#omori loyal au
prodigal-explorer · 8 months
loyal - an omori au summary
this is the breakdown of an omori au that i've decided to call the loyalty au, and it's based off of a mixture of ideas that me and my homies (@legendling and @electriczaire) came up with!!
(cw -> murder, omori spoilers, extreme manipulation, mcd)
this is a sort of swap au in which kel accidentally kills hero instead of sunny accidentally killing mari, but there is a twist in the course of events that completely alters the fate of kel and the friend group.
a few days after sunny and mari's recital, kel and hero get into an argument over something silly. but the argument escalates when their parents step in and, as always, take hero's side.
the constant favoritism towards hero finally gets to kel in that moment, and he storms off. hero rushes after him in an attempt to make amends, but kel misinterprets his intentions, and pushes him down the stairs in a fit of anger. hero dies on impact.
just like in the original story, basil is the only one who witnesses the murder. he was at the house for a sleepover. basil comes up with the idea to frame hero's death as a suicide, and he convinces kel to go along with it by telling him that the alternative is kel going to jail and losing all his friends. kel agrees.
but two weeks later, at hero's funeral, kel can't handle lying about something so huge, seeing mari blame herself, seeing the group start to fall apart. so he comes clean. he admits that he killed hero and staged the suicide. but he doesn't say basil's involvement in the situation because he's too held up with his own guilt and his own involvement.
kel expects everything basil said to come true, but mari, sunny, and aubrey forgive kel. it's clear that it was an accident, and it's obvious how much pain kel is in.
but forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. everyone is uncomfortable around kel, and there is an inevitable, understandable resentment towards kel. the group is awkward, and they tend to exclude kel from things for the sake of their own comfort.
and to make matters worse, the people who take kel's confession the worst are his parents. they despise kel for what he did to their favorite child, and they essentially abandon him emotionally, leaving him to endure this extremely difficult point of his life all by himself. they no longer include him during mealtimes, and when he's around them, they ignore him. they don't even yell at him anymore. it's cold, dead silence.
the only person who still treats kel the same is basil, or so we think. everyone assumes that it's because basil is so sweet and kind, but really, it's because basil is the only one who knows the full truth.
basil is desperate. upon seeing how kel is treated in the friend group and by his family, he realizes that he doesn't want the same thing to happen to him. he begs kel to keep his secret, and ends up manipulating him out of fear. he tells kell that if he tells the group about basil's involvement, then nobody would believe him, and everyone would abandon him.
so kel keeps the secret. but as we all know, kel hates secrets and lies. but he also hates betraying his friends. so now he's in a huge inner conflict between his two biggest values: honesty and loyalty. does he honor his honesty and tell the group the whole truth? or does he honor his loyalty and keep basil's reputation safe?
on top of this, kel realizes that he heavily disagrees with basil's extreme actions of deception, and he hates the position that basil has put him in, making him entirely responsible for basil's fate. but what is he able to do about it? basil is basically the only reason why kel hasn't been completely phased out of the friend group, and basil has so much control over how the group views kel. so he's trapped with basil, forced to endure him with no complaints.
after all, sweet, innocent, kind basil is much more likable and pitiful than loud, annoying, murderer kel.
i hope you guys enjoy this au!! i'm very new to the fandom so if something like this has been made before please don't flame me, i didn't know! feel free to comment with any questions you have about the au, and i'd love to answer them!!! i really want to do something with this, maybe a fanfic or something!
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Gurumi, have you spoken to AMAI~HANA today?
Yes, I have / No, I have not
Your choices matter! Send in an ask with one of the two bolded phrases, the phrase that was chosen the most by the 7th will be chosen and will be featured in the next panel :)
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dreamybasil · 1 year
(Olive sneaks around to a different side of the barn.)
Huh. Must just be the captive.
Told ya.
(The guard turns around and Olive rushes out from behind cover.)
(He puts the guard in a chokehold.)
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"The hell?!" [BASIL was.. Really surprised. But he did as how OLIVE told him to.. Just.. waited.]
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cheezyhamster · 29 days
Doodle of Albatross and his granddaughter
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Granddaughter is an OC! One of my first, in fact!
Biiiig infodump under cut
Her name is Sapphire, accidentally sharing the name of Albatross's sister
My first iteration of her was an Animus princess that had universe-jumping abilities/discovered that her magic went beyond the reaches of her reality (Had this idea so that she could be an OC in any fandom/become a sona). This idea was probably when I was roughly 10-11. She was childish and stubborn.
In this iteration she discovered that she could "teleport" during the Seawing Massacre, wishing that she was anywhere safe as a knife sent by Albatross was stabbing her in the face (it didn't go very deep)
She looked something like this afterwards (I never made a reference :/):
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As I used her more often I realized that I had no idea what her personality was and how she dealt with her abilities
I then decided that she eventually became cold and manipulative, treating the inhabitants in each universe as playthings, seeing how things turned out if she did this or that a specific way, before getting bored and moving on.
This version of Sapphire kind of disappeared when I started working on developing a Wings of Fire/Hunger Games-esque AU called the Flare Trials, where dragons in districts had their wings removed at hatching so as to leave them less able to revolt and fight the winged dragons of the Capitol. Tributes and the Games were initially developed as a means to both entertain dragons in the Capitol and incite fear and hopelessness in district dragons in watching young dragons fight to the death without any opportunity for a dragonet to survive. Eventually it was amended so that one district of dragonets could "win" and be granted wings and fame. Sapphire came in because she was the protagonist and won. Almost every other WoF OC I have came from this AU
Animus "Canon" Sapphire and weak Flare Trials Sapphire kind of merged for a while, but when I stopped working on the AU Animus Sapphire became separate again, though I didn't do anything with her until pretty much just now bc I fell into a Harry Potter phase (oof) and then into the OMORI phase I'm in now.
As I drew the doodle with Albatross today I had a thought of a version of Sapphire that could possibly be more solid? Sapphire looked up to Albatross heavily, aspiring to be just like him and was unwaveringly supportive and loyal to him. Albatross eventually opened up to Sapphire about how he was treated, confiding in her about how he is unappreciated and generally abused by his family (Queen Lagoon). Sapphire responded with righteous anger towards her grandmother, insisting that Albatross shouldn't let everyone bully him anymore. This inadvertently leads to the massacre. Sometime in between, however, Albatross, planning out the massacre, gives Sapphire Animus magic mostly experimentally, intending for her to help in the massacre and to aid in killing her brother (Fathom), Albatross's replacement (threat). Unfortunately for him, Sapphire is horrified by his plan and refuses to go along with his commands during the massacre, trying to dissuade Albatross before eventually fleeing after he lost patience with her and sent a knife flying into her face as she commanded her crown to keep her alive as fast as she could, though she still ended up scarred after her brush with death. Afterwards, she lived undercover, the crown she bore keeping her alive indefinitely. I don't have much else of an idea right now but uhh Darkstalker sized Seawing that is old as dirt and wrinkly 😁
Thanks for reading this infodump. As is evidenced, I love talking about my OCs! (All of them)
Please ask me about them or tell me to stop idk
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luzxii · 1 year
HERE HAVE A FULL OMORICK DW REF SH EET!!! I'm working on a RW one so stay tune d for that teehee ANYWAYS have sum loreee
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- The mains are Rick, Kevin, Radford, Hanna (an OC), Patty and Streber.
- The characters don't really fall into "roles" in this au as its not a roleswap au, there is no Aubrey or Kel roles and different characters fill a variety of plotpoints, only keeping the main points like an incident, certain deaths etc. However, i'd say Streber is closest to a " Basil" role as he was the one to have witness ed the incident and passes at the end of the worst ending. ( His cause of death i'm still d ebating, not the same way as Basil's tho.)
- Rick doesn't have a weapon in dreamworld, but he likely has access to something con sidering the more serious endings of omori as i am planning to stay overall loyal to the e ndings of the game.
also can yall help me i still dont have any good ideas for ho w exactly patty died all i know is that rick was unintentiona lly involved, would they have a fight like sunny and mari? w hat about? if not how else would it go down? yall gimme in put in reblogs or asks ily all /nf
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bluntloyalist · 5 months
i post here when i smoke hence the url (´ー`)y▬ڪ
he/him. mid-20s. mentally unwell. insane about characters. if you absolutely must refer to me Loyal works ig
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my tags
# themes # posts (my posts) # sketchy (my art) # plusloyal (additions to other people's posts) # chatty (interactions with other users) # [fandom tag] fic (specific fanfiction tag) # fic (general fanfiction tag) # fics (my fanfiction tag) # events (fandom writing events)
my AUs/fics
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fandom tags (in approx. order of obsession)
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inconsistent with triggers and character names sorry yall..doin me best 😔
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hikkikoaubrey · 1 year
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Okay, well I finally made a concept design for a Omori au I've been working on for a while.
Introducing: The Headspace Swap au (might be a temporary name, might not be)
Basically in this au the Headspace exclusive characters swap with the Faraway town cast with the main focus being on a introverted shut-in version of Sweetheart who spends most of her time on the internet. In this au the names of many of the characters will also change to fit this.
Sweetheart has a lot of mental health issues especially involving loneliness and her own appearance, often using the internet, video games and her group of loyal followers who blindly adore her as a means of ignoring / coping with this. Sweetheart has also become pretty egotistical because of her fanbase, being unable to take criticism and often starting arguments online.
Sweetheart often wishes for a life a luxury where she is loved and adored by others, having tons of servants who will do her every whim and being as pretty and cute as she truly wants to be.
Additional info and ideas on Sweetheart: Is a streamer with the website she streams on being based on the keeper of the castle, either lives by herself in her own apartment or lives with her 3 grandma's. In this au she is transfem (which also affects her self-esteem issues about her appearance)
Other ideas I have for the au so far are: Space boy will be the leader of a biker gang, The Slime Girls are a part of their own small band, Humphrey is a pet fished owned by the slime girls, Rococo is Sweetheart's adoptive brother who is off to art school and his original family died in a housefire when he was really young. Mari is the equivalent of Sweetheart in this au, being named Sundai and taking inspiration from the scrapped ice cream princess character from Omori.
Anyway I hope you guys like my concepts for this au and please tell me your thoughts about it if you guys want.
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angelicyouth · 1 year
I reread youth and i had a fucking epiphany (is that how you write it⁉️⁉️) for two aus so im gonna write about them just because
The most straight forward one would be one thats youth x DDLC.
A comically large sign that says DDLC SPOILERS appears
Like hear me out dude Kenny and Craig just breaking the code because theyre both trying to get w/ you and messing eachother up but then just going "ok fine we can share"
Idk who the other love interests could be tbh but that concept itself just sounds interesting to me
And the second one would be an omori x youth one
A comically large sign that says OMORI SPOILERS appears
This one would be a bit more like deep?? i think?? but its easier for me to imagine
It can go two ways:
One: Original omori plot, One of the siblings pushing the other down the stairs while their best friend is like "Holy shit dude⁉️⁉️"
Id say itd depend but the character placement would be Mari/Sunny: Y/N and Stan (duh) , Basil:Kyle (Or maybe a more guillabke character like Butters, since Kyle probably wouldn't agree with the idea of staged suicide, maybe idk), Kel: Kenny, Aubrey: Craig, Hero: Kyle or Tolkien, idfk they seem like theyd take the place
OR hear me out:
An omori au where instead of it being a fight between Stan and Y/N, its a fight between Y/N and either Kenny or Craig (or maybe both at the same time') and pulling a Sunny and Basil
Then, instead of one headspace, both of them have a headspace, i feel like itd be interesting to depict how eachother would imagine their headspace personas or world building in general (I feel like Kennys omori / headspace would be more happy and cheerful with a lot of adventures going on, while Craig's is more simple and with less events. its cool 2 see the contrast)
Kennys headspace gangs would be Team Stan while Craig's is his gang and basically it'd be
For Ken's headspace: Aubrey: Stan, Hero: Kyle, Kel: Cartman
For Craig's: Aubrey: Tweek, Hero: Tolkien, Kel: Clyde
Honestly idk, I probably explained this like shit but I hope you get mu point‼️‼️
-mango anon
i love love love when you share your ideas with me mango!!♡
i like the DDLC concept—i didn’t really explore craig & kenny competing with each other for reader in youth ((which is a shame because that’d be so funny)) but maybe i can write something separate about that? maybe even a little prequel from when they were younger?
this also gives me the idea to explore yandere elements if i were to write something completely separate like in the game!! the disturbing lengths the boys would go through just to ensure that reader is theirs
and you know i adore omori!! it’s funny because i actually saw something with south park + omori on tiktok yesterday that i’ll send you the link to!!
i totally agree that it’d be more complicated to imagine kyle as basil since he’s typically the more logic oriented character and his moral compass is pretty strong. i also think with stan being his super best friend, the guilt would absolutely kill him so as an accomplice he’d be unreliable. but at the same time, reader is his little sister and he wouldn’t want anything to happen to her if people found out so if he convinces her to stage the suicide, the guilt would be absolutely crazy on him since it’s stan. he’d definitely be conflicted and it would tear him up
but butters would def work as basil since he’s very loyal to his friends, no matter how questionable their intentions are ((like the countless times he has gone along with cartman’s schemes)) as he’s pretty gullible!! i also feel like he’d push the reader to stage the suicide so he doesn’t get into trouble with his already shitty parents
or tbh, i can also see cartman as basil? he’d def push the reader to stage the suicide so that they don’t get into trouble ((since he witnessed it)). and with how selfish he is, i can def see him checking up on reader at home when reader starts to become a recluse from the guilt + trauma—he’d make sure reader wouldn’t crack and snitch or anything. he would absolutely try to convince reader that this is the better option whenever he sees her
but then that also leads me to think about tweek as basil because the paranoia would be insane on him if he witnessed the accident—he’d isolate himself like basil so that his paranoid ramblings won’t give them away to anyone that hears him. but also, it’d be easier to write off what he’s saying since people are used to him having word vomit from his anxiety? i’d just worry that he’d get sent to a mental institute with his already poor mental health :(
as for headspace—i definitely agree that kenny would be similar to the colorful + wild things going on that we see in the video game ((we can already see how crazy his inner workings are when he cheesed on cat urine as a kid))!! i also LOVE the idea that the main four would be with him for his adventures whereas craig’s gang would be with him!!
as for craig’s headspace, i feel like his would be like omori’s white space when he’s stationary or the black space when his inner character is walking aimlessly. the colors would be as monotonous as his voice ((just black + white)) and i can see him driving the knife into his body just to go back to white space when he’s tired of walking
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aria0fgold · 2 years
​<> My OMORI AUs <>
A list consisting OMORI AUs I’ve created alongside a short description describing the general story of each one. To make it more organized, I’ll add my fanon surnames to the characters.
Mari and Sunny Saezawa
Hero and Kel Valencia
Aubrey Zhuang
Basil Sherwood
Written AUs!
The Tune of a New Morning
(Set post-True Ending)
With Omori’s newfound sentience, he didn’t want to just disappear after failing his duty. And he got just that, but strangely, he finds himself in a place one could only consider as the real world. He didn’t deserve to be there.
Once again, from the beginning
(Set post Oyasumi Ending)
Sunny gave up, he couldn’t handle the guilt of knowing the truth. Taking pity on him, Omori decided the best option was to just die. However, as he jumped off the roof, the world’s clock abruptly rewound, sending Sunny back to the time where everything went wrong. But this time, new problems arises.
And thus, the snake ate no more
(Set in the past)
Omori, a demon with a hidden motive was taken in by the Saezawa family. He quickly became friends with everyone, especially to Sunny, and though Mari is delighted to have another baby brother, she can’t help but feel as if there’s something off about him.
Magician in the Mirror
(Set in the past)
With the stress for the recital building up, Sunny went to the piano room late at night to collect his thoughts. But a knocking on a covered mirror caught his attention. Upon taking the cloth away, he was met with his reflection claiming to be a magician.
The Pawn and the Bishops
(Set in the distant past)
MARI, a young princess once ignored by all became a tyrant that was now feared by many. Accompanied by her most loyal servant named SUNNY, the people could do nothing but endure a continuous suffering until one day, MARI made a grave mistake.
Planned AUs!
Replica Painting/Re:Painting AU - Inspired by the vocaloid song Living Millennium (Iyowa/Ft. Hatsune Miku) & Ib
(Set after Knife Ending 2, Sunny answered the door at 3 days left.)
Months had passed since the death of Sunny and Basil, Hero had been trying to keep everyone together as best as he can. Kel continues to act as he had been but there was a visible crack in his facade, Aubrey’s enraged outbursts got worse, and Hero was nearing his limit. As he was visiting his friends’ graves, Hero met a strange old man.
It seemed that Sunny helped him once and as a means to repay him, created a painting he was planning to give. But it appeared he was too late. The man invited Hero to his art gallery, the Dream Gallery. With nothing else to do, Hero brought Kel and Aubrey to it. There they saw a supposedly blank painting, one with an image of a monochrome boy identical to a young Sunny. His eyes were closed yet it opened, staring blankly at the trio until the next thing they knew, they were in dark room standing in front of the boy with the offer to make things right.
Lost AU
(Set after fight scene with Basil)
Sunny woke up with a jolt, panting and still shaking from his encounter with Basil. Looking around the room, he appeared to be in White Space, though there was no sign of Omori nor Mewo anywhere. With no idea what else to do, Sunny went out to the Neighbor’s Room. His dreamworld friends that was always playing cards and waiting for him was also nowhere to be found.
A lone mirror floated in the room and as Sunny approached it, the glass broke to reveal Omori, a shattered version of him. Something happened to Headspace and it’s Sunny’s job to find out with the help of a hyperactive Shattered Omori.
Royal Swap AU - inspired by The Princess and The Pauper
(Set in an entirely different universe. Modern world royalty.)
Omori, a mischievous 16 year old prince always skipping classes and running away met Sunny, a boy his age playing the violin on the streets. His performance was impressive, but what stunned Omori more was their identical appearance. So an idea popped into his head. They’d swap places.
Painting AU - inspired by the vocaloid song Mary - Figment of the World (Yokomin/Ft. Yuzuki Yukari) & Ib
(Set during Knife Ending 1, Sunny didn’t answer the door at 3 days left.)
After learning the death of Sunny and Basil, Hero became the glue of his remaining friends, terrified to lose them too. Months passed and Sunny’s mom suddenly came to visit, she gave them a painting carefully packaged. It seemed to be something Sunny poured his heart on and his mom thought to give it to the friends he treasured as a memento.
Upon taking the cover away, it revealed a painting of a monochromatic boy holding a wilted tulip and a knife. The three propped it up on a vacant wall and went about their days and chose to have a sleepover near the painting, however, they seemed to have woken up separated in a strange world. Hero saw the monochrome boy calling himself Omori and they set out to find the other two.
Kitsune Omori AU
(Set in the past)
A new family recently moved next door the Valencia family. Kel was excited about the news that the new neighbors has kids around their age that he could befriend, though Hero just saw one of them nearly ate a beetle while his sister ran to stop him, he isn’t quite sure whether to feel excited or nervous.
The Saezawa siblings has a secret, Sunny’s supposed twin, Omori, is a kitsune that only Mari and Sunny knows about. Though that won’t be for long as Omori grows attached to their new friends, but before that, Mari would love to prank them a little bit more.
Android Omori AU
(Set post-True Ending)
10 years had passed since and much had changed. Hero became a doctor just as his parents wanted, Aubrey became a makeup artist with the hobby of painting, Basil became a photographer and still kept up with his gardening hobby, Kel became a professional basketball player and surprisingly picked up the guitar, and Sunny became a robotics scientist with one goal in mind, to create an android of his old friend Omori.
When Sunny achieved that goal earlier than he had expected, he was overjoyed but his excitement was immediately replaced with boundless confusion upon booting up Omori. It seemed that Omori not only retains memories of Headspace, he also held deep hatred for Sunny that he doesn’t even allow him to come close at all.
Omori in Japan AU - crossover AU between OMORI & Detective Conan
(Set post-True Ending)
Omori expected to disappear now that there was no more purpose for him to fulfill. Instead, he wakes up in the middle of an unfamiliar place with a 7 year old body and accompanied by the spirit of Mari that he can now somehow see and communicate with. Luckily for Omori, he can understand Japanese.
Found by a young teen by the name of Ran, they went around to look for his family only to turn up with nothing. Worried for his wellbeing, Ran decided to take him in. He now has to live with an alcoholic claiming to be the world’s greatest detective and a suspiciously smart 7 year old kid while getting dragged around cases that always somehow just happen whenever they’re around.
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writeranon69 · 2 years
What are your personal headcannons for the Omori cast’s future professions?
Uhuhu boy, this question. I have a wide variety of headcanons for the gang's jobs in the future. Let's see here
Sunny: A writer and an assistant of Basil in his greenhouse. Sunny writes novels about his life four years ago, and how he blossomed into who he is today. Basil, Aubrey, and Mincy help him with this sometimes.
Basil: Definitely one to own a greenhouse or a flower shop, both being called "Basil's Home for Plants". I can see it being rather successful as Basil treats his plants with love and care. I also see Basil telling his stories to any loyal customers he trusts.
Aubrey: She'd be a mechanic for some, but to me, she's probably a professional baseball player, MVP of the Faraway Team no doubt. Whenever she's off season though, she's busy helping her SunBun with his writing, her Flowerboy with his gardening, and her Paintsplash with her artistry. Speaking of which...
Mincy: Mincy's apart of the main cast in the future! She'd obvious take a career as an artist, doing commissions online here and there. If she's not drawing, she's blogging about her life, with Basil teaching her some of his photography skills in order to make better posts. She also helps with writing and gardening, and is a surprisingly good cook.
Cris: You can't have Mincy without Cris by her side, now can you? Cris is an Olympic swimmer, due to her love of all things aquatic. She'd also be good at leading tours around aquariums methinks. She calls everyone a lot whenever she isn't home, even if it's just for a few hours.
Kel: Kel is easily on a professional basketball team with Jay. This sadly causes him to be away from home a lot, but when he is home, it's a party at that point. He still gets in arguments and play fights with Aubrey, even in adulthood, but it's all in good fun. Sunny actually writes about Kel the most in his stories.
Henry/Hero: Hero, for a reason about to be explained, becomes a cook/nurse in the future. At Faraway Hospital, he works as both a chef and a nurse who can make delectable meals for patients and deliver them when his nurse shift takes place. Not only does he use his medical degree, but he's gotten back into his old hobby! This is thanks to, you're not gonna believe this,
Mari: Yeah! Mari's revived in this AU. Donning a white gown and a nurse's hat, she's Hero's assistant, helping him prepare food and helping caring for patients. When she's not on her shift, she's busy hanging out with her little brother at home, who she does not leave until her shift begins.
Kim: Kim is also apart of Aubrey's baseball team, fun fact. She's the pitcher, but is also able to hit lots of rough hits to the ball. If she's not doing that, she's actually wrestling...no joke, this woman is in the (insert Faraway Equivalent of the WWE here) and is kicking everyone's asses. She's real sweet though.
Angel: Angel is following Kel to become a basketball player like him. He also has a hobby for artistry thanks to his older sister, who he has rekindled his relationship with.
Charlene: Charlene is a worker at Basil's greenhouse! She tends to plants and here and there and handles microtransactions in the store. She's a bit more social now because of this.
Mikhael: Mikhael, better known as the Maverick, I see him being a baker with his siblings, Daphne and Bowen. They're all rather goofy together, but Mikhael also branches off into his own hobbies, those being animation (specifically anime) and game design.
Vance: Probably the least expected profession for Vance would be taking over Miss Candice's candy shop when she enters retirement. He manages it well, but also runs a little babysitting service, which falls under the times to close the candy shop. He always gets lots of candy for the kids he takes care of if they behave.
I'd say that does it.
Other fun facts:
Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Mincy, Cris, Kel, and Kim are all in polyamourus relationship! They all live together in one house in Faraway.
Mari and Hero own a house together next door, but they end up visiting everyone so often that you can say that they live there too.
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basilpaste · 2 years
you have an omori homestuck!au, but what about a homestuck omori!au?
you ask for one. i have three. one thats a kid cast, one thats a troll cast, and one thats for me.
1: rose -> sunny (for the everything) roxy -> mari (fun and cool if you ignore the horrors) jade -> basil (for the everything like. again.) jane -> hero (cook turned medic who feels personally responsible for other peoples happiness? yeah.) june -> kel (for the family ties, but also it makes a staggering amount of sense. kel is also transcoded. trust me on this one.) dave -> aubrey (to round out the beta kids and because i think without the session and his friends support hed. get worse. which is what aubrey does.)
2: karkat -> sunny (karkat.) aradia -> mari (they occupy the same niche in my brain.) tavros -> basil (it is the anxiety. also basil is disabled trust me on this also.) sollux -> hero (i dont have a reason for this other than i like aradia and solluxs dynamic.) nepeta -> kel (catgirl become dogboy. the fandom characterizes them both as morons which is stupid but i wont. rant about it here.) vriska -> aubrey (basil and aubrey are just kinda a better less terrible version of the dynamic tavros and vriska have.)
3: dave -> sunny (smile.) dirk -> mari (i think if the striders grew up together dirk would push dave too far sometimes and just. kind of end up hurting both of them without ever meaning to.) karkat -> basil (hed play basils role a lot differently than basil, but god if this fuckin guy isnt loyal to a terrible default.) jake -> hero (they remind me of each other in a way i dont know how to articulate. they arent that similar but they also so are.) sollux -> kel (the potential comedy of jake and sollux as brothers is DEEPLY funny. itd be awful. im obsessed. also i like him. also their shared techiness gives sollux a reason to care about dirk) rose -> aubrey (much the same reasons as dave in the first one. shed be less actively punk and more terrifying goth who carries knives openly)
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prodigal-explorer · 8 months
a snippet from the first chapter of my loyal au fic
(if you don't know the background of this au, here's the post detailing it: loyal au)
Splayed out on his bed, Kel looked up at the ceiling, smiling and laughing breathlessly. When it came to pillow fights, Basil was much more feisty than he seemed. There was something about flying feathers and soft surfaces that seemed to entice Basil's competitive side. And honestly, Kel enjoyed it. It was nice to see the real Basil, and not the shy, bland persona that he often wore in front of people who he didn't trust to see his true self. Kel almost felt honored that he was part of the "secret club" that had access to this Basil. The Basil who wasn't the most perfect, morally-aligned human of all time.
Well, maybe that title should go to Mari. After all, Kel thought, nobody could top her when it came to goodness.
The silence that hung in the air was comfortable. There was no sound except for the odd sigh as Kel and Basil caught their breaths, recovering from their battle.
But out of the blue, Basil broke the silence in a way that crushed the comfort in such a way that Kel's heart seized.
"I wish Sunny was here."
Though his words were quiet, his sentiment was not. Kel was shocked, laughing softly to hide how he flinched as Basil spoke in his typical soft, kind tone.
"It feels so empty when he's not around during these things."
What, so me being here doesn't matter?
Kel shook his head, biting his lip harshly so he wouldn't say what he had been thinking so loudly. Though he had a tendency to speak without thinking, something about Basil's presence placated him in a way that didn't really feel natural. Maybe since Basil was so good, Kel felt pressured to be good as well. It was a good thing, Kel thought. Even if his true thoughts sometimes had to go unsaid.
After all, Basil hadn't meant anything bad by it. Basil was a good friend.
"If you're bored, we could play a game or something," Kel suggested, staring at the medals and awards that gleamed on the other side of the bedroom wall. Hero's side.
What would Hero do in this type of situation? What would he say?
"Maybe we could even play basketball outside! It stopped raining while we were pillow fighting!"
Basil winced, chuckling awkwardly, and Kel wanted to groan. That was probably the most un-Hero-like thing Kel could have possibly said. Why was he so bad at emulating the person he shared the world with since birth? Why couldn't he be as good at this as Hero? Did Hero have to be better than him at everything?
"Sorry, I'm a bit tired," Basil said, "How do you...always have so much energy, Kel? I'm surprised you aren't exhausted by now."
Exhausted? Kel couldn't help but ask himself, or exhausting?
Did Basil really want to be here? Kel could see Basil shifting slightly in the bed, looking around the room with a resigned dullness behind his eyes that almost reminded Kel of Sunny. This never happened when Sunny was around.
"I'm tired too," Kel decided to say.
No he wasn't. But the way Basil smiled, as if maybe, for once, Kel had said the right thing, made Kel have trouble regretting his lie. If it was for the greater good, how bad could a lie possibly be?
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No nsfw. Remember, these characters are minors. (Except Mari and Hero. Headspace Mari is considered an adult as shes seen in this Headspace as being there the whole time, as if she had never died in Real World. Hero is also an adult. Still no nsfw though.)
Occasionally there may be an event where a fragment will get released. You'll have to correctly guess what happens next, however.
This blog is technically run by Gurumi himself, with art being drawn by Komori. Be mindful of this, as what you say may directly affect real people in real time.
Be mindful of what you ask characters. They can and will respond as normal people would.
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With this post (and the tag dump under it), the askbox is now open.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Have you thought or done anything like a royalty au or something like that? Idk, the royal life brainrot is on rn and I thought what would it be like if the Omori cast was in that setting too
I have thought about royalty au before!! We talked about it very briefly in discord but I do want to go into this a bit more most definitely!!!
Hero is the responsible eldest prince who knows that he will become King one day and Kel is the goofy second son who isn’t as concerned because he knows he’s never gonna have to worry about that
They have a small but loyal kingdom. Their father is a just king who is raising a just heir, so the people are content. His father often brings Hero on walks around the kingdom so they know their subjects and the problems they face. 
Hero spends hours and hours studying and learning the other members of fellow royal families. He has never been skilled in jousting or any physical sporting event, but he is fairly gifted in music. She strong arms their father into keeping Kel and Hero both in music education.
His only escape is when he can go to music lessons. Hero gets to take off his crown (metaphorically of course) and just spend time getting lost in the strings of a lyre and the lute. It doesn’t hurt that the daughter of the minstrel is...well she’s fascinating. 
Mari’s father is the minstrel and Mari is minstrel in training. She’s brilliant and charming and Hero grew up alongside her. The minstrel has always been close with the royal family, but Hero and Mari connect on another level. They have a forbidden love. They sneak kisses when no one is with them, and she writes songs to him that she pretends are just to her “muse”
Hero would tell his father about her, he wants to badly, but she tells him no. Because Hero is supposed to marry a princess, he’s almost engaged in fact. His mother had been holding off on it, but there’s a good match that would benefit both kingdoms that’s come up, and Hero and Mari are sure they’re going to be forced apart any day now
Leave it to Sunny and Kel to expose them. 
Sunny and Kel are best friends. Yes it’s a little unconventional, but it doesn’t hurt anyone, and besides no one really pays much attention to what Kel does besides Hero. That is when Kel isn’t causing trouble. Which he is. Frequently. 
But!! Kel and Sunny are goofing off and messing around and they accidentally break one of the very important vases in the castle
The head ladies maid sees them do this and she chases them and promises to catch them and give them the punishment of a lifetime. They run into the music room where Hero and Mari were...and well....yeah the ladies maid definitely starts up a massive gossip chain about the daughter of the minstrel and the prince
Hero’s parents initially dismiss their minstrel and his family and have Hero barred from seeing her. Banned from even leaving the castle in fact. He’s just stuck in his room pretty much. Kel feels awful and definitely blames himself for his brother’s unhappiness
It’s a pretty dark time, but Hero and Mari manage to get letters to one another through the children of the baker. He gives his notes to Kel who gives them to the two twins who bring fresh bread to the castle each morning. Then they give the letters to Mari who gives them her own in return. 
I definitely haven’t thought about what makes them change their minds...I will have to flesh that out BUT yada yada Hero and Mari are back together and they make Mari an official princess of the kingdom who is betrothed to Hero. 
Sunny goes from being just a second son minstrel to being a member of the royal family He isn’t made a prince (even though Hero offers to make it official when he’s made King) because he doesn’t want to do that. He ends up becoming the keeper of the library, because he’s a big fan of stories and he loves them. It’s perfect for him. 
The people of the kingdom Adore Hero and Mari. Not only did they already like Hero, but Mari is one of them. She is the musical princess, she is beloved by all that meet her, and Hero’s parents know they made the right choice seeing how devoted their subjects are to the new match.
This is total sidelines, but I might talk more about them if other people like this AU. Anyway, Aubrey is the witch that lives in the woods next to their kingdom
Basil is a dragon that Sunny and Kel bring home one day. Hero and Mari’s parents are horrified. Mari and Hero are intrigued. Basil is a frighten. 
I like this AU so much! I usually am not a big fan of like very out there AUs....*hides Mafia AU*  but I really like this one! I might write more about it (and fix the gaps) if people like it
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choobuki · 4 years
Omori au: everyones personality is the opposite in the real world;
aubrey is shy with barley any friends (still pushes away the others),
kel isnt loyal and is mean >:(,
hero actually turned out a lot better after mari’s death,
mari isnt sweet and caring anymore,
basil hates plants and doesnt care about his photo album
And sunny is all :D and positive
(Everything stays the same in headspace / dream world btw)
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bmp-slbp-matchup · 5 years
Soft headcanon memes (? did it say meme in the title? anyways! the headcanon thing) for fuma and/or shigezane, and/or yuu please! Only if you feel up to it/is enjoyable to you of course! If I could put my two cents in... I believe their sleeping position would be all the same: Sleeping while one arm is holding Rose tightly by the waist. Although one of the three has a tendency of drooling on your hair.. will let you guess which one that is. ;)
Yes, it did, but that insecurity is so relatable :D
I rather like your ideas (like always), but you just need to include a little mystery don’t you,,,lemme think…… Does a Butler drool? Can a Butler drool at all? Does a ninja sleep tightly enough to drool? Or does he just pretend to so he can drool on my hair? Then again why would he do that. Would Shigezane do that for fun? WHOOO THE HECK IS DROOLING ON MY HAIR
*narrator voice* “to be continued…”
Soft headcanons meme: Kotaro (answered✓)
Soft headcanons meme: Shigezane
what they smell like
Most of the time it’s neutral, but sometimes he has a cleanbut fruity smell.
what their favoritesmells in the world are
He actually likes everything that has an agreeable smell,but especially artificial odors that are meant to please, such as perfumes andoils.
what pajamas theywear/what they wear to sleep in
He wears sleeping robes and in Modern AU I can see himowning pajamas that have a similar print to his kimono’s.
my favorite ship (ifapplicable) and a cute hc about them
In Omori Castle, it is very likely that you come across acat or puppy or any other animal when you pass the corridors because the Lordand the Lady of the castle just love to adopt strays!
my favoritefriendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Modern Elementary School AU: Shigezane always copiesMasamune’s answers during a test. One day he gets caught and both get introuble for it.
a song that remindsme of them
Chandelier (Sia) 
what animal i thinkthey would be if they were an animal
A dog. They are extremely loyal, playful and sociableanimals. However their intelligence isn’t to be underestimated, they are smartwithout being sly.
what position theysleep in
He loves to have you close, holding your head while it restsagainst his chest or stroking your hair. When sleeping alone, he is the type tosleep on his belly with both of his hands under his pillow.
their favorite drink
He loves drinking tea on a calm day with you, but he is alsoa big fan of sake especially when there’s something to celebrate (or not…).
a gift i would givethem if i could
He would get a coupon for a weekend of his choice in whichI’ll do all of his work from me (so that he can spend it with you)!
Soft headcanons meme: Yu
what they smell like
He always has a fresh smell, freshly showered and of showergel. Sometimes he smells of a very faint cologne.
what their favoritesmells in the world are
He loves the smell of freshly brewed tea and freshly bakedpastries, not necessarily because he looks forward to eating them or takespride in them, but rather because they give him the feeling of having a placeto call home.
what pajamas theywear/what they wear to sleep in
His pajamas look really neat and they may or may not even beironed (they are). At times when he isn’t on duty for several days in a row, helikes to sleep in something more comfortable like underwear or shorts.
my favorite ship (ifapplicable) and a cute hc about them
When in private, Yu is a great fan of subtle physicalcontact. Whether it be a hand on his partner’s back when passing them ortouching feet while in bed, he loves it.
my favorite friendship(if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Even though Yu is praised rather often by different people,the compliments he esteems the most and takes to heart are those that he receivesfrom the royal butlers of the other 5 regions.
a song that remindsme of them
Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis) 
what animal i thinkthey would be if they were an animal
A weasel. These animals look adorable and innocent, but theiractions can be quite unpredictable. They often close in to their prey withoutthem even realizing they were the target.
what position theysleep in
He sleeps on his side with one arm supporting his head and theother one in front of his belly.
their favorite drink
He likes anything that has a light taste rather than a vigorousone. Predominantly that would be herbal tea.
a gift i would givethem if i could
I would give him a personalized pen.
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