#one in ten children
slaveryabolitionday · 10 years
Eradicate Child labour!
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Globally, one in ten children works. The majority of the child labour that occurs today is for economic exploitation. That goes against the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which recognizes “the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.”
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 11 months
imagine eddie’s out of work because reefer rick got put away for good, and rick kept such a tight lid on his own supplier that eddie has no clue where to buy from now. he’s applied to a couple of jobs, but nobody’s gotten back to him yet. thankfully, his saving grace comes in the form of a flyer for someone seeking a babysitter.
enter single dad steve, who just needs someone to watch his five kids (and occasionally the miracle baby hopper-byers twins from nextdoor, because they’re best friends with his kids and refuse to be separated from them for longer than twelve hours) for a couple hours while he takes a much-needed nap every few days. he can’t keep asking their auntie robin and auntie vickie, after all. even if they’re more than willing to watch them, steve feels like it’s too big of an ask without payment, which they refuse to accept. and if the babysitter that responds to his flyer just so happens to be a very attractive guy whose guitar-playing and d&d skills are enough to captivate said children’s collective attention for those hours, well…that’s just an added bonus.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
leans out a window. it is not salem’s fault that oz uses child soldiers to guard his fortresses. it’s not her fault that he made a deliberate strategic choice to recruit children into a war they didn’t even know they’re fighting. (and it certainly isn’t her fault that he’s been getting kids killed in training for decades before she made her first move!)
he has been trying to destroy her for thousands of years while salem lived in exile, not fighting back, until one of those grown-up child soldiers found out the truth and gave her something to fight for. if your defenders are all children because you set up your fortresses to masquerade as schools, if you for decades continually made the choice to use children as unwitting human shields then you don’t get to blame the enemy when children die on the front lines. YOU PUT THEM THERE.
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cynomain69 · 2 months
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twitter sethno dump!! feat fem!sethno my absolute most beloved
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davidtennan-t · 10 months
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unfortunately in a fem stevie au i think dustin would spend a not insignificant amount of time absolutely convinced that he and stevie will be married some day
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atlantic-riona · 1 year
sorry not sorry but some of y'all need to remember that you're reading children's literature
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i guess it’s less that they Completely Understood each other and more that . just. they met each other at the perfect time . they had a bond that could never be replaced . they could be their true selves around each other, even if it only lasted for a year or two . but it still meant so much to the both of them !!! those two years alone meant so much more than the ten years they spent apart and that completely fucking Destroys me . they had something that neither one of them would ever find again and if it’s not Total Understanding then i truly believe it was unconditional love . soulmatism. the feeling of finding your other half . they had each other for two little years and it was the single most vibrant blue spring of their lives
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sometimes I'm just vibing and then my brain screams at me "ALL THAT PAIN AND MISERY AND LONELINESS AND IT JUST MADE THEM KIND" and I go a little bit feral
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toshsato · 2 years
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Christmas! Turkey! Although... having met your mother... nut loaf would be more appropriate.
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roach-works · 2 years
insane that people are starting to pass around the ‘notorious pedophile roachpatrol’ shit again to warn new twitter refugees about me when i’ve been openly and blatantly a monsterfucker for my entire time here. like there isn’t a secret nefarious agenda going on. you don’t have to da vinci code my methodology based on scattered scraps of out of context pictures and phrases to prove i’m actually big horny for earth human children. like i am repeatedly reassuring everyone with my whole chest that i like aliens and monsters and women who are big enough to kill and eat me and i said some extremely dumb and poorly-phrased shit about artistic freedom like eight years ago.
i feel like if someone turns out not to be interested in hurting children, your reaction shouldn’t be incredulous rage? it should be relief? like cool there’s one less pedophile in the world than you thought there was. good job! now get off my dick already. i’m saving myself for a nine foot tall alligator woman.
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12freddofrogs · 4 months
So as a general question to the Girl Genius fandom: has there ever been any confirmation on what happens if a slaver wasp infests a child Spark before their breakthrough?
(Most) wasps don't affect Sparks, but at the same time you are not really a Spark at birth. Although the kids do seem to be unusually brilliant, so clearly there is some indication from early on. Maybe you are immune from birth.
For that matter, do we know how old you have to be to get wasped? Could an infant be caught when they were born, or would we say they need to have an understanding of language? An infant won't be able to understand any orders, but if they're already inclined to obey it might be easier than doing it on their fifth birthday or something.
(Mostly I'm wondering how Sturmhalten handled new Sparks. They're rare enough there might not have been any born into the town at large... but it's equally possible there was a teenage boy working in a tavern who one day built a robot to collect and clean dirty plates. What happened to him? Did he throw up the remains of a wasp embedded in him for over a decade and assume that's a usual part of breakthrough? Did that wasp never manage to enter at all? Did the town perhaps notice when a small child was immune to the wasping, or were his parents - ordered to present him for it but no one thought to be more specific - just not questioning it, because they were too glad their son would be free.)
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the-genius-az · 4 months
Any headcanons for alpha-katara and pregnant omega-azula?
Katara gave him a necklace when she found out she was pregnant.
Azula threw a tantrum at Katara for impregnating her.
Katara became more possessive and overprotective, not even letting Zuko or Mailee near her Omega.
Azula had a lot of cravings, the good thing is that they were common, unfortunately it only happened at night.
Azula became more malicious, making fun of everyone and then crying when it was returned to her.
Azula had the stage of wanting to be in her room all the time, she didn't want to go out at all, not even to go get mochis.
Azula's new pheromones made Katara fall more in love with her, because she had her kits.
Azula didn't like having Katara's semen when she was pregnant, but she did like having her pussy eaten.
Azula wanted to suck Katara all the time, but the Alpha refused for fear of suffocation, but Azula always won.
When Kya was born Azula was upset and blamed Katara because the puppy looked more like the Alpha than she did.
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russkayas · 1 year
hey was no one gonna tell me about the moment when thirteen shows up and tells house “the prodigal daughter has returned” or was i just supposed to find out about that myself 😭
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trekkele · 1 year
once again i am begging everyone to reconsider ‘the batkids hate/mock/generally disagree with bruce adopting more kids’ trope for the far, far superior and far more hilarious option of the batkids not realizing that ‘average single dad adopts 0 kids per year. Bruce Wayne, who’s children keep dragging home their sad and in-need-of-dad friends, is an outlier and should not be counted’
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leafith · 2 months
So uhm, for space problems I had to delete Sky but I'm still in the fandom and I still love it ;-; hopefully one day I'll be able to find a better device and to play again in the shape of a newbie. Hopefully no veteran will "hate" me for being new like old people do with young people (like "Back to our days we players didn't have a home").
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