seaweedraindraws · 4 days
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"I love the stars, so fiery and powerful." "You sure are."
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
Blaze x Omega headcanons
Omega's used to using his dictionary banks to flex but when Blaze unironically uses the word "ignoramus" to describe Eggman he falls in love right then and there.
They love competing, and I mean LOVE competing. Omega is, y'know, and Blaze is a competitive motherfucker who normally doesn't get to jeer or taunt at her opponents but with Omega she knows she can never go to far. They shit-talk each other the entire time. It's one of their love languages I promise.
(When they have to hide their relationship they disguise themselves as Shonen-style rivals lol)
Blaze can bend the flames from Omega's flamethrowers to make them more powerful. It's easier for her to intensify his flames than it is to crank up her own flames to that level, so it's a fantastic combo.
Omega! is! so! interested! in how her flames work!!! He's taking all sorts of measurements all of the time and encouraging her to test out her limits in a way she never was before. "YOU CAN PRODUCE FLAME FROM YOUR PALMS, BUT CAN YOU EXHALE THEM FROM YOUR MOUTH? WHAT ABOUT SHOOTING THEM LIKE LASERS FROM YOUR EYES?"
(After a lot of practice and encouragement, she figured out how to breathe fire like a dragon and he thought it was the coolest fucking thing!!)
She loves hearing her after-battle stats from him. It's another one of their love languages <3
And off the battlefield, she just really enjoys his attention to detail. There's so many small things that he catches on a day-to-day basis. "THIS IS THE THIRD TIME YOU HAVE TRIED THIS BLEND OF TEA" or "TOGETHER WE HAVE KNIT 3,687 STITCHES ACROSS ALL OUR PROJECTS THUS FAR."
She, meanwhile, isn't quite as vocal or exact with her attention to detail. Mostly, she likes giving gifts, but only on the down low. She'll leave his favorite brand of polish on his desk for him to use, even though he normally insists that he "HAS NO PREFERENCE". She'll grab a pretty rock that he found but refused to take with him because he has "AN IMAGE TO MAINTAIN" and sneak it to him after the mission.
Rouge opens the closet in Omega's room because she's trying to find the vacuum and out spills a veritable shrine of little trinkets and doodads he's collected from Blaze. Action figures and collectable keychains in the shapes of tanks or missiles and all of the other things that catch his attention but that he'd never buy for himself because he "DOESN'T NEED IT".
I know I've been writing fluffy headcanons about what they like about each other, but do not get me wrong- they are terrible at saying out loud what they love in each other. They don't verbalize it very often. It's more of a comfortable silence between them.
Okay I lied about the silence part- there's a LOT of infodumping in this relationship. Blaze knows so much more about weapons than she expected and Omega knows more about tea and her favorite books than he knows what to do with. Love language :)
They don't dance but they do spar with enough accuracy and artistry that it's an art form in and of itself.
They cannot stand each other's taste in movies.
But they are willing to exchange music recommends to get outside of their comfort zones. Blaze has discovered that screaming along with Linkin Park is oddly therapeutic. Omega has discovered that Sol jazz has all sorts of funky time signatures that are fun to decipher, even if it is a little slow for his tastes.
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venomomega196 · 2 years
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Happy Valentines 💕
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Sonic x Amy ❤️
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Shadow x Tikal ❤️
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Silver x Whisper ❤️
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Omega x Blaze 💞
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Tails x Cosmo 💞
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Knuckles x Rouge ❤️
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modelxis · 9 months
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i still do mega-related sketches
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
Headcanon #291: Day After Valentine’s Day
((Better late than never, right?
Cross-posted along with its prequel on AO3.
This is the sequel to Headcanon #289, but you don’t have to read that one to understand this one.
You should anyway, though. It’s a good one, if I do say so myself.
Also, these Archie panels are relevant, oddly enough:
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^ From issues 22 and 24 of Archie’s Sonic Universe comics. This isn’t even the funniest thing that happens in that arc. A+))
Amy rounded the corner of the snack aisle at the grocery store, dragging her feet as she went. Her eyes ran lazily over the foods until she reached the section she was looking for.
She sighed as she perused the wares in front of her. I thought Valentine’s Day would get more bearable over time, but I feel even more drained every year. She held herself as she looked past heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and conversation hearts, hoping to find something a little less specific to the holiday. Her expression tightened. It’s the day after, but I still feel lonely. Will this ever get any easier? She smiled wryly when she spotted a rose-shaped hunk of chocolate. At least there’s always my favorite tradition: half-price Valentine’s candy on the 15th.
She reached out for the chocolate rose. Just as she was about to put her fingers on it, though, another gloved hand got there first.
She jumped. “Oh! Excuse me, I--” She stopped when her gaze trailed up the person’s arm, noting the black fur, red stripe, and eventually a head of spiky quills she knew all too well. “Shadow?”
He held her gaze, his slightly widened eyes being the only indication of his own surprise. His gaze flicked back over to their hands. She removed her hand from his and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry about that!” He nodded in affirmation and removed the chocolate rose from the shelf.
Noting he’d brought neither a cart nor even a basket, Amy couldn’t help but ask, “What are you shopping for? Just that?”
He nodded again. “Candy’s always half-price the day after Valentine’s Day.” He peeked at her nearly empty basket. “You?”
“Heh. We had the same idea. It’s a tradition for me,” Amy admitted, examining the shelves once more. She felt her shoulders droop.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shadow was still watching her. She put on a smile once more. “Might as well make the most of it, right?”
His expression didn’t change. He kept watching her for several seconds. Then, he glanced down at the rose he was holding and handed it to her. “Here. You should have it.”
Taken aback, Amy glanced between him and the shelf. “But that’s the last one! You got to it first, so you--”
“Take it. You deserve it more.”
He waited, hand extended, while she hesitated.
Is he...trying to make me feel better?
Eventually, she gave in. With a laugh, she took the rose from his hand. “Okay, okay, if you insist.” She carefully placed it in her basket, smiling to herself. “Thank you, Shadow.”
He nodded absently, his attention now back on the shelves of candy. Amy shuffled her feet. “Sooo...how was your Valentine’s Day?”
He hummed softly, not looking away from the shelves. “I looked after Omega to make sure he didn’t burn the house down.”
Amy scoffed. “Why would he do that?”
“He hasn’t liked Valentine’s Day ever since Blaze got with Silver,” Shadow explained, picking up a couple of alternately-colored chocolate bars--one pink, one purple.
Amy frowned and thought back. “Hang on...” Her eyes bugged out. “You mean that time years ago when Omega kept fawning over Blaze because she was good at burning things? He still...?”
Shadow snorted quietly. “Yeah...he never really got over that. He’ll be alright, though.” He put back the purple candy bar and gazed at the pink one in his hand. “It’s just tough when you’re stuck on the same person for a long time.”
Amy’s face fell. I know that better than anyone. How many years have I been stuck on Sonic? She rubbed her upper arm. I’ll never call it a waste, but...
“...Amy? Amy?”
She flinched and shook herself off. “Oh, sorry! What did you say?”
“I asked what you did yesterday,” he clarified, looking at her sideways.
“Oh, right! Uh...Cream and I normally celebrate PAL-entine’s Day,” she joked, “but this year, she actually had a date! Can you believe she’s that age already?! I can’t!”
“But what did you do?”
Shadow’s blunt question made her deflate. “Ah, I just stayed in this year. Nothing too interesting,” she mumbled.
His frown deepened. “By yourself?”
Amy huffed. “What are you trying to say? So what if I didn’t have a date on Valentine’s Day? I’m not gonna cry about it!”
Shadow’s face was unreadable. He just stared at her for a while, long enough to make her nervous. He scratched his chin.
Suddenly, his ears perked up. “You owe me.”
Amy was dumbfounded. What is his deal?! First he gives me the chocolate he wanted, then he shows actual concern for me...only to judge me for not having a date and claim I owe him...? “For what?!” she demanded.
“It was last year at Rouge and Knuckles’ wedding,” he explained. “You promised you’d teach me how to bake cookies, but you still haven’t.”
She could only stare at him blankly. That didn’t explain anything! Now I’m even more confused! She shook her head and took out her phone to open up her calendar. “Uh, okay...when--”
She frowned, looking up from her phone. “Today...?”
He gave a curt nod. “I’m a very busy person, so it has to be today.” He averted his gaze and crossed his arms. “Unless you’re busy with something.”
Amy paused. She looked down at her basket, which held only chocolate and a bottle of wine. She thought back to the movie she already had set up at home, a romance she knew would just make her cry. She chuckled to herself and shook her head.
You know what? Fuck it.
“Alright, alright, fine...but we’ll have to stop by the baking aisle first.”
The two of them arrived in Shadow’s kitchen with a green flash. “So what do we do first?” Shadow asked.
“Before any type of cooking or baking, you should lay out every ingredient you need just to make sure you have it all.” Amy started laying out the groceries on the counter. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten halfway through a dish, only to realize I forgot something basic. One time, I got halfway through making sugar cookies before realizing I was out of sugar!” She giggled at the memory.
“Hmm...I hadn’t thought of that,” Shadow muttered.
Amy watched as he laid out the eggs and butter. That’s the first thing anyone learns about cooking! He really didn’t have anyone to teach him, did he? Her sad frown turned determined. Well, that’s what I’m here for!
Shadow’s voice snapped her out of her reverie. “Is this everything?”
Amy scanned the counter. “Hmm...butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, baking soda, salt, flour, aaaand...chocolate chips! Yup! We’re all set!”
Shadow squinted at the ingredients. “Don’t we need a mix or something?”
“Nope! Not if you’re baking the right way,” Amy assured with a cheeky wink. “We’re baking from scratch, just the way Vanilla taught me. It’s all up in here!” She tapped her forehead proudly.
Amy gave a quick nod. “You’re learning from the best!” she insisted. She approached his stove. “First, you need to preheat the oven. Do you know how to do that?”
She inwardly cringed at her own question. Of course he knows how to preheat an oven. He owns an oven.
Shadow hesitated, though. He joined her in front of the stove and squinted at the console. “Is there a specific button for that...?”
Amy just stared. Chaos, it’s worse than I thought. She took a deep breath and smiled. “Nope! You just turn the dial here. We’re gonna want 350 degrees.” He watched closely as she turned it.
Then, his eyes lit up. “Oh, I’ve done that before. I remember now.”
“Oh, good!”
He nodded with authority. “My microwave died a few years ago, so I had to heat my Hot Pockets in the oven for a couple days until the new one came in.”
The hint of relief Amy had begun to feel immediately died out. She resisted the urge to facepalm.
“Great!” she blurted out instead, returning to the counter. “We’ll need a large bowl, a mixing spoon, and measuring tools.”
Shadow returned with a bowl and a spoon--both a little small for Amy’s taste, but they’d get the job done--but then he got stuck. “When you say ‘measuring tools,’ you mean...?”
Amy frowned for a moment, then perked up. “Oh, right! We’ll need to measure cups, teaspoons, and a half teaspoon.”
His face remained blank. “Yeah, so?”
There was an awkward pause while Amy tried to figure out where she’d lost him. “Y’know, like...little cups and spoons to measure out the cups and teaspoons? They usually come in little collections.” His face didn’t change. She pursed her lips. “They nest with each other in sets,” she tried.
His eyes widened. He zipped off and returned with a set of measuring cups and spoons. “Is that what these are? I didn’t know cooks actually measured, I thought those were just ballpark suggestions.”
Amy stared at Shadow. He stared back.
Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t you dare laugh at him!
She covered her face with her hand. Her smile was strained from holding back laughter. “Yep! We have to make sure all the proportions are right.”
“Ah...that explains a lot.” He looked away. She sorted through the nested cups and kept an eye on him while he continued. “So how come Rouge doesn’t measure when she cooks? She says she just kind of puts in what ‘feels right.’ She left these behind when she moved out, but I never saw her use them.”
“It’s a little different with cooking. If someone has enough experience, they can sometimes get away with it there,” Amy explained. “But you can’t do that with baking! Everything has to be exact, or it won’t come out right.”
“How come?”
Amy pursed her lips while she sorted through the spoons. “There are more chemical reactions involved.” He perked up at that, so she added, “Baking is chemistry, and the ingredients are materials. If you use the wrong ratios or mess with the procedure, the results will be completely off. It’s easy to get things mixed up, too.” She held up the tablespoon and teaspoon utensils, pointing out the similar abbreviations on their handles.
Shadow examined them for a moment, then scoffed. “Hmph. This’ll be easy. I’m a science experiment myself, so I can’t screw this up.”
Amy’s grin widened at his confidence. “Is that how it works? You’ve got it all figured out now?”
“Of course.” He took the teaspoon from her hands. “If you use this much, you get the Ultimate Life Form, but if you fuck up and use this much...” he continued, picking up the tablespoon, “...you get a giant lizard.”
Amy snickered at first, then burst out laughing when the punchline fully hit her. She leaned her head on Shadow’s shoulder as she cracked up, the way she often did with close friends. She could feel his body shake as he chuckled quietly at his own joke.
I wish more people knew how funny Shadow is. Whenever I tell people he makes jokes, they never believe me.
She straightened back up as she calmed down. By then, his gaze was serious and intent once more. Her bright smile remained as she returned to the task at hand.
She leaned in toward Shadow, and he mirrored her action. In a comical stage whisper, she confided, “Now...don’t tell anyone, but I actually cheat a bit with this next part.” She winked.
His subtle but surprised expression made it clear he was taking it entirely too seriously.
She giggled. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. Most people wait until a little later to add the eggs, but I put them in first just in case I crack any eggshells into the mix. It’s easier to get them out if there’s less in the bowl.”
“Oh.” He nodded seriously. “That’s a good idea.”
“It’s just experience.” She waved it off casually, though she couldn’t help but feel flattered at the compliment. “I do this with Cream, too. It took her a while to get the hang of cracking them cleanly.”
Shadow opened up the carton of eggs so Amy could take out two of them. She held one of them over the counter. “Some people crack them against the edge of the bowl, but I crack them directly on the counter.”
“How come?”
“I’ve found it helps keep the eggshell together more,” Amy explained. “If you crack it against an edge, some of the bits separate out and get stuck on the yolk in the middle.” She lightly smacked the egg against the counter, then lifted it over the bowl and easily spread the shell apart, allowing the insides to spill out into the bowl. She tossed the eggshell into the sink. “See? No sweat!”
“Hmph.” Shadow picked up the other egg. He scrutinized it so closely that Amy had to hold back a laugh.
“I can do the second one, too, or you could take a crack at it.” She giggled at her own pun. “It’s up to you.”
Shadow snorted. “As if the Ultimate Life Form would have trouble with such a simple task. I’m built for precision. Physical dexterity is my specialty.”
“Prove it.”
He met her teasing smile with narrowed eyes. He scoffed and turned his attention back to the egg. After squinting at it for a moment longer, as if trying to glean its secrets, he whacked it against the counter just as she had, using exactly the right amount of force. He held it over the sink and expertly spread the shell to let out its contents, as if he’d done so a million times. He tossed the empty shell into the bowl with a brand of confidence only he had. He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest proudly. “Hmph.”
Amy stared at the bowl. She glanced into the sink, then looked back up at Shadow. A few seconds passed while she waited for it to sink in.
Shadow stared at the eggshell sitting in the bowl. His expression didn’t change as he let out a quiet, “...Oh.”
A loud bark of laughter burst from Amy’s lips. She bent down at the waist and held her stomach as she cackled.
Shadow’s expression turned sour, and his ears reddened in humiliation. Amy covered her mouth and rested a hand on his shoulder to ground herself.
“Oh, Shadow, I’m sorry! I--pfft--I can’t help it, that was just too funny!”
He didn’t look placated. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “It’s alright, Shadow. Cream did exactly the same thing when she was first starting out!”
Shadow’s ears perked up, and his expression softened. “Really?”
Amy nodded. “She was so proud of herself, too! But then it hit her, and...” Amy devolved into laughter once more, letting out an involuntary snort.
“Let me guess: she did that thing where she gets embarrassed and puffs out her cheeks?”
Amy gasped. “Yeah! How’d you know?”
“Hmph. I see it all the time when I babysit her. She did it the last time I saw her. Vanilla teased her about someone she knew from her art club.”
Amy giggled. “I bet that was her date from yesterday. It’s cute, isn’t it?”
He nodded. A tiny, lopsided smile graced his face. Amy couldn’t help but grin herself.
He doesn’t smile often, but it’s so nice when he does.
His fleeting smile made way for a determined frown. “I’ll be cracking the other egg. I need to redeem myself.”
Amy snickered under her breath at his overly serious demeanor. She extracted the eggshell from the bowl and disposed of it in the sink. “Be my guest. We’ve got ten left just in case!”
“I won’t need more than one.”
His confident declaration proved to be correct as he cracked the next egg with skill and efficiency, dropping the components in their correct places this time.
Amy nudged his upper arm. “You know, you really are good at that. Most people take a while to get the hang of it.”
“Naturally.” He held his nose in the air. A moment later, though, he muttered a hasty, “Thanks.”
Amy smiled. She picked up the largest measuring cup. “Next, we’ll need butter, white sugar, and brown sugar.”
Shadow handed her the white sugar. He took out a stick of butter, then looked at the measuring cup in confusion. “Ah...how do I...”
Amy pointed to the measurement lines on the side of the wrapper.
“Oh! So...”
“You need to soften it first. Microwave it for a few seconds, but don’t let it burn!” she warned.
“Hmph. I’ve got this. I’m an expert with the microwave.”
Amy almost laughed, but when she saw the sincere look of pride on his face, she held it back. God, he’s serious, isn’t he?
She shook it off and glanced around. “Do you have a knife?”
In a split second, he was back by her side with an assortment of knives in his hand. “I have steak knives, butter knives, paring knives, boring knives, carving knives, utility knives...plus Swiss army knives, combat knives, serrated and beveled edges--”
Amy laughed. “Why am I not surprised that this is the most well-stocked part of your kitchen?” She plucked the butter knife from between his fingers. “This’ll do.”
He zipped off to return the others and returned to her side. “Why do you need a knife?”
Amy dipped the cup into the bag of white sugar. “To get the amount just right.” She lifted the cup to the edge and carefully scraped off the excess with the knife, then dumped the remaining sugar into the bowl. “See?”
Shadow nodded. “Can I try?”
He mimicked her motions with the brown sugar, deftly leveling it off and dumping the sugar into the bowl. He nodded his head once in satisfaction.
“Nice! You’re a natural!” she praised.
He opened his mouth to reply, but then his nose twitched, and he dashed over to open the microwave. He retrieved the bowl of now half-melted butter.
Amy’s eyes widened. “Wow, that’s perfect! Could you really tell just by smelling it?”
“It’s subtle, but it’s there.”
He poured the butter into the bowl, spreading it out evenly over the sugar. She scratched her chin. “You’ve got a steady hand and a strong nose. You could be a really good chef if you wanted to, you know.”
He lifted his shoulders. “Maybe. It hasn’t really been a priority for me.” Before she could say anything in response, he put the bowl back down and asked, “What’s next?”
“We need to mix it all together.” She glanced around. “I don’t suppose you have an electric mixer, do you?”
In response, Shadow held his communicator up to his face. “Omega, are you busy? I need your assistance.”
Amy cocked her head, so he explained. “I don’t know if Rouge took it with her or not, but I can’t find it. I hardly used it as it was, though, so I’ve been taking another approach.”
The metallic clanging of Omega’s footsteps approached. He paused in the doorway upon seeing the two of them. “GREETINGS, AMY ROSE. SHADOW, WHAT IS MY MISSION?”
Shadow inclined his head toward the bowl. “We need to mix these ingredients.”
“UNDERSTOOD.” Omega held up one of his clawed hands. He pressed a button on his arm, and his hand started spinning, his sharp silver fingers whirring around at an alarming speed.
Amy cringed, head filling with images of sugar, eggs, and butter being flung from the bowl at high velocity to coat the walls of the kitchen. “Ahhh, just one sec!” she cut in, stepping forward to take ahold of the bowl herself. “We might want to be a little more careful.”
The high-pitched whirring stopped. “WHY?”
Amy picked up the spoon Shadow had given to her earlier and started stirring the mixture vigorously herself. “It’s easier to keep things under control if you stir by hand. An electric mixer can help, but the manual approach might be better for now.”
She eyed Omega’s knife-like fingers warily. Not to mention safer.
Omega watched awkwardly as she stirred. “Sorry to call you in here for nothing, Omega,” she apologized. “I hope we didn’t interrupt anything important.”
Shadow reached for the bowl in Amy’s arms. She handed it over, and he took over the stirring for a while as he spoke. “It’s a good thing the training area’s soundproofed. Personally, I think G.U.N. went overboard.”
Shadow snorted, and Amy giggled.
Shadow’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t look up from the bowl. “I can train later. I’m in the middle of something important.”
Shadow’s stirring grew faster. “I’m fine. I don’t get sick.”
Amy glanced back and forth between Shadow and Omega, confused.
“Ah--I think it’s mixed well enough!” Amy cut in, taking the bowl from Shadow’s hands. She smiled sheepishly up at Omega. “Do you want to bake cookies with us, Omega? It must be lonely training by yourself.”
Omega’s cooling fans sped up. “I AM FINE! I REQUIRE NO ASSISTANCE!”
Amy flinched, but Shadow just held a hand to his forehead.
Omega tromped back toward the door. “I AM AN INDEPENDENT ROBOT! I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF BURNING THINGS ALONE!” His metal footsteps retreated down the hall.
Amy winced as she realized the sore spot she’d just hit. “Poor Omega.”
“It’s gotten a lot better,” Shadow muttered, leaning toward her to make himself heard. “The first year, I had to remind him that Silver can stop bullets and crush metal.”
Amy’s face twisted in sympathy, but then she smiled up at Shadow. “I’m glad he has you to look after him!”
He shrugged it off. “I just do what I have to for public safety.”
Amy giggled. She picked up the vanilla extract. “This next part is always a little nerve-racking for me. If you add even one extra drop of vanilla extract, it can ruin the whole thing. It’s that strong! So..” She found the teaspoon and pressed that and the vanilla extract into Shadow’s hands. “Can you? Please? You have steadier hands than I do!”
She looked up at him with the cutest, most endearing expression she could muster.
He just gave her an unimpressed look, then sighed. “You can put the puppy-dog eyes away. I can handle this.”
She squealed happily. “Yes!” She directed him to pour in two teaspoons. He stirred it all together while she took out the baking soda and salt.
As she guided him through the next few steps, she couldn’t help but notice just how intensely he watched, the way he was hanging on her every word. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to. After a lifetime of being the silly girl with a crush, the tagalong who followed Sonic around, the one whose feelings were a little too big...it felt as if everyone treated her like a naïve little girl who knew nothing about the world. She couldn’t count the number of times her friends and foes alike had disregarded her feelings and input.
Even her “little sister” thought she had her head in the clouds.
But as Shadow watched her, focusing on everything she had to say, she felt none of that. In fact, it occurred to her that he’d never made her feel that way. Every word she’d spoken to him had been given a level of care and consideration she never got to feel with anyone else.
“What’s next?” Shadow asked.
Amy thought back, checked all the ingredients, and grinned. “That’s it for prep! We just have to bake them in the oven now.” After checking to make sure the oven was preheated, she opened it and slid in the first tray. Shadow did the same with the other. She set the timer for nine minutes. “This recipe usually takes ten minutes to bake, so I set it for nine minutes and check on them a little early so they don’t burn.”
Shadow’s gaze was fixed on the timer. “Why don’t you just turn the heat higher? It’d make them cook faster.” He reached for the temperature knob.
“No!” She stumbled over to grab his hand. “That’s not how it works!”
He paused and looked down at their hands. His eyes turned...mischievous? “How come? It’s at 350 degrees, so why not 700 degrees for 5 minutes?” He reached for the knob with his free hand.
She immediately grabbed that hand, too. “NO! You’re going to ruin our cookies!”
“1400 degrees for two and a half minutes. 2800 degrees for one minute and fifteen seconds.”
“Stopppp!” Amy cut in, though they were both laughing by then. “If you bake them faster at higher heat, then the outside will burn and the inside won’t cook all the way through.” He nodded in response, still paying rapt attention even through their laughter.
Her giggles quieted, and she could hear his own low chuckles under his breath. She decided she liked the sound.
A soft sound drew their attention from the floor. A pink Chao was peeking around the corner, its eyes focused on their joined hands. Its emote ball had formed a curious question mark.
Shadow released Amy’s hands and made his way over to the Chao. He squatted down next to it and held out a hand. The Chao put its paw in his and gazed up at Amy, clearly skeptical.
Amy could just barely hear Shadow’s voice as he spoke to it. “Do you want to say hi, Rosie?”
The Chao looked back and forth between the two hedgehogs. After a moment of contemplation, she bobbed her head.
“Good.” Shadow led the Chao into the middle of the room. He stopped, leaving extra space between Amy and the Chao. “Rosie, this is Amy. She’s a friend of mine.”
Amy squatted down to the Chao’s level, just as Shadow had. She smiled disarmingly and waved. “Hi!” she greeted, keeping her voice quiet. “It’s nice to meet you!”
The Chao shuffled over to hide behind Shadow’s feet. Shadow kept an eye on her, but he didn’t pressure her to respond to Amy. Instead, he just waited. After about ten seconds, Rosie peeked out from behind Shadow’s foot. She waved a shy paw at Amy. Amy beamed.
So cute!!
Shadow nodded in approval and gestured down at the Chao. “This is Rosie. I adopted her from the shelter last week.”
Rosie kept her eyes fixed on Amy. She sucked on her paw. Shadow leaned in to exchange a few words with the Chao. He stood and retrieved a bowl and a few spices from his cabinets. He took out a couple square fruits from a basket Amy hadn’t noticed before. She watched in fascination as he chopped up the fruits, then scraped them into the bowl along with a dash of nutmeg and a dusting of cinnamon. He stirred the concoction as he made his way to the kitchen table. Rather than remaining on the floor to eat as most Chao would, Rosie climbed up to sit on one of the chairs. Shadow allowed her to do so, though he spotted her to make sure she didn’t fall.
Amy cocked her head in confusion. What is going on? Why didn’t he just pick her up?
Rosie’s tail wagged happily. Now fully focused on the food, she dug in while Amy watched, baffled.
Shadow walked over to stand by her side. “Rosie’s...been through a lot,” he muttered. “She needs support that other Chao don’t. And she’s picky.” He chuckled once under his breath. “Kind of like me.”
Amy’s gaze drifted from the happy Chao up to Shadow’s face, which showed a small, fond smile. Her heart melted.
This guy doesn’t know the first thing about cooking, but he figured out just what spices to use to take care of a Chao who needed his help. He’s been looking after his silly, lovestruck robot friend for years. He happily babysits Cream. He’s made it his entire life mission to protect anyone who calls this planet home.
And...come to think of it...
“Shadow...is this really about cookies?”
Shadow immediately stiffened. His wide eyes slid over to Amy’s knowing smile with trepidation. His jaw clenched, and he crossed his arms tightly in front of him. “Well...” he croaked out. He scratched the back of his neck and looked away.
He sighed. “You...you looked so sad. I couldn’t...”
She remained silent. His shoulders dropped, and he met her eyes once more. “I know you hate being alone.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but he stopped her.
“I can tell.”
She waited. Eventually, he continued.
“I’m not good at cheering people up. But...I thought if you didn’t have to be alone, then maybe you’d feel a little better.”
He kept eye contact. Her heart gave an odd lurch. “Shadow, I...” She trailed off and bit her lip, then asked, “Can I hug you?”
He nodded. She pulled him into a tight hug, tucking her head under his chin. She felt his arms wrap around her, tentative but reassuring, and she buried her face in his soft chest fur. “Today was wonderful. Thank you.”
He didn’t reply, but he gently cradled the back of her head and held her closer.
Just as she was noticing how warm he was, the oven let out a series of loud, piercing beeps, making her jump. She could hear Rosie whine in discomfort at the noise. Shadow immediately let go and made his way to the stove. He turned off the timer, opened the oven, and reached in as if to grab one of the cookie sheets.
“Wait, stop!” Amy cried out, jumping forward to grab his hand. “You’re gonna burn yourself!”
“I heal quickly. It’s not a big deal.”
“Yes it is! It would still hurt!” She sighed and checked the cookies. This guy...
She closed the oven door. “They should stay in for another minute.” She reached for the timer, but Shadow stopped her, nodding toward Rosie, who still seemed shaken by the noise. Amy looked up at Shadow again.
You know how to take care of just about everyone...except yourself.
Maybe it’s about time someone returned the favor.
Amy pursed her lips. She mulled it over, then spoke.
“We could hang out again some other time if you want. I could teach you how to cook some other things.”
His eyes widened. After a few seconds that felt far more nerve-racking than Amy had anticipated, he lifted his shoulders. “...I guess I could use the help.”
She half-smiled. “I’d be happy to, though I’d understand if you didn’t have the time. What with you being such a busy guy and all.”
“I don’t have much spare time. But if something is important to me, I’ll make time for it.”
Amy could read between the lines.
I’ll make time for you.
She clasped her hands together in front of her and beamed. “Does next weekend work for you?”
He took out his phone to peruse his calendar, then nodded. “Sunday at exactly 5:15. Don’t be late.”
“Of course I won’t. It’s important to me, too,” she replied with a wink.
Amy waved to Shadow and left, bringing half the cookies with her. Shadow took a bite of one from his own stash, savoring the soft texture and sweet flavor.
Shadow peeked down to see Rosie was pointing to Amy, shooting him an inquisitive look.
“Hmph.” Shadow sat down beside Rosie and scratched under her chin, enjoying the contented noise she made. “Someday I’ll tell her...but today, she needed a friend.”
((Most of Shadow’s failures are mistakes I personally made when I first started baking, and I actually do crack the eggs first like Amy does here. It’s probably not “standard,” but I think it should be! I’ve also only ever made cookies with a mix before, not from scratch. No shame! The recipe I looked up for this headcanon is located here.
Fair warning: I have no idea whether that recipe is any good.
If you want to read more about Rosie, she originally appeared in Shadow Sitting. Shadow first adopted her in A Rosie Outlook.))
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pathbend-blog · 2 months
Episode 1: "The Last Diva Dance"
Does not Star
For My 🫂 🥼
That was almost the Finalé of the "Fishhook From My I"
I started with that Fraudster Vance Men's Group Psychologist in Oakland
Trying to save my Parent's Marriage became that One. Duh is also th last yuck and then it just does away, like the Stomach Flue you don't remember having had every summer again.
They really want them CoCo Caxxed before this Rape, was the other Intel th Enemy gave me.
The place you make your Avatar in The Military, is almost where you go to watch you and the patient or class.
I just Finished using that to write our Good Story.
Before Portland 2020
BBC Radio 1
Washington Post
Chuck Palahniuk
If Anthony is House
But Who he Paid House to Jungian Cosplay Mitsky
Teaches him he isn't mean at all, being used by Cutty to laundry Money
I am Mean House, Here, Meaner than The Blade of a Scalpel you haven't held either really for years
Hobo Johnson
I Already Have My Maker's Mark Harry Potter Scarf
Dr. House.
I don't have your Bull Paid Yet.
Universal Medicine Dependent On The Mood of a Physician
BBC Radio 1
Washington Post
Royal Marines
University of Oxford
United States Space Force
There isn't a Trick To It House
My Fallanges and Some Good Will Hunting! Yay an op for an Eemjee 🍏 💜
St James Infirmary is a Chunnel from the PFC and your note yet to write for ever and for.
Money. House. Do you even like being called that or just her pretty blues?
💙 To Motor Strips and Opium Psychosis Then House.
Auntie Emmy calls
John Mulaney
Anyway, "Dr. House Was Fine"
Back to my wargames that's the Hour
I hope it was worth a decent Rollings Steins ticket at least. The Drugs I Suggested, Email Me Back If You think it's a good strategy. The Book and Film list isn't an insult to British intelligence.
Oh My Wargames? Well this one is me meanly writing about The Clone Matrix Saga, which Consider Canon
Again to the Detriment of the Enemy's not getting The Matrix as a basic concept yet.
Eventually I say As Real Neo Possessing this Coppertop being made to think it's even Original Clone Neo, who doesn't say that, thinks it's reductive and Mean. "The Waiting Free" or "The Sleeping" gives it a non Anti-Buddhist flair
Sorry I'll get to the IT.
Eventually like in that Agent Smith as his Daddy IRL he learned, the Actor, And Morpheus Rescue Scene
That's The MAPS one that is occurring further Litigation for mean people and my ExWife.
They All Eventually become the Squally lines on the Left
Despite like their Bursting into Flames Things covered by the literal Girl Form Hereditary, Parks and Rec and Hey don't eat my Cornuts B Word.
That's a lot of Money and Drugs onto even the most unfit basic Bagel
,,,, House.
Which can Hold Every Quark on Earth
BBC Radio 1
It's a Lawnmower Man Omegaz it is nice thanks, ⌚?
Hobo Johnson
Washington Post
Royal Marines
*∆6 ❄️
It's The End Then House ⌛
Two Weeks then 4 maybe
Phoebe Bridgers
Anyway, you can't ever really get past horrid about to be 18 and have all that Family Trust that matters for a very brief period of any Human Life, but especially The Enemy's
And Also of All Of History Watched by all
Cosplaying a Woman Or NonBinary is fine, Being a Man in their world. Because those aren't People Either they have ever known
Me that is just The Discraced Doctors Girlfriend for a moment
You can't be a Liar in that Job at all
They are out of Money and can't get you tonight House, Just.
It's in your HIPAA contract I didn't sign for MensRightGuy IRL or us that Therapist and because of my lack of Plausible deniability in that Situation
None was expected.
In Silicon, Way Way Past the 4th Wall because get out of my whole building here and go home and rest?
Humble Bundle
BBC Radio 6 Music
Phoebe Bridgers
Hobo Johnson
BBC Radio 6 Music
Donald J. Trump
The Truth Today or More Charges?
💙 Same as I asked every day.
Donald Glover
That's like when KXT got cut off
Yo'll should Hear it Arowaves Live
2 to one is easy
Just Fall in Love and Listening to The Birds and Don't Infect the Bee's Hives with Special Fungus
Washington Post
BBC Radio 1
Most Basically for the Aspirant to Medical School or College or don't want to school is fine, a trade of some kind, how will you eat?
Your Leader feeding you won't some day child.
They have Magic tricks that harm you that Taylor means when she sings "Crisis"
Their Prisons and Psychiatric Facilities are the Product, not the People working in them.
They can only shove food in mouths and be violent as they knew as children
And accrue Liability like Telehealth
That someone, a Good Law Person, is going to help them Collect
Globally but my Concern by Law is in Two American States
Your Answer in this Debate Then
Stranger to Me as a Living Man
Kamala Harris
Washington Post
Fox News
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planetamarte · 2 months
how the hell does the omegaze tag on here not even have 10 posts in it when its literally the one omega ship that's ever been implied (albeit one sided) in some sorta official capacity. i need to get on this shit.
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444names · 1 year
greek and georgian literas + norse rune names
Alags Alaguz Alas Alasi Alasilon Alaud Alaukaukas Alaz Alphae Alphaga Alphagala Alphagan Alphagaz Alphags Alphal Alphalasi Alphan Alphanaz Alphani Alphannaz Alphaz Anani Anansuz Anauni Annaud Annaz Bannari Bansuz Bera Berae Beraido Beraidoni Berkan Berkani Berkas Berkasi Berkasili Berkau Berkaukan Berkaun Berkauni Berth Berthoe Berthorn Berthu Berthuri Berthurs Betan Betani Bjani Bjannari Bjansuz Bjari Bjariss Bjarkansuz Ch'arisani Ch'arisaz Ch'ariss Ch'arkani Ch'arkas Chie Ching Chingwaz Chingwe Chini Chʼani Chʼarisani Chʼarisaz Chʼarkani Chʼarkasi Daga Dagal Dagalgiz Dagani Dagannaz Dagla Daglasi Daglaz Daguz Dalas Dalasiloni Dalau Dalaukasi Dalaunjo Dalaz Dalgiz Deltani Dzilo Dzilon Dziloni Ehuri Ehurs Ehuruz Eiha Eihae Eihaga Eihaglaz Eihala Eihalaz Eihalgiz Eihan Eihani Eihansuz Enani Enari Enaz Epsi Epsili Epsilo Epsiloni Etani Fehuri Fehuruz Fehwaz Galauni Galaz Galgiz Gambda Gambdaga Gambdaguz Gambdal Gambdalags Gambdalaud Gambdalaz Gambdalgiz Gammani Gammansuz Ganani Ganari Ghae Ghaga Ghagalgiz Ghagani Ghags Ghaguz Ghalaz Ghan Ghanani Ghansuz Ghaz Haga Hagal Hagani Hagaz Haglagalaz Haglau Hags Haguz Halagalgiz Halags Halasi Halau Halaz Hanaz Hani Hannaz Hansuz Heta Hetani Hing Hini Horn Ingwe Iotan Iotani Ioth Iothagaz Iotho Iothorn Iothuri Iothurs Isan Isananaun Isani Isannariss Isannau Isannaz Isansuz Jannari Jansuz Jari Jarisaz Jarkani Jerae Jeraido Jeraidoni Jerkani Jerkas Jerkasi Jerkaud Jerkaukani Jerth Jerthae Jerthani Jerthaz Jertho Jerthoe Jerthorn Jerthu Jerthuri Kanani Kanaud Kannaud Kannaz Kansuz Kappari Kasi Kasili Kasilo Kasilon Kasiloni Kaud Kaukani Kaukasi Kaukaud Kaukaunjo Kaunau Kaunaud Kaunauni Kauni Kaunjo Kenani Kenansuz Kenari Kenaud Kenauni Kenaunjo Keni Khae Khagaz Khagla Khaglas Khags Khal Khan Khaz Kʼari Kʼarisan Kʼarisaz Kʼariss Kʼarkaun Kʼarkaunaz Lagani Lagaz Laglaunaz Laglaz Lags Lambdags Lambdalgiz Lamma Lammanani Lammanaz Lammani Lasili Lasilon Lasiloni Laud Laukani Laukaun Launaukani Launaz Launi Launjo Mannani Nanari Nani Narisaz Narkan Narkas Naukani Naukasili Naunaz Nauni Naunjo Odaga Odagalgiz Odagani Odagaz Odaglaz Odags Odaguz Odala Odalaz Odalgiz Omegal Omegala Omegalasi Omegalauni Omegalgiz Omegan Omeganaz Omegani Omegaz Omicroni Otansuz Othani Otho Othu Othuri Othurisaz Othuruz Pariss Parkani Parkannani Parkau Parkaunaz Pera Perae Peraido Peraidon Perkanau Perkanaz Perkani Perkaukani Perkaun Perkauni Pertha Perthaguz Perthal Perthani Perthaz Perthoe Perthorn Perthu Perthurs Perthuruz Phie Phingwe Phini Psili Psilo Psilon Psiloni Pʼan Pʼani Pʼarisaz Pʼarkani Pʼarkaunjo Qarisaz Qarkani Qarkauni Qʼan Qʼani Qʼannaz Qʼarisani Qʼarisaz Qʼariss Qʼarkan Qʼarkani Raidon Raidoni Rhoe Rhorn Sannaz Shie Shing Sigman Sigmanaz Sigmani Sowili Sowilon Sowiloni Tanaz Taud Taukani Taukas Taukasi Taukaud Taun Taunani Taunari Taunaz Tauni Teihagaz Teihaguz Teihani Thagaz Thaglagla Thags Thal Thalaunjo Thalgiz Thani Thaz Thetani Thetansuz Thoe Thuri Thuruz Ts'ilo Ts'ilon Ts'iloni Tsan Tsannan Tsaz Tsʼilo Tsʼilon Tsʼiloni Tʼan Tʼanari Tʼani Tʼariss Tʼarkani Tʼarkasi Unani Unannari Unari Unaud Unaz Unjo Upsi Upsili Upsilo Upsiloni Urisaz Ving Vingwaz Vingwe Wunani Wunannani Wunarkani Wuni Yngwaz Zenani Zenari Zenau Zenaun Zenauni Zenaz Zetan Zetani Zhae Zhagani Zhagaz Zhaglags Zhags Zhaguz Zhal Zhalaz Zhalgiz Zhan Zhaz
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sonic-shipposts · 4 years
Blaze and omega again please?
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goshikle · 4 years
Can we meet Dream’s animal friend yet? :0
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Sap: "Helped raised her for abit but shes super sweet until she sees ya as a toy,,, she is an Owlcat"
(I hadnt drawn an cat in so long-)
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jennsterjay · 3 years
....How could I forget that in the comics, Omega seems to have a crush on Blaze ?! XD
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Lmao Blazega / Omegaze stans rose the second these panels dropped XD
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@omegazes have some more art of your hybrids AU, this time, something happened to George’s goggles and now Dream is not happy
Sapnap does his best to comfort his friend while Dream threatens the other and gives them a...gentle reminder who they’re messing with
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
In Omegaze, Blaze is the she/they femme and Omega is the he/him butch. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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venomomega196 · 2 years
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Sonic x Amy
Sonic x Sally
Shadow x Tikal
Omega x Shade
Omega x Blaze
Silver x Whisper (Not Listed)
Knuckles x Rouge
Tails x Cosmo
Mephiles x Maria
Ray x Marine
Mighty x Honey
Espio x Sonia (Not Listed)
Vector x Vanilla
Charmy x Cream
Metal Sonic x Breezie (Not Listed)
Jet x Wave
Storm x Bunnie (Not Listed)
Infinite x Zeena (Not Listed)
Sonic x Blaze
Sonic x Elise
Shadow x Maria
Shadow x Shade
Knuckles x Tikal
Knuckles x Shade
Omega x Vanilla
Omega x Honey
Omega x Tangle (Not listed)
Espio x Tikal
Espio x Shade
Silver x Honey
Charmy x Marine
Credit: @fini-mun
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modelxis · 4 months
Trying to find the motivation to draw zx arts again by thinking about OmegaZ x Hidden Phantom/model P ship
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harryspet · 4 years
i don’t think this is the actual term ... correct me if im wrong
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