#one of the most racist manga literally ever
fairuzfan · 3 months
Thoughts on how the ‘Magnostadt’ (Israel) stuff was handled in Magi: Kingdom of Magic?
Bold of you to assume I remember anything from the most Orientalist anime/Manga I've ever seen.
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queenofallimagines · 4 months
Hiori yo x black reader
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(A/N): was literally complaining bc like how is he black but there’s NO black readers??? But I found out who’s clogging up the blue lock tag😒And then I realized I can do it my fucking self lmao. HC him as Nigerian bc like we’re never gunna get any cultural background info on him bc they never tell us about the parents(unless it’s central to their backstory and even then they’re the main characters not their parents.) so I’m making up my own lore✨ his dad is Nigerian who immigrated to Japan and hiori very rarely sees his dads side of the family bc they live elsewhere and his parents don’t care about him knowing family he’s supposed to be their trophy
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Hiori yo:
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- okay so boom
- This happens in his blue lock era obviously
- His parents rarely let him play w kids bc he was always training if you peep in the manga
- Only has some idea of some form of cultural heritage
- He was blessed cursed with only his mothers genetics so looking more like her has him skirt around a lot of that racism
- He probably makes friends with all the other mixed kids but gets viscerally uncomfortable when he sees them getting micro-aggressed
- Makes him think twice about showing up to school with his hair not styled like his mom
- Spends 90% of his time gaming anyway so like he doesn’t have to go outside
- When he runs away to blue lock life starts to have color
- I think post U-20 arc he spends those two weeks at home hanging out with karasu because he’s not gunna let him sit inside and rot around his shitty parents for two weeks
- Karasu definitely introduces you to him
- You were one of his friends from school he used to chill with and he’s like you would be good for hiori
- Karasu 100% condones your bad influence like lmao he wants to see hiori be a MENACE to society
- He’s smirking in the background as you bring his inner ultra sadist out
- He messes up your hair and will laugh when you get mad
- “stoooop iiiiit you’re messing up my hair!”
- “aww does the princess not like their hair being touched?”
- “Not when I took a long time to do it this morning!”
- Will immediately get flustered if you say you like his hair
- hide the flat iron from him!!
- I feel like he’s lowkey insecure about usually being like the only black kid in the room
- And he speaks in a different accent than a lot of them?
- Yeah pack it up!
- *he doesn’t really think much of his appearance. he thinks he looks okay and he isn’t really confident about his skin complexion. he isn’t dark skin but he isn’t light skin either.*
- His chat Ai gave me that unprompted so it’s canon now sorry :/
- Yknow how boys will say the most traumatic shit out of nowhere?
- “do you really think that I’m pretty? even my skin complexion and everything?”
- “I sure do! Anyone who says differently is a colorist racist loser . There’s nothing wrong with you or your completion. Like you’re one of the only people who made me feel welcomed here are you fr?”
- Karasu is glaring at you though for having him make pale people jokes.
- He’s very lowkey about how snake like he is so he’s the “you can’t say that shit in public!” Friend, while you don’t care about getting cancelled😭
- “but please don’t let anyone the shade of printer paper make you feel bad about your melanin beloved.”
- “The snow roaches are usually too scared to try something because I’m tall:/“
- he’s trying his best really but he’s just one crow😔
- Don’t let tea about his parents make it back to your ears bc it’s really on sight for that man AND that snow bunny 😡
- “Does your dad ever like talk to you about his culture?? does he say anything outside of trying to make you into some star striker??”
- Mf just shrugs his shoulders.
- “not really. my parents don’t care about anything other than my success. they don’t care about my happiness or how i feel..”
- “Yo, baby ….. imma beat your parents ass😐 is your dad Nigerian? Bc that feels like textbook immigrant parent behavior.“
- “……. I REALLY don’t like how you knew that.”
- “My next guess would have been Guyanese.”
- Hes giggling tho bc I don’t think he really talked shit about his parents w nobody like REALLY really
- Just watching them fight 24/7 as a kid took a toll on my poor baby soul IK
- Spoiler for his backstory but I mean not really??
- His parents saying that if he didn’t become the best they would get a divorce made my jaw hit the stairs of hell
- ““you really know a lot about this kinda stuff?,,,,but yeah, nigerian parents are hella strict. they expect high grades from us and if we don’t reach those high grades, we’re basically disowned..”
- See me personally I have tattoos, colored hair and piercings and my mom fresh off the banana boat carribean
- “Like Dr umar said “you will be never get freedom unless you take it” It’s like a hostage situation!”
- “Is that how you have them long ass acrylics?”
- “….I took it😙”
- He will never bring you home bc you’re always 5 mins from punching his mom in the mouth and he really cannot handle that especially when he’s gone 24/7 in blue lock and can’t talk to you
- They don’t know you but know you’re a bad influence so they hate you from afar
- Very pro “traumatize your parents back” and karasu right there w you
- He’ll he can even scoop up yukumiya to be on demon time👀
- “hit em with the “what if I stop soccer?” And they have nowhere to run but just sit there seething because they need you.”
- “Right the cards are in your hands.”
- “…..Respectfully love, you’re a whole ass delinquent and karasu you’re a scammer. I’m not taking advice from people with active warrants😐”
- Now back on my bullshit
- He be so fine when he use metavision
- Like he knows that if he glances over at you during one of his games he’s gunna find you squirming in your seat
- Looks at you after he scores a goal every time and flashes you that shit eating grin
- Win or loose he’s getting his dick wet!!
- Have a safe word
- He’s never gunna try to push you past your limits in a way that will hurt you
- Buuuuut he is pretty mean
- Imagine that cute innocent looking face smiling down at you with his round doe eyes
- Calling you a dumb slut
- Man is a menace and probably gets a higher sex drive the more he fucks
- Not even out of like lust overtaking him he just will be randomly thinking about how he had you on your knees in this very locker room before
- And now feels the strong urge to split you open on his cock
- It’s fun for him like a game
- And he always wins
- Only way you can get him is to outsmart him but like that’s once in a blue moon so good luck Charlie😅
- Mans is 6”1 so he’s effortlessly manhandling you and giggling at how much your body is screaming for him
- “Shit, ya keep squeezing me like that and I won’t be able to pull out.”
- Again because he dosent have a high libido as a carnal thing certain NORMAL shit will set him off
- Like you was talking about the weather now he has you bent over the couch??
- Nicknames would be one
- You call him blueberry and he’s ready to go
- The cute look on your face and the smile he can see that’s reserved for him
- The way he can same the hearts in your eyes when you look at him
- He wants to ruin you and make you cry
- Edging is his go too thing
- Will do it until your grabbing at his hands begging him to let you come and he’s laughing his ass off
- “Why? ‘S real funny seeing you this pathetic.”
- He’s very mean in that soft sweet condescending way that pisses you off
- “Ow! Yo that hurt!”
- “Mmm, don’t care.”
- Bites you all over like you’re a chew toy
- Feel like he’s tied with rin and shidou for leaving marks
- He’s a cheeky little bastard so he will have you in public looking like a mess and he couldn’t be more innocent standing right next to you
- “You good?”
- “Yeah,karasu I’m fine.”
- “You sure because you’re limping right now.”
- And this fucker is there like ☺️☺️☺️
- Weakness is distracting him while gaming
- He’s very whiney if you suck him off while he’s gaming and has vc on
- Like he’s barely holding back his whimpers and wines as you’re head is buried between his thighs
- (Rin , nagi and him def game like I know they play Minecraft together)
- “Oi, hiori you okay? You’ve been pretty quiet.”
- “M good.”
- He is fighting for his sanity!!
- Has locked the door a few times to keep you out
- Accidentally left the mic on when he thought the coast was clear and came HARD
- Rin will never EVER bring that shit up and is taking that secret to the grave
- Does get flustered when he sees you and hiori not-so-subtly sneaking off to have your hands all over each other
- Keeps that memory square in the back of his head to jack off to
- Hiori Yo is a very sadistic man with a lot of confidence
- So he has absolutely no qualms about fucking you in front of his teammates in the locker room
- Oh, the team walked in on him blowing your back out? Nothing is stoping them from showering and changing
- Shares you with isagi like that’s just what happens
- He wants to see the egoist be mean to you
- This has happened more than once and bastard München straight up knows if he’s nowhere to be found when they are heading back to the locker rooms
- He’s in there making you cry on his cock
- “Cmon, tell em how much you like creaming around my cock dollface.”
- Particularly of Kaiser is kicking attitude he’ll glare at him while you’re on your knees and dare him to try something
- Oh he don’t care about doing it in the pxg locker rooms either
- Shidou has unfortunately walked in on him sitting beside you on the ground pushing your head down so you can take Rin’s cock even deeper
- “Ne, Rin-Chan. Look at how I can see you in their throat.”
- Hiori if anything isn’t going to play by the rules or be fair about it
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good7luck · 7 months
My quick personal thought on Noe in VNC manga latest chapter 61.5
(more under the cut)
I do NOT think Noe "pretended" to not notice the racism towards Dham in the office because he didn't "want" to accept the harsh reality that his "good" fellows are being bad / racists. It didn't happen...yet, at least.
I'm rather sure Noe simply, sincerely had NO "concept" of the racism ITSELF towards Dham AT ALL. "They probably still don't know their individual name each" was the ONLY and "best" guess Noe could ever make ON HIS OWN, within HIS (extremely limited) "common sense".
Noe does NOT realize the word Dham was being used like a slur purposefully in THEIR context, because Noe believes it's "by definition" not inherently an offensive term. They're Dhams, it's who they are, what's the problem? Vani is a human, so there's nothing wrong to call him human, cuz it's what he is, isn't it? But yeah, it's weird to keep calling all of them as just Dham when they all have their own name, let's fix it now!
Well, Noe does not have the same view / experience as other characters, much less we audience. He tends to listen well, but he's not always good at catching the hints / full context quickly. Of course, Noe hated to be called only "vampire" on and on by Vani in the previous arc, but Vani was clearly super hostile and seriously fighting Noe to death at that time, while this is happening "in peace", so Noe couldn't possibly imagine the people were hostile, "too", just in a different or "softer" form, perhaps? Or Noe failed to notice it because it's not directly about Vani lol
I get that it's very tempting to call Noe "stupid / annoying" etc for not noticing the "obvious" malice. But it's NOT obvious to him, unfortunately; he's plain ignorant and oblivious for real, because he literally has had NO chance to learn until now. He can't magically know what he doesn't know. He isn't even a genius character. This is the first time Noe witnessed the subtle and explicit racism, and honestly...I highly doubt if even now he truly understands that he watched people being openly bigoted and that it's never from their "innocent ignorance" as he first believed. Sadly, it indeed doesn't help that those people are the ones who Noe does NOT see as an enemy.
Noe never heard of Ruthven, who "can't" be unknown to anyone. Noe genuinely believed everyone else (Vani & Domi) was lost, when it's actually him alone who was lost. This is the Noe we're talking about!
Shapeless One didn't teach Noe anything about Dham and the prevailing racism (which is surely suspicious and irresponsible). It seems he at least didn't tell Noe that Dham should be oppressed / hated, and thankfully Noe has grown up not to discriminate people merely for race. Since he arrived in Paris, Vani has never bothered Dante and others for being Dham in front of Noe, either. But yeah, now Noe should get to know more and face the unjust reality that the Dham has to deal with.
"Noe should've known better because, Archiviste!!" I feel he believes that it's NOT the same and mostly the matter of the "rightfully creepy" (he thinks) "ability" of the memory-reading (for now, at least). When you think about it...no VNC character has negatively reacted to Noe for being Archiviste so far (and like, most of them barely know in detail or get interested a little) - except Vani XD and we all know Vani currently doesn't care, as long as Noe doesn't try to drink his blood. Astolfo hated Noe, but it's because he equally hates any "vampire".
However, in regards to Dham, people are loudly making "the existence ITSELF" a huge problem, including their mere "appearance" difference. People "discuss" their "right to exist", which is similar to Jeanne, Bourreau, the slaves. Yeah, I suppose Noe has been kinda "lucky" not to be the target of discrimination...until now. I won't be surprised if Noe still doesn't understand what makes Dham "deserve" all the disgust when they don't even have any "disgusting" ability "like his". I'd like to also add that...Noe might've been safe solely thanks to his (problematic) "guardian" Shapeless One, the (in)famous & powerful vampire that no one can casually ignore, similar to Ruthven ^^;;
In short, I think Noe did NOT "forcedly" "choose" to "ignore" the racism and try to make an "excuse" for his "cannot-be-racist" fellows "instead"; how can he "choose" to believe "otherwise", when he doesn't even notice the deep racism "specifically" towards Dham in the first place? Though I can agree that it'd be hard for Noe to properly process what's going on in the office because he unconsciously believes the fellows he trusts wouldn't be "weird" or "malicious" to other fellows "for an unreasonable reason".
This was written quite quickly, and I might regret it and remake a similar post later...or not XD
Thank for you reading my current personal opinion!!
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I'm putting this out to vent because I need it laid out, especially since it's pretty obvious from the Naruto opinions blog which side they're on. That blog has had so much Sasuke fandom hate that legit has no basis to it. It feels like legit lies, and it attacks our fanbase, particularly, which I find nefarious. To talk about a fanbase and claim it to he racist without any sort of receipts is a humongous accusation and I have half a mind to want to report if not for the fact that I know Tumblr won't do anything about it...perhaps I will. Idk. But this accusation is not an opinion. It's an accusation and if you clearly have met someone like this, someone who has racist takes then perhaps you should report them instead of putting it on a blog that claims to be an opinions blog and generalize an entire fandom or a portion of them to be like this. We are not racist. I know many POC and black fans of Sasuke, and nobody I know has ever thought, claimed this sort of accusation and opinion on Killer Bee. Hell, this opinion of Bee being an aggressive black man has got no basis in the manga/anime! He is the most chill black man there is! If anyone said this, they would literally laugh!
EDIT: After writing this, I decided to report that post. It's literally a libel post against the Sasuke fandom. There is literally no basis to it and OP wants to pretend it's an opinion about general experience. If you got a bad experience be more specific and what's more report them or call them out. It's really that simple! Everybody's experience is not the same but to make a general statement that bottles almost half the fandom as "racist" just because of one or two bad experience is literally... defaming the fandom! I'm sorry it is!
As a POC, and when you say something like that, do you have any idea how unsafe, hurt, and angry can make some people participating in the fandom? You don't put something like that and call it an opinion because it's not. It's an accusation verging on defamation against a group of people just because you had what one or two bad experiences with people.
I've had some bad experiences with people in other fandoms. You're not gonna hear me claim that a fandom is this or half the fandom is this just because of that one or two experience! I'd be attacking an entire fandom that way with an accusation that had nothing to do with them
This post is NOT the only post that has been accusing and posting lies about the Sasuke fandom. It literally mocks the Sasuke fandom for rightfully being angry. You can check the blog right now. It's the most recent post on its blog.
Right after the moderator of said blog posts that it won't be putting any more replies because it's gotten "heated"
Because God forbid someone is angry at you for posting libel and calling it an "opinion".
I mean, omg, you got pushback for literally stating that there's a group in a certain fandom that is racist and think "oh this is just gossip?"Oh, I'm just saying my opinion or talking about an experience and saying yeah the entire fandom is that way."
And the negative Sasuke posts keep coming because I looked back at it again, and there's clearly an anon there with an agenda against the Sasuke fandom. And nowhere there is a defense against this. The other side apparently has no say on this blog. And by other side, I mean the Sasuke fandom. OP closed replies because it got heated.
and tbh there's rarely a positive post about any of the Naruto characters, certainly not Sasuke, in a blog that is called the " Naruto General Opinions" blog. What is so general about this blog? It seems to side heavily on one opinion over the other. Right after posting a negative Sasuke fandom post that accuses the fandom of racism, anti-blackness, and micro-aggressions of black people with the baseless claim that Sasuke stans say that Killer Bee is an aggressive black man which I have seen that absolutely no where and even the claim of Killer Bee has no support in the manga so why would anyone say that? But right after posting that, they won't be putting any sort of heated replies because, again, people got anger, why? This person posts about Sasuke "bad decisions" as if characters aren't allowed that, and we all gotta stand perfect characters who do pretty much nothing.
Basically, we should all stand Hinata since you don't get a more inoffensive character than that, right?
Also what is anon talking about? You think we're angry at people criticizing Sasuke's decisions. People have been criticizing Sasuke's decision since day on. Hell the post creates another falsehood about why Sasuke stans are angry.
Y'all called us racist and anti-black. As a POC, Idk whether to laugh or be angry at such baseless claims and I'd again rant about why but I've probably repeated myself a number of times on why I feel like that post is nothing more than libel especially since OP wants to pretend that it's an opinion of an experience that a number of times could've been much more clearer but isn't, and defame an entire fanbase as that way.
OP wants to pretend they care about safe-spaces but they do not. Their lack of clarification and the majority of their anon posts of "general Naruto opinions" being basically negative, not just to the Sasuke community but to many character fanbases such as Sakura, Hinata, Naruto etc tells you everything. And it's the fanbases that are generally attacked and mocked. Never anything about the characters.
OP has a post pinning Sakura and Hinata against each other...
Is it any wonder people think the Naruto fandom is so toxic?
In writing this vent, I relooked at the blog and found yeah I agree with some of the takes the blog has but as a Sasuke fan who feels very attacked, especially when a majority of posts about Sasuke are negative in a blog that claims to be about general opinions of Naruto, I can't help but sympathize with Sakura and Hinata fandoms and any other fandom that has been criticized. How ostracized they must feel when there's a blog claiming to be about general opinions of Naruto, but it's about them...
Like opinions are not...general. A majority of us don't share the same opinions. We're all different and we absorb and express content in different way. While annoyance and irritation of how some people absorb and express content is valid, it's quite something else to post these opinions in a blog that claims to represent the general Naruto fanbase.
And even if the majority do feel the same way...is it fair for the minority to be excluded? Is it fair to have one blog be the space of "opinions," especially when the majority are nothing more than toxic angry anti takes
And again, some of these anti takes, I do agree on...but I'm going to be honest, I will never reblog from them because no way do I think my opinion is just a general opinion especially when it excludes a group of people in the fandom who may not agree. I will reblog from blogs that have similar opinions to mine and backs them up with evidence.
If you have these sorts of opinions, post it on your own blog. A general opinion blog is honestly not necessary...it's clear everyone has different opinions about different things... I mean...it's Tumblr. Unless sourced and backed up by proof, it's just an opinion.
But opinions can be hurtful and verge on to seemingly defamatory when opinions feel like falsehoods, especially when it's not backed by proof. I've looked, and many others have looked to see where this claim of Killer Bee being an aggressive black man comes from, and...it's nowhere!? And OP will not ask or show proof because apparently it's an "opinion about an experience.". If you're gonna put baseless accuations of opinions there, I'm gonna tell you what that's called. It's called libel. Spoken, it would be slander. And all of it is just defamation against an entire fanbase who likes a character you don't like.
And as the moderator of that blog, which frankly I find them questionable and toxic in many ways, they have a responsibility to ask for clarification because spreading lies about a certain fandom base is not right. It's not. Clearly, the blog is very biased, but it verges on harassment and abuse and a hate campaign against an entire fanbase of a character they don't like.
Like I don't think I'm over-inflating, this becomes I personally feel like my character has been attacked by this. I don't write metas or analysis. I've been thinking about it... but it almost feels like both OP and Anon want to silence an entire fanbase because they just don't agree, and they do so with this slander!
This isn't just about the Sasuke fanbase. This is also about every fanbase in the Naruto community. Racism is serious so if an accusation is made, we have a responsibility to answer it and separate ourselves from that or at least if we've engaged in such behavior, to better ourselves for other members in the larger Naruto fandom.
This is just a rant I needed to get out, but I'm deciding to take action. I've had some friends that have been hurt and have seen some defamatory statements online about the Sasuke fanbase and I will no longer stand idolly by. It's one thing to insult and criticize my character, you are entitled to your opinion, but when someone is attacking my character for liking a character they don't like, expect some pushback.
I came into the Naruto fandom because I like Naruto, the manga, and anime. I didn't come in to be harassed for liking a character you don't like. Feel free to rant about it on your own blog, but the moment you spread lies, especially on a blog that claims to be a blog about "general naruto opinions"is the moment I can't stay silent about this.
Okay, I'm gonna end my rant here. I've wasted enough time thinking and writing this, but I mean it when I said, I've had enough when lies start coming into the picture.
EDIT 2: I've decided to take out screenshots because I'm unsure if I should put screenshots. It could be wrong or taken wrong.
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la-hannya · 2 years
So raisin’s long awaited Shiina Sessrin chapter finally released and it confirmed that Shiina seems just as dedicated to butchering Sesshomaru’s character as Sunrise/Sumisawa did. I can’t believe the fandom is still simping for PedoShiina when he’s aptly demonstrated through this chapter alone that he makes the characters just as OOC as Sunrise did. Between Kagome “being jealous” of Sessrin and wishing Inuyasha was a more romantic husband like Sesshomaru (as if she herself hasn’t always been Inuyasha’s single biggest fan and would never dare to make him feel small by comparing him with Sesshomaru, his racist brother who tortured him in his youth, also rather than “envying” Sessrin she would be the first one in line to shoot an arrow through Groomermaru’s Pedophilic ass) and now him actually having Sesshomaru be the one to make the first “move” towards Rin and say incredibly sappy OOC stuff like “Rin is my everything” - it’s clear he doesn’t understand these characters any better than Sunrise.
Also his incessant need to continue making callbacks to “child Rin” during the “Sessrin” chapters and having Rin outside say she worships Sesshomaru like a God… 🤢🤢 At least it proves something the entire fandom has always been knew: They were not and never will be equals. Rin isn’t some strong girlboss ~QUEEN~ who wears the pants in that relationship like her fans self-inserters claim. she is an infantile child who was groomed by her guardian who she will forever hold up on a pedastal as a literal God and can see no flaws within him because he was the first/only person who ever gave her a sliver of kindness, and thus she feels she literally can’t say no to him.
Heya! @sweet61 beat me to most of what I wanted to express first, so you should check her answer before the things I'm gonna add to that here ^^ cause I share her sentiments.
Shiina's take on SR is him taking a bandaid 🩹and trying to stop a leak💧on a dam with it. Cause it's pretty obvious he knows about the backlash with all his statements. We went from anime loliconmaru using Rib as a creepy experiment cause he was curious about what was like to love and being a dad to "he made advances on her but actually Rib was the one who started it by seducing him with "Did Rin grow up? 😉😊" Stuff like that. Including him BLUSHING which was like a big no no for the rules RT has for his character. OOC and if he actually ever does that blush it would actually be microscopic as hell. You would need to get your 🔍 to actually see it. I understand Sesshomaru can be awkward but by the gods... WTF
He's still no different from the anime hny cause he still doesn't give a fuk about them kids really, has inukag on deep-freeze along the kid wife in this supposed masterplan along his mother because he doesn't really know WTF he is doing.
Congrats, you just made the infamous "Aristocratic Assassin" lord of the west a complete dumbass with creep still sprinkled around 🙄
I've already talked about this in the Sesskik Discord but Rin believing Sesshomaru is a God/Kami—Shiina took that from the wide-ban volume interview RT did about Rin and Jaken. Which btw, as you can see she makes clearly here what Rin was meant to be (and it's not what the romantic kind. This was before the Hogosha one)
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And another call back to the "child". Interesting how Rin is supposed to be an adult, all we getting on this thing is references and personality of her being said child 😑.
I'm not surprised. Since "adult Rin" seemingly doesn't exist. Manga "adult Rin" doesn't even look like herself. It's like Shiina took his mouse, clicked cut on Kagome, took her to Photoshop and then called it a day. I'm sure the Sesskag Fandom had good laugh about that.
I'll say this. I'm not gonna name or whatever but I'm gonna say it. If you love this fandom and don't want it to finish going to a Oblivion like it has recently these past few months... Don't Support this. Stop giving it ratio. Just cause it's giving you some crumbs of said characters' daughter. And I adore said character mind you. Plus the villain. Hells, he even called pedomaru out for bad parenting and being awful. He had potential. But really think about it.
Like at this point I barely even see even stuff from my favorite characters. Because most of it is a constantly barraged out of the algorithm with unwanted CP SR in various positions unless I block it cause that's all they think about their ship while simultaneously constantly making week celebrations just to be able to trend cause they can't even make the official polls without bots...
Don't give your time on that. There's a ton of people in this fandom. Who are amazing and can do better content in a day that even Shiina, or Pedosawa, or even RT will. From Sesskik, Sesskagu, Sesskag, SessSara, SessNara or just Sessh himself while also being a cool single dad cause that's also valid and fits his character completely. As well as content about the other Inuyasha characters. The twins don't even look like their own "mother" so you can even imagine the mother as someone else.
Even a little ❤️, like, or comment for any of those content creators is enough. By showing support to the original series and people who truly love and understand these characters, I swear you'll be happier in the long run as well as peace of mind. We already got that anime fanfic cancelled. Plus don't let sinners try to censor you with lies, or try bully you into accepting their ship in social media. If they want to ship it that badly they can stick to their corner and stop harassing peeps who have the minimist disagreement about it or ship something else. They constantly diss other ships and make up stuff to attack others, yet they expect us to stay quiet about theirs and their antics 🙃
....double standards
That being said if you're ever feeling like shit about this just remember. Even Shiina knows "it's not canon". This is his "doujinshi" of that original animation. Yes, it's an official product but it isn't part of the main continuity that is the original Inuyasha.
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The og series ended in June 18, 2008, with an ending that had enough openness to interpret whatever you like on what happens next
And that's the canon ending.
Yashahime is just one these. It's a bad one. OOC. An insult to the original. Destroyed the development of main characters. I know. RT didn't even write it. But in the end you choose. I already did and I announced it back for my pairing's weekend so look forward to it once I'm able to publish it, hopefully. if you're interested it on my imagination about it.
Phew! That was more than I expected to write.
In the meantime, take care of yourselves.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Sid, I know you’re mostly an InuKag blog and this probably isn’t your area of expertise, but as a POC the discourse surrounding Kikyo - and by extension InuKik as a ship - really bothers me.
Seems like all anyone can focus on about Kikyo as a character is stupid Iove triangle shipping discourse, if she is hated or called out it’s generally only for that reason and that reason alone. Otherwise if people aren’t hating her because “she gets in the way of InuKag,” she’s treated as this cool girlboss who’s a tragic figure and simply misunderstood, now this is not to erase the complexities and nuance that is inherent to her character, but it kinda bothers me that she’s not called out more for her actual crime in actually being really low-key racist? Like personally she’s one of the most problematic characters in the franchise to me.
The way she treats Inuyasha throughout the anime and manga she acts like she’s doing him a favor and gives off strong “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend/bf!” vibes. She treats him as one of the “good demons” constantly comparing him to the full-blooded ones saying how he’s not like *that* because he has human blood. She straight out just asks him if he ever just thought of stopping being biracial essentially, telling him to throw half of his identity and race away and get rid of his problematic “ethnic features.” She is literally Microaggressions: The Character.
And I know IY is fiction and demons aren’t an actual race that exists in real life, but I’m of the belief that fiction does not exist in a vacuum, it influences and informs reality just like reality informs it. The whole “demons vs humans” conflict that is at the center of the narrative and a hanyou’s place in it feels like it’s meant to be a direct allegory/metaphor for racism between different ethnic groups out in the real world and how mixed people are often caught in the middle. Inuyasha to me reads as a very POC-coded character with very distinct physical features alien to the dominant human society that he is judged for constantly. And maybe I’m just being overly sensitive but it feels really wrong that shipping drama is people’s biggest issue with Kikyo when they’re kinda ignoring this big 5ft pink elephant in the room? I mean tons of other fandoms are always ready to decry and call out the racism inherent to their franchises so why doesn’t the IY fandom? (Though the callouts of Sunrise over whitewashing Shiori in Yashahime was a good start)
InuKik’s whole relationship in general is just really uncomfortable and has these weird racial power undertones to it, I mean Kikyo is a respected village authority who is a Miko in charge of protecting the village in demons, so literally in the position of a “cop,” while Inuyasha himself is a poor, disenfranchised minority youth who’s discriminated against day in and day out and Kikyo basically takes it as her task to play white savior and try to “rehabilitate/civilize” him society, all while she clearly has the upper hand and holds all the privilege between the two and yet she wants to play little miss “woe is me” and pretends or even dismisses the fact that she has any privilege at all? That her and Inuyasha “are in the exact same position???”
And sure we could talk about misogynist double standards and how it’s unfair I’m suddenly interested in “cancelling” her character when Sesshomaru himself is also a big ass racist, but see the difference is is that at least Sesshomaru is an upfront, out-and out open racist. Neither he nor the narrative ever attempt to paint him in the right and openly criticize and give him comeuppance for his racist attitude in life which he has to actively learn from. Kikyo on the other hand is imo the much more dangerous type of racist, she’s the insidious “covert” racist, who might not even realize they’re being racist but has internalized a lot of toxic societal messaging regarding certain skin colors (Or I guess in IY’s case, supernatural powers and animal-like physical features) and so overtly looks down on POC and does a lot more institutional harm to them than a KKK-style racist like Sesshomaru could ever do. She’s not a self-aware racist, which imo is the much more dangerous type.
Anyways sorry for going off on this long rant to you like this, it’s just always bugged me that the fandom seems to overlook this major flaw and problematic connotations surrounding Kikyo’s character when this is an an extremely important issue that deserves to be talked about more and has much more serious implications than any petty shipping debates.
I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm not white either. However, this doesn't necessarily make me an expert on the subject by any means. It's definitely not my intention to speak for every people of color in the fandom. I'm simply sharing a personal opinion.
Of course Inuyasha is fiction and demons aren't an actual race, but as you so pertinently put it: fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum. It influences and informs reality and, in return, reality equally influences and informes fiction.
Inuyasha's predicament is a very clear representation of racism. Just because it doesn't get called out by name, it doesn't mean it's not there. The prejudice, the discrimination and the ostracizing he went through certainly are.
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The unfair way in which he has been treated might have nothing to do with his skin tone, but it's deeply associated with his status as a half demon, something he can't nor should naturally change. For an allegory, it can't get more explicit than this.
In that sense, it matters little which real life minority we think Inuyasha was coded after. What's really important is recognizing that his half demon heritage carries an undeserved stigma. It shaped who he is and how he's perceived by others. As a result, everything concerning his demonic blood will inevitably rise very real racial issues. That's why Kikyo comes off in a bad light.
She initially spared Inuyasha's life because she didn't see him as a half demon, but as a half human. And then she got into her head that, due to their shared loneliness, they were not so different — completely neglecting the fact that said loneliness came from totally different places.
Like I've said before: Inuyasha didn’t choose loneliness. Everyone else chose to isolate him. Kikyo, on the other hand, isolated herself. Both Kaede – as the village priestess – and Kagome – as the new guardian of the Jewel – proved that it's more than possible to fulfil their duties while still mantaining deep, meaningful connections to other people. Kagome in particular relied on those connections for her power to grow.
And so Kikyo had the option to simply drop everything if she so desired: pass the Jewel on, stop using her powers and start fresh somewhere. She had the option to ask for help, to let people in.
At the same time, all the reasons why she doesn't are completely understandable. It makes perfect sense for her character, fleshs out her personality and it makes her interesting from a storytelling perspective. What she didn't have was the right to compare her situation to Inuyasha's, who didn't have the luxury of choosing.
Of course, having a little sister who loved her to death and an entire village worshipping the ground she walked on aren't impediments to feeling lonely or depressed, but it's still way more than what Inuyasha ever had at the time.
Kikyo's sorrow doesn't take away from the fact that she was privileged and therefore, could never speack to Inuyasha from a place of parity. Presenting herself as his equal is a false equivalence and the way the scene was framed made it look like Kikyo was asking Inuyasha for sympathy when the goal was — or at least should have been — showing him compassion and understanding.
In that sense, suggesting to use the Jewel to turn him into human is just awful. Not only would it be a selfish wish, but also there's no way for us to know exactly how it would backfire, only that it would. Inuyasha was being used to test a theory that would have failed. Spectacularly.
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Sure you can. You're half human, after all. But if it was used to turn you into a human... the Jewel would be purified and would probably cease to exist.
The repetition of the word "human" emphasizes said circumstance. Also, notice how it gets confidently associated with "purity", while such certaninty is not applied to what could happen to the Jewel, which would only "probably" cease to exist.
Not to mention Inuyasha canonically hates being human. It's bad if Kikyo doesn't know that fact, because it shows just how little they actually knew about each other for two people who are supposed to be in love, but for obvious reasons, it's even worse if she does know.
One might argue that her intentions here were good. Adopting the "we're not so different" approach was her way of reaching up to Inuyasha and turning him into human was mutually beneficial in theory. Regardless of what her reasoning was, though, the point is that she never should have done it in the first place. It was highly insensitive at best.
And even if you believe that Kikyo didn't have an actual issue with Inuyasha's demonic features — which is as valid an interpretation as any — there's no denying she wasn't too fond of them either, otherwise she wouldn't have jumped at the chance to get rid of them. She liked Inuyasha despite of who he was, not because of it.
The situation gets even worse when you realize that this arrangement isn't mutually beneficial at all. Hypothetically, Kikyo would be free of her duty, becoming an ordinary woman with a human Inuyasha by her side, which was already everything she wanted. But what about him?
Inuyasha is the one making all the compromising. He was the one putting his life — the one his demon father died to save — on the line. He was the one sacrificing his powers, his physical appearance and his father's legacy (because he wouldn't be able to wield Tessaiga as a human, even if he didn't know about its existence yet). Inuyasha being a half demon was the living proof of his parents tragic love story and he was turning his back on that not because he thought was what he wanted — like becoming a full demon, for instance — but because someone else suggested it to him.
What was Inuyasha getting out of it? "Acceptance" from villagers he didn't really care about and who would only be friendly to him because he wouldn't look like himself anymore, while still being racist to other demons? An "official" relationship with Kikyo, even though there isn't really a good reason as to why he couldn't have that without forsaking a part of who he was, since relationships between demons and humans, though rare, already existed and he eventually got that with Kagome?
Unless, of course, Kikyo's offer to live together was conditional. Which raises the question: what was Kikyo giving up, apart from things she wanted gone anyway? And what would have happened if Inuyasha refused to go with her plan?
Because it was one thing to kiss him in secret — like the anime-only scene in the docks — or after she was technically dead and had nothing to lose, but it's a totally different thing to own up to that relationship without the prospect of using the Jewel to change him. Unfortunatelly, her character isn't written well enough for us to draw our own conclusions based solely on canon material.
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The point I'm trying to make is that despite the narrative portraying Kikyo's suggestion as a selfless act on her part, she would be the only one actually benefiting from this deal long run. In the end of the day, it was more about her needs than his, because the kind of acceptance she was offering Inuyasha wasn't the one he needed, which Kikyo should've known.
Inuyasha going for it isn't the proof of love Takahashi — and part of the fandom — tend to paint it as. It's a proof of desperation: desperation that Kikyo would walk away if he told her no. Desperation to belong somewhere. Anywhere. Remember: Inuyasha had his mind set on becoming a full demon literally a few days prior.
That's why this ship was build to wreck, with or without Naraku. There were no trust, no intimacy, no honesty. They barely knew each other. Inuyasha put Kikyo on a pedestal and was constantly trying to act like someone he wasn't to please her (restrained, apathetic and unsure). Their whole relationship was based on loneliness and idealization.
All of this is to say that the way Kikyo treated Inuyasha's heritage is a defining trait of her character and, by extension, of Inukik as a pairing. And although it is possible — even preferable — to call out her behavior outside the shipping discourse, it's also perfectly understandable that both things will blend together because Kagome and Inukag are direct paralells to Kikyo's actions in this regard.
Trust and acceptance are recurring themes in Inukag's relationship and the lack thereof, in my carefully curated fandom experience, is the biggest source of Kikyo and Inukik criticism and it circles right back to those racial issues. Sadly, the closer we ever got from the narrative challenging Kikyo's perspectie on the matter was having Inuyasha end up with Kagome, who had an opposite worldview.
Obviously, there are still people who will make this solely about the love triangle and there will always be, but as far as I can tell, they're mostly casual anime watchers nowadays, not at all comparable to how it used to be back when the ship war was still raging on.
I dislike Inukik and Kikyo is one of my least favorite characters not because I'm an Inukag shipper or a Kagome stan, but because as an Inuyasha stan and someone who appreciates themes and character growth, I can't get behind it even if Kagome never became a part of the equation.
And I believe a considerable amount of people who share this feeling think the same, we just don't express it more often because... Well... You said it yourself: I'm mostly an Inukag blog. And I'd much rather focus on the things I love instead of the ones I dislike.
You see, the Inuyasha fandom is old and the Inuyasha material is older. Inevitably, some part of its content did not age well and inevitably, someone has already pointed that out. It's understandable, though, that some people would chose not to engage the discussion in exchange of peace of mind. Especially with the "let people enjoy things" trend going on.
I think your frustration is completely valid and strongly encourage that you keep the discussion going on your blog if voicing your opinions and experiences will make you feel better. Particularly, I'll be avoiding the topic unless prompted by asks such as this one, in which case I'm fine talking about it.
Fandom is my escape from reality and using my recreative time explaining to the white people in it why certain dynamics portrayed in the show can be considered problematic in a racial level feels exhausting and it's not really my — or any other people of color's —obligation to do so if we don't feel up to it. Especially when there's a huge chance of backlash and of people reducing valid points to ship wars.
It's funny you shall mention the Shiori incident because, unlike Inuyasha, the sequel doesn't have the "test of time" to blame for its poor "creative" choices, since it's from 2020. I distinctly remember calling out the blatant white washing her character suffered, along with the sane part of the fandom and either got ignored because people thought we were overreacting or straight up got told that we were only speaking up because we didn't like a specific ship the show portrayed and that what Sunrise did was fine because Shiori's dark skin is, and I quote: actually orange. So yeah.
That being said, I have reservations about comparing Kikyo to a cop because, personally, I've always thought the priestess occupation — at least as it was originally portrayed in the series — had more to do with medical and spiritual care than with mantaining law and order. Plus, cops tend to do everything in their power to keep their authority and privilege intact, while Kikyo was willing to give that up to become an ordinary woman, but I do see where you're coming from.
As for the double standards, Kikyo isn't the first female character to fall victim to rooted misogyny and unfortunately won't be the last. Kagome herself gets hate for sexist reasons, often from the very people who reprove it when the same thing happens to Kikyo. However, I feel like claiming misogyny is the only reason Kikyo gets hate is not a completely honest statement.
I'd say this argument would hold a lot more water if Kikyo hadn't constantly belittle and actively tried to kill the female protagonist — who had been nothing but kind and understanding towards her — over jealousy, or if her post death existence wasn't literally based on feeding off of miserable women's souls.
The double standards regarding Sesshomaru are real, but it had little to do with gender and everything to do with context. Kikyo was a fallen priestess. One the narrative asks me to believe is in love — or at least loved — a half demon. Sesshomaru is a racist demon who despised his half demon brother and humans alike.
So when Sesshomaru takes a little human girl under his wings and acts somewhat respectfully towards Inuyasha, that's a huge deal to me. But when Kikyo, who is already dead, gives up her "life" to save the child she was planning to sacrifice for the greater good and treats Inuyasha with dignity, my reaction will naturally be "alright, what else is new?" Swap or even their genders and my feelings will remain the same.
It's not a crime having higher expectations for her than for an actual antagonist when the narrative insists on sweeping the bad things she has done under the rug and focusing on how she is still as good as she has always been because, in that case, doing good deeds is not some extraordinary feature, but rather the bare minimum.
Sesshomaru's bad actions were openly and correctly portrayed as bad. He was forced to face his limitations, his weakness and his loses. That made him grow as a character. And if I criticize Sesshomaru, people will most likely ignore me or agree instead of try and justify his actions with his daddy issues. Kikyo being armored by the plot didn't do her any favors in this regard.
Besides, if we're talking double standards, I frankly don't think some people would be as willing to look past Kikyo's mistakes — Sesshomaru's too, for that matter — and ship her with Inuyasha if she wasn't so pretty. And honestly? That's fine. No one needs an actual reason to love or hate a character.
Lastly, it's not like I don't get Kikyo's tragic backstory, it's just that a huge part of why it's tragic in the first place is because of the choices she made. Naraku was detrimental to her fate, yes. But Kikyo's appeal is that she wasn't a passive person to whom things just happened to. She had agency to make decisions for herself.
People like Inuyasha, Sango and Kohaku had way worse than her and definitely not by their choice, but they never used their traumas as an excuse to be cruel. And I'm not saying this is a competition. Kikyo's pain it's just as valid. I'm just saying that, given these circumstances, in a fictional level, it's way harder to relate and empathize with her character.
And it's not like I didn't want to stan Kikyo. On the contrary. She's beautiful, cunning and interesting. I have a long list of powerful, unapologetic, morally grey female characters that I love and most of them were a bigger treat to my ships than Kikyo ever was to Inukag. The difference is that they were well written.
Kikyo's entire concept is fantastic, but the execution was abysmal. It's very clear to me that Takahashi didn't know what to do with her and it's a shame to see so much potential get wasted. I don't mind her characterization at all. She should be flawed and controversial. It's the lack of character development and satisfying redemption arc that I take issue with, if the narrative is gonna sell her as a changed woman worthy of our sympathy.
Anyway... if you want her complexities and nuances done justice, I've heart the Sesskik fandom is the place to be. They actually acknowledge her flaws, hold her accountable for the things she's done and explore very interesting sides of her personality.
I didn't mourn Kikyo's death for a second. But I mourn the character she could have been every single day.
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pansyboybloom · 5 months
im so sorry youre having troubles with double booking (the actual term for the 'i know this isnt real logically but it is real actually' jic you didnt know it) i feel like. thats one of the worst states to be in. id offer a hug but idk how much youd want one rn
are there any other games you play/enjoy in general other than legend of zelda? i cant remember you ever mentioning any, but i was curious if you're just a general gamer who just really enjoys one series, or if loz is an exception to not really enjoying video games or something. if you do enjoy any specific games, which ones and why? if not, is there a reason loz stands out among them all?
thanks so much. i got home after my lovely double booking (had no idea it was called that) and took my back up antipsychs and slept for like 4 hours before going to class. i really appreciate all of yall coming into my inbox and being so kind, it means so much <4 (<3 + 1)
im not much of a gamer at all. i grew up not being able to afford consoles, but my best friend had a gamecube and her favorite game was wind waker, so it was literally the only game i ever played for a very long time. but i loved the lore of windwaker, the fantasy and the princesses and gods, and i pretended link was secretly a girl the whole time and no one knew that he wasn't a 'real boy' (classic egg things), and i was into manga, so i begged my ma to get me one of the loz manga and fell in love with the series' lore even more. i still have my copy of minish cap's manga, the first manga i ever read!
i suck at gaming- I'll be the first to admit that im not very good at puzzle games, and even worse at combat, and now with my hand tremors i cant play most controllers. it takes me ages to finish games, and I've basically only finished ds/3ds ones bc it's easiest to steady my hands on those. that means that it's harder to get into new games since i rely on other people playing them. watching let's plays stresses me out, im constantly on edge for slurs and shitty remarks, so i tend not to watch those, and w the ADHD, silent playthroughs are a no-go. at least with zelda, i know every game forward and back in my sleep, so it's just easier to enjoy myself while failing to play them than if i start new games, ya know? still, i WILL finish skyward sword one day, tremors be damned!!!!
im honestly not sure why i latched so strongly onto loz. it's been a capital S special interest since i was at least 6 and I've never fallen out of it, ever, it's on my mind 25/7. it was the first fandom i wrote fic for before even knowing fic EXISTED, and I've devoted far too much time to it. it is a very problematic franchise-- Nintendo is a shit company, the main villain is racist, the gerudo on their own even more so, there's so much Orientalism, it's just. awful. but i keep coming back to it. i try to be very critical and not enjoy it blindly, but it really is one of the few things that kept me happy when i was suicidal and fucked up as a teen. as cheesy as it is to say, link saved my little egg life
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
This is the Reddit post I was talking about earlier. I was gonna share the link to the draft but that doesn't work for everyone so just figured it would be easier to format it to Tumblr.
For background context: this is an essay I made detailing three key problematic aspects of OPM and how they contribute to harming marginalized groups. Subreddit mods deleted it within twenty minutes. Within that tiny window of time, I had already received death threats and had my account reported for self-harm. Not to mention all the shit idiot brain fungus comments.
I was blinded by hubris in thinking I could convince those mongrels to have an introspective thought. My mistake. But not all is lost, now I can use this as a point of reference when talking about this sort of stuff in the future.
Why doesn't anyone talk about this?
Maybe it's because I rarely ever scroll the sub here, but I have seen very few people hold ONE and Murata accountable for the very problematic content in OPM. Any attempts I've seen immediately get shut down with different iterations of: "They're Japanese, why should they care about 'Western' ideas such as homophobia/racism/transphobia, etc." and that is extremely harmful.
It's racist in itself to think that Japanese people are too infantile to understand such elementary concepts like Racism is Bad and Being Gay Doesn't Make You A Bad Person. ONE and Murata are grown men with dick and balls, they can put the concepts together the same as anyone on the receiving end of the stereotypes they perpetuate can.
And it's not like Japanese people don't already understand these concepts anyway? There are so many people in Japan fighting for the rights of the marginalized groups living there: gay activists, trans activists, Black activists, etc. (source.source.)
The most troubling things in the manga/webcomic:
I'm just gonna list off really stereotypical, harmful things put in the manga/webcomic and hopefully it'll be comprehensive enough to be used as a point of reference in future discussion, even if only used by me. I think holding these conversations is extremely helpful to make sure everyone recognizes that these things are not only wrong but also why they're wrong, therefore giving a deeper understanding of how they contribute to the discrimination of marginalized groups.
-Puri-Puri-Prisoner's Whole Deal.
Puri-Puri-Prisoner (abbreviated to PPP for convenience) is a very blatant Gay Male Rapist stereotype. Homophobes often tend to associate homosexuality with hypersexuality, moral depravity, and of course--sexual assault. This sort of character trope is harmful because while you, the audience member, wouldn't necessarily label yourself as a homophobe and don't associate homosexuality with any of those things, the characterization still makes those subconscious connections in your head. Then, when you see the same trope again and again and again, your brain just starts to make those associations. If it happens to enough people, this contributes to discrimination. This sort of homosexuality = predator stereotype literally led to the Gay Panic Defense (source), in which straight people were --in many cases--allowed to get off scot-free after killing gay people if they were making same-sex advances.
And no, "It's just satire" is not a viable defense. To be satirical, the creator and the material must show a clear understanding of the trope or stereotype and actively work against it. Like, maybe if ONE alluded to PPP being a sexual predator, then showed that his relationships with his boyfriends were actually safe and consensual, that would show a clear understanding of the stereotype and subsequently flip it on its head. There is no such thing as this though. PPP is genuinely a gay male rapist, an appalling misrepresentation of the community.
-Superalloy Darkshine's design and backstory.
Superalloy Darkshine is drawn as a caricature of Black people often seen in minstrelsy (red "donut" lips being the main indicator) and no, ignorance is not a viable defense to this because Japan has a long and awful history of minstrelsy and racism and it's impossible to ignore.
Other similar designs in manga have also been slammed (SD included) for the same shit. This isn't a new concept. What makes it jarring is that Superalloy isn't even Black, but by just him getting bigger and tanner, he is drawn like a stereotype--which has a whole load of negative connotations in itself.
ONE had many opportunities to tweak his backstory before re-hashing it in the manga. He didn't.
The damage it can cause to see your features and race be negatively stereotyped in the media you enjoy is absolutely devastating. If you don't fit into this demographic, I hope you recognize the privilege in never having to see characters who are meant to represent you be used in hating you.
-Okamaitachi and transphobia.
Okamaitachi is a trans woman. It took years for the wiki to even say that, along with using her correct pronouns. A user tried to edit it back twice because apparently "she is not a real woman"... transphobia, transphobia, transphobia...
To this day, she is still being referred to as a "shemale" in the manga and webcomic, which is an offensive term targeted at transwomen and made to insinuate that they're not real women. And, back to the wiki, if we were being truly manga/webcomic accurate, her "correct" pronouns would be he/him but that's just the point: it is once again insinuating that she is not a real woman. The insinuation that transwomen are not real women largely contributes to hate crimes against them; people will be under the assumption that they are just looking to predate young women and use that to justify harrassment and assault against them. Of course, this couldn't be further from the truth.
ONE once again had many opportunities to tweak these things before re-hashing them in the manga. He didn't.
Even if, somehow, he were ignorant to all of these things being wrong (despite the LGBTQ+ rights movement being alive and well in Japan), that doesn't mean he can't learn to get it together now. Making this kind of content is unacceptable regardless of whether or not he knew it was wrong, the damage will be done (and has been done) regardless.
I want ONE and Murata to be held accountable in a way that affects them, but I know that probably won't happen. We might only be able to do it in the community, on an individual level, letting ourselves and each other know that this isn't tolerated. To this day, all of this still makes me so uncomfortable to think about; people sometimes ask me why I love OPM, but don't like ONE or Murata. This is why. It’s really hard to like people who are actively doing harm to communities I’m part of.
Let me know if I missed anything. Thanks for reading this far. Once again, these conversations are important even if it makes people uncomfortable. Radio silence does nothing to assure marginalized fans that the community doesn't perpetuate harmful stereotypes, and it's even worse when those stereotypes are perpetuated anyways.
Edit: In regards to Okama's name.
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coco-case-study · 1 year
Some few unpopular anime opinions
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If you're as chronically online as i am there may be a few opinions that you might agree with.
Warning: typos ahead bc i did not spell check
So let's get straight into it.
Anyone who has demon slayer as their favourite anime is valid and y'all nees to stop hating on anime just because it is mainstream. You're not special or better than anyone and this comes from someone who watches slice of life and isekai for fun. I've seen my fair share of anime and demon slayer is a decent shonen.
Shonen anime needs to stop with these war/genocide themes.
Fire force, Jujutsu kaisen, Attack on titan, kaiju no.8, Chansaw man. Demon slayer Ect.. all these anime have 3 things in common. It's about either war, genocide, or a combination of both. I understand that it's the easiest and most recognisable route to go if you want to have a Hero in your story. But anime's like jojobizzareadventure for example don't need war or saving humanity as a whole as a driving point for their plot. (Ignoring part 2 and 6)
Whoever is in charge of great pretender is one big fat racist for not continuing with a 3rd season. This is the first time we get a black love intrest and just when she gets revealed the show gets cancelled? Unbelievable!
Slice of life & romance anime is fun and idc what people have to say about it.
Listen, our lives are shit and this is good escapism! Who wouldn't want to watch someone go through their regular day and have their biggest quest be a trip to the grocery store or their hardest task being deciding what they are gonna wear tomorrow. Our real lives are like that too. I bet you that anyone who watches anime and is a full time student or worker. Apart from maybe exciting weekends or evening outs. We do live are lives rather simply. And what's wrong with watching someone else live their lives. It's even better when its romance because you get to root for a likeable couple and live vicariously through them.
My hero fell off
I don't need to go to deep into this. I really liked the series. I loved Kirishima's ark. And I literally have aizawa as a widget on my phone but if you need 6 seasons for character devolopment for your MC who's been on a losing streak since the very first episode. Then you and your writing team need a good and long meeting about compelling story telling.
Requiem of the rose king
At the beginning of the story I really felt bad for richard because everyone was treating him like shit just because he's intersexual. But near the end of the story he kind of proved his mothers point by killing literally everyone that he loved.
This is the most daring manga I've ever read and idk if i shoukd feel ashamed that it's my first fully completed series but to be fair I bought it bc of the art style and i kept reading because of the messy family drama.
The pedo stuff and the incest stuff is just... yikes.
Overal a good series really nails the head on old English aesthetic. Still not better than black butler though
Everyone is fruity asf
I ship everyone in vanitias no carte and so should you.
Anyone in the fandom knows about the canon and fanon ships. The canon ships have written chemistry and sometimes the chemistry is valid. However the obvious gae undertones are hard to ignore and so I understand the fandoms discourse. HOWEVER it's not an excuse to hate or dismiss the hetero ships. I do not want a repetition of the mess that is the jojo fandom where every hetero ship just gets flushed down the toilet as if they don't exist. With that being said i ship vanitas and Jeanne and there is nothing you can do about it.
I'll never forgive araki for what he did to gappy and yasuho
You can not have the first female jobro have this much chemistry with the main jojo and not have them end up as a couple. The ending of jojolion will be on my mind till i die because the way i cried ugly tears because i was anticipating a kiss or at least a freaking hug. I am sad and my faith in love haa left along with the last chapter of jojolion.
For now this it i sure have a lot more to say but this thread would get too long. If anyone has actually read this what is wrong with you lmao go outside.
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gojo-kisser-9000 · 3 months
Yeah that’s why I appreciate Gege making Gojo a little racist and apologizing immediately for it. He has always been very critical of Japanese society and I like that he’s trying to teach his audience how to not be racist using a popular character.
Straight up manga and anime is usually very racist. Especially against black people. I get jumpscared a lot. The only other popular manga series that has acknowledged the plight of black people against racism is Baki the Grappler. So I really have to give props to Gege for this.
And boy howdy do I know how racist Japan is. I went to Hawaii for a vacation once and of all the nationalities present, I was exclusively racially harassed by the Japanese tourists. I was like exotic wildlife to them. Never experienced anything like it. Straight up I prefer slurs over it. 💀
Gege is an INCREDIBLE writer when it comes down to it, sure there are some iffy things, but that just comes to the territory of writing, especially with the tropes that are popular for the audiences you mainly write for.
Do I agree with a some of the things Gege has done with JJK? Absolutely not, but here’s the other thing, the full story isn’t finished, so I’m not going to judge it as harshly as I would with one that’s finished. But the topic of racism, for the audience it was intended for, was written beautifully. And I appreciate it so, SO much that Gege is using their writing to advocate for change within societal norms, even if it isn’t blatantly spelled out.
However I see a lot of people, specifically people who are not black saying that Gojo wasn’t racist in that panel. Which brings me to my problem with a lot of the JJK fans I’m seeing:
They don’t actually read Jujutsu Kaisen. They don’t take in the words being said, everything about a character is ignored until it’s convenient for them to bring up. What most of these people I’m seeing do is read it without reading.
And what I mean by that is that they don’t take the time to process anything being said, they don’t take the time to critically think about what Gege is doing.
Ex.: the people complaining about Sukuna running a gauntlet in the modern era. Yes, it is repetitive, but that’s the beauty of it in the same breath. You see so many people fighting him, for their own reasons. But one reason stays between them all, to save Megumi.
Which leads me to this, back when 251 dropped people complained about Megumi having a reaction to his body being used to kill the people he cared most about. He’s human, and a CHILD. Of course he would say it’s enough, he wouldn’t want to be save after that because in his mind, he doesn’t have anyone to return to.
And people insulting Gege’s current art style, specifically whenever i see someone say “Yuji Eatadori”. Sorry that he doesn’t look like a twig anymore?? He’s literally built as an average person and people CANNOT handle it. It just. Makes me so upset.
Back to the topic of racism however, (apologies for the side quest), people have it so normalized in certain places that they don’t even think they’re capable of it. And when called out, they won’t apologize because in their head, “well I didn’t say this, this, and this, so I can’t be racist.”
I do have my own thoughts on tourism to Hawai’i, but that is solely because I am of Hawaiian descent and never got to be on the islands except for when I was an actual infant. Won’t get into that here because. I think it would upset people if they ever saw this post.
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Your post about Tobirama made me see him as a very capable leader, albeit an overly blunt one. It's way better than Hiruzen's weak willed way. My ask is, how do you rate all Hokages based on their leadership ability? Before, I think Tsunade is the best Hokage but your post kinda changes my mind (Hiruzen is still the worst Hokage and Danzo definitely doesn't count).
Thanks for this Ask, in response to this post... Glad to know that I made someone to get off from that 'racist' train.
Was Danzo, ever an Hokage???
7. Sarutobi Hiruzen
I am totally neutral towards him as a character... In my opinion, he was overtly compassionate and an oblivious person. Yes, Being extremely compassionate inspires lot of people and ended up being loved by many people... It's very evident from how Naruto, Kakashi, Minato, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shikamaru revered him..... But it's not a trait that’s something a Leader should rely on and show it every time to everyone.. One Needs to know when and where to draw the line.
He thought of showing mercy to Orochimaru because he couldn't kill his favorite student but that act came back to bite him in the worst way possible.
And he let Danzo to do whatever the hell he wanted without pulling the reins on him. Danzo, that paranoid bastard ended up being the mastermind behind most of the problems in Part 2. Like Marginalization of Uchiha, UCM, screwing up Kabuto & Itachi & Shisui, conspiring with Orochimaru to destroy Konoha, creating a cruel organization called ROOT, partnered up with Hanzo which led to the creation of Akatsuki, killing that Frog Messenger when Akatsuki invaded Konoha, Asked his ROOT members to not participate when Akatsuki invaded.... [[This F*cking dipshit]]
Hiruzen let everything happen right under his Nose all because he trusted his friend Danzo... He maybe a good shinobi but not a good leader.
6. Namikaze Minato
Minato is primarily here because we didn't see any of his leadership decision from the Material we got from the Manga. His tenure as an Hokage was short and then he died protecting the Village.
He might have been a Good Leader had he not died early because as we all know that 3rd Shinobi World War took a heavy toll on Konoha to the point of making Young Kids like Obito, Kakashi, Rin & Itachi to see the horrors of War...
It was Minato who literally stopped the War by blowing out the Kannabi Bridge with the help of his Team. And we knew that he is capable of using his Hiraishin no Jutsu to save many people in the War Arc as well.
So, he had a good potential but we couldn't see as to what it was.
5. Hatake Kakashi
Again, we couldn't see what he did because he became Hokage only in Chapter 699... But I placed him above Minato because we know that his friend Obito created a big mess to the Shinobi World... And he literally took over that position to clean up the Mess that was created by the end of 4th Shinobi World War... One of the worst time to take over the Leadership position, even in a real life.
Added to that, 5 Villages have just joined together at the end of the War and it's unity will always be Fragile at the beginning. So, Kakashi might have been the one to deal with this sensitive alliance and made sure to reinforce it.
A Good reason to place him above Minato.
4. Uzumaki Naruto
I am totally conflicted to place him above Kakashi. Maybe, I am biased. I don’t even know what to write here... 
He is the Hero of the Fourth Shinobi World War and with his strong resolve he lifted the Shinobi Alliance’ spirit throughout the Battle. He is capable of understanding his Enemies and make a friend out of them. And I can write a lot about his Character here.... But all of his Best Achievements were done when he was just a teenager.... 
As a Hokage, He ensured peace to be maintained in all the 5 villages by making every shinobis to co-operate with each other, a dream which was once dreamt by Hashirama and Konoha is looking like a New York today. But other than that, I don’t know what he did as a Leader because Kakashi almost cleaned up the mess when he hand over that position to Naruto and also I think Naruto’s lacks many Leadership traits like Lack of Analytical Ability and Logical Thinking which is off-setted by Sasuke and Viceversa. 
But I am yet to know what he did as a Hokage... Well, Anyways, He is capable of inspiring people even at a worst situation and make them follow him without any ulterior motives. And that is in and of itself is a big Leadership Ability. So, here he is.
[[Off-topic: I really wanted to see Naruto as a person who brings this Magnificient Aura when people look at him.... Just like how all the 4 dead Hokages landed on the Battlefield in a supreme style and every Shinobis on the Battlefield were looking at them like some God.... I wanted Naruto to be like that... But he was ended up like some clown for Next Gen.... I am feeling pathetic, really]]
3. Senju Hashirama
Hashirama is the Hero in my local Naruto community. And I decided to watch Naruto only because of this character. I just wanted to see what’s this fuss about Hashirama and thought ‘Let’s go check’.... And poof!!! Here I am writing this blog. 
Hashi totally created a Revolutionary Village System that saved many children from dying in a pointless war. And As a person who comes from a Clan System, I can boldly say that bringing 2 clans together is not that of an easy task. It will take a lot of Blood Shed & Endless verbal wars to make that happen, even in a real life. And Hashi did it successfully and created a whole village with a union of multiple clans together. This is one the best Leadership Quality, that is, To Keep the Personal Inconvenience aside and think for the bigger cause.
It’s no wonder all the Villagers has the same spirit to go so far as to protect this Village at any cost... Because it’s a peace that was achieved after countless loss of lives during the cruel War-torn Warring States Era.... And it’s also no wonder why he was called as ‘God of Shinobi’ in Narutoverse and he was celebrated in my Naruto community as well... Because, we are all expecting that someone like Hashi would appear and unite all our clans someday... A Wishful Thinking....
Not to mention, He is crazy powerful to squash Madara like a plush toy whenever he attacked Konoha... And he can inspire people with his Kindness and Open-Heart.... He even had another visionary dream that ‘Someday all the shinobis would understand each other and act as one’... Which was passed down and carried on by Naruto & Sasuke... I would say, he is the Originator of everything and A Great Hokage.
The only thing is that he was too Idealistic, Naive and believe that everything would by alright on it’s own which it won’t be for the most times.... 
2. Senju Tsunade
She is totally a Queen and the only person in Narutoverse who is deserved to be addressed as such. And the best thing is, this story revolves around Konoha and she is the Hokage for almost 70% of the story and she did her job in a dedicated way. Unlike with other Hokages, we as an audience did get to see what are the problems that comes with this position and how she deals with it. 
And the best thing about her is that, she took over this position when Konoha was at the weakest. Unlike Kakashi, who had the luxury to seek help from other Villages, Tsunade didn’t had that because every village was at each other’s throats at that time except for Suna who basically surrendered to Konoha because they had no other options.
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“Who can predict when another neighbouring village will take such bold actions again?”
And yet she took a leap of faith to trust Suna Village’s peace treaty and sought out the help of Sand siblings to retrieve Sasuke. 
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And also, much later we get this information from Gaara that Tsunade was the only one who has been addressing the Problems of Akatsuki from the very beginning while other Kages turned deaf ears to his pleas. 
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And the most interesting thing during her tenure was the ‘POLITIKING & STUFFS’. Like, Danzo that bastard was scheming behind her by employing a spy named Sai and she planting her own spy named Yamato to watch over him.. Were all something that makes us respect her more. I know, it’s not some mature level politics, but for a media such as Naruto, this is enough.  
What’s more??? When Madara knocked out every other Kage like a play thing, Tsunade was the only one who was conscious enough to think about saving other Kages with her Chakra. This shows that she is one of the strongest Kage among the lot. 
All the above I mentioned here are some good examples of her leadership... Throwing aside the Grudge and making peace with the enemies, Taking over the mess and cleaning up, dealing with vipers who comes out of nowhere, Strong urge to protect the Village if that would cost her life (Pain Arc), Developed her own Jutsu that would enable her to fight in the frontlines.... 
And above all.... What I loved and admired about her as a Hokage and AS A CHARACTER is this.
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Yes, Tsunade has nothing to do with Akatsuki invasion or Origin of this criminal organization. It was all because of that Danzo bastard who drove Nagato and Konan into that situation by allying with Hanzo. And yet, here she is acknowledging Konoha’s mistakes without blame-shifting or whining about it. She is totally Owning it up like a Queen.
THIS IS AN ADMIRABLE LEADERSHIP QUALITY EVEN IN REAL LIFE. This is exactly where I liked everything about Tsunade.
I wish every stans from any fandom can have this trait without blame shifting the worst actions from their favourite character. 
And That’s why she is my second best Hokage.
1. Senju Tobirama
I have written everything I want to write about this character in the Attached post above. Tsunade was my actual first choice because she is a strong and straight forward person. But after seeing this character in Founder’s Era Arc, my opinions changed. 
Because, He doesn’t mince words by pulling the punches. He calls A Spade A Spade. No Bullshit, Sycophancy, Sugar-Coating or Bootlicking involved. If you are a fool, he would say it openly but at the same time, he won’t fail to compliment you open heartedly. WITHOUT ANY BIAS OR PREJUDICE. 
He left a heap ton of Infrastructural legacy which later formed as the foundation of Konoha we saw in Part 1 and Part 2 and even Boruto. Be it the Academy, ANBU or Chunin Exams. And Konoha Military Police included. 
And also he created wide variety of Jutsus and out of which one became the signature jutsu of our Titular Character. And the other jutsu became the Trademark jutsu of our Main Character's dad and the final one became the plot of later half of part 2.
Kage Bunshin, Hiraishin, Edo Tensei. All for the prosperity of the village. And Sadly, his Legacy wasn’t properly carry forwarded by his successor which Hiruzen himself agrees to it. 
And what I like about him as a Leader is this.
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All three of them lost their Brother and were feeling sad about it. However, all of them reacts in a different way. Hashirama was feeling restless and sentimental. Whereas their Younger Brother Itama wants to go for revenge. But Tobirama was the one who openly calls the Adults as stupid for not making an Agreement with the Enemy. He even disagrees with the thought of pursuing for revenge and was suggesting the Idea of Creating Rules, Make Agreement and avoid pointless fighting which made Hashirama to ponder about it. 
To think about what to do next without getting lost into sentimentalities is also a Great Leadership ability. 
And true to his words, he indeed tried to create Alliance with other villages when he was the Hokage.
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And also, instead of ignoring the problems believing that everything would be alright on it’s own, he actually tries to see what’s the real source of the problem and see the logical reasoning behind it. When the Uchiha Clan members believed that the Curse of Hatred was something that they were eternally casted upon from the times of Rikkudou Sennin, Tobirama was the only one to find the source of their Hatred being ‘Love’ and not everyone are doomed to this fate, instead they could channel that hate into a greater and good cause. 
So, Yes... Finding Positivity in Everything is also another Admirable Leadership Quality. 
And that’s why he is the Best Hokage, in my opinion. 
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The Guinevere Situation
Or: The Seven Deadly Sins franchise and age differences
Disclaimer: As of now chapter 50 of the manga is out and a great part of this post builds on the assumption that there will be a love story involving Lancelot, Guinevere and Arthur.
Very well, let's dive down the hellhole that is THAT.
I'm as excited as any longtime NNT and Arthurian Legends nerd for what Four Knights of the Apocalypse holds, in general, and in that direction, YET have a small problem with the way this plotline is being set up:
Namely the age difference between Arthur and Lancelot respectively.
Lance is, like the other main characters, around 16 (technically he'd be more 14ish seeing as around 18 months have passed after the war when we see Elizabeth and Elaine pregnant, maybe he is, but it's Nakaba so what gives if he's not). So he's around half as old as Arthur at 32. Which leaves us with around three outcomes for the most likely inevitable love triangle between Lance, Arthur and Guinevere:
Guinevere is 16 like the rest, and Arthur is gonna harass a teenage girl, possibly with a love potion.
Guinevere is more Arthurs age than Lancelots, and Guinevere has a love affair with a teenage boy, which is equally problematic.
We'll get a BIG timeskip and the whole Lancelot-steals-Arthurs-wife-plot happens when the kids are in their twenties.
To be frank, I don't like a single one of those scenarios. The third one I could excuse if executed well, but DEAR GOD do I hope Nakabe pipes down on the age differences this time.
NNT is admittedly one big fat grey zone because all the species age differently and because of Elizabeth's reincarnation curse and stuff, but let's look at Melizabeth for one second.
Before the curse situation and even Meliodas age and affiliation to the Demon Clan is revealed, Elizabeth is a literal 16 year old girl. Meliodas a grown ass man. Even without the immortality information people understood him as a GROWN ASS MAN. From chapter one on the two are being treated as a ship that's probably gonna happen. Meliodas harasses her for comedic relief. Apart from the sexual harassment being problematic in general and other characters kicking his ass for it (again more for comedic relief than anything else), I don't recall their age difference ever being treated as a problem. Which is not an in world problem, but problem of how the author chose to depict something.
That's probably because of the curse situation, them being lovers for 3000 years and stuff. Technically Elizabeth is 3000 years old too. So what's the deal?
The grey zone is the time in which Elizabeth has NOT regained her memories yet. In which she's by all means mentally and physically 16. And it's a big ass grey zone if you ask me. I didn't even notice when I watched the anime first when I was 15. Now I'm almost 20 analyzing the fuck out of my favourite pieces of media and am like hold up a minute.
And I'm not even dipping into character design and the tendency to make old characters look really young here (an often occuring phenomenon in anime and manga).
I hope this somehow explains my worries for how Nakaba is gonna treat Lancelot, Arthur and Guinevere. Let's go through the possible routes one by one.
1. Guinevere and Lancelot are the same age.
This strikes me as the most likely one for several reasons. It doesn't necessarily have to be problematic, it's just gonna RUIN Arthurs means for redemption if executed correctly, which is gonna give Arthurs character an uncomfortable touch. Try excusing your fave preying on a teenager without sounding like a douche (leaving aside the racist intentions here cause that's a whole nother post). That or it's gonna be brushed aside, which would be even more infuriating. Which is why I don't like this outcome. But here we go:
Assumption: the real love story is gonna be between Lancelot and Guinevere with Arthur as the bad guy.
It could be set up as Guinevere being caught in an arranged marriage with an older man she doesn't wanna go through with, and instead be with a person she falls for and would age wise and on all other fronts be a better fit: Lancelot.
I refuse to contemplate the possibility that she falls in love with Arthur like she does in the legends in this scenario.
Arthur could be after her for her magical powers and not be in love with her at all. Maybe he simply wants to bind her to him, with no romantic and sexual intentions at all. The possibility exists. Would still make him an ass but in a different way. He's an ass already so that is that.
He could also be lonely and like her and genuinely want her as his wife, which right now we can't really tell, but my gut says it's more likely. He doesn't seem to be pressured into marriage from any side so far, it seems to be his very own wish to find a wife. He only says he's looking for a wife, not that he has someone particular he's pursuing so far, f.e. for her magic. ("Wife-Search"). I'm vomiting at the thought of him possibly using a love potion on Guinevere here.
The scenario would be nice for Lance and Guin as a couple. There are many possibilities for their relationship story, how they get to know each other and why they work (I admit Nakaba is REALLY good at writing shippable, compelling couples). It would also let Arthur look like a dirt bag with no satisfying means of redemption. Seeing as that's hopefully where the story is headed (Arthur and Percy bro-ing it out somehow, Arthur as a corrupted victim of Chaos), it won't look good. We can't have both.
This scenario jumps rope with Arthurs thin line of redeemability and I don't like it.
2. Guinevere and Arthur are around the same age and Lancelot remains a teenager.
I really hope not.
Again assumption: the endgame love story, like in the Arthurian Legend, is between Lance and Guin.
Meaning to convey that romance, they would have to deliberately overlook that age gap with no second thoughts or critical treatment whatsoever. That is all I'm gonna say to that. There's just that much wrong with that.
3. Timeskip: Lancelot in his Twenties
Guinevere and Arthur could be around the same age from the beginning. No problem there.
Lance and Guin could meet before the timeskip, no romance involved there. Or they don't, even better.
They fall in love when Lance is a grown man.
This is the only way I currently see to get around that age gap problem with no grey zones.
Problem: That timeskip would have to be timed really well. If it doesn't fit into the story, it could destroy the pacing and the story itself. I currently see little room for a timeskip, as I don't think Arthur is going to wait until the Knights grow up to wipe them out.
Mind you all of that is speculation. Maybe Nakaba is gonna find a good way to pull it off and I'm simply not seeing it. I theorized Sin to be Derriere and we all know how well that went lol.
We don't know much about why Arthur wants a wife for one, or in what direction the story is headed concerning romantic relationships. NNT at it's core is a love story, Elizabeth and Meliodas story, Four Knights not necessarily. (Not necessarily because NNT also only revealed it's true core very late into the story.)
We also don't know how close Nakaba will stick to the Arthurian Legends.
A lot of theories in this fandom (mine too) base on the legends, but even the legends come in twenty to thirty different editions, so there's that. The bare bone remains the same, details don't, and what's important here are the details.
Don't get me wrong, I love Seven Deadly Sins and Four Knights of the Apocalypse with all my heart, and there are a lot of unhinged great things about it. It low-key eludes me to this day how Nakaba manages to write a compelling story with SO MANY PLOTHOLES. I might need to make another post about that in the future.
But some things don't sit right with me.
As I've mentioned before, the age differences in Seven Deadly Sins are a huge grey zone. A grey zone that does not exist in Knights of the Apocalypse, because the main characters are all teenagers and almost the same age, even if they're not human.
Guinevere and Lancelot/Arthur respectively can't be handled like Meliodas and Elizabeth. It is going to be weird with no cushion if one of them is underage.
So that scares me a bit, but hope is not lost.
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hyatoro · 2 years
Childhood Friends Pt 2
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Part 1
Forewarning I did not do Tatanka’s prompt. It’s me analyzing him and talking about how little info we have on the dude. Don and Panther are filled though. 
Donald Oberman (Mr.Don)
Since the president was only “recently elected” (in the manga) he likely didn’t become the “President’s son” until the past year or so. That being said, Arnold Oberman was definitely some sort of politician until he got elected. You can tell by the way Donald behaves now that he was never low or middle class. Maybe he’d describe his family as “upper middle” class, but we all know that people don’t know what that means. He’s upper class and he acts like it too. What I’m trying to say is that these bitches don’t know what broke tastes like.
Don went to a private school basically his entire life. He didn’t stay in one of those residential ones, just the day schools. This is where you met him. You had to have met him in early childhood. It’s not that he wasn't sociable but you can tell that while he does have peers he doesn’t have many people he considers friends. But you guys started out with the simplest “lets be friends!” because that’s how easy it was as kids.
Though there are times where the friendship seems one sided he’s just as ride or die for you as you are for him. You offer a different perspective for him all the time and even if he thinks your opinion is dumb he rarely thinks it’s pointless. It’s actually interesting for him to think about why you see things a certain way when you two grew up so similarly.
Even though he’s 100% an underage drinker he doesn’t pressure you if you make it clear that you don’t want to. If anything that just means more good stuff for him. Does get drunk in your presence but not so much that you’d need to physically support him. Just enough to vibe.
I’m also going to say that you guys made a bet on what his jersey number should be and he lost and that’s how it became 69.
Patrick Spencer (Panther)
I just reread the manga and his parents broke up and the one taking care of him passed away, and that’s how his grandma ended up being his guardian. Double checked and yeah. “Separated from his parents through divorce and death” Volume 36, Chapter 323.
Completely different from Don, Panther absolutely knows what broke tastes like. But he’s such a good natured boy that he doesn’t let it dampen his spirits. And with the way I know his grandmama raised him she did her best to make sure he didn’t feel the worst of it. Your family wasn’t in as bad of a financial state, but enough where you’d go to school with him or see him around the neighborhood. You guys would love to play catch together and whenever he practiced his running once he became interested in football you’d be the one to time him.
Your family would invite his family over every other week for dinner and his grandma would make sure he was always in his nice clothes. His family would return the favor, but it was usually just you coming over and enduring his grandma’s oatmeal. The adults knew how it looked, but his grandma was grateful that they’d let her feed you as some sort of exchange. Ever hear about how some lady would always ask for salt from her neighbor despite already having some so that the neighbor would feel better about asking for anything they needed? Same concept.
When Panther was getting shit on by Apollo you were so close to getting in a screaming match with the racist fucker, but luckily Panther calmed you down. You understood his logic, but it still broke your heart nonetheless how Apollo treated him just because of his own stupid reasons. You were also his biggest cheerleader when he started making huge strides towards his dream. You try to make it to most of his games, at least early on, and he always has a ticket and a high five for you no matter how the game goes.
This man has NO information. Literally the least info of all the Pentagon. Also he’s not 7 feet like the wiki states. 210cm is 6ft 10 ½ in. A little more. But not 7 feet. Still tall as fuck though. Tall enough that that’s all the info we have on him excluding his game stats. I had to go and reread AGAIN to get any info on what he’s like. So I will be recapping bits of what he’s like as a refresher for all of us instead.
100% spoilers below if you haven’t finished Eyeshield 21.
When Gao and Don first face off Bud starts betting on who would win. Bud places 50$ and then Tatanka says he’ll go for 3000$. This can be multiple things. He has that kind of money. Or he doesn’t have that kind of money and he’s just saying it for fun. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did because everyone else in the pentagon aside from Panther has money, but he could also just be from a middle class family and is just shouting that high number because 1) it’s a joke, and 2) that’s how confident in Don he is.
When he knocks down Kid’s pass he taunts Monta by wondering why he thought he could compete against Bud. Then he proceeds to say bullshit about how the it’s not a game but a slaughter show for the US and how it wasn’t an arena for them, who are “physically inferior” to compete anyway. Apparently he was speaking weird and Panther pointed it out. Turns out he was trying to be like Don and learn multiple languages at the same time, thus confusing words. Then he proceeds to taunt Kid by acknowledging his skill but then saying that he’d be number five, a substitute and how he can’t destroy his Human Dome. So he knows how to shit talk.
Don’t like the whole physically inferior bullshit, but the whole last American arc was hella weird with the physical comparisons. Especially “the run of a black man” shit that popped up so often. Like I get the whole underdog vibe and how yeah naturally asian people aren’t as big on average, but damn the vibes were weird. Still love Eyeshield 21, but it definitely has its flaws.
Panther wants to go 1v1 with Shin, but then stumbles back and is like “wait but if it’s linebackers then it’s Tatanka who’s the best right?” cause even though it’s a 1v1 he’s just clearing the air that Tatanka’s the best linebacker don’t worry right ok ok. And how he just wants to face off against Shin cause he’s a rival he respects. I love Panther. He's so cute. But then Tatanka responds with “Either way I can’t imagine how such a small man as that Shin should be a worthy opponent for you, Panther.” Again with the whole size difference means inferior thing, but I do believe that part of it is his faith in his teammates abilities. Like these past 3 instances of seeing him on screen have been of him being like yeah my teammates can crush you fuckers. Don, Bud, Panther.
Next panel we see is of him underestimating Musashi’s kick. How at 54 yards it’d be hard. That’s it.
He then gets absolutely played by Hiruma and Agon’s Chris Cross. He does borrow Don’s “it’s sad” quote. Literally saying “It’s a shame. If I had to say it like Don. It’s sad…” He then gets bamboozled.
Next panel of him is him talking about how Clifford dodged the triple blitz with a spin and how Clifford is faster than Agon.
And then the next is him talking about how Don can get up instantly after getting knocked down. How he’s a top class linemen and that’s why he can't be beat.
Then he’s starting to have a mental breakdown as the Japan team makes a comeback, claiming how the five men of the Pentagram are the five strongest men in the world. And then he gets shocked when Sakuraba and Takami do their tall pass. Then he gets even more frantic the closer things get.
So basically most of what we see of Tatanka is him saying that the Pentagon is the strongest and can’t be beat. A positive spin to this is that he’s confident in his and his teammates’ abilities. The other side to this is that he’s being arrogant, which really shows when he says all those “physically inferior” things. Part of it could just be his environment because everyone else also seems to think this way. He does respect those in the Pentagon and holds them to a high degree, most notably with Don. He just has this mindset of “I’m one of the best. I have to be the best.” and that’s a lot of stress to put on himself, which is clearly shown when he starts to unravel at the thought of being on par with people he so strongly believed were inferior. That may seem like a lot of text up there but that’s what it all boils down to. Justice for Tatanka. He needs more back story considering he’s one of the Pentagon.
Don is the President’s kid and has that rivalry with Gao. Clifford vs Hiruma. We love Panther. And Bud even has that movie star background to play into. Also Tatanka isn’t seen at the casino arc while the rest of them were there, though Panther and Bud were just watching Clifford. Though there is a possibility of the casino being owned by Tatanka’s family, what with all the stereotypes the final Eyeshield 21 arc has thrown at us. We don’t know though.
Honestly that’s probably the most someone has thought about Tatanka. Boy didn’t even get a full name.  
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One main arguments I’ve seen from non Jewish and poc snk Stan’s and that will have that one token Jewish person or friend who says they are not offended and snk isn’t anti Semitic or Nazi propaganda. Or say well isayama isn’t a anti Korean racist or Japanese imperialist that’s all been proven fake blah blah blah. Even if it’s fake the series is still problematic stop using that one Jewish person who isn’t offended they don’t speak for all Jewish people obviously-part 1
Part 2 he also named miksasa after a imperial Japanese battle ship and dot pixels is based off of a Nazi Japanese imperialist I think? Same for Erwin I might be wrong that’s what I looked up. I’m personally not comfortable supporting the series anymore for valid reasons but it’s honestly so hard to find blogs like you who criticize the series and author I’ve only found a small amount of blogs who acknowledge the problematic aspects in both manga and anime unfortunately :(
Oh Anon, you get me going here.
Yes, Mikasa is named after a very successful battleship (it’s supposedly certain success if your manga has a character named after a battleship). 
Pixis was inspired by a Japanese imperial general. He died before WW2 tho. Anyway that sparked huge controversy with the Japanese fans, leading to hate messages towards Yams for years. 
German SNK Wiki claims Erwin was inspired by Erwin Rommel, a general in WW1 and WW2 who later turned against Hitler (it’s fine cause he wasn’t REALLY a Nazi, right? no.). Erwin’s Birthday is the death day of Erwin Rommel. However, since I can’t find a source I’d take that one with a grain of salt. The main Inspiration for Erwin as a character is Ozymandias from Watchmen. So only fictional mass murder for Erwin here lol
These points are already kinda icky, but can be ignored I guess. Of course SNK searches inspiration in military. It’s a series about literal Child Soldiers (which somehow is never a critic point on any anime/manga?!). However it’s also full of dogwhistles and even more uncomfortable references. 
My main points are the portrayal of grey-morality on the case of genocide and the way Isayama clearly draws inspiration from Nazi Germany when he portrays Marley. The latter is not per say problematic. Fullmetal Alchemist is also inspired by The Third Reich and carries a strong anti-imperalist and anti-nazi message. SNK however falls short on that till now. I am not Jewish myself, so I can obviously not determine what is antisemitic and only point out the obvious. Plus my knowledge of things is obviously limited so feel free to correct or join in. 
Isayama pretty much paints the Eldians as the Jews of this “mirror world” World War we witness since the time skip. This is clear by the imagery of the Ghettos he shows, the armbands the Eldians have to wear and much more (Short images search should do the job here). The coding of the Eldians as Jewish equivalent is complete with the Marleyan myth of Eldians ruling the world if no one does anything to hold them in control (aka every antisemitic conspiracy ever). But it doesn’t end there. We know from the manga that Paradis island is basically Madagaskar. 
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The Nazis planned to deport about 4 million Polish Jews to Madagaskar in the 1940′s. That plan was shortlived and obviously never put into action for various reasons. So in SNK we have the scenario that the Eldians fled to Paradis in order to get an advantage over the Marleyans. The Eldians who are not on Paradis live in Ghettos on the mainland. That’s a weird coincidence, considering how many islands our big blue planet has. 
What I think is pretty bizarre is that Isayama distorts this by pairing this imo pretty obvious real live inspiration with references to Norse mythology. This is fucked up in so far that Norse mythology is so heavily appropriated by the Nazis that many runes are outlawed in Germany till today and showing interest in Norse mythology is still often associated with white supremacy (have a look at Neo-Nazi signs and see the pattern). Like, this combination of Norse and early 20th century German imagery isn’t even a dogwhistle anymore, it’s yelling “I SUCK NAZI DICK AND I LIKE IT”.  The references he uses are  especially Ymir and the paths, that can then be seen as the world tree Yggdrasil:
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The tree connects the Eldians and the nine titans which share their number with the nine realms that Yggdrasil holds. There’s some more, tiny stuff, like Erwin being easily interpreted as a reference to the God Tyr (God of battle, who loses his right arm in the mouth of a beast) and Hanji to the God Odin (Losing an eye in a well in the pursuit of gaining knowledge and wisdom). Both of these Gods are probably the most appropriated by white supremacists. When Ymir first turns into a titan it is at castle Utgard. In Norse mythology Utgard is a place in Jotunheim, the realm of the Jotun who the giant Ymir is the first ancestor of.
In general the pairing of clear WW2 imagery and references to Norse mythology is a mixture that is VERY sketchy and should always make you suspicious. Especially since these two are not going together (as in Marley using references to Norse mythology), but against each other. So we have both sides (Marley and Eldia) associated with white supremacy. Another thing that I will never be over is that Zeke and Eren are obviously named in reference to the German words Sieg und Ehre (Victory and Honor) referencing white supremacist buzzwords. 
Then we have the issue that the main conflict is not with the Marley people, who are basically our mirrorworld Nazis. The conflict is AMONG the Eldians. Liberating the Eldians form the Marleyans is not even a thing, because we’re busy keeping two Eldians from practicing genocide/euthanasia on their own kind. So in this aspect Eldians are painted basically just as bad as Marleyans (and we have that “everyone is wrong in a war” Issue again). 
I think in the end Eren’s will to kill everyone will lead to Eldians and Marley people accepting their differences or whatever and leading to unision in the shared enemy (kind of already happens in the manga) and while I think that’s a possibly interesting way to go it’s imo not when one of those parties has been subjected to centuries of genocide by the other. Assistant says a good closure to the Norse Mythology theme would be the manga going for Ragnarök, so everyone, Marleyan and Eldian, dies, except for two people who start the world anew. After all anisemitism or in this case anti-eldian sentiment doesn’t just stop after a world war. I don’t really fuck with this bullshit we got in one of the recent chapters where this one Marley general was like “Oh no, they were only people after all”. Bro, your whole society is built on them not being people and all of that is gone in one day of crisis? *doubt.png* 
There’s obviously more to it than that and especially my understanding of the manga might be a bit off, since I don’t read it as attentively as I used to anymore. At this point I’m so fucking suspicious of this manga tbh. I doubt that we can come out of this with an anti-imperialist or anti-fascist message. 
This does of course not mean no one should read or watch the manga or anime. I read/watch it too as you see. But it’s always good to be critical of the media you consume and take concerns from others serious, when it comes to stuff like this. 
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Rules and Requests
-No discrimination, At. All!-Minors are allowed to look through anything that isn’t my NSFW.
-Please don’t send me anything too vague like (I want Ace x reader fluff) I won’t have anything to go off of. (Example 1, example 2, Example 3, Example 4)
-'Please', 'thank you', or other polite words are now required if you want your request written. As much as I didn't think I'd ever get to this point, I will no longer write requests that are just thrown at me without one.
Will Write
-fluff, angst, NSFW, suggestive, etc.
-character x character or character x reader
Do not write 
-Yandere-abusive relationships-manipulation/manipulative relationships
-domestic violence
-racist, homophobic, ableist, etc.
-self harm/suicide
-Anything too Loony Toons-y (I tried it and while I’m not bad at it, it fries my brain, sorry)
-detailed fight scenes. I'm absolute garbage at writing fight scenes
-please specify pronouns, unspecified will be written mostly as Gender Neutral.
-I am up to date on the manga only, if you want to request something from the anime or the live action, it’ll take a bit more time.
-I accept multiple requests from the same person, but if you send me 15+ requests one right after another, don’t expect them to come out one right after another.
-If I happen to be uncomfortable with a request but it technically falls within my rules, I will notify you.
-I will try to write for any culture/race/appearance/sexuality/etc. Even things like disability and male reader. That being said, I might need time to look certain things up, I’m still learning about a lot of things.
-I try to use the pronouns that the character in the manga uses (he/him for Yamato, she/her for Kiku) that being said, if I’m using the canon universe, I’m still going to use the bodies they have in it.
NSFW rules
-Minors DNI! 
-No underage
-No dubcon or noncon. 
-I do not write scat, watersports, fisting, hate sex, incest, rimming, underage, vore
-Psuedo-incest/step-cest is a gray area for me, I’ll likely write for it but no guarentees.
-I’m not versed on every kink in the world, while I will try to portray it accurately to the best of my ability, I may or may not fail to do so.
No safe words. Safe words are a great thing and highly important! That being said, I don't feel comfortable writing them.
Characters I will/won’t write for
Won’t write for:
-Blackbeard Pirates, Foxy Pirates, Akainu, Kizaru, any movie specific characters, Big Mom, most of the big mom pirates, Kaido, most of the beast pirates, Doflamingo (unless he's playing a minor role), the Donquixote Pirates (especially Trebol!), Ceaser Clown, Enel, Buggy, CP-9, any of the Celestial Dragons, Garp
Characters that are hard to write for and will take more time:
-Lindbergh, Karasu, Belo Betty, Morley, Dragon, Kuma, Inazuma (I simply don’t know enough about these revolutionaries as there aren’t a lot of chapters on them. I hope to be able to write about them later but for the time being, I’m just not confident in my ability to accurately portray them.)
Will Write for:
-literally anyone else
-Exceptions to the ‘will not write for’: Katakuri, Corazon, Yamato, Lola, Chiffon, Kaku, Lucci
Platonic only: Chopper
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I'm sorry, but as someone who can't stand how Yang acted for 80% of Atlas, saying "her feeling like she had to help raise Ruby is demeaning and unempathetic to Tai" is a HORRIBLE take. If Yang held it against Tai that'd be one thing, but she doesn't, least not as far as we've seen.
And "she decided he's an unfit parent"? That's literally just headcanon. Where is this stated or supported in any way? Literally everything, from the show to the comics to the manga, shows she absolutely values her father and his guidance. Her providing similar guidance to Ruby at some point doesn't change that, she's stated to be Ruby's mother figure, a woman in her life she could seek advice on in regards to things as well.
Like anon I get you're frustrated by how empathy and morality are handled in this show, I am too, but this just ain't it.
I have simillar feelings on the Weiss scene too but that's another story, you already kind of covered it.
Agreed, though I don't want to rag on the other anon. As said, I can very easily see how someone would come to that conclusion, especially given how often we discuss parts of the show without actually re-watching those scenes, leading to iffy interpretations down the line. A fandom pretty heavily focused on a "Tai is a bad dad" reading + Yang's unfair criticisms of others from Volumes 5-8 (notably her most recent characterization. The one fresh in everyone's mind) = an easy opportunity to mistakenly slam the two together. It happens. That's why I try, whenever possible, to re-watch moments, or at the very least re-read transcripts. I'm well aware of how easy it is to get sucked into how the fandom discusses scenes and take that interpretation at face value, when in fact what's canonical has gotten pretty warped across, in this case, six years of content and discussions.
But let's talk about Weiss a bit more! I think it's worth re-emphasizing that, yes, I'm well aware that she was the victim of that dinner party. My own criticism lies less in that specific moment and more the conceptualizing of our heroes as a whole, which leads to some missed opportunities in that moment, some quite important. For example, most classically heroic characters would be horrified at nearly hurting/killing someone, regardless of whether that was intentional or not. That's a crucial part of what makes them heroic: cherishing life and shouldering responsibility for others' safety, even when it's clear from the audience's more objective perspective that they weren't at fault. There's a happy middle ground here between acknowledging Weiss' horrific panic attack and acknowledging Weiss' responsibility moving forward to ensure that her trauma doesn't endanger others—given that her trauma is drawing on literal, combat techniques—highlighting her desire to do right by the people of Remnant, even when they're snobbish, rich assholes. Any reading that boils things down simply to "Weiss is the only victim in this situation and besides, why do we care if a racist Atlesian bites the dust 😒?" is a small representation of the much larger writing problems of Volumes 7 and 8: acting like Mantle is full of only good victims, Atlas only evil perpetrators, and a defense of the latter isn't worth anyone's time—certainly not the heroes who never, ever make mistakes with massive consequences. Weiss' near attack also carries with it the beginnings of a lot of themes that RWBY never capitalized on, but pretended were an important part of the story by the end of that Atlas arc, like Ironwood's supposed propaganda, or Whitley's question of whether power should be solely in the hands of a few, individual huntsmen. Weiss' situation might have been reframed into something that looks intentional: Here's not just a girl, but a Schnee girl, attacking a poor, defenseless civilian with her scary powers. Are we really going to leave the safety of our kingdom—the world—in the hands of people like her? You should be backing the army, people who have your real interests in mind, led by the man who saved that woman's life—General Ironwood! And the audience would rightly be going, Hey now wait a fucking minute. That's not what happened! It was an accident born of trauma and abuse. How can you manipulate the people into thinking otherwise? Into thinking Weiss is the enemy here? Like, if you're going to write Ironwood/Atlas as the awful, propaganda spewing antagonists... actually write that story.
So the party scene could have been the launching point for a lot of important work, both in terms of Weiss' characterization (a hero learning to balance flaws with her people's safety; taking responsibility for her mistakes, no matter the initial intention) and the world building (what does it mean for a Schnee to (mistakenly) attack a civilian when tensions are this high and faith in huntsmen is beginning to fail?) But for the purposes of what we actually got, that lack of reflection on Weiss' part, as said, reads badly when pit against her actions in Volumes 6-8. Because my brain is super focused on Star Wars atm, I think Anakin is a decent comparison to all this. Meaning, we know where he ends up—super scary Sith Lord who is going to do All The Bad Things Ever—and that will, naturally, color our reading of everything that happens in prequal material. When Anakin gets pissed and cuts the limbs off a Separatist, it produces a "Yikes" reaction in the audience because we know that anger, grief, frustration, and fear are going to lead him down an awful path. In contrast, when Obi-Wan is challenged about his no killing unarmed men policy and cheekily looks to Rex to kill him instead, we don't really go "Yikes" because we know Obi-Wan remains true to the Light for his entire run. All their actions have the primary reading of "They were justified that time/they made a mistake/they're allowed to be human/etc." But only Anakin has the secondary reading of, "That action is REALLY BAD—more bad than Obi-Wan's—because we know where it leads. It reads as setup for his inevitable fall." That's basically where the RWBY group is at the moment, provided you're unhappy with their lack of empathy in the later volumes. If the group had remained more compassionate then yeah, we'd continue to shrug off past moments that sorta imply otherwise because we know that's not who they really are. Weiss never grappled with nearly hurting someone only because, hell, RWBY doesn't let her grapple with anything! She didn't even get to respond to getting speared through the gut. But knowing where they end up—knowing that Weiss will be party to Ozpin's treatment, will help betray Ironwood, will accuse Marrow of abandoning her city only to do nothing for it in turn, will threaten her brother, will give the wish to destroy her entire kingdom and displace all its people, etc.—creates that "Yikes" response whenever we see something earlier that even somewhat aligns with her current characterization. It doesn't erase the 100% correct reading that Weiss was the victim and made a totally unintentional mistake in that moment. It doesn't erase the knowledge that RWBY rarely capitalizes on the implications of scenes like this anyway. It only adds another reading in the form of, "Well, knowing where she ends up... I can kinda see that future version in her here too."
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