#omg her and zag both no
thek0dy · 2 years
h a d e s i i
am very excited guys
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
Happy Holidays! I hope yours are peaceful and joyous.
I would do dastardly things for more identity/porn/gender-is-a-side-dish WWX like the Lady MO story (omg or time travel!!!), but I also love love love your story about Zag and the Prince's court and him helping people 😍 (living blood?). And I also want to read more of FMA Ed in the desert evacuating people (?) and Roy expecting him to be a monster. Ugh and I was just going back through your masterlist and forgot about the series about Godric, but I can't find the name and don't want to run out of time!!! If the untamed still sparks joy, I would love to read a continuation of one of those stories!! If not... dealers choice? Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4
Salazar hasn't had much interaction with the Ravenclaws. His father considers them to be old fashioned, which is the nicest way he's ever called someone poor. Salazar doesn't think the family is particularly poor, even for their status, except perhaps in relation to the level of wealth that marrying his mother gave his father access to.
Or it could be the way certain members of that family never seem to quite manage to give his mother the respect she deserves. Salazar isn't particularly inclined to judge the lot of them based on the actions of a few, but that's not a trait that he got from either of his parents.
Rowena could go either way, considering she's burst down their door and is looking to curse his best friend inside out for the great sin of giving in to his mother's desire to arrange his marriage.
As if he could have stopped her. Salazar wouldn't cross Lady Gryffindor for all the gold in his vault. Godric does it occasionally, as he is the favored son, but certainly not over something like his marriage.
He can tell by Helga's grin that she's far less wary of Rowena, but that's probably because she's delighted when someone manages to take Godric down in a fight. She's disinclined to do it herself unless he really irritates her - beating respect into him is apparently not sustainable.
Personally, Salazar has found it the quickest way to get Godric's head of his ass, but playing mediator between Godric and Helga just ends up with the both of them pissed at him. He's learned to leave them to it.
"Slytherin," Rowena says slowly and Salazar tenses, readying himself for a comment about his father and his choices, then she says, "You've been traveling with him. You know where he is then?"
If anything, Godric's been traveling with him. There are idiots looking to die on his friend's sword everywhere and the books he and Helga are hunting down are significantly harder to find.
"He's at the tournament now," Helga says. Salazar rolls his eyes. "You can probably petition to swap in for his next opponent if you have a personal grievance."
Rowena's eyes narrow. At him, for some reason, even though he hasn't even said anything. "I thought you were his second?"
"I am," he says, then waits for the comment about his scholarly reputation and lack of public duels.
"He's at the tournament," she says slowly, "and you're here."
Salazar tries to think of a way to put this delicately.
"Have you seen the idiots that live around here?" Helga scoffs. "He's not going to need a second. Frankly, he could win with only using his wand or his sword. Subjecting them to both almost seems cruel."
Ah, Helga. A lack of growing up among nobility has left her with all the subtlety of a curse between the eyes.
He wishes he didn't find it endearing, but he wouldn't get along so well with Godric or Helga otherwise.
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ancientpersacom · 7 days
What if,,, when the house of hades fell, when Zagreus was about to be swept away to wherever he was going to be taken,,, Hypnos pulled him into the eternal slumber too. It was all so fast and last second that Hecate grabbed both of them, now comatose and fled.
So,, Zagreus and Hypnos lay dormant and sleep in the crossroads, Melione grows up SEEING her brother but never being able to actually talk to him because he’s asleep. He and Hypnos just lay in that hammock cuddled up together, and Mel can tell that clearly they’re extremely special to each other because Hypnos’ first thought was ‘Zag comes with me, he escapes with me’ and they sleep cuddled together, never leaving each others arms.
And somewhere in the dream realm, where they’re able to interact, at first Zagreus is mad because he wanted to stay and protect the house and his family. But then when he realises his baby sister would never get to even see him her whole life if he stayed, and that Hypnos acted on impulse out of love for him, he turns to feeling somehow grateful that he’s in the eternal sleep. Because at least his sister can SEE him. At least he knows his body is safe and when he wakes up he can help Mel. And he has Hypnos. For years when they’re stuck in that sleep together, they can finally take the time to simply be. Just sit in the dreamscape, enjoy life. Process things. Maybe even have some dream kids (Morpheus cough cough).
When they finally do wake up, Zagreus can help his sister take back the house and save their parents. Hypnos can offer a keepsake to help them out too, and eventually bring the kids back and fourth from the dreamscape to the physical world. When all is good again, and the families are all back together, Persephone and Nyx get grandkids out of it as a bonus to the family reunion. Poor Persephone may not have had the chance to raise either of her kids but she can at least help with her grandkids.
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someonewhos-world · 1 year
Omg did I tell yall that Zag has two little brothers that are twins.
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Jett and Jack! Jett has a prosthetic leg and Jack is blind. This is cause of a car crash that happened when they were young and Zag experienced too. They have back issues. But the twins are silly!!! They love Zag sm and I imagine when they're 16 and Zag is 19,They also compete in RR! It's a whole thing of Zag yelling at them to be careful. Despite Jack's blindness, his other senses are heightened and he has Jett pulling and helping him.
They got to meet Noah and Owen when on RR and Jett seemed to like Noah meanwhile Jack adored Owen. They both seem to tolerate them over team Sisters though. Probably because their team names is Brothers. Or maybe because Jack just doesnt like Emma for some reason, Jett doesnt know. He just knows that Jack seems uncomfortable around her.
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rhetoricandlogic · 2 years
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Stars Uncharted - S.K. Dunstall
Reviewed December 12, 2018.
You all might remember how I raved about the Linesman series of books two years ago (OMG, HAS IT REALLY BEEN THAT LONG ALREADY?). That series from sister act S.K. Dunstall literally reinvigorated my flagging love of space opera, no word of a lie. Go read my reviews for more on that.
Stars Uncharted is a new offering in a new universe, and it too is brilliant in so many ways. Far more ensemble in its casting, Dunstall in this case follows two main protagonists: Nika Rik Terri is a skilled body modder (one of the best of the best) who suddenly has to go on the run from some bad dudes; Josune Arriola is living under an assumed identity after the exploration ship she has lived on for years is destroyed. Their stories intersect quickly and forcefully as they and their newfound allies try to escape from a corporation that needs to silence them, quickly, for the information they couldn’t help but find.
Lots of really cool worldbuilding happening here. As with their previous series, Dunstall has a knack for giving us just enough exposition to help without bogging us down. This is a galaxy run by corporations rather than governments. Nullspace (like hyperspace, I guess) is the main way of jumping around systems, but it’s a touchy technology that requires calibration. Modding one’s body is commonplace enough, if one can afford it, but it too has elements of art in addition to science. And resources remain king: the main plot McGuffin is about finding the location of “Goberling’s lode”, a source of transuranic elements.
Dunstall knows how to open a book with a bang. They waste little time setting anything up. In the case of both viewpoint characters, things go wrong pretty quickly, and from that point out, they have little opportunity to rest or regroup. This works well for almost the entire book. Plans and allegiances shift frequently. I admire that Dunstall isn’t afraid to set something up only for it to go awry, turn pear-shaped, and turn out entirely differently. Less confident or less experienced authors will often create a much more linear plot. Instead, Dunstall is happy to make us think the characters will zig one way, until a new wrinkle gets introduced and they zag instead.
I say this works well for “almost” the entire book because—here’s where you have to lean close while I whisper my dirty fan-boy secret opinion—I’m not a huge fan of this ending. Specifically, at some point around chapter 30 or so, the pacing just went bananas. Too many things began happening at once, too many characters cycling around, people being captured and then being released and then … yeah. Just a lot to keep track of, at least for me, and the book overall felt like it had lost some of the focus it had in the earlier parts of the story. Moreover, I had long ago figured out the twist around Roystan’s identity, and I was just kind of impatient for Nika to figure it out and then reveal it to the others.
Similarly, other elements of Stars Uncharted felt somewhat repetitive or could have been tweaked, in my opinion. The dramatic irony of Snow not knowing Nika’s true identity (it is so obvious, dude), while he keeps mentioning her name, gets old fast. Same with the constant warnings that Josune or Roystan or whoever needs to get into a modding tank ASAP, only for this to get drawn out far longer than it probably should be. At some point, I just found myself wishing for the end … and that’s never something I like in a novel.
Keep in mind, too, that I started this book with high expectations and overall it met them from page one. I curled up on my couch under a blanket on a Saturday night and read the entire first half of Stars Uncharted then and there in one sitting, because I was excited and, more importantly, it was good. It was like a drug, which is my favourite experience when reading a book.
Also, don’t think that just because the ending let me down somewhat, I didn’t enjoy the book overall. I loved most of the characters and their relationships. In particular, I think Nika was my favourite. I liked how she had to set aside a lot of her comforts and her habits in order to make do with this new, imperfect life she was living on the run. Perhaps some of my frustration with the pacing at the end is that, for the reasons of plot and conflict, we never had enough time for these characters to breathe and expand as much as I would like. I think I wanted a bit more “calm before the storm” than Dunstall ever manages to provide … it reminds me of Serenity, which, while an incredible science-fiction movie when viewed as a standalone, is a disappointing Firefly story, if that makes any sense (but that’s a whole other essay).
In the end, Stars Uncharted doesn’t do it for me the way Linesman and its sequels did. There isn’t that same mystery that the alien ship in the Linesman series offers us. The resolution isn’t as good for me. But this is all kind of like saying that the chocolate ice cream isn’t as satisfying as the locally-made chocolate caramel gelato I have in my freezer. It’s still chocolate ice cream, after all.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World Shanghai: The Legend of Lady Dragon
Spoilers below.
-OH some lore!
-Wow for Shifu, his students got bought out.
-She got robbed. So she failed badly
-Like the intro to this. Damn its crisp
-So Marinette is living her best life right now. Love that ladybug and chat noir bonding.
-Marinette gotta deliver a gift to the post office for her uncle.
-Marinetter got a lot of information on Adrien, some of which I'm question means of which she acquired. XD
-So Marinette realized she could use the gift delivery as a chance to maybe meet up with Adrien. That isn't really that bad. Its actually really clever.
-Gorilla is best boy.
-Adrien just wants to spend time with his dad. F*** YOU Gabriel.
-Oh damn! Gabriel has the Prodigious! And apparently its more powerful than the miraculous? WTF. Nooru knows about this
-Gabriel of course sucks and won't listen. Because Gabriel is a desperate whore.
-what do you MEAN 15 years ago? Gabriel how deep is this evil hole
-Marinette honey no, I love her. but wow. Her parents are so happy tho.
-Marinette's parents are the best. STOP SALTING THEM.
-Her uncle is so happy to see her.
-I love The uncle.
-Gabriel is such a jerk. Adrien just wants to spend time with him.
-Oh wow the restaurant looks great.
-SABINE'S REAL NAME IS XIA PING! I am so happy to know this!
-He is making good points. She could get lost.
-Marinette tracking him. also Kwami speak all languages. Neat
-I just realized... did neither ladybug or chat noir tell each other that they are out of Paris?
-Adrien out with his dad (Gorilla) for walk is precious.
-Oh Gabriel being a jerk. what else is new?
-How does Gabriel know about this all? I am so confused.
-Fei is back. She is strong. Also She is a kind person.
-Oh no... she is actually trying to rob people.
-Oh she can disguise herself.
-PLAGG is still Plagg. I missed seeing plagg.
- So if Marinette had stayed at the restaurant and chilled with her uncle. ADRIEN WOULD HAVE SHOWED UP. This is what happens when you are TOO THIRSTY!
-Marinette found him.
-and Fei just robbed her. Like HOW DID MARINETTE GET ROBBED SO EASILY?! Marinette is confirmed easy mark.
-Marinette she just robbed her don't help her
-and marinette just realized she is LOST IN SHANGHAI!
-Oh damn Fei is kicks butt.
-Adrien is so happy Marinette is in Shanghai! Thats so sweet. The Uncle ships it. The Bird ships it.
-Adrien you are a sweet bean. But I want to sock you for calling her just a friend.
-HOLD UP, HOW CAN GORILLA HAVE AN EAGLE action figure. Isn't this special suppose to take place between season 2 and 3? I am so confused.
-Marinette is lost, and she is lost.
-Adrien just confirmed she is always late.
-The old lady trying to help. Thats so nice.
-Fei, that guy is the d-bag that screwed over your adoptive dad!
-Guy is such a d-bag
-So Fei was being a jerk.
-Oh they are trying to return the necklace.
-Oh Fei speaks French, how convenient
-Fei feels guilty. GOOD
-Goriila is a bean.
-Chat noir transformation remix! Nice.
-They are making the police efficient here.
-Well Fei is gonna keep feeling guilty about this.
-Chat noir making Parisian heroes look good.
-Fei is gonna feel super guilty about this.
-They found the earrings.
-Fei is pissed.
-Tikki found Marinette.
-Fei got fast hands
-Fei redemption arc now.
-Fei gonna fight them.
-THE GUYS FROM EARLIER!? They are great.
-Chat noir calling ladybug out of concern for marinette. So cute.
-Gabriel is such an a**hole. He remembered Marinette but not his own son.
-Fei revealing origins now. Oh damn.
-The guy is the one who ruined everything.
-Liar revealed. What a shock (not)
-So this guy is gonna be akumatized. Well he is a jerk. Gabriel knows how to pick em.
-King Money?! NICE NAME.
-Oh damn King Money looks boss as heck.
-Ladybug is finally here.
-I saw that sigh. You love your kitty Ladybug.
-That ladynoir is so strong.
-Fei is pretty boss.
-I love that vault. The cave looks sweet.
-The guy realized it, kind of a smart man.
-What was Hawkmoth planning for 15 years?!
-Oh damn that power! Oh snap.
-The dragon guard look sick.
-Hawkmoth pulling a baller move with that. Like "B**** I aint fighting your guardian."
-Ladybug on the scene.
-Fei unlocked the power.
-WOW LADY DRAGON LOOKS REALLY COOL. And the Renlings looks kind of cool. Prodigious seems interesting.
-Renlings, the spirits of Human values. And, most of them look better than the Kwami, except plagg. Plagg is the best.
-Oh wow so they have neat requirements.
-Only noble people can use the dragon.
-Revenge aint noble
-This akuma maybe one of the best ones yet.
-HAWKMOTH GOT THANOSED. So Hawkmoth cares instantly loses. XD
-"Is that good news or bad news?" Chat noir, you are right. But thats your dad
-Ladybug and Chat noir getting their butt kicked.
-Fei also getting wrecked.
-Zag confirmed furry
-Fei just left them high and dry.
-And Chat noir is dead! ANGST.
-Ladybug gonna talk some sense into her.
-The mascara smeared. Thats real sadness.
-Cue power of friendship talk.
-Fei saves her with the power of friendship.
-dragon v. dragon fight!
-Oh I like this lucky charm.
- Yaloshi is his name now? (these subs are confusing)
-Oh snap, the power of team work! And fighting in the belly of the beast.
-They tied up the guy.
-Fei should have killed the guy.
-Meishi is adorable.
-Oh fei, marinette AND Adrien are celebrating his birthday. Thats cute.
-They BOTH SAID IT! I Cant even! (also I see you Adrien, you aint slick)
-The boys crushing on Fei.
-Adrien has such soft looks for Marinette.
So overall. The beginning was a tiny bit cringe, but not as bad as the trailer made it out to be.
I really liked Fei. She grows on ya. And I liked Lady dragon. I liked the renlings
I will say it is a better special in terms of Lore and plot than the NY special. It was lacking in the love square interactions that I wanted. But they were still cute when they had them. I do think there are a few plot holes, like Eagle being an action figure. WHEN DID THIS SPECIAL TAKE PLACE. (Edit, found out it was an animation error, NVM)
Also, now the elephant in the room? Was the special racist?
The answer is, no.
It wasn't racist, so we can all calm down about it?
So I give it an 8/10
The lore being my favorite parts.
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deathonholiday · 4 years
Idea that during the Greek festival where the dead and Keres from the Underworld can roam the surface, Zag is also freed from the Underworld constraint? And since the Underworld doesn't house the dead during that time, Than also gets to take a break. Zag and Than getting their mini date on the surface for 3 days
(The festival took part over three days, from the 11th-13th of the month of Anthesterion)
I honestly just want a scene of Zag and Than dancing in the village square mingling with the humans lol.
Maybe the year after Zag defeated Hades and is actually allowed outside on the surface, Persephone actually brings it up to Zag? Tells him that he can try going to the surface at that time. The binding between him and the Underworld should lessen. (Omg it's an entire family outing. Persephone takes her two men out with her on the surface. Zag later peels off from his parents so they can get some quality time while he goes on his own little date with Than).
That Tangled scene with the lake and lanterns. That would be soooo romantic.
I can see the two spend the night on the lake. Zag lying on top of Than in the boat. After the lanterns are gone, there are stars in the sky. For once, Zag and Than can spend some leisure time together without worrying about obligations. ACTUAL slow, lazy kisses until they both fall asleep. (Don't need to care about the cold when your bf is an actual heater)
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don-quixotine · 3 years
marichat lives malnourished but at least ladynoir eats like a king
Reactions to ML World Shanghai, let’s GOOOO
my French is spreading thinner by the day :D so again. disclaimer, take it with a pinch of salt
So, it’s the beginning of summer vacation and the class is having a picnic, we’ve been knew. 
Intro by Marinette goes something like “the vacations begin and so they do for Chat Noir and me.” Then either a) she says Hawkmoth also takes vacation because there’s less akumatizations but there’s still people to help or b) That Hawkmoth takes no vacation and she wonders what would vacation even be like for Hawkmoth anyway. 
You just KNOW that boy didn’t shut about it to Plagg for the next week or so
Imagine him all gushy and blushing and akfahgkal 
owww Marinette’s uncle cleared his schedule even though he’s busy with the restaurant because he wanted to spend time with her  🥺
Uncle Cheng says something about it being the first visit from Marinette since Sabine left for France?? something like that
Marinette points out that Uncle Cheng’s French has improved a lot since the last time they met anD HE SAYS IT’S BECAUSE HE’S BEEN WORKING HARD SO HE CAN COMMUNICATE WITH HER BETTER  🥺 🥺 🥺
The Chengs have a traditional song???
Adrien wants to go sightseeing with his dad  🥺
“yeah yeah but first I have to finish up the details for tomorrow’s inauguration”
go fuck yourself gabriel
Also Fei being a complete badasss WE STAN. Girl could work as a private eye i swear to god
Plagg doing the most for the love square since day 1 omg hahah
When Adrien meets uncle Cheng: “sHe’s JuST A frIEND” 
fun game, take a shot every time he says that :)))
Marinette’s struggle to communicate with the local people. And everyone being super helpful???  ❤️
Marinette just being cute and friendly and encouraging with Fei even though she just met her  🥺
Adrien speaking Chinese at every oportunityyyy 
“This city is so big, I’ll never be able to do this alone... OH!” CHAT IMMEDIATELY CALLS HIS LADY I-
Gabriel listening in on Fei and Marinette’s conversation??? The fact that Ladybug showed up after Marinette is nowhere to be found?? GABRIEL IS LUCKILY AS BLIND AS HIS SON I SWEAR. 
just leave me. leave me here bury me already.
lol the way Ladybug wiped the floor with Hawkmothhhh
Gabriel showing 0.0039 seconds of remorse when he sees the Akuma is headed for Shanghai and Adrien is there??? like? shut the fuck up Gabriel?? YOU did this
And the fact this was the first Akuma that didn’t listen to him AT ALL.
lol get fucking wrecked gabriel, said the akuma
“O....kay? Is this good news or bad news?” Chat @ Hawkmoth being literally thanos’ed by the akuma
for you my boy? both. they are both. 
So the guy from the shop was responsible for Fei’s father’s death. And the reason why she flakes out in the akuma battle is because she feels she’s not worthy of the Prodigious, and because her father would be ashamed of what she has become 
:((( bebe no 
Chat Noir after defeating the akuma “I still have to find Marinette”
That was the extent of the marichat y’all. that. that was it.  🤡
Ahahaha so that last awkward ladynoir conversation was them trying to shake each other from their tail and Chat was like “So... we meet back in Paris?/Should we go back to Paris together now?” And LB was like “If you insist heh.” Then Chat said something like, “Oh! Which way do you think it’s faster? Through the Pacific or the Atlantic?” and then Ladybug says, “What an interesting question!  I have no way of answering that! “Tell you what. We can try it and next time we meet we can compare our times!” “What a great idea, Chaton! So I go this way.” “And I go this way!” :D 
Then, back at the restaurant, it’s Uncle Cheng’s birthday and it’s the first time he celebrates it and he goes like “And I’m happy I got to celebrate it with you and your boyfriend, Marinette”
“He/She’s jUst A FriEND”  😃 😃 😃
i swear to god you two smh
Adrien offering to tutor Marinette on Chinese when they go back to Parisssss
And the cherry at the top of the pie: The Soft Look 
And Zag really said LET MARICHAT STARVE  🤡 🤡
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
(Shanghai-related asks)
Anonymous said:
Did you see how, supposedly, the reason Marinette goes to Shanghai is bc Adrien is there. Because you know, that's a totally normal thing to do.
You know, there’s this suspension of disbelief where characters are allowed to do certain things that you’re like, “okay that’s not realistic but it’s fun so I don’t mind.”
Yeah, this is not fun.
Anonymous said:
Based on the new trailer for the Shanghai special, one of my biggest fears is that we won't see Marinette interacting with Sabine's family outside of Uncle Wang, even Sabine is nowhere to be seen in the trailer, please ZAG at least give us one of Sabine's parents, we're starving
I’m still rolling my eyes that there’s not one piece of dialog with Sabine talking about stuff related to her family, though her cheongsam is also flipped so--
Anonymous said:
Synopsis for the Shanghai Special: To join Adrien in Shanghai, Marinette is going to visit her uncle Wang who is celebrating his anniversary. But, as soon as she arrives in China, her purse gets stolen with Tikki inside, whom she needs to secretly transform into Ladybug! Without money and alone in the immense city, Marinette accepts the help of a young and resourceful girl, Fei. The two girls will ally and discover the existence of a new magical jewel, the Prodigious. Hawk Moth, also also present in Shanghai, seeks to finding it since a long time... Yea, cause Marinette still hasn’t suffered enough :p
mAriNEtTe mAkeS a mIsTakE iN eVeRY sToRY
Anonymous said:
As someone of Chinese descent, I felt extremely bothered by how miniscule the boy's , the one on the right (?) taking a picture with Adrien, eyes were when I saw the Shanghai trailer. It feels extremely... stereotypical? Not sure if that's the right word. I mean, he could just be squinting, but it still bothers me. Especially if that's their normal eye shape.
I heard similar complaints when Kagami arrived. They really stress the eye shape when it comes to someone full-on Asian (and if you’re half-Asian then you get wholly round eyes which makes no sense). It also gets weird because I feel like we have characters in the show who could pass for Asian (Mireille at least has the proper eye shape without it being over-exaggerated; I don’t remember if her skin tone is correct or not), but when characters are actually Asian, it’s usually taken to the exaggeration.
My sympathy goes out to everyone of Chinese descent who’s going to have to deal with the special. I’m literally a mish-mash of whiteness (American, French, and German) but even I know it must suck.
Anonymous said:
im tempted to watch the Shanghi special with my family, we're part chinese and have been to shanghi a few times. Then we can laugh and yell at it together, no need for show context
As long as you have fun! Give it a good roast for me!
Anonymous said:
Excuse my french (pun intended) but
Also the writers wanting to make sure you don’t forget that Adrien is a guy who exists.
Anonymous said:
Hi, Clarity! If you don't mind me asking, do you have any thoughts on the upcoming Shanghai special based on the information and trailers we have?
When I found out that Marinette was spending time with her great-uncle Wang, I was so excited. I was hoping that this special will be a breath of fresh air and spontaneously focus just on Marinette and her family for once. Maybe we'd explore Marinette's Chinese heritiage and learn more about her mother, Sabine and extended maternal family.
Then I saw Gabriel in which I eye-rolled 180* like any degree of character development. Like... great... more needless Miraculous lore/exposition. (Can we even call it exposition? I doubt any of the Miraculous-related events will be referenced within the show.) Whilst Miraculous lore is great and does expand our knowledge on the Miraculous, it steals any individual focus that Marinette could potentially have. It also tends to "hands everything" to Hawk Moth, who gets almost everything done his way without him even trying. Hmm, I guess as Shadow Moth, he won't have to use Mayura as his catslyst anymore. He'll have to ruffle his own feathers. (I don't know why I'm making a bird joke about Gabriel here. I hate him snd I couldn't care less about him.)
Also by reading the special's synopsis, it mentions that Adrien and Gabriel go to China for an unknown reason (maybe business related.) So Marinette decides to go to spend time with him (also spend time with Wang concurrently.) This might be a minor issue but I don't want Adrien to always be the centre focus of Marinette's motivations/desires. (He isn't always but I feel he is more than he should be.) Let our beautiful amazing girl just have an amazing time with her family in China. The writers need to stop Adrien being an integral part of Marinette's character. This special should be about Marinette (along with her family) and them solely.
Moreover, I'm worried that Marinette will imminently be embarassed/scolded/humiliated in some way. The synopsis mentions that she loses her bag (that contains Tikki.) Inevitably, she's going to be scolded for this for not being careful. The writers will blame her for the destruction that Hawk Moth will cause and not the actual man terrorising Shanghai himself. And no needless lovesquare drama please. If I'm not interested in it in Paris, don't think I'll be interested in it in Shanghai. And please do not let it be used to cause Mari/LB to suffer. Romance (no matter how contrived it is in this show) should be about finding joy and happiness. It should never intentionally be a burden for anybody, especially if it's for comedic purposes. Why am I worried that CN will yell at LB this time?
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope that the writers actually have them communicate properly about this time. Like they should both be honest (an important aspect of healthy relationships), to build clarity and to avoid confusion. Like the needless drama in NY could have been avoided if Adrien didn't ignore Ladybug and actually TRUSTED her by telling her the truth about him going somewhere instead of complacently lying to her, then losing her trust. Both could have told each other that they are going to NY "for personal reasons" without giving too much detail. To prevent suspicion, the writers could have included the American superheroes hosting an event inviting them or asking for their help to defeat that Micromonster guy. LB and CN could have both then collectively made a decision that if anything were to go wrong in Paris, they could quickly use the Horse Miraculous to transport to France in time (like Marinette was advised to do in "Startrain") or use the Rabbit Miraculous to travel back in time/manipulate events. There was no need to make Marinette suffer for the sake of needless lovesquare drama.
However, I love the animation for the special. It is mesmerising and beauitful and the graphics look superb. The atmosphere looks so clean and the nature-aspects (Hawk Moth's hideout) are intricately detailed. The lighting also complements the charactrrs and the settings' colours. A huge round of applause to SAMG for their excellant hardwork for animating this special despite the pandemic!
If you have any worries about the special, free free to do so! I want to conclude my message by thanking you so much for being such a lovely, kind, confident and resilient person. You always confidently express your opinions and strcture your essays clearly and legibly. I always look forward to reading your posts. I know I can always count on you to express our frustrations with the show's writing on our behalf and speak up for Marinette's mistreatment and inustice! 😊
Firstly, thank you! I gotta defend Marinette because we know the show won’t!
Anyway, I agree with basically everything you said. My biggest comments on it are like--
- I’m already tired of places just being used as set pieces for specials. I actually have a history of disliking specials/movies for shows because its purposes is usually just to get people hyped up, but that means big plots with big stakes and I end up thinking, “okay, but why can’t we have that in the show?” That’s always the issue I take with it; movies/specials prove that they can come up with high stakes plots, but we can’t have equivalents in the show because...?
- I officially tune out now anytime Marinette’s crush on Adrien is mentioned. It gets tiring and it just makes me feel bad for her and simultaneously angry at the writers for treating her this way. Add that onto the “Marinette always makes mistakes” rule and it’s clear that they’re creatively bankrupt and needlessly restrict themselves for the sake of making Marinette suffer. I’m just insulted that Gabriel is going to Shanghai for his fashion business but Marinette being into fashion is ignored.
- The animation is nice but whenever I see it, I’m reminded that we couldn’t have much SAMG in Season 4+5 because they were busy working on the special. The show should always take priority over some lame special/movies. I won’t judge the special for it but I’m salty about it regardless.
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hadestownmodern · 4 years
Omg can we please please pretty please have a fic of Persephone finding out via Orpheus that Hades was gonna propose? Or the proposal where she tells him she knows? It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard
Hi hello yes I wrote this in the car and have been meaning to post it for days here we go. 
“Sephy?” The tiny voice squeaked as she felt a hand on her lower leg.
Persephone is drawn away from the bread she peels the crust from. She sets the emaciated white bread down, and continues to assemble the sandwich with a layer of grape jelly. “Whats up, baby? I’m almost done with your sandwich then we’re gonna go outside to see Amma!” She switches to the peanut butter, careful not to rip through the bread.
“Sephy what’s po-pose mean?” He blinks up at her with big innocent eyes, bouncing on his toes “is it good?”
“I don’t know Orpheus. Where’d you hear that? Amma?” Persephone asks absently, settling the sandwich together, placing the knife in her mother’s kitchen sink. As a result of a family business trip she was alone in her apartment, resulting further in her taking Orpheus to stay at her mother’s country home for a few days. She hand him the napkin wrapped lunch, leading him out towards her gardening mother.
“Nooo hades and hermes were talkin. He’s gonna popose you.” Orpheus explains, both little hands grabbing onto the sandwich, which he bites into as he skips ahead through the screen door to the back yard.
“....he what? orpheus!” Persephone calls out as she skips ahead, following after him
Closely. “Orpheus!”
“What did he do, honeybee?” Demeter inquires from her place kneeled by some tomatoes, where she has twine carefully tying the plants up to wooden steaks. “He just came through with his little sandwich-“
“Orphie? Come tell Amma what you just told me.” She instructed, waving the three year old over and pulling him to her hip as he came closer.
Orpheus takes another bite of his sandwich and kicks his legs as he chews. He nods his head along with his feet, to the beat in his head. After a minute he shrugs before taking another bite. “Hades is poposin to sephy.”
Demeter just chuckles as she shakes her head. “You weren’t supposed to tell her, Orpheus, it was a secret.” She holds her hands out to welcome him to her arms, as he wiggles out of Persephone’s shocked grasp.
“Sorry sephy!” He giggles, burying his face in the blonde ringlets of Demeter.
“You know?” Persephone asks, voice laced with shock as she clenches her hands at her side. “You knew??”
“Of course I knew, Persephone, i’m your mother.” Demeter reminds, settling Orpheus on her lap as he begins to pick at her dandelions. “Besides. He told me he was going to ask you. And just because I don’t like it, wont change it.”
“You know i’ve never particularly like him. But that won’t change your mind on him, never could. So, i’ll accept it. Doesn’t mean I wanted someone to tell!” Demeter kisses the top of Orpheus’s head, letting him run into the various rows of plants, zig zagging through.  
“‘Mom! When is it-“ Persephone asks, fiddling with her fingertips nervously.
“Oh no no. I’m not telling you that.” Demeter shakes her head, hands up in defense. “You’ll have to wait. Act surprised.” She teased, reaching up to take her daughter’s hand. “Consider saying no?”
“I know, I know. Wishful thinking.”
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berriebun · 5 years
Spontaneous Coincidence
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Pairing: Shinsou x Uraraka Character(s): Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi Rating: SFW Word count: 2,159
A/N: @shinchakoweek​ prompt - 02. Coffee & Tea. Quirkless AU, College setting! I have so many ideas for this one, let's see which one fits better~
A few weeks passed since the encounter at the Night club... It feels like forever ago now. Ochako had gone back to that bar a couple of times throughout the month, hoping to maybe find the familiar head of dusty lavender hair but she either just kept missing him or he just hadn’t been back. And given the fact that she had found him at the bar looking like he didn’t want to be in the first place, she felt a little stupid in hoping to see him there again. It would have been by pure luck that he’d be there again if only his friends dragged him back and she wasn’t sure that it would happen so soon.
School continued to demand most of her attention as she worked as hard as she could on finishing assignments and passing tests- all of which was draining her mentally. College education was important, especially if you have a specific goal in mind for your future, but it was so demanding that Ochako felt like it was sucking her soul out of her little by little. And she still had three more years of this! ‘I’m going to be a husk of a person by the time I graduate. IF I even get that far!!’ She groaned to herself as she slumped at her desk, pressing her face against the cool pages of her textbook.
As she stared off, her thoughts wandered to give herself a bit of a break as she looked around her room from where she was planted in her book. Quite a few thoughts filtered through in rapid secession. She needed to water her plants, had she gone shopping yet? Was there something ready-made in the mini-fridge all ready to eat, or did she need to get up and make something? Should she go to the commons? Maybe he’d be there- No, stop it, he probably doesn’t go to this Uni. But still... No! She needed to focus on her work, not some cute boy she spent a couple of hours with at random. 
She peeled her face off the weird plastic-y paper of her textbook and shook her head at herself, patting her cheeks. “Come on, Ocha. Get yourself together.” And then she just sat there for a few minutes, staring at the words on the page. It felt like minutes, but just a couple seconds had gone by before she pushed the book away. “Screw this.” She huffed, pulling away from her desk and getting up.
She didn’t know where she was going, but getting out of the dorm was her top priority, so when she ended up on the sidewalk heading into town she wasn’t at all surprised. Her feet were carrying her back towards the club, but she realized that pretty quickly and on a whim decided to head into the coffee shop she was standing next to instead. She needed to stop chasing her thoughts. For all she knew, Mr. Art Major was probably from a different city altogether and was just spending the weekend with his friends. ‘It would explain why he got dragged to the club when he clearly didn’t want to be there.’  
She tried to distract herself while she waited in line, scrolling on her phone and texting Mina if she wanted anything. It was doing a decent enough job. Until she got to the front of the line.
“Welcome to Coffee House, what can I get you... today.”
That voice. She quickly looked up from her phone; where Mina had just texted her what she wanted, to see Mr. Art Major. She didn’t react right away, and he didn’t seem to mind all that much since he seemed to be caught in the same situation. After a beat, her eyes dart down for a name- Hitoshi... ‘Oh no, it’s a cute name too. Fuck!’ 
“Hi. Um....” She blinks for a minute before mentally shaking herself out of this weird stupor she was stuck in. “Yeah. Um. Can I get a, uh, large Matcha Latte please?” Welp, so much for ordering something for Mina. She’ll worry about it later... Well. Mina would understand, right? 
“Sure, and what’s your name?” He asked, holding up the cardboard cup with a permanent marker- in purple.
“Ochako.” She smiled a little as she put her phone in her pocket and pulled out her wallet instead.
“Alright, and would you like anything else with your order?” A standard question, sure, but with the irrational fear of possibly never seeing him again (he works here Ochako, you can stop in whenever, omg), she spoke before she could properly think. 
“Your phone number?” She froze slightly, sure that she had a mild look of panic on her face as Hitoshi raised an eyebrow in surprise. Her entire face lit up as she covered her mouth. “Wait, I- I’m sorry, that-!” She stammered a little as Hitoshi’s look of surprise turned to one of amusement as he picked up her cup again and proceeded to scribble on the side of it.
“If that will be all, ma’am, then your total will be four dollars and sixty-five cents.” He sounded amused as he handed the cup off to a simple looking blond boy next to him. 
Instead of responding properly she just pulled out her card and handed it over. That was so embarrassing! How did she do that- WHY did she do that??? She had no clue what had come over her at that moment. And when motioned to, she moved out of line and went to find a table to sit at while she waited for her drink. The noise of the coffee shop dulled around the pounding her ears- sure that her heartbeat was attempting to deafen her. She 
As she sat down, Ochako pulled out her phone again and started spam texting Mina while she waited. As she had expected, her friend both congratulated her and spammed her with key smashes over the whole situation.
‘u wouldnt shut up about him! & now ure getting his number!!!’ ‘shut up! i dont know that for sure??? wat if he wrote -dont come back-???????’ ‘OMG ure brainless he totally wrote his number shut up’
The continued to bicker through text as Ochako pressed her face against her phone and lightly stomped her feet. Her nerves were killing her at this point and she just wished that they’d call her name so she could grab her drink and leave.
What she didn’t expect was for Hitoshi to take his lunch break at the same time, since he slightly startled her when he brought over her drink; with a bagel in hand. She jumped a little with a start, as her cheeks regained their rosy hue from before.
“Sorry. I should have said something.” He laughs awkwardly, hesitating for a moment before sitting across from her.
“No!” She squeaked. “No, it’s okay. I just. I was distracted, you’re fine.” She just wanted to disappear, this was so embarrassing... At least the slight pink to his face was a small comfort in the fact that she wasn’t the only one.
They both sat there for a moment, both a bit awkward and unprepared for the meeting- especially given the fact that they have both been unknowingly going through the same thing these last few weeks. They shared a couple anxious looks every once in a while before shying away from the other’s attention to focus too much on what was in front of them; Hitoshi awkwardly eating his bagel by tearing small chunks off little by little, while Ochako carefully sipped her latte and tapped her phone.
“So um... How did that- the exam? How’d that go?” It was Hitoshi to break the silence, startling Ochako into paying attention again as she fidgets with her pop socket. 
“Exam...? Oh! Oh that exam, yeah! I uh, I just barely passed it, but I scraped by at least. No thanks to my friends of course. It wasn’t super awful, but I think I was just distracted... I could have probably done better.” She shrugs, reaching up to tuck some hair behind her ear. And left with nothing more to really say, they lulled for a moment before Ochako awkwardly spoke up again. “I hope um, that your friends came and got you that night- shortly after we left. I can only guess how sucky it would have been if they forgot to find you before they left since the club was closing.”
He chuckles a bit and shakes his head as he picks at his bagel. “Yeah, no worries. Denki spammed my phone shortly after you left with your friends. The guy’s an idiot but he’s not forgetful. Even when drunk.” She nods for a moment before she tilts her head- That name was way too familiar to her.
“Denki? As in, Denki Kaminari? That Denki?”
“Idiot blond, wears a ridiculous black zig-zag hair clip in his bangs for no other reason than ‘aesthetic’?” He asked slowly, seemingly unsure if he really wanted to know her answer.
“Oh my god. I could--hmmmm.” She groans, covering her face as she grips her phone tightly and shakes it like she wants to yeet it across the cafe.
“I’m missing something.”
“Uuugh. My best friend and roommate is Mina. She’s dating Eijirou, who’s friends with Denki- Who they tried to set me up with for a double date!” She ranted. “Like!! He’s not a bad guy or anything!! Just!!!” She made a squeaky ‘reeee’ noise. “This is so Stupid.” She continued on as she pulled her phone up and spammed Mina with a bunch of anger emojis.
“What’s-” He seemed a bit off, and had she known him for longer than maybe half a day in total, then maybe she would have picked up his tone as a more exhausting annoyance than confusion. She watched him from the corner of her vision as he ran a hand through his wildly fluffy hair and pull out his own phone. 
“I agree. This is dumb.” He grumbled quietly, probably mostly to himself as he then dropped his phone on the table. 
“I’m sorry about how I reacted, just... This is so frustrating. And I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy or anything, but I’ve been trying to... Find you again. Ever since that weekend.” She sighed, slouching a little back into her chair, tugging on her hair a little. 
Her statement was followed by silence for a moment as she watched him pick at his bagel for a moment. “It’s not creepy. I’ve been trying too. And with all the times I talked to those morons about you, you would have thought that-”
“They would have realized.” She continued with him, nodding as she crossed her arms. “Yeah, you would think. I can’t believe this.” 
They both sat quietly for a moment as Hitoshi pushed his half-finished bagel away with a huff. A couple minutes after, he picks up his phone and frowns. “Well... It has been nice to actually sit and talk with you again. Maybe we can catch up later?” He asked, nodding towards her cup. She tilts her head to the side for a moment before picking up the cup again and turning it around, smiling weakly. He had written his number on the side.
“I don’t even know how I got the courage to say that. It was such a spur of the moment thing, and I totally forgot to look when you brought it to me.” She laughs, pulling up her contacts to put his number in and sends him a quick ‘Hey’ text. “But yeah. We can catch up later. I’m glad I decided to stop in, because who would have guessed huh?” She laughs, standing up as she pocketed her phone and picked up her cup- And being the way she was she eyed his bagel.
“Yeah, that was pretty damn smooth though. I was thoroughly impressed.” He laughs, ruffling up his hair as he too follows suit and stands up. He watches her eye his half-eaten lunch. “You can have it.” He grins, she was sure he was planning to save it for later since he had partially reached for it, but apparently, he didn’t seem to mind her side-eying it. 
“Awesome!” She smiles, scooping up the bagel and taking a bite out of it before realizing she still needed to say good-bye. “Oh.” She lifted a hand to cover her mouth. “I’ll see you around then, Mr. Barista.” She teased as she swallowed the bite.
“See you around, Matcha Latte.” He jokes back, walking past her to seemingly head back to work.
Feeling lighter than she had, going through a damn emotional rollercoaster ride just from stepping into a coffee shop, Ochako couldn’t help her smile as she shouldered her way out of the Coffee House and made her way back to the dorms.
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Rewatching Captain Hardrock
*metal high-pitched screaming* I LOVE UNICOOOOORNS
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This duck looks like it has a traffic cone for a beak
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I love how there are clothes on the washing line when no one actually really changes clothes in the show due to budget constraints
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There’s a rainbow unicorn on the back of the boat! None of the Couffaines are straight
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Please look at this adorable screencap
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Anarka’s hair must be so long when it’s unplaited
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Omg he’s ACTUALLY playing the piano for once??
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Some Couffaine snowglobes and origami
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A lil dog statue too
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So many adorable Alyanette screencaps this episode!!
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The photos from Reflekta are up on Juleka’s wall, that’s so heartwarming! Clearly her classmates’ friendship and effort didn’t go to waste
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Bat carpet
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Also, the fact that Juleka’s gothy room has a bunch of pink stuff in it... hmm.. I’m not saying Julerose is canon but I’m not not saying it d’you get me
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Did Juleka make these?? Listen Luka you’re cool and all but I wanna know more about your sister damn
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Tiny Jagged Stone on Luka’s shirt
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Perhaps the black nailpolish makes up for the lack of eyelashes
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Oh and his shoes are pretty cool too
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Scotland flag on the wall, Anarka’s accent in the English dub, the UK flag on Luka’s shoes... SCOTTISH COUFFAINES Y’ALL
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Can I just say Lukanette is actually really cute? Emo hippie zen punk rock scene teen and his badass superhero gf
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In both the French and English dubs here they call Laura Marano’s character “Laura” in this episode, but later in Frightningale/Rossignoble she’s called Clara??? Make up your mind Zag
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Plagg is exactly how I sit all the time
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Plagg singing about camembert is also me all the time
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The gang’s all here (well except like half the class, but hey at least Nino gets screentime)
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How is she doing this with her eyes??? Marinette teach me your ways
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So uh how many people do we reckon Luka just killed
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My reaction too
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And then there’s Mylène
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She gets akumatized because she was too stubborn to stop her music from creating lethal shockwaves sdkfjhskdjfh, this beats out the Animan “kid challenged my panther to a race” reason by far
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Look at this funky old camcorder thing
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They have a zillion copies of Jagged Stone’s album
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I amend my earlier statement to say: Julerose IS canon, and Djwifi AND Julerose AND Myvan are all life
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I hope we get some actual interaction between the Couffaine siblings at some point, I need it for my soul, like imagine them casually discussing that one time their mum turned into a magic flying pirate
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Penny with natural hair!!
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Floppy ears Plagg is Very Good
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Some part of me believes that if they hadn’t been distracted they would have straight-up kissed, I mean?? Look at them they’re not even subtle
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I didn’t expect XY to get screentime again but I am not disappointed
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Does Roger expect this to ever work? Like he’ll be all like “STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW” and the akuma villain’s just gonna be like “oh dang ya got me, nvm guess I’ll just go to jail lol can’t argue with the law ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
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This is utter nonsense and I love it
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Hey Captain Hardrock, first you lock up your own children then you attack Alix’s house the Louvre?? Stop being mean to all my favs omg
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Roger oh my gOD
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I have run out of things to say about this man, just look
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Wow I love Peter Pan (1953)
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Me watching in horror as deadlines approach
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I hate it when she just stands there watching the butterfly for ages as if she’s not gonna purify it, I’m gonna have a heart attack
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The boat’s got eyes and teeth and everything, I love it
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Tfw your son asks you to play a duet with him but you haven’t practised and he’ll realize you’re a hypocrite
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I’m amending the amendment to say that Alyanette is ALSO life
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I’M GONNA SAY IT. That was one hell of a meet-cute, Adrien was being clumsy and tripped over and Luka helped him up and they held hands? That’s literally how Marinette acts around Adrien I’m just saying look at Rose and Juleka and Ivan they all ship it
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(For the record, she’s even more hardcore in the French dub than the English dub)
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Don’t think I didn’t see that BI FLAG behind Luka, Zag... I saw it, Zag... I see what you did there, Zag...
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Luka got eyeliner and Lukadrinette is canon and I am LIVING
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hchano · 7 years
HIRE ME, ZAG: glaciator
 i’m gonna start a quality control series, just watch me lmao. i have a freakishly good attention to detail [i blame the ADHD, cos i am usually looking everywhere but the main focus lmao].  this will be mostly the errors i spotted or awkward animation, but also some amusing things i noticed.
because this is gonna get long, let’s put everything under the cut... also goes without saying but, 
season 2 spoilers ahead.
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i know the replicants have been done into the ground, but just for completionists sake, i have to include this one
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From the script, probably:
Extra 1:   (sounding forced) thanks so much ladybug for stopping me from killing my past self. no fate but what we make right lol
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[^also what is happening here omg]
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this wonky moment where she does the animation to stand on her toes, and it just launches her at her dad’s cheek; then she air walks behind him lmao
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we all know how DQ likes to mess with adrien’s hair lol...
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but this cheese and bread platter keeps moving around lol
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[i accidentally pasted these last two out of order, and it’s almost as if it is slowly trying to escape him]
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[let’s blame plagg lmao]
her shoulder absorbing her pigtail
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that’s ok tho she don’t need no hair
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why is it like this????? 
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and it’s not just his face --  look at their hands; in what universe is he that much paler than alya???  it’s almost as if all the colour in his body was leeched directly into his face.....
also is it just me or does it look like alya is ready to pull a shoulder throw on impostor nino here????
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wreck the fake nino
ok so the replicators are back in greater numbers...in oneshot.
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i can’t believe the middle 2 pics use the exact same model without even changing her pallet lmaooo;;; they have other adults...use them???????????
speaking of, i've never noticed this chick before:
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[maybe they don’t use her cos she’s unfinished tho? lmao;;;;]
here we have DQ’s world famous mismatched eyelines!
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not a glitch or error but thought this was amusing...
animation parallels:
glaciator -
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xmas special -
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i noticed this on the first watch thru and the blasted xmas ep song started playing in my head LMAO
glaciator - 
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collector - 
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summary: the boy has an ‘angry at dad’ routine  XD 
clipping thru the table.
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 they kinda disguise it with her hand going up but it still clips thru her hip... i thought the hand motion to mask it was kind of clever but not sure they did it on purpose or not tho lmao
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[the gif quality sucks and skipped some frames...but you can see the pathing def goes thru the table a little better here i guess lol]
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me too marinette... me too....
...also, accidental pause but:
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lmfao save the poor boy [also tbh this part was so cool in motion, gotta hand it to them.] 
harry potter and the mystery of the vanishing brow:
where did it go?
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it was there just before... [also, pause to appreciate for a moment: she cute]
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if you watch the animation in the actual episode, it like...goes into her hair line and disturbs it? but the hair keeps shaking the entire shot.
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 you can’t see it continuing to do the shake here cos the frame rate is low, but the hair continues to shake for the rest of the shot, as if the Hair Swish Generator Thing is being activated... almost as if...the brow is still moving along her skull...
my theory -
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it’s traveling the globe
twice in one episode, DQ is very generous with the mismatched eyelines today ;0;/
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this shot where her eye liner vanishes... [also i just noticed adrien’s skin is showing thru his mask, so maybe it’s a makeup texture they forgot to add on them both?]
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[the comic artist in me loves the framing of this shot tho. it leads the eye around so well ;0; i’mma guess thomas and the other storyboard artists are to thank for that tho lmao]
this weird little eye jig
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[hard to tell in this gif quality but: her sockets move up a notch for a frame then back down the next...her eyes themselves don’t move.]
[also noticed after pasting this here that her hand flips around between shots...]
we interrupt this post to appreciate chat’s I Am An Annoyed Cat™ cat ears and adorable bunny teeth.
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we are Blessed™ in this fandom
ladybug’s half open drunk eye 
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i legit cannot deal with the way her head seems to float off its base, then slide back into position here... 
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[let’s not think about what the hell her feet might be doing just out of frame here... @aliensfordonuts suggested crab walk tho lmao]
[his little gasp ends my life tho]
idk how they thought chat’s eyes being jarringly black here was ok lol
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whatever ladybug’s arm is doing here [also the bg/chara orientation is tripping me out a bit...pick a perspective ;0;]
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i just
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[also no cast shadows on the wall she’s leaning on??? D:]
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here’s the strange chara/background orientation thing again... 
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[idk if this is too subtle or not but there is like...placement wise the charas don’t have their feet on the ground... and there’s also a strange leaning toward the camera thing again... the chara angle combined with the bg, the perspective is rly off...  like the charas are shown ‘straight on’ but the bg places the camera at an angle like it’s pointed slightly upward... samg is actually guilty of this too and it’s always rly jarring to me. xD;;; but i think it’s just me lmao] 
that said -- it’s time for an episode of...
Gekkan Shoujo DQ Entertainment!
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texture seams!
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[not even mad, it’s just neat to see them xD also her yoyo string is shinyyyy :o]
their line of sight here seemed kinda off to me..like she is looking just to the side of him instead of at him, and he’s looking... idk at her ear lmao??? [the one not facing us]  they seem to have issues with this a lot but with this scene it kinda made me sad, since their expressions and faces are so important...
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...also her face here:
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[nothing wrong with it, i just fucking love this shot lol. and the lighting is so nice in this scene. //cries a lot]
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alright that’s all lmfao. idk if i will actually do more of these. maybe next time i have a bad art block???? 
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serahsanguine · 6 years
The Experience of London Film and Comic Con
I will be writing this a blog typestyle. Starting from the beginning of the day and ending up with the journey home. All spelling mistakes are my own and probably has punctuation missing.  I am hoping by writing this it helps sink in or so I have a documented record of what happened for a future purpose. (also I was asked) so the morning was a very early start 3 o'clock wow lol. the train from Derby to London was pleasant either if the steward/stewardess was sick there no freshments/ drinks on the journey there.   so when I arrived at St Pancras international finding which tube was slightly stressful as I get so confused by maps, it's unreal. but I asked for help and they were lovely, telling me where to go and it helped so much as I was a nervous wreck (The first time of many throughout the day)   when I finally arrived at Paddington station, around 8 the beautiful Mags @Magdalena357569 helped me out and find the bus route to Olympia which in its self-was a nice journey going past the Winston Churchill pub with some beautiful flowers on and around the building but I did wonder how they kept them all so vibrate with this heat wave we have experienced. arriving at Olympia was fun even though me and mags had no clue where we were going we arrived near the gold passes entrance and were told to wait there to be moved around to gate H, it was sunny and warm I honestly thought I was going to burn because of that's what I do in the sun.   anyways that was an s shape zigzag thing which took a good half hour before we were moved to gate H. when we actually got into the Olympia who would have guessed more queuing, we picked up our diamond passes which were by the first letter of Surname (There should have been signs!) so we had to queue twice.  when we finally got our David Duchovny Diamond pass we got our day passes scanned and more Zig-Zaging through at least this time it was moving well for a time anyway kept stopping every known and again but never mind. that took another 30 minutes to get through before we actually got into the venue. once in the venue the was a quate little coffee shop over to your right where we met half the hang of ladies that we were going with. once accomplished we no cat Caroline Poole @CarolineRPoole Sam @medicaldoctxr Elaine myself and mags and Elaine's dad  (Who is amazing by the way with a great sense of humor) we went to find David Duchovny signature place and oh boy was that fun. The Olympia if you have never been, is huge and I mean huge the maps available are very misleading. so we worked our way upstairs to find where most of the signatures were being held and guess what no DD so we asked a steward who hadn't a clue so we walked around like lost puppies not having a clue where to go. We walked through to where the photo were being held still no DD we kept asking steward's who hadn't a clue so, in the end, we got very very lost and hot and sweaty.  (There should have been a map to tell you where everything was just saying!. I was told there were maps but I never found them)   after about an hour of looking, (and a Very angry me) we finally found DD signature stand (Finally) we had lost some of our group oops lol. anyway, we were waiting for the queue to get that (Now me sam and Elaine) where I was able to get a copy of Miss subways (OMFG I finally got a copy) the line for the autographs wasn't that long. The actually autograph what a buzz first off I was so nervous, shaking everything but wow what an experience, David talked to me like we actually had a conversation he asked who was the signature so I said, Sarah and he asked with an h now I must have pronounced the h weird because he pronounced h differently to me obviously him in an American accent and me in a British accent or something like that. (later sam told me its because he couldn't get over it was with an h lol) but I was like yes it Sara with an H and we laughed about it.   let me tell you it was a surreal experience actually talking to the man that is your idol. for as long time. he was so nice and his voice was slightly deeper then I was expecting but soothing at the same time. and he was very pleasing to the eye if I don't say so myself.   Then I waited for Sam you had an amazing Brick Photo and he was stunned that it was his dog and he signed it to Samantha from Brick - David Duchovny and omg was she happy we got out of the enclosed both and she was having a meltdown in true sam style. we waited for Elaine and then had to sit down and calm down from our adrenaline rush (one of many).   once we had finally calmed down I needed to go outside. And wouldn't you know it? Me and Sam got lost again (They Need to sell Damn Maps just saying) so we finally got the exit and got stamped and were told we could come back in the same door (Yes i believed the lie)  so we finished up outside to find out we could not go back through the door we came out off and had to go back around to the start gate H bagged searched and stamp recognised with had to do the damn zig-zag thing again (oh the joy) luckily lot fewer people so only took us about 10 mins. we meet back up with Elaine and her dad we got the message that our friend and not so stalked dd on video which was so funny because he didn't realize (some bodyguards they were) so it was becoming near the time for photos (We got lost again) once the photo booth were found we had more queuing and more panicking and more adrenaline pumping through our systems.  and more zig-zag snake things (a regular occurrence) me and Sam were so excited and nervous but it was so fun. I got asked several occasions where I got my bag from and if it was for sale I am sorry guys I did it my self. one in the photo booth square we gave our bags to the photo people and waited for our time to have a photo taken. I was talking to Sam about I would just be happy with a hug all I wanted and then it was my turn.  when he spotted me he was like it Sarah with an h I was like yes it is. he asked how I was, I said I was great and asked him how he was. And we had our photo taken. His arm (Those arms are to die for) around my shoulders (i'm small) has hand touched my X-file tattoo (which at the time i didn't realize) and I put my head on his pectoral muscle/shoulder/neck area it was so warm and amazing (True Fan fic style) when finished I said by and went and waited for Sam and got my photo and bag and left the photo booth area. he was wearing dark jeans grey top black trainers with orange laces. (Wow damn he was hot)   So me and Sam (we lost Elaine)  talked about what happened and he remembered her because of the Brick photo and she tripped on his shoe (only sam) and she doesn't like her photo but in my opinion, she looks amazing. we live streamed (which can be found somewhere on my twitter profile.) to try and calm down and breath and because I promised I would we eventually found Elaine and her Dad and a hotdog stand yay. by this time we realized we had 4 hours to kill (WOW). food eat time to find an exit for some fresh air. we got lost again and if it wasn't for Elaine's dad we would have been lost a long time, we went past some of the best cosplay I have ever seen. I even found the TARDIS which for me as a Doctor Who fan was amazing, there were Daleks and everything including Cybermen cosplay. once done with our outside actives and back in we went in the search for merchandise and we found @underthefloorborads stall with @chimera work and yes i bought one and omg it amazing I also found a pop store with Fox Fricking Mulder (very rare indeed) and I found another beautiful poster for the X-Files and I even got an MSR pillow (no blankets I really want a blanket)  that killed about an hour - two hours looking for everything and getting lost so many times and a damn sight lof of walked we found somewhere to sit down and just rest.   so after this, me and Sam went to the talk and were in the third row I cam to know the Deadpool, Orville, the x-files trailers by heart waiting for David to appear on the screen. and wow what a talk it was so many good questions asked like Gillian question, would he work on other project directing, writing. what genre of work he finds scary or hard. different ways his name been pronounced, and if he had any European work coming up, Insta questions I have one complaint tbh and it's not David's fault but where the talk was placed was horrible and the sound of the questions plus the sound of David was not very clear. so basically the speakers were terrible. but all in all I got some good photo and David made me laugh and he's swearing is so funny and erotic he honestly so nice and sweet and one amazing person in general. I have meet so many people off twitter that was amazing to finally meet people that I have talked to over social media was surreal and amazing. so all together it was a long and exciting day meeting David was a dream come true. he nice and amazing. just an amazing all around person. the con its self-was amazing some amazing stalls. some amazing people met, amazing items being sold and very exciting and fulfilling journey. home-bound well I got my very first uber like that its self is an x-file especially after seeing David it gave me season 10 flashback.  that was nice and pleasant and quite cheap tbh. so i arrived at Paddington subway and had an anxiety attack (joy not) all sorts of stuff going through my head about missing train etc. but once arrived at St Pancras International I seemed to half calmed my self down I was 45 mins early for my train. so I waited and waited and finally got on the train home. I had a table all to myself I'm a lucky girl like that and it kind of hit me but I'm still not fully there even today writing this. i heard one of his song on Spotify and cried because i had actually met him (i think it was tiredness it had been a long day. I got home about home at 10 pm.   so that's
me recall of yesterday thanks for reading. any question just ask me on twitter or tumblr.        
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ghosty-schnibibit · 7 years
taz liveshow liveblog :D
i cannot believe i downloaded an rss feed reader specifically for the purpose of knowing when taz updates only for it to not work, smh. at least i didn't see any spoilers lol. here we go! :D
i still really need to listen to commitment...
hells yeah, another liveshow on the 28th :D
"don't naruto shame them" pfff
"i am prepared and a good good dnd boy!" ilu travis
this is just the "and ___ walks over to ___" scene from the finale all over again, poor griffin lol
the story hasn’t even started and already i’m feeling super nostalgic... i wanna do a fourth re-listen so bad, fuuuck
"the THREE OF YoOoU" griffin is so salty already this is gonna be good
i like crush already 
fantasy burt bacharach lol
"sleeveless tuxedo" MAGGIE
"tuxedo sleeves!" M E R L E
merle the beach dwarf in his swimmy trunks :')
he sounds like gundren omfg
"played by al pachino" B)
"it's a little assertive" pfff
i love the idea of lup and taako both studying transmutation together as lil kids and lup just being like "nah, this can be your thing koko i'll be over here blowing shit up"
"greg FUCKIN grimauldes" ilu lup 
"my moral guide, merle highchurch" merle continuing to be the dad of ipre
so we're looking at a null suit situation here, cool, cool
this raises so many questions though, like... could they visit other planes that got fucked over by the hunger? like the animal kingdom? taz knights? legato? would those planes have heard the story and song broadcast since they were inside the hunger at the time, or no? are they still super fucked up or are they just plugging along like they would have been otherwise? because the set up for this show implies time has passed in their home planar system after the hunger disappeared and jeffandrew put everything back in order, and that lup somehow knows that this has happened in their absence... has she used the belt before, and that’s how she knows? are the planes where they escaped with the light (fungsten, the beach, tessaralia, etc.) accessible too, or did they just get left behind in the multiverse after the hunger passed over them? i'm assuming lucas made the belts (or probably a combo of lucas and barry? planar studies nerd buddies), so how do they work? magic? bonds? what would happen if they broke mid-use? would they be stuck in their old plane with no way to get back? this is such a weird but good setup and it makes for a shit ton of fic possibilities
i have no idea what that means but it sounds bad
oh nooo, maggie, oh nooooo
"well... slam" griffin what is it with these names
aww, crush :(
i ship crush and slam
magnus what the fuck
i can't wait to see how that table flip works later lol
"NINETEEN!" aww travis i love you
ewwwww, this is worse than the beach episode :(((
"old blue eyes...?" griffin said that with that 'are you sure?’ dm voice and that makes me super nervous
"i don't know 'cause i wasn't expecting him this early" i'm calling it know, griffin's either gonna do his super gruff gundren voice or his bad new jersey accent marvey voice
NAT 20!!! :D
they never would have thought to do that on their own lol, lup playing the part of competent woman this adventure
continuing the trend of magnus being mr. fanservice lol
"lots of beautiful scars" nice
okay i have to know tho... was the tattoo pre or post stolen century??? because i love the idea of it being something he got in his youth without realizing he'd be stuck with it for 100+ years, but i also love the idea of him and julia getting matching tattoos together at some point
lup and taako just chilling in the corner playing pokemon go
magnus turns himself in samus lol
clint continuing to be the worst at rolling, aww
"i had no muber prepared for... this" poor griffin lol
"it... worked?" pfff
okay, it's not catwalk boy jerald then :T 
good to see griffin's not defaulting straight to jerry like he always does lol
wait shit, if they're in their original plane... is terry gonna recognize them from the IPRE mission???
this is just like jenkins with the voice lol
merle doing his accidentally insincere voice again
"oh shit we did do this in the mining one” did griffin forget his own puzzle?
oh no... this can't be good
are you really casting arcane eye for this taako?
T U R K E Y  B O Y
clint the pun master strikes again
i take it griffin’s been playing evil within 2 with the whole chip mechanic
"i could kill him" MERLE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
welp, they're all dead :T
"my words are my pictures!" griffin you are precious
this is the tomb of horrors all over again with the puzzles
justin's killing it today witht the nat 20s damn
"rouge perversions" pfff
all i can imagine is magnus telling carey about his sweet chest trap diffusal later and her being proud of her bff
travis the music boy strikes again!
oh jesus this is going to take a million years
"it's not the letters" then what is it?
i’m a dipshit too than lol because i have zero idea what this is
so it's just like the scene form the bank in refuge
"yeah, elevators, fuck yeah" nice
so now magnus just has a workshop full of gold :/
"oh fuck" my thoughts exactly travis
i missed the ad break music :')
i can't fuckin wait til the candlenights show omg
yay, initiative time!
DELLA!!!!! :D
what would that even look like holy fuck
yikes holy shit, can't wait to see how lup reacts to her brother getting dunked on so badly 0 _ 0
apparently he CAN railspliter that shit, nevermind :o
awww, this is so freakin cute omg ^u^
"that's taako's fire" maggie plz :T
i thought his ac went up after story and song though?
taako's gonna fucking die holy shit
"but he WAS at magnus's bedside" FUCK NOW I'M SAD :’(
"as a sentient being who want's to preserve it's own life" pfff
griffin always forgets to make enemies beefy enough for magnus and/or taako to not kill instantly lmao
everyone loves lup so much lol
"awww... no, no... do i have to specify?" i love the idea that merle would be tempted to heal the monster, he’s such a sweety
I T ' S  T H E  S E X  N U M B E R ! ! !
"what? chicken butt" griffin ilu
yikes trav holy fuck
"COTTON!" omg you silly boy
what are you about to do merle
clint is crushing it on the merle voice today
"i liked the ending of lost" pfff
that was super feckin good omg, i loved every minute of that. that was exactly what i needed to de-stress before my world history final tomorrow, gods bless
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Spoiler Review: Chat Blanc
(Spoilers below)
Okay, on to the review.
-Gabriel talking to his comatose wife again. Blah blah blah
-Alix betting Marinette didn't give Adrien the gift.
-Rose betting she did.
-Marinette failed.]
-Rose! Damn girl!
-Rose just straight up Mental b**** slapped confidence into Marinette. Nice.
-Supportive girls ftw
-Marinette using Ladybug powers to get into them windows.
-Tikki is like “Don't be stupid”
-Marinette is having too much fun
-Adrien dealing with Gabriel being a s***y parent again.
-Adrien KNOWS!!!! 
-He looks so happy. Damn it look at that smile.
-Plagg is trying to fix this, but Adrien is convinced.
-”Marinette is Marinette! Ladybug is...”
-”Marinette <3″
-Plagg telling this boy  to stop thinking like usual. But NOPE. He is on a mission
-”Everything will be fine. I promise.”
-Bunnyx appears. Apparently timeline shenanigans.
-Okay the time world is cool. But I have questions for later.
-The bowl on the head to prevent spoilers. If only Zag knew about this revolutionary technology.
-Seems like Alix Knows Marinette and Adrien are ladybug and Chat noir. So that figures. I had a feeling, but now I know.
-Chat Blanc. oh damn. He is CRAZY. Why is he crazy?
-The moon is broken.
-Chat blanc is... OH DAMN
-Chat blanc admitting to have made mistakes. SEE PEOPLE HE DOES IT.
-He is crying! omg my son no.
-oh damn!
-Marinette knows he knows! OH FUCK!!!
-oh so Bunnyx and rewind time and see what caused things. neat. She is a time DVR.
-Marinette’s hair is down, for some reason. YAY!!!!
- Alix lost the bet. AND TIME IS F***ED
-Adrien is wearing the beret. He wants to talk with Marinette.
-Oh my... is he.
-”It means that I love you Marinette.” 
Tumblr media
(Jokes aside, I legit slid out of my chair holding my chest wondering if I got shot)
-Oh damn are they gonna.
- They held hands, she is on her tippy toes! FUCK THAT IS GOOD S***
-Chat noir hydoken-ed a building.
-Oh gosh, the slide show of their relationship is so adorable. Chloé is pissed. GOOD. Sabrina ships it.
-I wish I can see Lila being salty. But its best she isn't in this episode.
-Oh Luka, you right there. Playing a song, as the girl you love is dancing with another man. OOOFFFF. Well, at least you are happy for her. Good on you my dude. I respect that.  (10 OUT OF 10 BEST LUKA APPEARANCE)
-They are having ice-cream together!
-Paris is talking about how f***ing cute they are. GOOD.
-Hawkmoth finds out. Their love destroys Paris? WTF
-Gabriel was smart not to be there in person, TOM would have rekt him. OR sabine. Or both. Marinette is hurting oh no. The macrons are on the floor. NO!
-She is at the mansion. Oh the umbrella.
-She had to break up with him. Adrien looks hurt too. oh fuck they are both crying
-Gorilla is the only adult I respect. Best dad. Adrien’s true father.
-That hug
-You know, I realized. Adrien Knowing Marinette was Ladybug actually saved Paris from Hawkmoth winning.
-If Marinette got akumatized, he gets the ladybug miraculous. Which is like an Insta win.  (Well at least winning earlier)
-Nathalie is a snitch
-Hawkmoth was weirdly excited for the fact that Adrien was chat noir.
-Time portal signal is static, gotta change the antenna.
-Bunnyx in fear, Marinette gotta save the day
-Chat Blanc is crazy strong. But also CRAZY
- a lucky charm eraser.... I know where this is going.
-We will never know the name of that hamster they want to have.
-Ladybug has got some insane Judo moves.
-Why do I have the feeling Chat blanc is holding back? Probably doesn't want to destroy the miraculous.
-Damn, thats a big fall.
-oh damn, Chat blanc’s ladybug is dead and so is hawkmoth. Guess Akuma can out live their master. OOOF
-So NO ONE wins.
-Okay, time shift. HOW DID THEY GET TO HAWKMOTH’S LAYER WITHOUT KNOWING HE WAS Gabriel? That is a literal plot hole.
-Hawkmoth activated his facedown trap. Dead mom in a glass casket. Adrien takes mental damage because Hawkmoth is a fucking piece of human garbage
-Adrien is in pain.
-Gabriel can use the force to call back his cane.
-Knocked him from the mansion to the Eiffel Tower. HOW HARD ARE YOU HITTING HIM.
-Gabriel... you are giving an emotionally unstable 14 year old the power of INFINITE DESTRUCTION. You are an idiot.
-Chat is trying to fight it.
-Oh s***. Well Hawkmoth, you f***ed up.
- okay back to blanc.
-OKAY DAMN CHAT! F***er was about to pull a destroyer god and erase the universe. Or at least the earth. Chat Blanc = Beerus confirmed. Yea, he was holding back.
-He flicked the bell, was he giving her a hint?
-Ladybug got it. She saved him. Oh this hurt.
-Wait, so Ladybug remembers the fight with Chat blanc and thinks that falling in love with Chat noir will destroy the world.
-Okay so she fixes the letter.
-Bit of Ladrien.
- The lady noir scene hurts at the end, cause ouch
This episode... I knew how it would end. But f*** does it hurt so much more. It hurts infinitely more.
Oblivio gave a tiny sample of what their lives would have been. Chat blanc gave us a meal The love square fully realized, it was beautiful.
I think the episode fails in what it was trying to achieve. That the identity reveal is dangerous. 
No, the answer is as long as Gabriel breathes, Adrien will never be happy no matter what.
Aside from that. I think it was an amazing episode and I think it beats Oblivo as the most self indulgent episode for me. I watched it like 7 times already.
9 / 10
There are a few minor things with the episode that stop it from being perfect, but I do think its my favorite episode this season. right with Oblivio and Star train.
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