#hades game zagreus
skyerooodraws · 2 months
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Nyx and Zag wip ✨️🌌
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moniehon · 2 years
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geekinscomics · 4 months
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Desperately trying to make this tumblr safe- look at my instagram for the full image lmao 😭
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sl00shie · 6 months
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Zagreus Hades, you live rent free on my brain!!!!!!!
(messy doodles of my boy)
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artfularchon · 8 months
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ThanZag My Beloved
Still one of my all time favorite ships. <3
Posted using PostyBirb
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tizzymcwizzy · 3 months
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i finally bought hades
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wee-chlo · 4 months
Had this image of the way Mel and Zag meet is Chronos taking out his frustration on Zag and leaving him in Hades' chamber.
And he freezes time so that Zag can't heal and is just in constant pain from the torture.
So when Mel shows up, he's got Cerberus curled up around him protectively and Hades is in this weird place of "if I pretend I don't care, Chronos might stop targeting my son" and "Zagreus thinking I don't care is maybe the worst thing I can think of right now???"
At first, Cerberus doesn't let Mel approach but Hades reassures him and then is like "Zagreus, open your eyes. It's your sister."
And Mel has seen that painting a thousand times, a million times, stared at it until she was sure every inch was burned into her memory, but somehow the fact that she and Zagreus have the same eyes, just mirrored, became something she no longer saw. That irrevocable, clear sign that they're blood, they're kin, he's her brother, glazed with pain and exhaustion but then sharp and clear with shock and relief and he reaches a hand out and she takes it thinking its a formal grip, but then he yanks her down to the floor and wraps his arms around her and just. Holds her.
When was the last time Melinoë was held? When she was a child? When she began to grit her teeth and blink away the tears after a nightmare instead of running to Hecate in the night? When Selene words of comfort and gentle reassurance began to be coupled with a hand to her cheek or hair? When Odysseus began to bow and say "Goddess" with as much respect as affection?
Cerberus chuffs in her ear and a head the size of a table in the taverna bumps onto her side as another settles against Zagreus' back, a broad nose pressing against her arm as her brother's hand rubs circles into her back.
And its so baffling, so odd that her, in the depths of her father's usurped domain, rooms away from where she's fought and fled and killed, that this is the safest she's felt.
(Later, in the Crossroads, memories will return: Zagreus carrying her to a man with pale hair and a soft smile; the head of a gorgon waving rattles by her with snake hair as a warm giggle; a woman with a bat wing and a shade with golden hair standing over her as the most beautiful voice drifts over her, music more beautiful than that of the sirens by leaps and bounds)
(She wasn't in her father's house for long, but when she was, she was loved.)
Zagreus gives her a boon. She almost doesn't want to take it, he's so weak, but he grips her hand and insists. Its life, it's blood, its the power to keep going against impossible odds. She feels reinvigorated. She feels furious.
"If I kill him," she says quietly, as Cerberus encloses Zagreus again in the comfort of three broad, blood-red heads. "Will this stop?" They both know who she's talking about.
"Perhaps," Hades says reluctantly. "His power is what keeps your brother from healing. If he must focus on himself..."
"I'll kill him."
She does.
The next time she comes through that room, Zagreus is standing. Still visibly tired and injured, but grinning and talking now.
"You're awake! Zagreus, I'm-"
"Melinoë!" Zagreus wraps her in a hug again and she's sure this must be what her mother's arms feel like too. "I'd know you anywhere!"
He stays with their father. Sometimes she comes in and he's beaten, bloody and nearly broken. Sometimes he's up and laughing.
He gives her advice, tells her stories, makes her laugh. Offers boons when he can.
He loves her, and she loves him.
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ancientpersacom · 4 months
Even though I don’t really like modern settings for Greek myth retellings, I think it’d be so funny if Zag finally makes it to the surface and it’s the modern day because
1) the fuck load is dumb ways he’d get himself killed. Hit by a car because he doesn’t know what traffic lights are, touching powerlines, trying to fight a train etc.
2) the sheer confusion of how developed the surface is compared the underworld keeping its ancient ways. What is the small rectangle people are talking into? What are these weird clothes? Those fast moving metal things? He has no idea
3) He’d be more likely to find people walking their dogs in a modern world, so he’d be seeing all these small one headed dogs and be both in awe and confused as to why the surface dogs are so small and only have one head.
Basically just Zag showing up to the surface and finding a whole city, being so fucking confused and intrigued and then getting himself killed in the dumbest way and going up to his dad all like “THE SURFACE IS SO DEVELOPED WHY AREN’T WE LIKE THAT?!”
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wylldebee · 2 years
I really hope Zagreus and Melinoe have a good sibling relationship. I’m so tired of siblings hating each other because “that’s a normal sibling relationship”. Like, no. Just no. Give me Zagreus who is just the best supportive big brother ever, who is worried for his little sister but has full and complete faith in her. Give me Melinoe being down after a certain number of failed runs, and has a flashback of Zagreus telling her of his own failed runs and to never give up, and this boosts her drive to try again. Give me Melinoe receiving gifts every now and then from Zagreus - extra starting obols, more whatever-she-needs-to-upgrade-her-abilities, extra nectar or ambrosia - to help her with her rescue mission. Zagreus and Melinoe. Good siblings. Caring siblings. Give me.
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bluedrawsalot · 9 months
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that one trend of drawing your comfort characters as the steven universe meme on twitter.
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digitalfishwish · 2 years
I just had a Hades run where I entered a Hermes reward boss chamber, which I then found out was a Thanatos tag team fight. The first thing he said was something like “I got your message requesting help?” And I’m like… Zag didn’t send a message… Hermes, are you trying to set Zag and Than up? If so, awww
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mariquitascadoodles · 2 months
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[Children of the Underworld ]
I was given the honor of illustrating the cover page for @hadesminizine !
our two beloved himbos UwU
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phantomturntech · 4 months
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they deserve bath time too
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fictitiouscitrus · 2 years
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thisisallidream · 18 days
Gonna start posting little bits of my Circe X zagreus fanfic on here while I continue to work on it, because I can't write in long chunks so the fic itself on AO3 won't get properly updated for a while until I actually finish this chapter, but I really really need a short bit of that dopamine when you write some paragraph you're really proud of, so you parade it around begging for praise like a kid whose finally gotten their drawing on the fridge. So yeah. Just a heads up. Gonna post what I got so far already, then let the dribbles begin! Ci think that's what dribbles refers to, please correct me if I'm wrong.)
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infernothechaosgod · 2 years
"The son of the god of the dead shall someday break free from the realm in which he was born"
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