#one of my top blogs i reblogged from being myself reminds me of that quote from parks and rec
purrincess-chat · 2 years
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I tagged 1,199 of my posts in 2022
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#s4 watch party - 219 posts
#ml spoilers - 181 posts
#cat spoils - 119 posts
#asks - 102 posts
#cat replies - 100 posts
#cat speaks - 98 posts
#ask game - 53 posts
#ladrien - 44 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 44 posts
#adrinette - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#'the show should focus more on the agreste plot & not on the romance!!!!' babe no one clicked on this show for the boring old rich people
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay, but like could you imagine now that Nathalie is annoyed with Gabe, she starts helping Adrien do whatever he wants out of spite.
"Nathalie, all my friends are going to the movies. Can you ask my father if I can go?"
"Sure, one sec." *holds imaginary phone up to ear* "He said yes."
"Nathalie, is it alright if I have dinner at Marinette's house?"
"Of course. Have fun."
Gabe shows up to dinner for the first time in months and is like where tf is my son?
"He was too busy to make it tonight. I'm sure you'll understand. Maybe you'll catch him next time, sir."
957 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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1,000 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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1,383 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
So, according to Adrien in Determination, his feelings for Marinette changed after Puppeteer 2, so might I bring to the council’s consideration:
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and this
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1,839 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Duusu: Are you my new owner?
Felix: I'm so much more than that... I'm your son.
Duusu: What?
Felix: Welcome home, dad.
3,141 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
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#nonlaconic rambles - 390 posts
#gothic lit - 155 posts
#frankenstein - 94 posts
#jekyll and hyde - 68 posts
#ask - 51 posts
#victor frankenstein - 41 posts
#the invisible man - 40 posts
#gabriel utterson - 36 posts
#henriel - 32 posts
#the picture of dorian gray - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#other than the punch scene the funniest part of the book imo was when charles entered france and was surprised when he got arrested
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi hello what’s your favorite quote from The Invisible Man
i’ll start, this is mine:
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121 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
I was thinking. As an oldest child myself, I suffer from oldest child syndrome.
Now, anyone who has been following my blog lately knows that I’ve been kinning Victor lately. This got me thinking.
Frankenstein Spoilers in the following explanation
Victor has two younger siblings biologically, plus Elizabeth— a sister figure. Out of these four, he is the oldest.
When thinking about Victor, his defining personality traits (other than sopping wet and pathetic) are anxious, perfectionistic, solitary, obsessive, a little egotistical, etc etc.
Funny thing is, all of these traits are associated with eldest child syndrome. Typically, these are brought on by high parental expectations. Now, as a C*roline and Al*ones hater, it’s pretty obvious that their expectations for Victor were a little much. I mean, Caroline’s dying wish was to control Victor’s love life. Alphonse preserved this wish, even reminding Victor of this said wish while he is recovering from his arrest and death of his closest friend. Alphonse and Caroline are also probably homophobic, I will not be taking criticism at this time.
That being said, there’s almost no question as to why Victor hardly talks to his family in Ingolstadt. Why he obsesses over his work, freaks out when it’s not up to his standards, abandons the paternal role he’s been forced into all his life. Also explains why he’s only miserable when it comes to marrying Elizabeth, and doesn’t argue about it at all. And why he’s so close to Clerval, someone who genuinely seems to care for his opinions and wishes.
I dunno. It’s definitely a theory that should be thought into.
137 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Shoutout to this line from J&H specifically, in which Mr Guest asked if Jekyll was sending Utterson love letters
164 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Lo and behold, the promised headcanons.
Crack Headcanons for many lit characters (Mod Au):
~Lanyon still sleeps with a teddy bear, but denies it.
~in order to pay off college, Kemp worked at Dairy Queen for two (2) days. He was fired when the blizzard fell out of the cup ;-;
~Dorian watches RuPaul’s Drag Race
~Jekyll actually pours the milk before the cereal 
~Lord Henry uses Reddit
~Clerval cries whenever Gordon Ramsay yells on MasterChef
~Victor almost killed a Girl Scout over thin mints once 
~Jekyll was this close to drinking gasoline 🤏 and by that I mean none he’s drank gasoline before it was very unhealthy
~despite being well spoken, Utterson cannot pronounce ‘synonym’
~griffin owns 8-10 cats and they are all fluffy and white and named after dictators (Apawf Kitler is a sphinx cat tho, Grif felt bad for him) 
~other than cats, Griffin also loves geese, because they go “HONK” and yell and bite and is funny and relatable
~Elizabeth can beat Victor up if she wants to
~in college, Basil sometimes drew the vibe check emojis in Lord Henry’s notebooks 
~Lanyon enjoys the feeling of wet socks
~Dorian is a crystal and astrology bitch
he once claimed he liked astronomy not astrology and all the scientists got excited and then he started talking about being a Scorpio and Jekyll cried, Victor swore, and Griffin kicked the wall
~Basil actually enjoys being called a simp. He doesn’t see the harm in it .
~Griffin would dress as a cat maid, unironically
~Utterson used a joke pickup line (because pun) on Jekyll once, causing Jek to pass out
 ~if asked “boxers or briefs,” Griffin would reply “thong” (it’s actually boxers)
~Basil can and will get angsty if the first chord of ‘All Too Well’ comes on
~Clerval believed in Santa until he was like 14
~Jekyll cannot ride a bike and refuses to learn
~Jekyll uses Hyde to talk to customer service people because he gets scared
~sometimes Hyde just. Carries around a kazoo. And blows it at people.
172 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I saw a post that kind of made me want to post this.
I feel like there’s a lot of gatekeeping in the J&H fandom. I’ve see a lot of posts like “you’re wrong if you like TGS” “you’re not valid in the fandom if you interpret the duality differently” “we don’t stan if you think Jekyll is cis.”
It feels really toxic, imo. I interpret the story differently than others, and that’s fine. A lot of the story is really open ended and up for interpretation. Specifically with the second point with the duality, I’ve seen hate on the “Jekyll has OCD” interpretation on here in the past, and like? Why?
While that’s personally the interpretation I choose to agree with, that’s not what I’m talking about in this post. There’s really no need to hate on seeing the book differently. As with most other fandoms, you’re not looking at the big picture. There’s a group of people who enjoy the same media as you, and you’re really just going to trash their opinions?
I dunno. I don’t really have a solid point I’m getting at. It just pisses me off. I have a lot of opinions about the book that I’m afraid to share, and I’m sure tons of others do too.
Please be nice y’all. It’s not like Stevenson is coming back from the grave to confirm any interpretation is right.
178 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
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inter-bellum · 2 years
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I tagged 222 of my posts in 2022
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#fic rec - 18 posts
#!!! - 8 posts
#tmr - 7 posts
#lol - 6 posts
#soral's shit - 6 posts
#gif tutorial - 5 posts
#skam fic rec - 5 posts
#incorrect tmr quotes - 4 posts
#tmr fic rec - 4 posts
#personal - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#this is giving me soo much nostalgia and reminding me of the pictures in the books i used to read as a cild
My Top Posts in 2022:
to parents
My parents were almost as kind and accepting as any lgbtq-kid could wish for. When I came out as non-binary, my mom gave me a hug and my dad a pat on the back. That however did not mean they started using the right pronouns, or later when I told them about a new name that I wanted to try out, then did not call me that. There was never really rejection/unacceptability, but rather a lack of awareness and the actions that came with it, sometimes felt like rejection.
For my generation, when you tell someone about a new name, the next obviously logical step is for them to start calling you by that name, it’s like a built in habit. But not with my parents, like i said, there was just a lack of awareness and knowledge and so they just continued referring to me by my old name. Only when I explicitly told them that I wanted to be called by this new name, they actually started using it. Though my father didn’t at first, his reasoning being ‘but she also listens to her old name, so why should I?’ Now that feels like rejection. But that was just from the lack of awareness, he didn’t not realise how important it was for trans people so see the new name get accepted (and with that, eventually being used as well) 
So to parents, regardless of the fact if your child is out, or part of the lgbtq-community, please educate yourself. Get some basic knowledge groundwork so to speak and know the meaning of ‘standard’ lgbtq words like homosexual/heterosexual/bisexual and cisgender/transgender.’ My parents didn’t even know what transgender meant precisely, let alone the meaning of a more specific term such as non-binary, that alone adds a whole new layer of difficulty, that combined with that everyone expresses their label(s) in a different way, like I’m a very masculine non-binary person whilst others are more feminine or more androgynous. 
My parents didn’t understand me, they still don’t understand and I don’t think they ever fully will because cause this is such a unique, personal experience
(Even as fellow non-binary/trans person, you will probably understand out of everyone but still it’s slightly different from person to person) but they understood even less because of that lack of awareness and knowledge. So to parents, please educate yourself on themes like these as they are becoming more prevalent in todays society, keep up with those things, like one would keep up the news. 
There will I think always be this gap of understanding between generations, later in life I might find myself in a similar position like my parents now, but I hope at least that with every generation, the previous one will be outfitted with more tools to gain understanding and knowledge and have the knowledge lead to acceptance. Because giving a hug or a pat on the back isn’t enough, with acceptance must come action. 
11 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Gally: youre very annoying
Thomas: what can I say, its a lifestyle
13 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Gally: *begrudgingly hands Thomas his jacket, as his complaining about being cold annoys him (or so he tells himself)
Minho: why'd you do that? Thought you hated him *eyebrow wiggling ensues*
Gally: there's a fine line between hate and-
Minho: *crows* LOVE
Gally: *deadpan* vague feelings of affection
@its-tea-time-darling in light of the thomally week, of which I only see snatches, here's my humble contribution
51 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Minho: *eyeing Thomas*
Newt: Oh, for bloody god's sake, Minho, at least make sure he can still walk once you're done with him.
Minho: What do you mean, still walk?! They can always walk
Newt: *tsking* they hobble, Minho! They ho-
Minho: *loudly speaking* they can get from point A to point B!!
86 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thomas: *presenting some wild, dangerous plan*
Gally: what's he on?
Newt: some highly addictive drug called idiocy
95 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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ryuto12 · 1 year
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I posted 50 times in 2022
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9 posts reblogged (18%)
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Bro why did I reblog myself???????????????
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
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#rwby - 38 posts
#blake belladonna - 13 posts
#ruby rose - 12 posts
#yang xiao long - 11 posts
#weiss schnee - 8 posts
#rwby headcanon - 7 posts
#tlok - 4 posts
#jaune arc - 4 posts
#atla - 4 posts
#rwby incorrect quotes - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 55 characters
#that one where chase gets his head bashed into a window
My Top Posts in 2022:
Yangs hair
Bumbleby is a fun fandom because, unlike most shippers, they'll be calm as hell if the two get a kiss
At least it'll seem calm compared to if Blake touches Yang's hair, which would set the whole damn fandom on fire for fucking months
Thats why Bumbleby fandom in unique, because they explode over small shit like the hug, or the slight hold in the Atlas vault.
So just wait for the big shit, if they don't get a kiss next season hope for a hair touch.
42 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Kyoshi: Let me get this straight, you liked Hei-Ran?
Kuruk: I fucking loved that women when I was like, i don't know, nineteen?
Kyoshi: And now let me realize that I'm dating her daughter? Your letting me? No protest?
Kuruk: Of course. If I can't pull the mother then your supposed to continue my legacy!
Kyoshi: Hold the fuck up---
Yangchen: He's right.
Kyoshi: What????
Yangchen: I at one point in my life banged Rangi's grandmother. It's a cycle Kyoshi. It's a fucking cycle and you will complete it.
Kyoshi: WHAT
Kuruk: You did? That's awesome!
Yangchen: I even foresee that our future selves will not only marry a fire nation noble, but another will also be a fire prince's best friend, and another will be with a rich fire nation girl.
47 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
The fact that Tyrian got away with screaming "BITCH" at the top of his lungs, but Glynda wasn't aloud to tell James that he treated everything like a dick length contest, Torchwick wasn't aloud to yell fuck, grandma wasn't aloud to say bitch, and Robyn "vigilante politician" Hill wasn't aloud to say bullshit.
The fact that Robyn was really a T away from it tho.
She's the only character to have almost gotten away with saying shit. No seriously.
Every other character in the show says crap.
And credit to Qrow for being the first one to say damn and even cuss in general.
Credit to literally everyone in the After The Fall book because they say damn like every other four words.
Kudos to Ironwood for saying ass first and Emerald for saying AssES first.
Tyrian said bitch so applaud the man.
And courtesy of @mercuryj15 I have been reminded that Yang said bastard.
And final statement, I named this post after a comment made by @idkwhatimdoingsometimes
51 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Random RWBY Headcanon's Part Maybe Six
Headcanon and idea time.
Yang and Ruby can have a fully functioning conversation with upwards of seven people at a time all while capturing each other in headlocks, elbowing each other, and full-on boxing matches.
Every time Weiss, Yang, or Ruby even speaks about the trials and tribulations of having siblings Blake becomes a thousand times happier she's an only child.
Blake can drink almost anyone under the table. It's actually just a natural thing due to her being a Faunus but no one else needs to know that.
Weed is legal in Patch but not so much in central Vale, so Yang, Ruby, and a bunch of other Patch kids got very crafty about it.
Every student and teacher alike is aware that every Patch kid has a stash but there so impossible to find it's like a scavenger hunt. If you can actually find a stash then by all means it's all yours because you must have spent weeks trying to find it.
Weiss once offhandedly mentions how much one of her dresses costs and it has orphans Ren and Nora stumbling, not to mention Blake who's spent a few years as a criminal who sets up camp in the woods like Weiss had them cracking inside.
Everyone places bets on a Ruby vs Pyrrha fight that never ends up happening. They just wanna see the young prodigy and the pride of Mistral fight each other that's it.
The dance was far from Jaune's first time in a dress.
68 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
if Anya grows up
Yeah sure, maybe Spy X Family is just a wholesome ass show about a spy father, assassin mother, and telepath kid.
Eventually that kid grows up tho, and honest to god, what the fuck are you gonna do if a telepath --who weirdly has renowned spy Twlight's intellect and the top assassin Thorn Princess' physical ability-- comes running at you?
What do you even do about that
Like ah shit, Imma try an outsmart her. Nice try bro but she's Twilight's kid, she may have failed all her classes but she's the best tactician in the world and she can read your mind.
What are you gonna do now? Fistfight? Better try amigo but she throws hands rivaling the gods and she knows everything your gonna do the moment you think about it.
Seriously if we get anything with an older Anya, like bro, no one can do anything about her. She is a fucking menace to society and there is nothing anyone can do about that, if you a threat to world peace than say goodbye because your free trial on life has ended
in addition she could probably have Yuri's skills at intimidation too, and then you really have no options
82 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
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liemonyellow · 2 years
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I posted 618 times in 2022
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I tagged 564 of my posts in 2022
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#janus sanders - 394 posts
#art - 302 posts
#remus sanders - 158 posts
#virgil sanders - 108 posts
#logan sanders - 88 posts
#incorrect quotes - 72 posts
#roman sanders - 60 posts
#daily reminder that janus sanders is gorgeous - 46 posts
#patton sanders - 45 posts
#anxceit - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i know religious trauma is a whole thing in the series but i'm not religious and was raised buddhist so i have like no connection to it lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Crow's horrible challange:
Start writing a story using the prompt: "I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. Maybe I'll convince myself you were never here if you won't be here when I open them." with any character you'd like and the tag 3 people who you want to continue it. You can give them their own prompts to include :D!
Virgil hadn’t even turned around from closing the door when he started speaking.
"I'm going to close my eyes and count to ten. Maybe I'll convince myself you were never here if you won't be here when I open them."
Janus should have known to expect such a cold welcome. He stared at Virgil’s back, willing him to turn around and hear him out, to notice and acknowledge him, even just to glare at him. The sharp interjection of Virgil’s counting cut through the air before he could speak.
It had been instinct, to go to Virgil first. His former best friend. The one he once trusted more than anyone else.
Maybe Janus should have gone to someone else.
Patton wouldn’t have turned him away.
Maybe Logan would have tried to help.
Roman... Roman probably would have pretended he wasn’t there, too.
Remus would have stayed until the bitter end.
He was already running out of time anyway. What did a few more seconds matter?
But, if Janus was being honest with himself - and sometimes, he was - he just wanted to see Virgil one last time.
Janus closed his eyes.
No one was there when Virgil turned back around.
Wow, I wonder what happens next? Also, I never know who to tag, so write your own continuation if you want ;-;
133 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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hate the sin, love the sinner
dukeceit week 2022 day 1: truth/dare
[Image Description: A colored drawing of Janus and Remus facing the viewer with the text "Truth? Or dare?" beneath them over a dark grey background. Janus is wearing a wide hat, a capelet, and long yellow gloves. He is making a shushing expression while holding out a bitten apple to the viewer. Remus is wearing his canon outfit of a black long-sleeve shirt with a green sash and embellishments. He is standing beside Janus with a devious expression and holding his morning star over his shoulder.]
@dukeceitweek​​​​ Thanks to @sanderdarksides​​​​ and @mimssides​​​​ for putting up with me while I worked on this XD
145 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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oh, yee-aaaaah! it was like lightning!
dukeceit week 2022 day 2: mischief/dancing
[Image Description: A drawing of Janus and Remus dancing with joyous expressions in front of a dark grey background. Remus is standing slightly bent over, holding Janus by the waist. Janus is hanging upside-down with his legs crossing behind and above Remus' back and head. They are both wearing their skirt photoshoot outfits. Remus is wearing fishnets under a slime-patterned tanktop and a frayed tutu skirt. Janus is wearing a long black skirt, yellow opera gloves, and a black and yellow capelet.]
@dukeceitweek​ Thanks to @sanderdarksides and @mimssides for putting up with me while I worked on this XD
160 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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I drew the boys for @sanders-spring‘s intruloceit day! God, I love them.
215 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
CW: eye contact
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who’s really in control here?
dukeceit week 2022 day 4: wild/control
[Image Description: A stylized illustration of Janus and Remus in silhouette, lit from each side by green and yellow light. Janus is sitting in an armchair with his legs crossed and hands clasped in his lap. Remus is leaning on one side of the armchair with one arm draped across the back of the chair and resting a baseball bat on his other shoulder. Their faces are obscured, showing simplified smiley faces instead. Remus has a mustache and Janus has a snake eye and split tongue. The background is a swirl of green and yellow that fades to black from the center out.]
@dukeceitweek​​​​​​​​ Thanks to @sanderdarksides​​​​​​​​​ and @mimssides​​​​​​​​​ for putting up with me while I worked on this XD
216 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
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baolinagasy · 2 years
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I posted 1,259 times in 2022
That's 1,224 more posts than 2021!
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I tagged 1,254 of my posts in 2022
#disco elysium - 504 posts
#fanart - 276 posts
#harry du bois - 243 posts
#art - 236 posts
#text - 220 posts
#kim kitsuragi - 186 posts
#inspiration - 115 posts
#capitalism - 86 posts
#news - 72 posts
#mood - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#remember when in the sea fortress he'll scold harry saying he told him not to turn on the music even tho he didn't? what an ass lmao love it
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Perception, composure!
Oh, thanks for asking! Always happy to ramble about that game. I'm going to put it under a read more, because I'm looking at it and it's a bit long haha.
perception: what (quote, character, moment) made you feel most Seen?
My God, there are so many... Let's start with moments. Eastern european fans of the game often mention how they never felt like they ever had true representation in media until they played that game. I'm not eastern european at all, but I feel the same. I'm from a third world country and there is something about Martinaise, well Revachol in general, that feels like home. It's the little things, like seeing old men playing pétanque outside (something I literally saw all the time growing up, pétanque is one of our national sports and one of the few where my country has won international competitions lmao), buildings that no one care if you break into, or the fact that nothing really gets cleaned up so people just learn to live in rumbles, or that quiet feeling that you don't really matter. Idk, I guess I just know what it feels like to live in a country that is governed by a foreign power, a country that will never matter much on the international scale. History is being made by important, larger-than-life people and you're not one of them. A soft feeling of nihilism that other people find sad but you are just used to it. That's life! It isn't so bad.
This goes for the characters, too. Almost all of them hits a chord in me. I could write a fucking essay about what Harry means to me. Same goes for Kim (his aloofness, the way he takes care of saying as little as possible about himself, his difficulties to connect with people or with emotional matters, ... aaaaaaaaa). But honestly, even the NPCs are just... god fucking dammit. I know them! I see myself in them, and even if I don't, I see people I know in them! Klaasje reminds me of a girl I deeply care about (but had to ultimately stay away from), the Hardie boys talk and act like the guys I went to high school with, my childhood bestfriend can be bitchy with everyone just like Cindy (she is also an artist practicing in vandalism)... They are all so fucking human! None of them are really good, but none of them are completely bad either. They are humanly imperfect, the rising ape meeting the falling angel.
As for the quote... Again, so many speak to me (I always get chills when I talk with the Deserter, for example). But I will just leave this one, since it is one that made me feel seen, and this is what this ask is about. It's a dialogue Harry can have with Adele about her tape recorder:
"I'm sorry you have to sit here on the ice with the drugs wearing off. At your age -- or at any age -- in this weather... waiting for it to get dark. [...] The people who built this world intended it to be better for you, but they failed. It is easier to live in their failure with this by your side. (Tap on the tape recorder.) It is not a childish fantasy. It can be a real weapon against what's coming for you now." "What is…?" Her shoulders shake a little. "Nothing, if you got this. Don't be scared."
I guess Disco Elysium is my own little tape recorder now :)
composure: would you rather sit on an anthill for an hour or stand in a river of leeches?
Probably the anthill. Most ants are chill, they would just come out from another hole in the ground. Also, I find them cool. I wouldn't mind having them crawl all over my body. Leeches, on the other hand, WILL suck your blood and I hear they are hard to remove. Such an interesting question, but I wonder why it's in a DE ask game haha
6 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Encyclopedia, Interfacing?
Hey, thanks for asking! Wasn't expecting an ask so soon, haha
encyclopedia: what’s your favourite niche piece of lore?
There are so many tidbits of lore that just get off-handedly mentioned and then you don't get to know more about them... If I had to choose one, it would be Ubi Sunt? Just the name is funny to me, but also to know that there is an island that is just floating in and off the pale... makes me insane. What does it look like? People live there, how are their lives impacted by their close proximity to the pale? I'm fascinated by Elysium in general tbh.
interfacing: what’s your favourite aspect of the game mechanics?
Definitely the skills. I love how much they impact the game, both in a good and a bad way. On my second playthrough, I could really feel the absence of the skills I had in my first one. I'd rather have a skill failure than no skill check at all. It feels weird when they don't chime in. Also I love them and their little personalities. I never want them to shut up. I'm considering making a playthrough where I cheat and get all the skills at level 6 so I could have them argue non-stop in Harry's head.
6 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
I am legit heartbroken over this news... They put their heart into this, they created something so good, so sincere, and it was stolen from them.
I am thankful that this game was made at all, that at least this little miracle exists and will never stop existing. But I’m also so upset, so mad to once again witness talent and passion getting crushed under the heel of capitalism.
I will still look forward and give support to whatever projects they make next. I wish them all the best. And I’ll try to stay inspired by their work and keep creating myself.
11 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I see the capital making statements and thus I am compelled to make statements in turn, which gives me a wonderful opportunity to discuss the story, the ‘making of’ of the game, the characters and destiny central to it in a more sombre manner than may be customary for the industry.
In short, Robert was fired from the company whose heart and seed he was due to claims of ‘creating a toxic workplace environment’. Having worked at the company remotely in the summer of 2021 I can say things were truly not all right at the company, but I would say it is much more plausible that the toxic environment was created instead by the upper management and blamed on Robert. I have seen a similar situation before. The idealist workaholic does not pay attention to people’s psychological needs as the conspirator does and thus he will at most times be outplayed.
What happened to Robert was what happens to most talented people that get any recognition in our age — he got manipulated by psychopaths. And the people that have been railed up against him and his entourage, they have also been manipulated by psychopaths so it doesn’t really make anything much better if we get mad at them. Robert trusted people that got him fired completely before they got him fired. He thought they are his friends. This is a major ‘red check failure’ really. 
To end on a more positive note, Robert said some months ago that he is confident about one day writing Elysium again. I would take him at his word. Many have also asked me how they could contribute. There are two main resources any person has, which are time and attention, and any ‘Disco fan’ has already chosen to give them to the game and its creators, the situation around the game. Be confident that you will do what needs to be done when you see it.
Revachol forever.
The full article is very interesting to read, I just tried to highlight the most “important” information, but really the whole post is worth a read.
Also Kaur Kender and Tõnis Haavel are directly mentioned by name.
60 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lozzykins · 2 years
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I posted 610 times in 2022
That's 200 more posts than 2021!
54 posts created (9%)
556 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 92 of my posts in 2022
#useful - 3 posts
#xd - 3 posts
#<3 - 2 posts
#deadline looming - 2 posts
#not my clowns not my circus - 2 posts
#i repeat not my clowns not my circus - 2 posts
#procrastinating - 2 posts
#i'll fucking do it darling - 2 posts
#phd to finish - 2 posts
#big mood - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#in my co-pilot car i can be loud and shrieky and driver doesn't give a fuck because she's usually trying to out shriek me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Seedling, Leaf, Sheep <3
Gentle Cottagecore Emoji Asks
🌱 Seedling: What is something you want to begin learning?
I always like the idea of learning instruments but I am completely tone deaf, I can just about hear a difference in notes - depending on the note and what is being played, but I can't tell you if something is in tune or not - which is great if you think you've got little musical talent because it all sounds good to me XD
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful?
There's honeysuckle and sweet pea - I love the smell of both of them I think or one of them and I can never remember which it is. Might be both. I also love the smell of jasmine too.
🐑 Sheep: What is a comfort item you own?
I don't really have a lot in the way of comfort items - probably why I'm always so stressed XD I have the octopus you gave me is always near, my phone I suppose? That is always nearby, I like to have you nearby.
2 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Every day there is something new. Todays lesson was for my mum: We remove assets from morally bankrupt giant corporations, not small business owners, and artists. She considered that for a few minutes. 'Ok, that's fair.' She spent five minutes looking like she wanted to ask further questions, but thought better of it.
2 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
They say a picture is worth a thousand words...
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3 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
🎂 💒 💘 <3
Sweet and Pure asks <3
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Assuming there's no double talk or conditions to navigate through
To clear all debts for everyone (myself included)
2. To give everyone a healthy boost to their finances.
3. Make sure no one ever goes hungry again.
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Given that you'd likely jump into ADoW world, I'd jump in there with you <3
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
Talking to me - about anything and everything, I love to listen to interests and passions, even if I've got no clue <3
Little 'saw this and thought of you' things - whether that's a meme, a quote, character, tags in a tumblr post, or something you've bought in a shop, I love seeing what you relate to me, what reminds you of me, and there's just something sweet about being on your mind that much <3
Doing something together - this could be anything. going out and trying something new, staying in and occupying the same space, just having the time together <3
4 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@crimson-sun @risingoflights I'll stop shrieking over these sometime this year <3 (yes that was me screeching like a pterodactyl in your patreon inbox first thing this morning XD) They are so beautiful and it's taken me years but I've finally got hold of them! Just a few of my favourites pictured above, wish I had the space to just lay them all out. <3
22 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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littlegalerion · 4 years
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I couldn’t just reply directly to one because then it wouldn’t make sense, as the other two halves of the Asks would be missing. 
I want to start by saying if you enjoy Almalexia, be it in a simple way or in a thirst way, good for you. You enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it, because that’s what a game is for.
Now, that being said, I see absolutely no case for trying to “reclaim” Almalexia. Mainly because these “years of injustice” towards gay or female villains have long since passed. Yes, it was a thing, and yes it was horrible. But we’ve since moved on. I mean, as a woman, I’m proud to say that I could be flicking through TV channels or various options on any streaming app and find a series featuring a strong, independent woman- or involving a complex female villain who isn’t just “ugly”, but just enjoys being evil OR has a complicated and sympathetic background that forced her to become the villain.
Off the top of my head:
Hunger Games Parks and Rec The Office She-Ra  Steven Universe Owl House Rick Riordan collections Moana The Polar Express Song of the Sea
Wonder Woman
All these either feature one or both a strong female hero or a complex female villain, and they’re just the icing on the very real and very stable female empowerment cake.  
Will we still see ugly women portrayed in some fiction as villains? Yes, but we will also see ugly men portrayed as the villains. Usually for a purely comedic effect. If it’s bad taste, it’s easily seen as bad taste and therefore not well received, especially online. As for the gay aspect, that too has been changing- and funny enough some of the examples listed above are testimony to that!
Now to Almalexia herself:
I have to disagree, and argue that stating she is a “poorly written female” is a total injustice. Almalexia is an insanely good female villain. Why? Because when you face her, you feel fear. You know you are faced with an actual threat, a real challenge of a boss fight. She’s clever, resourceful, and you know she’s powerful enough to do as she pleases. After all, earlier in game she asks you to go force some dunmer to start worshiping her again or she’ll send an actual fatal storm to wipe them out. 
Please understand: the dunmer have a backwards and suffocating culture. They shove tradition down your throat, and even then will still hate you and say you aren’t good enough to polish their boots. It’s been like this for centuries, and why? Because the Tribunal never changed. Unlike other pantheons in Tamriel which adapted with time naturally, the Tribunal never shifted. Did you see Vivec and Almalexia ever lift a finger to stop the slavery in their lands? To stop the random wars between Ashlanders and the Houses? Did Sotha Sil even bother to change anything from the outside world in his Clockwork City for the better?
The Nerevarine is the change Morrowind needed. They’re this one outsider who doesn’t care about what anyone wants to try to force on them, and despite all the hardships, they ascend to power above any of these garbage people. They bring down the Tribunal, and Morrowind is able too breathe. 
This is why Alamlexia is such a good villain. Because she doesn’t want this change. Male or female, any gender is capable to be corrupted by greed and power. That was her from the get go. Both Vivec and Sotha Sil expressed regret at killing Nerevar. They didn’t change their ways, but they expressed regret. Almalexia never looked back. She knew what she was doing and never regretted it. Now suddenly the temple is finally falling, and she’s loosing her power. Yeah, she isn’t going to let that happen. 
So it’s you, the Nerevarine, who is responsible for a possible change for the better in the atmosphere of Morrowind, verses Almalexia, the last of the Tribunal who will keep things structured in tradition out of sheer greed. She literally worked out every movement you took from the beginning of that DLC up to point you see Sil’s corpse and she confronts you. This badass had a perfect plan devised, and I quote from her directly,
 "Nerevarine. Here it ends. This Clockwork City was to be your death. You were to be my greatest martyr! The heroic Nerevarine, sacrificing all to protect Morrowind from the mad Sotha Sil. But you live! You live! Fear not. I will tell the tale myself when this is done. I will tell my people how with your dying breath you proclaimed your devotion to me, the one true god. Your death will end this prophecy and unite my people again under one god, one faith, one rule by my divine law. The puppet king will lay down his arms and bow to my will. Those who do not yield will be destroyed. The Mazed Band has allowed me to travel to this place. Here, I slew Sotha Sil. Here, I summoned the Fabricants to attack Mournhold. I will be the savior of my people! I alone will be their salvation! None may stand in my way. Not you, and certainly not Vivec. He is a poet, a fool. I will deal with him when I have finished with you. And Sotha Sil...he always thought himself our better, shunning us, locking himself in this hole. He spoke not a word as he died. Not a whisper. Even in death, he mocked me with his silence! But I think you will scream, mortal. For now, you face the one true god."
What a set up for a boss battle!  
That’s insanely engaging! 
Honestly, she reminds me of Mother Gothel from Tangled. Always gaslighting her people, always making them believe she does everything out of love for them, when in reality she does it all only for her own benefit. 
Don’t get me wrong, Vivec and Sotha Sil aren’t saints. Even though they admitted regret, they didn’t do anything about that. They didn’t speak up, step down, or give the power back they stole. Instead, they tried to go under the excuse “we must continue on like this, the people can’t handle the truth.” Yeah, very convenient guys. 
But Almalexia outshines them both as one of the greatest villains in TES history. 
To Sum Up
There are things that need to be changed in Morrowind. The cringe, edgelord writing about Divayth and his daughters for instance. But the struggle between Tradition vs Progression, and the majesty of Almalexia’s final encounter do not need to be changed.  
If you want female empowerment in TES, then please look to the real icons.  Khamira, the young queen who faced an impossible rebellion. 
Lyris, who doesn’t know how to express nor deal with her emotions, and who gets weird looks for her sheer size by everyone else but her fellow Nords, but she keeps swinging that axe regardless! 
Valsirenn, who, despite having to revisit the painful reality of losing her daughter, still sought after her ex if only to find closure, and though Iachesis’ death weighed on her heart, she bit the bullet and saw things through to the end. 
And those are only three jewels of a treasure chest full of gems, let me assure you. if I had any real criticism, I’d like for female heroes to have more flaws. Nobody is born perfect, and half of what makes the hero is their struggle but final victory in overcoming their flaws or complications. 
This is the last time I’m reacting to Almalexia material on my blog. 
I don’t want my blog filled with fandom discourse. Yes, I’ve blogged before about Greymoor disappointments, but to be fair I was reviewing a product I paid $50 bucks for, and some people paid even more for it! I’ve received hate anon due to the Almalexia topic already, and had my words taken out of context due to someone not reblogging my actual argument but screenshotting the tags and only posting those. People ramble in their tags on tumblr. That’s a common thing. And funny enough, the tags are meant to go along with the actual blog itself. 
Any Asks sent regarding Almalexia will be ignored. If you have an excessive problem with my opinion on her, just block me. 
Again, I want to state: If you love Almalexia, just love Almalexia. More power to you. 
Just don’t attack people with long essays about how your opinion is correct and they are sexist for not agreeing with you! 
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
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This is something I should have edited together.
So here it is: (a lot of!) the sweet messages I’ve received in the last month or so that are in direct response to my anonymous hate mail. 
I don’t know how true it is, but I’ve heard it said that humans are remarkably negative creatures, and it takes so many more positive experiences to balance out just one negative experience. And maybe it’s not that universal a thing, but I can say that it sure feels relevant to my own life.
So, I think it’s important to remind myself that, no matter how much it seems like it’s so easy to attack me but so difficult to support me, I’ve actually received far more kind messages than cruel messages throughout this whole mess. And the kind messages are so much more thoughtful, too—and often attached to real names! 
And... I think that says something when I’m as cringey and humiliating as I am. These folks aren’t too ashamed to say that they’re here for me and what I do.
(But that said, I have removed names from anything that wasn’t a reblog or reply because I don’t want to embarrass anyone. Please let me know if you don’t want your words here at all, and I’ll blur them out. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.)
There’s some stuff I want to address under the cut—along with a transcript if anyone is interested in reading these words but has trouble with the screenshots—but more important than any of my ramblings to follow, I want to thank everyone who took the time to write out these supportive sentiments and who continues to support me. I know these meltdowns are a drag, and I know I’ve been a nuisance. Thank you for sticking with me. I aim to be better and live up to what these messages say.
First things first, I want to clarify why I posted the collage of all the hate the other day. I didn’t approach that well, and I’m sorry. I realized too late that it was a bad decision.
Really, that collage was more meant just for me. Maybe it’s sad, but I’ve been actively writing on this site for a good half decade now, and for a lot of that time, I’ve almost craved anon hate. I was disappointed that I never got any. I wondered what the heck I was doing wrong.
After all, I have so many unpopular opinions. I realized that a lot of the community disliked me—or if that’s too strong a word, I knew they didn’t want anything to do with me—because of what I think and how I feel. But they never wanted to voice anything to my face. I wasn’t worth the effort to be attacked. I was nothing. Nobody.
There’s this quote from Tibor Kalman that I think about a lot: “[W]hen you make something no one hates, no one loves it.” If no one hated me enough to hate me right to my face, I thought, then I wasn’t good enough. I was boring. Easily forgotten. Not worth the effort.
So, getting all that anon hate for the first time? God, it hurt. It hurt so bad. Getting everything I’d always feared the community hated about me—as well as things I didn’t even consider them hating about me—right in my inbox? Ow. I cried a lot. I wanted to burn everything I ever wrote a lot. I wanted to quit making stuff for this community a lot. 
What’s the use? I thought—selfishly, of course, keeping in mind all the support up above. Why do I try? It was cruel and unfair, but I kept thinking these things. I kept thinking, What’s the use when nobody wants me here?
But I also thought about the implications of getting all that stuff thrown at me. And I knew it meant one thing: I’m not boring anymore.
There is at least one person out there who frequently checks my blog for more things to rail on me for. There is at least one person going out of their way to write nasty, awful, mean-spirited messages. There is at least one person eagerly waiting for me to respond, to say something, anything, so that they can hurt me and drag me and push me down.
After all these years, to at least one person, I’m worth the effort. No matter how much the messages have stung and destroyed me, I wanted to keep a record of them to remind myself, hey. Someone or someones out there hate(s) me this much for having a different opinion on a cartoon. Maybe that says that my opinions on this cartoon are worth something. 
I mean, they’re worth this level of mocking and ridicule, right?
But... I could have just kept the collage to myself. It’s a personal motivation. Nobody else needs to see these terrible things. That just encourages the cruelty even more. Why did I publicize it?
Well, it’s not too uncommon for Internet content creators to make something out of their hate comments. I like the trend of turning the comments into songs, like here, for example:
At the end of the video, Madilyn Bailey, the artist, says that the purpose of the song is to mock Internet troll culture and make something positive from the negativity.
But I wouldn’t say that that was really my motivation for posting my collage. Call me silly and naive, but I wanted to draw attention to these Internet fandom issues. Everything in that collage is what I was having to deal with... on top of my normal life struggles. 
While all of this was happening, I was tapering off my anxiety and depression medication because I felt it wasn’t as effective as it could be and because I feared it was making me lose my hair—something that I am extremely self-conscious about. I cut my hair short nearly a decade ago, and it’s never grown back to the same length. 
So, needless to say, while all of this was happening, I was horrified about the big clumps of hair lost in the shower. I was dealing with lightheadedness and dizziness from the withdrawal of my meds (which I’m still dealing with, btw), and I was also dealing with stresses at work. My department has changed management within the last year, and there’s been the concern that people will lose their jobs. There’s been the concern that this occupation won’t be enough to support me anymore.
While all of this was happening, I was stressed about my career, about money, about growing older—the beginning of the anon hate assault was just days before my birthday. I couldn’t see my therapist as much as I wanted because there ain’t enough therapists out there for all this world’s issues. 
And while I know that I shouldn’t compare, I also know well that my struggles are nothing compared to the struggles of others. So, how must it feel to deal with all the crap that life just normally throws at you, that’s probably a lot worse for most people than it is for me... and then come home to messages that treat you like a disgusting, horrible, awful human being for your feelings on a cartoon? For work you offer to a community for free and fun? 
For answers to questions that you only answered because you were asked to?!
Well, it felt pretty bad to me.
When I posted my collage, I meant to send a message about how this is not okay. I don’t want to see this kind of behavior, and I’m bothered that I don’t know how normal or common what happened to me is. Is this an everyday occurrence for online content creators? Have I just been shielded all these years because I wasn’t interesting enough?
I hoped that by sharing what I was going through, it’d draw attention to the problem. We shouldn’t be treating our fandom content creators like this. It’s not fair. It’s sick.
Of course, I don’t want to guilt anyone into supporting me. I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t criticize me. I don’t want anyone to feel that, just because I was dealing with a Lot in life, any poor behavior on my part is somehow okay. It isn’t.
The comments that probably hurt me the most in that collage aren’t even the “hate” ones. They’re the ones that express that I messed up. That I hurt them. I can’t say I agree with how these feelings were expressed, but more than any nasty, personally insulting message, those probably hit hardest. I hate the feeling that I’m disappointing my followers. In fact, in taking screenshots for this post, I saw that at least one of the people who had sent me a sweet message has since unfollowed. And that—the sense that I should just stop, that my work really is as horrible as the cruel anons say, that I’m no longer someone they want to support because I’m a disaster and a failure—that... really, really stung.
But as I’ve said before, I can’t blame anyone for leaving me after all this drama. It stinks. It sucks. I messed up. I try to be kind, respectful, considerate, but I’m not perfect, and there are gonna be mistakes along the way. 
So I want to encourage—but only if you’re comfortable doing so, of course—more feedback about how to be better. How could I make my content more appealing? How could I handle these situations in ways that are less awful? Could I improve my post-tagging system? My therapist is helping me, but I’d like to hear from all y’all, too. I want to know how to make stuff that people actually enjoy. Anon hate doesn’t exactly help me make better content, but actual constructive feedback will. That’s what I want to see.
But enough bellyaching. Here are some posts I’m prioritizing right now, and I’d like to know which one folks would want to see most:
✄ “ambiguous” thoughts
✄ Ryuko stronger in episode 14, North Kanto monkey versus Osaka monkey
✄ Episode 6 ending
✄ Ryuko and Senketsu interactions
✄ Ripping out heart
✄ Satsuki’s isolation
✄ Things About: Senketsu, Satsuki, Mako, Tsumugu (maybe more?)
✄ Ryuko’s IF story, episodes 5-8
✄ Ryuko’s IF story, episodes 9-10
✄ Anime Revolution info
It’s a lot, I know ^^; And that’s not even close to all of it. But where should I start? Don’t worry; I intend to finish everything here—especially because a lot of these are old, old requests!—but I’m easily overwhelmed, so an idea of where to begin would be really helpful for me!
tl;dr, I shouldn’t have posted that thing the other day, and maybe this long vomit dump about my intentions doesn’t even come close to making up for it. But I want folks to know that I appreciate their support and would love any feedback about how to better serve the community and live up to these kind messages.
Which, speaking of, here’s a transcript of them:
“As a survivor that's ace I think you're handling the ragyo situation excellently and I'm really enjoying your blog so thank you!”
“Sorry you’re dealing with backlash in regards to your opinions and headcanons on Ragyo, dear! While I can’t really say much on the matter, I think it’s fair that you’re being open with us on how you feel and that you’re entitled to your opinion. Does that mean people will agree with you? No, but that’s okay! Or at the very last, it should be...but people can get heated when certain topics come up and that’s when it Gets Messy”
“There’s no right way to fandom, people jumping in your ask to belittle you are jerks. Tbh the first time I watched Kill La Kill I didn’t consider ryuko and senketsu relationship as romantic but after finding your writing and on subsequent watches I totally see it and like that’s the whole point of fandom right? A group of people who love a thing for varying reasons, I don’t understand this need to be monolithic in fandom. Anyways I love your writing and totally understand your frustrations of late”
“Guys, come on. It’s a work of fiction. People are allowed to like whatever they want to like. You don’t like that? That’s fine! But please, leave Goop alone for stating her mind and expressing how she feels about it. She wouldn’t hark you for your opinion because she’s fully aware of how could make you feel. She’s done nothing but pout her heart out about a series she loves, it’s her passion. If someone did that to YOU, you wouldn’t like it, now would you? (1/2)
“I know it’s not going to magically change overnight and everyone will say their peace to feel validated, but I just feel so bad that you’re getting all of this over things that you’ve previously talked about and STILL have to defend yourself for. Your opinion is yours, Goop, and don’t let ANYONE try to challenge that! (2/2)”
“Please don't be so hard on yourself! I understand why it makes you upset when people send hate and stuff but you shouldn't feel the need to justify every single word you say. I just wanted to let you know that I always adored everything you write and I'm completely on your side in all of this. :) I hope you feel better soon!”
“I think your takes are very good; but more important than everyone agreeing w/ everyone elses readings, I think, is that you are a very good writer of analysis and it would be a shame for you to falter in that because of ppls reactions to your content. anyone who harasses you about having the 'wrong opinions' about fiction needs to learn how analysis of fiction functions & find a better outlet :) you are very talented, Goop, please follow your true north!”
“People get hung up on weird things, like you can disagree with someone and not devolve to personal attacks??? Anyways I enjoy your klk content! I look forward to more analysis of the game!”
“man, i dunno why so many anons gotta be such massive jackasses, you don't deserve it. hell, i don't even ship ryuketsu (I lean towards a more queerplatonic partnership interpretation, and im generally allergic to romantic shipping anyways) and i still deeply appreciate the thought and research and care you put into your meta.”
“ik you don't want asks about this but as a sexual assault survivor you are absolutely valid on how you feel about Ragyo. I skip the bath scene on every rewatch, and I find her atrocious. The fact that people are attacking you for this is dumb.”
“Hey man you’re allowed to talk about who you want on your blog. It’s your shit. People are so entitled nowadays and can’t let people have opinions anymore. You’re not dumb, you’re not trying to be offensive. And it hurts seeing how you’re trying to be courteous and step on eggshells and still getting dragged. Like people are allowed to disagree but there’s no need to be rude to someone trying not to be rude. You’re literally saying an opinion. Everyone else relax, my dude. You’re fine.”
“It’s amazing how all these people can recognize ragyos terrible behavior but insist on having to defend her….”
 “Just wanted to shout over all of this hate and say you have an amazing blog and you shouldn’t let this get you down. Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s legitimately awesome. Anyway that’s all I had to say. Keep being you.”
“Hey Goop. Just always remember that even if we're quieter, there will always be more people supporting you and loving you than people hating you. I really hope you don't let these anons destroy your health in a more permanent way. Keep up the good work!”
“Hello! Just wanted to say that I love your posts and analyses of klk so much! I love seeing how passionate you are about it (bc I am too) and I also ship Ryuketsu SUPER hard! I'm sorry if people are getting you down, but I hope you keep on doing your thing!”
trashcanalienist said: I agree with this so much
tolliver-j-mortaelwyver said: …don’t ever let someone else’s insecurities become part of you. 😉
official-raven-branwen reblogged this from marshmallowgoop and added:
Ya’ll got a problem with Goop, you can fuck outta here with that.
#Lookin at you anon
official-raven-branwen said: Why are people being mean to you??! Goop, please please please don’t ever think that your content isn’t wanted. If people are having an issue, that’s on them. They can fuck right off.
tolliver-j-mortaelwyver said: More Ryuketsu! Indeed!
kuribo4indahouse said: Kill la Kill needs you
csolarstorm said: Hey Goop, I sympathize. It’s never easy to share opinions about topics like this, because everyone has a different story, and they all want their story heard by others. I’ve found that you can’t accomodate everyone’s struggles - you can only speak for yourself. Keep on writing, I love Kill la Kill and Iook forward to reading your work.
official-raven-branwen said: You got this! 
kuribo4indahouse said: Don’t worry, and don’t count out the possibility of becoming bigger over time!
gaylo-thymos said: Hell yea, you’re doing your very best to be out there and that’s what matters. Keep bein you!
darthvandr said: Well regardless of recent events, you’re one of my favorite blogs and I’d be sad if you left. So you just keep on being you!
kuribo4indahouse said:
Who the fuck wrote that lol
Are those even real people writing those messages? Who would be this rude over a TV show?
And then they call you “butthurt”… Any self awareness?
official-raven-branwen replied to your post “You’re so butthurt about this Ragyou thing. Get over yourself. So…”
You are awesome Goop! Don’t listen to those asshat anons. You rock and those anons mean nothing. You keep being you because you are enough!
Not sure why you have such awful anons. You are an awesome person. Please know that you opinions on stuff that you (very obviously) love are perfectly valid, because they are your opinions, on your own freaking blog. And to that anon that sent you that message, listen dude, if you don’t like the content Goop puts out, there’s the unfollow button right there champ.
eldritchgentleman reblogged your photo and added:
Fuck the opinions of others and enjoy what you love! They don’t own you, listening to them doesn’t make you happy so screw them with a pineapple.
simon-newman​​ reblogged your photo and added:
Also Ryuko and Senketsu is a valid ship.
eric-coldfire reblogged your photo and added:
Absolute valid ship, op. Ignore the haters and keep being you.
kuribo4indahouse​​ reblogged your post and added:
Just laugh at these Goop.
badgerjaw​​ replied to your post “goops, you’re starting to stoop to the level of those that are bugging…”
I don’t think this anon knows what patronizing means, nor can they tell the difference between getting a big head and acknowledging the amount you do in this fandom. To each their own, nonny, cheers
badgerjaw replied to your post “You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over…”
At least the shirt in question can consent; wonder if these nonnies are gonna get on the people who abuse their non-sentient socks?
“I'm sorry. I don't always necessarily agree with the ideas, but I haven't been offended.”
“And I know you're like, you know, a reasonable, nice person. So even if you did say something that came off as offensive, I wouldn't be up in arms about it, you know?”
“Hey Goop, I know this is coming really late but here's what I wanted to say
“You didn't deserve any ounce of that anon hate.
“I'm just absolutely stunned. There was nothing wrong with what you posted. Not then, not now. Because all you were doing was expressing your OWN interpretations. You weren't trying to claim anything as set-in-stone fact
“And... I don't understand. I don't understand why people are SO angry that another person has an opinion they don't share. In the end, what are we talking about here? An anime...
“Don't get me wrong. The topics you discussed were indeed important to talk about, and fiction definitely does influence reality. But the fact of the matter is that, when it comes down to it, your posts were simply you sharing some headcanons about some characters from an anime
“And... when you look at the grand scheme of things, I really do think those anons are really quite pathetic. I mean. Consider what sort of person they have to be so get SO angry over a post like ‘Hey I think Ragyo might be ace’ and say ‘How can you be this STUPID Ragyo is OBVIOUSLY a lesbian and YOUR WHOLE BLOG IS A BAD TAKE’ like really?????
“Actually you didn't even say ‘Ragyo might be ace,’ it was more of a ‘I personally feel like Ragyo is ace’ and?? What's the issue with that?????/
“I'm sorry if I'm rambling but I'm so upset that you're upset cause of those anons and all the hate you got over NOTHING
“Also, don't discount the fact that there are indeed people out there who agree with you. I know you mentioned that you don't think anyone shares the same opinions on Ragyo as you do. But in all my years of following you, I've realized one thing
“You and I... have the same opinions on EVERYTHING????????
“But let me be clear. That's not why I support you. It doesn't matter if we have the same headcanons. 
“Even if I disagreed with everything you said, I'd still support you. Because it's not the headcanons that matter—it's how respectful you are and how you're always trying to better yourself. You always try SO SO SO hard to express yourself in a reasonable and kind way, and you are always trying to be mindful of your wording and considerate of other people's opinions
“It really upsets me to see you apologize so much to people who don't deserve an apology.”
“Hi, Goop. I want to thank you for everything you do on this blog. I started getting into your Kill la Kill content in around 2016. I even keep a copy of your meta book downloaded on my phone to reread every now and then. 
“I think what I like so much about your writing is how in-depth and supported and thoughtful it all is. Kill la Kill is so easy for people to write off as just a flashy, over the top, fanservice show. I think the biggest takeaway from the show is that it truly is a story about friendship and love, and I’m glad that you write so, so much about this. It always gets me all giddy and excited when I see you post something new or when you reblog your old stuff. I first watched the show in 2014, then I rewatched it two more times, knowing that I liked it, but not knowing exactly why. 
“Until I started reading your blog. It’s really thanks to you that Kill la Kill is now my unbeatable, number one favorite anime ever. 
“You put into words so eloquently what I’ve always felt towards Kill la Kill since I first watched it. I want you to know I really appreciate you. Please know you have my support, and I hope you keep doing what you love.”
“I just hope that anon finds something more fulfilling than spewing hate and nonsense. Like model trains, or magic tricks. I know my life got a lot more bright when I kept my nose out of people’s business and started focusing on the things I love to do.”
“I'm sorry that you have to deal with these trolls. :/ Some people just like to get a reaction. 
“*would talk more but feels that the conversation is past its expiration* 
“I respect you for expressing your opinion. Lord knows how illegal that is when insecure people get offended.”
“super late at night for me and I should be sleeping but I saw all your responses and how you tried to handle things and just felt really bad. You're in a situation that things just can't be solved with a simple logical response. Like I said sometimes people just have a view and when they disagree they just need to attack others who are part of that disagreement.”
kurouga replied to your post “[[MOR] I already knew people felt this way about me, but I guess…”
You don’t know if it needs you? At times like these I’d say the fandom doesn’t deserve you. It’s always mind-boggling – and yeah, saddening – to recognize how readily people forget how to be civil and begin to hold the meaning they see in fiction as more important than the feelings and experiences of others. Meanwhile you’re classy, humble, patient, and resilient enough to have retained these qualities where so many others… haven’t. Nothing short of inspiring.
I’d say it’s reflective of the cancerous state of fandom environments that it’s so much easier to win support with sweeping, neat and tidy divisiveness – that is, by resorting to discouraging, dismissing, or ridiculing differences in opinion – than it is to garner support as a thoughtful proponent of discussion.
Those who would argue “This fandom would be perfect if only those people who have other opinions/ships would just *stop* already” are those who would rather reign over a wasteland than accept that their views aren’t threatened/invalidated by the existence of differing views. And they almost certainly don’t appreciate the irony in that the perfect victory they envision is one in which what remains of the fandom is all cut from the same cloth. Never stop being you, goop.
“Hey uh saw that you're going through some brutal stuff with a anon. But I wanted you to know you're handling it like a champ and hopefully they'll get on with their life soon!”
“No problem I always look forward to getting notifications for your posts. It's kinda sad that you can't talk about opinions on here without someone getting upset but I hope that doesn't stop you from continuing!”
“You write a lot about things and you're sure to upset someone but at least you're being honest and always try to resolve disagreements realistically. I'm sorry that you're crying and all but I hope you do feel better soon! It's gonna be your birthday after all ✌️”
“I don’t know if I clicked the right button. Sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really, really respect your work and to thank you, because you bring so much happiness to life of me and my other friends. Keep up with your good work and continue to share love for Kill La Kill and for t h e m. *salutes*”
“hey! heard you'd been getting shit lately from people deliberately seeking to misunderstand the work you've put into the KLK fandom over the years (doubt you'd remember me but i'm still [blurred for privacy] on AO3). even though i don't use tumblr anymore on a regular basis, of all the people i met and knew, even tangentially, in this fandom, you've always stuck out to me as one of the loveliest and most dedicated fans and my favorite meta writer, period. please keep it up!”
korra-n-stuff​​ replied to your post “You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over…”
can these anons please go away? you’re wonderful goop, dont change. These people just has sticks in their asses
fromtheriverbanks​​ replied to your post “Guys, come on. It’s a work of fiction. People are allowed to like…”
I love your analysis. I tend to agree with the stuff about Ryuko and Senketsu and think it’s a big part of what makes the show beautiful. If there were PhDs in Kill la Kill, you would deserve one.
17 notes · View notes
1. Who’s your celebrity crush?
I don’t have celebrity crushes most of the time. I have people who I think are pretty and people that I admire, but I don’t have any of them that I crush on. Alongside my favourite voice actors (seiyuu), Emma Watson would definitely be up there. There’s something about intelligence that makes a person far more appealing.
2. Are you single or taken?
As single as they come! I haven’t even been in a relationship, and I don’t really have any interests in getting into one!
3. Rant. Just do it.
I’m nervous. I’m doubting. I hate this feeling in me. I feel so out of place, so uncomfortable, and it’s eating me on the inside. I wish I had friends in real life. I really wish I did, but it feels like I’m growing apart from everyone, and I’m pushing them all away because I can’t stand being reminded of my past, and I feel like every step I take is just a desperate attempt to get myself back on track, and I’m trying to be proud of myself. I really am. But I have a hard time acknowledging anything that I do. I never feel like I’m enough. I feel insufficient. I feel like I’m just a statistic. I feel inferior yet superior at the same time. My self-image is warped. I feel like I’m lying to myself and to others. It hurts. It hurts a lot, and I don’t want people to know but I do at the same time. It’s a pain unlike any other, and as much as I can say that I don’t feel lonely, I feel like there should be people in my life that I can call my friends, and I want someone that I can mutually call my best friend without them saying that they are just my “good friend”. I want to know that I mean the upmost to a person without feeling I’m burdening them. I want to be No. 1 at something. 
I dream about chasing dreams like becoming a medical professional, but I continue to realize and face my shortcomings that would prove that I’m not really fit for it. I want to do it, but quite frankly, I’m too stupid. 
I can’t even articulate what’s truly paining my mind. It’s difficult. I don’t know why my body and mind wants to destroy itself.
But sometimes, I think I fix myself better.
4. Do you think it's okay to separate the artist from the art?
Personally, I’m one of those people who usually say no to this question. Now, if you have weird kinks or like pineapple on pizza, that’s none of my business. I won’t hold it against you. However, I find it hard to separate when things are illegal or morally wrong.
Net-juu no Susume was a really heartwarming anime, and it was one of my favourite anime that depicted a wholesome adult romance that unveiled many truths about the real world despite spending its time online, but I would’ve never watched the anime if I would have known that the director was a Holocaust-denier. The rest of the staff? I don’t know, but I felt extremely uncomfortable even reblogging content after I found out.
I was planning on watching Rurouni Kenshin, and to this day, I believe I’m missing out, but I cannot support or condone or even watch a series that has a creator as wretched as Nobuhiro Watsuki. If you don’t know, he was charged in February of 2017 for child pornography. He was fined 200,000 yen. It was a slap on the wrist. Even though Rurouni Kenshin wasn’t a reflection on his person according to fans, I don’t feel keen on watching a show created by such a man.
In regards to actors, this goes for them too. If they are not supportive of the LGBTQ community, if they are racist, if they have committed acts that are cannot be condoned, I wouldn’t want to watch them or anything. Again, I have a hard time keeping track of who’s actually clean in this world, and in Japan, there is a lot of covering up. It was recently revealed that a lot of Madhouse anime that people love were probably made at the expense of animators who are human beings.
5. How many accounts do you have?
I have a few.
@nsisbest385 - my main where I stockpile my music @natsspammityspamspamham - This one where I am really open and reblog everything that I want to reblog (no exceptions; if I don’t even think about it, I just reblog) @natsthinkitythinkthinkthonk - used to be for inspirational stuff/writing, but now it’s mostly seiyuu stuff. I post things for their birthdays. I should’ve made a separate account. @semitranslatedseiyuublog - Where I semi-translate stuff but mostly transfer seiyuu content from Reddit. @awkwardbsd - This account has more followers than all my other accounts combined. It’s for awkward screenshots, memes, and other stuff surrounding the Bungou Stray Dogs universe. @dragontypepropaganda - I didn’t tell anyone this existed until now. I’m generally not on it. I just queue and leave.
6. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Let’s see... uh... 1 for outside, 1 for exercise, 1 for my house slippers, 3 for orchestra that I never use, 2 dress shoes that I really never use, and I’m supposed to get 1 pair of slippers for outside.
7. Opinion on…
I don’t think I can answer this.
8. How many accounts do you follow?
9. Favourite brand of clothing?
I’ve been wearing more Uniqlo lately, but my wardrobe has a lot of hand-me-downs despite being so sensitive tactile-wise.
10. Name a dog
Atticus (boy) and Haruko (girl)
11. What unusual talent do you have?
I can whistle. I haven’t tried in a while, but I can put my feet behind my head.
12. What’s the most interesting school's gossip you’ve ever heard?
Keep in mind, I was only in school until grade 9-10. One of my PE teachers Ms. Snow had really scary eyes. When she got mad at me (which is pretty frequent considering she didn’t know who I was and kept calling me by other Asian people’s names because “we look the same”), I swear her eyeballs would extend from her sockets a little. They looked like they were about to pop out of her head. My sister said that urban legend states that she once fell down the stairs and both eyeballs popped out. She put them back in and carried on.
13. Ever prank called a store?
I think I almost tried once until I got a scolding or something (wasn’t even my parents).
14. What’s your coffee order?
Don’t have one. I don’t like coffee. I’m generally open to tea.
15. What’s a question do you constantly get asked?
“How are you?” I usually choose the easy route to answer to this question. I just say “good thanks”. You want the truth? I lie to myself.
“Why did you leave school?” It was a living hell. I didn’t feel safe. I was breaking down years ago. School nearly broke me, and if I stayed there any longer, I would’ve died (not an exaggeration).
“What are your hobbies?” I usually just say music and watching cartoons* (anime). They usually ask what else, and I just stare blankly.
16. If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I wouldn’t want one.
17. Google the top song from the year you were born
Apparently, it’s How You Remind Me by *gasp* Nickelback.
18. Rant about your favourite musician
I seriously wish I was able to go to Sara Bareille’s version of the Waitress. I wish I was able to see it on Broadway. She’s such a talented individual, and she deserves all the attention she gets.
19. What’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
All of my best teachers have been outside of school. I would say that my favourite teachers are my current bass teacher and my taekwondo master who has taught me for over a decade.
20. Describe your blog in 3-5 words
Fando(o)m, ranting, anime, seiyuu, random
21. What’s a conspiracy you believe in?
I believe aliens exist. I don’t think it would be logical to assume that Earth is the only planet that has “intelligent” (I say that very loosely) lifeforms.
“But they don’t have water or oxygen” Bold of you to assume that said aliens would need such a thing. I would think they can adapt like humans and all that. I just think it’s dumb to close ourselves off to believing that there are people other than ourselves that exist in this wide and expanding universe.
22. If you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
I would really want to see the Waitress. If that doesn’t count, I would want to see some seiyuu singing live. It would depend. Hosoya doesn’t sing much anymore, Maaya Sakamoto has a waitlist longer than my lifespan (I have no luck with lotteries), and Saori Hayami has the same issue. I would want to see Sphere live too, but I don’t know all of their songs.
23. If you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
My depression... or my anxiety. Actually, those aren’t habits. I guess the closest I will get is doubting myself and beating myself up.
24. Can you dance? Sing?
A strong no to both.
25. What’s something you can’t stop buying?
Uh… I don’t go out and buy anything. I don’t make money so I don’t buy. However, if I did, I would really want to treat myself to good food and anime stuff.
26. Crowds or small groups?
Small groups... obviously.
27. How long before a trip do you pack?
Depends on where. When it comes to the Philippines, weeks for the Balikbayan boxes and less than a week for my actual clothes (usually pack a ton of clothes because I sweat a lot and “we’re not doing laundry!”)
28. What celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?
I feel like I don’t have a good grasp of the culture so I actually can’t say anything about my favourite seiyuu. We don’t even know if that’s their true personality. However, I feel like my perfect 10s are Emma Watson and Robin Williams. They might not be my “crushes”, but they are perfect 10s. 
29. What quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
“When you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up!” Nah man, you just don’t know what rock bottom looks like. It’s gonna get worse.
“Don’t fix what isn’t broken!” All because you can’t see what’s wrong with it doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. Yeah, I’m talking about the school system.
“Pain makes you who you are. It makes you stronger.” I can say that my trauma gives me anxiety.
30. If you had to dye your hair an unnatural colour right now, what would you choose?
I go by “Purple Dino” online so I’d have to say dark purple.
31. You can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
I wish I could breathe properly. My allergies make it so hard for me to exist. It affects my breathing, sleep, dental care, and so much more. I think that’s the one physical thing I would change.
32. How old do you get mistaken for?
Apparently, I look like I’m in middle school even though I’m almost a legal adult.
33. What do you think about a lot?
Anime, seiyuu, my own shortcomings. 
34. Do you like your Hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
I like Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. I haven’t done my test in a while. 
35. What does home mean to you?
Home is where you live. It’s where the heart lives. It’s where you feel safe, and it’s where you can take off the mask that you live in during the day. It’s the place where I don’t have to lie through my teeth. I can cry, I can laugh, I can scream, and I can finally be me.
36. What do you think you’d be arrested for?
I feel like I would be caught for pirating anime even if I don’t profit off it. 
37. Have you ever been called down to the principal's office?
I’ve been there, but I haven’t been called down there because I really wasn’t important in school.
38. Post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Probably a dark coloured hoodie with sweatpants. That’s my default during the winter anyway.
39. Describe your aesthetic
Tired dead eyes with existential dread and depression. That’s how I see myself.
40. Answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation 
I’m not sure how to say this, but I was really not in the “right crowd” at school, and I was never let into any of these things. I can’t answer this, and it pains me just to read this because I’m missing out on so much of my youth and “high school life”. 
I’m tagging @caratheillustrious who reblogged the questions!
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When Swift fans are not noticed
This may be long, so, bear with me. I have no sour grapes.  In no way am I asking for pity or apologies and please don’t patronize.  This has been on my heart for a while.  I have heard from many Taylor fans here that others feel very much the same, so, here goes.
When Taylor Swift comes back to tumblr after an absence, there is great rejoicing, major feels, burning excitement, and hypnotic anticipation.  As she notices fans by giving likes, reblogs, and/or follows, the fandom fervor intensifies.  Everyone who cares enough (or has the time to do so) to try their damndest at getting Swift’s attention on Tumblr, amps up their blog game and tries with all their might to be one of the lucky ones.  Some blog and reblog only themselves.  Others blog and reblog their own stuff while trying their very best to help other fans get noticed.  Some post follow lists hoping Taylor will see and follow others who hope with all their hearts for a Swift follow.  Some of these fans have been waiting for what seems like an eternity.  Some have follows but have never gotten a TS like.  Some have neither.  Others have met Taylor but don’t have a follow nor have they been noticed at all on tumblr.  Some are “lurked” meaning they get more than one like at a time.  I could go on and on, but, you get the picture.  
During every era that Swift has been active on tumblr, we all end up seeing the same age old dilemma.  Which category do you find yourself in, at any given time?  Are you in the best mood ever, feeling on top of the world, very special because you got a Swift like or lurk or follow?  Or, do you feel forgotten, rejected, passed over, invisible, unappreciated, hurt, and broken because you don’t get likes, lurked or followed?  There is a fine line here, my friends.  I have been on both ends of this spectrum.  I can say with the utmost assurance that being one of the fans getting a like or follow or lurk far outweighs being on the other end and not getting noticed.  We all know better than to put our own self esteem in the hands of another person, place, or thing, and yet we find ourselves doing this very thing as we allow our self worth to be determined by whether or not Taylor notices us on Tumblr.  Is this sounding familiar to anyone?  I have heard that many fans are already feeling passed over during this new era of Reputation.  Some of these fans have spoken to me about their concerns.  I understand because I feel much the same.  It is perfectly okay to feel however you feel.  You can be happy for friends getting likes but also sad and disappointed for yourself.  This is one of those hard life lessons that I find myself learning and relearning again and again.  However you feel is however you feel.  No shame. No judgment.  The feelings are yours alone and maybe others can relate and maybe they cannot, but, either way, you can rightfully feel whatever you feel.  I have always tried to live by a quote I first heard many years ago: “Feelings are feelings, not facts”.  That being said, please remind yourself repeatedly that you are not the sum of getting noticed by Taylor.  Yes, it is a wonderful feeling if you do, but, it does not define you one way or the other.  I’m preaching to the choir here because I am speaking for myself, as well.  We teach what we most need to learn, right?  
I wish with all my heart there was a master list somewhere kept by Taylor or her people that checked off each person as they got a like or lurk.  This would make it fair for everyone still waiting.  No, it would not address every little issue, but, I’m guessing it would make things feel more fair.  I don’t have the answers to this tumblr fan dilemma.  I wish I did.  Everyone comes into this with their own set of insecurities, expectations, wants and needs.  I’m quite certain there is no perfect way to make everyone happy, so, I am asking all of you to please consider the feelings of your fan friends if they are feeling down and out as you are feeling on top of the world, and vice versa.  Your blog is your blog and you are certainly free to post whatever you like.  Keep in mind, though, that none of us can pretend to know what another is feeling.  It is okay to have mixed feelings, both happy and sad.  If you find it in your heart to help others get noticed, please do so.  I mean really, really help them and do it often.  Pay it forward.  Never forget that you were once where they are, never having been noticed by Taylor at all.  There are times when I think people have a hard time remembering what that felt like.  Once you get noticed, you may try your hardest to cheer up other fans still waiting.  You might even say something like, “don't give up.  Keep trying.  Stay the course.  I will help you.”  Whatever you do say, please don’t say “it will happen. It will eventually happen when you least expect it” or something similar.  That may be your mindset and you may live and die by that theory, but, I can promise you that others don’t.  It doesn’t help. It doesn't help at all to say that because the truth is IT MAY NEVER HAPPEN.  Each of us is one person among millions attempting to be noticed by Swift, who, herself, is ONE PERSON.  It will eventually happen for many, but, not for everyone.  It is statistically impossible.  
Always be kind.  Cheer your friends on.  Help them.  Be mindful of what you say to others and how you say it.  It is sort of like the old quote by Maya Angelou that goes something like this:  “people will forget what you said or did but they will never forget how you made them feel”. 
Good luck to every single one of you in getting noticed by Swift.  I mean that straight from the heart.  The competition here is fierce.  And, while I have had to step back some (for my own peace of mind) and not always blog/reblog when Taylor is online, I am still here regularly and I will always try to help you in whatever ways I am able to do so.  I love you all.  
Note:  You and/or I may find ourselves with a Taylor like or follow today, next week, or next month or we may not.  No matter what, you are still you and I am still me.  We are unique, special, enough, and worthy.  
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I have SERIOUSLY been slacking.
OKAY EVERYONE. there’s absolutely no hiding it. I’ve been slacking! I keep making excuses for myself, but to make a long fucking story short, I have not been eating like I should be. I haven’t kept up with my macros, I haven’t focused on being in caloric deficit, I HAVEN’T BEEN DOING SHIT honestly. I keep making excuses, which I feel like has been super obvious in my previous posts. I. NEED. TO. STOP.
I’ve been a chunky girl, and additionally, I have been slacking on updating this blog. I suck :/
My period is really getting to me, I think. I feel bloated, dirty, and I’m really crampy. Why don’t men suffer like this? On top of my period, I have been SO busy at work, and I’ve been going to bed a lot later than I usually do. All things that are not working in my favor. However, I will STILL be weighing myself this Sunday, just to give myself a little wake up call. 
With that being said, I think it’s important to speak about what to do when you’ve dangerously fallen off track. While I have been diligently keeping up with working out and being active, I really haven’t been doing my part when it comes to eating. When this happens, you have to remind yourself that this is just a small bump in the road. Do and/or say something that motives you. Remind yourself why you set this goal. I set this goal because I want to feel good in my body. I don’t want to dread putting on tight clothing or dread going to shopping because I can’t stand trying things on. I also set this goal because I want to feel and look healthy. 
Another good thing to do is make a small list (don’t overwhelm yourself) of things you can do to start to get back on track. For me, I need to:
Get more sleep - I need to go to bed sooner in order to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. The more sleep you get, the more rested you feel, and the better you feel during day to day activities. You also tend to lose more weight when you’re sleeping properly.
Drink more water - This has always been a struggle for me. When I get busy at work, I just forget about it. I think things like tracking the amount of water that you’ve had so that you can visually see the amount you’re drinking. Drinking enough water is amazing because it clears your skin, flushes out your system, and allows you to stay hydrated, making you feel better all around.
Stay away from mindless snacking - This week has been hard because people kept bringing food into the office, and when I get stressed, I want to go eat. THIS IS BAD! You shouldn’t use food to fix your emotions. This is what I was doing, and various coworkers, other doctors, etc. bringing in cookies and candy meals DIDN’T HELP. If you’re not hungry, don't eat. 
Continue being mindful - This doesn’t mean I have to necessarily count macros down to a science, but it means that I need to make healthy choices. Choose a salad over a burger, or an apple over chips. Also, think about how much food you eat in one sitting. Don’t overeat!
I don’t know about anyone else, but I also find it super motivating to read/look at other peoples’ blogs or Instagram accounts that have motivating quotes or fitness facts. I think this just makes me sorta realize that I am a bad bitch and I can do anything that I set my mind to. That’s why I like to reblog quotes that I personally find motivating. 
Anyways, like I said, today I was a major chunky gorl. A coworker’s friend brought the office lunch, so I basically lost all control and ate friend deviled eggs (amazing), crab balls, a pretzel, and 2 slices of flatbread. I am really proud of myself though. After the gym this morning, I went to Wawa. There I got an iced coffee, one that I have gotten before. I always wondered why it was so good, so I looked up the nutrition facts. 500+ CALORIES! Y'all better bet that I poured that $3 coffee right down the drain. Don’t drink your calories, girls. If you’re going to consume that many calories, do it via a meal that’s going to fill you up and give you nutrients. Don’t waste it on a drink (but that’s just my opinion). 
Since I am absolutely exhausted, Imma head out. We will be speaking tomorrow, and I promise to come back with a very positive report because I am going to bed now (9pm). xoxo love you!
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