rosyronkey · 7 months
the number of rosy ronkey fics on ao3 has been 1 for too long. rosy is going to kindergarten and she really like "baby i love you" by the ramones and you all are gonna hear about it oncce i finsih writing it. yellow autism flannel WILL be making an appearence.
she is just a baby.... I CANT WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT IT RAH i havent checked that one fic shes in and im curious if shes tagged as a character from mcr or an annie montgomerie creation. YELLOW AUTISM FLANNEL she means sooo much to me omfg ty for keeping me updated ^_^
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Drawing suggestion of Terzo on his knees for Omega // @keg-the-imp sent: "Terzo on his knees for Omega ❤️❤️❤️ he’s so much of a brat that the only way that he would is either if Omega really had to fight to get him down there, or if Terzo was trying to tease Omega"
Actually, I'd argue it'd take almost nothing at all for Omega to get Terzo down there. They do love to play their games, an exchange of power and trust that's sacred between them. There's a reason Terzo fell so gracefully to his knees on stage.
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effy-writes · 3 months
Hiya! As you have helluva requests open I'd love to see a Beelzebub x shy m! reader oneshot. Manly romantic and a bit angsty
The basic plot would be her having a crush on the reader after spending more time with them, probably meeting at one of her parties. However the reader misses obvious hints and at first does not believe anyone would want to date them after being single for a long time.
ofc! this was a little hard for me to write (idk why for some reason) but i hope you enjoy <3
Beelzebub x Shy! M! Reader: I want to
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You met Beelzebub at one of her parties. She offered to let you do a keg stand and was amazed about how you indulged. You had a fun time there, so you kept coming. Everytime she saw you she was so happy that you came again. You two would talk for hours at her party and she grew a liking to you.
Beelzebub sucks at being not-so-obvious hints that she likes you, so she was VERY obvious with her flirting. She would say how boring her party was until you showed up, thanking you that you showed up again, she even said she always searches for you because she loves your presence. You didn’t think much of it, and considered her as a best friend that cares about you so much.
She was confused as to why you couldn’t take hints. Bee wanted to ask you if you ever dated somebody and wanted to know the details (she’s kinda nosey, but you liked that about her). But, she didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so she never asked.
“Y/n! Holy shit I’m so glad you’re here! Everyone has been talking about you!”
“Oh? Good or bad things?” You nervously laughed.
“All good! Oh trust me they love you as much as I love you! And that’s saying a lot.” She kissed your cheek. “You wanna head upstairs to talk more? Or get into some more indulgences?”
“Oh fuck yeah! What were you thinking?”
Bee thought for a moment before saying a type of “love and truth” drug called Molly. You never tried it before and felt very comfortable with her, so you obviously said yes.
Beelzebub practically squealed and grabbed your hand with hers and led you up all these stairs into her room. You sat on the bed as you watched her open the baggy full of beehive shaped Molly pills. She gave you one and the two of you took it at the same time. You shivered as you dry swallowed, “Should’ve offered you a drink,” She giggled.
“It’s fine, how long does it kick in, Bee?”
She smirked, “Not long,”
As the minutes went by you two felt higher and higher, laughing at the smallest things. “You know, Y/n, I really like you.”
You tilted your head, “You do? Why?”
“Because, you make me feel alive and being with you is like a drug. A good drug. You make me feel warm and happy and…words can’t even explain how I feel about you.”
“I’m happy that you feel that way,” You genuinely smiled, “I like being around you too.”
“No you don’t get it, I want to date you.” Her eyes glistened.
“I think that’s the drug talking, Bee.”
“It’s not! Well a little, but I’m being genuine. I want to have a relationship with you.”
“I don’t think anybody would date me.”
“How come?” She got closer to you.
“I’ve been single almost my whole life and my last relationship was a high school one that lasted 4 months.” You frowned, “And I don’t think the Queen of Gluttony would want a (hellhound/imp), like me.”
Beelzebub sighed, “Y/n, I think you’re the most honest, sweetest, and attractive guy out here. You caught my eye the moment I saw you. If you don’t feel the same way I understand, but I hope you know how much I want to be with you.” She held both of your hands.
“I would like that. I want to be in a relationship with you. But I do have some like self esteem issues so..sorry about that. That’s why I didn’t realize you were flirting because I honestly think that nobody would want to be with me.”
“But I want to.” She brought her face closer to yours. The two of you didn’t say anything, she wanted you to kiss her. You finally got this hint and closed the gap that was between you two.
“Can I broadcast this to the party!” She had a huge grin on her face.
You chuckled and nodded your head, “Of course, Bee.”
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pocket-sized-person · 4 months
Since I can’t seem to stop thinking about that scene..
New Moon eh?
That was …something alright
The cherubs were fun I guess, execution could’ve been better but it was fun seeing them again
With that said, Stolitz falling apart the way it did is so good, like yes it hurt to watch, but the way it all came together, Stolas finally deciding to stop hoping Blitz would catch on, with Blitz immediately realizing Stolas wasn’t joking about how he felt, and taking it in the only way he knows how.
He got mad, and understandably so.
Both sides saw what they had from the opposite side, Stolas saw a potential opportunity for a genuine relationship (which I believe is still on the table, just not any time soon) and Blitz who saw it as Stolas using him to satisfy his “Perverted bird needs”, and in return IMP could use his book, a “transactional fucking”, as Blitz put it in Harvest Moon.
Both sides were wrong about what the other wanted, which of course was a pile of powder kegs in a ring of fire and every bit of that was in character for them and it hurts, especially if you’ve seen the trailer with Blitz saying “I don’t want to be like this, not forever”
He WANTS to be loved, to love someone truly, but he can’t. Not yet.
Stolas, loves Blitz in a way Blitz isn’t capable of yet, but seemingly only in the new episode does he realize this, although he doesn’t see that Blitz WANTS to love, he just sees that Blitz can’t.
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stories-and-chaos · 5 months
Tarnished: M&M Teamwork
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Word count: 2028 Cw: blood, gore]
While Blitzø is recovering from finding out about Barb. M & M are not yet dating.
Moxxie idly tapped his claws on the meeting room table. It was half an hour after I.M.P. was supposed to open for business, but there was no sign of the boss yet. He had double and triple checked the calendar; all the full moons were highlighted. Blitzø didn’t enjoy the restriction that came from being late for an ‘appointment’ with Stolas. So despite him being notoriously bad at making schedules, he had all the full moons marked. But the last one had been over a week ago, Blitzø’s absence probably wasn’t related to the royal demon.
“Maybe he partied too hard? Or maybe he got locked up again?” Moxxie checked the calendar a fourth time as Millie waved a dismissive hand.
“Calm down Mox, I’m sure he’s fiiiiiiine,” she drawled. “He’ll get here when he gets here.”
“Yeah, but there’s no sign of Loona either.” He and the Hellhound clashed but he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
He didn’t have to speculate much longer. Loona burst into the office nearly ripping the door off its hinges. She’d flung it open hard enough that it lodged into the drywall; when she yanked it closed, there was a perfect imprint of the handle in the wall. The Hound was panting heavily and she looked like she hadn’t slept the night before,
“Fuck. I thought…the new…apartment… was closer,” she managed through gasps. She grabbed the water cooler’s reservoir, yanked it off, and chugged it like a beer keg before jamming it back onto the base. She’d gulped down two thirds of it, the remaining water sloshing widely from her treatment. She went to her desk, flopping over it from the visitor side.
The imps exchanged a glance and Millie walked up to their receptionist. “Uhhhh, Loona? Sugar? Everthin’ okay?” The Hellhound gave a thumbs up. “Well that’s good. Where’s Blitzø?”
Loona raised her head. “He’s taking a personal day.”
“Is that code for ‘drunk off his ass?’” Moxxie asked dryly.
“Drunk off his ass for personal reasons. I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it later.” Loona knew his tendencies to overshare and excessively pry into others' business. But she didn’t feel like explaining his shit. “Good news, we’ve got a client all lined up. I can send you to Earth, business as usual.”
“Wait, just Moxxie and me? We haven’t done a job without the boss before…” Millie was sure she could take on whatever the job was, but she wasn’t quite so sure about her coworker. Moxxie had been capable enough, but she didn’t know how he’d do without Blitzø around.
Loona heaved herself into her office chair and shrugged. “Either that or we default on the job. Besides, this one’s easy. Even Fatty there could do it solo. Probably.”
Moxxie weakly called out “I’m not fat!” as Loona continued. “You get to kill a whole group, which I know you like Millie.” She pulled out the relevant file. “Buncha humans died from salmonella poisoning and they want the people that packed the lettuce dead too.”
The imp took the file and flipped through it. It really did look like an easy job, despite the requested body count. “Awright, guess we gotta. Get your stuff Moxxie, we got work to do and jackasses to kill!”
Millie always had her favorite knife with her. She grabbed her new battleaxe, along with a sword and pistol. She preferred a more personal approach to murder, but she wasn’t a bad shot. And it was better to have the weapon than wish she’d brought it.
Moxxie had his arsenal of firearms and melee weapons as usual. Shotgun, sniper rifle, handguns in multiple colors and calibers, crossbow, hunting bow, blow darts, grenades, throwing knives, and a kukri were today’s rotation.
Loona made sure they each had a work cell to contact her when they finished. She smoothly opened the portal to Earth on their office wall and closed it quickly once the imps hopped through. “Ugh, finally. I can fix my makeup and get a goddamn coffee.”
The imp duo found themselves in a bucolic farmland, a sizable building in front of them. Moxxie squinted at the sign above the double doors. “McDrumpf’s Vegetable and Raw Meat Packing Emporium? Looks like we’re in the right place.”
“Remember Mox, we gotta get everyone in the building. Two dozen workers, three managers and the owner.” With that Millie broke into a bounding run to the side of the structure. Her sword made an excellent temporary climbing spike to reach a tiny window. Moxxie followed her up, retrieving the sword with his tail.
In the metal rafters, the imps had a vantage point over the entire operation. A variety of humans were at work, some blankly overseeing machinery, watching vegetables launch past. Others were chopping poultry without pause. Yet more made sure the produce was arranged correctly for packaging, then doing the same for a conveyor belt of chicken parts. The food emerged wrapped in plastic and got slapped with a sticker saying “McDrumpfs: Packed with ‘care.’”
Close to the front door was a room with frosted windows. The imps could vaguely see a wide figure walking around the room before it settled down to one corner. Presumably that was McDrumpf. The three managers were set apart by wearing dress shirts and ties; the rest had aprons and hairnets. Gloves seemed to be optional.
Moxxie scampered along the rafters to lock the front doors, while Millie made her way to block the emergency exits. One of the exits was blocked by a pallet of cling wrap rolls before she even got there. They regrouped on a small platform over the owner's office.
“Got a plan Millie? I figured I take out a few from here before we hop down. Maybe shoot the straps holding the pallets together near the front to block the doors?”
“Good for starters. I doubt this lot’ll put up much of a fight anyways.” In particular she noted one by the lettuce sorter who was nodding off while standing. Another putting stickers on was snoring as she did so. Millie readied her axe.
Sniper rifle steadied, Moxxie fired four shots in rapid succession. The first took out a manager, the second hit a butcher in the eye, the third went through the temple of a worker at a wrapping station, and the fourth grazed the rope tying the pallets. That was enough to break the fibers; the already unstable stack teetered and crashed into a pile of jagged planks and rusty nails.
The humans closest to his first three kills started screaming. Moxxie calmly reloaded and Millie leapt to the concrete floor. She grinned ferally at the nearest human and swung her axe to neatly decapitate him. She followed the battleaxe’s momentum to spin into another human, slicing him through the torso.
The other humans started panicking. “The fuck is that?! Jimbob is dead! Helga too! Crap the doors are blocked! Huuuuh, is it lunch yet-?” The last was cut off by Moxxie’s bullet. Millie was happily working her way up between two conveyor belts. A neatly sliced thigh appeared wrapped up on a styrofoam tray and a flung sticker landed on top.
Moxxie grabbed his shotgun and took out a group trying to open the only unblocked exit. The pile of three bodies made a nice bloody barricade. The machines continued to work even as the employees were falling. Moxxie saw a line of three beautifully cut salads garnished with eyes, ears, and fingers emerge from the belt of lettuce heads. Half a dozen human heads with hairnets still on followed, each packaged and ready to load into boxes.
Millie reached the butchers. Four of them armed themselves with cleavers and tried to corner her. Her eyes flicked between them. The gap in her teeth showed as she flung her axe at the farthest, slicing her vertically and lodging the weapon into a wall.
The other butchers were sprayed in blood, one half of the newly dead butcher landed on the shoulder of another. “Auuuugh! Oh god Sherry’s on me!” A third butcher shoved him. “Now’s our chance, get the devil!” He swung a cleaver down at Millie. The imp dodged, climbed up his arm, and wrapped her legs around his head. Her momentum dragged him to the ground where she got enough purchase to brace herself and snap his neck.
Barely pausing, the imp lunged at the next human, stabbing her knife between his ribs. Millie grabbed his meat cleaver as it dropped from the limp hand. With a smooth motion she threw it at the fourth butcher’s head as he tried to run. It neatly stuck into the skull, looking like a cheesy Halloween accessory as it bisected his head.
“Whew!” Millie went to retrieve her battleaxe and heard a gunshot followed by a gurgle behind her. Whirling with the axe, she saw another human body drop right next to her. Blood was spewing out of the mouth and she saw Moxxie lowering one of his pistols at the other end of the building. Two of the workers bodies laid next to him with neat holes in vital points, more of the male imp’s handiwork.
“What the fuck is going on out here?! I’ll dock everyone’s pay for-holy shit!” A man who was dressed way to nicely for the locale barged out of the office next to Moxxie, saw the carnage and hastily went back inside. Or tried to at least. Millie’s own pistol rang out. The bullet hit between the man’s eyes. Blood splattered on the frosted glass door as the man fell backwards.
Moxxie was in awe of the expertly sliced bodies Millie had left in her wake. Her shot that took out McDrumpf was better than anything he’d seen from his father’s goons. Could she be any more perfect? Well, yes, she could not be his coworker so he’d have a chance to ask her out.
“Nice shootin’ Mox.” Millie walked back to the other imp, counting the bodies as she went. “Oh! Ah, thanks! You’re not too bad a shot yourself Millie.” He also started counting; the job was for twenty-eight humans. If they ever wanted to be trusted on a mission without their boss again, they needed to kill all the targets.
But they both only counted twenty-seven. Moxxie handed Millie her knife back; he’d pulled it out of a chest as they did their deadcount. “Y’think someone stayed home? Pretty sure we got everyone in the building.”
“Oh crumbs, if one did, we’re going to have to find out which one! Then we’ll need to track them down and-” Moxxie’s stressed out rant stopped as they heard a door click open. Not any of the doors leading outside. It had been hidden behind a pile of flat packed cardboard boxes.
The imps ducked behind the stack and peeked over. A lanky male human, his death metal music audible through his earbuds, exited the men’s restroom. His head bobbed as he mouthed along. Coming around the pile, he saw the blood and viscera spread across the room. His jaw dropped and Moxxie hopped onto his head, slicing through the human’s neck with his kukri.
Moxxie jumped off the body. “Twenty-eight. All targets accounted for,” he stated with a satisfied air. Millie’s heart thumped at his quick dispatching of the last target. His pose and grin were so adorably gallant, she felt bats fluttering in her stomach. Never felt that with the shark toothed fuck face. Or any of the others, really. She really wished they weren’t coworkers and she could just ask the other imp out.
No point in wasting time on what couldn’t happen. “I think we’ve done some damn good work today. And we’ll get the rest of the day off, since the boss isn’t in.” Millie sent Loona a message while Moxxie made sure all their weapons were accounted for.
A freshly made up Loona opened the way home. The imps chatted about the kills as they went back to Hell. Neither noticed their tails swishing, barely touching each other’s and forming hearts as they walked home.
A/N: Sorry for the delay, life has interfered. I hope everyone likes this little bit, poor M&M haven’t gotten much attention in the main story. We’ll be back to part 29 shortly!
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Writing Masterlist
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marithlizard · 1 year
Waitaminute, I’m dense.  Only realized hours after watching “Queen Bee” that
Bee threw the contest.  As soon as Bee saw how frantic he was to guzzle himself into oblivion, she stopped drinking, let him dump the keg over himself and then made a big public deal of respectfully declaring him the victor.  That’s remarkably nice for any VIP, never mind a ruler of Hell. I hope we get to see more of her. ...On the other hand I feel even worse for Blitzo.  IIRC every time we’ve seen him happy to be praised and admired, it’s been a trick.   This contest,  the sitcom with teleprompted laughter and applause, Crimson complimenting him, even Striker’s flattery - all fake. Heck, even Millie’s frequent praise of him in S1 comes across as sucking up to the boss.   
(She’s stopped doing that completely, though, now that I think about it. The IMP team dynamic really changed for the better after Truth Seekers.) The exception is Stolas. Who really, sincerely admires Blitzo and finds him funny, if only Blitzo could let himself believe it.
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king-of-wrath · 10 months
Headcanon: Imp Subspecies
TL;DR I’m basing these on the idea that Hellborn embody the sin, having both physical and behavioral traits reflecting that in their design. I’m also doing some light theorizing on how Hell’s rings are structured and how the imps interact
Pride Imps bear the closest resemblance to humans (despite their smaller size) and possess the traits that cultures consider to be “ideal” or “beautiful”. While their attractiveness does get them mistaken for imps of Lust and incubi/succubi, they are vain and highly selective of who they are intimate with---though flattering and idolizing them is very much appreciated.
They can change the size and shape of their horns to suit their purposes, whether to appeal to sinners or impress other imps. Their horns are also decorated with piercings and chains (in addition to other jewelry elsewhere on the body) and have a high sense of fashion. For these and many other reasons, they are welcomed by imps of Greed and despised by those of Envy.
Wrath Imps may not look intimidating at first glance, but all possess a strength beyond what many would expect. Older and more battle-hardened imps will possess thick muscle and a plethora of scars, using them as both a status symbol and to impress others. Their horns are also more durable and they have more (and larger) body spikes than their cousins.
Belittling or insulting them is a sure-fire way to start a fight and they are highly competitive by their nature. But the longer a fight goes on, the worse they are injured and the more their loved ones are in peril, the angrier and more reckless an imp becomes---sending them into a kind of berserk rage that knows no mercy. Many will work as hired muscle for their cousins of Lust and Greed because their strength and ferocity is desired.
Greed Imps are as easily bought as they are treacherous. While they do adorn themselves with fine fabrics and opulent jewelry like their Pride cousins, they almost never allow anyone close to them and will turn aggressive if they believe someone’s even thinking about touching their valuables. Their eyes dilate when looking at items of wealth and luxury---as if becoming entranced by them.
On the surface, their demeanor is very friendly and sociable, but this is purely motivated by capitalistic opportunism. Taking the words of “a sucker is born every minute” to heart, they will carefully size-up a potential pigeon and make grand gestures to earn someone’s trust (or distract them long enough to pick their pockets clean). Because they often associate with their Pride cousins, they are just as despised by the imps of Envy.
Lust Imps are just as flirtatious and intimate as the incubi/succubi holding rank above them, but they are as oppressed as any other imp and will likely never be as equals. For this reason, some stigmatize these imps as “cheaper”, “easier” and “sluttier” than their higher-born counterparts. Despite their low spot in the social hierarchy, however, they enjoy their business and sustain themselves in the same way as their betters---through physical sensation and bursts of key emotions.
Similar to incubi/succubi, imps can change their appearance to suit their partner(s) preference(s). Being neither truly female or male, they will “choose” an identity as a “default” form for everyday use and customize their physical qualities accordingly. Many will work as accessories and status symbols to Pride and Greed imps and entertain Gluttony imps, but are usually eager to approach sinners and seem to favor socializing with imps of Sloth and Envy.
Gluttony Imps care for nothing more than the physical sensations of food, drink, music and many other creature comforts. While they seem to be evenly split on whether the quality or the quantity of goods and pleasures is best, their hunger and thirst are like those of a bottomless pit. Some may guzzle whole jugs and kegs, just as others may lift a fully-set holiday dinner table to slide everything into their gaping maw---or throw themselves upon it in a fanatical feeding frenzy.
For their capacity to indulge and how much they crave indulgence, the imps of Greed and Lust are made happy and wealthy. They subsist on the pleasures they bring to themselves, yet they will not refuse company and may gain even greater pleasure from it. However, just as Lust imps and incubi/succubi, the longer they go without such hedonism is costly to their health and a neglected Gluttony imp is truly hard to look at.
Sloth Imps are as lazy as they are difficult to motivate and slow to move. Outside of earning a basic living, they do nothing and contribute to nothing. Unlike their Gluttony cousins, however, they are satisfied with having very little: a stable roof over their heads, a comfy bed, something to fill their stomach once per day and something to do between long naps. To the imps of Greed, they are the cheapest source of labor and can tolerate the most monotonous work.There are more Sloth imps in places besides the Sloth ring, due to proximity to work.
They can be born with wings like any other imp, but they have somehow mastered the art of staying airborne while sleeping. Their horns are usually shorter and they grow their hair out---preferring to wear some kind of hat instead of combing or washing. Although Lust imps greatly dislike the conditions their Sloth customers live in, they will tolerate it and do clean-up because Sloth imps are much easier to appease and because these jobs provide them with periods of downtime.
Envy Imps, cursed from birth to wallow in the deepest and coldest pits and forced to look upon the joy and prosperity of those above them, are undoubtedly the least social and most pessimistic of all Hellborn. While higher demons of Envy will strike-out against their more fortunate cousins, the majority of imps have accepted their fate at the literal bottom of society---yet yearn for those privileges all the same. They are lonely, hopeless, small, thin and almost “wretched” in appearance.
It’s for those very reasons that they are among the most exploited of imp-kind. Even the smallest of offerings can convince an imp of Envy to drudge and toil in conditions that are (by comparison) truly hellish and they are incredibly willing to please. Although this is something predated upon and abused by Hellborn and Sinners alike, there are some demons with genuinely kind hearts who do uplift these poor creatures. Were there only more charitable folk amongst the damned and the demonic...
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sparrowsabre7 · 2 years
Something I wanted to talk about with "Andor", which is springboarding off something my wife said while watching, is how well it deals with society under a dictatorship. Not the civilian side, which is presented well also, but has been seen before in Star Wars, but from the middle management loyalist perspective.
We've seen civilians under the heel of the Empire, we've seen the power struggles at the top of Imperial command, but we've not really had a proper look at the ordinary people who are on the Empire's side.
Syril Karn has the makings of a fascinating character, a case study for the ordinary imp. He's the product of at least 15 years of education, indoctrination, and life under Imperial rule, he's grown up believing in the Imperial dream and buys into this idealistic view of the Empire as the guiding hand of justice and order.
This idealistoc jingoism comes to a crashing halt when confronted with Chief Hyne's pragmatic manager. He doesn't give a shit about justice, he just wants the easy wins and to coast along making as little noise as possible, because that's how you stay alive under a dictatorship, whether he believes in the Empire or not. Naturally, because Karn has main character syndrome, he merely sees this as further proof that HE must be the one to do something, HE must be the sword of justice. By luck or happy coincidence he finds Sgt. Mosk, a man equally if not moreso burning with passion for the Empire, ready to crack some heads in the name of “order and justice”. These like minded individuals gravitate towards each other, often increasing in their extremism as a result, egging each other on, creating a powder keg ready to burst.
This side of the Empire is one rarely seen, but is all the more real and frightening than the more fantastical world of the Tarkins and Krennics of the galaxy. It feels deeply personal and ingrained at a societal level. These individuals WANT to serve, they WANT the power, and they’ll do anything to maintain it. 
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sevenciircles · 1 year
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Millie had been minding her own business, going about her day in Pentagram City like normal. She had to pick up a few things that weren't available in Imp City, so the trip was needed. Plus, Moxxie liked a brand of coffee that was only found on the East side of the Pentagram. So Millie often took the liberty of going to get it herself.
However, she had made a critical error.
She had forgotten that anything was liable to go up like a powder keg at any moment, especially when turf wars were so popular here. The only warning she had received was a storm of bullets, giving her enough chance to duck behind a building.
It seems that she had stumbled into a turf war. Normally, she wouldn't care. She could fight as well as any sinner, probably even moreso. But she was also Hellborn, which meant that if she was taken out, she was dead.
Which meant she had to be extra careful, and do the right thing. Wait out the war in building that was liable to not get bombed or shot at.
So she ducked into a random dilapadated building, closing the door and standing with her back to the space inside.
It looked sturdy enough, but she should probably equip herself...
Turning around to take stock of the situation, she saw a face she never wanted to see again.
A surge of anger ran through her, and she hissed. Tail sticking straight up as a warning.
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"Why the fuck are you here? The turf war catch you off guard too?"
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #256
ölerkwsa (to ferment)
/ɑ.'leʀkʷ.sa/ [ɑː.'leχ.k̩ʷ.saː]* ⟨ââlerkwsa⟩
*Standard Dialect
From Old Ðusyþ ââlerkwsa (to ferment), from ââlerkws (fermentation keg) + a (verb)
to ferment
ölerkwsahelfnailsei se sy'ill, ej ïbfreisduðysezy. ferment-2SG-bean-COLL-IMP four INSTR-day in_order_to release-AUG-flavour Ferment the beans for four days, to greatly release the flavour. (Recipes for the Home Cook, 1120C)
2. to stimulate
3. to anger, to incite
ölerkwsan"tlaftx"hösengreisxöþduwfnail, it sypiðetx. . incite-PST-corrupt_government_official-anger-AUG-LOC-dwarf-COLL end INSTR-riot-PL The corrupt government officials incited a lot of anger in the populace, ending in the riots.
4. to heat up (of temperature), to become stuffy
tsei, ölerkwsa'erai fið! oh heat_up-INCP here Oh, it's starting to get stuffy here!
5. to excite
riqxikytifsngusenlztx ölerkwsa'aix rels... ðmillibriþujx give.NRPST-SRH-1PL.INCL-candy-DAT-child-PL excite-3SG>3PL only... DM.small_group-run-now-3PL We gave the children candy, but it only excited them... now they're running around in small groups.
6. to turn on, to arouse (slg)
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 months
Meanwhile away from the two slobby ladies the guys of IMP were doing what they did best. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” Blitz and Moxxie chanted as Stolas belt and buttons were close to erupting off. Blitz wearing nothing but some sweat pants while Moxxie matched Millie in Daisy dukes and a tank top.
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"I honestly didn't think he had it in him. Wouldn't be the first time a rich boy bit off more than he could chew when drinking with Blitz." Mox coo'd watching as the owl demon gutted himself on the thick lard and alcohol infused nectar.
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"Bwuurp....my... maybe this party wasn't such a bad idea after all, why on earth did I ignore the invitations until now?" Stolas gasped his buttons popping and clothes straining to contain his ever growing form as he downed his 3rd keg of honey.
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the-smallest-star · 8 months
He had been standing there behind the door for a moment now debating should he just either make his leave, leave the presents there and walk away or knock on the door. First one would have been the best since he really have messed things up, in his own head that is and being here just made him feel awkward and weird.
As he was about to turn around someone opened the door making the jester nearly jump out of his skin. "Uh hello, could you-... ask one of the birthday boys here, it's urgent" he askd from the unknown demon. Maybe he shoul have asked just to see Patch, he'd pass the other gift to Gritt right?
They gestured for them to wait, moving back into the crowd to return with Gritt. The imp brightened seeing Fizz, hurrying over with a big smile, "Hey!" Gritt greeted, "you here for the party? They've got shots and Patch is trying the upside down keg."
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Zhan-Min's Elemental Brews
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Zhan Min is a shaman who uses the elements for beer making as much as combat. By imbuing elemental energies into the keg-maces he uses as weapons, filled with hops and barely and other such ingredients, he creates unique brews that are not only flavorful and strong, but actually magical in nature!
Some of his more successful flavors are as follows:
Earthshaker Stout
A deep brown liquor with a lot of foam, bottles of it seem to tremble slightly every so often.
"One of my earlier experiments, imbuing my brew with the ol' Rockbiter trick. Earthshaker is right though, a few swigs of this and you'd swear you're in an earthquake with how hard it is to stand up! Though once the dizziness fades I find that I'm a lot sturdier than before. My tummy is iron normally, but after a mug of this its solid steel! Come at me and see what I mean!"
Flamebreath Ale
A reddish liquid that seems to glow, bottles are always warm to the touch, even if left packed in snow.
"Fire went into this one, if the name wasn't a hint. Its a spicy thing, tastes like cloves and peppers, and it'll burn your throat a bit going down, but it warms you right up! I could dance naked in Northrend after a mug of this... actually, I may have... I dunno, hard to remember my early experiments with this one. Come to think of it that whole week is kind of a blur until I woke up near Xuen's temple with a bucket on my head. Either way, it puts a literal fire in my belly. Cold and ice don't do squat to me after a drink of this!"
Hurricane Brew
A clear liquid with a bluish tint, the drink seems to always swirl around in a bottle or cup, even if left sitting for several minutes.
"Whoof! Knocks you right over on the first drink, but you'll be a dynamo on this one! It'll fill you full of electricity and leave you wired for a week! More like a really strong coffee than a beer, like REALLY strong, you'll be climbing the walls like a mad hozen on this stuff. I couldn't sleep for two days! Still, its great when you need a lot of energy in one go, but not so good for getting a buzz otherwise."
Icemist Reserve
A deep cerulean with lines of white mixed through it, almost like snow suspended in the ale. It mists slightly when exposed to air.
"After I worked out my Flamebreath recipe I wanted to do the opposite, a drink so cool and refreshing that it was like a mouthful of snow! Icemist seems to do the trick. It'll chill you down to the bone but has a great minty aftertaste and is great if you just got the ol' hozen 'grook the dooker' treatment. Numbs you all over, so any bruises and such hurt a lot less... actually sell this stuff to the Stormwind military as painkillers."
Spirits with Spirit?
"Ehhh, still workin' on that one actually. I nailed the four big elements, but Spirit... well, its hard to nail that one down. I've tried a few tricks, but so far no luck. Still, gives me something to work towards eh?"
Xuen's Fangs
Stored in small quantities only in a wooden flask (wood is non-conductive.) Sometimes the flask will shake and an audible roll of thunder can be heard from inside it.
"Oof... I really don't like talkin' bout this one ya'll. That one wound up going bad inna really really REALLY big way." "Basically... I got a tiiiiiiiiiny bit overconfident in my talents 'n decided to try something really special. I was there when us adventurers took down Raszageth 'n I managed to snag a few o' th' girl's scales! Tried one in a brew but th' drink it made was the most potent booze I'd ever SEEN! I was actually freakin' afraid to taste it!"
"... soooooo I gave it to Jaie. Told 'er ta only take a sip at most, but... things got outta hand. That bitch Dissonantia showed up 'n Jaie got caught by her 'n Ed's imp tried to help her by giving her th' drink fer a power boost... 'cept the dopey varmint poured th' whole dang bottle down her throat!"
"... damn near killed th' poor girl. Sekhi 'n I were able to put it right, channeled all th' lightning in her back up inta th' sky. I still got a few o' th' scales... but they seem less potent now. Sekhi seemed ta think we actually freed Raszageth's spirit somehow, but... I dunno. Imma hold onto 'em if only 'cause I'm afraid o' what someone else might do if they get their mitts on 'em!"
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Who's Your Best Wingman in the Trailer Park Apocalypse?
Who’s Your Best Wingman in the Trailer Park Apocalypse?
Picture it: your (not-so) idyllic life takes a crazy turn when you find out your trailer park was built on top of an old Indian burial ground. The earth spits up the angry dead, a portal to the Great Old Ones’ realm rips your neighbor’s double-wide in half, and a gaggle of gibbering imps just made off with your fresh keg of Coors! All you have is a half-consumed fifth of Jack in one hand and your…
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k1ngtok1 · 2 years
Kai + A!
A. Fire, flames, or excessive heat
(Send me a letter and a character and I’ll write a short fic!)
Tw: Character death, sacrifice
Kai’s power came from the heart.
No, not his physical heart, though it pulsed in time with the thrum of adrenaline in his bloodstream all the same. Rather, it came from the heart in a way emotion came from the same place. Burning anger, passion, love, they shared the same space as the flames in his chest, but not from the never ending thu-thump thu-thump of his left breast. The heart and the heart were vastly separate entities, though one could not truly live without both.
The others felt their power in the buzz of their fingertips or the weight across their shoulders, but Kai was different.
He had always been different.
Perhaps that’s why Kai thought he was the green ninja, before Lloyd found his way back into his arms. Perhaps that’s why he sacrificed his happiness at such a young age so that his sister could live a normal life while he earned calluses on hands that were supposed to be soft and smooth. The love for his family and the anger he felt towards those who would dare harm them pumped oxygen into the flames. This is what he meant. It comes from his heart. It comes from his passion, emotion, his need to protect, before everything was ripped away from him again.
Sensei had told him once that fire burned brightest when he had everything to protect-
-and everything left to lose.
Perhaps that’s why the glow turned blinding as he jumped in front of that spear.
This is the height of his power, he thought as he listened to the tune of Lloyd’s cries. He could taste the smoke and ash under his tongue. He could smell the burning flesh, his flesh, as his heat caused the wound to cauterize around the spearhead. He could see the wreckage of the streets around him, and the wicked grin of the villain from another far away rooftop who had dared to hurt his little brother.
His other senses dulled in comparison to the rising heat. No, that couldn’t have been the right word for the inferno in his chest, it was much too tame a word for that. The feeling of flames burning their way down his arms, forcing himself open as a conduit, was agony, yet his tears had long since evaporated. The glow spider-webbed its way over his shoulders, up his neck and across his lips.
What this what Nya had felt like, drawing upon the waves until she became one with them? It couldn’t have been, not with how the power begged to be released, not accepted. Flames were not like water. Flames did not mold their shape or fit into containers. Flames burned until there was nothing left to hold them.
Kai wrapped his hands around the wooden shaft of the spear and let the heat set it alight.
He turned behind him and whispered to his brother, as soft as a prayer, “You should run, greenie. This powder keg’s set to explode.” His eyes crinkled with a sad sort of fondness.
Lloyd, dear, beloved Lloyd, shook his head, “I’m not- I’m not gonna leave you!” Kai could almost see him, the little imp in black who came running to his bedroom at night covered in snot and tears so that his fire could chase away the darkness and night terrors, “C’mon- P-Pixal can fix you-“
“Lloyd.” His voice wasn’t as lighthearted now. The flames pulsed quicker, like a countdown on one of the video games they all enjoyed. He could see his reflection in his brother’s glassy eyes; with eyes glowing white-hot amidst the sizzling orange skin, “Let me have this. They need you.”
“I need you!” Lloyd was crying full force. He tried to tug on Kai’s gi, but was met with a blast of heat that could melt him like wax, “I can’t- I need you!”
But Kai needed to do this, though it’s not like he could have stopped it if he tried. Their enemy was too quick, too strong, too smart to be taken down by any other means.
So with a smile and an expression that would have held tears if he had water left to spare, he croaked, “Take care of Nya for me, will you?” And the melted remains of his uniform shoe met Lloyd’s chest, sending him off the edge of the building they stood upon.
Kai turned back to the vile man across the rooftops and flashed a gleaming grin. He opened his arms, and let the flames burn free.
(He would never learn how the explosion leveled five square blocks, which had been mercifully evacuated. He would never hear the anguished scream Lloyd made as he fell, only to be caught in Jay’s jet and shielded from the blast. He would never be able to tend to the burns he had caused to Cole’s skin, or comfort Sensei Wu as he tossed his incense in a cabinet and threw anything that could make fire overboard. He wouldn’t be able to help Zane through the grieving process as he fought to not flick that switch and make all of the pain go away, or to keep Pixal from throwing herself into her blueprints to find where she had went wrong, what she could have built better.)
(For Nya, the worst part was that she couldn’t even leave a candle burning for him. She felt she couldn’t mourn properly.)
(The flicker of fire, which used to bring such comfort, only made her heart ache.)
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Between Friends
Part 1 of 2
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Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Maxwell
Synopsis: Maxwell convinces the guys to go out partying to take a break from the stress of studying for finals. Liam tries to prove to everyone that he isn’t a perfect prince. Drake comes to terms with his sexuality, realizing that maybe the person he wants/needs has been there all along. 
A/N: I realize this may not be for everyone, as this is not how the TRR boys are typically depicted. I had this idea while watching a certain scene in season 2 of Elite (although it’s not exactly the same), so if you know the show you'll probably know exactly where this is going! And if you haven’t seen Elite and enjoy this, then I recommend watching it!
A/N 2: This was supposed to be a one shot, but at almost 9,000 words it kiiinda got away from me. So I’m splitting it into 2 parts. The first part has no smut, but as far as the second part goes.. You have been warned. I’m tagging the few people who are on my perma and maybe a few others, but don’t feel obligated to read this if it isn't your thing. 🙂 Feel free to tag anyone you think may like this. Thank you @angelasscribbles for being the one person I know will read this self-indulgent smut 🤣
Warnings: 🍋🍋🍋 Drake and Maxwell smut (mutual masterbation, slight exhibitionism), language, drinking, drug use, a little fluff too 😄
Word count - 3,860
Click to read Part 2 
18+ only
Between Friends - Pt 1
The week before finals in their third year of college was proving to be more than a little stressful. Liam, as usual, was hitting the books hard. Drake was trying his best to chug energy drinks and coffee to try and keep up with him. And Max, well he was doing his usual.. Coasting along and going with the flow. Which is why when he heard about a party from a classmate, he knew they had to go and relax.
He knocked on the door frame of Liam’s open bedroom in the dorm room the three of them shared. “Yo, guess what we're doing tonight?”
Liam looked up from his textbook briefly to turn Maxwell down. He already knew where this was going. “Studying.”
Drake yawned and laid his head back on the bed. “Sleeping.”
“No way losers! We’re partying!” Max ran in and jumped on the bed, causing Liam’s books to crash to the floor. “It’s Friday night!”
“It’s a week until finals!” Liam climbed off the bed and picked up his books. “We should all be studying.”
Drake, who was usually not one for partying, actually agreed with Max. “Li, we’ve been at it for weeks! My brain has turned to mush..”
Liam sighed and tossed the books onto his desk as he looked between them. “I know it doesn't matter as much to you guys, but I can't fail!”
“Dude, you have perfect grades! You couldn't fail if you tried!” Drake leaned back on his elbows as he spoke. Liam was the perfect student. He came to class early, stayed late to talk to the professors, and completed every extra credit assignment.
Max walked over to Liam and put an arm around him, getting close to his face. “Listen.. It’s not good for you to work so hard.” He pinched Liam’s cheek playfully. “You need to get out there and have some fun to reset your brain. Then you can get right back to it.”
Liam folded his arms and looked between the two of them who were giving him hopeful stares. “Fine.” He relented. “I will go have a drink or two. You guys can stay later if you want, but after that I’m heading back to study.”
“Ok dad.” Max chuckled and swatted Liam on his backside before heading out of the room. Drake rolled his eyes and headed to his own room to get dressed.
Once the three of them were ready, they took a cab to the party which turned out to be at someone’s mansion. The place looked like it was straight out of a music video. People were passed out on the lawn, frat guys were doing keg stands on the porch, and people were making out and dancing left and right. Max cheered, but Liam looked anxious. 
“Maybe we should go.'' Liam said nervously as he looked around. “If the press finds out that I’m here.. Well it would give a bad impression of the royal family.”
“Forget about the press!” Drake elbowed him. “And everyone here is blitzed out of their mind.. They won't even recognize you.”
This was probably true. Max ran over to a table with dozens of shot glasses and grabbed six, making his way back over to them. “Come on.. Drink up!”
“What is this?” Liam frowned as he sniffed his glass.
“Who cares?” Max said, knocking back both shots simultaneously. Drake shrugged and copied him. Liam sighed and downed the shots with a grimace. Ugh, tequila. 
Max grabbed Liam’s shoulders and shook him. “There we go. Loosen up baby. You need to relax!”
“Ya, ya.” Liam didn’t know how he let them talk him into coming here, but if he was here he may as well enjoy himself.. If only a bit.
A woman they recognized from one of their mutual classes, grabbed Drake's hands and pulled him out onto the makeshift dance floor, coercing him to dance with her. Max and Liam knew that Drake wasn’t into dancing, but the shots were clearly helping him relax. He shot a look over to Max who shrugged. Drake was having a tough time this year. He had been struggling with a lot of personal things.. Mostly with his sexuality. He hadn’t told Liam about it. They were close friends, but it wasn’t something he was ready to discuss with his childhood best friend yet. At least not until he was completely sure of what he wanted.
The only person Drake had confided in was Maxwell. Max found him crying in his room one night, and Drake broke down and told him. He had been holding it in for so long, he just couldn’t stop himself. Max had been out ever since highschool, so he understood how tough it was coming to terms with your sexuality and not fitting into the “norm” that many people expected from you. Maxwell was definitely into guys, but Drake seemed to be into both. Drake had only ever dated women before, but he was starting to admit to himself that he found men attractive. And that he wanted to experiment.
Max was trying to be helpful, but he wasn’t sure how. Maybe tonight he could help Drake out a little. Maybe get Drake to kiss a random guy to see what he thought. It seemed like they barely knew anyone here, so it wouldn’t be hard to find a random guy for him to try it out on.
Liam went off to find the restroom and Max pulled Drake aside.
“Hey.. so that guy over there has def been checking you out.”
Drake paled and looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard. “What!?”
Max tilted his head over to a guy standing in the corner drinking a beer. Drake glanced over and the man gave him an indulgent smile and tipped his beer toward him. Drake swallowed hard and turned back to Max, wide eyed. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Dude. You said yourself that you wanted to experiment.. Try out different things.” He elbowed Drake in the ribs. “There’s a hot guy over there who clearly wants you. Go kiss him! What better place than at a party with a guy you don’t know? That way if you hate it, you’ll never have to see him again.”
Drake’s mouth went dry. Talking about kissing another man was one thing, but actually doing it was terrifying. “I.. I don't know.” Drake stammered, looking around. “I don’t even know how to talk to him.”
“Just talk to him like you would any woman you were hitting on!”
Drake quirked an eyebrow in disbelief. “Really?”
“Ok, maybe don’t compliment his tits or anything like that.”  Max laughed, and Drake couldn’t help but join in. “Come on, I’ll go with you.”
Max grabbed his arm and led him across the room, and Drake’s heart was going a mile a minute. The man smiled brightly at the two of them as they got closer.
“Hey.” Max smiled at the man, who offered both of them a beer from the cooler beside him. “Thanks!” Max took the beer and nodded to Drake. “This is Drake, and I’m Max. We couldn’t help but notice you from across the room.”
“Is that right?” The man smiled. “I’m Antonio.”
Drake couldn't help but stare at Antonio’s lips and he licked his own, just thinking about kissing him. He was acting like a teenager again. This was so stupid, he needed to grow up. He was just talking to another person after all. 
“So, have you guys been together long?” Antonio asked, looking between Drake and Maxwell.
“Us?!” Drake laughed. “We’re just friends.”
Antonio smiled. “Oh. Well you’re both so hot I assumed..” he laughed heartily. “But that wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the world. The two hottest guys around, being a couple. You’d put everyone else to shame!”
“Wow.. uh thanks.” Max said in surprise. Drake and Max looked at each other shyly. This was the first time anyone had ever assumed they were together, that they knew of, and they were actually feeling a little embarrassed. 
Drake was curious as to why the man even assumed he was into guys. He had been dancing with a woman a few minutes earlier. Curiosity got the better of him and he had to ask. “Can I ask, uh.. Why you thought we were together?”
The man turned his head to the side thinking about his answer. “I can just tell. My gaydar doesn't lie.”
Drake choked on his drink and Max patted him on the back as he coughed. 
“Sorry.” Antonio said. “Maybe you’re not out yet? Or maybe I’m wrong.” He shrugged.
Max looked at Drake expectantly, but he was clearly tongue tied. “Um, well..” Max said hesitantly. He wasn’t going to be the one to out Drake. He was just about to make up an excuse to get him out of this uncomfortable situation, when Drake spoke up.
“You’re not wrong.” Drake said quietly before looking over at Maxwell’s shocked expression. He hadn’t planned on telling anyone yet, but telling a perfect stranger was surprisingly relieving. “I’m bisexual.”
Max gave Drake a surprised smile, staring at him with wonder. He seriously just said it. All year, Maxwell had been trying to help Drake accept this, but now Drake just said it like it was nothing. He couldn’t stop staring at him, studying his face in amazement. 
“Ah, see I told you I’m never wrong.” Antonio winked. “And I think my other assumption was correct as well.” He looked between Drake and Max knowingly before tapping his beer against theirs and heading off chuckling. Max and Drake stared at each other, dumbfounded before laughing awkwardly.
Drake looked away and took a long drink of his beer. Max nudged him with a smile. “So awkwardness aside.. I’m so proud of you.”
Drake smiled shyly, looking down at the floor before shrugging. “It just felt right.”
“It does, doesn't it?” Max smiled at him. “It feels so good to finally be honest with yourself, right?” 
“It really does.” Drake smiled. His heart felt like it was lighter than ever. Even though it took an extremely uncomfortable situation to finally admit it to himself, he felt really good.
“You wanna tell Liam?” Max said hesitantly.
“Not.. yet.” Drake said quietly. He still wasn’t ready for that. He knew Liam wouldn’t look at him differently, but he just wasn't ready yet.
“Hey I get it!” Max said. “But I’m so proud of you, Drake.” Maxwell hugged him tightly. “You were so brave to finally admit it.”
Drake patted him on the back and looked nervously around the room. Some people nearby were talking and staring. Maybe it was just his nerves making him think that way.. Or maybe rumors were already starting.  
“I’m gonna get some more shots.” Drake said, surprising himself. He was usually a beer or whiskey drinker only, but he needed a little more courage to deal with his confession.
“Ok.” Max patted him on the back as Drake took off hurriedly. Max sighed. He knew this wasn’t going to be something that Drake was comfortable having people know about him right away. It definitely took time.
Liam waited in the long line for the restroom, which was not moving at all. He assumed someone in there was having sex or something. He made his way through the throng of people who were dancing, talking, making out, and doing.. who knows what. He found another restroom and stepped over a passed out man to enter the room. He checked behind the shower curtain, as he always did. Growing up, Liam was always terrified that a murderer would be behind the shower curtain. He had seen too many scary movies with Maxwell and Drake. But this time, he was checking for random people who may be passed out or just hiding to scare someone. God, I sound like a paranoid idiot, Liam told himself as he finally relieved himself. He had been overly and ridiculously stressed out, studying for these exams. His father made sure to call him daily and remind him that since his older brother abdicated, he was now the crown prince of the country and would be in the public eye even more than before. The press would be able to get access to anything they wanted with the right amount of money.. His grades, his personal life, his everything. 
Liam made his way out of the restroom and looked around for his friends. This mansion was huge.. He wondered who’s it was. There was no telling where Max and Drake were. Liam spotted two familiar faces speaking with their backs turned to him. He recognized them as Lady Kiara and Lord Rashad. As Liam made his way over to his (sort of) friends, he paused when he caught them saying his name.
Rashad glanced around, “I can’t even believe Liam came out tonight.”
Kiara took a sip of her drink and giggled. “I know. He’s such a prude.. I imagine Maxwell was the one who drug him out. Liam wouldn’t be caught dead at an actual social function that didn’t have nobles and dignitaries to suck up to.”
“More like his father would kill him.” Rashad chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. “And you know Liam is the perfect prince.. Always doing what daddy says.”
Kiara snickered and wrapped her arm around Rashad’s waist. “You’re so bad.”
Rashad leaned in and placed a kiss on her neck. “Not yet, I’m not. Just wait until later tonight. We can go up to my bedroom and I’ll show you bad.”
“Mmm, can't wait.” Kiara purred in his ear before squeezing his ass.
The two of them walked away, leaving Liam slack jawed and deeply offended. How could they say that about him? He didn’t always do what his father said! He was a grown man! He could do whatever he wanted! Liam looked around, before grabbing a shot from a table and downing three back to back. Fuck them, he thought. I’ll show them I’m not a perfect prince. 
Max and Drake had split up, and Maxwell took the opportunity to take a few more shots and hit the dance floor. He didn’t care who he danced with, he just let loose and felt the rhythm. This was his chance to relax after studying so hard.. Ok maybe he didn't study that hard. But he was going to let loose anyway.
Drake was sitting in the corner of the room scanning the crowd. He wondered if anyone else out there was thinking the same thing Antonio was. How did they know? People didn’t give off bisexual vibes.. Did they? He was so overwhelmed with his own thoughts and the only thing giving him any sort of comfort was Maxwell. His eyes kept landing on him as he danced with anyone and everyone. He was so comfortable with himself, and Drake hoped that one day he would be too. He watched a few people, trying to see if he could tell their sexuality just by looking at them. He scoffed, he was being so stupid. Drake sipped his beer, feeling more than a little tipsy. He couldn’t help it when his eyes kept settling on Maxwell once again. He watched him close his eyes as he danced, trickles of sweat rolling down his brow to his chiseled jaw. His tight black t-shirt hugged his broad shoulders and did little to hide his chest and abs. Drake’s mouth began to water as he let his eyes travel lower to his tight jeans. They hugged his ass perfectly. God he had an amazing ass. Drake shook his head to get out of his stupor and headed off to get more shots.
Liam had downed about five more shots since the two Maxwell gave him when they first arrived at the party. He was beginning to wobble with each step, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to prove to everyone, to himself, that he wasn’t a goody two shoes. He knew how to let loose and have fun. He felt a man tap his shoulder and motion for him to follow him into a corner. Liam quirked an eyebrow, but followed him. What was this man even doing? If Liam had his guards with him, they would have been all over this shady looking guy. But Liam wasn’t a prince tonight. He was a regular guy.
The man glanced around anxiously. “You looking to have a good time tonight?” Liam wrinkled his brow, giving him a confused look. “You look like you need to relax, man. You need to buy anything?”
“Buy anything?” Liam squinted in confusion, then his eyes widened in realization. “You mean drugs?”
“Shit dude!” The man glanced around and lowered his voice. “Keep it down!”
Liam wasn’t sure what to do. He wasn’t going to do drugs. No way. Drinking was one thing, but who knows what he would do if he got high. He opened his mouth to refuse the man, but Kiara and Rashad walked past him snickering, and he felt his shame and anger boiling up inside of him again. He turned to the man and cleared his throat. “What um.. What do you have?”
“That depends on what you want to feel.”
Liam sighed. “I want to feel.. relaxed.”
The man nodded and reached into his pocket, giving Liam a bag containing a small pill. “Two hundred.”
“Thousand?!” Liam said wide eyed. “No way!”
“What the fuck.. No, not two hundred thousand! Two hundred!” 
“Oh.” Liam chuckled, feeling embarrassed. He pulled out a couple bills and handed them to the man. “What is this exactly?” He asked as he tucked the bag into his pocket.
“It’s relaxation, my friend.” The man patted him on the back and walked away leaving Liam wondering what the hell he was even going to do with this pill. 
Max found Drake in the kitchen alone, eating some chips and dip. “What are you doing in here all by yourself?”
Drake froze as he looked up at Max, remembering the thoughts he was having about him earlier. He tried not to blush. Normally he was not the type to blush, but this was new territory.. And also one of his best friends. “Uh, just hungry.”
Maxwell nodded and Drake couldn’t help but stare at him. When did Maxwell get so.. hot? Was he always this hot? Yes, of course he was. Stop it dammit, he told himself. 
“You ok?” Maxwell gave him a concerned look and Drake realized he was still staring. He couldn’t help but think about licking the sweat that accumulated on Maxwell's neck. He bet it tasted good.. Fuck, stop it!
Drake cleared his throat. “Ya.. I just had a few too many shots I think.”
“Saaaaame!” Max laughed and stood next to Drake, leaning against him. Normally he was used to Maxwell being super touchy, but tonight he couldn’t handle it.
Drake jumped away from him. “We should probably go find Li. Haven't seen him in like..” Drake looked down at his watch and his eyebrows rose in surprise. “Shit it’s been like an hour and a half. Has he texted you?”
Max pulled out his phone. “Nope.”
“I’m gonna call him.” Drake dialed Liam’s number and it rang and rang. Finally the phone was answered, but it did not sound like Liam on the other end.
“Hellooooo!” The fucked up voice said.
“Who-” Drake held the phone away to make sure he had dialed the right number. “Liam?”
“What uuuuup Drake?!  Drake, my BFFFFFF!” Liam was slurring and cracking up.
Drake looked at Maxwell, completely confused. How much had Liam drank tonight? He never got this sloppy drunk before.
“Where are you, Li?”
“I’m..” Liam was gone for a moment and Drake checked to make sure he hadn’t hung up. “I’m on a beach in paradise!”
“What the fuck?!” Drake shook his head. “Where are you?”
“In the water!” Liam laughed. “The ocean!”
Max was listening in at this point and looked at Drake. “He’s in the pool I guarantee it.”
The two of them made their way into the backyard and found Liam laying on a pink flamingo floatie in the swimming pool. Some other people were around, but paying him no mind.
“Liam..” Drake walked over to him and saw the fucked up look on his face. “What the?”
“Heeeey friends!” He scooped up some water with his hands and threw it up into the air. “I’m finally relaxing! It’s amaaaazing!” Liam cracked up laughing and Max and Drake looked at each other curiously.
“Come on.” Maxwell pulled Liams pool floatie over to the side and they helped him get out of the water. Once Liam stood up, he threw his arms around both of them.
“I’m finally doing it. I’m finally relaxing!” Liam laughed loudly as he looked back and forth between the two of them. “I’m freeeee!”
Drake grabbed him and looked into his eyes. “Dude, get a hold of yourself!”
“I cant!” Liam snickered. “The pill already has a hold of me! And aaaaalll my problems went away.”
Max looked into his eyes, feeling slightly amused and slightly concerned. “For fucks sake.. What did you take Liam?”
“No idea!” He giggled, staggering.
Drake rolled his eyes. “Let’s get you back to the dorm so you can sleep this off.”
Liam alternated between giggling and passing out the whole cab ride back to their dorm. Drake and Max were pretty lit themselves but the two of them managed to help Liam up to his room and drop him onto his bed.
Liam sat up bleary eyed. “Best friends.. Don’t leave me. Stay here with me and have a sleepover like we used to do!” Max and Drake looked at him skeptically. It had been maybe ten years since they had a sleepover. “Please, I’m fucked up.. I don’t wanna be alone.” Liam was looking between them so sadly they relented. 
“Fine.” Drake sat next to him on the bed and kicked off his shoes. 
Liam took off his shoes, socks, pants, and shirt and threw them across the room. “Much better. Now get in here and let's cuddle.”
Max gave Drake a surprised look and tried to hide his laughter. Liam Rys, the Crown Prince of Cordonia was asking them to get in the bed and cuddle him. It was a pretty funny sight.
“We can’t all fit in this bed, Li.” Drake frowned. Liam did have a King sized bed, which wasn’t standard in a dorm, but when you're the prince you get the best.
“Sure you can!” Liam yawned and lay back onto the pillows. Within a few seconds he was fast asleep.
Drake stood up, ready to leave when Max spoke softly. “You’re not staying in here with him?”
“Really?” Drake asked. “He’s passed out. He won't even remember this tomorrow.”
“Ya, but..” Max shrugged. “It was a nice idea wasn’t it?”
Drake swallowed hard. Of course laying in bed next to Maxwell sounded like a nice idea. But that was also a terrible idea with the way Drake had been feeling tonight. 
Click here to read part 2.
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