negreabsolut · 2 years
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Una olivereda, en algun lloc de la Mediterrània.
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soracities · 10 months
we NEED more cleaners and bricklayers and scaffolders and delivery drivers in MFA poetry programs. like. immediately.
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soniadiez · 2 years
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beatrack92 · 3 months
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Lydia Olivere (Villanova)
2023 The Penn Relays Carnival (Philadelphia)
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asexual-juliet · 1 year
why did veronica mars make two of their three plot-relevant male childhood sexual abuse victims queer and the other one super fucking queercoded like what was the point being made there
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
losing my mind and suffering
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sleepy12ftpanda · 7 months
Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Aleix Clapés - Portrait of Manuel Dalmau Oliveres (ca. 1915-19)
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geryone · 11 months
Tagged by @briarhips (thank you ❤️) to make a post of 9 book recs!!! ❤️
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1. The Book of X by Sarah Rose Etter
Etter is quickly becoming a new favorite writer! Cassie is born with her abdomen twisted in a knot and her family owns a meat quarry. So weird & so good.
2. The Dumb House by John Burnside
One of my personal favorites. A man tries recreating an experiment to discover the origin of language. The narrator experiments on his own children. The story itself is so upsetting but the worst part is living in the mind of the narrator who feels NOTHING.
3. At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop
A small book that packs a huge punch. The story of a soldier’s descent into madness in the trenches while fighting in WWI.
4. Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield
Lesbians, deep sea horror, & the experience of grieving someone who is physically still with you
5. Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge
This audiobook was INSANE!! Have listened to it many times. Scifi book about different types of “beasts” that exist in the world. Told in different short stories. Think about this book often!!
6. My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell:
I don’t recommend this lightly. This one is hard to read & deeply uncomfortable. About the relationship between a 15 year old girl and her 45 year old teacher. Partly told from the perspective of 15 year old Vanessa & also from Vanessa when she’s 30. A reflection on trauma & the inability to let yourself believe you are a victim.
7. The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling:
Essentially Crimson Peak. Gothic horror & such a fun audiobook to listen to in the fall.
8. Rien Ne Va Plus by Margarita Karapanou:
This book is about a relationship ending & all the cruelty and pain that are involved. Told from the perspective of both people. Adored this!!
9. Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis:
This book was formative read for me as a teenager. A retelling of Psyche & Eros told from the perspective of an older sister. I related so hard to Orual the first time I read this :(
Tagging: @jockpoetry @coffee-writes @iloveyoumorethangod @emiliosandozsequence @bloedkoraal @mermaidteeth @saintmelangell @woundthatswallows @oliverisms @othellho @typewriter-worries @unmarrow + anyone else who wants to :) !! Always looking for more recs
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greymoonfeelings · 2 years
Last Christmas
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based off of “Last Christmas” by Wham!
pairing: Ex-best friend! Rhett x Fem! reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: last christmas you confessed your love to your best friend Rhett, but the next day he ran away with Maria. One year later, he shows up back in Wabang just in time for the holidays.
warnings: christmas angst, maria is the villain but Rhett’s kinda shitty too.
You’d been in love with your best friend Rhett since you were 17 years old. You kept your romantic feelings towards him shoved deep down for fear of losing him. That, and the fact that you knew he didn’t return the feelings. He had been in love with Maria Oliveres for quite some time and while it hurt to watch him pine after another girl, you were mostly content with being his best friend.
It wasn’t until you were 21 that you thought you might have a chance, but you were still too scared of potentially losing the only friend you’d ever had in your small hometown. Instead, you continued to keep those feelings locked away until the small touches and flirtatious comments reached an all-time high and you felt the need to do something about it. You decided the risk was worth the possible reward.
It was Christmas night. You and Rhett had a tradition of bundling up and climbing onto the roof of your house after midnight to escape your respective families. The two of you enjoyed sharing some quiet time to exchange gifts.
“Here, you go first.”
You pull a candy cane-striped box from your coat pocket and shove it into Rhett’s glove-clad hands. You watch excitedly as he fumbles with the rectangular box to reveal your gift to him, a new hunting knife with a carved wooden handle.
You wait with bated breath for his reaction.
“Do you like it? I figured you needed a new one since you lost your other.”
Rhett turns it over in his hands, studying the detailed handle. His initials are carved into the side along with some intricate patterns.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” He presses a quick kiss to your forehead and the warmth of his lips takes you by surprise considering the freezing cold temperatures.
“Now it’s your turn.” Rhett places a black velvet box in your hands. You slowly open it to reveal a familiar gold necklace.
“Oh my god. Is this the necklace from the antique store?”
Rhett nods, “I saw the way you looked at it when we went in there last month. I went back later the same day and bought it for you.”
“It’s gorgeous.”
You take the necklace out of the box and let it dangle in your hand. A detailed heart-shaped locket hangs on the simple gold chain.
“I’ll have to find a good picture to put in.”
“Well, I hope you don’t mind,” Rhett begins as he leans in closer to you. “I already put one in.” He thumbs open the locket to reveal a small picture of the two of you.
Your heart feels like it could burst out of your chest. Sitting next to the man you’ve been in love with for over 5 years, looking at a picture of yourselves he had shoved inside a heart-shaped locket was like a scene out of your dreams. You couldn’t imagine anything better than being tucked against Rhett Abbott for the rest of your life.
Slowly, you turned your head to look at Rhett. Your faces were so close, you could see your fogged breath passing his cheek in the nighttime air. You were so touched by his thoughtful gift that this felt like the perfect moment to say what had been on your mind for ages.
You look into Rhett’s piercing blue eyes and before you can even process it, the words are spilling out.
“I’m in love with you.”
He looks at you with a puzzled expression, like he didn’t hear you. “What?”
“Shit, I didn’t mean to spring that on you. It just felt like the right time to tell you.”
“What?” He repeats, this time louder.
“I’m in love with you, Rhett.”
He starts to shake his head, visibly surprised by your confession. “Why would you tell me that?”
“Because it’s true… and I thought you liked me too.” You suddenly feel very small in Rhett’s presence and you decide that you don’t enjoy this feeling at all.
“I’m moving away with Maria tomorrow,” he blurts out.
Your mouth drops open at his rushed statement. There’s a sharp pain in your chest like you’ve just been stabbed.
“You’re what? When were you planning on telling me?” From your defensive tone, it's obvious, you’re crushed.
You shove the necklace he gifted you back into its box and secure it in your coat pocket so you don’t drop it onto the snow-covered ground below you.
“Right after givin’ gifts.“
“What the fuck? You haven’t seen her in years and now you’re just gonna run away with her?” You start to raise your voice, red hot anger floods your bloodstream.
“It’s not runnin’ away, I’m an adult.”
“Rhett, she fucked with your feelings for years! What makes you think she likes you now?”
“We’ve been… together.” He stutters.
“For what? A week?”
“She doesn’t even know you!” You wave your hands around furiously.
“We went to school with her!”
“That doesn’t mean she really knows who you are and you don’t know a damn thing about her either! You just have this pretty little version of her in your head.”
Every insecurity you’ve ever had is now coming to the surface. All the years you spent comparing yourself to Maria, wondering why Rhett couldn’t love you the same way he loved her.
“You’re way outta line.”
“Jesus, Rhett! You’ve been leading me on for months!”
“The hell do you mean?”
“All these little touches and flirty remarks.”
“We’re friends!” Rhett yells, exasperated.
“Last week you told me my boobs looked good in that black top!”
“Yeah, well you were worrying about how it looked!”
“What about when we were at the bar and you put your hand in the back pocket of my jeans while we danced to Valerie!”
“I was tryin’ make sure you didn’t knock into anyone!”
“God! You really are an idiot, Rhett Abbott.”
“It’s not my fault you took it all the wrong way!”
“Just leave, Rhett! Get out of here! Enjoy your new life with Maria, asshole!”
Tears rushed down your face, blurring your vision and staining your cold cheeks as Rhett drove away in his truck.
That was the last time you ever saw Rhett Abbott. He had packed up all his belongings and driven away to god knows where with Maria, leaving his family and you behind. Almost 7 years of friendship with him was thrown away like it was nothing, like you were nothing.
At first, you spent your days crying your heart out and blaming yourself, but eventually, you realized that you couldn’t be responsible for his feelings, or lack thereof. As much as you hated to admit it, Rhett didn’t care about you as much as you thought.
Now here you stand, in the Pit Bar with your new best friend, a woman named Aubrey who works with you at the library. After Rhett left, you needed to branch out and she was a natural choice. Besides working at the same place and having a shared love of reading, you had plenty of other things in common. She helped you deal with the aftermath of Rhett and you helped her move into the house she inherited from her Aunt.
“Shit, who’s that fine-lookin’ string bean? I’d sure as hell remember a face like that around here.”
You turn around at your friend’s comment, unsure who you might come face to face with. When you see who she’s referring to, your heart drops. You’d recognize that cowboy anywhere, even in the poor lighting of this bar.
“Are you feeling alright?” Aubrey asks when you face her again. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”
You gulp down the rest of your beer before answering. “I did. That’s Rhett.”
Aubrey’s eyes nearly pop out of her head. “No! *The* Rhett Abbott?”
“Yes,” you frown.
Your friend immediately straightens up, ready to protect you. She had heard all about Rhett and what he did to you.
“What the hell is he doing back?”
“I’m wondering the same thing.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Aubrey suggests.
“No, it’s alright. The holiday party is here and I’m over him.”
“Are you sure about that? I know how many reminders of him there are in this town, but I can’t imagine what seeing him in person must do to you.”
I refuse to continue to be that broken girl. I won’t let him have that much power over my life anymore.”
Aubrey nods, agreeing to support you in your journey to freedom from the emotional clutches of Rhett Abbott. She orders you a refill and leads you over to a group of her other friends.
You continue to mingle with people around the party, trying desperately to keep your focus off of Rhett, but Aubrey catches your eyes wandering over to him every once in a while.
He looks the same as he did the day he left. Long brown hair curling around his neck and a flannel buttoned up his broad chest. He sits there slinging back shots of tequila with his cowboy hat resting on the bar top for half an hour before you look over and he’s nowhere to be found.
You decide he’s likely left for the night and the coast is clear to go get a new round, but you were wrong.
As you lean against the bar waiting for the bartender’s attention, a familiar drawl followed by a tap on the shoulder makes you freeze.
“This seat taken, ma’am?”
You slowly turn your head to look at the man beside you. No amount of time in the world could have prepared you to stare into those clear blue eyes again. Shock crosses his face as he realizes who he’s looking at.
“Shit.” He whispers, followed by your name.
“Rhett.” You nod politely. “Seats all yours. I’m just getting a refill.”
He falls into the wooden bar stool, clutching his beer. You wave to the bartender, getting his attention so you can get away from your ex-best friend as soon as possible.
“How ya been?” His deep baritone voice still makes your legs feel like jello. You hate him and the fact that he can still have this effect on you.
“Fine.” You answer curtly. “Not like you care.”
You cut him off, “Let’s not do this, Rhett.”
“Do what?”
“Any of this. The small talk, greetings, and catching up. I don’t want you to pretend to be interested in my life because I’m sure as hell not interested in yours.”
Lie. You often thought about what his new life was like, wondered if he was happy with Maria, and part of you hoped that he was. Just because he hurt you doesn’t mean you stopped caring about him, even though you wished with all your heart that you could.
“So you just sit there and drink your beer and I’ll continue to enjoy my night with my friends.”
“Could you just give me a minute?”
“No. Not after the way you left me. You threw away all our years of friendship like it was nothing, left me in the wind. If I wasn’t so set on pretending to have moved on, I would kick your ass right now.”
“Just give me 10 seconds,” he begs.
“Why are you even here, Rhett? Why aren’t you out there living your fantasy life with your perfect girl? Where is Maria anyways?”
You cast a glance around the bar but secretly hope that your eyes don’t land on her. You’re not sure you could see her without wanting to violently throw up.
“I don’t know,” Rhett mutters.
“It’s a small bar, she couldn’t have gone that far. You should go find her and leave me alone.”
“No, I mean I don’t know where she’s living.”
That catches your attention.
“We didn’t last all that long. Five months, maybe six. We didn’t get along good, barely knew each other. You were right.”
You scoff. “Well, there’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear.”
“She didn’t want a guy like me, she wanted someone better and truth is, I didn’t want a girl like her.”
“Beautiful, smart, popular, confident?”
“Fake, controlling, untrustworthy.”
“Are we talking about the same Maria?”
“Most certainly are.”
At that moment the bartender stops by with another bottle of beer for you.
“Sounds like a real nightmare. Too bad you ruined everything all for a chance with her. I wish I felt sympathy, but you made your own bed. Goodbye, Rhett.”
You stand up to leave with your drink, but Rhett grabs your wrist. “Wait.”
“What?” You snap.
“I’m sorry.” He puts his hands up in defense. “You were right, okay?”
“So you said, and while that does wonders for my ego, it doesn’t change the way you treated me.”
A deep sigh passes through Rhett’s lips. “I know that but could you just let me explain myself?”
“You did that pretty well last year.”
“I wasn’t thinking. I was so caught up in this fake idea that I had of Maria in my mind that I didn’t see what was right in front of me. You were the one always by my side, through thick and thin. You were the girl treatin’ my injuries after rodeos, the one spendin’ her free time in detention with me. Maria barely looked my way in high school and she only wanted me after the fact because she wanted to rebel against her parents, but you, you always liked me for who I was.”
You notice tears forming at his waterline and for a moment you have the urge to pull him into your arms, pepper his stubbled face with kisses and tell him that everything is okay. Six months ago, you would have, but now you’re in the anger stage of your grieving process and you’d love nothing more than to slap him silly.
“I’m glad you finally realized, but it’s too late. I’ve moved on, Rhett. I’m not the same girl you left behind. Never again will I let anyone treat me the way you did, like a second choice. I’m sorry your life with Maria wasn’t how you imagined, but this is your karma.”
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negreabsolut · 28 days
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Oliveres i boirina als camps del Corral del Mas, Piera, Montserratí, Principat de Catalunya. Un matí d'abril de l'any 2024.
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soracities · 10 months
Dear Mim, your blog is beautiful and it really helped me reconnect with books after a huge reading slump. I was wondering if you could recommend me other book/literature blogs on this site? I made a new book sideblog to document my reading progress and I'm looking for more people to follow so I can see interesting literature on my dash. Have a lovely day! ♡
this makes me so happy truly 💗 and omg yes of course ! my literature beloveds: @luthienne @dearorpheus @metamorphesque @firstfullmoon @aemperatrix @weltenwellen @oliverisms @typewriter-worries @on-poetry @3brides @anthropoetics @kafk-a @kitchen-light @geryone @theoptia @a-quiet-green-agreement @tinyghosts @marusyenka @dk-thrive @apocryphics @gnossienne @memoryslandscape @metaphorformetaphor @neoyorzapoteca @serratedpens @cor-ardens @megairea @maybuds @aequoris @garbji @letterful @heavenlyyshecomes @girlfictions @mournfulroses @mossyshadows @minima--moralia @ecrituria @objetpetita
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oldsardens · 1 month
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Aleix Clapes - Retrat de Manuel Dalmau Oliveres (1864-1923)
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beatrack92 · 1 year
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Lydia Olivere (Villanova)
2023 NCAA Championships (Austin, TX)
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Somos tus cerrajeros en todos los barrios de #valencia Cabañal, Cañamelar, Camí de Vera, Camí Fondo, Camí Real, Camins al Grau, Campanar, Castellar-Oliveral, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Ciutat Fallera, Ciutat Jardí, Ciutat Universitària, Ciutat Vella, El Botànic, El Grao, El Mercat, El Pilar, El Pla del Real, El Pla del Remei, Els Orriols, En Corts, Exposició. Extramurs, Faitanar, Favara, Fuente de San Luis, Horno de Alcedo, La Bega Baixa, La Carrasca, La Creu Coberta, La Creu del Grau, La Fuensanta, La Petxina, La Punta, La Raiosa, La Roqueta, La Saïdia, La Seu, La Torre, La Xerea, L'Amistat, Les Tendetes, L'Hort de Senabre, L'Illa Perduda, L'Olivereta #ciutatuniversitariavalencia #ciutatvellavalencia #elbotanicvalencia #elgraovalencia #elmercatvalencia #elpilarvalencia #elpladelrealvalencia Benifaraig, Beniferri, Benimaclet, Benimámet, Beteró, Borbotó #elpladelremeivalencia #elsorriolsvalencia #encortsvalencia #exposiciovalencia #extramursvalencia https://rapidtecnic.com #valencia #cerrajeros #persianeros #serrallers #locksmiths (en Cerrajeros Valencia 603 908 603 Persianas Metálicas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSNQGXosm6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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josepescriva · 11 months
Breu guia turística per la memòria de les dunes d'Oliva
Article d’opinió de Josep Escrivà i Savall, Portaveu de Compromís per Oliva. 18 de juliol de 2023.
Després d'haver conegut al detall l'expedient sobre la subvenció de les dunes d'Oliva, com a portaveu de Compromís per Oliva, veig necessari fer una guia d'opinió sobre turisme sostenible en les dunes d’Oliva.
Als turistes hem d'explicar que en aquestes coordenades, estem entre el turisme i la conservació del nostre patrimoni natural i històric, clar. “Benvinguts a Oliva, la ciutat que ha estat esquivant bales de plom en forma de construcció descontrolada i on el vent del canvi ha estat aliat amb la tradició i l'ecologia”, cal comentar al rebre’ls.
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Per a entendre el nostre urbanisme cal donar un cop d'ull al Pla General que es va redactar en l'any 82. Ah! L'any 82!, ha plogut molt des d'ençà, però en aquell moment els olivers i oliveres vam començar a comprendre que els nostres muntanyars no eren només arena i vegetació, sinó també una memòria ancestral, part del patrimoni natural i va haver-hi un dels primers clams per la protecció. Un clam que ressona des d'aquell moment, amb ecos que volen arribar fins a les oïdes dels nostres polítics. Però, de vegades els que volen fomentar el turisme potser es perden amb el soroll, i per part dels polítics, no tots escolten i en esta zona tan apreciada hem vist anuncis ben esperpèntics com una zona hotelera o un passeig marítim allà on no està permès.
La protecció del medi ambient no és cap joc que prendre a la lleugera. Hi ha qui pensa que posar en valor significa obrir la porta a tots els vents, explotar tots els recursos naturals com si fórem termites devorant el territori. I és que, amics, s'ha de ser una poc esquizofrènic per creure que podem apropar-nos als espais naturals sense incrementar la pressió antropogènica.
Tornem a fer un viatge enrere, al 2020, quan un fort temporal va fer que Oliva fos declarada zona catastròfica. Els nostres muntanyars, tan criticats amb anterioritat, es van erigir en una barrera natural. Quin canvi de guió, veritat? De sobte, tothom volia protegir-los. Fins i tot aquells que temps enrere es queixaven de la vista obstruïda des dels seus balcons o dificultaven el seu pas. Ja veus, quan la casa de la platja corre perill, tot es veu diferent.
I ara, amb el debat sobre les passarel·les dunars que longitudinalment acabarien tapant les dunes. Com si volguéssim construir un pont per damunt d'un jardí botànic, com si eixa superfície d’ombra no afectara al creixement de la flora i fauna. Però en som uns quants que hem après a estimar la nostra terra, i sabem que no volem més construccions que posen en perill l'entorn natural que ens queda. Volem millorar els passos existents, sí; volem que la subvenció que ens han adjudicat de fons europeus aporte millores a la nostra competitivitat turística, també; però no a costa del paisatge i l’entorn natural. Volem que les inversions que venen a Oliva, siguen de profit i no causen detriment al que tenim.
En lloc de projectes delirants, després d’haver escoltat l’opinió dels sectors ecologistes, proposem alternatives com un centre d'interpretació de les dunes i el seu hàbitat, on s'expliquen els nivells de protecció i la dimensió del seu interés. I tot això sense oblidar una avaluació i regeneració de les zones afectades.
En el tema de la mobilitat, apostem per les bicicletes i els vianants, sí. Els camins rurals que hi ha per darrere de la línia marítim terrestre i els transports sostenibles haurien de ser les nostres vies principals, la millora dels accessos a la platja, elevant-les sempre que les condicions tècniques ho permeten, mentre que les passarel·les longitudinals creem que son prescindibles.
Sí, estem disposats a treballar conjuntament en la contribució a la redacció d'un projecte que siga beneficiós per a Oliva, però també viable i per a això, hem de respectar les zones d'especial conservació (ZEC) de la Generalitat Valenciana, així com les directrius europees. Esta manera de fer, significa deixar enrere els focs d'artifici mediàtics i abraçar un compromís real amb el nostre patrimoni i deixar les explosions als arcabussers i coeters de les nostres apreciades festes. Si no ho fem així, si no ens prenem de veres el medi ambient, potser no hi haurà res per visitar en el futur, excepte les ruïnes de les nostres bones intencions.
Per això he redactat esta breu guia turística per la memòria de les nostres dunes.
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