#omg ..i feel like i rambled sooo much i'm sorry
shellshooked · 2 months
Can u plz do more of the Zelda movie au? I really like it and would like to see like maybe a documentary comic about the filming and are the actors for link and Zelda dating or is it just them as characters? (u don’t have to actually draw that if u don’t see this or u don’t want to)
im so late replying to this but i have SOOO many ideas on the zelda movie au!! let me share some lore hehe
So you know the spiderman actor and his love interest actress dating curse? how every actor that has played spiderman ends up dating the actress for mj / gwen Stacy? i like to think it's a similar trend with the zelink actors, except not all of them are dating. Botw / totk zelink DEFINETLY and the actors like to keep the details of their relationship private, but Link is NOT shy about how head over heels he is for zelda
Skyward sword zelink? you can never tell. it's the type of dynamic where Twitter stans are dying to know and interviewers always ask them about it but they both dodge the question successfully each time. They could be besties. They could be secretly married. Nobody knows.
Now, oot zelink are not dating, but in my head they're like Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. Ride or die besties, and they're the biggest oot zelink shippers you'll ever find.
Tp zelink aren't necessarily dating, perhaps some tension (?) however i like to think that their dynamic is more a trio one with midna's actress, who's best friends with zelda and they both playfully bully link
You know who else bullies link? oot ganondorf's actor. Irl he's actually in super good relations with every cast member and probably the warmest kindest most solid dude you'll ever meet but in every interview, every red carpet, every con event he always pretends like oot link is a nuisance and that he's only doing this because he's getting paid. When the Wind waker releases, he's obviously cast again (because duh, same ganondorf, so he's also in the Twilight Princess movie), and he takes care of link and tetra very well on set and makes sure they're always comfortable as child actors, all while he acts to be this super evil guy on camera. I love this duality, I feel like he would be so chill to talk to
In a way, I feel like the major cast from the franchise all know each other one way or another whether they're friends or just professional colleagues, they all relate to each other in some way. There's always a playful competition between botw and ss zelink actors on which pairing is the best, tp link's actor always jokingly disses wind waker for its seemingly childish approach while ww link insists his movie has the better soundtrack.
And now I'm rambling, and I definetly did not mean to dump this all on your ask omg I'm so sorry but this au transpires so much fun to me it makes me silly
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gemini-sensei · 5 days
okay so i havent been active in the ck fandom for a while, but i remember your account so vividly and im so glad you're still writing for it omg okay anyway! ive seen SO many fics about teen pregnancy in this fandom, but ive never seen ANYONE write about pregnancy pre karate?? like itd be such a drastic change & im sooo interested in how eli's story would go if he'd happened to get a girlfriend & immediately (accidentally) knocked her up before any of the hawk stuff could happen? Like soft eli is so sweet and caring?? and then suddenly he's big & scary & really jealous and 😭 would it even still happen??
Would love to know your thoughts!! But ofc please ignore if you're not interested :)
First of all, welcome back (? (should I say that? lol)) Second, I LOVE this ask so very much so this might be a little long...
Reader and Eli have had little crushes on each other, but it's not like they're friends. They're lab partners and they don't talk a lot due to being shy and such. Their relationship doesn't start until she builds up the courage to ask him out to the Halloween dance. He agrees through some fumbling words and they're both so excited. It's so cute of them; they get to dress up and it's their first date in a way. It should be fun.
At the dance, they hang out the whole time and talk about comics and movies. Eli kind of accidentally leaves Miguel and Demetri in the dust even though they were with them at first but they backed off because it was obvious Reader and Eli were in their own little world. They dance a little bit but when Eli says something about needing some fresh air, Reader walks outside with him and it's a nice little moment. It's quiet and Reader thinks it's the moment and goes in for a kiss, gently pulling his surgical mask down to do it and he lets her because holy shit this is really happening! They have their first kiss and become a real couple that night.
After that night, they go on a few more dates, but it isn't long before they lose their virginities to each other. As they say, it only takes one time.
They only did it once and it was awkward and lovely. They laughed and got embarrassed a few times, but they took it slow and really cared for each other through it. It ended with cuddles and Reader falling asleep with her head on Eli's chest.
However, a month or so later, Reader is standing at Eli's front door teary eyed and he's fearing the worst. She wants to break up, is what he's thinking. Then she starts rambling about how she didn't want to cry but she has something important to say. He's sure the impact is coming, but then,
"I'm pregnant."
It's a different kind of impact. He feels like the wind has been knocked out of him. He stares at her, completely shocked, and somehow finds himself asking, "Are- are you sure?"
She nods and takes something out of her pocket, a folded up stack of papers. She unfolds them and hands them over to him, and he sees they're from a doctor's office and it's official. This isn't some at-home test and scare that they are going through, this is real.
She bursts into more tears. "I'm so sorry, Eli!"
He would look at her so baffled. "Why-why are you apologizing?"
She shrugs because she doesn't know how to put it into words and he hugs her, pulling her close. She hides her face in his chest and cries. It's the moment he realizes he has to be strong for her, he has to be more than he's been, because he's her anchor right now. Everything feels like it's falling apart and she's clinging to him like her life depends on it. He manages to keep himself together and not cry even though he's terrified of what's to come. He holds her tight and whispers, "We'll figure this out."
Her being pregnant becomes another reason why he joins karate. As time goes on, she can't hide her belly. She has a grace period where her already pudgy belly hides the pregnancy, but she starts to show and it is impossible to hide. People at school catch on to her pregnancy and a lot of people give her a hard time. Eli is always by her side, holding her hand, and having to witness the comments and jeers she has to endure.
One day is particularly bad when Kyler wants to say something to her and he laughs at "how fat" she is. Reader gets upset about it and Eli steps in to tell Kyler off, but he just gets pushed into a set of lockers. Reader, crying and upset, tells him to just fuck off because he's being a total dick. Kyler almost hit her but one of his friends stopped him, explaining to the idiot that he can't hit a pregnant person. Kyler swears he'll get Reader when she isn't pregnant and walks away. Eli doesn't like that at all, so when he witnesses Miguel beat up Kyler, he knows what he has to do.
The first few karate lessons Eli goes to will pan out like they do in the show, but he sticks through it a little tougher because he's thinking about Reader and their baby the whole time. But Johnny does push him over the edge with the lip comments and he leaves, thinking it isn't worth it. He goes home crying and trying to figure out what to do, only to realize that he has to do this and commits to flipping the script and becoming the strong guy he wants to be for Reader and the baby.
After he changes his attitude and hair and is dubbed Hawk, he goes to Reader's house to show her how confident he is now. She answers the door and is shocked to see him. "Eli... what did you do?"
"I flipped the script," he tells her, smirking. "And it's Hawk, now, babe."
He sees the way she's looking at him, a little confused and unsure, so he backtracks a little bit.
"Well, it's Hawk to everyone else... you can still call me Eli," he says and she smiles. That smile is everything to him as she stands there, holding her belly and looking at him as if he's the world. He touches his mohawk and asks, "Do you like it?"
"It's different, and it'll take some getting used to, but yeah. I especially like the color," she giggles and invites him inside. They cuddle and she touches his hair, but it quickly devolves into them making out.
When he competes in the tournament, she's there to cheer him on with her rounding belly and a sign with his name on it. She wrote Hawk on the sign because she thinks of it as more of his "karate name" and continues to call him Eli no matter what. He steals looks at her the whole tournament, thinking she's the cutest person ever as she sits in a dress with her belly. Sometimes when he's not the one fighting, he runs over and gives her a kiss and touches her belly. When he's super excited about winning and tears his gi off, he tosses it to her and she catches it with a laugh. He comes to retrieve it after a moment and sees she's laid the snake emblem on the back over her belly, showing her support to him. He could die happy at that sight.
When his anger really sparks and he dislocates Robby's arm at the tournament, she's shocked and worried. He explains that Robby made fun of him but Reader tells him that that's not a good enough reason to hurt someone. She's so soft and sweet and gentle, and he hears her. He agrees and apologizes, tells her that it won't happen again.
But it does over the summer when he goes after Demetri. She likely finds out from Demetri himself because they're friends, of course they became friends before the karate stuff started when she and Eli started dating. So, she confronts him, telling him, "You can't do that! You can't go around beating up people because they did something you don't like or agree with! I can't be with you if you're going to act like that! For crying out loud, Eli, we're having a baby!"
It gets her so upset and Hawk understands he screwed up. She starts crying and he feels awful because he knows he did that. He apologizes and hugs her, rubbing her back to soothe her. She shouldn't be crying because he did something stupid. He says he's sorry so many times, even when taking her home and cuddling her as they watch a movie. She eventually has to tell him to stop because he's getting a little annoying and he's forgiven, so long as this never ever happens again. She swears to him that if he does something like that again, they're over.
The thing about it is, it doesn't happen again. Kreese can't sink his manipulative fangs into Hawk because Hawk's love for Reader and their baby is stronger than Kreese. So, the rest of the summer goes smoothly.
Until the school fight.
That's when all Hell breaks loose. It's a mess, and pretty much pans out like the show except Reader is on the sidelines begging for someone to do something. She's as big as can be, holding her belly to achieve some sort of relief, as she's watching this shit show play out like a horror movie because she can't believe any of this is happening. She's just in total shock and awe at this mess, but when she sees the opportunity to stop it, she jumps in.
When Miguel has Robby on the ground and lets him go, she rushes over, waddling as fast as she can, to pull him out of the middle of everything. She's a mama to be and has become a bit of the mom of the group. She's pulls Miguel away by his arm and asks him what he was thinking and why this was the solution to anything. Robby still jumps up to attack, but stops when he sees Reader because duh. He'd never go that far, and seeing her makes his anger deflate.
"I mean, come on, this is- uh oh..." she stops midsentence when she feels something warm run down her leg. She looks at Miguel, scared as she remembers what all her mom said, that it'll feel like she peed herself.
Miguel is on high alert at this. "Uh oh? What's uh oh?"
"It feels like I-" she looks down and he does too, seeing the wetness running down her pant legs. "I think I'm having the baby."
Robby, witnessing all this, gets a little freaked out but he still rushes to Reader's other side even though he doesn't know her. However, he's still a good guy and is gonna help the pregnant girl in whatever way he can. The fight and rivalry are forgotten about as he and Miguel help Reader to the stairs and help her down them.
When they come through with her, everything stops and no one can even think about fighting anymore. By the time they're at the end of the stairs, Hawk is coming around the corner and fussing over her. That tough guy exterior is still there but it's a little softer. But if anyone dares to get in his way as he and these two idiots try getting her to his car, he'll bite their heads off.
Needless to say, Hawk is a mess trying to drive her to the hospital because this is sooner than they were expecting. The stress of the school fight caused her to go into early labor and they have nothing they need. The hospital bag should've been put in his car but he kind of forgot to do that, so they don't have it. All they have is some panic and a baby that's on the way no matter if they're ready or not.
At the hospital, after she's hooked up to the monitors and everything, Hawk is by her side the entire time. He pushes her hair out of her face as she lays on her side, just waiting for the time to push. He's apologizing to her about getting into the fight but he was just trying to protect his friends. She tells him she doesn't care about that anymore and just wants to have the baby already because the contractions are killing her. Then she has another contraction, and he lets her squeeze his hand to help her through it. When it's over, she tells him she doesn't want to talk about karate while she's in labor and they talk about other things, like the baby.
It isn't long after that, they have a wiggly little blue-eyed baby girl. She's a heavy little thing, chunky and cute as can be. She's laid on her mama's chest wailing and Reader holds her close, crying happy tears because she's finally here. She gets to hold her baby girl. Then she's taken away to get checked out and cleaned up, then Hawk gets to hold her. She's wrapped up in a warm blanket but she's out in the world and wiggling about, so the wrapping comes loose as he holds her.
He jokes, "She really wanted out."
Reader smiles as she watches, "Yeah, she did."
Hawk will be hard-pressed to let her go, opting to hold her even when she's asleep. He sits back in the reclining chair beside Reader's bed and lets their baby girl sleep on his chest. He watches her sleep, holding her securely to his chest, and silently promises her that he's gonna protect her no matter what. He looks so soft and sweet holding her like that but he has some bruises on his face from the fight. He's arguably scarier and more threatening because he has this cutie to think about and protect, so if you thought he was scary and tough before, people will have a rude awakening if they ever bother her or her mama.
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I could do an alternative to this where he doesn't become Hawk if enough people want that. I'd love to do that.
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argisthebulwark · 2 months
So I'm gonna waltz in here because I'm still brewing bodyguard vilkas and what you think of him? My despiction of him as well is around that, protector who takes his job seriously, first and foremost.
I can picture him pulling out different antics, like HOT ways to protect the dragonborn like pinning them against a wall and use his body as cover from falling objects. But share more of your hcs of him 👉👈
(Waltz off 💃🏻)
YESS omg... i definitely think he'd start off being super professional and taking everything seriously, i feel like he takes everything seriously. he'd be really vigilant. "no, you sleep i'll keep watch" "let me go first just in case there's traps" "stay behind me, i'll protect you" type of dude.
YEAHH god the dragonborn dragging him down in some old ruin in one of the many fetch quests they take. he would be sooo annoyed by fetch quests but at least it breaks up the monotony of clearing out their tenth bandit camp. he spots too late that a trap's been triggered and tackles them. ohhh noo, the big man has them pinned...his nice big body's on theirs and his face is so close when he asks if they're okay.... he sees the dragonborn's cheeks get all pink when they stare up at him, not even trying to remove their wrists from his hands... how awful....
i think he's super intrigued by the dragonborn internally but his introverted ass doesn't know how to ask questions. i'd pair him with a dragonborn who doesn't do well with social cues just for the sillies. he wants to ask questions about them, to get to know them better, but gets tongue tied every time he asks anything more personal than "so what's your last name?"
he'd pick up on little things. he'd note if the dragonborn's left handed or leaves the same opening during a battle and cover them without thinking. he'd notice if they like butter or jam with their breakfast and wordlessly pass it to them. he'd probably like finding little things they share - preferences in how they take their coffee or laughing at the same jokes.
he's used to being perceived as a resource - whether it's for his intelligence or his trustworthiness in battle, i think it's how he'd come to view himself. he trains the new recruits to strengthen the companions, he learns as much as possible to aid Kodlak, he protects the dragonborn because it's what he's told to do - he gives without expecting anything in return. he'd expect the same treatment from the dragonborn until he notices them doing little favors for him or taking him into consideration, asking where he'd like to travel or bandaging his wounds, i think it would throw him off a bit.
i know his ass would be soft for casual intimacy!!! vilkas internally losing his shit when the dragonborn offers to put his hair up or help remove his armor!! he tries to maintain the outward indifference but inside his tummy would be full of butterflies!!! when he finds himself doing the same... when he catches himself wiping dust from their cheek or hands brushing together when they walk too close.... oh it's so over for him.
he'd get so flustered when farkas demands to meet the dragonborn. he picks up on vilkas' feelings so easily he probably realizes his brother's feelings are more than just professional before vilkas does. when he insists on meeting the dragonborn vilkas tries to keep things as professional as possible, which is promptly ruined by farkas the dragonborn giggling about how cranky he gets in the morning.
he would probably hate being dragged to stuffy meetings, but being the last dragonborn's personal bodyguard gave him immunity to make snarky little remarks. he likes bothering the advisors who do nothing but sit and ponder all day, i think he'd view them as inactive in the face of real problems and getting under their skin is his only reprieve from the boredom.
SORRY i rambled so much but omg.......him........
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heartz4jamie · 1 year
scott malkinson general dating hcs? he’s so underrated i heart him sm
[ loving scott malkinson / #OO2 . requested! ]
episode two: jamie's requests
( scott malkinson . gn ! reader )
━━━ 💌 NOTE : ahh I just love scott!! He's one of my fav ( besides butters ) and thank you for request anon! You're my first anon to request, thank you! Sorry if this is short! I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted!! aged up ofc!
━━━━ 🦷 WARNINGS : mention of bullying.
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💌 , since the first time you entered the school, scott was like "🧍‍♂️omg- they're so pretty.. " and he was so surprised when you walked up to him and asked for his number. His friends oo'ed him and smirked towards him. He gave you his number and you winked at him saying you'll call him later. This boy hid his face away from everyone as they congratulate him. "I didn't think you can pull bitches, scott. " "kindly shut the fuck up, clyde. " that's the start of it all! :D
💌 , aww my awkward little baby! Scott is so awkward with pda. The first time you tried to hold his hand, he jerked it away soo fast that you were left wide eye. He noticed you looked sad and held your hand, shaking a bit. When he's holding hands with you, he tries to tell you funny things he did when he was younger, to not focus on your intertwine hands. He loves the affection that you give him, but he especially loves your kisses.
💌 , the first time you kissed him, he whispered "my first kiss.. " ( well, technically, it wasn't his first kissed since he kissed sally from that one episode. But this kissed was filled with real love 🥺 ) and he covered his mouth with a gasp. You found it funny and kissed him whenever he starts to talks bad about himself, 10/10. He nervous about sharing kisses in public but will step out his comfort zone just to kiss you on the cheek. really nervous when you kissed him in front of his friend.
💌 , a few days later into the relationship, scott most likely got comfortable to cuddle you. He loves it sooo much. Imagine, he's like, "babe.. Do you wanna cuddle? uh- I .. had a bad day today, had to deal with people's bullshit and I want someone to hold me 🙁.. " and your like "omg ofc baby 🤭" he loves being big spoon and small spoon. He just feels so safe that he can't help but fall asleep. And if your rambling about random stuff?? Oh he's in heaven.
💌 , not really a jealous boyfriend but will stand his ground. Someone flirting with you in the supermarket? Alright, that's alright.. Stay calm scott. Someone trying to touch you? He's going feral. Being mocked for being diabetic and being made fun of, he's learned to stand his ground and protect his loved ones. He's wrapping his arms around your waist and staring at you lovingly. "Hey babe? Have you found your things? I think I need my insulin..☺" once you two move away from that person, he turned around towards them and sticks his tongue out.
💌 , he lovesss when you bring snacks for him. Like, he's like, "you- you bought me apple juice? aw, thank you, sweetheart..🥺" and you're like, "anything for you baby! 🤗" like you have him on a verge of tears- "really? aw I love you! 🥰" I love this man so much.
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kimdokjas · 5 months
i just finished the first season of link click and what the fuck?? this series is amazing. almost every episode made me cry, and the show just kept getting better and better. sorry to come to your inbox and ramble, but your posts made me want to check out this show and i just wanna say that i appreaciate it <3 i have sooo many feelings haha
what the fuck indeed, i couldn't have said it better myself 😭😭 AHHH jenna i'm so so thrilled to hear you enjoyed it!!! i know exactly what you mean though, i was also a crying mess at the end and i don't think i've fully recovered to this day
love how you described it bc you're so right, it does keep getting better!!! the first season is truly so so dear to my heart because all the emotions are so raw, you know? it's honestly such a masterpiece in show writing with the way it tricks you into thinking it's a fun episodic show and then it's just one punch after another and everything is revealed to be interconnected at the end like it's insane??
i can't wait for you to experience s2!! it has a very different vibe to s1 since it's more linear and action-packed but in a way that doesn't stray far from the show's core, if that makes sense? the animation really stepped up and the storyboarding in some eps felt very experimental and unique which was fun to see! also the music literally never misses as always. just a heads-up bc it can prob feel like a big shift but it's worth it by the end i prommy
also i'd rec watching the shorts before you watch s2 so you get the full experience! they're not really connected plot-wise, but there are several easter eggs from the shorts that you'll miss otherwise and they add so much flavor. don't be deceived by the cute chibi art style and 5 min duration btw bc some of those eps can and will inflict emotional damage like you would not believe
and omg jenna i'm grabbing u by the shoulders. pls don't ever apologize i LOVE hearing your thoughts!!! i'm always 0.2 seconds away from crying about link click at any given time so pls come scream with me about it whenever okay? also i truly can't describe how happy it makes me feel that you watched it bc of my posts, i'm so honored to be able to share this amazing show with you fr 😭💞💞
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voiceofsword · 1 year
I'm gonna set up a little tent in your inbox sorry it's cosy here :)
I still think about this so much like what does he mean by this. The shipper brain in me just sees it as rinniki real but I doubt they had that intention like????
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Also when he and mayoi talk and niki denies seeing rinne as family only to proceed defending him by claiming he's human like everyone else and he's just shown his "total bastard side" to everyone (but niki knows his true side because he trusts him enough. kinda 🏳️‍🌈)
I've just kinda rambled in your inbox but if you wanna add anything (or delete my ask fair lol) feel free ^^
omg why would i delete this u guys know i love any excuse to talk about them
ill put this under a cut bc screenshots, dont wanna clog ppls dashes !!
my shipper brain AGREES and in large part i think its intentional (not romantically? probably. will i see it that way? well 😏) because these two guys find it impossible to be open about how much the other means to them.. and through that weird tsun-ness it becomes obvious that they're both tiptoeing around it, so much so that when they do, it makes it even More apparent to everyone that something is up... but they both think they're very good at hiding it.
i think niki is especially a worse offender of this bc admitting rinne's just as important to him as it is the other way around is an IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE.. like with kohaku there hes like ew rinnes so gross his face makes me sick and not want to eat. hes definitely exaggerating here... what are u overcompensating for. ehem
but niki's love language is literally acts of service, and, well, it's pretty obvious how often he manifests this towards rinne
and in the mayoi conversation you mentioned it's SOOO.. when mayoi mentions that c:b are going to be their coperformers, when niki starts talking about rinne in response, it's almost like.. he's thanking them? bc to him he couldnt care less if they're invited on stage again. but rinne's the first thing he brings up because he knows how much it means to him, and that if anyone deserves a second chance, it's him:
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after mayoi says this, niki goes hell no but regardless his next lines all sound really fond:
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and i think the underlying sentiment here is that niki thinks rinne deserves the world. that even though hes sometimes an asshole, that beneath it all he's still a Good Person, and niki would give anything to make other people see that. it's not an explicit declaration of love but reading between the lines, hes pouring his heart out to mayoi like, hey i really love this guy. and even tho its not put into words, not properly, anyway, mayoi himself can see it
(especially taking into account that immediately afterwards he asks mayoi for a favor (that would benefit rinne, in the end))
just like him regularly feeding rinne (although sometimes rinne doesn't give him a choice — on several instances where rinne comes up to him like 'im hungry make me food', nikis like 'oh i cant Not feed you. youre being annoying but i cant have you be hungry', bc to him that's how he shows he cares, about rinne or about anyone), insisting that he'll go back home with him, and always, without fail, getting roped into his schemes and ending up enjoying it, bc time he spends with rinne is ultimately time spent with his best friend.
so yeah nikis a little 🏳️‍🌈 ur right
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luvring · 6 months
sorry sorry I absolutely LOVE your works and I am SCREAMING AT YOUR THEME AND PROFILE PIC LIKE AAAHHH ??
like omg a fellow Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku fan omg screaming 😞😞 I swear I squealed seeing Christmas version kaoruko as your pfp !! so if you don't mind answering, what's your fav character from it?
(trying to spread rintaro love around here, he's perfect and I love him, and kaoruko, and his friends, and his family, god the whole fucking cast)
OMFG. UGET ME?! YOUUUFBDJGBH kaoruko.. :( she's so cutesie shes just a girl i love her so much... as for fav chara... in general it's kind of rare for me to not have a fave chara + for romances it's always Easily the main girl/couple. but like,, i rlly love everybody so bad. this shit was made for me. but. i think. Ok. I think it'd have to be like... rin + kaoruko >=? rin's family + subaru + natsusawa >? usami yorita madoka etc
>=? is a questionable greater than symbol because they feel quite equal at the end of the day like. Everybody growing and learning to open up and caring for each other no matter the love and warmth the self doubt and blame and forgiveness and acceptance like the friend group is my lockscreen i love them . this is peak nia luvring core bro
i seriously love rin and kaoruko. RIN. i'm so attached to this guy he's perfect he's sooo so sweet and whenever he blames himself for things i feel like throwing up GET BEHIND ME :( he's opened up a lot but he's always been so kind and i'm so happy he's found such great friends 😭😭 ohmgmkdgn. kaoruko. come on. < girl who likes tohru and yuki like let's be serious. she loves her friends so much and works so hard and tries not to worry people but she deserves to be cared for like ohmyfogdopela?!$! also she's soo cutieful i love all her hairstyles and outfits omg. And like.. their relationship is so nice... i love the way it happened and how they want to be better and love each other and get nervous abt compliments and stuff and. oh man. i'm nauseous i love u guys so bad
the mangaka does so well fleshing everyone out and... rin + kaoruko's relationship just feels so genuine and warm i feel like i'm going to explode but really truly Every relationship is soo important. i love the whole cast u don't know how much i just cut out of this answer because i was rambling FSBGJDHBG like i'm going to throw up i just want everyone to be happy...mannn... in a way their problems are similar as young students but they're still distinct and instead of being like Damn another backstory i'm always like YEAAASS!!! like i'm excited to see how they deal w their schools as a group but i'm happy with learning about everyone y'know. GRAHH! i love u kaoru hana wa rin to saku. i wish i knew how to shorten its name. its jpn and eng names r both long i cant breathe
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rinhaler · 7 months
No way omg I read some of your works and I was like this author is sooo good the writing looks a biiit familiar tho
Just found out you’re fuwushiguro lmao!! You used to be (and still are) one of my fav fanfic writers.
Why’d you move blogs btw?
AAAAAA that's so funny what gave it away?? 😩 welcome back though I'm happy to have u :3
also okay I never used to talk about my follow count or anything on my old blog but it was just a bit much mentally for me. I used to beat myself up over not performing well despite my follow count. I actually had over 10k followers on fuwushiguro but like I said, I used to keep that to myself. I just didn't want to be perceived in a certain way because of the amount of followers I have, but it doesn't matter now since I don't live there anymore.
Coming here was just a fresh start for me. I couldn't wrap my head around why so many people were following but I felt so... alone? Like I didn't feel supported at all over there. I worked so hard on my writing and I just hated how poorly everything I posted performed. And I know you're not meant to care about notes or whatever but I did, massively, and my mental health suffered terribly for it because I just blamed myself and my writing for not performing well. It might sound silly, but I can't really put into words how sad it feels to have so many people following you and then ultimately feeling so alone and uncared for.
I know a lot of people deal with this though and it wasn't just me. Everyone here works hard and it is just super upsetting when you work hard and then feel like no one actually cares. I really fell out of love with writing so I just thought, fuck it, I'm going to make a new blog and just keep to myself.
I've recently gone through a friendship breakup which massively knocked my confidence in writing too because the ex-friend, albeit unintentionally, made a choice that just left me hating myself and my writing even more. I've been suffering mentally through that and feeling alone because she was everything to me and my entire days revolved around her pretty much so losing that constant in my life was actually agonising, and unfortunately I do still miss her a lot!
But I've been filling my time with writing again and to be honest it's been lovely. I hate how she handled things and I don't think I will ever get over that. It's been nice to know I don't need to suffer forever though and do have that escape with writing when I need it!
Becoming a smaller blog again has absolutely taken the pressure off everything I write and post, too. It's just really freeing to not have any expectations placed on me (whether that's by myself or other people).
I've made some lovely new friends and am making new memories with people over here and I have a nice little community and safe space here for myself and my followers and I just know it was the best decision I could have made even if it didn't start off in the best way.
Thank you for finding me again though it's really nice to have a mix of old and new followers so I can carry on making this nice little space here :3 thank you for supporting me and my writing, pls take care of yourself my love!
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melanchoise · 3 days
Omg this reminds me I saw your recent thing about private likes on Twitter and I was like omg I think this is that super cool artist who drew a few panels about hyunsung/joonghyuk (I'm still thinking about it because I'm insane) BUT THEN I CLICKED ON YOUR PROFILE AND SAW YOU DID THE OMORI ORV ART AND OOOUGGHHH YOURE SOOO COOL AND TALENTED FOR DOING ALL OF THIS AAAUGGH and I feel like I can't go crazy over that omori orv art to anyone because no one else has that specific overlap anyways sorry for rambling in your inbox your art is so gorgeous as always
aw youre so sweet :) dont worry im very happy there are like-minded people like us haha, and since you mentioned them i just remembered! i need to draw hyunhyuk more <3
thank you so much for the ask you literally made my day wahhh
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cripplemetal · 14 days
Hi! I have a question. I'm a 20 year old woman with fibromyalgia since I was 16, chronic migraines, and hypermobile joints where I roll things and pull muscles, but I've never dislocated anything. I know this might have a long rambling answer (which I love) but I have a couple questions.
1. How do I get better about not complaining about my pain? It's really difficult for me because I'm surrounded by able bodied family and friends, except for my mom who also has fibromyalgia. She's just really good at not saying anything.
2. How do I deal with imposter syndrome or whatever? I constantly feel different, because some days I can just go and it's great and I don't really feel bad the next day. But other times, I can barely walk up the stairs or go to work. Like, I hate that I can function, but not consistently. And every time I have a not great day or a flare up, I feel really bad for asking for help. My friends and family love me and always help, I just feel bad about it.
3. Lastly, do you have any good answers to the question "if you had a chance to have your pain taken away, would you?" because I wouldn't and people are always shocked and I can't explain it.
Thank you so much for answering these and I hope you have a good day!
omg! hi! i'm sorry this will be a long post...
and why would you want to stop complaining? do you actually want that? you have every right to complain and if it bothers anyone it's not your problem. not sure why you feel like you need to shut up about your pain, pain is HELLISH torturing.
and for myself i noticed that i can endure it better if i grunt and whine and complain. i'm sorry if it's not the answer you hoped to receive but i mean... that's my genuine answer-
sameee + sending hugs + did you try gaslighting yourself into abled? :D
like, if you struggle with impostor syndrome which means your mind tries to tell you that you're faking it — if that's true, you should be pretty much able to convince yourself that you're healthy! it doesn't work??? oh i guess you're not abled.........
but seriously, it takes a lot of time, i still struggle. but like. you know. why would an able-bodied person live like this? who would ever choose to talk about pain, visit doctors, use mobility aids, spend days in bed doing nothing and dying from boredom, if they're perfectly healthy?
and having a good friend to be your abled reference (one of my last posts here lol) helps so much. she's here to verify that my experience is FAR from abled.
and if we're trying to take a different approach: what if i'm abled. i'm abled, totally healthy, and sooo bored that i like using mobility aids, lie about my pain and etc etc etc. who suffers from this? no one! who's hurt? no one! you're allowed to do ANYTHING that helps you or just simply brings you joy. of course you're disabled, but while your mind still fights the impostor syndrome — it's okay to think that you're just living you life how you want, because you're allowed. it's okay. you hurt no one.
honestly i might be not the better person for this question because i would... i hate being in pain 24/7 with no pauses at all.
i certainly did witness other people explaining their choice so you can browse and search! i saw something like "disability made me who i am with my unique experience" (NOT A QUOTE, just trying to remember anything). anyway, there's a lot of people like you that you can address with this!
but sometimes, just sometimes, i'm okay with how i am. it's when i enjoy life in some ways, when pain isn't a crucial factor, when my body allows me to experience so many things and be happy, so if it does it even through pain — i'm grateful for this.
tbh i'm not sure i was the best help here, but i'm always open to asks and dms so. you're not alone!
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
YOOOOO that's so cool :00
My first dnd character was a cleric, but that one was premade for me, so the first one i properly played was actually a wood elf ranger lmaooo twinning
And then my 3rd character for a campaign I made was a human college of swords bard
My fav character I made tho (as a guest character) is a water genasi wild magic sorc :))) wild magic is SO MUCH FUN also i just love water vibes sooo rahhhs
I love all my characters tho
(Tho only the cleric campaign ever finished 😭😭 the other two got demolished from covid big rip, one day I'll get back into dnd... one day)
BUT YOOO THATS COOL!! I think i remember u mentioning smth abou the discord rp in an old ask. Feel free to ramble about ur character here !!! I'd love to learn more, that's so cool :000
going through older asks time anyway hi again icy
omg twinning with the elf rangers!!
oooo human college of swords bard sounds like a fun time. I think I technically started making another dnd character at one point for a different campaign that never turned out, but I think she was going to be a tiefling monk? oh well lost ideas...
ooooo a water genasi with wild magic sounds SO fun. I don't know the details of wild magic mechanics that well but from the little I do know it sounds like that would be a lot of fun
ok well. the discord rp thing I was a part of was technically a fandom thing but the people running it very quickly took the plot in their own direction and by the end it was pretty unrecognizable what media it was originally inspired by. but um that's just a disclaimer in case anyone recognizes the format. pls don't snitch. anyway I'm gonna ramble about it under the cut so it will be long I am sorry
anyway! the gist of the game was that all our characters were thrown into a discord server and told we had to participate in trials run by a godlike beings (entities) who liked tormenting people for entertainment and all that jazz. we would have to submit videos of us completing tasks given to us in order to stay alive, and later on could also participate in puzzle games in giant vc calls if we wanted to basically just get extra kudos with the entities.
the rp was mostly done through in character texting, but again we could also film videos for tasks, and could participate in ic vcs. the rp itself was improv, but there was a team of admins who played the entities running the game, while also having characters of their own that participated in the trials as well. these characters had their own larger plot going on, but along with that the admins would work with individual player characters and give each of us our own plotline that connected to the larger story. so actually very similar to how the qsmp works right now, and somewhat similar to how dsmp worked
also fun fact, we had a 3 lives system! and this was july 2020, so, like, we did it before dsmp lol.
every participant was assigned a number, and was only allowed to be referred to by that number in the in game discord server. so while most of our characters technically shared our actual ooc names, I think of my character by her number.
my girl's number was 28. technically this rp game was a sequel to a similar one we'd done way back in 2018, so 28 was a continuation of my character from that. 28 was known as a peacemaker in the group who tried to keep everyone else grounded, but wouldn't take shit from others. she was definitely one of the nicest people in the group, but would call out bullshit if she saw it. when us participants started trying to find ways to plot against the entities running the games, 28 ended up becoming more of a leader-figure in the group along with a few others and tried to keep things between the other participants stable as these death games just got more and more stressful.
these games spanned over the course of nearly 9 months in real time so it's impossible for me to talk about everything that happened, but some highlights include 28 falling in love with another participant (22) and the two of them continuing to date even when 22 started working directly for one of the entities running the tournament while 28 herself was one of the leaders of the rebellion against the entities. communication goes a long way LMAO
later on in the rp a rival entity organization basically hijacked the games and forced all the og entities running it to either hide or become participants themselves. with this rival organization one of the new entities (known as the quarterman) picked out 28 and basically forced her into working for him as a hitman. the change happened over the course of like a month with 28 hearing dimes whisper to her all the time, until her soul got ripped out of her body and put into a dime that she had to keep on her at all times. after this though she could teleport, which was pretty cool!
I loved 28 as a character bc she tried so hard to be kind and keep everyone together but it was such a stressful situation and people got so harsh and bitchy with each other (all in character of course. we'd all have a huge argument and then hop into the ooc server to meme about it). the conflict she had between wanting to help the rebellion while her own gf worked with the 'enemy' was sooo much fun to rp. and of course my lovely friend lisa who played 22 was an amazing rp partner to have. lisa if you're reading this I miss our girls :(
it was just such a fun experience overall. I once had to order some really weird stuff off amazon once to build a fake radiation detector for a task video and my mom straight up thought I was building a bomb 😭 We did in character vcs both for plot but also sometimes we'd just drink and chat ic. the admins I worked with were so lovely and I'm so glad I had that experience bc it taught me so much about how rp games like that work and what style of improv rp I like. fun times :,)
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angeltism · 3 months
OH I WANTED TO ASK!! which fear do you feel like you align with most and which fear do you think you'd fall victim to in tma? For the first one for me, its like the stranger (i love you gay clown aesthetics and also ooooo woah im something thats mimicking what a human is and barely getting it right thats my whole childhood #undiagnosed neurodivergency) and also maybe the web (i associate it with purple which is my favorite color and also i have many issues with control yippee!!) and for the second its a mix of corruption (im squeamish and very bad at handling being sick.) and spiral (my general memory issues make me doubt myself a lot unless i have very concrete proof it happened)
sorry for getting personal in my tma rambling its inevitable ueoeneowhsiwbsiheie <- silly
personally I rlly love the buried (weighted blankets are comfortable, I teeter oddly between finding comfort in enclosed tiny spaces and hating them, I have a few past experiences with feeling "trapped" in situations sooo yea) and the eye (knowing things is so yummy in a way I cannot describe I need to know things I love knowing things I love knowing things so much).
um um because I'm not toooo far in I don't really know much about what could make me more likely to fall victim to one.. but the buried could probably have a good chance at getting me bc past experiences with being "trapped" in a situation that ended up being Unpleasant and my lingering fear of it happening again. oh and maybe the lonely because I'm like, terrified of being alone and especially of being abandoned. terrifying stuff. but um um yeah those two probablyyy ?
and again IT'S TOTALLY OK I LOVE TALKING ABT STUFF AND HEARING ABT STUFF !! rambling is fun and reading rambles is fun so like. don't worry this was rlly interesting to think abt YAAYAYAYAYA :3
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STEPH!!! hi!!!!
*even more hugs because we all deserve more hugs!*
sooo you seemed interested in my babbling and my book recs so here i am 🙃🐢 hope you don't mind...
i just finished reading "another day" which is basically "every day" by david levithan but from the GIRL's view! i swear this author just keeps stealing my heart-
it's sooo interesting and fascinating and the writing style 😩 *chef's kiss* if i could i would marry it seriously- i read this one on my kindle and i highlighted every second paragraph i feel like xD
Rhiannon falls so hard for A and you never realize until you read another day!!! it's so cool... and A suddenly realizes how much they are missing from having to switch bodies (tho there are advantages of course)
(i'm suddenly thinking of all these people that follow you and are super confused what this weird turtle is talking about... lemme throw in an apology abou that - sorry turtles!)
anygays it was awesome (apparently i have read it but i had no memory if it lmao) and i discovered there is a THIRD BOOK WHICH CONTINUES THEIR STORY!!!!
gaaaahhhh i'm so excited for it!!!
i'll decide if i will write a johnlock AU after reading that book (it's called "some day") but it would be a fun project!!! even though i am not sure how to write this in my own style and ig it would be giant but i am so hooked omg!
PS: i probably just should have reblogged one of the other posts... oops. sorry about the inconvenience!
PPS: it's 2:45am where i live and i am like staaarving and it takes SO MUCH willpower to not just start the next (and last 😭) book... (okay i already got a sneak peek but still!!) yk when you're just so entranced by a book/story/universe you wanna keep reading forever but also can't wait to get to the end?? my gosh readers are poor creatures..
PPPS: omg i am so sorry this got so long!!! i'll stop now! hope you're okay/doing better! you are awesome!
all the love and much more (flowers? chocolate?)
-turtely 🐢
(following up on this post)
Listen, I love when all of y'all come here to ramble and be excited! It makes me very happy to know when Lovelies are happy, and it's comforting to know other people have hyperfixations like me, y'know?? I think it's amazing!
Wow, that book series sounds SO amazing!! I hope you write an AU for it, I think it will be awesome!!!!
And don't apologize, I usually miss reblogs until it comes back through my queue, so it would have been another month LOL. Sending another ask is fine HAHAH!
AND GO TO BED!!!! You're so silly!
And I'm doing okay, just very tired and very stressed, and looking forward to the long weekend coming up in a few weeks, since I booked a day off and we have Monday as a stat day, LOL.
Thank you so much for sending me this ask, it always makes me smile :) AND THANK YOU FOR THE HUGS!! I am so starved for affection and human touch, LOL.
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ppangjae · 8 months
omg hi akskkskjskskks how have you been, alex? sooo, i've re read ALL of your works for the 127th time in the last three days, as the mentally insane person that i am aaaand i found it cute that you've inserted cute lil things like ice cream (ah yes the good old pistachio and cookies & cream), long eyelashes, jungwoo being the best cupid (and a few like that but honestly i can't even remember rn TT i was giggling while listing out all of those lil things @ 3 am last night tho) have a as snippets in almost all your works TT
nostalgia hit hard when i was reading the older fics 🥲 i can't quite remember but the first one that i've read of yours was either planet girl/seven letters, and you've written alot of masterpieces since then and i'm so proud of you TT you're my favorite writer in the whole damn universe ngl (that was cheesy but i mean it) aaaand ily akskkakalakjska do you have any book recommendations?? i'm aching to find good books but the modern romance books that i've come across make me feel like i hate romance (when i'm a literally a hopeless romantic) 😩
aaaand i really hope that you're doing great! (would love to hear about what's going on in your life cause i'm nosy) and how's your dog (...i forgot his name but what i didn't forgot is, how cute he was! i feel like the name starts with m...) and sorry for going on and on 🤡 i just felt like it wouldn't be fair not rambling about how much i love your works after re reading all of those masterpieces. have a good day!
hi love! i've been doing well! just super busy with life lol how have you been?
yes i love having cute little details. i'm not sure why but i always pick jungwoo as the cupid—there's just something about him that's giving cupid or like the matchmaker friend kjsdhdf and yes! jaehyun's long eyelashes! they are honestly my favourite little thing about him.
hehe yeah, i read my old fics from time to time. it was the time during covid and i had nothing to do with all the free time i had jkshfdf honestly, i look back and reminisce those times because i was so motivated and i was always writing when i had the time. but nowadays i've been struggling to find the time to write, which is kind of sad lol because there are so many ideas i have occupying my brain but i just don't have the time to sit down and write it :(
book recommendations! i haven't been reading lately but my all time favourite romance books are from emily henry hehe 'people we meet on vacation' is hands down my favourite romance book I WOULD HONESTLY RE-READ IT that's just how much i love it
and my dog! you remembered! his name is maui hehe, he turned three last month! he's a spoiled kid because my parents and i love him so much lol.
in regards to what's going on in my life, there's not much LOL. my boyfriend and i are reaching our first anniversary next month! i'm super happy and excited.. i already got my gifts for him :') also it's weird how we're only reaching one year of being together when we've known of and danced around each other for years (literally since i was still in high school.. but that's another story for next time if you're interested lol) but that's my life update! lol my life is so boring sjkdhf
thank you for dropping by love! i love getting asks from yall because i genuinely love catching up and seeing if everyone's keeping well hehe
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youremyheaven · 8 months
I’ve been so stuck on what my kibbe ID was for so long to the point where I basically gave up, but after I saw the first pic of Barbara in your post it was like something just clicked. I had never seen anyone with a body that similar to mine before (although given, her waist is a little more snatched than mine, but that’s most likely a weight thing lmao).
I always crossed off being a yang dominant in my mind bc I’m reasonably fleshy and my bust breaks my line of body, but I never really felt like I fit in with the yin dominants.
Anyways, my point is, thank you so much!!! I have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel and can be free😭😭
Love to see what you will post in the future 💕💕
Omg 🥺this made me so happy 💛I'm glad my posts are helpful to others💛💛
Honestly SDs are sooo under typed because of their ultra glamorous image. But in reality SD is a far more common type than most people would like to believe.
Mae West was 5'1 and an SD. Beyonce is 5'7 and a pure R. So while height matters when typing, there are always exceptions. I feel like many average height gals (5'4-5'6) resist being typed as SD because they don't feel tall enough. A lot of people have facial features that give them other essences so they don't feel like they belong with other verified SDs. Others don't feel curvy enough. But one thing we've to remember is that in the real world not many women are going to have waspish tiny waists, usually a well defined waist is smaller than the bust & hips but it need not be teeny tiny ifykwim 😤 same goes for bust or hips. You don't have to have Christina Hendricks looking curves to be an SD. Human beings come in all different shapes and sizes and it's important to consider the individual and their features when typing 🦋
Sorry for my ramble 😭it's just that I hate seeing gals online struggle with typing others and themselves because social media has warped their understanding of what a normal body looks like
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axreliono · 10 months
5, 7, 14, 21
TY @ashlingiswriting FOR THE ASK MWAH oh boy i love talking abt my wip
5 - "Are there any OCs in this fic? Who's your favourite?"
OHHHHH yes there are !!!! we have kaneko (he's in the next chapter to be released i believe) and he's Evil. cant go into more detail than that rn. we also have NED OH I LOVE NED he's a violent droid what a little guy. he's probs my fav. i think there r a few more but they're not super relevant so its ok.
7 - "What is your favourite scene that you have written so far?"
ogh wait lemme look. OK SO. either
-the balcony scene in chapter 6 where kiyoomi and atsumu r being close n stuff and its cute and i think p well written <3
-OR !!!!!!!the tendou scene in chapter 10 its so fucking funny and also he's terrifying. mish helped me design his outfit. its also p pivotal
-ORRRRR final option the meeting matsuhana scene in ch12. they're so fucking stupid i love them so bad.
i also wrote a scene of kiyoomi fixing an atsumu injury in ch15 recently which was SO FUN they're so repressed god
also just the entire of chapter 1. ok this was not One scene was it.
the one scene of those i pick from these is the balcony scene. fuck it. its described p well i think and its cute.
14 - "What have you been finding frustrating with writing this chapter/fic?"
Bro the fucking pov switch in this chapter is hell i don't know how to make them blend. in the fic overall i think its getting it to not feel like a book of loosely connected side quests with an occasionally mentioned overall plot. I'm working on it 💪
21 - "Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic."
sooo i actually have a fic playlist (GO LISTEN!!) bUT if i had to pick 3. hm.
-starlight by muse (title was almost based on this)
-if i were you by nothing but thieves (sounds like a movie soundtrack cmon)
-love from the other side by fob (fits v well)
thank you so very much for these asks they were so so fun!!!and so sorry for the rambling LOL
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