#on my knees hoping she doesnt die
luniise-kel · 5 months
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thinking about how cool and awesome moon stone cassandra couldve been if she wasnt given the world’s worst villain motivation
dropping my whole au / rewrote of season 3 below
uh preface is im sleepy and its almost midnight, so like sorry if some parts dont make sense or whatever
uhh basically, instead of cass trying to like reach her destiny or whatever as like her Main motivation and the only reason to why she Evil and Malicious ive changed it so its more mixed in with her desire to protect rapunzel. i think moonstone cass is cool and i like the idea of her but i really just think her execution was poor mostly because it wasn’t built up as much as it shouldve been.
rewrote cass’s character slightly just so there more empathize on her idolization of her mother, and so when she learns the truth of why mother gothel left her, the knee jerk reaction to blame raps makes a little more sense.
Anyways, Season 3 cass deals with a lot of her issues, i think on the journey to get the moonstone something something happens and cassandra is told that if rapunzel comes in contact with the moonstone she will Implode. Like die. Return to being the sundrop. and cass is like oh fuck, shit, balls, I need to Protect her from Dying. So out of her intense Need to protect Rapunzel she yoinks the moonstone, and (still slightly pissed at raps for stealing her mom but not really she’s just trying to figure out her emotions + rapunzel needs to get away away from this rock) she goes into Evil mode.
Her villain arc is partly fueled by her anger at her own situation, always in second place. her desire to feel love and cherished and important rather than being the 2nd option. However, it is also fueled by her need to provide safety to her friends ,, even if it’s not the smartest choice. Moonstone Cass devotes her entire identify to being the cliche villain, so no one feels bad if like the solution to destroying the moonstone is killing her. she knows that logically the Zhan Tiri is manipulating her but 1. she idgaf and 2. she needs to learn how to control the moonstone’s power so she doesnt hurt her friends.
Tbh boiled now, it’s just cass isnt obsessive with mother gothel and mother gothel leaving her to kidnap a baby because it made like no sense for her character. like instead, moonstone cass grabbles with her identify and place in the world, who she is outside of rapunzel. Also she wants to learn more about her past, yknow, who mother gothel was and is she Worth getting upset over. spoiler she figures out that no, her bio mom sucks booty
Anyways, throughout my version of season 3, cass is trying to figure out a way to destroy the moonstone. She visits Rapunzel often too and pretends to be evil just so she can check in. She angry at her mom but not so much on rapunzel, maybe a little bit but probably more to with simply trying to crave out her identify outside of rapunzel. Same general plot beats happen in s3, but shes more grief driven than anger driven i suppose.
Theres probably a lot i forgot to like, reformulate in this especially w s3 bc i havent had the time to rewatch it and collect my thoughts that well. But, uh, hope u enjoyed. might yap more about my personal gripes with the show and how i think it shouldve been written.
also to add on i suppose, at the end of the series she gets exiled from corona officially, but lowkey comes back to hang out and after like a year every1 is like yeah okay i guess.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Instrument/band purly au headcannons???
If that makes sense
im basing this off my experiences w music classes i hope we r all rockin w that
i hope i read this right and u meant band as in band class and not BAND band😢😢
•ok so their music class had units where they did different instruments each unit there was piano, guitar, then drums, and then after those main ones they dabbled into other ones
•if theres one instruments haitians gonna cling to its guitars, ik that was curlys fav unit, pony was having a bit of trouble w all of em
•they can both read music sheets well, thats not the issue here, they can grasp that part pretty easily bc they drum on each others thighs/knees to tap out the beat, the problem is PLAYING those bitches
•pony CANNOT play the piano, he could NOT understand how to play that thing, for the life of him, even if u paid him to play twinkle twinkle little star he’d tell u to keep ur money to save himself the embarrassment
•curly CAN play the piano he just doesnt like to cause its boring as shit to him, every other thing tho he loves playing and is constantly fiddling w em
•however curly was just annoying as hell on the drums so he was pushed to stick w guitar, he kept doing that “ba dum tsss” shit w the drums when something happened and nobody could take it anymore
•pony hated the drums bc it was always so loud and it pissed him off so bad, he was so happy when curly was taken off those drums man😭
•they both teamed up a lot when it was time to just practice, they did get the job done tho, its not that the class was THAT hard or anything, theyre both pretty artistic, the would rlly just fuck around and laugh, they did practice, but they got it pretty quick so they didnt spend too long on it
•when it came time for everyone to come together to practice the song as a whole, pony and curly were giggling to themselves bc more chances than not they sounded like shit all together, these mfs sounded tone deaf, but other times they just cringe bc they cover songs they actually like and its just completely fucked up
•they HATEEEE performing in front of everyone, angela doesnt take the music class they take, she takes chorus (more like is forced to) and she always SPECIFICALLY looks out for curly to laugh in his face
•once the teacher held a recital and tim, soda, and darry showed up and tim was like rodrick in greg’s talent show, just recording for blackmail later on, darry and soda was supportive but that didnt make pony any less better he wanted to DIE on stage
•dont even get them started on the wind instrument unit.
•would this REALLY b papercut if i didnt say that curly would use this class especially to flirt w pony with little to no restraint bc he could just tell the teacher that they were so close bc he was trying to teach pony the proper hand placements and he was so near his ear bc it was loud as hell🤨🤨🤨
•pony would fuck w the cowbell lowkey, its simple and he doesnt have to put that much effort, curly is just fucking w the tambourines pretending hes in church or somethin
•taking those instruments home was hell on the both of them, neither of them bring fucking backpacks to school so holding the instruments around felt so weird to em
•usually darry doesnt allow the bedroom door to b closed when curlys around, but bc theyre “practicing their instruments” he allows it BUT he does pop in more frequently to make sure they do NOT match each others freaks
•that dont stop curly though he WILL get kissed in that room one way or another, if theyre kissing and they hear the door knob jiggle, they just quickly pull away and pretend they r discussing the music sheet
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
im just starting to watch the smosh mouth episode with arasha and WOAH was it. a Not So Good idea to check the comments. its definitely okay to disagree with an opinion of a cast member and i know its the nature of youtube comments (particularly smosh’s youtube comments section) to discuss these things, but the number of times i’ve seen people call amanda a “major red flag” or immediately label her as a bad person just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Oof yeah, Im not even gonna look. That's unfortunate, although not too surprising I guess. I tend to not watch a lot of Reddit Stories or read the comments on Reddit Stories for a similar reason lol. As someone who can disagree with some of Amanda's knee jerk takes in gen, and some of todays, I can totally see why her opinions/way of expressing them can catch people off guard/why people might have found it off putting.
But I also generally tend to land in the camp of, at most, like. "well, that's unfortunate. 🤷‍♀️." Honestly, people are perfectly justified to feel put off or surprised or discomfited, but its always worth revisiting what is actually helpful/healthy beyond that reaction. Ive just cut out like another two paragraphs talking about this but suffice it to say. Yeah. Ah man. I hope you can steer clear of the comments for a bit, and fingers crossed we can get more Amarasha with slightly less excitement surrounding it. I also think that a few of the people leaving more vehement hate comments about Amanda have actually done it semi-consistently on a few of these videos, so I'd. Take it with a grain of salt.
Anyway if desired, word dump under the cut on how I tend to view my own disagreement + thoughts on why the reaction can be so vehement. Its a little incoherent because I should've been asleep three hours ago whoops.
It's helped me to understand that a lot of it comes down to:
- The perspective that Amanda tends to approach things from (largely based off her own lived experiences) can be very different from mine. It doesnt mean it invalidates my lived experience or anything, nor does mine invalidate hers, but the base assumptions I'm making vs hers are probably very different. Not mutually exclusive, just different. Not acknowledging the difference means that miscommunication can happen where it feels like direct disagreement is happening when its more that two pretty distinct questions/trains of thought are being considered, with differing, or nuanced answers. Given different contexts, I might agree with her a lot more, or less!
- The kind of discussion that she and the others are going for- aka, often gearing for a baseline amount of, if not optimizing for, entertainment/comedy- is probably also different from what I might want/expect. (Like a deep dive on philosophy or logistics or just specific answers to questions/thoughts I have). Expecting a deeply nuanced, meticulous and fully considered discussion in a podcast intended for discussion and bits hosted by two comedians is probably not going to pan out for me. Or TL;DR Amanda might double down for a bit, not to actually die on a hill for an argument.
- In general I think Amanda holds opinions strongly- esp ones informed by her personal experiences AND loves committing to a bit. i went on a spiel already in the replies here chatting about some of this. But basically it comes hand in hand with the confidence that i really admire about her, and I don't generally feel like invalidation or malice is intended. If prompted to walk through her reasoning, I can typically see where she's coming from, even if I don't agree, and its nice to think vice versa might be true. But I probably will never know for sure!
- Generally it's not the end of the world TO disagree. its just like that sometimes. If it feels like the disagreement means the other person HAS to be a "bad person", its good to revisit that instinct and understand why. What assumptions are you making? Is it defensiveness or disappointment? etc etc. I don't have to convince myself of anything, but if I'm having a strong emotional response, it's good to know why.
- Arasha especially was helpful for clarifying elements of the above! But you can only ever get so much clarity. So yknow. Like at a certain point, no matter how much brain gymnastics I do, its not a discussion between me and Amanda or whoever I disagree with. So at a certain point, I need to be OK with whatever info I have + my takeaway. Whatever that looks like.
- Above all else, we don't know these people!
sorry i was gonna make this more fun but i need to sleep, and will probably be busy enough tomorrow that i didn't want to leave this in my box. TL;DR. yeah. its unfortunate. Steer clear of comments there for a bit, things'll even out. I hope that helps!
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minific :) hope u like it!! it doesnt have much of canon lore applied, and its Mann Vs Machine. Spy bein a dad when its far too late :(
The team had been split up when the robots attacked, and Scout and Sniper had gotten stuck together. Not that it was any issue for Scout, though. He figured the Australian wouldn't mind sticking with him for a little while, and so far, he hasn't left. But it's too quiet, even for someone like Sniper, the least talkative member on the team.
"Hey, you think the others are alright?" Scout looks at the marksman.
"Why wouldn't they be? They've better aim when close up than I ever bloody will." Sniper glances at Scout before returning his gaze to the hallway ahead of them. Broken robots lay littered about.
"Someone was here." Sniper frowns. "They must not be far."
"No shit, Sherlock-- is that blood?" Scout frowns, the red stain on the floor catching his attention.
"Yeah. Trail o' it, too..." Sniper frowns. "You follow it. I'll make sure there's no more of the bloody boltheads comin' down the halls."
"Gotcha." Scout quickly begins to follow the trail until he reaches the end of the hallway, where the rough smell of cigarette smoke fills the air.
"Ah. It's you." The voice of Spy says from the dark, and Scout flicks the lights on. Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn't... this.
Spy's injured badly. There's blood staining his suit in multiple areas, and what appears to be a gunshot wound to his upper body seems to be the main cause.
"Holy crap...!" Scout quickly snaps out of the trance he was in, and opens the duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He digs through it, pulling out bandages. Of course he'd forgotten the medkits. Fan-fucking-tastic.
"Scout, I am no doctor, but I don't think a simple band aid is going to heal a bullet wound." Spy glares at the runner.
"I'm tryna help you, man! Cut me some slack." Scout scowls, and Spy just sighs.
"Scout. Just... stop. I'm not making it out of this room alive. My leg is broken and I've been shot four times. It's a miracle I'm not already dead." Spy pushes the bandages away, fllicking his burned-out cigarette away with his other hand.
"Well... that's just morbid. I can use comms to get Snipes to find Doc?" Scout reaches for his headpiece, but Spy shakes his head.
"I want you to listen to me, boy. I don't want to be saved. I've accepted that I'm not going to make it out of here. It's better this way."
"Shut up!" Spy raises his voice to a yell, before letting out a pained sigh, propping himself higher up against the wall. "Just... listen to what I have to say, Jeremy."
Scout's eyes widen slightly. He isn't wearing his dog tags, there's no way Spy could've known.
"This will... sound familiar, I hope. I hate repeating myself." Spy lights a second cigarette. Hesitating. "27 years ago, I met a beautiful woman. She was everything I could've wished for... and we were happy together. As Tom Jones would say, I... dropped a 'sex bomb' on her. I was young then, and I ran from the explosion."
It all sounds so familiar. Had Scout heard this before? Where? When...? He can remember someone saying this to him...
Holy. Crap.
"You... You were the Tom Jones that I saw." Scout whispers. Spy just nods.
"I... It is one of my many regrets, leaving you and your mother behind. I was a coward. I suppose I still am, since it would seem I can only admit to this on the edge of death." Speaking is getting more difficult for Spy, and Scout can tell, hesitating before lowering his headpiece.
"Snipes. Find Doc. Hurry."
"Mate-? Wha--" The Australian's cut off as Scout tosses the headpiece aside, and Scout kneels at Spy's side.
"You're my dad. I-- I can't let you just... die here! There's... so much lost time to be made up." Scout starts unravelling the bandage. Maybe it's the shock stopping him from feeling the pain in his leg from a loose nail digging into his knee, maybe it's the sudden adrenaline rush. Doesn't matter. Spy needs to make it out of this alive.
"Jeremy." Spy's voice is calm, with the slightest hint of pain in it. Scout looks up at Spy, who takes his mask off.
He looks just like how Scout's ma had always described him, just... older, with streaks of grey in his styled-back hair and dark circles under his eyes that Scout had never noticed before. But they share the same blue eyes.
"I am proud to see the man you've become. You've made good friends. Your mother did amazing raising you." Spy pulls a photo from his suit pocket, holding it out to Scout. "Here. I kept this when I left. I always have it with me."
It's a photo of 2 year old Scout, with his mother and Spy sitting beside him, watching him open his christmas present: A baseball bat.
Scout looks back at Spy, his vision blurry. Spy smiles at him, whispering something in French that Scout can't understand, and Scout can see the life leave Spy's eyes.
"Dad?" Scout's voice is small, his eyes wide, staring at Spy's motionless body. He tentatively reaches over and shakes Spy's shoulder, but the Frenchman doesn't respond. He's dead. Forcing back a sob, he pulls the corpse into a hug as the sound of footsteps behind him come closer and closer.
Scout never got the chance to learn his father's name.
The angst got to me. I'm not gonna lie. This is so amazing, Anon. If you ever start writing these on your blog (or if you already do), please let me know because I will be your number one fan, I swear 💪
Thank you for sending this in. It is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. You're an amazing writer, and I literally can't compliment you enough!!!
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safetyobstacles · 11 months
starting o segredo na floresta now, im either gonna finish this in a week or its gonna take months good luck me
update - i love joui
joui, its a little cloudy out, roll for sanity. joe, you stubbed your toe, roll sanity. joui did you just frown???????? roll a sanity test with disadvantage. that was cool joui, you gain 1 sanity. just kidding somewhere in the netherlands a child tripped and scraped their knee, you lose 10 sanity.
i think im going to put my updates under the cut instead of spamming posts B) beware of spoil
if cellbit takes liz or thiago from me ill never forgive him
this bar has to be its own paranormal entity, thiago would have died if the gun had a bullet in it and cristopher nearly got knifed to death in their first fight loll
EP 2
npc thiago about to be the most useless mf ever i swear if he dies to a stray ant or something ill cry just put him in a box for safe keeping
what would i do without the mental image of joui dropkicking every monster he sees
liz why are you finger painting with the ooze monsters remains and why did it give you 1 hp ?????? NEVERMIND
EP 3
RACCOON bro has 8 health but he sure is happy
faz um teste de sanidade
when i said thiago was gonna die to an ant i didnt actually mean kill him with giant spiders
cristopher no please dont climb a tree these are spiders they can climb nah bro cristopher is dead af im gonna miss him. bro cellbit just kill him already bros dead 2 hp
ep 4
at this rate luba doesnt even need to roll sanity we all know hes gonna fail anyways joui's having the worst two days of his life
jesus christ i just woke up i cant handle this shit cesar's punching a hole in my itty bitty heart bones
please stop talking about leticio's cacetinho
EP 5 how long is too long for a tumblr post btw
the starting soon screen replaced cris with arthur notlikethis
cellbit is far too happy about them going to this house i hate it i hate it
i would like for them to leave a casa now :))) they got gregório time to go :) DAMN JOUI JUST GOT STEAMROLLED BY THAT ZOMBIE ROLLED A 99 VS CELLS 1 jesus christ thiago LOL NO WAY GREGÓRIO IS DEAD AF bro was just taking a nap in the car and this is what he gets
that was horribly stressful its 3 am how am i supposed to sleep after that
to be fair, if i was rodolfo and liz didnt use the tazer, i would have just dragged gregório in front of arthur and killed him in right in front of his face soo...
luba i know youve been rolling absolute dog shit the last 5 episodes but this one really counts buddy brulio :(
most stressful hour of youtube ive ever sat through i cant believe they all lived
EP 7 im so glad they're going back to the house im so happy ive never wanted anything else this is great nothing could go wrong in this house nothing
7 episodes in and ive just now realised that he keeps talking about circles and spirals and those have significance with a certain element and now i want them to leave carpazinha go back home forget this ever happened
undressing with the homies in the haunted basement next to a dead old man
not thiago canonically talking to a bookshelf after complaining about joui's whispering to his shotgun
this whole graveyard scene has me in tears thiago staring at nothing while they try to get him to unmute, old guy on the phone, joui picking up the old lady i just laughed so hard i feel ill
the one time joui doesnt fail a roll he loses 6 SANITY?? 8 SANITY?????????????? SENHORA VOCE TA BEM????? YOU JUST CHOKED HER OUT JOUI WAIT SHES GONNA DIE??????????? SHES GOING TO DIE???????????? THE GASOLINE IN THE MOUTH??
grounded from the shotgun for 1 week
EP 8
Thiago's pants are still fucked up from last episode btw
about to have a tpk over alchohol poisoning
if cesar survives this campaign hes gonna put as many points possible into forgery
a caverna im goign fuckign crazy the god of tdeath pr spomething is in this cave theyre gonna walk inside trip on a pebble and get eaten by hundreds of tiny cave beetles
Victor is absolutely about to get his face eated by a spider and/or be swallowed by the cave
ok but santo berço looks kinda cool like i would live there
EP 9 he just (re?)released osnf merch but i refuse to be spoiled by absolutely anything ive done so well i will not be tainted by cesar's really cool green on black long sleeve
wait i love the gatekeeper its a shame this town is probably a hallucination and theyre all actually slowly dying in the middle of the forest GIANT COWS I LOVE THE GIANT COWS WITH REGULAR SIZED HEADS
buttery butter
thiago this is why you should have quit smoking
EP 10 so if thiago hadnt used the lighter would felps still be alive, probably just would have died later B)
bro joui has got to buy new dice this is crazy
this is gonna be the average 2 star motel experience BRO JUST DABBED ON CESAR liz is about to get bodied by the hallway ghosts this is just like a regular motel HUH UHHHHHHH
no joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy
mom i want to go home i dont want to stay in santo berço anymore jesus christ
EP 11 how am i supposed to just start the next episode after that i think the mental image of brulio beating arthurs skull in is burned into my brain space
sandwich sandwich
i love the giant cows so much i want one GIANT CHICKEN LAY GIANT EGG I LOVE THE GIANT CHICKEN intimidating the human sized pig
EP 12 still thinking about how cellbit thought new zealand was so close to europe, he was so sure of it that he was making me unsure of where i knew new zealand was
both times thiago was played by cellbit some horrific shit happened so with arthur being an npc this episode im prepared for the worst also this starting soon screen is fucking wicked
are you telling me joui's max sanity is now 12 bros been losing it for so long hes stuck like this joui is the "damn, you live like this?" meme
"that sounds like a book title" bro let the intrusive thought win
baby nidere
no way the cow has been suffering this whole time ill cry
theyre about to rp their way into an angry medieval mob when they get found with the body of the dead gatekeeper B) does santo berço have dungeons, bc if they do thats where theyll be sleeping tonight nvm the gatekeeper has demons inside him sorry joui HUh no way they killed the gatekeeper dude wtf
EP 13 chat's a bit excited to go in the cave guys if anyone reads this what am i supposed to do once i finish this season. what do you mean i just have to go onto desconjuração. what do you mean i have to leave this story behind. please let me keep all the characters in this one.
THE CAVE MAP IS COOOOOOL THE LIGHT MOVES WITH THE MINER everyone struggling to flip their characters 5 mins into the cave made me laugh so hard i had to pause to breathe
THE SUCC hes about to kill them all with the Succ out of spite thiago never mock one of cellbit's monsters again ARTHUR ZIUM
door door door door door door door door door door the gatekeeper is alive???
ih arthur nah dude let go of cesar :(((((((((((( gotta hand it to arthur hes survived two of these situations now get it, hand it to him, CAUSE HE LOST HIS FUCKING ARM WTF HIS ARM DETATCH LIKE A LEGO sorry i vote we still kill the gatekeeper just in case just to be safe
EP 14 did cellbit have a past traumatic experience with a vacuum is that why he created the Succ
agatha?????? bro agatha's life sucked big pp
every time cellbit says hes excited for something i grow more afraid
if they kill and eat the gatekeeper would he also taste delicious just wondering
i think i might know the reason why 12 sanity joui has a funky grey form but 55 sanity thiago doesnt, but maybe im crazy nevermind thiago had the funky grey within him this whole time wait does that mean hes gonna die if santo berço dies DAMN
joui just really wants to see thiago naked also hes just blatantly stealing arthur's knife he really is losing all his sanity that was possibly the most unconvincing "nada" ive ever heard
EP 15 before i start a new episode i always go to the vod on twitch and watch the memes first so i can go "hehe" for five minutes, and then go "oh no" for the next 4 hours
hypothetically, if joui managed to get the symbol on him before anyone noticed would he have just lost all 12 of his sanity and gone mad cuz that would have been crazy :,)
this is it cellbit is finally going to kill npc thiago joui is so very happy about his shotgun i thought maybe he was getting better but hes whispering to it again
alright whats up with cellbit and the outwards opening doors because i swear i have never seen a door that opens out instead of in, are all the doors like that in his home these doors are made to have creatures attack from inside ih i just checked like 3 times to make sure i was on the right episode lmaoooo
one buff woman vs all 3 equipe kelvin who will win (1 woman) crazy that equipe kelvin managed to accomplish what took our group 9 episodes to get to lool they even got the leticio cacetinho dlc, but they did skip the spider boss fight and the entire house level
EP 16 the joui, liz, and arthur cosplay look like theyre going to a nice dinner meanwhile thiago, kenan, and cesar just look homeless
idk if thiago's making it out of this one :,) maybe we just take thiago's weapons its not like he can do much to help anyways kenan wants to skin him listen brother i dont think thats gonna work im at the 52 min mark and cellbit is acting sus af the blacksmith is about to appear and stomp them all or something
joui would roll a 99 and nearly knife cesar and liz is trying so hard not to metagame her way to the explosive backpack loving how trigger happy joui is right now go on guys give him more explosives what the worst that could happen
is kenan also a wellspring do they have to kill him cuz thats gonna be kind of awkward and on that note since thiago has the symbol on him does that make him a wellspring too ill cry i will cry
damn that scene between joui, liz, and thiago was the best in the entire season
i would like to take this moment before they all get swallowed alive by some horrible sludge tentacle monster to proclaim my absolute hatred of Santo Berço. I know i said at the end of episode 8 that i thought it looked cool but im over it ive moved past that point in my life i hate Santo Berço
"the people are happy here!" says the blacksmith as he currently has 5 people forcefully locked up for decades that have gone mad with probably no way of ever regaining their sanity i just realised miguel and the old blacksmith fucked and had a kid
final boss aboutta come crawling out of the meatball please stop trying to skin thiago the symbol isnt gonna come off
???????????????????? "kenan you have one last sane move before i take your character and throw him off a cliff"
post i made after i finished osnf (made like 3 days later because i was so so so so so so so so so so sad)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
making this a series ig (spoilers, mostly minor, idk well just have to ROLL WITH IT AND SEE)
episode is starting from zero, episode 1 (quick note: i love how excited everyone is aty the beggining for this camoain, so heartwarming) "'for all you audio listeners your about to hear what a man catching on fire sounds like' 'and also a house catching on fire'" "so its like 3 belts? yeah" "this character sucks not enough belts" ok chip hasnt been described and hes already drawn blood "how much trouble does this woman have keeping her pants up holy shit" "anything that looks valueable, take it" "whats a barrel" instant love with this campaine from here "ill carry this" "ok" "but w h y" “this is the fastest I've ever committed arson in a campaign” "ok as soon as we light this ill let them know so they die an honorable death" "but the barrel is terrified of fire" "so this is a barrel" "lets blow up this popcicle place" hes trying guys "grab a barrel as well i need to study" "in you multitude of belts" when did i forget jay had so many and got bullied for it "i hope she didnt find any more belts in there" ok but whenever i hear marshal jon being described the dopamine just floods out "oh! that wasnt the bathroom!" "no it was not, it was the room where we got the explosives" "WHAT ARE YOU GRABBING THE EXPLOSIVES FOR" "to blow up your ship" bro i loved how gill interacted with people before what an idiot /pos "gill make a-dont make anything you told the truth" gotta love grizzly doing a save "and jay you go to kick this man in the back of the knee and you do you realise that his calf muscles are literally built like boulders" "i want to put my hand on his shoulder" and so it begins the convincing! yes gill go!! "hang on let me see that...big j" "JON, ITS YOUR CHOIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE" "as the door is blown off-" "did somebody fart?" ah yes gill you lit the explosive that makes people fart" "BACHOW!" please dont stop this man from making random noises its great "is your skin always wet or is it dry?" GRIZZ ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS!! "you are to learn a lesson from the moisture master!" remember when gill made his title canon now, its 6 seconds to 20 minutes in "THOSE PIRATES!" man knowing him now its kinda strange to hear him hunting them down "i just occasonally grab people and im like 'you can be better'" cant believe gill went from telling people to be better to just immedately trying to solve their problems (like not even 2 episodes later if im remembering right) "excellent jay you are a fog frog" "im gonna steal somebody's hat then run out the door" jay stealing chips job now "im passing the barrel out the window" i remember when hed just be a problem for any stealth kind of movements "MY FRIEND SAID HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE" "there is still time" ITS STARTING WOW "you get the sense this guy cannot see very well" i forgot he had sight problems "YOU BLEW A HOLE IN OUR TOWER" "and you blew a hole in my heart" ACCIDENTAL FORESHADOWING AND A GREAT MOMENT FOR SHIPPERS?? HOW MUCH IS CHARLIE FEEDING US WITH GILLION TIDESTRIDER!?!!? (spoiler: a lot) "can i make a persuasion check?" "sure" if charlie never said this we would never have the future pirate jon, IF HE NEVER GOT A 16 THINK WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED "you cant tell if i cry a single tear or if im usually that moist" the fact that he is can make for an angsty hc that nobody really would notice gill crying "jon didnt make it" oh this better not be another accidental foreshadow "you see, a pink frogtupus" everyone being excited for the preztal reveal was also all of us huh dont lie! "i look like a big flounder" fanartists canon gill description /j "god damn it big j" friendly reminder that (from what ive seen) marshal jon is the only character gill gave a nickname, and he had met him like 20+ minutes ago "YA BOY GILL ABOUTA BE FRIED" "ima just grab them both and jump" ngl i cant put my finger on it but calmer gillion probs the chaos control thats needed because of him being feral "jon this is for you" *proceeds to get an 8* (would have been epic if he suceeded that charisma tho) "jon, the power is- eyeh" "i look over wistfully (?) 'but w h y?'"
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aight so here's the thing
episode six, "the sound of her wings" is important to me for three reasons. one i've just thought of and is comic related so i'll get to that later.
its portrayal of death. not only is she a black woman, she is also endlessly kind. in most media, death is portrayed as either evil or resentful. always coming to take us away in our prime, or hating us for making them do their job, face all these upset people. and here's the thing -- Death of the Endless had a phase like that. she talks about it in e6. she says that she used to think she had the hardest job of all of them (being the endless), and that she was always so upset by it. she felt forever alone, like she had to do her job all on her own. but then she came to a realisation -- one that most portrayals of death are never seen reaching.
she realised that not only is her duty inevitable, she can also make it beautiful. they are so afraid to enter the sunless realms, she says, and she isn't there to make it worse. in the end, all we need is a kind smile and an outstretched hand. neither of them (death or the dead) are alone.
god. just. hob gadling's whole thing. disregarding the dreamling, his entire storyline is amazing. he's a human being gifted immortality. what could go wrong?
the first time they meet up, in 1489, you have expectations -- the same ones dream has. you expect hob to be begging for death, because that's what's been shown to us. every piece of media that shows someone being given immortality has them inevitable on their knees begging to be taken to the sunless lands. so that's what you expect of hob.
but when dream asks him what he thinks of the world, of his extended life, what does hob say?
"it's fucking brilliant!" he's amazed by how far they've come in so little time. he's so madly in love with the world around him. (also, the way the sCORE PICKS UP WHEN HE SAYS IT IS FUCKING WICKED)
the next time we see him, in 1589, he's a bit of a prick. he's rich and he's mean and he wants dream's attention -- attention that he doesn't get. not much to say about this one except that it's where hob's eternal hatred of william shakespeare began.
but 1689. oooh boy. golly gee. my oh my. i have SO MUCH TO SAY about this one.
in 1689, hob gadling comes crawling into the white horse tavern, starving, having hated every moment of the last eighty years. he is at his lowest -- lower than he was when he started out. do you know how hungry you can get? when you can't eat but you can't die?
and dream, so sure of himself, so sure he'll prove his sister wrong, asks this starving, dirty, 300 year old man in so much pain if he wishes to die, yet.
and what does hob say?
"are you crazy? death is a mug's game. i've got so much left to live for!"
and. oh my god. i cried when i got to this part today. because. there is a reason why such a popular headcanon for him is as hope of the endless (forgiving the lack of alliteration).
he has been beaten and bloody and starving. he's lost everyone he's ever known. his wife and unborn child at the same time. his son.
dream is offering him escape. he's giving him a way out of it all.
but hob still hopes. he still finds joy. he still knows that things can change on the head of a pin. he still wants to live.
theres 200 more years but honestly i just wanted to talk about 1689
also in 1889 he tells dream he doesnt think he'll ever want to die which is like. HHHHHHHHH YES
point is, e6 (and death and hob's storyline beyond that) breaks down two very prominent media tropes - evil death and begging for death. it's important to me.
in the comics, dream is the one narrating death's bit of e6 and he marks down every time she takes a soul to the sunless lands as "the sound of her wings" and its SO GOOD because it doesn't focus on anything except the transportation. he doesn't hear the pleading or sobbing or cursing. he comments on the sound of his sister doing her job as best she can and nothing else. something special about that to me
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*starting vol 2 of stranger things s4*
me: robin buckley get behind me 😩
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luveline · 2 years
could we have a drabble in which peter helps out a girlfriend who picks at her skin on her face to a point where it bleeds? like when she's nervous etc? and maybe she doesnt think he realises but he does and so he helps her cope with it, like putting little bandaids on oh my heart-
thank you and keep writing! i think you are amazeballs!
thank u and thank u for this request! so so lovely <3
You pull your hand away from your face and blink in momentary confusion at the blood under your fingernails. "Oh," you say quietly. "Fuck."
You're sitting on Peter's sofa. He's in the kitchen, rifling through drawers for a bottle opener. You pull your sleeve over your fingers and press it to your face. He might not notice, you hope, pulling your sleeve away to check. There's a small circle of blood there, nothing extreme. You dab again.
You're pushing your fingertip into the new dot spitefully as Peter comes up behind you. His fingers close around your wrist, pulling your hand down into your lap. He does the same with the other hand, leaning over the back of the couch and your shoulder to kiss your cheek.
"Guess what?" he asks quietly. He's tired tonight.
"What?" you ask, equally hushed.
He kisses your cheek again. His lips touch your face just barely as he talks. You can feel his smile. "My bottle opener's gone walkies."
He unfurls your fingers to work his own, longer and thicker, between them. He roves down to plant a lazy kiss under your jaw and his lips brush over your newest welt. It's late, the glass shade lamp on his coffee table painting your intertwined fingers a gauzy, glowing white-pink.
You try so hard not to pick your skin around him – to show any sign of anxiety – but you forgot yourself, worries welling to the surface. He never says anything about the little red pin prick marks on your face, never mentions the welts stretching over your arms from time to time or your sore, bitten fingertips, and you hope he won't start tonight, lest you die of embarrassment.
Your wince gives you away.
"What?" he asks, pulling back.
You ignore his question and turn your face from the pink light, facing him head on. You hope the dark hides the tiny bead of dried blood on your cheek, pulling his hands across your abdomen, basically forcing him to hug you. He makes no complaint.
"So no wine?"
"None," he agrees sagely. "Unless you can rip a cork out with your teeth?"
"You can't?" you tease.
He steals his hands back to stroke your cheek. His fingerpad skips over your welt, at first accidental, and then a second time, to your poorly contained horror.
"That's a bad one," he murmurs, tilting your head slowly and gently, eyes concerned.
It makes you feel like your heart is plummeting out of your body. "Is it?" you ask, mouth suddenly dry.
"Mm," is all he says.
He squeezes your shoulder and stands, disappearing as quick as he appeared. You sit in the low light and stare at your still warm hands, reeling at his simple statement. He knows.
It's like being stripped bare, sudden and vulnerable. You squirm in your seat and wonder after him. Where's he gone? Is he disgusted?
He returns swiftly and rounds the sofa to sit on his knees, taller than you. In his hands is a small cardboard box. He digs his fingertip into the lip of the box, room so quiet that the sound of cardboard scratching cardboard sounds as though it's happening right next to your ear.
He pries it open and sifts through its contents, pulling out a small, yellow bandaid. It's shaped like a star.
"I got these for you. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings," he says this part especially softly, hand on your wrist and eyes edged with apology. "I thought these might help, you know, stop you from scratching."
You can't think of anything to say. You look from one dark eye and then the other.
You nod.
A sigh of relief escapes him, so small you might have missed it if you didn't know him this well. It makes sense that he knows you to the same depth.
His fingers carefully peel open the bandaid. He pushes flyaway baby hairs from your face, touch tender as he places the star over your tiny cut.
"How long have you known?"
"Since I met you," he answers easily.
You feel like an idiot. "You never said anything."
"That wouldn't be very polite. And they make no difference to me. But they must hurt, right?"
You think maybe that's the point, although you'd never say that to him. "I didn't think you noticed."
His hand comes up to caress your newly starred face, wiping his thumb across the well under your eye. "Sweetheart."
"Right," you say bluntly, looking down at your thighs. An embarrassed giggle bubbles out of you. "How could you not?"
"I notice everything," he says, all Peter Parker charm, beaming his deific grin.
You find it hard to feel ashamed when subjected to such an obscene amount of affection, melting, his fingers across your jaw. He moves his hand, a gentle shake of your face. You sway.
"Is this why you always ask me to hold things?" And, at his guilty smile. "It is! 'Here, doll, hold my cup for me. Oh, baby, just the girl I was looking for – how good are you at jigsaw puzzles? Oh, hold my perfectly warm hands, I'm freezing.'" You imitate his lilting tenor.
He laughs, the sound emerging from deep in his chest. Startled, you realise. "Got me," he murmurs.
"You're ridiculous," you complain, though the gesture is so touching it comes out sounding like an admission of love.
His hand moves from your face to wrap around your shoulders, and he uses his height advantage to plant a firm kiss into the top of your head.
"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you to tell me. Just can't stand seeing you hurting."
"It's only a scratch."
"Maybe," he says, like he doesn't agree at all.
"I trust you," you say, in place of an apology. In place of, I should've told you before but I was worried, because I'm so worried all the time, and you're the only thing in my life I don't have to worry about.
He darts down, pressing a barely there kiss to your star shaped bandaid. "Thank you.”
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kamino-blues · 3 years
can i request gregor flirting relentlessly w reader who doesnt quite know how to respond?? bc they think this is just the way he acts? so he literally has to be straightforward and vulnerable w them to convince them that he likes them 🥺🥺🥺 LOVE UR WRITING SO MUCH !!!!
Rating: Pg & Sfw
Warnings: Some really cheesy flirting, reader mentally complaining at the beginning about said flirting, a tiny bit of jealousy from the reader (For a few paragraphs, just used to move the plot forward!), Pre-relationship, living together, Bartender!Reader, confessions
Word Count: 2k
Note: Hi this ask is absolutely adorable, I had so much fun writing this!! I went on a chaotic quest of looking up cheesy pick up lines I'm ngl 🤣I really hope you enjoy, thank you so much for the ask!!! 💕
Working at Cid’s bar has been an experience, to say the least. You have met a variety of patrons, from tough bounty hunters to those just trying to escape from their usual life. Nothing, and you mean nothing, has prepared you for the chaos that is Gregor.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t worked with clones before, you had interacted multiple times with the Bad Batch. They just didn’t interact the way that Gregor did with you.
When you first met him, he was being helped into the main area of the parlor by Echo. There was a loopy looking smile plastered on his face as he was lightly placed on the floor. Quickly you slid out from behind the bar, looking at the pair in front of you.
“What happened?” You quickly uttered out, getting ready to sprint back to Cid to let her know that there was a mysterious (and handsome) clone sprawled out on the floor in her bar. Echo opened up his mouth to explain what was going on, but the mysterious clone spoke over him.
“People I know call me different names, I don’t care what they use. But with you, I’d prefer if you call me mine~” The clone purred out with a wink, falling into a small fit of giggles. You were utterly speechless, staring at the clone with a blank look on your face. A light blush slowly started to slip onto your cheeks as you realized what he had said to you. You quietly let them know that you were going to grab Cid, practically running away from the pair to the back room.
You heard the clone yell out to ‘Comm him’ as you ran away, and you went to hide in Cid’s office, letting her know what was going on.
After that interaction, you figured that you would only have a few more interactions with him before he would leave. What you didn’t realize was that Gregor was being dropped off by the Bad Batch to stay at the bar.
The biggest surprise to you was that it was decided that he would be staying in your apartment while he recovers. It was an interesting night when you found out, the doorbell ringing as you were getting ready for bed.
Opening the door, you suppressed a groan, seeing the flirtatious clone you saw before standing in front of you.
“Let me make a call real quick, um I don’t think I ever got your real name.” You muttered out as you started dialing Cid’s number into your comm.
“Can I help you?” You spoke, your tone blunter then it would normally be. The mysterious clone rubbed his neck, a little titter falling from his lips.
“Cid sent me over, she said that I could stay with you?” You raised an eyebrow at him, before opening the door to let him in.
“Gregor’s the name sweet-“ You took your focus off of him as Cid picked up the phone, walking out of the room into the kitchen.
After a long talk, it was official. Gregor would be staying with you, and also working with you at the bar. Letting out a sigh, you rested your head in your hands, leaning against the kitchen counter.
You heard footsteps, stopping a few feet away from you. Moving your hands from your eyes, you saw Gregor looking at you curiously. You gave him a small smile, accepting your fate as you pushed yourself up to sit on the counter.
“So you are living here now,” You stated, not moving your eyes from him. Gregor nodded, giving you a small wink.
“I guess I am,” You saw him glance at your comm, and you could almost see the lightbulb go off in his head, especially with the way he started to smirk.
“You know, I think there’s something wrong with my comm. Your number’s not in it.” You stared at him for a few moments before rolling your eyes, taking your comm off to throw it at him. He fumbled with it, before successfully capturing it in his hands.
“Put your number in there than wonder boy.” You muttered out, turning away from him to cover the blush that was starting to form on your cheeks.
Your movement didn’t stop you from missing the large smile that slipped onto his face when you threw the nickname out. You heard him typing on your comm, you turning back when he exclaimed that he was done.
Gregor held the comm out, your hand brushing lightly against his as you grabbed it. The blush wasn’t leaving your cheeks, especially when you looked down and saw that he put his name in as ‘Wonder Boy 💛'.
You quickly let out that you were going to head in for the night, and practically jogged to your room. But Gregor couldn’t leave without wishing you goodnight in his own way could he?
“Sweet dreams… I hope I’m in them!” You heard him call out, and as soon as you shut your door, you leaned against it, sliding down with your face in your hands.
Your face was completely flushed, not knowing how to handle the constant flirting. It just had to be his personality, surely he was just messing with you. In fact, you were positive that he was just joking around! But why were you so affected by his words?
The next few weeks went by pretty quickly, even though you weren't used to the constant attention Gregor was sending your way.
It almost felt natural, him living with you. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, he was honestly a sweetheart, and also a big help around your apartment.
You were falling headfirst for him, and there was nothing you could do. So as you were making drinks behind the bar, it was your goal to stay focused on your work instead of him.
However, it was almost as if he heard your thoughts, him sliding over so he could ‘clean the bar’.
“Any chance you have an extra heart? Mine’s been stolen!” You rolled your eyes, and he held his chest in dramatics. “I’m serious! You don’t want me to die do you?”
“I mean-“ You stifled the laughter that threatened to fall from your lips. The look on his face was priceless, and you couldn’t stop the giggle that slipped from your lips. You saw Gregor trying to conceal his own smile.
“You wound me!” You couldn’t hold back your laugh, and the both of you fell into a fit of giggles. You heard Cid yelling at the two of you to get back to work, and you both fought off your giggles as you went back to what you were previously doing.
The rest of the night went by pretty smoothly, until right before closing. You were almost done with cleaning up until you saw Gregor laughing with a cute girl.
Your eyes widened, before your face flushed in embarrassment. Why were you falling for him? It was clear that he was like this with everyone. You finished up, before walking out of the bar, leaving without waiting for Gregor.
After a little while of wandering around, you stopped at the local park, sitting on one of the benches. You brought your knees to your chest, tears in the corner of your eyes as you looked around.
You felt your wrist buzz, and you knew who it was right away. You paused, not wanting to pick up. Though you knew better, he would probably scour the whole city to make sure you were ok. Tapping the answer button, you took a deep breath.
“Hello?” Your voice cracked, which caused you to flinch.
“Hey, where are you? You were here one second and then gone the next,” you heard him let out a nervous giggle, before a sigh fell over his lips. “Are you safe?”
You nodded, before you realized he couldn’t see you. “Yeah, yeah I’m all good. Don’t worry about me, ok?” You heard him take another breath, him seemingly debating on what to say.
“You may be out of sight right now, but you’re never out of my mind.” Gregor settled with, and you groaned. He let out a small laugh, before his tone turned serious. “Really though, where are you?”
“The park, the one a few blocks away from the parlor,” You told him. As much as you didn't want to see him face to face, the tone he had was the most serious you had ever heard so you complied.
“I’ll be there in a few, stay where you are ok?” You heard him shuffling, and it almost sounded as though he was running.
“Ok wonder boy, I’ll see you soon,” You heard him click off the comm, and you rested your head on your knees, mentally preparing yourself for the conversation you weren’t ready to have.
Gregor was true to his words, he was there in a few minutes. He slipped onto the bench next to you, taking in your form. Spotting the tears, a frown slipped onto his face.
“You don’t have to answer this, what’s wrong cyare?” You tilted your head at the nickname, before looking away from Gregor. You had so much you wanted to say, but at the same time you weren’t ready for the embarrassment.
“I.. When you talk with me, you’re joking around right?” Your face was bright red in embarrassment, not wanting to come out and ask him if he meant the flirting. Gregor stared at you, it slowly clicking in his head what you meant.
“Do you.. want me to be joking?” You squeezed your eyes shut at his response, not knowing how to respond. You shook your head, and you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders. You leaned your head on his shoulder, thinking of what to say.
“When I saw you with that girl in the bar, it clicked with me that you probably flirt with everyone, that it isn’t just me. I mean, you’ve been like this since minute one-“ you felt his grip tighten on your shoulder, a sigh falling from his lips.
“I wasn’t flirting with her cyare,” He let out another nervous giggle, “Ever since the last incident I had with my old line of work.. Before the gunshot I mean,, I’ve had a hard time filtering some of my thoughts and emotions. Flirting with you was the only way I could handle my crush on you. I.. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You were sure he felt you tense in his arms. Gregor started to move away, but you lifted your head, moving to grab his hands in yours.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable Gregor, not at all… I just misinterpreted…” You trailed off, looking up at Gregor. He had a small smile, eyes light as he looked at you.
“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back,” You let out a small giggle, him joining you until you responded.
“Of course you can,” Gregors face had a wide smile on it, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giving him a peck on his lips. You moved to pull away, but he moved his hands onto your mid back, pulling you towards him.
Your lips collided once again, lasting for a lot longer than the last kiss. Your eyes slipped close, savoring the soft kiss that you never thought that you would have. As you both slowly pulled away, you leaned forward, resting your forehead on his.
As you basked in each other's presence in the cool evening air, it truly felt like the start of something new.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Late night chats
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Beej chats with you when he knows you're not listening
Fluff, pining
It was a long rough week, you were absolutely exhausted, you could barely stand, your knees wobbled as you finally arrived home, everyday this week has been hell between work using you to cover everyone and do everything, and personal family drama you had to attend too, you were glad to finally be home, safe, quiet, where nothing was expected of you, you could finally recharge.
Kicking your shoes off and tossing your bag and jacket aside to deal with later.
As you shamble to your bedroom, eager to swap your work clothes to something less constricting, you tap away on your phone, ordering dinner, you were too tired to cook anyway.
In your bedroom, you were quick to ditch your uniform in replacement for an over sized shirt and a pair of pajama pants.
Removing your bra felt like a weight has been lifted, as you slip on your pajamas you felt 100 pounds lighter, you flop down on your bed, barely clinging to being awake, as you were about to doze off, your phone blares to life with its loud ringtone, you groan in frustration, you force your body to get up and dig for your phone in your pants pocket, you miss the call by a second, before you could check who it was it buzzes again, you nearly drop the phone, startled, you fumble with the gadget, quickly answering the call, assuming it was your incompetent coworkers needing a question asked.
"What are you wearing?~"
You frown, knowing that voice anywhere
"Oh baby, you will be wearing me by the time I'm done with you~" he moans
You scowl at this joke, too tired to really deal with his sense of humor, yes the ghoul could easily make you laugh with their lewd jokes, but honestly you were so tired nothing else really mattered.
"So we gonna hook up? Or are you standing me up?"
"Y/n what day is it?"
You're silent for longer then youd like to admit, beetlejuice starts before you could respond
"Friday, movie night, so, let's hear that magic b word sweetheart~" he chimes in a sing song tone.
As tired as you were, I guess a chill movie night would be fine, if you doze off during you could survive the teasing, wouldnt be the first time.
"Hello? Sugar? I'm not hearing my name come from that pretty little mouth of yours~"
You snap back, guess you zoned out longer then you thought, you utter a quick sorry, and shuffle to the living room.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
Your apartment goes dark, you sigh, the ghoul had a thing for making an entrance
"HONEY IM HOME" the ghoul shouts, within seconds you are hoisted up from behind in a tight bear hug, Beetlejuice's head resting on you shoulder "babes I missed ya, you're such a mean little thing forgetting about our movie night, or were you just playing hard to get~" he purrs that last part.
Clearly embarrassed you try your best to squirm out of your predicament, the demon only cackles at your actions
"Keep wiggling like that sugar and your gonna give me a-"
The ghoul was interrupted by a knocking at your door, his eyes light up, before you could get a word in, you are dragged along to the front door
"Its showtime"
It was amazing how you were still able to order take out with all the nonsense beetlejuice did to the delivery guys, but it just goes to show that it's all about money, and let's be honest, nobody is gonna believe them, yeah sure, a zombie looking guy took the pizza and then turned into a pile of snakes.
Movie night was the same as always, Beej successfully snuggling up close with an arm around your shoulder, ever since the change of seasons he found you no longer took the lead on getting up close and personal, meaning he had to take initiative, not that he minded, since regardless of the temperature, you didnt mind him cuddling up, which was nice, you were so warm to the touch, he adored it.
Movie night was always a blast with the demon, yes you've seen this horror films 100 times, but watching them with Beej always made them more lively, his enthusiasm was so contagious. But as much fun as the evening together was you were officially out of energy, you tired in vain to keep awake, last movie night you dozed off midway through you delt with merciless teasing for a week, but all your effort was for not as you felt yourself slip into dreamland.
"Alright Doll what's up next in our-" the demon finally noticed you were out, he frowns, yeah it was cute, and sexy when you fell asleep on him, but it was really becoming kind of a pain on how hard you worked and how much it drained you, breathers are delicate, and besides he wanted to spend some real legit alone time with you.
The demon snaps his fingers and the two of you reappear in your bedroom, you being tucked into your bed, beej floats up beside you in a lounging position.
The ghoul stares at you, watching you naturally settle into a deep sleep, once a few moments have past and beetlejuice was sure you were out cold, he leans back placing his hands behind his head and let's out a deep sigh.
"Ya know doll, the other week I was in the netherworld for business, bumped into an old pal, buddy was going on and on about this demon he was banging, and boy, the look on his face when I told him I was banging a hot little breather, man, fucker was jealous, I mean we arent technically banging, yet." He whispered
This was a habit of Bj's chatting to you when you were asleep, he didnt need to sleep, so this was a nice way to pass the time.
"I showed him that photo of us lyds took, ya know the one, you were sitting on the couch playing with you phone and I had my head on your lap? Yeah, I keep it in my wallet, hell, it's the only thing in there" he snickers
You mumble something unintelligible, Beej hums in response
"Of course not sugar, I dont keep condoms in there, i prefer to go raw, demons cant get breathers pregnant anyways, wink wink"
The ghoul sighs reclining back and putting his hands behind his head
"Ya know, while I was down there, I had to file some paperwork with my Mom, the bitch she is, was going on and on about how I need to stop screwing around with breathers, she just doesnt get me, you know how it is"
You grumble in response
"Oh, yeah I know I told ya a sandworm ate her, shes back, it's a long story" he huffs with a scowl.
"Yeah she was saying how theres no point of me tricking another breather for a green card to live again, and I should leave you alone, fuck her, ya know, I dont need to trick ya for a green card, i know you're head over heels for me babes, and once you finally admit you love me and we fuck around for a bit, then I'll pop the question." He trails off looking in your direction, your were laying on your side facing the demon, as if you were awake listening to his every word, the demon sighs, staring at you sleeping form, god slash satan  he had no idea what he did to deserve you, his sweet caring breather. He could always come back to you, you were all his, you just didnt know it yet, and that was fine, for now, soon he'll get you to confess your undying love.
"What would I do without our little chats" he sighs, his eyes fixated on you, a purple hue begins to creep into his hair, he sighs again
"The only time I can be honest with ya huh babes?"
You mumble in response
"Its not like I dont WANT to be honest with ya, its just, come on, you gonna believe me? A demon from hell falling head over heels for a sweet little breather? I can barely believe it" he stares at you, his hair now completely purple.
"You know I love ya right?" The confidence in his voice fading, the question sounding more desperate then anything, as if the ghoul needed you to know or hed die again.
"...beee" you sigh
Beetlejuice perks up at the sound of your voice "bee?" Were you dreaming of him? The ghoul could just melt at the thought
You were
The purple in the demon's hair began to mix with hints of pink, his little breather was dreaming of him, the ghoul leans into you, his face inches from yours, studying your face in hopes to crack the mystery of what kind of dream you were having
"...beetlejuice" Again you mumble his name in your sleep
"Do you dream about me often babes? Ya know I dream of you~" he chuckles
Before you could finish the b word the demon shakes you awake
"Fuck" you say with a start "beetlejuice what are you doing" you grumble less then thrilled to be woken like this
"You were about to say the b word 3 times babes, had to put a stop to it" he chuckles sheepishly "you were babbling my name away in your sleep, guess you missed me huh?" His nervousness turned into a more confident jab
"I was? I-" you babble
"If you REALLY miss me baby cakes I could slip into bed with ya? Keep ya company" he leans in inches from your face, a moment passes and beetlejuice can see the hesitation in your face, yes he's snuck into bed with you multiple times, but he always left before you noticed.
"I wont do anything creepy" he begs grasping your hand as if to reassure you
"....okay" you whisper
The ghoul's eyes light up at your response in a flash he sheds his suit, leaving only a pair of boxers and slides under the covers next to you, the ghoul is over come by the warmth beneath the covers, and quickly latches on to your even warmer body.
"Good night Bee" you sigh "I'll try not to say your name 3 times"
"Night sugar♡" he cuddles into your chest making you the bigger spoon, though you were the smaller out of the two of you.
As you drift back into a deep sleep beetlejuice begins talking to you again
"You really know how to spoil a guy huh sugar, I guess I can wait a little longer till you say the 3 little words, as long as ya keep treating me like this♡ good night y/n, I love you"
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lolawassad · 3 years
Hey I know this is a very specific and it’s totally okay if you don’t or can’t write it, but I was wondering if you can write a one shot where the reader is Octavia in the scene in episode 10 season 2 where she fights the grounder (yk the scene where she tries to prove herself to indra?) but the reader actually wins. Would it be possible to make it a john murphy x reader as well? Like he sees her fighting the grounder and is like god dayyum or sum?
p.s I know this is an exceptionally long request and It’s absolutely understand or if you aren’t willing to write this request!! :)) (btw i’m the person who requested the previous one shot) :))
Awesome awesome!!
Let me write this for u!! <3
Tw : sexism, violence, cussing, mention of NSFW
Im also very awesomely going to make y/n speak another language! I hope you like that little touch
Also i just realised i misunderstood? Reader is fighting the grounder not the grounder octavia is fighting, if you want me to write one differently dont be shy to request one! Ill just write it as reader fighting a grounder and still make it poly? Idk if u'll like it
Octavia x reader x murphy
I walk out of arkadia and notice the grounder have arrived, i see murphy being pushed and walk over, kane is talking to both of them "whats going on" i whisper to octavia who is also standing there "the one thats not skai kru is mad because murphy was there when his village got killed by finn" she whispers to me before putting her arm around my shoulder "kane wants him to say sorry" she scoffs softly.
I giggle which makes murphy's head shoot up to me, the grounder also looks with a smirk "Heya pretty, chit do yu say yu en ai go don some fun" he says before standing before me, he goes to brush a piece of my hair behind my ear but i softly push octavia's hand off of me and stand chest to chest with him, making octavia and murphy scoff loudly.
I smile at him "rot op klojo" i say my innocent smile never leaving my face, his smirk grows thinking i said something nice in return "beautiful girl beautiful language" he says as his hand goes to cup my cheek. Its then i grab his fingers and press "it means fuck off douchebag" i spit before headbutting him "you dont just go up to girls and ask them for fun and then try to touch her hair, motherfucker" i can see kane glare at me from the corner of my eye but indra stops him before he can walk up.
The grounders hand reaches for his forehead and he glares at me "pretty girls like you should just shut their mouths and look pretty, only good for their holes" he gets up and pulls his fist back to punch me with his right hand.
I duck, then throw a punch with my left hand which he blocks with his dominant hand and i giggle before my right hand swings to his face, he doesnt expect this move and it breaks his nose.
He stumbles back a bit before running to me and his hands wrap around my throat "kinky" i say before kicking him in his balls which makes him drop his hands, and then i knee him in his broken nose.
Hes now laying on the ground and i straddle him "do you give up?" I yell into his face, he shakes his head and i punch him "how about now?" And he nods his head.
Then i hear clapping, its indra "impressive" she says offering me her hand "and you have never fought?" She asks
I shake my head "i watched karate kid and cobra kai" she looks confused "those are weird names for people" she says, i go to correct her but arms are thrown around me "y/n that was so cool?!?" Octavia yells before kissing me on the cheek.
Murphy scoffs loudly making us turn to him and he walks up to us "you missed dumbass" he sneers at octavia before kissing me on my lips "that was so fucking hot, i wouldve beaten him up myself but you had that shit handled" he then turns to octavia and kisses her forehead before walking away.
Octavia yells after him "you missed dumbass" before kissing him, its then i notice my foot hurts, i look down and notice a knive in it "hey thats nice and all but im gonNA DIE" i yell the last part out.
They separate and rush over to me, they follow my gaze and notice the knive "princess that wont kill you" murphy says "idiot" he mutters softly before lifting me up and bringing me to abby.
Octavia is quick to follow "so you promise she wont die right?" She asks murphy, he rolls his eyes "god did i really fall for two dumbasses?" He asks quietly, i scoff "so mean, no more kisses ever" i say which makes his head turn super fast to face me "fuck did you say?" He sneers "you cant take away my kisses i just got them" he says before kissing my jaw.
"no no i think y/n is onto something, also can you stop for a second" octavia says when we reach the ark, murphy stops and looks at her, eyebrow raised.
She smirks and sticks her tongue out, then pulls it back in and kisses me on the lips "oh no wait you cant do that to him, your lips are amazing y/n"
Abby clears her throat "if ur uh.. Done kissing my daughter i would like to ask whats going on?"
Murphy glares at her "shes injured. Clearly. And since clarke isnt here you need to help her, you cant refuse cause tavia and me will murder you if you keep y/n in pain" murphy spits out to my mother who always preffered clarke over me.
"I would never do that to her" abby says before leading us to a hospital bed, she starts taking care of the knive and the wound.
When shes done i turn to murphy and octavia "did good right?" I ask and their eyes soften, they nod their heads yeah "so where are my KISSES" i yell out the last part for dramatic effect.
They look at eachother and roll their eyes, then walk up to me and prep my face with kisses, then octavia speaks up "i want you both to be mine" she says, murphy then also speaks up "i want you both to be mine too" then they look at me.
I slowly get up a say "i need to think about it"
They both scoff "yeah right, just admit it you want to be ours so bad, we know how you look at us" octavia says and murphy nods his head.
"Your right i wanna be yours" i say while softly diving into their arms "but im the dom" i say softly, that makes them both scoff and look at me "dont challange us butterfly" octavia says to that murphy adds "you are lucky you are cute princess"
Luckily for everyone involved abby left right after fixing my foot.
That night y/n octavia and murphy share a room in arkadia, bellamy doesnt like the relationship.
But lincoln? Well he wants to join
Part 2??
Buy me a coffee?
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Hello! How r you? I hope you're doing ok. Also: please give me your Puffychu hc i don't care if au or not because we need more Puffychu and you are just the perfect person for that. The angstyer the better xD
I'm doing good!
oh boy oh boy niki hc...
puffy's vision blacked out for a second out of pure FEAR and RAGE when the eggpire threatened niki
puffy's horns remind niki of jschlatt. this has resulted in more than one incident of niki attacking puffy, puffy trying to file down her horns and niki flinching away from puffy.
oh also correlating with the one above, puffy's first thought when she saw niki flinch away for the first time was that niki had had an abusive ex. angst ensues
puffy is TERRIBLE at baking and niki gets ptsd from smoke since l'manberg so the first time puffy burnt something accidentally, niki had a full-on panic attack
in a soulmate au where they feel eachothers pain, puffy would get these huge aches of hunger, followed by a sharp pain everywhere before it disappeared. she wasnt sure that niki was her soulmate but didnt rule it out, and her theories were basically confirmed when niki looked much thinner at the banquet than she had been pre-doomsday
as mentioned above, puffy is terrible at baking, but over times she becomes just below mediocre. niki boasts abt it to everyone she meets
puffy always exaggerates with everything ever so once when niki struck her with flour, she made this big deal abt betrayal
both of them were gonna play an original concert together after new l'manberg festival (ig thats kinda angsty but whatever)
puffy gets ticklish around the armpits and under-knee area so those are niki's go-to spots
niki is ticklish EVERYWHERE but specifically her neck and puffy abuses the fuck out of that
puffy doesnt really get REALLY flustered easily, but niki knows she just has to kiss puffy's neck and whisper in her ear and puffy melts, which niki, again, abuses the fuck out of
niki is buff, i will die on this hill
puffy was kinda skeptical that niki was buff. like last she had seen niki she was kinda buff from baking but not really BUFF yaknow? well she was surprised when puffy came to help ranboo move into michael's mansion, and she was completely flustered when she saw niki lift heavy objects and was reduced to a flushing, stumbling, stuttering mess when talking to niki trying desperately not to think gay thoughts
also on the niki buff hc, puffy sometimes asks for niki to pick puffy up bc... stromk woman... stromk gf...
and of course has a gay panic every day
niki was the one to propose i will die on this hill
they did have one moment when they tried on each others clothes with niki loving the rainbow hoodie but hating the suffocating feeling of the captain's outfit
and puffy loving most of nikis clothes but hating the Coat (you know which one im talking abt)
they have pet names but specific ones: "angel, sheepy-head (based off sleepy-head), grumbler" and then a lot of generic ones like "babe, sweetheart, my love, hottie" etc
uh yeah thats all i got for now
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miiracleangel · 4 years
Shake ass pt. 1
karasuno 2nd and 3rd year edition
❤︎ hey guys this is my first writing work and it’s basically full crack and who is more crack that the boys of Karasuno. I’m also taking requests and making this a mini series so if there’s a boy you want just send his ass my way❤︎
i reposted this from my old account and i might have changed the gifs around don’t kill my okay love u bye
~Karasuno 1st year edition~
hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi and tsukishima
- “If he doesn’t send you a video of him shaking his ass he’s cheating on you”
(gifs not mine)
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you were bored scrolling on tiktok until you came across the challenge
you knew never in a million years that Shoyo would cheat on you but the thought of the orange haired cutie shaking ass for you was too good to pass up. So you texted him
he SPRINTS to the corner of the court keeping his phone up with a water bottle. Getting straight up weird looks.
“Hinata what are yo-“ “hold on daichi i need to do something it’s urgent”
stares.... everyone just stares totally confused. It was shown directly to kageyama but he’s still confused.
doesnt even bother to put on music he has no time he needs to prove his innocence
you get a notification from your phone 10 minutes later from Hinata and yes, it’s a video.
You see his team mates circle behind him with the most confused faces ever made. Hinata steps back from the camera and just...let’s it loose.
hands on his knees
his ass, his legs, his back everything wiggling
has no idea how to shake ass but baby is trying
You DIE laughing seeing whats unfolding before your eyes: Your boyfriend. terribly shaking ass with his teammates behind him, ALL sorts of confused with Tanaka and Nishinoya screaming of laugher in the corner. a sight to see
you shoot your boyfriend a text.
“Thank you i believe you but it was just a tiktok challenge”
“ANYTIME BABE” he texts back
hes just happy that your happy and you know he will never cheat. hes so precious oml
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looks you dead in the eyes...”you want me to what?”
“shake ass if you’re not cheating on me”
“how does that prove i’m not cheating on you?” he looks at you with a eyebrow up.
“cheating men are physically unable to shake ass that’s how we always know when a man is cheating”
he just stares at you and ya know what
he believed you.
he really actually believed you bcs he nodded and said “okay that makes sense”
he gets up from his bed that you’re both currently sitting on.
“wait” you says and he stops to turn and look at you.
body by Meg thee stallion starts playing from your phone
“continue” you say with a cute smile on your face.
he just stands there, juts out his butt and just wiggles side to side. completely off the beat. After a couple seconds he stops
“Happy?” he asks. slightly annoyed
you look him up and down. “Your arch sucks but this will do”
he sits back down on his bed next to you, sighing, happy to know he can shake ass and he’s not a cheater.
“btw what i said about cheating men can’t shake ass is a lie”
“i hate you” he says quickly after you finish before kissing your forehead. You pout at him, earning him to kiss your pouty lips.
he would do anything to prove he will always love you. even if he looks stupid.
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another soft babie 🥺
He was walking back home with tsukishima when he got a video call from you.
“hey babe what’s -
“that’s not important right now” you interrupt him.
he stops completely in his tracks. Tsukishima looks at him on his phone confused.
“what’s wrong y/n”
“i’m gonna need you to shake some ass if you’re not cheating on me”
Tsukishima covers a laugh with a cough. You texted him minutes before you called your boyfriend to let him know your plan.
“do as she says if you’re not” his best friend tells him with a straight face.
“ ok ok ok” Yamaguchi frantically looks around for a place he can set his phone and decides on a brick fence ledge.
y’all know how squidward shaked his ass to boys who cry?
just like that
you and tsukishima DIE upon sight of your boyfriend trying to prove his innocence on something he didn’t even think about doing
“please stop my eyes are hurting oh my god” tsukishima says covering his eyes, walking away laughing. “dude it’s a challenge stop oh my god”
your boyfriend freezes. “it’s a challenge?” he asks you
“ yes i know you would never cheat on me i just wanted some ass” you tell him laughing. “i loved it tho and i love youuuu” you coo to him
he smiles. hearing your laugh melted at least half of him embarrassment. “i love you too, i’ll be by your place in a bit” he says kissing you through the phone.
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“not gonna happen”
“so you’re cheating on me”
“so prove it”
“i’m not shaking my ass infront of you to prove that i’m not cheating on you. it has no correlation”
you sit your head up from his chest in your cuddled position.
you give him puppy eyes. “pweeasee Keiiiiii”
“i might as well cheat” he says with a breathy laugh
you lightly hit his chest. “so you hate me”
“never said that out loud”
“soooo shake some ass” you beg. He shoots you a bored look “you better not record this if i’m gonna make a fool out of myself”
“you have my word my love” he smiles and kisses your forehead before jokingly pushing you off him. “fine” he mumbles
he gets up and as soon as he turns around to face you, you play juicy by doja cat.
“definitely no-“
“YOU SAID U WOULD” you yell over him.
he sighs.
turns so his butt faces you and does a lil dancy dance.
much to his luck mid booty shake...Akiteru walks in.
“Hey Kei mom said din- what are you doing?”
you’re rolling on the bed dying of laughter. Never in your life did you think the stars would align so well
“Next time i’m cheating on you” he says walking out leaving you to laugh at what you witnessed.
❤︎hope you guys enjoyed my mediocre writing! ❤︎
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 5
a/n: we ltr going at 5 parts and i have another part written out and im just drowning in love with these seijoh asks
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request:
Can i ask for cute moments between manager and the boys outside of school, like how she and kyoutani probably bump into each to go feed strays etc??
yes anon!!!!!! these moments made me so soft™
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these are the cute little moments and get ready to die of the cuteness
be warned, this isnt a straight plot or no main focus but just bits and pieces of fluff 
keeping up with seijoh episode 3467328937
as mentioned before, they dont really get to hang out a lot w you outside of practice 
youre either too busy taking care of your schoolwork, catsitting for the aizawa’s, or having you time since youve been busy w the boys all week
but there are times where you do have available time to go hang out with the boys
and they know about your schedule so they try to make memories either during practice or after practice
fortunately, kyo lives at the same street as the aizawa’s so he walks you to their house when you have a job 
but sometimes when you are just walking home, you both stop by the convenience store first and find some cat food cans and dog food cans and water 
it was a complete accident when you both found each other standing at the same aisle, holding the same things, with the same intentions, for the same animals
the alleyway where you first met is basically your second home bc thats where your babies live
since you cant exactly take in 5 dogs and 6 cats in your house, you and kyo are taking care of them in that alleyway where you feed them and build them a little shelter with blankets and stuff
this will be explained more in the next manager!seijoh part
after practice, particularly after a really productive one, the guys like to go to the ramen shop near the school to treat themselves after their hardwork
by now, the old lady who owns the shop knows their order by heart and has it ready when you all enter
yall get settled in but you go over to yahaba and snap his wooden chopsticks for him bc he never snaps them properly and ends up breaking them
you gather as much napkins as you can and place them beside kindaichi bc he makes such a mess while he eats and you have stand-by wipes for him
you make a special request to add tofu into iwa’s ramen bc the mans loves tofu so much and he still doesnt understand how the lady seems to know this despite him never telling her
your seat is usually next to mattsun bc he doesnt eat all the side dishes up like the others and you can eat some of it too
kyo sit across you and demands you eat at least 2 bowls bc you never seem to eat enough and he gets secretly concerned so he aggressively cares for you
‘kyo-san,,,, im full though’
he ‘glares’ at you
‘what you mean youre full. you didnt even finish the bowl. eat the rest and have another or youre not leaving this table’
pls what
fun fact, oikawa actually has two pairs of glasses and he gave you one in case he forgets to wear his main one and leaves it at home
so he gets to school and he just realizes he forgot his glasses and his contacts were still being shipped so he freaks out and texts you about it
but you always have the case safely tucked in your bag so you wander up to the third year floor and knock on his class door
iwa, who is in the same class as him, glares at the students who stare at you and nudges oikawa who was looking out the window
‘oi, your glasses’
his head snapped to the side and sees your smiling face and the familiar brown box being held out to him
his face scrunches and he launches up his seat and takes you in his arms
‘oikawa-san, please let me go’
you mumbled, embarrassed at his behavior in front of the whole class
once iwa has you safely on the ground, you excuse yourself and go back to class
the class still stared at the door you passed through and iwa had to bark at them to go back to their business
youre like the seijoh and younger version of goddess kiyoko
before kyo got back to the team, you usually walked home by yourself but makki actually accompanies you when he doesnt have errands to run
‘makki-san, i heard theres a sale going on for puffs’
you would mention as you walked and you would look to see his eyes light up and walk faster towards the bakery
‘cmon, y/n-chan. makki-senpai is treating you today!’
he turns into a child, a contrast to his chaotic energy in school, and he runs over to the glass where indeed, there was a sale going on for his puffs
while he was staring at what flavor he wanted, youd go to the cashier and give her your card
‘when that guy with the light brown hair with the blue and white jacket comes up to pay for his cream puffs, charge it to my card, please. whatever you do, dont take his and use mine immediately, please. ill come by later and pick it back up’
the old cashier lady felt true hope and happiness for humanity at your actions and it increased when she saw the shocked look on the boy’s face when she immediately swiped the card when he finished ordering
‘what? i havent paid-’
‘the young lady that came with you already did, young lad. shes a keeper’
he turned red
‘ahaha, no, shes our team manager’
once he finished paying and went outside, he took out his phone and dialed your number to call you
you smiled from the aisle in the convenience store down the street bc you were expecting him to call you
‘hewwo, makki-san’
he shut his eyes at how cute you sounded
‘y/n-chan, senpai wanted to treat you today!’
he whined but you bit your lip, leaving the store after purchasing a drink with the remaining cash you had
‘hmm, but i did too. you just werent too fast, senpaiiii~’
you teased and he let out a breathy laugh
‘next time i’ll be faster! mark my words!’
‘then im looking forward to it, senpai~!’
did anyone notice that he is the first one she called senpai?
to our baby yahaba
we know how he literally tried to go after yachi in that one episode so you know how flirty he is
but youve made it clear that you reject his advances and he pouts and finally accepts it so he stops it, instead actually just caring for you
ya know how he cares for the others and cheers them on?
he does the same to you
our babie notices that you are so busy taking care of the others that you forget to take care of yourself
like that time they lost to shiratorizawa, you made bentos for them all week to cheer them up
but he saw you not even eating and realizes that you were busy making the food that they like, each different to accomodate to their taste, that you had no time to make your own
he went down to your class and noticed you missing and he asks kindaichi and kunimi and they said that you said you wanted to get fresh air
since he pays attention to you, he knows you like to go to the roof to breathe
he ventures up the stairs and when he opens the door, he notices you just staring up at the sky, sitting down on the floor
‘being in an empty place like the roof doesnt compare to how lonely Pluto must feel to be outcasted in the solar system’
your comment catches him off-guard but he regains composure and makes his way to you before sitting down next to your form
‘hmm, oikawa-senpai talked to me about space one time. he mentioned the vast possibilities that stays hidden in the shadows’
you and him turn your head at the same time and share a gentle smile
‘but its up to us to find those secrets and abilities’
you finished
he nodded and went back to look at the clouds that looked like they were slowly moving but it was really the earth turning
‘i want to be a sports instructor. i want to be able to help others,,, i want to help them find those abilities and perfect them so they could fully love playing’
a chuckle escaped you and you tightened your arms around your knees, following his gaze to the blob of white that was painted on to the blue canvas
‘let other people be your universe, baba-senpai. dont let them be like Pluto. take time to find out who they are so they dont feel so lonely, okay?’
yall im tearing up right now though
as mentioned at the first part of this series, you go to the gym very early to set up for morning practice
sometimes, the four third years arrive at the same time but sometimes, only iwa comes
you noticed him put his bag down and help you with the nets before pushing the cart to finish the task for the morning
‘thank you, iwa-san!’
you thanked and he ruffled your hair
‘can you actually help me with my workout?’
you nodded and you knew his routine by now
as he got in position for a push up, you gently sat down on his back so he could start pushing up
you sat cross-legged and you counted every push up and held a timer so he could beat his previous record of 100 push ups in under 5 minutes
once he hit 100, he collapsed on the floor and you stopped the timer at 4 minutes and 48 seconds
‘good job, iwa-san! new record!’
you cheered and he grumbled on the floor
you gently turned him over so he could lay on his back
he closed his eyes from the bright light of the gym and he raised his arms as his hands made a grabbing motion
‘hug. i want hug’
he whined and you fake gasped at this
‘iwa-san, i didnt know you could be so whiny’
in my series, its canon that iwa is actually a whiny little babie despite that tough exterior and hes much more whinier than oikawa
you laughed before surrending, mumbling ‘yes, yes’
this wasnt the first time this happened since he asked you to do this before bc hes a touch starved babie and as a manager, you must give your team love
you climbed on him and laid your head on his chest while he mumbles happily with his arms going around you
‘just five minutes’
you offered and he said ‘mhm’
well, you both fell asleep and were woken up by scandalized and jealous yells from oikawa
to our baby libero watari
watari is actually the only player who has been to your house before
you made an off-handed comment of making bentos for the team again and he offered to come and help you make them
so here he was, standing in your kitchen, as you were cooking with him
you were chopping up vegetables and he was waiting for the eggs to boil so he was just stirring it slightly
‘wata-san, can you give me a bowl from the cabinet above you?’
he nodded and gave it to you so you could place the chopped carrots and onions in it
once the timer was done, he scooped out the eggs and placed them into an ice bowl so he could peel them later
you knew his favorite food was boiled eggs so you wanted to boil some so he could snack on them
‘can you peel one and see if theyre perfectly cooked, wata-san?’
his fingers skillfully rolled the egg on the table before peeling it effortlessly
he hummed as he chewed on the food
you asked and he turned to you, cheeks still full but he raised a thumbs up
you grinned and went back to chopping the scallions
‘actually, i didnt need any eggs for the dishes. i wanted you to snack on your favorites as i cook. its like payment for keeping me company’
his eyes shone and he hurriedly went to hug you tightly
‘i really appreciate everything youve done for us, for me. but i just want you to keep smiling okay? i know we’re a handful and we can get out of hand sometimes but you always keep us together. you must be stressed and there must be times you get angry with us and must’ve cried because of us but i hope you’ll still stay with us even through all that’
lmao kindaichi’s made me laugh
so basically, we all know his famous haircut, right
but what if that was actually just a style hes had since he was young but he has naturally down hair?
the stuff he puts in it like this brand of gel is just so tough and sturdy that two washes of hair is the only thing that can get rid of it
even during practice when hes sweating the atlantic ocean, it somehow stays up
he puts gel on it and stuff after he showers to make it stick up and BOOM turnip head
but one morning, he,,,, wasnt turnip head
the boy woke up late and he didnt have time to perfect the sticking up so he went to school with his hair down and everything
you were already there since morning practice has started and kunimi told you that kindaichi texted him he would be late so you were just patiently waiting by the door for your classmate
but some guy just walked in
your eyes widened and you pulled their arm
‘um, this is for seijoh volley-’
then the words died in your mouth
you stuttered and he placed his hands on his face to hide away
‘dont look y/n-chan!’
his shout attracted the others and then silence before the laughing and howling started
makki was on the floor, punching it as he laughed
kindaichi turned red and he was about to run out but you held on to him
‘i can fix it for you, yuu-kun. come with me?’
he nodded immediately and hurried away towards the back where the sun was just starting to rise
you rummaged through your gym bag and found the specific gel brand he uses 
kindaichi was SHOOK bc why the hell did you have it?
you noticed his shocked and confused look
‘i knew this would happen. we’ve facetimed before, remember? just in case this would happen, i brought backup’
his eyes glistened with tears of gratitude but you waved it away and started attempting to fix his hair
tbh you dont know why he did this hairstyle because his hair was really soft and nice and he still looked attractive either way
moving on to kunimi babie
lets face it, he probably doesnt sleep at all at night and he suffers from insomnia
and when he cant sleep, he bothers his friends
but he doesnt bother you though
which makes you sad bc you thought you made it clear that he could come to you if he was in need of something
you only found out after kindaichi accidentally blurted out during morning practice of how tired he is bc kunimi wouldnt stop talking to him at 2 in the morning
‘aki,,, you could’ve called me’
you gently said and kunimi scrunched his nose at how sad you sounded
‘you need your sleep, y/n’
‘but i want you to sleep too’
‘kindaichi’s been my contact since i was like 5 so-’
‘so you dont need me?’
your eyes watered and kunimi jumped, frantically fussing over you
‘okay, okay, y/n, okay. ill call you’
then as if they were never there, you cheered up and bounced happily
‘i’m expecting it, aki-kun!’
but at 1:43 in the morning, his finger hovered over the call button on your contact since he really didnt want to bother you
but he could already hear your whines in the morning
he cursed when he heard your groggy voice
‘sorry y/n, ill hang up-’
you sat up, forcing to wake up
you mumbled and he made a sound of agreement
‘not tired?’
you asked
‘no. well, like im tired but i cant sleep, yknow?’
you laid on your bed with your cheeks puffed out, trying to think how to put him to sleep
‘we can just talk, aki’
‘about what?’
‘anything. just,,, talk to me. i want to know your favorite color, your favorite food, everything about you’
:( morning calls really hit different
last one is our mattsun babie
so like, mattsun is a TREE
im like 5′3 and hes like 6′2 so we a whole dwarf next to him
you are always dwarfed whenever you stand next to him and this little shite takes advantage of that and puts his elbow on top of your head
he likes to poke fun at you but you just pout bc you know hes all fun and games
‘hows the weather down there’
‘so mean, mattsun-san’
but his height did give him a special memory with you though
you were both left in the gym to clean up bc everyone had something to do like oiks had to go home bc takeru got sick and iwa also got sick and you just volunteered to clean up and mattsun stayed behind
you were sweeping the floor and you unconsciously started humming as you swept and started swaying a little
mattsun heard you as he pushed the carts and watched as you just swayed and twirled around and he found himself smiling at you
you noticed him stop in front of you and he bowed down, holding out a hand
‘may i take this dance, m’lady’
you laughed
‘what? whats going on?’
he softly held your hand and pulled you to him
‘you were dancing and i wanted to join you’
you nodded and looked up at him, eyes half-lidded
‘stand on my feet, chibi-chan. i can lead while you sing’
it was a random song you heard from the radio earlier but you complied while he moved with your feet on his
you giggled when he would lean down to softly kiss your forehead and shriek when he would unexpectedly dip you down
either way, at 8:34 PM, you and mattsun danced under the gym lights with no witness except you and him
ughh i really want seijoh now
you and the team share individual memories that are more special than the ones with the others bc its where you could actually be upfront with each other
its just a shame that there are 4 third years in the team that would eventually graduate and go their own separate ways after high school, leaving behind their underclassmen
they could just hope that those memories and special moments would remind them of who you were and how special you were to them since at the prime of their youth, you were their first true love
a/n: ngl i didnt expect to finish this so quick but im just in a really soft mood right now and this is to makeup for the fact that my update schedule could start becoming erratic due to my school so i hope you enjoyed this blurb!! and depending on my asks, there could only be one last part to this series unless someone requests for another specific scenario with the manager!!
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