Arthur Lester Malevolent
Arthur Lester from Malevolent has Omphalocele!
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wetslug · 2 years
tw fetal death
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Nicole Blackmon learned she was pregnant about a month before Tennessee’s near-total abortion ban went into effect in July 2022. She’d previously been told conceiving a pregnancy would be difficult because of multiple health diagnoses, including a pseudotumor. Still, the pregnancy was a “blessing,” as her only child had been killed in a drive-by shooting months earlier. At about 15 weeks, Blackmon learned her fetus likely had omphalocele (a condition that affects the development of the abdominal wall, leading to organs growing outside the body) and “atypically” positioned feet. She was told this was a “lethal anomaly.”
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medstudentblues · 1 year
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it's the first day of my new rotation -- community of family medicine! i just accomplished my outside rotation. the last two weeks have been lighter compared to our 1 week in a public hospital somewhere in pasig, but the hospital i just rotated in came with its own challenges.
i was decked in ward 4 (onco/hema) ward where there are lots of leukemia patients (as mentioned in this post). then ward 8 where i stayed longer. ward 8 is the surgery ward where i was decked with a notorious resident who was rumored to throw a test tube at a junior intern but we were good when we worked together. we became close she bought ice cream for us and even asked for perfume recommendations. it wasn't so bad!
ward 8 was also full of interesting cases. i was able to handle neonates with omphalocele, gastroschisis, hirschsprung disease etc. it wasn't as depressing as the oncology ward, but it was humid (as the doctor's quarters weren't airconditioned). there is more room compared to the oncology ward so the relatives either sleep on the floor or beside the patient. i heard that some patients code (meaning, we have to resuscitate/revive them), especially neonates with multiple congenital anomalies, but there weren't any during my shift. some children came in just for the surgery (inguinal hernia, ruptured appendicitis) then was discharged after. some didn't stay long compared to the onco ward children who spends their life in hospitals.
i was excited during my pedia surgery ward rotation because i love surgery, i love scrubbing in surgical cases. i was waiting for an open heart surgery but i was on night duty when they had an operation scheduled :-( i was able to scrub in, however, in a bag insertion in a patient with gastroschisis. it was interesting.
my rotation ended with me being pulled from neonatal ICU to the hema/onco ward again. i was pulled out because a kid with myelodysplastic syndrome need to be monitored. she was on DNR (do not resuscitate). she was grunting, had high fever (Tmax 41C), and was seizing every now and then. when i got there at 8pm, everything was up (her temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate). we advised tepid sponge bath to the mother after ordering an antipyretic, to which she complied, and had units of platelet concentrate standby. in the past few days, this kid was receiving platelet concentrates because her platelets were consistently, extremely low, to the point that she already had intracranial hemorrhage. this kid has polydactyly (with extra fingers) and trisomy 8. her mouth was red from the mucosal bleeding.
at 2 in the morning, she expired. the mother called me because her breathing seemed slow so i ran to the patient and immediately checked her heartbeat. my adrenaline was up, thinking of all the possibilities that could come after (basic life support sequence), but then i remembered that kid was on DNR, and that made me melancholic. i listened to the heartbeat and from 164 just an hour ago, it was 64. i checked the radial pulse and it was really thready, almost next to nothing. after a few more seconds, i listened to the heartbeat again and there was nothing i could hear. i informed the parents that their kid just expired and informed the hospitalist (junior consultant) on duty that the kid just died.
this time, i wasn't on the verge of tears like the last time a kid died on my shift. this time i was rational, i was thinking of what came after -- the papers that had to be prepared and submitted and the doctors i had to inform. i offered my condolences to the parents and left them to grieve. there is only so much i could do.
the hospitalist told me, "you don't have to monitor a kid hourly now," and i did not say anything. for me that kid was not an hourly monitoring hurdle for me. that kid's initials was A,D. that kid liked soup and stew. she was born with trisomy 8, myelodysplastic syndrome, and had polydactyly. her mother told me she was a good kid. and she just left this world, and a hole in her parents' heart.
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o-craven-canto · 6 months
Been reading a couple books about human embryology and development (hence my latest infograph). It's an immensely fascinating and dare I say beautiful subject, but also quite terrifying as it dawns on you the sheer number and variety of ways it can go wrong.
Ectopic pregnancy, teratomes, dysostosis, omphalocele, gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia, ectopia cordis, hemangiosarcoma, esophageal and rectal atresia, spina bifida, meningocele, lissencephaly, hydrocephaly, anencephaly, cyclopia, disprosopus, hypertelorism, ichthyosis, epidermolysis, phocomelia, sirenomelia, syndactyly, monodactyly, craniopagus...
Some of these conditions are less than ideal, but are not much of threat. Others are just about immediately lethal. But for the ones in the middle, sometimes, it's amazing what people can manage to live with.
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transboykirito · 10 months
okay I saw your stomach before but now I'm curious how exactly that happens (if you're okay with discussing it, of course)
i’m perfectly okay with discussing it lmao
i was born with a condition called exomphalos major (also known as major omphalocele), which means that when i was born a bunch of my organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, bowels, something else i can’t remember but there were 6 all up) were in a sac outside of my body
the sac is technically formed from the umbilical cord - my organs were like, inside the cord instead of where they’re meant to develop. so when i was born they cut the cord long enough to cover all my organs until i was old enough for final closure surgery (in my case, that happened when i was 2)
so yeah. i was in an induced coma for almost 2 years (not consecutively but i spent almost 2 years all up, i was put under again after closure bc something went wrong). they did final closure and stitched up my stomach, and because of the way my cord had been, they had to completely stitch over where the hole should have been. the skin and muscles on/in my chest and stomach are stretched pretty tight and i have a cool scar down my whole torso. it’s cool.
i’m scared to post pictures without clothes covering it bc i don’t wanna get banned for gore 😭 but you can see the bump here
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BWS Methylation-Specific MLPA is a molecular test used to detect copy number variants or methylation abnormalities associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. BWS is the most common overgrowth syndrome characterized by large organs and body size. Macroglossia, ear lobe creases, helical creases, and omphalocele are common features as well. Patients with BWS are at an increased risk for embryonal tumors in childhood. These individuals typically have normal intelligence and attain a normal height and weight in adulthood. BWS is casued by alterations in methylation at two imprinting centers at 11p15.5.
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wdonnait · 6 months
Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann: Cause, Sintomi, Trattamento e Gestione
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/sindrome-di-beckwith-wiedemann-cause-sintomi-trattamento-e-gestione/117375?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=117375
Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann: Cause, Sintomi, Trattamento e Gestione
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La Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS) è una condizione genetica che colpisce la crescita di varie parti del corpo. Caratterizzata da una crescita eccessiva (gigantismo) e da alterazioni in specifici tessuti e organi, questa sindrome presenta una gamma variabile di manifestazioni cliniche. Questo articolo mira a fornire una panoramica dettagliata sulla Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann, dalle sue cause ai metodi di diagnosi e opzioni di trattamento, con l’obiettivo di migliorare la consapevolezza e supportare chi è interessato o colpito da questa condizione.
Cosa è la Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann?
La Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann è una patologia genetica rara con una prevalenza stimata di 1 caso ogni 10.500 nascite. I segni distintivi includono macrosmia (grande dimensione alla nascita), macroglossia (ingrossamento della lingua) e ipoglicemia neonatale (bassi livelli di zucchero nel sangue nei neonati), tra gli altri.
Cause e Genetica
La BWS è spesso associata a mutazioni o alterazioni nella regione cromosomica 11p15.5, che gioca un ruolo cruciale nella regolazione della crescita cellulare. Queste alterazioni possono verificarsi spontaneamente o possono essere ereditate da uno dei genitori. La comprensione delle cause genetiche è fondamentale per la diagnosi e la gestione della sindrome.
Sintomi Principali
I sintomi della BWS possono variare significativamente da persona a persona ma includono tipicamente:
Crescita eccessiva: bambini con BWS nascono spesso con un peso e una lunghezza sopra la media.
Macroglossia: una lingua ingrandita che può causare difficoltà respiratorie o alimentari.
Ipoglicemia neonatale: bassi livelli di zucchero nel sangue nei neonati, che possono essere pericolosi se non trattati.
Omphalocele: una condizione in cui gli organi addominali sono fuori dall’addome al momento della nascita.
Anomalie renali e urogenitali: malformazioni degli organi renali e urogenitali.
Aumentato rischio di tumori: i bambini con BWS hanno un rischio maggiore di sviluppare alcuni tipi di tumori durante l’infanzia.
La diagnosi della BWS si basa su una combinazione di caratteristiche cliniche e test genetici. La valutazione genetica può confermare la diagnosi identificando specifiche alterazioni genetiche associate alla sindrome.
Trattamento e Gestione
Non esiste una cura per la BWS, ma il trattamento si concentra sulla gestione dei sintomi e sulla prevenzione delle complicazioni. Le strategie di trattamento possono includere:
Interventi chirurgici: per ridurre la dimensione della lingua (riduzione della macroglossia) o correggere anomalie fisiche.
Monitoraggio dell’ipoglicemia: gestione attenta dei livelli di zucchero nel sangue.
Sorveglianza dei tumori: screening regolare per la rilevazione precoce di tumori.
Importanza del Supporto
Il supporto da parte di team multidisciplinari di professionisti della salute, inclusi genetisti, pediatri, endocrinologi e chirurghi, è essenziale per garantire una gestione ottimale della BWS. Il supporto emotivo e informativo alle famiglie è altrettanto importante per affrontare le sfide poste dalla sindrome.
La Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann, sebbene rara, può avere un impatto significativo sulla vita dei bambini e delle loro famiglie. Una diagnosi precoce e una gestione adeguata sono cruciali per migliorare la qualità della vita e prevenire le complicazioni. Con la consapevolezza e il supporto adeguati, le persone con BWS possono condurre vite piene e soddisfacenti.
Parole chiave: Sindrome di Beckwith-Wiedemann,
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.31
Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day
Backwards Day
Brexit Day (UK)
Broccoli Day (French Republic)
Child Labor Day
Dicing for Maid's Money Day (Surrey, UK)
Eve of Brigantia (Ireland)
Final Fantasy VIII Day (Japan)
Feast of Great Typos
Hell Is Freezing Over Day
Hug an Economist Day
Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men & Boys
International Day of the Magicians
International Omphalocele Awareness Day
International Street Children’s Day
International Zebra Day
Jackie Robinson Day
Me-Dam-Me-Phi (Assam, India)
National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools
National Bug Busting Day (UK)
National Gorilla Suit Day (Don Martin, in Mad Magazine)
National Music Therapy Day (Mexico)
National Pick on Lindsay Day
National Punk Day
National Seth Day
Play An Old Game You Haven't Played In Years Night
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saint Brigid’s Eve (Ireland)
Scotch Tape Day
Street Children's Day (Austria)
St. Veronus' Day (patron saint of Lembeek & Belgian brewers)
Thermos Bottle Day
Train Hijacking Day
Tupiza New Year (Indigenous Bolivia)
Twist Off Cap Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brandy Alexander Day
Day of Russian Vodka
Eat Brussels Sprouts Day
National Hot Chocolate Day
World Vegan Chocolate Day
5th & Last Wednesday in January
Bell Let’s Talk Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Ladoland (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Nauru (from Australia, 1968)
Varladia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Año Nuevo en Tupiza (Tupiza New Year; Indigenous Bolivia)
Festivals Beginning January 31, 2024
Calabash South Africa (Capetown, South Africa)
Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) [thru 2.18]
Cattlecon (Orlando, Florida) [thru 2.2]
Festival of Literature (Dubai, UAE) [thru 2.6]
La Folle Journée (Nantes, France) [thru 2.4]
NBBQA (National Barbecue & Grilling Association) National Conference (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.3]
Southern Farm Show (Raleigh, North Carolina) [thru 2.2]
Feast Days
Adamant of Coldingham (Christian; Saint)
Amartithi (Meher Baba; India)
Anacreon (Positivist; Saint)
Banyu Pinaruh (Water Purification Ceremony; Bali)
Celebration of the Triple Goddess (Goddess of the Moon and the Seasons; Old European Lunar New Year) [Thru 2.3]
Cyrus and John (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Hecate (Goddess of Crossroads; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Dicing for Maid’s Money (Guildford, UK)
Disablot (Norse celebration of new beginnings)
Disfest (Sacrifice Honoring the Disir, all female relatives from forever)
Domitius (Domice) of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Isis (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Transmission Errors
Francis Xavier Bianchi (Christian; Saint)
Geminianus (Christian; Saint)
Honey Badger Avoidance Day (Pastafarian)
Imbolc Eve (Celtic Book of Days)
Imbolc Eve: Day of the Bean Sidhe (Pagan)
John Bosco (Christian; Saint)
Julius of Novara (Christian; Saint)
Ludovica (Christian; Blessed)
Máedóc (a.k.a. Maidoc, Mogue, Aidan, Aiden; Christian; Saint)
Marcella (Christian; Saint)
Mary the Gorilla (Muppetism)
Max Pechstein (Artology)
Me-Dam-Me-Phi (Ahom Veneration of the Dead; Assam, India)
Navajo Sing (Preparation Festival for Coming Agricultural Season) [Through 2.8]
Nicetas of Novgorod (Christian; Saint)
Norman Mailer (Writerism)
Peter or Pedro Nolasco (Christian; Saint)
Rodolphe Töpffer (Artology)
Samuel Shoemaker (Episcopal Church (USA))
Seapion (Christian; Saint)
Theodore Kaczinski Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tysul (Christian; Saint)
Ulphia (Christian; Virgin)
Valkyries’ Day (Norse)
Veronus  (Christian; Saint) [Lembeek & Belgian brewers]
Wilgils (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 31 [11 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Ali Baba (ComicColor Cartoon; 1936)
All My Children (TV Soap Opera; 1949)
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (TV Film; 1974)
Barney’s Hungry Cousin, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger (Philosophy Book; 1927)
Bellerophon, by Jean-Baptiste Lully (Opera; 1679)
Black Sunday, by Thomas Harris (Novel; 1975)
Cheerful Little Pierful or Bomb Voyage (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 19; 1960)
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (Film; 1986)
Family Guy (Animated TV Series; 1999)
Gia (Film; 1998)
The Green Hornet (Radio Series; 1936)
Key & Peele (TV Series; 2012)
The Lone Ranger (Radio Series; 1933)
McDougal’s Rest Farm (Terrytoons Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1947)
A Mouse Divided (WB MM Cartoon; 19353
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Film; 1941)
Murphy’s Romance (Film; 1986)
Mystery Girl, by Roy Orbison (Album; 1989)
Pagan Moon (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
A Perfect Day for Bananafish, by J.D. Salinger (Short Story; 1948)
Ragnarok (TV Series; 2020)
The Saint on the Spanish Main, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1955) [Saint #31]
The Soup Song, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Spiderwick Chronicles (Film; 2008)
Summer Squash or He’s Too Flat for Me (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 20; 1960)
Teddy, by J.D. Salinger (Short Story; 1953)
These Are My Children (TV Soap Opera; 1949) [1st TV Soap Opera]
Thoughts In Solitude, by Thomas Merton (Spiritual Book; 1956)
The Village Smitty, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Witness for the Prosecution, by Agatha Christie (Short Story; 1948)
The Wonder Years (TV Series; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Johannes, Marcella (Austria)
Ivan, Julije, Vanja (Croatia)
Marika (Czech Republic)
Vigilius (Denmark)
Meeland, Meelik, Meelis, Meelit, Meelitu, Meelo, Meelu (Estonia)
Alli (Finland)
Marcelle (France)
Johannes, Marcella, Rudbert (Germany)
Evdoxia, Kyros (Greece)
Gerda, Marcella (Hungary)
Geminiano, Giovanni (Italy)
Dekla, Jalna, Tekla, Tikla, Violeta (Latvia)
Astra, Budvilė, Marcelė, Skirmantas (Lithuania)
Idun, Ivar (Norway)
Cyrus, Euzebiusz, Jan, Ksawery, Ludwik, Marceli, Marcelin, Marcelina, Piotr, Spycigniew, Wirgiliusz (Poland)
Chir, Ioan (Romania)
Ksenia (Russia)
Emil (Slovakia)
Juan, Marcela (Spain)
Ivar, Joar (Sweden)
Cyrus, Kira, Kyra, Lona, Loni, Lonnie, Scarlett, Zane (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 31 of 2024; 335 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 5 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 21 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 21 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 20 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 1 Grey; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 18 January 2024
Moon: 71%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Homer (2nd Month) [Anacreon)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 42 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 10 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Grey (Month 2 of 12; J Calendar)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.31
Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day
Backwards Day
Brexit Day (UK)
Broccoli Day (French Republic)
Child Labor Day
Dicing for Maid's Money Day (Surrey, UK)
Eve of Brigantia (Ireland)
Final Fantasy VIII Day (Japan)
Feast of Great Typos
Hell Is Freezing Over Day
Hug an Economist Day
Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Men & Boys
International Day of the Magicians
International Omphalocele Awareness Day
International Street Children’s Day
International Zebra Day
Jackie Robinson Day
Me-Dam-Me-Phi (Assam, India)
National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools
National Bug Busting Day (UK)
National Gorilla Suit Day (Don Martin, in Mad Magazine)
National Music Therapy Day (Mexico)
National Pick on Lindsay Day
National Punk Day
National Seth Day
Play An Old Game You Haven't Played In Years Night
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saint Brigid’s Eve (Ireland)
Scotch Tape Day
Street Children's Day (Austria)
St. Veronus' Day (patron saint of Lembeek & Belgian brewers)
Thermos Bottle Day
Train Hijacking Day
Tupiza New Year (Indigenous Bolivia)
Twist Off Cap Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brandy Alexander Day
Day of Russian Vodka
Eat Brussels Sprouts Day
National Hot Chocolate Day
World Vegan Chocolate Day
5th & Last Wednesday in January
Bell Let’s Talk Day (Canada) [Last Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Ladoland (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Nauru (from Australia, 1968)
Varladia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Año Nuevo en Tupiza (Tupiza New Year; Indigenous Bolivia)
Festivals Beginning January 31, 2024
Calabash South Africa (Capetown, South Africa)
Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) [thru 2.18]
Cattlecon (Orlando, Florida) [thru 2.2]
Festival of Literature (Dubai, UAE) [thru 2.6]
La Folle Journée (Nantes, France) [thru 2.4]
NBBQA (National Barbecue & Grilling Association) National Conference (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.3]
Southern Farm Show (Raleigh, North Carolina) [thru 2.2]
Feast Days
Adamant of Coldingham (Christian; Saint)
Amartithi (Meher Baba; India)
Anacreon (Positivist; Saint)
Banyu Pinaruh (Water Purification Ceremony; Bali)
Celebration of the Triple Goddess (Goddess of the Moon and the Seasons; Old European Lunar New Year) [Thru 2.3]
Cyrus and John (Christian; Martyrs)
Day of Hecate (Goddess of Crossroads; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Dicing for Maid’s Money (Guildford, UK)
Disablot (Norse celebration of new beginnings)
Disfest (Sacrifice Honoring the Disir, all female relatives from forever)
Domitius (Domice) of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Isis (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Transmission Errors
Francis Xavier Bianchi (Christian; Saint)
Geminianus (Christian; Saint)
Honey Badger Avoidance Day (Pastafarian)
Imbolc Eve (Celtic Book of Days)
Imbolc Eve: Day of the Bean Sidhe (Pagan)
John Bosco (Christian; Saint)
Julius of Novara (Christian; Saint)
Ludovica (Christian; Blessed)
Máedóc (a.k.a. Maidoc, Mogue, Aidan, Aiden; Christian; Saint)
Marcella (Christian; Saint)
Mary the Gorilla (Muppetism)
Max Pechstein (Artology)
Me-Dam-Me-Phi (Ahom Veneration of the Dead; Assam, India)
Navajo Sing (Preparation Festival for Coming Agricultural Season) [Through 2.8]
Nicetas of Novgorod (Christian; Saint)
Norman Mailer (Writerism)
Peter or Pedro Nolasco (Christian; Saint)
Rodolphe Töpffer (Artology)
Samuel Shoemaker (Episcopal Church (USA))
Seapion (Christian; Saint)
Theodore Kaczinski Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tysul (Christian; Saint)
Ulphia (Christian; Virgin)
Valkyries’ Day (Norse)
Veronus  (Christian; Saint) [Lembeek & Belgian brewers]
Wilgils (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 31 [11 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Ali Baba (ComicColor Cartoon; 1936)
All My Children (TV Soap Opera; 1949)
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (TV Film; 1974)
Barney’s Hungry Cousin, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger (Philosophy Book; 1927)
Bellerophon, by Jean-Baptiste Lully (Opera; 1679)
Black Sunday, by Thomas Harris (Novel; 1975)
Cheerful Little Pierful or Bomb Voyage (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 19; 1960)
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (Film; 1986)
Family Guy (Animated TV Series; 1999)
Gia (Film; 1998)
The Green Hornet (Radio Series; 1936)
Key & Peele (TV Series; 2012)
The Lone Ranger (Radio Series; 1933)
McDougal’s Rest Farm (Terrytoons Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1947)
A Mouse Divided (WB MM Cartoon; 19353
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Film; 1941)
Murphy’s Romance (Film; 1986)
Mystery Girl, by Roy Orbison (Album; 1989)
Pagan Moon (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
A Perfect Day for Bananafish, by J.D. Salinger (Short Story; 1948)
Ragnarok (TV Series; 2020)
The Saint on the Spanish Main, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1955) [Saint #31]
The Soup Song, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Spiderwick Chronicles (Film; 2008)
Summer Squash or He’s Too Flat for Me (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 20; 1960)
Teddy, by J.D. Salinger (Short Story; 1953)
These Are My Children (TV Soap Opera; 1949) [1st TV Soap Opera]
Thoughts In Solitude, by Thomas Merton (Spiritual Book; 1956)
The Village Smitty, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1931)
The Witness for the Prosecution, by Agatha Christie (Short Story; 1948)
The Wonder Years (TV Series; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Johannes, Marcella (Austria)
Ivan, Julije, Vanja (Croatia)
Marika (Czech Republic)
Vigilius (Denmark)
Meeland, Meelik, Meelis, Meelit, Meelitu, Meelo, Meelu (Estonia)
Alli (Finland)
Marcelle (France)
Johannes, Marcella, Rudbert (Germany)
Evdoxia, Kyros (Greece)
Gerda, Marcella (Hungary)
Geminiano, Giovanni (Italy)
Dekla, Jalna, Tekla, Tikla, Violeta (Latvia)
Astra, Budvilė, Marcelė, Skirmantas (Lithuania)
Idun, Ivar (Norway)
Cyrus, Euzebiusz, Jan, Ksawery, Ludwik, Marceli, Marcelin, Marcelina, Piotr, Spycigniew, Wirgiliusz (Poland)
Chir, Ioan (Romania)
Ksenia (Russia)
Emil (Slovakia)
Juan, Marcela (Spain)
Ivar, Joar (Sweden)
Cyrus, Kira, Kyra, Lona, Loni, Lonnie, Scarlett, Zane (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 31 of 2024; 335 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 5 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 11 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 21 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 21 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 20 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 1 Grey; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 18 January 2024
Moon: 71%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Homer (2nd Month) [Anacreon)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 42 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 10 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Grey (Month 2 of 12; J Calendar)
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bitshoarder · 9 months
Headcanon: MK doesn't have a belly button
Probably it's already has been written by someone
Caution - there are some surgical talk under the cut, nothing special though. Also spoilers for season 4
When Pigsy and Tang found MK at the first time, they could be quite confused with the absence of the belly button. One of the hypothesis was that the kid is yao. But then, when they started digging up where this child could come from, they figured it could be caused by one of the surgical operations that leave an infant w/o belly button (specifically due to gastroschisis or omphalocele. A famous example irl would be Karolina Kurkova or Nick Rogers.) and the scars were healed after several years - and decided they can't really tell by this trait alone what the kid is.
The absence of belly button makes him an easier target for school bullying.
MK is prone to cover his midsection to not raise attention towards him.
He could have a groove instead of belly button, that's quite common after the operations
In similar fashion Sun Wukong and other beings born without parents don't have belly buttons too. Nezha might be an exception to the rule in the other way around and be born without belly button despite being born by his mother or a belly button could stay after his resurrection into an animated lotus
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Sol badguy guilty gear
Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear has Omphalocele!
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creativeusart-svg · 11 months
Peace Love Cure Omphalocele Awareness Svg Cutting Printable Files
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What are common conditions that may require neonatal surgery?
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Common conditions that may require neonatal surgery include a range of congenital anomalies and medical conditions that affect newborns. Some of these conditions include:
Congenital Heart Defects: Some infants are born with structural abnormalities in the heart that may require surgical correction, such as ventricular septal defects (VSD), atrial septal defects (ASD), or complex heart conditions.
Abdominal Wall Defects:
Gastroschisis: This is a condition where the baby is born with the intestines outside the abdominal wall.
Omphalocele: In omphalocele, some of the baby's abdominal organs protrude through the navel.
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH): CDH is a condition where there is a hole in the diaphragm, allowing abdominal organs to move into the chest cavity. Surgery is often required to repair the diaphragm.
Intestinal Atresia: Intestinal atresia is a condition where there is a blockage in the intestines, often requiring surgical intervention to remove the affected portion and rejoin healthy segments.
Esophageal Atresia: This is a condition where the esophagus does not develop as a continuous tube, necessitating surgical repair to connect the two ends.
Anorectal Malformations: Infants with anorectal malformations may have congenital issues related to the anus and rectum that require surgical correction.
Urinary Tract Abnormalities: Conditions such as posterior urethral valves or vesicoureteral reflux may require surgical intervention to correct structural abnormalities in the urinary system.
Spina Bifida: In some cases of spina bifida, surgical closure of the spinal defect is needed shortly after birth to protect the spinal cord.
Cleft Lip and Palate: While not typically performed in the neonatal period, surgeries to repair cleft lip and palate are common procedures in infants.
Neonatal Tumors: Some infants may be born with tumors that require surgical removal or treatment.
Chronic Lung Disease: In some cases, premature infants with underdeveloped lungs may require surgery or procedures to improve lung function.
The specific conditions that may require neonatal surgery can vary widely, and the decision for surgery is based on the individual needs of the newborn. Paediatric surgeons and neonatal specialists work together to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each case.
Consult, Dr. Bhavesh Doshi is a General, Laparoscopic, and Pediatric surgeon in Mumbai, and he experienced a doctor in neonatal surgery. practising at Dhanvantari Hospital.
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drivemysoul · 1 year
hi sorry I just stumbled across you whilst looking to see if there was anyone else on Tumblr who's an omphalocele survivor and I just want to say hi and you're not alone and we're fuckin out here!!!!!!! let's GOOOO
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Molar Twin Deliveries with Coexisting Fetus at Term: Concerning Two Uncomplicated Cases of Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor, From 2015-2021, In Conakry, Guinea
The coexistence of a molar pregnancy with a live fetus is a rare entity of difficult diagnosis and treatment. Continuation of the pregnancy until full-term delivery is possible. We report two cases of twin molar deliveries observed empirically from 2015-2021, in the gynecology-obstetrics department of the Donka national hospital and in the maternity ward of the Jean Paul II hospital in Conakry. The discovery was made on ultrasound of the first trimester of pregnancy and macroscopic examination of the placenta. One of the neonates was alive, a healthy female and the other was polymal formed with facial dysmorphism, omphalocele and sexual ambiguity, fresh stillborn. There was no maternal complication towards a gestational trophoblastic tumor (T.T.G) in both cases. Efforts must be made in the prevention of T.T.G. by screening for twin molar pregnancies with healthy fetuses on transvaginal ultrasound in the first trimester, the dosage of HCG in the face of unexplained metrorrhagia, macroscopic observation of the placenta after each delivery and biopsy sampling of any suspicious placenta.
Complete moles with a coexisting fetus, evolving at term with spontaneous vaginal delivery, without fetal and maternal complications, are rare. Early diagnosis of this association leads in the majority of cases to termination of pregnancy on the one hand because of the frequency of triploidy and on the other hand because of the maternal risk and the possibility of progression to persistent trophoblastic disease [1]. We report two particular cases of twin molar deliveries at term without fetal complication and without progression to maternal gestational trophoblastic disease in the gynecology-obstetrics department of the Donka national hospital, the Teaching Hospital (C.H.U) of Conakry and in the maternity ward of the Jean Paul II hospital in Conakry.
Patients and Observations
Case 1
This was Mrs. D.F.B, aged 19, primigravida and primiparous, with no particular history, admitted while in labor at the gynecology- obstetrics department of Donka National Hospital, Conakry Teaching Hospital, with two results of ultrasound performed with a transparietal probe during her pregnancy. These results did not mention any notion of hydatidiform mole or associated congenital malformation. The pregnancy would have progressed normally until its term without maternal or fetal complications. It was only after the delivery of a fresh stillborn, polymalformed (with facial dysmorphism, omphalocele and sexual ambiguity) child, that the macroscopic examination of the placenta made it possible to make the diagnosis of presumptive mole twin by the presence of a normal placenta attached to a vesicular mass characteristic of a mole. The biopsy sample allowed the histological diagnosis of a complete mole. The post molar follow- up had been organized without maternal complication 61 days before the closure of the service for renovation, on October 5, 2015.
Case 2
This was Mrs. H.C, seamstress, 30 years old, gravidity of 5 and parity of 5 including a twin birth and a laparotomy for ruptured ectopic pregnancy (GEU), who came on her own for a consultation for incoercible vomiting, physical asthenia on a menorrhea of 3 three months, June 19, 2020. The clinical examination had objectified a uterine height greater than the age of amenorrhea and dating ultrasound had made it possible to observe, intrauterine, a normal eutrophic fetus of 13 weeks – Amenorrhea (W.A) and a poorly vascularized heterogeneous multicystic mass. The beta HCG serum marker level was 16000IU/l. We had concluded a twin molar pregnancy and animated counseling on the interest of a medical termination of pregnancy to avoid the risks associated with serious maternal complications of trophoblastic tumor including choriocarcinoma. The couple, after a delay of two weeks, had opted to continue the pregnancy until its term. A pregnancy monitoring and childbirth preparation plan had been drawn up with the pregnant woman, whose morphological ultrasound at the 23rd W.A of the second trimester carried out on 03/09/2020, which had objectified a mass of 81 x 97 mm, in previa position. The pregnancy had progressed, without fetal and maternal complications, at 40 WA 2 days and ended with a vaginal delivery of a normal female child, alive and weighing 2830 grams. The woman had benefited from active management of the third stage of labor (TSLM) and digital uterine dissection to confirm the uterine cavity. Macroscopic examination of the adnexa had confirmed the presence of two separate placentas, joined together (Figure 1), one of which appeared normal and linked to the umbilical cord and had a histologically confirmed vesicular mass of “complete mole”. The planned post-molar follow-up was regular with progressive regression of the beta HCG level until negativity on the fortieth day of delivery without any clinical particularity on the closing date of January 31, 2021.
The diagnosis of the association of a live fetus with a normal karyotype with a hydatidiform mole is often difficult, especially in the absence of revealing clinical signs [2,3]. The diagnostic modalities of molar twin pregnancy associating a complete mole with a healthy fetus were different due to the early ultrasound detection in the first trimester and the observation of the placenta. The lack of diagnosis of the coexisting mole during pregnancy despite the two ultrasound examinations in the first case would be linked to the age of the ultrasound scanners, which are often second-hand, the technique used (endovaginal in the first trimester or transparietal) and of the operator’s experience in the first observation. Early ultrasound detection made it possible to develop a follow-up plan for pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in the second case. In the event of a twin pregnancy associating a live fetus and a molar pregnancy, the pregnancy can be continued until term if the patient wishes after having been informed of the risks and the most frequently reported complications (hemorrhages, late miscarriage, fetal death in utero and preeclampsia) [3]. Evacuation of the pregnancy is required only in cases of fetal anomalies or deterioration of the maternal condition [4]. The probability of obtaining a live birth varies between 16 and 56% [5] or 16 and 60% [4] deliveries. The continuation of the pregnancy is against payment given the risks of immediate and distant maternal complications. Close monitoring of the mother and fetus can help achieve a favorable outcome [4]. We accepted monitoring despite the maternal risks for one of our two pregnant women. The two pregnancies resulted spontaneously in the normal delivery at term of a healthy living fetus and another which would have succumbed to its multiple malformations per partum. The most feared complication is progression to gestational trophoblastic disease [1]. The diagnosis of postmolar Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor (G.G.T.) can be made according to criteria such as the persistence of h.C.G detectable more than 6 months after uterine evacuation and the histological diagnosis of choriocarcinoma [5]. According to Ikram Boubess et al., who adopted termination of two of these pregnancies, one remotely progressed to an invasive mole [6]. Regular monitoring of h.C.G levels throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period is necessary to detect GTN [7]. For Suksai M et al., a pregnancy with an initial serum h.C.G level of less than 400,000m.U.I/ml is a good candidate for the continuation of the pregnancy and the achievement of fetal viability [8]. The incidence of post-molar GTN is higher in twin pregnancies combining a complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) and a normal fetus than in single CHM [9].
Spontaneous evolution of the association of molar pregnancy with a live-to-term fetus, without immediate fetal and maternal complications, is possible. The most formidable complication, gestational trophoblastic tumor, choriocarcinoma, was not observed during the study period. The prevention of this complication requires the training of providers in endovaginal ultrasound, its systematic practice in the first trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound and biological monitoring of suspected cases during pregnancy, systematic macroscopic examination of the placenta with biopsy of cases suspect for histological confirmation.
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