#omg i forgot connor’s name
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when we are together - the 1975
is this anything
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Venom (Roy!Sibling x Roy Family)
Characters: Kendall, Roman, Shiv, Connor, Matsson, Tom
Word Count: 1,477
Tag List: @locke-writes
A/N: This is omg y'all!!! Y'all aren't ready ahhh!!!! That's all I can say :P Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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You watch them, horrified. Kendall stop! You’re yelling, trying not to let them hear the crack in your voice, but you can’t help it. He doesn’t seem to hear. He spits venom at your sister, calling her two-faced, saying terrible things about her. She pretends it doesn’t hurt, pretends it doesn’t kill her. The kinds of things Logan would have said. Stop it, now! None of them hear you. None of them see you. You’re invisible now, like you’ve always been. The baby, underestimated from day one because of your order of birth. Roman says something, something you’re not hearing, but seeing. Watching. About his kids. Low blow. Kendall goes for his neck. There are moments like this where you watch your father instead of your brother. Such an angry, bitter, paranoid man. With his hands around him, you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins. His name is on the tip of your tongue. Logans, but that is the wrong man before you. This is Kendall. You get between them, prying his hands off Roman. In doing so, you’ve put yourself in the line of fire. His eyes are so wild, so angry. Get off me! You yell, pushing him away, but he’s too strong. He’s too powerful. He holds you against the glass, his hands around your throat, hungry enough to bite. Rabid. You can’t breathe, fighting him off, unable to make any noise. Finally he realizes it’s you. You, not Rome, not Shiv, you. His baby. He lets go immediately, stepping back, stuttering. You can’t help it, the tears begin to run down your cheeks. You saw fury in his eyes, purebred wrath. If he wanted, he could have killed you. Just like Logan. You push through them, out the door, down the hall and towards the elevator. Kendall calls your name quieter now, defeated, ashamed. You don’t turn back. Sniffling, you wait for the doors to close, trying to catch your breath. You dial the number. I knew you’d call. . . 
They turned on one another. They’d decided he would be their successor. The three of them, after Roman disappeared. You were the only one he talked to on the phone, Caroline losing the power to guilt you. You weren’t her child. That was to your advantage. She put him on with strict warnings not to upset him, saying he was fragile. He sounded softer, beaten down, but as defensive as ever. Ken and Shiv are on their way, you warned. I know. He didn’t have enough in him to fight or to joke. He was all facts. Are you okay? Me? I’m fine. You knew he wasn’t, but you weren’t going to go there to see him. You had plans. For now, you had to take his word for it. You weren’t going to ask him for his vote. Quite frankly, it didn’t matter anymore. They could pretend they still had precedence, that the crown they wore could protect them from a beheading. Their heads rolled just the same when dismembered from a body. In fact, it was the crown that weighed them down. They forgot this, racing with one another about who could get to him the fastest. It wouldn’t matter in the end. When would they realize this? When would they accept it already? I have to go, call me if you want, okay? What are you doing that’s so important? Just meeting a friend. 
What about Tom? Tom? He is nothing. You shouldn’t but you laugh. Your drink is strong, his even stronger. But you trust him, you believe him. He can’t be backstabbing everyone. Besides, the x’s have been removed. Yours in their place. You take a look around the bar. Expensive. Oskar and Ebba keeping to themselves off to the side. They come when he says so. They sit when he says so. Now he’s holding a pen. Would you do the same? Your whole life, all you’ve done is follow. Follow your brothers and sister into any war they brought between them and your father, into every media frenzy and disaster because they convinced you it was always in your best interest. It wasn’t, though. It never was. In the end, it was always you getting hurt, taking the blow, having your name smeared across the headlines. From the moment he saw you he’s been trying to save you. They would hold your head under water and tell you they were helping you be a better swimmer. They were trying to kill you, drown you, just so there would be one less body in the pool. You were doing this for you, for them too. To show them that you weren’t just some lap dog they could order around. You were just as much a Roy as any of them. More so, even. You were smarter, you were savvy. You could get what you wanted, you always had. 
Going in, you were meant to warn them. That was the plan. Always. The deal seemed enticing, it was the cherry on top, but you couldn’t hurt them like that. You would not turn into them. But, then they decided on Kendall. Without consulting you, without even asking. They had decided for the family when there were still two more to consider. You knew what Connor would have done, you all did. He would have put up a fight, but in the end would have agreed. You? You were going to warn them. You were going to put out the fire before the house burned down with them in it. Instead they called you from the car that morning, on their way back, telling you he was next. He would be in charge. Had they even considered you? Roman laughs. The baby doesn’t get to be in charge, ever. Kendall chuckled. You didn’t get a vote or say, it was decided. You bit the inside of your cheek, letting the conversation fall. They spoke around you anyways, making all these big decisions without you. It was fine, you decided, hanging up. It was fine. You would tell them when they got here. It wasn’t technically a secret, they just hadn’t asked. That was all. So, you accepted that Kendall would take over. After everything you’ve been through, after everything they put you through, at least there would be an ending. Your phone rang, but you ignored him. Fine, you though, at least it’s staying in the family. You weren’t about to turn bitter. You weren’t about to turn vengeful. 
And then she threw the plan away the minute she could, believing that Tom would be Matsson’s CEO. You were going to tell them, really. As soon as that glass door closed, you were going to spill your guts. About him, about the deal, about everything. You swear on your father’s grave, you were going to tell them. And then he put his hands on you, around your neck, and any alliance you had was over. Any good graces you had left vanished. You wanted them to burn in that house. You wanted the whole world to burn. You put up with enough. With too much for far too long. He’s been trying to save you since you met, giving you outs from the maze you were in. You couldn’t leave them, they were your family. Now? Now they were nothing. They were strangers. You watched the bruises form in the reflective doors all the way down, listening to him carefully. If you still want it, it’s yours. Good. What about Tom? Like I said, he is nothing. Nobody. All you have to do is sign.
Roman and Shiv came back from that meeting, his stitches bloody. She wears a knowing look, the kind that says she thinks she’s won. He signed in front of everyone, in front of Matsson, who signs the stack of legal documents after. I’d like to announce my CEO. Shiv steps forward, but you come up behind her, around Roman, to Lukas’ side. Please welcome, Y/N Roy. Everyone applauds you as you sign your name. Roman’s jaw hangs open before catches himself, then looks to your sister. Her lips remain in a tight line. Tom looks surprised for the both of them, trying to get close to Lukas, but is unable to with all the cameras. Thank you, you whisper to him. You deserve this. You are the most capable Roy. You would have told them, you were going to, but this tastes so much better. You don’t care that your skin till hurts, still burns from his touch. You don’t care that your brother drifts away or that your sister storms off. You don’t care that Kendall is nowhere to be found. You don’t care about them anymore, they never did about you, not when it came to this.  
You win.
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htmlnxvison · 1 month
Rank the blogs you interact with 1-10
Oves/J !!! He's super nice and awesome sawce fr :D
Pink/Mars !! Super close friends with J, and he’s super cool
Connor/Angela !!! J’s gf :3 She’s rlly nice !
Rev’s/?Fred? (lmk if i got ur name wrong) Ur a meanie who makes fun of me !! /j
Wilbur !!!!! We don’t talk much but ur silly :]
Quackity !! UR SO GOOD AT WRITING OMG. (I talk to u the least so I promise this isnt anything against u 😥)
(lmk if i forgot anyone)
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carrinth · 1 year
The (Re)Adventures of Marzel Amell
Sooooooo ok I ended up binge playing DA:O for the last two weeks. And it might as well have been a blind playthrough because I forgot almost everything ^_^;; Below are Carrinth's Random Observations or Things That Have Happened to Marzel (Redux):
DA armor is still ugly as sin. I'm sorry. Robes 4 lyfe.
Man I tell you, a single Heal spell makes ALL the difference. Especially early on when you don't have money or potions or skillz. Dying less apparently makes game moar fun! SHOCKING.
I have recruited Sten.
I have also recruited Shale for the first time. I love Shale. Shale is best rock. Squish me. (Not really pls don't Shale) DLC ftw!
Sten really, really, REALLY likes my warden this time wtf. His affection is the HIGHEST of everyone, second only to dog. I have no idea how that happened. O_O I just RP-ed Marzel as being very indifferent to Sten. "I'm not here to impress you, bruh." Sten is a tsundere confirmed.
I did the FADE quest. Again. I told myself it wasn't as bad this round and that I'm fine but obviously I'm not fine but you just have to hold it in and my bags are full of junk and I need to sell them bcos I needs the money but I can't leave pls pls let me out LET ME OUT!2111
Wynne talking about what makes an abomination made me have Anders/Justice feels. "If one retains one's humanity, one is not an abomination." 😥
Still bff with Jowan. We bros for life. Alistair didn't like that.
"Teagan! Who iZ dis mAN?" Idk but the second round I really enjoyed her voice-acting. She's a distraught mother close to hysterics. It's amazingly hilarious and compelling! <3
Wait. Wait. I totally forgot about Connor. So wait. We CAN CURE demonic possession??? I thought it was permanent?! No way of saving but death via a pokey sword yadda yadda?? Omg is this one of those 'we could cure you but it's too expensive and you can't afford it' scenarios? IT IS. Poor farmer's kid can't afford a pile of lyrium but if you're the son of an arl? No problem! Whole Circle bending over just to help you. Wow. Goddamn. Chantry/Circle seriously just kill mages because it's the cheaper alternative! >:O
MMmmmm. People say I should save Orzammar for last because it is harder. But. Oghren. But. Difficult. But OGHREN. But BROODMOTHER. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE SUFFERING OF DEEP ROADS?! .......... OGHREN. Marzel and friends died a lot. Mostly because I stubbornly wanted my party to consist of Oghren and Shale. That's like, two warriors ugh. We got by. Shale extra conversations were worth it ;)
Got Flemeth's grimoire for Morrigan. Formed a team made only of dude-bros to help Marzel get laid. Which meant they had to make do without any healing or bard song. I named them... the Snu Snu Squad (affectionate). Zevran died almost immediately. (Note: Dragon bum be dangerous position) Marzel stupidly killed his own self with blood magic while throwing his single Heal spell >_> MVP goes to Alistair for keeping alive long enough to whittle away Flemeth's health and died just exact moment Sten landed a killing blow. Grimoire was given and snu snu was had!
Marzel is in weird love triangle where all romancable persons love him. This cannot end well.
Why are there so many Desire demons? Holy crap, with the DLCs I have encountered no less than 4. Were there always this many?? Are Fereldans so horny?
People who challenge MAGES to duels deserve to die... from stupidity. I don't make the rules. You sir, have a pointy stick. Marzel can conjure blizzards and crushing barriers with his fingertips. We are not the same.
Ok I just read codex that those Wild Sylvan trees are possessed by Rage demons?? Omg. They are Angry Trees. Low-key wanna see Justice fight Angry Trees while yelling about demons.
Haha I missed this game. Now onward to Sacred Ashes and moar stuff I can't remember!
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 4: Will’s phone
Willl (me): hellloooo is any 1 freaa thes satuwtesi 4 bqq at me hoose
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: Will, even I can’t understand you and that’s saying something.  
Willl (me): sorrryy let me tri again. Helllo is anyonn fre yhis Saturday for BBQ at my hous 
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: “Hello, is anyone free this Saturday for a BBQ at my house?”
Etham Coi: So funny dude. You cannot text at all. If someone held a gun to your head and told you to text properly or they’d shoot you, you’d be dead. 
April Second: Seriously dude you should go back to school
Maggie Lookdood: Will I am sorry but I have to agree with everyone
Willl (me): stoop bullying me!!?? nat car 2 deffemd mm??!?!?!)!!!!
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: Sorry Will 😔
Willl (me) added Annoying Brotger to the group chat
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: Omg Jay! The hotter Halstead!
Willl (me): xcode me????!
You have changed Willl (me) to Willl (better halsteed)
Annoying Brotger: hey guys!
Annoying Brotger: hi nat!!
Willl (better halsteed): @Annoying Brotger hey bsck off 
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: 🙄🙄🙄
Ms Godwin: 🤣
Annoying Brotger: that's my name in your contacts?? also learn to spell
Aarah Resse: will i would love to see your all contact names
Elosa Cirry: Dr. Halstead, if you would like I could tutor you.
Therapist Charles🔫 : I think that’s a wonderful idea! We can discuss it during our session next week. 
The annoying second: You go to therapy lmao!!
April Second: So do you idiot 🙄
Willl (better halsteed): so I’d anyoeknr free Saturday ?
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: Translation: So is anyone free Saturday?
Rich firemdd: i am and so is Ava 
Dr. Ave Bekket: who says i want to come???
Aarah Resse: i’ll come!
Dr. Ave Bekket: never mind you're right i do want to come!!
The annoying second: Me too!
Dr. Ave Bekket: 🔪
Maggie Lookdood: ;)
Dr Latham: Unfortunately I have an important surgery to perform. And so do you, Connor, by the way.
Rich firemdd: oh sorry i guess i can't come :(
Lanik dudde: I do not want to spend my free time with you weirdos.  
Elosa Cirry: Same. But I am free. Want to do something together Lanik?
Lanik dudde: Yes!
Elosa Cirry: Great :). 
Maggie Lookdood: ;)
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: I am obviously going because it is at MY in case you forgot. It’s not like Will consulted me first or anything. 
Maggie Lookdood: I’ll come. I’m with April and she said she’d come too.
Etham Coi: I have nothing else to do so I guess I’ll come. 
Therapist Charles🔫: As your therapist, I deem it appropriate to attend your BBQ.
Nat Nat ❤️❤️❤️: Translation for Will: i coming
Ms Godwin: Me come 2 🤣
Annoying Brotger: Also me come even though me not invited :)
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bryceslahela · 2 years
i have a fun idea, do you know the tiktok trend where they decide whether they think romcom couples stayed together after the movie ended? could you do that but with your choices mcs and their lis after the book ended 😇
OOOOHHHH this sounds fun 🤭🤭 ok i’ll do them but also warning for spoilers and stuff.
dakota + amelia - he died so…. no <\3 i have a hc that my weh mc went to college and after college met someone and they fell in love <3 she never forgot abt dakota tho
luna + bryce - bitches r ride or die for each other. if it wasn’t for the whole stupid arc in oph where they couldn’t be official bc of ethan then they woulda been official end of book2 and started thinking abt moving together end of book3. they’d be married with one kid by now and bryce would be a dilf. also luna lahela is such a pretty name omg.
sereena + gabe - sereena is enjoying the whole secrecy thing but honestly i think sereena would have dated someone else if they were available. she isn’t really a glutton for punishment and if you date someone you work with you kind of have to be.
blaine + lilliana - i want to say yes? but also i feel like they’d definitely be one of those on and off celeb couples. she’d break up w/ him and then he’d be like ‘you’re not rocking w/ me ⁉️ imma kms’ meme. im joking but honestly they’d definitely have some rocky parts - i think they’d come out stronger though.
donovan + esme - YES but i also think donovan would want esme to have ‘the college experience’ so he’d break up w/ her but he hasn’t clocked on to the fact that she would rather do anything else than party and drink. so they’d do long distance i think.
arine + marc antony - HELL NO!! they were just using e/o. both are extremely attractive but they honestly do not care for e/o genuinely in the slightest. in my main hc, she stays single because revenge is her bf <33 but in another, she married syphax.
lucas + deena - she loves that man. she is not leaving him and he wouldn’t want to leave her. after college, she moves to the big city w/ him and he becomes a hot nd sexy president in the future. i think deena would be a good first lady, she is firm and doesn’t care abt bullshit. lucas’ first law as president is to exile losers so bye bye parker and connor 😘
athena + thomas - that man is not going nowhere. they’re married now and had a little boy to complete their family of five. ava and luz aka best sisters ever.
flora + cas + gabe - they’re all dating each other idc what flopberry says. also they turned my good sis into a vampire so the bare minimum is that they’re all together for eternity now.
trystan + clara - trystan was on his knees for a crumb of attention and you think he’s leaving??? that man has just gotten comfortable. clara had sex w/ him once and now he’s already got her a closet cleared out. he’s probably already got a ring somewhere.
solana + beckett - bro gets no bitches. he did manage to bag solana tho… how u go from no bitches to bagging the baddest one? anyways…. they get married and have a magical kid or wtvr.
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fr3akinthecorner · 11 months
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you're right keeho about what? I'm high ok psycho! are u in love with ur clothes? the ones from mt st helens? I haven't gotten them yet... I know! but they're gonna look so good on u! thank u daddy did u get really high? yea I just have to get something to drink but it's locked up what?! china is disappointed I just deal with it it keeps me skinny so you're obsessed with your body? yes I am why? bc I want to be cute u are cute! omg she is!! it's ghetto banana!! omg hi qt!! why do u like me? bc u look so cute and friendly well.. I'm not! thay doesn't surprise me why? bc ur hot af idk u just seem complex ok so she know how to talk to guys?! yes she does it's ghetto banana j need a name! omg u do but I'm bad at that ok well what about Connor? I thought of that too as long as ur safe with that name! why? he's in my manga my delivery boy oh ok! I didn't realize he was important yea he kind of got ummm nvm fucky bucky can't speak ok so u like lava & knives and fucky bucky yea man if was fuxkinf hilarious but I was smiling why?! bc the opium was fucking me dude it hurt like a bifch ok so is she mad at me? no she's not! they're sensitive they're chinese who? Connor? no not him! oh lol I love china why? not sure but I do didnwe just get married? no she can only be married to me keeho ok damn! sk sui shordy 9 what? she doesn't want to say anything oh ok lol I fucking love that princess name thank u ghetto banana how does she know?! I dont!!! well it was I fuxking promise ok I believe u Connor omg she's so fucking sexy thank u omg ok so this song... I get it now keeho is going to kill all of us including herself well he might let us live if I meet him bow is that possible tho? I already met him he has to come to me wheb?! some odd months ago how?! it's too crazy of a story to tell on tumvlr he was 3 different ppl hahaha and i didn't even introduce myself I just said hey whats up? and he wore the outfit I liked but I forgot what we talked about and his bodies chak loaded like it was suicidal furniture... so idk if he's gonna come back? he mifht!! thay would be fun the guy that adopted me didn't even say anything about it omg?! you're adopted idk what I am j just know I have a room ok so you're good yea I'm good now that the manfa is ocer... for now... or like forever it's forever! what is keeho? mothing!! God damn jf!! I want to fuxk u so fuxking bad but ur posture!! ok sorry no she's right she needs help I got too excited ask keeho I'm fine in my gang what gang? kill your darlings whose idea was that? the suicide boys why do u never talk to them? bc they have a crush on keeho prob ok this song is annoying change it! are u joking? yes! ur too much not for u! ok we should find a new photograph guy Bybee
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
hi bestie! so no song attached, I j had a little thought!
I’m imagining Richie in like his early 20s becoming a youtuber who makes content similar to like Kurtis Connor or something (where he has random videos that accompany his blossoming comedy career). But like the whole pennywise thing still happened and his memories have practically disappeared. BUT he can still vaguely remember a boy. He’s a little blurry and he can’t recall his name but he knows he was important.
Anyway, I’m thinking he for some reason brings up this boy from his fuzzy memory in a video and everyone watching has a single, collective thought. “We need to reunite these two.” Thus beginning the long journey of uncovering the identity of the boy and getting them back to each other. And of course they succeeded, the internet can do anything it puts its mind to!
also, we are on the same wavelength bc last year i made quite a few hcs myself for richie as kurtis connor !!!!! im too lazy to go back and find them rn but maybe i will go and reblog a few of them just for you heartie <3
BUT AAAHHH!!!! YES THIS HC IS AMAZING !!!!! omg, i love this so so much. i can just imagine richie making an offhand comment, it wasn't even part of the script that he had written for this specific video, just a little thing that he forgot about again just as quickly as he remembered it. he posts the video, not thinking anything of it, and of course, the video blows up. at first, he's really pumped that his video is doing well, but then he sees that all the comments are about this "mystery boy from his past" and that "richie tozier's mystery soulmate" is trending on twitter.
meanwhile, eddie kaspbrak, hundreds of miles away, is watching a video by this youtuber who is trending on twitter and all over his instagram, and is trying to figure out why this 'richie tozier' guy seems so familiar.
but in a few weeks when eddie starts getting hundreds of messages on his social media’s asking him if he was childhood friends with this richie tozier guy, and when people start sending richie eddie’s Instagram profile, well, the pieces start to click together.
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justal0wk3yg4mer · 3 years
Things I've Said: Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Spoilers)
Guess what I finally finished!!! Well actually I finished this game a few months ago but I kind of procrastinated because I'm trying to keep this post mainly storyline stuff and it was gonna take me a minute to go over everything. So...yeah...this post is going to be another long one. But still, I LOVED this game! It was so much fun and there was so much to do that I never got bored. However, this meant that I would get distracted easily and run off to do some random thing instead of the story. Still, no regrets. Now, on with the post! Me:*Player/My actions* Character Dialogue
This looks so cool. End of story, no more comments...holy shit the sounds!
I fucking love that loading symbol.
This is wholesome, like the beginning of Assassin's Creed 2 wholesome...fuck.
Where the fuck is the title screen? *Literally a hour later after exploring* There it is, now I know exactly how I'm going to be doing in this game.
I promised myself I wouldn't do this but here I am, literally doing everything else BUT the story.
Hytham: Will you follow me? Eivor: Lead on. I'll follow that sweet baby cinnamon roll anywhere!
*Reaches an anomaly* Oh, I'm getting so many AC2 flashbacks.
If I could romance Valka I would. *Couple of minutes later* IF I COULD ROMANCE HYTHAM I WOULD.
I legit met this bear 5 minutes ago and I am devastated by her death.
Bigfoot! No wait this is England.
Is that? OMG it is, the saxons are playing D'n'D.
Step on me? Glad to know that was a kink back in the day.
Bad bitch, Soma's a bad bitch.
Part of me is intrigued to go find clues and hunt for Order members. At the same time, I didn't ask to play hide and seek with these MFs.
Annnnd I need an adult.
*Gets stabbed* You're askin' for it old man.
Do I sense betrayal?
There is a reason I don't fuck with zealots, don't give them my fucking name.
You tryin' to raid the raven clan? Not today son, not today.
Fight me Dag 😡
*Goes to see Hytham and sees options* Can I please have a conversation with this man?
This guy is a keeper and Valdis knows it. So you two can fuck off.
He's fine, it's just a cliff. I've seen assassins go higher.
Finnr:...and a nap. Same my dude.
Can we discuss the Dag situation? Cause if he keeps being a bitch, Imma send his ass to Valhalla sooner.
The Ratae Bureau? Oh shit I forgot these were a thing. *Cue another hour of NOT DOING THE STORY*
Wow, everyone got the message and just dipped? Were they being hunted after Imperator Honorius died or was just like 'nope, Britannia got too weird for us.'
This 'Lady' that they keep mentioning...is it Aya? *Few minutes later* It is My Queen!
BAYAK!! 😭😭
May the father--...oh that's rich.
Ubisoft, why can't I romance Hytham?
Vinland? Either it's Hytham's accent or that's just what they use to call Finland back in the day. *Checks* Oh I'm fucking stupid. It's America.
Basim, you rub me the wrong way.
Sigurd WTF
*Hears Juno's voice* Fucking bitch.
How did you get an Apple?!? Yeet it. Yeet that bitch to the farthest depths of the ocean.
That's the wall. That's the wall from AC3. *Eivor gives the apple to the tribe* That's the apple from AC--THIS IS CONNOR'S TRIBE!
Hey uh, Bishop Deorlof...that's an interesting cross you got on.
What if the woman was the mastermind? I would fucking salute her.
King getting his ass whooped with a fucking stool.
...here is an idea, what if the bishop did it? I mean, that is an interesting necklace.
That's why he kept saying Ivarr's name! My bad Bishop and Ivarr WTF?!
Basim is doing what I would be doing if I could travel back to puritan times. Mad respect. But still, fuck you Basim.
Is that a Da Vinci Code reference?
Lady Estrid be like (¬‿¬) *Few minutes later* Estrid: Is my virtue safe with you? I fucking knew it.
Why am I getting Witcher vibes? Nevermind, no disrespect Jeskier.
That's called arson...you are arsonist.
Reda, my guy, you are LITERALLY talking about Bayak and Aya and I am deeply hurt.
It almost pains me how badly I am disrespecting these fuckers in their own house.
Goodwin, you tryin' to smash?
Yes man is mortal but, if his work is passed on, is immortal. *My friend: That was deep...and you need a break.*
Why is your titty out like that bro?
*Recieved the 'We're in the end game now' trophy*...is the game trying to rush me?
Fuck Goodwin, hello Vili.
Guy is like the pervy purge trooper all over again, but I'll allow it.
You know, I've always hated Juno in the series, however you *Fulke* have taken the cake.
Sigurd you are borderline Stockholm Syndrome my guy.
Oh you're up to something...and the result sounds like your death.
This is moldy cheese...is the cake a lie?!
Not gonna lie; this is probably the most fucked up death in the game and y'all called me a murder.
Um, Sigurd. You okay bud? A little depressed?
*Watches the last anomaly* There is so much to digest here but I will ask...does Basim know?
Sigurd is 100% that dumb white friend in horror movies.
Oh no, not this Groundhog's Day BS.
Okay so Sigurd remembers. Eivor doesn't or does and just doesn't care. Basim has to know, there are too many redflags. *Few minutes later* I fucking knew it, come here bitch.
Finally giving my man Desmond some credit 😤
I'm not surprised. Should have duct taped the staff to her hand.
Desmond? 😩
Why are y'all talking to this man? I'd slit his throat, bury the body and call it a day.
You?!? That's awesome! Such a slap to the face, even bigger than Shay's betrayal.
And finally, we are at the end. There was so much to go through and sort. Too be honest, I know I said that I wanted to make this strictly about the storyline but, I was trying to remember what was story and what led into the story but I had fun so I can't complain. Thank you for stickin' it til the end!
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Characters as things I’ve randomly heard/Seen in my High School
Random Character Edition
Hazel : What’s a Bianca?
Jason : That cartoon show, it has a dog and the nerdy kid?
Leo : Scooby do ?
Piper : The owl house?
Jason : NOoo??
Annabeth : Peabody and Sherman
Jason : Yeah
Willow : There is a storm a coming
Gus : A storm a brewing
Luz : Hurricane Katrina ? More lke hurticane tortilla
Sasha : He’s cute but he is definitely a senior
Magnus @ Annabeth : I don’t like your face
Annabeth and Magnus : * burst out laughing *
Piper : * claps * ItS WInTer SprIng FALL sUMmEr
Leo : What are the seasons in order?
Annabeth : Winter spring summer and fall
Jason : No it’s spring summer fall and winter!
Leo : How Is sPriNG stArTing It
Catra @ Adora Bow and Glimmer : It’s tall medium and small
Carter : Maybe the laptops have like .. another -?
Sadie : Nine lives , it’s a cat
Emira : oh yeah you’re gay
Nico : you know that’s homophobic
Katie : he HIT Me wIth a SoUrPatCh kIds
Sokka : everyone stop taking your food
Sokka : * takes his food *
Rachel : go to the fourth floor
Percy : There’s a fourth floor?
Reyna : * speaking in Spanish *
Percy : The only thing I understood is uno
Reyna : * says it again *
Percy : Try again but English
Polly : how do people talk to babies ?
Anne : Hi! * baby voice *
Sprig : Hi * deep voice *
Percy Leo Rachel and Nico : * trying to order food *
Percy : We are in the state of-
Rachel : Depression
Percy Leo and Nico : * dies * ( of laughing )
Eda : You guys don’t have the WiFi? It’s been two days you guys are slacking
This .. this this one was too close to the actual thing I couldn’t have not done this- :
Adrien : M’lady
Gabriel : ChaT NoIr?
Everyone at camp : SOmE BoYs Kiss Me SoMw BoyS Kiss me sOme BOys Kiss MeEEE * in the tune of the verses in material girl *
Katara : I think i pregnant
Adora : It’s a mental breakdown
Glimmer from across the room not hearing Adora : AHHHHHHHHHHHHH * insert more demonic screeching *
Toph : like retirement or like old people money
Katara : Old people money
Glimmer: You wrote give Bow’s energy as a note?
Shadow Weaver : Yes
Glimmer : Bow do you have depression ?
Bow : No
Glimmer : Everyone else , do you have depression?
Everyone else : Yes
Eda : we’ll work on it
Luz : why does the line have to be straight? So homophobic
King watching the shivers music video : Omg he died nvm he is alive
Eda : Put your titties on the floor
Raine : I don’t have titties
Percy : I forgot how to spell my name
Anne : Woooo peer pressure
Aang : * falls *
Katara : stop fooling around
Sokka : He’s falling around not fooling around
Leo : Dam you’re cute
Calypso : * glare *
Nico : Can money buy happiness?
Will : It can buy therapy
Percy : I’m not a purple girl , I’m a blue girl
Luz : The food and mental sanctuary
Everyone in She-Ra : * fighting over who takes the am I gay quiz next *
Selina : it’s not even that big why is it jiggling
Drew : *yelling something about a cute wrestler boy *
Boscha @ Skara : Daddy Chill
Amity : Stop
Boscha : Mommy Chill?
Catra and Adora : *thumb wrestling*
Adora : * wins and starts to take a sip of water *
Catra : Well you won guess you’re topping
Adora : * choking on water *
Adora : What???
Chiron : * doing a lesson *
Chiron : like is anyone here impressed by New York?
All of camp : no / Nope
Marinette : oh! So that’s why I’m depressed * excited *
The Seven + Nico + Will + Reyna + Rachel : * about to sing who runs the world girls *
Piper : oh and boys , if you’re gay , not today
Annabeth : * screaming *
Travis : what’s going on?
Annabeth : It’s a spider!
Percy : * kills spider *
Percy : What! She was screaming
Katie : YOU DOnT kiLL sPidERS! ThEY aRe ImPorTANt
Katie : PUt It OUtsIde!??? DO I tEacH YoU NOTHIng?!
Travis and Connor : * laughing *
Annabeth : * clearly relieved *
Percy : * scared *
Katie : * scary *
Katie : * look of betrayal *
Yeah that’s it lmao my school is a mess . I’ll make another part eventually
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xlluminate · 7 years
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i love drawing elder mckinley reblogs > likes
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Because of you
Request: Yes / No Omg Imagine if instead of Murphy it was the reader that was hanged and they used to be friends with the group but after they banished her. Later she comes back but she is a cold and rude to everyone besides Murphy and they want to apologize to her. Fem reader please💕 I just want something SUPER ANGSTY lol. Thank you 💛 Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2372
Warnings: Pretty much everything that happens to John but with a happy end! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I was so happy to be on Earth with the 100, my best friend John being among them. I had also made friends with some of the others and it was really great. We were finally free, besides being hunted. I was helping John with supervising the wall being built. He was being kind of a dick like always, but deep down he’s really just a sweetie. 
“No water till this section is up!” John shouted, knocking a cup out of someone’s hands.
“Really John? That’s a waste of water.” I said and he shook his head at me with a smirk. 
“We can always get more, we need this wall built.” He said. 
“Yeah but-” I was cut off by Clarke pushing me. 
“You bitch!” She shouted.  
“What the hell, Clarke?” I asked confused. 
“Recognize this?” She asked, holding up the knife I made with John. 
“Yeah, that’s my knife, where did you-”
“Where you dropped it after you killed Wells.” She said cutting me off and pulling the knife out of my reach. 
“What? The Grounders killed Wells.” I said, even more lost than before. 
“I know what you did, and you’re gonna pay for it.” She said. 
“Back off Princess, Y/N wouldn’t kill Wells.” John said, defending me. 
“She hated Wells!” She said. 
“A lot of people did, and of course I should, his Father killed my parents!” I said. 
“You did it. I know you did.” She said. 
“This is crazy.” I said rolling my eyes and went to walk away. 
“Where are you going?” Bellamy asked and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Bellamy, you don’t honestly believe I killed him, do you?” I asked, shocked. 
“They found his fingers on the ground with your knife.” He said. 
“I lost it a few days ago!” I said. 
“Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without- without punishment?” Clarke said. 
“I already told you I didn’t kill him! I lost my knife!” I said, still shocked that this was happening. 
“I say we float her!” A guy that John fucked with spoke up. People around us agreed and I felt my heart rate pick up. 
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Clarke said. 
“Why not? She deserves to float. She’s alway taking his side.” The guy said nodding towards John. 
“Hey your problems are with me, not her.” John growled. 
“It’s justice.” The guy said, again people agreed. 
“Revenge isn’t justice.” Clarke said. 
“It’s justice. Float her!” He said and the crowd started cheering. John grabbed me and tried to get me out of there, but someone tripped me and I fell to the ground and slipped out of John’s hand. A bunch of people started attacking me and John was trying to get to me, along with Clarke. They tied my hands behind my back and put a gag in my house. They wrapped a rope around my neck and strung me up, having me just barely stand on a box. 
“You can stop this! They’ll listen to you!” Clarke shouted at Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You should do it.” The guy that called for my head shouted and they started cheering his name. 
“Bellamy please.” I tried to beg, but it came out muffled. 
“She didn’t kill him! You know that!” John begged. Clarke was trying to get him to stop, but he kicked the box from under my feet. The air started leaving my lungs and I struggled, hanging from that tree branch. It was hard to hear what was going on as I clung to life, but when everyone stopped screaming I heard one person’s voice. 
“Y/N didn’t kill Wells, I did!” She shouted and then I was falling to the ground. John rushed over to me and started pulling the rope from my neck and took the gag out. John helped me up and he was pissed. 
“Bring out the girl Bellamy!” He shouted. Amongst all the chaos him, Clarke, and Finn took the real killer into a tent. 
“Bring the girl out now!” He shouted. 
“You want to build a society Princess, let’s build a society! Bring her out!” He shouted again. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to join us.” John said when Bellamy walked out. 
“Dial it down and back off.” Bellamy said. 
“Or what? What are you gonna do Bellamy? Hang me too?” He asked. 
“I was just giving the people what they wanted.” He said and looked at me, but had some sorrow in his eyes. 
“Good idea. Why don’t we do that now? So, who here wants to see the real killer delt with?” I asked and raised my hand. John also put his up and a few others, but everyone else didn’t.
“So it’s okay for me to get strung up for nothing, but you want the real one to walk?” I asked, shocked. I understand she was a little girl, but still. 
“Cowards! All of you are cowards!” John shouted. 
“Hey! Murphy! Murphy!” Bellamy shouted walking over to us. 
“It’s over.” He said to us. 
“Whatever you say boss.” He said and as soon as Bellamy turned around he picked up a large stick and smacked him in the head. Jasper went to try and stop him, but John punched him. 
“Come one, let’s get the girl.” John said and grabbed my hand. He led me into the tent and no one was in there. 
“Charlotte!” He shouted. 
“Charlotte, I know you can hear me!” He shouted. 
“When we find you, you’re gonna pay!” I shouted. John and I led the small group that was with us. We went roaming through the woods, looking for the girl that almost got me killed for no reason. 
“Clarke and Finn can’t save you now!” John shouted. 
“Don’t worry Y/N/N, we’ll get her.” He said. 
Hours have gone back and it was dark now. I was a little nervous running around the woods in the dark, but I wanted justice. 
“Don’t worry! We won’t hurt you!” I shouted. That was true, as much as I wanted to. 
“I’m over here!” She shouted and we followed her screaming. Finally we found her at the edge of a cliff with Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You can’t fight all of us, give her up.” John said. 
“Maybe not, but I guarantee I’ll take a few of you with me.” He said. 
“Bellamy! Stop!” Clarke shouted and we turned to see her and Finn running up next to us. 
“This has gone too far. Just calm down, we’ll talk about this.” Clarke said to us. I was about to agree, but John grabbed Clarke and held a knife to her throat.
“This went too far when you let a rope get wrapped around Y/N’s neck.” John growled. 
“John…” I said and He glanced at me. I knew he wasn’t going to actually hurt her, but I was still worried. 
“Please. Please don’t hurt her.” Charlotte begged. 
“He won’t, if you just come over here I promise he’ll let her go.” I said before John could say a word. 
“Don’t do it Charlotte.” Clarke said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt you. I promise.” I said to her. I meant it. I didn’t want to hurt her, just make sure she got what she deserved. She went to come to us, but Bellamy stopped her. 
“Don’t do it, Charlotte!” Clarke said again. 
“No! I have to!” She cried. 
“Y/N, Murphy, this is not happening.” Bellamy said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt her Bellamy.” I said once again, but it was clear the only one that actually trusted me anymore was John. 
“I can’t let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.” Charlotte said and turned around. She jumped off the clift and John let Clarke go in shock. 
“Bellamy looked at us and he tackled John to the ground and started beating him. 
“You’ll kill him!” I shouted and they helped me get him off John. Clarke and Bellamy started talking about shit I didn’t care about right now. I was worried about John. 
“We banish them.” Clarke said and I looked up at them with wide eyes. 
“No.” I said standing up. 
“You can banish me but you leave John out of this. He was just trying to protect me from the mistake you made.” I said and they looked at each other. 
“No way, I’m not letting you-” 
“Alright.” Clarke agreed. 
“No, I’m not leaving you out here alone.” John said. 
“You go back to camp with them now, please John.” I begged. 
“Please Johnny.” I begged with tears in my eyes and he sighed. 
“You take him back to camp and I will stay out here.” I said. They nodded and John looked at me one last time. 
“Go.” I whispered. 
“May we meet again.” He said and I gave him a small smile. 
“May we meet again.” I said. 
Weeks went by, maybe a month? I honestly wasn’t sure. Once I was banished and left in the woods it wasn’t long until the Grounders found me. They tortured me for what felt like every second of every day. They wanted to know about everyone. I held out for as long as I could, but eventually I broke. However one night they forgot to lock my cage and I ran. I somehow made it back to the camp without meaning to and they started shooting at me. I was grazed by a bullet and fell to the ground, hoping that if I waited enough both my people and the Grounders would forget about me and I could run off in peace. Someone touched my shoulder and I freaked out. 
“Y/N?” Octavia asked and I stared up at everyone in fear. 
“Please…” I begged. 
They ended up taking me inside and onto the Drop Ship. I was huddled on the floor hugging my knees scared that tonight was the night I finally died. 
“Where is she?” Bellamy asked walking inside. Him, Clarke, Finn, and John stood in front of me and stared at me in shock. 
“Y/N!” John said and rushed to my side. I flinched away from him and looked at the floor. Bellamy cleared everyone out, but Derek and Connor. 
“She claims she was with the Grounders.” Derek said. 
“We caught her trying to sneak back into camp.” Connor said. 
“I wasn’t sneaking. I was running from the grounders.” I said in a small voice. 
“Anyone see Grounders?” Bellamy asked. 
“Uh-uh.” Connor shook his head. 
“Well in that case.” Bellamy said and went to aim his gun at me. I don’t remember us having those before. John kneeled in front of me while I shut my eyes, preparing to die. 
“We were clear about what would happen if she came back.” Bellamy growled. 
“No! If she was with the Grounders then she knows things that can help us.” Finn said. 
“Finn’s right.” Clarke said and walked over to me. 
“She’s not lying. They tortured her.” She said. 
“What did you tell them?” Bellamy asked. 
“Everything…” I answered weakly. 
“Once she’s better we’ll find out what she knows.” Clarke said and went to leave. 
“Everything’s alright.” John whispered. 
Everytime Clarke tried to heal me I would shy away. They did this to me. They made this happen. John is the only one that stood up for me. John stayed with me the whole time. The next day I started getting sick and throwing up blood. 
“Y/N, hey, look at me. I need you to tell me how you escaped. 
“They forgot to lock my cage and I just took off.” I answered, out of breath. 
“What the hell is this?” John asked as Bellamy walked inside. 
“Biological warfare. You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Y/N’s the weapon.” Clarke said. 
Some ended up dead because of whatever the Grounders gave me, but I was alive and they were letting me stay. John almost never left my side and everyone else kept trying to apologize to me, but I refused. 
“An apology does nothing for the shit you all put me through. John was the only one that believed me and stood up for me.” I growled. I walked away and to John’s tent. He was laying on his bed and sat up when he saw me walk in. 
“You okay?” He asked worried. 
“Fine.” I sighed. He patted the bed next to him and I gladly took a seat. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
“Hey, you’re safe now and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” He said. 
“I know.” I said with another sigh. 
“So what is it?” He asked. 
“They think an apology will make me magically forget everything I went through.” I said and he sighed. 
“Just ignore them.” He said and I nodded. 
“I wish I could take that all away from you…” He whispered and moved some hair behind my ear. 
“I should have been out there with you.” He said and I looked at him. 
“No way! We would have both been caught by the Grounders and then one of us might not be here.” I said and tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of not having John in my life. 
“Hey, I’m right here.” He said, cupping my face and wiping away a stray tear. 
“I’m never gonna let anything happen to you again.” He said and rested his forehead on mine. I let my heart take over for once and placed my lips on his. He reacted immediately and kissed me back with a bit of desperation. He gently pushed me back on the bed, his lips not leaving mine. After a few minutes awe pulled away for air and just stared in each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” He whispered. 
“I love you too.” I whispered back and he smiled. 
“You’ll always be safe with me.” He whispered and kissed me again. I knew in that moment that I had nothing to fear as long as I was with John. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​
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annabethy · 4 years
Ok so sorry if this is annoying just tell me and I'll stop but I need to do that thing I did last time where I sent you an ask as I progressed down the story because it's amazing and I need to share it with somebody (what better person than the writer?)
"absolutely no falling in love" as if they can control it. Pls- they're made for each other.
Okay I'll be back whenever...unless it's a no then let me know
The leech has me rolling🤣 and the parallels!!!!!!! 'dont I get a kiss for luck?' ahhhh omg
AND THE MONOPOLY GAME!!!! Huge cheesy grin on my face and I can't even explain why
Ok so bc of a- let's say home situation?- my phone tumblr thing might cut off and I won't be able to spend anymore time on tumblr but that's not yet. If I just suddenly stop with the asks then that's why and I'll also stop reading and continue tomorrow
oh yes I couldn’t forget the parallels!
also I’m putting the rest under a read more
Oh god connors here oh no no no....ok let me just calm down
Nah no calming down for me...my eyes are brimming with tears cause I'm so mad. I would've punched his lights out so quick. I'm glad percy controlled himself, for annabeths sake😌
'this school hates you too' that's a widely used comeback in my family 😅 'i hate tomatoes' 'tomatoes hate you too'
do it ma’am
Red hair green eyes....rachel's here...should I be worried? Idk if I should be worried or not
no I actually forgot I even wrote Rachel in
You don't kiss someone like that after hearing them say they love you if you were only fake dating....this is making me beyond happy
Rule number three isn't the only rule that's been broken
If you both broke the rules then they cancel each other out and now there are no rules so basically you're not fake dating anymore. You're dating just with the title fake which doesn't matter
My heart beats for Annabeth too. I need to slow down with these asks
Oh now you love her. Too late bud.
Wait this- what- no. 😭
Oh this is getting good. Ohhhhh yess
Omg she's crying and hes holding her against his chest and its giving me a flashback of the SOM scene underwater
Of course she knew. Why am I surprised? Annabeth knows everything
Yes Annabeth he loves you
Can you actually hear a heart beating when cuddling? That would be so weirdly cool...so can you?
if your head is on their chest over their heart then yes you can hear it beating
When are you supposed to apply for college? Junior, senior year?
lol senior year. I applied to one in November 2020, two in December 2020, and then 10 in January 2021 (and got accepted to four, one of which is an Ivy League and the other is very well known in the medical field hehe)(I have yet to hear back from the other 9)
Driving with no destination is probably one of my dreams even though I'd get lost in the wilderness then die out there which isn't necessarily a bad thing but yeah
Is that actually how a highschool party is? If that's the case then I can forget about wanting that highschool experience
see above lol I am not the person to ask about high school parties. I’m usually studying writing or sleeping and have never touched alcohol in my life so
OMG SECOND EDITION IS- OH MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW THAT (When was this added into the game?)
I sure hope it wasn’t added to the game LOL
Yes Annabeth he wants to. And you do too so just come on!!!!!
And I'm back. God it's so beautiful. Definitely worth the wait!!
They can't fake date without actually dating which is probably why I love this trope so much
You are so so good and I am definitely going to reread this especially the parts with the parallels
Love you lots, Ms. jillian....(like in story lol I'm so funny)
love u lots❤️❤️thanks for this long message LOL
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yourholidaymom · 4 years
Your Holiday Mom: Mama Ro
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I am SO excited to have you with us for the holidays. We celebrate anything and everything here at the House of Creative Mayhem. You’ll be joining me, Ro, a purple-haired mama, and two of my three kids. Connor is 20, spends a lot of time playing video games, and is absolutely hilarious. He is on the autism spectrum, and sees things a little differently than everybody else, which makes him a wonderful person to know. He says if you like to game, you can play Team Fortress 2 with him, but if you don’t want to talk, he understands. My middle child, Ron, (24) is gender queer, and will be bringing their partner, Greg to dinner. They’re both gamers, too. And vegans,, which means I have to get creative with my cooking. I still make turkey, but I get creative with the side dishes and make a field roast for them, which is a vegan thing made from mushrooms and stuff. My oldest son lives in a nearby city with my granddaughter, but they are busy and probably won’t be able to make it. Could be a surprise visit, though, so prepare to hang out with a four-year-old. She and I will probably put on our matching tutus that I made for us. If you want one, I’ll make one for you, too. Or not. Your choice, of course.
I hope you love dogs, because I have a rescue pit bull named Lord Jasper Bighead, Earl of Fartsalot. I’ve had him for about 2 and a half years now, and he’s the love of my life. Nobody knows where he came from or how old he is, but this is his home for life now. I take him with me everywhere I can. Dogs are good company. They just give out love, and take as much love as you give them. And believe me, I can give a LOT of love. He also loves food. I’ll give you treats to give him and he will adore you.
So my birthday is right before the winter Solstice, and we’ll celebrate that with me taking everyone out to dinner. We’ll have to figure out someplace that has food we all love. I am wondering about your favorite foods and how to make sure you get them. Let’s sit in front of the fire and talk about it. While we talk, I’ll make art. I create weird things out of stuff other people throw away. Sometimes I call myself the Queen of the Trash Fairies. I also take in people who have no where to go, like my friend Chuck, who has been homeless for decades. He camps in my yard now, so criminals and homeless sweeps can’t disrupt his life. And of course I will be inviting all kinds of friends over for dinners throughout the winter months. It’s fun to gather in the warmth and light of home when it’s cold and rainy outside, isn’t it?
I’m really hoping you will spend some time making art with me. I have a gazillion different supplies. I’ve got paints, collage stuff, sharpies, jewelry-making supplies, clay, several guitars (I write protest songs, among other things. I’m what you’d call a social justice warrior and I will never understand why some people consider that an insult. Silly.) and of course, lots of journals and pens, because I’m also a writer. So, you know, whatever you like to do creatively, I bet we can do a lot of it while you’re here.
Can we have a serious talk about something? Being the parent of two queer kids, and being queer myself, I know full well how hard it can be. I spent a loooooot of years trying to fit in and be like everybody else. (news flash, it didn’t work!) Now that I’m older, I don’t even try to hide who I am, and I have found SO many people who love me exactly as I am. My friends celebrate my weirdness, which includes a love of puns, wearing dresses (never pants, ever), studying sword fighting, building an art studio in my yard that is made out of tires, custom painting my shoes… the people I know LOVE these things about me. And they love me even when my depression and anxiety keep me from being in contact very often. They just love **me,** exactly as I am, and exactly as I am not. I am sure that if you haven’t found your people yet, that you will. Just keep shining your bright self and the right people will come to you. Like me and my family. We’re your people! You’re our people. Isn’t that glorious?
Oh, I forgot to mention the house… I ilve in a pink house. The inside is painted just about every color you can imagine. There’s not a beige wall anywhere, so I hope you’re ready to experience a lot of color, because that is exactly what we have here!
What do you want to do while you’re here? We can play games. I have a bunch of fun ones, Cards Against Humanity, of course, Pictionary, Scattergories, the kind of games that rely on thinking outside the box. Or even thinking like you never believed there was a box to begin with! Or we can go for a walk with the dog at the lake nearby. Or we can go downtown and check out the holiday decorations. They have a lot of brass bands and carolers. We could join in the carols if you want. (I will want to, guaranteed. I love to sing. I’m not very good, but I have fun. Of course, I wouldn’t insist that you do anything you don’t want to) Oh, that has me thinking about popcorn. I don’t know why. I want popcorn with tons of butter, while we’re in front of the fire talking. You get to pick the music. I wonder what we’ll listen to first. I bet you’ll introduce me to things I’ve never heard before, too, won’t you?
Listen to me, you precious, wonderful being… I love you and I am so glad you’re here with us. You make everything more fun,more meaningful. This is the best year ever, because you’re here. Now, what do you want to do first?
Love your face, Mama Ro
PS OMG, I completely forgot about baking. There will be sooooo much baking. What’s your favorite cookie? Do you want to learn to bake bread? Make pies?
PSS This silly picture of me is my Halloween costume, Steampunk Peacock. What should I be next year?
** This year we are reprising your favorite letters. The original post date of this letter was Dec 08, 2019.
Your Holiday Mom: Mama Ro was originally published on Your Holiday Mom
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savedbystyle · 4 years
cruel summer (b.b)
pairing: highschool!bucky barnes x reader
warning: angst, death of major character
summary: falling in love was scary, but thrilling especially when it was with bucky barnes
a/n: this is the second part to the lover series!!! i have received such positive feedback about i forgot that you existed and OMG it makes me incredibly happy:) also i know that during the times bucky went to high school it was all white students BUT that would suggest a white reader, and my aim is to make the reader as fitting to YOU as possible. I get it i’m indian and the pain, but yeah so were just gonna pretend were in those times but with todays diversity:)
song: cruel summer by taylor swift 
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gif credits to original creator
Fever dream high In the quiet of the night You know that I caught it
You were walking through the halls with your friends June and Sara, careful not to bump into anyone. “I can’t believe that you and Connor are going out Sara” June said with a big smile on her face. “Oh for lord’s sake June, calm down its not that big of a deal” “Oh Sara darling, it IS! I mean Connor is one of the most well known boys in school plus he’s as cute as a bug’s ear” 
You laugh at the banter between June and Sara when you accidentally bump into someone.You bend down to pick up your books, but not before someone does it for you. You stand up and look at the attractive man standing in front of you. Your eyes meet the steel blue eyes in front of you. “I’m sorry doll, didn’t mean to hurt ya there. I’m Bucky” you smiled at him “I know, Bucky. My name is y/n, thanks for helping me” You smiled at the attractive man in front of you and made your way back to your gaping friends. “That was-” June paused “Bucky Barnes” Sara completed for her friend. “Oh stop it you’re gonna get flies in your mouth. He’s just a boy, now come on we gotta get to our class” What you didn’t notice was Bucky staring at you and your friends, a small smile etched onto his face. 
Bad, bad boys Shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it
Throughout the week, you never saw Bucky again. It didn’t bother you, but you didn’t mind seeing that gorgeous face of his. Your class had just ended and it was time to go home. You were walking home when you heard someone shout behind you. You turned around to see Bucky, running towards you with a smile on his face. “Hey there doll” he said panting, trying to catch his breath. “Hello James, what is it?” He raised his eyebrow when you called him James, but excused it. “You’re such a pretty dame you know that” He said, smiling even bigger when he saw the blush take over your face. 
“Thank you James, but you’re not here to tell me that are you?” “No doll, uh, I was wondering if you’d let me take you out sometime?” Your heart skipped a beat, but you doubted the words considering you’ve never talked to him before. “This ain’t a joke, is it James cause that wouldn’t be very nice” “No, I promise doll. Let me take you out” You looked up at his face and noticed the genuine look “Fine. This Friday after class, alright? I got Miss Jamie last” You left him on the side of the road, continuing your walk home, smiling and excited about your date.   
Killing me slow, out the window I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below
It was Friday, and you were tapping your foot anxiously, waiting for the bell to ring out. “Remember, you all have to read Act 3 Scene 1 of the Great Gatsby by Monday’s class!” Miss Jamie told your class as the bell rang. Your heart was racing as you got your books in your arms and waited to get out the door. When you got out you could see Bucky’s head perk up, noticing you. He smiled, and you returned it with a shy one. “Hey doll, you ready?” He asked, holding out his hand for you to take. “Yeah James, lets go” 
The two of you walked to the diner all the couples in high school went to, and sat down at a booth. The waiter approached your table and asked what the two of you would like “Can we have an all the way please” “Sure, that’ll be right out” You smiled at Bucky, but hesitating to ask the questions you’ve been dying to know. “James, can I ask why me? I mean you’ve never talked to me before” “Y/n, you’re the first person who didn’t go out of their way to talk to me. It gets tiring you know? But I can tell you’re a special one” You smiled at him and you two talked the day into the night, and the waiter could tell that the twi of you were already in love. 
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes What doesn't kill me makes me want you more
After that date, you and Bucky went on many more. Even during school Bucky would hold you by your waist, or when you’re going to your next class he’d sneak up on you and sneak a kiss leaving you blushing. You even met Bucky’s best friend, Steve Rogers, who was one of the most honest and kindhearted men you ever met. You met Steve’s dame as well, Peggy Carter, and the four of you quickly became a close knit group, doing everything together. Of course, you would ask to bring your best friends along, who quickly approved of Bucky seeing as he made you happy. 
You went home that day and decided to tell your parents about your new partner. You opened the door and saw your mother sitting on the couch watching some television and your father who had come home early reading the day’s newspaper. “Hi darling, how was your day?” your mother asked approaching you and kissing your forehead. “It was great ma, hi papa” Your father said hi and smiled at you, patting the now empty seat besides him signaling for you to come sit. “Uh, ma, papa? I’ve been meaning to tell y’all something. I’m going out with James Barnes now” Your mom had a smile on her face, while your dad’s expression didn’t change. “Papa?” You asked, your voice quiet “I will not allow it, you’re still too young y/n” “Nonsense y/f/n, we met each other at the same time” Your mother butted in “I said I won’t allow it” He met your eyes, and you rushed out the door trying to get to Bucky’s as fast as you can. When you found him, you started crying and pulled him close to your chest. “Doll, hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, comforting you “My papa, he doesn’t want me seeing you. Say’s i’m too young to see people” you say in between tears. “I just wanted him to like you, James” “Hey doll, it gonna be alright. We’ll make it work, alright? I’d do anything for ya” You looked up at him, and pulled him down to meet your lips.
And it's new The shape of your body, it's blue The feeling I've got And it's ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer  
Your school year had ended, meaning that the both of you were about to go to university now. You had gotten into Columbia considering both your parents were alumni, but Bucky on the other hand decided to enlist in the army. “Bucky, I swear you’re nuts” you walked across his room back and forth “Why would you do that? Why would you enlist in the army James?” Bucky winced. You had stopped calling him James, but rather Bucky so when you called him James he knew he was in trouble. “Doll, I thought you’d be more supportive of me” He said, dropping his head. 
You fell silent, and went to sit beside him “I am proud of you Bucky, honest” “Then what is it, doll?” he asked voice breaking. You replied eyes full of tears for the unknown “I’m scared that one day, someone is gonna come knockin on my door and tell me that the last time I saw you was truly the last time. I’m scared that you’re gonna get shot and hurt, and you will spend the rest of your life upset over it. I’m scared that when I kiss you goodbye at the train station, its the last time i’ll ever kiss you and see you Buck. I’m just scared of loosin you” you admitted, tears streaming down your face. Bucky was crying as well know. He lifted your face to meet your eyes, and kissed you with as much vigor as he could. “Doll, no matter what, I will always come back home to you” You kissed him, not letting him go. And that night ended up with you two sleeping in each other’s arms.
It's cool That's what I tell 'em, no rules In breakable Heaven but Ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer With you
That entire summer, the both of you spent almost all of it together. Day after day, Bucky would take you out on a date sometimes with Steve and Peggy, but most times just the two of you. You enjoyed every moment you had with the love of your life, refusing to thing about when he get’s deployed. You enjoyed strawberry sundaes, and ferris wheels at the fair. You even went to the Stark Expo, where the both of you had the time of your lives. You had later found out from Steve that he had secretly enlisted in the army as well and got in. That night, you and Bucky yelled at Steve but later pulled him into a hug. “I swear to god punk if you hurt yourself” “I will personally come over and kill you Steve” you said jokingly. Steve chuckled “I promise I will be alright” 
When Steve went home, Bucky and you went to the roof of his apartment and laid down watching the stars. “Darling, i’m leaving next week for the army” You got up and looked at Bucky “Buck, I thought it was the end of the summer?” “They needed us to do some extra training for the war darlin. I promise I will write to you everyday, not a chance i’d miss it” You scooted closer to him and put your head on his chest. “I’m countin on it James” 
I'm drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) Said, "I'm fine", but it wasn't true I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I, snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) And I screamed, "For whatever it's worth" "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
It was the week after you dropped Bucky off at the train station, and you missed him so much. He sent his first letter two days back, sending his dog tag along with it. He wrote, 
Hi Doll,
     Every night I lie awake thinkin of you darlin. There isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t cross my mind. I remember the first time we met, and I now know that that was the first day I fell in love with you. I fell in love with the strong, independent woman you are. I fell in love with kindhearted woman you are. I fell in love with you. I love you y/n y/l/n and I hope you love me too. I am giving you one of my dog tags so you always have something of mine to wear. I promise you when I come back, i’m marrying you doll. I know I should be telling you this in person but I feel the need to tell you know. I hope you have a great day doll. I miss you a lot. 
Yours truly, 
James (Bucky) Barnes
You felt a tear trail down your cheek as you held the dog tag close to your heart. It felt as if he was still there with you, and you murmured “I love you, Bucky Barnes” The two of you wrote for months on end, until one day an officer knocks on your door telling you that him and his regiment were captured by the opposing side. They called it Hydra. But you didn’t care for the name, you cried for Bucky and his safety. You missed him. You had also found out that Steve was injected with the serum and became plenty rugged. Meanwhile, you were at school continuing your studies like you know Bucky would’ve wanted you to do.  
It's cool That's what I tell 'em, no rules In breakable Heaven but Ooh, whoa oh It's a cruel summer With you
You heard a knock on your door and went to open it. Standing in all his glory was the love of your life. You flung your arms around Bucky, smelling his cologne you grew to love. “Bucky, oh lord, I thought you died” you sobbed into his shoulder and pulled away to see his face. He smiled, caressing your face pulling you into a kiss. “Steve saved us, doll. I’m alright” “I love you Bucky, and whenever you choose to I will marry you” He smiled kissing you again as if it was the last time he could. The two of you spent the entire night surrounded by the others naked body, memorizing each and every curve and scar. When Bucky left again, you had a little more hope this time that he would come back to you. The letters never ended, until they did one day. 
You heard a knock on your door, letting the person know you were coming. You opened the door to see a shattered looking Steve holding Bucky’s uniform. “Bucky, uh, fell off a train during a mission. Y/n, I tried to catch him but I couldn’t” Steve was sobbing, and you put a hand on your mouth not believing this cruel joke the universe played on you. “Oh Steve” The both of you held on to each other, the last piece of Bucky both of you had. Both of you mourned for the loss of a best friend, the loss of the love of your life. 
A couple of weeks later, you went to the place Steve was at to surprise him. You saw Peggy and went over to her. “Hey Pegs, have you seen Steve” Her eyes started watering and she sighed before gaining her composure. “Captain Steve Rogers went down in the Arctic last week. I had assumed you had found out, but i’m sorry y/n. Steve’s gone” You were numb, you felt no pain. First the love of your life, and now your best friend. You went home that day and cried for the loss of America’s heroes. You mumbled to yourself, “It’s been a cruel summer with you, Bucky Barnes”.  
slang used: 
all the way: chocolate or fudge cake with ice cream
cute as a bug’s ear: very cute
doll and dame: a woman
nuts: crazy
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