#keep her safe
irieman · 28 days
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dinosaurwithablog · 3 months
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What an adorable kid, telling it like it is. 💜🖤💜
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intrusive-thghts · 1 year
Recently I separated from someone I love very much. There was no malice, we were just going in two very distant directions and she thought, and I concurred, that it would be harder on us to stay together than to split.
But lack of malice doesn’t mean a perfect parting. And though you’re unlikely to ever see this, let alone connect it to me, I’m going to say all the things I wanted to say to you before you left.
When we talked a week past, you said you thought I would fight harder for our relationship. But you asked to leave, my dear, and my love for you fills my being so, I could never refuse you anything you asked of me. You stole the right to fight from me when you said that we should split.
I’m reminded of a phrase my grandmother told me, and wish I’d said as much to you.
‘Cha bhi thu mallaichte le anail mo bhàis’
‘You shall not be cursed with the breath of my death.’
I could never hate you my love. Nor curse your name or what you’ve taught me. Only miss you.
I know that eventually I’ll love another and experience happy partnership again. But hear me when I say that, years from now, when I’m loving someone else and trying to commit, if you came to me and asked me to be yours again, I’d at least have to think about it.
I hate to think that such is true, but I can honestly say that I will love you more than all my future sweethearts.
But I do not wish knowing this would change your mind. Only enlighten you, to the extent that you have consumed my soul my dear. I forgave you for any wrong you could ever do me before I even called you mine.
Cha bhi thu mallaichte le anail mo bhàis, Mo Leannan Fionn.
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All your reblogs make me wanna keep you safe 👉🏾👈🏾
🥹 🥰 🖤 aww this is so sweet 🥰🤗
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jadynnn · 1 year
i’ve taken so many damn turns i have no idea where south is. when the shoe drops down, i’m ready; with this lesson i’ll carry on the very same work that brought me here today.
i find love in such small things, but that’s where i’m at fault. for everyone who ever loved the flowers know, they wilt, die and then a season or two later; again they bloom
it’s not the same flower, for all life is ever changing and never changes the same. i’ll love the new flower, i promise
though with every flower that dies, i bury a piece of myself along with it
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*starting vol 2 of stranger things s4*
me: robin buckley get behind me 😩
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
Please please tell me that Tara just loves baby dekarios
oh she’s invested from day ZERO
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top 10 pictures taken right before a specimen jar ‘accidentally’ falls off a shelf ^^^
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jetsi · 2 years
Most fucked up chocolate i have ever seen
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potassiumprincess · 2 months
i think marinette is worse at resting when she's sick but adrien is worse at sitting things out if he's injured. i have no explanation, these are just the vibes
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cordycepspog · 1 year
Love love LOVE the focus on Joel’s boots during his rampage in the hospital. Because it’s not in a fit of rage, or desperation. Joel’s face is blank. He’s not thinking about consequences of his actions. He’s thinking “you took away my daughter and now I’m getting her back.” It’s a skill he picked up from Tess. He knows what’s coming. There’s no need to get emotional about it. It’s the simplest thing in the world to him: “You don’t get to take her away from me. Not again.” Hell, he doesn’t even look at the doctor when he shoots him! He’s looking right at Ellie, his entire focus and purpose laying in front of him! Mans is straight up on autopilot!
Joel is a unstoppable force in his grief. And Ellie is the immovable object that keeps him from walking straight over the ledge.
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hydrachea · 2 months
Thinking about Robin and Sunday's halos.
About how Robin's halo isn't a closed circle, but more like a branch forming a circular shape, where the start and stem don't touch. It's also uneven in shape and splits into three flowers, like it's allowed to grow freely, unobstructed. Something about Robin having left Penacony and having escaped the confines of her cage, being able to flourish. About her being able to let people in, and connect to them.
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Meanwhile Sunday stayed behind to be the head of the Oak family and conform to the strict role that's expected of him, and his halo is a perfectly symmetrical shape that's practically fully closed off. It's sharp, almost more like a crown of thorns than a halo. And it almost doesn't have any openings to let anything, or anyone, in easily. It actively discourages getting close to it.
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And then if you want to get sappy about, which I will - Sunday doesn't let anyone in, with that almost completely sealed, thorny halo of his... But there's an opening in Robin's halo, and so it can fit around Sunday's. Something about him always being able to find solace in her, because there's room for him in her (halo) heart always, by design.
Anyway I'm not normal about them.
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Thanks to your reblogs, I can't stop imagining how cute you must be with a hand around your throat, collared, or generally tied up 🥴👉🏾👈🏾🫣
Your #keep her safe tag might be my new favorite thing 🫠
Would it help to know that I have a beautiful black padded collar AND a mermaid style one that reads " part of your world ?" 😁🤭 incase you needed a better visual with the collaring 🤭
Joking aside tho, I'm glad you enjoy the crazy shit show.. appreciate the time and effort you take out of your day/Night to tag, comment, reblog and send me lovely submissions 🩵 Thank you 🩵 Hope you enjoy the day ~ Night or what ever in ~ between 🤗
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15-lizards · 4 months
Imagine you are Lady Jessica. You’re bred and trained all your life to help create the prophesied “savior” of the world. In a mix of your own pride and love for the child’s father, you bear that savior. But it’s too early. Those who trained you say he is not the one. And because of it he’s in danger. You then must travel to a place that only wants to kill you, and nearly succeeds in the process. The only way to live, the only way your son lives, is to ensure that the prophecy becomes true. That your son really is that savior. So you do, you make it true, because it has to be true. You force fate. He doesn’t die. Hundreds die. Then thousands. Now millions. Your son is not only alive, but the emperor of the known universe. Worshiped like a god because you made him a god, and did it so well you convinced yourself of his divinity, his prophecy. He is near mad with every possible future laid before him, regrets and blood stain his hands. But he is alive. Wasn’t it all worth it? Was it?
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pien-art · 5 months
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Little Moiraine and baby Anvaere 💫
(click image for optimal quality)
prints available here !
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choccy-milky · 29 days
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seb vs. clora's Childhood Friend™️ 😇🥰 ((from my new chap! ao3/wattpad))
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lem0nademouth · 1 month
eden golan has to have 24 hour security detail in malmo because mobs of people have gathered outside her hotel room to protest her participation in a song contest. the finnish eurovision contestant said a video of him interacting with golan was “posted without his consent” and that the video “is not an endorsement” of Israel. her song, “Hurricane”, was originally titled “October Rain”, but was deemed too political for the contest by the EBU because of its references to the Simchat Torah pogrom.
she’s 20 years old. it’s a song contest. Israel has competed in Eurovision forty five times since 1973. Israel has won Eurovision four times and hosted three times. and this is the first time a contestant’s life has been at risk because of conflict in their home country.
who the fuck is being liberated here? who are we helping? more importantly, who is going to be the collateral damage?
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