#omg hi frankie!!! hiii!!!!
kittykittyanon · 11 months
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♡♡introooo!!! ---- (≧▽≦)//
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woah!! hii!! welcome to my blog!! whaaat!??!! (°ロ°) !
this was made cause i think aggressive anon and worm are really cool and i really liked the idea of making an anon blog, i think was the word?? (and i'm too nervous to just talk on my main),, so yay!! credits to them :DD
i'm really anxious and i'm scared of social interaction,, but with the shield of anon, i feel a little bit more confident now!! yippeee!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) !!!
pronouns are she/they,, and also BOO!! AGE REVEAL!! i'm 14 WOAHHH!!! GAHH!!!! Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
please please please tell me if anything i do or say upsets or hurts anyone,, it's kinda hard for me to tell tones and i don't wanna be mean or insensitive or anything,, so by all means,, call me out!!
uhhmm,, uhhh,,,, i like art and music and and aaaand turtles that are teenagers and mutants and who also, possibly, maybe live in the sewers (/j) feel free to talk to me about literally anythinggg!!╰(*´︶`*)╯
i think i'll just kinda,, sit here, i guess?? i'll use this to reblog stuffs and post random whatevers,, i will probably pop up somewhere and actually get the somewhat confidence to show my appreciation towards a couple people i've been following on my main that i was too nervous to talk to sooo yah!! im so sorry for making this so long, this took me a while to get the courage to post,, thank you for reading!!!
edit!! i changed my prns from she/her to she/they!! going to try it out for a little and see if it feels right (*´▽`*)!!
tags!!!;; #kittykitty interactions , #kittykitty reblogs , #kittykitty art , #kittykitty asks , #kittykitty rambles , #kittykitty yaps , #kittykitty treasures , #kittykitty hoards , #kittykitty writes
my amazing mooties' tags!!!!;; #rocky!! rocky!!! , #zeepie beepie!!! zeepie deepie!!!! , #big sib aggie!!! , #omg hi frankie!!! hiii!!!! , #woah!! chip is here!! hi chip!!!! // #chippy chip chipper chippzie!! , #the wormiest worm ever!!! , #finnie forevermore!!! finley!!! finn!!! , #woah!! its lykaios!! hii!! , #skrap-a-skrip!! ,, #the loveliest amor!!
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
ik your requests are closed but if you have time n feel up to it, could you write a fic, blurb or even just head canons about how Frank would celebrate you and your birthday? Hes seems like the “anything you want is yours” kinda guy, even if it’s getting coffee then spending the day at home he would still make it special. Its my birthday haha and i dont want a big celebration just a low key day doing little things i love with the ppl i love. Omg this is sappy hahah but yeah if you have the time, thank you!! And I totally understand if you dont ❤️❤️
-Max 💥
my fic requests are currently closed, but i'd be more than happy to whip you up a little birthday treat! i'm gonna go with a headcannon if that's okay bc I have a lot of thoughts about frankie & birthdays I don't think I can properly translate into a blurb right now so please find my rambling below the cut :)
frank castle & your birthday
frankie strikes me as someone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, and I feel like his love language is physical touch but also acts of service. I think we've seen that he pays a huge attention to detail, so he might not go like all out for your birthday, especially if he knows you prefer something small and intimate, but he would definitely make sure it felt special
he would probably start by taking you to your favorite coffee shop, getting you a little birthday breakfast treat with your coffee, and it would probably be the one time he doesn't criticize your drink order (he definitely thinks plain black coffee is real coffee) or comment on how much espresso you added to it (i'm on that pedro pascal shit myself, & I know the only time frankie wouldn't give me shit about it is my birthday bc he's legally required to be extra nice that day)
"you're gonna be hoppin' around like the goddamn energizer bunny with all that. it's your day though. get what you want, sweetheart."
he would insist that you sit down at one of the cute little tables so you can enjoy your coffee and little breakfast together, while you try to get hints from him about what he has planned (he'd resist as long as he could but it's really hard for him to say no to you)
I could see him taking you to do something that you had been begging him to do for awhile. something he kept putting off, or there wasn't time, or he acted like he didn't wanna go, but really he was just saving it for your special day. maybe a trip to an art museum, the aquarium, some botanical gardens, or the zoo even
or maybe a romantic stroll through central park. he'd bring a blanket and your favorite book, let you cuddle up in his lap as he read to you, play with your hair and point out all the cute dogs you saw to each other
even though he'd already gotten your birthday gifts weeks ago, he'd take you to your favorite store and let you pick out anything you wanted
"what? i'm not allowed to spoil my girl on her birthday? if that's a crime, it sure ain't the worst one i've ever committed."
as far as the evening, I see it going two ways: frankie either makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant and invites your closest friends and family to keep it intimate, or he surprises you with a special dinner he cooked himself (your favorite meal) along with a homemade birthday cake (it might not be the prettiest, but it would be delicious) because we know frankie can throw down in the kitchen
if you went out for dinner, he would insist on giving you your gifts & card at home because they're special and sentimental and he's shy when it comes to things like that, and he likes it better when those moments just consist of the two of you
if you had dinner at home, he would roll his eyes when you begged him to sing you happy birthday, but he would oblige because he can't tell you no
"alright, fine. but you're patchin' up your own ears when they start bleedin'. you know I can't sing for shit."
he would ask you several times throughout the day if you were having a good birthday, because he wants to make sure that you are because he thinks you deserve nothing less than as close to perfection as he can provide
he'd also continuously tell you how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you and how lucky he felt to get to spend your special day with you
I could see him putting your favorite song on and asking you to slow dance with him in the living room to it, drawing out every single minute of your birthday all the way up to 11:59 and making sure you spent every second of it feeling loved and special
"today's one of my favorite days. know why? cause it was the day you were brought into this world, and I think that deserves a goddamn celebration. happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."
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cozycorner · 10 months
Hi there :) I was wondering if you have any gameplay tips? Like how not to give up on a legacy after 2 gens lol thank you!
HIII OMG YES!! i am sooo glad you asked 🥰
dressing up / my aging system
something i've been doing a lot lately (as you can probably tell / will now notice in my almond legacy) is changing their looks to represent their age. in my game, each life stage will have a total of 2 makeovers (teenagers will get 3. the third being the transition into young adulthood). the first makeover is the glow up from whatever they had on when they aged up to how i envision them and then the second makeover is to better show their growth and finding out who they are. typically the makeovers will also represent their age: how i play regarding aging rules is each life stage has 2 ages (with, again, teenagers having 3). i haven't put a whole lot of time or thought into my aging system but it goes a little something like this: - infant: newborn to 1 year - toddler: 2 years old to 4 years old - child: 9 years old to 12 years old - teenager: 17 years old to 18 years old to 19 years old - young adult: 21 years old to 30 years old - adult: 40 years old to 60 years old - elder: 75 years old to death this helps a lot with keeping things feeling fresh and also more realistic. if i'm feeling up to it, i'll even change up their room a bit to represent personal growth and discovery too. if i haven't played in a while, i'll give them an additional makeover because it just gets me more excited to play, idk djkfhg i'll also play with aging off and then manually age my sims and their friends up whenever it feels right. that way i don't feel rushed or have a sim's life feel like it's dragging on.
🌈 imaaagination 🌈
a big part of playing the sims, especially sims 4, is using your imagination and really playing up what's going on. in my current household, for example, abby went to see muffy the day after prom and in my mind, she was there to say "choose between me and him" but obviously that's an impossible interaction to play out in the game.. so i just made it up! and then i took note of muffy's autonomous interactions after this (i.e if she were to call / text / see frankie more often, i would decide that she chose him and if she were to call / text / see abby more, i'd say she chose her)**. this type of gameplay can take some getting used to though. especially if you don't really have any ideas in mind on what to do. which brings me to my next point...
putting the rest under a cut cause i didn't realize how long this would be ♡♡
take inspiration from your favourite shows!!
there's no right or wrong way to play the sims. but drama spices things up a looot. sometimes drama just plays out naturally without any intervention but something you can do is take inspiration from various shows that i've watched (even though i rewatch the same 3 comfort shows DSFLKG) an example of taking inspiration from a show could be having your sim have a best friend at their workplace who they're secretly in love with and trying to remain just friends with (because they're already engaged to someone else).. a la pam x jim from the office. and the best part is that because you're only taking inspiration, it doesn't have to play out the exact same way! using the pam x jim example, i could have my sim fight their bestie's fiancé and end up having their bestie unfriend them in the process as opposed to the engagement being broken off and my sim dating their bestie.
breaks are essential
if you're feeling tired of the sims, take a break from it! play other games, explore other hobbies.. my "process" is typically playing for a week or 2 and then taking a break for a bit when i notice i'm not as excited to play anymore. this helps a lot with avoiding being burnt out from the game. i also always know that that vibe to play will eventually come back which definitely helps!
let the sims control the story
i'll use the previous example of muffy having to choose between abby and frankie. ** by taking note of your sim's autonomous interactions, it allows them to tell their own story instead of you choosing a path for them. once you get a good feel for what your sim is wanting to do (for my example: muffy chooses abby because she interacts with her more), then you can start to play more and decide what they would do based on that information, if that makes sense.
ngl i could go on and on SKDFJGHKJSDFG but this is already long af so i'm going to leave it there. if you want more ideas, plumbie has an aaammmmaaaazzinnnggg playlist of gameplay ideas!! here's a quick link to that if you want to check it out.
please let me know if you have any comments or questions ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ happy simming!!
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the-blue-fairie · 2 years
Hi!!!This is the person who you used to dm your Cass/Rapunzel/Eugene fics and fics for Elsamaren events to!I just wanted to let you know because i loved talking to you and your writing and i've changed my url so many times😅Also i've changed my name and realized my full gender identity as well!I used to identify as just a demigirl but now i know i'm also transmasc genderfluid and my name has changed from Frankie to Summer❤
Omg! Hiii! Hope you're doing wonderfully this holiday month!
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newwwwusername · 11 months
Hiii! Omg so excited to see another person who loves the life action movies!! I wasn’t sure if you only saw the G3 movies, or the G3 series as well?
this isn’t gonna be my request ask. I was just genuinely curious about the ‘Toralei has Tourette’s’ HC?? Like it seems so interesting and you must have a reason why!
Toralei is my personal little scrungly pathetic wet cat so I have shifted my whole world to revolve around her lol. I HC her with numerous things. A absolutely crippling phobia of Thunder. RAD that morphed into BPD because of childhood trauma (plus her extremely CANON abusive ass mom. Something you’d only see if you watched the G3 series). Ooo I also have her have chronic pain and ptsd from her extremely traumatic murder attempt! Cause no way would she be stabbed five times and not loose some feeling in her arm/ have extreme permanent pain/ need extreme physical therapy. and she totally gets ptsd panic attacks where she thinks she’s back and Paris and- I wrote a long ass fic about thag on Ao3. I’m Nadiahilkerfan btw.
sorry im rambling aren’t I. I just love Toralei and I saw you also like toralei (I also love Frankie. Wrote some stuff for them too). So my little monster high heart is just going off!
anyway. Main question was just about the Toralei Tourette’s HC. Cause I am very interested about that
You’ll probably see another ask from me that actually has my fic request (heads up. Anyone who knows me knows it’s gonna be a Thunder angst fic. It’s kinda my genre/brand/cult like trope I instill into everyone lol)
Oh lol hi haha
I haven't watched the g3 cartoon, just the live action movies and the headcanon just comes from me having Tourette's and needing to project that onto *someone* lol. She just has. The vibe ig
Like I could very easily imagine her suppressing it super hard for appearances and then just completely losing it as soon as she's alone
I appreciate your enthusiasm 🫡
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twsthc · 1 year
OMG NEW MOOT HI!! i’m frankie !! :] hru
HIII FRANKIE IM CIEL i am good :3 i like ur name
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hiii Franky, i loved your hcs about OP chars and what kind of fanfic writers they would be. I was wondering if you have any hcs about how they would react to reading fanfiction about themselves?
Like i imagine Roger lying on his bed, kicking his feet in the air and giggling while he’s reading the best and naughtiest parts out loud to Rayleigh, but I’d love to hear your thoughts!
omg I love that about Roger, Rayleigh is like 'if it's not written by Thatch or Killer does it even count?' then Rayleigh trying to request from them both.
Thatch: He’s so excited, this was his moment to shine, he always dreamed about someone writing fanfiction about him. He really liked the AUs’ where he doesn’t die, bonus points if he is romancing everyone. And he likes to leave really nice little reviews and always reblogs. Comments about the fanfic saying his hair is cool and he smells nice were a nice touch.
Ace: Is constantly torn between horny panic or fear. He struggles to see what other people see in him. He’s also sat there with his hand over his nose as he deals with an issue in his pants because the amount of sheer filth people write about him has him like ‘Wow’ but he’s also flattered. Tried to argue with Marco that he’d be the top, Marco laughs. LIKES everything to reread later.
Marco: He would count the ‘yois’ people used. He would be like ‘I- I don’t say it that much, do I?’ everyone, every single 1,600 Whitebeard pirate just side-eyes him about that comment. If it’s really filthy he sits there and has a chuckle and sends the writer a cheeky pineapple squirting gif their way. Becomes super self-conscious that he stands hand on his hip too much. Like, he becomes so aware of it now.
Izou: Bright red blushing mess but always has this face the entire time, just D< at the piece. He’ll complain about everything. “I would NEVER wear that, also, who do they think they are? I wouldn’t do that.” Sends you anon hate. But it’s very obvious it was him.
Rayleigh: He goes through it, a smirk on his face, nodding along, enjoying it and basking in the filth that’s written. He comments with basically a full review before he asks if he can beta it for you because wow, that was so many misuses of commas and compares you to Thatch.
Roger: Like a teenager who’s snuck online and reading things he knows he shouldn’t. Defo one of those iconless ageless blogs as he follows everyone and interacts with nothing. His reviews are always keyboard smashes and awful memes stolen from google images. Always requests Roger x Rayleigh.
Sabo: Depending on how badly you deny your attraction to him [fuck you all] depends on if he hacks into your account and changes it or shows up at your house with flowers [the head of your enemy] and a shit-eating grin. I will aggressively link it to everyone to read.
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infranuz · 3 years
HIII can I request a nami x fem reader where reader is meeting namis crew for the first time and they think reader is just a friend of namis until they see them be reaalllll close like hand holding, lots of hugs and maybe a kiss ;D
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a/n — AAA MY FIRST NAMI REQUEST TYY <33 I love this imagine so much omg thank you for requesting this anon!! (Not proofread!!)
pairing — Nami x Fem!Reader meeting Nami’s crew for the first time and them finding out about Nami’s beautiful girlfriend!! <33
tw — implied sexual intercourse (just for one part)
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After the straw hats saved yet another country they deserved a small vacation which lead to Nami picking out an island she knew well enough. It was hard to convince Luffy until she brought up the countries special dishes and deserts immediately sailing for the island after the captain gave the order.
Nami remembered she once had docked at that island for treasure reasons to which her surprise she ended finding something even more valuable than gold. Nami had found a woman like no other, she was extremely beautiful, she had a kind heart and was as strong as previous pirates she had encountered. At first Nami had decided to use her for her abilities but later she ended up saving her and realized it would be far too cruel to use such a kind hearted woman.
After some weeks spent there both grew closer to each other and ended up in the bed after having too many drinks. Both surprised with the outcome, they decided to start a relationship which no one knew about until that very day.
Nami seemed to be a rather “greedy” woman but needles to say she did have a heart deep inside, a heart for a very special person. Once they finally got to the island Nami immediately got off heading to the old restaurant that your family owned . Of course because so many years had passed since they last saw each other it was somewhat difficult to recognize how they looked.
“Hello ma’am I’m looking for a woman named Y/N, she works here.” Nami said looking at the woman in the reception. “Of course, hold on a moment please” she turned around and went to the back to call her lover. From the same way the woman left another lady came out heading straight to Nami. “Nami!! Is that really you?!” You shouted not caring about the others around her.
Nami immediately opened her arms to her girlfriend ready for the hug. Both had been waiting so long to meet each other again immediately embracing each other. “I’m so glad you’re okay!! After those two years without hearing about you made me worry” Nami smiled knowing how her lover cared so much for her. “I’m sorry I made you worry, but at least I’m here now..”
The couple decided to go out to their favorite spots to catch up before heading to the Sunny so the crew could meet her girlfriend. “I’m back” Nami shouted catching everyone’s attention. “I want you guys to meet someone” she announced with you behind her.
“Nami! Who is that behind you?” Chopper immediately asked after seeing you behind her. “This is Y/N, my-” Her sentence was cut off my Sanji’s typical shout. “NAMI-SWAANN” Sanji came running down.
“Sanji-kun!” Nami glared at the man returning her gaze to you . “Apologies Y/N, this is my crew” she continued “Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji-kun, Chopper, Robin, Franky and Brook” She finished pointing at the creepy living skeleton.
“Nice to meet you all! I thank you for taking care of Nami” you bowed as a sign of respect towards the crew. “Is there meat here?” Luffy asked out of the blue. You stared at him dumbfounded but laughed it off, “Of course! We have our special meat dish which I’m sure you’ll love” You smiled sweetly at him. “Follow me, I’ll show you at the restaurant” taking Namis hand you lead the way.
This didn’t go unnoticed by the crew specially Sanji to which he thought was rather weird but shrugged it off thinking it was something two friends would normally do. But oh boy was he not expecting the surprise coming his way. The crew enjoyed the meal served by you everyone complimenting your cooking skills. Another interaction that set the crews and Sanji’s suspicion out was when you were feeding Nami with your own fork like couples would normally do.
The others may have just found it as a friendly interaction but not Sanji. All the small interactions happening kept bothering Sanji. Not in a bad way, in a suspicious way. Until the final interaction would make everything clear, before setting off to another island Nami hugged you and pulled you in for a parting kiss which immediately shocked everyone. Both bid a goodbye and set off, meanwhile everyone stared at Nami “EHH?!” Was Luffy’s, Usopps,Brooks and Choppers reaction. Robin and Franky laughed it off already knowing while Zoro didn’t seem to care.
For the rest of the day Nami was questioned about her relationship with you. Of course they didn’t seem to understand (Luffy) but either way didn’t care because Nami was still Nami even if she loved you. Sanji was surprised the most, of course like the gentleman he is he respected your relationship, quite happy that Nami had someone that loved her and cared for her.
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© zorosoup
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charnelhouse · 3 years
Hi. I’m a fairly new reader. I’m in love with your writing. There’s is something so gut wrenching & oddly nostalgic in the way you write grief, sadness and loneliness. But also…you know how to make a character absolutely hilarious ! Anytime you drop something new, me and my friend rush to tumblr like fans—proud fans btw. I’m currently enjoying WYS and I’m only at chapter 6. I have a few questions so bear with me :
1. I read all your TF stuff FIRST and now I’m reading your WYS au story. Are the character traits/personalities in the TF universe the same for the guys in the WYS universe? I see some similarities but I just wanted to know for sure. Like I noticed that Will is a bit closed off (so far) in Wys, similar to TF. Is this intentional?
2. Once again I’ve only gotten to chapter 6 but is pope interested in Faire? Or will he become interested in her romantically and or physically ? So far he’s a bit cold (which I understand completely) and that’s why I’m asking.
3. I really love how inclusive your stories are. I don’t feel alienated as a reader when I read your stuff. I noticed that you have a Pinterest board for faire. Does faire have a specific face claim or do you leave that up to interpretation? I noticed you had Lori Harvey, Sza and Blake lively (and more) under the faire board. So I’d just like some clarity on that.
4. Do you have guess at how many chapters there will be in total for WYS? Sometimes I like to wait until updates are finished to binge but I’m way too hooked tbh.
5. Girl what is your zodiac sign?! If you don’t believe in that stuff I totally get it. I’m just nosey and want to know. Idk…maybe the way you write angst just makes me want to know what zodiac sign is responsible for making me CRY like this !!! lol!
Hiii omg thank you!!
1. I’m not sure they have a ton to do with each other. Will is very closed off, but I’d say he’s more sane in the TF Poly fics. Frankie is similar. Benny is similar. I didn’t really intend to connect them because the WYS characters have been raised completely differently (they’ve never gone to war, etc). I had my own headcanons for the TF guys and I transferred some of those traits to WYS.
2. Pope is definitely interested in her, but right now he’s trying to create boundaries. He does not spend time with her. He is doing his damndest to not view her as anything, but Charles Faire’s daughter because he’s got ISSUES. He acknowledges that she’s extremely pretty (to him) in the beginning, but then builds a barrier up – avoids her. You’ll see that by Chapter 10, he does like her/feel an interest in her.
3. I’ve tried to be careful about giving her a specific face claim since people like to pretend. Obviously – I have an idea of who I see her as. She definitely has a lot of hair (bc i talk about it a lot during certain acts). Blake Lively is the face claim for Theo (who you meet in ch. 8 i think). If she was in the "Faire Vibes" folder, it's probably because I dug her outfit haha. Honestly – I sort of see her as a Margot Robbie/Ana de Armas combo/mixture. She’s a bunch of things in my head and it tends to change (see below for some vibes)
4. TBD on an exact count, but I highly suggest that you read it with the updates and not wait.
5. I’m a libra haha.
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etherealdemon · 3 years
hiii i'd love to send some ocs 👀👀
1. stubborn, devoted, always aims for perfectionism, a natural born leader, clingy but will never admit it. snarky but she loves her friends very much. loves to hike and true crime podcasts. will break when experiencing even the smallest hint of affection.
2. approachable and friendly. always ready for a bit of mischief, will shirk most of his responsibilities. often presents himself as an idiot when in public but secretly loves learning, solving puzzles, and appreciates a good mystery - fiction or not. overprotective of his loved ones and is a people-pleaser.
hiiiii omg sis tysm for sending this in💗
okay so for your first oc i’m gonna ship them with miles! he’s a very carefree and spontaneous person and i think it would be interesting to see their dynamic as your oc is a perfectionist. i do think they he could keep up with your oc’s snarkiness. also they also share a similar interest in hiking so that’s something that they could do together.
i’m shipping your second oc with frankie! she’s definitely a little chaotic and mischievous and i think your oc would allow her to come out of her shell and help her be a little less awkward. frank also loves a good mystery so that’s one thing that they could bond over.
describe your ocs to me and i’ll tell you which of my ocs i ship them with!
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kittykittyanon · 8 months
HAPPPYYYY BIRTGHHHHHHHDAYYYYY TOOOO YOUUUUUU‼️‼️‼️‼️🤗🤗🤗🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎁🎁
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
hiii im sorry to bother u but i just can’t stop thinking about frankie going to ur place and in between make out sessions u ask him if he can read to u because u like his voice and u love books and after hours of reading together u guys like it so much that u turn it into a daily past time and u also read to him w his head on ur belly. AHHHHH I LOVE FRANKIE OMG
i would LOVE for frankie to read to me! i could use that right about now!
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kittykittyanon · 4 months
if i ever disappear
jus so you know
i looooveee you all & tysm for being here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 /p
if you ever disappeared, i'd miss you dearly. we all would. mwah mwah mwah!!! i looooooveeeee you too!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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kittykittyanon · 7 months
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YOU’RE BACK‼️‼️‼️‼️🫵🫵🫵🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥💥💥💥💥
FRANKIEEEE AHHHHH!! PICKING YOU UP TWIRLING YOU AROUND MY FAAAAVORITE LITTLE SISTER!!! it's good to be back!!!! i missed youuuuu!!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
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kittykittyanon · 7 months
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UWWEEEEHHHHHH FRAAANKIIEEEEEEEE!!! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
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kittykittyanon · 9 months
older sister id annoy or cling onto.
lilo & nani kind of vibes for us both.
You totally are an amazing artist.
anddddddddddddd i love you /p 💥💥💥
oouuuuhhh… fraaankiiieeeeehh 。゜゜(´O) ゜゜。。゜゜(´O) ゜゜。 tgis is ssso sWEET!! AUGHHH I LOVE YOU MOREEE!!! i did draw something for this ((our sonas with an arm around each others’ shoulders)) but i scrapped it cause i didn’t like how it looked ueueueuee!!!
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