#once again tumblr ruining my quality
rocksanddeadflowers · 3 months
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tumblr let me put more than ten pictures at once
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scxvnger · 1 year
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finally, a pride drawing! only about a month late
I know the destiny universe is well beyond iphones & osiris is a literal genius, but i still love the idea of two old men being bad with the young people tech
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
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an adorable case of the giggles 🥰 (x)
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ghoatinaytherealone · 10 months
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Lil pixel art thing for @farfetchedshow
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jumbleytumbles · 9 months
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Salmon Time
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zeb-z · 2 years
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“I like you older. Older means we’re still here”
flower language below cut
Abatina - Fickleness, patience (meant to represent Bill - he’s had the patience to make defenses and self sustainability. and he can be rather fickle in terms of moods at least. More so in the video game than the show)
Aster - Symbol of love, daintiness (meant to represent Frank. He’s the love of soft things in a harsh world, brighting up the street just for that sake alone, not dainty in a fragile way but in that romance and flowers in the apocalypse way. Not much on the game side for this I’m afraid, there’s nothing left but a note for his character in that)
Chamomile - Rest, Peace (meant to represent the peace in their death. they lived long and old and in love, their end was the best you could hope for in such dark times. also because it’s meant to help with sleep, a little dark humor maybe)
Yarrow - Everlasting love (exactly what it says. a love that lasts. stands the test of harsh times, in life and death)
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arachnidanon · 1 year
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Mutated Monk design wip! I might change the ice to look more… like ice… anyway! Their name is the Frost, or the Frosted, or whatever cooler name I can think of.
Backstory/rant that really, really got away from me under the cut. TL;DR is that Monk stays with pebbles and moon until saint’s time instead of ascending or going to the tree. Saint goes and ascends both iterators, not finding Monk. Monk is shocked and angry, and mutates to survive the storms and to track down Saint to make them pay.
Monk goes through and meets moon and pebbles like normal, and goes the ascension route… at first. But then, they talk to Survivor in one last dream and change their mind, staying with moon and pebbles. They mostly stick around Pebs after he warms up to them, and is there when he collapses. Rivulet never arrives in Pebbles and Moon’s area due to unseen OC shenanigans. an important event happens instead, but that involves an oc I haven’t posted about yet so I’ll skip over that for now… When Saint comes around, Monk comes back to pebbles to find him dead, ascended by the Saint. Monk is heartbroken and rushes over to Moon to make sure the same thing isn’t happening to her. They see Saint levitating, about to ascend Moon and hide behind some conveniently placed rocks/ice/snow so Saint doesn’t spot them. After seeing Moon’s corpse, their heart “freezes” over and they mutate into the Frost. The Frost is capable of staying in blizzards indefinitely, but that isn’t recommended for reasons that I haven’t thought of yet.
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It's Been A While
Hey Moons. Let's talk,
It has been a while since I posted and spoke to everyone. I tried really hard, but every time I tried hard to overcome everything going on in my life, I just managed to dig myself deeper.
Where to begin. Simply put, I have really been struggling with my mental and physical health in the last few months.
Though I know none of you have put me on a pedestal, I, in fact, have put myself on one. I am beyond thankful and appreciative of those who support me and follow me. To those of you who sent me amazing prompts, words of encouragement, and kindness, I thank you.
I will not lie; I was growing frustrated with my lack of growth. I would see my friends and peers who were so successful doing amazing things, and I would compare myself to them. I went from being happy and content just writing to write then switching to writing purely to try and prove to myself that I was just as competent and good.
I lost my drive and passion doing this, which caused me to no longer produce what I would deem good-quality content for those of you who support me and want to read my writing. I had hoped a few days off would help, but it turned into weeks and then months.
My personal life has also been hectic, I have been struggling financially, and that has taken a toll on my mental health, especially since I live in a really hostile home environment. Because of all these factors, I was slowly beating myself up more and more for being a failure, not only to myself but to all of you as well.
I ended up getting really sick about a month ago. I thought it was a simple stomach bug, but it only worsened. After a few hospital visits and doctor's appointments, we finally managed to get my physical health mostly under control. However, I was in denial about my mental health.
Nothing felt right when I opened Tumblr every day for the last two months. I have no motivation to write, none to read, and none to even find joy in the fandoms I once loved.
I am seeking mental health counseling, and I am hopeful with some elbow grease and good luck, I can get out of the financial situation I am in.
I felt it was only fair to inform those who once loved my writing what happened to me and why I disappeared off the face of the earth.
I would love to return to writing and find something I am passionate about again. My drive and passion for writing have been ruined for the foreseeable future, and it is no one's fault but my own.
Thank you for understanding and supporting me. This is not goodbye but merely a check-in to let those who care know that I will be back, but I will be back when my mental and physical well-being allows me.
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sweetlycharlotte · 11 days
it’s once again Hatchetfield Bang time!!
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my lil piece for @hatchetfield-bang, specifically for the fic Little Briar Rose! (tumblr ruined the quality of the gif </3)
I’ve got my second assignment’s piece coming soon, but for now! it’s been an honor working in this event again!! I hope you all enjoy both the art and the fic, thank you <33
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the-solar-system52 · 1 year
Ok ok analysis time!
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HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THEM?? DAYCARE ATTENDANT MY GUY WHAT HAPPENED!? It's pretty clear the fire damaged them enough so now they are a mixture of Sun and Moon (that eclipse arcade game was foreshadowing!!) Their design is so cool and also super creepy holy fucking hell!
Slowing down the clip, we can see that they first open a closet the player was in, so maybe their segment will be some sort of hide-and-seek minigame?? We also see that they first jump at us super aggressively, but then step back at wave at us, more friendly-like. My guess is that Moon will be trying to kill us as usual but Sun will be trying to be nice to us and the two will have to fight for control of the body 'Malachite from Steven Universe' style! This would explain why their movements seem almost frantic and clumsy.
Judging by this, I'm not sure if turning on or off the light will have much effect on them anymore since they are both conscious at the same time? Jesus Christ I feel super bad for Sun someone get this dude some therapy :(
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You can't really see this with tumblr image quality, but in the shot of this endoskeleton, I can make out caution tape around the entrance to the daycare? I don't remember this being in the main game so that means someone must've been there to put them up? I don't know if it was put around the entire pizzaplex cuz of the fire or if it was a reason specific to the daycare attendant, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!
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As for the daycare itself, it ain't looking to good. I know ALL of the Pizzaplex got damaged in the fire but something about seeing the once bright and happy daycare destroyed like this makes me really upset :(
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
We've all had the thought: Oh god, what if my writing is terrible?
Right after posting on AO3, or an hour without a kudos, or a day without a comment, or not a single reblog on tumblr--it's the logical thing to think. "It was terrible, and that's why nobody has reblogged it. Nobody liked it."
And then we take it to the next step. "I wrote something terrible, therefore I am a bad writer. My writing is bad."
And just because the feelings have a logical progression, that doesn't make them true. There are lots of reasons why a fic gets ignored or lost in the shuffle, there are lots of variables that determine popularity and quality is only one of many, but the question I find helps me the most to deal with these feelings is,
What if I'm right?
What if I am a terrible writer? What if the fic I just posted is so goddam awful that not even my friends can think of a nice thing to say about it?
Then what?
Seriously, then what? If I accept that I am a terrible writer, what does that mean for me?
Do I have to quit? Well, no, because sucking at something is a prerequisite to being good at something. If I want to get better, the only option is to keep going. I can see this for myself-- my more recent stories are better than my first stories.
Do I have to pull all my writing down from tumblr and AO3 and wherever else? Well, I can, but there's plenty of bad writing everywhere all the time, even paid, published writing, so no, I don't have to.
Will all my friends lose respect for me because of how terrible my writing is? Idk, probably not. I once made a lasagna with cinnamon in it and my friends still came over for dinner the next time so I think there's a fair amount of tolerance there for me being shitty at things.
Will random strangers see my bad writing and judge me for it? Yes and no. I've seen plenty of bad writing that made me roll my eyes. I couldn't tell you a single username attached to that writing, because I was too busy scrolling for the next thing. Who am I to them? No one. Who are they to me? No one.
I like writing. I enjoy the process. I enjoy yelling with my friends on tumblr and discord about the ideas I have. I enjoy putting words down and rearranging them and finding better words. I enjoy daydreaming scenarios and then figuring out how to translate that on the page. I enjoy feeling like I got a character voice just right or figuring out the punchline to my setup.
Does being bad at all of that negate my enjoyment?
I mean maybe. If the badness I feel is as strong and lasts as long as the enjoyment I got, then it's a wash, right? Writing brought me as much strife as it brought me enjoyment. But, for me at least, this is not how the math works out. The enjoyment far outweighs those shitty moments thinking, "Oh, well this one bombed, guess I better never write again."
If I accept that I am a bad writer and I ask myself all these questions and try to answer as honestly as possible, where does that leave me? As someone with a hobby that I'm not always the best at who sometimes writes things that nobody cares about. Is that the worst place to be? Is that worth ruining my own day over?
This is the thought process that helps me when I start getting obsessive and negative about my work. Often we end at "I'm terrible," and dwell there for a while in that negative space. My suggestion is to keep going. "I'm terrible, and that means...?"
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cola-losers · 1 year
Maybe it's because of the terrible summer I had, maybe it's because I'm dealing with loss but man
This blog doesn't feel fun anymore
It's a case of, I don't get that same enjoyment digging through the tag every day anymore
Not when I get to see the same type of posts, the same discourse, the same drama blah blah
Shipping Discourse
-TomTord bad
-Pauktryck killed my parents
-Shipping them at all is a crime
Then we have Crew Discourse
-Matt H said this, Christopher Bingham did that but it's always just like a he said she said kind of thing
-This crew member that is more like just a guy that draws some of the comics ships this one ship and it is SO bad (it's literally one of the popular ships)
Then we have merch discourse
-Edd figure overpriced and ugly (That's Yootooz, that's the style, that's like getting a POP figure but ^^ instead of ••) but instead of just saying you're not going to get it you have to turn it into some sort of moral thing?
-Edd Plush Ridiculous, ugly, and overpriced. I have literally only one makeship plushie but the whole appeal is that they actually are pretty good quality plushies and they're a one time deal. That's what you're paying for, once again you don't have to buy it just don't act like you have a moral high ground because you don't have enough money in your piggy bank for it
-An indie team (yes they are by definition indie) unsurprisingly wouldn't want you to get knock off merch from Temu/Amazon/Ebay. Now commission stuff that's a tricky field but but like, I feel like most people would agree commissioning someone is much better than getting a cheap knock off from a big company
Then we have headcanon discourse
I'm not even going to list the most common ones I just think it's dumb it's someone's head canons if you don't like it just don't follow the person?
And then of course we have multiple artists leaving Tumblr or just leaving the fandom just because, honestly yeah there is too much discourse I can't really blame them.
Anyways I'm not kicking the bucket on this blog it's still like a huge hyper fixation of mine but oh man, until they drop a new episode it's getting hard to keep excitement when there's so much negativity
Like if you truly do not like this show anymore or the crew has ruined it for you, go find something else. Keeping yourself in a negative space is not good for you mentally. Yes it hurts to say goodbye to comfort characters but if their canon hurts you this much, leave
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yibo-wang · 2 years
Summary of what happened at the Hidden Blade Guangzhou RoadShow.
I have been away from my phone all day today so I only found out about what happened a few hours ago. I don't like bringing weibo/twitter drama to tumblr but everything that's been happening made me really angry.
It was expected that the antis would definitely try and ruin it as much as could cause they've done that every single time something important happened in yibo's career. But to think they would sink as low and involve big directors and actors for their petty and selfish acts is a new low even for them.
While yesterday was Hidden Blades first release in cinemas, it did exceedingly well for a film that's undoubtedly different from the usual spring festival movie genres. The GP and fans both had positive reviews about the movie and Yibo's acting.
As far as I know the hateful words and reviews against Yibo have been increasing. Antis who weren't even in China were sending reviews that they hated the movie etc when the movie hasn't even been released anywhere else? Give me a break. (Below antis leaving reviews but their location is from out of China)
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They're trying to suppress the positive response from the public on weibo, saying hurtful things towards the movie, director and actors. It's really disgusting.
You see Cheng Er and the rest of the cast and crew and anyone Yibo has worked with before know how sincere and dedicated he is to his work. For Hidden Blade especially they've praised his acting, his professional behaviour and it's not just one person it's the director, it's Tony Leung himself, it's Wang Chuajun, Da Peng and so many others.
It's actually breaking my heart when I saw the videos from today because why do they forget he's also a human being? That's he's only 25 years old?
Idk what image everyone has of Yibo in their mind but to me he's really very innocent at heart. Never in my years of watching him have I seen him have malice or hatred against anyone.
At the Roadshow today, despite everything that was happening he was really very thankful towards everyone who came, especially to the audience who came to watch the movie more than once because they loved watching it the first time and enjoyed the details.
One encounter today that really moved me was between him and a fan who was sharing her experience of watching the movie.
Translation: I would like to add one more thing. I was asked to convey this message from our group. Though we are Yibo's fans, after watching Hidden Blade, we turned from his fans to his movie fans. Thank you for being a good actor. We wish hidden blade success.
Yibo was really holding back tears 🥺
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Cheng Er talked about how he really appreciates the sincerity the audience who watched the movie showed towards the film and how much he appreciates Yibo as an actor.
You see this is probably the first time Cheng Er had to experience such disturbing behaviour towards his film. Yes he's a grown man with years of experience with him but this is not negative reviews because people didn't like the film. This is because of their hatred for Yibo. And Cheng Er knows all of this cause repeatedly he has spoken or either posted against whatever lies the antis have spewed against the film and Yibo.
Cheng er: As all of you are audiences who really watched Hidden Blade, I believe our efforts including yibo’s will live up to your expectations. He has worked really hard —his image & expression in his eyes. I'm very thankful to such an excellent actor. I only dare to say this because all of you have watched the movie. I don’t dare to praise him recently because… [Audience asking that he should praise Yibo more] so I hope people who really watched the movie can sincerely spread the true situation and quality of our movie (link to video)
Once again despite everything, Yibo isn't forcing anyone to like him. All he asks is to be sincere in their remarks about it cause the movie isn't just him. These blackened tags and reviews affect all the people who have worked day and night for Hidden Blade to come to life. He accepts the criticism if it's genuinely because of his acting but not if it's just because their hatred for him.
Yibo: Like what the director and that audience said, a movie can create a lot of thoughts but you still need to continue with your life. For Hidden Blade, I hope we can exchange sincerity with sincerity. We made this movie with our heart, so we sincerely hope that people will like the movie. I also hope that audiences can sincerely appreciate the movie. Of course, you can also not like like the movie after watching it, there’s no problem. [Fans: we like it!] Exchange sincerity with sincerity. Thank you.
I do want to say that despite the antis efforts for the smear campaign, the passerby comments and almost all of the general public had a good experience while watching the movie and relayed good reviews. (Some of them down below + Link to one of the film critics review)
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The thing is I'm really happy with how the GP is talking about HB. Infact Yibo was very happy during the other times in the roadshow. He kept smiling, talked so animatedly and with enthusiasm it was delightful to see him that way. But what bothered me most about the whole thing is that this situation was big enough for Yibo (who doesn't let useless remarks affect him) and Cheng Er to be bothered by it.
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Coping with the new Tumblr Mobile image layout (outdated)
Tumblr has once again made a bad decision. As you may know gifs in mobile now work different and many stimboards/moodboards have been ruined by it. Here are some tips to make your boards consistent on both mobile and web.
Why is this happening?
Tumblr mobile now show images as their real size. Before if you have a 600x600px image beside a 400x400 one the images would scale down perfectly since they had the same aspect ratio. Now if you have a 600x600px image beside a 400x400 one the images will be disproportionate to each other throwing off the whole board.
About moodboards
With moodboards I'd personally recommend just compiling them all in one big image then posting that image to Tumblr. This protects your board from current and future Tumblr tomfoolery. I personally use Photopea to make mine but other popular sites include: Canva, Picsart and Ibis Paint. Also you should export your big image as a png since they are higher quality and compress better.
Here is a template for a moodboard layout but you can make your own if you want special layouts or want to make it fancy.
About stimboards
Stimboards require a much more tedious process. You will now have to resize all your gifs and central image to be the exact same size being the same aspect ratio doesn't cut it anymore. I'd recommend going with 300x300px or 350x350px since 400px is where a good amount of gifs start to go over the file size limit (10MB).
For resizing I'd recommend using EZgif it is your best ally when it comes to editing gifs.
What about my old boards?
They're kinda messed up forever now. Unless Tumblr fixes their mistake or adds an option for different ways to display images in a post. If you want to redo them I would hold off for now since this is a relatively new update and it only affects mobile so there is a chance it will be undone.
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irxnlegacy · 10 months
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@themckaytriarchy asked: Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I doubt MCU is ruined because of "wokeness" when these same haters love Spiderverse, Invincible, and The Boys that are just as diverse and those properties are big hits. People of color, women, and LGBT characters represented is not MCU's problem, so crying "woke" deflects the real problem: oversatuation of content. No more overworking CGI artists and pumping shows AND movies all at once. I did say t.v. shows are better because of better pacing, but after the Strike, it's best for Disney to stick to movies again. I was not joking when I suggested MCU should make a 2D animated film to stand out. A good way to capitalize nostalgia without making another reboot/remake.
@ismelodrama asked: 🔥
After catching up with Invincible and rewatching Rein of the Supermen (best movie ever ok?), Disney's Marvel SERIOUSLY needs better animation. It is too much to ask to hire Studio Mir or Wind Sun Sky Entertainment?! Steven Yeun animated a promo for Invincible season 2 BY HIMSELF and it's better quality than anything Disney made for Marvel.
@cxffeeshxp asked: “ 🔥 “ ~ Tumblr
Tumblr is trash because of how much it malfunctions with its useless updates. But I rather spend my time here than other social media platforms. I love looking up stuff about my favorite black female characters without a bunch of red pillers whining in the comment section. Kills the vibe. Why I avoid Twitter and Facebook like the plague, Instagram maybe next because it's almost as bad.
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dukeofdumbass · 2 years
hello! i was going through my ao3 bookmarks the other day and i noticed that all of the ones written by you had been archived into a collection, inaccessible. Can I ask why? Is it just a temporary precaution, or are they gone for good?
HI!!!!!! i'm so sorry for causing any inconvenience - as it happens, as of just a couple hours ago, before i logged back into Tumblr, all of the works have been unarchived. whenever my works do go into an archive collection, there is a sort of safety net in that i'm too obsessive/compulsive to actually delete them from Ao3, because that means that all their stats and comments disappear too. something something media/data preservation, something something the work is really only complete to me once i post it (my spreadsheet more or less ensures that...).
now. i'm gonna soapbox on your lovely ask. i am constantly editing my Ao3 bio trying to say something like this...
as to why: i've just put a lot of pressure on myself, starting back when there was rather a lull in TTGC fic (my longest fic was in the works for a couple months before i made my Ao3 account in mid-May of 2021), to sort of be The Author in the [Xeno] tag(s) who has all the best concepts and ships and interpretations and style, consistently, universally. i want to appeal to everyone! i want everyone to love me! i want everyone to respect me! i want everyone to smile when they see my username pop up YET AGAIN in the tags. i want to be recommended! i want to be remembered... i'm not on Twitter so much anymore, and the culture's obviously quite different here, so how do i even ensure that people who don't browse the tags know who i am? hough...the impossible task... so, i have only continued to experience that pressure in comparing myself to other creators (writers/artists) who are "less online" than i've been at points but have "better" work in terms of length, range, appeal, quality, imagination/esotericism/divergence, themes/mood/gravity, self-indulgence, representation...you name it. newsflash for me: that's just not a thing! it can't be!! fanwork is as varied and personal as each and every person who's ever experienced media properties and expressed their thoughts in any medium or forum. i seek out other creators/fans who like the same elements as i do (all minoade fans, you're on my list) specifically to converse with them and conquer my feelings of inadequacy head-on, and when i find myself scared to join a conversation with those who have become my best friends (or speculating from afar on ex-friends from whom i just grew apart, for these reasons or others) because i feel like i'll ruin the "quality" of the conversation...it's really not a good feeling. when i'm really feeling like a fraud and an intrusion, away go the fics...
all that to say: if you create something, if you think something, if you love something, i love you. even if it's really hard and scary, i'll make myself do it. that's what i want my fandom experience to be about <3
(but most importantly THANK YOU for asking - i am glad that i didn't see this before deciding to re-reveal the works, because it honestly might have spooked me, but seeing it now lets me know that it was the right decision :)
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