princelobga · 5 months
Cameroon Red Cocoa Inches Closer to Labeling
As OAPI Awaits Coloration Analysis, Cameroon's Red Cocoa Inches Closer to Labeling. #Cocoa #Cameroon #agriculture #GeographicalIndication #OAPI #MarketPotential
As OAPI Awaits Coloration Analysis, Cameroon Red Cocoa Inches Closer to Labeling Cameroon red cocoa, acknowledged as a geographical indication (GI) product in 2019, is advancing towards official labeling by the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).  In a recent international symposium on geographical indications in Africa, Michel Gonomy, Head of the Geographical Indications,…
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himejoshiangels · 1 year
ough jason grace there rlly was no making it out alive option for you was there
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lastparty · 1 year
i think australia can win the world cup. delusions where i fully think we can beat england then usa
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
remembering the time my uncle ws staying with us Awwwsomd and he ws doing a lot of homecooking which was rly rly rly cool and delicious. but he asked me what i wanted one night and i said Cheesy chicken and rice my favorite food of all time and he said ok 👍👍 and then made like. his own version of cheesy chicken and rice and it ws rly good it tasted great but i was like. trying rly hard not to start cryinng
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hes fine, he just fainted
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friendball-irl · 2 years
thamnkb arc I finishd my finals alred
I don't thin ind be apple to do any mentol work rn
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strscrossed · 5 days
If you have some time do you think you could make a depressing drabble when Mikasa and her brother dissappears? Like from him not getting his good morning text, finding an empty office with the resignation letter, their empty apartment and not being able to find them. Kind of in thr mood to cry and this seems like a good scenario lol
this wasn't quite as depressing as i wanted it to be but it came close enough. he's just desperate and angry...
He didn’t panic when she didn’t text him first thing that Monday morning. 
It was a rainy morning, something Eren would consider later to be an omen. The sky wept as he would in a few hours’ time. Mikasa texted him that she wasn’t feeling well over the weekend and not to come over because she was contagious. 
Every instinct in his body told him to ignore her wishes and drive over there to nurse his lady love back to health. She’d been so insistent, though. 
This morning, he decided to take the initiative to text her. 
Eren: good morning, mika ❤️ are you feeling better? 
The message didn’t go through. In fact, it wasn’t delivered at all. 
Eren: mikasa? hey is your phone off? 
He tried several more times to text her but each message had that annoying red exclamation mark, indicating that his messages weren’t going through. 
He finally called her from the car and his heart stopped when he heard, “The number you are trying to call is not in service. Please try again–” he ended up throwing the phone on the seat. Had she changed her number? Or worse, had she blocked him? What had he done? 
He was lucky he was being driven by a chauffeur because he might’ve damn near crashed oncce he heard that message. She’d better be in the office today or so help him, he’d  storm over to the apartment and get the answer right out of her. The storm raged on outside and the outside world blurred from his windows. He could only see the flashing stoplight in front of him turning red and he came close to telling the driver to floor it and he’d get him out of the ticket. 
He did no such thing but he balled his hands into fists so tight, the skin of his knuckles threatened to tear. Much in the way that his heart would shortly…
His employees were used to his erratic moods, staying quiet as they didn’t know which version of their boss they’d get that morning, so they didn’t try him. He sort of enjoyed it, it kept them on task most of the time. 
Today, he wasn’t in the mood. 
“Mina,” he kept his voice low and steady, “Is Mikasa already in?” 
It was only then that Eren noticed the atmosphere in the office — thick and rife with tension. Mina’s eyes were shifty as she opened and closed her mouth. This was not the morning to be beating around the bush or delaying the truth. 
“She hasn’t…” the young woman responded quietly and something in Eren snapped as he shoved past her and straight into his office. 
She wasn’t. Oh, he was going to drive over to her apartment and figure out what the hell was going on. Why was she acting so fucking weird? Why–? 
His thoughts came to a screeching halt when he saw a single piece of paper folded on his desk. 
His heart was set completely ablaze when he opened the letter. 
Dear Mr. Jaeger; 
With this letter, I wish to inform you of my intention to resign from my position as administrative assistant as of 09/15/2024. I regret any inconvenience this may cause. I wish you and Jaeger Corp all the success going forward. 
Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman 
The letter slipped from his fingers as he struggled to comprehend what he’d just read. His heart pounded hard, knocking against his bones painfully as he clutched his desk, trying to keep himself from falling over. 
His nails dug into the mahogany desk as they finally sunk in. She was resigning. She was leaving the company. 
She was leaving him. 
No, he wouldn’t accept it. He wouldn’t accept it! 
He rushed out of the office so fast, only half of the people working nearby swore they saw him zoom on by… 
“Open the door, Mikasa! Open the fucking door!” he pounded on the door hard and he didn’t give a damn if anyone heard. Let them hear it. 
“Mikasa!” he yelled. “OPEN THE DOOR!” 
Someone threatened to call the cops but Eren told them to shove it. Again, he had the commissioner in his pocket, it wouldn’t work. 
His knuckles hurt and they were bruised. 
He’d been knocking for several minutes when an elderly woman approached him. 
“Mikasa isn’t here…” her voice trembled as she spoke the words. “She broke her lease over the weekend and left.” 
He stopped knocking then and turned to the old lady. He wasn’t about to manhandle an old lady but he was so fucking desperate. The woman looked terrified of him and honestly? He was used to it. But that hardly mattered. 
“Where’d she go? Tell me!” 
The woman looked terrified as if the wrong answer might cost her and it just might because Eren wasn’t about to leave without something. 
“She wouldn’t say. She just said she needed to leave the city. Go somewhere else. She wouldn’t say where. That’s all I know, I swear!” 
“Did she say anything? Are you sure?” he balled his fists and kept them firmly at his side. He hated how he sounded right now, in front of a total stranger. 
Mikasa wouldn’t just leave him without saying anything. They were fine on Friday! She was a terrible liar and she wouldn’t have left without a good reason to do so. No, he wouldn’t accept her resignation and her just leaving him. 
“That’s all. She just wanted to leave. I’m sorry…” 
She just wanted to leave. 
She just wanted to leave. 
She just wanted to leave. 
The words echoed in his head and he honestly didn’t know what happened after that. He just knew that he didn’t hurt anyone. The fragments of his heart cut his chest open and he bled, he bled and bled. 
He couldn’t breathe. 
His driver asked him what was wrong and Eren just growled at him to drive back to his apartment. 
She left. 
She left him. 
All he could do is grab the bottle of rather expensive champagne and drown out the rest of the world and his own broken heart…
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ttsquid · 1 year
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what oncce was one guy but now is twoo!!
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rosyronkey · 8 months
the number of rosy ronkey fics on ao3 has been 1 for too long. rosy is going to kindergarten and she really like "baby i love you" by the ramones and you all are gonna hear about it oncce i finsih writing it. yellow autism flannel WILL be making an appearence.
she is just a baby.... I CANT WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT IT RAH i havent checked that one fic shes in and im curious if shes tagged as a character from mcr or an annie montgomerie creation. YELLOW AUTISM FLANNEL she means sooo much to me omfg ty for keeping me updated ^_^
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jazzy-art-time · 8 months
Jarble Sketches/Concepts
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Concepts for uhhh Wem, Goddess, Mayor, Assistant and Stocking (i know ive already shown stocking before but listen i wanted a even number of images)
im slowly chugging through the designs I still have many to go but slapping down concepts helps me feel like im doing something!!!
//will delete this later oncce they are completed but uploading to prove RAYMOND IS ALIVE!! RAYMOND LIVES!!!!!!!
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himes-lavender · 2 years
OHHH cnann we hear aobut the sanitised shiver too .... annnd also what woduld they tell the public ?? oncce big mans gone ?? theyy cannt very welll say the truth ..
alrighty, this might be a long one!
after succumbing to the fuzzy ooze, big man is being contained at the alterna base similar to octavio in previous games. as for shiver and frye,
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deep cut disbanded. but it's kind of hard to pay attention to that when the squid sisters just re-debuted.
the two have been living off the alterna goods. frye checks on big man every single day, her spirit may be broken but her love for big man is not. she's slowed down over the past months and is keen on being with her friend, hoping to quell any pain he might be in.
shiver is more of a busy-body with her grief. they're doing whatever they can to return big man to his natural state. shiver and frye support each other greatly, even if their approaches on the subject differ. frye isn't a fan of shiver putting herself in dangerous situations, shiver feels like frye has given up.
the climax to all these feeling is when shiver hears of the deepsea metro, the biggest lead on mammals yet.
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flamboyant-king · 4 months
I started following you for the tboi art but I don’t really remember if you had an AU or just did fanart lol, so the question is uuuuh do you have an AU?
Also I hope your day goes well
Thanks for the ask, my day will go well oncce i SLEEP.
And I do have an AU! I made sure to come up with a cool name like you guys did for your AUs.
It's called the Brother's Keeper AU, and everything is pertaining to brotherhood. Cain is a brother killer, Samson is secretly a brother, Azazel is a hidden brother, Lazarus is no longer a brother, Jacob and Esau are brothers, and Keeper is the Keeper part of the name LOL
I got all the stuff I did organized in my tag for it: https://flamboyant-king.tumblr.com/tagged/brothers%20keeper%20au
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chatter-crow · 2 months
love when im scrolling my dash and i see a Horrible Terrible Awful person being called out and when i go to block the blog its been termed. like YIPPEE the world is ok for oncce!!!
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 months
Hello! ♡
Ahhhh thank you so much for answering my previous ask!!
Your OCs are so well designed! I loved reading the introductions/backstories of the ones you linked! ♡
I can definitely see why Luca and Eiji wouldn't get along lol ♡
His relationship with Leroy sounds so cute! The fact that they can relate to each other is nice, and I agree, they would be able to comfort and encourage each other (especially if Leroy's mom is still alive, Luca would definitely do his best to support and encourage him!) ♡
Phobetor is very cool! His backstory is so interesting (the kingdom, the cursed sword, what happened with Camilla, I loved it!) and the fact that he's a nightmare horse too is so cool! (and funny considering Luca is a horse girl lol ♡)
It's so sweet to think about Carol and Luca exchanging stickers and being buddies. The idea of him joining her, Leroy, and Lyla at a restaurant (especially if it's a regular thing they do) is so nice! ♡
Again, thank you so much for answering my previous ask! It's so much fun to see how Luca would get along with other people's OCs, and I really do appreciate it! ♡♡♡
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Yeah Luca and Leroy seem like... at first Leroy probably kept up his mask but did was less cocky and more friendly and Luca made his mask crumble and they did give another a place to share their feelings. Plus Leroy might invite him to his mom once she feels better too. Phobetor would have been a high standing noble now if things didn't happen... but instead he is just a bitter man who lost what he oncce was.
I call Carol, Lyla and Leroy usually the Sushi squad cause that it their main places but they kinda just hang and go anywhere they wanna go.
And you are welcome, I am always happy to answer these where I can.^^
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
i have 4 damn rooms done . Lmao lmao lmao
#for reference its nesrly 1. i should have AT LEAST 6 done but probably more like 7#ik its psrtially bc of th long wait for rooms it wd like an hour and 30 minutes yk. like exactly an hour and 30 minutes#but also for my firsr two rooms i did them in 15 minutes ... so#and then also i add the time for stripping the rooms. which is 20 minutes today bc there were 10#+ 10 minutes for prepping my cart#so thats likee#2 hours 30 minutes kind of right. my first two rooms + evrryfing else n then ive done two rooms... which would make it 1230#which ok now im looking. i finished my last room at like 1240 so rly im only 10 minutes off#im taking lunch (#aka eating cupcakes i found in one of the rooms from the bachelorette party)#which fuci it. ya im gonna take the actual amt of lunch i dhould be having for oncce. Lmao... mainly bc itll fix my time up#well technically it wont be the full time. rly its half of it#since i got in here at likee 1245. but if i say i tell myself i took a 30 minute lunch then that gets rid of the 10 minute fuck up zone#whys the new girl leaving early..girlll im going to kills myself#likee ik i legit '#faked' a concussion#not rly fake bc i Did have a concussion but it ws bc i slammed my head on the bathroom counter repeatedly. on purpose to get out of work#DJFNJFNFJFNG#but yk. i had 14 rooms that day Ahd was by nyself... she has 10 rooms WORKING WITH SOMEBODY ELSE#whatever. ig she got sent home whatever. its fine ig.#she does seem likee. she seems fine enough n she is rly new#but also . its still taking kristle More time than usual.. bc shes been training the new girl. but its been like 4 days????#it should definitely be taking like.. half the time bc th new girl should be doing half of the rooms at this point#but whatever. i dont wanna be like hateful bc idk whats going on with them
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catboymoments · 2 years
So what powers does Timmy have in god mode? Is it normal magic amped to 11 or is it straight up "a god shooting lasers and hurling lightning" type stuff? And is there a limit to his powers, like being super unpredictable, a time limit to how long Timmy's body can sustain the power, etc.? And after Timmy broke out with his god powers, have the Therugys been attempting to find a way to potentially nullify or even combat such powers (assuming that's even possible)?
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the God Powers involve timmy being able to weild multiple magic circles at oncce and with ease, but he has no control over it- its all their doing. and wrt the therugies.... they don't want to nullify his powers- it's far worse. his Trauma Arc involves the Therugies kidnapping him and torturing him to try and extort the gods powers/bring them back to the way they were before- but keeping their powers for themselves.
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