#one of the reblogs is like ‘great news from the future op—‘
note-boom · 8 months
(abt ur tags on that fic rec list post) I'd love to know more gen bsd fics!!! if u don't mind pls make a list of them
OP, I hope you understand that you have unleashed a monster considering how many BSD fics I consumed. But that said, I'll try to keep it short and strictly gen for this ask, then just reblog with the rest (some do have implied ships, though). Most of them are just fluff and one-shots. And I haven't really read much fanfic recently, so most of these are my bookmarks from before I even really got into this blog and my memory on them might be shaky; generally, I either liked them because good writing, good characterization, good analysis, and/or it was just too funny/too interesting to not bookmark. Some might have Americanisms/Westernisms of things that probably don't really happen in Japan (probably?) and some might have slight character assassinations, but I don't think anything should be too gratuitously unforgivable. Also, all opinions are my own and do not reflect on either the writing or the author's original intent.
So under the cut are my absolute favourite of favourites.
Morning Light (18021 words) by FallenBrie (time loop, Atsushi character exploration, ADA!found family)
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! (20976 words) by aptlydapper (3 chapters, still my all-time favourite bsd fanfic for the writing and the concept and its execution, Chuuya joins the ADA basically but so much more than that to me)
Conundrum (23921 words) by AdmiralTDeVanto (hi, I love this AU so much, role-reversal where aku and atsu are the older figures and dazai and chuuya are the younger ones, some other au roleswaps happen but that's a surprise)
circle of praise (1898 words) by Oxalisalis (have a few by this author (love their works so much, they have some great BEAST things), basically compliment assault, ADA family, sweet and funny)
The Scent of Milk Tea (1343 words) by Sternstunde (Atsushi and Chuuya are housemates, neither is aware of the other's job, please let them meet in canon, 2 chapters and unfinished)
Reason To Live (1746 words) by Allwalkfree (time travel fic with a take on akutagawa's future character arc that left me DEAD, just...him being better than the people he was taught by okay? and him having a clearer picture of the stuff he went through etc)
hell is empty (all the devils are here) (1065 words) by Origamidragons (legit one of my FAVOURITE Gin character explorations, shoutout to the use of her character's irl short story)
in the end, you write your verse (6858 words) by Origamidragons (ADA and PM role swap and it's honestly SO GOOD that I desperately wish there was more of this (in a this fic is INCREDIBLE way, that is))
In The Choice, There's Peace (2561 words) by treetrunkdaddy (chill vibes, fic that explores Atsushi's character so nicely to me through how he copes with anger)
Mark of a Teacher (527 words) by Seito (Kunikida has been framed as a terrorist apparently and his students see the news headlines, it's hilarious and just fun)
A Study From Stripes (teach me to be loved again) (29684 words) by MidnighttWriter (beloved fic with beloved writing, Atsushi trauma exploration, might feel a little dark or emotional for bsd (in a different way, since BSD doesnt exactly shy away from being emotional or dark) but honestly beloved and SUCH a fascinating Atsushi character study to me)
would you believe me if i said i was blinded by the light? (1203 words) by elijay (half-blind Dazai real to me, but no its a really neat headcanon and that's all the fic is, which is all i wanted)
good bones (838 words) by Quintessence (I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, another Atsushi has a lot of trauma and the agency is flabbergasted)
5 Times Dazai Didn’t Understand Math And The 1 Time Kunikida Tried To Do Something About It (3746 words) by zededs (math is difficult, so is Dazai, Kunikida is stressed out, just a funny story)
how to get away with murder (10000 words) by magdalenes (11 chapters and unfinished, but it's SO SO good, the author is setting up the mystery so well, and it's basically just....detectives doing detective work but possibly also avoiding other detectives, more plotty than charactery)
what is a name (640 words) by Seito (guys, seriously, read this, im serious it has SUCH a good theory and the IMPLICATIONS of this to the larger bsd story????)
a secret for a secret (2302 words) by Oxalisalis (another of my FAVOURITE Gin fics, this author DELIVERED so well on their characterisation, slight canon divergence but perhaps not?)
But yeah. Because I somehow ended up opening over 130 tabs (that was after narrowing things down. i am so normal about BSD) for this ask, I'll just....reblog with more for those who are interested in gen fics. (It's why it took me a while, apologies.)
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thatonefatgumsimp · 9 months
Important tags for later reference in case I forget or in case you'd like to scroll through and look at a certain tag:
• "#my art" is for tagging my art
• "#my writing" is for when I post stuff from ao3 that I wrote or just little things I wrote and decided to share here
• "#for later" are things I'm saving for later that might be important or also for cute animals in case I get sad later and need cheering up
• "#shitposting" is for random thoughts I have and shitposts (alternative tag for this: "#random shitpost")
• "#life update" for random life updates and updates on things I'm doing that day...like baking cookies!
• "#songs stuck in my head" is for all the times I've reblogged the "the current song stuck in your head .. go !" post with songs currently stuck in my head that I'm convinced I'm annoying op about at this point by continually reblogging, but I also need to document the songs stuck in my head. for science.
• "#ask tofs" I don't usually get many asks, but I suppose I should have a tag for those, so-
• "#voting time with tofs" is for all the random polls I start because I'm bored and very indecisive. that's it.
• "#last song i listened to" is for the person's post that I rb'd where they so politely asked what the last song listened to was.
• "#a master tag of the insanity" is some random c!mcyt brain thoughts I have occasionally (c! NOT cc!, or in other words, not about the actual real life people, but the cubitos, the sillies, the blorbos, etc.)
• "#tumblr stories of old" are basically like the old legends or old wives tales of tumblr. Myths and lore of old told by great and revered storytellers. Things that future historians may eventually look back on as the Gilgameshes and Illiads of our time... (they can also be found under "#for later", but it's faster if you just use this tag if you don't wanna also be bombarded with art stuff and recipes and cute animals)
• "#rizz for thee not for me" basically the "no b----es" meme for me cuz I for some reason have never been on a single date in my life even tho I've been told by MULTIPLE friends that I'm very cute and my best friends tell me I've got good game and decent charisma...basically me trying to help you get a date if you want one and/or decide to use my pick up lines (also I don't rlly get out much sooooo I don't rlly have any use for them currently-)
• "#dnd stuffs" is for when I post about my dnd OCs that I'm developing my own story for cuz I have no friends (/lhhj...hj BC none of them rlly play dnd-) and autism be damned I'm gonna make my own story! I don't need friends to make up pretend fantasy scenarios!!
• "#out of touch thursday" is for out of touch thursday...obviously- /lh
• "#it's crismin! happy crimis. merry crisis! merry chrysler :p" is what I'm making my Christmas tag riiiiiggt *checks watch* now.
• "#Sasha the Christmas Tiger" Sasha the Christmas Tiger. That is all.
• "#sparkle on its wednesday" is for the sparkle on its wednesday meme
• "#ides of march" is for the day we all collectively stab Caesar again :³
also not all my posts are currently tagged with the corresponding tags, I'm trying to work on it. (← lie, I have pretty much given up on tagging my posts from the beginning/earlier this year correctly. There's too many- ╥﹏╥ )
Oh yeah also I added the hyphens to the tag part, but the tags don't have hyphens so uh...yeah jsyk (EDIT: this ↑ has been changed, there are no longer hyphens in the tags in the pinned post)
Also both picture of the perfect lemon slice (my pfp) and my bakusquad banner are by me (lemon was photographed, banner was drawn, felt like I needed to credit somewhere in case anyone was curious...maaaay or may not be working on a new banner, but shhhhhhh 🤫)
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Hey grumpy! so I was going through Jensen’s tag on here last night and I found something interesting. It was sent to a destiheller blog though and the op started tinhatting in their reply so I didn’t add that part. Here’s the ask:
“Personally, I think the Mishalecki fallout was mostly one sided. Misha hugged Jared really tight at Denver con, like he’d actually missed him. While Jared hasn’t even mentioned Misha’s book, unlike literally every other actor on spn. Not only that, but apparently Gen and Jared supposedly had a virtual conversation with the author of the book they promoted near the release of Misha’s book a couple days ago. The thing is Gen has had talks like these with the author of the books she’s read in her bookclub before. I just don’t remember Jared ever participating in those conversations as well until today, at this point it seems like they’re doing it on purpose lol. Of course it might also be the fact that you had to pay 25 dollars to watch that conversation with Gen and Jared today, and promoting Misha’s book wouldn’t gain them anything, because we all know the Padapayme’s won’t do anything unless there’s something in it for them as well.”
I unfollowed Geneva months ago because of her insufferable advertising so I didn’t know any of this but I think it’s something to think about. Don’t get me wrong that poetry book is way overhyped for sure but at this point it’s not really about the book. I doubt they weren’t sent a copy just like the rest of the cast. In any case, I’m definitely stealing ‘Padapayme’ for future reference.
I’m not Misha’s biggest fan, but I will say that out of the three, it really did kinda seem like he was trying to keep the peace. It almost seemed like we were watching a divorced couple at Christmas and Misha was the son trying to keep the happy appearance going. I didn’t see any panels or anything, but I did see gifs (and reblogged a few) and Misha seemed like he did genuinely miss everyone. Maybe he’s a great actor, but I think a lot of people would beg to differ.
I’m not sure there was a specific “fallout” between Misha and Jared, I think Jared just got too big in the britches and decided he didn’t need to be as chummy with anyone. I mean with Jensen and Jared, there was the prequel nonsense and then Jared ignoring Jensen’s movie news. With Misha, there really wasn’t a specific incident to point to as causing a fallout. Well, until the book thing.
It does seem like they’re being petty on purpose, but the logical side of my brain says that Gen needed to sell some tickets and pulled Jared into the mix to guarantee sales. All of her other conversations with authors have been free, no? She probably knew that she couldn’t sell spots on her own so why not bring in the wallet? 
It’s funny that this anon mentioned Jared and Gen not getting anything from promoting Misha’s book because I had the exact same thought. I mean sure, Jensen didn’t post anything on his own socials (unless he tweeted about the book) but his participation in D’s post at least showed he was involved in promoting the book somehow. Jared hasn’t said a word and Gen just reshared Felicia’s post and added “can’t wait to read!” Lazy. 
It says a lot that she can muster up some ad posts for literally everything else, but can’t be bothered to make a post about the book. Even just a tweet or something. But again, they’re not being paid for it so why bother? They just continue to show that they really are motivated by money and what others can do for them over anything else. It’s sad, but not surprising that’s for sure.
“Padapayme” is amazing though and I give kudos to the anon for bringing it to light! It’s true and clever!
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
🍫13 Days of Halloween: Day 6
Prompts: “Where is all the Halloween candy?” “I don’t know” “Y/n”  
((Prompt changed slightly to match characterization))
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Reader x M*A*S*H Unit (Platonic)
Gender: Neutral      Triggers: None
Words: 1,585     Genre: Humor; Hijinks
Note: Thank you for requesting M*A*S*H! I hope I did it justice~ The time-line might not match up, but whatever. 
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You sat down with a sigh as Hawkeye and B.J. fixed themselves a drink, Radar scribbled on his notepad, while Potter sat nearby tapping his finger against his chin. 
“So after post op, we’ll invite the nearby villagers, hand out a bunch of candy to the kiddies, and then we’ll have ourselves a nice party” Potter recited as Radar nodded along.
“Sounds like a pretty good plan” you replied “How does Frank feel about it?” 
“He doesn’t know yet” Hawkeye said, coming to sit next to you “We don’t think it’s necessary to tell his highness, he’ll complain about it either way”
“Who knows, maybe he’ll think it’s a grand idea” B.J. suggested as he sat on his own cot. 
“It’s Frank, B.J., his grand idea of a Halloween party would include everyone dressed in their fatigues dancing 6-feet apart to the tune of the star spangled banner.”
You smiled at Hawkeyes comment as he turned to you “So Y/n, have you decided what you’re going to wear?”
You shrugged “Probably something in a khaki color” you tugged on your pants as you spoke, knowing you had nothing to really wear. 
“Oh come on, you gotta dress up, we are!” B.J. said
“I’d love to dress up Beej but I have nothing to wear, I ordered a costume but it never came, I asked Klinger but he’s already given half of his clothes to the rest of the camp to wear.”
Hawkeye patted your leg, leaving his hand on your knee “We’ll find something.”
“I don’t know if I’d want to wear something you’d suggest” you replied with a note of suspicion. 
Hawkeye gave you an offended look “I have great taste in clothes!”
“You’re idea for a costume would be my birthday suit.”
“Oh, now that is an idea” he replied with a smirk, making you roll your eyes.
“Uh, Sir” Radar spoke up
“Yes Radar.” Potter asked
“There is just one problem with all of this” 
“What’s that Radar? You’re costume come in the wrong size?” B.J. quipped.
“Huh? Oh, no it's fine, well actually it is a little big, but that’s not it, I just, uh but  the requisition order for Halloween candy never came in. We’ve got some, but not enough for all the kids and for our party” 
You frowned at the news “And everyone donated money and or candy already?” 
“Yep, I mean everyone but Major Burns, but that’s because he still doesn’t know about the party”
You, Hawk and B.J. all exchanged knowing looks. Just as you did Frank came bumbling into the swamp, large package in hand “What’s that Frank?” Hawkeye asked.
“None of your beeswax!” Frank yelled aggressively, turning, he sees Potter “Oh, Colonel, hello”
You chuckled quietly at his sudden change in demeanor as he set down the package with a thud. “What’s in the box Burns?” Potter asked repeating Hawkeyes question.
“Oh. Uh, just a package from home” he answered as he began to open the package. 
“That’s nice. Well, in other news, Frank, we’re thinking of throwing a little soiree for Halloween, you got any candy you can donate, or money so we can buy some?” Potter asked. 
“A soiree? Sir that’s highly un-military” you and the others rolled your eyes as he began “And to answer your question, no, I don’t have any candy to donate, and I wont donate any money for your party” just as he answered, he opened the box, which was chock full of various candy bars and other bags of Halloween candy.
You and the others stood and hovered as you pointed at the box “Now you do!”
“What?! No, this is from my family, you can’t have it!”
“Oh come on Frank” Hawkeye began “We don’t want it all, just donate some! There’s no way you can eat all that yourself!”
“Just watch me!” Frank yelled as he stood, box in hand as he exited the swamp, dropping a couple pieces of candy on the way, which Radar scooped up.
You and the others exchanged annoyed looks as you watched Frank run across the courtyard, clearly towards Margaret’s quarters. “Oh, we’ll get that candy Frank” Hawkeye muttered quietly, so only you and B.J. could hear.
After a few failed attempts at retrieving the candy from Frank, Hawkeye and B.J. were about to give up, but tried one more time the day of the party as they cornered Frank in post-op “Where’s the candy Frank?” Hawkeye asked. 
“We just want some, for the kids Frank, think of the kids!” B.J. cut in.
“I don’t care, they’re not my kids! It doesn’t matter anyway, I ate it all” Frank said with a smug look on his face. 
Hawkeye scoffed “Frank if you ate all that candy then you’d be comatose.”
Frank scowled at Hawkeye as he turned to leave, Hawkeye and B.J. shared an exasperated look as they followed him out. Looking around, they see the nearby locals arriving, kids excited for having been told they’d be given candy.
“Frank, what can we do for you to to grow a heart and donate some of that candy?” B.J. asked.
Frank turned, seeming to think it over “You can’t make any jokes at me for the next month! And you must act accordingly in my presence, salutes and all!” 
Hawkeye and B.J. shared a look of disdain “Fine, fine! Just show us the candy Frank” B.J. muttered out
Frank smirked at them as he turned, leading them towards Margaret's tent, where he had been hiding the candy. You had been walking across the camp as came across them “What’s up guys?” 
“Frank agreed to give us some of the candy”
“Oh, is that so?” you asked, something in your voice that made B.J. and Hawkeye hesitate, but continued to follow Frank as you tagged along.
Entering into the tent, Frank opened up the closet pulling out the box. As he opened it, the three of you stood behind him watching. Hawkeye glanced at you, you met his eyes for a moment and smirked, making him curious. 
“Hey!” Frank called, earning all of your attention.
He dumped out the box, and all that fell out were some cans of corn and some loose pieces of candy. “He really did eat it all” B.J. muttered in disbelief. 
“Or maybe Margarete had a midnight craving” Hawkeye quipped before looking down at Frank “Where’s the candy Frank?” he asked, clearly frustrated.
“How am I supposed to know, it was in here earlier!”
“Maybe the candy-man took it” you joked, clearly not bothered by the missing candy. 
Hawkeye and B.J. looked at you, gathering you had something to do with it. And so did Frank. Standing, he eyed you “Where is the Halloween candy?” 
You looked at him, feigning offense while shrugging “I don’t know”
“Captain L/n” Frank began, pointing his finger at you, stopping only when the sudden sound of happy yelling children distracted you. 
Frank walked away, looking out of the tent, seeing a large group of kids jumping around as Father Mulcahy and a few nurses began handing out candy. Frank squinted as he looked closer “Hey! That’s my candy!”
As this was happening Hawkeye and B.J. looked back at you, amusement on their faces, knowing you had to be the one to do this. You looked at them, winking as they laughed out loud. 
Frank turned in anger, pointing his finger at all of you “I know you did this, you stole from me. After I get back my candy, I- I’ll, I’ll have you all on report!” 
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna go take your candy back from those kids Frank?!” B.J. asked incredulously. 
“I know you have stooped low before Frank but don’t tell me you’d actually take candy from a baby?” Hawkeye asked.
Frank opened his mouth to speak but stopped, turning and looking at the kids and then turning back “Well, why shouldn’t I? It’s my candy!”
You all rolled your eyes, as Margaret jogged up, “Oh, Major Burns you are so kind!”
“Oh, uh, thank you Margar- Uh I mean Major Houlihan, but uh, what are you talking about?” 
“Well, Captain L/n told me you had donated all that candy, and now look at all the kids they’re having so much fun!” she spoke with a wide smile.
Frank, Hawk and B.J. all turned to look at you as you stared at Frank with a blank face, hands in your pockets “Frank certainly is a kind and generous man isn’t he?” you asked, no emotion in your voice. 
“Oh he really is!” Margaret said as he smiled widely at Frank.
Frank hesitated, looking between you and Margaret “Oh, well, we do what we can Major” he feigned, taking the credit as you internally rolled your eyes.
Margaret suddenly pulled Frank away and towards the group of kids. Feeling pressure on both your shoulders, you look back and forth seeing both Hawkeye and B.J. resting their arms on your shoulder “Here we were, threatening him to give us the candy, and you swept in like a thief in the night” B.J. commented, still amused.
“Well now that that’s over” Hawkeye paused looking down at you with a smile “I’ve got a costume for you I think you’ll like” he smirked
“Oh no” you muttered. 
Hawkeye’s smirk only grew as he and B.J. shared a knowing look “Oh, yes”. Hawkeye looped his arm through yours as he began to drag you towards the Swamp, B.J. following behind.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Again, this was my first time writing for M*A*S*H, so I’m not sure if I did it justice lol, but I hoped you like it anyways. And please request more M*A*S*H in the future! I did enjoy writing for it and the characters!!
Please consider reblogging this, as this is a very small fandom, so reblogging it would be one of the best ways to spread it to other MASH lovers :)
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codedredalert · 3 years
ahhh hello welcome thank you to new followers! i currently have one foot in yugioh and one foot in one piece (but mostly ygo rn) and my fingers in various others like golden kamuy and my ghost in even more series (homestuck especially)
tags you might want to filter from me: #not mine, #red talks, #red replies, #long post, #spoilers i tag series by full name no punctuation but with spaces eg #one piece, #yugioh, #haikyuu. sometimes i also tag the abbreviation eg: #op, #ygo for series i post more on, i tag by full character name. for ygo, i use english name order eg #ryou bakura, #seto kaiba pairings/ships i try to follow fandom convention i tag for #blood but honestly this is a pretty sfw blog. my taste in writing runs a little dark so mind the warnings on those, but i do tend to err on the safe side when issuing warnings so it’s prob ok
it’s not personal if sometimes i unfollow/ usually i don’t follow back, it’s really just mental bandwidth and content management bc i WILL want to scroll to the bottom of my dash and have to baby myself by limiting it. there are very dear friends of mine who I can’t/don’t follow, we’re chill, it doesn’t mean anything.
i’m a little quiet recently bc i’m working on a ~secret ygo project~ with a buddy (i’m very excited to share more about that in the future, we’ve put in so much work already and it’s looking great) but i do have a backlog of things to post from patreon which i need to sit down and do it properly
if you’d like to support me here are my links: ( patreon ) ( kofi ) ( paypal )  reblogs, comments, and yelling in the tags are also always appreciated. askbox is usually open. 
yeah i think that’s all the housekeeping i have for now. take care and stay safe.
<3 Red
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silver-wield · 4 years
I’m curious as to what you think about the friendship between Tifa & Aerith with the remake & if you have any (possibly in-depth) analysis of their friendship? Watching them interact during the remake really made me think about how much Tifa cares for Aerith & vise versa. I love how their friendship progresses over the game. I hope we get to see more of it in future games. I’m all about Cloti but I also love whatever Tifa & Aerith got going on for themselves, just the ladies lol
I gotchu, nonny!
About time we show everyone these girls can get along and hopefully people will stop trying to erase one of them!
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it's gonna be a VERY long one so prepare to scroll.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Cloti action touching
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Before the recap I'm just gonna say the vid I'm taking this from is over 20m of them being friends and they didn't even meet until late in chapter 9 and they weren't even together after chapter 12 and only reunited in chapter 17, so if they can manage to become bffs in such a short amount of time then yall warships can calm your chill too.
Oh and I'm also throwing in some Cloti asides since Cloud is in all of this too and I wanna lol. Maybe next disc we'll get more of the girls without the leading man.
Quick recap for anyone who's forgotten the series of events.
Tifa's gone to get info out of Don Corneo at Wall Market and asked Cloud to go back to Sector 7: “You've seen how much ass I can kick”
Aerith's decided that's a bad idea, so they head in and jump through a series of side quest hoops to get them inside Corneo's place.
After the goons knock them out and take them to the basement, Cloud wakes up and sees Tifa, who asks if he's ok. After his embarrassing moment where he remembers he's wearing a dress in front of his crush, Aerith wakes up.
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Eugh, I've mentioned the utterly janky quality on some of my screenshots right? There's a split second after this where Aerith is beaming at Tifa that I'm trying to capture but it’s just not happening.
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Okay, so Aerith has literally just woken up and the first thing she does is bounce over to Tifa and introduce herself, all smiles and cheer. Tifa for her part is confused but polite because who is this girl? This is pretty simple from Tifa's pov. She is just confused, but polite. There's no signs of “rawr that's my man over there you can't touch”.
Aerith is like that one kid who's always first to greet new people. She's very much the extrovert, compared to Tifa's introvert.
(Bonus: Grumpy Cloud is grumpy. It's like he expects Tifa to be more responsible when he hears her insane plan lol)
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So, after hearing Tifa's story and hearing the obvious concern in her voice, Aerith jumps in to reassure her. You'll notice she's leaning forward with open arms. This is simplistic body language, she's being open and earnest. Tifa has her full attention on Aerith, so she's listening without any signs of dismissing her – even though they've literally just met and she has no idea what Aerith is like or what she might say.
(Bonus: Cloud rolling his eyes. He thinks they're both crazy lol)
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Responsible Tifa makes a return here! After Aerith's done enthusiastically throwing all of them to the wolves, Tifa shows concern. She knows Cloud and she can fight, but she's worried Aerith will get hurt because of her. This is a girl she's just met and we've seen how she is with strangers (shinra middle manager), so going along with Aerith's idea with no reservations wouldn't be her. Both girls have semi-relaxed body language. Their poses are mirrored, so there's no one is better than the other here. They're meeting as equals.
(Bonus: Cloud appears to be looking at Tifa's butt in this screen lol)
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So, we're out of the basement and dealing with rapists. Fuuuun. FF7 really went there back in the day huh? Tifa and Aerith are on the same page, you'll see. They're both disgusted. Aerith probably more so than Tifa, who I expect is a little more used to dealing with scumbags who don't take no for an answer. Semi mirrored body language – Aerith has her hands protectively in front of her while Tifa's are by her sides so that she can better strike a fighting pose.
(Bonus: Cloud at this moment in time is calling Corneo a depraved bastard lol)
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Aerith's little eyebrow raise and knowing look here. Now, she doesn't actually know how much ass Tifa can kick, but it looks like she suspects anyone who knows Cloud has skills. Not to mention he told Aerith that Tifa can handle herself. (Or maybe it's meta!Aerith, who knows?) She's expectant, anyway and Tifa delivers. Not to mention the teasing dialogue the goons mistake for being sexy. But that's what douchebags get.
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Vicious Aerith is vicious lol I just wanted to add this one because it's a great expression for her and actually shows a different emotion from her besides her typical mask of cheer. She actually looks convincingly dangerous here, unlike most of the time when she's about as threatening as a cupcake lol
So Aerith kicks the douchebag and Tifa follows up in a seamless display of co-op that showcases her fighting skills. She takes Aerith's lead and goes for it.
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Then comes the fight scene. Massive co-op between the girls. Tifa protects Aerith at one point, who uses the opportunity to grab a makeshift weapon.
Tifa is the disciplined fighter using her Zangan martial arts and Aerith...uses a chair lol
I have to admit that's one of my favourite moments with her in the entire game. It also fits with the expression she pulled at the start of the fight – that vicious look showed just how far she'll go when she wants to win.
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Both girls, all smiles, complimenting each other for a job well done! What else is there to say about this? Oh, yeah, neither of them needs a lesson in how to high five lol
Remember, they've just met like an hour ago, if that. They're already high fiving and getting along.
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Ok, so we've moved on from Corneo's place and now we're in the sewers. Here's where we hit a change in behaviour from Aerith. She's no longer the bouncy puppy jollying everyone along to be cheerful and optimistic. She's now become very serious and grave. She could choose to reassure Tifa that the slums are safe, but instead she urges them to hurry. This is likely another instance of meta!Aerith knowing things before they happen.
Tifa is very in her own space during this section of the game; she's worried about her friends and her home, so there's a sense of urgency in all her dialogue. Worry is clear in her tone and Aerith empathises with that and reinforces the need to get back.
You'll notice in most of these moments between them that we're looking over Tifa's shoulder. That's her perspective we're getting, as opposed to when we get scenes with Cloud when we're standing in a third party location watching both. This is deliberate framing so that we relate to Tifa in this situation. We’re looking at Aerith with some distance, but a human perspective rather than an omniscient one.
(Bonus: Cloud still takes the time to flirt with Tifa by reminding her of their little “sayings” interaction from chapter 3)
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About halfway through the sewers and the gang has to cross a manky water way. Cloud goes first, leaving Tifa and Aerith behind. Tifa is still worrying about what Corneo said. Her body language, expression and voice all convey a deep fear of what will happen.
Aerith, though probably meta!Aerith, again doesn't act how she did when they first met, which is to reassure her things will be ok. She's become very serious and quiet, unlike how she was in the beginning. Her face here clearly says she knows they won't stop the plate from falling, but I think she knows if she says anything it would just make things worse. She and Tifa are only just sort of friends at this point, so she probably believes it isn't right to confide in her when she's already worried about so many people.
You'll see again the perspective is Tifa's and she notices that something is wrong with Aerith. Despite having so many other concerns, she notices that Aerith looks down. Her question is that of someone wanting to have all the information about the worst case scenario, but before she can find out anything Cloud tells them to keep moving (nice timing)
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And now we're at the crossing bit. Tifa's made her way over and waits with Cloud for Aerith. Tifa's very encouraging at this point, reassuring Aerith that she's almost across. Once the platform topples into the muck, she reaches out a hand and pulls her to safety. This is another example of Tifa being the protector.
(Bonus: Cloud grabs Tifa when she staggers.)
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“Then it's a date.”
It's likely that by this point Aerith has realised Tifa is spiralling with worry. She offers words of comfort and says to think of something fun. They agree to go shopping, and Tifa suggests bringing Cloud along to carry their stuff (lol bf role)
What's interesting is their contrasting body language here. When Tifa lowers her guard she puts both hands behind her back, opening herself up. It's a vulnerable position for a fighter to be in.
Aerith does the opposite. She's put her hands in front of herself in a protective gesture. This makes me think that even though she's being genuine with Tifa, she's holding something back from her as well. This is likely another meta!Aerith moment because she's aware of her approaching death and doesn't want to make too deep a bond with any of the group.
(Bonus: flirty little lean forward and “nothing” from Tifa when Cloud asks what they said about him)
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“I saved her, she saved me”
I know that's a line from Cloud, but it applies to Tifa and Aerith too. Tifa saved Aerith from the sludge and now Aerith grabs Tifa's hand to pull her to safety from the collapsing walkway.
Aerith knows she can rely on Tifa to help her and now Tifa knows the same.
Now, I've seen a theory floating that whenever Aerith touches someone she shows them a vision of OG canon. I'm taking this moment to point out that even though she grabs Tifa's hand, you can see she never touches her skin. Idk if this theory is right – I've not examined every time she touches someone – but it's an interesting idea.
(Bonus: Cloud pulling his “oh shit, Tifa in trouble I must rescue” face as the walkway caves in)
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YAAS TEAMWORK!! They're more in sync than in the Don's place as they automatically work together to save Cloud, who looks annoyed that he didn't make it on his own lol
After that it's further into the sewers until we get to the waterpump minigame (I hated this).
Cloud is about to suggest he goes, but Tifa cuts him off, so she and Aerith head over to do it. Now, I was expecting some kind of chat between them or some kind of war hint, but it was literally just the minigame and nothing else. I guess the absence of something is something too?
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And this is probably the only shipwar image in the entire game, so take it in, people.
I don't like it. I didn't like how it made me not like Aerith after everything she and the others have gone through until this point. Her dialogue towards Tifa is meaner than any other time and I feel like this is OG Aerith – the one yall expected. She mentions Cloud is “her” bodyguard – something Tifa wasn't even aware of since it's never been mentioned until this point and Tifa looks hurt by the way Aerith is talking to her. That's not jealousy on her face. She's dismayed this person she thought was a friend is acting not like a friend. The fact Cloud notices this and backs up Tifa's side by saying “Ghosts aren't my thing” is evidence he supports her and won't let anyone hurt her.
This is not a nice image. Hope the OG fans enjoyed it though and I hope it's the only shipwar reference Square makes. Tifa's worried/scared, which has more to do with the ghosts. Cloud is ambivalent; he's being SOLDIER Cloud. Aerith is enjoying the chaos she’s caused.
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And the nasty shipwar moment is over and they're back to being friends again. Tifa's fear through this section of the game makes her cling to Aerith when the lights go out. Aerith, for her part, calls Tifa to her, so that she can look after her. It's a nice moment to rebalance their friendship after that earlier bullshit.
Tifa looks worried – although I've said before her default expression is pensive, which makes sense considering her personality.
Aerith doesn't look afraid at all. She looks curious. One of them wants to be there and the other very much doesn't lol
(Bonus: Cloud grabbing Tifa and protecting her is everything)
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And we're past the bit with the ghosts stealing Aerith away and Cloud and Tifa rescue her.
Tifa crouches down and comforts Aerith. She's kind and sympathetic and you'll also notice that this is the first time we're seeing Tifa from Aerith's pov. This is what Aerith sees when she looks at Tifa. Someone kind who came to help her. A friend. Tifa smiles and offers her hand, reinforcing their friendship and that she'll be there to support Aerith.
(Bonus: Cloud and Tifa's complementary body language here towards Aerith really highlights how much in sync they are. They both touch the same shoulder and have similar poses. They really look like a couple whose goal is protecting their friend.)
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And now in a reversal we have Aerith comforting Tifa. This is hollow comfort, however, since Aerith knows what's about to happen and they can't stop it. This is evidenced by the fact we can’t see Aerith’s eyes. Her expression is concealed. This doesn't stop her from reaching for Tifa because she sympathises with her struggle.
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Tifa saves Aerith again, this time from falling pipes. Their friendship is growing, although at times it feels one sided. Tifa is the protector, looking after Aerith, while Aerith is the one who relies on Tifa. It goes towards Tifa's maturity, compared to Aerith's free-spirit. Tifa is the responsible protector, while Aerith doesn't have to be because she's got people who look after her.
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This could be another instance of meta!Aerith, since she's very calm when she says this and doesn't try to stop Tifa. She might know that Tifa will be ok if she goes. Her word choice is....odd. It's not really her heart Tifa's following, it's her principles. She can't stand by and let people get hurt when she can do something about it. But the way Aerith says this line is pretty telling. There's actually a big difference when meta!Aerith is on the scene compared to OG Aerith – who is annoying af.
It's the mark of a fast friendship that Aerith can tell this about Tifa, that she needs to go help, but then again, it's also not that hard to figure Tifa out when she's so open. I can't think of a single instance in the game when Tifa isn't straight as an arrow.
So, we've had very few moments when we're looking at Tifa through Aerith's pov. And now we're back looking at Aerith through Tifa's pov. The look on Aerith's face is very serene and reminds me of the one in the bar when she saw the flower. That definitely suggests to me that this is meta!Aerith and that's who has been building friendships this time around and not OG Aerith – who is still annoying af.
I'm further convinced of this when Aerith mentions Marlene and the look on Tifa's face is all “What?” while Aerith's suggests she knows exactly where to find Marlene, what she looks like, how old she is, when her birthday is and what she had for breakfast.
An unspoken communication passes between them. Lots of micro expressions here and some quiet hums and nods. I mean, if we're at telepathy then they're definitely friends.
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Despite being reserved, Tifa grabs Aerith's hands in gratitude. For someone who doesn't display physical affection a lot, this is meaningful for Tifa. She trusts Aerith and she's relying on her to save Marlene. She's grateful and doesn't have the words to express it. She just nods, once, and her eyes are damp like she's trying not to cry.
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And one last teamwork shot because look, neither of these girls needed lessons how to high ten...Cloud lol
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Ok, the last one is the most important – typical.
Tifa's asked Aerith if she's ok a lot over the course of the game – which is a lot a lot when you think how little time they had together. This is the first time Aerith asks after Tifa's wellbeing. It's probably one of the few times anyone asks how Tifa's doing and they don't mean physical condition. Sure, Cloud asks, but we know why. Everyone else assumes Tifa can handle it. Tifa says she can, so it must be true. Even when she's shaking from repressing her urge to cry. Even when she can't sleep at night.
I noticed this my first playthrough because it stood out, and it's meant to stand out. This concern from Aerith to Tifa and Tifa to Aerith is mirrored through their interactions. It's supposed to make you think better of the girl who isn't part of your ship. It's supposed to make you draw a line under OG Aerith and Tifa's jealous rivalry and start thinking of them as friends. Because they are friends.
The devs tried to end the ship war by making the girls more friendly towards each other in hopes that yall would stop bashing the one you don't like. These girls clearly have little rivalry going on. They're supportive, kind, open and understanding towards each other. Their friendship is one of my favourite things in the game and did actually go a long way to making me like Aerith – did I mention I hate OG Aerith?
Instead of arguing who Cloud loves more, why not try appreciating each girl for the qualities she brings to the overall game and to each other's life? 
Aerith likes Tifa. Tifa likes Aerith.
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purvishraick · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @silma-words
Name/nickname: Khushi or whatever random names my friends give me (it can be bad as hell or sweet as sugar depends on their mood 😂)
Pronouns: her / she
Star sign: virgo
Height: 5'1 ( i look like a baby compared to my friends who are 5'4 minimum 👀)
Time: 10:35 pm (at the time of writing this)
Birthday: 28th august
Favorite bands: One direction (directioner forever 🥺) , 5 second of summer , why don't we , SANAM
Favorite solo artists: Astrid S , Shawn Mendes , Taylor swift , James Arthur , Gracie Abrams , Harry Styles , Liam Payne , Louis Tomlinson , Zayn Malik , Niall Horan , Arijit Singh , Palak Muchchal , Shreya Ghoshal , Arman and Amaal Malik
Song stuck in my head: a mix of Be Alright by Dean Lewis and Tu Jo Mila by KK (english: that i found you) ( very emotional hindi song if you understand the lyrics 🥺)
Last show: Shadow and Bone
Last movie: Dil Bechara (english: Poor Heart .... hindi remake of fault in our stars ) (last movie of SSR ... we miss him badly 🥺😥)
When did I create this blog: September 2020 ( in start i only lurked and reblogged )
What do I post: my BB fanfics and reblog qoutes and choices related stuff i like
Last thing I googled: Tracy Wolff's Covet witch edition ( i am obsessed with her Crave series ... well throw anything vampire or paranormal related and i will be in love with it )
Other blogs: nope none for now
Why I chose my URL: it is well my name only ... but now i regret it cause my friends could easily find it ... i may change it in near future if something good catches my eyes 👀
Do I get asks: yep a few mostly when i reblog prompt lists
Average hours of sleep: well untill my alarm goes off 😗 4 -5 hours are sufficient for me but if the alarm dosent rings i wont wake up ... i can sleep for very long times or i wont sleep at all 😵
Dream trip: Alaska or Ladakh ... anywhere full of snow 😍 i love snow ❄❄
Favorite food: Pancakes 🥞🥞
Languages: Fluent in English and hindi , local himachali language (Himachal Pradesh is my hometown and my dad sung me lullabies in that language❤ ... so i am quite good at it ) , basic french ( i can understand it well but when it comes to speaking i am not that good but i survive 😂)
Favorite song: lately it's been Dear Ex Best Friend by Tate McRae and Lag Ja Gale by Lata Mangeshkar (english: Embrace me dear ) ..... cause well i miss my best friend from 4th standard whom i haven't talked in 3 years 😶😐it was quite rough ... though i am lucky to the new people i found after that i will be ever greatful to them
Last book read: Covet by Tracy Wolff ( i reread it for the 3rd time ... cause guess i am obsessed over it and they announced the next book comes in september and we are having a spin off too ❤❤) (it is a recommended read for all the vampire and paranormal lovers out there 👀)
Top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: The Vampire Dairies universe (including the originals and legacies universe) , Crave Universe and the BB universe cause why not 😍 ( surprisingly i wanted to be in the charlie and the chocolate factory universe back in 5th standard ...cause what is better than to live in a chocolate factory ... except the fact that i will also be a big fat balloon cause of the calories 😂😂i dont recommend that now 😂)
thank you so much for the tag i enjoyed doing this so much ...it was a long one but worth it definitely ❤😁
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 83 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 83 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“Why, one,” said Master Juris, bothered now by where the questions might lead.  Master Clard and the others all followed in a ragged chorus, “One.”
“Could you all hear the drum talk between the ships?”  Kurin had hands on hips now, and determination in her tone.
Again the chorus of yeses sounded.
“So, you knew that Mister Kotance was attempting to seize my  personal property on the pretext that I was only a child as Master Juris just tried to claim as well?  That he was trying to take a ship and murder people that you all knew very well were seeking redress of wrongs done to them by the fleet?  Then you just stood by and let at least a quarter of the crew risk Scattering for participation in piracy?  It wasn’t until Mord Halyn, whom I still regard as my Captain, tried to deal with the results of the piracy’s failure that you, your apprentices and journeymen finally emerged in spite of the guards and took over, as you should have done at once.
“Now you throw in our faces the attempt to save you from the results of your own folly?”  Kurin finished severely, “Take the Wergeld offer.  Save your ship.  Or take the Fleet Law and lose it.”
While the Longin’s abashed officers and Masters conferred, Kurin turned to Tanlin.  “Thanks for that hug.  I really needed it.”
“Oi know,” she replied.  “Ye needed ‘Igh Cloud too.”
Softly, Kurin asked, “Lady — Captain Tanlin, can you take something from me?”
“I’ tis w’at Oi suspect tis, nae.  Nae now,” Tanlin answered equally softly.  “Just now, we’re tryin’ t’ save t’em, nae drive t’em onto a reef — in a storm — wit’ a Dragon-tide t’ ‘elp t’ings along.”
The Longin’s conference was brief.  It was Master Clard who spoke for them.  In a clear voice he said formally, “Your Honors, Kurin, the Longin wishes to formally apologize to you all, and you, Kurin, especially.  Master Juris spoke from passion, not thought.  He was angry and let his feelings get the better of him.
“For the rest, a majority of us have decided to hear out the Wergeld idea. If we do not, it would appear that we are dismasted and sinking with no help in sight.  Make your offer.”
Kurin stood up, relief clear on her countenance.  “The first part of the agreement is common to all Wergeld agreements.  It is simply the rules of the Wergeld.  You must acknowledge the wrongs in dispute and publicly agree to the settlement that we bargain out.  The settlement will have the force of fleet Law once reached.  It is between us alone.  It may not be used as a precedent or in any future criminal or civil action not directly related to the terms of this understanding.  Things said or admitted in this Wergeld may not be used against either of us in future legal action, civil or criminal. Any future charges brought must stand on their own merits and may not derive from this agreement.  Last, all grudges and feuds between the parties of this Wergeld must be put aside or the whole thing is voided and the Law will take its proper course.
“The wrongs in question have been listed already.  They are not disputable.  All else is subject to negotiation.
“The first term of the offer is this.  Mister Kotance has already been separately charged.  No term of this Wergeld shall be in any way binding on him.
“For our part, we have Mister Morgu and Silor who will have to be tried before the fleet for their mutiny, attempted murder and murder.  This whole sad mess began and was caused by their hate.  They also shall have no protection in this Wergeld.
“Can you agree with us so far?” asked Kurin hopefully.
Alor, the Longin’s Purser and legal officer, asked Captain Sarfin, “Before we say anything, will the Naral fleet agree to this — Wergeld thing?”
Sarfin steepled his hands, thought for a moment, and then conferred with Sula.  He nodded and Sula spoke for the bench.  “As one of the parties involved is Arrakan and we are not in Naral fleet waters, Arrakan Law and Custom may be properly invoked.  The Third Great Law gives the Naral fleet no choice in the matter.  They must enforce the Wergeld as agreed between you.”
“Then we can agree, so far, Kurin.”  She tilted her head in sad puzzlement at one change that she had heard.  “Us?  We? Our? Kurin?  Will you still leave us?  What good will this do if we cannot have the school and the mapping contract?”
“Don’t be afraid, Alor,” Kurin reassured her.  “I won’t abandon you to be Scattered.  Some things do have to change, though.”
She turned and asked, “Barad, will you present the next term?”
He stood and smiled in a twisted sort of way.  “I never thought to be in this position.  Mord Halyn Longin, I have to apologize to you in particular.  That I tried to stop the mutiny is no excuse for starting the plot in the first place.  I was wrong.  I am sure that my error brought you onto dry land for a time.  I am also sure that you now have safe water under your keel.  The term is this.  The fleet must restore your Master’s Certificate and replace you at the helm of the Longin.  They need you.  If you don’t think so, just look at how quickly and to what extent they went out the scuppers without you.  
“Besides, you were a guest at our Announcement Feast, so my old feud with you is dead or I lose my wife.  Can you agree to this?”  He held out his hand toward Mord, who appeared to be looking for some hook in what he had heard.  At last, prodded by Alor, he shook Barad’s hand in agreement.  He appeared to be disturbed that he owed his restoration, ship and freedom to Barad whom he had always thought of (correctly) as an enemy.
Tanlin stood and raised hands for attention.  “As Ca’tain o’ t’e Grandalor, Oi ‘ave t’ bring t’e next part o’ t’e Wergeld. By t’e terms, Oi can bring up yer violation o’ t’e Fift’ Groit Law an’ ye cannae be charged in any way because even i’ t’is negotiation gets off t’e hook, we’ve let t’e matter go. As a result o’ t’at violation t’ree o’ m’ crew were killed an’ twa wounded.  In t’e piracy attempt, a furt’er ane wa’ killed.  T’e murderer ‘as been charged but ‘is chance came because nane o’ ye but Kurin tried t’ stop ‘t.
“We lost Lenai Halin, t’e best riggin’ surveyor an’ sail lofter in m’ experience.  She wa’ a gentle soul ‘oo never raised ‘er voice t’ any.  She spent many ‘ours at m’ bedside teachin’ m’ t’ read yer script an’ figure wit’ yer numbers.  ‘Er son Arnat’s got nae mot’er now.  
“Helmsman Macoul wa’ dead before ‘e ‘it t’e boat under ‘im.  ‘E braved t’e Coriolis Storm, off ‘is wotch, t’ bring ‘ot food an’ drink t’ Barad an’ Darkistry as t’ey conned t’e ship int’ t’e eye o’ t’e storm.  A good mon.  Gone.  
“Bosun Modanet ‘elped direct t’e rescue operations wen t’e Princamorn sank.  ‘E an’ Barad pulled m’ oot o’ t’e woter an’ saved m’ life.  Died on yer ship wit’ never t’e attention o’ a doctor.  Cast overboard loike garbage.
“Our second day wotch drummer, Morga, a lad o’ fifteen.  Nae older’ll ‘e get.  Ripped apart an’ sent over t’e side by a Strong Skin catapult ‘arpoon aimed at Kurin an’ Darkistry.
“Like t’e mot’er Orca o’ Kurin’s tale, Oi’m surry for us bot’. We cannae bring t’em bock.  Oi propose t’at ye pay Arnat ten skins a Gat’ering for ‘is maintenance.  Any unused balance, an’ t’ere will be, is t’ go into ‘is Purser’s account as a nest egg for wen ‘e gets married.  For Lenai, we ask an annual rigging an’ sail survey dune by t’e Mordan at yer expense.  Any replacement cable or cordage is t’ be Mordan Twist.  We split t’e cost o’ any sails needed.  Oi ask yer ‘elp in Macoul’s case. Oi donnae know how t’ value ‘im.  Oi wish t’at Oi’d known ‘im better.”
“We are not responsible for …” Master Juris started when Mord, Alor and Mistress Daeron all silenced him.
Mistress Daeron said, “Even in the Rope Walk, I heard the fog drum go silent.  I knew that we were still in fog and I did not send to find the cause.  I know that the rest of us did the same because we have all discussed it.
“I do not know whether anything would have changed if we had investigated.  We cannot change it nor bring back your dead.  We should have tried.  That we are guilty of.  We stood by and did not even try to do something when we knew that something was wrong.  We heard the screams.  All of us.”
Tanlin answered her, “For our part, we precipitated t’e incident.  We approached ye under false colors.  Ever’ member o’ t’at party bore a message from m’ t’ clear t’at up after t’ey had gotten aboard.”  Tanlin paused and shook her head sadly, “We dinnae expect t’at nane o’ t’ dozen wad reach yer deck alive.
“We came t’ t’e Longin because we couldnae trust any ot’er ship except t’e Dorton, an’ we dinnae know w’ere she wa’.  We ‘oped t’ speak t’ Kurin.  At a ‘orrible cost we did.  She ‘as repaid our trust better t’an we could ‘ave ‘oped.  She’s even saved m’ Barad.
“T’e cost t’ ‘er wa’ equally ‘orrid.  T’ ‘elp us, she’s lost ‘er ‘ome ship.”
Master Juris spluttered, “She has not.  The Longin needs her.  We couldn’t send her away.  It would ruin us.”
Tanlin said scornfully, “W’at ye’ve just said makes t’e case.  Nae part o’ w’at any o’ ye said wa’, ‘We luve ‘er.’  Since ‘er fat’er died, only five beings on t’is world ‘ave said, ‘Oi luve ye’ t’ ‘er.  An’ t’ey were all birds.”
“Six,” Kurin interrupted, speaking to Tanlin.  “You were part of the flock that came to save me from Captain Urson.  And you have held and hugged me without needing a reason.”
Master Juris snorted, “We could do that.”
“T’en wye dinnae ye?” was Tanlin’s sharp retort.  “Ye ‘ad six Gat’erings t’ ‘elp a child.  All ye did wa’ teach ‘er an’ praise ‘er wen she did well.  No ‘ugs.  Naebody t’ ‘old. Just pain an’ emptiness inside, ‘eld at bay by learnin’ an’ work.”
A tear of gratitude leaked from Kurin’s eye as she said, “The last part of this Wergeld is this.  We will settle all the remaining unsettled claims.  I am the price you must pay.  I have found a home on the Grandalor, not just a place to stay.  
“Your Ship’s Business will remain safe, specifically, the mapping and charting, the navigation system, the Longin lace, and the fishing and shellfish taking and storage methods.
“I will come to the Longin to supervise and teach the school and also to map the Naral fleet waters according to your contracts.  From each Fall Gathering to each Spring Gathering I will be aboard the Grandalor while she trades with the Arrakan, Daroff, and Pallant fleets.  By the time that your mapping contract with the Naral fleet is done, if not well before, there should be others who can take over the school.
“That should complete the Wergeld and keep you safe from the Scattering that would otherwise be required.  We have thrown you a line.  Don’t drown.”
Kurin turned to Tanlin.  “Captain Tanlin, I have something for you.  It has nothing to do with the business of this Court.  This is my own free choice and I want it seen and witnessed by all.”  She held out her hands in the Arrakan style and knelt.  Tanlin took Kurin’s small hands in her own as Kurin began, “I Kurin Behar Longin, now of the Grandalor alone …”
“I wish that I had known about this kind of love when I gave you your Gift,” said Blind Mecat softly.  “I never got it either.”
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tr4ggot · 3 years
(personal rambling below about my transition btw, scroll if you’re uncomfortable with discussions about dysphoria, etc.)
i made a thread about this on twitter but i wanted to post something here too because i have mostly trans followers on this account whereas my priv twitter is mostly my close friends and they’re mostly cis, and i wanted to see if maybe someone was in the same place as me concerning building a family as a trans guy.
i was thinking tonight about my transition and where i am dysphoria-wise and i really don’t feel like it’s an issue for me anymore. there’s been very, very few times in the last year since i had top surgery where i felt dysphoric, and they were mostly immediately post-op when i still had to wear the surgical vest because it reminded me so much of a binder. like i was SO afraid that my chest dysphoria would turn into bottom dysphoria after surgery and it hasn’t! which is great! it wasn’t as strong as my chest dysphoria was to begin with, but also, when i started t, all the dysphoria i had about my voice and face and shape all seemingly transferred to my chest dysphoria and made it 10x worse. i think i’m at a point where the only time i’m really bothered by what i have is when i’m in a public restroom and i have to use the stall to pee, but that could be solved if i got an stp (don’t know if that would make it worse though since it emphasizes what i don’t have but that’s for another day). i don’t say this to brag or anything, i’m just giving context as to why my thoughts on having a family have changed over the last few years.
i was thinking about how much i wanted to have a family when i’m older and how i’ve envisioned myself doing that over the years. like when i was little, i never saw myself as anything like my mother if i was going to be a parent, just that i wanted children. at the beginning of my transition, especially pre t and pre top surgery, that kinda shifted into ‘i obviously will never have children biologically so i need to think about adoption or surrogacy or a sperm donor if i end up marrying someone comfortable with carrying a child’ and like that was all well and good, all families are family regardless of blood, but it also felt really limiting for me, especially given how expensive all of those processes are. my family is not well-off (i currently live with my parents and grandparents in one house) and the only money i will ever inherit comes from (the other) grandparents, but i was always planning on using that for a house or kids college funds or paying off student debt. it always really depressed me to think of how much time would be spent and debt i’d have to go in to even conceive a child. idk, it just made me upset that some people have it so easy having kids and i just felt like that door was closed for me.
the reason i’m writing this is that since having top surgery and being on t for close to 2.5 years, i’ve been able to think about my future in a more nuanced way than before. pre t and pre top surgery, the thought of carrying a child make me genuinely suicidal. like i would rather have jumped off a giant bridge than even put myself in that hypothetical situation because it made me so dysphoric. when i was a hardcore, hardline transmed, i used to be so confused and upset by trans guys who chose to carry children. i would be so baffled by their decision, because it felt like, in my dysphoria-clouded view, that it would be so invalidating to that person that they couldn’t possibly be actually trans if they chose to put themselves through that. like, i couldn’t comprehend a world in which someone would actively seek out pregnancy as a guy. i guess it’s a testament to the wonders of transitioning in regards to treating dysphoria because i can genuinely picture myself taking that route now.
i mean obviously, this is a still a hyper-hypothetical situation. i am not even close to having kids. not even slightly. i am afraid of the washing machine and i ask my dad to kill any spiders in my room. i was watching this docuseries on netflix about this hospital in new york and they were showing these couples having their children in the ob/gyn ward and i was so struck by how i wasn’t just repelled by that anymore. it makes me think that, in the future, if i end up with a man or someone else that can produce sperm, or if i end up with a woman who doesn’t want to carry children, i really wouldn’t feel like carrying my own kid is totally off the table. i know that this is something that would make me freak out if i heard this as the past version of me, and i’d likely question my own manliness for even considering it, but i really think i could do it. i mean, obviously, i don’t doubt that i’d be really dysphoric during and i have no idea how i’d begin to explain it to any coworkers i might have, but idk. i really, really want children in the future and to be a fucking awesome dad and i think that if it means carrying my kids, i could probably do it. i like how people call them ‘seahorse dads’ too.
it feels like such a foreign idea to me right now because i was always planning on getting a hysterectomy and bottom surgery, but i don’t feel that sense of urgency like i did with top surgery. after i started t, it was like ‘how fast can i get top surgery now’ so i always thought it would be that way with a hysto after i got top surgery, but it really hasn’t. i’m really, really hesitant to get a hysto now that i don’t feel so disgusted by the idea of carrying kids. i’m glad i don’t have that same weight of dysphoria, obviously, but this just also opens up more concerns for me in the future. idk. i’m tired. i had an epiphany earlier and i felt like i needed to share it somewhere and maybe talk about it with another trans guy who might feel the same way.
thanks if you’ve read this whole thing, and if you’re also in a similar mindset, i’d really love to talk about it (you can reblog this with a comment or send me a dm or an anonymous ask if you don’t want to talk about it publicly, that’s cool too, i just want to know i’m not crazy)
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the-light-of-stars · 4 years
hi!!! I remember reading one of the tags on one of your posts about how white people are like always racist and that they need to constantly unlearn racism. That's a vague summary so sorry but in the tags you said there was something psychological to do with it? Can you explain that so I can use it to explain to others???
Hi anon!! First of all it’s great that you’re trying to learn more about stuff like this and want to help explain to others!!
Second: I am white, so I can’t draw the line at what is or isn’t racist and my opinion/ arguments shouldn’t be the focus here. Instead I’d suggest reading through some of the notes of the post you mentioned because some actual POC, who are affected by day to day racism, explained more about it there and I don’t won’t to speak over their voices. (Also the op isn’t by me I’ve just reblogged it, but idk if that’s what you meant).
However since you asked about a particular tag and I don’t want to leave you without an answer I’m going to explain what i meant with it - if I’m overstepping here though, please tell me cause I really don’t want that.
Ok so in the tag you’re talking about I mentioned that internalized racism , on a sociological basis (there’s probably psychological explanations about it as well but I’m not a psychologist) can be related to the term of the Habitus.
Habitus is an important term in sociology that in its most common understanding has been introduced by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.
To put it simply the Habitus is aspects of behavior that are 1. Usually unconscious and 2. Internalized through society and social standing. It’s not something someone was born with but something someone was born into.
Basically Bourdieu researched differences between social classes (and other social identifiers) and found out that members of specific groups didn’t just identify as members of their group because of objective criteria (for example wealth) but also because of their behavior - which, in many cases, the people didn’t even realize themselves - and that this is a phenomenon that happens not only in one aspect of societal structures but all of them (eg not just when it comes to class, but also to race, gender, orientation, etc etc.) and is something that is learned by exposure to the social circle you live in and also will stick with you your whole life, even if you can change parts of it.
(Because Bourdieu mainly researched different social classes and because I’ve only ever experienced xenophobic microaggressions but not racist ones in that sense, which means I lack the necessary understanding to talk about those in depth (also I’m white so it’s not my place to say what is and isn’t racism) I’ll use an example about classism instead)
For example: a rich person that has been born into wealth will never really know what it is like to be poor and what struggles poor people face. They can read all literature on class disparity in existence, and yet because they lack personal experience they will never truly know what it is like to be poor. So I’m all their actions, even if they try their best to not be classist, this lack of personal experience and the lack of understanding that comes with it will shine through in one way or another, usually unintentionally, because it is simply part of their ingrained behavioral structure. To them something can be completely innocuous and yet show their lack of understanding that’s been ingrained through growing up in the society they did in.
As an example: a rich person has a poor friend, who they care for dearly. One day when out and about together, the poor friend accidentally breaks their new phone and starts to panic about it. The rich friend tries to calm them down : “It’s ok please don’t cry, it’s just a phone - you can buy a new one!” . To them this statement shows their concern for their dear friend and is an attempt at calming them down by reassuring their friend and making them see the situation isn’t that bad and is fixable.
But instead of calming them down, this statement makes the friend cry even more. Because they can’t just buy a new phone, they don’t have the money. They’ve been saving up for this phone for months and now they have to cut edges all over again while also havibn to deal with not having a phone in a society where having one is pretty much a necessity. But the rich friend didn’t consider that - they couldn’t! Because in the life they live a 1000$ phone can be replaced at any moment, like you could replace a missing paper clip (I say, as if I haven’t panicked about this once as well cause I had to spend 2€ on a whole new pack of clips and couldn’t pay for my lunch that day because of that..). To the rich friend the situation registered only as a mild nuisance, but not as something worth crying or panicking over, because to them that’s what it is, which is why they acted accordingly.
They acted like they did because it’s the behavior and worldview they grew up with, and because it’s impossible for them to really understand the experience of someone who isn’t rich, because they’ve never had to experience it themselves and grew up in a society that was nothing but beneficial to them. So what they can do in the situation of the example, is apologizing for unintentionally upsetting their friend even more, educate themselves on why their friend reacted like that (eg learn about poor peoples situations through first hand accounts or scientific literature) ,work on themselves to ensure they won’t make the same mistake a second time, examine their behavior to see where it stems from and how to unlearn and help their friend , for example by offering to buy them a new phone (though they also have to accept it if the friend refuses their help or tells them it’s not their business.). And of course they also have to , at least try to, accept that what they did was wrong and that they aren’t exempt from making mistakes again in the future (because unlearning learnt behaviors takes a crap ton of work and won’t ever be fully possible, which is something that anyone who ever had a bad habit (-> which stems from the same root as the sociological term: the Latin word habitus , which has a lot of different meanings but literally translated to ‘something one has’) and tried to get rid of it knows.)
Bourdieu mainly focused his studies to the concept of Habitus on social class , but the concept is translatable to any other kind of socially learned behavior.
A straight person will always show homophobic behavior.
A cis person will always show transphobic behavior
A male person will always show misogynistic behavior. (Also before any terf tries to use this for their rhetoric: trans women face the same issues cis women face (as well as the added issues specific to trans people), because they are women and have to deal with misogyny as any other woman does. So don’t even try). (Edit: I first wrote ‘a cis male person will always show misogynistic behavior’ which is exactly the kind of unintentional mistake I’m talking about. Because writing it like this is already making a weird distinction between cis and trans men, and also implies trans men would be excempt from misogyny when they , just like any other men, aren’t either. Sorry for that!)
And, most importantly in the context of the op and your ask as well as the current situation, a white person will always show racist behavior.
No matter how hard a white person tries, no matter how much they educate themselves, listen to the voices of people in racial minorities (in this specific case black people), or how much they help - they can’t ever understand completely and can’t ever completely get rid of their internalized behavior , so with their Habitus they’ll always show their being privileged in a racist society.
Does this mean white people should just go ‘well if I can’t ever get rid of my internalized racism I don’t even have to try’ ? No. Because even if you always will keep making unintentional mistakes, it’s better to make those unintentional mistakes once, acknowledge them and try to avoid them in the future , than it is to make an unintentional mistake and then keep repeating it intentionally for the rest of your life simply because you couldn’t be bothered to try better.
Does this mean white people should be patting themselves on the back for trying to unlearn? Also no. Because for one like I said its impossible to ever truly unlearn every racist behavior, and two: trying to unlearn bad behavior isn’t some great feat, it’s basic decency. Just like in the example you wouldn’t call the rich friend a hero for trying not make their poor friend upset again, because that’s basic decency - of course they shouldn’t make their friend upset again that’s what being a friend is! So in a similar vein being an ally to Poc is trying your best to not harm anymore, and to acknowledge that even if you’re not doing it intentionally you’re hurting others with your behavior and help uphold a harmful system as long as you just ignore and profit from it.
As an example for this just read some of the replies on the op you mentioned: there’s dozens of white people applauding themselves for being ‘not at all racist’ or saying it’s impossible for them to be racist because their parents are voting for democrats or because they themselves are part of a different marginalized community (eg a woman, or part of the lgbt+ community). when that is just. Not the case. Because racism is a learnt behavior that can never get rid of completely. Because people don’t just learn behaviors from their parents but also from the rest of society (and even if they’d only learn from their parents they will also have internalised racist behaviors). Because being part of one marginalized group doesn’t mean you automatically have perfect understanding of the struggles of everyone else and this are now infallible (if that were the case then please explain how the leader of Germany’s most notorious right wing extremist party is a lesbian woman). Etc etc.
So, does this mean you should self flaggate over every little mistake? No of course not. You should realize your mistake, accept it and try to unlearn the behavior that led to it. Constant self punishment doesn’t help and might just make matters worse. And more than that by self flaggelating you will end up forcing others to pity you for being sad, instead of rightfully pointing out your mistake or investing energy to help or learn themselves - which is especially isnidious if the people that have to ‘cheer you up’ are poc themselves. It will also prevent people from pointing out your mistakes in the future because they’ll be worried you’d self hate for it again, making it even harder for yourself to unlearn bad behaviors. (also yes this point might be a bit hypocritical for me because I tend to apologize a dozen times to everyone for any small mistake no matter what the mistake was even about, but that’s something I try to work on bettering because oh wow is that a toxic behavior, no matter how understandable it might be)
So, lastly, what can you do? You can realize your mistake. Accept it. Learn what caused it and why it was harmful. Try your best to not make this or similar mistakes again. Understand and accept that you will inevitably make mistakes again. Understand that you’re not infallible. Understand that you live in and profit off of a harmful system. Listen to people from the affected communities and accept their opinions. Help where you can - even if it’s just by being a good friend. And don’t victimize yourself in the process.
I hope this made it a bit less vague and made my tag clear. Also again: I’m not infallible either and since I’m white i also might make hurtful mistakes, so if there’s anything wrong in this reply or if I’m overstepping with this please let me know so I can try to fix that. Also for the same reason take my opinions and explanations with a grain of salt and look up what people from the actually affected communities have said about this topic.
I hope this was coherent enough and I wish you (and everyone else who might still be reading at this point) a great day, Anon! (Also : if youre able to and want to help people who are actually affected by racism there’s many organizations and causes that currently need the help! )
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snoppdoog · 4 years
"Yeah capitalism is bad but (completely overlooks the reasons capitalism is bad, spreads the capitalist myth that people must labour for hours on end for basic necessities such as food and shelter, basically suggests poor people are undeserving of "handouts")" like are you serious
sweetie, you are literally so out of line it's fucking unbelievable. i could drag you so hard right now but i know you'll just end up crying. i've roasted you before and you know it. chances are you’ll just say i bullied you because you’re gay and have different skin. talk shit get hit, you don’t wanna mess with me kiddo: i’ve got a black belt.
Seriously tho sweetie if you look back through my tumblr you’ll probably see dozens of anti-capitalist reblogs, I’m staunchly anti-capitalist. I still mean what I said on that original post, the one about not wanting to have to go to work to sustain one’s livelihood, which is what I’m guessing is the comment you’re repling to, anon. Just because I’m about the proletariat siezing the means of production doesn’t mean I then advocate putting down those tools and sitting around on our asses expecting someone else will pick up the slack. Marxist critique of capitalism is about the worker being alienated from the fruits of his labour, with the resulting generated surplus value going to the bourgeoisie business owner who reaps the most benefits. But if everyone was like op who doesn’t want to lift a goddamn finger and blames it on capitalism then there is no resultant products or services to speak of.
What could we do? We revolusionise our socioeconomic model to give the power back to the majority proletariat middle class worker. If we stick with capitalism for now, then it’s about actually enforcing corperate taxes. A progressive income tax that exponentially goes up the more you earn, to the point where we essentially tax billionares out of existence. Using those taxes to rebuild national infrastructure, provide high quality essential services and provide an adequate safety net for everyone which effectively ends homelessness, poverty and economic destotution. Worker owned corporatives, no more CEO’s. And so on and so forth.
Or we get rid of capitalism all together and instill a new model. Sounds great in practise, harder to pull of logistically. Doesn’t mean it can’t be done. I’m just not a smart enough person to come up with one right now.
The problem is that, until we get to some idealistic future scenario where all necessary, life-sustaining products and services are completely automated such as food production, housing and healthcare, humans have to in part provide those things for themselves and others in their communities. Everyone has to pull their weight. If someone is unwell or unable, the sum of the community’s efforts help sustain that person/s. I am fully aware that poverty largely affects the people of colour, the disabled, the mentall ill etc: the minority classes. I know poverty is largely generational and we are no way close to addressing this. We have to. But I also know people who, perhaps similar to op’s sentiments, feel like the world owes them everything and that they owe the world squat. Someone who wants everything and gives nothing. I’ve had people who’ve told me personally they’re conned their way into social security payments so they can buy designer threads, feigned mental illness to get ADHD medication (ie legalised meth) and all this while simultaneously bragging they’re gonna milk the system whilst complaining about that exact capitalist system and feeling like this was all owed to them. Now, these sorts of narcissists who take advantage of others will always exist. In fact, it probably makes up a large majority of CEO’s. But it is not strictly the fault of capitalism. I just feel that these days, the large majority of people in the West feel like they are entitled to luxury, whilst being blissfully ignorant or just plain not caring that much of our way of life results from the explotation of POC, migrants, developing nations and ultimately mother nature. Capitalism is the current guise in which we shroud our desire for luxury and excuse exploitation.
Existentially, I think humans have an innate desire to produce to feel a sense of purpose anyway. Very likely not by sitting on a factory production line, but being useful in our own unique way. An idealistic socioeconomic model provides our basic needs and inspires the best in us, for our own personal satisfaction as well as an altruistic desire to better our communities in whatever individual way we can. Running a successful bakery that makes the best croissants in town, stemming from fond memories of your dad buying you one one on the way to school. An architect creating beautiful houses because she’s passionate about good design and loves making people feel at home. A musician who can channel his pain and desires into his craft and others willing and comfortably able to fund his art because they feel the same way. A society that elevates the best aspects of each other, where nobody has the fear of losing their house because their job has been shipped to a developing country where their former employer can exploit the labour market there, or people dying because they can’t afford their medical bills. All this still necessitates people who have useful labour to provide. People who sit at home watching netflix and tumblr blogging all day whilst complaining about the system have very little to offer.
So tldr: no I don’t think the poor and the disadvataged are underserving of help. I am a huge advocate of economic equity. I abhore capitalism in its present form, and think we need a new socioeconomic system. Modern technology and industry is currently at a place where people don’t have to labour unnecessarily just to survive. But to think we can all do nothing and still have our needs provided, or feel fulfilment, is an idiotic assertion.
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khadij-al-kubra · 5 years
Thomas in Wonderland  (ch 3)
Characters: Thomas (fictional), Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Remy, Emile, Joan, Talyn, Deceit, Nate, The Dragon Witch, fan adopted short vid characters
Word Count: 1739
Summary: Thomas gets trolled by flowers and has a good cry
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! So happy to see that people are having fun with this story so far. I know i’m having a lot of fun writing it! Also big news is that I now have an AO3 account! So you can check this and other stories out there if you’d like. As always I am open to any writing critiques or tips you may have, and any likes, comments or reblogs would be immensely appreciated! Also please let me know if you would like to be tagged in future chapters for this fanfic or any of my other future writings. So last time, we were just entering a lovely garden...  
Flowers & Floods
Thomas couldn’t say for sure how long he’d been walking for, since, he still couldn’t decipher the Black Rabbit’s watch, but at best guess probably a good 15-30 minutes. He wished there was more of that growing grape soda. Not only because it would’ve been nice to get back to his normal size (being so small got to be pretty disorienting after a while), but also he was really thirsty from walking so much.
“Maybe Talyn has a point about carrying a travel water bottle everywhere,” Thomas said to himself. “But carrying it around gets cumbersome. Plus it always bangs against your leg    and then you get a little bruise on my thigh. Then again, if you had some water on you then maybe you wouldn’t feel so dehydrate and cranky now.”
He sagged a bit at his own reasoning, knowing he had a point. Was it worse to lose an argument with yourself or better?
“Well, at least it’s a beautiful day.” he mused to himself, trying to keep up his moral.
And it truly was lovely beyond that tiny door into this larger than life garden. The sapphire sky was bright overhead above the canopy of big grass blades, and the sun shone through the broad green leaved making them look like sheets of emerald. The soil beneath his sneakers was slightly soft, not enough to sink into and get stuck but it felt like a vacation for his tired feet. Clear drops of dew still lingering on the stems shimmered like crystal bobbles. Sure there was the occasional beetle crossing, but hey, at least there weren’t any spiders.
But oh, the flowers were by far the most beautiful part. There were so many different kinds, some he recognized others he didn’t. And their natural perfume gave off a heady aroma that was present yet not overwhelming. Their colors were so vibrant they almost looked like candy, yet Thomas could tell they would no doubt be velvety to the touch. And they were HUGE! True, that was only because he was tiny, but still.
Thomas sighed. “It’d be a lot more enjoyable if I actually knew where I was going.”
He still wanted to find the Black Rabbit, but only knew he’d come through this giant garden. There was no way else he could have gone. If there was actually a path then Thomas was too small to see it. There was a chance he might’ve already been on it, but from way down to the ground he had no way of knowing for sure. Thomas had hoped that by keeping straight (heh) he’d eventually get somewhere, but there was nothing around that told him where anywhere was. No people. No signs. Nothing.
“It’s too bad I can’t just ask the flowers for directions,” Thomas said. “Bet they could tell me where I am. Not that flowers can talk.”
“Oi! Who says we can’t talk?”
“GAH!” Thomas jumped back, started by hearing a voice other than his own for the first time since the Black Rabbit. “Who said that?”
“Up here ya twat!”
“And over here.”
“And here.”
The voices had Thomas turning in circles. Finally he decided to follow the first one’s advice to look up and his jaw dropped. He was staring into the face of a petunia. As in the flower literally had a face with eyes and a mouth and all.
“Wha-was that…you?” Thomas asked.
“Well of course it was me, who else?” Judging by the pout and the way its petals bent to rest on its stem, it appeared to be a properly put out Petunia.
“And me!” said an Iris.
“And me,” said a Tiger Lily
“And me too,” said a Daisy.
“Me, me! Pay attention to me!” said a Rose.
Thomas could only gape as the flowers around drooped down around him, their eyes scrutinizing every inch of him harder than a live stream audience. One part of his brain told him to close his mouth and that it was rude to stare. Another part of his brain told him HOLY HECK! THESE FLOWERS CAN TALK!?!? He went with the latter thought.
“Well of course we can talk,” said the Iris. “What ever made you think we couldn’t? That’s pretty presumptuous of you.”
“Well it’s just, flowers don’t typically talk where I’m from.”
“Umm why does this little sprout assume we’re all flowers?” said a Dandelion. “You don’t think weeds should be proud of who they are?”
“Oh! Well of course you can,” said Thomas. “I didn’t mean to offend any plant.”
Of all the things that had happened so far to Thomas today, this was by far the most curious.  Who would’ve thought that a bunch of would flowers could be so, well, mean? Still, they were the only ones around who could possibly help him, so he took a breath to calm his growing headache and put on a friendly face.
“Actually, I was wondering if you lovely, uh, flora could help me. See, I’m looking for a Black Rabbit. He passed through here and I have—“
“So what sort of a plant are you anyway?” asked the Petunia.
“It doesn’t look like a flower,” said the Iris. “Where are its petals? It’s not a real flower if it doesn’t have colorful petals.”
“Its colors are so dull,” said the Daisy.
“Oh, uh, I’m not a plant. I’m a person. My name is Thomas and I—”
“Tho-mas,” said the Tiger Lily. “That’s a pretty stupid name for a plant species, don’t you think? Why not be creative and come up with something more original?”
“Well that’s my name and I happen to like it. And I’ll have you know that I can be very creative, at least I think—“
“Do you really need to brag so much?” asked the Petunia. “It just makes plants like you desperate, fishing for likes and compliments.”
Thomas huffed. “Listen, I just need to know where—“
“That’s the ugliest flower I’ve ever seen,” said the Rose.
“Oh my gosh, I’ll bet it doesn’t even get pruned,” said the Tiger Lily
These plants were really getting on his last nerve. “Look I’m kinda lost here! I-I had a hard day, am super small, and I’d really like to get back to my regular size—“
“Well not all of us have a choice of whether or not we can grow bigger,” said the Dandelion. “Or even grow prettier.”
“Could you just please—”
“Yeah, that’s pretty selfish of you dontcha think?”
“Is this even a real plant?”
“Maybe you should check your privilege.”
That was it! “GGNNHHAAAAAAAA!!!!”
Thomas ran away from the barrage of critical flowers as fast as he could. He didn’t pay attention to the direction, only knowing that he had to get away from all those harsh comments. He ran and ran through the garden until his aching calves screamed at him to stop. Finally he plopped down on a dirt mount in the middle of an open field to rest.
Well that’s just great. Thomas thought as he caught his breath. Now I’m tired, thirsty, I’ve got a headache, those flowers were NO help at all, and I’m STILL lost! It wasn’t like like Thomas couldn’t take a healthy dose of constructive criticism, but those plants were being just would not let up with their mean words. Like what did he ever do to them? He could feel the stress of his day so far, from the writers block to the fall to now, building up so much that there was only one thing he could do.
Thomas let himself have a good cry, because gosh darn it, men could cry too!
He cried and cried, felt the teardrops billow over down his cheeks. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t at normal size, but he could feel the salty tears taking up more space on his face, as though they were Studio Ghibli style tears. Once he started, Thomas just couldn’t seem to stop crying. He felt silly for making such a big fuss like this, letting all those hurtful comments get to him even though none of it was true. The embarrassment of this only made him cry even more. Thomas was so in the throes of letting out his pent up emotions that he didn’t realize he was creating a puddle around himself. Which turned into a small pond, which turned into a sizeable lake, until finally the water was up to his shoulders.
“Oh no!” Thomas cried out. “Oh great, now look at the mess I’ve made!”
Thomas still could not stop crying, but he was in enough possession of his faculties that he started to doggy paddle so as not to drown in his own river of tears he was making. At least it wasn’t the ocean, although the water was certainly salty enough to seem like one. Thomas never did well in open waters, and the fear seemed to kick in the fight aspect of his anxiety. Thomas mentally pulled himself together enough that he was only sniffling now, and he focused his body to keep swimming.
After ten or fifteen swimmers strokes he realized that there was really no need to swim so hard. The river of tears carried him along smoothly, and he could just let himself float. It was a big relief and frankly one of the few helpful things that had happened to him so far. It was a nice change to get his bearings.
“Boy, I really let myself get carried away with all that crying, huh?” Hehe. Dad joke. “I’ve gotta say though, I do feel better. I guess sometimes you’ve just gotta let it all out. And by the looks of it, I had a LOT to let out!
He only hoped that he hadn’t accidentally drowned out all those flowers back in the garden. Even if they probably deserved it, the thorny twigs. Last time he would let a bunch of attention seeking flowers get to him. And sure, he was still kind of lost and unsure of whether or not he was still heading towards the same direction as the Black Rabbit had been going. But at least he was still going in a direction. Thomas was optimistic that eventually he’d come across the furry fella again.
But I can’t keep floating along like this forever.
Tag List:  @thatsthat24 @quoth-the-sparrow @altruistic-skittles @em-be-lievable @justisaisfine @broadwaytheanimatedseries @thekeytohappiness-is-you @jynxlovesluck @queer-human-being @phlying-squirrel @ab-artist @grey-lysander @a-valorous-choice @xx-fandom-potato-xx @impatentpending @book-of-charlie @randomslasher @tinkslittlebelle @insanelycoolish  @ironwoman359 @icecoldparadise @bluebloodstains @purpleshipper @patchworkofstars @axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly @pink-and-purple-flowers @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6 @hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @accidental-sanders @moonstone-fox @smokeyrutilequartz @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery @eequalsmcscared @safesandersides @lizziepopanime @anxiously-unsatisfied-world @unikornavenger  @fuck-my-life-i-want-food @backatthebein @mephonic   @paperghastly @ravenclawangst @iamtrashcans @loganberrysanders @icequeenoriginal @ierindoodles @a-new-witch-in-learning @punsterterry @mycatshuman @to-precious-to-process @amazable01 @monstercupcake61176 @pinkbea09 @aliceofscarletflames @llamaavocado @justsomerandomhooman @romano-cheesy @grade-a-trash-blog @chituri @dangerfishie @bat-fangirl77-fan @icantbeme71097 @thesassiersilv101 @the-psycho-pie @satanblessi @elementalshadowwitch @stuck-in-a-surrealist-painting @journalanxiety @atomics-writings @notcool88 @purplelamaart @stuck-in-a-constant-daydream @thunderstorms-roar  @sanderssidesstuff @wheezewhats-life @sillydeer-39 @starbucks-remy @sugarglider9603
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 5 years
Some “Swordsmithing For Beginners And Experts” replies!
Tumblr really doesn’t seem to want me to reply to post and reblog comments, but here are some long overdue ones, as best as I could manage. Thank you all so much! As I’ve said before, this fic was kind of a big deal for me personally for a variety of reasons, so engagement with it really makes me happy - especially since, in my experience anyway, Bismuth-centric and Bismuth-heavy content tends to overall get a somewhat lower amount of activity.
tymp3st replied:
Ahhhhhhhh This was great, just Pearl and Bismuth and the huge divide between what was and what can be. That distance between them when Bismuth was brought back again and how quickly they start patching it up again. This is so sweet.
The distance and the patching up was something I really wanted to have work in that last big segment, so I’m really glad to hear this. These two and their relationship steeped in a shared complicated and often burdensome but also valued history is something I really love, and loved exploring here, and I especially loved giving them that promise of a future, they deserve it so much.
dontmindmeoverherejustreblogging replied:
That’s gay!! And incredible
Thank you! I am glad I was able to accomplish both.
@earthsgayestdefender replied:
You left me a whole entire novel and hit the AO3 comment character limit twice, I love you, bless. I still need to go through the whole thing and reply properly, bit by bit, because it’s an absolute GIFT and a fic writer’s dream, but I have to highlight:
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Agreed. Co-signed. Valid.
@ohtakudesu replied:
#Bispearl   #HI I LOVE THIS AND AM DECEASED   #spent the last few hours on the bispearl discord reeling over this fic   #I don't even read fics that often but op this is fucking great   #thank you for my life and my soul   #added ten years to my life just now op
Speaking of other platforms... you bet I saved those discord comments into a doc for easier access for cheer-up reading during crappy days. THANK.
@jeejyboard replied:
#bispearl #it's good fic brent #this shit kills me like how much yearning can you fit into one tiny little wispy lesbian #bismuth is a little more explicable but still it's a stretch
Jeej my pal my bro your comments never fail to kill me.
@alliealliealcomfree replied:
# this is amazing! # i love how these two interact #and the mixed feelings about Rose #and the history between them #Bismuth and Pearl are so cute together
I will have you know that “mixed feelings about Rose” is the title of my hot new mix(hahah)tape, check it out.
(There is no mixtape, I’m sorry, only the sound of my tears.)
When that Dove short came out with the “I value our history” bit I just about ascended.
@nacrepearl replied:
#wow i LOVE BISMUTH AND PEARL #thanks oath for this life giving word meal
Bispearl content isn’t super abundant and I’m a great proponent of MAKE IT YOURSELF so I had to. I just had to. It took me a while but I did it, and I am glad I did. And I’m really glad you liked it.
@ajora replied:
#this is absolutely lovely to read all-together #and you know me I'm always down for examining Rose's effects on everyone around her #otp otp otp #ALSO: I was hardly suffering jsyk #ALSO: I do like the section naming scheme
I’m glad to hear it holds up as a whole even after me sending it to you rather piecemeal over the past few... who even knows how long. The section naming is legit one of my favourite things about the fic personally, hah, I am proud of it to a rather silly extent.
@starsailorstories replied:
Not only is this that sweet, sweet Bispearl/Bismuth being loved and appreciated content, I'd like to present you with your lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of gem hurt-comfort
Not done gushing, I love the way you write Bismuth dialogue, it's so like...brisk and jaunty with just the right edge to it but always coming from that gooey center of the team place. I love it I love her
I am extremely honoured by that award, especially coming from you!
And yes! It’s a BISMUTH fic we need to have that proper wordplay as well as horribly cheesy puns in there! And as a BISPEARL fic it is absolutely necessary to include communicating concepts via relating them to swords and the making thereof. It’s the rules.
Bismuth, I feel, has a very distinct voice AND attitude AND way of expressing herself in general, even as we haven’t yet had the chance to spend as much time with her as some other characters, and getting it down right was very important to me. And there’s stuff like her being noticeably less literal than other Gems, and more prone to using both Gem and human idioms (and as evidenced by her pep talk to Steven in Legs, savvy enough to be able to switch between them at will). Speaking of pep talks, she’s an absolute master there and I love her. I believe Ian JQ said that “gooey center of the team” line on the Bismuth podcast ep and I am forever grateful to him.
Also just. Here, a random moment I just thought of that got me all feelsy. Look at her lovingly and longingly looking out at her friends and waiting to be reunited with them. That really tiny smile. I love her.
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And this moment that breaks my heart into tiny pieces, when she was convinced she’d blown her second chance and that the people she so loves and who she was prepared to go to such great lengths for don’t want her around anymore:
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Nng. Just. So much about her is related to loyalty and community and mutual support and she is so full of love and goopy feelings, while at the same time absolutely being loud and brash and a damn legit fighter and passionate revolutionary, with a definite edge and a large well of (absolutely righteous imo) anger, and she will destroy you if you endanger what she stands for and who she stands with. And the damn “she chooses to build up people instead of building palaces” metaphor that I shall continue to put into everything Bismuth-related I produce as long as I live. I love that. I love her so much.
Aaaaanyway, moving on from that little digression, I’m also flattered by the displays of faith in me, like seeing a reblog tagged with (cheers @altostratusplunge, whom tumblr now won’t let me tag, great):
#i havent read it #will read afyer rebloggimg #but i trust you as a writer and i bet this is gonna be so Good
Trust is a rare and precious commodity and I will have you know I am touched.
Once again, a great big thank you to everyone!
42 notes · View notes
NOTE: this was NOT written by me, I DID NOT attend QN Live 2018 (as much as I wanted to). Someone on Weibo attended and I’m translating their posts. This is Day 1′s report. I also embedded links of Twitter fanart for some parts whenever I could.
Warning: long post
Double warning: Original Poster (OP) of the posts is a Tattsun fan, so this is a heavily Tattsun-biased post.
Triple warning: be prepared to have your heart slayed by QN seiyuu
Feel free to reblog with comment/write in tags/slide into my DMs if there are any parts you think can be refined for accuracy!
Everything under the cut!
Setlist (this is from Day 2 I believe but I don’t think the setlist changed)
(?) indicates that I’m not sure about the translation
(T/N:) are my personal thoughts.
I skipped over translating the parts where OP was basically waxing lyrical over the seiyuu, sorry.
The talk corner was split between Morishow-Maeno pair and Tattsun-Shoutan pair.
Morishow and Maeno talk
Maeno: “usually we can’t have a 4-person rehearsal, we’re always missing someone”
Morishow: “that guy with the colour red was the earliest to begin rehearsal” (T/N: according to fans, Tattsun began rehearsing in September)
Maeno said he was really surprised to hear how early Tattsun began rehearsing
Shoutan-Tattsun talk (same link as above)
Tattsun: “I often end up practicing with Shouta, and he looks more and more like a girl to me - his feminine power is too damn high xD”
Shoutan did a dance move of putting his hand on his waist (apparently in a feminine way?). Tattsun tried to learn it live, totally failed and was like “how did this guy do it orz”
Shoutan smiled shyly (?)
Shoutan: “Tatsu-nii always says ‘let’s stop practicing here’ but always says ‘let’s do it once more’ and ends up practicing for a long time”
Tattsun: “it was no fun practicing songs on my own, so Shouta came over and said ‘why don’t we do QN songs’. Shouta often comes up with ideas like this, and is always supporting the 3 of us like this”
Tattsun is very grateful to Shoutan for showing him how fun it is to sing with others (T/N: is this real-life Ranmaru?!), although he sings a lot on his own, he’s really happy to sing with Shoutan.
At first Tattsun wanted to let Shoutan lead the song and he would support him, but it turned out Shoutan had the same idea lol. The two of them do their best in supporting each other~
The two of them end off with bowing towards the audience and whispering “thank you very much”
OP noted that the atmosphere was like a newly-married couple roflmao
Talk ends, Haruhana performance
They sat and sang with gentle swaying, but their singing was no less powerful.
When they sang “Ah…夜風がロンリネス締め付けて” they stared at each other soulfully. At the refrain, they stared at each other as they sang “声へと・・・歌へと”, and then suddenly the music stopped, the penlights were turned off. The two of them stopped singing, looked at each other and the whole hall was silent for a few moments. Then the two of them took a deep breath together and sang “Ah…夜風がロンリネス締め付けて”.
Be Proud
Tattsun’s first solo. As usual he carried (?) the whole performance by himself.
He walked from the doors that open at the middle of the stage (T/N: sorry, I don’t know what that’s called) and slowly walked towards the middle of the stage to sing. They sprayed dry ice too.
When he sang the second part, Tattsun went up the stairs, knelt down and used all his strength to sing “最愛なんて言葉だけでは・・・ 尽きる日まで”. The LED screen was showing red mist and stars, all the penlights turned red, and the onstage dry ice was colored red by the stage lights too.
OP noted that the sound quality this time round was better, probably because it was indoors (6th Stage was outdoors).
The last line Tattsun dragged the last note for a really long time, before pumping his fist with his mic up. The whole hall erupted into applause.
Not Bad
Ranmaru’s 2nd solo. the stage had pyro effects and backup dancers. Tattsun was singing, dancing and manipulating the pyrotechnic effects - when he raised his left hand, the left side of the stage spewed fire, and the same for his right hand and the right side of the stage.
The dancers were originally standing in a line, before quickly splitting into two, and Tattsun walked like a boss from between them towards the centre of the stage. The dance at the centre was really hype, with the fire - “(the atmosphere) was super high” accordingly to OP.
Non-Fiction (same link as above)
OP thinks that the best choreographed performance of the live was actually Non-Fiction though. 
Tattsun was sitting on the sofa like a boss, while Maeno sat on the other side elegantly, with a noble air. Apparently the two of them sang with angry expressions throughout the song LMAO (T/N: something like this, 2nd pic), and on the second half of the song they went to the stage centre. 
They were surrounded by black-clad dancers who danced smoothly, while the two of them had rougher (?) movements. The changes in the dance followed the changes in the song, and the beat was good. OP thought it was a high-quality performance.
Synchronism (lmao, the only non-Ranmaru song the OP wrote about)
According to OP Shoutan was super adorable hahahah
When he sang Synchronism, Shoutan had a hoodie lined with purple fur, complete with animal ears. (Here’s another visual.) He winked as he sang, blew kisses towards the audience (T/N: did Reiji teach you this lol), put the hoodie up and used his hands to make the ears move, with his eyes wide open and looking pitiful… (T/N: this boy is out to kill orz)
OP says they want to raise a Shoutan LOL
Final Thoughts
“I’m the voice of Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. That guy (Ran) at first didn’t care about band and idol, and I wanted to tell him to focus on being an idol and leave the band part to me (the audience laughed at this point). Since he chose to be an idol, I was thinking if it was possible to do more, to do better. Previously I felt that no matter how much I practiced it wasn’t good enough, I kept feeling that today was a really scary day. Before you guys (the audience) sat here, we were practicing on this stage, and I was thinking ‘how can I do this better for everyone’. Even until now, I still feel uneasy. I want to take this chance to express my feelings and thoughts to the audience and live-viewing audience.”
“When I like a work, I like every aspect of it! I like every character, every cast member, and every staff. Every one of them deserves respect, including the staff who have been supporting us all along, the fans who couldn’t make it today, everyone at live-viewing, and of course all of you seated here right now. I’m really happy to be able to stand here as Ranmaru. Thank you everyone!”
“I am in charge of Camus’ voice, Maeno Tomoaki. Usually at live stages like this, I try to speak as Camus, but today I would like to speak a few words as myself, please forgive me. I entered this franchise with no experience at all (T/N: I believe he’s referring to his lack of singing career compared to the other three), really none at all. But after meeting these 3, I think that I’ve been slowly changing. It’s really a great thing to have met them. Hopefully, there are more chances in the future for me to continue playing Camus, and I won’t stop chasing after Camus’ shadow. Whether it’s Starish, Heavens or Quartet Night, I hope everyone can continue to support them.”
Morishow mentioned at the end of the concert that having met and performed with Starish and Heavens at Utapri 6th Stage, he got the strong impression that Quartet Night too needs to keep changing and revolutionising, so he wanted to let everyone witness a different, new side to Quartet Night today.
He also said that it’s thanks to everyone’s support that Quartet Night was able to continue from 2013 to last year’s solo live, and to today, and that he’s grateful to everyone’s support.
At the centre of the stage, Morishow said there was no need to use mics, and the 4 of them raised their hands towards everyone and shouted “thank you”.
OP tagged this part with “leader of Quartet Night” lol (T/N: it’s true!)
Final moment: After thanking everyone, they went back to the centre of the stage, discussed a little and shouted together “Utapri, arigatou”.
2nd Day
I’m not going to bother writing this because there are people on Twitter who’ve already discussed this in English, so read them here.
Raine’s thread
(Will update this if more people write reports)
Highlights and stuff:
Oh god so many things happened where do I begin (note: the following are all link dumps bc I’m not gonna take credit for someone else’s translations and art so open them and read)
Shoutan broke his nail
Maeno imitated Ranmaru’s growls lmao
Q: What is one thing you like most about your character? Shoutan: His voice.
Maeno had long hair and had a snowflake pin in his hair. Another visual. A 3rd visual because what do you mean I’m spamming fanart
Tattsun said during live that Shoutan stayed over at his house and wore his shirt, kind of like the boyfriend shirt concept
Tattsun also said he specifically picked out the shirt for Shoutan
Shoutan later tweeted that Tattsun was lying orzzzzz, he didn’t stay over at Tattsun’s house
Tattsun later blogged “Shouta, itadaita” (Shouta, itadakimashita)?!
Tattsun yelling at Shoutan for adjusting his belt on stage (this boy orz)
Tattsun and Maeno have a “hi/bye” relationship IRL lol
Morishow did Reiji’s Force Live kick!
Maeno as usual was all decked out in gear
To no one’s surprise, Shoutan cried on day 2. Tattsun comforted him.
Directly from the horse’s mouth (aka seiyuu own content):
The 4 of them went out for drinks after Day 1 and took this photo. (T/N: this is such a Reiji-style photo LOL. Apparently fans think so too!)
Gold long coats outfits
Shoutan and Tattsun pics (where Shoutan said he didn’t stay over at Tattsun’s house)
Group pic
Maeno’s blog post
Tattsun’s blog post
Shoutan’s selfie with Tattsun (yes, he posted this separately from the other 2′s selfies...)
Shoutan’s selfies with Morishow and Maeno
My thoughts:
Don’t blame me for making Tattsun and Shoutan sound shippy, they did this to themselves xD
I’m not sure if the seiyuu got to pick the songs they wanted to perform this time round, like Starish did, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I heard that Shoutan likes performing Synchronism anyway lol
Morishow did the Reiji kick ;-----; thank you Morishow
I bet Maeno looked beautiful ;-----; please BD release soon I need
Thank you Maeno for basically being Camus’ biggest fan ;-----; honestly I love it whenever he’s all decked out in Camus gear bc that’s just so amazing of him
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corvidaisy · 2 years
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I posted 633 times in 2021
5 posts created (1%)
628 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 125.6 posts.
I added 18 tags in 2021
#warrior cats - 3 posts
#wings of fire - 3 posts
#warriors - 3 posts
#wof - 2 posts
#warrior cats au - 2 posts
#intro - 1 posts
#bluestar - 1 posts
#new-era-rp - 1 posts
#lionroar - 1 posts
#her design is so nice :3 - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#anyways just reminded of this by this post and also the fact that like i just listened to modest mouse
My Top Posts in 2021
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Lionroar from @new-era-rp. He’s supposed to be more cream but I kinda fuggled the colors. I’m really proud of it though :)
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-10 21:39:27 GMT
WSR (We Six Remain)
Eyo! Hello there Warrior Fandom. So WSR is a fanfiction I’m writing about how the last six clans came to be. From the first four. It’s told through an elder telling the stories of the great clans from before. Please check it out :D
(This is all original characters!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/33690586/chapters/83730907
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 23:49:46 GMT
"But what about the icewings?" you, a simple fool ask. Every cat named "Frost- Snow- Ice- Frosted- Cold-" haha. They're Icewings now. "But wait I thought you said (something about clan genetics) i said mostly :). Every Frost gets Icewing privileges. Tbh since of all the cats in TC and me having mostly individual tribes for each of them there might be a few Allwings, but they aren;t going to be op at all. Allwings don’t get any powers from the other tribes. Their powers are juts looking fucking awesome. Unless they’re like. Mostly one tribe. Then yea give that bad boi a little power.
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 02:07:39 GMT
Thinking of a Warrior Cat’s Wings Of Fire AU
Okay this is probably by no means an original idea buttt: ThunderClan - A kingdom of dragons that live in the mountains, mainly Skywings and Skywings hybrids, BUT they’re the most mixed clan. So a lotta Mudwings and Seawings too. RiverClan - A fishing kingdom near the sea, with a lot of Seawings and Mudwings. Like the canonical Seawing kingdom they have a lot of art and writing. Also they’re more family-orientated! WindClan - Mainly Sand-Sky hybrids! They’re very nomadic and like, travel from place to place! Like the kittypets in Tallstar’s Revenge. They visit a lot with ThunderClan. ShadowClan - Nightwings and Rainwings, very good at communicating without speaking. They live in a shady overgrowth near a rainforest, like the canon Rainwing village.
Random Character Hc’s:
I’m not sure how to keep the naming system/what to change, so I’m thinking of ‘Star’ being a title like ‘King’. Queens are usually leaders but there are a few kings in power. Fire Star is definitely a flame-scales, being a kittypet would probably be like being from the Lost-Continent and moving to the main continent. He also looks a lot like a certain Silkwing tom who once ran off with Tallstar... (1/4 Skywing 1/4 Sandwing 1/2 Silkwing) Silverfeather and Graystripes relationship would not have been a problem if Silverfeather wasn’t a princess in this au. In this au Graystripe is a Nightwing-Skywing hybrid and Silverfeather is a Seawing. Skipping a few arcs, I think The ThreeTM would all be Amiguses, Hollyleaf being the exception... In this Au the powers all come in at different ages, so it’s not really suspicious that she has no powers at all. In this au I think it would make sense for Bluestar to not reveal her heirs in RiverClan (Even though Firestar knows who they are) and instead gives the crown to Sandstorm, (Sandstar?) making Firestar her second in command. Also since this is mainly just.. thoughts, I think it would make sense for both the King and Queen to get the ‘Star’ title so Firestar and Sandstar, Crookedstar and Willowstar, etc. All this could change though, these are just ideas atm :D
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 20:02:40 GMT
Hello! welcome to pinned post
Hi I’m Donitello/Noni/Doni and this is my tumblr! I’ll figure out tags as I go along but this is my main blog, I plan on making a few sideblogs in the future! I’ll add them to this when I do!
I’m a huge warrior cats fan so I might be posting that more often, currently writting WSR(* Guess I should get back on that) and being a mod in New-Era :)
Icon is by Lesbianlemonadeicons
#Art n Stuff is my art tag! Might not post a lot of it here but since I have some :3
5 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 00:56:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : World of Sea : Part 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2018
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
“Why, one,” said Master Juris, bothered now by where the questions might lead.  Master Clard and the others all followed in a ragged chorus, “One.”
“Could you all hear the drum talk between the ships?”  Kurin had hands on hips now, and determination in her tone.
Again the chorus of yeses sounded.
“So, you knew that Mister Kotance was attempting to seize my  personal property on the pretext that I was only a child as Master Juris just tried to claim as well?  That he was trying to take a ship and murder people that you all knew very well were seeking redress of wrongs done to them by the fleet?  Then you just stood by and let at least a quarter of the crew risk Scattering for participation in piracy?  It wasn’t until Mord Halyn, whom I still regard as my Captain, tried to deal with the results of the piracy’s failure that you, your apprentices and journeymen finally emerged in spite of the guards and took over, as you should have done at once.
“Now you throw in our faces the attempt to save you from the results of your own folly?”  Kurin finished severely, “Take the Wergeld offer.  Save your ship.  Or take the Fleet Law and lose it.”
While the Longin’s abashed officers and Masters conferred, Kurin turned to Tanlin.  “Thanks for that hug.  I really needed it.”
“Oi know,” she replied.  “Ye needed ‘Igh Cloud too.”
Softly, Kurin asked, “Lady — Captain Tanlin, can you take something from me?”
“I’ tis w’at Oi suspect tis, nae.  Nae now,” Tanlin answered equally softly.  “Just now, we’re tryin’ t’ save t’em, nae drive t’em onto a reef — in a storm — wit’ a Dragon-tide t’ ‘elp t’ings along.”
The Longin’s conference was brief.  It was Master Clard who spoke for them.  In a clear voice he said formally, “Your Honors, Kurin, the Longin wishes to formally apologize to you all, and you, Kurin, especially.  Master Juris spoke from passion, not thought.  He was angry and let his feelings get the better of him.
“For the rest, a majority of us have decided to hear out the Wergeld idea. If we do not, it would appear that we are dismasted and sinking with no help in sight.  Make your offer.”
Kurin stood up, relief clear on her countenance.  “The first part of the agreement is common to all Wergeld agreements.  It is simply the rules of the Wergeld.  You must acknowledge the wrongs in dispute and publicly agree to the settlement that we bargain out.  The settlement will have the force of fleet Law once reached.  It is between us alone.  It may not be used as a precedent or in any future criminal or civil action not directly related to the terms of this understanding.  Things said or admitted in this Wergeld may not be used against either of us in future legal action, civil or criminal. Any future charges brought must stand on their own merits and may not derive from this agreement.  Last, all grudges and feuds between the parties of this Wergeld must be put aside or the whole thing is voided and the Law will take its proper course.
“The wrongs in question have been listed already.  They are not disputable.  All else is subject to negotiation.
“The first term of the offer is this.  Mister Kotance has already been separately charged.  No term of this Wergeld shall be in any way binding on him.
“For our part, we have Mister Morgu and Silor who will have to be tried before the fleet for their mutiny, attempted murder and murder.  This whole sad mess began and was caused by their hate.  They also shall have no protection in this Wergeld.
“Can you agree with us so far?” asked Kurin hopefully.
Alor, the Longin’s Purser and legal officer, asked Captain Sarfin, “Before we say anything, will the Naral fleet agree to this — Wergeld thing?”
Sarfin steepled his hands, thought for a moment, and then conferred with Sula.  He nodded and Sula spoke for the bench.  “As one of the parties involved is Arrakan and we are not in Naral fleet waters, Arrakan Law and Custom may be properly invoked.  The Third Great Law gives the Naral fleet no choice in the matter.  They must enforce the Wergeld as agreed between you.”
“Then we can agree, so far, Kurin.”  She tilted her head in sad puzzlement at one change that she had heard.  “Us?  We? Our? Kurin?  Will you still leave us?  What good will this do if we cannot have the school and the mapping contract?”
“Don’t be afraid, Alor,” Kurin reassured her.  “I won’t abandon you to be Scattered.  Some things do have to change, though.”
She turned and asked, “Barad, will you present the next term?”
He stood and smiled in a twisted sort of way.  “I never thought to be in this position.  Mord Halyn Longin, I have to apologize to you in particular.  That I tried to stop the mutiny is no excuse for starting the plot in the first place.  I was wrong.  I am sure that my error brought you onto dry land for a time.  I am also sure that you now have safe water under your keel.  The term is this.  The fleet must restore your Master’s Certificate and replace you at the helm of the Longin.  They need you.  If you don’t think so, just look at how quickly and to what extent they went out the scuppers without you.  
“Besides, you were a guest at our Announcement Feast, so my old feud with you is dead or I lose my wife.  Can you agree to this?”  He held out his hand toward Mord, who appeared to be looking for some hook in what he had heard.  At last, prodded by Alor, he shook Barad’s hand in agreement.  He appeared to be disturbed that he owed his restoration, ship and freedom to Barad whom he had always thought of (correctly) as an enemy.
Tanlin stood and raised hands for attention.  “As Ca’tain o’ t’e Grandalor, Oi ‘ave t’ bring t’e next part o’ t’e Wergeld. By t’e terms, Oi can bring up yer violation o’ t’e Fift’ Groit Law an’ ye cannae be charged in any way because even i’ t’is negotiation gets off t’e hook, we’ve let t’e matter go. As a result o’ t’at violation t’ree o’ m’ crew were killed an’ twa wounded.  In t’e piracy attempt, a furt’er ane wa’ killed.  T’e murderer ‘as been charged but ‘is chance came because nane o’ ye but Kurin tried t’ stop ‘t.
“We lost Lenai Halin, t’e best riggin’ surveyor an’ sail lofter in m’ experience.  She wa’ a gentle soul ‘oo never raised ‘er voice t’ any.  She spent many ‘ours at m’ bedside teachin’ m’ t’ read yer script an’ figure wit’ yer numbers.  ‘Er son Arnat’s got nae mot’er now.  
“Helmsman Macoul wa’ dead before ‘e ‘it t’e boat under ‘im.  ‘E braved t’e Coriolis Storm, off ‘is wotch, t’ bring ‘ot food an’ drink t’ Barad an’ Darkistry as t’ey conned t’e ship int’ t’e eye o’ t’e storm.  A good mon.  Gone.  
“Bosun Modanet ‘elped direct t’e rescue operations wen t’e Princamorn sank.  ‘E an’ Barad pulled m’ oot o’ t’e woter an’ saved m’ life.  Died on yer ship wit’ never t’e attention o’ a doctor.  Cast overboard loike garbage.
“Our second day wotch drummer, Morga, a lad o’ fifteen.  Nae older’ll ‘e get.  Ripped apart an’ sent over t’e side by a Strong Skin catapult ‘arpoon aimed at Kurin an’ Darkistry.
“Like t’e mot’er Orca o’ Kurin’s tale, Oi’m surry for us bot’. We cannae bring t’em bock.  Oi propose t’at ye pay Arnat ten skins a Gat’ering for ‘is maintenance.  Any unused balance, an’ t’ere will be, is t’ go into ‘is Purser’s account as a nest egg for wen ‘e gets married.  For Lenai, we ask an annual rigging an’ sail survey dune by t’e Mordan at yer expense.  Any replacement cable or cordage is t’ be Mordan Twist.  We split t’e cost o’ any sails needed.  Oi ask yer ‘elp in Macoul’s case. Oi donnae know how t’ value ‘im.  Oi wish t’at Oi’d known ‘im better.”
“We are not responsible for . . .” Master Juris started when Mord, Alor and Mistress Daeron all silenced him.
Mistress Daeron said, “Even in the Rope Walk, I heard the fog drum go silent.  I knew that we were still in fog and I did not send to find the cause.  I know that the rest of us did the same because we have all discussed it.
“I do not know whether anything would have changed if we had investigated.  We cannot change it nor bring back your dead.  We should have tried.  That we are guilty of.  We stood by and did not even try to do something when we knew that something was wrong.  We heard the screams.  All of us.”
Tanlin answered her, “For our part, we precipitated t’e incident.  We approached ye under false colors.  Ever’ member o’ t’at party bore a message from m’ t’ clear t’at up after t’ey had gotten aboard.”  Tanlin paused and shook her head sadly, “We dinnae expect t’at nane o’ t’ dozen wad reach yer deck alive.
“We came t’ t’e Longin because we couldnae trust any ot’er ship except t’e Dorton, an’ we dinnae know w’ere she wa’.  We ‘oped t’ speak t’ Kurin.  At a ‘orrible cost we did.  She ‘as repaid our trust better t’an we could ‘ave ‘oped.  She’s even saved m’ Barad.
“T’e cost t’ ‘er wa’ equally ‘orrid.  T’ ‘elp us, she’s lost ‘er ‘ome ship.”
Master Juris spluttered, “She has not.  The Longin needs her.  We couldn’t send her away.  It would ruin us.”
Tanlin said scornfully, “W’at ye’ve just said makes t’e case.  Nae part o’ w’at any o’ ye said wa’, ‘We luve ‘er.’  Since ‘er fat’er died, only five beings on t’is world ‘ave said, ‘Oi luve ye’ t’ ‘er.  An’ t’ey were all birds.”
“Six,” Kurin interrupted, speaking to Tanlin.  “You were part of the flock that came to save me from Captain Urson.  And you have held and hugged me without needing a reason.”
Master Juris snorted, “We could do that.”
“T’en wye dinnae ye?” was Tanlin’s sharp retort.  “Ye ‘ad six Gat’erings t’ ‘elp a child.  All ye did wa’ teach ‘er an’ praise ‘er wen she did well.  No ‘ugs.  Naebody t’ ‘old. Just pain an’ emptiness inside, ‘eld at bay by learnin’ an’ work.”
A tear of gratitude leaked from Kurin’s eye as she said, “The last part of this Wergeld is this.  We will settle all the remaining unsettled claims.  I am the price you must pay.  I have found a home on the Grandalor, not just a place to stay.  
“Your Ship’s Business will remain safe, specifically, the mapping and charting, the navigation system, the Longin lace, and the fishing and shellfish taking and storage methods.
“I will come to the Longin to supervise and teach the school and also to map the Naral fleet waters according to your contracts.  From each Fall Gathering to each Spring Gathering I will be aboard the Grandalor while she trades with the Arrakan, Daroff, and Pallant fleets.  By the time that your mapping contract with the Naral fleet is done, if not well before, there should be others who can take over the school.
“That should complete the Wergeld and keep you safe from the Scattering that would otherwise be required.  We have thrown you a line.  Don’t drown.”
Kurin turned to Tanlin.  “Captain Tanlin, I have something for you.  It has nothing to do with the business of this Court.  This is my own free choice and I want it seen and witnessed by all.”  She held out her hands in the Arrakan style and knelt.  Tanlin took Kurin’s small hands in her own as Kurin began, “I Kurin Behar Longin, now of the Grandalor alone . . .”
“I wish that I had known about this kind of love when I gave you your Gift,” said Blind Mecat softly.  “I never got it either.”
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