expected you to try to duck out of the conversation.
"Sometimes you're pretty... bossy. You're almost always in control of everything in our relationship."
Crosshair lowered his arms and began pacing.
"Is that so bad?" he finally asked.
With a sigh, you said, "I would like to be a little more than a supporting actress in our relationship"
He threw his hands in the air.
"What's that supposed to mean now?"
"That I don't always want to just follow, I want you to listen to me for once and consider my wishes and suggestions and not just decide everything over my head" you returned a little impatiently.
Crosshair stopped and looked at you again, penetratingly.
"And here you thought you'd tell my brother, who has a crush on you anyway".
You sighed and said, "It wasn't planned. We had a bit of a fight that day, you once again got your way, and I was frustrated and slightly drunk when Tech asked me what was wrong"
Crosshair started pacing again, this time even more agitated than before.
"Drunk, huh? Is there something more going on between you two that I should know about?"
You frowned.
"What?" you asked sharply.
"Did you fuck him?"
You probably could have cut durasteel with your gaze as you said, "You can't be serious."
"Did you?"
"No!" you snapped angrily, "And I can't believe you would think that!"
You were incredibly angry, but you tried to stay calm, you knew that a lot of what Crosshair was saying, so thoughtlessly, stemmed from a deep insecurity inside him that he hasn't let go of yet. But he was walking a very thin line right now, and you had your tolerance level like everyone else.
He stopped pacing once again, looking at you. His expression is a mixture of anger and guilt. He knows that the comment, the question he just asked, crossed a line.
He shrugged and said, "I didn't really think you would do that."
You looked directly at him, piercingly.
"I know. You're angry, and you said it to hurt me."
Crosshair clenched his hands into fists, but then he relaxed them again and avoided your gaze.
"Maybe that's true" he admitted softly, "Hearing that you told my brother you were unhappy with me hurt me too".
"That wasn't my intention"
Crosshair let out a deep sigh, finally looking back at you, "So I'm bossy?" he asked.
"Most of the time" you said honestly, "But that doesn't always bother me either. In moments, especially when I'm overwhelmed or feeling out of my depth, I'm glad when you take the reins, it makes me feel not quite as lost"
Crosshair raised his brows in surprise. He came over to you and sat down next to you. He looked at you carefully and asked, "So this isn't just a bad thing?"
You nodded.
"Sometimes I would like to decide some things though".
Again, he sighed and said, "Like that crimson summer dress you wanted to buy on Naboo?"
You nodded again.
"Yes, for example."
Crosshair smiled barely noticeably and said, "You looked so pretty in that dress."
Questioningly, your gaze rested on his profile as he avoided looking into your eyes.
"Then why did you want me to buy the other one?"
"Because I saw Tech staring at you when you tried it on, he almost devoured you with his eyes, even Hunter was looking a little longer than usual" Crosshair grumbled softly, scuffing his foot across the floor.
"So you were jealous?"
He shrugged, but finally admitted, "Yes, I was."
Now that he thought about it, many of his decisions concerning you were made out of jealousy. Even Crosshair knew that was a problem. He looked at you meekly and said, "I've shared absolutely everything with my brothers my whole life, we've always lived together. We didn't have any privacy or a private life. And then I met you, and I know I want you just for myself. We've always bickered about things, even as cadets. I think part of me just fears that one of my brothers might lay claim. And we both know Tech would be only too happy to do that."
You smiled at him, kissed his cheek and said, "But I'm not a protein bar, I'm not a weapon, I'm not another inanimate object. I have my own mind, my own will. I only want you, Crosshair, no one else. No matter what happens around us. You are the one man in my life, the one I want to share my life with. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have married you."
Crosshair leaned his forehead against yours and said, "So you want a little wedding celebration?"
"That would be nice," you said with a satisfied smirk.
"Okay" he said softly, "How about you and I have a little make up sex right now, and then we discuss how we want the wedding celebration"
"That sounds excellent"
Seems like there is a smut chapter ahead...
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt
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