#on separate occasions which is why some of them have effort put into them
hilacopter · 5 months
fuck it I made these when I was bored
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim who knows who Batman is under the cowl goes to Bruce and begs him to get his boyfriend/lover/husband/Significant other under control is a genius idea
I would like to suggest that Tim still gets involved in the vigilante lifestyle 100% because Tim without his young justice friends makes me sad and while he could be a civilian consultant/associate, I think he'd get more enjoyment being in the field with them
And as a vigilante who may or may not be associated with Batman but is 100% a Gotham vigilante, Tim manages to gaslight the justice league into believing that Bruce Wayne and Batman are indeed in some sort of relationship, even the ones who know, who have seen Batman without his cowl and have seen Bruce Wayne's face under that cowl, start to wonder, maybe the kid is right? Maybe Brucie stood in for his boyfriend/husband/lover to help conceal the Batman's TRUE identity as...they still don't know who for sure
After all, Clark at least knows that he's stood in for Bruce Wayne on at least one occasion and there are little ticks that indicate that the person under the cowl isn't always the same and dudes with superhero level athletic builds are actually pretty common in Gotham
Possibly this may eventually extend to rogues who learned the Bat's identity like Deathstroke, who start to wonder if the Bat that they unmasked was really the Bat or has the Bat been using poor himbo Brucie because he is THAT paranoid?
So Bruce as Bruce will still have Tim prodding him to restrain his lover and help him with his grief, might have Tim as probably not Robin but definitely a vigilante obscuring his identity, and could also have well meaning JL members or anti heroes scolding him for "using" his boyfriend and putting him in such danger by having Bruce Wayne of all people wear the cape and cowl
Dick, in the background, is trying very hard not to laugh and he would 100% help Tim's efforts
And maybe Jason might be convinced that someone besides Bruce took up the cowl after Jason was killed which could be interesting...
Hmm... Very intriguing ideas, but I have questions.
For that AU, Tim refused to "believe" that Bruce Wayne was Batman. He knows who it is, but even after being shown evidence, he'll continue to refuse to acknowledge that Bruce = Batman instead of Bruce and Batman being lovers.
So, we have two options for vigilante Tim in this AU!
Tim becomes Robin (or something adjacent) while referring to Bruce and Batman as separate people. This would drive Bruce mad because he'd go on a full patrol with Tim and then take off his cowl as proof. Tim would still come up with some excuse for this and scold Bruce for letting Batman get away with shit. It's infuriating, but Tim is having the time of his life.
Option two is that Tim has a civilian identity with Bruce and becomes his own vigilante. He doesn't trust Bruce (hence why he refuses to acknowledge Bruce is Batman) and needs to ensure Gotham is safe. He thus finds his own training and stumbles upon Superboy (and then the rest of YJ). Bruce highly suspects Tim is that vigilante, but he can't prove it or stop him.
When Jason comes back, he hops right onto stating that Brucie and Batman are a thing (maybe even doctoring "proof" for social media).
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five-rivers · 3 months
New pollfic chapter! We're almost done now. Continued from here.
“Okay,” said Danny, trying not to sigh too obviously.  “What’s your name?” he asked the guide.  
“Ea-Nasir,” said the guide.  
Oh, that did not fill Danny with confidence.  But if he thought this guy was just leading him around, he could still just leave.  And he would.
Ugh, he felt so gullible.  This was definitely not going to go well, good intentions or no.  
“Well,” he said, forcing a smile.  “Lead the way.”
It was actively difficult to leave the bright area for the darker shelves and halls.  It hadn’t been as apparent, moving around in the brightness, but the light - rather, the desire for light - still had a firm grip on him.  The brightly-glowing guide flying in front of him made it easier.  
They didn’t stay close to the ground.  On several occasions, they flew over lower shelves, and twice they went through doors that were many feet above the floor.  Danny would have liked to know that they were there when he was running away.  Yes, he would have been able to go through the walls in human form anyway, but it would have made it easier to understand how the people chasing him were moving.  
They flew up a flight of stairs, into a lower-ceilinged level with shelves of massive, thick books.  Their titles were picked out in dull gold foil.  Encyclopedias, it looked like.  Strange.  Danny hadn’t thought there were so many encyclopedias that were destroyed down to the last book.  Then again, he hadn’t known there were any encyclopedias written in Esperanto or Toki Pona or Sindarin, so…  That might have something to do with it.  
Maybe there were a bunch of ghosts obsessed with conlangs out there who kept wrecking their work because it wasn’t perfect or something.  That seemed as likely as anything.  Ghosts could be ridiculous like that.  
On the other hand, there were a bunch of other, real languages as well.  
On the other other hand, some of those real languages included Akkadian and the Oracle Bone script.  Which, again, Danny didn’t think were languages people typically wrote encyclopedias in.
“How much further?” asked Danny, looping the chain around his hand so that it didn’t dangle.  He was pretty sure that getting down here had been faster, but maybe that was just because of adrenaline or the lack of things to look at inside his ice sphere.
“A few levels,” said Ea-Nasir.  “When we brought you down, we took the great column, which we cannot take back up.”
“It is a waterfall, separated by grates.  It takes more effort than only two people can apply to open them.”
“Mm,” said Danny, accepting the answer for now.  
Ea-Nasir continued onwards, through an ornate doorway.  Danny followed, but when he tried to cross the threshold, he bounced.  
“Hey!” he said.  
“Oh, dear,” said Ea-Nasir.
“What’s that?” asked Danny.  He put out a hand and pressed against the doorway.  It was as if there was an invisible ghost shield there.  
“This area must be age restricted,” said Ea-Nasir.  “We’ll have to go the long way around.”
“There is no way around the age restriction.”  He made a face.  “The young among us do not often come this way.  We will have to take the long way around.”
“There’s not any about-the-same-length way?”
“No.  You’ll be restricted from the entire section, and it stretches several dozen yards in either direction, and covers the stairs.”
Danny didn’t think Ea-Nasir was lying, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to tell if he was.  “Great,” he said. 
“It won’t be that much longer,” said Ea-Nasir, sympathetically.  He pointed towards the right.  “Here, we will need to go this way.”
Danny sighed heavily and followed.  Maybe he should rethink just going up through the ceiling… But then what would he do if he ran into a restricted area from below?  No, he’d already decided to stay with the guide.  
They looped around to the adjacent wall, then climbed a spiral staircase two stories to a pastel pink and very fluffy room where the shelves were protected by pink, gauzy veils.  There were star-shaped sequins in them, and Danny collected them as he went.  He thought it was fair payment for getting so much glitter in his wings and fur.  
They emerged into an equally fluffy blue room, where all the books seemed to relate to aquatic creatures in some way.  There were even ancient and inaccurate posters of whales and sharks on the walls. (Whales were not fish.)
Then, they went into a narrow, cramped, upward-sloping hallway and emerged into a room with a much more somber, orderly layout of shelves.  
“How much longer?” asked Danny.  
“Just another few levels,” said the guide.  
“Good,” said Danny.  
“We will have to go through the lantern room.”
“The light in there varies greatly.  It can be distracting to travel through.  I know you first called out to us, thinking we were trapped following our own trails, and that was wrong.  But some have been caught that way, wandering between lights.”
“I’ll be able to handle it,” said Danny.  
“If you’re sure,” said Ea-Nasir.  
They continued for a while, with Danny bracing himself.  He’d have to focus.  He’d have to make sure he didn’t get ‘distracted.’  
Getting back home was a good goal to keep in mind.  Mom and Dad were probably furious with him at this point…  He really should have taken some time to talk to them after he got his voice back, since the cameras…
He patted himself down. 
Oh.  Oh no.  He’d left the cameras back on the little island in the middle of the lake at the bottom of the Well of Voices.  
He was going to be super grounded by the time he got home.  
At least he’d be able to communicate again once he picked up the other equipment at the front desk.  Probably.  If nothing had gone wrong there.  
So, so much trouble…
They reached a small, plain door.  It stuck on its hinges, and Ea-Nasir had to push on it hard to get it to open.  “The lantern room,” he said, with a touch of grandness.
Danny could see why they called it that.  Most of the room was dim shelving, but there were scattered reading areas lit by antique-looking wrought iron and paper lanterns.  The siding of the lanterns themselves were covered in small, close writing.  
It was hard to leave the lit areas.  It was harder still not to linger by them, trying to puzzle out the meaning of the sigils on the lanterns.  He wanted to know.  He was curious.  The chain was long enough now that the end of it kept slipping from his fingers and trying to wrap around the poles supporting the lanterns.  Carrying it over his shoulder was no good.  His wings were in the way.  And, unless he was hallucinating, each link was heavier than the last, too.  Usually, Danny could lift multiple tons, but in this smaller, and probably weaker body…
He wasn’t sure how much time he had left before the stupid thing became unmanageable.  
“How much longer?” he asked again, knowing that he probably sounded like some whiny toddler.  Well.  All things considered, he was a whiny toddler.  So there.  He stretched and resettled his wings.  Part of him just wanted to find a surface to kneel on and get his back parallel to the ground so he could properly spread out his wings.  A nice surface.  Soft.  Somewhere quiet and still, that wouldn’t hurt his ears or ruffle his feathers too much.  This was a library, there should be at least some places like that…
“Not long,” said Ea-Nasir, jarring him from his contemplation.
“Like, minutes not long, or hours not long?”
“I don’t know what those are.”
Danny didn’t groan.  He did trip over the chain.  
“I could carry you, if you’d like.”
Danny flushed and shook his head hard.  No, he was not doing that.  He’d had enough of being carried around and then some.  
They went up a few more sets of stairs after that.  The first brought them to a balcony area, overlooking the lantern room.  The second took them to a room full of pamphlets and loose flyers advertising garage sales and parties.  The third went up and up, doubling back on itself again and again. 
Then, they were in the stacks again, the towering, structural piles of paperwork and books.  Danny recognised the wood decorations, where they were visible, and the hanging metal chimes.  
Not much further now.  
Ea-Nasir turned another corner.  “Here you are.”
And so he was.  There were the card catalogs, there were the books with golden chains, the solid tables, the chair stacked with books.  The book Danny had been working on was still open, even.  
“Thanks,” he said, turning towards Ea-Nasir.  
Ea-Nasir was gone, his trail of light already fading.  
“Right,” Danny said.  “Fine.  Okay.  What now?”
He could wait here for someone like the attendant to find him.  They were unlikely to come back in a hurry, though.  This didn’t seem to be a well-traveled area, and he’d been gone for a long time, so they’d probably already checked on him and found him missing.  
He could try to find his way back to the copyists’ room.  He… really didn’t remember the way, though.  So.  That might not be the best decision.  
Another link in the chain coalesced, and Danny tipped sideways in the air.  That was heavy darn it.  
So, anyway, staying wasn’t the best decision either.  The chain put a time limit on him.  And he wasn’t sure the members of the library wouldn’t see it the same way the quiet ones did.  In which case, he really did need to just go.  And on top of that, Danny’s body wasn’t currently winning any endurance prizes.  Toddlers took naps.  Toddlers needed naps.  And Danny wasn’t about to take a nap, didn’t want a nap, but he was starting to get to the point where his body needed to rest.  Soon.
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annabtg · 3 months
Okay so what are your favourite lilypad hc's? 🤩
Oooh Lilypad hc's?? Don't mind if I do! 🤩
As previously stated, Sirius is very soft for Lily. To the point that makes everyone go "who is this guy and what have you done to Sirius Black". They will tease each other, have their arguments at times, but he never snipes with malice at her or show her this bored/haughty side others see.
Lily is very much the same right back. I think they have this mutual understanding that the other hasn't got much love in their lives and they've put up shields to protect themselves; so they try to be a safe place for each other. They know the other appreciates and understands them and they find comfort in each other.
They are very handsy and physical. You will always find Lily sitting on his lap or Sirius holding her close. Not kissing and snogging in front of others, however. That's something that's only their own.
And god damn it they need their alone time. Every day. They look like such a balanced and cool couple to outsiders, with how they're not jealous and have their separate friends etc., but if they don't have some alone time every day (night, preferably) they will burst.
They do a lot of Muggle activities together. Go bowling, play poker, go to Muggle concerts. Sirius loves discovering new activities and Lily takes pleasure in showing/teaching him.
Unlike James, for whom gift-giving is a love language, Sirius and Lily are not very much into presents. They will give each other a gift on some special occasion, and it will be very thoughtfully chosen, but they're just as likely to leave a birthday go without a present if they haven't thought of anything good. Sirius has given Lily a couple of pieces of jewellery that she always wears and that's it for giving her any more wearable stuff. No clothing items, no lingerie, nothing like that. But he buys her these nice dress robes she needed to go to that wedding/event thing, because they went shopping together and why the hell not.
Books. Books books books. They are book nerds, both of them. Not literature, though - spellbooks, potions guides, science books, encyclopedias. They read them for fun and nerd out exchanging fun facts.
They're not the outdoorsy types the way James is - they're more activity oriented, like "let's go on a motorcycle ride" or "let's go stargazing" (they love stargazing together, and it's a very special activity for them). They won't just go out for a walk or a picnic.
They're also not foodies. Idk they just aren't. They both love tea, though.
They don't meet each other's family. Like, even in a universe where they stay together all their lives and there's no war and whatever, Lily drifts away from her family and Sirius is her person. I guess she invites them to the wedding, if there is one, but she doesn't care for family dinners and keeping in touch etc.. Being with him in all its effortlessness makes her realize there are some fucked up dynamics in her family that she doesn't need to put up with, and she definitely doesn't want to put him under their scrutiny.
Because yeah their being together is effortless. If it weren't, they wouldn't be together. Sirius would never make an effort to win a girl or change for anyone. He's a take it or leave it sort of person, and they just happen to fit so well they get and stay together.
And this is why if/when Lily falls in love with James, Sirius is like "okay then" and lets her be. What do you want him to do, beg? Put on a show to win her back? She's her own person with her own feelings. And James is a pretty great guy, actually, so good for her, really.
But there is no world in which they stop being physical. They may or may not stop having sex, but Lily would never get into a relationship with anyone who expects her to just stop sitting on his lap or snuggle close to him on the sofa. Their relationship, however long it lasts, is very deep, the kind of thing that leaves feelings that never go away, and their physical intimacy stems straight from that.
Thanks for this ask, I had a blast writing this :D
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Iruma is an invasive species within the Netherworld, and like many invasive species he will conquer if left unchecked.
We know at some point, humans and demons interacted though, at some point, they each became each other’s myths. I propose that the separation was intentional on the demon side, relegating humans to bedtime stories. They did this because they knew a single human could elevate or devastate the Netherworld. Humans are weaker in demons in most ways physically but their real strength lies in their cooperativeness and desire for community, adaptability  and perseverance despite adversity.
Right from the start, Iruma has unnaturally succeeded in a world that incredibly hostile to him. And yet from the start be began building relationships. We’ve seen demons don’t have much of a concept of ‘friends’ the closest being ‘allies’. The Misfits individually were lazy and self-centered which is what got them sent to troublemakers class. Only when Iruma reached out and formed positive relationships, created a foreign system of giving and receiving help did they really flourish. With each arc, we see the class cooperating and relying with each other more and more, even in individual events. Its helped them grow exponentially in power and personality and only occurred because Iruma planted the notion that they are stronger together.
Iruma is also extremely adaptable not only from his hectic upbringing but his innate humanity. Despite not knowing the context of what is happening during most of his day, he adapts extremely well. He uses what skills he gained in the human world by tweaking them to suit his needs and picked up new demonic skills (such as using Ali-san’s stored magic) very quickly. Part of the ‘special training’ leading up to the Harvest Festival was forcing the kids to break out of just using their bloodline abilities. Iruma has no power himself and thus isn’t limited in what he uses to complete a task. We’ve seen on a few occasions he wins simply because his opponent is too stuck in a particular way of fighting and thinking. Being able to think on his feet and not just stick to the familiar is what makes him such a fierce opponent.
Finally, we’ve observed that demons on the whole are self-centered and lazy. This is not always the case but overall many lack the ability to pursue or accept change. Even the Six Fingers is all about returning to origins and reviving Delkira, in other words, moving backwards. But since he arrived in the Netherworld Iruma has boldly moved forward. He integrated well into a completely alien environment and not only became popular but powerful very quickly. He worked hard to unlearn an ingrained skill (dodging) to win a contest going head to head with the most powerful student. Even when his fellows wanted to give up, his dedication and well known compassion helped win them the Royal One. He became an expert archer even when his master said most demons gave up, refusing to put in the effort. Challenges that most demons backed down from, Iruma charged on ahead.
Iruma used his ability to bring people together, to adapt to any situation no matter how strange and to see his ambitions through to go from someone who should’ve been eaten on day one to a stand out demon. Iruma himself is a kind, extraordinary young man but he also has a natural advantage in an environment he is unknowingly adapted to. It’s one of the reasons why he will eventually be demon king because who else deserves to stand at the very top than the creature who can outnumber, out-think and outlast any demonic opponent?
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zodiactalks · 6 months
Zodiac Signs Ranked from LEAST to MOST ROMANTIC
Oh, love! What a sweet feeling and what a joy when Cupid decides to point his arrow at us! Well, not everyone has such a pleasant experience with it.
There are some who find displays of affection distasteful, others who prefer to occupy their time with more interesting pursuits and some who simply regard love as a weakness.
Read on to find out which Zodiac Signs are the least to most romantic:
#1. Capricorn
Honestly, sometimes it appears that Capricorn has no feelings at all! They are so busy focusing on their career goals and ambitions that relationships seem like a mere waste of time. Falling in love will be their greatest challenge and life lesson, as they must learn to be more vulnerable and to openly show their passion for their loved ones to avoid losing them.
#2. Aquarius
Aquarians are very friendly, sociable, smart, and fun! However, they are very sharp and tend to rationalize all their feelings as if they were computers. They also cherish their freedom and consider relationships to be just like cages. That's why they are so detached from their emotions and not very romantic. Moreover, when dating, they tend to treat their partners the same way they treat their friends.
#3. Virgo
These Zodiac Signs firmly separate matters of the heart from those of reason. Their labyrinthine mind loves riddles, mathematical problems, science, among other subjects. Now, love is not something you can read in a book or understand through a chemical formula. It is so irrational that Virgos fail to understand what it is all about and ends up discarding it. When they fall in love, they do their best not to show it and go unnoticed most of the time.
#4. Gemini
Geminis take love as a fun ride! Instead of being romantic and affectionate, they show their significant other how much they love them through jokes, games, or engaging chats. It may not seem very tender, but it's just the way they express their excitement! After getting used to it, their lovers learn to appreciate its benefits. For example, none of their dates will be boring and as long as they are by their side, they will always be laughing.
#5. Aries
Although Aries is passionate, they don't have a lot of patience for romantic displays of affection. They tend to cut to the chase and show their love through concrete actions. So, forget about love poems or endless hugs while looking at the stars. With Aries, there is no need to waste time on cloying cuddles, in fact, this makes them anxious and impatient. Better to accept their fast pace and enjoy this energy in the privacy of the bedroom.
#6. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are not specifically romantic, but they know exactly how to lift their partner's spirits. So, if they notice their loved one is having a bad day, they will go out of their way to see them smile! From buying them ice cream, making them a playlist with their favorite music, or inviting them to watch a movie. Maybe they don't get them chocolates and roses every single day, but they do make an effort when it's required. If this is not love, then what is?
#7. Taurus
When Taurus plans a romantic gesture, it turns out to be the greatest one of all! The problem is that they perform these gestures very sporadically. With them, everything takes a long time, as they walk at a slow pace, and tend to put their ideas together with one at a time. So, yes, they are romantic, but they don't usually prove it too often! Still, their partners appreciate the extra effort they put into anniversaries and other special occasions.
#8. Libra
Libra lives for romance! They get excited about love stories and strive for their relationships to be as Hollywood movie-like as possible. They are amazing partners, always making sure their beloved feels loved and appreciated with their cute demonstrations of love. For example, surprise lunches, custom-designed gifts, couple massages, and so more! Anyone in a relationship with Libra can testify to this.
#9. Scorpio
Scorpio's passion for their beloved has no boundaries or restrictions! They don't fall in love easily, but when they do, their love burns as brightly as a thousand suns. Now, they may not show it in public, but they are very romantic and do everything to make their beloved aware of it. Their demonstrations of love are not exactly tender, but rather passionate and exuberant.
#10. Leo
Leo is a warm and expressive fire sign. They rejoice in love expressions, and the bigger the better! They have no shame in shouting to the world who is the lucky one to be by their side. Every brief encounter turns to be a special event to commemorate with gifts and love notes. As long as their partner appreciates these details, Leo will come back for more.
#11. Cancer
The only time a Cancer shows their vulnerable side is when they fall in love for the first time. That's when they drop their tough facade and bring out all the lovely feelings they hold inside! Every day is an opportunity to show their love for their sweetheart, treat them like royalty and tell them how lucky they are to have them.
#12. Pisces
As a water sign, Pisces tend to be very in tune with their feelings. That is why being romantic is as natural to them as breathing! As soon as they feel something for a special person, they start displaying their affection through poems, songs, paintings, even heartwarming text messages! Dating a Pisces is like living in a magical wonderland where no harm can befall them.
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laura-de-milf · 2 years
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I have vicious thoughts about this!!!! and it warrants a whole separate post I guess
One thing that really stood out to me when first watching this scene is the way she physically recomposes herself and entirely changes her voice and body language before she delivers this line. She goes from the same shocked, tearful expression of genuine heartbreak that we saw during the raid scene-
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-and morphs into this stone-cold, dutiful resolution:
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She does an intriguingly similar thing with her head and face as she does when shapeshifting into other people; not that I think she's physically shapeshifting here, but it sure feels like she's at least mentally shapeshifting into someone who isn't herself. We've seen her do this "internal" shapeshifting several times, from the "straight-laced" Bureau agent into "wild cat" Laura de Mille, so at this point we know how capable she is of splitting her Bureau and Sisterhood personas. She's physically returning to Bureau-form in this moment to deliver this line, which feels scripted and performed in a sort of perfunctory "sorry ma'am, that's just Company Policy" kind of way. We know that Laura's been forced to hide her abilities (and huge aspects of her character) while working at the Bureau, so we can probably reasonably conclude that that side isn't her true self. The person speaking this line is not the true Laura de Mille.
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Here's where I start ruminating on why she did this and get into some crackpot/speculative theory, but-
I honestly do think she was trying to rescue and protect metahumans wherever she could at the Bureau, certainly in the beginning. To what extent she did this at her own risk and at what point she needed to start protecting herself (in order to continue protecting others), I'm not 100% sure, but I do think at some point during WWII she determined that a visible close connection between her and the Sisterhood would put them all at risk: Laura of being found out as a Meta, and subsequently the Sisterhood's subversive activities being exposed with no one in a position of authority left to protect them. Laura's effort to stop associating with the Sisterhood would have been an attempt to obscure any personal affiliation so they couldn't be used as collateral against each other under extreme circumstances: after two world wars spent working up close with government intelligence, she's probably all too familiar with the dangers of letting the enemy know who and what you care about. What safer way to ensure that Laura's quiet, ongoing efforts to keep the metas protected couldn't be accidentally discovered (or forcibly extracted) than to genuinely make the Sisterhood believe she was distancing herself from them by choice? Which further leads me to scream about how much she must have known that they loved her for her to trust that they wouldn't turn against her.
The plan ultimately went horribly wrong in the end, for reasons we're not clearly shown but which I can only speculate were not entirely in her control. The least she could do at that point was to allow the Sisterhood a means to use her as an outlet for their anger; to use her as the face of the system they'd all once schemed to take down, and perhaps to fuel their motivation to continue pursuing that work. In the case of this scene, she's giving them direct incentive to go through with the eternal flagellation. And it works: Rita rips open that cage door so fast after that line.
But if that's a bit lofty- I think more simply Laura feels that she deserves to be hated by the people she's harmed. She holds herself solely responsible for what happened to them, and probably feels that the only way to repent is to suffer with them--ideally worse than them. She actively fuels and validates Rita's hatred towards her on several occasions: provoking her in the woods, teasing her sadistically by taking Malcolm's image in the salon--we've seen how good-natured she is in her purest form and this seems by comparison so uncharacteristic of the Laura we know underneath the trauma. But like so many deeply traumatically unwell people, she lashes out cruelly in a deliberate effort to drive away the people she loves so that it's less hurtful to them when she proceeds to abuse and harm herself. She wants the Sisterhood to think of her as the villain and to feel satisfaction instead of grief when harm inevitably comes to her. She feels this is what she deserves. She doesn't see a path of forgiveness for herself, only pain and evil and loathing and self-flagellation. And she doesn't want the people she loves, who are already dealing with so much of their own pain because of her, anywhere near that.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I need help deciding something, im not sure whether this is the right place for it but here it goes.
I'm in a fandom that is about 10ish years old, went through a decline and then saw a huge surge at the beginning of 2021 because it got a (very good) show based on the books. While the canon endgame is good ol' friends-to-lovers, the most popular ship is an enemies and lovers with a bunch of 'problematic' elements. It's so popular that it has more fics on ao3 than any other ship in the entire universe in which the story is set.
Now, most of the fans of the ship hang out in a discord server, and I, being obsessed with the ship, joined it in early June. Tumblr doesn't have much content for the ship because of the harassment faced by the fans by antis when the show was released and I detest using twitter so the server is my only contact with that series.
And, everything is cool. The members are super chill, extremely helpful, the mods are great and have excellent events every month for the members, and I've had an overall good experience. I'm not very active, I only talk about once ever 2 or 3 days, but I read all the messages because they tend to be quite interesting.
Now here is where the problems begin: on different platforms, on three separate occasions, I have heard negativity about the server. Once on ao3, an author complained about the server in her notes, and when some fandom newbie asked her to explain she said the mods were power hungry jerks who silenced anyone they didn't like and there was a lot of negativity, and they looked down on everyone who wrote dead dove. On tumblr, a person claimed that they were the founder of the server and they got bullied by the members and made fun of by the mods because they wanted a channel for darker topics (dead dove, underage etc) while this founder did not, and the overall experience left them traumatized. One of my friends from the server left because she said that she had issues with mods and didn't like who she had to be in order to stay in the server.
Which... sounds bad, except the ao3 and tumblr person's reasons seem to directly contradict each other with respect to dead dove? And the server does have a dead dove channel (you have to take a role for it, so you can leave the role and it will be hidden any time) although they restrict underage but that's because of discord's TOS. The server is very much proship so I don't see them looking down on dead dove doesn't make sense. And the tumblr person claims to be the founder, but the server has two people marked as founders and there is absolutely no trace of this third person. None. Not even a mention of x. Neither is there any trace of an argument regarding these topics. As for the person who left the server... she was a good person, but a little insensitive and very likely to jump to extremes, which was why the mods had warned her a couple of times not to do so (some of her statements could come across as ableist even if she didn't mean anything like that). I'd ask her if there was more but I don't really know her that well. The mods are very hands off, only occasionally asking to shift to appropriate channels if required, that too not often. They've been great, and they put tons of effort into creating events and stuff, more than I have seen in any fandom.
I won't say that there had never been issues. I found that sometime last year, there was a pretty big ruckus. There was a BNF, whose works became so popular that it was all anyone would talk about so some people got tired (there were like 200 members back then). So discussions of the BNF's work got relegated to a thread. Later on tumblr some other authors criticized the bnf's work (all her fics reeked of internalized misogyny even if her writing was good, so it's not surprising) thinking she'd never see it (she was on twitter not tumblr), but somehow she came to know and brought it up in the server. The other authors apologized, but then some others got into the discussion and it got into a whole ass free for all where some were siding with the bnf saying how unfair it was that her work had to go into threads instead of the normal channels, and how others mocked her and how she'd been patient. Another group sided with the other authors and said that they had a right to criticism, they hadn't done it on a platform where the bnf would see it anyways, and the bnf had created unnecessary drama by dragging the issues into the server. Long story short, bnf quit the fandom, a number of people got kicked, and 'leave your issues at the door' got added to the server rules, and it was suggested that criticism be done on private groups and stuff where others wouldnt see it (not a rule because the mods made it clear they would not handle any drama outside of the server). There was a little disagreement between two members when one of the actors got accused of being racist (unfairly, imo, based on a couple of paparazzi pics, and the accusations have since been blown away). But that was all. I could find no other records of controversies or bullying, and I spent quite a bit of time searching.
Overall my personal experience has been positive in the server. The closest you get to a disagreement is just people crackshipping the craziest ships and making up increasingly ridiculous scenarios for crack while others go 'MY EYEEEES' or 'BRAIN BLEACH BRAIN BLEACH' but it's all in fun and those members are very close friends who know there's no ill will. And yet every time I see criticism of the server I feel hesitant and wonder whether I'm deluding myself, whether I'm so desperate to have contact with this fandom that I'm turning a blind eye to stuff (even though I don't think I am). But not one, not two, but three different people have said these issues exist on the server, and while one or two could be clowns, ALL of them can't be, right? Not to mention the drama last year.
I don't know, I love being on the server, but whenever I see things like this it makes me uneasy. I'm not sure what to do, I don't want to be a part of it if all these accusations are true.
Wait and see, I guess. A bunch of people complaining about a space could mean anything from a literal conspiracy to smear its name to the natural disagreements that arise wherever people congregate to secret nastiness you haven't noticed.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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August 👨🏽‍🏫 2023 Monthly - Gemini
Whole of your energy: Knight of Cups
There is a lot of watery energy in this relationship, you both show up as the Cups pair, but they’re reversed, and you aren’t sure why. You’re taking the first step towards making amends, you’re apologizing and hoping to fix this separated energy between you, but it looks like this person is and has been playing games with your head, you’re getting increasingly pissed off by that. Because your intentions are very loving, whatever you’re doing is loving, sweet & romantic with Knight of Cups. You’re probably being passive aggressively punished by a water sign’s silent treatments, or that’s what I’m getting.
What’s going on in August:
The Devil rev:
Just being here shows there was some level of toxicity in the past between you and this person. You’ve apologized for your end, or you’re doing that now, but you could also feel like the tables have turned and it’s now this person up to some toxic bs with their emotional manipulations or overflowing tears, silent treatments, general confusion and purposeful fog they’re giving you within the connection. You want to make it better, but you do not speak telepathy, and can/do empathize while also not really understanding this person’s level of depth with these issues so…is this person even on your page anymore?
Ace of Cups:
This is a new start, you love this person and want to make things better. A fresh beginning, lessons learned and all that, Page of Cups here can be asking them out to a movie, a date of some kind. Your olive branch 🕊 is extended more than once throughout this reading, because you don’t want the relationship to end, but you do want to lay the old stuff to rest. You’re also not sure if they can because they’re giving you very little to go off of, except chaotic emotional energy that’s sporadic and hard to read.
8 Wands:
You’re taking action, asking them out, sending messages, trying to bypass their whole moody moon energy. Let’s go to an event, spontaneously, it looks fun. They will probably reject you with with 4 Cups here. There are at least two occasions in this reading where you’re making an effort with them and being shut down. I can’t see what you did, just that this dynamic makes you go bonkers, you’re an air sign and need communication THE most. But you’re dealing with a feeler/telepathic subtext type of person and neither of you are getting what you need from the other, but they’re not even trying, that’s the difference.
King of Cups:
This seems to be your energy as well as the Knight of Cups, an emotionally mature and loving sort of person, you’re willing to make the effort it takes to get this other person to open up and have a good time with you. They’re resisting. So you’re doing the only thing you can do, nothing. You’ve apologized for whatever they’re mad about, there’s been no progress, you’re going to stop trying. If you’re feeding some kind of manipulative joy in this person, that’s ending. I don’t really get that but even this reading doesn’t give off much from them, except what they’re giving to you…which isn’t much. This could be a silent treatment stand off that you don’t even want.
5 Pentacles:
I don’t see it going anywhere. You’re probably going to end up abandoning this situation. What other choice do you have? They don’t speak to you, they won’t go out with you, they don’t tell you what their problem is or let you in to even try to fix it! It’s a lose/lose for you, and they’re driving you crazy in the meantime. The solution is Wheel of Fortune & 9 Pentacles. “Giving it to God” as some like to say, you’re releasing any expectations or hope for a specific outcome, if it is then it is and if not okay see ya. 9 Pentacles shows you being in pre-Empress/Emperor energy where you’re secure in yourself and what you’ve got going on, with or without this person, you’re fine. It’s great energy to be in, you’re not going to let them drive you crazy for very long. That then puts the ball in their court if they want to try and contact you for Round 2 of this game, they know where you are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Every sign, heavy Cancer/Pisces 💦 & Virgo
Oracles: ✨
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
69 Precision
The desire to do things precisely is useful as long as it does not devolve into rigidity.
20 Healing Energy 🤕
Drawing this card guides you to work with energy on a healing level. Take a class, go and receive a Reiki healing, or just sit in meditation and concentrate on mindfulness. With the healing energy of Divine love, you do not have to “know” how to do anything. Just sit quietly, set your intention and let Spirit’s love fill you up. When you are living in a vibration of healing, you not only affect yourself, but those around you. Others then can connect with your energy and their vibrations can rise as a result. There is no force to this. This is basically how energy works. Your vibrational change will effect change in the ones you are close to. Alternately this card signifies healing is taking place within a relationship.
We enter into August as:
Shrinking Violet 😥
“I don’t trust my intuition.”
Are you retreating from a situation that could bring you success? We all abandon projects that seemingly lack merit. However, Shrinking Violet indicates you may not be trusting your intuition, which is mostly likely on target. Choose three people to ask advice from, then take their advice, throw it out the window and go with your gut. There is every indication you should complete the task at hand. Block yourself off from thoughts of what will happen at the completion stage. Stay the process, don’t worry about the ending, or results, don’t be frightened. Just continue on.
What is to be learned in August:
Rose Without Thorns 🌹:
“It is time to face my true feelings.”
You are most fortunate. As we mature, we learn that to enjoy the beauty of a rose, we must occasionally risk getting pricked by a thorn. You are not facing “the same situation”, this is the dawn of feelings being awakened and a new truth being born. You’re being presented with a different way to live. Trust you will know what to do. Stay open. Time changes us all if we’re lucky, it’s time to surrender and make the change. The best incentive to change is often love.
Red may be a lucky color ❤️
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who-is-muses · 2 months
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[ man embarrassment is such a wild ass thing because I can give negative 2 shits about anything and everything for a majority of the time, then all of a sudden be mortified by my own enjoyment of something. Anyways, woe! Thought about sinhal I hid in my drafts like two weeks ago be upon ye! (under a readmore tho, still working on unlearning shame djdjjdkd) ]
[ while I see the appeal that draws many to hc Hal and Sin as exes, I like them more as having no preexisting romantic relationship for a few different reasons. ]
[ Firstly, I sincerely doubt Thaal would have any kind of Thing with anyone that soon after losing both Arin and Abin. He'd never loved anyone else before, never had the inclination to share a bed with someone beyond sex, and then he found them. But they were then taken away. Thaal is and long has been the very specific kind of egotistical bastard that thinks everything he's involved in happens because of him, is his fault, good or bad. He's also always been the kind to internalize and repress and bear everything himself rather than willingly seek solace in another. ]
[ Secondly, it’s so much worse for my Thaal (making it that much better for the angst <3) to have had that pining festering under everything else for so many years. As aforementioned, he's had to grapple with heartbreak and regret of the dead before- but regret of the living, where there's technically still a chance to say or do what part of him wishes he did but another sees that sliver of possibility as nothing more than a personal insult, is a very different thing. Even deeper than the yearning to have Hal at his side and be allies proper once again is this awful, disgusting want that he’s ashamed of and that just fuels his anger and paradoxical hatred all the more. ]
[ Thaal absolutely fell for Hal when they were both still GLs, don't get me wrong- but after the mess that was adding a romance onto his mentor-and-mentee relationship with Abin, he absolutely refused to go down that road again and resolved himself to just bury that piece of his feelings for his own trainee. Abin was every bit the hero he was lauded as- but lacked in the intrapersonal department. Not cold or unfeeling- far from it- but often deaf and blind to his loved ones' feelings. Though Arin had learned to read her younger brother and how to talk with him in that regard, Thaal never really figured it out and was left confused and hurt on innumerable occasions. Never once did he say "I love you" in plain words, leading Thaal to just stop trying to get the reply. Unique to Arin and Abin, Thaal let them do nearly whatever they wanted with him- but where Arin reciprocated, Abin tended to be a rather selfish lover and didn't know how to go about aftercare so he rarely put even the smallest effort in. Though Thaal was always quick to deny it, scorn anyone- even Arin- for suggesting anything negative about Abin, he ultimately knew he was letting Abin get away with playing him. But he also knew Abin did truly care about him in return, just failed time and again to properly show it, and so Thaal endured. ]
[ As much as Thaal tried to separate Hal from the man whose ring he inherited, it was extremely difficult to do so entirely at first; part of his initial infatuation with Hal was that connection, yes, but it was also part of why he kept him so stubbornly at arm's length. He was both afraid to let anyone close again, and afraid of ending up in the same heavily tipped relationship again that he would repeatedly doubt the reciprocity of his feelings whenever brushed off or met with shallow affection. ]
[ Lastly, I think it's very funny to imagine there being the common assumption that there must have been Something other than platonic between them at some point. Which is very reasonable with Thaal acting like a vengeful ex- ]
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Heyooo! Feeling better today!
Today was honestly quite ok, you know? I'm glad I could complete my tasks for the day, actually.
So, let's go on about them, right?
Number 1: Study like Wade Watts
Got another day of studying done today! This time, I managed 1 hour and 30 minutes for the first time, yo! Doing good!
I was reviewing my Socioeconomics notes and noticed some stuff about me. I always heard about "pendular migration" (I think you guys call it "commuting"), that describes the movement people do every day from one city to the other, from home to work, in metropolitan regions. I was looking at it and a light bulb went on on my head "hey, I do pendular migration every single day!"
Ha! Somehow I keep seeing myself as separate of my studies. It's funny to see myself on them for a change.
So, today puts me at 15/184 days of study, which is 8.15% of my goal. Good!
Number 2: Fight like a Bene Gesserit
Yesterday I consumed 1222/1636 calories, which is... less than I expected. I've not been feeling that hungry these days, which is weird, you know? I noticed I also ate less today. Weird. I'll try to get closer to my calories for the day; I wanna lose weight, not become malnourished! I'll try to at least not go below 1200 calories a day.
Today I stretched my lower body. It was good!
Number 3: The NOBA Project
So, I've been reading this book called "Bad News: Why We Fall For Fake News", from this Rob Brotherton guy, and it's been quite interesting! I finished Chapter 1 today, and I'd like to show you my highlights from it.
"To be clear, I'm not saying that there's no difference between fake news and real news, or that journalists occasionally getting the facts wrong, despite their best efforts, is on par with intentionally spreading deceptive fake news. What I'm saying is that fake news mimics the form and function of standard news, leveraging our collective notions of what news is or should be to its advantage. Because of this parasitic relationship, we can better understand the problem of fakw news by exploring our complicated relationship with news in general" pg. 14
"It's not just the media that is viewed with skepticism. American, British and Canadian surveys have found that journalists are on par in trustworthiness with real estate agents, lawyers, and car mechanics. Only politicians are reliably less trusted." pg. 15
(HA, as a lawyer, I had to laugh at the fact that we are used as a reliable status of untrustworthiness. I trust you as much as I trust a lawyer is basically an insult! It is funny!)
"The data for the United States showed that in 2018 overall trust 'suffered the largest-ever-recorded drop in the survey's history', falling from 52 percent to 43 percent - meaning that people were more distrusting than trusting, on the whole." pg. 15
(It seems to me that this is quite a sign of a failed society)
"But to assume that our current struggles are new and imprecedent is to assume also that new causes are responsible and that new cures are required. This perpetual scramble for new solutions to ostensibly new problems blinds us to historical insights into current predicaments" pg. 16
(ok... but, if these problems are not new, this means they've been there for a while. So, it probably means that old solutions did not solve them. So, wouldn't it really be the case for new solutions?)
"The just rewarde of him that is accustomed to lie, is, not to be believed when he speaketh the truth. So just an occasion may sometime bee imposed upon the pamphleting presseres. And therefore, if we receive the same rewards, we cannot much blame our accusers' (The author went on to tell the tale of a 'Strange and Monstrous Serpent, or Dragon' troubling the English countryside)." pg. 20
"(...) Society is a good-natured giant with no memory, and it is always safe to print a petulant article on the degeneracy of the press." pg. 22
("a good-natured giant with no memory" sounds like an... adequate description of humanity through the ages, to be honest)
"Some of the language and more obert prejudice aside, there are hints of the same kind of thinking about fake news today. Stories about the problem are usually about how someone else is falling for it." pg. 25
"It's not that we think ourselves completely immune to influence; we just tend to think we are less gullible thatn everyone else." pg. 26
(It's me. I'm the clown does this. You didn't have to strip me naked while I was reading you, but here we are)
"W. Philips Davison, a Columbia University professor of journalism and sociology, coined a term for this: the third-person effect. When we think about the effects of a communication, he wrote, 'it's greatest impact will not be on 'me' or 'you', but on 'them' - the thirds persons." pg. 26
"We tend to think of other people as less rational and more conformist than ourselves. Our own beliefs, we think, are based on objective knowledge or experiences. Other people's beliefs are more likely the result of mindlsessly fllowing the group." pg. 27
(I'm already a naked clown, you don't have to keep EXPOSING me!)
"Recent research has taken the third-person effect into the territory of fake news, and the pattern holds true. We think ohter people are more likely to fall for it than us. More generally, we think other people are more vulnerable to the risks of social media than we are, such as falling for extremist propaganda. The problem is perhaps exarcebated because fake news so often latches on to hot-button issues. The angrier we are about an issue, and the more personally invested we feel, the more we assume the best of ourselves and the worst of others." pg. 27
"The most important lesson to take away from the hoopla over Orson Welle's 'War of the Worlds' is, perhaps, to beware of stories that appear to confirm our worst assumptions about the people around us. When it comes to the news - fake or otherwise - things are often more complicated than they appear." pg. 31
"Some critics accused radio of weakening people's attention spans." pg. 31
(haha. Tale as old as time)
"The tendency to share news before substantiating it, and to belive trusted sources, still gets us into trouble today. Fake news is at its most dangerous when it becomes socially contagious." pg. 32
"And when we're presentede with a string of anecdotes, we can't help extrapolating, turning a handful of extreme and exceptional stories into an assumed reality." pg. 32
(This reminded me of my rhetoric classes. We learned that story-telling is an exceptional mean of convincing someone of something; way better than just showing the data. Just like thIS BOOK HAS ALSO DONE, HOLY SHIT, THE WAR OF THE WORLDS ANECDOTE IS JUST THIS OH GOD)
And that was it for today, folks! See you tomorrow!
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tarefaantf · 11 months
Elevate Your Style with Co-ord Sets for Women"
Elevate Your Style with Co-ord Sets for Women
Fashion is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, where trends come and go. While some styles fade away with time, others stand the test of time, transcending seasons and making their mark on the fashion scene. One such trend that has firmly established itself in the world of women's fashion is the "co-ord set." A co-ord set, short for a coordinated set, is a matching outfit that typically includes a top and a bottom, often in the same color or pattern. These sets have gained immense popularity for their versatility, ease, and undeniable style.
In this article, we will explore the world of co-ord sets for women, discussing what they are, why they have become a fashion staple, how to style them, and where to find the perfect co-ord sets to elevate your style.
What Are Co-ord Sets for Women?
Co-ord sets, as the name suggests, are outfits that are perfectly coordinated. They consist of a matching top and bottom, which can include a variety of clothing items such as blouses, t-shirts, crop tops, skirts, pants, shorts, or even jackets. The coordinating elements can be in the form of color, pattern, or fabric, creating a harmonious and put-together look.
Co-ord sets can be found in various styles, from casual and comfortable to elegant and chic. They offer an excellent way for women to effortlessly achieve a polished appearance without the need to spend hours mixing and matching separate pieces in their wardrobe.
Why Co-ord Sets Have Become a Fashion Staple
Co-ord sets have gained a dedicated following among fashion enthusiasts for several compelling reasons:
Effortless Style: Co-ord sets are designed to make fashion more accessible. They take the guesswork out of outfit coordination, allowing women to effortlessly achieve a stylish look with minimal effort.
Versatility: These sets are incredibly versatile. You can dress them up or down, depending on the occasion. Pair a casual co-ord set with sneakers for a day out, or accessorize with heels and statement jewelry for a special event.
Consistency: Co-ord sets provide a sense of consistency in your outfit. This makes you look well put-together, even if you're in a hurry.
Comfort: Many co-ord sets are made from comfortable and breathable fabrics, making them an ideal choice for everyday wear. You can find sets suitable for all seasons, from lightweight linen for summer to cozy knits for winter.
Individuality: While co-ord sets are coordinated, there's still room for individual expression. You can choose sets with patterns and designs that match your personal style.
Time-Saving: Co-ord sets are a time-saving solution for busy women. With a well-curated collection of these sets in your wardrobe, you can streamline your dressing routine.
How to Style Co-ord Sets for Women
Styling co-ord sets is an art, and it allows you to express your unique fashion sense. Here are some tips on how to elevate your style with co-ord sets:
Accessorize: While co-ord sets offer a complete look, don't be afraid to add your personal touch with accessories. Belts, scarves, statement jewelry, and handbags can transform your outfit.
Footwear Matters: The choice of footwear can significantly impact the overall style of your co-ord set. Sneakers or sandals create a casual look, while heels or ankle boots add a touch of sophistication.
Layering: Consider layering your co-ord set with a jacket, cardigan, or blazer to add depth and warmth to your outfit. This is especially useful for transitioning from day to night.
Mix and Match: Don't limit yourself to wearing the co-ord set as is. Experiment by pairing the top or bottom with other pieces in your wardrobe to create new looks.
Mind the Occasion: Always choose a co-ord set that suits the occasion. Opt for a more casual set for a day at the park, and reserve elegant sets for special events.
Proportion is Key: Pay attention to the proportions of your co-ord set. If one piece is loose-fitting, balance it with a more fitted counterpart.
Where to Find the Perfect Co-ord Sets
Now that you're eager to incorporate co-ord sets into your wardrobe, you might wonder where to find the perfect ones. Fortunately, there are numerous options available, both in physical stores and online. Here are some popular places to shop for co-ord sets:
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, ASOS, Zara, and Shein offer a wide range of co-ord sets in different styles, sizes, and price points.
Boutiques and Specialty Stores: Many boutique clothing stores specialize in unique and fashionable co-ord sets. These boutiques often offer a curated selection that sets them apart from larger retailers.
Thrift and Vintage Shops: You can also find vintage or second-hand co-ord sets at thrift shops or online vintage stores. This is a sustainable and budget-friendly option.
Designer Brands: High-end designer brands such as Gucci, Prada, and Versace also offer luxurious co-ord sets for women who want to make a statement.
Local Markets and Craft Fairs: If you prefer one-of-a-kind pieces, local markets and craft fairs can be excellent places to discover unique co-ord sets created by local artisans.
Custom-Made Sets: Consider having co-ord sets custom-made to your measurements. This ensures a perfect fit and a truly unique outfit.
In Conclusion
Co-ord sets for women have emerged as a fashionable and practical choice for those who want to elevate their style effortlessly. With their coordination and versatility, co-ord sets have secured a prominent place in the fashion world, allowing women to achieve a polished and put-together look without the hassle of outfit coordination.
Whether you're dressing for a casual day out, a formal event, or anything in between, co-ord sets offer a wide array of options to suit your style and the occasion. By accessorizing, experimenting with different combinations, and choosing the right co-ord set for each situation, you can make these matching ensembles a staple in your wardrobe, ultimately elevating your style to new heights. So, go ahead and embrace this trend to simplify your dressing routine while looking chic and fashionable.
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laughing-lompie · 1 year
Step by step instructions to Rouse Yourself: 11 Hints for Personal growth
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Accomplish your objectives with these science-upheld inspiration enhancers.
Putting forth an objective — anything from earning a college education or getting a new position to accomplishing another degree of actual wellness — is a major move toward working on your life. In any case, faithfully seeing through to accomplish what we've decided to achieve can be testing, particularly on those occasions when inspiration winds down. So how would you completely finish your responsibilities during those times when you simply don't want to invest the effort?
We as a whole lose inspiration every now and then. While you're feeling unmotivated, attempt one of these science-supported procedures to get yourself in the groove again toward your objective.
Put your objective on the schedule.
Regularly practice pursuing your objective.
Plan for blemish.
Put forth little objectives to gather speed.
Keep tabs on your development.
Reward yourself for the little wins as well as the enormous ones.
Embrace positive friend pressure.
Practice appreciation (counting for yourself).
Do some state of mind lifting.
Change your current circumstance.
Recall your "why."
Play Video: Go get it!
Self-inspiration tips
We should investigate every one of the above tips. Here, we'll separate these self-inspiration methods, specifying what they are and the science behind them.
1. Put your objective on the schedule.
One method for giving a lift to your inner inspiration is to make some outer inspiration: a deadline. Anything that it is you're intending to achieve, put it on the schedule. You might be pursuing an objective with a set completion date worked in. Models incorporate planning for a test or taking a course with a decent end date.
On the off chance that your objective comes up short on structure, you can include it by concluding a date by which you could reasonably accomplish your objective.
Need to run a 5k or long distance race? Pursue a race on or close to your deadline. Taking into account a degree? Research the application cutoff time and record it on paper. Meaning to gain proficiency with another profession expertise? Register for a course and set a deadline to wrap up.
Having a deadline not just assists you with remaining persuaded, it likewise assists you with keeping tabs on your development — you generally realize how much further you need to go. This can hugely affect your exhibition [1].
Tip: Setting a deadline
Be sensible while setting your deadline, however fight the temptation to give yourself additional time than you'll require. Concentrates on show that we here and there see longer objectives as more troublesome, in any event, when they're not. This can prompt a more prominent probability of lingering or stopping [2].
2. Practice making progress toward your objective regularly.
At the point when you regularly practice pursuing your objective — a programmed molded reaction — you never again need to depend such a great amount on feeling persuaded. How would you transform a way of behaving into a propensity?
Distinguish a trigger.
Pick something that you as of now practice on a regular basis, such as cleaning your teeth or having lunch, to be a trigger for the activity you need to make a propensity. Work out an "on the off chance that" plan (otherwise called an execution goal).
For instance, if you need to make a propensity for reading up for a class regular, your in the event that plan could seem to be this:
In the event that I pour my most memorable mug of espresso, I will burn through five minutes on my number related schoolwork.
To construct consistency in work out, it could seem to be this:
In the event that I get up and clean my teeth, I will quickly get into my exercise garments.
Making this arrangement and committing it to composing could improve the probability of finishing [3].
Begin little.
Notice that the above models don't say that you'll peruse six sections of your course book, watch two hours of talk recordings, or endure an hour perspiring on the treadmill.
Getting everything rolling is in many cases the hardest part on low-inspiration days, and beginning is a lot simpler when the errand is little: Five minutes of study or getting into your exercise garments [4].
These apparently little activities can prime your brain for the main job, so the followthrough — a more extended concentrate on meeting or a full exercise — can happen all the more normally with less mental opposition, as indicated by The Study of Self improvement [5].
3. Plan for blemish.
It's perfect to have good expectations about accomplishing your objective, but on the other hand it's feasible to be too hopeful [6]. Few out of every odd day will go precisely according to plan, and that is not a problem. Life occurs.
One method for helping inspiration on troublesome days is just to anticipate them. As you ponder your objective, write down a rundown of the things that could hold you up. In the event that you're taking a web-based course, this could include:
Losing web access
Getting a call in a review meeting
Having a kid home wiped out
Feeling stuck on a troublesome idea or task
Assuming that you want to go running ordinary, a few hindrances could include:
Stormy climate
Getting requested to remain late working during the time you normally run
We can't anticipate all that could occur, yet we can foresee those obstructions that are probably going to occur occasionally founded on our exceptional conditions.
When you have your rundown, make an arrangement for how to deal with the hindrance. How might you prepare for when your web goes out? Perhaps you could keep a couple of talk recordings downloaded to your telephone or PC for disconnected admittance, or you could distinguish a close by bistro that offers complimentary wireless internet.
Presently when that obstruction springs up, rather than losing inspiration and feeling collapsed, you have an arrangement set up to make a big difference for the energy.
Remember that for certain deterrents, missing your undertaking is a totally OK arrangement.
The WOOP strategy
Whenever you're defining an objective for yourself, practice the WOOP procedure, spearheaded by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen. This represents Wish, Result, Impediment, and Plan. What is your desire? What might be the result of that wish working out as expected? What fundamental deterrent holds you up? How might you defeat that obstruction?
4. Put forth little objectives to gather speed.
"To impact the world, get going by making your bed. In the event that you make your bed each day, you will have achieved the main undertaking of the day. It will provide you with a little deep satisfaction, and it will urge you to do another errand, and one more and again."
Maritime Chief of naval operations William H. McRaven offered this guidance during his beginning discourse at the College of Texas at Austin in 2014. The previous Naval force SEAL was onto something.
Research demonstrates the way that continuous little victories can gather a feeling of speed that can thus drive long haul achievement, particularly from the get-go in the process [7, 8]. Anything that your major objective might be, begin by separating it into more modest pieces. Finding another line of work may be a major objective. More modest objectives could be refreshing your resume, making a portfolio site, procuring a confirmation, or going to a systems administration occasion.
Did you be aware?
Laying out objectives toward the beginning of another week, month, or year can normally prompt expanded inspiration [9]. We will generally intellectually connect these transient milestones with fresh starts while making mental separation from any apparent deficiencies from quite a while ago. Well that is what we call a persuasive Monday.
5. Keep tabs on your development.
Seeing improvement can be exceptionally persuading [10]. You'll find many instruments out there to assist you with following your objectives. This could be essentially as straightforward as a plan for the day or schedule where you can check off undertakings or days as you complete them. Or on the other hand you could decide on a free device like Trello, which permits you to make a customized computerized task board to sort your major objective into everyday, week by week, month to month, or even yearly sub objectives.
Another choice is to draw an advancement bar on a sheet of banner board or paper. Hang it some place where you'll see it consistently, and fill it in as you draw nearer to your objective.
What is a Shrewd objective?
Once in a while the best objectives are Brilliant objectives — explicit, quantifiable, reachable, pertinent, and time bound.
6. Reward yourself for the little wins as well as the large ones.
It feels better to be compensated for our work. Be that as it may, prizes can likewise further develop inspiration and execution. Remunerating yourself for arriving at little achievements and finishing major objectives could help your advantage and pleasure in the work you're doing [11].
These prizes don't need to be large or cost huge load of cash. Here is a speedy rundown of thoughts you could use to compensate yourself:
Enjoy some time off
Take a stroll outside
Partake in your #1 tidbit
Peruse a section of your #1 book
Put shortly thinking
Stand by listening to an episode of your most loved webcast
Plan a night out with companions
Play an internet game
Visit a free gallery or fascination
Have a long shower or shower
Call a companion or relative
Put in almost no time making your own prize rundown so that you're prepared to commend your successes, of all shapes and sizes.
Positive Brain science
Abilities you'll fabricate:
Appreciation, Benevolence, Contemplation, Positive Brain science
7. Embrace positive friend pressure.
You're eventually the person who invests the energy to accomplish your objectives. Be that as it may, others can be an extraordinary inspiration.
Research demonstrates the way that feeling like you're essential for a group can prompt supported constancy, commitment, and execution, regardless of whether you�
Some awesome videos for you to watch and be motivated. Just click the links below!!!
Video 1: https://uii.io/Gogetit1
Video 2: https://uii.io/Gogetit2
Video 3: https://uii.io/Gogetit3
Video 4: https://uii.io/Gogetit4
Video 5: https://uii.io/Gogetit5
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skylaryozora · 3 years
I'd love to see them actually performing some, say, anime-style songs, oh my, that would be awesome.
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On this occasion, let me write a little rant.
One of the reasons I kinda like S5 (apart from Harmonix design and pretty casual outfits IMHO) was this short scene where these two got the spotlight in a good sense. Something I wasn't emotionally ready for, I kid you not, I was fangirling so much when I realized that Riven admitted he had been taking guitar classes and actually wrote A FRICKING SONG, AND HE. STARTED. SINGING. And to top it all, it turns out he has a pretty good vocal.
But all of a sudden, Musa joins him and starts singing as well. As much as I stan Rivusa, I can't understand something about this whole situation. First, how tf does she know the lyrics if he has just revealed that he had written it? Is she improvising? People justified it by pointing out that Musa is said to know melodies of people's hearts or something, and that's why she is able to sing together with him. But even if that's true and may make sense to someone, there comes the second issue...
Girl. He wrote a song for you. SO LET HIM SING and show that he is a good performer.
Knowing that your girlfriend is a fairy of music, you probably hustle hard to create something decent so as to impress her, and when the time comes, you want to show the best of you. But instead, she joins you or rather steals the spotlight, because she clearly dominates the rest of the song, eclipsing you as a result.
This feels wrong for me because it shows how Musa-centered this relationship is. Things are usually shown from her perspective, and she is made to play the first fiddle even if Riven tries to display his skills and prove he made a genuine effort for her. Her being a fairy of music and being an expert in this field in a way doesn't justify her behavior here, and I would say it's very selfish. All the more because this event is not even commented on later, in neither of the seasons, and in Musa's flashbacks from S8 we actually see her reminiscing about (all the bad things ofc) him meeting up with the female guitarist and jumping to conclusions that he was cheating on her, and NOT A GLIMPSE of him revealing his secret and singing a song he wrote for her, in front of a huge audience. I can't get over how biased and ridiculous it all is, poor writing at its finest.
If I remember correctly, Riven was actually singing before, in S4, which also wasn't that much commented on. So it wasn't that much of a revelation that he can perform.
Also, don't get me started on Winx forming a band all of a sudden and Bloom soon putting Musa in the shade and becoming the main vocalist (the latter is just outrageous, but yeah, the protagonist takes it all). A similar thing happens with other specialists accompanying Riven. Everyone goes in barbie-style into a world of music which in real life requires years of training and a knack for it all in the first place. Here, everyone suddenly knows how to play an instrument in sync with everyone else, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Same with Winx girls riding horses or playing sports (correct me if I'm wrong). Their individual interests and talents are for some reason overshadowed and flattened by the miscallenous and random things they end up doing together for the sake of... What actually?
Feel free to add anything, I really needed to vent. That notwithstanding, I do enjoy the song La Musica and the fact that they had their moment together, even though I'd rather see Riven singing separately and later them singing something else together. So yeah, I have a love-hate attitude towards this scene.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Hi, Adrien is handed things on a silver platter whereas Marinette has to work for them.
First thing’s first is just the concept of the love square. Chat Noir gets to interact with Ladybug no matter what because they’re heroes. Ladybug - who carries the weight and responsibility of heroism without getting benefited from it - is required to go to every battle due to her purification ability, and Chat Noir of course is going to show up because he loves both flirting with Ladybug and the freedom of being a superhero.
In addition, Adrien got his miraculous by helping Master Fu up (something that would be expected out of any semi-decent person; by the way, yes, I know the “””significance””” of the action, and it’s silly), whereas Marinette saved him from being hit by a car.
Adrien was allowed back in school with still no explanation from Gabriel (especially since he’s Hawk Moth) as to why he thought it was a good idea to send his son to a school where the very first akumatization had happened. It was Adrien’s goal for the episode alongside making friends, and Nino offered him friendship out of pity when Adrien sulked about how Chloe was the closest thing to a friend he had.
Chat crushes on Ladybug because she stood up to Hawk Moth in a speech dripping with confidence, caught what seemed like hundreds of akuma, and came up with a plan quick enough to save Mylene and Ivan from falling to their deaths from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Marinette (who Chat fell in love with one side of first, mind you, so already this is to his benefit), meanwhile, crushes on Adrien because the narrative gave her a falsehood about him never having any friends (i.e: no Chloe) and he gave her an umbrella while he was ten meters away from his actual ride (like with Fu, again, any decent person--).
Chat’s crush on Ladybug makes things harder for her because it causes him to throw tantrums mid-battle, get distracted and distract her because he’s busy flirting, all of which make her feel guilty for not returning his feelings. Marinette’s crush on Adrien makes things hard for her again because it causes her to embarrass herself while virtually everyone who knows teases/mocks her for it, their opinions of her even being dragged down due to the crush (see Alya with the Lila situation).
Chat is shipped with Ladybug by Parisians everywhere and Alya delighted in taking a picture of them kissing (that got posted on the Ladyblog without Ladybug’s consent). Likewise, the other LadyNoir kiss (that Ladybug had to do to free Chat from Dark Cupid’s control) was shown on live TV for all watching to see. Marinette’s kisses with Adrien, however, were either wiped from the timeline (in which Adrien got to keep a secret from her so he could date “””Ladybug”””) or used to humiliate her because Adrien was attempting a prank.
Ladybug realizes that Chat is in serious about her, not because he told her himself, but because he relayed it to Marinette who happened to be Ladybug. Marinette, on the other hand, has spent 3+ seasons attempting to confess her feelings to Adrien or make advances on him, all of which ended in some form of failure and some of which through no fault of her own.
Chloe shoved her in “Bubbler” (Adrien didn’t even check on her) and then Nathalie crushed the note she’d written on a scarf that Marinette put tons of time and effort into, leading to Adrien thinking it was from his dad.
“Copycat” was accidental and came on too strong, requiring its deletion.
She got distracted by Alya and forgot to write her name in “Dark Cupid,” her letter only further solidifying Chat’s crush on Ladybug.
She kept getting interrupted in “Gamer” after Alya chided her for using the event to get with Adrien (despite Alya doing the same thing for Marinette during the film in “Horrificator” while Mylene was MIA).
She wasn’t able to tell Adrien about Lila’s thievery in “Volpina” because the grimoire had to remain a secret.
The hat in “A Christmas Special” got given away within minutes and then not even brought back on-screen by Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien never even thanked Marinette personally for it).
Kagami came out of nowhere to take the fencing spot in “Riposte.”
Deciding not to make schemes only led to her embarrassment in “Gigantitan.”
She got made fun of and the notes all conveniently looked the same in “Backwarder,” leading to her mixing them up.
The macaron for Adrien (that Marinette would prepare every week) never got eaten by him and ended up causing the akuma after Chloe had emotionally manipulated Marinette into scheming with her.
Practicing on a statue (as per Tikki’s advice) in “The Puppeteer 2″ humiliated her when Adrien revealed himself as the statue.
She was embarrassed during the party in “Party Crasher” because she was pressured into dancing without her consent.
The timeline had to be reset in “Chat Blanc” and she had to lie to her friends that she hadn’t given Adrien the gift even though she’d actually succeeded, while the hat she made just for Adrien got written off as a gift from a random fan (which is an even worse fate than the scarf).
The confession in “Felix” was deleted by Felix himself before Adrien could see it.
And Adrien, meanwhile? Ohhhh boy, lemme tell you about Adrien.
He gets put into suggestive/close positions with Ladybug on many, many occasions, all for “free.”
He got a kiss from Ladybug in “Dark Cupid” that, remember, got photographed and put on live TV.
He got to goad the audience without consequence about he and Ladybug potentially being in a relationship eventually - gaining the knowledge that all of Paris was invested in LadyNoir to thoroughly stroke his ego - and then Ladybug had to act like they were a couple in “Prime Queen” to the point of holding Chat’s hand and saying that they were in love.
Likewise, “Glaciator” featured Ladybug having to act like a couple with him again, now to the point of kissing his cheek, and then Chat got a blush from her after he’d spent a good chunk of the akuma battle pouting that Ladybug didn’t come to the date he set up (that she hadn’t even known was a date because he purposefully withheld that information) despite her telling him that she’d have to see about it because she had plans.
He was reassured in “Anansi” on being “irreplaceable” after he made an unnecessary comment about being replaced by a turtle (Carapace).
He got to carry Ladybug around bridal style and also save her in “Sandboy” and “Reverser” respectively because she was rendered essentially useless without him, then got to save her again in “Frozer” after giving her the cold shoulder for rejecting his feelings.
He’s the one who got told by Marinette’s own parent not to apologize for how he feels in “Weredad” (note that Marinette herself never got this talk from Sabine, nor Tom, which very much could’ve prevented “Crocoduel”).
He got a cheek kiss from Ladybug in “Desperada” after getting to undo the very-much-against-the-rules identity reveal he made to her via Second Chance.
He got to look good in “Gamer 2.0″ when Ladybug was seeking advice from him despite the fact that her and Chat’s situations hero-wise are absolutely, completely, 100% different and he didn’t even try to take that into account.
He got Ladybug resting her head on his shoulder because of what she saw in a deleted time in which he - unbeknownst to her - lied by omission.
A fake Ladybug tried to kiss him on two separate occasions, “The Puppeteer 2″ and “Ladybug,” much to his delight (something to note is that the fake Adrien who went after Ladybug in both “Chameleon” and “Felix” tried to force themselves on her).
He got the “jealousy” moment from Ladybug in “Heart Hunter” and then a hug from Aquabug in “Miracle Queen.”
He received no repercussions for taking Ladybug out on a date (that she wasn’t aware was going to be a date) in “Gang of Secrets,” at best having to apologize for her behavior to the people around them.
He got reassured that Ladybug “couldn’t do this without him” in “Guiltrip,” even to the point of being told that she “probably doesn’t tell him enough.”
He got told by Ladybug that she would never abandon him in “Hack-San” because he was guilting her sulking about how his not knowing her identity would mean that he’d never see her again if she left him somehow.
And before you think this only extends to the romantic aspects of love square, let me tell you now that it definitely doesn’t.
Marinette entered the bowler hat competition and had to defend her own work to the judge.
She ran for class representative and had to earn the trust and faith of her class in “Darkblade” when put up against Chloe’s bribery.
She did whatever she could to make sure Juleka got her picture taken in “Reflekta.”
She had to actually craft a pair of glasses suitable for Jagged Stone in “Pixelator” and then make a gorgeous album cover for him in “Guitar Villain.” (note that this partially led to “Troublemaker” where she was just happily wanting to advertise her parents’ business, and the writers multiplied her Adrien pictures for the sake humiliating her when it was caught on live TV)
She had to work to get ungrounded by improving her attendance in “Simon Says,” because she had been busy being a hero.
She worked to try and get Nathaniel and Marc to get together on a project, knowing it would be good for both of them.
She set up an entire celebration for her bully to try and make said bully feel good about herself in “Malediktator.”
She did Kitty Section’s designs and costumes in “Silencer” and then had to go protect them from being stolen, along with her friends’ music.
She had to wear multiple miraculouses in “Kwamibuster” in order to go against Kwamibuster and get back both the ladybug earrings and the cat ring.
“Gamer 2.0.” Just... “Gamer 2.0.″
She made a whole complex lockbox to protect the Miracle Box in “Gang of Secrets.”
She worked to reach out to Zoe in “Sole Crusher” even after Zoe trashed her in front of the school, going as far as to try and comfort Zoe’s akumatized form.
She had to stand up for the movie to be fixed in “Queen Banana” because no one else would.
She has to work each and every akuma battle as Ladybug, figuring out Lucky Charms that can range from simple to complicated, while simultaneously dealing with a partner who relies heavily on her plans and will occasionally make things harder by either throwing tantrums mid-battle or distracting her.
And meanwhile...
Chat Noir got to throw the blame onto Ladybug for Theo’s akumatization in “Copycat.”
Marinette covered for him in “The Collector” when he was the one who recklessly lost the grimoire by not being careful with it.
He got handed Fu’s identity in “Syren” after whining to Ladybug, throwing blame on her and trying to bribe Plagg so they’d tell him, threatening to quit while Paris was underwater, and all of this while Marinette herself only got to meet Fu because she had the grimoire on her.
He was given the moral high ground in “Malediktator” despite not having to actually care about Chloe enough to call/check on her.
He got to sit back in “Chameleon” and not concern himself with judgment or comment on the situation with Lila, even going into “Ladybug” where he continues to inform no one about Lila (including Marinette, who briefly believed that Lila came to her senses and was willing to make amends) after Lila got Marinette expelled, despite the complete lack of risk on his part considering who his father is and how harshly Lila would be dragged through the mud if she dared to trash his reputation.
He clumsily trips in “Captain Hardrock” in a fashion that reveals an instrument he happens to play, leading to him getting invited to join Kitty Section within seconds of being on the Liberty. (so when Adrien is clumsy, it’s to his benefit, and when Marinette is clumsy, it’s to her detriment)
He never got called out for distracting Ladybug and digging for details that could relate to her identity in “Kwamibuster” (which, again, forced Marinette to do all the work to fix things).
He got a party thrown for him in “Party Crasher” by Nino, and also guys that Adrien had never put forth effort into interacting with or befriending (Marinette had also been through more with all of them sans Nino).
He got to force Ladybug’s favorite traits of his out of her in “Truth” because she was under the influence of Truth’s powers.
He got off the hook for sacrificing himself in “Lies” by flirting about Ladybug’s “irresistible angry little pout,” and also never got repercussions for flirting with another girl while dating Kagami.
He never had to face consequences for smashing a chimney in “Sentibubbler,” even as he was dismissing the gesture because he knew Miraculous Ladybug would fix it.
He didn’t have to apologize for his behavior in “Hack-San,” whereas Ladybug "had to” for telling someone else her identity (the details of why - i.e: that she was having a mental breakdown and needed a release from it - being completely left out) and not telling him that she was leaving (when she literally hadn’t had time to tell him anything; do note as well that Adrien didn’t have to do the same in either “Backwarder” or “Startrain”).
He received no consequences and was in fact rewarded for allowing the akuma in “Wishmaker” to hit him, a choice that Viperion has to live with because it caused him to see both Ladybug and Chat’s identities (meaning now Luka - someone who, like the guys in “Party Crasher” - Adrien has done virtually nothing for - can support Adrien since he knows).
And I could go on, I really could, but my point is that Adrien is given all of the sympathy and sad points while Marinette basically never is. Just like how he was born swimming in money, fame, and adoring fans, the show hands out praises and all the things he’s ever wanted because he’s sad.
He doesn’t have to try. He can whine and complain and vent to Plagg about how “replaceable” he is because the show will mollycoddle him to the moon and back. They’ll put his crush on Ladybug’s shoulders to make her feel guilty while Marinette is over here having to bust her butt just for a chance at Adrien recognizing any semblance of her feelings, and he goes on being blissfully ignorant of them so he doesn’t have to suffer like Ladybug does.
In addition, Marinette has to either be “““making mistakes”““ or embarrassing herself in order to get screen time because the burden of lessons fails upon her, whereas Adrien can be name-dropped without even doing anything.
It’s not just the love square that’s unbalanced, it’s everything between these two. Ladybug is scolded and punished for the slightest act of selfishness while Adrien is encouraged and rewarded for being selfish and demanding things. Marinette has to work to be noticed (and sometimes won’t even get that much) while all Adrien has to do is put on his best sad face and the show will bend over backwards to either give him exactly what he wants or make him the sympathetic one through the narrative.
Even if Adrien had known about Marinette’s crush at the time that Ladybug knew about Chat’s, it wouldn’t matter, because the tipped scales in how they’re treated would still make it so Marinette is the one at fault for “dumping her feelings onto Adrien” while Ladybug is still forced to interact with Chat even if his advances make her uncomfortable.
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