#one night he gets back from a really tiring music gig and forgets to take the eyeliner off
kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
i think semi presents two very different sides of himself as a civil servant versus as a musician. i think the minute he clocks off he chucks off the uniform and slaps on eyeliner and hair product and pops in the piercings and shimmies into his stupid worn-down leather coat with the faux-fur trim over a faded tank top and ripped jeans and he laces up his boots and slides his guitar over his shoulders all bright-eyed and bright smile and whenever he passes by someone on the street they fall in love with him just a little
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keeponquinning · 1 year
Okay, singer!reader but non-specific to any fic i'm writing. except for this one now!
just fluff, bc i'm feeling it.
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You work at a dive bar that sometimes do karaoke, and that's how you and Eddie meet. He's undeniably metal, and you're more rock, though can do pop from time to time, you two sometimes clash with your music tastes, rip on each other, but there's mutual respect and yeah, attraction from the both of you. You never say anything about him being a super senior, you've been out of school for about two, maybe three years, a slightly older woman though not by much, but he'll call you Mrs. Robinson from time to time just to be a little shit.
You finally book a gig, but it's for the senior prom at Hawkins High, your old school, and of course, you can't do your kind of music, just what's approved. Which is mostly soft love songs from the 1950's and onward. It's slightly embarrassing, but you're getting paid actually doing something you love, and you get to wear a pretty dress. It could be worse. So, you make the best of it, singing your heart out, but seeing most just ignore the stage and not even paying attention, so when you're singing Hopelessly Devoted To You, you're kind of phoning it in. You don't mean to, but again, you're discouraged and rethinking your life choices.
And then Eddie Munson comes in, wearing a tux, and your eyes meet and you can't help but smile. The passion that had waned sparking right up, and you're belting it out, "My head is saying, foooool, forget hiiiim. My h e a r t is saying...don't let gooo.... Hold on to the end.... That's what I inteeeeend to dooo... Hopelessly devoted....to yoooou." And you're singing it, right to him, and he smiles wide, watching you as you sing song after song, giving it your all. No one else really seems to care, but he does, and you're singing to him, no one else mattering at that moment.
You get your break and walk off stage and he's waiting with a drink in hand for you. "Nice tux, Munson," you tell him, taking the cup and took a drink,"Mm, spiked, my favorite kinda punch."
"Yeah, well, figure you'd need a little kick to finish the night singing that kind of music. How does it feel, selling out before you even got started?"
"Oh, it'll feel great when I get paid, so..." You scoffed, taking another drink, a cautious eye over him. "Okay, but seriously... I didn't expect to see you here. Like... I thought prom wasn't metal enough for you. Hot date?"
"No, no hot date. And you're right, this place? Definitely not metal enough for anybody. Like, seriously? Under the sea? Had this last year, doesn't anyone get tired of the same old thing, year after year?"
"Honestly.... This looks like my prom which is sad and weird. It's been a few years and it's...the same. It's the same. Except better singing."
He smirked, taking a sip of his drink while his eyes looked over at you, noting your dress, your hair, make up, the works. "Definitely hotter entertainment than last year — I mean, not that I went to that one either. That's a pretty dress, sweetheart."
You didn't want to, but you smiled, feeling a heat at the back of your neck. You blamed it on his tux and how good he looked in it. "So that why you came? For the live entertainment?"
He gave a shrug, his eyes lingering on you still, "Maybe. You kinda make their lame song choices alright to listen through. That's talent. And maybe I wanted to see the dress."
"Is it metal enough for you?"
"Nah. But definitely looking..." He paused a moment, a smile flooding his face. "You look good. Mrs. Robinson."
"Fuck off," you tell him with a laugh. "You look good, too."
"Yeah?" he questioned, his brows raised, though obviously pleased. "Wanna do something about it?" He straightened up, placing his cup down and offered his hand, "Would the lady like to dance with me? Maybe make my first prom memorable?"
A snort left you, looking at him, waiting for him to lower his hand, to tell you he was joking. But he wasn't. It remained just as it was, waiting for your hand to join his. You give a shrug, finishing your drink and putting it aside. "I don't see why not. Would make up for my actual prom, my date had a thing for stepping on my toes."
"I promise, light on my feet, surprisingly." And he was, and it wasn't just one dance, it was several, the slow dances, too. All until you were on stage again, singing and only to him, only to Eddie. Something you both tended to do when you saw each other perform on stage after that night, your dreams of making it into music intertwining with one another, as your relationship grew past the first kiss that very night.
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 12B: I’m So Tired of Being Lonely
I'm so tired of being lonely // I still have some love to give Won't you show me that you really care?
Soundtrack: “Handle With Care,” Traveling Wilburys, 1988 [click here to listen]
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“Here – these were still on the table.”
Faith smiled gratefully, elbow-deep in water at the kitchen sink. “Thank you, Claire – but really, you don’t have to help out. You’re our guest.”
“Nonsense. It’s the least I can do.” She picked up a towel and started drying the dinner dishes. “Does Alec do most of the cooking?”
“He does. I did, for a long time. Especially when the kids were little. But he’s really gotten interested in it over the past few years. So now we split the cooking, more or less.”
“Does it help with his sobriety?”
“I remember something Dougal once told us. He said that an addict is always an addict. And once an addict gives up their intense focus on scoring drugs, they need to channel that focus into something else. Something more constructive.”
“I get that. Jamie has his music. That was so, so helpful for him when we were at The Ridge.”
“He told Alec last night that he’s got an album’s worth of material.”
Claire nodded. “He wants to tour in the spring. Acoustically. That’s how he wrote the songs – so that’s how he wants to perform them. Get the band together and show everyone a different side of Print.”
“And did he ask you to tour with him?”
“You don’t sound too enthused about that.”
Claire shrugged, stacking the now-dry dishes on the counter. “He told me that he’s fine when he’s at home. It was on the road where he started to get fucked up.”
Faith nodded. “Alec was always into something or other. He was using, even when I met him. I didn’t think anything of it – all the musicians I saw were into one drug or another. But it didn’t start to get to be a problem until their first big tour in ’66.”
“Did you tour with him?”
“Whenever I could. Our kids were so little. I wanted our family to be together, but it was so hard to travel with them and sleep on buses and figure out what to do for childcare when the gig always started way past their bedtime.” Faith turned off the sink and watched the water slowly drain. “So I started staying home. And that’s when it got really, really bad.”
“How bad, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Faith sighed. “I remember it so clearly. I’d just dropped the kids off at school, and I heard the phone ringing when I came home. It was Tom – do you know Tom?”
“Tom Christie? Jamie told me he’s a fixer. Whatever that means.”
“Well. Back in the day, Tom was Uprising’s road manager. He told me he’d found Alec in his hotel room, ice cold, with a needle sticking out of his arm.”
“Oh my God,” Claire gasped.
“He was alive, but just barely. They were in New Orleans. I called my sister to pick up the kids from school, and Tom got me a plane ticket to come down that morning. I held Alec’s hand in the hospital for three days until he woke up. Thought I’d divorce him if he didn’t die. But then he woke up.” She closed her eyes. “I’ll never forget what he said. ‘I’m sorry. I fucked up. You can leave me, and I get it. But I swear on our children that I’m gonna get better for you, Faith.’”
Alec and Jamie’s laughter drifted into the kitchen from the living room across the house.
“He went cold turkey. It was the most awful three weeks of our lives. But he’s kept his promise.”
Faith opened her eyes and turned to Claire. “I don’t know you, honey, but I do know Jamie. He’ll never do that to you. He had to hit bottom in order to come up and find you.”
Claire licked her lips, stunned. “I – ”
“Trust me when I say that another one like him won’t come along. He wrote a whole album for you, Claire. You’re it. I know it probably scares the shit out of you – what would a guy like him see in a plain Jane woman like you? But believe me – you’re exactly what he needs.”
Claire’s heart thundered.
Jamie’s arms wrapped around her middle, drawing her against him for a kiss. “There you are. Come on – Alec says it’s time for dessert.”
Claire pivoted a bit to look up at Jamie. Gently cradled his jaw in one hand. Kissed the corner of his mouth.
Faith smiled at her over Jamie’s shoulder, Alec’s arm wound around her tightly.
“I think this used to be their daughter’s room.”
Jamie opened the closet door, keeping busy as Claire unzipped her overnight bag and took her toiletries into the ensuite bathroom.
“Have you ever met her?”
“Yes, a few months ago. Before The Ridge. My record company threw a party in LA and Alec brought her as his date. I was already half shitfaced but at least I remember being nice to her.”
He closed the closet door and stepped over to the other side of the bedroom, watching Claire wash her face.
“They are such a wonderful couple.”
“Yeah. Alec – he’s such a good sounding board. He got clean before it was even a thing. There were so few places like The Ridge back in the early 70s. Betty Ford, of course, but mostly for alcohol detox. Not a lot for the hard stuff. Faith and the kids have kept him on the straight and narrow. And he’s a much better man for it.” He paused. “I want what they have, Claire. Do you understand now?”
She set down her washcloth and turned to face him, leaning against the sink. Listening.
Jamie swallowed. “I want to share a home like this with you. A house that we can fix up, and call our own. I want you to have you own career, and for me to support you in what you do. And I want to have a houseful of kids. I want to share my life with you, in every way.”
She walked toward him, and hooked her thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans. “Are you proposing?”
“That’s what I want, Claire. But I need to know that it’s what you want, too.”
His eyes burned into hers. Outside, the wind whipped something against the window – tree limbs, or the branches of a rosebush.
“I can think of a thousand reasons why not. But none of them seem to matter.”
“We don’t have to rush it, Claire. You can come with me on tour this spring. We’ll just be playing clubs and theaters – no arenas. Not the full production – we’ll warm up to that. I want you to see me on the road. I want you to know what you’re getting into. But I want to share that with you, Claire.”
“Are you sure, Jamie? You sure you want to spend all that time with me? For all you know, I could be a horrible travel companion.”
He smiled. “Do you know what? I don’t think I care.”
She leaned up for a kiss.
“I’ll do it. The tour, I mean. And for the other stuff…”
He kissed her again. “We can talk about that more.”
She nodded. “I’m all in. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. I need to show you something.”
He stepped back a bit, and began unbuttoning his shirt.
Her eyebrows raised. “I thought we said we’d keep it PG-rated until further notice.”
“We are. I just – you need to see this. If you have any questions about how I feel.”
Now unbuttoned to the waist, Jamie pulled back the left flap of the shirt.
There, directly over his heart, was Claire.
He hissed as her thumb explored the tattoo.
“Got it as soon as I landed in LA from North Carolina. Friend of mine, who did most of the work on my arms.”
She bit her lip. “I don’t know what to say.”
His heart hammered beneath her thumb.
“We still have so much to learn about each other, Jamie.”
He reached out to tilt her chin, eyes meeting hers.
“I hope to have the rest of my life to learn about you, Claire.”
She parted her lips, and he dove in for another kiss.
“Starting tomorrow,” she breathed.
He nodded. “I want that.”
“Me too. Speaking to Faith – I can see how it’s hard for her sometimes. But the good always outweighs the bad. And I want that, too. I want what she has with Alec. I want that with you.”
He kissed her again. Again. Again.
Finally she pulled away, and rested her forehead against his.
“Can you hold me as I fall asleep?”
“Are you comfortable with that?”
She nodded. “I want to wake up next to you. The other stuff…it can wait. But I don’t want to wait to feel so close to you.”
He granted her wish that night. The next night, too – after a fun-filled day with Alec and Faith. And the night after that, when they stayed up very late, talking about their future, holding each other close.
At their very small wedding six months later, Alec gave a particularly rousing sparking grape juice toast. And Faith took the candid photo of Jamie and Claire that sat proudly, framed, on Claire’s bedside table for many, many years.
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
Thanks for opening your requests again 🥺💖
I would like to have a fluffy sick fic with some spice:
The reader gets sick on tour and tries their best to hide it from the boys, because they are not only part of the crew but also don't want them to worry. At some point Aleksi and Olli notice and force them to rest. Maybe one of them even "helps" the reader out and goes down on them until they are relaxed enough to fall asleep.
You are free to only write it for Aleksi or Olli but both of them would be amazing too 😌✨
Take your time with it 😘
hello anon! i did take my time with this, it took me two months and a half to get to it, sorry 😬 hope you enjoy nonetheless! 🖤 
You felt it right the moment you woke up: the shivers, the throbbing head, the fatigue. You rolled your eyes; there was no worse time to fall ill. You swore to yourself you wouldn’t take your temperature, maybe that way you’d be able to forget about it and ignore it away. 
However, some time later, when you’re helping move the guys’ equipment from the trailer to the venue, you feel like you could actually pass out. Everything feels heavier than usual and your legs threaten to give in at any step you take. You let out a sigh. 
“Here, gimme,” Olli appears beside you at some point, trying to replace your hands with his on the big black case containing some pieces of Tommi’s drums. “You seem to be struggling.” 
“I’m fine,” you say, not letting him take over. “Just a bit tired. It’s okay, I don’t need help.” 
Olli steps back then and you don’t turn to look at the expression on his face. 
Later, at soundcheck, you can barely focus on the task of sound engineering. You fuck up a couple of times, the music too loud for your headache, and soundcheck lasts ten minutes more than it usually does. You hope no one notices but Aleksi catches up with you before you can go back to the bus to get some other things for the show. 
“Hey,” he says, “are you okay?” 
You smile at him, trying to look serene. “Yeah. Why?” 
“You look pale. And why are you wearing a jacket inside?” 
“It’s not as warm when you aren’t under the stage lights.” 
With a raised eyebrow, Aleksi reaches his hand out to your forehead. He immediately withdraws it, like it just burned him. 
“Damn. You’re fucking hot.” 
“Well, so are you,” you say, trying to laugh it off with a joke, but Aleksi only ever so imperceptibly smiles before turning serious. 
“You need to go back to the bus and rest. Take the night off.” 
Your eyes widen at his words. “No. I’m fine, I swear. I can w-,” but a coughing fit cuts you off. 
“Yeah, you can work, sure.” 
“I can,” you say. “Please, don’t tell the others.” 
Aleksi looks at you with his lips pressed together, slightly shaking his head before walking off. 
When you finally get the chance to go back to the bus to grab what you needed earlier, you find Olli and Aleksi inside. Before you can say anything, Olli is behind you, in front of the door. 
“You’re gonna stay here now. You’re sick and you need to rest,” Aleksi says before you. 
“Don’t be silly, we have a gig to prepare,” you make to turn to the door, but Olli is blocking your way. 
“The rest of the crew will take care of it,” Olli says. “They were informed you’re taking the evening off. You shouldn’t have worked at all today.” 
Being more emotionally fragile when sick, you almost start crying. You’re frustrated that your request of not letting the others know wasn’t met, despite Aleksi and Olli’s good faith. 
“I’m too stressed about not being able to help to rest anyway.” 
Aleksi is looking at Olli behind you, a silent conversation going on that you’re too brain-fogged to grasp. 
“We’ll cuddle with you in the lounge area,” Olli says and that’s when you finally turn to him. “If you want. We’ll take care of you.” 
A shiver runs down your spine, either from the fever or the implication that cuddles doesn’t really mean cuddles. Right about now, it sounds perfect; so you nod your assent, accepting once and for all that you won’t be working tonight, and a weight is lifted off your chest. 
In the lounge area, Aleksi sits down on the couch and brings you down with him so that you’re sitting between his legs. 
“Relax, baby,” he says in your ear when he feels how tense your back is against him. You release the tension with a deep breath. “Good girl.” 
You feel the vibrations of his words in his chest, his breath against the side of your face. His warmth all around you is comforting, but it’s still not enough to unwind. Everyone but you is working their asses off, making sure today’s gig will be perfect, your help is needed and here you are just - 
“Hey,” Olli says, deep voice low. He kneels on the floor across from you, sending another shiver down your spine. Aleksi must’ve perceived it, having started stroking your sides with his hands. “You aren’t present.” 
Having probably mistaken the lustful shiver for a cold-related one, Aleksi pushes you off of him just slightly, unzips his hoodie and shreds it, making you wear it. You’re even more enveloped in his scent now. You sigh blissfully. 
“Sorry,” you tell Olli. It’s true, you aren’t fully present yet, but you’re gradually getting there. Aleksi’s hands, roaming your body, finally set on your breasts through his hoodie. You relax your neck muscles and let your head fall against his collarbone. 
“I know something that’ll ground you,” Olli looks up at you with a smirk, and as soon as you smirk back, your pants are off of you. Aleksi is faster than Olli, leaving one of your breasts to reach between your legs, teasing your clit idly, rubbing it in slow circles with three fingers. You groan and feel the vibration of a low chuckle against your back. His hand is so warm… 
Suddenly another finger is poking at your hole, this time Olli’s. He puts it inside slowly but easily (given how wet you already are) and curls it upwards. The stimulation to your g-spot makes you moan and press further into Aleksi’s body. He’s hardening against your lower back. 
You spread your legs further when Olli comes closer, never taking his finger from inside you. Aleksi makes room for Olli’s mouth on your clit and you send your head back in pleasure. 
“Yeah baby, like this,” Aleksi whispers in your ear, hands sliding up under your shirt now so he can touch your breasts properly. Him pinching your nipples and Olli’s tongue on your clit at the same time threaten to make you come far too soon but you have no energy to fight it. 
You finally let go, relaxing completely against Aleksi’s body. He’s fully hard against your back now, thrusting his hips up to get more friction when Olli moves his tongue in a way that feels particularly good and makes you moan louder. A glance down at Olli and your stomach turns, his profound blue eyes looking up at you with sultry intensity, causing you to slide downwards in your seat, closer to him. You grab his head with a hand, fingers in his soft curls, and he starts rotating his tongue like a washing machine, his finger inside you moving in and out faster. Your other hand ends up on Aleksi’s cheek, bringing him closer to your face until you’re kissing. You don’t stop your make out session even when you finally come, moaning in his mouth as your hand in Olli’s hair tightens. The pleasure washes through you intensely, leaving you with ringing ears and even more weary than before. 
Aleksi carefully removes himself from behind you, guiding you to lie down on the couch. You’re already half asleep when Olli disappears and when you wake up hours later, there’s a quilt over your body keeping you warm.  
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4rainynite · 3 years
Infinity Train Headcanons
Just a bunch of Infinity Train headcanons I've come up with, I'm only doing five per character so it won't too long. I'm mainly gonna focus on the passenger characters and do the denizens later on. Majority of them have been posted on @infinity-train-headcanons already (awesome blog by the way), but whatever here we go:
The reason Tulip loves onions so much is because when her mother was pregnant she craved onions a lot. Mrs. Olsen thinks onions are okay at best, but Tulip loves them.
Tulip is fairly athletic (that explains why she could do all those stunts on the train), but prefers gaming and coding. Her classmates that are on sports teams are greatly annoyed that she won't join.
Despite Lake being gone she can still take pictures of herself on cameras or through a selfie (and sometimes see herself in water), because those are images not reflections.
Tulip would so adopt a corgi and name him “Atticus the 2nd” and put miniature crowns on him.
When Tulip goes to Oshkosh she'll based her game on her adventures on the train. Not only will it be super popular, but some of the other campers and counselors will suggest some cars because some of them were passengers as well.
After, Lake left she accidently started a revolution in the Chrome Car. In the end (in a future fanfic of mine) there will be peace and Lake and a certain group of passengers will help.
Lake won't be able to start school immediately (due to Tulip being in middle school and Jesse being in high school) , but she is able to do homeschooling. Come next school year she'll be at school with Jesse
Lake lives in the Cosay's attic. They've tried to convince her/him/them (other pronouns) to take the guest room, but Lake's cool with it. Mainly, because she/he/they gets a view of the lake she/he/ they named themselves after.
Lake is super into art! It's mainly abstract and black, but she loves it! The problem is Jesse's parents have to buy the spray paint for her.
Lake loves traveling to new places and Jesse brings her/him/them along when the swim team travels to different places.
After, the train Jesse decides to join theatre class/club. He mainly gets background or understudy parts, but he loves to sing.
Is a Chicken Choice Judy fan and gets Lake and Nate into them. Jesse and Lake theorize that Chicken Choice Judy were passengers at one point.
Jesse becomes closer with his swim team to be friends, he is currently co-captain.
Jesse really misses Alan Dracula, so, Lake got him one of those deer plushies as a gift. Jesse put glasses on it and named it Alan Dracula the Second and Cuddliest.
Jesse always picks vampire movies during movie night at the Cosay house. I believe he really likes vampires .
Grace's parents so would've sent her to boarding school after the shoplifting thing instead of just talking to her.
Grace will be the last former Apex member to leave the train due to her number still being high. In the meantime she still helps passengers lower their numbers.
There is no way Grace was the only person to form a cult on the Infinity Train. Grace's was just the longest surviving one of eight years, I won't explain why Grace's was the longest due to... cult stuff.
Grace rarely got to see her maternal grandparents, due to her mother wanting to reject her low-class upbringing. From what little memories she had, Grace misses them.
Grace regrets what she put Hazel through and wants her back, but she knows her leaving was for the best no matter how much it hurts.
I don't know why but I see Hazel as a vegetarian.
When Tuba found her she was a baby, not a baby turtle, a baby- baby.
She and Amelia will be close, but will never have a true mother - daughter relationship. I know Amelia is trying to get better, but she admitted she's not a caretaker.
She'll sing Tuba's Lullaby to comfort herself in stressful situations and whenever she feels she'll forget her.
Hazel will be adopted by Ryan and Min-Gi when she gets off the train and Tulip, Lake, Jesse, and Nate will be like siblings to her. Okay, okay, okay, I know that's a very long shot, but Hazel deserves happiness!
Was a boy scout or took a survival class, I mean how else would he know about frostbite in Le Chat Chalet Car.
Probably went to way too many funerals as a child. I'm going by what he said to Hazel about neighbors brining casseroles.
Simon would get into fights with his teachers and classmates about being right about every little thing, even as a he was a narcissist.
Simon so had a crush on Grace way before their 'awkward middle school kiss' . After, Grace's betrayal whatever feelings he had were gone.
Was a fantasy nerd and wanted to be a fantasy writer. His trilogy book would've had his character based off himself being made a king.
Ryan and his youngest brother are the only two in their family who wear glasses.
Is still on good terms with his ex-girlfriends (Disco Girl, Punk Girl, and Hippie Girl). Yeah, they broke up, but Ryan wasn't their worse ex and was nice to them. They love telling Min-Gi embarrassing dating stories.
He most likely had suicidal thoughts, once off the train he tells Min-Gi and gets help through therapy.
Despite not gaining attention during his solo gigs he did make a friend or two during his stops like the lesbian couple at the party in the Twin Tapes. Which helps spread Chicken Choice Judy's music.
Ryan is very strong despite his scrawny appearance, due to carrying equipment, changing tires, and other heavy lifting activities.
Was diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age. His parents worried this would hamper him so they would hire a tutor after school when he wasn't playing with Ryan.
Is a really good cook, but his main specialties are Korean dishes (his mother taught him) and breakfast food (working at Dumpty's Diner).
Has an artistic side, but rarely used it except for the Chicken Choice Judy t-shirt. Later on he designs the covers for CCJ's CDs.
He most likely has a bunch of older cousins. I think Mr. and Mrs. Parks had Min-Gi late, so he's the baby of the cousins.
To me Min-Gi never shown in interest in dating or romance. His parents tried to set him up a few of their co-workers' daughters, but nothing ever happened afterwards. He does love Ryan though.
I believe Amelia will get off the train, but when she does majority of her friends and family and friends will be gone and will return to the train.
Amelia will allow Hazel to play with the denizens while she works on the train. She may not be a caretaker, but she remembers being a child and children need to have fun.
I think Amelia was jealous of Min-Gi and Ryan, since the two remind her of Alrick and herself in their youth and what could've been if he lived. She dubs them 'Destiny Rubbish Duet'.
Amelia would monitor the Snow Car frequently to make sure One would never leave or any passengers interacted with him. But, the one time in thirty years she set her clock on the wrong time to wake up, allowing Tulip to find One-One.
The day Amelia picked out her wedding dress was the same day she got the news of Alrick's passing.
Well, that was a long post. I may do more in the future, so I'll just end it here.
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duskamethyst · 3 years
at last.
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a/n: in celebration of reaching 200 followers. thank you. i’ve started this piece months ago but constantly failed to find the will to continue whenever i opened the draft. however, the response i’ve received from my other works gave me the drive and i knew i had to finish this.
word count: 4.1k
genre: smut, nsfw, fluff
pairing: musician!semi x f!reader
warnings: mirror sex, soft dom
summary: you and semi are in a band together. though having feelings for the male, you’ve always kept it professional until one night...
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“thank you for tonight! you guys were amazing!” you speak through the mic enthusiastically, waving to the crowd as they cheered on and begging for an encore at the same time. “we hope to see your faces again when we come out with new songs soon! please continue to support us! we love you!” your lips curl into a huge smile, stepping off to the back of the stage while waving your fans goodbye before the staff hands you a towel to wipe off your sweat and a mineral bottle to cool off.
it’s another amazing night in a different city for you and the band. the feeling of having people enjoying your music and your voice is overwhelming and to have such wonderful bandmates to join you in this journey for three years now has you feeling beyond blessed.
the band started small, having the drummer and bassist as your high school besties while the guitarist, semi eita was later picked up along the way when one day you blasted on your socials and the small music stores stating the band needed a new guitar player. your band was pretty well-known in the town you live in, showing up and performing at a few gigs and now you’re much more familiar in the industry and often play in different cities. 
semi was one of the few candidates that was chosen to be part of the band. much to everyone’s surprise, playing the guitar wasn’t his only talent. semi was able to write lyrics, produce and sing and that’s what made him stand out among the others. while making the decision with your band mates, you guys knew not to pass up on him and today it proved to be the right decision you guys had made. 
to describe semi eita, he’s incredible. a genius and a sight for sore eyes. hell, he could even pass to be a model if he was into it. you knew that his addition to the band could garner more fans through his skills and looks. on his first night at the gig as the guitarist, you noticed how some of the girls there were ogling him and especially recording him through their phones, even the older woman who was practically forced to be there almost every night by her husband paid more attention (and you believed it was because of semi’s presence) as your band performed. maybe the fangirls could start off by drooling over his looks before they could slowly support the band entirely, hence building a bigger fanbase. 
you feel a little bad for him. you believe that semi is more than just his looks but you can’t really blame people for liking pretty things– it’s only natural. semi has a burning passion for music and what he does and he works tirelessly for the band. he gives his all when he writes lyrics and he uses most of his time by himself inside the studio, learning and enhancing his skills further. you often accompany him in the studio, offering your opinions when he shares the new lyrics he came up with and the studio would be filled with harmonizing voices of yours and his. 
a weird fuzzy feeling engulfs you when you learn that semi had always especially asked for you to join him in the studio and never the other guys, but you alway shrug it off; reminding yourself that it’s only because of work and nothing else.
though no matter how much you try to deny your feelings, you know you’re already head over heels for semi eita.
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you sigh and put down your luggage as soon as you walk into your hotel room before looking out at the window to see the fans that were swarming as you arrived earlier begins to dissipate slowly. as you’re smiling and being lost in your thoughts, you start to hear strumming sounds from the other side of the room– undoubtedly semi’s. 
it’s way past midnight and you’re all tired from the tour and the recent performance. while all you can think about is getting inside the tub and having a good night sleep, semi on the other hand can only think about the next show and creating new music. though he’s much more new to the industry compared to you, he works so diligently and it makes you feel a bit guilty and shameful. so you decide to come up to his room and see if he needs anything– or maybe just to persuade him to stop thinking about work and go to sleep. 
“eita, it’s me.” you say as you knock on his door. you hear the strums come to a halt before he opens the door for you. “gosh, you look terrible.” 
it’s only partly true. his hair is disheveled and he only has his jeans on from earlier but you try so hard not to check him out and quickly walk inside his room. semi closes the door as he turns to you, “you’re not asleep yet?” 
“no, i heard you were playing and that’s why i’m here. you know you should be sleeping instead, right?” you sit on the couch where he was sitting earlier. sheets of paper are spread on the coffee table and you pick up the one with the lyrics that he wrote. 
“sorry,” he apologizes as he sits next to you and notices the one that you’re reading. “but it’s good that you’re here too.” 
ignoring the little skip your heart made, you refuse to look at him and read one of the lines out loud in an attempt to play cool.
“i’m alone,
“i just wrote that one in the van earlier.” he scratches the back of his neck as he laughs nervously. his eyes never tearing from you, just watching while you scrutinize through his little work.
i’ve nowhere to go,
but you gently held my hand.”
you smile as you finish reading the last line of his incomplete lyrics and turn to look at him, “i wonder what it sounds like?”
“ah, i haven’t figured it out much but i think it could go like this.” he grabs the guitar from where he left earlier and places it in front of his chest before slowly strumming a few chords. you watch as his fingers sweep up and down across the strings, his black nails that you painted weeks ago are only left with little residues. 
it sounds exactly like you heard in your room earlier. his voice and the tunes he’s making fills the room and it sounds absolutely beautiful. you can sense the longingness in his work this time around, a little different from what he used to play but a little change doesn’t really mean bad– it feels like something that many people can relate to.
you gleefully clap your hands as he stops playing and a faint blush creeps up to his cheeks which he hopes you don’t notice. 
“what’s your inspiration this time?” you ask as he puts back down the instrument.
“well…” semi sighs and leans further into the couch. “someone special to me– the reason i started pursuing this.” 
a heavy lump suddenly forms in your throat, making your stomach churn at the thought of semi having someone special in mind but you quickly shake off the feeling. you’ve always been close with the male, he was easy to get along with from the start and semi would agree that out of all the members, he spent the most time with you; though it's only because it’s strictly on a work basis and you respect that, and you remain professional.
“must be. you’ve never written anything so personal but tell me all about it! you know i won’t judge.” you force a smile, hoping that it’s not too obvious and instead semi laughs at your eagerness to know about his little puppy love. 
“it’s not even that great. i feel like it’s rather ironic– the reason i pursue this is also the reason we can’t be together.” he looks at you as he speaks, as if searching for something.
“damn, that sucks so bad.” you lean back to the couch with him and gaze at the ceiling while imagining the type of person semi would like and start to mindlessly compare yourself to them– putting you down even further.
“you get it, right? on top of that, i think we would lose some fans if we start to date.” he continues as he rests his arm behind your head in a more relaxing manner. he hopes that he emphasized the word clearly so he could get a reaction from you.
however, you only laugh a bit at his consideration. you can already imagine the online articles being bombarded about semi being in a relationship, not forgetting the snarky remarks and lashes he and his partner might get on stan twitter and the thought makes you shudder.
“but i would want to see you happy... even if it’s not with me.” you mumble lowly before realizing what you just blurt out on the last part. “i mean- i mean- i was thinking from a fan’s point of view, of course!”
the sight of you being bashful and constantly avoiding to make eye contact with him is endearing to him. he can’t help but to laugh and it provokes him to tease you instead. his hand creeps up to pull and tuck away the strands of hair behind your ear, instantly drawing your attention to the male next to you. you’re waiting for him to speak but he only stares quietly at you with a gentle smile across his face. 
“what?” you’re surprised at how meek you sound and you know he notices it when his smile turns into an amused shit-eating grin. 
“really? you’d be happy for me?” he asks, leaning his head down on the arm he has hanging on the couch back. 
“um, yeah? since you’re my–”
“friend?” he cuts you off in an instant. “i’d be happier to at least know that you’d feel jealous, though.” 
jealous? you blink and nervously laugh at the poor joke, “why would i be– you’re funny. anyways, go to sleep!” 
semi’s lips tug into a frown as you stand up from the couch and when you’re about to take a step away, semi grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him. he wraps his arms securely around you and buries his face at the nape of your neck, inhaling the very faint scent from your expensive perfume you had on before the show. 
“you’re so close, yet so far.” his hot breath fans against your skin as he murmurs with a hint of frustration lacing his voice. 
thinking not too deeply into it, you disregard the butterflies in your stomach, “yeah, i think you can put that in the song.” you attempt to reply coyly, concealing any suggestions of you being a total nerve-wreck right now. 
“god dammit.” semi curses. he turns your face to look at his, “this isn’t about work anymore.”
“what–” he presses his lips on yours and his arms pull you closer to him which your body wastes no time but to completely melt into.
semi pulls away to take a breath, locking his brown eyes with yours as he speaks. “stop making me feel so lonely.”
“i’m… sorry…?” your apology comes out unsurely, not knowing where this conversation is leading up to and it’s making you feel apprehensive more than anything. there’s no way he’s confessing, right?
semi sighs as he runs his fingers through your hair, “i used to only play the guitar as a hobby but you’re the reason why i even thought about getting into this band.” 
you’re out of words to speak from the abruptness and remain quiet before he continues, “i thought i’d be happy enough just being close to you but i realized i wanted more than that. am i being selfish?”
you break free from his grasps and turn to the blushing male before curling into his chest. semi’s body is still as he processes what’s happening and slowly relaxes as he wraps his arms around you again.
“no, eita, no. you’re not.” you reassure. “i really had no idea.” 
“then, can i kiss you again?” 
“whatever you want, eita.” you mutter under your breath before he gently cups your chin with his fingers and pulls you into a deep kiss. 
for the second time that night, you feel as if you’re on cloud nine as your wet tongues twirl against each other in your mouths. a faint taste of tobacco and beer still lingers on his tongue but you pay no mind to it when you’re too busy drowning into your own ecstasy. 
semi manages to push you down on your back without breaking the kiss and props on his knees before his hands wander all around your body. a gasp passes your lips when he squeezes your breasts against your shirt and his lips move down to nip on your neck. 
“e-eita...” you breathe and the male pulls away to look at you with heavy lidded eyes– and they’re filled with desire. 
“whatever i want, right?” he whispers and you nod your head before he delves back down to litter bruises on your skin. “and what i want is you.” 
warmth surfaces on your cheeks as you hum in response, a subtle reply to tell him that the feeling is mutual. as soon as semi lifts up your shirt, he quickly tips down to tug your bra and latches his mouth on your hardened nipple while his fingers tweak the other. the stimulation causes your body to jolt in pleasure and you can practically feel yourself drenching in your panties.
semi glances up at you expectantly when he notices your thighs are pressed together underneath him. with his other free hand, he lifts up your denim skirt and rubs circles on your clit against the damped fabric. 
you mewl and tug his hair gently as your hips desperately grind against his finger for relief. 
“does it feel good?” he speaks softly. “you’re so wet for me.”
“y-yeah.” you mumble a little bit in embarrassment after he pointed it out but semi finds it to be endearing as he lets out a breathy chuckle. 
“i’ll make you feel even better,” he grins, bending your knees up and spreading them apart. “but i need to hear it.”
you nibble your lip anxiously, “please?”
“please what?” he coos, though he’s already settling his head down between your thighs while he looks at you with passion filled eyes.
your lips feign a pout but your pussy twitches when you feel his finger pulls your panties to the side, “please make me feel better.”
“good enough.” he smirks before spreading your puffy folds and sticks out his tongue to lap off your essence. 
a loud moan rips from your throat as he sucks on your clit and purposely teases it with quick flicks with the tip of his tongue. your legs start to tremble and try to close together but to no avail since semi holds them apart from crushing his head. 
there were nights where he could only touch himself while imagining how you would sound like writhing underneath him but tonight, you made his dreams turn into reality. your moans and whines are like music to his ears and they’re better (and he knows it would be) than what he expected. now semi is driven even more to hear what more beautiful sounds you can produce for him.
semi groans when he slips one finger inside your tight hole and you cry in surprise as you feel his finger brushing in and out through your walls. he can feel that the walls are already sucking him greedily while your hips jerk to fuck yourself with his finger.
“god, you’re so fucking hot.” he grunts, inserting another finger and fucks you ruthlessly. you can feel your orgasm building and threatening to tip over when his finger curls, hitting your g with every drag. 
“fuck, eita–” you pant as your toes curl over the unbearable stimulation and causes your body to shake. 
“feels great, hm? i want you to cum all over my fingers.” he toys with the swollen bud before harshly sucking it.
“mmhh– gonna cum!” your eyes screw shut as your orgasm finally crashes down and your pussy gushes and flutters around his fingers.
your breathing turns erratic and a whine escapes your lips from the emptiness when semi pulls out to lick his fingers.
“you taste so fucking good.” he groans, hovering above you and crashes his lips onto yours so you can taste your own juices from his tongue before he pulls away breathlessly.
“i want to make you feel good too, eita.” you whisper almost innocently and push him back so he can sit down on the couch. semi watches you as you kneel beside him to unbuckle his belt and proceed to unbutton and unzip his jeans swiftly before he helps you release his throbbing dick from its confinements. 
you nearly gawk at the size of his cock; thick and veiny, tip flushing red with a bead of precum. you give a few strokes with your hand and a sharp hiss rolls off his tongue as soon as he feels your tongue swirling around the slit and slowly taking a fair amount inside your mouth. 
“fuuuuck.” he sighs as he sinks into his seat further, eyes closed shut as he lets you take over. you offer the pressure needed by pressing the bottom of the length with your hand and hollowing your cheeks while your tongue runs up and down the rest of his cock, slobbering it with your saliva. 
“oh, fuck– baby. that feels so fucking good.” tears prickle from the corner of your eyes when you force yourself to take deeper into your mouth and his hips jerk when the tip hits the back of your throat. semi’s hand finds itself on top of your head; he makes sure not to tug your hair too hard as he guides you bottom to top and a pop sound is audible when he pulls you away just before he feels like he’s about to cum. 
he wipes the tears from your eyes and kisses you while pulling his jeans and boxers all the way down before continuing to carry you off from the couch with him and leads you to his bed. 
“can i?” he looks at you concerningly and you nod your head yes.
“take it all off.” he commands once he puts you down on the bed. what seemed to be the gentle semi is long gone but his dominating side makes you undeniably excited so you easily oblige, peeling off your clothes until you’re bare and naked in front of him.
“on your knees.” he orders again and you submissively get on your knees but he stops you before you can lean down on the bed. “face the mirror.”
you turn your head to see the large mirror in front of the bed and shift again as he climbs on the bed and props behind you. 
“i want us both to see how pretty you look when i’m balls deep inside you.” he grins.
a soft mewl rolls off your tongue when semi smears your juices through your slits with his cock. he grabs your hips for leverage as he slowly penetrates into your hole and you bite your lip hard when you can feel his girth stretches you out both painfully and deliciously. semi gives you a moment to adjust and after receiving the green light does he begin to move his hips. 
“i’ve waited so long for this.” he growls, black nails digging deeper into your skin that'll be able to leave crescent marks by the end of the session as he pounds his cock into your cunt erratically. 
your cheek is pressed down and your hands clutch the bed sheet as you feel his veins brushing against your walls and his tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. semi’s breathing is already ragged from above you, hips diligently rolling into you as he picks up the pace. 
“look at you, baby– fuck– i’m so lucky.” you moan at the praise, subconsciously feeding to your ego; to be desired by semi and to have semi fucking you into oblivion. 
“s-so good.” you whine, glancing up to the mirror to see yourself but what you’re mostly able to see is the man behind you. his toned abs, ash blonde bangs almost covering his eyes and brows furrowed in focus as he ruts into you mercilessly like a feral beast and it’s fueling your arousal even further.
a mischievous smile etches on his lips as his hazy eyes light up once they meet yours through the reflection, “i don’t think you can see yourself that well.”
you feel your body being lifted up abruptly before he makes you stand on your knees with your back against his broad chest. in front of you, you can clearly see the mess he has made out of you; hair unkempt, pussy slopping and dripping down his balls and the sheets from where your bodies are connected. 
“better.” he smirks through the mirror. both of your eyes fixed on the reflected image ahead; your tits bouncing up and down as he continues to thrust into you while his arm wraps around your torso to hold you in place. 
“so– pretty. my baby– my muse.” he says in between grunts and takes one hand to cup your face. “can you see my cock go in and out of you?” semi intends to show you how lewd it looks by pulling out his thick cock slowly and pushing back inside your pussy in an agonizing pace. 
“yes, fuck– eita.” you sob, staring at the mirror ahead as you see his cock glistens with slick when he pulls out from your stretched cunt and fills you back in, edging you at the same time. 
“and what happens when i touch you here?” he coos, reaching down to press your clit with his thumb. a shock of pleasure washes through your body, making your eyes roll back and your head thrown back to his shoulder. “come on, you can tell me.”
“it’s-it’s gonna make m-me cum.” you whimper as your hips roll desperately against his finger and each time he plunges into you. 
“and you’re gonna sing my name when you do, right?” 
“yesyesyes– please, just–” semi cuts you off by continuing his pace again and the knot in your stomach tightens at the feeling of being stuffed full when he rams deep inside you along with his ministrations on your throbbing bud.
his other hand pinches your pebbled nipple and causes you to keen in pleasure and you finally open your eyes to look at the mirror again to see the compromising position you’re in and the way he manhandles you; having absolute control all over your squirming body with both his hands and his cock– and it got your vision turning white as you tip over the edge. 
“eita!” your lips part into a scream as your pussy flutters around his cock and come undone. the walls squeezing him elicits a low growl from his throat and he holds your body with both his arms as he remains to fuck you in order to chase after his own high.
“fuck– that’s it.” he kisses your head when you let out a choke from the overstimulation. “i’m gonna fill this pretty pussy.” sporadic thrusts begin to stutter as his balls tighten and his cock twitches inside you to indicate that he’s close to reaching his orgasm and a loud moan rips from his throat as he finally comes undone. 
semi stills for a few moments inside you, catching his breath and regaining composure before he lifts your body slightly to pull out his softening cock. your trembling knees fail to keep you up so your body falls down on the mattress and semi chuckles at the sight as he joins next to you. 
“you did so good for me, love.” his sharp, brown eyes gazes adoringly into yours and a soft smile tugs the corner of his lips as he caresses your hair. “was i too rough?”
“just a little,” you blush. “but i liked it.”
semi sighs in relief and draws closer to give a chaste kiss on your forehead, “i’ll run a warm bath for you, alright? then we can go to sleep.”
you nod your head, feeling warm and fuzzy when he holds you in his strong arms before he leaves for the bathroom. as you wait and hear water filling the tub, your mind wanders how you’re going to break the news to your manager about your blossoming relationship with semi. 
and semi thinks about the same thing too. 
whatever it is, it doesn’t matter to him. 
as long as he has you.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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crowleesi · 3 years
Just Friends
V insists that she and Viktor are just friends, despite the overwhelming evidence that suggests otherwise.
Inspired by this beautiful artwork by @tekstelart.
I haven’t written anything in YEARS and I am super nervous to post this but my fellow Viktor simps have inspired me <3
Read it on ao3 here!
“Bein’ careful is a concept that is entirely lost on you, isn’t it?” Vik grumbles, wiping the last of the blood away from the already healing wound on V’s forearm, thanks to the nanites the ripperdoc had injected into her just a few minutes before. It wasn’t a concept that was lost on her, not completely - she’d made it this far without getting herself killed, so she figured she was doing something right. The gig hadn’t really been all that different from many others; she and Jackie were outnumbered 4:1 by gangers that were sloppy fighters and lousy shots, and V had been taking on a guy twice her size when he’d pulled a machete and sliced her arm open.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” She flashes him a grin, and the corner of his lips turn up as he shakes his head and throws the rag down beside them.
“Lemme get’cha a Maxdoc, hold on.” He rounded the surgical chair and disappeared around back - V watched him walk away, letting her eyes trail over the curve of his large, muscular back, before turning her attention back to Jackie who, incidentally, was smirking at her.
“What?” She said, and he immediately started fluttering his eyelashes, clutching his hands together under his chin.
“Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about, doctor,” He mocked in an unnecessarily high pitched voice, before laughing. “You got it so bad.”
V rolled her eyes and tossed the bloody rag at him. “Fuck off, we’re just friends.”
“Whatever you say, chica,” Jackie chuckles, and Vik returns to V’s side.
“I trust you know what to do with this?” He asks, leaning his hip on the chair beside V, holding out the inhaler. V took it from him, took two puffs of the medication and thanked him. Vik patted her thigh, a signal to get off the chair, and she hopped down, trying not to focus on the warmth of his large hand. She quickly headed over to his desk where she'd left her jacket, hoping Vik hadn't noticed the blush creeping across her cheeks.
“Vik, you comin’ to Misty’s tonight?” Jackie asked the ripperdoc as he cleared down his station. V pretended not to really pay attention as she pulled on her jacket, though she held her breath waiting for his answer.
“Nah, you kids go on without me,” he said, and V’s heart sank. “I got another client, anyhow.”
“Yeah, so,” Jackie said. “Come after!”
V looked over to Vik, and he looked up at her.
"C'mon, doc," she pleaded. "It'll be fun." He hummed, kicking his stool over to his desk. "Even if you have one drink, just swing by." Vik settled down on his stool, looking up at V. She flashed him her winning smile, and he looked down, shaking his head with a chuckle.
"Fuckin' A!" Jackie hollered. "Catch ya later, hermano. Let's hit it, V." Vik waved a hand as Jackie headed out, and V followed, turning to glance over her shoulder. Vik sent her a wink, and she bit her lip in an effort to contain her smile. She followed Jackie out of the clinic and he turned to smirk at her.
"Not a word." She warned, and he laughed, shoving her shoulder.
Vik would be lying through his fucking teeth if he said he wasn't having a good time. A few hours earlier, he'd made his way up to the roof above Misty’s Esoterica. He could hear the music from outside his clinic, and felt it vibrate in his chest as the elevator got closer to the top. He'd headed up the last set of stairs two at a time, and stepped out onto the roof to find a large group of people yelling over music, dancing, drinking. He'd scanned the crowd until he'd spotted Jackie and Misty, but V was nowhere in sight. As he'd made his way through the crowd of strangers, he was greeted by a few familiar faces, and high fived by a guy he’d never seen before.
He'd immediately had a beer thrust in his hand as Jackie greeted him as though he hadn't seen him in months.
"Viktor fuckin' Vektor!" He had yelled over the music, clapping him on the back and pointing over to the other side of the roof, telling him that it was about time he showed, cause V was waiting for him.
Donning a long line black bralette and tight, black jeans, she was a fucking vision; her lustrous, black hair cascaded down her back in waves, and she'd looked over at Vik with eyes of purest amber. She'd jumped up from her seat when she'd spotted him across the crowd, and had forced her way through the makeshift dance floor to greet him.
They'd spent the entire night together; drinking, laughing, and even dancing. Vik had insisted that he did not dance, but V wasn't having it. She'd grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the dance floor, and they got lost in a sea of people as she threw her arms around his neck and swayed her hips, keeping him close. He didn't dance so much as shuffle, hold her hips tentatively, and focus on anything other than getting hard.
It was an impossible task. V had thrown her head back with a laugh, running her hands down his chest and turning around, leaning back into his chest and holding his hands on her hips, moving in sync with the music. Vik had tried to think of anything other than the small beads of sweat trickling down her chest, her stomach… fuck, she was killing him.
It was utter torture but eventually his salvation lay in V deciding she needed another drink, and had dragged Vik over to a couch.
Hours later, as the party was winding down, the music was quieter and the two of them hadn't moved from their seat at the far corner of the roof. They had been exchanging stories - Vik of his boxing days, reminiscing tales that V had heard many times before but never got bored of hearing, and V of her days as a Nomad, what her childhood was like and how she ended up in Night City.
Vik had also heard these stories before but never said a word. He was lost in the way her eyes shone with excitement, and the perfect shape of her lips that he just knew were as soft as they looked.
V trailed off when her eyes met Vik's and she took a moment to just look at him. It was the early hours of the morning, with only the glow of the surrounding blue and pink neon lights outlining his features amongst the pitch black of night. She had memorised every single detail of his face back when they first met; the freckles that dotted his nose, the scar on his chin and the brilliant blue of his eyes.
God, she thought. He's fucking beautiful.
"V?" His voice was liquid velvet, and she sighed. "You all right?"
"Yeah, just… tired, I guess." She said, stretching and shifting to lay on her back, resting her legs over Vik's lap. He smiled down at her, leaning over to set his beer down on the table in front of them. He sat back, one arm resting over the back of the couch and the other stroking her leg.
She reached out a hand, and Vik raised an eyebrow.
"C'mere," her voice was husky now from all the yelling and alcohol she'd consumed, and Vik swallowed thickly. Her smile fucking melted him.
"All right," he said. "Scoot." V grinned and shuffled over as Vik got settled between the back of the couch and V's side. She lifted her arm, and he snuggled into her side, resting his chin on her chest. Wrapping her arm around his neck, she stroked his collarbone delicately and he hummed, breathing in the sweetness of her perfume. V was sure she'd never heard a more gorgeous sound in her fucking life.
"Thank you, by the way." She says suddenly. "For patching me up. Again." Vik chuckled, and she felt it reverberate through his chest and into her side. His arm hung lazily over her hips, and he sighed against her skin, tucking his leg between hers.
When V wakes up a few hours later, there is nothing but the distant sound of traffic and the warm glow of the sunrise to greet her. She rolls onto her back, opening her eyes when she meets the back of the couch instead of a large, muscular chest. She sits up, pressing a hand to her head, cursing at the dull ache.
Over by the edge of the roof, Jackie and Misty were sleeping soundly, with Misty tucked into his side. V smiles, stifling a yawn when a gravelly voice says her name. She looks up to find Vik approaching her, four coffee cups in hand. Whether it was the soft glow of neon in the dark of night or the light of a sunrise that illuminated Viktor Vektor, he left her fucking breathless.
He set down two coffees in front of Jackie and Misty, and kisses the top of V's head before he takes a seat beside her, handing her a cup.
"G'morning," he said, and she took a sip of coffee, sighing as the hot liquid pooled in her stomach.
He sat close by her side, taking the top off of his coffee cup and taking a large mouthful. V watched as his throat bobbed when he swallowed, and the way he licked his lips and let out a content sigh. When their arms brush against each other, Vik looks down at her with a smile, leaning his knee against hers. She can't fight the lopsided grin that spreads across her lips, and tries to hide it behind her coffee cup. Vik leans forward to rest his forearms on his knees, looking over to Jackie and Misty.
"I had a good time last night." He said, turning his chin into his shoulder to look at V. She made a mental note to thank late nights and alcohol for what it did to his voice.
"Me too." She said. "I'm glad you came." His lips turned up and he held out his coffee cup.
"So am I." She giggled and tapped her cup against his own, revelling in his smile lines and the way his skin appeared golden in the early morning light. Her eyes travelled down to his lips, and her heart fluttered in her chest. Fuck, she wanted to close the gap between them. She'd fantasised over how his lips would feel against her own since the day they first met, sure that they would be soft, that he'd kiss her so tenderly that she'd forget to breathe.
And she almost does when Vik's smile falters a little and he slowly leans closer to her. His eyes fall to her lips and fuck, is this really happening? Her breathing becomes shallow, her heart starts to race as she finds herself leaning into the ripperdoc. It felt like the air around them suddenly became electrically charged. The space between them was fucking magnetic.
A loud groan brings V back to reality, pulling back from Vik as she looks over to where Jackie was now stretching and cursing in Spanish. Vik let out a defeated sigh as he sat back, bringing his coffee cup to his lips.
"Mi maldita cabeza," he grumbled, as Misty sat up groggily, yawning as she looked over to the couch where V and Vik were perched.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"Too fuckin' early." Jackie said, spotting the coffee cups in front of them. "Oh, fuck yeah."
"Good morning, sunshine." V cooed, and Jackie flipped her off as he took a large, audible sip of coffee.
"That's the shit, right there." He hands Misty her cup, which she cradles close to her chest. V was all too aware of the rigid presence beside her, and looked over to Vik as he ran a hand through his hair.
"We should get goin'." He says, getting to his feet. Jackie protests but Misty jumps up, pulling him up with her.
"Come on, lazy," she says affectionately, and Jackie grumbles before kissing her forehead. V's heart tugs a little with jealousy, and glances at Vik.
"C'mon, lovebirds." He says with a cool smile, and heads over to the stairwell. They head down the stairs to the elevator, and V pulls out her phone as Vik pulls open the gate, stepping in and waiting for the others to join. She has a few messages, one of which is from Jackie from a few hours earlier. Curious, she opens it, and blushes furiously when she is met with a picture of herself and Vik, sleeping soundly on the couch, wrapped up in each other, and a message below that read:
"Just friends" my ass.
She suddenly became aware she'd stopped in her tracks, staring down at her phone, when Jackie asked if she was coming. She looked up at him, eyes wide, and Jackie looked down at the phone in her hands, back up to her eyes and a moment later a shit eating grin spread across his face.
"C'mon, chica," he said devilishly, and V entered the elevator, holding her phone tightly in her hand. She stood next to Vik, looking straight ahead, and saw in the corner of her eye that Jackie was leaning into Misty, whispering in her ear. Misty started giggling, to which Vik raised an eyebrow as he took another sip of his coffee.
It felt like an eternity before the elevator finally reached the ground, and V quickly exited, heading out into the alley behind Misty's store.
"V," came Vik's voice from behind her. "You gonna come grab your gear?” She nods, having forgotten about her weapons she’d stashed in his clinic the night before. After Misty wished everyone a good day, she headed into her store and Jackie crouched down to stroke the cat that frequented the alleyway, telling V he’d wait there for her. V followed Vik down the steps to his clinic, distracted by the fact she could see his back muscles even through his shirt. Once inside, Vik unlocked the gate and pushed it open, flicking the switch to turn on the lights and the AC. The familiar smell of sterilised equipment and Vik’s aftershave greeted V, wrapping her up as she headed for his desk, where her gun was waiting for her.
"So," he said, leaning back against the surgical chair. "What was all that about, back in the elevator?" V froze for a moment, her grip tightening on her gun, before holstering it and turning to Vik.
"Jackie," she said. "He, uh…" Vik raised an eyebrow and V blushed, pulling her phone out of her pocket. She held it out to him, and he walked over to her, looking down at the picture. A smile slowly spread across his lips before he turned back to the surgical chair.
"Send me a copy of that, will ya?" He says, and V's heart positively leaps out of her chest. She stares at his back, wondering if she heard him right. She hoped to fucking god she did.
"I-" She stops herself. "Okay." She taps away on her phone, and forwards the picture to Vik. His phone beeps, and he pulls it out of his pocket. It's then that she realises she'd been holding her breath, and her heart was thundering in her chest.
He looks over his shoulder, smiles again and walks over to her. Placing a hand on her cheek, he leans down and brushes his nose against hers.
"Just friends, huh?" He says lowly, and her knees almost buckle beneath her. She sighs against his lips, running a hand up his chest as he at last presses his lips to hers in an electrifying kiss. Her entire body practically fucking melts into his touch, and she parts her lips to deepen the kiss, bringing her hand up to hold his cheek. He shuffles closer, pressing his body against hers, his hands cupping her jaw, fingers gently threading through the hair above her neck.
The kiss is utterly dizzying and it takes everything she has to hold herself together. She clings to him desperately, and a quiet moan escapes her lips between kisses as the heat began to rise between them.
"Yo, V!"
They pull apart suddenly when Jackie calls down to her, and she stares at him, their noses brushing, neither daring to move. They breathe heavily against each other's lips, and Vik chuckles.
"Better get goin'." She nods, but doesn't move. He pulls his fingers along her jaw and tucks her hair behind her ears. She nudges his nose with hers, and he connects their lips again.
"What's takin' so lo- oh,'' Jackie stopped at the gate to the clinic. V and Vik break apart, turning to find him leaning against the doorway, arms folded across his chest, grinning like the cheshire fucking cat.
"Fucking finally."
188 notes · View notes
xlostinobsessionsx · 3 years
Good Girls are Bad Girls that haven't been Caught | Luke Patterson
Pairing: alive! 1995! Luke Patterson x fem! Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4,038
A/N: A big thank you goes to @bass-ic-deaky for proof-reading and making this fic much more vibrant! 💖
This fic is based on "Good Girls" by 5 Seconds of Summer.
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Luke and (Y/N) knew each other since they were kids. They had been neighbors since childhood, so it wasn’t uncommon for them to be playing with each other in their adjoining backyards most days. But time went by and slowly they got older. On his 8th birthday, Luke had gotten a guitar and quickly realised his dream of becoming a rock star. After meeting Alex Mercer and Reggie Peters in middle school, the dream slowly became reality. Sunset Curve was born. (Y/N), on the other hand, took on violin instead. 
As time passed, they slowly began to grow apart. One would describe Luke’s style of music and dress as more rock n’ roll grunge. (Y/N), however, looked the total opposite, elegant, poised, which could also be heard through her playing throughout the neighborhood. (Y/N) listened to classical music and took ballet lessons while Luke continued his guitar lessons and went to ice hockey practice. It seemed like after all this time, the two had nothing in common anymore.
Now they were in high school and they barely knew the other existed anymore. The only times Luke saw (Y/N), even though they were still neighbours, was when they ran into each other in the hall or if they just so happened to leave for school at the same time, which these days was very rare. (Y/N) was quite the early riser, and was often already off on her way while Luke was still lying in bed half asleep. Though they had two classes together, they hardly spoke to each other. It was as if their friendship before this had meant nothing.
Sometimes Luke missed the old days. Back then, (Y/N) didn’t seem too different from him. He could still remember them sitting in his treehouse, sharing gummy bears and listening to an old Led Zeppelin album. Now all she ever seemed interested in was studying. But even despite their different paths, they talked to each other from time to time. Their parents, on the other hand, were still very close. Occasionally they met at one of their homes, cooked together, talked about their jobs and even more so about their kids. Luke had learned from his parents that (Y/N) planned to go to Harvard once they graduated. Of course, when they told him that, he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes. He knew his parents wished he had the same or at least similar plans for his life. But Sunset Curve was finally starting to take off. After they played their first gig at a small bar in L. A., more and more bars and clubs were willing to let them perform. Luke had loved rehearsals before, now they were even more fun, especially knowing that they’d get to perform their new songs in front of more people than just Bobby’s parents. Bobby became a part of the band when he moved to L. A. four years after they had formed. With Bobby’s arrival the band not only found a rhythm guitarist, but also a place to rehearse. Before that, they had to rehearse in Reggie’s basement, between boxes and useless junk. Then of course his parents constantly fighting upstairs didn’t make for the best working environment.
Whenever Luke fought with his parents and just needed space to clear his head, there was no better place for him than a small shed in Bobby’s backyard which they had affectionately dubbed their studio. The words from his parents still rang in his ears as he pulled out his bike, guitar case slung over his back. 
“Why can’t you be more like (Y/N)?! She has good grades and a bright future at Harvard!” His mother had wailed.
“Being a rockstar is not a realistic goal, it won’t bring you any money or stability.” His father tried to convince him.
Every time it was always the same. Luke jumped onto his bike and made his way through the backyard towards the gate, when he stopped in his tracks. In the corner of his eyes he could make out a dark figure, running through the yard next to his. At the end of the driveway, he could make out the lights of a car, shining through the trees and the figure running towards it. When the figure finally came into the light, Luke could finally see who it was. She turned around, taking one last look at the house behind her before she opened the car door and got in before promptly speeding off into the darkness. Who did (Y/N) just leave with?
Luke was tired the next morning. Despite spending the night in the studio, far away from the trouble with his parents, the young guitarist hadn’t slept a wink. His mind was racing with thoughts of (Y/N) and the mysterious person she had left with. During their lunch break at school, he told his band members of the encounter. “Wait, you mean to tell us that (Y/N), the definition of the perfect daughter, snuck out?” Bobby asked in disbelief. 
Luke nodded. “Yep, got into a car with someone. Can’t say for certain who it was.” The eyes of the four guys wandered to said girl, who was sitting with her friends at a table not far away from their own. 
“I’ll dip into the school gossip and see what I can find out. I’ll deliver the goods.” Alex smirked. And deliver he did at their band practice later that day. “So you know Tori, the girl who sits next to me in chem class and never shuts up? She told me that she heard from one of her friends, who was told by one of his friends that (Y/N) was spotted with Brandon Jones in the back of the library.” 
“Brandon Jones?” Luke asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Alex nodded “Yeah, the captain of the football team who always drives a really expensive car.”
“How do they even know each other? Isn’t he usually on the brink of suspension?” Reggie asked curiously to which Alex shrugged. 
“Well, well, well, seems like your little (Y/N) likes bad boys, Luke.” Bobby laughed, while throwing an arm around Luke’s shoulders. 
Luke quickly shrugged it off with a grimace. “She’s not my (Y/N).” He snapped. “It just surprises me that she sneaks out to meet him. That doesn’t sound like her.” 
“Yeah, ‘cause you know her so well after barely talking to her for years and only making eyes at her from afar.” Bobby countered. 
“I’m not making eyes at her!” The guitarist defended himself much too quickly to be believable. Back in the day when he still was friends with (Y/N), he may have had the tiniest of crushes on her. Luke had to admit that (Y/N) was indeed very beautiful, but he most certainly wasn’t making eyes at her as Bobby had suggested. 
A few days passed. Luke sped through the house looking for his jacket so he could get going to band practice, which he was already running late for. “Mom, Dad. I’m going to Bobby’s” He shouted through the house, hoping his parents had heard him. Finally finding his jacket under his bed, he shrugged it on as he made his way through the kitchen. 
He was about to open the back door, when his mom appeared behind him. “Don’t you have a french test to study for? (Y/N)’s father told me about it.” Emily looked expectantly at her son, arms crossed over her chest. 
Luke rolled his eyes and turned around. “Yeah, that’s why I’m going to Bobby’s. We’re gonna study together.” He lied convincingly. 
Emily nodded slowly, a bit skeptical. “(Y/N) studies every night alone and gets good grades. Maybe if you would just concentrate more, you could study alone, too.” Emily suggested. Luke laughed silently. (Y/N) studying every night? That was rich, if only her parents really knew their daughter. 
Luke mentally shook his head out. “Sure, but Bobby is better in french than I am. So he can help me. Work smarter not harder, isn’t that what they say?” He shrugged. 
Emily looked at him thoughtfully. “You could study with (Y/N). She’s nearly fluent in French now.” 
Luke nodded, a slight laugh escaping his lips as he opened the door. “I’ll think about it, alright? Now I really have to go!” He quickly said and made his way outside, slamming the door behind him. He couldn’t be late, after all Sunset Curve was playing another gig tonight. Luke took his bike from its spot against the fence and made his way towards the gate to the front yard when he suddenly saw a figure out of the corner of his eye again. Her hair was flowing in the wind as she quickly made her way through the darkened yard only this time instead of just watching, Luke went after her. Before (Y/N) could reach the car that was waiting for her behind the trees, Luke touched her shoulder. Startled, she let out a yelp of surprise as she spun around. “(Y/N)?” 
“L-Luke...hey.” She laughed nervously. 
“What are you doing out here?” He asked her confused, he was half expecting her to be up in her room studying like the perfect little princess she was. 
(Y/N) clasped at his wrist and pulled him behind the trees, out of the sight of her house. “Don’t you dare tell my parents about this!” She hissed at the guitarist through gritted teeth. 
Luke laughed. “What? That their little princess is sneaking out?”
“I’m not a princess!” She angrily countered. 
Luke shook his head “Nah, you’re right, you’re clearly the living definition of a goody-two-shoes. Such a good girl, eager to please.” 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes “You clearly forget everything you thought about good girls.” 
Luke furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” 
Suddenly a voice interrupted both of them “(Y/N) you’re coming?” Brandon Jones, cool as ever with a cigarette poised elegantly between his lips, sat in the car beside them, looking with raised eyebrows at the girl in front of Luke. 
(Y/N)’s gaze wandered between the two boys “I gotta go.” She murmured as she opened the car door. But before getting inside she paused and turned to Luke again. “Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught.” She winked as she got into the car immediately rolling down the window. “Now be a good boy and just turn around and forget about this encounter, alright?”. With that, she sped off leaving the guitarist standing there dumbfounded. Luke shook his head in disbelief, what had just happened?
When he arrived at Bobby’s, (Y/N) words were still running laps through Luke’s head. He was quick to tell the rhythm guitarist about the encounter. “‘Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught’.” Bobby murmured. 
Luke nodded. “That’s what she said. Sounds pretty rad don’t you think?” He looked at the other guitarist who nodded in agreement. “Yeah...” Suddenly it was extremely and rather awkwardly quiet. “Do you think that they-” Luke started.
“Are seeing each other?” Bobby finished his friend’s question, the lead guitarist nodding in confirmation. “Would it matter?” 
Luke shrugged. “I mean, I just don’t want her to see her being pressured into something she doesn’t want to.” 
Bobby laughed quietly. “OR you just don’t want her doing anything with Brandon.” 
“Okay, I am definitely not jealous!” Luke countered, shaking his head.
“I never said you were, but now that you mention it…”
“Oh shut up...besides I’ve barely spoken to her in years!”
“But people don’t really change that much!” Bobby countered. 
Luke huffed dramatically. “Well she did!” 
“I don’t know about that, bro. Sneaking out? Doesn’t really sound like the (Y/N) we know from school.” He paused a moment. “The (Y/N) you knew when you were younger, the one you’ve told me about, that’s her down to the letter.” He shrugged as rose from his spot. “But enough about this. We’ve gotta go pick up Alex and Reggie. Otherwise we’re going to be late!” Luke quickly nodded, grabbing his guitar before following Bobby outside. 
The club was completely packed with people. Luke could hear the audience’s chattering from backstage. “This is so cool!” Reggie excitedly said after taking a look through the club. “There are so many people here from school, too!” 
Luke took a deep breath. Adrenaline was starting to course through his veins. He could practically hear his heart beating in his chest as the band made their way onto the stage. He blinked a few times as he tried to get used to the spotlights. His gaze drifted down through the crowd in front of them as they quickly set themselves up. Suddenly he stopped. At the back, right next to the bar, there she was standing. Their eyes met and a small smile played around her lips. Luke laughed to himself quietly before taking a step closer to the mic. “We’re Sunset Curve!”
After their gig, Luke made his way through the crowd. Everytime someone patted his shoulder to tell him how good they were, she nodded thankfully but his eyes always stayed fixated on (Y/N). When he finally stood in front of her a giggle left her lips “Good show, Patterson.” 
He smirked, leaning against the bar. “Thanks.”
“Just like we imagined when we were kids.” She slightly bumped against his shoulder. 
The guitarist felt his heart beat faster at this. Nervously he rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess.”
“So that’s what you’ve been up to all this time...?” She quietly asked, her gaze drifting through the crowd. Luke nodded in reply. “And soon you’re gonna be famous!” She smiled suddenly much more excited. 
Luke laughed “I think that’s still a long way off. What about you? What’ve you been up to?” He asked her curiously. 
“Oh, you know violin and ballet lessons, the usual. I haven’t told my parents yet that I’m sick of it!” She nonchalantly took a sip from her coke and looked at him. 
Luke furrowed his brows, he was genuinely confused. “I thought that’s what you liked? I mean you got your violin around the same time I got my guitar.” 
(Y/N) shook her head “I practically begged my parents to get me an electric bass so we could form a band but they got me a violin. Said it would be better for me.” 
Luke was surprised at those words. “A band?” He saw (Y/N)’s cheeks taking on a pink shade. 
She shrugged. “Like Led Zeppelin.” Suddenly ‘Whole Lotta Love’ started to blast through the speakers of the club. (Y/N) laughed “That’s creepy. Like they’ve been listening to us talk about it.” 
But Luke barely listened to her. Instead he had been transported back to 1987. He had just found the old Led Zeppelin EP in one of his dad’s boxes he kept into the attic. He had immediately called (Y/N) to meet him in the treehouse. They had been listening to the songs when suddenly (Y/N) had told him about her best female friend (Y/F/N), who had told her that she had kissed Fynn, a boy from their class. “Like a real kiss? On their lips?” Luke had asked with wide eyes. He, of course, had asked her if she ever had kissed a boy on the lips. (Y/N) had admitted that she had never. In her childish recklessness, or could it be her boldness, she had told him that he was the only one who she would have wanted to kiss. Luke remembered how nervous he had been, when (Y/N) had leaned in, ‘Whole Lotta Love’ playing in the background when their lips touched but for a short second. 
Luke looked wide-eyed at the girl in front of him, who didn’t know the memory that was playing in his head at the moment. His gaze fell from her eyes to her lips. Maybe Bobby had been right. Maybe (Y/N) hadn’t really changed that much and maybe he still had those feelings he had for her when he was smaller. He quickly shook his head. He couldn’t have those thoughts. (Y/N) was here with someone else. “So where’s your shadow?” He asked, referring to Brandon. He turned to the bar to order a coke. 
She sighed “Having a smoke.” 
“Already missing him?” He laughed. 
(Y/N) huffed, slightly annoyed. “Yeah, sure.” 
“I thought you were a thing?” Luke asked, turning to her again. 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows “Who told you that?” 
“Nobody. I just thought because you always sneak out to meet him and because you’re here together…?” He shrugged. 
(Y/N) laughed. “No, I mean it’s fun to hang out but I would never...I mean...he’s a player and only plays with girls.” 
Luke looked at her amused. “So you’re just hanging out with him for the sake of hanging out?” (Y/N) nodded. 
“I was just tired of everything. Of my life. It seemed like a good escape, you know? But now...it’s really hard to make it clear to him that nothing will ever happen.”
“Just be careful, alright? I don’t think he’ll let you get off the hook so easy.” 
(Y/N) shook her head “Soon he’ll get tired of me and look for someone else.” 
“And what about you then?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath and turned to him, something obviously weighing heavily on her mind. “Luke, I-” She started, but before she could finish her sentence they were interrupted as an arm found his way around (Y/N) shoulder. 
“I’m back.” Brandon smirked, eying Luke suspiciously. 
“Hey Brandon.” Luke smirked, annoyance evident in his gaze, before turning to (Y/N) again. “It was nice catching up, (Y/N). See ya around.” With that he made his way through the crowd, trying to stop himself from thinking about (Y/N).
Days passed. Once again, Luke barely saw (Y/N) apart from their classes. He was sitting in his room, writing down the lyrics to a song that had been stuck in his mind for days, when suddenly the doorbell rang. He ran down the hall of the family’s ranch style home and was met with her beautiful eyes, when he opened the door. “(Y/N)! So good to see you!” Emily greeted with a big smile, appearing behind Luke. “Come on in.” Luke stepped aside to let the girl inside. With a questioning glance, he looked to his mother. “I called (Y/N)’s parents to ask if she could help you in french. I think that would be better than having to go all the way to Bobby’s, right?” 
Luke nodded slowly “Uhm, yeah. Sounds good. Uhm, we could go into my room?” He suggested, looking at Emily. 
His mother nodded “Yes, but leave the door open. I’ll bring you some snacks.” 
Luke nodded in agreement and turned to (Y/N). “Shall we?” (Y/N) nodded in reply and followed him down the hall to his bedroom. “Take a seat, I guess.” He pointed to the chair in front of his desk as he took a seat on the bed. “What are you doing here?”
“Helping you in french.” She laughed. 
Luke nodded slowly, a sly, teasing smirk appearing on his face. “And, uh, is Brandon alright with you hanging out with me?”  
“Who cares?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the mention of his name. “Right after your concert I told him I couldn’t see him anymore.” 
Luke furrowed his brows. “Why?”
“As I already told you, at first it was just an escape but...he wanted to do more the entire time and I just didn’t want to...at least not with him.” She laughed. 
Luke looked at her, a playful glint in his eye. “Not with him, huh? So someone else has caught your eye then?” he laughed. 
(Y/N) shrugged, casting her glance downward. “Maybe. But that won’t happen, so…” 
“Why not?” 
(Y/N) sighed, nervously keeping her gaze trained to the ground, before looking up at him again. “Luke...you see...I know we haven’t had that much contact over the last few years, but...I wish it was different and I’m sorry. I thought...well I had hoped...“ She paused, inhaling deeply. “Maybe we could start over? Being friends again?” She asked, hope evident in her voice. 
Suddenly Luke felt his heartbeat just a tiny bit faster. “Friends?” He croaked, before clearing his throat. “You mean like back in the day?” 
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah, and uhm maybe…” She nervously played with the necklace around her neck. Luke’s eyes drifted to the pendant. It was the necklace he had given her when she had turned seven. Inside it he had put a picture of the both of them. (Y/N) eyes softened when she saw what Luke was looking at. She took the chain from around her neck and slowly took his hand, placing it in his palm. She looked expectantly at it before looking up at him. Luke opened it and found himself looking at his and (Y/N)’s younger selves. In the picture he had his arm slung around her shoulders. Both of them were smiling brightly. 
Luke sighed as he smiled at the memory of that day. “I had a little crush on you back then.” He admitted quietly, staring at the toothy grin of her younger version. 
“You did?” (Y/N) asked. 
He nodded, his eyes never leaving the picture. “I was so sad when we stopped talking, but it...it had just happened, right?” 
“I wish it hadn’t...I uh...I had a crush on you, too.” she murmured. 
Luke laughed quietly, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. “So if we want to go back to how it was then…” 
“You would have a crush on me?” (Y/N) smiled hopefully. 
Luke shrugged. “Maybe I still do.” He felt his cheeks heating up as (Y/N) clasped at his hands. 
“Maybe I still have a crush on you, too.” 
Luke’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. His eyes met (Y/N)’s and he couldn’t stop his smile from growing wider if that was even possible. “Just maybe?” He asked cheekily, as he slowly leaned in closer. 
“Alright, so definitely.” (Y/N) giggled as their lips connected in a tender kiss. 
“Please, you have to come!” Luke whispered into the phone in the kitchen where the landline was. It was already dark inside the house, his parents already having turned in for the night. 
“Okay, fine. But you tell my parents that you have a good influence on me the next time they see us.” She laughed through the speaker, before hanging up. 
They met behind the trees at the back of their yards. He leaned in to greet her with a short kiss. “I missed you.” He murmured, hiding his face into her neck. 
“We just saw each other a few hours ago.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“That’s so long ago!” He countered as Luke got onto his bike and looked expectantly at (Y/N), who stood on the tire spokes behind him. “Hold on tight!”
The venue was filled with people dancing and chattering. (Y/N) followed Luke to the side of the stage. “Stay here so you’ll have a good view of the stage and that way I can see you, too.” He said, looking at her with a wide smile. 
“Knock ‘Em dead, rockstar!” She beamed at him, leaning in to give him a good-luck kiss. 
“Alright, enough of that lovebirds. We gotta go!” Bobby laughed, interrupting the cute moment pushing Luke toward the stage. 
Reggie smiled at them. “Look at all the people! It’s gonna be sick!” 
Alex shrugged nervously. “I hope they like us...” 
(Y/N) smiled at the other band members “You’re gonna rock this, I’m sure of it!” She hugged them and wished them good luck, before the band went onto the stage. 
Luke’s gaze immediately fell to his girlfriend, who gave him a thumbs-up. He winked at her before getting closer to the mic. “Hey, we’re Sunset Curve, thank you for having us.” The crowd erupted in cheers. “Thank you.” He laughed “We directly wanna start with a new song. It’s inspired by a person who means the world to me.” His gaze fell to (Y/N) again, who was smiling at him. “It’s called Good Girls/Bad Girls.”
“She said to me forget what you’ve thought, cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught.”
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The Other Side of Hollywood
Part Three
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Word Count: 4.5K+
Author’s Note: Ok, so, just a heads up! I was going to write a scene in this chapter using Perfect Harmony for Luke and Y/N but I just couldn’t, it’s Juke’s song. So, instead popped in a lil bit of Hallelujah, the Jeff Buckley one though. He sings it better. In case anyone has not been properly educated, listen to it here.
Again, let me know if you want on the tag list, this might be my favourite part of the story... So thank you for reading my nonsense.
Warning: Nada.
Part One here, Part Two here, and my masterlist here.... If you wanna catch up or find out more.
Whatever that boy did or said, remember this: love is weakness, and I don’t tolerate the weak.
The words floated around Y/N’s head all morning, and forced her to do anything, anything at all, to forget about Luke. She went about her daily tasks as usual after recovering from Caleb’s outburst: she made sure to clean up the rest of the glass and finish polishing tumblers for that evening, she buffed tables and prepared candle holders, she vacuumed and polished and dusted whatever she could reach.
She had to make up for her indiscretion, after all.
By the time the clock hit midday, Y/N was on her knees, scrubbing the dance floor clean, just trying something, anything, to occupy her time. And each time her mind wandered to music, to Luke? She scrubbed harder, visualising it as a stain on the floor that needed removal.
“You clean anymore today I think your fingers might fall off.” A friendly voice called over to her, and Y/N looked up to find sneakers right on top of the spot she just cleaned. She sighed, letting the scrubbing brush melt through her hand and clatter on the floor, pulling herself up to her feet.
“What do you want, Willie?” She asked, walking towards the bar as Willie took it upon himself to clear up the last of her cleaning supplies.
“Reminder to Willie: thank Y/N more often for keeping the club sparkling… I swear, this place would be a dust-ridden attic if you didn’t tidy up around here.” Willie poured the soapy water down the sink and rinsed off the scrubbing brush, only to look up and be met with a tired glare. “What?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” She replied, rubbing her eyes of sleep. She hadn’t slept after her time with Luke, she was too happy to sleep… Then Caleb happened, and she had spent every last ounce of energy on cleaning the club. She wasn’t in the mood for Willie’s habit of skating around his actual point.
“I… I need to talk to someone.” He sighed, sitting on the bar counter cross legged to the left of Y/N. “I need to talk to you.” He clarified, and she looked up at him. Those big puppy dog eyes, his tangle of dark hair: he looked like an abandoned puppy.
“Is this about you stalking Alex and the guys?” She asked, and Willie went red.
“Caleb told you?”
“No, Luke did… I bumped into him last night, complete accident…��� She trailed off, and for a moment she could feel his hand on hers as they sat at the beach.
“Y/N, don’t you think we should-”
“No, no we’re not doing this now.” Y/N cut him off, harsh in her tone, and got up from her chair, ready to walk away from the conversation. Unfortunately, Willie was fast, and not taking no for an answer.
“What we’re doing is wrong… We’re hurting them, Y/N…”
“We’re doing our jobs!” She snapped back, taking a steady breath. “You’re acting like working here is some sort of prison sentence, Willie.” She ran a hand through her hair, clearly as distressed by the situation as Willie was, even if she wouldn’t voice it. Something was eating at her insides.
“Isn’t it?” Willie muttered, taking Y/N’s hand in his. “They’re branded… We should at least tell them why-” Before Willie could finish his sentence, a flash of light appeared on Y/N’s side, one Willie was all too familiar with. He had been watching the boys for days now, and had seen it happen to them too. Y/N coughed at the pain it brought, sitting herself down on the nearest chair. “You’re flickering… Why are you flickering?” He asked, panic in his voice.
“Because we’re talking about this, Willie!” Her voice was pitched high, interlaced with a cold laugh and a look that told him to stop being so stupid. “Caleb…” She started, taking a few steady breaths to cope with the residing pain. “I breached my contract last night, Caleb found out… It’s punishment, same as everyone else who breaks the rules. I’m fine, I’ll be fine. But you need to stop talking about this like we have options.” She muttered, getting up and walking towards the backstage area.
“We can’t save ourselves, but we can save them.” Willie called after her, still stood in the room’s centre, and Y/N froze. “We can help them cross over…”
“And what happens to us, Willie, huh? Have you figured out your purpose?” She asked, turning around to look at her friend, her best friend. Her best friend who had been keeping things from her since they both met that stupid boyband. “You realise that if we help them, if we tell them anything, the people going down for this are me and you? If Caleb wants them to join the house band, we make sure it happens… Or it’s our afterlife on the line. I won’t be the only one flickering.” She warned, pressing a hand to Willie’s heart.
He didn’t respond, the pair sharing one last look before Willie ran out of the club, leaving Y/N alone as another jolt hit her.
Luke, Reggie, and Alex had spent their morning a little differently.
After Luke finally got the last of the lipstick off his cheek and persuaded the boys that there were more important things to focus on, being their gig that night, they had gotten comfy on the couch in the studio and started planning out the set list for that evening.
“Look, we add the echoes during the chorus, then when Julie comes in with the melody, it’s gonna sound perfect.” Luke spoke up after fiddling on his guitar for a second, Reggie and Alex putting a halt to their own casual practising to nod their heads in agreement with their songwriter. Luke was the one who could audiate the sound in his head, hear all the harmonies, piece a whole song together with just the words in front of him.
A thud distracted them from their conversation, all three heads looking over to see a familiar face peeking through the studio window, cracked helmet atop his mess of hair and all.
“Again?” Reggie muttered. It hadn’t been the first time Willie had stopped by to check on them, in fact it was coming on the fourth or fifth, but the skater never stayed, never talked with them. Alex sighed and stood up, poofing away to go follow him, maybe catch him for a talk, and Reggie and Luke shared a glance.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to invite Y/N to the show tonight… I could maybe check in with her, see if she knows what’s happening with Willie?” Luke offered, trying to keep it casual. He had only just got the guys to stop teasing him, last thing he wanted was for Reggie to start up again.
“Don’t stay out too long, we need you back here for rehearsal.” Reggie had a stupid grin on his face as he spoke, and Luke rolled his eyes, standing up and setting down his guitar. “Say hi to her for me, don’t go breaking hearts while you’re gone.” Reggie continued, just teasing now, and Luke disappeared with a roll of his eyes.
He landed down in the club a moment later, welcomed by the sound of an all too familiar opening guitar riff, and he walked round the corner to find Y/N alone, themed with the song in an Eagles band t-shirt, one Luke was sure he had in his own collection somewhere, humming along to the 1976 hit ‘Hotel California’. He stayed back, curious to see what she did in her time alone, and smiled as her feet glided over the dance floor.
Y/N couldn’t feel Luke’s eyes on her, too engrossed in the song to care much about anyone else, and spun and danced her way around the stage set up. She hummed slightly off-key, but it didn’t bother her much: she may have been on backing vocals for Caleb, but that was years and years of practising the same songs over and over. She didn’t really find her voice worked with other songs, though it didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy them.
Luke found himself taking a seat, sitting back to watch her as she moved up into the band stand: her fingers moved with confidence the same way his did when he played guitar as her hands hovered over each instrument. It was like she was looking for a match, something that would pair with the placement of her fingers on the air, and Luke raised an eyebrow when she finally stopped.
A cello.
He hadn’t seen the instrument the last time he was there, but it made sense that they had different instruments for different songs. Was she their cellist? It would be a pretty big thing to gloss over, though it wouldn’t be the first time Y/N had downplayed her musical abilities.
Y/N just stood there, looking down at the instrument. It happened every time she came up to the band stand, to dust, to polish, whatever, that weird feeling came back. It was only ever around that cello, and the piano on the stage’s other side, and she had never been able to figure out why.
25 years, and every time she walked past them, she felt off. She felt sad.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The voice startled her, and caused Y/N to jump and turn in its direction, her frown turning to a smile as she recognised the culprit.
“Denim… What do I owe the pleasure?” She asked, walking from the band stand in his direction, only to turn and grab a remote from a table, stopping the song that had become background noise to them both, for different reasons, just as it was coming to an end.
“You didn’t tell me you played cello.” He remarked with a gulp, suddenly finding it hard to get the words he wanted out of his mouth. He wasn’t sure where the comment had come from, but he decided to roll with it, walking over to the instrument and picking it up. “Wow, this is heavier than I expected…”
“I don’t…” Y/N quickly corrected him, following and taking the instrument from him, and setting it back down. “Don’t have the talent for the, uh, the practical side of it.” She said. “Sorry, why are you here exactly?” The initial surprise has faded, a frown settling back onto her face as Luke began walking the length of the bandstand. She was still processing her argument with Willie, his words now fighting for room against Caleb’s in her head.
What we’re doing is wrong… We’re hurting them, Y/N…
“Not that pleased to see me then?” Luke replied with a sweet smile, and Y/N looked back up at him, her eyes searching for a moment to find him sat at the piano.
“Sorry… Willie and I got into an argument this morning…” She said with a shrug, heading over to the piano with a sad smile on her features. It was clear something was on her mind, making her feel out of sorts, and while Luke wondered on the details of it, he didn’t ask for her to elaborate, instead just patting beside him on the piano stool, beckoning her to sit down. Y/N took a moment before giving in, planting herself a few inches from him, her hands clasped on her lap.
“You said you don’t really sing last night…” Luke offered the new line of conversation. The comment had changed her expression, Luke glancing over to find her attempt at a smile faded, her eyes boring into the black and white keys as she thought for a moment. “You don’t happen to not play piano as well, do you?” Luke asked, convinced she was just selling herself short on the musical ability thing. He had seen her perform after all, she kept perfect time, he had watched her sing.
After a few moments of silence, Y/N seemed to have come to a conclusion in her head, and reached her hand over to Luke’s, spreading his fingers apart and placing each on a white key. He let her move and mould his hand into whatever shape she saw fit, placing her fingers on top of his and pressing down on the first note.
Y/N continued to stay silent, still in a pensive state as she pressed each of Luke’s fingers down onto the keys in turn, starting him into playing an arpeggio. When she moved her hand back, Luke kept going, able to recognise the notes as they filled the air, the sound surrounding them. Y/N listened, her head coming to rest on Luke’s shoulder for a moment as he played the same four notes over and over again.
“Show me another one.” Luke asked after a minute, looking down at Y/N with a grin on his face. He had never needed to learn piano, after all he had guitar, but he couldn’t lie about his interest in the instrument: he had watched Julie play every once and a while, knowing her hands played the same chords and notes he could on his electric, but in a completely different way.
Y/N’s hand came back over his, moving his hands further up and pressing them down once more.
“C major, A minor…” He whispered to himself, remembering the chords as they went, committing them to memory. “F, G…” He stopped, glancing over at Y/N with a raised eyebrow. “Hallelujah?” he asked.
“You know the chord progressions?” She asked, and he shrugged, sure he could figure it out on the way with her help. “Then keep going… I like the song.” She urged, and he complied with her request, noting where the keys were and moving his hand down an octave.
“I heard there was a secret chord,” Luke began singing along, Y/N resting her head on his shoulder again, humming along. “That David played and it pleased the Lord, but you don’t really care for music, do ya?” Her hand reached over, guiding his as he moved into the next section. “Well it goes like this,” Luke found himself closing his hand into a fist, stopping the song from continuing, and Y/N looked over, removing her hand from his.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to…” She started, but trailed off, not quite sure what to say. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you play me a love song? Sorry, I didn’t mean to hold your hand like that? I didn’t mean to… Her thoughts trailed away from her, not keen on slipping up and giving something away by mistake, so opting to stay silent instead.
“It’s not that… I just want to hear you sing it.” Luke admitted. “And I promise not to tell another living soul about this, I won’t make fun of you if that’s what you’re worried about…” He started to ramble, and Y/N thought it over for a moment, quieting Luke by placing her hand on top of his once more.
“Don’t say I haven’t warned you… Play…” She said quietly, a smile bursting onto Luke’s face as he sat up straighter and began pressing the keys again, Y/N’s hands moving in time on top of his. She took a shaky breath, steadying the surge of nerves that had suddenly appeared.
“I heard there was a secret chord…” Luke didn’t stop playing as she struggled to match the key, the smile on his face didn’t waver when her voice cracked a little. Y/N found herself screwing her eyes shut at the sound, though her fingers still moved with Luke’s. “That David played and it pleased the Lord…” She continued, more talking almost on-key than singing. “But you don’t really care for music, do ya?” As she rolled her shoulders and let her head fall back, her voice suddenly found it’s place, and Luke glanced up.
“Well, it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth,” Y/N’s head dropped back down, her hands moving and guiding Luke to the correct chords, “The minor fall, and the major lift.” Another deep breath, and Luke found his hands moving back, watching in awe as Y/N’s took their place, pressing down on the keys. “The baffled King composing Hallelujah.”
In that moment, Y/N’s voice resonating in the air, it felt like they were both alive again. Her hands began moving of their own accord over the keys, playing the bass line arpeggios and melody like a concert pianist might do, and Luke slipped off the bench to grab an acoustic guitar nearby, happy to strum out the chords he had just learned moment ago on his preferred instrument.
“Your faith was strong, but you needed proof,” Luke began singing, his eyes on the girl at the piano as she began singing a sweet harmony line. Her voice was soft, airy, like something from a dream. Like when she spoke, Y/N pronounced every syllable as she sang with him, as if missing any would take away from the beauty of the music. “You saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.”
“She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, she cut your hair. And from your lips she drew a,” Y/N took over the melody, pausing for a second to breathe, her eyes fluttering open as she sang the last word of the verse with Luke, “Hallelujah.”
Y/N couldn’t pull her eyes away, the way Luke’s eyes held her own made her heart flutter, her head spin, and her hands dropped from the piano keys.
“Maybe there’s a God above, but all I’ve ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you...” She sang slowly, the raw grit and passion in her voice evident, causing her eyes to water, Luke accompanying her with the guitar and a look of awe on his face. “It’s not a cry that you hear at night, it’s not somebody who’s seen the light. It’s a cold and broken Hallelujah.”
With ever ‘Hallelujah’ of the chorus Luke sang, Y/N echoed him with a stunning variation, then proceeding a hold a gorgeous, ringing note as he repeated the chorus and played the song’s outro.
As the song finally came to an end, the pair were stood across the stage from one another, both caught in each other’s gaze, both shocked by what they had just created between them. Y/N looked down at her hands, at the piano, and backed away from the instrument with wide eyes, while Luke set down the guitar and ran over with a dopey grin on his face.
“I knew you could sing! And play!” He grabbed the hands her eyes were examining, with something between terror and fascination, in his.
“How did I do that?” She whispered, and Luke laughed.
“Well, you’ve been holding out on me, clearly. You no doubt play that cello amazing as well. I’ll tell the band; you could be an honorary Phantom!” He suggested in excitement, thoughts running through his head. He started piecing together the songs in his head, beginning to pick out the ones that would sound amazing with that added dimension when Y/N spoke up again.
“Luke…” the use of his name made himstop. “I’ve never played piano… Ever. Or cello. I don’t…” She pulled her hands out of his. “I don’t know how that happened.” Her life on Earth was a little foggy, but Y/N remembered the last 25 years of afterlife pretty well: she had never been able to play an instrument, never been able to sing: heck, she had to learn to dance just to be a part of the club officially. How could that have just happened?
“Well, I’ll tell ya something kids, it was magical!” Footsteps approached with the voice, Caleb coming through the front door of the club with hands clapping and a smirk on his face. “25 years together, Y/N, and you decided to keep all that hidden away?” He questioned, and she found herself gulping. “Hello Luke.”
“Hi Mr Covington!” Luke waved.
“You know, if you and the boys decided to join us, I’m sure we could find a slot in the night for you and Y/N.” Caleb suggested with a shrug. “if it picks up, make it a twice a week thing. I can see it now, quite honestly…” He continued, looking over at the faces’ of the two teens: Luke, with bright eyes and a smile at the prospect, Y/N confused and glaring his way.
“Mr Covington, that would be-”
“Luke was just leaving, Caleb.” Y/N interrupted before Luke made anymore promises to the man, earning a frown from the club owner. “Band practise, right, Luke?” She said with a fake smile on her lips, and Luke glanced at the time. He had been there almost an hour. The guys would be wondering where he was.
“Yeah, actually. It’s why I came by. We’re playing a gig tonight, at Julie’s.” Luke said, spotting a marker sat nearby. He rushed over, taking a second to pick it up from the table, and walking over to write the address on Y/N’s arm, the same way she had written her number on his only a week or so ago. “If you wanna come by, it would be really cool if you did.” Luke looked down, laughing through the blush on his cheeks, scratching the back of his neck in nervousness. “Oh, and Mr Covington! If you want to come-”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think either of us will make it…” Caleb looked over at Y/N, who suddenly felt a horrible pain in her stomach. “Y/N doesn’t look too well.” He finished as she suddenly ran backstage, Caleb starting a quick walk after her. “Nice to see you Luke.” Luke watched puzzled as the pair disappeared behind the stage, waving a half-hearted goodbye before poofing back to the garage, a little disheartened despite his high spirits after singing with Y/N.
The boys were back at rehearsal, working in preparation of the gig that night, running through some of the new stuff they had added to give their big number a bit more pizazz. Or, they were trying to. Luke wasn’t feeling his best after finding out Y/N couldn’t make it, but Alex… Alex was not happy.
Whatever had happened with Willie had led to the blonde trying to work out his feelings, rather angrily, on his drum kit. So much so, he completely lost focus on what they were practising, leading Reggie and Luke to hang back on the playing and check in.
“Alex, you alright?” Luke asked as Reggie tried to get the ringing out of his ear.
“Yeah!” Alex lied rather unconvincingly. “Yeah, yeah, why?” He asked, Luke looking to Reggie for some assistance.
“I know it’s tough, man. People say you never forget your first ghost. Maybe that’s true.” Reggie offered, with a weak smile and shrug of the shoulders. “But… I’m sure there will be others.”
“Yeah… Thanks Reg.” Alex tried not to be mean about it, he knew his bandmates were just trying to help.
“And, Alex, you’re a great drummer and a great guy, ok?” Luke finally offered something. “I wouldn’t let all that stuff get in between you and what you love.” The words were also a bit of a reminder for him: he had been distracted the past few days with Y/N… Since the night at the club in fact.
“I don’t know man. Sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage.” Reggie suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Like you and Y/N, perhaps?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Luke asked, wondering if somehow Caleb wasn’t the only one who saw what had happened between him and Y/N earlier that day.
“Come on. Everyone can see how you look at that girl when you sing.” Reggie explained. “And the way she looks at you? You guys ooze chemistry…”
“You should never say ‘ooze’ again, but, yeah, I agree.” Alex added, standing. “You’re acting like you didn’t come home this morning with her lipstick on your cheek.”
“Or that you didn’t spend an hour with her today?”
“Ok, no. I have chemistry with everyone. When Julie and I perform together?” Luke was grasping at straws, but he wasn’t exactly sure why. He knew he liked Y/N, so maybe it was that he was unsure in her feelings for him. Alex and Reggie shared a glance, clearly not believing him. “Seriously, watch. Uh…” He paused for a second, finding the right lyrics, and making his way towards Reggie. “I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream, away from who we’re meant to be, Luke lifted his hand to pull Reggie’s face closer to his own. “That we’re standing on the edge of… great.” Luke met Reggie’s eyes, keeping his hold on him as Reggie gulped.
“Wow. I see chemistry.” Alex joked.
“That was pretty hot.” Reggie admitted, Luke kissing his fingertips before pressing them to Reggie’s lips and walking away, leaving his bandmate laughing nervously. “Girls, am I right?”
“Yeah.” Luke muttered.
“No.” Alex replied, sitting back down at his drum kit.
“Besides… After I sang with her today she was really weird, and I don’t even think she likes me like that… So we’ll keep it friendly.” Luke finally blurted out, glad to get it off his chest. He pulled his guitar back round to them front of him body, looking up for Alex to give them their cue, instead met with two shocked faces.
“Did you just say-” Alex started, and Reggie started pacing.
“He’s going to John Lennon us, Alex!” Reggie seemed to be somewhere between shock and worry. “And I liked her too! But then again, The Beatles liked Yoko Ono before she stole away John!”
“Reggie, Reggie, calm down!” Luke was quick to damage control, grabbing his friend by the shoulders. “I would never leave the band, ever.” He reassured. “It just… happened.”
“He’s blushing, you’re blushing because you’re thinking about her.” Alex pointed out, and Luke sighed, taking his hand off of Reggie and running them through his hair. “Gonna tell us what happened or?”
“I just… There was something about what happened afterward, it was weird… She said she had never played piano before, or really sang before… She was genuinely surprised she could do it at all.” Luke paused for a moment, letting a smile settle on his face. “But she can sing… I mean her voice is just… And the way she sings I just…”
“You know, the more you talk about her, the more in love you sound. Save this for when Julie gets back, she’ll want to hear all about her.” Alex suggested with a smile, glad to see his friend so happy even if he felt a little blue. “Why don’t we take it from the top?” He suggested, and with nods from both Reggie and Luke, he banged his sticks together. “Three, four…”
Part Four is here...
Tags: @im-a-writer-right​ @elioelioeli0​ @jenjen889​ @walkingonshunshine​ @parkeret​ @lolychu​ @leahstypewriter​ @j-mar-memester​ @sunsetcurve-h​ @musicconversedance​ @gracefulpenguin​ @shae-is-not-ok​ @talksoprettyjjx​ @xplrreylo​ @smol-book-nerd​ @lord-of-the-fried​
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xavadak3davrax · 3 years
Primed for Sin / George Weasley
Primed for sin
George x Fem Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), female receiving pleasure, unprotected sex, dirty talk, fluff, angst (?).
Summary: George is a famous actor and y/n is starting her career in the cinematic world.
a/n: So basically actor George came to my mind in a ‘puf’ moment. I had to write it for George because I felt like he deserved another moment after I wrote four parts por Prince Fred ahah.
George started his career in acting like any other person. He grew up loving everything related to movies, series, music, he loved acting. It had started in the small school plays his mother, Molly, made him participate in. In the first ever school play George remember being so embarrassed because none of his friends were in it.
But then he got the taste of what it was like to have people clapping and enjoying and his love for acting started there. Let’s just say after that Molly didn’t make him participate in anything. He did that on his own. He had everything to thank his parents and family for. Because they were the ones who were there for every single play George was in all throughout his school years. Fred, his twin brother was the one who helped George make all the costumes and necessary things for the play he was gonna be in, since his parents weren’t rich and just couldn’t afford to pay someone to do that for them.
It was Ginny and Fred, and then later Molly and Arthur who convinced George to audition for the first movie he ever participated in. George was eighteen at the time was finishing up high school, along with working a part-time job at the local ice-cream store when the opportunity presented it self. When he saw the ad he was finishing up work, it was late and he had been so tired because it was peek summer time and a good ice-cream was what people were looking for. The paper was on the ground all wrinkled up because so many people had step on it already. But George took one good look at it and his heart felt all kinds of weird. Was that a sign?  Should he take it had one?
He took the paper with him, but that night he told nobody about it. He left himself to think about it, what it said and what he read. And laying in bed that night, in the bedroom he shared with his twin brother he fell asleep thinking about a better future for him.
The next morning Ron, his younger brother had found the paper in the pocked of George’s jeans. George had forgotten it there and that’s when he thought he had made a mistake. But the events that happened next told him otherwise. His mom was so thrilled about that idea than when he woke up and came to the kitchen to have breakfast with all his family the first thing he got was a bright smile from his mom and then a tight hug.
“George you gotta audition for it.” His mother had said, he was a little confused and took him a moment to realize what she was talking about. But when he looked at Ron and he shook the little paper he knew they now knew what had consumed his thoughts all night.
George ended up auditioning for that movie after he saw how supportive his family was of it and how they seemed to find this a great opportunity for him. That was the first movie he ever started in.
Turns out being a tall ginger haired boy has it’s perks and people seem to want a lot of him. He stared in a lot of small movies before he actually had his break through. The movie that actually put him in the spot light was a romance movie, where he was for the first time ever since staring in films, the main character. Until then he had only been in the not so important positions.
George was twenty-one when that happen.
He was now twenty-five and people came from every part of the world begging to have him started in their movies. His agent, Leah was always denying people because George had a busy schedule. When his acting had started to grow and the money and fame had started to grow George also started doing something more than just acting. He volunteered in numerous occasions, he also donated a lot of money and was always made sure he was working towards a better world. But being nice here didn’t mean he was nice when it came to his main career.
Leah had warned in various occasion to be more cautious and careful and nicer because he had lost a lot of opportunities because of his bad attitude. George always clamed it didn’t matter because he never stopped getting other more amazing ones.
So now, while he’s finishing up the knot on tie, turned to the mirror eyes focused on what his doing, he’s also rolling them from time to time while he listens to Leah. George was to star in a movie that was expected already to be nominated for numerous grammys and other awards. He didn’t even had audition, he was the chosen one from the beginning and they had also asked him to be part of the process of choosing the other main character he was going  to act with. So now he was getting ready to go to that meeting and Leah was going on about how he should be nice and should behave.
“Please George, this is very important, and don’t forget, they picked you for this but that doesn’t mean you can budge in and deny everything. If they find someone they like and the majority agrees, you have to go with it.” Leah said, finally looking up from the Ipad and locked eyes with George. They were the same age, George had hired her after his second good paid gig when he understood things could be better for him and he needed someone to manage all the stuff he was to unorganized to do. Leah at the time was someone who had just lost her job, was looking for anything to do and George had swooped in and helped her. She was so grateful for that, but it didn’t mean she was gonna give him an easy time. George was grateful for that. He liked that she was hard on him, that’s what he needed to keep himself focused on what was important.
“I’m gonna give my opinion. I’m sorry Leah but didn’t they chose me to help?” He questioned, now turning around to her, his hands smoothing the fabric of his black jacket. When she didn’t say anything he continued. “They did. And so if they did that it’s because they need my expertise on the matter so I’m not gonna hold back. Besides when I started this years ago people were hard on me and that’s how I got to where I am today.” He stated, coming down the small step from the zone in his room where he usually got ready. He smiled at her when he passed her and then went towards the leaving room.
“George, I know, but you have to be nicer. Besides there’s gonna be a lot of people where it’s gonna be a first time going to such a big audition. Please, I beg you, have some consideration.” Her voice was pleading. George sighed heavily and before he responded he was already nodding.
“Okay, okay, I’ll see what I can pull of.”
The smile Leah had on her when he turned around was massive.
“George thank you so much for coming in.” Said James, the director of the movie, along side him was the scrip writer and then the author of the book the movie was inspired in. George shook all their hands, a fake smile on his face. Although he enjoyed the opportunity, he never really liked a lot of the people who worked in this universe, some of them were to fake for him. “There’s a big queue outside so this might take some time, but I’m sure some of them won’t even make it pass de minute mark.” The guy gave a laugh that had a lot of negativity to it. And Leah was worried that George was gonna be the mean one.
“So since I see everyone is here, should we just get started?” George asked, trying to conceal the little boredom in his voice. When they all nodded, they went to their designated places in a small very brightly lit room ready to star.
The first ten girls that came in George thought they didn’t even know exactly what they were auditioning for. Although with the script in her hands, none of them was able to form one sentence that didn’t have a mistake in. or that completely changed the meaning of that it was actually suppose to be.
Then they found a girl who was good and performed well but they couldn’t accept her in that moment so they told her they would contact her. George thought it was impossible to find any better than her and she wasn’t even that good, she was just able to say the part of the script she was asked to, without any mistakes.
And also because he was loosing all hope, it had been two hours of this and they had only found that one girl. No other seemed to fit the role of what they were looking for. Until y/n came in.
y/n had been preparing for this audition for a whole month if not more. At only twenty one y/n thought her life was a complete mess. Almost all of her friends had finished college, some already working for big firms, some married, some with kids. They all seemed to have a path in their lives. Y/n? Well in this moment exactly she was swimming in debt, leaving in the cheapest apartment she could find and working full time at a supermarket near her house. Her plan since she was little was to become an actress, y/n loved every aspect of what it entailed. She loved to go to the movies and think it could be her one day on the big screen. She liked when she saw people around her clap at the end of an amazing movie and think maybe, just maybe one day people would clap for her too.
The luck was on her side when the audition was to be on the same day she had her day of work. But even if she hadn’t Piper, her work friend had already made plans to change days with her just so she could go to this audition. She was the most supportive friend y/n now had regarding her dream. Let’s just say all of her friends with their big lives sometimes pitted her for still being so stuck. y/n although a very negative person in life, thought that this was just a small little bump in the road and that one day she would get what she so hard worked for.
So for the past month every time y/n had a small window of a chance she was preparing herself for this. It wasn’t her first audition, but it would be her first big audition. She new the ‘jury’ was gonna be composed of big people, including one of her favorite actors (George Weasley) and one of her favorite writers (Clara Hart), so what better mix than that? She didn’t know any. She wanted to give her best on this, to be prepared for anything they might throw at her to see how good she is. And so she tried to prepare in her head any possible scenario.
So when she opened the door gently and looked at all of them staring right at her, the confidence that she was made of suddenly disappeared, and she was left nervous and speechless until she hit the yellow line on the ground were she should stay to then perform.
“So, please state your name and date of birth please.” The director spoke, she knew that because he had a plaque in front of him with his name and his position, so had all the other. y/n let her eyes follow every person on the table, and she swallowed hard. Now in front of two of the people she liked most she felt like she would never succeed. What if she made a fool of herself? What if they just plain and simple didn’t like her? What if they wouldn’t even give her a chance to do better? Shit. Everything was coming at her, at once. y/n gave a small smile and stated her name. “Good, now please turn to page twenty on your script and we would like you to do that scene, George here is gonna do his part.”
They were choosing different scenes throughout the script to make sure they got the full view of it, but always making sure they chose scenes where George was included because they wanted to see of both people would work together. For them it was important to choose people who had some type of chemistry, so the movie itself would work out better.
y/n nodded, turned to the page in question and then look at George who was looking at the script. He was the first one to start so she was ready for him to do so. But he stayed silent, and after a few minutes talked.
“What are you waiting for?” George spoke rudely, y/n was taken aback by that.
“Ahm- i- I’m sorry but you start.” y/n spoke very quietly a little scared of his tone of voice. The director got close to George and pointed to the scene in question, he then nodded and without any warning or preparation after what he just did he stated spilling out the lines. y/n quickly got back to herself and did her part.
After they finished that and made y/n do a scene of just herself, it seemed like forever before they said something. They were writing in their papers (well, all besides George, he was just looking at them) and then they were talking very quietly in inaudible whispers between themselves. And y/n was just left standing there, her eyes looking everywhere but the jury.
“So, miss y/l/n…” The write spoke this time, she unlike the director and George, had a kind smile on her face. “We have your contact here, expect a call in the next seven business days about your situation.”
She could feel her heart beat so fast and for a second wondered if anyone else could hear it. Shit, she had never gotten that answer before. She had been rejected had soon as she had finished. But now… now she had chance, this meant she had a chance. She was elated, she couldn’t believe it. When they kept looking at her she realized she had still not spoken.
“So sorry, yes, of course, thank you so much.” She said, smiled and then went on her way, not wishing to stall them anymore given they still had a lot of people to audition. That didn’t mean she got the part, she bets a lot more girl were given that answer, but for her that momen was a big win for her.
But what if they had said that out of the kindness of their hearts because the actor had been rude to her? Had that been it? Was his action so bad that they felt bad for her and decided to giver a thread of hope? Oh no, please no, let it no be it y/n thought nervously, it couldn’t be. She wanted to believe that they had said that because she performed well and deserved a chance at the part she auditioned for.
It had been four days. Four long and tiring business days of y/n waking up, getting dress in her sleepy state to go to work. For days of just existing at her work because her anxiety was too much for her to handle. They said seven days… but it wouldn’t actually take them that long right? They probably just had said that because they felt bad for her, and had found someone way better than her.
“y/n, please, please, stop walking around like the world is gonna end.” Piper said coming up behind y/n and putting her hands on her shoulder shaking her gently. “You are gonna receive that call, and you’re they’re going to accept you and you’re gonna leave this shitty job and get us a nice vacation somewhere sunny.” She said, earing a small laugh from y/n who then turned to her friend, teeth bitting on her bottom lip, a nervous tic she had.
“But what if they don’t? I mean do they really take this long? I mean I know they probably found a million other girls who are suitable for the part, but for days?” y/n clearly exaggerated on the ‘million part’.
“Yes they do y/n, because this is a big movie and they need to get the person to act with the George Weasley to be the best of the best. They just haven’t realized that’s you.”
“Thanks for the positivity. I’m just gonna scan this fish sticks in and the  work on the toilet paper isle to take my mind of this.” y/n gave her a look of ‘thank you really’ and then left to do her things.
She was leaving work at seven, the summer breeze hitting her face, her eyes puffy from tiredness and maybe from a little bit of crying. She lived close to the supermarket so she was going on foot, the walk barely hitting the ten minute mark. But it was when she was close to her door that her phone rang. She picked it up, not looking at the ID because she thought is was piper who had forgotten something.
“Yes?” That’s all she said, before she thought piper was gonna burst in, distressed because she had forgotten something important. But the voice on the other side was male.
“Hi, is this y/n y/l/n?”
“Yes this is she, who am I speaking to?”
“Hi, I’m James, you audition for the movie I’m working on.”
The bried moment where y/n’s thought were not on the movie and so she had a small window where she didn’t feel anxious stopped completely and abruptly and her anxiety came back like crazy. Were they calling her because she hadn’t make the cut? And in the world was she, a somehow positive person, thinking the worst lately?
She thinks it’s because of the crazy amount of bills pilling up in her coffee table because her salary isn’t enough to pay all of them at once so she had to pay them given their priority and need. She usually pays rent, and with the rest of the money that’s left water or electricity. And tries to put some aside for some food, after all she had to survive.
“Ahm yes, yes, sorry.” She apologized when she realized she had stayed quiet for longer than she thought and james had asked if she was there.
“Amazing. So I don’t how to say this in other words other than, I would like you to at this address,” he stated said address “on Friday by nine does that work for you?”
“Sure, yes, but may I ask why?” y/n was lost, why did she need to be there if she didn’t even know if she got the part or not? They were trying to make her look like a fool.
“Because we’re gonna have a meeting and need the two main actors in the movie presen-“ he didn’t get to fisnish the sentence because the scream with had been holding up for what feel like forever finally got out. On the other side James had a smile on his face and his phone way from his ear.
“Thank you, thank you so much I will be there.”
And then they hang up. And for a long moment y/n stayed at the for of her apartment speechless, hands shanking like crazy, her eyes watery but a smile on her face. She got it. Her first ever movie, and a big one at that.
All those millions of auditions where she was left crying because she felt like wasn’t good enough, they now didn’t matter. Didn’t matter because she got the part. And she felt the happiest she had been in a long, long while.
“Ok, I’ll hang up now but good luck and call me when you leave.” Piper said swifly, knowing y/n was about to enter her first ever meeting. The begging of her dream career. She hung up, put the phone in the back pocket of her jeans and breath in deeply.
She decided to not dress any of the old jeans she used for her (now old) work. So she used on of the best jeans she had, she might’ve worn them too or three times before that, and pared then with a nice blouse and one of her best jackets. Since she didn’t have anything fancy, she wore her tennis. They were kind of old but maybe no one would notice. She got close to the door and knocked three times and when a voice came from inside saying ‘come in’ she did.
She was met with a cute girl, she was the same height had y/n, she had black hair and brown eyes and was looking intensely at y/n. Next to her was George Weasley sitting in of the green colored sofas, one of his legs on top of the other and a phone in his hands.
“I’m Leah, pleasure to meet you. You must be y/n?” She nodded unable to form any kind of sentence in that moment. “I’m George’s assistant. We came in early in case you decided to arrive early as well.”
“Ahm yes, it wouldn’t look nice of me to arrive late.”
“No it wouldn’t.” George said, looking at her with hard eyes, for a moment and then back at his phone.
“Excuse him, he’s a grumpy old man when he had to get up early.” y/n tried no to laugh at that and then sat herself in the chair Leah had pointed to, and then she sat next to her.
“I made him do this because I know this is your first your first ever work related to this. And I you choose to accept some advice I’m more than willing to give it you.”
y/n couldn’t answer her in that moment because they heard the door slam hard, and when Leah looked at the sofa the place where George was empty.
“Like I said, a little moody in the mornings but no worries. Since he left we can do this in silence.” She smiled, and then proceeded to start explaining some brief stuff to y/n. y/n felt that the small amount of time she had with Leah made her felt less nervous. Leah helped her navigate through this new world and how she thought things would go for this movie. “Don’t worry about George, he’s gonna give you a hard time but I’ll give him a harder time.”
“He doesn’t really like the fact that they chose me the, I assume.” y/n gave a nervous laugh, trying to ease the moment.
“It’s not like that. George just thinks they should’ve hire an actress in a name, and experience and no someone who’s doing this first time…” She pretty much had agreed with what y/n had said, but she decided not to dwell on it much longer. “But everyone else loved the way you acted and showed a different passion in the way you acted, you are what they need for this. George just as to suck it up.”
They both laughed together, being interrupted by the door opening and George coming in with the rest of the people, James, Clara included.
“You’re already amazing, let’s get started then.” James said happily, sitting down and giving everyone a gesture to do the same. Leah stayed next to y/n, and George sat next to Leah. Because of the conversation Leah had with y/n before hand she didn’t feel as lost as ever. She understood points and things that were necessary to do. They were also talking and planning how things for the movie would work out, how y/n and George should meet to stage and act the many ,many scenes they had together. How it was important because it created chemistry and the right mood they were looking for in the movie. At the end, after they asked if anyone had any questions, they got up to leave. y/n stayed in her sit even though George had gotten up.
“I think we can take the time to talk about the meetings you both have to do.” Leah said, but she was looking at George because he was the one who was ready to leave.
“You can both talk about that, you have my schedule make her work around it.” George said, looking at Leah. “I have a date with Madison now.” Madison was a singer George had been talking and seeing for a while now.
“y/n doesn’t have to work around anything George, you both have to compromise.”
“No it’s ok, show me is schedule and I can work around it.” y/n tried to make this moment less tense, and soften the angry look Leah had. George smiled cynically and then left leaving the both alone. “Really it’s ok, I have more free time then him. We just gotta work things out so I can organize myself. I have to catch the bus and all of that so it’s better if I know before hand what to do and where to go.”
“Thank you y/n. But I’ll still have a talk with him, he cannot act like this, it’s rude and disrespectful and you are both gonna be working together so he better stop acting up.”
“y/n is about to arrive, can you please put on some nicer clothes?” Leah exasperated, hands in the hair and her face showed stress. She had arrived about half an hour ago expecting George to be ready in some nice comfy clothes, with his breakfast eaten and ready to start whenever y/n appeared at the hour they had established. But instead George was hungover in his bed, only in his boxers, still soundly asleep. Leah had to come in, wake him up loudly and make him get is ass up from the bed to get ready.  He go up still in his boxers and went down to his kitchen to eat what Leah had kindly prepared for him to eat since she knew in his state he wouldn’t prepare much less eat anything.
She watched George move lazily around his house, going to his room to dress something nicer. That ended up being some grey sweatpants and a t-shirt that had some sex quote on it.
“I won’t be here while you both work on the script, but please George be nice to her. y/n is new to this and the least we can do is be nice and helpful. She’s gonna make mistakes but so do you and you are a big actor. So instead of being a dumbass, try and be just dumb.” George flipped his middle finger at her.
The door bell rang and Leah got up excitedly. She was the one who went to open the door, while George put a yellow marker and a pen on top of the script that had been sitting at the top of his dinning table for what feels like forever now.
“Hi y/n. George is in the dinning room, it’s the door to the right.” George heard Leah say and then continue. “I’m not gonna be here so you can both concentrate on the work, but…” and then he stopped listening because she lowered her voice to much for him to be able to hear. The last thing he heard was the front door to his house close and then steps that let him know y/n was getting close.
“Hi.” She said, front the door of the room, she was in comfy clothes, some leggings a sweat shirt and instead of the old shoes she had on the day of the audition she had some sandals. “beautiful house you got here.”
George wanted to growl. He wasn’t here to talk about anything else other than his work. He didn’t wish to make any other conversation other than the necessary one. So was she talking?
“We should get started. I have some meeting in the afternoon and would like for us to make some progress.” y/n nodded quickly, pulling her bag from where it rested and taking her things out. George noticed her script had already written stuff on it along with some highlighted parts. So she had been working, and George had nothing written on it and didn’t really even know where to start even after Leah had asked and warned him to work on it. y/n let her eyes fall on the papers in front of him and then to him again and when she saw the awkward look he had she felt the need to say something nice to ease whatever he might be feeling.
“Look, I took some notes of where I think we should start and something I think we should do in each part to help us get this write.” She started, and pushed her papers towards him for him to see and read. George nodded and took a look at all her little notes. She had a beautiful writing. When he nodded she continued. “Yeah? You agree?” he nodded again. “Great so let’s start.”
“You should seat first, so we’re both more comfortable.” George reminded her when he saw her still standing up.
George realized during the time they started talking that maybe he was wrong in judging her so soon. y/n knew what she was doing, she had worked hard to get everything to his liking and every time they had to try again on a scene wasn’t because of her but because of him. Because somehow he let his mind wonder a bit to much during these times, and also because she looked soft in that hoodie, we thought he could squish her gently and kiss the top of her head, and then hug her closely to him. He was gonna do all of that, the movie had more than enough scenes for them to hug, be gentle with each other and even kiss. What would it be like to kiss her? George wondered. Maybe her lips would be soft, they looked soft right now. Maybe she would taste like mint, or a fruit, like strawberry or lemon. Lemon looks like a bad choice, but he loved the sour taste of it. And her hands, what you they feel like holding his face while pulling him closer to her so they could kiss, would they be cold? Leah had told him the other day how y/n’s hand were always cold, but always soft. She moisturized.
“George? Everything ok?” George looked at her, a little embarrassed because he had zoned out on their conversation and so he had lost the last paragraph of what she said.
“Sorry.” He apologized and asked her to repeat what she had said so he could say his part.
And the meeting itself was not half had bad had George had been dreading it to be. How he thought each minute would drag out, how three hours of this would probably look like a whole day to him. No, instead, three hours felt like five minutes because y/n was easy to work with. It almost looked like she was doing this for longer than him and had more experience than him. She took this very seriously and George wanted to punch himself because he didn’t believe she would.
“So this sums it up for today.” y/n was putting all her things back in her bag, she had a content smile on her, feeling like they had accomplished so much in such little time and this being their first encounter of many before they would start shooting in just a month time.
“Yeah, we did a lot. Do you know when he have another meeting?” He felt stupid asking this, he should’ve waited and asked Leah about this, maybe then y/n wouldn’t think so low of him. Think how he couldn’t manage his time well at anything that he had to have Leah do everything for him. It was not like that, George was busy outside acting. Being as famous as he was he felt some kind of responsibility to show other famous people what it was like to do good.
He grew up poor, like so many other did, she just wanted his fame to not go to his brain. Every time he felt like that was happening to him he would go to Fred, his twin, oh boy he would definitely bring George back to reality.
“I mean it almost everyday.” She said casually, his scared face made her laugh. “I’m joking. We have another one this week and then the rest of the other weeks until filming is only once a week. But I think this went so well we have nothing to worry about. But if you do feel like we should work more just have to let Leah know, and she’ll talk to me.”
George nodded and watched her get up, all her stuff already put and she was ready to go.
“Well it was a pleasure working with you face to face for the first time Mr. Weasley, see you next time.”
And then George was left alone to all his thoughts.
They were now only a few days way from the first day of shooting and today was the last day they had their meetings. This time Leah was present because after hearing George talk so much about how amazing it had been she needed to see for herself. In general in any of the other movies she had seen George work in he never really had any closeness to the person he was acting with. So this was a first.
“Look who it is, the man of the hour.” Leah said, she was on one side of the kitchen isle turned to the stairs in George’s apartment, and y/n had her back to him.
“Morning Leah, morning y/n.” the look y/n gave him gave him chills. He still wasn’t use to this weird feeling every time she looked at him.
After their first meeting George tried to really keep those thought to him, to not let it get to his head and ruin everything. But every time y/n came she looked even softer, even cuter and it was impossible for him to feel some type of way for her. She just squished herself in his heart and now had a small place in it. He wasn’t rude anymore.
“Leah is watching us today. My first audience.” y/n joked, making George laugh and look at Leah.
“Great. After this I think we could all for lunch. My treat?” George asked looking at both of them. “Just you know to celebrate this last era of just us, before the big part.” They both nodded agreeing to him.
When y/n entered the studio where they were going to film for the first time, she felt small. Everything was so big and bright and everyone was talking to someone but she had arrived alone, after taking a three buses and almost loosing herself. She looked around, looking or Leah who said she would be close by the entrance to help y/n. She assumed George would already be getting ready to start shooting the scene they were to start today.
When she walked a little more people started looking at her and she started to overthink everything she did. What she wore, how she walked and if her hair was messy. Shit, it could be. The wind outside was crazy.
“Y/n come on.” Leah came up to her side and grabbed her hand, everything went so fast that she didn’t have time to see were she was being taken. Leah had been a guardian angel in all of this, helping y/n through everything and managing both her and George. “George is almost ready, and I cannot believe it, you two are gonna be amazing.”
y/n nodded nervously, and closed herself in her trailer to get ready. Everything laid out for her. And she tried not to be late, and she was able to get to the scene just in time. George taking the rest of what was left of her breath, way. He was in a back suit, green tie and his shoes were black and shinny. The scene in question was not the very first scene of the movie but something more towards the middle, so this scene had touching and some kissing. y/n had made sure she washed her mouth extra good this morning. George came in to hug her, a gesture that had became normal between both of them.
She wrapped her hands around him, they hugged each other tightly.
“You’re gonna do amazing.” He whispered in her ear, y/n shivered, George noticing it, a smile on his face.
“Ok, everyone in your place.” James said loudly. And George and y/n hurried to their places. She gave one last look to Leah who was next to James, her face happy and she gave them both a thumbs up.
y/n started to say her line. Following what the script had, George had his hands on her waist, y/n had hers on his shoulders and slowly they would go up his neck. He was leaning in close to kiss her. Although having to show a certain emotion on screen, the way her heartbeat faster with how close he got was a different emotion. She felt her hands sweat a little and wondered if he would notice when she got way from him.
George whispered something, just before their lips touched. Her fingers closing in around the fabric of his suit, tighten her grip even more when their kiss deepened. And when he pushed away his eyes never left hers.
The scene continued until a little after, so y/n had to bring herself back together and not let anyone understand how she felt after kissing George. When James yelled ‘cut’ she let out a deep breath she hadn’t realized until then she was holding.
“You did amazing.” George said, although with the amount of people around them he wasn’t scared of being a little to close to her. Although he should because rumors with any girl he was with flared up like crazy.
“Thank to you and your helpful very experienced tips.” She nudge his side and they both walked up to meet James and listen to some helpful advice from him.
They way things were going amazing was to good to be true. George started inviting y/n after their time on set to just spend some time with him, at first the excuse was that they should work a little more on their scenes, but after the third time y/n stopped biting it and he just had do admit he genuinely wanted to spend some time with her.
So they were both longing in his enormous sofa, watching one of George’s movie because y/n had instated in doing so. George was a little embarrassed he usually never watched his own movies outside the first time they aired on the cinema. He liked to just think they didn’t existed. Not that he didn’t like the job he did, he just didn’t like to look at himself for long periods of time. But y/n had bugging him about it of for so long and the day she gave him those puppy eyes he gave in.
y/n had her legs on top of his, she was in some comfy pajamas because sometime she ended up falling asleep on his sofa and he couldn’t bring himself to wake her up and sent her home, not when she looked like a true angel. So he advised her to bring her pajamas so she would sleep comfortably.
“You look too good.” y/n laughed when a particular scene called for such statement. George rolled his eyes and looked at her.
“This is the last time I’m ever doing something like this. You watched them by yourself from now on.” He stated pretending to be angry, but y/n knew he was playing.
“Shut up, you love it. Every second of this you’re enjoying it.” She nuzzled herself closer to him but when that position of her legs on top of his was not enough closeness to her she decided to change. Turning around so now her head was on his lap and one of his hands came up to gently stroke her hair, her eyes immediately started closing, because it felt so nice and she was tired but she hadn’t realized until that moment.
“If you continue that I’m gonna fall,” she was interrupted by a yawn from her part, “I’m gonna fall asleep.” She finished, eyes already closed and her hands on the thigh she had her head on.
“It’s ok.” He whispered. She did end up doing just that and George had to get up has careful had he could as to not wake her up. Turned the tv and before he left he covered with a thick blanket and the went to his room.
It was about two in the morning when y/n woke up from a wet dream.
She was confused. Her hair was all over her face, some in her mouth. She felt sticky between her thighs and when she uncovered herself she look to see a wet spot on her pajama pants. How? How had it happen? Her and George and been close yes and friendly maybe a little to much with lingering touches and some discreet kisses when no one was looking. But was that reason for her to dream such filth? Her breathing was uneven had she got up, her brain and her legs seemingly not connecting while they guided her upstairs towards George’s room. The lights were off so he must already been asleep. With her legs still shaky she stopped at his door, it sounded so creepy to her, standing there looking at his peacefully asleep. But her body craved his touch.
“georgie?” Y/n voice called quietly while entering the room towards his bed, his king size bed. She kneeled at the bottom of the bed looking at him while his eyes slowly opened, his hands coming up to his head to rub them.
“y/n? Everything alright?” His voice was ruff and sleepy and she felt the wetness between her legs become more prominent but she tried to hide it.
“I-i woke up and can’t fall back asleep” she hadn’t even tried to do so. “Can i- can i sleep with you?” She murmured voice small and hand moving nervously in front of her.
“Of course sweet pea. Come here.” He hold the covers of his bed up so she could come in.
At first after she got in y/n stayed far from him. She was already in embarrassed of coming up here and asking him that, and he said yes so now she was in his bed his warm comfort bed.
“You can get closer, come on.” his sweet voice came from behind her, being she had back to him.
She turned around and got closer one hand under her head and the other on his arm. “Thank you.” she said a smile on her face. He gave a gentle kiss to her nose making her scrunch it up but none the less, laugh. She nuzzled even closer to him, letting her head hide in his neck, he felt her breathing there. The closeness they had made him feel hot all over his body and when a particular change of position made his uncovered leg brush close to her he felt wetness. Her breath caught in her throat. Shit had he felt it? He had to, the way his movements stoped abruptly and the way his hand squeezed her, he had.
“I’m sorry” she hurried to say, now very embarrassed because of what she had said.
“Oh my poor baby, did you have a wet dream?” She nodded unable to speak for herself. “Can I?” He asked gently his hand squeezing her also like that and when he got her agreement his hand traveled towards where she was the most warm. “Sweet thing look at how wet you are. Who made you like this?” He asked, curiosity all over his voice. The hand in his arm came to push his hair.
“You.” He was left genuinely surprised at that. He knew they were close and did things not normal for their relationship but he didn’t know she was dreaming of him like this. Hell if he knew he’d done something about it sooner because she was also filling his mind. His hand gently cupped her pussy thru the thin fabric of her bottoms, a moan leaving her mouth and her hips moving against his palm to find friction.
“So desperate.” She could feel his breath now close to her face his lips leaving kisses all over her face. ‘Tell me baby what did you dream of?’ He asked, his hand putting more pressure on her pussy, her swollen clit loving the attention. She mewled continuing the friction with her hips but now a little faster, almost like she was the one choosing the pace. ‘Nuh uh precious. You gotta tell me first, what was I doing in that dream of yours?’ He pushed his hand way stopping all contact and the broken cry that left her almost made him come back, but he wanted her to speak.
“I- you were.” she tried to speak, her voice shaky. “you were fucking me.”
“oh was I baby? And what more?”
“You- you touched me, with your hands, and they- Oh George they’re so big” The leg that was now in between hers was a great opportunity for y/n to buck her hips into it, the touch to her clit felt like it was too much and too little at the same time. He put his hands at her hips to stop her from getting her pleasure.
y/n brough her hands to his and squeezed them both, her eyes looking at him. “They’re so fucking big George shit, and your fingers.” She was so lost in pleasure that thoughts that made sense almost didn’t pass her mind. “Please.” She begged.
George felt sorry for the way she was feeling. George lets one hand slip from her face, down to her shoulder, sliding his fingers along her collarbone. He drags them down her front, dipping beneath the sheets as he cups the soft mound of her breast. A small gasp leaves her mouth, his hand rubbed against her nipples that immediately got hard from his touch. His mouth came to meet hers letting her moan into his mouth, his tongue touched hers and she felt a shiver run down the entirety of her spine. She did taste like strawberries, the ones he had imagine the first day she had come to his house, and she was soft and squishy like he dreamed of. She let her head fall back a little still kissing him, but that deepened the kiss and her hands came to roam his body staying in the line of the boxers he had.
George pushed of her and looked at her, a smile creeping up on his face. He lowered his head, and bit down on her throat while his hand went thru her pajama bottoms and her thin undergarments to finally touch her now bare pussy. She was even warmer now and the gasp that left her lips was marvelous. He gently brushed his fingers thru her pussy, he could’ve sworn he felt her clit twitch against his hands. The urge he felt then was big and he let his thumb slide against the gentle twitching button that was begging to be touched. He first rolled it gently and when mewled little a kitty he took that had a yes and then rolled again but a little stronger this time. Her legs shook wrapping around one of his legs.
“Oh sweet girl you are quivering, this is your sweet spot isn’t it?” She could only nod.
George’s cock twitched with interest again, he’s hard, he doesn’t think he felt this hard ever, and when her hands gain the courage to pull his boxers down his cock came with force slapping against his abdomen, the pre-cum that left the tip leaving them both messy with the sticky substance. He was stiff has stone beneath the sheets that now felt to much.
“Get undressed.” He said, his voice now a little less sweet and more dominant, he pushed the sheets of them because he now knew both of them were hot. And he also took the chance to finish up taking his boxers, the only piece of clothing that he had. He watched intensely as y/n tried to take her clothes of, but her shaky hands weren’t helping.
When he came down again, y/n took his hand and brought it to her chest, he understood the gesture and gave another squeeze and let, after that, his fingers wrap again around the now hard button that was her nipple and pulled, her hand opening but the pleasure consuming her was so much that the moan that was coming out got stuck in her throat.
He then let is fingers stay in her nipple while the other hand came to her pussy and he plunged two fingers into her, she was so wet that he had his hands soaking again with her juices, she was squishy inside and warm and thigh and he could only imagine how his cock would feel. The movements of his fingers in her so slow that she was bucking her hips again against him fucking herself onto him.
“Desperate, sweet pea.” He kissed her throat again and sucked on it again, the other mark from earlier already purple and this would have the same ending. “You want me to make your sweet little dream come true don’t you?”
The fingers he had inside her pick up it’s pace, her pussy convulsing and spasming around his fingers, whimpers and moans were all y/n was able to let out, her brain was mushy and no thoughts were able to form. And as with his quick pace comes a stron movement, her whimpers turn into longer moans her hands shake, she put one hand on his neck and pulled him to her kissing him hard moaning into his mouth, into his tongue.
She’s so close, he can feel it, this is the first time he’s touching her but it feels like he knows her like the palm of his hand, the way she squeezes even harder around his fingers, how her hips look to closer to him, how he knows she feels any sort of touch from him is never enough. Her orgasm is stopped when he pulls his fingers out, looking for eye contact with her before bringing his fingers coated in her wetness to her lips.
“Open baby, taste yourself.” Ans she obeyed, opening her lips slightly, just enough to wrap around his fingers and she sucked fervently on them. She brought both of her hands to hold his wrist as if telling him to stay there. The way her warm tongue enveloped his fingers had his leaking cock bloat even more with pleasure.
He took his fingers out. “Enough greedy baby, I’ll give you my cock now.”
y/n laid back letting him get on top of her, she opened her legs so he could fit in between them, her hands on his back, her fingernails scratching very lightly at his. It made George shiver and loose a little balance. One of his hands was next to her head holding himself up while the other came down to his cock, he stroked it gently a few times, biting down on his lips to suppress a moan, and then positioned himself at her entrance.
She felt his the head of his swollen cock brush up against her hole, and how he pushed in ever so gently letting them both deep in the pleasure of her cunt enveloping his cock for the first time. The moan that leaves her mouth is something out of an adult movie George is almost sure, he pulls out almost all the way before pushing back in.
“Shit-“ his moans his cut of by the pleasure cursing through his body. “So tight around me baby, just perfect for my cock.” His hands that were supporting his body came to change their position. He kneels between her legs, carefully because he was still inside her, and his hands picked up her legs bending them so she was more open to him. He begins to buck his hips against her quicker and more vigorously, their moans filing the whole room, the only sound they could hear besides the snap of his hips against her bottom, his pelvis sometimes brushed against her clit making her tighten her pussy around him.
George doesn’t hold back on his moans, and the way she feels and responds to his moans makes him know that she also likes. When she moves her hips, he bottoms out on her, his whole length inside her touching the spot that makes her shiver and quiver.
“Fuck, George- so deep.” Her hands come to her breast to touch them, moving them around and toying with her hard nipples making her pleasure even stronger. She was throbbing around him. The smile on his face is big, thrusting up into her while also letting her hips meet his, his balls slap around her bum. y/n’s thighs are tense, her orgasm is starting to build, the pressure in her lower belly starting to get stronger, her legs sometimes twitch as if they’re gonna close.
George keeps bumping into her soft, if she was wet before she’s soaking now, her juices coming from her letting a wet noise be heard, squelching noises every time his fucks into her sweet pussy.
“Sweeteste little pussy baby, can’t believe I’ve been dreaming of this and it’s even better than I dreamed of.” His hips flutter a little in his speed when he also starts to feel his own orgasm building up. She’s convulsing around him, her hands are now bunching up the sheets in her hands and she screams. “My best little girl you are, giving your all on my cock ahm?” The growl tha leaves his mouth is grutal and strong and he gives on last hard trhust agains her as she comes around his cock, her juices coating all of him and his whole cock is even wetter, the pressure from her strong orgasm pushes him out of her and his hand immediately meets his cock.
y/n locks eyes with the hand on his cock, his movement rapid and smooth knowing perfectly how to finish himself, and although she’s looking at his cock he’s looking at her, his free hand comes to one of her breasts and toys with her nipple. “Such cute tits, I’m-“ his voice breaks “i-m gonna fuck them one day, one day- shit.” He’s unable to finish his sentence as his orgasm ripples truh him, his whole body shaking and y/n has to bring her hands to help as best as she can with his fall.
Even with limp arms he tries to not put his whole weigh on her but the aftermath of his orgasm makes such thing impossible. His cum his leaving a mess between her thighs, all over that and his tummy and hers and they both feel sticky.
Sticky but happy, as her arms come to wrap around his body hugging him she feels the best she’s ever felt in a while, even with everything in her life going good. But she feels so close to him, she knows for sure she’s falling in love with the man on top of her and she couldn’t wish for anyone better.
“Thank you.” He murmured. “You are amazing.” He kissed her shoulder sweetly and y/n smiled repeating a ‘thank you’ to him.
This made everything that was to come more interesting. How they still had a whole movie to shoot, and how she knew this wasn’t the end and only the beginning of them.
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just-come-baek · 4 years
get in, loser 3
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Pairing: Taeyong x female!reader
Themes: smut | mafiaboss!taeyong | streetracer!reader | carthief!reader
Word count: 6.8k
Summary: Taeyong has another assignment for me, and though it seems quite simple, I could not foresee these complications. Also, why do actions have consequences? Somebody should’ve warned me before!
Warnings: mentions of murder | alcohol consumption | assault attempt | roofied drink | police negligence | drug smuggling | drug usage | poor stress management | drop dead goregeous men | foul language | 
A/N First of all, special thanks to Ally for supporting me through ko-fi! 🥰 Also, sorry for not updating it sooner, I’ve been busy with work and college, the next chapter will be probably around New Year, since I’d like to write something christmasy. 🎄Enjoy~~ 
There’s something unexplainable about Taeyong.
He’s a living paradox; on one side, he’s a ruthless mafia boss who won’t hesitate to attack people who had dared to wrong him. However, on the other, he’s a caring leader that is ready to go out of his way to protect his loyal associates.
Though it was, give or take, two weeks since I got to know him personally, I could deduct this much. There was nothing he valued more than loyalty, and I made a mental note to myself to never let him down, especially in this department.
Despite witnessing him murder Haechan and Jisung, I felt oddly safe in his arms, and it was alarming as fuck. Only God knows how many red flags I decided to ignore this night for the sake of his warm embrace. Perhaps it was stupid and reckless, but I didn’t care.
I was scared, and it provided me with warmth and comfort. Taeyong was the one who inflicted the wound on my mind by making me torture Haechan. However, at the same time, he was helping me to treat it with his support.
I didn’t do anything wrong. However, according to Taeyong’s twisted sense of justice, it should be me to punish them – an eye for an eye and all of that bullshit.
As soon as Taeyong led me out of the basement, he leaned in. His whisper tickled my sensitive skin as he ordered me to wait for him in my new car. With a slight nod of my head, I exited the mansion, awfully glad he let me go. Though I tried to forget it even happened, my mind was replaying all of the events from the last hour, making me sick.
The cold fresh breeze hit my face, making me shiver. Wrapping my arms around my torso, I made my way to the vehicle. Once inside, I turned on the music player, looking through for my therapy playlist.
The first song on the playlist was “Don’t Cha” by The Pussycat Dolls, and I nervously began tapping my fingers against the steering wheel in the rhythm. At some point, I unconsciously started singing my heart out, and it actually helped me calm down my nerves.
Unfortunately, the sensation was short-lived. As soon as Taeyong sat down in the passenger seat and closed the doors, I once again became a nervous wreck.
What did he want to discuss with me in private?
“Your opponents didn’t make it easy for you, did they?” Taeyong asked with a mischievous smirk upon his face after he saw the current state of the car.
“It’s just a couple of scratches; it’s no big deal,” I stated, trying to brush it off. Though it pained me, I knew Doyoung would gladly help me fix the vehicle in exchange for a fancy bottle of booze. (And some free ride coupons if he happened to be extra whiny.)
“So…” I cleared my throat, trying not to seem overly intimidated by his presence. “What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked, avoiding his dominant gaze. Under the influence of Taeyong's penetrating eyes, I’d most likely agree to anything in a heartbeat, and that’s not what I wanted at the moment. I had to be assertive and stand my ground.
“First of all, where is the money you won tonight?” Taeyong inquired, and I tilted my head toward the glove compartment, where I had stuffed all the cash I had won in the race. With a playful smirk, Taeyong reached in, pulled out the bag, and looked inside.
“You made me really proud tonight,” he commented, staring at the money before he put his hand into the bag and threw a handful of cash on my thighs. “That’s the tip, spend it wisely,” Taeyong added, and I smiled sheepishly, having no idea what I could spend this money on.
“Thanks,” I answered out of courtesy.
“I know you must be exhausted, so I’ll be quick,” Taeyong started, and I smiled, glad he understood my state. I had survived a couple of terribly tiring days, and right now, I just wanted to return to my tiny apartment, crawl under the covers, and sleep to my heart’s content.
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Next Saturday, I have a business to tend to, and I’ll be needing a driver,” Taeyong explained vaguely, and I nodded my head, making a mental note of it. “Normally, I’d ask Lucas, but we’re a bit understaffed right now, so he’s going to be pretty busy.”
If I wasn’t half-asleep by now, I would be outraged. Ever since I had stolen Taeyong’s vehicle, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into proving I could be a legit gang member. And now, they were looking for recruits, the nerve! Partially, I might’ve been an indirect reason they were understaffed at the moment, yet it still managed to anger me.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll do it,” I replied dismissively, not even bothering to ask for any additional information. The case seemed too easy; there must’ve been a catch, but at this point, I didn’t care. I just wanted this conversation to be over with. Taeyong wouldn’t assign me to this task if he didn’t believe I could pull through, so I naturally agreed, hoping I wouldn’t regret this negligence.
“Someone will text you more details sometime next week until then, get some rest, you look like you need lots of it,” Taeyong spoke teasingly as he once again eyed me from head to toe. I could only guess how awful I looked with the bruises, the eye bags, and an unimpressed frown on my face.
“Gee, thanks for that,” I jested, making Taeyong smirk in response.
“See you soon, doll,” having leaned toward me, he whispered before pressing a delicate kiss in the corner of my mouth, confusing the hell out of me.
What the hell was that?
Though at first, I was doubtful, I somehow managed to get better over the week. I still had a vivid picture in my mind of the crime scene unfolding in front of me, but it didn’t bother me as much as it had earlier. Also, I didn’t feel like throwing up out of stress when I thought of Taeyong. As time passed, all the intensity seemed to wear off, and I was glad because I wasn’t ready to take in any more stress.
Right now, I felt great.
Most of the bruises already healed, and I slept to my heart’s content and even went to the fitness club for some yoga classes. Last night, Doyoung and I had a sleepover at my place with classic 90’s movies, unhealthy snacks, and fruity face masks.
Life’s beautiful, I’d say.
Just as Taeyong had said, someone had texted me the details about the next gig. It was Lucas, and as much as I liked hearing from him, I’d much prefer a face-to-face encounter. He was hot as fuck, and though out of my league, I would love to appreciate his ethereal beauty in person instead of imagining him in yet another gorgeous outfit. I just couldn’t help myself; it was his fault he looked like his place was on the cover of Men’s Health.
His message was short, but it provided me with a lot of information, and in all honesty, I was glad he didn’t give me too many details. All I had to do was to escort Taeyong and his friend to a nightclub outside the city and drive them back to the mansion. The car would await me in Taeyong’s driveway, and I should arrive about half an hour before the departure. Oh, and of course, what the dress code was – nightlife extravaganza.
I had no idea what business they were to tend to, but I decided it was for the better. The less I knew about Taeyong's dirty dealings, the less trouble I was getting myself into. If I knew what they were about to do, I might’ve found myself in yet another one stress-heavy episode. It seemed like the only reasonable option to stay the hell away from any possible stress factors.
“How do I look?” I asked Doyoung as I stepped out of my bathroom, letting him check out the outfit. I was wearing a black two-piece, consisting of a cropped top with straps around the waist and a pair of high-waisted leather skinny pants. With ankle strap red high heels, a matching quilted purse, and sharp make-up, I felt sexy and empowered.
“You look like a badass CEO, is this the look you were going for?” Doyoung stated after carefully judging my outfit. Sighing, he put one leg over another. “I like it,” he smiled, giving me thumbs up. “Top it off with that leather jacket, and you’re good to go.”
“The black one or the red one?” I asked, looking at the jackets, wondering which would suit me better, ignoring ‘the really???’ look that Doyoung was giving me. “OK, never mind, sorry I asked,” I groaned, throwing the black jacket at Doyoung’s face, putting the red one over my shoulders.
“Mr. Bad Boy won’t be able to take his eyes off of you,” Doyoung remarked in a snarky manner, and I stuck my tongue out, trying to ignore the verbal jab. Very sophisticated conversation between two best friends, I had to admit.
“I won’t even reply to that,” I sighed and went to the mirror to check out if my make-up needed any retouch. Doyoung must’ve really thought I was trying to impress Taeyong with the outfit, and to be honest, it was the least of my worries. Though we barely spoke with each other, Taeyong didn’t seem to understand the meaning of personal space, so I doubted he cared what I was wearing. As long as I’d let him take it off, he would be satisfied.
Not that I thought about letting him do that…
I was a professional, and sleeping with my boss, or even thinking about it isn’t at the top of my priorities. I’m a skilled car racer and a thief, and that’s what I’m planning on focusing on.
“I don’t know when I’ll be back. Close the doors when you leave, okay?” I told Doyoung, and he smiled, lying on the couch, reaching for the TV remote.
“No worries, I’ll just watch the game, clean up the mess you made, and leave,” he said before he stuffed his mouth with a handful of potato chips. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
Punctually, I parked my cute Fiat on Taeyong’s driveway right next to a big ass black Hummer. Having got out of my tiny vehicle, I made my way around the monster truck, seeing Lucas in the driver seat, setting up the navigation system. I knocked on the window, and the man turned his head around in a second, sending me a playful smirk.
God, he’s ridiculously hot. My memory didn’t do him justice. With his hair swept back, in a loose red jacket and a low-cut black t-shirt, he looked mesmerizing. A minute later, he exited the vehicle, and I saw him in all his tall glory, and for a brief second, I forgot how to breathe.
It was the effect® Lucas had on regular people.
“The keys are in the ignition, the location already typed into the GPS system. Taeyong and the other guy should be here in a few,” Lucas said, and I nodded.
Who’s the other guy?
Not even Lucas knows his name?
“Hello to you, too,” I spoke, smiling at him. Taeyong was nowhere to be seen, so I cleared my throat before firing a question, initiating small talk. “How is recruiting going?” I inquired, genuinely curious about the progress he must’ve made.
“Nothing much yet, but I’m full of hope,” Lucas answered honestly, scratching the back of his head. “Actually, you inspired me to broaden my horizons,” he added, and I cocked up my eyebrow, wanting him to continue. Did I inspire him? Wow.
“Yeah, you’ve done some impressive shit,” Lucas confirmed, and I blushed at the compliment. “I’ve figured we need more women in our field, and I’ve talked to two best female candidates I could find. Right now, we discuss terms of recruitment,” Lucas explained excitedly, and I was positively shocked to hear such news.
Did someone hit him in the head with the feminism manifesto, or what?
“I don’t know what to say…” I whispered, trying to wrap my head around the newest revelation. Having experienced the treatment I received from most of them, it was hard to believe it took them so little time to change their mindset. I mean… it was just Lucas for now, but the change was already visible. “I’m happy to hear that; I can’t wait to meet them,” I added, turning my head to the side upon seeing Taeyong and his friend.
“Meet who?” Taeyong asked in confusion as he didn’t know the full context of our conversation.
“We were just talking about new recruits. I fill you in as soon as I have everything confirmed,” Lucas spoke. Taeyong nodded his head in comprehension, not even half as interested as I was. “Have a safe trip. I’ll get going,” he excused himself before walking away to a white Lamborghini Huracan.
“Missed me, doll?” Taeyong asked with a suggestive smirk decorating his face, as he bit on his bottom lip, glancing at me from head to toe. Yikes! It was unprofessional, and I wanted to scold him for being such a caveman. However, on a second thought, I decided to straighten my back to assert my confidence. Taeyong just wanted to express his appreciation for my fantastic outfit. Even though he chose the creepiest way of doing it, I chose to ignore it with a subtle eye roll.
“Is he always this nasty with you?” The mysterious man asked me as he walked past Taeyong, stretching his hand, greeting me like a regular person. “Pardon him, I’ve told him many times to work on his manners, but it’s like talking to a wall,” he added, and I chuckled, respecting the man already. He was talking shit about Taeyong in his presence – it was admirable.
“Who’s nasty? Speak for yourself!” Taeyong yelled, but his shorter friend just brushed it off.
“I kind of got used to it,” I replied casually, trying to give him a neutral answer.
“I’m Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, but since no one can pronounce it right, everybody calls me Ten,” he introduced himself, and I replied with my name, hoping he would use it instead of yet another infantile nickname.
“Nice to meet you, Ten,” I answered, smiling at the man politely.
“Should we get going?” Having cleared his throat, Taeyong asked, urging us inside of the vehicle. Following Taeyong’s order, I smirked, thinking of his ridiculous behavior. It was the first time when I didn’t give him my full attention, and it was evident it bothered him.
It was new and refreshing, and it was kind of cute of him.
“Yeah, sure, get in, losers, we don’t have all night,” I added, growing a little bit impatient with their slow movements.
“You really have to stop calling me that,” Taeyong whispered in a low voice as he put his hand on my thigh and gave it a firm squeeze.
“And you really have to fasten your seatbelts, or we’re not going anywhere,” I teased with a big, artificial smile, scraping his hand off my thigh. “Those rules apply to you, too,” I added, looking into the rearview mirror, catching Ten sitting comfortably, ignoring seatbelts.
“Is she always like this?” Ten asked, yet obediently following my instructions.
“No. Usually, she’s way cooler,” Taeyong answered, pouting slightly.
A little over an hour later, I parked the Hummer in front of a night club. Apparently, all types of shady dealings were meant to be discussed over strong liquor and with a half-naked lady sitting on their laps.
“Good luck, boys,” having turned off the engine, I spoke, sounding awfully like a mom, dropping her kids at another soccer practice.
Annoyed, Taeyong smirked. “Oh no, you’re going with us,” he added, and I cursed under my breath, displeased that Taeyong managed to ruin my plans of staying behind and not getting involved in whatever business they were about to discuss. The less I knew, the better, and Taeyong was really making it difficult for me.
Trailing slowly behind them, I entered the club.
“Get anything you want. We’ll be back in a few,” Taeyong whispered into my ear as he slid his platinum credit card into my palm. “Don’t cause any trouble,” he added before they both walked away to the booth at the back of the establishment.
I still could see them, though they were outside my earshot. It couldn’t get any better. I wouldn’t have to worry about hearing anything that wasn’t meant for my ears. However, at the same time, I could appreciate their natural beauty, fashion sense, and confidence in their original habitat.
I was a designated driver tonight (duh), and it was more than irresponsible to buy myself an alcoholic drink – especially with my ridiculously low alcohol tolerance. Leaning over the counter, much to the bartender’s dismay, I ordered a virgin Mojito.
Having checked whether or not the bartender spat into my drink, I picked up the glass, wrapped my lips around the straw, and took a sip. Though it was delicious, I’d much prefer it to have some alcohol in it. Maybe next time, perhaps tomorrow on my day off, I told myself as I spun on the barstool to have a look at Taeyong and Ten.
They both looked gorgeous, though they didn’t fit the typical mobster description.
Taeyong had his now baby blue hair styled down, a white suit jacket, a baby blue T-shirt, and light pants that made him look like some lawyer on a business trip. Ten, on the other hand, with his messy parted bangs hairstyle, an olive bomber jacket, black hoodie, and a pair of black cargo pants, resembled a lost college student.
The men, who they were meeting, were a completely different story, though. All of them seemed like lethal mobsters with their short hair and all leather outfits. I knew for sure I wouldn’t like to stumble upon them in a dark alley. Without any doubt, they had guns on them, and I was fearful enough to turn my head around and return to my drink.
Not knowing how much time it would take them to discuss all terms of whatever agreement they wanted to sign on, I decided to text Doyoung to pass the time. Unfortunately, before I managed to pull out my phone, my drink got knocked over by a very drunk girl sitting on the barstool next to mine.
“Hey, watch it!” I shouted as I jumped off my stool, not wanting to get all wet. In a matter of a few seconds, the bartender rushed over, helping me wipe off the counter.
“I’m really sawwy,” she said in a drunken haze, and I rolled my eyes, not really wanting to start an argument with an intoxicated person. When drunk, I also tend to be more clumsy than usual, so I simply decided not to hold her accountable for such a minor mistake.
Having apologized for spilling my drink, she excused herself, leaving her date at the bar alone. A good-looking man ordered another round of cocktails for him and his date. I cocked my eyebrows at his behavior. She was already drunk; another drink wouldn’t make her any good.
In a minute, the bartender placed two cranberry vodkas on the counter, putting it on the man’s tab. At first, I wanted to mind my own business and not attract any unnecessary attention. However, when I noticed the man slipping something into the woman’s drink, I knew I needed to intervene. He wanted to hurt her, and I just couldn’t let that happen.
Sighing, I jumped off the barstool and marched to the bathroom, wanting to warn her. Thankfully, she was standing in front of the mirrors, washing her hands when I found her.
Casually, I stopped next to her and pulled out my lipstick to reapply it.
“Are you alright?” I asked her, watching her wobble in her ridiculously high stilettos. She was barely standing on her feet – she was in no condition to have yet another drink, let alone a drink spiked with some type of drug.
“I feel funny. I had one drink, yet I feel like I had five,” the woman commented, placing her purse next to the basin, searching for cosmetics to touch up her make-up. “It must be because I barely ate today, I was so stressed about this date, so I only had breakfast,” she added, but it didn’t calm me. If anything, it made me even more alert.
“Is it your first date with him?” I inquired, trying not to sound intrusive. She seemed a bit naïve, and I wanted to look out for her. If I could prevent her from getting hurt, I had to try.
“Yeah, he asked me out yesterday in a coffee shop next to my building. He’s so romantic,” the woman explained dreamily, and I refrained from groaning in distaste. What kind of dudes did she date in the past to think this guy was romantic?
That was all I needed to know to figure out that he just wanted to get laid and toss her aside. He just wanted to use her body without even earning her consent. No matter how good looking he was – it was unjustifiable. I couldn’t let her go to him and become a victim. I had to try and prevent her from getting hurt.
“Are you sure you want to go back to him in this state? If I were you, I’d reschedule,” I commented, trying to talk her out of continuing this date.
“What is your problem?” asked she, her tone laced with anger and irritation. “I’m on a date, and you keep ruining it. What’s your deal?”
Wow, that was rude.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She couldn’t be for real, right?
“Listen–” I started, trying to defend my case, but she, once again, interjected me.
“No, you listen! I’m on a date with his hot man. You may try your luck somewhere else. I can bet you’ll find someone willing to fuck you but buzz off from me, and my man,” she hissed, and I just blinked a couple times, trying to comprehend what just happened. Though she was annoying the hell out of me, I still had to help her. Perhaps she didn’t fully deserve my saving, but I had to try. Friends or enemies, she didn’t merit to be taken advantage of.
Trying to flee the scene, she grabbed her purse and turned around to storm out of the bathroom. Fortunately, I managed to wrap my hand around her wrist before she made her way to the doors.
“Get a grip, woman!” I shouted at her, hoping she would listen to my loud voice – especially when she didn’t seem to particularly enjoy my calm and worried tone. “He roofied your drink and wants to take advantage of you. You better get yourself a ride home and leave.”
She looked at me, and I looked at her, having an intense stare contest. She must’ve been weighing her options before she tore her arm from my grasp.
“I can take care of myself,” she added before leaving the bathroom.
I tried, I told myself, but it still made me uneasy. She didn’t listen to my warnings, and she was about to get hurt, and it made me feel remorseful. I didn’t do my best. I still could prevent her from getting assaulted.
Heaving a deep sigh, I left the bathroom, determined to stop the man from drugging her even if I had to swallow the poison myself.
They were sitting by the bar as earlier. She was laughing at his joke, and he had his hand on her thigh. They seemed comfortable, but I knew enough to realize it was superficial.
Slowly, I approached them, stumbling over my legs, pretending to be shitfaced drunk. Once the drink was within my reach, I fake-tripped, spilling the alcohol on the man’s laps.
“You bitch,” he yelled in absolute anger. Apparently, he didn’t like it when his plan fell through. “Look what you’ve done!” He jumped to his feet, trying to wipe off his jeans.
Unfortunately, his furious outburst brought lots of attention to us. Instinctively, I turned to look at Taeyong. He was staring at me, mouthing, get out.
It was my much-awaited cue, so I gave this gross man some half-ass apology and left the club without any second thoughts. I had enough of this drama; I’d rather wait for them in the car.
Patiently, I waited for Taeyong and Ten to return. Time flew by quickly as I browsed my social media feed, forwarding the funniest memes to Doyoung.
Maybe thirty minutes later, Taeyong knocked on the window, wanting me to open the trunk. Two huge men with heavy leather jackets and gold chains around their necks threw four enormous black bags into the trunk, shutting it close with a loud thud.
I had no idea what the cargo was, but it didn’t sit right with me. Whatever it was, it must’ve been illegal, and it made me jumpy.
“What’s in the bags?” I asked carelessly, regretting my questing the second it left my mouth.
“Do you really want to know?” Taeyong challenged, and I vigorously shook my head in firm denial. Chuckling, he added, “Just samples.”
“Right,” I answered, dismissing the topic. Quickly, I turned on the engine and drove away, wanting to get back to the mansion as fast as it was lawfully possible.
Unfortunately, not talking about the cargo didn’t make me stop thinking about what’s inside the bags. Taeyong’s business has many branches, varying in dozens of illegal activities. Regardless of what was sitting in the trunk, we would all go to prison if caught.
“What kind of trouble did you cause when I specifically requested you didn’t?” Taeyong asked somewhat throughout the ride. His hands were squeezed in fists, resting on his thighs as he waited for my answer.
“I know, I’m sorry,” I genuinely apologized before I began pleading my case. Hopefully, with proper justification for my actions, Taeyong would understand. He was a human, after all. “I just couldn’t stay idle and watch this nightmare unfold in front of me. I had to help this girl out, even though she didn’t seem to appreciate it."
“Jaehyun was right about you,” Taeyong whispered mysteriously, making me raise an eyebrow in confusion. What kind of prejudice Jaehyun held against me? “You’re way too nice for this job,” he added, and I took a deep sigh, expecting a much worse response.
Though it pained me, it was understandable that being good was a bad thing in this line of business. Typically, I’d be glad to hear such a compliment, but under these circumstances, it made me upset. I wasn’t a saint, but I had some sort of a moral backbone.
“I wouldn’t necessarily put it that way,” I trailed off, thinking of the best way to present my abilities in the most fitting way.
“It was admirable if you want some second-hand opinion,” Ten interjected, pretty amazed with my attitude. “You should’ve punched him in the face, though. I’d love to see that,” he added, and I giggled, picturing my fist colliding against his jaw.
That would be a very nice picture.
“Can you drop me off at the Moonlight club? I’d like to meet with a friend of mine if that’s not a problem?” Ten asked, and I hummed in agreement, punching the club location into a navigation system. It was on our way, so it really wasn’t a nuisance.
“Sure thing,” I added, returning my focus on driving. Unfortunately, as soon as I shifted my attention to the front of our lane, I saw a car overtaking the Hummer. A second later, it flashed red and blue lights right, mentioning for me to stop the vehicle on the side of the road.
The police cruiser.
It was impossible. After doing so much illegal stuff, it was ironic to get caught when properly driving. It was a bad sign, and in a matter of seconds, I turned into an anxious ball of stress.
What a lame way to the end of my career!
OK, you gotta keep calm. Normal women can bullshit their way out of getting a ticket, so you can do it, too! I tried to psych myself up, though it didn’t help much. My mouth was still dry, and my hands were all sweaty. They’re about to discover I’m hiding some illegal stuff in the trunk. I couldn’t go to prison – orange is definitely NOT the new black.
“You can do it, doll. Don’t lose your cool,” Taeyong whispered, giving me an encouraging squeeze on the knee. Admittedly, it didn’t work.
“Yeah, don’t even think of all the drugs we have the trunk stocked up with,” Ten added, and I angrily turned back to yell at him for giving me info that I did not want nor need.
“Why would you say that?!” I shouted, trying to collect my thoughts. Cool, cool, cool, cool. You got this. You’ve survived worse. “If we make out of this alive, I’m gonna kill you,” I warned Ten before I straightened my backs, rolling down the window for the policeman who approached the vehicle.
“Good evening, Mr. Officer,” I beamed innocently, trying to read the policeman’s surname off the uniform, yet in vain. “I didn’t go too fast, did I?” I asked, batting my eyelashes in a poor attempt at flirtation.
Yikes, so much cringe!
“Driving license and vehicle registration certificate,” said the police officer coldly, completely ignoring my pathetic wooing. Unwillingly, I handed him the documents, praying to all the gods for him not to investigate the trunk. “Please, step out of the vehicle,” he added, and I followed his orders, ready to cooperate if he was willing to overlook the car inspection.
Obediently, I entered the backseat of the police cruiser, awaiting the interrogation.
“I’m an experienced driver. Did I make a mistake?” I inquired, waiting for them to give me the reason for pulling me over. My driving skills are mastered to perfection. I was really interested in what lame-ass excuse they were about to conjure to give me a ticket to fund the city’s budget.
“It’s just a routine checkup,” one police officer spoke dismissively, checking my data in their database. “All cops were asked to do routine checkups. Apparently, tonight some gang was doing drug drop-off, yet we stopped dozens of suspicious cars, and nothing came out of it. It must’ve been a false lead.”
What the fuck?
How, on Earth, did the police find out about this? Even I, who was a part of the drop-off, didn’t know what was inside the bags until two minutes ago. Was there a mole in the organization? Or maybe the police sent an undercover agent?
Thoughts were running through my head at a ridiculous speed, my gears were shifting swiftly as I tried to make any connection. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect shit. One thing was sure, though. If, by any chance, they let me go without investigating the car, Taeyong wouldn’t be thrilled to hear the news.
“Really? Drugs? And here I thought I live in the safe neighborhood,” I commented, feigning my cluelessness. Surprise, surprise, it actually sounded natural. Almost as if I was born to be a benighted dumb-dumb. “You better catch those smugglers.”
“We’re doing our best, miss,” the other policeman chimed in, and I tried my best not to roll my eyes at his for this evident negligence. They had culprits right under their nose, and it seemed they did not suspect me.
How could a dumb chick like me be involved in such a shady operation, am I right?
As much as I felt the urge to prove them wrong, I decided not to. As tempting as it was, it was extremely unbeneficial. I just wanted to get the hell out of the cruiser, drop the guys at Taeyong’s mansion, get my paycheck, and go home.
“Where were you going at such a late hour, miss?” The policeman asked, handing me back my documents after not finding anything worth further investigation.
“My friends were at the bachelor party in the club outside the capital, and they got really drunk, so I drove all the way there to pick them up,” I explained, though I got a feeling they weren’t listening to what I was saying.
“Uh-huh,” one of them muttered, quickly writing a messy note of the routine checkup, handing me back my documents. “That would be all, thank you for your cooperation,” the cop added, and I politely smiled, bolting out of the cruiser.
Having fastened my seatbelts, I drove away. I just wanted to get the hell away from them, hoping they wouldn’t change their mind and order a thorough vehicle inspection. Taeyong and Ten must’ve had a dozen questions; however, I just turned up the volume of the radio, ignoring their concerned glances.
“Get out,” I barked when I abruptly stopped by the Midnight club. Perhaps it was rude, but I didn’t care. I’ve had a very stressful night, and politeness wasn’t on my mind.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow; good luck with miss grumpy,” Ten spoke before he jumped out of the vehicle, almost as if he was afraid I was going to talk back to him.
“What’s with the attitude?” Taeyong casually asked, and I sighed, trying to calm myself down. “I get you’re stressed, but you shouldn’t take your annoyance on us. Besides, if you’ve forgotten, let me remind you. I’m your boss, and Ten is my close associate.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized before I revealed what exactly happened in the police car. Truth to be told, Taeyong didn’t seem particularly surprised.
“That’s not the worst thing I’ve heard today,” Taeyong whispered, looking at my profile. “Jungwoo from Busan division called me today. Some of Yuta’s men crossed the border. Apparently, he didn’t appreciate our little prank,” he explained, and I grew speechless.
Karma was getting back at me.
Why do actions have consequences?
“That’s not good,” I answered, unable to form a coherent response. I was royally screwed, yet at the time, I was overwhelmed by the revelation.
Why couldn’t I just wait for Taeyong to put an ad on Craigslist, for fuck’s sake?
“Hey, look at me,” Taeyong ordered, and I obediently tore my eyes off the road to gaze into his eyes. “Don’t think too much about it; it’ll be fine,” Taeyong promised, yet his words didn’t make me feel assured. “You’re one of us; we’ll protect you.”
“You better,” I added, clutching my palms around the steering wheel in yet another stress-fuelled episode. There better be a professional health care program for Taeyong’s employees. Otherwise, I may need a therapist. Stress factors don’t stop coming, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to carry on much longer.
“Do you want to hang out?” Taeyong inquired, taking me by surprise. He, the mafia boss, wanted to spend some time with such a peasant like myself. That concept was wild, and it actually made me wonder. I couldn’t really say no. Some people would die to get a chance to wander around his big-ass mansion with Taeyong himself. “We can order some take out and just chill. What do you think?”
“I’d love that.”
Since the police knew the registration number, Taeyong ordered me to park the vehicle in a large garage under his majestic mansion. Having turned off the engine, we got out of the car, and I handed him the keys, lifting some heft off my shoulders. It was a nice car, but the memories it held were terrible. I’d rather forget that I even drove that thing.
“Give me a sec,” Taeyong said, taking a handful of samples, stuffing his pocket with them.
“What are these exactly?” Having creased my forehead in contemplation, I asked.
“These? Oh, it’s a new type of drug. It’s called the punch,” Taeyong explained, showing me a single dose of the drag. It was nicely wrapped like candy, and inside it looked like a mint. “It’s like LSD had a baby with shrooms,” he commented casually, winking at me. “And it tastes like bubblegum; you want to try some? The first batch is in the house.”
“Maybe later,” I answered dismissively, not really keen on having my first trip with Taeyong. But on the other hand, who was a better candidate to do drugs with? “I’d rather have some take out first if that’s not a problem,” I added, hoping he wouldn’t press me into doing anything out of my comfort zone. Not that I expected Taeyong to force me to do things against my will. I didn’t. After all, he was a really considerate man.
“Sure, what cuisine are you craving? I’m thinking… maybe something spicy. How about Mexican?” Taeyong proposed, and I vigorously nodded. Either he was my soulmate or really was able to read minds. “I’ll order something delicious.”
This time around, his mansion felt odd.
It was still majestic and glamorous, yet at the same, it was quiet. Back then, it was packed with Taeyong’s minions, but right now, they were in hiding, giving Taeyong his much-needed privacy. Following behind him, roaming around the spacious corridors felt like being guided through a museum during a private tour.
Once settled in the day room, Taeyong walked up to the bar, brought two glasses and a bottle of tequila, and set them on the coffee table.
“You want some? You look like you need a glass or two,” Taeyong offered upon seeing me all tensed up and anxious on the leather couch, nervously scanning the room.
“I’d rather hear some good news, but the alcohol will do,” I answered, reaching for the glass, downing it in one go, only to regret it a second later. “Pour me another one.”
“Take it easy,” Taeyong suggested, yet obediently filled my glass before turning on music, letting me know what type of songs he was into. Apparently, for late night’s chilling EDM hits were his to-go playlist.
With some liquid courage, it was easier to relax at Taeyong’s place. I took off my shoes and stretched on the sofa comfortably, all unpleasant and stressful occurrences slowly fading away. Unfortunately, these feelings were about to come back in the morning.
Twenty minutes later, the food was delivered, and it was absolutely mouthwatering. Fresh corn tortillas, spicy ground beef with a ridiculous amount of cheese made a perfect combination, tasting orgasmic. If I had less self-control, I’d moan at the foodporn laid out on the table for us to devour.
“So… how did the meeting go? Was it a success, or did I fuck it up with my shenanigans at the bar?” I inquired, narrowing my eyes, carefully watching his reaction.
If I could make out an emotion that his eyes were conveying, it was amusement.
“We will see,” Taeyong whispered, reaching into his pocket, playing with a single sample in his hands. “I only distribute the goodies. I gotta check first if this innovation is worth my time,” he added before popping the substance into his mouth like candy. “Is ‘no’ your definite answer?” Taeyong questioned, looking like a cute innocent hamster with the pill dissolving against the inside of his left cheek.
After a few tequila shots and delicious Mexican take out, I was much braver. However, at the same time, I became a way less assertive version of myself. Consenting to his kind proposition was too easy. Besides, what’s the worst thing that could happen? His mansion’s probably the safest place in the country.
“Fine, gimme,” I gave up, reaching out for the pill.
At first, nothing happened. A few minutes later, still nothing, and I even began to think Taeyong gave me a sample from a faulty batch. It was until it hit me good.
The couch melted like milk chocolate swallowing me in its soft waves before I crashed through the floor of nonexistent colors splashes.
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just a little headcanon that luke would get actually kind of super embarrassed and ashamed about the whole parent situation and the runaway situation? like in the show luke doesn’t tell them when he is visiting his parents and stuff, and i just kind of love the angsty idea that he is kind of embarrassed and stuff about it because he feels like the other guys have it way harder and he knows his situation sucks but he still feels dumb about it sometimes and he tries to hide it a lot of the time? and when he runs away he can’t really take care of himself because he’s 17 and needs a mom basically lol, he’s so invested the band and is kinda depressed and stuff sometimes i guess? like he’s really struggling to care for himself like he will stay up all night writing lyrics and sleep all day and he doesn’t go to school anymore and he can’t get out of bed all day because he’s so tired from staying up all night and having nothing to get up for before 3pm when the guys come over and he forgets to eat or shower and stuff sometimes because he’s working on music and sometimes he gets really down on himself if he can’t write something good enough or isn’t getting any gigs and stuff and he’s just kinda embarrassed he can’t take care of himself and stuff and will cry himself to sleep and stuff sometimes but be full of smiles the next day when the guys come and yeah basically the guys find out and help and i love angst can you tell lol?
oh nonny whyyyyyyyyy i'm sad 🥺
but also i love this and i'm so here for it. esp like Luke trying so hard to put on a happy face for the guys and telling them everything's fine and he's good bc he's doing what he loves and he isn't fighting with his mom anymore (but thinking about his mom keeps him up night after night because he feels guilty for running away but he Can't Go Back and then it just adds to the other guilt he feels about Reggie and Alex's home lives being even worse than his (and even though we have no idea about Bobby i'd be willing to bet his isn't great either) and so Luke just constantly goes down a shame spiral and refuses to talk about it)
and of course it's all going fine until one day he cracks and it all comes spilling out and like by then the others had an inkling that things weren't as good as Luke kept saying they were but they didn't want to push him in case he pushed THEM away too!! but when he bursts into tears they all surround him in a hug and tell him that it's gonna be okay and they'll figure it all out together!
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader
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Ch.4 - A Holy Jolly Christmas
ch.1  ch.2  ch.3
a/n - hey lovely people!! here’s the fourth chapter, and a reminder that tomorrow there’s no chapter and friday will be the last one, so happy Christmas eve eve to those who celebrate, enjoy!<3
Summary: Slowly but surely, you discover why Colin was so apprehensive about having his family over, and also realize something you should’ve realized long ago...
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: curse words, angst if you squint
The next day, it was the morning of Christmas eve, and you figured you should do some grocery shopping before stores close down for the holidays, so you put on your clothes and headed out of the apartment, locking the door behind you and turning around to –
"Good morning," Eleanor was standing in the threshold of Colin's apartment, the morning newspaper in her hand.
"Good morning," you answered with a smile you hoped didn't look too fake.
"Who lives there?" she asked.
"Just, uh… my friend," you shifted uncomfortably. "I um, this morning I got a text to… come help her, and now we're done and it's still pretty early so I figured I wouldn't bother you. I was just going home to change."
"Alright, we'll see you later I assume," she stated.
"Of course," you smiled awkwardly and went down the stairs as quickly as you could. Once you were out of the building you started heading to the shop, and as you were walking you pulled out your phone to call Colin. He didn't answer, and you sighed in frustration before putting your phone back in your bag. You hoped he had enough sense to handle it on his own.
While you were shopping, there were some interesting developments at Colin's.
"Colin," Eleanor barged into his room and opened the curtain. "I think your girlfriend is cheating on you."
It took his foggy brain a second to register her words. "What?"
"I don't think you can trust her," she crossed her hands on her chest.
"Good morning to you too," he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Colin, I'm being serious, I-"
"I know mom, let me just wake up for a few minutes and we can talk about it, alright?"
"Fine," she said, her lips drawn into a thin line and left the room. Colin sighed groggily and went to get dressed and brush his teeth. He didn't know what the fuck his mom was talking about, but he sure as hell was going to stall as much as he could without knowing.
When he went into the kitchen, she was there. Obviously.
"There you are! So this morning I went out to bring the newspaper."
"Anything interesting in it?" he asked as he started making himself a coffee.
"No, but listen to this – when I was in the hallway the door opposite opened, and guess who came out? Your girlfriend, Colin. It was your girlfriend."
It took all of his willpower not to burst into laughter on the spot. Instead, he frowned. "What did she say?"
"That her friend was living there and needed help. But I'm not buying it," she shook her head. "She looked very suspicious."
"Well, she's telling the truth mom," he smiled. "Her friend is living there. She introduced us, actually," he lied casually.
"Oh," Eleanor frowned. "Okay then."
Only when she left Colin could allow himself to snicker into his coffee. That was close.
When you came back with your groceries, you prayed Eleanor wouldn't see you, since you couldn't excuse that away if she had. But thankfully, the hallway was empty, and you let yourself into your apartment without any more awkward encounters.
You shot Colin a text asking him when he wanted you to "arrive" at his place, and he said that in about an hour or so. That gave you just enough time to take a long shower and almost forget about the morning.
An hour later, fresh out of the shower, you knocked on Colin's door. Eleanor opened the door, and she smiled a tight-lipped smile as she ushered you in.
You both sat down in the living room, Colin and his dad nowhere in sight. You assumed they were both somewhere in the house and simply didn't hear you arrive, but you thought asking where they were was maybe a little tactless as Eleanor led the way to the living room, sitting down seemingly eager to talk to you.
"So," she started, "how did you and Colin meet?"
"Oh, um," you fumbled over your words for a second trying to come up with a convincing story, "I met him at a gig of his. I thought his music was great and when we got to know each other I realized how great he was himself," you smiled.
"Really? That's funny, because Colin told me your friend from across the hall was the one who introduced you…" she trailed off in an unsaid question.
Your heart was racing as you tried to keep up with your lies, but you didn't let it show. "Well, she actually did. She was the one who brought me to see his show that night. When she told me her neighbor was a musician I was a little skeptical, but we both had a great time. After the show she took me backstage and introduced us, and the rest is history," you channeled your relief into a smile.
"Grilling her already, mom?" Colin said from behind you and you resisted the urge to sigh in relief as he came to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"We were just having a conversation, son," she chuckled.
You chuckled as well, trying to diffuse the tension. "Yeah, I was just telling her about the night we met, when we were at that gig of yours."
"Oh yeah, it's a cute story," he smiled at you.
"When are Andy, Laurie and Jacob coming for dinner?" you asked in an attempt to change the subject before it gets awkward.
"They should be here at around six," Colin replied.
"Oh, you know Andy's a lawyer, right?" Eleanor asked you.
"Yes, we talked about it last night," you chuckled embarrassedly.
"Ah, of course! Anyway, I'm just wondering why his brother here doesn't follow in his footsteps," she reached forward as if sharing a secret with you. "You know, if you ever want to start a family, a steady income is very important."
"Well, we haven't even moved in yet, Eleanor," you were getting a little pissed now. "I'd say I have no say in what Colin chooses to do or not do, right?"
"Of course, I'm just worried about my little boy," she smiled at Colin and he returned what looked more like a grimace than a smile.
"You shouldn't be," you said, "he's wonderful," you looked at him and smiled genuinely.
"Awww, thank you," he said playfully, and you giggled.
"You two are such a cute couple," William, Colin's father said as he entered the room, sitting next to Eleanor.
"Yeah, you are," she agreed with him.
You and Colin just smiled at them. You didn't know what he was thinking, but what you yourself were thinking terrified you. I wish we were.
Soon enough everyone was there and you could start on the Christmas dinner, which was mostly courtesy of Eleanor and Laurie but at least Colin provided the venue. While you were eating, they were all talking amongst themselves, which left you plenty of time to think things over.
The thing was, while you had initially agreed to all of this, you just thought of it as a favor to a friend, nothing more, and now you were starting to realize just how… magical denial was. Because even in Colin's family was kind of annoying, apart from his admittedly hot older brother, Colin was surprisingly un-annoying for the last couple of days. He was actually being really… sweet.
It was the last thought that truly sent you spiraling. Because knowing Colin can be this sweet made it all the more bitter that it wasn't true.
Before, you could just tell yourself that Colin Shea wasn't really capable of love. That he wasn't ready. But now that you were seeing him like this, you knew that wasn't true, it couldn't be. No, the agonizing reality was – he can love. He just didn't want that, and certainly not with you. He had every opportunity to start something with you – hell, even just a one night stand – and he didn't. Sure, he flirted and joked around, but when it came down to it, you knew what Colin Shea seriously flirting looked like, and it never once happened with you, and you were sure of that.
Because if he really tried, deep down you knew you would let him succeed.
The food in your mouth suddenly became too dry, and you gulped down some water to steady yourself.
After dinner, everyone sat down in the living room to watch a Christmas movie. You and Colin sat next to each other on the couch, and you were trying to concentrate on the film when his hand wrapped around your shoulder. Nothing too bold.
You tried to hold your concentration, but then he started drawing patterns on your shirt, running his hand along the covered curve of your shoulder and all together with your thoughts it was… just too much.
"You know what guys?" you said after a few minutes, "I think I should probably go. I'm just pretty tired, I'm sorry," you said as you left your chair.
They all just kind of stared at you, and you didn't blame the after that out of the blue statement. All you knew is that you needed out of here.
i love validation so if you have any feedback (even if it’s negative i take constructive criticism lol) feel free to tell me:)
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12
A Very Colin Christmas Taglist: @janaygrant
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 6 - Going Home
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, bitter to bittersweet, 2.8k
@trevor-wilson-covington is my bestie who makes me these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
The next morning was uncharacteristically cloudy. It took the boys a long time to climb out of bed. Reggie was sprawled over most of the larger bed, and Bobby seemed to have stolen the covers (and Reggie’s teddy bear) to compensate for being curled up into one corner. Luke was face down on the couch and somehow not suffocating to death. Alex had lain awake for a while, staring out the window and watching the light slowly creep further into the room. He’d tried sleeping more and eventually his head was buzzing with too many thoughts to keep it up any longer.
It already felt like years from yesterday. Everything was this image of beautiful long hair and dark brown eyes that were a world away, and yet they had more gravity in them than he’d ever seen. Alex was ruined for tie-dye and puka shells for the rest of his life. He knew he’d see nothing else but Willie in them. Skateboards were in a whole other category. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d just attached himself to another person besides Luke, Reggie, and Bobby.
He heard Reggie roll out of bed and enter the bathroom, and the motion caused the whole room to stir. Luke lifted his head, and after some confused staring at the arm of the couch, turned on his side and sighed heavily. A tired smile came across his face, and he had that besotted sort of look to him - the one the rest of the guys had associated with ‘Julie on the mind’ - and Alex finally understood. Did he look like that now, too?
Bobby sat up abruptly, a look of sleepy disorientation on his face. Reggie’s bear was clutched tightly to his chest, and he had to look down and realize it was there before gently setting it down on Reggie’s side. Luke simply gave him a puzzled look as he wordlessly climbed out of the bed and went to push Reggie over and share the bathroom sink to shave. Alex absent-mindedly ran his hand over the bottom half of his face, feeling the still-smooth skin underneath his fingers.
The morning was full of light chatter, most of them still too tired to gush about the night before. It was already too late to enjoy the continental breakfast the hotel served, and after each of them finished getting ready and packing, they all looked around at each other.
“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’, boys?” Luke said. Reggie’s stomach growled loudly in the pause that followed.
“I’m gonna guess we find food?” Reggie responded.
“Yeah,” Alex said. “I’m pretty sure he’s talking about where.”
All three of them looked at Alex expectantly and he blinked back at them.
“Are you guys just gonna stare or are we gonna eat?” he joked dryly.
They all headed down to the lobby and checked out, dumping their luggage in the van. Even though no one had mentioned the diner, there seemed to be the silent agreement that that’s where they were going. Alex briefly considered suggesting that the guys go to the arcade again, but thought better of it. They were all chill with Willie; he didn’t have to hide anything. Sitting at the same table they had the day before, Alex noticed the place was busy this time around.
A tall man with dark hair approached their table. Alex recognized him from the brief peek out the kitchen door, and the reminder from Willie later: Caleb. He had a clean look to him - pristine was perhaps a better word - and he smiled widely.
“Welcome boys! How are we this morning!” he greeted cheerfully. It greatly contrasted Alex’s first impression, but he thought to keep an open mind. Willie hadn’t really said anything bad about him, only admitted that he sometimes put people off, which Alex could understand if he was running a diner. The charisma was unexpected.
“Oh, we could eat!” Reggie said excitedly.
“Music to my ears,” Caleb said, clapping his hands together. “Anything I can get started for you?”
Alex didn’t pay attention to what everyone else said as he skimmed the diner for signs of Willie. Two other servers were going around but neither of them were him. There wasn’t a proper way to peek into the kitchen either, so if Willie were to show up he’d come through the door. The image of him skating up to them instead of walking nearly made Alex laugh aloud. Luke elbowed him in the arm. Looking up, he saw Caleb waiting for him to order.
“Sorry, uh,” he sputtered. “Toast and eggs, with the banana.”
Caleb merely nodded, as if he had expected as much.
“Wonderful. I’ll have those out for you boys in the blink of an eye.” He turned neatly on his heel. Alex tried not to be too obvious as he attempted to glimpse through the doorway as Caleb entered the kitchen.
“He was nice!” Reggie said.
“Doesn’t count,” Alex told him. “He’s the boss.” It hadn’t meant to slip out sounding that way, but there was likely a bit of truth to it. He was just...disappointed he wasn’t who he’d hoped to see. Alex guessed after so many chance meetings yesterday, reality had to resurface somehow.
Bobby shot him a worried look, but got distracted by Reggie pulling out a napkin and trying to make it into some sort of shape. Alex recalled the frog and wished he had kept it. Reggie’s turned out to be a fortune teller, but since he couldn’t write anything inside he simply used it as a goofy sort of puppet and kept trying to snap at everyone’s fingers.
Luke sat up in that way he usually did like a lightbulb had come on in his head, and he grabbed a napkin as well. Then he looked around, grabbed a pen from the host’s counter, and began scribbling words on the napkin as best he could.
“Got some inspiration?” Alex teased.
Luke shushed him as he focused on getting everything down, and then began humming a melody in a low voice, repeating it to himself. Caleb came back with their plates as he did so. As he carefully laid their orders before them, he eyed Luke in curiosity.
“Are we musicians, here?” he asked with piqued interest.
“Yeah, actually we’re Sunset Curve,” Bobby told him.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie added.
“Well, I certainly have friends to tell,” Caleb mentioned. “You wouldn’t happen to have done any gigs around here, would you?”
“We just played at the Pearl last night,” Luke said proudly.
Caleb raised his eyebrows with a slight smile.
“Impressive,” he mused. “Something tells me you could become big. Consider your meal on the house, courtesy of Caleb Covington.”
All of them looked at him in awe.
“Wait, you’re serious?” Luke said incredulously.
“Oh, of course!” Caleb assured. “You boys deserve all the help you can get to make it in the big leagues. If you ever pass this way again, you can count on us to serve you here and have a place in my hotel.”
“Wait, you own the hotel too?” Reggie asked.
“Just a small monopoly in the market,” Caleb shrugged. “All to serve rockstars like you.”
“”Right on!” Luke smiled, digging into his plate.
“You boys call me if you need anything else,” Caleb insisted as he made off with his empty tray.
All of them ate with enthusiasm. Alex tried to shut up the battle in his mind about how he felt over the whole interaction. Caleb was so generous, how could his first impression have been so wrong? Was he irrationally holding it against Caleb that Willie was nowhere to be seen and that was the only thing bothering him? It didn’t matter, he guessed. They had free food and guaranteed lodging any time they were in Vegas now. That was an investment in the future.
Luke continued to hum and tap and write the whole time, which only bothered the couple sitting behind him. Reggie was bobbing his head along and Alex could see the bassline forming in his head by the concentration on his face.
“Okay, I’m guessing we’re gonna jam this one out on the way back, so who’s driving?” Bobby wondered.
“Trick question,” Alex said. “It’s gonna be me so I don’t get carsick again.”
When they all finished eating Caleb came to clear away their plates.
“I rarely see plates this clean,” he commented. “Looks like you enjoyed yourselves!”
“Compliments to the cook,” Luke said. “They make some gnarly pancakes.”
“I hire the best,” Caleb told him. He rested their plates with one arm as they each got up to leave. “Safe travels, boys. And remember, I’m always looking out for you.”
Alex was the last to leave the booth and took a moment as the other three bounded outside. Caleb raised an eyebrow, waiting to listen.
“Um,” Alex hesitated, wringing his hands. “I met Willie yesterday. Could you just tell him Alex said goodbye? I’d appreciate it.” It wasn't even close to what he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to go about explaining the entirety of the day before to this man.
Caleb gave a strange half nod, saying nothing in return. Alex guessed it was a silent promise - maybe he knew what Alex was actually talking about and wasn’t about to broadcast it to the whole restaurant? He didn’t necessarily come off as straight himself, now that Alex thought about it. It was slightly comforting. Returning a small smile to say thank you, he ran to catch up with the boys.
Bobby tossed him the keys to the van and they all climbed in.
“Okay, let’s get to jamming that song before I forget the best part!” Luke cried.
Alex started the ignition and felt his chest weigh a hundred pounds as he pulled away from the diner. Everything inside wanted to stay. Or find Willie and take him along. He peeked at intervals through the rearview mirror, hoping to see him running out from the diner to say goodbye. A hand grasped his shoulder and he turned to see Reggie looking at him sympathetically. He’d caught onto more than Alex had noticed. They only heaved a quick sigh as Alex felt his body begin to shake slightly and he focused his eyes on the road. It was going to be a long four hours.
Much later, the guys were gathered again at the hospital Julie’s mom, Rose, was at. The rest of them had their acoustics while Alex carried a cheap little djembe drum. They were dog-tired but Luke was pulling every ounce of his energy forward to keep all of them hyped. Currently, he was on the phone with Julie, verifying how soon she would be there with them.
“Hey, Alex,” Bobby nudged him as they sat in the waiting room. “Ballroom Blitz?”
“Now?” Alex said, looking around at the gloomy nurses and residents shuffling about their business.
“Yeah, as a warm up.”
He couldn’t help the smile growing on his lips.
“Okay, we just gotta keep Reggie in check.”
Bobby chuckled and shook his head, knowing it wasn’t going to happen.
Alex started up the beat on his djembe as Bobby grinned. Reggie sat up as he tried to figure out what they were doing.
“Are you ready Steve?” Bobby began, trying to stay soft so it wasn’t too alarming. Reggie beamed as he realized what was happening. “Andy? Mick? Alright fellas! Let’s goooooo!” He came in with the main riff as residents’ and patients’ heads turned to see what was happening. Luke had gotten off the phone and was already grabbing his guitar
They managed to get calmly through the verse before Reggie couldn’t help but let the energy take over.
“I see a man in the back, as a matter of fact, his eyes were as red as the sun! And a girl in the corner, let no one ignore her ‘cuz she thinks she’s the passionate one! OOHH YEEAAH!”
All four of them came together for the chorus.
“And the man at the back said ‘Everyone attack’ and it turned into a ballroom blitz! And the girl in the corner said ‘Boy, I wanna warn ya it’ll turn into a ballroom blitz! Ballroom blitz!” They were all getting into jamming now, and Alex was lost in the rhythm with the rest of them.
A nurse finally approached them with a loud voice.
“OKAY BOYS!” she cried, an expression on her face that meant serious business. Each of them faltered in the middle of playing and looked at her like chastised puppies. “Thank you, you sound lovely. Unfortunately, there’s a few patients we don’t wanna disturb, so if you could please save it for your little thing later, we would like that very much.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they all murmured sheepishly.
“Thank you,” she smiled exaggeratedly and went on with her business. Once her back was turned, Reggie pulled a funny face and shrugged, causing them all to suppress their laughter.
“You guys, we could hear you from the elevator,” they all heard. Turning around, Julie stood behind them shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Ray and her brother Carlos were only a few steps behind. Luke bounded over a chair, guitar in hand, to meet her.
“We ready boss?” he enthused.
“Yeah, we just need to check in. We told her we were coming, but not you guys.”
Like the dork he was, Luke simply made the shaka sign with his hand in excitement. Alex felt newly energized from the song, and knew that what they were doing meant so much to Julie and her family. Everything that had been weighing on him all day could be set aside for this.
Shortly, they followed the Molinas to Rose’s room.
“Hey, mom,” Julie said tenderly. The woman had a scarf on her head, and she looked so tired and weak everywhere except in her eyes.
“Sweetheart, who’s this?” she asked, pleasantly surprised.
“These are my friends, Luke, Alex, Reggie, and Bobby,” Julie introduced. “They’re a band called Sunset Curve, and they wanted to do something special for you today.”
She looked back at Luke and gave him a nod. He began strumming the intro to Your Song by Elton John and happy tears immediately welled in Rose’s eyes. She looked at her daughter and pride emanated from her being.
“It’s a little bit funny, these feelings inside,” Luke sang. “I’m not one of those who can easily hide….” 
Each of them continued to join in as Ray, Julie and Carlos all took turns embracing Rose. She whispered things to them in Spanish and kissed each of their heads, keeping hold of Ray’s hand as the boys continued playing. She couldn’t sing along as she wished, but she mouthed the words to every single song they played. The boys played for only an hour, but it felt like its own little bubble of time. Alex didn’t want to leave by the time it was over.
They had saved Yellow Submarine for last, and it came as a suckerpunch. Even though the song was supposed to be silly and Carlos was doing all the echoes at the end, they could all feel the undercurrent of grief wash through. The words became a metaphor for some fantastical land where nothing was wrong - where Rose was healthy, where each of their lives were fixed, where Willie was with them - a land of simplicity that didn’t exist. But they had created a moment in that tiny hospital room that felt so close to it, and they could all tell.
Alex felt strange that while everyone else had tears in their eyes at this point, he remained dry. He was moved, of course. There was something about meeting Julie’s family and doing this little performance that made him feel warmth greater than anything he’d known in his whole life. It made him wonder what was wrong with him. He watched as Reggie, who was a sniffling mess, tried to comfort a slightly tearful Bobby (which was a rare sight in itself). Luke wrapped his arm around Alex’s shoulders, smiling even with glistening eyes. For what it was worth, the guys made him feel at home and he knew he’d been a part of this just as much as them.
As everyone said their goodbyes back in the waiting room, Julie held out her arms and all the guys came to her at once in a giant group hug.
“You guys, I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” she said, words saturated with gratitude. “I will never forget this. My mom will never forget this.”
They all squeezed tightly before letting go. Luke and Julie’s hands took just a little too long to separate as she followed her dad and brother out of the hospital. Sighing wistfully, Luke watched her go until she was out of sight completely. The image of Willie skating along the street crossed Alex’s mind in a rueful memory. He was definitely going to hammer it out on his drums when he got home.
“Alright, boys,” Luke was saying. “Let’s head out.”
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j0elmill3r · 4 years
Me And You Together Song
Chris Evans x Daughter!reader
Jaeden Martell x Reader
Chris Evans Masterlist
Part Two of The Tonight Show [Read Here!]
Warnings; Swearing, mentions of past abuse, mentions of manipulative exes, ft. sebby stan
word count; 2.1k
A/N; Kinda didn't follow what the request was looking for because I didn't know how to write it, but I hope this is okay. I made sebby appear because I can and it's not a day in New York without the man himself
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Chris sighed as your phone went to voicemail for the fifth time. You were meant to be up an hour ago so you could go and get something to eat, but you were still sleeping, as per usual. Chris was trying his hardest not to go into yours and Jaeden's room, he wasn't hoping to see you in bed with someone that was your boyfriend, not yet. To him, you were the same little girl who came running in from the backyard after falling from the swings and cutting your knee, and you needed him to kiss it better. But eventually, he had to go and get you, first of all, he was worried, and second, he was hungry as fuck. Chris was glad Jaeden had given him a spare key last night, but he knocked first.
"Y/N, Jaeden. Are you alive?" There was no response except snoring, who Chris couldn't identify if it were yours or your boyfriends. Chris sighed and opened the door, relief flooding his body when he saw that both you and Jaeden were fully clothed and cuddled up to each other, his arms around you tightly. "I don't know whether to gush or throw up," He said to himself. Chris tried making as much noise as possible, but neither of the 17-year-olds in the bed woke up. Moving over to the lightswitch, Chris flicked the switch on and off until he heard you groan. You twisted out of Jaeden's arms and your arm flopped out of the bed.
"Jae, quit it," you groaned, your eyes still clenched shut because it felt like you were in a colourless rave.
"That's not me," He told you. Your eyes opened and from the shape of the body standing over at the light switch, you could make it out to be your dad standing with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Hi, Dad," You greeted him. Chris walked over to the nightstand and pressed the home button on your phone and saw his contact name on your screen.
5 Missed Calls
"5 times. You really have a habit of forgetting things, Y/N. Do I wanna know what time you both fell asleep or did you just fall asleep?" He asked. You sat up and sat still for a second before looking up at your dad, your eyes still squinted.
"What time is it?"
"9 am," He told you. Jaeden laughed dryly and turned to you, a tired look on his face.
"I told you we would regret staying up until 6," He told you. You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder. "Ow," He groaned.
"Shut up," You turned to your dad. "Look, I'm sorry. We didn't plan on staying up so late and we kinda forgot that time was a concept" You pulled the puppy dog eyes that you had learned from your dad, he could never stay mad at you for long if you used them.
"It's okay. I have some stuff to do today, so you two are on your own. If I come back and either of you is in anyway undressed, you," He pointed at you. "Are grounded for life," You nodded. "And please don't get lost, I don't wanna drag Sebastian around New York looking for both of you," He said.
"You're gonna go see Seb?" he nodded from where he was standing at the door. "Tell him I said hi," Your dad said goodbye and then left both of you.
"Okay, we need to go and get food. I don't know about you, but I'm starving," You nodded at Jaedens suggestion. "There's a place I saw a few blocks from here,"
"And you just happened to be on the lookout for places?" You asked him. Jaeden turned to look at you and gave you a serious look.
"Of course I was, I couldn't be wandering around New York not knowing places to go and get breakfast. Jesus Christ, Y/N, who do you take me for?" You laughed at him as you fell back onto the bed and onto his chest.
"I don't know, I certainly didn't take you as someone who was so into food places in New York. I was literally just gonna go to iHop," You told him. "And anyway, I thought you hated going out in New York because you get scared you'll lose me in the literal sea of people," You reminded him.
"Yeah, but you've grown around 3 inches and I can see you now that you dyed your hair lighter," He ran his fingers through your hair that you convinced your dad to let you make more blonde than it was, it was similar to your dads', but a little darker. "But, if you wanna go to iHop, that's fine, I don't mind," He smiled down at you.
"You should go shower," You suggested to him. He looked down at you with a furrowed brow.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" You sat up and smiled at him innocently, shaking your head.
"No, but you should just go and shower," You said, putting your hand on his chest. He huffed and got out of bed, turning back to face you. But as if you could predict what he was going to say, you throw a pillow at him full force, causing him to grunt as it hit his face. "Shower!" He threw the pillow back at you and went into the bathroom. In the space of an hour, you were both ready. Your laptop was open and playing your playlist from Spotify, Bloody Valentine by Machine Gun Kelly playing from the speakers.
"This song is stupid," You turned to face Jaeden, shock was written on your face. "I mean, what is it even about?" He asked you.
"It doesn't matter. Megan Fox is in the music video, that's all that matters," You told him. Jaeden closed your laptop and put it in your bag. Then crossing his arms and tilting his head, his hair falling to one side.
"Okay then, would you rather me or Megan Fox?" He asked you. Your jaw dropped to the floor at his question, picking between those two things was like asking if you had to choose between a brain or a heart, both things are important. "Did you seriously just ask me that?" Jaeden nodded and smirked. "You, obviously. But it's Megan fucking Fox, you're telling me you don't find her attractive?" You asked him.
"I think everyone finds her attractive," He murmured.
"Thank you! Don't get your underwear in a twist over Megan Fox, Jae. You have my heart," You told him as you kissed him on the nose. Jaeden pouted, making you furrow your eyebrows. "What?" "You missed," He told you. "I did? Well, I apologize, but that's what you get when you shit on Machine Gun Kelly,"
"Do we have to?" Jaeden whined. You nodded and took his hand, dragging him into Macy's.
"Yes, because if I go home without something for Miles and Stella, they'll never talk to me again and that'll be really awkward when I have to babysit," You told him. "And I thought the toy aisle was your favourite?" You asked him mockingly. Jaeden shook his head and flipped you off. "Jaeden Martell! How dare you make such obscene gestures in the children's toy aisle!"
"My sincerest apologies, Lady Y/N," He said. You laughed and picked something out for your younger cousins. "Alright, can we like sit down or something, my feet hurt," He complained.
"Okay, we can go for lunch now if you want, that way you can stop bitching," You told him.
"For the daughter of Captain America, you really do have a mouth on you," He said. "I would quote the line but you're probably sick of hearing it between fans and your dad," You nodded.
"Okay, since I chose breakfast, you can choose lunch. I don't mind where, I'll pay," You told him.
"You sure?" You nodded. "Alright, I know a place. Jack told me about it and said it was pretty good, I know where it is though," He said.
"The last time you said that we ended up in downtown L.A and nearly dying," You reminded him. "We were just lucky because Scott happened to be driving around,"
"That was one time,"
"And I'm sure it won't be the last," You left Macy's and walked to the place Jaeden was talking about, and walking in you knew he had asked Jack for recommendations. "This is nice," You said as you were seated. You took your jacket off and shivered as your bare arms were exposed to the air.
"How are you cold?" Jaeden asked you incredulously. You shrugged and smiled as he pulled his hoodie off, handing it over to you.
"You're amazing," You said fondly. Jaeden chuckled.
"I try my best,"
"Y/N looks a lot happier," Sebastian said. Chris took a drink of his beer and nodded. "I know the last year wasn't exactly easy, but she's doing better," Chris nodded.
"Yeah, she deserves it, really, she does. Jaeden helped her a lot too, I can't take all of the credit," Chris told Sebastian.
"Yeah. That Lucas dude fucked her around, I'm surprised you didn't kill the little dick," Chris laughed and nodded.
"No, that night I saw the look in Y/N's eyes and knew she needed me. And trust me, I would have," Chris hated thinking about Lucas and what he had done to you. He was manipulative and if you ever said you were thinking of leaving him, he would say he would hurt himself and it would be all your fault. He had hit you on a few occasions too, but you would always tell yourself he never meant it, and that the bruises your dad saw were just because you were clumsy. "But, I know that Jaeden would never hurt Y/N, not on purpose. I trust him with her, and I trust Y/N to know the signs now,"
"I don't know much about this whole 'parenting' gig, Chris, but I know that you're doing well with Y/N, ever since I've known you, you always put her first. I mean, you basically told the Russos that if they kept you on set for an hour longer, you wouldn't be there the next morning because you were gonna be late for her soccer game," Chris laughed at the memory Sebastian had brought up.
"Yeah, she won that game. She scored the winning goal," He smiled. "They're probably still awake," Chris looked at the time on his phone, 01:34.
"You should probably go, don't you have a flight at 12?" Sebastian asked. Chris nodded.
"Yeah, it's not me that has the problem waking up, it's the two insomniac teenagers who stayed up until 6 am yesterday,"
You were snoring away softly while Jaeden was watching something on his phone, using your head as a stand. Your head was laid on his chest and your body was pressed up as close as possible against his. Jaeden's other arm was around you, his arm going all the way around you and coming to your waist. The door clicked open, but it was only your dad.
"Shit, sorry. I thought you'd both be awake," Chris said. Jaeden put his phone down on the nightstand. "Since when did Y/N fall asleep before 3 am?"
"She was saying she was tired today, we were watching Netflix and next thing I knew she was asleep and now I can't move her," Jaeden said. Chris sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Do you want me to move her?" Chris asked. Jaeden shook his head and looked down at you.
"It's fine, she'll probably move anyway," He said.
"Alright, I'll go," Chris stood up and walked to the door, but turned back last minute. "Thank you, Jaeden," "Oh uh- what for?" Jaeden furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Looking after her. I know she can be closed off sometimes, but she really loves you Jaeden. Next thing I know you'll be running to me asking to marry her," Chris said. Jaeden laughed quietly, and the vibrating of his chest made you groan in annoyance.
"Give it a few years," Jaeden moved down and tried not to disturb you again in fear he might get a pillow to the face. "Good night, Chris,"
"You guys talk too loud," You said tiredly. "My dad really likes you," You told him. "Thanks?" You got delirious when you were tired. "You should go back to sleep, it's late," He told you.
"You go to sleep too then," You said. "And plus, 'm not even tired," You said, a yawn interrupting you. Jaeden nodded, playing along with you.
"Right, just put your head back down and cuddle with me again, I'm cold," He said. You put your head back on his chest and fell asleep in about 3 seconds. "Not tired my ass,"
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hi yes so I just finished the anakin punk au and it was uh perfect? And you should 100% please write more in that au it doesn’t even have to be in some coherent storyline, just more punk anakin please I am hooked
say no more my dear
I write this. and I think to myself “punks. they like weed. they drink. I should talk about that.”
and then I don’t. because I have a,,, responsibility to promote good health I guess?
don’t do drugs kids. most of them arent worth it i promise
and yes just like i mentioned wattpad in the last one tumblr is coming up on this one we’re breaking the FUCKING fourth wall
part one here
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You passed out on his shoulder, exactly as he predicted, at about 2:00 AM.
He didn’t notice for a few minutes, and once he had, he had to make a very hard decision. 
He knew you were leaving in the morning, you had other places to be. And he had to get home, Cliegg was going to be pissed he’d been out this late as it was. But- just like you, he never wanted the night to end.
At 2:15, he shimmied out from under you, finding your room key quickly. Once he’d slipped it into his pocket, he picked you up, carrying you all the way back to your room. The door seemed to scream as it opened, but none of the girls were awake. He laid you onto the only empty bed, leaving your room key on the dresser, and kneeled at your beside, for just a moment. 
A night he wasn’t going to forget. One he wasn’t willing to leave behind. 
He found the notepad left by the hotel for guests and its nearby pen, scribbling his phone number onto it before smacking it onto your room key so that he knew you’d see it. 
He wasn’t taking any chances. He did everything he could to make sure that you were safe, that you’d sleep soundly, that he’d see you again. It was a bit of a walk back to where he’d left his car, at the venue, but it was worth it- he shrugged his jacket up around his neck against the cold and kept going, remembering how it’d felt to hold you. 
But, in all of his kindness, he had made one mistake. You didn’t get to say goodbye. 
You woke up in the hotel room the next morning, for a moment thinking that maybe you’d dreamed the whole thing. But then you realized you still had your shoes on, and you were laying on top of the sheets, why the hell would I do that, and you phone hadn’t been plugged in, and- 
And there was a phone number on the dresser. 
You weren’t really ‘dating’- you shouldn’t call it that. If you were going to call it that, then there would inevitably be a post on someone’s tumblr that you had a boyfriend, and who was he, where was he from, yada yada... that damn website already had half the internet convinced you were dating Padme, you didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire. 
So no, you weren’t dating. But you were texting every day. You learned so much about him, about how he was raised by his mom and worked at her friend Watto’s auto shop, about his step-brother and future step-sister-in-law, how his mom died when he was nineteen, about how he’d tried to move to California with his friend Obi-Wan a few years ago, but it fell through. In return, you told him about your life- living in the outskirts of San Francisco, being pushed into ballet lessons as a kid (as he said- ‘that’s why you look weightless on stage!’), being cut out from your family for quitting college to pursue music. 
You texted every day and every night, sent him videos from gigs, and he sent dumb little snapchats from underneath whatever car he was working on. You expected that to be it, probably for a long time- neither of you had the money nor the time to see each other more often. So you held onto the connection you had, the night you’d spent together. 
And you thought that’d be it. But- the universe has a funny way of surprising you. 
Your record label was based in LA, so you lived in Salta Ana, about thirty miles away, where the real estate was way cheaper. The band lived together, close as four friends could be, so they knew all about how you’d fallen for Anakin. Ahsoka would notice you glued to your phone, and ask snarkily “texting skyguy?” to which you always scolded her that his name was Skywalker. 
Living so close to LA made it easy to do gigs at any venue that would take you- bars, clubs, a particularly anarchist biker hall. A bar- such was the case for tonight. 
Like usual with a gig like this, Aayla had taken to instagram and called any fan in the area, so the bar was mostly filled with people who knew the music, but there were regulars, too. People who couldn’t be damned to listen to the lyrics, and just let the atmosphere move them. 
The setlist changed, when you were at a place like this. You didn’t necessarily rely on the hundred voice chorus that you loved so much, and so couldn’t include some of those songs. Your music strayed a little more to the rock end of the spectrum, when you played in places like this. With that high energy came faster music, more running around the stage, more movement, but you weren’t tired, when the set ended at 11:25. You were more energized than usual, in fact.
“Pads, I’ve never heard you solo like that!” You said, a bright smile on your face as you pushed out of the employee entrance of the bar. She gave you thanks, but not a moment later stopped dead, not saying a word, staring at you. You paused, looking at her, then Ahsoka and Aayla, who’d both stopped, too. 
“What?” Ahsoka and Aayla, though, were looking at something past you, which made you realize that Padme was, too. You turned, and leaning against the wall was- was Anakin. 
“Oh my god,” you said under your breath, dropping into a run toward him immediately. “Anakin!” He shoved himself off of the wall, letting you run into his arms, and just held you. You pulled away to look at him, amazed that after months, here he was, right in front of you, real. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, bewildered, surprised, ecstatic. 
“Visiting Obi-Wan,” he said, and he lifted his hand to your face, giving you a good look at that tattoo you hadn’t quite forgotten, dark lines reaching from his elbow to his palm. 
“And you,” he added. You couldn’t help it- you hadn’t seen him in so long, you couldn’t help the way you leaned into it when he pulled you into a kiss, and this time you weren’t exhausted, and you could let yourself feel it, you could pay attention to his chapped lips and the way he slid them over yours, still soft, even after waiting in the cold. You never wanted to leave this moment, like so many of the others that you spent with him, his hands on your face keeping away the January air. 
“Yeah, I’m heading home,” Ahsoka said, making you break the kiss. “Coming, or not?” You looked back at her with a bit of a glare, letting Anakin’s hands fall to your neck. 
“You guys go ahead,” you said, checking your jacket pocket for the essentials- wallet, phone, house keys. “I think I have a tradition to uphold.” 
The bar you’d played at tonight was a bit far away from the place you wanted to take Anakin, but you didn’t mind the walk, since it was with him. You’d been texting every day, and yet it felt different, there was so much more to talk about now. 
Apparently, Anakin hadn’t seen Obi-Wan since he’d left to move to LA, so it was a visit to an old friend as much as it was an excuse to see you again. 
“So you’re staying with him?” You asked, leading him by the arm down the street. 
“Yeah,” he said, hooking his elbow into yours, which let him keep his hands in his pockets. “He’s got an apartment in east LA, it’s got a nice couch.”
“East LA, not bad. What’s he do?” 
“He’s a talent manager, actually. Went to business school and everything.” Anakin paused, suppressing a chuckle. “He told me that he’d love to represent you, if you didn’t already have someone.” 
“Sadly, we do,” you said, playful, “but I’ll keep him in mind.” 
You’d pretend it was the winter chill that brought the flush to your cheeks- he’d told his friend about you. That had to mean you were important to him, right?
“Where are we heading, anyway?” He asked, and you, luckily, could channel your inner dramatic and turn toward the doorway you’d been heading toward all along. 
“Right here,” you said, and you took him inside. 
This was your recording studio- it was always open, so that any artist could stop in and get out whatever creativity they had. You showed your ID card to the lobby clerk, who approved it and called the elevator. Anakin followed your lead until the door closed, and just like you had on the night you met him, you pressed the button for the highest floor. 
“This is one of the buildings for our record company,” you said, the elevator so familiar. 
“Which would explain why he let you in,” Anakin said, a slight teasing tone to his voice. All you could do was chuckle, waiting for the elevator to reach the top floor.
From there, you lead him to a glass door, and swiped your ID card through a reader near its frame so you could step outside. 
“This is the rooftop set,” you said, gesturing to the wide space, “It’s where we film a lot of music videos.” This close to the door, it was hard to see over the side of the building, and so you took Anakin’s hand.
“The city lights keep us from stargazing,” you said with a smile, and brought him to the guardrail at the edge of the roof. “So I thought I’d show you the city’s version of the night sky.” Looking out across the city, there were a thousand orange sparkles, windows illuminated in buildings stretching as far as the eye could see. Criss-crossed between them were lines of red and white, LA traffic clogging the city streets even so late at night. 
No matter how many times you came up here, you’d never get tired of the view. Fifty-five stories up, there were other buildings that dwarfed this tower, but the west was free of them, so your view to the horizon was clear, even in the LA overcast. 
“Wow,” he said, looking out over it all beside you. “I’ve never- I don’t think I’ve ever been up this high.” You fixed him with a surprised expression, leaning your elbows down onto the banister. 
“No? Really?”
“I didn’t grow up in a city, like you,” he said, settling in beside you, his arm pressed to yours. You let your head rest onto his shoulder, remembering the night you met. 
“I’m glad you came out to LA,” you said, “though I’m hoping you’ll stay a while. I  want to go on an actual date with you.” You heard him exhale.
“You don’t call this a date?” he asked, and you lifted your head, looking at him, the lights of the city giving his face the slightest, golden glow. 
“Well, I mean-” If this was a date, then so had been the one after the show, back in October. Which meant this was your second date, and you’d technically been ‘dating’ this whole time, which kinda made him your- boyfriend? 
“Is it?” Anakin slipped his hand into yours, lacing your fingers together.
“This is better than any dinner and movie we could’ve gone to, I think.” He turned over your hand, tracing his first finger over the skyline tattoo that bisected your forearm. “Especially since it seems like this means a lot to you.” You couldn’t believe he’d noticed that tattoo- it meant he really was paying attention to you. 
“Yeah,” you said with a smile, lifting your arm up, his hand still held in yours, aligning the tattoo with the skyline you were looking at. “I got this done after we did our first video.” Silently, he examined the ink and compared it to the sky, seeing what you meant. 
“That’s really cool,” he said, bringing your hand back down, since his fingers were getting cold in the wind, and he had to assume yours were too. 
“How long are you going to be in town?” You asked, resting your temple down onto his shoulder again. 
“A week, or so. Watto says he needs me to work on a mustang that we’re getting- I think Cliegg told him to say that since he doesn’t want me in the city.” 
“Well, I don’t want to undermine your dad,” you said, “But I wouldn’t complain if you stayed here a lot longer than that.” You ran your thumb over the back of his hand. “It’s really nice to actually have you with me, and not over the phone.” Anakin turned to kiss the top of your head.
“Tell me about it. It’s worse for me, I promise- I listen to your music all the time, and it just makes me want to see you.” 
“Sometimes I forget that you were once just a fan,” you said with a laugh, “listening to our music.” 
“The luckiest one in the world,” Anakin added, and you almost wondered how you’d ever lived without him. 
You let a moment pass, in silence. 
“I’m twenty five,” you started, wondering if you had the courage to finish, “do you think I’m too young to be in love?” Anakin didn’t respond, at first. He turned to you, lifting his furthest hand to your face, making you look up at him. You could never get over those blue eyes- you’d forgotten how intense they were. 
“I guess it depends on the guy,” Anakin said, his teeth quickly catching his lower lip. “Do you think you are?” You reached up past his arm to his face, your first finger tracing his eyebrow before your palm came to rest on the ridge of his cheekbone.
“No,” you said, and you rushed forward to meet his lips. 
-🦌 Roe
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