#on the left I like the pink tips drawing best
camscendants · 4 months
Some Punk! Evie
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kittenintheden · 4 months
You Can Read Me Anything Part 2
*ELMO ON FIRE GIF* so that took longer than anticipated but you know. HERE YOU GO. (thank you for all the wonderful comments on Part 1)!
Druidic Tav grew up in a nomadic clan that recorded their history through spoken word and song rather than written text. As such, she's illiterate, and one charming-ish vampire offers to help her with reading lessons and a whole lot more. Out of the goodness of his heart, of course.
Then one night, she unwittingly brings him smut for their lesson.
Rating: E Word Count: 5100 words Content: illiterate Tav, Astarion being a shit, but also being cute, innocent Tav, suggestive dialogue, blood drinking, biting kink, first time oral, cunnilingus, fellatio, PIV sex, Astarion playing himself
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Astarion cradles her head, palm gently pressed to her cheek as she leans into it. She sighs and it tickles his ear, sending a dissipating wave of gooseflesh down the length of his back.
“Are you done yet?” Tav asks, voice breathy.
He hums and detaches from her neck, admiring the clean pair of fang marks he left there. His tongue swipes his bottom lip so he doesn’t waste a single drop of her blood. He releases her and takes a step back.
“You…” he says with a lazy smile as he reaches out with a finger to boop her nose. “... are so delicious.”
“Ha, ha,” she says with an affectionate eyeroll. She spreads her hand over the bite mark and calls on her connection to nature, using it to knit the flesh back together and restore her blood supply. “Glad to help.”
“I’ll bet you are,” he drawls at her with a wink. “Thank you for the appetizer. I’d best go find myself a full meal now.”
As he starts to saunter off deeper into the woods, Tav clicks her fingers and lightly bonks herself on the head. “Oh, almost forgot.” After him, she calls the Elvish phrase Shadowheart taught her.
For the first time since she met him at the site of the nautilus crash, she watches Astarion trip over his own feet.
He catches himself quickly, spine unusually straight as he puts his hands on his waist and takes a few more steps like he’d meant to do that the whole time. When he turns around to look at her, her smile fades when she notices his wide-eyed expression. The tips of his ears have gone very pink.
“Wha-” His voice cracks and he clears his throat and tries again, tone painfully casual. “What did you say?”
Tav grimaces. “Shit, did I get the middle part wrong? It was tricky when Shadowheart had me practice.”
Astarion leans forward a bit and gives a shaky laugh. “Ah. Right. I must’ve misunderstood. What were you trying to say?”
“She told me it meant, ‘I’m pleased to have provided you a good meal,’” Tav says, reaching up to pull some of her hair over her shoulder and fiddle with it.
“I see,” he says as he comes closer, his eyes searching her face. “Could you say it again? So I can correct your enunciation.”
“Oh, okay.” Tav gives a soft cough into her hand and repeats the phrase.
Astarion is close enough now that she sees his pupils dilate the tiniest bit. The flush at the tips of his ears spreads down the edges. Do they always do that after he feeds? They must.
He reaches delicate fingers up to cup her chin and draw her jaw down, parting her lips. His eyes are trained on her mouth and that makes her feel all too warm.
“Loosen your tongue,” he says softly. “Once more.”
She tries one more time and watches his eyelids flutter, inches from her own.
“There we go,” he whispers.
His gaze shifts to her neck again and he leans down toward it. She nearly stops him, but then she feels the draw of his tongue over the spot where he bit. He punctuates it with a soft, barely-perceptible press of his lips. A kiss, she might think, if she were a silly little girl. Which she certainly is not.
Then he’s standing straight again, releasing her face and putting space between them.
“Missed a smudge. Can’t let it go to waste.” His eyes rove over her face. “It’s so very precious.”
Then he walks off and she’s left standing there, cheeks hot and chest uncomfortably tight. Tav continues to run her fingers nervously through her hair as she turns and walks back toward their camp.
Astarion counts out fifty paces before he ducks behind a tree and leans his back heavily against it, letting out a shivery breath. He puts his cool fingers to his ears and tries to rub the heat out of them.
“Stop it,” he whispers to himself. “Stop it, stop it.”
Near the crumbling wreckage of a stone alter, Shadowheart kneels in prayer seeking guidance and direction from her Lady. The darkness, the loss, the silence… they are vast and answerless. She opens her eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. Clenches her right hand, glancing at the ever-present wound there.
If only she could remember… anything useful. No matter. For now, it’s whatever path will take her back to Baldur’s Gate.
She gathers her components and packs them away, standing to walk back down the path toward camp. There’s a trio of crumbling walls that clearly used to be some sort of holy building and she walks along one, trailing her fingers over the soft moss overgrowth.
Then she turns round the corner of the broken temple to find a bristling, broody vampire leaned up against the wall with his arms folded, glaring at her with a tic in his jaw. He raises an accusatory finger.
"You," he says, the word hard on his tongue. "Are an arsehole."
She gives him a smug smile and arches her brow. "You're a bigger arsehole."
He refolds his arm and narrows his eyes at her. “Really think you’re clever, don’t you.”
The cleric shrugs and cuts off to the side to walk back to the path. “The goal was to make you lose your cool. Seems like it worked.”
Silently and suddenly he’s walking at her side, lip curling in disdain. “Congratulations to you, you managed to annoy me. Don’t do it again.”
“Oh, he’s testy tonight,” she says, putting a hand to her cheek in a mockery of shock. “Maybe you’d feel less the fool if you hadn’t been teaching her to talk dirty.”
“We can’t all be ice queens, dear,” he sneers. “Some of us are queens with needs.”
Shadowheart rolls her eyes and her entire head along with it. “You should be thanking me, then. I gave you your opening.”
Astarion stops and she keeps on walking.
“To what?” he says.
“To have your ‘needs’ met,” she calls over her shoulder. “I’m not the one who was teaching her to invite me betwixt her thighs. Have a frustrating night.”
Astarion makes an affronted noise after her, pouts a moment, and then calls back, “Your bangs are wretched, by the way.”
She throws a rude gesture up at him and continues onward.
He plots and flirts for three days straight before he decides to make his move. Tav’s guard is down, her shy little moments are increasing in frequency, and he can literally hear her heartbeat quicken when he’s near. If that’s not all signs pointing to yes, he doesn’t know what is.
All he has to do is, you know. Make the move. Which he’ll do. Soon.
Because she still makes the most sense. The others all adore her, listen to her. She’s the perfect choice of protector should his vampirism prove a problem to anyone. She’ll say yes. Of course she’ll say yes.
… of course she’ll say yes. No one denies him. It doesn’t happen.
… it rarely happens. Not as if he’d care if it did, this time.
Astarion rocks his weight onto his back leg, flicking his gaze up to see Tav kneeling near the campfire and giving the dog a generous belly rub. Before she stops, he goes back to his extremely casual reading. Standing posed outside his tent. Holding a book with the title facing out. Very normal.
After what feels like an hour, his ears pick up approaching footsteps and he skims the page he’s on, waiting.
“Is that a new one?” Tav asks timidly.
He closes the book and looks up to meet her. His close-lipped smile feels almost natural. Almost.
“There you are,” he says, dropping his register a fraction. “I was just thinking about you.”
Not a lie, actually.
She tucks her hair behind one ear. “Oh? Do I owe you something?”
He laughs and sets his book aside. “Only a bit of your time. I do enjoy it so very much.”
Tav quirks her mouth up on one side. “Yeah? You’re pretty okay, too.”
“Better than okay, I should hope.” He closely examines his thumbnail. “I’m… growing to enjoy the whole package, honestly.”
She doesn’t immediately respond and he chances a look up at her.
“Deer in the magicked light” is what one might call the expression on her face. She blinks rapidly and gives her head a small shake before she looks to the side, color rising prettily in her cheeks.
“Is that so?” she says, giving a tight laugh.
His smile starts to go a little toothy and he dials it back. “I’ve been thinking an awful lot about our last reading lessons,” he lilts at her, peering up through his lashes. “And our language lessons. I’ve been pondering over what other sorts of lessons I could offer.”
Tav’s cheeks go pink to red.
He leans in to speak softly, making her lean in closer to be able to hear him. “I like you,” he says. “And I think you like me, too. So?”
“So, what?” she blurts, immediately grimacing at her own outburst.
A giggle bubbles up out of him before he can stop it and he puts a hand up in front of his mouth to hide his smile. When he regains control, he lowers his hand. “So, I thought you might like to indulge in certain curiosities with me.”
I want to go down on you.
Astarion blinks the thought away as soon as it appears in his head, briefly letting his smile slip before he snatches it back.
Tav is blushing furiously, but she leans in closer to him nonetheless to whisper, “Like what, exactly?”
Elvish, rising like the language of his dreams: I want to drink of your fountain.
He gives his head a light shake, playing it off with a mirthful huff as he says lowly, “Like sex, sweet thing. Whatever kind you might be… interested in.”
Tav nods rapidly and hums, slowly leaning back and standing at her full height again, not quite meeting his eye. “I was pretty sure that’s what you meant, but you know. Better safe than sorry? Is that a thing people say?”
Astarion reaches out to gently guide her chin toward him until she’s looking at him. “Think about it. If you’re amicable, you’ll find me later at the clearing where you last offered me a bite after the others are asleep.” He chucks her under the chin. “I’ll be waiting.”
She nods once more, expression unchanged. “Yeah. Yep. Okay. I’m going to… see you later. Maybe.” Then she turns on her heel and walks away.
“See you later,” he says. “Lover.”
When she disappears into the dark, he blows out a breath, subtly shaking his hands out. That was a yes.
“Of course it was,” he snipes at his own brain.
Hours later, Astarion paces the moonlit clearing, fiddling with the cuffed sleeve of his shirt. The others must be asleep by now. He pulls at the sleeve. It feels too tight.
Should he take the shirt off? He should just take the shirt off.
He does.
Astarion glances around the clearing once more, noting the blanket he spread on the ground nearby. Not a bed, but you know. He’s okay with that, actually.
He clenches and unclenches his fists, rolling his hands at the wrists. Cracking his neck. Rolling out his shoulders. He takes a deep breath and forces himself to be still. Controlled. Practiced. This is an act he’s performed thousands of times. This is no different.
It’s not.
She’s going to come out of those bushes any moment and-
The bushes he’s looking at actually rustle and he jumps, whispering “oh, shit” before he can stop himself. He manages to put a smile back on his face just as the leaves part and a small doe takes two hops into the clearing and freezes when it spots him.
Astarion doesn’t move. He doesn’t even breathe. The doe relaxes very slightly, flicking an ear.
It’s one of the little black-tailed deer native to the area. He’s made a meal of more than one of them in recent days. Her coat is smooth and healthy, her eyes brown and clear.
The doe blinks at him and takes a step closer.
He gives a relieved chuckle and says, “There you are, Tav.”
“Oh, you heard me? Damn,” says a voice from behind him.
“Ah-” he yells. He tries to cut off the sound, but it’s too late. The doe spooks and bounds off into the underbrush once again.
“Apologies,” he says, regaining his composure and rolling his eyes to the stars above. “She was such a pretty little thing that I assumed it was you.” He starts to turn. “But I’m glad you made it. I was starting to worry you’d gotten lost and…” He finally sets eyes on her and loses his smile immediately. “... and you’re already naked.”
Tav stands before him without a stitch on, her long hair hanging over her rounded breasts and everything from the waist down on full display. He spots her clothing and staff in a neat stack nearby. Her whole body is flushed.
Astarion swallows. He’s seen untold numbers of people in states of full undress. This is routine. She caught him off-guard, is all.
“I… was I not supposed to be?” Tav says, hands going up to run nervously through her draping hair. “Sorry, I thought… you said sex? And then I saw that you had your shirt off, so…”
He holds up a hand and ticks up his brows. “No, no, it’s fine. It’s fine! I like it.” He finds the mask, the posture, like muscle memory. Slips back into the person in control. “You’re just full of surprises, beautiful.”
Tav rewards him with a bashful smile, continuing to comb her hands through her hair.
Astarion huffs a laugh. He can’t help himself. He approaches her with slow, intentional steps. “I had a whole catalog of poetic nothings to whisper in your ear, but looks like I needn’t bother, which is fine by me.” He stops in front of her, smiling his charmer’s smile. “So long as you still want to be tasted.”
He’s starting to notice it’s a good sign when the apples of her cheeks turn red. She nods. “I’d like to try the tongue thing, yes, please.”
“Good,” he purrs, reaching for her hips.
He pulls her in for a sweet, well-executed stage kiss. Most people needed about that much before they got to what they were really with him for. He pulls back and gives her a tight-lipped smile.
Tav looks into his eyes, her lips parted. She’s not moving, and oh gods, he’s going to have to lead completely, isn’t he? Ah well. Such is life.
But then she tucks her chin, her gaze going heated. The pupils of her eyes flicker, changing shape ever so slightly, and Astarion hardly has time to drop his pretender’s smile and ask before she surges forward and kisses him back, throwing her arms around his neck.
Astarion gives a surprised “mmmn!” as he stumbles slightly under her vigor, but he corrects quickly, wrapping his arms around her ribcage and lifting her against his body. Her tongue runs along his mouth and she’s nipping, nipping, and-
There’s a sharp sting on his bottom lip and he releases her right as she pulls back from him, hands to her mouth and eyes wide as saucers. He reaches up to touch his lip and when he looks at his fingers, they show a smeared drop of blood. He blinks down at it, astounded.
He feels a snap deep inside him as the monster in him, the hunter, stirs at the sight and scent of blood.
“I’m so sorry,” Tav says, dropping her hands. “It’s a druid thing, we can get a little wild, I’m really sorry, I won’t do it again.”
Astarion licks at the cut on his lip and stares at her face, his breath heavy and his shoulders ever so slightly hunched. He can see the smallest bit of his blood at the corner of her mouth.
“Do it again,” he says with a voice like gravel as he scoops her bodily up and goes to his knees so he can set her on the ground.
He lays his body on top of hers and she gasps as his mouth covers hers, exploring and hungry. It doesn’t take long for her to return it in kind, arms wrapped around his shoulders and tangled in his hair. He can’t even bring himself to care when she’s making it look like.
Murkily, his brain reminds him why he’s actually here.
Astarion forces himself away from her mouth and she whines at him, a sound far more animalistic than humanoid, but he doesn’t stop trailing his lips down her body until he gets to her hips. He rolls himself up onto his knees and runs his palms up the tops of her legs from knee to thigh, coaxing them open so he can position himself between.
He looks at her face to find her gaze far less “startled doe” and far more “she-wolf in heat.” Her tongue darts out, licking her lip before she says, “People really like to do this?” Then, “You like to do this?”
Astarion positively grins, his pointed teeth showing through.
"Yes. Though it’s a pity this is your first experience," he says through his feral smile. "Because no one will ever best what I'm about to do to you."
“O-okay,” she stammers, clutching her fists close to her sides.
He purrs deep in his throat and puts his mouth to the inside of her knee, the tip of his tongue tracing a sensual line down her thigh, toward her center. He holds her eye the entire time and delights when her leg twitches.
When he nears the crease of her hip, he gives her a sharp nip and she growls at him, bucking her hips. He runs his tongue up along the crease until he reaches her hipbone, to which he gives a firm suck. As she attempts to roll her hips toward him, he spreads a palm over her hips and applies pressure to hold her down.
“Shall we check to see how you’ve kept your garden?” he says, looking at her from under his brows as he speaks.
In response, Tav giggles and slaps a hand over her mouth. Then nods.
She drops her hand to the ground and shakes her head, murmuring, “It can’t be that different, I’m sure it’s just like…” She shudders in a breath. “... just like…”
Astarion parts his lips and huffs out his breath against the slick skin at her core, already shining with want and anticipation. The sensation is a warming one.
Tav continues muttering to herself. “Books are full of all kinds of nonsense, I’m sure it’s-”
He flicks his tongue right over her clit.
“Ah,” she yelps, trying to buck her hips again. He doesn’t let her.
But he does flick again.
“Wha-” she says, thighs jerking on either side of Astarion’s head. “Why is-”
Astarion presses the flat of his tongue firmly at her entrance and draws it slowly all the way to the hood, teasing with the tip before he curls his tongue in slightly and dips back down to better open her inner labia.
“Holy hells,” Tav groans out, her chest arching up and the hands clawing the ground at either side of her growing actual claws.
He gives her another lap before pulling back to smolder at her. “And here I’ve only just started,” he says, voice silky.
“Holy hells,” Tav shouts to the sky this time.
Astarion huffs a laugh against her and goes back down, playing her with highly practiced skill. Full, long licks paired alongside firm draws over the swelling pearl at her center. She continues to buck ever now and again, but mostly she’s gone near boneless above him, head lolling lazily to either side and fingers weakly gripping the grass on either side of her.
When her breathing begins to stutter and he feels the flutter of her getting close, he finally moves his hand from her belly back down until he can get the angle right. He places the tips of his two middle fingers at her entrance so he doesn’t surprise her and glances up to see her eyes flutter open. She stares down at him from between the mounds of her breasts, pupils blown wide.
She licks her bottom lip.
She nods.
Astarion slides his fingers inside her and begins to pump in time with the movements of his mouth. Tav goes wild, both literally and figuratively. The pupils of the eyes watching him go slitted like a cat’s, gradually dilating back as her teeth go sharp and a random patterning of fur shivers down the length of her body before turning back to skin.
He takes that as a good sign and curls his fingers inside of her until he finds what he’s looking for.
Tav bark-mewl-roar-calls into the air above the clearing, her hips grinding into his mouth and hand now that she can move them again.
“Why does that…” she gasps. “Feel… so… good?” The last word comes out a growl.
He’d answer, but his mouth is preoccupied and he dare not let it leave its task.
With his free hand, he pushes her thigh up and guides it higher until she can wrap her leg round his shoulders and he can go deeper. He feels the swell of her under his tongue, going harder beneath his touch, and he begins to trace circles around it as he continues to pump his fingers into her.
Tav’s entire body rolls, trying to get closer, to get more, to get-
She howls as the tension finally snaps. Literally howls, from the very bottom of her chest.
Astarion slows but doesn’t stop, continuing to fuck her through it as he feels her release in the palm of his hand. He’s gentle, taking a touch of pity on her as he gives her a few more soft licks before he leaves her, drawing his fingers from her at the same time. They’re a mess, as is his face. He sits back on his knees and looks her over with lidded eyes, a self-satisfied half-grin on his face. Then he reaches into his pocket to produce a soft cloth to clean up.
He’s not much of a planner, but he plans enough for things like this.
Tav lolls on the ground, her body fully returned back to humanoid form. All except her pupils, which continue to occasionally flicker across the animal kingdom.
“Oh, that was good,” Astarion says, brows raised and grin on his face as he wipes his hand down. “Even for me, that was good. You’re welcome.”
She throws one arm out to her side, then the other, and slowly pushes herself up onto her elbows, trying to focus on him. “Why doesn’t… everybody do that? Oh my gods.” She flops back onto the ground.
Oh, she’s very good for his pride. He gives a pleased wiggle.
“You tell me,” he says. “Or call upon your old lovers and ask.”
Tav weakly waves her hand through the air. “They were bad. I’ve realized. Just now. They were bad at sex.”
“Poor thing,” Astarion croons. “All better now.”
“Yeah.” She rolls onto her side and sits up. Shakes out her head. And starts to crawl toward him.
He instinctively leans back as she comes closer, breasts swaying as she moves. “What are you doing?” he says.
She blinks at him. “I’m going to do it back.”
He blinks at her. “What?”
Tav draws her knees closer and matches his kneeling posture. “I’m going to put my mouth on you back.” She waits a beat. “If you want me to.”
“Uh,” Astarion breathes before he shakes himself and gets his wits back about him. “I would like that very much,” he says. He tries to purr it, but slightly lower in pitch is the best he can do.
It’s been years since he’s been with anyone who even bothered to ask. Probably decades.
Tav beams at him, a bright smile that’s so sunshiny it nearly betrays what they’ve just done. She rolls up onto her knees and pulls him by the wrists to do the same so she can reach the laces that hold his trousers on. His arousal pulses near her hands.
Astarion blinks. He’s… more into this than he usually is.
He blinks again.
He’s very into it, actually.
His fingers go to join hers and together they make quick work of his pants and underthings. Gently, she guides him back to kneeling again as she curls forward. Without thinking too much about it, he reaches out so he can hold her hair up out of her face. She’s at eye level with his cock, inspecting it with the eye of someone all too familiar with all the things nature has to offer and completely unashamed for it.
Astarion swallows back the wanting sound that tries to claw its way out of him.
“Have you done this before?” he asks softly.
Tav peers up at him from her position below and bends her legs at the knees, kicking her feet slowly through the air. She shakes her head “no” and something frozen inside him melts. Best ignore that. That’s a future-him problem.
“You are adorable,” he breathes. He finds he means it in the affectionate way rather than the condescending one, which is alarming. That’s another future-him problem.
Astarion clears his throat. “Same general practice applies here, really,” he says lightly.
Tav licks her lips and reaches out to touch him. Her fingers on him give him a little jolt to the solar plexus and he curls toward her on instinct before he catches himself.
“Tell me if there’s something I could do better,” she says, simply.
Then she licks along the underside of his cock and puffs her breath out across it, much in the same way he did to her.
He curls in toward her again and tightens the hand in her hair.
She puts her mouth over the head of him and he’s enveloped in warmth and oh, yes, he remembers this. This feels good. This feels very good.
Tav doesn’t get down very far before she backs up again. When she pulls off, he reaches a hand down to cup her jaw and draw it down, parting her lips.
“Loosen your tongue,” he whispers. “Once more.”
She does. She descends on him again, relaxing her jaw and loosening her tongue, taking him down deeper and deeper with each pass. Astarion means to watch and guide her, he does, but instead his head lolls back, eyes falling closed, and he smiles. A real smile.
It feels so bloody good. It feels good and he doesn’t have to… he can just be…
Tav hums a little with him mostly inside her mouth and he gasps from it, blinking back to the surface.
Oh, that’s too good.
He lets her go a few seconds more before he tightens the fingers in her hair once more to still her and gently guide her back. His chest heaves as her mouth leaves him, a string of saliva connecting them, and Astarion shudders forward.
“What’s wrong?” Tav asks, her eyes wide and concerned.
She can’t look at him like that. That’s not fair.
He lifts her beneath her arms and pulls her up toward him, her face to his, and kisses her again. She happily responds, catching his lower lip between hers and nipping once more.
Astarion groans.
Hands on her face, he breaks their kiss and tries to collect his scattered thoughts. It’s all hazed over with want. There was a reason for this, they were supposed to… he was supposed to…
“Why don’t we…” He loses the thought and swallows. Tries again. “Let’s find our mutual…”
Words, words, words, where are his words?
Astarion hisses through his teeth. “Oh, just… sex. Let’s have sex.”
“Oh,” Tav breathes, lips swollen and cheeks ruddy. “Okay.”
Whatever he had planned, which was not much, goes completely sideways as she simply climbs up onto his lap, reaches between them, and holds him steady so she can sink down onto him.
He’s so wholly unprepared for the suddenness and initiative of it that his eyes nearly roll back in his head before his mind catches up and he grips her hip with his hand, guiding her as he rolls up to meet her, his hips rhythmic, until their hips meet and he bottoms out.
Tav throws her arms around his shoulders and immediately begins to rock against him, her eyes closed and her joyous grin on her face. Astarion is doing his absolute best not to completely lose himself in her heat, her closeness, her scent.
Her pulse, oh, gods.
Astarion rocks himself up into her with steady rolls of his hips, tilting in to press his open lips to her neck with a moan.
“You can,” she gasps as she rides him. “You can bite, if you want.”
He’s not sure if the words he makes are language, but he does know he’s biting her and her blood washes over his tongue and he drinks lazily, sipping as he fucks into her at the same time. His mind is so unbelievably, blissfully bare of anything except how good, how hot, how much, how full, how winding winding winding-
Astarion pulls off her neck with a gasp almost on the edge of his orgasm. Automatically, he reaches between them and uses all the wiles of a skilled lockpick to send her spiraling over her ledge a second time before he furrows his brow, slams his eyes shut, and yells out as he climaxes, his spend spilling where he’s still buried deep.
“Oh, fuck,” he blurts before he can stop himself, nearly collapsing onto his side with Tav along for the ride. He slips out of her on the way down and immediately feels the mess they’ve just made.
Another future-him problem.
Tav casts a very half-hearted create water spell that at least rinses them off. She drapes herself over his chest, dopey smile plastered on her face. “You win,” she says. “I see what all the fuss is about now.”
“I bet you do,” he says breathily.
He’s grateful she’s not looking at his face as he struggles to hide the worry pulling at his expression. It’s future-him time, and future-him is having a moment.
He just had the best sex he can remember having in… that he can remember. With someone who will still be alive in the morning. And he likes her.
Oh, hells.
He likes her.
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frostironfudge · 1 year
Devour - Bucky Barnes
Summary: the new pics of seb have me in a vice grip so here is Bucky on a Mediterranean getaway with you
Pairing: mafia!bucky x fem!reader
Word Count: 880
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, sm/ut, or/al fem receiving, dirt/y talk, allusions to previous smu/tty times, d/s vibes, sorta mafia bucky?, sorta soft moments, also prinţesă means princess (romanian)
A/N: this picture got everything to life for this drabble @sebsgirl71479 thank you for this picture
Main Masterlist
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The heat is sweltering.
Drops of sweat mimic the condensation on your pink drink’s glass. Taking another sip you grumble the ice watering down the sweet and sour concoction. 
“Something amiss?” Bucky’s tone is light teasing from behind you. 
“Drinks all watered down.” You pout, still not turning to look at him, too comfortable in the lounge chair, kindle resting on your thigh. 
The breeze finally comes in drawing out a sigh from you and your eyes close. Soon enough the sun’s heat diminishes and your breath hitches. 
The scent of amber and bergamot fills your senses urging your eyes open. Bucky leans over you, gold sunglasses perched atop his head.
Your eyes trail over his stubble growing in, as he swallows you watch his throat and then follow that trail to the necklace that half dangles still caught in his white tank top. 
That same necklace that grazed your kiss bitten lips last night, soothing the heat spreading over your skin. 
An easy smile on his face, his ring clinks against the glass. “Here,” he says handing you the replacement drink and he stands, “Can’t have my best girl pouting can I?” 
You roll your eyes and he pinches your cheek a habit he formed early on both out of endearment and knowing it annoys you. 
You admire his outfit, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Fuck the drink you want to drink your man in. 
“See something you like prinţesă? You have that look on your face.” Azure eyes that put the Mediterranean seas to shame glint with mischief. 
“Oh, I see something I love.” You flirt back, admiring the way his eyes crinkle as his grin takes over. 
“A moment ago,” He returns to his original spot, the one where he hovered over you.
“You seemed as though you saw something you want to devour.” He smirks, head dipped low, lips brushing below your ear, you whimper. 
The pendant of his necklace brushes over your sternum. Cold against warm.
“Bucky—,” Your words meld into a moan when his lips trail down your neck, he leaves open mouthed kisses and your hands find his shirt tugging on it wanting him closer. 
“A little temptress in this swimsuit of yours,” his larger palm traces from your knee up your thigh and you arch but he only continues over your body till he pinches your hardened nipple through the fabric, “Fuck.” 
He reclined the lounge chair further back, caging you in, your leg now wrapped around him. 
Bucky’s lips are on yours, needy, frantic, cock straining against his pants and your hands wandering but pulling him closer. 
He chuckles into the kiss as your fingers aid in the fall of his sunglasses and his hair coming loose from the bun. He loves how needy you become for him. 
How beautiful you look sun kissed and kiss bitten from the night before all of his marks proudly displayed across your chest, shoulder, the one he left on your inner thigh. 
Bucky growls as a particular grind of his hips makes you moan as your clit begs for more attention. 
“Please, Bucky, please,” You plead pushing the soft blue shirt off of his shoulders. 
“Want to taste you, my temptress.” He cups your jaw, thumb stroking your lips, you suck on the tip of his finger. 
“I want to taste you too.” You nip at the flesh, Bucky smirks above you. 
“I’d have whipped this outfit out sooner.” He laughs when you huff frustrated, then groans as you grind your hips to his, smirking up at him when he affixes you with a pointed glare to behave. 
“I’ll eat you out right here, prinţesă.” He says in warning, hand moving to cup your mound. He can feel the heat of your skin, his own favourite concoction waiting between your thighs. 
“Is that supposed to scare me?” You raise a brow, “Because if I remember right, no one else sees what belongs to the White Wolf.” 
His eyes blaze with something deeper than lust, his possessiveness and protectiveness for you a known fact in his ruthless world. 
“Hmm, well if anyone does see,” He kisses your cheek, then trails his lips down your neck, over your chest the warmth of his mouth preceded by the cool necklace over your abdomen. Bucky settles between your thighs, pushing them apart but pulling you close. 
Nose brushing over your clothed cunt and the sight is so erotic you can’t help but moan. 
“If anyone does see you pleading and pleasing me they know you are mine temptress. As they should.” 
The fabric is peeled away and your folds are soaked, he hums pleased before his tongue runs over your aching cunt. 
You keen as his lips latch onto your clit, your fingers tangle in Bucky’s hair. 
“Which one of us is in for a treat?” Bucky questions rhetorically as you tremble beneath him, his rings digging into your thighs. 
Bucky moans, at your taste, “We’re to remain here my temptress. I want to have my fill. You will give me how ever many I want won’t you?” 
You nod.
“My good fucking girl.” He praises, mouth back on you, your moans pleasing his ears and your taste satiating as well as growing his hunger for you. 
Bucky Taglist: @slutforsexyseabass @almostcontentcreator @stevesmewmew
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joshym · 6 months
Prettiest in the Morning
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!Reader
Summary: Jake is worth being late to work for.
Word Count: 2.3k +
Warnings: smut, (18+ ONLY) sweet morning sex with Jake, unprotected p in v, a little cock warming, fluff fluff & more fluff. tooth-rotting sweetness.
a/n: this was born purely from this wonderful request. enjoy, my loves.
"Call out today, honey. They don't need you as bad as I do."
The incessant screaming of your morning alarm penetrates your dream state as your eyes slowly begin to open. 
The sun's morning rays pay no mind to your blinds, peeking through them with a strength that makes it difficult for your eyes to adjust right away. 
Through a squint, you take a look at your clock to catch the time. 
A drawn out sigh escapes your lips as you rub what’s left of your slumber from your eyes. 
You roll your tired body over to see your lovely Jake, his mouth parted sweetly and carrying the faintest of snores. He’s still fast asleep as he’s cozily wrapped in your fluffy duvet. You smile at his soft, sleepy features that beckon you to stay tangled up with him.
But, alas, you must leave him. You have to be at work by 8:00am, much to your disdain. 
You lean down to plant quiet kisses on your sleeping beauty. His eyelids, his nose, his lips– he stirs the slightest bit, a lethargic grin curling from the corners of his mouth. But his eyes stay shut, drawing him back into his deep rest.
You stretch your stiff limbs as you reluctantly pull yourself away from the warm covers. 
Why must your bed be the comfiest when it’s time to get out of it? A question for the ages, no doubt.
You try your best to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake him. Lifted on the very tips of your toes, you pad across the cold wooden floor to your closet. 
You shuffle through the threads set aside in a special section designated for your work clothes. You’re usually very meticulous in picking your daily work attire, but today, you just don’t have the interest for it. 
Your arms feel extra heavy as you reach them over your head to grab the first blouse and pair of slacks you see. Your oversized sleep shirt (one of Jakes, of course) rises up just enough that you feel the cold, morning air against the bare skin of your thong clad ass that sends a chill up your spine. Yet another cruel reminder of how badly you wish to be in the warm bed, with Jake's body heat radiating on you like your own personal space heater. 
You pull the garments from their hangers and tiptoe back to your room, stopping at your dresser as you set your clothes on the chair next to it. 
You pull your shirt off, hissing at the cold air that hits your nearly naked form. Goosebumps appear on every inch of your chilled skin; your nipples harden instantly from the brisk temperature of your room. Jake has an affinity for keeping the room cool. You don’t mind it as long as you're snuggled up next to him in your bed, but it’s rather unpleasant when you’re not soaking up his warm body. 
You can’t begin your day without moisturizing your skin. As cold as you are, you refuse to get dressed without lotioning up properly. 
You take the nearest bottle and begin lathering yourself up with the vanilla scented cream. You prop your leg up on the chair your clothes are waiting for you on, running the slick blam over your calf and all the way up to the top of your thigh. You put that leg down and as you begin to work on the next, you hear a deep breath coming from the direction of the bed behind you. 
You stall your movements, hoping you didn’t wake him.
But as you slowly turn your body around, you're met with his drowsy eyes fixed on you. His arms rest above his head and one bare leg sits atop the covers. Sprawled out beautifully and rather invitingly with a gorgeous smirk across his pink lips.
“Jake. I’m so sorry, baby. I tried not to wake you,” you softly mutter while you set the lotion bottle back on the dresser. “I hope you haven’t been awake long.” 
He turns on his side and props his head up with one arm, keeping his heavy eyes on you. “You shouldn’t be sorry, lovely. I’m getting the show of a lifetime.”
You giggle as you grab your slacks and begin putting them on. But as you step the first foot in, Jake quickly interrupts you. 
“No, no, don’t do that just yet. C’mere first.”
You can’t deny his pretty eyes, so you stop what you’re doing and walk over to him. He sits up to meet you, hands gently wrapping around your hips as you stand before him.
His face is so close; you feel each shallow breath against the exposed skin of your stomach, only intensifying the goosebumps already there from the cold. 
“You’re the prettiest in the morning, you know that?” His eyes are locked with yours as he leans in to connect his lips just above your belly button. “And you smell so good, my sweet vanilla cupcake.”
You want to melt into him, to render yourself completely under his heated touch against your cold body. 
You weave your fingers in his tangled locks while he continues to pepper the sweetest, laziest kisses against your tummy. 
But reality suddenly sets in. You look to the clock once more; 7:05am.
With traffic being the worst during the morning rush, you’ll have to leave in no less than twenty minutes if you want to be at work on time. Even then, that’s a stretch. 
“Baby, I have to get ready. I don’t want to be late,” you say through hitched breaths. 
He hums into your skin, the warm vibration sending a flash of arousal to your core as you're mentally cursing the fact that you have to put an end to this so you can finish getting ready.
But just as you begin to do so, he quickly pulls you closer to him as he falls back on the bed and drags you on top of him. 
You both get caught in a fit of giggles with the way he so perfectly calculated his movements so that your bodies would end up this way. 
“Jakey,” you say through a breathless laugh, “I have to get ready for work. I really don’t want to be late.”
He takes your face in his hands, pulling it close to his and deeply kissing your lips. You can’t help but deepen it even further. He knows your weaknesses, and kissing him is number one on your list. 
His velvety soft lips, the taste of his tongue, the way he nibbles ever so slightly on your lips— you find yourself craving his kisses more often than not. 
His fingertips gently glide over your shoulders, down your arched back, stopping at the rounded curve of your ass. He squeezes the flesh in his hands while you begin to grind yourself on his hardened cock beneath your now soaked core. 
He pulls his mouth away, leaving you chasing after him for more. 
His blown out irises meet yours, a sly smile splayed on his kiss-swollen mouth. 
“Just call out today, honey. They don’t need you as bad as I do.” 
Before you can oppose, he flips you both over so he’s now on top of you. 
“My sweet, beautiful girl. So pretty in the forenoon gleam,” he says, looking at you with eyes that say more words than his mouth ever could. A look that makes you feel as if you’re the only woman in his world. His fingers brush along the side of your cheek as you lean into his hand. “How could you ever make the grueling trek to work and depart from me?”
If you had it your way, you’d never leave him. Even for something as normal as going to your eight to five. 
No; if you could, you’d stay here. Just like this, for the rest of your conceivable days.
“I love you, my sexy poetic lover,” you tell him. “But if you want me to keep my job, I simply must make the grueling tre—“ 
He promptly cuts you off with another kiss, gentle and sugary. Taking his time to enjoy the taste of you, and you’re quite enjoying it yourself— so much so that the time feels mute. It’s stopped completely, as far as you’re concerned. 
He ruts his hips into your core, his hard cock rubbing against you, stealing your breath. 
His kiss becomes more fervent, more hungry. Like he’s utterly starved for you. 
You reciprocate right back. Your body craves his to be as connected with yours as humanly possible. 
He breaks away, hovering his lips just above yours. Close enough that they brush over yours ever so softly.
“Can I show you how much I love you?” he asks in a hushed whisper. He sounds desperate, like his need for you is as dire as if his entire life depended on it. 
You reach down between your bodies and tug his strained boxers down, then move your panties to the side, gasping at the crisp air of your room hitting your drenched center. 
“Please, baby,” you mutter, nearly breathless at your unbridled need for him. 
He smiles against your mouth while lining himself up with you, running his tip through your quivering folds. “That’s my pretty girl,” he says against your parted mouth. “Gonna take it slow and gentle, okay? Just wanna make you feel good, baby doll.”
He takes his time entering you, letting you feel every inch as he slowly glides all the way inside while you both sign in absolute relief. 
His hips move in long and drawn out strides, allowing his cock slowly pump in and out of you. 
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathing heavily, whispering sweet nothings in the shell of your ear. 
He fills you so wonderfully and completely. The slightest bit of a sting present, but only in the most elating and erotic way. 
“You’re so warm, baby doll,” he says, his lips ghosting over your tingling skin. “So perfect and tight. My beautiful sweetheart with the most pretty pussy.” 
You wrap your legs tight around his back, keeping him as close to you as you can while his pace picks up just enough that your blissful end is just on the horizon. 
“Jake, baby. You feel s- so good inside me. Right where you belong,” you mumble through staggered breaths. 
You reach your hands to his sturdy shoulders, digging your nails in his damp skin. He whimpers in your ear, a sound you’ve come to realize is your absolute favorite. 
“Yeah— this is where I belong, baby doll. Tucked away inside, just like this.” He stills himself inside you, his twitching cock causing you to flutter as he rests against your sweet spot. “I feel you, honey. Squeezing me like that, you’re so close. Can you give it to me?” 
He lifts his thumb up to your mouth, and you instantly open up for him. He places it inside and you swirl your tongue around the pad just a little before he pulls it back out. 
His wet thumb slides slowly down your body. He lifts himself up just a bit to reach for your throbbing clit, toying with it in gentle circles as he begins pumping in and out of you at an agonizing pace. 
“Right there, baby, right there,” you muster in high pitched whines. 
He leans in to meet your lips once more, and that is all it takes for your body to succumb. 
You’re crashing hard into your wave of pleasure, your cunt pulses and throbs around him. Your back arches completely off the bed, your breathing labored and deep. 
“There you go, baby doll,” His voice is low, his words raspy and faltered. “Gonna paint you nice and pretty, okay love?”
He pulls himself out, stroking his cock covered in your slick. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes roll in the back of his head. 
He finishes all over your tummy. His warm cum feels like a blanket against your skin. His moans become almost uncontrolled, those beautiful noises that are prettier than any ballad. 
He falls against you, his heaving chest colliding gently with yours. 
“I love you, my perfect girl,” he whispers into your neck. “Thank you for staying with me.”
“I love you, Jakey.” 
You brush your fingers through his hair, taming his disheveled length. You breathe him in deeply to savor this beautiful morning with him. You wish it could be like this always, that nothing could ever come between the two of you. Not even a job. 
Your job. You completely forgot. 
You snap your head over to look at the clock, scared to be met with reality. 
“Oh fuck!” you yell. “I’m late for work!”
You kiss the crown of his head before he moves off of you. You jump up to get cleaned up, realizing that no matter how quick you move, you’ll never make it on time. 
“Hey baby,” Jake says. “You know it’s Saturday, right?”
You stop dead in your tracks. There’s no way you forgot what day it was. 
You take your phone off the nightstand and turn the screen on to check. 
Sure enough, it’s fucking Saturday. Your day off. 
“Jake! Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask as you shamefully drop your head in your hand.
He giggles sweetly, forcing a smile to soften your irritated features. “Well, because now I know you’d rather be here with me than at your silly old job.”
You toss your phone back on the nightstand and lay back down next to him, playfully smacking his biceps.
“That’s a risky game, Jacob.” 
He chuckles he rolls you over on top of him. “I love you, baby doll.”
@jakeyt @objectsinspvce @stayinginthesun @sinarainbows @stardustcordzz @klarxtr @ohgodthefeeling-gvf  @iffypanic  @way-to-go-lad  @reesetrippingthelight  @jakesgrapejuice @sacredjake @notthedroidz @kiszkashousee @psychedelicsprinkles @jjwasneverhere @gvf-ficreads @stardustjake   @gretavanbear  @gvfmelbourne  @livkiszka@jaaakeeey @neptune2324 @jaketlove @myleftsock  @joshskittytickler @audgeppp @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @torniturntomyarrow @welllauragvf @writingcold @heckingfrick @itsafullmoon @audgeppp @jordie-gvf @gretavansara @gretasfallingsky @jazzyfigz @louiseecraigg @hippievanfleet @blacksoul-27 @sarafrusciante2 @heckingfrick  @citylight-delight @gretavansara
a/n: feel free to send me more requests! this was so fun. :')
if you'd like to be added to my taglists, let me know or fill out this form & i'll be sure to add you.🤍
as always, don't don't be afraid to let me know what you think! love you guys.
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kaciidubs · 3 months
Experiment 0915 | Spooktober 2023
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❣ Summary: Experiment 0915, the boy with the galaxy on his face - he would make a perfect host, wouldn't he? ❣  ❣ Word Count: 1.9k ❣ Warnings: Dubcon Roleplay, Sub! Felix, smut, oviposition, sex toys [tentacle mention], bondage, dacryphilia, open ended ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Felix is referred to as Lix[ie], Patient, Subject, mind the tags - read at your own risk ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ Spooktober 2023
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His body felt so heavy.
Was he truly so exhausted from practice yesterday that his body decided to give out on him? Was this it for him?
“Patient 0915 seems to be handling the sedative well… He should be waking soon.”
The heaviness quickly morphed into a deep haze, his senses seeming to turn back on one at a time; his ears tuning into the faint sound of repetitive beeping, and his nose picking up on the warm scent of vanilla.
But his hands- his wrists felt… was there something silky against his skin?
Felix tried moving his arms but felt a slight tug against his wrists that merely confirmed his suspicions; he was tied up in his bed with no possible way of getting free.
“Oh? Seems like someone’s finally awake.”
Forcing his eyes open, he blinked away the bleariness to focus on a face - well, part of a face, as everything from your nose down was hidden behind a mask. All that he could garner from a quick once over was the simple set of lingerie you wore; black with faint, shimmering accents of stars threaded into the lace - he tried his best not to lose himself in the way the straps hugged into your curves.
“Welcome back to the world of the conscious, Lixie.”
“Who-” He winced at the croak of his voice, swallowing thickly, “Who are you? What is this?”
“That’s not something you need to know, little star, but,” walking beside the bed, illuminated by the warm light of the nightstand’s lamp, you danced your fingers along an array of toys laid out and begging to be put to use, “I promise you, this’ll be a night you won’t forget.”
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It started with a pair of nipple clamps; pink rubber tipped and connected with a chain that laid in a chilling line across his chest - he had tried his best to arch away from your sinful touch, but the inability to physically turn away rendered him defenseless.
“P-Please,” the small whimper was accompanied by a sharp inhale, shocks of pleasure shooting through his perked nipples, “w-what do you want from me? Why are you doing this?”
An intrigued hum floated past your lips as you inspected the clasps, gently tugging at the clamp around his left nipple and earning a shivering moan from the man tied to the bed. 
His body tried in vain to curve away from your fingers walking the short distance of his pecs to meet the opposite pink bud, moaning louder when you tugged the second clamp.
He was ashamed of the way his dick twitched against his hip, he hated how his body craved more of your feather light touch - your scent seeming to cloud his head and block his mind from making any rational decisions.
“You’re sensitive with these… That’s cute.” Drawing back from his chest, you reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a small clear bottle; popping the cap open before pouring the liquid into your palm.
“‘M not cute- A-Ah!”
The liquid was cold against his dick, but with the heat of your palm quickly making up for the initial shock, he found himself succumbing to the lazy grip you held his cock in.
“I’ve barely done anything to you, but you’re already twitching,” you mused, amazement laced throughout your tone as you glided your hand up and down his length, “you truly are special.”
His eyes rolled, moans floating shamelessly past his lips with each pass of the curve of your finger and thumb past his flared tip, hips bucking in hopes of seeking out more of your twisted pleasure against his own better judgment.
Just as he thought he had found a decent rhythm, your touch left him and the reality of his situation spilled over him like a bucket of ice cold water, shocking his senses and jumpstarting his brain through the haze of arousal.
“C-Can you just untie me? I promise, I won’t do anything - I swear, I-I’ll be good!”
Not even batting an eye at his pleas, you traced your index finger down the taut skin of his balls and past his taint, smirking at the way his hips bucked and jumped, though he was unable to jerk his legs shut due to the ropes that bound his ankles to the foot of the bed - something he was quick to discover just before your assault on his chest.
“If you’re going to be a host,” your finger ventured lower until it grazed the puckered hole of his ass, applying pressure to the tight, fluttering ring, “then we need to make sure you’re ready.”
Ready? Surely you didn’t mean…
“W-Wait, please, what are you-”
His breath caught in his throat as your index slid into the tight ring, the glide of the lube making it all too easy for your finger to wiggle around and slowly stretch him open.
“N-ah- No, s-stop!” He cursed the break in his voice, further adding to the lack of insistence in his demand as his body shook against the bed - the arousal flowing through his veins feeling more like lava burning him from the inside out, laden with burning shame.
It wasn’t long until he felt another finger nudging at his hole, and soon you were steadily fucking him open with three fingers, your thumb pressed against his taint while your free hand caressed his thigh.
“See?” You cooed softly, your observant gaze taking in the flutter of his eyes as whimpered moans floated past his lips, “It isn’t so bad when you submit, now is it?”
His dick twitched at the condescension in your tone, though any form of denial was nonexistent on his tongue as he hiccuped out a hum, “Y-Yes!”
“Good boy, all you needed was a little convincing, hm?” Dancing your fingers up his thigh, you traced your nail along a vein running along the length of his dick, smirking at the way it jumped at the sensation, “I suppose all of our subjects can’t be treated the same.”
He didn’t know what you meant, he didn’t understand why this was happening, but every curl of your fingers and the sickeningly calmness of your voice lured him deeper and deeper into a false sense of security.
However, that security was broken the instant he felt your touch pulling away from him - pulling out of him - and he found himself bucking against the bed.
“No! W-Why- Please-”
“Easy, Lixie, I’m not going anywhere.”
Despite your reassurance, he could still see you sliding off of the bed and reaching for something he could only describe as an awkwardly shaped dildo - colorful and thick, bigger than his usual toys due to the curved stature.
You stroked the dildo with a small smile, though the glint in your eyes had him swallowing thickly, “We’re moving onto the next stage.”
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It was a tentacle - curved and stout and a glistening blue and purple from the copious amount of lube you slathered it in; though, the part that had his bound hands clenching was the ominous opening where a pointed tip should’ve been.
“Even though I stretched you out as best as I could, this could be a bit of a challenge,” you murmured nonchalantly, dragging the curved tip between his slicked up ass cheeks before a smug smirk curled your lips, “but I’m sure it’ll be easy for you - you are the perfect subject, after all.”
He didn’t have the chance to reply, he barely had the chance to take a breath before the rubbery head was pressing against his puckered hole, pushing and pushing until the first inch of the textured notch seated within him.
A shivering moan left Felix’s lips, the sensation of the ribbed shaft bringing goosebumps to his skin as bump after bump entered his ass slowly yet steadily until the thickened base rested against his hole.
“I-It’s so- F-Fuck, so big!”
A low chuckle escaped you as you slowly tugged on the toy’s base, stimulating him ever so slightly, “This is big? Cute - when the real deal comes, I only hope your reaction then will be just as adorable.”
 The real deal.
Your words bounced around his lust fogged mind, not a single brain cell coming forward to try and put meaning to the insinuation - how could his brain even try to wrap itself around his current reality when he was being split open in the best-worst way possible?
Then, the first drag came, and the increasing slope of each notch leaving him had his back arching; the puddle of precum growing as it seemed to flow endlessly from his barely acknowledged cock.
Leaving half of the toy within him, you thrusted the missing inches back in, setting an unforgiving pace that soon had the room filled with lewd squelching and desperate moans.
Whatever remaining willpower he held was subsequently fucked out of him, his body pliant and wholly submissive to the way the multiple ridges of the toy rubbed against his prostate - he was defenseless, free to be used by your hand, and he… He loved it.
“Maybe I should record your next session, Lixie,” you purred, licking your lips as hungry eyes met his tear filled ones, “your blissed out face is something all of our future test subjects should see.”
He nodded frantically - record him, show him off, anything if it meant he could feel like this again, he needed you to make him feel like this again, and again, and again.
“Ready for the final step?”
Your questions were rhetorical, his response was never a factor for your hypotheses, only his reaction to the aftermath - and this final reaction was what would make, or break, your experiment.
Felix’s thighs shook as you pushed the toy to its hilt once again - however, this time something was different.
He cut himself off with a moan, the sound increasing in volume as he felt his hole stretch ever so slightly, the toy seemingly growing as if something was moving through it.
“What’s h-happening?! What are you-”
The stretch happened a second time and a tear ran down the side of his face - fear and pleasure mixing into something molten hot and stirring in the pit of his stomach, his dick twitching in the air to the rhythm of his racing pulse.
“Just one more, come on, Lix - one more egg, just for me.”
Of course, you were already a step ahead of him, working the third egg into the depositor hole through the center of the toy and, subsequently, into him.
The second the widest part of the final egg entered him, he felt his body jolt - his cherry lips parting, though whatever sound came out was behind blocked ears as his orgasm took him by storm.
Ropes of cum painted his stomach in uneven lines, mixing with his precum and further matting the fine, untrimmed hair on his pelvis until all that remained were the pearl-bead remnants dribbling down his flared tip and shaft.
He blinked hard, the heavy sound of his own breathing slowly registering back into his ears, and when he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling, he caught a delighted hum falling from your lips.
“It seems our precious patient has given us some promising results…”
He choked on a gasp as he felt the toy slowly leave him, leaving the small eggs behind in the process, keeping his ass plugged and full.
“Let’s move on to phase two, shall we, Patient 0915?”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @junglyric, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter, @ddyskz, @prettymiye0n, @bbgnyx, @ivyisnotokay, @bahng-chrizz, @milknhoneyracha, @hann1bee, @palindrome969, @newhope8, @luminouskalopsia, @kpopsstuffs, @starquokka, @wolfs-howling, @laylasbunbunny, @zaethefangirl, @chxnb97, @4-chan-inpadella, @butterflydemons
✧. ┊Kinktober only: @selicua
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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luveline · 2 years
if you want, maybe roan is just like doodling around and stuff yk and she draws a typical like family pic but eddie notices that beside the both of them there’s another messily drawn figure and it’s the reader :( <3
HELL yeh ty baby ♡ fem!reader
Eddie's a good dad. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise, he's good at this shit, and if Roan wants to go get burgers every Friday he's gonna take her. His daughter deserves the world.
Including greasy, messy quarter pounders from Benny's diner.
"What's that one?" Eddie asks, pointing over Roan's half eaten plate with his pinky finger at her drawing, the table between them covered in crayons from her open pencil case.
"This? This'a doggy," she says, like it's obvious and he's the worst.
"I knew that," — he did not know that — "I meant want kind of doggy."
"Oh. That's our dal-dalm-damnation!"
Eddie grins at the idea of a dalmatian named damnation. Fucking sweet. "Dalmatian, babe." He wipes his fingers in a napkin so he can lean over and pick sesame seeds out of her hair and off of her little sweater. "I thought you wanted a St. Bernard. The rescue dogs with the medicine around their neck, you remember?"
She points at the dalmatian's side where she's drawn a cross in red crayon. "He is a rescue dog."
Eddie hums appreciatively and picks up his burger again. But the time he's finished Roan has moved onto a clean page. She sits there tap tap tapping her crayon against the corner.
"What do I draw?" she asks.
Eddie grabs his napkin. "You didn't give me a look at the first one!" he exclaims, stacking her plate on top of his.
Roan struggles. Her sketchbook is a simple plain workbook from Bradley's with thin paper, but the size of it is still heavy in her small hands. She turns back to the page she'd just been decorating and brandishes it against her chest proudly.
"Holy sugar, that's awesome," he praises, and means it. "Is that Princess Peony?"
"The damnation is saving her," Roan says.
"I can see that."
He reaches under the table for his backpack. Inside, he carries around all the bare essentials necessary for successful kid outings — spare clothes, Teddy the pink bear with one ear, a hair brush, hair ties, her rain mac. And, the most important thing, wet wipes.
"Alright, c'mere. Let me wipe that face."
Despite contrary instruction, Eddie walks around to sit on her side of the booth. He does hands first, then crayons caught in the crossfire, then her face. She hates it, but when she was a baby she loathed it. He takes her scowl as an improvement.
"Why don't you draw... Maybe, a new family portrait? We can put it on the fridge like the first one. You can even include your damnation, if you like."
"He isn't real, dad."
"Just draw what's real, then. Can I trust you while I go get drinks?"
She makes a haughty little face that he takes for an eye roll and leaves to get drinks, though he's not really leaving. He's about ten feet away from her at all times and he keeps his eye on her.
He only looks away for what can't be ten seconds, and she's gone. His heart skips as his eyes scour the diner.
Eddie flinches, his coke tipping over the side and down his hand. "Oh, sh- sugar," he says, kissing his fingers dry. "Babe, you scared me."
Roan stands at his knee with her drawing in hand. She wields it up at him insistently.
"That's for me? Swap?" he asks, offering her a small glass of juice.
Roan takes the juice in one hand. Eddie quickly takes her drawing so she can use both hands, watching the pride as she shuffles carefully back to the table. She doesn't spill a drop.
Eddie shakes out the drawing and sips his coke. The edges are ragged along the top where she's torn it free.
Front and centre is Roan. She's drawn herself with big long eyelashes and a full head of curls, total dad-win, in a huge cloud of pink he assumes is her very best princess dress. To her left is Eddie, same head of curls, long lashes amiss but a huge smile on his face, and to Eddie's left is Wayne. He looks especially dapper, a coffee mug in hand.
It's a great likeness.
And then there's you.
Your hair, your favourite shirt. Roan has drawn you with lovely eyes and a heart next to your smile, messy but so obviously you.
He beams like a fool as he sits down next to her again. She's already turned to a new page in her blook.
"Roan, this is amazing. And... That's Y/N."
"Duh," she says.
"Duh," he repeats, dumbfounded.
He wonders what he's supposed to say here. Telling her you aren't part of their family wouldn't be true. Telling her you are might set a precedent you aren't ready for. He worries it over for a while and takes despondent swings of coke, listening to Roan scribbling furiously beside him.
Eddie looks down. He gawks.
"Baby, is that..."
She points with her crayon enthusiastically. "Tada!"
"It's a castle," Eddie says carefully.
"That's where a princess gets married."
"And that's..."
"That's Y/N!"
There you are. Smiling, a bouquet of blue, red and yellow flowers on bright green stalks in hand. A prince stands beside you in a suit with a bright red scribble across his chest like a sash. The prince also has long, curly hair.
"Where are you?" he asks.
Roan points at a purple blob with black hair in the background. "I'm the flower girl."
Eddie throws his arm over her small shoulders and drops a firm, smacking kiss against her round cheek. "That's where you're wrong, bub. You'd be right next to me, my best girl."
She giggles infectiously at him, his words and breath tickling her face.
"Dad, don't be stupid. It's s'posed to be a man with you."
"Make an exception? Just this once it can be a girl. Pretty please?"
She smiles at him. It's a much older expression than she should have, like she's entertaining his fantasy, like he's the kid. "Okay, dad. I will be the best girl."
Later, when he tells you the story, you get super indignant. His stomach turns to a pit as he worries he's overstepped, but you say, "How is that fair? I want her to be my best girl."
"Maid of honour."
"What's the difference? You got her all this time completely by yourself, and you're not gonna share her on our wedding day?" Your voice drifts off as you dissapear into the bathroom, though he can hear you muttering, "Ridiculous."
He hides his electric blush with a pillow over his face. When you return, you climb half on his chest and force the pillow away to dot spearmint kisses against his pinked cheeks.
more eddie and roan (and reader!)
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seneon · 8 days
SKETCHING SPIDERS ──── rayne ames x fem! reader.
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about. whatever you draw on your skin, the same drawing will appear on your soulmate as well. ROYAL! AU. sfw + suggestive, reader's surname is archer, mentions of alcohol. wc of 3.2k.
notes. i'm experimenting. also first week of exams done i have math, business & accounting next week 😭😭
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overcast clouds and the grey shades engulf the vast sky. you're seated in the royal room of a class for the children of nobles, fidgeting with a clean feather quill that was played by your fingers.
as usual, it is another boring day as an academic victim of the noble standards. in a classroom full of the descendants or the next heir of royal and noble families, they were all academically intelligent. for the future of their family, of course. that is no surprise, considering you have to study hard to maintain a good status in your family of nobles.
as the tutor continued to speak his mind out about philosophy or the sort, you looked around the classroom. for a high-class classroom, there sure is quite some dust in the high ceilings that nobody could reach up to.
you see many concentric circles woven by threads at the far corner, all meeting at one common centre. a genius idea then sprouted in your mind like the multi-legged creatures that created those corner ceiling webs.
the quill that you were just fiddling with became an item to use as your teacher rambled on and on about the stars and how to read them astrologically. you used it in a wiser way rather than write a bunch of fancy words into sketching. an act that only the royal artists could carry out.
first, you dipped your quill into the ink and lightly flicked the access ink off. then you lifted the sleeves of your lace coral pink dress, turning your left arm the other way. your seatmate, nora martin, watched in silence as her eyebrows scrunched in anticipation of what you were about to do with your lifted sleeves.
“what are you attempting to execute now, lady archer?” nora asked as you shot her a tiny smile. “just a teensy bit bored from mr. valac’s lessons. m’ gonna entertain myself.”
your seatmate, nora of the martin house, does not bat her eyelash or blink in your direction. this is common for her, just like buying groceries to cook.. or waking up to brush your hair with a wooden hairbrush made out of the best wood in the kingdom. she is used to your shenanigans, even if it meant to be a little bit rebellious during the process, such as dirtying your arm in boredom.
well either way, nobody is going to lift your sleeves to inspect your arm, for it is a crime in the law. at least, to people of nobility.
the ink does not easily dry on the surface of your arm, tainting your skin in a hue of black. the feather quill was quite ticklish too, sometimes it occasionally burns mildly against your skin as the tip of the feather drags along to create a small design with the ink.
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once it dried, you showed nora your masterpiece. she actually fancied the result, thus praising how good you actually are at painting. for all that you know, your drawn masterpiece will not come off as easily as staining the tip of the quill in black ink.
it is going to be hard to wash it off. to wash the ink off.
“a spider?” kaldo gehenna asked as he inspected the drawing on the left arm of his subordinate. subordinate because the gehenna and the person he speaks to is of the same ranking in the military.
“how'd that appear?”
“i have no answer for you,” rayne ames, captain level replied as he too, inspected the mark that appeared on his arm. “i believe it appeared during the day.”
“i believe so too. i mean, you didn't have it when you dressed up this morning, did you?” kaldo placed his fingers in his chin, trying to find possible solutions as to where a random marking of a spider and a few strands of web marks came from. the military isn't one to have such markings.
now that it is night and it is time to rest and let loose if the days’ happenings, the ames undressed with his most trusted subordinate and the both of them are greeted with a marking of a spider on rayne’s arms.
the knights are only glad that they wore long sleeves. if it had been exposed, rayne was sure that his arm would be sliced off for having such a marking in his arm.
“i heard there is a legend where whatever your soulmate draws on her skin, it will appear on your skin too. perhaps your soulmate drew a spider on heir skin,” the other captain said as he shrugged.
“why in the world would my soulmate draw on her arm? is she a fool?”
once again, the gehenna shrugged and carefully kept his knightly gears back to where they belong. “perhaps she was feeling bored, just like you at today's assembly. two bored souls. you can try to draw something small on your arm to see if that does anything or not.”
left in a plain white button up t-shirt and his black pants, kaldo took his belongings and waved his subordinate good-bye. “well, i hope you find your soulmate soon. you really need some romance in your life, rayne.”
when the ames went home, all he could do was stare at the spider marking on his arms. the only explanation he could gather was that his soulmate clearly used the black ink for writing to draw the insect on her arm. she didn't even try to erase the parts where it went wrong, she just drew on it to create spider webs.
his stoic golden honey eyes that were locked onto the mere insect. fingers slowly tracing over the outlines of the spider legs and the webs behind it. he admits it, his soulmate is good at drawing. perhaps she is a painter, an artist. someone who comes from a lineage of working for the royal family in the line of art.
but if she is his soulmate, why has she drawn something now? why has she not been leaving any suspicious or interesting marks on his skin in his eighteen years of living? why only now, when he was just assigned to the role of a captain in the royal military?
whatever the case, rayne ames could only keep brushing his fingers against the mark that appeared out of mere thin air. he needed to find the cause of this random marking soon.
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the fifteenth birthday of the royal prince, mash burnedead. of course his family of princes would host a royal birthday party for him. and of course, all nobles are to attend the young boy's birthday celebration.
so are you and your family. your parents, who stood among all the other noble adults as you stand beside them, their mouths never ending to boast about how well you do in your academics and how well you are in arts.
as if you were their little doll to ramble on and on, you simply stood there with a tiny smile, your fingers occasionally pulling up the elbow gloves so it wouldn't reveal a single speck of the spider drawing you drew just the day before the party.
you already knew it wasn't going to come off easily, considering the quality of the ink is strong enough to stain your white satin curtains for weeks before fully coming out. your parents had forgotten to inform you about the upcoming party of the prince too, making your arm more difficult to cover up since your silk elbow glove is on the shorter side.
“father, mother, if i may excuse myself to the restroom for a few moments?” you asked in a voice that sounded like it was a beg. you just wanted out from the ordeal of having to stand for hours and listen to your parents indirectly praising you while your mouth is kept shut with no place to allow your tongue to twist and turn.
“of course, dear! be back soon, alright?” your mother replied as you nodded and took your elegant bow at them and also at the other noblemen that were lending an ear to your parents.
it was all a simple lie to get you out of this pathetic situation and to escape to somewhere where you can have your own fun and enjoy your own time, whether it being alone or finding another fellow noble that you know off, preferably someone from your class.
your preferences led you outside the ballroom, where it is far from a huge crowd, but filled with people who prefer to be outside the ballroom.
“lady archer! over here!” the monotonous voice which you recognised called out to you as a hand fan waved in the air, signalling for you to journey your way through the hallways to where nora stood.
you made your way through the velvet carpet and curtsied at your friend, before doing so to the guests around her.
“this is noir martin, my idiotic brother of the military army and his friends of the military, lord kaldo gehenna and lord rayne ames,” nora introduced as you curtsied once again.
“they are looking for women to cheer their champagne to,” a horrified expression formed on your friend's face as she pointed her fan towards her elder brother. “especially this man.”
noir held his hands in the air for defense. “hey hey, little sister. it is normal for men who want to find a beautiful wife, isn't it?”
“not if you're a captain leading an army of hundreds of soldiers! they usually perish in battle like the strong mighty soldier they are, honouring their kingdom.”
the martins conversed in an argumentative conversation, kaldo occasionally joining in. while you stood beside nora, covering your left arm. if not, you'd keep pulling your elbow glove up.
it was no surprise that the attentive ames was silently observing you, a gorgeous noblewoman who will soon benefit to the future of the kingdom. the ames is to, one day, serve you, since you are an honoured ally of the royal family.
“oh uhm, i am quite anxious…” you averted his gaze, hands subconsciously moving to cover your arm as rayne's eyes followed your hands. “is there a problem with your arm? are you hurt?”
“you seem to be anxious,” rayne said.
that voice. the honeyed, yet silky voice almost no one in the military dares to defy. it was an addictively dangerous voice to the hearts and souls of many women.
“no! i’m not!”
there it was. the little sneaky spider legs that peeked out from the edge of your satin piece, though unknown to the people around. there was one person that knew about it though. he just happened to blink before he could see the leg peeking out.
“if you insist…” the knight slowly nodded, his hands travelling to the same arm that the spider appeared.
how odd. he's technically doing the same thing you are doing. it's just a different direction to what other humans in the hallways perceive.
“my name is rayne ames, captain of the royal military army. my brother finn goes to the royal academy too,” he bowed.
you did your part to introduce yourself as a proper lady. like any other proper gentleman, rayne took your hands in his and gave your knuckles a chaste kiss.
something he did to your fingers made you flutter on the inside. it was as if he invited butterflies into your body just by his lips touching the silk of your glove. it was no different for the kiss. he kept it chaste, but there was an unexplainable reason that tells you it wasn't just a gentleman gesture he was showing you.
well, the night went past with your newly made friend from the military who shared a mutual amount of laughs and jokes with you throughout the night. what could possibly go wrong?
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“sir! there's a spider on your hand!” the voice of a knight exclaimed as rayne glanced at his hands, his eyes widening a little before he attempted to slap it away.
but it does not go away.
it stays.
just like the spider drawing that randomly appeared out of nowhere, completely fading after a few days. but now, a new mark appears. and a new accusation arises.
“could it be his soulmate!?”
“lord ames, perhaps your soulmate is nearby!”
“you fancy spiders, captain?”
the male slapped his palms against his forehead at the words of his soldiers. surely the mark has to appear at a strategy meeting where he is specifically pointing at other nations. there couldn't be a better timing where his hands weren't in the view of other people.
now his darling soulmate has to draw on her hand, close to her thumb, the same silly spider drawing again that appears as a temporary marking to the ames.
as if one time wasn't enough for the rayne to embarrass him and allow his comrades to lose focus of their goals— the marks appear at many other times in situations where he couldn't control. all over his arm.
one night he sat down at his armchair, surrounded by the crackling sounds of the fire. rayne took kaldo’s idea, dipping his feather into washable ink and wrote a stop drawing on your arm with his quill.
a mere simple no form. in response, rayne rolled his eyes, scoffing at how cocky the person on the other end is. he wanted to get this over with so his teammates would seal their mouth shut in the absence of a spider drawing randomly spawning on his skin.
it was hilarious, since it was only his left arm that received such a vulgar insect drawing. rayne gave up and put away his writing materials and went to slumber. he pray that the spider drawings would soon end and he would finally have peace in the army. and also to meet his soulmate who is so interested in spiders.
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noir martin is officially wedded to a woman from the house of irvine, to a beautiful classmate of yours, lemon. and the world is to congratulate and celebrate the happiness of the newlywed.
“when am i be wedded to a handsome and strong man…” you muttered to yourself as you let out a sigh. “i could've sworn my soulmate wrote back to me.”
unfortunately your mutters were heard by rayne who stood beside you, serving as your escort for the day.
“oh? how do you already know your soulmate?”
“well. i draw. then he simply told me to stop drawing.”
rayne raised a brow. “if he's your soulmate, then why did he ask you to stop drawing?” in his mind, this soulmate of yours is an extremely selfish and rude man that doesn't deserve you at all.
“because i’m embarrassing him in front of his friends with my spiders.”
his jaw slightly let loose. rayne couldn't focus on anything else other than to watch your lips move as you complained about your soulmate and spiders.
“my dearest lady y/n of the archer house,” the ames gently took your hand in his and bowed, remaining in his posture, he says, “may i commit a crime and steal you away for a few moments?”
spiders are your new favourite thing to draw now ever since that boring day in your philosophy lesson.
rayne just happened to the extra canvas.
a field of red roses tinted your cheeks red as you ceased the smile that threatened to surface.
“yes you may, lord ames.”
as you finished uttering your words, rayne took your hand to guide you through the huge and long halls of the martin estate. it was silent all the way and you felt nervous. as if there were thousands of spiders who slowly crawled up your back, giving you the chills yet the nervousness that embraced you.
he led you out the huge garden, never stopping until he reached the point where there were stone benches. being the gentleman he is, rayne told you to take a seat as he took off the white glove he wore on his left arm.
rayne took a seat himself, setting his gloves to the side. all while your eyes followed his actions, including the little mark that was just a bit above his pinky finger. you recognised that mark as you seemingly lit up upon seeing it.
“that's a—”
without hesitation, you took out your left arm’s glove. nobody is going to walk into the garden anyways, so it's safe to take off your glove. golden honey eyes immediately locking its gaze onto the same spider that was in the same exact position as the one on rayne's fingers.
“you’re my soulmate!” you exclaimed, gasping in the process.
the corner of rayne’ lips curved upwards a little as he nodded, his fingers tracing the spider that was imprinted on his fingers.
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rayne ames is now tracing the undone spider sketches, smudging the ink all over your right thigh as you could feel his hot, ragged breath on your cheek. you faced the other way, your own breath heavy as you shifted in your position.
“trying to draw a spider on your thigh while i’m away on a mission by the king's orders tells me how much you miss me. how much you need me,” rayne said, his golden eyes staring into yours. “then you tried to sketch another in my presence, my lady. what are you trying to do?”
first of all, how did you get into this situation where both you are under the military captain as he cornered you?
long story short, you were out with your lady friends, and they were all drinking the night away. as your carriages came to pick you up and your lady-in-waiting cleaned you up after the night full of consuming the kingdom's finest alcohols, soberness left your mind.
the worst is the honoured son of the ames family arriving at your family's estate to give them an emergency visit. well you were not in a state to be speaking to guests, so you were kept in your room.
but rayne insisted on a visit to his beloved darling, and he too, ended up being drunk from the alcohol that you shoved into his mouth with the bottle that you sneaked in the house.
“i need you… and you need me too,” you muttered, lazy eyes scanning all over the white button up t-shirt that rayne wears. how it would be so easy to just tear them open right now.
“do i have you to myself?” rayne set his head at the crook of your neck, shifting up so his mouth comes in contact with your shoulders. the man slightly pulled down the lace sleeves, exposing your bare shoulders to him.
with rayne's lips on your shoulders, you hummed under your breath, resulting in a kiss.
“you are my woman. my soulmate, y/n.”
“forever yours,” you whispered into his ears as he continued to press chaste kisses onto your shoulder, his other hand leaving your sketched and messy thigh to snake it around your waist.
“i’m going to kiss you until those spiders all over your body are all messy. and you will do the same to me, darling.”
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TAGS ★ @kyoghurts @caelivir @dragonictears @anqelically @hasumiis @raynesbunny @vash-yuu @sakireiz @futuristicxie @redlabelboom @ilovecandys2010
© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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oracle-of-dream · 1 month
Under the Nite Lights
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Summary: He's not coming... is he? Even in the cold Winter weather, as the snow falls, you can't believe he'd leave you waiting.
Notes: Male Reader, Fluffy, Winter theme, Leehan is a romantic, Sun/Moon couple, Sleeping in the cold
Wordcount: 1k
Your fingers were numb. Your feet stung. It felt like your eyes would never open again from your frozen tears.
In the park, on a bench under a tree surrounded by snow. You shivered while watching couples strolling through. The Nite Lights had started and he still wasn't here–if he was ever coming at all... You pulled your coat tighter around you, the one he'd bought you. It faintly smelled like him too. But it only made the hole in your heart grow bigger at the thought that he wasn't here with you.
Every December, your hometown would make a big event of showing massive light displays in the park which stretched across town. And every year you'd go. This would've been the first year you wouldn't have to go alone... It was the best stop for couples. Every year, you watched so many pairs enjoying their time together, they hugged each other to stay warm and laughed as they walked. And every year, you'd watch alone from the bench as you thought about how it would be walking with someone special.
You'd begged your boyfriend, over and over to make sure he made time for this night. The one night that meant so much to you... But you were still alone on the bench. Just like every year before.
Your phone was dead from calling and texting him. Each attempt went unanswered. Where the hell could he be? Your mind wandered as you felt your eyes get heavier. Your breathing slowed as your head slumped back, feeling the snowflakes gently pepper your cheeks.
Why couldn't he be here... just for one night?
You could remember the first day you met him. Leehan was a customer in the cafe you worked at. His long hair was tied back as he carried textbooks to his seat, balancing too many books for him to handle. You'd guessed it–he fell and dropped the books everywhere. You rushed over to help him. And that's when you got a good look at his handsome face, pink with embarrassment as he hurried to clean up his mess. You split the load with him and helped him carry some of the books, and he left you a big tip as a thank you. You cleaned his table to find his number with a small drawing of you... It was so detailed and beautiful, in a way that you could never see yourself. On the back of the portrait, it said. "You're so beautiful, if the stars ever stopped shining, I'd call you to shine my nights for me." It was the goofiest pickup line you'd gotten while at that job, but it was the best thing you'd ever read. You called him after your shift and ended up seeing each other for a date later that week...
A voice echoed in your mind. "Y/n!? Baby!?"
Your body shook as your eyes peeled open, your frozen eyelashes straining to separate. It took a moment for your eyes to focus but you knew that voice... It was him. You spotted Leehan rushing around the park with a panicked look in his eyes, carrying a bouquet of white flowers–he was wearing the sweater you'd bought him too.
You cried as you stumbled to your feet. The effort it took to rip your body from the bench knocked you to the floor. Your needs buckled from the cold, and your throat ran dry. He came... He really did come! You tried to speak as loudly as you could, "Leehannie!" He turned around and relaxed when he saw you. His panic turned into a soft worry as he ran over to you.
Leehan knelt down and placed the flowers beside you as he checked on you. He dusted the snow out of your hair and wiped your tears. "Baby, I've been trying to call you. Why didn't you answer me?" Leehan rubbed his head against yours before pulling you into his arms, squeezing you tight. His voice shook as he whispered, "Please don't worry me like that... I don't know what I would've done if you'd vanished on me." He stroked your head while hugging you, taking shaky breaths.
"I thought you weren't coming..." You sniffled as you wiped your nose.
"How could I not come? This night's so special to you! You love watching the Nite Lights!"
"You didn't answer my calls or texts. I didn't know what to do..."
Leehan kissed you, his lips, two soft pillows for you to rest on. "I'm so sorry, baby. I was still stuck at work, then I went to get a surprise for you–by the time I tried calling you back, you weren't answering."
"My phone died."
Leehan stood up, pulling you to your feet. "That's okay–it happens... As long as you're safe. How long did you wait out here? You're almost blue!"
"...Three hours."
Leehan's eyes widened. "Three hours!? I'm an hour late to our date, right? Did I get the time wrong?"
"I wanted to look around alone first... Like I used to. Then I'd walk with you to see how it was different." You looked down at Leehan's flowers. "Are those for me?"
He scooped them up and gave them to you. "Some beautiful flowers for my beautiful boy," He said as he kissed your hands. Leehan stepped back and held his hand out to you. "I know I'm late, but would you still want to walk with me?"
The way the light shined on him, and the snow landed perfectly in his hair. He looked like a dream–a dream man in a Winter wonderland. You nodded, trying not to cry again. "I'd love to walk with you..."
Leehan smiled as he took your hand, leading you through the park. The two of you laughed and pointed out your favorite decorations–Leehan could name all the different fish ones. "Why are there fish in Winter? No one thinks about finishing in Winter. Maybe ice fishing?" Your heart swelled watching him talk about his fish facts. He was the cutest when he told you whatever you'd listen to. And for him, you'd listen for as long as he wanted.
Toward the end of the walk, Leehan stopped you.
"Remember that surprise I talked about?"
You nodded. Leehan pulled a small box out of his pocket. Inside were a pair of rings, silver bands with a Sun and a Moon.
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"Will you shine in my days, and let me light your nights?" Leehan asked with a goofy smile–wiggling his eyebrows the way you liked.
"Of course, Moon Man." The nickname you gave him since his head was always in space.
"Thanks, Sunlight..." The nickname he gave you for bringing light into his life every day.
You put the rings on each other as you kissed under the Nite Lights. Your first year going with someone, and your last year going alone...
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iseos · 11 months
: lipstick stains
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wc. 687 archive. pairing. huh yunjin x fm!r synopsis. quiet laughter and messy makeup genre. fluff now playing: mine by ive
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  THE TWO GIRLS WERE CROSS-LEGGED on yunjin's bedroom floor, sat so closely together that their knees were touching and yunjin could feel whenever y/n exhaled after holding her breath as she did her makeup.
“stop moving.”
  "i'm not!" yunjin whisper shouted, trying to avoid being scolded by her members again for being too loud.
  y/n tossed the used makeup wipe to the side and brought the eyeliner pen back up to yunjin's closed eye.
  y/n’s hand started to cramp up as she desperately tried to keep her movements steady. this was already the fourth attempt at mirroring the simple design she had already drawn on the girl's other eye but yunjin's eyelid kept fluttering and forcing the pen's felt tip off its course— like it did just now.
  y/n sat back with an annoyed huff to look at her girlfriend after messing up once again but all frustration immediately disappeared and was replaced with laughter. the brunette had one eye open with her eyebrow raised as she tried her best to keep the other eye closed and relaxed.
  "what are you doing?" yunjin burst into laughter seeing the incredulous look on y/n's face, causing her to laugh as well.
  "i want to look at my beautiful girlfriend but you're taking too long!" yunjin pouted.
  "well, i would be done quicker if you just kept both your eyes shut! you're making me mess up." with a huff, yunjin finally shut both of her eyes and rested her hands over y/n's thighs as she waited for the girl to finish. the touch reminded them how close they both were and a warm blush started to cover their faces and made their hearts beat like crazy.
  wiping off the messed up line, she was able to draw on the second wing successfully and they could finally move on to the final step.
  looking down at the pile of different makeup products scattered around them on the floor, y/n suddenly remembered something, "oh! i have a new lipstick that i bought the other day, can i try it on you?"
  yunjin hastily nods her head so y/n jumps up to grab it from the overnight bag she brought over. once she dug out the desired item, y/n turns around to see yunjin staring up lovingly at her from the floor.
  "what?" the standing girl asks with a shy chuckle.
  "it's just... you look really pretty wearing my clothes." y/n looks down at the shorts and gray sweater that yunjin insisted she changed into. she keeps her head down hiding her bright cheeks and sits across from yunjin once more.
  y/n quickly leaves a peck on yunjin's lips and swiftly begins coating her lips with the muted pink-colored lipstick before the other girl can tease her for blushing or the sudden kiss.
  "okay,” y/n claps and scoots back to get a better view of yunjin’s whole face, “i think i'm done!" she passes a small hand mirror to her so she can see her finished look.
yunjin gapes at her reflection. she knew her girlfriend was talented just by seeing her do her own makeup, but seeing her skills showcased on her own face… yunjin immediately tosses the mirror to the side and pulled y/n closer again to place multiple short kisses on her cheeks.
  pulling back, yunjin laughs loudly seeing the pink lip prints that she left. picking the mirror back up and turning it towards herself, y/n begins laughing as well from both the feeling of yunjin’s lips on her skin and the sight of the transferred lipstick on her own face.
  remembering the late hour, the brunette girl quickly puts her finger up to her lip and shushes them both. "chaewon is gonna wake up again and force us to go to sleep."
but seeing the smeared lipstick around yunjin’s lips only made y/n laugh harder, so she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent more laughter from escaping while more and more pink marks were left all over her face.
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“no, no doubt in my mind, i’m sure you’re a special someone in my heart”
© iseos
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monsterbunny69 · 9 months
Julian devorak x Gn!Reader smut part 1
Context: you and Julian have come up with an agreement where if he has a sex dream you are allowed, and have his consent to, wake him up by giving him a hand job or blowjob. Tonight is the night you finally get to execute this.
Mc’s POV
Stir awake after feeling Julian toss and turn a few times in his sleep. I sat up, thinking it was a nightmare at first “jul-“ I begin to call his name and set my hand on his shoulder before I am interrupted but a low, desperate sounding moan. I freeze, not knowing what to do. He shuffles again, laying on his back now. I debate waking him up to ask what he was dreaming about because I know if he’s having a wet dream he’ll be very embarrassed~
Instead I decide to slide under the blankets, planting myself slowly and carefully between his legs. As I do this I hear him moan again, a little louder this time. I have the blanket covering me up to my neck so I don’t get cold. I set a hand on his left thigh, trailing it up his shorts that he slept in. His skin is flushed pink and warm, his breathing is picking up a little. I finally look down at his crotch and see his bulge pressing against the fabric. I bite my lip a little and reach up, beginning to stroke and massage his hard on over his pants. His dick twitches in his shorts as I palm it, drawing a breathy moan from my sleeping lover. I stroke him with a good grip so it feels like he’s fucking something, which causes him to jolt his hips forward into my hand. I’m glad he is a heavy sleeper because it’s interesting to see how his body reacts to my touch without him being awake to suppress its urges. I don’t stop stroking until I see drips of precum staining through his shorts. I stop the movements of my hands and slowly drag his shorts and boxers down his pale thighs so he won’t wake up. I sigh a little, knowing what I’m about to do will wake him up eventually. I watch as his dick twitches, leaking precum onto the shirt he slept in. I look up at his sleeping face, it’s flushed and there’s a bead of sweat on his forehead. Whatever he is dreaming about has him really fired up. I scoot a little closer to Julian, gently grabbing his erection and wrapping my lips around the head, sucking and licking on just the tip to test the waters. My actions cause him to let out a loud groan and I freeze, not wanting to wake him just yet. Once he settles again I start bobbing my head, sucking his dick all the way down to the base. He thrusts his hips forwards again in his sleep, so I pin him down, hands gripping his thighs. I don’t mind if I leave bruises on them, Julian has a thing for marking. Then I keep blowing him, speeding up. He is moaning a little with each dip I take and eventually his eyes flutter open, and I catch him staring at me with half-lidded eyes and desperation. “G-good morning to you too” he says, biting his lip and arching his back straight after. I try not to smile as I keep his hips pinned and my lips wrapped tightly around his twitching cock. Now that he’s awake his hands are gripping the bed sheets beside us and he’s moaning as loud as he feels like it- which is pretty loud. His moans are music to my ears and motivation for me to keep giving him the best blowjob I can. “Ah! Mc-“ he cuts himself off with another moan, back arching off the bed. I abruptly pull away from him, licking my lips. He whimpers and locks eyes with me “t-that’s not fair” he huffs, letting go of the bed sheets. I knew he was getting close, and I want to make him beg for it. “You know what I need from you first” I say, doing my best to be intimidating. He huffs, I can watch the gears turning in his head as he tries to decide whether he wants to be a brat or obedient. I cross my arms and give him a look, he knows I won’t let him cum if he’s a brat. Julian locks eyes with me and almost immediately softens his gaze and slumps back down on the bed “please make me cum” he gives me the same half lidded look as earlier, a red blush dusting his cheeks. I chuckle at him “good choice~” I reply, grabbing his wrists this time and pinning them by his sides. He’s avoiding my eyes now, embarrassed by how turned on he is. Instead of jumping right back into blowing him I lean down farther this time and place kisses on his thighs. I stare up at him while I do this, causing him to swallow and stare at me in awe. I then bite into one of his thighs hard enough to leave marks, causing him to moan loudly, balling his fists. I smirk and continue to bite along his thighs, leaving behind bruises and hickeys. When I’m done I look up at him. He lets out a shuddering breath and shuts his eyes, leaning his head back against the pillow. I remove my hands from his wrists and place them on his hips again.
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stvharrngton · 2 years
It's okay!! I understand :) How about something about using a vibrator on our stevie?
anon i tried my best i hope you like it 🥺👉👈
pairing: steve harrington x reader (no pronouns used)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni, use of toys (m receiving), oral (m receiving)
summary: steve is a little subby baby
“What does it feel like?”
You shrugged, “Intense?” you thought out loud, “It’ll make you feel good, Stevie.”
Steve was laid out, sprawled on the bed in only his boxers. You in your underwear, save from the skirt that Steve insisted you kept on.
You’d been to the store in the shady part of town, out of pure curiosity, hoping to pick up some lingerie, maybe a new toy for yourself. You never expected to be going to the counter with something you would be using on Steve that evening.
It was a sleek little thing; a small black bullet vibrator. Nothing too overwhelming. He’d tapped your shoulder as you perused the shelves, “D’you think you could use one of them on me?” He’d asked.
You were always up for trying new things, especially when it came to your sex life. So when Steve proposed this idea of his you lept at the chance to have him keening beneath you.
“We don’t have to,” you hushed, sensing his nerves, hands running up and down his thighs soothingly, “just say, baby.”
“I want to,” he stated. Gaze a little heavy, neck hot and cock already aching beneath the confines of his boxers.
You nodded, a little smirk painted across your lips. Leaning over his body you slotted your lips between his, kissing Steve slow and passionately. Lips melding together perfectly.
You reached for the vibrator that you left on the nightstand; switching it to the lowest setting, “Just tell me to stop if it’s too much,” you reassured Steve, pressing a final peck to his lips, “okay, Steve?”
“Yeah, baby,” he nodded, reaching to squeeze your hand.
You let the tip of vibrator press into his chest softly, drawing lines between the dip of his pecs. You circled the bullet around his erect nipples, pulling a throaty groan from Steve’s lips. His fingers tugged at his hair, the other came to grasp your pudgy thigh.
The vibrations went straight to Steve’s cock, stirring beneath his boxers. A sweet moan tumbling from his mouth as you pressed the tip a little harder around his nipple, your tongue coming to lap at the other.
“Fuck,” Steve breathed.
You shuffled down the bed a little so you were laying between Steve’s legs, letting the vibrator travel down his chest and stomach slowly as you mouthed at his cock over the cotton.
His hips thrust up at both the sensation of your mouth and the bullet. Moving your mouth to press wet kisses along his thighs, teeth nipping gently at the sensitive skin there.
Carefully, you stroked the bullet up and down the length of Steve’s cock, the most pitiful whine escaping his mouth. You smirked a little, loving being in control, loving that you were the person to get to see Steve like this.
“Does that feel good, Stevie?” you cooed.
“Y-yeah, fuck,” he stuttered, “feels so good.”
You took your lip between your teeth as you watched his chest rise and fall rapidly, cheeks tinted pink, hair a little messy from where he’d ran his fingers through it, lips plump and parted.
Pulling at his boxers a little just enough to let the tip of his cock poke out at the waistband. It was so pretty, pink and ready, pre cum spilling out from his slit. You rubbed Steve’s thigh as you brushed the bottom of his head with the vibrator.
Steve’s back arched up off the bed, a loud moan filling the quiet of the room. He fisted the sheets either side of him, “Fuck, do that again,” he whined, “please do that again.”
You obliged, how could you not? When Steve lay beneath you, begging. Skimming the toy along the slope of his tip again, Steve’s eyes were squeezed shut, brow furrowed. He was painfully hard now, cock throbbing and aching. The sensation from the vibrator and your mouth and hands on his body completely wrecking him.
You pulled his boxers off all the way now, discarding them at the end of the bed. His cock sprung up, the vein on the underside of his shaft ever so prominent.
Steve hissed through his teeth as you let the toy glide up and down his length. A small gentle movement that drove Steve absolutely crazy. He was writhing, completely on edge, trying to fuck his cock up against the little toy.
“Baby,” you chuckled, “you gotta stay still f’me.”
“Fuck, sorry,” he breathed, chest heaving, “just feels fucking amazing,” Steve moaned.
“I know,” you cooed, continuing your ministrations with the vibrator you wrapped your lips tightly around the tip of his cock, tongue swirling.
Steve’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, hips canting upwards trying to get more friction from your mouth; the bullet; anything. He was a wreck, so totally fucked out already, so close to orgasm.
You moved the vibrator lower, your mouth taking more of him in as you did. Head bobbing up and down as your tongue swirled around his cock. It was messy, spit leaking from your mouth down his cock.
The vibrator came to tease Steve’s balls as you let his tip brush the back of your throat. Steve let out the sweetest, filthiest moan. Toes curling and thighs spread wide for you.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” he babbled, “oh fu-uck,” a long drawn out moan leaving his lips as he writhed on the bed. “Please, baby,” Steve whined, “please please please.”
You hummed around his cock. You knew he was close, the incoherent nonsense filling the quiet of the room, how he fisted the sheets to try and stop himself from fucking his cock into your mouth, how his cheeks were tinted bright fucking red at the feel of everything.
You turned the toy up a notch; nothing too harsh but enough to push Steve over the edge. He cried out beneath you at the change, the sensation now even more intense. Steve’s head was empty, dizzy and not a thought but how fucking hard his cock was and how much he needed to cum right now.
“Baby,” he whined, “‘m gonna cum, can’t hold it,” chest heaving hard as his fingers tangled in your hair, “shit, ‘m right there.”
“Yeah?” you pulled your mouth off him as you asked, tone low and sexy, “Gonna cum for me, Stevie?”
“Fuck, yeah,” he breathed, “make me cum, please make me cum.”
You went back to his cock, lips wrapped tightly around the head as you sucked and swirled your tongue, vibrator pushed into the base of his shaft sending shivers throughout his whole body.
A mix of incoherent moans and curses spilled past his lips, chants of your name and mumbles of thank yous moaned out into the still air of your bedroom. Thick ropes of cum spilled into your mouth, dripping down your throat.
You ditched the vibrator now, switched off and discarded in the sheets. Hands rubbing soothing circles into Steve’s muscles as you pulled off him with a pop, swallowing every last drop he gave you.
Sitting on your heels you watched him for a moment, face tucked into the crook of his elbow, chest slick with a sheen of sweat, lips parted and gasping. Your fingers danced up his leg, stroking over his hip, the hair that littered his lower stomach.
Steve was fucked, post-orgasm haze taking over his mind, every inch of his body drained and tired. You curled into his side now, pressing soft kisses all over his face. You settled in next to him, knowing that you wouldn’t be leaving your bed any time soon.
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nonuggetshere · 5 months
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(ID start: A species reference sheet for a fan interpretation of a wyrm from Hollow Knight. The animal in the picture is long and snake-like with sharp layered scales in the rows of three, vaguely resembling a pinecone in appearance. It has a cone-shapes muzzle that tappers in the end split into 6 sections, between each section there's an eye further up the head, 6 eyes total. It has two tiny front arms further down its body and multiple sets of hind legs resembling these of a centipede running from lower part of its body all the way to the tip of its tail. It's brown with its belly being a lighter shade, with light green eyes, pinkish eyelids and lips, and cream claws. On the top left corner of the picture there's text that reads: "Common Wyrm. Climate: Highly adaptable, but does best in arid and temperate climates. Diet: Carnivore." On the right side of the wyrm's head there's a close-up of the eye, showing its slightly milky colour and a white pupil, next to it the text reads: "Functionally blind, can only see light and vague shapes". In the middle top section of the picture there's a diagram showing the wyrm's mouth in more detail. On the left, a picture shows its mouth closed and where the hard armouring of its body ends and soft flesh of its lips and eyelids begins. On the right, a picture of its mouth open shows the different parts of its jaws, the front jaws split into 6 ections with large front facing teeth used for digging and fighting and its lips drawn back to reveal them, inside the larger jaw is a smaller set of mandibles split into 4 sections used for eating. In the top right corner is a black silhouette of the wyrm, The Hollow Knight and The Knight, the text reads: "Size comparison to the Pure Vessel and The Knight". The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel reaches the wyrm's lower chest, while The Knight is roughly the size of the wyrm's forearm. On the right side of the picture there are close ups of the wyrm's front and hind limbs. The one labelled "Front paws" shows its stubby, segmented paw with 5 fingers and long, sharp claws. The one labelled "Hind legs" shows a one-clawed segmented leg resembling that of a centipede. Right below the wyrm, in the middle bottom part of the picture, there's text that reads: "Many hind legs, good for holding (prey, courting and brood rearing)". End ID.)
Pinecone looking ass
I originally wanted to just make every sub-species of wyrm I came up with and post them all at once but then I started drawing the different morphs and realises I couldn't do that LMAO
Also my toxic trait is forgetting to post my art here if I don't so it immediately after finishing it💜
More info + different morphs under the cut
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Solid", is a solid sandy colour with subtle darker gradient on the head, tail and back, green eyes, light pink lips and eyelids, and cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Two-tone", is a dusty brown colour with a lighter brown underbelly, a more visible dark gradient on its head, back and tail, amber eyes, dark pink lips and eyelids, and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Point", is a pink colour that slowly turns into dark brown further up its head and down its tail, with yellow eyes, warm pink lips and eyelids the same colour as its main body, and brown-ish grey claws. The forth wyrm, labelled "Horizontal stripes", is a dusty, dark brown colour with a dark brown stripe running down its side, black thin stripes run down its body, one along its back and two on either side of the large brown stripe, it has green eyes, dark pink flesh and grey claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "White back", is a vibrant orange colour that turns lighter on its head, a black stripe running on the side of its body and a creamy white back, with dark pink flesh, light grey eyes and light greyish cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Stripped point", is a vibrant yellow colour that turns brownish gold on its head and tail, stripped front paws and a stripped head, a brown stripe that runs down its side and gets lighter further down its body, cutting off at its front paws and beginning again from their hind legs and running all the way down the rest of its body, getting darker again at the tip of its tail, it has hazel eyes, redish flesh and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Two-toned point-stripe", has a greenish-grey body that gets darker and more red at the head and tail, and the same pattern as the last wyrm but with a cream underbelly, it has green eyes, light pink flesh and dark grey claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Vertical stripes", is a light sandy wyrm whose colour gets more vibrant and orange further up its head with a thin orange stripe running down its back, one short black stripe on the side of its head, one black stripe on the top of its head and wide black horizontal stripes running all down its body that get lighter and more orange-brown the further down they go, eventually blending into the same colour as the stripe on its back, with its front two paws completely black, light green eyes, dark pink flesh and black claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Three-tone", is a greyish brown colour, with a grey underbelly and a dark brown wide stripe running down its back, orangeish red flesh, light grey eyes and cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Rosette", is a green-ish brown colour with an orange muzzle and tail, the top of its head is dark and turns into a blurry stripe running down its back, there are 8 large dark blotches running down its back starting from just behind its head with each one having a lighter yellow colour inside it that turns more orange the further down the body the blotches are, it has yellow stripes around its greenish yellow eyes, warm reddish pink flesh and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Dorsal stripe", is a light pink colour that gets slightly darker on the back with a dusty pink thin stripe running down its back, redish light pink flesh, dark grey eyes and black claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Masked", is a dark dusty yellow colour with darker muzzle and tail, and brown stripes on its head and over its eyes, with the stripes on the top eyes link together with a stripe on its head and neck forming a sort of mask marking, many thin vertical stripes run down its body swapping between dark and lighter brown colours, it has dark green/light green heterochromia, dark pink flesh and black claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Leucistic", is a white colour with darker cream head, back and tail, pink flesh, dark brown eyes and dark grey claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Albino", is completely white with light pink flesh, light blue eyes and white claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Melanistic", is black with blue and red undertones, dark reddish pink flesh, dark brown eyes and black claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Piebald", is majority white with five blotches of colour on its body, one on the head, one on the tip of its tail and three down its back, the blotches are the same pattern and colour as "Horizontal stripes" morph but lighter, with yellow/blue heterochromia with the blue eye over the white blotch on the lower part of its head, dusty pink flesh and white and dusty dark cream claws. End ID.)
So here they are!
They're mostly Earthy and pink tones, with their eye colours ranging from green to orange with different saturation and hue - including grey and almost white and black eyes. Blue are mostly only possible when there's white over them or some sort of loss of pigment like in albinism. I mostly took inspo from earthworms and hammerhead worms for their markings and colours.
The most common, or at least most recognisable, species of wyrm in my AU. Second largest and highly adptable, these guys dig extensive tunnels spanning kilometres across and deep underground. They're essential to the ecosystem as their old tunnels provide safety for smaller organisms in the harsh wastelands.
They've got 6 eyes, each one between their six front mandibles. When they open them their eyes automatically close, though it isn't a problem as their vision is already poor.
Although they're capable of eating plants they're almost exclusively carnivores, specialising in hunting other colossal prey - including other wyrms. They hunt and fight by holding their prey down using their hind and front limbs and biting them with their powerful jaws.
They're known to be territorial and violent, the kingdoms made by wyrms having a reputation for being very war-focused.
They have litters of 1 to 13 young and are known for being very protective and highly attentive parents, rearing their young until they're old enough to survive on their own.
There was once a time where wyrms and their kingdoms were plenty, but with their rapidly dwindling numbers they're now a rare sight to behold - and wyrm-led kingdoms an even rarer one. Although mostly a solitary species the fear of extinction brought some of them together, and now it's not that unheard of for wyrms to stay in small family groups, with some of them choosing to shed their former bodies to live in larger groups together. These wyrm villages make it easier to find a mate and to find enough food, though because of their inherent territorial nature they're still not that common despite their benefits.
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gypsophiliaz · 6 months
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“ douceur „
quanxi x fem florist | barista reader.
multiple part series. first part thats just pretty fluffy and romancey!! first time writing and actually publishing it so ermm leave tips ig idk. ik the pacing is weird but its bc i like to write in detail.
feminine reader x quanxi, includes romance. >:3 smut in later chapters or wtv.
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disclaimer ; I've never written like romance before so forgive me lol. I write with extreme detail too so it probably gonna be the SLOWEST burn ever. also she smokes weed cuz ion fuck wit that cig shit lmfao
being a florist in tokyo isn't anything you thought you'd be finding yourself doing. though, being drawn to the sweet and naturey smell of flowers wouldn't suprise anyone who had known you before. head over heels constantly in love with all kinds of plants and flowers, from spider lilies to hydrangea, peony and flower arrangements in themselves.
. . .
you'd adjust your grip on the box cutter in your dominant hand, the vivid pink color of it mixing with the warm lighting above you, the blade swiftly and sharply cutting through the protruding thorns of the white roses, the remaining water inside would drip slightly onto the paper below the bouqet would find itself sitting inside of momentarily. a smell similar of freshly cut grass would fill your senses, and the cozy and comforting feel of the floristry – cafe place that you had recently assigned yourself to.
the smell of coffee, tea, and the baby's breath that sat to the right of you would fill the air, a rainy day with cars ever–so making light noises as their wheels splash and sputter inside of the puddles left by the rain. the annoying ding of the door would fill your ears once more, and like clock–work the all too familiar words would spill out of your mouth.
“ Welcome to Yrlissa's Flowery, How may I be of assistance? ”
as your eyes lazily drifted off the commissed bouqet that laid on the counter infront of you, your eyes would laid upon a tall lady, with a muscular yet slim figure. wispy bangs and a lacey eyepatch concealing her right eye. the rest of her thin hair contained by a black hairtie— who the hell visits a flower shop in a full black suit? Is she going to a fucking funeral ?
NOT professional thoughts. get it together!!!
the lady would approach the counter, with an almost monochromatic expression. not one emotion would appear on her face, and no body language out of the ordinary. her movements would seem almost perfected calculated, almost uncanny even, but as she grew closer the smell of the the roses and baby's breath would be replaced with the smell of marijuana.
the footsteps would come to a halt uncomfortably close to you, or maybe it would seem that way since shes near the height of a basketball player and you couldn't be any closer to a smurf, and also leaning over flowers with posture far from the best in the world– a few seconds of silence commence, the ladies eyes piercing above to read the sign. her lips parting to finally speak.
“A small espresso will do, please.”
“ would you like sugar or cream? ”
“ Surprise me. ”
the click of the box cutters blade retracting back into itself, and the clack of its placement onto the counter would follow her sentence. with your feet tapping to the cups behind you, and your body language obviously showing your nervousness, you'd swiftly grab it and draw back over to the counter near the woman.
tipping over the jug of geyser water just measuring to the line that marks a half liter. the sound of the water filling up would once again save you from extremely embarrassment from the pure awkwardness of the situation at hand.
. . . .
you'd stretch your hand over and weigh out 20 grams of coffee beans, pouring them into a small tin and placing them on the miniature scale. the lady bringing a stop to the awkward silence that filled the air.
“ I take it it's relaxing to work here hm? ”
“ It's nice on it's slow days, but then there's times like valentines day, and wedding season ykno? ”
“I'd imagine.”
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as a few weeks passed, the lady swiftly became a regular. almost always coming in during your shift or being there before you clock in. a name you wrote on the coffee cup almost every shift, the type of name that rolls off your tongue sweet and slick, — quanxi. another day had arrived, opening the door to yrlissa's the bell would chime as you walked in, swiftly pittering to clock in, not missing quanxi sitting in the corner of the shop, as always.
she would stay for a few hours and make nice company on slow days, an often occurrence it would be to sit and speak with her while filling out the commissions for bouqets, and other kinds of assortments. it didn't take long to realize quanxi liked more to listen than to speak.
today was october 5th. the chill in the air sweeping into the store moments after the bell on the door would ring. it didn't take long for you to learn to brace yourself against the cold on the cue of the chime. completing the same ol' sequence you'd do everyday, steaming the milk and poking holes in the puck of espresso, yet this time for yourself to warm up on the cold day.
the thick fog outside would make seeing the people and events happening outside near impossible. pouring the milk, then espresso, a drizzle of caramel and whipped cream onntop, the perfect go—to drink. the cup would warm your hands, soothing you and bringing you into relaxation with the first sip, a small breath leaving your parted lips—
the all too familiar chime would fill your ears.
quickly stepping behind the counter to at least shield your lower half. or.. 90% of ur body bc ur a fucking smurf. srry im writing this in my perspective im fucking 5'0. the chill would still expectedly hit your face and torso, sending a small shiver up your spine. gripping the cup of coffee just a bit tighter to warm your hands once again. fluttering your lashes and squinting to keep the ice cold air out of your eyes, you'd realize who'd walked in.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cold.” Quanxi would say, looking back and closing the door softly behind her as not to brush more cold air inside. this time she was wearing a brown turtle-neck under her coat and long black pants. she'd take a deep breath in and pull her other hand out of her pocket.
“you're fine don't worry. at least it's not another total stranger walking in, I think I'd rot inside having to make any more small talk today.” you'd set down your coffee to start her order, placing it beside the cash register and lean on the counter with the corner digging into your palms.
Quanxi would approach the table near the entrance of the work space, leaving about 3-5 feet in between the two of you as you started her order. It took her a few days in the beginning but she got what she wanted down pack. a shot of espresso, mixed softly into chocolate syrup followed by warm steamed milk and whipped cream. In other words, a Caffé Mocha. with some extra chocolate.
. . . should probably start that order
you'd started serving quanxi in the pretty white mugs boss lady told you not to use, simply to reduce dishes. but you didn't mind washing one or two for quanxi. You'd hear the clink of her keys being placed onto the table before she'd speak.
“How's work been treating you lately? ” Quanxi would say to you, looking at you completely still with a hand propped up under her chin, but still as nonchalant as usual. It was hard to believe she was genuinely interested sometimes.
pouring the chocolate into the bottom of the cup focusedly, to make it look as pretty and perfect as can be, you'd take a second before answering. “Horrible, Actually. This guy yesterday, came in and got mad at me because I forgot to put caramel on top of his frappe. He ended up throwing it on the floor, and of course I had to clean it. ”
Quanxi's eyes would follow the way you carefully made the coffee. The way you'd twirl the cup to make sure it was evenly distributed, and the way you'd add extra for her, even though she didn't ask for it. Nor did she really like how sweet it made the drink, but to her it was an act of kindness.
“Oh! and thennnn I had a lady come in here with her boyfriend and I guess I was a bit too friendly with her and she pulled me to the side and basically threatened me. I'm not one for wanting a guy in general. That was actually around a week ago and she came back a few days ago an—”
the glass pot to steam the milk in would fall to the ground instantly shattering. nothing but the thought of your boss chewing you out rushes into your mind. not only is it expensive to replace, it was definitely coming out of your paycheck. Quanxi wasted no time raising out of her chair and assisting you with cleanup even before you, yourself could process what had happened.
“thank you. god my boss is gonna make me pay for this. . . " you'd say squatting down and beginning to pick up the big chunks of glass first and placing them in your palm. “I'll get it, you might get cut. ” Quanxi would take the glass from out of your hand and continue to pick up where you left off.
"are you sure? I can just get a broom or something." you'd turn away for a second to grab the broom from the back, yet once you come back you find the glass all gone, not a single piece remaining on the floor and a note on the counter, sitting placed under two 10,000 yen notes. (around 140$)
the shock would spread across your face almost in an instant. what the absolute hell? picking up the notes, you'd take the time to read the note she'd left behind.
“𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻. 𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓫𝓮, 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮.
𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓷𝔁𝓲 347-1782.”
✧─── ・ 。゚✧: * 🎀 .* :✧. ───✧
tired of there not being fuckin quanxi fics and smut bro. ik u stans r alive ACT LIKE IT!!!! 😡 k hope u enjoyed tho owo also im seriously fucking hoping this isn't ugly on pc bro.. idk but if ur reading fluff n shit on a pc u got balls cuz id cry if i got caught
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huang-minjisu61 · 6 months
Pretty boy ꨄ︎
Warning : Renjun x reader
Genre : Fluff☁︎
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Renjun sat at his desk, pencil in hand, completely immersed in his drawing. His brows were furrowed in concentration, his glasses perched precariously on the tip of his nose. He was completely lost in the world of his art, his hand moving swiftly and purposefully across the paper.
He was a pretty boy, there was no denying that . His delicate features and soft, porcelain pale skin that gave feminine appeal to his face . As he sat there , focused on his drawing, he somehow glowed even more . He wasn't even trying and yet effortlessly , he was the prettiest person in the room . His long lashes and thick glasses caught your eye, and you couldn't stop yourself from blurting out,
''You're such a pretty boy, Renjun.''
As soon as the words left your mouth , Renjun's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and a shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He tried to compose himself, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses, but you could tell that your comment had flustered him.
"Thank you love'' , he mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
You couldn't help but grin at his adorably awkward response. You had always found Renjun attractive, but seeing him like this, all shy and flustered, made your heart flutter.
''Your too cute Renjun'',you teased at his reaction.
Renjun finally looked up at you , his cheeks still tinted pink.
'Y/N...stop' , he whined softly, a pout forming on his face.
"Your always teasing me "He said through his little pout.
"Its because you give the best reactions " you said as you walked over to his desk and peeked over his shoulder at his drawing. It was a stunning portrait of a flower, with intricate details and shading.
''This is beautiful, Renjun,'' you exclaimed, genuinely impressed.
His cheeks flushed even more at your praise. ''Really?'' he said, a hint of pride in his voice.
''Yeah...Its almost as beautiful as you Jun''you said, pecking his squishy cheeks.
Renjun's turned to look at you with a shy smile , you could tell that your words had touched him. He was always so adorably shy when you complimented him , often biting back a smile. Once again you couldn't resist his charms, not when his dimple was peeking out like that . Before you knew it you were leaning in for a kiss.
His lips met yours gently , his hands threading through your hair. You were so absorbed in your passionate kiss you almost didn't hear his mutter.
" Mhm? " you asked in question of what he said.
" I said way more beautiful " he said quietly ,as if he was out of breath.
"Whatever you say pretty boy"
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caramelstarlight · 3 months
CaramelCutie - AUs
Hello! If you saw this then you’ve probably following me, I got recommended to you, or a certain tag!
This is me if I was a Smiling Critter!
Feel free to keep reading or just scroll on by!
INFO: (Things that are ALWAYS in the AU, no matter what.)
•Animal : Canis Lupus / Wolf
•Pendant: Sparkles / Star ✨
•Extroverted,Clingy,Artistic, clueless, acts before thinks, gullible, funny, and a mix of most of the critters. (Extroverted like Hoppy, likes the crescent moon like CatNap, passion for art like Crafty, passion for romance or love like Bobby, Smart in some ways like Bubba, likes stars like Kickin and my favorite critter is DogDay!)
•Has made at least one plushy or mini smiling critter of every canonical critter.
•Hangs out with CraftyCorn the most (Best Friends) and DogDay (when not gushing over him.)
Appearance: Crescent moon earring (left ear.), star bracelet on right, white leg warmers with a star pattern on both legs.
•Physical appearance of Ears, Tail and Eyes. (Tail will always have the star and thing at the end, ears will look the same and always has noticeable eyelashes. You don’t need to draw it though!)
•Pink and soft fluffy fur, white paws and stomach, tip of tail is also white and the star on it as well, Doe Eyed.
•Probably gonna try remake it.
“A kind, caring and forgetful person among the critters, always expressing her interest in many topics and cheering up whoever she can! Easy to tease and flustered, but always bounces back up to her feet and keeps everyone smiling and laughing. Often clueless and a bit too kind and gullible while being a people pleaser.”
•HUGEEEE and VERY obvious crush on DogDay, (doesn’t try hiding it at all.) usually getting all flustered and shy around him or blushing when he’s around.
•Strawberry / Caramel.
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SPACE RIDERS AU - @onyxonline
(I’m so sorry there’s a billion Headcannons. Scroll to the end for a summary.) COLORED VERSION:
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•Has a huge and obvious Crush on DogDay (and dreams of him lmao, even made a little plushie of him. (The mini critters / ruined critters, that but with his outfit.) and mimicked / matched a few things with him and the rest. If you put her in as background character, feel free to have that mini DogDay being carried around in my arms! I would love to see me carrying a tiny DogDay or just watching him from afar for some reason-?)
•Can also make mini plushies of other Critters that aren’t canonical and are part of the Space Riders Crew.
•Works as a BackUp for DogDays crew / the Smiling Critters if any of them are too injured to go out, or unhealthy in general.
•When not being a backup, usually helps around within the SpaceCraft by doing maintenance, cleaning, cooking, programming, nursing, gardening, experimenting, and mainly Quality of Life. (I guess you can say I’m HouseWife material-?)
•Occasionally visits each critter (if allowed by the person) to check up on them and sometimes brings gifts or things they wanted (if I remembered.)
•Has keys to Everyone’s Bedroom / Room within the Space Craft. (Skirt pockets, only has keys if allowed to enter that persons room by them.)
•Also takes over others jobs if needed and has the time too. (Feel free to add her doing various tasks around as well! Maybe me holding the Mini DogDay plushie I made of the Space Riders AU while I work. Just giving ideas!)
•Often asks Crafty (her bestie) on how to stop thinking about DogDay when I get the chance too.
•Has keys to almost all the rooms for Maintenance or any other job I do.
•The lines that are on her outfit are Pink, sometimes teased for being a bit shorter then most of the Space Riders. (I feel like most of their heights is around 5,4ft - 6ft. My height for it is 5’0. Noticeable height difference.) White Jacket/Outfit,Boots,Skirt and Leg Warmers. (Leg warmers are a bit less bright of a white to distinguish between Leg Warmers and Skirt.) The belt is black.
•Uses crescent earring as a way to communicate (like an agent.) if needed.
•Often seen all around the space station, doing various tasks or multitasking, when relaxing or on break, just cuddling the Mini DogDay plushie I have. (Actually asked him to model for it, 😭🩵)
•Has a fear of the Dark and Abandonment, with severe Inner Child wounds and can break easily. In this AU it’s strengthen since people have to go in and out, as well as the dark being inescapable because it’s space.
•Contacts the leader of each crew to see if they need help on their mission, if they say yes, immediately goes out and heads on over to help for free.
•Has the power of Stars, such as moonlight, sunlight or stars in general. (Lighting up places, summoning the moon with stars for a bit, sending stars at enemies, idk if that makes sense lmao.)
SUMMARY: Big crush on DogDay with a mini plushie on him, does majority of the jobs here (Maintenance,Cleaning,Gardening, Cooking, experimenting, programming, and nursing.(Housewife material.), helps others and checks in on them, keys to almost all the places in the spacecraft, helps with missions, powers of stars in general.
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HighSchool AU by NoirzVault on Twitter / X.
•5ft in height, participates in Art Club with CraftyCorn as the leader. •Also carrying a mini DogDay plush everywhere (Big simp for DogDay here.) in the school.
•Signed up for Student Council as well for Vice President or Treasurer.
•I can’t reveal much since I’m making a map for the people at PlayTime High on YT!
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alwaysteveswife · 1 year
Study night | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader.
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A/N: I'm sorry for not making progress on Titanic's AU and Psycho's AU, the second one is already finished, but I don't feel like posting it yet 🫠. In the meantime I bring this, which is smoother.
You're preparing for a math test, and your boyfriend can't help but want to help you, of course, but not before setting a couple of rules to make studying more "fun".
Warnings: Implication of smut, Fluff, and nothing else, as I said, it's very light.
Words: 494
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I stared at Steve, my eyebrows drawing together between my brows in confusion.
"Are you sure? I could have sworn that was the right answer," I muttered, bringing my hand to the top buttons of my shirt.
"I'm sure," he nodded slightly, shifting his gaze from my hands to my face, "but don't worry, we can go back and study as many times as you want".
A soft smile formed on his face, his cheeks tinged a faint shade of pink. I nodded quickly, hoping I could learn the answers well and have a good grade for my exam tomorrow.
"Steve, you're so cute," I finished unbuttoning my shirt, setting it aside next to my pants and socks. "I don't know what I would do without you".
He shook his head, his smile quivering for an instant. I watched as he set the card aside and read the next question.
"How much is the square root of one divided in two?" He glanced sideways at me, his fingers fiddling with the tip of the card.
"Zero point five or one half," I waited patiently for him to give the final verdict, keeping an eye on his movements.
"Right, honey," he smiled big again, stretching his arms out toward me. "Come here".
I walked on my knees, suddenly feeling embarrassed. I was in my underwear, Steve wasn't; I was supposed to kiss him, but there was almost no fabric to rest my hands on.
"Steve," I circled his waist with my arms, watching him inch closer, "you don't need to do that if you don't feel comfortable".
He let out a laugh, slipping his arm around my back and holding my cheek with his other hand.
"You're so cute," he left a brief kiss on my nose, smiling hugely, "so much so that I feel guilty".
Before I could ask, he pressed our lips together, kissing me slowly. His thumb traced invisible circles on my cheek, while his other hand moved up my arm, tickling me.
"Steve, wait," I laughed, trying to keep his hand away so I wouldn't start a laughing fit.
He took that moment to deepen the kiss. The hand that had come up to my arm took my wrist gently, starting to lean closer and closer to me.
Almost instantly I felt the cool sheets bump against my back, Steve's hands holding mine on either side of my head.
"Steve," I murmured, tilting my head to the side so I could kiss him more easily, "we have to study".
"Mhm," repeated short kisses began to spread across my lips, combined with light giggles from either of us. "The best way to study is to put it into practice, honey".
"I have to study math, not biology," I laughed, watching as he pulled away long enough to see my face.
"Everything in this life has math," a mischievous grin formed on his face, "Do you want me to prove it to you?".
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