#clinging to the ceilings hoping people dont notice me
kittykittyanon · 8 months
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♡♡introooo!!! ---- (≧▽≦)//
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woah!! hii!! welcome to my blog!! whaaat!??!! (°ロ°) !
this was made cause i think aggressive anon and worm are really cool and i really liked the idea of making an anon blog, i think was the word?? (and i'm too nervous to just talk on my main),, so yay!! credits to them :DD
i'm really anxious and i'm scared of social interaction,, but with the shield of anon, i feel a little bit more confident now!! yippeee!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) !!!
pronouns are she/they,, and also BOO!! AGE REVEAL!! i'm 14 WOAHHH!!! GAHH!!!! Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
please please please tell me if anything i do or say upsets or hurts anyone,, it's kinda hard for me to tell tones and i don't wanna be mean or insensitive or anything,, so by all means,, call me out!!
uhhmm,, uhhh,,,, i like art and music and and aaaand turtles that are teenagers and mutants and who also, possibly, maybe live in the sewers (/j) feel free to talk to me about literally anythinggg!!╰(*´︶`*)╯
i think i'll just kinda,, sit here, i guess?? i'll use this to reblog stuffs and post random whatevers,, i will probably pop up somewhere and actually get the somewhat confidence to show my appreciation towards a couple people i've been following on my main that i was too nervous to talk to sooo yah!! im so sorry for making this so long, this took me a while to get the courage to post,, thank you for reading!!!
edit!! i changed my prns from she/her to she/they!! going to try it out for a little and see if it feels right (*´▽`*)!!
tags!!!;; #kittykitty interactions , #kittykitty reblogs , #kittykitty art , #kittykitty asks , #kittykitty rambles , #kittykitty yaps , #kittykitty treasures , #kittykitty hoards , #kittykitty writes
my amazing mooties' tags!!!!;; #rocky!! rocky!!! , #zeepie beepie!!! zeepie deepie!!!! , #big sib aggie!!! , #omg hi frankie!!! hiii!!!! , #woah!! chip is here!! hi chip!!!! // #chippy chip chipper chippzie!! , #the wormiest worm ever!!! , #finnie forevermore!!! finley!!! finn!!! , #woah!! its lykaios!! hii!! , #skrap-a-skrip!! ,, #the loveliest amor!!
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c0stass · 7 months
Lost In Echoes pt. 3
Content: cussing, violence, kidnapping, mark in a trap, reader in a trap, reader unfairly tested, chemicals
Acid trap was inspired by the film Funhouse.
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It's been three weeks since Mark revealed his biggest secret to you, his true self. Despite what that truth is, you love him for being honest with you and trusting you with something like that. You're not sure if you're okay with it. He is still trying to help you understand why he tests people. You sort of understand, but you're still a bit skeptical about all of it.
On one night in particular, you decide to run to the store for a snack. You can't sleep, so you've sat up binge watching your favourite show. Mark isn't home, and he isn't returning your calls, so you're a bit worried. You convince yourself not to freak out. You slowly get dressed, grab your car keys, and head out into the cold, foggy night. As you unlock your car, you don't notice the dark figure creeping up behind you. The last thing you remember is an arm around your neck, followed by a sharp pain right below your ear.
Everything goes black.
You awaken in a dark room, with a single light shining on you, strapped to a hard metal chair. Scared, you look around. You're groggy, not sure at first what's happening. As you come to, you realise what might be going on, and you hope it isn't true. Pulling at the restraints and screaming, your voice echoes off the concrete walls. You're fully dressed except for your shoes and socks, the hard floor cold on your feet.
You hear a door open and shut behind you, heavy and metallic.
"Hello, y/n," comes a gruff voice from behind you. You know that voice. Mark's played the tapes for you in the weeks since revealing he was working with John Kramer. Oh my god, Mark, you think, where is he?
"I want to play a game," the voice continues. Your blood runs cold. You hear a switch flick on, and a bright light floods the room from the high ceiling. You look across the room with wide eyes, and you see a naked Mark, hanging from his wrists above his head, waist deep in a chemical container that appears to be filled with water. A clear tube leads from the tank to a container next to it, labeled SbHF6.
"MARK!!!" You scream. He looks so scared, looking at you.
"Help me... please, y/n... oh god," he cries.
The man walks from behind you, revealing himself to be none other than John Kramer. He turns to Mark.
"Detective Hoffman," he says, "you of all people should know how crucial it is to keep certain information from the public. And yet, you tell her. I don't know this person. How do i know she can be trusted? Consider this a test of her loyalty to you. But dont worry. I'm not going to kill her. This is her test, but you are the subject."
"Fuck you, John! This is too far!" Mark spits, thrashing around in the water. John turns to you.
"You've seen my work. You know about acid and the devastating affects it can have on one's body."
You stare at him with pure hate in your eyes.
"Flouroantimonic acid is the most corrosive acid on this planet when it comes into contact with water. Unless you want your boyfriend to be dissolved into nothing, you'll follow my instructions. All you have to do... is climb the ladder," he points to a ladder clinging to the wall, 70 feet at least, you guesstimate, "and press the button at the top. And Mark will be free."
He begins to untie you from the chair.
"But be careful," he continues, "the razor wire and barbed wire will slice you to shreds."
"Fuck you! You can't do this to us!" You yell.
"If you fail to press the button before the timer is up, Mark will die. Slowly and painfully. You have ninety seconds. How much blood will you shed to save his life? Make your choice."
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Hi! I saw that your requests were open! Could you do something where Mc comforts Mammon or Asmo when they are feeling particularly bad about themselves? Kinda angsty and fluffy? Love your writing!
I'm feeling this right now so it's time to tackle this mess. Mammon is a fan favorite but I thought Asmodeus might be more interesting
Warning: angst, a lot of self doubt.
Sometimes You isn't Enough ( ASMODEUS X GN!READER )
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You had never seen him like this. So secluded. So gloomy. So introverted. It's kind of sad, really. The usual bubbly demon was turned into nothing more than a glob of sadness and the worst part is, no one knew why. He didn't try to openly show it. He still made jokes and looked cute, but when he thought people looked away, even just for a second, his facade immediately dropped and it was hard to be picked up again. Like a mask that was sitting too heavily on his face.
Satan had said that he's probably depressed because someone won a beauty contest and that someone wasnt him. But really, you couldnt just brush it off as that. Asmodeus' feelings cant just be hurt from things like that. You're certain there was something else behind it. Something more. Bigger. Unexpected. But of course he would never openly talk about these things. As long as he put on a smile, the world was fine and no one needs to worry. Thats what he always says. Or at least thinks. To an extent, you understood that mindset, and you knew all too well the urge to bury it deep inside and never speak of it; the urge to be silent and deal with it yourself. But it's hard. And at some point, anyone bursts.
"Asmo?" You knocked on his door, determined to get it out of him. To get him to open up, because as much as you wouldn't want to bother anyone, you also know that you cant keep it inside forever because it kills, slowly, but surely. "Darling!" He seemed way too happy opening the door but you quickly noticed his grin didn't reach his eyes. You gave a quick smile and brushed past him, not bothering with formalities or beating around the bush. "Asmodeus. Talk to me." He looked at you, raising an eyebrow and slowly closing the door, "I'm always willing to talk to you, you know that." "do I know that?" You flopped down on his bed, patting the space next to you, "come sit with me." "Just sit?" He winked at you and for a moment, things seemed normal; they seemed easy.
"Just sit and talk." You turned to him, trying to take him in. He didn't carry himself as well as he usually did and his posture was actually kind of slumped over instead of the elegance he usually carried. "Asmo... You don--" "I know." He was still smiling, taking your hand in his, "I know what youre thinking. I dont look or act the same. I'm not, but I'll be fine. Dont worry." You frowned in response, knowing damn well that he's far from fine and that it will take longer than a night to sleep it off, or whatever.
"No." Now he was frowning. "What?" You pulled your hand back, crossing your arms over your chest, "I said no. Youre not fine and you probably wont be for a while. This has been going on for weeks, Asmodeus. Do you really think no one notices? You're not fine and i wont accept you brushing me off like that." It was silent after that, both of you just staring at each other although you noticed his eyes getting sadder and sadder. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and threw you back on the bed, burying his face in your neck, "A-Asmo!! This is not the tim--!" "I cant tell you. Or anyone. You'll think I'm silly, or dumb, or its unjustified. You'll think I'm another Levi with body and personality issues. I cant tell you, especially you (Y/N), because I don't want you to see how much I'm crumbling inside. " he took a deep breath, pushing his face closer against your skin, which was starting to heat up from the close proximity of him against you.
"I dont... Feel good. About myself. I haven't for a while now. At first i thought I just needed a wardrobe change, you know? Some cute new clothes, some sexy lingerie to spice things up..." He laughs quietly at himself, feeling the years start to form, "b-but... It's not that. I dont feel good in my soul. Funny thing to say, huh? A demon and his soul... I dont look in the mirror and get impressed. I look in the mirror and compare. I look at Beelzebub's body and get jealous of how he looks, or Satan's intelligence and realize how truly dumb I am. I look at all of my brothers, doing these amazing things, and realize I'm falling short.... What do I have? A plastic personality with a narcissistic disorder..."
You heard him get quiet, clinging tightly to you as he hid the tears that started falling in your hair. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around him, pushing him closer against you. "I'm nobody, (Y/N).... I dont have what they have... Im useless to my family, to you... To myself..." You squeezed him tighter at that, stroking over his back and feeling him start to shake.
"You're not--" "i dont want you to tell me I'm not... I just want you to... Hold me..." You nodded silently, staring up at his ceiling while you caressed over his back. You get it. Its not always words that you need and you know all to well that the people that held you were far more precious than any words you ever heard. So you held him, your mind racing with things to say because you needed him to know, and believe, that hes so much more than that. He wasnt okay and he most likely hasnt been for a long time. All these things build up inside of him over millennia and you could only imagine how much pain it has caused him. He's not okay. But you hoped he will be.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao
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18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time
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37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
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Pink Chains Sequel
The oldest. Male, twin. Souta.(Means A sudden wind or sound)
The middle. Male. Twin. Kaito. (Means sea or ocean)
Youngest. Female. Kana. (Means powerful)
@galagcica @squeaky-ducky @kozushiki @haikyuu-but-low-iq @lunebabie @derpeedoo @kayisweird @zopzoop
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“We do now!!!!” You told him, rubbing your stomach
“Swee..sweetie are you serious?” He climbed over the desk grabbing you and pulling you between his legs.
“Yep!!! Surprise Kyo!!!”
He was a little shocked for a few minutes, you were telling him how excited you were but he could not register it. A kid, not one but three. Will they be like him? Scary? Will they think hes scary?!?
“Kyo?” You lightly tugged his shirt so he would look at you. “Kyo whats wrong?”
He squeezed you sighing deep. “Im nervous sweetie thats all.”
You laid your head on his chest. “Well.. i am too . But! I have you to help and you have me. Not to mention all your friends. “ you took his ring hand to hold it and nuzzled his sleeve. “I love you, we will be fine Kyo.”
Kyo took in a deep breath and kissed your head. “Yeah, we will. I love you so much sweetie.”
It was an interesting nine months for everyone. Kyo had gotten his friends together for beach volleyball one night , you were there too but you were sitting with a sundress on looking excited.
“Soo...” Iwaizumi said, rubbing his head. “Whats this about?”
Oikawa and Mattsun were stumped too, so was Yahaba. Bokuto was trying to piece it together as well.
You got up and turned to the side and Kyo put his hand on your stomach. “Well... lets just hope you can deal with more of me”
Safe to say Kyo got tackled into the sand by everyone.
Time Skip to the kids being 7.
💕Kyo and Reader still live in his home. Iwaizumi does too since he owns the basement half of the house.
💕Chicken Legs had trouble adjusting to the children but Readers cats have helped relax and calm him. He's not so shaky anymore.
💕King is the kids number one fan. He is always there to help them with a prank on their father or to help them up and down the stairs.
💕Rex gets brushed every five minutes and he *loves it*. Kana also likes putting ribbons on his tail.
💕Mango is carried around everywhere by Kaito because he is small and “fun to carry”
💕The twins get up to no good alot. Souta is like the wind, no one ever knows if he's gonna do something. Kaito is more calm, like the ocean . But just like his brother, he's right there to lend a hand in mischief
💕Kana is attached to Kyo and Readers hip nearly 24/7 because she is scared of everything. She was tiny at birth. A “runt of the litter” Kyo called it, which gave her the nickname “Kana Pup” by Kyo. Everything is bigger than her and she doesn't like it. She's scared of Oikawa and it makes him sad.
💕Kyo and Reader own a bigger building together that they turned into The Dog House. They sell apparel but with Readers designs now too. The kids hangout at the shop usually after school.
💕The building has an upper floor or office area where Reader works on new designs / manages the finances while Kyo works the floor.
💕Souta and Kaito spend their days greeting customers and telling them specials (as best they can) . If Kana is not with her mother she is with Kyo at the register coloring under the desk so no one can see her.
💕kyo does not know what to do about Kana, he's worried she won't have friends and isolate herself. Iwaizumi suggests a hobby or club for middle school and Oikawa suggests volleyball.
💕its at the beach Kana realizes how fun volleyball is. She even lets Oikawa show her how to play.
💕Mattsun still has his tattoo shop. Kyo now has a back piece too. It's three wolf pups .
💕Kana joins the volleyball club
💕the twins join an art club and it is very interesting to them . Souta & Kaito are naturals at coming up with designs
💕iwaizumi babysits when Kyo and reader need alone time at the house
💕every now and then Kyo will check in on his kids at night, he leans on the wall of the door just watching them sleep. It's been a few years since they were born and he's still dumbfounded he could make such blessings
💕Kanas first game is a little rocky, she's nervous about people watching her. That is until Bokuto yells for the stands ‘all eyes on you because you are the star of this court!!!’ . She pulls through and turns out she spikes just like her father. They win because of her. Reader cries tears of joy and the twins are going nuts , Kyo pulls reader close kissing her
💕The twins debut a simple design. It's a crow with its wings out with a chain collar on its neck. Their parents love it.
Time skip to HighSchool
💕The kids go to Karasuno
💕The twins are in a design/business club
💕Kana is the wing spiker of her team. She is tall like her father and brings her team to Nationals.
💕Mattsun has a pretty little happy girl come into his shop one day asking for a fluffy kitty tattoo . Mattsun thanks god this is happening and gets her number
💕Oikawa & Iwaizumi still work at the Dog House. Oikawa now has the same volleyball tattoo his friends have. Iwaizumi helps the twins bring their designs up to sell online
After High School.
💕Kana plays for the Black Jackals. The twins have a successful online business selling their designs on different things.
💕Kyo and Reader have expanded the Dog House and it has more locations now.
💕Every friday night they spend their time laying on Kyos car with music on watching the stars in their backyard.
The end 💕
Little bonus mini drabbles!!
“raaaa!!!!!” Yelled Kaito
“Aaaarrgg!!!!” Yelled Souta.
Kana had her ears covered and had Chicken Legs laying down next to her with his paw over his eyes. She was sitting on the floor coloring in her book when her siblings rushed down the stairs with toilet paper and heavy eye makeup on their face and body. King, Rex and Mango were close behind with equal amounts of toilet paper on them too. This was a regular saturday...
Iwaizumi was on the couch watching these terrors run around the house . He pat Kana on the head counting quietly. “And 5...4...3...2...1...” The garage door could be heard and the twins and dogs stopped. Heavy steps and giggling were getting closer.
“Yes Souta?”
“It appears we are going to die today”
“Yes i believe so.”
Kana peaked at Iwaizumi and he just gave her that smile that made her get red in the face. The door opened and you and Kyo saw your kids covered in toilet paper and makeup. The dogs too. Kyo rubbed between his eyes and you giggled going over to Kana who was holding her arms up to you.
“Yes Kaito?”
“It was nice knowing you.”
(Whenever Kyo asks Iwai why he allows this he just shrugs and says “hey they aint my kids 😋”)
Kyo had picked the kids up from school and went straight into work. No one minded that the kids were there, they behaved. Mostly.
“Welcome to The Dog House!!!” Yelled the twins“The finest dogs and the biggest house!!! At your service!!!!”
Youd never seen so many metal heads giggle and chuckle like little kids before. Kana though, was under the register coloring and leaning on her fathers leg. Kyo leaned on the register looking down at his daughter.
“Kana pup”
“Papa..?” She asked, looking up, brushing her hair from her face.
“Do you wanna greet customers with your brothers?
She shrugged pulling the book closer. “N-no..”
He rolled his shoulders looking back up to see his friends frowning at him.
“Maybe a club will help”
“Or volleyball!!!”
The twins were running around the beach with Mattsun chasing them , Kyo, Iwa, and Kawa were tossing the ball to each other. And you were sitting on a towel under an umbrella with Kana clinging to your arm. You had noticed she was fixed on what her father was doing and you signaled to get his attention and pointed at yoir daughter.
“Kana pup.” He said, catching the ball. “Cmere for a second.”
She shook her head and you rubbed her side.”just for a second baby.”
Kana gets up joining her father and he crouches down behind her. “Put your fists together , be still okay?”
“ dont.. wanna get hit..”
“You wont i promise.” He nodded to Iwaizumi and he lightly tossed the ball to Kana . “Now just move your wrist down. Then connect with the ball semding it up”
As soon as the ball hit her wrists she whined turning around to hug her father. “Kana, look.” He turned her head . The ball was in the air . “You did it.”
“I.. i hit it.”
“Maybe Oikawa can explain better.” He said, getting up and Oikawa crouched down next to her. Kana whined giving him a scared look and he just held his hands out to recieve the ball.
“Its easy, promise!” The ball bounced off his wrists.
After a few tries Kana got the positioning right and even asked Oikawa to help and show her more.
One night Mattsun is at his shop filling in his laptop with appointments, transactions, bills. Its late, maybe almost 10. He liked to stay open when he had late nights like this. No one ever came by but.. it made him hope someone would. Mattsun was covered head to toe in tattoos. The bell dinged and he looked up from his desk and fell forward.
It was a girl; pink shoes, dyed highlighted pink hair, a white belly top and shorts. “Hey Mr!!!! Can i get a tattoo please?! A fluffy kitty or kitten? Do you do those? “
Mattsun smiled up at his ceiling . “Whoevers watching , thank you.”
He looked back over at the huffy girl. “Yeah i can do that Kitty, let me get a sketch going and you can tell me what you think.” He said with a very big smile. “Whats your name?” He asked , going around his desk to his wheely chair .
“Y/n!! “ the girl skipped over sitting in the chair criss cross. “Can you do it here?” She pointed to her inner thigh .
Mattsun thanked whoever was watching over him again but in his head. “I sure can y/n. I sure can.”
“No no!! Kitty!! I like it.”
Mattsun had a silly grin on his face now. “Okay kitty”
Its late at night and the only one up is Kyo. He was leaning on the wall watching his kids, ‘how did i get here?’ He asked himself while eyeing his bruised knuckles. Slowly he looked up. “I love you guys so much...”
“And i love you.” He heard behind him. A giggle too.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Musical BeetleJuice x reader
nsft content
masturbation, voyeurism you know the drill with me
sometimes things don’t go the way you want, beej spys on reader chan while jerking it, and things don’t exactly go as planned, reader cahn is okay with it, beej, not so much
i apologize for this mess
Recently the Deetz have asked you to "babysit" beetlejuice while they were on a vacation, the maitlands also pleaded this so they could have some alone time, you didnt mind, you enjoyed the demon's presence, and he yours, ever since you sucker punched him after a jump scare gone wrong, he became very clingy to you.
It's been a few days into having beetlejuice over, yes he has spent the night in the past, hell, he's stay over enough times to get comfortable enough to sneak into your bed as you slept, a fate you've just accpected. Despite a his glaring flaws, it was fun having him around for a longer period of time, movie marathons, videogames, messing with delivery people, it was really nice having someone around who could make you laugh as hard as he could, not that youd ever admit it you had a crush on him.
But it's been a few days since you've had some proper alone time, and having beetlejuice constantly hang off you, pull you around, and spoon you while you slept has left you in a pretty uncomfortable state down there, and with the ghoul around it was pretty difficult to fix said issue.
Until today, out of the blue beetlejuice hits you with the gold opportunity to quickly tend to your little annoyance.
"Its been awhile since I bugged some of your neighbors, I'm gonna duck out and have alittle fun, try not to miss me too much Sugar, Daddy will be home in a bit~" and with that he phased through the ceiling, off to do god knows what.
It was now or never, you take the chance and head to your bedroom.
Beetlejuice phases back into your living room, so his hunch was right, you were itching to rub one out, he knew you smelled alittle different, but couldnt place it. Hes been here what? 3 days? And you already aching for some 'fun', this was gonna be good, it's been awhile since he took care of business himself, and would just LOVE for his favourite little breather to provide some stimulus.
He snaps his fingers, camouflaging himself to you, and heads to your room, walking through the door, he's greeted by the sight of you slipping out of your panties.
"Oh ho, already getting down to business huh sweetness? I like a gal who doesnt beat around the bush" he chuckles.
You prop yourself up on the bed, quickly grabbing your bright pink vibrator, and the little bottle of lube, you quickly prep the toy, as much as youd like to take your time and enjoy yourself, this was a race against the clock, a quick fix, you can take your time once your alone for real.
Beetlejuice found your eagerness more then arousing, the fact that you were so desperate to rub one out, your excitment was contagious, the ghoul was already palming himself through his pants, standing at the foot of your bed, the perfect view of you getting yourself ready.
"You're a needy little thing, aren't ya? If you would a asked me I would have loved to help you out Sugar~" he purred slipping his hard cock from its tight prison. His hair an electric pink, buzzing with excitement, it's been awhile since he had the pleasure of watching you masturbate. Unknown to you, Beetlejuice was more then fond of you, he had quite the crush in you, he adored spending time with you, and joking around, but also deeply yearned to pound you into the mattress until you couldnt walk, to have you praise him for making you feel so good, but mostly wanted you to cling to him, to have his favourite breather stay with him.
He adored watching you tend to your physical needs, because one, it gave him a nice little show to help himself out, two, a map on exactly what got you off, which he WILL use on you when he gets the chance, but most importantly, three, you thought of him while you did it.
The first time BJ watched you play with your cute little pussy, he nearly screamed when he herd you shout his name. You were a coward with your feelings, he KNEW you liked him, but recognized you weren't ready to act on those feelings, that was fine, for the time being, he was fine with what was going between you two right now. Friends, close friends, and yes like as he was doing now, beetlejuice loved to spy on you, steal your panties for jerk off material, get pretty handsy with you, just to satisfy his desperate urge to be closer to you.
The ghoul was snapped from his thoughts with a slight groan from you, his attention was drawn back to reality, watching you slide the toy into your aching core. Reaching for his cock, the demon began slowly stoking himself.
You curse through your teeth, it's been awhile, the toy buzzes to life and you jolt, letting out a small moan, as you start to pump the toy in and out you couldnt help but be a tad more vocal then normal, panting, gasping, and groaning.
"What a beautiful sound sugar, I LOVE that voice of yours" he purred, beginning to match your pace.
You were already bucking your hips, pumping little faster, really focused on just getting it done.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there doll, take your time, enjoy yourself"
You stop,
"What's up babes? You didnt cum yet? Did ya? pretty anti climatic if ya did"
You frown, looking down at your vibrator, you click the button on the base of the toy, nothing, you click a few more times, still nothing.
You let out a small moan as you pull the toy out. Beetlejuice leans in to see what the hold up was, watching you unscrew the base of the vibrator, letting the batteries slide out, you sigh, leaning over to your side table drawer in Hope's to locate some replacements.
Despite this little hold up the ghoul was enjoying the view of you leaning over with that cute little rear up in the air, he wouldn't mind taking that for a ride.
You groan in annoyance taking Beejs attention back to you
"Nothing" you grumble, sitting back.on the bed proper you huff through your nose, after a few seconds of just sitting there you couldnt help but laugh. "That's how it goes I guess, it is what it is, guess I'll take care of this another time" you laugh to yourself as you head to the bathroom to clean off your dead vibrator and yourself.
"NO, doll, come back" the ghoul shouted, not that you could hear him, hard cock still in hand "you dont need a toy to finish, hump a pillow, use your fingers, hell just use the toy as a dildo, you dont need buzzing to get ya off! Get creative for me!" His pleas fell on deaf ears, his heart sank when he herd the rushing water of the shower.
"Great" he grumbles, plopping down on your bed, apparently you could just not finish and be cool with it? Not him, he needed to blow this load, now its not going to be as satisfying, yeah he could use a freshly worn set of panties, but being blueballed watching you quit mid way. Picking up a pair of black panties from the top of your laundry basket, wrapping his hand with the cloth he began pumping his cock, normally this would be very satisfying for Beetlejuice, but now? It felt like a down grade, jerking off just to finish the job.
Beetlejuice returns focus on his shaft, quickly pumping himself, it was rare for him to consider such an activity as a chore, but after losing such a great show his imagination couldnt compare.
The imagine of the disappointment frown you made when your toy died kept crossing his mind, making it harder to focus to get off, trying to shift his focus he grabs a shirt from your laundry basket and begins inhaling your scent, better, but not by much, no fantasy, no dirty mumbling, hell, even his hair had died down in hue.
After a few moments of quick pumping he came, using your panties as a cum rag, he tidied himself up and slid his soft cock back in his pants, not very satisfying, he grumbles to himself and heads to the living room to pout.
"Oh hey, how did the scaring go?" You notice beetlejuice was back from his 'outing'.
"Fine" he grumbles
That was never a good response
"You're in a mood"
He huff through his nose "no thanks to you"
You knit your brows together, what was his problem? "Not satisfied with your results?" You sneer
"Doll you have no idea what unsatisfied even is" he laughs
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Everything He Ever Wanted
Hi Guys! This is a new Jay Park fanfic I’m working on (because we are in a serious shortage and us girls need our fantasy fix!) Its about Jay falling in love and wanting to settle down, and all the headache and heartache that ensues (cue lots of angst, sexy times and love :P). I post the stories on Wattpad as I’m not sure if I’d be able to post the full story on here (Tumblr guidelines and stuff) but I am going to be posting the first chapter here and then every time I publish a new chapter I’ll post the links for you to read. The story is for 18ANDOVER! If you are not 18 this story isn’t for you (sorry). And Jay if you are reading this: its pure fantastical fiction! I don’t mean to embarrass or cast aspersions on you in any kind of way. If you are reading this (PLEASE dont lol), I hope I did your fantasy character justice :P. For the rest of you, happy reading!
Oh BTW: New Chapters every Friday, but you get this one a day early just because I love y’all!!! xxxxxxxxxx
1. Home Is Where The Heart was
An exhausted sigh left Jay's lips in a rush, as he entered through the  open door and dropped his bags on the heated marble flooring.
Having been away on tour for 6 weeks Jay had a lot of bags to carry; all heavy, all full of laundry.
He paused and took a breath in, savouring the smell of home, the smell of Her.
She  hadn't been home in a long time. This was no longer to be Her home;  hell it hadn't even been Her "home" for longer than a few weeks, most of  which she had spent elsewhere (or rather somewhere else). But since She  had been the last person in the house before Jay had left for the tour,  Her scent still lingered. And it was this scent that invaded Jay's  senses, coiling around his synapses and holding them at ransom as his  mind cast back to the last moment he saw Her.
Jay stood watching   Her leave through the polished glass doors of his office building, Her   words still ringing in his ears like a death knell, "We can't do this   any more Jay, I have to go back and live my life..." She took a pause   here, her perfectly soft and plump lips quivering momentarily, almost as  if to hold Her back from completing the sentence,"... and you have to live yours."
Now the thing is, when Jay first saw Her walk  through the doors; Her soft hair in which he loved to bury his face now  framing Her face in a twist-out that beautifully rippled in the light  breeze of the evening night air as She stepped through the glass door,  his heart had soared and swooped the same way it did every day since the  very first day he had seen Her.
His face broke into an  unstoppable smile as he outstretched his arms to embrace Her,   automatically breathing in Her scent as She stepped into his embrace,   clinging to him as though She would be otherwise flung into the furthest  reaches of space.
Jay hadn't noticed the shine of unshed tears  demanding to be released. He hadn't noticed the taxi outside, and he  certainly didn't know that it was taking Her to the airport.
He was oh-so blissfully unaware of  all of these little details.
She had been going back and forth with this for weeks, months even, ever  since  their relationship had first begun showing signs of becoming  more serious (unbeknownst to Jay). And try as She might, She knew this  couldn't work; there were too many moving parts, too many things to  consider and too many sacrifices to be made. She thought it best that  She end this now before it got too serious and whilst they were still  able to at least salvage some sort of friendship from the wreckage.
Noticing She was lost in thought, Jay nudged Her, asking if She were OK.
Now  on the way over here, She had already told herself  that She wasn't  going to cry and do the whole melodramatic stuff; that She was going to  keep it light and factual and hoped he would understand.
And so  when She quickly lifted Her head to meet his eye, Her face had already  settled into a bright and easy smile, belying the ton of bricks that She  was about to drop onto the smitten and unsuspecting Jay Park.
Now,  as he watched Her leave after begging Her to reconsider ("... you don't  have to do this..."). His heart beat harder with every step She took   to the waiting cab outside. He was frozen helpless, unable to stop this  series of Very Unfortunate and Fucked Up Events.
He watched the taxi drive away, taking with it the only piece of true happiness that he had ever felt in a long, long time.
And he had let it happen.
The  vibration of Jay's phone broke him out of his reverie with a snap. He  thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled it out, glancing at the  screen as he made his way to the kitchen.
He paused with his hand on the handle of the refrigerator, his thumb hovering indecisively over the phone screen.
He  rolled his eyes and pressed the green button, putting the phone to his  ear at the same time as he pulled open the refrigerator door.
"Heeeeeyyyyyy  bro, whatcha doin'?" the gravelly voice of Jay's business partner Mike  came through the phone as vivid as if he were standing in the room,  rather than 5,000 miles away.
"Hey, Mike" Jay chuckled. "Not much, just got back."
"How was the tour?"
"Yeah it was good. The guys killed as usual," said Jay, into an empty fridge.
"Did you get any numbers?" Jay could practically hear the Cheshire Cat smile on Mike's face as he asked this question.
He  sighed as he closed the refrigerator door and made his way to the  living room. "No I didn't get any numbers Mike" Jay said, plopping down  dejectedly onto his plush sofa, allowing his head to fall back, eyes  staring straight at the ceiling.
"Jay, you are really wasting your unlimited pussy allowance, man!"  groaned Mike. Jay chuckled in response, closing his eyes and wearily  raising a hand to rub them. "Dude you should be literally DROWNING in  pussy!"
"I'm too busy for all that extra shit, Mike." Jay sighed.
"Extra  shit? Dude." Mike was all seriousness now, leaving a pause so pregnant  that it caused Jay to sit up and open his eyes. "You are never, too  tired, for pussy!" Jay fell back into his original position, another  exhausted sigh leaving his lips as he landed except this time, he had a  little smile on his face.
Mike's dry humour was a welcome salve right now anyway.
"Plus, Jay; I'm married."
"I know Mike."
"So that means I'm living vicariously through you, my dude!"
"Look,  forget about all that anyway" Mike interrupted Jay, sensing he was not  perhaps his usual playful self and wondering if he had perhaps struck a  nerve.
Mike was quite intuitive, even if he sometimes came off as  oblivious. In his world, he found that feigning ignorance can sometimes  be a better strategy around people, especially when dealing with the  types of sensitive and high-flying businessmen he was used to dealing  with on a daily basis.
Or when his friend had something - or  someone - on his mind that may need to be discussed away over copious  amounts of alcohol sometime in the near-future.
"Remember you  have the interview with Vogue Korea about the new AOMG site and app,"  said Mike making a mental note to revisit this again at a later time.
"Yeah" sighed Jay gratefully, thankful for the change in subject. "When is it again?"
"Friday. 9.30AM"
Jay pulled his phone away from his ear and checked the screen. The interview would be in three days time.
"Cool, my assistant already has the details anyway. I'll check my emails to see when the car will be arriving."
"Sweet. Hit me up later, so we can talk a bit about the Nike deal. But until then; GET SOME SLEEP."
Mike ended the call.
Jay  allowed the phone to slide from his ear onto the sofa next to him,  bringing both hands up to gently rub his face before dropping his head  back and allowing his arms to drop onto the sofa back. The huge floor to  ceiling windows directly opposite bathed him in the light of the  setting sun, as he allowed his exhausted and aching body to sink deeper  into his seat.
As his mind drifted, he remembered a particular  evening spent on this same sofa during a thunderstorm not too long after  he had first met Her. In fact, there were many evenings he remembered  being spent on this sofa (not all of them as innocent as the particular  evening he currently had in mind however, but all of them just as  enjoyable).
Sharing one of those huge soft furry blankets that  She loved so much, with a low fire burning in the marble wood-burning  fireplace to the right of them.
She had been drinking Jack  Daniel's, and he had been drinking soju, both just talking to and laughing with each other in an atmosphere of comfortability, while   outside torrential rain pounded against the monolithic windows and   brilliant forks of lightening spilt the charcoal grey and roiling sky,   causing occasional rolls of thunder which reverberated throughout the   building.
The dichotomy of the chaos on one side of the window pane, versus the serenity on the other hadn't been lost on either of them.
Every  now again She would interrupt the freely-flowing conversation to point  out a particularly spectacular lightning strike or a close roll of  thunder would make Jay jump, which he would then try to disguise by  acting as though he was just moving positions on the couch or picking  up/putting down his glass (which She very politely acted like She did  not notice, or turned away to hide Her smile - which he had gratefully   appreciated).
Her being in Jay's house had been perfectly  innocent at the time, having being introduced through his artist Jarv  Dee, Jay had innately felt at ease around Her. She had an easy-going and  relaxed nature, with a quick wit and genuine smile. He became further  intrigued when he found out that She was a full-stack developer and  promptly discussed possibly working together on something some time.  Which is how the new AMOG website and H1gher app came about.8
That was exactly one year ago from today and 5 months from the day She ripped out Jay's heart and stomped all over it.
"We can't do this Jay..."
Her words echoed around his head like a death knell.
Jay  had spent every waking moment carefully analysing every detail of their  interactions - every facial expression, every vocal inflection - in the  hopes of being able to at least understand WHY She had done this.
Did he say something - do something - to scare her off?
How, when things were going so good between them, could she just end everything and leave so suddenly?
Jay  was aware that he was getting older but, he hadn't really ever thought  of what the future would look like for him and who he would want to  settle down with. The kind of jet-setting lifestyle Jay led meant he had  the luxury of being able to avoid thinking about such things under the  guise of being "too busy".  And with the fast life Jay led, the women he  came across had been just as fast.
That is until he had met Her.
Meeting Her had made him truly question his life dynamic, made him want to change his dynamic.
Made  him think about when would be the time to put down the mic for good and  step back to make way for the younger artists coming up behind him?
Jay  had almost single-handedly built an entire musical empire in a foreign  land, which meant he really had to think about who it was he wanted to  share that with.
A thought he had never needed to have before Her.
She  had awakened something in him that he had been confident was dormant,  something which he had convinced his concerned parents and nagging  brother he wasn't quite ready for.
She made him think more of the life after. After all the parties, interviews, world travelling, and screaming fans.
Of the life he lived when he was just Jay, the dorky kid from Seattle.
Who did he want to come home to? Who did he want waiting for him when the lights had faded and the music stopped?
The  morning after the lightening storm had been the first time Jay had  woken up to Her. They had fallen asleep where they sat in Jay's plush  sofa, having spent the evening bonding over their respective careers,  old 90s RnB and alcohol. Seeing her head resting upon the opposite  armrest of his sofa, the golden rays of the early morning sun  illuminating the golden undertones of Her skin, made something inside  him sing. He knew he liked having Her around, liked hearing Her voice,  liked knowing she was OK.
He loved being in her presence, hearing Her laugh, seeing Her focused frown whilst She was working.
He loved smelling Her, breathing Her in whenever he could.
He loved hearing Her footsteps on his hardwood floor.
He hated not knowing why it went wrong.
But  in just a few days the H1gher app and new AOMG website was due to go  live, meaning She would be coming back to Korea for the launch.
Meaning She and Jay would be in each other's company for the first time since Her departure.
Meaning Jay would not only have to face Her, but once She left he'd have to relive the pain of her leaving all over again.
Jay groaned inwardly.
This should be fun, he thought humourlessly.
Jay reached for his phone beside him and dialled an all too familiar number.
"Hello?" Came the answer down the line.
"Hey, is she free?"
"Good evening, Mr Park. Yes she is free. Regular timing?"
Jay let out a barely audible sigh, his 1000th in the 45 minutes he'd been home. He wouldn't need too long. "Yeah."
"She will arrive in 30 minutes."
Jay ended the call.
He  stood and made his way to his drinks cabinet, pouring himself some  Hennessey before walking over to the window to take a sip, surveying the  evening sky and awaiting his visitor.
The objective of the visit was purely for the purposes of release.
And as Jay's buzzer rang twenty-five minutes later, he knew that's all anyone who wasn't Her could offer him.
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concentrateandpush · 4 years
Etta Grace
Getting pregnant at 16 wasn’t the best plan. I can only thank god that I'm at boarding school so I haven't had to tell my parents. Everyone has been quite supportive, especially my roommate Emey, shes helped me the whole pregnancy from carrying my bags to classes, to shaving me when I had dates because I couldn't reach myself.
I had quite a small bump for the first 26 weeks, so I was still able to hide it from people. I popped at week 27 and I've grown bigger and bigger since. I've had to ask for a different desk for class as I cant fit into the normal ones now. Right now, I'm in English, my teacher Mrs Richards has been my biggest support system since I found out, she bought me the test and held me when I cried. She also helped me write a letter to the Dad. I didn’t know how to tell him. I thought that sleeping with the headmaster would get me higher marks, longer deadlines and passes on missed classes, not a baby. He hasn't spoken to me once, I went to his office once but his secretary told me he didn’t have time to see me.
These contractions are 6 minutes apart now, I guess I could have gone to the nurse but I can hide my pain if I need to and nobody seems to have noticed. The bell goes off and Mrs Richards keeps me back after class "Izzy, can I speak with you for a minute?" she asks softly, "mhm" I nod wondering if she knows. "Sweetheart, I've been timing your contractions since you came in here, why are you hiding it?" she asks rubbing my arm. 
"I'm not ready" I cry "he doesn’t care, he doesn’t even acknowledge me, why doesn’t he want this baby like I do?" I ask her pitifully. "Mr Johnson is a proud man, he has a family and he probably feels like there’s a lot at stake in accepting this. I don’t agree with him at all, I have spoken to him Izzy, I just cant get him to see sense" she shakes her head. "Mrs Richards, I don’t want his money or even him, I just want my baby to have a dad, I don’t want this baby having a life like mi-" I stop talking because I feel a contraction coming. I grip to the side of my desk and breathe deeply trying to keep on top of the pain. Mrs Richards comes around me and starts rubbing my lower back "deep breaths sweetheart" she tells me. 
"I've cancelled my next class, were going to the hospital" she tells me and I nod. As I stand up I feel a small gush from my opening, not now, this cant happen here. "Mrs, Mrs what do I do? I cant have the baby here, I cant do this now" I look at her in a panic and I can tell shes equally as worried as I am. "Okay Izzy, I need you to take off your panties, you can take off your skirt if you want, I need to check you" she says as she puts her coat down for me to lay on. She helps me get to the floor as I hold my tight belly with one hand and the other touching the floor to support me. "Don’t look so worried, I had my first when I was your age, a little more organised than this though" she laughs as she sanitises her hands.
I open my legs up, I feel comfortable around Mrs Richards but it's still embarrassing for me. I look up above me at the ceiling in the room, counting the stains and squares. "Okay, this is going to hurt" she warns me as she puts her fingers inside me and I see her facial expression change, "sweetheart your a 9, you're going to have to give birth here, is that okay?" She asks like I have a choice in the matter. I feel like I'm in good hands, I feel safe but it doesn’t take this pain away. I feel another contraction "owwwww" I scream, "can you get Emey? Please? Room 723" I ask.
I didn’t think that being alone for 5 minutes would scare me as much as it did but as soon as Emey and Mrs Richards came back I knew it was worth it. "Izzy, you okay? You should have text me earlier" Emey protests. "Uhhhhhh" I groan as I try to feel my opening to see what I touch. I watch Emey’s reaction and she looks like she's going to cry, I dont know if that's because her God child is about to be born or if she can never imagine enduring this pain in her life. "Should someone else be here Izzy?" Emey asks me hinting we should call Mr Johnson. "I already called him" Mrs Richards tells me. I nod because I didn’t really want him there but I knew it was his right to watch me birth his child. "Is he coming?" I ask anxiously, "I think so" Mrs Richards says looking at the door.
"Oh fuck, it's coming" I squeal as I pull my legs up to my chest. "Izzy, listen to me, use this contraction to push, feel my fingers, here? Use them as a guide and push onto them" she instructs. I look at Emey knowing that this is it, I'm so scared, I don’t even know if I'm ready to be a mother, but I know there’s no choice now. "Owww" I push weakly and look at Mrs Richards "Like that, try and hold it for 10 and keep it as strong as you can, big pushes okay?" She tells me. "Nggggghhhaaaaa" I cry "5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9" Emey counts. "That's it Mommy, you've got it, let's keep the pushes like that and baby will be here in no time" Mrs Richards encourages me. "Mrs, I cant do this, it hurts so bad" I cry pitifully as I wipe the sweat from my forehead. Emey pulls a handkerchief from her pocket and starts to dab my forehead down and around my neck. "I'm so warm" I moan as Emey undresses me into my bra and removes my shoes and socks "Leaving those on and nothing else would have been weird" she laughs.
I look at Mrs Richards and nod to let her know there’s another contraction coming, she pulls my thigh further over and rubs my knee. "Oooooooh" I moan digging as deep as I can trying my best to get the head out at least "Can I push again?" I moan. "Listen to your body" Mrs Richards tells me as she smiles. "Nggggg" I cry as I pull my legs. "Can you see anything yet?" I ask eagerly hoping I've at least moved the head down. "Not yet sweetheart, let's move positions now when you're having a break" Mrs Richards says as she helps me on to my hands and knees. As I get into position I feel the baby moving down and a lot more pressure. Emey comes around to my face end to give me some support "You've got this Mommy" she tells me as she tucks my hair behind my ear.
I feel empowered, I've not been called Mommy through this pregnancy and it's just made me feel like it's all real. I feel a movement in my tummy and reach down to hold my bump, as I move my arm I hear a pop and feel my waters break fully, all over my legs. Everything gets so much more painful now, I'm actually shocked at the pain I'm feeling, it just hurts way more than I expected and I don’t know if I can handle it. "This is so painful, I cant -" the door opens and I turn around to see Mr Johnson stood there awkwardly. I just look at him expecting him to speak but he doesn’t, "Mr Johnson, can you come here and hold Izzy’s bump so she isn’t holding all of the weight on her knees" Mrs Richards orders. 
He comes over and kneels next to me, I watch him in the reflection as he holds my bump for the first time and he tears up. I look at Emey as she smiles at me reassuringly knowing how hard I'm taking this, she nods to Mrs Richards for her to know I'm getting another contraction, she knows because I did my nails into her legs that I'm leaning on. "Big push now" Mrs Richards says. "Nghaaaaaaaaaa" I scream as I bare down stronger than I have every other time, I really don’t want to look weak in front of him. I don't want him knowing how difficult I've found pregnancy. I take a deep breath and push again "OWwwwwww" I cry silently, only Emey seeing my tears. "Fuck it burns, its burning so much, have I torn? Mrs, did I tear?" I shout with my head turned back. "You're crowning, one more push and we’ve got her head! Don’t worry about tearing, you're stretching wonderfully" she tells me. "Stop thinking about it, focus" Emey orders, I know she's referring to Mr Johnson as I feel him rub my lower back.
"Why didn’t you talk to me?" I turn to him and shout. "I didn’t know how to handle it, Izzy" he replies. By this point in infuriated and I turn around carefully knowing baby’s head is peaking "You didn’t know how to handle it? A grown man who chose to sleep with a 16 year old didn’t know how to handle it?" I snap. "I know what you're saying Izzy, I know how hard this must have been -" I cut him off before he can go any further "No, Rob, you don’t have a clue how hard it's been for me, I cant tell my parents because were meant to be religious, meaning I cant go home. But at least they'll pay my school and accommodation bills if they don’t know. I've had to endure weeks of pain, sickness, fucking dickheads in this school giving me grief for being like this and I've still protected you and your fucking family. So, excuse me if I cant forgive you for fucking up my life" I pause "But thank you, for making me realise you were nothing to me other than a fuck every now and then". I instantly use my anger to bare down and push laying back on Emey "AHHH" I scream as i hear Emey count "8.. 9.. 10".
"That's it Mommy, come on now, one more for the head to be here, reach down and feel" she takes my hand and puts it on the head. "She's a red head like you" Mr Johnson smiles, despite hating him right now I smile and let out a sigh of relief. "Do you want to squat sweetie? It might help baby’s head out?" Mrs Richards suggests. I nod and move into a squatting position. Emey tries to support my weight but Mr Johnson sees her struggle and swaps places with her, he sits behind me on a chair allowing me to put my arms on his knees.
I start to feel another contraction and cling tighter to Mr Johnson’s knees, he leans down and cradles my bump. "Uhhhhh" I moan as I push feeling the head come out with pints of amniotic fluid and jolting my body back. "Oh my god Izzy, her head is out, like full on out" Emey shouts. "Well done Momma" Mr Johnson says calmly as he rubs your bump. "Right, all you need to do now, is push these shoulders out for me and then you'll have your little girl" Mrs Richards tells me. I feel so emotional and start crying not knowing what I've done to deserve this beautiful, perfect little person wondering how I'm going to protect her and give her everything that I can.
I see Emey pick up her phone and take photos of baby’s head coming out, I tell her she ought to be careful of the angle in case she got Mr Johnson in. "I left my wife" Mr Johnson announces, I see Emey’s face look up at me in shock. Knowing I don’t have much time left before the next contraction I look up at him and ask "Why? Why would you do that?" Shaking my head. "I couldn't lie to myself anymore" he tells me. "Lie about what?" I ask. "How I feel about you" he answers. 
I ignore his last comment as I feel the contraction starting, I know this is a painful one because it’s started to steadily and I can see my stomach tightening. "Push Izzy, give me a big big push" Mrs Richards says as I bare down "Harder Izzy, as hard as you can" she adds. "FUCK" I scream realising baby hasn't moved at all and i lean back on Mr Johnson. "Come on you can do it Iz" Emey says smiling at me. I lower myself to the floor and Mr Johnson sits next to me. "Izzy, push" Mrs Richards says as I feel her fingers around the shoulders as she tries to guide the baby out. "NGHHHHAAA" i scream, frustrated because I'm trying so hard but dont seem to be getting anywhere.
"We might need to get her to a hospital, I think the shoulders are too big to come out, her body is too small" Mrs Richards tells Mr Johnson. I look at Emey and then Mrs Richards "Will they have to cut me?" I ask panicking and looking down at the head. "It'll give you space sweetie, it'll make it easier for you so you don’t wear yourself out" she answers. "No, please, I can do it, just let me try" I beg watching her dial 999 on her phone. "Emey, come and hold this leg, Mr Johnson, the other, Izzy, were going to try a different tactic. Little gentle pushes, okay? Little pushes one after the other" Mrs Richards says as she takes control. I feel my legs being torn apart and if I wasn’t giving birth I'd have screamed. "Izzy, I'm going to put my hands in, this is going to hurt but I need to turn baby okay?" Mrs Johnson says. I nod and start pushing "Ngh ngh ehh ooh ngh ngh" the burning is so intense so I listen to my body "NNGGGAAAAAAAAAHHHH" I bare down and push my baby out.
"Welcome baby" Mrs Richards says as she passes me my newborn little girl. "Shes beautiful" I cry smiling. "Like her mother" Emey smiles at me as she touches babies head. I'm still out of breath from pushing and I'm trying my best to catch my breath. "Do you want to meet your daughter?" I ask Mr Johnson. I hand her to him and he cries as he looks at her little face, "I was thinking Etta?" I tell him. He smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear "Etta Grace?" He asks and I smile as a confirmation.
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hell-bound-stories · 4 years
two years
The body jolted awake, coughing up a black tar like liquid, gasping for breath, waking up into a forced existence. They looked around frantically, trying to grasp where they were.
It felt like a small cave, the walls being nothing but various shades of grey. The stalagmites clinging to the ceiling were the only thing in there with them. There was a small tunnel, a way out, but something told them to stay.
The body was small. Red hair and eyes complemented by a pale skin, covered in a brown shaggy cloak. The cloak had a pin of an emblem they didn't recognize holding both sides together. The body knew three things.
They are cold.
They have a headache.
They are dead.
A moment later a stranger walked into the cave, “you’re awake” He seemed so relieved, “you’re actually awake, this is amazing!”
The man pulled a clipboard out from his white coat. The paper attached seemed to be some kind of form, and with a pen in hand he was ready to fill it out. He sat down next to the body.
“What’s your name?”
The body had to think, hard, but something inside of them knew, “Azz”
“Azz?” He wrote down the name, “Interesting” 
It was the first name they thought of, like someone else had given it to them. The name felt right, and they didn’t know why.
“Ok, how old are you”
“15” they knew without hesitation, again not quite knowing why.
“Oh” the man paused, a look of sadness washing over him, “so young” he said under his breath. He quickly changed the subject.
“How do you feel?” sadness had left his voice, in favor of curiosity.
“I'm cold, and my head hurts”
The man nodded, jotting those things down on this paper, “The headache is normal, it will go away in a bit, and i'm sorry about the cold, I tired getting you as close to the surface as possible in hopes it would be warmer” He paused, “I guess it didn’t work” 
The man scrapped one of his long black claw like fingers against the ground, sparking a flame, a placed it in front of Azz, “This should help for now”
“Whoa” Azz was amazed, looking at their own hands, “When do I get to do that?” 
The man chuckled, “in a bit, for now just stay by the fire”
The man was thousands of years old, but next to Azz’s child-like wonder and amazement he somehow felt young again. He went back to his clipboard, looking through the next few lines.
“How did you die?”
“I” Azz paused, starting to panic, “I dont know”
“Good” the man said without hesitation
“Good?” How could that be good?
“Yes” he said happily, “No one remembers how they die, the past can’t touch you now, it's nothing but a fresh start.”
“Oh” That was somewhat nice to hear, but Azz had this lingering feeling that their death was awful and painful. They didn’t know why. They sighed, looking around the cave once more.
“Where am I?” 
“You’re in Hell”
They looked around again, “I thought Hell was a city, and bigger”
“It is, but I had to bring you here”
“To…….a cave?” Azz was confused
“It’s a long story” The man kept writing things down as they spoke
“Who are you?”
“The doctor”
“What's your name?”
“The doctor” He began getting up, “Now stand up, I need to get a better look at you”
Azz did as told without hesitation. Once standing they both realized just how small Azz actually was. They were at least two feet smaller than the doctor.
“Oh my, you’re even smaller than I thought” He walked a circle around Azz, “Just barely six feet”
“Hey, i'm not small!”
“I’ve never seen a demon so small before, I didn’t know this was possible” He was truly amazed. Azz however was not.
“I. am. Not. SMALL” Azz stomped the ground, causing the whole cave to shake, some rocks coming loose from the ceiling, falling to the floor below. Such a simple comment had made them uncontrollably upset. The doctor was taken back.
“But you’re still just as strong as you're supposed to be! And your horns and tail seemed to be controlled by emotion, this is incredible!” The doctor was ecstatic, taking notes on his clipboard as fast as possible.
Azz hadn’t even noticed the two small horns that came out of his head, and the long tail coming from his back. The doctor got closer to get a better look at both.
“The end of your tail is normal, but its so thin, and your horns” He didn’t know what to think, “They are so small as well, and the wrong colour” He was truly amazed.
“A thousand years in Hell and you are the strangest demon I’ve ever seen”
“Mm” Azz didn’t like hearing any of this, “Why don’t you just make a list of everything wrong with me!” So far Azz hated being dead, and they were only 30 minutes old.
“Oh dear boy I already am!” 
“I'm not a boy” Azz growled under his breath.
“To start it's a miracle you’re even dead! With fire as weak as yours you should have been nothing but the husk of a hollow!” The doctor's happiness was really starting to piss Azz off, “Everyone got mad at me for believing in you, keeping you around, no one thought you were going to make it but here you are!”
“Wait” Azz’s anger turned to sorrow, “I wasn’t even here, and people already knew they didn’t want me?” This feeling felt too familiar, and Azz didn’t like it.
“Well” The doctor paused, thinking, “that doesn’t matter now, what matters is that you are here, and the universe has big plans for you I know it. Satan will be more than happy to hear about you.” This did little to make Azz feel better.
“Come on, I want to examine you more at my office in the city, here” He lifted the fire off the floor, and placed it in Azz’s hands.
“OOOOOO” Azz’s eyes lit up like stars, “im holding FIRE” now this made Azz feel better.
The doctor chuckled, “yes, yes you are, no come on” He led Azz out of the cave towards the city. The walk was only a few minutes, but the cold made it feel like a lifetime. The fire did little to heat Azz up.
“I thought Hell was hot”
“That's what everyone says”
The walk through the city was the worst time in Azz’s 45 minute life. Everyone in the city avoided them like the plague. Azz had no idea why, but the Doctor knew. Like an invisible force pushing everyone away, no one got close to them. People gave Azz awful, disgusting looks as they went by. No one knew them, but they didn’t need to know they didn’t like them. Azz kept their head down, following the doctor's tail as they went.
“Why is everyone avoiding us?” Azz wanted to know, but deeply feared the answer.
“People..” the doctor paused, thinking of the best way to word it, “They can tell you’re special”
Azz hated that word, “I'm not special” they said to them self.
They approached a simple white building in what felt like the center of the city. It was slightly smaller than the buildings surrounding it, but it still towered over Azz. It had two windows near the top, and a simple door.
“This is my office” The doctor said, unlocking the door and leading the way inside.
Inside was a white sterile room. In the middle against the wall was a simple one person medical bed. With various tools on the wall surrounding it. The other side of the room housed a small desk, covered in papers. Behind the desk were come cabinets with counter space and a sink, with cabinets above them too. In the far back of the room was a door with a lock, next to it on the wall was various old plague masks. In the corner by the door was what looked like a dog bed, with some white round creature sleeping peacefully on top. The room was warmer, but not as warm as Azz would have liked.
“This is a small doctors office” Azz said, looking around the room, taking note of the jar of lollipops on the desk, and grabbing one to have.
“I like simplicity” The doctor said as he also walked over to the desk, looking through one of the drawers, “I have a living space upstairs with an extra room, you will stay there” He handed Azz a key.
“Ugh, I have to live with you?” This was the only demon Azz knew, but that didn’t mean they liked him.
“Yes well you don't have a choice” He walked over to the bed in the middle of the room, “now sit”
“Why do I need to sit?”
“So we can begin your first check up”
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 5 years
Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay! - Chapter 2
Yo, yo, yo! Y’all ready for the second chapter of this bullshit? Cuz I sure as hell ain’t because that means I have to now start writing chapter three and I have no idea where this story is going! Aaaaaahhhhhhh! But I’m excited though! Again, thank you to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil for their lovely AU! Without further ado please ENJOY!!!!
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Swirls of colors and sounds filled their head like passing movie commentary you skip over. Small glimpses in and out of consciousness that made no sense by themselves but when put together you get some sort of visual on the puzzle you’re trying to put together.
“…food poising…?”
“…stress maybe…”
“…flu…should rest…”
“…24 hour bug…”
They all made sense when you thought about it but the reality of it was that they weren’t just “sick” they had been poisoned. Not on purpose, though who could say for sure. Who knows what kind of DNA splicing was done on that spider?
Wait, when did they get poisoned?
What spider?
The spider we let out the window?
No, it’s in our room!
We don’t like spiders! They’re icky!
They aren’t so bad.
A soft chuckle. Of course, we’d think that. You’d think that? I’d think that?
Wait, what?
Logan woke up with a start, heart pounding and lungs burning. He clutched onto something solid next to him so as to steady himself. He blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room in was in, his room? When did he get here? Logan carefully turned to take in his surroundings; he was in bed, dressed in pajamas, right hand having latched itself onto his head board. He glanced at the alarm clock near his desk it read 5am which would explain why everything was so dark.
Logan’s throat felt dry, like every time he swallowed it was like a cheese grater scraping against his vocal cords. He also fest extremely hungry despite the events that had happened previously. Logan carefully got up to go get some water and maybe an early breakfast only to be pulled back into bed.
“What the…?” Logan looked around to see what had happened and found that his had was still on his head board. His brow frowned as he tried to pull it off but it continued to stick as if it had been glued on. He pulled again, a bit harder, but only managed bend over a section of the metal bed frame. Logan’s eyes widen in shock and awe as he pushed back against the bended area and effortlessly straightened it. Now Logan wasn’t weak by any means necessary but he never considered himself athletic material either, let alone able to bend thick metal bed frames!
A soft tap on the door, “Logan, love, are you awake?”
“Uh, yes Ummi,” He replied hoarsely before clearing his throat “what did you need?”
“What are you doing up so early?” She questioned “The doctor said you should be resting?”
When did he go to the doctor?
“When did I go to the doctor?” Logan asked lamely, seriously all these blanks in his memories were going to drive him insane.
“We didn’t, we had called Dr. Smith next door,” Mrs. Quinn explained “unfortunately the Storms had called him as well. It seems Virgil had gotten sick too, very similar to how you did last night.”
Her voice sounded distant, like the memory of it brought her immense pain and that hurt Logan more then he thought it would. Also, Virgil had gotten sick as well, has he also been bitten? He asked, “Is he okay? What happened?”
“He’s fine but I’m not quite sure what was going on with you two,” She sighed “you seemed to be in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. It was…very unpleasant to say the least.”
That was an understatement.
“Dr. Smith said it was probably a seasonal bug going around as well as stress,” There was a beat of silence “Logan, have you been doing alright in your studies?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan reassured “everything is fine.”
“And you haven’t been harassed by other students like that boy from yesterday?” She asked anxiously.
“No Ummi, I haven’t,” Logan said seriously “I’m alright, I promise.”
More silence filled the room, unsureness thick in the air because honestly Logan had no idea if he was really fine or not. There was definitely something different about him that’s for sure and it had to do with that spider. He saw it on his desk, siting in the jar he placed it in earlier as if it hadn’t caused all this trouble.
“Can I come in?” Mrs. Quinn’s voice snapped Logan out of his train of thought and in a brilliant moment of word association he said “N-no, I’m…no dressed.”
It was cleat that this wasn’t something Mrs. Quinn expected, “Why are you undressed?”
“I’m getting ready for school,” He replied quickly “this is my normal routine, is it not?”
“Yes, but I would hope you would stay home today,” She said “especially after yesterday’s events.”
“I feel better now,” Logan assured, which was true, he actually felt great just really, really hungry and thirsty.
“Well, you don’t have to be in school until 8am so maybe you should rest a little bit more,” She suggested “and if you’re still feeling up to it then maybe you can go to school.”
“Of course, Ummi.” He nodded, even though no one was there to see it.
“But if I find out that you’re even slightly ill, you’re staying home,” Mrs. Quinn said firmly “understood?”
“Understood.” Logan agreed, best not to argue least she come in her and find Logan in his sticky situation.
“Good,” She sighed “go back to sleep love, I’ll be by to check on you soon. Babá and me have to leave to work a little early today so I want you to make sure you’re completely fine to go to school, okay?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan sighed and with one last get well his mother departed down the hall. Finally. Logan’s muscles relaxed, not realizing how tense he had been, and he felt his hand slip from the metal bars it was attached to.
Logan blinked in confusion, standing up carefully and walking to a nearby wall. He decided to experiment a little, placing his hand on the wall and tensing the muscles in his fingers, just a bit. Like he predicted it stuck solidly onto the wall, he relaxed and his hand slipped free. He did this a few times more, first with one hand, then with two then with his feet before deciding to see what would happen if he pulled himself up. Logan was able to lift himself a few inches off the floor with nothing but his hands and feet holding him in place somehow.
“Holy shit.” He whispered to himself.
Logan looked to the little spider scuttling around in it’s jar as it effortlessly crawled up and down the sides. He wondered…he detached one hand and lifted it further up, same with the other hand, right foot, left foot, and soon enough he was hanging upside down from his ceiling.
“Something is definitely not right.” Logan breathed out anxiously, wondering how the hell the others were taking to this.
Something was definitely not right with Patton. First of all, he woke up tangled in his bed sheets which wasn’t unusual for the most part but it was much more difficult to get out of this morning since everything kept sticking to him. By the time he was able to detach himself from everything he was standing (hanging???) sideways on the besides his bed. Needless to say, he freaked out and spent half an hour trying to get unstuck only to drop back down on his bed and get tangled in his sheets again.
Defeated, Patton settled starfish style on his carpet floor, half the sheet clinging onto his leg as well as other thing such as papers and markers and socks sticking to other parts of his body. Patton really wanted to cry, he had no idea what was going on or what to do about it. But he knew crying wouldn’t do him any good so he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
In for four…hold for seven…out for eight…
“I wonder why no one has come into my room yet?” Patton wondered aloud, especially with all the ruckus he was causing.
He lifted himself off the floor, not noticing the things he had stuck too start to slowly slip off, reaching over on his night stand for his phone. He clicked it on and found a few messages from his brother Georgie but aside from that he looked to the date and found that it was Wednesday. It explained a lot, Wednesdays were the busiest for his family with his parents’ bakery always filling up, Alex is having the morning shift at his part time job before heading to university, and Georgie opening up at the dinner he worked at. He quickly opened up his text messages.
Georgeous: ma said shed get off work early if ur still sick
Georgeous: theres soup & crackers at your desk if ur hungry
Georgeous: also water
Georgeous: ma also said u dont have to go to school today if u dont wanna
Georgeous: doc said u should take it easy
Ever the doting older brother Georgie was, always looking out for Alex and Patton even if they could get on his nerves sometimes. He should bake him a cake as a “thank you for dealing with all my oopsies”. Patton sent him a reply along with a few questions.
Baby Shark: thanks but i feel better now
Baby Shark: when did i go to the doctor?
Georgeous: dr. ortega from down the street was alredy coming by to check on romen
Georgeous: turns out he was sick as well
Georgeous: ma asked her to come over when she was done checking him out
Baby Shark: is Ro ok?
Georgeous: yeah doc said it was probably the flu going around an it just got to u 2 realy hard
Georgeous: why didnt u tell us u were feeling sick?
Patton thought for a moment, how could he explain that he hadn’t been feeling sick at all up until yesterday afternoon after…after he got that bug bite. Then that weird dream he had just before he woke up stuck to the wall and tangled in his sheets. How was he supposed to explain that things kept sticking to him and that the world seemed much more sharp now?
Baby Shark: i didnt notice it much
Baby Shark: and when i did i just thought it would pass with a good nights sleep
Baby Shark: i didnt want to bother anyone if it was nothing
Patton didn’t like lying to people but he just had no idea what was going on and he doubt anyone else did either. This would just cause them to freak out and then what? More doctors? Would the government get involve? Were they gunna make him a science experiment now that he’s a freak?
Georgeous: still next time tell us even if its just a stomach ache
Baby Shark: ok
Baby Shark: i g2g and get ready for school
Georgeous: r u sure?
Baby Shark: yeah i feel a lot better now promise <3
Georgeous: ok but if u feel sick just call me an i’ll pick u up ok?
Baby Shark: ok bye love u <3
Georgeous: love u too
Patton sighed, flopping back on the floor. He felt sick again but not like before, this was a different kind of sick. A guilty pit in his stomach kind of sick that probably won’t go away any time soon. Oh well, he couldn’t change anything now, might as well move on with his day. First things first, he had some thank you cookies to make.
He lifted his phone to check the time, 7am, plenty of time to do a quick batch of peanut butter cookies and scones. He should hurry so he could go check on Roman afterwards, he did look a little down when they were walking home yesterday.
“I wonder…” Patton said aloud again as he stood up to get dress. He placed his phone back down on his night stand and noticed his glasses sitting beside his lamp. Patton blinked as he felt his face and found he indeed was not wearing his glasses and yet the world looked crystal clear as if he was.
“Oh geez…”
Virgil was very thankful that it was Wednesday, everyone always goes to work early on Wednesday since it was the middle of the week and for some reason Manhattan decided to be a world of chaos. He was also thankful that he grandmother was a heavy sleeper because he had no idea how he was going to explain this!
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Virgil cursed as he desperately tried to unstick his feet and left hand from the ceiling. He had no idea how this happened or why it was happening he just knew that he wanted to get unstuck now!
Knock! Knock!
“Piglet, are you awake?” His grandmother called from behind the door.
“Uh, yeah,” Virgil squeaked “b-but, um, don’t come in I-I don’t have a shirt on!”
It was true, during his earlier struggle to get unstuck from his bed, which he at first thought was sleep paralysis, his hands got stuck to his shirt and tore it open when he was trying to unstick them.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted breakfast,” She said “I could make you a warm broth so as not to upset your stomach.”
“N-no thanks Mama,” Virgil said quickly, finally able to get his hand free “I’ll just have something at Logan’s house before I go to school.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” His grandmother questioned sternly “You were very sick yesterday and the doctor said to take it easy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure,” He fibbed as he wondered when he had gone to the doctor.
“If you’re sure,” She said skeptically “just make sure you two don’t eat anything too heavy. I heard Logan got sick last night as well, the doctor said it was a passing seasonal bug.”
“Okay, sure thing,” Virgil gulped “I’m gunna get ready now, don’t worry about me.”
“We will always worry about you, Piglet,” His grandmother said gently “it’s what families do.”
And with that she was gone and Virgil was beyond relieved. Then he fell off the ceiling. He was thankful for the dirty clothes pile in the middle of his room that softened his fall but he also cursed it because that means more stuff got stuck to him.
He groaned, “Come on, come on! Unstick, unstick!”
He hopped around the room like a lunatic and was only able to shake off a few articles of clothes before he tripped. The fall wasn’t as soft this time but at least the floor was carpeted at least so he didn’t knock his head that badly. He had landed near his dresser drawer where JD’s tank rested on, the tarantula in question was practically pressed up against the glass and hissing worriedly at his owner’s misfortune.
“Hey buddy,” Virgil groaned as he pulled himself up to be eye level with the tank and all who inhabit it “I’m okay, don’t worry. Though I’ll be honest, I have no idea what’s going on.”
“Hurt! Master hurt!” JD chittered as he paced anxiously in his tank.
“I’m good really, you hungry?” Virgil asked before he paused to process what just happened. Did…did his tarantula just talk to him? No, no, it couldn’t be, he just hit his head too hard. Right?
“Food!” JD cheered excitingly as he scurried around his food bowl patiently waiting for something to drop.
Virgil’s eyes widen in shock, completely frozen in place as he stared at his pet tarantula who was excitingly chanting “Food, food, food!”. He noticed that there were little waves of colors radiated off JD like a sort of technicolor halo. It was all getting to be a bit too much.
JD scuttled back to the front of the tank, a confused look in his eyes, “No food?”
Virgil yelped, accidently launching himself backwards towards his desk where he got stuck again. God damn it! Papers flew around were everywhere and Virgil couldn’t see, he stubbled around not knowing where he was going as he tried to desperately to get things to stop sticking to him.
“Stop sticking god damn it!” He growled as he finally got the last piece of paper off of his face. His relief was short lived because to his horror he was not in his bedroom anymore but on the standing perpendicular to the side of his building. “Keep sticking! Keep sticking!”
He was about a foot away from the fire escape near Logan’s window and Virgil contemplated weather or not he had enough courage to jump over or if his stupid sticky body would even allow that to happen. Still, he tried, carefully shifting one foot in front of the other until he had inched his way over the fire escape. Thankfully, it was only then that his stickiness decided to abandon him as he fell onto hard metal. Virgil groaned, it surprisingly didn’t hurt as bad as he thought it would but it still hurt pretty fucking bad.
He heard the window above him open up and his head tingled when he saw Logan poke his head out, looking around before finally spotting him below. The waves of color were back but this time they were brighter and loud like some sort of signal. Logan was a mesh of blue and cool grey and by the look he was giving him Virgil was just as colorful.
Logan seemed to think deeply for a moment, his mouth a straight line of concentration, “I can assume my theory was correct.”
“What theory?” Virgil groaned as he slowly sat up, rubbing his sore head. He’d be lucky if he didn’t get a concussion after all of this.
Ignoring his question, Logan grabbed Virgil’s arm before he could warn him and pulled, ���Come inside.”
“Wait!” Virgil was pulled into the room quite effortlessly as if he weighed nothing to Logan. Which wasn’t all that hard to believe, Virgil had always been a thin guy plus he was a dancer so that wasn’t helping with anything. But not to say Logan was weak but seeing as the most physical activity this guy does is walk to and from school, he should have had at least a little trouble getting Virgil inside.
“You’re not gunna believe this but JD talked to me and I fell from side of the building because I got stuck!” Virgil blurted out in one breath.
“Yes, I know,” Logan said coolly “I need you to relax.”
“How the hell do you want me to relax?!” Virgil screeched “I just fell from the wall and I’m sticking to everything!” To emphasize his point, he shook his hand which was now stuck on too Logan’s arm.
“I know,” Logan repeated “it’s been happening to me too but you need to calm down if you want to get unstuck.”
“How do you know?” Virgil cried, thoroughly done with this whole day and it hadn’t even started.
“Because I’ve been testing myself since 5am ever since I woke up stuck to the head board of my bed frame then proceeded to fold it and unfold it like it was paper!” Logan shot back, seemingly frustrated as well “Now breath!”
Virgil finally shut up and listened, breathing in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…then again, a few more times until he was able to unstick himself from Logan’s arm. He leaned back against Logan’s desk, wrapping his arms around himself as he anxiously looked towards Logan for answers. “What’s going on?”
Logan looked tired, his hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes but he looked determined, “I have few theories, mainly surrounding the spider that bit us.”
“Spider?” Virgil said, it couldn’t possibly be the same one from yesterday could it?
“Yes,” Logan said, grabbing a jar from behind Virgil and thrusting it in his face. Inside was the same spider from yesterday scurrying around the now web filled jar. “It’s from the same spiders we saw at the lab at Oscorp. Most likely the one that escaped.”
Virgil tilted his head curiously, “I thought the tour guide said it was back in the lab?”
“Obviously not,” Logan said deadpan.
“Trapped! Free!” The spider hissed causing Vigil to jerk back, kicking his leg up at the jar as Logan fumbled to grab it again.
“It fucking talked!” Virgil shrieked.
“Yeah, no shit!” Logan snapped, placing the jar near one of the shelves furthest from the panicking teen “I thought we established that with your spider!”
“Why is it talking?” Virgil snapped back.
“It’s not,” Logan sighed, straightening himself out as he reached to adjust his glasses only to realize he wasn’t wearing them “our sense have been enhanced to see and hear things better which in turn means we can hear certain frequencies better. It has been theorized that insects have their own language but the frequency at which it’s at it too high for normal human ears to pick up. What we’re hearing is a weak and choppy frequency so we’re only able to make out a few words.”
“Ah-huh,” Virgil nodded, still slightly freaking out “so what does this have to do with, mmh, everything else!”
“Don’t you see?” Logan said “We’ve been enhanced with artificial spider DNA! The venom injected into us was supposed to kill us but it instead latched on to our genetic coding and mutated us!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Virgil rubbed his face anxiously “so, what your saying is we have spider-based superpowers like…like Rainbow Weaver?”
“Basically,” Logan shrugged “though all I’ve been able to find now is our abnormal adhesiveness, above average strength, slight sensitivity to radio waves, slightly larger range in frequency, faster reflexes, acute awareness and, as you’ve noticed, perfect eye vision.” He gestures towards his glassless face as evidence.
Virgil ran a trembling hand over the left side of his head, “This is crazy, this is impossible, this…this…” He tugged at his hair and realized “my hand is stuck.”
“Relax,” Logan soothed “you were able to get it unstuck before, you can do it again.”
“And if I can’t?” Virgil squeaked, panic beginning to rise once more.
Logan bit his lip nervously, “We’ll think of something.”
There was a note on Roman’s dresser from his mother when he woke, he tried to read it but he was stuck to his sheets and as well as a few other things when he came tumbling out of bed. Notebooks, scrap papers filled with important theater notes, dirty clothes, make up, and any other thing his body made contact with. At first, he thought it was a prank done by the twins but it seemed a bit excessive and a little to advanced. Plus, how would they even do that? Getting Roman to stick to everything without using some sort of glue?
Roman was able to rip most of the things off of him and finally walk over to the dresser. He didn’t risk touching it though, much too scared he’ll get stuck again, so he merely peered down at the note filled with his mother’s careful handwriting.
Descansa un poco, mi amor, el doctor dijo que tenías una enfermedad que había estado dando vueltas. Patton también lo tiene, pero he oído que ahora está bien, solo necesita descansar. No vayas a la escuela si no te apetece. Hay un caldo en el refrigerador para calentar si tienes hambre.
Roman squinted at the not confused, when had he gone to the doctor? When did Patton get sick? What the hell was going on? Billions of questions swirled in his head causing Roman a painful headache or maybe it was because he was super hungry? Either way he needed to get out of his room. Roman marched to the door and yanked it open but found that he was now stuck to the door knob.
“Pinche manos pegajosas!” Roman cursed as he tried to yank he’s hand off the door knob only to pull it off with him. He sucked a painful breath through his teeth though it wasn’t because he was hurt, more it had to do with the landlord finding out and charging them for the damage later. Roman fixed it the best he could for now before carefully side stepping around the door into the hall. He breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back against a wall contemplating what was going on with him and how he was going to pay back the broken door knob.
How had he even done that? Sure, Roman liked to brag that he was athletic and junk, which he was, but even he wasn’t that strong to tear a door knob off it’s wooden frame. Also, he was really jittery, like there was a constant buzz at the back of his head that made him super aware of everything around him. Was this how his mother felt with four kids running around the house?
His stomach rumbled, train of thought gone and replaced with the want of food. So, Roman moved to stand from the wall, well, he tried, he was stuck again. A loud groan left his lips as he made the mistake to use his hands to push himself off. No surprise they stuck to so he used his feet…you see where this is going? Long story short he did end up making it to the kitchen but for some reason he ended up stuck to the ceiling, dangling by only his left foot. Which is how Patton found him.
“Roman?” Patton entered into the apartment dressed and ready for school with two bags of cookies neatly wrapped in clear plastic. There were swirls of baby pinks and blues radiating around him like a sort of weird halo of light. It buzzed and sang with in a weird yet familiar tune that was just…all Patton. Patton must have been able to see it too because he had this sort of curious looked as he continued to stare at Roman for a long time. Then Roman remembered the situation he was in, “Help!”
“Oh dear.” Patton sighed, snapping out of his trance and placing his cookies on the coffee table near the living room before heading over to inspect the situation. He grabbed onto his friends dangling arms and looked him straight in the eyes, “Roman, I need you to calm down.”
“How do you expect me to be calm right now?” Roman shrieked “I’m hanging upside down by my foot! From the ceiling! What even is going on?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton replied calmly “but all I know is as soon as I started to calm down things started unsticking. So, I assume it’s going to be the same for you.”
“W-what? You too?” Roman asked a bit less panicked, it was good to know he wasn’t alone in this strange situation.
“Yes,” Patton soothed “then when I started stress baking everything stopped sticking. I’m guessing if you’re too anxious or tense it just gets out of control. So, I need you to try and calm yourself, deep breaths, you can sing a little bit if it helps.”
Roman took a few deep breath, trying to qualm his shaking nerves before starting to hum a little tune, “Isn't it lovely, all alone?/ Heart made of glass, my mind of stone/ Tear me to pieces, skin and bone/ Hello, welcome home.”
Finally, he unstuck and flopped right into Patton’s arms who, surprisingly, was able to carry him without any trouble. After being carefully set back on his feet once more Roman began to freak out again, “What the fuck is happening?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton said, anxiously rubbing his hands “I just woke up sticking to everything and the world seems like it’s moving in slow motion and I can see without my glasses and none of my cute clothes fit me anymore!” He pouted, gesturing down towards his favorite jeans that had flowers embroidered at the cuffs and up the sides which used to fit Patton perfectly but now land few inches above his ankles.
Roman gazed sympathetically at his friend, had been ready to assure him that he still looked very cute only to be cut off by his rumbling stomach. “Dear God I’m starving.”
“I know what you mean,” Patton replied as his own stomach rumbled “I ate the soup my mom made me plus all the left overs plus the first batch of cookies I made and I’m still hungry!”
“I’ll be willing to share my soup and left over with you if you make me cookies later,” Roman bargained “I’d ask for those you brought over but I know those are special.”
Paton flushed red, quickly changing the conversation, “D-deal, we’ll eat then head off to school and…maybe find someone who can help us afterwards.”
“Like who?” Roman questioned “What other person has been going through the same shit we’ve been going through this morning?”
Virgil’s stomach rumbled as he and Logan made their way down the school halls, “For the love of god! We practically cleaned out all the left overs and snacks from both of our apartments and I’m still starving!”
“I’m guessing high metabolism should be added to the list,” Logan said, stopping by a nearby vending machine “Or maybe it’s the fact that our bodies are still going through puberty and the spider DNA has enhanced that as well, or maybe it’s a mixture of both.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Virgil grumbled, carefully pulling down the sides of his beanie “by the way, you couldn’t of thought of anything better to get me unstuck then mutilating my hair?”
Logan rolled his eyes, bending down to retrieve the various treats he had purchased “We tried to get you to calm down for thirty minutes but you still remained tense. What were you gunna do? Stay stuck and let someone find out?”
“You could have at least done a better job!” Virgil snarked, taking the chips and candy bars handed to him.
“I’m not hairdresser,” Logan stated plainly, stuffing half a chocolate bar in his mouth “I did the best I could.”
“Well if this is your best, I don’t want to see your worst,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing a hand full of chips in his mouth “what are we even gunna do after this? Can we do anything? Who can we even tell?”
“Calm,” Logan soothed, a careful hand placed on his friend shoulder “we’ll figure something out. Right now we need to focus on finding Patton and Roman, they must be having just as difficult a time adjusting to their new found abilities.”
“Are you sure they were bitten?” Virgil asked skeptically “What are the odds of the same spider biting all four of us?”
“Patton’s bug bite from yesterday looked similar to ours and I can only assume since Roman was in close proximity to us, he was bitten as well,” Logan explain, readjusting his glasses which now had no lenses “my theory is that he got bitten during detention yesterday, then Patton outside, then you when you arrived home and found the spider, and finally me after I finished talking to my parents. Tell me, when did you start feeling the effects of the venom after you were bitten?”
Virgil thought a moment, “I took a nap and scrolled through Tumblr, my mom called me out for dinner and I was talking to my grandma and then…nothing. It’s all fuzzy after that.”
“Interesting,” Logan hummed “I remember being called out too after I caught the spider, then I sat down and…it’s all a blur from there. From what my parents told me I assume I was somewhat coherent enough to eat and talk, although it was somewhat slurred, then I began to malfunction.”
Virgil snorted, “You’re talking as if you were a computer.”
“It seems the spider is learning with each victim and increasing it’s dosage,” Logan continued, ignoring Virgil’s comment “which would explain why the effects happened faster for me then for you. And I can only assume the same can be said with Roman and Patton seeing as when they were bitten earlier on. But like I said, it is only a theory.”
“A game theory!” Virgil quoted with a laugh causing Logan to quirk and eyebrow “This isn’t a game Virgil.”
“Yeah, I know but I cope with sarcasm and memes,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing more chips in his mouth “sue me…”
Logan sighed, unwrapping another candy bar, “This is going to be a long day.”
Down the hall on the opposite side of the school Patton and Roman were having their own conflict. Still hungry after downing all the left overs and munchies they bought at the corner store before coming to school they were currently emptying out the vending machine. They were discussing their current predicament while spitting their purchase.
“How we were able to get here in time I will never know,” Roman grumbled, struggling to stuff his food in his backpack “are you still sticking to thing?”
“Not as much as this morning,” Patton said, finally able to zip his bag before sling it over his shoulder “you?”
“A little, I guess, I don’t know,” Roman sighed, opening a bag of Skittles “it’s just I feel like everybody is staring at us.”
“But there barely anybody in the halls,” Patton said “but I know what you mean. It’s like you can feel them from the inside of the class.”
“Yes!” Roman exclaimed softly “It’s fucking weird!”
The first period warning bell rings and the two friends make the journey down the hall to their class as did the rest of the remaining students in the hall. This whole situation was like some weird fever dream they couldn’t wake from. Their skin buzzed, their ears rang, their senses were just all over the place, it was all very overwhelming. Roman usually reveled in being under the spotlight but at the moment it seemed like there were too many eyes watching him and all he really wanted was to curl up into the nearest dark corner and sleep. He hadn’t had the time or ability to get dressed properly or do his make up and he was still in shock from everything that happened this morning. Patton, the usually cheery social butterfly, didn’t feel so cheery or social at all today. None of his clothes fit him right, everything was either too slow or too fast, and he had to take out the lenses of his glasses which really upset him because they were cute round rose gold glasses with rose tinted lenses and now, they’re ruined!
So busy moping were the two friends that if it weren’t for the tingly sensation at the back of their head, they would have missed Virgil and Logan passing them by. Granted they were distracted by their own conversation as well and were basically snapped into attention by the weird and colorful tingly sensation pulling them towards Patton and Roman. They were all a melting pot of technicolor waves, blending and buzzing with each other in some weird kind of dance. Virgil was a foggy storm of blacks and purples and white lighting which in theory should be dark and hard to see but was for some reason bright and beautiful. Roman was a swirl of bright white with streaks of red and gold dramatically singing a beautiful melody. Logan was a cool blend of dark blues and greys, a normally dull combination but it structured itself with such formality and care it was an exquisite display of stars. Patton was a pop of cotton candy pinks and soft blues bursting with life and richness, they bloomed like flowers in the spring time.
“You’re like me!” They said in unison.
It was then that they noticed they were still in the hall and even though there weren’t that many people around there were still people. Logan, with his quick thinking, ushered them all into the nearby boy’s bathroom and corralled them into the large stall near the back. Everyone was freaking out.
“You’re all colorful!” Patton said in awe.
“What’s going on?” Roman hissed.
“Why the fuck would I know?!” Virgil snapped.
“Shut up!” Logan demanded and the room was silent “I have a few theories, first off-”
The sound of a toilet flushing caught their attention, finally realizing they weren’t as alone as they thought. They tensely waited for whoever was out there to finish washing up and exit. The sound of boots echoed throughout the bathroom as the faucet opened and close multiple times. The hand drier blazed to life and for a moment the four teens thought they’d finally be safe until a familiar slimy voice said: “I know you nerds are in here!”
“God fucking damn it!” Virgil mouthed furiously, Dolion messing with them again is the last thing they need right now.
“Don’t think I couldn’t here your whispering,” Dolion hissed “what, are you here to fuck me over again? I already have another detention because of you assholes!”
The bang of a nearby stall door was heard then another and another each getting closer and closer towards them. Dolion growled, “Come out, come out, where every you are! Fucking cowards!”
The group didn’t know what they were so nervous for, what would Dolion do? Take them all on? And even if he did, they would just tell Mr. Larry and he would get in trouble again. Maybe it was the fact that they were all kind of lowkey scarred of Dolion, dude was a big guy, or maybe, just maybe, it was because they had weird mutant spider powers that they didn’t know what to do with and wouldn’t know the outcome of what would happen if Dolion tried to fight them now. But just as Dolion was nearing the last stall door the tingly sensation in the back of their heads told them to jump and so they did without hesitation.
The last stall door was kicked open, Dolion entered with a sneer and saw that it was completely empty. He did a double take, looking around confused, so certain he had heard people come in, that he had heard them come in. Shaking his head in irritation Dolion left the stall and marched out of the bathroom with a huff.
Meanwhile, clustered up on the ceiling, right above where Dolion had stood, were Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Logan who all let out a sigh of relief. “That was close.”
Then there was a loud creek and Virgil gulped, “Oh no.”
They all came crashing down along with the flimsy white ceiling tile that held them up their in the first place. They landed on the filthy bathroom floor with a thwap while the ceiling tile crumbled in half.
Roman groaned, “This is the fucking worst.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” Logan grumbled as he lifted himself from the floor “we shall further discuss the matter after school.”
“What do you mean after school?” Roman balked “I want to know what’s going on now!”
“Hey, genius, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t think a public restroom in a high school is the best place to discuss our…condition.” Virgil snapped.
“They’re right Roman,” Patton butted in before his friend could reply “who knows what will happen if someone were to find out. Especially, Dolion.”
“Ugh, fine,” Roman sighed, he couldn’t say no to Patton’s puppy dog eyes “where shall we meet then?”
“On the roof.” Logan said.
“Why the roof?” Virgil and Roman asked simultaneously.
“It’ll be empty and secluded once clubs are over everyone has gone home,” Logan replied coolly “which I’m assuming all of you have, right? A club to attend, I mean.”
“Yes, I have culinary club,” Patton said “we’re working on the bake sale for Friday night’s game.”
“Shit, yeah, I have dance,” Virgil said then groaned “Ms. Green is gunna make me work double time for missing yesterday.”
“You dance?” Roman asked surprised.
“Uh…yeah,” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before snapping to the defensive “Is there a problem with that?”
Roman raised his hands up in surrender, “You think I, the theater geek, would be one to judge?”
“Well, you have with a lot of other things so excuse us if we’re a little surprised.” Logan chimed in.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Roman snapped.
“Exactly what I just said,” Logan said nonchalantly “anyways, I myself have debate club so we all should finish up at around the same time.”
“Hey, don’t just brush me off!” Roman said, frustration evident on his face.
“What use is there to continue on that topic?” Logan asked “It’s not important to our current situation.”
Ignoring Logan’s statement Roman continued his rant, “Are you saying that I judge people based on how they look and what they like to do?”
“Yes,” Logan said bluntly “now can we please move on?”
“It’s not true!” Roman cried.
“Speaking from past experiences talking to you that’s highly unlikely,” Logan huffed “especially with Virgil.”
Roman glared at the bespectacled teen, “I don’t-”
“Hey, now,” Patton stepped in once more “I know Roman can be a bit eccentric and talk a big game at times but that doesn’t mean he out right judges’ people without getting to know their character a little bit. You assuming that he does is a bit judgy of you now, isn’t it?”
Logan gulped nervously at the glare? Pout? Patton was giving him and he immediately felt guilty, “I…guess so.”
“And Roman,” Patton turned to his best friend with the exact same look “maybe sometimes you’re a bit too quick to assume certain things about people. Speaking your mind is one thing but sometimes you can be kind of rude.”
“You’re right, Pat,” Roman sighed, rubbing his tired eyes “I don’t mean to pick fights it’s just…I’ve had a long morning.”
“I know,” Patton said, eyes softening once more “so have the rest of us but that doesn’t mean we should start turning against each other. We need to stick together, we’re probably the only people on earth that know what each of us is going through right now. So, weather we like it or not we’re a team and we have to have each other’s backs.”
“Falsehood.” Logan said suddenly.
Virgil sighed, irritably, “Lo, don’t start up again…”
“No, I mean that we aren’t the only ones alone in this.” Logan corrected, all eyes were on him again, curious and anticipating.
The last warning bell rung and the four teens were uncertain if they should stay hidden and listen to what Logan had to say or start booking it to class. Thankfully, Logan decided for them, “After school, on the roof, don’t be late. Come on Virgil.”
And with that they all scurried out of the bathroom and raced to their first period.
It was almost comedic how none of them ever noticed how many classes they had together. Like aside from their electives they all basically had the same classes together. Roman and Patton usually sit in the back of the class near the window, easier to get away with napping and passing notes, while Logan and Virgil sat near the center where they could easily blend into the crowed and not be called on as often by the teacher. Though that still wouldn’t stop Logan from raising his hand and blurting out answers and corrections. Point being they’ve never noticed each other before, they were in their own world doing their own thing with other students filling in for background noise. But now with their new freakish mutant powers they couldn’t not notice each other, especially with their weird colored auras buzzing and lighting them up like a fucking beckon.
It was like that all day, in every class, they tried to play it off like it was nothing, like nothing has changed and they’re in their own world but it didn’t work. They just kept fucking staring at each other and it didn’t matter if they were subtle about it or not because that stupid zing at the back of their heads would go off every time, they would feel eyes on them, and they knew! They all knew but they kept doing it anyway! Why? Because what else could they do?
Lunch came and went, an internal struggle within each of them debating weather on not they should sit with each other. They had no reason to do so other wise unless they used the excuse of that school field trip project but even then, that was flimsy and suspicious. They did not need anyone else suspecting them of hiding something when Dolion was already on their case.
Speaking of which, Dolion had been keeping an especially close eye on all of them all day. He wasn’t in all of their classes but he was in most and aside from each other they could practically feel his eyes burrowing in to the back of their heads. It did not help that this mutant power made them feel ten times more aware of themselves and the things around them. Their skin crawled when someone would accidently brush against them, they’d flinch when the bell rang, they’d race to their next class to get out of the crowed halls because it was so jam packed with people and noise and smells and they just couldn’t breathe.
Virgil was having the worst time out of all of them. His anxiety got bad sometimes and even on good days it could sneak up on him and leave him with a shitty day but this…this was the fucking worst! He kept accidently sticking to things and Logan had to say behind and help him out and that just made him feel even worse and caused them to be even more late for class.
Roman and Patton watched them from the sidelines, out of sight but never out of range. They weren’t too sure if they should intervene or mind their own business so they just lurked around like creeps. They figured if Logan or Virgil needed help, they would ask them and in turn they would do the same. Still, the day passed and none of them said a word to each other. Not even Logan and Patton who were stuck as lab partners. What would they even say?
“Yeah, nice weather we’re having, also do you think we’ll grow extra limbs now that we have mutant bug powers?”
Electives were the only classes they had by themselves and some how that was an even worse distraction. At least with four other people flashing like beckons you knew someone was right there when you needed them because they would understand your situation. But being alone, surrounded by other students, trying to act normal when you know that is far from the truth, is just horrible. How the hell were they going to get through their club meetings?
Patton never thought he would dread going to culinary club but here he was hiding behind the nearby lockers debating weather or not he should just bail and wait on the roof by himself. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending how you look at it, he didn’t have to decided because one of the girls from his club spotted him.
“Hey Patton, it’s good to see you,” Her name was Valerie and she was the sweetest person Patton has ever met “we missed you yesterday, where’d you go?”
“Oh, uh, hi Valerie,” Patton fiddled bashfully with the end of his shirt “I-I got detention.”
“What? Why?” Valerie asked, quite shocked “Out of everyone in this school you’d be the last I’d ever expect to get detention.”
Patton became red with embarrassment, “Well…Dolion played a prank on me and I kind of freaked out. A friend of mine named Logan stood up for me and kind of scolded him but then Dolion got mad and wanted to fight him. Then me and my other two friends, Roman and Virgil, were trying to break them up but then Mr. Larry came in and saw. So, he gave us all detention but it didn’t go on our records and Dolion got extra detention this weekend.”
“Gosh, that must have really sucked,” Valerie said sympathetically.
Patton shrugged, “I just feel bad that I got all my friends in trouble because of something so dumb.”
“Hey now,” Valerie said sternly “it’s not your fault that Dolion was being a jerk and picking on you. Plus, your friends really care about you Patton, they don’t want to see you in distress.”
“Yeah, but I wish I could have done something more then just stand there,” Patton said glumly “if it hadn’t been for them I probably would of ran off crying.”
“Aw Patton,” Valarie sighed “sometimes you’re much too sweet for your own good. And sometimes that sweetness can cause you trouble but you have to remember, you’re worth standing up for.” she reached over and gently grasped his hand, “It’s okay not to feel happy all the time too.”
“Yeah I know,” Patton sighed “it’s just…”
“I know, I know, you don’t want to worry anyone,” She smiled sadly “you must have had a really bad morning to be able to rant to me.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“No, don’t be,” She assured “it’s good to talk about your problems, it’s a good way to help air out your feelings.”
“Well, thanks for letting me rant.” Patton chuckled.
“Any time,” Valarie replied “now we should get going, the meeting is going to start soon. Also, you never got around to teaching me that lemon square recipe.”
“Oh gosh, that’s right,” Patton said “I am so sorry, I was going to teach you yesterday but then detention and-”
“It’s fine, Patton,” Valarie soothed before he could continue “you have plenty of time to teach me to day if the meeting doesn’t run too long.”
“Absolutely.” Patton beamed, though it wasn’t totally genuine. He was still very stressed and anxious to be in a room full of people alone. Though out in the empty halls talking with Valarie had been nice so it gave Patton a little bit of hope he could do this. But that had just been them alone, what would he do when he was in room full of students and loud baking utensils? Patton gulped as he followed Valarie into the culinary class room and for once hoped for a short meeting.
“One, two, three! One, two, three! Virgil, you’re off again!” Ms. Green sighed as she turned off the stereo. The entire class groaned, this was the third time they had to start the routine over because Virgil kept missing a step or getting off beat or something. It was seriously starting to stress him out more then he already was. Usually doing ballet helped calm his anxiety but right now with all the weird shit happening to his body it’s doing the exact opposite.
“Take five!” Ms. Green announced and the class disbursed into mindless chatter.
Virgil sighed tiredly as he began to trudge back to his bag near the back of the dance studio only to be stopped by Ms. Green. “Mr. Storm, please come here a moment.”
Virgil whined pathetically as he slowly made his way over to his dance instructor who looked very frustrated, “Yes, Ms. Green?”
“What’s going on with you today?” Her frustrated frown morphed into one of concern once she saw Virgil’s distressed face.
“Uh,” Virgil tugged at once side of his beanie nervously “I’m just not…feeling too great. I-I mean, I didn’t feel great last night so it’s kind of…lingering?”
“Is it because of your detention yesterday?” Ms. Green asked, she didn’t look mad or disappointed as Virgil previously thought, just curious.
“Kind of,” Virgil fibbed “there was a bug, I mean, there is a bug going around the school. Not a real bug, of course, like a cold and flu bug. Yeah, like that. Uh, I was sick and the doctor said it was a bug.”
Nailed it.
Ms. Green corked an eye brow suspiciously, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Virgil said a little too quickly before sighing “I’m fine, just…gotta find my rhythm again. It’s still getting out of my system…the bug.”
“Ah-huh,” Ms. Green nodded slowly “you’re lucky you don’t compete in anything. Although you really should.”
Virgil gave her a weary smile, having had this conversation too many times before and not wanting it to have it today of all days. Ms. Green kept on insisting that Vigil enter in dance competitions or audition for the production of Swan Lake they’d be doing in the spring. But Virgil kept rebutting that if he could barely get through a simple dance recital without vomiting on stage there was no why he’d be able to last through a four-act performance.
“Still not my thing Ms. Green.” He replied with a tight smile.
Ms. Green sighed, quickly dropping the subject, “Alright, go take five. Stretch out and be ready to go again. Start getting focused.”
“You got it.” Virgil gave her a thumbs up as he began to walk backwards towards his bag. He heard his stomach rumble for the fifth time and groaned as he searched through his backpack for any more chips.
“Skip out on lunch?” A voice asked from behind.
Virgil turned to find Terrance smiling at him with an extra water bottle shoved near his face. He quickly took it before addressing his question, “No, why do you ask?”
“That is a lot of wrappers,” Terrance pointed towards Virgil’s bag which was overflowing with candy and chip wrappers like some sort of volcano “I’m guessing you’re the one that emptied out the vending machine near hall B?
Virgil flushed, embarrassed as he stuffed the wrappers back in his backpack, “N-no, this was breakfast.”
Terrence frowned disapprovingly, “That’s pretty unhealthy.”
“Don’t worry, that’s not the worst thing that’s happened today.” Virgil assured as he finally found one last candy bar and stuffed it in his mouth. Before Terrence could ask what Virgil meant by that Ms. Green was already calling everyone back.
Roman loved play rehearsal, seeing things get slowly piece together as the day of the play got closer and closer. And when you finally go on stage its even more amazing then you could ever imagen because you’ve spent months building this from the ground up, costumes, props, lighting, hours and hours of practice. It was all just great and amazing and Roman loved every minute of it!
“Is this a dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.” Roman recited.
“Cut!” His director, Mr. Bell, called out “Roman, your blockings off again.”
Just not today…
Roman groaned, “Sorry, sorry, sorry, let’s- can we do it again?”
“It’s okay,” Mr. Bell sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose “let’s all just…take five.”
And with that the house lights went on and the students disbursed to go do their own thing. Actors huddled together to recite lines, techs came down for their box for fresh air and socializing, crew fiddled around with stage and props, and Roman exited stage left towards the dressing rooms.
Roman hated this, his new abilities were throwing him why off balance in both the physical and mental sense. The stage lights burned his eyes, he could here the whispering backstage, the creaking from the catwalk, and all eyes on him. For once in his life Roman did NOT want to be the center of attention.
“Hey girl!” Roman paused to see Remy waving at him as he came down the latter one of the catwalks.
“Hey Remy.” Roman smiled tiredly, he was in no mood to put up a charming persona and thankfully Remy was the type of person that could care less about keeping up appearances. He liked to “keep it real” like that.
“Oh god, you look like shit,” Remy replied once he was on the ground, sipping on a Starbucks cup that he always seems to have with him “what happened?”
Roman inhaled deeply, “So many things that I can even begin to comprehend myself. But I’m fine, really.”
“Woof,” Remy said “must have been some bad shit that went down because you’re usually a one hit wonder out there. But five takes? You sure you okay, boo? I heard what happened yesterday with that dick Dolion.”
“Yeah, it’s all fine now,” Roman sighed as he stretched his arms “just got to shake it off and get centered again.”
“Mmh, okay,” Remy shrugged nonchalantly “but if you ever need me to beat a hoe just ask. I don’t mind dirtying up my new Doc Martens.”
Roman chuckled, “Thanks but no thanks, I’ll keep that in mind though.”
“No prob babe,” Then Remy smirked “also, I saw you and Virgil Storm getting along quite nicely yesterday. Anything going on there?”
Remy laughed as Roman groaned again, flushing a deep scarlet before scurrying away “I’m gunna go practice my lines elsewhere.”
“Ethan Zuckerman, Associate Professor and Director of the Center of Civic Media, stated that ‘Social media is critically important in giving voice to communities who’ve been systemically excluded from media – people of color, woman, LGBTQIA people, poor people. By giving people a chance to share their under-covered perspectives with broadcast media, social media has a possible role in making the media ecosystem more inclusive and fair’,” Emile Picani stated proudly “we are in an era where word gets around faster and problems can be caught early on to help fix them. We can share information and opinion that everybody can see and sort out issues much faster because of it.”
“Falsehood,” Logan said as soon as Emile finished “what about the manipulation of public opinion over social media platforms which can eventually lead to a critical threat to public life? Samantha Bradshaw, Researcher on the Computational Propaganda project at Oxford University, wrote a paper about how government agencies and political parties are exploiting the use of social media platforms to spread misinformation, exercise censorship and undermine trust in media, public institution, and science. Science Picani!”
“Yes, but where would we have learned any of this without social media,” Emile rebutted “not a lot of people are too keen on the idea of going to the library and reading research papers. Sometimes, small articles online talking about the issue can help spread awareness to others.”
“Yes, but can’t those same articles spread lies and slander at the same time?” Logan countered “Misleading people once more when they could have easily gotten the information from the source.”
“Who says there aren’t articles and groups dedicated to these ideas?” Emile said “In a hilarious state of irony, these groups came together because of social media, they made connections and helped raise awareness towards a common goal. Now, I’m not saying that social media is perfect but it is an important part of our culture. We should be working forward to improve it instead of tearing it down.”
Logan chewed at the end of his thumb nail, absolutely stumped on what he should say. He hasn’t been able to think clearly all day. Everything was too loud and too quiet, to fast and too slow, it was driving him crazy.
The buzzer went off and the sound of Mr. Shelton’s voice boomed throughout the room, “Time. Picani wins. Brake time everybody, then we’ll choose teams for the next topic.”
Logan groaned, letting his head drop against the desk with a loud thud. A shadow loomed over him and he turned his head to the side and came face to stomach with Emile Picani’s yellow sweater. He lazily looked up to see the nervous yet concerned smile on Emile’s face.
“May I help you?” Logan mumbled.
Emile shook his head, “No, I was just wondering…are you feeling okay Logan? You were kind of…struggling to keep up back there.”
“No, I wasn’t,” Logan quickly defended, sitting up straight “I just…have a bit of a cold.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Emile quickly backtrack nervously “but, um, are you sure there’s not something else wrong?”
Curse Emile and his advanced human psychology classes. The kid was already super empathetic as it was as well as the second smartest student at the school. Logan being the first of course.
“What ever do you mean?” Logan said blankly, though inside he was panicking.
“You just seem kind of distracted by…” Emile made a vague gesture with his hands “Everything. Like, you’ve just suddenly realized the world is moving around you. Does that make sense?”
Yes, it did but Logan was not about to admit it because if he did Emile would be able to use that little amount of information to pull everything out of him. Emile wasn’t malicious by any means, next to Patton he was the kindest person you’d ever meet. He just had a way of making people feel comfortable enough to open up about their stress and (ugh) feelings.
So, he lied. “No, it does not make sense.”
Emile stared at him for a minute and Logan tried his best not to squirm under his intense gaze. It felt as if he was trying to search through the inner mechanisms of Logan’s brain just by scanning over his physical form. Finally, he blinked, sighing as he gave Logan a half-hearted smile. “You can be a tough cookie to read sometimes. Then there are other times where you’re an open book. It’s all very confusing.”
Logan didn’t know if he liked that metaphor or not so he just said what he thought was appropriate. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, no, you have nothing to be sorry about Logan,” Emile assured anxiously “I’m just being nosy and weird.”
“I don’t think you’re weird.” Logan said honestly. Yes, Emile was childish and liked cartoon but he was also extremally smart and one of the few people Logan can properly debate with without having to dumb down his vocabulary.
Emile blushed but gave a wide genuine smile, “Thanks for thinking so. Um, I’ll get out of your hair now.”
Logan nodded as he watched Emile walk away to socialize with the other members. His head returned to the desk, cheek pressed against the cool plastic wood, as he stared at the clock counting down the minutes left until he could meet the others.
They all bumped into each other on the third floor, literally, they were so jittery with nerves and excitement they were practically sprinting towards the roof. They were quick to collect themselves before silently making their way up the fourth floor towards the stairs leading to the roof. They didn’t have to stay silent but just as it’s been all day, they had no idea what to say to each other, plus the paranoia that someone could be listening in like in the bathroom this morning.
They quickly filed out onto the wide-open space of the roof top, each standing about five feet apart from each other, not moving just, not talking, just listening. They hear the construction happening down the street but not just the noise of the machine scraping against the pavement but the conversations between coworkers about getting a beer after work. They could sense the movement of scurrying students beneath them as they all hurried to catch up with friends and walk home. They looked into the distant skyline where the city clustered together and they could make out every detail of every building, tree, person, and sidewalk. They could smell the warm pretzels being sold down town, cigarette smoke in cafes, and cheap perfume from the boys locker room. They could taste the bile building in their throats, the world around them becoming too much, it frightened them.
“What’s happening to us.” Virgil whimpered, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.
“I-I have a theory,” Logan stuttered out, taking a deep breath to calm himself “we were all bitten by the same enhanced super spider which had previously gone missing during our field trip to Oscorp yesterday.”
“I thought the guide said it was back in the lab.” Patton squeaked out, frantically looking around for more spiders.
“Yeah, how can you be so sure it’s the same spider?” Roman said skeptically.
Logan slid off his back pack and began rummaging through it until he pulled out a jar full of webbing and a familiar little spider inside. Virgil gawked at his best friend, “You brought it to school?”
“I didn’t trust leaving it at home alone,” Logan stated simply “I feared it would escape.”
“Escape…” the spider hissed “Freedom…”
“It talked!” Roman and Patton shrieked, scrambling backwards a few steps.
“Technically, it didn’t,” Logan said coolly, readjusting his glasses “it’s just that we can now hear at a higher frequency and can now get bits and pieces of conversations from-”
“That’s great Einstein but what does that…thing have to do with how we are now!” Roman cut in, getting more and more frustrated as time went on.
Logan glared at him but decided he was ultimately right and should get to the point, not that he would ever tell Roman that. “If we compare our bug bites, I can assure you that they will all look similar. Assuming that we all suffered the same symptoms afterward, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, memory laps, and/or fainting, then woke up like…this, my hypothesis is that the spider’s venom caused a mutated our DNA.”
“How can you be so sure?” Roman asked, taking a step forward with Patton clinging to the back of his shirt like a koala. Roman was ninety percent sure Patton had gotten himself stuck but that was something to worry about later.
“I mean, the evidence is irrefutable,” Logan said “but to be truly sure I’d have to do a blood test but I currently do not have the equipment for that and neither does the school.”
“Of course, you checked for that,” Virgil sighed, wanting to rub his face but worried his hand would get stuck again “So, what now? Are we gunna take it back to Oscorp or something? Because I’m pretty sure it’ll be mighty suspicious when four teenagers walk up to the front desk carrying a multimillion-dollar spider inside a Crofters jam jar.”
“Cookies!” Patton announced loudly, startling everyone, especially Roman since it was right next to his ear. Patton whispered an apology to his friend before detaching, with a bit of difficulty, from his back and searching through his back pack. He pulled out two clear colorful baggies, one filled with scones and another filled with peanut butter cookies.
Patton stepped forward to gift his friends the cookies only to suddenly stop short, “Um, can you…” he gestured towards the jar in Logan’s hands “p-put it away?”
Logan blinked owlishly before suddenly realizing what he meant and quickly tucked away the creature in his back pack, “Oh, yes, right, your, um, arachnophobia. I apologize for my ignorance.”
“Wow, Logan apologizing,” Virgil gasped in fake awe “that’s a first.”
Logan glared at his best friend but was soon faced to face with a smiling Patton, “I hope you like them. I was going to make them last night but then…ya know, that happened and I was a bit…frazzled this morning. So, tell me if they turn out okay, okay?”
“I’m sure they’ll be quite…adequate.” Logan gulped nervously, Patton was way too close but this wasn’t anything new. Patton seemed to have very little personal space with people he deemed his friends but right now with their newfound abilities he was just a burst of color and energy.
“Let’s hope your right.” Patton giggled before moving towards Virgil who took about two large steps back.
“J-just…put ‘em- on the…the…I’ll get them on the ground.” Virgil stuttered out, his hands moving along with his words as if it would help convey his feelings in the situation at hand.
Thankfully Patton got the hint and smiled warmly as he carefully placed the cookies on the ground before stepping back towards Roman. With a relieved sigh Virgil returned to his spot and picked up the bag, wordlessly nodding his thanks towards Patton.
“So, what are we gunna do?” Roman said, suddenly bursting the friendly atmosphere. He was really on edge right now and it was an overwhelming crushing feeling that just kept growing with every passing minute. “You said earlier this morning that there was someone similar to our situation, who?”
Logan cleared his throat, pulling out his phone and tapping a few things, “Right, well, who is someone that is well known to the public who climbs walls, has super strength, and has sort of spider like tendencies.”
It was silent, the three other teens looked clueless and Logan was just a bit disappointed. He turned to Virgil with a look and said, “Seriously, Virgil?”
“Dude, I can’t remember half the things I’ve done today, okay, everything is just like…” Virgil groaned, waving his arms around “and if I’m honest I’m still kind of freaking out, like, internally and maybe a little bit externally too. I don’t know, give it time.”
“Rainbow Weaver,” Logan said blankly “Rainbow Weaver has these same abilities.”
“Rainbow Weaver?” The trio replied, the wheels finally turning in their head.
“Yes.” Logan nodded.
“Okay, wait,” Roman said “two questions: 1) What makes you think Rainbow Weaver will even consider helping us? And 2) Even if he did, where would we find him?”
Logan continued to tap on his phone before flipping it over to show the other, “According to his fan page on Twitter: on 5th street near main.”
“That’s ten blocks away,” Patton said glumly “we’ll never make it on time.”
“Even if we run that’s at least thirty minutes tops.” Virgil added.
“Anymore bright ideas, pocket protector?” Roman snarked.
“Just about,” Logan said coolly, as he began to collect his things before slinging his backpack securely on himself. He turned a whole 360 degrees before stopping in place and making his way towards the left side of the building. The other’s followed, curious as to what he was looking for, they peered over at a few smaller buildings next door clustered together with signs obscuring the view of the roof tops as they reached higher and higher the deeper you went into the city.
“This’ll do.” Logan said as he began to walk back.
“This’ll do for what?” Virgil asked but he wasn’t answered because Logan was now sprinting back towards them and he wasn’t slowing down.
The others, panicked, blocked his path screaming and begging for him to stop and explain what the hell was going on. But even that did nothing to deter the bespectacled teen because he simply jumped, high. It surprised everyone, including Logan himself, when he was able to leap clear over not only all of them but all the way to the next building. He stumbled on his landing, legs tripping his forward before he was able to finally find his footing. Stunted silence and open mouths were left in his wake before Logan snapped out of his stupor and laughed with all the giddy glee of a child who just met his favorite super hero.
“Oh my god, that was exhilarating!” Logan cheered, waving his arms over at his friends “Come on! Come on! You gotta – you gotta do this!”
“You’re fucking crazy!” Virgil wheezed out, gripping onto the side of the building for dear life.
Roman chewed at his bottom lip before finally sighing and running back, “Fuck it.”
“W-wait, Roman, kiddo!” Patton squeaked “Shouldn’t we think this over first?”
“I did think it over,” Roman said, setting himself up for a running start “and I’m not gunna let iDork get ahead of me.”
“You’re both crazy!” Vigil shrieked.
Roman didn’t answer, instead he charged forward, wind whipping his hair and adrenaline pumping throughout his body. He got to the ledge and quickly used it as leverage to leap up, floating in mid air for just a moment before he came rocketing down towards the roof. He didn’t land as far as Logan but he had a much better landing, legs bent as he shakily straightened himself out. Roman looked towards Logan who was smiling like a mad man and Roman couldn’t help but join in his excitement.
“Holy shit you guys!” Roman exclaimed, jumping up and down “You have to try it! It’s amazing!”
Patton gulped nervously before looking towards Virgil, who was just about ready to have an aneurysm. He extended a nervous hand towards the emo boy and asked begged, “Jump with me.”
“What?” Virgil’s voice cracked as he took a step back “Are you serious?”
“Yes, no, kind of…” Patton whimpered “I don’t wanna do this alone! I’m scared a-and you’re scared too. B-but Logan and Roman were able to do it and more then likely we’ll be able to do it too, s-so with both of us pushing us off we’ll have a better chance of landing safer. Right?”
Virgil looked at Patton like he was insane (which he was!) staring between his face and the hand extended towards him. Finally, after a long silence, Virgil sighed, “Screw it.” And firmly took Patton’s hand as they made there way back towards the center of the building.
“If we fall I’m using you as a cushion,” Virgil threatened, hand squeezing Patton’s tightly “I’m just joking, I’m just…really fucking scared right now.”
“It’s okay,” Patton said warmly, squeezing back just as tight “I am too but you don’t need to jump with me if you don’t want to. I’m sure we can figure another thing out.”
“N-no, no, it’s fine,” Virgil assured quickly “it’s just we gotta do it now before I psych myself out.”
Patton nodded firmly, looking ahead as he and Virgil prepared to sprint forward. They heard shouts of encouragement from Logan and Roman, who were still riding on their adrenaline high, as they began their charge. Blood pumped loudly in their ears, legs picking up traction much faster then they were expecting, and just when Virgil thought he was going to freeze up at the last-minute Patton boosted forward giving him a strong tug before they were finally soaring through the sky. They looked to the sky line, at the busy city and its scurrying people and for a moment it was as if they were flying.
They collapsed into a heaping pile on the roof next door, groaning as Logan and Roman rushed over to help them. Virgil was quick to dust himself off, laughing like a lunatic as he did. “That was awesome!”
“Yeah!” Patton chimed in, jumping to engulf Roman in an excited hug.
“We should be able to reach him if we head this way!” Logan cut in through the excitement, pointing towards the building roof tops heading towards the heart of Manhattan.
The boys looked at each other, momentarily questioning weather this was a good idea, before a sly determined grin spread across their faces and they began to sprint, throwing caution to the wind.
“Whooohooo!” Patton screamed joyously as he and his friends ran and jumped across the roof tops at a speed, they did not think was possible for a normal human.
They forgotten the map on Logan’s phone long ago and had no idea where they were going but somehow, they just knew they were going the right way. The tingling sensation at the back of their heads tugged them towards their destination as they enjoyed the rush of wind in their ears and adrenaline in their veins.
They reached their destination in no time but since they did not see their intended target anywhere, they decided to circle around a little to see if they could catch him. Though mainly the boys just wanted to see what they could do with their new-found powers. Climbing up the side of buildings, walking across utility wires, and using abandon construction sights as their own personal jungle gym. Somehow, they ended up on the roof of a pretty tall office building and decided to take a rest.
“Jesus Christ!” Virgil laughed hysterically “We’re so high up!”
“Are you okay?” Logan asked, he was concerned, really, he was, but Virgil’s laughter was contagious and the adrenaline was still buzzing in his system.
“No,” Virgil giggled as he laid down on his back “but give me a minute.”
“Deep breaths, kiddo,” Patton said as he flopped down next Virgil “this is a lot of excitement for one day, even for me.”
“I’ll second that.” Roman agreed as he too joined them on the ground.
Logan shrugged and settled himself between Virgil and Roman, all of them star-fished out in a circle watching the clouds roll by. Silence fell upon them once more as they began to soak in all that had happened to them that day. They weren’t as overwhelmed as they had been that morning, maybe running and jumping across buildings let them take out some of that jittery energy they had stored inside. Don’t get them wrong, they were still kind of freaking out but they were a little more calm about it. Especially since they knew that they weren’t alone in their endeavor. Sure, they might not be able to get Rainbow Weaver to help them but at least they had each other and that was a comfort that they were all truly grateful for.
“Do you think we can shoot spider webs like Rainbow Weaver can?” Roman asked, braking the peaceful silence.
“I’m not quite sure,” Logan said honestly “I tried at home but I just can’t seem to produce anything. Then again, not all spiders can make webs.”
“Hmm, true.” Virgil murmured, eyes closed as he practiced some deep breathing exercises.
Roman sat up, a determined look on his face, “I’m gunna try it.”
“How you gunna do that?” Patton asked, sitting up to face his friend with a slightly worried look in his eyes. Roman had that look again, he always got that look when he had a dangerous idea that would either get him in trouble or injured. It was the same look he had before he jumped off the school roof to chase after Logan.
“Well,” Roman began, hopping up to his feet “first I need to do a test shot. Uh, how does Rainbow Weaver do his…thing?” He began to flex his hand into various positions and poses.
Virgil, who was still on the ground, raised his arm up and did a sort of punk rock gesture, “Like this.”
Virgil’s eyes snapped open when he heard the sound and felt a sliver of something eject itself from his wrist. He was surrounded by three pairs of shocked eyes as he slowly stood up, looking down at his hand with awe and slight concern.
“Do it again!” Logan said excitedly.
Virgil aimed towards a small utility shed near the other side of the roof and thwiped! A long string of…something shot out from Virgil’s wrist and stuck to one end of the utility shed while Virgil held the other end. “Holy shit!”
“Fascinating,” Logan gasped in awe as he tugged on the silk string “you’re able to create your own webbing and by the feel of it it’s exactly as the guide described it, like steel cables.”
“It feels weird.” Virgil murmured as he detached the end of the string near his wrist.
“I’ll bet.” Roman said, looking over Virgil’s shoulder to get a better look at the webbing.
Patton, meanwhile, was trying to test out if he could do it too, he couldn’t. “Aw, I don’t think it works on me. What about you Roman?”
“Uh, let’s see.” He replied, taking a stance next to Virgil and aiming his arm towards the same shed. He pressed down on his palm with his two middle fingers and…thwip! “Holy shit…that felt weird!”
“I know right!” Virgil chimed in as they all now began to look over Roman’s web string.
“It would seem that me and Patton are incapable of producing web,” Logan deduced “but I’m fairly certain we may be able to produce some sort of silk, as all spiders do. It’s just the means of figuring it out…”
“I’m gunna swing across the other building!” Roman announced suddenly, causing everyone to jump and stare as he raced towards the edge of the building.
They were quickly snapped out of their surprise as they realized what Roman had said and went to chase him down before he did something stupid. Unfortunately, they were not quick enough because Roman had already launched another string of web and was getting ready to jump.
“Roman, wait!” Patton cried.
“It might not be safe!” Logan warned.
“Get down from there you idiot!” Virgil shouted.
“Tally ho!” Roman hollered as he pushed himself off the building and swung through the air.
Roman seemed fine at first, swinging through the air above the busy streets like some sort of extreme swing set. But then he realized, as the building he attached himself to got closer and closer, he had no idea what he was doing or how to stop. The only thing he could do at the moment was shut his eyes, curl up into a ball, and wait for impact. He vaguely recalled hearing the others scream before he was suddenly wooshed up into the air again.
When Roman opened his eyes to see what he had collided with on his way to his impending doom all he could see was rainbow. A rainbow arm holding him tight against a rainbow clad body and when he looked up to see a rainbow masked, white eyed figure a familiar buzzing was felt at the back of his head and he then noticed that the masked figure’s aura was a multi colored light show.
“You’re just like me!” Was all Roman could think to blurt out.
The figure looked down at him, slightly confused, until his eyes widen in sudden realization and he said, “Holy shit, you’re right.”
Once safely back on top of the building Roman was promptly tackled down by a sobbing Patton, “Don’t ever, ever do that again!”
“Yeah, not my brightest moment.” Roman admitted sheepishly.
The reunion was cut short due to a very furious looking Virgil who came stomping over, separated the two friends, then proceeded to punch Roman’s shoulder, hard. The theater geek cried out in protest, taking a few steps back before Virgil could get another swing in, “Ow, what the fuck!”
“You could have gotten yourself fucking killed you moron!” Virgil growled.
“That was very reckless of you, Roman,” Logan added crossly “even for your standards.”
“Oh, sez the one that convinced us to jump off a building,” Roman snapped back “excuse me for trying to follow the ‘smart ones’ lead and thinking this was a good idea.”
“The buildings were closer together and I calculated the right momentum needed to get across!” Logan countered, taking a step towards Roman “Given our new-found abilities it was obvious to be an easy jump!”
“Yeah, for you! How could you have been so certain for the rest of us, smartass?” Roman rebutted, getting up in Logan’s face as well.
“Simple physics really, something that a half wit like you could never understand!” Logan growled.
“Was it really physics or one of your scientific guesses?” Roman sneered.
“It’s called a theory you brainless Neanderthal!” Logan replied.
“Erlenmeyer trash!”
“Drama turd!”
“Cotton headed ninny muggings!”
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“Jesus Christ there are four of you!” The masked figure said as he got in between the two fighting teens.
Silence overtook the group as they stared up and finally realized who was talking to them. Clad in a rainbow spider themed suit with a sort of glider/cape mesh between his arms, his aura a burst of bright colors, it was the one, the only…
“R-R-Rainbow Weaver!” Virgil squeaked out, completely star structed.
“Yeah, and who might you guys be? Also, what’s going on with…” Rainbow Weaver gestured towards the group as if pointing out the colorful aura he could also see around them “…everything?”
“R-Rainbow Weaver…” Was apparently all Virgil could say now.
“Is everything okay?” Rainbow Weaver said worriedly as he scanned over the group of teens frozen in awe. Not that he wasn’t use to this but he just kind of figured out that these boys might have super powers like him so he really needed answers like now.
“Um, m-mister Rainbow Weaver, sir, uh…” Logan stuttered out, uncharacteristically shy at the moment, “w-we were actually looking for you but we couldn’t – uh, we were searching the city and someone on Twitter said they saw you here – around here and, uh, we kind of, um, wanted to talk…to you…”
“Take your time kid.” Rainbow Weaver soothed gently, the teen looked like he was getting ready to have a stroke.
“We got bit by a spider!” Patton blurted out before covering his mouth shut.
“Okay, go on.” Rainbow Weaver said with an encouraging nod.
Patton bashfully removed his hands from his mouth, fidgeting in place as all eyes were on him now, “Uh, well, we went on a field trip to a science lab thing in Oscorp where they had these creepy, crawly mutant spiders and one of them had escaped but the tour guide said not to worry because it was probably back in the lab, but it wasn’t, so it escaped and some how bit all of us and then we woke up with weird powers like: we can stick to the wall and jump really high and everything is really loud and bright and we have these weird color auras and I couldn’t fit into any of my cute clothes and we didn’t know what to do so Logan said we should find you and ask cause you have similar powers to us so we jumped off the school building and ran around the city to find you but we couldn’t, then Virgil found out he can shoot web but me and Logan can’t so Roman tried to swing to the next building over and almost died and then you came and I’m really scared right now so can you please tell us what’s going on!”
Patton finally stopped to suck in a big gulp of air having been so nervous he said everything in one breath. Roman went over to rub soothing circles on his distressed friend’s back as Patton regained the ability to breath. Rainbow Weaver, meanwhile, was trying to process all that had been said but also make sure that Patton was doing okay.
“Okay, first, I need you to calm down for me,” Rainbow Weaver cooed, a firm hand on Patton’s shoulder “breath in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…good.”
Once Patton was calmed down some Rainbow Weaver continued, “Second order of business, how old are you guys and what are your names?”
“I’m Roman Marigold and I’ll be seventeen in a month,” Roman answered as he hugged Patton close “this is my best friend Patton Foster and he’s seventeen.”
“I’m Logan Quinn,” Logan pipped up, finally pulling himself together “I’m seventeen as well as my friend Virgil Storm here.”
Virgil gave a shy wave, somewhat hiding behind his taller friend, Rainbow Weaver waved back, a kind smile visible through his mask. It seemed odd how quick the boys were to trust him, even if he was a famous super hero, he was still a stranger. But be it because of their weird aura or the kindness in Rainbow Weaver’s voice the boys knew he could be trusted.
“Okay, third order of business, is the spider that bit you guys dead or still crawling around the city?” Rainbow Weaver asked.
“Oh no, I have it in my backpack!” Logan said, quickly removing his backpack and rummaging around for the jar he had it in earlier.
“Excuse me?” Rainbow Weaver said confused before a jar with a colorful, weird looking spider was shoved in his direction. He took a step back to get a better look at it and vaguely heard Patton whimpering fearfully in the background. He sighed, scratching the back of his head, “Well, that’s just great, Oscorp didn’t learn after the first time it happen.”
“First time?” Logan asked curiously, pulling the jar back towards his chest, the spider skittering nervously.
“How do you think I got like this?” Rainbow Weaver chuckled, hollow and devoid of enthusiasm “But, yeah, this has happened before. A few years back, when I was in high school actually, god only knows what they’ve been able to do now with all the technological advances throughout the years.”
“What do you mean?” Virgil asked, curiosity finally letting him find his voice.
“Well, I-” Rainbow Weaver began but was cut off by four loud rumbling stomachs. His eyes widen with surprise at the blushing teens before bursting out into laughter. “God, you kids must be hungry. Having mutant powers will take a lot out of you, I’ll tell you that, especially if you’re still a growing teenager. How ‘bout we go out and get something to eat and I’ll try to explain everything as best as I can?”
“But don’t you have to watch the city?” Roman asked.
Rainbow Weaver shrugged, “It ain’t going nowhere, besides I have my ways of figuring out if I’m needed or not.”
“Um, are you sure?” Virgil asked timidly “We don’t want to keep you from, you know, important things.”
“Kid, right now this is the most important thing on my list,” Rainbow Weaver assured “I know for sure I would have liked someone to talk to when I was going through all this mess.”
“Um, mister Rainbow Weaver,” Patton chirped “not that we aren’t thankful that you’ll help but wouldn’t we look suspicious walking together on the street or jumping across buildings with you?”
“Not if I’m in civilian clothes, which by the way, I should have a pack here somewhere.” Rainbow Weaver wandered off towards the utility shed across the building and opened it to reveal a plain black backpack squished under an electrical control panel.
“Civilian?” Roman said aloud before realizing what was happening “Wait, isn’t revealing your true identity against some sort of hero’s code or something? I mean, unless you’re the Avengers but-”
“It’s fine,” Rainbow Weaver cut in having already finished changed, they hadn’t even turned away for a full minute! He was wearing some worn, baggy clothes that had probably come from a thrift store and was now stuffing his Rainbow Weaver costume into his bag, all was left was the mask he still had on. “I mean you can’t expect us to have an open honest conversation with each other if I’m hiding behind a mask, right?”
Casually, as if he wasn’t just entrusting four teenagers with his biggest secrete, Rainbow Weaver removed his mask to reveal a familiar face that had Roman and Patton silently squealing, Virgil to be even more star struck, and caused Logan’s jaw to hit the floor. The man before them ruffled his peppered brown hair nervously as he gave a lopsided smile, “Uh, hi, my name is Thomas Sanders…we have a lot to talk about.”
Spanish Spoken:
“Rest a little, my love, the doctor said you had a sickness that had been going around. Patton has it too, but I've heard that he's fine now, he just needs to rest. Do not go to school if you do not feel like it. There is a broth in the refrigerator to heat up if you are hungry.”
“Stupid sticky hands!”
 Song mentioned:
Lovely by Billie Eillish
@immortaldystopia @metaphoricalpluto2 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @misunderstood-shadow @fairytailtwists @0callmevirge0
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itsdmod · 7 years
@letalisinsania submitted:
Hey :) I wrote something for you, nothing special. I was inspired by your headcannon with Kingfield in the coffeeshop and came up with this. So, this is for you, hope you like it, take care <3
Claudette yawned, laying her head from side to side, letting her neckbones crack. Dwight hissed „Can you stop that please, you know I hate that sound“ - „Well we actually all hate that sound“ Nea grinned, putting another stack of to-go-cups on the counter. Claudette yawned again, rubbing her eyes before looking back in her biology book. She had been up almost all night studying. Dwight saw the light in her room when he went to the kitchen twice, rumbling around in the fridge, trying to distract himself.He was someone who als always in his thoughts, thinking too much, but lately it got much worse. Not in a bad way though, but if your job requires you to handle coffee brewers, you better focus.
„Hey, the counter is clean enough“ he snapped out, his supervisor Jake pointing at the counter, that Dwight just cleaned for the fifth time. He sighted and put the cloth away. Almost 9am. He really hated this job, but he had to earn money to support himself for college. His parents didn’t do it, and they also didn’t really care if he went to college, or care in general, so he was on his own with that. Dwight hat gotten used to it since he was a kid, that his existence was accepted, but nothing that anyone seemed to enjoy or be exited about. He didn’t learn it any different, so he went along with it. He sighted, 2 more minutes till 9am. Was he unhappy? He couldn’t really answer that question. Sure there were people who had it worse, we wasn’t someone who complains, but he wished he could go out of his head sometimes.
The doorbell jingled, making Dwight leaving his trail of thoughts. He didn’t have to look up; the footsteps became familiar to him over the last few weeks, and even if that person would be floating into the coffeeshop; he would still knew it was him, since Dwight instantly felt the weird combination of his heart racing and his mind calming down.
„Good Morning Dwight“ he looked up. Hearing him say his name made his heart skip a few beats, every single time. „Good Morning David“ he said, and he was sure that his voice was shaking. „Damnit“ Dwight cursed at himself in his head.
„How are you?“ David smiled widely and sweetly. Good now that you are here. Great now that I get to see you. Tired since I usually spend my nights thinking about you. Hugging you. Your lips. Kissing you. Sad because I know you will never think this way about me….
Dwight cleared his throat. „Fine, how about yourself?“ David crooked his head, rubbing trough his hair. „I can’t complain.“ He was still smiling, a smile that could conquer a whole world.
Dwight remembered when David came into the coffeeshop for the first time. How he looked around, hesitant, and Dwight couldn’t take his eyes off him. That guy instantly fascinated him, and it wasn’t for his muscly arms, or that mischievous smile, not even the beautiful, deep eyes that were to die for. No, it was how David made him feel. How he stood there, at the other side of the counter, looking at him, and the carousel in Dwights mind stopped. All his thoughts were washed away. He just felt calm, comfortable..and peacefull. He couldnt stop staring at David and didn’t even mind if someone noticed. If someone talked about it. If someone talked about him at all. Nea tried to take Davids order but Claudette took her arm, talking about problems with the whipped cream, shoving her to the backroom.
David was still smiling at Dwight, didn’t make a move to order or say something. So Dwight just smiled back, feeling lighthearted and lightheaded. If it wouldn’t have been for Jake, who got impatient and forced Dwight to take Davids order, maybe they would still be standing there.
„The same as usual?“ - „Well you know me“ Dwight smiled, letting David pay for the coffee, waiting for Claudette to make it. There was no chance that he would leave the counter, letting this for him precious minutes pass until the order was ready. And Claudette made sure she was slowly. Very slowly.
„You have classes later?“ David asked. In the last weeks they both learned something about the other one every day. It wasn’t much, but Dwight clinged on every second, every word. „Yes, only afternoon classes today, after that, Claudette, Nea and I gonna go watch a movie“ - „Which one?“ David asked. „The new Thor one“ - „Oh thats cool, I wanted to see that one too“ - „Well, you should go see it, I gonna tell you tomorrow how it was.“ Dwight answered and smiled, not seeing Nea, who cleaned up a table, burying her face into her hands and shaking her head. „Order for David is ready“ Jake yelled a tone too loud. Dwight sighted, with Jake being here today, the time talking to David got a lot shortened. „Oh, seems like I have to get going.“ David said but didn’t make a move. „Dwight, there are customers waiting!“ Jake placed the to-go-cup in front of him, before heading to the backroom.
Dwight and David both reached out for the cup, their fingertips touching. It felt like a electric shock for Dwight, he pulled back, trying to cover up his feelings with a smile. David stared at the cup, just a moment too long, as he was about to say something. Then he cleared his throat. „Goodbye, see you tomorrow.“ He headed out, Dwight still looking after him after he was long gone.
„Youre such an idiot!“ Nea blurted out when they were on their way to the movies. „What have I done now?“ Dwight asked, already playing all kinds of scenarios where he could potentially have fucked up in his head.
„David!“ - „David?“ he asked. „Yes!“ She playfully hitted him on his chest „He wanted you to ask him out! He wanted to see the movie with you and youre all like „you should see it I gonna tell you how it was“ man, that was painful to watch. So, you’re an idiot.“ Dwight laughed fakely „If you really think he wants to go out with me, well, then clearly YOU are the idiot.“ She rolled her eyes. „Girl, back me up on this.“ Claudette layed her hand on Dwights shoulder. „Shes right, that guy is totally into you. We both watch this prancing that you two do every day. Just ask him tomorrow if he wants to see the movie with you.“ Dwight sighted „It’s nice of you to say that, but be realistic. A guy like that could never like me. Or love me. I can’t imagine how anyone ever could. Especially not if I like him back.“ Claudette stopped in her tracks „Stop talking yourself down like that, please. How come youre always at ease when hes around, you talk so freely with him, but after he leaves…“ - „I dont feel like going to the movies anymore. I wanna be alone.“ - „Dwight…“ but Dwight just walked away, heading home, leaving Claudette and Nea behind. Unfortunatly, his bad thoughts followed him, all the way home. Into his room.
Dwight layed on his bed staring at the ceiling. He played his meeting with David this morning over and over in his head again. Were the girls right? No it couldnt be. David was just a guy who likes coffee, not him. Who likes a nice conversation in the morning, not him. There was nothing special or interesting about him, no matter how often the girls told him. He rolled on his side, hiding his face in his pillow. Truth was, he wanted David to tell him. He always felt special when he was around him, special to David. But he knew, only because he was feeling like that, didn’t mean this feeling was mutual. He doubted that he was special to David. Or anything at all to him. Dwight laughed to himself. „Maybe I should just ask him to go see the movie with me. Whats the worst that could happen? I could never see him again. Never. And thats why I would never dare…“
When he got up the next morning Dwight felt really bad for ditching the girls like that. Thats not how he usually was, they were his friends, they wanted to help him, and he acted out on them. He wanted to apologize, but Claudette and Nea didn’t even let him finish. „No reason to apologize, we shouldn’t have pushed you like that, all right?“ Claudette smiled and them hugged him. Dwight sighted, that didn’t take away his guild but it made him slidely feel better. They opened the coffeeshop and Dwight found himself staring at the clock, getting more and more impatient each second.
„Calm down man, he will come“ - „Its almost 9:30, he wont come!“ Nea patted his back „He will! And Jake comes in later so dont worry, I will fuck his coffee up many times, you will have all the time in the world to talk to him“ she grinned. Dwights mind was racing. What if someone happened to David? That thought alone made his chest feel so tight that it was hard to breathe. Or what if he grew tired of coming here? What if he decided the good coffee isnt worth an annoying barista? What if he hates me? What if he really wanted me to ask him out..oh god what if he thinks I hate him? But well, what if he hates me?? And I never see him again?? He took of his glasses and a deep breath. He wouldnt have a mental breakdown right here right now. But what if David really hated him? It wouldnt surprise him at all. Maybe it would be for the better if he never came back. After all, Dwight was used to being let down, being alone wasnt make him happy, but at least it was a persistence in his life. „Good Morning Dwight.“ Dwight winced, quickly putting his glasses back on. He blinked. „Everything allright with you?“ Davids deep voice ringed in his ears. He could just nod, smiling, and feeling as reliefed as he never felt before.
David smiled, wearing a button uped shirt with short sleeves and Dwight almost forgot to start breathing again. „Yes, I am, how are you, anything new with you?“ Dwight asked, trying his very best to stop staring at Davids biceps.
„Our coffee brewer has some problems today, it will take some time, sorry“ Nea shouted and well, David didn’t really look disappointed about it.
He leaned a bit forward, propping his arms up on the counter. Dwight was damn sure David could here his heart beating. „How was the movie?“ - „Oh..I didn’t see it, something came up, another time.“ ask him to go with you! Dwight screamed at himself in his head, but he remained silent. David did the same, they just smiled at each other, and it was a comfortable silence. Dwights eyes wandered and he noticed the liontattoo on Davids arm. „Oh, cool!“ he breathed out, and, without thinking or doubting, he ran a finger over the outlines of the tattoo, not even realising he was touching him. „I like it.“ he said, looking up at David and smiling. Davids face was bright red, he pulled back his arm, and Dwight could swear he felt goosebumps on his arm. Then it hit him. He had touched David, and not in a -patting-on-the-shoulder way. Why, whyyyy…he cried out in his head. Why did I do it, where is my hesitation and selfdoubt when I really need it?? Dwight didn’t know how to react, or what to say. If he didn’t fuck it up before, he for sure did now. David didn’t move, he looked like he was glued in place.
Claudette was sitting a few metres away, acting so far like she was glued to her book, but always keeping an eye on Dwight. She saw how they both stood there, helpless, and although it was cute to watch, she wanted to help.
„Could you two help me? I am slowly close to despair. I can’t seem to memorize any of this“ She placed her book there where Davids arm leaned before. David seemed relief for the disturbance, Dwight still lost in a chain of thoughts racing trough his mind. David cleared his throat, face still red. „Sure, what can we help you with?“ - „Here, I need to memorize the meaning of the flowers, but its so hard.“ Dwight wanted to run away, just run and never look back, but Claudette made big puppy eyes, and he couldn’t say no to a friend in need. He bend over the book, reading a few meanings. Well he read them, but didn’t understand a word. David was leaning over the book from the other side and he could breathe in his scent. David smelled like a sunrise at the ocean to him. Like love. Like comfort. David cleared his throat, started to ask Claudette a few meanings of various flowers, but everytime Claudette just shook her head, sighting in frustration. Dwight had to admit that he found that quite odd, since he never saw her struggling with everything like that. „Maybe learning from hearing it is easier, you know, like memorizing the lyrics of a song.“ She said „Like here, you ask Dwight and I listen.“ Dwight had no idea were Claudette was going with that, but everything was better to him now than facing that stroking embarassment. Still he couldn’t get himself to look at David again. He heard Nea fumbling with the coffeebrewer. He wanted her to finish it quicker, but he also wanted her to take forever.
Claudette was still pointing to a specific flowers in the book. David cleared his throat again. „Uhm…lavender rose, what does that one mean?“ Now Dwight looked at him again, meeting Davids gaze made his racing and stopping at the same time. „I have no idea“ he said, laughing shyly. David looked back in the book, laughing nervously. „So, what does it mean?“ Claudette asked him. „It means…love at first sight.“ David coughed, his face still bright red or red again. Dwight didn’t know what to say, or feel, or do. He wanted to think about again how stupid the thought alone of David loving him was, but he couldn’t get himself to do it. Or how stupid it was to think about it just because David was reading something from a stupid book. He couldn’t do that either.
„Okay, now you!“ Claudette turned the book around, pointing at a certain paragraph „ask him.“ Dwight looked at the pointed at picture, it was a lily. He didnt read the meaning beforehand, otherwise he could never ask. „Uhm, the lily.“ - „You have to tell me, I don’t know that“ David smiled. „It means…I dare you to love me.“ Dwight read the words before his mind was processing what he was saying. He could feel his face heating up, his heart sank into the ground, his mind screaming, but when he looked up at David, he forgot all of it. He instantly was thrown back to the sunrise at the beach, the comfort, the calmness. David didn’t say a word, he just looked at Dwight, looked away, back at him again, smiling akward, then widely, and Dwight had to correct himself; THIS was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Maybe there was still hope, even for him.
„Thank you, I think I can handle it from now on“ Claudette took her book and sat down at the other side of the counter. Dwight wanted to say something, but even more, he just wanted to stare at David. „Your coffee!“ Nea placed the cup on the counter, grinning from one to another, Dwight thought about hitting her. David must have been deep in his thoughts cause he startled at the sudden interruption, looking at his watch „oh my, I am already way too late, I am sorry, I…see you tomorrow.“ he took the coffee and headed towards the door, running against it when he tried pushing instead of pulling it, almost dropping his coffee. Then he was gone. Dwight glared at Nea „why, Nea, WHY?“ she looked apologetic „Jakes shift started a few minutes ago he already gave me suspicious looks…but wow that was something wasn’t it?“ - „Yeah, he ran away.“ - „I don’t care, I watched everything, what do you think why I made you read that stuff about the flowers? If you say one more time he isn’t into you I gonna…“ Claudette was interupted by Nea who pointed at the door „Speaking of which“ Claudette and Dwight looked to the door. David was pacing back and forth outside, it looked like he was mumbling something or talking to someone. Dwight went around the counter to have a better few. What was going on with him?
David fumbled with the cup, Dwight still couldn’t see too much. David came back to the door, stopped in his tracks, waited, then he came back in. „Everything okay?“ Dwight asked, not knowing what else he could do. Maybe David came back to throw the coffee in his face, who knows.
David reached him, holding the cup tight. „Uhm yeah, here, take this back.“ Dwight frowned as he looked at David, holding the cup out to him. What was happening? „Why? Anything wrong with the coffee?“ - „Please, just take it!“ David came closer, putting the cup in Dwights hands. „Is something wrong with the coffee?? We will make you a new one, please..please don’t stop coming here every morning..“ Dwight wasn’t sure why he said that or how he build up the courage to do so, but he wanted David to know that he couldn’t lose him.
„I won’t stop…“ David took a deep breath, already half turned to the door, when he suddenly launched forward, hugging Dwight. It was a short hug, but a tight and gentle one. „Okay, bye!“ David let go and was already out the door before Dwight could breathe again. Neas cheering rang in his ears, he was gripping the cup so tight that he almost smashed it. „Wooow, Fairfield, good for youu!“ Dwight still stood there like a statue, he could still feel Davids embrace, never wanting to let go of that feeling again. „Nea, the customers are waiting!“ Jake yelled, and Nea was back behind the counter after she rolled her eyes. „Hey, you okay there?“ Claudette was beside him, laying an arm on his shoulder. Dwight nodded, looking down at the cup, when he realized, there was something written on it. He read it and smiled widely. „You know that feeling Clau, when someone hugs you so tightly, that all of your broken pieces get put back together?“ - „No, I don't“ - „Me neither, but I do now.“ Claudette smiled widely, rubbing his back encouraging before going back to her books. Dwight walked, no floated back around the counter, looking at his watch, waiting for time to pass, for his shift to be over. He also waited for his mind to feed him all kinds of doubts, sad thoughts and bad scenarios. But none of that happened. He looked at the cup again. Maybe there was still a chance for him being loved back after all. „[phone number] Call me tonight if you dare. I am waiting. David.“
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hellofanimagination · 7 years
Lost Boys
Prompt: I saw this post and it got me thinking. Imagine if the guys from mcr where homeless and you took them in and you become a little patch work family
Warnings: Self Harm, mentions of abuse, blood and such, generally people being traumatized and fucked up by past events
Word Count: 1,458
Pairing: None unless you want there to be
A/N: i dont rlly know what this is tbh it was kind of just word vomit
You’re kinda like Peter Pan. Not in the flying green tights and singing kind of way, more like the you opened up your house to a bunch of lost boys and now they raid your fridge, show up covered in cuts and blood all the time, and basically have become your family, kind of way. You didn’t plan on this, you met Mikey on your way to the shelter you help out at and he was going there too so you walked together and you noticed the fresh cuts on his arm and offered to clean them for him. He was taken back and didn’t really know what to say so when you got to the shelter you took him to the nurse station-that’s basically just a closet with bandaids and antiseptic, and cleaned and bandaged him up. He was sweet and shy and you talked and bonded and ate together. You offered him a place to stay the night he got to the shelter too late and there were no free beds, you let him bring his brother.
Gerard is shy at first but then he’s loud and excited and sweet and he eats all your cereal before bed. You see how Mikey looks at you, like you saved his life, so you let them stay as long as they want as many night as they want. You let them eat and shower and you drive them to job interviews. They don’t get hired, not yet anyway, but they keep trying. And then Gerard is carried home by a kid named Frank and they’re both bleeding everywhere and Gerard’s breathing is shallow and Frank won’t let you take them to a hospital. You patch them up, the shelter has taught you enough as well as your sister who’s a nurse. You clean the blood from their faces and Frank keeps hitting on you but he also flinches at the warm cloth on the cut on his forehead and he gets quiet when you ask what happened.
It’s dangerous and you’re used to them coming home with bruises and a missing jackets or shoes. They’re barely out of high school, Mikey should still be in school but he dropped out. They all did actually. And they fight back, you witnessed it when a fight broke out at the shelter and Frank kicked someone in the stomach and Gerard got thrown into a wall. A guy named Ray defended them but he got punched hard enough you heard his jaw crack and he spit a tooth on the floor. He looked so fucking upset and then Frank was tackling whoever punched Ray and you were frozen in place.
You took them all home and cleaned them up and Mikey was shaking and clinging to Gerard and your stomach hurts. You eat leftovers and don’t talk much and they all crowd in your guest room with pillows and sleeping bags and you somehow feel at home knowing they’re there. Ray and Frank are gone when you get up but Gerard is sleeping in and Mikey is eating your cheerios. You ruffle his hair and he smiles and you talk about the call back he got at Wendys while you eat breakfast.
You all become a family, a bit of a messy one with bloody knuckles and bruised jaws, but a family. Frank doesn’t trust easily and Gerard can’t hold down a job, Mikey doesn’t talk much and you know he’s seen some shit, shit that Gerard turns into art and Mikey into nightmares. Ray is a father figure but he works too much without enough pay and he doesn’t know how to be part of a family anymore. It’s not easy and there are nights you stay up until the sun comes up because someone didn’t come home and you’re worried sick. Sometimes Frank vanishes for weeks and Gerard is selling himself on the street and you’re crying because they don’t have to do this anymore, you don’t mind paying for them until they can find honest work.
Mikey gets a promotion and Ray gets fired and Frank quits and Gerard stops looking for work and locks himself in the bedroom for two days and comes out with blood on his wrists and paint in his hair. You take him into the bathroom while the others watch movies and argue over dinner ideas. He sits on the toilet while you run a bath, helping him undress and get into the tub. You clean him off while he shakes and apologizes over and over. You tell him it's okay. You tell him you still care about him. You tell him he never has to leave, you’ll always want him. You watch him cry while the paint washes from his hair and you hold him wrapped in a towel as the water drains and he clings to you.
“I’m scared,” He mumbles and you hold him tighter, you kiss his head and rub his back and tell him it’ll get better. He doesn’t eat, he tries but nothing stays down and you stay up with him all night while he mumbles about what his family was like and what they did to them, how they ended up on the streets and what he’s done to provide for Mikey. He shaking and  you just hold his hand and listen. He sleeps in your bed, holding you like a lifeline and neither of you really sleep you just breath and watch the fan spinning on the ceiling.
Ray gets a job again and he makes friends with his co workers and Mikey’s health insurance kicks in so he can go see a therapist and you’ve never seen Gerard so supportive. Frank runs away that night and no one knows how to find him. Mikey talks to you instead of cutting and sleeps close to Gerard on nights when talking doesn’t work. Ray opens up about how his family died and how he’s all alone and you promise him he’ll never be alone again. You grow closer and call each other family and you all miss Frank.
He comes back three weeks later, thinner than before and shaking from the cold. He’s dripping wet and you can see the dark circles under his eyes. The bruises on his arms and the blood on his temple that's dripping down his face. Everyone else is out or asleep and you reach for him but he flinches away. He looks broken down and beaten up and you hold your hand out slowly and wait for him to take it. You lead him into the bathroom and he won’t sit down so you clean his wounds standing up, listening to him whimper and shake while you wipe blood and dirt from his face. He needs stitches but he shakes his head near violently at the thought of going to the hospital so you use bandaids instead and hope the scar isn’t too bad. Maybe you can get stitches from a free clinic or something in the morning. You let him take a hot shower and put on clean clothes-some of Mikey’s you think-and then he curls in on himself on the couch and he still hasn’t said anything.
“I’m glad you’re home, Frank.” You tell him softly and you think he mutters ‘me too’ but he’s so quiet and he’s still shaking. You give him a blanket and a pillow and tell him he can have your bed but he wants the couch. You leave water on the table and tell him you went shopping yesterday so he can raid the fridge.
He’s still there the next morning, talking to Mikey in the kitchen and you just watch for a moment, flooded with relief.
Frank doesn’t leave and Gerard gets a job making a logo for a company downtown, it doesn’t pay much but it's something and the look on his face when he can buy his own clothes is all you could ask for. Mikey starts going out with coworkers and friends and he’s starting to, you think, understand his place in the world and who he wants to be. He still has nights where he wakes up screaming and Gerard rushes to him and sings him back to sleep, but not as much as before. He talks more and hides less and laughs and smiles and he’s bright and wonderful and he’s family and you’re so proud of him.
Ray starts bringing home records and music and the guys all sit around listening to it while cooking or talking and the house is warm and full and bright and sure it's a little broken but this is exactly what you had always hoped your family would be.
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