#oliver dyer
antebellumite · 1 month
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annual calhounfuckers meeting ( dyer arent u supposedto be an abolitionst )
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potato-lord-but-not · 4 months
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some more Needles doodles, my favorite gay boys, and drew Gertrude, Simon, and Jane for the first time !! yibbee !!
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ghostnotoast · 2 months
Does the story of Sam's breakdown sound familiar to anyone?? It really reminds me of Oliver Banks' story
Oliver got a job at Barclays, but he ended up having a nervous breakdown, which was the start of his fall to The End
After a while of being unemployed, he got a job at a crystal shop where he worked with Jane Prentiss (who fell into the corruption eventually)
In this case, Sam's crystal shop would be the OIAR
Oliver mentions breaking up with Graham Folger and Graham lost his parents in a car accident
In tma, Graham got replaced by the not-them, so is this foreshadowing something will happen to alice god I hope not (but its also implied in tma that Graham knew more about the entities then he let on, same with Alice, remember the no glitch when she said she 'knows'?)
In this case, would Sam have his own 'Jane Prentiss'?
So far, we've been trying to draw parallels on the OIAR staff and the original archival staff,
but what if we've been making parallels with the wrong characters?
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 months
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the magnus avechives.. the .. magnus proto.......bird
jon (green) (common raven), gertrude (yellow) (great tit), annabelle (purple) (booted racket-tail), oliver (blue) (black vulture), elias (pale green) (barn owl), gwen (pale purple) (sooty owl), and alice (maroon) (great blue heron)
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tildexart · 4 months
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assorted tma/tmagp doodles from class today
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pixels-art-stuff · 5 months
All the wips I was working on this january
(That I hadn't posted yet.)
I don't know if all these will be finished any time soon, so I might as well post them as is.
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Doorkeay painting
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Michael the Distortion with smuged make up and spiral hair and Oliver Banks looking cool.
Alice looking cool based on this one post and some idea I had regarding Jon and Martin somewhere else.
They basically find a statue that is all eyes, merging with a mosaic of eyes in the background and the statue is looking like Jon. So a temple of the Beholding? Just playing around with it.
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samvanished · 3 months
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(The last drawing it a drawing of my partner as an avatar of the Web)
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andichoseyou · 2 years
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He said that wherever I went, he would find me, walk right up to me, and I wouldn't be able to see him.
Favorite movies that I watched in 2022: The Invisible Man (2020) Dir. Leigh Whannell
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
The Invisible Man (2020)
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I “saw” 2020’s The Invisible Man again and liked it even more the second time. Any disappointment you might have once you realize it is not an adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel - or a remake of the excellent 1933 film - will disappear after witnessing the magnificent performance by Elizabeth Moss, the overwhelming sense of paranoia generated by the camerawork, Leigh Whannell’s direction, or the smart way it incorporates themes of domestic abuse into its story.
Cecilia Kass (Elisabeth Moss) escapes her violent, controlling boyfriend with the help of her sister, Emily (Harriet Dyer), her friend James (Aldis Hodge) and his daughter (Sydney (Storm Reid). While hiding from Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), Cecilia learns from his brother, Tom (Michael Dorman) that he committed suicide after she left. Despite this, she becomes convinced he is alive, that he's found a way to make himself invisible and that he's now stalking her.
The usual rule in movies is “show, don’t tell”, and it’s a testament to the script by Leigh Whannell that he breaks this rule in one important way but that the film still works. What sort of abuse was Cecilia subjected to? We don’t really know. The film begins on the night of her escape. We see her check the clock in the middle of the night, carefully move Adrian’s hand away from her waist, pull a duffel bag out of a ventilation shaft, move a camera away from her exit, go down into the basement to shut off the alarms and carefully make her out. On the outside, the home looks majestic but from our point of view looks like an endless maze of suffocating corridors. Her next move is to climb the wall surrounding the property and then run through the woods to the road where her sister is scheduled to meet her. Later on, Cecilia tells us how Adrian would punish her, how eventually, he didn’t need to because he could foresee her every move and practically read her thoughts. Your imagination fills the gaps, and we’re just getting started.
It doesn’t take us too long to figure out what’s really happening. Adrian has, indeed, made himself invisible. That’s an endlessly more frightening truth than if Cecilia was still trapped inside the house with him. When she and James discuss her fears, the camera always seems a little bit too far away, like a third person needed to be squeezed into the frame. The negative space all around them becomes Adrian. It no longer matters whether he is hiding in that corner or not because he could be and the fact that he COULD be there means he’s there, slowly choking Cecilia just like before. No, not like before. Previously, she had hope. If she could make it off that property and onto the street, she would be free. Now, no one will come to her rescue because everyone believes she’s safe. Anything Cecilia says about Adrian stalking her just makes her seem unstable. Soon, she won’t have a choice. She’ll willingly decide to go back to him just so she can stop wondering if she’s being stalked or not.
Enough praise cannot be showered upon Moss for her performance as Cecilia. She plays this horribly broken person with pinpricks of who she must’ve been before Adrian showing up here and then. She’s so frightened of him that you can’t help feeling the same, particularly in those long shots at night when the camera simply stares at an empty door frame. We know there’s someone there. So does Cecilia. It’s like she’s been around the monster for so long that she can also read his thoughts. Rather than prove an advantage, it’s merely another reason to be terrified. He doesn’t need to even utter threats anymore. The threats are already there and whatever she can think of, he can counter with ease. She’s smart so there is hope but talk about an uphill battle and since this is a horror movie, you don’t know how it’s going to end. I’ll give you a hint: it’s a pitch-perfect conclusion.
 The Invisible Man is genuinely frightening and it creates terror without resorting to cheap tricks. The picture heaps suspense upon suspense, makes sure you’re invested by fashioning these great characters and gives the roles to actors who are up to the task. Masterfully directed, fresh, and relevant, it’s not merely a great horror film; it’s a great film period. (June 10, 2022)
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Stephen interviews a bunch of children to make an absolutely hilarious horror movie trailer, and it's... everything, honestly.
(Obviously posting this for a reason given my blog theme, but this is also too good to not share.)
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nataliadyernews · 2 years
Natalia Dyer in a Halloween skit for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
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antebellumite · 1 year
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hey lets talk more about that one northern reporter who came to washington dc a firm abolitionist then did a heelface turn the second he had one (1) conversation with john c calhoun.
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dais-and-nights · 2 years
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my first attempt at annotating and it’s a fanfic for a movie ive never even seen
(my book annotations are actually very crowded but i want to be ✨aesthetic✨)
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sugarmusicnews · 8 months
Just An Everlovin’ woman – Tommy Oliver
Just An Everlovin’ woman – Tommy Oliver ‘Just An Everlovin’ Woman’ is a track which one would not have been surprised to see Elvis Presley record a version of. It is a kind of country kind of rock ‘n’ roll track which The King would have been comfortable singing. It is also a love song which Presley could also do well.However, Elvis did not (as far as I can tell) ever record a version of this…
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ghostsxagain · 1 year
@mondayxmorning asked: “i don’t know what type of fucked up shit you got going inside your head(s).”
Atlas felt his body stiffen, his blood running cold, as soon as the words tumbled out of his fathers mouth. Somehow, even after all this time, it never hurt any less. Every syllable was a shot to the heart. He stood there, just blinking stupidly as his father broke him again. Atlas was learning to take care of himself but it wasn't easy. Not when Oliver looked at him like that. Not when he spoke with such venom.
"There's nothing fucked up in here. Nothing out of the ordinary. You'd know that if you actually paid attention for once." Of course the words that found him were defiant. His mother had been a good influence lately. His strength came from her. "And if you're somehow still having a hard time wrapping your head around who I am then thats on you. I've done nothing wrong - neither has Carrot. Yet you jump on us any chance you get and it fucking hurts."
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
Jonathan Groff, Natalia Dyer, John Oliver and Imagine Dragons Star In A Spooky Film Written By Kids
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