#one of my fav duos at this point tbh
smoshmonker · 6 months
mom and dad being sweet to each other x
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umahumahumah · 1 month
Can you rate all hetalia ships and your fav
I'll try. Let's go alphabetical order!
America/Australia: 0/10
It feels incestuous. I do find it funny how apparently Australia, someone clearly younger than America, is apparently in his 20's while the latter is 19.
America/Austria: 5/10
I think the fun part about this ship is how America has the potential to annoy Austria so much. Still, I can't really see the appeal.
America/Belarus: 5/10
I like the concept of this ship because both characters have contrasting personalities and are on opposing sides! I'm a sucker for that type of thing, which is kind of surprising that this ship doesn't compell me too much. At least not enough to make content of them.
America/Belgium: 6/10
I think America would really like Belgium's waffles, that fatass...
America/Bulgaria: 5/10
Clearly Bulgaria has dedicated his heart to one man and one man only. I don't see any chemistry between him and America... Actually maybe a little. I like the dynamic between normie and pathetic loser. Though I think if Bulgaria is not with Romania he would kill himself
America/Cameroon: 4/10
I think America would take a liking to Cameroon due to their shared interests in sports, but Cameroon feels way too mature to take any of America's tomfoolery.
America/Canada: 0/10
Blatantly incest.
America/China: 8/10
It feels like an alternate version of RusAme, with one side clearly maturer than the other. Though tbh I think the fun of this ship would be seeing how long it takes for America to break China
(+1 Point for that Wash My Belly Dude! Roblox game)
America/Croatia: 6/10
I think I made fanart of this ship once. I never finished it and it's on my dead phone, so... From the very minor appearance Croatia made in the entirety of Hetalia's existence, he seems like a very lethargic character, a great contrast to America's personality. Unfortunately, since Croatia is less than bare bones, I can't rank it any higher. If he was developed more I could easily ship him with America.
America/Cuba: 7/10
Cuba has a very strong hatred for America, doesn't he? Though whether America reciprocates that hatred or not is up to question. Considering his other rivalries though, America is probably very dismissive or unaware about Cuba's hatred. Whether it is reciprocated or not, I love a good ol' rivalry!
America/Cyprus: 3/10
I guess there's nothing bad about it, but what can I say about this? Cyprus would probably be scared of America or at least uncomfortable with his presence.
America/Czechia: 6/10
Anything to cuck Slovakia.
America/Denmark: 7/10
I think these two would be a very chaotic duo! They'd get into all sorts of shenanigans and probably plant a stink bomb somewhere in the meeting room. Them in a romantic context doesn't compell me, but they seem like they'd be good friends.
America/Ecuador: 6/10
There's nothing wrong with it, but I can't say much about it since Ecuador's barely a character. I can imagine them being good friends though.
America/Egypt: 6/10
There's something interesting about the dynamic of someone who doesn't talk and someone who doesn't know how to shut up.
America/England: -100000000/10
We got to USUK.... Honestly man I don't think I can describe the absolute HATE BONER I have for this ship. Reading the world itself feels like a walk through the fiery coals that make up the ground of hell. The ship is a bastardization of the characters involved and I am glad that it is finally dying out. Putting aside the incestuous and pedophilic undertones, most USUK content I've seen heavily mischaracterize America and England. I could probably replace the two characters with Generic Yaoi Couple™ and nobody would be able to tell the difference!!!!
America/Estonia: 0/10
No idea why but Himaruya made Estonia 17... I know ages are almost obsolete in Hetalia nowadays but maaan still
America/Finland: 1/10
Honestly I've always imagined Finland acting more like a father figure to America than anything romantic.
America/France: 0/10
America/Germany: 7/10
Couples with one wild party and one that keeps them in check are always fun!
America/Greece: 3/10
Honestly I'd feel bad for Greece if he has to deal with America all the time. Let him nap pls
America/Hong Kong: 0/10
Hong Kong is 16-17
America/Hungary: 3/10
I think she'd just be trying her hardest trying to set him up with Austria instead.
America/Iceland: 0/10
Iceland is 16-17.
America/India: 4/10
I think I see potential in this ship. The two are both described as pretty wild characters, with India still being pretty mature. I see America instigating India to act more upon his wild side. But honestly I don't know much about India to actually determine what the nature of their relationship would be like.
America/Indonesia: 6/10
Again, I see potential. I think these two might be cute together, but I can't really get invested in it.
America/Ireland: 7/10
I think America and Ireland would be really close considering the history of Irish immigrants in America. Maybe they could've lived with each other at some point? Considering there were a lot of Irish immigrants to the country back then....
America/Italy: 7/10
It sounds pretty fun! I like both characters, I think a relationship with each other is enjoyable. Dumb + dumb stick together!
America/Japan: 9/10
I think America and Japan have a pretty wholesome relationship, I really like them together. Their dynamic also interests me with it being extrovert x introvert. Also also cultural exchanges between the two are always fun
America/Korea: 0/10
Korea is 15-16
America/Latvia: 0/10
Latvia is 15
America/Liechtenstein: 0/10
Liechtenstein feels too young.
America/Lithuania: 5/10
Ehhh, I think it's fine. Most of the content I've seen of Ameliet falls into the pitfalls of typical yaoi tropes and I can't really get into it. It seems homey though so extra point.
America/Luxembourg: 0/10
Luxembourg is under 18... Apparently? I'm not sure where this age came from but I got it from the wiki.
America/Macau: 4/10
Ehhhh.... I guess it's fine. + Extra points for gambling
America/Malaysia: 5/10
This ship seems fun. Malaysia kun is such a cute character and he would have very funny interactions with America, I like imagining the latter helping him build his confidence.
America/Moldova: 0/10
America/Monaco: 0/10
Monaco is under 18.
America/Netherlands: 2/10
I don't know, doesn't seem that interesting to me.
America/New Zealand: 0/10
Feels kind of incestuous but idk
America/Norway: 1/10
It's not bad but I'm not that invested in Norway.
America/Philippines: 0/10
There's a dynamic between them I built in my head that makes it hard to put them in a relationship...
America/Poland: 6/10
Dense Character x Cheeky Character? I wonder how long it'll take for either party to become annoyed.
America/Prussia: 0/10
While I think a ship between two characters with both of their personalities would be cute, it's important to note that Prussia was America's mentor during the American revolution. So it just kinda feels weird tbh....
America/Romania: 3/10
It's fine, I could see how it may interest some people but ultimately I don't really care about it.
America/Romano: 2/10
I think it's fine but explosive tsunderes aren't really my cup of tea anymore, I've grown out of that phase :( a platonic relationship between them would be fun though.
America/Russia: 9/10
OTP!!! Honestly though I've gotten quite bored of it, but I especially like this ship because America and Russia are my favourite characters in Hetalia.
America/Seychelles: 0/10
I think Seychelles is underaged... Idk
America/Singapore: 0/10
Singapore is under 18, I guess.
America/Slovakia: 2/10
I don't think Slovakia is able to be with anyone other than Czechia.
America/Spain: 5/10
It seems interesting! I see potential in it but I can't really bring myself to ship it.
America/Sweden: 1/10
Same as Finland, for some reason Sweden/Finland and America have been depicted in a lot of parental relationships in the fandom. Can't unseen it tbh.
America/Switzerland: 2/10
I think it could be interesting, but I really can't see these two work at all.
America/Taiwan: 0/10
Pretty sure Taiwan's underaged + shipping her with a guy feels wrong.
America/Thailand: 3/10
These two could be interesting together, but ultimately... ?idk
America/Turkey: 3/10
Don't see any romance between them but I think these guys would be pretty epic drinking buddies.
America/Ukraine: 2/10
I'm gonna be tbh guys I don't think Ukraine will be able to handle a manchild like America, then again, I don't think anybody can handle America.
America/Vietnam: 2/10
Idk most of the content I've seen of this ship involves Vietnam War stuff and sometimes it does feel a little messed up but... I do think that if I researched more about it it could be more interesting
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
No better way to end a Friday than with a review. We are in the home stretch of s1 still crazy to me. Excited each time get to write up my reviews. So thank you all for your interest and support as always. Lets dive in to the third to last ep shall we?
After having a non Chenford ep always happy to have them back together. Loved dissecting Lucy and having insight into her family life but I missed them. They don't have a ton of content in this one. Pretty Talia driven one but what they do have is really good. Underrated moments in this ep for them IMO.
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Our first shot of our fav duo is at the hospital. They’re visiting a released convict they were assigned to check up on. Tim makes a comment about filling his hours when not studying. To him it makes the most sense to fill his dead time with work. Lucy is immediately all over that comment. Because Lucy don't play around at all when it comes to Tim. She knows that isn't healthy for him. She starts probing as to why he doesn't have a hobby. She's genuinely surprised he doesn't have a way to decompress/recharge.
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His first answer cracks me up it’s so Tim. Also how he adds in for her not to give him shit cause it has 'work' in the title LOL He knows her so well. He tries to combat her answer before she even says it. Lucy doesn’t deny she thinks that anyway. Goes on to say he needs something for himself. A way to decompress. Maybe even have a little fun. Gotta love her for trying to get him out of his comfort zone. He’s a creature of habit and doesn’t like that to be upended. Lucy is very aware of this and can't help herself but to challenge him on it.
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The eye roll she gives him is primo. She knows this is going to be an uphill battle per usual. Tim fights her on it because its his natural first instinct. He always fights her on it and she always ends up seeping in. Jolting his system and POV on things. I do love him opening and holding the door for her. Ever the gentleman even when they’re arguing hehe
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This shot is just because they're so pretty just standing together haha. That's it really. I mean look at them. Their Tall/Small thing never ceases to make me happy. Also Tim's stance pretty damn appealing tbh. I mean look at dem biceps. It's a wonder Lucy gets any work done haha
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They respond to a call at a paintball place. A guy named Jimmy has lost it and impaled another player with a piece of wood over the game. Go on to tell them he plays there every day. He'll be hard to find. They head off to find Jimmy. Lucy does not waste a second before she is giving him more crap. So damn sassy with him. Using this guy's obsession to prove her point about why its bad to be focusing on one thing too much. They were married long before they ever dated people haha Lucy is so smug in this moment. Makes me happy haha
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Tim defaults to what he usually does when’s she got him dead to rights. Clams up. Tells her to shut it cause that’s the best come back he has at the moment. LOL The smile on her face when she says ‘Yes sir’ Lucy knows that ‘shut it’ is just him annoyed he has no witty comeback. Lucy is reveling in the fact he can’t fight her on this one. No leg to stand on and he knows it.
They start searching the paintball area for their suspect. Lucy makes a comment about it would be easier if everyone wasn’t wearing camo. Tim gives her his company line about this job isn’t meant to be easy. She instantly disregards it and asks him if he’s ever played paintball? Trying to peak his interest. His reply cracks me up. Not a doubt in his mind he would crush these people at this. Her face is what kills me the most. That’s the wifey face. Placating him like ok babe....
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I also love her blowing past his TO line earlier haha Very early on Lucy would’ve said yes sir or nodded. We’re long past those days even in s1. Especially at this point in time. That rapport and comfortability has come to stay. She’s on a mission to find him a hobby to help him relax. Bypasses Teacher Tim without blinking.
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Tim starts to explain why he would straight destroy these people at paintball. Using one of the players as an example. Also Timothy there is no need to lean so close when explaining strategy to her sir heh But he does it anyway and she’s grinning like a fool. I’ve always loved the magnetic pull these two have between them. Whether they’re aware of it or not. Personal space is word not found in their vocabulary. Clearly passionate about what he's telling her so he gets closer. I love it.
Look at the way she is looking at him. Goodness girl you are working. That look on her face. You know she’s indulging him right now. Letting him ramble about how everyone is amateurs. How he would go about it. Tim has no idea he’s giving her fuel to get him to play. Always looking out for him even when he doesn’t have a damn clue she is. Taking care of him and putting his needs first. I can not with them. I love it so much.
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They end up going to higher ground where Jimmy would be. They find him and Tim is sexy af stopping his escape. Grabs a players gun and easily decimates him with paint. Don’t tell me she wasn’t the slightest bit impressed with him nailing that guy with the paint gun. But it’s also reinforcing her idea about paintball for him.
That little smirk of hers before she hooks Jimmy up. Just like in 1x15 Lucy is all smiles and heart eyes for him in this ep. She is also a little bit wifey like in her reactions. Like yeah he’s an idiot but he’s my idiot. That second gif above says it all for that for that.
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Ahhh the hanging out, outside work begins ❤️ Look at her dragging him outside his comfort zone like only she can. I bet you she pitched it one last time to Tim as a hobby. Something he could do to destress/relax. That it would be fun. He probably didn’t have to twist her arm too much to join him. That he would only do it if she came with. I could see Tim doing this so he could show and or prove to Lucy he could smoke everyone at this like he said. A little flex on his part. Coming in armed with a plan ready to execute it with her.
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He looks so happy. She did that. It's written all over Lucy's face how happy she is that he's enjoying himself. That little smile on his face as they’re gearing up to go in. My heart. He’s so excited to do this. It’s why Lucy is beaming. She got Tim outside his routine and into something she knew he would love. He’s smiling and ready to have some fun. Not that he will say as such but everything in his body language does. Once again that beautiful silent communication of theirs is a sight to see.
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His half hearted 'No' has Lucy smiling and laughing. She is beyond pleased with herself for this. Anyone looking at them without context would be able to see how she feels about him. I saw this great post by relentlessescapsim had a collection of Lucy unabashedly looking at Tim. Being as transparent as she could be. It said ‘She’s a ten but she’s terrible at hiding her feelings. ‘ I died laughing cause it so friggin true. You just watch her entire body language around Tim and you know. You just know he’s far more than her T.O. to her. I mean its clearly her day day off and Lucy is spending it with him. She's doing his new 'hobby' with him. I love it sfm.
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Lucy challenges and pushes Tim same way he does for her. Been saying this all season his growth is incredible. Look at this puppy of a man playing paintball with her. Once again doing something he wouldn’t have for any other rookie. Incredible. He's continually allowing her to influence him which is huge in itself. Its constantly seen through out the entire season. This was her challenging that bubble of his that rigid routine. Lucy pushed because in the end she knew he would benefit from it. What good it would do him. She was right.
Tim says 'No' when really he's so glad she got him to do this. He can't say it just yet but his actions scream it. They balance one another out so well I could not adore their dynamic more. Damn I just love them so much haha. How good they are for each other. The fact that it dates back to s1 for multiple reasons is amazing.
It's why they’re so good in s5 once they get together. That beautiful base is already there and solid as hell. I love the idea of them playing paintball and having fun. Its lovely to see such beautiful depth and development for them. Such a good episode for them top to bottom. *chef kiss*
Side Notes Non Chenford
Cute Wes/Angela stuff I always enjoy them so much.
Stuff with Jackson's dad was also very good. Watching him stand up to his dad was awesome.
Percy asking why Grey didn't stick Jackson with Tim. My god that boy wouldn't have made it without Angela. He has no idea. Tim would've washed his ass out so quickly. Hell Tim might not even be around cause of his bullet issues in the beginning. So very good he was not. Everything happens for a reason and all that.
Thank you all again for you likes/comments/reblogs. Every time I get a notification for them makes my heart smile for real. See you all in 1x19 :)
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seadolph · 4 months
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Yay!! Finally beat Chronos. Used the Moonstone Axe, fully upgraded Aspect of Melinoe. Had Moon Water for the Hex, upgraded to +4 heals per fountain, +45hp. Can't believe the one time I get the extra DD from Hermes' legendary, I don't use any Death Defiance.
More under the cut:
Keepsakes: Started with Apollo Keepsake in Erebus for the Upgraded Rarity to Attack, Knuckle Bones for Oceanus, Chaos for the Fields, Luckier Tooth for Tartarus
Hammers: Psychic Whirlwind (I think it would be a decent hammer if I played on controller or something, would be more useful if I could actually trigger the omega attack when I want instead of being at the mercy of my mouse), Executioner's Chop (+20 Magick for final chop at end of attack sequence. Probably one of my fav hammers for the axe, much easier to trigger and get going, uses up that Magick a lot so Moon Water is available just in case.)
Cards: Uhhh I think the most important ones I have on are Death Defiance (upgraded once, for 2 DDs), fully upgraded Messenger (dodge chance at max 10%), The Lovers (upgraded once, I think of it like the Acorn, 2 hits), and Origination (aka Privileged Status, also upgraded once, this is great with Demeter Freeze and Cyclone). The Unseen I have on for magick regen and to activate Centaur. I have Wayward Son equipped (no upgrade yet but helpful for health), and I think I have the Huntress active too.
God Boons: Apollo and Demeter primarily -- Apollo attack, Demeter cast inflicts both Freeze and Cyclone for the Origination dmg boost. Picked up Light Smite at some point for Daze, which helpfully affects everyone when I get hit. Poseidon was meh, although I guess Hydraulic Might probably helped sometimes. Dad boon was Howling Soul, which is the one that launches your Cast like Hades' skulls.
Apollo Demeter Duo - Torrential Downpour: Literally picked this up in the Shop right before going to fight Chronos, probably saved the whole run. Having picked up Howling Soul just a couple of rooms before mean I could now charge up and chuck this at Grandpa while he's hanging around using his area attacks, and it saved me a lot in his second phrase. Yeah, yeah, I was up to like 90 Magick usage for one cast by the end, but WOW.
Path of Stars: Moon Water!! Yeah it doesn't look as fun as the rest but it does what it's supposed to do and does it well. Healing!!! +45hp, renewed 4 times usage every Fountain. (No carryover.) TBH probably the reason why I didn't end up using those DDs.
Chaos: Buff to Boon Rarity (Erebus), Buff to Magick Regen (Oceanus), Buff to channel Omega Moves faster (Keepsake, the first one I got reduced Magick usage before I picked up Executioner's Chop. Cue me not being able to get the Hex going 🙃.)
Hermes: That Legendary! Not that I ended up using it, but it does look super cool. Matches his colour. Anyway, I think the added speed to attack probably helped more.
Anyways, with Daze and Messenger up, at times there was some lucky dodging going on. Pretty sure Chronos missed one of the OHKO all-area attacks when I didn't quite make the circle in time. 😅
TLDR primarily used Apollo attack for all the areas through Chronos, started mixing it up in the first phase, then in the second phase switched to making sure I got out of the way of attacks and charging up to yeet some awesome Duo casts at him.
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nihil-nan · 6 months
For the ask game:
⭐️ - Favourite Starfolk?
🪐 - Favourite Realm?
💫 - Who do you like more: Edda or Aven? Why or why not?
🎭 - Have any ocs? If so, talk about them!
🥏 - Funniest thing that happened in your playthrough? Or funniest thing you've heard about Worldless?
⭐️ this one's going to be difficult because I'm as attached to the duo as I am to Summum, I used to fav the duo the most because I had salt with Summum but now that I finished the game I found that I appreciate Summum way more (I want to be Aven basically as much as I want to be a giant green dragon in a melancholic artificial void- I wish my room had these vibes fr)
🪐EASILY Purple map, if you couldn't tell already I'm in love with melancholic places in this game (and Summum's realm is a second favourite of mine). But like, purple map is ✅️purple, ✅️where the duo cling, ✅️has pretty stuff hanging from cliffs in the sky, ✅️upward rain, ✅️love the plants, ✅️✅️✅️I just love that place. Tbh Summum's place would've been a contestant if it weren't for green (<purple to me) but still that one, and golden citadel place are up there somewhere (perhaps i should make a tier list)
💫Ok they are STRINKINGLY close but if I had to pick I'd pick Aven, Aven is more oriented towards quick strikes and magic which appeals to me more, has claws and a cool freaking scarf, silly looking bean, does wind magic and is an arsonist, I was going to say terrifying to look at but is a potato when you friend him but I also like about Edda that she looks fairly innocent until her personality shows (as the menace she is). I still love Edda a lot and relate to her oftentimes but on a scale of 100 I like Aven a 100 and Edda a 98
🎭 Ok I did a very quick sketch of what I thought Eddaven (can I call them eden btw? I like that name way more) so that's one. I thought about like a "paradox" starfolk which is black with a blue star rather than an orange (I never drew it) point of the paradox is that it appears to want to find another starfolk to team up with WITHOUT changing its nature, but because starfolk either reject others (blue types) while others change their natures (orange types) that means that OC will never have a counterpart and their search is pointless (yes I'm projecting kinda)
🥏 This wasn't funny to me until I watched an actual walkthrough of the path of determination, but the fact that I did the path of determination with without wall running with not a sliver of doubt in my mind that maybe this is too difficult? was so funny to me afterwards. Oh and how long it took me to realise LN was Angel's spear.
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crguang · 2 days
ok honestly im kinda done w genshin atp, like the story is okay, the whitewashing tho is pissing me off tho, um idk, i like the game play, and also i gotta get to sneznaya or wtv when that comes out. and did u just not like the sumeru characters bc more of them are men.../j i still dont have yelan or arle very sad...they're like top 10 genshin characters for me, i was too broke to pull for them when they were running
ALSO that's not what i meant abt natasha, like as a character shes good and i like her, and her story is good, i dont dislike her, what i meant is that i cant be attracted to her, like idk...bc all the stuff u listed i should like her, so like idk. i dont skip story, i did her sq, so maybe it is just the fact that shes a doctor, like that was how she was presented at first and i just cant look past it ok... my mom was a doctor so i just cant...my mommy issues strike again, and i just dont rlly like doctors in general havent had good experiences w them before, so i cant be attracted to one...idk, like ik shes like way more than that. and i did get a few adds for her so its prob that as well that kind messed with my perception of her at the beginning, the only hsr adds i every got continously was kafkas trailer.
tbh i shouldve realized i liked women when i saw kafka dragging her fingers across a wall wish i was that wall with like her voice in the background and that was what made me decide to play the game. they know what they're doing...
speaking of which i got her other two messages, shes ridiculous, like i cant believe she can just go to a movie theater like that, and her checking up on you...i did scream. shes pathetic... honestly her being into phycological thrillers makes sm sense, so she was def seeing one of those. and i think shes exposing herself bc of both of the reasons you listed (also like it being on a burner acc incase she gets rejected...i obviously wasnt mean to her tho).
honestly im just shy sat okay...thats why im an anon, but it is funny, since we're all reading ur smut, and thirsting over everyone together.
i did sleep i promise, i dont really like taking medicine, again doctor stuff, but i'll been taking some melatonin bc last night it took be 3 and a half hours to sleep and ive been drinking tea and stuff, but ill be going to sleep after this. wish me luck.
i also wanted to last until snezhnaya like i remember a few years ago when the first fatui trailer dropped after inazuma and my entire timeline went crazyyyy, people who didn’t play the game anymore got back into it just for the fatui like they really united everyone… but since the characters and stories dont do anything for me now i personally never feel like playing. and yes i actually was so bored with sumeru because im not interested in men at all dhfjgkgk but also the whitewashing there pissed me off and how they nerfed dehya and made her a horrible standard character was so annoying like i didnt pull for a single sumeru character 😭 arle/yelan is an insane duo, my yelan is great cause shes been my main for years so she doesn’t need anyone but adding arle is just cheating fr. look at my favs beefing (clorinde was there for the friendship points😪)
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i thought you disliked nat because you said your friend thought you disliked her bc she was a doctor, but it makes sense if you’ve had bad experiences with healthcare professionals and are reminded of them when you see doctors. personally i love when people who work in healthcare actually care about the patients they have because it’s quite literally life saving and sooo many of them dont give a fuck, that’s why i adore natasha a lot. it’s totally fine if you’re not attracted to her, you don’t have to be!
kafka’s trailer changed my brain chemistry and i can recite it by heart from how often ive watched it. they definitely knew what they were doing especially with these shots like can i please be that guy… i’ll take the bullet too idgaf. AND YES THE MOVIE THEATER SHES SUCH A LOSERRR, THE “my life is an action movie btw lol haha” when the tb says they like action films is so ridiculous. i need to look up her other answers but when she said the action movies lacked immersion i pat myself on the back for writing that she likes psychological thrillers over horror or any other genre like i know her for real… im literally inside her head.
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im glad youre sleeping even if it takes a little while!! hopefully your internal clock stops messing woth you and allows you to get some good rest
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tomyo · 1 year
Maka Supplementals
Hey welcome to my "Maka Supplementals" post aka when you become so obsessed with an anime character, you start to treat any other character that looks like them as that character. I've been in this fandom and ancient amount of time and for some reason, I'll just notice a very Maka like quality in them.
Neiro from Kaiba
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I'm probably ruining myself by starting with the best. Kaiba (2008) is really a series you can easily project not just Maka AND Soul but the rest main cast onto. I stg I thought Bstar and Popo had the same VA (they definitely have the same god complex). Naturally the pigtails and droopy eyes were a huge connector and the orange/green color scheme is frequently used to represent our fav duo. As for the story, it's mostly around Kaiba and Neiro being just out of reach of each other and a new technology that allows people to store and transfer memories to new bodies. Neiro also makes a good Kaiba type as a stern person in the present but soft and kind in the past/later on. She also has family trauma which may be a theme. On its own it's a masterpiece but I actually made my first SE friend in part due to us both separately coming into SExKaiba au art.
Mikan from Gakuen Alice
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I only ever read the series but I figured anime art would pop more. Mikan, the mc, our classic lightish hair color in pigtails and you could possibly call her eyes droopy shaped. Tbh I can hardly remember this series since it's been 11+ years since I last read it but I do remember Mikan having mother issues. If I remember right it's a magic academy shoujo and I probably wouldn't have included it but I wanted to show off that cute angel outfit she's wearing.
Shizuku from Tonari no Kaibutsu
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When I watched this series in 2014, this was the first time I said "Oh, this character is just Maka" and thus this list was born. Did you ever want to experience Maka in a Shoujo where her love interest looks like DtK but acts like Bstar? Here you are, the most frustrating romance ever. Shizuku Mizutani is a pretty perfect Maka type, she's quiet, serious, extremely studious, and constantly annoyed by everyone else's shenanigans. One day she's sent to deliver socially maladjusted Haru Yoshida his homework and naturally a classic nightmare romance starts. I'm not kidding when I say every episode one of the two confesses to the other who then turns them down. Honestly, that's the plot. The first confession is right at the end of episode one and it doesn't stop. Can't lie though, I love high school tropes and aesthetics so it's a fun way to reimagine the crew's life going.
Kirin from Gakuen Babysitters
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Absolute baby. If you want to imagine was toddler Maka was like then Kirin is pretty good for that. She's not really a main focus of the story but Gakuen Babysitters is still surprisingly good. Kirin really feels like the tiny Maka we saw in Chrona's soul, very outgoing and friendly to those who aren't as confident. She often fights with a Black Star like nursery mate and has an aggressively doting dad that aligns perfectly with Spirit. One small story arc with her is wanting to be a witch. Not really a lot of anything but a cute detail to point out.
Marnie from Pokemon
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She has pigtails and 2011 me drew Maka in the exact same outfit. Ngl, this is a real head empty one but I'm still not over that happening.
Nino from Fukumenki Noise
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Sorry this is actually just another kind of annoying shoujo. Outside of the hair, Nino is pretty much nothing like Maka. Unlike most series where the story is a string of misunderstandings, Nino's naivety is often a major problem where she cheerily sings over listening to her best friend/crush's home problems and doesn't reflect on the ways her actions could be affecting others. So why is she on here? The music segments. There's this raw and unpolished nature to the singing that really just brings something special to it. Honestly just watch the singing proportions, ignore the bad cgi (in 2017 no less) and pretend its Maka "I don't get music" Albarn singing it.
Sana from Kodomo no Omocha
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Probably the only series I've watched before Soul Eater on this list. I recently rewatched and kept feeling weird about the Maka vibes I was getting off of it. Sana does start the series pretty annoyed her schooling is being interrupted and her middle school uniform looks like the Sparoi uniform but her more core characteristics is being a child star and is extremely hyperactive because of it. So what was it? She's voiced by Laura Bailey. It's very interesting to hear her distinctive wobble in Sana's voice. Of course that isn't all, Sana has family issues and her genki personality is related to people pleasing so it's interesting to see when that facade drops. While the manga leaves a stronger impression, the end of 17- start of 18 has a few particularly beautifully scenes of animation.
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Also something I want to point out is Sana's amazing wardrobe. Despite being 90s, the bright colors work great for Y2K looks that feel right for Mala's style sense. I wish I could use more than 10 photos to show them off. The anime uses a lot of long sleeves and skirts and the manga has some more trendy fashions like the fur trim cardigans that are popular right now so I'd look there for some outfit Y2K revival references.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
lover, you should’ve come over , send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character
for f1 please! here's a description of me (tbh idk how much info you want so):
lola, I'm pansexual, she/her, I'm korean-pakistani, born and raised in the uk, 5'5, brown skin, long-ish black hair and black eyes, I tend to dress in a mixture of clothes, very into fashion (I love pintrest) and fashion weeks are the highlight of my year, I love football (liverpool fan), I love formula one (ferrari, mercedes, and redbull), and I do archery in my spare time, i'm fluent in 3 languages english urdu and punjabi, i'm also not really in touch with my korean side, which is why I want to try and learn korean some time in the future, also have alot's of family trauma!!, I'm currently in uni studying psychology and I want to become a therapist, I love animals and I have two dogs (salt and pepper) and a cat (bartolomeu the cannible), I love music and spend alot of my time creating playlists, very chaotic (adhd), my fav season is either spring or autumn, I love aesthetic things, and am kinda a perfectionist, very much a people pleaser, kinda nervous around new people, love writing stories, I have a older brother, can't cook to save my life (unless it's pot noddle), also I love spicy food!!
i ship you with lando norris!
— i didn’t even really have to think about this one it just SCREAMS lando to me like…first of all i think he’d take advantage of your love of fashion to take you on shopping trips all the time and basically just spoil you. i think he’d also secretly enjoy if you made him sit down and watch a fashion show with you. i can see him getting really invested, giving his opinion on every outfit and just looking so proud and adorable whenever you agree with something he says 🥹
— ok ok so he definitely thinks you’re super badass because of the archery, like he’s so in awe of you (and maybe a little bit terrified) !! i feel like if you ever try to learn korean at some point or get in touch with your korean heritage he’d want to do it with you. like he’d download duolingo and do it with you every single day. same applies to your pakistani heritage, he’s always wanting to learn more because he just wants to be a part of every aspect of your life !! 🤍
— oooh lando x psych!student is jumping out at me right now like it just makes so much sense ?? also if you do become a therapist, i can picture him being so supportive of you. for example if you have a hard day at work he’ll do everything he can to cheer you up and make you feel good about yourself 🥹 the same sort of thing applies to you being a perfectionist, like i can picture lando being very grounding ?? he’s always there to remind you that you don’t have to be perfect all the time and he loves you for you, imperfections and all
— first of all can i say your pet names are incredible (bartolomeu the cannible >>). we’ve all seen the videos of lando getting (mildly) abused by animals, and your pets are no exception !! 😃 he’d (unwittingly) instigate it by running away from them so they think it’s a game and then end up chasing him around the house 😭 but he loves them really <3
— i feel like with lando there’s two ways he can go with a relationship: either he’ll go for someone who’s calm and a bit more stoic to level him out, or someone who is just pure chaos like him. this is definitely a case of the latter 😅 you two are literally the ultimate chaotic duo, you wreck havoc around the paddock. like the kind of chaos where you share a braincell and do the dumbest shit ever but it’s so iconic 😭 that’s very much the vibe with lando
— i’ll make this a bit shorter because i’m getting carried away 🥴 but with music, lando definitely asks for your opinion on what to include in his setlist when he dj’s. he values your input above all else. also, i think he’d be a good influence on you in terms of helping you feel calmer when you meet new people. in the same way that he helps you with your perfectionism, i can picture him being very grounding reminding you that you don’t have to be nervous, or that he’s sure whoever it is you’re meeting will love you just as much as he does 🥹 he always wants you to feel as good about yourself as possible
— AND FINALLY he definitely becomes besties with your brother. i’ll be taking no criticism for this, lando is the type of guy to be best friends with his s/o’s brother. like at first i think your brother might be a bit wary, but lando eventually breaks down all those barriers and they become inseparable (to the point that you sometimes feel like the third wheel 😭) also !! we know lando’s not very adventurous with his food, but i think he’ll always try something if you say you like it (like spicy food): however, neither of you can cook, so the kitchen when you try to cook together is absolute chaos (kind of like you guys in general 😭)
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sleepis4theweak · 11 months
FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS, YOU SAY? FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS YOU SHALL RECEIVE (Or at least somewhat related to the au questions...)!!
How did you originally come up with the story? Have you planned it out? Have you made any changes since you first thought of it?
What's your fav Mikey dynamic? Do you think it shows in the comic? My personal fav is PB & J duo :>>
Who's your least favorite character in the comic to draw?
Who's your favorite character to draw?
Where did Madame Bishop (I forgot her name- she had one didn't she?..was it Joanne? MAN I HAVE AMNESIA) get that scar from?
Can we have a sneak peek by any chance? :3
What do you think Madame Bishop (...yeah might be Joanne...) would have been like in the doomed timeline?
ALRIGHT THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF, I'LL LEAVE YOU OFF WITH A PUN : Have you heard of the theory that no two people see color the same? I guess that would mean color is just a pigment of our imagination 🤔
1- This was honestly supposed to be a two part comic. The entire au is based off of experiences I have had (minus the whole dying part of course) with my cousins and or brother. The first part was about Donnie and Mikey- and Mikey having the puppy dog eyes that Donnie couldn't do. That was about my cousin! It was supposed to just be like oh look Mikey can do puppy eyes. And then I saw something about how kids that struggle with understanding emotions can practice expressions in the mirror sometimes* and was like haha I should add this since it's actually something I used to do as well! THEN I wrote the line about him wanting to be the youngest and I mean... my brain went straight to "now what if Mikey dies"...
I didn't expect people to like it as much as they did tbh... so when people started to really comment on it I was like okay I should bring Mikey back to life... But then it turned into a whole au...
It's almost entirely planned out now! And most comics are still based off of stories of things that have happened with my cousins or brother! (Like how I smashed my cousins legos because I was angry at him.... its a long story lol).
*(It can also be something that kids with autism do... and someone actually pointed it out! ->)
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2- Thats a really hard one... I think my fav has to do with the situation I guess? Or how I'm feeling? But Donnie and Mikey are probably my favorite overall! But only by a teensy tiny bit.
Raph and Mikey are my favorite angst wise, and the ones I can relate to the most. Leo and Mikey are really fun, and I really like using it to explore responsibility.
I think it does show in the comic! I mean I went straight to the PB & J duo- and then with Leo and Mikey I really explored responsibility. With Raph and Mikey it was shorter, but it was a lot more emotional for me personally. And right now Raph and Mikey are really getting the spotlight. Though Leo and Mikey are the main ones in the next update! :)
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4- I think Leo is the easiest to draw, with Mikey coming in second! My favorite to draw though is definitely Mikey. I like his mask tails :) Also he's my favorite in general hehehe
She got that scar from an experiment! Idk which one... but she was experimenting on something and it freaked and scratched her! :3
It isn't too important to the story, but it may add some depth/explanation to some of her reactions later on.
6- ... lemme tell you, I have gotten this ask so many times... BUT CONGRATS I WONT DELETE THE ASK THIS TIME JUST FOR YOU <3
Usually I answer the ask, wait until I'm sure the person sending it saw my response and delete it to keep the mystery alive hehe... but I won't delete this one.
No. Mikey is not gonna stay dead. I mentioned it in the first one, but the comic was supposed to end with him maybe dead maybe not... but since the au is continuing... I don't like it when characters die :( Its sad so he was never gonna be actually dead. So yes, he will come back! Its just gonna take a bit...
7- YOU MAY! I was considering which spoiler to give you... but I've decided to give you a big spoiler... just cropped. :) Because I'm evil like that :))
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8- Hmmm.... idk to be honest, I haven't thought about it... I think she would be just... even crazier. Like batshit insane.
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gothicbarbie · 1 year
BL’s I’m watching right now...
I'll order from fav to least as well...
1. Minato's Laundry 2 - Okay, I haven't watched ep 1 yet but I loved season 1 so I am stoked about this returning!
2. His Man 2 - Amazing series. It's a reality show that's highly dramatic and addicting. Not as good as season 1 so far imo, but there is potential for more pairings this time I think???? Totally rooting for the roommates pairings right now, but expecting to be disappointed in the end lol.
3. Tokyo in April is... - So far, really impressed. I love the japanese BL style in general, especially ones that are high heat. I also love a friends with benefits type of storyline, so this is fun so far!
4. Be My Favorite - I skip a lot of this one, and I find the plot a bit confusing with the time travel aspect but I am really enjoying the main duo's chemistry and storyline so far.
5. 21 Day's Theory - Okay, this is an older BL I only just started, and I've only seen 1 episode so far but it found it pretty entertaining.
6. Step by Step - Not as into this one as everyone else. I actually am far more interested in the side pairings storyline and sadly, they haven't been given a whole lot. The main duo has good chemistry and their kiss scenes were great, so that's something, but overall i find the plot a little bland and i am not a big fan of office romances tbh.
7. Be Mine Superstar - Only just started, but it was a bit boring and cheesey... will be skimming a LOT of this series lol. But I love jafirst, and the side pairing seemed interesting too.
8. La Pluie - Not sure why I am still watching because I dont really like this one. Def. not on the same level for me as it is for other people. I like the side pairing okay but mostly just skim this one.
9. Win Jamie's Heart - another older bl. Pinoy. Only JUST started and only saw 1 ep so its hard to tell right now. But seems okay.
10. House of Stars- Mess of a series. Lots of drama. Confused me from the start so I started skipping around. At this point I'm only watching to finish it off cuz its almost over lol.
11. Luminous Solution - Hot hot mess, quit the first time, trying to get back into it and having a difficult time. Will prob. end up dropping it again, but for now i am skimming through.
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
how about ctommy for the ask game?
ctommy.my beloved little man ofc hes the first
fav thing: the way He Talks, mostly because hes a mood. my man gas the most train of thought dialogue that i have ever seen i luv him. And also the gentleness he uses with animals and plants and how hes still a little shot thorough it. And also how hes scared as shit of dream but stood in front of tubbo when hed threatened them. and also how he tried to stay optimistic and light during pogtopia. And also-
least favorite thing: it. is hard for me not going to lie. it is unfortunately probably the Loudness because it makes it super duper easy to be over stimulated lol. Also the random poop talk. i know it contradicts the first point but i have Limits.
fav line: either "i never used to be this angry" or the butterfly metaphor, for more serious ones. But also very jockingly there is a little moment in the disc war where he goes "what are you gonna do about it?" to dream, and dream stabs him, and tommy very quietly goes "touche". thats my favorite ever.
brotp: do i even have to say it. but beside the obvious bench i have a very soft spot for tommy+fundy. they are so dsar to me
otp: if i have to ship him romantically, and tbh i strongly headcanon him as aro, id say allium. mostly because the cucking jokes would be immaculate
notp: i saw him shipped with niki once and lets say i am Not a Fan lol
random headcanon: he and tubbo both are actually pretty good at cooking on their own they just dont ever bother at all. Like once in their lives they are forced to do something More than cook steak and Eat, and tommy comes out with this intricate ass vegetable and fruit soups that anyone would die for. He would like to try being vegetarian but after his revival he is too dependant on beef for quick regen to ever give it up.
song i associate him with: i tend to go for duo songs rather fhan singular characters but like. Verdura by PTN is totally a callium song, and for tommy alone i reckon itd be Poison from hazbin hotel. Also the dj is crying for help by ajr.
fave picture of them:
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this one shitty doodle i made rewatching the disc wars.hes so baby
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Hey mod. Sorry if you've been asked this before, but who are your top 5 favorite characters from all the games? Including the anothers
//Don't worry about it.
//For DR1, it's Taka, Mondo, Kyoko, Mukuro and Chihiro. Chihiro has been one of my favs for a long time (I wrote an entire fanfic on him so that much is obvious) and through the combination of writing her in Survivor, fixing what wrongs DR3 did to her, and also having read DR:IF, Mukuro very quickly gained best girl status for that game. Mondo and Taka are also ridiculously underrated characters, Mondo especially, and I really wish they got more love and attention.
//DR2, which is my favorite cast, my top 5 are Fuyuhiko, Hajime, Mikan, Mahiru and Gundham. Fuyuhiko is obvious, he's a very well-written character, Hajime is a great protagonist with a really interesting backstory, Mikan in the game is a little weird but she's the same case with Mukuro which is the more I write for her, the more I like her, Mahiru is, always has been and always will be my all time best girl, and Gundham is GUNDHAM.
//DR3 (I know it's not a game) my top 5 is Munakata Gozu, Miaya, Kizakura and Seiko. Though the unfortunate thing is Seiko is really the only one of those characters that I LOVE. Miaya, Kizakura and Gozu are in the top 5 because I thought they were all pretty decent characters who I liked watching. Munakata sucks ass, but again, Survivor has improved my opinion of him a little bit. The rest of the characters in DR3 can fuck off, they're almost all terrible.
//DRV3 is Gonta, Shuichi, Kaito, Kokichi and Kaede. Kokichi for a long time was my favorite character in the series, but my opinion of him hasn't really stayed strong after all this time. I still love him, but my opinion of Kaede has just gotten stronger and stronger to the point where she's surpassed him. Same is true for Gonta honestly, which is why Shuichi beats him, but I still do love the gentle giant.
//For UDG, I'll say Monaca, Hiroko, Komaru, Kotoko and Nagisa. Again, not a lot of GREAT characters in this game (not the biggest fan of Monaca tbh, I just like her more than Masaru, Jataro and Haiji, and Yuta and Taichi barely had any screentime) but Hiroko is cool, Komaru is actually a pretty unique protagonist compared to everyone else, and Kotoko and Nagisa were complex enough for me to really like both of them compared to their cohorts.
//Another 1 is Mikako, Tsurugi, Akane, Rei and Kanata, though I will give an honorable mention to both Satsuki and Ayame. Kanata is the same case as Chihiro, just this really nice character who shouldn't have died, and the other four are very compelling in their own special way. However, I will say that with SDRA2, Rei got better while Tsurugi got worse in my opinion.
//And Another 2 is Shinji, Hajime, Setsuka, Yoruko and Sora. Unfortunately, like DR3, I think a majority of the characters in SDRA2 are kind of...bad. There's only a handful I can stretch to like the full depth of, but these 5 are really compelling to me. Hajime is the most interesting and sympathetic of the VOID's, Shinji and Setsuka are fun-loving enjoyable characters, and Yoruko and Sora make a really good duo, and great characters in their own right, like Komaru and Toko.
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
belle is one of my fav characters in idw!!! i love her so much she's great :D but yeah, it sucks that people dont like her a lot. i actually thought people would like her a LOT more tbh
yeah 😔 there are valid criticisms out there over how much attention she got in the comic itself since most of the other idw originals got that attention in spin-off series instead; but since she is just one character, not even a duo, it would’ve been hard to pull that off and i don’t think sega would’ve wanted to make another spin off short story for just one character.
i honestly think the reaction people had is simply growing pains in a sense. to have to wait a month for an update only to have it seemingly “focus” on a character many feel indifferent about can lead that feeling to anger (case in point, many peoples reactions to rwby v4-5; since it was a weekly episode drop and the action slowed down especially compared to v3, those who waited each week just to get character introspection started loathing those seasons. shrug)
i read idw for the first time right before #50 came out, so i never had to deal with that experience 🤷‍♂️
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
Ok, so there’s a few, if you don’t mind. Also you’re p much my only source for crk fandom things so I don’t know what ships are already popular LOL.
Frost queenxSea fairy? I feel their dynamic would be fantastic, plus the whole ice vs water. Like please, two queens stepping on me at the same time?? What a blessing 🙏.
TwizzlyxKumiho? Chaotic sapphic energy right here.
FiancierxRaspberry. Yet another, powerful sapphic duo. Bonus points for opposing loyalties.
AdventurerxKnight. I feel like they’d make a cute pair, esp since adventurer is a lot like princess.
And finally, BlackberryxPrincess. They’re my goth vs bubblegum pink gfs go-to. Both of them scream sapphic energy to me, which is why I don’t ship them with their normal, hetero counterparts.
KDJJS im ur source?!? heh... flattered but also shocked🫣 i admit none of these i actively ship/have rly thought abt but ok let me go thru 1 by 1...
frost/sea... valid! i agree theyre both queens and theyre both lesbians but for me personally I can't really see sea fairy with anyone other than moonlight cookie bc she's canonically in love w moonlight cookie... (basically her entire chara is the concept of "the sea is a lesbian who yearns for the moon"... she has a lot of lines referencing her yearning for moonlight)
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(and frost queen also a lesbian...i dont ship her w any playable cookie but love her backstory sm w her gf TT made me cry... ty devsis for giving us only wlw female legendaries🛐)
twizzly/kumiho sounds interesting! i havent thought abt it but i think kumiho is shippable w and has fun dynamics w a lot of charas tbh bc she's chaotic neutral and thinks every cookie is fascinating and fun regardless of morals... my fav dynamics w her are w werewolf and pomegranate but her dynamic w every cookie is so fun tbh... she'd prob find twizzly a lot of fun too ^^
financier/raspberry: def wlw girlbosses who should spar!!! they should have a friendly duel!!!😮‍💨
adventurer/knight... also valid!! i admit i dont really think abt either of these charas much tho kdncnd
blackberry/princess... ur absolutely right that theyre both wlw... blackberry is def a lesbian to me and i dont ship her w adventurer either😩 and princess is def wlw too... i dont actively ship this one but ur so valid on this <33 and i feel u in that im not interested in the popular het/mf ships w these charas🤧 (i dont rly feel romantic tension btwn them in canon either... knight def has a crush on princess i think but other than that...)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 20 days
I’m way too invested in the oaeu now never would I imagine myself being interested in anything aiku but here we are!!! This is actually so funny the irony of Niko giving the advice is like getting splashed with cold water and aikus finally like “no fucking way….I DO like her…” also ADOPTED UNCLE SNUFFY >>> actually my fav y/n knowing Lorenzo beforehand because of it too ugh (imagine she at some point talks about it all with Lorenzo too and he also says something that makes her realize she’s falling for aiku too LMAO) ok but also facts?? Chris prince with chigiri >>> I stand by the fact that if Isagi also got a chance to learn from him he’d be able to develop a lot too since his biggest weakness seemed to be his lacking physical ability!! If he’d also been able to continue developing Nagi and Reo separately too…..
Atp the next filler ep/chapter should just show bllkers in hs too I wanna see them in their original habitats…also wait i didn’t realize they didn’t include the valentines question for Barou??? I noticed that some characters are asked things while other characters aren’t (like only Reo and yuki get asked about their fav brand iirc) which lowk irked me like PLEASEEE keep it consistent i wanna know this about another character too….hmm im conflicted…on one hand i feel like Barou would get some on like the same basis as Kunigami like yeah they’re jacked and kinda intimidating but the girls see how they’re gentlemen and go “oooh that’s bf material” but also from the ln we know Barou is a lot scarier than Kunigami LMAOO but I can’t tell if he’s only that way around the soccer club members/dudes or if it’s just to everyone else too….
The way that so many nagi duos solo nagireo…the other dynamics are just so interesting…I agree we need a reunion between Nagi and Isagi soon omg I almost cried seeing nagi and Barou’s like two second interaction post nel match too
Dw im sure they’ll appreciate miraverse kiyora!! It’s not like there’s much canon content floating around for him either soooo but I think anyone whos read your other works knows to trust the process because everything on your masterlist slaps
No wait because it was so gagamaru…like especially knowing his personality and how he’s kinda unrefined in a way (for lack of a better term) when I read u really thought “wait he would do actually do this”
Wait speaking of kiyora I think some content for him actually just came out for him via the game on the jp server?? If you want I can go dig around and see what’s there
ME TOO LMAOO okay if kiyora y/n isn’t at the same level of hollyhock I think you definitely should be fine LOL considering it’s kiyora I think the reader would need to be “abnormal” enough to keep up with him
- Karasu anon
LITERALLYYYY omg my silly post abt wanting to write aiku as a bestie has devolved into the oaeu it’s so exciting hehe i actually cannot wait to write it!! working hard at the kiyora req rn though hoping to have it out soon 😏 i’m enjoying myself tbh i love having the freedom to write whatever story i feel like writing (even though i’m scared they won’t like it but wtvr)…also LMAOOO no literally aiku’s like holy shit even the fifteen year old thinks i like her maybe i DO 😭 omg reader + lorenzo having like a cousin relationship too?? where they always make fun of each other but when it counts they’re there for one another…maybe aiku having a vote of confidence from lorenzo AND snuffy is enough for her to be like “okay wait he’s not that bad maybe i do kinda like being w him”
okay honestly i see a lot posts/people that HATE chris prince because he groped the manshine boys (reo nagi chigiri) tbh i never really took it like that though?? maybe i’m just dumb and someone will come to correct me (hopefully not because i’m not in the mood to defend my opinion or be called an “SA apologist” or smth considering i’ve…yk…been SA’d irl) but to me it was more giving the vibe of like when the doctor is doing your checkup 🤔 at least when i was reading it didn’t seem like chigiri or reo were overly traumatized or VISCERALLY uncomfortable w it he just took them by surprise?? and ofc nagi was just like 😐 the whole time because he’s an idgaf warrior LMAOO but i feel like it was kinda meant to be more of a lighthearted/humorous thing…plus his whole thing is improving physicals he kinda DOES need a read on their physical condition 😰 he probably could’ve asked first but again i think that was written to take the audience by surprise too and be more of a silly little gag 😔 idk though i see so many people hating on him and doing these deep analyses abt how he sucks and is a creep and truly i don’t feel like he is but it makes me so scared to say i lowkey love him 😭 i’m sorry but he’s actually so funny as a concept and he’s mega hot (even though he’s british 😠) i think he’d be my celeb crush in the bllkverse no joke 😩 and yeahhh honestly isagi if he had snuffy or chris prince as a coach would’ve SLAYED honestly it kinda would’ve been cool to see reo teaming up w isagi on manshine city and have him kinda take hiori’s role as isagi’s main passer because that could’ve expanded on his copying ability which is rlly cool but never taken full advantage of?? and then having nagi and hiori team up/become friends because of their relatable backgrounds…i think a nagi and hiori team up (as long as hiori is still able to awaken how he did w isagi ofc) would’ve been cool because an awakened hiori wouldn’t be as lenient w nagi as reo is so he’d still have to be creative but he’d also have the safety net of a rlly creative passer to help him continue to grow 🙏🏻 also i think nagi and kaiser interactions would be sooo funny because nagi would not at all care abt kaiser’s weird games and whatnot he’d just be like “ok 👍” and do what he wants 😭 or he’d say some absolutely vile brutal horrible insult that makes kaiser question things for WEEKS 🙂‍↕️ ALSO NAGI AND NOEL NOA WOULD BE INSANE because it’s like idgaf warrior x do whatever you want chemical reaction
NO LITERALLY like i wish it was all the same because i want to know those things about allll of the characters not just some of them!! imo barou probably got a couple for being cool muscular soccer man but he def is the kind of guy who seems like he’s super closed off and intimidating and scary around girls because he doesn’t know how to talk to them so he just avoids them because he’s kinda shy so idt he got a TON ykwim (this is where wingman aiku comes in to save the day 🤩 my goat fr)
so trueeee nagi and rin’s parallels will never not be so cool to me too!! like obviously there’s the visuals of black hair vs white hair, bright eyes vs muted eyes, similar builds, but then they’re also so opposite narratively too?? like nagi’s the prodigy who doesn’t care abt soccer but is naturally good whereas rin is almost obsessive about it and works mega hard (ofc he’s talented too no doubt but for the sake of the comparison he takes it much more seriously than nagi), nagi has no family and no one who cares about him/who HE cares about until he meets reo, rin is super attached to sae and does everything because he loves him and wants sae to approve of him…they also have a lot of similarities too though!! like nagi being the “god of the field” vs rin being the “puppet master of the field”, the death and destroyer auras, how rin is only playing soccer to defeat sae and nagi was only taking it seriously to defeat isagi + only even got into it because of his friendship with reo…honestly my deuteragonist goats this is why rin would make such a good second lead to nagi (or vice versa but yk i’d never pick rin over NAGI HAHAHA) they play off of each other really well if written correctly despite not really interacting much!!! also i think they kinda have similar senses of humor in terms of roasting other players like if rin wasn’t such an emo hater he’d honestly probably get along w nagi (and hiori) quite well
MIRAVERSE KIYORA IS SUCH A MENACE i’m taking such wild liberties with him because he has max three lines of dialogue so i can make him say whatever i want 😭 i think a lot of people make him very cutesy in the very very little fan content of him that exists but miraverse kiyora is in fact a problematic king that beats people up for funsies and is NOT ❌ bestie approved 😓 wait omg yeah if you have any kiyora info that would be helpful i’m already pretty far into the oneshot so idt i’ll change much atp but maybe it’ll help me make sure i end it properly and whatnot 🤩 honestly kiyora fic y/n is mostly chill she’s just kinda down bad even though kiyora gives heavy red flag at first (not permanently though) she’s real for that icl kiyora is soooo pretty i wish we weren’t the same height (he would be too powerful if he was tall that’s why kaneshiro made him 5’4)
also sorry it took me a MINUTEEE to respond to this but i ended up going on 50 tangents so like at least you have a lot to read to make up for that 😰
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icyfox17 · 1 month
Okay so like... Honestly?? S3 was controversial as a whole but like it had an ending... A good ending for them LITERALLY cottagecore ending and it was sweet n stuff so i was satisfied and was honestly confused by why theyre still making more content like...
S3 itself was rough quality wise?? But also it had a shit ton of father son content and thats all i cared about tbh so i still enjoyed LMFAO but it def wasnt as good as the first two seasons i dont think (tbh its been awhile tho sooo)
But ANYWAYS so like. Im annoyed at the constant need to make sequels and drag stuff on, so im a bit annoyed at the movies existence
Not sure why they decided to make it a movie instead of another season? So that'll be interesting?
And 🫶🫶🫶 i love pedro pascal 🫶🫶🫶🫶 i wonder if we'll see him without the helmet omg...
But yeah!!! I dont have like high hopes of it being a phenomenally made movie that'll win a billion oscars, but I think I'll very much enjoy the father son content and I hope it's just a fun movie!!! Bonus points if it's a comfort movie fr 🫶🫶🫶
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